The Complete Traveller Antiquarian Bookstore 1 Chelsea Court, Westport, 06880, Connecticut USA Email: | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
6091: [Thomas Cook & Son], - Cook's Tourists' Handbook for Belgium, Including the Ardennes.
20929: [Nyasaland Advisory Committee On Publicity], - Nyasaland Calling a Travel Guide to the Nyasaland Protectorate.
21214: [Macmillan and Co. ], - Guide to Greece, the Archipelago Contantinople the Coasts of Asia Minor Crete and Cyprus.
18862: [editorial Escudo De Oro], - All the Principality of Monaco.
4837: [Albert Bonniers Forlag], - Stockholm with Adjacent Towns and Other Places of Interest to Tourists.
17488: [Wpa], - The Connecticut Guide What to See and Where to Find It.
18892: [Verlag Ludwig Simon], - Das Schöne Weserbergland.
18912: [Grieben Reiseführer], - Nord- Tirol Und Vorarlberg Mit Angaben Für Wintersportler Und Automobilisten.
18024: [Japan Travel Bureau], - Japan the Pocket Guide.
17066: [Wpa], - The Connecticut Guide What to See and Where to Find It.
18909: [Meyers Reisebücher], - Sûddeutschland Salzkammergut Salzburg Und Nordtirol.
18783: [Meyers Reisebücher], - Ober- Italien Von Den Oberitalienischen Seen Bis Florenz.
18966: [Ward, Lock & Company, Limited], - Guide to Worthing Lancing, Shoreham, Littlehampton, Arundel, and the Coast From Brighton to Selsey Bill.
20958: [Manifestations Inc. ], - Old World Map.
4362: [National Society], - Daughters of the Revolution 1891- 1930.
19745: [Les Guides Nagel], - Moscou Et Léningrad.
18089: [Bennett], - Bennett's Handbook for Travellers in Norway with Through Routes to Sweden and Denmark.
21173: [Meyers Reisebücher], - ägypten Unter- Und Oberägypten, Obernubien Und Sudan.
17329: [Braun & Cie], - A Day in Versailles Illustrated Guide to the Palace, Museum, Park and the Trianons.
4685: [Secretary Of State], - Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York 1867.
19205: [Art Institute Of Chicago], - Masterpieces of Chinese Arts From the Art Institute of Chicago.
20768: [Ward, Lock & Company], - Handbook to the Lake District with an Outline Guide for Walkers and a Special Section for Motorists.
19739: [Union Pacific System], - Zion, Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon National Parks the Cedar Breaks, Kaibab National Forest.
10545: [Anonymous], - Victoria & Albert Museum Guide.
17540: [Unofficial Observer], - The New Dealers.
19179: [Cooks], - Cook's Handbook to Naples and Environs.
18430: [Les Guides Bleus], - Egypte le Nile Egyptien Et Soudanais Du Delta a Khartoum.
4787: [Centro Italiano Du Studi Americani], - Italia E America Centro Italiano Di Studi Americani, Annuario 1939 Xvii.
18765: [Guida D'Italia Del Touring Club Italiano], - Sardegna.
6186: [New York State Museum], - 52d Annual Report of the Regents 1898 Volume 2, 18th Report of the State Geologist and Paleontologist and Field Assistants.
18948: [Ward, Lock & Company, Limited], - A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Stratford- Upon- Avon the Home of Shakespeare with Excursions in the Neighbourhood.
20974: [Gouvernment Tourist Bureau], - Ceylon a Tourist Guide.
21061: [Chambers Of Commerce and Progress Leagues Of The South Island], - The South Island of New Zealand a Tourist Guide.
19930: [Field Enterprises Educational Corporation], - Science Year 1975 the World Book Science Annual.
21171: [Fratelli Treves], - Alta Italia Piemonte - Liguria - Lombardia - Veneto E I Paesi Limitrofi.
21172: [Les Guides Bleus], - Turquie.
17603: [Hydrographer Of The Navy], - Arctic Pilot, Volume Ii Iceland, Jan Mayen, Bjornoya, Svalbard, and the East Coast of Greenland Together with the Adjacent Seas.
17602: [Hydrographer Of The Navy], - Bering Sea and Strait Pilot North- West and North Coasts of Alaska From Cape Doughlas to the Alaska- Canada Boundary, the Aleutian Islands, and the North- East Coast of Siberia From Mys Lopatka Peninsula to Vicinity of Mys Yakan, with Off- Lying Islands.
17760: [Meyers Reisebücher], - Riviera Südfrankreich, Korsika, Algerien Und Tunis.
17761: [Les Guides Bleus], - Méditeranée Orientale Guide de Croisière. Pour Les Escales Et Pour Les Excursions a Partir de Ces Escales.
9251: [New Jersey Writer's Project], - Livingston the Story of a Community.
4688: [Secretary Of State], - Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York 1872.
19187: [George Routledge and Sons], - Routledge's Guide to London and Its Suburbs Comprising Descriptions of All Its Points of Interest.
17379: [Livermore], - Livermore's History of Block Island.
17562: [Friends Of The Earth], - Guale, the Golden Coast of Georgia.
18704: [Thos. Cook & Son], - Peking North China, South Manchuria and Korea.
18708: [Cook's Handbook], - Cook's Handbook to Norway and Denmark with Iceland, Spitsbergen and Other Arctic Islands.
17717: [Unofficial Observer], - The New Dealers.
4992: [A. Hartleben], - Illustrierter Fûhrer Durch Dalmatien (Nebst Abbazia Und Lussin) . An Der ôsterreichischen Riviera Längs Der Küste Von Albanien Bis Korfu Nach Den Ionischen Inseln Und Zum Hafen Von Piräus.
18893: [Verlag Ludwig Simon], - Mein Schwabenland.
4687: [Secretary Of State], - Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York 1867.
14654: [Anonymous], - Guide Through Europe Germany, Austria- Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, France, Belgium, Holland, the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Spain, Portugal & C..
18296: [Nagel's Encyclopedia-Guide], - India Nepal.
21039: [Nagel Travel Guide Series], - U.S. S.R..
4693: [Italia-America Shipping Corporation], - Guide for Europe Handbook Specially Compiled for American Visitors.
18489: [Les Guides Bleus], - Guides Du Sahara Sud Tunisien, Sahara Algérien, Sahara Et Sahel Nigériens, Sahara Et Sahel Maliens, Sahara Atlantique, Tibesti.
20522: [Society Of The Friendly Sons Of St. Patrick In The City Of New York], - Charter, Constitution, by- Laws, Officers, Committees, Roll of Members & C, of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the City of New York.
4327: [Smithonian Institution], - Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution Showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution for the Year Ending June 30, 1915.
12355: [Humbert, F. Henry], - A Short Visit to Florence Useful Notes for Travellers.
10595: [The editorial Committee], - The Deeside Field Eight Number.
5144: [International Interchange Company], - Greenbook Germany.
1213: [Cooks], - Cook's Handbook to Holland.
20983: [Administration Of The J. R. Austrian State Railways and The Austrian South Railway], - Wintersport in Austria.
13051: [Mitchell & Hinman], - Mitchell's Travellers Guide Through the United States.
19305: [Macmillan and Co. ], - Murray's Handbook of Travel- Talk Being a Collection of Questions, Phrases, and Vocabularies in English, French, German, & Italian.
16159: [Nagel Publishers], - Europe Travel Guide.
4784: [Richters Reiseführer], - Der Harz.
9680: [Various], - Responsibility of Victory Report of the New York Herald Tribune Annual Forum on Current Problems.
20239: [Kunsthaus Zürich], - Kunst Und Kultur Der Hethiter.
18870: [Nagel's Gude-Books], - Belgium and Luxemburg.
9951: (Anonymous), - Registo de Navios Register of Ships.
20264: [Nagel's Encyclopedia-Guide], - Egypt Guatemala - Honduras - Belize - El Salvador - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama.
20507: [Consociazione Turistica Italiana], - Africa Orientale Italiana.
19730: [Ed. J. Burrow and Co. Ltd], - Burrow's Handy Guide to Europe for All English- Speaking Tourists.
21062: [C. S. Francis & Co. ], - Francis's New Guide to the Cities of New- York and Brooklyn, and the Vicinity Giving a Full Description of the Metropolis and Its Environs with a Particular Account of Public Buildings, Institutions of Benevolence, Learning, Science, Art, Literature, Business and Recreation, Churches, Hotels, Banks Theatres, & C..
18969: [Automoblie Association Fanum House], - Where to Go in Britain.
18791: [Touring Club Italiano], - Villeggiature Delle Alpi E Delle Prealpi - 1. Liguria, Piemonte, Valle D'aosta, Lombardia Guida Pratica Dei Luoghi Di Soggiorno 3.
18288: [Imperial Japanese Government Railways], - An Official Guide to Eastern Asia, Volume Iii North- Eastern Japan.
18463: [Les Guides Bleus], - Tunisie.
21116: [Rockefeller Center, Inc. ], - Rockefeller Center.
20050: [Ward, Lock & Co. , Limited], - A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to London with Large Section Plans of Central London; Map of London and Twelve Miles Round; Railway Maps; Main Roads out of London; Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, and Twenty Other Maps and Plans.
17656: [Anonymous], - Gôtaverken.
17143: [Corps Of Engineers, U. S. Army], - Charts of New York Canals Champlain Canal, Erie Canal, Oswego Canal, Cayuga and Seneca Canal.
18711: [South African Railways and Harbours], - Travel in South Africa.
18884: [Verlagsbuchhandlung Eckardt & Messtorff], - Schiffsliste 1982 Verzeichnis Der Deutschen Reedereien Und Ihrer Schiffe ûber 100 Brt..
20600: [John Murray and Son], - Murray's Handbook for Travellers in Switzerland 1838.
18784: [Nagel's Encyclopedia-Guide], - Austria.
19528: [New York World's Fair], - Fortune. Merchantile Company.
18763: [Seccion Propaganda Y Turismo De La Empresa De Los Ferrocarriles Del Estado], - Chile Guia Del Veraneante.
4785: [Bruckmann's Illustrierte Reiseführer], - Rundreisen in Der Schweiz Einschliesslich Des Bodensees, Der Oberitalienischen Seen Und Mailand.
18383: [Huxford], - Huxford's Old Book Value Guide.
19582: [Cathedral Media], - Notre Dame a Fan's Companion.
18941: [A Son Of The Marshes], - On Surrey Hills.
19590: [Wpa], - Alabama a Guide to the Deep South.
20880: [Name Not Given], - Ricordo Di Genova 32 Vedute.
17000: [Canadian Transfer Co. ], - 1929 Guide and Tour Book Montreal the Tourists Mecca.
19080: [Japan Tourist Industry Bureau], - Japan the Official Guide.
21144: [Ward, Lock & Co. , Limited], - A Handbook to Rome and Its Environs.
9109: [Wpa], - The Connecticut Guide What to See and Where to Find It.
19133: [Grieben Reiseführer], - Kopenhagen Und Umgebung Kleine Ausgabe 1933.
4827: [Thos. Cook & Son], - The Traveller's Handbook for Algeria and Tunisia.
20093: [New York Zoological Society], - Sixteenth Annual Report of the New York Zoological Society Chartered in 1895. Objects of the Society. A Public Zoological Park. The Preservation of Our Native Animals. The Promotion of Zoology.
21161: [Sugar News Co. ], - Travelers Guide and Oriental Topics June 1936, Volume 4, Number 6.
18543: [Saturday Evening Post], - The Saturday Evening Post Movie Book.
19025: [Grieben Reiseführer], - New York Hudson- Tal, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Niagara- Fälle, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee.
18788: [Touring Club Italiano], - Villeggiature Dei Laghi Degli Appennini, Delle Isole Guida Pratica Dei Luoghi Di Soggiorno 5.
18789: [Touring Club Italiano], - Marine Del Tirreno E Delle Isole Guida Pratica Dei Luoghi Di Soggiorno 1.
