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Click on booknumber for full information
114050: (READERS) - Highroads to Reading Book Five
119186: (READERS) - The Canadian Readers Book V
203936: (ANON.) - A Visit to the Sea Side
203883: (ANON.) - Danny's Secret
203870: (ANON.) - Learning to Act
203843: (UKRAINIAN) - Jubilee Book of the Ukrainian National Association in Commemoration of the Fortieth Anniversary of Its Existence
203839: (CANADA) - The Canadian Record; a Permanent Record of Canadian Men and Matters in 1937-8
203670: (READERS) - A First Primer Based on the Phonic System
203548: (READERS) - Highroads to Reading Book Six
203547: (READERS) - The Canadian Readers Book V
203445: (ANTHOLOGY) - More Songs by the Fighting Men; Soldier Poets: Second Series
203403: (TWAIN, MARK) - Mark Twain Catalogue One
203350: (CHILDREN'S READERS) - The Canadian Children's Treasury of Pictures and Stories; No.Ix
203341: (RED CROSS) - The Canadian Red Cross
203317: (BUFFON) - Buffon's Natural History of Birds
203293: (NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA) - Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures; International Research Seminar, Ottawa, Canada, 11-15 September 1967
203292: (WINNIPEG ART GALLERY) - The Development of Canadian Silver
203225: (ANON.) - Frank Russell; or, Living for an Object
203214: (ANON.) - Watts's Hymns
203203: (ODD FELLOWS) - I.O.O.F. Catalogue
203157: (CLOTH BOOK) - Goosie Gander Rhymes
203155: (CLOTH BOOK) - Jolly Alphabet
203152: (MOVABLE BOOK) - My Paint Book; 144 Pages to Paint and Color
203150: (CLOTH BOOK) - Routledge's Everlasting Alphabet
203136: (GREIFSWALD) - Festschrift Zur 500-Jahrfeier Der Universitat Greifswald 17.10.56
203115: (MONTANA) - Constitution of the State of Montana As Adopted by the Constitutional Convention Held at Helena, Montana, July 4, A.D. 1889 and Ending August 17, A.D. 1889; and Also an Address to the People
203032: (SCAFE, JOHN) - King Coal's Levee, or Geological Etiquette... And the Council of Metals
202983: (ANON.) - Poetical Chronology of Ancient and English History; with Historical and Explanatory Notes
202934: (JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE) - The Fern Manual: Being a Description of All the Best Stove, Greenhouse, and Hardy Ferns, Cultivated in British Gardens; with Instructions for Their Cultivation and Treatment Both on a Large Scale and in Fern Cases
202636: (ARCHITECTURE) - Cyclopedia of Architecture, Carpentery, and Building; a General Reference Work on Architecture, Carpentery, Building, Superintendence, Contracts, Specifications, Building Law, Stair-Building, Estimating, Masonry, Reinforced Concrete..
202524: (SCHWEIZER ALPENCLUB) - Jahrbuch Des Schweizer Alpenclub; Neunundvierzigster Jahrgang 1913 Bis 1914
202520: (DAVENPORT ACADEMY) - Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences
202467: (TELECOMMUNICATIONS) - How to Build Rural Telephone Lines
202258: (POPE, A.?) - Characters and Observations; an 18th Century Manuscript
113327: - The Cofeld Judaic Museum of Temple Beth Zion; An Illustrated Catalog of the Collection
113333: - Duel; Collection of Poetry, Drawings and Short Fiction.
118714: (VARIOUS) - History of the Narka Area
118567: - Chisel and Brush / le Ciseau Et la Brosse
112340: (DICTIONARY) - The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary; Complete Text Reproduced Micrographically
110792: (SOUTH SEAS) - Dit Is Die Kaerte Van Dne Sund...
118041: COOKBOOK. NAIT DENTAL ASSISTING CLASS OF 1994 - Our Favourite Recipes
117808: (RED RIVER) - The Red River Flood of 1950
110444: (READERS) - Second Reader
110375: (MAP) - The Tourist's Route Map of England and Wales. For All Cyclists and Roadmen; with the Routes of Thirty Tours Specially Indicated and Marked in Red
110198: (BURNHAM, CATHERINE LYDIA) - Can and Can't Series
120615: (READERS) - Highroads to Reading Book Five
110081: (SURTEES, ROBERT A.) - Jorrocks's Jaunts & Jollities; the Hunting, Shooting, Racing, Driving, Sailing, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits of That Renowned Sporting Citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks
129507: COUNTRY VALLEY HOMECARE DISTRICT #29 - Country Valley Photo Album
129508: HILLSIDE SCHOOL DISTRICT #2296 - Hillside Memory Book; Hillside School District #2296 1909 - 1932 / 1932 - 1951 / Reunion 1980
109718: (COMMONWEALTH AND EMPIRE LAW CONFERENCE) - Record of the Commonwealth and Empire Law Conference; London, 20th-27th July, 1955
109719: (COMMONWEALTH AND EMPIRE LAW CONFERENCE) - Record of the Second Commonwealth and Empire Law Conference, Ottawa, September 14-21, 1960
109696: (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS) - A History of the Chartered Accountants of Scotland from the Earliest Times to 1954; Written and Published on the Occasion of the Centenary of Their Institute
109697: (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS) - The History of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales 1880-1965 and of Its Founder Accountancy Bodies 1870-1880; the Growth of a Profession and Its Influence on Legislation and Public Affairs
116971: - La Commedia Di Dante Alighieri; Il Testo Wittiano Riveduto
128593: (ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS) - Alcoholics Anonymous; The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism
119784: (READERS) - The Canadian Readers Book II
122913: RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF THE GAP #39 - Builders of a Great Land; History of the R.M. Of the Gap No. 39, Ceylon and Hardy
129747: YORKTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DIVISION 93 - Remember the Schools That Opened Our Minds
115610: - My Own Years
129540: COUNTRY VALLEY HOMECARE DISTRICT #29 - Country Valley Photo Album
128317: (READERS) - Highroads to Reading Book Five
121986: (ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS) - Alcoholics Anonymous; The Story of How Many Thousands of Men and Women Have Recovered from Alcoholism
113976: P.F.R.A. - South Saskatchewan River Project 1958-1967
101767: MARIPOSA. BROADACRES. PURVIS M.A. - Memoirs of Mariposa
127578: MATIONSCHEK, EMIL PAUL; SZEPULL, KURT A. AND RUPP, AUGUST (EDS.) - Leuchtfeuer in Den Karawanken
113489: KABZEMS, A. AND C.L. KIRBY - The Growth and Yield of Jack Pine in Saskatchewan
113338: STINETORF. LOUISE A. - White Witch Doctor
114488: CUMMING, PETER A. AND NEIL H. MICKENBERG (CO-EDITORS) - Native Rights in Canada
127168: BRANDON CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION; N.A.L.D. / B.D.A.A. - Choose to Change
123308: BAKER, ERNEST A. AND PACKMAN, JAMES - A Guide to the Best Fiction; English and American Including Translations from Foreign Languages
125243: KRETZSCHMAR JR., WILLIAM A.; ET AL (EDITOR) - Handbook of the Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States
105353: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. STEWART, DAVID A. - Early Assiniboine Trading Posts of the Souris-Mouth Group, 1785-1832
105346: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. SHERBININ, MICHAEL A. - The Galicians Dwelling in Canada and Their Origin
100725: GILBERT PLAINS. BROWN, O.A. & C. FINNEN - Settlers of the Plains
103985: CHRISTIANSEN, E.A. ET AL - Fort Qu'appelle Geology; The Valleys - Past and Present
122017: STONE, ARCHIE A. AND GULVIN, HAROLD E. - Machines for Power Farming
102081: REGINA. SWALLOW, D.A. & T.J. BURNS - A Study of Noise in Regina; Pollution Probe at Regina
120359: AACH, HANA K. - Impressions: Stories of the Nation's Printer
120138: AARON, DANIEL - Writers on the Left; Episodes in American Literary Communism
114041: ABBEY, LLOYD - Selections 1959-1989
128434: ABBEY, EDWARD - Hayduke Lives!
