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168758: CHAMPLY Henry, WELLS Warre B. [Translator] - The Road to Shanghai White Slave Traffic in Asia
178269: CHANNON Sir Henry, RHODES JAMES Robert [Editor] - Chips the Diaries of Sir Henry Channon
100146: FIELDING Henry - The Life of Mr Jonathan Wild
160412: MARSHALL Henry - Ceylon a General Description of the Island and Its Inhabitants Complete and Unabridged from the Original Edition of 1846.
172065: WILLIAMSON Henry - The Sun in the Sands
159893: WIENCEK Henry - An Imperfect God George Washington His Slaves and the Creation of America
148913: WILLIAMSON Henry - The Dream of Fair Women
152600: HAMILTON Henry, HOGBEN Lancelot - History of the Homeland the Story of the British Background
117600: MACKENZIE Henry - The Man of Feeling
172067: WILLIAMSON Henry - A Test to Destruction [a Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight]
171742: SOUTHWELL Henry, SANDERS Robert - The Universal Family Bible or Christian's Divine Library Containing the Sacred Text of the Old and New Testament with the Apocrypha at Large. .
169360: HOBHOUSE Henry - Forces of Change Why We Are the Way We Are Now
155207: STONEHENGE [WALSH John Henry] - British Rural Sports Comprising Shooting Hunting Coursing Fishing Hawking Racing Boating and Pedestrianism
161829: GASTINEAU Henry - Wales Illustrated in a Series of Views Comprising the Picturesque Scenery Towns Castles... [&] South Wales Illustrated in a Series of Views. .
177122: KAMEN Henry - The Spanish Inquisition a Historical Revision
170980: CORBALLIS James Henry, FISHER Arthur T. - Forty-Five Years of Sport
180778: WILLIAMSON Henry - It Was the Nightingale a Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight
178198: CRABB ROBINSON Henry, MORLEY Edith J. [Editor] - Henry Crabb Robinson on Books and Their Writers in Three Volumes
98776: KRAUS Henry - Gold Was the Mortar the Economics of Cathedral Building
182806: THOMSON Henry - Watching the Watchers Communist Elites the Secret Police and Social Order in Cold War Europe
172484: WILLIAMSON Henry - The Gale of the World Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight
172394: WILLIAMSON Henry - The Children of Shallowford
115350: TEGNER Henry, CHADWICK Peter - Rhymeside
171890: WILLIAMSON Henry - A Solitary War [Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight]
179557: JAMES Henry - The Ambassadors
175170: SWEET Henry - A History of English Sounds from the Earliest Period with Full Word-Lists
169758: DRUMMOND Henry - The Greatest Thing in the World an Address
170755: EVERETT Major-General Sir Henry - The History of the Somerset Light Infantry Prince Albert's 1685-1914
158192: TIGHE Mrs Henry - Psyche with Other Poems
180756: MAYHEW Henry - London Characters and Crooks
136576: JAMES Henry - The Ambassadors
157614: NEWMAN John Henry, RADCLIFFE Albert [Editor] - John Henry Newman Selected Writings to 1845
182533: JAMES Henry, STAFFORD William T. [Editor] - Henry James Novels 1881-1886 Washington Square, the Portrait of a Lady, the Bostonians
129159: DIXON William Hepworth - Her Majesty's Tower in Two Volumes
173780: KING-HALL Herbert - Naval Memories and Traditions
128629: MAXWELL Sir Herbert - Trees a Woodland Notebook
142687: RUSSELL Sir Herbert, PURSEY H. - Ark Royal the Story of a Famous Ship
141581: JENKINS Herbert - The Bindles on the Rocks Some Further Incidents in the Life of Mr and Mrs Bindle
149432: KAHN Herbert - Photographs from the Collection of the Lasalle National Bank
174537: BLOCH Herbert - Monte Cassino in the Middle Ages Volume I (Parts I-II), Volume II (Parts III-IV), Volume III (Plates-Indices)
178578: READ Herbert - The Philosophy of Modern Art Collected Essays
155414: HARRISON Herbert - John Creasey's Crime Collection 1990 an Anthology by the Crime Writers' Association
142204: MAXWELL Herbert - Salmon and Sea Trout How to Propagate and Catch Them in British Waters
141652: STRANG Herbert - The Air Patrol a Story of the North-West Frontier
118661: FERDINANDO Herbert - Some Memories and Reflections
85989: DONALD David Herbert - We Are Lincoln Men Abraham Lincoln and His Friends
182775: WEINSTOCK Herbert - Donizetti and the World of Opera in Italy Paris and Vienna
80586: READ Herbert - A Concise History of Modern Painting
182537: MELVILLE Herman, TANSELLE G. Thomas, HAYFORD Harrison [Editors] - Herman Melville Volume 1 Typee, Omoo, Mardi [&] Volume 2 Redburn, White-Jacket, Moby-Dick [&] Volume 3 Pierre, Israel Potter, the Piazza Tales, the Confidence-Man, Uncollected Prose, Billy Budd
90129: MELVILLE Herman - Typee Four Months' Residence in the Marquesas
177228: KLEIN Herman - Musicians and Mummers
182694: PLEIJ Herman, WEBB Diane [Translator] - Dreaming of Cockaigne Medieval Fantasies of the Perfect Life
159589: WOUK Herman - Youngblood Hawke
159587: WOUK Herman - Aurora Dawn or the True History of Andrew Real. .
148281: KRAWITZ Herman, KLEIN Howard - Royal American Symphonic Theater a Radical Proposal for a Subsidized Professional Theater
99537: HATTAWAY Herman - Shades of Blue and Gray an Introductory Military History of the CIVIL War
171829: MELVILLE Herman - White-Jacket or the World in a Man of War (the Library Edition of Herman Melville's Works)
181381: ULRICI Hermann, KRAUTH Charles P. [Translator] - Strauss As a Philosophical Thinker a Review of His Book the Old Faith and the New Faith and a Confutation of Its Materialistic Views
166918: BAH Hermann - Bavaria Land at the Heart of Europe
178771: KELLER Hermann, GERDINE Leigh [Translator] - The Well-Tempered Clavier by Johann Sebastian Bach
182003: HESSE Hermann - Gertrude
129798: GRAML Hermann, MOMMSEN Hans, REICHHARDT Hans-Joachim, WOLF Ernst - The German Resistance to Hitler
168994: DREW Hermione, HUGHES Trevor - The Oxenholme Hounds When Where and How They Hunted Season 1934-5 the Illustrated Diary of Hermione Drew
175626: HERODIAN - Herodian of Alexandria His History of Twenty Roman Caesars and Emperors of His Time Relating the Strange Conjunctures and Accidents of State That Hapned in Europe Asia and Afrike in the Resolution of Seventy Years. .
171601: HERODOTUS, USHER Stephen - Herodotus the Persian Wars a Companion to the Penguin Translation of Books 5-9 from Herodotus the Histories Translated by Aubrey de Selincourt
181968: HERODOTUS, HUDE Charles - Herodoti Historiae Editio Tertia Tomus Prior Libri I-IV Oxford Classical Texts Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis
171581: HERODOTUS, McQUEEN E.I. - Herodotus Book VI
175929: HEROPHILUS, VON STADEN Heinrich - Herophilus the Art of Medicine in Early Alexandria Edition Translation and Essays
179241: COTTERELL Howard Herschel - Old Pewter Its Makers and Marks in England Scotland and Ireland an Account of the Old Pewterer and His Craft
107898: SHANKS Hershel - Judaism in Stone the Archaeology of Ancient Synagogues
142279: GREY Charles Hervey - Hardy Bulbs Volume II Iridaceae
156345: ADAMS Hettie, Suttner Hermione - William Street District Six
174043: PIKE Hew - From the Front Line
136406: HIB - Kirkjur íslands 18 & 19
158889: PRESCOTT William Hickling, GARDINER C. Harvey - The Literary Memoranda of William Hickling Prescott Volume One [&] Volume Two
169700: BELLOC Hilaire - A General Sketch of the European War the First Phase
51819: BELLOC Hilaire - General Sketch of the European War the Second Phase
182090: BELLOC Hilaire - Complete Verse Including Sonnets and Verse, Cautionary Verses, the Modern Traveller Etc.
