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882Z2: Evelyn V. Baxter; Leonora Jeffrey Rintoul - The Distribution and Status of Birds in Scotland
816D55: Glen Baxter - The Falls Tracer: Six Pieces and Five Drawings
846P43: Evelyn V. Baxter; Leonora Jeffrey Rintoul - The Birds of Scotland Their History, Distribution, and Migration
851M8: J. H. Baxter; Charles Johnson; Phyllis Abrahams - Medieval Latin Word-List, from British and Irish Sources
854N18: Glen Baxter - Trundling Grunts; Loomings over the Suet
689P20: Richard Baxter; Matthew Sylvester - Reliquiae Baxterianae
903Q20: John Baxter - Bondi Blues
838G19: W. E. Baxter; Henry George; Arnold Toynbee; F. J. Bruce; Havelock Fisher, et al. - Our Land Laws of the Past; the Land Question: What It Is, and How Only It Can Be Settled. An Appeal to Nations; Shewing the Evils of Private Property in Land and the Need for the Nationalisation of the Land; "Progress and Poverty" a Criticism of Mr. Henry George, Being Two Lectures Delivered in St. Andrew&Apos;S Hall, Newman Street, London; Mr Henry George&Apos;S Unproved Assumption or the Pauperism of Capital Being a Politico-Economical Sonata in Four Movements; the English Land Question; the British Land Question; Nationalisation of Land: A Review of Mr. Henry George&Apos;S "Progress & Poverty. " ; the Blasphemy Laws: Should They Be Abolished?; John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough. &Apos;the Mob&Apos;, &Apos;the Scum&Apos;, and &Apos;the Dregs&Apos;; the Constitutional Crisis in Norway; the Shadow of the Sword; Remarks on the Report of the Committee of the House of Lords on Improvement of Land (1873); the Western Farmer of America; State Socialism and the Nationalisation of the Land; Will Socialism Benefit the English People? Ver
881P38: Evelyn V. Baxter; Leonora Jeffrey Rintoul - The Birds of Scotland Their History, Distribution, and Migration
878F32: Baron Joseph de Baye; T.B. Harbottle [trans.] - The Industrial Arts of the Anglo-Saxons
836P7: Therese Prinzessin von Bayern; Princess Therese of Bavaria - Reisestudien Aus Dem Westlichen Sudamerika
863B4: C. Bayet - Precis D&Apos;Histoire de L&Apos;Art
653P20: J. S. Bayldon - Treatise on the Valuation of Property for the Poor&Apos;S Rate; Showing the Method of Rating Lands, Buildings, Tithes, Mines, Woods, River and Canal Tolls, and Personal Property; with an Abstract of the Poor Laws Relating to Rates and Appeals
FGN21-I-3: Bayle and Thillaye - Biographie Medicale Par Ordre Chronologique D&Apos;Apres Daniel Leclerc, Eloy, Etc.
897F26: Mr. Pierre Bayle - Dictionaire Historique Et Critique. Tome II: D-L; Tome III: M-S
FGN19-A-5: Pierre Bayle - Dictionaire Historique Et Critique
804F47: Giorgione Di Castel Chiuso [Peter Bayley] - Sketches from St. George&Apos;S Field
891Z54: Nicola Bayley - Puss in Boots
891Z52: Nicola Bayley - Nicola Bayley&Apos;S Book of Nursery Rhymes
891Z53: Nicola Bayley - Nicola Bayley&Apos;S Book of Nursery Rhymes
883T3: Nicola Bayley; Richard Adams - The Tyger Voyage & One Old Oxford Ox
898Y20: Victor Bayley - Permanent Way Through the Khyber
892T31: Nicola Bayley - Nicola Bayley Cat Calendar for the Year 2003
891Z56: Nicola Bayley - Copycats Crab Cat Polar Bear Cat Parrot Cat Spider Cat Elephant Cat
891Z20: Nicola Bayley - Nicola Bayley&Apos;S Book of Nursery Rhymes
892Q15: Nicola Bayley - One Old Oxford Ox
892Q14: Nicola Bayley; William Mayne - The Patchwork Cat
876T77: Wyke Bayliss - The Enchanted Island: The Venice of Titian and Other Studies in Art
869A47: Wyke Bayliss - The Witness of Art or the Legend of Beauty
871F48: A. Eric Bayly - The Man with the Parrots, a Story of Events and the Shadows They Cast
795J18: Captain George Bayly - Sea-Life Sixty Years Ago
837A24: Enda Lyall [Ada Ellen Bayly] - The Autobiography of a Slander
841W58: Spencer Bayne - Agent Extraordinary
805R16: ed. Rev. Robert H. Baynes - The Illustrated Book of Sacred Poems
778A2: Baron de Bazancourt; C F Clay - Secrets of the Sword
850W30: Rene Bazin - Donatienne
FGN22-B-11: Germain Bazin - Musee de L&Apos;Ermitage, Les Grands Maitres de la Peinture
867M5: René Bazin - La Terre Qui Meurt
867M8: René Bazin - La Sarcelle Bleue
620P7: Er. Bazin - Lecons Theoriques Et Cliniques Sur la Scorfule Consideree En Elle-Meme Et Dans Ses Rapports Aved la Syphilis, la Dartre Et L&Apos;Arthritis
774R77: BB - The Naturalist&Apos;S Bedside Book
697P15: BB; D. J. Watkins-Pitchford; Sir Charles Frederick - Wild Lone the Story of a Pytchley Fox
873M5: Rex Beach; Baroness von Hutten; Thora Stowell; Grace Livingston Hill; Mary Dunn - The Silver Horde; Happy House; the Crooked Plough; White Orchids; the World of Lady Addle
870T62: S. A. Beach; N. O. Booth; O. M. Taylor - The Apples of New York
891F70: Charles Beadle - Dark Refuge
854N15: J. T. Bealby - Canada: Peeps at Many Lands
811D49: Evelyn Beale - Kings and Queens: A Book of Song and Play
GEN18-E-13: Lionel S. Beale - Urine, Urinary Deposits and Calculi; and on the Treatment of Urinary Diseases with Numerous Illustrations, and Tables for the Clinical Examination of Urine
813A47: Peter Beales - Classic Roses: An Illustrated Encyclopaedia and Grower&Apos;S Manual of Old Roses, Shrub Roses and Climbers
896F24: Emeric Hulme-Beaman - Ozmar the Mystic: A Novel
775F11: Thomas Beames - The Rookeries of London: Past, Present, and Prospective
828M10: Thomas Beames - The Rookeries of London: Past, Present and Prospective.
881T53: W. Beamont - A History of the House of Lyme (in Cheshire)
626M16: C. E. W. Bean - Flagships Three
826B14: W. J. Bean - Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
813J51: W.J. Bean - Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
GEN32-I-11: W. J. Bean - Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
885Q15: W. J. Bean - Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
804R64: Alfreda Bean - Petals of a Wild Rose
891F60: Greg Bear - Eon
840T77: Geoffrey Beard - Craftsmen and Interior Decoration in England, 1660-1829
866A43: Geoffrey Beard - The Work of Grinling Gibbons
GEN37-A-4: Geoffrey W. Beard - Nineteenth Century Cameo Glass.
850P18: Aubrey Beardsley - Under the Hill and Other Essays in Prose and Verse
638M33: Aubrey Beardsley; H. G. Marillier - The Early and Later Work of Aubrey Beardsley
809P26: Elystan M. Beardsley - Napoleon Our Last Great Man
LTH13-F-6: Catherine Bearne - Lives and Times of the Early Valois Queens Jeanne de Bourgogne, Blanch de Navarre, Jeanne D&Apos;Auvergne Et de Boulogne
834M20: Mrs. Bearne - Heroines of French Society in the Court, the Revolution the Empire, and the Restoration
841N14: Catherine Bearne - A Daughter of the Revolution: A Leader of Society at Napoleon&Apos;S Court
809D40: Catherine M. Bearne - A Leader of Society at Napoleon&Apos;S Court
LTH1-F-10: James Beatie - The Minstrel; or, the Progress of Genius: A Poem
820F41: Cecil Beaton - Air of Glory: A Wartime Scrapbook
771P31: Cecil Beaton - My Royal Past
771P37: Cecil Beaton - Ashcombe the Story of a Fifteen-Year Lease
850B11: A. C. Beaton - The Pocket Estimator for the Building Trade
771P46: Cecil Beaton - My Royal Past
771P55: Cecil Beaton; Truman Capote - The Best of Beaton
771P32: Cecil Beaton - Portrait of New York
822F1: Cecil Beaton - The Face of the World
790P33: Cecil Beaton; Peter Quennell - Time Exposure
771P30: Cecil Beaton - Ashcombe the Story of a Fifteen-Year Lease
771P27: Cecil Beaton - Chinese Album
771P47: Cecil Beaton - The Book of Beauty
771P33: Cecil Beaton - My Royal Past
771P36: Cecil Beaton; Kenneth Tynan - Persona Grata
898F27: Cecil Beaton - Near East
623C21: Robert Beatson - A Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland; or, a Complete Register of the Hereditary Honours, Public Office, and Persons in Office, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time
SET30-H-3: Robert Beatson - A Political Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland
859M36: James Beattie - The Minstrel
843J3: William Beattie - Switzerland Illustrated in a Series of Views, Volume I
866F60: William Beattie - The Ports, Harbours, Watering-Places, and Coast Scenery of Great Britain
820B14: James Beattie - The Minstrel; or, the Progress of Genius: In Two Parts. With Some Other Poems
896Z40: William Beattie - The Ports, Harbours, Watering-Places, and Coast Scenery of Great Britain
863B63: William Beattie - Switzerland
840P1: William Beattie - Caledonia Illustrated in a Series of Views Taken Expressly for the Work
867P42: James Beattie; Thomas Warton - The Minstrel and Poems
772P6: James Beattie; Ralph S. Walker - James Beattie&Apos;S London Diary 1773
900Q13: James Beattie - An Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in Opposition to Sophistry and Scepticism
853N9: William Beattie - Scotland Illustrated in a Series of Views Taken Expressly for This Work
882P4: William Beattie - Caledonia Illustrated in a Series of Views Taken Expressly for the Work
845B64: James Beattie - The Minstrel; or, the Progress of Genius and Other Poems
878T53: James Beattie - The Minstrel: Or, the Progress of Genius: And Other Poems
792R23: William Beattie - The Castles and Abbeys of England
LTH10-C-2: James Beattie - The Minstrel or, the Progress of Genius and Other Poems
LTH9-A-2: William Beattie - Switzerland Illustrated in a Series of Views Taken Expressly for This Work by W.H. Bartlett
794P17: James Beattie; William Collins; Thomas Miller - The Poetical Works of James Beattie, LL. D. , and William Collins
848B16: James Beattie - Original Poems and Translations
749P13: Paul Beatty - The Sellout
791P61: Clyde Beatty; Edward Anthony - The Big Cage
893T57: John Beatty - The Alcohuans: A Narrative of Sojourn and Adventure Among the Mound Builders of the Ohio Valley. Being a Free Translation from the Norraena of the Memoirs of Ivarr Bartholdsson
756R44: David Beaty - Strange Encounters: Mysteries of the Air
804D40: David Beaty - Cone of Silence
GEN3-B-7: Helen Beauclerk - The Love of the Foolish Angel
833M31: Helen Beauclerk - The Green Lacquer Pavilion by Helen Beauclerk Adorned with Nine Cuts and a Portrait of the Author by Edmund Dulac
826J22: Lady Di Beauclerk; Diana de Vere Beauclerk - A Summer and Winter in Norway
870P11: Lady Di Beauclerk; Diana de Vere Beauclerk - A Summer and Winter in Norway
807R63: Raphael Ledos de Beaufort - Napoleon and His Detractors
887Q43: His Grace the Duke of Beaufort - The Badminton Library: Driving
753L6: Henry Beaufoy - The Substance of the Speech of Henry Beaufoy to the British Society for Extending the Fisheries
FGN13-C-4: Madame Malls de Beaulieu - Le Robinson de Douze Ans
727K10: Ned Beauman - Boxer Beetle
737K9: Ned Beauman - Glow
863P27: Pierre Beaumarchais - Memoires de Beaumarchais
863B19: Caron de Beaumarchais - Le Barbier de Seville
681P26: Pierre Caron de Beaumarchais - Le Barbier de Seville Ou la Precaution Inutile le Deserteur Les Fausses Infidelites la Brouette Du Vinaigrier
681P15: Pierre Beaumarchais - Le Mariage de Figaro, Ou le Folle Journee, Comedie En Cinq Actes
FGN1-B-19: Beaumarchais - Le Barbier de Seville
FGN19-C-13: Pierre Beaumarchais - Theatre de Beaumarchais
814J29: Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais; Ch. Beauquier - Theatre de Beaumarchais: Le Mariage de Figaro
842W34: Roberts Beaumont - Carpets and Rugs
867M22: Captain Spencer [William Spencer Beaumont] - Germany, from the Baltic to the Adriatic; or, Prussia, Austria, and Venetia with Reference to the Late War
603P3: Gaston du Boscq de Beaumont - Une France Oubliee L&Apos;Acadie
SET65-I-3: Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher - The Works of Mr Francis Beaumont and Mr John Fletcher in Seven Volumes Adorn&Apos;D with Cuts Revised and Corrected with Some Account of the Life and Writing of the Authors
744L24: Beaumont and Fletcher; E H Fellowes - Songs & Lyrics from the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher
868A18: Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher - The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
622C17: Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher; Henry Weber - The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, in Fourteen Volumes: With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes, by Henry Weber, Esq.
