Rainy Day Books
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41700: SARABHAI, MRINALINI (TOLD BY) - Geeta Govinda - The Song of Govinda
38810: SARASIN, JERRY - The Last Deer Hunt
22425: SARGENT, ROBERT - Dogs are Friends to Owls and Cats Aren't
42032: MARK SARNECKI - Harmony: Book One
21949: SARRAT, MONTY - Shameless Creatures
36343: SARTY, ROGER F. - Le Canada et la Bataille de L'Atlantique
23615: SASAKI, KYOHEI - Introduction to Finite Mathematics and Linear Programming
11038: SAUL, JOHN C. (EDITOR) - Selections from The Makers of Canada - MacMillan's Literature Series
19670: DE SAULLES, DENYS - A Concise Guide to the Greenhouse
19235: SAUNBY, T. - Soilless Culture
045586: SAUNDBY, ROBERT - A Fly-Rod on Many Waters
40833: ANTHONY SAVILE - The Book of Sigils (Castle Falkenstein)
36697: SAVORY, J. G.; PACKMAN, D. F. - Prevention of Decay of Wood in Boats (Forest Products Research Bulletin No. 31)
045244: SAWCHUK, WAYNE - Muskwa-Kechika: The Wild Heart of Canada's Northern Rockies
045421: SAWCHUK, WAYNE - Muskwa-Kechika: The Wild Heart of Canada's Northern Rockies
44343: SAWIN, MARGARET M. - Family Enrichment With Family Clusters
045730: SAWYER, FRANK; VINES, SYDNEY - Frank Sawyer: Man of the Riverside
045542: SAWYER, FRANK - Keeper of the Stream
045537: SAWYER, FRANK; VINES, SYDNEY - Frank Sawyer: Man of the Riverside
42450: SAYERS, ALBERT - The FBI and I
43105: SAYKALY, MICHAEL C. - Guide to Public Opinion Research
32982: SCAGEL, ROBERT F. - An Annotated List of the Marine Algae of British Columbia and Northern Washington
37046: SCALES, MARJORIE - The Wilderness
045987: SCAMMELL, BOB - Good Old Guys: Alibis and Outright Lies, Humor from the Field and Stream
42600: SCHAEFFER, JOESEPH - The Stone People
045998: SCHARP, HAL - The Freshwater Angler's Clinic
41174: SCHECK, JOANN - The Brightest Star
44480: SCHEIER, JOAN - Central Park Zoo (Images of America)
38074: SCHERMBRUCKER, BILL - Bonded to an Island - Interviews with Gloria Manzano - Foruth Generation on Saturna
047720: SCHERMBRUCKER, BILL (EDITOR) - The Campbells of Saturna
17238: SCHERMELE, WILLY - Winkie in Toadstool Town
42145: SCHERMELE, WILLY - Winkie and His Woodland Friends
11935: SCHERREWITZ, CORRIE - The Adventures of Trunkie the Elephant
44366: SCHILLING, S. PAUL - God in an age of atheism
047280: SCHLESINGER, ARTHUR M. - The Cycles of American History
33505: SCHMID, ARTHUR E. - From the Swiss Alps to the Canadian Rockies
046906: SCHNARE, GORDON I. - Uncovering Treasures from the Earth - The Life Story of Prospector Thomas James McQuillan
39328: SCHNEIDER, DEE - Avons Congratulation - Awards, Gifts and Prizes
39343: SCHNEIDER, DEE - Avons Award Bottles Gifts and Prizes
39344: SCHNEIDER, DEE - Avons Bottles - Research and History
39655: SCHNEIDER, DEE - Avons History - President's Club Jewelry
3940H: SCHNELL, ROBERT - Bonko
045247: SCHODDE, RICHARD - The Fairy-Wrens - A Monograph of the Maluridae
33311: SCHOENFELD, GERALD - Schoenfeld's New Product Success Book
048310: SCHOFIELD, STUART J. - Geology of Cranbrook Map-Area, British Columbia
047855: SCHOFIELD, JACK - Fling Wing - The New-Age Bush Pilots with Adventurs from a Pilot's Log
045656: SCHOLES, DAVID - AS TOLD TO TONY RITCHIE - Fly Fishing Pictorial
045997: SCHOLES, DAVID - Trout Quest
045838: SCHOLLMEYER, JIM - Hatch Guide for Western Streams
27489: NAVAL TRAINING SCHOOL - Timing Circuits Navships 900,013
047778: SCHRANER, MARGRITH - The Reluctant Author: The Life and Literature of Ernest Hekkanen, an Informal Study
44297: SCHREIBER, MARTIN H. - Last of a Breed: Portraits of Working Cowboys
045597: SCHRENKEISEN, RAY - Field Book of Fresh-Water Fishes of North America North of Mexico
045999: SCHRENKEISEN, RAY (EDITOR) - Fishing for Salmon and Trout
046000: SCHRENKEISEN, RAY (EDITOR) - Fishing for Bass, Muskalonge, Pike and Panfishes
046001: SCHRENKEISEN, RAY - Fishing Lake and Stream
42356: SCHROEDER, WILLIAM; HUEBERT, HELMUT T. - Mennonite Historical Atlas
39645: SCHULL, JOSEPH - 100 (One Hundred) Years of Banking in Canada
10106: SCHULLER, ROBERT H. - Turning Hurts into Halos
045644: SCHULLERY, PAUL - The Rise: Streamside Observations on Trout, Flies and Fly Fishing
24167: SCHULTE, JOE H. - Just for You
44565: SCHULTZ, R. LOUIS; FEITIS, ROSEMARY - The Endless Web - Fascial Anatomy and Physical Reality
37243: SCHULZ, HENRY - Snowborne : The Siberian Chronicles of Henry Schulz
36624: SCHULZ, HENRY; SCHULZ, EUGENIE - Black Creek Fairies and Other Stories
37244: SCHULZ, HENRY - Snowborne : The Siberian Chronicles of Henry Schulz
44576: SCHULZ, HENRY - A New Frontier: The Canadian Chronicles of Henry Schulz
37652: SCHUTT, PETER - Impressions of Two Journeys
44521: SCHWANKY, T. J. - Walleye Across the West
34925: SCHWARTZ, JEAN - The Dear Old Farm
27896: SCHWARZ, HANS - Drawing with Pencil
045824: SCHWIEBERT, ERNEST - Matching the Hatch
045970: SCHWIEBERT, ERNEST; MERWIN, JOHN - The Compleat Schwiebert
29658: SCLATER, JEANNETTE - Egbert the Most Astounding Goose
31344: SCOBIE, STEPHEN - The Rooms We are
41992: SCOTT, HARLEY E. - Tales of the Muskoka Steamboats
045990: SCOTT, W. B.; CROSSMAN, E. J. - Fishes Occurring in the Fresh Waters of Insular Newfoundland
047292: SCOTT, R. BRUCE - People of the Southwest Coast of Vancouver Island
36421: SCOTT, PERCY - Fifty Years in the Royal Navy
046943: SCOTT, GEORGE - Grouse Land and the Fringe of the Moor
045993: SCOTT, JOCK - The Art of Salmon Fishing
045994: SCOTT, JOCK - Seatrout Fishing
045995: SCOTT, JOCK (COMPILED BY) - Greased Line Fishing For Salmon - The Methods of H E Wood of Glassel
045996: SCOTT, JOCK - Game Fish Records
047032: SCOTT, R. BRUCE - Bamfield Years: Recollections
39948: SCOTT, ALICE (TRANSLATOR) - Como a Town Dressed in Silk
047710: SCOTT, R. BRUCE - Gentlemen on Imperial Service: A story of the Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable : told in their own words by those who served
045971: SCOTT, JOCK - Lake Fishing for Salmon, Trout, and Pike
047850: SCOTT, R. BRUCE - Barkley Sound - A History of the Pacific Rim National Park Area
045173: SCOTT, BRIAN - Paintings and Stories of Arizona
41374: BRIAN SCOTT - Brian Scott: Paintings and Stories of Vancouver Island - Book Two
41561: SCOTT, ED - Clymer Honda 500cc V-Fours - 1984-1986 Service, Repair, Maintenance
39846: SCOTT, ED - Honda CB900-1100 Fours 80-83
048430: SCOTT, KATHY - The Letters to Everett Garrison
35615: SCOTT, TOM; COUSINS, GEOFFREY - Golf Secrets of the Masters
045600: SCRIBA, ROBERT - Seasons of the Grizzly in Knight Inlet
40658: SCUDDER, G. G. E. - Terrestrial and Freshwater Invertebrates of British Columbia: Priorities for Inventory and Descriptive Research
43298: FRED THIRKELL; BOB SCULLION - Frank Gowen's Vancouver: 1914-1931
24916: SEARLE, EVA - 100 (One Hundred) Years More or Less - 3 Vol. Set
6334: SEARS, RUTH MCCARTHY - Nurse in Acapulco
37571: SEATH, LLOYD - Milestones in Verse
046918: SEATON, STUART - Dust in Your Eye
30213: SEDGWICK, MODWENA - The Owl of Little Vetching
25579: SEELEN, HORNEZ, BETTI - C'est Si Bon (It's So Good) (Sheet Music)
25283: SEGAL, MALCOLM B. (EDITOR) - Barriers and Fluids of the Eye and Brain
048319: SEGGER, MARTIN - The Buildings of Samuel MacLure: In Search of Appropriate Form
047360: TIM SELDIN - The World in the Palm of Her Hand, Introducing History & Geography To The Young Child, 2nd Ed.
047273: SELLICK, ROBIN - Facing
37536: SELLICK, LESTER B. - Our Musical Heritage
43495: SELLMAN, R.R. - Prehistoric Britain
26667: SELVER, CHARLOTTE - A Taste of Sensory Awareness
38130: SEMOCHKO, RIZA - From Farming to Flying to Fishing
44111: SEPT, J. DUANE - Rocks And Minerals of Western North America
22337: SEREBRYAKOV, YANKOVSKY, PLESHKIN - Mechanical Drawing
35062: SERGEANT, PHILIP W. - The Last Empress of the French
40764: SERING, DAVE - Tancred
36771: SETZER, ANDREW R. - Cruising Designs-Power and Sail
34975: SEYMOUR, BERT - All About Golf
37404: SEYMOUR, EDWARD E. - An Illustrated History of Canadian Labour 1800-1974
41721: SHAAK, LARRY - Joe Phelps: A Steam Engine in Pants!