158454: BECKLES Hilary, SHEPHERD Verene - Caribbean Slave Society and Economy a Student Reader
181429: MANTEL Hilary - Wolf Hall
183675: SPURLING Hilary - Elinor Fettiplace's Receipt Book Elizabethan Country House Cookery
149530: NORMAN Hilary - In Love and Friendship
173332: MANTEL Hilary - Fludd
170765: BINDING Hilary, PEARCE Brian - Exmoor Village Looking Back over 50 Years of Exmoor National Park
175592: MANTEL Hilary - Bring Up the Bodies
169796: SPURLING Hilary - Matisse the Master a Life of Henri Matisse Volume Two 1909-1954
175668: MANTEL Hilary - Bring Up the Bodies
176270: MACARTNEY Hilary, MATILLA Jose Manuel - Copied by the Sun Talbotype Illustrations to the Annals of the Artist of Spain by Sir William Stirling Maxwell Studies and Catalogue Raisonne
162197: EVANS Hilary, EVANS Mary - John Kay of Edinburgh Barber Miniaturist and Social Commentator 1742-1826
181088: MANTEL Hilary - The Mirror and the Light
138573: RICHARDS Hilda - Bessie Bunter of Cliff House School
161869: BURNSIDE Madeleine Hilding - A First Alphabet
168524: CHEN Amy Hildreth - Placing Papers the American Literary Archives Market
183645: SCHELLMANN Hilke - The Algorithm How Ai Can Hijack Your Career and Steal Your Future
176457: ELDER Isabel Hill - Celt Druid and Culdee
183712: HIND Cynthia, CULLEN Mary, ROWE E.K., TANSER G.H., et al. - Pen Point Tales for Sundown
134742: IGARASHI Hirohisa - Comic Madness or Tragic Mystery That Is the Question the Loss of Comic Features and the Invention of the Tragic Mystery in Shakespeare's Hamlet
127820: HARA Hiroshi - Photo Album of Plants of Eastern Himalaya by Members of Botanical Expeditions to Eastern Himalaya University of Tokyo
138355: British Museum (Natural History) - British Caenozoic Fossils Tertiary and Quaternary
138356: British Museum Natural History - British Mesozoic Fossils
150874: British Museum (Natural History) - A Guide to the Fossil Invertebrate Animals in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History)
181301: American Museum of Natural History - The Butterflies of North America Titian Peale's Lost Manuscript
176541: FORS Hjalmar - The Limits of Matter Chemistry Mining and Enlightenment
165015: HMSO - British Vessels Lost at Sea 1914-18 and 1939-45
108619: GLASSLEY Ray Hoard - Pacific Northwest Indian Wars
169370: BURNETT Frances Hodgson - Little Lord Fauntleroy
172749: WILSON Joan Hoff - American Business an Foreign Policy 1920-1933
174385: WILSON Joan Hoff - Ideology and Economics U.S. Relations with the Soviet Union 1918-1933
135840: W. Holden - Holden's Annual London and Country Directory for the Year 1811 Volume 3
135839: W. Holden - Holden's Annual London and Country Directory for the Year 1811 Volume 1
177492: AFFLERBACH Holger - On a Knife Edge How Germany Lost the First World War (Cambridge Military Histories)
171971: NEHRING Holger, SCHUI Florian - Global Debates About Taxation
174460: WATT Holly - The End of the Game
144609: EDWARDS Holly - Noble Dreams Wicked Pleasures Orientalism in America 1870-1930
172803: HOMER, LATTIMORE Richmond - The Iliad of Homer
172370: HOMER, FAGLES Robert - The Odyssey
172371: HOMER, FAGLES Robert - The Iliad
178455: HOMER, NAGLES Robert, KNOX Bernard - The Iliad [&] the Odyssey
166282: HOMER, POPE Alexander - The Odyssey of Homer in Five Volumes [with] Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice
175422: HASKINS Charles Homer - Studies in the History of Mediaeval Science
173024: TRACY Honor - A Season of Mists
180673: HOOZEE Robert, BOYENS Piet, et al. - L'Art Moderne En Belgique 1900-1945
180452: BOURNE Hope - A Moorland Year
146689: HOMBERGH Horace - A Fragment of the History of John Bull with the Birth Parentage Education and Humours of Jack Radical with Incidental Remarks Upon Ancient and Modern Radicalism
150271: HORACE, FRANCIS Philip - Poetical Translation of the Works of Horace with Original Text and Critical Notes Collected from His Best Latin and French Commentators in Four Volumes
166211: HORACE, PASSAGE Charles E. - The Complete Works of Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) Translated in the Meters of the Original with Notes
136874: SMITH Horace - The Tor Hill in Three Volumes
172369: HORACE, KRISAK Len - The Odes of Horace
134117: HORACE, CREECH Thomas - The Odes Satyrs and Epistles of Horace Done Into English
67213: WALPOLE Horace, MONTAGU George - The Correspondence of Horace Walpole Volume I 1735 - 1759 [&] Volume II 1760 - 1769
152195: SMITH Horace - Reuben Apsley in Three Volumes
177250: FERNANDEZ Horacio - Fotografía Pública Photography in Print 1919-1939
173576: EWING Juliana Horatia, BROWNE Gordon - Mary's Meadow and Letters from a Little Garden
52028: MATTHEWS Horatio - Who Was Pi a True Case
180177: SCRUTATOR (K.W. Horlock) - Horses and Hounds a Practical Treatise on Their Management
153176: MELTON James van Horn - Cultures of Communication from Reformation to Enlightenment Constructing Publics in the Early Modern German Lands
137711: AGUSTSSON Horour - Islensk Byggingararfleifo I Agrip Af Husageroarsogu 1750-1940
147693: HIRATA Hosea - The Poetry and Poetics of Nishiwaki Junzaburo Modernism in Translation
142833: Melissa Publishing House - The Work of the French Scientific Mission of Morea 1829-1838
170623: BOWDEN Gregory Houston - More Morgan a Pictorial History of the Morgan Sports Car
180749: HIBBARD Howard - Michelangelo
147278: BAHR Howard - The Year of Jubilo a Novel of the CIVIL War
43838: BROWN J. Howard - The Whitedown Chums a Tale of Boarding-School Life
101589: MALLINSON Howard - Send It by Semaphore
150141: FAST Howard - April Morning
176402: TANNER Howard - Architects of Australia Photography by Richard Stringer
183373: HIBBARD Howard - Michelangelo
181476: WILLIAMS Howard, KIRTON Joanne, GONDEK Meggen - Early Medieval Stone Monuments Materiality Biography Landscape
168182: ADAMS William Howard - The Paris Years of Thomas Jefferson
182210: SCHOTT Howard - Playing the Harpsichord
94530: ROBERTSON Alastair Howard - The Haunted House of Love
178648: BLOCH R. Howard - God's Plagiarist Being an Account of the Fabulous Industry and Irregular Commerce of the Abbe Migne
102489: FOX Joseph Hoyland - The Woollen Manufacture at Wellington Somerset Compiled from the Records of an Old Family Business
167230: CHOU Elaine Hsieh - Disorientation
168927: PU-YU Hu - A Brief History of the Sino-Japanese War 1937-1945
97416: JUNWU Hua - Selections of Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts
115320: YING Ko Lien Hua, KEAN Vladimir - Flower Shadows Behind the Curtain
174283: LIDBETTER Hubert - The Friends Meeting House an Historical Survey of the Places of Worship of the Society of Friends (Quakers) from the Days of Their Founder George Fox in the 17th Century to the Present Day
180069: HOUBEN Hubert - Roger II of Sicily a Ruler between East and West (Cambridge Medieval Textbooks)
176140: ZIMMERMAN Hubert - Money and Security Troops Monetary Policy and West Germany's Relations with the United States and Britain 1950-1971 (Publications of the German Historical Institute)
170996: KELLER Hubert - The Cuisine of Hubert Keller
182024: SCHONZELER Hans-Hubert - Furtwangler the Man and His Music
175326: SCARRY Huck - Diario Veneziano
168171: MALET Hugh - Bridgewater the Canal Duke 1736-1803
142366: WALPOLE Hugh - The Joyful Delaneys
173677: HAUGHTON Hugh, PHILLIPS Adam, SUMMERFIELD Geoffrey - John Clare in Context
104585: ALDERSEY-WILLIAMS Hugh - World Design Nationalism and Globalism in Design
168711: LLOYD-JONES Hugh, QUINTON Marcelle - Mythical Beasts
164475: CORTAZZI Sir Hugh - Britain and the Re-Opening of Japan the Treaty of Yeldo of 1858 and the Elgin Mission
174775: TULLOCH Hugh - James Bryce's American Commonwealth the Anglo-American Background
174067: POPHAM Hugh - Sea Flight a Fleet Air Arm Pilot's Story
175294: THOMAS Hugh - Rivers of Gold the Rise of the Spanish Empire
181699: ALDERSEY-WILLIAMS Hugh - Dutch Light Christiaan Huygens and the Making of Science in Europe
128443: BOWLER Hugh - Recusant Roll No. 3 (1594-1595) and Recusant Roll No. 4 (1595-1596) an Abstract in English
180214: POND Hugh - Salerno
180215: POND Hugh - Sicily
149073: MACDERMOT Brian Hugh - Cult of the Sacred Spear the Story of the Nuer Tribe in Ethiopia
178153: FALKUS Hugh, CHAROULET Pascal [Translator] - La Bible Du Pëcheur de Truite de Mer
138667: BLAIR Hugh - Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres Tenth Edition in Three Volumes
143860: BRAUN Hugh - The English Castle
175291: THOMAS Hugh - Cuba the Pursuit of Freedom
179596: BRODY Hugh - Lanscapes of Silence from Childhood to the Arctic
183699: CECIL Hugh, CECIL Mirabel - In Search of Rex Whistler His Life and Work
177344: SIMPSON Hugh - Farther Fields
175066: MELLER Hugh - Country Houses of Devon Volume I a-K [&] Volume II L-Y
64650: BADDELEY W. Hugh - The Technique of Documentary Film Production
143996: UNDERHILL Hugh - The Human Heart
178604: BRAUN Hugh - The English Castle (English Countryside Series)
95107: MERRICK Hugh - Vor Sonnenuntergang
79764: DOUGLAS Hugh - Robert Burns a Life
141463: HANLEY Hugh - Thomas Hickman's Charity a Tercentenary History 1698-1998
157091: CECIL Hugh, LIDDLE Peter H. - Facing Armageddon the First World War Experience
163049: CLARK Hugh - A Short Introduction to Heraldry in Two Parts
183415: SEBAG-MONTEFIORE Hugh - Enigma the Battle for the Code
131871: OBERMAIER Hugo, KUHN Herbert - Bushman Art Rock Paintings of South-West Africa Based on the Photographic Material Collected by Reinhard Maack
166012: VON HOFMANNSTHAL Hugo, STILLMARK Alexander - The Incorruptible Servant
170326: WOLFRAM Hugo - Root and Branch
170327: WOLFRAM Hugo - Into a Neutral Country
151310: VICKERS Hugo, VICKERS Elizabeth - St George's Chapel Windsor Castle
162101: TUCKER George Hugo - Forms of the Medieval in the Renaissance a Multidisciplinary Exploration of a Cultural Continuum
120740: HAMILTON Hugo - Every Single Minute
183447: COUFFIGNAL Huguette, KARDON James [Translator] - The People's Cookbook Staples Delicacies Curiosities from the Earth's Humble Kitchens
