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83176: CHARLES Tony - Gaia a Cycle of Poems
103000: RENNELL Tony - Last Days of Glory the Death of Queen Victoria
100400: GRAY Tony - The Lost Years the Emergency in Ireland 1939 - 1945
181602: KENT Tony - The Shadow Network
175237: HUNT Tony - Teaching and Learning Latin in Thirteenth Century England Volume I Texts, Volume II Glosses, Volume III Indexes
173195: SCOTLAND Tony - Lennox & Freda Lennox Berkeley and Freda Bernstein
139411: HILLMAN Tony, COLE Beverley - South for Sunshine Southern Railway Publicity
128715: JAMES Tony - Yankee Jack Sails Again a Sentimental Journey to the Forgotten Ports of the Southwest
157703: INSALL Tony - Secret Alliances Special Operations and Intelligence in Norway 1940-1945 the British Perspective
87073: SPAGNOLY Tony, SMITH Ted - Cameos of the Western Front Salient Points Five Ypres Sector 1914 - 1918
129854: CURTIS Tony - The Lyle Official Arms and Armour Review 1976
117003: SYLTE Tor - The Rivers of Norway
99746: DU PIN Patrice de la Tor - The Dedicated Life in Poetry and the Correspondence of Laurent de Cayeux
176886: MOI Toril - Henrik Ibsen and the Birth of Modernism Art Theater Philosophy
137556: TASSO Torquato, HOOLE John - Jerusalem Delivered an Heroic Poem Translated from the Italian of Torquato Tasso in Two Volumes
138008: TASSO Torquato - La Gerusalemme Liberata Tomo I [&] Tomo II
152159: PALMER Torsten, NEUBAUER Hendrik - The Weimar Republic Through the Lens of the Press
150368: LANDRY Geoffroy De La Tour, RAWLINGS Gertrude Burford - The Booke of Thenseygnementes and Techynge That the Knyght of the Towre Made to His Doughters
164284: Galerie Francoise Tournie - Albert Hirsch Sculptures-Pastels
99505: BRADY Cyrus Townsend - Indian Fights and Fighters
121339: BICKERS Richard Townshend - The Savage Sky
153081: BICKERS Richard Townshend - The First Great Air War
152270: BICKERS Richard Townshend - Von Richthofen the Legend Evaluated
174475: WOLFE Toya - Last Summer on State Street
144288: HILL Tracey - Pageantry and Power a Cultural History of the Early Modern Lord Mayor's Show 1585-1639
162787: EMIN Tracey - The Last Great Adventure Is You
180096: BORMAN Tracy - Matilda Wife of the Conqueror First Queen of England
142991: WUSTER Tracy - Mark Twain American Humorist
181413: GAIUS SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, GRAVES Robert - The Twelve Caesars
172272: GAIUS SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, GRAVES Robert - The Twelve Caesars
181527: PAULETTO Elletra [Translator] - Larousse Patisserie and Baking
174840: ELBOROUGH Travis - A Walk in the Park the Life and Times of a People's Institution
113007: BEESON Trevor - The Canons Cathedral Close Encounters
112440: ROWLEY Trevor - The Norman Heritage 1066 - 1200
166431: ROYLE Trevor - A Time for Tyrants Scotland and the Second World War
174613: HODGE A. Trevor - Ancient Greek France
113005: BEESON Trevor - A Dean's Diary Winchester 1987-1996
141179: FISHLOCK Trevor - Cobra Road an Indian Journey
150981: BOFFONE Trevor, MARRERO Teresa, RODRIGUEZ Chantal - Encuentro Latinx Performance for the New American Theater
171662: AZZOPARDI Trezza - The Hiding Place
179924: SINGH Tripurdaman - Sixteen Stormy Days the Story of the First Amendment to the Constitution of India
178555: DEREME Tristan - Songes Du Papier Avec Des Gravures de Daragnès Galanis Et de Luc-Albert Moreau
177018: STUBBS Tristan - Masters of Violence the Plantation Overseers of Eighteenth-Century Virginia South Carolina and Georgia
170034: GARCIA Tristan, DURAND Jean-Marie, COGBURN Jog (Translator) - Architecture of the Possible
170026: WOLFF Tristram - Against the Uprooted Word Giving Language Time in Transatlantic Romanticism
183096: POWELL Tristram, POWELL Georgia [Editors] - A Dedicated Fan Juilan Jebb 1934-1984
180665: RISDON Tristram, DALLAS James, PORTER Henry G. [Editors] - The Note-Book of Tristram Risdon (Author of the Survey of the County of Devon) 1608-1628
163050: RISDON Tristram - The Chorographical Description or Survey of the County of Devon
183657: TRITTON Leanne, MURRAY Peter, et al. - London of the Future
183656: TASSIER Troy - The Rich Flee and the Poor Take the Bus How Our Unequal Society Fails Us During Outbreaks
172441: SCHWARZ Maureen Trudelle - Molded in the Image of Changing Woman Navajo Views on the Human Body and Personhood
182928: HENSON Truman - Sporting Rifles and Scope Sights How to Build Them Directions for the Home-Workshop Conversion of Discontinued Military Arms Into Fine Sporting Rifles Manufacture of Metallic and Optical Sighting Equipment
179740: HIGGINS Trumbull - Soft Underbelly the Anglo American Controversy over the Italian Campaign 1939-1945
109451: Brown Knight & Truscott - Typefaces
153415: EDWARDS A. Trystan - Sir William Chambers Masters of Architecture
182276: BEAMISH Tufton - Half Marx
160487: CICERO Marcus Tullius, BENNETT Charles E. - Cicero on Old Age (de Senectute)
160488: CICERO Marcus Tullius, DENNISTON J.D. - Cicero Orationes Philippicae Prima Et Secunda
155556: TURGENEV, I.S., LITVINOV Ivy, LITVINOV Tatiana - Three Short Novels Asya First Love Spring Torrents
104815: BOYLE-TURNER, Caroline - Gauguin and the School of Pont-Aven Prints and Paintings
60464: CASSITY Turner - Steeplejacks in Babel
60462: CASSITY Turner - Watchboy What of the Night
60463: CASSITY Turner - Yellow for Peril Black for Beautiful Poems and a Play
66342: MEABY K. Tweedale - Nottinghamshire Extracts from the County Records of the Eighteenth Century
105450: BUCHAN John (Lord Tweedsmuir) - Nelson's History of the War Volume XX the Summer Campaigns of 1917
105453: BUCHAN John (Lord Tweedsmuir) - Nelson's History of the War Volume XXIII the Dawn
105448: BUCHAN John (Lord Tweedsmuir) - Nelson's History of the War Volume XVII from the Opening of the Rumanian Campaign to the Change of Government in Britain
120723: BUCHAN John (Lord Tweedsmuir) - Homilies and Recreations
105452: BUCHAN John (Lord Tweedsmuir) - Nelson's History of the War Volume XXII the Darkest Hour
105241: BUCHAN John (Lord Tweedsmuir) - The King's Grace 1910 - 1935
105222: BUCHAN John (Lord Tweedsmuir) - John Burnet of Barns
105246: BUCHAN John (Lord Tweedsmuir) - The Moon Endureth Tales and Fancies
154057: WHITTLE Tyler - Victoria and Albert at Home
150591: KEEVIL Tyler - Your Still Beating Heart
153568: WHITTLE Tyler - The Last Kaiser a Biography of William II German Emperor and King of Prussia
153628: DENMEAD Tyler - The Creative Underclass Youth Race and the Gentrifying City
183013: CARRINGTON Tyler - Love at Last Sight Dating Intimacy and Risk in Turn-of-the-Century Berlin
172562: PUROHIT Teena U. - Sunni Chauvinism and the Roots of Muslim Modernism
132236: de SOUSA Geraldo U. et al. - Mediterranean Studies the Journal of the Mediterranean Studies Association Volume Thirteen (2004)
139647: LONGAUER L'ubomir - Uzitkova Grafika Na Slovensku Po Roku 1918 Modernist Tradicie 1
174685: ABRAMS Ann Uhry - The Pilgrims and Pocahontas Rival Myths of American Origin
176015: SCHMIDT Ulf - Secret Science a Century of Poison Warfare and Human Experiments
135888: TRAMONTE Ulisse - Cesare Valle Un'Altra Modernità Architettura in Romagna
180018: TRAMONTI Ulisse - Cesare Valle Un'Altra Modernità Architettura in Romagna
148642: KJAER Ulla - Nicolas-Henri Jardin En Ideologisk Nyklassicist Bind 2
175764: MURRAY SMITH Ulrica, HAWKEN Joy - Magic of the Quorn
110008: NISSEN Ulrik - The Sources of Public Morality on the Ethics and Religion Debate Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Societas Ethica in Berlin August 2001
141776: GRIMM Ulrike - Favorite Das Porzellanschloss Der Sybilla Augusta Von Baden-Baden
178489: MAYNARD Abbe Michel Ulysse - Saint Vincent de Paul Sa Vie Son Temps Ses Oeuvres Son Influence 4 Tomes
170836: ECO Umberto, LUMLEY Robert - Apocalypse Postponed
180097: ECO Umberto, WEAVER William [Translator] - The Name of the Rose
142834: Nordurlendskt Umhvorvismerki - Vardin Mentanarrit Bind 84 Hefti 1
113824: WOODRUFF Una - Inventorum Natura the Wonderful Voyage of Pliny
151062: MANNION Una - A Crooked Tree
128904: RATCLIFFE Dorothy Una, WALTON Cecile - Nightlights
176620: GOMEZ Luis Unceta, BERGER Lukasz - Politeness in Ancient Greek and Latin
99578: SNOW D.W. [&] British Ornithologists' Union - The Status of Birds in Britain Prepared by the Records Committee of the British Ornithologits' Union
162683: St Andrews University - Votiva Tabella a Memorial Volume of St Andrews University in Connection with Its Quincentenary Festival 1411-1911
149105: SINCLAIR Upton - Another Pamela or Virtue Still Rewarded
183414: ONON Urgunge, BRADBURY Sue - Chinggis Khan the Golden History of the Mongols
182688: BITTERLI Urs - Cultures in Conflict Encounters between European and Non-European Cultures 1492-1800
179667: KNEUBÜHL Urs, AERNI Agathon - Reklamekunst Und Reiseträume Anton Reckziegel Und Die Frühzeit Des Tourismusplakates
183285: HOFF Ursula - The Art of Arthur Boyd
129057: WYNDHAM Ursula - Astride the Wall a Memoir 1913-45
177076: DEYOUNG Ursula - A Vision of Modern Science John Tyndall and the Role of the Scientist in Victorian Culture
90290: HOURIHANE Ursula, HUMMERSTONE Rene - Highdays and Holidays
176672: FREVERT Ute - The Power of Emotions a History of Germany from 1900 to the Present
146602: BREMER Uwe, SCHINDEHÜTTE Albert, VENNEKAMP Johannes - Die Druckwerkstatt Der Dichter Rixdorfer Wort- Und Bilderbögen
158846: HOHENDAHL Peter Uwe, GILMAN Sander L. - Heinrich Hesse and the Occident Multiple Identities Multiple Receptions
170723: BULPIN T.V. - Lost Trails of the Transvaal
173294: SACKVILLE-WEST V. - The Eagle and the Dove a Study in Contrasts St Teresa of Avila St Thérèse of Lisieux
175893: NERSESSIAN V. - Armenian Illuminated Gospel-Books
126549: MORRIS Thomas V. - Our Idea of God an Introduction to Philosophical Theology Contours of Christian Philosophy
158703: SARABIANOV Dmitri V. - Valentin Serov
181161: MORTON H.V. - In Search of England
178404: LIVERMORE H.V., ENTWISTLE W.J. - Portugal and Brazil an Introduction Made by Friends of Edgar Prestage and Aubrey Fitz Gerald Bell in Piam Memoriam
30971: MAUCH J.M. v. - Die Architektonischen Ordnungen Der Griechen Und Romer
173489: LONGSTAFF F.V. - Esquimalt Naval Base a History of Its Work and Its Defences
176631: SMITH Leonard V. - French Colonialism from the Ancien Régime to the Present (New Approaches to European History Series Number 65)
180111: ALFORD David V. - Plant Pests a Natural History of Pests of Farms and Gardens New Naturalist No. 116
157555: SMITH P.V. - The Legal Position of the Clergy Handbooks for the Clergy
180758: EBSWORTH E.A.V., RANKIN David W.H. CRADOCK Stephen - Structural Methods in Inorganic Chemistry
179475: GUTH Karen V. - The Ethics of Tainted Legacies Human Flourishing After Traumatic Pasts
172023: CROWE Brig.-General J.H.V. - General Smuts' Campaign in East Africa
179027: ROLO P.J.V. - George Canning Three Biographical Studies
38865: WARD Stephen V. - The Geography of Interwar Britain the State and Uneven Development
59287: RIGHYNI R.V. - Advanced Salmon Fishing
147489: MORROGH V. - By the Way