114027: ABBOTT, ELEANOR HALLOWELL - Little Eve Edgarton
203894: ABBOTT, JACOB - Willie and the Mortgage, Showing How Much May Be Accomplished by a Boy
202641: ABBOTT, MAUDE E. (EDITOR) - Sir William Osler Memorial Number; Appreciations and Reminiscences
123679: ABBOTT, ARTHUR P. - The Hudson River Today and Yesterday
129054: ABELLA, IRVING - A Coat of Many Colours; Two Centuries of Jewish Life in Canada
119357: ABERDEEN WITH SUPPLEMENT - Aberdeen 1907-1981 with Aberdeen Supplement 1907-1985
101299: ABERDEEN - Aberdeen 1907-1981
108242: ABERHART, WILLIAM - Social Credit Manual; Social Credit As Applied to the Province of Alberta
101300: ABERNETHY - Dance on the Bridge. A History of Abernethy and Area
113079: ABERNETHY - Waiting for the Train; Abernethy Area Farming, 1882 - 1912
102961: ABERSON, JANE L.; VANDERVENNEN, ROBERT E. (EDITOR) - From the Prairies with Hope
200007: ABERT, J.W.; GALVIN, JOHN (EDITOR) - Western America in 1846-1847: The Original Travel Diary of Lieutenant J.W. Abert Who Mapped New Mexico for the United States Army
200008: ABHEDANANDA, SWAMI - Mystery of Death: A Study in the Philosophy and Religion of the Katha Upanishad
115592: ABLASSER, GOTTFRIED - Farm Real Estate Sales in the Prairie Provinces 1963-1967
102963: ABLEY, MARK - Beyond Forget; Rediscovering the Prairies
102965: ABLEY, MARK - Glasburyon
102966: ABRAMS, GARY - Prince Albert: The First Century 1866-1966
102967: ABRAMSON, JANE A. - Rural Non-Farm Communities and Families; Social Structure, Process and Systems in Ten Saskatchewan Villages
102969: ABRAMSON, JANE A. - Adjustments Associated with Migration from Farm Operator to Urban Wage Earner
124454: ACCO, ANNE - Ekoski; A Metisse Retrospective of Poetry
102973: ACHARD, EUGENE - Le Vainqueur du Rodeo
115539: MENDEL; ACHJADI, DIYAN; TANG, BRENDAN; LAMBERTSON, KRISTEN - Diyan Achjadi & Brendan Tang: Sugar Bombs
115981: ACKERKNECHT, ERWIN H. - The Eskimo; Ciba Symposia
128358: ACKERMAN, BRUCE; HARVARD LAW REVIEW - Harvard Law Review; The New Separation of Powers Volume 113 January 2000 Number 3
203485: ACKLEY, EDITH FLACK - Paper Dolls: Their History and How to Make Them
129144: STUDENT ACTION - Student Action; the student happenings of a world-wide movement Spring, 1969
124610: ACTON, DAVID; ADAMS, CLINTON (CONTRIB.); BEALL, KAREN F. (CONTRIB.) - A Spectrum of Innovation; Color in American Printmaking, 1890-1960
113591: ACTON, JAMES (PUBLISHED BY) - Toronto
110478: ACTON, B.K.; SPENCE, C.C. - Pioneer Farming and Municipal Finance in the Sangudo-Winfield Area of Alberta 1941
120496: ADAIR, JOHN - The Navajo and Pueblo Silversmiths
129830: ADAM, G. MERCER - The Canadian North-West: Its History and Its Troubles from the Early Days of the Fur-Trade to the Era of the Railway and the Settler; with Incidents of Travel in the Region and the Narrative of Three Insurrections
130942: SHORTT, ADAM AND ARTHUR G. DOUGHTY (GENERAL EDITORS) - Canada and Its Provinces: A History of the Canadian People and Their Institutions by One Hundred Associates: In Twenty-Two Volumes Plus Index. Complete
102975: ADAM, G. MERCER - The Canadian North-West; Its History and Its Troubles, from the Early Days of the Fur Trade to the Era of the Railway and the Settler; with Incidents of Travel in the Region, and the Narrative of Three Insurrections
119261: ADAMS, BRYAN - Made in Canada
124388: ADAMS, ROBERT J. - Horse Cop
130311: ADAMS, ROBERT J. - The Stump Farm
203872: ADAMS, CHARLOTTE - William Woodland
203402: ADAMS, LUCILLE; TWAIN, MARK - Huckleberry Finn: A Descriptive Bibliography of the Huckleberry Finn Collection at the Buffalo Public Library
203106: ADAMS, (HENRY) - Portfolio Containing Twenty-Four Plates to Accompany Volume on Building Construction
128479: ADAMS, RICHARD - The Unbroken Web
113502: ADAMS, ANDY - Egyptian Scarab Mystery
128530: ADAMS, RICHARD - Shardik
112403: ADAMS, AGNES - Ella of Berry Farm
111992: ADAMS, GARY - End of 1981 and 1982 Seasons: York Factory National Historic Site
111971: ADAMS, GARY - End of Season Report: York Factory National Historic Site
111979: ADAMS, GARY - York Factory National Historic Site Archaeology
111980: ADAMS, GARY - End of Season Report: York Factory National Historic Site
110915: ADAMS, A. LEITH - Field and Forest Rambles, with Notes and Observations on the Natural History of Eastern Canada
110833: ADAMS, JOHN (CANADIAN AUTHOR . CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - A Short Guide to Canadian Genera of Seed Plants
117976: HEMPLEMAN-ADAMS, DAVID - Walking on Thin Ice, in Pursuit of the North Pole
129672: ADAMS, ANDY - Brazillian Gold Mine Mystery
129673: ADAMS, ANDY - Mystery of the Chinese Ring
128466: ADAMS, RICHARD - Shardik
127073: ADAMS, CHRIS - Enclosures
131461: ADAMS, RICHARD - Watership Down
117376: ADAMS, DOUGLAS - Mostly Harmless
126937: ADAMS, ANSEL; WEBER, EVA - Ansel Adams and the Photographers of the Ameican West
109242: ADAMS, JOHN COLDWELL - Sir Charles God Damn; The Life of Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
117360: ADAMS, ALICE - Rich Rewards
121045: ADAMS, W. DAVENPORT - Famous Statesmen; Or, The Men at the Helm
107551: RADISSON. ADAMS, ARTHUR T. (EDITOR) - The Explorations of Pierre Esprit Radisson
119928: ADAMS, DOUGLAS - The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
116876: ADAMS, ROBERT J. - Beyond the Stump Farm
126815: ADAMS, ANSEL; DE COCK, LILIANE - Ansel Adams
126769: ADAMS, ANSEL - Basic Photo Series: Camera & Lens, (2) the Negative, (3) the Print, (4) Natural-Light Photography, (5) Artificial Light Photography
129514: ADAMS, R. (TEXT AND PHOTOGRAPHS) - Eternal Prairie; Exploring Rural Cemeteries of the West
200018: ADAMS, RICHARD - The Plague Dogs
200019: ADAMS, W. DACRES - A Book of Beggars
200014: ADAMS, DOUGLAS - So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish: The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy 4
123141: ADAMS, ROBERT J. - The Stump Farm; Beyond the Stump Farm
131532: ADAMS, DAVID - Fairy Art; painting magical fairies and their worlds
128750: ADAMS, RICHARD - The Girl in a Swing
119688: ADAMS, RICHARD - The Plague Dogs
121519: ADAMS, HENRY - The Education of Henry Adams
128432: ADAMS, RICHARD - The Girl in a Swing
125132: ADAMS, ANSEL - Examples; The Making of 40 Photographs
130310: ADAMS, ROBERT J. - Skunks and Hound Dogs
125838: ADAMS, ROBERT J. - Skunks and Hound Dogs
125837: ADAMS, ROBERT J. - In the Shadow of the Rockies
125836: ADAMS, ROBERT J. - Dynamite Hill
125835: ADAMS, ROBERT J. - Fish Cop
127901: ADAMS, ROBERT J. - The Elephant's Trunk
122331: ADAMS, ANSEL; EDITED BY STILLMAN, ANDREA G. - Ansel Adams; 400 Photographs
131581: ADAMS, JOHN (CANADIAN AUTHOR . CANADIAN AUTHOR ) - Historic Guide to Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, Bc, Canada
102977: ADAMS, GARY - The Estuary Bison Pound Site in Southwestern Saskatchewan
102978: ADAMS, GARY - Prehistoric Survey of the Lower Red Deer River, 1975
102976: ADAMS, GARY; FORSMAN, MICHAEL R.A.; MINNI, SHEILA J. - Archaeological Investigations: Writing-On-Stone N.W.M.P. Post
121070: ADAMSON, JUDITH - Graham Greene and Cinema
117875: ADASKIN, HARRY - A Fiddler`S World; Memoirs to 1938
129381: ADDAMS, CHARLES (CHAS) - The Chas Addams Mother Goose
113185: ADDAMS, JANE - Newer Ideals of Peace
113186: ADDAMS, JANE - The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets
113187: ADDAMS, JANE - A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
116586: ADDISON, OTTALINE; HARWOOD, ELIZABETH - Tom Thompson; The Algonquin Years
120313: ADLER, DENNIS - Dennis Adler's High Country Prints Book
118556: ADMIRAL - Admiral; Prairie to Wheatfields
131113: ADORATSKY, V. - Dialectical Materialism; The Theoretical Foundation of Marxism-Leninism
113632: DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHER - Socio-Economic Impact Model for Northern Development
113211: INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS - Central Cree and Ojibway Crafts
113007: DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT - Linguistic and Cultural Affiliations of Canadian Indian Bands
114325: (CANADA) MINISTER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT - In All Fairness; A Native Claims Policy Comprehensive Claims
114326: (CANADA) MINISTER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND - Outstanding Business; A Native Claims Policy Specific Claims
114269: CANADA, DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT - Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Final Agreement Between the Government of Canada, the Champgne and Aishihik First Nations and the Government of the Yukon
129717: CANADA DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT - Atlas Od Indian Reserves and Settlements Canada 1971
115208: DEPARTMENT NORTHERN AFFAIRS AND NATIONAL RESOURCES - Annual Report of the National Museum of Canada for the Fiscal Year 1954-55
121888: INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS - The Canadian Indian; Yukon and Northwest Territories
201223: MAP. SOUTH AFRICA - Bartholomews Reduced Survey Map of South Africa Coloured to Show Height of Land
202937: AGATE, JAMES E. - L. of C. (Lines of Communication); Being the Letters of a Temporary Officer in the Army Service Corps
200023: AGEE, JAMES - A Death in the Family
130633: GOVERNMENT OF AUSTRALIA; AGEING & DISABILITY DEPARTMENT - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Access and Equity Strategy for People with a Disability, Older People and Their Carers in NSW
128243: AGGER, HELEN OLSEN - Dadibaajim; Returning Home Through Narrative
123506: SISTER MARY AGNES, C.S.J. - The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph; Le Puy Lyon St. Louis Toronto
118008: AGNEW,EDITH J. - Leo of Alaska
127816: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA / DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - Experimental Farms Reports of the Director, Dominion Agriculturalist, Horticulturalist, Cerealist, Chemist, Entomologist, Botanist; Poultry Manager. . . For the Year Ending March 31, 1911
126916: ROYAL COMMISSION ON AGRICULTURE AND RURAL LIFE - Movement of Farm People; Report No. 7
114384: MANITOBA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - Kah-Miss-Ahk; Report of the Progress of the F.R.E.D. Programs and Projects Up to Jan 15, 1969
126915: ROYAL COMMISSION ON AGRICULTURE AND RURAL LIFE - A Program of Improvement for Saskatchewan Agriculture and Rural Life; Report No. 14
128200: SASKATCHEWAN 4-H COUNCIL; MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE - 60 Years of 4-H in Saskatchewan 1917 - 1977
121396: MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE - Save the Crow: The Saskatchewan Solution
103768: CANADA. AGRICULTURE AND COLONIZATION - Select Standing Committee on Agriculture and Colonization: Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence and Report in Respect to the Consideration of, Including Protein As a Factor in the Statutory Definitions of Contract Grades of Wheat and Its Effect on Existing Methods of Inspecting and Grading, Together with the Subject of Storage, Mixing, Inspection and Grading of Grain, Generally, and of the Administration of the Canada Grain Act
