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003206: Hamilton, William. - Prelectiones Theologicae.
455: Hamilton, Anthony. - Memoirs of Count Grammont.
473: Hammond, James. - Love Elegies Written in the Year 1732.
2673: Händel, Georg Friedrich & Johann Adam Hiller. - Georg Friedrich Händels Te Deum Laudamus, zur Utrechter Friedensfeyer ehemals in Engländischer Sprache componirt, und nun mit dem bekannten lateinischen Texte herausgegeben von Johann Adam Hiller.
2568: Hanmer, Sir Thomas, et. al. [MANUSCRIPT COLLECTION]. - A substantial manuscript archive (ten items) of a "Paper Mill" in Norfolk, UK, dating from the beginning to the end of the eighteenth-century, with one indenture executed and signed by Sir Thomas Hanmer, editor of Shakespeare's Works printed in 1743-1744.
1982: Hanway, Jonas. - An Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea: With the Author's Journal of Travels from England Through Russia into Persia; and back, etc., etc.
1981: Hanway, Jonas. - An Historical Account of the British Trade over the Caspian Sea: with a Journal of Travels from London through Russia into Persia; and back again through Russia, Germany and Holland. To which are added, The Revolutions of Persia during the Present Century
2546: O'Hara, Kane. - Midas: an English burletta. In two acts. As it is performed, at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden.
1736: Harper, Lathrop C., Inc. - Collection of 11 Catalogues. Catalogues are: 211 (History of Medicine and Science); 215 (Discoveries in Medicine, Science & Natural History); 219 ((Medicine, Science, Technology & Natural History); 220 (Rare Books); 221 (Early Printed Books); 222 (Medicine, Science, Technology & Natural History); 223 (Spain, Portugal, Latin America); 224 (Rare Books); 227 (Rare Books 1477-1869; Hebrew Books); 228 (Rare Books); and, 229 (Uncommon and Early Books).
1725: Harper, Lathrop C., Inc. - Collection of 22 Catalogues. Catalogues: 1 (Rare Books & Manuscripts); 200 (Catalogue Two Hundred); 211 (History of Medicine & Science); 212 (History & Related Fields); 213 (Rare Books); 214 (Books in English); 215 (Discoveries in Medicine, Science & Natural History); 216 (Manuscripts & Printed Books); 218 (Art in Books); 219 (Medicine, Science, Technology & Natural History); 220 (Rare Books); 221 (Early Printed Books); 222 (Medicine, Science, Technology & Natural History); 223 (Spain, Portugal, Latin America); 224 (Rare Books); 225 (200 Rare Books); 226 (Medicine, Science, Technology & Natural History); 227 (Rare Books. Hebrew Books); 228 (Rare Books); 229 (Uncommon & Early Books); 230 (Medicine, Science, Technology); 232 (Incunabula, etc)
798: Harris, John. - Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca; Or, A Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels. Consisting of Above Six Hundred of the most Authentic Writers, ...
757: Harris, John. - Lexicon Technicum: Or, An Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences: Explaining not only the Terms of Art, but the Arts Themselves.
003052: Hartcliffe, John. - A discourse against purgatory.
1983: Harte, Walter. - The Amaranth: or, Religious Poems; consisting of Fables, Visions, Emblems, &c. adorned with Copperplates from the best Masters.
1657: Ternisien d'Haudricourt, F. - Fastes de la nation française, ouvrage présenté au roi et honoré de láccueil flatteur de sa majesté . . .
1144: Haulot, Arthur. - Petite Suite Provençale.
003229: Haumont, Jacques. - Discours sur l'art typographique.
003138: Hawkesworth, John. - Edgar and Emmeline. A Fairy Tale.
1984: Hawkesworth, John. - An account of the voyages undertaken by the order of His present Majesty for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, and Captain Cook, in the Dolphin, the Swallow, ...
482: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. - The Complete Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne.
2414: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. - The Marble Faun, or The Romance of Monte Beni.
002967: Hay, William. - Deformity: An Essay.
2719: Hay, Alexander. - Tyrocinium pharmaceuticum: sive Collectanea Galeno-Spagyrica, Scoto-Britannica, medicamentorum simplicium & compositorum, omnibus medicis, pharmacopoeis & chirurgis utilissima, ex antiquis & neotericis, ...
002916: Hazelgrove, A. R., editor. - A Tercentennial Contribution to a Checklist of Kingston Imprints to 1867.
216: Hazlitt, W.Carew. - Bibliographical Collections and Notes (1474-1700). Third and Final Series. Second Supplement.
1893: Hazlitt, William Carew. - A Manual for the Collector and Amateur of Old English Plays. Edited from the material formed by Kirkman, Langbaine, Downes, Oldys, and Halliwell-Phillipps, with extensive additions and corrections.
1207: Hearn, Lafcadio. - Kokoro. Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life.
1985: Hearne, Thomas, editor. - A Collection of Curious Discourses written by Eminent Antiquaries Upon Several Heads in our English Antiquities and now first Published.
002917: Heartman, Charles F. [WROTH'S COPY]. - George D. Smith: gentleman bookseller.
579: Heaston, Michael D. Rare Books & Manuscripts. - Catalogue 9: The Transmississippi West and the Development of the Texas Frontier.
1742: A. R. Heath. - 48. Catalogue of Interesting Books, Pamphlets & Manuscripts 15th - 19th Centuries.
2328: Heathcote, Ralph. - A letter to the Revd. Thomas Fothergill, M.A. Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford; relating to his sermon preached before that university on Tuesday, January 30, 1753. Upon the reasonableness and uses of commemorating King Charles's martyrdom.
2056: Heller, Joshua Rare Books, Inc. - Catalogue Twenty-One: The Book as Art II and List Seventeen.
1080: Heller, F. Thomas. - Collection of 7 F. Thomas Heller Catalogues.
2265: Hemmingssøn, Niels. - Postilla eller Forklaring offuer Euangelia, som almindelige om Søndage oc andre Hellige Dage predickis i den christne Kircke: Udsæt af Rasm. Hansson Kbhn, 1576.
2674: Henrici, Christianus [i.e. Reinhard Heinrich Rolle]. - Vitae Eruditissimorum in Re Literaria Virorum Ex Monumentis rarissimis & exqvisitissimis Collectae.
2384: Henry, G.W. - Trials and triumphs (for half a century) in the life of G.W. Henry.
003139: Hentzner, Paul. - A journey into England. By Paul Hentzner, in the year M.D.XC.VIII.
1986: Herbert, Lord Edward of Cherbury. - The Life of Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury. Written by Himself.
483: Herbert, George. - The temple. Sacred poems, and private ejaculations by Mr. George Herbert, late Oratour of the University of Cambridge. Together with his life.
2266: Herbert, Lord Edward of Cherbury. - De Religione Gentilium.
670: Herman, Linda, and Beth Stiel. - Corpus Delicti of Mystery Fiction: A Guide to the Body of the Case.
003140: Herodianus. - Herodianou tes meta Markon basileias historion biblia okto. = Herodiani Historiæ sui temporis libri VIII. E Græco quondam in linguam Latinam conversæ ab Angelo Politiano: nunc vero à variis mendis castigatæ, & notis brevioribus illustratæ. Huic editioni accessi principum bonorum & malorum speculum: sive monita, & exempla ethico-politica, ex Herodiani libris VIII. excerpta, studio & operâ Danielis Parei, Philip filii, Dav. nepotis.
1440: Herodianus. - In Hoc Volumine Continentur: Herodiani Historiæ Libri VIII. Et aliorum Historiæ. Sexsti Aurelij Victoris a. D. Caesare Augusto usq[ue] ad Theodosium excerpta. Europij historiae libri X. Pauli Diaconi libri VIII ad Eutropij historiam additi.
2169: Herrey, Robert F. [THE HOLY BIBLE, THE WHOLE BOOK OF PSALMES & CONCORDANCES]. - Two right profitable and fruitfull concordances, or large and ample tables alphabeticall.
1255: Herrey, Robert [+ ONE More Work]. - Two Right Profitable & Fruitfull Concordances, or large and ample Tables Alphabeticall. The first conteining the interpretation of the Hebrue, Caldean, Greeke, and Latine wordes and names scatteringly dispersed throughout the whole Bible, ...
866: Herrey, Robert F. [THE HOLY BIBLE & CONCORDANCES]. - Tvvo right profitable and fruitfull concordances, or large and ample tables alphabeticall.
003141: Hervey, John, 2nd Baron Hervey. - The Quaker's reply to The country parson's plea, against the Quakers Bill for tythes.
2237: Heurne, Otto Von. - Babylonica, Indica, Aegyptia, &c. philosophiae Primordia.
854: Hewins, Caroline M. - A Mid-Century Child and Her Books.
1441: Hewlett, Maurice. - A Masque of Dead Florentines.
003231: Heylyn, Peter. - A Help to English History, containing a Succession of all the Kings of England, the English, Saxons, and the Britains; the Kings and Princes of Wales, the Kings and Lords of Man, and the Isle of Wight: As Also of all the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls and Bishops thereof; With The Descriptions of the places from whence they had their Titles; Together with the Names, and Ranks of the Viscounts, Barons and Baronets of England. By P. Heylyn, D.D. And since his Death, continu'd to this present year, 1709. with the Coats of Arms of the Nobility, Blazon'd.
503: Hicks, John Edward. - Adventures of a Tramp Printer: 1880-1890.
2218: Hill, Draper, editor. - The Satirical Etchings of James Gillrary.
1760: Hill, Aaron. - Merope. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By Aaron Hill, Esq.
2658: Hill, Jonathan A. - Collection of 42 Catalogues, duplicates of 1 & 5, and the Index to Catalogues 1-100, for a total of 43 items.
2206: Hills, Henry. - A short treatise concerning the propagation of the soul. Written by H. Hills, late minister of Hinxhill in the county of Kent.
2572: Hippocrates. - Les Aphorismes d'Hippocrates avec les Commentaire de Galien sur le Premier Livre. Traduicts ... par M. J. Breche ... plus les Aphorismes de J. Damascene.
2573: Hippocrates. - Aphorismi Hippocratis Nicolao Leoniceno Vicentino interprete, lib. VII; eivsdem Praesagia Gvlielmo Copo Basiliensi interprete, lib. III; eivsdem De ratione victus i[n] morbis acutis, lib. IIII; ... Galeni Ars medicinalis i[n]terprete Nicol. Leoniceno.
2083: Hirschman, Jack. - Cantillations.
1537: CHURCH HISTORY - SCOTLAND. - The beast is wounded. Or Information from Scotland, concerning their reformation. Wherein is breifly declared, the true cause and ground of all the late troubles there; and the reasons why they have rejected the bishops, with their courts, canons, ...
1773: Hoadly, Benjamin. - The suspicious husband. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By Dr. Hoadly.
2721: Hoadly, Benjamin. - The thoughts of an honest Tory upon the present proceedings of that party. In a letter to a friend in town.
1762: Hoadly, Benjamin. - The suspicious husband. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By Dr. Hoadly.
821: Hodges, Leigh Mitchell. - The Great Optimist and Other Essays.
1894: Hodson, William. - Arsaces: a tragedy.
1443: Hoffmann, E. T. A [Ernst Théodor Amadeus]. - Contes Fantastiques.
1988: Hogarth, William. - Zergliederung der Schönheit, die schwankenden Begriffe von dem Geschmack festzusetzen.
745: Holcroft, Thomas [Vincent, William]. - A plain and succinct narrative of the late riots and disturbances in the cities of London and Westminster, and Borough of Southwark. Containing, particulars of the burning of Newgate, the King's Bench, the Fleet, and New Bridgewell prisons.
003086: Holliday, W. J. - Western Americana: Many of Great Rarity. The Distinguished Collection Formed by W. J. Holliday.
1989: Homann, heirs of. - Carte du Cercle de Budissin dans la Margaffin de la Haute Lusace.
1990: Homann, heirs of. - Carte du Cercle de Goerlitz dans la Margaffin de la Haute Lusace.
2047: Home, John. - Douglas. A tragedy. By John Home. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal Drury-Lane and Covent Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers.
003145: Home, George - A commentary on the Book of Psalms. In which their literal or historical sense, as they relate to King David, and the people of Israel, is illustrated; ... The fifth edition. By George, Lord Bishop of Norwich, ...
003090: Hone, Philip & George Lunt. - An address, delivered before the Mercantile Library Association, at the Odeon in Boston, October 3, 1843.
2050: Hoole, John. - Cleonice, princess of Bithynia: a tragedy. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden.
2458: Hoole, John. - Cyrus: a Tragedy. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden.
2459: Hoole, John. - Cleonice, Princess of Bithynia: a tragedy. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden.
2722: Hopkins, Charles. - Pyrrhus King of Epirus. A tragedy, acted at the New Theatre, in Little Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, by His Majesty's servants.
2592: Horatius, Quintus Flaccus. - Quintus Horatius Flaccus.
1991: Horatius, Quintus Flaccus. - Quinti Horatii Flacci Carmina, detersis recentibus plerumque maculis, nitori restituta.
2675: Horatius, Quintus Flaccus. - Nicolai Perotti libellus non infrugifer de metris Odarum Horatianarum.
2540: Horatius, Quintus Flaccus. - Ad lectiones probatiores diligenter emendatus, et interpunctione nova saepius illustratus.
002825: Horrocks, Sidney, editor. [A.N.L. MUNBY'S COPY]. - Reference Library Subject Catalogue Section 094: Private Press Books.
1445: Hottinger, Johann Heinrich. - Historia orientalis quae ex variis orientalium monumentis collecta, agit De Muhammedismo...De Saracenismo, seu religione veterum Arabum. De Chaldaismo, seu superstitione Chaldæorum, Nabatæor. &c. De statu Christianorum & Judæorum tempore orti ...
1809: Randall House. - Collection of 12 Catalogues and 2 Lists. Catalogues: I, VII-XII, XIV-XVIII and 2 Lists: An Offering of Books about Slavery, the Civil War & Reconstruction & Short Title List Seven.
2098: Houston, James D. - Three Songs For My Father.
2689: [WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY FREDERICK HENDRICK VAN HOVE, 17TH CENTURY DUTCH ENGRAVER WHO WORKED IN ENGLAND] - The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the Church of England: Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches.
1822: Hovey, Richard. - Along the Trail.
2385: Howe, Elias. - The Language of Flowers, Poetically Expressed; Being a Complete Flora's Album.
2593: Howell, James. - Epistola Ho-Elianæ. Familiar Letters Domestic and Forren. A New Volume of Familiar Letters and Additional Letters ... By the Same Author.
2766: Howes, Wright. [WROTH'S or STREETER'S COPY]. - Collection of 5 Catalogues, All Americana.
693: Hubbard, Elbert. - Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors. Robert Burns.
2122: Hubbard, Elbert. - Little Journeys to the homes of English Authors by Elbert Hubbard - Robert Southey.
1265: Hubbard, Elbert & Alice. - Justinian and Theodora. A Drama Being a Chapter of History and the One Gleam of Light During the Dark Ages.
1830: Hubbard, Alice, editor. - American Bible.
2416: Hubbard, Elbert. - A thousand & one epigrams, selected from the writings of Elbert Hubbard.
2415: Hubbard, Elbert. - Consecrated Lives.
2338: Hübner, Johann. [STRIKING CONTEMPORARY BOOKPLATE]. - Johann Hübners Kurtze Einleitung zur politischen Historia den Anfaengern zum besten aus allen neun Theilen zusammen gezogen.Zehndter Theil.
1992: Huddesford, William & Thomas Warton, editors. - The lives of those eminent antiquaries John Leland, Thomas Hearne, and Anthony à Wood: ...
1506: Hughes, Anselm, et. al. - Eight Concerts of Music By English Composers 1300-1750.
1058: Hunter, John. - Traité des Maladies Vénériennes. Traduit de l'Anglois, par M. Audiberti, Docteur en Médecine...
372: Hunter, John. - The Works of John Hunter, F.R.S. with Notes.
1993: Hunter, William. - Betrachtungen über die Operation der Durchschneidung der Knorpel der Schoosbeine.
003053: Hurdis, James. - A short critical dissertation upon the true meaning of the word taninim, found in Genesis I. 21. By the Rev. James Hurdis, M.A.
003146: Hurdis, James. - Select critical remarks upon the English version of the first ten chapters of Genesis. By the Rev. James Hurdis, A. M. Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford.
1868: Hurst, William Hudson. - Silagraphy. A New System of Short-Hand. Invented by William Hudson Hurst. Arranged for Self Instruction and Colleges.
790: Hurtaut, Pierre-Thomas-Nicolas & L. de Magny. - Dictionnaire Historique de la Ville de Paris et de ses Environs Dans lequel on trouve la description des monumens (sic) et curiosités de cette capitale; l'établissement des maisons religieuses, celui des communautés d'artistes et d'artisans; ...
1869: Hutchings, R. S., editor. - Alphabet: International Annual of Letterforms, Volume One, 1964.
1027: Hutchinson, G Evelyn. - A Preliminary List of the Writings of Rebecca West 1912-1951.
002918: Hutchinson, Elmer Tindall. [STREETER'S COPY]. - Products of Shepard Kollock's Press, 1808-1818.
609: Hutchison, Hazel Collister. - Toward Daybreak.
2120: Huxley, Aldous. - Antic Hay.
1653: Hyde, Thomas. - Syntagma dissertationum quas olim auctor doctissimus Thomas Hyde ... separatim edidit. Accesserunt nonnulla ejusdem opuscula hactenus inedita; necnon de ejus vita scriptisque, [prolegomena]. Cum appendice de lingua sinensi, aliisque linguis orientalibus U
1266: Hyde, Mabel. - Jingles from Japan as Set Forth by the Ghinks.
96: Hyde, Thomas. - Syntagma dissertationum quas olim auctor doctissimus Thomas Hyde ... separatim edidit. Accesserunt nonnulla ejusdem opuscula hactenus inedita; necnon de ejus vita scriptisque, [prolegomena]. Cum appendice de lingua sinensi, aliisque linguis orientalibus U
003147: Iamblichus. - Iamblichou Chalkideos tes koiles Syrias peri mysterion logos.= Iamblichi Chalcidensis ex Coele-Syria, De mysteriis liber. Præmittitur epistola Porphyrii ad Anebonem Ægyptium, eodem argumento. Thomas Gale anglus græce nunc primum edidit, Latine vertit, & nota adjecit.
003148: [LARGE-PAPER COPY] Ibbetson, Julius, John Laporte, & John Hassell. - A Picturesque Guide to Bath, Bristol Hot-Wells, the River Avon, and the adjacent Country: illustrated with a set of Views, taken in the Summer of 1792; by Mess. Ibbetson, Laporte, and J. Hassell; and engraved in aquatinta.
1846: Ihre, Johannes. - Glossarium Suiogothicum, in quo tam hodierno uso frequentia vocabula, quam in legum patriarum tabulis aliisque aevi medii scriptis obvia explicantur, et ex dialectis cognatis, Moesogothica, Anglosaxonica, Alemannica, Islandica ceterisque Gothicae et Celticae originis illustrantur.
002938: Iles, George. [WROTH'S COPY]. - The Evaluation of Literature.
420: Ilin, M. - Black on White: The Story of Books.
