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13658: MOONEY C F - Teilhard de Chardin and the mystery of Christ
37843: MOONEY J - Ghost-dance religion and the Sioux outbreak of 1890, abridged, with an introduction bu Anthony F C Wallace (Classics in anthropology)
57702: LAATO A & MOOR J C de - Theodicy in the world of the Bible
82134: MOORE M S - Balaam traditions: their character and development (Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series 113)
49982: MOORE P C - Can a bishop be wrong?
49983: MOORE A L - Parousia in the New Testament (Supplement to Novum Testamentum)
13690: MOORE R W - Moving of the spirit: approach towards an understanding of the Holy Spirit
13668: MOORE B - Gospel day by day through Lent
13676: MOORE E C - Outline of the history of Christian thought since Kant (ST)
32882: MOORE G - Body in context: sex and Catholicism
13683: MOORE M - Winfred Burrows 1858-1929: Bishop of Truro 1912-1919, Bishop of Chichester 1919-1929
13660: MOORE A L - Essays scientific and philosophical, with memoirs of the author
51138: MOORE L - Messy Church 2: ideas for discipling a Christ-centred community
81725: HARRIS J BROWN C & MOORE M - Joshua Judges Ruth (New International Biblical Commentary)
13686: MOORE P - Church reclaims the city
30414: MOORE S - Fire and the rose are one
55403: MOORE G et al - First Mercury story book (Part 1)
56084: MOORE S - Spirit and psyche: a paper given to the Bath Circle of the Newman Association February 1996
56972: MOORE C H - Religious thought of the Greeks: from Homer to the triumph of Christianity
56975: MOORE R W - Christ the beginning
80327: EXUM J C & MOORE S D - Biblical studies/cultural studies: the Third Sheffield Colloquium (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 266)
36237: MOORE T - Soul Mates: honouring the mysteries of love and relationship
40857: COKE & MOORE - Life of the Rev. John Wesley: including an account of the Great Revival of Religion in Europe and America of which he was the first and chief instrument
13695: MOORE S - No Exit
81034: MOORE M S - What is this babbler trying to say: essayson biblical intepretation
49867: MOORE P C - Church to believe in
57710: OLDSTONE-MOORE C - Hugh Price Hughes: founder of a new Methodism, conscience of a new Nonconformity
4834: CORLETT W & MOORE J - Hindu sound
4835: CORLETT W & MOORE J - Islamic space
47304: MOORE S - Contagion of Jesus: doing theology as if it mattered
82803: MOORE F C T - Psychological basis of morality (Library of Philosophy and Religion)
25858: CLINES D J A & MOORE S D - Auguries: Jubilee volume of the Sheffield Department of Biblical Studies (JSOTSS 269)
82521: KELLE B E & MOORE M B - Israel's prophets and Israel's past: essays on the relationship of prophetic texts and Israelite history in honor of John H Hayes
32472: MOORE P C - Disarming the secular gods: sharing your faith so that people will listen
50766: MOORE S D - Semeia 82: In search of the present: the Bible through cultural studies
37884: LEE S H & MOORE J V - Korean American ministry: a resource book
80611: MOOREY R - Century of biblical archaeology
13700: MOORHEAD J - Getting Married: looking forward to your Wedding and Life Together
22741: MOORHOUSE G - OM: an Indian pilgrimage
13702: MOORHOUSE G - Missionaries
35696: MOORMAN J R H - History of the Franciscan order: from its origins to the year 1517
13706: MOORMAN J R H - Church Life in England in the Thirteenth Century
82253: MOORMAN J R H - History of the Church in England
50462: MOOSBACH C - Traces of heaven
39847: THEODORE OF MOPSUESTIA [Swete] - Commentary on the Minor Epistles of S. Paul: the Latin version with the Greek fragments, with an introduction, notes and indices, in two volumes
35813: MORAN F M - Listening: a pastoral style
13721: MORAN G - God still speaks: basis of Christian education
13722: MORAN G - Present revelation: search for religious foundations
13720: MORAN G - Education toward adulthood:
82133: MORAVCSIK J M E - Aristtotle: a collection of critical essays (Modern studies in philosophy)
18212: ST THOMAS MORE - Liturgy committee handbook
30357: MORE T - Utopia translated with an introduction by Paul Turner
29305: MORE R - Freedom in a framework: some possibilities with Series 3 (GMW40)
56971: MORE T - Prions avec Saint Thomas More: textes presentes et traduits par l'Abbe Germain Marc'hadour avec l'assistance de Jocelyne Malhomme
56354: MORE H - Sacred dramas: chiefly for young persons the subjects taken form the Bible to which is added Sensibiliyt an epistle
8187: MORE R - Celebrating Christmas (GBMW54)
41975: ROPER W & MORE T [ROWSE A L] - Man of singular virtue: being a life of Sir Thomas More by his son-on-law William Roper and a selection of More's letters [Image available on request]
49742: MORE J - Leadership is male: the issue of women in leadership in the church
52639: MORE T - Utopia: with an introduction by Henry Morley
13735: MORE T - Utopia: introduction John Warrington (Everyman's Library 461)
44909: MOREA P C - Towards a liberal Catholicism: psychology and four women
53153: PAFFENROTH K & MOREHEAD J W - Undead and theology
39242: WILKINS M J & MORELAND J P - Jesus under fire [modern scholarship reinvents the historical Jesus]
25168: MAYON-WHITE R & MORETON J - Immunizing children: a practical guide
13739: MORETON M - Consecrating remembering offering: Catholics and Series 3,2 and 1, and 1662
13737: MORETON C - Time to grow Book 2: assemblies for juniors
13738: MORETON M - Christian Passover: a guide to Holy Week and Easter
57587: MOREY R A - The Dooyeweerdian concept of the word of God
49981: MORGAN G C - Gospel according to Matthew
13750: MORGAN E R - Essays Catholic and Missionary
13765: MORGAN R - Religion of the Incarnation: Anglican essays in commemoration of Lux Mundi
13757: MORGAN G C - Searchlights from the Word: being 1189 sermon-suggestions one from every chapter in the Bible
82129: MORGAN R - Nature of New Testament Theology (Studies in Biblical Theology series 2 no. 25)
82131: MORGAN F - 'Singing the Miracle: the Midrashic rendering of Psalm 113' (Dorfler memorial lecture 1994)
35391: MORGAN R - Gunther Bornkamm in England (Printed from Kirche: festschrift fur Gunther Bornkamm zum 75. Geburtstag)
30713: MORGAN D - But God comes first: a meditation on the Te Deum
54671: MORGAN M - Prayer for our time: the way of St Ignatius Loyola
31530: MORGAN R - Religion of the Incarnation: Anglican Essays in Commemoration of Lux Mundi
22021: MORGAN D - Expanding frontiers
21711: MORGAN G C - Great chapters of the bible
82800: MORGAN R - In search of humanity and deity: a celebration of John Macquarrie's theology
12480: MAGNUS J R & MORGAN M S - Methodology and Tacit Knowledge two experiments in Econometrics
52588: MORGAN G C - Studies in the prophecy of Jeremiah
47903: MORGAN T - Saints: an address book
39668: MORGAN J - Psychological teaching of St Augustine
13746: MORGAN D - Church in Transition: reform in the Church of England (Reform Series)
54877: MORGAN J - Man of the world: life of G Campbell Morgan
13744: MORGAN D - Bishops Come To Lambeth
13745: MORGAN D - Bishops come to Lambeth
68924: MORGAN K E - CHRISTIAN THEMES IN CONTEMPORARY POETS: a study of English poetry of the twentieth century [Poetry of Edwin Muir, David Gascoyne, Charles Williams, W H Auden, Norman Nicholson, Anne Ridler]
13755: MORGAN G C - Peter and the church
13756: MORGAN G C - Preaching
13751: MORGAN E R - Ordeal of wonder: thoughts on healing
53331: MORGAN D E - Wisdom in the Old Testament traditions
44735: MORGAN K O - Labour people: leaders and lieutenants, Hardie to Kinnock
46654: MORGAN C - Fountain
13747: MORGAN D - Lambeth Speaks
13748: MORGAN D - They Became Anglicans: the story of sixteen converts and why they chose the Anglican Communion
13766: MORGENSTERN J - Two prophecies from 520-516 B.C. (Off-print of Hebrew Union College Annual, Volume XXII)
35203: MORIARTY F - Introducing the Old Testament
83339: MORIN E - La Methode III: La connaissance de la connaissance livre premier Anthropologie de la Connaissance
13770: MORISON J C - Service of Man an essay towards the Religion of the Future
58938: MORISON J - Practical commentary on the Gospel according to St Matthew
57412: MORISON J - Exposition of the ninth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans
82106: MORISON F - Who moved the stone?
