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32840: F. I. S. A. - Toda Barcelona.
29464: Aadland, Dan; Carpenter, Nik - Sketches From the Ranch: A Montana Memoir.
19090: Abbey, Edward - The Fool's Progress.
23157: Abel, Richard E. & Lyman W. Newlin & Katina Strauch - Scholarly Publishing: Books, Journals, Publishers, and Libraries in the Twentieth Century.
33563: Abraham, Henry J. - Justices & Presidents a Political History of Appointments to the Supreme Court.
32656: Abrahams, Israel - By- Paths in Hebraic Bookland.
29555: Rangel De Paiva Abreu, Alice - O Trabalho Invisivel Estudos Sobre Trabalhadores a Domicilio No Brasil [the Invisible Work: Studies of Homemakers in Brazil].
32712: Acheson, Dean - Present at the Creation My Years in the State Department.
32269: Ackelsberg, Martha A. - Free Women of Spain Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women.
33048: Ackerman, James Stokes - Teaching the Old Testament in English Classes.
22608: Acton, William - A Complete Practical Treatise on Venereal Diseases and Their Immediate and Remote Consequences : Including Observations on Certain Affections of the Uterus, Attended with Discharges.
32050: Aczel, Amir D. - Chance a Guide to Gambling, Love, the Stock Market, and Just About Everything Else.
31291: Adams, Henry - History of the United States of America During the Administrations of James Madison 1809- 1817.
30492: Adams, John - Remarks on the Country Extending From Cape Palmas to the River Congo; with an Appendix Containing an Account of the European Trade with the West Coast of Africa.
31634: Adams, D. T. & H. A. Harman - Ghana a First Geography Reader.
31375: Adams, Frederick B. , Jr. - Radical Literature in America an Address by Frederick B. Adams, J. To Which Is Appended a Catalogue of an Exhibition Held at the Grolier Club in New York City.
34085: Adams, Percy G. - Travel Literature and the Evolution of the Novel.
22661: Adams, David - A Handbook of Diction for Singers: Italian, German, French.
31036: Adams, R. J. Q. - The Great War, 1914- 1918 Essays on the Military, Political and Social History of the First World War.
33625: Adedeji, Adebayo (Ed. ) - Comprehending and Mastering African Conflicts the Search for Sustainable Peace and Good Governance.
26573: Adjarian, Maude - Allegories of Desire: Body, Nation, and Empire in Modern Caribbean Literature by Women.
33313: Adkins, Howard; Ewing, Steve; & Zimolzak, Chester (Eds. ) - West Virginia and Appalachia Selected Readings.
27355: Adler, Felix - The Punishment of Children.
22332: Adlon, Felix O. / Slakey, Laura - Eat Your Heart out [Original Screenplay].
23779: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Proceedings of a Conference on Results of the First U.S. Manned Suborbital Space Flight.
32784: Nasa - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Nasa Astronauts.
32780: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Spacelab Flight Division Missions.
32781: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - An Open Window: Hubble Space Telescope.
33832: Royal Danish Ministry Of Foreign Affairs - Denmark: An Official Handbook.
34157: Afigbo, A. E - The Warrant Chiefs Indirect Rule in Southeastern Nigeria, 1891- 1929,.
30393: Agbosu, Lennox - Customary and Statutory Land Tenure and Land Policy in Ghana.
26762: Environmental Protection Agency - The Clean Air Act.
17454: Sofia-Press Agency, Sofia, Et Al - Roads to Victory.
30448: Agyekum, George - Yendi Chieftaincy; Trials of 1987: A Clash Betweem State Amd Traditional Norms Conflict Resolution Through Judicial Action.
30482: Ahanotu, Austin M. - Religion, State and Society in Contemporary Africa Nigeria, Sudan, South Africa, Zaire and Mozambique.
31535: Ahmad, Sami - Herbivorous Insects Host- Seeking Behavior and Mechanisms.
33954: Ahrendt, William B. & John F. Taplin - Automatic Feedback Control.
21498: Aiken, Conrad - The Coming Forth by Day of Osiris Jones.
33874: Akleyev, A. V. & M. F. Kisselyov (Eds.) - Medical- Biological and Ecological Impacts of Radioactive Contamination of the Techa River.
33629: Akurgal, Ekrem - Ancient Civilizations and Ruins of Turkey . From Prehistoric Times Until the End of the Roman Empire.
32232: De Alarcon, Pedro Antonio - Tales From the Spanish.
21016: Alcock, Norman - The Logic of Love.
33359: Alderfer, Jonathan - National Geographic Complete Birds of North America Companion to the National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America.
32736: Aldrige, Alan - The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics.
33174: Alexander, Charles C. - Here the Country Lies: Nationalism and the Arts.
32723: Alexander, Jeffrey C. - The Modern Reconstruction of Classical Thought Talcott Parsons (V. 4).
26668: David-Neel Alexandra - My Journey to Lhasa.
34185: Alexandre, Pierre - French Perspectives in African Studies a Collection of Translated Essays.
32412: Alexandre, Pierre - Langues Et Langage En Afrique Noire.
31424: Alker, Hayward R. - Rediscoveries and Reformulations Humanistic Methodologies for International Studies.
27683: Allen, Richard & Absalom Jones - A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Black People During the Late Awful Calamity in Philadelphia in the Year 1793.
33695: Allen, Judith A. & Hallimeda E. Allinson & Andrew Clark-Huckstep & Brandon J. Hill & Stephanie A. Sanders & Liana H. Zhou - The Kinsey Institute the First Seventy Years.
33450: Allen, Erin - Mango Inn Bed & Breakfast Cookbook: The Best of the Best From the Kitchen of the Mango Inn.
34130: Allen, Paul - Apeland.
33424: Alley, Jean - Southern Indiana.
32980: Allman, Jean Marie - The Quills of the Porcupine Asante Nationalism in an Emergent Ghana.
31799: Alloway, Mrs. Clement - Crossed Swords.
32113: Alstad, Ken - Weather Proverbs That Work and Why They Do.
32154: Alston, Charlotte - Russia's Greatest Enemy? Harold Williams and the Russian Revolutions.
26373: Alvarez, R. Michael - Information and Elections.
22465: Alver, Brynjulf - Torleiv Hannaas: Og Hans Arbeid Med Forledikting.
31811: Amado, Jorge - The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell.
31610: Ambler, Eric - Journey Into Fear (a Black Widow Thriller).
28737: Ambrosius, Johanna - Gedichte Von Johanna Ambrosius.
32751: Colonial Dames Of America - Register of the Massachusetts Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1893- 1927.
29187: Ami, Ben - Between Hammer and Sickle.
32320: Amis, Martin - Einstein's Monsters.
23327: Amis, Kingsley - A Look Round the Estate Poems 1957- 1967.
29091: Anand, Nitya & Jasjit S. Bindra & Subramania Ranganathan - Art in Organic Synthesis.
31550: Anderson, Lee - Internal Medicine and the Structures of Modern Medical Science the University of Iowa, 1870- 1990.
12855: Anderson, Sherwood - A Story Teller's Story.
32501: Anderson, Maxwell - Anne of the Thousand Days.
32967: Anderson, Jeffrey E. - The Voodoo Encyclopedia Magic, Ritual, and Religion.
32796: Anderson, Mark R. - The Battle for the Fourteenth Colony America’S War of Liberation in Canada, 1774–1776.
24289: Andrade, Silvio - Ilusão Vista (Portuguese Edition).
31433: Andreas, Osborn - Joseph Conrad a Study in Non- Conformity.
34192: Andrews, James T. - Red Cosmos K.E. Tsiolkovskii, Grandfather of Soviet Rocketry.
31895: Andrews, C. L. & E. Awad & G. Khairallah & H. Khatchadourian & C. H. O. Scaife - Traffic with Time.
33233: Andrews, Sheila Briskin & Audrey Kirschenbaum - Living in Space: Operation Liftoff. Elementary School Space Program. Book Ii. (Ep- 223).
24851: Andrews, Sheila Briskin & Audrey Kirschenbaum - Living in Space: Operation Liftoff. Elementary School Space Program. Book 1. Levels a, B, C (Ep- 222).
24927: Angle, Barbara - Rinker.
30243: Angmor, Charles - Contemporary Literature in Ghana 1911- 1978: A Critical Evaluation.
31505: Anon. - A Chinese- English Textile Dictionary.
34155: Anon. - Cartinha Para Ensinar a Ler Fac- Similada.
27483: Anon. - Oath of Allegiance to the State of New Hampshire and to the United States, 1776.
28272: Anon. - Agriculture, Horticulture, Live Stock, Mining and Oil Section: The Rocky Mountain News Sunday, Dec. 28, 1924.
25965: Anon. - The Dalai Lama in Switzerland, 2005.
27083: Anon. - Exhibition on the Occasion of the Transfer of Public Papers of the Honorable Joseph W. Barr to the Lilly Library.
25749: Anon. - Sri Basavesvara: Eighth Centenary Commemoration Volume.
30830: Anonymous - Nupela Testamen: Bilong Bikpela Jisas Kraist.
20928: Anonymous - An English- Chinese Dictionary of Man- Made Fibres.
31151: Anonymous - Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia Malaysian Sign Language.
20041: Anonymous - Miniature Essays: Manuel de Falla.
20109: Anonymous - Miniature Essays: G. Francesco Malipiero.
34001: Anonymous - 1840 Census for Lawrence County Indiana.
19097: Ansa, Tina McElroy - Baby of the Family.
29992: Antolinez, Gilberto (Xuhe) - Hacia El Indio Y Su Mundo - Pensamientos Vivos Del Hombre Americano - Etnologia, Mitología, Folklore.
31625: Aparicio, Manuel Ciges & D. J. Walker & Christopher Schmidt-Nowara - On Captivity a Spanish Soldier's Experience in a Havana Prison, 1896- 1898.
30032: Appleman, Philip & Rudy Pozzatti (illus.) - Darwin's Ark: Poems.
31926: Appleman, Philip, - In the Twelfth Year of the War a Novel..
30752: Apusigah, Agnes Atia - Studies in Gender and Development in Africa Journal of the Gender Programmes Unit University for Development Studies (Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2007).
28942: Institute Of Archaeology, Chinese Academy Of Social Code - An Index to the Literature of Chinese Archaeology (1949 - 1966) : A Bibliography.
31326: M. L. Rodrigues de Areia - L'angola Traditionnel Une Introduction Aux Problemes Magico- Religieux.
27129: Arenas, M. Nuñez De & M. Tuñón De Lara - Historia Del Movimiento Obrero Español.
31640: Arhin, Kwame - The City of Kumasi Handbook; Past, Present, and Future.
27825: Armstrong, Robert G. , Ed. - The Traditional Background to Medical Practice in Nigeria. Institute of African Studies Occasional Publication No. 25.
29199: Arnheim, Rudolf - Toward a Psychology of Art.
30113: Arnold, Eleanor - Party Lines, Pumps and Privies.
29756: Arnove, Robert - Education and Revolution in Nicaragua.
31676: Aronson, Marc - Race: A History Beyond Black and White.
33710: Arruda, Suzanne - The Leopard's Prey a Jade Del Cameron Mystery.
33296: Metropolitan Museum Of Art, The (Ny) - Museum Abc.
32071: Honolulu Academy Of Arts - Honolulu Academy of Arts Selected Works.
30447: Aryeetey, Ellen Bortei-Doku - Legal and Institutional Issues in Land Policy Reform in Ghana Technical Publication No. 74.
30374: Aryeetey, Ernest, et al - The Organization of Land Markets and Production in Ghana: Technical Publication No. 73.