71408: BABINGTON SMITH V. - Dictionary of Contemporary Artists
149576: CUNNINGHAM E.V. - The Case of the Russian Diplomat a Masao Masuto Mystery
171551: PHILLIPS N.V. - Bush Horizons the Story of Aviation in Southern Rhodesia 1896-1940
172013: BULPIN T.V. - Illustrated Guide to Southern Africa
142927: SERGEEV S.V. - Mihail I Konstantin Bykovskie
143637: WINEBAUM B.V. - Postcards and Snaps
172580: KAUFMAN-OSBORN Timothy V. - The Autocratic Academy Reenvisioning Rule Within America's Universities
146617: SERGEEV S.V. - Arkhitekturnoe Nasledie Rossii Russian Architectural Heritage 8
180990: WEDGWOOD C.V. - The Thirty Years War
171565: GOGOL N.V., HARRISON W. - Gogol the Government Inspector
151300: HOLTZ William V. - Image and Immortality a Study of Tristam Shandy
152587: REICHSTEIN Andreas V., WILLSON Jeanne R. - Rise of the Lone Star the Making of Texas
170713: BULPIN T.V. - Natal and the Zulu Country
85769: BRUCE Robert V. - Lincoln and the Tools of War
171185: BRELSFORD W.V. - The Story of the Northern Rhodesia Regiment
177992: EMY H.V. - Liberals Radicals and Social Politics 1892-1914
82807: GRINSELL L.V. - Early Man Archeological Sites on Exmoor to 1066
144938: GIPPENREITER Vadim, KOMECH Alexei - Old Russian Cities
101751: THOMSON Valentine - Briand Man of Peace
136423: CHECHYK Valentyna, MUDRAK Myroslava M., PAVLOVA Tetiana - Borys Kosarev Modernist Kharkiv 1915-1931
142760: RIBOLI Valeria - Balzan Papers II 2019
165462: HANCORN Valerie - Wordstar User's Reference Manual
182070: PAKENHAM Valerie - The Big House in Ireland
78942: DAVIES Valerie - The Way We Were Pictorial Memories of Early New Zealand Auckland South & East
164097: GROVE Valerie - So Much to Tell
149057: GILLIES Valerie, MARR Rebecca - Men & Beasts Wild Men and Tame Animals of Scotland
110691: CHERRY Valerie - Between Breaths
78941: DAVIES Valerie - The Way We Were Pictorial Memories of Early New Zealand Auckland Central
173336: GROVE Valerie - Laurie Lee the Well-Loved Stranger
145468: PLANTE Valerie, COTE-LACROIX Delphie - Okay Universe Chronicles of a Woman in Politics
145118: DE WULF Valérie - Histoire de L'Ile D'Annobon (Guinée Equatoriale) Et de Ses Habitants Du XVè Au XIXè Siècle Tome 1
78943: DAVIES Valerie - The Way We Were Pictorial Memories of Early New Zealand Hawkes Bay East Coast
28358: TARSIS Valeriy - The Gay Life
147803: LARBAUD Valery - Du Navire D'Argent Chroniques Traduites de L'Espagnol Par Martine Et Bernard Fouques
163111: Rafael Valls - David Bachmann Mediterraneo 10-23 May 2005
137365: DULM Frits van - Zonder Eigen Gewinne En Glorie Mr Iman Wilhelm Falck (1736-1785) Gouverneur En Directeur Van Ceylon En Onderhorigheden
96451: KEMENADE Willem van, WEBB Diane - China Hong Kong Taiwan Inc
181339: TUSSENBROEK Gabri van - De Houten Eeuw Van Amsterdam Bouwen Werken En Wonen in de Middeleeuwse Stad 1275-1578
145672: THAL Herbert van - Eliza Lynn Linton the Girl of the Period
54863: PUYVELDE Leo van - Hubert and Jan Van Eyck
115015: SANTVOORD Seymour van - The House of Caesar and the Imperial Disease
99055: ROSSEM Ru van - The Song of Songs
162539: LEEUWEN Jean van, BARNETT Moneta - Timothy's Flower
180028: ASPEREN Janneke van, VOGELAAR Christiaan - David Bailly Time Death and Vanity
62336: GELDERMALSEN Marguerite van - Married to a Bedouin
78843: BOURJAILY Vance - Brill Among the Ruins
182464: AUWERA Joost Vander, SCHAUDIES Irene - Jordaens and the Antique
137747: HABIB Vanessa, GRAY Jim, FORBES Sheila - Making for America Transatlantic Craftsmanship Scotland and the Americas in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
165226: BEER Vanilla, MANN Tony - Prenez Mangez Et Vivez
143638: NATH Vann - A Cambodian Prison Portrait One Year in the Khmer Rouge's S21
170988: LLOSA Mario Vargas - The Way to Paradise
145679: VARIOUS - Hofmannsthal Jahrbuch Zur Europäischen Moderne13/2005
137878: VARIOUS - Meanjin Volume 71 Number 4
142631: Various - Istoriia Russkogo Iskusstva Tom 14 Iskusstvo Pervoi Treti XIX Veka History of Russian Art Vol. 14 Art of the First Third of the 19th Century
60366: Various - Scottish Tales from Blackwood
141259: Various - A Suitcase of Suspense Classic Murder Stories Classic Detective Stories Classic Mystery Stories
182954: Various - Verbal Riddim Dub Poetry
111261: Various - Fire River II a Second Anthology by the Fire River Poets
146504: Various - Reporting Coronavirus Personal Reflections on a Global Crisis from Itv News Journalists
136326: Various - La Expedicion Botanica Al Virreinato Del Peru 1777-1788
176960: GABAI Rafael Varon, ESPINOZA Javier Flores - Francisco Pizarro and His Brothers the Illusion of Power in Sixteenth-Century Peru
59952: DRAGUT Vasile, LUPAN Petre - Moldavian Murals from the 15th to the 16th Centuries
159451: KAMENSKY Vasily - Vasily Kamensky Poet Aviator Circus
119145: JAMES Vaughan - A Reasonable Man
181723: HALLIDAY Nigel Vaux - More Than a Bookshop Zwemmers and Art in the Twentieth Century
143711: MEHTA Ved - Face to Face
175654: KHLEBNIKOV Velimir, SCHIMDT Paul, VROON Ronald - Selected Poems Collected Works of Velimir Khlebnikov Volume III
179332: KHOURY-GHATA Vénus - The Fiance Rode in on a Donkey
162209: CLEAVER Vera, CLEAVER Bill - Grover
163906: BRITTAIN Vera, BISHOP Alan, BENNETT Y. Aleksandra - Wartime Chronicle Vera Brittain's Diary 1939-1945
141505: BRITTAIN Vera - Search After Sunrise
164885: Galerie Veranneman - Eduardo Urculo
164886: Galerie Veranneman - Pol Mara
178557: VERCORS, MOREAU Luc-Albert - Le Silence de la Mer Avec Des Lithographies de Luc-Albert Moreau
178556: VERCORS, SOULAS L.J. - La Marche a L'Etoile Avec Des Gravures Au Burin de L.J. Soulas
173200: WHITE Terence de Vere - My Name Is Norval
91011: VERGIL, GOULD H.E., WHITELEY J.L. - Aeneid IV
170060: WILSON Verity - Dressing Up a History of Fancy Dress in Britain
158587: Steidl Verlag - Steidl New Titles Spring 2021
154466: SCOTT Vernon - An Experience Shared 1939-1945
140898: HEWITT Vernon - Reclaiming the Past? the Search for Potitical and Cultural Unity in Contemporary Jammu and Kashmir
148067: BOGDANOR Vernon - The Coalition and the Constitution
162308: PRICE G. Vernon - Valle Crucis Abbey
148326: DOUBLEDAY Veronica - Three Women of Herat
150614: MAIN Vesna - Only a Lodger... And Hardly That a Fictional Autobiography
165089: GOLDSWORTHY Vesna - Iron Curtain a Love Story
113467: TORRA Vicenc - From the Abacus to the Digital Revolution Counting and Computation
173215: STIEBEL Victor - South African Childhood
173257: MADEIRA Victor - Britannia and the Bear the Anglo-Russian Intelligence Wars 1917-1929
175309: SEBESTYEN Victor - 1946 the Making of the Modern World
176991: PELEVIN Victor, BROMFIELD Andrew - S.N. U.F. F. [Snuff] a Utopia
181191: MALLIA-MILANES Victor - The Military Orders Volume 3 History and Heritage
170122: THADDEUS Victor - Julius Caesar and the Grandeur That Was Rome
180860: PASSMORE Victor, GOODCHILD Anne, GRIEVE Alastair, CRIPPA Elena - Victor Passmore Towards a New Reality
135042: HUGHES-HALLETT Captain F. Victor - Bran Mash Sport Stage & Service a Literary Feed for Good Sportsmen
182378: BONHAM-CARTER Victor - Soldier True the Life and Times of Field-Marshal Sir William Robertson Wully Robertson His Life in the British Army and the Events of His Time During His Rise from Private to Field-Marshal
156228: MOLLO Victor, GERDENER Nico - Bridge for Beginners
177845: SEBESTYEN Victor - The Russian Revolution
120982: BONHAM-CARTER Victor - Authors by Profession Volume One [&] Volume Two
157926: FLEISCHER Victor - Rienzo the Rise and Fall of a Dictator
181257: QUEEN VICTORIA, ESHER Viscount [Editor] - The Girlhood of Queen Victoria a Selection from Her Majesty's Diaries between the Years 1832 and 1840 in Two Volumes
166402: JOHNSON Victoria, FULCHER Jane F., ERTMAN Thomas - Opera and Society in Italy and France from Monteverdi to Bourdieu
162407: NOLAN Victoria - Military Leadership and Counterinsurgency the British Army and Small War Strategy Since World War II
148560: JOHNSON Victoria - Backstage at the Revolution How the Royal Paris Opera Survived the End of the Old Regime
179470: BLADEN Victoria, HATCHUEL Sarah, VIENNE-GUERRIN Nathalie - Shakespeare on Screen Romeo and Juliet
134934: FRANCES Victoria - Favole 1 Tränen Aus Stein 2 Befreie Mich 3 Eiskaltes Licht
168738: SCHOFIELD Victoria - Wavell Soldier and Statesman
144845: Victoria and Albert Museum Department of Woodwork - The Panelled Rooms IV the Inlaid Room from Sizergh Castle
142298: MANTHORPE Victoria - Children of Empire the Victorian Haggards
177140: EYRE Victoria, BAKER Sophie, DINGWALL-MAIN Theo - Prince Slave Soldier King Tom Peters a Life That Matters
157320: MACKENNA Benjamin Vicuna, RIVEROS Pedro Cristian Gazmuri - The Girondins of Chile Reminiscences of an Eyewitness (Library of Latin America)
174879: FRANCIS Vievee - The Shared World Poems
171694: HJORTH Vigdis, BARSLUND Charlotte (Translator) - Is Mother Dead
154810: SHAH Vikas - Thought Economics Conversations with the Remarkable People Shaping Our Century
152893: SETH Vikram - An Equal Music
142573: DYK Viktor, CORNER Mark - The Pied Piper Modern Czech Classics
73871: VILLARI G., MOTTA Giovanni., D'ANGELO L., et al. - IL Laser a Co2 Nella Microchirurgia Laringea
161621: CABLE Vince - The Chinese Conundrum Engagement or Conflict
146694: M.G. de la V. [Grivaud de La Vincelle, Claude-Madeleine] - Notice Sur le Palais de la Chambre Des Pairs de France Anciennement Appelé Palais de Luxembourg Ou D'Orléans
168465: PITTS Vincent - Saint-Simon in Spain 1721-1722 an Odyssey
120867: SIDGWICK Nevil Vincent - The Electronic Theory of Valency
178467: HUNT Vincent - Fire and Ice the Nazis' Scorched Earth Campaign in Norway
153373: KAUFMANN Vincent - Post Scripts the Writers Workshop
179648: ZONCA Vincent, GLADDING Jody - Lichens Toward a Minimal Resistance
154559: JAMES Vincent - The Long Ride out
133660: WAITE Vincent - Shropshire Hill Country
179112: GABRIELSEN Vincent, PAGANINI Mario C.D. - Private Associations in the Ancient Greek World Regulations and the Creation of Group Identity
163277: SHERRY Vincent - The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of the First World War (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
159116: DE POMPEIS Vincenzo - La Maiolica Italiana Di Stile Compendiario I Bianchi Volume I [&] Volume II
155700: BAYLEY Viola - Paris Adventure
155702: BAYLEY Viola - Jersey Adventure
161231: HUISMAN Violaine, CAMHI Leslie - The Book of Mother
174225: POWELL Violet - A Substantial Ghost the Literary Adventures of Maude Ffoulkes
117292: WYNDHAM Violet - The Protestant Duke a Life of the Duke of Monmouth
180440: WYNDHAM Violet - Madame de Genlis a Biography
122022: NEEDHAM Violet - The Woods of Windri
172320: CONOLLY Violet - Soviet Tempo a Journal of Travel in Russia
178843: MARIAN Viorica - The Power of Language Multilingualism Self and Society
160611: VIRGIL, HUXLEY H.H. - Virgil Georgics I & IV
153408: VIRGIL - Publii Virgilii Maronis Opera Tomus Primus [&] Tomus Secundus
178480: VIRGIL, DUNCAN Gulielmi - P. Vergilii Maronis Opera Interpretatione Et Notis Illustravit Carolus Ruaeus Jussu Christianissimi Regis Ad Usum Serenissimi Delphini. .
