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2734: [ COTES, J. ]: - The Miner's Guide or Complete Miner.
249: [ TAYLER,Hugon S.]: - Dukinfield Old Chapel Sunday School Centenary Souvenir 1900.
2259: [ Davies, Richard ]: - Chester's Triumph in Honor of her Prince as it was Performed upon St. George's Day 1610.
2097: : - Yesteryears: a History of Deanprint Limited.
2523: : - Architectural History: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain.
2890: : - Royal Copenhagen 1930 Catalog
1669: ABERDEEN: - Post Office Aberdeen Directory 1940-41.
1405: ADAMI, J. George: - Charles White of Manchester (1728-1813) and the Arrest of Puerperal Fever.
392: ADAMS, A.Leith: - Field and Forest Rambles with Notes and Observations on the Natural History of Eastern Canada.
3322: AHIER, Philip: - Legends and Traditions of Huddersfield and its District.
3354: ALFOLDY, Geza: - Noricum.
2821: ALLEN, Rev. George: - Notes on Shaw Church in By-gone Days.
2824: ALLEN, J.S. and MATTOCKS, R.H: - Industry and Prudence: a Plan for Accrington.
2069: ALSTON, R. C: - Bibliography of the English Language, English Grammars.
2732: ANDRY, Nicholas: - An Account of the Breeding of Worms in Human Bodies.
108: ANGIOLILLO, Paul F: - A Criminal as Hero; Angelo Duca.
1831: ANON: - Lead-mining.
3128: Anon: - Thomas & Gilchrist, Bolckow & Vaughan 1879-1929
3230: ANON: - Family Diet and Health in Pre-War Britain. A dietary and clinical survey.
3232: ANON: - Building in Cheshire.
1246: ANON: - Re-adjustment in Lancashire by Members of the Economics Research Section, University of Manchester.
2943: ANON: - British Memorials of The Great War 1914-1918.
2267: Anon: - Phallic Worship , a Description of the Mysteries of the Sex Worship of the Ancients with the History of the Masculine Cross.
2703: ASHMORE, Owen: - The Industrial Archaeology of North-west England.
3420: ASHWORTH, Terry: - Forty Years On; A History of Bury Cine Society 1959-1999.
3256: ASPIN, Chris: - The Water-Spinners; a New Look at the Cotton Trade.
3044: ATTICUS, (A. Hewitson): - Our Churches and Chapels; Their Parsons, Priests, & Congregations Being a Critical and Historical Account of Every Place of Worship in Preston.
1382: AUSTEN, Major E.E. and HEGH, Emile: - Tsetse Flies their Characteristics,Distribution and Bionomics with some account of Possible Methods for their Control.
2621: AXON, William E. A: - The Annals of Manchester: A Chronological Record from the Earliest Times to the End of 1885.
2885: AXON, W. E. A: - On the Plague of Caterpillars (Charaeas graminis) at Clitheroe. A paper read before the United Field Naturalists at Greenfield, Sunday, 19th June, 1881,
2976: AXON, SUTTON, BROWNBILL: - Chetham Miscellanies, New series,Volume III.
2056: AXON, Ernest (editor): - Oliver Heywood's Life of John Angier of Denton.
3138: BAILEY, John Eglington (editor): - The Palatine Note-book.
2702: BAILEY, John Eglington, (editor): - Inventories of Goods in the Churches and Chapels of Lancashire Taken in the Year A.D. 1552.
3309: BAILEY, John E: - Old Stretford.
3288: BAILEY, Michael R. and GLITHEROW, John: - The Odin Project. Design and Construction of Denmark's First Locomotive.
3306: BAKER, Sir Thomas: - Memorials of a Dissenting Chapel, its Foundation and Worthies; Being a Sketch of The Rise of Nonconformity in Manchester and of the Erection of The Chapel in Cross Street, with Notices of its Ministers and Trustees.
2717: BAKEWELL, F.C: - Electric Science; Its History, Phenomena and Applications.
2214: BALSTON, Thomas: - Sitwelliana 1915-1927: Being a Handlist of Works By Edith, Osbert, and Sacheverell Sitwell and of Their Contributions to Certain Selected Periodicals .
3079: BAMFORD, Samuel: - Homely Rhymes,Poems,and Reminiscences.
3109: BAMFORD, Samuel: - Early Days
3110: BAMFORD, Samuel: - Passages in the Life of a Radical,
3349: BANKS, A.G. and SCHOFIELD, R.B: - Brindley at Wet Earth Colliery: an Engineering Study.
3247: BARNES, Bernard: - Saddleworth Heritage.
1824: BEAMONT, William: - Annals of the Lords of Warrington and Bewsey from 1587 to 1833.
1933: BEAMONT, William: - Warrington in M.CCCC.LXV. [1465].
2972: BEAMONT, William, (editor): - The Jacobite Trials at Manchester in 1694. From an Unpublished Manuscript.
2873: BEAMONT, William: - An Account of the Ancient Town of Frodsham in Cheshire.
2176: BEAMONT, William, (editor): - Tracts Written in the Controversy Respecting Amicia, Daughter of Hugh Cyveliok, Earl of Chester, A.D. 1673-1679.
2170: BEARD, Charles Austin: - The Office of Justice of the Peace in England in Its Origin and Development.
2311: BELL, Rev. Fred: - Midnight Scenes in the Slums of New York: or, Lights and Shadows.
3250: BENNETT, W: - The History of Marsden and Nelson.
3258: BENNETT, W: - The History of Burnley.
304: BESANT,Annie: - The Case for India.
2525: BETTESWORTH, A. and HITCH, C. (publishers): - The Builder's Dictionary or Architect's Companion.
3392: BILLINGTON, William: - Lancashire Songs,With Other Poems and Sketches.
827: BINNS, George S: - Huddersfield Town 75 Years On.
1747: BIRD, R.H. (editor): - The Mines of Grassington Moor & Wharfedale.
296: BLACKLEY,Manchester and PILLING, Lancashire: - The Registers of the Parish Church of Blackley near Manchester and of the Parish of Pilling in the County of Lancaster.
708: BLUNDEN, E.C: - Pastorals: A Book of Verses.
2236: BOARDMAN, James: - Records & Traditions of Deane Church, Village, and Parish, in Lancashire, A.D. 597 to 1904.
3393: BOLTON,Herbert: - The Geology of Rossendale.
2465: BOOKER, Rev. John: - A History of the Ancient Chapels of Didsbury and Chorlton in Manchester Parish.
1564: BOSTON, Ray: - British Chartists in America 1839-1900.
1118: BOUCHER, Cyril T. G: - James Brindley Engineer 1716-1772.
2878: BOWES, Alderman I: - George Stephenson and M. Ferdinand de Lesseps
941: BOWLEY, Arthur L: - A Short Account of England's Foreign Trade in the Nineteenth Century; its Economic and Social Results.
3181: BOWMAN, Winifred M: - 5,000 Acres of Old Ashton.
3249: BOWMAN, W. E: - The Ascent of Rum Doodle.
3224: BRADLEY, E.G: - A Household Book for Tropical Colonies.
3440: BRANDWOOD, Geoff: - The Architecture of Sharpe, Paley and Austin.
580: BRAUER, E: - The Construction of the Balance.
3276: BREMER, Kare: - Asteraceae, Gladistics and Classification.
