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056208: DAVID KESSLER - The Falashas: The Forgotten Jews of Ethiopia
066014: HARRY GRAF KESSLER - Walther Rathenau Sein Lieben Und Sein Werk
065928: HARRY GRAF KESSLER - Tagebucher 1918 - 1937
062787: KESSLER, MICHAEL; SHEPPARD, CHRISTIAN - Mystics: Presence and Aporia
035490: KESSLER, EDWARD (ED.) - A Reader of Early Liberal Judaism: The Writings of Israel Abrahams, Claude Montefiore, Lily Montagu and Israel Mattuck
058553: FIONA PITT-KETHLEY - Private Parts
064816: KETLEY, JOSEPH (ED.) - The Two Liturgies Ad 1549 and Ad 1552 with Other Documents Set Forth by Authority in the Reign of King Edward VI
031831: KETLEY, JOSEPH (ED.) - The Two Liturgies Ad 1549 and Ad 1552 with Other Documents Set Forth by Authority in the Reign of King Edward VI
044288: KETTLEWELL, JOHN - An Help and Exhortation to Worthy Communicating or a Treatise Describing the Meaning, Worthy Reception, Duty and Benefits of the Holy Sacrament and Answering the Doubts of Conscience and Other Reasons Which Most Generally Detain Men from It Together with Suitable Devotions Added
038831: KEVIN, HUGHES18. - Constructing Antichrist: Paul, Biblical Commentary, and the Development of Doctrine in the Early Middle Ages
065022: FRANCES PARKINSON KEYES - The Sublime Shepherdess: The Life of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes
046158: KEYS, LILLIAN - The Life and Times of Bishop Pompallier
029578: KEYS, GILLIAN - The Wages of Sin: A Reappraisal of the 'Succession Narrative'
018458: KEYS, IVOR - Mozart : His Music in His Life
063977: KHADER, JAMIL; ROTHENBERG, MOLLY ANNE - Zizek Now: Current Perspectives in Zizek Studies
069887: IBN KHALDUN (FRANZ ROSENTHAL ED.) - The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History
065223: HAZRAT INAYAT KHAN - Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan Centennial Edition: Volume 1 the Inner Life (the Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan, Centennial Edition)
065224: HAZRAT INAYAT KHAN - The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan Centennial Edition: Volume 3: The Art of Personality
068234: KHARLAMOV, VLADIMIR - The Beauty of the Unity and the Harmony of the Whole: The Concept of Theosis in the Theology of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
064836: A. KHATCHATRIAN - L'Architecture Armenienne Du Ive Au Vie Siecle
040494: KHIDESHELI, TINATIN; KAVVADAS, NESTOR (EDS) - Bau Und Schrift: Studien Zur Archaologie Und Literatur Des Antiken Christentums Fur Hans Reinhard Seeliger
041401: KHONKHAI, KHAMMAAN - Teachers of Mad Dog Swamp
046482: KHURI, FUAD - Imams and Emirs: State, Religion and Sects in Islam
050200: KIDD, B. J. - Documents Illustrative of the Continental Reformation
042450: KIDD, B. J. - The Later Medieval Doctrine of the Eucharistic Sacrifice
039585: KIDD, B. J. - Documents Illustrative of the Continental Reformation
034626: KIDD, B. J. - The Counter-Reformation 1550-1600
018086: KIDRON, PERETZ - Refusenik!: Israel's Soldiers of Conscience
017959: KIDRON, PERETZ - Refusenik!: Israel's Soldiers of Conscience
032020: KIEFER, OTTO - Sexual Life in Ancient Rome
055974: KIERKEGAARD, SOREN (HOMER, PAUL L. ED.) - Edifying Discourses: A Selection
066442: SOREN KIERKEGAARD - The Concept of Irony with Constant References to Socrates
039739: KIERKEGAARD, SOREN (SWENSON, DAVID F. & LOWRIE, WALTER EDS) - Unscientific Postscript
030058: KIERKEGAARD, SOREN (HOMER, PAUL L. ED.) - Edifying Discourses; a Selection
069743: SOREN KIERKEGAARD - Crisis in the Life of an Actress and Other Essays on Drama
021022: KIERKEGAARD, SOREN (HOMER, PAUL L. ED.) - Edifying Discourses; a Selection
036117: KIERNAN, R. H. - The Story of the Archdiocese of Birmingham
056487: KIGHTLY, CHARLES - A Mirror of Medieval Wales : Gerald of Wales and His Journey of 1188
033713: KIGHTLY, CHARLES - A Mirror of Medieval Wales : Gerald of Wales and His Journey of 1188
051949: IVAN TROIT?S?KII? - Arsenij I Arsenity (Variorum Reprint) (Russian Edition)
040101: CLYDE S. KILBY - Images of Salvation in the Fiction of C.S. Lewis
057493: ADRIAN JEROME KILKER - Extreme Unction: A Canonical Treatise Containing Also a Consideration of the Dogmatic, Historical and Liturgical
045830: KEVIN KILLEEN - The Political Bible in Early Modern England
044465: KILLEN, J. B. - The Incompatibles 'Sister' England and the Irish Cinderella a Mystery and a Solution; or the Spirit of English Government in Ireland and the Spirit of Irish History
028907: KILLINGER, JOHN - Leave It to the Spirit : Commitment and Freedom in the New Liturgy
069118: KILPATRICK, WILLIAM - Christianity, Islam and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West
064772: ELIZABETH KILPATRICK - The Neighbours Wan an' All
062732: G. D. KILPATRICK - The Eucharist in Bible and Liturgy
067815: KILVERT, ROBERT FRANCIS (KATHLEEN HUGHES; DAFYDD IFANS EDS) - The Diary of Francis Kilvert, April-June 1870
068291: ANNA KIM - Frozen Time
028942: KIM, CATHERINE; LOSEN, DANIEL; HEWITT, DAMON - The School-to-Prison Pipeline : Structuring Legal Reform
017400: KIM, DAVID KYUMAN - Melacholic Freedom Agency and the Spirit of Politics
049512: GEORGE H. T. KIMBLE - The Way of the World
034667: KIMBROUGH, S. T.(ED.) - Charles Wesley Poet and Theologian
056547: D. E. KIMMINS - A List of the Odonata Types Described by F.C. Fraser Now in the British Museum (Natural History)
15891: KINAHAN, TIMOTHY - A Deep But Dazzling Illness; a Christian Theology in an Inter-Faith Perspective.
044378: KINCAID, DENNIS - British Social Life in India, 1608-1937
046514: MARSHA KINDER - Playing with Power in Movies, Television, and Video Games: From Muppet Babies to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
047857: KINDERSLEY, ANNE - The Mountains of Serbia: Travels Through Inland Yugoslavia
044253: KINDIG, PAUL E. - Butter Prints and Molds
062419: KING, URSULA - Turning Points in Religious Studies
061659: KING, GREG; WOOLMANS, SUE - The Assassination of the Archduke: Sarajevo 1914 and the Murder That Changed the World
063748: KING, URSULA - Christ in All Things: Exploring Spirituality with Teilhard de Chardin
059294: KING, EVELYN - Closest Correspondence the Inside Story of an Mp
065554: KING, ANN - Muster Books for North & East Hertfordshire, 1580-1605
055773: KING, FRANCIS - The One and Only
055226: JAMES KING - Recent Discoveries on the Temple Hill at Jerusalem by-Paths of Bible Knowledge XVII
068107: KING, PAMELA M.; DAVIDSON, CLIFFORD - The Coventry Corpus Christi Plays
050613: HUGH BARTY-KING - Her Majesty's Stationery Office: The Story of the First 200 Years, 1786-1986
047676: KING, ROBERT HARLEN - The Meaning of God
046488: KING, NOEL Q. - Christian and Muslim in Africa
045148: KING, HAROLD C. - The Chancel and the Altar
043209: KING, MOYRA (ED.) - Athelstaneford
041818: KING, ARCHDALE A. - Eucharistic Reservation in the Western Church
040322: KING, W. F. H. - The Church of My Baptism and Why I Returned to It
064503: KING, RICHARD - Orientalism and Religion: Postcolonial Theory, India and 'the Mystic East'
062957: KING, LEONARD W. - Assyrian Language: Easy Lessons in the Cuneiform Inscriptions
031807: KING, EDWARD - The Love and Wisdom of God: Being a Collection of Sermons
063176: KING, DAVID A. - From Deferent to Equant: A Volume of Studies in the History of Science in the Ancient and Medieval Near East in Honor of E.S. Kennedy
029891: KING, ROBERT HARLEN - The Meaning of God
068125: SHAW KING, DAVID - Missionaries and Idols in Polynesia
027396: KING, URSULA (ED.) - Women in the World's Religions: Past and Present
025117: KING, FRANCIS - Danny Hill: Memoirs of a Prominent Gentleman
023963: BARTY-KING, HUGH - Making Provision: A Centenary History of the Provision Trade
020055: KING, ROBERT - The Meaning of God
017791: KING, URSULA (ED.) - Feminist Theology from the Third World : A Reader
031778: KINGDON, HOLLINGWORTH TULLY - Fasting Communion Historically Investigated from the Canons and Fathers and Shown to Be Not Binding in England
029668: KINGHORN, A. M. - The Chorus of History: Literary-Historical Relations in Renaissance Britain: 1485-1558
043743: KINGS, GRAHAM - Signs and Seasons: A Guide to Your Christian Journey
017304: KINGSBURY, SUSAN MYRA - The Records of the Virginia Company of London (Vols I and II)
067439: CHARLES LETHBRIDGE KINGSFORD - The First English Life of King Henry the Fifth Written in 1513 by the Translator of Livius
058213: CHARLES LETHBRIDGE KINGSFORD - The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483 Vol II
048865: KINGSFORD, C. L. (ED.) - Collectanea Franciscana II
064376: KINGSFORD, CHARLES LETHBRIDGE - English Historical Literature in the 15th Century; with an Appendix of Chronicles and Historical Pieces Hitherto Unpublished
067435: KINGSFORD, C. L. - Prejudice and Promise in Fifteenth Century England
019316: KINGSFORD, MAURICE ROOKE - The Mersey Mission to Seamen 1856-1956