31139: Asamoa, Ansa K. - On Social Change in Sub- Saharan Africa: A Guide to the Study of the Process of Social Transformation.
26225: Asher, John A. - A Short Descriptive Grammar of Middle High German, with Texts and Vocabulary.
21974: Asimov, Isaac, Ed. - Great Science Fiction Stories by the World's Great Scientists.
24466: Asquith, P. D. & I. Hacking, Eds. - Psa 1978: Proceedings of the 1978 Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association: Volume One: Contributed Papers.
21047: United Nations Association of the U. S. A. - Controlling Conflicts in the 1970s: A Report of a National Policy Panel Established by the United Nations Association of the United States of America.
32222: American Railway Association - Rule Book of the American Railway Association: August 1914.
33234: Special Libraries Association, Washington, D. C. Chapter, Social Science Group - A Sampler of Forms for Special Libraries.
27603: California Redwood Association - California Redwood: Its Physical and Mechanical Properties in Comparison with Other Woods Based on U.S. Government Tables and Its Record of Service.
32221: American Railway Association - Rule Book of the American Railway Association: August 1914.
24892: Committee Of The American Economic Association - Readings in Business Cycle Theory.
34135: Association, American Library - Alternatives in Print an Index and Listing of Some Movement Publications Reflecting Today's Social Change Activities.
33939: Indiana University Department Of Intercollegiate Athletics - Indiana Basketball 1999- 2000 Media Guide & Yearbook.
30234: Atkins, Helen Barsky & Blaise Cronin - The Web of Knowledge: A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield.
27782: Attagara, Kingkeo - The Folk Religion of Ban Nai: A Hamlet in Central Thailand [Doctoral Dissertation].
33557: Attagara, Kingkeo - The Folk Religion of Ban Nai: A Hamlet in Central Thailand [Doctoral Dissertation].
28571: Auden, W. H. & Norman Holmes Pearson (Eds. ) & Eugene Karlin (Illus. ) - Romantic Poets From William Blake to Edgar Allan Poe (Leatherette).
30456: Auge, Marc - Pouvoirs de Vie, Pouvoirs de Mort: Introduction a Une Anthropologie de la Repression (French Edition).
31587: Aulen, Gustaf - Dag Hammarskjold's White Book the Meaning of Markings.
25679: Various Authors - Arbutus, Vol. 110, 2003 [Indiana University Yearbook].
25680: Authors, Various - The Anchor, Company 215.
29331: Various Authors - Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure Vol. 25, 1969. Melanges de Linguistique Offerts a Henri Frei. Tome 1..
29330: Various Authors - Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure Vol. 28, 1973.
33707: Authors, Various - The Marine Number of Cassier's Magazine.
12640: National Radio Institute (Various Authors) - Practical Radio & Television (Two 5- Inch- Thick Binders, Set of 60 Booklets).
33425: Authors, Numerous - The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem Song Book.
31498: Various Authors, Illustrated by Various Artists & Various Artists - Treasures From the Bronze Age of China an Exhibiton From the People's Republic of China.
30193: Various Authors - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Vol. Xlvi, July- December 1839 (New American Edition, Vol. Ix).
28393: Axelrod, David et al. ( Kerouac ) - Street Magazine Volume I Number 4.
30630: Axelson, Sigbert - Culture Confrontation in the Lower Congo From the Old Congo Kingdom to the Congo Independent State: With Special Reference to the Swedish Missionaries.
30673: Aye, Joseph - Deepening Democracy in Ghana. Vol. 2.
30876: Ayee, Joseph R.A. - Deepening Democracy in Ghana. Vol. 1. Politics of the 2000 Elections. Thematic Studies.
31372: De Azevedo, F - Brazilian Culture an Introduction to the Study of Culture in Brazil..
33148: Azimi, Negar & Isolde Brielmaier & Michket Krifa & Wim Melis - Nazar: Photographs From the Arab World.
25464: Aznar, Justo & Francisco España, Eds. - Protein C Pathway.
28492: Baaz, Maria Eriksson & Mai Palmberg, Eds. - Same and Other: Negotiating African Identitity in Cultural Production.
34158: Babcock, Barbara A. & Victor Turner & American Anthropological Association - The Reversible World Symbolic Inversion in Art and Society.
24498: Babini, José - Para Una Bibliografía de Aldo Mieli.
31133: Babovic, Toma - Leipzig.
32955: Bach, Daniel C. , Ed. - Regionalisation, Mondialisation Et Fragmentation En Afrique Subsaharienne (French Edition).
32106: Bach, Emmon - Syntactic Theory.
33570: Bach, Albert B. - The Principles of Singing a Practical Guide for Vocalists and Teachers.
24246: Bacheller, Irving - Vergilius a Tale of the Coming of Christ.
29681: Bacon, Admiral Sir R.H. - The Life of Lord Fisher of Kilverston. Admiral of the Fleet. Volume 1..
31987: Baden, Linda (Ed) - Echo Press a Decade of Printmaking.
26662: Baechler, Christian - L'allemagne de Weimar 1919- 1933.
33460: Abdu'l-Baha - Promulgation of Universal Peace Talks Delivered by Abdu'l Baha During His Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912.
32405: Bailey, F. G. - Caste and the Economic Frontier; a Village in Highland Orissa.
30556: Bailey, Adrian J. - A Longitudinal Analysis of the Migration of Young Adults in the United States.
29482: Bailey, Damon & Wendell Trogdon - Damon - Living a Dream.
33284: Bailey, Bernadine - Picture Book of California.
33113: Baillie, William M. - Choice Ternary of English Plays Gratiae Theatrales 1662.
26520: Baillie, Hugh - High Tension: The Recollections of Hugh Baillie.
33485: Bain, F. W. - A Draught of the Blue Together with an Essence of the Dusk.
33661: Baldwin, James - Just Above My Head.
18692: Ball, Bernice M. , Ed. - Chester County Pennsylvania: Chester County Day.
29858: Banach, Stefan. - Théorie Des Opérations (Operations) Linéaires (Lineaires). Monografje Matematyczne Tom I..
29859: Banach, Stefan. - Théorie Des Opérations (Operations) Linéaires (Lineaires). Monografje Matematyczne Tom I..
32459: Banks, James A. - Educating Citizens in a Multicultural Society.
24123: Bannerman, R. Leroy - Norman Corwin and Radio: The Golden Years.
28856: Bannerman, Leroy & William Kinzer - Their Other World: A Series of Thirteen Documentary Programs for Radio on Bioastronautics (Radio Scripts).
12183: [Bannerman, Helen] - The Story of Little Black Sambo.
25728: Banta, R. E - Benjamin Fuller and Some of His Descendants 1765- 1958.
31835: Banta, R. E. , Thompson, Donald E. , Comps. - Indiana Authors and Their Books 1816- 1916; 1917- 1966; 1917- 1966 (3 Volumes, Complete).
15079: Banta, R. E. (editor) - Hoosier Caravan : A Treasury of Indiana Life & Lore.
33225: Banville, John - Doctor Copernicus.
25147: De Banville, Theodore; Peter J. Edwards; Philippe Andres & Rosemary Lloyd - Oeuvres Poetiques Completes. Edition Critique. Tome Vi. Idylles Pressiennes, Trente- Six Ballades Joyeuses Rondels.
26460: Banville, John - Kepler.
30194: Barac, Anton & P. Miljuskovic, Trans. - History of Yugoslav Literature.
32464: Barash, David P. & Charles P. (Peter) Webel - Peace and Conflict Studies.
30313: Barata, Óscar Soares - A Questao Racial: Introducao [the Racial Issue: Introduction] (Portuguese Edition).
21234: Barbaroux, C. O. - L'histoire Des états- Unis D'amérique.
27687: Barber, Joseph - American Policy Toward Germany: A Report on the Views of Community Leaders in Twenty- Two Cities.
29814: Barchet, Michael, et al - Der Krieg Der Bilder Ausgewahlte Dokumentarfilme Zum Zweiten Weltkrieg Und Zum Vietnamkrieg (German Edition).
32768: Bare, Bjarne & Behzad Farazollahi - New Scandinavian Photography.
30561: Bark, William Carroll - John Maxentius and the Collectio Palatina.
31911: Barnes, Bill & Gene Ambaum - Large Print an Unshelved Collection.
29409: Barnes, Ted & Hans-Peter Morsch (Eds. ) - Baryon Excitations: Proceedings of the Cosy Workshop Held at the Forschungszentrum Julich From May 2 to 3, May 2000.
23737: Barnett, Robert E. - Cosmos Club Poets Through the Years; an Anthology.
32862: Barnstone, Willis - China Poems.
16633: Barnstone, Willis - Sunday Morning in Fascist Spain a European Memoir, 1948- 1953.
33748: Barolsky, Paul - Giotto's Father and the Family of Vasari's Lives.
20112: Barrette, Denise - Nocturne and Other Poems.
31127: Barritt, Leon - How to Draw: A Practical Book of Instruction in the Art of Illustration.
28295: Barthelme, Donald - Come Back, Dr. Caligari.
33723: Barthelme, Donald - Forty Stories.
30900: Barthelme, Donald - Great Days.
29574: Bartholow, Roberts - A Practical Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Half Leather).
28439: Bartlett, Richard C.; Williamson, Leroy - Saving the Best of Texas: A Partnership Approach to Conservation.
34137: Barton, Bruce - The Man Nobody Knows a Discovery of the Real Jesus.
33128: Barzun, Jacques, et al - Papers on Education Reform.
20897: Bass, Jan K. Stewart - At Home in the Heartland: Seasons of Serenity.
33706: Basso, Ellen B. - Native Latin American Cultures Through Their Discourse.
33650: Bastos, Augusto Roa - I the Supreme.
31322: Battersby, Jean - Cultural Policy in Australia.
33102: Baudelaire, Charles - Art in Paris: 1845- 1862: Reviews of Salons and Other Exhibitions.
33434: Baudelaire, Charles - Les Fleurs Du Mal Et Autres Poemes.
29952: Baumann, Rebecca & Rebecca Cape (Curators) & Joss March - Conducted by Charles Dickens: An Exhibition to Commemorate the Bicentennial of His Birth.
23625: Bausback, Peter - The Old and Antique Oriental Art of Weaving: Exhibition From 7th to 17th October, 1983.
32926: Bayart, Jean-Francois & Groupe D'Analyse Des Trajectoires Du Politique - La Re´Invention Du Capitalisme (French Edition).
20680: Beach, Rex - Big Brother and Other Stories.
30788: Becherer, Joseph P. - Selections From the Collections of the Kinsey Institute November 29, 1990 to May 30, 1991..
32402: Bechtel, Paul M - Wheaton College a Heritage Remembered, 1860- 1984.
29868: Bechtell, H. - Theory of Groups.
33662: Beckett, Samuel - That Time.
24890: Beckmann, M. & H. P. Künzi, Eds. - Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Kyoto 1975 : Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems.
20033: Beddingham, Philip, Et Al - Concerning Booklabels.
27287: Bedford, E., et al, Eds. - Indiana University Mathematics Journal Vol. 57, No. 6, 2008 (Special Issue in Honor of Ciprian Foias).
32495: Chadha Behera, Navnita, Ed. - International Relations in South Asia Search for an Alternative Paradigm.
30079: Behnke, H & Kopfermann, K - Festschrift Zur Gedachtnisfeier Fur Karl Weierstrass 1815- 1965.
21387: Belknap, Jeremy - The Foresters: An American Tale: Being a History of John Bull the Clothier.
