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47272: [Home, John. 1722 - 1808] - DOUGLAS: A Tragedy.; As It Is Acted at the Theatre - Royal in Covent - Garden
44827: Hone, William [1780 - 1842] - THE EVERY-DAY BOOK And TABLE BOOK; or, Everlasting Calendart of Popular Amusements..
32853: [Cookbook]. Hood, C. I. - HOOD'S BOOK Of HOME MADE CANDIES
32854: [Cookbook]. Hood, C. I. - HOOD'S COOK BOOK Number Three. Respectfully Dedicated to the Ladies of the United States
3182.1: Hood, Thomas [1799 - 1845] - MEMORIALS Of THOMAS HOOD.; Collected, arranged and edited by his daughter with a preface and notes by his son
31795: Hood, George - A HISTORY Of MUSIC In NEW ENGLAND: With Biographical Sketches of Reformers and Psalmists
30238: Hood, Graham - AMERICAN SILVER. A History of Style, 1650 - 1900. American Decorative Arts Series
12183: Hood, Thomas - POEMS Of WIT And HUMOUR
41602: [Facsimile Advertising Broadside]. Hood, Goerge ; Williams, J. G. - GEORGE HOOD BEGS To ANNOUNCE That He INTENDS OPENING His SHOW ROOM For The SEASON; On Tuesday Next, the 25th of October, When He Will be Prepared to Submit the Leading Novelties the Favour of an Inspection of Which Will be Esteemed
48464: Hood, Thomas [1799 - 1845]. Ainger, Alfred [1837 - 1904] - Editor. Quiller-Couch, Arthur Thomas [1863 - 1944] - Former Owner - POEMS Of THOMAS HOOD. Vol. I. Serious Poems. Vol II. Poems of Wit and Humour
5865: [Hook, Theodore Edward] - SAYINGS AND DOINGS, or Sketches from Life. Second Series
5865.1: [Hook, Theodore Edward] - SAYINGS AND DOINGS, or Sketches from Life. Second Series
4637.1: Hook, Kenneth G. - LIF KRO NAN A Grove Play. Music composed by Ulderico Marcelli
31503: [Hooper, Robert. 1773 - 1835] - The SURGEON'S VADE - MECUM: Containing the Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment of Surgical Diseases. Accompanied by the Modern and Approved Methods of Operating, Select Formulae of Prescriptions, and a Glossary of Terms
24165: [Medicine]. Hooper, Robert [1773 - 1835] - The PHYSICIAN'S VADE-MECUM: Containing the Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment of Diseases. Accompanied by a Select Collection of Formulae, and a Glossary of Terms. From the London Copy.; The Philadelphia Edition is Improved by a Translation of All the Latin Prescriptions, And is Enlarged by an Alphabetical List of All the Medicines Now in Use, With Their Names in both Latin and English: and by Other Valuable Addenda
2227: Hoopes, Townsend - The LIMITS Of INTERVENTION
2873: Hoover, Herbert [1874 - 1964] - ADDRESSES UPON The AMERICAN ROAD
1268: Hope, Bob - FIVE WOMEN I LOVE: Bob Hope's Vietnam Story
3149.1: Hope, Laura Lee - The BOBBSEY TWINS At CLOVERBANK. Bobbsey Twins Series #19
8541: Hope, Anthony [Hawkins, Sir Anthony H.] - The CHRONICLES Of COUNT ANTONIO
25565: Hope, Laura Lee - BUNNY BROWN And His SISTER SUE In The BIG WOODS
35569: Hope, Janey B. - STORIES And PAPERS
20611: Hope, Laura Lee - BUNNY BROWN And His SISTER SUE And Their SHETLAND PONY
18469.1: Hope, Laura Lee - The OUTDOOR GIRLS Of DEEPDALE. The Outdoor Girls Series #1
18469: Hope, Laura Lee - The OUTDOOR GIRLS Of DEEPDALE
32572: Hopkins, William Barton, M.D. - The ROLLER BANDAGE
47321: [Hotel Menu - San Francisco/Mark Hopkins] - The GRILL ROOM - HOTEL MARK HOPKINS
28778: [Aviation Fiction]. Hopkins, William J[ohn. 1863 - 1926] - The AIRSHIP DRAGON - FLY
48814: Hopkinson, Tom [1905 - 1990] - The LADY And The CUT - THROAT. Short Stories
19912: Horgan, Paul - The CENTURIES Of SANTA FE
14754: Hornblow, Arthur - The PROFLIGATE
49794: Horovitz, Michael - WORDSOUNDS And SIGHTLINES. New & Selected Poems
49683: Horovitz, Michael - BANK HOLIDAY
18985: Horovitz, Michael - POETRY For The PEOPLE
47484: [Astronomy]. Horsley, Samuel, Bishop of St. Asaph [1733 - 1806].  - On VIRGIL'S TWO SEASONS Of HONEY, And His SEASON Of SOWING WHEAT.; With a New and Compendious Method of Investigating the Risings and Settings of the Fixed Stars
39318: [Illustrated Hotel Advertisement]. Hotchkill, Elias - Contributor. William R. Fish - Illustrator - 1881 OAKLAND BEACH HOTEL. 1st Brought Before the Public Generally for the First Time, and It Is the Second Season Under the Able Management of the Undersigned, who Takes Especial Pleasure in So Doing, for it is Certainly the Most BEAUTIFUL And ATTRACTIVE RESORT On NARRAGANSETT BAY [Rhode Island]
48987: Hotchkiss, Bill - CLIMB To The HIGH COUNTRY. Poems
47431: [Event Menu - San Francisco/St. Francis Hotel] - COMPLIMENTARY LUNCHEON To AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Of SUPERINTENDENTS Of DINING CARS.; Tendered by H. J. Heinz Co
40586: [Arcade Hotel, Bridgeport, Connecticut - Publishers] - HANDY POCKET RAILROAD MAP. State of Connecticut
40569: [Arcade Hotel, Bridgeport, Connecticut - Publishers] - HANDY POCKET RAILROAD MAP. State of Connecticut
40148: [California Ephemera]. Los Angeles' Ambassador Hotel - LOS ANGELES AMBASSADOR. A California Welcome Awaits You at the Ambassador. Schine Hotels
48338: Houfe, Simon. Leech, John - Subject - JOHN LEECH And The VICTORIAN SCENE
31654: [Alcoholism]. Hough, Henry Beetle - An ALCOHOLIC To His SONS. As Told to Henry Beetle Hough
49769: Hough, Lindy - CHANGING WOMAN
17906: Hough, Graham - The LAST ROMANTICS
38674: Houghton, Claude - The ENIGMA Of CONRAD STONE
38675: Houghton, Claude - TRANSFORMATION SCENE
50917: [Lake Tahoe California Stereoview]. Houseworth, Thomas [b. 1828] - EASTERN SHORE Of LAKE TAHOE -- From Rocky Point, Looking South, Sierra Rocks and Cave Rock in distance. Lake Tahoe. 683
42514: [San Francisco California Stereoview]. Houseworth, Thomas [b. 1828] - The DENMAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, BUSH STREET. San Francisco. 230
50916: [Lake Tahoe California Stereoview]. Houseworth, Thomas [b. 1828] - LAKE TAHOE TROUT, Weighing from Ten to Twenty Pounds. Lake Tahoe. 687
50077: [San Francisco California Stereoview]. Houseworth, Thomas [b. 1828] - LICK HOUSE. San Francisco. 144
46902: [San Francisco California Stereoview]. Houseworth, Thomas [1828 - 1915] - P. M. S. S. CO'S STEAMSHIP JAPAN -- In the California Dry Dock, Hunter's Point. 255
49319: [California Stereoview]. Houseworth, Thomas [1828 - 1915] - SACRAMENTO, CAL. 1071. County Court House
49015: [California Stereoview]. Houseworth, Thomas [1828 - 1915]. Lawrence, George S. - CALIFORNIA-- 858. Spearing Trout, on Donner Lake, Nevada Co
50784: [California Stereoview]. Houseworth, Thomas [1828 - 1915] - LAKE TAHOE -- 684. Eastern Shore of Lake Tahoe. View from Rocky Point, looking South, toward Cave Rock
8347: Housman, Laurence [1865 - 1959] - CORNERED POETS
8348: Housman, Laurence [1865 - 1959] - ODD PAIRS
49028: Housman, Laurence [1865 - 1959] - WHAT - O'CLOCK TALES.; With Pictures by Jr. R. Monsell
7362: Housman, Laurence [1865 - 1959] - KING JOHN Of JINGALO. The Story of a Monarch in Difficulties
2376: Houston, Pam - COWBOYS Are My WEAKNESS
49643: Der - Hovanessian, Diana - The CIRCLE DANCERS
18247: Hoving, Thomas - FALSE IMPRESSIONS. The Hunt for Big-Time Art Fakes
38826.3: [Cruise Book]. Howard, R. G. - Editor - H.M.S. "SUFFOLK" Third Commission on the China Station 1933 - 1935
48909: [Souvenir Event Menu]. Howard, Esme William [1863 - 1939] - Honoree. Sindelar, Charles James [1875 - 1947] - Artist - DINNER To The RIGH HONOURABLE SIR ESME WILLIAM HOWARD; His Britannic Majesty's Ambassador to the United States by the Lotos Club New York April 9th 1924
38157: Howard, Ben - STONE On STONE
14338: Howard, Maureen - NATURAL HISTORY. A Novel
1901: Howarth, William - Traveling the Trans-Canada
31539: [Judaica]. Howe, Irving. Libo, Kenneth - WORLD Of OUR FATHERS
11393: Howe, Lieutenant General Sir William [1729 - 1814] - CAMPAGNES MILITAIRES Du LIEUTENANT GENERAL Sir WILLIAM HOWE, En AMERIQUE.; D'Apres le Compte Rendu Par Lui-Méme Dans un Committé de la Chambre des Communes le 29 April 1779: Et D'Apres les Observations Qu'il a Publiées Contre les Lettres à un Gentilhomme
18183: Howe, Russell Warren - WEAPONS. The International Game of Arms, Money and Diplomacy
38743: Howe, E. W. - The MYSTERY Of the LOCKS
37686: Howe, Mrs - The MAGAZINE Of HISTORY With NOTES And QUERIES. Extra Number - No. 190. Vol. 48, No. 2. Comprising: "Affecting Account of the Misfortunes of Mrs. Howe" and "A 'Pile' of a Glance at the Wealth of the Monied Men of San Francisco and Sacramento City"
36295: Howell, Warren - Owner - BOOKMAN, San Francisco. Volume 2. Number 1. October 1961
36294: Howell, Warren - Managing Partner - BOOKMAN, San Francisco. Volume 1. Number 1. October 1959
39322: Don Miguel Joseph de Azanza [Joseph Ignacio Negreyro y Soria]. Howell, Warren R., Lawton Kennedy, Alfred L. Kennedy & Lesley Byrd Simpson - Contributors - VICEREGAL DECREE. Prohibiting the Extraction of Papers, Documents, and Books from Archives and Libraries, and their Sale to Biscuit-makers, Rocket-makers, Apothecaries, Shopkeepers, and the like, for consumption in their trades. Mexico City, December 10 1799
34657: Howells, W. D [1837 - 1920] - A BOY'S TOWN. Described for "Harper's Young People"
34474: Howells, W[illiam]. D[ean. 1837 - 1920] - QUESTIONABLE SHAPES
19371: Howes, Barbara; Angulo, Ximena de; Morgan, Frederick (eds). [Sartre, Jean-Paul. 1905 - 1980] - The WALL. [as published in] Chimera. A Literary Quarterly, Vol. III, No. 4
41333: Howitt, Mary [1799 - 1888] - The HEIR Of WAST-WAYLAND. A Tale
22308: [Railroad] Howson, F. Henry - WORLD'S UNDERGROUND RAILWAYS
16671: Howson, Gerald - BURGOYNE Of SARATOGA
12426: Hoyle, Fred - OCTOBER The FIRST Is Too LATE
39965: Hoyle, Edmond [1672 - 1769] - A SHORT TREATISE On The GAME Of WHIST. [with] GAME Of QUADRILLE. [with] GAME Of PIQUET, To Which are Added, Some Rules ... for Playing Well at Chess. [with] TREATISE On .. BACK-GAMMON
20816: Hsiung, S.I. - LADY PRESCIOUS STREAM.; Preface by Lascelles Abercrombie
29990: Hubach, Robert R. - EARLY MIDWESTERN TRAVEL NARRATIVES. An Annotated Bibliography. 1634 - 1850
33169: Hubbard, Elbert [1856 - 1915]; Hubbard II, Elbert - The NOTEBOOK Of ELBERT HUBBARD. Mottoes, Epigrams, Short Essays, Passages, Orphic Saying and Preachments. Coined from a Life of Love, Laughter and Work, by a Man Who Achieved Greatly in Literature, Art, Philosophy and Business
30166.2: Hubbard, Elbert [1856 - 1915] - ELBERT HUBBARD'S SCRAP BOOK. Containing the Inspired and Inspiring Selections Gathered During a Life Time of Discriminating Reading for His Own Use
7249.1: Hubbard, L. Ron - The ENEMY WITHIN. Mission Earth Volume 3
21837: Hubbard, Elbert - LITTLE JOURNEYS To The HOMES Of GREAT TEACHERS: Pythagoras
21823: Hubbard, Elbert [1856 - 1915]. Chopin, Frederick - LITTLE JOURNEYS To The HOMES Of GREAT MUSICIANS: Frederick Chopin. Vol. VIII, No. 3
1148: Hubbard, L. Ron - BLACK GENESIS. Mission Earth Volume 2
38740: Huber, Miriam Blanton - The INFLUENCE Of INTELLIGENCE UPON CHILDREN'S READING INTERESTS. Teachers College, Columbia University Contribution to Education, No. 312
25755: Huddleston, Sisley - MR. PANAME: A Paris Fantasia
31018: Hudson, W[illiam]. H[enry. 1841 - 1922]. Beebe, William - GREEN MANSIONS. A Romance of the Tropical Forest. With an Introduction by Wm. Beebe
6941: Hudson, William Henry - IDLE HOURS In A LIBRARY
2698: Hudson, W. H. - GREEN MANSIONS. A Romance of the Tropical Forest
19153: Hudson, W. H. - MARY'S LITTLE LAMB
34868: Hudson, Waddie - Edtior - The CHEROKEE ADVOCATE. Saturday, July 25, 1896. Vol. 20. No. 41
34450: Hudson, Hoyt H. - The ENGLISH NOVEL. An Exhibition of Manuscripts and First Editions Chaucer to Conrad
44475: [California Local History]. Huelsman, Charles L., Louisa, Lena, Otto, Minnie & Albert C. - Pictured - CABINET CARD. 2626 M Street. Sacramento, Calfornia
30396: [Hughes, Rupert. 1872 - 1956] - Former Owner. Doyle, Edward [b. 1854] - GINEVRA. A Play of Mediaeval Florence
12356: Hughes, Ted [1930 - 1998] - The HAWK In The RAIN
22441.2: Hughes, Ted. Moser, Barry - Illustrator - The IRON WOMAN
19217: Hughes, Glyn - ALMOST-LOVE POEMS. Sycamore Broadsheet 5
11090: Hughes, M. Vivian - A LONDON CHILD Of The SEVENTIES
18043: [Hughes, Langston]; [O'Casey, Sean]; Singer, John (ed) - MILLION NEW LEFT WRITING
12920: [Hughes, Thomas]. By the Author of 'Tom Brown's School Days.' - The SCOURING Of The WHITE HORSE; or, The Long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk
35930: Hugo, Victor [1802 - 1885] - RUY BLAS. A Romatic Drama, in Four Acts. From the French of Victor Hugo
27361: Hulbert, Charles [1778 - 1857] - MUSEUM EUROPAEUM; or, Select Antiquities, Curiosities, Beauties, and Varieties, of Nature and Art, in Europe; Compiled from Eminent Authorities, Methodically Arranged, Interspersed with Original Hints, Observations, &c
46732: [Unit Photograph]. Hulbert, Robert W. - Photographer - BATTERY B 38th FIELD ARTILLERY. ARTILLERY BRIGADE (Camp Lewis Wash. Nov. 1918)
7042.2: Hulbert, Archer Butler - FORTY- NINERS. The Chronicle of the California Trail
47432: Hull, William - The HISTORY Of The GLOVE TRADE,; With the Customs connected with the Glove: to Which are Annexed Some Observations on the Policy of the Trade Between England and France, and Its Operations on the Agricultural and Manufacturing Interests
35664: Hull, Edward. Spencer, Joseph W. Winthrop - Contributor - MONOGRAPH On The SUB-OCEANIC PHYSIOGRAPHY Of The NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN. With a Chapter on the Sub-Oceanic Physical Features off the Coast of North America and the West Indian Islands
40255: Hull, Asa - HULL'S TEMPERANCE GLEE BOOK. Containing a Choice Variety of Temperance Songs, Duets and Choruses Suitable for the Sociable Entertainments of the Several Temperance Organizations. Together with a Glee Department, Containing Selections Especially Designed for Public Concerts and Musical Conventions
35693: Hullmann, Karl Dietrich [1765 - 1846] - HANDELSGESCHICHTE Der GRIECHEN
21926: Hummel, George F. - HERITAGE. A Novel
24785: Humphreys, Captain A. A. & Lieut. H. L. Abbot - REPORT Upon The PHYSICS And HYDRAULICS Of The MISSISSIPPI RIVER; Upon the Protection of the Alluvial Region Against Overflow; and Upon the Deepening of the Mouths ..