82321: MORISY A - Journeying out: a new approach to Christian mission
57414: MORITE E - Mozart Auf Der Reise Nach Prag: eine novelle
35540: MORK W - Becoming a disciple of Christ
38143: MORLEY J - Life of William Ewart Gladstone in 3 volumes
34597: MORLEY J et al - Dear life: praying through the year with Christian Aid
26895: MORLEY D - Sensitive scientist: report of a British Association Study Group
13773: MORLEY F - Call of God
36634: MORLEY G - Blackstone Franks guide to how to sell your business and live happily ever after
13774: MORLEY F - Church to which you belong
13778: MORLEY J - All desires known: expanded edition
13782: MORLEY J - Life of William Ewart Gladstone 2 vols
13783: MORLEY J - Studies in Literature
51889: MORRELL J H L - Heart of a priest: selections from the writings of W C E Newbolt
48846: MORRELL W P - Anglican Church in New Zealand: a history
13784: MORRELL J H L - Catholic Faith Today
13788: MORRICE W G - Joy in the New Testament
13814: MORRIS R M - Gerald of Wales
57402: MORRIS J B - Jesus the Son of Mary: or the doctrine of the Catholic Church upon the incarnation of God the Son considered in its bearings upon the reverence shown by Catholics to His Blessed Mother
56754: MORRIS J - In and out of service: priesthood and its problems
31992: MORRIS L - Cross of Jesus
44865: MORRIS C - Things shaken - things unshaken: reflections on faith and terror
39440: MORRIS J - Questioning authority: the Anglican witness to the world (Third Millennium: the Journal of Affirming Catholicism)
49645: MORRIS J - Affirming Catholicism Third Millennium Vols 1 - 6 : V1 Sex and the Christian tradition; V2 Vision or revision; V3 Ask and receive; V4 In and out of service; V5 A questioning of authority; V6 Faith and freedom
55000: DORMOR D & MORRIS J - Acceptable sacrifice: homosexuality and the Church
56469: MORRIS J - Cities
55592: MORRIS R B - Encyclopedia of American history
53350: MORRIS A - Oblates: life with St Benedict
54168: MORRIS C - Let God be God
37626: MORRIS J - Ask and receive: how liturgy responds to life (Third Millennium 3)
58055: MORRIS L - First and second epistles to the Thessalonians: the English text with introduction exposition and notes (New London Commentary on the New Testament)
80610: MORRIS L - New Testament theology
46998: MORRIS J - My animal friends (Book One)
35395: MORRIS R P - Theological book list: produced by the Theological Education Fund of the International Missionary Council for Theological Seminaries and Colleges in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Southwest Pacific
13796: MORRIS C - Include me out! - confessions of an ecclesiastical coward
38788: MORRIS L - New Testament and the Jewish lectionaries
47278: MORRIS L - Apocalyptic
13801: MORRIS E - Refugee Survey Quarterly Volume 16 Number 4 1997
13802: MORRIS J - Against nature and God: the history of Women with Clerical Ordination and the Jurisdiction of Bishops
13798: MORRIS C M - Captive conscience
25228: MORRIS J R - Health and safety: a guide for the newly appointed (Management Skills)
13805: MORRIS J - New ways with the ministry: based on the Keble Conference on the ministry 1960
38918: MORRIS J - Vision or revision: seeing through the sacraments
59267: MORRIS W D - Christian origins of social revolt
38699: MORRIS J - Catholicism and folk religion (Affirming Catholicism)
13806: MORRIS L - 1st & 2nd Epistles to the Thessalonians (NICNT)
46087: MORRIS J - Contemporary creed: mini-course in Christianity for today
33867: NEWMAN-MORRIS G - This world but once: a man, his life and his work with Red Cross. The autobiography of Sir Geoffrey Newman-Morris
48845: MORRIS L - 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James: Understanding the New Testament
44341: MORRIS L - Cross in the New Testament
13790: MORRIS A - Learning to know God: studies in the N.T. epistles
13795: MORRIS C - Hammer of the Lord: signs of hope
13820: MORRISON C - Analytical Concordance to the Revised Standard Version of the New Testament
50460: MORRISON J C - Tool for Christians
82125: MORROW W S - Scribing the center: organization and redaction in Deuteronomy 14:1-17:13 (Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series 49)
13830: MORSE C - Logic of promise in Moltmann's theology
13835: MORTAIN A - Papal Claims
13838: MORTIMER A G - Catholic faith and practice: a manual of theology, Part II
13839: MORTIMER R C - Celebrant and ministers of the eucharist
55896: MORTIMER J - Rumpole: selected and introduced by the author
48866: MORTIMER R C - Seven capital sins (first published as a series of articles in the Church of England newspaper in Lent 1960
42386: MORTIMER A G - Confession and absolution: an investigation of the teaching of the Bible and Prayer Book
29987: MORTON R - Knowing man
39193: MORTON R - One island many faiths: the experience of religion in Britain [with 70 photographs in duotone]
52685: MORTON J - Man science and God
63651: ENSLIN Morton S - LETTERS TO THE CHURCHES: 1 & 2 Timothy & Titus
48882: MORTON T R - Twelve together
48861: MORTON A H - God's present purpose
13861: MORVAN M le - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Priest and Evolutionist
32665: TLHAGALE B & MOSALA I - Hammering swords into ploughshares: essays in honour of Archbishop Desmond Tutu
53180: MOSELEY C - Nationhood providence and witness: Israel in protestant theology and social theory
27821: MOSELEY R - Roger Moore: a biography
13864: MOSER C A - Survey methods in social investigation
80609: MOSES A D A - Matthew's transfiguration story and Jewish-Christian controversy (Journal for the study of the New Testament Supplement Series 122)
52485: MOSES J - Language of love: exploring prayer - an anthology
52753: MOSES J - Broad and living way: Church and State a continuing establishment
69863: PEARLMAN Moshe - FIRST DAYS OF ISRAEL: in the steps of Moses
55591: MOSLEY L - Curzon: the end of an epoch
13869: MOSLEY N - Life of Raymond Raynes
13867: MOSLEY N - Experience and religion: a lay essay in theology
13874: MOSS C B - Body is one: an introduction to the problem of Chrisitan unity
13881: MOSS R - Earth in our hands
28198: APPLEWHAITE C & MOSS B - Tennis: the skills of the game (An approved Lawn Tennis Association publication)
29401: BAYNES N H & MOSS H - Byzantium: an introduction to East Roman civilization
59268: MOSS B - Religion and spirituality (Theory into Practice)
13870: MOSS B - Television and Christianity: a report on a two day course for junior clergy
13871: MOSS B & R - Humanity and sexuality
56465: MOSSE G L - Culture of Western Europe: the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: an introduction
39583: MOSSE M - Creative thinking: the use of brainwaves
51745: MOSSI J P - Prayers form the cross: solace for all seasons
39709: MOSSLEY D J - Discourse: learning and teaching in philosophical and religious studies
25069: MOTET G et al - Design of dependable ada software (BCS Practitioner series)
13884: MOTHER - Mother of Jesus
6364: ELIZABETH Mother - Corn of wheat: life & history of the Community of St Francis
39366: CLARE FEY Mother - Practice of Mother Clare Fey: a guide to a more close union with the God of our altars
13885: MOTHERS' UNION - Four talks on the ten commandments in the world of to-day
13887: MOTHERS' UNION - Partners in prayer: the world-wide Mothers' Union
82306: MOTHERS' UNION - Prayers we breathe
45193: MOTLEY J L - Rise of the Dutch republic in 3 vols: a history
56464: MOTT S C - Christian perspective on political thought
27617: BARRATT M & MOTTERSHEAD A - Understanding industry
13890: MOTTRAM V H - Physical basis of personality
58067: MOTYER J A - Law and life: a study of the meaning of law in the Old Testament
49769: MOTZ A - Reclaiming a nation: the challenge of re-evangelising Canada by the year 2000
34668: MOUAT K - What humanism is about
13898: MOULD D H S - This marriage business: a word in time
38786: MOULE C F D - Language of the New Testament: inaugural lecture delivered in Cambridge on 23 May 1952
32134: MOULE H C G - Epistle of St Paul to the Romans (Expositor's Bible)
24258: MOULE C F D - Origin of Christology
26804: MOULE C F D - Birth of the New Testament (Black's New Testament Commentaries)
26805: MOULE C F D - Birth of the New Testament (Black's new testament Commentaries)
13907: MOULE C F D - Gospel According to Mark (Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible)
43312: MOULE C F D - Forgiveness and reconciliation and other New Testament theme
13906: MOULE C F D - Essays in New Testament interpretation
53329: MOULE C F D - Birth of the New Testament (Black's New Testament Commentaries)
83060: MOULE C F D - Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians and to Philemon (Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary)
13900: MOULE C F D - Birth of the New Testament (BNTC)
13904: MOULE C F D - Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians and to Philemon (Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary)
13909: MOULE C F D - Holy Spirit
13911: MOULE C F D - Letters of Paul the Apostle to the 1960's: Drawbridge Memorial lecture 1969
13916: MOULE C F D - Phenomenon of the New Testament: an inquiry into the implications of certain features of the N T (SBT 2/1)
36684: MOULE C F D - Worship in the New Testament - Part (ii) (GLS13)
69030: MOULE H C G - Ephesian studies (Expositor's Bible)
13903: MOULE C F D - Energy of God: talks about the meaning of Holy Week
81959: MOULE C F D - Holy Spirit
13925: MOULE H C G - Romans (CNTC)
13929: MOULE H C G - Veni Creator: thoughts on the person and work of the Holy Spirit of promise
49696: MOULTON H K - Colossians Philemon and Ephesians (Epworth Preacher's Commentaries)
57457: MOULTON R G - A short introduction to the literature of the Bible
59269: MOULTON H - James Hope Moulton: 11 October 1863 - 7 April 1917
56459: NICKLIN T & MOULTON F P - Key to Heath's practical latin course
81027: MOUNCE R H - Dear Friends this is Paul: letters of an Apostle to the early church
13934: MOUNTFIELD D - Cathedrals of the World
43396: MOUNTFORD B - Perfect Freedom: why liberal Christianity might be the faith you're looking for
46614: MOUNTFORD J - British unIversities
13937: MOUNTNEY F H - No priest no church: a comment on the Anglican-Methodist Scheme
23717: MOURBY A - Whatever happened to...?: the ultimate sequels
26035: MOURITZEN H - Bordering Russia: theory and prospects for Europe's Baltic Rim
57456: MOUROUX J - The meaning of man
57455: MOUW R J - Called to holy worldliness
39698: MOUW R J - He shines in all that's fair: culture and common grace: the 2000 stob lectures
48103: OXFORD MOVEMENT - Oxford Movement centenary July 8th - 17th 1933: official handbook