9952: (Anonymous), - Guide Through Europe.
9816: [Anonymous], - The Beacon Hill Collection.
18781: [Hachette World Guides], - Italy Touring Club Italiano.
18786: [Touring Club Italiano], - Villegiature Delle Alpie E Delle Prealpi 2. Trentino, Alto Adige, Veneto, Friuli Guida Pratica Dei Luoghi Di Soggiorno 4.
18787: [Touring Club Italiano], - Stazioni Termali Guida Pratica Dei Luoghi Di Soggiorno 6.
18785: [Unknown], - Milano 24 Vedute Colorate.
17678: [Anonymous], - Guide Through Europe Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, France, Belgium, Holland, the United Kingdom, Sweden & C..
16958: [editorial Escudo De Oro], - Madrid Und Umgebung.
18548: [The Drama Review], - The Drama Review. Latin American Theater Volume 14 Number 2 (T46) , Winter 1970.
18867: [Editions Guy Binsfeld], - The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Tourist Guide.
9927: [Anonymous], - Guide Through Europe Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, France, Belgium, Holland, the United Kingdom, Sweden & C..
19164: [Soma Nimit Co. ], - Bangkok in Colour.
20521: [New York Central System], - New York Central System Rules for the Government of the Operating Department.
3245: H F, - Sparks From a Locomotive Life and Liberty in Europe.
18464: [Les Guides Bleus], - Tunisie.
8558: [Ministère Des Finances], - Ordonnance Du Roi Du 31 Mai 1838, Portant Règlement Général Sur la Comptabilité Publique.
20975: [Hachette World Guides], - Lebanon.
20930: [Kenya and Uganda Railways and Harbours], - The Travellers' Guide to Kenya and Uganda.
18397: [The editor], - A Club of One Passages From the Note- Book of a Man Who Might Have Been Sociable.
16929: [Tourist Industry Bureau], - Japan the Official Guide.
20883: [Isaro Capello, Milano], - Ricordo Di Napoli 32 Vedute.
19724: [Thos. Cook & Son], - Cook's Handbook to Florence.
19723: [Thos. Cook & Son], - The Traveller's Handbook for Algeria and Tunisia.
20934: [Los Ferrocarriles Del Estado], - A Traves de Chile Guia Del Viajero.
21160: [Cunard Line and Thos. Cook & Son. ], - Around the World in the "Franconia".
18238: [Wpa], - Mississippi a Guide to the Magnolia State.
4689: [Secretary Of State], - Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York 1875.
17621: [Nagel's Encyclopedia-Guide], - Sweden.
20556: [Wpa], - California a Guide to the Golden State.
18757: [Consociazione Turistica Italiana], - Italia Meridionale E Insulare - Libia Guida Breve. Volume Iii.
18984: [A Gentleman with A Duster], - The Mirrors of Downing Street Some Political Reflections.
20917: [The Hon. The Minister For Agriculture and Lands], - Southern Rhodesia Handbook for the Use of Prospective Settlers on the Land.
18944: [Great Western Railroad Company Of England], - Historic Sites & Scenes of England.
18557: [Bates and Guild Company], - Masters in Art. Donatello. May 1903 a Series of Illustrated Monographs.
19078: [The Nagel Travel Guide Series], - Czechoslovakia.
19609: [Wpa], - Portland City Guide.
18913: [Meyers Reisebücher], - Ostalpen. Dritter Teil Südtirol: Bozen, Meran, Dolomiten, Ortler, Adamello, Gardasee.
12170: [Anonymous], - Guide Through Europe Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, France, Belgium, Holland, the United Kingdom, Sweden & C..
19996: [Ferrovie Dello Stato], - Ischia.
18891: [Verlag Ludwig Simon], - Westfalenland.
20282: [Cooks], - Cook's Traveller's Handbook Holland.
19698: [Thomas Cook & Son], - Cook's Tourist Handbook for Switzerland with Maps and Plans.
20426: [Nester House Publications], - New York a Great City Illustrated.
17662: [Nagel's Encyclopedia-Guide], - Canada.
3484: [Tipografia Metastasio], - Guide- Souvenir of Assisi.
20888: [Manifestations Inc. ], - Old World Map.
17158: [Cooks], - Cook's Handbook to London with Map, Six Plans and Eight Illustrations.
16321: [A Gentleman with A Duster], - Seven Ages a Brief and Simple Narrative of the Pilgrimage of the Human Mind As It Has Affected the English- Speaking World.
20918: [The Ranee Of Sarawak] (Ranee Margaret Alice De Windtbrook), - My Life in Sarawak.
18790: [Touring Club Italiano], - Marine Dell' Adriatico E Dello Ionio Guida Pratica Dei Luoghi Di Soggiorno 2.
18493: [British Travel and Holidays Association], - Britain a Book Which Attempts to Do More Than Its Size Permits.
18526: [Phaidon Cultural Guide], - Great Britain and Ireland a Phaidon Cultural Guide.
17794: [Wpa], - California a Guide to the Golden State.
7052: [Anonymous], - Guide Through Germany, Austria- Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Holland, France, and England Souvenir of the North German Lloyd, Bremen.
18865: [Baedekers Autoreiseführer], - Benelux Belgien - Niederlande - Luxemburg.
18866: [Poche Voyage Marcus], - Belgique.
19811: [Japan National Tourist Organization], - Japan the New Official Guide.
19725: [Ward, Lock & Co. , Limited], - A Handbook to Rome and Its Environs.
18760: [Guides-Joanne], - La Normandie Et Les Bains de Mer de la Cote Normande la Bretagne Et Les Bords de la Loire. établissements Divers Classés Par Ordre Alphabétique de Localités.
18947: [Les Guides Bleus], - Iles Britanniques Angleterre Et Pays de Galles Ecosse - Irlande Du Nord - Eire.
19753: [Wpa], - Mississippi a Guide to the Magnolia State.
19824: [Thomas Cook & Son], - Cook's Tourists' Handbook for Holland, Belgium, the Rhine and the Black Forest.
18805: [Thornton Cox Travellers Guides], - Travellers' Guide to Malta a Concise Guide to the Mediterranean Islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino.
6071: [Cooks], - Cook's Tourist's Handbook Holland.
21175: [Baedeker, Karl], - The Traveller's Manual of Conversation in Four Languages English, German, French, Italian with Vocabulary, Short Questions, Etc..
17780: [Christie's], - Christie's London the Polar Sale, Tuesday 25 September 2001.
10186: [Burroughs Wellcome & Co. ], - The Romance of Exploration and Emergency First- Aid From Stanley to Byrd.
7358: [Anonymous], - People and Places a Life in Five Continents.
18561: [Boston Museum Of Fine Arts], - Illustrated Handbook.
17284: [Carolina Art Association], - Charleston South Carolina.
18558: [Bates and Guild Company], - Masters in Art. Puvis de Chavannes. October, 1903 a Series of Illustrated Monographs.
20716: [Nagel's Encyclopedia-Guide], - Finland.
18996: [Libros De Premio Vii], - Los Chicos de Animalandia.
17009: [editors Of Look], - Look at the U.S. A..
18475: [South African Tourist Corporation], - South Africa's Coasts and Mountains.
6373: [Anonymous], - The Brooklyn Museum Annual Volume 1 1959- 1960.
21044: [Macmillan and Co. ], - Guide to Italy and Sicily.
19125: [Alfred, Lord Tennyson], - Idylls of the King the Story of King Arthur & His Court.
6323: [Commerce High School], - Commerce High School Yearbook 1906.
3488: [Cigaretten-Bilderdienst], - Deutsche Kolonien.
9339: [Wpa], - Missouri a Guide to the 'show Me' State.
17484: [Anonymous], - Little Black Sambo.
16893: [Wpa], - California a Guide to the Golden State.
18929: [Charles Knight & Co. ], - The British Almanac of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge for the Year of Our Lord 1843.
18930: [British Museum Publications Limited], - British Museum Guide.
18932: [City Council by The Canterbury and District Chamber Of Trade], - The Pilgrim's Guide to the Royal and Ancient City of Canterbury.
6844: [Pan American Airlines], - Complete Reference Guide to the Low Countries Belgium Luxembourg the Netherlands.
21066: [Anonymous], - Aareschlucht Gorges de L'aar.
18297: [Nagel's Encyclopedia-Guide], - Israel.
21065: [Department Of Tourist and Health Resorts, Wellington], - Official List of Hotels and Boardinghouses 1927- 28.
5906: [Fretz Freres], - Guide Routier de L'automobile- Club de Suisse.
19686: [Nagel Publishers], - Germany.
8580: [Anonymous], - Stadtrundfahrt. Mit Der Strassenbahn Durch Dresden.
18409: [Les Guides Bleus], - Tahiti Moorea, Huahine, Raiatea, Tahaa, Bora- Bora, Les Tuamotu.
6599: [Anonymous], - Berlitz 1878- 1998 One Hundred and Twenty Years of Excellence.
19291: [Ward, Lock & Company], - A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to North Wales (Northern Section) Chester - Llandudno - The Colwyns - Rhyl - Conway - Deganwy - Penmaenmawr - Llanfairfechan - Bangor - Anglesey - Bettws- Y- Coed - Llanrwst - Trefriw - Carnarvon - Snowdon, Etc..
8048: [Enrico Verdesi Publisher], - A New Guide to Rome and Its Environs.
5769: [Anonymous], - Guide to the Vatican Museum of Sculpture.
18714: [Nagel Travel Guide Series], - Châteaux of the Loire.
19841: [Thos. Cook & Son], - The Traveller's Handbook for Normandy & Brittany with Maps and Plans.
21070: [Thos. Cook & Son], - New Zealand As a Tourist and Health Resort with Supplement on South Sea Islands a Handbook to the Hot Lakes District. The West Coast Road. The Southern Lakes. Mt. Cook, Sounds, Etc..
15475: [Japan Travel Bureau], - The New Official Guide Japan.
6948: [Anonymous], - The Sunday at Home Family Magazine for Sabbath Reading 1884.
8673: [Exposition Publications, Incorporated], - Official Guidebook 1939 New York World's Fair.
14618: [Society For The Preservation Of Long Island Antiquities], - Long Island Landmarks.
18006: [South African Railways and Harbours], - Travel in South Africa.
1330: [Marg Publications], - Marg. Volume Xvi, March 1963, Number 2.
12339: [The Official Tourist Bureau Weltevreden], - Come to Java.
12324: [Imperial Japanese Government Railways], - An Official Guide to Eastern Asia Volume 3- North- Eastern Japan.
12323: [The Imperial Japanese Government Railways], - An Official Guide to Eastern Asia Volume Ii- South- Western Japan.
12195: [Paterson], - Paterson's Guide- Book to the Rhine and Its Provinces.
12176: [Office Des Guides Conty], - La Hollande.
10668: [John Grant & Son], - The Argentine Year Book 1907- 8 with Which Are Incorporated the "Anuario Pillado" and "John Grant's Argentine Commercial Guide".
1143: [by The Author Of "the Martyrdom Of An Empress"], - A Keystone of an Empire: Francis Joseph of Austria.
10334: [Anonymous], - L' Oeuvre de la France Au Maroc de 1912 a 1950.
6172: [University Club], - Annual of the University Club Sixty- Ninth Year 1933- 1934.
10227: [Association Of Ex-Members Of Squadron A], - Squadron a a History of Its First Fifty Years 1889 - 1939.
18181: [Anonymous], - Algérie.
11384: [Consociazione Turistica Italiana], - Italia Centrale Guida Breve.
11385: [Touring Club Italiano], - Italia Settentrionale.
17650: [Anonymous], - Det Skonne Danmark 132 Billeder Fra Landets Forskellige Egne.
17785: [Anonymous], - Darwin's Forgotten World.
20181: [Thos. Cook & Son], - Cook's Practical Guide to Algeria and Tunisia.
16959: [editorial Escudo De Oro], - Costa Del Sol.
