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869K8: John Gay - The Beggar&Apos;S Opera
892T5: John Gay; Oswald Doughty - The Beggar&Apos;S Opera
770P48: John Gay - The Fables of Mr. John Gay
827F18: Mr. J. Gay [John Gay] - The Shepherd&Apos;S Week in Six Pastorals
772A12: John Gay; Austin Dobson - Fables by Mr John Gay with a Memoir by Austin Dobson
682L2: Mr Gay - Polly
833F50: John Gay - The Beggar&Apos;S Opera
841P29: John Gay - Fables
812A71: John Gay - Wine: A Poem
900T83: John Gay - Fables, by the Late Mr. Gay
855P27: John Gay - Fables
895T46: John Gay - Fables
FGN21-B-2: G. Lacour-Gayet - Napoleon: Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre, Son Temps
FGN12-B-3: G. Lacour-Gayet - Napoleon
766P11: G. Lacour-Gayet - Napoleon Sa Vie Son Oeuvre Son Temps
766P12: Georges Lacour-Gayet - Napoleon Sa Vie Son Oeuvre Son Temps
712L41: Edmund Gayton - Festivous Notes on the History and Adventures of the Renowend Don Quixote
FGN11-F-23: Giovanna Battista Gazola - Vita Di Davidde Ed Illustrazione Dei Salmi
856A34: David Gebhard - Charles F.A. Voysey Architect
867T9: Emile Gebhart - Conteurs Florentins Du Moyen Age
675P15: Emile Gebhart - Les Origines de la Renaissance En Italie
676K13: Carlo Gebler - How to Murder a Man
859N26: Patrick Geddes - City Development: A Study of Parks, Gardens, and Culture-Institutes. A Report to the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust
846G12: John Geddie - The Royal Palaces, Historic Castles and Stately Homes of Great Britain
842A64: John Geddie - The Lake Regions of Central Africa: A Record of Modern Discovery
788R55: C. W. Gedney - Angling Holidays in Pursuit of Salmon, Trout and Pike
880P33: Joseph Gee - Isaac Reappears
813F14: Joshua Gee - Considerations Sur le Commerce Et la Navigation
683P28: Maggie Gee - Grace Where Are the Snows?
788R51: Philip Geen - What I Have Seen While Fishing and How I Have Caught My Fish
809D21: Walter Geer - Napoleon the First: An Intimate Biography
FGN24-E%26F: Johann Samuel Traugott Gehler - Physikalisches Worterbuch. Neu Bearbeitet Von Brandes, Gmelin, Horner, Muncke, Pfaff, Littrow
881T2: Sir Archibald Geikie - Annals of the Royal Society Club: The Record of a London Dining-Club in the Eighteenth & Nineteenth Centuries
886F1: William Edgar Geil - A Yankee on the Yangtze
876P23: Ludwig A. Geissler - Looking Beyond
842J19: Michael Gelfand - The African Witch
842J20: Michael Gelfand - Medicine and Magic of the Mashona
620M13: William Gell - The Topography of Rome and Its Vicinity.
785L15: Sir William Gell; John P Gandy - Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii
813F40: Sir William Gell - Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii, the Result of Excavations Since 1819.
894F32: Sir William Gell - Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pompeii
844W25: J. Gellatly and J. Menzies - Gellatly&Apos;S Map of the Seat of War Malta to the Caspian, Alexandria to Cracow
793L17: Martha Gellhorn - Liana
LTH3-C-12: Francois Genard - The School of Man
817B6: Jean Genet; Bernard Frechtman [trans.] - The Balcony
793P9: Jean Genet - Les Paravents
897Z14: Jean Genet; Bernard Frechtman [trans.] - The Balcony
871F3: Bernardino Genga - Anatomy Improv&Apos;D and Illustrated
862A2: J L Genin - Tableaux de la Societe Chretienne Au Quatrieme Siecle, D&Apos;Apres Les Lettres Des Peres de L&Apos;Eglise Grecque
FGN1-C-24: F. Genin - Lexicon Compare de la Langue de Moliere
864A10: Madame de Genlis - Les Veillees Du Chateau
864B1: [Madame de Genlis] - Les Veillees Du Chateau Ou Cours de Morale
797J27: Madame de Genlis; S. Lawrence - Contes Choisis Des Veillees Du Chateau de Madame de Genlis
862N68: Madame La Comtesse De Genlis - Les VeilleoeEs de la ChaumieoeRe
GEN15-C-14: Madame de Genlis; P.A. Cignani - Manuel Du Voyageur: Or, the Traveller&Apos;S Pocket Companion
809A50: Mme de Genlis - Mademoiselle de Clermont, Nouvelle Historique
LTH15-D-10: Madame de Genlis; Translated by Thomas Holcroft - Tales of the Castle; or Stories of Instruction and Delight
857B12: R. C. Genlloud - By-Ways in Old Cambridge Original Sketches of Little Known Parts
739L8: L F Van Gent; W A Penard; Dr D Rinkes - Indie in Woord En Beeld
751P59: Thomas Gent - The Life of Mr. Thomas Gent, Printer, of York
796R24: Thomas Gent - The Life of Thomas Gent
862T91: Rupert Gentle; Rachael Feild - English Domestic Brass 1680-1810 and the History of Its Origin
LTH7-E-15: A Gentleman - The Whole Duty of Man Consider&Apos;D Under Its Three Principal and General Divisions, Namely, the Duties We Owe to God, Our Selves and Our Neighbours. Faithfully Extracted from That Excellent Book So Entitled, and Published for the Benefit of the Poorer Sort.
817B28: David Gentleman - David Gentleman: Watercolours from Andalusia to Zanzibar
821B22: Francios Geny - Methode D&Apos;Interpretation Et Sources En Droit Prive Positif
862F51: Svenska Sallskapet for Antropologi och Geografi - Ymer Tidskrift Utgifven Af Svenska Sallskapet for Antropologi Och Geografi
850B75: Leningrad Geographical and Economic Research Institute - Petersburg-Leningrad Historical and Geographical Atlas Part One
893Z34: Peter George - Commander-1
840W7: David Lloyd George - War Memories of David Lloyd George in Two Volumes
852T10: J. N. George - English Pistols and Revolvers
852B19: Florence A. George - King Edward&Apos;S Cookery Book
825B3: David Lloyd George - War Memoirs of David Lloyd George
LTH13-D-11: George and Helen McKearin - American Glass
897M21: David Lloyd George - War Memoirs: Volumes I, II, III, IV & V
651P13: Sir Richard St. George - The Heraldic Visitation of Westmoreland, Made in the Year 1615
827J8: Peter George - Come Blonde, Came Murder
683P27: Elizabeth George - In Pursuit of the Proper Sinner a Traitor to Memory
803R4: Ben. George - Peter Parley&Apos;S Annual
843B77: Gilbert & George - Gilbert & George Sonofagod Pictures Was Jesus Heterosexual?
605K8: George, Lord Bishop of Norwich - A Commentary on the Book of Psalms in Which Their Literal or Historical Sense, As They Relate to King David and the People of Israel, Is Illustrated; and Their Application to Messiah, to the Church, and to Individuals As Members Therefor, Is Pointed out: With a View to Render the Use of the Psalter Pleasing and Profitable to All Orders and Degrees and Christians
832A63: Georgiana - Algernon Hall
856F12: Maria Riddell [ed.]; Anna Laetitia Barbauld; Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire; Mary Darwall - The Metrical Miscellany: Consisting Chiefly of Poems Hitherto Unpublished
873T21: S. J. Adair Fitz-Gerald; S. O. Lloyd - The Mighty Toltec: A Romantic Story of Adventure
FGN11-E-1: Paul Geraldy - Toi Et Moi
MOD5-D-12: Francis Gerard - Red Rope
639P31: David Gerard - Walter Crane and the Rhetoric of Art
773P1: John Gerard - The Gunpowder Plot, and the Gunpowder Plotters
702L16: Gerard - Collection de Douze Vues de Waterloo
844A19: Jules Gerard - Lion Hunting and Sporting Life in Algeria
MOD11-B-21: Francis Gerard - The Envoy of the Emperor
MOD2-C-7: Francis Gerard - Sorcerer&Apos;S Shaft
MOD5-D-7: Francis Gerard - Transparent Traitor
MOD11-B-20: Francis Gerard - The Flail and the Fish
848A38: Thomas Gerard - Dorset&Apos;S First Book: Coker&Apos;S Survey of Dorsetshire
885P12: John Gerard; Thomas Johnson - The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes
737P46: Francis Gerard - The Dictatorship of the Dove
847T95: J. F. Gerard - Gage D&Apos;Amitie: Initeraire Pittoresque Au Nord de L&Apos;Angleterre
639K1: Iohannis Gerhardi [Johann Gerhard] - Iohannis Gerhardi Ss. Theol. D. Et in Academia Ienensi Professoris, Locorum Theologicorum Cum Pro Adstruenda Veritate, Tum Pro Destruenda Quorumius Contradicentium Falsitate, Per Theses Neruoseoe, Solideoe and Copioseoe Explicatorum Tomus Primus[-Nonus] [Iohannis Gerhardi Exegesis Siue Vberior Explicatio Articulorum de Scriptura Sacra, de Deo and de Persona Christi in Tomo Primo Locorum Theologicorum ConcisiuoeS Pertractorum]
902T28: William Gerhardi - Of Mortal Love: A Novel
871P53: William Gerhardi - Jazz and Jasper
849A44: William Gerhardi - Of Mortal Love
837J6: Dorian Gerhold - Road Transport Before the Railways
857F31: Christopher St. Germain [Christopher Saint German] - Doctor and Student: Or Dialogues between a Doctor of Divinity, and Student in the Laws of England
854W57: Robert Gernhardt - Mit Dir Sind Wir Vier
812A1: Leo Gershoy - The French Revolution and Napoleon
854B8: William H. Gerts; Russell Burke - American Still-Life Painting
860T63: Eugene Geruzez - Histoire de la Litterature Francaise Depuis Ses Origines Jusqu&Apos;a la Revolution
851W48: Deutsche Olympische Gesellschaft - Die Olympischen Spiele 1952 Oslo Und Helsinki
897F1: Wilhelm Gesenius - Scripturae Linguaeque Phoeniciae: Monumenta Quotquot Supersunt, Pars Tertia
863P28: Salomon Gessner - La Mort D&Apos;Abel, Poeme in Cinq Chants, Suivie Du Premier Navigateur
714P29: Salomon Gessner - The Death of Abel the Life of Jesus Christ the Holy War, Made by Shaddai Upon Diabolus, for the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World; or, the Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul
835A49: David Gethin - Wyatt: A Novel
824A4: Pieter Geyl - The Revolt of the Netherlands (1555-1609)
864M3: Otto Pöggeler - Martin Heidegger: De Weg Van Zi Jn Denken
897T28: Gherardi - Le Theatre Italien de Gheradi, Ou le Recueil General
744L3: Ranutio Ghero - Delitiae C Poetarum Belgicorum Huius Superiorisque Aevi Illustrium
876T60: Lorenzo Ghiberti; Ottavio Morisani - Lorenzo Ghiberti: I Commentari
833F52: Sudhin N. Ghose - Folk Tales and Fairy Stories from India
670P31: Amitav Ghosh - Sea of Poppies
890M3: G. S. Ghurye - Caste and Class in India
750R34: Pietro Giannone - Opere Postume Di Pietro Giannone in Difesa Della Sua Storia Civile Del Regno Di Napoli Con la Sua Professione Di Fede
866F65: Robert Gibbings - Lovely Is the Lee
854W46: Robert Gibbings - Coming Down the Seine
MOD9-G-22: Robert Gibbings - John Graham Convict 1824 an Historical Narrative Written and Illustrated
823B27: Robert Gibbings - Trumpets from Montparnasse
MOD12-F-16: Robert Gibbings - John Graham (Convict) 1824
624C37: Robert Gibbins - Lovely Is the Lee
897T21: Edward Gibbon; Dean Milman; M. Guizot; William Smith - The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
FIN3-C-3: Charles Gibbon - Of High Degree a Story
597L2: Edward Gibbon - The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
783J16: Monk Gibbon - The Branch of Hawthorn Tree
724L8: Edward Gibbon - The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
LTH6-B-8: Edward Gibbon; John Baker Holroyd - Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esquire: With Memoirs of His Life and Writings, Composed by Himself
712L44: Edward Gibbon - Essai Sur L&Apos;Etude de la Litterature
832J2: Frederick P. Gibbon - The 42nd (East Lancashire) Division 1914-1918
760A4: Stella Gibbons - Conference at Cold Comfort Farm
828G12: Herbert Adams Gibbons - The Little Children of the Luxembourg
747P20: Floyd P. Gibbons - How the Laconia Sank and the Militia Mobilization on the Mexican Border Two Masterpieces of Reporting
GEN34-F-23: Will Gibbons - The Comic Adventures of Dame Trot and Her Cat
LTH10-F-19: Philip Gibbs - The Custody of the Child a Novel
779R69: Philip Gibbs - Across the Frontiers
620C17: Marion Gibbs - Early Charters of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London Edited for the Royal Historical Society by Marion Gibbs
790A8: David Gibbs - Building Lloyd&Apos;S
684L6: Samuel Gibbs - Gibbs&Apos;S Illustrated Bath Visitant or New Guide to Bath
647L1: Walton R Gibbs - A History of Aylesbury with Its Borough and Hundreds the Hamlet of Walton and the Electoral Division
645C9: Robert Gibbs - The Buckinghamshire Miscellany, a Series of Concise and Interesting Articles Illustrative of the History, Topography and Archaeology of the County of Buckingham, Compiled and Edited by Robert Gibbs.
