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46173: WILKINSON D - Progress in particle and nuclear physics Volume 6: nuclear astrophysics. Proceedings of the International School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, 25 March - 6 April 1980
58524: WILLAN A - Observer French cookery school: with an anthology of French cooking and kitchen terms
80103: LOOMIS R S & WILLARD R - Medieval English verse and prose in modernized versions
20930: WILLCOCKS M P - Bunyan Calling: a voice from the seventeenth century
55462: WILLE E - Maps for the journey: finding your way around the Bible
81134: WILLETT T M - Eschatology in the theodicies of 2 Baruch and 4 Ezra (Journal for the study of the Pseudepigrapha supplement series 4)
20931: WILLETTS A - Through and beyond bereavement
53700: WILLEY B - Nineteenth century studies: Coleridge to Matthew Arnold
20932: WILLEY B - Eighteenth century background: studies in the idea of nature in the thought of the period
61366: BRACKNEY William H - FAITH LIFE AND WITNESS: papers of the Study and Research Division of the Baptish Church Alliance
61620: BROWNSON William C - GOD'S LAST WORD: studies in the New Testament letter to the Hebrews
69681: PALEY William - HORAE PAULINAE or The truth of the scripture history of St Paul evinced...
61404: BREAULT William - UNDER THE FIG TREE: stories of prayer-filled moments
82482: THOMPSON William G - Matthew's advice to a divided community - Mt. 17,22-18,35 (Analecta Biblica 44)
60600: BARCLAY William - COMMUNICATING THE GOSPEL: the Laird Lectures
44634: LAUD William - Works of the Most Reverend Father in God William Laud sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury 7 volumes bound as 5 [lacks first volume containing volumes 1 and 2]
82194: JOHNSTONE William - Chronicles and Exodus: an analogy and its application (JSOTSS 275)
60597: BARCLAY William - DAILY READINGS WITH WILLIAM BARCLAY edited by Ronald Barclay
51792: WILLIAMS K M - Doctrine of the Church in the writings of Isaac Williams 1802-1865
33714: WILLIAMS D - Trousered apes: a study in the influence of literature on contemporary society
55544: WILLIAMS E J W - Odd tit-bits from Tichborne old church books
43738: WILLIAMS J - Lectionary reflections - Year A
80446: WILLIAMS D M - Psalms 1 - 72 (The Communicator's commentary 13)
20994: WILLIAMS H C N - Vision of Duty: sermons preached in Coventry Cathedral
20964: WILLIAMS D - God facts
4903: COVERDALE M & WILLIAMS R V - Three Choral Hymns: 1 Easter Hymn, 2 Christmas Hymn, 3 Whitsunday Hymn for baritone (or Tenor) solo, chorus (S.C.T.B.) and orchestra
43684: WILLIAMS R - God, actually: why God probably exists, why Jesus was probably divine and why the rational objections to religion are unconvincing
50342: WILLIAMS G - Welsh reformation essays
20995: WILLIAMS I - Baptistery, or The Way of Eternal Life
54578: WILLIAMS I - Autobiography of Isaac Williams
31537: WILLIAMS S N - Revelation and reconciliation: a window on modernity
31518: WILLIAMS R B - Religions of immigrants from India and Pakistan: new threads in the American tapestry
31434: WILLIAMS W W - Studies in St Bernard of Clairvaux
31144: WILLIAMS R - On Christian theology (Challenges in contemporary theology)
31132: WILLIAMS R - Lost icons: reflections on cultural bereavement
30336: WILLIAMS C - Image of the city and other essays: selected by Anne Ridler with a critical introduction
51668: WILLIAMS C S C - Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles (BNTC)
27114: WILLIAMS D - What is safe?: the risks of living in a nuclear age
54716: WILLIAMS R et al - Darkness yielding: angles on Christmas, Holy Week and Easter
59493: WILLIAMS R - Christian imagination in poetry and polity: some Anglican voices from Temple to Herbert
28016: WILLIAMS C S C - Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles (BNTC)
24235: MONIER-WILLIAMS M - Buddhism, in its connexion with Brahmanism & Hinduism, & in its contrast with Christianity
20981: WILLIAMS H A - God's wisdom in Christ's Cross
20984: WILLIAMS H A - Poverty, chastity and obedience: the true virtues
74244: WILLIAMS S - CATCH 22 AND A WAY OUT: the Catholic Church and contraception
74213: WILLIAMS E & M - GREAT DECISION: thirty-one devotional bible studies
54717: WILLIAMS R - Address given at the Annual General Meeting of the Alcuin Club by the Most Reverend Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury Lambeth Palace, Wednesday 20th May 2009
74239: WILLIAMS R R - BIBLE IN WORSHIP AND MINISTRY: the McMath Lectures, with other essays on biblical themes
55044: WILLIAMS J J - Christ died for our sins: representation and substitution in Romans and their jewish martyrological background
43477: WILLIAMS J - Marriage, Mitres and Being Myself
24636: WILLIAMS N - Cardinal and the secretary
22563: WILLIAMS R - Truce of God
21927: WILLIAMS H A - Jesus and the resurrection
53734: WILLIAMS I - Gospel narrative of the Holy Week: harmonized with reflections
21051: WILLIAMS W S - History of Acolytes and servers: and what they have done for the church down the centuries
21044: WILLIAMS R V - Magnificat: for contralto solo women's chorus and orchestra arrangement for flute obbligato and pianoforte
21045: WILLIAMS R V - O taste and see: a motet for unaccompanied S.S.A. choir with organ introduction
21048: WILLIAMS T - Form and vitality in the world and God
21050: WILLIAMS W - St Bernard: the man and his message
21024: WILLIAMS R - Resurrection: interpreting the Easter Gospel
21025: WILLIAMS R - Teresa of Avila (Outstanding Christian Thinkers series)
21031: WILLIAMS R M - British population
21032: WILLIAMS R R - Acts of the Apostles: (TBC)
21034: WILLIAMS R R - Authority in the apostolic age: with two essays on the modern problem of authority
21007: WILLIAMS J G - Worship and the modern child: a book for parents, clergy, and teachers
21008: WILLIAMS J R - Era of the spirit
21006: WILLIAMS J G - Where do I begin? a simple introduction to prayer
21000: WILLIAMS J G - Faith and the space age
21001: WILLIAMS J G - God - and his world: a book about worship, senior grade Sunday school lessons
21002: WILLIAMS J G - God and the human family