11577: [Dickens. Charles. 1812 - 1870]. Humphreys, Arthur - CHARLES DICKENS And His FIRST SCHOOLMASTER
31062: Humphries, Sydney - ORIENTAL CARPETS Runners and Rugs and Some Jacquard Reproductions
33603: Humphries, Adelaide - GALLANT GESTURE
22400: Humphry, Derek - DYING With DIGNITY. Understanding Euthanasia
50351: Huneven, Michelle - BLAME
37499: By "The Duchess" [Hungerford, Margaret Wolfe. 1855 - 1897]. Davis, Rebecca Harding - Contributor - MILDRED TREVANION. The Leisure Hour Library. New Series. Vol. I. No. 73. August, 1885
37488: By "The Duchess" [Hungerford, Margaret Wolfe. 1855 - 1897]. Davis, Rebecca Harding - Contributor - HER LAST THROW. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. Vol. III. No. 322. December 15, 1891
9522: Hunt, Leigh [1784 - 1859] - The TOWN; Its Memorable Characters and Events. St. Paul's to St. Jame's
50109: [World War II Memory Book]. Hunt, MGen LeRoy P - Commander, 2nd Marine Division - PICTORIAL ARROWHEAD. Occupation of Japan by Second Marine Division
9522.1: Hunt, Leigh [1784 - 1859] - The TOWN; Its Memorable Characters and Events
36090: Hunt, T. G. - SPEECH Of HON. T. G. HUNT, Of LOUSIANA, In the House of Representatives, March 23, 1854, On the Bill to Establish the Nebraska and Kansas Territories, and to Repeal the Missouri Compromise. Good Faith and Union
47869: [Hunt, Leigh. 1784 - 1859].  - The FEAST Of The POETS, with Notes, and Other Pieces in Verse, By the Editor of the Examiner
39124: Hunt, Leigh, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Walter Scott, Sidney L. Johnson, Maria Edgeworth, Thomas Haynes Bayley - Contributors - "Intelligence in Card Playing by Sir Walter Scott", "Journal of a West India Proprietor, kept during a residence in the Island of Jamaica by the late Matthew Gregory Lewis", "To T. L. H---, six years old, during a sickness by Leigh Hunt", "Ascent of Mount Etna by Sidney L. Johnson", & "Helen, a Tale by Maria Edgeworth" [as published in] The SELECT CIRCULATING LIBRARY. Containing the Best Popular Literature, Including Memoirs, Biography, Novels, Tales, Travels, Voyages, &c. Volume III, Part I - 1834
1885.1: Hunt, Leigh [1784 - 1859] - MEN, WOMEN, And BOOKS. A Selection of His Sketches, Essays, and Critical Memoirs, From His Uncollected Prose Writings
9522.2: Hunt, Leigh - The TOWN; Its Memorable Characters and Events. St. Paul's to St. Jame's
14437: Hunt, Richard - MURDER In RUINS
43002: Hunter, Robert [b. 1826] - A PRACTICAL TREATISE On The DISEASES Of The THROAT And LUNG with Their Treatment by Inhalation
30842: Hunter, George Leland - The PRACTICAL BOOK Of TAPESTRIES
4818.1: Hunter, David - PAPERMAKING: The History & Technique of an Ancient Craft
48087: [Feminist Literature]. Hunter, Martha Lavina [1868 - 1962] - FAR PLACES
19887: Hunter, Evan - A HORSE'S HEAD. A Novel
19119: Hunter, Evan - LOVE, DAD. A Novel
15665: Hunter, Dane - The BYSTANDERS
18225: Hurd, Archibald - NAVAL PROSPECTS In 1917
13892.1: Hurd, Edith Thacher. Hurd, Clement - Illustrator - The BLUE HERON TREE
50114: [Mid-19th C. Woman's Reference Book]. Hurman, Dinah [b. 1831] - Former Owner - The HAND - BOOK Of USEFUL And ORNAMENTAL AMUSEMENTS And ACCOMPLISHMENTS,; Including Flower Making, Engraving, Etching, Painting in All Its Styles, Modelling, Carving in Wood, Ivory, and Shell, Also Fancy Work of Every Description. By A Lady
34279: Hurst, Fannie [1889 - 1968]. 'H. D." [Doolittle, Hilda. 1886 - 1961]. Overton, Grant; Edwards, David O.; Broun, Heywood [1888 - 1939]; James, Winifred [1876 - 1941]; Littell, Robert - Contributors - FANNIE HURST. A Biographical Sketch, Critical Appreciation & Bibliography
9328: [Hurston, Zora Neale] - CORDIALLY YOURS..
30138: Hussein, Mohamed A. - ORIGINS Of The BOOK. Egypt's Contribution to the Development of the Book from Papyrus to Codex
34851: Hussein, Aamer [b. 1955] - ANOTHER GULMOHAR TREE
50380: [Fine Binding]. Champfleury [nom-de-plume for Fleury-Husson, Jules François Felix (1821 - 1889)] - Le VIOLON De FAÏENCE.; Avant-propos de L'Auteur
36667: Husted, F. M. - HUSTED'S OAKLAND, ALAMEDA And BERKELEY DIRECTORY. Giving Name, Occupation and Residence of All Adult Persons Together with a Classified Business Directory and Street Guide. 1898
39105: Husted, F. M. - HUSTED'S OAKLAND, ALAMEDA And BERKELEY DIRECTORY, Giving Name, Occupation and Residence of All Adult Persons Societies, Associations, City and County Government, Etc., Together with a Classified Business Directory and Street Guide Giving Name, Location and Official Numbering of Every Street in Oakland. 1892 - 3. December 1st, 1892
39093: Husted, F. M. - OAKLAND, ALAMEDA And BERKELEY DIRECTORY. Giving Name, Occupation and Residence of All Adult Persons Together with a Classified Business Directory and Street Guide. 1895
48485: [Huston, Robert M. - Dean. Watson, William - Janitor - ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Of JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE Of PHILADELPHIA. Session of 1851 - 52.; The Session Commences on Monday, Oct. 13, 1851
5430: Hutchens, Major James M. - BEYOND COMBAT
46961: Hutchings, James Mason [1818 - 1902] - The MINER'S TEN COMMANDMENTS (By J. M. Hutchings)
34042: [California Letter Sheet]. "Forty Nine". [Pseudonym of Hutchings, James Mason. 1818 - 1902] - The MINER'S TEN COMMANDMENTS
50339: Hutchins, Scott - A WORKING THEORY OF LOVE
48771: [Baseball History]. Hutchinson, Fred P. - Compiler - AMERICAN ASSOCIATION On PARADE. 1935 Edition
49825: Hutt, Allen. Fournier, Pierre Simon [1712 - 1768] - Subject - FOURNIER: The Compleat Typographer
49907: Hutton, Deborah - ART Of The COURT Of BIJAPUR
32579: Huxley, Aldous [1894 - 1963] - Editor - An ENCYCLOPAEDIA Of PACIFISM
51224: Huxley, Aldous [1894 - 1963] - VULGARITY In LITERATURE. Digressions from a Theme
11224.2: Huxley, Aldous - The GENIUS And The GODDESS
45428: Hyam, Leslie A. - The JOHN W. CAMPBELL COLLECTION Of ORIENTAL SILK RUGS. Descriptive Catalogue
37555: Hyatt, Edward - Superintendent Public Instruction - SCHOOL ARCHITECTURE In CALIFORNIA. Issued by the Superintendent of Public Instructions, Sacramento, Cal
36602.1: [Racist Literature]. Hyde, Mabel - Author. Hyde, Helen - Illustrator - JINGLES From JAPAN. As Set Forth by the Chinks
4487: Hyde, Mary - The IMPOSSIBLE FRIENDSHIP. Boswell and Mrs. Thrale
19941: Hyde, Catherine Ryan - ELECTRIC GOD. A Novel
17923: Hyde, George E. - A SIOUX CHRONICLE
17710: Hyde, H. Montgomery - The ATOM BOMB SPIES.; The First Full Account of how Soviet Espionage Stole the Secrets of the Atomic Bomb
17055: Hyde, Anthony - The RED FOX
24534: Hyman, Mac - NO TIME For SERGEANTS
47859: Hymans, M. - PUPIL VERSUS TEACHER. Letters from a Teacher to a Teacher
45162: Hynes, Alan - Design; Forbes, Alan - Illustration - SKELETONWITCH, SAVIOURS & TRAP THEM LIMITED EDITION POSTER.; The Stone Dead for Summer Tour
46413: [World War I] - SOUVENIR From CAMP UPTON, Yaphank, L. I.
44496: [Charles I, King of England 1600 - 1649]. [Gauden, John] - EIKON BASILIKE. The Pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in His Solitudes and Sufferings
44488: Charles I, King of England [1600 - 1649]. Cromwell, Oliver. Gauden, John [1605 - 1662] - CROMWELL'S BLOODY SLAUGHTER-HOUSE or His Damnable Designs laid and Practised by him and his Negro's in Contriving the Murther of his Sacred Majesty KING CHARLES I. DISCOVERED. By a Person of Honor
34769: [World War I] - La VIE PARISIENNE. 57th Annee, No 2. Samedi 11 Janvier 1919
15474: [Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769 - 1821]. Par Le Général Sarrazin [Jean 1770 - 1850] - CONFESSION Du GENERAL BUONAPARTE A L'ABBE MAURY, &c, &c. Dediee au General Kleber
14450: [Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769 - 1821]. Par A. D. B. M***, Lieutenant de Grenadiers (Monier) - Une ANNEE De La VIE De L'EMPEREUR NAPOLEON, ou Précis Historique de Tout ce Qui S'est Passé Depuis le 1er Avril 1814 Jusqu'au 20 Mars 1815..
35839: Ichida, S. - Photographer - OPERATIVES' WELFARE. 1909. The Kanegafuchi Spinning Co., Ltd. Japan
41870: Appleton II, Victor - DON STURDY In LION LAND or The Strange Clearing in the Jungle. Don Sturdy Series #9
2466.6: Appleton II, Victor - TOM SWIFT And His ELECTRIC RETROSCOPE. The Tom Swift Jr. Series #14
10909: [World War II] - COMBINED OPERATIONS. The Official Story of the Commandos.; With a Foreward by the Chief of Combined Operations, Lord Louis Mountbatten
15847: [World War II] - MANUAL For LAYING AIRPLANE LANDING MAT (Tentative)
16251: [Civil War]. Carter III, Samuel - The FINAL FORTRESS: The Campaign for Vicksburg 1862 - 1863
9094: Ilie, Paul - LITERATURE And INNER EXILE. Authoritarian Spain, 1939 - 1975
41494: Maurice Logan - Illustrator - OAKLAND. California's Third Largest City. Alameda County, California
41383: M. Woolf - Illustrator - The MOTT STREET POKER CLUB. The Secretary's Minutes
40593: A Pixie Publication. E von Kager - illustrator - A MEMORANDUM CALENDAR For 1950. Paintings by E von Kager
40453: [Locomotive Image] - LOCOMOTIVE KODAK NEGATIVE
42686: [Judaica]. Imber, Naphtali Herz [1856 - 1909], Jewish National Poet - TOPICS Of TO-DAY In The TALMUD. Reprinted from "The Jewish Standard."
36243: Oregon State Board of Immigration - OREGON. Facts Regarding Its Climate, Soil, Mineral and Agricultural Resources, Means of Communication, Commerce and Industry, Laws, &c., &c. For the Use of Immigrants. With Maps
40436: [Willamette & Pacific Railroad Inc.] - WILLAMETTE & PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME TABLE No. 3
49081: Inchbald, Elizabeth [1753 - 1821] - A SIMPLE STORY. In Four Volumes. By Mrs. Inchbald
44371: [Law / Indiana] - LOT Of ~100 JACKSON CIRCUIT COURT MS LEGAL DOCUMENTS, 1823 - 1841
17599.1: [Mission Press]. [Native American Indians] - The EPISTLES Of PAUL To TIMOTHY [Translated into Cherokee]
8672: [Childrens - Indians] - MORNING STAR. A Little Pueblo Girl
41596: H. J. Infield, 160 Fleet Street - [Facsimile Advertising Broadside]. GEM STORIES, CHIEFLY ORIGINAL. The Gem Library
36250: Southern California Bureau of Information - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. An Authentic Description of Its Natural Features, Resources, and Prospects. Containing Reliable Information for the Homeseeker, Tourist, and Invalid. Published by the Southern California Bureau of Information
7372: Inge, M. Thomas - editor - HUCK FINN AMONG The CRITICS: A Centennial Selection
30470: Ingelow, Jean [1820 - 1897] - The POETICAL WORKS Of JEAN INGELOW
28040: [Western Fiction]. Ingersoll, Ernest [1852 - 1946] - An ISLAND In The AIR. A Story of Singular Adventures in the Mesa Country
46798: [Stereoview Photograph]. Ingersoll, William Booker [b. 1834] - Photographer - TUBBS HOTEL. E. OAKLAND 153
46681: [Stereoview Photograph]. Ingersoll, William Booker [b. 1834] - Photographer - VIEWS Of OAKLAND And VICINITY. 153; Per ink mss annotation to verso, "Tubbs Hotel / E. Oakland / Cal"
47489: Ingoldsby, Thomas [pseudonym of Barham, Richard Harris. 1788 - 1845] - The INGOLDSBY LEGENDS: or Mirth & Marvels. In Two Volumes.; Edited, with Notes Introductory and Illustrative, by R. H. Dalton Barham
48218: Ingoldsby, Thomas [pseudonym of Barham, Richard Harris. 1788 - 1845] - The INGOLDSBY LEGENDS: or Mirth & Marvels. First - Second - Third Series
36099: Ingraham, Colonel Prentiss - ADVENTURES Of BUFFALO BILL From BOYHOOD To MANHOOD. Deeds of Daring and Romanic Incidents in the Life of Wm. F. Cody, the Monarch of Brodermen. Beadle's Boy's Library of Sport, Story and Adventure. Vol. I. No 1
13639: Ingraham, J. H. [Joseph Holt 1809 - 1860] - Editor - The SUNNY SOUTH; or, The Southerner At Home, Embracing Five Years' Experience of a Northern Governess in the Land of Sugar and the Cotton
13632: Ingraham, J. H. [Joseph Holt 1809 - 1860] - NOT 'A FOOL'S ERRAND.' Life and Experience of A Northern Governess in the Sunny South
48051: Ingram, John H. Brown, Oliver Maddox [1855 - 1874] - Subject - OLIVER MADOX BROWN. A Biographical Sketch. 1855 - 1874
48001: Ingram, John - Editor. Burns, Robert [1759 - 1796] - Subject - INTERESTING And CHARACTERISTIC ANECDOTES Of BURNS
42677: M'Innes, Duncan - CO-OPERATIVE AGRICULTURE. A Paper Read by Mr. Duncan M'Innes, of Lincoln, at the Congress held at Carlisle, Whitsuntide, 1887
41570: E. H. Baxter for Wingren's Electric Insoles - WINGREN'S ELECTRIC INSOLES, Also GIANT ELECTRIC BELTS 1897 JOB PRINTING
35085: [Smithsonian Institute] - ANTHROPOLOGICAL PAPERS Number 13 - 18. Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 128
35186: Compiled in the Editorial Division Smithsonian Institution - A LIST And INDEX Of The PUBLICATIONS Of The UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM (1875 - 1946). United States National Museum Bulletin 193
39315.1: [Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs Publication] - REGULATIONS CONCERNING RIGHTS Of WAY For PIPE LINES For The CONVEYANCE Of OIL And GAS ACROSS INDIAN LANDS
38355: [Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs]. Meritt, E. B., E. C. Finney, John Barton Payne - Contributors - REGULATIONS GOVERNING LEASING, REMOVAL Of RESTRICTIONS, UTILIZATION Of CASINGHEAD GAS And PIPE LINE RIGHTS Of WAY On LANDS Of MEMBERS Of The FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. Prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior for the Purpose of Carrying into Effect the Provisions of the Acts of Congress Approved April 26, 1906, May 27, 1908, and Feb 14, 1920
51262: Ionesco, Eugène [1909 - 1994]. Stewart, Jean - Translator - FRAGMENTS Of A JOURNAL.; Translated by Jean Stewart
27636: [Theatre History]. Ireland, Joseph N. - MRS. DUFF. American Actor Series
49959: [English / Irish History]. Ireton, Henry [1611 - 1651].   - A LETTER From The LORD DEPUTY - GENERAL Of IRELAND, Unto the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Parliament of England: Concerning the Rendition of the City of Limerick:; Together with the Articles Formerly Offered, and the Articles upon which the Same was Surrendred: as also a Particular of the Persons Excepted, the Ammunition and Ordnance in the Town delivered upon the Surrender of the said City. Ordered by the Parliament, that the Letter from the Deputy-General of Ireland, and Articles, Together with the Particulars Inclosed, be Forthwith Printed and Published; and Read by the Ministers on the Day Appointed for Thanks to be Given in the Several Congregations. Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti
1029: Irving, John - The HOTEL NEW HAMPSHIRE
4115.3: Irving, John - The CIDER HOUSE RULES
24936: Irving, Washington [1783 - 1859] - VOYAGES And DISCOVERIES Of The COMPANIONS Of COLUMBUS
11637: [Irving, Washington]. By the Author of the Sketch Book - The CRAYON MISCELLANY. No. 3. Containing Legends of the Conquest of Spain
39845: Irving, John - The FOURTH HAND. A Novel
39844: Irving, John - A SON Of The CIRCUS
39521: [Irving, Washington. 1783 - 1859] - Subject. Wise, Daniel. Vincent, J. H. - Contributor - WASHINGTON IRVING. Home College Series No. 8
17505: [Irving, Washington. 1783 - 1859]. 'By the Author of "The Sketch-Book"' - A TOUR On The PRAIRIES
17368.2: Irving, Washington - THE CRAYON MISCELLANY. By the Author of the Sketch Book. No. 1 Containing A Tour on the Prairies
14543: [Irving, Washington]. By the Author of the Sketch Book - The CRAYON MISCELLANY. No. 2. Containing ABBOTSFORD and NEWSTEAD ABBEY
14543.1: [Irving, Washington. ]. By the Author of the Sketch Book - The CRAYON MISCELLANY. No. 2. Containing ABBOTSFORD and NEWSTEAD ABBEY
45532: Irving, William [1892 - 1967]; Paulding, James Kirke [1778 - 1860]; Irving, Washington [1738 - 1859] - SALMAGUNDI; Or Whim-Wham and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq., and Others