1446: Interiano, Paolo. - Ristretto delle Historie Genovesi.
799: Ireland, Samuel. - A Picturesque Tour Through Holland, Brabant, and Part of France; Made in the Autumn of 1789. Illustrated With Copper Plates in Aqua Tint From Drawings on the Spot.
1267: Irving, Washington. - The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. : No. I[-VII].
2413: Irving, Washington. - Bracebridge Hall, or the Humorists.
450: Irving, Washington. - Bracebridge Hall.
796: Irwin, Raymond. - The Heritage of the English Library.
1447: Isocrates. - Orationes tres, cum Interpretatione Latina, nunc primum ad verbum facta, ad discentium utilitatem. Ad Demonicum, de moribus adolescentium. Ad Nicoclem Cypri regem, de principuem institutione. Nicocles, de principum & subditorum officio.
2268: Pius IV, Pope. - Motus Proprius S. D. N. D. Pii PP Quarti super executione Concilii, & Literarum eiusdem Sanctis Contra Archiepiscopos, ... alias ... Ecclesiasticas non Residentes in eorum Ecclesiis.
2460: Jackson, Randle. - The substance of a speech delivered by Randle Jackson, Esq. at the East-India House, on Wednesday, January 21, 1795, in support of a restriction of the Honourable the Court of Directors for conducting the shipping of the East-India Company.
002919: Jackson, Russell Leigh. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Edmund March Blunt.
826: Jäger, Wolfgang, J. G. Boetticher, & William Playfair. - A geographical, historical, and political description of the empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Prussia, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia; with a gazetteer of reference to the principal places in those Countries.
1448: Jamblichus. - Iamblichus de Mysteriis Aegyptiorum Chaldæorum, Assyriorum Proclus ... De Anima ... Item de Sacrificio et Magia. Porphyrius De Divinis ... Psellus De Demonibus ... Trismegisti Pimander.
1244: Janin, Jules. - La Bretagne.
1719: Jarndyce. - Collection of 2 Jarndyce Catalogues.
2052: Jephson, Robert. - Braganza. A tragedy. Performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane.
1994: Jobert, Louis. - Kennisse der aloude en hedendaagsche gedenkpenningen. Zynde hier bygevoegd veele nieuwe ontdekkingen; als mede eene lyst van alle de Romeinsche keizers en keizerinnen, vorsten, vorstinnen en dwinglanden.
2653: Drury John. - 3 Catalogues by John Drury. Catalogues are: 9, 17, and 34.
003016: St. John, John. - Mary, Queen of Scots, a tragedy; as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. By the Honourable John St. John.
2462: Johnson, Samuel. - An Essay Concerning Parliaments at a Certainty; Or, the Kalends of May.
824: Johnson, Richard. - The famous history of the seven champions of Christendom. The second part. Likewise shewing the princely prowess, noble atchievements, and strange fortune of St. George's three sons, the lively sparks of nobility.
827: Johnson, Samuel. - A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland.
002830: Johnson, John. [A.N.L. MUNBY'S COPY]. (TWO ITEMS). - The John Johnson collection. Catalogue of an exhibition. AND John Johnson Collection: Index to Proposals for English Books up to 1800. Addendum to Jan, 1961.
003150: Johnson, Samuel. - Irene: a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane.
2323: Johnson, Samuel. - An argument proving, that the abrogation of King James by the people of England from the regal throne, and the promotion of the Prince of Orange, one of the royal family, to the throne of the kingdom in his stead, ...
404: Johnson, A. F. - One Hundred Title-Pages: 1500 - 1800.
1100: Johnston, Edward. - Formal Penmanship and Other Papers.
1870: Johnston, Edward. - Manuscript and Inscription Letters for schools and classes and for the use of Craftsmen ...with 5 plates by A.E.R. Gill.
1456: Johnstone, James. - The disbanded officer, or, The Baroness of Bruchsal: a comedy: as performed at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market.
1146: Jones, Philippe. - Seul un Arbre.
248: Jones, William. - Poeseos Asiaticae Commentariorum Libri Sex,...
1513: Jones, Henry. - The Earl of Essex. A Tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden.
1484: Jones, Diana McClure & Rosemary Jones. - Collector's Guide to Children's Books 1850 to 1950. Identification & Values.
1147: Jones, Philippe. - Amour et Autres Visages.
002920: Jones, Matt Bushnell. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Thomas Maule, The Salem Quaker and Free Speech in Massachusetts Bay. With Bibliographical Notes.
2463: Jonson, Ben. - Volpone, or, the Fox. A Comedy, first acted in the year 1605. By the King's Majesty's Servants. With the allowance of the Master of Revels.
2724: Jonson, Ben. - The alchemist. A comedy, first acted in the year 1610. By the King's Majesty's servants.
002921: Judd, William Wallace. - Minutes of the London Mechanics' Institute (1841-1895).
1915: Junius. - Junius. Stat Nominis Umbra.
1449: Justinian. - Institutiones Iuris Civilis D. Justiniani Imp. Accuratissime recognitæ, atque emendatæ: cum ... Silvestri Aldobrandini, & aliorum ... Jurisconsultorum Annotationibus
1215: Justinian. - Corpus Juris Civilis. Digestum Vetus. Digestum Novum.
2049: Juvelis, Priscilla, Inc. - Collection of 23 Catalogues.
003152: Juvenal. - Mores hominum. The manners of men, described in sixteen satyrs, by Juvenal: as he is published in his most authentick copy, lately printed by command of the King of France. Whereunto is added the invention of seventeen designes in picture: with arguments to the satyrs. As also explanations to the designes in English and Latine. Together with a large comment, clearing the author in every place, wherein he seemed obscure, out of the laws and customes of the Romans, and the Latine and Greek histories. By Sir Robert Stapylton, Knight. Published by authority.
2659: Kahn, Helen R. - Collection of 22 Catalogues.
002856: Kane, Hope Frances. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Notes on Early Pennsylvania Promotion Literature.
2666: Kantemir, Antiokh D. - Satiry i drugiia stikhotvorcheskiia sochineniia kniazia Antîokha Kantemira; s istoricheskimi primiechaniiami i s kratkim opisaniem ego zhizni.
1676: Karaliichev, Angel. - Mecho: Razkazi Za Detsa.
316: Karmiole, Kenneth, Bookseller. - Collection of 66 Catalogues & Lists (Old & New Series), and 45 Miscellanies (New Miscellany 1-38, and 41-47), for a total of 110 items.
002857: Kaufman, Paul. [MUNBY'S COPY]. - A True Image of Laurence Sterne.
1268: Kearsley, G. - Kearsley's complete peerage, of England, Scotland and Ireland; together with an extinct peerage of the three kingdoms, list of all their family names, titles of elder sons, etc. and translation of their mottos.
002998: O'Keeffe, John. - The agreeable surprise; a comic opera: as it is acted at the Theatre, Smoke-Alley, Dublin.
2388: Keese, John, editor. - The Opal: a Pure Gift for the Hollydays MDCCCXLVII.
003088: Kehr, Dave. - Italian Film Posters.
1059: Keill, James. - The anatomy of the humane body abridged, or, A short and full view of all the parts of the body: together with their several uses drawn from their compositions and structures.
1293: Keill, John. - An introduction to the true astronomy: or, astronomical lectures, read in the astronomical school of the University of Oxford.
2054: Kelly, Hugh. - The school for wives. A comedy. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Embellished with an etching, by Mr. Loutherbourg.
2057: Kelly, Hugh. - Clementina, a tragedy. As it is performed, with universal applause, at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden.
2087: Kelly, Hugh. - False Delicacy: A Comedy; as it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's Servants.
002922: Kent, Frederic Houston. [WROTH'S COPY]. - A Sermon in Memory of Charles Ammi Cutter.
002923: Keppel, Frederick Paul. [WROTH'S COPY]. - American Philanthropy and the Advancement of Learning.
2760: Keres, Paul. - Sto partij. [In Russian]. {100 Games of Chess}
003153: Keysler, John George. - Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy and Lorrain. Giving a True and just Description of the Present State of those Countries; their natural, literary, and political history, manners, laws, commerce, manufactures, painting, sculpture, arthitecture, coins, antiquities, curiosities of art and nature, &c.: illustrated with copper-plates, engraved from drawings taken on the spot.
107: Khayyam, Omar. - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
2096: Kicknosway, Faye. - A man is a hook. Trouble. Poems 1964-1973.
2084: Kicknosway, Faye. - O. You Can Walk on the Sky? Good.
1148: Kindler, Helmut. - Berlin: Brandenburger Tor.
003154: King, William, [FIRST PRINTING OF J. SWIFT'S 'THE ANSWER']. - The Dreamer.
002828: Hyatt King, Alexander. [A.N.L. MUNBY'S COPY]. - The Music Room of the British Museum 1753-1953.
837: Kipling, Rudyard. - Certain Maxims of Hafiz.
35: Kipling, Rudyard. - The Seven Seas.
1678: Kirilov, Ivan. - Bashtino ognishte.
2665: Kitchiner, William. [PRESENTATION COPY] - Apicius Redivivus; or the Cook's Oracle. Being 600 Receipts instituted in the Kitchen of a Physician.
002966: Kleuker, Johann Friedrich. - Anhang zum Zend-Avesta. Zwei Bände mit je zwei Teilen in einem Band. Wovon der erste verschiedene Abhandlungen Herrn Anquetil du Perron über wichtige Gegenstände der persischen religion, Philosophie und Geschichte; und der Zweyte Herrn Fouchers historische Abhandlung über die Religion der Perser enthält.
1451: Kling, Melchior [Clingius]. - In fevdorvm vsvs sev consvetvdines brevis et ervdita commentatio; item, enarrationes aliqvot legum ff. de legatis & fideicommissis primo; explicatio et continvatio titvlorvm iuris ciuilis & canonici, eodem autore.
1450: Kling, Melchior [Clingius]. - Matrimonialium Causarum Tractatus, methodico ordine scriptus: Cum praefatione ejusdem, de origine et autoritate Juris Canonici, quo ad cognitionem et decisionem causarum Matrimonialium.
2000: Klotz, Christian Adolf. - Historia Numorum Contumeliosorum et Satyricorum. Cum figuris aeri incisis.
466: Knight, Charles. - Old England: A Pictorial Museum of Regal, Ecclesiastical, Baronial, Municipal, and Popular Antiquities.
2100: Knoll, Zig. - Not My Mother's Child.
2465: Knox, John. - A view of the British Empire, more especially Scotland; With some proposals for the improvement of that country, the extension of its fisheries, and the relief of the people.
2676: Koebel, Jacob. - Wapen des heyligen Römischen Reichs Teutscher Nation; der Churfürsten, Fürsten Grauen Freihen, Rittern, auch der merer theil Stett so zu dem Reich (in Teutschem land gelegen) gehören und gehört haben, auch wie, wo und durch Wen, ...
830: Kolben, Peter. - The Present State of the Cape of Good-Hope: or, a particular Account of the Several Nations of the Hottentots together with a short Account of the Dutch Settlement at the Cape.
003155: Kolben, Peter. - The Present State of the Cape of Good-Hope: or, a particular Account of the Several Nations of the Hottentots together with a short Account of the Dutch Settlement at the Cape.
002981: Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von. - Les Deux Frères, Comédie en quatre Actes, en prose, traduite de Kotzebue, Et arrangée pour la Scène française par M. Weiss, L. F. Jauffret et J. Patrat : Représentée pour la première fois le 11 thermidor an VII, au Théâtre Français de la République.
2111: Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von. - The Force of Calumny. A Play, in Five Acts. By Augustus von Kotzebue. Translated from the German, by Anne Plumptre, Translator of Kotzebue's Natural Son, and other plays.
002978: Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von. - Lovers' vows. A play in five acts, performing at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. From the German of Kotzebue: by Mrs. Inchbald.
002979: Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von. - The East Indian; a comedy. Translated from the German of Augustus von Kotzebue, by A. Thomson,
002980: Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von. - Pizarro; a tragedy, in five acts; as performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane: taken from the German drama of Kotzebue; and adapted to the English stage by Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
1739: Kraus, H. P., Bookseller [Collection of 19 H.P. Kraus Catalogues (+ 4 duplicates), 5 Lists, 5 Special Bulletins, 1 Special List, and 1 Book Fair Catalogue, for a total of 35 items]. - Collection of 19 H.P. Kraus Catalogues (+ 4 duplicates), 5 Lists, 5 Special Bulletins, 1 Special List, and 1 Book Fair Catalogue, for a total of 35 items.
002858: Kraus, Michael. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Literary Relations between Europe and America in the Eighteenth Century.
2579: Kredel, Fritz. [PRESENTATION COIPY]. - Blutiger Kehraus 1918, Aufzeichnungen der Erlebnisse des Friedrich, genannt Fritz, Kredel weiland Fahnenjunkers in der 10ten Kompanie des Infanterie Leibregiments "Grossherzogin" No 117 im Sommer und Herbst neunzehnhundert und achtzehn.
1452: Krzysztanowicz, Stanislaus, Martinus Comerus, Alexander Guaninus, Philippus Honorius, & Johannes Boterius. - Respublica, sive Status regni Poloniae, Lituaniae, Prussiae, Livoniae, etc. diversorum autorum.
201: Kubler,George A. - A New History of Stereotyping.
1250: Kuiper, Gijsbert [Gisbertus Cuperus] & Stephen Le Moyne. - Gisb. Cuperi Harpocrates, sive, Explicatio imagunculae argenteae perantiquae, quae in figuram Harpocratis formata representat solem ; ejusdem Monumenta antiqua inedita, multi auctorum loci, multae inscriptiones, marmora, nummi, gemmae, varii ritus, & Anti
1362: Kushner, Lawrence. - Sefer Otiyot: The Book of Letters: A Mystical Alef-Bait.
1425: Diogenes Laertius. - Diogenis Laertii Clarissimi Historici de Vita, & Moribus Philosophorum Libri Decem, De vita, & moribus philosophorum libri decem, nuper ad vetusti Graeci codicis fiaccuratissime castigati, ...
1843: Diogenes Laertius. - The lives, opinions, and remarkable sayings of the most famous ancient philosophers. Written in Greek, by Diogenes Laertius. Made English by several hands. The First Volume. & The lives, opinions, and remarkable sayings of the most famous ancient philosophers. Written in Greek, by Diogenes Laertius. To which are added, the lives of several other philosophers, written by Eunapius of Sardis. Made English by several hands. In two volumes. The Second Volume.
902: Lake, D. & E., Ltd. - Collection of Catalogues, Lists, and Bulletins, for a total of 71 items.
003087: Lane, William Coolidge, editor. - Catalogue of English and American Chap-Books and Broadside Ballads in Harvard College Library.
1006: Lanz, Werner. - Die Schweizerische Papierindustrie in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Festschrift zum 50-Jährigen Jubiläum des Verbandes Schweiz. Papier- und Papierstoff-Fabrikanten. 1899-1949.
1151: Lapierre, Dominique. - Lune de Miel autour de la terre.
1098: Larcher, Jean. - Fantastic Alphabets: 24 Original Alphabets.
191: Lauremberg, P. - Newe und Vermehrte Acerra Philologica,...
241: Lavater, John Caspar. - Essays on the Physiognomy.
2757: Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent. - Elements of Chemistry, in a New Systematic Order, Containing all the Modern Discoveries.
522: Lawson, E.M. & Co. - 7 Catalogues. Catalogue 156: Catalogue of Scarce and Interesting Books; Catalogue 166: Catalogue of Scarce and Interesting Books printed before 1850; Catalogue 168: Catalogue of Scarce and Interesting Books with a Supplement of Books published since 1850; Catalogue 169: Catalogue of Scarce and Interesting Books; Catalogue 170: Old & Scarce Books; Catalogue 171; and Catalogue 184: Africana.
1713: Lee, Nathaniel. - Oedipus: a tragedy, as it is acted at His Highness the Duke of York's Theatre. Written by Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lee.
2470: Lee, Nathaniel. - Lucius Junius Brutus; Father of his Country. A Tragedy. Acted at the Duke's Thetaer, by their Royal Highnesses Servants.
1514: Lee, Nathaniel. - Caesar Borgia; son of Pope Alexander the Sixth: a tragedy acted at the Duke's theatre by Their Royal Highnesses servants.
2468: Leeds, Thomas Osborne, Duke of. - An account at large of the Right Honourable the Earl of Danby's arguments at the Court of King's-Bench at Westminster, upon his lordship's motion for bail, the 27th. day of May, term. pasch. 1682.
2469: Leeds, Thomas Osborne, Duke of. - The arguments of the Right Honourable the Earl of Danby the second time, at the Court of King's-Bench at Westminster, upon his lordship's motion for bail, the 29th. day of June, term. Trin. 1682. As they were then exactly Taken.
677: LeFanu, W.R. - A Bio-Bibliography Of Edward Jenner, 1749-1823.
2060: Lefkowicz, Edward J. - Collection of 11 Catalogues.
1849: Léger, Théo. - Les Puissances de Chagrin.
472: Lehner, Ernst. - Alphabets & Ornaments.
418: Leickher, Johann Franz Jacob. - Fruchtbringender Liebes-Sig Oder Verliebte Schäfferey: Zu Befrohlockung deß glorwürdigisten Hochzeitlichen Einzugs ... Leopoldi I. Römischen Kaysers ... Vnd Claudiæ Felicitæ Römischer Kayserin . Verfasset Von Johann Frantz Jacob Leickher J.U.C
002785: Leiter, Levi Ziegler. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Rare Americana from the library of the late Levi Z. Leiter: sold by order of his grandson, Thomas Leiter, the present owner [at an] unrestricted public sale, February 15 and 16. American Art Association, Anderson Galleries.
126: Leland, Charles Godfrey. - Hans Breitmann's Party. With Other Ballads.
861: Lempriere, William. - A Tour from Gibraltar to Tangier, Sallee, Mogodore, Santa Cruz, Tarudant; and thence over Mount Atlas, to Morocco: including a particular Account of the Royal Harem, etc.
2240: Leon, Luis Ponce de. - F. Luysii Legionensis Augustiniani Divinorum Librorum Primi apud Salmanticenses Interpretis. In Psalmum Vigesimum Sextum Explanatio.
2241: Leon, Luis Ponce de. - F. Luysii Legionensis Augustiniani Divinorum Librorum Primi apud Salmanticenses Interpretis, In Cantica Canticorum Salomonis Explanatio.
002968: Léris, Antoine de. - Dictionnaire portatif des Théâtres contenant l'origine des différens théâtres de Paris; Le nom de toutes les Pièces qui y ont été représentées depuis leur établissement, & des Pièces jouées en Province, ou qui ont simplement paru par la voie de l'impression depuis plus de trois siècles; avec des Anecdotes & des Remarques sur la plupart : Le nom & les particularités intéressantes de lla Vie des Auteurs, Musiciens & Acteurs; avec le Catalogue de leurs Ouvrages, & l'exposé de leurs talens : Une Chronologie des Auteurs, des Musiciens & des Opéra; Avec une Chronologie des Pièces qui ont paru depuis vingt-cinq ans.
2195: Levinson, Harry A. - Catalogue 60. History, Literature, Sciences, Scholarship Before 1700.