27569: SHACKLETON, DEBORAH - The Mysterious Appearance of Cornelius Cathound
15539: SHAFER, DAN - Java Script and Netscape Wizardry
37438: SHAFFER, SHLAES, RADKE - Amebiasis: A Biomedical Problem
38010: SHAGINYAN, MARIETTA - Journey Through Soviet Armenia
34595: SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM - CRAIG, HARDIN (EDITOR) - The Complete Works of Shakespeare 3 Vol. Set - Tragedies, Comedies, Histories & Poems
16815: SHANE, JAY - Scalp the Wild Horses
43603: SHANKEN, MARVIN (EDITOR) - Cigar Aficionado's Art of Cigars
047801: SHANKS, NEVILLE - Waddington
38412: SHANNON, BOYD - Autobiography of Captain Boyd Shannon
045660: SHAPOVALOV, LEO; TAFT, ALAN C. - The Life Histories of the Steelhead Rainbow Trout and Silver Salmon
046735: SHARDLOW, TOM - David Thompson: A Trail by Stars: 17 (Quest Library Series)
045475: SHARP, HAL - Spin-Fishing
046910: SHARP, HENRY - The Gun Afield and Afloat
30632: SHARP, DARYL - Living Jung: The Good and the Better
045650: SHARP, ARTHUR - Rod and Stream
045478: SHARP, G. E. - Fly-Leaves from a Fisherman's Diary
32031: SHARP, DARYL - Living Jung: The Good and the Better
045415: SHARP, HAL - Sportsman's Digest of Spin Fishing
045339: SHARP, ARTHUR - An Angler's Corner
40528: SHARP, JAMES D - When Hopes Return
26998: SHATFORD, WADE - Diary of the Dead - Vol. 1
37508: SHATSKY, STANISLAV - Stanislav Shatsky - A Teacher's Experience
29379: SHAVE, HARRY - Our Heritage Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Present (the third) St. John's Cathedral
045659: SHAW, RALPH - Vancouver Island Adventures Through the Seasons
15704: SHAW, RICHARD (EDITOR) - The Cat Book
38520: SHAW, IAN; GOULD, NICK - Qualitative Research in Social Work (Introducing Qualitative Methods series)
044661: SHAW, JACK - Fly Fish The Trout Lakes with Jack Shaw
30523: SHAW, SAM (PHOTOS) - Marilyn - 1996 Pocket Calendar
045662: SHAW, JACK - Tying Flies for Trophy Trout
25804: SHAW, WESTWOOD, WODELL - The Privacy Handbook
044662: SHAW, JACK - Fly Fish The Trout Lakes with Jack Shaw
42358: SHAW, JACK - Fly Fish The Trout Lakes with Jack Shaw
045897: SHAW, JACK - Tying Flies for Trophy Trout
045639: SHAW, CHARLES; HULL, RAYMOND (EDITOR) - Tales of a Pioneer Surveyor
44050: S. BERNARD SHAW - Photographing Canada from Flying Canoes
30776: SHAWARBI, M. Y. - Soil Chemistry
30791: SHAY, LARRY, WARD, GORGE; MONTGOMERY, REGGIE - Gee, But I'd Like to Make You Happy
047754: SHEA, MICHAEL - A Quest for Simbilis
31566: SHEARER, DAVID - Electricity in Coal Mining
047908: CAROL SHEEHAN - Breathing Stone: Contemporary Haida Argillite Sculpture
44103: CAROL SHEEHAN - Pipes That Won't Smoke, Coal That Won't Burn: Haida Sculpture in Argillite
41085: SHEETS, HERMAN ERNST - Starting Over
044716: SHELDON, SHERMAN - Inside the Guitar
047697: GODFREY, SHELDON & JUDY - Stones, Bricks, and History: The Corner of "Duke & George"
046668: SHELDON, HAROLD P. - Tranquility
046436: SHELDON, HAROLD P. - Tranquility Revisited
046185: SHELTON, JAMES GARY - Bear Attacks II: Myth and Reality
045651: SHELTON, W. GEORGE (EDITOR) - British Columbia and Confederation
045028: SHELTON, RUSSELL C. - From Hudson Bay to Botany Bay: The Lost Frigates of Laperouse
045268: SHEPARD, M. P.; ARGUE, A. W. - The 1985 Pacific Salmon Treaty: Sharing Conservation Burdens And Benefits
18748: SHEPARD, MARTIN - Beyond Sex Therapy
048182: SHEPARD, FLORENCE ROSE KRALL - Sometimes Creek: A Wyoming Memoir
25627: SHEPARD, JANE - Coolman
045095: SHEPHARD, MICHAEL - Chub - How to Catch Them
048455: SHEPHARD, HAYLEY - South Solo: Kayaking to Save the Albatross
33689: SHEPHERD, RAY - Alpha II: A First Course in College Writing
37304: SHEPORAITIS - The Hockey Player
43582: SHEPPARD, OSBORNE (COMPILED BY) - A Concise History of Freemasonry in Canada
046502: SHEPPERSON, A. B. - An Angler's Anthology
35000: SHEPS, G. DAVID - Mordecai Richler
24693: SHERBNO, JOHN CORNELIUS - True Tales of Three Steers: Mentoro, Bravando, and Imppo, with Beauvena Heiffer and Beau Bumly
16885: SHERBURNE, JAMES - Death's Pale Horse
045474: SHERINGHAM, TURING (EDITORS) - Where to Fish - The Angler's Diary
045903: SHERINGHAM, H. T. - An Open Creel
044993: SHERINGHAM, H. T. - Trout Fishing - Memories and Morals
044911: SHERINGHAM, H. T. - Elements of Angling
31783: SHERMAN, JOSEPHA; SHWARTZ, SUSAN - Vulcan's Heart
048121: SHERMAN, LEN - Arctic Odyssey: Dove III Masters the Northwest Passage
37075: SHERRIN, ROBERT GEORGE - The Black Box
42097: SHERWOOD, LYN - Carlos Arruza
42786: SHERWOOD, JAY - In the Shadow of the Great War
048235: SHERWOOD, JAY - Furrows in the Sky: The Adventures of Gerry Andrews
42125: SHERWOOD, LYN - Carlos Arruza
29064: SHETTLE, G. T. - Nature the Art of God
048238: SHEWCHUK, MURPHY - Thompson Cariboo - Backroads Explorer Vol. One
42322: MURPHY SHEWCHUK - Exploring The Nicola Valley
047051: SHEWCHUK, MURPHY - Fur, Gold and Opals
046542: SHEWEY, JOHN - Washington Blue-Ribbon Fly Fishing Guide (Blue-Ribbon Fly Fishing Guides)
046541: SHEWEY, JOHN - Fly Fishing Pacific Northwest Waters: Trout & Beyond II
045921: SHIELDS, G. O. (COQUINA) - Hunting in the Great West (Rustlings in the Rockies) - Hunting and Fishing by Mountain and Stream
21440: SHIER, MORLEY - Fireside Mining - A Compendium of Mining Stories
36542: SHIN, DONG - Automobile of Dictionary
045603: SHINER, DON (REVISED BY) - Fishing Tackle and Gear
33170: SHIPLEY, H. R. - The Lengthening Shadow
048132: SHIPLEY, CHUCK - Poacher Chaser Holidays
046893: CLIFF SHOCKEY - Stackwall Construction - Double Wall Technique Revised
27284: SHOESMITH, KATHLEEN A. - Do You Know About...Wings?
044652: SHOJANIA, NASSER - A Persian Letter to a Pious Mother from an Agnostic Son
32093: SHOMETTE, DONALD G. - Lost Towns of Tidewater Maryland
42524: SHOOLMAN, REGINA; SLATKIN, CHARLES - The Story of Art - The Lives and Times of the Great Masters
046433: 'LONG SHORE - Barber, Joel D.
048193: NINA SHOROPLOVA - Legacy of Trees: Purposeful Wandering in Vancouver's Stanley Park
31989: HOLLISTER-SHORT, G. J. - Discovering Wrought Iron
045726: SHORT, STEVE; NEERING, ROSEMARY - In the Path of the Explorers: Tracing the Expeditions of Vancouver, Cook, Mackenzy, Frasier, Thompson
38828: SHORTREID, FRED - Hard Work, Ingenuity and Fun
41114: SHORTRIDGE, AUDREY SIM - On the Double, Matilda!