103783: CANADIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURE - The Farmers' Platform; a New National Policy for Canada
103785: CANADIAN FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE - Manifesto of the Canadian Farmer. As Presented to the Cabinet of the Government of Canada on January 27th, 1941, by a Delegation of 22 Representatives from the Canadian Federation of Agriculture
115159: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - P.F.R.A. - a Record of Achievement; A Report on Activities Under the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act for the Eight-Year Period Ended March 31, 1943
103000: ALBERTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Alberta, 1913-14
103001: ALBERTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. - Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Alberta 1918-24
103002: ALBERTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Alberta for the Years 1925-32
103003: ALBERTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Alberta for the Years 1934-38
102999: ALBERTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Alberta, 1910
112329: AHENAKEW, FREDA; WOLFART, H.C. - Kôhkominawak Otâcimowiniwâwa / Our Grandmothers' Lives As Told in Their Own Words; Illustrated Edition
126967: AHENAKEW, FREDA - Kiskinahamawakan-Acimowinisa / Written by Cree-Speaking Students, Edited with a Glossary by Freda Ahenakew
115663: AHENAKEW, FREDA (EDITOR) - A Preliminary Check-List of Plains Cree Medical Terms
102988: AHENAKEW, FREDA; WOLFART, H.C. (EDITOR) - The Counselling Speeches of Jim Ka-Nipitehtew
102987: AHENAKEW, EDWARD; BUCK, RUTH M. (EDITOR) - Voices of the Plains Cree
115109: AHENAKEW, FREDA (TRANS. AND EDITOR); LITTLECHILD, GEORGE (ILLUS.) - Napesis Ekwa Apakosis Acimowinis
115119: AHENAKEW, FREDA (EDITED AND TRANSLATED BY) - Wâskahikaniwiyiniw-Âcimowina; Stories of the House People (Told by Peter Vandall and Oe Douquette)
119406: AHENAKEW, VINCE - Nêhiyawêwin Mitâtaht; Michif Ahci Cree Grammar Book
119404: AHENAKEW, VINCE - Nêhiyawêwin Masinahikan; Michif / Cree Dictionary
110488: AHLF, MARGUERITE - Edson - 75 Years; a History of the Town
112841: AHMED, SYED HABIB - From South Asia to North America: An Autobiography 1915-2000
116760: AICHISON, J.H. (EDITOR) - The Poltical Process in Canada; Essays in Honour of R. MacGregor Dawson
122751: VIDIR LADIES AID - Beyond the Marsh
122575: VIDIR LADIES AID - Beyond the Marsh
131455: AIKEN, , DON, WITH CHRIS THAIN - It Happened in Manitoba; Stories of the Red River Province
124962: AIKENS, GWLADYS, M. REES - Nurses in Battledress
120855: AIKIN, JOHN - The Lives of John Selden, Esq. And Archbishop Usher; With Notices of the Principal English Men of Letters with Whom They Were Connected
118477: CANADA. AIKINS, J.C. (SECRETARY OF STATE OF CANADA) - Report of the Secretary of State of Canada, for the Year Ending the 30th June, 1872
203879: AIMWELL, WALTER - Clinton: Or, Boy-Life in the Country
119159: AINSLIE, PATRICIA - Inglis Sheldon-Williams
118592: AINSLIE, PATRICIA - Correspondences: Jack Shadbolt
123156: AINSLIE, PATRICIA; CRAN, CHRIS - The Vibrant Art of Gladys Johnston
123113: AINSLIE, PATRICIA - Correspondences: Jack Shadbolt
129064: AINSLIE, PATRICIA; LAVIOLETTE, MARY-BETH - Alberta Art and Artists; An Overview
121636: AINSWORTH, ROBERT - Thesaurus Linguæ Latinæ Compendiarius: Or, A Compendious Dictionary
127862: AISLIN (TERRY MOSHER) - Did the Earth Move? Another 180 Caricatures
130839: AISLIN (TERRY MOSHER) - The Lawn Jockey and Other Aislin Cartoons . . .
127637: AITKEN, HUGH G. J. - Did Slavery Pay?; Readings in the Economics of Black Slavery in the United States
130917: AITKEN, HUGH G. J. - American Capital and Canadian Resources
112101: AITKEN, J.R. - My Garden of the Red, Red Rose
122474: BAD AL - Punk Novel
127370: ALAMEDA - From Dream...To Reality
101304: ALAMEDA - From Dream...To Reality
122914: ALAMEDA - From Dream...To Reality
127761: ALAVI, HAMZA - Imperialism Old and New
202642: ALBEE, FRED H. - Bone-Graft Surgery
202386: ALBERT, THOMAS - Histoire Du Madawaska; d'apres les Recherches Historiques de Patrick Therriault et les Notes Manuscrites de Prudent L. Mercure
106458: MAP. PRINCE ALBERT - Map of City of Prince Albert
101007: R. M. OF ALBERT - Reflections of Time; A History of the R. M. Of Albert
124797: ALBERT, T.C. - Recreating the 18th Century Hunting Pouch
131000: FRIENDS OF THE BOTANIC GARDEN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA - Kinnikinnick; The Newsletter of the Friends of the Garden Volume One: Number Two September 1974
116614: SOCIAL CREDIT BOARD ALBERTA - Prepare Now; A Suggested Policy for Post-War Reconstuction Embodying Features Essential to British Democracy
116615: SOCIAL CREDIT BOARD ALBERTA - The Record Tells the Story 1905-1936; 1936-1939
103012: ALBERTA - Alberta Facts and Figures. An Interesting Informative Compilation of Facts Pertinent to Alberta
125535: UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA, SCHOOL OF NATIVE STUDIES - The First Ten Years; A Commemorative Look at the School of Native Studies; University of Alberta, 1988-1998
100002: ALBERTA - By-Laws for Incorporated Villages in the Province of Alberta
100004: ALBERTA - The School Act; the School Assessment Act. The Tax Recovery Act. The School Grants Act. The School Attendance Act and General Regulations of the Department of Education
100006: ALBERTA - The Bill of Rights: Introduction Summary...The Act...Questions and Answers
127005: ALBERTSON, CHRIS - Bessie
100511: ALBERTUS, GREGOR: (PSEUD.?) - Red Flannel Pyjamas: Stories of Sex, Sin and Crime in a Rooming House
120753: ALBERY, WILLIAM; BELLOC, HILAIRE (INTRO.) - A Parliamentary History of the Ancient Borough of Horsham, 1295-1885; With Some Account of Every Contested Election, and So Far As Can Be Ascertained, a List of Members Returned
110316: ALCOCK, F.J. - A Century in the History of the Geological Survey of Canada
203223: ALCOTT, LOUISA M. - May Flowers
202154: ALCOTT, LOUISA M. - Jo's Boys, and How They Turned Out; a Sequel to "Little Men"
124313: ALDAG - Rippling Memories. Aldag, Bench, Golden Sheaf, Twin Buttes, String Butte
101305: ALDAG - Rippling Memories. Aldag, Bench, Golden Sheaf, Twin Buttes, String Butte
117344: ALDEN, RAYMOND MACDONALD - The Forest Full of Friends
110647: ALDINE - The Aldine, the Art Journal of America
122628: ALDINGTON, RICHARD; AMES, DELANO [TRANSLATORS] - New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
131745: ALDISS, BRIAN W. (EDITED AND INTRODUCED BY) (EDITOR) - The Folio Science Fiction Anthology
103023: ALDOUS, DAVE - Barns in Saskatchewan
116564: ALEJCHEM, SCHOLEM - Der Fortschritt in Kasrilweke Und Andere Alte Geschichten Aus Neuerer Zeit
120167: ALÉS, ANATOLE - Bibliothèque Liturgique; Description Des Livres de Liturgie Imprimés Aux XV Et XVI Siècles
117463: ALEXANDER, DAVID; O'FLANAGAN, ROBERT (INTRO.) - Greenland and Baffin Island Drawings
109657: ALEXANDER, J.J.G. - The Decorated Letter
116650: ALEXANDER, COLIN - Angry Society
115548: ALEXANDER, DAVID; ARNOLD, GRANT - David Alexander
100007: ALEXANDER, W.H.; E.K. BROADUS; F.J. LEWIS; J.M. MACEACHRAN. - These Twenty Five Years: A Symposium
128475: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - Ten Little Indians
128476: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - Indian Killer
119682: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - The Toughest Indian in the World
128704: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - Old Shirts & New Skins
117672: ALEXIE, SHERMAN; FORNEY, ELLEN (ILLUS.) - The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
127230: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - Reservation Blues
128474: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - War Dances
128567: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - The Summer of Black Widows
128568: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - The Summer of Black Widows
128569: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - First Indian on the Moon
128570: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - Smoke Signals
128571: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist Fight in Heaven
128470: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist Fight in Heaven
128471: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist Fight in Heaven
128472: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - Flight
128703: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - Dangerous Astronomy
128701: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - One Stick Song
121887: ALEXIE, SHERMAN - Ten Little Indians
128196: D'ALFONSO, ANTONIO - Fabrizio's Passion
118560: ALFORD, EDNA; CURRIE, ROBERT; KERR, DON - 2000% Cracked Wheat
123466: ALFORD, EDNA - A Sleep Full of Dreams
121867: ALFRED, TAIAIAKE - Peace, Power, Righteousness; An Indigenous Manifesto
112941: ALGER, HORATIO - From Farm Boy to Senator
131190: ALGER, KEITH - The Political Economy of U.S. Trade Policy; An Evaluation of Theory
129689: ALHAMBRA - Our Priceless Heritage History of Alhambra, Arbutus, Beaver Flat, Bingley, Horseguard,Oras, Sleepy Valley and Taimi (Alberta)
102274: SURPRISE VALLEY. HENDERSON, ALICE & MRS NICK STEFAN (COMPILERS) - Homesteading in Surprise Valley; An Autobiographical Account of the Pioneers in This District
131248: HISTORY BROUGHT ALIVE - Celtic Mythology & History; Explore Timeless Tales, Folklore, Magic, Legendary Stories and More
123847: D'ALLAIRE, MICHELINE - L'hôpital-Général de Québec, 1692-1764
102806: ALLAIRE, LOUIS - L'Archeologie des Kitselas d'apres le Site Stratifie de Gitaus (Gdtc:2) sur la Riviere Skeena en Colombie Britannique
128359: BRIDGEWATER, ALLAN & GILL - Carving Totem Poles & Masks
111336: ALLAN, LUKE (PSEUDONYM OF W. LACEY AMY) - The Lone Trail
123657: ALLAN, MEA - Darwin and His Flowers; The Key to Natural Selection
123612: ALLAN, WILLIAM - Four Murders in a Small Town
128093: ALLAN, BILLIE LAMB - Dew upon the Grass
116455: ALLCHIN, BRIDGET - The Stone-Tipped Arrow; Late Stone-Age Hunters of Tropical Old World
125357: ALLEN, ARTHUR - Short and Tall Tales
121827: ALLEN, PAULA GUNN - The Sacred Hoop; Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions
202643: ALLEN, R.W. - Vaccine Therapy and the Opsonic Method of Treatment: A Short Compendium for General Practitioners, Students, and Others
118194: ALLEN, LAWRENCE J. - The Alaska Pipeline, the Beginnings, Vol. 1
111444: ALLEN, RALPH - Home Made Banners
118129: ALLEN, JUNE - Doll's House, No. 24 Creek Street
121532: ALLEN, ELIZABETH - Territories
109533: ALLEN, W.E.D. (EDITOR) - Russian Embassies to the Georgian Kings (1589-1605)
200036: ALLEN, JAMES LANE - The Reign of Law: A Tale of the Kentucky Hemp Fields
200035: ALLEN, GRANT - Flashlights on Nature
200034: ALLEN, DOUGLAS; ALLEN, JR., DOUGLAS - N.C. Wyeth: The Collected Paintings, Illustrations and Murals
130214: ALLEN, FRANK C. - Railroad Curves and Earthwork
129808: ALLEN, RALPH - Peace River Country
131149: ALLEN, CHARLOTTE VALE - The Marmalade Man
103040: ALLEN, RICHARD (EDITOR) - Man and Nature on the Prairies
103034: ALLEN, DURWARD L. - The Life of Prairies and Plains.