900Z3: May Gibbs - Little Ragged Blossom & More About Snugglepot & Cuddlepie
GEN26-F-2: The Royal Historical Society by Marion Gibbs - Early Charters of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London Camden Third Series Volume LVIII
852T70: A. Hamilton Gibbs - Rowlandson&Apos;S Oxford
830B31: Robert Gibbs - Worthies of Buckinghamshire and Men of Note of That County
790A53: Robert Gibbs - A History of Aylesbury with Its Borough and Hundreds, with the Hamlet of Walton, and the Electrical Division
646P1: Robert Gibbs - A Record of Local Occurrences and General Events, Chronologically Arranged
704P27: John Gibbs - Letters from Letters from Graefenberg in the Year 1843, 1844, 1845 & 1846. With the Report, and Extracts from the Correspondence, of the Enniscorthy Hydropathic Society
893P23: George Gibbs - The Splendid Outcast
789F30: Agnes Giberne - Floss Silverthorn; or, the Master&Apos;S Little Handmaid
813A20: Agnes Giberne - The Romance of the Mighty Deep: A Popular Account of the Ocean the Laws by Which Is Ruled, Its Wonderful Powers and Strange Inhabitants
837B8: DR. Gibney; Major R. D. Gibney - Eighty Years Ago or the Recollections of an Old Army Doctor
819P11: Wilfrid Wilson Gibson - The Web of Life, a Book of Poems
792J9: Charles Gibson - Among French Inns, the Story of Pilgrimage to Characteristic Spots of Rural France
896F3: Rowland R. Gibson - Patsy in Willow-Pat Land
891P64: William Gibson; Bruce Sterling - The Difference Engine
834W27: Charles Dana Gibson - The Education of Mr. Pipp
777R62: Thomas Fuller; Strickland Gibson, Geoffrey Keynes - A Bibliography of the Works of Thomas Fuller, D.D.
880T54: William Gibson - Idoru
689L1: J Gibson - Atlas Minimus or a New Set of Pocket Maps Maps
775R56: Edmund Gibson - An Earnest Dissuasive from Intemperance in Meats and Drinks
MOD12-H-3: John Michael Gibson; Richard Lancelyn Green - The Unknown Conan Doyle Essays on Photography
806R30: Charles R. Gibson - The Romance of Modern Photography
788A21: John Gibson - Reminiscences of Sir Walter Scott
849A34: William Gibson; Michael White; Larry Niven; Edward M. Lerner; Michael Cobley - Assorted Science Fiction Novels
781R16: Dr. Gibson - The Evil and Danger of Lukewarmness in Religion
826A41: Margaret Gibson - Liverpool Ivories: Late Antique and Early Medieval Ivories from the Mayer Collection in the Merseyside County Museums
818A92: John C. Gibson - The Wardlaws of Scotland a History of the Wardlaws of Wilton and Torrie and Their Cadets
777F35: Edmund Gibson - The Sinfulness of Neglecting and Profaning the Lord&Apos;S Day
MOD6-B-8: A. Boyce Gibson - Theism and Empiricism
812F31: Robert Gibson; Marcus Trotter - Gibson&Apos;S Treatise on Land Surveying
893Q27: Walter B. Gibson; Litzka R. Gibson - The Complete Illustrated Book of the Psychic Sciences
862P22: [Edmund Gibson] - Reflexions Upon a Late Paper, Entitl&Apos;D an Expedient Propos&Apos;D. Shewing the Unreasonableness Thereof, and Particularly the Misrepresentations Concerning the Archbishop&Apos;S Schedule, with the Transmission & Intimation
880T55: William Gibson; Bruce Sterling - The Difference Engine
850B35: Charles Gide - Political Economy
814A44: André Gide - Oscar Wilde
864B36: Jacquemars Gielee; Jules Houdoy - Renart-le-Nouvel Roman Satirique
740P37: Val Gielgud - A Necessary End
835A7: Lewis Gielgud - The Vigil of Venus
835A9: Lewis Gielgud - The Vigil of Venus
833A73: Lewis Gielgud - The Vigil of Venus
865M32: Martha Lady Giffard; Julia G. Longe [ed.]; Edward A. Parry - Martha Lady Giffard, Her Life and Correspondence (1664-1722): A Sequel to the Letters of Dorothy Osborne
872F25: The Earl of Halsbury [Hardinge Goulburn Giffard, Second Earl of Halsbury] - 1944
LTH11-F-9: John Gifford - Gifford&Apos;S English Lawyer or Every Man His Own Lawyer
825W1: John Gifford; Colin McWilliam; David Walker; Christopher Wilson; Nikolaus Pevsner; Bill Wilson; David W. Lloyd - Three Books from the Buildings of England/Scotland
LTH7-D-19: John Gifford; John Richards Green - A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795
GEN34-G-20: Margaret Juene Gifford - Pages from the Diary of an Oxford Lady 1843 - 1862
875Z8: Constance H. D. Giglioli - Naples in 1799 an Account of the Revolution of 1799 and of the Rise and Fall of the Parthenopean Republic.
839F1: Louise Gikow - Labyrinth: The Storybook Based on the Movie
725P51: William Gilbert - The City an Inquiry Into the Corporation, Its Livery Companies, and the Administrations of Their Charities and Endowments
887M3: W. S. Gilbert - The Bab Ballads with Which Are Included Songs of a Savoyard
791L9: W S Gilbert - The Bab Ballads with Which Are Included Songs of a Savoyard
892Z19: Anthony Gilbert; Nicholas Blake; Nigel FitzGerald - Is She Dead Too? a Penknife in My Heart the Candles Are All out the Deadly Joker
GEN10-B-6: Bernard Gilbert - Bly Market Moving Pictures of a Market Day
GEN15-E-1: Bernard Gilbert - Bly Market. Moving Pictures of a Market Day
887F56: Josiah Gilbert; G. C. Churchill - The Dolomite Mountains. Excursions Through Tyrol, Carinthia, & Fruili
FGN1-B-29: Nicolas Joseph Laurent Gilbert; Mr Amar - Oeuvres de Gilbert Avec Notes Et Variantes Et Une Nouvelle Notice
902F31: W. S. Gilbert - Foggerty&Apos;S Fairy and Other Tales
770P13: Vivian Gilbert - The Romance of the Last Crusade with Allenby to Jerusalem
LTH15-E-10: John Gilbert - Reflections on Dr. Fleetwood&Apos;S Essay Upon Miracles: Shewing the Absurdity, Falshood, and Danger of His Notions.