6920: [Anonymous], - Today's Children a Story of Modern American Life.
19338: [Neely's], - Neely's Panorama of Our New Possessions.
19241: [The Travelers Insurance Company], - The Triumph of Man As Presented a the New York World's Fair, 1964- 1965, by the Travelers Insurance Companies.
19671: [Wpa], - Georgia a Guide to Its Towns and Countryside.
19527: [New York World's Fair], - Austria. Top Tourist Attractions Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna.
17029: [Enrico Verdesi Publisher], - A New Guide to Rome and Its Environs.
19432: [Ward, Lock & Company, Limited], - Handbook to Holland.
16830: [Burroughs Wellcome & Co. ], - The Romance of Exploration and Emergency First- Aid From Stanley to Byrd.
20511: [Grieben Reiseführer], - Prag Und Umgebung.
20977: [Le Deley, E. ], - Paris.
1854: [Meyers Reisebücher], - Mittel- Italien Florenz, Rom Und Die Campagna.
17858: [Cigaretten-Fabrik Garbaty], - Deutsche Heimat Eine Sammlung Von Bildern, Die Von Deutscher Geschichte Und Wirtschaftlicher Stärke Des Deutschen Volkes Zeugnis Ablegen Sollen.
4764: [Ed. J. Burrow and Co. Ltd], - The British Isles a Guide for Overseas Visitors, Taking in the American Pilgrim Shrines, the Principal Showplaces and Others Famed for Their History, Beauty, or Literary Associations.
19276: [Wpa], - New York City Guide.
20573: [Michelin & Cie. ], - Rheims and the Battles for Its Possession.
20568: [Old Colony Trust Company], - New England Old and New 1620- 1920.
20080: [J. F. Jarvis], - Jarvis Washington Album.
20591: [Exposition Publications, Incorporated], - Official Guide Book 1939 New York World's Fair.
18973: [Automobile Association], - Book of British Towns.
17607: [Press and Information Department, Royal Danish Ministry Of Foreign Affairs], - Denmark an Official Handbook.
18871: [Nagel's Guide-Books], - Belgium and Luxemburg.
21176: [Nagel Publishers], - Germany.
4845: [Oesterreichisches Propagandabüro], - Salzburger Festspiele 1947 Offizieller Führer, Official Guide.
9926: [Anonymous], - Guide Through Europe Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, France, Belgium, Holland, the United Kingdom, Sweden & C..
17559: [Thomas Jefferson Foundation], - Monticello a Guidebook.
17560: [The First National Bank Of Atlanta], - Atlanta Resurgens the First Hundred Years of a City's Progress, Promise and Philosophy.
2739: [Scarborough Motor Guide Company], - Scarborough Motor Guide New York State.
3925: [A & C Black], - A Little Tour in France.
4184: [American Antiquarian Society], - Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, at the Annual Meeting, Held in Worchester, October 21, 1878.
20878: [Max Frank & C. ], - Guida Ufficiale. Esposizione Internazionale Milano 1906 (Aprile - Novembre) Inaugurazione Del Nuovo Valico Del Sempione.
20879: [Giuseppe Balbi], - Ricordo Di Genova.
5555: [Nagel's Guide], - Nagel's Encyclopedia- Guide Mexico.
11256: Abetti, Giorgio & Hack, Margherita, - Nebulae and Galaxies.
12384: Abraham, George D., - Mountain Adventures at Home and Abroad.
18881: Ackerman, Carl W., - Germany, the Next Republic?.
16697: Adair, John, - The Pilgrims' Way Shrines and Saints in Britain and Ireland.
21127: Adams, Ansel, - Images 1923- 1974.
12579: Adams, John Turvill, - The Lost Hunter a Tale of Early Times.
18626: Adams, Henry, - Mont- Saint- Michel and Chartres.
19183: Adams, Frederick Upham, - Conquest of the Tropics the Story of the Creative Enterprise Conducted by the United Fruit Company.
20075: Adams, Frederick Upham, - Conquest of the Tropics the Story of the Creative Enterprise Conducted by the United Fruit Company.
15113: Adams, Joseph, - Ten Thousand Miles Through Canada the Natural Resources, Commercial Industries, Fish and Game, Sports and Pastimes of the Great Dominion.
12715: Adams, James Truslow, - The Adams Family.
10280: Adams, R. R. D. [editor], - The Book of the Cheese Being Traits and Stories of 'ye Olde Cheshire Cheese'.
13375: Adamson, Hilary & Shaw, Isobel, - A Traveller's Guide to Pakistan.
14204: Addams, Jane, - A Centennial Reader.
13833: Addams, Jane, - The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets.
13832: Addams, Jane, - A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil.
12502: Addams, Jane, - Twenty Years at Hull- House with Autobiographical Notes.
16801: Adler, Miklos, - Beyond Words a Holocaust History in Sixteen Woodcuts Done in 1945 by Miklos Adler, a Hungarian Survivor.
21089: [Wpa] Work Progress Administration, - The Armenians of Massachusetts.
20617: [Wpa] Work Progress Administration, - Mississippi a Guide to the Magnolia State.
20473: [Wpa] Work Progress Administration, - A Guide to Key West.
20376: [Wpa] Work Progress Administration, - A Guide to Key West.
20548: Aflalo, F. G., - An Idler in the Near East.
2192: Agassiz, G. R. (editor), - Letters and Recollections of Alexander Agassiz with a Sketch of His Life and Work.
20581: Agra, Delhi; Sikri, Fatehpur, - Cities of Mughul India.
18911: Ahlemann, Joachim; Dierks, Walter, - Varta- Fûhrer Durch Deutschland Westlicher Teil Und Berlin.
3196: Staff Of "aireview", - German Military Aircraft in the Second World War [2 Vol. Set].
3195: Staff Of "aireview", - General View of Japanese Military Aircraft in the Pacific War [2 Volume Set].
17576: Alba, Victor, - The Horizon Concise History of Mexico.
10930: Albee, Edward, - Tiny Alice a Play.
1379: Alderson, Frederick, - The New Grand Tour Travelling Today Through Europe, Asia Minor, India and Nepal.
20461: Aldin, Cecil, - The Romance of the Road.
10495: Aldous, Tony, - The Illustrated London News Book of London's Villages.
12043: Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, - From Ponkapog to Pesth.
18998: Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, - The Story of a Bad Boy.
17093: Scholem-Alejchem, - Tewje, Der Milchmann.
11025: Alexander, W. B., - Birds of the Ocean a Handbook for Voyagers.
20077: Alexander-Powell, E, - The Map That Is Half Unrolled Equitorial Africa From the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic.
17746: Alfange, Dean, - The Supreme Court and the National Will.
19427: Algren, Nelson, - Who Lost an American?.
19426: Algren, Nelson, - Notes From a Sea Diary: Hemingway All the Way.
21215: Allen, L. M., - Colorado Under the Turquoise Sky.
19052: Allen, Everett S., - Arctic Odyssey the Life of Rear Admiral Donal B. Macmillan.
19588: Allen, Grant, - Belgium: Its Cities.
20946: Allen, Arthur A., - The Golden Plover and Other Birds.
16222: Allen, Fletcher & Hyamson, A. M., - The Mediterranean.
19419: Allen, Fletcher, - A Wayfarer in North Africa Tunisia and Algeria.
16425: Allen, Woody, - Side Effects.
19431: Allende, Isabel, - The House of the Spirits.
15144: Allis, Marguerite, - Connecticut River.
14982: Alpert, Hollis, - The Barrymores.
14043: Alpert, Hollis, - The Barrymores.
16140: Alsberg, Henry G., - The American Guide a Source Book and Complete Travel Guide for the United States.
4871: Alsberg, Henry G. [Ed. ], - The American Guide a Source Book and Complete Travel Guide for the United States.
4873: Alsberg, Henry G., - The American Guide a Source Book and Complete Travel Guide for the United States.
9235: Alsberg, Henry G., - The American Guide a Source Book and Complete Travel Guide for the United States.
13301: Alsberg, Henry G., - The American Guide a Source Book and Complete Travel Guide for the United States- - the Mountain States & the West Coast.
13299: Alsberg, Henry G., - The American Guide a Source Book and Complete Travel Guide for the United States- - the South & the Southwest.
11426: Alsberg, Henry G., - The American Guide a Source Book and Complete Travel Guide for the United States.
14729: Alsop, Joseph, - Fdr a Centenary Remembrance.
880: Altavilla, Enrico, - Qui Berlino.
21100: Altgeld, John P., - Our Penal Machinery and Its Victims.
15364: D'Alton, John, - The History of Ireland [Volume Two Only] From the Earliest Period to the Year 1245.
13852: Ambler, Charles Henry, - Sectionalism in Virginia From 1776 to 1861.
15735: The Hugenot Society Of America, - Tercentenary Celebration of the Promulgation of the Edict of Nantes.
6082: De Amicis, Edmondo, - Holland and Its People.
18614: De Amicis, Edmondo, - Spain and the Spaniards [Two Volume Set].
1222: De Amicis, Edmondo, - Holland and Its People.
16194: De Amicis, Edmondo, - Holland [Two Volume Set].
906: De Amicis, Edmondo, - Military Life in Italy.
6093: De Amicis, Edmondo, - Holland and Its People.
12480: Amis, Kingsley, - That Uncertain Feeling.
14267: Andenaes, Johannes, - Punishment and Deterrence.
7119: Andersen-Rosendal, Jorgen, - The Happy Lagoons Adventures of a South Sea Wanderer.
10734: Anderson, Isabel, - Circling South America.
11086: Anderson, Isabel, - Circling Africa.
20091: Anderson, Kenneth, - The Black Panther of Sivanipalli and Other Adventures of the Indian Jungle.
1468: Andrews, C. F., - Mahatma Gandhi at Work His Own Story Continued.
4438: Andrews, Matthew Page, - Virginia the Old Dominion.
12087: Andrews, Peter, - Inns of the Pacific Coast and the Southwest an Architectural Digest Book.
11986: Andrews, Clarence L., - The Story of Alaska.
17504: Andrews, Peter, - Inns of New England and the Maritimes.
7200: Annixter, Paul, - Swiftwater.
7286: D'Annunzio, G., - Triomphe de la Mort.
15519: Anobile, Richard J., - Hooray for Captain Spaulding! Verbal & Visual Gems From 'animal Crackers'.
12171: Anonymous, - The P. & O. Pocket Book.
3212: Anonymous, - An Accompaniment to Mitchell's Reference and Distance Map of the United States Containing an Index of All the Countries, Districts, Townships, Town, & C. In the Union; Together with an Index of the Rivers; by Which Any County, District, Township, &C, or River, May Be Found on the Map, without Difficulty: Also, a General View.. ..
12368: Anonymous, - Pocket Guide to European Cities.
9470: Anonymous, - American Panorama West of the Mississippi.
13847: Anonymous, - The Official Guidebook and Map of Colonial Williamsburg.
4269: Anonymous, - Journal and Votes of the House of Representatives of the Province of Nova Cesarea, or New Jersey, in Their First Sessions of Assembly, Began at Perth Amboy, the 10th Day of November 1703.
12175: Anonymous, - Travel Guide of the 'nederland' Royal Mail Line.
17453: Anonymous, - Der Gelbe Krieg Ein Selbstschriften- Album Hervorragender Männer Der Gegenwart ûber Die Ereignisse Und Kämpfe in China.
867: Anonymous, - Around the World a Cruise.
16125: Anonymous, - Ricordo Di Roma 100 Color Photographs.
15476: Anonymous, - The New Official Guide Japan.
14758: Anonymous, - The Home of the Travelers.
13116: Anonymous, - Fifty Years on Fifth 1907- 1957.
13118: Anonymous, - New York State Freedom Train Official Document Book.
12110: Anonymous, - Moscow.
12292: Anonymous, - Pocket Guide to Japan.
10480: Anonymous, - The London Museum.