37936: SHORTT, MARJORIE J. - Westerly Wanderings
044698: SHORTT, DOUGHTY (EDITORS) - Canada and its Provinces Vol. 21 Section XI - The Pacific Province Part 2
044697: SHORTT, DOUGHTY (EDITORS) - Canada and its Provinces Vol. 21 Section XI - The Pacific Province Part 1
046996: SHORTT, TERRY - Not as the Crow Flies
046461: SHOSTAK, PETER - When Nights Were Long
048361: SHOUCHUAN, WANG (COMPILED BY) - Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine (English and Chinese Edition)
44302: SHREVE, ANITA - The Last Time They Met (Wheeler Large Print Press (large print paper))
18300: SHROYER, FREDERICK - There None Embrace
40996: MARK R. SHULMAN - Lead Me, Follow Me, or Get Out of My Way: Rethinking and Refining the Civil-Military Relationship
045606: SHUTLER, RICHARD (EDITOR) - Early Man In The New World
047105: SHUTTLEWORTH, CHARLES - Malayan Safari
24497: SHYAM, SWAMI - Science of Raj-Yog
36201: SIBEKO, ARCHIE - Archie Sibeko's Roll of Honour - Western Cape ANC Comrades 1953-1963
044884: SIERPINSKI, JOHN; SIERS, JAMES - Taupo Fishing Guide
38158: DE SILVA, LUCIEN; STEWART, THEA (COMPILED BY) - A Handbook to Prince George British Columbia
25284: SILVA, M. ROCHA E; SUAREZ-KURTZ, GUILHERME (EDITORS) - Concepts of Membranes in Regulation and Excitation
42608: SILVER, A. I.; VALLEUR, MARIE-FRANCE - The North-West Rebellion (Problems in Canadian History)
044876: SILVERTON, WALTER F - Sports-Fisherman's Paradise; Adventures of a Sport's-Fisherman on Vancouver Island
044886: REG SILVESTER - Fish-Hooks: 13 Stories
046482: SIMARD, CLAUDE A - Claude A. Simard: Painting and Planting the Garden
19571: SIMARD, DANIELLE - Lia dans l'Autre Monde
30491: SIMCOX, CARROLL E. - The Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting
20630: SIMKIN, ALICE MACRAE - The Riches of Life
048058: KATHARINE WILSON-SIMMIE - Lights Out! The Memoir of a Canadian Nursing Sister, 1915-17
37537: SIMMONDS, R. L.; MERCER, PETER P. - An Introduction to Business Associations in Canada: Cases, Notes, and Materials
35644: SIMMONS, HUBERT - Golfers' ABC - A Golphabet for Addicts
42123: SIMMONS, GEORGE; GASKILL, DAVID - River Runners Guide to the Canyons of the Green and Colorado Rivers with Emphasis on Geologic Features - Vol. 3 Marble Gorge and Grand Canyon
30733: SIMON, WILLIAM JOHN - Clinical Operative Dentistry
40110: SIMON, WILLIAM (EDITOR) - The Reader's Digest Country and Western Songbook
42046: DANIEL DE SIMONE (EDITOR) - A Heavenly Craft: The Woodcut in Early Printed Books
044882: SIMPSON, R. C. - Fish - And Find Out
29025: SIMPSON, B. F. - The Prayer of Sonship
047784: SIMPSON, LANCE L. - Botulinum Neurotoxin and Tetanus Toxin
045125: SIMPSON, GEORGE - Peace River - A Canoe Voyage from Hudson's Bay to the Pacific
047906: SIMPSON, SHARRON J. - The Kelowna Story: An Okanagan History
045329: SIMPSON, R. C. - Dry-Fly Fishing for Beginners
40122: SIMPSON, JAMES - Simpson's Complete Scale Manual for the Pianoforte
047594: SINCLAIR, UPTON - Singing Jailbirds - A Drama in Four Acts
23136: SINCLAIR, DONNA (EDITOR) - Wilderness Voices : Observer Writers Reflect on Lent
30837: SINCLAIR, JAS. - Progressive Drafting - Book 1
047320: SINCLAIR, J. P. - Behind the Ranges
047384: SINCLAIR, JOAN - Pink Box: Inside Japan's Sex Clubs
047364: SINCLAIR, GORDON - Signposts to Adventure
36202: SINGER, JACK. W. - Grandpa's War in Bomber Command
30490: SINGLETON, PAUL - Making the Most of Your Retreat
36155: SINHA, SARBDEO NARAYAN - Hindi Through English
26995: SINNOTT, PATRICK JOHN - Simon the Fox
046483: SION, GEORGIA - Monet - Les jardins
045077: SIPES, ERNEST - Into the Savage Land: The Alaskan Journal of Edward Adams: The Alaska Journal of Edward Adams
048138: JAMES SIROIS - Grizzly Chronicles of the Dean and Kimsquit Rivers British Columbia
17104: SISSON, HAL C. - A Fowler View of Life
24385: SISTER, D., DR. - My Weight-Loss Method
29792: SITTIG, MARSHALL - Solar Cells for Photovoltaic Generation of Electricity: Materials, Devices, and Applications
38650: SJAH, DJALINUS - Practical Mini Dictionary - English - Indonesian
41113: SKELTON, ROBIN - Openings
048474: SKELTON, ROBIN - House of Dreams
048475: SKELTON, ROBIN - Collected Longer Poems 1947-1977
048472: SKELTON, ROBIN - One Leaf Shaking: Collected Later Poems 1977-1990
048473: SKELTON, ROBIN - The Parrot Who Could: And Other Stories
048463: SKELTON, ROBIN - The Memoirs of a Literary Blockhead
046373: SKELTON, ROBIN - Facing the Light
30801: SKINNER, J. - Keep Your Car Running Well
41136: FOOTE AND SKINNER - Explorers and Founders of America
41255: SKOLDBERG, PHYLLIS - Strings: A Comparative View - Volume One
37378: SKRABANEK, PETR; POWELL, DAVID - Substance P - Volume One
37377: SKRABANEK, PETR; POWELL, DAVID - Substance P - Volume Two
046184: SLASTENENKO, E. P. - The Freshwater Fishes of Canada
43543: CHARLES GEORGE RAMSEY; HAROLD REEVE SLEEPER - Architectural Graphic Standards: 1993 Cumulative Supplement
046411: A RIVER NEVER SLEEPS - A River Never Sleeps
36666: SLEIGHT, STEVE - Modern Boatbuilding: Materials and Methods
42225: SLIDE, DOROTHY - Blossom Under the Snow (Woman's Weekly Library No. 755)
29114: SLIM, ALBERTA - The History of Canada in Song
19435: SLIND, LLOYD; CHURCHLEY, FRANK - Basic Goals in Music 6
19434: SLIND, CHURCHLEY, COWAN - Basic Goals in Music 7
24575: SLINGER, JOEY - No Axe Too Small to Grind - The Best of Joey Slinger
045572: SLOCUM, EUGENE E. - Ye Gods and Little Fishes
37412: SLUPETZKY, HEINZ (EDITOR) - 4th International Symposium on Glacier Caves and Cryokarst in Polar and High Mountain Regions Sept. 1-7, 1996
39862: SMALL, F. L.; ENG, P. - The Influent and the Effluent
37761: SMART, ANNE - All About Salt Spring Island
37760: SMART, ANNE - All About Salt Spring Island
045001: SMEDLEY, HAROLD HINSDILL - Fly Patterns and Their Origins
43268: SMEKAL, PAT - Small Corners - An Album of Poetry
43475: SMEKAL, PAT - Small Corners - An Album of Poetry
046738: SMIT, B. A. - A New Kind Of Normal: Back To The Basics A Comprehensive Survival Guide For Eating Sugar - Gluten - Dairy And Yeast Free
40662: HAAGEN-SMIT, A. J. - Smelll and Taste (Scientific American Offprint No. 404)
35070: WALKER-SMITH, DEREK; CLARKE, EDWARD - The Life of Sir Edward Clarke
044892: SMITH, A. J. M. (EDITOR) - The Book of Canadian Poetry - A Critical and Historical Anthology
19991: SMITH, NANCY RUZICKA - Garden Smartly
045728: SMITH, J. GROVE - Fire Waste in Canada
047337: ROBINSON-SMITH, TONY - Back in 6 Years: A Journey Around the Planet Without Leaving the Surface
28196: SMITH, A. K. W. - The Stump Rancher and Other Stories
14295: SMITH, WALDO E. L. - The Navy and Its Chaplains in the Days of Sail
046877: CHRISTINE FRANCES DICKINSON; DIANE SOLIE SMITH - Atlin : the Story of British Columbia's Last Gold Rush (The Story Of British Columbia's Last Gold Rush)
31567: SMITH, GORDON STACE - In the Kootenays and Other Verses
38449: SMITH, STANLEY J. - The Life and Lines of a Pioneer
35877: SMITH, BRADLEY - Meisterwerke Der Erotischen Kunst Des 20. Jahrhunderts
35089: SMITH, DOUG; WILLETT, PETER - Five Times Champion:the Autobiography of Doug Smith: The Autobiography of Doug Smith
18701: SMITH, WALDO E. L. - The Navy and Its Chaplains in the Days of Sail
045688: SMITH, BRIAN - Fly Fishing BC's Interior: A Fly Fisher's Guide to the Central Interior and North Cariboo Waters
39275: SMITH, CROXTON (EDITOR) - Terriers - Their Training, Working and Mnagement
044889: SMITH, NINA - Wayside Flowers of British Columbia
045543: SMITH, PETER L. - A Multitude of the Wise
045565: SMITH, JEROME - Natural History of the Fishes of Massachusetts
23233: SMITH, CHARLES ROBERT - Mechanics of Secondary Oil Recovery
25805: SMITH, JAMES WILLIAM - The Cairn of Culpeper County
22389: SMITH, BERNARD - The Crooked Conscience
42596: SMITH, ISABELLE - Crossing Canada Solo at Seventy
24846: SMITH, J. ALLISTER - A Zulu Apostle - Joel Mbambo Matunjwa
045073: SMITH, ROBIN PERCIVAL - Captain McNeill and His Wife the Nishga Chief: 1803-1850; From Boston Fur Trader to Hudson's Bay Company Trader
33167: SMITH, FRANKLIN HYRUM - Acorn to Oak - Highlights in the Life of Franklin Hyrum Smith
046445: SMITH, HEYWORTH - Sleep When You Want to and Other Things You Didn't Know You Could Do
045566: SMITH, O. W. - The Book of the Pike
047143: MUNRO-SMITH, R. - Merchant Ship Types
43052: PETER CORLEY-SMITH - Barnstorming to Bush Flying: British Columbia's Aviation Pioneers 1910-1930
048275: SMITH, GUY N. - Killer Crabs
045710: SMITH, L. S.; BELL, G. R. - A Practical Guide to the Anatomy and Physiology of Pacific Salmon
28730: SMITH, RUTH LESLIE - Hurry! Dinner is at Six!
047842: SMITH, F. E. W. - The First Thirty Years - A History of the Canadian Air Line Pilots Association
13920: SMITH, M. G. - Stratification in Grenada
048353: SMITH, BARRY R. - Warning
17627: SMITH, GRANT - North American Acupuncture
34846: SMITH, J. S. K.; WEASTELL, B. S. - The Foundations of Golf
33119: SMITH, FRANKLIN HYRUM - Beneath the Eagle's Eye
046314: SMITH, O. W. - Trout Lore
047352: SMITH, W. H. B. - Walther Pistols and Rifles
43760: SMITH, BILL - Imagine the Sound
42011: SEWID-SMITH, DAISY (MAYANIT) - Liq"ala/K"ak"ala
44208: KAYE-SMITH, SHEILA - The Lardners and the Laurelwoods
44314: SMITH, BRIAN J. - Whistler - Changing Images
44339: SMITH, FARRIS, MARKELL - A Short History of the Presbyterian Church in Canada
44544: SMITH, MARY LOU (EDITOR) - Woods Hole Reflections
7625: ROCH-SMODLIBOWSKA, ANNA - The Farmer's Year
30392: SMYTH, WILLIAMS, DAVERY, MOULE, ET AL - Good Friday at St. Margaret's
35955: SMYTHE, C. F. - The Vagabond Vender - Zep Hawker
045420: SNOOK, MICHAEL - Fishing Saskatchewan: An Angler's Guide to Provincial Waters
047396: SNOW, EDWARD ROWE - True Tales of Pirates and their Gold
37655: SNOW, O. W. - Healthy Vegetables
42657: SNOW, CHARLES H. - Renegade Ranger
15863: SNOWDEN, RITA F. - The Queen's Muffin-Man
048033: SNOWIE, J. ALLAN - The Bonnie: HMCS Bonaventure
32583: SNOWSELL, FRANK - Road to Ruin
22255: SNYDER, C. R. (EDITOR) - Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology - Vol. 15 #3 Fall 1996
29657: SNYDER, RICHARD - Mind Pobie
29910: VICTORIA NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY - The Victoria Naturalist - Oct. 1968 Vol. 25, No. 2
047792: SCANDIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Scandia Since Seventeen
10775: MANSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Chronology of Mansfield, Connecticut 1702-1972
39357: OKANAGAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY, PENTICTON BRANCH - Historical Souvenir of Pentiction, B.C. 1908-1958 on the Occasion of the City of Penticton's Golden Jubilee
41704: TERRACE REGIONAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Recollections from the Terrace Area
048296: SODERSTROM, NEIL - Chainsaw Savvy: A Complete Guide
40241: SOELAIMAN, SOETAN - Daily Conversation - A Useful Book for Daily Speaking (Malay language)
32789: DILL SOFTWARE - Design Your Own Railroad for IBM/PC - User's Manual
40995: SOKOLSKI, TERTRAIS (EDITORS) - Nuclear Weapons Security crises: What Does History Teach?