34054: MOWAT R C - Decline and renewal: Europe ancient and modern
13941: MOWINCKEL S - Old Testament as word of God
49081: MOWVLEY H - Books of Amos and Hosea (Epworth Commentaries)
44571: MOYER E S - Wycliff biographical dictionary of the Church revised and enlarged by Earle Cairns
46662: MOYERS B, MAYNE M & SAID E W - Beall-Russell Humanities Festival lectures
13951: MOYES G - Discovering the Young Church
46958: MOZART W A - Nineteen sonatas for the piano Book II
47865: MOZART W A - Divertimento II B flat major KVA 229 No 2 miniature score [Hawkes Pocket Scores 207]
47866: MOZART W A - Divertimento I B flat major KVA 229 No 2 miniature score [Hawkes Pocket Scores 206]
47746: MOZART W A - Klavier sonaten I fur Jlavier zu zwei handen; nach den quellen neu herausgegeben von C A Martienssen und Wilhelm Weismann
57237: MOZART W A - Allegro and romance from Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Serenade: set for organ by Patrick Williams
47800: MOZART W A - Concerto for flute and harp C major KV 299 miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 767]
47802: MOZART W A - Symphony C major (Jupiter) KV 551 miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 401]
56660: MOZART W A - Symphony G minor K183 (Edition Eulenburg No 547)
56659: MOZART W A - Piano concerto C major K467 (Edition Eulenburg No 739)
47867: MOZART W A - Symphony C major (Jupiter) KV 551 miniature score [Hawkes Pocket Scores No 167]
47795: MOZART W A - Symphony G minor KV 550 miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 404]
47788: MOZART W A - Symphony E flat major miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 415]
47750: MOZART W A - Konzert A dur K.V. 488
47777: MOZART W A - Symphony D major miniature score [Edition Eulenburg No 437]
13965: MOZLEY J K - Beginnings of Christian Theology
13966: MOZLEY J K - Beginnings of Christian Theology
13970: MOZLEY J K - Gospel Sacraments
47822: MOZLEY J B - Eight lectures on miracles: preached before The University of Oxford in the Year 1865 on the Foundation of the Late Rev John Bampton
57453: MOZLEY J B - Sermons parochial and occasional
21683: MOZLEY E N - Theology of Albert Schweitzer
21684: MOZLEY E N - Theology of Albert Schweitzer
13969: MOZLEY J K - Doctrine of the Incarnation
81963: MOZLEY J K - Doctrine of the Atonement (Studies in Theology)
13961: MOZLEY J B - Ruling ideas in early ages & their relation to Old Testament faith, lectures at Oxford University
13962: MOZLEY J B - Sermons preached before the University of Oxford and on various occasions
34606: MOZLEY T - Letters from Rome on the occasion of the Oecumenical Council 1869-1870 in two volumes
13955: MOZLEY E N - Theology of Albert Schweitzer
13972: MOZLEY J K - Some tendencies in British theology from the publication of ""Lux Mundi"" to the present day
15942: QUELCH MT - Herbs for Daily Use in Home Medicine and Cookery
81965: MUCKLE J Y - Isaiah 1-39 (Epworth preacher's commentaries)
81961: MUDDIMAN J - Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians (Black's New Testament commentaries)
81962: MUDDIMAN J - Bible: fountain and well of truth
58300: MANNION G; MUDGE L S - Routledge companion to the Christian church
40061: MUDGE L S - One church: Catholic and Reformed
58609: MUDROCH V - Wyclyf tradition
41996: MUELLER W F - Aufstieg und untergang der grossreiche des Altertums: herausgegeben im auftrag der wiesbadener Goethe-Gesellschaft
44749: MUELLER J - Francis; the saint of Assisi (A novel)
13977: MUGGERIDGE M - Christ and the media: London lectures in contemporary Christianity
13987: MUILENBURG J - Way of Israel: biblical faith and ethics
56352: MUIR W - Arrested reformation
30726: MUIRHEAD J F - American shrines on English soil
69063: MUIRHEAD L A - Message of the fourth gospel
48376: MUIRHEAD L A - Eschatology of Jesus: the kingdom come and coming: a brief study of our Lord's apocalyptic language in the synoptic gospels
66840: KERR H T & MULDER J M - Conversions
48375: MULDER E - Hildegard een vrouwelijk genie in de late middeleeuwen
83316: MULDER M J - Mikra: text, translation, reading and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity edited by Professor Martin Jan Mulder (Compendia Rerum Judaicarum ad Novum Testamentum volume II.1)
12745: MARTIN D & MULLEN P - No alternative: the Prayer Book controversy
48374: MULLEN P - Working with morality: an introduction to moral philosophy
53345: MULLEN P - Real Common Worship
81966: MULLEN E T - Narrative history and ethnic boundaries: the Deuteronomistic historian and the creation of Israelite national identity
48373: MULLENS J - Religious aspects of Hindu philosophy: stated and discussed. A prize essay
53080: MULLER F M - Natural religion: the Gifford lectures delivered before the University of Glasgow in 1888
57564: MULLER M - First Bible of the Church: a plea for the Septuagint (JSOT Supplement series 206 - Copenhagen International Seminar 1)
14004: MULLER J J - Epistle of Paul to the Philippians and to Philemon:the English text with introduction, exposition and notes (NICNT)
14002: MULLER F M - Introduction to the Science of Religion Four Lectures: delivered at the Royal Institution in February and May 1870
14006: MULLER M - St Francis de Sales
57038: MULLETT M - James II and English Politics 1678-1688
81969: MULLETT M - John Bunyan in context (Studies in Protestant Nonconcormity)
14011: MULLIN R - Wealth of Christians
33320: MULLINER H G - Arthur Burroughs [Bishop of Ripon] a memoir
24602: MULLINS E - Pilgrimage to Santiago
44352: MUMAW J R - Preach the word: expository preaching from the book of Ephesians
56022: MUMBY F A - Great world war: a history (Volume II only)
48369: MUMFORD A H - Book of Job: a metrical version with an introductory essay The significance of the Book of Job by A S peake
23348: RUPESINGHE K & MUMTAZ K - Internal conflicts in South Asia
14020: MUNBY D L - God and the rich society: a study of Christians in a world of abundance
14021: MUNBY D L - Idea of a secular society: and its significance for Christians (Riddell Memorial Lectures 1962)
14019: MUNBY D - Economic growth in world perspective
81970: MUNCK J - Paul and the Salvation of Mankind (Study edition)
14024: MUNDAY J T et al - Witchcraft
34816: MUNITZ M K - Modern introduction to ethics: readings from classical and contemporary sources
22215: MUNRO O F - George Fox 1624-1691: our living contemporary [Five lectures to mark tercentenary of death of George Fox]
81971: MUNSON J - Nonconformists: in search of a lost culture
34662: MUNSTERBERG H - Eternal life
58328: MUNZ P - Frederick Barbarossa: a study in medieval politics
55194: MUNZINGER A - Discerning the spirits: theological and ethical hermeneutics in Paul (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph series 140)
82974: MURAOKA T - Hebrew/Aramaic Index to the Septuagint: keyed to the Hatch-Redpath Concordance
44498: O'MURCHU D - Catching up with Jesus: a gospel story for our time
44493: O'MURCHU D - Ancestral grace: meeting God in our human story
2990: BURN-MURDOCH H - Church, continuity & unity
2991: BURN-MURDOCH H - Faith tradition and authority
82585: BURN-MURDOCH H - Development of the Papacy
82148: MURE G R - Aristotle
34240: MURNION P J - Catholics and nuclear war: a commentary on 'The challenge of peace', the US Catholic Bishops' pastoral letter on war and peace (National pastoral life centre)
82145: MURPHY R E - The Psalms, Job (Proclamation commentaries)
46066: MURPHY M T - Elizabeth of the Trinity her life and spirituality: the vast triangled heart
82144: MURPHY R E - Wisdom Literature: Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Canticles, Ecclesiastes and Esther (Forms of the Old Testament iterature Volume XIII)
72168: SOLOMON R C & MURPHY M C - What is justice?: classic and contemporary readings
40213: MURPHY F X - Pope John XXIII comes to the Vatican
25781: STALKER H T & MURPHY J P - Plant breeding in the 1990s: proceedings of the Symposium on Plant Breeding in the 1990s
82554: MURPHY M C - Alasdair MacIntyre (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus)
37186: MURPHY D - Return to spirit after the mythic church
44572: MURPHY N et al - Virtues and practices in the Christian tradition: Christian ethics after MacIntyre
23864: MURPHY R E - Song of Songs (Hermeneia)
14033: MURPHY J - Origins & history of religions
48707: MURPHY A E - Genesis of macroeconomics: new ideas from Sir William Petty to Henry Thornton
82146: MURPHY F J - Structure and meaning of Second Baruch (SBL Dissertation Series 78)
14031: MURPHY G - Historical introduction to modern psychology
14032: MURPHY G L - Trademark of God: a Christian course in creation evolution and salvation
82139: MURRAY K M E - Caught in a web of words: James Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary
83462: MURRAY J C - Problem of religious freedom (Woodstock papers Number 7)
14047: MURRAY A V - Personal Experience and the Historic Faith: an essay
1454: BEASLEY-MURRAY G R - Jesus and the kingdom of God
14046: MURRAY A V - Natural Religion and Christian Theology: an introductory study
31998: BEASLEY-MURRAY G R - Commentary on Mark thirteen
63617: ELWOOD J Murray - MONTH WITH CHRIST: a way to pray the Gospels
47925: MURRAY D - Species revalued; a biological study of species as a unit in the economy of nature shown from plant and insect life
56075: MURRAY G - History of ancient Greek literature
56818: DRUIFF P & MURRAY G - Story of broken rites: the first twenty years
82141: MURRAY D F - Divine prerogative and royal pretension: pragmatics, poetics and polemics in a narrative sequence about David (2Samuel 5.17-7.29) [JSSOT SS 264]
23378: MURRAY G - China the next superpower: dilemmas in change and continuity
14058: MURRAY R - Church of Sweden: past and present a book sponsored by the Swedish Bishops' Conference
24821: MURRAY D L - Disraeli
81534: FORRESTER D B & MURRAY D M - Studies in the history of worship in Scotland
83460: MURRAY J C - We hold these truths: Catholic reflections on American proposition
57707: BEASLEY-MURRAY G R - Jesus and the kingdom of God
48360: MURRAY J O F - Jesus according to S. John
48362: MURRAY A V - How to know your bible: a guide to biblical study
14056: MURRAY R - Brief history of the Church of Sweden: origins and modern structure
14055: MURRAY J O F - Du Bose as a prophet of unity: a series of Lectures on the Du Bose Foundation delivered at the University of the South
14050: MURRAY G - Five stages of Greek religion: studies based on a course of lectures delivered in April 1912 at Columbia University (Thinkers Library 52)
41946: MURRAY J M - Free society
48364: MURRAY J - Christian baptism