622C2: Beaumont; Fletcher - The Dramatick Works of Beaumont and Fletcher; Collated with All the Fromer Editions, and Corrected; with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by Various Commentators; and Adorned with Fifty-Four Original Engravings.
768P10: Keith Beaumont - Alfred Jarry a Critical and Biographical Study
864N33: Joseph Beaumont; Eloise Robinson [Editor] - The Minor Poems of Joseph Beaumont 1616-1699
853N10: Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher; Reverend Alexander Dyce [Ed.] - The Works of Beaumont & Fletcher
804A68: Ed. de Beaumonts - The Sword and Womankind: Being a Study F of the Influence of "the Queen of Weapons" Upon the Moral and Social Status of Women
864N3: Comte de Saint-Aulaire [Auguste-Félix-Charles de Beaupoil] - Histoire de la Fronde
766P10: Gerard de Beauregard - Les Marechaux de Napoleon
880P21: Beausapin; [Augustin Deslinières] - La Bible Comique
726L17: Pierre-Honore Robbe de Beauveset - Mon Odyssee Ou le Journal de Mon Retour de Saintonge Poeme a Chloe
782F60: Antoine B. Beauvilliers - The Art of French Cookery
762P41: Marquis de Beauvoir; Agnes Stephenson; Helen Stephenson - Pekin, Jeddo, and San Francisco. The Conclusion of a Voyage Round the World
855B16: Simone de Beauvoir - The Woman Destroyed
835J37: Le Comte de Beauvoir - Voyage Autour Du Monde
863B31: Joseph-Eugene Beauvoisins - Notice Sur la Cour Du Grand-Seigneur
844W5: Wyndham Beawes - Lex Mercatoria Rediviva: Or, the Merchant&Apos;S Directory Being a Complete Guide to All Men in Business
GEN38-E-3: Raymond Beazley - An English Garner Voyages and Travels Mainly During the 16th and 17th Centuries Vols. I and II with an Introduction by C. Raymond Beazley
FGN19-C-5: Martini Becani - Analogia Veteris Ac Novi Testamenti
902F19: Jack Bechdolt - The Torch
889T46: C. E. Bechhofer; Alfred E. Zimmern - In Denikin&Apos;S Russia and the Caucasus, 1919-1920
732L10: J M Bechstein - The Natural History of Cage Birds
848N10: Christabel Beck - Fritillaries, a Gardener&Apos;S Introduction to the Genus Fritillaria
773R41: Frank Ver Beck - The Donkey Child
GEN40-E-25: Horace P Beck - The American Indian As a Sea-Fighter in Colonial Times
831P2: Canon W. E. Beck - A History of the Cheltenham Training Colleges (St. Paul and St. Mary)
853A59: Peter Beck - The Falkland Islands As an International Problem
732K24: Ian Beck - Pastworld
875Z10: Major A. F. Becke - Napoleon and Waterloo the Emperor&Apos;S Campaign with the Armee Du Nord 1815
846M26: Major A. F. Becke - History of the Great War 1914-1918: Order of Battle of Divisions: Parts 2a and 2b
866B53: W. A. Becker, Frederick Metcalfe [translator] - Gallus or Roman Scenes of the Time of Augustus
FGN20-G-4: Wilhelm Adolph Becker - Charikles: Bilder Altgriechische Sitte
597P20: Iulius de Becker - De Sponsalibus Et Matrimoni Praelectiones Canonicae Quas Habebat
FGN13-C-1: Wilhelm Gottlieb Becker - Taschenbuch Zum Geselligen Vergnugen
LTH27-F-9: Gilbert Abbot A Beckett - The Comic History of England in Two Volumes
796A67: Gilbert Abbott A Beckett - The Comic History of Rome
GEN30-C-18: Arthur William a Beckett - London at the End of the Century
836A9: Sir Edmund Beckett - Astronomy without Mathematics
759R23: Sir Edmund Beckett - A Book on Building, CIVIL and Ecclesiastical; with the Theory of Domes, and of the Great Pyramid; and a Catalogue of Sizes of Churches and Other Large Buildings
SET8-A-3: Gilbert A Beckett - The Comic History of England and the Comic History of Rome
SET43-B-3: Gilbert A Beckett - The Comic History of England and the Comic History of Rome
900M27: Samuel Beckett - Murphy
840P6: Samuel Beckett - From an Abandoned Work
848B71: Gilbert Abbott A Beckett - The Comic History of Rome
LTH27-E-9: Gilbert Abbot A Beckett - The Comic History of England in Two Volumes
897Z11: Samuel Beckett - Dream of Fair to Middling Women
817B59: Ernest Beckett - Fall of the Mighty
803A40: Samuel Beckett - The Theatrical Notebooks of Samuel Beckett: Endgame; Waiting for Godot; Krapp&Apos;S Last Tape
845N23: Gilbert Abott Beckett - The Comic Blackstone
GEN22-E-9: Gilbert Abbot A Beckett - The Comic History of England in Two Volumes
GEN22-H-14: Gilbert Abbot A Beckett - The Comic History of Rome
847T17: Gilbert Abbot A Beckett - The Comic History of Rome
GEN22-E-1: Gilbert Abbot A Beckett - The Comic History of England in Two Volumes
GEN31-F-9: Gilbert Abbott A Beckett - The Comic History of Rome from the Founding of the City to the End of the Commonwealth
853B66: Peter Beckford - Familiar Letters from Italy, to a Friend in England
795J6: Peter Beckford - Thoughts on Hunting in a Series of Familiar Letters to a Friend
761P55: Peter Beckford - Familiar Letters from Italy, to a Friend in England
747P38: Peter Beckford - Thoughts on Hunting
792F27: Peter Beckford - Thoughts on Hunting
794J28: Peter Beckford, G Denholm Armour, E D Cuming - Thoughts on Hunting, in a Series of Familiar Letters
890P18: William Beckford - Vathek
869K7: Peter Beckford - Thoughts on Hunting in a Series of Familiar Letters to a Friend
887Z50: William Beckford - Vathek
869A31: Peter Beckford - Familiar Letters from Italy, to a Friend in England
773R32: William Beckford - Vathek, an Arabian Tale
729P6: Peter Beckford - Thoughts on Hunting
868F18: William Beckford - The History of the Caliph Vathek; and European Travels
845N26: William Beckford; G.T. Bettany - The History of the Caliph Vathek; and European Travels
827J3: William Beckford - Vathek
624L19: William Beckford - Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha
GEN39-B-2: Stephen Down Beckham - The Literature of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: A Bibliography and Essays
829K1: C. F. Beckingham; G. W. B. Huntingford - The Prester John of the Indies
825A4: R. P. Beckinsale - Companion Into Gloucestershire
779R70: Gordon Beckles - Dunkirk - and After
900Z45: John Beckmann - A History of Inventions, Discoveries and Origins
805D49: Lillian Beckwith - Lightly Poached
863A32: Henry Becque - Theatre Complet
861T31: Henry Becque - Souvenirs D&Apos;Un Auteur Dramatique
754P22: Frank E. Beddard - The Structure and Classification of Birds
849T45: Charles Beddington - Canaletto in England: A Venetian Artist Abroad 1746-1755
840A75: Thomas Lovell Beddoes; Sir Edmund Gosse - The Complete Works of Thomas Lovell Beddoes
846T4: Thomas Lovell Beddoes; Sir Edmund Gosse - The Complete Works of Thomas Lovell Beddoes
866A18: Thomas Lovell Beddoes; Sir Edmund Gosse - The Complete Works of Thomas Lovell Beddoes
LTH2-B-14: Cuthbert Bede - Nearer and Dearer a Tale out of School a Novelette
840B35: Cuthbert Bede - The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green an Oxford Freshman
812J2: Cuthbert Bede - The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green: Parts I, II, and III
878P39: Cuthbert Bede; Edward Bradley - The Collected Works of Cuthbert Bede
890F25: Ruth Bedford - Fairies and Fancies
841A61: Herbert Bedford - The Heroines of George Meredith
LTH22-D-3: Herbert Bedford - The Heroines of George Meredith
885T22: Sybille Bedford - A Collection of First Edition Volumes by Sybille Bedford
647P1: W. K. R. Bedford; W. E. W. Collins - Annals of the Free Foresters from 1856 to the Present Day
885T66: Sybille Bedford - A Legacy
MOD1-A-3: Martyn Bedford - Acts of Revision
862N1: Joseph Bedier - Le Roman de Tristan Et Iseut Neouvele Par Joseph Bedier
638M27: Frank Bedwell - Frank Bedwell His Christmas Verses 1897-1909
792R3: William Beebe - The Arcturus Adventure: An Account of the New York&Apos;S Zoological Society&Apos;S First Oceanographic Expedition
607M9: William Beebe - The Edge of the Jungle
780F4: William Beebe - The Arcturus Adventure
870A25: Thomas Beecham - Beecham&Apos;S Photo-Folio: Valley of the Severn, Shrewsbury and Bridgnorth District
753P56: Catherine Beecher - A Treatise on Domestic Economy, for the Use of Young Ladies at Home and at School
MOD6-F-11: Alan Beechey - An Embarrassment of Corpses
LTH31-E-2: Henry Charles Beeching - The Poetical Works of John Milton
860P24: Thomas Beedome - Select Poems Divine and Humane
751A31: Thomas Beedome - Select Poems Divine and Humane
866A71: Thomas Beedome - Select Poems Divine and Humane
903T74: Nathan Beehl - Ferrari Supercars
773R17: Steve Van Beek - Bangkok Then and Now
628L8: J Beek - The Triumphs of William III King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland Containing a Short Account of the Most Remarkable Battles, Sieges, Sea Fights, Treaties and Famous Atchievements of the Princes of the House of Nassau &C.