063917: CHARLES KINGSLEY - The Address on Education Read Before the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science at Bristol, 1st October, 1869
036238: KINGSMILL, W. M. - Love of Country,a Sermon Preached in the Parish Church of Broad Clyst, Devon on the Occasion of the First Devon Mounted Rifle Volunteers Attending Divine Service
059324: MILES KINGTON - The Pick of Punch
069060: WILLIAM H. GLASSON; DAVID KINLEY - Federal Military Pensions in the United States
033256: KINLOCH, M. G. J. - Studies in Scottish Ecclesiastical History in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
050878: JAMES W. KINN - The Spirit of Jesus in Scripture and Prayer
052315: JOHN KINROSS - Churches of the Marches
056144: RUDYARD KIPLING - The Five Nations and the Seven Seas (Bombay Edition Vol XXII)
022742: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Humorous Tales
066880: PHILIP DODDRIDGE; ANDREW KIPPIS - The Family Expositor: Or a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament; with Critical Notes and a Practical Improvement of Each Section Vol. I to Which Is Prefixed a Life of the Author
061872: KIRAZ, GEORGE ANTON - The Syriac Primer: Reading, Writing, Vocabulary and Grammar with Exercies
068399: EPHREM THE SYRIAN; SEBASTIAN P. BROCK; GEORGE A. KIRAZ - Ephrem the Syrian: Select Poems (Eastern Christian Texts)
059717: KIRBY, EMMA JANE - The Optician of Lampedusa
058907: W. F. KIRBY (TRANSLATOR) - Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry Volume II
051995: FRANCIS W. STEER; ISABEL M. KIRBY - Diocese of Chichester: A Catalogue of the Records of the Bishops, Archdeacons and Former Exempt Institutions
051946: FRANCIS W. STEER; ISABEL M. KIRBY - Diocese of Chichester: A Catalogue of the Records of the Dean and Chapter, Vicars Choral, St. Mary's Hospital, Colleges and Schools
021205: OKUMENISCHER RAT DER KIRCHEN - Die Kirche Als Faktor Einer Kommenden Weltgemeinschaft
030495: KIRCHHOF, FERDINAND (AND OTHERS) - Das Finanziellen Rahmenbedingungen Jkirchlichen Handelns
16056: KIRK, WILLIAM, D. J. - Insects on Cabbages and Oilseed Rape
046977: J. ANDREW KIRK - Liberation Theology: An Evangelical View from the Third World
045531: KIRK, K. E. - Church Dedications of the Oxford Diocese
040951: KIRK, JOHN - Roman-Catholick Principles in Reference to God and the King Forst Published in the Year 1680 to Which Is Prefixed an Enquiry Respecting the Editors and the Author of That Valuable Tract
033595: KIRK, COLIN - Death of Augustus, His Conversion to Christ
020972: KIRK, RUTH - Tradition & Change on the Northwest Coast: The Makah, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Southern Kwakiutl and Nuxalk
027102: KIRKMAN, T. P. - Address Delivered by the Rev T.P. Kirkman, M.A. , F.R. S. , Rector of Croft Near Warrington on Presiding at the Twenty-First Soiree of the Brighouse Mechanics' Institution, January 7th, 1868
054441: FRANK G. KIRKPATRICK - The Mystery and Agency of God: Divine Being and Action in the World
045223: KIRKPATRICK, DAMIAN (ED.) - Joy in All Things: A Franciscan Companion
023673: KIRKUS, GREGORY - An I.B. V.M. Biographical Dictionary of the English Members and Major Benefactors (1667-2000)
041350: KIROS, FASSIL G. - Challenging Rural Poverty
030807: KIRTON, J. W. - Happy Homes and How to Make Them
043151: KISKY, HANS - Burgen, Schlosser Und Hofesfesten IM Kreise Euskirchen
063895: KISNER, MATTHEW J. - Spinoza on Human Freedom: Reason, Autonomy and the Good Life
044004: KITCHEN, ANTHONY - The Consecration of the Most Reverend Matthew Parker
035824: KITCHEN, ANTHONY - The Consecration of the Most Reverend Matthew Parker
033450: KITCHEN, PADDY - Gerard Manley Hopkins
068275: EDWARD KITE - The Monumental Brasses of Wiltshire
060045: ALEC KITROEFF - The Bananaless Republic: The Funny Side of Greece in the 80s
022971: KITTLER, GLENN D. - The White Fathers
043875: KJELLIN, HELGE - Russiske Ikoner I Norse Og Svenske Eie
064962: KLAGGE, JAMES C. - Wittgenstein in Exile
066179: KLAPCZYNSKI, GREGOR - Via Triumphalis - Via Dolorosa: Die Berliner Fronleichnamsprozession Bei Sankt Hedwig IM Jahr 1939
022035: VON BISMARCK, KLAUS & DIRKS, WALTER (EDS.) - Neue Grenzen Okumenisches Christentum Morgen
062241: THEODOR KLAUSER - The Western Liturgy and Its History: Some Reflections on Recent Studies
046965: KLAUSER, THEODOR - A Short History of the Western Liturgy: An Account and Some Reflections
044074: KLAWANS, ZANDER H. - An Outline of Ancient Greek Coins
063096: FELIX KLEIN - On Riemann's Theory of Algebraic Functions and Their Integrals a Supplement to the Usual Treatises
058470: DAVID LLOYD; PETER KLEIN - Ludlow: An Historical Anthology
052531: HERBERT S. KLEIN - The Atlantic Slave Trade
066452: KLEIN, MELANIE - Narrative of a Child Analysis: The Conduct of the Psycho-Analysis of Children As Seen in the Treatment of a Ten-Year-Old Boy: No 55 (International Psycho-Analysis Library)
027906: KLEIN, MARTIN A. (ED.) - Peasants in Africa: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
067837: KLEINPENNING, JAN M.G. - Peopling the Purple Land: A Historical Geography of Rural Uruguay, 1500-1915: No 73 (Clas)
042871: KLEISSLER, THOMAS A.; LEBERT, MARGO A. - Small Christian Communities: A Vision of Hope
047314: KLEIST, JAMES A. (ED.) - The Didache, the Epistle of Barnabas, the Epistle and Martyrdom of St. Polycarp, the Fragments of Papius, the Epistleto Diogentus
022022: KLEMM, ELISABETH - Das Evangeliar Heinrichs Des Lowen
061176: ELIAS. KLEYN, H. G. - Het Leven Van Johannes Van Tella Door Elias
037757: KLIEVER, LONNIE D - H. Richard Niebuhr
063011: ROSWITHA KLINCK - Die Lateinische Etymologie Des Mittelalters
060864: KLING, DAVID W. - The Bible in History: How the Texts Have Shaped the Times
039179: KLING, DAVID W. - The Bible in History: How the Texts Have Shaped the Times
057882: KLINGSHIRN, WILLIAM E. - Caesarius of Arles: The Making of a Christian Community in Late Antique Gaul
066727: KLINGSHIRN, WILLIAM E.; LINDA SAFRAN - The Early Christian Book
024219: KLISHAROVA, RAISSA (ED.) - The Holy Land of Russia
069934: KLOCZOWSKI, JERZY - A History of Polish Christianity
059535: JAMES C. KLOTTER - Kentucky Justice, Southern Honor, and American Manhood: Understanding the Life and Death of Richard Reid
036941: KLUG, STEFAN - Alexandria Und Rom: Die Geschichte Der Beziehungen Zweier Kirchen in Der Antike
066994: BERND KLUSER - Enzo Cucchi: Lousiana 34 Disegni Cantana
059252: M. A. JUSTINA KNAPP - Christian Symbols and How to Use Them
068408: KNAPP, ROBERT - The Dawn of Christianity: People and Gods in a Time of Magic and Miracles
025555: KNECHT, R. J. - Francis I and Absolute Monarchy
049433: JANRENSE BOONSTRA; HANS JANSEN; JOKE KNIESMEYER - Antisemitism : A History Portrayed
069396: JOHN B. KNIGHT - Christ Church Summerfield 1885-1985 the First Hundred Years
060726: ROBERT KNIGHT - A Critical Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Romans
060212: ROBERT KNIGHT - The Doctrine of Scriptural Predestination with Some Remarks on the Baptismal Question
059897: KNIGHT, IAN - By the Orders of the Great White Queen: Campaigning in Zululand Through the Eyes of the British Soldier, 1879
059079: KNIGHT, STEPHEN - The Killing of Justice Godfrey: An Investigation Into England's Most Remarkable Unsolved Murder
055626: W. F. JACKSON-KNIGHT - Many-Minded Homer: An Introduction
043794: KNIGHT, DAVID M. - Natural Science Books in English 1600-1900
041719: KNIGHT, JEREMY K.; JOHNSON, ANDY - Usk Castle, Priory and Town
058772: CHARLES KNIGHTLY - Enjoy Medieval Denbighshire
038783: KNITTER, PAUL F. - No Other Name?: Critical Survey of Christian Attitudes Towards the World Religions
063919: ULRICH KNOCHE - D. Iunius Juvenalis: Saturae Mit Kritischem Apparat
064721: HEINZ KNOKE - I Flew for the Fuhrer: The Story of a German Airman
062174: C. H. KNOWLES - Simon de Montfort 1265-1965
058858: KNOWLES, DAVID - The Religious Orders in England Volume I
058857: KNOWLES, DAVID - The Religious Orders in England Volume I
065908: KNOWLES, DAVID - The Monastic Order in England, a History of Its Development from the Times of St Dunstan to the Fourth Lateran Council 940-1216
057925: KNOWLES, DAVID - The Religious Orders in England (3 Vols Set)
065910: KNOWLES, DAVID - The Religious Orders in England: Volume III the Tudor Age
051017: KNOWLES, DAVID - What Is Mysticism?
068269: KNOWLES, DAVID - Bare Ruined Choirs: The Dissolution of the English Monasteries
040521: KNOWLES, L. C. A. - The Industrial and Commercial Revolutions in Great Britian During the Nineteenth Century
040191: KNOWLES, JOHN - A Separate Peace
030876: KNOWLES, DAVID - The Religious Orders in England Volume I 1216-1340
063127: DAVID KNOWLES - From Pachomius to Ignatius: A Study in the Constitutional History of the Religious Orders
067184: KNOX, RONALD A. - Memories of the Future; Being Memoirs of the Years 1915-1972 Written in the Year of Grace 1988 by Opal, Lady Porstock.