22990: Bell, H. E. , Ed. - Historical Essays, 1600- 1750, Presented to David Ogg.
28209: Bell, Josephine - Double Doom.
33682: Bell, Daniel - The Winding Passage Essays and Sociological Journeys, 1960- 1980.
33790: Bell, Roger T. - Sociolinguistics: Goals, Approaches and Problems.
32857: Bellone, Enrico - A World on Paper Studies on the Second Scientific Revolution.
34163: Belote, James H. & William M. Belote - Titans of the Seas the Development and Operations of Japanese and American Carrier Task Forces During World War 2.
32141: Beltrán, Jerónimo [Peris Carbonell] - Peris Carbonell.
19317: Benedict, Pinckney - Dogs of God.
30968: Benedict, Pinckney - The Wrecking Yard.
33027: Benería, Lourdes & Martha Roldán - The Crossroads of Class and Gender Industrial Homework, Subcontracting, and Household Dynamics in Mexico City.
33713: Benner, J. A. - Lone Star Rebel.
32032: Bennett, Arnold - The Loot of Cities.
33085: Bennett, Paula - My Life, a Loaded Gun Female Creativity and Feminist Poetics.
32147: Bennett, Richard Rodney - The Music That Her Echo Is Five Songs for Tenor and Piano.
26911: Bennett, Josiah Q - The David A. Randall Retrospective Memorial Exhibition: Twenty Years' Acquisitions : The Exhibits Chosen by Mr. Randall and Described by Josiah Q. Bennett.
25189: Bereanu, Bernard, et al, Eds. - Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Probability Theory: Sept. 12- 18, 1971, Brasov, Romania.
33456: Berelson, Bernard - Content Analysis in Communication Research.
22658: Berend, Ivan T. & Gyorgy Ranki - Economic Development in East- Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries.
32691: Berenson, Edward - Heroes of Empire Five Charismatic Men and the Conquest of Africa.
28170: Berger, Joseph & Morris Zelditch Jr. - Theoretical Research Programs: Studies in the Growth of Theory.
34116: Berger, Meyer - The Story of the New York Times, 1851- 1951.
32889: Berger, John - Pig Earth.
22084: Berger, Thomas - Reinhart in Love.
33581: Bergman, Robert & Toni Morrison - A Kind of Rapture.
31410: Bergquist, Charles & Ricardo Penaranda & Gonzalo Sanchez G. , Eds. - Violence in Colombia, 1990- 2000 Waging War and Negotiating Peace.
30865: Bergstol, Tore - Atterljom: Folkeminne Fra Smadalane Kring Lindesnes Iii.
31790: Berkowitz, Edward D. - Robert Ball and the Politics of Social Security.
33364: Berkvam, Michael L. - Liberty, Equality.. . Or Death. The French Revolution, 1789- 1794..
32403: Berle, Lina Wright - George Eliot and Thomas Hardy a Contrast.
21276: Bernhard, J. R. L. , Ed. - The Pocket Macquarie Dictionary.
33208: Bernstein, Thomas P. - Up to the Mountains and Down to the Villages the Transfer of Youth From Urban to Rural China.
26034: Santamarina De Berra, Silvia - Un Pueblo Se Debate: Proyecto Eclesial O Poder Temporal: La Iglesia Durante Los Gobiernos de Rosas.
29707: Berrueta, Mariano Dominguez - Castillos de la Provincia de Leon (Coleccion Turismo) (Spanish Edition).
33054: Berry, Sara - Fathers Work for Their Sons Accumulation, Mobility, and Class Formation in an Extended Yoruba Community.
32842: Berry, Burton Yost - Out of the Past the Istanbul Grand Bazaar.
32532: Bertolini, John A. - The Playwrighting Self of Bernard Shaw.
17808: Bertsch, Gary K. , et al - Engaging India: U.S. Strategic Relations with the World's Largest Democracy.
29911: Besnard, Philippe & Anthony Hunter - Elements of Argumentation.
32686: Bessel, Richard & Dirk Schumann - Life After Death Approaches to a Cultural and Social History of Europe During the 1940s and 1950s.
30745: Jay Sapulding and Stephanie Beswick (Eds. ) - African Systems of Slavery.
23455: Betsworth, Roger G. - The Radical Movement of the 1960's.
25371: Beutler, Gisela - Studien Zum Spanischen Romancero in Kolumbien in Seiner Schriftlichen Und Mündlichen ûberlieferung Von Der Zeit Der Eroberung Bis Zur Gegenwart.
32439: Bevis, William W. - Ten Tough Trips Montana Writers and the West.
24722: Bieber, León Enrique - Las Relaciones Económicas de Bolivia Con Alemania, 1880- 1920 (Bibliotheca Ibero- Americana).
32262: Bieger, R. J. - Digs at Doc and Others.
32919: Bieler, Ludwig - History of Roman Literature; Condensed and Adapted From the German, with the Collaboration of the Author,.
25601: Biet, Nha Doanh Nghiep Can - Formalities for Documentation Appraisal and Implementation of the Foreign Invested Projects in Vietnam (in English and Vietnamese).
32236: Bigelow, John - The Mystery of Sleep.
32798: Billias, George Athan - George Washington's Generals and Opponents Their Exploits and Leadership.
34029: Binder, Leonard, et al - Crises and Sequences in Political Development.
31187: Birkin, Andrew - J.M. Barrie & the Lost Boys the Love Story That Gave Birth to Peter Pan.
29951: Birnbaum, Martin - Angkor and the Mandarin Road.
33612: Birringer, Johannes H. - Theatre, Theory, Postmodernism.
32203: Bishop, James - Epitaph for a Desert Anarchist the Life and Legacy of Edward Abbey.
31161: Bissell, Claude - The Imperial Canadian: Vincent Massey in Office.
34079: Bissonnette, William E. - The Jazz Crusade the Inside Story of the Great New Orleans Jazz Revival of the 1960's/Includes Compact Disk.
33628: Blackwell, Stephen (Ed. ) - In Other Words: Studies to Honor Vadim Liapunov.
32220: Blake, William & William R. Hughes (Ed. ) - Jerusalem a Simplified Version with Commentary and Notes.
29560: Blanc, Maurice, and, Ramuz, C.F. - Das Waadtland; Ein Bildbuch Mit 81 Photographischen Aufnahmen..
32202: Blanchard, Charles, Ed. & James W. Archer - History of Owen County, Enlarged with the Addition of Index and Photographs Including Spencer and "Gems of Sweet Owen".
33481: Blatty, William Peter - The Exorcist.
31871: Blechman, Burt - Maybe.
33372: Blei, Norbert - Door Way.
22054: Bloch, Robert / Marriott, Anthony - The Deadly Bees (Original Screenplay) (Prod. #10427) Release Dialogue Script (January 16, 1967).
28188: Blume, Friedrich (Ed.) - Die Musik in Geschichte Und Geganwort: Allgemeine Enzyklopadie Der Musik (14 Vol. Set).
33940: Bob, Leroy & Raymond Martine (Eds. ) - Tsa' Aszi' 1982: Vol. V, Number 1 a Magazine of Navajo Culture.
30917: Bobrow, Anne - A Splendid Gathering for Bibliophiles of Rare Books and Manuscripts.
32625: Bockstoce, John R. - Furs and Frontiers in the Far North the Contest Among Native and Foreign Nations for the Bering Strait Fur Trade.
34041: Boehner, Philotheus. - Medieval Logic an Outline of Its Development From 1250- 1400..
32079: Bogard, Travis - From the Silence of Tao House Essays About Eugene and Carlotta O'neill and the Tao House Plays.
33495: Bogart, Michele H. - Artists, Advertising, and the Borders of Art.
25364: Bohannan, Paul & John Middleton, Eds. - Kinship and Social Organization.
33342: Boin, Douglas - Alaric the Goth an Outsider's History of the Fall of Rome.
28365: Bolano, Roberto; Wimmer, Natasha, Trans. - The Savage Detectives: A Novel.
33178: Bolaño, Roberto - 2666 - 3- Volume Boxed Set a Novel.
28352: Bolaño, Roberto; Andrews, Chris - The Skating Rink.
33116: Boll, Heinrich - A Soldier's Legacy.
23193: Boll, Heinrich - Heinrich Boll on His Death: Selected Obituaries and the Last Interview.
33478: Boll, Heinrich - Missing Persons and Other Essays.
31663: Bolles, Henry Jason - Magpies' Nest.
33935: Bonhams - Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian Art - September 14, 2015 (Bonhams, #22463, New York).
25878: Bonnafé, Pierre - Histoire Social D'un People Congolais: Livre Ii. Posseder Et Gouverner.
25877: Bonnafé, Pierre - Histoire Social D'un People Congolais. Livre I. La Terre Et le Ciel.
33215: Bonner, John Tyler - Cells and Societies.
33958: Bonner, Williard & George R. Lewis, Ed. - Harp on the Shore Thoreau and the Sea.
31324: Bontinck, Frans - Le Comite National Americain de L'aia.
31079: Blue Rider Books - Horses and Americans 150 Years of Equestrian Literature in America.
24165: Oak Knoll Books - Fine Printing & Private Press in 20th Century Great Britain: Catalog 260.
28641: Boomhower, Ray E. - The Country Contributor: The Life and Times of Juliet V. Strauss.
25466: Boomkamp, Carel van Leeuwen - De Klanksfeer Der Oude Muziek, in Het Bijzonder Der 18de Eeuwsche Muziek Voor Strijkinstrumenten.
31905: Boone, Rebecca - Essentialism As a Grand Unifying Theory Response to Conflicts in Feminism.
30019: Strangwayes-Booth, Joanna - A Cricket in the Thorn Tree: Helen Suzman and the Progressive Party of South Africa.
22507: Borchgrevink, Louise Storm - Fra Ei Anna Tid: Folkeminne Fra Nordfjord.
31507: Borden, Spencer - The Arab Horse.
23385: Bordewich, Fergus - Bound for Canaan: The Underground Railroad and the War for the Soul of America.
33962: (Borges, Jorge Luis) Dunham, Lowell and Ivar Ivask - The Cardinal Points of Borges.
33240: Borko, Harold; Bernier, Charles L. - Indexing Concepts and Methods.
30970: Born, James O. - Escape Clause.
29826: Boruch, Marianne - View From the Gazebo.
34181: Boser, Renée & Alain Jeanneret - Schwarz- Afrika Plastik. Museum Fur Volkerkunde Basel.
27809: Boswell, Jessie P. , Comp. - Index to the Journal and Debates of the Indiana Constitutional Convention 1850- 1951.
30553: Boswell, Jessie P., Comp. - Index to the Journal and Debates of the Indiana Constitutional Convention 1850- 1951.
30888: Bott, Ed & Carl Siechert & Craig Stinson - Windows 7 Inside out, Deluxe Edition (Hardcover).
33034: Boulding, Kenneth E. - The Image.
34151: Boulter, Michael - Extinction Evolution and the End of Man.
33265: Bouret, Jean - Degas His Life and Work.
33574: Bourjaily, Vance - Brill Among the Ruins.
20750: Bourne, Charles P. - Methods of Information Handling.
33169: Bourque, Susan C. & Kay Barbara Warren - Women of the Andes Patriarchy and Social Change in Two Peruvian Towns.
32874: Bouton, Jim & Leonard Shecter - I'm Glad You Didn't Take It Personally..
30658: Bouttiaux, Anne-Marie & Hughes Dubois - Le Sensible Et la Force Photographies de Hughes Dubois Et Sculptures Songye.
