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055714: BERNARD JOHNSON; LIONEL TRIPP - The Last of the Old Hanse Being Two Monographs Entitled the York Residence and 'Church of England' Hamburg
052425: S. M. ERVIN-TRIPP - Child Discourse
069278: SALOMON TRISMOSIN - Splendor Solis
070187: TRISTRAM, ERNEST W. - English Medieval Wall Painting: The Twelfth Century
047209: TRISTRAM, HENRY (ED.) - John Henry Newman: Centenary Essays
034784: TRISTRAM, HENRY (ED.) - John Henry Newman: Centenary Essays
16568: TROCME, ETIENNE - The Formation of the Gospel According to Mark
16276: TROCME, ETIENNE - The Childhood of Christianity
048300: TROCME, ETIENNE - The Formation of the Gospel According to Mark
059758: TROELTSCH, ERNST - The Absoluteness of Christianity and the History of Religions
047102: TROELTSCH, ERNST - The Absoluteness of Christianity and the History of Religions
068371: ERNST TROELTSCH (MORGAN, ROBERT & PYE, MICHAEL EDS) - Writings on Theology and Religion
066587: W. TROLLOPE - The Greek Liturgy of St James Edited with an English Introduction and Notes with a Latin Version of the Syriac Copy and the Greek Text Restored to Its Original Purity and Accompanied by a Literal English Translation
052898: W. TROLLOPE - Questions and Answers on the Liturgy of the Church of England
064722: S. TROTMAN; E. R. TROTMAN - Artificial Silks
064842: S. TROTMAN; E. R. TROTMAN - Textile Analysis
057341: TROW, M.J. - Cnut: Emperor of the North
047900: M. J. TROW - Vlad the Impaler: In Search of the Real Dracula
055510: MARGARET TROWELL - Classical African Sculpture
050058: MARGARET TROWELL - Classical African Sculpture
020036: TROWELL, MARGARET - African Design
035904: TROWER, W. I. - A Letter to the Right Rev the Bishop of Moray and Ross, Explanatory of Opposition to the Election of Rev Dr Temple As Bishop of Exeter
067106: TRUB, CARL LUDWIG PAUL - Heilige Und Krankheit (Geschichte Und Gesellschaft ; Bd. 19)
070956: TRUDGILL, PETER - Dialects in Contact (Language in Society)
030743: TRUEFITT, GEORGE - Architectural Sketches on the Continent Drawn and Etched
029395: TRUMLER, GERHARD - Athos: The Holy Mountain
063605: TRUNGPA, CHOGYAM - The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa, Volume 2: The Path Is the Goal - Training the Mind - Glimpses of Abhidharma - Glimpses of Shunyata - Glimpses of Mahayana - Selected Writings
063606: TRUNGPA, CHOGYAM - The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa, Volume 1: Born in Tibet - Meditation in Action - Mudra - Selected Writings
063492: TRUNGPA, CHÖGYAM - The Heart of the Buddha: Entering the Tibetan Buddhist Path (Shambhala Classics)
042549: TRUSTED, JENNIFER - Free Will and Responsibility
027481: TRUSTED, JENNIFER - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Knowledge
058992: TSAFRIR, YORAM - Ancient Churches Revealed
028927: TSAMIS, DEMETRIOS G. - The Perfection of Man According to Niketas Stethatos
058824: T. G. TSATURYAN - Latin, Armenian, Russian Dictionary of Plant Names
067927: J. D. TSCHERSKI - Des Janalandes Und Der Neusibirischen Inseln in Den Jahren 1885 Und 1886 Augesandten Expedition Abtheilung IV: Beschreibung Der Sammlung Posttertiarer Saugethiere
065987: FANI-MARIA TSIGAKOU - Thomas Hope (1769 - 1831) Pictures from 18th Century Greece
064391: TUANA, NANCY; SCOTT, CHARLES E. - Beyond Philosophy: Nietzsche, Foucault, Anzaldúa
059389: GIUSEPPE TUCCI - Le Civilita Dell'Oriente Storia, Letteratura, Religioni, Filosofia, Scienze E Arte
024159: TUCK, G. S. - A Guide to Seabirds on the Ocean Routes
057279: HENRY ST. GEORGE TUCKER - The History of the Episcopal Church in Japan
056647: TUCKER, PAUL HAYES - Monet in the 20th Century
031155: TUCKER, H. W. - The English Church in Other Lands or the Spiritual Expansion of England
020227: TUCKER, CYNTHIA GRANT - No Silent Witness; the Eliot Parsonage Women and Their Unitarian World.
050286: TUCKETT, CHRISTOPHER - Reading the New Testament : Methods of Interpretation
039408: TUCKETT, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Messianic Secret
052579: THOMAS L. TUDOR - The High Peak to Sherwood: The Hills and Dales of Old Mercia
065607: SIMON TUGWELL - The Nine Ways of Prayer of Saint Dominic
059350: B. E. TUMANYAN, A. H. MNATSAKANYAN - The Bronze Age Belt-Calendar
068502: TUNICK, SUSAN - Terra-Cotta Skyline: New York's Architectural Ornament
067915: ANGELIKA TUNIS (ED) - Faszination Der Kulturen Fur Armand Duchateau Zum 70. Geburtstag Von Seinem Freundeskreis
064108: JAMES TUNNEY - The Mystery of the Trapped Light: Mystical Thoughts in the Dark Age of Scientism
036112: TUNNICLIFFE, STEPHEN (ED.) - Towards a Theology of Peace, a Symposium
059652: E. FRANK TUPPER - The Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg
052608: MARTIN FARGUHAR TUPPER - Proverbial Philosophy: A Book of Thoughts and Arguments Proverbially Treated
037774: TUPPER, MARTIN, F. - Proverbial Philosophy: In Four Series, Now First Complete Including the Fiftieth Edition of the First Two Series
069168: TURAKI, YUSUFU - Tainted Legacy: Islam, Colonialism and Slavery in Northern Nigeria
036144: TURANCI, HANYAR - Key to Hausa
070572: COLIN M. TURNBULL - The Forest People
051621: COLIN M TURNBULL - Africa and Change
025723: TURNBULL, RICHARD - Reviving the Heart : The Story of the Eighteenth Century Revival
025721: TURNBULL, RICHARD - A Passionate Faith: What Makes an Evangelical?
070565: COLIN M. TURNBULL - The Mbuti Pygmies: Change and Adaptation
030233: TURNELL, MARTIN - The Art of French Fiction: Prevost, Stendhal, Zola, Maupassant, Gide, Mauriac, Proust
070641: TURNER, BRYAN S - Medical Power and Social Knowledge
062207: PAUL TURNER - Sources of Confirmation: From the Fathers Through the Reformers
060759: TURNER, H.J.M. - Holy Orders and the Completeness of the Church
058735: SOTHEBYS; CAMILLA PREVITE; FREDERICA LAW-TURNER - Fifty Magnificent Illuminated Manuscripts London Tuesday 3 December 2002
057178: TURNER, FRANK M. - John Henry Newman, the Challenge to Evangelical Religion
056076: CHRISTOPHER TURNER - Adventures in the Orgasmatron
067564: WENDY J. TURNER - Trauma in Medieval Society (Explorations in Medieval Culture, 7)
066303: WALTER ULLMANN; D. H. TURNER - Liber Regie Capelle: A Manuscript in the Biblioteca Publica, Evora
052932: DAVID H. TURNER - Benedictines in Britain
051533: VICTOR TURNER - Revelation and Divination in Ndembu Ritual
069309: D. H. TURNER - The Missal of the New Minster Winchester (le Havre Bibliotheque Municipale, Ms 330)
069313: WALTER ULLMANN; D. H. TURNER - Liber Regie Capelle: A Manuscript in the Biblioteca Publica, Evora
070417: TURNER, D. H. (ED.) - The Claudius Pontificals
048143: TURNER, JAMES - The Politics of Landscape
047563: TURNER, JOHN MUNSEY - Conflict and Reconciliation: Studies in Methodism and Ecumenism in England 1740-1982
064872: CHARLES C. TURNER - Aerial Navigation of Today: A Popular Account of the Evolution of Aeronautics
039884: TURNER, CUTHBERT HAMILTON - Studies in Early Church History: Collected Papers
038040: TURNER, GRAEME - British Cultural Studies: An Introdcution
064505: TURNER, RALPH V. - King John (the Medieval World)
035604: TURNER, FRANK M. - John Henry Newman, the Challenge to Evangelical Religion
035046: TURNER, PAUL - Confirmation: The Baby in Solomon's Court
033933: TURNER, TIMOTHY J. - Welcoming the Baptized: Anglican Hospitality Within the Ecumenical Enterprise
032006: TURNER, PAUL - Lucian: Satirical Sketches
030095: TURNER, J. MUNSEY (ED.) - Queen's Essays
029732: TURNER, D. H. (ED.) - The Claudius Pontificals
028822: TURNER, MARK - The Liturgy of the Sick
028679: TURNER, HAROLD W. - Living Tribal Religions
026686: TURNER, NIGEL - Christian Words
050894: WILLIAM BURNET TUTHILL - The Cathedral Church of England
020175: TUTHILL, WILLIAM BURNET - The Cathedral Church of England, Essays on Architectural Art II
027004: TUTIN, WINIFRED - The History of British Vegetation
067411: J. A. TWEMLOW - Calendar of the Entries in the Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland: Papal Letters Vol VII A.D. 1417- 1431
056250: TWIGGER, ROBERT - Red Nile: A Biography of the World's Greatest River
018780: TWIGGER, ROBERT - Big Snake : The Hunt for the World's Longest Python
054970: CAROL TWINCH - Saint with the Silver Shoes: The Continuing Search for St Walstan
042312: TWINCH, CAROL - The History of Ipswich
030355: TWINING, LOUISA - Symbols and Emblems in Early and Medieval Christian Art
036334: TWISS, HAROLD L. (ED.) - Homosexuality and the Christian Faith: A Symposium
056316: G. S. TYACK - A Book About Bells
062931: TYACK, G. S. - The Historic Dress of the Clergy
024152: TYACK, G. S. - The Cross in Ritual, Architecture and Art
018374: TYACK, G. S. - The Cross in Ritual, Architecture and Art
056829: L. TYERMAN - The Oxford Methodists: Memoirs of the Rev. Messrs Clayton, Ingham, Gambold, Hervey and Broughton with Biographical Notices of Others
028530: TYERMAN, CHRISTIOPHER - The Crusades: A Very Short History
021747: TYERMAN, CHRISTOPHER - The Crusades, a Very Short Introduction
037619: TYLEE, ALEX - Walking with Gay Friends: A Journey of Informed Compassion
062033: TYLER, PETER - Confession: The Healing of the Soul
069554: TYLER, COLIN - Unpublished Manuscripts in British Idealism: Political Philosophy, Theology and Social Thought (2 Vols)
056673: J. ENDELL TYLER - The Worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church of Rome Contrary to Holy Scripture
063207: TYLER, TOM - Ciferae: A Bestiary in Five Fingers (Posthumanities)
033596: TYLER, PETER - Teresa of Avila Doctor of the Soul
063467: TYLER, PETER - The Pursuit of the Soul: Psychoanalysis, Soul-Making and the Christian Tradition
050708: MATTHEW TYLOR - Quarr Abbey Past and Present a Brief Historical Sketch [with] Quarr Abbey 1937-1987
065621: TYRELL, BARBARA; JURGENS, PETER - African Heritage
062649: J. W. TYRER - The Eucharistic Epiclesis
027112: TYRER, FRANK (ED.) - The Great Diurnal of Nicholas Blundell of Little Crosby, Lancashire