44478: SOLASKO, FAINNA (TRANSLATED BY) - The White Deer - A Latvian Folk-Tale
26447: SOLLID, J. D. - The Life That Never Was
43176: RAY SOLLY - Mariner's Launch
26340: SOLNICKI, JILL - The Real Me Is Gonna Be a Shock
33592: SOLO, ROBERT A. - The Philosophy of Science, and Economics
046884: SOLWAY, KENNETH - Story of the Chestnut Canoe
43443: SOMERVILLE, ALEXANDER - The Autobiography of a Working Man
047267: SOMMER, WARREN; ALBERTS, KURT - Langley 125: A celebration
34102: SOPOW, ELI - The Age of Outrage : Values-Based Management and the Postive Power of Public Protest
41602: SORBO, ARNE - Golden Sails
047798: SOSABOWSKI, STANISLAW - Parachute General
045687: SOSIN, MARK - Fishing with Artificial Lures
048057: SOSNOWSKY, CATHY - Finding Heartstone: A Taste of the Wilderness
047940: SOUCOUP, DAN - Glimpses of Old Moncton
047678: SOUCY, JEAN YVES - Family secrets
44005: SOUKUP, KATE - A Memoir 1945-1946
26068: SOUR, ROBERT, CARLISLE, UNA MAE - I See a Million People (But All I Can See is You)
31356: SOUSTER, RAYMOND - Change-Up: New Poems
045342: SOUTH, BOB - Fish 'n' Chaps
044999: SOUTHARD, CHARLES ZIBEON - A Treatise on Trout for the Progressive Angler
045340: SOUTHARD, CHARLES ZIBEON - A Treatise on Trout for the Progressive Angler
048300: SOUTHCOTT, MARVIN A. - Persistence And Doubt: An After Atlantis Adventure
047071: SOUTHERN, KAREN; BIRD, PEGGY - Pulp, Paper and People - 75 Years of Powell River
048190: SPADY, ROBYN (EDITOR) - Braids, Bands, and Beyond - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Braiding
047095: SPAIN, JAMES W. - The Way of the Pathans
045115: SPALDING, D. J.; BONE, J. N. - The California Bighorn Sheep of the South Okanagan Valley British Columbia
28590: SPANGLER, W. M. - Logarithms
045947: SPARANO, VIN - Classic Hunting Tales
047103: SPARANO, VIN T. (EDITOR) - Tales of Woods and Waters
37463: SPARKS, HOWARD - Run a Successful Mail Order Business
26022: SPARKS, SUSIE (EDITOR) - Calgary - A Living Heritage
13442: SPARROW, GERALD - The Con-men
34785: SPATA, LUCAS - Philmore, Xebob and the Impossibility Theory
36864: SPECKING, INEZ - Boy - The Story of Missy's Brother
40770: SPECTOR, WARREN; JACKSON, STEVE - Orcslayer - A Combat Supplement for Man to Man
43635: SPECTOR, JACK J. - The Murals of Eugene Delacroix at Saint-Sulpice
28258: SPEERS, J. ALVIN - Rhyming Salute to the Year of the Cowboy
40394: SPENCE, JOHN - Christ in Astronomy
40696: SPENCER, CLAIR - Leisure Rooms
048018: DR. EMILY SPENCER (EDITOR) - Grass Roots: Perspectives of Senior Non-Commissioned Officers on Operations (In Harm's Way)
29455: SPENCER, KEITH - Fond Memories
34460: SPENDER, J. A. (EDITOR) - The Indian Scene
41615: SPEYER, A. JAMES - Edifices and Monuments By Jean Dubuffet
2897H: SPIELMANN, KATHERINE (EDITOR) - Outrage! The Viva Rape Letters
25975: SPILKA, ARNOLD - Aloha from Bobby
045341: BURTON L. SPILLER - Fishin' Around
045175: SPILLER, BURTON L. - Grouse Feathers
25541: SPIVAK, SAMUEL (ARRANGED BY) - Children's Xmas Party
31046: SPRAGUE, C. H.; BRAND, E. A. - Farm Wiring for Light and Power
048441: SPRAY, CAROLE - Will O' The Wisp: Folk Tales And Legends Of New Brunswick
43034: SPRINGER, G. D. - Geology of the Rennie - West Hawk Lake Area Publicaiton 50-6
37371: SQUIRE, RAYMOND M. - My Guided Pilgrimage
31508: SQUIRE, E. M. - Radio Mains Supply Equipment
37446: SQUIRE, PETER WYATT - Squire's Companion to the Latest Edition of the British Pharmacopeia
42879: EARNEST LUTZ SR. - Handbook of Plastic Embedding
047452: STACEY, DUNCAN - Blondies and Hairpins; The Salmon Net Fishery of British Columbia
32262: STACEY, E. C. - W. D. Albright
27548: STACK, PEGGY - Oh, Roderick
40756: STACKPOLE, MICHAEL - The Adventure of the Jade Jaguar
40780: STACKPOLE, MICHAEL - The Adventure of the Jade Jaguar
28724: I. C. S. STAFF - I.C.S. Reference Library - Arithmetic, Mensuration and Use of Letters in Formulas, Principles of Mechanics, Machine Elements, Etc.
29758: I. C. S. STAFF - Geometry, Plane Trigonometry, Chain Surveying, Comapss Surveying, Transit Surveying
29977: I. C. S. STAFF - Dynamos and Motors, Operation of Dynamos and Motors, Dynamo-Electric Machinery, Geometrical Drawing, Mechaical Drawing, Steam Heating, Steam Turbines
33305: I. C. S. STAFF - Foundrywork - Appliances, Chemistry, and Practice
28726: I. C. S. STAFF - I.C.S. Reference Library - Stone and Brick, Cementing Materials and Mortar, Stone and Brick Masonry, Plain Concrete, Reinforced Concrete, Etc.
29976: I. C. S. STAFF - A Textbook on Metallurgy of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, and Zinc - 4 Vol. Set
28723: I. C. S. STAFF - I.C.S. Reference Library - Types of Steam Boilers, Boiler Details, Fittings, Combustion, Firing and Draft, Design, Etc.
30067: I. C. S. STAFF - Heating and Ventilation, Painting and Decorating, Building Superintendence
12747: ICS STAFF - Inorganic Chemistry Book 3 (Parts 7-9)
28727: I. C. S. STAFF - International Library of Technology - Elements of Steel Reinforcement, Systems of Steel Reinforcement, Concrete Beam and Column Design, Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Etc.
17089: I. C. S. STAFF - Alternating Currents (Parts 1-2)
30032: I. C. S. STAFF - Materials of Construction, Strength of Materials, Testing of Materials, Machine Design
28612: I. C. S. STAFF - I. C. S. Reference Library 11989B - Stone and Brick, Cementing Materials and Mortar, Stone and Brick Masonry, Plain Concrete, Reinforced Concrete, Foundations, Retaining Walls, Culverts, Tunnels, Dams, Intro. To Construction Drawing
43861: I. C. S. STAFF - Pipework and Lead Work - Soldering and Wiping, Lead Work, Pipework
25872: STAFFORD, BETTY - From the Ozarks' Oven
048464: STAMETS, PAUL; CHILTON, J. S. - The Mushroom Cultivator: A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home
047847: LISA BALDISSERA; NICOLE STANBRIDGE - James Gordaneer : A Life In Painting
045431: STANDFIELD, F. G. - Pheasant Shooting
20866: STANDISH, BUCK - Eagle Pass
044922: STANLEY, GEORGE F. G. (EDITOR) - Mapping the Frontier - Charles Wilson's Diary of the Survey of the 49th Parallel, 1858-1862
34635: STANLEY, LOUIS T. - Golf with Your Hands
048477: STANTON, YVETTE - The Left-Handed Embroiderer's Companion: A Step-by-step Stitch Dictionary
17433: STANTON, CHAS. - Canadian Forestry - The View Beyond the Trees
42962: STAPLES, LINDSAY - Wilderness and Storytelling
9763: STARCK, H. P. - Principles of Organic Chemistry
25519: STARK, JANE (EDITOR) - Voices of Connemara
22720: STARKMAN, SUSAN; READ, STANLEY (COMPILERS) - The Contemplative Man's Recreation
42480: STARR, JOE - Nuyem Weaver
21943: STARZL, ROLAND - Bizarre Erotic Zones
40422: FRIENDS OF WINDSOR STATION - Windsor Station / La Gare Windsor
045135: STATZ, JOAN - Free Motion Quilting
37120: STAUFFER, RUSSELL G. - Overcoming Reading Difficulties
44542: STAVANS, ILAN; GRACIA, JORGE J. E. - Thirteen Ways of Looking at Latino Art
046048: STEBER, GRAY, GILDEMEISTER - Rendezvous
44347: STEBNER, ELEANOR J - Gem: The life and work of Sister Mac, Geraldine MacNamara
19850: STEDING, LAURIE - A Day in the Country (Hello Reader Activity Book)
048200: J. DOUGLAS STEEL - Early Recollections: Nanaimo The Forties and Fifties, A Memoir
046771: STEEL, STEPHANIE QUAINTON - Harvest of Light: An Artist's Journey
045228: BRIAN CLARKE; GEORGE MELLY, JEREMY PAXMAN, DAVID STEEL ET AL - The One That Got Away: Or Tales of Days When Fish Triumphed Over Anglers
046531: STEEL, FRANK R. - Bait Casting with a Thermometer
047669: STEEN, BILL; STEEN, ATHENA; BINGHAM, WAYNE - Small Strawbale: Natural Homes, Projects & Designs
045891: STEEVES, HARRISON R. - Tying Flies with Foam, Fur and Feathers
046577: STEFANSSON, VILHJALMUR - Hunters of the Great North
43214: STEFANSSON, VILHJALMUR - The Northward Course of Empire
045893: STEFANYK, LARRY E. - Ultimate Trout Fishing in Pacific Northwest
21964: STEIGER, BRAD - Strange - True Stories of the Supernatural Vol. 1 No. 2
36732: STEIN, HARRY - Old Growth, New Directions - 150 Years of Pope and Talbot
18887: STEIN, CALVERT - Practical Pastoral Counseling
31730: STEIN, DAVID LEWIS - City Boys
23246: BARER-STEIN, THELMA; DRAPER, JAMES (EDITORS) - The Craft of Teaching Adults
35527: STEINBACH, RONALD D. - The Fashionable Ear: A History of Ear-Piercing Trends for Men and Women
048149: STEINER, CHARLOTTE - Little John Little
42029: STEINER, ERIC - Your Own Harmonies - How to Harmonize Melodies with the Three Principal Chords forthe Piano Student
047278: STELFOX, J. (EDITOR) - Hoofed Mammals of Alberta
18126: STEPHANY, MARION E. - My Reflections on Grieving
044766: STEPHEN, PAMELA - Winged Canoes at Nootka
38345: STEPHEN, PAMELA - Winged Canoes at Nootka
047815: STEPHEN, GEO. A. - 100 (One Hundred) Pictures of the Norfolk Broads
047990: STEPHEN, A. M. - The Kingdom of the Sun
047336: STEPHENS, HAROLD - Asian Adventure
30513: STEPHENS, ALAN - Tree Meditation and Others
39607: STEPHENSON, J. N. (EDITOR) - National Directory of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Industries 1935
044709: STEPHENSON, D.D. - Phantom - A non-fiction novel about a man and his horse
40145: STEPHENSON, MRS. FREDERICK C. STEPHENSON - One Hundred (100) Years of Canadian Methodist Missions 1824-1924 - Volume 1
22520: STEPHENSON, E. M. - Life - Everywhere (4 Vol. Set)
17506: STEPHENSON, J. D. (EDITOR) - Laughing Matter - An Anthology of Humorous Passages
270H: STERN, SIMON, ILLUSTRATED BY AUTHOR - The Adventures of Half Chick Who Went to See the King
24860: STERNBERG, C. M. - Canadian Dinosaurs
44470: STERNBERG, PATRICIA; GARCIA, ANTONINA - Sociodrama - Who's in Your Shoes?