25779: Bovenzi, Eugenio - Bozzetti Di Capri.
20243: De Bovet, Marie Anne - Charles Gounod: His Life and His Works.
32815: Bowen, Elizabeth & Anthony Burgess & David Cecil & Graham Greene & Kate O'Brien - The Heritage of British Literature.
25294: Bower, John - Lingering Spirit: A Photogeraphic Tribute to Indiana's Fading, Forlorn, and Forgotten Places.
30820: Bower, John - Guardians of the Soul Angels and Innocents, Mourners and Saints- - Indiana's Remarkable Cemetery Sculpture.
32380: Bowers, Q. David - Silver Dollars and Trade Dollars of the United States (Complete 2- Volume Set) a Complete Encyclopedia.
30894: Bowie, Angela - Backstage Passes Life on the Wild Side with David Bowie.
30199: Bowman, David - Let the Dog Drive.
34118: Bowtell, David & Joseph Sambrook (Eds. ) - Dna Microarrays a Molecular Cloning Manual.
32019: Boyd, L. - Contextual Analysis: Concepts and Statistical Techniques.
31399: Boyle, John E. Whiteford - Contra Sartre's Existentialism: The Way of the Essentialist.
34156: Bradbury, R. E. & P. C. Lloyd - The Benin Kingdon and the Edo- Speaking Peoples of South- Western Nigeria Together with a Section on the Itsekiri.
21269: Bradbury, Ray - One More for the Road.
29209: Bradley, Tom - The Old Coaching Days in Yorkshire.
33615: Bradley, Michael - Grail Knights of North America on the Trail of the Grail Legacy in Canada and the United States.
32433: Brady, Agnes Marie, Ed. - Historia de la Cultura Hispanoamericana.
32924: Braeckman, Colette - Le Dinosaure le Zaïre de Mobutu (French Edition).
32756: Braithwaite, Richard Bevan - Scientific Explanation: A Study of the Function of Theory, Probability and Law in Science.
29774: Brame, William - Different Loving: An Exploration of the World of Sexual Dominance and Submission.
29802: Bramson, Leon and Goetals, George W - War: Studies From Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology.
29238: Brand, Myles, et al - A Celebration of a Life: Remembering Herman B Wells.
34013: Brand, Millen - Local Lives Poems About the Pennsylvania Dutch.
33287: Branden, Nathaniel - Taking Responsibility Self Reliance and the Accountable Life.
30474: Brandon, John - Arkansas.
32410: Brandon, James R. - Theatre in Southeast Asia.
31979: Brautigan, Richard - Willard and His Bowling Trophies a Perverse Mystery.
34107: Braynard, Frank O. - Famous American Ships : Being an Historical Sketch of the United States As Told Through Its Maritime Life.
33272: Breckinridge, Sophonisba P. - Illinois Poor Law and Its Administration.
22906: Brécy, Robert - Le Mouvement Syndical En France 1871- 1921: Essai Bibliographique.
28254: Breen, A. E. - A General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture.
31548: Breines, Wini - Community and Organization in the New Left, 1962- 1968 the Great Refusal.
30399: Brempong, Arhin & Kwame Arhin - Transformations and Traditional Rule in Ghana, 1951- 1996.
29190: Brennan, Matt - American Scenes: Poems on Wpa Artworks.
29084: Brennan, Matthew - The Music of Exile: Poems.
24072: Breton, André - Anthologie de L'humour Noir.
25222: Brewster, E. H. - The Life of Gotama the Buddha: Compiled Exclusively From the Pali Canon.
31517: O'Brien, Edna - A Pagan Place Play.
27360: Briggle, Margaret van - Wild Olive.
31319: Brinkley, Christie - Timeless Beauty over 100 Tips, Secrets, and Shortcuts to Looking Great.
21009: Briscoe, Vera / Martin, James W. / Reeves, J. E. - Safeguarding Kentucky's Natural Resources.
31146: Broadhead, Susan Herlin - Trade and Politics on the Congo Coast 1770- 1870.
31113: Broadhead, Susan Herlin - Trade and Politics on the Congo Coast 1770- 1870.
12105: Brock, D. Heyward - A Ben Jonson Companion.
32568: Brodsky, Louis Daniel & Robert W. Hamblin - Faulkner a Comprehensive Guide to the Brodsky Collection, Volume I, the Biobibliography..
27674: Bromberg, Norbert & Verna Volz Small - Hitler's Psychopathology.
21080: Brome, Vincent - Havelock Ellis: Philosopher of Sex: A Biography.
33984: Bromfield, Louis & Kate Lord (Illus. ) - Malabar Farm.
28292: Bromige, David; Kelly, Robert; Wakoski, Diane - The Wise Men Drawn to Kneel in Wonder at the Fact So of Itself..
21183: Bronk, William - That Tantalus.
32714: Bronner, Simon J. - Manly Traditions the Folk Roots of American Masculinities.
22213: Brooke, Rupert - Democracy and the Arts.
33788: Brooks, Philip Lee - Fields of Greed.
33886: Harper & Brothers - Harper's Introductory Geography with Maps and Illustrations Prepared Expressly for This Work by Eminent American Artists.
34125: Brower, Barbara & Barbara Rose Johnston (Eds, ) - Disappearing Peoples? Indigenous Groups and Ethnic Minorities in South and Central Asia.
33685: Brown, Mary Ellen, Ed. - Neo- Paganism a Feminist Search for Religious Alternatives.
29950: Brown, Rebecca M. - Goddess, Lion, Peasant, Priest (Modern and Contemporary Indian Art From the Collection of Shelley and Donald Rubin).
33739: Brown, Rex - Rational Choice and Judgment Decision Analysis for the Decider.
32451: Brown, Arlen & Carl Pearcy - Introduction to Operator Theory I. Elements of Functional Analysis.
32462: Brown, Seyom - Human Rights in World Politics.
33622: Brown, Deming Bronson - Soviet Russian Literature Since Stalin.
27133: Brown, Percy & Joan Townend - Tours in Sikhim and the Darjeeling District.
33480: Brown Jr. , Tom - Tom Brown's Field Guide to Nature and Survival for Children.
32675: Browne, Ray B. - Melville's Drive to Humanism.
32293: Browning, Robert - The Ring and the Book (in Custom Slipcase).
30646: Brownstein, Oscar Lee & Darlene M. Daubert - Analytical Sourcebook of Concepts in Dramatic Theory.
32157: Bruccoli, Matthew J. - Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald a New Collection.
27856: Brucker, Roger, Ed. - Hi- O- Hi [Oberlin College Yearbook] 1950.
31916: Brunetta, Renato & Carlo Dell'aringa, Eds. - Labour Relations and Economic Performance.
33639: Brunnemer, James - Distinction without Pretension the Little School That Did.
25123: Brunner, Edmund De S. - Church Life in the Rural South; a Study of the Opportunity of Protestantism Based Upon Data From Seventy Counties.
31030: Brunsden, Denys, Ed. - The Unquiet Landscape.
29567: Brusewitz, Gunnar - Sjo: Anteckningar Fran En Strand [Swedish Edition].
23315: Brustein, Robert - The Theatre of Revolt: An Approach to the Modern Drama.
33445: Bryan, William Lowe - Farewells.
32726: Bryant, Betty - Here Comes the Showboat!.
32455: Brysk, Alison - From Tribal Village to Global Village Indian Rights and International Relations in Latin America.
18200: Buchanan, James - Indian Affairs in Oregon and Washington Territories: Message From the President of the United States.
32428: Buchanan, Georgia Gianakos - Paved with Gold.
25198: Buchler, Dr. A. - The Priests and Their Cult in the Last Decade of the Temple in Jerusalem [Hebrew Edition].
34162: Buchli, Victor (Ed. ) - The Material Culture Reader.
27854: Buchner, Alexandre - Les Instruments de Musique a Travers Les Ages.
21507: Buckingham, Willis J. , Ed. - Emily Dickinson: An Annotated Bibliography: Writings, Scholarship, Criticism, and Ana 1850- 1968.
29736: Buckingham, Barbara, Ed. - Revonah (Yearbook, Hanover College, 1954).
32943: Buckley, Keith, et al - Trustees and Officers of Indiana University - Volume Iii - 1982- 2018.
32632: Buehler, Alfred, Terry Barrow and Charles P. Mountford - The Art of the South Sea Islands Including Australia and New Zealand.
33774: Bukharin, N. I. , Needham, Joseph & P. G. Werskey - Science at the Cross Roads Papers Presented to the International Congress of the History of Science and Technology Held in London From June 20th to July 3rd 1931.
33871: Bulgakov, Mikhail & Ellendea Proffer (Ed. ) & Carl L. Proffer (Trans. ) - The Early Plays of Mikhail Bulgakov.
34097: Bull, Bartle - Safari a Chronicle of Adventure.
27262: Bullen, A. H. - Lyrics From the Song- Books of the Elizabethan Age.
30654: Bullough, Vern L. & Bonnie Bullough - Human Sexuality an Encyclopedia.
34031: Bunge, Mario & Martin Mahner (Ed. ) - Scientific Realism Selected Essays of Mario Bunge.
20908: Bunker, Edward - The Animal Factory.
31444: Buranelli, Francesco & Maurizio Sannibale - Etruscan Treasures From the Cini- Alliata Collection.
31142: Burckhardt, John Lewis - Arabic Proverbs; or the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians.
21809: Chief Of The Weather Bureau, Secretary Of Agriculture - Proceedings of the Third Convention of Weather Bureau Officials, Held at Peoria, Ill. , September 20, 21, 22, 1904.
33645: Burgett, Donald - The Road to Arnhem a Screaming Eagle in Holland.
30875: Burgin, Victor - The End of Art Theory: Criticism and Postmodernity.
32769: Burk, C. A. - Geology of the Alaska Peninsula Island Arc and Continental Margin in Two Volumes (Complete Set).
32286: Burnett, W. R. - Underdog.
34114: Burnett, Whit - Black Hands on a White Face; a Time- Piece of Experiences in a Black and White America. An Anthology.
33701: Burnford, Sheila Every - The Fields of Noon.
32543: Burnim, Mellonee V. & Portia K. Maultsby - African American Music an Introduction.
24361: Burns, Virginia - Lewis Cass: Frontier Soldier.
32873: Burton, Miles - The Secret of High Eldersham.
29044: Burton, Charles - Political and Social Change in China Since 1978.
32674: Busch, Francis X. - Guilty or Not Guilty?.
32727: Busch, Francis X. - They Escaped the Hangman Notable American Trials, 4 Celebrated Cases, by Francis X. Busch.
33810: Busch, Charles & Marjorie Quennell - Red Scare on Sunset.
32167: Bushnell, Scott M. - Hard News, Heartfelt Opinions a History of the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette.
26020: Butcher, Jack - Butcher Ball: It's Not Just a Game.
30300: Butombe, J. I. Nkulu - La Question Du Zaire Et Ses Repercussions Sur Les Juridictions Ecclesiastiques (1865- 1888) (French Edition) [a Matter Concerning Zaire and Its Impact on the Ecclesiastical Courts].
25860: Butterfield & Butterfield - The Jerome Hawley United States Postal History Collection [Auction Catalog].
32851: Byatt, A. S. - Sugar and Other Stories.
33699: Cranmer-Byng, J. L. - A Lute of Jade Being Selections From the Classical Poets of China.
33222: Bynner, Witter - Three Hundred Poems of the T'ang Dynasty 618- 906 English Translation V. Chinese Text. A Translation with Notes and Commentary for the Study and Appreciation of the Chinese Poems..