808F21: Michael Gilbert - Paint, Gold and Blood
892Q20: Stephen Gilbert - The Landslide
GEN31-E-20: George Gilbert - In the Shadow of Purple a Royal Romance
799A32: Martin Gilbert - Winston Churchill: Jackdaw No. 31
GEN20-D-21: W.S. Gilbert - The "Bab" Ballads
756L4: Jeffrey Gilbert; Geoffrey Gilbert - An Historical View of the Court of Exchequer and of the King&Apos;S Revenues
737P59: Anthony Gilbert; [Lucy Beatrice Malleson] - The Spinster&Apos;S Secret
881Q28: W. S. Gilbert; Arthur Sullivan - Songs of Two Savoyards
GEN33-D-8: W. S. Gilbert - Fifty &Apos;Bab&Apos; Ballads Much Sound & Little Sense
799R23: Christopher Gilbert - The Life and Work of Thomas Chippendale
900T48: W. S. Gilbert - Fifty "Bab" Ballads: Much Sound and Little Sense
LTH30-C-10: W S Gilbert - Fifty &Apos;Bab&Apos; Ballads Much Sound Little Sense
861M35: George Gilbert - Cathedral Cities of England
825B39: W. S. Gilbert - The &Apos;Bab&Apos; Ballads: Much Sound and Little Sense
839T22: Martin Gilbert - Winston Churchill the Wilderness Years
808D14: Michael Gilbert - Roller-Coaster
FGN20-D-1: Nicholas Joseph Laurent Gilbert - Oeuvres Completes de Gilbert
846M28: Vivian Gilbert - The Romance of the Last Crusade with Allenby to Jerusalem
856N15: Gilbert and Elizabeth MacAllister; Donald Pilcher; Ralph Dutton; Martin S. Briggs; R. Allen Brown - Homes, Towns and Countryside; the Regency Style 1800-1830; the English Interior 1500 to 1900; the English Farm House; English Medieval Castles
781F16: William Gilbert - Lucrezia Borgia
902Q11: Henry Gilbert - King Arthur&Apos;S Knights: The Tales Retold for Boys and Girls
801J9: Martin Gilbert - Winston S. Churchill, Volume IV, Including Companion Volumes Part 1 and Part 3
842B34: William S. Gilbert - Original Plays
853W1: William Schwenck Gilbert - Ruddigore or the Witch&Apos;S Curse
892Q21: Stephen Gilbert - The Landslide
852W56: William Schwenck Gilbert - Original Plays
855B31: Martin Gilbert - Churchill: A Photographic Portrait
878Q32: William Schwenck Gilbert - Original Plays
860F11: Sir John Gilbert; Frank Holl - Three Signed Letters from Sir John Gilbert and Frank Holl
815B16: W. S. Gilbert - Songs of a Savoyard
888P21: Sir Walter Gilbey; E. D. Cumin - George Morland His Life and Works
GEN35-E-7: Sir Walter Gilbey and E. D. Cuming - George Morland His Life and Works
867T47: Sir Walter Gilbey; E. D. Cuming - George Morland: His Life and Works
844B55: Sir Walter Gilbey and E. D. Cuming - George Morland His Life and Works
648C38: Sir. Walter Gilbey; E. D. Cuming - George Morland His Life and Works
817J2: Sir Walter Gilbey; E.D. Cuming - George Morland: His Life and Works
802A59: Walter Gilbey; E. D. Cuming - George Morland: His Life and Works
782R10: Alexander Gilchrist - Life of William Blake, &Apos;Pictor Ignotus&Apos;
885F31: Alexander Gilchrist - The Life of William Blake
867T12: Alexander Gilchrist; W. Graham Robertson [editor] - The Life of William Blake
867F42: Alexander Gilchrist - Life and Works of William Blake
MOD11-G-5: Kenneth Giles - Death and Mr. Prettyman
896Z48: [William Giles] - The Victim in Five Letters to Adolphus
MOD12-C-2: Kenneth Giles - Death Cracks a Bottle
856T63: J. A. Giles - The Chronicle of Richard of Devizes Concerning the Deeds of Richard the First, King of England
814C23: Rev. J. A. Giles - History of the Parish and Town of Bampton, with the District and Hamlets Belonging to It.
833P5: Reverend J. A. Giles - History of the Parish and Town of Bampton, with the District and Hamlets Belonging to It
833P4: J. A. Giles; E. Marshall; S. Spencer Pearce; F. E. Howard; H. E. Salter; Robert Bridges - Seven Topographical Studies on Oxfordshire
621P4: Herbert A. Giles - Gems of Chinese Literature Verse
779A47: Steve Giles - Theorising Modernism: Essays in Critical Theory
LTH2-D-7: Rev. George Gilfillan; Charles Cowden Clarke. - The Poetical Works of Goldsmith, Collins and T. Warton with Lives, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes.
SET30-G-1: George Gilfillan - The Poetical Works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray and Smollett the Poetical Works of Edmund Waller and Sir John Denham. The Poetical Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt the Poetical Works of William Shenstone
LTH5-C-8: Rev. George Gilfillan; Charles Cowden Clarke - The Poetical Works of Goldsmith, Collins, and T. Warton
565L3: George Gilfillan, John Armstrong, John Dyer, Matthew Green - The Poetical Works of Armstrong, Dyer and Green
LTH14-D-13: Rev. George Gilfillan - The Poetical Works of William Cowper
873T12: Humphrey Gilkes - Black
627C4: Conrad Gill - The Naval Mutinies of 1797
898T36: George Gill - The British Colonies, Dependencies, and Protectorates: Physical, Commercial, Descriptive, Political, Social, and Historical
GEN31-I-8: H. J. Gill - Tales by Canon Schmid
891M8: A. A. Gill - The Golden Door: Letters to America
859T37: Tom Gill - Tropical Forests of the Caribbean
857A22: Ronald Gill; John Groves - Club Route in Europe: The Story of 30 Corps in the European Campaign
876V30: Andre Gill - Vingt Annees de Paris
738L2: Thomas Gill; William English - Report of the Dinner Given to Charles Dickens, in Boston, February 1, 1842. Reported by Thomas Gill and William English, Reporters on the Morning Post. Most of the Speeches Revised by Their Authors.
858T34: Brian Gillard - Good Old Somersets: An &Apos;Old Contemptible&Apos; Battalion in 1914
843N17: Edward Gilliat - Champions of the Right
SET5-B-10: John Gillies - The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies, and Conquests Part the First; from the Earliest Accounts Till the Division of the Macedonian Empire in the East Including the Literature, Philosophy and the Fine Arts
664H7: Robert Pearse Gillies - Basil Barrington and His Friends
810D20: George W. Gillingham - The Cardinal&Apos;S Treasure: A Romance of Elizabethan Days
894T37: William Stephen Gilly - A Memoir of Felix Neff
LTH26-C-22: William Gilly - A Memoir of Felix Neff Pastor of the High Alps
LTH16-F-16: William Stephen Gilly - A Memoir of Felix Neff, Pastor of the High Alps
859T95: Alfred Gilly - Petites Meditations Pour Tous Les Jours de L&Apos;Annee
760P31: Robert Gilman; [Alfred Coppel] - The Rebel of Rhada
882Q20: Arthur Gilman - The Story of the Nations: Rome, from the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic
902P46: Maeve Gilmore - A World Away a Memoir of Mervyn Peake
903M10: Maeve Gilmore - Word and Image III: Mervyn Peake, 1911-1968
902P48: Maeve Gilmore - A World Away a Memoir of Mervyn Peake
883V21: David Gilmour - Reminiscence of the Pen&Apos; Folk Paisley Weavers of Other Days
839G19: Margaret Gilmour - Ameliaranne at the Circus
869A59: JSL Gilmour - Thomas Johnson: Botanical Journeys in Kent & Hampstead
776F44: James Gilmour; Richard Lovett [ed.] - James Gilmour of Mongolia: His Diaries, Letters and Reports
568L35: Margaret Gilmour - Ameliaranne at the Circus
870T29: John Gilmour; Max Walters - Wild Flowers: Botanising in Britain
648K19: Laura Gilpin - Temples in Yucatan a Camera Chronicle of Chichen Jtza
869P24: [William Gilpin] - Three Dialogues on the Amusements of Clergymen
678P39: William Gilpin - Observations on the Western Parts of England, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, to Which Are Added a Few Remarks on the Picturesque Beauties of the Isle of Wight
877F15: William Gilpin - Observations on Several Parts of the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. And Also on Several Parts of North Wales
883M13: Mary Ann Gilpin; Charles Gilpin - Memoir of Mary Ann Gilpin of Bristol; Consisting Chiefly of Extracts from Her Diary and Letters
773P36: William Gilpin - Observations on Several Parts of the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex Observations on the River Wye
876P45: William Gilpin - Observations on the River Wye, and Several Parts of South Wales, &C. Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty; Made in the Summer of the Year 1770
875T64: William Gilpin - Observations on the River Wye and Several Parts of South Wales, &C.
780P27: William Gilpin - The Life of Bernard Gilpin
866F22: William Gilpin - Observations on the River Wye, and Several Parts of South Wales
779R53: Sidney Gilpin - The Songs and Ballads of Cumberland
623L5: William Gilpin - Observations on the Western Parts of England Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty to Which Are Added a Few Remarks on the Picturesque Beauties of the Isle of Wight
885P24: William Gilpin - Three Essays: On Picturesque Beauty; on Picturesque Travel; and on Sketching Landscape: To Which Is Added a Poem, on Landscape Painting
903T13: William Gilpin; Francis George Heath [editor] - Gilpin&Apos;S Forest Scenery
844g39: William Gilpin - An Essay on Prints; Observations on the Western Parts of England, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty; to Which Are Added, a Few Remarks on the Picturesque Beauties of the Isle of Wight; Remarks on Forest Scenery, and Other Woodland Views, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Illustrated by the Scenes of New Forest in Hampshire; Observations on Several Parts of the Counties of Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. Also on Several Parts of North Wales; Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, in Two Tours, the Former Made in the Year 1769. The Latter in the Year 1773
883Z36: David Gilson - Bibliography of Jane Austen
901T67: Barbara Gilson [Charles Gilson] - Queen of the Andes
636P45: Hibbart Gilson - Giant and Pygmy an Appreciation of Thomas Hardy
834A4: Hibbart Gilson - Giant an Pygmy
896F23: Charles Gilson - The Cat and the Curate: A Phenomenal Experience
837G27: Christian D. Ginsburg - The Massorah, Compiled from Manuscripts Alphabetically and Lexically Arranged; the Massorah, Translated Into English with a Critical and Exegetical Commentary
864F26: Paul Ginsty; M. Quatrelles l'Epine - Chronique Parisienne Des Six Derniers Mois D&Apos;Empire
796A69: Mme la Comtesse de Segur; Girardin; et al. - French Works
862N5: Saint-Marc Girardin - Cours de LittRature Dramatique, Ou de L&Apos;Usage Des Passions Dans le Drame
FGN10-G-9: Jules Girardin - Le Commis de M. Bouvat Illustr de 119 Vignettes DessinEs M. Bouvat&Apos;S Clerk
FGN22-C-2: Giraud - Beautes de L&Apos;Histoire D&Apos;Italie
765R18: S. Louis Giraud - Bookano Stories, with Pictures That Spring Up in Model Form
864F16: MM. H. de Chavannes de la Giraudiere - L&Apos;Irlande Son Origine Son Histoire Et Sa Situation Presente
FGN10-H-10: Jean Giraudoux - Theatre
GEN35-D-7: Edward Deacon Girdlestone - Whose Poems?