11448: Anonymous, - The Suez Canal Notes and Statistics.
11332: Anonymous, - Handbook to Belgium Including the Ardennes and Luxemburg.
2954: Anonymous, - New York Belting & Packing Company Mechanical Rubber Goods.
10451: Anonymous, - Vezelay Photographies de Jean Roubier.
10431: Anonymous, - Denederlandse Des1gnprij2en3 Catalogus 2005.
20663: Anonymous, - Handbook of Dalmatia.
3316: Anonymous, - A Concise History of the Civil War.
17759: Anonymous, - An Official Guide to Eastern Asia Volume Ii- South- Western Japan.
13084: Anouilh, Jean, - The Waltz of the Toreadors.
12896: Anstee, Margaret Joan, - Bolivia: Gate of the Sun.
11081: Anthony, John, - Tunisia a Personal View of a Timeless Land.
3407: Antin, Mary, - The Promised Land.
18394: Appelbaum, Stanley, - The New York World's Fair 1939/1940 in 155 Photographs.
5926: Survey Of Federal Archives, - Inventory of Federal Archives in the States Series Iv the Department of War.
18377: Ardrey, Robert, - The Social Contract a Personal Inquiry Into the Evolutionary Sources of Order and Disorder.
16718: Argan, Giulio Carlo & Mussa, Italo, - Arnaldo Pomodoro at the Belvedere Fort.
17890: Armitage, Flora, - The Desert and the Starts a Biography of Lawrence of Arabia.
16028: Arms, Dorothy Noyes, - Churches of France.
18386: Armstrong, Hamilton Fish, - The Foreign Affairs Reader.
11147: Armstrong, Margaret, - Trelawny.
20187: Arnett, Ethel Stephens, - Greensboro North Carolina the County Seat of Guilford.
18009: Arnold, Channing; Frost, Frederick J. Tabor, - The American Egypt a Record of Travel in Yucatan.
2509: Arnold, Elliott, - Only the Young.
18971: Arnold, Wendy, - The Historic Country Hotels of England a Select Guide.
18388: Aron, Cindy S., - Working at Play a History of Vacations in the United States.
16131: Arpino, Giovanni & Quaranta, Bruno, - Obiettivo Italia.
14906: Arruga, Lorenzo, - La Scala.
19: Arthur, George Sir, - Life of Lord Kitchener [Volume 3 Only].
371: Arundell, Thomas, - Historical Reminiscences of the City of London and Its Livery Companies.
10196: Asbell, Bernard, - When F.D. R. Died.
14869: Asbury, Herbert, - Gem of the Prairie an Informal History of the Chicago Underworld.
19428: Asch, Sholem, - Moses.
7203: Asch, Scholem, - Children of Abraham.
7205: Asch, Scholem, - The Nazarene.
7204: Asch, Scholem, - The Apostle.
19574: Ashe, Arthur; & Rampersad, Arnold, - Days of Grace a Memoir.
17011: Asimov, Isaac, - Foundation and Earth.
15878: Aston, W. G., - A History of Japanese Literature.
9591: Atherton, Gertrude, - My San Francisco a Wayward Biography.
13814: Atkeson, Ray & Ross, Richard, - Oregon Iii.
4653: Atkinson, M. Jourdan, - Indians of the Southwest.
19888: Atri, A. D. ; Puncel, M. ; Wensell, U., - Asi Es Nuestro Perro Altea Benjamin.
15968: Attenborough, David, - The First Eden the Mediterranean World and Man.
14428: Attenborough, David, - Life on Earth a Natural History.
18496: Atterbury, Paul; Barker, - The Complete Book of London Discover Britain's Capital City.
10237: Atwood, Jane E., - La Maculee Dialogues de Nuit.
7206: Atwood, Margaret, - Lady Oracle.
19429: Auchincloss, Louis, - The Romantic Egoists.
12805: Auchincloss, Louis, - A World of Profit.
10306: Auel, Jean M., - The Plains of Passage.
11477: Austin, George Lowell, - The Life and Times of Wendell Phillips.
8189: Austin, Alfred, - Haunts of Ancient Peace.
1046: Austin, Alfred, - Lamia's Winter Quarters.
19020: D'Auvergne, Edmund B., - Switzerland in Sunshine and Snow.
10027: D'Auvergne, Edmund B., - Pierre Loti the Romance of a Great Writer.
17779: Aymar, Brandt; Sagarin, Edward, - A Pictorial History of the World's Great Trials From Socrates to Eichman.
738: Bach, Giovanni, - The History of the Scandinavian Literatures a Survey of the Literatures of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland, From Their Origins to the Present Day, Including Scandinavian- American Authors, and Selected Bibliographies.
17266: Bacon, Edwin M., - Boston a Guide Book. Prepared for the Convention of the National Educational Association, July 6- 10 1903; Under the Direction of Edwin D. Mead, Frank Foxcroft, and George P. Morris, the Committee on Guide Books Appointed by the Local Executive Committee.
6550: Bacon, Francis; Milton, John; & Browne, Thomas, - Essays, the New Atlantis; Areopagitica, Tracate on Education; Religio Medici.
14463: Bacon, Edward, - Archaeology Discoveries in the 1960s.
18179: Bacon, George B., - Siam the Land of the White Elephant As It Was and Is.
18316: Baedeker, Karl, - Italy From the Alps to Naples Handbook for Travellers.
20636: Baedeker, Karl, - Italy Handbook for Travellers Second Part: Central Italy and Rome.
17431: Baedeker, K., - The Rhine From Rotterdam to Constance Handbook for Travellers.
21103: Baedeker, Karl, - Greece Handbook for Travellers.
20073: Baedeker, Karl, - The United States with an Excursion Into Mexico.
20772: Baedeker, Karl, - Das Generalgouvernement Reisehandbuch.
17412: Baedeker, Karl, - Schwarzwald, Odenwald, Bodensee Handbuch Für Reisende.
17411: Baedeker, Karl, - Palestine Et Syrie a Travers la Mésopotamie Et la Babylonie, L'ile de Chypre. Manuel Du Voyageur.
20629: Baedeker, Karl, - Palestine and Syria with Routes Through Mesopotamia and Babylonia and the Island of Cyprus.
17429: Baedeker, K., - Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy, and the Tyrol. Handbook for Travellers.
21104: Baedeker, Karl, - Palestine and Syria with the Chief Routes Through Mesopotamia and Babylonia. Handbook for Travellers.
16792: Baedeker, K, - Italie Septentrionale Jusqu' a Livourne, Florence Et Ravenne Avec L'ile de Corse Et Les Routes Conduisant de France, de Suisse Et D'autriche En Italie.
18436: Baedeker, K., - Southern Germany and Austria Including Hungary, Dalmatia and Bosnia.
17345: Baedeker, Karl, - Sûdbayern München Und Die Bayerischen Alpen. Reisehandbuch.
19817: Baedeker, Karl, - Austria Together with Budapest, Prague, Karlsbad, Marienbad.
19158: Baedeker, K., - Italy. Handbook for Travellers First Part: Northern Italy, Including Leghorn, Florence, Ravenna, the Island of Corsica and Routes Through France, Switzerland, and Austria..
4910: Baedeker, K., - Athen Und Seine Nächste Umgebung Berichtigter Sonderabdruck Aus Der 3. Auflage Des Reisehandbuchs Für Griechenland.
4929: Baedeker, Karl, - Tirol Vorarlberg, Westliches Salzburg, Hochkärnten. Handbuch Für Reisende.
20722: Baedeker, Karl, - Tirol Vorarlberg. Etschland. Westliches Salzburg Und Kärnten.
20630: Baedeker, Karl, - Norway, Sweden, and Denmark with Excursions to Iceland and Spitzbergen.
4930: Baedeker, Karl, - Tirol Vorarlberg, Westliches Salzburg, Hochkärnten. Handbuch Für Reisende.
19150: Baedeker, Karl, - The Dominion of Canada with Newfoundland and an Excursion to Alaska. Handbook for Travellers.
17736: Baedeker, Karl, - Tirol Vorarlberg, Westliches Salzburg, Hochkärnten. Handbuch Für Reisende.
18850: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern France Including Corsica. Handbook for Travellers.
20280: Baedeker, Karl, - Italy Handbook for Travellers. Third Part: Southern Italy and Sicily, with Excursions to the Lipari Islands, Malta, Sardinia, Tunis, and Corfu.
16897: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern France Including Corsica. Handbook for Travellers.
19153: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern France Including Corsica. Handbook for Travellers.
17403: Baedeker, K., - Les Etats- Unis Avec Une Excursion Au Mexique. Manuel Du Voyageur.
17432: Baedeker, Karl, - Riviera, Sûdôstliches Frankreich, Korsika Oberitalienische Seen, Bozen, Meran, Genfer See. Handbuch Für Reisende.
19148: Baedeker, K., - Belgium and Holland Handbook for Travellers.
17419: Baedeker, Karl, - Schleswig- Holstein Und Hamburg Reisehandbuch.
19991: Baedeker, Karl, - Frankfurt and the Taunus Handbook for Travellers.
21169: Baedeker, Karl, - Italy From the Alps to Naples Handbook for Travellers.
21170: Baedeker, Karl, - Frankfurt and the Taunus Handbook for Travellers.
20771: Baedeker, Karl, - Baedeker's New York Excursions in and Around New York at the Turn of the Century, Including Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington.
19186: Baedeker, K., - Belgium and Holland Handbook for Travellers.
17393: Baedeker, K, - Southern Germany and Austria Including the Eastern Alps. Handbook for Travellers.
17389: Baedeker, Karl, - Stuttgart Und Umgebung Ein Neuer Führer.
19531: Baedeker, Karl, - Paris and Its Environs with Routes From London to Paris. Handbook for Travellers.
21092: Baedeker, Karl, - Berlin and Its Environs Handbook for Travellers.
20197: Baedeker, Karl, - La Suisse Et Les Parties Limitrophes de la Savoie Et de L'italie. Manuel Du Voyageur.
18749: Baedeker, Karl, - Central Italy and Rome Handbook for Travellers.
5080: Baedeker, K., - Les Bords Du Rhin de la Frontiere Suisse a la Frontiere de Hollande.
5087: Baedeker, K., - The Rhine From Rotterdam to Constance Handbook for Travellers.
17421: Baedeker, Karl, - Tirol Vorarlberg, Westliches Salzburg, Hochkärnten. Handbuch Für Reisende.
21140: Baedeker, Karl, - Belgium and Holland Including the Grand- Duchy of Luxembourg.
17354: Baedeker, K, - Manuel de Lange Russe Supplément Au Guide En Russie.
17355: Baedeker, Karl, - Madeira. Kanarische Inseln. Azoren Westküste Von Marokko.
17471: Baedeker, Karl, - Ruhrgebiet Rheinisch- Westfälisches Industriegebiet. Reisehandbuch.
17470: Baedeker, Karl, - Frankfurt and the Taunus Handbook for Travellers.
17462: Baedeker, Karl, - Northern Italy Including Ravenna, Florence, and Pisa. Handbook for Travellers.
17344: Baedeker, Karl, - Wien Und Niederdonau.
20704: Baedeker, Karl, - Spain and Portugal.
18442: Baedeker, Karl, - The Rhine From the Dutch to the Alsation Frontier.
19256: Baedeker, Karl, - The Riviera South- Eastern France and Corsica. The Italian Lakes and Lake of Geneva. Handbook for Travellers.
18840: Baedeker, K, - Southern Germany and Austria Including the Eastern Alps. Handbook for Travellers.
17339: Baedeker, Karl, - Rom Und Umgebung Kurzes Reisehandbuch.
18960: Baedeker, K., - Allemagne Du Sud Et Autriche Manuel Du Voyageur.
17350: Baedeker, Karl, - Greece Handbook for Travellers.
21087: Baedeker, K., - The Eastern Alps Including Bavarian Highlands, Tyrol, Salzburg, Upper and Lower Austria, Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola.