21003: WILLIAMS J G - Hungry world: the call for Christian Literature
21004: WILLIAMS J G - Mixed marriages between Anglicans and Roman Catholics
20998: WILLIAMS I - Gospel narrative of Our Lord's nativity: harmonized with reflections
20987: WILLIAMS H A - Tensions: necessary conflicts in life & love
20989: WILLIAMS H A - True to Experience: an anthology of the words and teaching of HA Williams edited by E Mable
20977: WILLIAMS H - My word: Christian preaching today
20957: WILLIAMS C - Passion of Christ: being the gospel and narrative of the passion with short passages taken from the saints and doctors of the church
20944: WILLIAMS A T P - Anglican tradition in the life of England
59581: WILLIAMS R - Bloudy tenent of persecution for cause of conscience discussed and Mr Cotton's letter examined and answered
54712: WILLIAMS R - Vocation: responding to the call of God's love (An address given to theological students at Westcott House) First published in 'Enounter and Exchange'
44457: WILLIAMS M E - Storyteller's companion to the Bible: Volume 1 Genesis:
36081: WILLIAMS M - Carmelite digest (vol 17 no 4 fall 2002 )
51234: WILLIAMS B & B - Forschung und technik: wissen fur kinder
35385: WILLIAMS I - Gospel narrative of Our Lord's Passion: harmonized with reflections
35386: WILLIAMS I - Gospel narrative of Our Lord's resurrection harmonized with reflections
35381: WILLIAMS I - Gospel narrative of Our Lord's nativity: harmonized with reflections
35384: WILLIAMS I - Gospel narrative of Our Lord's ministry (the third year) harmonized with reflections
34773: WILLIAMS C M - Review of the systems of ethics founded on the theory of evolution
39238: WILLIAMS M - This world is not my home: the origins and development of dispensationalism
35387: WILLIAMS I - Harmony of the Four Evangelists
35388: WILLIAMS I - Thoughts on the study of the Holy Gospels intended as an introduction to a harmony and commentary
52908: WILLIAMS R - Teresa of Avila (Outstanding Christian Thinkers series)
81147: WILLIAMS J G - Women recounted: narrative thinking and the God of Israel
81148: WILLIAMS H W - I couldn't call my life my own [Story of a Salvation Army Officer's world-wide medical missionary ministry]
81145: WILLIAMS N D - Lexicon for the poetical books
2849: BUCKLAND A R & WILLIAMS A L - Universal Bible Dictionary
35378: WILLIAMS I - Apocalypse with notes and reflections
35379: WILLIAMS I - Apocalypse with notes and reflections
40737: WILLIAMS D - Prayers for today's world
12376: MACLEAR G F & WILLIAMS W W - Introduction to the Articles of the C of E
33384: WILLIAMS M - Learning through experience (GP8)
71338: SANDAY W & WILLIAMS N - FORM AND CONTENT IN CHRISTIAN TRADITION: a friendly discussion between W Sanday and NP Williams
35358: WILLIAMS W W - Moral theology of the sacrament of penance
15802: PRICE-WILLIAMS D R - Introductory psychology: an approach for social workers
39901: WILLIAMS R - Life and letters of Rowland Williams with extracts from his note books, edited by his wife, in two volumes (VOLUME I ONLY)
49765: WILLIAMS D - Bond that breaks: will homosexuality split the church
74233: WILLIAMS P W - EVERLASTING SPRING: when a loved one dies
25243: WILLIAMS M - Understanding goegraphical and environmental education: the role of research
25072: WILLIAMS V - Towards self-managing schools: a secondary schools perspective (Education management series)
46178: WILLIAMS E - Keston parish: more pictures from the past
26011: WILLIAMS A - UK Government and politics
20996: WILLIAMS I - Cathedral or the Catholic and Apostolic Church in England (AMLTL)
21020: WILLIAMS N P - Miracles (Modern Oxford Tracts)
21011: WILLIAMS M - Double century: 200 Years of Cricket in The Times together with list of teams for match 22/06/85
80448: WILLIAMS D M - Psalms 73 - 150 (The Communicator's commentary 14)
81149: WILLIAMS E - History of Southlands College 1872-1972
35377: WILLIAMS I - Our Lord's Passion [6 vols of 8-vol set, Vols 1 & 8 missing) (Devotional commentary on the Gospel Narrative)
20961: WILLIAMS C S C - Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles (BNTC)
20963: WILLIAMS C W - Where in the world?: changing forms of the church's witness
44283: WILLIAMS C H - William Tyndale
35235: WILLIAMS D - New concise bible dictionary
53480: WILLIAMS G - Reformation views of church history (Ecumenical Studies in History)
36203: WILLIAMSON A W - Ideals of ministry [Front preliminary has inscription signed by author]
28890: WILLIAMSON L - Conceptual continuity: English is a silkworm
21058: WILLIAMSON H R - China among the nations (RBC 35)
49440: WILLIAMSON A - Missionary heroes in the islands of the Pacific
21054: WILLIAMSON H G M - 1 and 2 Chronicles (NCBC)
35588: WILLIAMSON R - Epistle to the Hebrews
81551: FRIEDMAN R E & WILLIAMSON H G M - Future of Biblical studies: the Hebrew scriptures (SBL Semeia studies)
21055: WILLIAMSON H G R - Water at Whitsun: poems
37115: WILLIAMSON R - Indoor photography by artificial light
25786: WILLIAMSON D - Most diplomatic general: the life of General Lord Robertson of Oakridge
27285: CARTER M & WILLIAMSON D - Quantitative modelling for management and business: a problem-centred approach (floppy disc included)
36202: WILLIAMSON A W - Person of Christ in the faith of the church (The fifteenth series of the Croall Lectures)
44978: WILLIAMSON G - Reader's guide to T S Eliot: poem by poem analysis
5540: DEANESLY M & WILLIS G G - Anglican-Methodist Unity: some considerations historical & liturgical
36198: WILLIS E F - Worship of the Old Covenant: considered more especially in relation to that of the new
5541: DEANESLY M & WILLIS G G - Anglican-Methodist Unity: some considerations historical & liturgical
74273: WILLMER H - 20/20 VISIONS: the futures of Christianity in Britain
21077: WILLMOTT A - Christian approach to national defence
55264: WILLOCK C - Rod pole and perch: a field guide to anglers (illustrated by Thelwell)
74270: WILLOUGHBY R - GROWING WITH GOD: know your Bible through the year
74271: WILLOWS H - GUIDE TO WORSHIP IN CENTRAL LONDON compiled by The London Central YMCA Places of Worship Research Team