103037: ALLEN, RICHARD (EDITOR) - A Region of the Mind: Interpreting the Western Canadian Plains
103038: ALLEN, RICHARD (EDITOR) - Religion and Society in the Prairie West
100010: ALLEN, LAURIE (ED.) - Settling Matters: Perspectives on the Past
109575: ALLISON, LES - Canadians in the Royal Air Force
123237: ALLISON, GARRY - 100 Years of History; The Lethbridge and District Exhibition
130435: ALLISON, GARRY - The Prairie Boys; Southern Albertans Wartime Experiences
120363: ALLODI, MARY - Printmaking in Canada: The Earliest Views and Portraits / Les Débuts de L'éstampe Imprimée Au Canada
130078: ALLOTT, KENNETH - Poems
123031: LAKE ALMA - Settlers of the Hills
122682: ALMAS, JANET ELIZABETH - "Little Pudding Face"... And Other Poems
114042: ALMON, BERT - Mind the Gap
203215: ALMOND, LINDA STEVENS - Peter Rabbit's Holiday
115209: ALSFORD, STEPHEN (EDITOR) - The Meta Incognita Project: Contributions to Field Studies
203631: ALSTON, R.C. - An Introduction to Old English
100186: GALAHAD. WILLIS, ALTA ET AL - Golden Echoes: A History of Galahad and Districts.
129600: ALTAISKY, M.; GEORGIYEV, V. - The Philosophical Views of Mao Tse-Tung; A Critical Analysis
113626: ALTONA - Town of Altona Millenium Diary
125250: ALUMA, PONZIANO - We're Here, Now What?
119675: ALUMA, PONZIANO - We're Here, Now What?
125410: THE ALUMNI AND THE FRIENDS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA - 1866 the Union Proclamation; Colony of British Columbia Colony of Vancouver Island
118221: ALUNIK, ISHMAEL; KOLAUSOK, EDDIE D.; MORRISON, DAVID - Across Time and Tundra, the Inuvialuit of the Western Arctic
200039: ALVAREZ, A. - Hunt
200040: ALVERSON, CHARLES - Fighting Back: A Black Bat Mystery
114114: AMABILE, GEORGE - The Presence of Fire
125117: AMANTEA, GISELE; BEAUDREY, EVE-LYNE; DUCLOS, REBECCA; MARKONISH, DENISE - Gisele Amantea; Beaux Rêves, Dures Vérités Sweet Dreams, Hard Truths
122123: AMANTEA, GISELE - Antidotes for Madness
122670: AMARANTH - Seasons of Our Lives, 1985: A History of Amaranth and District, Manitoba - Canada
116416: AMBROSE, J.W. - Clericy and la Pause Map-Areas, Quebec
131382: HOFMANN, HANS; AMERINGER & YOHE FINE ART - Search for the Real; 6 January - 12 February 2005
202342: AMIS, MARTIN - London Fields
128836: AMIS, MARTIN - The Information
129354: AMIS, MARTIN - The Pregnant Widow
129263: AMIS, MARTIN - Yellow Dog
129351: AMIS, MARTIN - House of Meetings
129350: AMIS, MARTIN - Night Train
129349: AMIS, MARTIN - Night Train
129250: AMIS, MARTIN - God's Dice
128828: AMIS, MARTIN - Visiting Mrs Nabokov and Other Excursions
128829: AMIS, MARTIN - Success
200044: AMIS, MARTIN - Visiting Mrs. Nabokov; and Other Excursions
123039: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Difficulties with Girls
123037: AMIS, MARTIN - Yellow Dog
129252: AMIS, MARTIN - Vintage Amis
129355: AMIS, MARTIN - The Information
130329: AMIS, MARTIN - Time's Arrow
129238: AMIS, MARTIN - Time's Arrow
128830: AMIS, MARTIN - Other People: A Mystery Story
129264: AMIS, MARTIN - Yellow Dog
129265: AMIS, MARTIN - Yellow Dog
129240: AMIS, MARTIN - Einstein's Monsters
129241: AMIS, MARTIN - Einstein's Monsters
129242: AMIS, MARTIN - Einstein's Monsters
129243: AMIS, MARTIN - House of Meetings
129245: AMIS, MARTIN - Heavy Water and Other Stories
129247: AMIS, MARTIN - Heavy Water and Other Stories
129266: AMIS, MARTIN - Yellow Dog
129248: AMIS, MARTIN (EDITOR) - Night Train
203787: AMOSS, HARRY - Sunday-Monday; Selected Poems
201061: L'AMOUR, LOUIS - Sackett's Land
201062: L'AMOUR, LOUIS - Rivers West
113521: AMPRIMOZ, ALEXANDRE L. - Against the Cold
102670: AMSTATTER, ANDREW - Tomslake: History of the Sudeten Germans in Canada
202275: AMTMANN, BERNARD - Montreal Book Auctions Records and Canada Book Auctions Records; Volume VII, 1967-1980 - Index
202274: AMTMANN, BERNARD - Contributions to a Dictionary of Canadian Pseudonyms and Anonymous Works Relating to Canada
126397: AMTMANN, BERNARD - Early Canadian Children's Books, 1763-1840; A Bibliographical Investigation into the Nature and Extent of Early Canadian Children's Books and Books for Young People / Livres de L'enfance & Livres de la Jeunesse Au Canada 1763-1840 Etude Bibliographique; A Bibliography of Canadian Children's Books and Books for Young People 1841-1867 / Livres de L'enfance& Livres de la Jeunesse Au Canada 1841-1867 (Two Volumes)
125480: AMUNDSEN, ROALD; ELLSWORTH, LINCOLN - First Crossing of the Polar Sea
125744: AMUNDSEN, ROALD - Roald Amundsen's "The North West Passage"; Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship "Gjoa" 1903-1907 by Roald Amundsen with a Supplement by First Lieutenant Hansen, Vice-Commander of the Expedition, with About One Hundred and Thirty-Nine Illustrations and Three Maps (Two Volumes)
128409: ANSARA, AMY ET AL.; OLD MOLE - Old Mole Number 17 July 4 -17
128410: ANSARA, AMY ET AL.; OLD MOLE - Old Mole Number 14 May 23 - June 6
128411: ANSARA, AMY ET AL.; OLD MOLE - Old Mole Number 11 April 11- April 24
111358: AMYOT, CHANTAL; GENDREAU, BIANCA; WILLIS, JOHN; BROUSSEAU, FRANCINE (EDITOR) - Special Delivery; Canada's Postal Heritage
113455: PARKS CANADA. NATIONAL HISTORIC PARKS AN - Canadian Historic Sites; Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History
121587: ANASTASIO, ANDREA; GEETHA, V. - Fingerprint
127333: ANCTIL, PIERRE; ONU, TONU [TRANSLATION] (EDITOR) - "Do What You Must": Selected Editorials from le Devoir Under Henri Bourassa, 1910-1932
117072: ANDERSON, DAVE - To Get the Lights; A Memoir About Farm Electrification in Saskatchewan
131713: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Oldtime Eastern Sheriffs and Outlaws
119117: KNOWLES, RACHELLE VIADER (ARTIST); J. ANDERSON AND L. LEVIN (ESSAYS) - Rachelle Viader Knowles: In the Neighbourhood
130035: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - A Frontier Guide to the Dewdney Trail Rock Creek to Salmo
203430: ANDERSON, POHL - Murder Bound
100013: ANDERSON, FRANK - The Frank Slide Story
117684: ANDERSON, KIM - A Recognition of Being; Reconstructing Native Womanhood
124194: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - The Death of Albert Johnson
120767: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - The Incredible Rogers Pass
131005: ANDERSON, ISABEL - The Spell of Japan
113452: ANDERSON, JAMES M. - Ancient Hispanic Inscriptions
114666: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Sagas of the Canadian West; Volume 5
121605: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - The Riel Rebellion, 1885; Includes Batoche Today; Robert K. Allan--Soldier's Diary; Frank Anderson--Riel Rebellion: 1885; Frank Anderson--Riel's Manitoba Uprising
112770: ANDERSON, BERNICE G. - Topsy Turvy and the Tin Clown
101312: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Regina's Terrible Tornado
117823: ANDERSON, DAVID JOHN - The Seventh Daughter
120769: ANDERSON, FRANK - The Dewdney Trail; Hope to Rock Creek
116862: ANDERSON, IAN - Sitting Bull's Boss; Above the Medicine Line with James Morrow Walsh
116963: ANDERSON, BOYD M. - Beyond the Range
131422: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Sagas of the Canadian West; Volume 2;
116751: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Western Canadian Desperados; Little Known Tales of the Old West
116747: ANDERSON, FRANK - Hillcrest 1914: Canada's Worst Mine Disaster (Alternate Title "Hillcrest Mine Disaster")
124713: ANDERSON, ROBERT BRENT - Economic Development Among the Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: The Hope for the Future
120763: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Western Canadian Desperados; Little Known Tales of the Old West
116818: ANDERSON, ALLAN - Nos Pionniers de l'Ouest
116750: ANDERSON, FRANK - A Frontier Guide to Enchanted Banff and Lake Louise
131512: ANDERSON, MATTHEW R. - The Good Walk; Creating New Paths on Traditional Prairie Trails
119882: ANDERSON, GRACE M.; HIGGS, DAVID - A Future to Inherit: Portuguese Communities in Canada
124700: ANDERSON, ROBERT B. - Aboriginal Entrepreneurship and Business Development
103066: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Saskatchewan Provincial Police
103062: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Sheriffs and Outlaws of Western Canada
200045: ANDERSON, CANDY M.; LUICK, JACK R. (EDITOR) - Reindeer Husbandry and Its Ecological Principles
103064: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - The Death of Albert Johnson
130033: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - The Hope Slide Story