178112: VIRGIL, CLAUSEN W.V., GOODYEAR F.R.D., KENNEY E.J., RICHMOND J.A. - Appendix Vergiliana Recognovervent Et Adnotatione Critica Instrvxervnt
137160: GRAHAM Virginia - Consider the Years 1938-1946
120902: WOOLF Virginia - Contemporary Writers
173449: NICHOLSON Virginia - Millions Like Us Women's Lives in the Second World War
166320: WOOLF Virginia, SCHULKIND Jeanne - Moments of Being Autobiographical Writings
168722: MORICONI Virginia - Black Annis
182988: NICHOLSON Virginia - Among the Bohemians Experiments in Living 1900-1939
161982: SURTEES Virginia - A Second Self Letters of Harriet Granville 1810-1845
177358: COX Virginia, SAMPSON Lisa, WAINWRIGHT Anna - Drama Poetry and Music in Late-Renaissance Italy the Life and Works of Leonora Bernardi
149794: CAPUTO Virginia - The Children's Senator Landon Pearson and a Lifetime of Advocacy
181291: MERSEY Charles Clive Bigham 2nd Viscount - A Picture of Life 1872-1940
180450: CUNNINGHAM of HYNDHOPE Admiral of the Fleet Viscount - A Sailor's Odyssey the Autobiography of Admiral of the Fleet Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope
90712: VAUGHAN Viscount - Selected Verses
182363: LEE OF FAREHAM Viscount, CLARK Alan [Editor] - A Good Innings the Private Papers of Viscount Lee of Fareham
176237: FRENCH OF YPRES Field Marshal Viscount - 1914
135541: Arbor vitae - Obrazy Z Dejin Ceského Loutkárství Ke 40. Výrocí Zaloå¾Ení Muzea Loutkárských Kultur V Chrudimi
108143: GOLDANSKII Vitalii - Selected Abstracts
76556: RIBEIRO Vitorino - Coleccao Vitorino Ribeiro Gravuras
78988: ROMANI Vittoria - Primaticcio Tibaldi E la Questione Della Cose Del Cielo
180895: GARIBALDI Vittoria - Perugino
175557: NUTTON Vivian - Ancient Medicine
176131: VALE Vivian - The American Peril Challenge to Britian on the North Atlantic 1901-04
151688: MORGAN Vivien - Cross-Dressed to Kill
166392: GRAY Vivienne - The Character of Xenophon's Hellenica
115816: MAU Vladimir - The Political History of Economic Reform in Russia 1985-1994
176258: SAVCHENKO Vladimir, BOUIS Antonina W. [Translator] - Self-Discovery
183141: NABOKOV Vladimir - Lolita
138419: SLAPETA Vladimir - Bens Adolf Bens (1894-1982) Architektonicke Dilo
181326: KOUBSKA Vlasta, DEDLAKOVA Radomira, POHL Stephan von - Antonin Heythum
143209: LAHODA Vojtech - Zdenek Rykr a Tovarna Na Cokoladu
137235: LAHODA Vojtech, BYDZOVSKA Lenka, SRP Karel - Cerná Slunce
169627: GRBAC Voljen - Opatija the Pearl
165180: VOLTAIRE, CORNEILLE, MOLIERE, RACINE, et al. - Pieces Choisies Des Meilleurs Auteurs Francois Six Volumes
166502: VOLTAIRE - La Henriade Avec Les Variantes Nouvelle édition Ornée de Figures on Y a Joint L'Essai Sur la L'Essai Sur la Poésie épique Du Même Auteur & Diverses Pièces Concernant la Henriade
177956: GOETHE Johann Wolfgang von - Goethe's Correspondence with a Child for His Monument in Two Volumes
143130: HOFMANNSTHAL Hugo von - Dramen III
177955: [GOETHE Johann Wolfgang von], LEWES G.H. - The Life and Works of Goethe with Sketches of His Age and Contemporaries from Published and Unpublished Sources in Two Volumes
182251: GOETHE Johann Wolfgang von - Memoirs of Goethe Written by Himself in Two Volumes
128637: DORING Monika von - Encyclopaedia Anatomica
146806: SAAZ Johannes von, KIRRMANN Ernest M. - Death and the Plowman or the Bohemian Plowman a Disputatious and Consolatory Dialogue About Death from the Year 1400
174470: SCHIRACH Ferdinand von - Coffee and Cigarettes Scenes from a Writer's Life
176545: HANS BUNGE Herausgegeben von - Ernst Scheel Fotograf 1903-1986
176165: LANG Jochen von - Bormann the Man Who Manipulated Hitler
142838: BARTETZZKY Arnold von - Das Grosse Zeughaus in Danzig Baugeschichte Architekturgesschichtliche Stellung Reprasentative Funktion Band 1 & 2
181435: KOTZEBUE August von - Léontine de Blondheim Traduit de L'Allemand Avec Notes Par H.L. C. Tome Premier [&] Tome Second
112154: GRIMMELSHAUSEN Christoffel von - Der Abenteuerliche Simplicissimus
177959: GOETHE Johann Wolfgang von, JAHN Otto [Editor], SLATER Robert [Translator] - Goethe's Letters to Leipzig Friends
130228: KLUCK Alexander von - The March on Paris and the Battle of the Marne 1914
134057: MIKUSCH Dagobert Von - Mustapha Kemal between Europe and Sea
118843: RAUCH Georg von, JACOBSOHN Peter, JACOBSOHN Annette - A History of Soviet Russia
50975: DROSTE HULSHOFF Annette Freiin von - Die Judenbuche Parnass Bücherei Nr. 2
152455: GOETHE Johann Wolfgang von - Poetische Werke 10 Bände
177954: [GOETHE Johann Wolfgang von], AUSTIN Sarah [Translator] - Characteristics of Goethe from the German of Falk, Von Müller, &C with Notes Original and Translated Illustrative of German Literature in Three Volumes
175610: FABER DU FAUR Christian Wilhelm von, NORTH Jonathan - With Napoleon in Russia the Illustrated Memoirs of Faber Du Faur 1812
153621: LUCADOU Julia von - The High-Rise Diver
165189: GOETHE Johann Wolfgang von - Les Affinités électives Traduit de L'Allemand Three Volumes
172251: CLAUSEWITZ Carl von, FLETCHER Ian, GLOVER Gareth, HAUSMANN Franz Joseph, GILL John H., MAUDE F.N., NOEL Jean-Nicolas-Auguste, BRINDLE Rosemary, PETRE F. Loraine, RYAN Edward, SCHAUMANN A.F.L, SIBORNE - The Napoleonic Library 10 Volumes Campaign 1812 in Russia, Voices from Peninsula, from Corunna to Waterloo, Soldier for Napoleon, Jena Campaign 1806, with Napoleon's Guns, Napoleon and Archduke Charles, Napoleon's Shield and Guardian, on the Road Wit
182757: GOETHE Johann Wolfgang von, STELZIG Eugene [Translator] - Faust a Tragedy Part I a New Translation with an Introduction and Notes
173023: BREDOW Ilse Countess von - Eels with Dill Sauce Memories of an Eccentric Childhood
177659: WILAMOWITZ-MOELLENDORFF U. von, LLOYD-JONES Hugh - History of Classical Scholarship
125461: CHAMISSO Adelbert von, LOEWENSTEIN-WERTHEIM Leopold von - Peter Schlemihl
177957: GOETHE Johann Wolfgang von, SCHILLER Johann Christoph Friedrich von, SCHMITZ L. Dora [Translator] - Correspondence between Schiller and Goethe from 1794 to 1805 Translated from the Third Edition of the German with Notes in Two Volumes
137753: HESBERG Henner von, ZANKER Paul - Storia Dell' Architettura Italiana Architettura Romana le Citta in Italia
179307: HALLER Albrecht von, BONNET Charles, SONNTAG Otto [Editor] - The Correspondence between Albrecht Von Haller and Charles Bonnet (Studia Halleriana I)
175433: DE VRIEND, H.J. - The Old English Medicina de Quadrupedibus
160436: REES Vyvyan - South-West Wales a Shell Guide Part of Dyfed the Old Counties of Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire a Shell Guide
168796: BRENDON Vyvyen - Children of the Raj
153425: BAIN F.W. - A Digit of the Moon a Hindoo Love Story
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74320: ELIOT Charles W. - English Poetry Volume II from Collins to Fitzgerald
139255: BENT R. W. - Automobile Maintenance 500 Questions and Answers
170511: DOMVILLE-FIFE Charles W. - Epics of the Square-Rigged Ships Autobiographies of Sail
151476: PAUKEN Thomas W. - The Thirty Years War the Poltics of the Sixties Generation
125734: MOODY T. W., MARTIN F. X. - The Course of Irish History
176073: CHAMBERS R.W. - A Record of Those Members of University College London and of University College Hospital and Medical School Who Were Killed or Who Died on Service 1914-1919 Volume I Abbati to Lintott [&] Volume II Lister to Wynne
158464: BARKER John W. - The Pro Arte Quartet a Century of Musical Adventure on Two Continents
66012: BOUSSET W., MORRISON W.D. - Jesus
166009: YOUNG John W. - Britain France and the Unity of Europe 1945-1951
170831: SELBY LOWNDES H.W., FAIRFAX-BLAKEBOROUGH J. - The Hunting and Sporting Reminiscences of H.W. Selby Lowndes
171970: MULLER James W. - Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech Fifty Years Later
168872: COOKE E.W., FINCH Roger - Shipping and Craft a Facsimile Edition with Descriptive Notes by Roger Finch
175183: GLARE P.G.W. - Oxford Latin Dictionary Volume I a-L [&] Volume II M-Z
173915: WARD A.W., WALLER A.R. - The Cambridge History of English Literature 11 Volumes End of the Middle Ages, Renascence and Reformation, Prose and Poetry North to Drayton, Cavalier and Puritan, Age of Dryden from Steele and Addison to Pope and Swift, Age of Johnson the Nineteenth
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103762: ECCLESTONE A.W. - Henry Manship's Great Yarmouth
170986: BOVILL E.W. - The England of Nimrod and Surtees 1815-1854
126750: ANDREWS O.W. - Seamarks and Landmarks Being Leaves from the Log of Surgeon Captain O.W. Andrews
146822: TOBIN Ronald W. - L'Aventure Racinienne Un Parcours Franco-Américain
73801: CUMMINGS Charles W., HARKER Lee A. - Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Update I.