22899: WILLS G - Knowledge game: revolution in learning and communication in the workplace
27501: WILLS G - English furniture 1760-1900
36574: WILLS G - Papal sin: structures of deceit (Bound Galley)
40669: WILLS E - School assemblies for 5-7's: ideas for a thematic approach to worship for younger children
21074: WILLSON M - What Mass means to me
14773: ORTUZAR J de D & WILLUMSEN L G - Modelling Transport (Second Edition)
51460: WILMORE J A - Wilmore's new analytical reference Bible containing four invaluable aids to the porper study of the word of God: Holy Bible with marginal notes and analytical references, comprehensive Bible helps, the whole Bible arranged in subjects and Cruden's concordance to the Bible illustarted with maps and engravings,
37247: EARDLEY-WILMOT S - Our flags: their origin, use, and traditions
25934: WILMOT S - Ethics of community care
80905: WILMS F-E - Das Tier: Mitgeschopt Gott oder Damon
48269: GARTON R J & WILSON J - Constructive thought and prayer with notes on how to start the ministry of healing: four articles for a church magazine
46814: WILSON A - Seasonal carols old and new Volume 1 Advent composed/arranged by Alan Wilson for Choir and Organ/Piano or unaccompanied choir
36211: WILSON F E - Divine commission: a sketch of church history
52069: WILSON D - King and the gentleman: Charles Stuart and Oliver Cromwell 1599-1649
49444: WILSON J - Faith of an artist
48502: WILSON A - Planning approach to library management
21091: WILSON A - Worcester Service: for Double S.A.T.B. choir (Unaccompanied)
74337: WILSON R - CHANGING CHINA: opening windows to the West
74339: WILSON T - ALL ONE BODY: Bishops of the Anglican church speak of Christian faith and action in different parts of the world today
25159: REVELL J & WILSON K - Cross country: Teacher's book 3
16818: ROUTLEY E & WILSON J - Hymns for celebration: a supplement for use at Holy Communion today
74331: WILSON K - EXPERIENCE OF ORDINATION a Symposium by Tony Barnard, David Bridge, Donald English, Peter Hebblethwaite, Ruth Mathews, Mary Tanner & Kenneth Wilson
19657: HEARDSON T & WILSON T - Two short seventeenth Ccntury anthems: for S.A.T.B. with optional organ or pianoforte accompaniment 1. Almighty God we beseech thee 2. Behold, now praise the Lord edited by Maurice Bevan
58432: WILSON K - Making sense of it: an essay in philosophical theology
54336: FERNANDEZ-ARMESTO F & WILSON D - Reformation; Christianity and the world 1500 - 2000
29667: WILSON B - Memoir of the life of William White, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Pennsylvania
28188: WILSON M - Oasis [Liam and Noel Gallagher and their rock band] (Livewire real lives)
28189: WILSON M - Everton [the famous football club] (Livewire real lives)
21728: SHARP J C & WILSON J - Life is for everyone: a source book for church services
74289: WILSON B - HUMAN JOURNEY Christianity and modern consciousness
51626: WILSON T - Short and plain instruction for the better understanding of the Lord's supper
21529: YOUNG F M & WILSON K - Focus on God
21144: WILSON R F - Life of S. Vincent de Paul with an appendix containing some of his letters edited with an introduction
21137: WILSON M - Rural Spirit: language of the earth and sky
21139: WILSON R - Old Testament for modern explorers: notes on the book of books
21126: WILSON J - Language and Christian belief
21129: WILSON J - Reason and morals
21134: WILSON J M - Sermons preached in Clifton College Chapel 1879-1883
21135: WILSON M - Church is healing (RBC 175)
21097: WILSON A N - Jesus
21098: WILSON A - Emancipating the professions: marketing opportunities from de-regulation
21099: WILSON B - Contemporary transformations of religion: (Riddell Memorial lectures 45th Series delivered at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne on 2,3,4 December 1974)
21106: WILSON D F - School of Manhood
21107: WILSON D M - Triumph over fear
21115: WILSON H - No small change: a parish study guide in five parts
21117: WILSON H - Women Priests? Yes now!
21092: WILSON A N - Against religion (CounterBlasts No 19)
21088: WILSON A - Our faith is a light: for soprano solo, S.A.T.B. choir and organ
21089: WILSON A - Praesentia Dei: for unaccompanied choir (SSAATTBB with divisions)
21087: WILSON A - Missa Sancti Petri: for S.A.T.B. choir and organ (Vocal Score)
21078: WILSON A - Bow Bells Mass (melody only)
21080: WILSON A - Christus Rex: canticles for morning and evening prayer Volume VI [Full music edition]
21082: WILSON A - Christus Rex: canticles for morning and evening prayer Volume V [Full music edition]
21084: WILSON A - Magnificat and nunc dimittis: (The Norwich Service) for S.A.T.B. choir and organ with optional second keyboard
21086: WILSON A - Mass of the Holy Trinity: the Norwich Mass for S.A.T.B. choir, organ and synthesizers
59437: WILSON D [ATHERSTONE] - Journal of Bishop Daniel Wilson of Calcutta 1845-1857 edited by Andrew Atherstone
27382: WILSON F - Ten simple sailing models
44594: FERNANDEZ-ARMESTO F & WILSON D - Reformation; Christianity and the world 1500 - 2000
34762: WILSON W - Christian art since the Romantic Movement (Faith & Fact Books 123)
34756: WILSON W E - Our response to God (Swarthmore Lecture 1935)
81773: HOOKER M D & WILSON S G - Paul and Paulinism: essays in honour of C K Barrett
28466: WILSON M - Linford Christie (Livewire Real Lives)
80859: MARYON-WILSON P - Whom the Lord hath redeemed
80861: MARYON-WILSON P - Caritas Christi: retreat addresses
82105: WILSON E - Scrolls from the Dead Sea
21149: WILSON W E - Essential Christianity
26370: WILSON K - Fastlane 2: teacher's book
36155: WILSON T - Works of the Right Reverend Thomas Wilson DD Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man in 7 volumes bound as 8 volumes. Lacks Vol 1 Life by Keble (LACT)
36056: WILSON H S - Church on the move quest to affirm the biblical faith - essays in honour of Peddi Victor Premasagar Bishop in Medak & Moderator of the C S I
74326: WILSON J - REDEMPTION OF THE COMMON LIFE [For confirmation candidates and all concerned with church and parish]
56217: WILSON J M - Three lectures on St Theresa
82706: LONG I & WILSON P - Blob Bible
21150: WILSON W G - Why no women priests?