065969: A. E. KNOX - Ornithological Rambles in Sussex with a Systematic Catalogue of the Birds in That County and Remarks on Their Local Distribution
060820: WILFRED L.KNOX - Some Hellenistic Elements in Primitive Christianity
066729: KNOX, RONALD A. - The Belief of Catholics
046617: KNOX, WILFRED L. - St. Paul and the Church of the Gentiles
051016: RONALD KNOX - The Layman and His Conscience
047301: R. BUICK KNOX - Reformation Conformity and Dissent: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Nuttall
045216: KNOX, WILFRED L. - The Catholic Movement in the Church of England
037926: KNOX, WILFRED L. - The Deposited Book, and the Arguments for Supporting It
036440: KNOX, JOHN - The Church and the Reality of Christ
069068: ALEXANDER KNOX - Remains of Alexander Knox Esq Vol. II
069069: ALEXANDER KNOX - Remains of Alexander Knox Esq Vol. III
033455: KNOX, R. A. - Juxta Salices
033096: KNOX, WILFRED L. - The Church Expectant
017635: KNOX, W. L. - The Good Shepherd
031238: KNOX, WILFRED L. - The Catholic Movement in the Church of England
029400: KNOX, RONALD A. - Caliban in Grub Street
021009: KNUTH, ANTON - Der Protestantismus Als Moderne Religion: Historisch-Systematische Rekonstruktion Der Religionsphilosophischen Theologie Kurt Leeses (1887-1965)
020721: KOBAYASHI, TERRY;BIRD, MICHAEL;PRICE, ELIZABETH - Folk Treasures of Historic Ontario
044634: KOCH, C.J. - The Boys in the Island
066986: KOCH, KLAUS - The Prophets: Volume One: The Assyrian Period
066987: KOCH, KLAUS - The Prophets: Volume Two: The Babylonian and Perisianian Periods
031752: KOCH, KLAUS - The Growth of the Biblical Tradition: The Form-Critical Method
030951: KOCH, GERD - Iniet: Geister in Stein Die Berliner Iniet-Figuren-Sammlung
067739: KOCHAN, LIONEL - The Jewish Renaissance and Some of Its Discontents
021295: KODALLE, KLAUS-MICHAEL - Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Zur Kritik Seiner Theologie
066225: OSKAR KOENIG - The Masai Story
047910: H. G. KOENIGSBERGER - Luther a Profile
021246: KOGUSI, KATSUJI - Eine Studie Uber Die Rezeption Der Theologie Dietrich Bonhoeffers in Ostasien, Am Beispiel Des Nachkriegsprotestantismus in Japan Und Korea Von 1945 Bis 1975
049774: RICHARD WHITAKER; JOHN R. KOHLENBERGER - The Analytical Concordance to the New Revised Standard Version of the New Testament
042815: KOHLENBERGER, JOHN - The Concise Concordance to the New Revised Standard Version
068577: KOLAKOWSKI, LESZEK - Modernity on Endless Trial
057015: KOLB, EBERHARD - The Weimar Republic
032650: KOLB, ERIC DE - Ashanti Goldweights
019166: KOLBENSHLAG, MADONNA (ED.) - Women in the Church, I
066730: KOLLAR, RENE - The Return of the Benedictines to London: A History of Ealing Abbey from 1896 to Independence
051696: RENE KOLLAR - Abbot Aelred Carlyle, Caldey Island, and the Anglo-Catholic Revival in England
067200: KOLLER, MANFRED - Der Flugelaltar Von Michael Pacher in St. Wolfgang (Buchreihe Des Institutes Fur Den Donauraum Und Mitteleuropa) (German Edition)
024773: KOLLIAS, ELIAS - Patmos; Byzantine Art in Greece: Mosaics Wall-Paintings
065402: ERNA BEUMERS; HANS-JOACHIM KOLOSS - Kings of Africa: Art and Authority in Central Africa
053214: HANS-JOACHIM KOLOSS - Afrika: Kunst Und Kultur : Meisterwerke Afrikanischer Kunst, Museum Fu?R Vo?Lkerkunde Berlin
053196: DIETER HEINTZE; HANS-JOACHIM KOLOSS - Bilder Des Menschen in Fremden Kulturen
048789: KOMROFF, MANUEL (ED.) - The Apocrypha or Non-Canonical Books of the Bible the King James Version
066530: GEORGE RAWLINSON; MANUEL KOMROFF - The History of Herodotus
029638: KONDAKOFF, N. (TRAWINSKI, M. ED.) - Histoire L'Art Byzantin Considere Principalement Dans Les Miniatures
045610: KONDIC, VLADIMIR (ED.) - Frappe Et Ateliers Monetaires Dans L'Antiquite Et Moyen Age
063844: C. PLINIUS SECUNDUS; RODERICH KONIG - C. Plinius Secundus: Naturkunde Lateinisch - Deutsch Buch II Kosmologie
063843: C. PLINIUS SECUNDUS; RODERICH KONIG - C. Plinius Secundus: Naturkunde Lateinisch - Deutsch Buch I Widmung
063845: C. PLINIUS SECUNDUS; RODERICH KONIG - C. Plinius Secundus: Naturkunde Lateinisch - Deutsch Buch XI Zoologie: Insekten Vergleichende Anatomie
038103: KONIG, FRANZ - Open to God, Open to the World
052564: PETER GESCHIERE; PIET KONINGS - Itineraires D'Accumulation Au Cameroun
052534: PIET KONINGS - Labour Resistance in Cameroon
065992: KONNERT, MARK W.; BARRS, PETER; BARRS, CARINE - The Christian Travelers Guide to France
061310: KONSTAM, ANGUS - Bannockburn: Scotland's Greatest Battle for Independence
065057: KOOK, ABRAHAM ISAAC (BEN ZION BOKSER ED.) - Lights of Penitence and Other Works
024489: KOOK, ABRAHAM ISAAC (BOKSER, BEN ZION ED.) - The Lights of Penitence, the Moral Principles, Lights of Holiness, Essays Letters and Poems
053339: KOPP, SHELDON - If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him!
056470: KAREN A. KORACH - Catalogue 3rd International Exhibition of Botanical Art and Illustration
057765: KORIUM (BEDROS NOREHAD TRANS.) - The Life of Mashtots
023023: KORKHMAZIAN, EMMA - La Miniature Armenienne XIII-XIV Siecles, Collection Du Matenadaran, Erevan
033739: KORN, FRANCIS - Elementary Structures Reconsidered : Levi-Strauss on Kinship
063186: ERNST KORNEMANN - Grosse Frauen Des Altertums
062557: KOROLEVSKY, CYRIL - Living Languages in Catholic Worship
041140: KOROLEVSKY, CYRIL - Living Languages in Catholic Worship
045762: KOROMELA, MARIANNA - Tessereis Histories Gia Mia Chamene Panseleno
060314: KORRES, MANOLIS; BOURAS, CHARALAMPOS - Athens: From the Classical Period to the Present Day 5th Century B.C. -A.D. 2000
067096: KORTÜM, HANS-HENNING - Menschen Und Mentalitäten
049454: ADALBERT V. KOSSAK - Erinnerungen
065913: V. KOSTOCHKIN - Fortress Architecture of Early Russia
067115: KOSTOF, SPIRO - The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History
063132: FRIEDERIKE BOOCKMANN; DANIEL A DI LISCIA; HELLA KOTHMANN - Miscellanea Kepleriana. Festschrift Für Volker Bialas Zum 65. Geburtstag. ( = Algorismus. Studien Zur Geschichte Der Mathematik Und Der Naturwissenschaften, 34) .
053364: KOTSKO, ADAM - Why We Love Sociopaths: A Guide to Late Capitalist Television
045439: KOTSONI, IERONIMOS - Provlmata Tis Ekliastiskis Ikomomias Problems of the Ecclesiastical Family
045437: KOTSONI, IERONIMOS - I Kanoniki Apophsis Peri Tis Epikoinonias Meta Ton Heterodoxon (Intercommunio)
036963: KOTTAK, CONRAD PHILLIP - Anthropology: The Exploration of Human Diversity
060149: ANGELIKI KOTTARIDI - From Heracles to Alexander the Great: Treasures from the Royal Capital of Macedon, an Hellenic Kingdom in the Age of Democracy
050906: ANGELIKI KOTTARIDI - From Heracles to Alexander the Great: Treasures from the Royal Capital of Macedon, an Hellenic Kingdom in the Age of Democracy
050526: JOHN T.A. KOUMOULIDES - Cyprus in Transition 1960-85
028071: KOUMOULIDES, JOHN T.A.;WALTER, CHRISTOPHER - Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments at Aghia in Thessaly, Greece: The Art and Architecture of the Monastery of Saint Panteleimon
037568: KOUTROUMPES, D. G - He Charis Tes Theologias
024221: KOVACHEVSKI, CHRISTO - The Madonna in Western Painting
032090: KOWAL, J. M.; KASSAM, A. H. - Agricultural Ecology of Savanna : A Study of West Africa
063692: ALEXANDRE KOYRE - Mystiques, Spirituels, Alchimistes Du Xvie Siecle Allemand
062838: KRABBE, SILAS C. - A Beautiful Bricolage: Theopoetics As God-Talk for Our Time
057403: CARL H. KRAELING - The Excavations at Dura-Europos Final Report VIII Part I the Synagogue
025473: KRAFL, PAVEL - Reholni Kanovnici Sv. Augustina V Lanskroune
027372: KRAILSHEIMER, A. J. - Conversion
052410: KAREN L. KRAMER - Maya Children: Helpers at the Farm
065916: H. A. R. GIBB; J. H. KRAMERS - Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam
069610: KRAMRISCH, S. - The Presence of Siva (Mythos: The Princeton/Bollingen Series in World Mythology, 64)
051394: ALEXANDER HAGGERTY KRAPPE - The Science of Folk-Lore
043503: KRASSOWSKI, WITOLD - Dzieje Budownictwa I Architektury Na Ziemiach Polski Tom 2
063754: KRASTEV, IVAN; HOLMES, STEPHEN - The Light That Failed: A Reckoning
042547: KRATOCHWIL, FRIEDRICH V. - Rules, Norms and Decisions: : on the Conditions of Practical and Legal Reasoning in International Relations and Domestic Affairs
063824: KRATZ, CORINNE A. - Affecting Performance: Meaning, Movement and Experience in Okiek Women's Initiation
049361: DOROTHY KRAUS; HENRY KRAUS - The Gothic Choir-Stalls of Spain
068030: DOROTHY KRAUS; HENRY KRAUS - The Hidden World of Misericords
024574: KRAUS, F. R. - Briefe Aus Dem Istanbuler Museum
024573: KRAUS, F. R. - Briefe Aus Dem British Museum
021680: KRAUS, HENRY - Gold Was the Mortar: The Economics of Cathedral Building
028892: KRAUTHEIMER, RICHARD - Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
021797: KRAUTZ, HANS-WOLFGANG - Peter Abailard Gesprach Eines Philosophen, Eines Juden Und Eines Christen, Lateinisch Und Deutsch
065605: KREAMER, CHRISTINE MULLEN; FREYER, BRYNA; NICOLLS, ANDREA; SKLAR, MARTIN - African Vision: The Walt Disney-Tishman African Art Collection