25339: O'Byrne, Cathal - The Grey Feet of the Wind.
26971: Cagle, William R. (Preface) - The Lilly Library: The First Quarter Century 1960- 1985.
33361: Cagle, William R. ; Gossy, Dorian - Two Hundred and Fifty Years of the British Novel 1740- 1789.
24037: Caidin, Martin - The Man- In- Space Dictionary: A Modern Glossary.
33197: Caidin, Martin - Ragwings and Heavy Iron the Agony and the Ecstasy of Flying History's Greatest Warbirds.
33459: Cain, Noble - Choral Music and Its Practice 1942 Revised Edition.
31816: Cain, James M.; Hoopes, Roy - Career in C Major and Other Fiction.
30622: Cairnes, John Elliott - The Slave Power: Its Character, Career, and Probable Designs; : Being an Attempt to Explain the Real Issues Involved in the American Contest.
31627: Cajori, Florian - William Oughtred a Great Seventeenth- Century Teacher of Mathematics.
12095: Caldwell, Erskine - This Very Earth.
32894: Caldwell, Lynton Keith; Hayes, Lynton R. ; MacWhirter, Isabel M. - Citizens and the Environment Case Studies in Popular Action.
25443: Calislar, Izzeddin, Ed. - Propaganda: A Film by Sinan Cetin.
28049: Callaghan, Eugene - Endellite Deposits in Gardner Mine Ridge, Lawrence County, Indiana.
31304: Callaway, Barbara J. - Muslim Hausa Women in Nigeria: Tradition and Change.
32517: Calvert, James F. - Silent Running My Years on a World War Ii Attack Submarine.
33521: Calvert, Greg & Carol Neiman - A Disrupted History; the New Left and the New Capitalism.
29615: Calvin, William - The Ascent of Mind.
33633: Cameron, A. D. - Slate From Coniston a History of the Coniston Slate Industry.
31155: Cameron, D. - Arabic English Dictionary.
32067: Cameron, Peter J. - Oligomorphic Permutation Groups.
19181: de Camp, L. Sprague - The Golden Wind.
25105: De Camp, L. Sprague & Catherine Crook - 3000 Years of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
34094: De Camp, L. Sprague - The Ancient Engineers.
33905: Canning, Victor - The Golden Salamander.
33721: Cannon, Cornelia James & Marian Cannon (Illus. ) - The Fight for the Pueblo the Story of Onate's Expedition and the Founding of Santa Fe, 1598- 1609.
33983: Cantor, Jeffrey A. & Donald R. Stabile - The Public Debt of the United States an Historical Perspective, 1775- 1990.
33869: Capell, Arthur - A New Fijian Dictionary.
32901: Caragiale, I. L. - Schite Si Povestiri = Sketches and Stories.
30947: Card, Orson Scott - The Call of Earth: Homecoming.
31007: Card, Orson Scott - Shadow Puppets.
30953: Card, Orson Scott - Alvin Journeyman the Tales of Alvin Maker Iv.
33117: Cardus, Neville - Autobiography.
28943: G. L. C. [George L. Carey] - A Thousand Miles Up the Nile.
33189: Carey, S. Pearce - William Carey "the Father of Modern Missions".
32309: Carhart, Arthur H. & Stanley P. Young - The Last Stand of the Pack.
33196: Carlson, Elof Axel - Genes, Radiation, and Society the Life and Work of H.J. Muller.
32237: Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus the Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrocke.
33667: Carlyle, Thomas - Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, Vol. 3 Collected and Republished First Time, 1839; Final, 1869.
22846: Carpenter, Jesse T. - The South As a Conscious Minority 1789- 1861: A Study in Political Thought a Study in Political Thought.
30935: Carpenter, Edwin H. , Comp. & Wm. M. Cheney - A Natural History of the Typestickers of Los Angeles. Compiled From the Letters of Wm M. Cheney.
30548: Carpenter, Scott & Kris Stoever - For Spacious Skies the Uncommon Journey of a Mercury Astronaut.
34086: Carr, Robert - Black Nationalism in the New World Reading the African- American and West Indian Experience.
26519: Le Carré, John - A Small Town in Germany.
30744: Carter, Tim & Richard A. Goldthwaite - Orpheus in the Marketplace: Jacopo Peri and the Economy of Late Renaissance Florence.
27582: Carter, Leverett E. & Helena Sexauer (Illus. ) - Connecticut Shore Lines.
29056: Carter, Jared - After the Rain.
32345: Carter, Tom - No Sundays in the Bush: An English Jackeroo in Western Australia 1887- 1889.
32449: Carter, Huntly - The Theatre of Max Reinhardt.
21103: Carter, April, Et Al - Non- Violent Action: Theory and Practice: A Selected Bibliography.
24138: Carus, Paul - K'ung Fu Tze: A Dramatic Poem.
31506: Carvalho, Francisco Pereira De Bulhoes - Structure and Evolution of the Universe.
31300: A Lima de Carvalho - Reflexoes Para Uma Analise Dimensional Da Estrutura de Mocambique.
31288: A. Lima de Carvalho - Angola: Diferenciacao, Estratificacao E Mobilidade Social Alguns Problemas Introdutorios Fundamentais.
30443: Carver, Raymond & Taylor, Dennis, Ed. - Religion and the Arts: A Journal From Boston College (Volume 2- 3, 1998) [Raymond Carver Issue].
24857: Casalis, A. - English- Sotho Vocabulary.
27855: Cascella, Pietro - Pietro Cascella.
33892: Caskoden, Edwin [Charles Major] - When Knighthood Was in Flower.
25300: Cassirer, Peter - Deskriptiv Stilistik: En Begrepps- Och Metoddiskussion.
28374: Cassou, Jean - Campigli. Avec Un Texte de L'artiste.
32206: Castelot, Andre´ - Fouche´ le Double Jeu.
29533: Comissio Internaticional De Difusio De La Cultura Catalana - La Diversitat Cultural En El Dialeg Nord- Sud. Ponencies de la Segona Trobada de la Comissio Internacional de Dufusio de la Cultura Catalana.
24249: Catcott, E. J. & J. F. Smithcors, Eds. - Progress in Canine Practice: 3 Physical Volumes in Slipcase: Volume Two, Parts One, Two, and Three.
23013: Cate, Fred H. , Dennis H. Long, & David C. Williams, Eds. - The Court- Martial of George Armstrong Custer.
31678: Cathcart, Charlotte - Indianapolis From Our Old Corner.
34047: Cather, Willa - My Antonia.
31237: Caute, David - The Demonstration.
27852: Cavada, Enrico, et al - Alle Sorgenti Del Benaco.
27339: Cebdrars, Blaise - Petis Contes Negres Pour Les Enfants Des Blancs.
23773: Manned Spacecraft Center, NASA - Results of the Second U.S. Manned Suborbital Space Flight, July 21, 1961.
23659: Manned Spacecraft Center, NASA - Astronaut John H. Glenn, Jr. Friendship 7, February 20, 1962.
26111: Ceresole, Norberto - 1988 Crisis Militar Argentina.
33291: Ceylan, Yasin - Theology and Tafsir in the Major Works of Fakhr Al- Din Al- Razi.
28810: Chadwick, Hector Munro - The Nationalities of Europe and the Growth of National Ideologies.
32668: Chalmers, Patrick R - The Barrie Inspiration.
27003: Chamberlin, Dennis - Kaliningrad (Formerly Königsberg).
25063: Chamberlin, David, Ed. & David Livingstone - Some Letters From Livingstone 1840- 1872.
32466: Chan, Sylvia - Liberalism, Democracy and Development.
31626: Chandler, Frank W. - The Literature of Roguery Volume I.
29322: Chaney, Elsa (Ed.) - Muchachas No More: Household Workers in Latin America and the Caribbean.
33855: Chang, Thelma & Daniel K. Inouye & Franklin S. Odo - I Can Never Forget Men of the One Hundredth - Four Hundred Forty- Second.
31317: Chapel, Charles Edward - Guns of the Old West.
20575: Chappell, William [Wooldridge, H. Ellis] - Old English Popular Music: A New Edition with a Preface and Notes, and the Earlier Examples Entirely Revised by H. Ellis Wooldridge (3 Books in One Volume).
34132: Charteris, Leslie - The Last Hero the Saint Closes a Case.
29325: Chase, Susan E. - Ambiguous Empowerment: The Work Narratives of Women School Superintendents.
32521: Chavel, I. & H. M. Farkas, Eds. - Differential Geometry and Complex Analysis a Volume Dedicated to the Memory of Harry Ernest Rauch.
31826: Chebyshev, P. L. (Tschebyscheff) - Theorie Der Congruenzen: Elemente Der Zahlentheorie.
33448: Chekhov, Anton - Best Plays of Chekhov the Sea Gull, Uncle Vanya, the Three Sisters, the Cherry Orchard.
29249: Cheney, Sheldon - Open Air Theatre.
18363: Cheng, Peter - A Chronology of the People's Republic of China From October 1, 1949.
32000: Cherniak, Christopher - Minimal Rationality.
31325: Chevalier, Francois - Land and Society in Colonial Mexico; the Great Hacienda.
22513: Chevalier, Anne - Le Manuscrit de "Barnabooth": Dossier Etabli.
24090: Chevray, Rene & Jean Mathiew - Topics in Fluid Mechanics.
25638: Chiarella, Tom - Foley's Luck.
31014: Chichester, Sir Francis - Gipsy Moth Circles the World.
23962: Chin, Lucas, Ed. - The Sarawak Museum Journal (Vol. Xxiii Nos. 44, New Series) January- December 1975.
17872: Christman, Florence - The Romance of Balboa Park.
34074: Chuikov, Marshal Vasili Ivanovich - The Beginning of the Road the Story of the Battle of Stalingrad.
32809: Church, F. Forrester - God and Other Famous Liberals Reclaiming the Politics of America.
22278: Ciardi, John - From Time to Time.
33681: Cieraad, Irene - Fetishism (Etnofoor Magazine Volume 3 Number 1 1990).
32789: Cincinnatus - Self- Destruction, the Disintegration and Decay of the United States Army During the Vietnam Era.
28258: Clark, G. Douglas, Ed. - The Indiana Water Resource: Availability, Uses, and Needs.
12952: Clark, Thomas D. - Indiana University: Midwestern Pioneer. Vol. 2. In Mid- Passage.
27865: Clark, Thomas Dionysius - The Rampaging Frontier: Manners and Humors of Pioneer Days in the South and the Middle West.
33205: Clark, Henry Scott - The Legionaries. A Story of the Great Raid..
20621: Clark, Thomas D. - Indiana University: Midwestern Pioneer. Vol. Iii. Years of Fulfillment.
31768: Clark, H. Nichols B. - A Marble Quarry the James H. Ricau Collection of American Sculpture at the Chrysler Museum of Art.
33149: Clark, Terry Nichols - Prophets and Patrons: The French University and the Emergence of the Social Sciences.
33138: Senior Class (Eds. ) - Indiana University Yearbook, Arbutus, 1962.
31605: Yearbook Staff and Junior Class - Illiwoco 1939 Macmurray College Yearbook.
23050: Cleary, Jon - Pride's Harvest.
23706: Clements, John - Debate Packet 1990- 1991: The Future of Space Exploration in the United States of America: A Compilation of U.S. Government Documentary Materials.
33549: Clements, Barbara Evans - Bolshevik Feminist the Life of Aleksandra Kollantai.
27935: Clennon, Amanda, Ed. & Yearbook Staff - Veritas 2001- 2002 Sacred Heart - Griffin High School [Yearbook], Springfield Illinois.