792P26: Maurice Beerblock - Remarques Paroles Sans Romances
803A23: Max Beerbohm - The Happy Hypocrite
863F38: Max Beerbohm - Seven Men
789J18: Max Beerbohm - Rossetti and His Circle
636C27: Max Beerbohm - A Survey
841W61: Max Beerbohm - A Survey
834W26: Max Beerbohm - Cartoons: The Second Childhood of John Bull
854M12: Max Beerbohm; Francis Hackett [intro] - Zuleika Dobson
GEN34-D-13: Max Beerbohm - Yet Again
792R45: Max Beerbohm - A Survey
765R35: Max Beerbohm - The Dreadful Dragon of Hay Hill
849T37: Max Beerbohm - Zuleika Dobson: Or an Oxford Love Story
824A42: Max Beerbohm - Fifty Caricatures by Max Beerbohm
GEN20-D-11: Max Beerbohm - More
LTH2-A-3: Max Beerbohm - Heroes and Heroines of Bitter Sweet
800R21: Max Beerbohm - Cartoons: The Second Childhood of John Bull
901Z14: Lawrence Beesley - The Loss of the Titanic
798R38: Samuel Orchart Beeton - Beeton&Apos;S Gardening Book, Containing Full and Practical Instructions Concerning General Garden Operations, the Flower Garden, the Fruit Garden, the Kitchen Garden, Pests of the Month.
838P8: Mrs Beeton - Mrs Beeton&Apos;S Book of Household Management
902P3: S. O. Beeton; Various - Beeton&Apos;S Historical Romances, Daring Deeds, and Animal Stories
838J27: Mrs. Beeton [Isabella Beeton] - Mrs. Beeton&Apos;S Household Mangement
846A18: Samuel Beeton; Isabella Beeton - Englishwoman&Apos;S Domestic Magazine. An Illustrated Journal, Combining Practical Information, Instruction, & Amusement.
785R38: ed. S. O. Beeton - Beeton&Apos;S Great Book of Poetry
839F2: Mrs. Isabella Beeton - The Book of Household Management
838J26: Mrs. Beeton [Isabella Beeton] - Mrs. Beeton&Apos;S Household Mangement
777R52: Mrs. Isabella Beeton - The Englishwoman&Apos;S Cookery Book
851W12: Samuel Orchart Beeton - Beeton&Apos;S Tales of Chivalry, School Stories, Mechanics at Home, and Exploits of the Army and Navy
853N45: Mrs Beeton [Isabella Beeton] - Mrs Beeton&Apos;S Everyday Cookery
565W3: Samuel Orchart Beeton - Beeton&Apos;S Illustrated Gardening Book
846A13: Samuel Beeton; Isabella Beeton - Englishwoman&Apos;S Domestic Magazine. An Illustrated Journal, Combining Practical Information, Instruction, & Amusement.
843B60: Mrs Beeton [Isabella Beeton] - Mrs. Beeton&Apos;S Family Cookery
LTH23-C-16: S.O. Beeton - Beeton&Apos;S Boy&Apos;S Annual
899P16: Mrs. Beeton - Beeton&Apos;S Every-Day Cookery and Housekeeping Book
866K8: S. O. Beeton and John Sherer - Beeton&Apos;S Dictionary of Universal Information
785R46: Isabella Beeton - Mrs Beeton&Apos;S Household Management
827J38: Mrs Isabella Beeton - The Book of Household Management
LTH14-B-11: Samuel Orchart Beeton - Beeton&Apos;S Men of the Age and Annals of the Time
LTH5-E-12: Samuel Orchart Beeton - Beeton&Apos;S Dictionary of Universal Information
825B38: Beeton - Beeton&Apos;S Dictionary of Every-Day Gardening Constituting a Popular Cyclopedia of the Theory and Practice of Horticulture and Floriculture
897P2: Mrs. Isabella Beeton - The Book of Household Management
884Z27: S. O. Beeton - Beeton&Apos;S Book of Birds: Showing How to Rear and Manage Them in Sickness and in Health
810F11: Nic. Beets; B. Ter Haar; J. J. L. Ten Kate; C. Vosmaer - Juweeltjes
878P20: Harold Begbie - The Struwwelpeter Alphabet
858T70: Caroline Lewis [Edward Harold Begbie; J. Stafford Ransome; Michael Henry Temple] - Lost in Blunderland: The Further Adventures of Clara
881T21: Harold Begbie - The Struwwelpeter Alphabet
852F42: Harold Begbie - The Political Struwwelpeter
MOD11-D-1: Rene Behaine; Bernard Miall - Day of Glory
789J30: Aphra Behn; Montague Summers (ed.) - The Works of Aphra Behn
759A53: John Behrend - John Ball of Hoylake Champion Golfer
MOD5-A-3: T H Behrens - The Monument
636P67: S. N. Behrman - The Second Man a Comedy in Three Acts
817P24: Arnoldus Fridericus Beier; Johann Hadrian Slevogt; Christoph Krebs - Aegram Ex Lochiorum Retentione Graviter Decumbentem Iussu Et Aautoritate Illustris Atque Gratiosissimae Facultatis Medicae Praeside Jo. Hadriano Slevogtio
883F12: Ralph Beilby; Thomas Bewick - A History of British Birds
SET45-H-3: Edwin J. Beinecke and George L. Mckay - A Stevenson Library Catalogue of a Collection of Writings by and About Robert Louis Stevenson
901T35: Ian Hay [Major John Hay Beith] - The Great Wall of India
856M22: Ian Hay [John Hay Beith] - The Lighter Side of School Life
FGN1-C-28: Immanuelis Bekkeri; [August Immanuel Bekker]; [Photius] - Photii Bibliotheca
826A83: John Belcher; Mervyn E. Macartney - Later Renaissance Architecture in England: A Series of Examples of the Domestic Buildings Erected Subsequent to the Elizabethan Period
868K13: Captain Sir Edward Belcher - Narrative of a Voyage Round the World, Performed in Her Majesty&Apos;S Ship Sulphur, During the Years 1836-1842, Including Details of the Naval Operations in China, from Dec 1840 to Nov 1841
893T24: George W. Beldam; Harold H. Hilton; J. H. Taylor; James Braid; Alexander Heard; Harry Vardon - Great Golfers: Their Methods at a Glance
GEN19-H-20: George P Belden and James S Brisbin (Editor) - Belden the White Chief or Twelve Years Among the Wild Indians of the Plains from the Diaries and Manuscripts of George P Belden
LTH27-C-3: Belezebub - A Sure Guide to Hell. In Seven Sections. Containing Directions I. Parents in the Education of Their Children. II. To Youth. III. To Those Whose Minds Are Possessed with Envy and Malice, &C. IV. To a Good King. V. To First Ministers of State. VI. To the Clergy. And VII. To Young Ladies.
845g9: Ligue Des Artistes Belges - Belgian Art in Exile: A Representative Gallery of Modern Belgian Art
852T15: Helen Belgion - Titchmarsh Past and Present
866A49: Mrs Arthur G Bell - Nuremberg
901Z6: Josephine Bell - The Convalescent
852T21: Walter George Bell - The Great Plague in London in 1665
830G22: Vicars Bell - The Flying Cat
894Q12: Neil Bell - One Came Back
MOD5-E-5: Pauline Bell - Nothing But the Truth
753L7: Robert Bell - Lectures on Solemnities Used in Scotland
782P3: Gertrude Bell; Elizabeth Burgoyne - Gertrude Bell from Her Personal Papers 1889-1914
MOD7-A-10: Agnes Paton Bell - Melbourne John Batman&Apos;S Village
792P51: James Bell - A New Comprehensive Gazetteer of England and Wales
868P18: Quentin Bell - Virginia Woolf a Biography
791A81: Mrs Arthur G Bell - Picturesque Brittany
739L50: Vanessa Bell; Leonard Woolf - Bloomsbury Group Letters
898T78: Gertrude Bell; Lady Bell [editor] - The Letters of Gertrude Bell
820F8: Charles Bell - Fifty Years in Chains; or, the Life of an American Slave
855A13: Thomas Bell - A History of British Quadrupeds Including the Cetacea
830G11: G. H. Bell and E. F. Bell - Old English Barometers
709L23: William Bell - A Declaration of My Last Sentiments on the Different Doctrines of Religion by the Late Pierre Francois le Courayer
727K5: Alex Bell - The Ninth Circle
828B1: James Campbell Bell - The Jubilee
GEN18-C-18: David Charles Bell - The Modern Reader and Speaker: A Selection of Poetry and Prose from the Writings of Eminent Authors, with Copious Extracts for Recitation; Preceded by the Principles of Elocution
MOD2-E-14: Pauline Bell - Swansong
LTH23-A-4: James Bell - Compendious View of Universal History and Literature in a Series of Twenty Tables, Arranged in Collateral Columns of Nations and Progressively Divided Into Grand Compartments of Historical and Literary Time: From the Period of the Earliest Records to the Year 1833 Grounded on the Fifth Edition of the German of G.G. Bredow, Late Councillor of the Prussian Regency in Silesia, and Professor of History in the University of Breslau to Which Is Appended, a Table of Painters, Arranged in Schools and Ages, Principally from the Privates French Notes of Sir Mathew Van Bree, Painter to His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange Nassau, and Professor in Chief of the Royal Academy of Arts at Antwerp
840A84: H. T. Mackenzie Bell - A Forgotten Genius: Charles Whitehead a Critical Monograph
854M16: Adrian Bell - Men and the Fields
834G38: Rev. Fred Bell - Midnight Scenes in the Slums of New York: Or, Lights and Shadows
791A27: Mrs Arthur G Bell - Nuremberg
GEN34-D-1: Robert Bell - The Annotated Edition of the English Poets Songs from the Dramatists
MOD7-D-23: Josephine Bell - The China Roundabout
GEN37-B-10: Elizabeth Turner Bell - Twenty-Five New Figure and Character Dances
833W9: Quentin Bell - Virginia Woolf a Biography Volume II, Mrs Woolf 1912-1941
901P11: Robert Bell - Wayside Pictures Through France, Belgium, and Holland
882M15: C. F. Moberly Bell - From Pharaoh to Fellah
821F24: Henry Bell - An Historical Essay on the Original of Painting
891Z51: Josephine Bell; Ralph Stephenson; Peter N. Walker - The Port of London Murders Down Among the Dead Men Carnaby and the Demonstrator
FIN3-B-5: Robert Bell - The Life of the Rt Hon. George Canning
905F12: Quentin Bell - Virginia Woolf: A Biography
843g7: Gertrude Lowthian Bell - Amurath to Amurath
655L19: J Bell - [a New and Comprehensive Gazetteer of England and Wales]
833B29: Mrs. Arthur Bell - Representative Painters of the Xixth Century
755P36: Leslie Bell - The Laughing Fish
MOD2-F-15: Pauline Bell - Feast Into Mourning
798P15: Charles Bell - A Familiar Treatise on the Five Senses, Being an Account of the Conformation and Functions of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, and Skin
615P24: Lady Florence Bell - The Heart of Yorkshire a Play in Three Parts and an Epilogue
LTH9-D-4: Henry Nugent Bell - The Huntingdon Peerage Comprising a Detailed Account of the Evidence and Proceeding Connected with the Recent Restoration of the Earldom; Together with the Report of the Attorny-General on That Occasion. To Which Is Prefixed a Genealogical and Biographical History of the Illustrious House of Hastings, Including a Memoir of the Present Earl and His Family.