069804: GEORGE TYRRELL - Lex Orandi or Prayer and Creed
051418: G. N. M. TYRRELL - The Personality of Man
040335: TYRRELL, GEORGE - External Religion, Its Use and Abuse
032327: TYRRELL, GEORGE - Medievalism: A Reply to Cardinal Mercier
031842: TYRRELL, GEORGE - Christianity at the Cross-Roads
018830: TYRRELL, GEORGE - A Collection of Meditations and Studies
064216: TYRRELL, IVAN - Listening to Idries Shah: How Understanding Can Grow
069795: TYRRELL, GEORGE - Through Scylla and Charybdis or the Old Theology and the New
043649: TZAMALIKOS, P. - An Ancient Commentary on the Book of Revelation: A Critical Edition of the Scholia in Apocalypsin
045608: TZARA, TRISTAN - Marg Pathway a Magazine of the Arts Volume XV Number 3, Homage to Africa
045860: DIMITRIS TZIOVAS - Greek Modernism and Beyond
064653: J. P. SINGH UBEROI - Politics of the Kula Ring an Analysis of the Findings of Bronislaw Malinowski
051195: J. P. SINGH UBEROI - Politics of the Kula Ring an Analysis of the Findings of Bronislaw Malinowski
060917: UCHEM, ROSE N. - Overcoming Women's Subordination in the Igbo African Culture and in the Catholic Church: Envisioning an Inclusive Theology with Reference to Women
018804: UDOVICKI, JASMINKA - Yugoslavia's Ethnic Nightmare: The Inside Story of Europe's Unfolding Ordeal
055729: WALTER UEBERWASSER - Drawings by European Masters of the Xvth to Xviiith Centuries from the Albertina
070854: UGBOAJAH, FRANK OKWU - Mass Communication, Culture and Society in West Africa
029479: ULBIG, STACY G. - Vice Presidents, Presidential Elections and the Media: Second Fiddles in the Spotlight
045225: LORING, ULICK & PAGE, JAMES - Yugoslavia's Royal Dynasty
023406: ULLATHORNE, W. B. (DRANE, A. T. ED.) - Letters of Archbishop Ullathorne
046673: MAARTEN ULTEE - The Abbey of St. Germain Des Pres in the Seventeenth Century
032223: ULTZEN, G. - Constitutiones Apostolicae: Textum Graecum Recognovit Praefatus Est, Annotationes Criticas Et Indices Subiecit
030002: ECO, UMBERTO & MARTINI, CARLO MARIA - Belief or Nonbelief? a Confrontation
060377: EVELYN UNDERHILL - The Essentials of Mysticism and Other Essays
065682: UNDERHILL, EVELYN; OBERG, DELROY - Given to God: Daily Readings with Evelyn Underhill
065489: UNDERHILL, EVELYN - The Letters of Evelyn Underhill
065610: EVELYN UNDERHILL - An Anthology of the Love of God
066253: EVELYN UNDERHILL - The Life of the Spirit and the Life of to-Day
066255: EVELYN UNDERHILL - Concerning the Inner Life with the House of the Soul
067787: UNDERHILL, EVELYN - Jacopone Da Todi, Poet and Mystic 1228-1306: A Spiritual Biography
045326: UNDERHILL, FRANCIS - The Catholic Faith in Practice in English Parishes
069227: G. F. UNDERHILL - The Master of Hounds
065686: UNDERHILL, EVELYN - The Letters of Evelyn Underhill
059672: A. C. UNDERWOOD - A History of the English Baptists
056408: J. E. A. UNDERWOOD ET AL. - Report of the Committee on Maladjusted Children (Ministry of Education)
033464: CHURCH UNION - The Church Union Gazette : The Monthly Journal of the English Church Union
028867: CHURCH UNION - Lambeth 1948 Reviewed
027105: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION - Union Questions, or Select Portions of Scripture from the Old and New Testaments Written for the American Sunday-School Union and Revised by the Committee for Publication
019188: SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION - A Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names with Their Pronunciations and Explanations [Pronouncing Dictionary]
021954: BRUDER UNITAT - Missions-Ordnung Der Sud Afrikan Ostlichen Provinz in Anschluss an Kap. X. Der Allgem. Synodal-Verlasses Der Bruder-Unitat Und an Die Synodal-Instruktion Von 1899
058859: YEREVAN STATE UNIVERSITY - The Life and Work of Petros Duryan
061933: UNKNOWN - The New Gospel Fragments
069399: UNKNOWN - S. Alban & S. Patrick, Birmingham 12
068930: UNKNOWN - The Pious Country Parishioner Instructed How to Spend Every Day Through the Whole Course of His Life in a Religious and Acceptable Manner
060901: UNKNOWN - British Archaeological Discoveries in Greece and Crete 1886-1936 Catalogue of the Exhibition
060831: UNKNOWN - Conference on Missions Held in 1860 at Liverpool Including the Papers Read, the Deliberations and the Concluions Reached
060830: UNKNOWN - The Family Prayer-Book: Or Prayers to Be Used in Families Every Morning and Evening to Which Is Added Some Distinct Forms for More Special and Extraordinary Occasions
060719: UNKNOWN - New Topical Concordance
060556: UNKNOWN - Twenty Plain and Practical Sermons Delivered to a Country Congregation a Late Rector of a Country Parish. Revised from the Original Mss. By His Son-in-Law, a Village Curate
060383: UNKNOWN - The Clergy List for 1876 Containing Alphabetical List of the Clergy in England and Wales; Houses of Convocation; Alphabetical List of the Clergy in Ireland; List of Clergy of the Episcopal Church in Scotland; List of the Clergy of Colonial Dioceses; Army and Navy Chaplains; Foreign Chaplaincies; Chaplains of Prisons; Public Schools; H,M. Inspectors of Schools; Alphabetical List of Benefices with Post Towns; Cathedral Establishments and Collegiate Chapters; Ecclesiastical Preferements in the Patronage of the Crown, the Bishops, Deans and Chapters, Archdeacons, Universities, Colleges and Private Individuals; Benefices Arranged Under Their Ecclesiastical Divisions
066676: UNKNOWN - La Liturgie Ou Formulaire Des Prieres Publiques Selon L'Usage de L'Eglise Anglicane
059936: UNKNOWN - Anglo-Saxon England
063307: UNKNOWN - Staffordshire County Cricket Club 1970
059768: UNKNOWN - Ernest Alexander Payne C.H. 1902-1980
059767: UNKNOWN - English Baptist Church Church Street, Tredegar Ter-Jubilee Celebrations
064866: UNKNOWN - The Girls' School Year Book Public Schools 1947 the Official Book of Reference of the Assocation of Head Mistresses
059519: UNKNOWN - Ritualism; or a Conversation between Parishoner Plainman and Parson Playfair
059298: UNKNOWN - The Living Part of the Meeting a Short History of the Bewdley Quakers 1691-1991
059246: UNKNOWN - Guide to the Religious Communities of the Anglican Communion
069021: UNKNOWN - The Special and General Reports Made to His Majesty by the Commissioners of the Ecclesiastical Courts in England and Wales
058817: UNKNOWN - Ancient Sculpture from India
058773: UNKNOWN - Mu?Ve?Szet I. Lajos Kira?Ly Kora?Ban, 1342-1382: Katalo?Gus
058740: UNKNOWN - New Every Morning: A Book of Daily Services for Broadcasting
058728: UNKNOWN - Eating Well in Retirement
058706: UNKNOWN - The Royal School Series Domestic Economy: A Class-Book for Girls
058665: UNKNOWN - Proceedings Against the Archdeacon of Taunton [George A. Denison]from the Notice of Intention to Issue the Commissiion to the Giving Sentence by the Court at Bath October 22, 1856
058661: UNKNOWN - Background Information About Some Immigrant Groups in Britain
058523: UNKNOWN - The Book of Common Prayer Revised: Revisor's Preface
058202: UNKNOWN - Everyman with Other Interludes Including Eight Miracle Plays
058201: UNKNOWN - Ordo Recitandi Officii Divini Sacrique Peragendi Mdcccxcviii (1898);(1906); (1907)
058106: UNKNOWN - Illegal Ritual in the Church of England: Being a List of Unlawful Practices with Extracts from Judgments Relating to Them and an Index
057906: UNKNOWN - Directory of the Armenian Church in North America 1969
057462: UNKNOWN - Lichfield: Ordinances Relating to the Vicars Choral of Lichfield A.D. 1419
057208: UNKNOWN - The Supplement to the Book of Common Prayer
056866: UNKNOWN - Laws and Transactions of the Union Society to January 1831 to Which Is Added a List of Members and Officers from Its Formation in 1815 and a List of the Periodical and Other Works Taken in by the Society
056865: UNKNOWN - The Correspondence between Great Britain and France on the Subject of the Late Negotiation Presented by His Majesty's Command to Both Houses of Parliament 18th May 1808 His Majesty's Declaration of the Preliminary and Definitive Treaties of Peace
056857: UNKNOWN - Report of the Case of the Rev. William Long Incumbent of St Peter's Mowbray Versus the Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Cape Town in the Supreme Court of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope
056853: UNKNOWN - Gebet- Und Gesangbuch
056811: UNKNOWN - Faith and Order of the Lusitanian and Spanish Reformed Episcopal Churches: Report of the Commission
056646: UNKNOWN - Synagoga Kultgerate Und Kunstwerke Von Der Zeit Der Patriarchen Bis Zur Gegenwart
056604: UNKNOWN - Basset-Lowke Railways a Commemorative Edition
056359: UNKNOWN - Description of the Ceremonial on the Occasion of Laying the Foundation Stone of the Municipal Buildings in George Square Glasgow on 6th October 1883
056185: UNKNOWN - The Times Guide to the House of Commons June 1983
055827: UNKNOWN - Werdendes Abendland an Rhein Und Ruhr Ausstellung in Villa Hugel, Essen
055537: UNKNOWN - Wie Sie Sich Sahen: Das Menschenbild in Der Kunst Ferner Volker
055446: UNKNOWN - House of Commons 1959 with Full Results of the Polling, Biographies of Members and Unsuccessful Candidates, Photographs of All Members and a Complete Analysis, Statistical Tables and a Map of the General Election, October 1959
055442: UNKNOWN - House of Commons 1950 with Full Results of the Polling, Biographies of Members and Unsuccessful Candidates, Photographs of All Members and a Complete Analysis, Statistical Tables and a Map of the General Election, February 1950
055441: UNKNOWN - House of Commons 1951 with Full Results of the Polling, Biographies of Members and Unsuccessful Candidates, Photographs of All Members and a Complete Analysis, Statistical Tables and a Map of the General Election, October 1951
055272: UNKNOWN - Medieval Art Crypt of Alexander Nevsky Memorial Church
055160: UNKNOWN - Tercentenary Festival of Emmanuel College Cambridge Mdcccdxxxiv
055098: UNKNOWN - State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of the U.S. S.R.