57706: BEASLEY-MURRAY G R - Jesus and the last days: the interpretation of the Olivet discourse
14039: MURRAY A - Be perfect
21874: MURRY J M - Price of leadership (RBC 10)
37907: MURRY J M - Not as the scribes: lay sermons
14065: MURRY J M - Price of leadership (RBC 10)
82171: MURSELL G - Out of the deep: prayer as protest
43340: MURSELL G - Story of Christian Spirituality: Two Thousand Years, from East to West
83473: MURSELL W A - Bruising of Belgium and other sermons during war time
38542: BRITISH MUSEUM - From the lane of the Bible: guide to an archaeological exhibition at the British Museum, 26 October-31 December 1954
54889: KUNSTHISTORISCHES MUSEUM - Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna: The collections
2540: BRITISH MUSEUM - Guide to the medieval room: and to the specimens of medieval and later times in the gold ornament room
19933: VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM - Second Christmas picture book (Small picture book no 38)
36717: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - Queen Anne domestic silver
36715: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - Irish silver
36716: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - British pewter
40923: BRITISH MUSEUM - Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Alexandrinus
40145: JOODS HISTORISCH MUSEUM - Joodse feestadgen Pasen [+ 3 photographs]
39848: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - Victorian church art: exhibition November 1971-January 1972
39842: VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM - Exhibition of English Mediaeval art 1930: illustrations
14068: MUSGRAVE P W - Economic structure
82976: MUSGRAVE M - Music of Brahms
14070: MUSGROVE F - Youth & the social order (ILS&SR)
16493: ROYAL SCHOOL OF CHURCH MUSIC - Risen with Christ: an Easter devotion for choir and congregation
7645: ROYAL SCHOOL OF CHURCH MUSIC - Giver of life: a devotion for choir and congregation
42069: MUSIC - Magic melodies by the world's greatest composers (Books 1 & 2)
23764: MUSK B A - Touching the soul of Islam: sharing the gospel in Muslim cultures
57814: MUSKETT D - Jesus on gardening
14072: MUSSEN P H et al - Child development & personality
37341: MUSSEN P - Psychological development of the child
46793: MUSSET A de - Poesies nouvelles (Rolla/Les nuits/Poesies nouvelles/Contes en vers) revue, corrigee et completee de documents inedits precedee d'une notice biographique sur l'auteur at suivie de notes par Edmond Bire (Collection des classiques Garnier)
46916: MUSSET A de - Comedies et proverbes (Andre del Sarto/Lorenzaccio/Les caprices de Marianne/Fantasio on ne badine pas avec l'amour) revue, corrigee et completee de documents inedits precedee d'une notice biographique sur l'auteur at suivie de notes par Edmond Bire (Collection des classiques Garnier)
69134: MUSURILLO H - Fathers of the primitive church
54121: MUTCH W - Manual of Scottish ecclesiastical history: from the introduction of Christianity to the present day
35329: VAN KAMM A & MUTO S A - Am I living a spiritual life?: questions and answers on formative spirituality
83406: MUTO S A - Steps along the way: the path of spiritual reading
83407: MUTO S A - Journey homeward: on the road of spiritual reading
14073: MUTO S A - Practical Guide to Spiritual Reading
80606: MUZOREWA G H - Origins and development of African theology
14074: MY - My Catechism Book: a simple explanation of The Church Catechism for young children
14078: MYDANS S - Thomas: a novel of the life, passion and miracles of Becket
43395: MYERS J - Eventide review of primitive methodism in Otley Circuit
14086: MYERS J M - Ezra - Nehemiah introduction, translation an notes (AB)
14083: MYERS C K - Light the Dark Streets
14088: MYERS J M - I and II Esdras: introduction, translation and commentary (Anchor Bible 42)
14091: MYERS N - Gaia atlas of planet management
51377: MYERS E - Lent and the liturgy
34621: MYERS E D - Christianity and reason: seven essays (by Theodore M Greene, Lewis M Hammond, Helmut Kuhn, Howard Dykema Roelofs, George F Thomas, Wilbur Marshall Urban, John Wild)
14089: MYERS J M - I Chronicles (AB)
49208: NADINE - And a little child shall lead them
82977: NADLER S - Spinoza: a life
53174: NAIDU A J - Transformed in Christ: Christology and the Christian life in John Chrysostom
32850: NAIRN T - Pariah: misfortunes of the British kingdom
60207: NAIRNE A - Johannine writings (Liverpool diocesan board of divinity publications XIX)
1497: BEECHING H C & NAIRNE A - Bible doctrine of atonement: six lectures given in Westminster Abbey
14098: NAIRNE A - Faith of the Old Testament
82978: NAKANOSE S - Josiah's Passover: sociology and the liberating Bible (Bible and Liberation Series)
60621: POWER IN HIS NAME - Power in his name: the wonderful names of our wonderful Lord
83324: MURPHY Nancey - Philosophy of the christian religion for the twenty-first century
61069: BLACKIE Nansie - IN LOVE AND IN LAUGHTER: a portrait of Robert Mackie
31229: NAPIER B D - Exodus (LBC)
23415: NAQVI F - Energy, economy and equity interactions in a GCE model for Pakistan
83814: NARBY K - Catechism of Christian instruction according to the Doctrine of the Holy Church of Armenia being the second part of 'The Course of Religious Knowledge"" trans during 1895-1898
48525: GONCHARENKO V & NAROZHNAYA V - Armoury chamber: a guidebook for the tourist
33382: NARTIN C - Have schools lost their way? (GP4)
25873: NASCIMENTO A - Matter of discourse: community and communication in contemporary philosophies
28412: CHRISTIE I & NASH L - Good life: Demos Collection/Issue 14
43647: NASH A - Old Testament story: seeing the Old Testament as a whole
55237: STEVENSON S & NASH C - Food safety for supervisors (Revised by Alan Brereton)
58239: NASH W - Day of the airship
59271: NASH D F - Their finest hour: Methodists and Anglicans
8258: NASH W - Living with God at the vicarage (GPS 42)
51301: NASH R - God is our banker
35707: NASH W - Gifts from Hildegard
14107: NASH W - Turning the downside up: growing in unexpected places
44565: NASR S H - Science and civilization in Islam
14110: NASSAN M - More Meditations on Mary
51300: NASSAN M - Spiritual adventure
82979: NASUTI H P - Defining the Sacred Songs: genre, tradition and the post-critical interpretation of the Psalms (JSOTSS 218)
82980: NASUTI H P - Tradition history and the Psalms of Asaph (SBL Dissertation Series 88)
14111: NATALE S M - Pastoral counselling: reflections & concerns
32851: NATHAN N M L - Concept of justice (New studies in practical philosophy)
705: ASSOC STUDY OF NATIONALITIES - Nationalities Papers Volume 25 Number 4 December 1997
58776: NATKIN R - Subject matter and abstraction - in exile
46327: NAUERT C G - Humanism and the culture of Renaissance Europe
39470: NAVARRE Y - Sweet tooth
34637: NAVE O J - Index-digest of the Holy Scriptures comprising over twenty thousand topics and sub-topics and one hundred thousand references to the scriptures
82806: NAVILLE E - Text of the Old Testament (Schweich lectures 1915)
14113: NAVONE J - Towards a Theology of Story
58025: AN-NAWAWI - An-Nawawi's forty hadith: an anthology of the sayings of the prophet Muhammad (translated by Ezzeddin Ibrahim & Denys Johnson-Davies)
14114: NAYLOR C B - Why Prayer Book Revision at all?
82972: NDIOKWERE N I - Prophecy and revolution: the role of prophets in the Independent African Churches and in biblical tradition
44011: NEALE J M - Sermons for parochial and domestic use (Volume I): Passiontide to Whitsun
83474: NEALE J M - Essays on liturgiology and church history with an appendix on liturgical quotations from the Isapostolic Fathers by the Rev Gerard Moultrie
54581: NEALE J M - Sermons for the church year: Vol II from Easter to the end of Trinity season
26988: NEALE J M - Agnes de Tracy: a tale of the times of S. Thomas of Canterbury, illus by Harold Piffard
34651: NEALE J M - History of the so-called Jansenist Church of Holland, with a sketch of its earlier annals, and some account of the Brothers of the Common Life
14118: NEALE J M - Ember Prayer: a collection of prayers for the ministry of the church
44697: NEALE J M - Sermons for parochial and domestic use in 4 volumes Passiontide to Whitsun, Trinity, Saints' days, Lent and Passiontide, Minor festivals
41834: NEALE J M - Sermons for children: being thirty-three addresses to the children of S. Margaret's home, East Grinstead
34635: NEALE J M - History of the Holy Eastern Church in two volumes
38562: NEAME A - Maud Noakes, guerilla: a novel
83482: NEANDER A - Life and times of St. Bernard translated from the German by Matilda Wrench
34632: NEANDER A - History of the planting and training of the Christian Church by the Apostles with the author's final additions. Also, his Antignostikus, or, Spirit of Tertullian, trans from German by J E Ryland, in two volumes (Bohns Libraries)
58238: NEARY M - Faith in the coalfields: community regeneration or managing decline (A report on the Church Urban Fund's work in the English coalfield)
14138: NEARY D - Pilgrim in Advent
25417: NEATHER T et al - Realisations: livre de l'etudiant
83469: NEAVE B - The Jesuits: their foundation and history in two volumes
83467: NEBREDA A M - Kerygma in crisis
83468: NEDELEC L - Cambria Sacra or The history of the early Cambro-British Christians
58237: NEDONCELLE M - Le chretien appartient a deux mondes
83464: NEDONCELLE M - Is there a Christian philosophy? (Faith and Fact Book 10)
33863: NEDONCELLE M - Nature and use of prayer
14140: NEE W - Normal Christian Life: 'It is no longer I-but Christ'
83261: NEE W - Normal Christian Life: 'It is no longer I-but Christ'
83262: NEE W - Table in the wilderness: daily meditations from the ministry of Watchman Nee
33860: NEE W - God's work [series of messages given at special conference in Shanghai from June 11-18 1940]
14141: NEE W - Normal Christian Worker
81082: BOONE M J & NEECE K C - Science fiction and the 'Abolition of Man'
80605: NEED S W - Human language and knowledge in the light of Chalcedon (American University Studies Series VII Theology and Religion Vol 187)
14149: NEEDHAM G - Habit (Blue Booklet Series XVI)
26340: NEEDLEMAN J - Lost Christianity: a journery of rediscovery to the centre of Christian experience
14151: NEEDLEMAN J - New Religions
46113: NEF J U - Cultural foundations of industrial civilisation
43749: NEFF D - Tough questions Christians ask
22720: NEGEV A - Archaeology in the land of the Bible
39181: NEHER A & R - Histoire biblique due peuple d'Israel
35908: NEIBUHR B G - History of Rome in 5 volumes in full calf leather translated by J C Hare & C Thirlwall
35248: NEIL W - Can we trust the Old Testament?
