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Click on booknumber for full information
110408: FARRAR, JOHN / ELIZA. WARE ROTCH - The Adventures of Congo in Search of His Master; an American Tale. Containing a True Account of a Shipwreck, and Interspersed with Anecdotes Founded on Facts
122470: FARRELL, KIRBY - Cony-Catching
120701: FARYON, CYNTHIA J. - The Dream; W.P. Davidson & the Davidson Era
128503: OBLATE FATHERS - Der Marienbote [Mary's Messenger] (vol.19 - vol.29; 1950-1961)
113694: OBLATE FATHERS - Eskimo Quarterly Vol. 60 December 1961
113695: OBLATE FATHERS - Eskimo Quarterly Vol. 64 April 1963
113696: OBLATE FATHERS - Eskimo Quarterly Vol. 1 Spring-Summer 1971
128501: OBLATE FATHERS - Der Marienbote [Mary's Messenger] (vol.11 - vol.16; 1942-1948)
131182: FATU, MIHAI; MUSAT, MIRCEA (EDITORS); VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS (EDITOR) - Horthyist-Fascist Terror in Northwestern Romania September 1940 - October 1944
124350: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - Light in August
124342: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - The Reivers; A Reminiscence
131737: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - As I Lay Dying
122610: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - Go Down, Moses
122611: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - Absalom, Absalom!
131653: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - The Faulkner Reader; Selections from the works of William Faulkner
104649: FAULKNOR, CLIFF - Turn Him Loose! Herman Linder, Canada's Mr. Rodeo
104648: FAULKNOR, CLIFF - Turn Him Loose! Herman Linder, Canada's Mr. Rodeo
200610: FAUTEUX, AEGIDIUS - The Introduction of Printing into Canada
130069: FAUTEUX, AEGIDIUS - The Introduction of Printing into Canada
130067: FAUTEUX, AEGIDIUS - The Introduction of Printing into Canada
118178: FEARS, JERRY - Boom, Cash and Balderdash
114949: FEAVER, WILLIAM - When We Were Young: Two Centuries of Children's Book Illustrations
123974: FEDER, NORMAN [CURATOR]; THE BROOKLYN MUSEUM - Art of the Eastern Plains Indians; The Nathan Jarvis Collection
127954: FEDER, NORMAN - American Indian Art
118995: CO-OPERATIVE COMMONWEALTH FEDERATION. - Regina Manifesto / (Programme of the Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation, Adopted at First National Convention Held at Regina, Sask., July 1933)
127162: EPHEMERA; CORPORATIONDES ENSIGNANTS (C.E.Q.) / QUEBEC TEACHERS' FEDERATION - Our Schools Serve the Ruling Class; L'ecole Au Service de la Class Dominate
125057: CO-OPERATIVE COMMONWEALTH FEDERATION. - Regina Manifesto / (Programme of the Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation, Adopted at First National Convention Held at Regina, Sask., July 1933)
125302: CO-OPERATIVE COMMONWEALTH FEDERATION. - 1956 Winnipeg Declaration of Principles of the Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation / Parti Social Democratique Du Canada
125059: CO-OPERATIVE COMMONWEALTH FEDERATION. - 1956 Winnipeg Declaration of Principles of the Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation / Parti Social Democratique Du Canada
118094: FEJES, CLAIRE - Villagers, Athabaskan Indian Life Along the Yukon River
117987: FEJES, CLAIRE - People of the Noatak
120322: FELD, STUART P. (CURATOR) - Plain and Fancy; A Survey of American Folk Art
109962: FELKAY, ANDREW - Hungary and the U S S R, 1956-1988; Kadar's Political Leadership
121076: FENGER, M.A.; MILLER, E.H.; JOHNSON, J.A.; WILLIAMS, E.J.R. (EDITORS) - Our Living Legacy; Proceedings of a Symposium on Biological Diversity
202684: FENN, WALLACE O. - History of the American Physiological Society: The Third Quarter Century, 1937-1962
125348: FENN, G. MANVILLE; GROOME, W.H.C. [ILLUSTRATIONS] - Shoulder Arms! A Tale of Two Soldiers' Sons
131225: SHAYOL; FENNER, ALBERT (PUBLISHER / EDITOR) - Shayol Science Fiction Fantasy November 1977 No. !
122574: FENNIAK, PAUL (ARTIST); HOPKINS, TOM (TEXT) - Recent Work Paul Fenniak Oeuvres Recentes
114314: FENSKE, HAROLD J. - Riverlore; The Headwaters of the Assiniboine Will Always Be Home
120342: FENTON, TERRY (TEXT / GUEST CURATOR) - Dorothy Knowles: Land Marks; Biography
120926: FENTON, TERRY (DIRECTOR); WILKIN, KAREN (CHIEF CURATOR) - September - October 1976
202393: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY. FENTON, TERRY - Edward Kienholz: Assemblages and Tableaus 1957-1966
113317: FENTON, TERRY, KAREN WILKIN - Modern Painting in Canada
109530: FENTON, EDWARD; TAYLOR, E.G.R. (EDITOR) - The Troublesome Voyage of Captain Edward Fenton 1582-1583
117307: FENTON, TERRY (DIRECTOR, EDMONTON ART GALLERY); MOORE, JOANNA (PRESIDENT) - The Changing Picture; 65 Years of the Edmonton Art Club
107046: NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA. FENTON, TERRY - Watercolour Painters from Saskatchewan
122821: FENTON, TERRY - About Pictures
130049: FENTON, STEVEN DONALD - Emerging from the Shadows; The Dean Family in America and Canada 1673 - 2003
123608: FENWICK, CATHERINE RIPPLINGER - Telling My Sister's Story
112599: [CHEMINS DE FER] - Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Second Report of the Select Committee of Share and Bondholders, Appointed at the Meeting of the Company Held at the London Tavern on 2nd January, 1861, to Confer with the Directors Concerning All the Affairs of the Company, Including Specific Proposals for Removing the Present Embarrassments, and Permanently Reorganizing the Management of the Company
115863: DREBERT FERDINAND - Alaska Missionary
115864: DREBERT FERDINAND - Alaska Missionary
113809: MENDEL ART GALLERY. FERGUSON, BRUCE - Eric Fischl - Paintings
121480: FERGUSON, MICHELLE - Why Here?
128876: FERGUSON, BARRY; WARDHAUGH, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Manitoba Premiers of the 19th and 20th Centuries
120318: FERGUSON, B. W. (DIRECTOR) - Decorated Nova Scotia Furnishings
118791: MENDEL ART GALLERY. FERGUSON, BRUCE - Eric Fischl - Paintings
118179: FERGUSON, JUDY - Blue Hills, Alaska's Promised Land
123830: FERGUSON, R.T. - We Stand on Guard
123671: FERGUSON, R.T. - We Stand on Guard; Before You Vote Read This Book
120597: FERGUSON, BRUCE - On Track; An Exhibition of Art in Technology / Une Exposition de L'art À L'heure de la Technologie
116960: FERGUSON, IAN - Village of the Small Houses
119899: FERGUSON, BARRY GLEN - Athabasca Oil Sands; Northern Resource Exploration, 1875-1951
116663: FERGUSON, BRUCE - Conceal / Reveal
120567: FERGUSON, GERALD (ARTIST); MILROD, LINDA (CURATOR / TEXT) - Gerald Ferguson; Landscapes
126430: FERGUSON, WILL - Beauty Tips from Moose Jaw; Travels in Search of Canada
104883: GLENBOW-ALBERTA INSTITUTE; FERGUSON, BRUCE - New Paintings by Otto Rogers
104655: FERGUSON, BARRY (EDITOR) - The Anglican Church and the World of Western Canada 1820-1970
104656: FERGUSON, G.V. - John W. Dafoe
104267: DALHOUSIE ART GALLERY. FERGUSON, BRUCE - Messages from Southern Saskatchewan
106255: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY. FERGUSON, BRUCE; PHILLIPS, CAROL A. - Victor Cicansky: Clay Sculpture
102719: FERGUSON, TED - A White Man's Country: An Exercise in Canadian Prejudice
114286: FERGUSSON, CHARLES BRUCE (EDITOR AND INTRODUCTION) - The Diary of Simeon Perkins 1804-1812
125411: FERGUSSON, ROBB [EDITOR]; ROYAL CANADIAN SEA CADET CORPS (EDITOR) - V.C. For Valour; 50th Anniversary Edition
131304: FERLINGHETTI, LAWRENCE - A Coney Island of the Mind
124455: FERNS, S.J; FERNS, H.S. - Eighty-Five Years in Canada
126483: FERNS, HENRY; OSTRY, BERNARD - The Age of MacKenzie King
100702: FERNS, S.J; FERNS, H.S. - Eighty-Five Years in Canada
112869: FERNUIK, W.H. - Chokecherry Wine
104661: FERRIER, THOMPSON - Indian Education in the North West
127733: FERTIG, MONA; RHENISCH, HAROLD (EDITOR) - Rocksalt; An Anthology of Contemporary BC Poetry (New Poetry & Poetics)
115077: DOMINION DRAMA FESTIVAL - The Curtain Call
113402: FETHERLING, DOUGLAS (EDITED BY) - Documents in Canadian Art
128226: FETHERLING, DOUGLAS (EDITOR) - Best Canadian Essays 1990
119574: FETHERLING, DOUG - Moving Towards the Vertical Horizon
116024: FEWSTER, ERNEST P. - My Garden Dreams
111100: FFOLKES, EDWARD G.E. (SUPPOSED AUTHOR) - Letters from a Young Emigrant in Manitoba
104665: FFOLKES, EDWARD G.E. (SUPPOSED AUTHOR) - Letters from a Young Emigrant in Manitoba
104666: FFOLKES, EDWARD G.E. (SUPPOSED AUTHOR) - Letters from a Young Emigrant in Manitoba
112308: FICHERA, GAETANO (EDITOR) - Trends in Applications of Pure Mathematics to Mechanics; A Collection of Papers Presented at a Conference at the University of Lecce, Italy, in May 1975
128389: FICHTER, GEORGE S. (ADAPTED BY) - How to Build an indian Canoe
200614: FIEDLER, LESLIE A. - Being Busted
120382: FIEGUTH, MENNO - Saskatchewan
120381: FIEGUTH, MENNO - Saskatchewan
131068: FIEGUTH, JOYCE - Flour Sacks and Binder Twine
104672: FIEGUTH, MENNO - Saskatchewan; A Celebration
200616: FIELD, HENRY (EDITOR) - Contributions to the Anthropology of the Soviet Union
200615: FIELD, EUGENE - Christmas Tales and Christmas Verse
101542: FIELDING, LILAC, MAYMONT, RUDDELL - From Sod to Solar
126297: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and His Friend Mr. Abraham Adams
122113: FIELDING, XAN; MULLEY, CLARE (INTRO.) - Hide and Seek; The Story of a Wartime Agent
118510: FIELDS, SEAN - Explicit Content
202426: FIFE, DUNCAN - Scarlet Blue and Green; a Book of Sporting Verse
118541: FIFE, CONNIE - Speaking Through Jagged Rock