054849: UNKNOWN - United Grand Lodge of England: Constitutions 1926
053209: UNKNOWN - Magie En Afrique Noire
065763: UNKNOWN - The Late Herbert Minton Esq Born 3rd February 1793 Died April 1st 1858
069301: UNKNOWN - Lincoln Minster: The Seven Hundredth Anniversary of the Death of St Hugh November 17th, 1900 Commemoration Service, Mattins and Sermon
066800: UNKNOWN - Oxfordshire Assizes Saturday February 25th, 1898: Action for Slander between Eleanor Mary Goodwin Cheeseman of Lower Heyford, Oxfordshire Plaintiff and William Kinch of Steeple Aston, Oxfordshire, Farmer Defendant
066802: UNKNOWN - The Forme and Manner of Examination Befoir the Admission to Ye Tabill of Ye Lord Be Ye Ministerie of Edinburgh
065771: UNKNOWN - Shrewsbury Illustrated: The Official Guide of the Shrewsbury Corporation
047763: UNKNOWN - The Vulgate New Testament, with the Douay Version of 1582 in Parallel Columns
066586: SHENOUDA HANNA/UNKNOWN - Who Are the Copts [Bound with] Exposition D'Art Copte 1944 Guide
066825: UNKNOWN - The Gospel in Many Tongues Specimens of 872 Languages in Which the British and Foreign Bible Society Has Published or Circulated Some Portion of the Bible
064792: UNKNOWN - The Congregational Year Book 1887 Proceedings of the Congregational Union for 1886, General Statistics of the Denomination and General Information
063402: UNKNOWN - Jerusalem and Its Temples in Bible History and Prophecy
065718: UNKNOWN - Parish of Whitchurch with Dodington in Salop: Some Historical Notes on the Parish Church and Its Predecessors
067551: UNKNOWN - Blicke in Verborgene Schatzkammern: Mittelalterliche Handsschriften Und Miniaturen Aus Hamburger Sammlungen : Eine Ausstellung IM Museum Fu?R Kunst... Dr. Jo?Rn Gu?Nther, Hamburg) (German Edition)
064832: UNKNOWN - Latch and Batchelor Ltd Wire Rope Manufacturers and Wire Drawers Trade Catalogue
064873: UNKNOWN - Baily's Hunting Directory 1932 - 1933 with Diary and Hunt Maps
068841: UNKNOWN - Tai Ping Rugs and Carpets Hong Kong
070951: WILLEM CORNELIS VAN UNNIK - Nestorian Questions on the Administration of the Eucharist by Isho'Yabh IV a Contribution to the History of the Eucharist in the Eastern Church
065723: UNNO, MARK - Buddhism and Psychotherapy Across Cultures: Essays on Theories and Practices
025217: UNO, KEI - Newman and Modern Japan; the Reception of Educational Ideas and Activities of J.H. Newman in Japan
023535: UNTERMAN, ALAN - Jews : Their Religious Beliefs and Practices
032510: UNWIN, F. T. - Cambridge Barber Shop Tales
065139: UPADHYAYA, MEENA; LAVINE, KIRSTEN; WEEDON, CHRIS - Seventy Years of Struggle and Achievement: Life Stories of Ethnic Minority Women Living in Wales
029629: UPCHER, FRANCES - Stories on the Commandments or the Commandments Explained: With Short Stories from the Bible
063427: UPTON, CHARLES - Findings: In Metaphysics, Path, and Lore: A Response to the Traditionalist/Perennialist School
048041: UPTON, W. PRESCOTT - The Churchman's History of the Oxford Movement
062839: JENNIFER D UPTON - Dark Way to Paradise: Dante's Inferno in Light of the Spiritual Path
040174: UPTON, BRIDGET GILFILLAN - Hearing Mark's Endings: Listening to Ancient Popular Texts Through Speech Act Theory
048101: LINWOOD URBAN - A Short History of Christian Thought
027787: URBEL, JUSTO PEREZ DE - Saint Paul; Apostle of the Gentiles
021741: URE, PERCY NEVILLE - Justinian and His Age
025160: URENFELD, R. - Kurte Und Inland
047075: URQUHART, JAMES - The Parerga of William Honyman Gillespie of Torbanehill
044570: URQUHART, JUDY - Keeping Honeybees
040825: URQUHART, DAVID - Exposition of the Boundary Differences between Great Britain and the United States Subsequent to Their Adjustment by Arbitration
14145: URQUHART, JUDY - Animals on the Farm Their History from the Earliest Times to the Present Day.
041744: D'URSEL, MARIE-CAROLINE - De Geschiedenis Van Belgie Beleefd in Vijfitig Kastelen
059138: WILLIAM URWICK - Nonconformity in Herts. Being Lectures Upon the Nonconforming Worthies of St. Albans, and Memorials of Puritanism and Nonconformity in All the Parishes of the County of Hertford
048849: URWICK, WILLIAM - Nonconformity in Worcester with an Account of the Congregational Church Meeting in Angel Street Chapel and Appendix of Lists of Ministers Throughout the County, and Extracts from Non-Parochial Registers
063105: STEPHEN USHER - The Historians of Greece and Rome
056995: ROLAND G. USHER - The Presbyterian Movement in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth As Illustrated by the Minute Book of the Dedham Classis 1582-1589
053123: THODORE USPENSKIJ - L'Art Byzantin Chez Les Slaves: Les Balkans
053122: THODORE USPENSKIJ - L'Art Byzantin Chez Les Slaves: L'Ancienne Russie, Les Slaves Catholiques
021605: USTORF, WERNER; MURAYAMA, TOSHIKO (EDS.) - Identity and Marginality : Rethinking Christianity in North East Asia
021561: USTORF, WERNER;WEISSE, WOLFRAM - Radiokolleg Kirchen in Afrika: E. Sendereihe D. Deutschlandfunks
018212: UTECHIN, PATRICIA - Epitaphs from Oxfordshire
071011: UTTING, PETER - Trees, People and Power: Social Dimensions of Deforestation and Forest Protection in Central America
025076: SISTER JANET C.S.M.V. - Mother Jane Margaret C.S. M.V.
055936: DUPUY-VACHEY, MARIE-ANNE - Fragonard
043283: VAIL, ANNE - Shrines of Our Lady in England
033002: VAIL, ANNE - Shrines of Our Lady in England
031026: VAISS, PAUL (ED.) - From Oxford to the People: Reconsidering Newman and the Oxford Movement.