109738: WOLSTENHOLME G. E. W., CAMERON Margaret P. - Ciba Foundation Symposium on Hypertension Humoral and Neurogenic Factors
162573: THROWER Norman J.W. - The Three Voyages of Edmond Halley in the Paramore 1698-1701 [&] Porfolio of Maps
180721: GERRARD W. - The Organic Chemistry of Boron
181407: JOHNSON R.W. - The Making of the Tyne a Record of Fifty Years' Progress
181131: TOLL Ian W. - Six Frigates How Piracy War and British Supremacy at Sea Gave Birth to the World's Most Powerful Navy
181225: WHEELER-BENNETT John W. - King George VI His Life and Reign
156459: ANDERSON G.W. - A Critical Introduction to the Old Testament
171901: BENNETT Edward W. - German Rearmament and the West 1932-1933
31574: ASSINK J.W., BRINK W.J. van den - Contaminated Soil First International Tno Conference on Contaminated Soil 1985
169451: BASTIEN Joseph W. - Mountain of the Condor Metaphor and Ritual in Andean Ayllu
153484: KEETON George W. - Shakespeare and His Legal Problems
171813: EISDELL MOORE P.W., BINGLEY D.A. - A Great Run One Hundred Years with the Pakuranga Hounds 1872-1972 a History in Two Parts Part I the Story of the Run, Part II Facts Figures and Fancies
75752: NEILSON-JONES W. - The Growing Plant
162861: PHELPS W. - The History and Antiquities of Somersetshire Being a General and Parochial Survey of That Interesting County to Which Is Prefixed an Historical Introduction with a Brief View of Ecclesiastical History... In Two Volumes
183093: SCHWABE Calvin W. - Unmentionable Cuisine
164766: AMMEN C.W. - The Complete Handbook of Sand Casting
165243: CUNNINGHAM W. - The Growth of English Industry and Commerce During the Early and Middle Ages
136110: KITCHIN G.W. - A Charter of Edward the Third Confirming and Enlarging the Privileges of St Giles Fair Winchester A.D. 1349
153370: COATES George W. - The Moses Tradition
175869: EWALD Paul W. - Evolution of Infectious Disease
178828: GREG W.W. - The Editorial Problem in Shakespeare a Survey of the Foundations of the Text
178765: DANIEL Keith W. - Francis Poulenc His Artistic Development and Musical Style (Studies in Musicology)
177873: STRACHAN Arthur W. - Mauled by a Tiger Encounters in the Indian Jungles
89317: MACKLIN Herbert W. - The Brasses of England the Antiquary's Books
169480: HAMILTON Roy W. - Gift of the Cotton Maiden Textiles of Flores and the Solor Islands
180394: LEVINE Lawrence W. - Black Culture and Black Consciousness Afro-American Folk Thought from Slavery to Freedom
128706: BALL Alan W. - Somerset Illustrated
162466: HADDAD William W. - The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Arab Press the First Three Decades
177226: SLOTKI Israel W. - Kings Hebrew Text and English Translation with Commentary
175091: HOYLE R.W. - The Estates of the English Crown 1558-1640
177052: BEBBINGTON D.W. - The Nonconformist Conscience Chapel and Politics 1870-1914
125858: GIULIANI Rudolph W., KURSON Ken - Leadership
119581: DAVIDS Rhys T. W. - Sacred Books of the Buddhists Vol 3 Dialogues of the Buddha Part 2
156435: KIRKALDY Adam W. - Labour Finance and the War Being the Results of Inquiries Arranged by the Section of Economic Science and Statistics of the British Association of Science During the Years 1915 and 1916
177067: TRAVERS Morris W. - A Life of Sir William Ramsay Kcb Frs
182101: BOWERSTOCK G.W. - Julian the Apostate Classical Life and Letters
165830: YOUNG John W. - The Foreign Policy of Churchill's Peacetime Administration 1951-1955
179188: PAUL Harry W. - The Edge of Contingency French Catholic Reaction to Scientific Change from Darwin to Duhem
177986: BUCHNER W., SCHLIEBS R., WINTER G., BUCHEL K.H., TERRELL David R. - Industrial Inorganic Chemistry
180439: DERRY John W. - Castlereagh
180688: SCHMIDT H.W. - With Rommel in the Desert
146318: ANDERSON C.W. - Apostles of Certainty Data Journalism and the Politics of Doubt
153919: WADDINGTON C.W. - Indian India As Seen by a Guest in Rajasthan
83129: OLIVER Bruce W. - Fraternal Relations between the Provincial Lodges of Devon and Somerset in 1834 Brother Newbolt and a Masonic Anecdote
156511: UNDERHILL James W. - Ethnolinguistics and Cultural Concepts Truth, Love, Hate and War
172718: OLIVER Robert W. - International Economic Co-Operation and the World Bank
181759: SYMONDS R.W. - Old English Walnut and Lacquer Furniture the Present-Day Condition and Value and the Methods of the Furniture-Faker in Producing Spurious Pieces
178070: GRANDSEN K.W., HOWELL Jim, KING Jenny, LOVEDAY John, MOLE John, MAUNSELL Robin, RIVIERE M.V.B., SISSON C.H. - Mandeville Press 8 Volumes the Last Picnic, Five Poems for Christmas, Letting the Dark Through, from the Old Foundry, the Tales of Rover, the Middle-Distance, Late in the Day, the Corridor
141324: COCKERILL A. W. - Sons of the Brave the Story of Boy Soldiers
182703: MILLER Henry W. - The Paris Gun the Bombardment of Paris by the German Long-Range Guns and the Great German Offensives of 1918
183197: SYMONDS R.W. - Masterpieces of English Furniture and Clocks
183427: GLADSTONE E.W. - The Shropshire Yeomanry Mdccxcv / MCMXLV the Story of a Volunteer Cavalry Regiment
147182: GRANT Ruth W. - Strings Attached Untangling the Ethics of Incentives
103633: MALLALIEU J.P.W. - On Larkhill
80417: SAUNDERS J.W. - A Biographical Dictionary of Renaissance Poets and Dramatists 1520 - 1650
174637: DIXON R.M.W., AIKHENVALD Alexandra Y. - The Amazonian Languages (Cambridge Language Surveys)
180296: BECKETT Ian F.W. - The British Army a New Short History
118765: HALL F.W. - A Companion to Classical Texts
183155: CASSIRER H.W. - A Commentary on Kant's Critique of Judgment
177647: RICH R.W. - The Training of Teachers in England and Wales During the Nineteenth Century
171310: THOMPSON M.W. - The Decline of the Castle
178151: BURKHARDT Richard W. - The Spirit of System Lamarck and Evolutionary Biology
177279: PURVIS Alston W. - Goed Fout Grafische Vormgeving in Nederland 1940-1945
137153: HOLDER R.W. - A Dictionary of American and British Euphemisms the Language of Evasion Hypocrisy Prudery and Deceit
172696: KAEUPER Richard W. - Bankers to the Crown the Riccardi of Lucca and Edward I.
105157: WALTON W. - The Revolutions of Spain from 1808 to the End of 1836 with Biographical Sketches of the Most Distinguished Personages and a Narrative of the War in the Peninsula in Two Volumes
182197: POULET W., BLODI Frederick C. [Translator] - Atlas on the History of Spectacles
155141: HARDING E.W. - The Flyfisher and the Trout's Point of View New Light on Flyfishing Theory and Practice
172004: YOUNG John W. - France the Cold War and the Western Alliance 1944-1949 French Foreign Policy and Post-War Europe
150799: NASH Paul W. - Folio 50 a Bibliography of the Folio Society 1947-1996
182031: JONES J.W. - The Salmon New Naturalist Monograph No. 16
157536: SYMONDS R.W. - English Furniture from Charles II to George II
167216: TURNER G.W. - The English Language in Australia and New Zealand
123284: SEARS Stephen W. - World War II the Best of American Heritage
179174: LOMAX Derek W., OAKLEY R.J. - The English in Portugal 1367-87 Extracts from the Chronicles of Dom Fernando and Dom Joao
158825: GATZKE Hans W. - Stresemann and the Rearmament of Germany
149676: WITKIN Robert W. - Adorno on Popular Culture
152637: FORELL George W. - Luther's Works Volume 32 Career of the Reformer II
152639: GRITSCH Eric W. - Luther's Works Volume 39 Church and Ministry I.
130260: SERGEANT Philip W. - Rogues and Scoundrels
171969: MULLER James W. - Churchill As Peacemaker
171505: STONIER G.W. - Rhodesian Spring
175243: SETON-WATSON R.W. - A History of the Roumanians from Roman Times to the Completion of Unity
174335: RYDELL Robert W., KROES Rob - Buffalo Bill in Bologna the Americanization of the World 1869-1922
73802: CUMMINGS Charles W., HARKER Lee A. - Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Update II
177665: BENNETT J.A.W., GRAY Douglas - Middle English Literature
183702: AUDSLEY W. and G. - Cottage Lodge and Villa Architecture
180486: BENNETT J.A.W., SMITHERS G.V., DAVIS Norman - Early Middle English Verse and Prose with a Glossary
146189: CUNNINGHAM J.W. - The Velvet Cushion
174664: KRUMMEL D.W. - English Music Printing 1553-1700
115950: DEGENHARDT Henry W. - Revolutionary and Dissident Movements an International Guide
142268: HOLDER R.W. - Eleven Months in Malaya
179050: POLLARD A.W., REDGRAVE G.R., JACKSON W.A., FERGUSON F.S., PANTZER Katharine, RIDER Philip R. - A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England Scotland and Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1475-1640 in Three Volumes
134965: ALDISS Brian W. - Airs of the Earth
177072: ROSSITER Margaret W. - The Emergence of Agricultural Science Justus Liebig and the Americans 1840-80
175754: WHATLEY Charles W. - Farming and Foxhunting
162749: HOUGHTON W. - British Fresh Water Fishes
180996: BADER Richard F.W. - Atoms in Molecules a Quantum Theory (International Series of Monographs on Chemistry 22)
178885: WINTERBOTHAM F.W. - Secret and Personal
159620: BLUNT Robert W. - For Money and Elders Ritual Sovereignty and the Sacred in Kenya
176822: WAKEFIELD W. - The Happy Valley Sketches of Kashmir and the Kashmiris
105281: FARRAR F. W. - The Life and Works of St Paul
174686: ALLEN Robert W. - Churchill's Guests Britain and the Belgian Exiles During World War II
151194: SKEAT Walter W. - Pierce the Ploughman's Crede to Which Is Appended God Spede the Plough
123929: ROBSON W.W. - The Signs Among Us and Other Poems
93828: MAJEWSKI W. - Jack the Distributor
92063: DALE Ronald W. - Windows on Mark an Anthology to Amplify the Gospel Readings for Year B of the Lectionary
86157: JOHANNSEN Robert W. - The Wicked Rebellion and the Republic Henry Tuckerman's CIVIL War Frank L. Klement Lectures No 3
82251: MACKINTOSH J.W. - The Hunts and the Hunted or Keep Swimming Soldier
153423: WARD Sir A.W., GOOCH G.P. - The Cambridge History of British Foreign Policy 1783-1919 Volume I 1783-1815
175189: DIXON R.M.W. - The Languages of Australia (Cambridge Language Surveys)
181716: EDBURY Peter W. - The Conquest of Jerusalem and the Third Crusade Sources in Translation
130259: SERGEANT Philip W. - Liars and Fakers
72617: JOHNSON R.W. - Shootdown the Verdict of K.A. L. 007
179305: POLLARD J.W. - Evolutionary Theory Paths Into the Future
179154: BRADBROOK Frank W. - Jane Austen and Her Predecessors
134733: GREG W.W. - A Larum for London the Malone Society Reprints Volume 38
183874: KRAUS Joe W. - A History of Way & Williams with a Bibliography of Their Publications 1895-1898
80730: LANCASTER F.W. - Indexing and Abstracting in Theory and Practice
178304: O'MALLEY John W. - The First Jesuits
176257: CHAPMAN Hester W. - I Will Be Good
105949: HASLER P.W. - The History of Parliament the House of Commons II Members D - L.