41103: WILSON B S [Krych] - Ministry of children's education: foundations, contexts, and practices
37798: WILSON A - Celebration of Holy Communion on Good Friday: the rule of the Church of England
82999: WILSON H H - Introduction to the grammar of the Sanskrit language for the use of early students
43454: WILSON W - Old Testament World Studies
49744: WILSON B - Can God survive in Australia
49443: WILSON J - Reason and morals
47916: TAYLOR K N & WILSON G M - Words of wisdom from living psalms and proverbs
36150: WILSON T - Works of the Right Reverend Thomas Wilson DD Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man in 8 volumes with his life compiled from authentic papers by Rev C Cruttwell
60527: WILSON C V - Westminster concise handbook for the bible
46756: WILSON A - Old men at the zoo
36199: WILSON D - I am with you: an introduction to the religious education of the mentally handicapped
27916: WILTON T - Good for you: a handbook on lesbian health and wellbeing
80908: WIMBUSH V L - Rhetorics of resistance: a colloguy on Early Christianity as rhetorical formation Semeia 79
25722: WINBOLT B - Freelancing in Europe: a guide for photographers
21160: WINCKWORTH P - Sensible Christians: an appeal to the younger generation by the youngest member of the House of Laity
37673: WINER G B - Treatise on the grammar of New Testament Greek, regarded as a sure basis for New Testament exegesis, translated from the W F Moulton
23554: FUNG YUI-WING - Victim and victimizer: Joseph's interpretation of his destiny (JSOTSS 308)
74351: WINGATE A - FREE TO BE: discovering the God of freedom
21164: WINGATE A - Encounter in the Spirit: Muslim-Christian meetings in Birmingham
80351: WINGREN G - Living word: a theological study of preaching and the church (Preacher's Library)
46585: WINICK C - Dictionary of anthropology (Students Outline Series)
44928: WINK W - Human being: Jesus and the enigma of the Son of Man
30317: WINKLER M - Festtage
36307: WINKLES - Architectural and picturesque illustrations of the Cathedral churches of England and Wales (VOLUME II ONLY), drawings made from sketches... by Robert Garland with an historical & descriptive account
80909: WINN A C - Ain't gonna study war no more: Biblical ambiguity and the abolition of war
21173: WINN A C - Acts of the Apostles (LBC)
21187: WINSEN G, BOURITIUS G & BUYS J - Novella Ecclesiae Germina: growing churches as a task and a problem of the contemporary missionary situation
80911: WINSLOW D F - Thomas Erskine: advocate for the character of God
74360: WINSTANLEY M - COME AND SEE: an exploration into Christian discipleship
51207: WINSTON R P - Seeds of change
21195: WINSTONE H - Pastoral liturgy: a symposium
39441: WINTER D - Hope in the wilderness
59601: WINTER N - High holy days (JPS Popular Judaica Library)
29686: WINTER M T - WomanWitness: a feminist lectionary and psalter, women of the Hebrew Scriptures Part 2
21200: WINTER D - Hope in captivity: the prophetic Church in Latin America
74409: WINTER D - WITH JESUS IN THE UPPER ROOM [Forty gospel reflections for Lent and Easter]
21205: WINTER G - Social ethics
21208: WINTER M - Mission resumed?: written as a sequel to the author's 'Mission or maintenance' dor the RC Nation Pastoral Congress
21198: WINTER D - Ground of truth: a laymans introduction to the C of E based on the Revised Catechism
18407: WINTER D - Cross and the Sickle: Christianity and Communism today
80924: WINTER D - In the footsteps of Jesus: explorations and reflections in the land of the Holy One
80925: WINTER B W - Philo and Paul among the Sophists (Society for New Testament Studies: Monograph Series 96)
52890: THIESSEN G & WINTER D - Kriterienfrage in der Jesusforschung: vom differenzkriterium zum plausibilitatskriterium (Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus)
50313: WINTER D - Old words new life: reflections on 40 key old testament words
43431: WINTER D - Seasons of the Son: Journey through the Christian Year
21203: WINTER D - What's in a word?: 40 words of Jesus for the 40 days of lent
36226: WINTER E - Price you pay: stories by Ellen Winter
21211: WINTERBORN B - Changing scenes
21212: WINTERS Y - In defense of reason, ""Primitivism & decadence"", ""Maule's curse"", ""The anatomy of nonsense"" & ""The significance of the bridge
33648: WINTLE J - Dragon's almanac: Chinese, Japanese and other Far Eastern proverbs
21213: WINTON E H - Position and parties of the English Church: pastoral letter to the clergy of the diocese of Winchester
50809: WINTON A P - Proverbs of Jesus: issues of history and rhetoric (JSNTS 35)
46590: WINTON J R - Dictionary of economic terms
49934: WINWARD S - Guide to the prophets
21724: ROBINSON G & WINWARD S - The Christian's conduct: practical answers to modern problems
31452: WINYARD T - Priory Church of St Bartholomew the Great (founded 1123 AD): the oldest parish church in London [Guide book]
49452: WIRE A C - Corinthian women prophets: a reconstruction through Paul's rhetoric
74380: WIRT S E - SPIRITUAL POWER: classic writings of nineteenth-century spirituality to inspire and help the twentieth-century reader
34761: WIRT S E - Social conscience of the Evangelical
23582: SCHULZE H -J & WIRTH W - Who cares? Social Service organizations and their users
50098: WISDOM J - Problems of mind and matter
47596: WISE M J - Birmingham and its regional setting: a scientific survey
21223: WISE M et al - Dead Sea Scrolls: a new translation
27219: WISEMAN J - History of the British pig
29365: GARNSWORTHY P C & WISEMAN J - Recent advances in animal nutrition: 1998
36225: WISEMAN M - Action songs for the Church's nursery
21224: WISEMAN D J - Illustrations from biblical archaeology
21226: WISEMAN F L - Charles Wesley: evangelist and poet
21228: WITCHER G - Junior assemblies
21230: WITCUTT W P - Return to Reality
36224: WITCUTT W P - Rise and fall of the individual
82813: WITHERIDGE J - Frank Fletcher 1870-1954: a formidable headmaster
17128: WITHERINGTON - Living word of God
44264: SHANKS H & WITHERINGTON B - Brother of Jesus: the dramatic story and meaning of the first archaeological link to Jesus and his family
54602: WITHERS M - Welcome to the Lord's table: preparing children for Holy Communion
38507: WITHERS M - Fired up not burnt out: effective children's leadership for today's church
21236: WITHERSPOON A M - Common errors in English: and how to avoid them
36223: WITHEY D A - Preparing to be a minister of Holy Communion
80920: WITHROW L - Seasons of prayer: resources for worship
81072: WITSCHORIK C A - Preaching power: gender, politics, and official Catholic Church discourses in Mexico City 1720-1875
59511: WITSIUS H - Sacred dissertations on what is commonly called the Apostle's Creed (2 Volumes): translated form the Latin and followed with notes critical and explanatory by Donald Fraser
18960: WITTS F E [Verey] - Diary of a Cotswold Parson 1783-1854