025220: VAISS, PAUL - Newman Sa Vie, Sa Pensee Et Sa Spiritualite: Premiere Periode, 1801-1832
045769: VAIZEY, GEORGE - The Church on the Corner Its Teaching and Growth
063123: GEORGES VAJDA - Introduction a la Pensee Juive Du Moyen Age
067112: VALE, BRENDA; VALE, ROBERT - Architecture on the Carpet: The Curious Tale of Construction Toys and the Genesis of Modern Buildings
064388: VALEA, ERNEST M. - Buddhist-Christian Dialogue As Theological Exchange: An Orthodox Contribution to Comparative Theology
060163: VALENCY, MAURICE - Tragedy
056441: D. H. VALENTINE - The Natural History of Upper Teesdale
050805: W. H. VALENTINE - The Copper Coins of India Part I Bengal and the United Provinces
057628: CIPRIANO DE VALERA - El Nuevo Testamento de Nuestro Senor Jesu-Cristo Que Contiene Los Escritos Evangelicos Y Apostolicos Antigua Version de Cipriano de Valera Revisada Con Arreglo Al Texto Griego
058734: VALLANCE, AYMER - English Church Screens: Being Great Roods, Screenwork & Rood-Lofts of Parish Churches in England and Wales
068609: VALLANCE, AYMER - Old Crosses and Lychgates
023982: VALLANCE, AYMER - Old Crosses and Lychgates
020185: VALLANCE, AYMER - Old Crosses and Lychgates
070209: VALLELY, PAUL - Pope Francis: Untying the Knots
026894: VALLET, BERNARD - Le Message Des Dieux 'Les Baux de Provence Et Ses Mysteres'
060130: RIJKEL, DIONYSIUS VAN & PSEUDO-AUGUSTINUS & AENEAS SILVIUS PICCOLOMINI; K. HEIREMAN (PREFACE) - Alosti in Flandria Anno MCCCCLXXIII Dionysius Van Rijkel; Pseudo-Augustinus; Aenas Silvius Piccolomini
041364: ATTA VAN, DON (ED.) - The Farmer Threat: The Political Economy of Agrarian Reform in Post-Soviet Russia
062878: VANADANA - Swami Abhishiktananda: Man and His Message
048052: SISTER VANDANA - Waters of Fire
035967: VANDANA - Gurus, Ashrams and Christians
055745: VANDERPLANK, JOHN - Passion Flowers
067871: JACQUES VANDIER - La Famine Dans L'Egypte Ancienne
059868: VANHOOZER, KEVIN J. - Is There a Meaning in This Text?: Bible, the Reader and the Morality of Literary Knowledge
067213: VANHOYE, ALBERT - Christ Our High Priest Spiritual Exercies with Pope Benedict XVI
053671: VANIER, JEAN - Made for Happiness: Discovering the Meaning of Life with Aristotle
053385: VANIER, JEAN - Drawn Into the Mystery of Jesus Through the Gospel of John
047429: VANIER, JEAN - Man and Woman He Made Them
040711: VANIER, JEAN - Be Not Afraid
056049: VANN, GERALD - Saint Thomas Aquinas
045549: VANN, GERALD - The Eagle's World: A Presentation of the Gospel According to St John with an Introductory Essay
053409: MATTHEW COLTON; MAURICE VANSTONE - Betrayal of Trust: Sexual Abuse by Men Who Work with Children
064348: VARDEN, ERIK - The Shattering of Loneliness: On Christian Remembrance
034802: VARDYS, V. STANLEY - The Catholic Church, Dissent, and Nationality in Soviet Lithuania
066637: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 95, 2000
066638: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 96, 2001
066639: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 100, 2005
066640: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 89, 1994
068956: VARIOUS - More Secret Remedies. What They Cost and What They Contain Based on Analyses for the British Medical Association
066641: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 97, 2002
066621: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 78, 1983
066607: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 113, 2018
066642: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 97,1999
066643: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 101, 2006
066644: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 90, 1995
066645: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 79, 1984
066646: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 80, 1985
066647: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 88 1993
066648: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 87 1992
066649: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 75, 1980
066650: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 76, 1981
066651: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 77, 1982
066956: VARIOUS - The Gospel Missionary Volume I for 1851 [with] the Gospel Missionary Volume II for 1852
069011: VARIOUS - Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Church Patronage Together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence and Appendix
067648: VARIOUS - Days of the Lord (7 Volume Set)
062751: VARIOUS - Missions Et Liturgie: Rapports Et Compte Rendu de la Premiere Semaine Internationale D;Etudes de Liturgie Missionaire, Nimegue-Uden 1959
061846: VARIOUS - York Minster Historical Tracts
067160: VARIOUS - Merveilles Des Chateaux de Flandres, D'Artois, de Picardie Et de Hainaut. Préface D'Etienne de Crouy-Chanel
064703: VARIOUS - Prayer Book Revision: Parliamentary Debates Dec. 12 - 15; 1927
066282: VARIOUS - African Arts Spring 1998 Volume XXXI No. 2
067191: VARIOUS - Onward a Journal of Church Life and Progress
067192: VARIOUS - Rhein Und Maas Kunst Und Kultur 800-1400 Eine Ausstellung Des Schnütgen-Museums de Stadt Köln Und Der Belgischen Ministerien Für Französische Und Niederländische Kultur - Von 14. Mai Bis 23. Juli 1972 (2 Vols)
066658: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 67, 1972
066659: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 72, 1977
066660: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 92, 1997
066661: VARIOUS - The Annual of the British School at Athens No. XII, 1905-1906
066663: VARIOUS - The Annual of the British School at Athens No. XI, 1904-1905
066283: VARIOUS - African Arts Autumn 1998 Volume XXXI No. 4
066284: VARIOUS - African Arts October 1991 Volume XXIV No. 4
066665: VARIOUS - The Annual of the British School at Athens No. VIII, 1901-1902
066580: VARIOUS - Hesperia: Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Volume 65 Nos 1-4
066958: VARIOUS - The Gospel Missionary Volume XIX for 1869 [with] the Gospel Missionary Volume XX for 1870
066959: VARIOUS - The Gospel Missionary Volume XI for 1861 [with] the Gospel Missionary Volume XII for 1862
066960: VARIOUS - The Gospel Missionary for 1874; 1875; 1876; 1877 Volume Fourth Volume, New Series
066634: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 73, 1978
060811: VARIOUS - Thera and the Aegean World II Papers and Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Congress, Santorini, Greece, August 1978
066667: VARIOUS - The Annual of the British School at Athens No. XII, 1906-1907
066668: VARIOUS - The Annual of the British School at Athens No. XV, 1908-1909
066669: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 107, 2012
066670: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 106, 2011
060631: VARIOUS - The Gospel Missionary for 1881; 1882;1883;1884;1885
065738: VARIOUS - Calendar of the Muniments and Records of the Borough of Shrewsbury
065983: VARIOUS - Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art
066674: VARIOUS - The Annual of the British School at Athens No. XIV, 1907-1908
066677: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 103, 2008
060028: VARIOUS - Bagster's Keyword Concordance
065417: VARIOUS - Suhayl Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation Volume 3
065418: VARIOUS - Suhayl Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation Volume 5
065419: VARIOUS - Suhayl Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation Volume 6
066678: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 105, 2010
065420: VARIOUS - Suhayl Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation Volume 2
065421: VARIOUS - Suhayl Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation Volume 4
065422: VARIOUS - Suhayl Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation Volume 8
065424: VARIOUS - Suhayl Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation Volume 7
066582: VARIOUS - Hesperia: Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Volume 61 Nos 1-4
059909: VARIOUS - The Nigerian Field
066583: VARIOUS - Hesperia: Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Volume 63 Nos 1-4
066679: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 104, 2009
065758: VARIOUS - National Assembly of the Church of England: Book Proposed to Be Annexed to the Prayer Book Measure 192-
066680: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 65, 1970
066681: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 66, 1971
068931: VARIOUS - XXVIII International Eucharistic Congress June 20-24 1926 Chicago
066961: VARIOUS - The Gospel Missionary for 1871; 1872; 1873; 1877 Volume First, New Series
066682: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 70, 1975
066683: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 71, 1976
066257: VARIOUS - Tribal Art Number 49 Summer 2008 Quarterly Journal of the Art, Culture and History of Traditional Peoples and New World Civilizations
066687: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 81, 1986
059336: VARIOUS - Pax: The Quarterly Review of the Benedictines of Prinknash
066688: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 63, 1968
066689: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 69, 1974
065698: VARIOUS - Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Vol. II
059215: VARIOUS - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London November 1864 to June 1867 Second Series Vol. III
059214: VARIOUS - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London November 1859 to June 1861 Second Series Vol. I
059213: VARIOUS - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London November 1867 to June 1870 Second Series Vol. IV
059212: VARIOUS - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London April 1873 to April 1876 Second Series Vol. VI
059211: VARIOUS - Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary: Chapter of St. William of Norwich: 3 Minute Books: 1956-1967; 1967-1974; 1975-1979
059200: VARIOUS - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London April 1853 to June 1856 Second Series Vol. III
059199: VARIOUS - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London November 1861 to June 1864 Second Series Vol. II
059198: VARIOUS - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London November 1856 to June 1859 Second Series Vol. IV
059197: VARIOUS - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London April 1876 to December 1878 Second Series Vol. VII
066183: VARIOUS - Tribal Art Number 50 Autumn/Winter 2008 Quarterly Journal of the Art, Culture and History of Traditional Peoples and New World Civilizations
066184: VARIOUS - Tribal Art Number 46 Autumn 2007 Quarterly Journal of the Art, Culture and History of Traditional Peoples and New World Civilizations
065564: VARIOUS - Dans En Spel in de Primitieve Kunst Van Zwart Afrika Pre-Columbia and Amerika, Oceanie
059122: VARIOUS - Transactions of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society Third Series Vol. 11
059106: VARIOUS - Transactions of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society Third Series Vol. 9
059103: VARIOUS - Norfolk Archaeology Vol. XLI Part IV
059101: VARIOUS - Norfolk Archaeology Vol. XLI Part III
059099: VARIOUS - Norfolk Archaeology Vol. XXXVII Part I
059098: VARIOUS - Norfolk Archaeology Vol. XLI Part IV
059097: VARIOUS - Norfolk Archaeology Vol. XXXIX Part III
059096: VARIOUS - Norfolk Archaeology Vol. XLI Part II
059095: VARIOUS - Norfolk Archaeology Vol. XL Part II
059094: VARIOUS - Norfolk Archaeology Vol. XXXV Part III
059093: VARIOUS - Norfolk Archaeology Vol. XXXV Part IV
059092: VARIOUS - Norfolk Archaeology Vol. XXXIII Part IV
067007: VARIOUS - The Gospel Missionary Volume 3 for 1853 [with] the Gospel Missionary Volume IV for 1854
058820: VARIOUS - Armenian Bible
058287: VARIOUS - The Antiquaries Journal Being the Journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London Volume L
058250: VARIOUS - Europe Mensuelle: Litterature Armenienne
058227: VARIOUS - The Camden Miscellany Volume the Third
066962: VARIOUS - The Gospel Missionary for 1857 Volume the Seventh [Bound with] Volume the Eighth 1858
066963: VARIOUS - The Monthly Record of Church Missions in Connection with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts Vol. III India and Ceylon [and] Vol. IV British North America, New Zealand, Australia
069482: VARIOUS - State Papers: King Henry the Eighth Volume XI Part V Foreign Correspondence 1545 - 1547
058067: VARIOUS - The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal Vol. XXXVIII
057986: VARIOUS - East Anglian Archaeology Report No. II Norfolk Spong Hill Part II
057983: VARIOUS - East Anglian Archaeology Report No. I Suffolk
067817: VARIOUS - British and Foreign State Papers 1831, -1832
067818: VARIOUS - British and Foreign State Papers 1829, -1830
066624: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 85, 1990
066625: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 86, 1991
068866: VARIOUS - Transactions of St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society Vol. V
068867: VARIOUS - Transactions of St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society Vol. II
057315: VARIOUS - Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords Into the Deficiency of Means of Spiritual Instruction and Places of Divine Worship in the Metropolis and in Other Populous Districts in England and Wales Especially in the Mining and Manufacturing Districts and to Consider the Fittest Means of Meeting the Difficulties of the Case
066699: VARIOUS - A System of Divinity and Morality Containing a Series of Discourses on the Principal and Most Important Points of Natural and Revealed Religion Compiled from the Works of the Most Eminent Divines of the Church of England Vol. II
056897: VARIOUS - Kitabu Cha Agano Jipya la Bwana Na Mwokozi Wetu Yesu Kristo