17457: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern France Including Corsica. Handbook for Travellers.
5168: Baedeker, Karl, - Sûd- Deutschland Und Oesterreich Handbuch Für Reisende.
21142: Baedeker, Karl, - Le Nord- Ouest de la France de la Frontière Belge a la Loire. Excepté Paris. Manuel Du Voyageur.
21143: Baedeker, Karl, - Northern Italy Including Leghorn, Florence, Ravenna and Routes Through Switzerland and Austria.
21094: Baedeker, Karl, - Italy. Handbook for Travellers. Third Part: Southern Italy and Sicily with Excursions to Malta, Sardinia, Tunis, and Corfu.
21095: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern Italy and Sicily with Excursions to Sardinia, Malta, and Corfu.
21168: Baedeker, Karl, - Paris Und Umgebung Handbuch Für Reisende.
21118: Baedeker, Karl, - South- Eastern France Including Corsica. Handbook for Travellers.
18883: Baedeker, Karl, - Munich and Its Environs with Garmisch- Partenkirchen and Oberammergau. Handbook for Travellers.
17439: Baedeker, Karl, - Holland Handbuch Für Reisende.
4880: Baedeker, Karl, - The Eastern Alps Including Bavarian Highlands, Tyrol, Salzburg, Upper and Lower Austria, Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola.
5229: Baedeker, Karl, - Schweden, Finnland Und Die Hauptreisewege Durch Dänemark Handbuch Für Reisende.
20409: Baedeker, Karl, - South- Eastern France Including Corsica. Handbook for Travellers.
17402: Baedeker, K, - Nordamerika Die Vereinigten Staaten, Nebst Einemausflug Nach Mexiko. Handbuch Für Reisende.
21090: Baedeker, Karl, - Norway, Sweden, and Denmark Handbook for Travellers.
21091: Baedeker, Karl, - Paris and Environs with Routes From London to Paris. Handbook for Travellers.
17438: Baedeker, Karl, - Belgique Et Luxembourg Manuel Du Voyageur.
17437: Baedeker, Karl, - London and Its Environs Handbook for Travellers.
20969: Baedeker, Karl, - Spain and Portugal.
17416: Baedeker, K., - Athen Und Seine Nächste Umgebung Berichtigter Sonderabdruck Aus Der 3. Auflage Des Reisehandbuchs Für Griechenland.
17413: Baedeker, Karl, - Belgium and Luxemburg Handbook for Travellers.
21105: Baedeker, Karl, - Egypt and the Sudan Handbook for Travellers.
21106: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern France Including Corsica. Handbook for Travellers.
5243: Baedeker, K., - La Suisse Et Les Parties Limitrophes de L'italie, de la Savoie Et Du Tyrol.
4991: Baedeker, Karl, - Dalmatien Und Die Adria Westliches Südslawien, Bosnien, Budapest, Istrien, Albanien, Korfu. Handbuch Für Reisende.
18961: Baedeker, K., - Southern Germany and Austria Including Hungary, Dalmatia and Bosnia. Handbook for Travellers.
17591: Baedeker, Karl, - Egypt and the Sudan Handbook for Travellers.
5081: Baedeker, Karl, - Les Bords Du Rhin, la Föret- Noire, Les Vosges Manuel Du Voyageur.
5082: Baedeker, K., - Les Bords Du Rhin de la Frontiere Suisse a la Frontiere de Hollande.
20531: Baedeker, K., - Paris and Northern France Handbook for Travellers.
17394: Baedeker, K., - Northern Germany Handbook for Travellers.
20637: Baedeker, Karl, - Belgium and Holland Including the Grand- Duchy of Luxembourg.
19819: Baedeker, Karl, - The Eastern Alps Including Bavarian Highlands, Tyrol, Salzburg, Upper and Lower Austria, Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola.
19251: Baedeker, Karl, - Italy From the Alps to Naples Abridged Handbook for Travellers.
17428: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern Germany Baden, Black Forest, Wurtemberg, and Bavaria.
19284: Baedeker, Karl, - London and Its Environs Handbook for Travellers.
18341: Baedeker, Karl, - Berlin Handbook for Travellers.
18901: Baedeker, Karl, - Frankfurt and the Taunus Handbook for Travellers.
17441: Baedeker, Karl, - The Dominion of Canada with Newfoundland and an Excursion to Alaska. Handbook for Travellers.
17442: Baedeker, Karl, - Northern Bavaria Handbook for Travellers.
18643: Baedeker, Karl, - Schwarzwald, Odenwald, Bodensee Handbuch Für Reisende.
16902: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern France Including Corsica. Handbook for Travellers.
16906: Baedeker, K, - Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy, and the Tyrol. Handbook for Travellers.
17443: Baedeker, Karl, - Sachsen Handbuch Für Reisende.
17395: Baedeker, Karl, - Austria Together with Budapest, Prague, Karlsbad, Marienbad.
17398: Baedeker, K., - La Russie Manuel Du Voyageur.
17460: Baedeker, K., - Athen Und Seine Nächste Umgebung Berichtigter Sonderabdruck Aus Der 3. Auflage Des Reisehandbuchs Für Griechenland.
21101: Baedeker, Karl, - Spain and Portugal.
21102: Baedeker, K., - La Russie Manuel Du Voyageur.
20292: Baedeker, Karl, - London and Its Environs.
17589: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern Germany Wurtemberg and Bavaria.
17436: Baedeker, Karl, - Great Britain Handbook for Travellers.
19170: Baedeker, Karl, - Italy From the Alps to Naples Handbook for Travellers.
19178: Baedeker, Karl, - Italy From the Alps to Naples Handbook for Travellers.
21213: Baedeker, Karl, - Paris and Environs with Routes From London to Paris. Handbook for Travellers.
17456: Baedeker, K., - Belgium and Holland Including the Grand- Duchy of Luxembourg.
18841: Baedeker, Karl, - Italy From the Alps to Naples Abridged Handbook for Travellers.
21141: Baedeker, Karl, - Northern France From Belgium and the English Channel to the Loire. Excluding Paris and Its Environs. Handbook for Travellers.
11053: K. Baedeker, - Holland Handbüchlein Für Reisende, Die Sich Selbst Leicht Und Schnell Zurecht Finden Wollen. Mit Einer Karte.
17423: Baedeker, Karl, - Berlin Und Umgebung Handbuch Für Reisende.
9205: Baedeker, Karl, - L'italie. Des Alpes a Naples Manuel Abrégé Du Voyageur.
9042: Baedeker, Karl, - Le Nord- Ouest de la France de la Frontière Belge a la Loire. Excepté Paris. Manuel Du Voyageur.
8651: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern Germany and Austria Including Hungary and Transylvania. Handbook for Travellers.
8659: Baedeker, Karl, - Sûdbayern Alpenvorland, Alpen, Oesterreichische Grenzgebiete. Reisehandbuch.
8642: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern Germany and Austria Including Hungary and Transylvania. Handbook for Travellers.
5175: Baedeker, Karl, - Mittelmeer Hafenplätze Und Seewege Nebst Madeira, Den Kanarischen Inseln, Der Küste Marokkos, Algerien Und Tunesien. Handbuch Für Reisende.
20410: Baedeker, Karl, - South- Western France From the Loire and the Rhone to the Spanish Frontier. Handbook for Travellers.
17405: Baedeker, K, - ägypten Handbuch Für Reisende. Erster Theil: Unter ägypten Und Die Sinai- Halbinsel.
17404: Baedeker, Karl, - ägypten Und Der Sudan.
18797: Baedeker, Karl, - Frankfurt and the Taunus Handbook for Travellers.
17434: Baedeker, Karl, - South- Eastern France.
17352: Baedeker, Karl, - Indien Handbuch Für Reisende.
17347: Baedeker, Karl, - Baedekers Autofûhrer. Deutsches Reich (Grossdeutschland) Offizieller Führer Des Deutschen Automobil- Clubs.
20967: Baedeker, Karl, - Das Deutsche Reich Und Einige Grenzgebiete Reisehandbuch Für Bahn Und Auto.
6750: Baedeker, Karl, - Northern Bavaria Handbook for Travellers.
12866: Baedeker, K, - Egypt Part Second: Upper Egypt with Nubia.
18119: Baedeker, Karl, - Espagne Et Portugal Manuel Du Voyageur.
19255: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern Italy and Sicily with Excursions to Malta, Sardinia, Tunis, and Corfu.
17341: Baedeker, Karl, - Das Elsass Strassburg Und Die Vogesen. Reisehandbuch.
17342: Baedeker, Karl, - Autofûhrer Deutsches Reich (Ohne Das Land Oesterreich). Offizieller Führer Des Deutschen Automobil- Clubs.
17343: Baedeker, Karl, - Das Deutsche Reich Und Einige Grenzgebiete Reisehandbuch Für Bahn Und Auto.
18798: Baedeker, Karl, - Frankfurt and the Taunus Handbook for Travellers.
19814: Baedeker, Karl, - Sûdbayern, Tirol, Salzburg Ober- Und Nieder- ôsterreich, Steiermark, Kärnten Und Krain.
20633: Baedeker, Karl, - Egypt and the Sudan Handbook for Travellers.
20755: Baedeker, Karl, - Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy, and Tyrol. Handbook for Travellers.
16836: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern Bavaria with Excursions to Innsbruck and Salzburg. Handbook for Travellers.
16835: Baedeker, Karl, - Switzerland and the Adjacent Portions of Italy Savoy and the Tyrol. Handbook for Travellers.
17410: Baedeker, Karl, - Palestine and Syria with the Chief Routes Through Mesopotamia and Babylonia. Handbook for Travellers.
21093: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern Germany Baden, Black Forest, Wurtemberg, and Bavaria.
5226: Baedeker, Karl, - Wien Und Budapest Handbuch Für Reisende.
19258: Baedeker, Karl, - The United States with Excursions to Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, and Alaska.
17408: Baedeker, Karl, - Egypt and the Sudan Handbook for Travellers.
17409: Baedeker, Karl, - Palästina Und Syrien Die Hauptrouten Mesopotamiens Und Babns Und Die Insel Cypern. Handbuch Für Reisende.
18795: Baedeker, Karl, - Northern Germany As Far As the Bavarian and Austrian Frontiers. Handbook for Travellers.
18792: Baedeker, Karl, - Northern Germany As Far As the Bavarian and Australian Frontiers. Handbook for Travellers.
20634: Baedeker, Karl, - The Rhine From Rotterdam to Constance. Handbook for Travellers.
20635: Baedeker, K., - Italy. Handbook for Travellers First Part: Northern Italy, Including Leghorn, Florence, Ravenna, the Island of Corsica and Routes Through France, Switzerland, and Austria..
17133: Baedeker, Karl, - Northern Germany Handbook for Travellers.
17459: Baedeker, Karl, - Southern Bavaria with Excursions to Innsbruck and Salzburg. Handbook for Travellers.
17923: Baedeker, Karl, - Russia with Teheran, Port Arthur, and Peking. Handbook for Travellers.
17400: Baedeker, Karl, - Wien Und Budapest Handbuch Für Reisende.
17487: Baedeker, Karl, - London and Its Environs Handbook for Travellers.
16809: Baedeker, Karl, - ôsterreich Ohne Tirol Und Vorarlberg. Handbuch Für Reisende.
18684: Bagley, Charles R. ; Diller, George E., - La France D'autrefois Et D'aujourdh'hui.
5393: Bagnold, Enid, - Enid Bagnold's Autobiography.
20527: Bagot, Richard, - The Italian Lakes.
13420: Bahadur, Khan & Latif, Syad Muhammad, - Lahore Its History, Architectural Remains and Antiquities.
15402: Bailey, Pearl, - Talking to Myself.
19858: Baird, Charles W., - History of Rye 1660- 1870 Including Harrison and White Plains Till 1788.