21242: WITVLIET T - Place in the sun: an introduction to Liberation Theology in the Third World
40204: SCHONBERGER A & WOECKEL G - Ignaz Gunther
26295: WOGAMAN J P - Christian method of moral judgement
21245: WOGAMAN J P - Christian perspectives on politics
21246: WOGAMAN J P - Christians and the great economic debate
39155: WOGAMAN J P - Christian ethics: a historical introduction
19810: VAN WOLDE E - Mr and Mrs Job
31964: WOLF W J - Spirit of Anglicanism: Hooker, Maurice, Temple by W J Wolf, J E Booty and O C Thomas
7339: FUGGETTA A & WOLF A - Software process (Trends in software series)
74419: WOLFE R E - MEN OF PROPHETIC FIRE [Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah, Second Isaiah, Jonah]
49448: WOLFE M - Hadj: a pilgrimage to Mecca
12299: WOLFE H - Augustan books of English poetry a religious anthology (second series)
80916: WOLFF H W - Micah the prophet
57641: DYOS H J & WOLFF M - Victorian City: images and realities - Volume II Shapes on the ground/A change of accent
21258: WOLFF H W - Dodekapropheton 2 Joel und Amos (Biblischer Kommentar Band XIV/2)
81410: SCHUMANN E H & WOLFF G M - German short stories of today
21257: WOLFF H W - Dodekapropheton 1 Hosea (Biblischer Kommentar Altes Testament Band XIV/1)
81955: WOLFF H W - Joel and Amos (Hermeneia)
31927: DAVIES J & WOLLASTON i - Sociology of Sacred Texts
82719: WOLMAR C - Blood iron and gold: how the railways transformed the world
21265: WOLMER, Viscount - Freedom of the Kirk: a record of the legal steps by which the established Church of Scotland attained to its present position of liberty
21349: WOLSEY T [Woolley] - York Provinciale put forth by Thomas Wolsey in the year 1518 ed & trans by R M Woolley, Latin/English on facing pp, double pagination
21268: WOLTERSTORFF N - Lament for a son
58303: WOLTERSTORFF N - Educating for responsible action
21270: WOMEN - Women in the priesthood?: reflections of a group of theologians
80575: THOMAS O C & WONDRA E K - Introduction to theology
25941: CHONG W M & WONG K C - Survival kit for MRCP Part 2
80910: WOOD J A - Perspectives on war in the Bible
43592: WOOD M - Leading the Jesus way: Church leadership and managing your life
21298: WOOD H G - Truth and error of communism
43640: WOOD K - Girls for God: soul perspectives
14911: WOOD A [Clark] - Survey of the Antiquities of the City of Oxford: composed in 1661-6 by Anthony Wood edited by Andrew Clark, 2 volumes of 3-volume set (lacks vol 3 Addenda & Indexes)
30188: WOOD A - War in Europe 1939-45 (Seminar Studies in History)
29634: WOOD C M - Formation of Christian understanding: an essay in theological hermeneutics
23369: WOOD S - Scottish life: 1750 to recent times
53765: WAWN C & WOOD D - In search of Andalucia: a historical geographical observation: the Malaga seaboard
57482: WOOD L - Survey of Israel's history
21296: WOOD H G - Frederick Denison Maurice
21287: WOOD E - Whosoever will: quincunqe vult
21293: WOOD H G - Christianity and civilisation
21282: WOOD C L - Some remarks: on the mutual relations beween the Episcopate and their clergy
21285: WOOD C T - Death and beyond: a study of Hebrew and Christian conceptions of the life to come
59057: WOOD H G - Truth and error of communism
21280: WOOD C L [Viscount Halifax] - Some reasons for desiring the use of the liturgy of 1549
25874: WOOD S - Germany, Europe and the persistence of nations: transformation, interests and identiry, 1989-1996
14555: NUNNERLEY P & WOOD R - Banners around the world
51227: KELSEY-WOOD D - Burmese cat
50312: WOOD J - Celts: life myth and art
74439: WOOD A S - FOR ALL SEASONS: sermons for the Christain Year
82614: WOOD D - Christianity and Judaism: papers read at 1991 Summer meeting and 1992 Winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society (Studies in Church History volume 29)
21301: WOOD J D - Interpretation of the Bible: a historical intro (ST54)
57598: WOOD J H - Condensed history of the General Baptists of the New Connexion preceded by historical sketches of the early Baptists
26309: WOOD L - Mazes and mandalas
48678: WOOD J H - Money and output: Keynes and Friedman in historical perspective: an inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Birmingham on 21 March 1972
44255: SHEILS W J & WOOD D - Ministry: Clerical and lay (Studies in Church History 26)
74438: WOOD A S - AND WITH FIRE: messages on revival
55387: WOODBRIDGE J - Listen to me: New Testament newly translated for the 1990's
57463: WOODBRIDGE J D et al - The gospel in America: themes in the story of America's evangelicals
44901: CARSON D A & WOODBRIDGE J D - Hermeneutics authority and canon
67031: KOENIG-BRICKER Woodeene - 365 SAINTS: your daily guide to the wisdom and wonder of their lives
21320: WOODGATE M V - Abbé Edgeworth 1745-1807
59198: RIIS O & WOODHEAD L - Sociology of religious emotion
48573: WOODHOUSE P - With you is the well of life: prayers from the depths of the heart
53736: WOODLOCK F - Modernism and the Christian church: three Farm Street lectures to which is added a chapter on the problem and the porpects of Christian reunion
35077: WOODRUFF B J - Wiltshire villages (Photographs by the author and Patricia M Woodruff)
57384: WOODS F T - What is God like? An attempt at an answer
28095: WOODS L - Reading 1: (foundation skills series)
21329: WOODS G F - Defence of theological ethics (Hulsean Lectures 1964)
21330: WOODS G F - Theological explanation: a study of the meaning and means of explaining in science, history, and theology, based upon the Stanton Lectures... Cambridge 1953-1956
46120: WOODWARD L - Prelude to modern Europe 1815 - 1914
57259: WOODWARD H H - Office for the Holy Communion (in D) {Parish Choir Book 1312]
53686: WOODWARD E L - French revolutions
21335: WOODWARD C S - On co-operation between clergy and doctors: anxiety problems and sick visiting
21336: WOODWARD E - Poets prophets and pragmatists: a new challenge to religious life
26019: WOODWARD P - Festivals in world religions
46385: WOODWARD E L - Short journey
34533: WOODWARD J - Encountering illness: voices in pastoral and theological perspective
49073: MICKLETHWAIT J & WOOLDRIDGE A - God is back: how the global rise of faith is changing the world
27162: WARNER A &WOOLEY S - Far beyond the bottom line: story of the stock exchange jungle
38653: WOOLFENDEN G - Daily prayer in Christian Spain: a study of the Mozarabic Office (Alcuin Club Collections 76)
22158: WOOLLEY P - Significance of J Gresham Machen today
74473: WOOLLEY H C - KEY TO THE RIDDLE OF THE UNIVERSE (contains a letter and a compliments card from the author)
36229: WOOLLEY R M - Bread of the Eucharist (Alcuin Club Tract X)
32343: WOOLLEY R M - Coptic Offices translated by R M Woolley (Translations of Christian literature Series III-Liturgical texts)
21350: WOOLMER J - Growing up to Salvation