056863: VARIOUS - Excerpta E Statutis Academiae Cantabrigiensis Praefectorum Interpretationibus Senatus Decretis Et Literis Regiis Ad Scholarum Officia Pertinentia
066701: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 68, 1973
069517: VARIOUS - The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments Appointed to Be Read in Churches
066702: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 53-54 1958-1959
056645: VARIOUS - Koptische Kunst Christentum Am Nil
067826: VARIOUS - Merchant Taylors' School: Its Origin, History and Present Surroundings
056567: VARIOUS - Romanism and Ritualism in Great Britain and Ireland: A Report of the National Protestant Congress, Edinburgh, October 15-18, 1894
066703: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 61, 1966
056548: VARIOUS - Transactions of the Burton-on-Trent Natural History and Archaeological Society
056545: VARIOUS - Association of Growers of the New Varieties of Hops Annual Booklet 1976
066704: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 82, 1987
066705: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 83, 1988
056373: VARIOUS - Byzantina Annual Review of the Center of Byzantine Studies 3 1971
056372: VARIOUS - Byzantina Annual Review of the Center of Byzantine Studies 2 1970
056282: VARIOUS - The Times Guide to the House of Commons: June, 1983
066706: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 62, 1967
066581: VARIOUS - Hesperia: Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Volume 67 Nos 1-4
066707: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 64, 1969
055846: VARIOUS - A Concordance to the Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical Books of the Revised Standard Version
055820: VARIOUS - Deutscher Falkenordern Berichte Uber Falknerei, Greifvogelschutz Und Greifvogelkunde 1986
055819: VARIOUS - Deutscher Falkenordern Berichte Uber Falknerei, Greifvogelschutz Und Greifvogelkunde 1987
055813: VARIOUS - Actes Du Vie Congres International D'Etudes Byzantines Paris 27 Juliiet 2 Aout 1948
055786: VARIOUS - Archaeological and Historical Collections Relating to Ayrshire and Galloway Vol. V
055785: VARIOUS - Charters of the Royal Burgh of Ayr
055784: VARIOUS - Archaeological and Historical Collections Relating to Ayrshire & Galloway Vol. VIII
055783: VARIOUS - Archaeological and Historical Collections Relating to the Counties of Ayr and Wigton Vol II
055782: VARIOUS - Archaeological and Historical Collections Relating to the Counties of Ayr and Wigton Vol IV
055711: VARIOUS - Resumes Des Communications Xiie Congres International Des Etudes Byzantines Ochride 1961
055655: VARIOUS - Archaeological and Historical Collections Relating to Ayrshire and Galloway Vol. VI
055298: VARIOUS - Sources Archeologiques de la Civilisation Europeenne Colloque International Mamaia (Roumanie) 1 - 8 Septembre 1968
055291: VARIOUS - A Book of George Square Verse
055130: VARIOUS - Der Spatromische Silberschatz Von Kaiseraugst/Argau
055119: VARIOUS - Minutes of the General Baptist Association; Reports of the General Baptist Missionary Society; Report of the General Baptist Academy
055118: VARIOUS - Minutes of an Association of the General Baptists of the New Connexion; Minutes of the General Baptist Association; Reports of the General Baptist Missionary Society; Quarterly Papers; Report of the General Baptist Academy; Account of Proceedings of General Baptist Union; an Appeal of a New Chapel at Greenwich; Memorial Relating to the Bengali and Other Versions of the New Testament
055107: VARIOUS - Das Wunder Aus Faras
055015: VARIOUS - The Antiquaries Journal Being the Journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London Volume LII
055014: VARIOUS - The Antiquaries Journal Being the Journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London Volume XLVII
055013: VARIOUS - The Antiquaries Journal Being the Journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London Volume 34
055012: VARIOUS - The Antiquaries Journal Being the Journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London Volume II
055011: VARIOUS - The Antiquaries Journal Being the Journal of the Society of Antiquaries of London Volume XXII
054896: VARIOUS - Akten Zum XI. Internationalen Byzantinisten-Kongress Munchen 1958
054895: VARIOUS - Berichte Zum XI. Internationalen Byzantinisten-Kongress Munchen 1958
054775: VARIOUS - Bulletin D'Information Et de Coordination No. V
054426: VARIOUS - Boards of Agriculture and Fisheries Leaflets (Nos. 101 to 200)
067078: VARIOUS - The Books Called Apocrypha According to the Authorized Version
053802: VARIOUS - Transactions of the St Paul's Ecclesiological Society Vol . IV
053197: VARIOUS - African Arts August 1983 Volume XVI Number 4
053192: VARIOUS - Orazio Antinori in Africa Centrale 1859-1861
053172: VARIOUS - Missel Romain Illustre D'Apres Fra Angelico
068868: VARIOUS - Transactions of St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society Vol. VII
053071: VARIOUS - The Holy Scriptures Hebrew and English
053058: VARIOUS - Bulletin of the Confraternity of Unity 1927-1933 I-XIX
066623: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 93, 1998
052814: VARIOUS - The Palace of Westminster: The Official Guide
052724: VARIOUS - The Sacramentary Approved for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and Confirmed by the Apostolic See
052598: VARIOUS - The Northamptonshire Nonconformist 1899-1901
065511: VARIOUS - Account of the Family of Landon of Monnington and Credenhill, Co. Hereford
052183: VARIOUS - Camden Miscellany, Vol. XXIV
052182: VARIOUS - Camden Miscellany XXVI
052173: VARIOUS - Camden Miscellany XXVII
052170: VARIOUS - Camden Miscellany Vol XXIX
052168: VARIOUS - Camden Miscellany XXX
052152: VARIOUS - Camden Miscellany Vol. XIII
052150: VARIOUS - Camden Miscellany Vol. XVII
052151: VARIOUS - Camden Miscellany Vol. XV
052145: VARIOUS - Camden Miscellany Vol. XVI
051873: VARIOUS - Archaeologia Cantiana Being Transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society Volume XXIV
064755: VARIOUS - Epheremides Liturgicae Pars Prior Analecta Historico- Ascetica Vol. LX Fasc I-II
065765: VARIOUS - The Athanasian Creed: A Revised Translation Drawn Up by a Committee Appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury... . . With Latin Text Corresponding to the Translation
066627: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 102, 2007
051747: VARIOUS - Liber Amicorum Studies in Honour of Professor Dr C.J. Bleeker
051523: VARIOUS - Historical Survey of the Origins and Growth of Mau Mau
051425: VARIOUS - Catalonia Arte Gotico En Los Siglos XIV-XV
051414: VARIOUS - Congres International Des Sciences Anthropologiques Et Ethnologiques, Londres 1934
051274: VARIOUS - The Bible Narrative and Illustrated New International Reader's Version
051243: VARIOUS - Every Day Is a Gift
051125: VARIOUS - Eucharistic Adoration
068731: VARIOUS - St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, Vol, 30 No. 1 1986
069047: VARIOUS - The Church Missionary Intelligencer: A Monthly Journal of Missionary Information Vol. IX New Series
065574: VARIOUS - Journal for the History of Arabic Science (Vol. 10)
065573: VARIOUS - Journal for the History of Arabic Science (Vols 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5)
066231: VARIOUS - Old Buckenham Heritage Register
066949: VARIOUS - The Annual Report of the Baptist Missionary Society for the Year 1830 Being a Continuation of the Periodical Accounts Relative to the Society
069012: VARIOUS - First Report of the Commissioners Into the Rubrics, Orders and Directions for Regulating the Course and Conduct of Public Worship &C Accoring to the Use of the United Church of England and Ireland with Minutes of Evidence and Appendices
066993: VARIOUS - The Gambier-Parry Bequest: The Courtauld Institute Galleries Articles on Various Aspects of the Bequest Published in the Burlington Magazine
066774: VARIOUS - The Student and Intellectual Observer of Science, Literature and Art (5 Vols Set)
070939: VARIOUS - Medieval Art and Architecture at Worcester Cathedral: British Archaeological Association Transcations 1975
050021: VARIOUS - Chefs-D'Oeuvre Du Musee de L'Homme
067849: VARIOUS - Potteries Picture Postcards: A Portrait of the Six Towns
067937: VARIOUS - Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and Natural History Vol. XIX Part 2 1926
065009: VARIOUS - The Seven Sermons Preached at the Consecration and Reopening of the Parish Church of Leeds
067690: VARIOUS - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Vol. XLIX Fifth Series Vol. I
065772: VARIOUS - Convocation of Canterbury Lower House: Report of the Committee on Church Patronage No. 493
070060: VARIOUS - The English Prayer Book [Bound with] the English Hymnal
048347: VARIOUS - Chypre a L'Epoque Franque Et Venetienne (1192-1571)
048088: VARIOUS - Portraits in Verse Chosen by Paul Gittins
066578: VARIOUS - Hesperia: Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Volume 64 Nos 1-4
069335: VARIOUS - State Papers: King Henry the Eighth Volume VI Part V Foreign Correspondence 1473 - 1527
047562: VARIOUS - Religion Et Societe (Etude Theologiques 12)
070151: VARIOUS - The American Numismatic Society: Museum Notes XII
067147: VARIOUS - Numismatic Chronicle 1977
065773: VARIOUS - Convocation of Canterbury Upper House: Committee on the Subject of the Inadequate Performance of Pastoral Duties No. 495
065774: VARIOUS - Convocation of Canterbury: Report to His Grace the President by the Joint Committee on Drafting the Proposals for the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer No. 527
065930: VARIOUS - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester Vol. 43 No. 2 March 1961
066826: VARIOUS - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol. IX and X
066827: VARIOUS - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol. XIII and XIV
066828: VARIOUS - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol. VIII
066829: VARIOUS - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol. II
066830: VARIOUS - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol. VII
066832: VARIOUS - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol. I
066833: VARIOUS - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol. III
066834: VARIOUS - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol. XI-XII
066835: VARIOUS - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol. VI
066836: VARIOUS - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol. VI
066837: VARIOUS - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol. XV-XVI
066622: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 91, 1996
066838: VARIOUS - Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Vol. XVII-XVIII
043617: VARIOUS - Museum of Byzantine Culture 4/1997
041713: VARIOUS - Lincolnshire History and Archaeology: 1992: Volume 27
041176: VARIOUS - Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester Volume 75, Number 2 Summer 1993
041061: VARIOUS - African Arts
066872: VARIOUS - Pontificale Romanum Summorum Pontificum Pars Tertia
066882: VARIOUS - Sermons or Homilies Appointed to Be Read in Churches in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory in Two Parts Vol. I
066612: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 112, 2017
040165: VARIOUS - Anglo-Catholic John-Bull Tracts
040164: VARIOUS - Church and Precept
066948: VARIOUS - The Monthly Record of Church Missions in Connection with the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts Vol. I [and] Vol. II
066608: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 110, 2015
063007: VARIOUS - Rechenpfennige Aufsatze Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte Kurt Vogel
063005: VARIOUS - The New Testament in Syriac
066892: VARIOUS - Report of the First General Meeting of Members of the National Education League Held at Birmingham on Oct. 12 & 13, 1869
066329: VARIOUS - Anglican Embers Volume II 2007-2009: Journal of the Anglican Use Society
070078: VARIOUS - Byzantina Tomos I
065719: VARIOUS - A Catalogue of the Contents of Hints Hall, Tamworth Staffs to Be Sold by Auction by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley, Monday 17th September 1917 & Four Following Days
068186: VARIOUS - Studi Della Scuola Papirologica Vols. I, II, III
066256: VARIOUS - Tribal Art Number 48 Spring 2008 Quarterly Journal of the Art, Culture and History of Traditional Peoples and New World Civilizations
069334: VARIOUS - State Papers: King Henry the Eighth Volume II Part III Correspondence between the Governments of England and Ireland 1515 - 1538
068639: VARIOUS - Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis [1870]
066328: VARIOUS - Anglican Embers Volume III 2010-1012: Journal of the Anglican Use Society
066610: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 111, 2016
070079: VARIOUS - Oriente Cattolico Cenni Storici E Statistiche
066957: VARIOUS - The Gospel Missionary Volume IX for 1859 [with] the Gospel Missionary Volume X for 1860
066399: VARIOUS - The Dundee Directory 1974 Including Monifieth, Carnoustie, Newport-on-Tay, Tayport
065849: VARIOUS - Proposals for the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer As Approved by the Convocation of Canterbury February 1920
066397: VARIOUS - Hyde & District Directory 1964-5
024500: VARIOUS - La Vierge Dans L'Art Et la Tradition Populaire Des Pyrenees, Exposition France-Espagne
068031: VARIOUS - Walsingham Richeldis 950 Pilgrimage and History
066635: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 74, 1979
068317: VARIOUS - A Miscellany Presented to John Macdonald Mackay LL. D. July, 1914
021363: VARIOUS - Anthropology and the American Indian, a Symposium
021272: VARIOUS - Mission in Unity; Towards Deeper Communion between Reformed Churches Worldwide
020743: VARIOUS - African Arts.