060913: LARRY J. KREITZER - William Kiffen and His World (Part 4)
059925: LARRY J. KREITZER - William Kiffen and His World (Part 3)
059924: LARRY J. KREITZER - William Kiffen and His World (Part 2)
059904: KREITZER, L. JOSEPH - The Gospel According to John
059566: LARRY J. KREITZER - Philemon
038724: STATE MUSEUMS OF THE MOSCOW KREMLIN - The Gold of the Kremlin: Russian Gold and Silverworking and Jewellery from the 12th to the 20th Century
062130: KREPS, DAVID - Bergson, Complexity and Creative Emergence
051536: GIDEON M. KRESSEL - Anthropological Studies in Post-Socialist Micro-Economies in the Balkans: Creative Survival Adaptations in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia
024431: KRIEBEL, H. W. - The Schwenkfelders in Pennsylvania Historical Sketch
065563: KRIEGER, KURT - Ostafrikanische Plastik
052557: MILTON KRIEGER - Cameroon's Social Democratic Front: Its History and Prospects As an Opposition Political Party (1990-2011)
052552: KRIEGER, KURT - Westafrikanische Plastik I
018075: KRINER, DOUGLAS L.;SHEN, FRANCIS X. - The Casualty Gap: The Causes and Consequences of American Wartime Inequalities
064006: KRISTJANSSON, KRISTJAN - Virtuous Emotions
063646: KRISTJANSSON, KRISTJAN - Justifying Emotions: Pride and Jealousy (Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory)
063637: KRISTJÁNSSON, KRISTJÁN - Virtues and Vices in Positive Psychology: A Philosophical Critique
063765: KRISTJÁNSSON, KRISTJÁN - Aristotle, Emotions, and Education
063770: KRISTJÁNSSON, KRISTJÁN - The Self and Its Emotions (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)
062320: KROEBER, A. L. - Anthropology
021013: KROEGER, MATTHIAS - IM Religiosen Umbruch Der Welt: Der Fallige Ruck in Den Kopfen Der Kirche
042599: KROOK, DOROTHEA - Three Traditons of Moral Thought
070041: KROPOTKIN, PETER - Anarchism: A Collection of Revolutionary Writings
035575: KROSNEY, HERBERT - The Lost Gospel: The Quest for the Gospel of Judas Iscariot
042957: KRUGER, B. - The Beginnings of the Moravian Church
021230: KRUGER, WOLFGANG FRIEDHELM - Schwarze Christen, Weisse Christen: Lutheraner in Namibia Und Ihre Auseinandersetzung Um Den Christlichen Auftrag in Der Gesellschaft
064545: KUBICKI, JUDITH MARIE - Liturgical Music As Ritual Symbol: A Case Study of Jacques Berthier's Taize Music
066360: KUBY, GABRIELE - The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom
057772: KUDIAN, MISCHA - The Last Laugh
057757: MISCHA KUDIAN - Epic of Sassoun
057752: KUDIAN, MISCHA (ED.) - Soviet Armenian Poetry
057746: MISCHA KUDIAN - Candy Floss
057741: KUDIAN, MISCHA - The Saga of Sassoun: The Armenian Folk Epic Retold
064422: MISCHA KUDIAN - Epic of Sassoun: The Armenian Folk Epic
044696: OKO, DOROTHY KUHN & DOWNEY, BERNARD F. - Library Service to Labor
033516: KUHRT, STEPHEN - Tom Wright for Everyone : Putting the Theology of N.T. Wright Into Practice in the Local Church
062228: KUIPERS, RONALD A. - Richard Rorty (Bloomsbury Contemporary American Thinkers)
034112: KUITERT, H. M. - Jesus, the Legacy of Christianity
068749: KUKLICK, BRUCE - Josiah Royce: An Intellectual Biography
063827: KULICK, DON; WILLSON, MARGARET - Taboo: Sex, Identity and Erotic Subjectivity in Anthropological Fieldwork
041607: KULNTYE, BIRUTE - Monuments of Lithuanian History
044397: KUMAR, R. (ED.) - Essays in Gandhian Politics: The Rowlatt Satyagraha of 1919
059696: KUMMEL, WERNER GEORG - The Theology of the New Testament According to Its Major Witnesses - Jesus - Paul - John
048921: KUMMEL, WERNER GEORG - Introduction to the New Testament
042068: KUMMEL, WERNER GEORG - Introduction to the New Testament
039863: KUMMEL, WERNER GEORG - Introduction to the New Testament
035106: KUMMEL, WERNER GEORG - The Theology of the New Testament According to Its Major Witnesses - Jesus - Paul - John
038980: KUMMELL, W. G. - Promise and Fulfillment: The Eschatological Message of Jesus
036046: KUMMELL, W. G. - Promise and Fulfillment: The Eschatological Message of Jesus
027593: KUMMELL, W. G. - Promise and Fulfillment: The Eschatological Message of Jesus
061135: HANS KUNG (ED.) - Papal Ministry in the Church
060573: KUNG, HANS - Great Christian Thinkers
059799: KUNG, HANS - Credo: The Apostles' Creed Explained for Today
055915: KÜNG, HANS - The Catholic Church: A Short History
041059: BEZZOLA-KUNG, HANNI - Die Fruchte Des Schweigens: Kunst Der Nordamerikanischen Indianer in Der Sammlung Des Musee Barbire-Muller
038735: KUNG, HANS - Christianity and the World Religions
038286: KUNG, HANS - Theologie IM Aufbruch: Eine Okumenische Grundlegung
037014: KUNG, HANS - New Horizons for Faith and Thought
037000: KUNG, HANS - Global Responsibility: In Search of a New World Ethic
029268: KUNG, HANS - Tracing the Way : Spiritual Dimensions of the World Religions
025351: KUNG, HANS;MOLTMANN, JURGEN (EDS.) - Fundamentalism As an Ecumenical Challenge
063061: KUNITZSCH, PAUL; LORCH, RICHARD - Theodosius - Sphaerica: Arabic and Medieval Latin Translations (Boethius)
069703: GEORGE SANTAYANA; PAUL GRIMLEY KUNTZ - Lotze's System of Philosophy
021439: KUNZ, ULRICH (ED.) - Viele Glieder-Ein Leib
050461: MICHAEL KUNZLER - The Church's Liturgy (Handbooks of Catholic Theology)
070035: KUNZLER, MICHAEL - The Church's Liturgy (Handbooks of Catholic Theology)
041224: KUPER, HILDA - An African Aristocracy: Rank Among the Swazi
041106: KUPER, ADAM - Kalahari Village Politics : An African Democracy
040882: KUPER, ADAM - Anthropology and Anthropologists: The British School 1922-72
033882: KUPER, ADAM - Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School
033534: KUPER, ADAM - Kalahari Village Politics : An African Democracy
068626: KUPER, ADAM - Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School
049936: MARCIA KUPFER - Art and Optics in the Hereford Map: An English Mappa Mundi, C. 1300
051569: JEANNETTE KUPFERMANN - Mstaken Body: A Fresh Perspective on the Women's Movement
024371: KUPPER, J, R. - Correspondance de Kibri-Dagan, Gouveneur de Terqa
041940: KURPIEWSKI, JANUSZ - Zarys Historii Pieniadza Polskiego
022158: KRIEGER, KURT & KUTSCHER, GERDT - Westafrikanische Masken
044537: KUSTER, VOLKER - Many Faces of Jesus Christ: Intercultural Christology
063292: WILHELM KUTSCH - Tabit B. Qurra's Arabische Ubersetzung Der Des Kikomachos Von Gerasa Zun Ersten Mal Herausgegeben
030829: KUTTNER, GERHARD - Vier Predigten
027249: KUVOCHINSKY, P. - The Divine Liturgy of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Graeco-Russian Church [Russian Liturgy]
060814: GEORGE KUWAYAMA - The Great Bronze Age of China: A Symposium
022887: KYDD, RONALD A. N. - Finding Pieces of the Puzzle : A Fresh Look at the Christian Story
066151: KYEREMATEN, A. A. Y. - Panoply of Ghana
047747: KYKKOTIS, SERAPHIM; HENDRICKX, B; SANSARIDOU-HENDRICKX, THEKLA (EDS) - Ekkleisatikos Pharos Vol. 92 (New Series) 2010
061350: KYLE, DONALD G. - Sport and Spectacle in the Ancient World
063967: KYLE, CHRIS R. - Parliaments, Politics and Elections, 1604-1648
050406: THEODOSIOS A. KYRIAKIDIS - The History of the Holy Stavropegiac and Patriarchal Monastery of Saint George Peristereota
064400: BERNHARD KYTZLER - Marcus Tullius Cicero: Brutus
13492: MULHOLLAND, ROSA, WITH DIFFENBACH, L. & KNOEFLER, H. (ILLUS) - The First Christmas for Our Dear Little Ones
057707: BAILEY, JAMES L & BROEK, LYLE D VANDER - Literary Forms in the New Testament
044706: JACOBS, SONIA L. & PETRIWSKY, EUGENE E. - Rare Books Slavica in the University of Colorado Libraries Boulder, Colorado: An Annotated Bibliography
044621: STRACK, H. L & STEMBERGER, G. - Einleitung in Talmud Und Midrasch
044251: COUVE DE MURVILLE, M. N. L. & JENKINS, PHILIP - Catholic Cambridge
041088: GOSWAMY, B. N. DALLAPICCOLA, A. L. & SPINK, W. M. - Krishna, the Divine Lover, Myth and Legend Through Indian Art
040338: ROBERTS, HENRY L. & WILSON, PAUL A. (EDS) - Britain and the United States, Problems in Co-Opertion: A Join Report by Study Groups of the Council on Foreign Relations, New York and the Royal Institute of International Affairs
039331: GREENSLADE, S. L. & BONE, G. D. - The Work of William Tindale with an Essay on Tindale and the English Language
039161: STRACK, HERMANN L. & BILLERBECK, PAUL - Das Evangelium Nach Matthaus Erlautert Aus Talmud Und Midrash 1: Das Evangelium Nach Matthäus / Band 2: Das Evangelium Nach Markus, Lukas Und Johannes Und Die Apostelgeschichte / Band 3: Die Briefe Des Neuen Testaments Und Die Offenbarung Johannes
037745: WEAVER-ZERCHER, DAVID L. & WILLIMON, WILLIAM H.(EDS) - Vital Christianity: Spirituality, Justice, and Christian Practice
037294: COUVE DE MURVILLE, M. N. L. & JENKINS, PHILIP - Catholic Cambridge
023481: KROEBER, A. L. & WATERMAN, T. T. - Source Book in Anthropology
017940: ECK, DIANA L. & JAIN, DEVAKI - Speaking of Faith: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Women, Religion, and Social Change
050250: EDMOND-RENE LABANDE - Spiritualite Et Vie Litteraire de L'Occident, Xe-Xive S.