120759: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - The Death of Albert Johnson
116749: ANDERSON, FRANK - A Frontier Guide to Calgary - Banff Highway
113275: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Sagas of the Canadian West; Tornado Over Regina Volume 6;
130034: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - A Frontier Guide to the Dewdney Trail Salmo to Wild Horse
115467: ANDERSON, WILLIAM JAMES - Canadian History; The Siege and Blockade of Quebec by Generals Montgomery and Arnold, in 1775-6
120757: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - The Riel Rebellion; 1885
129805: ANDERSON, CHERYL - Free Delivery: This Booklet is Dedicated Towards the Demystification of Childbirth
129828: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - The Carbon Murders Mystery
120770: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - A Frontier Guide to Mystic Jasper
103063: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - The Riel Rebellion; 1885
103068: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Riel's Saskatchewan Rebellion
103071: ANDERSON, JAMES THOMAS MILTON - The Education of the New-Canadian: A Treatise on Canada's Greatest Educational Problem
103058: ANDERSON, DAVID - Notes of the Flood at the Red River in 1852
103059: ANDERSON, ELDON - Struggle and Splendor; An Illustrated Account of Creative Achievement on the Great Canadian Plains
103061: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Sergeant Harry Morren; Royal North West Mounted Police
102671: ANDERSON, GRACE M.; HIGGS, DAVID - A Future to Inherit: Portuguese Communities in Canada
102414: ANDERSON, RUDOLPH MARTIN - Catalogue of Canadian Recent Mammals
101311: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Outlaws of Saskatchewan: Strange Tales of Crimes and Criminals from Our Storied Past
119564: ANDERSON, ALAN B. - Settling Saskatchewan
203921: ANDRE, R. - Little Red Riding Hood
110118: DE SAINT-ANDRE, LUCILLE - Bye-Bye, Baden-Baden
109306: GAGNON, ANDRE AND ANN (EDITOR) - Canadian Books for Young People / Livres Canadiens Pour la Jeunesse
117542: ANDREAS, JAMES - Hear the Meadowlark Sing
101313: ANDREW, NORMAN - Homestead Hardships: Saskatchewan
109244: ANDREW, EDWARD - Shylock's Rights; A Grammar of Lockian Claims
130701: ANDREWES, SIR CHRISTOPHER - The Lives of Wasps and Bees
118300: ANDREWS, ISABEL ANNE - The Crooked Lakes Reserves: A Study of Indian Policy in Practice from the Qu'appelle Treaty to 1900
120815: ANDREWS, EDWARD DEMING; ANDREWS, FAITH - Shaker Furniture; The Craftsmanship of an American Communcal Sect
123383: ANDREWS, RALPH W. - Indian Primitive
200047: ANDREWS, KENNETH R. (EDITOR) - English Privateering Voyages to the West Indies 1588-1595: Documents Relating to English Voyages to the West Indies from the Defeat of the Armada to the Last Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, Including Spanish Documents Contributed by Irene A. Wright
126487: ANDREWS, PAT - Sons and Daughters of the Prairie Sod
131012: ANDRIST, RALPH K.; PALACIOS, RAPHAEL D. (MAPS) - The Long Death; The Last Days of the Plains Indian
125648: ANDRIST, RALPH K. - The Long Death; The Last Days of the Plains Indian
110732: ANDRUSYSHEN, C.H. - Ukrainian Literature and Its Guiding Light Shevchenko
102412: ANERLEY, INVICTA, MONMAWALA, SURBITON - Anerley, Invicta, Monmawala, Surbiton of Yesteryear
122896: ANEROID - Aneroid - the Rising Barometer 1905-1980. Aneroid, Cananea, Quimper, Warren, Erinlea, Pinto River, South Pinto Districts
200048: ANGELL, NORMAN - The Money Game: How to Play It: A New Instrument of Economic Education
131328: ANGELOU, MAYA - I know why the caged bird sings
129435: ANGUHADLUQ, LUKE; WALSH, MEEKA; THE UPSTAIRS GALLERY - Luke Anguhadluq; Baker Lake Prints and Drawings 1970 - 1982
129436: ANGUHADLUQ, LUKE; WALSH, MEEKA; THE UPSTAIRS GALLERY - Luke Anguhadluq; Baker Lake Prints and Drawings 1970 - 1982
127818: ANGUS, H.F.; MACIVER, R.M. (INTRODUCTION) - Canada and Her Neighbor; Sociological Surveys of Opinions and Attitudes in Canada Concerning the United States
128745: ANGUS, CHARLIE - Children of the Broken Treaty: Canada's lost Promise and one girl's dream New edition
130001: MONTURE-ANGUS, PATRICIA; TURPEL, MARY ELLEN (FOREWORD) - Thunder in My Soul; A Mohawk Woman Speaks
130607: MONTURE-ANGUS, PATRICIA - Journeying Forward; Dreaming First Nations' Independence
130000: MONTURE-ANGUS, PATRICIA; TURPEL, MARY ELLEN (FOREWORD) - Thunder in My Soul; A Mohawk Woman Speaks
118709: ANNAHEIM. - A Cross in the Clearing; A History, 1903-1980
116310: DUBETA, ANNE & JOHN - Harvets of Dreams; Children of Pioners, Candles of Hope for Tomorrow
127187: ANNETT, KEVIN; INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE DISAPPEARED OF CANADA - Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada; A Counter Report to the "Truth and Reconciliation Commission"
131095: ANNETT, KEVIN; INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE DISAPPEARED OF CANADA - Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada; A Counter Report to the "Truth and Reconciliation Commission"
118676: [ANNON.] - Two Depressions in One Lifetime; A History of Unemployment in Canada
118585: [ANNON.] - Jack and the Bean-Stalk / Hop O'My Thumb
114013: [ANON.] - The Summer Sunshine Book
124523: ANON. - Essentialism; The First Book
124487: ANON. - Grosse Bilderschau
121103: ANON. - Four-Footed Friends
113853: [ANON] - Mischief Makers
202989: (GRINNELL, HENRY; KANE, ELISHA KENT); ANON. - Harper's New Monthly Magazine
202646: ANON. - The London Dissector: Or, System of Dissection Practised in the Hospitals and Lecture Rooms of the Metropolis; Explained by the Clearest Rules for the Use of Students; Comprising a Description of the Muscles, Vessels, Nerves and Viscera of the Human Body, As They Appear on Dissection; with Directions for Their Demonstration
113129: ANON. - In Memory of Rev. James Ballantyne, B.A., D.D.; 1857 - 1921
112107: ANON. - The General Class-Book, or, Interesting Lessons in Prose and Verse, on a Great Variety of Subjects; Combined with an Epitome of English Orthography and Pronunciation and Intended As the Third Book in a Course of Reading for the Use of Schools
111310: ANON. - The Gingerbread Boy [and] Hansel and Gretel
110842: [ANON.] - Animals I Like
110823: [ANON.] - Jack the Giant Killer, a Hero Celebrated by Ancient Historians
110824: [ANON.] - Milk for Babes: Or, A Catechism in Verse
110818: [ANON] - In Bunny Land
110722: [ANON.] - The Annals of Europe
110526: ANON.] - The Sporting Repository, Containing Horse-Racing, Hunting, Coursing, Shooting, Archery, Trotting and Tandem Matches, Cocking, Pedestrianism, Pugilism, Anecdotes on Sporting Subjects, Interspersed with Essays, Tales, and a Great Variety of Miscellaneous Articles
110501: [ANON.] - River Rampant
126594: ANON. - Soldier Sam, and Lillie's Dream.
121020: ANON. - Striving for the Mastery
122252: ANON. - Bird ABC
102674: ANON - Doukhobors: Toil and Peaceful Life. Doukhobor Centennial - Expo '67 Choir
102675: ANON - Living Faith. Two Articles on Doukhobor Teaching
102679: ANON - Chemical Biological Radiological Warfare Brings Doom Desolation
102680: ANON - Verses and Psalms for Children and Youth
102681: ANON - Program, Youth Group, Saskatchewan and Alberta, 6-14 March, 1963
119154: ANONYMOUS - My Very First Book
103087: ANONYMOUS - The Last of the Buffalo: Comprising a History of the Buffalo Herd at the Flathead Reservation and an Account of the Last Great Buffalo Roundup
112422: ANONYMOUS - Steenie Alloway's Adventures
127113: EPHEMERA; ANONYMOUS - Angola: The Struggle for Liberation
117554: ANONYMOUS - The Great American Ass; An Autobiography
200050: ANONYMOUS - A Stage Ride to Colorado
125654: ANONYMOUS - Confessions of an English Maid and Other Delights
103082: ANONYMOUS - The Great North West
102695: ANONYMOUS - Kanada
128947: ANSCOMBE, ISABELLE; GREY, HOWARD (PHOTOGRAPHS); LEHMAN, JOHN (FOREWORD) - Omega and After; Bloomsbury and the Decorative Arts
116956: ANSTEY, T.H. - One Hundred Harvests; Research Branch Agriculture Canada 1886-1986
103093: ANTEVS, ERNST - Late Glacial Correlations and Ice Recession in Manitoba
114187: ANTHON, CHARLES - A System of Greek Prosody and Metre, for the Use of Schools and Colleges; Together with the Choral Scanning of the Prometheus Vinctus of Aeschylus, and the Ajax and Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles. To Which Are Appended Remarks on Indo-Germanic Analogies.