33882: STERNE, LAURENCE - The Beauties of Sterne
044841: STERNE, NETTA - Fraser Gold 1858!: The Founding of British Columbia
21946: STEVENS, TERRY - Black-Nailed Virgin
39236: STEVENS, G. R. - The Canada Permanent Story 1855-1955
24880: STEVENS, JAMES - Paul Bunyan's Bears
32854: STEVENS, ELLEN; SHACKELL, RODNEY - The National Trust Country Year
39319: STEVENS, EDWARD F. (COMPILED BY) - One Hundred Years of Houlders
046851: STEVENS, CHRISTINE - The Art and Heart of Drum Circles (Book and CD)
30095: STEVENS, H. P.; PORRITT, B. D. - Rubber and Its Uses in Building Works
046534: STEVENS, LOU - The Small Stream Dry Fly
43183: STEVENS, PAUL (EDITOR) - The 1911 General election: A Study in Canadian Politics
22184: STEVENS, PETER - Out of the Willow Trees
42116: STEVENS, A. WILBER (EDITOR) - Poems Southwest
046530: STEVENSON, JOHN P - Trout Farming Manual
16180: STEVENSON, WILLIAM - The Ghosts of Africa
045869: STEVENSON, SUSAN; HATLER, DAVID - Woodland Caribou and Their Habitat in Southern and Central British Columbia - Volume 1
25351: STEVENSON, GERTRUDE SCOTT (EDITOR) - Charles I in Captivity
047094: STEWART, KILTON - Pygmies and Dream Giants
046535: STEWART, DICK - The Hook Book: A Reference Guide for Fly Tyers
044753: STEWART, DICK; ALLEN, FARROW - Flies for Trout
37645: STEWART, DAVE - Exploring British Columbia Waterways - Southern Interior Lakes Rivers Streams
37582: STEWART, DOUGLAS - Glenquaich - Scottish -Canadian Poems
13263: STEWART, OSWALD J. - Poetry Et Cetera
048481: KAY STEWART - Sitting Lady Sutra
046554: STEWART, TOM - Fifty Popular Flies - Four Volume Set
047506: STEWART, HILARY - Cedar: Tree of Life to the Northwest Coast Indians
046152: STEWART, GAIL, EDITOR - The Cabinet of Natural History and American Rural Sports with Illustrations
22557: KELLERHALS-STEWART, HEATHER - Muktu the Backward Muskox
047231: STEWART, ROBERT - A Picture History of Guelph - Volume Two
047165: STEWART, DAVID A. - Early Assiniboine Trading Posts of the Souris-mouth Group 1785-1832
045835: STEWART, DAVE - The Last Casts
44540: STEWART, WALTER - Strike!
046524: STICK, FRANK; STICK, DAVID (EDITOR) - An Artist's Catch: Watercolors by Frank Stick
047643: STICKLER, TREVOR - Natural-Hy: How a humble home-built ferro-cement sailboat changed my life forever
045698: STIRLING, JOHN - Fifty Years with the Rod
23573: STITCH, WILHELMINA - Joy's Loom
32335: STJERNBERG, ERNST I. - Tree Planting Machines: A Review of the Intermittent - Furrow and Spot Planting Types
43464: STOCKER, DAVID - Hard Coal Miner - Sheet Music
40160: STOCKHOLDER, JESSICA - It's Not Over 'Til The Fat Lady Sings. Contemporary Art Gallery September 1-26, 1987.
045988: CHUCK RIZUTO; ROY STODDARD - Fly Fishing the San Juan
045547: STODDART, THOMAS TOD - Angling Reminiscences
045548: STODDART, THOMAS TODD - The Art of Angling as Practised in Scotland
045536: STODDART, THOMAS - The Angler's Companion to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland
045455: STOKER, TAYLOR, NEVILLE - Mr. Crabtree's Fishing with the Experts
31984: STOKOE, E. A. - Reed's Ship Construction for Marine Engineers - Practical Mathematics Series Vol. 5
41201: STOLBERG, ALAN G. - How Nation-States Craft National Security Strategy Documents
6317: STOLZ, KAREN - World of Pies
34209: STONECASH, JEFFREY M.; MCGUIRE, MARY P. - The Emergence of State Government : Parties and New Jersey Politics, 1950-2000
30058: STOOCHNOFF, JOHN PHILIP - Men of Goodwill
38773: STOOSHNOFF, PAVLIK - Lost in Place
30434: STOPFORD, ROBERT - None of Us Liveth to Himself
23362: STOTHART, JOHN - Shape Up and Live
43010: STOTT, DONALD F. - Jurassic Stratigraphy of Manitoba - Publication 54-2
046189: STOUCK, DAVID; WILKINSON, MYLAR (EDITORS) - Genius of Place: Writing About British Columbia
37158: STOUFFER, JEFF; WRIGHT, JUSTIN (EDITORS) - Professional Ideology and Development: International Perspectives
17577: STOUTENBURG, ADRIEN - Walk Into the Wind
41799: ROBERT STOVALL - Trouble on Abaco Sound
28187: STOVALL, ROBERT - Santana's Treasure
28186: STOVALL, ROBERT - The Legacy : Six Short Stories
048004: STOWE, LELAND - Crusoe of Lonesome Lake
047361: STRAITON, E. VALENTIA - Masonic, Rosicrucian, Qabalistic, and Tarot Revelations
37391: STRANGE, H. G. L. - A Short History of Prairie Agriculture
41366: STRATTON, D. H. - Solid State Interlocking - Green Booklet No. 29
31101: STRAUSS, HERBERT (EDITOR); SIEGEL, STEVEN (COMPILED BY) - Jewish Immigrants of the Nazi Period in the USA - Vol. 1 Archival Resources
40213: STRAUSS, E. - Irish Nationalism and British Democracy
046540: NEALE STREEKS - Stalking Western Trout (River Journal Series)
14800: STREET, PAMELA - My Father, A.G. Street
045080: STREET, ELOISE (RECORDED BY) - Sepass Poems - The Songs of Y-Ali-Mihth
048293: STRINGER, HENRY - We'll Spin You a Yarn...A Fabulous History of Fabric
19479: STROCK, CLIFFORD (EDITOR) - Handbook of Air Conditioning Heating and Ventilating
28589: STROHM, RUFUS T. - Formulas
44459: ARKADY STRUGATSKY; BORIS STRUGATSKY - Prisoners of Power (Best of Soviet SF)
36925: STUART, JACK - Bird Dogs and Upland Game Birds: Training Pointing Bird Dogs the Humane Way, Specializing in Grouse and Woodcock Dogs
28123: STUART, WILL - Some We Have Met and Stories They Have Told
35256: STUART, WENDY BROSS - Gambling Music of the Coast Salish Indians
045904: STUART, HAMISH - Lochs and Loch Fishing
31507: STUBBINGS, G. W. - The Diseases of Electrical Machinery
047505: STUBBS, DOROTHY ISABELLE - All About Us - A History of the City of Courtenay
41033: STUCKEY, L. A. - Canadian Pacific in Manitoba (Volume One)
29566: STURMANIS, DONA - You Mistook Heaven
19304: STURTON, WENDY - Science Fun Experiments in Aeronautics
047185: STYRAN, ROBERTA: TAYLOR, ROBERT R. - The Great Swivel Link: Canada's Welland Canal
44234: SUGARS, LILIAN - I Seen My Dooty and I Done it Good
31214: SUGDEN, LAWSON - The California Big Horn in British Columbia
41471: SULLIVAN, RYAN (SULLY) - Behind the Green - Part One
28605: SULLIVAN, J. H. - La Junaj Detektivoj
28608: SULLIVAN, J. H. - La Junaj Trezor-Sercantoj
047579: SULLIVAN, NIKKI - A Critical Introduction to Queer Theory
43598: SULLIVAN, DAVID - Minister's Island
41565: SULLIVAN, RODNEY (EDITOR) - Bold Thinking on Investment Management
41004: ROBERT J. BUNKER; JOHN P. SULLIVAN - Cartel Car Bombings in Mexico
047244: SUMACH, ALEXANDER - A Treasury of Hashish
44016: SUMACH, ALEXANDER - Grow Yer Own Stone
31728: SUMMERS, MERNA - The Skating Party
37585: SUNTJENS, WILLA J. - Madam, I Think She's Dead : A Chronology of Two Years As a Volunteer in Africa
33923: SURAWICZ, CHRISTINA (GUEST EDITOR) - Gastroenterology Clinics of North America - Vol. 30 No. 3 Infectious Diarrhea
045690: SURETTE, DICK - Trout and Salmon Fly Index
37748: SURTEES, URSULA - Sunshine and Butterflies
37609: SURTEES, URSULA - A Shadow Passes
19277: SUSSEX, RAYNER - King Otto's Apprentice
27055: SUTHERLAND, NEIL - When Grandma and Grandpa Were Kids
43993: SUTHERLAND, MIA T. - On a Desperate Journey
36954: SUTPHEN, DICK - Mind Travel
44589: SUZUKI, TAKASHI - Hiroshige
35067: SWAFFER, PERCY - Fleet Street Goes Racing
045684: SWAINBANK, TODD; SEIDLER, ERIC - Taking Freshwater Game Fish: A Treasury of Expert Advice
047957: SWAINSON, NEIL ALEXANDER - Conflict over the Columbia: The Canadian background to an historic treaty (Canadian public administration series)
38919: SWAN, R. G. - Pacific Drainage - British Columbia and Yukon Territory - Climatic Year 1923-24 - Water Resources Paper No. 39
38920: SWAN, R. G. - Pacific Drainage - British Columbia and Yukon Territory - Climatic Year 1921-22 - Water Resources Paper No. 39
22592: SWANNELL, ANNE - Drawing Circles on the Water
044928: SWANSON, DIANE - The Emerald Sea
30684: SWANSON, DONALD - The Freedom Killers
044951: SWANSON, DAVID - Water Music: Of Salmon, Saabs and Spey Rods
045534: SWANSON, ROBERT E. - Whistle Punks and Widow-Makers
047389: SWANSON, ROBERT - Rhymes of a Western Logger
045102: SWANSON, ROBERT E. - Rhymes of a Lumberjack
31568: SWARD, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Cheers for Muktananda: An Anthology of Photos. and Poetry
22727: SWEENEY, JAMES B. - True Spy Stories
41171: SWEET, REGINALD - Tagore Poems Set to Music
046529: ROY SWENSON - Lakes, Rivers, and Streams of Alberta: Volume 1 - Southern Basins
42537: SWETTENHAM, JOHN - Breaking the Hindenburg Line (Canadian Battle Series No. 3)
22616: SWIFT, STELLA - Come-to-Good Farm
41349: JOHN SWIFT - British Railways Layout Plans of the 1950's: Ex-LNWR Main Line, Euston to Crewe: Volume 1 (v. 1)
41350: JOHN SWIFT - British Railways Layout Plans of the 1950's: Ex-LNWR Lines Crewe (exclusive) to Manchester and Leeds and Branches Volume 15: ex-LNWR Lines Crewe (excl) to Manchester and Leeds, and Brnches
41352: JOHN SWIFT - British Railways Layout Plans of the 1950's: LNW Lines Crewe to Euxton Jn, Liverpool to Manchester v. 9
23343: SWIFT, JAMES - Odd Man Out: The Life and Times of Eric Kierans
045506: SWINGLEHURST, EDMUND. - Canada
045714: S PETER DANCE; GEOFFREY N SWINNEY - Fish: Classic Natural History Prints
21367: SWINSON, CYRIL - Six Dancers of Sadler's Wells (Dancers of To-Day No. 10)
8H: SYKES, GERALD - The Center of the Stage
29840: DE SYLVA, BROWN, HENDERSON - Button Up Your Overcoat (Sheet Music)
36794: SYLVESTER, JOHN - The Lost Mountain
046718: SYME, RONALD - Fur Trader of the North - The Story of Pierre de la Verendrye
045842: SYMINGTON, FRASER - The Canadian Indian
38578: SYMONS, KYRLE C. - That Amazing Institution - The Story of St. Michael's School
045685: SYMONS, R. D. - Many Patrols: Reminiscences of a Conservation Officer
33185: SYMONS, HYLDA - The Upward Road
33187: SYMONS, HYLDA - The Upward Road
32336: SYMONS, PHILIP E. K. - Brother XII's Letter
048105: SZALASZNYJ, KATHLYN - How to research your Ukrainian ancestry in Saskatchewan
37817: SZEPS, HENRI - One Life, Two Journeys : I'm Not a Dentist/Why Kids?
