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Christo ; Wolfgang Volz ; Peter Doherty : translation - Christo & Jeanne-Claude: Over the River: Project for Arkansas River State of Colorado

Title: Christo & Jeanne-Claude: Over the River: Project for Arkansas River State of Colorado
Description: Galerie Guy Pieters, 2009 Paperback, 178 pages ; ENG, 300 x 260 mm, in very good condition, full of photo's in colour. ISBN 9789053496213. ¶ In this book Christo and Jeanne-Claude visit the Rocky Mountains to prepare the installation of a temporary work of art Over the River, project for Arkansas River, State of Colorado. Any given year in the future - 2008 at the earliest - approximately 1.025 fabric panels will be suspended horizontally high above the Arkansas river bed, covering an 11.3 kilometer range between Salida and Parkdale. The stream of successive panels - suspended 2 to 7 meters above the river - will be interrupted by bridges, rocks, trees and bushes while wide clearance between the banks and the edges of the translucent fabric panels, will allow sunlight to illuminate the river. As with all previous art projects, Over the River is entirely financed by Christo and Jeanne-Claude, through the sale of preparatory work. These drawings, lithographs, collages and scale models are presented in this book, together with numerous photographs of their meetings and their trips to the Rocky Mountains.

Keywords: Beaux Arts Sciences Geschiedenis History Literature Weer culture histoire livre siècle Artiste peintre photo fotografie War architectuur Mode Nostalgie/ Flemish / Vlaamse keramiek antiqu beeldhouwkunst beelden sculpturen oorlog

Price: EUR 75.00 = appr. US$ 81.51 Seller: Erik Tonen Books
- Book number: 60103

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