14157: NEIL W - Acts of the Apostles (New Century Bible Commentary)
39477: NEIL D - God in everything: a Layman's guide to the new thinking
14158: NEIL W - Bible Companion: a complete pictorial and reference guide to the people places events background and faith of the bible
28230: O'NEIL P H - Post-communism and the media in Eastern Europe
14161: NEIL W - Epistle to the Hebrews (TBC)
14165: NEIL W - Rediscovery of the Bible
14167: NEIL W - Truth about the early church
14166: NEIL W - St Paul's Epistle to the Thessalonians (Torch Bible Commentaries)
81607: WRIGHT C H H & NEIL C - Protestant Dictionary containing articles on the history, doctrines and practices of the Christian Church with plates and illustrations no extra postage for UK but overseas subject to increase, quotation available on request
83574: ALLEN P & NEIL B - Oxford handbook of Maximus the Confessor [weighs 1.3kg: additional postage required for overseas orders]
14172: NEILL S - Christ his Church and his World
14173: NEILL S - Christ, his church and his world
14722: O'NEILL J C - Theology of Acts: in its historical setting
14180: NEILL S - Eternal dimenson
14181: NEILL S - God's apprentice: the autobiography of [Bishop] Stephen Neill
14186: NEILL S - Jesus through many eyes: introduction to the theology of the New Testament
14176: NEILL S - Christian Society
14177: NEILL S - Christians God (WCB1)
14179: NEILL S - Eternal Dimension
14188: NEILL S - Men of Unity
14189: NEILL S - On the Ministry
37359: NEILL S et al - Concise dictionary of the Christian world mission (World Christian books)
14171: NEILL S - Bible words and christian meanings: meditations for 12 weeks
39790: NEILL S - Twentieth century Christianity: a survey of modern religious trends by leading churchmen
14170: NEILL S - Anglicanism
14191: NEILL S - Salvation Tomorrow
14190: NEILL S - Paul to the Galatians (WCB no.25)
51950: NEILSON M - Cats
50710: NEIRYNCK F - Q-Synopsis: the double tradition passages in Greek
57698: NEIRYNCK F - L'Evangile de Luc: The Gospel of Luke (revised and enlarged edition of L'Evangile de Luc problemes litteraires et theologiques)
57699: NEIRYNCK F et al - Gospel of Mark: a cumulative bibliography 1950 - 1990
82615: NEIRYNCK F - Duality in Mark: contributions to the study of the Markan redaction (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Louvaniensium XXXI)
50709: NEIRYNCK F - Q-Synopsis: the double tradition passages in Greek
83401: NEIRYNK F - Q-synopsis: the double tradition passages in Greek (Studiorum Novi Testamenti Auxilia XIII)
50820: ZMIJEWSKI J & NELLESSEN E - Begegnung mit dem Wort: Festschrift fur Heinrich Zimmermann (Bonner Biblische Beitrage Band 53)
28778: NELSON J - Management and ministry - appreciating contemporary issues
14203: NELSON J B - Intimate connection: male sexuality, masculine spirituality
14204: NELSON J B - Sexuality and the sacred: sources for theological reflection
14205: NELSON R - Companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England with collects and prayers for each solemnity
83274: NELSON P - Narrative and morality: a theological inquiry
30763: NELSON R D - Double redaction of the Deuteronomistic history (JSOTSS 18)
52244: NELSON J - Leading managing ministering: challenging questions for church and society (MODEM handbook)
83400: NELSON P G - God's control over the universe: providence, judgment and modern science
6859: ADAIR J & NELSON J - Creative church leadership: a MODEM handbook
14202: NELSON J B - Embodiment: an approach to sexuality and Christian theology
13458: MILLS J & NELSON J - Explorations into parish ministry: a guide to joint work consultation
82973: NELSON P K - Leadership and discipleship: a study of Luke 22:24-30 (SBL Dissertation Series 138)
56460: NERVAL G de - Aurelia et lettres a Aurelia (Collection Romatique 3)
58236: NESFIELD W E - A deuce of an uproar: William Eden Nesfield's letters to the Rector of Radwinter in Essex
83273: NESSAN C L - Beyond maintenance to mission: a theology of the congregation
53200: LAANSMA J C OSBORNE G & NESTE R V - New Testament theology in light of the Church's mission: essays in honor of I Howard Marshall
50703: NESTLE E - Introduction to the textual criticism of the Greek New Testament (Theological translation library)
55333: NESTORIUS - Bazaar of Heracleides: newly translated from the Syriac and edited with an introduction notes and appendices by G R Driver and Leonard Hodgson
14209: NETLAND H A - Dissonant Voices: religious pluralism and the Question of Truth
57987: NETTLES T - Living by revealed truth: the life and pastoral theology of Charles Haddon Spurgeon
54789: NEU D L - Women's rites: feminist liturgies for life's journey (Women's Alliance for Theology Ethics and Ritual)
83277: NEUENZEIT P - Biblical introduction to the New Testament
83540: NEUER W - Man and woman in Christian perspective
4688: COLSON C & NEUHAUS J - Evangelicals and Catholics together: toward a common mission
82820: NEUMANN E - Origins and history of consciousness: with a foreword by C G Jung (Bollingen Series XLII) [heavy volume, may need additional postage]
23429: NEUMANN M - Competition policy: history, theory and practice
81077: NEUMANN P D - Pentecostal experience: an ecumenical encounter
82975: NEUMANN E - Amor and Psyche: the psychic development of the feminine - a commentary on the tale by Apuleius (Bollinger Series LIV)
83276: NEUMAYR F - Science of the spiritual life
56106: LAURENTIN R & NEUNER J - [Commentary on] declaration on the relation of the Church to non-Christian religions promulgated by Pope Paul VI October 28 1965
58558: NEUSER W H - Calvinus sacrae scripturae professor: Calvin as confessor of Holy Scripture
83541: NEUSNER J - Beyond Historicism, After Structuralism: story as history in Ancient Judaism (1980 Harry Spindel Memorial Lecture)
50687: NEUSNER J - Major trends in formative Judaism: society and symbol in political crisis (Brown Judaic studies 60)
3855: CHILTON B & NEUSNER J - Judaism in N T: practices and beliefs
14215: NEUSNER J - Judaism in the beginning of Christianity
83545: NEUSNER J et al - Social world of formative Christianity and Judaism: essays in tribute to Howard Clark Kee edited by Jacob Neusner, Peder Borgen, Ernest S Frerichs, Richard Horsley
83546: NEUSNER J - Torah from our sages Pirke Avot: a new American translation and explanation illustrated by Mordechai Rosenstein [text in English and Hebrew: commentary in English]
83547: NEUSNER J - What is Midrash? (Guides to Biblical Scholarship)
50688: NEUSNER J - Major trends in formative Judaism: (second series) texts, contents, and contexts (Brown Judaic studies 61)
50689: NEUSNER J - Major trends in formative Judaism: (third series) the three stages in the formation of Judaism (Brown Judaic studies 99)
37887: NEUSNER J - World religions in America: an introduction
51317: NEUSNER J - Short history of Juadaism: three meals, three epochs
83544: NEUSNER J - Judaism without Christianity: an introduction to the system of the Midrash (an abridgement of Judaism, the evidence of the Misnah)
44359: NEUSNER J - Form-analysis and exegesis: a fresh approach to the interpretation of Mishnah, with special reference to Mishnah-tractate Makhshirin
56020: NEVILLE S - Funnily enough
36410: NEVILLE D J - Mark's Gospel - prior or posterior?: a reappraisal of the phenomenon of order (JSNT SS222)
83558: NEW D S - Old Testament quotations in the synoptic gospels and the two-document hypothesis (SBL Septuagint and Cognate Studies Series Number 37)
24080: STORIES OLD AND NEW - Short-shanks and other tales from the Norse
14221: NEW - New Weeks Preparation: for a worthy receiving of the Lord's supper as recommended and appointed by the C of E....
14220: NEW - New Theologians: Bultmann, Bonhoeffer, Tillich, Teilhard de Chardin
3493: NEWBIGIN J L - Honest religion for secular man
14258: NEWBIGIN J L - South India Diary
14276: NEWBOLT W C E - Penitence and Peace: being addresses on the Fifty-First and Twenty-Third Psalms
57347: NEWBOLT W C E - Living power of a cathedral: four addresses delivered in substance in Lincoln Cathedral at a retreat of the Dean and Chapter and other members of the Cathedral body
83836: NEWBOLT M R - Book of Unveiling: a study of the Revelation of St John
83275: NEWBOLT W C E - Church Catechism: the Christian's manual (OLPT)
14269: NEWBOLT W C E - Church Catechism: the Christian's manual (OLPT)
14266: NEWBOLT M R - Blessed Virgin
14267: NEWBOLT M R - Healing
40062: NEWBOLT M R - Truth of the Bible [Mirfield Books]
14270: NEWBOLT W C E - Consolidation: address delivered before annual meeting of the English Church Union 1/6/1897 (ACTII)
14273: NEWBOLT W C E - Holy Eucharist: a series of lectures delivered to the members of the St Pauls Lecture Society
39287: NEWBOLT H - Devotional poets of the XVII century with an introduction . Poets: John Donne, George Herbert, Robert Herrick, Henry Vaughan, Thomas Traherne
14283: NEWBY C R - Introduction to child study for teachers of religion
14284: NEWELL M - Consecrated Life: a brief memorial of the late Elizabeth Langford by her friend
54458: NEWELL P - Listening for the heartbeat of God: a Celtic spirituality
51759: NEWELL P - Earthful of glory: biblical prayers, liturgies and meditations
50643: NEWENS R D - Eternal faith versus fleeting ritual or the faith and mutuality
33839: NEWGASS E - Melody in your heart: a concise history of hymnology