176179: WANLEY Humfrey, WRIGHT C.E., WRIGHT Ruth C. - The Diary of Humfrey Wanley 1715-1726 in Two Volumes
175072: CARPENTER Humphrey - W.H. Auden a Biography
183850: CARPENTER Humphrey - Benjamin Britten a Biography
183195: WYNDHAM Humphrey, ORDE Roden - The Household Cavalry at War First Household Cavalry Regiment [&] Second Household Cavalry Regiment
62948: CARPENTER Humphrey - Jesus
147962: RITA Mrs Desmond Humphreys - The Make-Believers
170812: WRIGHT Ernest Hunter - The Meaning of Rousseau
178205: DUPREE A. Hunter - Asa Gray American Botanist Friend of Darwin
80874: BEYNON Huw, GLAVANIS Pandeli - Patterns of Social Inequality Essays for Richard Brown Longman Sociology Series
181317: DE NEUVILLE Hyde, OLSON Roberta J.M. - Artist in Exile the Visual Diary of Baroness Hyde de Neuville
181629: STOICHITA Victor I. - Darker Shades the Racial Other in Early Modern Art
172408: HODDER I. - The Meanings of Things Material Culture and Symbolic Expression (One World Archaeology 6)
181194: BURNS Robert I. - Diplomatarium of the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia the Registered Charters of Its Conqueror Jaume I 1257-1276 II Documents 1-500 Foundations of Crusader Valencia Revolt and Recovery 1257-1263
181261: FINLEY M.I. - The Use and Abuse of History
181262: FINLEY M.I. - The Europeans in Australia a History Volume One the Beginning
159876: RISTOFF Dilvo I. - John Updike's Rabbit at Rest Appropriating History
172207: NEWBIGIN Marion I. - Aftermath a Geographical Study of the Peace Terms
181907: PAGE R.I., PARSONS David, BERKHOUT Carl T. - Runes and Runic Inscriptions Collected Essays on Anglo-Saxon and Viking Runes
183562: WELLMAN Paul I. - The Commancheros
137456: DAVIES Alice I. - Anthonie Van Borssum (1630 - 1677) a Catalogue of His Drawings [Aetas Aurea Monographs on Dutch & Flemish Painting XXIV]
153775: LITTLE J.I. - Reading the Diaries of Henry Trent the Everyday Life of a Canadian Englishman 1842-1898
175572: TUCKER Susie I. - Protean Shape a Study in Eighteenth-Century Vocabulary and Usage
124103: JAMES VI & I, NAUNTON Sir Robert, WATSON Thomas, HABINGTON William - English Reprints Volume V the Revelation to the Monk of Evesham the Essayes of a Prentise in the Divine Art of Poesie a Counterblaste to Tobacco Fragmenta Regalia Poems Castara
143213: LIFSHITS L.I. - Istoriya Russkogo Isskustva Tom 2/1 Isskustvo 20-60 Kh Godov XII Veka
168405: FEINBERG Matthew I. - From the Plaza to the Theater Spectacle Protest and Urban Space in Twenty-First Century Madrid
49012: MOBERLY W. I. - Raj and Post Raj
171564: ILF I., PETROV E., KNOWLES A.V. - Ilf [&] Petrov Selected Stories
177074: WILLIAMS Trevor I. - Robert Robinson Chemist Extraordinary
106823: GOLDANSKII Vitalii I. - Essays of a Soviet Scientist
180340: HAMILTON Louis I. - A Sacred City Consecrating Churches and Reforming Society in Eleventh-Century Italy
180315: BURNS Robert I. - Society and Documentation in Crusader Valencia Diplomatarium of the Crusader Kingdom of Valencia He Registered Charters of Its Conqueror Jaume I 1257-1276 I Introduction
179197: SCHMALHAUSEN I.I., KELSON Leon [Translator] - The Origin of Terrestrial Vertebrates
180971: LENIN V.I. - Materialism and Empirio-Criticism Critical Comments on a Reactionary Philosophy
183571: WELLMAN Paul I. - Ride the Red Earth
165268: KABAKOV Il'ia, KABAKOV Emilia, MARTIN Cynthia - Dvorets Proektov 1995-1998 the Palace of Projects 1995-1998
159363: BALLANTYNE Iain - H.M. S. London Warships of the Royal Navy
183122: DALE Iain - British General Election Campaigns 1830-2019 the 50 General Election Campaigns That Shaped Our Modern Politics
98158: GALE Iain, IRVINE Susan - Laura Ashley Style
177009: SINCLAIR Iain - Black Apples of Gower Stone-Footing in Memory Fields
46256: MACKENZIE Iain, SELBY Terry - Hunter Chasers & Point to Pointers 1991
46259: MACKENZIE Iain, SELBY Terry - Point to Point & Hunter Chase Formbook 1987
181546: PHELPS-FETHERSTON Iain - Soviet International Front Organizations a Concise Handbook
104969: PATTISON Iain - John Mcfadyean a Great British Veterinarian
142647: BRUK Iakov - Moskva Vremen Ekateriny II I Pavla I V Kartinakh Zherara Delabarta (Moscow in the Catherine II's and Paul I's Reign in the Paintings of Gerard Delabarte)
73730: MORRISON Ian - The Formula 1 Fact Book
183209: BELL Ian - Time out of Mind the Lives of Bob Dylan
182346: NORRIE Ian - Mumby's Publishing and Bookselling in the Twentieth Century
178037: SCOTT A. Ian, POTIER Pierre - The Bartonian Legacy
183583: ACHESON Ian - Screwed Britain's Prison Crisis and How to Escape It
168280: DUNLOP Ian - Louis XIV
172410: HODDER Ian - The Spatial Organisation of Culture
163981: BRINTON Ian - Infinite Riches Dulwich College Poets 1950 to the Present Day
165494: McEWAN Ian - On Chesil Beach
171039: DAVIE Ian - Roman Pentecost
135934: WATSON Ian - Salvage Rites and Other Stories
180104: NEWTON Ian - Bird Populations New Naturalist No. 124
164942: McEWAN Ian - The Children Act
164940: McEWAN Ian - Nutshell
183010: BUTTERWORTH Ian - The Impact of Electronic Publishing on the Academic Community
146772: LITTLEWOOD Ian - The Literature Student's Survival Kit What Every Reader Needs to Know
172194: SKEET Ian - Opec Twenty-Five Years of Prices and Politics
125674: ROBINSON Ian - Chaucer and the English Tradition
182569: BOXALL Ian, GREGORY Bradley C. - The New Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation (Cambridge Companions to Religion)
156038: NIALL Ian, GREG Barbara - Fresh Woods
167697: NEWTON Ian - Bird Migration New Naturalist No. 113
166689: McEWAN Ian - Machines Like Me and People Like You
115235: MACKINTOSH Ian - Sunrise Europe the Dynamics of Information Technology
180115: MERCER Ian - Dartmoor a Statement of Its Time New Naturalist No. 111
170443: BURUMA Ian - Playing the Game
175707: OUSBY Ian - The Road to Verdun France Nationalism and the First World War
178543: HEPBURN Ian - Flowers of the Coast New Naturalist No. 24
133054: TATTERSALL Ian - The Fossil Trail How We Know What We Think About Human Evolution
170498: McEWAN Ian - Ian Mcewan 4 Volumes Saturday, on Chesil Beach, Solar, Nutshell
182638: DAVIDSON Ian - Voltaire in Exile the Last Years 1753-78
105997: BRADLEY Ian - Abide with Me the World of Victorian Hymns
134464: ARMIT Ian - Celtic Scotland
181740: MORTIMER Ian - Medieval Intrigue Decoding Royal Conspiracies
176075: CLARK Ian, WHEELER Nicholas J. - The British Origins of Nuclear Strategy 1945-1955
72247: BREACH Ian - Windscale Fallout a Primer for the Age of Nuclear Controversy
116460: RAE Ian, WITZEL Morgen - Singular and Different Businesss in China Past Present and Future
174578: NIALL Ian - Portrait of a Country Artist C.F. Tunnicliffe R.A. 1901-1979
178356: GARDINER Ian - In the Service of the Sultan a First-Hand Account of the Dhofar Insurgency
91034: McAUSLAN Ian, WALCOT P. - Greece & Rome Second Series April 1984 Vol XXXI No 1
91032: McAUSLAN Ian, WALCOT P. - Greece & Rome Second Series April 1983 Vol XXX No 1
91033: McAUSLAN Ian, WALCOT P. - Greece & Rome Second Series October 1983 Vol XXX No 2
91035: McAUSLAN Ian, WALCOT P. - Greece & Rome Second Series October 1984 Vol XXXI No 2
113487: TOPLIS Ian - Recollections of Nineteenth-Century Buckinghamshire
164941: McEWAN Ian - Machines Like Me and People Like You
168435: MACDONALD L. Ian - Politics and Players
183210: BELL Ian - Once Upon a Time the Lives of Bob Dylan
171026: MITCHELL P. Ian, NEWTON Stephen F., RATCLIFFE Norman, DUNN Timothy E. - Seabird Populations of Britain and Ireland Results of the Seabird 2000 Census (1998-2002)
182126: DONALDSON Ian - Ben Jonson a Life
177783: McEWAN Ian - Sweet Tooth
183213: MUNRO Ian - The Birds of the Pentland Hills
172486: GERMANI Ian - Dying for France Experiencing and Representing the Soldier's Death 1500-2000 (Mcgill-Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas 87)
139063: WARRELL Ian - Through Switzerland with Turner Ruskin's First Selection from the Turner Bequest
157941: HAMILTON Ian, JENKINS Alan - Ian Hamilton Collected Poems
174369: FLEMING Ian - James Bond 9 Volumes Casino Royale, Live and Let Die, Moonraker, Diamonds Are Forever, from Russia with Love, Dr No, Goldfinger, for Your Eyes Only (Incl from a View to Kill, Quantum of Solace), Thunderball
124898: HAMILTON Ian - In Search of J.D. Salinger
148943: WOODFIELD Ian - Opera and Drama in Eighteenth-Century London the King's Theatre Garrick and the Business of Performance
148010: HAY Ian, KING-HALL Stephen - The Middle Watch
136514: PASSINGHAM Ian - The German Offensives of 1918 the Last Desperate Gamble
147897: McINTYRE Ian - Dirt and Deity a Life of Robert Burns
176507: NIALL Ian - Tunnicliffe's Countryside
163588: ROBERTSON Ian - Soldiering Stewardship and a Little Sport Volume I 1932-1993 [&] Volume II 1994-2019
171443: ISHAQ Ibn, EDWARDES Michael - The Life of Muhammad Apostle of Allah
176358: AL GHABBAN Ali Ibrahim, ANDRE-SALVINI Béatrice, DEMANGE Françoise, JUVIN Carine, COTTY Marianne - Routes D'Arabie Archéologie Et Histoire Du Royaume D'Arabie Saoudite
175885: KONISHI Jin'ichi, GATTEN Aileen, HARBISON Mark, MINER Earl, TEELE Nicholas - A History of Japanese Literature Volume One the Archaic and Ancient Ages, Volume Two the Early Middle Ages, Volume Three the High Middle Ages
65969: TANAKA Ichimatsu - L'Art Japonais a Travers Les Siecles
176156: JAGER Ida - Evert En Herman Kraaijvanger Architectonische Noblesse
118480: MACALPINE Ida, HUNTER Richard - George III and the Mad-Business
165684: GEIGER Ido - Kant and the Claims of the Empirical World a Transcendental Reading of the Critique of the Power of Judgment
147588: SHAH Idries - Kara Kush the Gold of Ahmad Shah
142005: ALONSO Idurre, KELLER Judith - Photography in Argentina Contradiction and Continuity
151497: TUAN-SHENG Ch'ien - The Government and Politics of China 1912-1949
168472: SARNA Igal - The Stranger's Homecoming a House in the Alto Minho Portugal
149990: DOUVEN Igor - Lotteries Knowledge and Rational Belief Essays on the Lottery Paradox
145486: FOMENKO Igor - A New Description of the Northern Regions Including Muscovy Jan and Lucas Duetecum 1562-1572