2730: BRIDGEMAN, George T. O: - The History of the Church and Manor of Wigan in the County of Lancaster.
3334: BRIERLEY, Morgan: - A Chapter from a MSS History of Saddleworth.
2631: BRIERLEY, Helen: - Morgan Brierley, a Selection from his Writings.
2896: BRITTON, Charles J: - Cricket Books. The 100 Best (Old and New). With Notes, Values Etc.
1417: BROCKBANK, Edward Mansfield: - Sketches of the Lives and Work of the Honorary Medical Staff of the Manchester Infirmary from its Foundation in 1752 to 1830.
3162: BROCKLEHURST, Henry: - " I Was in Prison ".
1150: BROCKMAN, H.A.N: - The British Architect in Industry 1841-1940.
2799: BRONTE, Patrick: - The Cottage in the Wood.
2815: BROWN, W. Henry: - The Rochdale Pioneers: A Century of Co-operation.
3114: BROWNELL, F.R. "Bob": - Gunsmith Kinks.
3152: BRUTON, F. A: - Three Accounts of Peterloo by Eyewitnesses.
3235: BUCKMAN, James: - The Natural History of British Meadow and Pasture Grasses: With an Account of Their Economy and Agricultural Indications.
1372: BUCKTON, George Bowdler: - Monograph of the British Cicadae,or Tettigiidae.
2504: BULLEN, A. H. (editor): - Antient Drolleries: Cobbes Prophecies 1614 and Pimlyco, or, Runne Red-Cap, 1609.
3195: BULMER, J.R. (editor): - The Register of St. Oswald's, Winwick, Lancashire.
3423: Burnley, Lancashire: - The Registers of the Parish Church of Burnley, Volume 1.
3209: BURNS, George: - Gibbets and Gallows, the Story of Edmund Arrowsmith, S.J.
2963: BURTON, Thomas: - Royton Industrial Co-Operative Society Limited: History of the Society's Formation and Progress, 1857-1907.
2145: Bushnell, George Herbert: - Scottish Engravers: a Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Engravers and of Engravers Who Worked in Scotland to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century .
3045: BUTTERWORTH, James: - The antiquities of the town, and a complete history of the trade of Manchester: with descriptions of Manchester and Salford: to which is added an account of the late improvements in the town, &c.
3436: BUTTERWORTH, James: - History and Description of the Town and Parish of Ashton-Under-Lyne in the County of Lancaster and the Village of Dukinfield.
3382: BUTTERWORTH, James: - An Historical and Topographical Account of the Town and Parish of Rochdale..... and also of the Parochial Chapelry of Saddleworth.
3435: BUTTERWORTH, Edwin: - An Historical Account of the Towns of Ashton-Under-Lyne, Stalybridge, and Dukinfield.
2946: BUTTERWORTH,Edwin: - Historical Sketches of Oldham.
2945: BUTTERWORTH, James: - An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Town and Parochial Chapelry of OLDHAM in the County of Lancaster.
2944: BUTTERWORTH, James: - An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Town and Parochial Chapelry of OLDHAM in the County of Lancaster.
3254: BYRNE, Matthew: - Beautiful Churches Saved by The Churches Conservation Trust
3430: CAMINADA, Jerome: - Twenty-Five Years of Detective Life.
2273: CAMPION, George G: - The Riddle of the Sphinx, an Essay.
3416: CANTRELL, J.A: - James Nasmyth and the Bridgewater Foundry: a study of entrepreneurship in the early engineering industry.
3080: CARR, James: - Annals and Stories of Colne and Neighbourhood.
2934: Carroll, Lewis: - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
3367: CARROLL, Kevin: - Yoruba Religious Carving : Pagan & Christian Sculpture in Nigeria & Dahomey.
2408: Exhibition Catalogue: - The Order of the Day: Thomas Harrison, 1744-1829, and Architecture of the Greek Revival.
3340: CEURVORST, Joe: - Africa in a Jeep.
3390: CHADWICK, William: - Reminiscences of a Chief Constable.
3375: CHALONER, W.H: - The Social and Economic Development of Crewe.
2599: CHAPMAN, Sydney J: - The Lancashire Cotton industry. A Study in Economic Development.
3210: CHERRY, Bridget: - The Buildings of England: A Short History and Bibliography.
3307: CHIPPINDALL, Colonel W. H: - A History of the Parish of Tunstall.
3332: CHIPPINDALL, Colonel W. H: - History of the Township of Ireby.
2462: CHIPPINDALL, Colonel W. H: - A Sixteenth-Century Survey and Year's Account of the Estates of Hornby Castle Lancashire, with an introduction on the owners of the castle.
2840: "Chota": - From Dug-out and Billet: An Officer's Letters to His Mother.
2256: CHRISTIE,Richard Copley: - A Bibliography of the Works Written and Edited by Dr. John Worthington.
2030: CLARKE, Stephen: - Clitheroe in its Railway Days.
2534: CLARKE, Allen: - Lancashire Lasses and Lads.
3051: CLARKE, Allen: - Windmill Land.
3150: COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor: - The Friend. [In two volumes, being vol. 4 of the Collected Works.]
3391: COLLINS, H.C: - Rochdale Roundabout.
3251: COLLINS, Herbert C: - Rochdale Roundabout.
1772: COLQUHOUN, Mrs Archibald: - The Vocation of Woman.
3234: CONSTABLE, John et al: - Agricultural Education
2708: CONSTANT, Thos E: - The Naked-Eye Anatomy of the Human Teeth.
2985: Various Contributors: - An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments in Caernarvonshire: 3 Volume Set (Vol. I. East, Vol. II. Central & Vol. III. West)
1984: CONWAY, H.G: - Grand Prix Bugatti.
3389: COOKSON, Richard: - Goosnargh: Past and Present.
3364: CORBETT, J.: - The River Irwell.
2160: CORNWALL: - The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall: with Marginal Notes and References to Authorities to which are added the Several Acts of Parliament, Schedule of Fees, Resolutions of the Judges etc.
3081: COSTLEY, Thos: - Lancashire Poets and Other Literary Sketches.
3399: COTTERELL, S. & WILKINSON, G. H: - The London & North-Western Locomotives, Simple and Compound.
2557: CRAIG, Edward Gordon: - City of Manchester Art Gallery Exhibition of Drawings and Models for Hamlet, Macbeth, The Vikings and other Plays
2777: CRAMER, John Andrew: - Elements of the Art of Assaying Metals. In two parts. The first containing the theory, the second the practice of the said art. The whole deduced from the true properties and nature of fossils. Translated from the Latin.
2011: CRAVEN, Maxwell and STANLEY, Michael: - The Derbyshire Country House.
2489: CROFTON, H.T: - A History of Newton Chapelry in the Ancient Parish of Manchester.
2699: CROFTON, H.T: - A History of the Ancient Chapel of Stretford in Manchester Parish.
3216: CROSSLEY, R.S: - Accrington: Chronological Notes And Men Of Mark.
2581: CROXFORD, W.B. (editor): - Rugby Union in Lancashire and Cheshire
3343: LEES D.H. and CRUDGINGTON R.M: - Fishing Famous Rivers; Cheshire Waters.
3437: CRUISE, Colin: - Love Revealed. Simeon Solomon and the Pre-Raphaelites.
3298: CULLEN, KNEES, CUBEY (Editors): - The European Garden Flora, Complete 5 volume set.