21151: Baird, Henry M., - Modern Greece: A Narrative of a Residence and Travels in That Country with Observations on Its Antiquities, Literature, Language, Politics, and Religion..
10363: Baj, Enrico, - The Garden of Delights.
20079: Baker, Samuel W., - The Albert N'yanza Great Basin of the Nile and Exploration of the Nile Sources.
20223: Baker, Samuel W. (Sir, Pasha), - Ismailia a Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade..
10406: Baker, Malcolm; Richardson, Brenda, - A Grand Design the Art of the Victoria and Albert Museum.
11519: Bakshy, Alexander [translator], - Soviet Scene Six Plays of Russian Life.
18302: Baleine, G. R., - The Bailiwick of Jersey.
20788: [Belloc, Hilaire]; Ball, Wilfrid [Watercolors], - Sussex.
2965: Ballard, Elisabeth Duryee, - The Mountains Shall Depart.
15378: Ballinger, W. A., - The Men That God Made Mad a Novel of Ireland's Easter Rising.
11869: Ballon, Hilary, - New York's Pennsylvania Stations.
21037: Ballou, Maturin M., - The New Eldorado a Summer Journey to Alaska.
1256: Ballou, Maturin M., - Aztec Land.
11991: Ballou, Maturin M., - The New Eldorado a Summer Journey to Alaska.
15433: Bangs, Francis Hyde, - John Kendrick Bangs Humorist of the Nineties.
20869: Banks, Helen Ward, - The Story of Mexico Including "the Boys Prescott''.
19951: Banta, R. E., - The Ohio.
18551: Banta, R. E., - The Ohio.
19424: Bar-Zohar, Michael, - The Third Truth.
5355: Barbou, M. Alfred, - Life of Victor Hugo.
11022: Barbour, Thomas, - Naturalist at Large.
1206: Barcata, Louis, - Qui Vienna.
8537: Bard, Samuel A., - Waikna or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore.
16752: Barich, Bill, - Traveling Light.
6975: Barilli, Manlio, - Alpini in Russia Sul Don 1942- 1943.
10389: Barish, Evelyn, - Emerson in Italy.
19280: Barker, Ethel Ross, - Buried Herculaneum.
18170: Barlow, Elizabeth, - The Central Park Book.
18706: Barman, T. G., - Cook's Traveller's Handbook to Norway Sweden Denmark Finland Iceland.
11162: Barmash, Isidore, - Welcome to Our Conglomerate- You're Fired!.
435: Barnard, H. Clive, - The British Isles in Pictures.
16943: Barnard, The Lady Anne, - South Africa a Century Ago Part I. Letters Written From the Cape of Good Hope. Part Ii. Extracts From a Journal Addressed to Her Sisters in England.
18591: Barnes, Malcolm, - The Mountain World 1955.
19413: Barnes, Julian, - Arthur & George.
3735: Barnes, Malcolm, - The Mountain World 1955.
3740: Barnes, Malcolm, - The Mountain World 1962/63.
18087: Barnum, B. T., - Struggles and Triumphs or, Forty Years' Recollections.
6450: Barr, Pat, - The Coming of the Barbarians the Opening of Japan to the West 1853- 1870.
20769: Barr, Alfred H. JR, - The Museum of Modern Art New York.
18729: Barrelet, Marie-Thérèse; Hubert, Gérard, - The Louvre Museum General Guide.
20231: Barrington, Mrs. Russell, - Through Greece and Dalmatia a Diary of Impressions Recorded by Pen and Picture.
16407: Barrymore, Ethel, - Memories an Autobiography.
20647: Barth, Henry, - Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa From the Journal of an Expedition Undertaken Under the Aspices of H.B. M. ' S Government in the Years 1849 - 1855.
19101: Bartholomew, John, - Bartholomew's 1900 Touring Atlas and Gazetteer of the British Isles.
17880: Bartholomew, J. G. Lld, - A Literary & Historical Atlas of America.
13846: Barton, Michael, - Life by the Moving Road an Illustrated History of Greater Harrisburg.
14586: Barzini, Luigi, - O America When You and I Were Young.
1345: Barzini, Luigi Jr, - Evasione in Mongolia.
15354: Basinger, Jeanine, - American Cinema One Hundred Years of Filmmaking.
20284: Bastin, J., - La Russie Guide to Voyageur Dans L'empire Russe, Notices Historiques, Statistques, Litteraires Etc..
19931: Bates, David V. ; Christie, Ronald V., - Respiratory Function in Disease an Introduction to the Inegrated Study of the Lung.
524: Bates, E. S., - The Face of England.
20902: Bates, H. W., - Central America the West Indies and South America.
20916: Battershill, William Denis (Sir) [Governor Of Tanganyika], - Tanganyika Guide.
8911: Batty, Peter; Parish, Peter, - The Divided Union the Story of the Great American War, 1861- 65.
18469: Bauer, Erwin A., - Treasury of Big Game Animals.
19414: Baum, Vicki, - Ballerina.
7215: Baum, Vicki, - Once in Vienna.. ..
14417: Baumgarten, Elmer H., - Bowl Here's How.
18023: Baumgartner, Alexander, - Nordische Fahrten Skizzen Und Studien. Durch Skandinavien Nach St. Petersburg.
19056: Baumgartner, Alexander, - Nordische Fahrten Skizzen Und Studien. Durch Skandinavien Nach St. Petersburg.
4504: Baumhoff, Richard G., - The Dammed Missouri Valley One Sixth of Our Nation.
8985: Baxter, Nancy Niblack, - Gallant Fourteenth the Story of an Indiana Civil War Regiment.
18414: Baxter, James K., - New Zealand in Colour.
15796: Baxter, A. E., - The Clerk's Manual of Rules, Forms and Laws for the Regulation of Business in the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York.
14357: Bayer, William, - The Great Movies.
20680: Bayne, S. G., - A Fantasy of Mediterranean Travel.
18360: Bazelon, David T., - Nothing But a Fine Tooth Comb Essays in Social Criticism 1944- 1969.
21059: Beadle, J. H., - Life in Utah or the Mysteries and Crimes of Mormonism, Being and Exposé of the Secret Rites and Ceremonies of the Latter- Day Saints.
10711: Beals, Carleton, - Dawn over the Amazon.
12071: Beals, Carleton, - The Great Revolt and Its Leaders the History of Popular American Uprisings in the 1890's.
10726: Beals, Carleton, - Lands of the Dawning Morrow the Awakening From Rio Grande to Cape Horn.
10839: Beals, Carleton, - America South.
3147: Beamen, Ardern, - Travels without Baedeker.
15632: Beamish, Huldine, - Cavaliers of Portugal.
10972: Beardsley, Charles, - Guam Past and Present.
16686: Beattie, Ann, - Secrets and Surprises.
17935: Beazley, C. Raymond (Introduction), - Voyages and Travels [Two Volumes Set] Mainly During the 16th and 17th Centuries.
16061: Beckett, Derek, - Bridges.
13785: Beddie, M. K. [editor], - Bibliography of Captain James Cook.
18264: Beebe, William, - Pheasant Jungles.
20764: Beebe, William, - Galapagos World's End.
13735: Beebe, William, - The Arcturus Adventure an Account of the New York Zoological Society's First Oceanographic Expedition.
10949: Beebe, William, - Pheasant Jungles.
10931: Beebe, William, - The Arcturus Adventure an Account of the New York Zoological Society's First Oceanographic Expedition.
10939: Beebe, William, - Edge of the Jungle.
10904: Beebe, William, - Edge of the Jungle.
10903: Beebe, William, - Jungle Days.
21111: Beers, F. W., - Map of New York and Brooklyn.
20262: Behan, Brendan, - Brendan Behan's Island an Irish Sketch- Book.
20350: Behan, Brendan, - Brendan Behan's Island an Irish Sketch- Book.
21217: Behrend, George, - Wagon- Lits Catering.
11854: Behrman, S. N., - The Worcester Account.
10790: Belfrage, Cedric, - The Man at the Door with the Gun.
111: Bell, Malcolm, - Old Pewter.
20980: Bell, Alured Gray, - The Beautiful Rio de Janeiro.
17326: Bell, Aubrey F. G., - Portugal of the Portuguese.
20822: Bell, Arthur G. (Mrs. ), - Nuremberg [Nûrnberg].
12852: Bellamy, Edward, - Looking Backward 2000- 1887.
12851: Bellamy, Edward, - Equality.
17920: Bellamy, Edward, - Looking Backward 2000- 1887.
14122: Belli, Melvin, - Melvin Belli My Life on Trial.
601: Belloc, H., - Hills and the Sea.
16926: Bellotti, Felice, - Fabulous Congo.
12583: Bellow, Saul, - Mr. Sammler's Planet.
7224: Bellow, Saul, - Mr. Sammler's Planet.
19319: Bemelmans, Ludwig, - The Donkey Inside.
16438: Bendiner, Elmer, - A Time for Angels a Tragicomic History of the League of Nations.
8990: Benet, Stephen Vincent, - John Brown's Body.
16670: Benet, Stephen Vincent, - Selected Works of Stephen Vincent Benet [Two Volume Set] Volume One: Poetry Volume Two: Prose.
14728: Bennett, Wendell C., - Ancient Art of the Andes.
13330: Bennett, Wendell C., - Ancient Art of the Andes.
14566: Benoit, Francois, - L'architecture.
9499: Bentley, Eric, - In Search of Theater.
20100: Benton, J. A., - The California Pilgrim: A Series of Lectures.
616: Bercovici, Konrad, - Nights Abroad.
18347: Berendt, John, - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil a Savannah Story.
17515: Berendt, John, - The City of Falling Angels.
18568: Bergen, Philip, - Old Boston in Early Photographs, 1850- 1918 174 Prints From the Collection of the Bostonian Society.
10539: Bergstrom, Theo, - The Thames a Picture Book.
3637: Berlitz, M. D., - Second Book for Teaching Modern Languages English Part for Adults.
2426: Berman, Avis, - Rebels on Eighth Street Juliana Force and the Whitney Museum of Art.
10815: Berman, Carl, - People of the High Plateau.
8373: Bernard, Roger & Renard, Jean-Claude, - Gien Faîence.
12732: Bernier, Olivier, - Fireworks at Dusk Paris in the Thirties.
18680: Bernoville, Gaetan; Etcheverry, Michel; Ithurriague, Jean; Veyrin, Philippe, - Visages Du Pays Basque.
15284: Berrall, Julia S., - The Garden an Illustrated History From Ancient History to the Present Day.
18766: Bertarelli, L. V., - Emilia E Romagna.
18764: Bertarelli, L. V., - Ober- Italien.
20594: Bertarelli, L. V., - Emilia E Romagna.
18754: Bertarelli, L. V., - Italia Centrale Terzo Volume. Territorio a Ouest Della Linea Ferroviaria, Fierenze - Arezzo - Perugia - Foligno - Terni - Roma.
18753: Bertarelli, L. V., - Italia Centrale Terzo Volume. Territorio a Ouest Della Linea Ferroviaria, Fierenze - Arezzo - Perugia - Foligno - Terni - Roma.
18770: Bertarelli, L. V., - Liguria, Toscana a Nord Dell'arno, Emilia Guida D'italia Del Touring Club Italiano.
20512: Bertarelli, L. V., - Liguria, Toscana Settentrionale, Emilia Guida D'italia Del Touring Club Italiano.
18771: Bertarelli, L. V., - Italia Meridionale [Two Volumes Set] Vol. I: Abruzzo, Molise E Puglia. Vol. Ii: Napoli E Dintorni.
4792: Bertarelli, L. V., - Sardegna.
16981: Bertarelli, L. V., - Italia Meridionale Terzo Volume: Campania, Basilicata E Calabria.
18768: Bertarelli, L. V., - Le Tre Venézie [3 Volume Set] Guida D'italia Del Touring Club Italiano.
20564: Bertarelli, L. V., - Marche Guida D'italia Del Touring Club Italiano.