177973: GREG W.W. - A Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to the Restoration Volume I Stationers' Records Plays to 1616 Nos. 1-349, Volume II Plays 1617-1689 Nos. 350-836 Latin Plays Lost Plays, Volume III Collections Appendix Reference Lists, Volume IV Introducti
127181: HERMON Lieutenant Colonel E.W., NASON Anne - For Love and Courage the Letters of Lieutentant Colonel E.W. Hermon from the Western Front 1914 - 1917
165613: HUMPHREY John W., OLESON John P., SHERWOOD Andrew N. - Greek and Roman Technology a Sourcebook Annotated Translations of Greek and Latin Texts and Documents
173916: WARD A.W., WALLER A.R. - The Cambridge History of English Literature Volume III Renascence and Reformation
169975: TROUP Major W. - Sporting Memories My Life As Gloucestershire County Cricketer Rugby and Hockey Player and Member of Indian Police Service
180743: HAWKING Stephen W. - A Brief History of Time from the Big Bang to Black Holes
174718: EGERTON George W. - Great Britain and the Creation of the League of Nations Strategy Politics and International Organization 1914-1919
169976: UP DE GRAFF F. W. - Head-Hunters of the Amazon Seven Years of Exploration and Adventure
182340: GREG Walter W., MAXWELL J.C. [Editor] - The Collected Papers of Sir Walter W. Greg
161904: DAVIS R.W. - Lords of Parliament Studies 1714-1914
135061: DYCKHOFF N.F.W. - More London Midland Steam in the North-West
122250: WINDAS Cedric W., LOTT LCDR Arnold S. - Traditions of the Navy
175417: SOUTHERN R.W., SCHMITT F.S. - Memorials of St Anselm Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi I.
180427: CHAMBERS R.W. - Thomas More (Bedford Historical Series)
137692: JUDGE Arthur W. - The Modern Motor Engineer Volume I-V
122306: HODGSON Henry W. - A Bibliography of the History and Topography of Cumberland and Westmorland
180036: LABARGE Margaret Wade - Simon de Montfort
171888: DAVIS Wade - Light at the End of the World a Journey Through the Realm of Vanishing Cultures
183232: DAVIS Wade - Into the Silence the Great War Mallory and the Conquest of Everest
157973: LABARGE Margaret Wade - A Baronial Household in the Thirteenth Century
100868: LONGFELLOW Henry Wadsworth - The Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
183913: GHALI Waguih, HAWAS May [Editor] - The Diaries of Waguih Ghali an Egyptian Writer in the Swinging Sixties Volume 1 1964-66 [&] Volume 2 1966-68
181633: WALKER Wal - The Squatters' Grab Where It All Went Wrong
159804: BROWN Nicholas Waldemar, REED Graham - London's Waterfront the Thames from Battersea to the Barrier
182523: EMERSON Ralph Waldo, PORTE Joel, BLOOM Harold, KANE Paul [Editors] - Ralph Waldo Emerson Essays and Lectures Nature Addresses and Lectures, Essays First and Second Series, Representative Men, English Traits, the Conduct of Life, Uncollected Prose [&] Collected Poems and Translations
151494: TAYLOR P. Walker - Murder in the Game Reserve
135225: STONEHENGE [J. H. Walsh] - The Coursing Calendar for the Autumn Season 1866
135226: STONEHENGE [J. H. Walsh] - The Coursing Calendar for the Spring Season 1866
182544: WHITMAN Walt, KAPLAN Justin [Editor] - Walt Whitman Poetry and Prose
181016: LEGGE Walter, SANDERS Alan - Walter Legge Words and Music
104461: KERR Walter - The Secret of Stalingrad
171624: WOLFF Hans Walter - Dodekapropheton 4 Micha Biblischer Kommentar Alten Testament Band XIV/4
183229: SCOTT Sir Walter - The Heart of Midlothian
168829: BRETT Walter - The New Book of Gardening in Three Volumes
138916: ARMSTRONG Walter - The Art of William Quiller Orchardson
103836: RALEIGH Walter - Shakespeare English Men of Letters
136896: SCOTT Sir Walter - Marmion a Tale of Flodden Field
181449: PARTRIDGE Walter - Journeyman a Printer's Impressions Through Eighty Years in a Rapidly Changing World
116177: SCOTT Walter, Sir - The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
85526: RALEIGH Sir Walter, RALEIGH Lady, NICHOLL SMITH David [Preface] - The Letters of Sir Walter Raleigh 1879 - 1922 in Two Volumes
153379: BRUEGGEMANN Walter, MILLER Patrick D. - Like Fire in the Bones Listening for the Prophetic Word in Jeremiah
179805: MILLIS Walter - The Martial Spirit a Study of Our War with Spain
147134: SCOTT Sir Walter - Works 53 Volumes Novels and Tales, Historical Romances, Novels and Romances, Tales and Romances, Introductions Notes &C
132190: BESANT Walter - Besant's History of London the Stuarts
170074: DE LA MARE Walter - The Listeners and Other Poems
131655: Anon [&] WALTER - Eveline [&] Adventures of a Schoolboy [&] Maudie [&] Extract from My Secret Life
176768: RICHARDS Walter, CATON WOODVILLE R. - His Majesty's Territorial Army a Descriptive Account of the Yeomanry Artillery Engineers and Infantry with the Army Service and Medical Corps Comprising the King's Imperial Army of the Second Line
130441: GRATZER Walter - Giant Molecules from Nylon to Nanotubes
140780: DEL MAR Walter - India of to-Day
168258: GILBEY Sir Walter, CUMING E.D. - George Morland His Life and Work
115130: RALEIGH Walter, FIRTH C.H. - The Ballad of Sir Walter Rauleigh His Lamentation Reproduced from the Unique Copy in the Pepysian Collection Magdalene College Cambridge Issued with Transliteration on the Occasion of the Raleigh Tercentenary Commemoration October 29 1918
166094: KRICKEBERG Walter, TRIMBORN Hermann, MULLER Werner, ZERRIES Otto, DAVIS Stanley - Pre-Columbian American Religions
152198: HARTE Walter - The History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden Surnamed the Great... In Two Volumes
122606: LAQUEUR Walter - No End to War Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century
178060: NICOL Walter - The Gardener's Kalendar or Monthly Directory of Operations in Every Branch of Horticulture
59983: SULLIVAN Walter - In Praise of Blood Sports and Other Essays
59908: SULLIVAN Walter - A Time to Dance
151905: BESANT Walter - Fifty Years Ago
160699: PUCHNER Walter - Das Neugriechischer Schattentheater Karagiozis
113401: ZANDER Walter - Israel and the Holy Places of Christendom
177970: HOOPER Walter - C.S. Lewis a Companion and Guide
159959: WOLFF Hans Walter - Joel and Amos a Commentary on the Books of the Prophets Joel and Amos
154385: HUTCHINSON Walter - Belgium the Glorious Volume I [&] Volume II
137699: GILBEY Walter - The Old English War-Horse or the Great Horse As It Appears at Intervals in Contemporary Coins and Pictures During the Centuries of Its Development Into the Shire-Horse
163408: ERNST Waltraud - Mad Tales from the Raj the European Insane in British India 1800-1858
150547: COLEMAN Wanda - Wicked Enchantment Selected Poems
182200: LANDOWSKA Wanda, RESTOUT Denise [Editor] - Landowska on Music
169958: NEWBY Wanda - Peace and War Growing Up in Fascist Italy
100754: KEIFER Joseph Warren - Slavery and Four Years of War a Political History of Slavery in the United States Together with a Narrative of the Campaigns and Battles of the CIVIL War in Which the Author Took Part Volume I 1861 - 1863
169625: SALINGER Warren - Tugboats 'n Towlines the Men and Women Who Give Them Life
182488: DOCKTER Warren - Churchill and the Islamic World Orientalism Empire and Diplomacy in the Middle East
180925: RODWELL Warwick, ATKINS Catherine - St Peter's Barton-Upon-Humber a Parish Church and Its Community Volume I Part I [&] Part 2
180205: RODWELL Warwick, TATTON-BROWN Tim - Westminster Part I the Art Architecture and Archaeology of the Royal Abbey [&] Part II the Art Architecture and Archaeology of the Royal Palace (British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions XXXIX Part I and Part II)
179254: DEEPING Warwick - Warwick Deeping 5 Volumes Smith, the Man on the White Horse, Sackcloth Into Silk, the Dark House, Paradise Place
173030: DEEPING Warwick - The Dark House
40639: METCALFE Thomas Washington - Port of Heaven a Romance
182531: IRVING Washington, TUTTLETON James W. [Editor] - Washington Irving History Tales & Sketches Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle Gent, Salmagundi, a History of New York, the Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon Gent
181545: IRVING Washington - The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon Gent [First to Fourth Instalments Incl Rip Van Winkle Etc]
178700: IRVING Washington, PENNELL Joseph [Illustrator] - The Alhambra
60488: IRVING Washington - Oliver Goldsmith a Biography
136039: WASOWSKA-PAWLIK Agata, et al. - Lwów Nowoczesny LVIV and Modernity
134398: BENNETT Josephine Waters - Measure for Measure As Royal Entertainment
169129: WATSON Alfred E.T., et al. - Badminton Magazine of Sports and Pastimes Volume I-LVIII August 1895-September 1922
175132: HARBERT Wayne - The Germanic Languages (Cambridge Language Surveys)
166121: TCHEN John Kuo Wei - New York Before Chinatown Orientalism and the Shaping of American Culture 1776-1882
94575: B. WEINREB - B. Weinreb Furniture
163015: WELLBERY David E., RYAN Judith, GUMBRECHT Hans Ulrich, KAES Anton, et al. - A New History of German Literature
183718: KLINE Wendy - Exposed the Hidden History of the Pelvic Exam
177416: WALKER Wendy - Sexual Stealing
155519: LONCASTER Wendy - Mary D. Elwell S.W. A. Stepping from the Shadows
150006: DOBSON Wendy - Living with China a Middle Power Finds It's Way
165008: KIRKUP Wendy - Echo
165083: FRENCH Wendy, HULSE Michael, SINGER Donald [Editors] - Storm Brain the Hippocrate Book of the Brain
92790: LONG Wendy - Alias Podge
119794: PERRIAM Wendy - Second Skin
183323: WARREN Wendy - New England Bound Slavery and Colonization in Early America
182904: WENMANG - Wenmang Action of the End of Mankind
183434: DAY J. Wentworth - Sporting Adventure
143964: WENTWORTH, Lady - The Authentic Arabian Horse and His Descendants Three Voices Concerning the Horses of Arabia Tradition (Nejd Inner East) Romantic Fable (Islam) the Outside World of the West
177487: LU Wenyan - The Funeral Cryer
132651: FORMAN Werner, QUIRKE Stephen - Hieroglyphs and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt
183056: MULLER Jan-Werner - Democracy Rules
157277: MULLER Jan-Werner - Democracy Rules
167012: FURBRINGER Werner, BROOKS Geoffrey [Translator] - Fips Legendary U-Boat Commander 1915-1918
183265: DAVIS Wes - An Anthology of Modern Irish Poetry
145273: MOORE Wes, GREEN Erica L. - Five Days the Fiery Reckoning of an American City
153432: SACKVILLE-WEST, V. - The Eagle and the Dove a Study in Contrasts St Teresa of Avila St Thérèse of Lisieux
100984: Potomac Corral of the Westerners - Great Western Indian Fights
171058: THOMPSON James Westfall, PADOVER Saul K. - Secret Diplomacy a Record of Espionage and Double-Dealing 1500-1815
173767: BUSH Eric Wheler - The Flowers of the Sea an Anthology of Quotations Poems and Prose