2721: CURWEN, John F: - THE ANCIENT PARISH OF HEVERSHAM WITH MILNTHORPE including the Hamlets of Leasgill, Ackenthwaite and Rowell.
3304: DANE, E. Surrey: - Peter Stubs and the Lancashire Hand Tool Industry.
1766: DARCY, C.P: - The Encouragement of the Fine Arts in Lancashire 1760-1860.
3078: DART, Reginald: - A Town Plan for the Urban District of Turton.
1942: DARTT, Captain Robert L: - G.A.Henty, a Bibliography.
3193: DAVIES, C. Stella: - The Agricultural History of Cheshire 1750-1850.
2893: DAVIES, M. B: - Physical Training, Games And Athletics In Elementary Schools: A Textbook For Training College Students.
3432: DEEGAN, Judith and Peter: - The Yellow Road.
1764: DERHAM, William: - Philosophical Letters Between the Late Learned Mr. Ray and Several of his Ingenious which are added those of Francis Willughby Esq.
2445: DICKINSON, H. W: - John Wilkinson, Ironmaster.
2466: DICKINSON, J. R: - The Lordship of Man Under the Stanleys; Government and Economy in the Isle of Man, 1580-1704.
1359: DONALD, Archibald: - The Transition; a Retrospect of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
2191: DOUGHTY, Dorothy and SAVAGE, George: - The American Birds of Dorothy Doughty
3278: DRESSLER, Robert L: - Phylogeny and Classification of the Orchid Family.
2268: DUFOUR, G. H: - Mémorial pour les Travaux de Guerre.
2839: DUNDAS, W.H: - Eniskillen Parish and Town.
1649: DUNLOP, O. Jocelyn: - The Farm Labourer; The History of a Modern Problem
3107: DUNN, J. P: - Massacres of the Mountains. A History of the Indian Wars of the Far West.
176: DURNING-LAWRENCE,Lady: - Notes and Illustrations concerning the Family History of James Smith of Coventry.
2041: ECCLES, Lancashire: - The Registers of the Parish Church of Eccles in the County of Lancaster.
2989: EDWARDS, Michael M: - The Growth of the British Cotton Trade 1780-1815.
3061: EKWALL, Eilert: - The Place-names of Lancashire,
3429: ELLIOT, Rev. W. Hume: - The Country and Church of the Cheeryble Brothers.
2775: ELLIOTT, The Hon. Wm: - Carolina Sports by Land and Water; Including Devil-Fishing, Wild-Cat, Deer, And Bear Hunting
940: ELLIS, Arthur: - The Home Trade in 1882.
3388: BALLARD. Elsie: - A Chronicle of Crompton Together with a History of the Families of Crompton and Milne and of A. & A. Crompton & Co. by J.E. Hargreaves.
1972: ERICKSON, Charlotte, (editor): - Emigration from Europe 1815-1914.
2996: FARRER, W: - The Lancashire Pipe Rolls and Early Lancashire Charters.
2925: FAUCHER, Leon: - Manchester in 1844; its present condition and future prospects.
3318: FAULKNER, Pat (editor): - Timperleie. History and Archaeology of Timperley Old Hall.
3319: FAULKNER, Pat (editor): - Bolynton. An Historical & Archaeological Survey of Little Bollington.
2058: FFARINGTON, Susan Maria: - The Farington Papers. The Shrievalty of William Ffarington, Esq.; 1836: Documents Relating to the Civil War: an Appendix Containing a Collection of LettersTaken From the Ffarington Correspondence Between the Years 1547 and 1688.
590: FICARRA, Bernard J: - Essays on Historical Medicine.
3179: FIELD, F.J: - An Armorial for Cumberland.
3168: FIELDEN, John: - The Curse of the Factory System.
2033: FINCH, Rev. Jeremiah Finch: - The Admission Register of the Manchester School with Some Notices of the More Distinguished Scholars.
2748: FISHWICK, Henry: - The History of the Parish of Bispham, in the County of Lancaster.
3308: FISHWICK, Henry: - The Lancashire Library: A Bibliographical Account of Books on Topography, Biography, History, Science, and Miscellaneous Literature Rlating to the County Palatine.
2919: FISHWICK, Henry: - A Genealogical Memorial of the Family of Buckley of Derby and Saddleworth in the Counties of Derby and York.
2089: FISHWICK, Henry: - The History of the Parish of Kirkham in the County of Lancaster.
2208: FISHWICK, Henry: - The History of the Parish of St. Michael's-on-Wyre in the County of Lancashire.
3299: FISHWICK, Henry: - The History of the Parish of Rochdale in the County of Lancaster.
3057: Fitton, Sam: - Gradely Lancashire.
3272: FLEISCHER, Nat: - Black Dynamite.
2932: FLETCHER, William: - The History and Development of Steam Locomotion on Common Roads.
3413: FLETCHER, R.J: - A Short History of Hazel Grove from Olden Times.
1754: FLETCHER, John Samuel: - The Correspondence of Nathan Walworth and Peter Seddon of Outwood and Other Documents Relating to the Building of Ringley Chapel.
3032: FLEURY, Cross: - "Time Honoured Lancaster" : Historic Notes on the Ancient Borough of Lancaster.
1811: FLOWER, EELES, AXON,TAIT, OAKDEN: - Chetham Miscellanies, New Series, Volume VI.
3301: FOLKARD, H. T: - Wigan Free Public Library. Index Catalogue of Books and Papers Relating to Mining, Metallurgy and Manufactures.
696: FOTHERGILL, J: - History of the Rochdale Cricket Club 1824-1902.
2352: FOWLER, Thomas: - Medical Reports, on the Effects of Tobacco in the Cure of Dropsies and Dysuries or Cases of Pain and Difficulty of Passing Urine.
2994: FOX, George Townshend: - Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum, Late the Allan, Formerly the Tunstall, or Wycliffe Museum; to which are prefixed Memoirs of Mr. Tunstall, the Founder, and of Mr. Allen, the Late Proprietor, of the Collection; with Occasional Remarks on the Species,
314: FRENCH, Gilbert J: - The Life and Times of Samuel Crompton of Hall-in-the-Wood,Inventor of the... Mule.
3205: FRENCH, G.J. (editor): - Bibliographical Notices of the Church Libraries at Turton and Gorton Bequeathed by Humphrey Chetham.
2988: FRY, W. G: - Biology of the Porifera (Zoological Society Symposium).
968: FUCHS, Carl Johannes: - The Trade Policy of Great Britain and Her Colonies Since 1860.
3119: GALLOWAY, Robert L: - Annals of Coal Mining and the Coal Trade; The Invention of the Steam Engine and the Origin of the Railway
3411: GARNETT, Emmeline: - Dated Buildings of South Lonsdale.
2147: GATTY, Charles Tindal: - Catalogue Of The Engraved Gems And Rings In The Collection Of Joseph Mayer.
3244: GIBBS-SMITH, Charles and WARNER, Oliver: - Balloons and Ships.
1687: GIBSON, Alexander: - Under the Cruisie, or Saturday Nights at a Buchan Farm in the Middle of the Last Century.
3356: GILL, Eric: - Engravings by Eric Gill.
3141: GLEIG, George Robert: - PERSONAL REMINISCENCES OF THE FIRST DUKE OF WELLINGTON. With Sketches of Some of His Guests and Contemporaries.