20565: Bertarelli, L. V., - Piemonte Guida D'italia Del Touring Club Italiano.
20566: Bertarelli, L. V., - Liguria Guida D'italia Del Touring Club Italiano.
20567: Bertarelli, L. V., - Lucania E Calabria Guida D'italia Del Touring Club Italiano.
1817: Bertarelli, L. V., - Italia Centrale Secondo Volume: Firenze - Siena - Perugia - Assisi.
16713: Berton, Pierre, - The Impossible Railway the Building of the Canadian Pacific- - a Triumphant Saga of Exploration, Politics, High Finance & Adventure.
3423: Berton, Pierre, - Drifting Home.
10499: Besant, Walter, - London.
10508: Besant, Walter, - London.
382: Besant, Walter, - Westminster.
7893: Besant, Walter, - Westminster.
20016: Besas, Peter, - Compendium of German- Language Books of Travel in Spain (1750- 1900).
20940: Besas, Peter, - Compendium of German- Language Books of Travel in Spain (1750- 1900).
7235: Bessie, Alvah, - The Symbol.
19120: Betjeman, John, - Summoned by Bells.
608: Bettiza, Enzo, - Qui Mosca.
16357: Bewley, Christina, - Muir of Huntershill.
3785: Bey, Amine Youssef, - Independent Egypt.
17618: Bibby, Geoffrey, - Des Cavernes à L'europe Des Vikings.
20587: Bidermanas, Izis, - Paris Des Rëves.
18473: Bierman, John, - Dark Safari the Life Behind the Legend of Henry Morton Stanley.
8311: Bigelow, Frances Hill, - Historic Silver of the Colonies and Its Makers.
11698: Bigelow, John, - Memoir of the Life and Public Services of John Charles Fremont.
14757: Bird, Frederick L., - A Study of the Port of New York Authority.
17167: Bird Bishop, Isabella, - Six Months Among the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands.
21146: Birmingham, George A., - A Wayfarer in Hungary.
7075: Birrell, Augustine, - Frederick Locker- Lampson a Character Sketch with a Small Selection From Letters Addressed to Him and Bibliographical Notes on a Few of the Books Formerly in the Rowfant Library.
20756: Bishop, William Henry, - Mexico California and Arizona Being a New and Revised Edition of Old Mexico and Her Lost Provinces.
2951: Bishop, Joseph Bucklin, - A Chronicle of One Hundred & Fifty Years the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York 1768- 1918.
19226: Bishop, Nathaniel H., - Voyage of the Paper Canoe a Geographical Journey of 2500 Miles, From Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico, During the Years 1874- 5.
1272: Bisland, Elizabeth, - The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn [Two Volumes].
12017: Bisland, Elizabeth, - At the Sign of the Hobby Horse.
2578: Bixby, William, - South Street New York's Seaport Museum.
15805: Bixby, William, - South Street New York's Seaport Museum.
18882: Dr. R. Bl., - Aus Dem Aerztlichen Kuriositätenladen 1898- 1933.
14164: Black, Elizabeth Walker, - Hospital Heroes.
12206: Black, C. B., - Touraine and Brittany.
19830: Black, Clinton V., - The Story of Jamaica From Prehistory to the Present.
20503: Black, C. B., - Belgium with Part of Holland, North France, the Rhine and the Moselle.
20825: Black, C. B., - Brittany and Touraine Their Monuments and Ancient Castles, Ocean and Sea- Bathing Stations, Places of Pilgrimage. The Loire From Orelans to the Ocean.
20826: Black, C. B., - The Channel Islands and Western Normandy Jersey, Guernsey, Herm, Sark, Alderney and Western Normandy.
20824: Black, C. B., - Normandy and Picardy Their Relics, Castles, Churches and Footprints of William the Conqueror.
12334: Black, Adam & Charles, - Black's Guide to Warwickshire.
12187: Black, C. B., - The Riviera or the Coast From Marseilles to Leghorn Including the Interior Towns of Carrara, Lucca, Pisa and Pistoia.
487: Blackburn, Henry, - Artistic Travel a Thousand Miles Towards the Sun; in Normandy, Brittany, Pyrenees, Spain & Algeria.
16152: Blaine, James G., - Twenty Years of Congress [Two Volume Set] From Lincoln to Garfield with a Review of the Events Which Led Up to the Revolution of 1860.
17837: Blair, Gwenda, - Almost Golden Jessica Savitch and the Selling of Television News.
17498: Blake, Jody; Lasansky Jeannette, - Rural Delivery Real Photo Postcards From Central Pennsylvania 1905- 1935.
19706: Blake, W T, - Travels of a White Elephant.
11250: Blake, A. H., - London Cameos.
18686: Blanchard, Raoul; Faucher, D.; Faucher, J., - Cours de Géographie Cours élémentaire.
18972: Bledlow, John, - The Cotswolds in Colour a Collection of Colour Photographs.
10426: De Bles, Arthur, - How to Distinguish the Saints in Art by Their Costumes, Symbols, and Attributes.
4408: Bloom, Vera, - There's No Place Like Washington.
17700: Blount, Roy, Jr, - One Fell Soup or I'm Just a Bug on the Windshield of Life.
11925: Blum, Daniel [editor], - Theatre World Season 1948- 49.
851: Blunden, Edmund, - The Bonadventure a Random Journal of an Atlantic Holiday.
12370: Blunt, Wilfrid, - The Dream King Ludvig Ii of Bavaria.
16157: Blythe, Ronald, - Places an Anthology of Britain.
19885: Boada, I. Puig, - El Templo de la Sagrada Familia Sintesis Del Arte de Gaudi.
15536: Bobrick, Benson, - Fearful Majesty the Life and Reign of Ivan the Terrible.
16169: Bocca, Geoffrey, - The Great Resorts an Inside View.
2269: Bocchi, Lorenzo, - Qui Parigi.
16106: Bock, Audie, - Japanese Directors.
14981: Bode, Carl, - Mencken.
20224: Bodfish, W. Parker (Illustrations), - Through Spain on Donkey- Back.
12902: Boeldeke, Alfred, - With Graciela to the Headhunters.
9957: Bogan, Louise, - A Final Antidote From the Journals of Louise Bogan.
9905: Bogardus, Mary, - Crisis in the Catskills.
2992: Van Der Bogart, Giles Yates, - Walls Have Ears Incuding the Stockade Story and Samuel Fuller, Master Builder of the Mohawk.
19929: Bögli, Alfred; Franke, Herbert W., - Leuchtende Finsternis.
15559: Bogoslovsky, Boris B., - The Technique of Controversy Principles of Dynamic Logic.
9393: Boguslawski, G. A., - The State Armoury Museum of the Moscow Kremlin.
18621: Böhler, Wolfgang, - Journalismus Und Internet Warum Sich Die Medienwelt Noch Dramatischer Verändern Wird, Als Wir Heute Glauben.
8999: Du Bois, W. E. B., - The Negro.
19421: Boldizsar, Ivan (Ed. ), - Hungary a Comprehensive Guidebook for Visitors and Armchair Travellers with Many Coloured Illustrations and Maps.
11535: Bonaparte, Marie, - Myths of War.
18498: Bone, James, - The London Perambulator.
17649: Von Bonin, Volker; Nigg, Werner, - Finnland Modernes Land Im Hohen Norden.
11829: Bonner, Paul Hyde, - Ambassador Extraordinary.
20404: Bonney, T. G. , Ball, E. A. R. , Traill, H. D. , Allen, Grant, Griffiths, Arthur, & Brown, Robert, - The Mediterranean Its Storied Cities and Venerable Ruins.
16668: Bookbinder, Bernie, - Long Island People and Places Past and Present.
19984: editors Of Time-Life Books, - 1965 Official Guide New York World's Fair All New for 1965.
12501: Booth, General, - In Darkest England and the Way out.
17714: Borah, W. E., - Haywood Trial Closing Argument.
20297: Borchert, Scott, - Republic of Detours How the New Deal Paid Broke Writers to Rediscover America.
13675: Borden, Charles A., - South Sea Islands.
11277: Borden, Mary, - You, the Jury.
17176: Borden, Mrs. John, - The Cruise of the Northern Light Explorations and Hunting in the Alaskan and Siberian Arctic.
10151: A Scottish Borderer, - The Wanderer of the West and Other Poems.
3409: Borges, Jorge Luis, - Para Las Seis Cuerdas Illustrado Por Hector Basaldua.
3420: Borges, Jorge Luis, - Cosmogonias, Aldo Sessa.
17905: Borges, Jorge Luis, - Seis Poemas Escandinavos.
19648: Borges, Jorge Luis, - Introduccion a la Literatura Norteamericana.
6406: Borges, Jorge Luis; Casares, Adolfo Bioy, - Cronicas de Bustos Domecq (Edicion En Japones).
1888: Boring, James W., - The Mediterranean Cruise of the S.S. Samaria Sailing From New York February 2nd, 1935.
1172: Borland, Beatrice, - Passports for Asia.
8275: Boswell Jr. , Peyton, - Modern American Painting.
15098: Boswell, James, - Life of Samuel Johnson, Ll. D..
19126: Botkin, B. A., - A Treasury of American Folklore Stories, Ballads, and Traditions of the People.
8064: Bott, Alan, - This Was England a Survey in Pictures and Text of Their History, Morals, Wars, Inventions, Sports, Heroes and Social and Sexual Distinctions between 1870 and 1900.
16258: Botwinick, Leone, Et Al, - Larousse Treasury of Country Cooking.
18545: Boucicault, Dion, - The Art of Acting.
17955: Boulanger, Robert, - Greece.
10922: Boulenger, E. G., - Animals in the Wild and in Captivity.
10881: Boulenger, E. G. ; Donisthorpe, Horace (Et Al), - Wild Life the World over.
10943: Boulenger, E. G. ; Donisthorpe, Horace; Dugmore, A. Radclyffe Et Al, - Wild Life the World over Comprising Twenty- Seven Chapters Written by Nine Distinguished World- Traveled Specialists.
20912: Boulger, Demetrius C., - The Congo State or the Growth of Civilisation in Central Africa.
19411: Bourjaily, Vance, - The Man Who Knew Kennedy.
12898: Bourne, Michael, - Political Leaders of Latin America.
20911: Bourret, F. M., - The Gold Coast a Survey of the Gold Coast and British Togoland 1919 - 1946.
10492: Boussard, Jacques, - London.
8979: Bowen, John, - Battlefields of the Civil War a State- By- State Guide.
1178: Bowers, Faubion, - Theatre in the East a Survey of Asian Dance and Drama.
16764: Bowle, John, - Henry Viii a Study of Power in Action.
1467: Bowles, Cynthia, - At Home in India.
20759: Bowles, Samuel, - Our New West Records of Travel between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean..
11933: Bowles, Paul, - Yallah.
10238: Bowles, Chester, - Ambassador's Report a Remarkably Human and Hard- Headed Account of a Successful Mission Involving Not Only the Problems of India, But All Asia.
16636: Bowles, Paul, - A Little Stone.
9864: Bowman, Heath; Bowman, Jefferson, - Crusoe's Island in the Caribbean.
7354: Bowman, John S., - A Book of Islands.
20502: Bowman, Heath; Dickinson, Stirling, - Westward From Rio.
3833: Bowra, C. M., - The Heritage of Symbolism.
19732: Boyce, W. D., - Illustrated South America.
3836: Boyle, T. Coraghessan, - Watermusic.
11844: Boyle, Kay, - The Smoking Mountain.
20876: Boyson, V. F., - The Falkland Islands.
21117: Braddon, E., - Thirty Years of Shikar.
16420: Bradford, Ernle, - Mediterranean Portrait of a Sea.
15309: Bradley, Bill, - Life on the Run.
12513: Bradley, Bill, - Time Present, Time Past.
18982: Bradley, A. G., - Rivers and Streams of England.
19640: Bradley, Bill, - The Journey From Here.
19663: Bradley, A. G., - Worcestershire.