45520: Irving, William [1892 - 1967]; Paulding, James Kirke [1778 - 1860]; Irving, Washington [1738 - 1859] - SALMAGUNDI; Or Whim-Wham and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq., and Others
49502: Irwin, Wallace [1875 - 1959] - At The STEVENSON FOUNTAIN [Portsmouth Plaza, San Francisco].; The California Poetry Folios : Part 3 : March 1947
44886: Isaac, Peter & McKay, Barry - The HUMAN FACE Of The BOOK TRADE. Print Culture and its Creators
49344: Isaac, Peter - SOME ALNWICK CARICATURES. A Note and A Handlist
19109: Isaacs, Susan - MAGIC HOURS
44354: Isaacs, Ralph - Crime Victim. Riley, William; Coakley, John; Simcock, Thomas; Atkinson, George - Defendants. Brancker, Sir Thomas - Judge. Coakley, Patrick - Receiver of Stolen Goods - ROBBERY Of MR. ISAACS
50200: Isacco, Enrico. Dallapiccola, Professor Anna L. - Editor - KRISHNA. The Divine Lover. Myth and Legend Through Indian Art
48900: [Baseball]. Isaminger, James C. - Editor - The REACH OFFICIAL AMERICAN LEAGUE BASE BALL GUIDE For 1936
35056: Isham, Charles - The FISHERY QUESTION. Its Origin, History and Present Situation. With a Map of the Anglo-American Fishing Grounds and a Short Bibliography
21158: Isherwood, Christopher - PEOPLE ONE OUGHT TO KNOW
7805.1: Isherwood, Christopher - MY GURU And His DISCIPLE
46265: [Beverage Menu - Rock Island, Illinois] - WINE LIST - OFFICER'S OPEN MESS.; Rock Island Arsenal
37152: [Hawaii History]. Kamehameha IV - SWENSK FORFATTNINGS - SAMLING. 1856. No. 78. Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands done and concluded at Honolulu the the 1 July 1852, ratified at Stockholm the 22 July 1853 and at Honolulu the 5 April 1855. [Drop title]
44776: Ives, Herbert E. Findley, Paul B. - Managing Editor - "TELEVISION In COLORS" [as published in] BELL LABORATORIES RECORD. July 1929. Vol 7 No. 11
25544: Izumo, Takeda [1691 - 1756]; Shoraku, Miyoshi [1693 - 1772?] & Senryu, Namiki [1693 -1749] - CHUSHINGURA [also CHIUSHINGURA] or The Loyal Retainers of Akao.; Translated by Jukichi Inouye
44831: Izumo, Takeda [1691 - 1756]; Shoraku, Miyoshi [1693 - 1772?] & Senryu, Namiki [1693 -1749]; Owre, Alfred - Former Owner - CHIUSHINGURA, or The Loyal League, A Japanese Romance...; Translated By Frederick V[ictor]. Dickins [1838-1915], With Notes and an Appendix Containing a Metrical Version of The Ballad of Takasago, and Specimens of Original Text in the Japanese Character. Illustrated by numerous Engravings on Wood, drawn and executed by Japanese Artists, and printed on Japanese Paper
16672: Bryan III, J. and Murphy, Charles J.V. - The WINDSOR STORY
50350: Abu-Jabar, Diana - BIRDS Of PARADISE
45352: Jackson, Mary V. - ENGINES Of INSTRUCTION, MISCHIEF, And MAGIC.; Children's Literature in England from Its Beginnings to 1839
50949.1: Jackson, Ian. Jackson, Arnold Aldus - Contributor. Howard, Peter B. [d. 2011] - Subject - The KEY To SERENDIPITY. Volume Two. How to Find Books in Spite of Peter B. Howard
51306: Jackson, Ian. Jackson, Arnold Aldus - Contributor. Howard, Peter B. [d. 2011] - Subject - The KEY To SERENDIPITY. Volume One. How to Buy Books from Peter B. Howard
31038.1: Jackson, Helen Hunt [1830 - 1885]. Dobie, J. Frank [1888 - 1964] - RAMONA. A Story by Helen Hunt Jackson.; With an Introduction by J. Frank Dobie
41940: Jackson, Mason - The PICTORIAL PRESS. Its Origin and Progress
36353: [Jackson, Andrew. 1767 - 1845]. Rowland, Mrs. Dunbar - ANDREW JACKSON'S CAMPAIGN AGAINST The BRITISH, or the Mississippi Territory in the War of 1812. Concerning the Military Operations of the Americans, Creek Indians, British, and Spanish 1813 - 1815
49951: Jackson, Harry [1924 - 2011] - Subject. Pointer, Larry & Goddard, Donald. Hassrick, Peter H. & Walker, John - Contributors - HARRY JACKSON.; Foreword by Peter H. Hassrick. Introduction by John Walker. Commentaries by Harry Jackson
49952: [Trade Newsletter / Sales Brochure]. Jackson, Harry [1924 - 2011] - Subject. Jackson, Tina - Director of Sales - HARRY JACKSON.; [with] TLs by Tina Jackson
26408: Jackson, Charles Tenney (b. 1874) - JOHN The FOOL. An American Romance
44774.8: Jackson, Ian - BERNARD M. ROSENTHAL. 5 May 1920 - 14 January 2017.; A Biographical and Bibliographical Account by Ian Jackson in the style of the Dictionnaire historique et critique of Pierre Bayle (1647 - 1706)
50864: Jackson, James C., M.D. - HOW To TREAT The SICK WITHOUT MEDICINE
46299: Jackson, Joseph Henry - Editor; Teiser, Ruth - Commentator - 12. BONANZA BANQUETS.; Table D'Hôte Menu and Music Program for Blanco's November 7, 1907 - Commentary By Ruth Teiser
46298: Jackson, Joseph Henry - Editor; Gould, Francis Lewis - Commentator - 10. BONANZA BANQUETS.; Free Lunch and Commericial Lunch Menus of the Palace of Art San Francisco - Commentary By Francis Lewis Gould
46297: Jackson, Joseph Henry - Editor. O'Brian, Robert - Commentator - 9. BONANZA BANQUETS.; The Bill of Fare for the Pacific Mail Steamship "Tennessee" for November 23, 1851 - Commentary By Robert O'Brian
21413.1: Jackson, Holbrook - Editor. Yeats, W. B. - Contributer - TO-DAY. Volume I. March - August 1917
21022: [Jackson, William Alexander]. Bond, William H., editor - RECORDS Of A BIBLIOGRAPHER: Selected Papers of William Alexander Jackson
11448: [Medicine]. Jackson, James [1777 - 1867] - A MEMOIR Of JAMES JACKSON Jr., M. D. With Extracts From His Letters to His Father; and Medical Cases, Collected by Him
19804: Jackson, Gabrielle E. - THREE LITTLE WOMEN'S SUCCESS
9373: Jackson, Charles - A SECOND-HAND LIFE
37923: Jackson, Henry M. W. G. Stigler, Karl E. Mundt, Chas R. Robertson, A. M. Fernandez - Contributors - CREATING An INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION. Conference Report. House of Representatives, 79th Congress, 2d Session. Report No. 2693. July 27, 1946
11418.1: Jacobi, Charles T. - SOME NOTES On BOOKS And PRINTING
31388: Jacobs, Edgar P. - Le PIEGE DIABOLIQUE. Les Aventures de Blake et Mortimer
24690: Jacobs, Flora Gill - A HISTORY Of DOLL HOUSES. Four Centuries of the Domestic World in Miniature
23047: Jacobs, David H. - ULTIMATE AUTO DETAILING. Your Hands-on Guide to the Professionals' and Concours Winners' Secrets
6873: Jacobs, Jonnie - MURDER AMONG NEIGHBORS
11348: Jacoby, Heinrich. La Fontaine, R. J. - Editor. Miall, Bernard - Translator - HOW To KNOW ORIENTAL CARPETS And RUGS.; English Edition Edited by R. J. La Fontaine. Translated from the German by Bernard Miall
35806: Jahr, Gottlieb Heinrich Georg [1800 - 1875]. Hull, A. Gerald - Editor - JAHR'S NEW MANUAL Of The HOMOEOPATHIC PRACTICE. Edited, with Annotations, by A. Gerald Hull, M.D.
50144: Jain, Rahul - RATURE. The Art of Indian Textiles
50075: Jain, Rahul - DURBAR. Royal Textiles of Jodhpur
5564: [James, Henry]. Philips, Le Roy - A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of The WRITINGS Of HENRY JAMES
32965: Scott-James, R[olfe]. A[rnold. 1878 - 1959] - Editor; Yeats, W[illiam]. B[utler. 1865 - 1939]; Forster, E[dward]. M[organ. 1879 - 1970] - Contributors - The LONDON MERCURY. Incorporating the Bookman. Volume XXXIX Number 230. December 1938
7718: [James, Henry. 1843 - 1916]. Hoffmann, Charles G. - The SHORT NOVELS Of HENRY JAMES. A Critical Study
3216: James, Henry [1843 - 1916] - THEATRICALS: SECOND SERIES (The Album The Reprobate)
3215: James, Henry [1843 - 1916] - THEATRICALS: TWO COMEDIES (Tenants Disengaged)
43148: James, Henry [1843 - 1916]. Ellmann, Richard - Recipient - DAUMIER, CARICATURIST
43123: [James, Henry. 1843 - 1916] - Subject. Edel, Leon - HENRY JAMES And The COSMOPOLITAN IMAGINATION
12520: James, Sibyl - The ADVENTURES Of STOUT MAMA
50326: James, Elias Olan - THIEVES Of MERCY
6921.1: James, Louis - ENGLISH POPULAR LITERATURE 1819 - 1851
42010: James, George R. MacCollin, A. W. F. - Photographer - CARTE-DE-VISITE [CDV] ALBUMEN PHOTOGRAPH
28153: James, Henry [1843 - 1916]. Aziz, Maqbool - Editor - The TALES Of HENRY JAMES. Volume I: 1864 - 1869. Volume 2: 1870 - 1874
47274: James, Prince of Wales [1688 - 1766] - Subject. [Burnet, Sir Thomas. 1694 - 1753] - SOME NEW PROOFS, By Which It Appears that the PRETENDER Is Truly JAMES The THIRD
36515: Bradley, James. With Powers, Ron - FLAGS Of OUR FATHERS. Heroes of Iwo Jima
50051: James, Philip. Holme, C. Geoffrey - Editor - CHILDREN'S BOOKS Of YESTERDAY. The Studio Special Autumn Number
49854: James, Bushrod Washington - ECHOES Of BATTLE
4066.1: James, Louis - FICTION For The WORKING MAN 1830 - 1859. A Study of the Literature Produced for the Working Classes in Early Victorian Urban England
6466: James, Henry [1843 - 1916] - In The CAGE
15752: James, G. P. R. [George Payne Rainsford 1801? - 1860] - The DESULTORY MAN
22369: Aston, James and Story, Edward B. - WROUGHT IRON: Its Manufacture, Characteristics and Applications
22083: James, G. P. R. [George Payne Rainsford 1801? - 1860] - CORSE De LEON: or, The Brigand. A Romance
19143: James, G. P. R. - The HISTORY Of CHARLEMAGNE. Harper's Family Library No.LX
16819: James, D. Clayton - REFIGHTING The LAST WAR. Command and Crisis in Korea 1950-1953
15750: James, G. P. R. [George Payne Rainsford 1801? - 1860] - The ANCIENT REGIME. A Tale
37696: James, G[eorge]. P[ayne]. R[ainsford. 1799 - 1860] - The GENTLEMAN Of The OLD SCHOOL. A Tale in Two Volumes. Vol. I & II
19158: Jameson, Mrs. [Anna Brownwell. 1794 - 1860] - MEMOIRS Of CELEBRATED FEMALE SOVEREIGNS. In Two Volumes.; Harper's Family Library No. XXXIII & XXXIV
19141: Jameson, Professor [Robert]; Wilson, James; Murray, Hugh - NARRATIVE Of DISCOVERY And ADVENTURE In AFRICA, From The EARLIEST AGES To The PRESENT TIME: With Illustrations of the Geology, Minerology, and Zoology. Harper's Family Library No. XVI
31199: Jamie, William - The LAND Of The CLANSMEN. A Scottish Tale, Antiquarian, HIstorical, and Traditional
40174: [Photograph]. Jamison, William F. - President - The RED LINE MOTOR COMPANY. Collinsville, Illinois
51092: Martel, Jan et Joel - SCULPTURE Présenté par Jan et Joel Martel
42681: Janes, Lewis G[eorge. 1844 - 1901] - EVOLUTION Of The EARTH. Brooklyn Ethical Association. Evolution Essays IV
35386: Japp, Alexander H. - DAYS WITH INDUSTRIALS: Adventures and Experiences Among Curious Industries
36089: Jay, John - American Free- or America Slave: An ADDRESS On The STATE Of The COUNTRY. Delivered by John Jay, Esq. at Bedford, Westchester County, New York. October 8th, 1856
36219: Jeaffreson, John Cordy [1831 - 1901] - LOTTIE DARLING. A Novel. Library of Select Novels No. 405
47911: Jeans, Thomas - The TOMMIEBEG SHOOTINGS; or, A Moor in Scotland
30401: [Jeffers, Robinson. 1887 - 1962]. Powell, Lawrence Clark - ROBINSON JEFFERS. The Man and His Work.; A Foreword by Robinson Jeffers
29390: Jeffers, Robinson [1887 - 1962] - GIVE YOUR HEART To The HAWKS And Other Poems
32798: Jefferson, Joseph [1829 - 1905] - The AUTOBIOGRAPHY Of JOSEPH JEFFERSON
2155.4: Ethell, Jeffery and Price, Alfred - ONE DAY In A LONG WAR: May 10, 1972, Air War, North Vietnam
2155.3: Ethell, Jeffery and Price, Alfred - ONE DAY In A LONG WAR: May 10, 1972, Air War, North Vietnam
46230: Jekyll, Gertrude - Contributor - SOME ENGLISH GARDENS.; After Drawings by George S. Elgood, R.I. With Notes by Gertrude Jekyll
34171: Jenkins, William M. - REPORT Of The GOVERNOR Of OKLAHOMA. 1901
47287: [Jenkinson, Charles. 1727 - 1808] - STATE Of The COUNTRY In The AUTUMN Of 1798
30991: Jenks, George C[harles. 1850 - 1929] - GIT THAR OWNEYS PLEDGE or, The Owls' Nest Ugly Brood. Beadle's Half Dime Library. Vol. XIX. No. 492
29560: [Baseball / Mystery Fiction]. Jenks, Geo[rge]. C[harles. 1850 - 1929] - DOUBLE CURVE DAN, The PITCHER DETECTIVE, or Against Heavy Odds. Beadle's Half Dime Library. Vol. XXIII. No. 581. September 11, 1888
22947: Jenks, Tudor., editors - TALES Of FANTASY
40839: Jenness, Caroline - IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL Vs. NEGOTIATIONS ????????????????? [etc.] Questions and Answers on Which Way for the Antiwar Movement
9075: Jennings, John - CALL The NEW WORLD
24904.1: [Jensen, Wilhelm. 1837 - 1911]. Mercur, Lillie A. - KARIN. From the German of Wilhelm Jensen. By Lillie A. Mercur
19852: Jensen, Liz - EGG DANCING. A Novel
3685: Jerrold, Douglas - WORKS Of DOUGLAS JERROLD.; With an Introductory Memoir by his Son, W. Blanchard Jerrold
48217: Jerrold, William Blanchard [1826 - 1884] - IMPERIAL PARIS; Including New Scenes for Old Visitors
36330: 'Fin Bec' [pseudonym for Jerrold, William Blanchard. 1826 - 1884] - The DINNER BELL. A Gastronomic Manual Teaching the Mistress How to Rule a Dainty and Thrifty Cuisine, and the Cook How to Prepare a Great Variety of Dishes with Economy
26419: Jerrold, Walter - The HEART Of LONDON
12680: Jesse, J. Heneage - LONDON. Its Celebrated Characters and Remarkable Places
33172: Jessel, George [1898 - 1981]. Saroyan, William [1908 - 1981] - Contributor - THIS WAY, MISS. With a Foreward by William Saroyan
49967: Jessopp, Rev. Augustus, D.D. [1824 - 1914] - SIMON RYAN The PETERITE
44045: Jewell, Rev. Joel - TEMPERANCE JUBILEE. The Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Hector Temperance Society, (Schuyler Co., N. Y.) Held at Peach Orchard, April 9, 1868, with a Historical Discourse, by Rev. Joel Jewell
45489: Jewitt, John R[ogers. b. 1783] - The ADVENTURES And SUFFERINGS Of JOHN R. JEWITT, Only Survivor of the Ship Boston; During a Captivity of Nearly Three Years Among the Savages of Nootka Sound; With an Account of the Manners, Mode of Living, and Religious Opinions of the Natives
48381: Jewitt, Llewellynn [1816 - 1886] - The FIRST SERIES Of The MOUNTAIN, RIVER, LAKE, And LANDSCAPE SCENERY Of GREAT BRITAIN; Comprising a Selection of Sixty Exquisitely Coloured Views of Some of the Most Noted and Picturesque Scenes in England and Wales, Executed in the Highest Style of Art, with Descriptive Letterpress. Volume III
28464: Charl'jo, Remy - ARM In ARM. A Collection of Connections, Endless Tales, Reiterations and Other Echolalia
39935: [J. C. Millett Co. - Jobbers, Importers of Household Specialties] - The BREW MASTER. Makes Guess-Work Unnecessary
47466: Impey John [d. 1829] - The OFFICE Of SHERIFF, Shewing Its History and Antiquity:; The Manner of Appointing the High Sheriff, his Under Sheriff, and other Deputies; together with their respective Powers and Duties:- Particularly with Regard to the County-Court, Sessions, Circuit, Arrests on mesne Process, Bail, Juries, Executions, Escapes, Rescues and Replevins. To Which are Added, the Mode of electing Coroners, and returning Members of Parliament: with many useful Precedents, of Returns to Writs, and Proceedings in the County-Court, &c. calculated not only for the Benefit of Sheriffs, their Under Sheriffs and Deputies, but also for the Use of the Profession in General, and a Copious Index
42637: Johnson, J[ohn]. H[ugh. 1881 - ?] - The OPEN BOOK
50341: Johnson, Shelton - GLORYLAND
4738: [Johnson, Samuel. 1709 - 1784] - JOHNSONIANA; or, Supplement to Boswell: Being, Anecdotes and Sayings of Dr. Johnson
28513: [Medicine]. Johnson, Alexander Bryan - Editor - OPERATIVE THERAPEUSIS
26566: [Johnson, Reverdy. 1796 - 1876]. 'By a Southern Citizen' - REMARKS On POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY, As Maintained and Denied Respectively by Judge Douglas, and Attorney-General Black
26165: Johnson, Diane - L'AFFAIRE
49831: [True Crime]. Johnson, Hiram W. [1866 - 1945] - Issuer. Pingrey, Harrington "Harry" Chase [1872 - 1912] - Murder Victim - REWARD! ... $500 for the Arrest and Conviction of Said Unknown Person Upon Said Charge
46713: [California Stereoview Photograph]. Johnson, J. Y. - Farm founder. Singley, B. L. - Image copyright holder - Where 16,000 Pigeons Live in Constant Peace, Los Angeles, Cal., U.S.A.