2895: GOODEN, Stephen (illustrator): - The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
2857: GOODLAKE, Thomas: - The Courser's Manual or Stud-Book.
3126: GORDON, Samuel: - The Watering Places of Cleveland; Being Descriptions of These and Other Attractive Localities in That Interesting part of Yorkshire. With Observations on Sea Bathing &c by G. Oliver.
2974: GOSS, Rev Alexander (editor): - 1. Abbott's Journal . 2. The Trials at Manchester in 1694.
1951: GOULD, Lt. Commdr. R.T: - Communications Old and New
630: GOWLAND, D.A: - Methodist Secessions.
3409: GRADON, W. McGowan: - A History of the Cockermouth, Keswick and Penrith Railway.
3371: GRAHAM, Frank: - The Castles of Northumberland
2495: GRAHAM, John W: - The Destruction of Daylight, a Study in the Smoke Problem.
3398: GRAHAME, Major Iain: - Jambo Effendi.
2772: GREEN, William Spotswood: - Among the Selkirk Glaciers.
3277: GREY-WILSON, Christopher: - The Genus Dionysia.
2735: GROSART, Alexander B., ( Editor ): - English Jacobite Ballads, Songs and Satires from the MSS. at Towneley Hall, Lancashire.
3223: GROSART, Rev. Alexander B. (editor): - The Dr. Farmer Chetham MS. Being a Commonplace Book....temp. Elizabeth, James I. and Charles I.
2802: GUEST, Richard: - The British Cotton Manufactures.
3262: GUEST, Richard: - A Compendious History of the Cotton-Manufacture; with a disproval of the claim of Sir Richard Arkwright to the invention of its ingenious machinery.
2681: HABESCI, Elias: - The Present State of the Ottoman Empire.
2562: HADDOCK, M. H: - Cultural Contacts of Mining.
2952: HADFIELD, Charles: - The Canals of South and South East England.
3296: HADFIELD, Charles and BIDDLE, Gordon: - The Canals of North West England.
2368: HALCROW, Elizabeth M. (editor): - Charges to the Grand Jury at Quarter Sessions 1660-1677 by Sir Peter Leicester.
2544: HALL, Hubert: - The Pipe Roll of the Bishopric of Winchester for the fourth year of the Pontificate of Peter des Roches, 1208-1209.
539: HALSEY, Frederick A: - The Metric Fallacy.
3143: HAMER, Harold: - A Catalogue of Works By and Relating to Walt Whitman in the Reference Library, Bolton; Including Manuscripts, Letters, Portraits, Association Items.
2503: HAMILTON, H: - Scientific Treatise on Smoke Abatement.
3363: HAMPSON,Charles P: - Salford Through the Ages.
2871: HAMPSON, Thomas: - History of Rivington.
1815: HANDFORD, Michael: - The Stroudwater Canal.
3035: HARDWICK, Charles: - History of the Borough of Preston and its Environs in the County of Lancashire.
2010: HARDWICK,Charles: - On Some Ancient Battle-Fields in Lancashire.
2797: HARLAND, John (editor): - Three Lancashire Documents of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries.
2877: HARLAND, John (editor): - The Autobiography of William Stout of Lancaster.
2212: HARLAND, John (editor): - The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall in the County of Lancaster, at Smithils and Gawthorpe from September 1582 to October 1621.(the Shuttleworth Accounts)
2464: HARLAND, John: - Collectanea Relating to Manchester and its Neighbourhood.
2054: HARLAND, John: - The Lancashire Lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts. The Civil and Military Government of the County....
2406: HARLAND, John, (editor): - Mamecestre: Being Chapters from the Early Recorded History of the Barony, the Lordship or Manor, the Vill, Borough or Town of Manchester.
2883: HARRIS, Frank and DOUGLAS, Lord Alfred: - New Preface to "The Life and Confessions of Oscar Wilde".
3381: HART-DAVIS, Henry Vaughan: - History of Wardley Hall Lancashire and its Owners in Bygone Days.
2578: HARVIE-BROWN, J.A. and MACPHERSON, Rev H. A: - A Fauna of the North-West Highlands & Skye.
2579: HARVIE-BROWN, J.A: - A Fauna of the Tay Basin & Strathmore.
3263: HATTERSLEY-SMITH, G: - North of Latitude Eighty; The Defence Research Establishment in Ellesmere Island.
2239: HAWKES, George I: - The Development of Public Education in Nelson.
2558: HAYES, Louis M: - Reminiscences of Manchester and some of its Local Surroundings from the Year 1840.
3368: HAYHURST, T. H: - A History and Some Records of the Volunteer Movement in Bury, Heywood, Rossendale and Ramsbottom.
3431: HAYNES, Hannah and TIPPER, David: - De Balderston II.
3283: HEALEY, John Campbell: - Some Good Days with the Rochdale Harriers. (Hare Hunting in the Pennines).
2902: HEAPE, Charles and HEAPE, Richard: - Records of the Family of Heape of Heape, Staley, Saddleworth and Rochdale.
3408: HEMMEON, Morley de Wolf: - Burgage Tenure in Mediaeval England.
2603: HENRY, William, M.D. F.R.S.: - Further Experiments on The Disinfecting Powers of Increased Temperatures.
3261: HERVE, Francis: - Madame Tussaud's Memoirs and Reminiscences of France, Forming an Abridged History of the French Revolution
3013: HEWITSON, Anthony: - History (From A.D. 705 to 1883) of Preston in the County of Lancaster
2423: HEWITT, H. J: - Mediaeval Cheshire. An Economic and Social History of Cheshire in the Reigns of the Three Edwards.
1857: HEYWOOD, Robert of Heywood,Lancashire: - Observations and Instructions Divine and Morall in Verse.
2973: HEYWOOD, Thomas: - The Norris Papers.
2635: HEYWOOD, RAINES, BEAMONT, HARLAND: - Chetham Miscellanies, Volume 3.
3197: HEYWOOD,T.T: - New Annals of Rochdale.
2979: HEYWOOD, Thomas (editor): - Cardinal Allen's Defence of Sir William Stanley's Surrender of Deventer January 29,1586-7.
3338: HEYWOOD, Thomas (editor): - The Moore Rental.
2488: HEYWOOD, Thomas (editor): - The Moore Rental.
2307: HICKS, Edith Adlington: - Savonarola: a Short Study of His Life and Character.
3271: HIDE, Reg (editor): - All Years of Velocette Viper/Venum/Thruxton.
1314: HILTON, Enid: - More Than One Life; A Nottinghamshire Childhood with D.H.Lawrence.
1850: HINDLE,G.B: - Provision for the Relief of the Poor in Manchester.
2065: HOBSON, G. D: - English Binding Before 1500.
3113: HOUSSAYE, Henry: - Napoleon and the Campaign of 1814.
2838: HOUSTON, Henry J: - The Real Horatio Bottomley.
2198: HOWARD, Joseph Jackson, (editor): - The Chethams of Suffolk. Extracted from the "Visitation of Suffolke".
2693: HOWCROFT,Alfred J: - History of the Chapelry and Church of Saddleworth and the Township of Quick.
2697: HOWE, J. Allen: - Stones and Quarries.
3140: HOWELL-ap-Howell: - The Birthplace and Childhood of Napoleon.
1474: HUGHES, W.E: - Modern Electro-Plating.