2196: Levinson, Harry A. - Catalogue 55: English & Continental Books & Manuscripts. 15th to 17th Century. A Bibliographical Catalogue.
1897: Lewis, Matthew Gregory. - Rivers: or the East Indian: A comedy. In five acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane.
147: Lewis, Roy Harley. - Antiquarian Books: An Insiders Account.
2644: Ars Libri. - Collection of 11 Catalogues, a supplement, and 4 Special Bulletins, for a total of 16 items.
002800: Liggett, Carr & J. S. Newman. - Wrongfontia: A Semi-Occasional Publication of the Rowfant Club: Number 1, August 1949 [containing "A Socratic Dialogue"].
002982: Lillo, George. - George Barnwell. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By Mr. Lillo.
002983: Lillo, George. - The London merchant; or, the history of George Barnwell. A tragedy, written by Mr. Lillo. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane.
002984: Lillo, George. - The London merchant; or, the history of George Barnwell. A tragedy, written by Mr. Lillo. ... as performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, ... by Mr. Hopkins, prompter.
1189: Lillo, George. - The Fatal Curiosity: A Tragedy.
2442: MAZARINADE. From the "BIBLIOTHECA LINDESIANA." - Lettre de prediction escrite a madame la dvchesse de Vendosme av mois de ivin 1647. Ov par vne ivste observation d'astrologie est notté le temps que monsieur le duc de Beaufort son fils deuoit sortir du bois de Vincennes.
2274: MAZARINADE. From the "BIBLIOTHECA LINDESIANA." - Le cavalier desmonté.
2273: MAZARINADE. From the "BIBLIOTHECA LINDESIANA." - La Iervsalem Franc?oise, ov les propheìties de Ieremie sont nai?uement expliqueìes suiuant ce qui arriue a present.
1194: MAZARINADE. From the "BIBLIOTHECA LINDESIANA." - La Svite de la Iervsalem Franc?oise, ov les propheìties de Ieremie sont nai?uement expliqueìes suiuant ce qui arriue a present.
542: Lipsius, Justius. - De Constantia Libri Duo.
663: Liveing, Edward G. D. - Attack: An Infantry Subaltern's Impressions of July 1st 1916.
003055: Lloyd, William. - A sermon at the funeral of Sr Edmvnd-Bvry Godfrey, one of His Majesties justices of the peace, who was barbarously murthered. Preached on Thursday the last day of October 1678. In the parish church of St. Martin in the Fields. By William Lloyd D.D. Dean of Bangor, one of His Majesties chaplains in ordinary. Vicar of the said parish of St. Martin.
003054: Lloyd, William. - The late apology in behalf of the papists re-printed and answered, in behalf of the Royallists.
2113: Lloyd, Henry Demarest. - A Country Without Strikes: A Visit to the Compulsory Arbitration Court of New Zealand.
2108: Lobeira, Vasco [translated by Robert Southey]. [SOUTHEY'S & A.E. HOUSMAN'S COPY - WITH CORRECTIONS IN SOUTHEY'S HAND & MARKS IN HOUSMAN'S HAND]. - Amadis of Gaul.
2192: Loccenius, Johannes. - De iure maritimo & navali libris tres.
1350: Locke, John. - The Reasonableness of Christianity: As Delivered in the Scriptures.
2154: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. - The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
2: Longinus, D. - Dionysii Longini de Sublimi Libellus...
689: Longus. - Daphnis & Chloe: A Most Sweet, and Pleasant Pastorall Romance for Young Ladies.
2723: Longus. - Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et Chloé. Escrites en Grec par Longus, & Translateez en François, par Jacques Amyot.
2677: Lossius, Lucas. - Lvcae Lossii Annotationes in Grammaticam D. Philippi Melanth. Latinam, tam docentibus quàm discentibus profuturae: non solùm ad explicationem huius libri grammatici, sed etiam aliorum: ...
632: Robin Waterfield Ltd. - Collection of 8 Robin Waterfield Ltd. catalogues. Catalogues 9, 36, 45-47, 49, 59, and, 61.
1829: Kedem Auction House Ltd. - Collection of 7 Auction Catalogues. Catalogues are: 35: Rare and Important Judaica; 36: Objects: Judaica, Israeliana, Numismatics and Medals; 37: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters; 38: Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art; 39: Judaica, Israeliana, Numismatics and Medals; 40: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters; and 41: Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art.
590: Lucanus, Marcus Annæus. - M. Annæi Lucani Pharsalia, sive De bello civili Cæsaris et Pompeji lib. X: Additæ sunt in fine Hugonis Grotii notæ ex binis antehac editis junctæ, auctæ, correctæ, et Thomæ Farnabii in margine, etc.
2002: Lund, Johann. - Die alten Jüdischen Heiligthümer: Gottestidienste und Gewohnheiten, für Augen gestellet, in einer ausführlichen Beschreibung des ganssen Levitischen Priesterthums, und fünff unterschiedenen Büchern ... ausgearbeitet durch Johannem Lundium; ...
984: Lutz, Marc. - Dictionnaire geographique-statistique de la Suisse. Trad. de l'allemand et revu par J.L.B. Leresche.
002976: Lye, Edward. - Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum. Auctore Eduardo Lye, A. M. Rectore de Yardley-Hastings in Agro Northantoniensi. Accedunt fragmenta versionis Ulphilanæ, necnon opuscula quædam Anglo-Saxonica.
2758: Lynch, Maude Dutton. - The Magical Clothes-Pins.
003157: Lyttleton, George. - Observations on the conversion and apostleship of St. Paul. In a letter to Gilbert West, Esq.
336: Maberly, J. - The Print Collector. An Introduction to the Knowledge Necessary for Forming a Collection of Ancient Prints.
1092: Mably, Abbé Gabriel Bonnot de. - Entretiens de Phocion sur le rapport de la morale avec la politique. Traduit du grec de Nicoclès, ...
1516: MacArthur, Samuel. - The Duke of Rothsay, a tragedy.
2341: Machiavelli, Niccolò. - Libro dell'arte della guerra di Nicolo Machiauelli cittadino et secretario fiorentino.
002860: Mackall, Leonard L. [WROTH'S COPY]. - The Source of Force's Tract "A Brief Account of the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia, under Gen. James Oglethorpe, February 1, 1733."
003160: Mackenzie, George, Sir. - A moral essay, preferring solitude to publick employment, and all it's appanages; such as fame, command, riches, pleasures, conversation, &c. By Sir George Mackenzie, His Majesties Advocate in Scotland, and author of Moral Gallantry and Jus Regium.
003159: Mackenzie, George, Sir. - The religious stoic: or a short discourse on these several subjects, viz. Of atheism. Superstition. Worlds creation. Eternity, providence, theology. Strickness of churches. Of the scriptures. Of the moral and judicial law. Of monsters. Of man and his creation. Of the immortality of the soul. Of faith and reason. Of the fall of angels, and what their sin was. Of mans fall. Of the stile of Genesis why man fell. A refutation of the millinaries, &c. With a friendly address to the phanatics of all sects and sorts. By Sir George Mackenzie.
003158: Mackenzie, George, Sir. - Observations upon the 28. [sic] Act, 23. Parl. K. James VI. against dispositions made in defraud of creditors, &c. By Sir George Mckenzie of Rosehaugh.
2471: Mackenzie, George, Sir. - The Science of Herauldry, treated as part of the Civil Law, and Law of nations; wherein reasons are givenfor its Principles, and Etymologies for its harder terms.
171: Mackie, Charles. - Historical Description of the Abbey and Town of Paisley.
002985: Macklin, Charles. - Love a-la-mode; a comedy: as it is acted at the Theatre, Smoke-Alley, Dublin.
1899: Macklin, Charles. - Love a la Mode: A farce.
2003: Macky, John. - A Journey through the Austrian Netherlands, containing the modern History and Description of all the Provinces, Towns, Castles, Palaces, &c. of that Fruitful, Populous Country ... By the author of the Journey through England and Scotland.
2543: Macready, William. - The Bank Note, or, Lessons for Ladies, a Comedy, in Five Acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. Partly an Alteration.
2004: Maffei, Scipione. - Galliae antiquitates quaedam selectae atque in plures epistolas distributae.
673: Maittaire, Michel. - Annales typographici ab artis inventae origine ad annum M.DCLXIV.
1373: Malebranche, P. B. Maximilien. - Le microscope bibliographique.
351: Dawsons of Pall Mall (then Dawson Book Service and later Dawson UK Ltd.). - Collection of 21 Catalogues and 1 Duplicate, for a total of 21 items.
1900: Mallet, David. - Elvira: a tragedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane.
2544: Mallet, David. - Amyntor and Theodora; or, The Hermit. A Poem. In Three Cantos.
1190: Mallet, David. - Eurydice. A Tragedy.
003161: Manners, Lady Catharine Rebecca, Baroness High Tower. - Review of poetry, ancient and modern. A poem. By Lady M******.
1153: Marcel, Gabriel. - Rome n'est plus dans Rome.
125: Marchmont, Frederick. - The Three Cruikshanks. A Bibliographical Catalogue, Describing More than 500 Works...Illustrated by Isaac, George and Robert Cruikshank. The Introduction by Julian Moore.
443: Marie, Sister Elizabeth. - Eric Gill: Twentieth Century Book Designer.
2005: Marini, Giueseppe. - Notizia delle cose più osservabili della città di Verona.
1044: Martin, John. - Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books.
2006: Martin, Manuel. - Exercicio quotidiano con diferentes oraciones, y devociones para antes y despues de la confession, y sagrada comunion: Se ha anadido el exercicio christiano, oraciones para el santo sacrificio de la missa, con estampas.
2007: Martin, Martin [+ ONE More Work]. - A voyage to Shetland, the Orkneys, and the Western Isles of Scotland. Giving an account, of the laws, customs, antiquities, natural curiosities, fisheries, &c. of those places; ...
2008: Martin, Martin [+ ONE More Work]. - A voyage to St. Kilda: the remotest of all the Hebrides; or, Western Isles of Scotland.
1654: Martyn, Thomas. - Thirty-eight Plates with Explanations; Intended to Illustrate Linnaeus's System of Vegetables, and Particularly Adapted to the Letters on the Elements of Botany.
2619: Masefield, John. - John M. Synge: A Few Personal Recollections with Biographical Notes.
2620: Masefield, John. - The Midnight Folk.
62: Masefield, John. - Reynard the Fox or the Ghost Heath Run.
598: Masefield, John. - The Dream.
221: Masefield, John. - Shakespeare & Spiritual Life.
2615: Masefield, John. - The Everlasting Mercy.
396: Masefield, John. - Sonnets and Poems.
111: Masefield, John. - Lollingdon Down and other Poems.
1273: Masefield, John. - John Ruskin.
61: Masefield, John. - Philip the King and Other Poems.
1489: Maslenitsyn, S. I. - Yaroslavian Icon Painting.
002987: Mason, Wiliiam. - Elfrida: a dramatic poem. Written on the model of the ancient Greek tragedy. By W. Mason, M.A.
002986: Mason, William. - Elfrida, a dramatic poem. Written on the model of the ancient Greek tragedy. By Mr. Mason.
2342: Massey, William. - Corruptae latinitatis index: or, a collection of barbarous words and phrases, which are found in the works of the most celebrated modern writers in Latin.
1393: Matasek, Ray J. - Drawing for Zinc Etching.
2009: Matthews, John. - Voyage à la Rivière de Sierra-Leone, sur la Cote d'Afrique, contenant une relation du Commerce, des Productions, des Coutumes, tout Civiles que Religieuses, et des Moeurs.
003162: Matthieu, Pierre. - The povverfull fauorite, or, The life of Ælius Seianus.
003164: Maundrell, Henry. - Reize van Aleppo naar Jeruzalem, op Paasschen, in 't jaar 1698.
865: Maundrell, Henry. - A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, at Easter, A.D. 1697. The Sixth Edition; to which is now added an Account of the Author's Journey to the Banks of the Euphrates.
1154: Maurina, Zenta. - Sieben Gäste: die Geschichte einer Woche.
1155: Maurois, André. - Destins Exemplaires.
1159: Mauron, Marie. - Une Reine de Tragédie: Jeanne Ire de Naples et de Provence.
1158: Mauron, Marie. - A l'Ombre Soleilleuse.
1157: Mauron, Marie. - Le Quartier Mortisson.
1156: Mauron, Marie. - Le Solitaire Enchantée.
1459: Maximus, Tyrius. - Sermones sive Disputationes XLI.
002794: Mayer, Lewis. - Catalogue of the Manuscripts, Maps, Medals, Coins, Statuary, Portraits and Pictures; and an Account of the Library of the Maryland Historical Society.
705: Mayhew, Horace, editor [+ FIVE More Works]. - The Comic Almanack for 1849.
871: Mazzinghi, John [Giovanni]. - Histoire de l'antiquité et de l'etat présent de Londres, de Westminster, et du bourg de Southwark, contenant un guide pour les bâtimens publics et particuliers de la metropole.
2090: McAllister, Callista. - Pornella.
938: McClennan, Elizabeth. - History of American Costume.
1326: McCord, Howard. - Bone/Hueso.
373: McDowall, Arthur. - Peaks and Frescoes: A Study of the Dolomites.
002861: McKay, George L. [STREETER'S COPY]. - A Register of Artists, Engravers, Booksellers, Bookbinders, Printers & Publishers in New York City, 1633-1820.
002934: McMurtrie, Douglas C, [WROTH'S COPY]. - Indiana Imprints 1804-1849. A Supplement to Mary Alden Walker's "Beginnings of Printing in the State of Indiana," published in 1934.
2179: Mede, Joseph. [ONE OTHER COPY KNOWN]. - A Discourse upon I. Tim. 5. 17. concerning Preaching and Ruling Elders. Taken from the Works of the Pious and profoundly Learned Joseph Mede, B.D. for the Use of such as have not his large Volume.
2321: Mede, Joseph. - The reverence of Gods house. A sermon preached at St. Maries in Cambridge, before the Universitie on St. Mattheis day, Anno 1635/6.
1852: Mehring, Franz. - Die Lessing Legende.
1031: Mellown, Elgin W. - Bibliography of the Writings of Edwin Muir.
2585: Menage, Gilles. - Dictionnaire etymologique, ou origines de la langue francoise, par Mr. Menage. Nouvelle edition revue & augmentee par l'auteur. Avec les origines francoises de Mr. de Caseneuve: un Discours sur la science des etymologies, par le P. Besnier, ...
1049: Menander. - Menandri et Philomeni Reliquæ, quotquot reperiri potuerunt; Græce et Latine, cum notis Hugonis Grotii et Joannis Clerici, qui etiam novam omnium versionem adornavit, indicésque adjecit.
2423: Mencke (Menken), Johann Burkhard. - De la charlatanerie des Savans. Avec des Remarques Critiques de differens Auteurs.
1235: Menhart, Oldrich. - Abendgespräche des Bücherfreundes Rubricius und des Buchdruckers Tympanus.
2011: Mercier, Louis Sébastien. - Memoirs of the Year Two Thousand Five Hundred. Tr. By W. Hooper.
2333: Mero, M., Prétre. - Oraison funèbre de Très-Grand, Très-Haut, Très-Puissant: et Très-Excellent Prince, Louis XV, le Bien-Aimé, Roi de France et de Navarre, Prononcée au service, que la Ville de Grasse a fait célébrer pour le feu Roi, ...
002884: Merritt, Percival. [WROTH'S COPY]. - The Royal Primer.
2424: Mervesin, Joseph. - Histoire de la Poësie françoise.
003056: Metastasio, Pietro. - Artaxerxes. An English opera. As it is performed at the Theatres Royal in Drury-Lane, and Covent-Garden. The musick composed by Tho. Aug. Arne, Mus. Doc.
2082: Metz, Jerred. - The Temperate Voluptuary.
1160: Meyer, Heinrich. - Goethe: das Leben im Werk.
3: Michaelis, Johann David. - Spicilegium Geographiae Hebraeorum Exterea Post Bochartum.
2678: Michaelis, Christian Benedict. - Syriasmvs, id est, Grammatica Lingvae Syriacae, cvm Fvndamentis necessariis, tvm Paradigmatibvs plenioribvs, tvm deniqve Vbere syntaxi, et Idiomatibvs Lingvae, instrvcta.
003165: Miège, Guy. - The great French dictionary. In two parts. The first, French and English; the second, English and French; according to the ancient and modern orthography. Wherein each language is set forth in its greatest latitude: the various senses of words, both proper and figurative are orderly digested; and illustrated with apposite phrases, and proverbs: the hard words explained; and the proprieties adjusted. To which are prefixed the grounds of both languages, in two grammatical discourses; the one English, and the other French.
56: Miers, Earl Schenck & Richard Ellis - Bookmaking & Kindred Amenities.
672: Mikhail, E.H. - A Bibliography of Modern Irish Drama: 1899-1970.
1606: Mikolajczak, Michael Allen, Editor. - The Seventeenth-Century Research Collection: A Selected Catalog.
2076: De Mille, Richard. - Two Qualms & a Quirk.
002988: Miller, James. - Mahomet the impostor. A tragedy, as it is now acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane.
2102: Miller, Henry. - Henry Miller's Book of Friends.
002883: Miller, C. William. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Benjamin Franklin's Philadelphia Type.
2097: Miller, Henry. - First Impressions of Greece.
2091: Miller, Henry. - The Waters Reglitterized.
2012: Milton, John. - Paradise Regain'd. A Poem, in Four Books. To which is added, Samson Agonistes; and Poems upon several Occasions. With a Tractate of Education.
2472: Milton, John. - Comus, a masque. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden.
002989: Milton, John. - Comus: a masque. As originally adapted to the stage, and altered from Milton. ... as performed, in two acts, at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-book, ... by Mr. Wild, prompter.
1274: Minischalci, Aloysius Comes de. - Mororum Libri III. Carminum Liber.
2679: Mirabeau, Victor de Riquetti, Marquis de. - L'Ami des Hommes ou Traité de la Population.
2681: Nani Mirabelli, Domenico. - Polyanthea, opvs svavissimus floribvs exornatvm.
961: Miri, Adam Erdmann. - Summarium Ebrææ Linguæ, Septendecim Tabulis,...
814: Mitaud, Janine. - Hâte de Vivre.
2095: Mitchner, Stuart. - About India.
129: Mitford, Mary Russell. - Our Village.
359: Mizauld, Antoine. - Centuriae IX. Memorabilium, utilium, iucundorum in Aphorismos Arcanorum omnis generis locupletes, perpulcre digestæ;...
2395: Moberly, George. - The Sayings of the Great Forty Days.
1455: Léon de Modène. - Cérémonies et Coustumes qui s'observent aujourd'huy parmi les Juifs, traduites de l'Italien de Leon de Modène.
1302: Moivre, Abraham de. - Annuities upon lives: or, the valuation of annuities upon any number of lives; as also, of reversions. To which is added, an appendix concerning the expectations of life, and probabilities of survivorship.
907: Moll, Hermann. - Geographia Classica: the Geography of the Ancients, so far describ'd as it is contained in the Greek and Latin Classics, in Twenty-Nine Maps of the Old World and its Several Kingdoms.