42025: ELLEN SZITA - Ellen's Story
42833: TADLA, ERNIE - A New God
27983: TAFF, LAURENCE G. - Celestial Mechanics: A Computational Guide for the Practitioner
047689: TAIT, CAROLINE, ET AL - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Among Aboriginal People in Canada: Review and Analysis of the Intergenerational Links to Residential Schools
045016: TAKANO, SAIKOH - Sashiko and Beyond: Techniques and Projects for Quilting in the Japanese Style
33444: TALBOT, A. (EDITOR) - Woodworker Annual Volume 79
046857: TALLERICO, SAM - Who Did You Say Your Father Was?
046789: TALLEUR, DICK - Basic Fly Tying: A Beginner's Benchside Reference
045815: TALLEUR, DICK - Modern Fly-Tying Materials
43138: ROBERT TALLON - ZAG: A Search Through the Alphabet
047555: TAMAKI, JILLIAN - Gilded Lilies: Comics and Drawings
43597: MICHAEL TAMBINI - The Look of the Century
046536: TAMBOLINE, CATHY - THE FISH EDITION An Angler's Handbook of Recipes
21327: TAN, DR. W. C. - Confucius: Work Ethic
37376: TANAKA, KEIICHI; FUJITA, TSUNEO - Scanning Electron Microscopy in Cell Biology and Medicine : Proceedings of the International Symposium on SEM in Cell Biology and Medicine, Kyoto, 11-15 May, 1980
048113: TANAKA, SHELLEY - Mr Dressups Birthday Party
24085: TANEJA, NAWAL K. - Airline Planning: Corporate, Financial, and Marketing
048020: TANG, SUN LU - Xing Yi Quan Xue: The Study of Form-Mind Boxing
28667: TANGRYKULIEV, KAYUM - The Boy and the Camel
18793: TANNER, JOHN - Wife Circus
045550: TAPPLY, WILLIAM G. - A Fly-Fishing Life
44139: TARDIF, EMILE - Saint (St.) Albert
33026: TARKINGTON, BOOTH - Monsieur Beaucaire
048254: TARNOPOLSKY, DAMIAN - Lanzmann and Other Stories
046842: TARR, YVONNE YOUNG - Love Portions: A Cookbook for Lovers
048447: TARR, LESLIE K. - Shields of Canada
22580: TARRANT, DAVID - Highrise Horticulture: A Guide to Gardening in Small Spaces
37925: TATTERSALL, DAVID - The Land of the Lake
044870: TAVERNER, ERIC - The Making of a Trout Stream
045540: TAVERNER, JOHN - Certaine Experiments Concerning Fish and Fruite
40684: TAVES, HILMA - Out of the Prison House
41796: M'TAVISH - The Thistle and Other Rimes
33103: WADE; TAVRIS - Learning to Think Critically: The Case of Close Relationships
22900: SMITH-TAYELOR, FRANCES L. - The Adventures of a Mischievous Monkey Named Fiddo
14420: TAYLOR, FRED J. - Angeln Mit Pfiff
28701: TAYLOR, JAMES - A Commentary on Pitman's Shorthand
40547: TAYLOR, DONALD M. - Carving a New Inuit Identity: The Role of Language in the Education of Inuit Children in Arctic Quebec
048331: TAYLOR, JEANETTE - The Quadra Story: A History of Quadra Island
38147: TAYLOR, BOB - Let's Talk About Writing
38040: TAYLOR, JOHN; ALLWARD, MAURICE - Eagle New Book of Aircraft
045164: TAYLOR, TORY - Hunting on Big Game Trails
37707: TAYLOR, ROY L.; MULLIGAN, GERALD A. - Flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands Part 2 Cytological Aspects of the Vascular Plants
18558: TAYLOR, DENIS; WESTCOTT, C. H. - Principles of Radar
31013: TAYLOR, TOM - Poems to Warm a Sailor's Heart
33181: TAYLOR, BEN - Reverend Ben
32692: TAYLOR, TAFF - An Introduction to Competition Aerobatics as a Hobby
39429: TAYLOR, CHARLES J. - Tropical Forestry with Particular Refernce to West Africa
42191: TAYLOR, TOM - Poems to Warm a Sailor's Heart
047790: TAYLOR, SHARON - The Amazing Story of the Rinks in America
046834: TAYLOR, PATRICK - Lost on Purpose: The Adventures of a 21st Century Mountain Man
047055: TAYLOR, SYLVIA - The Fisher Queen: A Deckhand's Tales of the BC Coast
41206: TAYLOR, G. SCOTT - Beyond the Battlefield: Institutional Army Transformation Following Victory in Iraq
047166: TAYLOR, W. A - Crown Lands: A History of Survey Systems
047670: TAYLOR, JIM - Forgive Me My Press Passes
44287: TAYLOR, RICHARD (ED) - Watercolour Interiors
44322: TAYLOR, DIANNE J. - There's No Wife Like It
44323: TAYLOR, DIANNE J. - There's No Wife Like It
30961: TCHAIKOVSKY, P. I. - Russian DanceTrepak - Selected Works for the Piano Series
36947: TEAGUE, ELIZABETH (EDITOR) - A Book of Lions and Tigers and Other Catlike Creatures
045310: TEAGUE, JARRETT THOMAS - John Dean's Cabin Diary - Illahie, Mount Newton 1895 and 1906-1937
044920: TEBBEN, JIM - Angels Flying Low
34412: BRITISH COLUMBIA INSTITUE OF TECHNOLOGY - Mapping and Aerial Photography
047000: TEELING, WILLIAM - Gods of To-morrow
045708: JIM TEENY - Fly Fishing Great Waters
30865: QUIN, TEGAN AND SARA - The Con - CD
42835: TEGART, NANCY LEE; WASS, SHARON - Letters from the Ranch
43402: TEGART, NANCY LEE; WASS, SHARON - Letters from the Ranch
35910: TEILHET, DARWIN L. - Odd Man Pays
31627: TELEQUIPMENT - Serviscope Minor
37525: TELFER, ANDREW - Felsted: History and Houses
40653: TELFORD, C. J. - Operating Small Sawmills in Wartime
44098: TELLER, WALTER MAGNES - Starting Right with Sheep (The "Have more" plan refererce library)
21206: TELTSCH, KATHLEEN - Getting to Know the United Nations Peace Forces
20455: TEMPLE, G.; BICKLEY, W. G. - Rayleigh's Principle and Its Application to Engineering
047465: TEMPLETON, CHARLES - Act of God
40835: JOHN TERRA - War's End: The Final Battle Has Begun (TORG)
41009: TERRILL, W. ANDREW - The Saudi-Iranian Rivalry and the Future of Middle East Security
41017: W. ANDREW TERRILL - The Struggle for Yemen and the Challenege of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
044960: TERRY, BILL; BATES, ROSEMARY - Beauty by Design: Inspired Gardening in the Pacific Northwest
24747: TERTULLIEN, MAZPAH - Old Stories and Riddles - Bahamiana Culturama #1
39994: TETRAULT, RICHARD - Painted Lives and Shifting Landscapes: Paintings, Prints & Murals
24377: TETRO, MARC - La Gendarmerie Royale Du Canada
047564: TEVIS, WALTER - Mockingbird
048031: TEWINKEL, WIM - Forest Life: British Columbia Woodlots
10619: THATCHER, DORA - Tommy Gets a Medal
20598: THATCHER, DORA - Henry's Busy Winter
8469: THATCHER, DORA - Tommy Gets a Medal
8470: THATCHER, DORA - Tommy and the Oil Rig
36134: THEISS, LEWIS E. - Flying with the Air-Sea Rescue Service
35283: THERIAULT, WALTER - Fire on Board
33558: THEROUX, PAUL - O-Zone
047676: THIERRY, RON - Ouchimou's Adventures - One Man's Northern Life
37939: THOM, VALERIE - Countryside Trail By Car
27086: THOM, IAN M. - Andy Warhol - Images
43450: THOMAS, ROBERT E. - Salt and Water, Power and People - A Short History of Hooker Electrochemical Company
37991: THOMAS, MARTIN L. H. - Introducing the Sea
044750: THOMAS, GREG - Best Flies for Idaho
34417: THOMAS, WILL; WORK, DAVID - The Final Crusade
43173: MIFFLIN THOMAS - Acapulco to San Juan
40670: THOMAS, E. LLEWELLYN - Movements of the Eye (American Offprint No. 516)
26187: THOMAS, LEE - Niagara Falls and New York State
41699: AUDREY THOMAS - Two Stories (Getting Rid of Rats and Mice; The Streets of Laredo)
42343: LUCIEN THOMAS - R for Robert
24743: THOMLINSON, KATHIE - Leaves and Branches
047066: THOMPSON, JUDY; KRITSCH, INGRID - Long-Ago Sewing We Will Remember: The Story of the Gwich?n Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project (Mercury)
40003: T. PHILLIPS THOMPSON - The Politics of Labor
046733: THOMPSON, DAVID; HOPWOOD, VICTOR (EDITOR) - Travels in Western North America 1784-1812