21153: Bradley-Birt, F. B., - Persia Through Persia From the Gulf to the Caspian.
249: Bradley, A. G., - Worcestershire.
3674: Bradnum, Frederick, - The Long Walks Journeys to the Sources of the White Nile.
14370: Brahms, Johannes & Tschaikowsky, Pyotr Ilyich, - The Symphonies of Brahms and Tschaikowsky in Score.
19947: Braider, Donald, - The Niagara.
15712: Braider, Donald, - The Niagara.
9929: Bramsen, Bo, - A Hundred Years of Dannebrog the History of the Dannebrog Shipowning Company 1883- 1983.
16212: Brandeis, Madeline, - Mitz and Fritz of Germany.
1009: Brander, Michael, - Around the Highlands.
3467: Brander, Bruce, - Canary Islands.
18895: Brantl, Klaus, - Munich the Heart of Bavaria.
19222: Brassey, Mrs. [Annie], - A Voyage in the "Sunbeam" Our Home on the Ocean for Eleven Months.
17262: Brassey, Mrs. [Annie], - A Voyage in the "Sunbeam" Our Home on the Ocean for Eleven Months.
1309: Brassey, Mrs., - Sunshine and Storm in the East.
12602: Brassey, Lady, - In the Trades, the Tropics, & the Roaring Forties.
19908: Braybrooks, Marcus, - The Bridoe of Stars 365 Prayers, Blessings and Meditations From Around the World.
11057: Breasted, Charles, - Pioneer to the Past the Story of James Henry Breasted, Archaeologist, Told by His Son.
18606: Brendon, Piers, - The Motoring Century the Story of the Royal Automobile Club.
18946: Brentnall, Margaret, - The Cinque Ports and Romney Marsh.
14406: Bridenbaugh, Carl, - Seat of Empire the Political Role of Eighteenth- Century Williamsburg.
18943: Bridges, R. C. ; Hair, P. E. H., - Compassing the Vaste Globe of the Earth Studies in the History of the Hakluyt Society 1846- 1996.
20588: Bridges, E. Lucas, - Uttermost Part of the Earth.
20542: Bridges, E Lucas, - Uttermost Part of the Earth.
18003: Bridges, E. Lucas, - Uttermost Part of the Earth.
20430: O'Brien, Frederick, - White Shadows in the South Seas.
17497: Brien, John F. O., - Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York 1903 Prepared Pursuant to the Provisions of Chapter 683 Laws of 1892.
19707: O'Brien, Frederick, - Mystic Isles of the South Seas.
15765: O'Brien, Philip, - T.E. Lawrence a Bibliography.
17178: O'Brien, Frederick, - Atolls of the Sun.
8541: Briggs, Lloyd Cabot, - Tribes of the Sahara.
17668: Brinley, Gordon, - Away to Quebec a Gay Journey to the Province.
17669: Brinley, Gordon, - Away to the Gaspe.
15588: Brinley, Gordon, - Away to the Gaspe.
17852: Brochu, Jim, - Lucy in the Afternoon an Intimate Memoir of Lucille Ball.
8837: Brockett, L. P., - Men of Our Day or, Biographical Sketches of Patriots, Etc..
16000: Brodrick, Alan Houghton, - Paris.
11077: Brodrick, Alan Houghton, - Parts of Barbary.
17521: Brogan, D. W., - The American Character.
19422: Brontman, L., - On the Top of the World the Soviet Expedition to the North Pole 1937.
19026: Brooks, Noah, - The Mediterranean Trip a Short Guide to the Principal Points on the Shores of the Western Mediterranean and the Levant.
15847: Brooks, Van Wyck, - New England: Indian Summer 1865- 1915.
15532: Brouardel, Dr. P., - Le Secret Medical.
18970: Brown, Michele, - Queen Elizabeth Ll the Silver Jubilee Book 1952- 1977.
16748: Brown, Dan, - The Da Vinci Code.
18011: Brown, Hugh (Mrs. ), - Lady in Boomtown Miners and Manners on the Nevada Frontier.
20973: Brown, A Samler, - Brown's Madeira, Canary Islands and Azores.
9431: Brown, Ralph H., - Mirror for Americans Likeness of the Eastern Seaboard 1810.
15915: Brown, Ivor & Quayle, Anthony, - Shakespeare Memorial Theatre 1948- 1950 a Photographic Record.
6330: Brown, Margery A, - The Second Stone.
20976: Brown, A. Samler, & Brown, G. Gordon, - The South and East African Year Book & Guide for 1929 with Atlas and Diagrams.
18940: Brown, A. J., - Farewell, "High Fell".
13751: Brown, D. C., - Journey From the Arctic.
21165: Browne, G. Waldo, - The Far East and the New America [Vol 1 and 2 Only] Japan, Hawaii and the Philippines.
15967: Browne, Lewis, - That Man Heine.
5603: Bruccoli, Matthew J., - Reconquest of Mexico an Amiable Journey in Bursuit of Cortes.
11830: Brush, Frederic, - The Alleghenians.
4770: Bruun, Daniel (Captain), - The Traveller's Guide to the Scandinavian Countries and Iceland Together with a Reference to Scotland and the Faroe Isles Scandinavian- American Line Travellers Guide.
19911: Bryan, Julien, - Warsaw 1939 Siege, 1959 Warsaw Revisited.
18056: Bryan, William Jennings; Bryan, Mary Baird, - The Memoirs of William Jennings Bryan.
18057: Bryan, William Jennings, - The First Battle the Story of the Campaign of 1896.
8838: Bryan, William Jennings, - The First Battle the Story of the Campaign of 1896.
20192: Bryant, William Cullen, - Picturesque America or, the Land We Live in. A Delineation by Pen and Pencil.
10700: Bryce, James, - South America Observations and Impressions.
19695: Bryce, James, - Impressions of South Africa.
7979: Bryden, H. A., - Horn and Hound Memories of Hunting.
15688: Buchwald, Art, - I Think I Don't Remember.
19409: Buck, Pearl S., - Dragon Seed.
7241: Buck, Pearl S., - Kinfolk.
19405: Buck, Pearl S., - A Certain Star.
14884: Buckley, Edmund [editor-In-Chief], - The Fine Arts [Volume 8 Only] a University Course in Sculpture, Painting, Architecture, and Decoration.
18312: Budge, E. A Wallis (Sir), - Cook's Handbook for Egypt and the Sudan with Chapters on Egyptian Archaeology.
21110: Buel, J. W., - Heroes of the Dark Continent and How Stanley Found Emin Pasha..
1148: Buffum, Edward Gould, - Sights and Sensations in France, Germany and Switzerland; or, Experiences of an American Journalist in Europe.
14789: Bullaty, Sonja & Lomeo, Angelo, - Circle of Seasons Central Park Celebrated.
12593: Bulwer, Sir E. L., - The Last of the Barons.
20254: Bumpus, T. Francis, - The Cathedrals and Churces of Italy.
15738: Bumpus, T. Francis, - The Cathedrals and Churches of Belgium.
1047: Bumpus, T. Francis, - The Cathedrals and Churches of Rome and Southern Italy.
14599: Bumpus, T. Francis, - The Cathedrals and Churches of Belgium.
13184: Bundy, C. Lynn, - The Maritime Association of the Port of New York 1873- 1923 Historical Review of the Past Fifty Years.
20052: Bunyan, John, - The Pilgrim's Progress in Two Parts [One Volume] From This World to That Which Is to Come Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream.
14306: Bunyan, John, - The Pilgrim's Progress.
14278: Bunyan, John, - Pilgrim's Progress.
14351: Burch, Gladys & Ripperger, Helmut, - The Junior Music Quiz.
19112: Burchard, John Ely, - Mid- Century the Social Implications of Scientific Progress.
13162: Burchard, Sue, - The Statue of Liberty Birth to Rebirth.
7442: Burchett, Wilfred G., - Pacific Treasure Island New Caledonia Voyage Through Its Land and Wealth the Story of Its People and Past.
7441: Burchett, Wilfred G., - Pacific Treasure Island New Caledonia Voyage Through Its Land and Wealth the Story of Its People and Past.
20598: Burckhardt, J. L., - Travels in Arabia.
17159: Burdett, F. D. ; King, Percy J., - The Odyssey of a Pearl Hunter.
14449: Burgess, Perry, - Who Walk Alone.
6549: Burke, Edmund, - On Taste [Etc. ].
16343: Burl, Aubrey, - Prehistoric Avebury.
11853: Burman, Ben Lucien, - The Generals Wore Cork Hats.
20966: Burn, Robert, - Rome and the Campagna an Historical and Topographical Description of the Site, Buildings, and Neighbourhood of Ancient Rome.
11358: Burn, A. R., - A Traveller's History of Greece.
21125: Burnaby, Fred, - A Ride to Khiva Travels and Adventures in Central Asia.
3540: Burnett, Frances Hodgson, - Little Lord Fauntleroy.
8368: Burnett, Laurence & Janet, - The Picture Framer's Handbook the Other Artist.
3615: Burnett, Frances Hodgson, - Little Lord Fauntleroy.
19018: Burnham, Alan, - New York Landmarks a Study & Index of Architectually Notable Structures in Greater New York.
19343: Burnham, Alan, - New York Landmarks a Study & Index of Architectually Notable Structures in Greater New York.
20898: Burrows, Guy (Capt), - The Land of the Pigmies.
20863: Burt, Henry M., - Burt's Illustrated Guide of the Connecticut Valley Containing Descriptions of Mount Holyoke, Mount Mansfield, White Mountains, Lake Memphremagog, Lake Willoughby, Montreal, Quebec, & C..
18599: Burt, Struthers, - Philadelphia Holy Experiment.
19666: Burt, Struthers, - Philadelphia Holy Experiment.
19744: Burton, Richard F., - The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El- Yezdi.
14887: Burton, Isabel; Wilkins, W. H., - The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton [Two Volume Set] the Story of Her Life.
20605: Burton, Jean, - Sir Richard Burton's Wife.
166: Burton, Richard F., - The City of the Saints and Across the Rocky Mountains to California.
4557: Burton, A R E, - Cape Colony to- Day.
8899: Burton, William L., - Descriptive Bibliography of Civil War Manuscripts in Illinois.
6490: Burton, Jean, - Sir Richard Burton's Wife.
16100: Burton, Neil, - English Historic Houses Handbook.
15952: Burton, Richard F. & Smithers, Leonard C., - The Carmina of Catullus.
11248: Burton, Elizabeth, - The Pageant of Elizabethan England.
103: Burton, Richard F., - Scinde; or, the Unhappy Valley [Two Volumes].
10264: Burton, Richard F., - A New System of Sword Exercise for Infantry.
194: Burton, Richard F., - Il Pentamerone; or, the Tale of Tales [Two Volumes] Being a Translation by the Late Sir Richard Burton of Il Pentamerone; Overo Lo Cunto de Li Cunte, Tratenemiento de Li Peccerille, of Giovanni Battista Basile, Count of Torone.
18889: Busch, Harald, - Neckarland Und Obere Donau.
17823: Busch, Noel F., - Adlai E. Stevenson of Illinois a Portrait.
18885: Busch, W[Ilhelm], - Die Fromme Helene.
19871: Bush, Lewis, - Japanalia [Volume 1 Only] Past and Present.
19404: Butler, Ellis Parker, - Pigs Is Pigs.
17614: Butler, Ewan, - The Horizon Concise History of Scandinavia.
18053: Butler, Elizabeth, - From Sketch Book and Diary.
17912: Butler, Samuel, - Erewhon Revisited Twenty Years Later.
17913: Butler, Samuel, - The Way of All Flesh.
12388: Butler, Samuel, - The Way of All Flesh.
11862: Butler, Robert Olen, - The Alleys of Eden.
14689: Butts, Mary, - Scenes From the Life of Cleopatra.
19782: Byne, Mildred Stapley, - Forgotten Shrines of Spain.
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