22841: [Johnson, Samuel (1709 - 1784) - Original Compiler/Editor] - A SELECTION From The HARLEIAN MISCELLANY Of TRACTS, Which Principally Regard the English History; of Which Many are Referred to By Hume
9364.1: [Johnson, Samuel. 1709 - 1784]. Boswell, James [1740 - 1795] - The LIFE Of SAMUEL JOHNSON, LLD. From the Oxford English Classic Series
45984: [Johnson, Samuel. 1709 - 1784]. Piozzi, Hester Lynch [1741 - 1821] - ANECDOTES Of SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D.; During the Last Twenty Years of His Life
19409: [Johnson, Lyndon B.]. Sherrill, Robert - The ACCIDENTAL PRESIDENT
19148: Johnson, Samuel [1709 - 1784] - Subject. Page, William P. - Edtior - The LIFE And WRITINGS Of SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D. In Two Volumes. Harper's Family Library No.CIX & CX.; Selected and Arranged by Rev. William P. Page
49149: Johnson, Curt - Editor - DECEMBER. A Magazine of the Arts and Opinion. Double Issue.; Vol. IX. Nos. 2/3
49091: Johnson, Samuel [1709 - 1784] - The POETICAL WORKS Of SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D. Now First Collected in One Volume
38693: Johnson, Oscar Doyle - The TARTAR SLAVE
17852: Johnson, Lionel - A LETTER To EDGAR JEPSON.; Edited with an introductory note by Ian Fletcher
17797: Johnson, Martha Sherwood - UNSHIELDED OTHERWISE. A Book of Collected Verse
38153: Johnson, Thomas - The GARDENS Of OUR GOING
38117: Johnson, Samuel [1709 - 1784] - DR. JOHNSON On READING, CONVERSING, And WRITING
38111.1: [Johnson, Samuel. 1709 - 1784]. Boswell, James [1740 - 1795]. Bonar, James [1757 - 1821] - Former Owner (?) - The LIFE Of SAMUEL JOHNSON Comprehending an Account of His Studies and Numerous Works, in Chronological Order... In Two Volumes. [bound with] The PRINCIPAL CORRECTIONS And ADDITIONS to the First Edition of Mr. Boswell's Life of DR. JOHNSON
38111: [Johnson, Samuel. 1709 - 1784]. Boswell, James [1740 - 1795] - The LIFE Of SAMUEL JOHNSON Comprehending an Account of His Studies and Numerous Works, in Chronological Order; A Series of His Epistolary Correspondence and Conversations with Many Eminent Persons; and Various Original Pieces of His Composition, Never Before Published. The Whole Exhibiting a View of Literature and Literary Men in Great - Britain, for Nearly Half a Century, During Which He Flourished. In Two Volumes
9297.1: Johnson, Gene - SHIP MODEL BUILDING
36906: Johnston, Clarence T. - IRRIGATION In WYOMING. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Office of Experiment Stations -- Bulletin 205
12324: Johnston, Annie Fellows - The LITTLE COLONEL'S HERO
12324.1: Johnston, Annie Fellows - The LITTLE COLONEL'S HERO. The Little Colonel Series #6
28290.1: Johnston, Annie Fellows - The LITTLE COLONEL'S HOUSE PARTY. The Little Colonel Series #9
41586: A. J. Johnston, Supt. State Printing. Thomas J. Kirk - Contributor - LOT Of THREE PUBLIC SCHOOL REGISTERS From BAY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICTS. 1899, 1901 & 1903
11890.1: Johnston, Jill - GULLIBLES TRAVELS. Writing by Jill Johnston
2237.1: Johnston, Carol - THOMAS WOLFE: A Descriptive Bibliography.; Pittsburgh Series in Bibliography
34404: Johnston, Paul - Editor - The BOOK COLLECTOR'S PACKET. A Monthly Review of Fine Books, Bibliography, Typography, & Kindred Literary Matters. March 1932 - March 1933. No. 1 - 12
48003: Jolas, Eugene - Editor - TRANSITION. SPRING-SUMMER Number 19-20.; An International Quarterly For Creative Experiment
41632: Jolly, Andrew. [William Edgar Stafford (1914 - 1993) - Previous owner] - A TIME Of SOLDIERS
5869: Jones, Douglas C. - WINDING STAIR
5870: Jones, Douglas C. - ELKHORN TAVERN
32815: Jones, Mark M. - ALAMEDA COUNTY CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. The Logical Location for the Pacific Coast Factory Assembling or Distributing Plant of the Eastern Manufacturer. Where Industrial Opportunity Offers a Challenge to Creative Genius
43064: Jones, Jenkin Lloyd [1843 - 1918]. Weston, Olive E. - Compiler - NUGGETS From A WELSH MINE. Selections from the Writings of Jenkin Lloyd Jones
50452: Jones, David [1895 - 1974]. Grisewood, Harman & Hague, René - Editors - The ROMAN QUARRY And Other Sequences.; Edited by Harman Grisewood and René Hague
42924: [Promotional Booklet]. Jones, Roscoe D. - President, The Board of Port Commissioners, City of Oakland - OAKLAND MUNICIPAL AIRPORT.; Issued by Authority of the Board of Port Commissioners of the City of Oakland, California
36808: Jones, William Carey - REPORT On The SUBJECT Of LAND TITLES In CALIFORNIA. Report of the Secretary of the Interior. Senate. 31st Congress, 1st Session. Ex. Doc. No. 18
36761: Jones, William Frank [b. 1872] - The EXPERIENCES Of A DEPUTY MARSHALL Of The INDIAN TERRITORY
41598: Alton Choral Society. Henry Piggott - Conductor. Jessie Jones, Redfern Hollins, Penuel Cross, Edmund Woolhouse, etc. - Soloists - The COMMITTEE Have The HONOUR To ANNOUNCE THAT The SOCIETY INTEND GIVING THEIR FIRST CONCERT For The SEASON At The ASSEMBLY ROOMS, ALTON, On THURSDAY, 12th JANUARY, 1882
36240: Jones, William Carey [1854 - 1923] - ILLUSTRATED HISTORY Of The UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA
40829: Jones, Judge T[heodore]. E[ldon. 1830 - 1907]. Armer, Laura Adams [1874 - 1963] - Illustrator - LEAVES From An ARGONAUT'S NOTE BOOK: A Collection of Holiday and Other Stories Illustrative of the Brighter Side of Mining Life in Pioneer Days
10122: Jones, James - A TOUCH Of DANGER
44591: Jones, Melvin E. - ANCESTRAL LINES. Revised and Enlarged
19795: Jones, Lisa - BULLETPROOF DIVA. Tales of Race, Sex and Hair
17212: Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri - The CIA & American Democracy
16077: Jones, Howard Mumford & Bessie Zaban Jones - Editors - The MANY FACES Of BOSTON. A Historical Anthology 1630 - 1975
1520: Jones, James - The MERRY MONTH Of MAY
13257: Jones, Louis B. - PARTICLES And LUCK
13258: Jones, Louis B. - ORDINARY MONEY
26104: [Drama]. Jonson, Ben[jamin 1573? - 1637] - The STAPLE Of NEWS. Yale Studies in English XXVIII.; Edited, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary by De Winter, Ph. D.
18994: Jonson, Wilfrid - MAGIC TRICKS & CARD TRICKS
12277: [Lesbianism]. Jordan, Robin - SPEAK OUT, MY HEART
27532: Jordan, David Starr [1851 - 1931] - The SAVING Of TIME
27531: Jordan, David Starr [1851 - 1931] - The WOMAN And The UNIVERSITY
46731: Jordan, C. H. - Photographer - CABINET CARD PHOTOGRAPH Of A NURSE
34018: Jordan, Hope - MIDDLECLIFF TREASURE
22984: Hearn, Lafcaido; Sherman, Stuart P.; Collins, Joseph et al. - ANATOLE FRANCE. The Man and His Work
38955: Joseph, Jack, Allan Hull, Louis L. Rochmes - Contributors - BEFORE The INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION, PETITIONERS' PROPOSED FINDINGS Of FACT And BRIEF RE VALUATION Of ROYCE AREAS 63 And 73 And 74. The Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, on Behalf of the Piankeshaw Nation vs. The United States of America / The Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas, et al., The Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, on Behalf of the Wear Nation vs. The United States of America. Docket 99 and Dockets 317 and 314-C
40358: Josselyn, George S. - WHOLESALE CATALOGUE Of AMERICAN GRAPE VINES. Price List - Small Fruit Plants, Etc. Autumn 1893
40357: Josselyn, George S. - DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE Of AMERICAN GRAPE VINES. Price List. Small Fruit Plants, Etc.
51100: [Scientific Journal] - PACIFIC SCIENCE. A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region. Vol I. No. 1. January, 1947
36110: [Trade Journal] - The JEWELERS' JOURNAL ALMANAC And BOOK Of RECIPES For Jewelers, Watchmakers, Silversmiths, Lapidaries and Others. To Which is Added Advertisements from Many of the Largest and Most Reputable Manufacturing and Jobbing Houses in the Country
40342: [Trade Journal] - BUTCHERS' BOARD Of TRADE SAN FRANCISCO And ALAMEDA COUNTIES. Yearly Journal. Nineteen Hundred Sixteen
11601: [Scientific Journal] - The ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL. Vol IV
44664: [Quarterly Journal] - THE BOOK COLLECTOR; Volume 27. No 2
44666: [Quarterly Journal] - THE BOOK COLLECTOR; Volume 24. No 3
44661: [Quarterly Journal] - THE BOOK COLLECTOR; Volume 23. No 3
37886: [Printing Journal] - PACIFIC PRINTER And PUBLISHER. September 1947, Volume 78, No. 3
46302: [World War II Era Military Journalism] - COOKE CLARION. 30 Issues, Sept. 26, 1945 - April 5th, 1946
28644: [Joyce, James. 1882 - 1941]. De Beauvoir, Simone [1908 - 1986]. Freund, Gisele & Carleton, V. B. - JAMES JOYCE In PARIS: His Final Years.; Preface by Simone de Beauvoir
40745: [Joyce, James]. Ellmann, Richard - JAMES JOYCE
40692: Joyce, James. Spencer, Theodore, John J. Slocum & Herbert Cahoon - Contributors - STEPHEN HERO. Edited from the Manuscript in the Harvard College Library. A New Edition
20429: Joyce, James [1882 - 1941] - CHAMBER MUSIC. Six Songs for Medium Voice
34795.1: [Joyce, James. 1882 - 1941]. Slocum, John J. & Cahoon, Herbert - A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of JAMES JOYCE 1882 - 1941
13761: Joyce, James [1882 - 1941]. Gilbert, Stuart - Editor - LETTERS Of JAMES JOYCE.; Edited by Stuart Gilbert
50695: Larsen Jr, Esper S.; Everhart, Donald L.; Merriam, Richard - CRYSTALLINE ROCKS Of SOUTHWESTERN CALIFORNIA. San Francisco. Bulletin 159. June 1951.; State of California. Department of Natural Resources. Division of Mines. Ferry Building, San Francisco
50453: [Unit Memorial Book / Photograph Album]. Page Jr., Commander L. C. - Commanding Officer - ATTACK CARRIER AIR WING TWO. Volume One. [cover title]
30966: Alger Jr., Horatio [1832 - 1899] - 'CHIVALRY' & 'VOICES Of The PAST' [in] PICTORIAL NATIONAL LIBRARY. A Miscellany of Science, Art, and Literature. Volume I. July to December, 1848. Volume II. January to July, 1849
49617: Lyman Gilmore Jr., Lyman [1874 - 1951] - Presumed prior owner / creator - ARCHIVE Of DESIGN MATERIALS
49615: Binney Jr., Horace - Chairman of the Executive Committee - LIST Of OFFICERS And ASSOCIATES Of The U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION, in Philadelphia, and the Officers and Aids of the Women's Pennsylvania Branch of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. January 1st, 1864
22991: Alger Jr., Horatio [1832 - 1899] - ROUGH And READY; or Life Among the New York News-Boys [in] The Student and Schoolmate. An Illustrated Monthly for ALL Our Boys & Girls. Vols. XXIII - XXIV.; Vol. 23, No. 1 - Vol. 24, No. 6; January to December 1869
22934: Alger Jr., Horatio [1832 - 1899] - STRUGGLING UPWARD, or, Luke Larkin's Luck
22933: Alger Jr., Horatio [1832 - 1899] - HECTOR'S INHERITANCE, or, The Boys of Smith Institute
22625: Alger Jr., Horatio [1832 - 1899] - CAST UPON The BREAKERS.; Foreword by Ralph D. Gardner
21696.1: Alger Jr., Horatio [1832 - 1899] - 'CERVANTES' [in] PICTORIAL NATIONAL LIBRARY. A Miscellany of Science, Art, and Literature. Volume III. July to December, 1849
21211: Crawford Jr., William - TIME Is A HOLIDAY: Fiesta in Mexico
19485: Robinson Jr., William Morrison - The CONFEDERATE PRIVATEERS
38821: Cobb Jr., Sylvanus - The OLD OAKEN CHEST. A Novel. The Leisure Hour Library. New Series. Vol. II. No. 133. March 15, 1887
17346: Crawford Jr, William H. - CHRISTMAS In GERMANY
15619: Rodriguez Jr., Abraham - SPIDERTOWN. A Novel
31198: Judson, Emily - The KATHAYAN SLAVE, And Other Papers Connected with Missionary Life
41281: Judson, Clara Ingram [1879 - 1960] - BILLY ROBIN And His Neighbors
22406: Jones, Judy and William Wilson - An INCOMPLETE EDUCATION
9270.1: Junger, Sebastian - The PERFECT STORM. The True Story of Men Against the Sea
6241: [British Political History]. Junius - The LETTERS Of The CELEBRATED JUNIUS
31107: [Provincial Printing]. 'Junius' - The BATTLE Of The KNIGHTS, A Northumbrian Legend. Part First
7838: [British Political History]. Junius - The LETTERS Of JUNIUS, From the Latest London Edition, With Facsimiles of Attributed Authors
21872: Eunabius [345 - ca 420]; Junius, Hadnianus [1511 - 1575]; Commelin, Jerome [d. 1598] - Eu NAPIOU Tou SARDIAN ou Bioi PHILOSOPHON Dai SPOHOZON: Eunapius Sardianus de Vitis Philosophorvm et Sophistarvm. Hadriano Iunio Hornano Interprete. Graeca cum mss. Palatinis Comparata, Aucta, & emendata. Hieronymi Commelini Opera. Nunc recens accedunt eiusdem Auctorii legationes, è bibliotheca Andreae Schotti Antverpiani
34520: Justinus, Marcus Junianus [also Justin]. Trogus, Pompeius - JUSTINI Ex TROGO POMPEIO HISTPRIA, Fidelissima Recognitione nunc Postremò, collatis ad Auctorem et Graecis & Latinis Historicis, pristinae veritati restituta. Adiectae sunt praeterea & Monarchiae ad calcem libri huius: vnde quibus & quandiu quisq[ue] Regum imperârit, deprehendere facilè est: plurimum ad historiarum lectionem facientes. Cum Indice locupletissimo
28188: [Political Satire]. By the Authors of "The Coming K---." - The SILIAD or The Siege of the Seats. Beeton's Humorous Books. No. 28
35629: [Songster]. 'By T. K.' - ANCIENT RAMS No. 2. of Southwark. Air - "Rocks of Sicily."