163980: BOWMAN Frank O. III - High Crimes and Misdemeanors a History of Impeachment for the Age of Trump
156559: STAVANS Ilan, JAKSIC Ivan - What Is la Hispanidad? a Conversation
160930: STAVANS Ilan - What Is American Literature
165569: BERNARDINI Ilaria - The Girls Are Good
181084: EMBER Ildiko - Dutch Flemish Still Lifes 1600-1800 Old Masters' Gallery Catalogues SzépmûVészeti Múzeum Budapest Volume 2
141878: CHASE Ilka - The Island Players
179248: LUZZATI Emanuele [Illustrator] - The Magic Flute from the Opera Composed by W.A. Mozart
178630: THOMSON Hugh [Illustrator] - Days with Sir Roger de Coverley a Reprint from the Spectator
168370: BANNISTER Ilona - Little Prisons
176536: CRHONEK Ilos - Architect Bohuslav Fuchs the Lifework
183678: KANT Immanuel, MEREDITH James Creed [Translator] - The Critique of Judgement Translated with Analytical Indexes
128537: TAYLOR Ina - Thoroughly with Enthusiasm the Life of Sir Peter Gadsden
179971: CONZEN Ina - Oskar Schlemmer Visions of a New World
176120: PARMAR Inderjeet - Special Interests the State and the Anglo-American Alliance 1939-1945
149066: KNIGHT India - The Shops How Why and Where to Shop
144674: Adjutant General in India - Manual for Bengal and Punjab Cavalry
139232: The Motor Industry - Motor Repair and Overhauling Charts
150530: BAYARD Ines, HUNTER Adriana - This Little Family
180826: DE CASTRO Ines, GUNTHER Jasmin Li Sabai - Die Welt Des Schatten Theaters Von Asien Bis Europa
137481: KLEINKNECHT Inga - Bauhaus - Beziehungen Oberosterreich
137446: BECKEL Inge, SIDLER Pius, WINDLIN Sabine, FREY Georg - Zuger Bautenfuhrer 1902-2012 Ausgwahlte Objekte
149731: ARTEEL Inge, BERNAERTS Lars, COUDER Olivier - Confrontational Readings Literary Neo-Avant-Gardes in Dutch and German
181122: GUNDRY Inglis - Canow Kernow Songs and Dances from Cornwall
154626: WESTERMAN Ingmar - Authority and Utility John Millar James MILL and the Politics of History C. 1770-1836
114520: WOLF Ingrid - With the Help of Thomas
152470: CARLBERG Ingrid - Raoul Wallenberg
181077: EHRHARDT Ingrid, REYNOLDS Simon - Kingdom of the Soul Symbolist Art in Germany 1870-1920
120844: MELANDER Ingrid - The Transcendant Flame Thematic/Structural Complexity in Francis Warner'a Experimental Sonnets
158447: GARCIA-BRYCE Inigo - Crafting the Republic Lima's Artisans and Nation-Building in Peru 1221-1879
171221: WK INTERACT, KLANTEN Robert, HELLIGE Hendrik - Wk Interact Exterior Interior Act 2
116964: Interbrand - Brands an International Review
144630: WEICHAO Yu [Intro] - Photo-Collection of Historic Relics of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhonghua Yixue Wenwu Tuji
180757: ASIMOV Isaac [Introduction] - Scientific American Resource Library Readings in the Physical Sciences Volume 1 Offprints 201-246, Volume 2 Offprints 247-290, Volume 3 Offprints 291-326
139609: DAVISIS Ioannes, SCHUTZ Chr. Godofr - M. Tullii Ciceronis de Natura Deorum Libri Tres Cum Notis Integris Paulli Manutii, Petri Victorii, Ioachimi Camerarii, Dionys. Lambini, Fulv. Ursini Et Ioannis Walkeeeri. Rec. , Suisque Animadversionibus Illustravit Et Eemaculavit Ioannes Davisius
175149: MISKGIAN D. Ioannes - Manuale Lexicon Armeno-Latinum Ad Usum Scholarum
174869: EL-BADAWI Emran Iqbal - Queens and Prophets How Arabian Noblewomen and Holy Men Shaped Paganism Christianity and Islam
183321: GWALTNEY Francis Irby - The Day the Century Ended
181099: TICHENOR Irene - No Art without Craft the Life of Theodore Low de Vinne Printer
148157: NEMIROVSKY Irene, STUART Sylvia - David Golder
154230: GAMMEL Irene - I Can Only Paint the Story of Battlefield Artist Mary Riter Hamilton
180904: LAWFORD-HINRICHSEN Irene - Music Publishing and Patronage C F Peters 1800 to the Holocaust
163761: NICHOLSON Irene - Firefly in the Night a Study of Ancient Mexican Poetry and Symbolism
179811: NÉMIROVSKY Irène, DE MAUNY Erik [Translator] - A Life of Chekhov
172074: NEMIROVSKY Irene, SMITH Sandra (Translator) - Fire in the Blood
172096: PRUZHAN Irina - Leon Bakst Set and Costume Designs Book Illustrations Paintings and Graphic Works
183676: MURDOCH Iris - The Green Knight
183677: MURDOCH Iris - The Book and the Brotherhood
161406: ORIGO Iris - The Last Attachment the Story of Byron and Teresa Guiccioli
180380: SHAGRIR Iris, ELLENBLUM Ronnie, RILEY-SMITH Jonathan - In Laudem Hierosolymitani Studies in Crusades and Medieval Culture in Honour of Benjamin Z. Kedar
181851: ORIGO Iris - Images and Shadows Part of a Life
174117: MURDOCH Iris - The Bell
175566: TAAVITSAINEN Irma, PAHTA Paivi - Medical and Scientific Writing in Late Medieval English
159146: WIRTH Irmgard - Eduard Gaertner Der Berliner Architekturmaler
92219: STOCK Irvin - William Hale White Mark Rutherford a Critical Study
86076: WALKER C. Irvine - The Life of Lieutenant General Richard Heron Anderson of the Confederate States Army
140617: LOUDON Irvine - Western Medicine an Illustrated History
171363: STONE Irving - The Passionate Journey
150478: KOLODIN Irving - The Story of the Metropolitan Opera 1883-1950 a Candid History
131525: STELZER Irwin - Neoconservatism
182016: BELL Isaac - A Huntsman's Log Book
180745: ASIMOV Isaac - The Universe from Flat Earth to Quasar
60199: WALTON Isaac - The Works of That Learned and Judicious Divine Mr Richard Hooker with an Account of His Life and Death in Two Volumes
183366: NEWTON Isaac, COHEN I. Bernard, WHITMAN Anne, NAUENBERG Michael, SMITH George E. - Principia Mathematica Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy [&] a Guide to Newton's Principia Mathematica
38514: GILLIES Isabel - Happens Every Day
173162: FONSECA Isabel - Attachment
20654: HILTON Isabel - The Search for the Panchen Lama
172804: HOFMEYR Isabel - The Portable Bunyan a Transnational History of the Pilgrim`S Progress
183072: WILKERSON Isabel - Caste the Origins of Our Discontents
174179: ALLENDE Isabel - Paula
183594: BURTON Tara Isabella - Self-Made Creating Our Identities from Da Vinci to the Kardashians
183405: ANSCOMBE Isabelle - Omega and After Bloomsbury and the Decorative Arts
121278: KHAN Moulvie Mohammed Ismail - Tutor to Pushto with English Urdu and Persian Translation and Pronunciation in Roman a Perfect Help to the Lower and Higher Standard Pushto Examinations
103042: GRUNDY Isobel - Samuel Johnson and the Scale of Greatness
118261: JOHNSTONE Isobel, DREW Joanna - It's a Still Life Sculpture Paintings Drawings and Photographs from the Arts Council Collection
183391: GRUNDY Isobel - Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Comet of the Enlightenment
158970: ZANGWILL Israel - The Children of the Ghetto
166628: PERRY Elisabeth Israels, SMITH Karen Manners - The Gilded Age and Progressive Era a Student Companion
17799: REICHMAN-ISRAELSOHN, Raymond - The Blade of Grass and the Footprint of the Calf the Mind and Heart of God
175683: KENESEI Istvan, VAGO Robert M., FENYVESI Anna - Hungarian (Descriptive Grammars)
171165: One Who Has Done It - From the Cape to Buluwayo or How to Travel to Rhodesia Through British Terrirtory
132359: RABINOVICH Itamar - The View from Damascus State Political Community and Foreign Relations in Twentieth-Century Syria
144756: GERCHUK Iurii - Iskusstvo Pechatnoi Knigi V Rossii XVI-XXI Vekov
181388: MORRIS Ivan - The World of the Shining Prince Court Life in Ancient Japan
158720: TURGENEV Ivan - On the Eve
158753: TURGENEV Ivan, SCHAPIRO Leonard - Spring Torrents
160500: ENGNELL Ivan - Studies in Divine Kingship in the Ancient Near East
154795: PALMER John-Ivan - Master of Deception a Son Searches for His Father in the House of Illusion
157396: JAKSIC Ivan - The Hispanic World and American Intellectual Life 1820-1880
176551: IOVLEVA Lidiia Ivanovna - Natalia Goncharova between East and West
134610: Belgrave St Ives - St Ives Exhibition 2018
169579: LLOYD J. Ivester, LLOYD T. Ivester - Full Cry
134422: KAMPS Ivo, SINGH Jyotsna G. - Travel Knowledge European "Discoveries" in the Early Modern Period
169823: DE FIGUEIREDO Ivo, FERGUSON Robert (Translator) - Henrik Ibsen the Man and the Mask
177278: PURÅ  Ivo, KARPENKO Vladimír - Alchymie a Rudolf II Hledání Tajemství Prírody Ve Strední Europe V 16 a V 17 Století
134679: RINGE Ivo - Ivo Ringe Wisse Das Bild
138231: PETERS Ivo - The Somerset and Dorset an English Cross-Country Railway
182768: GURNEY Ivor, BODEN Anthony [Editor] - Stars in a Dark Night the Letters of Ivor Gurney to the Chapman Family
154562: KEYS Ivor - Johannes Brahms
169419: OZTAT Iz, UNSAL Merve - Re: [Aap_2020]
168871: WALTON Izaak, COTTON Charles - The Complete Angler or the Contemplative Man's Recreation
105494: WALTON Izaak, COTTON Charles, MAJOR John [&] JACKSON John - The Complete Angler or the Contemplative Man's Recreation [&] the Practical Fly-Fisher More Particularly for Grayling or Umber (a Treatise on Flies and Fly-Hooks)
171251: WALTON Izaak, COTTON Charles, HAWKINS Sir John - The Complete Angler or the Contemplative Man's Recreation Being a Discourse of Rivers Fish-Ponds Fish and Fishing in Two Parts with the Lives of the Authors and Notes Historical Critical and Explanatory
178347: WALTON Izaak - The Life of Dr John Donne Late Dean of St Paul's Church London
18914: WALTON Izaak, RACKHAM Arthur - The Compleat Angler or the Contemplative Man's Recreation Being a Discourse of Rivers Fishponds Fish & Fishing Not Unworthy the Perusal of Most Anglers
182936: WALTON Izaak, POLLARD Alfred W. [Editor] - The Complete Angler and the Lives of Donne Wotton Hooker Herbert & Sanderson
178009: LAIDLER Keith J. - The World of Physical Chemistry
171753: PRAZMOWSKA Anita J. - Britain and Poland 1939-1943 the Betrayed Ally
124940: SNELL F.J. - The Celtic Borderland a Rediscovery of the Marches from Wye to Dee
182701: OROSZ Joel J. - Curators and Culture the Museum Movement in America 1740-1870 (History of American Science and Technology Series)
181615: O'GORMAN P. J. - Britain and Rome Caesar to Claudius the Exposure of a Renaissance Fraud
172118: MORDAUNT CROOK J. - The Rise of the Nouveaux Riches Style and Status in Victorian and Edwardian Architecture.