175331: STOKES Whitley, STRACHAN John - Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus a Collection of Old-Irish Glosses Scholia Prose and Verse Volume I Biblical Glosses and Scholia [&] Volume II Non Biblical Glosses and Scholia Old-Irish Prose Names of Persons and Places Inscriptions Verse Indexes
51949: LIPIEC Wieslaw - Roztoczanski Park Narodowy
134537: SMITH Wilbur - The Triumph of the Sun a Novel of African Adventure
140903: THESIGER Wilfred - Arabian Sands
182282: THESIGER Wilfred - The Marsh Arabs
181981: BECKERMAN Wilfred - Small Is Stupid Blowing the Whistle on the Greens
163372: THESIGER Wilfred - My Kenya Days
123815: PARTINGTON Wilfred - Sir Walter's Post-Bag More Stories and Sidelights from His Unpublished Letter-Books
170717: ROBERTSON Wilfrid - Zambezi Days
146528: BLUNT Wilfrid - The Golden Road to Samarkand
154594: PREST Wilfrid - William Blackstone Law and Letters in the Eighteenth Century
110947: BONSER Wilfrid, TROY June - A Prehistoric Bibliography
176804: BLUNT Wilfrid - The Art of Botanical Illustration New Naturalist No. 14
79885: GRENVILLE-GREY Wilfrid - Eighty Marker Buoys for an Eightieth Birthday Collection Five
174744: LOTH Wilfried - The Division of the World 1941-1955
179491: VOSSENKUHL Wilhelm, NERDINGER Winfried - Otl Aicher Design Type Thinking
124514: NIETZSCHE Friedrich Wilhelm, MOLINA Y VEDIA Caroline, GRIMM Reinhold - Philosophical Writings German Library
112699: PINDER Wilhelm - Der Bamberger Dom Und Seine Bildwerke
167318: STEINITZ Wilhelm, PICKARD Sid - The Games of Wilhelm Steinitz First World Chess Champion
169499: RAUSCH Wilhelm - Theoretisch-Praktisches Handbuch Fûr Wagenfabrikanten Und Alle Beim Wagenbau Beschäftigten Handwerker
151883: COLLINS Wilkie - Wilkie Collins 15 Volumes Biter Bit Black Robe Dead Secret Evil Genius Guilty River Haunted Hotel Heart and Science Legacy of Cain Man and Wife Miss or Mrs? My Lady's Money New Magdalen No Thoroughfare Two Destinies Yellow Mask
183217: GRANT Will - Pentland Days and Country Ways a Walker's Wallet
140067: SELF Will - Grey Area
149828: HAYWARD Will - Lockdown Wales How Covid-19 Tested Wales
149975: LANGFORD Will - The Global Politics of Poverty in Canada Development Programs and Democracy 1964-1979
175829: GRANT Will - Populista the Rise of Latin America's 21st Century Strongman
183216: GRANT Will - The Call of the Pentlands a Land of Glamour and Romance
169882: HENRY Will - No Survivors
171374: OWEN Will - Three Jolly Sailors and Me
162771: CARTER Will - Carter's Caps an Alphabet of Capital Letters Cut by Will Carter and Printed from the Wood with Commentary
146309: ABBERLEY Will - Mimicry and Display in Victorian Literary Culture Nature Science and the Nineteenth-Century Imagination
183579: BIRCH Will - Ian Dury the Definitive Biography
174438: VISCONTI Will - Beyond the Moulin Rouge the Life and Legacy of la Goulue
167523: KAUFMAN Will - American Song and Struggle from Columbus to World War II a Cultural History
176388: FEUCHTWANGER Lion, MUIR Willa and Edwin [Translators] - The Ugly Duchess a Historical Romance
182675: WEEKS Willet, MARTIN Jean-Claude - The Man Who Made Paris Paris the Illustrated Biography of Georges-Eugene Haussmann
150157: HEINRICH Willi - The Savage Mountain
114608: JAGO William - An Introduction to the Study of the Principles of Bread-Making
174059: SHAKESPEARE William - The Works of William Shakspeare [Shakespeare] with Life and Glossary Carefully Edited from the Best Texts in 12 Volumes
80737: TYLER William - The Sociology of the School a Review
178854: PFAFF Richard William - Montague Rhodes James
77746: HUTTON William - The Battle of Bosworth Field
134391: BAKER William, WOMACK Kenneth - The Year's Work in English Studies Volume 89 Covering Work Published in 2008
175636: FORDYCE William - The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham Comprising a Condensed Account of Its Natural CIVIL and Ecclesiastical History from the Earliest Period to the Present Time Volume I [&] Volume II
169939: FAWCETT William - Sporting Spectacle a Cavalcade of Sport in England's Yesteryear
118149: ODDIE William - John Paul the Great Maker of the Post-Conciliar Church
150190: McGIVERN William - Savage Streets
134766: BAKER William, WOMACK Kenneth - The Year's Work in English Studies Volume 88 Covering Work Published in 2009
168971: SCARTH DIXON William - Hunting in the Olden Days
169156: GIBSON William - Enlightenment Prelate Benjamin Hoadly 1676-1761
170185: GRANT William, MURISON David D. - The Scottish National Dictionary Designed Partly on Regional Lines and Partly on Historical Principles and Containing All the Scottish Words Known to Be in Use or to Have Bbeen in Use Since C. 1700 10 Volumes
134872: LAFFAN William - Irish Architectural and Decorative Studies Volume XII 2009 the Journal of the Irish Georgian Society
164338: MORGAN William, OLSEN Richard - The Abrams Guide to American House Styles
103860: BLACK William - Goldsmith English Men of Letters
103822: WARD Adolphus William - Chaucer English Men of Letters
147753: DUGDALE William, DODSWORTH Roger [&] STEVENS John - Monasticon Anglicanum Volume II [&] the History of the Antient Abbeys Monasteries Hospitals Cathedral and Collegiate Churches... Volume I.
147265: CLIVE William - The Tune That They Play a Novel of the Zulu War
42691: MONSON Sir William and OPPENHEIM M. - The Naval Tracts of Sir William Monson Volume III
42693: MONSON Sir William and OPPENHEIM M. - The Naval Tracts of Sir William Monson Volume V.
126938: STONE William - Hero of the Fleet Two World Wars, One Extraordinary Life - the Memoirs of Centenarian William Stone
146080: COWPER William, WESTALL Richard - Poems by the Late William Cowper in Two Volumes
62052: YOUATT William, WATSON Walker - The Horse with a Treatise of Draught
163925: SHAKESPEARE William, HALLIWELL J.O., TYRRELL Henry - The Complete Works of Shakspere [Shakespeare] Revised from the Original Editions with Historical and Analytical Introductions... Volume I Comedies, Volume II Tragedies, Volume III Dramas on English History and Poems, Volume IV the Doubtful Plays of Sha
166936: PAGE William - The Victoria History of the County of Dorset Volume Two
158864: MALTBY William - The Reign of Charles V.
73474: NICHOLSON William - The Society of Others
181180: GOLDING William - Fire Down Below
181216: SHAKESPEARE William, FARJEON Herbert [Editor], LAPSHIN Nikolai Fyodorovitch [Illustrator] - Titus Andronicus the Text of the First Folio with Quarto Insertions
181217: SHAKESPEARE William, FARJEON Herbert [Editor], FLOETHE Richard [Illustrator] - All's Well That Ends Well the Text of the First Folio Edited and Amended Where Obscure
181218: SHAKESPEARE William, FARJEON Herbert [Editor], STEINER-PRAG Hugo [Illustrator] - Measure for Measure the Text of the First Folio Edited and Amended Where Obscure
181220: SHAKESPEARE William, FARJEON Herbert [Editor], MOLNAR C. Pal [Illustrator] - Coriolanus the Text of the First Folio Edited and Amended Where Obscure
181221: SHAKESPEARE William, FARJEON Herbert [Editor], PETRINA Carlotta [Illustrator] - Henry the Sixth Part Two the Text of the First Folio Edited and Amended Where Obscure
181222: SHAKESPEARE William, FARJEON Herbert [Editor], BERG Yngve [Illustrator] - Cymbeline the Text of the First Folio Edited and Amended Where Obscure
178169: EMPSON William - Milton's God
158990: AMOS William - The Originals Who's Really Who in Fiction
150269: MASON William - Poems a New Edition
157198: PHILPOTT William - Bloody Victory the Sacrifice on the Somme and the Making of the Twentieth Century
171646: WORDSWORTH William, ROE Nicholas - William Wordsworth Selected Poems
183214: ANDERSON William - The Pentland Hills
149489: MARSHALL William - Marshall's Rural Economy of the West of England (1796) a Reprint of the Rural Economy of the West of England Including Devonshire and Parts of Somersetshire Dorsetshire and Cornwall
172518: LEISS William - The Domination of Nature
182525: FAULKNER William, BLOTNER Joseph, POLK Noel [Editors] - William Faulkner Novels 1930-1935 As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary, Light in August, Pylon [&] 1942-1954 Go Down Moses, Intruder in the Dust, Requiem for a Nun, a Fable
181433: BELOE William - The Sexagenarian or the Recollections of a Literary Life in Two Volumes
143682: GUY William - The Lyndoniad
163089: PAGE William - The Victoria History of the County of Somerset Volume One [&] Volume Two
101447: KING William - An Historical Account of the Heathen Gods and Heroes
139840: MAXWELL William - So Long, See You Tomorrow
180662: POLE Sir William, DE LA POLE Sir John William - Collections Towards a Description of the County of Devon by Sir William Pole of Colcombe and Shute (Who Died A.D. 1635) Now First Printed from the Autograph in the Possession of His Lineal Descendant Sir John William de la Pole Bart
178168: EMPSON William, HAFFENDEN John - Selected Letters of William Empson
104296: SANSOM William - A Young Wife's Tale
134732: BAKER William, WOMACK Kenneth - The Year's Work in English Studies Volume 86 Covering Work Published in 2005
176548: HOLE William, AVERY Anne Louise - Albion's Glorious Ile a Hand-Colouring Book from the Songs of Poly-Olbion
153561: WALDEGRAVE William - A Different Kind of Weather
181444: CHAFFERS William, CUNDALL H.M. - The New Keramic Gallery in Two Volumes
179562: FAULKNER William - Light in August
102499: WHISTLECRAFT William, WHISTLECRAFT Robert [John Hookham Frere] - The Monks and Giants Prospectus and Specimen of an Intended National Work
169674: SHARP William - Wives in Exile a Comedy in Romance
169676: SHARP William - Poems
169678: SHARP William - Silence Farm
182280: TEELING Sir William - Corridors of Frustration
139358: BERRY William - Berry's Genealogical Peerage of England Scotland and Ireland Issue No. 1
145997: PALMER William - The India House
155034: SHAKESPEARE William, CORNWALL Barry, TYRRELL Henry, MEADOWS Kenny - The Complete Works of Shakspere [Shakespeare] Revised from the Original Editions with a Memoir and Essay on His Genius in Three Volumes Tragedies, Comedies and Histories & Poems [&] the Doubtful Plays of Shakespeare Being All the Dramas Attributed to
168990: SCARTH DIXON William - In the North Countree Annals and Anecdotes of Horse Hound and Herd
134684: SHAKESPEARE William - Romeo and Juliet Second Quarto 1599 Shakespeare Quarto Facsimiles No. 6
183883: MOTTRAM William - The True Story of George Eliot in Relation to Adam Bede Giving the Real Life History of the More Prominent Characters
126973: LAMONT William - Puritanism and Historical Controversy
22506: LANGLAND, William and SKEAT, W.W. [Editor] - Langland's Vision of Piers Plowman Text a [&] Text B.