113287: FIFFER, STEVEN - Tyrannosaurus Sue
203314: FILLMORE, PARKER H. - The Hickory Limb
125475: FILLMORE, NICHOLAS - Maritme Radical: Life & Times of Roscoe Fillmore
203181: FINCH, ROBERT; WADDINGTON, MIRIAM; SOUSTER, RAYMOND; CRAWLEY, ALAN (ED.) - Contemporary Verse; A Canadian Quarterly
111503: FINCH, ROBERT - Poems
128808: FINCH, CLAUDE - Living Skies and Saskatoon Pies; Stories and Rhymes of bygone times
200620: FINCH, JOHN B. - The People Versus the Liquor Traffic; the Great Speeches of Hon. John B. Finch
117525: FINCH, CLAUDE - Spirit of Saskatchewan
116857: FINCH, DAVID - Hell's Half Acre; Early Days in the Great Alberta Oil Patch
114353: FINCH, CHRISTOPHER - The Art of Walt Disney from Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdom
101544: FINDLATER - From Oxcart to Microwave
123267: FINDLATER - From Oxcart to Microwave
119236: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - The Telling of Lies
119235: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - Inside Memory: Pages from a Writer's Workbook
119234: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - The Piano Man's Daughter
119232: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - Journeyman; Travels of a Writer
119233: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - Spadework
119230: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - The Stillborn Lover
119225: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - Dust to Dust; Stories
131171: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - You Went Away
125179: FINDLEY,TIMOTHY - Pilgrim
114760: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - The Butterfly Plague
129426: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - You Went Away
129427: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - Elizabeth Rex
129428: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - Headhunter
129429: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - Pilgrim
130292: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - Famous Last Words
126101: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - The Wars
129530: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - From Stone Orchard a Collection of Memories
122500: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - The Telling of Lies; A Mystery
122499: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - Not Wanted on the Voyage
119506: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - Famous Last Words
119507: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - Famous Last Words
109296: FINGARD, JUDITH - Jack in Port; Sailortowns of Eastern Canada
118969: FINK, BOB - Alienation and Art
113459: FINK, HOWARD - Canadian National Theatre on the Air, 1925-1961
119649: FINK, BOB - The Social Brain
109297: FINLAY, JOHN L. - Social Credit: The English Origins
108250: FINLAY, JOHN L. - Social Credit: The English Origins
122191: FINLAY, VICTORIA - Colour; Travels Through the Paintbox
116059: FINNIE, RICHARD - Canada Moves North
116060: FINNIE, RICHARD - Canada Moves North
104677: FINNIGAN, JAMES T. - Tipi Rings and Plains Prehistory; a Reassessment of Their Archaeological Potential
124147: FINNIS, BILL - Captain James Cook; Seaman and Scientist
128242: FIOLA, CHANTAL - Returning to Ceremony; Spirituality in Manitoba Metis Communities
111117: FIRBANK, RONALD - The New Rythum; and Other Pieces
127672: PRAIRIE FIRE - Prairie Fire; Volume 3, Number 2, November 2-16, 1971
130165: PRAIRIE FIRE - Prairie Fire; Volume 1, Number 18 March 3 - 9, 1970
130166: PRAIRIE FIRE - Prairie Fire; Volume 1, Number 19 March 10 - 16, 1970
130167: PRAIRIE FIRE - Prairie Fire; Volume 1, Number 23 April 7 - April 14
130168: PRAIRIE FIRE - Prairie Fire; Volume 1, Number 20 March 17 - 23, 1970
130169: PRAIRIE FIRE - Prairie Fire; Vietnam Special April 13 - 19, 1970
130170: PRAIRIE FIRE - Prairie Fire; Volume 2, Number 13 May 18 - June 1, 1971
130171: PRAIRIE FIRE - Prairie Fire; Holiday Shopping Reminder
130172: PRAIRIE FIRE - Prairie Fire; Holiday Shopping Reminder
130173: CARILLON-PRAIRIE FIRE - Carillon-Prairie Fire Election Special Volume 11 No. 3 Friday, June 11, 1971
126493: FIRESTONE, O.J. - Canada's Economic Development 1867 - 1953 with Special Reference to Changes in the Country's National Product and National Wealth
124685: JACK FIRST, INC. - Gun Parts Book 13, Volume 1: Handgun Parts; Volume 2: Rifle Parts; Volume 3: Shotgun Parts and Accessories [3 Volume Set]
117224: PRINCE ALBERT; FIRTH, JOAN - Treatise of a Society
119439: PRINCE ALBERT; FIRTH, JOAN - Treatise of a Society
124861: FISCHER, GEORGE; FAFARD, JOE [INTRODUCTION] - Saskatchewan; Spirit of the Heartland / L'esprit Des Prairies
128627: FISH, DANIEL W. (EDITOR) - The Progressive Higher Arithmetic, for Schools, Academies, and Mercantile Colleges
202686: FISHBEIN, MORRIS (EDITOR) - Medical Uses of Soap: A Symposium
131439: FISHER, M. F. K. - An Alphabet for Gourmets
127654: FISHER, JOAN - Exploring Felting
111516: FISHER, A. HUGH - Poems
114397: FISHER, BUD - Big Book
114194: FISHER, ROBIN - Contact and Conflict
125892: FISHER, DAVID; GARVEY, WILLIAM (EDITOR) - Wild Blue; Stories of Survival from Air and Space
128770: FISHMAN, JOSHUA A. - Yiddish in America: Socio-Linguistic Description and Analysis
129455: FITCH, SHEREE - Kiss the Joy As It Flies
131337: FITCH, NOËL RILEY - Anaïs; The Erotic Life of Anaïs Nin
120510: FITE, EMERSON D.; FREEMAN, ARCHIBALD - A Book of Old Maps Delineating American History; From the Earliest Days Down to the Close of the Revolutionary War
131708: FITTON, J. LESLEY - The Minoans
114710: FITZGERALD, MONSIGNOR WALTER P. - The Exhilarating Years; The Church on a Roll
126673: FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT - The Last Tycoon; An Unfinished Novel
104681: FITZGERALD, C.E.T.; HARRIS, J.T.; DUNN, E.L. - Synoptic Digest of Cases Reported in the Western Weekly Reports from Its Inception in 1911 to the End of 1923
125523: FITZGERALD, PITT L. - The Trail of the Ragged Fox
104683: FITZGIBBON, MARY - A Trip to Manitoba; or, Roughing It on the Line
104684: FITZGIBBON, MARY - A Trip to Manitoba; or, Roughing It on the Line
119618: RIEHL-FITZSIMMONS, B.; MCDOUGALL, F.; CYR-STEENKAMP, T. (COMPILED BY) - Sifting Through Time; A History of the Saskatchewan Archaeological Society
120162: O'FLAHERTY, PATRICK - The Rock Observed; Studies in the Literature of Newfoundland
115289: FLAIG, LLOYD (DONNA GALLANT - ILLUSTRATOR) - The Three Faces of Zook
117065: FLAMAN, BERNARD - Architecture of Saskatchewan; A Visual Journey, 1930-2011
104688: FLANAGAN, THOMAS - Metis Lands in Manitoba
104689: FLANAGAN, THOMAS - Metis Lands in Manitoba
113393: FLANAGAN, TOM - First Nations? Second Thoughts
123819: FLANAGAN, THOMAS - Riel and the Rebellion; 1885 Reconsidered
117668: FLANAGAN, TOM; ALCANTARA, CHRISTOPHER; LE DRESSAY, ANDRÉ - Beyond the Indian Act; Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights
116785: FLANAGAN, ROBERT - The Full Round
122446: FLANAGAN, THOMAS - Louis 'david' Riel; Prophet of the New World
104686: FLANAGAN, THOMAS - Louis "David" Riel: Prophet of the New World
110953: FLAXCOMBE - Little Town in the Valley; History of Flaxcombe and Surrounding School Districts
129079: FLEMING, PATRICIA; CARPENTER, THOMAS (EDITORS) - Traditions in Wood; A History of Wildfowl Decoys in Canada
113257: FLEMING, PATRICIA; CARPENTER, THOMAS (EDITORS) - Traditions in Wood; A History of Wildfowl Decoys in Canada
123919: FLEMING, IAN - The Man with the Golden Gun
112322: FLEMING, PATRICIA LOCKHART - Upper Canadian Imprints, 1801-1841: A Bibliography
121067: FLEMING, IAN - Octopussy
131679: FLEMING, CHRISTOPHER; MANNING, MATTHEW (EDITOR) - Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Wellbeing
105449: HUDSON'S BAY RECORD SOCIETY. FLEMING, R. HARVEY (EDITOR) - Minutes of Council, Northern Department of Rupert Land, 1821-31
129809: FLEMING, IAN - You Only Live Twice
115211: FLEMING, ARCHIBALD LANG - Archibald the Arctic: The Flying Bishop
120524: FLEMING, JOHN A.; CHAMBERS, JAMES A. (PHOTOGRAPHS) - The Painted Furniture of French Canada, 1700-1840
120658: FLERAS, AUGIE; ELLIOTT, JEAN LEONARD - Unequal Relations; An Introduction to Race, Ethnic, and Aboriginal Dynamics in Canada
115857: STANWELL-FLETCHER, THEODORA C. - The Tundra World
119407: FLEURY, NORMAN - Michif Dictionary 2013
121146: FLEXMAN, S. D. ELAND - Wings and Tails
125565: FLEXMAN, S. D. ELAND - Wings and Tales
120540: FLEXNER, JAMES THOMAS - That Wilder Image; The Painting of America's Native School from Thomas Cole to Winslow Homer
124306: FLINT, AUSTIN - Practical Treatise on the Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment of the Diseases of the Heart
116322: FLINT, DAVID - The Hutterites; A Study in Prejudice
203361: FLITTON, MARILYN G. (EDITOR) - An Index to the Canadian Monthly and National Review and to Rose-Belford's Canadian Monthly and National Review 1872-1882
104700: FLOCK, ELIZABETH BURNETT - Wild Flowers of the Prairie Provinces
203472: FLOMEN, MICHAEL - Still Life Draped Stone
126422: BEARDY, FLORA AND COUTTS, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Voices from Hudson Bay; Cree Stories from York Factory (Second Edition)
124276: DE FLORENTIIS, JOSEH - Histoire Du Pistolet
127536: FLURY, KAY - Let's Go to the Fair; A History of the Weyburn Agricultural Society 1908-1968
102352: WEYBURN. KAY FLURY ET AL - Hey Seeds!
127269: GATT-FLY - Sugar: Who Pays the Price?