165561: ANDRADE Nathanael J. - Zenobia Shooting Star of Palmyra
183642: ROBERTSON Donald J. - Marcus Aurelius the Stoic Emperor
173516: MARSDEN Stanley J., MARTIN J. Holmes - Turkey Management
183648: SCOTT Andrew J. - The Longevity Imperative Building a Better Society for Healthier Longer Lives
136485: TAYLOR J., IZZET V., SHORROCK R. - Greece & Rome Second Series October 2009 Vol. 56 No. 2
150395: OXENHAM Elsie J. - Strangers at the Abbey
167442: ENTWISTLE W.J, MORISON W.A. - Russian and the Slavonic Languages
183661: YOUNG Neil J. - Coming out Republican a History of the Gay Right
178574: AYER A.J. - Philosophical Essays
159848: KIDD Alan J., ROBERTS Kenneth W. - City Class and Culture Studies of Social Policy and Cultural Production in Victorian Manchester
124598: RECKFORD Kenneth J. - Recognizing Persius
180858: NOLTIE H.J. - Indian Forester Scottish Laird the Botanical Lives of Hugh Cleghorn of Stravithie
183504: LOOKER Samuel J., LOVAT FRASER Claud [Illustrator] - The Chase an Anthology of Hunting
156264: SHARPE Eric J. - Understanding Religion
153626: PATTERSON Robert J. - Destructive Desires Rhythm and Blues Culture and the Politics of Racial Equality
171949: KAPLAN Jacob J., SCHLEIMINGER Gunther - The European Payments Union Financial Diplomacy in the 1950s
172007: APPLEBY Brigadier J. - Blue and Old Gold a Selection of Stories from the Outpost the Regimental Magazine of the British South Africa Police
104876: HUNT T.J. - The Medieval Customs of the Manors of Taunton and Bradford on Tone
104216: ROBINSON John J. - Dungeon Fire and Sword the Knights Templar in the Crusades
103856: COURTHOPE W.J. - Addison English Men of Letters
103243: KORSHIN Paul J., ALLEN Robert R. - Greene Centennial Studies Essays Presented to Donald Greene in the Centennial Year of the University of Southern California
143944: SMITH David J. - Action Stations 7 Military Airfields of Scotland the North-East and Northern Ireland
143950: TAYLOR V. J. - The Constrction of Period Country Furniture
174735: HOGAN Michael J., PATERSON Thomas G. - Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations
142821: GALANTIN Admiral I.J. - Take Her Deep! a Submarine Against Japan in World War II
176113: MOMMSEN Wolfgang J., KETTENACKER Lothar - The Fascist Challenge and the Policy of Appeasement
175448: MADGE Sidney J. - The Domesday of Crown Lands a Study of the Legislation Surveys and Sales of Royal Estates Under the Commonwealth
159498: YOUNGBLOOD Denise J. - Movies for the Masses Popular Cinema and Soviet Society in the 1920s
174878: COLLINS Michael J., JONES Gavin - The Cambridge Companion to the American Short Story (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
169208: VENTER Al J. - Biafra's War 1967-1970 a Tribal Conflict in Nigeria That Left a Million Dead
149681: DUMAS Lloyd J. - Building a Good Society in an Increasingly Polarized World the Power and Limits of Markets, Democracy and Freedom
181148: MACKILLOP J. , EDWARDS Lionel - Letters to Young Sportsmen on Hunting Angling and Shooting
181159: KNOWLES Horace J. - A Book of Thoughts on Hope
181245: HOBSBAWM E.J. - The Age of Revolution Europe 1789-1848
181246: HOBSBAWM E.J. - The Age of Capital 1848-1875
181247: HOBSBAWM E.J. - The Age of Extremes the Short Twentieth Century 1914-1991
181743: NICHOLSON Helen J. - The Knights Templar on Trial the Trial of the Templars in the British Isles 1308-1311
172689: HOGAN Michael J. - Informal Entente the Private Structure of Cooperation in Anglo-American Economic Diplomacy 1918-1928
181481: DEVRIES Philip J. - The Butterflies of Costa Rica and Their Natural History Volume II Riodindae
139264: CAMM F. J. - Practical Motorist & Motorcyclist Repair-Maintenance-Overhaul Volume IV (Nos. 37 to 48) July, 1957, to June 1958
139263: CAMM F. J. - Practical Motorist & Motorcyclist Repair-Maintenance-Overhaul Volume III (Nos. 25 to 36) July, 1956, to June 1957
183816: MURRAY D.J. - The Governmental System in Southern Rhodesia
183820: SULLIVAN Michael J. - American Adventurism Abroad Invasions Interventions and Regime Changes Since World War II
180531: BERRY R.J. - The Natural History of Orkney New Naturalist No. 70
183554: FENADY Andrew J. - Claws of the Eagle a Novel of Tom Horn and the Apache Kid
179206: VERMEIJ Geerat J. - Evolution and Escalation an Ecological History of Life
157508: SEARLES George J. - The Fiction of Philip Roth and John Updike
123687: COLLYER David J. - Fly-Dressing [&] Fly-Dressing II
182933: LONG William J., COPELAND Charles [Illustrator] - School of the Woods Some Life Studies of Animal Instincts and Animal Training
106758: HONIGMANN E. A. J. - Shakespeare the Lost Years
102674: BERANGER P.J. - Oeuvres Completes de P.J. Beranger édition Unique Revue Par L'Auteur Ornee de 104 Vignettes En Taille-Douce Dessinees Par Les Peintres Les Plus Celebres Tomes I-IV
126024: LOOKER Samuel J. - Richard Jefferies a Tribute by Various Writers Worthing Cavalcade
136479: TAYLOR J., IZZET V., SHORROCK R. - Greece & Rome Second Series April 2010 Vol. 57 No. 1
136480: TAYLOR J., IZZET V., SHORROCK R. - Greece & Rome Second Series April 2011 Vol. 58 No. 1
171895: ALDRICH Richard J. - Intelligence and the War Against Japan Britain America and the Politics of Secret Service
39721: CHAPMAN Sydney J. - Work and Wages Part I Foreign Competition [&] Part II Wages and Employment [&] Part III Social Betterment
166784: McMILLAN Charles J. - The Age of Consequence the Ordeals of Public Policy in Canada
87403: ZALOGA Steven J. - German V-Weapon Sites 943 - 45
174783: WRIGLEY C.J. - David Lloyd George and the British Labour Movement
179132: CONNORS Logan J. - Theater War and Revolution in Eighteenth-Century France and Its Empire
40232: PATHY M.S.J. - Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine
157211: SHARPE Eric J. - Understanding Religion
182397: ALDRICH Richard J. - Gchq the Uncensored Story of Britain's Most Secret Intelligence Agency
166153: HAYES Robin J. - Love for Liberation African Independence Black Power and a Diaspora Underground
171108: CUTTER Martha J. - The Many Resurrections of Henry Box Brown
145305: SAEZ RODRIGUEZ Angel J. - Las Defensas de Gibraltar (Siglos XII-XVIII)
136478: TAYLOR J., IZZET V., SHORROCK R. - Greece & Rome Second Series April 2008 Vol. 55 No. 1
123991: WEST W.J. - The Quest for Graham Greene
172059: VENTER Al J. - The Terror Fighters a Profile of Guerilla Warfare in Southern Africa
149937: BERRIDGE W.J. - Hasan Al-Turabi Islamist Politics and Democracy in Sudan
179877: FEUER Michael J. - Can Schools Save Democracy? CIVIC Education and the Common Good
141748: WHYTE-MELVILLE G.J. - Market Harborough How Mr Sawyer Went to the Shires
169242: CARY J. - Cary's New Itinerary or an Accurate Delineation of the Great Roads Both Direct and Cross Throughout England and Wales with Many of the Principal Roads in Scotland. .
180365: McCRANK Lawrence J. - Medieval Frontier History in New Catalonia (Variorum Collected Studies Series)
130316: COOPER Neill J. - Preserved Nzr Locomotives and Railcars
161826: EVANS J. - The Beauties of England and Wales or Original Delineations Topographical Historical and Descriptive of Each County Vol. XVII Part I North Wales
172363: CHASE William J. - Enemies Within the Gates? the Comintern and the Stalinist Repression 1934-1939
44064: FORSTER W.J. - Crusoe the Second and Other Stories
178283: BOWLER Peter J. - Theories of Human Evolution a Century of Debate 1844-1944
178285: VORZIMMER Peter J. - Charles Darwin the Years of Controversy the Origin of Species and Its Critics 1859-1882
170058: NOLAN Cathal J. - Mercy Humanity in Warfare
175079: WEBB Adrian J. - A Maritime History of Somerset Volume One Trade and Commerce
178068: SCOVELL E.J., SCUPHAM Giles, TAYLOR Ron, TURNER Jeffrey, TURNER Keith, WELLS John - Mandeville Press 6 Volumes Listening to Collared Doves, the Good Voyage, Sailing Into Corunna, the Angled Boat, Allied Powers, Ambion Hill
152844: HACKING Keith J. - Signs and Wonders Then and Now Miracle-Working Commissioning and Discipleship
176862: CAREY C.J. - Widowland
114778: KELLY M.J. - Functional Materials in New Millennium Systems the Cyril Hilsum Symposium
175110: BAKKER Egbert J. - A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language
181706: BOAS Adrian J. - Archaeology of the Military Orders a Survey of the Urban Centres Rural Settlements and Castles of the Military Orders in the Latin East (C. 1120-1291)
125285: BERRY R.J. - God's Book of Works the Nature and Theology of Nature
150391: OXENHAM E.J. - Stowaways in the Abbey
136482: TAYLOR J., IZZET V., SHORROCK R. - Greece & Rome Second Series April 2013 Vol. 60 No. 1
155390: O'CONNOR Raymond J., SHRUBB Michael - Farming and Birds
175798: McGEE Timothy J., RIGG A.G., KLAUSNER David N. - Singing Early Music the Pronunciation of European Languages in the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance
182062: MASSINGHAM H.J. - Downland Man
178729: KAVANAGH P.J. - Collected Poems
165871: BUTLER L.J. - Britain and Empire Adjusting to a Post-Imperial World
172161: CHIAVENTONE Frederick J. - Moon of Bitter Cold
180912: MUIR Diana J. - Templars Who Were They? Where Did They Go? Volume 1 [&] Volume 2
171602: DEIGHTON Hilary J. - A Day in the Life of Ancient Athens
179078: GIBSON David J. - Planting Clues How Plants Solve Crimes
147987: YOUNGBLOOD Denise J. - The Magic Mirror Moviemaking in Russia 1908-1918 (Wisconsin Studies in Film)
167371: MORDAUNT CROOK J. - Brasenose College the Biography of an Oxford College
133722: LIPSCOMBE N.J. - The Bicentenary of the Peninsular War a Commemorative Record
175575: WEBSTER Chris J. - Taunton Castle
169771: ALLEN Catherine J. - The Hold Life Has Coca and Cultural Identity in an Andean Community
180134: HAYWARD Peter J. - A Natural History of the Seashore New Naturalist No. 94
180153: BERRY R.J. - Inheritance and Natural History New Naturalist No. 61
131963: BREWER Douglas J., TEETER Emily - Egypt and the Egyptians
130185: BROUWER Norman J. - International Register of Historic Ships Second Edition
53818: TAYLOR D.J. - Thackeray
163383: WILCOX Denys J. - Andre Derain and the Bloomsbury Group
161688: ROBINSON Daniel J. - Cigarette Nation Business Health and Canadian Smokers 1930-1975
164573: BOLA J.J. - The Selfless Act of Breathing
179968: MUNNINGS A.J. - Pictures of Horses and English Life
144510: BENSON Jackson J. - Under the Big Sky a Biography of A.B. Guthrie Jr.