23174: Cleveland, Frederick Albert - Funds and Their Uses: A Book Describing the Methods, Instruments, and Institutions Employed in Modern Financial Transactions.
23794: Cleveland, Frederick Albert - Funds and Their Uses: A Book Describing the Methods, Instruments, and Institutions Employed in Modern Financial Transactions (1st Edition).
31230: J. M. G. Le Clezio - The African.
25283: Clicqué, Guy M. - Differenz Und Parallelität: Zum Verständnis Des Zusammenhangs Von Theologie Und Naturwissenschaft Am Beispiel Der ûberlegungen Günter Howes.
21079: Cline, Ray S. - The Cia Under Reagan Bush & Casey: The Evolution of the Agency From Roosevelt to Reagan.
28169: Clor, Harry M. - Public Morality and Liberal Society: Essays on Decency, Law, and Pornography.
23623: The Grolier Club - Catalogue of an Exhibition of First and Other Editions of the Works of John Dryden (1631- 1700).
12834: Link-Belt Co. - Link- Belt Roller Chain Drives: Data Book No. 1257.
21129: Oliver Ditson Co. - Students' Songs: The Moses King Collection.
22525: Geo. H. Adams & Co. - New Topographical Atlas and Gazetteer of Indiana, Comprising a Topographical View of the Several Counties of the State, Together with a Railroad Map of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, an Alphabetical Gazetteer .. ..
15241: Coale, Howard - The Ouroboros.
32038: Coates, Marion (Ed. ) - Sea Sequel to the Week- End Book.
34105: Coats, Robert R. ; Richard L. Hay & Charles A. Anderson (Eds. ) - Studies in Volcanology a Memoir in Honor of Howell Williams.
30969: Coatsworth, Elizabeth Jane: - Tonio and the Stranger, a Mexican Adventure,.
28779: Cobian, Rolando Ames, et al - El Control Democrático de la Defensa En la Región Andina. Escenarios Para Una Integración Civil- Militar.
31878: Codrescu, Andrei - License to Carry a Gun.
32469: Coetzee, J. M. - Disgrace.
33637: Coetzee, J. M. - Foe.
27481: Coffin, Robert P. Tristram - Maine Ballads.
31022: Cohan, Tony - Opium a Novel.
27604: New Jersey Center For Visual Arts; Nancy Cohen - The Combination Print: 1980's: April 17 - May 22, 1988.
33642: Cohen, William B. - The French Encounter with Africans White Response to Blacks, 1530- 1880.
31931: Cohen, Paul A. - Between Tradition and Modernity Wang T'ao and Reform in Late Ch'ing China.
33350: Cohn, Professor Norman - Noah's Flood the Genesis Story in Western Thought.
31820: Cohn, Jan - Creating America George Horace Lorimer and the Saturday Evening Post.
30707: Coimbra, Carlos Dias - "Oficios Para O Reino" 2. O Volume. Codices 7, 8, 9 E 10. 1801- 1819.
32318: Colbert, Stephana I - Ordinary Extraordinary African American Women the Elders.
32207: Coldham, Peter Wilson - Settlers of Maryland 1731- 1750.
16130: Cole, Nancy H. - Puppet Theatre in Performance.
33863: Cole, Ralph D. & W. C. , Howells - The 37th Division in the World War, 1917- 1918 (Volume One).
33931: Coleman, William (Trans. & Intro. ) - The Interpretation of Animal Form; Essays by Jeffries Wyman, Carl Gegenbaur, E. Ray Lankester, Henri Lacaze Duthiers, Wilhelm His and H. Newell Martin 1868- 1888.
27354: Collas, Pericles; Harissiadis, Dimitrios, Photographer - A Concise Guide to Mycenae & Tiryns.
26206: Students Of Central Normal College, Danville Indiana - The Centralian. Vol Iii, July 1915 [Central Normal College Yearbook].
19490: Kilgore College - The Ranger [Kilgore College Yearbook] 1974.
25584: The Senior Class Of Wabash College - The Wabash 1931 [College Yearbook].
27844: The Senior Class Of Wabash College - The Wabash 1937 [College Yearbook].
32647: Collier, David & Henry E. Brady (Eds. ) - Rethinking Social Inquiry Diverse Tools, Shared Standards.
32653: Colodny, Robert G. (editor) - Mind and Cosmos Essays in Contempory Science and Philosophy.
31807: Colson, Elizabeth and Gluckman, Max (Eds. ) - Seven Tribes of Central Africa.
33070: Comaroff, Jean & John L. Comaroff - Law and Disorder in the Postcolony.
28323: Comini, Alessandra - Egon Schiele.
32783: Indianapolis Sesqicentennial Commission - Sesqui- Samplings 150 Years of Cooking in Indianapolis / by Indianapolis Sesqicentennial Commission.
26159: Commission, New Jersey Historical & New Jersey Historical Commission & W. John Bauer - William Carlos Williams, Stephen Crane, Philip Freneau: Papers and Poems Celebrating New Jersey's Literary Heritage.
26328: National Association Of Railway Commissioners - Proceedings of the Twenty- Sixth Annual Convention Feb. 17- 20, 1914.
31033: Epoch Yearbook Committee - The Epoch '63 [Northside Junior High School, Columbus, Indiana].
24708: St. Patrick's Parish History Committee - Parish History, 1901- 1978: St. Patrick Catholic Church, Urbana Illinois.
31078: Council of Europe Social Committee - Social Aspects of Regional Development - Urban Areas.
31034: Epoch Yearbook Committee - The Epoch 1974 [Northside Junior High School Yearbook, Columbus, Indiana].
30731: Illinois Steel Company (U.S. Steel Company) - Steel Framing for Small Residences.
22276: Elsevier Publishing Company - The Technological Value of the Sugar Beet Proceedings of the Xith Session of the Commission Internationale Technique de Sucrerie, Frankfurt 1960.
20481: Theodore Presser Company - Opera Songs: The Choicest Selections From All the Standard Operas New and Old: Alto.
20507: Ch'eng Wen Publishing Company - A Classified List of Reference Books in the Reading Rooms of the National Library of Peiping.
30794: Various Composers - Beatles Lyrics.
33355: National Spiritual Assembly Of The Baha'is (Comps. ) - The Baha'i Centenary 1844- 1944 a Record of America's Response to Baha'u'llah's Call to the Realization of the Oneness of Mankind.
25097: Compton, W. David & Charles D. Benson - Living and Working in Space a History of Skylab (Nasa Sp- 4208).
33195: Conati, Marcello (Ed. ) - Encounters with Verdi.
14262: US Congress, Office of Technology Management - Research Funding As an Investment: Can We Measure the Returns?.
31903: Connor, Tony - New and Selected Poems.
15704: O'Connor, Ulick - Irish Tales and Sagas.
30071: Conover, Charlotte Reeve - A History of the Beck Family Together with a Geneological Record of the Alleynes and the Chases From Whom They Are Descended.
30405: Conrad, Joseph - The Nigger of the Narcissus, the Mirror of the Sea (2 Volumes in 1).
33950: Conrad, Joseph & Samuel Hynes - The Complete Short Fiction of Joseph Conrad the Stories, Volume I.
33221: Conrad, Joseph - Lord Jim.
31961: Cook, Virgil Aldwin - Jonathan Swift's Theory of Satire.
31119: Cook, Bob - Finally, the Bob Cook Book on Bo Mcmillin.
28729: Cook, Albert Spaulding & Edwin Dolin, Eds. & Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides - An Anthology of Greek Tragedy.
29133: Cook, Gayle & Diana Hawes & Will Counts - Monroe County in Focus: Portrait of an Indiana County.
30367: Cookson, John A. et al - Area Handbook for the Republic of the Sudan.
32342: Cooper, James Fenimore - The Pilot..
32003: Cooper, James Fenimore - Ned Myers, or, a Life Before the Mast.
31537: Cooper, James Fenimore - The Chainbearer or, the Littlepage Manuscripts.
15697: Copplestone, Trewin - The Life and Works of Andy Warhol.
26107: Corallini, Diego & Daniel Rodriguez Lamas - Encuentros Y Desencuentros Del Pueblo: La Iglesia Durante Los Gobiernos Justicialistas.
32923: Cordonnier, Rita - Femmes Africaines Et Commerce Les Revendeuses de Tissu de la Ville de Lome´, Togo (French Edition).
29922: Corduneanu, C - Principles of Differential & Integral Eqations.
30774: Cornog, Martha - Libraries, Erotica & Pornography.
31819: Cornwall, John - The Theory of Economic Breakdown: An Institutional- Analytical Approach.
27253: Cornwell, Patricia Daniels - A Time for Remembering: The Story of Ruth Bell Graham.
32702: Monroe County School Corporation - The Gothic 1948 (High School Yearbook, Bloomington Indiana).
32698: Monroe County School Corporation - The Gothic 1952 (High School Yearbook, Bloomington Indiana).
32699: Monroe County School Corporation - The Gothic 1951 (High School Yearbook, Bloomington Indiana).
32703: Monroe County School Corporation - The Gothic 1950 (High School Yearbook, Bloomington Indiana).
33163: Bland County Centennial Corporation - History of Bland County, Virginia.
31294: Correa, A. A. Mendes - Notas Antropológicas Sôbre Os Luangos Da Regiao Dos Dembos.
24800: Côrtes, J. C. Paixão - The Gaucho: Dances Costumes Craftsmanship.
32327: Coryell, Janet L. & Thomas H. Appleton Jr. & Anastatia Sims & Sandra Gioia Treadway - Negotiating Boundaries of Southern Womanhood Dealing with the Powers That Be.
29139: Costa, Judith Ann & Ernesto F. Costa (Artist) - Ernesto F. Costa: Shinnecock Hills Painter.
33534: Cottle, Basil - The Triumph of English 1350- 1400.
29611: Cotton, Charles & Theophilus Lucas; Hartmann, Cyril Hughes - Games and Gamesters of the Restoration: The Compleat Gamester; Lives of the Gamesters.
33109: Coulson, C. A - Valence. Second Edition..
26166: Indiana League Of Counties - Picturesque Brown County Indiana.
32954: Coussy, Jean & Phillippe Hugon - Integration Regionale Et Ajustement Structurel En Afrique Sub- Saharienne.
31297: Couto, Carlos - Os Capitaes Mores Em Angola No Seculo Xviii Subsidio Para O Estudo Da Sua Actuacao.
25351: Tuhkunen-Couzic, Taïna - Sylvia Plath: Une écriture Embryonnaire.
11996: Cowley, Abraham (Trans. ) - Some Copies of Verses Translated Paraphrastically out of Anacreon.
33471: Cox, Archibald & Mark Dewolfe Howe & J. R. Wiggins - Civil Rights, the Constitution, and the Courts.
32615: Coxe, George Harmon - With Intent to Kill.
31195: Crabb, Charles K. & Kit Klingelhoffer - Indiana Football '81.
32700: Crabb, Charles K. & Kit Klingelhoffer - Indiana Basketball '83.
32762: Crais, Robert - Indigo Slam an Elvis Cole Novel.
30072: Crane, Sarah Schenck - The Crane Family History.
33971: Crane, Stephen & Fredson Bowers & J. C. Levenson - Tales of Whilomville the Monster, His New Mittens, Whilomville Stories.
34084: Crankshaw, Edward - The Fall of the House of Hapsburg.
33373: Crawford, Phyllis - "Hello, the Boat!".
31171: Crawford, F. Marion - Mr. Isaacs; a Tale of Modern India.