020567: VARIOUS - African Arts
020566: VARIOUS - African Arts
020565: VARIOUS - African Arts
020564: VARIOUS - African Arts
020563: VARIOUS - African Arts
020561: VARIOUS - African Arts
020560: VARIOUS - African Arts
020559: VARIOUS - African Arts
020558: VARIOUS - African Arts
020557: VARIOUS - African Arts
020556: VARIOUS - African Arts
020555: VARIOUS - African Arts
020552: VARIOUS - African Arts
020551: VARIOUS - African Arts
020550: VARIOUS - African Arts
020548: VARIOUS - African Arts: August 1989, Volume XXII No. 4
020549: VARIOUS - African Arts
020544: VARIOUS - African Arts Autumn 1997 Volume XXX No. 4
020547: VARIOUS - African Arts
020543: VARIOUS - African Arts
020542: VARIOUS - African Arts
020541: VARIOUS - African Arts
020538: VARIOUS - African Arts
020366: VARIOUS - African Arts
020365: VARIOUS - African Arts
020319: VARIOUS - African Arts
020318: VARIOUS - African Arts
020317: VARIOUS - African Arts
020316: VARIOUS - African Arts
020314: VARIOUS - African Arts
020312: VARIOUS - African Arts
020311: VARIOUS - African Arts
020309: VARIOUS - African Arts
020308: VARIOUS - African Arts
020307: VARIOUS - African Arts
020305: VARIOUS - African Arts: November 1986, Vol XX No 1
020306: VARIOUS - African Arts
020304: VARIOUS - African Arts: November 1985, Vol XIX No. 1
068869: VARIOUS - Transactions of St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society Vol. VI
068641: VARIOUS - Mansfield College, Oxford, Its Origin and Opening October 14-16, 1889
066606: VARIOUS - Annual of the British School at Athens Volume 114, 2019
066394: VARIOUS - The Archaeological Sites and Monuments of Scotland: North East Inverness, Inverness District, Highland Region
066326: VARIOUS - Anglican Embers: Shared Treasure Journal of the Anglicanorum Coetibus Society of the Anglican Patrimony in the Catholic Church Volume IV 2013-2021
057918: S. H. VARJABEDIAN - The Armenians from Prehistoric Times to the Present: A Digest of Their History, Religion, Language Literature, Arts and Culture in General
034137: VARLEY, BENJAMIN - The History of Stockport Grammar School Including the Life of Sir Edmond Shaa
021664: VARTY, KENNETH - Reynard the Fox, a Study of the Fox in Medieval English Art
062055: VASALOU, SOPHIA - Practices of Wonder: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
051564: ILDKO VASARY - Beyond the Plan: Social Change in a Hungarian Village
043612: VASILIEV, ALEXANDER - History of the Byzantine Empire Vol. II
052069: IGOR VASILYEV - Gzhel Pottery
057809: VASSILIAN, HAMO B. - Armenian American Almanac 1985-6
058098: VIRGIL VATASIANU - Wall Painting in Northern Moldavia
068049: VATIKIOTIS, MICHAEL R. J. - Indonesia Under Suharto: Order, Development and Pressure for Change
060686: AGNES CARR VAUGHAN - The House of the Double Axe: The Palace at Knossos
060083: VAUGHAN, JOHN EDMUND - The English Guide Book, C. 1780-1870;: An Illustrated History
070407: VAUGHAN, MÍCEÁL F. - Piers Plowman: The a Version
049139: RICHARD VAUGHAN - Philip the Bold: The Formation of the Burgundian State
043774: VAUGHAN, ROGER BEDE - Ecclesia Christi: Words Spoken at the Opening of the Second Session of the Fourth Provincial Council of Westminster
033438: VAUGHAN, HENRY - Silex Scintillans, Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations
056503: ROLAND DE VAUX - Ancient Israel Its Life and Institutions
052015: VAUX, J. EDWARD - Church Folk Lore, a Record of Some Post-Reformation Usages in the English Church Now Mostly Obsolete
035108: VAUX, J. EDWARD - Church Folk Lore, a Record of Some Post-Reformation Usages in the English Church Now Mostly Obsolete
067201: VAVRA, ELISABETH - Alterskulturen Des Mittelalters Und Der Fruhen Neuzeit: Internationaler Kongress, Krems an Der Donau, 16. Bis 18. Oktober 2006 (Sitzungsberichte Der Phil. -Hist. Klasse) (German Edition)
067578: VAVRA, ELISABETH - Bild Und Abbild Vom Menschen IM Mittelalter: Akten Der Akademie Friesach, "Stadt Und Kultur IM Mitttelalter", Friesach (Kärnten), 9. -13. September 1998 (Schriftenreihe Der Akademie Friesach)
033986: VAYDA, ANDREW P. (ED.) - Environment and Cultural Behaviour : Ecological Studies in Cultural Anthropology
054752: PEDRO RAMIREZ VAZQUEZ - The National Museum of Anthropology Mexico: Art; Architecture; Archaeology; Ethnography
062194: VEER, PETER VAN DER - Gods on Earth: The Management of Religious Experience and Identity in a North Indian Pilgrimage Centre (Lse Monographs on Social Anthropology)
061149: VAN DER VEER, PETER - Gods on Earth; the Management of Religious Experience and Indentity in a North Indian Pilgrimage Centre.