122141: FOIK, PAUL J. - Pioneer Catholic Journalism
113766: FOLEY, DOROTHY C. - When Our Ship Comes In
128893: FOLEY, RT. REV. B.C. - Some People of the Penal Times (Chiefly 1688-1791); Aspects of a Unique Social and Religious Phenomenon (1688 - 1791) a Brief Account of some English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh Confessors
128211: FOLK, JULIE - The Wascana Since 1911
129922: FOLLETT, KEN - Code to Zero
129923: FOLLETT, KEN - The Power Twins
129924: FOLLETT, KEN - Lie Down with the Lions
129925: FOLLETT, KEN - A Place Called Freedom
129926: FOLLETT, KEN - A Dangerous Fortune
115943: FOLSOM, JUSTUS W. - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume III: Insects; Part A: Collembola; Sothern Party 1913-16
118405: FONER, PHILIP S. - American Labor Songs of the Nineteenth Century
130831: FONER, PHILIP S. - The Fur and Leather Workers Union; A story of dramatic struggles and achievements
126560: FONER, PHILIP S. - Women and the American Labor Movementfrom World War I to the Present
200631: FONTAINE, JEAN DE LA - Selected Fables
131470: FONTANA, DAVID - The New Secret Language of Symbols; An illustrated key to unlocking their deep and hidden meanings
128195: FONTANIE, RICHARD P. - Eternal Unfolding; A Journey That Turned into a Different Kind of Love Story
104704: FOOKS, GEORGIA GREEN - Fort Whoop-Up: Alberta's First and Most Notorious Whiskey Fort
129450: FOOKS, GEORGIA GREEN - Prairie Prisoners; POWs in Lethbridge during two world conflicts
123693: FORAN, JILL - Mary Schäffer; An Adventurous Woman's Exploits in the Canadian Rockies
121816: FORAN, TIMOTHY P. - Defining Metis; Catholic Missionaries and the Idea of Civilization in Northwestern Saskatchewan 1845-1898
116932: FORAN, MAX - Trails & Trails
128122: FORAN, MAX (EDITOR) - Icon, Brand, Myth: The Calgary Stampede
113612: FORBES, EDWARD - A History of British Starfishes, and Other Animals of the Class Echinodermata
127231: FORBES, JACK - Red Blood
122852: FORBES, ALEXANDER - Northernmost Labrador Mapped from the Air; American Geographical Society; Special Publication; No. 22
104706: FORBES, JOSEPH C. - History of Manitoba Agricultural Extension Staff 1913-70
115603: FORBIS, RICHARD G. - Cluny: An Ancient Fortified Village in Alberta
104707: FORBIS, R.G.; DAVIS, L.B.; CHRISTENSEN, O.A.; FEDIRCHUK, G. (EDITOR) - Post-Pleistocene Man and His Environment on the Northern Plains: Proceedings of the First Annual Paleo-Environmental Workshop of the University of Calgary Archeological Association
114053: FORD, ROBERT - Thistledown: A Book of Scotch Humour Character, Folk-Lore Story & Anecdote.
202888: FORD, FORD MADOX - Great Trade Route
113525: FORD, CATHY - Stray Zale
112411: FORD, RICHARD - Women with Men; Three Stories
120203: FORD, J.E. - Fact, Fun and Fiction for Auctioneers
200635: FORD, RICHARD - Wildlife
200634: FORD, FORD MADOX - The Good Soldier; a Tale of Passion
109300: FORD, ROBERT A.D. - Our Man in Moscow; A Diplomat's Reflections on the Soviet Union
104711: FORER, MORT - The Humback
124946: DE FOREST, ROY - A Journey to the Far Canine Range and the Unexplored Territory Beyond Terrier Pass
200471: DE FOREST, ROY - A Journey to the Far Canine Range and the Unexplored Territory Beyond Terrier Pass
112388: FORESTER, THOMAS (EDITOR) - The Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon. Comprising the History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Accession of Henry II. Also, the Acts of Stephen, King of England and Duke of Normandy
200636: FORESTER, C.S. - The Bedchamber Mystery
200637: FORESTER, C.S. - The Bedchamber Mystery
101549: FORGET, HEWARD, STOUGHTON AREA - Tecumseh on the Prairies; Including Forget, Heward, Stoughton & Area
124813: FORGET, HEWARD, STOUGHTON AREA - Tecumseh on the Prairies; Including Forget, Heward, Stoughton & Area Volume 1 Only
118682: FORMOSA, GERALD - The Pleasure of Seeing; Architectural Sculpture & Decorative Art in Vancouver
129194: FORREST, JONATHAN - Jonathan Forrest Recent Paintings
131682: FORSEY, LORRAINE (WRITTEN AND COMPILED BY) - A tribute to George Forsey
127437: FORSMAN, MICHAEL R.A. - The Archeology of Victoria Post 1864 - 1897
129770: FORSTER, E.M. - A Letter to Madan Blanchard
202889: FORSTER, E.M. - Marianne Thornton 1797-1887; a Domestic Biography
200640: FORSTER, E.M. - The Hill of Devi
200642: FORSTER, E.M. - Marianne Thornton: A Domestic Biography
126581: FORSTER, MARGARET - Significant Sisters; The Grassroots of Active Feminism
104715: FORSTER, J.R.; SCLATER, PHILIP LUTLEY - An Account of the Birds Sent from Hudson's Bay; With Observations Relative to Their Natural History; And Latin Descriptions of Some of the Most Uncommon
200644: FORSYTH, FREDERICK - The Odessa File
131384: FORTEY, RICHARD - Life; An Unauthorized Biography a Natural History of the First Four Thousand Million Years of Life on Earth
131406: FORTEY, RICHARD - The Earth; An Intimate History
129432: FORTIER, MICHEL (EDITOR); THE OBLATES FATHERS - 100 Years of Marion Echoes; Our Lady of Lourdes St. Laurent, Sask. 1879 - 1979
129042: FORTIER, NORMAND - Guide to Oral History Collections in Canada / Guide des fonds d'histoire orale au Canada
119712: FORTIN, JEAN-MARIE - Notre Position Au Canada
100709: FORTIN, OCTAVE; CARRUTHERS, C. - Sixty Years and After; an Historical Sketch of Holy Trinity Parish, Winnipeg 1868-1928
100708: FORTIN, L. ALPHONSE - L'Ame de ma Soeur, Henriette Fortin; Cinquante Annees des Souvenirs Intimes
115067: PERIODICAL CANADIAN FORUM, APRIL-MAY 1970: 50TH, 1920-1970 (MAGAZINE) - Periodical Canadian Forum, April-May 1970: 50th, 1920-1970
101557: FOSSTON - Fosston Flashbacks
117402: FOST, H.R. (DESIGNER); BLANC, H. (POET) - Fète Des Vignerons: Vevey-1955
121299: FOSTER, ANNIE H.; GRIERSON, ANNE - High Days and Holidays in Canada: A Collection of Holiday Facts for Canadian Schools
202691: FOSTER, MICHAEL - Claude Bernard
202690: FOSTER, CHARLES - Once upon a Time in Paradise; Canadians in the Golden Age of Holywood
118393: FOSTER, HAL; KRAUSS, ROSALIND; BOIS, YVE-ALAIN; BUCHLOH, BENJAMIN H.D. - Art Since 1900; Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism
101558: FOSTER, THELMA HOFSTRAND - Wild Daisies
120197: FOSTER, J.J.; FOSTER, ETHEL M. (EDITOR) - A Dictionary of Painters of Miniatures (1525-1850); With Some Account of Exhibitions, Collections, Sales, Etc., Pertaining to Them
117999: FOSTER, CORAM - Rear Admiral Byrd and the Poplar Expediations
200651: FOSTER, W. GARLAND - The Mohawk Princess; Being Some Account of the Life of Tekahion-Wake (E. Pauline Johnson)
123673: FOSTER, CECIL - A Place Called Heaven; The Meaning of Being Black in Canada
116504: FOSTER, STEPHEN C. - My Old Kentucky Home
116505: FOSTER, STEPHEN C. - The Swanee-River
116503: FOSTER, STEPHEN C. - Nelly Was a Lady
130971: FOSTER, FRANKLIN LLOYD; GRIFFITH, ALAN GRANT - Bordering on Greatmess; A History of Lloydminster's First Century 1903 - 2003
104717: FOSTER, JOHN E. - The Developing West; Essays on Canadian History in Honor of Lewis H. Thomas
104720: FOSTER, PETER - The Sorcerer's Apprentices; Canada's Super-Bureaucrats and the Energy Mess
102843: FOSTER, MICHAEL K. (EDITOR) - Papers in Linguistics from the 1972 Conference on Iroquoian Research
125443: FOTHERGILL, ROBERT A. - Private Chronicles; A Study of English Diaries
104721: FOULDS, JOAN (EDITOR) - Research Review
114596: FOULKS, EDWARD H. - The Arctic Hysterias of the North Alaskan Eskimo
131187: ALBERT R. BRAND BIRD SONG FOUNDATION - Voices of the Night; The Calls of 26 Frogs and Toads Found in Eastern North America
127543: ABORIGINAL HEALING FOUNDATION - Addictive Behaviours Among Aboriginal People in Canada
122983: LEGACY OF HOPE FOUNDATION - Hope and Healing; The Legacy of the Indian Residential School System
127997: MASSEY FOUNDATION - Report of the Massey Foundation Commission on the Secondary Schools and College of the Methodist Church of Canada 1921
200653: FOUNTAIN, PAUL - The Great North-West and the Great Lake Region of North America
124428: FOURNIER, SUZANNE; CREY, ERNIE - Stolen from Our Embrace; The Abduction of First Nations Children and the Restoration of Aboriginal Communities
203844: FOURNIER, LUCIEN - Comment Voyagent Nos Depeches; Hier, Aujourd'hui, Demain
200654: FOWKE, EDITH; GLAZER, JOE - Songs of Work and Freedom
117510: FOWKE, V.C. - The Myth of the Self-Sufficient Canadian Pioneer
117512: FOWKE, VERNON C. - National Policy and Western Development in North America
117509: FOWKE, VERNON C.; MCINTOSH, L.F. (INTO.) - In the Matter of an Application by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for the Establishment of a Rate Base and Rate of Return Before the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada on January 5, 1953. Evidence Tendered by Dr. Vernon C. Fowke on Behalf of the Respondaents: The Province of British Columbia; The Province of Alberta; The Province of Saskatchewan; The Province of Manitoba; The Maritimes Transportation Commission
104722: FOWKE, VERNON C. - Canadian Agricultural Policy. The Historical Pattern
104723: FOWKE, VERNON C. - Canadian Agricultural Policy: The Historical Pattern
104724: FOWKE, VERNON C. - The National Policy and the Wheat Economy
104726: FOWKE, VERNON C. - The National Policy and the Wheat Economy
131385: FOWLER, T. ROBERT - Valour in the Victory Campaign; The 3rd Canadian Infantry Division Gallantry Decorations 1945
112731: FOWLER, O.S. - Woman on the American Frontier
104727: FOWLER, MARGUERITA - The Story of St. Faith's
200656: FOWLES, JOHN - Poems
115412: FOWLES, JOHN - The Ebony Tower
130920: FOX, WILLIAM T.R. - A Continent Apart; The United States and Canada in World Politics
113104: FOX, REV. JOHN - The Book of Martyrs. Or: The Acts and Monuments of the Christian Church. Being a Complete History of Martyrdom from the Commencement of Christianity to the Present Time. Revised and Improved by the Rev. John Malham. Embellished with Engravings.