2898: HYNE, C J Cutcliffe: - The Little Red Captain, an Early Adventure of Captain Kettle.
3387: INGLIS, J C and F: - The Fordell Railway.
3132: IRVINE, Wm Fergusson: - Notes on the Old Halls of Wirral.
2771: IRVINE, Wm. Fergusson: - A Short History of the Township of Rivington in the County of Lancaster.
3120: JACKMAN, W. T: - The Development of Transportation in Modern England.
2636: JAMES, Rev. Richard, (Rev. Thomas Corser editor): - Iter Lancastrense; a Poem Written A.D.1636 by the Rev. Richard James.
2852: JAMES, F. L: - The Unknown Horn of Africa: An Exploration from Berbera to the Leopard River.
2666: JARVIS, Rupert C. (editor): - Customs Letter-Books of the Port of Liverpool 1711-1813.
3096: JENNER, Thomas: - Tsze Teen Piao Muh: A Guide to the Dictionary.
3028: JESSOP, William: - An Account of Methodism in Rossendale and the Neighbourhood with Some Notices of the Rise and Progress of the United Societies and of Contemporary Events.
2880: JOHNSON, Trooper L. H: - The Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry Cavalry, 23rd Co., I.Y., A Record of Incidents Connected with the Services of the First Contingent of the D.L.O.Y.C. in the South African Campaign of 1899-1900-1901-1902; of interest also to the Westmorland & Cumb
2986: JOHNSTON, George: - A History of British Sponges and Lithophytes.
1568: JONES, David: - Chartism and the Chartists.
2367: JONES, Dudley: - The Church in Chester 1300-1540.
1563: JONES, Ernest (Editor): - Notes to The People 1851-1852.
2125: JONES, E. Alfred: - The Old Church Plate of the Isle of Man.
3366: JORDAN, F. W: - Life of Joseph Jordan, Surgeon. and an account of the rise and progress of medical schools in Manchester, with some particulars of the life of Dr. Edward Stephens.
3414: JUDGE, C. W: - The Axholme Joint Railway: Including the Goole and Marshland Light Railway and the Isle of Axholme Light Railway.
3346: JUNOD, H.P: - Bantu Heritage.
3099: KAYE, Joel: - Economy and Nature in the Fourteenth Century: Money, Market Exchange, and the Emergence of Scientific Thought.
2733: KEAY, John: - Celebrating 200 Years of the Great Arc.
2341: KELLY, Edith and Thomas: - A Schoolmaster's Notebook.
1396: KEW, Harry Wallis: - A Synopsis of the False Scorpions of Britain and Ireland.
1084: KIRA, Tetsuaki: - Shells of the Western Pacific in Color.
1851: DE LACY, Margaret: - Prison Reform in Lancashire, 1700-1850. A Study in local administration.
3365: LAHEE, Miss M. R: - Sybil West. A Lancashire Story.
671: LANCISI, Giovanni Maria: - Aneurysms.
3405: LANE, Paul G: - The East and West Africa Medal 1887-1900 to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines.
3192: LANGTON, D.H: - A History of the Parish of Flixton. (with Urmston and Davyhulme)
3401: LAWSON, William: - A New Orchard and Garden.
3323: LEECH, Sir Bosdin: - History of the Manchester Ship Canal from its Inception to its Completion.
2689: LEES, Edwin: - The Botany of Worcestershire, or the Distribution of the Indigenous & Naturalized Plants of That County.
3417: LEIBER, Judith: - The Artful Handbag.
3360: LEMPRIERE, William: - A Tour From Gibraltar to Tangier, Sallee, Mogodore, Santa Cruz, and Tarudant And Thence Over Mount Atlas to Morocco.
3374: LEWIN, Henry Grote: - Early British Railways; A Short History of their Origin & Development 1801-1844.
3378: LEWIN, Henry Grote: - The Railway Mania and its Aftermath 1845-1852.
2696: LOMAX, Sam and NORRIS, John: - Early Days. Memories of the Beginnings of Automobile Engineering in South Lancashire and Cheshire.
3385: LONGO, Ugo: - Annigoni Ritrovato.
3291: Lord, John: - Memoir of John Kay of Bury, County of Lancaster, Inventor of the Fly-shuttle, Metal Reeds etc.
1789: Lord, John: - Bygone Bury.
2897: LOVETT, William: - The Life and Struggles of William Lovett, in his Pursuit of Bread, Knowledge and Freedom.
3330: LOWE, Norman: - The Lancashire Textile Industry in the Sixteenth Century.
2941: LUNN, John: - A Short History of the Township of Astley arranged chronologically in sub-titles.
2612: LYONS, Rev. P. A: - Two "Compoti" of the Lancashire and Cheshire Manors of Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, XXIV. and XXXIII. Edward I.
3313: LYTHAM AND BISPHAM, Lancashire: - The Registers of the Parish Church of Lytham and of Bispham in the County of Lancaster.
2803: MacCulloch, John: - Remarks on the Art of Making Wine, with Suggestions for The Application of Its Principles to the Improvement of Domestic Wines .
3426: MACDONALD, C. Stuart: - A History of Hopwood Hall including the life of Cardinal Langley.
830: MACDONALD, Roger: - Manchester United in Europe.
2507: MACGILL, Patrick: - The Amateur Army.
2926: MAGUIRE, Paul: - Follow them up from Carlow.
3022: MAITLAND, Sir Frederick: - The Surrender of Napoleon.
1925: MANDLEY, J.G. de T: - The Portmote or Court Leet Records of the Borough or Town and Royal Manor of Salford from 1597 to 1669.
1791: MARLAND, Simon: - Bolton Wanderers, A Complete Record 1877-1989.
2588: MARRIOTT, Frank: - The Black Anfielders; Being the Story of the Anfield Bicycle Club 1879-1955.
2718: MARSHALL, Arthur: - Explosives, their Manufacture, Properties, Tests and History.
2385: MARTIN, J. P: - Uncle and His Detective.
2387: MARTIN, J. P: - Uncle and Claudius the Camel.
3404: MASON, Dennis Hurlstone: - Fair Domes of Fairhaven.
3336: MASSIE, Chris: - Red and Khaki or Impressions of a Stretcher Bearer.
425: MATHER, J.Marshall: - Rambles Round Rossendale.
3220: MATHEW, Brian: - Bulbous Plants of Turkey.
3303: MATHEW, Brian: - Genus Cyclamen in Science, Cultivation, Art and Culture.
3386: MAXIM, James L: - Rochdale Town Hall.
2888: McCabe, Joseph: - TheTriumph of Evolution.
2695: McCullach, Francis: - The Fall of Abd-Ul-Hamid.
3058: McKAY, James: - Pendle Hill in History and Literature.
3063: McNICOLL, David H: - Handbook for Southport, Medical and General, with copious notices of the Natural History of the District.
3007: MIDDLETON, Thomas: - The History of Denton and Haughton.
3279: MIDDLETON, James: - The Old Road.
3189: MIDDLETON,Thomas: - Annals of Hyde and District.
3396: MIDDLETON, LANCASHIRE: - Registers of the Parish Church of Middleton in the County of Lancaster 1541-1729.
3419: MIKET, Roger: - The Prehistory of Tyne and Wear.
3185: MILLER, Geo. C: - Blackburn:The Evolution of a Cotton Town.
408: MILLER, Geo. C: - A History of Saint Michael's Church,Lumb-in-Rossendale.