45861: Kaestle, Carl F. Radway, Janice A. - Editors - A HISTORY Of The BOOK In AMERICA. Print in Motion: The Expansion of Publishing and Reading in the United States, 1880 - 1940. Volume 4
2238: Kahin, Geo. McTurnan & Lewis, John W. - The UNITED STATES In VIETNAM
27533: Kahn, Alice - FUN WITH DIRK And BREE
24023: [Baseball Fiction]. Kahn, Roger - GOOD ENOUGH To DREAM
4652: Kahn, Sholom - Mark Twain's MYSTERIOUS STRANGER
18533: Kahn, Arthur - BROWNSTONE. A Novel of New York
13328: [Baseball Fiction]. Kahn, Roger - The SEVENTH GAME
16358: Kalb, Bernard & Marvin - The LAST AMBASSADOR. A Novel
21770: [Kamandi] - KAMANDI. The LAST BOY On EARTH. No. 49
18127: Kamen, Henry - PHILIP Of SPAIN
9746: Kaminski, Thomas - The EARLY CAREER Of SAMUEL JOHNSON
43170: Kamp, David - The UNITED STATES Of ARUGULA. How We Became a Gourmet Nation
19028: [Poetry]. Kampmeier, Otto Frederic - MADONNA Of The ROCKS
16488: Kandell, Jonathan - PASSAGE THROUGH EL DORADO. Traveling the World's Last Great Wilderness
47062: [Alaska Cookery]. Kaniut, Larry - INSTANT SOURDOUGH
5947: Kantor, MacKinlay - The CHILDREN SING
14741: Kantor, MacKinlay - SPIRIT LAKE
37568: Kantor, Alvin Robert & Marjorie Sered Kantor - SANITARY FAIRS. A Philatelic and Historical Study of Civil War Benevolences
12969: Kantor, MacKinlay - The ROMANCE Of ROSY RIDGE
8697: Kaplan, Justin - MARK TWAIN And His WORLD
50571: Karolevitz, Robert F. - NEWSPAPERING In The OLD WEST. A Pictorial History of Journalism and Printing on the Frontier
31995: Karp, Larry - The RAGTIME KID
42811: Kaser, David - A BOOK For A SIXPENCE. The Circulating Library in America
39220: Kastner, L. E. & Henry Gibson Atkins - A SHORT HISTORY Of FRENCH LITERATURE. From the Origins to the Present Day
14987: Kater, Captain Henry & Rev. Dionysius Lardner - A TREATISE On MECHANICS.; From the Authors' 'Cabinet of Natural Philosophy' series
18071: Katzenbach, John - HART'S WAR
48597: [Hotel Menu - Kauai] - SEAVIEW TERRACE.; Hyatt Regency - Kauai
13970: Kauffman, Janet - COLLABORATORS
14164: Kaufman, Pamela - BANNERS Of GOLD
11641: Kawai, Michi - SLIDING DOORS
5253: Kazan, Elia - ACTS OF LOVE
8767: Kazantzakis, Nikos - The ROCK GARDEN.; Translated from the French by Richard Howard
16774: Kazin, Alfred - CONTEMPORARIES
49521: Kearns, Lionel - SOFT INVENTIONS
20945: Keating, H.R.F. - The SHERIFF Of BOMBAY
24214: Keeler, Charles - BIRD NOTES AFIELD. Essays on the Birds of the Pacific Coast with a Field Check List
30559: Keenan, Brigid - DIPLOMATIC BAGGAGE. The Adventures of a Trailing Spouse
476.4: Keene, Carolyn [pseudonym of, in this case, Wirt, Mildred A.] - The CLUE Of The TAPPING HEELS. Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #16
32557: Keene, Carolyn [pseudonym of Mildred A. Wirt (Benson)] - The MYSTERY Of The BRASS BOUND TRUNK. The Nancy Drew Mystery Series #17
48273: Keene, Carolyn [pseudonym, in this case, for Adams, Harriet] - MYSTERY Of The GLOWING EYE. The Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #51
12054.5: Keene, Carolyn - The SECRET Of RED GATE FARM. Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #6
20414.2: Keene, Carolyn [pseudonym, in this case, for Karig, Walter] - NANCY'S MYSTERIOUS LETTER. The Nancy Drew Mystery Series #8
35847: [Class Photograph Album]. Keeney, C. B. - Former Owner. Woodrow, Wilson [1856 - 1924] - University President - PRINCETON. 1903
44140: [Natural Science / Californiana]. Keep, Josiah [1849 - 1911] - COMMON SEA - SHELLS Of CALIFORNIA
31076: Keeshan, Bob [aka 'Captain Kangaroo'] - GROWING UP HAPPY. Captain Kangaroo Tells Yesterday's Children How to Nurture Their Own
46190: Keillor, Garrison - LAKE WOBEGON SUMMER 1956
32506: Keith, Marshall C. Dr. - An INDIAN ODYSSEY. The Story of Chief Washakie, The Upright Aborigine
48227: Keith, Charles [d. 1807] - Attributed to - The HAR'ST RIG And The FARMER's HA': Two Poems, in the Scottish Dialect
46494: [California Gold Rush Impact]. Keith, Ann - AUTOGRAPH LETTER[S], Signed.; To her "Very Dear Son" [Lathrop C Keith] & "Miss Marcy" Winslow March 14th 1852
9811: Keith, Brandon - The MAN From U. N. C. L. E. And The AFFAIR Of The GENTLE SABOTEUR
34083: [Keith, William. 1838 - 1911]. Hay, Emily P. B. Taylor, Edward Robeson - Contributor - WILLIAM KEITH As Prophet Painter
42402: Kelland, Clarence Budington [1881 - 1964] - MARK TIDD In ITALY. Mark Tidd Series #7
39899: Kelland, Clarence Budington [1881 - 1964] - The MONITOR AFFAIR. A Novel of the Civil War
9879: Kellar, Peter H. - The THREE BLACK LAMBS. A Modern Grecian Drama
29119: Kellogg, Elijah - The MISSION Of BLACK RIFLE; or, On The Trail
49105: Kellogg, Vernon - GERMANY In The WAR And After
32189: Kelly, Walt [1913 - 1973] - The POGO SUNDAY BOOK
27650: Kelly, James - Compiler - The AMERICAN CATALOGUE Of BOOKS (Original and Reprints) Published in the United States from Jan. 1861 to Jan. 1866 with Date of Publication, Size, Price and Publisher's Name. With Supplement, Containing Pamphlets, Sermons and Addresses, on the Civil War in the United States, 1861-1866; And Appendix, Containing Names of Learned Societies, and Other Literary Associations, With a List of Their Publications, 1861 - 1866
17453: Kelly, Robert - SIXTEEN ODES. Sparrow 41
38081: [Kelly, Michael & Joy] - FEARS & PHOBIAS. Handcrafted Year-long Calender
22963: Kelman, James - The GOOD TIMES
19389: Kelsay, Laura E. - LIST Of CARTOGRAPHIC RECORDS Of The BUREAU Of INDIAN AFFAIRS. Special Lists No. 13
49405: Kelsey, Matthew - Editor - CALIFORNIA TYPE DESIGNERS. Featuring Fourteen Designers and Eighteen Typefaces with Quotations from Classic California Literature and Memoir.; The Book Club of California 2020 Keepsake
48664: [Nursing History]. Kelsey, Ethel - Editor - The BLUE PINAFORE. Volume I.
29845.4: Kemble, John Haskell - Editor - A NAVAL CAMPAIGN In The CALIFORNIAS. 1846 - 1849. The Journal of Lieutenant Tunis Augustus Macdonough Craven, U.S.N. United States Sloop of War, Dale
38145: Kemble, John Haskell - CAMANCHE. Defender of the Golden Gate
48445: Kemble, Charles [1775 - 1854] - The POINT Of HONOR: A Play, In Three Acts.; Taken from the French, and Performed with Universal Applause at the Theatre-Royal, Hay-Market
19118: Kenan, Randall - A VISITATION Of SPIRITS. A Novel
30546: [Exhibit Catalogue]. Kendall, Laurel. Mathe, Barbara. Miller, Thomas Ross - DRAWING SHADOWS To STONE. The Photography of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition, 1897 - 1902
21774: Kendall, Charles West - SUTRO TUNNEL. House of Representatives. 42d Congress, 2d Session. Report No. 94. [To Accompany bill H. R. 2966]. [and incorporating] REPORT Of The COMMISSIONERS And EVIDENCE Taken by The Committee on Mines and Mining of the House of Representatives of the United States in Regard to the SUTRO TUNNEL, Together with the Arguments, etc.
2241: Kendrick, Alexander - The WOUND WITHIN: America in the Vietnam Years, 1945-1974
1332: Kendrick, Alexander - THE WOUND WITHIN; America in the Vietnam Years, 1945-1974
40682: Keneally, Thomas [b. 1935] - The PLAYMAKER
21214: Keneally, Thomas - FLYING HERO CLASS
10895: Keneally, Thomas - The PLAYMAKER
35347: Kenna, Robert E. Schoenne, H - Photographer - SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY. Cabinet Photograph of Robert E Kenna
33358: [Childrens Literature]. Kennedy, A. E. - Illustrator - NOAH'S ARK. No. 104
31709: [Kennedy, John Fitzgerald. 1917 - 1963]. Ford, Gerald R. - PORTRAIT Of An ASSASSIN
12415: Kennedy, David M. - FREEDOM From FEAR. The American People in Depression and War, 1929 - 1945
28232: [U. S. History]. Kennedy, Jos. C. G. - Superintendent - PRELIMINARY REPORT On The EIGHTH CENSUS. 1860. Senate. 37th Congress. 2d Session
12101.1: [Kennedy, John Fitzgerald. 1917 - 1963]. Michener, James A. - REPORT Of The COUNTY CHAIRMAN
20871: Kennedy, Jack]. Wicker, Tom - KENNEDY WITHOUT TEARS. The Man Beneath the Myth.; Foreword by Arthur Krock
1736: [Kennedy, Robert]. Shannon, William V. - The HEIR APPARENT. Robert Kennedy and the Struggle for Power
33705: [Kennedy, Peter. b. 1685]. Wrangham, Francis [1769 - 1842] - Prior owner - OPHTHALMOGRAPHIA; or, A TREATISE Of The EYE, in Two Parts. Part I. Contianing a New and Exact Description of the Eye; as also the Theory of the Vision considered, with its Diseases. Part II. Containing the Signs, Causes, and Cure of the Maladies incident to the Eye. To which is added An Appendix of some of the Diseases of the Ear; wherein is observed the Communication between these Two Organs
13253: Kennedy, William - VERY OLD BONES
13243.1: Kennedy, William & Brendan - CHARLIE MALARKEY And The BELLY-BUTTON MACHINE
13248: Kennedy, William - QUINN'S BOOK
31309: Kenner, Hugh - The ELSEWHERE COMMUNITY
34953: Keno, Leigh & Leslie. Freund, Joan Barzilay - HIDDEN TREASURES. Searching for Masterpieces of American Furniture
50493: Kent, David F. - Recipient - BILL Of SALE, plus ALs. Kent, Kendall & Atwater. Importers and Dealers in Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods. Richmond, VA. April 16, 1844
35442: Ker, David. Paget, Walter - Illustrator - LOST AMONG The WHITE AFRICANS: A Boy's Adventures on the Upper Congo
15670: Kerbey, J. O. - A BOY SPY In DIXIE. Service Under the Shadow of the Scaffold.; Old Glory Library No. 5
33953: Keri, Jonah - Editor - BASEBALL Between The NUMBERS. Why Everything You Know About the Game is Wrong.; By the Experts at Baseball Prospectus
29159: Kerouac, Jack - The SUBTERRANEANS. T-302.; Preface by Henry Miller
26838: Kerr, Katharine - RESURRECTION
45466: Kersey, Jesse [1768 - 1845] - A TREATISE On FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES Of The CHRISTIAN RELIGION,; In Which are Illustrated the Profession, Ministry, Worship, and Faith of the Society of Friends
15513: Kesey, Ken - ALGUIEN VOLO SOBRE El NIDO Del CUCO. [One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest].; Traduccion directa del ingés por Mireia Bofill
42276: [World War II]. Keyes, Jim - Subject. Roberts, Travis - Essay author - "FLYING BACKWARDS", A World War II Scrapbook & Remembrance. [accompanied by] An ARCHIVE Of 100 WWII PHOTOGRAPHS
45035: Keyes, Frances Parkinson [1885-1970] - I, THE KING
45681: Keynes, Geoffrey - A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of DR. JOHN DONNE.; Dean of Saint Paul's
37590: Nguyen-Khanh, Tong Tu Lenh, Trung-Tuong - CHIEN CU; CO THE DU'O C XU DUNG TAI BAC VI-TUYEN. WAR - MATERIAL Presumably in Service in North Vietnam. Tap I.
27272: Kiely, Benedict - A LETTER To PEACHTREE And Nine Other Stories
47619: [California Stereoview Photograph]. Kilburn, Benjamin West - "Beautiful as a Bride is San Rafael, California" 10024
36118: [Yosemite Stereoview Photograph]. Kilburn, Benjamin West - "Wonder of Wonders, never ending Wonder, Yosemite, Cal." 9287
49838: [California Stereoview Photograph]. Kilburn, Benjamin West [1827 - 1909] & Kilburn, Edward [1830 - 1884] - 985. TELEGRAPH HILL, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL
39288: [Yosemite Stereoview Photograph]. Kilburn, Benjamin West [1827 - 1909] & Edward Kilburn [1830 - 1884] - "Vernal Fall, Yosemite, Cal." No. 917
39289: [Stereoview Photograph]. Kilburn, Benjamin West [1827 - 1909] & Edward Kilburn [1830 - 1884] - "Russian Hill, San Francisco, Cal." 983
39290: [Stereoview Photograph]. Kilburn, Benjamin West [1827 - 1909] & Edward Kilburn [1830 - 1884] - "Fort Point and Golden Gate, San Francisco, Cal." 982
39287: [Yosemite Stereoview Photograph]. Kilburn, Benjamin West [1827 - 1909] & Edward Kilburn [1830 - 1884] - GLACIER POINT, Yosemite, Cal. No. 947
44377: Kilburn, B. W. - Photographer - 13118. At Work in the Gold Mines of the Klondyke, Alaska
41590: Killeen, Roy & Jacqueline - The OLD PLAZA FIREHOUSE NO. 1. El Pueblo de Los Angeles. A Mini - Mansion Model Kit
45246: [Temperance] - Kilpatrick, Geo - PROHIBITION And The BIBLE
15106: Kilpatrick, Terrence - SWIMMING MAN BURNING. A Novel of the American West
28822: Kimball, Stanley B. - HEBER C. KIMBALL. Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer
18051: Kimier, Forest L. - Editor - BOONDOCK BARDS
21138: Kinder, Gary - SHIP Of GOLD In The DEEP BLUE SEA
45200: King, Ethel. Darley, Felix Octavious Carr - Subject - DARLEY. The Most Popluar Illustrator of His Time
44693: [Sammelband of Press Technical Manuals]. King, Charles F.; Reed, Robert F.; Dorst, Paul W.; Maxxaferri, Joseph W. - IMPROVEMENTS In DEEP-ETCH PLATE MAKING. Research Bulletin No. 14. [bound with] The ALBUMIN PROCESS Of PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY. Research Bulletin No. 6. [bound with] OFFSET PLATEMAKING. Deep-Etch (Gum) Process. [bound with] OFFSET PLATEMAKING. Albumin Process.; "Plate Making Department" - Binding title
11585: King, Rufus - The CASE Of The DOWAGER'S ETCHINGS
46035: King, Captain Charles (1844-1933) - BETWEEN The LINES
46031: King, Captain Charles (1844 - 1933) - STARLIGHT RANCH And OTHER STORIES Of ARMY LIFE On The FRONTIER
49563: [Airline Menu]. Kingman, Dong [1911 - 2000] - Artist - The STATUE Of LIBERTY. 1886 - 1986
13442: Kingsbury, Carl Louis - The MYSTERY At The CARROL RANCH. A Story of the South-West
33544: [Serialized Fiction]. Kingsley, Helen Glyn - The AMAZING STORY Of LUCY HALE. The Dramatic Story of An Unhappy Marriage. Nos. 1, 24 - 28, 32 & 34 Price 10 cents
12435.1: Kingsley, Nelson - Subject. Teggart, Frederick J. - Editor - DIARY Of NELSON KINGSLEY. A California Argonaut of 1849. Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History Volume 3, Number 3
29662.1: Kingsley, Charles [1812 - 1875] - HEREWARD The WAKE, "Last of the English". In Two Volumes
49875: [Kingsley, Charles. 1812 - 1875] - ALTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet. An Autobiography
46404: Kingsley, Charles [1812 - 1875] - ALTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet. An Autobiography. In Two Volumes
8148: Kingsolver, Barbara - PIGS In HEAVEN
8149.1: Kingsolver, Barbara - ANIMAL DREAMS
22927: Kingston, W[illiam]. H[enry]. G[iles. 1814 - 1880] - OLD JACK: A Tale for Boys
19074: Kinnaird, Clark - THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN AGAIN! The Black Book of Fascist Horror
12812: Kinne, Wisner Payne - GEORGE PIERCE BAKER And The American Theatre.; With an Introduction by John Mason Brown
11831: Kinne, H. C. [Henry Clay 1830- ?] - FIRST READER.; Compiled under the Direction of the State Board of Education. California State Series of School Text-Books
15383: Kinnosuké, Adachi - IROKA: Tales of Japan
18104: [Kinsella, Thomas]. White, S.J. (editor) - "TWO POEMS" [In] Irish Writing No. 32, Spring 1955
43696: Kipling, Rudyard [1865 - 1936] - LETTERS Of TRAVEL (1892 - 1913)
22453: Kipling, Rudyard - RECESSIONAL
35239: Kipling, Rudyard [1865 - 1936] - ACTIONS And REACTIONS
45476: Kipling, Rudyard(1865 - 1936); Alde(i)n, Cecil (1870 - 1935) - illustrator - HIS APOLOGIES
34013: Kirby, Susan E. - CHASING A DREAM
37257: Kirke, Edmund - LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. "The Pioneers of the Southwest". Part II. August 1885. Old Series Vol. XXXVI. No. 212. New Series Vol. X No. 56
32402: [Kirkpatrick, J. M.]. Dodge, Orvil - Editor - The HEROES Of BATTLE ROCK, or The Miner's Reward. ... Port Orford, Oregon, the Scen of the Great Tragedy. A Desperate Encounter of Nine White Men with Three Hundred Indians. ... Savages Subdued and Rich Gold Mines Discovered
17322: Kirkup, James - BROAD DAYLIGHT
1400.4: Kirkwood, James - SOME KIND Of HERO
1400.1: Kirkwood, James - SOME KIND Of HERO
20261: Kirst, Hans Hellmut - WHAT BECAME Of GUNNER ASCH.; Translated from the German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn
17211: Kissinger, Henry - WHITE HOUSE YEARS
50712: [Exhibition Catalogue]. Kitaj, R[onald]. B[rooks. 1932 - 1007] - HOW To REACH 67 In JEWISH ART. 100 Pictures
18487: Kitman, Marvin - The MAKING Of The PREFIDENT 1789. The UNAUTHORIZED CAMPAIGN BIOGRAPHY.; Forward by John Cleese
43376: Klapka, General George. Mednyanszky, Lt.-Col. A. - Translator - The WAR In The EAST. From the Year 1853 Till July 1855. An Historico-Critical Sketch of the Campaigns in the Danube, in Asia, and in the Crimea with a Glance at the Probable Contingencies of the Next Campaign.; Translated from the Original Manuscript by Lt.-Col. A. Mednyanszky
31880: Klein, Matthew - SWITCHBACK
2246.1: Klein, Joe - PAYBACK
19701: Klein, Leonore - RUNAWAY JOHN
37908: Klein, David - Artist - The MONTEREY COAST, CALIFORNIA. TWA Airlines Menu
41730: [Publisher Promotional Leaflet]. Kleiser, Grenville, et al. - HOW To DEVELOP POWER And PERSONALITY In SPEAKING. [Plus five other Funk & Wagnalls titles]
28185: [Fine Press]. Klett, George Gottlieb - NINE-PINS. A Game Played with the Tenth Pin, the Head Pin, Missing. Poems
17045: Klima, Ivan - MY GOLDEN TRADES. Stories.; Translated from the Czech by Paul Wilson
13874: Klimas, John E. & James A. Cunningham - WILDFLOWERS Of EASTERN AMERICA
33840: Klimt, Gustav - GUSTAV KLIMT. 150 Bedeutende Zeichnungen. Katalog V.
10861: Kline, Christina Baker - SWEET WATER
16048: Klinefelter, Walter - Compiler & Editor - A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CHECK-LIST Of CHRISTMAS BOOKS.; With an Introduction by Klinefelter
10009: Klippart, John H. [1823 - 1878] - The WHEAT PLANT: It's Origin, Culture, Growth, Development, Composition, Varieties, Diseases, Etc., Etc.; Together with a Few Remarks on Indian Corn, Its Culture, Etc.