1816: Mollhausen, Heinrich Balduin. - Reisen in die Felsengebirge Nord-Amerikas bis zum Hoch-Plateau van Neu-Mexico, unternommen als Mitglied der im Auftrage der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten Ausgesandten Colorado=Expedition.
1817: Mollhausen, Heinrich Balduin. - Diary of a Journey from the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific with a United States Government Expedition.
1161: Molo, Walter Von. - Ein Deutscher ohne Deutschland.
869: Molo, Walter Von. - Fugen des Seins.
485: Montaigne, Michel De. - Essays of Michael Seigneur de Montaigne. In three books with marginal notes and quotations.
2014: Montenari, Giovanni. - Del Teatro Olimpico di Andrea Palladio in Vicenza.
2523: Montgaillard, Maurice, Comte de. [GEORGE FINCH'S COPY - OF EVEREST FAME & FIRST HUMAN TO CLIMB ABOVE 8,000 METRES - PLUS 5 MORE ITEMS] - Etat de la France au mois de Mai, 1794.
1638: Moore, Edward. - Fables for the female sex.
002990: Moore, Edward. - The foundling. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Moore, Author of Fables for the Female Sex.
694: Moore, T. Sturge. - Roderigo of Bivar.
002991: Moore, Edward. - The gamester. A tragedy. As written by Mr. Moore, ... as performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book. ... By Mr. Hopkins, prompter.
913: Moore, John Hamilton. - A New and Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels ... the Whole describing ... Europe, Asia, Africa, and America: ... and exhibiting a View of the Present State of the World.
680: More, Hannah. - The History of Tom White, the Postilion. AND The Way to Plenty: or, the Second Part of Tom White.
2473: Morgan, McNamara. - Philoclea. A Tragedy. As It Is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent Garden.
003221: Morgan, Elise Nevins. - The Angel of the Presence.
768: Morgan, Joseph, compiler. - Phoenix Britannicus: being a miscellaneous collection of scarce and curious tracts, historical, political, biographical, Satirical, Critical, Characteristical, &c. Prose and Verse.
1026: Morris, Brian. - John Cleveland (1613-1658). A Bibliography of his Poems.
979: Morrow, Bradford. - Three Catalogues.
002880: Morse, Jarvis Means. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Connecticut Newspapers in the Eighteenth Century.
1639: Moschopoulos, Emanuel. - [Tou sopho¯tatou kai logio¯tarou Manoue¯lou tou Moschopoulou Peri schedo¯n]. Manuelis Moschopuli De ratione examinandæ orationis libellus. Ex bibliotheca regia.
003057: Moss, Robert. - The christian's overthrow prevented, and conquest gain'd. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at Saint James's Chappel, on Sunday, April. 22. 1705. By Robert Moss, D. D. and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Published by Her Majesties Special Command.
002924: Moss, Sanford A. [WROTH'S COPY]. - The Low Family of New York City Publishers, 1795-1829.
1685: Mott, Howard S. - Collection of 16 Catalogues, plus 1 Duplicate, for a total of 17 items.
003163: Mauquest de La Motte, Guillaume. - A general treatise of midwifry: illustrated with upwards of four hundred curious observations and reflexions concerning that art. Written originally in French by La Motte, sworn surgeon and man midwife at Valognes. And translated into English by Thomas Tomkyns, surgeon.
2680: Mouhy, Charles de Fieux, chevalier de. - Tablettes dramatiques, contenant l'abrégé de l'Histoire du Théâtre François, L'établissement des Théâtres à Paris, un Dictionnaire des Pièces et l'abrégé de l'Histoire des Auteurs & Acteurs.
1327: Moussinac, Léon. - Jean Picart le Doux.
1162: Munteano, B. - Littérature Roumaine.
2194: Muret, Pierre. - Rites of Funeral Ancient and Modern, in use through the Known World. Written originally in French by the Ingenious Monsieur Muret. To which is added, A Vindication of Christianity against Paganism. All Translated into English by P. Lorrain.
1301: Muret, Marc-Antoine. - M. Antonii Mvreti, presbyteri I.C. et civis Rom. Orationvm volvmina dvo: qvorvm primvm ante aliqvot annos in lucem prodijt, secundum vero recens est editum ... ; adiunximus etiam Caroli Sigonii oratoris disertissimi Orationes VII, ...
927: Muret, Marc-Antoine. - M. Antonii Mvreti presbyteri, I.C. et civis Romani, oratoris ac poetæ clarissimi, Epistolae, Hymni sacri, et Poemata omnia. Editio ultima, ab authore emendata.
002997: Murphy, Arthur. - The Grecian daughter. A tragedy. By Arthur Murphy, Esq. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers.
1523: Murphy, Arthur. - The desert island, a dramatic poem, as it is acted at the TheatreRoyal in Drury-Lane.
002863: Murphy, Robert Cushman. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Robert Ferryman, Forgotten Naturalist.
2727: Nairne, Edward. - Poems, miscellaneous and humorous, with explanatory notes and explanations.
1460: Nakhshabi, Ziya' al Din. - The Tooti Nameh, or Tales of a parrot, in the Persian language.
2074: Nathan, Robert. - Evening Song: Selected Poems 1950-1973.
2015: Nave, Joseph [François Tiroli]. - Le Véritable Guide des Voyageurs en Italie avec la Description des Routes & des Postes.
283: Nebenzahl, Kenneth. - Collection of 11 Bulletins, 6 Compasses, and 17 Catalogues, for a total of 34 catalogues.
2728: Necker, Jacques. - De l'Importance des opinions religieuses.
963: Negusantius, Antonio. - Tractatus de Pignoribus et Hypothecis, Autore D. Antonio Negusantio, F. Balduino, et H. Donello Jureconsult ... Tractatum, de Privilegiis Creditorum...
2682: Nepos, Cornelius. - Emillio Probo de Gli Huomini Illustri di Grecia. Tradotto per Remigio Fiorentino.
003220: Neuburg, Victor Benjamin. [under the pseudonym: Shirley Tarn]. - Seven Poems.
597: Newton, A. Edward. - Newton on Blackstone.
1371: Parthenius of Nicaea & Plutarch. - Les Affections de Divers Amans. Les Narrations d'Amour de Plutarche.
003098: Nicholls, William. - A comment on the book of common-prayer, and administration of the sacraments, &c. Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David.
1571: Nossack, Hans Erich. - Die Rotte Kain. Schauspiel in drei Akten.
1163: Nossack, Hans Erich. - Der Jüngere Bruder.
1165: Nossack, Hans Erich. - Gedichte.
529: Offenbacher, Emil. - Collection of 4 Emil Offenbacher Catalogues. Catalogue No. 33: Medicine and Science. A Selection of Rare Books (1981); Catalogue 36: Rare and Significant Books in Medicine and Science (1984); Catalogue 37: Rare Books illustrating the History of Medicine and Science (1985); & Catalogue 42: A Selection of Rare Books on Medicine, Science and Technology (1990).
2017: Oldys, William. - The British Librarian: Exhibiting a Compendious Review or Abstract Of our most Scarce, Useful, and Valuable Books in all Sciences, as well in Manuscript as in Print: ...
2755: Olsen, Don. - The Last Hole. Epitaphs for Golfers By the Old Nerwegian.
2243: Olulluxean, Yovakim. [O'ghullukhean, Hovakim]. - Niwt' bskakan ays e Karcarot storagrut'iwn amenayn goyic', ork' pargeweal en mez yamenakarolen ar I gorcacelu hanapaz t'e ibrew kerakur, t'e ibrew del, ew noc'a gorcacelun kerpe, ksark'e ew amanake.
003167: Orr, Hector. - A history of Free Masonry; and the duties incumbent on the craft; considered in a discourse before the members of Fellowship Lodge, in Bridgewater, at their first regular meeting, June 30th, A.L. 5797. By Hector Orr, R.W.M. elect.
2729: Osbaldiston, William Augustus. - The British Sportsman, or Nobleman, Gentleman and Farmer's Dictionary of Recreation and Amusement.
002864: Osborn, James Marshall. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Joseph Ritson, Scholar at Odds.
920: Osborne, Thomas. - A Collection of Voyages and Travels, consisting of Authentic Authors.
1901: Otway, Thomas. - The Works.
003000: Otway, Thomas. - The orphan: or, the unhappy marriage. A tragedy, written by Mr. Otway. Marked with the variations in the managers books, at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane.
003001: Otway, Thomas. - Venice preserv'd; or, a plot discover'd. A tragedy. Written by Mr. Otway. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden.
1902: Otway, Thomas. - The orphan or, The unhappy-marriage: a tragedy. As it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre.
002999: Otway, Thomas. - The orphan: or, the unhappy marriage. A tragedy.
2018: Ovidius, P.N. - Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide, traduites en François, avec des remarques et des explications historiques. Par M. l'Abbé Banier, de l'Académie Royale des Inscriptions & Belles Lettres.
2730: Ovidius, P.N. - Ouids Tristia containinge fiue bookes of mournfull elegies which hee sweetly composed in the midst of his aduersitie, while hee liu'd in Tomos a cittie of Pontus where hee dyed after seauen yeares banishment from Rome. Translated into English by. W.S.
2731: Ovidius, P.N. - Ovid's Heroicall Epistles. Englished by W. S.
2732: Ovidius, P.N. - Ovid de Ponto. Containing foure books of elegies. Written by him in Tomos, a citie of Pontus, in the foure last yeares of his life, and so dyed there in the seaventh yeare of his banishment from Rome. Translated by W.S.
856: Owen, John. - Epigrammatum Ioan Oweni Cambro Britanni Oxoniensis Editio Postrema correctissima et Posthumis quibusdam adaucta.
002826: Owen, A. E. B. [A.N.L. MUNBY'S COPY]. - University Library, Cambridge. Summary Guide to Accessions of Western Manuscripts (other than Medieval) since 1867.
2298: Della Paglia, Antonio. - Aonii Palearii Verulani Epistolarum Lib IIII. Orationes XIIII. De Animorum Immortalitate.
1310: Pagninus, Sanctus. - Otzar leshon hakodesh Hoc est, Thesaurus linguae sanctae. Sic enim inscribere placuit lexicon hoc Hebraicum : quod quem admodum ex thesauro pretiosissima [In fine] : Hoc est, finis thesauri linguae sanctae.
2267: Pallavicino, Sforza. - Vera concilii tridentini historia, contra falsam Petri Suavis Polani narrationem, scripta & asserta a P. Sfortia Pallavicino...primum italico idiomate in lucem edita; deinde ab ipso auctore aucta & revisa; ac latine reddita a P. Johanne Baptista Giattino.
2149: Palmer, Stuart. - The Adventure of the Marked Man and One Other.
002865: Paltsits, Victor Hugo. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Proposal of Henry Stevens for a "Bibliographia Americana" to the Year 1700, to be published by the Smithsonian Institution.
2524: Mallet du Pan, Jacques. [GEORGE FINCH'S COPY - OF EVEREST FAME & FIRST HUMAN TO CLIMB ABOVE 8,000 METRES] - Correspondance Politique pour servir aÌ l'histoire du Reìpublicanisme Francais.
860: Panckoucke, André-Joseph. - L'Art de desoppiler la rate, sive De modo c. prudenter. En prenant chaque feuillet pour se T. le D. Entremele de quelques bonnes choses.
2334: Papon, Jean Pierre, M. l'Abbé, de l'Oratoire. - Oraison funèbre de Charles-Emmanuel III roi de Sardaigne; prononcée dans l'eglise des Révérends Pères Dominicains de Nice le VI avril MDCCLXXIII.
2570: Paré, Ambroise. - Opera. A Docto viro plerisque locis recognita: Et Latinitate donata, Iacobi Guillemeau labore & diligentia.
2425: Parfaict, François & Claude Parfaict. - Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des spectacles de la foire.
003168: Parkyns, Sir Thomas. [UNRECORDED]. - Broadside for the Monument of Sir Thomas Parkyns in St. Mary's Church, Bunny, Nottinghamshire.
2586: Parsons, William. - Travelling Recreations.
1828: Partington, Wilfred, editor. - The Bookman's Journal & Print Collector: A Weekly devoted to Literature and the Collecting of Books and Prints.
1490: Paskaleva, Kostadinka. - Icons from Bulgaria.
249: Pasquier, Estienne. - Les Recherches de la France d'Estienne Pasquier, Conseiller et Advocat General du Roy en la Chambre des Comptes de Paris...
2426: Pasumot, Francois. - Memoires geographiques sur quelques antiquites de la Gaule par M. Pasumot,...
2019: Paterson, Daniel. - Paterson's British Itinerary, being a new and accurate Delineation and Description of the direct and principal Cross Roads of Great Britain.
003059: Patrick, Simon. - A sermon preached in the chappel of St. James's, before His Highness the Prince of Orange, the 20th of January, 1688. By Symon Patrick, D.D. Dean of Peterborough.
1167: Paulhan, Jean. - Lettre aux Directeurs de la Résistance.
1168: Paulhan, Jean. - Petite Préface à toute critique.
1169: Paulhan, Jean. - La Preuve par l'Etymologie.
1388: Santa Paulina, Nicola. - L'arte del cavallo di Nicola e Luigi Santa Paulina; divisa in tre libri; ne primi due, che son di Nicola, si tratta l'arte di ridurre a tutta perfettione il cavallo; nel terzo, che e di Luigi, al presente caval.zo della Accademia Delia di Padova.
002914: Peckham, Howard H. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Full-Tone Collotype for Scientific Reproduction. Supplement Number Sixteen. The only Two Ways to publish Manuscripts.
1454: Peddie, Robert Alexander. - Place-Names in Imprints: an Index to Latin and other forms used on Title Pages.
940: Peel, Bruce. - Early Printing in the Red River Settlement 1859-1870; and Its Effect on the Riel Rebellion.
2772: Pellerin, Jean-Charles [EARLIEST AMERICAN COMIC STRIPS BY IMAGERIE D'EPINAL] - Comic Strips.
1066: Pemberton, Henry. - A View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy.
1071: Penn, William, Robert Barclay, & Joseph Pike. - Three treatises, in which the fundamental principle, doctrines, worship, ministry and discipline of the people called Quakers, are plainly declared. The first, by William Penn, in England; the second, by Robert Barclay, in Scotland; the third, by Joseph P
003170: Pennant, Joseph. - History of Quadrupeds.
2068: Pennecuik, Alexander. - Streams from Helicon, or, Poems on various subjects: in three parts.
1936: Pennecuik, Alexander. - A Geographical, Historical Description of the Shire of Tweeddale. with a Miscelany [Sic] and Curious Collection of Select Scotish Poems. by A. P. M.
2396: Percival, Emily, editor. - The Garland or Token of Friendship.
1081: Van der Perre, Paul. Palais des Beaux-Arts. Two Auction Catalogues. - Palais des Beaux-Arts. Two Auction Catalogues. Beaux Livres - Précieux Autographes et Documents (1965) & Livres Anciens et Modernes - Autographes et Estampes (1969).
1575: Perruchot, Henri. - Les Grotesques.
1173: Perruchot, Henri. - Montherlant.
1172: Perruchot, Henri. - Gauguin: sa Vie ardente et misérable.
1171: Perruchot, Henri. - Introduction à l'Epiphanisme.
1170: Perruchot, Henri. - Port-Royal.
1461: Perry, William. - The royal standard English dictionary: In which the words are not only rationally divided into syllables, accurately accented, their part of speech properly distinguished, and, their various significations arranged in one line; ...
922: Perry, Charles. - A View of the Levant: Particularly of Constantinople, Syria, Egypt, and Greece. In which their antiquities, government, politics, maxims, manners, and customs, (with many other circumstances and contingencies) are attempted to be described and treated on.
1276: Petrarca, Francesco. - Le rime del Petrarca.
2434: Petrarca, Francesco. - Trostspiegel in Gluck und Ungluck.
2055: Phelps, Michael. - Catalogue Forty Five: A Miscellany of Rare & Interesting Books on Medicine, Science & Allied Subjects.
2734: Philipps, Fabian. - Tenenda non tollenda, or The necessity of preserving tenures in capite and by knight-service, vvhich according to their first institution were, and are yet, a great part of the salus populi, and the safety and defence of the King, as well as of his People
49: Philips, John. - Bleinheim, a poem.
1035: Phillips, Edward. - Theatrum poetarum, or A compleat collection of the poets, especially the most eminent, of all ages. The antients distinguish't from the moderns in their several alphabets. With some observations and reflections upon many of them, particularly those of our own nation. Together with a prefatory discourse of the poets and poetry in generall.
2684: Picard, Jean. - Ioannis Picardi Toutreriani De prisca celtopaedia, libri quinque. Quibus admiranda priscorum Gallorum doctrina & eruditio ostenditur, necnon literas prius in Gallia fuisse, quaÌm vel in Graecia vel in Italia; ...
1904: Picot, Emile. - Bibliographie Cornélienne, ou description raisonnée de toutes les éditions des oeuvres de Pierre Corneille, des imitations ou traductions qui en ont été faites et des ouvrages relatifs à Corneille et à ses écrits.
2010: Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de. - La Capanna Indiana, ... tradotta dal Francese da Ant. Bruner.
341: Pilkington, Matthew. - The Gentleman's & Connoisseur's Dictionary of Painters...
003171: Pilmore, Joseph. - A sermon, preached in St. Paul's Church Philadelphia, on Wednesday, 27th December, 1786. Being the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist; for the relief of the poor: before the honorable fraternity of the Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania. By the Rev. Joseph Pilmore, Rector of the United Churches of Trinity, St. Thomas, and All-Saints.
1559: Pilon, Frederick. - Barataria: or, Sancho turn'd governor; a farce in two acts. As performed at the Theatre Royal Covent-Garden.
003040: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - More lyric odes to the Royal Academicians, by Peter Pindar, Esquire. A distant relation of the poet of thebes, and laureat to the academy.
2495: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - An Apologetic Postscript to Ode upon Ode. Or a Peep at Saint James's.
2496: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Bozzy and Piozzi: or, the British Biographers. A Town Eclogue.
003034: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - An apologetic postscript to ode upon ode. By Peter Pindar, Esq.
003041: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Ode upon ode; or, a peep at St. James's; or, New-Years's Day; or, what you will. By Peter Pindar, Esq.
003042: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Ode upon ode; or, A peep at St. James's; or, New-Year's day; or, what you will. By Peter Pindar, Esq.
003043: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Pathetic odes. The Duke of Richmond's dog Thunder, and the widow's pigs - a tale: The Poor Soldier of Tilbury Fort: Ode to Certain Foreign Soldiers: Ode to Eastern Tyrants: The Frogs and Jupiter-a Fable: The Diamond Pin and Candle-a Fable: The sun and the peacock - a fable. By Peter Pindar, Esq.
003045: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - A poetical epistle to a falling minister; Also an imitation of the twelfth ode of Horace. By Peter Pindar, Esquire.
003046: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - A poetical, supplicating, modest, and affecting epistle to those literary colossuses, the reviewers, by Peter Pindar, Esq.
003047: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - The rights of kings; or, loyal odes to disloyal academicians; by Peter Pindar, Esq.
003048: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Subjects for painters. By Peter Pindar, Esquire.