GEN14-D-15: Mackenzie Bell - Collected Poems
LTH11-C-1: Malcolm Bell - Rembrandt Van Rijn
794P18: Robert Bell; Various - Golden Leaves from the Works of the Poets and Painters
798F6: Sir Charles Bell - The Hand: Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments As Evincing Design
798F7: Sir Charles Bell - The Hand: Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments As Evincing Design
LTH6-F-7: Henry Nugent Bell - The Huntingdon Peerage
765A25: James Bell - A New and Comprehensive Gazetteer of England and Wales Vol II Part II
864A36: Joyce Bellamy - Hyde Park for Horsemanship
832B8: Frank Arthur Bellamy - A Historical Account of the Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire 1880-1905
810D10: Edward Bellamy - Doctor Heidenhoff&Apos;S Process
899P51: Edward Bellamy - Looking Backward 2000-1887
903Q37: Edward Bellamy - Equality
857B6: Hippolyte Bellange - Die Soldaten Der FranzSischen Republik Und Des Kaiserreichs
620P24: Stanislas Bellanger - La Touraine Ancienne Et Moderne
LTH12-E-27: Jean Baptiste Morvan de Bellegarde - The Letters of Monsieur L&Apos;Abbe de Bellegarde to a Lady of the Court of France on Some Curious and Usefull Subjects
854P27: Jean-Baptiste Morvan de Bellegarde - Suite Des Reflexions Sur Ce Qui Peut Plaire Ou Deplaire Dans le Commerce Du Monde
899F62: John Bellenden; James MacGill - Discours Particulier D&Apos;Escosse
669P18: Frances Bellerby - Hath the Rain a Father?
786A56: William de Belleroche - Brangwyn Talks
856N40: Rev. G. Bellett - The Antiquities of Bridgnorth; with Some Historical Notices of the Town and Castle
854W7: Paddy Bellew - Private View
887Z51: Hilaire Belloc - The Verse of Hilaire Belloc
850P8: Hilaire Belloc - The Bad Child&Apos;S Book of Beasts
883T42: Hilaire Belloc - Avril: Being Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance
869Q26: Hilaire Belloc - More Peers
835A11: Hilaire Belloc - Mrs Markham&Apos;S New History of England Being an Introduction for Young People to the Current History
823W8: Hilaire Belloc - The Highways and Its Vehicles
862B53: Elizabeth Belloc - Poems
822K3: Hilaire Belloc - The Historic Thames
892F64: Hilaire Belloc - The Mercy of Allah
844T1: Hilarie Belloc - The Modern Traveller
780P52: Hilaire Belloc - Hills and the Sea
892M8: Hilaire Belloc - Cautionary Verses
877Z10: H. Belloc - This and That and the Other on
841J4: H. Belloc - New Cautionary Tales
882T26: Hilaire Belloc; B. T. Blackwood - The Modern Traveller
867M23: Bessie Parkes-Belloc [Elizabeth Rayner Belloc] - La Belle France
GEN2-F-17: Hilaire Belloc - Belinda a Tale of Affection in Youth and Age
883T37: H. Belloc - Sonnets and Verse: The Collected Poems of H. Belloc
863T6: Gian Guido Belloni - IL Castello Sforzesco Di Milano
879T64: Felice Bellotti; James Cadell [translator] - The Great North
839T52: Saul Bellow - Mr Sammler&Apos;S Planet
831W6: Saul Bellow - Mr Sammler&Apos;S Planet
MOD7-A-18: Saul Bellow - Mr Sammler&Apos;S Planet
762P21: Saul Bellow - Mr. Sammler&Apos;S Planet
830W20: Saul Bellow - Humboldt&Apos;S Gift
881Q34: Saul Bellow - Seize the Day
814A59: Saul Bellow - The Victim
881Z31: Saul Bellow - Mr Sammler&Apos;S Planet
MOD11-C-16: Saul Bellow - Mr Sammler&Apos;S Planet
GEN2-F-18: William Bellows - Edmund Gosse Some Memories
859T10: John Bellows - Dictionary for the Pocket French and English/English and French Both Divisions on Same Page
FGN20-D-3: John Bellows - Dictionary for the Pocket French-English and English-French
844W2: The Earl of Belmore - Return to an Order of the House of Lords 24th March 1874 for Copies or Extracts of Any Further Correspondence Respecting Outrages Committed Upon Natives of the South Sea Islands, in Continuation of the Papers Upon This Subject Laid Before the House Last Session
728P7: [William Beloe] - The Sexagenarian; or, the Recollections of a Literary Life
833J21: [William Beloe] - The Sexagenarian, or, the Recollections of a Literary Life
637P36: Max Beloff; Various - History Mankind and His Story
841A54: Adolphe Belot - Mademoiselle Giraud Ma Femme
SET51-G-3: W Belsham - Memoirs of the Reign of George III to the Session of Parliament Ending A. D 1793
874M13: Cyril S. Belshaw; Raymond Firth [foreword] - The Great Village: The Economic and Social Welfare of Hanuabada, an Urban Community in Papua
758A12: Dr. Juan G. Beltran - El Zapardo InglS a Las Malvinas
624C3: George Frederick Beltz - A Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, Adjudicated 1803, and of the Pretensions of Sir Samuel-Egerton Brydges, Bart. To Designate Himself Per Legem Terrae Baron Chandos of Sudeley
839A14: Pierre Belves - Les Albums Du Pere Castor: Belle Poteries; Saints de Bois; Faiences de France; Art Paysan
785F37: John Henry Belville - A Manual of the Thermometer
888K2: G. Belzoni - Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries Within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs and Excavation, in Egypt and Nubia; and of a Journey to the Coast of the Red Sea, in Search of the Ancient Berenice; and Another to the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon.
698L22: Pietro Bembo - Prose Di M Pietro Bembo Nelle Quali Si Ragione Della Volgar Lingua
789A52: Ludwig Bemelmans - My War with the United States
726L9: Theodore Benazet - Memoire Aux Chambres a L&Apos;Occasion Des Evenemens de Lyon
882V13: David Benedictus - You&Apos;Re a Big Boy Now and the Fourth of June
891F69: Stephen Vincent Benet - Tales Before Midnight
748L14: [Stephen Vincent Benet] - A Portrait and a Poem
807R17: John Benett - An Essay on the Commutation of Tithes
864A23: E Benezit - Dictionnaire Critique Et Documentaire Des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs Et Graveurs de Tous Les Temps Et de Tous Les Pays Par Une Groupe D&Apos;Ecrivains Specialistes Francais Et Etrangers
891Z43: Eric Benfield - Southern English Reminiscences of Purbeck Country and People
891Z45: Eric Benfield - Southern English Reminiscences of Purbeck Country and People
849W18: Gregory Benford - Science Fiction Works by Gregory Benford
858B85: Miss Benger - Memoirs of Frederick and Margaret Klopstock and Klopstock and His Friends
838B66: Miss Benger - Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia
629M12: Georges Bengesco [Gheorghe Bengescu] - Oeuvres Choisies de Voltaire
889F37: Canon Benham; The Bishop of London [Intro.] - Old London Churches
LTH6-E-5: Sir Gurney Benham - Benham&Apos;S Book of Quotations: Proverbs and Household Words
814A35: Tres Viri Floribus Legendis [I.E. Benjamin; H. Kennedy; James Riddell] - Sabrinae Corolla in Hortulis Regiae Scholae Salopiensis
853B79: Anthony Benjamin - Anthony Benjamin: Exhibition of New Work
849A47: Tony Benn; Ruth Winstone [ed.] - Tony Benn: More Time for Politics Diaries 2001-2007
732K9: Tom Benn - Chamber Music
728K11: Tom Benn - The Doll Princess
849W48: Tony Benn - Dare to Be a Daniel
889M11: Captain Wedgwood Benn - Safeguarding Whom? the Profiteer, or the Worker: Labour&Apos;S Answer to the Protectionists
894M29: H. H. Benn - Judging the U.S. S.R.
862M27: William Bennet - Youth Reminded of a Future Judgement: In a Funeral Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Mr. John Vowell, Who Died at Hackney, Dec. 24, 1790. To Which Is Added Some Account of His Sister, Miss Sophia Vowell, Who Died on the Seventh of the Same Month.