29897: Crenshaw, Martha - The Consequences of Counterterrorism.
32432: Crick, Malcolm - Explorations in Language and Meaning Towards a Semantic Anthropology.
24010: Crocket, Ken - Ben Nevis: Britain's Highest Mountain.
29536: Cronin, Leonard; Taranto, Jenny & Marion Westmacott (Illus. ) - Key Guide to Australian Trees.
30227: Cronin, Blaise - Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. Volume 40 (2006).
30237: Cronin, Blaise - Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 2006 (Volume 40).
30251: Cronin, Blaise - Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (Volume 44, 2010).
30223: Cronin, Blaise - Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 41 (2007).
30228: Cronin, Blaise - Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. Volume 37 (2003).
29727: Cross, Robin - Citadel: The Battle of Kursk.
24912: Crothers, Samuel McChord & Jessie Willcox Smith, Illus. - The Children of Dickens.
33438: Cruikshank, Kate - The Art of Leadership: Birch Bayh a Companion to an Exhibition From His Senatorial Papers.
32569: Cruz, Pedro N. - Estudios Sobre la Literatura Chilena Volume 1.
31359: Cudahy, Brian J. - Under the Sidewalks of New York the Story of the Greatest Subway System in the World.
33118: Culbertson, Ely - Contract Bridge Complete; the New Gold Book of Bidding and Play.
29105: Culin, Stewart - Games of the Orient: Korea, China, Japan.
25384: Ministério Da Educação E Cultura - Fontes & Estudos: Revista Do Arquivo Histórico Nacional No. 4- 5 1998- 1999.
30347: Cooperation par l'Education et la Culture - Zaire 1885- 1985: Cent Ans de Regards Belges.
33475: Cumbler, John T. - Working- Class Community in Industrial America Work, Leisure, and Struggle in Two Industrial Cities, 1880- 1930.
32137: Cummings, Paul & Joseph Goldyne - Joseph Goldyne.
17037: Cumston, C. G. - The History of Medicine From the Time of the Pharaohs to the End of the Xviiith Century.
30410: Cunha, Amadeu - Jornadas E Outros Trabalhos Do Missionario Barroso.
32448: Cunningham, J. E. - Theatre Royal the History of the Theatre Royal, Birmingham.
34015: Curiae, Amicus (Ed. ) & Roscoe Pound - Law in Action an Anthology of the Law in Literature.
31173: Curtis, Alice Turner - A Yankee Girl at Richmond.
30499: Curtis, Richard Kenneth - Evolution or Extinction the Choice Before Us : A Systems Approach to the Study of the Future.
33532: Curwood, James Oliver - The Black Hunter a Novel of Old Quebec,.
29193: Dahlsten, Donald L. & Richard Garcia, Eds. - Eradication of Exotic Pests: Analysis with Case Histories.
33525: Dal, Erik - Dansk Folkedigtning.
12610: Dalby, Richard, Ed. - Ghosts for Christmas.
28711: Dale, Alzina Stone - The Outline of Sanity: A Biography of G.K. Chesterton.
31422: Dali, Salvador & Eleanor R. Morse (Trans. ) - Dali by Dali.
32061: Dall, William H. & Cyrus Thomas - "on Masks, Labrets, and Certain Aboriginal Customs" & "Notes on Certain Maya and Mexican Manuscripts" by William H. Dall & "Notes on Certain Maya and Mexican Manuscripts" by Cyrus Thomasl.
33765: Dana, Richard Henry Jr. - Two Years Before the Mast; a Personal Narrative of Life at Sea.
33757: Dancocks, Dan - Welcome to Flanders Field.
34021: Daniell, John - Ava Gardner.
32864: Daniels, Robert V. , Ed. - A Documentary History of Communism: Two Volume Set Volume 1 Communism in Russia / Volume 2 Communism and the World.
30784: Danielson, Sigrid, Et Al (Curators) - The Kiss Selections From the Kinsey Institute.
30656: Dapper, Olfert, Husson, L. , Falgayrettes, C. , Martin, P. M. & Jones, A. - Objets Interdits (French Edition).
29557: Dardis, Thomas A. - The Thirsty Muse: Alcohol and the American Writer.
33202: Darling, Frank C. - Westernization of Asia a Comparative Political Analysis.
32677: Darrow, Clarence & Weinberg, Arthur & Lila (editors) - Clarence Darrow Verdicts out of Court.
31600: Datig, Fred A. - Cartridges for Collectors. Vol. Ii. Centerfire- Rimfire- Patent Ignition.
32998: Daugherty, Edgar Fay - A Hoosier Parson His Boosts and Bumps.
21761: Daugherty, L. S. / Daugherty, M. C. - Principles of Economic Zoology: Part I. Field and Laboratory Guide.
22557: Daum, Edmund / Werner Schenk - Worterbuch Russisch Deutsch Mit Etwa 40,000 Stichwortern.
29329: Davaney, Shelia G., ed. - Feminism and Process Thought: The Harvard Divinity School- Claremont Center for Process Studies Symposium Papers.
33439: David, Linda - Children's Books Published by William Darton and His Sons.
33158: Davidman, Lynn - Tradition in a Rootless World Women Turn to Orthodox Judaism.
34012: Davidson, Philip Grant - Propaganda and the American Revolution, 1763 - 1783.
30837: Davidson, Cathy N. - Revolution and the Word the Rise of the Novel in America.
33354: Davies, Benjamin - A New System of Modern Geography, or a General Description of the Most Remarkable Countries Throughout the Known World .. ..
22266: Davies, Ernest - National Enterprise: The Development of the Public Corporation.
32292: Davies, Christie - Ethnic Humor Around the World a Comparative Analysis.
33338: Lowell Matson; George Ade Davis, Dedication - Ade Who Needed None.
27349: Davis, Roland Clark - Ability in Social and Racial Classes: Some Physiological Correlates.
30887: Davis, Adelle - Let's Cook It Right.
30315: Davis, Karen - .. . And I Wrote My Name There.
33679: Davis, David Brion - Inhuman Bondage the Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World.
31350: Davis, Richard Harding - Six Richard Harding Davis Titles: Soldiers of Fortune; Gallegher, Captain Macklin, Ranson's Folly, the Lion and the Unicorn, and the King's Jackal (6 Vols).
28690: Day, J. T - Elementary Numerical Analysis.
27409: Dean, Joyce, Ed. - Shortridge Annual 1942 (Indianapolis, Indiana).
34126: Deaver, Jeffery - The Skin Collector.
32372: Deb, Siddhartha - The Beautiful and the Damned a Portrait of the New India.
29906: Debenedetti, Charles - Peace Reform in American History.
31120: Debons, Anthony, Ed. - Information Science: Search for Identity. Proceedings of the 1972 Nato Advanced Study Institute in Information Science Held at Seven Springs, Champion, Pennsylvania, August 12- 20, 1972.
33592: Deeping, Warwick - Two Black Sheep.
32389: Degerando, Joseph-Marie. - The Observation of Savage Peoples.
29123: Dehio, Georg - Der Deutschen Kunstdenkmaler. Vol. Ii. Wien, Niederosterreich, Oberosterreich Und Burgenland.
33191: Deighton, Len - Spy Story.
33887: Delavenay, Emile & Katharine M. Delavaney - D.H. Lawrence, the Man and His Work the Formative Years, 1885 - 1919.
33513: Delevoy, Robert L. - Symbolists and Symbolism.
24220: Demarr, Mary Jean & Jane S. Bakerman - The Adolescent in the American Novel Since 1960.
18645: Denevan, W. / Chrostowski, S. - The Biogeography of a Savanna Landscape: The Gran Pajonal of Eastern Peru.
31184: Denny, George H - The Dread Fishwish, and Other Tales.
32763: Denzin, Norman K & Michael D Giardina - Qualitative Inquiry and Global Crises.
31590: Denzin, Norman K & Michael D Giardina - Qualitative Inquiry and Global Crises.
32233: Denzin, Norman K - Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Research.
33367: War Department, United States Army - Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Infantry of the Army of the United States 1917.
21946: Indiana Media Relations Department - Indiana Basketball Final Four Media Guide 2002- 2003.
19608: Derleth, August - "in Re: Sherlock Holmes": The Adventures of Solar Pons.
33297: Derolez, A & B Victor - The Medieval Booklists of the Southern Low Countries. Volume I Province of West Flanders.
31508: Desmarais, Norman & June Fritchman - Battlegrounds of Freedom a Historical Guide to the Battlefields of the War of American Independence.
21687: Desyaterik, V. / Latyshev, A. - Lenin: Youth and the Future.
33026: Devauges, Roland - L'oncle le Ndoki Et L'entrepreneur le Petite Entreprise Congolaise a Brazzaville.
22537: Christopher M Dewees - The Printer's Catch an Artist's Guide to Pacific Coast Edible Marine Life.
32885: Diamond, Ann - Taste of the Bayou Creole and Cajun Recipes.
30665: Dias, Gastao Sousa - Os Portugueses Em Angola.
22289: Dibble, Ernest W. / Newton, Earle W. , Eds. - In Search of Gulf Coast Colonial History.
33924: Dick, Philip K. - The Man in the High Castle.
23339: Dickens, Charles - Dombey and Son: Wholesale, Retail and for Exportation.
31586: Dickens, Charles [1812 - 1870]. - Pickwick Papers - Excerpt. A Short One Showing, Among Other Matters, How Mr. Pickwick Undertook to Drive, and Mr. Winkle to Ride; and How They Both Did It..
19554: Dickey, James - Self- Interviews.
17934: Dickey, James - Helmets: Poems.
24272: Dieckmann, Tone - Learning and Evolution in Games.
30965: Diehl, William - Hooligans.
33334: Diehl, William - Chameleon.
32717: Diem, Bui & David Chanoff & Diem Bui & David Chanoff - In the Jaws of History.
33610: Dien, Albert E. (Ed. ) - State and Society in Early Medieval China.
27654: Dilamarter, Ronald R. & Sandor C. Csallany - Hydrologic Problems in Karst Regions.
33859: Dilts, Jon & Wilmer Counts - Magnificent 92 Indiana Courthouses.
30804: Van Dine, S.S. - The Scarab Murder Case a Philo Vance Story..
29067: DiPrimio, Pete - Hoop Tales: Indiana Hoosiers Men's Basketball.
23772: Gemini Systems Engineering Directorate, Office Of Manned Space Flight - Description of Gemini Experiments, Flights Gt- 3 Through Gt- 7.
33198: Dishman, Madge - Four Play Collections: The Bridge / Gracie's Christmas Carols / Shedtown/ Wild Flowers and Untamed Women.
33274: Dixon, Robert C - Spread Spectrum Systems.
33914: Dixon, G. F. - Apples Grow Square.
31218: Dixon, Stephen - I..
33756: Dobie, J. Frank - Cow People.
33141: Dobson, Andrew - Uncle Joe's Journal.
32277: Dobson, David - Scots in the Mid- Atlantic Colonies,1635- 1783.
32355: Dobson, David - Scottish- American Court Records, 1733- 1783.
31829: Dodd, Edward - Island World of Polynesia a Survey of the Racial Family and It's Many Far- Flung Cultures.
33638: Doering, Bernard - Jacques Maritain and the French Catholic Intellectuals.
29650: Dollimore, Jonathan - Radical Tragedy: Religion, Ideology, and Power in the Drama of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries.
30647: Dolph, Harry A. - The Evader: An American Airman's Eight Months with the Dutch Underground.
29106: Domanskiego, Henryka - Zmiany: Stratyfikacji Spolecznej W Polsce [Changes in Social Stratification in Poland]: Polish Edition.