003049: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - The cap. A Satiric poem. Including most of the dramatic writers of the present day. By Peter Pindar, Esq. With notes, illustrative of His Royal Highness the Duke of York. Lord Mulgrave, Doctor Moore, Mr. Cumberland, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Jephson, Mr. Greathead. Lady Wallace, Mrs. Piozzi, Miss Burney, Mrs. Gooch, Mrs. Inchbald, Mrs. Cowley, Miss Hughes, Mrs. Robinson, Lord Mountmorres, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. O'Keefe, Mr. Holcroft, Mr. Boaden, Mr. Morton, Mr. Cobb, Mr. I. P. Kemble, Mr. Harris, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Dives, Mr. Colman, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Jerningham, Major Scott, Mr. Berrington, Mr. Pye, Mr. Watson, Mr. Murphy. Mr. M. P. Andrews, Mr. Hoare, Mr. Topham, Mr. Dibdin, Mr. Hurlstone, Mr. H. Bate Dudley, Mr. J. Taylor, Mr. Woodfall, Mr. Litchfield, R
003050: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - The lousiad. An heroi-comic poem. Canto I. By Peter Pindar, Esq. [with] The lousiad. An heroi-comic poem. Canto II. With an engraving by an eminent Artist. By Peter Pindar, Esquire. [with] The lousiad, an heroi-comic poem. Canto III. By Peter Pindar, Esquire. With an engraving by an eminent artist. [with] The lousiad, an heroi-comic poem. Canto IV. By Peter Pindar, Esq. [MIXED SET OF THE FOUR CANTOS TOGETHER].
003033: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Advice to the future laureat: an ode, by Peter Pindar, Esq.
003036: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Expostulatory odes to a great duke and little lord. By Peter Pindar, Esquire.
003044: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Peter's prophecy; Or, The president and poet; or An important epistle to Sir J. Banks, on the approaching election of a president of the Royal Society. With an etching by an eminent artist. By Peter Pindar, Esquire.
003073: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Peter's prophecy; or, the president and poet; or, an important epistle to Sir J. Banks, on the approaching election of a president of the Royal Society. With an etching by an eminent artist. By Peter Pindar, Esquire.
003035: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Brother Peter to Brother Tom. An expostulatory epistle. By Peter Pindar, Esq.
003038: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Lyric odes to the Royal Academicians, for M,DCC,LXXXII. By Peter Pindar, a distant relation of the poet of Thebes.
003039: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Lyric odes, for the year 1785: by Peter Pindar, Esq. a distant relation of the poet of Thebes, and laureat to the Royal Academy.
003037: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - Lyric odes, for the year 1785. By Peter Pindar Esq. a distant relation of the poet of Thebes, and laureat to the Royal Academy.
003172: Pindar, Peter [Wolcot, John]. - A Rowland for an Oliver; or A poetical answer to the benevolent epistle of Mr. Peter Pindar. Also the manuscript odes, songs, letters, &c. &c. of the above Mr. Peter Pindar, now first published by Sylvanus Urban.
2662: Pirages, Phillip J. - Collection of 66 Catalogues.
1277: Plato. - Parmenides sive de Ideis et uno rerum Omnium Principio Platonis Dialogus.
2435: Plimpton, Francis T. P. - In Praise of Polygamy. Informal Remarks at Amherst College Chapel February 22, 1957.
2588: Pluche, Noël Antoine, Abbé. - Le spectacle de la nature, ou entretiens sur les particularités de l'histoire naturelle, qui ont paru les plus propres à rendre les jeunes-gens curieux, & à leur former l'esprit.
003173: Pluche, Noël Antoine, Abbé. [WITH THE DATED BOOKPLATE OF JOHN WOODROFFE, M.A., ENGRAVED BY J. SKINNER, SCULPT]. - Spectacle de la nature: or, Nature display'd. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity, and form the minds of youth.
2476: Plummer, Thomas. - The Inconsistencies of Mr. Pitt, on the Subject of the War, and the present state of our commerce, considered, and fairly stated.
2309: Plutarchus. - Les vies des hommes illvstres, Grecs et Romains, comparees l'vne auec l'autres par Plutarque de Chaeronee.
2020: Pockocke, Richard. - Voyages de Richard Pockocke, member de la Société Royale, & de celle des antiquités de Londres, &c., en Orient, dans l'Egypte, l'Arabie, la Palestine, la Syrie, la Grèce, la Thrace, &c., &c., &c., ...
926: Pococke, Richard. - A Description of the East, and some other countries.
002885: Pogo, Alexander. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Early Editions and Translations of Xerez: Verdadera Relacion de la Conquista del Peru.
1384: Poinsinet, Antoine-Alexandre-Henri. - Le choix des Dieux ou les fêtes de Bourgogne, divertissement en 1 acte à l'occasion de l'arrivée se S.A.S.Monseigneur le Prince de Condé, à Dijon, pour la tenue des Etats de la province. Représenté à Dijon le dimanche 13 juillet 1766.
003174: Pointon, Priscilla. - Poems by Mrs. Pickering. To which are added Poetical sketches by the author, and translator of Philotoxi Ardenæ.
1754: Librairie Céline Poisat. - Collection of 3 Catalogues: Nos.: 1, 3, & 5.
1385: Poliziano, Angelo. - Stanze di Messer Angelo Poliziano per la Giostra del Magnifico Giuliano di Piero de'Medici, riscontrate di nuovo co' Testi migliori e diligentemente Rivedute.
403: Pollard, Alfred W. - Fine Books.
2547: Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig, Freiherr von. - Les amusemens de Spa, or, The gallantries of the Spaw in Germany: containing the virtues of every spring, their nature and several uses, the reasons why frequented by persons of the first distinction, besides drinking the waters, ...
1101: Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig, Freiherr von. - La Saxe Galante.
1625: Pope, Alexander. - Saggio su l'uomo. Poema filosofico in cinque lingue cioè inglese, latina, italiana, francese e tedesca.
2751: Pope, Alexander. - Letters of Mr. Pope, and Several Eminent Persons, from the Year 1705, to 1711 & Letters of Mr. Pope, and Several Eminent Persons, from the Year 1711, &c.
2590: Poree, Charles-Gabriel, Abbe. - Histoire de D. Ranucio d'Aletes, ecrite par lui-meme.
1896: La Porte, Joseph and Jean Marie Bernard Clément. - Anecdotes Dramatiques, ...
002913: Pottinger, David T. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Full-Tone Collotype for Scientific Reproduction. Supplement Number 4. Scientific Literary Study of Ancient Documents and Books.
003125: Pougens, Marie-Charles-Joseph de. - Julie, ou la Religieuse de Nismes, Drame Historique en un Acte et en Prose.
2735: Povoleri, Giovanni. - New geographical tables. Exhibiting at one view all the empires, kingdoms, states, republics, provinces, title, position, situation, extent, climates, boundaries, sub-divisions, square miles, cities, chief towns, coronation places, villages, ...
003202: Power, Thomas (Milton, John). - Some Passages of Milton's Paradise Lost, translated into Latin verse by Mr. Power.
003176: Poyntz, Anne B. - Je ne sçai quoi: or, a collection of letters, odes, &c. Never before published. By a Lady.
1776: Praetorius, Charles. - The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth. The Earliest Known Quarto, 1598, a Facsimile in Foto-Lithography.
2575: Pratensis, Jason. - De pariente et partu liber Iasonis a Pratis, Zyricaei.
2576: Pratensis, Jason. - De uteris libri duo Iasonis a Pratis, Zyricæi, in quibus opulentissimam ac lautissimam naturalium rerum & historiarum supellectilem invenies.
2574: Pratensis, Jason. - De arcenda sterilitate, et progignendis liberis, liber unus, D. Iasonis Pratensis, Zyricaei.
2021: Prattent, Thomas. - The Virtuoso's Companion and Coin Collector's Guide.
2664: PRBM (Phildelphia Rare Books & Manuscripts). - Collection of 19 Catalogues and 48 Lists, and 12 Loose Sheets.
2645: A Saint-Benoit-des-Pres. - Collection of 13 Catalogues..
2548: Preston, William. - Democratic Rage; or, Louis the Unfortunate. A Tragedy.
2589: Prevost, Antoine Francois, l'Abbe. - Histoire du chevalier Des Grieux, et de Manon Lescaut.
2686: Lacombe de Prézel, Honoré. - Dictionnaire des portraits historiques, anecdotes et traits remarquables des hommes illustres.
2420: Lacombe de Prézel, Honoré. - Dictionnaire iconologique, ou Introduction à la connoissance des peintures, sculptures, médailles, estampes, et c. avec des descriptions tirées des poètes anciens et modernes, par M. D. P.
2345: Price, Richard. - Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America. To which is added an appendix, containing a state of the national debt, ...
003144: A review of the original principles, religious and moral, of the ancient Bramins: comprehending an account of the mythology, cosmogony, pasts, and festivals, of the Gentoos, followers of the Shastah. With a Dissertation on the Metempsychosis, commonly, th - Holwell, J. Z. [John Zephaniah].
1529: BOOKS-ABOUT-BOOKS. PRINTERS - TWO CONDEMNED TO GALLEYS, TWO HANGED, & TWO MORE PUT ON THE RACK & THEN HANGED. - The Present State of Europe: or, the Historical and Political Monthly Mercury, giving an account of all the Publick and Private occurrences, Civil, Ecclesiastical and Military, that are most considerable in every Court: ...
2736: Prior, Matthew. - Poems on several occasions. By the late Matthew Prior, Esq.
2022: Pronti, Domenico. - Nuova Raccolta di 100 vedutine Antiche della Citta di Roma e sua vicinanze. Incise a Bullino da Domenici Pronti. [vol II] Nuova Raccolta delle Vedutine Moderne ...
1463: Pufendorf, Samuel von. - De officio hominis et civis juxta legem naturalem libri duo, cum annotationibus perpetuis ... et monitis apologeticis ad epistolam, qua G.G.Leibnitius principia Pufendorfii obelo notara voluit ...
2737: Pugh, Benjamin. - A treatise of midwifery, chiefly with regard to the operation. With several improvements in that art. To which is added, some cases, and descriptions, with plates of several new instruments both in midwifery and surgery.
1280: Pulci, Luigi. - Il Morgante Maggiore, di messer Luigi Pulci fiorentino, dedicato all'Illustrissimo Signor D. Matteo di Sarno Patrizio della Citta di Benevento.
003084: Pulgar, Fernando del. - Los Claros Varones de España y los treynta y dos cartas.
769: Pulteney, William, Earl of Bath. - An humble address to the knights, citizens, and burgesses, elected to represent the Commons of Great Britain in the ensuing Parliament. By a Freeholder.
2478: Pulteney, William [Caleb D'Anvers]. - A proper reply to a late scurrilous libel; intitled, Sedition and Defamation display'd.
2023: Pulteney, Richard. [PRESENTATION COPY]. - A General View of the Writings of Linnæus.
2133: Pushkin, Alexander. - The Golden Cockerel.
1688: Quaritch, Bernard, Ltd. - Collection of 20 Catalogues and 2 Bulletins. Catalogues are: 896, 910, 914, 923, 933, 935-937, 945, 947, 951, 957, 969, 981, 1004-1005, 1011, 1019, 1031, and 1194. Bulletins are: New Series Bulletins 11 and 20.
1689: Quaritch, Bernard, Ltd. - Collection of 4 Catalogues, and a duplicate, for a total of 5 items. Catalogues are: 957, 1005, 1011 (+ duplicate), and 1019.
2738: Quarles, Francis. - The virgin vvidow. A comedie. Written by Fra. Quarles.
2124: Quinn, John [MAJOR MANUSCRIPT NOTES ON AMERICA'S COMING OF AGE IN THE ART WORLD]. - Memorandum Against the Imposition of Any Duty on Original Works of Art.
967: Quintilian, Marcus Fabius. - M. F. Quintilliani Declamationes CXXXVII ... Nunc demum P. Aerodii Andegavi, ... ad V. C. Christophorum Thuanum...
968: Quintilian, Marcus Fabius. - M. Fabii Quintiliani Institutionum Oratoriarum Libri XII. Declamationum eiusdem Liber.
1464: Rabelais, Robert (pseudonym). - A Nineteenth Century, and Familiar History of the Lives, Loves, Misfortunes of Abeillard and Heloisa: A Matchless Pair, Who Flourished in the Twelfth Century.
1465: Racine, Jean. - Oeuvres de Jean Racine.
1466: Racine, Jean. - Oeuvres Complètes de Jean Racine.
1906: Ramsay, Allan. - The Gentle Shepherd, a Pastoral Comedy.
1581: Randall, Dale B. J., Editor. - Medieval & Renaissance Studies No. 8: Proceedings of the Southeastern Institute of Medieval & Renaissance Studies.
2752: Rangoni, Elisabetta, princesse de Gonzague. - Lettres de Madame la Princesse de Gonzague sur L'Italie, La France, L'Allemagne et Les Beaux-Arts.
2346: Rastell, John. - Les termes de la ley: or, certaine difficult and obscure words and termes of the common lawes and statutes of this realme now in use expounded and explained. Newly imprinted, and much inlarged and augmented.
1339: Ratcliffe, Dorothy Una. - Dale Dramas: A Book of Little Plays.
791: Ray, John. - Three physico-theological discourses, concerning I The primitive chaos, and creation of the world. II. The general deluge, its causes and effects. III. The dissolution of the world, and future conflagration:.
93: Ray, John. - Observations Topographical, Moral, & Physiological; made in a Journey through part of the Low-Countries, Germany Italy & France: with a Catalogue of Plants not Native of England.
1084: Furetie`re, Antoine. - Furetieriana ou les Bons Mots, et les Remarques d'Histoire, de Morale, de Critique, de Plaisanterie, & d'Erudition, de Mr. Furetiere.
764: Reach, Angus Bethune [+ FIVE More Works]. - A Romance of a Mince-Pie.
2191: Reed, Joseph. - Tom Jones, a Comic Opera: as it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden.
2215: Reese, William S. - Collection of 35 catalogues, 1 bulletin, and 2 lists. Catalogues are: 16, 44, 76, 173-175, 177, 179, 183, 185-186, 195, 199, 205, 210, 213, 218, 224, 228, 233, 237, 241, 247, 253, 262, 269, 274, 280, 286, 289, 293, 298, 302, 306, and 375. Bulletin 223, List: Religion in the Americas, and second List: The Law in the West.
1467: Regnard, Jean-François. - Oeuvres. Nouvelle édition précédée d'une introduction des documents entièrement nouveaux par Edouard Fournier.
2109: Reichert, Josua. [SMALLEST BOOK IN THE WORLD]. - The Smallest Book in the World. Das kleinste Buch der Welt.
1704: Remington, Reg and Philip. - Collection of 4 Remington Catalogues.
2137: Retzsch, Moritz. - Umrisse zu Schiller's Lied von der Glocke.
003082: Pe?rez, Antonio. - Las Obras y Relaciones de Ant. Perez, Secretario de Estado, Que Fue del Rey de España Don Phelippe II. defte nombre. Illustrat, Dum Vexat.
1008: Rhegius, Urbanus. - Der xv. Psalm Davids, ausgelegt durch D. Urbanum Rhegium. Sampt einer Christlichen unterrichtung, von einem unchristlichen unerhörten wucher. Jsa. LVIII. Ruffe getrost.
2531: Rhenferd, Jacob. - Jacobi Rhenferdii Opera philologica dissertationibus exquisitissmi argumenti constantia. Accedunt orationes duae, altera De fundamentis et principiis philologiae sacrae, altera De antiquitate baptismi ante inedita. Praemittitur oratio Cl. Andalae in obitum Rhenferdii habita. Elenchus dissertationum post praefationem exhibetur.
1600: Andronicus Rhodius. - Andronici Rhodii Ethicorum Nichomacheorum paraphrasis. Cum interpretatione Danielis Heinsii, ...
1923: Ap Rhys, Udal. - An Account of the most Remarkable Places and Curiosities in Spain and Portugal.
846: Richards, W. - A Sermon preach'd at Lewin's Mead, Bristol, January 1, 1745-6.
003178: Richardson, Samuel. - Lettres angloises, ou histoire de Miss Clarisse Harlove. Augmentée de l'Eloge de Richardson, des lettres posthumes & du testament de Clarisse.
003177: Richardson, Gabriel. - Of the state of Europe. XIIII. bookes. Containing the historie, and relation of the many prouinces hereof. Continued out of approved authours. By Gabriel Richardson Batchelour in Divinitie, and fellow of Brasen-Nose College in Oxford.
2187: La Gue?rie, Jean Tesson de. - Les Amours de Lucile et de Doligny, ou Lettres de deux amants.
002882: Rittenhouse, Jack D. [STREETER'S COPY]. - New Mexico Civil War Bibliography 1861-1865. An Annotated Checklist of Books & Pamphlets.
1585: De Robeck, Nesta. - La Befana: A Christmas Legend from Italy.
444: Robert, Karl. - Charcoal Drawing without a Master.
571: Roberts, William. - The Book-Hunter in London, Historical and other Studies of Collectors and Collecting.
1560: Roberts, William. - The Fugitives, a Comedy.
933: Robertson, William. - An Historical Disquisition concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India; and the Progress of Trade with that Country prior to the Discovery of the Passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope.
2324: Robins, Benjamin, attributed to. - An address to the electors, and other free subjects of Great Britain; occasion'd by the late secession. In which is contain'd a particular account of all our negociations with Spain, and their treatment of us, for above ten years past.
1608: Robinson, Brooks. - Brooks Robinson's Baseball Quiz.
2753: La Roche, Frau Sophie Gutermann von. - Les caprices de l'amour et de l'amitie; anecdote angloise, suivie d'une petite anecdote allemande.
1386: Rocoles, Jean-Baptiste de. - Les imposteurs insignes: ou, Histoires de plusieurs hommes de neìant, de toutes nations, qui ont usurpeì la qualiteì d'empereurs, roys & princes: des guerres qu'ils ont causeì, accompagneìes de plusieurs curieuses circonstances.
1387: Rocoles, Jean-Baptiste de. - La Fortune Marastre de plusieurs Princes & grands Seigneurs de toutes Nations, depuis environ deux siecles.
389: Rocoles, Jean-Baptiste de. - L'Histoire Veritable du Calvinisme, ou Memoires Historiques touchant la Reformation,...
2578: Jong van Rodenburg, Cornelius de. - Reizen naar de Kaap de Goede Hoop, Ierland en Noorwegen, in de jaren 1791 tot 1797; door Cornelius de Jong, met het, onder zijn bevel staande, 's lands fregat van oorlog, Scipio.
2440: Rodgers, Susan. - Power and Gold. Jewelry from Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines from the Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Museum, Geneva.
1703: Rogers, Arthur. - Collection of 6 Arthur Rogers Catalogues.
2436: Rohault, Jacques. - Traité de physique.
1175: Romains, Jules, Marcel Brion, Francis Carmody, & Richard Exner. - Yvan Goll.
2208: Roscoe, William. - The Butterfly's Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast.
003222: Rosenblatt, Joseph. [FIRST BOOK OF POETRY]. - Voyage of the Mood.
003091: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. - The Blessed Damozel.
003223: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. - Emile, ou De l'education.
2027: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. - Lettres écrites de la Montagne.
003224: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. - Oeuvres choisies.