LTH16-E-9: Mary Bennett - The Gipsey Bride: Or, the Miser&Apos;S Daughter
866M4: J. A. W. Bennett - The Parlement of Foules: An Interpretation
903P18: Penelope Bennett - First Taste First Draft Manuscript
732L22: Edward T Bennett - The Tower Menagerie
751R50: A. G. Bennett - Whaling in the Antarctic
756A40: Arnold Bennett - Whom God Hath Joined
839T54: Arnold Bennett - From the Log of the Velsa
902Q2: Sea Lion" [Geoffrey Martin Bennett] - This Creeping Evil
853W8: Arnold Bennett - Riceyman Steps
781A7: Charles Henry Bennett - Shadows
878T73: Arnold Bennett - Whom God Hath Joined
762L10: [Mary E Bennett] - Elinor Clark or the Haunted Oak
880Q1: Estelline Bennett - Old Deadwood Days
877F7: James Bennett - The History of Tewkesbury
773R34: John Bennett - Revelations of a Sly Parrot
903T71: Elizabeth Bennett - Thousand Mile Trial
878V19: C. E. Bennett - Horace the Odes and Epodes
795P22: Joseph Bennett; Cavendish - Billiards
901F46: C. H. Bennett - The Surprising, Unheard of and Never-to-Be-Surpassed Adventures of Young Munchausen
868A13: Arnold Bennett; Newman Flower [ed] - The Journals of Arnold Bennett
878T78: Richard Bennett - The Story of Bovril
883F11: Edward T. Bennett - The Tower Menagerie: Comprising the Natural History of the Animals Contained
793L2: John W Wheeler-Bennett - King George VI His Life and Reign
769P10: Arnold Bennett; Edward Knoblaunch - Milestones a Play in Three Acts
884F7: Charles Bennett - The Stories That Little Breeches Told, and the Pictures Which Charles Bennett Drew for Them
806R2: Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives&Apos; Tale, a Novel
GEN37-D-21: Arnold Bennett - The Matador of the Five Towns and Other Stories
798R48: A. G. Bennett - Whaling in the Antarctic
844A26: E. P. Leigh-Bennett - Some Friendly Fairways
770R18: James S. de Benneville - The Yotsuya Kwaidan of Otwa Inari
893Z18: Pierre Benoit - The Queen of Atlantis
864M8: Pierre Benoit - La ChaussE Des GAnts: Roman
FIN3-C-7: A.C Benson; H.F.W Tatham - Men of Might: Studies of Great Characters
867T62: A. C. Benson - Edward Fitzgerald
853T5: Arthur Christopher Benson - Works of Arthur Christopher Benson
FIN3-B-15: A C Benson; H F W Tatham - Men of Might Studies of Great Characters
GEN17-I-7: Arthur Christopher Benson - Fasti Etonenses a Biographical History of Eton Selected from the Lives of Celebrated Etonians
GEN14-C-29: Stella Benson - Christmas Formula and Other Stories
840T68: Arthur Christopher Benson - The Lie of Lord Tennyson
824A6: Arthur Christopher Benson - Where No Fear Was: A Book About Fear
639P7: Stella Benson; Geoffrey West - Christmas Formula and Other Stories
886M6: E. F. Benson - The Life of Alcibiades: The Idol of Athens
832M15: Arthur Christopher Benson - Poems
572L8: T Benson; Betty Askwith - Muddling Through or Britain in a Nutshell
835P49: E. F. Benson - Winter Sports in Switzerland
903M18: Robert Hugh Benson - The Dawn of All
812A65: Robert Hugh Benson - The Coward
871T35: George Benson - York from Its Origin to the End of the 11th Century
901M5: C. R. Benstead [Charles Richard Benstead] - Atlantic Ferry
847T3: S. L. Bensusan - The Life-Story of the Partridge
888T22: S. L. Bensusan - Morocco
849W10: William Bent - Bent&Apos;S Literary Advertiser
GEN17-I-4: Arthur Cleveland Bent - Life Histories of North American Shore Birds Order Limicolae Parts 1 and 2
879M5: Arthur Cleveland Bent - Life Histories of North American Shore Birds
GEN20-D-3: George Bentham - Handbook of the British Flora: A Description of the Plants and Ferns Indigenous to, or Naturalised in, the British Isles. For the Use of the Beginners and Amateurs.
752L2: Jeremy Bentham - Plan of Parliamentary Reform
902P18: Jeremy Bentham - Defence of Economy Against the Right Hon. George Rose
824W31: George Bentham - Handbook of the British Flora, a Description of the Flowering Plants and Ferns Indigenous to, or Naturalised in the British Isles; Illustrations of the British Flora, a Series of Wood Engravings, with Dissections, of British Plants
848A12: Jeremy Bentham - The Book of Fallacies from Unfinished Papers of Jeremy Bentham
878T33: George Bentham - Handbook of the British Flora; a Description of the Flowering Plants and Ferns Indigenous to, or Naturalized in, the British Isles
806F24: The Duke of Portland [William Cavendish-Bentinck] - Fifty Years and More of Sport in Scotland
581L31: Michael Bentinck - Forgotten Heroes Six True Stories
581L32: Michael Bentinck - My Dad, My Hero
841F36: E. C. Bentley [Edmund Clerihew Bentley] - Elephant&Apos;S Work an Enigma
813A30: Phyllis E. Bentley - O Dreams, O Destinations": An Autobiography
755P59: Phyllis E. Bentley - The World&Apos;S Bane and Other Stories
820B3: E. C. Bentley - Trent&Apos;S Last
892M10: E. Clerihew Bentley - More Biography
755P55: Phyllis E. Bentley - Cat-in-the-Manager
896Q3: Samuel Bentley - Excerpta Historica, or, Illustrations of English History
841F40: E. C. Bentley; H. Warner Allen - Trent&Apos;S Own Case
849T9: James Bentley - The Most Beautiful Villages of Tuscany
873P11: E. C. Bentley - Trent&Apos;S Last Case
892P67: E. C. Bentley - Trent&Apos;S Last Case
841F41: E. C. Bentley; H. Warner Allen - Trent&Apos;S Own Case
755P40: Nicolas Bentley - The Tongue-Tied Canary
842A81: E. C. Bentley - Trent&Apos;S Last Case
813A28: Phyllis E. Bentley - The Spinner of the Years
755P60: Phyllis Bentley - Noble in Reason
755P61: Phyllis Bentley - Freedom, Farewell!
755P62: Phyllis Bentley - Four First Edition Novels by Phyllis Bentley
819B29: E. C. Bentley - Trent&Apos;S Last Case
813A31: Phyllis E. Bentley - Carr: Being the Biography of Joseph Carr, Manufacturer, of the Village of Carr Foot, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, Written by His Grand-Daughter, Mary Elizabeth Carr
813A32: Phyllis E. Bentley - Trio
GEN31-G-9: E. Clerihew Bentley - More Biography
824P15: E. C. Bentley; H. Warner Allen - Trent&Apos;S Own Case
755P56: Phyllis Bentley - The Rise of Henry Morcar
755P57: Phyllis Bentley - Inheritance
755P58: Phyllis Bentley - A Man of His Time
807D43: Nicolas Bentley - Gammon and Espionage
LTH7-C-8: Samuel Bentley - Poems on Various Occasions Consisting of Original Pieces and Translations
817D56: John B. Bentley; Brian J. Murless - Somerset Roads: The Legacy of the Turnpikes- Phase 1
766L12: E C Bentley - Cas Deireannach Trent
766L14: E C Bentley - The Woman in Black
790A52: G Montagu Benton; F W Galpin; W J Pressey - The Church Plate of the County of Essex
808P36: F. F. Benvenuti - Episodes of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1795, (with an Appendix Embodying the Principal Events in France from 1789 to the Present Time,) Examined from a Political and Philosophical Point of View
871F22: John Benwell - Extracts from a Diary Kept by the Late John Benwell, of Sidcot
864B15: P-J De Beranger - Chansons de P-J de Beranger Anciennes Et Posthumes
810F12: Pierre-Jean de Beranger - Musique Des Chansons de P.J. De Beranger
868P26: Pierre Jean de Beranger - Chansons
833B52: Piere-Jean de Beranger; William Anderson - Lyrical Poems by Pierre-Jean de Beranger
FGN13-D-2: Giovanni Berchet - Raccolta Completa Delle Poesie Giocose Del Dottore Antonio Guadagnoli
843B63: Septimus Berdmore - Handbook on the Principles of Cooking
844T13: Edward Berdoe - The Browning Cyclopedia: A Guide to the Study of the Works of Robert Browning
673H16: John Berendt - The City of Falling Angels
903P24: [L. H. Berens]; [Ignatius Singer] - The Story of My Dictatorship
845M22: Edward Berens - A Selection from the Papers of Addison in the Spectator and Guardian. For the Use of Young Persons.
GEN34-F-5: Lewis H Berens - The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth As Revealed in the Writings of Gerrard Winstanley, the Digger, Mystic and Rationalist, Communist and Social Reformer
623C41: Rev. E. Berens - A Selection from the Papers of Addison in the Spectator and Guardian; for the Use of Young People
830P41: Lord Charles Beresford - The Break-Up of China with an Account of Its Present Commerce, Currency, Waterways, Armies, Railways, Politics, and Future Prospects
901T57: Leslie Beresford - The Second Rising: A Romance of India
903Q17: J. D. Beresford; Esme Wynne-Tyson - The Riddle of the Tower
884T49: Elisabeth Beresford - The Wombles at Work
845T50: Maurice Beresford - New Towns of the Middle Ages: Town Plantation in England, Wales and Gascony
831W46: Leila Berg - The Adventures of Chunky
872M25: Thomas Berger - Little Big Man
818B15: John Berger - Corker&Apos;S Freedom
781A23: Cyrano de Bergerac - Satyrical Characters and Handsome Descriptions in Letters
800F37: Alphonse Berget - Une Nouvelle Conquete de L&Apos;Homme, L&Apos;Air
862B16: G. Berghman - Catalogue Raisonne Des Impressions Elzeviriennes de la Bibliotheque Royale de Stockholm
892P52: Edward P. Berglund; Various - The Disciples of Cthulhu
EXP4-G-5: Sir Torbern Bergman; Edmund Cullen - Physical and Chemical Essays
588W3: Vilhelm Bergsoe - Fra Piazza Del Popolo
863M28: Paul Bergsoe; Michael Schroder; Frithiof Hansen - Vor Viden, Magasin for Ny Teknik Og Forskning, Oktober 1949 - September 1956: Hefte 1-182
851N29: Erik Bergvall - The Story of the Olympic Games in Amsterdam 1928; Berattelse over Olympiska Spelen I Amsterdam 1928
682P34: Joseph Berington - The History of the Lives of Abeillard and Heloisa; Comprising a Period of Eighty-Four Years, from 1079 to 1163. With Their Genuine Letters, from the Collection of Amboise
859T84: Berkeley - Dominoes and Solitaire
835A28: Anthony Berkeley - Death in the House
658L4: [George Berkeley] - The Analyst or a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician
796F3: Grantley F. Berkeley - Reminiscences of a Huntsman
794A31: Grantley F Berkeley - The English Sportsman in the Western Prairies
893P20: Anthony Berkeley - The Wychford Poisoning Case
803P13: Grantley F. Berkeley - A Month in the Forests of France
895P11: Reginald Berkeley - Cassandra
LTH18-B-11: Grantley F Berkley - Reminiscences of a Huntsman
LTH15-D-11: Grantley F Berkley - My Life and Recollections
851N31: Organisationskomitee Fur Die XI. Olympiade Berlin - The Xith Olympic Games Berlin 1936 Official Report
854B48: Sven Berlin - I Am Lazarus
803F3: Isaiah Berlin - The Magus of the North: J.G. Hamann and the Origins of Modern Irrationalism
896Q12: Mrs. Alfred Berlyn [Annie Berlyn] - Sunrise-Land
896Z4: Mrs. Alfred Berlyn [Annie Berlyn] - Sunrise-Land Rambles in Eastern England
850F30: Peter Berlyn; Charles Fowler - The Crystal Palace: Its Architectural History and Constructive Marvels
621P20: Louis Berman - The Personal Equation
900F53: Richard A. Bermann; Winston S. Churchill [intro.] - The Mahdi of Allah, the Story of the Dervish Mohammed Ahmed
823P35: Louis Bernacchi; Various - The Polar Book
MOD1-A-14: Georges Bernanos - The Open Mind
LTH8-D-9: William Leigh Bernard - The Irish Church Acts, 1869 & 1872
864B35: Louis Bernard - Chefs-C&Apos;Oeuvre de Peinture Au Musee Du Louvre Ecole Italienne
776F20: Sir Thomas Bernard - An Account of a Supply of Fish, for the Manufacturing Poor; with Observations.