129724: FOX, BEVANN - Abstract Love
109302: FOX, WILLIAM T.R. - A Continent Apart; The United States and Canada in World Politics
126793: FOX, BEVANN - Genocidal Love; A Life After Residential School
122549: FOX, CHARLEY; MOPPETT, RON - Alberta Works in Wood
114127: FOX, GAIL - Houses of God
102721: FOX, CH. L. - 100 Years of Yiddish and Hebrew Literature in Canada
200659: FRAENKEL, MICHAEL - Death in a Room; Poems, 1927-1930
130202: FRAGER, RUTH A. - Sweatshop Strife; Class, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Jewish Labour Movement of Toronto 1900 - 1939
100713: FRAME, EDNA LAURA - The Buffalo Trail
124592: INSTITUT DE FRANCE - Dictionnaire de L'académie Française
111863: FRANCE] - France Via French Line
128532: FELTER, ROBERT K.; WEST, FRANCES AND ASSOCIATES - Surgical Nursing (Third Edition)
104728: FRANCHERE, GABRIEL - Journal of a Voyage on the North West Coast of North America During the Years 1811, 1812, 1813 and 1814; The Journal of Gabriel Franchere.
119192: LAKE FRANCIS, BONNIE DOON, GRASSFIELD, GLENNIE - Along the Mission Trail; Lake Francis, Bonnie Doon, Grassfield, Glennie
202692: FRANCIS, W.W. - W.W. Francis; Tributes from His Friends on the Occasion of the Thirty-Fifth Anniversary of the Osler Society of McGill University
113076: FRANCIS, RENE - The Story of the Tower of London
112578: FRANCIS, DICK - Break In
123861: FRANCIS, R. DOUGLAS; PALMER, HOWARD (EDITORS) - The Prairie West; Historical Readings
127024: LAKE FRANCIS, BONNIE DOON, GRASSFIELD, GLENNIE - Along the Mission Trail; Lake Francis, Bonnie Doon, Grassfield, Glennie
109303: FRANCIS, R. DOUGLAS - Frank R. Underhill: Intellectual Provocateur
116951: FRANCIS, DANIEL - Discovery of the North: The Exploration of Canada's Arctic
122759: FRANCIS, DANIEL - Discovery of the North; The Exploration of Canada's Arctic
126081: FRANCIS, DICK - Bolt
104731: FRANCIS, DANIEL; MORANTZ, TOBY - Partners in Furs; a History of the Fur Trade in Eastern James Bay 1600-1870
104733: FRANCIS, R. DOUGLAS - Images of the West; Changing Perceptions of the Prairies, 1690-1960
104735: FRANCIS, R. DOUGLAS; PALMER, HOWARD (EDITOR) - The Prairie West; Historical Readings
104736: FRANCIS, R. DOUGLAS; PALMER, HOWARD (EDITOR) - The Prairie West; Historical Readings
127775: BOURZAT, FRANCOISE; WITH HUNTER, KRISTINA - Consciousness Medicine; Indigenous Wisdom, Entheogens, and Expanded States of Consciousness for Healing and Growth
116803: FRANICS, R.D.; GANZEVOORT, H. (EDITOR) - The Dirty Thirties in Priairie Canada
114415: CASSIDY, FRANK AND ROBERT L. BISH - Indian Government: Its Meaning and Practice
123480: REMPEL, FRANK WITH CULY MARTIN M. - About Our Father's Business; An Autobiography
124643: DUFFY, FRANK ET AL. - The Edge Futures
114134: BELL-FRANKEN, MARCIA - Tangled Flames
121798: FRANKENFIELD, HENRY - Block Printing with Linoleum
118400: FRANKL, PAUL - Gothic Architecture
124451: FRANKLIN, JOHN - Journey to the Polar Sea
202968: FRANKLIN, JOHN; DAVIS, RICHARD C. - Sir John Franklin's Journals and Correspondence; Franklin's First Arctic Land Expedition 1819 - 1822 and Franklin's Second Arctic Land Expedition 1825 - 1827
111668: FRANKLIN, WAYNE - Discoverers, Explorers, Settlers; the Diligent Writers of Early America
111306: FRANKLIN, JOHN; DAVIS, RICHARD C. - Sir John Franklin's Journals and Correspondence: The Second Arctic Land Expedition 1825-1827
131193: FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN; FIELD, EUGENE; RILEY, JAMES WHITCOMB - Poetica Exotica; Three Delightful, Suppressed Items from the Pens of Three Great American Writers and other curious items
128002: FRANKLIN, GEORGE CORY - Pancho
115232: FRANKLIN, JOHN - Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1825, 1826 and 1827
127976: FRANKLIN, GEORGE CORY - Indian Uprising
127779: FRANKO, J. - The Frankos in Canada 'a Family History'
128890: FRANKO, IVAN - The Painted Fox a Fable
121593: FRANTZ, DONALD G.; RUSSELL, NORMA JEAN - Blackfoot Dictionary of Stems, Roots, and Affixes
104742: FRANTZ, DONALD G. - Blackfoot Grammar
104756: FRASER, WILLIAM B. - Big Bear, Indian Patriot
104746: FRASER, F.J.; MCLEARN, F.H.; RUSSELL, L.S.; WARREN, P.S.; WICKENDEN, R.T.D. - Geology of Southern Saskatchewan
121674: FRASER, SANDRA; SLATE FINE ART GALLERY - Zachari Logan; A Strange Cultivation
118979: FRASER, JOHN - Historic Canadian Ground; The la Salle Homestead of 1666 and Other Old Landmarks of French Canada on the Lower Lachine Road
118681: FRASER, SANDRA; LONG, TIMOTHY; BOVEY, PATRICIA - David Thauberger: Parcours Et Autres Déviations
118680: FRASER, SANDRA; LONG, TIMOTHY; BOVEY, PATRICIA - David Thauberger: Road Trips & Other Diversions
111612: FRASER, GEORGE MACDONALD - McAuslan in the Rough; and Other Stories
116591: FRASER, MORRIS - The Death of Narcissus
121508: FRASER, KEATH - As for Me and My Body: A Memoir of Sinclair Ross
114706: FRASER, ESTHER - The Canadian Rockies; Early Travels and Explorations
114705: FRASER, ESTHER - The Canadian Rockies; Early Travels and Explorations
114704: FRASER, ESTHER - The Canadian Rockies; Early Travels and Explorations
114703: FRASER, ESTHER - The Canadian Rockies; Early Travels and Explorations
115493: FRASER, C. MCLEAN - Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18, Volume VIII: Mollusks, Echinoderms, Coelenterates, Etc.; Part I: Hydroids
115461: FRASER, MALCOLM - Extract from a Manuscript Relating to the Siege of Quebec in 1759
104744: FRASER, ESTHER - The Canadian Rockies; Early Travels and Explorations
104745: FRASER, ESTHER - Wheeler
104753: FRASER, W.P.; RUSSELL, R.C. - An Annotated List of the Plants of Saskatchewan
112622: FRAYNE, TRENT - The Queen's Plate
131734: FRAZER, SIR JAMES GEORGE - The Golden Bough; A Study in Magic and Religion (Two Volume set)
200661: FREAR, MARY DILLINGHAM - Hawaiian Days and Holidays and Days of Long Ago
118219: BRUEMMER FRED - Seasons of the Eskimo, a Vanishing Way of Life
118220: BRUEMMER FRED - Seasons of the Eskimo, a Vanishing Way of Life
115794: BRUEMMER FRED - Seasons of the Eskimo, a Vanishing Way of Life
115240: TIBBOTT, FRED AND REX, GEORGE - The Land of Yesterday: Waltz Ballad
116307: FREDERIKSEN, THOMAS - Eskimo Diary
102844: FREEDMAN, JIM; BARKOW, JEROME H. - Proceedings of the Second Congress, Canadian Ethnology Society
200665: FREELING, NICOLAS - The Pretty How Town
104758: FREEMAN, J.M. - Biggest Sellout in History!: Foreign Ownership of Alberta's Oil and Gas Industry and the Oil Sands
200666: FREILICH, MORRIS (EDITOR) - Marginal Natives: Anthropologists at Work
122666: FREKE, TIMOTHY - Shamanic Wisdomkeepers; Shamanism in the Modern World
124425: FREMONT, DONATIEN; INTRODUCTION BY GILLES LESAGE - Les Francais dans l'ouest Canadien
128268: FRÉMONT, DONATIEN - Les Secrétaires de Riel; Louis Schmidt - Henry Jackson - Philippe Garnot
104765: FREMONT, DONATIEN - Sur le Ranch de Constantin-Weyer
104767: FREMONT, DONATIEN - Monseigneur Provencher et Son Temps
104769: FREMONT, DONATIEN - Les Francais dans l'ouest Canadien
104770: FREMONT, DONATIEN - The Secretaries of Riel; Louis Schmidt, William Henry Jackson, Phillipe Garnot
104768: FRÉMONT, DONATIEN - Les Secrétaires de Riel; Louis Schmidt - Henry Jackson - Philippe Garnot
130806: FRENETTE, YVES - The Anglo-Normans in Canada
200059: FRENKEL, VERA - Raincoats Suitcases Palms; the Bar Report
130333: FREUD, SIGMUND; STRACHEY, JAMES (TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY) - Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious
203509: FREUD, SIGMUND - Neue Folge Der Vorlesungen Zur Einfuhrung in Die Psychoanalyse
200667: FREUD, ANNA; BURLINGHAM, DOROTHY T. - War and Children
121217: FREUD, SIGMUND - Civilization and Its Discontents
128287: FREUD, SIGMUND - Civilization and Its Discontents
113900: FREY, CECILIA - The Nefertiti Look
124951: FREY, CECELIA - The Nefertiti Look
126572: FRIBERG, TORA; GRAY, MADI [TRANSLATION] - Everyday Life; Women's Adaptive Strategies in Time and Space
117675: FRIDERES, JAMES S. - Canada's Indians; Contemporary Conflicts
114318: FRIDERES, J.S. - Canada's Indians; Contemporary Conflicts
113972: FRIDMAN, SUSAN A. - Glimpse of the Present: An Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Alberta Painting
120276: FRIED, FREDERICK - Artists in Wood; American Carvers of Cigar-Store Indians, Show Figures, and Circus Wagons
123912: FRIEDLAND, HADLY LOUISE - The Wetiko Legal Principles; Cree and Ansihinabek Responses to Vilolence and Victimization
203864: FRIEDMAN, W. - Legal Theory
109617: FRIEDMANN, W. - Law in a Changing Society
109486: FRIEDMANN, W. - Legal Theory
111819: FRIEND, J.; THRELFALL, D.R. (EDITOR) - Biochemical Aspects of Plant-Parasite Relationships
203797: FRIES, ALFRED - The Blue Book of American Dishes
114012: FRIESEN, RUDY P. - Building on the Past
114637: FRIESEN, GERALD - The Canadian Prairies: A History
114620: FRIESEN, GERALD - The Canadian Prairies: A History
130569: FRIESEN, J.; RALSTON, H. K. (EDITOR) - Historical Essays on British Columbia
121663: FRIESEN, GERALD - The Canadian Prairies: A History
113288: FRIESEN, VICTOR CARL - Where the River Runs
113276: FRIESEN, JOHN W. - Sayings of the Elders
118702: FRIESEN, GERALD; POTYONDI, BARRY - A Guide to the Study of Manitoba Local History
114824: FRIESEN, ELEANOR PALMER - From Soul to Soul; Five Generations of Palmer Geaology
111527: BLUMENFELD. PETKAU, IRENE FRIESEN & PETER A. - Blumenfeld: Where Land and People Meet
117752: FRIESEN, E.A. (CHAIRMAN) - Grace Mennonite Church; 20th Anniversary Yearbook
119994: FRIESEN, PATRICK - Flicker and Hawk
124900: FRIESEN, JOHN W. - Rediscovering the First Nations of Canada
117258: FRIESEN, PAUL - A Rabbit Is Not a Ferrari
117121: FRIESEN, GERALD - The Canadian Prairies: A History
116882: FRIESEN, VICTOR CARL; HARRIOT, TREVOR - Forever Home; Good Old Days on the Farm
116879: FRIESEN, PATRICK - Interim; Essays & Meditations
116328: FRIESEN, JOHN W. - Mennonite Through the Centuries from the Netherlands to Canada
122858: FRIESEN, LEONARD - Cows, Cowboys, Cattlemen, & Characters; A History of the Calgary Stockyards, 1903-1989