37254: THOMPSON, RICHARD - The Gas Tank of My Heart
38133: THOMPSON, MAY - Davis Family History and Roadhouse Descendants
36254: THOMPSON, ROBERT H. - Never Shoe a Wet Horse - Memories of Childhood and the Workplace in the 30's and 40's
045946: MEYSEY-THOMPSON, R. F. - A Fishing Catechism
29878: THOMPSON, JOHN (TRANSCRIBED BY) - Black Eyes - Russian Gipsy Folk-Song
43739: THOMPSON, RICHARD - The Gas Tank of My Heart
43089: THOMPSON, G. W. - Once Upon a Stump: Times and Tales of Powell River Pioneers
38808: THOMPSON, GARE - Classroom Drama: The Second Act (New Directions)
30090: THOMPSON, M. STAFFORD - Gum Plastics
43616: THOMPSON, JEAN - No Problem
045631: ROSEMARY NEERING; JOE THOMPSON - Faces of British Columbia: Looking at the past, 1860-1960
40355: THOMPSON, G. W. - Once Upon a Stump: Times and Tales of Powell River Pioneers
15227: THOMPSON, J. ENOCH - Seven Weeks in Sunny Spain
43205: JOHN THOMPSON - Horse Drawn Carriage Construction
37793: THOMS, JAMES R. (EDITOR) - Call Me Joey
36018: THOMSON, JOHN STUART - Bud and Bamboo
19473: THOMSON, RUTH - On the Farm
048285: THOMSON, ANN O. (TRANSLATOR) - Danny's Travels
048494: THOMSON, R. F.; VAN KALSBEEK, L. P. (COMPILERS) - WAROWAY, A. R.; LATOSKI, D. A. (EDITORS) - Yukon Placer Mining Industry 1991-1992
42390: DONALD F THOMSON (EDITED BY JOAN DIXON AND LINDA HUXLEY) - Donald Thomson's Mammals and Fishes of Northern Australia
045338: THOREAU, HENRY DAVID - A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
045343: THORNBERRY, RUSSELL; GRIMWOOD, PETER - Fishing Jasper National Park
29951: THORNE, MARTHA C. - Handling Your Own Dog-for Show Obedience and Field Trials
34183: THORNYCROFT, L. B. - The Story of Cheddar - Its Gorge, Caves and Ancient History in Fact, Fiction and Photo
33663: THORP, ROSALIND - The Essential Pattern: Finding Our Cosmic Connection
23329: THORP, ROSALIND - The Essential Pattern: Finding Our Cosmic Connection
047822: THURBAN, T. W.; WICKHAM, E. H. - How to Play the Harmonica in 30 Minutes
17985: THURBER, W. P. - Chip Carving
37562: TIERNEY, PAT - Encounter in Eden
047521: EPP-TIESSEN, ESTHER - Altona: The Story of a Prairie Town
28392: BOULD VAN TIL, SALLY - Work and the Culture of Poverty: The Labor Force Activity of Poor Men
17525: TILL, BARRY - Mandate of Heaven : Art Treasures from China's Imperial Dynasties
21995: SUNDAY TIMES - The Sunday Times Magazine Aug. 1981 - Royal Wedding
047261: TINGLEY, KENNETH - Steel And Steam: Aspects Of Breaking Land
25071: TIPPER, HAROLD V. (HAL) - Sailing in Search of Yellow Bird
046486: TIPPETT, MARIA; COLE, DOUGLAS - From Desolation to Splendour: Changing Perceptions of the British Columbia landscape
044943: TIPPETT, MARIA - Breaking the Cycle and Other Stories from a Gulf Island
42626: TIRINNANZI, NINO - Chianti Country
046295: TITLEY, BRIAN - The Frontier World of Edgar Dewdney
42653: KAMALA TIYAVANICH - Forest Recollections, Wandering Monks in Twentieth-Century Thailand
41841: TOBIAS (AS DICTATED TO TUIETA) - Hello I'm Tobias (Can I Come Talk to You?)
29692: TOBLER, DOUGLAS H. - No Pipe Dream
045535: TOD, E. M. - Wet-Fly Fishing Treated Methodically
44334: EYRE-TODD, GEORGE - The Story of Glasgow
33158: TOEWS, MARGARET P. - First a Fire
18735: WALTNER-TOEWS, DAVID - The Earth is One Body
42313: TOEWS, D. A. A.; BROWNLEE, M. J. - A Handbook for Fish Habitat Protection on Forest Lands in British Columbia
29589: TOLLEFSON, CHRIS (EDITOR) - The Wealth of Forests: Markets, Regulation, and Sustainable Forestry
17511: TOLMAN, RUTH - Guide to Fashion Merchandise Knowledge
44270: TOLPIN, JIM - Finish Carpenter's Manual
045100: TOMBLESON, PETER - The Fixed Spool Reel - How to Use It
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41125: TOMPKINS, STUART RAMSAY - The Secret War, 1914-1918
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20213: TOOZE, RUTH (RETOLD BY) - Three Tales of Monkey
30412: DIOCESE OF TORONTO - Guidelines for Baptismal Discipline
15076: TOSEVIC, DIMITRY - The World Crisis in Maps
046836: TOSH, BEV - War Brides: One-Way Passage
048080: HILL-TOUT, CHARLES - The Salish People: Volume IV: The Sechelt and South-Eastern Tribes of Vancouver Island: 04
047554: TOVELL, FREEMAN M. - At the Far Reaches of Empire: The Life of Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra
39264: TOWLER, DAVID S. - Lighthouses of Atlantic Canada
28318: TOWNSLEY, JOHN - Getting Started With Model Trains
047866: TOYE, JO - Abstract Explorations in Acrylic Painting: Fun, Creative and Innovative Techniques
43797: TOYNBEE, RICHARD MOUAT (COLLECTED BY) - Snapshots of Early Salt Spring and Other Favoured Islands
41317: WILLIAM TRACY - European Enemies - Champions - Hero Games
789H: TRAINER, RUSS OR HASTINGS, RAY - A Report on Teenage Prostitutes
40864: C. J. TRAMONTANA - The Forever City (TORG Roleplaying Game, Relics Of Power, Vol. 3)
34911: TRAUTWINE, JOHN C. - The Field Practice of Laying Out Circular Curves for Railroads
045646: TRAVER, ROBERT - Anatomy of a Murder
044666: OLIVER TRAVERS - If You're Gonna Be Dumb You Gotta Be Tough
19555: TRAVERS, WILL - Gun Crazy
26729: TRAYNOR, HELEN - To You from Me
26730: TRAYNOR, HELEN - For You "This 'n That" from Me
26731: TRAYNOR, HELEN - Musings Old and New
39720: TREACY, ROBERT M. - Sandstone Brick and Wood
40614: TREBETT, MEG - North of the Snakerail Fence
047926: TREDREY, FRANK D. - Pilot's Summer: A Central Flying School Diary
42791: G. FERN TRELEAVEN - The Surrey Story - Vol. 1 - 4
39265: TRELEAVEN, G. FERN (COMPILED BY) - Surrey Today - The Surrey Story Volume 3
19520: TRELOAR, BRUCE - Bumble's Island
28983: TRENGOVE, ALAN - John Grey Gorton: An Informal Biography
33652: TRENTON, LOUIS L. - My Eyes Have Seen
475: TRIMBLE, JIM - In the Company of Friends
11792: TRIPP, PAUL - The Strawman Who Smiled By Mistake
37624: TROENDLE, YVES - Journey to the Sun
046570: TROWER, PETER - Bush Poems
42878: PETER TROWER - Goosequill Snags
27662: TRUAX, BARRY - Acoustic Communication
048234: J. D. TRUE - It Happened on the White Pass: The Life and Times of a Narrow-Gage Railway Engineer
29446: TRUGMAN, LEONARD A. - Corporate Management in Action: 16 Critical Cases in Operations, Finance, and Manufacturing
36816: TUBB, E. C. - The Mutants Rebel
35463: TUCKER, GILBERT NORMAN (PH.D.) - The Naval Service of Canada 2 Vol. Set
047141: TUCKER, ROBERT - Fitting Out Ferrocement Hulls
42501: TUCKER, GILBERT NORMAN (PH.D.) - The Naval Service of Canada 2 Vol. Set
044639: TULLY, BROCK - Coming Together: 10,000 Mile Bicycle Journey
044646: TULLY, BROCK - With Hope We Can All Find Ogo Pogo
44412: TULLY, BROCK - Coming Together: 10,000 Mile Bicycle Journey
42271: TUME, KERRY G.; TUME, SEAN - A Practitioner's Guide to Laser Therapy and Musculo-Skeletal Injuries
046212: TUMLINSON, SAM - It's a Tough Job, But Somebody's Gotta Do It
38960: TSE-TUNG, MAO - Carry the Revolution Through to the End
36487: TUPPER, CHARLES HIBBERT - Supplement to the Life and Letters of the Right Hon. Sir Charles Tupper Bart, C.C.M.G.
045549: TURING, H. D. - Trout Fishing
047212: TURK, HANNE - The Rope Skips Max
25567: TURK, ROY; HANDMAN, LOU - Are You Lonesome To-Night?