063690: ABU ALI AL-HUSAYN IBN BASO; EMILIA CALVO LABARTA - Risalat Al-Safiha Al Yami'a LI-Yami' Al-'Urud (Tratado Sobre la Lámina General Para Todas Las Latitudes)
069319: P. LABERTHONNIERE - Pages Choisies Donnant Une Vie D'Ensemble de Sa Pensee
068809: L. LABERTHONNIERE - Positivisme Et Catholicisme a Propos de 'l'Action Francaise'
068079: LABRIOLA, ALBERT C.; SMELTZ, JOHN W. - The Mirror of Salvation: Speculum Humanae Salvationis: An Edition of British Library Blockbook G. 11784
068826: LACEY, A. R. - Bergson
048292: LACEY, T. A. (ED.) - [the King's Book 1543] a Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for Any Christian Man Set Forth by the King's Majesty of England &C
031860: LACEY, T. A. - Alcuin Club Tracts III: Liturgical Interpolations
062765: PLUTARQUE; MARCEL CUVIGNY; GUY LACHENAUD - Oeuvres Morales: Tome XII, 1e Partie. Traité 54-57: 278
049622: ANDRE LACOCQUE - The Book of Daniel
064154: LACOCQUE, ANDRE; RICOEUR, PAUL - Thinking Biblically: Exegetical and Hermeneutical Studies
066726: LACOUTURE, JEAN - Jesuits
061403: LACROIX, PIERRE LOUIS - ďles de la Grčce
024834: LACUGNA, CATHERINE MOWRY - The Theological Methodology of Hans Kung
052675: JEAN LADAME - Les Saints de la Piete Populaire
045063: LADAME, JEAN - Saint Margaret Mary and the Visitation in Paray
068902: HERMANN LOTZE; GEORGE T. LADD - Outlines of Metaphysic Dictated Portions of the Lectures of Hermann Lotze
051783: R. A. FINLAYSON; WILLIAM L. LANE; J. I. PACKER; LEON MORRIS; F. F. BRUCE; COLIN GRANT; G. W. KIRBY; G. E. LADD - Bible Themes: Selected Readings for Every Day Volume 2
027622: LADD, GEORGE ELDON - A Theology of the New Testament
057849: LADIS, ANDREW - Taddeo Gaddi: Critical Reappraisal and Catalogue Raisonne
057510: GERHART B. LADNER - Images and Ideas in the Middle Ages: Selected Studies in History and Art (Vols I & II)
066422: GALERIE LAEREMANS - Philippe Et Lisa Laermans [Exposition]
066457: DIOGENES LAERTIUS (R. D. HICKS ED.) - Lives of Eminent Philosophers: Vol 1 (Loeb Classical Library)
066458: DIOGENES LAERTIUS (R. D. HICKS ED.) - Lives of Eminent Philosophers: Vol II (Loeb Classical Library)
068052: G. LAFAYE - Inscriptiones Graecae Ad Res Romanas Pertinentes Tomus Quartus
037395: LAFFEY, ALICE L. - Pentateuch
028802: DAL LAGO, ENRICO - American Slavery, Atlantic Slavery, and Beyond : The U.S. 'Peculiar Institution' in International Perspective
062499: LAHAV, RAN; WINSTROM, MICHAEL - Book of Creation
059429: JOHN LAHR ET AL. - Tenessee Williams: No Refuge But Writing
024179: LAIDLER, LIZ - Otters in Britain
068193: LAING, R. D - Conversations with Adam and Natasha
057978: LAING, LLOYD - Studies in Celtic Survival
056620: FREDERICK LAING - The Cockroach: Its Life-History and How to Deal with It
052095: JENNIFER LAING; LLOYD LAING - Art of the Celts: From 700 Bc to the Celtic Revival
067615: LAING, LLOYD ROBERT - The Archaeology of Late Celtic Britain and Ireland, C. 400-1200 Ad
068161: LAING, R. D. - Sonnets
064531: LAITIN, DAVID D. - Hegemony and Culture: Politics and Religious Change Among the Yoruba
062183: LAKE, KIRSOPP (ED.) - The Apostolic Fathers: Volume I
024023: LAKE, FRANK (CHRISTIAN, CAROL ED.) - In the Spirit of Truth: A Reader in the Work of Frank Lake
059770: LAKELAND, PAUL - Postmodernity: Christian Identity in a Fragmented Age (Guides to Theological Inquiry)
038264: LAKELAND, PAUL - Postmodernity: Christian Identity in a Fragmented Age
049505: LALOU, HENRI - Traite Pratique de la Responsabilite Civile
041080: LAMB, W.K. - The Voyage of George Vancouver 1791-1795 Volume IV
029265: LAMB, G. R. - Roman Road
052041: J. SIDNEY HORNE; F. T. NOTT; R. C. LAMBERT - Notes for a History of King Edward VI School Stafford
051973: LAMBERT, MALCOLM D. - Medieval Heresy: Popular Movements from the Gregorian Reform to the Reformation
065963: HERBERT LAMBERT - Studio Portrait Lighting
045477: J.W. LAMBERT & MICHAEL RATCLIFFE - The Bodley Head, 1887-1987
043805: LAMBERT, JOHN - A Short Essay on the True Method of Harmonising and Singing the Ritual Song
043476: JOIN-LAMBERT, MICHEL - Jerusalem
023144: JOIN-LAMBERT, MICHEL - Jerusalem
16031: LAMBERTINI, PROSPERO [ARCHBISHOP OF BOLOGNA] - Raccolta Di Alcune Notificazioni Editti, Ed Istruzioni Pubblicate Pel Buon Governo Dell Sua Diocesi .
030660: PROSPERI DE LAMBERTINIS - De Festis D.N. Jesu Christi
047212: LAMBETH - The Lambeth Conferences (1867-1948)
068897: LEEBERT LLOYD LAMBORN - Modern Soaps, Candles and Glycerin a Practical Manual of Modern Methods of Utilization of Fats and Oils in the Manufacture of Soals and Candles and of the Recovery of Glycerin
059087: LAMBOURNE, LIONEL - : The Arts and Crafts Movement from the Cotswolds to Chicago
060041: LAMDIN, KEITH - Supporting New Ministers in the Local Church: A Handbook
043338: NYAGADO, LAMIN & CEESAY, HASSOUM - A Book on Mandinka
069835: LAMM, JULIA A. - The Living God: Schleiermacher's Theological Appropriation of Spinoza
042012: LAMMERS, STEPHEN E.; VERHEY, ALLEN - On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics
062322: LAMMI, WALTER - Gadamer and the Question of the Divine
052167: GEORGES LAMOINE - Charges to the Grand Jury, 1689-1803 (Camden Fourth Series, 43)
024868: LAMOINE, GEORGES - Charges to the Grand Jury 1689-1803
018328: LAMOINE, GEORGES - Changes to the Grand Jury, 1689-1803
037922: LAMOND, HENRY - The Sea-Trout, a Study in Natural History
065364: CORLISS LAMONT - Soviet Civilization
061122: G. W. H. LAMPE - The Cambridge History of the Bible, Vol. 2: The West from the Fathers to the Reformation
024544: LAMPERT, EVGUENY - Nicolas Berdyaev and the Middle Ages
061851: GEORGE M.LAMSA - New Testament Commentary from the Aramaic and the Ancient Eastern Customs
055325: LANCASTER, OSBERT - Sailing to Byzantium
048096: LANCASTER, HYLDA M. - The Principles of Laundry Practice
045763: LANCASTER, OSBERT - Sailing to Byzantium
044407: LANCASTER, J. F. - Engineering Catastrophes: Causes and Effects of Major Accidents
044077: LANCASTER, OSBERT - Classical Landscape with Figures
035547: LANCASTER, BRIAN L. - The Essence of Kabbalah
052521: DONNA M. LANCLOS - At Play in Belfast: Children's Folklore and Identities in Northern Ireland
069032: LANCZKOWSKI, JOHANNA - Kleines Lexikon Des Mönchtums
062588: LANDAU, IDDO - Finding Meaning in an Imperfect World
065873: LANDER, J. R. - Crown and Nobility, 1450-1509
061234: LANDER, J. R. - English Justices of the Peace, 1461-1509
051926: LANDER, J. R. - Conflict and Stability in Fifteenth-Century England
028482: LANDESMANN, PETER - Anti-Judaism on the Way from Judaism to Christianity
043719: LANDON, RICHARD G. - Species of Origin: A Bibliographical Exposition of the Works of Charles Darwin at the University of Toronto
038883: LANDON, CHARLES - A Text-Critical Study of the Epistle of Jude
038882: LANDON, CHARLES - A Text-Critical Study of the Epistle of Jude
020023: LANDON, CHARLES - A Text-Critical Study of the Epistle of Jude
061297: LANDSBERGER, STEFAN - Chinese Propaganda Posters: From Revolution to Modernization
062189: E. W. LANE - Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians
059308: MARGARET LANE - The Queen of the Methodists Selina Countess of Huntingdon
14951: LANE, DAVID J. - The Peshitta of Leviticus.
047751: THOMAS LANE - Cry of Christians: Tradition and Transition
047373: LANE, J. - Notes on Some Ceremonies of the Roman Rite
045454: LANE, J. - Notes on Some Ceremonies of the Roman Rite
042149: LANE, THOMAS - A Priesthood in Tune: Theological Reflections on Ministry
027375: LANE, CHRISTEL - Christian Religion in the Soviet Union : A Sociological Study
025820: LANE, THOMAS - Cry of Christians; Tradition and Transition
022641: LANE, DAVID J. - The Peshitta of Leviticus.