840M23: Mark Girouard - Life in the English Country House: A Social and Architectural History
627C6: Mark Girouard - The Victorian Country House
846A69: Mark Girouard - The Victorian Country House
866A53: Mark Girouard - Victorian Pubs
873Q31: P. F. F. J Giroud; Edmund Boyce - 1816 the Campaigns of Paris in 1814 & 1815 : With a Sketch of the Campaign of 1813
864M23: Thomas Girtin - The Golden Ram: A Narrative History of the Clothworkers&Apos; Company
773P26: I. Waveney Girvan - A Bibliography and a Critical Survey of the Works of Henry Williamson
853B63: Rev. Thomas Gisborne - Sermons and Sermons Principally Designed to Illustrated and to Enforce Christian Morality
750R12: Thomas Gisborne, M. A. - An Enquiry Into the Duties of the Female Sex
860T12: Thomas Gisborne - A Letter to the Rev. Henry Phillpotts on the Subject of His Two Letters to the Right Honourable George Canning &C.
769A67: George Gissing - A Life&Apos;S Morning
693L5: George Gissing - The Whirlpool
848B83: George Gissing - The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
692L25: George Gissing; Robert Shafer [Ed] - Workers in the Dawn
903Y14: George Gissing - New Grub Street: A Novel
MOD9-H-1: Robert Gittings; Jo Manton - The Second Mrs Hardy
798A17: Davide Giudici - The Tragedy of the Italia with the Rescuers to the Red Tent
837W36: Raphael Giveon - Egyptian Scarabs from Western Asia from the Collections of the British Museum
861T9: Karl Gjellerup - Arvelighed Og Moral En Undersogelse
778A24: William Ewart Gladstone - Vaticanism: An Answer to Replies and Reproofs
776P52: William Ewart Gladstone - The Vatican Decrees in Their Bearing on CIVIL Allegiance: A Political Expostulation
899P6: W. E. Gladstone; Robert Louis Stevenson; John Ruskin; H. Rider Haggard - Books Which Have Influenced Me
802F6: William Ewart Gladstone - Ecce Homo
800R32: Hugh S. Gladstone - Record Bags and Shooting Records
899T15: W. E. Gladstone; Robert Louis Stevenson; Walter Besant; W. T. Stead; John Ruskin; P. G. Hamerton; H. Rider Haggard; John Stuart Blackie; F. W. Farrar; Walter C. Smith; Marcus Dods; Joseph Parker - Books Which Have Influenced Me
797P29: Ernst Glaeser; F. G. Weiskopf; Alfred Kurella - The Land without Unemployment
603C3: J.B Glaire; F Vigouroux - La Sainte Bible Selon la Vulgate Traduite En Francais, Avec Des Notes Par L&Apos;Abbe J. -B. Glaire Des Introduction, Note Complementaires Et Appendices Par F. Vigouroux Pretre de Saint-Sulpice Professeur D&Apos;Ecriture a la Faculte Catholique
798J25: John Glaister - Dr. William Smellie and His Contemporaries, a Contribution to the History of Midwifery in the Eighteenth Century
683P26: Lesley Glaister - Partial Eclipse Sheer Blue Bliss Now You See Me
903Q43: Ernest Glanville - The Inca&Apos;S Treasure
828W63: Brian Glanville - Along the Arno
865K6: George Glas - The History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands Translated from a Spanish Manuscript, Lately Found in the Island of Palma with an Enquiry Into the Origin of the Ancient Inhabitants to Which Is Added a Description of the Canary Island Including the Modern History of the Inhabitants and an Account of Their Manners, Customs, Trade &C.
GEN26-G-3: Jon Glasby - Poverty and Opportunity: 100 Years of the Birmingham Settlement
GEN23-E-12: R. W. Robertson-Glasgow - St. Peter&Apos;S College Radley Register 1847-1962
831A47: John Glashan - John Glashan&Apos;S World
571L43: John Glashan - John Glashan&Apos;S World
800A26: Linzi Glass - The Year the Gypsies Came
655P15: Mrs Glasse; [Hannah Glasse] - The Complete Art of Cookery, Exhibited in a Plain and Easy Manner, with Directions for Marketing; the Seasons for Meat, Poultry, Fish, Game, Etc. And Numerous Useful Family Receipts, Etc
655P16: Mrs Glasse; [Hannah Glasse] - The Complete Art of Cookery, Exhibited in a Plain and Easy Manner, with Directions for Marketing; the Seasons for Meat, Poultry, Fish, Game, Etc. And Numerous Useful Family Receipts, Etc
869P20: [Hannah Glasse] - The Art of Cookery, Made Plain and Easy
655P17: Mrs Glasse; [Hannah Glasse] - The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy; Excelling Any Thing of the Kind Ever Yet Published
778F53: Hannah Glasse - The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy
742P51: Hannah Glasse - The Complete Art of Cookery
900P1: Hannah Glasse - The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy
784A13: Hannah Glasse - The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy; Which Far Exceeds Any Thing of the Kind Ever Yet Published
730L5: Hannah Glasse - The Complete Confectioner
709P43: Ralph Glasser - Growing Up the Gorbals
882F17: James Glassford - Remarks on the Constitution and Procedure of the Scottish Courts of Law
879P30: Captain Willard Glazier - Down the Great River; Embracing an Account of the Discovery of the True Source of the Mississippi, Together with Views, Descriptive and Pictorial, of the Cities, Towns, Villages and Scenery on the Banks of the River, As Seen During a Canoe Voyage of over Three Thousand Miles from Its Head Waters to the Gulf of Mexico
825B31: Captain Willard Glazier - Ocean to Ocean on Horseback
817F33: Ezra Gleason; Samuel Stearns - Bickerstaff"S New-England Almanack, for the Year of Our Redemption, 1776
842A86: Janet Gleeson - The Grenadillo Box
879F61: William E. Glegg - A History of the Birds of Essex and a History of the Birds of Middlesex
782R48: Count Gleichen - With the Mission to Menelik
886P6: [George Robert Gleig] - The Subaltern
869A8: G R Gleig - The Life of Arthur Duke of Wellington
843B74: G. R. Gleig - The Life of Arthur Duke of Wellington
867T54: Lieutenant-Colonel C. E. S. Gleig - The Old Colonel and the Old Corps with a View of Military Estates
844W55: G. R. Gleig - The Life of Arthur Duke of Wellington
844T77: G. R. Gleig - The Life of Arthur Duke of Wellington
844T95: G. R. Gleig - The Life of Arthur Duke of Wellington
769A32: G R Gleig - Chelsea Hospital and Its Traditions
855B69: [G. R. Gleig] - The Subaltern
843A4: G. R. Gleig - The Life of Arthur, Duke of Wellington
FGN9-I-4: Paul Gleisberg - Die Lehre Von Der Entstehung Des Menschen Oder Schopfung Und Zeugung.
MOD7-E-13: Jan Gleiter - Lie Down with Dogs
797A39: A. R. Glen; N. A. C. Croft - Under the Pole Star: The Oxford University Arctic Expedition, 1935-6
649P21: Reginald M. Glencross; W. F. Carter - Administration in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1572-1580
MOD4-H-6: Victoria Glendinning - Jonathan Swift
803F8: Victoria Glendinning - Vita, the Life of V. Sackville-West
GEN31-F-10: Elizabeth Sewall Glenn - The Curtains of Yesterday
870F13: Septimus Globus; Johann August Apel - Der Freischutz Travestie
676K11: Michael Glover - The Bead-Eyed Man
FIN4-F-8: Michael Glover - A Gentleman Volunteer: The Letters of George Hennell from the Peninsular War 1812-1813
MOD6-D-9: Paula K. Glover - White Boys and River Girls
867T68: T. R. Glover - The Ancient World: A Beginning
866B31: T. R. Glover - From Pericles to Philip
866B80: T. R. Glover - Works by T.R. Glover of the Cambridge Miscellany
GEN34-E-17: Richard Glover, Richard Duppa (Editor) - Memoirs by a Celebrated Literary and Political Character from the Resignation of Sir Robert Walpole in 1742 to the Establishment of Lord Chatham&Apos;S Second Administration in 1757 Containing Strictures on Some of the Most Distinguished Men of That Time
845W39: Richard Glover - The Poetical Works of Richard Glover
871F38: David Craigie [Dorothy Glover] - The Voyage of the Luna I
883P4: Stephen Glover; Thomas Noble - The Peak Guide, Containing the Topographical, Statistical, and General History of Buxton, Chatsworth, Edensor, Castleton, Bakewell, Haddon, Matlock, and Cromford
788P31: Benjamin Glover - Education the Hope of the World: Being Chapters on Education in General, with Some Reference to the Plan Proposed by the Lancashire Public School Association in Particular
893T82: Lieutenant-General Sir John Bagot Glubb - War in the Desert: An R.A. F. Frontier Campaign
890F49: Sir John Bagot Glubb - A Soldier with the Arabs
FGN22-F-2: A. E. Gluskin and S. F. Zarubin - Russian-Japanese Dictionary: With a Summary of Essays on Modern Japanese Grammar
878Q19: John Glyde - The New Suffolk Garland
872Z15: John Glyde, Jun. - Suffolk in the Nineteenth Century: Physical, Social, Moral, Religious and Industrial.