115035: DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA - A Bibliography of Algonquian Linguistics
123990: MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES, UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN - Wondrous Print: Renaissance Books in Saskatchewan Collections
103094: ANTROBUS, FRED - The Obstacle Race
117071: ANUIK, JONATHAN - First in Canada; An Aboriginal Book of Days
125805: APOLLINAIRE, GUILLAUME - The Poet Assassinated
126972: APPEL, JR., ALFRED - Jazz Modernism from Ellington and Armstrong to Matisse and Joyce
120458: APPELBAUM, STANLEY (SELECTION, TRANSLATIONS AND TEXT) - Simplicissimus: 180 Satirical Drawings from the Famous German Weekly
125251: QU'APPELLE - Qu'appelle - Footprints to Progress; A History of Qu'appelle and District
101967: INDIAN HEAD, QU' APPELLE AND FOR QU' APPELLE. PETTY T. - Echoes of the Qu'appelle Lakes District; Ca-Ta-Buy-Se-Pu or the River That Calls. A Guide to Some Historic Sites, Trails and Scenes of the Qu'appelle Lakes District
101970: QU'APPELLE - Qu'appelle - Footprints to Progress; A History of Qu'appelle and District
202187: APPERLY, FRANK L. - Patterns of Disease on a Basis of Physiologic Pathology
109838: APULEIUS - The Story of Cupid & Psyche
113594: JOHN G. SHEDD AQUARIUM - A Familiar Wilderness; Northwest Coast Indians and Nature
129899: AQUILINA, ALFRED P. - The Mackenzie Yesterday and Beyond
122479: AQUIN, HUBERT; WILLIAMS, PENNY (TRANS.) - Prochain Episode
129361: ARBOR, MARILYN - Tools & Trades of America's Past: The Mercer Collection
127891: CONFEDERACY OF MAINLAND MI'KMAQ; ROBERT S. PEABODY MUSEUM OF ARCHAEOLOGY - Mikwite'lmanej Mikmaqi'k; Let Us Remember the Old Mi'maq
106354: MANITOBA ARCHAEOLOGY - An Introduction to Manitoba Archaeology
129177: ARCHAMBAULT, JOALLYN - A Classification System for Porcupine Quillwork Techniques
114635: UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE - The First Ukrainian Catholic Metropolitan See of Canada
123953: KENDERDINE ART GALLERY; ARCHER, KENT [CURATOR] - Offguard: Farmers and Machinery Injuries
101319: ARCHER, JOHN - Writing Yesterday: Living History
128368: ARCHER, JOHN H. - Saskatchewan: A History
116991: ARCHER, JOHN H. - Honoured with the Burden: A History of the Regina Board of Education
123193: ARCHER, JOHN H. - Sherwood Credit Union; 50 Years: A History; 50 Anniversary 1937-1987
103096: ARCHER, JOHN H. - Saskatchewan: A History
103097: ARCHER, JOHN H. - Saskatchewan: A History
103098: ARCHER, JOHN H. - Honoured with the Burden: A History of the Regina Board of Education
103099: ARCHER, JOHN H. (WITH HARLES B. KOESTER.) - Footprints in Time. A Sourcebook in the History of Saskatchewan
103100: ARCHER, JOHN H. (WITH A.M. ERBY.) - The Story of a Province: A Junior History of Saskatchewan.
127576: ARCHIBALD, JO-ANN; SELKIRK, SHEENA (EDITOR) - Selected Papers from the 1988 and 1990 Mokakit Conferences (Mokakit Education Research Association)
123638: ARCHIBALD, GORDON (GENERAL CHAIRMAN); THE CENTENNIAL PUBLICITY COMMITTEE - The Pembroke Centennial Souvenir Book; Produced by the Centennial Publicity Committee Commemorating the Centennial of Pembroke's Incorporation As a Village in 1858; During the Week of July 6-12, 1958
131183: ARCHIBALD, J.H.; KLAPPSTEIN, G.D.; CORNS, I.G.W. - Field Guide to Ecosites of Southwestern Alberta Special Report 8
107911: SASKATCHEWAN ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS - Historic Architecture of Saskatchewan
128031: ROGER DU TOIT ARCHITECTS - Wascana Centre 1982 Master Plan
102122: SASKATCHEWAN ARCHIVES - Report of the Saskatchewan Archives
100250: LACOMBE AND AREA - Wagon Trails to Hard Top; History of Lacombe and Area
100203: HAND HILLS AREA - Hand Hills Heritage
120232: VEGREVILLE AND AREA - Vegreville in Review: History of Vegreville and Surrounding Area 1880-1980 (Volume II Only)
111754: CANDO AND AREA - Can Do, the Pioneer's Echo
122911: CANDO AND AREA - Can Do, the Pioneer's Echo
122895: TROSSACHS & AREA - Browsing Through Brokenshell: R. M. Brokenshell No. 68
117599: MAWER DARMODY AREA - Mawer Memories and Darmody Days
123203: MAIDSTONE AND AREA - Chain of Memories
110701: CRESTWYND AND AREA - Rolling Hills Review 1840-1980
100256: LAFOND AND AREA. - Dreams Become Realities: A History of Lafond and Surrounding Area
100441: STANDARD AND AREA - From Danaview to Standard
120513: ALIX-CLIVE AREA - Pioneers and Progress & Gleanings After Pioneers and Progress (2 Volumes Complete)
100113: CORONATION AND AREA - In the Beginning: A History of Coronation, Throne, Federal and Fleet Districts
102305: TROSSACHS & AREA - Browsing Through Brokenshell: R. M. Brokenshell No. 68
102282: SYLVANIA AND AREA - From Forest to Farmland: Allanville, Beech Grove, Golburn, Millford, Sylvania, Sylvania Rural, Valecrest, Willow Hill
100104: COCHRANE AND AREA - Big Hill Country: Cochrane and Area
119664: MINBURN AND SURROUNDING AREAS - Miles to Minburn
203007: ARFWEDSON, C.(ARL) D.(AVID) - Lase-Bibliothek Af Den Nyaste Utlandska Litteraturen
127499: ARGAN, WM. P. - The Spirit of Patriotism; Father Hugonard General Assembly No. 1064; 1923-1998
131346: ARGAN, WILLIAM; COWAN, PAM; STASESON, GORDON W. - Regina: The First 100 Years; Regina's Cornerstones the History of Regina Told Through Its Buildings and Monuments
112564: ARGAN, WILLIAM; COWAN, PAM - Cornerstones 2: An Artist's History of the City of Regina
114316: ARGAN, WILLIAM; COWAN, PAM; STASESON, GORDON W. - Regina: The First 100 Years; Regina's Cornerstones the History of Regina Told Through Its Buildings and Monuments
117027: ARGAN, WILLIAM; COWAN, PAM - Cornerstones 2: An Artist's History of the City of Regina
100518: ARGYLE - Come into Our Heritage: Rural Municipality of Argyle 1882-1982
118021: ARIMA, E.Y. - Itivimiut Sled Construction
117158: KARPAN, ARLENE & ROBIN - Saskatchewan; Scenic Secrets
121555: ARLINGTON, GARY EDSON - I Am Not of This Planet: The Art of Gary Edson Arlington
117625: ARMITAGE, ANDREW - Comparing the Policy of Aboriginal Assimilation; Australia, Canada, and New Zealand
200057: ARMITAGE, C.M.; CLARK, NEIL - A Bibliography of the Works of Louis MacNeice
124429: ARMOUR, DAVID A. (EDITOR) - Attack at Michilimackinac 1763; Alexander Henry's Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories Between the Years 1760 and 1764
128003: ARMOUR, ERIC - Canadian Criminal Cases (Volume Lvii); Picketing; Cr. Code, Section 501 (F).
121380: ARMSTRONG, PATRICIA G. - Slates, Bottles and Horseshoe Nails
101325: ARMSTRONG, EDITH VERNETTE - A Wheatland Heritage
127144: ARMSTRONG, CARRIE - Mother Earth; Plants for Health & Beauty; Indigenous Plants, Traditions & Recipes
109245: ARMSTRONG, CHRISTOPHER; NELLES, H.V. - Monopoly's Moment; The Organization and Regulation of Canadian Utilities, 1830-1930
103117: ARMSTRONG, W.H.G. - Separate Schools; Introduction of the Dual System into Eastern Canada and Its Subsequent Extension to the West
111111: EIGHTH ARMY - Poems from Italy; Verses Written by Members of the Eighth Army in Sicily and Italy July 1943 - March 1944
120187: ARMYTAGE, W.H.G. - Yesterday's Tomorrows; A Historical Survey of Future Societies
113398: ARNAKTAUYOK, GERMAINE, STUART HODGSON - Stories from Pangirtung
103120: ARNASON, DAVID - The Circus Performers' Bar
121033: ARNAUD, RAOUL - La Princesse de Lamballe, 1749-1792
100520: ARNAUD - Arnaud Through the Years
120333: ARNOLD, GRANT (EXHIBITION CURATOR) - Ron McLellan; Recent Work
113035: ARNOLD, HUGH - Stained Glass of the Middle Ages in England and France; With 50 Plates in Colour by Lawrence B. Saint
119705: ARNOLD, MATTHEW - Culture and Anarchy: An Essay in Political and Social Criticism
128062: ARNOLD, GRANT; GAGNON, MONIKA KIN; JENSEN, MAUREEN - Topographies; Aspects of Recent B.C. Art
129025: ARNOLD, DAVID, ET AL.; SLEMMONS, ROD (ESSAY); PRESENTATION HOUSE GALLERY - Eye of the Mind / Mind of the Eye; photographs with text
122443: ARNOPOULOS, SHEILA MCLEOD; CLIFT, DOMINIQUE - The English Fact in Quebec
131627: ARNOT, R. PAGE - A Short History of the Russian Revolution from 1905 to the present day Volume Two From February 1917 to the present day
114418: ARNOT, JUDGE DAVID M. - Treaty Implementation: Fulfilling the Covenant
129615: ARONSON, SIMON - Art Decko; Compositions with Cards
121843: ARORA, VED P. (SASKATCHEWAN PROVINCIAL LIBRARY) - Louis Riel: A Selected Bibliography
103128: ARORA, VED PARKASH (EDITOR) - Louis Riel: A Bibliography
131250: ARORA, VED PARKESH (COMPILED BY) - Women; A Selected Bibliogrpahy
107692: RIEL. ARORA, VED PARKASH (EDITOR) - Louis Riel: A Bibliography
114321: ARORA, VED P. - Eskimos: A Bibliography
129287: ARORA, VED P. - The Saskatchewan Bibliography
129815: ARORA, VED P. (SASKATCHEWAN PROVINCIAL LIBRARY) - Royal Canadian Mounted Police: A bibliography
103126: ARORA, VED P. - The Saskatchewan Bibliography
103125: ARORA, VED P. - Saskatchewan History: A Bibliography
113931: MUSEUM OF MODERN ART - Les Fauves
113718: MUSEUM OF MODERN ART - Jacques Villon; His Graphic Art
117318: EMILY CARR COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN - Untitled; Work by Emily Carr College of Art and Design Graduates: 1994
115032: THE MCMICHAEL CONSERVATION COLLECTION OF ART - The McMichael Conservation Collection
115051: MUSEUM OF ART, WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY - Noritake Art Deco Porcelains: Collection of Howard Kottler
113426: STILBORN, ARTHUR & MYRA - April and After
117951: ARTHUR, ALAN - Battle on! A Collection of Short Stories Set on the Battle River
110317: ARTHUR, ELIZABETH (EDITOR) - Thunder Bay District 1821-1892; a Collection of Documents
109247: ARTHUR, ERIC. - Toronto; No Mean City