052351: ANDREAS BOHNE-LANG; ELKE LANG - Praxishandbuch It-Grundlagen Für Bibliothekare
046657: ANDREW LANG - The Making of Religion
031942: LANG, BERNHARD - The Hebrew God: Portrait of an Ancient Deity
030094: LANG, BERNHARD (ED.) - Anthropological Approaches to the Old Testament
069957: DAVID MARSHALL LANG - The Armenians: A People in Exile
064512: LANGAN, ROBERT - Minding What Matters: Psychotherapy and the Buddha Within
066585: CAWTHRA MULOCK; MARTIN TELLES LANGDON - The Icons of Yuhanna and Ibrahim the Scribe
060340: LANGE, NICHOLAS DE - An Introduction to Judaism
043657: LANGE, GUGLIELMO - Torri Romane in Valle D'Aosta: Arnaz Gressan la Tour D'Hereres E Morgex
020086: LANGEN, JOSEPH - Die Trinitarische Lehrdifferenz Zwischen Der Abendlandischen Und Der Morgenlandischen Kirche
023466: LANGENBACH, ALFRED - German Vines and Wines
048572: LAWRENCE L. LANGER - The Age of Atrocity: Death in Modern Literature
063635: SUSANNE K. LANGER - Philosophical Sketches
019305: LANGER, LAWRENCE L. - Admitting the Holocaust : Collected Essays
019029: LANGFORD, MICHAEL - Good and the True: An Introduction to Christian Ethics
064691: IAN LANGHAM - The Building of British Social Anthropology: W.H. R. Rivers and His Cambridge Disciples in the Development of Kinship Studies, 1898-1931 (Studies in the History of Modern Science, Vol. 8)
043663: LANGLAND, WILLIAM (PEARSALL, DEREK ED.) - Piers Plowman: An Edition of the C-Text
041965: LANGLAND, WILLIAM (WELLS, HENRY W. HENRY ED.) - The Vision of Piers Plowman
021742: [LANGLAND, WILLIAM] - The Vision of Piers Plowman
062552: LANGLEY, MYRTLE S. - The Nandi of Kenya: Life Crisis Rituals in a Period of Change
062432: LANGLEY, MYRTLE S. - The Nandi of Kenya: Life Crisis Rituals in a Period of Change
069402: DEREK LANGRIDGE - A Guide to Ashridge Past and Present
066733: LANGSTROTH, L. L. - Langstroth's Hive and the Honey-Bee: The Classic Beekeeper's Manual
037393: TILSTONE, CHRISTINA; FLORIAN, LANI & ROSE, RICHARD - Promoting Inclusive Practice
063491: LANOUE, DEIRDRE - The Spiritual Legacy of Henri Nouwen
040631: LANSLOTS, D. I. - Handbook of Canon Law for Congregations of Women Under Simple Vows
040611: LANTES, ANTONIUS - Synodus Dioecesana Quam Sum Faustissimis Auspiciis Sanctissimi in Christo Patris Pii Papae Sexti
066739: JOSEPH LANZA - Phallic Frenzy: Ken Russell and His Films
068377: LAPIDUS, IRA M. - A History of Islamic Societies
030019: LAPIERRE, ALEXANDRA - Fanny Stevenson: A Romance of Destiny
061955: LAPOUJADE, DAVID - Aberrant Movements: The Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze
018105: LAPSLEY, ROBERT;WESTLAKE, MICHAEL - Film Theory: An Introduction
055580: E. T. M'LAREN - Dr. John Brown and His Sister Isabella Outlines
061514: WILHELM LARFELD - D. Griechische Epigraphik
068419: FREDERICK LARGE - A Swindon Retrospect 1855-1930
018315: LARLERT, ANDERS - Kyrkohistoria Perspektiv Pa Ett Forskningsamne
059082: LARMAN, ALEXANDER - Blazing Star: The Life & Times of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
024121: LAROCCA, JOHN JOSEPH - Jacobean Recusant Rolls for Middlesex : An Abstract in English
023679: LAROCCA, JOHN JOSEPH - Jacobean Recusant Rolls for Middlesex : An Abstract in English
038189: LARRAIN, JORGE - Ideology and Cultural Identity: Modernity and the Third World Presence
066421: OLIVIER LARROQUE - Figures Libres
063142: LARSEN, BENT - Karpov Vs. Korchnoi: World Chess Championship, 1978
060136: LARSON, GEORGE A.; PRIDMORE, JAY - Chicago Architecture and Design
051128: GERALD LARUE - Sex and the Bible
020725: LASANSKY, JEANNETTE - A Good Start: The Aussteier or Dowry
055833: V. N. LASAREFF - Nouvelles Decouvertes a la Cathedrale Saite-Sophie de Kiev
057319: AINAUD DE LASARTE, JUAN - Catalogne Romane
057173: NICHOLAS LASH - Doctrinal Development and Christian Unity
040865: LASH, SCOTT - Another Modernity: A Different Rationality
027933: LASH, SCOTT - The Sociology of Postmodernism
068967: LASKO, PETER E. - Ars Sacra: 800-1200
056637: LASSAIGNE, JACQUES - El Greco
055361: W. WHEWELL; M. F. DE LASSAULX - Architectural Notes on German Churches with Notes Written During an Architectural Tour in Picardy and Normandy with Notes on the Churches of the Rhine
052529: MAMADOU DIAWARA; BERNARD LATEGAN - Historical Memory in Africa: Dealing with the Past, Reaching for the Future in an Intercultural Context (Making Sense of History)
041275: LATHAM, W. J. - Somerset Gleanings
048201: LATHBURY, D. C. - Correspondence on Church and Religion of William Ewart Gladstone
034785: LATHBURY, D. C. - Correspondence on Church and Religion of William Ewart Gladstone
062203: LATHROP, GORDON W. - Holy Things: A Liturgical Theology
051502: LATHROP, GORDON W. - Holy Things: A Liturgical Theology
050926: GORDON W. LATHROP - Holy People: A Liturgical Ecclesiology
062922: LATIMER, HUGH (CORRIE, GEORGE ELWES (ED.)) - Sermons by Hugh Latimer, Sometime Bishop of Worcester, Martyr 1555
049941: VLADIMIR LATINOVIC - Christologie Und Kommunion: Entstehung Und Verbreitung Der Homoousianischen Christologie Band I
068208: KENNETH SCOTT LATOURETTE - Christianity in a Revolutionary Age Volume II the Nineteenth Century in Europe: The Protestant and Eastern Churches
037931: LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT - A History of the Expansion of Christianity [Three Vol Set]
068105: MARIANNA LATSIS - Meta to Vyzantio: The Survival of Byzantine Sacred Art
062514: LATTA, COREY - When the Eternal Can Be Met: The Bergsonian Theology of Time in the Works of C.S. Lewis, T.S. Eliot, and W.H. Auden
061580: RICHARD GRENE; RICHMOND LATTIMORE - The Complete Greek Tragedies: Euripides Vol 1 (Euripides I Alcestis; the Medea; the Heracleidae; Hippolytus
064133: SOPHOCLES; DAVID GRENE; RICHMOND LATTIMORE - Sophocles II: Ajax, the Women of Trachis, Electra & Philoctetes
018077: SAWYER-LAUCANNO, CHRISTOPHER - An Invisible Spectator: A Biography of Paul Bowles
044707: LAUERHASS, LUDWIG - Communism in Latin America a Bibliography the Post-War Years (1945-1960)
065178: O'LAUGHLIN, MICHAEL C. - God's Beloved: A Spiritual Biography of Henri Nouwen
037538: LAURENTIN, RENE - Court Traite Sur la Vierge Marie
026559: LAURENTY, J. S. - Les Cordophones Du Congo Belge Et Du Ruanda-Urundi
028447: LAURET, MARIA - Alice Walker
059863: LAURIN, ROBERT - Contemporary Old Testament Theologians
067765: LAURSEN, JOHN CHRISTIAN; NEDERMAN, CARY J. - Beyond the Persecuting Society: Religious Toleration Before the Enlightenment
043936: LAUWERS, AUGUSTE - Notice Biographique Sur Monseigneur J. -B. Malou Eveque de Bruges, Prelat Domestique de Sa Saintete Et Assistant Au Trone Pontifical
059976: LAVEN, MARY - Virgins of Venice
048986: MARY LAVEN - Virgins of Venice: Enclosed Lives and Broken Vows in the Renaissance Convent
024110: LAVERDIERE, EUGENE - The New Testament in the Life of the Church: Evangelization, Prayer, Catechetics, Homiletics
056450: BREJON DE LAVERGNEE, BARBARA - Renaissance Et Baroque: Dessins Italiens Du Musee de Lille
032422: LAVINE, SIGMUND A. - Wonders of the Hive
065048: LAW, WILLIAM (STANWOOD, PAUL G. ED.) - William Law : A Serious Call to a Devout, and Holy Life: The Spirit of Love
058567: THOMAS G. LAW - Introductory Dissertation on the Latin Vulgate As the Authentic Version of the Church
057418: LAW, WILLIAM (STANWOOD, PAUL G. ED.) - William Law : A Serious Call to a Devout, and Holy Life: The Spirit of Love
047235: LAW, THOMAS GRAVES - The Archpriest Controversy: Documents Relating to the Dissensions of the Roman Catholic Clergy 1597-1602 Vol II
048013: LAWES, GEOFF - The Bee-Book Book, a Manual for Collectors
067895: LAWLER, THOMAS COMERFORD - Saint Augustine: Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany
047922: LAWLER, THOMAS COMERFORD - Saint Augustine: Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany
053256: GEORGE T. LAWLEY - A History of Bilston in the County of Stafford: A Record of Its Archaeology, Ecclesiology, Parochialia, Folk Lore and Bibliography
069306: HUGH JACKSON LAWLOR - The Rosslyn Missal an Irish Manuscript in the Advocates' Library Edinburgh
067729: HUGH JACKSON LAWLOR - The Psalter and Martyrology of Ricemarsh Vol. I Text, Notes, Indices Vol. II Plates
069452: LAWRENCE, BERTA - Somerset Legends
048803: LAWRENCE, C. H. - The English Church and the Papacy in the Middle Ages
041810: LAWRENCE, C. H. - St. Edmund of Abingdon, a Study in Hagiography and History
035115: LAWRENCE, C. H. - St. Edmund of Abingdon, a Study in Hagiography and History
029349: ST. LAWRENCE, BRENDA - The Congregation of Our Lady of Sion: A Brief History
024466: LAWRENCE, ALEXANDER - Aliunde, Translations and Verses
037823: LAWRIE, JENN - The Marriage of Gor: The True Account of a White Girl's Life with a Black Man
044662: LAWS, BILL - In the Munitions: Women at War in Herefordshire
059747: LAWSON, K - Cnut: The Danes in England in the Early Eleventh Century (the Medieval World)
056801: LAWSON, MARY SACKVILLE - Letters of John Mason Neale D.D.
068899: R. LAWSON - The Sacred Places of Scotland, Being an Account of a Personal Visit to Them
047590: LAWSON, A. B. - John Wesley and the Christian Ministry: The Sources and Development of His Opinions and Practice
045981: LAWSON, JOHN A. - Honeycraft in Theory and Practice
045938: LAWSON, JOHN A. - Honeycraft in Theory and Practice
045708: LAWSON, JOHN A. - Honeycraft in Theory and Practice
033857: [LAWSON, MARY SACKVILLE] - Letters of John Mason Neale D.D.
032945: [LAWSON, MARY SACKVILLE] - Letters of John Mason Neale D.D.
027122: [LAWSON, MARY SACKVILLE] - Letters of John Mason Neale D.D.