14285: NEWING F - First impressions: printing the church magasine and other literature
30803: NEWLANDS G - Making Christian decisions
28946: NEWLANDS G - Generosity and the Christian future
53169: NEWLANDS G M - God in Christian perspective
54970: NEWLANDS G - Spirit of liberality: collected essays
57238: NEWMAN J H - Meditations and devotions
51583: NEWMAN J H - Essays critical and historical (2 volume set) [If ordering online please select postage for two books]
39532: NEWMAN A N - Parliamentary diary of Sir Edward Knatchbull: 1722 - 1730
83548: NEWMAN J H - Praying by the book: scripturalization of prayer in Second Temple Judaism (SBL Early Judaism and its Literature number 14)
28833: NEWMAN J H - Apologia Pro Vita Sua (Everyman Library No 636)
44019: NEWMAN R - Releasing the scream: coming to terms with childhood sexual abuse
53167: NEWMAN E - Attending the wounds on Christ's body: Teresa's scriptural vision
14298: NEWMAN J H - Apologia Pro Vita Sua being a history of his religious opinions with an introduction by Maisie Ward
14324: NEWMAN J H - Sermons bearing on Subjects of the Day
83263: NEWMAN J H - Historical sketches [volume one, although marked ** on spine] The Turks in their relation to Europe, Marcus Tullius Cicero, Apollonius of Tyana, Primitive Christianity
83264: NEWMAN J H - Historical sketches [volume three] Rise and progress of Universities, Northmen and Normans in England and Ireland, Medieval Oxford, Convocation of Canterbury
83265: NEWMAN J H - Tract ninety or Remarks on certain passages in the Thirty-nine Articles reprinted from the edition of 1841 with an historial commentary by A H Evans
83269: NEWMAN J H - Lectures on Justification: Sermons chiefly on the theory of Religious Belief: Sermons bearing on Subjects of the Day 3 matching full leather bindings, dentelles and marbled endpapers, bookplate of Edward William Urquhart [1839-1916] Images and postage on request
27431: NEWMAN H - Illustrated dictionary of glass: 2,442 entries including definitions of decorative styles and entries on principal glass-makers, decorators and designers from antiquity to the present
8309: NEWMAN D - What we are about to receive: the holy spirit in initiation and experience (GP7)
57097: NEWMAN E - Untamed hospitality: welcoming God and other strangers [Christian Practice of Everyday Life Series]
83315: NEWMAN J H - Parochial and plain sermons (8 volume set) new edition black cloth, gold lettering, book plate of Dowager Lady Lyttelton
8299: NEWMAN D - Taking on faith in the city: (GPS 26)
39348: NEWMAN J - Foundations of religious tolerance
14330: NEWMAN M - People of the Covenant: study of Israel from Moses to the monarchy
44438: NEWPORT J P - New age movement and the Biblical worldview
14332: NEWSHOLME H P - Christian Ethics and Social Health
14334: NEWSOM G E - New morality
29750: NEWSOME D - Victorian world picture: perceptions and introspections in an age of change
14339: NEWSOME J D - I Samuel, 2 Samuel (Knox Preaching guide)
14340: NEWSON J & E - Four years old in an urban community
81671: NEWTON J A - Methodism and the Puritans (Friends of Dr Williams' library eighteenth lecture 1964)
31919: NEWTON J A - Fruit of the spirit in the lives of great Christians (Refresher courses for Methodist local preachers, No 1 new series)
43524: NEWTON J K - Revelation reclaimed: the use and misuse of the apocalypse
30054: NEWTON J A - Man for all churches: Marcus Ward 1906-1978
51664: NEWTON - Lord Lyons: a record of British diplomacy
58936: NEWTON B W - Moses, the child of faith
58774: NEWTON E - Meaning of beauty
83266: NEWTON T - Dissertations on the Prophecies which have remarkedly been fulfilled and at this time are fulfilling in the world
23410: KINSEY S & NEWTON L - International banking in an age of transition: globalisation, automation, banks and their archives
14342: NEWTON E - Katherine Lloyd: by her friends
25310: SMITH R H & NEWTON C R - Jackson's matrimonial finance and taxation: supplement to sixth edition
14349: NEYREY J H - Social World of Luke-Acts: models for interpretation
29751: NEYREY J H - Paul, in other words: a cultural reading of his letters
58715: NGIEN D - Apologetic for filioque in medieval theology
53160: NGIEN D - Interpretation of love: God's love and ours
38501: NIBLETT W R - Life, education, discovery: a memoir and essay
14352: NIBLETT W R - How and why do we learn
83650: NICCACCI A - Syntax of the verb in classical Hebrew prose
52066: NICHOLAS D - Mr Secretary Nicholas 1593 - 1669: his life and letters
82210: de LANGE Nicholas - Introduction to Judaism
22463: BLAKE R B & NICHOLLS C S - Dictionary of national biography 1981-1985
33841: NICHOLLS A R - Simple techniques for teachers: ideas and instructions for teachers in day school and the church
52749: NICHOLLS D - God and government in an age of reason
14361: NICHOLLS W - Revelation in Christ
14362: NICHOLLS W - Revelation in Christ
83651: NICHOLLS M - C H Spurgeon: the Pastor Evangelist
35930: NICHOLLS B J - Unique Christ in our pluralist world
14359: NICHOLLS W - Ecumenism and Catholicity: Norrisian Prize Essay for 1950
42326: NICHOLS A - Theology of Joseph Ratzinger: an introductory study
83557: NICHOLS F W - Christianity and the stranger: historical essays (South Florida-Rochester-Saint Louis studies on religion and the social order
30055: NICHOLS K - Cornerstone (Guidelines for Religious Education 1)
14364: NICHOLS A - Art of God Incarnate: theology and image in Christian tradition
83260: NICHOLS A - David Penman: Bridge Builder, Peacemaker, Fighter for Social Justicw
52951: NICHOLS K - Orientations: six essays on theology and education
14370: NICHOLS P - Pope's divisions: the Roman Catholic Church today
14369: NICHOLS K F - Theology and education
83284: NICHOLSON R A - Studies in Islamic poetry
30036: NICHOLSON E W - Book of the prophet Jeremiah: Chapters 1-25 (Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible)
14377: NICHOLSON S H - Parish Psalter: the Psalms of David pointed for chanting - congregational edition without music
48925: NICHOLSON E W - Exodus and Sinai in history and tradition (Growing points in theology)
57266: NICHOLSON S H - Love divine all loves excelling: anthem for quinquegesima or general use reprinted from the cantata 'The Saviour of the World'
14380: NICHOLSON S H - Quires and places where they sing
38718: NICHOLSON W, Bp of Gloucester - Exposition of the Catechism of the Church of England (LACT)
14384: NICKLE K F - Collection: a study in Paul's strategy (Studies in Biblical Theology 48)
14387: NICODEMUS - Renascence: an essay in faith
30185: NICOL R - Irritable bowel diet book (Overcoming Common Problems)
83398: NICOL T - Recent archaeology and the Bible (Croal lectures for 1898)
14391: NICOLSON R - Black Future?: Jesus and Salvation in South Africa
53324: NICOLSON A - Power and glory: Jacobean England and the making of the King James Bible
45478: NICOLSON N - Harold Nicolson diaries and letters 1930-39, 1939-45, 1945-62
83556: NIDITCH S - Symbolic vision in biblical tradition (Harvard Semitic Museum Semitic Monographs 30)
14395: NIDITCH S - War in the Hebrew Bible: a study in the ethics of violence
83653: NIDITCH S - Text and tradition: the Hebrew Bible and folklore edited, with introductions by Susan Niditch (SBL Semeia Studies)
54167: NIEBANCK R J - By what authority: the making and use of social statements
14405: NIEBUHR R - Do the state and nation belong to God or the Devil?: being the Burge Memorial Lecture for the year 1937
32844: NIEBUHR R - Moral man and immoral society: a study in ethics and politics
81625: NIEBUHR R - Nature and destiny of man: a Christian Interpretation Volume I ONLY
14397: NIEBUHR H R - Meaning of Revelation
81616: NIEBUHR R - Nature and destiny of man Volume I and Volume II
50644: NIEBUHR R - Essays in applied Christianity
56457: NIEBUHR H R - Christ and culture
24963: NIEBUHR R - Leaves from the notebook of a tamed cynic [unabridged republication of the first edition published in New York in 1929]
30057: NIEBUHR R - Nations and empires: recurring patterns in the political order
14413: NIEBUHR R - Nature and destiny of man: a Christian Interpretation Volume I and Volume II [Human Nature and Human Destiny]
83282: NIEBUHR R - Reflections on the end of an era
59274: NIEBUHR R - Self and the dramas of history
52968: NIEBUHR R - Europe's catastrophe and the Christian faith
82195: NIEBUHR H R - Theology history and culture: major unpublished writings
14403: NIEBUHR R - Discerning the signs of the times: sermons for to-day and to-morrow
59273: NIEBUHR H R - Radical monotheism and western culture: with supplementary essays
55368: NIELSEN E - Oral Tradition (Studies in Biblical Theology 11)
40608: NIELSEN D - Dreieinige gott: in religionshistorischer beleuchtung: I. Band: die drei gottlichen personen mit 70 abbildungen
50646: NIELSEN K - Ruth (Old Testament Library)
14416: NIELSEN E - Oral Tradition (Studies in Biblical Theology 11)
14417: NIELSEN E - Ten Commandments in New Perspective: traditio-historical approach (SBT2/7)
83664: NIEMOLLER M - Exile in the Fatherland: Martin Niemoller's letters from Moabit Prison edited by Hubert G Locke
35649: NIGG W - Lebel Christi in Meisterwerken der Kunst und den worten des Neuen Testaments (colour illus throughout)
58721: NIGHTINGALE J E - Church plate of the County of Wilts: including that part of the county now in the Diocese of Gloucester and Bristol from returns made by J E Nightingale and the Rev. E H Goddard M.A.