38703: TURNBULL, ELSIE - Trail Between Two Wars
048203: ROBERT D. TURNER - The Thunder of Their Passing: A Tribute to the Denver & Rio Grande's Narrow Gauge and the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad
048406: LUCIEN M. TURNER - Indians and Eskimos in the Quebec-Labrador Peninsular: Ethnology of the Ungava District
31153: TURNER, FREDERICK - Counter-Terra
41719: TURNER, JAN - A Penchant for Pioneering - Books One and Two
047682: TURNER, JULIA - The Wallaces of Kerrymount House
044791: TURNER, NANCY J. - Plants in British Columbia Indian Technology
41718: TURNER, JAN - A Penchant for Pioneering - Books One and Two
047046: TURNER, NANCY J. - Food Plants of Coastal First Peoples (Royal BC Museum Handbook)
045593: TURRELL, W. J. - Ancient Angling Authors
046330: TURTON, JOHN - The Angler's Manual: or, Fly-Fisher's Oracle with a Brief Compendium on Bottom Fishing
046785: TUTTLE, BRUCE R. (EDITOR) - The Standard Book of Fishing
044956: TWEEDSMUIR, SUSAN - A Winter Bouquet
044802: TWIGG, ALAN - First Invaders: The Literary Origins of British Columbia
046729: TWIGG, ALAN - Thompson's Highway; British Columbia's Fur Trade, 1800-1850
24179: TYLER, ANNE - The Clock Winder
40946: TYLER, WILLIAM (EDITOR) - Modanizumu - Modernist Fiction from Japan 1913-1938
31560: TYNDALL - Crystalline and Molecular Forces
047690: TYSON, IAN; ESCOTT, COLIN - Ian Tyson: I Never Sold My Saddle
047806: UCLES, MARIO LUNGO - El Salvador in the Eighties: Counterinsurgency and Revolution
12379: UDRY, JANICE MAY - If You're a Bear
34109: UDUMAN, FAREED - Paintings, Poems and Cartoons
23406: UHNAK, DOROTHY - The Bait
37993: ULLMAN, VERDA M. - Judy's Journey of the Heart - A Spiritual Pilgrimage to Oberammergau and Happiness
047151: UNDERHILL, HAROLD A. - Sail Training and Cadet Ships
29215: UNDERHILL, FRANCIS - Can We Enjoy Religion?
44543: UNDERHILL, FRANCIS T. - Driving Horse-Drawn Carriages for Pleasure: The Classic Illustrated Guide to Coaching, Harnessing, Stabling, etc.
27883: UNDERWOOD, TERRY - Once Upon a Time in Newport
047732: UNDERWOOD, CLARENCE F. - American Types
047965: UNDERWOOD, LAMAR (EDITOR) - The Deer Book
16614: UNKELBACH, KURT - A Cat and His Dogs
048496: UNRAU, NORMAN - Under These Waters - Williston Lake: Before It Was
047884: UPPAL, PRISCILA - How to Draw Blood from a Stone
16508: URA, MICHAEL - Making the News - A Guide to Using the Media
29078: URIE, VALENTINE - St. Anne's Aldermere - Anglican Parish of St. Anne's St. Edmund's 1894 To 1994
37475: URQUHART, F. A. - The Canadian Leaf Album
046381: URQUHART, JANE - False Shuffles
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40350: USHER, BILL, PALUMBO, COLLEEN; PITCHER, WILLIAM - Adventurers and Settlers - Golden families. They came before 1920. They stayed.
39492: USHERWOOD, STEPHEN - Inns and Inn Signs (History from Familiar Things)
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046167: VACHELL, HORACE ANNESLEY - Sport and Life on the Pacific Slope
36668: VAITSES, ALLAN H. - Boatbuilding One-Off in Fiberglass
31681: VAIZEY, WINIFRED - A First Look at the Prayer Book
047079: VAKIL, KANAIYALAL H. - At Ajanta
37440: VALE, WYLIE; GREER, MONTE (EDITORS) - Corticotropin-Releasing Factor - Proceedings of a Conference Feb. 20-24, 1984 Sponsored By the Kroc Foundation
046304: VALLA, MIKE - The Founding Flies: 43 American Masters: Their Patterns and Influences
22833: VALLANCE, J. D. - Untrodden Ways - One Hundred (100) Years in British Columbia
044764: VALLANCE, J. D. - Untrodden Ways - One Hundred (100) Years in British Columbia
048112: VALLEE, BRIAN - Life With Billy
31437: LE VAN, WILLIAM BARNET - The Practical Management of Engines and Boilers
30721: VANCE, BAUMANN, MCELGUNN, KRONICK, MCCLARD - A Different Understanding - Learning Disabilities
048104: VANCE, JOAN - Tree Planning: A Guide to Public Involvement in Forest Stewardship
048153: VANCE, JOAN - Tree Planning: A Guide to Public Involvement in Forest Stewardship
31556: CITY OF VANCOUVER - Electrical By-law No. 2495 Including Amending By-laws - Consolidated for Convenience
42100: VANLANDINGHAM, LYNN - Alone I Wait
22973: VANNIER, MARYHELEN - Body Conditioning, Figure and Weight Control for Women
047356: VARADY, RALPH - Many Lagoons
24494: VARDELL, PAT - To Live is to Love
045658: VARGA, B. ANTHONY - The Spiritual Fly Fisher
19785: VARGA, JUDY - The Magic Wall
34197: VASARI, GIORGIO; BURROUGHS, BETTY (EDITOR) - The Essential Vasari
35635: VASSALLI, SEBASTIANO - The Night of the Comet
32144: VASSVIK, VIDAR - Fish Farming - A Pictorial Adventure in the Blue Pasture
3461H: VASWANI, T. L. - Gita: Meditations Vol. One.
6518: VAUGHAN, SAM - The Two-Thirty Bird
047110: VAUGHN, J.B. - The Wandering Years
41797: VEDDER, CLYDE B. - Juvenile Offenders
34817: VENNELL, C. W. - Brown and the Elms
37111: VERDON, MICHAEL - Shawlies Echo Boys the Marsh & the Lanes: Old Cork Remembered
28107: VERDON, MICHAEL - Shawlies Echo Boys the Marsh & the Lanes: Old Cork Remembered
42824: VERGNANO, PIERO - The Fiat Fighters 1930-1945 - I Caccia Fiat
36824: VERITY, SYLVIA MCINTOSH - Ripples - Extensions of the Spirit
046512: VERMEER, ROBERTSON, ET AL - Distribution and Densities of Marine Birds on the Canadian West Coast
28902: VERNON, PHILIP - The Neuropsychology of Individual Differences
41329: VERRIER, HUGH (EDITOR) - The Songs of Wade Hemsworth
37622: VICERE, ALBERT A.;FULMER, ROBERT B. - Crafting Competitiveness: Developing Leaders in the Shadow Pyramid
17817: VICK, HOLLY H. - Social and Economic Development : A Baha'i Approach (Global Transformation Ser.)
046659: VICKERS, ROY HENRY - Copperman - The Art of Roy Henry Vickers
30066: VILLANI, F. (EDITOR) - Rare Earth Technology and Applications
21937: ST. VINCENT, RUTH - Mistress of Mayhem
28613: VINES, C. - The Dictionary Appendix and Orthographer
047813: VINH, PHAM KIM - Vietnam After 1975 - Bamboo Gulags and Subtle Genocide
31310: VIRGO, SEAN - Pieces for the Old Earth Man
20056: VISHER, M.A. - The Finishing Touch: Restore, Repair and Refinish Your Furniture: Restore, Repair and Refinish Your Furniture
24635: VITARELLI, ROBERT (EDITOR) - The Honda Kid and Other Short Stories of Wheels and Speed
44175: VIVANTE, ARTURO - The French Girls of Killini
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37154: VAN VLIET, L. J. P.; GREEN, A. J.;KENNEY, E. A. - Soils of the Gulf Islands of British Columbia - Vol. 1 Soils of Saltspring Island
23024: VOADEN, HERMAN - On Stage
30731: VOGEL, HUNTER - The Key and the Pork Barrel
12239: VOLKSWAGEN - Rabbit 1979 Volkswagen Owner's Manual (Diesel Engine)
047422: VOLOVICH, VITALY - Experiment: Risk!
42851: VOWLES, KEVIN - 21st Century Hippies: Activists in Pursuit of Peace and Social Justice
44145: PRETORIUS, MARTIN W. AND COLLABOATORS - Nutritious Recipes Adnmeals
9563: MOTHERWELL, G. W. & BULLOCK. V. E. - The Essentials of Chemistry in the Laboratory
34795: WAACK, FRITZ G. - Stereo Photography
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21936: WADE, CARLSON - The Sexual Variants
16945: WADE, BILL - Guns in Quiet Valley
41353: JOHN M. WAGSTAFF - London Brighton and South Coast Railway: London to Brighton Pt. 1: Signal Boxes in 1920-1922
40942: WAHL, RYAN - Legacy in Wood
39171: WAINWRIGHT, A. - A Second Furness Sketchbook
42303: WAITE, MARGARET (EDITOR) - The Mystic Sciences
047886: WAITE, DON - Fraser Valley Story
047837: WAITE, DONALD E - British Columbia and Yukon Gold Hunters: A History in Photographs
044861: WAKAN, NAOMI BETH - Getting You Writing! - The Little Book That Can
37619: WAKAN, NAOMI (RETOLD BY) - Telling Tales on the Rim: Folktales from Around the Pacific Rim
047679: WAKE, VAL - My Voyage Around Spray: (with apologies to Captain Joshua Slocum) A Re-discovery of Australia
18489: WAKEFIELD, TOM - Trixie Trash, Star Ascending
43639: WAKITA, OSAMU A.; LINDE, RICHARD M. - The Professional Handbook of Architectural Detailing
26206: WALBURN, H. G. (EDITOR) - Official Catalog of Canada Precancels
43706: WALCHUK, STAN JR. - Common Man, Uncommon Life - The Wild, Wacky, and Adventurous Life of Stan Walchuk Jr.
044873: WALDEN, HOWARD (EDITOR) - Angler's Choice - An Anthology of American Trout Fishing
047180: KEITH WALDEN - The Papers of Harry Cassidy and Beatrice Pearce the Courtship Years 1917-1925
046782: WALKER, RICHARD - Catching Fish: Knowing Their Feeding Habits
046776: WALKER, C. F. - Brown Trout and Dry Fly
045532: WALKER, RICHARD - Fly Dressing Innovations
044788: WALKER, ALEXANDER - An Account of a Voyage to the North West Coast of America in 1785 and 1786
045224: WALKER, C. E.; MACLEOD, J. R. (EDITORS) - Catalogue of Salmon Spawning Streams and Escapement Populations - Statistical Aren No. 14 Pacific Region
045531: WALKER, C. F - Chalk Stream Flies
044736: WALKER, CARL IAN - Pioneer Pipers of British Columbia
43290: WALKER, BROOKS R. - The New Immorality
19902: WALKER, GRAHAM - Whispering Winds
19904: WALKER, GRAHAM - The Dragon's Song
30828: WALKER, LEN - Tsunami Journey - Seventy Days in Sri Lanka
045183: WALKER, C. F. - Riverside Reflections
047286: WALKER, D.P. - Spiritual and Demonic Magic: From Ficino to Campanella
048307: WALKER, TOMMY A - Spatsizi

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