104780: FRIESEN, PATRICK - Bluebottle
104781: FRIESEN, PATRICK - Unearthly Horses
104776: FRIESEN, GERALD; POTYONDI, BARRY - A Guide to the Study of Manitoba Local History
104777: FRIESEN, GERALD - The Canadian Prairies: A History
104778: FRIESEN, GERALD - River Road; Essays on Manitoba and Prairie History
104779: FRIESEN, PATRICK - The Lands I Am
131673: FRIESEN, C. ALFRED (WRITTEN AND COMPILED BY) - Memoirs of the Virgil-Niagara Mennonites; History of the Mennonite Settlement in Niagara-on-the-Lake Ontario 1934-84
116242: FRIESSEN, JOSEPHINE - Three Generations of Mennonite Women in the Canadian West
126179: TIJUANA BIBLES; FRIGEM - Pvt. A. Fair
126166: TIJUANA BIBLES; FRIGEM - Killer!; Beetle Bailey's Buddy 4
200671: FRIIS, ACHTON - Im Gronlandeis Mit Mylius-Erichsen: Die Danmark Expedition 1906-1908
116264: FRIMER, LINDA SPANER DAYAN - A Wilderness Journey
127134: FRISBIE, CHARLOTTE JOHNSON - Kinaalda; A Study of the Navaho Girl's Puberty Ceremony
112660: FRITZ, FLORENCE - The Unknown Story of Sanibel and Captiva (Ybel Y Cautivo)
125896: FROEHLE, VIRGINIA ANN, R.S.M. - Called into Her Presence; Praying with Feminine Images of God
128199: FROM, JOEL L. - In Plain Site; A Biography of the R.A.F. Airbase at Caron, Saskatchewan
127497: FROMHOLD, JOACHIM - The Western Cree (Pakisimotan Wi Iniwak); Ethnography: Index (3rd
129158: ANTI-IMPERIALLIST FRONT - Anti-Imperialist Front Summer Commissions; Labour Relations, Foreign Investment in Canada, Combat Bourgeois Ideas, Racial Oppression & Response, Commission on Women, Commission on Indians
112754: FROST, ROBERT - A Further Range
129363: FROST, DIANA - Colouring It Forward; Cree Nation Art & Wisdom Colouring Book
115250: FROST, ROBERT - A Further Range
131496: FROUD, BRIAN; LEE, ALAN - Faeries
131497: FROUD, BRIAN; LEE, ALAN - Faeries Twenty - Fifth Anniversary Edition
120348: FRY, PHILIP (CURATOR) - Manitoba Mainstream; People's Art/Fine Art / le Grand Courant Du Manitoba; Arts Populaires/Beaux Arts
109049: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY. FRY, PHILIP - The Legend of Asessippi: Space Drawings by the Opthalmia Co. Of Inglis, Manitoba
122050: FRY, CHARLES RAHN (EDITOR) - Art Deco Designs in Color; 119 Designs and Motifs
200676: FRYE, NORTHROP - By Liberal Things; Address by H. Northrop Frye, M.A., F.R.S.C., Ll.D., D.D. On the Occasion of His Installation As Principal of Victoria College University of Toronto October 21, 1959
200675: FRYE, NORTHROP - The Educated Imagination
200673: FRYE, NORTHROP (EDITOR) - Design for Learning: Reports Submitted to the Joint Committee of the Toronto Board of Education and the University of Toronto
128273: FRYE, NORTHRUP - The Double Vision; Language an Meaning in Religion
129529: FRYE, NORTHROP - The Great Code; The Bible and Literature
129536: FRYE, NORTHRUP; POLK, JAMES (EDITED, WITH A PREFACE, BY) - Divisions on a Ground; Essays on Canadian Culture
203210: FRYER, JANE EAYRE - The Mary Frances First Aid Book; with Ready Reference List of Ordinary Accidents and Illnesses, and Approved Home Remedies
117791: FRYER, MARY BEACOCK; HUMBER, CHARLES J. (EDITORS) - Loyal She Remains: A Pictorial History of Ontario
117469: FRYER, HAROLD - Stops of Interest in Alberta; "Wild Rose Country"
130030: FRYER, HAROLD - Stops of Interest in Alberta Vol. 2; "Wild Rose Country"
131109: FUCHIK, JULIUS - Notes from the Gallows
117739: FUCHS, VIVIAN - Antarctic Adventure; The Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1955-1958
200679: FUERTES, LOUIS AGASSIZ; BROOKS, ALLAN - Portraits of New England Birds
114380: FUGLEM, KARILEE - Cumulous
200680: FULLER, CYNTHIA - Man's Moment: Poems Provoked by Francyn's Paintings
119395: FULLER, R. BUCKMINSTER - Critical Path
126544: FULLER, R. BUCKMINSTER - Education Automation; Freeing the Scholar to Return to His Studies
128258: FULLER, R. BUCKMINSTER - Operating Manuel for Spaceship Earth
129648: FULLER, R. BUCKMINSTER - Utopia or Oblivion
129559: FULTON, GORDON - House Roots Discovering Your Old House in Moose Jaw
200682: FULTON, FRANCIS I. SIMS - To and Through Nebraska: By a Pennsylvania Girl
130840: THE DENE NATION; FUMOLEAU, RENE (PHOTOGRAPHS) - Denedeh a Dene Celebration
104792: FUMOLEAU, RENE - As Long As This Land Shall Last. A History of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, 1870-1939
119111: FUNG, AMY (CURATOR) - They Made a Day Be a Day Here
116565: FUNG, KA-IU; GAGE, STUART H. - Atlas of Saskatchewan Agriculture
124389: FUNK, JACK - I Was Younger When I Was a Boy
124241: FUNK, WES - Dead Rock Stars
118662: FUNK, JACK - Outside, the Women Cried
118428: FUNKE, CORNELIA - Inkspell
102243: SOUTHMINSTER, FURNESS & RUGBY - South from Lloydminster: A History of Southminster, Furness, and Rugby School Districts
104795: FURNIVAL, G.M. - Cypress Lake Map-Area, Saskatchewan
202970: FUSTER, CHARLES - Sonnets
124775: MARDON, ERNEST G. & MARDON, AUSTIN A. - Alberta Ethnic Mormon Politicians 1880s - 1990s: A Mormon Contribution to Canadian Democracy
202315: K.W.G. - Aig Tigh Na Beinne
109243: ALEXANDER, DAVID G. ET AL. (EDITOR) - Atlantic Canada and Confederation: Essays in Canadian Political Economy
119524: [WILSON, G. AND TOPLEY, W.W.C.]; WILSON, G.S.; MILES, A.A. - Topley and Wilson's Principles of Bacteriology and Immunity
122213: MARDON, ERNEST G. AND MARDON, AUSTIN A. - Alberta Mormon Politicians
121208: GABLE, BRIAN - Gable; The Editorial Cartoons of Brian Gable
104796: GADACZ, RENE R.; ASCH, MICHAEL I. - Thesis and Dissertation Titles and Abstracts on the Anthropology of Canadian Indians, Inuit and Metis from Canadian Universities. Report 1, 1970-1982
129816: GADD, DAVID - The Loving Friends; A Portrait of Bloomsbury
116089: FORT NORMANDEAU; GAETZ, R.L. - The Story of Fort Normandeau
100377: RED DEER. GAETZ, ANNIE L. - Trails of Yesterday; Folklore of the Red Deer District
128585: GAETZ, DAYLE CAMPBELL - Taking the Reins
122802: GAFFIELD, CHAD - Language, Schooling, and Cultural Conflict; The Origins of the French-Language Controversy in Ontario
104797: GAGAN, DAVID P. - Prairie Perspectives; Papers of the Western Canadian Studies Conference
104798: GAGAN, ROSEMARY R. - A Sensitive Independence; Canadian Methodist Women Missionaries in Canada and the Orient, 1881-1925
125003: W.J. GAGE & CO., LIMITED; THOMAS NELSON & SONS LTD. - The Highroads Manual; Grades IV, V, and VI
125002: W.J. GAGE & CO., LIMITED; THOMAS NELSON & SONS LTD. - The Highroads Manual; Grades IV, V, and VI
127708: GAGE, MATILDA JOSLYN - Woman, Church & State; The Original Expose of Male Collaboration Against the Female Sex
130019: GAGNON, PHILÉAS - Essai de Bibliographie Canadienne Inventaire d'une Bibliothèque (Two Volumes)
111316: GAHAGAN, ALVINE CYR - Yes Father; Pioneer Nursing in Alberta
101779: MCCONNELL, GAIL ET AL - Legacy: A History of Saskatchewan Homemakers' Clubs and Womens' Institutes 1911-1988
129229: GAINES, ERNEST J. - Mozart and Leadbelly; Stories and Essays
119975: GAINES, JEREMY; JÄGER, STEFAN - A Manifesto for Sustainable Cities; Think Local, Act Global
129233: GAINES, ERNEST J. - A Lesson Before Dying
111178: GALBRAITH, JOHN S. - The Little Emperor; Governor Simpson of the Hudson's Bay Company
104803: GALBRAITH, JOHN S. - The Little Emperor; Governor Simpson of the Hudson's Bay Company
202698: GALDSTON, IAGO (EDITOR) - Man's Image in Medicine and Anthropology; Monograph IV
125417: GALERIE - Galerie; Book of Artistic Pictures / Livre de Tableaux D'Art (Various Volumes)
104804: GALLAGHER, JOHN - To Kill the Crow
203429: GALLANT, MAVIS - In Transit
111587: GALLANT, MARC GREGORY - More Fun with Dick and Jane
122259: GALLANT, MAVIS - Across the Bridge
113634: KENNEDY GALLERIES - Print Review
122070: CHARLES E. SLATKIN GALLERIES - Antoine Bourdelle; An Exhibition of Sculptures / Drawings
114061: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Contemporary Studio Ceramics
129211: MENDEL ART GALLERY; THE PHOTOGRAPHERS GALLERY - New Vintage; Selected Works from the Permanent Collection of The Photographers Gallery
113975: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - The Winnipeg Perspective
113964: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - The Beauty of Silver
113965: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - The Development of English Porcelain
113930: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Selections from the Mendel Collection
113861: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Port Harrison / Inoucdjouac
124413: RANKIN INLET; WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Rankin Inlet / Kangirlliniq
113812: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Jack L. Cowin
113813: SUSAN WHITNEY GALLERY - Susan Whitney Gallery: Tenth Anniversary
113807: CURT VALENTIN GALLERY - Picasso 1920 - 1925
113810: DUNLOP ART GALLERY - Beauparlant / Posyniak: A Collaboration
113811: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Obsessions Rituals Controls
113798: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Jack Severson: Peace Able Kingdom
113791: UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE ART GALLERY - Roloff Beny - Painter, Printmaker
113782: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Five Manitoba Photographers
113757: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - The French As Seen Through Their Art 1600 - 1925
113745: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Sculpture on the Prairies
113672: DALHOUSIE ART GALLERY - The Very Thing
113664: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Sheila Butler / Wendy Coad: Figurative Paintings
113665: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Canadian Group of Painters: Exhibition '60
113667: MENDEL ART GALLERY - E. Lindner: Drawings 1969 - 1972
113655: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - The Illustration of Books for Children: An Historical Sampling
113659: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Bill Vazan; Recent Land and Photo Works