25806: Kloeffler, Royce Gerald - TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS.; Engineering Science Series
27841: Knapp, William I. - LIFE, WRITINGS And CORRESPONDENCE Of GEORGE BORROW. (1803 - 1881). Based on Official and Other Authentic Sources. In Two Volumes
16822: Knebel, Fletcher - POKER GAME
33968: Kneeland, Samuel [1821 - 1888] - The WONDERS Of YOSEMITE VALLEY And Of CALIFORNIA
46806: Kneeland, Samuel [1821 - 1888] - The WONDERS Of YOSEMITE VALLEY And Of CALIFORNIA
46590: Knight, Charles [1791 - 1873] - Editor - LONDON
39668: Knight, Goodwin J., John M. Peirce, W. C. Wright, Hal G. Hotchkiss, D. W. Beatie, J. L. Stuart, H. W. Berg, Dr. Lloyd Lider & E. P. Green - Contributors - WINE AWARDS. California State Fair and Exposition. September 2 Thru September 12, 1954
46102: Knight, Kathleen Suzanne. Podos, Batya - Subject - BATYA PODOS: Mythmaker, Woman, Bard.; A Videotape Program About Woman as Artist. A Project Presented to the Faculty of Calfornia State University, Chico
44362: [Knight, Charles. 1791 - 1873]. Clowes, Alice A. - CHARLES KNIGHT. A Sketch
17750: Knightley, Phillip - The SECOND OLDEST PROFESSION. Spies and Spying in the Twentieth Century
11249: Knoll, Erwin - Editor - WAR CRIMES And The AMERICAN CONSCIENCE
37633: Knowland, Joseph R. - Former Owner - CHARTER For The CITY And COUNTY Of SAN FRANCISCO. Prepared and Proposed by the Board of Freeholders, Elected December 27, 1897, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 8, Article XI, of the Constitution of the State of California
35070: The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge - The HOME FRIEND; A Weekly Miscellany of Amusment and Instruction. Published every Wednesday. Volume IV. No. 104
6567: [Playbill Broadside]. Knowles, Sheridan [1784 - 1862]. MacReady, William Charles [1793 - 1873] - VIRGINIUS, Starring Mr MACREADY
27716.1: Knox, Thomas W. [1835 - 1896] - The BOY TRAVELLERS In The RUSSIAN EMPIRE. Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey in European and Asiatic Russia, with Accounts of a Tour Across Siberia. Voyages on the Amoor, Volga, and Other Rivers, A Visit to Central Asia, Travels Among the Exiles, and A Historical Sketch of the Empire from Its Foundation to the Present Time
51162: [U. S. Banking / Monetary History]. Knox, John Jay [1828 - 1892] - Comptroller - INSTRUCTIONS And SUGGESTIONS Of The COMPTROLLER Of The CURRENCY in Regard to the Organization, Extension, and Management of NATIONAL BANKS
46178: [Early Printing]. Koberger, Anton [1440/45 - 1513] - Printer - BIBLIA LATINA
42958: Koch, Peter - PETER KOCH, PRINTER. A Descriptive Pricelist. October 2000
50508: [Feminist Literature]. Koedt, Anne - Editor - NOTES From The THIRD YEAR: Women's Liberation
38646: Koen, Karleen - THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY
15018: Koenig, Andrea - THUMBELINA
38234: [Benefit Cookery Book]. Kohler, Marie Christine [1876 - 1943] - CHRISTMAS COOKY CAKE And CANDY RECIPES. The Kohler Woman's Club
49787: Koningsberger, Hans - Translator - MODERN DUTCH POETRY.; Edited and Translated into English by Hans Koningsberger
15600: Koontz, Dean R. - HIDEAWAY
916: Koontz, Dean R. - The BAD PLACE
45607: Koppelman, George & Wechsler, Daniel - SHAKESPEARE'S BEEHIVE. An Annotated Elizabethan Dictionary Comes to Light
48925: Korda, Michael - MAKING The LIST. A Cultural History of the American Bestseller 1900 - 1999
30815: [Exhibition Catalogue]. Kosinski, Dorothy - The ARTIST And the CAMERA. Degas to Picasso
2250: Kosinski, Jerzy - PASSION PLAY
31959: Kotler, Steven - The ANGLE QUICKEST For FLIGHT
17147: Kotz, Nick - WILD BLUE YONDER. Money, Politics, and the B-1 Bomber
6222.1: Kotzwinkle, William - FATA MORGANA
39233: Kouwenhoven, John A. - ADVENTURES Of AMERICA 1857 - 1900. A Pictorial Record from Harper's Weekly
45763: Kowalski, Rosemary Ribich - WOMEN And FILM: A BIBLIOGRAPHY
2309: Koyama, Itoko - NAGAKO: Empress of Japan.; Translated from the Japanese by Atsuo Tsuruoka
27348: [Art / Sculpture]. Kozloff, Arielle P. & Mitten, Gordon - Organized by - The GODS DELIGHT. The Human Figure in Classical Bronze.; Sections by Suzannah Fabing, John J. Herrmann, Jr., & Marion True. With contributions by Cornelius C. Vermeule III
34000: Kraak, Ivar [1708 - 1795] - An ESSAY On A METHODICAL ENGLISH GRAMMAR For The SWEDES. Eller forsök till an lätt och tydelig engelsk grammatica för de Swenska
18280: Kramer, Jane - UNSETTLING EUROPE
29837: Kranzfelder, E - Production Control Officer - PRODUCTION CONTROL MANUAL
49185: Krause, Tina - I AM As DARK As YOUR SMILE NOVEMBER
25008: [Kredel, Fritz]. Winterich, John T. - WRITERS In AMERICA. 1842 - 1967. An Informal Glance at Some of the Authors Who Have Flourished Since the Establishment of the Davey Company One Hundred and Twenty-five Years Ago
33102.1: Kremm, Thomas W.; Malzer, Marietta - GUIDE To The SPECIAL COLLECTIONS OF The OKLAHOMA STATE ARCHIVES
35405: Kreymborg, Alfred [1883 - 1966] - BODY And STONE. A Song Cycle. The Poetry Quartos
50167: Krishna, Kalyan & Talwar, Kay. Boswamy, B. N. - Contributor - In ADORATION Of KRISHNA. Pichhwais of Shrinathji • Tapi Collection
13238: Krist, Gary - The GARDEN STATE. Stories
45768: Krumbholz, Karl - MODE ODER PRINCIP? Anregungen und Vorschläge für eine Organisation zur Förderung des Geschmackes und zur Bildung gewerblicher Künstler
33521: Krummacher, F[rederic]. A[dolphus. 1767 - 1845], D.D. Johnston, Miss. F. - Translator - PARABLES. Translated from the German
33229.1: Krupp, E. C [b. 1944]. Krupp, Robin Rector - Illustrator - The COMET And YOU
33229: Krupp, E. C. - The COMET And YOU
30028.1: Kruska, Dennis. Robinson, Stuart F. - A COLLECTION Of SANTA BARBARA, SAN LUIS OBISPO, And VENTURA Pamphlets & Ephemera. Formed by Clifton F. Smith. Santa Barbara, California
12880: Krutch, Joseph Wood - GRAND CANYON. Today and All Its Yesterdays
20635: Keynes Kt., Geoffrey - The GATES Of MEMORY
01333: [Printing]. Kubler, George A. - A NEW HISTORY Of STEREOTYPING
35078: Kuchel and Dresel - Artists. Britton and Rey - Lithographers - St. LOUIS, SIERRA COUNTY 1956 - 58
40696: Kuklick, Bruce - To EVERY THING A SEASON. Shibe Park and Urban Philadelphia. 1909 - 1976
16762: Kuniczak, W.S. - The THOUSAND HOUR DAY
21758: Kupperberg, Paul - The DARING NEW ADVENTURES Of SUPERGIRL. Vol. I, No. I.
22160: Kureishi, Hanif - The BLACK ALBUM
33243: Kurtz, Katherine - The HARROWING Of GWYNEDD. Volume I of 'The Hiers of Saint Camber'
11726: Kurtz, Katherine - The QUEST For SAINT CAMBER. Volume III of the Histories of King Nelson
43620: Kurutz, Gary F. - An Essay by Gary F. Kurutz on A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of CALIFORNIA And The PACIFIC WEST, 1510 - 1906 by Robert E. Cowan. With an Original Leaf from the Club's 1914 First Edition
50466: Kurutz, Gary F. Truman, Benjamin C[umminngs. 1835 - 1916] - Subject - BENJAMIN C. TRUMAN. California Booster & Bon Vivant
36566.1: Kurutz, Gary F. Robert Bothamley - Contributor - CALIFORNIA BOOKS ILLUSTRATED With ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHS. 1856 - 1890
35284: [Publication Prospectus]. Kurutz, Gary F. - An ESSAY By GARY F. KURUTZ On A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of CALIFORNIA And The PACIFIC WEST, 1510 - 1906 By ROBERT E. COWAN. With an Original Leaf from the Club's 1914 First Edition
35284.1: [Publication Prospectus]. Kurutz, Gary F. - An ESSAY By GARY F. KURUTZ On A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of CALIFORNIA And The PACIFIC WEST, 1510 - 1906 By ROBERT E. COWAN. With an Original Leaf from the Club's 1914 First Edition
47608: Kutscheer, Gerdt - NORDPERUANISCHE KERAMIK [Northern European Ceramics]. Figürlich Verzierte Gefässe der Früh-Chimu.; Monumenta Americana I.
33119: Kyd, Thomas [1558 - 1594]; Schick, J. - Editor - The SPANISH TRAGEDY. A Play Written by Thomas Kyd. Edited with a Preface, Notes and Glossary by J. Schick, Professor at Munich University
14289.1: Kyger, Joanne & Rothenberg, Michael - MAN & WOMEN
38702: Kyne, Peter B. - The THREE GODFATHERS
43236: [California Art]. Coran, James L. and Nelson-Rees, Walter A. - IF PICTURES COULD TALK. Stories about California Paintings in Our Collection
7787: [Aviation Novel]. LaBarge, LCDR William H. & Robert Lawrence Holt - SWEETWATER Gunslinger 201. A Saga of Carrier Pilots Who Live By Chance. Love By Choice.; Foreward by Adm J. L. Holloway III (Ret)
46229.1: [Fruit Crate Label] - HOLLY GLEN ORCHARDS. PLACER COUNTY MOUNTAIN FRUITS.; John A. Ferguson Grower & Packer. Loomis, Calif
45176: [Liquor / Wine Labels] - DECORATE With LABELS.; A Sample Assortment
12213: Lackey, Mercedes & Larry Dixon - OWLKNIGHT
39184: Lackey, William Gatewood - WILLIAM GATEWOOD LACKEY. His Kith and Kin. Random Notes and Reminiscences of Family Relationships, Activities and Traditions
11035: Lackey, Mercedes & Larry Dixon - OWLSIGHT
10635: Lackey, Mercedes - The BLACK SWAN
35436.14: Lafayette, Rene. Russell, Eric Frank. Youd, Christopher. Pease, M. C. Sturgeon, Theodore. Stewart, Will. Parlett, Arthur C. - "Prodigy" [as published in] ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION. April, 1949. Vol. XLIII. No. 2.; Illustrations by Cartier, Orban and Quackenbush
21377: Lagasse, Emeril - EMERIL'S CREOLE CHRISTMAS
50318: Lahiri, Jhumpa - UNACCUSTOMED EARTH
43467: Laing, S[amuel. - A SPORTING QUIXOTE or, The Life and Adventures of the Honble. Augustus Fitzmuddle, Afterwards Earl of Muddleton. Two Schillings
37905: [Lamar, Lucius Q. C., Secretary of the Interior 1885 - 1888] - REPORT Of The SECRETARY Of The INTERIOR For The FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1887
47467: De Lamartine, A[lphonse]. (1790-1869) - LA CHUTE D'UN ANGE. ÉPISODE
47465: De Lamartine, A[lphonse]. (1790-1869) - PREMIÈRES MÉDITATIONS POÉTIQUES. Avec Commentaires.; La Mort De Socrate
47464: De Lamartine, A[lphonse]. (1790-1869) - Le TAILLEUR De PIERRES De SAINT-POINT.; Récit Villageois
48325: Lamb, Charles [1775 - 1834] - The PROSE WORKS Of CHARLES LAMB In Three Volumes. The POETICAL WORKS Of CHARLES LAMB. TALES From SHAKESPEARE
50289: Lamb, Charles [1775 - 1834] - Subject. Nethery, Wallace - ELIANA AMERICANA. Charles Lamb in the United States 1849 - 1866
49183: Lamb, Charles [1775 - 1834] - Subject. Martin, Benjamin Ellis. North, E. D. - Contributor - In The FOOTPRINTS Of CHARLES LAMB.; With a Bibliography by E. D. North
17662: Lamb, David - The ARABS. Journeys Beyond the Mirage
17133: Lamb, David - The AFRICANS
50804: Lamb, W. Kaye. Howay, Frederic William [1867 - 1943] - Subject - F. W. HOWAY A Bibliography
28102: [Medicine]. Lambermontio, Ludovico. Medic. Doct. [Lambermont, Ludovicus] - AKESTORIAS ANTHOLOGIA. Eite Sumperasmata ta' 'ek Holes Iatrikes technes Suneilegmena. Quibus totius Medicinæ Complexus sub intellectus aspectum ponitur. In gratiam philiapsou
30588: Lambert, Angela - 1939: The Last Season of Peace
1531.2: Lambert, Samuel W. - WHEN Mr. PICKWICK WENT FISHING
48627: Lambert, Joyce Mildred [1916 - 2005]. Olsen, Sigurd Otto Maglegaard - Correspondent - ARCHIVE Of PUBLICATIONS & CORRESPONDENCE
25701: Lamennais, F[elicite-Robert de. 1782 - 1854] - PAROLES D'Un CROYANT. 1833
51160: [Penny Dreadful / Catholicity Lampooned] - LIFE In A YORKSHIRE NUNNERY or The Extraordinary Disclosures of a Roman Catholic Sister of Mercy; Containing a Full Account of the Sufferings and Harships She Endured, During 18 Years Residence in a Convent. Saurin, versus Starr and Kennedy.; Johnson's Cheap Library (19)
42267: Lamprey, L. - MASTERS Of The GUILD
6903.2: Lampson, Robin. Brown, Annie Florence - Former Owner - LAUGHTER OUT Of The GROUND. A Novel in Cadence
6903.1: Lampson, Robin - LAUGHTER OUT Of The GROUND. A Novel in Cadence
37434: Lamson, J[oseph] - ROUND CAPE HORN. Voyage of the Passenger-Ship James W. Paige, From Maine to California in the Year 1852
11553: Lancaster, Bruce - BRIGHT To The WANDERER. A Novel of The Upper Canadian Rebellion of 1837
42183: Lancer, Jack - DEPARTMENT Of DANGER. Christopher Cool / Teen Agent. Christopher Cool Series #3
42182: Lancer, Jack - X MARKS The SPY. Christopher Cool / Teen Agent. Christopher Cool Series #1
43727: Land, Barbara Jane - TREASURES Of The BOOK CLUB LIBRARY. Part Two. The Book Club of California Keepsake 2000
35963: [Book Club of California]. Land, Barbara Jane - TREASURES Of The BOOK CLUB LIBRARY. Part Three. The Book Club of California Keepsake For 2004
50047: Landau, Amy S. - Editor - PEARLS On A STRING. Artists, Patrons, and Poets at the Great Islamic Courts
29735: Landis, Arthur H. - SPAIN! The Unfinished Revolution!
49357: Landis, Charles K. Nystrom, John W. - Contributor - DESCRIPTION Of A STEAM HYDRANT. Invented by Charles K. Landis.; With Formulas and Examples How to Construct the Same by John W. Nystrom, Civil Engineer
45236: [Temperance] - Landrith, Ira (1865 - 1941) - A MESSAGE From The NEW SOUTH.; From Speeches of The Flying Squadron
10911.1: Lane, Gen. Thomas A. - AMERICA On TRIAL. The War for Vietnam
6257.2: Lang, Andrew - Translator - AUCASSIN And NICOLETE.; Forward by William A. Brewer, Jr.