174712: CULL Nicholas J. - The Cold War and the United States Information Agency American Propaganda and Public Diplomacy 1945-1989
179345: PARKER Thomas J. - Jesus and Scripture the Impact of Jesus's Use of the Old Testament in the Non-Pauline Epistles
124593: MALHERBE Abraham J. - Moral Exhortation a Greco Roman Sourcebook Library of Early Christianity
169151: FISHER F.J. - Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England
124125: BOUWSMA William J. - John Calvin a Sixteenth Century Portrait
165304: LYNX J.J. - The Great Hohenzollern Scandal a Biography of Alexander Zubkov
181560: MARDER Arthur J. - From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow the Royal Navy in the Fisher Era 5 Volumes Volume I the Road to War, Volume II the War Years to the Eve of Jutland, Volume III Jutland and After, Volume IV 1917 Year of Crisis, Volume V Victory and Aftermath
170420: OXENHAM Elsie J. - The Abbey Girls Go Back to School
170890: GOODSPEED D.J. - Ludendorff Soldier Dictator Revolutionary
132453: SPENCER A.J., BAILEY Donald - Ashmunein 1985 British Museum Expedition to Middle Egypt Occasional Paper 67
109574: ABELSON J. - Jewish Mysticism
148819: MACDONALD Finlay J. - Crotal & White
131633: HENDRICK Burton J. - The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page in Three Volumes
182578: TOOPE Stephen J. - Rule of Law for Our New Age of Anxiety
107881: PRICHARD M.J., SKEMP J.B. - Biographical History of Gonville and Caius College Volume VII
139706: WALKER Geoffrey J. - Spanish Politics and Imperial Trade 1700-1789
118134: LEVINSON Peter J. - Tommy Dorsey Livin' in a Great Big Way
139262: CAMM F. J. - Practical Motorist & Motorcyclist Repair-Maintenance-Overhaul Volume II (Nos. 13 to 24) May, 1955, to June 1956
169607: RYALL M.J., PARKE Gerard, HARDING John - Bridge Management 4 Inspection Maintenance Assessment and Repair
139625: HABAKKUK H.J., POSTAN M. - The Cambridge Economic History of Europe Volume VI the Industrial Revolutions and After Icomes Population and Technological Change (II)
155606: HALLEY James J. - Royal Air Force Aircraft P1000 to P9999
154592: PETCHEY W.J. - A Prospect of Maldon 1500-1689
136481: TAYLOR J., IZZET V., SHORROCK R. - Greece & Rome Second Series April 2012 Vol. 59 No. 1
163426: JOYCE J. - Roads and Rails of Manchester 1900-1950
139817: GREENWOOD Davydd J. - Unrewarding Wealth the Commercialization and Collapse of Agriculture in a Spanish Basque Town
165108: KINGSFORD C.J. - Prejudice and Promise in Fifteenth Century England
163444: WILCOX Denys J. - Rupert Lee Painter Sculptor and Printmaker with a Catalogue Raisonne of the Graphic Work
158949: FLEURE H.J. - A Natural History of Man in Britain Conceived As a Study of Changing Relations between Man and Environments
167175: KEITH W.J. - Regions of the Imagination the Development of British Rural Fiction
172550: BORGES Marcelo J., HSU Madeline Y. - The Cambridge History of Global Migrations Volume I Migrations 1400-1800 [&] Volume II Migrations 1800-Present
179908: MEAGHER Timothy J. - Becoming Irish American the Making and Remaking of a People from Roanoke to Jfk
136486: TAYLOR J., IZZET V., SHORROCK R. - Greece & Rome Second Series October 2010 Vol. 57 No. 2
157110: DU PLESSIS A.J. - The Umvoti Mounted Rifles 1864-1975
172063: WILLS A.J. - An Introduction to the History of Central Africa
164041: MARLIN George J. - Christian Persecutions in the Middle East a 21st Century Tragedy
182857: PALTI Elias J. - Intellectual History and the Problem of Conceptual Change Skinner Pocock Koselleck Blumenberg Foucault and Rosanvallon (the Seeley Lectures)
179440: COOPER Melinda J. - Middlebrow Modernism Eleanor Dark's Interwar Fiction (Sydney Studies in Australian Literature)
143126: CHITTENDEN Fred J., SYNGE Patrick M. - The Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening
183358: AYER A.J. - Part of My Life
177862: ERICKSON Edward J. - Palestine the Ottoman Campaigns of 1914-1918
177863: MAIN J. - The Forest Planter and Pruner's Assistant Being a Practical Treatise on the Management of the Native and Exotic Forest Trees Commonly Cultivated in Great Britain
148203: YOUNGHUSBAND G.J. - The Story of the Guides
181984: BLUMENTHAL H.J. - Aristotle and Neoplatonism in Late Antiquity Interpretations of the de Anima
122565: RAWSON C.J. - Gulliver and the Gentle Reader Studies in Swift and Our Time
170418: OXENHAM Elsie J., KEALEY E.J. [Illustrator] - Queen of the Abbey Girls
171169: MITCHELL S.J. - Bite My Style Images and Shapes by Mitch
177217: BRITTEN F.J. - Old Clocks and Watches and Their Makers
174148: LEMMON E.J. - Beginning Logic
179624: MATTHEWS Jeffrey J. - Generals and Admirals Criminals and Crooks Dishonorable Leadership in the U.S. Military
175860: COOK Harold J. - The Decline of the Old Medical Regime in Stuart London
183843: SHARPE Eric J. - Comparative Religion a History
128492: LaROCCA John J. - Jacobean Recusant Rolls for Middlesex an Abstract in English
128077: COHEN Daniel J. - Equations from God Pure Mathematics and Victorian Faith
168742: MACDONALD A. St. J., HORA Sunder Lal, FRASER A.G.L., RAHIMULLAH M., KHAN Hamid, SARANGDHAR P.N. - Circumventing the Mahseer and Other Sporting Fish in India and Burma Parts I-V [with] the Game Fishes of India (Parts XVI-XVII the Mahseers or Large-Scaled Barbels of India), Fish of Poona (Parts II-III), Fish Survey of Hyderabad State (Parts I-II)
161296: SUBIALKA Michael J. - Modernist Idealism Ambivalent Legacies of German Philosophy in Italian Literature
182159: CURTIS Lee J. - Lloyd Loom Woven Fibre Furniture
139261: CAMM F. J. - Practical Motorist & Motorcyclist Repair-Maintenance-Overhaul Volume I (Nos. 1 to 12) May, 1954, to June 1955
161890: BARTLETT C.J. - Peace War and the European Powers 1814-1914
175514: BALICK Michael J., COX Paul Alan - Plants People and Culture Science of Ethnobotany
181742: NICHOLSON Helen J. - The Chronicle of the Third Crusade the Itinerarium Peregrinorum Et Gesta Regis. Ricardi
182025: BRETT Colin J. - Crown Revenues from Somerset and Dorset 1605 Somerset Record Society Volume 96
173511: HABAKKUK H.J. - American and British Technology in the 19th Century the Search for Labour-Saving Inventions
149031: BALL Stephen J. - Class Strategies and the Education Market the Middle Classes and Social Advantage
159420: ALLISON K.J., ELRINGTON C.R. - A History of the County of York East Riding Volume VI the Borough and Liberties of Beverley
155215: WALKER Pamela J. - Pulling the Devil's Kingdom Down the Salvation Army in Victorian Britain
178374: MINNIS A.J. - Latin and Vernacular Studies in Late-Medieval Texts and Manuscripts
165184: WHYTE-MELVILLE G.J. - The Queen's Maries a Romance of Holyrood in Two Volumes
178163: MAYER Arno J. - The Furies Violence and Terror in the French and Russian Revolutions
157887: CLAYTON J. - Father Dolling a Memoir
57273: KEEFE H.J. - A Century in Print the Story of Hazell's 1839 - 1939
180902: KITCHING Ian J., CADIOU Jean-Marie - Hawkmoths of the World an Annotated and Illustrated Revisionary Checklist (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)
117481: HODGKINS David J. - The Second Railway King the Life and Times of Sir Edward Watkin 1819-1901
156819: BROWN Michael J. - Hope and Scorn Eggheads Experts and Elites in American Politics
181582: EIDELSON Roy J. - Doing Harm How the World's Largest Psychological Association Lost Its Way in the War on Terror
73094: MERTENS M.J. - Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Interactions between Intravenous Hypnotics and Opioids in Man
120197: BUCKLEY Peter J. - Studies in International Business
152694: HERBERTSON A.J., HOWARTH O.J.R. - The Oxford Survey of the British Empire Volume III Africa [&] Volume IV America
177060: ASHWORTH William J. - Customs and Excise Trade Production and Consumption in England 1640-1845
174510: FORBES T.J., DIBB C., GREEN J.O., FENLON K.A. - Permanent Grassland Studies 1 the Permanent Pasture Project Objectives and Methods [&] 2 Grassland Poaching in England and Wales
179285: FINBERG A.J., FINBERG Hilda F. - The Life of J.M. W. Turner R.A. Revised with a Supplement
182810: DRECHSEL Emanuel J. - Wilhelm Von Humboldt and Early American Linguistics Resources and Inspirations
182453: WINNIFRITH T.J. - The Vlachs the History of a Balkan People
167758: FIELD Alexander J. - The Economic Consequences of U.S. Mobilization for the Second World War
160701: ROBERTS Ronald J., SHEPHERD C. Jonathan - Handbook of Trout and Salmon Diseases
183759: MUNRO BELL J. - The Chippendale Director the Furniture Design of Thomas Chippendale [&] the Hepplewhite Director the Furniture Designs of George Hepplewhite [&] the Sheraton Director the Furniture Designs of Thomas Sheraton
136488: TAYLOR J., IZZET V., SHORROCK R. - Greece & Rome Second Series October 2012 Vol. 59 No. 2
136487: TAYLOR J., IZZET V., SHORROCK R. - Greece & Rome Second Series October 2011 Vol. 58 No. 2
181477: NICHOLSON Helen J. - The Everyday Life of the Templars the Knights Templar at Home
173429: JEREMY David J., SHAW Christine - Dictionary of Business Biography a Biographical Dictionary of Business Leaders Active in Britain in the Period 1860-1980 5 Volumes + Supplement
172501: GABRIEL Dexter J. - Jubilee's Experiment the British West Indies and American Abolitionism
151672: KOVER Arthur J. - Tesserae a Life in Small Pieces
181646: MARDER Arthur J. - From Dreadnought to Scapa Flow the Royal Navy in the Fisher Era 1904-1919 Volume III Jutland and After May 1916 - December 1916
174698: BRAITHWAITE William J., BUNBURY Sir Henry N., TITMUSS Richard - Lloyd George's Ambulance Wagon Being the Memoirs of William J. Braithwaite 1911-1912
177684: CRAWFORD S.J. - Anglo-Saxon Influence on Western Christendom 600-800
175635: ADDISON J. - Remarks on Several Parts of Italy &C. In the Years 1701 1702 1703
146438: MARTIN Robert J. - Connect and Involve How to Connect with Students and Involve Them in Learning
138538: HUTCHINSON J. - The Families of Flowering Plants I. Dicotyledons Arranged According to a New System Based on Their Probable Phylogeny