878Q18: John Glyde - The New Suffolk Garland
841P39: John Glyder - Flaming June
MOD3-C-3: John Glyder; W. Riley;A. A. Thomson; Falkland L. Cary - The Compulsory Husband Old Obbut But Once a Year
770R13: Elinor Glyn - The Visits of Elizabeth
783J18: Sir Gervas Powell Glyn and Margaret Glyn - The Adventures of a Blockhead and His Family
843J6: John Goad - Astro-Meteorologica, or Aphorisms and Discourses of the Bodies Coelestial
702L19: The Bell Goat - Inaka or Reminiscences of Rokkosan and Other Rocks
FGN22-E-4: Comte de Gobineau - Les Pleiades
862A9: Le Comte de Gobineau - La Renaissance: Savonarole - Cesar Borgia - Jules II - Leon X - Michael-Ange Scenes Historiques
GEN27-G-3: Joyce Godber - History of Bedfordshire
817A17: Arthur Goddard - Windsor: The Castle of Our Kings and Some Notes Concerning Eton College
MOD7-G-5: Robert Goddard - Dying to Tell
GEN25-B-2: Geoffrey A. Godden - Ridgway Porcelains
892T84: Rumer Godden - China Court: The Hours of a Country House
GEN17-F-13: G. M. Godden - Henry Fielding a Memoir
856T1: Geoffrey Godden - Staffordshire Porcelain
GEN1-D-15: Geoffrey A. Godden - Caughley and Worcester Porcelains 1775-1800
656P9: Thomas Godden; William Clenche - A Sermon of St. Peter, Preach&Apos;D Before Her Majesty the Queen-Dowager, in Her Chappel at Somerset-House, on the Twenty Ninth of June, 1686. Being St. Peter and St. Paul&Apos;S Day St Peter&Apos;S Supremacy Faithfully Discuss&Apos;D, According to Holy Scripture, and Greek and Latin Fathers. With a Detection and Consutation of the Errors of Protestant Writers on This Article. Together with a Succinct Handling of Several Other Considerable Points
844g47: Geoffrey A. Godden - Coalport and Coalbrookdale Porcelains
793F10: Rumer Godden - The Diddakoi
790R55: Rumer Godden - The Greengage Summer
844M36: Geoffrey A. Godden - Coalport and Coalbrookdale Porcelains
844g48: Geoffrey A. Godden - Minton Pottery & Porcelain of the First Period 1793-1850
793F13: Rumer Godden - The River
856M4: Geoffrey A. Godden; Hugh Wakefield; Patricia Wardle; Barbara Morris - The Victorian Collector Series: Porcelain, Pottery, Silver and Embroidery
757R10: Rumer Godden - St. Jerome and the Lion
895Q3: Jon Godden - A Collection of Novels by Jon Godden
FGN20-F-6: Frederic Godefroy - Histoire de la Litterature Francaise
872P13: John Godey; [Morton Freedgood] - The Gun and Mr. Smith
837B22: Major E. G. Godfrey; Major-General R. F. K. Goldsmith - The History of the Duke of Cornwall&Apos;S Light Infantry 1939-1945
879M16: Elizabeth Godfrey - The New Forest
598P27: A S T Godfrey - The Cradle of the North Wind
903Y52: Hollis Godfrey - The Man Who Ended War
845M14: Walter H. Godfrey - The English Staircase an Historical Account of Its Characteristic Types to the End of the Xviiith Century
832M10: Sir Rickman J. Godlee - A Village on the Thames Whitchurch, Yesterday and to-Day
865N47: Elizabeth Godley - Green Outside
771R7: William Godwin - Fleetwood: Or, the New Man of Feeling
833J22: William Godwin - History of the Commonwealth of England
834B7: Rev G. N. Godwin - The CIVIL War in Hampshire (1642-45) and the Story of Basing House
833P49: [William Godwin];[George Ellis] - History of the Internal Affairs of the United Provinces from the Year 1780 to the Commencement of Hostilities in June 1787 History of the Late Revolution in the Dutch Republic
795P32: George Godwin - The Builder: An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, and Artist
902T4: George Godwin - Empty Victory
773P45: Edward Godwin; Stephani Godwin - Warrior Bard the Life of William Morris
GEN35-C-19: William Godwin - Essay on Sepulchres or, a Proposal for Erecting Some Memorial of the Illustrious Dead in All Ages on the Spot Where Their Remains Have Been Interred
GEN17-E-22: William Godwin - The History of the Commonwealth of England, from Its Commencement to the Restoration of Charles II. Volumes I and IV
862P34: Francisci Godwini; Francis Godwin - Episcopi de Praesulibus Angliae Commentarius, Omnium Episcoporum Necnon Et Cardinalium Ejusdem Gentis Nomina, Tempora, Seriem, Atque Actiones Maxime Memorabiles Ab Ultima Antiquitate Repetita Complexus
655L21: Thomas Godwyn; Francis Rous - Moses and Aaron CIVIL and Ecclesiastical Rites Used by the Ancient Hebrewes Observed and at Large Opened [with] Romanae Historiae Anthologia [with] Archaeologiae Libri Tres
633P67: K. Von Goebel; H. M. Bower; F. O. Bower - Wilhelm Hofmeister the Work and Life of a Nineteenth Century Botanist
758R45: Julius Goebel - The Struggle for the Falkland Islands
LTH9-E-21: Robert Goelet - The Library of the Late Ogden Goelet of New York
FGN24-E-1: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Goethe&Apos;S Sammtilche Werke
846J4: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Gerard de Nerval [trans.] - Faust Et le Second Faust de Goethe
852F39: Goethe; Abraham Hayward [trans.] - Faust
864B21: Goethe, Madame Bachellery, Paul Stapfer - Les Souffrances Du Jeune Werther
845B52: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe - Goethe&Apos;S Werte
816F29: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Fred. Gotzberg [trans.] - The Sorrows of Werter, Translated from the German Baron Goethe
807A53: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Robert Farie - Campaign in France in the Year 1792 Translated from the German of Goethe
825A46: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Meine Religion Und Mein Politischer Glaube
681K1: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Prologue Dans le Ciel Traduction de Gerard de Nerval
863B27: Von Goethe - Prometheus
832B4: Dr. Woldemar Goetze - Illustrated Manual of Hand and Eye Training on Educational Principles
851N20: Clarissa Goff - Florence and Some Tuscan Cities
822J56: Clarissa Goff - Florence & Some Tuscan Cities
GEN34-F-6: Friedrich Gogarten - Christ the Crisis
890M13: Oliver St. John Gogarty - Collected Poems of Oliver St. John Gogarty
744P39: Nicolai Gogol - The Overcoat
892F39: Alan Ross [ed.]; D.F. Lewis; Melvin Burgess; Shammai Golan et al. - Signals: Thirty Stories Selected and Edited by Alan Ross
884V13: Harry Golding - Our Animal Friends
786R9: ed. Harry Golding - Verses for Children
883F35: William Golding - The Scorpion God: Three Short Novels
898Z19: William Golding - The Paper Men
903Q36: Louis Golding - The Miracle Boy
763A45: William Golding - The Spire
736L7: William Golding - Selected Novels by William Golding; to the Ends of the Earth Trilogy
MOD11-C-18: William Golding - The Pyramid
795A66: Harry Golding - The Wonder Book of Motors: The Romance of the Road
854W28: William Golding - The Hot Gates and Other Occasional Pieces
903F21: William Golding - The Spire
725L7: William Golding - Free Fall
MOD12-B-5: William Golding - Fire Down Below
882T73: William Golding - Rites of Passage
881T11: William Golding - Rites of Passage
816D49: William Golding - The Spire
872M15: William Golding - The Scorpion God; Darkness Visible
812F27: William Golding - The Spire
858A23: William Golding - Rites of Passage
MOD12-H-5: William Golding - The Paper Men
838W72: William Golding - The Paper Men
813F17: Louis Golding - The Doomington Wanderer
756R42: William Golding - The Paper Men
MOD9-D-14: William Golding - The Spire
838W73: William Golding - Rites of Passage
798A67: William Golding - The Spire
882T75: William Golding; John Carey [editor] - A Collection of Works from William Golding
896T19: William Golding - Pincher Martin
827W48: William Golding - Rites of Passage
807A37: William Golding - Fire Down Below
849B50: Louis Golding - Magnolia Street
638P15: Paul Goldman - Beyond Decoration the Illustrations of John Everett Millais
891M24: R. L. Goldman; Bruce Sanders; Peter Cheyney; T. C. H. Jacobs - Death Plays Solitaire; Deadly Jade; Lady, Behave!; the Red Eyes of Kali
FGN11-C-10: Carlo Goldoni - Commedie Scelte Di Carlo Goldoni Avvocato Venetoe
FIN4-A-8: Carlo Goldoni - Raccolta Di Commedie Scelte
832G20: Carlo Goldoni; Grace Lovat Fraser (Translator) - The Liar, a Comedy in Three Acts
825W11: Ludwig Goldscheider - Five Hundred Self Portraits from Antique Times to the Present Day in Sculpture, Painting, Drawing and Engraving
567L49: Lieut-Colonel S G Goldschmidt - Bridle Wise a Key to Better Hunters Better Ponies
623C35: Rev J Goldsmith - An Atlas for School, Containing Ancient and Modern Maps, Drawn from the Best Authorities ; Prefaced by Twenty-Four Problems on Maps, and by a Copious Table of Latitudes and Longitudes
846N17: Oliver Goldsmith; Alfred W. Pollard - Select Works of Oliver Goldsmith Comprising the Vicar of Wakefield Plays and Poems
GEN24-H-11: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith
887Q46: Oliver Goldsmith; Robert Aris Willmott [ed.] - The Poems of Oliver Goldsmith
695P4: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
873M17: John Francis Goldsmith - President Randolph: As I Knew Him
818P8: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
MIN1-A-3: Oliver Goldsmith - She Stoops to Conquer
SET1-E-6: Oliver Goldsmith - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith with Life and Notes
633P30: Oliver Goldsmith - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith. Illustrated. Vicar of Wakefield, Select Poems, and Comedies
878Q11: Oliver Goldsmith; Mary Russell Mitford; Washington Irving - The Vicar of Wakefield; Our Village; the Keeping of Christmas at Bracebridge Hall
835P59: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith. M.B. And the Professor of Ancient History in the Royal Academy of Arts
LTH2-F-7: Oliver Goldsmith - Oliver Goldsmith&Apos;S Poems and Vicar of Wakefield
827G36: Oliver Goldsmith; Austin Dobson (ed.) - The Complete Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith
880T6: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
713L2: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
843A19: Oliver Goldsmith - Goldsmith&Apos;S Vicar of Wakefield, Poems, and Essays
817A5: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
LTH28-I-2: Oliver Goldsmith; John Francis Waller - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith
889Z22: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
770R69: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith
815D64: Oliver Goldsmith - The Traveller, the Deserted Village, and Other Poems
814C42: Oliver Goldsmith - Pinnock"S Improved Edition of Dr Goldsmith"S Abridgement of the History of Rome; to Which Is Prefixed an Introduction to the Study of Roman History, and a Great Variety of Valuable Information Added Throughout the Work, on the Manners, Institutions, and Antiquities of Teh Romans; with Numerous Biographical and Historical Notes; a Dictionary, Explaining the Most Difficult Words at the Beginning , and Questions for Examination at the End of Each Section. For the Use of Schools.