166606: PHILLIPS William - A Manual of the British Discomycetes with Descriptions of All the Species of Fungi Hitherto Found in Britain Included in the Family and Illustrations of the Genera
176035: TWITI William, DANIELSSON Bror [Editor] - William Twiti the Art of Hunting 1327 Cynegetica Anglica I (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Stockholm Studies in English XXXVII)
178348: BARNES William - Dorset Poems
172070: SHAKESPEARE William, KONEWKA P. - A Midsummer-Night's Dream by W. Shakspere Illustrated with 24 Silhouettes by P. Konewka Woodcuts Engraved by A. Vogel
106286: MUNK William - Munk's Roll the Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London Comprising Biographical Sketches Volume III 1801 to 1825
182670: TYLDESLEY William - Michael William Balfe His Life and His English Operas
166863: SHAKESPEARE William, BLITS Jan H. - The Tragedy of Macbeth
181655: JAMESON William - The Fleet That Jack Built Nine Men Who Made a Modern Navy
169240: LEMPRIERE William - A Tour from Gibraltar to Tangier Sallee Mogodore Santa Cruz Tarudant and Thence over Mount Atlas to Morocco Including a Particular Account of the Royal Harem &C.
180174: SHAKESPEARE William, WELLS Stanley [Editor] - The Oxford Shakespeare 17 Volumes Henry V Taming of the Shrew Troilus and Cressida Julius Caesar Titus Andronicus Hamlet Henry IV Part 1 Tempest King John Merry Wives of Windsor Two Noble Kinsmen Macbeth Measure for Measure Merchant of Venice Winter'
128227: BAKER William, MINOGUE Kylie - Kylie la la la
172922: LEISS William - Canada and Climate Change
169677: SHARP William - Literary Geography and Travel-Sketches
171328: DUNCAN William - The Commentaries of Caesar Translated Into English to Which Is Prefixed a Discourse Concerning the Roman Art of War in Two Volumes
176593: ROBINSON William - The English Flower Garden and Home Grounds. .
178513: HAZLITT William - The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte in Three Volumes
182375: ROBERTSON Field Marshal Sir William - Soldiers and Statesmen 1914-1918 Volume I [&] Volume II
141361: LE QUEUX William - Revelations of the Secret Service Being the Autobiography of Hugh Morrice, Chief Travelling Agent of the Confidential Department of His Britannic Majesty's Government
169638: SCARTH DIXON William - A History of the York and Ainsty Hunt
180664: CHAPPLE William - A Review of Part of Risdon's Survey of Devon Containing the General Description of That County with Corrections Annotations and Additions
161854: WARRINGTON William - The History of Wales in Nine Books with an Appendix
178364: ANDERSON William - Dante the Maker
166503: SHENSTONE William, PARK Thomas - The Poetical Works of William Shenstone Collated with the Best Editions in Two Volumes
163755: CARLETON William - Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry Volume I [&] Volume II
141007: MOORCROFT William, GUPTA J.L. - A Journey to Lake Mansarovara (in Undes a Province of Tibet)
173163: NICHOLSON William - Motherland
147264: CLIVE William - Dando on Delhi Ridge a Novel of the Indian Mutiny
130124: STALLINGS William - Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance
156726: TREVOR William - Beyond the Pale and Other Stories
163248: MULDER William - Homeward to Zion the Mormon Migration from Scandinavia
141384: PENNINGTON William - Pick Up Your Parrots and Monkeys and Fall in Facing the Boat
168498: WATKIN William - Bioviolence How the Powers That Be Make Us Do What They Want
124102: ROY William, BARLOWE Jerome, RALEIGH Sir Walter - English Reprints Volume VIII Rede Me and Be Nott Wrothe the Last Fight of the Revenge Barnabe Googe Eglogs Epytaphes and Sonnettes
175353: GOLDING William - Rites of Passage
133222: MAHON William - Waterloo Messenger the Life of Henry Percy Peninsular Soldier and French Prisoner of War
181473: SHAKESPEARE William, BRITTON John - The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare [Shakespeare] in Seven Volumes Whittingham's Edition with Two Hundred and Thirty Embellishments, a Life of the Poet, the Preface by Dr Johnson and a Glossarial Index
67271: OFFORD William - Comic and Sentimental Song Book a Choice Collection of Rare and Original Songs As Sung by William Offord in Public and Private Circles in Brooklyn and New York
103815: WARD Adolphus William - Dickens English Men of Letters
100564: BRAZNELL William - An Airman's Odyssey Walt Braznell and the Pilots He Led Into the Jet Age
149076: MAYNE William - While the Bells Ring
116301: COWPER William, GILFILLAN George - The Poetical Works of William Cowper with Life Critical Dissertation and Explanatory Notes in Two Volumes
119030: KOTZWINKLE William - Fata Morgana
176522: ARNOLD William, BROOKER Keith - Recollections of William Arnold
138476: ADLINGTON William, DARTON F.J.Harvey - The Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius
129398: GUTHMAN William - Guns and Other Arms
183421: HICKEY William, HUDSON Roger [Editor] - Memoirs of a Georgian Rake
138049: KNOWLER William - The Earl of Strafforde's Letters and Dispatches with an Essay Towards His Life by Sir George Radcliffe from the Originals in the Possession of His Great Grandson the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Malton Knight of the Bath in Two Volumes
174978: SHAKESPEARE William - The Works of Shakespeare Edited from the Best Texts (the Miniature Shakespeare) in Twelve Volumes
177928: BRIGHT William - The Anti-Pelagian Treatises of St Augustine and the Acts of the Second Council of Orange
149043: CONGREVE William, SALAMAN Malcolm C. - The Way of the World
154318: SANSOM William - The Face of Innocence
175692: NOBLE William, DAVIDSON Iain - Human Evolution Language and Mind a Psychological and Archaeological Inquiry
165182: ROBERTSON William - The History of Scotland During the Reigns of Queen Mary and of King James VI Till His Accession to the Crown of England with a Review of the Scottish History Previous to That Period and an Appendix Containing Original Papers
150191: McGIVERN William - Soldiers of '44
130359: ANDERSON William - Imaginations 37 Poems for Recital and Performance
117569: OLDYS William et al. - Biographia Britannica or the Lives of the Most Eminent Persons Who Have Flourished in Great Britain and Ireland from the Earliest Ages Down to the Present Times Volume IV (1747-1766)
117568: OLDYS William et al. - Biographia Britannica or the Lives of the Most Eminent Persons Who Have Flourished in Great Britain and Ireland from the Earliest Ages Down to the Present Times Volume II (1747-1766)
117565: OLDYS William et al. - Biographia Britannica or the Lives of the Most Eminent Persons Who Have Flourished in Great Britain and Ireland from the Earliest Ages Down to the Present Times Volume III (1747-1766)
117570: OLDYS William et al. - Biographia Britannica or the Lives of the Most Eminent Persons Who Have Flourished in Great Britain and Ireland from the Earliest Ages Down to the Present Times Volume V (1747-1766)
151311: SHAWCROSS William - Counting One's Blessings Selected Letters of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
177387: NOLL William - The Transformation of CIVIL Society an Oral History of Ukrainian Peasant Culture 1920s to 1930s
175531: EASTERLY William - The White Man's Burden Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much ILL and So Little Good
152554: WOTTON William, CLARKE William - Cyfreithjeu Hywel Dda Ac Eraill Seu Leges Wallicae Ecclesiasticae & Civiles Hoeli Boni Et Aliorum Walliae Principum Quas Ex Variis Codicibus Manuscriptis Eruit Interpretatione Latina Notis & Glossario Illustravit Gulielmus Wottonus
152904: KINGLAKE Alexander William - Eothen
178061: COMBE William, ROWLANDSON Thomas [Illustrator] - The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of the Picturesque a Poem
24712: ROBSON William - The Old Playgoer
173167: NICHOLSON William - The Secret Intensity of Everyday Life
152614: SMITH William, KAMMEN Michael - The History of the Province of New York Volume One from the First Discovery to the Year 1732 Volume Two a Continuation 1732-1762
165470: BRIDGEMAN William, WILLIAMSON Philip - The Modernisation [Modernization] of Conservative Politics the Diaries and Letters of William Bridgeman 1904-1935
176556: LAFFAN William, MONKHOUSE Christopher, FITZPATRICK Leslie - Ireland Crossroads of Art and Design 1690-1840
148631: WEBER William - Music and the Middle Class the Social Structure of Concert Life in London Paris and Vienna between 1830 and 1848
163927: BIRD William - Judge Dodaridge His Law of Nobility and Peerage Wherein the Antiquities Titles Degrees and Distinctions Concerning the Peeres and Nobility of This Nation Are Excellently Set Forth with the Knights Esquires Gentlemen and Yeomen and Matters Incident to
137538: GREEN William - Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor
94961: CAMP William - Flavour of Decay
94765: BURTON William - A General History of Porcelain Volume I [&] Volume II
81552: ROPER William, ROWSE A.L. - A Man of Singular Virtue Being a Life of Sir Thomas More by His Son-in-Law William Roper and a Selection of More's Letters
118465: STOREY William - Us Government and Politics Politics Study Guides
140575: BEATTIE William, BARTLETT W.H. - Switzerland Illustrated in a Series of Views Taken Expressly for This Work by W.H. Bartlett Volume I.
181685: ROBERTS William - Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Mrs Hannah More in Four Volumes
183518: LE QUEUX William, FIELD Cyril, CROWTHER T.S.C. [Illustrators] - The Great War in England in 1897
161849: CATHRALL William - The History of North Wales Comprising a Topographical Description of the Several Counties of Anglesey Denbigh Merioneth Caernarvon Flint and Montgomery to Which Is Prefixed a Review of the History of Britain... In Two Volumes
173166: NICHOLSON William - The Golden Hour
173866: SIMPSON William - The Jonah Legend a Suggestion of Interpretation
182223: ROTHMAN William, KEANE Marian - Reading Cavell's the World Viewed a Philosophical Perspective on Film
134767: BAKER William, WOMACK Kenneth - The Year's Work in English Studies Volume 87 Covering Work Published in 2006
179957: SHAKESPEARE William, HINMAN Charlton - The First Folio of Shakespeare the Norton Facsimile Based on Folios in the Folger Shakespeare Library Collection
183873: BAKER William - The George Eliot - George Henry Lewes Library an Annotated Catalogue of Their Books at Dr Williams' Library London
178512: HAZLITT William - A Reply to the Essay on Population by the Rev T.R. Malthus in a Series of Letters to Which Are Added Extracts from the Essay with Notes
160228: MULLIGAN William - The Great War for Peace
168979: GOMERSALL William - Hunting in Craven
124298: TURNBULL William - Basho the Records of a Weather Exposed
178176: WORDSWORTH William, DARLINGTON Beth [Editor] - Home at Grasmere Part First Book First of the Recluse
157124: FOWLER William - The Commandos at Dieppe Rehearsal for D-Day
138862: MURRAY William - Friends and Romans
150228: THOMSON William - Military Memoirs Relating to Campaigns Battles and Stratagems of War Antient and Modern Extracted from the Best Authorities with Occasional Remarks
136353: NEWTON William - The Life of the Right Reverend White Kennett Late Lord Bishop of Peterborough with Several Original Letters of the Late Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Tennison the Earl of Sunderland Bishop Kennett &C...