183695: RYAN T.J. - Beyond Occlusion Wound Care Proceedings [&] Dermatology Proceedings (International Congress & Symposium Series 136 & 137)
179303: PAYER J. - Botanique Cryptogamique Ou Histoire Des Familles Naturelles Des Plantes Inférieurs
136490: TAYLOR J., IZZET V., SHORROCK R. - Greece & Rome Second Series October 2014 Vol. 60 No. 2
177649: WILSON Philip J., WELLS Joseph H. - Coal Coke and Coal Chemicals (Chemical Engineering Series)
163120: WILCOX Denys J. - Kenneth Lauder the Early Paintings
178200: RICHARDS Robert J. - The Meaning of Evolution Morphological Construction and Ideological Reconstruction of Darwin's Theory
170417: OXENHAM Elsie J. - Jen of the Abbey School
134784: PIESSE A.J. - Sixteenth-Century Identities
115767: GILL Graeme J. - Peasants and Government in the Russian Revolution
182322: HIGHAM Nicholas J., RYAN Martin J. - Landscape Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England (Publications of the Manchester Centre for Anglo Saxon Studies Volume 9)
178185: SMITHERS A.J. - The Man Who Disobeyed Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien and His Enemies
183222: YOUNGSON A.J. - The Making of Classical Edinburgh 1750-1840
168005: SHAW Garry J. - The Story of Tutankhamun an Intimate Life of the Boy Who Became King
162358: FAIRFAX-BLAKEBOROUGH J. - The Analysis of the Turf or the Duties and Difficulties of Racing Officials Owners Trainers Jockeys Bookmakers and Bettors with Stories of Hares and Courses
176162: SMITHERS A.J. - Honourable Conquests an Accout of the Enduring Work of the Royal Engineers Throughout the Empire
178605: MASSINGHAM H.J. - Chiltern Country (Face of Britain Series)
171974: PACH Chester J. Jr. - Arming the Free World the Origins of the United States Military Assistance Program 1945-1950
84344: KING Edward J. - Years Beyond Memory the Story of a South Somerset Village in Its Wider Setting
125210: MEDINA John J. - The Clock of Ages? Why We Age How We Age Winding Back the Clock
158921: WEBER David J. - Barbaros Spaniards and Their Savages in the Age of Enlightenment
173512: WARD Alan J. - Ireland and Anglo-American Relations 1899-1921
102198: TAYLOR Peter J. - Political Geography World Economy Nation-State and Locality
120267: WEST W.J. - The Larger Evils Nineteen Eighty-Four the Truth Behind the Satire
173625: GRANT P.J. - Gulls a Guide to Identification
101631: WEST W. J. - Truth Betrayed
172387: BRANDT J, Rasmus, PRUSAC Maria, ROLAND Håkon - Death and Changing Rituals Function and Meaning in Ancient Funerary Practices
182505: SCARISBRICK J.J. - Henry VIII
51806: DAY C.J. - Modern Oxford a History of the City from 1771
181744: NICHOLSON Helen J. - The Proceedings Against the Templars in the British Isles Volume 1 the Latin Edition [&] Volume 2 the Translation
154302: POPIEL Jennifer J. - Heroic Hearts Sentiment Saints and Authority in Modern France
182761: MARDER Arthur J. - From Dreadnought to Scapa Flow the Royal Navy in the Fisher Era 1904-1919 Volume IV 1917 the Year of Crisis
182762: WINKLARETH Robert J. - The Bismarck Chase New Light on a Famous Engagement
175545: KEALEY Edward J. - Medieval Medicus a Social History of Anglo-Norman Medicine
147164: COYNE Christopher J. - After War the Political Economy of Exporting Democracy
155642: DE GROOT Gerard J. - Douglas Haig 1861-1928
157218: SMITH W.J., METCALFE J.E. - James Chalmers Inventor of the Adhesive Postage Stamp
112221: MAY E.J. - Saxelford
172069: WEINER Martin J. - English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirit 1850-1980
164870: PETERS Pastor Peter J. - Warning! Vaccinations Are Dangerous
146898: BAILEY Isaac J. - Why Didn't We Riot
174480: SAVOIE Donald J. - Government Have Presidents and Prime Ministers Misdiagnosed the Patient
182565: AHRENSDORF Peter J. - Homer and the Tradition of Political Philosophy Encounters with Plato Machiavelli and Nietzsche
175314: CURRIE C.R.J., LEWIS G.P. - English County Histories a Guide
173727: OVERY R.J. - The Nazi Economic Recovery 1932-1938 (New Studies in Economic and Social History Series Number 27)
149626: LYNCH James J. - Box Pit and Gallery Stage and Society in Johnson's London
177144: FOTHERGILL Rowland J. - The Monuments of Southern Rhodesia
164459: ARCHER Leonie J. - Slavery and Other Forms of Unfree Labour
151024: GRAETZ Michael J., SHAPIRO Ian - The Wolf at the Door the Menace of Economic Insecurity and How to Fight It
174823: DOBSON E.J. - English Pronounciation 1500-1700 Volume I Survey of the Sources [&] Volume II Phonology
169392: FORSYTHE W.J. - Penal Discipline Reformatory Projects and the English Prison Commission 1895-1939
145833: BAILEY Issac J. - We Didn't We Riot? a Black Man in Trumpland
168966: O'CONNOR Brian J. - Personalities in Pink Coats History of the Mount Gambier Hunt Club
176870: DUKE J. - The Compleat Florist
156738: WATSON Stephen J., SMITH A.D. - Silage
178756: BEAN W.J., TAYLOR Sir George, CLARKE D.L. - Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles Volume I-IV + Supplement
142469: MAQUET Jacques J. - The Premise of Inequality in Ruanda a Study of Political Relations in a Central African Kingdom
178289: BOWLER Peter J. - Charles Darwin the Man and His Influence
157327: ARNOLD R.J. - Musical Debate and Political Culture in France 1700-1830
168827: ASHLEY W.J. - British Industries a Series of General Reviews for Business Men and Students
127697: PURVIS C. J. - The Offensive Art the Liberation of Poetic Imagination in Augustan Satire
164470: CASCARDI Anthony J. - Ideologies of History in the Spanish Golden Age
177725: PRICE Derek J., WILSON R.M. - The Equatorie of the Planetis Edited from Peterhouse Ms. 75. I.
101234: JALAS Jaakko, SUOMINEN Juha - Atlas Florae Europaeae Distribution of Vascular Plants in Europe 5 Chenopodiaceae to Basellaceae
101230: JALAS Jaakko, SUOMINEN Juha - Atlas Florae Europaeae Distribution of Vascular Plants in Europe I Pteridophyta Psilotaceae to Azollaceae
169087: PRELOOKER Jaakoff - Russian Flashlights
179999: KROSS Jaan, BEECHER Merike Lepasaar [Translator] - The Ropewalker Volume One of between Three Plagues the Story of Baltasar Russow
171116: DOUAIHY Jabbour - Firefly (the Arab List)
181561: BAKER Jaber, ÜNGÖR U gur Ümit - Syrian Gulag Inside Assad's Prison System
167139: BUNTING Jabez, WARD W.R. - Early Victorian Methodism the Correspondence of Jabez Bunting 1830-1858
179025: WELLER Jac - Wellington in the Peninsula 1808-1814
173982: DUFFIN Jacalyn - Covid-19 a History
143206: KOWALSKI Jacek - Meble Kowalskich
136251: PURCHLA Jacek - Herito Dziedzictwo, Kultura, Wspolczesnosc Heritage Culture & the Present
148487: AMARIGLIO Jack, CHILDERS Joseph W., CULLENBERG Stephen E. - Sublime Economy on the Intersection of Art and Economics
143005: TRELAWNEY Jack - Up the Emirates
154605: SCHAEFER Jack, BJORKLUND Lorence - Mavericks
181212: BRABHAM Jack - When the Flag Drops
118691: DONAHUE Jack - Wildcatter the Story of Michel T. Halbouty and the Search for Oil
157623: SCHAEFER Jack - Heroes without Glory Some Goodmen of the Old West
128835: BERRY Jack - One to Go
176747: AUSTIN Jack - Unlikely Insider a West Coast Advocate in Ottawa
169255: FINEGAN Jack - Archaeological History of the Ancient Middle East
180207: BROOME Jack - Convoy Is to Scatter
153165: KOHL Jack - From the Windows of Diligence Essays from a Standing Pianist
174041: DIXON Jack - Dowding and Churchill the Dark Side of the Battle of Britain
182269: BARNARD Jack - The Hump the Greatest Untold Story of the War
117040: LONDON Jack - The Son of the Wolf Tales of the Far North
153953: BRYMER Jack - From Where I Sit
182183: LINDSAY Jack - The Troubadours and Their World of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
179633: PALMER Jack - Zygmunt Bauman and the West a Sociology of Intellectual Exile
182536: LONDON Jack, PIZER Donald [Editor] - Jack London Volume 1 Novels and Stories the Call of the Wild, White Fang, the Sea-Wolf, Klondike and Other Stories [&] Volume 2 Novels and Social Writings the People of the Abyss, the Road, the Iron Heel, Martin Eden, John Barleycorn, Selected Essays
182940: O'CONNOR Jack - The Art of Hunting Big Game in North America
72158: BARRETT Jack - Chemistry in Your Environment User-Friendly Simplified Science
148935: CHANCE Jack, PAGET Julian, McPHAIL Rodger - The Flyfishers' an Anthology to Mark the Centenary of the Flyfishers' Club 1884-1984
154606: SCHAEFFER Jack - Old Ramon
163471: SIMMONS Jack - The Railway in Town and Country 1830-1914
174131: WULLSCHLAGER Jackie - Hans Christian Andersen the Life of a Storyteller
154569: LEES Jackie, MILES K.G. - Bob Dylan in London Troubadour Tales
143081: WILLS Jackie - A Friable Earth
149559: BRATTON Jacky - The Making of the West End Stage Marriage Management and the Mapping of Gender in London 1830-1870
148747: WEISBERG jacob - The Bush Tragedy the Unmaking of a President
166987: ROWE Jacob - A Demonstration of the Diving Engine Its Invention and Various Uses
179870: DEEM Jacob - Rethinking Decentralization Mapping the Meaning of Subsidiarity in Federal Political Culture
177834: BLOOMFIELD Jacob - Drag a British History
162770: NEUSNER Jacob - Israel and Iran in Talmudic Times a Political History
169493: LARWOOD Jacob, HOTTEN John Camden - English Inn Signs Being a Revised and Modernized Version of History of Signboards
138887: SHAW Alice Jacqueline - Women of Canaan and Other Poems
35867: CERVON Jacqueline - Castaway from Rhodes
176529: BONNEMAINS Jacqueline, FORSYTH Elliott, SMITH Bernard - Baudin in Australian Waters the Artwork of the French Voyage of Discovery to the Southern Lands 1800-1804
145321: SIMMS Jacqueline - Unsolicited Gift
181051: McDONNELL Jacqueline - Waugh on Women
134438: JENKINS Jacqueline, POLITO Mary - The Humorous Magistrate (Osborne) the Malone Society Reprints Volume 178
149734: WOODSON Jacqueline - Red at the Bone
173291: SUSANN Jacqueline - Valley of the Dolls Virago Modern Classics
179426: ROY Jacqueline - In Memory of Us
120927: WOODSON Jacqueline - Another Brooklyn
174763: REVEL Jacques, HUNT Lynn - Histories French Constructions of the Past Postwar French Thought Volume I.