LTH11-C-9: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
LTH12-B-29: Dr. Goldsmith - The Miscellaneous Works of Dr. Goldsmith Containing All His Essays and Poems Including: The Poetical Works of Dr. Goldsmith
859T11: Dr Goldsmith - Dr Goldsmith&Apos;S Roman History Abridged by Himself for the Use of Schools
LTH19-B-10: Oliver Goldsmith; Austin Dobson - The Poems and Plays of Oliver Goldsmith
896T69: Oliver Goldsmith - The Traveller, the Deserted Village, and Other Poems
SET23-D-5: Oliver Goldsmith - The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith in Six Volumes
826G2: Oliver Goldsmith; Robert Aris Willmott [ed.] - The Poems of Oliver Goldsmith
SET5-E-1: Oliver Goldsmith - The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith with Memoirs of His Life and Writings
GEN14-C-8: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
754P48: Oliver Goldsmith; Thomas Parnell - Poems by Goldsmith and Parnell
820F9: Oliver Goldsmith - The Rising Village with Other Poems
LTH16-C-24: Oliver Goldsmith; Rev J Evans - The Vicar of Wakefield a Tale by Oliver Goldsmith
903F7: Oliver Goldsmith - The Deserted Village
903F8: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
LTH5-D-11: Oliver Goldsmith - Essays and Letters from a Citizen of the World
837J7: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
803D9: Oliver Goldsmith - The Deserted Village
764R41: Oliver Goldsmith - The Deserted Village
841W7: Oliver Goldsmith - She Stoops to Conquer or the Mistakes of a Night
816A59: Oliver Goldsmith - The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B. To Which Is Prefixed, Some Account of His Life and Writings
GEN9-F-9: Oliver Goldsmith - Dalziels&Apos; Illustrated Goldsmith
880T19: Oliver Goldsmith; Peter Cunningham [editor] - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith
841F45: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
748L12: Oliver Goldsmith - The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith
GEN32-I-9: Oliver Goldsmith - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith Illustrated
767R9: Oliver Goldsmith - The Bee and Other Essays
889P37: Oliver Goldsmith - A History of the Earth and Animated Nature
LTH6-C-11: Oliver Goldsmith; prefatory memoir by George Saintsbury - The Vicar of Wakefield
834B9: Oliver Goldsmith; J. Aikin - The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith with an Account of His Life & Writings to Which Is Added a Critical Dissertation on His Poetry
823A78: Oliver Goldsmith; John Francis Waller [ed.] - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith
SET41-E-2: Oliver Goldsmith; Edited by James Prior - The Life of Oliver Goldsmith from a Variety of Original Sources with the Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B. Including a Variety of Pieces Now First Collected
859T12: Dr Goldsmith - An Abridgment of the History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Death of George II
870T77: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
636M45: Oliver Goldsmith; John Foster - The Vicar of Wakefield
864A16: Oliver Goldsmith; Charles Nodier [trans; ed] - Le Vicaire de Wakefield
878M11: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
LTH29-D-11: Dr Goldsmith - Dr Goldsmith&Apos;S Roman History
829B8: Oliver Goldsmith; Austin Dobson - The Vicar of Wakefield
SET22-E-4: Oliver Goldsmith - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith
815C15: Oliver Goldsmith - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith
825A40: Oliver Goldsmith - The Deserted Village
689P10: Oliver Goldsmith - The Traveller a Poem
LTH7-E-7: Dr. Goldsmith; Mr. Morell - The History of England, from the Earliest Times to the End of the Reign of George II. By Dr. Goldsmith and Continued to the Present Period by Mr. Morell
829W26: Doctor Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
692P10: Oliver Goldsmith; John Francis Waller - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith
LTH30-B-7: Oliver Goldsmith; John Francis Waller - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith Illustrated Vicar of Wakefield, Select Poems and Comedies
887F2: Oliver Goldsmith; John Forster - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith
GEN10-B-23: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield a Tale
LTH26-C-6: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poems and Plays of Oliver Goldsmith
GEN14-C-20: Dr Goldsmith - An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog
LTH18-F-29: Oliver Goldsmith - The Life of Richard Nash of Bath
903F4: Dr. Goldsmith [Oliver Goldsmith] - The History of England, from the Earliest Times to the Death of George II
SET23-E-1: Oliver Goldsmith - The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B. Including a Variety of Pieces Now First Collected
892Z40: Oliver Goldsmith - She Stoops to Conquer
841M12: Oliver Goldsmith - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith with Life and Notes.
881M8: Oliver Goldsmith; et al. - R. Caldecott&Apos;S Picture Books
812J15: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
876T43: Oliver Goldsmith; James Prior [editor] - The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith
876P36: Rev. J. Goldsmith; Richard Phillips - The Natural and Artificial Wonders of the United Kingdom
815F42: Oliver Goldsmith; J. Bigland - The History of England from the Earliest Times to the Death of George the Second
816F44: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
816A20: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poems and Plays of Oliver Goldsmith
LTH20-F-21: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poems of Oliver Goldsmith
689P9: Oliver Goldsmith - The Traveller, a Poem
LTH12-E-19: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
760R42: Oliver Goldsmith - A History of the Earth and Animated Nature
MIN2-B-4: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith
832F36: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
744P25: Oliver Goldsmith - The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith
LTH2-F-10: Oliver Goldsmith - A History of England in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to His Son
848F10: J. Goldsmith - A Grammar of General Geography, for the Use of Schools and Young Persons
765A11: Oliver Goldsmith - A Pretty Book of Pictures for the Little Masters and Misses, or, Tommy Trip&Apos;S History of Beasts and Birds with a Familiar Description of Each in Verse and Prose to Which Is Prefix&Apos;D, the History of Little Tom Trip Himself, of His Dog Jouler, and of Woglog the Great Giant
847A13: Oliver Goldsmith; Austin Dobson - The Vicar of Wakefield
899F10: Oliver Goldsmith - An Abridgement of Dr. Goldsmith&Apos;S History of England
807H7: Oliver Goldsmith - The Plays of Oliver Goldsmith Together with the Vicar of Wakefield
743L34: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
855A14: Oliver Goldsmith - The Deserted Village
877P26: Oliver Goldsmith - The Traveller, a Poem
GEN22-H-13: Oliver Goldsmith - The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith
847A57: Oliver Goldsmith; Robert Aris Willmott [ed.] - The Poems of Oliver Goldsmith
803D8: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
833A20: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith
845B27: Oliver Goldsmith - The Select Works of Oliver Goldsmith in One Volume
LTH29-C-24: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
LTH5-C-7: Oliver Goldsmith; Sir Walter Scott - The Poetical Works of Goldsmith and Scott, and the Poems, Songs and Ballads Relating to Robin Hood with the Dramatical and Poetical Works of Edward Young, J. Wolfgang de Goethe, and F. Von Schiller.
788F64: Oliver Goldsmith - A History of the Earth and Animated Nature
849B60: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
832G27: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poetical and Prose Works of Oliver Goldsmith. With Life.
821A34: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith
806R20: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
LTH29-G-11: Oliver Goldsmith - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith
880Z28: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
801A64: Oliver Goldsmith; W. Mudford - Essays, Moral and Entertaining with a Life, and Critique on the Writings and Genius, of the Author
568L34: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
880M5: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
820A13: Oliver Goldsmith; Austin Dobson - The Vicar of Wakefield
647M11: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poetical and Prose Works of Oliver Goldsmith
854N50: Oliver Goldsmith - The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith
LTH27-C-4: Oliver Goldsmith et al. - The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, Tobias Smollett, Samuel Johnson and William Shenstone
845W37: Oliver Goldsmith; H. W. Dulcken - Dalziels&Apos; Illustrated Goldsmith
813J64: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
847A60: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith
803R1: Oliver Goldsmith - The Deserted Village
847T11: Oliver Goldsmith - A History of the Earth and Animated Nature
789R63: Oliver Goldsmith - The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith
846T63: Oliver Goldsmith; H. W. Dulcken - Dalziel&Apos;S Illustrated Goldsmith
903T33: Oliver Goldsmith - The Vicar of Wakefield
GEN14-D-5: Oliver Goldsmith - The Works of Oliver Goldsmith
847A2: Will Goldston - More Tricks and Puzzles without Mechanical Apparatus
832W18: Will Goldston - Tricks That Mystify [Containing] More Modern Card Tricks, Tricks That Mystify, Magical Hints, Who&Apos;S Who in Magic
GEN25-G-12: W. Lansdown Goldsworthy - Shakes-Peare&Apos;S Heraldic Emblems: Their Origin and Meaning
901T45: Maurice Golesworthy; Jack Solomons - The Encyclopaedia of Boxing
829G45: Israel Gollancz - A Book of Homage to Shakespeare, to Commemorate the Three Hundredth Anniversary of Shakespeare&Apos;S Death
828B29: Victor Gollancz - The Case of Adolf Eichmann
829G12: Rudolf Golm; Edith Fowler (translator) - The Old Adam and the New Eve
843A82: Sergeanne Golon; Rita Barisse [trans] - Angelique
873T9: Sergeanne Golon; Marguerite Barnett [translator] - A Collection from the Angelique Series
860T16: Gerard De Gols - Consolations Against the Fears of Death: A Sermon Preach&Apos;D on Sunday Nov. 4, 1711 to a Condemn&Apos;D Person
685P10: Hubert Goltzium - Thesaurus Rei Antiquariae Huberrimus Ex Antiquis Ta, Numismatum Quam Marmorum Inscriptionibus Pari Diligentia Qua Side Conquisitus Ac Descriptus, & in Locos Communes Distributus Sicilia Et Magna Graecia Sive Historiae Urbium Populorumq Graeciae Ex Antiquis Nomismatibus Liber Primus Graeciae Universae Asiaeq Minoris Et Insularum Nomismata Veterum
841W34: E. H. Gombrich, E. Kris - Caricature
648L6: Antonio Gomez; Diego Gomez Cornejo - Dn Antonii Gomezii I. C Celeberrimi in Academia Salmantina Olim Ivris Civilis Primarij Professoris, Ad Leges Tavri Commentarivs Opvs Elaboratvm, Et Perfectvm, in Qvo Leges LXXXIII Ad Amussim Iuris, & Aequitatis Normam Examinantur, Atque Rationibus Eoe Legum & Canonum Medulla Petitis Discutiuntur. .
774P51: George Laurence Gomme - The Gentleman&Apos;S Magazine Library
GEN24-E-3: George Laurence Gomme - The Gentleman&Apos;S Magazine Library Archaeology a Classified Collection of the Chief Contents of &Apos;the Gentleman&Apos;S Magazine&Apos; from 1731-1868
831W23: Alice B Gomme - Children&Apos;S Singing Games
634P37: George Laurence Gomme - The Gentleman&Apos;S Magazine Library: Being a Classified Collection of the Chief Contents of the Gentleman&Apos;S Magazine from 1731 to 1868
849W11: Alice Bertha Gomme - Games for Parlour and Playground
641P8: George Laurence Gomme; F. A. Milne - The Gentleman&Apos;S Magazine Library: Being a Classified Collection of the Chief Contents of the &Apos;Gentleman&Apos;S Magazine&Apos; from 1731 to 1868
GEN31-E-18: George Laurence Gomme - The Village Community with Special Reference to the Origin and Form of Its Survivals in Britain.