2025: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. - La Nouvelle Heloise, ou Lettres de Deux Amans, habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes; recueillies et publiées par J.J. Rousseau. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et augmentée de figures en taille douce et d'une table des matières.
2657: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. - Emil eller om Opdragelsen. Seks Deele. Oversat af Fransk (af Jo. Werfel) og udgiven med Tydsklands Opdragelsesrevisorers og en Deel Danske oplysende, bestemmende og rettende Anmærkninger.
2026: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. - Lettres de Deux Amans, habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes.
177: Bonarelli Della Rovere, G. - Filli di Sciro, favole del conte...detto l'aggiunto, accademico intrepido.
003008: Rowe, Nicholas. - The tragedy of Jane Shore. Written in imitation of Shakespear's style. By N. Rowe, Esq;.
003003: Rowe, Nicholas. - The ambitious step-mother. A tragedy, by Nicholas Rowe, Esq. ... as performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, ... by Mr. Hopkins, prompter.
2159: Rowe, Mrs. Elizabeth. - Devout Exercises of the Heart, in Meditation and Soliloquy, Prayer and Praise.
2480: Rowe, Nicholas. - The Ambitious Step-mother. A Tragedy. As 'twas Acted at the New-Theatre in Little-Lincolns-Inn-Fields.
003004: Rowe, Nicholas. - The royal convert. A tragedy, as written by Nicholas Rowe, Esq. ... as performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-book, ... by Mr. Wild, prompter.
003005: Rowe, Nicholas. - The fair penitent. A tragedy. By Nicholas Rowe, Esq. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books. By permission of the managers.
003007: Rowe, Nicholas. - The tragedy of Jane Shore. Written in imitation of Shakespeare's style. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By N. Rowe, Esq.
003006: Rowe, Nicholas. - Tamerlane. A tragedy, by N. Rowe, Esq. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-book, by permission of the manager.
1470: Ruhkopf, Julie & Aug. Moritz. - Nannie's Jewel-Case, or True Stones and False.
301: Ruskin, John. - Pre-Raphaelitism & Notes on the Construction of Sheepfolds.
2308: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, - Dell'ingegnoso cittadino don Chisciotte della Mancia. Composta da Michel di Cervantes Saavedra. Et hora nuovamente tradotta con fedeltà, e chiarezza, di spagnuolo in italiano, da Lorenzo Franciosini fiorentino ....
2549: Sacheverell, Henry. - The Perils of False Brethren, both in Church, and State; set forth in a Sermon Preach'd.
2245: Sadler, John. - Rights of the kingdom, or, Customs of our ancestours: touching the duty, power, election, or succession, of our kings and parliaments: ...
1471: Sadoletus, Jacobus. - Epistolarum libri sexdecim. Eiusdem ad Paulum Sadoletum epistolarum liber unus.
1792: Salloch, William. - Collection of 105 catalogues, plus some duplicates.
2550: Sallustius, Gaius Crispus. [ONLY KNOWN BOOKPLATE ENGRAVED BY PROTHERO]. - C. Crispi Sallustii Bellum Catilinarium et Jugurthinum; Cum Versione Libera. . . . The History of the Wars of Catiline and Jugurtha.
003060: Sancroft, William. - A sermon preach'd to the House of Peers, Novemb. 13th 1678. Being the fast-day appointed by the King to implore the mercies of Almighty God in the protection of His Majesties sacred person, and his kingdoms. By William Archbishop of Canterbury.
2093: Sandburg, Carl. - A Lincoln and Whitman Miscellany.
1877: Sanderson, Sir William. - Aulicus coquinariæ: or A vindication in ansvver to a pamphlet, entituled The court and character of King James. Pretended to be penned by Sir A.W. and published since his death, 1650.
003180: Sandys, George. A relation of a iourney begun an: Dom: 1610. Foure bookes. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of Ægypt, of the Holy Land, of the remote parts of Italy, and ilands adioyning. London: Printed [by Thomas Cotes] for Andrew Crook - Sandys, George. A relation of a iourney begun an: Dom: 1610. Foure bookes. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of Ægypt, of the Holy Land, of the remote parts of Italy, and ilands adioyning. London: Printed [by Thomas Cotes] for Andrew Crooke, 1637. Folio. [iv], 309, [iii]pp. Last leaf is blank. Fourth edition. Dedication is signed: George Sandys. Contemporary calf. With engravings, maps, and two plates, one folding. The engraved title-page is signed: Francisco Delaram sculp. ESTC S116686; STC 21730.$3,200
1791: Sandys, Edwin. - A relation of the state of religion: and with what hopes and pollicies it hath beene framed, and is maintained in the severall states of these westerne partes of the world.
1472: Sannazaro, Jacopo. - Le Opere volgari di M. Jacopo Sanazzaro [¡åsic¡å],... cio¨¨ l'Arcadia, alla sua vera lezione restituita, colle annotazioni del Porcacchi, del Sansovino, e del Massarengo; le rime, arrichite di molti componimenti, tratti da codici mss ed impressi; ...
002972: Bofarull y Sans, Don Francisco. [WROTH'S or MUNBY'S COPY]. - Heraldic Watermarks from the Spanish Essay 'La Heraldica en la Filigrana del Papel.'
003217: Sarnelli, Pompeo. - Guida de' forestieri per la città di Napoli. In cui si contengono tutte le notizie topografiche della Città, e degli edificj sacri, e pubblici da' tempi antichi infino al dì di oggi, per istruire brevemente l'umano, e prestante leggitore. Nuovamente spurgata dalle sviste, ed accresciuta di quanto si osserva in sì famosa Città.
687: Saunders, Richard West. - Skallagrim (Grim The Bald). An Operetta In three Acts.
1562: Saunders, Charles. - Tamerlane the Great: a tragedy; as it is acted by Their Majesties servants at the Theatre Royal.
2101: Savage, Mary. - Addicted to Suicide.
1872: Sawyer, J. R. - The "A.B.C." Guide to Autotype Carbon Printing.
914: Sayce, Richard A. & David Haskell. - A Descriptive Bibliography of Montaigne's Essais 1580-1700.
002957: Scadding, Henry. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Catalogue of the contents of a log shanty book-shelf in the Pioneer's "Simcoe" Lodge, Exhibition Park, Toronto, 1887.
2247: Scaliger, Julius Caesar. - Adversus Desid. Erasmum Orationes Duae, Eloquentiæ Romanae.
2739: Scapula, Joannes. - Joan. Scapulæ Lexicon Græco-Latinum, e probatis auctoribus locupletatum, cum indicibus, et Græco et Latino, auctis, et correctis.
357: Scapula, Joannes. - Joan. Scapulæ Lexicon Græco-Latinum, e probatis auctoribus locupletatum, cum indicibus, et Græco et Latino, auctis, et correctis.
888: Scapula, Joannes. - Lexicon Graeco= Latinvm novvm. In quo ex primitivorvm & simplicivm fontibus derivata atque composita. Ordine non minus naturali, quam alphabetico, breuiter & dilucide deducuntur . . .
1747: Schäfer, Otto. - The Collection of Otto Schäfer. Parts II-IV. Part II: Parisian Books, Part III: Illustrated Books and Historical Bindings, and, Part IV: The Hans Fürstenberg Collection of Eighteenth-Century French Books.
1793: Schäfer, Jörg. - An almost complete run of Catalogues 1-47, missing only catalogue 35, plus 7 duplicates.
2028: Scherer, Johann Baptist Andreas Ritter von. - Eudiometria sive Methodus Aeris Atmosphærici puritatem salubritatemve examinandi.
003009: Schiller, Friedrich. - Don Carlos: a tragedy. Translated from the German of Frederick Schiller, Author Of The Robbers, Minister, And Fiesco.
2058: Schiller, Justin G. - Collection of 5 Justin Schiller Catalogues.
1260: Schmidt, Maximillian. - Hyperdulia Mariana a R. P. Maximiliano Schmidt, Societatis Jesu, Theologo conscripta.
209: Schneer, Richard J. - Juan de la Cuesta: First Printer of Don Quixote de la Mancha: A Bibliographic Record of His Works, 1604 to 1625.
2199: Schoppe, Caspar. - Gasp. Scioppii Scaliger Hypobolimæus, hoc est: elenchus epistolæ Iosephi Burdonis Pseudoscaligeri de vetustate & splendore gentis Scaligeræ Quo praeter crimen falsi & corruptarum litterarum regiarum quod Thrasoni isti impingitur, ...
2430: Schumann, Hellmut. - Collection of 43 Hellmut Schumann Catalogues.
1045: Scott, Edward J.L. - Index to the Sloane Manuscripts in the British Museum.
2248: Scott, Sir Walter. - Marmion, A Tale of Flodden Field.
2481: Scott, Thomas. - The unhappy kindness: or A fruitless revenge. A tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal.
2482: Scott, Thomas. - The Mock-Marriage. A Comedy, Acted at the Theatre in Dorset-Garden, by his Majesty's servants.
2399: Scott, Sir Walter. - Rokeby; and the Bridal of Triermain.
2249: Scott, Sir Walter. - The Lay of the Last Minstrel, a Poem.
002824: Scott, P. G. [A.N.L. MUNBY'S COPY]. - Tennyson's Enoch Arden: A Victorian Best-Seller.
2537: Scudamore, James. - Homer a la mode. A mock poem upon the first, and second books of Homer's Iliads.
1574: Seghers, Pierre. - Piranese.
2193: Selden, John. - Table-talk: being the discourses of John Selden, Esq; or his sense of various matters of weight and high consequence; relating especially to religion and state.
2740: Seller, Abednego. - The antiquities of Palmyra. Containing the history of the city, and its emperors, from its foundation to the present time. With an appendix of critical observations on the names, religion, and government of the country.
002866: Sellers, Horace Wells. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Engravings by Charles Wilson Peale, Limner.
908: Senghor, Léopold Sédar. - Chants pour Naett.
003010: Shadwell, Charles. - The fair Quaker of Deal; or, the humours of the navy. A comedy. By Mr. Charles Shadwell. Adapted for theatrical representation, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, by permission of the manager. .
2030: Shaftesbury, Anthony. - Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times.
2741: Shakespeare, William. - The life and death of Thomas, Lord Cromwell. By Mr. William Shakespear.
1911: Shakespeare, William. - Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark With engravings by Eric Gill & an introduction by Gilbert Murray.
2563: Shakespeare, William. - The Merchant of Venice: a comedy; as it is acted at the theatres-royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden.
2560: Shakespeare, William. - The history of Sir John Oldcastle, the good Lord Cobham. By Mr. William Shakespear.
2561: Shakespeare, William. - Julius Caesar, A Tragedy. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden: regulated from the Prompt-Book, with permission of the managers.
2178: Shakespeare, William. - The Works of William Shakespeare, in eight volumes. In which the beauties observed by Pope, Warburton, and Dodd, are pointed out.
2554: Shakespeare, William. - King Henry VIII: a tragedy. Marked with the variations in the manager's book; at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden
2558: Shakespeare, William. - King Henry V: a tragedy: as it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden.
2559: Shakespeare, William. - Timon of Athens: a tragedy: as it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden.
2555: Shakespeare, William. - Cymbeline. A Tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden.
2557: Shakespeare, William. - Julius Caesar: a tragedy: as it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden.
2553: Shakespeare, William. - Othello, the Moor of Venice: a tragedy: as it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden.
407: Shakespeare, William. - Venus and Adonis.
2400: Shakespeare, William. - The complete works of Shakespeare.
104: Shakespeare, William. - The Tempest.
1329: Shapiro, Joel. - Shapiro, Joel.
321: Shaw, John Mackay. - Childhood in Poetry: The Forty-Year History of a Collection 1929-1969.
742: Shay, Frank. - The Bibliography of Walt Whitman.
1912: Sheffield, John. - The Works of John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby, and Duke of Buckingham.
003239: Sheffield, John. - The Works of John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby, and Duke of Buckingham.
2401: Shepard, Isaac F., editor. - The Christian Souvenir: An Offering for Christmas and the New Year.
003011: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. - The school for scandal, a comedy; as it is acted at the Theatre, Smoke-Alley Dublin.
003062: Sherlock, William. - The case of the allegiance due to soveraign powers, stated and resolved, according to Scripture and reason, and the principles of the Church of England, with a more particular respect to the oath, lately enjoyned, of allegiance to Their present Majesties, K. William and Q. Mary. By William Sherlock, D.D Master of the Temple.
2282: Sherlock, William. [COLLECTION OF CATHOLIC CONTROVERSY PAMPHLETS]. - An ansvver to the Amicable accommodation of the difference between the representer and the answerer.
1323: Sherlock, Martin. - Letters From An English Traveller.
2181: Sherwood, Mrs. [Mary Martha Butt]. - The Indian Chief.
2564: Shirley, William. - Edward the Black Prince; or, The battle of Poictiers: an historical tragedy, attempted after the manner of Shakespear; as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants.
2498: Goodspeed's Book Shop, Inc. - Collection of 6 Catalogues.
773: Leamington Book Shop. - Two Catalogues: 2 (A Miscellany for the Collector and Scholar) & 24 (Rare Old Books).
2650: Brick Row Book Shop. - Collection of 6 Catalogues and 3 Lists.
1750: Book & Tackle Shop. - Catalog Eight: Rare and Choice Books.
1730: Dawson's Book Shop. - Collection of 27 (one a duplicate) Catalogues. Catalogues are: Leaves from Manuscripts and Printed Books to illustrate the History of Books, 135, 142, 144 (Herbals and Old Garden Books), 148 (Books still come from England), 149, 150 (Christmas - 1940), 180, 229 (Books for a Printer's Library), 249 (These Interested Me), 257, 296, 305, 308 (Bibliography), 310 (A Christmas Gathering), 311 (American Books), 320 (Original Examples to illustrate the History of the Book), 322 (Specimen Book and Catalogue), 324 (Autumn Leaves), 326 (365 Literary Excursions for 1962), 333 (Japan, China & Korea), 338 (Collector's Christmas), 411 (A Small Collection of Miniature Books described by Ruth Elizabeth Adomeit), 434 (Manuscripts, etc.), & 527 (Carpenter).
1805: Inman's Book Shop (previously Maurice Inman, Inc.). - 4 Catalogues. Catalogues 83, 91-92, and 99.
989: Chaucer Head Book Shop. - Two Catalogues. Catalogue 18 and 23.
1782: [PUBLISHING VENTURE IN VERMONT - CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN SHORT-LIVED FIRM & JEDEDIAH MORSE, GEOGRAPHER & FATHER OF SAMUEL F. B. MORSE]. - Autograph Letter from Publishing Firm of Swift & Chipman to the Reverend Jedidiah Morse.
912: Shunami, Shlomo. - Bibliography of Jewish Bibliographies.
2347: Sidney, Sir Philip. - The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia.
1744: Renee Silberman. - Omnium Gatherum: Fine Books. 2 Catalogues.
002869: Silver, Rollo G. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Whitman in 1850: Three Uncollected Articles.
002867: Silver, Rollo G. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Belcher & Armstrong set up Shop: 1805.
002887: Silver, Rollo G. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Three Eighteenth-Century American Book Contracts.
002886: Silver, Rollo G. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Benjamin Edes, Trumpeter of Sedition.
002868: Silver, Rollo G. [WROTH'S COPY]. - The Costs of Mathew Carey's Printing Equipment.
562: Simmons, Charles H. - A Bibliography of John Masefield.
2114: Simms, Frederick W. - A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Levelling, ...
2667: Sleidanus, Johann. - Ioan. Sleidani, De statu religionis et reipublicae, Carolo quinto, Caesare, commentarij.
003068: Smid, Henrick [Smith, Henrick]. (BOUND WITH 4 OTHER WORKS BY SMID). - En Bog om Pestilentzis Aarsage, foruaring oc Lægedom der imod, tilsammen dragen aff Lærdemends Bøger, aff Henrick Smidt udi Malmø, oc først udgaaet ved Prenten. Anno MDXXXV. Nu offuerseet, forøget oc førbedret. Anno MDLVII.
003071: Smid, Henrick [Smith, Henrick]. (BOUND WITH 4 OTHER WORKS BY SMID). - En liden Bog om Menniskens` Vand, oc anden naturlig Affgang, Huorledis de skulle besees, oc der om dømis. Screffuen oc tilsammen dragen aff Doctore Laurentio Friscio. Fordansket aff Henrick Smid udi Malmø, Anno M. D. LVII.
003067: Smid, Henrick [Smith, Henrick]. (BOUND WITH 4 OTHER WORKS BY SMID). - Henrick Smids Fierde urtegaard: flitelige tilsammen læst aff lærde lægers boger: faar quindfolcks unge spædebørns siugdomme.
003070: Smid, Henrick [Smith, Henrick]. (BOUND WITH 4 OTHER WORKS BY SMID). - En skøn nyttelig lægebog indeholdendis mange afskillige skøne oc forfarne lægedomme, huilcke som tiene bartskerrerne, oc dem som ville læge ferske oc gamle saar : disligeste oc om bad, aareladelse oc koppesættelse, oc om de lægedomme som findis i apoteeken sale. Fordansket aff Henrick Smid udi Malmø anno M.D.LVII.
003069: Smid, Henrick [Smith, Henrick]. (BOUND WITH 4 OTHER WORKS BY SMID). - En skøn lystig ny Vrtegaard prydet met mange atskillige vrter som, tiene til menniskens legems sundheds opholdelse, disligest huorledis electuaria, syruper conserua, oc olier, skulle ret konstelige giøres, og beredis, aff denne vrtegaards vrter, deris røder oc blomster, oc andre saadanne subtilige nyttelige ting. aldrig tilforn seet paa vort danske tungemaal, tilhobe samlet oc fordansket aff Henrick Smid udi Malmø.
003013: Smith, Edmund. - Phædra and Hippolitus, a tragedy. Written by Mr. Edmund Smith, Of Christ Church, Oxford. Marked with the variations in the manager's book, at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden.
1655: Smith, William. - Discourses on Several Public Occasions During the War in America.
575: Smith, Albert Richard [+ FIVE More Works]. - The Natural History of the Ballet-Girl.
2103: Smith, Titus Keipler. - Altruria.
1499: Smith, Robert [+ ONE More Work]. - A postscript to Dr. Smith's Harmonics, upon the changeable harpsichord: which being supplied with all the useful flat and sharp sounds and tuned in the best manner, is made as harmonious as possible: and yet the execution of music upon this perfect Instru
003012: Smith, Edmund. - Phædra and Hippolitus, a tragedy. In five acts. Written by Mr. Edmund Smith. Taken from the manager's book, at the Theatre Royal, Covent-Garden.
1913: Smith, Edmund. - Phædra and Hippolitus. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market, by Her Majesty's sworn servants.
003058: Smith, John. - The narrative of Mr. John Smith of Walworth, in the county-palatine of Durham, Gent. Containing a further discovery of the late horrid and popish-plot. With an account of 1st. The inconsistency of the popish principles with the peace of all states. 2ly. Their destructiveness to all protestant kingdoms. 3ly. The incouragements upon which the papists undertook so hellish a design against England. 4ly. The progress they had made in it. 5ly. The reasons of their endeavouring, more especially the death of His present Majesty. 6ly. With a vindication of the justice of the nation upon the traitors already executed.