022600: VEIL, STEPHAN (ED.) - Alt- Und Mittelsteinzeitliche Fundplatze Des Rheinlandes
055222: WALTER VEIT - Captain James Cook: Image and Impact- South Seas Discoveries and the World of Letters
048401: VEITCH, SOPHIE FRANCES FANE - Views in Central Abyssinia: With Portraits of the Natives of the Galla Tribes, Taken in Pen and Ink Under Circumstances of Peculiar Difficulty
065458: EGON WELLESZ; MILOS VELIMIROVIC - Studies in Eastern Chant Volume I
054076: VELING, TERRY A. - For You Alone: Emmanuel Levinas and the Answerable Life
068261: PAUL VELLUET - Past, Present and Future of St. Ethelburga Bishopsgate: Partially Destroyed by Bomb, April 24th, 1993
044311: VENABLES, GEORGE - Church Endowments for New Parishes, How We May at Once Provide Them
064016: BRIAN TREANOR; HENRY ISAAC VENEMA - A Passion for the Possible: Thinking with Paul Ricoeur
022139: VENN, J. A. - The Foundations of Agricultural Economics, Together with: An Economic History of British Agriculture During and After the Great War
043900: LIKHACHOV, DIMITRY; LAURINA, VERA & PUSHKARIOV, VASILY - Novgorod Icons : 12th-17th Century
055601: ELENA CASSIN; JEAN BOTTERO; JEAN VERCOUTTER - Die Altorientalischen Reich I Vom Palaolithikum Dis Zur Mitte Des 2. Jahrtausends
056583: VERDET, ANDRE? - Le?Ger (Twentieth-Century Masters)
045927: THANOS VEREMIS - The Military in Greek Politics: From Independence to Democracy
061689: DAVID VEREY - The Buildings of England: Gloucestershire: The Vale and the Forest of Dean
061687: DAVID VEREY - The Buildings of England: Gloucestershire : The Cotswolds
028742: VERGHESE, PAUL - The Joy of Freedom: Eastern Worship and Modern Man
028708: VERHEUL, AMBROSIUS - Introduction to the Liturgy
028375: VERHEUL, A. - La Priere Eucharistique Dans la Primitive Eglise
056493: VERHOEF, ESTHE; RIJIS, AAD - The Complete Encyclopedia of Chickens: Everything You Need to Know About Caring for, Housing, Breeding, and Feeding Chickens Plus an Extensive... Than One Hundred Different Breeds of Chicken
043846: VERITY, R. - Subject and Object As Connnected with Our Double Brain and a New Theory of Causation
037444: VERKAMP, BERNARD J. - Evolution of Religion
038625: VERKUYL, JOHANNES - Contemporary Missiology: An Introduction
037743: VERKUYL, J. - Contemporary Missiology, an Introduction
050811: GERARD VERLOOP - Small Organs in Holland: A Description of Some Modern Instruments
069280: VERLUIS, ARTHUR - The Philosophy of Magic
062290: VERMES, GEZA - The Dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in Perspective
060443: GEZA VERMES - The Changing Faces of Jesus
055913: VERMES, GEZA - Searching for the Real Jesus: The Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Religious Themes
055869: GEZA VERMES - Jesus in the Jewish World
049634: GEZA VERMES - The Passion
040244: VERMES, GEZA - The Dead Sea Scrolls in English
054989: VERMEULE, CORNELIUS C. - Greek and Roman Sculpture in America: Masterpieces in Public Collections in the United States and Canada
065375: VERMEULEN, HAN; ROLDAN, ARTURO ALVAREZ - Fieldwork and Footnotes: Studies in the History of European Anthropology (European Association of Social Anthropologists)
063038: JUAN VERNET - Textos Y Estudios Sobre Astronomia Espagnola En IL Siglo XIII
060065: VERNEY, STEPHEN - Water Into Wine: An Introduction to John's Gospel
052214: RALPH VERNEY - Notes of Proceedings of the Long Parliament Temp. Charles I
069392: F. G. VERNON - Teach Yourself Beekeeping
051234: MARK VERNON - The Big Questions: God
063199: VERNON, MARK - After Atheism: Science, Religion and the Meaning of Life
018881: VERRIER, ANTHONY (ED.) - Agents of Empire: Anglo-Zionist Intelligence Operations 1915-1919 Brigadier Walter Gribbon, Aaron Aaronsohn and the Nili Ring
054006: VERSLUIS, ARTHUR - The Mystical State: Politics, Gnosis, and Emergent Cultures
065476: GUSTAAV VERSWIJVER - Treasures from the Africa-Museum, Tervuren
037850: VERSWIJVER, GUSTAAF; BOUTTIAUX-NDIAYE, ANNE-MARIE; BAEKE, VIVIANE - Masterpieces from Central Africa: The Tervuren Museum
040069: VERVOITTE, C. - Choral Liturgique a L'Usage Du Diocese de Rouen Pour Les Differents Temps de Lannee
037051: VESEY, G. N. A. (ED.) - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures Volume 2: Talk of God
066203: VESSEY, MARK - Erasmus on Literature: His Ratio or 'System' of 1518/1519
054254: VETLESEN, ARNE - A Philosophy of Pain
068311: VEYNE, PAUL - History of Private Life, Volume I: From Pagan Rome to Byzantium
056824: HARDRIANUS VI - De Sacramentis Hadriani VI. Pont. Max. , Sacrae Theologiae Peritissimi, Divinisque Et Humani Juris (Quod Opus Ipsum Indicat) Consultissimi, Quaestiones de Sacramentis in Quartum Sententiarum Librum
062953: SIMONE VIARRE - La Survie D'Ovide Dans la Litterature Scientifique Des Xiie Et Xiiie Siecles
021558: VIBILA, VUADI - Femmes Et Reflexion Theologique, Vers Une Pratique Ecclesiale Emancipatrice (Cas Du Zaire)
059164: JOHN VICKERS - The History of Herod or, Another Look at a Man Emerging from Twenty Centuries of Calumny
069459: VICKERS, BRIAN - Towards Greek Tragedy: Drama, Myth, Society ( Comparative Tragedy 1)
069201: MARK VICKERS - Reunion Revisited: 1930s Ecumenism Exposed
069553: VICO, LEON POMPA (ED.) - Vico: Selected Writings
069565: VICO, GIANBATTISTA - Vico: The First New Science
068775: VICTOR, BARBARA - Hanan Ashwari: Voice of Palestine: A Passion for Peace
068512: HUGH OF SAINT VICTOR, ROY J. DEFERRARI - Hugh of Saint Victor on the Sacraments of the Christian Faith: De Sacramentis
065036: RICHARD OF SAINT-VICTOR (ZINN, GROVER A. ED.) - The Twelve Patriarchs ; [and], the Mystical Ark ; [and], Book Three of the Trinity
065389: VIDAL, ALINE - Masques Et Sculptures D'Afrique Et D'Oceanie: Collection Girardin Musee D'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
067639: VIDLER, ALEC R. - A Century of Social-Catholicism 1820-1920
049692: ALEC R. VIDLER - Christian Belief a Course of Open Lectures Delivered at the University of Cambridge
047618: VIDLER, ALEC R. - Prophecy and Papacy: A Study of Lammenais the Church and the Revolution
043837: VIDLER, A. R. - Miracle
035111: VIDLER, ALEC R. - Witness to the Light: F.D. Maurice's Message for to-Day
035045: VIDLER, ALEC R. - A Century of Social-Catholicism 1820-1920
035036: VIDLER, ALEC R. - Essays in Liberality
033209: VIDLER, ALEC R. - The Church in an Age of Revolution
062987: MAURICE VIEYRA - Hittite Art 2300-750 B.C.
052616: CATRINE CHRISTIANSEN; MATS UTAS; HENRIK E. VIGH - Navigating Youth, Generating Adulthood: Social Becoming in an African Context
029955: VIGNAUX, PAUL - Philosophy in the Middle Ages
055170: FRANC?OISE VIGNIER - Franche-Comte?, Pays de L'Ain: Ain, Doubs, Haute-Sao^Ne, Jura
046973: HENRY VIII (O'DONOVAN, LOUIS ED.) - Assertio Septem Sacramentorum or Defence of the Seven Sacraments
052030: GARY VIKAN - Illuminated Greek Manuscripts from American Collections: An Exhibition in Honor of Kurt Weitzmann
067157: GARY VIKAN - Illuminated Greek Manuscripts from American Collections: An Exhibition in Honor of Kurt Weitzmann
069827: PASQUALE VILLARI - Niccolo Machiavelli E I Suoi Tempi Illustrati Con Nuovi Documenti (3 Vols Set)
051979: VILLEHARDOUIN, GEFFROY; JOINVILLE, JEAN - Chronicles of the Crusades
063001: M. V. VILLUENDAS - La Trigonometria Europea En El Siglo XI Estudio de la Obra de Ibn Muad El Kitab Mayhulat
059598: SAMPSON, PHILIP, SAMUEL, VINAY & SUGDEN, CHRIS (EDS.) - Faith and Modernity
021614: SAMPSON, PHILIP, SAMUEL, VINAY & SUGDEN, CHRIS (EDS.) - Faith and Modernity
066559: DEMOSTHENES; J. H. VINCE - Demosthenes, Vol 3: Against Meidias, Androtion, Aristocrates, Timocrates, Aristogeiton
023350: VINCE, JOHN - The Timbered House
023349: VINCE, JOHN - Old Farm Machines
023348: VINCE, JOHN - The Farmer's Tools
023347: VINCE, JOHN - The Country Kitchen
023346: VINCE, JOHN - Shepherding
026741: VINCENOT, HENRI - Les Etoiles de Compostelle
067497: VINCENT, NICHOLAS - The Letters and Charters of Cardinal Guala Bicchieri, Papal Legate in England 1216-1218 (83) (Canterbury & York Society)
066813: BENJAMIN VINCENT - Haydn's Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information Relating to All Ages and Nations
053102: JOHN VINCENT - A Selection from the Diaries of Edward Earl Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (1826-93) 1869 1878
032143: VINCENT, JOHN (ED.) - The Anthropology of Politics: A Reader in Ethnography, Theory, and Critique
018666: VINCENT, JOHN (ED.) - Selections from the Diaries of Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (1826-93) between September 1869 and March 1878.
070093: GUTHRIE VINE (ED.) - A Litil Boke the Whiche Traytied and Reherced Many Gode Thinges Necessaries for the Pestilence Made by the Bisshop of Arusiens [London] [1485]
058188: VINOGRADOFF, PAUL - English Society in the Eleventh Century: Essays in English Medieval History
065154: PAUL VINOGRADOFF - Villainage in England: Essays in English Medieval History
065114: PAUL VINOGRADOFF - The Growth of the Manor
041598: VIRGIL ( FAIRCLOUGH, R. RUSHTON ED.) - Virgil: Ecologues, Georgics, Aeneid I-IV Volume I
049553: COMMUNITY OF SAINT MARY THE VIRGIN - The Office of Vespers Parts I & II
049543: COMMUNITY OF SAINT MARY THE VIRGIN - The Office of Terce & Sext Parts I & II
049542: COMMUNITY OF SAINT MARY THE VIRGIN - The Office of Lauds Parts I & II
038730: FABELLA, VIRGINIA & TORRES, SERGIO - Doing Theology in a Divided World
064291: VIROLI, MAURIZIO - Niccolo's Smile: A Biography of Machiavelli
055100: BORIS VISHINSKI (ED.) - Macedonian Review Vol VIII No. 1 1978
051130: VISSER, MARGARET - The Geometry of Love : Space, Time, Mystery and Meaning in an Ordinary Church
065322: RICO VITZ - Turning East: Contemporary Philosophers and the Ancient Christian Faith
027380: VITZ, PAUL C. - Psychology As Religion : The Cult of Self-Worship
063457: VIVIAN, TIM - Words to Live by: Journeys in Ancient and Modern Egyptian Monasticism (Cistercian Studies)
066206: TIM VIVIAN - The Sayings and Stories of the Desert Fathers and Mothers: Volume 1; a-H (ëta) (Volume 1) (Cistercian Studies Series)
047960: JOHN VIVIAN - Keeping Bees
019139: VIVIAN, PERCIVAL - Campion's Works
054789: THEOROROS N. VLACHOS - Die Geschichte Der Byzantinischen Stadt Melenikon
069555: VLAD, ROMAN - Stravinsky
061353: KOSTAS VLASSOPOULOS - Politics: Antiquity and Its Legacy
070010: ERIC VOEGELIN - Science, Politics and Gnosticism: Two Essays
068495: ERIC VOEGELIN - Order and History (Volume 5): In Search of Order (Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, Volume 18)
044716: VOERSTER, JURGEN - 160 Jahre E.T. A. Hoffmann-Forschung 1805-1965 Eine Bibliographie
043590: VOGELS, H. J. - Codicum Novi Testamenti Specimina, Paginas 51 Ex Codicibus Manuscriptis Et 3 Ex Impressis Collegit Ac Phototypice Repraesentatas
058882: HERMANN VOGELSTEIN - Jewish Community Series: Rome
062747: VON OGDEN VOGT - Modern Worship
035898: VOGT, JOSEPH - The Decline of Rome: The Metamorphosis of Ancient Civilisation
019475: GREGOIRE LE GRAND; VOGUE, ADALBERT DE - Commentaire Sur le Premier Livre Des Rois I
069596: KURTH-VOIGT, LIESELOTTE E. - Continued Existence, Reincarnation, and the Power of Sympathy in Classical Weimar
035415: VOILLAUME, RENE - Follow Me, the Call of the Religious Life Today
067736: F. E. VOKES - The Riddle of the Didache: Fact or Fiction, Heresy or Catholicism?