123454: BRYANT, ARTHUR AND SHANKS, EDWARD - The Summer of Dunkirk; Epic of the Little Boats That Saved the World and the Great Miracle May-June, 1940
125461: ARTHUR, PAIGE - Unfinished Projects; Decolonization and the Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre
102260: STILBORN, ARTHUR & MYRA - The Wind Knows Where
113251: ARTIBISE, ALAN F.J. - Western Canada Since 1870: A Select Bibliography and Guide
106371: ARTIBISE, ALAN F.J. (ED., INTRO.) (EDITOR) - Gateway City; Documents on the City of Winnipeg, 1873-1913
103134: ARTIBISE, ALAN F.J. - Winnipeg: A Social History of Urban Growth 1874-1914
103137: ARTIBISE, ALAN F.J. - Western Canada Since 1870: A Select Bibliography and Guide
103138: ARTIBISE, ALAN F.J. (EDITOR) - Town and City: Aspects of Western Canadian Urban Development
104254: ARTIGUE, JEAN D' - Six Years in the Canadian North-West
123159: BESANT, DEREK (ARTIST); TODD, MARK (ARTIST) & EDWARDS, JIM [CURATOR] - Dragging the River: Derek Besant / Mark Todd
115081: SOCIETY OF CANADIAN ARTISTS - Art (Winter 1972)
115080: SOCIETY OF CANADIAN ARTISTS - Art (Vol. 3 / Fall 1971)
200060: ARTMAN, WM.; HALL, L.V. - Beauties and Achievements of the Blind
129150: STUDENTS OF ARTS AND SCIENCE, MCGILL UNIVERSITY - McGill Free Press Vol. 2, No.7 Montreal, Thursday, October 17, 1968
120413: SASKATCHEWAN INDIAN ARTS AND CRAFTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Smoke Tanning: Traditional Indian Method of Preparing Animal Hides
129067: SASKATCHEWAN SUMMER SCHOOL OF THE ARTS - Saskatchewan Summer School of the Arts; Cantos July 11, 1975
113759: ROYAL CANADIAN ACEDEMY OF ARTS - 90th Annual Exhibition 1970
113702: MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - Quebec, TV and Company; The Paintings of Ernest Gendron
114929: MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - Theatre of the Imagination
112719: ROYAL CANADIAN ACADEMY OF ARTS - Prairie Region Exhibition
116300: MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Guide
116301: MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS - Montreal Museum of Fine Arts; Painting, Sculpture, Decorative Arts
115028: THE COMMITTEE FOR ARTS AND LECTURES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - Jugendstil and Exppressionism in German Posters
113309: ARTSCANADA - Stones, Bones and Skin; Ritual and Shamanic Art
128151: ARTSCANADA - Stones, Bones and Skin; Ritual and Shamanic Art
123304: ARTSCANADA - Artscanada; Containing J.E.H. Macdonald's Unpublished Journal, 1932; December 1972 / January 1973; Volume Xxix; Issue No. 174 / 175
122335: ARTSCANADA - Art and Nationalism December 1979 / January 1980 Issue Number 232 / 233
203200: ASBURY, HERBERT - The Gangs of New York
114305: ASCH, MICHAEL - Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada
128302: ASCH, MICHAEL (EDITOR) - Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada: Essays on Law, Equality, and Respect for Difference
127966: ASCH, MICHAEL - Kinship and the Drum Dance in a Northern Dene Community
114163: ASHLEY, DAISY - Cast No Stone
103141: ASHTON, LESLIE W. - On Guard Against Drought!: Being an Attempt to Alert Western Canadians to Their Climate Risks and Indicate Logically Sound Conservation Measures for Responsible Authorities to Pursue
113607: ASHWELL, REG - Indian Tribes of British Columbia
131576: ASHWELL, REG - Indian Tribes of the Northwest
115478: ASHWORTH, J.H. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume IX; Annalids, Parasitic Worms, Protazoas, Etc, Part J: Polychaeta (Supplementary), Etc., Southern Party 1913-1916
115479: ASHWORTH, J.H. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume IX; Annalids, Parasitic Worms, Protazoas, Etc, Part J: Polychaeta (Supplementary), Etc., Southern Party 1913-1916
127663: ASIMOV, ISAAC; GREENBERG, MARTIN H.; WAUGH, CHARLES - Baker's Dozen; 13 Short Fantasy Novels
127661: ASIMOV, ISAAC (EDITOR) - Before the Golden Age Trilogy; A Science Fiction Anthology of the 1930s
127931: ASLIN, ELIZABETH - The Aesthetic Movement; Prelude to Art Nouveau
200064: ASPRIN, ROBERT L. - The Bug Wars
116087: ASSAF, W. - And the Winds Blew
125001: ASSELTINE, R.W. - The Treasury Readers; Book Four
129560: LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY - Legislative Building
101331: ASSINIBOIA - Golden Memories
101332: ASSINIBOIA - Heritage '85; Town of Assiniboia
122945: ASSINIBOIA - Heritage '85; Town of Assiniboia
125540: ASSINIWI, BERNARD; MYRE, ISABELLE - Anish-Nah-Be; Contes Adultes Du Pays Algonkin
109586: SAKATCHEWAN CURLING ASSOC. - Saskatchewan Curling; Heartland Tradition
127924: POLYTECHNIQUE STUDENT ASSOCIATION - Le Polyscope; Vol. 3 No. 8 (28 Novembre 1969)
127923: POLYTECHNIQUE STUDENT ASSOCIATION - Le Polyscope; Vol. 3 No. 7 (14 Novembre 1969)
127714: LOWER FORT GARRY VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION - Family Connections; The 2005 Red River Descendants Reunion
124440: SWIFT CURRENT JUBILEE ASSOCIATION - Swift Current Golden Jubilee; 1914 - 1964
127922: POLYTECHNIQUE STUDENT ASSOCIATION - Le Polyscope; Vol. 3 No. 6 (6 Novembre 1969); Vol. 3 No. 5 (17 Octobre 1969)
127569: CANADIAN CELIAC ASSOCIATION - Acceptability of Food & Food Ingredients for the Gluten-Free Diet (Pocket Dictionary)
127921: POLYTECHNIQUE STUDENT ASSOCIATION - Le Polyscope; Vol. 3 No. 4 (9 Octobre 1969)
202281: SHAKESPEARE ASSOCIATION - The View of Fraunce; 1604
202279: SHAKESPEARE ASSOCIATION - The Life and Death of Gamaliel Ratsey; a Famous Thief, of England, Executed at Bedford the 26th of March Last Past. 1605
114709: ESKIMO POINT RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION - Eskimo Point Northwest Territories
129599: LABOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATION - Billionaire Corporations Their Growth and Power
127920: POLYTECHNIQUE STUDENT ASSOCIATION - Le Polyscope; Vol. 3 No. 3 (29 Septembre 1969)
125210: ALBERTA WILDERNESS ASSOCIATION - The Western Swan Hills. . . Alberta's Forgotten Wilderness
111675: CANADIAN AYRSHIRE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION - The Canadian Ayrshire Herd Book; Volume Xxvi, Pedigrees 48921 to 53025
127919: POLYTECHNIQUE STUDENT ASSOCIATION - Le Polyscope; Vol. 3 No. 2 (19 Septembre 1969)
117835: PRINCE ALBERT EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION - One Hundred Memories; A Century of Growing, Sharing & Showing
127918: POLYTECHNIQUE STUDENT ASSOCIATION - Le Polyscope; Vol. 3 No. 1 (12 Septembre 1969)
127917: POLYTECHNIQUE STUDENT ASSOCIATION - Le Polyscope; Vol. 11 No. 19 (11 Avrill 1969)
127102: EPHEMERA; THE LOYAL ORANGE ASSOCIATION - Constitution and Laws of the Loyal Orange Association of British America
124731: FORT BUFORD 6TH INFANTRY REGIMENT ASSOCIATION - Interments at Fort Buford 1866 to 1895
117530: SASKATCHEWAN FORESTRY ASSOCIATION - Treemendous; Trees and Shrubs
127916: POLYTECHNIQUE STUDENT ASSOCIATION - Le Polyscope; Vol. 11 No. 17 (27 Mars 1969)
108937: WESTERN CANADA IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION - Reports of the Proceedings of the Conventions of the Western Canada Irrigation Association
107920: SASKATCHEWAN MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION - Finders, Keepers: A Photographic Survey of Saskatchewan Museums
127915: POLYTECHNIQUE STUDENT ASSOCIATION - Le Polyscope; Vol. 11 No. 13 (31 Janvier 1969)
116611: CANADIAN TRANSIT ASSOCIATION - Canadian Transit Association Proceedings 1933-1934
116612: CANADIAN TRANSIT ASSOCIATION - Canadian Transit Association Proceedings 1932-1933
126778: MANITOBA BAR ASSOCIATION, VARIOUS AUTHORS - Manitoba Bar News; October, 1936. Vol. 9, No. 1
126777: MANITOBA BAR ASSOCIATION, VARIOUS AUTHORS - Manitoba Bar News; September, 1936. Vol. 8, No. 12
106366: MANITOBA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION - Pioneers and Early Citizens of Manitoba; A Dictionary of Manitoba Biography from the Earliest Times to 1920
128164: CANMORE SENIORS ASSOCIATION - Canmore Seniors at the Summit
126502: SASKATCHEWAN EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ASSOCIATION (SEMSA) - The History of Saskatchewan Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services
129187: SASKATCHEWAN INDIAN SCHOOL TEACHERS ASSOCIATION - Classroom Objectives and Activities with Pupils of Indian Background
122663: THE ROYAL WINNIPEG RIFLES ASSOCIATION (EDITOR) - The Devil's Blast 2012; The Annual Chronicle of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles
130179: CANADIAN TRIBUNE PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION - The Canadian Tribune 52nd Year, No. 1842 March 21, 1973
128985: NORTH SHORE WRITERS' ASSOCIATION (VARIOUS) - Uncovered . . . A North Shore Writers' Association Chapbook
126021: PUBLIC LEGAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION - A Guide to the Law for Saskatchewan Women
100293: MAP. ALBERTA MOTOR ASSOCIATION - Alberta Motor Association Tourist Information Bureaus, Calgary, Lethbridge, Edmonton
115122: INDIAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATION, INC. - Indian Truth (Vol. 21 No.1 To Vol. 33 No. 4 Incomplete)
102696: CANADIAN-UKRAINIAN EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION - Anthology of the Ukrainian Literature in Canada. Volume 1
126035: ATIYAH, P.S. - The Sale of Goods
202554: ATKINS, J.W.H. - English Literary Criticism: 17th and 18th Centuries
124479: EPHEMERA; [ATKINSON, THOMAS; ATKINSON, GEN. S. ATKINSON] - Ephemera - Registered Letter Receipt [From Rockland, Michigan to Bruce County, Canada West; Dated June 23rd, 1866]
116691: ATKINSON, R.N. - Penticton Pioneers in Story and Picture
129709: ATKINSON, MARLENE - Farmlife of a Greenhorn Farmwife