325: Smith, Harry B. - First Nights and First Editions.
704: Smith, Albert Richard [+ FIVE More Works]. - The Natural History of the Gent.
754: Smith, Albert Richard [+ FIVE More Works]. - A Bowl of Punch.
491: Smith, Robert [+ ONE More Work]. - Harmonics, or the Philosophy of Musical Sounds.
2209: Somervile, William. - Hobbinol, or the rural games. A burlesque poem, in blank verse.
948: Sonnini, C.S. - Travels in upper and lower Egypt: undertaken by order of the old government of France; by C. S. Sonnini, engineer in the French navy, and member of several scientific and literary societies.
844: Heffer and Sons. - Heffer 1 (Catalogue 1).
003014: Sophocles. - Electra. A Tragedy, As translated from Sophocles; with Notes, By Mr. Theobald. Distinguishing also the variations of the Theatre, as performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the Prompt-Book, By Permission of the Managers, By Mr. Hopkins, Prompter.
003015: Southerne, Thomas. - The fatal marriage; or, the innocent adultery. A play. By Mr. Thomas Southern.
2402: Southey, Mrs. (Caroline Bowles). - Autumn Flowers and Other Poems.
319: Sowers, Roy Vernon. - Collection of 6 Catalogues.
2569: Spach, Israel. - Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum tum communibus, tum gravidarum, parientium, et puerperarum affectibus et morbis.
863: Speaight, Robert. - The Life of Eric Gill.
003182: Speed, John. - England Wales Scotland and Ireland described and abridged with [the] historic relation of things worthy memory from a farr larger voulume done by Iohn Speed.
514: Spelman, Henry, Sir. - Henrici Spelmanni equit. anglo-brit. Archæologus.
003183: Spelman, Henry, Sir. - The larger treatise concerning tithes, long since written and promised by Sir Hen: Spelman Knight. Together with some other tracts of the same authour, and a fragment of Sir Francis Bigot Knight, all touching the same subject. Whereto is annexed, an answer to a question of a gentleman of quality, made by a reverend and learned divine living in London, concerning the settlement or abolition of tithes by the parliament, which caused him to doubt how to dispose of his son, whom he had designed for the ministery. Wherein also are comprised, some animadversions upon a late little pamphlet called, The countries plea against tithes: discovering the ignorant mistakings of the authours of it touching the maintenance of the ministery by such means...
955: Spencer, Nathaniel. [Sanders, Robert]. - The Complete English Traveller or a New Survey and Description of England and Wales Containing a Full Account of Whatever is Curious and Entertaining in the Several Counties of England and Wales, ...
2565: Spring, Thomas. - A familiar epistle from a student of the Middle Temple, London, to his friend in Dublin. Written in the year 1759.
2032: Staunton, George, Sir. - An historical account of the embassy to the Emperor of China, undertaken by order of the King of Great Britain; including the manners and customs of the inhabitants; and preceded by an account of the causes of the embassy and voyage to China.
2350: Stavorinus, Jan Splinter. - Voyage par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance à Batavia, à Bantam et au Bengale, en 1768, 69, 70 et 71. [AND] Voyage par le Cap de Bonne-Espérance et Batavia, à Samarang, à Macassar, à Amboine, et à Surate, en 1774, 75, 76, 77 et 78.
002871: Stedman, Arthur. [JOSEPH W. HARPER Jr's and subsequently WROTH'S COPY]. - Short Biographies of American Authors represented in "A Library of American Literature."
1564: Steele, Richard, Sir. - The funeral; or, grief a-la-mode. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden.
003020: Steele, Richard, Sir. - The tender husband; or, the accomplish'd fools. A comedy, as written by Sir Richard Steele. ... as performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, ... by Mr. Hopkins, prompter.
003018: Steele, Richard, Sir. - The conscious lovers. A comedy, by Sir Richard Steele. As performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, By Permission of the Managers, by Mr. Hopkins, prompter.
003017: Steele, Richard, Sir. - The conscious lovers, a comedy: written by Sir Richard Steele. With alterations, as performed at the theatres.
003019: Steele, Richard, Sir. - The conscious lovers. A comedy by Sir Richard Steele. As performed at the Theatre-Royal Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, by permission of the managers, by Mr. Hopkins, prompter.
1745: Geoffrey Steele. - Catalogue 24: Books on Art, Archaeology, Architecture.
003233: Sterne, Laurence. - Letters from Yorick to Eliza.
2089: Sterne, Laurence. - A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy.
942: Sterne, Laurence. - A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy.
1055: Stevens, Henry. - Catalogue of the American Books in the Library of the British Museum.
1798: Stevens, B.F. & Brown. - 6 Catalogues. Catalogue 6-8, 13, 15 & 17.
2121: Stevenson, Robert Louis. - Virginibus Puerisque: An Essay in Four Parts.
003184: [ONLY KNOWN COMPLETE COPY] Stewart, John Watson. - The kalendar, compiled by John Watson Stewart, for the year of our Lord 1800, being fourth after leap year, and the fortieth year of the reign of King George the Third, 'till 25 October. To which are annexed, several tables of general utility. With the civil, military, and ecclesiastical establishments of this kingdom. Comprising every useful information concerning the government of Ireland.
002872: Stewart, Randall. [WROTH'S COPY]. - The Social School of American Criticism.
002873: Stewart, Randall. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Letters to Sophia.
002874: Stewart, Randall. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Recollections of Hawthorne by His Sister Elizabeth.
959: Stierus, Joannes. - Præcepta Doctrinæ Logicæ, Ethicæ, Physicæ, Metaphysicæ, Sphericæque: Brevibus Quæstionibus Physicæ Tabellis Compacta
50: Stillwell, Margaret Bingham. - The Beginning of the World of Books 1450 to 1470.
2403: Stoddard, Richard Henry, editor. - Anecdote Biographies of Thackeray and Dickens.
2275: Stonehill, C.A. - Catalogue 152: English Literature Part I: Caxton to the Death of John Dryden.
003185: Strahlenberg, Philipp Johann. - An historico-geographical description of the north and eastern parts of Europe and Asia; but more particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary; ... together with an entire new polyglot-table of the dialects of 32 Tartarian nations: and a vocabulary of the Kalmuck-Mungalian tongue. As also, a large and accurate map of those countries; and variety of cuts, ... Written originally in High German by Mr. Philip John von Strahlenberg,
477: Strand, Kenneth A. - Early Low-German Bibles, The Story of Four Pre-Lutheran Editions.
002879: Striker, Laura Polanyi. [WROTH'S COPY]. (THREE ITEMS). - The Hungarian Historian, Lewis L. Kropf, on Captain John Smith's True Travels. A Reappraisal.
931: Struck, Hermann. - Amerikanische Reisebilder. Vierundvierzig Lithographien.
857: Stuart, G.W., Jr. Rare Books. - Collection of 16 Catalogues and 2 Duplicates, for a Total of 18 Items.
2210: Stuart, Andrew. - Letters to the Right Honourable Lord Mansfield.
1903: Suchow, Georg Adolph. - Anfangsgru?nde der o?konomischen und technischen Chymie. Von Georg Adolph Suckow, Pfalz-Zweibru?kischem Hofrath, d. A.G.D., Professor auf der Kurfu?rstl. Pfa?lzischen Kameralhohenschule, besta?ndigem Sekretair der Kurpfa?lzischen o?konomischen Gesellschaft, außerordentl. Mitglied der Kurfu?rstl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Mannheim, der Ko?nigl. Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Frankfurth an der Oder, und der Gesellschaft natursorschender Freunde zu Berlin.
2080: Sukenick, Lynn. - Houdini.
002878: Swan, Bradford F. [WROTH'S COPY]. - An Indian's an Indian, or, The Several Sources of Paul Revere's Engraved Portrait of King Philip.
002877: Swan, Bradford F. [WROTH'S COPY]. - The Ruysch Map of the World (1507-1508).
002876: Swan, Bradford F. [STREETER'S COPY]. - The Hammett Pamphlets and their Author.
002875: Swan, Bradford F. [STREETER'S COPY]. - Two Rhode Island Imprints of 1727. [WITH A LETTER FROM SWAN TO STREETER].
121: Swinburne, Algernon Charles. [WITH A LETTER FROM THEODORE WATTS-DUNTON - SWINBURNE'S PUBLISHER]. - Erechtheus: A Tragedy.
36: Swinburne, Algernon Charles. - Select Poems.
394: Symons, Arthur. - A Book of Twenty Songs.
1240: Gard. T. - The odds and chances of cocking, and other games, algebraically and arithmetically investigated.
003083: Tacitus, Cornelius. - Las Obras de C. Cornelio Tacito. Traduzidas de latin en castellano por Emanuel Sueyro, natural de la ciudad e Anvers. Dirigidas al Serenissimo Principe Alberto, Archiduque de Austria, Duque de Borgoña, Brabante, &c. Conde de Habspurg y Flandes, &c.
970: Tacitus, Cornelius. - Opera, recognavit, emendavit, supplementis explevit, notis dissertationibus illustravit Gabr. Brotier.
003186: Tansillo, Luigi. - The nurse, a poem. Translated from the Italian of Luigi Tansillo. By William Roscoe.
194: Tansur, William. - A New Musical Grammar, and Dictionary; Or, a General Introduction to the Whole Art of Musick.
414: Targ, William. - Targ's American First Editions & Their Prices. A Checklist of the Foremost American Firsts.
1379: Tasso, Bernardo. - Rime di Messer Bernardo Tasso divise in cinque libri nuovamente stampate. Con la sua tavola per ordine alfabetico.
003238: Tasso, Torquato. - La Gerusalemme liberata di Torquato Tasso; con le annotationi di Scipion Gentili e di Giulio Guastauini: et li argomenti di Oratio Ariosti.
2580: Tasso, Torquato. - Ventiquattro sonetti.
195: Taylor, A. - A History of Bibliographies of Bibliographies.
634: Taylor, W. Thomas. - Collection of 17 W. Thomas Taylor catalogues, a list & 2 duplicates, for a total of 20 Items..
1565: Taylor, Edward, ascribed to. [also ascribed to William Richardson]. - Cursory remarks on tragedy,: on Shakespear, and on certain French and Italian poets, principally tragedians.
2280: Taylor, James. [COLLECTION OF CATHOLIC CONTROVERSY PAMPHLETS]. - An ansvver to the eighth chapter of the Representer's second part. In the first dialogue between him and his lay-friend. Licensed, March 1. 1686.
944: Taylor, Jeremy. - Clerus Domini: or, A discourse of the divine institution, necessity, sacrednesse, and separation of the office ministerial: Together with the nature and manner of its power and operation. Written by the speciall command of our late King.
2048: Librairie Historique Fabrice Teissedre and Librairie Teissedre (Celine Poisat). - Collection of 4 Librairie Historique Fabrice Teissedre and 5 Librairie Teissedre (Celine Poisat) Catalogues, for a total of 9 Catalogues.
2211: Temple, William, Sir. - Miscellanea.
2286: Tenison, Thomas. [COLLECTION OF CATHOLIC CONTROVERSY PAMPHLETS]. - A defence of Dr. Tenison's sermon of discretion in giving alms : written in a letter to the author of The apology for the pulpits.
68: Tennyson, Alfred. - The Lover's Tale.
67: Tennyson, Alfred Lord. - Tiresias and Other Poems.
4: Terence, Publius. - P. Terentii Afri lepidissimi Comediæ, Andria, Eunuchus, Heautontimorumenos, Adelphi, Hecyra, Phormio.
972: Terence, Publius. - Il Terentio Latino, Commentato in Lingua Toscana, e Ridotto a la sua vera Latinita, da Giovanni Fabrini da Fighine. La Interpretatione de la lingua volgare e Latina.
973: Terence, Publius. - Il Terentio Latino, Commentato in Lingua Toscana, e Ridotto a la sua vera Latinita, da Giovanni Fabrini da Fighine. La Interpretatione de la lingua volgare e Latina.
002889: Romero de Terreros, Manuel, Marqués de San Francisco. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Un Bibliofilo en el Santo Oficio.
1659: GREEK NEW TESTAMENT. - Tes kaines diathekes. Novum testamentum in qua diligentius quam unquam antea variantes lectiones tam ex manuscriptis quàm impressis codicibus collectae, & parallela scripturae loca annotata sunt, studio & labore Stephani Curcellaei.
974: Thackeray, William Makepeace. - The Kickleburys on the Rhine.
1056: Theal, George McCall. - Catalogue of South African Books & Pamphlets.
1814: Rip [pseudonym for Georges-Gabriel Thenon]. - 1915. Revue de Guerre. En 2 Actes.
1566: Theobald, Lewis. - Orpheus and Eurydice; an Opera.
2033: Theophrastus. - Theophrasti Characteres ethici. Ex recensione Petri Needham, cum versione Latina Isaaci Casauboni.
478: Thomas, Alan G. - Fine Books, Pleasures and Treasures.
2335: Thomas, Antoine-Léonard, M. - Eloge de Louis, Dauphin de France.
003187: Thomas, Thomas. - Thomæ Thomasii dictionarium summâ fide ac diligentiâ accuratissimè emendatum, magnâq?[ue] insuper rerum scitu dignarum, & vocabulorum accessione, longè auctius locupletiusq?ue redditum. Huic etiam (præter Dictionarium historicum & poëticum, ad prophanas historias, poetarumq?[ue] fabulas intelligendas valdè necessarium) novissimè accessit utilissimus de ponderum, mensurarum, & monetarum veterum reductione ad ea, quæ sunt Anglis jam in usu, tractatus.
1042: Thompson, Lawrence S. - Printing in Colonial Spanish America.
003023: Thomson, James. - Tancred and Sigismunda, a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's servants. By James Thomson.
003024: Thomson, James. - Tancred and Sigismunda. A tragedy, As written by Mr. Thomson. Distinguishing also the variations of the Theatre, as performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, by permission of the managers, by Mr. Hopkins, prompter.
003022: Thomson, James. - Sophonisba. A tragedy. As written by Mr. Thomson. And performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane.
2034: Thoresby, Ralph. - Ducatus Leodiensis: or, the Topography of the Ancient and Populous Town and Parish of Leedes, And Parts Adjacent in the West-Riding of the County of York.
236: Thornton, Willis. - Newton D. Baker and His Books.
003169: Thoroton, Robert. - The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, extracted out of records, original evidences, leiger books, other manuscripts, and authentick authorities. Beautified with maps, prospects, and portraictures.
002832: Thorpe, James, editor. [A.N.L. MUNBY'S COPY]. - The Aims and Methods of Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures.
002833: Thorpe, James & Claude M. Simpson, Jr. [A.N.L. MUNBY'S COPY]. - The Task of the Editor. Papers Read at a Clark Library Seminar, February 8, 1969.
952: Thwaite, Mary F. - From Primer to Pleasure.
003189: Thynne, Francis. - The application of certain histories concerning ambassadours and their functions, by Francis Thynn, Esquire. Taken out of Sir Robert Cottons library.
1473: Tighe, Hugh Usher. - An historical account of Cumner; with some particulars of the traditions respecting the death of the Countess of Leicester: also an extract from Ashmole's Antiquities of Berkshire, relative to that transaction and illustrative of the romance of Kenilworth
003063: Tillotson, John. - A persuasive to frequent communion in the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. By his Grace John Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.
003064: Tillotson, John. - The Protestant religion vindicated, from the charge of singularity & novelty: in a sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, April the 2d. 1680. By John Tillotson, D.D. Dean of Canterbury, and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty. Published by His Majesties special command.
003065: Tillotson, John. - A sermon preached November 5. 1678. At St. Margarets Westminster, before the Honourable House of Commons. By John Tillotson, D.D. Dean of Canterbury, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty.
002888: Tobin, James Edward. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Alexander Pope, 1744-1944. I: Personality and Reputation.
002834: Todd, William B. [A.N.L. MUNBY'S COPY]. - Swinburne Manuscripts in Texas.
758: Lally-Tolendal, Trophime Gerard de. [PRESENTATION COPY] . - Plaidoier du Comte de Lally-Tolendal pour Louis XVI.
2487: Tomkis, Thomas. - Albumazar. A Comedy. As it is now revived at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. With alterations.
2488: Topham, Edward. - The fool, a farce, in two acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden.
1176: Tortel, Jean. - Naissances de l'Objet.
196: Tosi, P.F. - Observations on the Florid Song; Or, Sentiments on the Ancient & Modern Singers.
003025: Townley, James. - High life below stairs. A farce of two acts. As it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane.
2035: Townson, Robert. - Travels in Hungary, with a short Account of Vienna in the Year 1793.
2489: Tracy, John. - Periander. A Tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn Fields.
2231: Du Tronchet, Estienne. - Lettres Amovrevses D'Estienne du Tronchet, secretaire de la Royne mere du Roy. Avec Septante Sonnets Traduits du diuin Petrarque, & au pied de chaacun, vn Anagramme de ses Amis.
1178: Troyat, Henri. - La Tête sur les Epaules.
1177: Troyat, Henri. - Tant que la Terre durera. Etrangers sur la Terre.
2250: Trull, Juan. - Ordo Canonicorum Regularium quattuor libris Elucidates.
003190: Trusler, John. - The Way to be Rich and Respectable: Addressed to Men of Small Fortune. In this Pamphlet is given, among a variety of other Estimates or Plans of Living, one shewing that a Gentleman with Economy, residing in the Country, may, with a few Acres of Land, live as well for Five Hundred Pounds a Year, and make an Appearance in Life equal to those who spend double the Sum, without those Advantages. Such as are fond of Farming, will here find the Expences attending, and the Profits arising from, the Cultivation of Land, Feeding of Sheep, &c.&c.
1043: Tschichold, Jan. - Meisterbuch der Schrift. Ein Lehrbuch mit vorbildlichen Schriften aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart für Schriftenmaler, Graphiker, Bildhauer, Graveure, Lithographen, Verlagshersteller, Buchdrucker, Architekten und Kunstschulen.
003191: Tucker, Josiah. - Reflections on the expediency of a law for the naturalization of foreign Protestants: in two parts. Part I. Containing historical remarks on the disposition and behaviour of the natives of this island, in regard to foreigners; occasioned by the rejection of the late naturalization Bill, and Part II. Containing important queries relating to commerce, -The Employment of the Poor,-The Landed and National Interest,-Taxes of all Kinds, particularly the Poor Tax,-The real Interest of Tradesmen,-Reformation of Morals,-Constitution both in Church and State, the Duties of Humanity, and the Principles of the Christian Religion.
986: Tuer, Andrew W. - Pages and Pictures from Forgotten Children's Books.
988: Tuer, Andrew, Editor. - 1000 Quaint Cuts.
2577: Tulp, Nicolas. - Observationes Medicæ.
2180: Twain, Mark. - "1601" or, Conversation at the social fireside as it was in the time of the Tudors.
2151: Twain, Mark [Samuel L. Clemens]. [WITH ALMOST ALL FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE POINTS]. - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
1570: Tzara, Tristan. - Phases.