6257.1: Lang, Andrew - Translator - AUCASSIN And NICOLETE
16602.1: [Native American History]. [Society of Friends]. Lang, John D. & Samuel Taylor Jun - REPORT Of A VISIT To SOME Of The TRIBES Of INDIANS, LOCATED WEST Of The The MISSISSIPPI RIVER
12341.2: Lange, Fred W. - HISTORY Of BASEBALL In CALIFORNIA And PACIFIC COAST LEAGUES 1847 - 1938.; MEMORIES And MUSINGS Of an Old Time Baseball Player
17107: Langewiesche, William - CUTTING For SIGN
28441: Langley, John Prentice - The "PATHFINDER'S" GREAT FLIGHT or Cloud Chasers Over Amazon Jungles. The Aviation Series #4
21779: Langton, Jane - GOD In CONCORD
7589.1: [Lankes, J. J.]. Roark, Bradford - JOHN HENRY
45627: Lanman, Charles - LEADING MEN Of JAPAN With an Historical Summary of the Empire
29743: [World War I]. Lansing, Robert [1864 - 1928] - The PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. A Personal Narrative
11702: LaPierre, Janet - UNQUIET GRAVE. A Murder Mystery
22077: LaPierre, Janet - GRANDMOTHER'S HOUSE
21689: LaPierre, Janet - The CRUEL MOTHER
50334: LaPlante, Alice - TURN Of MIND
10309: LaPointe, Frank - The SOUIX TODAY
18209: Laqueur, Walter - BLACK HUNDRED. The Rise of the Extreme Right in Russia
44986: Lariar, Lawrence - CAREERS In CARTOONING
44113: Larrabee, Governor William [1832 - 1912]. McCabe, Reverand Charles Cardwell [1836 - 1906] - Recipient - PROHIBITION In IOWA. No. 135
2254.2: Larsen, Wendy Wilder & Tran Thi Nga - SHALLOW GRAVES: Two Women and Vietnam
34890: LaRue, Charles - THIRTY-FOUR COMMON TENNIS ERRORS of the Million Players and The REMEDY; also, Theory of Campaign (never before stated). Spalding's "Red Cover" Series of Athletic Handbooks. No. 84R
37387: Lasarte, Mercedes - MERCEDES LASARTE. In the Collection of Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza
21435: Lasky, Muriel - The PROUD LITTLE KITTEN
19120: Lasky, Victor - IT DIDN'T START With WATERGATE
39858: [Quaker Literature]. Latey, Gilbert [1626 - 1705] - Subject. Hawkins, R. - A BRIEF NARRATIVE Of The LIFE And DEATH Of That ANTIENT SERVANT Of The LORD And His PEOPLE, GILBERT LATEY: Shewing His Birth and Parentage, his coming up to London, and how he was brought to the Acknowledgment of the Truth: With some Account of Antient Friends, and of the first Settlement of Meetings in London, and other Parts: With divers Instances of his Publick Services; and how useful he was to Friend, by the Interest he had with Great Men, the Lord giving him Favour in their sight. To which is prefixed, the Testimonies of several Worthy Friends concerning him. Compiled for Publick Benefit, by R. Hawkins
19242: Lathem, Edward Connery; Thompson, Lawrance - ROBERT FROST And LAWRENCE, MASSACHUSETTS, 'HIGH SCHOOL BULLETIN' The Beginning of a Literary Career
49923: Lathrop, John [1740 - 1816] - A DISCOURSE In TWO PARTS, Preached at the Commencement of the Nineteenth Century
20687: Lathrop, John [1739 - 1816] - A DISCOURSE PREACHED DECEMBER 15th 1774. Being the Day Recommended by the Provincial Congress, To Be Observed in Thanksgiving to God for the Blessings Enjoyed; and Humiliation on Account of Public Calamities
23630: Latner, Zel - SAY THANK YOU, AMY
41702: [Scottish Poetry]. Lauder, James - WARBLINGS Of A CAGED BIRD
49159: [Little Magazine]. Laufer, William - Publisher. Travis, Nancy; Cottam, R. V. - Contributors - "people of color" [as published in] TOUCHSTONE New Age Journal. Vol. X. No. 1
22070: Jeanne Laurence - My LIFE WITH SYDNEY LAURENCE
37694: Laurie, J[oseph. d. 1865]. Hull, A. Gerald [1810 - 1859] - Contributor - HOMOEOPATHIC DOMESTIC MEDICINE. Second American Edition Enlarged and Improved by A. Gerald Hull
47597: [Hotel Menu - Lausanne, Switzerland] - ALEXANDRA GRAND HOTEL LAUSANNE.; Petits Dejeuners - Breakfast
39084: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de - Artist - NO. 25 - The CHAP BOOK. Lithograph in Two Colors: Light Blue and Dark Blue
47550: [International Maritime Law] - The DUKE Of NEWCASTLE'S LETTER, by His Majesty's order, to Monsieur Michell, the King of Prussia's Secretary of the Embassy, in Answer to the Memorial, and other papers, Deliver'd, by Monsieur Michell, to the Duke of Newcastle, on the 23d of November, and 13th of December last. Published by Authority
30140: [Law] - PRIVATE And LOCAL LAWS Passed by the LEGISLATURE Of WISCONSIN, in the Year Eighteen Hundred and Sixty
39158: [General Civic Law] - GENERAL MUNCIPAL ORDINANCES Of The CITY Of OAKLAND CAL. In Effect November 1st, 1909. Compiled and Annotated by Authority of the City Council
37765: Law, James [1838 - 1921] - The FARMER'S VETERINARY ADVISER. A Guide to the Prevention and Treatment of Disease in Domestic Animals
43086: Lawrence, D[avid]. H[erbert. 1885 - 1930] - LOVE POEMS And OTHERS
43027: Lawrence, D[avid]. H[erbert. 1885 - 1930] - FANTASIA Of The UNCONSCIOUS
43021: Lawrence, D[avid]. H[erbert. 1885 - 1930] - NETTLES. Criterion Miscellany -- No. 11
43016: Lawrence, D[avid]. H[erbert. 1885 - 1930] - The LOST GIRL
43018: Lawrence, D[avid]. H[erbert. 1885 - 1930] - PORNOGRAPHY And OBSCENITY. Criterion Miscellany -- No. 5
31574: [Lawrence, Davic Herbert. 1885 - 1930]. Moore, Harry T. Ellmann, Richard - Former Owner - The LIFE And WORK Of D. H. LAWRENCE
30167: Lawrence, Richard - The COMPLETE FARRIER And BRITISH SPORTSMAN: Containing a Systematic Enquiry into the Structure and Animal Economy of the Horse, the Causes, Syptoms, and Most-Approved Methods of Prevention and Cure for Every Disease to Which He is Liable: A Detection and Exposure of the Erroneous and Bad Methods of treatment generally adopted; with numerous approved and original recipes for various diseases. The whole rendered easy and familiar, with a view to general utility, and founded on the latest discoveries and experimental facts, to which the progress of improvement for the last twenty years in the veterinary art has led, interspersed with sporting anecdotes, and an account of the most celebrated horses, &c. &c. Equally important and interesting to the British sportsman: as well as inn-keepers, coach-masters, farmers, owners of stage-waggons, &c. Embellished with a series of engravings, executed in the first style of the art, from original drawings in the possession of noblemen and gentlemen of the turf, and copied, by permission, exclusively for this work
41198: Lawrence, D[avid]. H[erbert. 1885 - 1930]. Richard Aldington - Contributor. Ellmann, Richard - Former owner. Schendler, Sylvan - Inscriber - APOCALYPSE
41193: Lawrence, D[avid]. H[erbert. 1885 - 1930] - The LOVELY LADY
40743: [Lawrence, D. H.]. Cura-Sazdanic, Ileana. Keith Salter - Contributor - D. H. LAWRENCE As CRITIC
49726: [Mid-19th C. Advertising Broadside]. Lawrence, Daniel - MEDFORD N. E. RUM, Manufactured Only by DANIEL LAWRENCE, For Sale in Franklin, at wholesale and Retail, by SOLOMON SPALDING, late of the firm of Reed & Spalding, Nashville, N.H.
19728: Lawrence, Gertrude - A STAR DANCED
18951: [Lawrence, David. Herbert. 1885 - 1930]. Dahlberg, Edward - BOTTOM DOGS.; With an Introduction by D. H. Lawrence
17916: Lawrence, Lars [pseud. Phillip Stevenson] - OLD FATHER ANTIC
17855: Lawrence, Lars [pseud. Phillip Stevenson] - The HOAX
17501: Lawrence, D[avid]. H[erbert. 1885 - 1930] - The MAN WHO DIED
16924.1: Lawrence, D[avid]. H[erbert. 1885 - 1930] - AARON'S ROD
16914: Lawrence, Ada & Gelder, G. Stuart - EARLY LIFE Of D.H. LAWRENCE
34022: Lawrence, Olivia - JASMINE KISSES
47413: "Cavendish," Author of "The Laws and Principles of Whist," Etc., Etc. [pseudonym of Jones, Henry. 1831 - 1899] - PATIENCE GAMES with Examples Played Through. Illustrated with Numerous Diagrams
29394: [Whist]. [Jones, Henry. 1831 - 1899]. "Cavendish," Author of "The Laws and Principles of Whist," etc. - CARD ESSAYS, CLAY'S DECISIONS And CARD-TABLE TALK. American Edition, with an Index. Leisure Hour Series - No. 109
26475: [Lawson, Robert]. Marquand, John P[hillips. 1893 - 1960] - HAVEN'S END
26420: Lawson, Robert - MR. TWIGG'S MISTAKE
26248: Lawson, Robert - COUNTRY COLIC
26196: [Lawson, Robert]. Teal, Val - The LITTLE WOMAN WANTED NOISE
17409: Lea, Tom [1907 - 2001] - The LAND Of The MUSTANG. Reprinted from Volume VII, No. 2 of 'The Graduate Journal'.; Introduction by Gordon Whaley
50566: Leacock, Stephen [1869 - 1944] - AFTERNOONS In UTOPIA
50603: Leacock, Stephen [1869 - 1944] - MODEL MEMOIRS And Other Sketches from Simple to Serious
45172: [Temperance / Propaganda Leaflet] - The ISSUE In MISSOURI The BARREL Or The BOY?; Have You a Boy to Spare
48785: [19th C. Restaurant Advertising Leaflet] - 1874. AVERY'S LADIES' AND GENTS' OYSTER And DINING ROOM; Telegram Building, Green St., near State, Meals At All Hours. Oysters in Every Style! New Haven Pies. Sweet Cider, by the Gallon, Quart, or Glass
37909: [Bookseller Advertisement Leaflet] - ECONOMIC And POLITICAL SCIENCE. Recent Important Publications of G. P. Putnam's Sons
40299: [Massachusetts No-License League] - NO - LICENSE SONGS
19197: Leavis, F.R. - The COMMON PURSUIT
19892: Leavitt, David - A PLACE I'VE NEVER BEEN. Stories
13237: Leavitt, David - EQUAL AFFECTIONS. A Novel
13236: Leavitt, David - FAMILY DANCING. Stories
49396: LeBeaud, M. [Nicolas. 1793 - 1832] - NOUVEAU MANUEL COMPLETE Du VÉTÉRINAIRE, Contenant la Conaissance générale des Chevaux, la Manière de les élever, de les dresser et de les conduire; la Description de leurs Maladies et les meilleurs Modes de Traitement; les Préceptes sur le Ferrage, etc., etc. Par M. LeBeaud.; Et Par un Ancien Professeur de L'École Vétérinaire D'Alfort. Ouvrage ornéde Figures. Manuels - Roret
50636: Leblanc, Maurice [Marie Emile. 1864 - 1941] - The WOMAN Of MYSTERY
50662: Leblanc, Maurice [Marie Emile. 1864 - 1941]. Ross, Patience - Translator - WANTON VENUS.; Translated from the French by Miss Patience Ross
50658: Leblanc, Maurice [Marie Emile. 1864 - 1941]. Morehead, George - Translator - ARSÈNE LUPIN Versus HERLOCK SHOLMES. The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsène Lupin.; Translated from the French by George Morehead
42306: LeConte, Carrie E. Dakin, Susanna B. - Contributor - YO SEMITE. 1878. Adventures of N & C. Journal and Drawings by Carrie E. LeConte.; Introduction to "C" by Susanna B. Dakin
31169: Lecount, Lieut. Peter [1794 - 1852] - A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON RAILWAYS, Explaining Their Construction and Management, with Numerous Woodcuts and Ten Plates: Being the Article "Railways" in the Seventh Edition of The Encyclopedia Britannica, With Additional Details
2257.2: Lederer, William J. & Burdick, Eugene - SARKHAN
21978.1: [The Book Club of California] Lederer, Michael A., editor - EARLY CALIFORNIA TRADE CATALOGUES. 1991 Keepsake Series
11950: Leduc, Violette - MAD In PURSUIT.; Translated from the French by Derek Coltman
43794: Lee, Charles - OUR LITTLE TOWN and Other Cornish Tales and Fancies
32670: [Lee, Robert E.]. Adams, Charles Francis [1835 - 1915] - LEE At APPOMATTOX And Other Papers
50444: Lee, Vernon (pseudonym for Paget, Violet [1856 - 1935]) - SISTER BENVENUTA And The CHRIST CHILD. An Eighteenth - Century Legend.; Vest Pocket Series - 22
48199: Lee, Edmund. Wordworth, Dorothy [1771 - 1855] - Subject - DOROTHY WORDSWORTH. The Story of a Sister's Love
29294: [Lee, John Doyle. 1812 - 1877]. Brooks, Juanita - JOHN DOYLE LEE. Zealot - Pioneer Builder - Scapegoat
50936: Lee, Ruth Webb - EARLY AMERICAN PRESSED GLASS. A Classification of Patterns Collectible in Sets Together with Individual Pieces for Table Decorations
26836: Lee, Marshall - BOOKMAKING: The Illustrated Guide to Design & Production
40842: Lee, Larry. [pseudonym of Larry Rottmann?] - AMERICAN EAGLE. The Story of a Navajo Vietnam Veteran
24300: Lee, Willis T.; Stone, Ralph W.; Gale, Hoyt S., et al. - GUIDEBOOK Of The WESTERN UNITED STATES. Part B. The Overland Route with a Side Trip to Yellowstone Park. Bulletin 612
13167: Lee, Gus - CHINA BOY
12999: Lee, Jennette - UNCLE WILLIAM. The Man Who Was Shif'less
48197: [Leech, John. 1817 - 1864] - PICTURES Of LIFE And CHARACTER. From the Collection of Mr. Punch. First - Second - Third - Fourth - Fifth Series
45474: An Oxonian; Leech, John (1817 - 1864)- Illustrator - A LITTLE TOUR In IRELAND.; Being a Visit to Dublin, Galway, Connamara, Athlone, Limerick, Killarney, Glengarriff, Cork, etc. etc. etc.
6821: Leen, Nina - IMAGES of SOUND
30997: [Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van. 1632 - 1723]. Le Clerc, Jean [1657 - 1736]; Lacroze, Jean Cornand de [d. ca. 1705]; Bernard, Jacques [1658 - 1718] - Editors.  - BIBLIOTHEQUE UNIVERSELLE Et HISTORIQUE. De L'Annee M. D. C. LXXXVI. Tome Premier
29336.1: [WWI]. Lefebure, Victor - The RIDDLE Of The RHINE: Chemical Strategy in Peace and War.; Preface by Marshal Foch. Introduction by Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson
44654: [Scrapbook / American Legion] - [American Legion Auxiliary] SCRAPBOOK DISTRICT 20
51343: [View Book]. Lehnert, Rudolf.  Landrock, Ernst - In The LAND Of The PHARAOS. 24 Artistic Pictures of Upper Egypt
41928: [Veterinary Medicine]. Leib, Isaac - WOHLERFAHRNER PFERDE - ARZT; enthaltend Mittel für die Heilung aller bekannten und verschiedenartigen Krankheiten und Seuchen der Pferde ; welche nach einer fünf und zwanzigjährigen Ausübung der Ross-Heilkunst bewährt und untrüglich befunden wurden
35436.4: Leiber, Fritz. O'Donnell, Lawrence. Morrison, William. Powers, William T. Fyfe, H. B. de Camp, L. Sprague - "The Lion and the Lamb" [as published in] ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION. September, 1950. Vol. XLVI. No. 1.; Illustrations by Brush, Cartier, Miller and Scheeman
26144.1: Leidesdorff, William A. - Treasurer. Dressler, Albert. Cowan, Robert - SAN FRANCISCO TOWN JOURNAL. 1847 - 1848.; October 7, 1847 to May 2, 1848
48171: Leigh, Henry S. - CAROLS Of COCKAYNE
16656: Leigh, David - The WILSON PLOT. How the Spycatchers and Their American Allies Tried to Overthrow the British Government
17694: [Drama]. Leight, Warren - SIDE MAN
50266: Leith, John [1755 - . Butterfileld, C. W. - Contributor - LEITH'S NARRATIVE. A Short Biography of John Leith with a Brief Account of His Life Among the Indians.; A Reprint with Illustrative Notes by C. W. Butterfield
34976: Leitner, G[ottlieb]. W[ilhelm] [1840 - 1899] - DARDISTAN In 1866, 1886, and 1893. Being an Account of the History, Religions, Customs, Legends, Fables and Songs of Gilgit, Chilas, Kandia (Gabrial), Dasin, Chitral, Hanza, Aagyr, and other Parts of the Hindukush, as also a Supplement to the Second Edition of The HUNZA And NAGYR HANDBOOK and an Epitome of Part III of the Authors "The Languages and Races of Dardistan"
45111: Leland, Charles G[odfrey. 1824 - 1903] - HANS BREITMANN In EUROPE With Other New Ballads.; Fifth Series of the Breitmann Ballads
15017: Lemaitre, Corene - APRIL RISING. A Novel
49736: Lemos, Pedro J. Lemos, Reta A. - COLOR CEMENT HANDICRAFT
44738: Lempriere, John [c. 1765 - 1824 - BIBLIOTHECA CLASSICA; or, A Classical Dictionary, Containing A Full Account of all the Proper Names Mentioned in Antient Authors.; To Which are Subjoined, Tables of Coins, Weights, and Measures, In Use among the Greeks and Romans
29369: [British / Scottish History]. Lenthal, Will. - Speaker of the Parlament - A DECLARATION Of The PARLAMENT Of ENGLAND, Concerning Their Late Endeavors in a peaceable waie, to remove all misunderstandings, and differences between the Common-Wealth of England, and the Kindom of Scotland. Herewith is Printed the last Paper of the Scotch Commissioners, with the sens of the Parlament thereupon. Also the letter of the Parlament of England to the Parlament of Scotland, with their answer thereunto, which is answer'd by this Declaration. Die Sabbathi Julii 14 1649. This declaration was read the first and second time, and upon the question passed. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parlament, That the said Declaration bee forthwith Printed and Published. Ordered, That it bee referred to the Council of State to see the said Declaration Printed. Hen. Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti
29230: De Leon, Edwin [1818 - 1891] - EGYPT UNDER ITS KHEDIVES; or, The Old House of Bondage Under New Masters. Harper's Franklin Square Library. No. 267. August 25, 1882
9465.1: Edel, Leon and Dan H. Laurence - A BIBLIOGRAPHY Of HENRY JAMES
4726: Leonard, Elmore - BANDITS
4726.1: Leonard, Elmore - BANDITS
24981: Leonard, Elmore - CAT CHASER
35358: [Baseball Fiction]. Leonard, Burgess - STRETCH BOLTON: Mister Shortstop
16954: Leonard, Elmore - TOUCH
14788: Leonard, Constance - SHADOW Of A GHOST
14035: [Leonard, Elmore]. Ward, Don - Editor - BRANDED WEST. Western Writers of America Anthology
48437: [California Central Coast Local History]. Leonard, J. J. C. - Lessee. Raymond, Isabel Hammel - Contributor - The HOTEL ST. GEORGE. All About It.; Santa Cruz, California. Pacific Avenue - Front St
37277: [Trade Card]. Leonard, J. J. C. - Proprietor - SANTA CRUZ BIG TREE. Hotel St. George. Santa Cruz, California
51038: Leopold, Luna B. Dunne, Thomas; Lage, Ann - Contributors - HYDROLOGY, GEOMORPHOLOGY, And ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY: U. S. Geological Survey, 1950 - 1972, and UC Berkeley, 1972 - 1987.; With an Introduction by Thomas Dunne. Interviews Conducted by Ann Lage in 1990, 1991
50125: Lerman, Sergio. Gat, Ramat - Subject - BORN With LOVE. Color Drawings of the Conservation Buildings of Ramat Gat
45927: Leroy, A. - COURS PRATIQUE De CHEMINS De FER A L'Usage de Mm. Les Officiers & Sous-Officiers de Toutes Armes des Sections tchniques, des Ouvriers du Genie et des Ecoles Speciales
13433: [WWII]. Lessa, Willam A. - SPEARHEAD GOVERNATORE. Remembrances of the Campaign in Italy
45063: [Theatre Playbill]. Dickens, Charles. [1812 - 1870]. Hollingshead, John - Sole Lessee and Manager - THE GAIETY PROGRAMME: AT 7 FIZ - GIG. AT 7:30 THE BATTLE OF LIFE.; To Conclude With Guy Fawkes
5953: Lessing, Doris - The MAKING Of the REPRESENTATIVE For PLANET 8
5952: Lessing, Doris - The FIFTH CHILD
38732: Lessing, Bruno. M. Leone Bracker - Illustrator - With The BEST INTENTION
47234: [San Francisco Business Letterhead - Typed Letter] - PAYOT, UPHAM & CO. Established 1854. Stationers, Booksellers, Engravers, Printers, Bookbinders; 100 Battery Street Cor. Pine
50795: [Lettersheet] - MAP Of The CITY Of ALBANY
51001: [Lettersheet] - DECLARATION Of INDEPENDENCE
50663: [Lettersheet] - MILWAUKEE
16739: Leuchtenburg, William E. - In The SHADOW Of FDR. From Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan
26512: [Bible. New Testament]. Leusden, Johannes [1624 - 1699]. Arias Montano Benito [1527 - 1598] - HE KAINE DIATHEKE. Novum Testamentum cum versione Latina Ariae Montani, in quo tum selecti versiculi 1900, quibus omnes Novi Testamenti voces continentur, asteriscis notantur; tum omnes et singulae voces, semel vel saepius occurrentes, peculiari nota distinguuntur
29355: Levene, Sidney [fl. 1925 - 1935] - ORIGINAL FASHION ARTWORK for a Lady's Shoe
29353: Levene, Sidney [fl. 1925 - 1935] - ORIGINAL FASHION ARTWORK for a Lady's Shoe
29354: Levene, Sidney [fl. 1925 - 1935] - ORIGINAL FASHION ARTWORK for a Lady's Shoe
37572: Levenson, Roger - Contributor - A REPRINT Of The TAYLOR & TAYLOR IMPRINT For The WINTER MCMXVI-VII. With an Introduction by Roger Levenson
45535: Lever, Charles [1806 - 1872] - TOM BURKE Of "OURS."