112662: ATKOV, OLEG Y.; BEDNENKO, VICTOR S. - Hypokinesia and Weightlessness: Clinical and Physiologic Aspects
125708: THE ATLANTIC - The Atlantic; 100th Anniversary Edition; November, 1957
103147: ATNIKOV, PAM, ET AL - Out from the Shadows: A Bibliography of the History of Women in Manitoba
119387: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Bluebeard's Egg
129295: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Strange Things; The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature
119327: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Dancing Girls
119272: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Survival; A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature
119223: ATWOOD, MARGARET; BEAULIEU, VICTOR-LÉVY - Two Solicitudes; Conversations
119218: ATWOOD, MARGARET - The Blind Assassin
127546: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Oryx and Crake
131724: ATWOOD, MARGARET - The Handmaid's Tale
118264: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Survival; A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature
130120: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Moral Disorder
123887: ATWOOD, MARGARET - The Heart Goes Last
120135: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Life Before Man
120131: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Bodily Harm
117796: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Lady Oracle
131596: ATWOOD, MARGARET - The Circle Game
127152: ATWOOD, MARGARET - The Robber Bride
127147: ATWOOD, MARGARET - The Blind Assassin
129015: ATWOOD, MARGARET - The Heart Goes Last
129404: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Burning Questions: Essays and Occasional Pieces, 2004-2021
129405: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Strange Things; The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature
130409: ATWOOD, MARGARET; WEAVER, ROBERT; VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS (EDITOR) - The New Oxford Book of Canadian Short Stories in English
128497: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Power Politics
116577: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Cat's Eye
116578: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Wilderness Tips
200073: ATWOOD, WALLACE W. - The Rocky Mountains
200068: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Bodily Harm
122569: ATWOOD, MARGARET - The Journals of Susanna Moodie; Poems by Margaret Atwood
119733: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Survival; A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature
129419: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Morning in the Burned House - New Poems
119673: ATWOOD, MARGARET - The Year of the Flood
125669: ATWOOD, MARGARET - The Testaments
119216: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Negotiating with the Dead; A Writer on Writing
121759: AUCHINCLOSS, LOUIS - The Rector of Justin
200076: AUDEN, W.H. - City without Walls; and Other Poems
200075: AUDEN, W.H. - Academic Graffiti
126112: AUEL, JEAN M. - The Mammoth Hunters
125992: AUEL, JEAN M. - The Plains of Passage
122124: AUGAITIS, DAINA; JOSELIT, DAVID - Gisele Amantea
114941: AUGAITIS, DIANA (CURATOR) - Siting Technology
127175: AUGER, DARLENE PEARL; MUSTOOCH, CHLOE "BLUEBIRD" [ILLUSTRATIONS] - Miiwahp: The Traditional Tipi; Wapison: The Moss Bag; Wipison: The Baby Swing; Nitisib: My Belly Button [4 Volume Set]
115350: FLERAS, AUGIE AND JEAN LEONARD ELLIOT - The Nations Within; Aboriginal-State Relations in Canada, the United States, and New Zealand
102683: AUGIMERI, MARIA C. - Calabrese Folklore
129824: AULD, WALTER C. - Voices of the Island; History of the Telephone on Prince Edward Island
103148: AULD, F. HEDLEY - Canadian Agriculture and World War II; a History of the Wartime Activities of the Canada Department of Agriculture and Its Wartime Boards and Agencies
202536: AULT, NORMAN (EDITOR) - Elizabethan Lyrics; from the Original Texts
129569: AUSTER, PAUL - Hand to Mouth; A Chronicle of Early Failure
129571: AUSTER, PAUL - Oracle Night
129572: AUSTER, PAUL - The Brooklyn Follies
129573: AUSTER, PAUL - Travels in the Scriptorium
129574: AUSTER, PAUL - The Book of Illusions
129565: AUSTER, PAUL - Invisible
129566: AUSTER, PAUL - The Music of Chance
129568: AUSTER, PAUL - Man in the Dark
129567: AUSTER, PAUL - Sunset Park
103149: AUSTIN - The Agricultural Memorial Museum of Manitoba
101336: AUSTINVILLE - Next Year Country. Austinville, Coal Valley, Dahlia, Georgina, Grassy Creek, Harty, Instow, Marcliffe, North Instow, Pilot, Rock Creek, Scotsguard, Thompson Valley, Voll, Wilkinson
122954: AUSTINVILLE - Next Year Country. Austinville, Coal Valley, Dahlia, Georgina, Grassy Creek, Harty, Instow, Marcliffe, North Instow, Pilot, Rock Creek, Scotsguard, Thompson Valley, Voll, Wilkinson
200081: AUSTRALIA - Australia: Its Scenery, Natural History, and Resources; with a Glance at Its Gold Fields; (Bound With) Australia and Its Settlements
122057: AUSTRIA - ZHAO, ZIN; GELLER, JUDITH B. [EDITOR] - Bodies the Exhibition
127539: PETER, BAKI [AUTHOR AND EDITOR] - Lelek Es Test / Soul and Body; Kertesztol Mapplethorpe-Ig, a Fotografia Legnagyobb Mestereinex Szemevel / Kertesz to Mapplethorpe, Through the Eyes of the Greatest Masters of Photography
129970: SASKATCHEWAN WATERSHED AUTHORITY - Fish Species of Saskatchewan
201964: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Borrego (California) Mountain Earthquake of April 9, 1968
127479: LIBRARY OF AMERICA; VARIOUS AUTHORS - Reporting Civil Rights; Part One: American Journalism 1941-1963; Volume Two: American Journalism 1963-1973 (Two Volume Set)
112849: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vernacular Architecture
114394: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Farmers' Bulletin #'s 270, 185, 255, 142, 375, 112, 256, 359, 203, 249, 34, 85, 182, 128, 295, 298, 121, 363, 332, 293,
116664: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Selections in English Literature for Grades IX and X; Saskatchewan Edition
114255: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Schoolgirls' Own Annual 1937
120771: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Penguin Drop Caps (Complete Set in 26 Volumes)
115046: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Century 1867 - 1967: The Canadiian Saga
115050: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Freespace
129277: COMMISSION ROYALE SUR LES PEUPLES AUTOCHTONES - Sur le chemin de la guérison
129276: COMMISSION ROYALE SUR LES PEUPLES AUTOCHTONES - Les peuples autochtones et la justice
119944: AUXIER, G.W. - The Story of Oil
114793: MINNEHAHA CO-OP WOMEN'S AUXILIARY - Tales and Trails of the Following School Districts: Blackfoot, Daysville, Lake Russell, Minnehaha, Parkale, Picnic Lake 1893-1979
120639: AVALLONE, MICHAEL - The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
118945: AVANT, DAVID A.; RUSSELL, GEORGE ELY (FOREWORD) - Florida Pioneers, and Their Alabama, Georgia, Carolina, Maryland and Virginia Ancestors
125519: AVERILL, ESTHER - Flash; The Story of a Horse, a Coach-Dog and the Gypsies
127329: AVERY, DONALD H.; EATON, MARK (EDITOR) - The Meaning of Life; The Scientific and Social Experiences of Everitt and Robert Murray 1930 - 1964
127124: AVERY, CHERYL; DARLENE FICHTER - Ka-Ki-Pe-Isi-Nakatamakawiyahk: Our Legacy: Essays
125441: AVERY, GILLIAN - Nineteenth Century Children; Heroes and Heroines in English Children's Stories 1780-1900
122149: AVERY, C. LOUISE - An Exhibition of Early New York Silver
114128: AVERY, MARTIN - The Singing Rabbi
110773: D'AVEZAC, M. - Ethicus Et Les Ouvrages Cosmographiques Intitules de Ce Nom...
103150: AVIS, WALTER S.; SCARGILL, MATTHEW H. (EDITOR) - A Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles
118991: AXWORTHY, THOMAS S.; TRUDEAU, PIERRE ELLIOTT (EDITORS) - Towards a Just Society; The Trudeau Years
127105: EPHEMERA; AYERS, BILLY; REED, JOE (EDITOR) - Osawatomie Vol. 2 No. 1, April-May, 1976
101340: AYLESBURY - History of Aylesbury
123348: AYLESBURY - Aylesbury at the Threshold of the "80's"
125668: AYLESBURY - Village of Aylesbury; 100 Years in 2010
123395: AYRE, ROBERT; BUCHANAN, DONALD [EDITORS] (EDITOR) - Canadian Art; Vol. XI; No. 4; Summer 1954
123396: AYRE, ROBERT; BUCHANAN, DONALD [EDITORS] - Canadian Art; Vol. XII; No. 4; Summer 1955
115568: AYRES, K.W.; ACTON, D.F.' ELLIS, J.G. - The Soils of the Swift Current Map Area 72j Sasaktchewan
124612: AZARIAN, MARY - A Farmer's Alphabet
121481: CHRISTENSON, B. & B. - Rabbits Don't Wear Diamonds
203171: FRANTZ, JOE B. AND CHOATE, JULIAN ERNEST - The American Cowboy; the Myth & the Reality
112061: PLATONOVA, N.; OULIANOVA, B.; ET AL - Les Emaux Russes XIe-XIXe S.
116966: CHRISTENSON, B. & B. - The Coyote Laffed
127898: CHRISTENSEN, B. & B. - Gopher Gold; A Collection of Short Stories
102585: ONTARIO. ORR, R.B. ET AL - Archaeological Reports 1900, 1904; Being Part of Appendix to the Minister of Education Ontairio
103151: BABCOCK, DOUGLAS R. - A Gentleman of Strathcona: Alexander Cameron Rutherford
103152: BABCOCK, DOUGLAS R. - Alexander Cameron Rutherford: A Gentleman of Strathcona
200084: BAC, FERDINAND - La Comedie Feminine
125450: BACH, RICHARD - Jonathan Livingston Seagull
128307: BACKHOUSE, CONSTANCE - Colour-Coded; A Legal History of Rcaism in Canada, 1900-1950
125468: BACKHOUSE, FRANCES - Women of the Klondike
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101348: BANTING, MEREDITH (ED.) - Anthology; Homespun Stories and Rhymes by Saskatchewan Authors
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