864P12: Laure Bernard - Les Mythologies de Tous Les Peuples
811F36: La Monnoye; de la Motte, Deshoulieres; Linant; Bernard et al. - Pieces de Poesie Qui Ont Remporte le Prix de L&Apos;Academie Francoise, Depuis 1671 Jusqua 1747
860B95: Pierre-Jospeh Bernard - Oeuvres Completes M. Bernard
809A20: Frederic Bernard - De Paris a Lyon Et a Troyes
FGN12-C-6: Thales Bernard - La Lisette de Beranger: Souvenirs Intimes
886T45: Chas. A. Bernau - ? County
832B21: Ronald M. Berndt; Catherine H. Berndt - The World of the First Australians
832B22: Ronald M. Berndt - Australian Aboriginal Anthropology Modern Studies in the Social Anthropology of the Australian Aborigines
874Z18: Ronald M. Berndt - Excess and Restraint Social Control Among a New Guinea Mountain People
801J8: Julia Berners - The Boke of Saint Albans
GEN20-H-15: Sotheby Parke Bernet and Co - Important Nineteenth Century and Modern Prints: The Collection of the Late Sir Rex de C. Nan Kivell
826B32: Sotheby Parke Bernet and Co - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Lithographs from the Collection of Ludwig and Erick Charell
857T59: Professor L. Bernhardi - Die Kleine Christfriede Und Andere ErzHlungen FR MDchen
883F37: Louis de Bernieres - Captain Corelli&Apos;S Mandolin
760P54: Louis de Bernieres - Birds without Wings
892P58: Louis de Bernieres - Captain Corelli&Apos;S Mandolin
747L5: Ignaz Bernstein - Judische Sprichworter Und Redensarten Erotica Und Rustica
FGN23-B-1: Walther Bernt - Die Niederlandischen Maler Des 17. Jahrhunderts
862A42: Walther Bernt - Die Niederlandischen Zeichner Des 17. Jahrhunderts
GEN20-B-16: Walther Bernt - The Netherlandish Painters of the Seventeenth Century
FGN19-E-9: Aage Berntsen - Ungkarlens Visebog Og Aegtemandens Salmebog
864F14: Aage Berntsen - Digte: Fjerde Samling
864M34: Arnaud Berquin; Charles Welsh [intro] - The Looking-Glass of the Mind. A Reprint of the Edition of 1792, with the Original Illustrations by Bewick
849F28: Arnaud Berquin - L&Apos;Ami Des Enfans
FIN3-A-4: Arnaud Berquin - L&Apos;Ami Des Enfants
802A26: M. Berquin - Romances
845G17: Arnaud Berquin - The Looking-Glass for the Mind; or, Intellectual Mirror: Being an Elegant Collection of the Most Delightful Little Stories & Interesting Tales: Chiefly Translated from That Much-Admired Work, L&Apos;Ami Des Enfans
810F51: Berquin; Demoustier; La Fontaine; Millevoye; Voltaire; Florian - Bibliotheque En Miniature
794R12: N. J. Berrill - The Tunicata with an Account of the British Species
761R2: Michael F. Berry; D. W. E. Brock - Hunting by Ear: The Sound of Fox Hunting
781A22: Francis Berry - Gospel of Fire: Poems by Francis Berry
876P26: Bryan Berry - Born in Captivity
893T17: Patricia Berry - Seaford in Old Picture Postcards
818F41: William Berry - County Genealogies, Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Hants
819F2: Michael Berry; D. W. E. Brock - Hunting by Ear the Sound-Book of Fox Hunting
820B47: William Berry - County Genealogies, Pedigrees of Hertfordshire Families
880T45: Gwen Berryman - Doris Archer&Apos;S Farm Cookery Book
629C4: L. V. Bertaberlli - Lazio
876M5: L. V. Bertarelli; Findlay Muirhead [ed.] - The Blue Guides: Southern Italy Including Rome, Sicily and Sardinia
FGN20-H-13: Emile Bertaux - Rome
759A20: Carlo Bertelli, Giulio Bollati - Storia D&Apos;Italia
694P18: Bertha - Bertha&Apos;S Journal During a Visit to Her Uncle in England
859B78: A. Maraval-Berthoin - Chants de Hoggar
863B30: S. Henry Berthoud - Les Feeries de la Science
842A1: Emma Bertini - An Italian Companion and Interpreter for the English Student and Tourist Containing Words and Phrases for Every Day Use
795J23: James G. Bertram - The Harvest of the Sea, a Contribution to the Natural and Economic History of the British Good Fishes
811A28: Ellangowan" [James Glass Bertram] - Sporting Anecdotes: Being Anecdotal Annals, Descriptions, Tales and Incidents of Horse-Racing, Betting, Card-Playing, Pugilism, Gambling, Cock-Fighting, Pedestrianism, Fox-Hunting, Angling, Shooting, and Other Sports
755R9: Colin Bertram - Antarctica, Cambridge, Conservation and Population: A Biologist&Apos;S Story
769L11: G C L Bertram - Antarctica Today and Tomorrow
GEN19-I-14: Joseph Bertrand - L&Apos;Academie Des Sciences Et Les Academiciens de 1666 a 1793
853A58: Kenneth J Bertrand - Americans in Antarctica 1775-1948
803A49: Louis Bertrand - Le Sang Des Races
749R1: M de Berville - The Story of the Chevalier Bayard
GEN32-D-12: Walter Besant - The Master Craftsman Volumes I and II
859T58: Walter Besant - The Lady of Lynn
GEN3-B-17: Walter Besant - The Alabaster Box
803R39: Walter Besant - All Sorts and Conditions of Men, an Impossible Story
771A7: Sir Walter Besant; The Earl of Rosebery - London: Mediaeval and Elizabethan. An Address Delivered to the London Reform Union, December 7th, 1896
882M17: Sir Walter Besant - London in the Eighteenth Century
GEN25-D-13: Walter Besant - All Sorts and Conditions of Men an Impossible Story
896M5: Walter Besant - Fifty Years Ago
631P7: Walter Besant - London in the Time of the Tudors London in the Time of the Stuarts
GEN24-F-17: Walter Besant - The Holy Rose Etc
776P2: Walter Besant - The Survey of London
821A73: Walter Besant; James Rice - &Apos;Twas in Trafalgar&Apos;S Bay and Other Stories
876F39: Walter Besant - The Revolt of Man
EXP3-C-8: Walter Besant - The Orange Girl
859T70: Sir Walter Besant - To Call Her Mine Etc.
841A55: Walter Besant; James Rice - The Golden Butterfly
853A21: Walter Besant; E. H. Palmer - Jerusalem, the City of Herod and Saladin
892M20: Sir Walter Besant - Westminster; East London; London
875T23: Sir Walter Besant - London & South London
767A37: Walter Besant - London
875T27: Sir Walter Besant; G. E. Mitton - The Fascination of London
GEN14-B-14: Walter Besant - Beyond the Dreams of Avarice
882M20: Sir Walter Besant - London in the Nineteenth Century; North of the Thames; South of the Thames
805R11: ed. Annie Besant and G. R. S. Mead - The Theosophical Review
GEN23-D-16: Walter Besant - As We Are and As We May Be
845A69: Walter Besant; James Rice - Sir Richard Whittington: Lord Mayor of London
804P24: Annie Besant - Evolution of Life & Form
893T42: Sir Walter Besant - London South of the Thames
893T43: Sir Walter Besant - The Survey of London
FGN12-B-5: Aine Bescherelle - Dictionnaire National Ou Dictionnaire Universel de la Langue Francaise in Two Volumes
879Q14: Elsa Beskow - -Rets Saga
FGN22-G-5: Basilius Besler - Hortus Eystettensis Sive Diligens Et Accurata Omnium Plantarum, Florum, Stir Pium, Ex Var Iis Obis Terrae Partibus, Singulari Studio Collectarum
GEN20-G-9: The Earl of Bessborough - A Place in the Forest Being the Story of Stansted in Sussex
871P26: Herbest Best - The Twenty-Fifth Hour
901F20: Alfred Bestall - The New Adventures of Rupert
901F19: Alfred Bestall - The Adventures of Rupert
858T61: Alfred E. Bestall - Rupert: A Collection of Favourite Stories
901T51: Alfred Bestall - Rupert&Apos;S Adventure Book
901F22: Alfred Bestall; Enid Ash; Alex Cubie - The Rupert Adventure Series
904Z39: Alfred Bestall - More Rupert Adventures
901Z20: Alfred Bestall - More Adventures of Rupert: Rupert Annual 1937 Facsimile Edition
901T42: Alfred Bestall - The Adventures of Rupert
904Z40: Alfred Bestall - Rupert Annuals from 1957-8
901F17: Alfred Bestall - More Adventures of Rupert
859A6: Alfred Bestall - Rupert&Apos;S Adventure Book
901T55: Alfred Bestall - More Rupert Adventures: 1943 Rupert Annual
901T41: Alfred Bestall - The Rupert Book & More Adventures of Rupert
901F23: Alfred Bestall - The Rupert Adventure Book, Nos. 1 and 2
901Z19: Alfred Bestall - The New Rupert Book: Rupert Annual 1938 Facsimile Edition
900Z50: Alfred Bestall - The New Adventures of Rupert
901F18: Alfred Bestall - The New Rupert Book
800P27: Alfred Bestall - The New Rupert Book
859A7: Alfred Bestall - Rupert Annual 1948; 1949; 1951; 1952; 1955
LTH10-B-18: Henry Digby Beste - Four Years in France or Narrative of an English Family&Apos;S Residence There During That Period; Preceded by Some Account of the Conversion of the Author to the Catholic Faith
871F14: Damon Knight [ed.]; Italo Calvino; J.G. Ballard; Alfred Bester et al. - Tomorrow and Tomorrow: Ten Tales of the Future
GEN30-F-6: Henry Beston - The Book of Gallant Vagabonds
851B17: Commander Peter Bethell - Ship Flying and Aircraft Carriers
SET14-B-3: Maximilien de Bethune - Memoirs of Maximilien de Bethune Duke of Sully Prime Minister of Henry the Great to Which Is Annexed the Trial of Francis Ravaillac for the Murder of Henry the Great
SET39-C-1: Maximilien de Bethune - Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully Prime Minister of Henry the Great
881T8: John Betjeman - High and Low, a Nip in the Air, & Uncollected Poems
851B40: John Betjeman - Summoned by the Bells
752A15: John Betjeman - A Nip in the Air
893M14: John Betjeman - Summoned by Bells
895M8: John Betjeman - Summoned by Bells
879F18: John Betjeman - Summoned by Bells
757P14: John Betjeman - Summoned by Bells
891Q50: John Betjeman - Vintage London
824A20: John Betjeman - Summoned by Bells
745P5: John Betjeman - Poems in the Porch
870Q15: John Betjeman - Archie & the Strict Baptists
880Z39: John Betjeman - Summoned by Bells
620C14: John Betjeman - Continual Dew a Little Book of Bourgeois Verse
879V18: John Betjeman - John Betjeman&Apos;S Collected Poems
783F36: John Betjeman - Summoned by Bells
847T24: John Betjeman - Antiquarian Prejudice
831A79: John Betjeman; et al. - Public School Verse: An Anthology
856W61: John Betjeman - Summoned by Bells
878V35: John Betjeman - Nip in the Air
824P13: John Betjeman - Continual Dew a Little Book of Bourgeois Verse
881F42: John Betjeman - Continual Dew: A Little Book of Bourgeois Verse.