053638: VOKEY, DANIEL - Moral Discourse in a Pluralistic World
048732: A.E. RASA; C. VOGEL; E. VOLAND - Sociobiology of Sexual and Reproductive Strategies
050060: VOLBACH, W. F. - Early Christian Art: The Late Roman and Byzantine Empires from the Third to the Seventh Centuries
044828: VOLBACH, WOLFGANG FRITZ - Fruhchristliche Kunst Die Kunst Der Spatantike in West- Und Ostrom
028657: VOLBACH, W. F. - Early Christian Art: The Late Roman and Byzantine Empires from the Third to the Seventh Centuries
028631: VOLBACH, W. F. - Early Christian Art: The Late Roman and Byzantine Empires from the Third to the Seventh Centuries
044033: VON VOLBORTH, CARL-ALEXANDER - Heraldry: Customs, Rules and Styles
068640: KAREL PLICKA; FRANTISEK VOLF - Cesky Rok V Pohadkach, Pisnich, Hrach a Tancich, Rikadlech a Hadankach
061783: ANGIOLA MARIA VOLPI - Dryden Traducteur de Juvenal
040965: VOLPRECHT, KLAUS - Afrika: Sammlung Doetsch
028706: VOLZ, CARL A. - Faith and Practice in the Early Church
022477: VOLZ, CARL - Faith and Practice in the Early Church: Foundations for Contemporary Theology
044609: BODE, WILHELM VON & KUHNEL, ERNST - Antique Rugs from the Near East
025366: ROTHKIRCH, ALYCE VON & WILLIAMS, DANIEL (EDS.) - Beyond the Difference : Welsh Literature in Comparative Contexts
024472: VOPATRNY, GORAZD - Keltska Cirkev Prvniho Tisicileti a Jeji Spiritualita
054922: DAVID VOPRADA - La Mistagogia Del Commento Al Salmo 118 Di Sant'Ambrogio
071014: JACOBUS DE VORAGINE (WILLIAM GRANGER RYAN ED.) - The Golden Legend: Readings on the Saints (2 Vols Set)
025612: VOSSLER, KARL - Mediaeval Culture; an Introduction to Dante and His Times
061246: ERNST WALTER VOSWINKEL - Gott Auf Erden Gottes Wende Zum Menschen
068723: VRETTOS, THEODORE - Alexandria: City of the Western Mind
061407: G. J. DE VRIES - Antisthenes Redivius Popper's Attack on Plato
024872: VRIES, S. P. DE - Judische Riten Und Symbole
059919: VRIEZEN, THEODORUS C. - The Religion of Ancient Israel
021627: VROOM, HENDRIK M. - Religions and the Truth: Philosophical Reflections and Perspectives
055296: ECATERINA DUNAREANU-VULPE - Le Tresor de Pietroasa
027896: VUORELA, ULLA - The Women's Question and the Modes of Human Reproduction: An Analysis of a Tanzanian Village
067675: JOLIVET-LE?VY, CATHERINE - Les E?Glises Byzantines de Cappadoce: Le Programme Iconographique de L'Abside Et de Ses Abords (French Edition)
069882: VYSHESLAVTSEV, BORIS P. - The Eternal in Russian Philosophy
024211: VZDORNOV, G. - Vologda
060819: ROBINSON, THEODORE H.; HUNKIN, J. W. & BURKITT, F. C. - Palestine in General History
055481: W, M, METCALFE - The Lordship of Paisley, Being the Accompt of Charge and Discharge for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760
051645: DUGMORE, C. W. & DUGGAN, CHARLES (ED.) - Studies in Church History, Volume I
047779: ROBINSON, THEODORE H.; HUNKIN, J. W. & BURKITT, F. C. - Palestine in General History
047651: KEGLEY, CHARLES W. & BRETALL, ROBERT W. (EDS) - The Theology of Paul Tillich
047343: JONES, OWAIN W. & WALKER, DAVID - Links with the Past: Swansea & Brecon Historical Essays
044744: MILLER, W. & STRANGE, E. H. - A Centenary Bibliography of the Pickwick Papers
066430: TOULMIN, STEPHEN; HEPBURN, RONALD W. & MACINTYRE, ALASDAIR - Metaphysical Beliefs: Three Essays
041533: HOLLINGSWORTH, L. W. & ALAWI YAHYA - Advanced Swahili Exercises
040777: RUDOLPH, W. & HEMPEL, J. - Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensis: Numeri Et Deuteronomium
040052: STERNFELD, FREDERICK W. & GREER, DAVID - English Madrigal Verse 1588-1632
039097: WALTER DONALD W. - Studies in the Peshitta of Kings
038076: SYKES, S. W. & CLAYTON, J. P. (EDS) - Christ, Faith and History: Cambridge Studies in Christology
035389: SANDAY, W. & WILLIAMS, N. P. - Form and Content in the Christian Tradition, a Friendly Discussion
032351: KEMPE, J. W. & CARTER, T. T. - Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament for the Sick and Dying Not Inconsistent with the Order of the Church of England
030900: GREENSLADE, M. W. & JENKINS J. G. (ED.) - A History of the County of Stafford: Volume II
029189: DAVIS CARLESS H. W. - The Age of Grey and Peel
027693: SYKES, S. W. & HOLMES, DEREK (ED.) - New Studies in Theology
027272: HADLINGTON, PHILLIP W. & JOHNSTON, JUDITH A. - An Introduction to Australian Insects
026961: PARKER, H. W. & GRANDISON, A. G. C. - Snakes: A Natural History
026445: HARRISON, D.E.W.& SANSOM, MICHAEL C. - Worship in the Church of England
065274: W, JONES JAMES - Mirror of God: Christian Faith As Spiritual Practice Lessons from Buddhism and Psychotherapy
020949: DUGMORE, C. W. & DUGGAN, CHARLES (ED.) - Studies in Church History, Volume I
020885: KITCHIN, G. W. & MADGE, F. T. (EDS.) - Documents Relating to the Foundation of the Chapter of Winchester A.D. 1541-1547
019546: BRISCOE. T. W. - Orchids for Amateurs
017872: FAULKENER, D. A., FISK, D, K., SHEARD, J. W. & PRESSMAN, B. H. - Imperial College Expedition to Iran, 1960 Final Report
063878: FRANS B. M. DE WAAL - Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?
063957: DE WAAL, FRANS - The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism Among the Primates
052799: ALEX DE WAAL - Famine Business: L'Enterprise Humanitaire En Afrique
041997: DE WAAL, ESTHER - A Seven Day Journey with Thomas Merton
063936: WAAL, ESTHER DE - A Life Giving Way: A Commentary on the Rule of St Benedict
025642: DE WAAL, ESTHER (ED.) - The Celtic Vision : Prayers and Blessings from the Outer Hebrides
017059: DE WAAL, FRANS B. M. - Inner Ape : The Best and Worst of Human Nature
068063: A. J. B. WACE - Chamber Tombs at Mycenae Archaeologia Volume LXXXII
065446: PHILIP SCHAFF; HENRY WACE - Eusebius: Church History, Life of Constantine the Great and Oration in Praise of Constantine (a Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Volume I)
023870: WADDAMS, H. M. - The Swedish Church
063019: WADDELL, HELEN; FELICITAS CORRIGAN - More Latin Lyrics from Virgil to Milton
066273: WADDELL, HELEN - The Desert Fathers
063267: WADDELL, HELEN - The Wandering Scholars
037609: WADDELL, HELEN (CORRIGAN, FELICITAS ED.) - Between Two Eternities: A Helen Waddell Anthology
070329: WADDELL, HELEN - The Desert Fathers
070503: WADDELL, HELEN - Beasts and Saints
051782: WADDY, R. P. STACY - Philip Loyd, Missionary and Bishop
070942: WADE, PETER - Race, Nature and Culture: An Anthropological Perspective
067860: RICHARD C. WADE - Slavery in the Cities: The South 1820-1860
070606: WADE, FRANCIS - Myanmar's Enemy Within: Buddhist Violence and the Making of a Muslim 'Other' (Asian Arguments)
069381: WADEY, H. J. - The Behaviour of Bees and of Bee-Keepers
069382: WADEY, H. J. - The Behaviour of Bees and of Bee-Keepers
040300: WADEY, H. J. - The Behaviour of Bees and of Bee-Keepers
15371: WADEY, H. J. - The Bee Craftsman: A Short Guide to the Life Story and Management of the Honey-Bee.
019705: WADEY, H. J. - The Bee Craftsman: A Short Guide to the Life Story and Management of the Honey-Bee.
070425: WAGENKNECHT, EDWARD - The Personality of Chaucer
065594: P. N. WAGGETT - The Heart of Jesus Being Addresses Upon the Present Reality of the Passion
064567: WAGHORNE, JOANNE PUNZO - Diaspora of the Gods: Modern Hindu Temples in an Urban Middle-Class World
058659: [A. D. WAGNER] - The Words of the Hymnal Noted with an Appendix for the Use of S. Paul's and S. Michael's Churches, Brighton
071086: WAGNER, ROY - Symbols That Stand for Themselves
045067: ANTHONY RICHARD WAGNER - English Genealogy
021463: WAGNER, JOHANNES (ED.) - Reforming the Rites of Death
024483: WAINE, ALLAN C. - Background to Beekeeping
019667: WAINE, ALLAN C. - Background to Beekeeping
059489: WAINWRIGHT, GEOFFREY - Doxology, the Praise of God in Worship, Doctrine and Life, a Systematic Theology.
065221: WAINWRIGHT, GEOFFREY - Doxology, the Praise of God in Worship, Doctrine and Life, a Systematic Theology.
050356: WAINWRIGHT, GEOFFREY - Doxology, the Praise of God in Worship, Doctrine and Life, a Systematic Theology.
044486: WAINWRIGHT, A. - A Third Lakeland Sketchbook
036343: WAINWRIGHT, GEOFFREY - Keeping the Faith: Essays to Mark the Centenary of "Lux Mundi"
028386: WAINWRIGHT, GEOFFREY - Doxology, the Praise of God in Worship, Doctrine and Life, a Systematic Theology.
026518: WAITE, VINCENT - Shropshire Hill Country
069323: A. E. WAITE - The Holy Kabbalah: A Study of the Secret Tradition in Israel As Unfolded by Sons of the Doctrine for the Benefit and Consolation of the Elect Dispersed Through the Lands and Ages of the Greater Exile
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