113633: ALBERTA COLLEGE OF ART GALLERY - 1st Canadian Biennale of Prints and Drawings
130115: STRIDE GALLERY - Catalogue 2011 - 2012
113552: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Gerd Winner
113553: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Andre Derain in North American Collections
113551: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - James Ensor, Edvard Munch, Emil Nolde
113544: BURNABY ART GALLERY - Jewel Point; Gisele Amantea
113783: UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG GALLERY - 27 X Sonia; Portraits by Walter Gramatte (1897-1929)
129791: VANCOUVER ART GALLERY - SCAN '74 (Survey of Canadian Art Now)
113446: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Douglas Bentham: Getting to Now
113434: ROSEMONT ART GALLERY - Regina High Tea
124065: LONDON ART GALLERY - London Saskatoon Exchange; Between the Saskatoon Gallery and Conservatory & the London Art Gallery
120237: EDMONTON ART GALLERY - Three Alberta Sculptors: Ken Macklin, Isla Burns, Clay Ellis
112761: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - New Histories; The Manitoba Studio Series 1989-1992
112224: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Saskatchewan Paper; New Works on Paper by Saskatchewan Artists, a Community Programme Exhibition
110406: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Rielisms
131059: THE MACKENZIE GALLERY AND NATIVE STUDIES PROGRAMME, TRENT UNIVERSITY - A Selection of Work: Contemporary Indian Art - the trail from the past to the future
114776: DUNLOP ART GALLERY - David Thauberger; Prairie Pictures
120050: VANCOUVER ART GALLERY - Mannersm; A Theory of Culture
109059: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Artists' Prints and Multiples
109048: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - 150 Years of Art in Manitoba; Struggle for a Visual Civilization
109053: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Christiane Pflug 1936-1972
109056: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Tascona: Lacquer on Aluminum and Mixed Media
117337: HENRY GALLERY - Northwest Craftsmen's Exhibition
117309: EDMONTON ART GALLERY - Department of Art and Design; University of Alberta; Staff Exhibition
117159: MENDEL ART GALLERY - Just My Imagination
106734: MENDEL ART GALLERY - L.G. Saunders: A Memorial Photographic Exhibition
106735: MENDEL ART GALLERY - Antique Canadian Glass from the John McGowan Collection
106736: MENDEL ART GALLERY - Alice Macredie: Watercolours
126768: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY, PHILLIPS, CAROL A. (CURATOR) - Making Marks : An Exhibition of Current Canadian Drawing
114708: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - New Work by a New Generation
131120: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - From Realism to Abstraction; Saskatchewan Artists
126715: THE NEW GALLERY - My Country Is Winter; Mon Pays C'est L'hiver
116294: VANCOUVER ART GALLERY - Images for a Canadian Heritage
116277: VANCOUVER ART GALLERY - Vancouver Art Gallery First Annual Art Auction, December 3, 1985
116283: VANCOUVER ART GALLERY - Brocken Muse
116285: VANCOUVER ART GALLERY - Vancouver Collects
122127: NORMAN MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Hurley Wyers; Jan Wyers Robert Hurley; An Exhibition of Two Prairie Painters
121423: VANCOUVER ART GALLERY - Group of Seven
106247: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - The Saskatchewan Arts Board Collection
106245: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY. - Grassroots Saskatchewan
116162: NATIONAL GALLERY - Fontainebleau; Art in Frace
115861: MENDEL ART GALLERY - L.G. Saunders: A Memorial Photographic Exhibition
114231: NATIONAL GALLERY - Tutankhamen Treasures 1964-1965
129365: MENDEL ART GALLERY; NORMAN MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Eleven (11) Saskatchewan Artists
122720: ALBERTA COLLEGE OF ART GALLERY - 1st Annual Wild West Show; June 24-July 31
126132: NORMAN MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - American Painting 1955 to 1976; Twenty-Five Selections from the Collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
128065: VANCOUVER ART GALLERY - Art and Photography
131125: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Wahwa Neechi Funk! Aboriginal Humour Exhibition
126136: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Belcher Islands / Sanikluaq
130928: DUNLOP ART GALLERY (CURATED BY HELEN MARZOLF) - Aerial Farm Photography November 9, 2002 to January 5, 2003
119625: REGINA. DUNLOP ART GALLERY - Dag Volumes: No.1 (2012)
115370: GROUP OF SEVEN; NORMAN MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Around the Group of Seven : An Exhibition of the Group of Seven and Their Contemporaries
115367: NORMAN MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - University of Regina Department of Visual Arts Faculty Show. Includes: Bruce Anderson, Jack Cowin, Victor Cicansky, Dennis J. Evans, Arthur Handy, Ray Hearn, Andre´ Jodoin, Marsha Kennedy, John Noestheden, Rick Pottruff, Leesa Streifler, Jack Sures
128951: THE KATONAH GALLERY - Bloomsbury Artists at Charleston; Paintings from the Reader's Digest Collection
129336: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Ten Years of Collecting 1987 -1997
122318: ROSEMONT ART GALLERY - Saskatchewan: A Sense of Place
104534: EDMONTON ART GALLERY - West '71
115252: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Out of the Mainstream: Contemporary Ceramics by Manitoba Artists
122091: SOUTHERN ALBERTA ART GALLERY; - Seven Ceramic Sculptors; Cicansky, Fafard, Gilhooley, Heisler, Thauberger, Thornsbury, Yuristy
129289: MENDEL ART GALLERY - From Regionalism to Abstraction: Mashel Teitelbaum and Saskatchewan Art in the 1940s
122081: MENDEL ART GALLERY - From Regionalism to Abstraction: Mashel Teitelbaum and Saskatchewan Art in the 1940s
122068: EDMONTON ART GALLERY - Emily Carr: Oil on Paper Sketches
122058: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Woman As Viewer; An International Women's Year Project Independently Presented by the Committee for Women Artists, Winnipeg
122062: DAVID AND ALFRED SMART GALLERY - Abstract Expressionism: A Tribute to Harold Rosenberg; Paintings and Drawings from Chicago Collections
115061: THE ART GALLERY - Graphics Atlantic
115072: THE BEAVERBROOK ART GALLERY - Wallace S. Bird Memorial Collection
115024: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Selected European Works C. 1850 - 1923
115040: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Canvas, Quill, Brush and Hide: An Exploration of Manitoba Indian Art
115044: GLENBOW-ALBERTA ART GALLERY - N.C.E.C. (National Ceramcs Exhibition Calgary)
114997: WINNIPEG ART GALLERY - Ivan Eyre: Large Paintings (1974-1982)
131122: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - When I Think of the Land
102058: REGINA. DUNLOP ART GALLERY - 1st Biennial, Saskatchewan Craft Council
131126: MACKENZIE ART GALLERY - Mobile Structures: Dialogues Between Ceramics and Architecture in Canadian Art
128688: HOLLAND TOWNSHIP; GAMBLE, MARILYN (EDITOR) - The Paths That Led to Holland (Volume II only)
124835: GAMBONE, PHILIP - The Language We Use Up Here and Other Stories
129001: GAMMEL, IRENE; EPPERLY, ELIZABETH - L.M. Montgomery and Canadian Culture
120078: GAMPELL, SYDNEY S. - Canada and Her Wheat Pool: The Fifth of a Series of Lectures on the Economics of the Grain Trade
200686: GANDY, WALTER - The Romance of Glass-Making; a Sketch of the History of Ornamental Glass
126427: "GANPAT" (M.L.A. GOMPERTZ) - Snow Rubies
120302: GÃNZL, KURT - The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record
122002: GARCIA, GENARO; MAUDSLAY, A. P. (TRANS., INTRO., NOTES) - Bernal Diaz Del Castillo; The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico, 1517-1521
202455: GARD, ANSON A. - The Yankee in Quebec
131463: GARD, ROBERT E. - Johnny Chinook; Tall Tales and True from the Canadian West
107307: PERIODICAL. GARD, ROBERT E. (EDITOR) - Alberta Folklore Quarterly
101384: BLACKLEY, GARDENVILLA AND KILMAURS - Memories of Rural Saskatoon 1890-1982
131744: GARDINER, SIR ALAN; GURNEY, O. R.; COOK, J. M.; SAGGS, H. W. F. - Empires of The Ancient Near East:THe Egyptians; The Hittites; The Persians; The Babylonians (Four Volume set)
203779: GARDINER, DWIGHT - A Soul Station in My Ear
118238: GARDINER, NANCY ANN (EDITOR) - History in the Making: Under Northern Skies; The Legislative Assemby of the Northwest Territories
125753: GARDINER, FREDERICK, M.D. - Handbook of Skin Diseases
130225: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY; MUNDELL, E.H. - Erle Stanley Gardner a Checklist
115597: GAREAU, LAURIER; DENIS, CLOTAIRE, BOURDEL, CONSTANT; HOUNJET - Sur Nos Baces D'ecole; L'education Francaise Dans la Region de Prud'homme, Saint-Denis Et Vonda
104810: GAREAU, LAURIER; BLACKBURN, NICOLE - Le Defi de la Radio Francaise en Saskatchewan
121894: GAREN, NANCY - Tarot Made Easy; Get Immediate, Specific Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions with This Amazingly Simple New Method
113628: GARIS, ROGER - My Father Was Uncle Wiggily
113605: GARIS, HOWARD R. - Uncle Wiggily's Make Believe Tarts or Uncle Wiggily Plays Storekeeper and Uncle Wiggily Fools the Bad Chaps Also Uncle Wiggily's Corn Roast
203916: GARIS, HOWARD R. - Uncle Wiggily on the Farm
203887: GARIS, HOWARD R. - Tuftoo the Clown
202450: GARIS, HOWARD R. - Uncle Wiggily's Fishing Trip; or, The Good Luck He Had with the Clothes Hook and How the Pip and Skee Were Stuck by the Chestnut Burrs. Also the Good Time at the Marshmallow Roast
116332: GARIS, HOWARD R. - Teddy and the Mystery Goat
116330: GARIS, HOWARD R. - Teddy and the Mystery Pony
116331: GARIS, HOWARD R. - Teddy and the Mystery Deer
116329: GARIS, HOWARD R. - Teddy and the Mystery Dog
130736: GARLAND, REVEREND M. A. (EDITED BY) - Western Ontario History Nuggets No. 36 The Richard Airey - Henry C. R. Becher Correspondence edited by The Reverend M. A. Garland, Fredonia, New York.