27672: Levertov, Denise [1923 - 1997] - ALs to a Mr O'Neil
39119: Levi, Julian - Artist - MOZART. Half-tone Image Reproduction of a "Painting by Julian Levi for the Capeheart Collection: an Interpretation of Mozart Composing his Last Opera, 'The Magic Flute'."
41500: [Maritime Photograph Album]. Levick, Edwin - Photographer - BOAT CONSTRUCTION In 1916 And The SUNSHINE
33821: Levick, Melba - DOMENECH i MONTANER
18703: Levin, Ira - NO TIME For SERGEANTS. ; (Adapted from the novel by Mac Hyman)
18040: Levin, Harry - The WASTE LAND From UR To ECHT
49047: Levine, Steve [b. 1943] - A BLUE TONGUE. Pamphlet of Poems
18510: Levinson, Paul - BORROWED TIDES
38053.6: Levitt, Saul, Dan Polier, Al Hine, James P. O'Neill, James Dugan, Merle Miller, John Bushemi - Contributors - YANK. British Edition. The Army Weekly. January 2, 1944. Volume 2, No. 29. "Death Battle at Tarawa", "Makin Taken", "The Tree", "An Urgent Date with Germany", "A GI View of the Teheran Conference", "Rabaul Raid", "Sports: Mister Long Pants Starts New Career", "Flight Surgeon"
48191: Aristotle [384 - 322 BC]. Lewes, George Henry [1817 - 1878] - ARISTOTLE: A Chapter from the History of Science, Including Analysis of Aristotle's Scientific Writings
17166: Lewin, Ronald - ULTRA GOES To WAR. The First Account of World War II's Greatest Secret Based on Official Documents
17087: Lewin, Ronald - HITLER'S MISTAKES. New Insights Into What Made Hitler Tick
32998: Lewis, Wyndham [1882 - 1957] - The CALIPH'S DESIGN. Architects! Where is your Vortex
33534: Lewis, Ellis [1798 - 1871] - An ABRIDGMENT Of The CRIMINAL LAW Of The UNITED STATES; Containing the Important Penal Acts of Congress of the United States, and of the Legislatures of the Principal States of the Union; Accompanied with a Brief Statement of the Law of England, the Decisions of the Federal Courts, and of the Courts of the Several States, Relative to Crimes and Misdemeanors. Containing also the Treaties of Extradition Entered into by the United States with England and France, and the Acts of Congress and Several States Relative to the Surrender of Fugitives from Justice and from Labor, with the Practice and Forms of Proceeding under the Same. To which are Added Precedents of Indictments and Pleas
33946: Lewis, Tracy Hammond. Howard, Oscar Frederick [1889 - 1958] - Illustrator - ALONG The RIO GRANDE
12542: Lewis, Peter - SQUADRON HISTORIES. R.F.C., R.N.A.S. And R.A.F. 1912 - 59
30775: Lewis, Sinclair [1885 - 1951] - MAIN STREET. The Story of Carol Kennicott
12455: Lewis, Sinclair - The PRODIGAL PARENTS
22436.2: Lewis, Oscar - The FIRST SEVENTY - FIVE YEARS. The Story of the Book Club of California, 1912 - 1987.; BCC Publication Number 185
22462: Lewis, Oscar - PEDRO MARTINEZ. A Mexican Peasant and His Family
35291: [Publication Prospectus]. Lewis, Oscar. [Bonnett, Wayne - Editor] - A WIDELY CAST NET. Selections from the Work of a Veteran California Writer Chosen with Comments
19385: Lewis, Oscar - The CHILDREN Of SANCHEZ. Autobiography of a Mexican Family
19040.2: Lewis, Roy Harley - ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS. An Insider's Account
38471: Lewis, Professor Frank S. - The NEW SCIENCE WEAPONLESS DEFENSE. Illustrations by Prof. Lewis, Tommy Burns, Heavy Weight Boxing Champion, and William V. Gregory, Middle Weight Wrestler
16675: Lewis, Norman - The SICILIAN SPECIALIST
10695: Lewis, W[illiam 1787 - 1870] - FIFTY GAMES At CHESS, Which Have Actually Been Played, Most of Which Occurred Between the Author and Some of the Best Players in England, France and Germany; to Which is Added Some Account of the Village of Stroebeck, in Germany, with the Three Games Played According to the Method Practiced There
13010: Lewis, George W. ("Slim") - The APE I KNEW
10592: Lewis, Flannery - SUNS GO DOWN
8422: [Jewish Literature]. Lewisohn, Ludwig - STEPHEN ESCOTT
16879: Lewy, Guenter - The CAUSE THAT FAILED. Communism in American Political Life
32498: Leybourn, T[homas. 1770 - 1840]. [Maskelyne, Nevil. 1732 - 1811] - The MATHEMATICAL REPOSITORY. Volume I and II
43546: Lhevinne, Isadore [b. 1896] - The ENCHANTED JUNGLE
37230: Liardet, Captain Francis [1798 - 1863] - PROFESSIONAL RECOLLECTIONS On POINTS Of SEAMANSHIP, Discipline, &c
17048: Lieberman, Herbert - The CLIMATE Of HELL
26852: [19th C. Mystery]. 'By the Author of "A Life's Curse," "Revolving Lights," "For Life and Death," &c - SWORN FOES. The SKELETON On The HEARTH. The Family Story-Teller No. 6
48562: Ligonier, John [1680 - 1770]; Huske, John [1692? - 1761]; & Cholmondeley, James - Signators. Stuart, Major General [James. d. 1793]; Conwallis, Colonel [Edward. 1713 - 1776]; Effingham, Thomas Howard, Earl of [1714 - 1763] - Subjects - The REPORT Of The GENERAL OFFICERS, Appointed to enquire into the Conduct of Major General Stuart, and Colonels Cornwallis and Earl of Effingham, December 8th, 1756.; To which is prefixed, His Majesty's Warrant
45287: [Silver Gelatin Photograph]. Lincecum, Joseph S. - Restaurant Owner - J. S. LINCECUM RESTAURANT & GRILL.; 694 McAllister Street, San Francisco
33264: Lincoln, Abraham [1809 - 1865]. Gernon, Blaine Brooks - LINCOLN In The POLITICAL CIRCUS. Being a Study in Summary and Outline of Abraham Lincoln's Political Relationships with his Constituency, Including the Background of Slavery, Men, Factions, & Parties Together with Hitherto Unpublished State Election Tables and a Classified Bibliography
31679: [Lincoln, Abraham. 1809 - 1865]. Lind, Michael - WHAT LINCOLN BELIEVED. The Values and Convictions of America's Greatest President
27989.2: [Lincoln, Abraham. 1809 - 1865]. Beveridge, Albert J. - ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 1809 - 1858. Standard Library Edition. In Four Volumes
26709: [Lincoln, Abraham. 1809 - 1865]. Shaw, Albert - ABRAHAM LINCOLN In CONTEMPORARY CARICATURE
36081: [Lincoln, Abraham. 1809 - 1865] - Subject. Sutphen, Rev. Morris C[rater. 1837 - 1875] - DISCOURSE On The DEATH Of PRESIDENT LINCOLN, Late President of the United States, Preached in the Spring Garden Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia ... April 16th, 1865
8349: [Lincoln, Abraham. 1809 - 1865]. Gerry, Margarita Spalding - The TOY SHOP. A Romantic Story of Lincoln the Man
49369: Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. [Mary John (Bailey) 1844 - 1921] - The PEERLESS COOK - BOOK. Valuable Receipts for Cooking. Compact and Practical
35161: Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. [Mary Johnson. 1844 - 1921]. Author of "The Boston Cook Book" - CARVING And SERVING
15134: [Lincoln, Abraham. 1809 - 1865]. Randall, J. G. - MID-STREAM. Lincoln the President
14936: [Lincoln, Abraham. 1809 - 1865]. Morrow, Honoré W. - The LAST FULL MEASURE
10776.1: Lincoln, Joseph C[rosby. 1870 - 1944] - STORM SIGNALS
10775: Lincoln, Joseph C. - SILAS BRADFORD'S BOY
17244: Lind, Jakov - COUNTING MY STEPS
40367: [Pacific Electric Railway]. Lindbergh, Charles Augustus 1902 - 1974 - SEE And WELCOME COLONEL LINDBERGH To LOS ANGELES. America's Lone Eagle - Tuesday, Sept. 20
46975: Lindsay, Sir Coutts [1824 - 1913]. Edward, Prince of Wales [1330 - 1376] - Subject.  - EDWARD The BLACK PRINCE. A Tragedy
29794.2: Lindsay, Vachel [1879 - 1931] - The CANDLE In The CABIN. A Weaving Together of Script and Singing
37253: Lindsay, Cynthia - HOME Is WHERE YOU HANG YOURSELF: or How to Be a Woman - and Who Needs It
47408: [Cruise Ship Menu - Holland-America Line] - MENU.; Holland - America Line
47407: [Cruise Ship Menu - Holland-America Line] - MENU.; Holland - America Line
47238: [Ship Menu - Grace Line] - GRACE LINE.; Dinner - Comida
47236: [Ship Menu - Cunard Line] - CUNARD LINE.; Carte Du Jour - Breakfast
45823: [Restaurant Menu - Cunard Line] - CUNARD LINE - R.M.S. AQUITANIA.; [Private Dinner for] Mrs. J. W. Finch & Party
48254: [Ocean Cruise Linear] - BREAKFAST.; Spiagge d'Italia - Capri
48254.1: [Ocean Cruise Linear] - COLAZIONE - LUNCHEON.; Spiagge d'Italia - Versilia
9831: [Ocean Liner] - AROUND The WORLD In The "FRANCONIA". 1930. The Supreme Travel Adventure.; Sailing from New York January 11th. Returning May 29th
44600: [Menu / Ocean Liner] - [LLYOD TRIESTINO ITALIAN LINER MENU]; Mr. "Asia" Tourist Class
44579: [Menu / Ocean Liner] - CUNARD WHITE STAR.; R.M.S. "Franconia."
31137: Canaletto [1697 - 1768]. Links, J. G. - CANALETTO
34566: [Songster]. Linley, George [1798 - 1865].  Hassett, John - EVER Of THEE. As Sung by John Hasset
29981: Linscott, Robert N. - Editor [per Dust Jacket]. Jessup, Alexander - Editor [per Title Page] - The BEST AMERICAN HUMOROUS SHORT STORIES
44870: [Menu - Liqour] - PRICE LIST LIQOURS IN BOND.; Heerenstraat 12. Tel. 12087
40665: Lish, Gordon - DEAR MR. CAPOTE. A Novel
40664: Lish, Gordon - ZIMZUM. A Novel
32733: Liss, David - A CONSPIRACY Of PAPER
47839: [French Restaurant - Wine List] - GRAND HOTEL=RESTAURANT DU CHAPON FIN BORDEAUX.; Carte Des Vins
48595: [Cocktail List] - LES COCKTAILS
48285: Lister, Thomas [1808 - 1876] - The WANDERER'S COMPANION: or, Thoughts on a Vast Variety of Subjects, in Prose and Poetry
51264: [Penny Dreadful / Detective Literature] - The DANDY DETECTIVE SPORT.; Aldine "O'er Land and Sea" Library. No. 311
47552: [Street Literature] - The BETRAYED VIRGIN; Or the Perjured LOVER.; Being a true and Melancholy Account of Miss Sarah Smithe, a rich Farmer's Daughter, near Bifield, Warwichshire, who was decoyed from her parents by William Jones, Esq. who first debauched, and then left her to poverty and ruin ..
51254: [Penny Dreadful / Western Literature] - WILDCAT BOB, The BOSS BOXER; or, Beating the Border Bloodhounds.; Aldine "O'er Land and Sea" Library. No. 351
51255: [Penny Dreadful / Western Literature] - The BRANDED PALM; or, Was He Guilty?; Aldine "O'er Land and Sea" Library. No. 359 (?)
42967: [Promotional Literature] - THEY TELL HOW TO DO IT! / NEW PRACTICAL WORKS! William T. Comstock, Publisher and Bookseller. 23 Warren Street, New York
31392: [Childrens Literature] - YOUNG ENGLAND: An Illustrated Magazine for Young People Throughout the English-Speaking World. Vol. XVI
41979.2: [Temperance Literature] - WHY I BELIEVE In The ABOLITION Of ALL PROSTITUTION
41951: [Automobile Literature] - PORSCHE 911. Promotional Booklet for the UK Market
41949: [Porsche Automobile Literature] - A NEW ALTERNATIVE: 924. With Automatic Gearbox
41947: [Automobile Literature] - PORSCHE. Technical & Specification Data. 1977 British Market
9905: [Literature] - ETRENNES A La JEUNESSE: Recueil D'Histoirettes Morales en Vers et en Prose.; Rédigées par Louis Aimé Martin
40808: [Nursing Literature] - The LONDON PRACTICE Of MIDWIFERY; To Which Are Added, Instructions for the Treatment of Living-in Women, and the Principal Diseases of Children, Chiefly Designed for Students and Early Practitioners
35986: [Children's Literature] - The CHRISSY CHERRYBLOWS. Twenty-Four Illustrations by "Boz"
35807: [Californiana Promotional / Booster Literature] - SOUVENIR Of WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA. Photo-Gravures
51312: [Exotic Automobile Literature] - FERRARI 308 QUATTROVALVOLE TECH NOTEBOOK
51011: [Song - slip / Penny Literature] - WHAT A BAD HAT.; Tune -- "My Feyther's Old Sow."
49599: [Maritime Literature] - A NARRATIVE Of The DREADFUL SHIPWRECK Of The VRYHEID (Late the Melville-Castle) Capt. Scherman, a Dutch Indiaman Bound to the Cape of Good- Hope, Which was Wrecked off Dymchurch Wall, near Dover, Nov. 23, 1802, by Which Catastrophe 454 Persons Perished! Written by One of the Survivors
50991.1: [African - American / Black Literature] - FIRE..
19170: [Literature] - The YEAR'S WORK In LITERATURE 1949
38609: [Civil War Literature] - ANECDOTES Of The REBELLION. A Collection of Humorous, Pathetic and Thrilling Narratives of Actual Experiences During the War, Embracing Reminiscences of Bivouac and Battlefield, March and Picket, Thrilling Adventures of Scouts and Spies, Stories of Prison Life, Stories of the Great Generals, Stories of Mr Lincoln, Etc. Leisure Hour Library. New Series. Vol I - No. 113. September 18, 1886
48854: [Baseball Literature] - 1954 OFFICIAL BASEBALL ANNUAL. Non - Pro; Rules • Teams • Photos Price $100
48853: [Baseball Literature] - 1955 OFFICIAL BASEBALL ANNUAL
48852: [Baseball Literature] - 1956 OFFICIAL BASEBALL ANNUAL. Non - Pro; Rules • Teams • Photos Price $100
48795: [Baseball Literature] - 1947 BASEBALL ANNUAL. Official Non - Professional.; Rules • Teams • Photos 50¢
48794: [Baseball Literature] - BASEBALL OFFICIAL GUIDE. Sandlot and Semi-Pro. 1945.; Rules • Teams • Photos 35¢
48638: [Promotional / Booster Literature] - ATLANTIC CITY. The Playground of the Nation
37589: [Boxer Rebellion / Promotional Literature] - The RAND-McNALLY ATLAS Of CHINA. Containing Maps and Descriptive Matter Pertaining to General Conditions and the Present Crisis in the Celestial Empire and a Concise Review of Its History, Government, Religion, People, Industries, and Relation to Foreign Powers. Presented with the Compliments of F. A. Ferris & Company
41031: [World War I Poster]. Lutz & Sheinkman - Litho - LEND - The WAY THEY FIGHT. Buy Liberty Bonds to Your Utmost. Form F. 206
47487: Littell, E. - LITTELL'S LIVING AGE. Vol. XXVI. July, August, September, 1850
16980: Littell, Robert - The REVOLUTIONIST

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