27775: WOOLRYCH A - Battles of the English civil war (British battles series)
21352: WORBOYS A - Shifting sands large print novel
15231: PAVITT K & WORBOYS M - Science, technology and the modern industrial state
21358: WORD - Word made flesh: gospel discoveries
47158: WORDEN B - Stuart England
21362: WORDS - Words of encouragement: the sayings of Jesus
19064: THEIR WORDS - Their words my thoughts (with music melody only)
51653: WORDSWORTH C - Lectures on the Apocalypse: critical, expository and practical delivered before the University of Cambridge being the Hulsean lectures for the year 1848
26696: WORDSWORTH J - Holy Communion: four visitation addresses AD 1891
29790: WORDSWORTH - Poetry of Wordsworth selected and edited by T Crehan
29791: WORDSWORTH J - Holy Communion: four visitation addresses AD 1891
29745: OVERTON J H & WORDSWORTH E - Christopher Wordsworth Bishop of Lincoln 1807-1885
29971: WORDSWORTH C - Notes on mediaeval services in England, with an index of Lincoln ceremonies
51650: WORDSWORTH C - Diary in France mainly on topics concerning Education and the Church
51651: WORDSWORTH C - Journal of a tour in Italy with reflections on the present condition and prospects of religion in that country in 2 volumes
21381: WORDSWORTH W - Poetical Works of William Wordsworth: with intro and notes edited by Thomas Hutchinson
21382: WORDSWORTH W - Poetry selected & edited by T Crehan
21375: WORDSWORTH J - Ministry of Grace: studies in early church history with reference to present problems
21379: WORDSWORTH W - Anthology
21365: WORDSWORTH C - Diocesan Addresses delivered at his Third Triennial Visitation in the Year 1876
21367: WORDSWORTH C - Scholae Academicae: some account of the studies at the English Universities in the 18th Century
21371: WORDSWORTH C - Theophilus Anglicanus or Manual Instruction on the Church and the Anglican branch of it
21374: WORDSWORTH J - Holy Communion: four visitation addresses AD 1891
52389: WORDSWORTH C - Ecclesiastical Commission and the Universities: a letter to a friend
36453: WORDSWORTH C - Christian institutes, complete in four volumes: a series of discourses and tracts, selected, arranged systematically, and illustrated with notes [UK Postage £7.50, Please ask for overseas price, weight 4kg]
46663: WORDSWORTH W - Poetical works of William Wordsworth
21380: WORDSWORTH W - Poetical Works of William Wordsworth: with intro and notes edited by Thomas Hutchinson
36494: WORDSWORTH W - Wordsworth poems in two volumes 1807
58381: WORDWRIGHTS - Eyewitness account: true stories from those who were there
58436: WORK T - Deuteronomy (SCM theological commentary on the Bible)
55652: WORK T - Living and active: scripture in the economy of salvation
43666: LIFE & WORK - Life and work crossword collection: 100 crosswords
24237: WORKMAN G C - Servant of Jehovah or the passion-prophecy of scripture analysed & elucidated
58321: WORKMAN H B - Martyrs of the early Church
40670: WORKMAN H B - Church of the West in the Middle Ages in 2 volumes (Books for Bible Students)
19480: TOWNSEND W J & WORKMAN H B - New history of Methodism in 2 vols [additional postage of £2.75 required as these heavy volumes weighing 2.75kg]
26648: WORKMAN H B - John Wyclif: a study of the English medieval church (Volime I only)
52122: WORLEY G - Jeremy Taylor: a sketch of his life and times with a popular exposition of his works
74494: WORLOCK D - TURN AND TURN AGAIN: an anthology for today
21392: WORLOCK D - Give me your hand
41043: WORNER P - Calling of Wenceslas: a play in three acts
21395: WORRALL B G - Making of the Modern Church Christianity in England since 1800
37854: CHRISTIAN WORSHIP - Christian worship: presentation words edition in dark green slipcase
22466: WORSHIP - Worship: its social significance by Fr Tribe, AH Rees, E deG Lucas, EL Mascall, VA Demant, H McGowan & JS Bezzant
21399: WORSLEY P - Introducing sociology
21402: WORSLEY P - Problems of modern society: a sociological perspective
49179: REEVES M & WORSLEY J - Favourite hymns: 200 years of Magnificat
21404: WORTH K - Samuel Beckett's theatre: life journeys
31963: WORTHING M W - God, creation and contemporary physics (Theology and the sciences)
40338: WORTMAN M - Theory of creation in Israel [Hebrew text]: Vol. I: the theory of creation according to the Old Testament
19792: VAN DER WOUDE A S - World of the Bible (Bible handbook volume I)
80967: WREDE W - Authenticity of the Second Letter to the Thessalonians
44171: WREN B - Praying twice: the music and words of congregational song
54709: WREN B - What language shall I borrow? God talk in worship: a male response to feminist theology
25551: WREN W - Get Level 4: English (KS2 SATS revision)
49447: WREN B - Piece together praise: a theological journey
28548: WREN D - Dear Mr Willis: the life of G W Willis, Freeman of Basingstoke and founder of the Willis Museum
58022: WRIGHT F H - Temptation: being contemplations on the wilderness temptation of the Lord Jesus christ
81104: WRIGHT C J H - Walking in the ways of the Lord: ethical authority of the Old Testament This is the same copy as 11136 which is up on Abe & Ant: if sold cancel other listing!
32611: WRIGHT T - Paul for everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians
32614: WRIGHT T - Matthew for everyone: Part 2: Chapters 16-28
43414: WRIGHT T - Cross and the Colliery
80505: WRIGHT R - Christ our love for all seasons: the liturgy of the hours for everyone
43512: WRIGHT V - Maid in God's image: in search of the unruly woman
50988: WRIGHT J & WRIGHT E M - Elementary old English grammar
28067: BORG M & WRIGHT N T - Meaning of Jesus: two visions
24236: WRIGHT C H H - Book of Isaiah & other historical studies
74510: WRIGHT C J - JESUS THE REVELATION OF GOD: His mission and message according to St John
55510: PERKINS A & WRIGHT V - Healing priesthood: women's voices worldwide
31073: WRIGHT C J H - Human rights: a study in biblical themes (GE31)
27811: CRIMP M & WRIGHT L T - Marketing research process
56198: WRIGHT W P - Cassell's popular gardening (4 volume set): an illustrated cultural guide for amateur and professional gardeners No additional UK postage. For overseas please ask for a quote
21422: WRIGHT D F - Essays in evangelical social ethics
21425: WRIGHT F - Pastoral nature of the ministry
33910: WRIGHT T - Paul for everyone: Romans Part 1 Chapters 1-8
83623: RATCLIFFE E E & WRIGHT P A - Royal Maundy: a brief outline of its history and ceremonial
34744: WRIGHT C J - Comenius and the church universal (Moravians)
82502: WRIGHT N T - Challenge of Jesus: rediscovering who Jesus was and is
36253: WRIGHT A - Court-hand restored: or the student's assistant in reading old deeds, charters, records etc... describing the Old aw hands... with an appendix containing ancient names of places in GB & Ireland, alphabetical table of ancient surnames & glossography of Latin words...