175012: MAGAN William - Umma-More the Story of an Irish Family
137705: NAPIER Lieut.-Gen. Sir William - English Battles and Sieges in the Peninsula Extracted from His Peninsular War
163548: ALLINGHAM William - The Diaries
177616: VAN PEER Willie - Unbelievable the Gospel Texts in Narrative Tradition and Historical Context
180467: COOKE George Willis - George Eliot a Critical Study of the Life Writings and Philosophy
165055: BRANDT Willy - Links Und Frei Mein Weg 1930-1950
120803: BRETON Commandant Willy - The Work of the Belgian Army
177734: THORN Willy - Pearls of the Orient Collected Pieces
177037: WILSON Nicholas Hoover Wilson - Modernity's Corruption Empire and Morality in the Making of British India
144014: FOSTER John Wilson - The Space-Blue Chalcedony Earth's Crises and the Tyler Bounty
179126: VOERMANS Wim - The Story of Constitutions Discovering the We in Us (Comparative Constitutional Law and Policy)
183120: LUND Niels Windfeld - Introduction to Documentation Studies (Foundations of the Information Sciences)
149591: GIBBONS David Wingfield, REID James B., CHAPMAN Robert A. - The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991
175926: GERIN Winifred - The Young Fanny Burney
177643: EWING Winnie, RUSSELL Michael - Stop the World the Autobiography of Winnie Ewing
163941: GRAHAM Winston - Night Journey
163251: GROOM Winston - El Paso a Novel
163938: GRAHAM Winston - The Forgotten Story
163940: GRAHAM Winston - My Turn Next
163944: GRAHAM Winston - Keys of Chance
163945: GRAHAM Winston - The Giant's Chair
163948: GRAHAM Winston - The Riddle of John Rowe
163949: GRAHAM Winston - Into the Fog
163950: GRAHAM Winston - The House with the Stained Glass Windows
163952: GRAHAM Winston - Fortune Is a Woman
163953: GRAHAM Winston - The Little Walls
143884: GRAHAM Winston - The Walking Stick
163956: GRAHAM Winston - Cameo
163954: GRAHAM Winston - The Sleeping Partner
163955: GRAHAM Winston - The Walking Stick
163957: GRAHAM Winston - The Ugly Sister
163939: GRAHAM Winston - The Merciless Ladies
163946: GRAHAM Winston - The Dangerous Pawn
85779: MARDOCK Robert Winston - The Reformers and the American Indian
160664: HORTE Doris Wintgens, DE JONGH-VERMEULEN Ankie - Dageraad Van de Moderne Kunst Leiden Et Omgeving 1890-1940
143631: HENSEL Witold - La Naissance de la Pologne
158901: RYBCZYNSKI Witold - A Clearing in the Distance Frederick Law Olmsted and America in the Nineteenth Century
176699: WHARTON Wiz - Ghost Girl Banana
165699: SADURSKI Wojciech - A Pandemic of Populists
182628: BURCHARD Wolf - The Sovereign Artist Charles le Brun and the Image of Louis XIV
143490: KUPER Wolf, TAYLOR Imogen - One Million Minutes What My Daughter Taught Me About Time
160463: WOLF Peter, et al. - Gôtterdämmerung König Ludwig II Von Bayern Und Seine Zeit
145418: SCHWEIZER Wolfgang - Numerical Quantum Dynamics (Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics)
85097: HERRLINGER Wolfgang - Stundenblätter Pinter the Dumb Waiter
159277: VOIGT Wolfgang, MAY Roland - Paul Bonatz 1877-1956
175039: ROWE William Woodin - Nabokov's Deceptive World
140923: WILSON Woodrow - President Wilson's New Declaration of Freedom a Charter for Humanity and World Peace
145979: MARSHALL Woodville, WELCH Pedro - Beyond the Bridge Lectures Commemorating Bridgetown's 375th Anniversary
176438: WOODWARD Charles, et al. - Houses Into Flats Key Key to Conversion
183038: HOLTON Woody - Liberty Is Sweet the Hidden History of the American Revolution
176967: HOLTON Woody - Forced Founders Indians Debtors Slaves and the Making of the American Revolution in Virginia
131919: MILLS H. Woosnam - The Pathan Revolt in North West India
169969: SMITH Harry Worcester - A Sporting Tour Through Ireland England Wales and France in Two Volumes
56335: WATSON J. Wreford - Atlas Advanced
176636: JONES David Wyn - The Strauss Dynasty and Habsburg Vienna
169784: LEWIS Wyndham - The Red Priest
178878: HEWETT Osbert Wyndham - Strawberry Fair a Biography of Frances Countess Waldegrave 1821-1879
170828: APPERLEY Captain Newton Wynne, CUMING E.W. - A Hunting Diary
176596: APPERLEY Newton Wynne - North Country Hunting Half a Century Ago
102699: JEUDWINE Wynne - Stage Designs
32392: WYNNTON, Patrick - The Agent Outside
155564: DEAN S.F.X. - Ceremonies of Innocence
155565: DEAN S.F.X. - Death and the Mad Heroine
173411: XANOUVONG - Lao Lanxang and Its Last King
181774: FOURNIER Xavier - Super Heros Francais Une Anthologie
178239: FOURNIER Xavier - Super-Heros Une Histoire Francaise
177390: PAULES Xavier, LIGHTFOOT Lindsay - The Republic of China 1912 to 1949
147827: BORDES Xavier - Le Pierre Amour Poèmes 1972-1985
176911: YANG Xiaoneng - Tracing the Past Drawing the Future Master Ink Painters in Twentieth Century China
153793: FANG Xiaoping - China and the Cholera Pandemic Restructuring Society Under Mao
125820: COOPER John Xiros - The Cambridge Introduction to T.S. Eliot
159323: AIKHENVALD Alexandra Y. - The Languages of the Amazon (Oxford Linguistics)
180692: ARNOLD Denise Y., ESPEJO Elvira - The Andean Science of Weaving Structures and Techniques of Warp Faced Weaves
99267: STALLARD Patricia Y. - Glittering Misery Dependents of the Indian Fighting Army
163890: SUSSMAN Peter Y. - Decca the Letters of Jessica Mitford
179900: LIANKE Yan, ROJAS Carlos - Sound and Silence My Experience with China and Literature
182753: FOX Yaniv - The Merovingians in Historiographical Tradition from the Sixth to the Sixteenth Centuries
160712: SORDET Yann - Le Livre Armenien de la Renaissance Aux Lumieres Une Culture En Diaspora
138851: KYRIACOU Yannis - Yannis Kyriacou Dreams & Visions
151665: HUANG Yanzhong - Toxic Politics China's Environmental Health Crisis and Its Challenge to the Chinese State
175459: MATRAS Yaron - Romani a Linguistic Introduction
138207: MATRAS Yaron - Romani a Linguistic Introduction
161963: PERRY Yaron - British Mission to the Jews in Nineteenth-Century Palestine
171223: YONEHARA Yasamusa - I Am Me
52573: PEREZ Yehoshua - The Sayings of God
125284: BEN-MENAHEM Yemima - Hilary Putnam
179103: GOYAL Yogita - The Cambridge Companion to Contemporary African American Literature (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
143538: SASAKAWA Yohei, MUROJI Rei - No Matter Where the Journey Takes Me One Man's Quest for a Leprosy-Free World
154348: ZAPPATERRA Yolanda - Amazing Art Adventures Around the World in 400 Immersive Experiences
179085: SPOELDER Yorim - Visions of Greater India Transimperial Knowledge and Anti-Colonial Nationalism C. 1800-1960
176458: OGAWA Yoshido, SATO Jun'ichi - Colloquial Japanese in Four Weeks
176071: CASSIS Youssef - Finance and Financiers in European History 1880-1960
137470: GUSEVA N. Yu., KISLITSYNA O. S. - Adorned with Coloured Woods Russian Marquetry Furniture of Catherine the Great's Epoch
147048: GUSEVA N. Yu - Mihail Lomonosov I Elizavetinskoe Vremya
171563: LERMONTOV M. Yu., WARD Dennis - Lermontov the Demon
168019: CHUNG Sze-yuen - Hong Kong's Journey to Reunification Memoirs of Sze-Yuen Chung
183293: LIPPIT Yukio, SAUNDERS Rachel - Painting Edo Selections from the Feinberg Collection of Japanese Art
178247: LIPPIT Yukio, ULAK James T. - Sotatsu
167862: HUANG Yunte - Chinese Whispers Toward a Transpacific Poetics (Thinking Literature)
145869: CHATELLIER Jean-Yves, JARVIE Daniel M. - Critical Assessment of Shale Resource Plays Aapg Memoir 103
169878: JAULMES Yves - The French Protestant Church of London and the Huguenots from the Church's Foundation to the Present Day
143154: BUCK Yves - Jacques de Manse (1628-1699) Maître Des Eaux à Chantilly
129416: LA NAOUR Jean-Yves, ALLEN Penny - The Living Unknown Soldier
164994: JOUANNAIS Jean-Yves - L'Idiotie Ar Vie Politique Méthode
146564: DELITTE Jean-Yves - Black Crow la Colline de Sang
65412: HUCHER Yves - Baudelaire Petits Poemes En Prose Oeuvres Critiques
144317: LEPRINCE Pierre-Yves - Les Nouvelles Enquetes de Monsieur Proust
177584: FITZPATRICK-GRIMES Yvonne - Dirty Dublin
165945: GUEGAN Yvonne - Yvonne Guegan Peintures Dessins 1942-1992
160025: BRENTJENS Yvonne - V = Vorm Nederlandse Vormgeving 1940-1945
119159: LEWIN Michael Z. - Late Payments
180699: CASSIMATIS Marilena Z. - Ernst Zillers Erinnerungen
142929: SIDLINA N.Z. - Naum Gabo
57833: YETIV Jack Z., BIANCHINE Joseph R. - Recent Advances in Clinical Therapeutics Psychopharmacology Neuropharmacology and Gastrointestinal Therapeutics
166112: ROSENSAFT Menachem Z. - God Faith and Identity from the Ashes Reflections of Children and Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors
161253: MACDONALD Sara Z. - University Women a History of Women and Higher Education in Canada
180978: GOLDMAN Wendy Z. - Terror and Democracy in the Age of Stalin the Social Dynamics of Repression
182870: O'YEAH Zac - The Great Indian Food Trip Around a Subcontinent à la Carte
149940: VERTIN Zach - A Rope from the Sky the Making and Unmaking of the World's Newest State
127165: COPE Zachary - The History of the Royal College of Surgeons
169851: SHORE Zachary - This Is Not Who We Are America's Struggle between Vengeance and Virtue
179064: LEONARD Zak - Ethical Empire? India Reformism and the Critique of Colonial Misgovernment
163819: ERVIN Manda Zand - The Ladies' Secret Society History of the Courageous Women of Iran
177620: DRAGOUN Zdenek - Praha 855-1310 Kapitoly O Románské a Rane Gotické Architekture
176330: PRIMUS Zdenek - Jirí Balcar Filmové Plakáty Malbou a Koláå¾í Film Posters with Brush and Scissors 1959-1967
180090: CONEDERA Sam Zeno - Ecclesiastical Knights the Military Orders in Castile 1150-1330
178241: GAMIELDIEN Zeynab - The Scope of Permissibility
178903: YU Jessica Zhan - But the Girl
118773: JI Zhang, CHAVES Jonathan - Cloud Gate Song the Verse of Tang Poet Zhang Ji
173990: HASSAN Zheger - Secession and Conflict Iraqi Kurdistan in Comparative Perspective
99127: CHEN SHI ZHONG - The Flower-Bird Painting Selections of Chen Shi Zhong
158600: XUN Zhou, GILMAN Sander L. - I Know Who Caused Covid-19 Pandemics and Xenophobia
174144: OLDENBOURG Zoe - Destinies of Fire [&] Cities of the Flesh
158958: WHITTALL Zoe - The Spectacular
149880: OLDENBOURG Zoe, HYAMS Edward - The Corner-Stone
149622: OLDENBOURG Zoe, HYAMS Edward - The Awakened
137031: TYLEWSKIEJ-OSTROWSKIEJ Zofii - Gdansk W Literaturze Bibliografia Od Roku 997 Do Dzisiaj. Tom Pierwszy: Okolo 998-1600
142924: SANDERS Zora - Meanjin Volume 73 Number 1
141256: ZOYA, FOLLAIN John, CRISTOFARI Rita - Zoya's Story a Woman's Struggle for Freedom in Afghanistan
181725: HUNYADI Zsolt, LASZLOVSZKY Jozsef - The Crusades and the Military Orders Expanding the Frontiers of Medieval Latin Christianity
176598: KERR Ann Zwicker - Come with Me from Lebanon an American Family Odyssey
144923: MILOSZEWSKI Zygmunt - Entanglement
180820: BAUMAN Zygmunt, WAGNER Izabela, BARTOSZYNSKA Katarzyna - My Life in Fragments
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