12897: MASON T W & NIGHTINGALE B - New light on the pilgrim story
82416: NIGHTINGALE J E - Church plate of the County of Dorset: with extracts from the returns of church goods by the Dorset Commissioners of Edward VI 1552
59275: NIGHTINGALE J - Portraiture of Methodism: being an impartial view of the rise, progress, doctrines, discipline and manners of the Wesleyan Methodists in a series of letters addressed to a lady
14424: NIGOSIAN S A - World Religions
54438: NIGOSIAN S - Judaism: the way of holiness
14425: NILAUSEN J - APPN Networks
14427: NILES D P - Resisting the threats to life: covenanting for justice, peace and the integrity of Creation
14426: NILES D P - Between the flood and the rainbow: interpreting the Counciliar Process of Mutual Commitment (covenant) to justice, peace and the integrity of creation
14432: NILSEN M Y - Real living: small-group life experience with the Gospel of Luke (Member's book)
24121: NIND T - Everlasting relationship: mother and child at war and peace
14437: NINEHAM D E - Explorations in Theology 1
24294: NINEHAM D E - Use and abuse of the Bible: a study of the bible in an age of rapid cultural change
52521: NINEHAM D E - New Testament interpretation in an historical age: the Ethel M Wood lecture delivered before the University of London on 4 March 1975
43759: NINEHAM D E - Use and abuse of the Bible: a study of the bible in an age of rapid cultural change
14433: NINEHAM D E - Christianity mediaeval and modern: a study in religious change
26322: NINEHAM D E - Gospel of St Mark (Pelican New Testament commentaries)
50939: NISBET R A - Emile Durkheim (Makers of modern social science)
83555: NISSINEN M - Prophecy in its ancient Near Eastern context: Mesopotamian, Biblical, and Arabian perspectives (SBL Symposium Series Number 13)
49228: NISTER E - His sweet will: a daily companion containing scripture texts and hymns for a month
14443: NITTI F S - Catholic Socialism: translated from the 2nd Italian edition by Mary Mackintosh with intro by DG Ritchie
58563: NIXON R - Message of Jonah (Bible Speaks Today)
33458: NIXSON R - Home is where the hurt is: domestic violence and the church's response (GP58)
27305: GJELSTAD J & NJOLSTAD O - Nuclear rivalry and international order
23313: ALEXANDER D & NOBES C - European introduction to financial accounting
32664: WEST M & NOBLE G - Images of glory: a resource for small groups
14445: NOBODY'S - Club of Nobody's Friends: Biographical List of the Members from 1902 to 1948 with an historical introduction by Robert Chancellor Nesbitt Volume III
51566: NOBODY'S FRIENDS - Club of nobody's friends (Volume II): since its foundation on 21 June 1800 to 29 April 1902
81937: NODEN F - God: the Father...God: the Son...God: the Holy Spirit: devotional prayers from a pastoral ministry
59277: NOEL C - Socialism in church history
68193: MARTIN Noelene - MOVING MOUNTAINS: stories of faith from the Bible
23202: CLARKE J & NOIN D - Population and environment in arid regions (Man and the biosphere series vol 19)
37883: DI NOLA A M - Prayers of man: from primitive peoples to present times
82481: NOLL K L - Faces of David (JSOTSS 242)
83399: NOLLOTH C F - Rise of the Christian Religion: a study in origins
14457: NOPPEN J G - Royal Westminster and the Coronation
51044: NORBIE D L - Early church
11877: LINDEROTH R & NORBRINK S - Den Svenska Kyrkan: Lasebok i kyrkokunskap for Kyrka Skola och Hem
83283: NORDENHAUG J - Truth that makes men free: official report of the Eleventh Congress Baptist World Alliance Florida June 25-30 1965
48435: NORLAND M et al - Homoeopathic proving of aids
60852: BECK Norman A - MATURE CHRISTIANITY IN THE 21st CENTURY: the recognition and repudiation of the anti-Jewish polemic of the New Testament
73636: NORMAN E - Secularisation: new century theology new century theology
14460: NORMAN E - Christianity and the world order (BBC Reith Lectures 1978)
14462: NORMAN E R - Anti Catholicism in Victorian England
30099: NORMAN E - Christianity in the Southern Hemisphere: the churches in Latin America and South Africa
36189: NORMAN E - Anglican difficulties: new syllabus of errors
52074: ABBAYES NORMANDES - Abbayes Normandes: un autre regard (Normandie France)
49599: NORRINGTON D C - To preach or not to preach: the Church's urgent question
45252: NORRIS R A Jr - Homosexuality, ethics, and the church: some notes on the current debate regarding homosexuality and the place of homosexuals in the church [Anglican Theological Review Vol 90, Number 3, Summer 2008]
40945: NORRIS H [PALEY R] - Justice in eighteenth-century Hackney: the justicing notebook on Henry Norris and the Hackney Petty Sessions Book edited by Ruth Paley
37628: NORRIS R A - Understanding the faith of the church (Church's teaching series)
725: ATKINS J & NORRIS M - Total area networking [ATM, frame relay and SMDS explained]
52357: NORRIS J P - Key to the narrative of the four Gospels
68652: MICHAEL C P & NORRISEY M C - Arise: a Christian psychology of love
47840: HARLIN T & NORSTROM B Z - Halvvags till Himlem [Half-way to Heaven]
23646: NORTH F - Conventional bidding explained
83551: NORTH W E S - Lazarus story within the Johannine tradition (JSNTSS 213)
83552: NORTH R - Biblical Jubilee...after fifty years [English text] (Analecta Biblica 145)
14472: NORTH C R - Second Isaiah: intro translation & commentary to Chapters XL-LV
14468: NORTH C - Kind of watershed: an Anglican lay view of sacramental confession
41995: NORTH C R - Thought of the Old Testament: 3 lectures
14470: NORTH C R - The Old Testament interpretation of history
37805: NORTHAMPTONSHIRE - Northamptonshire Record Society Journal Vol IX 1997-8 No 4 Northamptonshire past and present
14479: NORTHCOTT H - Man, God and prayer
83550: NORTHCOTT C - Slavery's martyr: John Smith of Demerara and the emancipation movement 1817-24
14478: NORTHCOTT H - Lines of Encouragement: from the letters... written between 1930 & 1968
14481: NORTHCOTT R J - Dick Sheppard & St. Martin's with 3 illus
14475: NORTHCOTT C - Christianity in Africa (RBC 152)
14476: NORTHCOTT C - Religious liberty (RBC 63)
14477: NORTHCOTT C H - Christian Principles in Industry: their application in practice
14482: NORTHEDGE A - Good study guide
14484: NORTHRIDGE W L - Old Testament to-day: a short introduction
14485: NORTHRIDGE W L - Psychology and pastoral practice
14483: NORTHRIDGE W L - Disorders of the emotional & spiritual life
57429: NORTON D - History of the Bible as literature
57708: NORTON D - History of the Bible as literature (2 volume set): Vol One From antiquity to 1700; Vol Two From 1700 to the present day
32838: NORWICH - Norwich official guide
14489: NORWOOD C - English tradition of education
14491: NOT - Sound All Around (To a Wild Rose) mixed voices S.A.T.B. words and arrangements by E Rodgers music by Edward MacDowell (Ascherberg Series of Part-Songs No.540)
43584: BONKER J & NOTA M - God of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael: one way to peace in the Middle East
14494: NOTES - On the Book of Deuteronomy Vol I
14495: NOTES - On the Book of Deuteronomy Vol II
14497: NOTES - On the Book of Genesis
14498: NOTES - On the Book of Leviticus
14499: NOTES - On the Book of Numbers
40612: NOTH M - Gesammelte studien zum Alten Testament (Theologische Bucherei)
83549: NOTH M - Catastrophe de Jerusalem en l'an 587 avant Jesus-Christ et sa signification pour Israel [extract de la Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophe Religieuses No. 2 1953]
24046: NOTH M - History of Israel
40516: NOTH M - Uberlieferungsgeschichte des pentateuch
48933: NOTH M - Deuteronomistic history (JSOT Supplement Series 15)
14503: NOTH M - Das dritte Buch Mose: Leviticus (Alte Testament Deutsch 6)
14512: NOTSCHER F - Das Buch Jeremias: Ubersetzt und Erklart (Die Heilige Schrift des Alten Testamentes V11/2)
32840: NOTT P - Letter from Losinga: a selection of sermons and addresses
31574: NOTT P - Moving forward III reflections on a pilgrimage
25415: NOTT D - Points de depart: manuel de l'etudiant
14514: NOTTINGHAM - Nottingham Statement: the official statement of the second National Evangelical Anglican Congress held in April 1977
37622: NOUWEN H J M - Seeds of hope
14523: NOUWEN H J M - In the house of the Lord
29817: NOUWEN H J M - With open hands
54772: NOUWEN H J M - Spiritual direction: wisdom for the long walk of faith
54777: NOUWEN H J M - Life of the beloved (AUDIO BOOK): spiritual living in a secular world
14530: NOUWEN H J M - Road to daybreak: a spiritual journey
14520: NOUWEN H J M - Cry for Mercy: prayers from the Genesee
74474: NOUWEN H J M - Path of peace
44145: NOUWEN H J M - Road to peace
35929: NOUWEN H J M - Our greatest gift: a meditation on dying and caring
55437: NOVAK M et al - Denigration of capitalism: six points of view
83537: NOVAK D - Natural law in Judaism
14538: NOW - On Land and Sea Descending: 2 parts words by S. Longfellow music by Handel arranged by H.A. Chambers (School Songs no.1596)
1515: BEGINNING NOW - Part One - Peacemaking theology, Part Two - Peacemaking in practice
46160: NOWACKI P - Oil shale technical data handbook: energy technology review No 63 / chemical technology review No 182
30875: OFF INTO NOWHERE - Off into nowhere: a book of poems about the Third World, written by children from six Norfolk schools, for Christian Aid Week 1980
5574: DE-LA-NOY M - Michael Ramsey: a portrait
82888: DE-LA-NOY M - Michael Ramsey: a portrait
14543: NOYCE G - Minister as moral counselor
46102: NOYES A - Voltaire
58736: NUNEZ E A - Liberation theology
14552: NUNN H P V - Introduction to Ecclesiastical Latin (with an appendix of Latin hymns)
69433: NURNBERG W - HANDS AT MASS with an introduction by C C Martindale
14557: NUTTAL J - Keeping faith with philosophy: the void in the R.E. curriculum (Pamphlet Library No. 25)
83539: NUTTALL G F - Moment of recognition: Luke as story-teller (Ethel M Wood lecture delivered before the University of London on 21 February 1978)
14558: NUTTALL G F - Better Than Life: the loving kindness of God
44659: NUTTALL M - Making of a tradition 1870-1970; Centenary lecture 1970
14567: NUTTALL G F - New College, London and its Library - two lectures
47271: NUTTING A - Scramble for Africa
31353: NYE C F - Prayers that have helped a man of the world (Guardian series No. 1)
14580: NYGREN A - Gospel of God
83536: NYGREN A - Commentary on Romans
14577: NYGREN A - Agape and Eros: Part I and Part II [2 volumes bound as 1] authorised translation by Philip S Watson
83628: GREGORY OF NYSSA - Commentary on the Song of Songs translated with an introduction by Casimir McCambley...