LTH8-F-4: George Laurence Gomme - The Archaeological Review. In Two Volumes
738P30: Martin Louis Alan Gompertz - The Road to Lamaland Impressions of a Journey to Western Thibet
902F32: Ganpat [Martin Louis Alan Gompertz] - Fairy Silver: A Travellers Tale
870T53: Edmond de Goncourt; Jules de Goncourt - Love in the Eighteenth Century
FGN21-F-1: Jean-Francois Paul de Gondi - Oeuvres Du Cardinal de Retz
835A63: Philippe Gonnard - The Exile of St Helena: The Last Phase in Fact and Fiction
791J2: Armand Louis de Gontaut - Memoirs of the Duke de Lauzun
759A40: John Gooch - The Plans of War the General Staff and British Military Strategy C 1900-1916
666P11: Robert Gooch - An Account of Some of the Most Important Diseases Peculiar to Women
798F28: John Mason Good - The Study of Medicine
822A15: George Goodall; H. C. Darby [ed.] - The University Atlas
774A30: Goodall - Goodall&Apos;S Palatable Cookery: Showing How to Make Pudding, Pastry, Custards, Bread, Biscuits, &C. And How to Prepare Eggs, Omelets, Ginger Beer &C. With Hints on Health and Remedies
GEN35-I-8: Mrs Arthur Goodeve - Songs for the Little Ones in Twilight Hours
883M23: J. Cumming Goodfellow - Hawick&Apos;S Annual Festival and Other Verses
866A61: Mel Gooding - Frank Bowling
866A62: Mel Gooding - Frank Bowling
728P42: Nicholas Goodison - English Barometers 1680-1860 a History of Domestic Barometers and Their Makers
799J11: Nicholas Goodison - English Barometers 1680-1860 a History of Domestic Barometers and Their Makers
837J13: Nicholas Goodison - English Barometers 1680-1860
848F9: Thomas Goodlake - The Courser&Apos;S Manual or Stud-Book
857B88: E. J. Goodman - The Best Tour in Norway
859N41: E. J. Goodman - New Ground in Norway. Ringerike, Telemarken, Saetersdalen
MOD7-A-16: Carol Goodman - Lake of Dead Languages
LTH17-C-15: J. Goodman - Winter-Evening Conference between Neighbours in Three Parts
626M35: Caspar F. Goodrich - Rope Yarns from the Old Navy
567L9: Samuel Griswold Goodrich - Dug out from Below: And Other Stories Reprinted from Peter Parley&Apos;S Annuals
898F53: Peter Parley [Samuel Griswold Goodrich] - The Balloon Travels of Robert Merry and His Young Friends, over Various Countries in Europe
898T4: Frank B. Goodrich - The Sea and Her Famous Sailors: A History of Maritime Adventure and Exploration from the Christian Era to the Present Time
816A27: Peter Parley [Samuel Griswold Goodrich] - Peter Parley&Apos;S Tales About Greece and Rome
GEN1-E-25: Peter Parley [Samuel Griswold Goodrich] - Tales About Great Britain and Ireland
639M11: Peter Parley [Samuel Griswold Goodrich] - The Balloon Travels of Robert Merry and His Young Friends
808P26: Frank B. Goodrich - The Court of Napoleon; or, Society Under the First Empire
GEN28-D-6: Peter Parley [Samuel Griswold Goodrich] - The Adventures of Dick Boldhero in Search of His Uncle, or Dangers and Difficulties Overcome
GEN32-D-8: Samuel Griswold Goodrich; edited by Rev. T. Wilson - Peter Parley&Apos;S Tales About the World Containing Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia
791A60: Maud Wilder Goodwin; Alice Carrington; Ruth Putnam - Half Moon Series: Papers on Historic New York
769P61: Rutherfoord Goodwin - A Brief and True Report Concerning Williamsburg in Virginia
876F23: John Blaine [Harold L. Goodwin; Peter J. Harkins] - Twenty-One Volumes of the Rick Brant Science-Adventure Series
780R30: F. Goodyear - Teaching Bookbinding Craft in Schools: A Course for Juniors and Seniors
811D30: R. A. H. Goodyear - Something Like a Chum
MOD12-I-17: Nadine Gordimer - My Son&Apos;S Story
EXP2-B-1: Nadine Gordimer - Face to Face
MOD8-D-11: Nadine Gordimer - Face to Face
872Q13: Nadine Gordimer - Occasion for Loving; the Late Bourgeois World
MOD11-G-12: Nadine Gordimer - A World of Strangers
MOD12-B-14: Nadine Gordimer - Six Feet of the Country
MOD7-E-3: Nadine Gordimer - A Soldier&Apos;S Embrace Stories
MOD12-C-9: Nadine Gordimer - The Soft Voice of the Serpent
885T63: Nadine Gordimer - Not for Publication
836M20: Nadine Gordimer - Occasion for Loving
MOD2-E-5: Nadine Gordimer - Face to Face
882Z21: Nadine Gordimer - Five Works by Nadine Gordimer Something out There Burger&Apos;S Daughter July&Apos;S People a Soldier&Apos;S Embrace a Sport of Nature
MOD5-G-16: Nadine Gordimer - Face to Face
MOD11-G-26: Nadine Gordimer - A World of Strangers
MOD6-D-10: Nadine Gordimer - Face to Face
MOD12-C-16: Nadine Gordimer - Six Feet of the Country Short Stories
MOD9-B-21: Nadine Gordimer - July&Apos;S People
MOD3-C-7: Nadine Gordimer - Face to Face
SET4-G-2: George Gordon - The Annals of Europe for the Year 1739, 1740, and 1743. Being a Methodical and Full Account of All the Remarkable Occurrences Which Happened Within That Year, Either at Home or Abroad; with Copies or Extracts of the Most Important Treaties, and Other Publick Papers, and an Abstract of the Most Remarkable Pamphlets Published Within That Period. To Be Continued, and from Thenceforth Published Annually, As Soon As Possible After the Expiration of the Preceding Year
840W73: Samuel Gordon - A Tale of Two Rings
818J7: Adam Lindsay Gordon - Bush Ballads and Galloping Rhymes
852N22: Seton Gordon - Wanderings of a Naturalist
768P33: Mrs. Alexander Gordon; [Kate Gordon] - Double Acrostic Enigmas, with Poetical Descriptions
LTH7-E-20: Robert Gordon - The Mourner&Apos;S Companion
847W2: Seton Gordon - Amid Snowy Wastes, Wild Life on the Spitsbergen Archipelago
829J27: General Gordon; A. Egmont Hake [ed.] - Events in the Taeping Rebellion
849B40: Rex Gordon; Brian M Stableford; Joanna Russ; A Bertram Chandler; Kenneth Bulmer - Science Ficiton Paperbacks
880V32: C. J. Gordon - The Parish and Manor of Nassington-Cum-Yarwell a True Story of Eight Hundred Years
763P12: [Arthur Hamilton-Gordon] - Fiji Records of Private and of Public Life 1875-1880
GEN33-G-8: Charles Gordon - Old Time Aldwych, the Kingsway and Neighbourhood
796A10: Roderick Gordon; Brian Williams - The Highfield Mole Book One: The Circle in the Spiral
MOD12-F-9: Richard Gordon - Doctor at Large
738L19: Adam Lindsay Gordon - Poems
847T54: Seton Gordon - Days with the Golden Eagle
859A4: G F C Gordon - Clockmaking Past and Present with Which Is Incorporated the More Important Portions of "Clocks, Watches, and Bells," by the Late Lord Grimthorpe, Relating to Turpet Clocks and Gravity Escapements
893Q14: William Gordon - The Influence of Strong, Prevalent, Rain-Bearing Winds on the Prevalence of Phthisis
827B44: General John B. Gordon - Reminiscences of the CIVIL War
632C24: Adam Lindsay Gordon - Sporting Verse
672H25: Roderick Gordon; Brian Williams - Freefall
894T32: Katharine Gordon - In the Shadow of the Peacock & the Peacock Ring
867T1: Seton Gordon - The Charm of Skye the Winged Isle
846F54: Seton Gordon - The Land of the Hills and the Glens; the Charm of Skye
754P41: Seton Gordon - Islands of the West
GEN23-G-2: Seton Gordon - The Land of the Hills and Glens Wild Life in Iona and the Inner Hebrides
846B74: Seton Gordon - Hill Birds of Scotland
GEN1-C-14: Ruth E. Gordon - Petticoat Pioneers: Women of Distinction
879T24: Seton Gordon - Islands of the West
832W62: Lyndall Gordon - Virginia Woolf a Writer&Apos;S Life
725P54: Seton Gordon - The Immortal Isles
866B40: Seton Gordon - The Immortal Isles
846F52: Seton Gordon - The Cairngorm Hills of Scotland
818A7: Donald E. Gordon - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Mit Einem Kritischen Katalog Samtlicher Gemalde
845A27: Lina Duff Gordon; Edmund G. Gardner - Medieval Towns: The Story of Assisi; Siena and San Gimignano; Florence
794L8: Adam Lindsay Gordon - Poems of the Late Adam Lindsay Gordon
879V41: W. J. Gordon - Round About the North Pole
808J9: Captain Gordon; Colonel H.C. Wylly - A Cavalry Officer in the Corunna Campaign 1808-1809
787F26: Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun; Henry William Weber [ed.] - A Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland, from Its Origin to the Year 1630. With a Continuation to the Year 1651.