74540: WRIGHT H N - PERFECT CATCH: lessons for life from a bass fisherman
49230: ANDERSON A & WRIGHT A - Nursery zoo: second cage contains the Cuddly-kitty but it only really contains her when no strange dogs are in the house
26591: SANDERS J O & WRIGHT J S - Some modern religions
37129: WRIGHT T - Judas and the gospel of Jesus: understanding a newly discovered ancient text and its contemporary significance
61951: CAPPS W H & WRIGHT W M - Silent fire: invitation to Western Mysticism
34125: WRIGHT J S - Building of the second temple
42145: WRIGHT W M - Rising: living the mysteries of Lent, Easter and Pentecost
51487: WRIGHT T - Acts for everyone: Part 1 Chapters 1 - 12
43624: TUTTLE E & WRIGLEY D - Walking with God: prayers and meditations for today
51303: WROBLEWSKI S - Christ-centred spirituality
34439: WUEDERKEHR M - Seasons of your heart: prayers and reflections
42023: WURTHWEIN E - Text of the Old Testament: an introduction to the Biblia Hebraica
80930: WURTHWEIN E - Der Text des Alten Testaments: eine einfuhrung in die Bibli Hebraica von Rudolf Kittel mit 40 Abbildungen
40660: WURTHWEIN E - Weisheit Agyptens und das Alte Testament: rede zur Rektorasubergabe am 29 Nobember 1958 (Schriften der Philipps-Universitat Marburg 6)
74579: WUTHNOW R - CHRISTIANITY AND CIVIL SOCIETY: the contemporary debate
80932: WYATT M - Outcasts of the rubbish-dumps: the story of Sister Emmanuelle (Faith in action series)
45658: WYATT R - School of supernatural
57861: WYATT N - Religious texts from Ugarit: the words of Ilimilku and his colleagues (Biblical seminar 53)
54246: WYBREW H - Orthodox liturgy: the development of the Eucharistic Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite
59055: WYCHERLEY R N - Pageantry of the Methodist Union: being a pictorial record of events leading up to and consummating in the Historic Uniting Conference of 1932
74581: WYE W - PRIDE O' SCOTLAND: Scots - English parallel of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John
21472: WYLIE W P - Confession of Sexual Sin
74583: WYLIE S J - NEW PATTERNS FOR CHRISTIAN ACTION: how Christians here and abroad are meeting the challenge of secularism
21474: WYMER N - Dr Arnold of Rugby
48564: WYNN M - Fatherless families: a study of families deprived of a father by death, divorce separation or desertion before or after marriage
21476: WYNN J C - Pastoral ministry to families
49869: WYNN B - Life in the spirit
74584: WYNNE C W - DAVID & BATHSHUA: a drama in 5 acts (Dedication from author on front epp)
54209: WYNNE M - Tony's chums
53183: MORGAN-WYNNE J E - Paul's Pisidian Antioch speech: Acts 13
21477: WYNNEJONES P - Children, death & bereavement
36266: WYON O - Grace of the Passion (St Giles Lectures 1958)
54109: WYON O - School of prayer
32618: WYSCHOGROD E - Saints and postmodernism: revisioning moral philosophy
49807: XENOPHON [Phillpotts & Jerram] - Selections adapted from Xenophon
52131: BENEDICT XVI - Porta Fidei: Benedict XVI motu propria data for the indiction of the year of faith
70228: JOHN XXIII - DAYS OF DEVOTION: daily meditations from the Good Shepherd
21487: YABLONSKY L - Violent gang
83900: YAHUDA A S - Language of the Pentateuch in its relation to Egyptian with Hieroglyphic appendix Volume I (no other volumes published)
57976: YAMANE D - Becoming Catholic: finding Rome in the American religious landscape
21490: YAMAUCHI E - Stones and the scriptures
30558: YANCEY P - Reaching for the invisible God: what can we expect to find?
52338: YANCEY P - What good is God?: on the road with stories of grace
7140: PEARLMAN M & YANNAI Y - Historical sites in Israel
56013: YAPP N - Daily life in the age of chivalry
82263: KOSTENBERGER A J & YARBROUGH R W - Understanding the times: New Testament studies in the 21st Century
81033: FINLAY T D & YARCHIN W - Genre of biblical commentary: essays in honor of John E Hartley on the occasion of his 75th birthday
34490: YARNOLD E - Awe-inspiring rites of initiation: origins of the R.C.I.A.
21499: YARNOLD G D - By what authority?: studies in the relations of scripture, church, and ministry
31323: YARNOLD E - Time for God: guidelines for a full-time or part-time retreat [previously published in 1984 under title Eight days with the Lord]
21501: YARNOLD G D - Risen indeed: studies in the Lord's Resurrection
21498: YARNOLD G D - Bread which we break
21500: YARNOLD G D - Christianity and physical science
39239: YARNOLD G D - Moving image: science and religion, time and eternity
59121: YATES T - Christian mission in the twentieth century
50321: YATES F A - Ideas and ideals in the North European Renaissance: collected essays Volume III
35288: YATES R - Epistle to the Colossians (Epworth commentaries)
17352: SCHNEIDER H-J & YATSIMIRSKY A - Principles and Methods in Supramolecular Chemistry
55459: YAZIGI J [BISHOP OF PYRGOU] - Introduction to the Liturgical Families and Rites
3899: CHRISTIAN YEAR - Christian Year in The Times: a selection of Saturday articles from ""The Times"" arranged in the order of the Christian Calendar
50210: YEATMAN P - Records of the Borough of Chesterfield: being a series of extracts from the archives of the Corporation of Chesterfield and of other repositories
8268: YEATS C - Morality and economic sanctions (GE 76)
21513: YEAXLEE B A - Religion and the growing mind
80927: YEE G A - Composition and tradition in the Book of Hosea: a redaction critical investigation (SBL Dissertation Series 102)
21516: YELVERTON E E - Manual of Olavus Petri 1529
22828: YING C - Essential evidence
80939: YODER C R - Wisdom as a woman of substance: a socioeconomic reading of Proverbs 1-9 and 31:10-13 (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die altestamentliche Wissenschaft; Bd. 304)
55458: YOLEN J - Ring out: a book of bells
36269: YONGE C M - Eighteen centuries of beginnings of church history
21522: YONGE C M - Dove in the Eagles nest
40925: YORK, Diocese - Calling all churchpeople: with introductory foreword by Most Reverend Cyril Garbett
27062: HESKETH B & YORKE I - Introduction to ENG [electronic news gathering]
50109: YOUNG P D - Feminist theology, Christian theology: in search of method
21533: YOUNG F M - Dare we speak of God in Public?: (Edward Cadbury Lectures 1993-1994)
21534: YOUNG F M - First Studies in New Testament Greek with notes on Mark 1-9
58139: YOUNG J M L - Two empires in Japan: a record of Church-State conflict
29713: YOUNG E J - Study of Old Testament theology to-day
29687: YOUNG F M - Sacrifice and the death of Christ
28226: PECK D YOUNG P - God has ears: a spiritual journey
21549: YOUNG R W - Everybody's world
57379: YOUNG I R - Relations of East and West since the great schism
53678: YOUNG A - Travels in France and Italy during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789
59054: YOUNG K - Chapel: the joyous days and prayerful nights of the nonconformists in their heyday circa 1850 - 1950
24638: YOUNG M B - Richard Wilton: a forgotten Victorian
31095: YOUNG F M - Sacrifice and the death of Christ
21550: YOUNG T - Open Door
21539: YOUNG F M - Sacrifice and the death of Christ
21540: YOUNG F M - Use of Sacrificial ideas in Greek Christian Writers from the New Testament to John Chrysostom (Patristic Monograph series no.5)
21547: YOUNG R - Analytical Concordance to the Holy Bible [8th ed revised]
21532: YOUNG F M - Critic and the visionary: an inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Birmingham May 5th 1987
21531: YOUNG F M - Can these dry bones live?