880Z40: John Betjeman - Church Poems
782R31: John Betjeman - Summoned by Bells
883Z3: John Betjeman; James S. Gray; Martyn Goff; Dorothy McCulla etc - Batsford&Apos;S Victorian and Edwardian Old Photograph Series
874M32: John Betjeman - High and Low
880Z43: John Betjeman - Poems in the Porch
875T4: John Betjeman - Summoned by Bells
881T7: John Betjeman - A Nip in the Air
881T6: John Betjeman - John Betjeman&Apos;S Collected Poems
881T4: John Betjeman - Ghastly Good Taste: Or, a Depressing Story of the Rise and Fall of British Architecture
810A22: John Betjeman; Candida Lycett Green - John Betjeman Letters Volume Two: 1951 to 1984
864F45: John Betjeman - Continual Dew: A Little Book of Bourgeois Verse.
874M31: John Betjeman - First and Last Loves
779F39: John Betjeman - A Few Late Chrysanthemums
871P39: John Betjeman - Summoned by Bells
824J31: John Betjeman - Continual Dew
880Z47: John Betjeman - Slick But Not Streamlined Poems & Short Pieces
865M34: Henry Bett - Nursery Rhymes and Tales: Their Origin and History
788R91: G. T. Bettany - Life of Charles Darwin
806D25: Ugo Betti; Henry Reed (trans) - Three Plays
GEN25-B-4: Bettina - For the Leg of a Chicken
887Q15: A. F. Bettinson; B. Bennison - The Home of Boxing
901Z29: A. F. Bettinson; W. Outram Tristram - The National Sporting Club
789P67: A. F. Bettinson; W. Outram Tristram - The National Sporting Club Past and Present
861F36: S. Bettmann [Siegfried Bettmann] - South Africa Revisited, a Short Record of Impressions from Sea, City and Veld
858T29: Betty, Betsy, and Bess - The Betty Book
861P7: Francois Sulpice Beudant - Essai D&Apos;Un Cours Elementaire Et General Des Sciences Physiques
FGN23-C-1: Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve - Causeries Du Lundi, Volumes VII to XIII, & Table
725P44: Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve - Nouvelle Galerie de Femmes Celebres Tiree Des Causeries Du Lundi, Des Portraits Litteraires, Ect.
860B68: Sainte-Beuve - Poesies Completes de Sainte-Beuve
686P12: Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve - Causeries Du Lundi
792R41: Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve - Causeries Du Lundi: Portraits Litteraires Et Portraits de Femmes
864N2: C. - A. Sainte-Beuveq - Portraits LitteoeRaires
903Q6: The Hon. Mrs. Edmund Bevan and Her Daughter Penelope - Two Generations of Verse
852F40: Tom Bevan - With Haig at the Front, a Story of the Great Fight
856A22: Bernard Bevan - History of Spanish Architecture
877M10: G. Phillips Bevan - Tourist&Apos;S Guide to the West Riding of Yorkshire, Containing Full Information Concerning All Is Principal Places of Resort and Interest
644M22: Albert J. Beveridge - Americans of to-Day and to-Morrow
LTH30-D-23: William Beveridge - Private Thoughts Upon Religion
864P24: Thomas Beverley - A Scripture-Line of Time, Drawn in Brief from the Lapsed Creation, to the Restitution of All Things
786L3: Joh Van Beverwyck [Johan van Beverwijck] - Schat Der Ongesontheydt Ofte Genees-Konste Van de Sieckten
EXP3-E-8: Thomas Bewick; Ralph Beilby - A General History of Quadrupeds
685P11: [Thomas Bewick] - The History of British Birds
857P22: Thomas Bewick - A General History of Quadrupeds
685P13: Thomas Bewick - A General History of Quadrupeds
857P5: Thomas Bewick - A General History of Quadrupeds
804J30: Thomas Bewick - A General History of Quadrupeds
820F33: Thomas Bewick - A History of British Birds
877M9: Edward White Bewley - Dudley Castle in the Black Country; Little Mabel&Apos;S Note-Book; Lucy&Apos;S Album
GEN24-G-10: Mohammed Essad-Bey - Nicholas II. Prisoner of the Purple
853B81: Peter Beye - The Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
852W26: Marie-Henri Beyle; E. P. Robins - La Chartreuse de Parme
FGN21-E-7: L R Koolemans Beynen - De Reis Der Pandora Naar de Noordpoolgewesten in Den Zomer Van 1875
843G37: Theodore Beza - Jesu Christi Domini Nostri Novum Testamentum
MIN2-B-6: Theodoro Beza - Jesu Chrisit Domini Nostri Novum Testamentum Sive, Novum Foedus
863F54: Dr. Friedrich von Bezold - Geschichte Der Deutschen Reformation
860B57: G. Biagioli, A. ROnna - Dictionnaire Francais-Italien Et Italien-Francais
616C15: E. Biber - Henry Pestalozzi, and His Plan of Education; Being an Account of His Life and Writings; with Copious Extracts from His Works and Extensive Details Illustrative of the Practical Parts of His Method
814F28: John Bickerdyke - Angling for Game Fish
GEN20-F-13: John Bickerdyke - The Book of the All-Round Angler
829M17: John Bickerdyke - Angling in Salt Water: A Practical Work on Sea Fishing with Rod and Line, from the Shore, Piers, Jetties, Rocks, and from Boats; Together with Some Account of Hand-Lining.
829W56: John Bickerdyke - The Book of the All-Round Angler, a Comprehensive Treatise on Angling in Both Salt and Fresh Water.
776R2: Isaac Bickerstaff; Richard Steele - The Tatler; of the Lubrications of Isaac Bickerstaff
855P20: Isaac Bickerstaff; John Gay - The School for Fathers, Love in a Village, the Beggar&Apos;S Opera
789J35: Mona B. Bickerstaffe - Araki the Daimio, a Japanese Story of the Olden
762P40: Edward Bickersteth; Samuel Bickersteth - Life and Letters of Edward Bickersteth
LTH8-E-10: R Bickersteth - The Weekly Visitor and Christian Family Reader. January to June 1851. July to December 1851.
879Q8: W. Bickerton - The Home-Life of the Terns or Sea Swallows
879Q7: W. Bickerton - The Home-Life of the Terns or Sea Swallows
857B32: J. S. V. Bickford - Faults and How to Find Them Motor Car Failures and Their Remedies Fully Explained
833G20: Francis Bickley - The Pre-Raphaelite Comedy
895Z30: Herman Biddell; C. I. Douglas; Thomas Dykes; Dr George Fleming; Archibald Macneilage; gilbert Murray; W. R. Trotter - Heavy Horses Breeds and Management
708P18: Martin Biddle; Daphne M. Hudson; Carolyn M. Heighway - The Future of London&Apos;S Past a Survey of the Archaeological Implications of Planning and Development in the Nation&Apos;S Capital
GEN37-F-25: Anthony J Drexel Biddle - The Madeira Islands
879Z48: Ellen McGowan Biddle - Reminiscences of a Soldier&Apos;S Wife.
844P46: Captain M. A. Biddulph - Assault of Sevastopol. Two Topographical & Panoramic Sketches, Representing the Advanced Lines of Attack, and the Russian Defences, in Front of Sevastopol
822K5: W. D. Biden - The History and Antiquities of the Ancient and Royal Town of Kingston-Upon-Thames
905T88: Shelford Bidwell - The Chindit War: The Campaign in Burma, 1944
852A31: George Bidwell - Forging His Own Chains: The Wonderful Life-Story of George Bidwell: Entering Business As Honest a Young Man As Ever Left a Puritan Home - a Merchant - His Commercial Misfortunes - Thrilling Adventures in Europe and America - the Extraordinary Events, Circumstances, and Influences Which, at 40 Years of Age, Landed Him in Newgate - the Memorable Trial at the Old Bailey for the Conception and Execution of the So-Called 1,000,000 Fraud on the Famous Bank of England in 1873. Page 400 Begins the Most Graphic Account Ever Written of His 15 Years on a Life Sentence in English Prisons, with Ticket-of-Leave, in Facsimile, Granted to Himself and Tichborne, the "Claimant", by the British Government.