176526: BARSAC Jacques - Charlotte Perriand and Photography a Wide-Angle Eye
159113: KERMABON Jacques - Pathe Premier Empire Du Cinema
165187: ROUSSEAU Jean-Jacques - Julie Ou la Nouvelle Heloise Lettres de Deux Amans Habitants D'Une Petite Ville Au Pied Des Alpes
181564: BARSAC Jacques - Charlotte Perriand an Architect in the Mountains
165788: SOUSTELLE Jacques - Envers Et Contre Tout D'Alger à Paris (1942-1944)
148958: BEDIER Jacques - Le Roman de Tristan Et Iseut Cent-Quatre-Vingt-Quinzième Edition
182836: RANCIERE Jacques, BROWN Andrew [Translator] - Uncertain Times
178697: ROUSSEAU Jean-Jacques - The Confessions of Jean-Jaques Rousseau Now for the First Time Completely Transalated Into English without Expurgation in Two Volumes
180363: MADAULE Jacques, WALL Barbara [Translator] - The Albigensian Crusade an Historical Essay
134085: ROUSSEAU Jean-Jacques, COHEN J. M. - The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
138487: BRUN Samuel Jacques - Tales of Languedoc from the South of France
176022: LE LIEUR Jacques - Le Livre Des Fontaines de la Ville de Rouen
183663: ADAMS Jad - Hideous Absinthe a History of the Devil in a Bottle
177043: SONG Jade - Chlorine
181818: SABARTES Jaime - Paintings and Drawings of Picasso (Colours of Masters Series)
156009: CILLIERS Jakkie, REICHARDT Markus - About Turn the Transformation of the South African Military and Intelligence
118160: ROSENBERG Jakob - Rembrandt Life and Work
183764: AMIAR Jamal - Le Maroc Israel Et Les Juifs Marocains Culture Politique Diplomatie Business Et Religion
150494: BOSWELL James, POTTLE Frederick A. - Boswell's London Journal
144685: FLEMING James - Rising Blood
180656: LEES-MILNE James - Prophesying Peace
181689: SIMPSON James - The Oxford English Literary History Volume 2 Reform and Cultural Revolution 1350-1547
82020: TEACHER James - Reviews
162871: COATS James - A New Dictionary of Heraldry Explaining the Terms Used in That Science with Their Etymology and Different Versions Into Latin. .
65872: YOUNG James - A Chronology of Medical History
179055: SAVAGE James - History of the Hundred of Carhampton in the County of Somerset from the Best Authorities
157629: WELCH James, STEKLER Paul - Killing Custer the Battle of the Little Bighorn and the Fate of the Plains Indians
182705: ALLAN James - No Citation
147974: BREBNER Percy James - The Little Grey Shoe
125516: PIATT John James - A Return to Paradise and Other Fly-Leaf Essays in Town and Country
87526: JACKSON James - Realm the Armada Is Coming
103249: MUNSON James - Maria Fitzherbert the Secret Wife of George IV
140159: AUDUBON John James, SIBLEY David Allen - The Birds of America
172623: MONTGOMERY James - The World Before the Flood a Poem in Ten Canto with Other Occasional Pieces
183174: BEARD James - Beard on Bread
168572: HAMILTON-PATERSON James - Empire of the Clouds When Britain's Aircraft Ruled the World
150940: LEES-MILNE James - Another Self
126786: DOLBY James - The Steel Navy a History in Silhouette 1860-1963
167601: JOYCE James, CROWE Stephen [Illustrator] - Dubliners 15 Short Stories by James Joyce
183731: RICH James - Apple Recipes from the Orchard
151421: BARLOW James - The Patriots
178952: BOND James - Monastic Landscapes
152811: WHITLEY James, STEEL Louise - Archaeological Reports for 2003-2004 No 50 Archaeolgoy in Greece 2003-2004 Whitley, Archaeology in Cypurs 1997-2002
167218: WALDERSEE James - Catholic Society in New South Wales 1788-1860
181185: LEES-MILNE James - Venetian Evenings
181254: HUNTER James - The Making of the Crofting Community
117067: ANDERSON James - Dictionary of Opera & Operetta
133698: FOWLER James - On a Window Representing the Life and Miracles of S. William of York at the North End of the Eastern Transept of York Minster
161725: McDERMOTT James - The Third Voyage of Martin Frobisher to Baffin Island 1578
170658: LEASOR James - War at the Top Based on the Experiences of General Sir Leslie Hollis Kcb Kbe
174372: OWEN James - Danger Uxb the Heroic Story of the Wwii Bomb Disposal Teams
182621: BOWMAN Peter James - The First Celebrities Five Regency Portraits
180522: GLEICK James - Chaos Making a New Science
163636: WOODFORDE James - The Diary of a Country Parson
132662: HAMILTON-PATERSON James, ANDREWS Carol - Mummies Death and Life in Ancient Egypt
157322: ABU-ZEID Kareem James - The Poetics of Adonis and Yves Bonnefoy Poetry As Spiritual Practice
170102: HOGG James - The Three Perils of Woman or Love Leasing and Jealousy in Three Volumes
179635: POSKETT James - Horizons a Global History of Science
183475: LEES-MILNE James - Another Self
170325: KENNAWAY James, KENNAWAY Susan - The Kennaway Papers
143956: TODD James - Rajput Tales (Adapted and Selected from Todd's 'Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan')
173683: CURCIO James - The Immanence of Myth
175961: LUNT James - Glubb Pasha a Biography
63041: MONTGOMERY James - Poems to Which Is Added a Memoir of the Author
75706: LEASOR James - The Unknown Warrior
167085: LEES-MILNE James - Caves of Ice Diaries 1946-1947 [&] Midway on the Waves Diaries 1948-1949
170954: WAYLEN James - A History Military and Municipal of the Town (Otherwise Called the City) of Marlborough and More Generally of the Entire Hundred of Selkley
166123: RUNCIE James - The Colour of Heaven
175383: LEES-MILNE James - Deep Romantic Chasm Diaries 1979-1981
183885: WILLIAMS James - The Otter Among Us an Undertanding of the Otter in Britain
151833: LEES-MILNE James - Ruthenshaw a Ghost Story
140963: FERGUSSON James - A Million Bullets the Real Story of the War in Afghanistan
179816: RUSKIN John James, BURD Van Akin [Edtior] - The Ruskin Family Letters the Correspondence of John James Ruskin His Wife and Their Son John 1801-1843 Volume I 1801-1837 [&] Volume II 1837-1843
132197: BOSWELL James, POTTLE Frederick A. - Boswell in Holland 1763-1764 Including His Correspondence with Belle de Zuylen (Zelide) the Yale Edition of the Private Papers of James Boswell
176168: LUNT James - The Barren Rocks of Aden
70549: BOSWELL James, MALONE Edward - The Life of Samuel Johnson with His Correspondence and Conversations
119979: HILTON James - Nothing So Strange
153435: LEES-MILNE James - Tudor Renaissance
156867: WALVIN James - Freedom the Overthrow of the Slave Empires
167901: REGINATO James - Growning Up Getty the Story of America's Most Unconventional Dynasty
180680: LEES-MILNE James - Diaries 8 Volumes Mingled Measure 1953-1972, Ancient As the Hills 1973-1974, Through Wood and Dale 1975-1978, Deep Romantic Chasm 1979-1981, Holy Dread 1982-1984, Beneath Waning Moon 1975-1978, Ceaseless Turmoil 1988-1992, Milk of Paradise 1993-1997
153064: COLLETT-WHITE James - How Bedfordshire Voted 1685-1735 Volume II the Evidence of Local Poll Books 1716-1735
178336: AUDUBON John James, BLAUGRUND Annette, STEBBINS Theodore E. - John James Audubon the Watercolors for the Birds of America
182054: JOYCE James - Pomes Penyeach
130469: McKINNON James - The Temple the Church Fathers and Early Western Chant
179628: MITCHELL James - Men at War Australia Syria Java 1940-1942 a Social History of the Australian 2/2nd Pioneer Battalion
180684: LEES-MILNE James - The Milk of Paradise Diaries 1993-1997
180685: LEES-MILNE James - Ceaseless Turmoil Diaries 1988-1992
180516: JOYCE James - Ulysses
156081: MICHENER James - Legacy
148809: KINROSS James - The Eastern Gate
172039: MacBRUCE James - When the Going Was Rough a Rhodesian Story
170464: JOYCE James, MIKHAIL E.H. - James Joyce Interviews and Recollections
179578: OTTESON James - The Levellers Overton Walwyn and Lilburne 5 Volumes
164065: RHODES James - Instrumental
159802: BIRRELL James - Walter Burley Griffin
170324: KENNAWAY James - The Cost of Living Like This
129596: OWEN James - Nuremberg Evil on Trial
166444: THOMPSON James - The East Imagined Experienced Remembered Orientalist Nineteenth Century Painting
166498: BOSWELL James - The Life of Samuel Johnson LL. D. Comprehending an Account of His Studies and Numerous Works... In Four Volumes
80380: DAVIS James, CRAWFORD Ashley - The Art of James Davis
104738: HOGG James, THOMSON Thomas - The Works of the Ettrick Shepherd Tales and Sketches
178135: MELVILLE Sir James, DONALDSON Gordon - The Memoirs of Sir James Melville of Halhill
182004: MOORE James - Gurdjieff and Mansfield
181071: ELLROY James - Widespread Panic
167778: BOSWELL James, SHEWAN Rodney - The Life of Samuel Johnson Volume I [&] Volume II
162537: REEVES James, ARDIZZONE Edward - Prefabulous Animiles
171797: POPE-HENNESSY James - America Is an Atmosphere
142748: McGONIGAL James - In Good Time
154873: KNOX James - The Siege of Quebec and the Campaigns in North America 1757-1760
183368: COOK Captain James, WILLIAMS Glyndwr - Captain Cook's Voyages 1768-1779
170463: JOYCE James - Sanatcinin Bir Genc Adam Olarak Portresi
149363: RUSH James - A Beilby Odyssey
183485: RAVILIOUS James, RAVILIOUS Robin - The Heart of the Country
63318: HARRISON James - Catchment Area Poems
141331: FERGUSSON James - Kandahar Cockney a Tale of Two Worlds
182408: FENTON James - The Memory of War Poems 1968-1982
109347: MORGAN James - The Last Generation
126160: REEVES James - The Idiom of the People English Traditional Verse from the Manuscripts of Cecil Sharp
175236: MORRIS James - Pax Britannica the Climax of Empire, Heaven's Command an Imperial Progress, Farewell the Trumpets an Imperial Retreat
168759: STEPHENS James - The Crock of Gold
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