3183: MILLER, Geo. C: - Bygone Blackburn.
3236: MILLS, J. Travis: - John Bright and the Quakers.
3294: MILLs, Derek R: - Hall i'th' Wood and its Renovation, A Personal View.
2810: MOLLER, C: - The Theory of Relativity.
2426: MOREHOUSE, Henry James: - The History and Topography of the Parish of Kirkburton and of the Graveship of Holme, Including Holmfirth, in the County of York.
2350: MORGAN, T: - Physico-Theology: or, a philosophico-moral Disquisition concerning Human Nature, free agency, moral government, and divine providence.
3090: MORRIS, William Alfred: - The Frankpledge System
2834: MORRISON, Eliza: - Memoirs of the Life and Labours of Robert Morrison.
1900: MOSS, Fletcher: - A History of the Old Parish of Cheadle in Cheshire.
2570: MUMFORD, Alfred A: - The Manchester Grammar School 1515-1915.
3353: NEWBIGGING,Thomas: - History of the Forest of Rossendale.
3042: NICHOLAS, David M: - Town and Countryside: Social, Economic, and Political Tensions in Fourteenth Century Flanders.
3362: NICHOLLS, Rev. W.: - The History and Traditions of Radcliffe.
3069: OAKES, C, and BATTERSBY, E: - The Birds of East Lancashire.
3424: OAKLEY, Rev. G. R: - In Olden Days. Lancashire Legends. Rochdale and District
3169: OLDHAM, Roger: - The Art of Englishmen and other Writings of Roger Oldham.
3190: ORMEROD, T: - Calderdale; a Descriptive Account of the Streams Forming the Lancashire Calder.
1278: OSTROVSKY, Erika: - Eye of Dawn; the Rise and Fall of Mata Hari.
3418: OSWALD, Adrian: - English Clay Tobacco Pipes.
3233: PAGE, David: - The Philosophy of Geology.
1886: PANIKKAR, K.M: - Malabar and the Portuguese.......from 1500 to1663.
3269: PARKER, Barry and UNWIN, Raymond: - THE ART OF BUILDING A HOME: A Collection of Lectures and Illustrations.
2359: PARKER, John: - Lancashire Deeds Vol 1, Shuttleworth Deeds Part 1.
3087: PARTINGTON, S.W: - The Danes in Lancashire.
2656: PARTINGTON S: - Jubilee of the Middleton & Tonge Industrial Society.
3376: PEACOCK, Thomas B: - P.L.A. Railways.
3018: PEARSE, Arno S: - The Cotton Industry of Japan and China; being the Report of the Journey to Japan and China
3154: PEARSON, Mark: - Northowram : Its History and Antiquities. With a Life of Oliver Heywood.
3316: PERCIVAL, Percival: - Failsworth Folk and Failsworth Memories. Reminiscences Associated with Ben Brierley's Native Place.
3158: PERRY-GORE, George: - The Story of the Ancient Parochial Chapelry of St.Mary's, Oldham.
3171: PETERS, J.E.C: - The Development of Farm Buildings in Western Lowland Staffordshire up to 1880.
2080: PICCOPE, Rev. G. J: - Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories.
1453: PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, Rev O: - Monograph of the British Phalangidea or Harvest-Men.
3048: PILKINGTON, W: - The Makers Of Wesleyan Methodism In Preston And The Relation Of Methodism To The Temperance & Teetotal Movements.
3425: PIPER, John and BETJEMAN, John: - Shropshire, A Shell Guide.
3359: PORTER, John: - History of the Fylde of Lancashire.
3001: Porteus, Thomas Cruddas: - Captain Myles Standish, His Lost Lands and Lancashire Connections.
2924: Porteus, Thomas C: - A History of the Parish of Standish, Lancashire.
3129: POWELL, Francis E: - The Story of a Cheshire Parish [Over].
3422: Pretwich, Lancashire: - The Registers of the Parish Church of Radcliffe.
2865: PROCTER, Richard Wright: - Manchester in Holiday Dress
2862: PROCTER, Richard Wright: - Literary Reminiscences and Gleanings.
3292: RADCLIFFE, John (editor): - The Parish Registers of St. Chad, Saddleworth.
3421: RADCLIFFE, Lancashire: - The Registers of the Parish Church of Radcliffe.
3094: RAFFALD, Elizabeth: - The Manchester Directory for the Year 1773.
3093: RAFFALD, Elizabeth: - The Manchester Directory for the Year 1772.
1818: RAINES, F.R: - The Fellows of the Collegiate Church of Manchester.
2971: RAINES, F.R: - Chetham Miscellanies, Volume 6.
1501: RAINES, Rev. F.R: - Miscellanies; being a Selection from the Poems and Correspondence of The Rev. Thomas Wilson....with Memoirs of his Life.
2928: RAINES, F. R: - The Stanley Papers.
2672: Marquis of Ruvigny and Raineval: - The Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal, being a complete table of all the descendants now living of Edward III, King of England.
3337: RAMSHAW, C. G: - Concerning Todmorden Parish. A Bit of Local History.
2850: RANSOME, Arthur: - ROD AND LINE Essays,together with Akaskov on Fishing.
1685: RATTRAY, John, and MILL, Hugh Robert, (editors): - Forestry and Forest Products.
3031: RAWLLEY, Ratan C: - The Silk Industry and Trade. A Study in the Economic Organization of the Export Trade of Kashmir and Indian Siks, with Special Reference to their Utilization in the British and French Markets.
3202: RAWORTH, Tom: - The Big Green Day.
2117: READE, Aleyn Lyell: - Johnsonian Gleanings, Part VIII A Miscellany.
3153: RENAUD, F: - A Short History of the Rise and Progress of the Manchester Royal Infirmary from the year 1752 to 1877
3226: RENNER, H.D: - The Origin of Food Habits.
2532: RICHARDSON, R.C: - Puritanism in North-West England; a Regional Study of the Diocese of Chester to 1642.
1667: RIDGE, W. Pett: - The Lunch Basket.
3379: RIMELL, R.J: - History of the Barry Railway Company 1884-1921.
667: RITCHIE, A.D: - George Berkeley, A Reappraisal.
1067: RITCHIE, Carson I. A: - Art of the Eskimo.
3438: ROBERTS, Marion: - Dugdale and Hollar.
3384: ROBERTS, B: - Railways and Mineral Tramways of Rossendale.
2937: ROBERTSON, William: - Rochdale and the History of Its Progress.
2939: ROBERTSON, William: - Rochdale and the Vale of Whitworth, Its Moorlands, Favourite Nooks, Green Lanes and Scenery.
3239: ROBERTSON, William: - Old and New Rochdale and its People.
2353: ROBINSON, N.: - A New Method of Treating Consumptions. Wherein All the Decays Incident to Human Bodies, Are Mechanically Accounted for.
2590: ROBISON, Joseph: - Kirkudbright ( St. Cuthbert's Town): Its Mote, Castle, Monastery and Parish Churches.
2712: RODDIS, Louis H: - James Lind, Founder of Nautical Medicine.
2064: ROPER, William Oliver: - Materials for the History of the Church of Lancaster.
2306: ROPER, Charles: - Where the Birds Sing. A Selection of Rustic Sketches and Idylls of Common Life.
3400: RUSSELL, Rex C: - A History of Schools & Education in Lindsey, Lincolnshire 1800-1902. Two Parts.