9448: OAKE R - Father forgive: forgotten 'f' word
83535: OAKES P - Philippians: from people to letter
5166: CYRIAX G & OAKESHOTT R - Bargainers: a survey of modern trade unionism
28357: OAKLEY B - Windsurfing: the skills of the game
14592: OAKLEY A - Orthodox Liturgy (Studies in eucharistic faith and practice)
14593: OAKLEY F - Crucial Centuries: the medieval experience
14596: OATES W E - What psychology says about religion
43809: COMMUNITY OF OBERAMMERGAU - PASSION PLAY 2000 OBERAMMERGAU with contributions by Otto Huber and Christian Stuckl, colour plates by Brigitte Maria Mayer
55894: OBERAMMERGAU - Passion play 2010 Oberammergau
14601: OBERMAN H A - Dawn of the Reformation: essays in Late Medieval and Early Reformation thought
40141: OBERSTEINER J - Die Christusbotschaft des Alten Testaments: Kurze Darlegung und Erklarung der Wichtigsten Messianischen Weissagungen
14602: OBJECTIONS - Objections to Humanism ed by HJ Blackham
49986: CARTWRIGHT M G & OCHS P - Jewish-Christian schism revisited
53683: WILLIAM OF OCKHAM [Brampton] - De Imperatorum et Pontificum Potestate of William of Ockham edited by C Kenneth Brampton
53094: ODDIE W - What will happen to God?: feminism and the reconstruction of Christian belief
56648: ODELL C - Ever increasing circles
43746: ODEN A - In her words: women's writings in the the history of Christian thought
58735: ODEN T C - Radical obedience: the ethics of Rudolf Bultmann with a response by Rudolf Bultmann
6607: FABELLA V & ODUYOYE M A - With passion and compassion: third world women doing theology, reflections from the Women's Commission of EATWOT
83674: ODUYOYE M - Sons of the Gods and the daughters of men: an Afro-Asiatic interpretation of Genesis 1 - 11
37658: ODUYOYE M - Who will roll the stone away?: the Ecumenical Decade of the Churches in Solidarity with Women (Risk Book 47)
14641: OESTERLEY W O E - Psalms Book III (LXXIII-LXXXIX): Hebrew Text with critical grammatical and exegetical notes
28751: OESTERLEY W O E - Psalms Book IV (XC-CVI): Hebrew Text with critical grammatical and exegetical notes
14642: OESTERLEY W O E - Psalms: translated with text-critical and exegetical notes
14638: OESTERLEY W O E - Introduction to the Books of the Apocrypha
14637: OESTERLEY W O E - Doctrine of the Last Things: Jewish and Christian
34861: OESTERLEY W O E - Studies in Isaiah XL-LXVI with an introductory chapter on the composite character of Isaiah I-XXXIX
34863: OESTERLEY W O E - Fresh approach to the Psalms (International library of Christian knowledge)
14636: OESTERLEY W O E - Books of the Apocrypha: their origin teaching & contents
14645: OESTERLEY W O E - Wisdom of Ben-Sira (Ecclesiasticus) (TEDl/2)
80945: OESTREICH B - Performance criticism of the Pauline Letters (Biblical performance criticism Volume 14)
37610: CHURCH OFENGLAND - Book of Common Prayer [interleaved with plain lined paper] and administration of the sacraments & other rites & ceremonies of the church...
50983: ESSEX RECORD OFFICE - Victorian Essex
53525: ESSEX RECORD OFFICE - Medieval Essex
53521: ESSEX RECORD OFFICE - Essex churches 600 - 1800
53522: ESSEX RECORD OFFICE - Elizabethan Essex
53523: ESSEX RECORD OFFICE - Leisure and pleasure in Essex
53524: ESSEX RECORD OFFICE - Georgian Essex
53527: ESSEX RECORD OFFICE - Essex homes
53528: ESSEX RECORD OFFICE - Face of Essex
82025: GREAT BRITAIN: CABINET OFFICE - Making a business of information: a survey of new opportunities
32305: HOME OFFICE - People in prison (England and Wales) presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Home Dept by Command of Her Majesty Nov 1969
14657: OGDEN S M - Reality of God and other essays
54962: OGDEN S M - To preach the truth: selected sermons and homilies
46488: OGG D - Europe in the seventeenth century
8201: OGILVIE G - Deliberate Oversight? (Episcopal ministry today) (GPS 46)
26251: OGILVIE G - Preaching at baptisms (GMW70)
14659: OGLETREE T W - Death of God controversy
52746: OGLETREE T W - Use of the Bible in Christian ethics
41014: OGLEY B - Exporting: getting your business off the ground [first published by Harper & Row 1987]
83676: OHLER A - Studying the Old Testament from tradition to canon
43449: OHLER A - Studying the Old Testament: from tradition to canon
35586: OHLER A - Studying the Old Testament from tradition to canon
14666: OHM T - Asia Looks at Western Christianity
30672: OKOROCHA C C - Cutting edge of mission: the report of G-CODE 2000: mid-point review of 'The decade of evangelism': from 4-9 Sept 1995, North Carolina, USA
18602: SUETA T & OKOSHI T - Ultrafast and ultra-parallet optoelectronics
44177: OKURE T, SOBRINO J & WILFRED F - Rethinking martyrdom (Concilium 2003/1)
82781: PORTER S E & OLBRICHT T H - Rhetoric, scripture and theology: essays from the 1994 Pretoria Conference (JSNTSS 131)
55187: OLD H O - Reading and preaching of the Scriptures in the worship of the Christian Church: Volumes 1 - 6 of 7 volume set
14669: OLDFIELD P - Lady of the Night
37513: OLDHAM J H - Florence Allshorn and the story of St Julian's
23887: OLDKNOW J - Priests Book of Private Devotion: newly revised by John Stobbart
14688: OLIPHANT Mrs - Jeanne D'Arc: her life and death
29895: COOLING T & OLIVER G - Church and school: the contemporary challenge (GPS39)
80747: MEEHAN B M & OLIVER R M - Affirmations from the heart of God
57481: CHAMBERS R F & OLIVER R W - The strict Baptist chapels of England (5 volume set): Vol I Surrey and Hampshire; Vol II Sussex; Vol III Kent; Vol IV The Industrial Midlands; Vol V Wiltshire and the West
37788: OLIVER M - Failing wine
33545: OLLARD S L et al - Dictionary of English church history
14696: OLMSTED M S - Small group
58731: OLNEY J - Metaphors of self: the meaning of autobiography
14699: OLSON D F - Inner revolution: a theology for people who don't understand theology
57323: OLSZANSKA B & OLSZANSKI T - Budapest [Eyewitness travel]
57480: OLTHUIS J H - I pledge you my troth: a Christian view of marriage, family, friendship
58730: OLTHUIS J et al - Will all the King's men: out of concern for the Church Phase II
83538: OLYAN S M - Asherah and the Cult of Yahweh in Israel (SBL Monograph Series Number 34)
14708: OMAN J - Paradox of the world: sermons
14705: OMAN J - Concerning the ministry
58727: OMAN J - Problem of faith and freedom in the last two centuries
51374: OMAN D - Office of the ministry
51391: OMAN J - War and its issues: an attempt at a christian judgment
51089: OMAN J - Vision and authority or the throne of St Peter
56452: OMAN C - Europe 476 - 918
51378: OMAN J - Dialogue with God
14701: OMAN C - England before the Norman Conquest: being a history of the Celtic, Roman and Anglo-Saxon periods down to the Year AD 1066
14707: OMAN J - Natural and the Supernatural
34859: OMAN J - Book of Revelation: theory of the text: rearranged text and translation: commentary
26204: OMAN J C - Brahmans, theists and muslims of India: studies of goddess-worship in Bengal, caste, Brahmaism and social reford, with descriptive sketches of curious festivals, ceremonies, and faquirs
50891: OMAN J - Honest religion
83305: OMAND D - Experiences of a present day exorcist
50257: REGINALD-OMEZ Fr - Psychical phenomena (Faith and Fact books 36)
40662: OMI G Z - Theologische begriffssprache im buche der weisheit (Bonner Biblische Beitrage 11)
14718: ON - On the invocation of the name of Jesus by a monk of the Eastern church
56025: ONUKI T - Jesus' time: the image network of the historical Jesus (Emory studies in Early Christianity)
83302: OOSTERHUIS H - Open your hearts
83303: OOSTERHUIS H - Open your hearts
32834: OPPENHEIMER H - Marriage bond
27599: OPPENHEIMER H - Making good
24077: OPPENHEIMER H - Incarnation and immanence (Library of Practical Theology)
14732: OPPENHEIMER H - Finding and following; talking with children about God
14731: OPPENHEIMER H - Christian marriage (CKB)
14735: OPPENHEIMER H - Looking before and after
40590: OPPO C E - Jean-Baptiste Corot: with 33 reproductions in phototype
83298: ORAISON M - Death-and then what?
14737: ORAISON M - Was is Sunde? 4. Auflage 9-11 Tausend
80954: ORBERSON D E - Thomas Merton - evil and why we suffer: from purified soul theodicy to Zen
55579: ORCHARD J B - Synopsis of the four gospels in a new translation arranged according to the Two-Gospel hypothesis
56027: ORCHARD B - Matthew, Luke and Mark: the Griesbach solution to the synoptic question - Volume one
57166: ORCHARD W E - Foundations of faith: Vol II Christological
56346: ORCHARD W E - Evolution of Old Testament religion
83526: ORCHARD B - Matthew, Luke and Mark: the Griesbach solution to the synoptic question - Volume one
36413: ORCHARD H C - Courting betrayal: Jesus as victim in the Gospel of John (JSNT SS161)
57165: ORCHARD W E - Foundations of faith: Vol IV Eschatological
44946: ORD H - Story of Greenwich as a port and Blackheath in times of war
41135: WORLD CONFERENCE ON FAITH/ORDE - Nature of the Church: report of the American Theological Committee of the Continuation Committee, World Conference on Faith and Order
497: ANGLICAN ORDERS - Answer of the Abps of England to the Apostolic letter of Pope Leo XIII, on English ordinations (English text)
14744: ORDINAIRE - Ordinaire de la Messe extrait du missel biblique
83297: ORELLI C von - Prophecies of Isaiah (Clark's Foreign Theological Library New Series, Vol XXXVIII)
83296: HERRERA ORIA A - Verbum Vitae: La Palabra de Cristo - repertorio organico de textos para el estudio de las homilias dominicales y festivas elaborado por una omision de autores bajo la direion de Mons. Angel Herrera Oria Volumes 1-5 of 10
83499: ORIGEN [Greer] - Exhortation to martyrdom, Prayer: First principles: Book IV Prologue to the Commentary on the Song of Songs: Homily 27 on Numbers (CWS)
37210: ORIGEN - Commentary of Origen on S John's Gospel, in two volumes: [Greek] text revised with a critical introduction and indices by A E Brooke
63268: D'ORMESSON W - Papacy [Faith & fact books 80]
27557: KEMP P & ORMOND R - Great age of sail: maritime art and photography
14754: ORNSTEIN R E - Psychology of consciousness
53158: OROPEZA B J - In the footsteps of Judas and other defectors: the Gospels, Acts and Johannine letters
83295: ORR L - Donors, Devotees and Daughters of God: Temple Women in Medieval Tamilnadu (South Asia Research Series)
36008: ORR W G - Sixteenth century Indian mystic: Dadu and his followers
54573: ORR J - Progress of dogma: being the Elliot Lectures delivered at the Western Theological Seminary Allegheny Penna USA
14756: ORR J - Problem of the Old Testament: considered with reference to recent criticism
27859: ORRIDGE B B - Some account of the citizens of London and their rulers, from 1060 to 1867
25147: ORRIDGE M - How to deliver training
83289: ORSY L - Blessed are those who have questions: reflections on Christian life and morality, sin and mercy and other mysteries
23884: ORTEGA O - Women's visions: theological reflection, celebration, action
14761: ORTHODOX - Orthodox spirtuality: an outline of the Orthodox ascetical and mystical tradition
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83500: ORTODOKSIA - Ortodoksia 36: Finnish texts (some summaries and notes in English)
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