203250: SAINT-DENYS-GARNEAU, HECTOR DE; GLASSCO, JOHN - The Journal of Saint-Denys-Garneau
126717: GARNEAU, DAVID (EDITOR) - Impact Satements: Crash! Anthology of Critical Texts
121788: GARNEAU, FRANÇOIS-XAVIER - Histoire Du Canada Depuis Sa Découverte Jusqu'a Nos Jours (4 Volumes)
122455: GARNEAU, FRANÇOIS-XAVIER; WYCZYNSKI, PAUL (ED.) - Voyage En Angleterre Et En France Dans Les Années 1831, 1832 Et 1833
121563: GARNEAU, DAVID; TAP, MONICA - Another Roadside Abstraction
112883: GARNER, HUGH - Author, Author
112534: GARNER, WILLIAM - The Andra Fiasco
119931: GARNER, HUGH - One Damn Thing After Another
115561: GARNET, CARLA; GHAZNAVI, CORINNA - 18 Illuminations; Contemporary Art and Light
131019: GARNET, ELDON (EDITOR) - Porcépic, a magazine of writing
203645: GARNETT, LUCY M.J.; STUART-GLENNIE, J.S. (EDITOR) - Greek Folk Poesy: Annotated Translations, from the Whole Cycle of Romaic Folk-Verse and Folk-Prose. Edited with Essays on the Science of Folklore, Greek Folkspeech, and the Survival of Paganism
113692: GARNIER, SAINT CHARLES - Lettres de Saint Charles Garnier a Son Frere le Pere Henri de Saint-Joseph
126974: GARON, PAUL - Blues and the Poetic Spirit
125584: GARRARD, LEWIS H. - Wah-To-Yah and the Taos Trail
101798: MILESTONE. GARRATT, A.W - History of Milestone - 1893-1910
124210: MILESTONE. GARRATT, A.W - History of Milestone - 1893-1910
127083: MILESTONE. GARRATT, A.W - History of Milestone - 1893-1910
127082: MILESTONE. GARRATT, A.W - History of Milestone - 1893-1910
121962: GARRATTT, A.J. (BERT) - Abernethy Commemorates One Hundred Years
104813: GARRIOCH, ALFRED CAMPBELL - First Furrows; A History of the Early Settlement of the Red River Country, Including That of Portage la Prairie
131412: GARRIOCH, ALFRED CAMPBELL - The Correction Line
104814: GARRIOCH, ALFRED CAMPBELL - The Far and Furry North; a Story of Life and Love and Travel in the Days of the Hudson's Bay Company
104816: GARRIOCH, ALFRED CAMPBELL - The Correction Line
119968: HASLER, GARY; ET AL - Design Guidelines for Historic Residences in Brandon
203881: GASKELL, (MRS. ELIZABETH C.) - Cousin Phillis
130782: GASPER, LARRY - Princes in Waiting
200695: GATES, CHARLES MARVIN (EDITOR) - Readings in Pacific Northwest History: Washington 1790-1895
126428: GATES, MAC BURNEY - The Black Pirate
126771: GATTINGER, MONICA - The Roots of Culture the Power of Art; The First Sixty Years of the Canada Council for the Arts
200697: GATTY, MRS. ALFRED - Aunt Judy's Yearly Volume for Young People
102398: GAUDREAU, LOUIS - "On the Banks of the Blue River" Is the Life of the Merry-Go-Round Man
110597: GAUGUIN, PAUL - Noa Noa; My Voyage to Tahiti
120911: DE GAULLE, CHARLES - Vers L'armée de Métier
110102: GAULT, CONNIE - Inspection of a Small Village
128799: GAULT, CONNIE - Some of Eve's Daughters
104823: GAULT, CONNIE - Some of Eve's Daughters
127793: GAUNT, WILLIAM - The Impressionists with 108 Plates in Full Colour
114846: GAUNT, WILLIAM - The World of William Hogarth
113107: GAUTHIER, DAVID A. - The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan; A Living Legacy
128993: GAUTHIER, HENRI, (P.S.S.); CURE DE ST-JACQUES - Sulpitiana
122962: GAUTHIER, DAVID A. - The Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan; A Living Legacy
118331: GAVIN, CATHERINE - Madeleine
200698: GAVIN, THOMAS - King Kill
126541: GAVIN, S.J., JOSEPH B. - Teachers of a Nations; Jesuits in English Canada 1842-2013; Volume 1 in the Jesuit History Series
128538: MR. GAY (JOHN) - The Beggar's Opera Written by Mr. Gay to which is prefixed the musick to each song
118144: GEDALOF, ROBIN (EDITOR) - Paper Stays Put, a Collection of Inuit Writing
112159: GEDDES, GARY - Changes of State
111744: GEDDES, GARY - Letter of the Master of Horse
116705: GEDDES, GARY - Changes of State
104826: GEDDES, GARY - ...War & Other Measures
104828: GEDDES, GARY - Changes of State
121514: GEDDES, GARY - Changes of State
111870: GEGGIE, MARY; WHALLEY, PETER - Northern Blights; More Than Anyone Needs to Know About Canadian Poetry and Painting
117562: GEIGER, BERNARD; HALASI-KUN, TIBOR; KUIPERS, AERT H.; MENGES, KARL H. - Peoples and Languages of the Caucasus; A Synopsis
121570: GEISEL, THEODOR SEUSS - The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss
131319: GEISLER, CHARLES C.; USNER, DANIEL; GREEN, RAYNA; WEST, PATRICK (EDITOR) - Indian SIA: The Social Impact Assessment of Rapid Resource Development on Native Peoples
104310: DE GELDER, WILLEM - The Letters of Willem de Gelder, 1910-13; a Dutch Homesteader on the Prairies
126758: GELINAS, CECILE - Un Art Pas Si Bete; L'art Populaire En Gaspesie
203272: GELSEMA, EDZARD S.; KANAL, LAVEEN N. - Pattern Recognition in Practice II; Proceedings of an International Workshop Held in Amsterdam, June 19-21, 1985
200700: GENET, JEAN - Miracle of the Rose
127989: GENOVESE, EUGENE D. - From Rebellion to Revolution; Afro-American Slave Revolts in the Making of the New World
116712: GENTILCORE, LOUIS, EDITOR - Ontario; Studies in Canadian Geography
116568: GENTILCORE, R. LOUIS (EDITOR) - Canada's Changing Geography
120506: GENTILCORE, R. LOUIS; HEAD, C. GRANT - Ontario's History in Maps
110431: GENUIST, MONIQUE (EDITOR) - Sous Les Mats Des Prairies; Anthologie Litteraire Fransaskoise Et de L'ouest Canadien
129170: UNION OF SOCIALIST GEOGRAPHERS (U.S.G.) - U.S.G. (Union of Socialist Geographers) Newsletter Aug - Sept 1978 Vol. 4 No. 1
128572: CANADIAN GEOGRAPHIC - Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada; Indigenous Canada; First Nations; Inuit; Metis (4 Volume Set)
128405: CANADIAN GEOGRAPHIC - Atlas of Canada; The Story of a Country through maps, photographs, history and culture
131746: GEORGE, ANDREW (TRANSLATED WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY) - The Epic of Gilgamesh; The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian
112367: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. BRYCE, GEORGE - Sketch of the Life of John Tanner, a Famous Manitoba Scout; A Border Type
112271: GEORGE, HENRY - A Perplexed Philosopher; Being an Examination of Mr. Herbert Spencer's Various Utterances on the Land Question, with Some Incidental Reference to His Synthetic Philosophy
117540: ST. GEORGE, MARIE ELYSE - Once in a Blue Moon; An Artist's Life
127004: GEORGE, NELSON - The Death of Rhythm & Blues
108328: ST. GEORGE, ELYSE YATES - White Lions in the Afternoon
126924: GEORGE, NELSON - Buppies, B-Boys, Baps & Bohos; Notes on Post-Soul Black Culture
116137: SPENDLOVE; F. ST. GEORGE - The Face of Early Canada
128136: ST. GEORGE, MARIE ELYSE - Once in a Blue Moon; An Artist's Life
105287: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. BRYCE, GEORGE - Notes and Comments on Harmon's Journal 1800-1820
105307: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. BRYCE, GEORGE - Sketch of the Life of John Tanner, a Famous Manitoba Scout; A Border Type
105317: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. BRYCE, GEORGE - Older Geology of the Red River and Assiniboine Valleys
105318: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. BRYCE, GEORGE - Seven Oaks: ... The Circumstances Which Led Up to It; A Description of the Contestants; The Events of the Conflict, Including the Death of Gov. Semple & His Followers ...
105327: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. BRYCE, GEORGE - Sketch of the Life and Discoveries of Robert Campbell, Chief Factor of the Hon. Hudson's Bay Co
105329: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. BRYCE, MRS. GEORGE - Historical Sketch of the Charitable Institutions of Winnipeg
101980: REAMSBOTTOM, GEORGE & BILL MACDOUGALL - People at Work: Small Town Industry in Saskatchewan
128494: GEORGEL, PIERRE - The Musée de L'orangerie
105337: HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. DUGAST, GEORGES - The First Canadian Woman in the Northwest; The Story of Marie Anne Gaboury, Wife of John Baptiste Lajimoniere, Who Arrived in the Northwest in 1807, and Died at St. Boniface at the Age of 96 Years
104832: GERBRANDT, H.J. - Adventure in Faith; the Background in Europe and the Development in Canada of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Manitoba
120520: GERDTS, WILLIAM H. - American Impressionism
104834: GEREIN, FRANK - Larger School Units in Saskatchewan
102060: REGINA. GEREIN, FRANK - Outline History of the Archdiocese of Regina; 1911-1961
122313: GERLOVINA, RIMMA; GERLOVIN, VALERIY - Still Performances
114493: ST. GERMAIN, JILL - Indian Treaty-Making Policy in the United States and Canada, 1867 - 1877
118063: GERMAN, TONY - Tom Penny
104835: GERMANO, GIOVANNI - The Italians of Western Canada; How a Community Centre Is Born
104838: GERSHAW, F.W. - The Short Grass Area; a Brief History of Southern Alberta
200704: GERSTAECKER, FREDERICK - Frank Wildman's Adventures on Land and Water
203729: GERSTER, ARPAD G. - The Rules of Aseptic and Antiseptic Surgery; a Practical Treatise for the Use of Students and the General Practitioner
128487: GERVAIS, C,H. - The Rumrunners; A Prohibition Scrapbook
123588: GERVAIS, KEN - Autumn Leaf
117194: GERVAIS, WARREN A. - Treaties and Legislation; Assessing Impacts of Canada's Indian Policy
130764: GEST, LILLIAN - History of Morraine Lake in the Canadian Rockies East of Lake Louise, Alberta
130765: GEST, LILLIAN - History of Lake O'Hara in the Canadian Rockies at Hector, British Columbia, Canada
112091: GETTINGS, FRED - Arthur Rackham
114466: GETTY, IAN A.L.; LUSSIER, ANTOINE S. (EDITORS) - As Long As the Sun Shines and Water Flows; A Reader in Canadian Native Studies
114311: GETTY, IAN A.L.; LUSSIER, ANTOINE S. (EDITORS) - As Long As the Sun Shines and Water Flows; A Reader in Canadian Native Studies
114943: GEUER, JUAN - Investigating Chaos
104840: GHAN, LINDA - A Gift of Sky
202598: GHENT, PERCY - John Reade and His Friends
123808: GHOSH, AMITAV - The Shadow Lines
104844: GIBBON, JOHN MURRAY - Steel of Empire; The Romantic History of the Canadian Pacific, the Northwest Passage of Today
102845: GIBBONS, ROY W. - The C C F C S Collection of Musical Instruments: Volume One: Aerophones; Volume Three: Chorodophones.