21530: YOUNG F M - Art of performance: towards a theology of holy scripture
80401: YOUNG D - F D Maurice and unitarianism
36728: YOUNG J - Creating confidence in evangelism: a master photocopy book to help your church in the decade of evangelism
36727: YOUNG J - Practical ideas in evangelism: a master photocopy book to help your church in the decade of evangelism
23311: YOUNG R et al - Introducing government
80936: YOUNG F M - Theology of the Pastoral Letters (New Testament Theology)
83894: YOUNG K - Drama of the Medieval Church matching set of 2 volumes, Oxford Clarendon Press 1933 1st printing weighs 3kg without packing overseas economy service 27.00 GBP insurance and tracking extra please ask, UK post £8
39883: YOUNG J - Violence of God and the war of terror
81213: VICKERS J & YOUNG B - Methodist guide to London and the South-East
45120: YOUNG A - Travels in France: during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789
80938: YOUNG C R - Music of the heart: John and Charles Wesley on Music and Musicians - an anthology
44023: YOUNGER P & S O - Hinduism
26970: YOUNGHUSBAND F - Venture of faith: being a description of the World Congress of Faiths held in London 1936
54108: YOUNGMAN B R - Challenge of the prophets: an Old Testament history for schools
21553: YOUNGMAN B R - Into all the world: the story of Christianity to 1066 AD
56358: YOUNGQUIST L E et al - Q6:37-42: Not judging - Blind leading the blind, Disciple and the teacher, Speck and the beam (Documenta Q)
21556: YOUR - Your kingdom come: reflections on the scripture readings for lent
31934: YULE G - Luther: theologian for Catholics and Protestants
35434: YUNGBLUT J R - Rediscovering the Christ
21565: ZAHN - Biblische Historien nach dem Kirchjahre geordnet
35439: ZAHN T - Introduction to the New Testament, in three volumes, translated from the third German edition (Limited Classical Reprint Society) Heavy set additional postage will be requested
35440: ZAHRNT H - Question of God: Protestant theology in the twentieth century
21567: ZAHRNT H - What kind of God?: a question of faith
42141: BENIGNI M & ZANCHI G - John XXIII: the official biography
36526: ZANDER W - Israel and the Holy Places of Christendom
80935: ZANNONI A E - Old Testament: a bibliography (Michael Glazier Old Testament Studies no 5)
24202: ZEHNLE R F - Peter's Pentecost discourse: tradition & Lukan reinterpretation in Peter's speeches of Acts 2 & 3 (SBLMS 15)
21576: ZELEWSKY A von - Stereochemistry of coordination compounds (Inorganic Chemistry)
28039: ZELKOWITZ M V - Advances in computers Volume 53: Emphasizing distributed systems
19819: VAN ZELLER H - Yoke of Divine Love: a study of conventual perfection
51312: VAN ZELLER H - Considerations
35546: VAN ZELLER H - Death in other words: a presentation for beginners
51315: VAN ZELLER H - Current of spirituality
36483: VAN ZELLER H - Isaias: man of ideas
40524: ZENGER E - Il dio dell'esodo
82120: LONING K & ZENGER E - To begin with, God created...: biblical theologies of creation
83952: HOSSFELD F-L & ZENGER E - Psalms 2: a commentary on Psalms 51-100 (Hermeneia)
34968: ZERNOV N - Eastern Christendom: a study of the origin and development of the Eastern Orthodox Church
80942: ZEVIT Z - Anterior construction in classical Hebrew (Society of Biblical Literature Monograph series no 50)
35443: ZIEBERTZ H-G - Moralerziehung im Wertpluralismus: Eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung nach moralpadagogischen Handlungskonzepten im Religionsunterricht und in der kirchlichen Jugendarbeit zu Fragen der Sexualitat (Theologie & Impirie Band 9)
81734: ZIEGLER J - Antike und moderne lateinische Psalmenubersetzungen: vorgetragen am 4. Marz 1960
82379: ZIESLER J - Paul's Letter to the Romans
25854: ZIESLER J - Meaning of Righteousness in Paul: a linguistic & theological enquiry (SNTSMS 20)
50671: ZIESLER J - Epistle to the Galatians (Epworth Commentary)
36527: ZIGLAR Z - Raising positive kids in a negative world
42057: ZIMMER F - Elohist als weischeitlich-prophetische Redaktionsschicht eine literarische und theologiegeschichtliche Untersuchung der sogenannten elohistischen Texte im Pentateuch
21592: ZIMMERLI W - Ezechial Biblischer Kommentar: Altes Testament Vol 13 (18 part set missing 5 6 7)
21594: ZIMMERLI W - Ezekiel 2 (Hermeneia commentary)
21596: ZIMMERLI W - Man and his hope in the Old Testament (SBT2/20)
21597: ZIMMERLI W - Servant of God (Studies in Biblical Theology No. 20)
35421: ZIMMERLI W - Old Testament theology in outline
21593: ZIMMERLI W - Ezekiel 1 (Hermeneia commentary)
54699: ZIMMERMAN J A et al - Living liturgy Year A 2008: spirituality celebration and catechesis for Sundays and solemnities
54696: ZIMMERMAN J A et al - Living liturgy Year C 2007: spirituality celebration and catechesis for Sundays and solemnities
82431: LEAVER R A & ZIMMERMAN J A - Liturgy and music: lifetime learning
41798: ZIMMERMAN A - Reader in natural family planning: report on international conferences No.1 second edition
83307: KEARNEY R & ZIMMERMANN J - Reimagining the sacred: Richard Kearney debates God with James Wood, atherine Keller, Charles Taylor et al
81092: ZIMMERMANN N - Facing the other: John Paul II, Levinas, and the body
45711: GREY M & ZIPFEL R - From barriers to community: the challenge of the Gospel for a divided society
80227: BRANDL A & ZIPPEL O - Middle English literature
21602: ZMIJEWSKI J - Eschatologiereden des Lukas-Evangeliums: traditions- und redaktionsgeschichtliche untersuchung zu Lk 21,5-36 und Lk 17,20-37 (Bonner Biblische Beitrage)
34727: ZOFF O - Huguenots: fighters for God and human freedom
44742: ZOLA E - Earth (La terre)
53965: ZOLLIKOFER G J [TOOKE W] - Devotional exercises and prayers for the private use of reflecting and sincere Christians
80943: ZUBER B - Das tempussystem des biblischen Hebraisch: eine Untersuchung am Text (Beiheft zur Zeitschrift fur die altestamentliche Wissenschaft; 164)
80944: ZUCKERMAN B - Job the silent: a study in historical counterpoint
83946: ZUCKERMAN B - Job the silent: a study in historical counterpoint
82350: ZUERCHER S - Enneagram companions: growing in relationships and spiritual direction
24200: ZUIDEMA W - God's partner: an encounter with Judaism
50767: ZUMSTEIN J - Kreative Erinnerung: Relecture und Auslegung im Johannesevangelium
38612: ZUNINI G - Man and his religion: aspects of religious psychology
45677: ZUSCHNEID K - Klavier-Schule: ein systematischer Lehrgang des Klavierspeils mit methodischem Leitaden fur den Elementar-Klavierunterricht
57375: ZVEGINTZOV C - Our Mother Church: her worship and offices compiled from standard Russian textbooks
51293: ZVEGINTZOV C - Our Mother Church: her worship and offices compiled from standard Russian textbooks
40626: PUHRINGER-ZWANOWETZ L - Stift Durnstein (Kunstdenkmaler 6)
58670: ZWEMER S M - Dynamic Christianity and the world today
59053: ZYLSTRA H - Testament of vision
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