024346: LAWSON, A. B. - John Wesley and the Christian Ministry; the Sources and Development of His Religious Practice
064118: LAWSON, TODD - The Quran, Epic and Apocalypse
047474: LAWTON, DAVID - Faith, Text and History: The Bible in English
044153: LAWTON, DAVID - Faith, Text and History: The Bible in English
039269: LAWTON, DAVID - Faith, Text and History: The Bible in English
061926: LAYCOCK, STEVEN WILLIAM - Mind As Mirror and the Mirroring of Mind: Buddhist Reflections on Western Phenomenology
058504: A LAYMAN - The Claims of the Church Education Society and the National Board Examined with Two Reasons Why the Clergy Ought Not to Join the Board
066418: A LAYMAN - Proposed Restoration of the Liturgy According to the Use of the Ancient Scottish Church with a Form of Service for Christ Mass
043786: A LAYMAN - St. Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland. Who He Was, Where He Came from, What He Taught an Answer to Certain Protestant Clergymen
040771: A LAYMAN - The Rejection of Catholic Doctrines Attributable to the Non-Realisation of Primary Truths Exemplified in Letters to a Friend on Devotion to the Blessed Virgin, the Angels and Saints
024821: A LAYMAN - Proposed Restoration of the Liturgy According to the Use of the Ancient Scottish Church with a Form of Service for Christ Mass
023323: A LIVERPOOL LAYMAN - Evangelicalism (So Called) a Disparagement of Grace, a Letter to the Rev Hugh M'Neile Containing Strictures on His Letter to Bishop of Exeter
058323: A FEW LAYMEN - The Present and Future of the Church of England
053040: ROBERT LAYTON - An Introduction to Theory in Anthropology
059660: ANTHONY LAYWOOD - John, Charles and Samuel Wesley the Methodists and Their Associates
043641: TRIFUNOVIC, LAZAR & TASIC, DUSAN (EDS) - Kunstdenkmaler in Jugoslawien Band I (a-O) Band II (P-Z)
055365: VIKTOR LAZAREV - Old Russian Murals and Mosaics from the Xith to the Xvth Century
030677: LAZAREV, VIKTOR - Old Russian Murals & Mosaics from the XI to the XVI Century
026226: LAZARIDES, PAUL - Hossios Loukas
038160: LAZARUS, NEIL (ED.) - The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Literary Studies
055824: MIROSLAV LAZOVIC - Icones D'Une Collection Privee
056319: ALFO?LDY, GE?ZA - Noricum
044847: LEA, HENRY CHARLES - The Inquisition of the Middle Ages Its Organisation and Operation
019350: LEA, WILLIAM - Church Plate in the Archdeaconry of Worcester, Being an Inventory and Notice of the Sacred Vessels in Use in the Different Churches with an Explanatory Introduction
062618: LEACH, EDMUND - A Runaway World? the 1967 Reith Lectures
057182: LEACH, EDMUND - Levi-Strauss
052953: LEACH, EDMUND - Culture and Communication: The Logic by Which Symbols Are Connected; an Introduction to the Use of Structuralist Analysis in Social Anthropology
042465: LEACH, EDMUND (ED.) - The Structural Study of Myth and Totemism
041687: LEACH, PETER - The Archaeology of Taunton: Excavations and Fieldwork to 1980
041300: LEACH, E. R. - Political Systems of Highland Burma: A Study of Kachin Social Structure
041251: LEACH, E. R. - Political Systems of Highland Burma: A Study of Kachin Social Structure
041218: LEACH, E. E. - Dialectic in Practical Religion
041123: LEACH, EDMUND - Culture and Communication: The Logic by Which Symbols Are Connected; an Introduction to the Use of Structuralist Analysis in Social Anthropology.
040839: LEACH, E. R. - Rethinking Anthropology
035546: LEACH, EDMUND; AYCOCK, D. ALAN - Structuralist Interpretations of Biblical Myth
032245: LEACH, EDMUND - Culture and Communication; the Logic by Which Symbols Are Connected; an Introduction to the Use of Structuralist Analysis in Social Anthropology.
032146: LEACH, E. R. (ED.) - Aspects of Caste in South India, Ceylon and North West Pakistan
063927: LEADAM, I.S. - Domesday of Inclosures, 1517-18: Vols 1 & 2
054609: LEADER, DARIAN - What Is Madness?
060183: WALTER LEAF - Troy: A Study in Homeric Geography
069106: CATHOLIC LEAGUE - The Catholic League Manual
066281: WILLIAM MARTIN LEAKE - Travels in Northern Greece
067610: WILLIAM MARTIN LEAKE - Peloponnesiaca: A Supplement to Travels in the Morea
065837: WILLIAM M. LEAKE - Researches in Greece
065838: WILLIAM MARTIN LEAKE - Travels in the Morea
065397: MARY LEAKEY - Africa's Vanishing Art: The Rock Paintings of Tanzania
021189: LEAKEY, RICHARD;LEWIN, ROGER - Origins Reconsidered: In Search of What Makes Us Human
048097: A. R. C. LEANEY - The Jewish and Christian World 200 Bc to Ad 200
058712: LEAR, EDWARD - Edward Lear in the Levant: Travels in Albania, Greece and Turkey in Europe, 1848-49
066864: SOWERBY E. DE C. ; LEAR, E.; ERNEST E. WILLIAMS - Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles
059515: T. H. L. LEARY - A Critical Examination of Bishop Lightfoot's Defence of the Last Petition in the Lord's Prayer
054114: O'LEARY, JOSEPH STEPHEN - Religious Pluralism and Christian Truth
052261: A. GOODIER; D. F. O'LEARY - Letters and Instructions of St. Ignatius Loyola Vol. I 1524-1547
046590: LEARY, WILLIAM - Methodism in the City of Lincoln from Its Origin in the Eighteenth Century to the Present Day
060088: LEASK, NIGEL - Curiosity and the Aesthetics of Travel Writing, 1770-1840: `from an Antique Land'
038862: LEATHAM, DIANA - The Built on Rock: Stories of the Celtic Saints
063299: LEATHER, JOHN - World Warships in Review, 1860-1906
053264: LEATHERBARROW, J. STANLEY - Victorian Period Piece: Studies Occasioned by a Lancashire Church
046611: LEATHERBARROW, J. STANLEY - Victorian Period Piece: Studies Occasioned by a Lancashire Church
019310: LEATHERBARROW, J. STANLEY - Victorian Period Piece; Studies Occasioned by a Lancashire Church
068183: J. W. LEAVER - The Wasp or Subject's Precedent
030719: LEAVITT, DAVID - Family Dancing
029251: LEAVITT, DAVID - The Page Turner
028044: LEAVITT, DAVID - The Body of Jonah Boyd
045825: CHARLES H. PARKER; GRETCHEN STARR-LEBEAU - Judging Faith, Punishing Sin: Inquisitions and Consistories in the Early Modern World
035866: LEBEURIER, P. F. - Life of Mere Saint-Joseph Chanay, Foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph at Belley, Gap and Bordeaux, 1795-1853
048030: ADAM LEBOR - City of Oranges: Arabs and Jews in Jaffa
064223: LEBRETON, CHRISTOPHE - Born from the Gaze of God: The Tibhirine Journal of a Martyr Monk (1993-1996)
070043: RICHARD ALLEN LEBRUN - Throne and Altar: The Political and Religious Thought of Joseph le Maistre
064477: LEBUFFE, MICHAEL - From Bondage to Freedom: Spinoza on Human Excellence
042386: LECHNER, KARL - Handbuch Der Historischen Statten Osterreichs I Donaulander Und Burgenland
062043: LECHTE, JOHN - The Human: Bare Life and Ways of Life
018060: LECHTE, JOHN - Fifty Key Contemporary Thinkers: From Structuralism to Postmodernity
040676: LEDDY, MARY JO - Reweaving Religious Life: Beyond the Liberal Model
037020: LEDDY, MARY JO - Radical Gratitude
066045: RAWDON LEE - A History and Description with Reminiscences of the Fox Terrier
060802: C. P. LEE - Athenian Adventure with Alarums and Excursions
060131: SAMUEL LEE (ED.) - Syriac Old Testament
059766: FRANK LEE - Decade in Dagenham: An Account of the First Ten Years of the Dagenham Scheme
059618: LEE, BRIAN NORTH - Some Church of England Parochial Library and Cathedral Ex-Libris: Bookplates
064646: LEE, RICHARD BORSHAY - The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society
055738: RALPH LEE - Nottingham in Focus: Photographs of Frank Stevenson
055149: LEE, BRIAN NORTH - Early Printed Book Labels: A Catalogue of Dated Personal Labels and Gift Labels Printed in Britain to the Year 1760
053883: VAUGHAN-LEE, LLEWELLYN - Sufism: The Transformation of the Heart
045566: LEE, R. W. (ED.) - The Institutes of Justinian Latin Text
040907: LEE, DAVID; NEWBY, HOWARD - The Problem of Sociology
040541: LEE, FREDERICK GEORGE - Historical Sketches of the Reformation
066456: LUCRETIUS; J. H. WARBURTON LEE (ED.) - Lucreti Cari: De Rerum Natura; Libri I- III
064648: LEE, RICHARD BORSHAY; DEVORE, IRVEN - Kalahari Hunter-Gatherers: Studies of the !Kung San and Their Neighbours
027778: LEE, EDWIN KENNETH - The Religious Thought of St John
022577: LEE, BERNARD J. (ED.) - Alternative Futures for Worship: The Eucharist
021241: LEE, JAI-HYUNG - Das Traditionalle Verhaltnis Von Politik Und Religion in Korea Und Die Christlichen Missionen
069187: LEECH, JOSEPH - Rural Rides of the Bristol Churchgoer
050373: LEECH, KENNETH - Doing Theology in Altab Ali Park: A Project in Whitechapel, East London 1990-2004
055075: E. THURLOW LEEDS - The Archaeology of the Anglo-Saxon Settlements
054847: E. T. LEEDS - Celtic Ornament in the British Isles Down to A.D. 700
051367: JOSEPH LEEMING - Yoga and the Bible: The Yoga of the Divine Word
019141: LEEMING, DAVID ADAMS - Stephen Spender: A Life in Modernism
068220: HILARY LEES - English Churchyard Memorials
069185: T. C. LEES - A Short History of Northampton Grammar School 1541-1941
069138: LEES, LYNN HOLLEN - Exiles of Erin: Irish Migrants in Victorian London
049303: T. C. LEES - Christianity in Northamptonshire Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education
046324: LEES, G. ROBINSON - The Witness of the Wilderness: The Bedawin of the Desert: Their Origin, History, Home Life, Strife, Religion and Superstitions, in Their Relation to the Bible
029420: LEES, G. ROBINSON - The Witness of the Wilderness: The Bedawin of the Desert: Their Origin, History, Home Life, Strife, Religion and Superstitions, in Their Relation to the Bible
068497: LEFEBVRE, HENRI - Critique of Everyday Life Volume 2 : Foundations for a Sociology of the Everyday (Critique of Everyday Life Verso)
068633: LEFEBVRE, HENRI - Critique of Everyday Life, Vol. 3: From Modernity to Modernism (Towards a Metaphilosophy of Daily Life)
052767: JEAN-BAPTISTE LEFEVRE - Potales, Chapelles Et Cultes Populaires L'Exemple Du Pays de Brogne
057782: LEFF, GORDON - Medieval Thought: From St Augustine to Ockham
061493: LEFKOWITZ, MARY R.; FANT, MAUREEN B. - Women's Life in Greece and Rome
068028: F. LEFORT - Failles Et Geogenie D'Apres Les Observations Et Decouvertes Faites Dans le Nivernais
040875: LEGATES, RICHARD T.; STOUT, FREDERIC (EDS) - The City Reader
068006: LEGG, J, WICKHAM - The Clerk's Book of 1549
069427: J. WICKHAM LEGG - English Orders for Consecrating Churches in the Seventeenth Century Together with Forms for the Consecration of Churchyards, the First Stone of a Church, the Reconciliation of a Church and the Consecration of Altar Plate
069405: M. A. LEGG - A Short History of the Bells of Cranbrook Church, Kent
059291: LEGG, RODNEY - Dorset at War
058115: WICKHAM LEGG, J. - Ecclesiological Essays
058109: WICKHAM LEGG, J. (ED.) - Some Principles and Services of the Prayer-Book Historically Considered
058083: J. WICKHAM LEGG - Essays Liturgical and Historical (Studies in Church History)
054916: J. WICKHAM LEGG - Missale Ad Usum Ecclesie Westmonasteriensis Fasciculus II
069432: J. WICKHAM LEGG - Tracts on the Mass
049190: J. WICKHAM LEGG - The Processional of the Nuns of Chester
046790: LEGG, J, WICKHAM - The Clerk's Book of 1549
033247: WICKHAM LEGG, J. - Ecclesiological Essays
031921: WICKHAM LEGG, J. - Breviarium Romanum a Francisco Cardinali Quignonio Editum Et Recognitum Iuxta Editionem Venetiis Ad 1535 Impressam.