862F24: J. Ellard Gore - Astronomical Essays: Historical and Descriptive
858P16: F. St. J. Gore - Lights & Shades of Hill Life in the Afghan and Hindu Highlands of the Punjab a Contrast
804P7: Lord Gorell - The Spirit of Happiness
892P22: Edward Gorey - The Awdrey-Gore Legacy
759A13: Sir Arthur Gorges, Helen Estabrook Sandison [ed/] - The Poems of Sir Arthur Gorges
GEN17-E-21: George Cornelius Gorham - The History and Antiquities of Eynesbury and St Neot&Apos;S in Huntingdonshire, and St Neot&Apos;S in the Country of Cornwall
744P42: Maurice Gorham - The Local
849T60: O. G. Goring - From Goring House to Buckingham Palace
801P3: J. A. Goris - Etude Sur Les Colonies Marchandes Meridionales (Portugais. Espagnols. Italiens) a Anvers de 1488 a 1567
897Q32: Maxim Gorki; Veronica Scott-Gatty [Trans.] - Decadence
852T29: Gerard Gorman - The Birds of Hungary
848W53: Mr. Goschen - A Copy of the Statistical Report on the Health of the Navy for the Year 1869
891Z23: Rene Goscinny - Asterix and the Goths an Asterix Adventure
891Z22: Rene Goscinny - The Mansions of the Gods an Asterix Adventure
MOD5-E-20: Paula Gosling - The Wychford Murders
MOD12-C-14: Paula Gosling - Loser&Apos;S Blues
LTH9-B-11: C. W. F. Goss - Bishopsgate Institute Descriptive Catalogue of Books Contained in the Lending Library & Descriptive Supplementary Catalogue of Additions to the Lending Library
773R49: Philip Henry Gosse - A History of the British Sea-Anemones and Corals
LTH19-F-12: Edmund Gosse; Thomas James Wise - Selections from A.C. Swinburne
GEN35-E-26: Edmund Gosse - Some Memoirs
825B22: Philip Henry Gosse - A Year at the Shore
SET23-F-2: Edmund Gosse - A Century of French Romance in Five Volumes
799F7: Philip Gosse; Trevor Hearl [Intro.] - St Helena, 1502-1938
855A54: Edmund Gosse - A History of Eighteenth Century Literature (1660-1780)
812A74: Edmund Gosse - A Short History of Modern Literature
773R33: Philip Henry Gosse - Romance of Natural History
GEN31-C-11: Philip Henry Gosse - Life in Its Lower, Intermediate, and Higher Forms or Manifestations of the Divine Wisdom in the Natural History of Animals
845B58: Edmund Gosse - Hypolympia or the Gods in the Island an Ironic Fantasy
LTH22-B-3: Edmund W. Gosse - Seventeenth-Century Studies
865N13: Edmond Gosse - Life of William Congreve
LTH29-D-18: Edmund W Gosse - English Odes
898Z2: Edmund Gosse, James A. Joyce; Arthur Symons; Alice Meynell etc - The Venture an Annual of Art and Literature
816P5: [Philip Henry Gosse] - Wanderings Through the Conservatories at Kew
863A35: G. Lenotre [Theodore Gosselin] - Paris Revolutionnaire; le Tribunal Revolutionnaire; Vielles Maisons Viewux Papiers
864N51: L. Gosselin - Clinique Chirurgicale de L&Apos;HooePital de la Chariteoe
769R19: Adelaide L. J. Gosset - Shepherd Songs of Elizabethan England
764R39: Adelaide L. J. Gosset - Shepherd Songs of Elizabethan England
841B39: J. Alfred Gotch - The Growth of the English Country House a Short History of Its Architectural Development from 1100 to 1800
838W55: J. Alfred Gotch - The Growth of the English House, a Short History of Its Architectural Development from 1100 to 1800
762R37: J. Alfred Gotch - The Growth of the English House: A Short History of Its Architectural Development from 1100 to 1800
663P28: Barbara Wallace Gothard - Lessons on Cookery
616P7: Jeremias Gotthelf; Julia Firth; John Ruskin - Ulric the Farm Servant. A Story of the Bernese Lowland
GEN32-B-3: Gerald Gottlieb - Early Children&Apos;S Books and Their Illustrations
808J26: Louis R. Gottschalk - The Consulate of Napoleon Bonaparte, Little Blue Book 757
638C26: Rudolf von Gottschall - Pharus Am Meere Des Lebens
895T37: Elizabeth Goudge - Gentian Hill
857B29: Elizabeth Goudge - The Dean&Apos;S Watch
856T68: Elizabeth Goudge - The Joy of the Snow: An Autobiography
777F30: Jules Gouffe - Le Livre de Cuisine
782F56: Jules Gouffe - Le Livre de Cuisine
897Z3: Olympe de Gouges; Val Stevenson [Trans] - The Rights of Women
848G8: John Gough; James Gough - Memoirs of the Life, Religious Experiences, and Labours in the Gospel of James Gough, Late of the City of Dublin, Deceased
891P22: Richard Gough - Description of the Beauchamp Chapel, Adjoining to the Church of St. Mary at Warwick; and the Monuments of the Earls of Warwick
846T55: Rupert T Gould - Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development
852W43: Sabine Baring-Gould; Arthur Gilman - Germany
GEN25-B-9: F. Carruthers Gould - Wild Nature in Pictures, Rhymes and Reasons
825A85: S. Baring-Gould - Guavas the Tinner
LTH12-B-9: Sabine Baring-Gould - Court Royal Story of Cross Currents
844T106: S. Baring-Gould - Devonshire Characters and Strange Events
787R6: S. Baring-Gould - A Book of Dartmoor
878T23: Gerald Gould - The Collected Poems of Gerald Gould
865M3: S. Baring Gould [Sabine Baring-Gould] - Freaks of Fanaticism and Other Strange Events
831B37: Gerald Gould - The Collected Poems of Gerald Gould
762P18: Sabine Baring-Gould - Early Reminiscences 1834-1864
793R32: S. Baring-Gould - The Deserts of Southern France
868T1: Sabine Baring-Gould - Further Reminiscences 1864-1894
817A33: Lois Gould - Such Good Friends
843P24: S. Baring-Gould - A Book of Ghosts
884T68: John Gould - Biographical Dictionary of Painters, Sculptors, Engravers, and Architects
820A24: S. Baring-Gould - A Book of Cevennes
866B42: S. Baring Gould - Old Country Life
GEN23-D-3: Sabine Baring-Gould - Royal George
SET5-B-5: F. Carruthers Gould - Froissart&Apos;S Modern Chronicles; F.C. G. &Apos;S Froissart&Apos;S Modern Chronicles 1902; F.C. G. &Apos;S Froissart&Apos;S Modern Chronicles 1903-6
758A43: John Gould - Biographical Sketches of Eminent Artists Comprising Painters, Sculptors, Engravers, and Architects, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time; Interspersed with Original Anecdotes.
840T59: Rupert T Gould - Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development
822B48: Shirley Goulden - Tales from Hans Anderson
766P51: Cullen Gouldsbury - More Rhodesian Rhymes
889T43: Arsene de Goulevitch; N. J. Couriss [translator] - Czarism and Revolution
770R75: Charles Gounod; Joseph Haydn - Death and Life (Mors Et Vita); a Sacred Trilogy and the Passion (the Seven Words of Our Saviour on the Cross)
862B21: J. Gourdault - La France Pittoresque
837J17: General Baron Gourgaud - Talks of Napoleon at St. Helena
837P13: General Baron Gourgaud - Journal de Sainte-Helene 1815-1818
855A15: David Gourlay - A Brechin Eleven and a Printer&Apos;S Dozen
FGN20-H-3: Remy de Gourmont - Le Songe D&Apos;Une Femme
876T64: Remy De Gourmont; Richard Aldington - Remy de Gourmont Selections
FIN1-D-5: Remy de Gourmont - Couleurs
833K8: T. R. Gourvish; R. G. Wilson - The British Brewing Industry 1830-1980
830B26: British Government - Cap. LV an Act for the More Effectual Administration of the Office of a Justice of the Peace in and Near the Metropolis, and for the More Effectual Prevention of Depredations on the River Thames and Its Vicinity, for Seven Years
864B3: French Government - Ouvrage EoeDiteoe Par le Gouvernement FrancoeAis, aoe L&Apos;Occasion de la Visite En France de Leurs MajesteoeS Historiques, le Roi Georges VI Et la Reine Elisabeth
798R66: Todd Longstaffe-Gowan - The London Town Garden 1740-1840
718P18: Imogen Hermes Gowar - The Mermaid and Mrs. Hancock
843W59: Lord Ronald Sutherland Gower - Sir Joshua Reynolds His Life and Art
856B7: Lord Ronald Gower - Last Days of Marie Antoinette an Historical Sketch
805D13: Irish Gower - Honey&Apos;S Farm
873F7: John Goodwin [Sidney Floyd Gowing] - Blackmail
GEN35-A-4: Robert C. Cafritz; Lawrence Gowing, David Rosand - Places of Delight the Pastoral Landscape
676P8: Carlo Gozzi; John Addington Symonds - The Memoirs of Count Carlo Gozzi
GEN23-G-17: Captain W A Graah - Narrative of an Expedition to the East Coast of Greenland Sent by Order of the King of Denmark, in Search of the Lost Colonies Under the Command of Captain W a Graah.
631L33: G W Grabham - Water Supplies in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
826W27: Count Hawks Le Grace - Walks Through the Studj of the Sculptors at Rome with a Brief Historical and Critical Sketch of Sculpture. Volume II
687P3: A. F. Grace - A Course of Lessons in Landscape Painting in Oils
859B51: Grace and Philip Wharton - The Wits and Beaux of Society
894Q14: Stephen Grace - Dennis Martin: A Novel
828F10: Josephine Perin von Gradenstein - Contes Gothiques
626C37: Stephen F. Gradish - The Manning of the British Navy During the Seven Years&Apos; War
892P33: Bruce Graeme - The Coming of Carew
MOD1-D-12: David Graeme - The Vengeance of Monsieur Blackshirt
MOD1-C-5: Bruce Graeme - The Return of Blackshirt
830B30: Ann Graeme; Eliza Fergusson - Family Lettters 1745-1793
873F10: Bruce Graeme - Blackshirt
810J11: Dr. J.G. Theodore Graesse - Guide de L&Apos;Amateur de Porcelaines Et de Poteries
817D6: Ferdinand Graf; Joh. Petrasch - Die Alpenpflanzen
848M22: H. Grafe; J. Chr. Gottlob Schumann - Dr. H. GrFe&Apos;S Deutsche Volksschule Oder Die BRger- Und Landschule Nach Der Gesammtheit Ihrer VerhLtnisse. Nebst Einer Geschichte Der Volksschule. Ein Handbuch FR Lehrer Und Schulaufseher.
862B29: H. de Graffigny - Recits D&Apos;Un Aeronaute
856N42: Madame de Grafigny; Alain-Rene Le Sage; Tobias Smollet; Francis Coventry; M. de Voltaire; Charles Morell - Letters of a Peruvian Princess; Devil on Two Sticks; the Adventures of Launcelot Greaves; the History of Pompey the Little, Zadig; Tales of the Gen I; Tales of the Gen II
672P39: Sue Grafton - H Is for Homicide I Is for Innocence
709P15: Sue Grafton - E Is for Evidence
709P16: Sue Grafton - K Is for Killer M Is for Malice P Is for Peril Q Is for Quarry R Is for Ricochet
709P17: Sue Grafton - H Is for Homicide I Is for Innocent J Is for Judgment L Is for Lawless R Is for Ricochet
672H15: Sue Grafton - D Is for Deadbeat
672P29: Sue Grafton - A Is for Alibi a Kinsey Millhone Mystery
724P36: Richard Grafton - A Chronicle at Large and Meere History of the Affayres of Englande and Kinges of the Same
672P12: Sue Grafton - Keziah Dane
674P3: Sue Grafton - M Is for Malice N Is for Noose O Is for Outlaw P Is for Peril Q Is for Quarry R Is for Ricochet S Is for Silence U Is for Undertow
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