127626: GIBBS, LEN; GIBBS, BETTY - The Art of Len Gibbs
125395: GIBBS, LEN; GIBBS, BETTY - The Art of Len Gibbs
123462: GIBRAN, KAHLIL - The Prophet
129393: GIBSON, MARIE A. - Picture Appreciation Grades V and VI - Course 'A'
127349: GIBSON, NANCY (EDITOR) - Pimatziwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health; Volume 1, Number 1
118801: GIBSON, KATHERINE - Ted Harrison; Painting Paradise
118535: GIBSON, WALTER - The Master Magicians; Their Lives and Most Famous Tricks
200708: GIBSON, GRAEME - Perpetual Motion
123629: GIBSON, MARIE A. - Art Appreciation (Course B)
106377: MANITOBA RECORD SOCIETY. GIBSON, FREDERICK W.; ROBERTSON, BARBARA (EDITOR) - Ottawa at War: The Grant Dexter Memoranda, 1939-1945
122612: GIBSON, GRAEME - Perpetual Motion
125118: GIBSON, ROBIN - Painting the Century; 101 Portrait Masterpieces 1900-2000
104848: GIBSON, DALE; GIBSON, LEE; HARVEY, CAMERON - Attorney for the Frontier; Enos Stutsman
104849: GIBSON, JIM - Fishery Resources of the Plains; Utilization and Management
104847: GIBSON, DALE; GIBSON, LEE - Substantial Justice; Law and Lawyers in Manitoba 1670-1970
119477: GIBSON, KATHERINE - Ted Harrison; Painting Paradise
130205: GIDEON, AMOS; ZENKO, DARREN - Native Ghost Stories
129606: GIDLUCK, LYNN - A Hail of a Century - 100 Years of Battling the Great White Combine; The Story of the Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance Association
122447: GIDNEY, R. D.; MILLAR, W. P. J. - Inventing Secondary Education; The Rise of the High School in Nineteenth-Century Ontario
127523: GIEDION, S. - Space, Time and Architecture; The Growth of a New Tradition; Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged
100724: GIESBRECHT, C.U - The Illustrated Mind: Or Games Dreamers Play
112630: GIESHARDT, T. WILLIAM - Some Very Aryan Deaths
118706: GIFFEN, P.JAMES - Rural Life; Portraits of the Prairie Town, 1946
124580: GIGUÈRE, DIANE; GREEN, PETER (TRANS.) - Innocence
102479: GILBERG, AAGE - Eskimo Doctor
203363: GILBERT, A.G. - From Montreal to the Maritime Provinces and Back..
130998: GILBERT, GERRY - A Call; In Memory of Ralph Gilbert 1908 - 1978 BCM Volume IV No. 4
112762: GILBERT, SIR W.S - The Pinafore Picture Book; The Story of H.H.S Pinafore
112406: GILBERT, W.S.; SULLIVAN, ARTHUR - Songs of Two Savoyards
110301: WESTERN CANADA ART CIRCUIT; GILBERT, HERBERT - A One-Man Exhibition Being Circulated ... April 1960 to April 1961
109753: GILBERT, A.C. - Erector Instruction Book
126743: GILBERT, MAJOR VIVIAN - The Romance of the Last Crusade; With Allenby to Jerusalem
126716: GILBERT, SYLVIE [CURATOR] (EDITOR) - White Bones
104852: GILBERT, E.J. - Up the Years with the S.A.A.: A Brief History of the Organization of the Saskatchewan Association of Architects with Biographies of Some of the Founding Members
104854: GILBERT, LOUIS - La Saskatchewan: Essai de Monographie Provinciale Canadienne
116946: GILBEY, W.G. - Grain Handling; Dollars Versus Health and Safety
104855: GILBOY, C.F. - Aspects of the Numismatics of North America; Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Regina, Saskatchewan, 16 July 1985
117775: GILCHRIST, MARY (EDITOR) - Western People; A Scrapbook of Memories
104856: GILCHRIST, MARY L. - Western People; a Scrapbook of Memories
122131: GILKERSON, WILLIAM - The Scrimshander; The Nautical Ivory Worker & His Art of Scrimshaw Historical and Contemporary; A New Edition with Many Revisions
113449: GILL, SAM D., IRENE F. SULLIVAN - Dictionary of Native American Mythology
118357: GILL, SAM D. - Native American Traditions; Sources and Interpretations
117020: GILL, JOHN (EDITOR) - New American and Canadian Poetry
119596: GILL, ERIC - Autobiography
104857: GILL, E.A. WHARTON - Love in Manitoba
121479: GILLAN, DR. JAMES GRAHAM - Through Northern Eyes
129934: GILLESPIE, DIANE FILBY - The Sisters' Arts; The Writing and Painting of Virginia Woolf and Vnessa Bell
120142: GILLETT, CHARLES RIPLEY (EDITOR) - Catalogue of the McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology [5 Volumes]
127705: GILLETTE, MARIS BOYD - Between Mecca; Modernization and Consumption Among Urban Chinese Muslims
118783: TYVAN. GILLIES, ENID - Memories of Tyvan
117398: GILLILAND, HAP - Teaching the Native American
121328: GILLMORE, DON - The Desire of Every Living Thing
200712: GILLMORE, PARKER - All Round the World: Adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America
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130857: GILPIN, JOHN - Alberta at 100: Celebrating the Legacy
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126106: GILROY, DOUG - Prairie Wildlife; The Best of Doug Gilroy's Nature Photography
104861: GILROY, DOUG - An Album of Prairie Birds
104862: GILROY, DOUG - Prairie Birds in Color
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118518: GINN, DAVID - Almost Unpublished; An Unusual Conglomeration of Comedy and Magical Stuff
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113948: GINSBURG, MIRRA - The Kaha Bird
112866: GINZBURG, RALPH - Avant Garde
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121987: GINZBURG, RALPH - Avant Garde
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104871: GISLASON, GORDON S.; MACMILLAN, JAMES A.; CRAVEN, JACK W. - The Manitoba Commercial Freshwater Fishery; an Economic Analysis
104872: GISLASON, I. - Prairie Panorama; a Brief Study of the Prairie Provinces
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100730: GLADSTONE - Beyond Third Crossing
123998: GLADSTONE, M.J. - A Carrot for a Nose; The Form of Folk Sculpture on America's City Streets and Country Roads
116721: COMUNN GAILIG GHLASCHO; GAELIC SOCIETY OF GLASGOW - Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Glasgow; Volume 2 1891-94
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121564: GLASSIE, JOHN - Bicycles Locked to Poles
110743: GLAY, GEORGE ALBERT - Beggars Might Ride
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128647: GLAZEBROOK, G. P. DET. - A History of Canadian External Relations; Revised Edition, Volume I, The Formative Years to 1914
117839: GLAZEBROOK, G.P. DE T. - A History of Canadian External Relations
126609: GLAZEBROOK, G. P. DET - A History of Transportation in Canada; Volume I [And] Volume II
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115961: GLUBOK, SHIRLEY - The Art of the Eskimos
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127123: EPHEMERA; GLYDE, H.G. - Christmas Card
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121286: GODFREY, DAVE - Death Goes Better with Coca-Cola
111185: GODFREY, W. EARL - Birds of the Cypress Hills and Flotten Lake Regions, Saskatchewan
131586: GODFREY, DAVE - Death Goes Better with Coca-Cola
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116131: GODSELL, PATRICIA - Enjoying Canadian Painting
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128143: GODWIN, TED - Messages from the Real World; A Professional Handbook for the Emerging Artist
104900: GODWIN, TED - Lower Bow; a Celebration of Wilderness, Art & Fishing
124812: GODWIN, TED - Lower Bow; a Celebration of Wilderness, Art & Fishing
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122478: GOFF, MARTYN - A Season with Mammon
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201955: VAN DE GOHM, RICHARD - Antique Maps for the Collector
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129936: GOLDFRANK, ESTHER - Monographs of the American Ethnological Society VIII: Changing Configurations in the Social Organization of a Blackfoot Tribe during the Reserve Period (The Blood of Alberta, Canada) / Monographs of the American Ethnological Society IX: Observations on Northern Blackfoot Kinship
117616: GOLDIE, TERRY; MOSES, DANIEL DAVID (EDITORS) - An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English
112653: GOLDING, WILLIAM - The Paper Men
111554: LION-GOLDSCHMIDT, DAISY - Ming Porcelain
124068: GOLDSMITH, KENNETH (EDITOR) - I'll Be Your Mirror; The Selected Andy Warhol Interviews; Tirty-Seven Conversations with the Pop Master 1962-1987
110714: GOLDSMITH, OLIVER - The Vicar of Wakefield
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122746: GOLDWATER, ROBERT - Gauguin
200723: GOLLOCK, GEORGINA A. - Aunt Africa; a Family Affair
104905: GOM, LEONA - Land of the Peace
104906: GOM, LEONA - Northbound; Poems Selected and New
114126: GOM, LEONA - Housebroken
123357: GOMEZ, ENELIA PAZ - Enelia Paz Gomez
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200724: GOMME, GEORGE LAURENCE - Folklore As an Historical Science
127092: EPHEMERA; GONICK, CY; GUDMUNSON, FRED - Food Glorious Food
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118737: GOODERHAM, KENT (EDITED BY) - I Am an Indian
113368: GOODERHAM, KENT (EDITED BY) - I Am an Indian
117181: GOODERHAM, KENT (EDITED BY) - I Am an Indian
111845: GOODMAN, KENNETH S. (EDITOR) - The Psycholinguistic Nature of the Reading Process
120058: GOODMAN, KRISTINE; KRENBRENK, GLORIA (EDITOR) - Six Little Olafsons; Recollections by Kristine Goodman
104909: GOODRIDGE, RICHARD E.W. (SUPPOSED AUTHOR) - A Year in Manitoba; Being the Experience of a Retired Officer in Settling His Sons, with Illustrations, Observations on the Country, and Suggestions for Settlers Generally
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102480: GOODWILL, JEAN (EDITOR) - Speaking Together: Canada's Native Women
114935: GOODWIN, BETTY - Betty Goodwin; Passages
130013: GOODWIN, BETTY; BÉLISLE, JOSÉE - Betty Goodwin: Parcours de L'oeuvre a Travers la Collection Du Musee D'Art Contemporain de Montréal
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123287: GOOSSEN, E.C. [DIRECTOR] - The Art of the Real U.S.A. 1948-1968
109971: NA GOPALEEN, MYLES; O'BRIEN, FLANN; O'NOLAN, KEVIN (EDITOR) - The Hair of the Dogma; a Further Selection from Cruiskeen Lawn
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