031695: WICKHAM LEGG, J. - Ecclesiological Essays
030483: WICKHAM LEGG, J. - Ecclesiological Essays
024919: WICKHAM LEGG, J. - Ecclesiological Essays
042377: LEHAMNN, WINFRED P. - Historical Linguistics: An Introduction
048285: CLAYTON M. LEHMANN & HOLUM, KENNETH G. - The Greek and Latin Inscriptions of Caesarea Maritima
021949: LEHMANN, HELMUT - Zur Zeit Und Zur Unzeit; Geschichte Der Berliner Mission 1918-1972 in Drei Banden
021264: LEHMANN, ARNO (ED.) - Licht Fur Fernost
068215: STANFORD E. LEHMBERG - Cathedrals Under Siege: Cathedrals in English Society, 1600-1700
057848: MARTIN LEHNERT - Poetry and Prose of the Anglo-Saxons: Dictionary
057847: MARTIN LEHNERT - Poetry and Prose of the Anglo-Saxons
028450: LEHRMAN, LEWIS E. - Lincoln at Peoria : The Turning Point: Getting Right with the Declaration of Independence
021760: LEIB, BERNARD (ED.) - Anne Comnene Alexiade (Regne de L'Empereur Alexis I Comnene 1081-1118)
069251: GOTTFRIED WILHELM VON LEIBNIZ - Monadology Other Philosophical Essays
069282: LEIBNIZ, GOTTFRIED W - Philosophical Writings
069677: LEIBNIZ, GOTTFRIED WILHELM (PATRICK RILEY ED.) - Leibniz: Political Writings
069688: G. W. LEIBNIZ - Leibniz: Philosophical Essays
068802: G. W. LEIBNIZ - Theodicy: Essays on the Goodness of God and Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil
042505: LEIBRECHT, WALTER (ED.) - Religion and Culture: Essays in Honor of Paul Tillich
049058: WOOD-LEIGH, K. L. - Studies in Church Life Under Edward III
051914: W. A. LEIGHTON - A Flora of Shropshire
069685: LEIRIS, MICHEL - Manhood: A Journey from Childhood Into the Fierce Order of Virility
069663: LEIRIS, MICHEL - Aurora
058809: ERWIN LEISER - A Pictorial History of Nazi Germany
021366: LEISER, ERWIN - Erwin Leiser's Film Mein Kampf, Eine Bilddokumentation Der Jahre 1914-1945
058878: HERMANN LEISINGER - Romanesque Bronzes Church Portals in Mediaeval Europe
068121: GORDON B. LEITCH - Chinese Rugs
042437: LEITHART, PETER - I & 2 Kings
030830: LEITZ, HERMANN - Gotteswerk Nicht Menschenwerk
066521: MICHEL LEJEUNE - Traite de Phonetique Grecque
057169: THOMAS LELAND - The Orations of Demosthenes Pronounced to Excite the Athenians Against Philip King of Macedon
067054: JEAN-YVES LELOUP - The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
065457: LELOUP, HELENE - Dogon
041407: LELYVELD, JOSEPH - Move Your Shadow: South Africa, Black and White
025600: LEMAITRE , JEAN-LOUP - L'Obituaire de L'Hopital Des Quinze-Vingts de Paris
064085: LEMAY, KRISTIN - I Told My Soul to Sing: Finding God with Emily Dickinson
062480: LEMNA, KEITH - The Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer's Theological Recovery of the Cosmos
067859: ROBERT VON LENDENFELD - Descriptive Catalogue of the Sponges in the Australian Museum, Sydney
061524: LENDLE, OTTO - Einfu?Hrung in Die Griechische Geschichtsschreibung: Von Hekataios Bis Zosimos
067471: REGINALD LENNARD - Rural England 1086-1135: A Study of Social and Agrarian Conditions
064308: LENT, JEREMY - The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe
055677: SEAN O LEOCHAIN - Blath an Fheir
045392: GAUTIER, LEON & LEVRON, JACQUES - La Chevalerie
068907: LEON, LUIS DE (DURAN, MANUEL & KLUBACK, WILLIAM EDS.) - The Names of Christ
030920: MONTALEMBERT & GAUTIER, LEON - Sainte Elisabeth de Hongrie
024451: LEON, LUIS DE (DURAN, MANUEL & KLUBACK, WILLIAM EDS.) - The Names of Christ
068249: JOHN LEONARD - The Churches of Herefordshire and Their Treasures
047741: JESSICA LEONARD - Triumph of Failure: Life of Jeanne Marie Chavoin
037035: LEONARD, PETER [ED.] - The Sociology of Community Action
036940: LEONARD, BILL J. - A Sense of the Heart: Christian Religious Experience in the United States
031451: LEONARD, RICHARD - Movies That Matter: Reading Film Through the Lens of Faith
040888: DI LEONARDO, MICAELA - Gender at the Crossroads of Knowledge: Feminist Anthropology in the Postmodern Era
047505: LEONG, ALBERT (ED.) - The Millennium: Christianity and Russia A.D. 988-1988
045134: LEONG, ALBERT (ED.) - The Millennium: Christianity and Russia A.D. 988-1988
033554: LEONG, ALBERT (ED.) - The Millennium: Christianity and Russia A.D. 988-1988
060113: LEONORA, NAVARI - Greek Civilization Through the Eyes of Travellers and Scholars
063339: LEONORA, NAVARI - Greek Civilization Through the Eyes of Travellers and Scholars
042852: LEONTE, OVIDU - Monografia Porumbelului Romanesc de Zbor Si Invartitura
061194: LEPOW, LAUREN ETHEL - Enacting the Sacrament: Counter-Lollardy in the Towneley Cycle
045831: VOLKER LEPPIN - Die Fremde Reformation: Luthers Mystische Wurzeln
058942: LEROY, JULES - Monks and Monasteries of the Near East
057424: LEROY, JULES - Monks and Monasteries of the Near East
044249: LEROY, JULES - Monks and Monasteries of the Near East
037124: LEROY, JOHN - Fabricated World: An Interpretation of Kewa Tales
052565: SOPHIE BOULY DE LESDAIN - Femmes Camerounaises En Region Parisienne: Trajectoires Migratoires Et Réseaux D'Approvisionnement
048407: LESLIE, PETER - Chapman-Andrews and the Emperor
017367: LESSARD, SUZANNAH - The Architect of Desire : Beauty and Danger in the Stanford White Family
069820: G. E. LESSING - Selected Prose Works: Laokoon; How the Ancients Represented Death; Dramatic Notes
044324: LESTER, JOHN W. - Suggestions for Increasing the Efficiency of the Church of England, a Letter to the Right Hon. Viscount Palmerston
045345: LETHABY, W. R. - Westminster Abbey Re-Examined
038558: LETHABY, W. R. - Medieval Art 312 to 1350
026066: LETHABY, W. R. (TALBOT RICE, D. (ED.)) - Medieval Art, from the Peace of the Church to the Eve of the Renaissance 312-1350
069213: RICHARD LETHBRIDGE - The Barnstaple Staghounds
069205: LETHBRIDGE, RICHARD - Immortal Mr Bisset: Master of the Devon and Somerset Staghounds 1855 - 1881 an Account of His Life and Sporting Runs
069206: LETHBRIDGE, RICHARD - Sir John Amory's Staghounds
069212: RICHARD LETHBRIDGE - The Tiverton Staghounds
067354: LETT, DIDIER - Collection Historique: Enfances Et Familles Au Moyen âge (Xiie-Xiiie Sičcles)
064774: HENRY WILLIAM LETT - Hepatics of the British Isles
059965: MALCOLM LETTS (ED.) - Pero Tafur Travels and Adventures 1435-1439
058686: E. F. LETTS AND M. F. S. LETTS - Nicholas Mosley, Loyalist or 'What's in a Name' Being Extracts from the Family History of the Mosleys of Manchester, During the CIVIL War, 1640-1662
042933: LETWIN, SHIRLEY ROBIN - The Pursuit of Certainty
041484: LEU - A Highly Important Collection of the Gold Coinage of the Kingdom of Portugal Auction 55
055538: LEUZINGER, ELSY - Africa: The Art of the Negro Peoples
050042: ELSY LEUZINGER - The Art of Black Africa
022915: LEUZINGER, ELSY - Arte Del Africa Negra, the Art of Black Africa, Lart de L'Afrique Noire, Kost Barkeiten Afrikanischer Kunst
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