28135: Kos (Baroness Dombrowski) - Boga the Elephant.
27403: Donnelly, Jr., James C.. [editor] Undergrad. staff/1942] - Dartmouth College Green Book for the Class of 1946 , Vol. Xxxii [College Yearbook].
33383: Donovan, Arthur L - Philosophical Chemistry in the Scottish Enlightenment the Doctrines and Discoveries of William Cullen and Joseph Black.
29472: Doolittle, John - Don Mcneill and His Breakfast Club with Cd.
33796: Dopp, Katharine E. - The Later Cave- Men.
34168: Doring, Tobias - African Cultures, Visual Arts and the Museum (Matatu Journal for African Culture and Society, 25- 26).
33651: Doris, David T - Vigilant Things on Thieves, Yoruba Anti- Aesthetics, and the Strange Fates of Ordinary Objects in Nigeria.
32048: Dornhoff, Larry L - Group Representation Theory. Part B Modular Representation Theory.
32867: Doty, Mark - Atlantis Poems.
32949: Dougherty, James J. - The Politics of Wartime Aid American Economic Assistance to France and French Northwest Africa, 1940- 1946.
21424: Douglas, Paul H. / Hitchcock, Curtics N. / Atkins, Willard E. - The Worker in Modern Economic Society.
32902: Douglas, David & Barbara Douglas - Marriage Beyond Black and White an Interracial Family Portrait.
33602: Dove, Rita - Sonata Mulattica Poems.
27348: Dowling, John Clarkson - Leandro Fernández de Moratín.
33159: Doyle, Arthur Conan - The Conan Doyle Stories.
28507: Conan Doyle, A - The Adventures of Gerard.
25286: Drees, Willem B. - De Mens: Meer Dan Materie? Religie En Reductionisme.
32028: Dreiser, Theodore - Selected Poems From Moods.
33907: Driggers, Stephen G. & Robert J. Dunn & Sarah Gordon - The Manuscripts of Flannery O'connor at Georgia College.
17148: Drummond, A. M. / Gard, Robert E. , Eds - The Lake Guns of Seneca and Cayuga and Eight Other Plays of Upstate New York.
24317: Dryden, Edgar A. - Melville's Thematics of Form: The Great Art of Telling the Truth.
18983: Dubofsky, Melvyn - When Workers Organize: New York City in the Progressive Era.
26962: Dubois, June / Krause, Martin F. - A Story of Devotion / a History of Printmaking in Indiana: Indiana Artists George Jo and Evelynne Bernloehr Mess.
33214: Dubus, Andre - The Winter Father.
33937: Duchateau, Armand - Benin, Tresor Royal Collection Du Museum Fur Volkerkunde Vienne.
33738: Ducrocq, Albert & Oliver Stewart (Trans. ) - Victory over Space.
14998: Dudley, Emilius C. / Von Bachelle, C. - Gynecology.
33292: Duff, Gerald - Indian Giver.
30612: O'Duffy, Eimar - King Goshawk and the Birds.
30818: Dugaw, Dianne - Warrior Women and Popular Balladry, 1650- 1850.
33020: Dugdale, Dorothy - My Rear View.
26751: Duke, Micheal S. - Blooming and Contending: Chinese Literature in the Post- Mao Era.
33337: Duncan, Carol - Civilizing Rituals Inside Public Art Museums.
32427: Dunlap, Patricia Riley - Riding Astride the Frontier in Women's History.
31906: Dunn, Nell. - Up the Junction.
26815: Dunne, John Gregory - Playland.
22986: Durand, James R. & George Sprague Brooks, Ed. - James Durand, an Able Seaman of 1812; His Adventures on "Old Ironsides" and As an Impressed Sailor in the British Navy.
31354: Durand, Loup - Daddy.
32241: Duranty, Walter - One Life, One Kopeck.
28650: Durkheim, Émile - Leçons de Sociologie: Physique Des Moeurs Et Du Droit.
16458: Durrell, Lawrence - A Key to Modern British Poetry.
34059: Dury, G. H. - The British Isles: A Systematic and Regional Geography.
30191: Dutfield, Graham & Christophe Bellmann & Ricardo Melendez-Ortiz - Trading in Knowledge: Development Perspectives on Trips, Trade and Sustainability.
32144: Dvorak, Antonin - The Spectre's Bride / Les Chemises de Noces Opus 69. Vocal Score. Critical Edition Based on the Composer's Manuscript.
28243: Dwyer, Richard A. - Boethian Fictions: Narratives in the Medieval French Versions of the Consolatio Philosophiae.
32411: Dwyer, Johnny - American Warlord a True Story.
34052: Eagletree, Phyllis M. - Roll the Wheel the Abundant Life and Wisdom of Mae Phillips.
28150: Earle, John & Philip Bliss, Ed. - Microcosmography or a Piece of the World Discovered, in Essays and Characters.
33764: Earle, Swepson - The Chesapeake Bay Country - A 1923 Reissue with 275 Photographs and Maps.
28193: Earp, J. R - Geology of the Country Around Clitheroe and Nelson.
29140: Ebener, Wilhelm & Anne-Marie Ebener, et al - Illustrierte Walliser Sagen.
29695: Eckardt, Wolf von & Sander L Gilman - Bertolt Brecht's Berlin: A Scrapbook of the Twenties.
31096: Eco, Umberto & Richard Dixon - The Prague Cemetery.
28266: Institute Of Economics, Academia Sinica - Essays on the Population of Taiwan.
30631: Edgecombe, Rodney Stenning - Two Poets of the Oxford Movement: John Keble and John Henry Newman.
33387: Edingtons, A. C. & Carmen - The Studio Murder Mystery.
23271: Editors, The Outlook - The Outlook, Published Weekly with Illustrations: Vol. 110, No. 3 May 19, 1915. The Lusitania Massacre: What Shall America Do?.
30029: Yearbook Staff & Annetta Kerr & Mina Jean Miller (editors) - Rig Veda 1951 Yearbook (Illinois College, Jacksonville, Il).
32413: Edwardes, Allen & R. E. L. Masters - The Cradle of Erotica a Study of Afro- Asian Sexual Expression and an Analysis of Erotic Freedom in Social Relationships.
33045: Egg, Johny & Javier Herrara (Eds. ) - Echanges Transfrontaliers Et Integration Regionale En Afrique Subsaharienne.
33911: Egleton, Clive - A Piece of Resistance.
30891: Eichstaedt, Peter - Consuming the Congo: War and Conflict Minerals in the World's Deadliest Place.
33822: Eickelman, Dale F. - The Middle East and Central Asia an Anthropological Approach.
32089: Fred B. Eiseman Jr. - Bali - Sekala and Niskala Essays on Society, Tradition, and Craft.
31310: Ekeberg, Gustav & Ingemar Hasselblad - Vastmanland Ii Lasebok for Skola Och Hem.
29771: Ekhtiar, Mansur - From Linguistics to Literature.
31387: Elbert, Samuel H. & Noelani K. Mahoe - Na Mele O Hawaii Nei 101 Hawaiian Songs.
20341: Elisseeff, Serge, Et Al - Elementary Japanese for College Students: Part Iii: Romaji Text.
33703: Elliott, Peggy Gordon - The Urban Campus Educating the New Majority for the New Century.
34030: Elliott, Lawrence - The Long Hunter a New Life of Daniel Boone.
33013: Ellis, Stephen & Yves-A - Entreprises Et Entrepreneurs Africains (French Edition).
25160: Ellis, Havelock - Studies in the Psychology of Sex. Volume Vi. Sex in Relation to Society.
33991: Ellis, Amanda M. - Rebels and Conservatives Dorothy and William Wordsworth and Their Circle.
27425: Ellis, Joseph J. - George Washington (in Slipcase).
33677: Ellis, Alexander J. - Speech in Song. Being the Singer's Pronouncing Primer of the Principal European Languages for Which Vocal Music Is Usually Composed.
32607: Ellroy, James & Otto Penzler - The Best American Noir of the Century.
30842: Emerson, William Canfield - The Seminoles: Dwellers of the Everglades; : The Land, History and Culture of the Florida Indians.
27245: Emerton, J. A. , Ed. - Congress Volume: Leuven 1989: Conference Proceedings.
26144: Emmison, F.G. - Elizabethan Life. Vol. I: Disorder.
26143: Emmison, F.G. - Elizabethan Life. Vol. 2: Morals & the Church Courts, Mainly From Essex Archidiaconal Records.
26145: Emmison, F G - Elizabethan Life: Vol. 3. Home Work and Land.
32573: Emmons, R. C. - The Universal Stage (with Five Axes of Rotation) Memoir 8.
32826: Carrere d'Encausse, Helene - Confiscated Power How Soviet Russia Really Works.
31148: Endicott, Kirk Michael - An Analysis of Malay Magic.
29069: Endicott, Stephen Lyon - Red Earth: Revolution in a Sichuan Village.
27497: Endo, Shusaku - Scandal.
31499: Engen, Rodney K. - Randolph Caldecott.
24748: England, Theora C. - Theatre of the Word: The Lively Art of Group Reading.
31814: Enloe, Cynthia - The Curious Feminist Searching for Women in a New Age of Empire.
30114: Ennis, Lambert - Thackeray: The Sentimental Cynic.
33640: Ennis, Merlin - Umbundu, Folk Tales From Angola, Collected & Translated by Merlin Ennis.
32074: Ensor, James - Ensor.
26793: Entwisle, Doris R. - Early Schooling: Cognitive and Affective Outcomes.
31546: Epstein, Jason - The Great Conspiracy Trial; an Essay on Law, Liberty, and the Constitution.
31876: Epstein, Richard A. - Bargaining with the State.
22508: Eriksen, E. Vegusdal - Atterklang Fra Gammeltida: Folkeminne Fra Beiarn I.
32198: Esarey, Logan - The Indiana Home.
34111: Esler, Anthony. - Bombs Beards and Barricades - 150 Years of Youth in Revolt.
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34188: Forde, Daryll & G. I. Jones - The Ibo and Ibibio- Speaking Peoples of South- Eastern Nigeria, Western Africa Part Iii.
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34174: Fortes, M. , G. Dieterlen, Preface - African Systems of Thought Studies Presented and Discussed at the Third International African Seminar in Salisbury, December 1960..
29443: Foster, Dennis A. - Confession and Complicity in Narrative.
22802: Foster, F. Apthorp (Ed. ) & New England Historic Genealogical Society - Vital Records of Lincoln Massachusetts to the Year 1850.
33762: Foster, David - The Philosophical Scientists.
32561: Fothergill, Philip G - Historical Aspects of Organic Evolution. With a Foreword by J.W. Heslop Harrison.
24308: Foulke, William Dudley - Lucius B. Swift, American Citizen: A Biography.
28189: Foulke, William Dudley - Lucius B Swift: A Biography.
31834: Automatia Musica Foundation - Invisible Musicians.
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30765: Fox, Jack C.; Photographs, Illustrated with - The Indianapolis 500. A Pictorial History of the Greatest Spectacle in Automobile Racing..
28152: Fox, George & Rufus M. Jones, Ed. - Autobiography (Volume 1).
28612: Fox, Richard G. , Ed. - Recapturing Anthropology: Working in the Present.
24603: Fox, Jerome, Ed. - Proceedings of the Symposium on Modern Network Synthesis (New York, April 13- 15,1955).
32156: Francis, Claude & Fernande Gontier - Simone de Beauvoir a Life.. . A Love Story.
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31404: Fraser, Ronald - 1968 a Student Generation in Revolt.
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