003149: Ibn ?ufayl, Mu?ammad ibn 'Abd al-Malik. - The improvement of human reason, exhibited in the life of Hai ebn Yokdhan: written in Arabick above 500 years ago, by Abu Jaafar ebn Tophail. In which is demonstrated, By what Methods one may, by the meer Light of Nature, attain the Knowledge of things Natural and Supernatural; more particularly the Knowledge of God, and the Affairs of another Life. Illustrated with proper figures. Newly translated from the Original Arabick, by Simon Ockley, A. M. Vicar of Swavesey in Cambridgshire. With an appendix, in which the possibility of man's attaining the true knowledge of God, and Things necessary to Salvation, without Instruction, is briefly consider'd.
1525: OXFORD UNIVERSITY. - A complete and faithful collection of the several papers which have been published in Oxford, On the Subject of Subscription to the XXXIX Articles, Required from Young Persons at their Matriculation.
2016: [UNRECORDED]. - Novena al Glorioso Ptriarcha, y Melifluo Doctor S. Bernardo, Patron de Esta Nobilissima Ciudad de Mexico.
002792: Updike, Daniel Berkeley. - Address by Daniel Berkeley Updike at the Official Opening of the New Installation of the Updike Collection of Books on Printing at the Providence Public Library Providence Rhode Island December Sixteenth 1937.
2490: Upton, James. - Remarks on three plays of Benjamin Jonson. Viz. Volpone, or the Fox: Epicoene, or the Silent woman: and the Alchemist.
15: D'Urfey, Thomas. - Wit and Mirth: or Pills to purge Melancholy; being a Collection of the best merry Ballads and Songs, old and new. Fitted to all Humours, having each their proper Tune for either Voice, or Instrument: most of the Songs being new set.
198: Urgos, Francesco. - Thrilling Incidents in the Political Life of an Italian; Including Travels in Africa & Syria.
002893: Utley, George Burwell. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Fifty Years of the American Library Association.
1330: [Utrillo]. - The Personal Collection of Mme Maurice Utrillo from the Utrillo Home, "La Bonne Lucie" Le Vesinet, France.
002896: Vail, R.W.G. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Bibliographical Notes on Certain Eastern Mining Companies of the California Gold Rush, 1849-1850.
002902: Vail, R.W.G. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Sabin's "Dictionary."
002899: Vail, R.W.G. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Gold Fever: A Catalogue of the California Gold Rush Centennial Exhibition at The New-York Historical Society, 1949.
002895: Vail, R.W.G. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Moody's School of Good Manners: A Study in American Colonial Etiquette.
1743: John Valentine. - Books, Pamphlets, Autographs and Allied Material Relating to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and His Times. Lists 3-5.
2212: Valpy, Richard. - Poetical Chronology of Ancient & English History: with Historical & Explanatory Notes.
775: Gendt. A. L. van & Co. - Collection of 14 A.L. Van Gendt Auction Catalogues.
003026: Vanbrugh, John. - The provok'd wife. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Written by Sir John Vanbrugh.
003074: Vanbrugh, John. - The provok'd wife; a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane.
1812: Vandoros, T.S. Rare Books 4 Catalogues and a duplicate.. - A Miscellany from Stock for March 2002-2005, with a duplicate for 2003.
2742: Varenius, Bernhardus. - Bernhardi Vareni Med. D. Descriptio regni Japoniæ et Siam. Item de Japoniorum religione & Siamensium. De diversis omnium gentium religionibus. Quibus, præmissâ dissertatione de variis rerum publicarum generibus, ...
1827: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. - Norme per il Catalogo degli Stampati.
1965: Garcilaso de la Vega. - Histoire des Yncas, Rois du Pérou, Contenant leur Origine, depuis le premier Ynca Manco Capac, leur Establissement, leur Idolatrie, leurs Sacrifices, leurs Loix, leurs Conquete; les merveilles du Temple du Soleil; & tout l'Etat de ce grand Empire, avant que les Espagnols s'en rendissent Maitres ... traduit de l'Espagnol de l'Ynca Garcillasso de la Vega, par Jean Baudion.
2065: Verneuil, Louis. - Théâtre Complet.
2066: Verneuil, Louis. - La Vie Merveilleuse de Sarah Bernhardt.
2773: Verneuil, Louis. - Pour Avoir Adrienne.
1806: Verneuil, Louis. - Rideau a Neuf Heures (Souvenirs De Theatre).
1786: Verneuil, Louis. - Sarah Bernhardt.
003192: Vertue, George. - Medals, coins, great-seals, impressions: from the elaborate works of Thomas Simon, chief engraver of the mint, to K. Charles the 1st, to the Commonwealth, the Lord Protector Cromwell, and in the reign of K. Charles ye IId to MDCLXV.
1621: Vettori, Pietro. - Petri Victorii explicationes suarum in Ciceronem Castigationum.
003175: Pont-de-Veyle, Antoine de Fériol, Comte de. - Le somnambule, comédie en un acte et en prose, représentée pour la prémière fois par les Comédiens François, le 19 Février, 1739.
003234: Vicat, Philippe-Rodolphe. - Histoire des Plantes Vénéneuses de la Suisse, contenant leur description, leurs mauvais effets sur les hommes et sur les animaux, avec leurs antidotes. Rédigée d'après ce qu'on a de mieux sur cette matière, & sur-tout d'après l'Histoire des Plantes Helvétiques de M. le Baron de Haller.
1788: Viète, François. - Opera Mathematica, in unum volume congesta, ac recognita, operâ atque studio Francisci à Schooten....
518: Villiers, Charles. - Poems, By Mr. Villiers.
2491: Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham. The rehearsal; a comedy. Written by his grace, George late Duke of Buckingham. - The rehearsal; a comedy. Written by his grace, George late Duke of Buckingham. To expose some plays then in vogue, and their authors. With a key and remarks, necessary to illustrate the most material passages, of this piece, and to point out the Authors.
003027: Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham. - The rehearsal: as it is now acted at the Theatre-Royal. By George, late Duke of Buckingham. The thirteenth edition. To which is added, a key, or critical view of the authors, and their writings, expos'd in this play.
003028: Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham. - The rehearsal. As written by George, late Duke of Buckingham. Distinguishing also the variations of the theatre, as performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, By permission of the Managers, by Mr. Hopkins, prompter. To which is added a key, or Critical View of the Authors, and their Writings, exposed in this Play.
2036: Vinci, Léonard de. - Traité de la Peinture, par Léonard de Vinci.
1863: De Vinne, Theodore L. - The Roman and Italic Printing Types in the Printing House of Theodore L. De Vinne & Co.
975: Virgil, P. M. - L'Eneide di Virgilio, del Commendatore Annibal Caro.
2037: Vitruvius, Marcus Pollio. - L'Architettura di M. Vitruvio Pollione colla traduzione Italiana e comento del Marchese Berardo Galiani ...
1853: Volney, Constantin François. - Travels through Syria and Egypt, in the years 1783, 1784, and 1785. Containing the present natural and political state of those countries, their productions, arts, manufactures, and commerce; with observations on the manners, customs, and government ...
003193: Voltaire, François Marie Arouté de. - The Philosophical Dictionary for the Pocket.
003194: Voltaire, François Marie Arouté de. - A treatise on religious toleration. Occasioned by the execution of the unfortunate John Calas; unjustly condemned and broken upon the Wheel at Toulouse, for the supposed murder of his own son. Translated from the French of Mr. de Voltaire, By the Translator of Eloisa, Emilius, &c.
003195: Voltaire, François Marie Arouté de. - "Letter of M. de Voltaire, to M. Paulet, on the subject of his scheme for the suppression of the small-pox. Translated from the French." Printed in The Edinburgh Advertiser, No. 42, Sept 16, 1768.
1617: Voltaire, François Marie Arouté de. - Le Taureau Blanc.
2038: Voltaire, François Marie Arouté de. - Memnon: histoire orientale.
11: Vyse, Charles. - Vyse's new London spelling book, or, The young gentlemen and ladies' guide to the English tongue: containing such a variety of really useful matter as to enable teachers to instruct their scholars to spell and read the English language ...
002775: Wagner, Henry R. [WROTH'S or STREETER'S COPY]. - California Imprints, August 1846 - June 1851.
1857: Walch, Johann Georgius. - Bibliotheca Patristica Litterariis Annotationibus Instructa. Editio Nova emendator et multum Auctior adornata ab Io. Traug. Lebr. Danzio.
1856: Walch, Johann Georgius. - Introductio in Libros Ecclesiæ Lutheranæ Symbolicos Observationibus Historicis et Theologicis Illustrata.
1726: Walford, G. W. - Collection of 2 G. W. Walford Lists.
002959: Walker, Byron Edmund. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Canadian Surveys and Museums and the Need for Increased Expenditure thereon.
002845: Wallace, Jerry. - A Parson at Large. Being an Account of Mason Locke Weems, George Washington's Quaint Biographer, and his Relation to the American Episcopate.
1531: Waller, Edmund. - Mr. Wallers speech in Parliament, at a conference of both Houses in the painted chamber. 6. Iuly 1641.
003196: Walpole, Horace. - Anecdotes of Painting in England; with some Account of the Principal Artists; and Incidental Notes on other Arts; collected by the late Mr. George Vertue; and now digested and published from his original MSS. by Mr. Horace Walpole [with] A Catalogue of Engravers, who have been born, or resided in England; digested by Mr. Horace Walpole from the Mss. of Mr. George Vertue; to which is added An Account of the life and works of the latter.
525: Walpole, Horace. - The Works of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford.
2743: Walpole, Horace. - A catalogue of engravers, who have been born, or resided in England; digested by Mr. Horace Walpole from the Mss. of Mr. George Vertue; to which is added an Account of the life and works of the latter.
003208: Walpole, Horace. - "Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England," in "The Works of Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford."
003197: Ware, James. - Remarks on the ophthalmy, psorophthalmy, and purulent eye; with methods of cure, considerably different from those commonly used; and cases annexed, in proof of their utility: also, the case of a gutta serena cured by electricity; by James Ware, surgeon.
1057: Warren, John Byrne Leicester, Lord de Tabley. - A Guide to the Study of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris).
2408: Waterman, Catherine H. - Flora's Lexicon: An Interpretation of the Language and Sentiment of Flowers: with an Outline of Botany, and a Poetical Introduction.
002900: Waters, Willard O., compiler. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Check List of American Laws, Charters and Constitutions of the 17th and 18th Centuries in the Huntington Library,
002965: Watson, Angus & A. H. Jarvis. [WROTH'S COPY]. - The Adventure of Life 1888-1938.
1794: Watson, William Patrick. - A Collection of 6 Catalogues and 1 duplicate, for a total of 7 items. Catalogues are: 2, 4-5, 13-14, and 22.
2567: Webb, Elizabeth. - Einige Glaubens-Bekentnisse und göttliche Erfahrungs-Proben,: in einem Send-Schreiben von Elisabetha Webb an Anton Wilhelm Böhm, Capellan zum Prinzen Georg von Dänemark, im Jahr 1712.
2039: Weber, Friedrich Christian. - The Present State of Russia. In Two Volumes. Being an account of the Government of that Country, both Civil and Ecclesiastical; of the Czar's Forces by Sea and Land, the Regulation of his Finances, ...
003203: Weekes, John & Joseph Kontisch. - English Manuscript. Sermons by John Weekes and Joseph Kontisch. 1693.
1873: Weeks, Raymond, James W. Bright & Charles H. Grandgent. - The N.E.A. Phonetic Alphabet. With a Review of the Whipple Experiments.
328: Wemyss, Stanley. - General Guide to Rare Americana.
2070: Wescott, Glenway. - Natives of Rock: XX Poems 1921-22
481: Westwood, J.O. - The Art of Illuminated Manuscripts.
1314: Westwood, J.O. - Arcana Entomologica; or Illustrations of New, Rare, and Interesting Insects.
2744: Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick. - Edwy and Edilda: a tale. In five parts.
2494: Whitehead, Paul. - The State Dunces. Inscribed to Mr. Pope.
2493: Whitehead, William. - The Goat's Beard. A Fable.
94: Whitman, Walt. - November Boughs.
2409: Whittier, John Greenleaf. - The Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier.
51: Whyte, Samuel & E.-A. Whyte. - Miscellanea nova ...
976: Whyte, Samuel. - The Shamrock: or, Hibernian cresses. A collection of poems, songs, epigrams, &c., Latin as well as English, the original production of Ireland. To which are subjoined, Thoughts on the prevailing system of school education, ...
1640: Wieland, Christoph Martin. - Briefe von verstorbenen an hinterlassene freunde.
692: Wilde, Oscar. - Poems in Prose.
1315: Wilhelm, Gottlieb Tobias. - Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte. Der Würmer.
002977: Willet, Andrew. - Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall view of papistrie: vvherein the vvhole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ.
003188: Thompson. William. - An Hymn to May.
003198: Williams, David. - A letter to David Garrick, Esq. On his conduct as principal manager and actor at Drury-Lane. With a preface and notes, by the editor.
2288: Williams, John. [COLLECTION OF CATHOLIC CONTROVERSY PAMPHLETS]. - Pulpit-popery, true popery: being an answer to a book intituled, Pulpit-sayings: and in vindication of the Apology for the pulpits, and the stater of the controversie against the representer.
2285: Williams, John. [COLLECTION OF CATHOLIC CONTROVERSY PAMPHLETS]. - An apology for the pulpits: being in answer to a late book, intituled, Good advice to the pulpits. Together with an appendix, containing a defence of Dr. Tenison's sermon about alms; in a letter to the author of this apology.
2279: Williams, John. [COLLECTION OF CATHOLIC CONTROVERSY PAMPHLETS]. - The papist represented, and not misrepresented; being in answer to the first sheet of the second part of the Papist misrepresented and represented. And for a further vindication of the catechism truly representing the doctrine and practices of the Church.
003072: Willis, Richard. - A sermon preach'd before the Honourable House of Commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster, on Monday, the 5th of November, 1705. Being the anniversary thanksgiving for the happy deliverance from the Gunpowder-Treason Plot. And also for the happy arrival of His late Majesty on this day for the deliverance of our church and nation. By Richard Willis, D.D. Dean of Lincoln, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty.
2411: Wills, W. H., editor. - Poet's Wit and Humour.
2745: Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester. - Poems on several occasions: with Valentinian; a tragedy. To which is added, Advice to a painter.
2040: Wincklemann, Johann J. - Storia delle Arti del disegno presso gli antichi di Giovanni Winkelmann tradotta dal Tedesco e in questa edizione corretta e aumentata dall'abate Carlo Fea ...
2041: Windus, John. - A Journey to Mequinez; the Residence of the Present Emperor of Fez and Morocco. On the Occasion of Commodore Stewart's Embassy thither for the Redemption of the British Captives in the Year 1721.
573: Britton [Wingate, Edmund]. - Britton. The Second Edition. Faithfully Corrected according to Divers Ancient Manuscripts of the same Booke. By Edm. Wingate, Gent.
002898: Winship, George Parker. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Early South American Newspapers.
002786: Winship, George Parker. [WROTH'S COPY]. - The Ways of Authorship: an Introduction to an Exhibition of Literary Manuscripts belonging to resident members of the Club of Odd Volumes and shown at its club house, Number 50 Mount Vernon Street, Boston, April 25th to 30th, 1927.
002903: Winship, George Parker. [WROTH'S COPY]. - The Eliot Indian Tracts.
002779: Winthrop, Robert Charles & Robert Cassie Waterston. [WROTH'S COPY]. - An Address, delivered before the Boston Mercantile Library Association, on the Occasion of their Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, October 15, 1845. (Part I - by Winthrop) A Poem, delivered before the Mercantile Library Association, at their Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, October 15, 1845. (Part II - by Waterston)
003199: Wirsung, Christof. - The general practise of physicke. Conteyning all invvard and outward parts of the body, with all the accidents and infirmities that are incident vnto them, euen from the crowne of the head to the sole of the foote. Also by what meanes (with the help of God) they may be remedied: very meete and profitable, not onely for all physitions, chirurgians, apothecaries, and midwiues, but for all other estates whatsoeuer; the like whereof as yet in English hath not beene published. Compiled and written by the most famous and learned doctour Christopher Wirtzung, in the Germane tongue, and now translated into English, in diuers places corrected, and with many additions illustrated and augmented. By Iacob Mosan Germane, doctor in the same facultie.
731: Wiskeman, Elizabeth. - A Great Swiss Newspaper: the Story of the Neue Zurcher Zeitung.
2748: Wolcott, Roger. - Poetical meditations, being the improvement of some vacant hours; with a preface by the Reverend Mr. Bulkley of Colchester.
002901: Wolf, Edwin 2nd. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Benjamin Franklin's Stamp Act Cartoon.
2044: Wood, H. Trueman, Editor. - The Principles of Glass-Making, By Harry J. Powell, Together with Treatises on Crown and Sheet Glass, By Henry Chance, and Plate Glass, by H. G. Harris.
002835: Woof, R. S. [A.N.L. MUNBY'S COPY]. - Wordsworth's Poetry and Stuart's Newspapers: 1797-1803.
2763: Woolf, Leonard. - Fear and Politics.
950: Wreden, William P. - Collection of 27 Catalogues.
002837: Wright, C. E. [A.N.L. MUNBY'S COPY]. - Humfrey Wanley: Saxonist and Library-Keeper.
956: Wright, James. - The History and Antiquities of the County of Rutland: Collected from Records, Ancient Manuscripts, Monuments on the Place, and Other Antiquities. Illustrated with Sculptures.
003029: Wycherley, William. - The plain dealer. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal. Written by Mr. Wycherley.
002897: Wyllie, John Cook. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Rare Books.
003200: Xenophon. - Xenophon's Ephesian History: or the Love-Adventures of Abrocomas and Anthia. In five books. Translated from the Greek. By Mr. Rooke.
397: Benedict XIV. - Benedicti XIV. Pont. Opt. Max. De Synodo Dioecesana Libri Tredecim in Duos Tomos Distributi.
002790: Yarmolinsky, Avrahm. [WROTH'S COPY]. - Early Polish Americana. A Bibliographical Study.
2043: Yorke, Philip, Second Earl of Hardwicke, Hon. C. Yorke, G. H. Rooke, J. Green, D. Wray, J. Heaton, W. Heberden, H. Coventry, J. Lawry, Catharine Talbot, T. Birch, & S. Salter. [LARGE-PAPER COPY]. - Athenian Letters: or, the Epistolary Correspondence of an Agent of the King of Persia, residing at Athens during the Peloponnesian War. Containing the history of the times, in despatches to the Ministers of State at the Persian Court.
772: Yorke, James. - The Union of Honour. Containing the Armes, Matches and Issues of the Kings, Dukes, Marquesses and Earles of England from the Conquest, until this Present Yeere, 1640.
003031: Young, Edward. - The revenge. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By E. Young, LL.D.
003032: Young, Edward. - The brothers. A tragedy. As written by Dr. Young. Distinguishing also the variations of the theatre, as performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, by permission of the managers, by Mr. Hopkins, prompter.
003201: Young, Edward. - The complaint; or, night-thoughts on life, death, and immortality. To which are added, some thoughts on the late rebellion. And a paraphrase on part of the book of Job.
003030: Young, Edward. - The revenge. A tragedy, by Edward Young, L.L.D. Adapted for theatrical presentation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the prompt-books, by permission of the managers.
2749: Young, Edward. - Love of fame, the universal passion. In seven characteristical satires.

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