FGN20-G-3: Oscar Bie - Das Klavier Und Seine Meister
841T61: Peter Biegel - Peter Biegel&Apos;S Racing Pictures
893Z24: H. M. Bien - Ben-Beor. A Story of the Anti-Messiah
803A63: Pierre Bienoit - Le Puits de Jacob
896F48: H. P. Biggar - The Voyages of Jacques Cartier
872T71: Earl Derr Biggers - Charlie Chan Carries on
841F57: Earl Derr Biggers - Keeper of the Keys: A Charlie Chan Story
LTH18-E-11: J Bigland - Letters on English History for the Use of Schools
817B63: Sir Robert Bignold - Five Generations of the Bignold Family 1761-1947
813D25: Charles Bigot - Gloires Et Souvenirs Militaires
870T49: D. Bikelas; Emile Legrand [translator] - Les Grecs Au Moyen Age Etude Historique
813F27: Arthur Wellesley-Bikker - Official Medals and Ribbons of the British Army from 1800 to 1901
722L13: Jack Bilbo - Jack Bilbo an Autobiography
813C12: J. F. Bilhon - Principes D&Apos;Administration Et D&Apos;Conomie Politique Des Anciens Peuples, AppliquS Aux Peuples Modernes
GEN19-B-18: Select Committee on the Education (Provision of Meals) Bill - Special Report and Report from the Select Committee on the Education (Provision of Meals) Bill, 1906, and the Education (Provision of Meals) (Scotland) Bill, 1906: Together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence and Appendix
854M24: Dan Billany - The Trap
629P16: La Billardiere - Relation de Voyage a la Recherche de la Perouse, Fait Par Ordre de L&Apos;Assemblee Constituant, Pendant Les Annees 1791, 1792, Et Pendant la 1st Et la 2nd Anee de la Republique Francoise
697L39: Mark Billingham - Sleepyhead
708L40: Mark Billingham - Sleepyhead [with] Scaredy Cat
856F37: Robert William Billings - Architectural Illustrations, History and Description of Carlisle Cathedral; an Attempt to Define the Geometric Proportions of Gothic Architecture, As Illustrated by the Cathedrals of Carlisle and Worcester
880T18: Robert William Billings - The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland
847P6: Robert William Billings - The Power of Form Applied to Geometric Tracery
885Z30: Rachel Billington - Beautiful: A Modern Romance Occasion of Sin
697P6: Rachel Billington - All Things Nice
639P49: John Billington - The Architectural Director: Being a Guide to Builders, Draughtsmen, Students, and Workmen, in the Study, Design, and Execution of Architecture: Containing Comprehensive Comparative Tables of the Respective Proportions of Each Member of the Orders of Antiquity, and Those of the Modern Masters; and Detailed Tables Presenting the Dimensions of Every Moulding in the Orders of Vignola, Together with Plates Showing the Particular Form of Each Distinct Part, and the Different Methods of Tracing Them; with Arcades Adapted to the Several Orders, When Employed Either with or without Pedestals; and Also the Purest Examples of All the Other Parts Which Enter Into the Composition of Edifices; the Whole Reduced to Modules and Minutes, or Parts; Followed by Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Various Buildings and Edificies; to Which Are Added a History of the Art from Its Origin: A Description of, and Observations on, the Most Celebrated Antique and Modern Edifices; a Development of the Essence of the Art, Embracing the Ide
810A6: Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon - Oeuvres de Crebillon
858B37: Anders Billow - Pictorial Sweden Nature and Culture of the Past and Present
866B4: Charles J. Billson - Popular Studies in Mythology Romance & Folklore the Popular Poetry of the Fins
859A46: Bill Bilton - Hendergaust and Umtilla
860T61: Rudolf G. Binding - Gedenkrede Auf Beethoven
841F50: Harold Bindloss - The Ghost of Hemlock Canyon
841g30: Harold Bindloss - The Broken Trail
789F22: David Bindman - The Complete Graphic Works of William Blake
882F26: Alfred Binet; Charles Fere - Animal Magnetism
674L3: R P Estienne Binet - Abrege Des Views Des Principaux Fondatevrs Des Religions de L&Apos;Eglise Representex Dans le Choevr de L&Apos;Abbaie de S Lambert de Liessies En Haynaut Avec Les Maximes Spirituelles de Chaque Fondateur.
634P49: Richard Bingham - Sermons, Doctrinal, Practical, and Experimental
664P38: Nina B. Bingham - The Modern Cuisine and Book of Household Receipts, Original and Collected
841A65: John Bingham - I Love, I Kill
838J6: Clifton Bingham - The Animals&Apos; Trip to the Sea
808J45: The Hon. D.A. Bingham - The Marriages of the Bonapartes
LTH2-E-14: Capt. the Hon. D. Bingham - The Bastille
846B48: Captain A. H. Bingley; Captain a. Nicholls - Brahmans
LTH10-B-26: [Rev William Bingley] - [Modern Travels Through Every Important Country of the Old and New Continent Etc. ]
877F12: Rev. W. Bingley - North Wales; Including Its Scenery, Antiquities, Customs, and Some Sketches of Its Natural History
848W66: Thomas Bingley - Stories Illustrative of the Instinct of Animals
877F14: Rev. W. Bingley - 1800 a Tour Round North Wales, Performed During the Summer of 1798
GEN25-I-13: L. E. Elliott-Binns, D.D., F.R.Hist.S - English Thought 1860-1900 the Theological Aspect
880P32: Ottwell Binns - Trader Random
871T60: Ben Bolt [Ottwell Binns] - The Diamond-Buckled Shoe
846A31: Herbert E Binstead - Useful Details in Several Styles
840W75: Arthur M. Binstead - Mop Fair, Some Elegant Extracts from the Private Correspondence of Lady Viola Drumcree, the Fatherless Daughter of Feodorovna, Countess of Chertsey
838P20: Laurence Binyon - The Followers of William Blake: Edward Calvert, Samuel Palmer, George Richmond
GEN34-F-21: Robert Laurence Binyon - The Sirens an Ode
859T25: Laurence Binyon - Painting in the Far East: An Introduction Tot He History of Pictorial Art in Asia Especially China and Japan
768P52: Laurence Binyon - Thomas Girtin His Life and Works
686L5: Laurence Binyon - The Golden Treasury of Modern Lyrics
877Z23: Laurence Binyon - The Sirens: An Ode the Idols: An Ode
855A36: Laurence Binyon - The Art of Botticelli: An Essay in Pictorial Criticism
838P18: Laurence Binyon - The Drawings and Engravings of William Blake
901P22: Laurence Binyon - The Sirens an Ode
877V33: Laurence Binyon - 1920 the Secret: Sixty Poems
770R17: Laurence Binyon - The Flight of the Dragon
647P31: J. B. Biot - Precis Elementaire de Physique Experimentale
EXP2-G-4: Thomas Birch. - A Complete Collection of the Historical, Political, and Miscellaneous Works of John Milton Correctly Printed from the Original Editions. With an Historical and Critical Account of the Life and Writings of the Author; Containing Several Original Papers of His, Never Before Published.
877V27: Walter De Gray Birch - 1872 Fasti Monastici Aevi Saxonici or an Alphabetical List of the Heads of Religious Houses in England Previous to the Norman Conquest, to Which Is Prefixed a Chronological Catalogue of Contemporary Foundations
795A51: F L Birch - Pedigrees of 200 Leading Winners 1912-1929
844B40: Samuel Birch - History of Ancient Pottery
GEN32-H-13: George Henry Birch - London on Thames in Bygone Days
856T67: Walter De Gray Birch - Seals
865F26: Mrs. J. F. Bishop [Isabella Bird] - The Yangtze Valley and Beyond
827F36: Samuel Robert Scargill-Bird - One and a Half in Norway, a Chronicle of Small Beer
867F14: Isabella L. Bird - The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
GEN22-C-10: Isabella L. Bird - Six Months Among the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands
726L19: S R Scargill-Bird; - Publications of the Camden Society
808D10: Geoffrey Bird - One Man&Apos;S Empire
832B20: Isabella L. Bird - The Hawaiian Archipelago : Six Months Amongst the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands
865F32: Mrs. Bishop [Isabella Bird] - Korea and Her Neighbours
LTH9-E-6: Robert Montgomery Bird, M.D. - The Adventures of Robin Day
828W79: Robert Montgomery Bird; Mark Van Doren - Nick of the Woods; or, the Jibbenainesay, a Tale of Kentucky
900T15: Field-Marshal Lord Birdwood; Winston Churchill - Khaki and Gown: An Autobiography
822J24: Lord Birdwood; Winston Churchill - Khaki and Gown an Autobiography
846B55: Field-Marshal Lord Birdwood - Khaki and Gown an Autobiography
803P22: Lord Birdwood; Winston Churchill - Khaki and Gown an Autobiography
641C13: Morris Birkbeck - Notes on a Journey Through France, from Dieppe Through Paris and Lyons, to the Pyrennees, and Back Through Toulouse, in July, August and September, 1814, Describing the Habits of the People, and the Agriculture of the Country
858M7: Michael Birkin; Robert Atkins [intro] - She Came to Command
893T53: Elizabeth G. Birkmaier - Poseidon&Apos;S Paradise: The Romance of Atlantis
790R13: Rev. T. R. Birks - Memoir of the Rev Edward Bickersteth
643P19: R. Birley et al. - Public Schools of Charterhouse, Eton, Harrow, Rugby, Winchester
764R38: ed. Robert Birley - Love in Its Extasie
850B27: Stephen Birmingham - Barbara Greer
MOD12-E-15: Maisie Birmingham - Sleep in a Ditch
891M13: Earle Birney; John Newlove [ed.] - The Collected Poems of Earle Birney
685L8: Sir Andrew Birnie - A Compend or Abbreviat of the Most Important Ordinary Securities of and Concerning Rights Personal and Real... Of Common Use in Scotland
633M23: Ethel Birnstingl; Alice Pollard - Little Books on Art Corot
GEN23-E-8: Biro - Bumpy&Apos;S Holiday
897F40: Hyder Ragged [Sir Henry Chartres Biron] - King Solomon&Apos;S Wives; or, the Phantom Mines
SET40-G-2: Chairman Augustine Birrell, Q.C., M.P. - The Liberal Magazine a Periodical for the Use of Liberal Speakers and Canvassers
828F33: Augustine Birrell - Frederick Locker-Lampson; a Character Sketch
GEN28-F-12: Augustine Birrell - In the Name of the Bodleian and Other Essays
781A8: Augustine Birrell; Samuel Johnson - Aphorisms on Authors and Their Ways; with Some General Observations on the Humours, Habits, and Methods of Composition of Poets - Good, Bad, and Indifferent
806F27: Augustine Birrell - Essays
801F21: Augustine Birrell - Obiter Dicta
LTH4-F-11: Richard Brinsley Sheridan; Augustine Birrell, Q.C., M.P. - The School for Scandal and the Rivals
842P26: C. E. Tyndale Biscoe; L. C. Dunsterville - Kashmir in Sunlight & Shade a Description of the Beauties of the Country, the Life, Habits, and Humour of Its Inhabitants, and an Account of the Gradual But Steady Rebuilding of a Once Down-Trodden People
892P21: Claire Huchet Bishop - Les Cinq Freres Chinois
841W44: M. C. Bishop - The Prison Life of Marie Antoinette and Her Children, the Dauphin and the Duchesse D&Apos;Angouleme
839B35: James Bishop - The Painted Picture Play-Book
860N22: James Bishop - The English Law Respecting Landlords, Tenants, and Lodgers. Letting or Taking Houses by the Year, - for Three Years, - or on Lease. The Laws of Lodgers and Lodgings, and Legal Method to Proceed for Recovery of Rent. To Levy a Distress: Ejectment, and the Mode of Recovering Possession. The Laws Relative to Repairs, Dilapidations, and Fixtures.
878F3: William Henry Bishop - Mexico California and Arizona
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