3225: De Salis, Mrs: - The Housewife's Referee.
3075: SCHOFIELD, Sim: - Short Stories about Failsworth Folk.
2671: SCHOLES,Jas. C: - Memorials of the Bolton Parish Church Organs.
3187: SCHOLES, Jas. C: - Documentary Notes Relating to the District of Turton.
2589: SCOT, A: - Consistent Golf or How to Become a Champion.
3333: SCOTT, Isabella & Catherine: - A Family Biography 1662-1908 Drawn Chiefly From Old Letters.
2602: SEDGEFIELD, W. J: - The Place-Names of Cumberland and Westmorland.
3125: SEDGWICK, Adam: - A Memorial by the Trustees of Cowgill Chapel, with a Preface and Appendix, on the Climate, History and Dialects of Dent; Together with the Supplement.
1103: SEPHTON,John: - A Handbook of Lancashire Place-Names.
3027: SERGEANT, Philip W: - The Burlesque Napoleon; Being the Story of the Life and the Kingship of Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte, Youngest Brother of Napoleon the Great.
2744: SERVEN, James E. and METZGER, Carl: - Paterson Pistols.
2966: SHAW, William A: - Minutes of the Manchester Presbyterian Classis.
3006: SHaw, Giles: - Local Notes and Gleanings. Oldham and Neighbourhood in Bygone Times.
3315: SHAW, Giles: - Annals of Oldham and District.
2031: SHAW, Captain Eyre M: - Fire Protection. A Complete Manual of the Organization, Machinery, Discipline and General Working of the Fire Brigade of London.
3066: SHAW, Thomas: - The History of Wharfdale.
2961: SHAW, J.G: - History and Traditions of Darwen and its People.
2469: SHAW, R. Cunliffe and SHAW, Helen G: - The Records of the Thirty Men of the Parish of Kirkham in Lancashire.
2497: SHEE, George F (editor): - The National Service Journal 1903-1904.
2997: SHERBORN, Charles Davies: - A History of the Family of Sherborn.
3184: SHERCLIFF, W H: - Wythenshawe: A History of the Township of Northenden, Northern Etchells and Baguley (Volume I: to 1926)
3011: BOYD W. & SHUFFREY W. A: - Littondale: Past and Present. Part I. Fifty Years in Arncliffe; Part II. Halton Gill in the Olden Time.
1916: SIMMS, Rupert: - Bibliotheca Staffordiensis; or a Bibliographical Account of Books and other Printed Matter Relating to......the County of Stafford.
3257: SITWELL, William: - A History of Food in 100 Recipes.
2700: SKUSE, E: - The Confectioners' Hand-book and Practical Guide to the art of sugar boiling in all its branches: the manufacture of creams, fondants, liqueurs, pastilles, jujubes (gelatine and gum), comfits, lozenges (plain and medicated), chocolate, chocolate cre
3161: SLATE, Richard: - Select Nonconformists' Remains : being original sermons of Oliver Heywood, Thomas Jollie, Henry Newcome, and Henry Pendlebury, selected from manuscripts; with memoirs of the authors compiled mostly from their private papers.
3439: SMALLS, James: - Homosexuality in Art.
2709: SMART, R. Cecil: - The Technology of Industrial Fire and Explosion Hazards,
3348: SMITH, Henry: - WOMAN: Her Duties, Relations, and Position. A Medical and Social Work.
2714: SMITH, Southwood: - The Common Nature of Epidemics and their relation to Climate and Civilisation. Also remarks on Contagion and Quarantine.
3124: SMITH, J.P: - The Genealogist's Atlas of Lancashire.
2917: Smith, Theophilus (Photographer): - Sheffield and Its Neighbourhood Photographically Illustrated.
3030: Smith, Tom C. and Shortt, Rev. Jonathan: - The History of the Parish of Ribchester, in the County of Lancaster.
866: SMITH, Walter E: - The Recent Depression of Trade;Its Nature,Its Causes,and the Remedies Which Have Been Suggested For It.
3228: SMITH, Edward: - Practical Dietary for Families, Schools, and the Labouring Classes.
3433: SMITH, Tom C: - A History of Longridge and District.
3008: SMITHERS, Henry: - Liverpool, its Commerce, Statistics, and Institutions : with a History of the Cotton Trade.
3300: SNOEIJER, Wim: - Agapanthus; a Revision of the Genus.
1634: SOLMI, Sergio: - Pablo Picasso.
2841: SPARKE, Archibald: - A Bibliography of the Dialect Literature of Cumberland and Westmorland, and Lancashire North-Of-the-Sands
3072: SPARKE, Archibald: - Bibliographia Boltoniensis.
2591: SPECHT, Ernst Conrad: - The Foundations of Wittgenstein's Late Philosophy.
3351: SPURR, H.A: - Place-Names of North-East and North-West Lancashire.
2250: STANDISH, Lancashire: - The Registers of the Parish Church of Standish in the County of Lancaster 1560-1653.
2813: Stekel, Wilhelm: - Sadism and Masochism. The Psychology of Hatred and Cruelty.
3200: STEWART-BROWN, Ronald: - Isaac Greene, a Lancashire lawyer of the 18th century, with the Diary of Ireland Greene (Mrs. Ireland Blackburne of Hale) 1748-9.
1644: STOCKS, George Alfred: - The Records of Blackburn Grammar School.
2652: STOCKWELL, A.H. ( editor): - The Baptist Churches of Lancashire.
2348: STONE, Thomas: - An Essay on Agriculture, with a View to Inform Gentlemen of Landed Property, Whether Their Estates Are Managed to the Greatest Advantage.
3355: STREATFIELD, Noel: - Curtain Up.
2409: SUMMERSON, Sir John: - Inigo Jones. Lecture on a Mastermind.
3295: SUTCLIFFE, John: - A Treatise on Canals and Reservoirs.
2549: SWAIN, John T: - Industry Before the Industrial Revolution; North-East Lancashire c.1500-1640.
3297: SWAIN, John T: - Industry Before the Industrial Revolution; North-East Lancashire c.1500-1640.
3248: SWINDELLS, T: - Manchester Streets and Manchester Men.
3415: SWINDELLS, T: - Chapters in the History of Eccles.
2903: SYKES, D.F.E: - The Huguenot Ancestry of the Mallalieus of Saddleworth.
2587: SYMES, Michael: - An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, sent by the Governor-General of India in the Year 1795.
3166: O Taillliuir, Padraig (compiler): - Celtic Studies, Catalogue 23.
2975: TAIT, James and McNULTY, Rev Joseph: - Chetham Miscellanies, New Series, Volume 7.
2731: TAIT, James (editor): - Lancashire Quarter Sessions Records.
3341: TAYLOR, Fred J: - Tench Fishing.
3186: TAYLOR, Rebe P: - Rochdale Retrospect.
2618: TAYLOR, Denis: - 999 And All That. The Story of Oldham County Borough Police Force 1849 to 1969.
2585: TAYLOR, F.E: - The Folk-Speech of South Lancashire: A Glossary....:
2502: TAYLOR, T. John: - Observations Addressed to the Coal Owners of Northumberland and Durham on the Coal Trade of those Counties: more especially with regard to the cause of, and remedy for, its present depressed condition.
2682: TENNANT, Rev. William: - Thoughts on the Effects of the British Government on the State of India.
3407: THOMAS, John: - Line of Communication. Railway to Victory in the East.
2174: THOMAS, Herbert: - Cornish Mining Interviews, Copiously Illustrated, with Portraits of Celebrities and Photographs of Mining Scenes at Home and Abroad, including : Underground Scenes by J. C. Burrow.
3284: THOMSON, W. H: - Previously Unpublished Byromiana Relating to John Byrom.
3320: THOMSON, W. H: - The Byroms of Manchester, Volume 2 Joseph Byrom.
2133: THOMSON, Gladys Scott: - Lords Lieutenants in the Sixteenth Century; A Study in Tudor Local Administration
3361: THORNBER, William: - A Historical and Descriptive Account of Blackpool and its Neighbourhood.
723: THORNLEY, James L: - The Monumental Brasses of Lancashire and Cheshire.
3260: WALKER and TINDAll (editors): - Country Houses of Greater Manchester,
3434: TIPPER, D.A: - De Balderston 1573-1973 (Rochdale).
3410: TONKS, Eric S: - The Snailbeach District Railways.
2950: TORRENS, W.T.M: - Lancashire's lesson; or the need of a settled policy in times of exceptional distress. A
2754: TOWNSON, Rev. Christopher: - The History of Farington.
2435: TRAPPES-LOMAX, Richard: - A History of the Township and Manor of Clayton-le-Moors Co. Lancaster.
2822: TREVOR, William: - Play-Times in a Busy Life.
2887: TROTSKY, L: - Towards Socialism or Capitalism ?
3406: TUCKER, Nick: - The Ashantee Medal 1873-74 to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines.
2977: TUPLING, HOUGHTON, HAWKES: - Chetham Miscellanies, New Series, Volume VIII.
2800: TURTON, John: - The Angler's Manual; Or, Fly-Fisher's Oracle. With a Brief Compendium on Bottom Fishing.
3180: TWYMAN, Michael: - Printing 1770-1970.
3252: TYLDESLEY, Thomas: - The Tyldesley Diary; Personal Records of Thomas Tyldesley (grandson of Sir Thomas Tyldesley, the Royalist) During the Years 1712-13-14.
2403: VARLEY, Joan and TAIT, James (editors): - A Middlewich Chartulary Compiled by William Vernon in the Seventeenth Century.
3293: VIRGOE, J. M: - A History of Parbold.
2294: WALKER, Nigel: - Crime and Insanity in England. Vol 1. The Historical Perspective. Vol 2. New Solutions and New Problems.
3136: WALKER, W. and W.J: - Friendship 1879-1951.
2879: WALKER, F: - Historical Geography of Southwest Lancashire before the Industrial Revolution.
2935: WALKER, Frederick: - Aerial Navigation. A Practical Handbook on the Construction of Dirigible Balloons, Aerostats, Aeroplanes and Airships.
3305: Waller, Stanley: - Cuffs and Handcuffs, the Story of Rochdale Police 1252-1957.
2223: WALTON-On-The-HILL, Lancashire: - Registers of the Parish Church of Walton-on-the-Hill, Volume 1, 1586-1663.
3198: WARD, John: - Moston Characters at Play and Work.
1683: WARDLE, Thomas: - On Sewage Treatment and Disposal: for Cities, Towns, Villages, Private Dwellings and Public Institutions.
3372: WARE, Mrs Hibbert: - The Life and Correspondence of the late Samuel Hibbert War, M.D. etc.
2474: WARREN, J. T. and P. J. K: - The Jessop Family.
2825: WAUGH, Edwin: - Home-Life of the Lancashire Factory Folk During the Cotton Famine.
3167: WEALE, Magdalene M: - Through the Highlands of Shropshire on Horseback.
3428: WEEKS, William Self: - Clitheroe in the Seventeenth Century.
1947: WEES, Jan Van: - Heavy Transport International.
3097: WELLS-FURBY, Bridget: - THE BERKELEY ESTATE 1281-1417. Its Economy and Development.
3074: WENTWORTH, Philip (Peter Ball): - The history and Annals of Blackley and Neighbourhood
3335: WESLEY, John: - The Dignity of Human Nature.
3324: WHALLEY, Lancashire: - The Registers of the Parish Church of Whalley.
3092: WHATTON, Rev. Arundel Blount: - Memoir of the Life and Labors of the Rev. Jeremiah Horrox [Horrocks], to which is added a Translation of His Celebrated Discourse upon the Transit of Venus across the Sun.
3314: WHITAKER, Harold: - A Descriptive List of the Printed Maps of Lancashire 1577-1900.
2610: WHITE, E: - A Practical Treatise on the Game of Billiards: accurately exhibiting the Rules and Practice.... illustrated with a Numerous Collection of Cases....calculations for betting, tables of odds etc.
2628: WHITTLE, P. A: - Blackburn As It Is.
2992: WHITWORTH, Sir Joseph: - Papers on Mechanical Subjects.
2786: WILKINSON,Tattersall and TATTERSALL, J.F: - Memories of Hurstwood, Burnley, Lancashire. With Tales and Traditions of the Neighbourhood.
3077: WILKINSON, H. B: - Old Hanging Ditch, Its Trade, Its Traders and its Renaissance.
2556: WILLAN, T.S: - The Navigation of the River Weaver in the Eighteenth Century.
3331: WILLAN, T.S: - The Navigation of the River Weaver in the Eighteenth Century.
865: WILLIAMS, W. E: - Transit over Roadways,Waterways and Railways,in its Relation to the Commercial development of the Country,with a Special Reference to the County of Glamorgan.
3206: WILLINGHAM, Elizabeth Moore: - The Mythical Indies and Columbus's Apocalyptic Letter.
3403: WILSON, ALCOCK and BARRY: - Cold Climbs.
2947: WILSON, the Rev. James Maurice: - The Vicars of Rochdale In Connection with the History of their Times.
2859: WOGAN-BROWNE, Jocelyn (editor): - Language and Culture in Medieval Britain; the French of England c.1100-c. 1500.
2869: WRIGHT, J.J: - The Story of Chowbent Chapel 1645-1721-1921.
1553: WRIGHT, Leslie C: - Scottish Chartism.
2040: WRIGHT, Wilbur: - The Glen Miller Burial File.
1975: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - Rakings Up.
3060: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - Songs of the Pennine Hills.
3310: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - Saddleworth Church. A Poem.
3312: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - Songs of a Moorland Parish with Prose Sketches.
3155: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - Saddleworth Chronological Notes from 1200 to 1900.
3290: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - The Wind Among the Heather.
3145: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - Those Were the Days.
3115: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - Songs of a Moorland Parish with Prose Sketches.
2954: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - O'er the Hills and Far Away.
2881: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - Saddleworth Superstitions and Folk Customs.
3156: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - At The Sign of The King's Head.
2998: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - Old Saddleworth Days.
3049: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - Saddleworth: its Prehistoric Remains.
2171: WRIGLEY, Ammon: - At the Sign of the Three Bonnie Lasses.
3070: WYLD, Henry Cecil and HIRST, T. Oakes: - The Place Names of Lancashire; their Origin and History.
3038: Yates, Nigel and Gibson, James M. (edited by): - Traffic and Politics : The Construction and Management of Rochester Bridge, AD 43-1993
1929: YATES, BOOKER, RAINES: - Chetham Miscellanies, Volume 2.
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