Rainy Day Books
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044836: KRESS, W. JOHN; HACHADOURIAN, MARC - Botanica Magnifica: Portraits of the World's Most Extraordinary Flowers and Plants (Natural History)
43154: KRISTENSEN, JACOBSEN, ERIKSEN - Otology in Cats and Dogs
39549: KROEHLER - Our Dad - His Career and His Philosophy
044751: VON KROGH, HENNING (COMPILED BY); SHEPHERD, GEORGE - Kootenay Fly Tying - A Practical Introduction to the Art of Fly Tying
40405: KROLL, BARRY M.; WELLS, GORDON - Explorations in the Development of Writing: Theory, Research and Practice
046765: KROMER, RAY - Sixty Sporting Years
32242: KROPP, E. - The Teacher of Jesso-Craft
046864: KROTO, H. W. - Molecular Rotation Spectra
048516: HARRY KRUISSELBRINK - Smithers a Railroad Town
25398: KRUM, JOSEPHINE R. - Hand-Built Pottery
41507: KRUTWIG, R. J. - Kendo Im Bild
43933: KRYWULAK, TIM - Fuelling Progress - One Hundred Years of the Canadian Gas Association
40129: KULICH, BIRTHE; BERARDUCCI, JOE - Windsong Series for Recorder, Orff or Kodaly Programs Book 1 Windsongs (for Kids Instruction)
39380: KUNZE, SBAROUNIS, AMRHEIN - The March 27, 1964, Alaskan Earthquake
43036: KUPSCH, W. O. - Ordovician and Silurian Strtigraphy of East Central Saskatchewan
36019: KURTH, BURTON; MCMANUS, MILDRED - Little Songs for Little People
17529: KURTH, MCMANUS, CARMACK - Sing Me a Song
048500: KURTZ, KATHERINE; REGINALD, ROBERT - Codex Derynianus
30350: KURTZ, C. M. - Track and Turnout Engineering
41198: KUSIAK, PAULINE - Culture, Identity, and Information Technology in the 21st Century: Implications for U. S. National Security
43940: KUYEK, PARENT, DARCY, BRISKIN - Strong Women Strong Unions - Speeches By Union Women
26869: KUZMICH, NATALIE - Musical Growth - A Process of Involvement
40791: KVERN, LEE - The Matter of Sylvie
045422: KYLLOE, RALPH - Fly Fishing the Great Western Rivers
047652: KYSER, KURT (EDITOR) - Fluids and Basin Evolution (Short Course Series Volume 28)
046855: VAN DER LAAKEN, ELSA M. - A Point of Reference
046050: WASZCZUK; LABIGNAN - Canadian Sportfishing
046361: LABRANCHE, GEORGE M. L. - The Dry Fly and Fast Water (Heritage Series, Vol 1)
047673: LABRON, WILLIAM - Billy the Conventry Kid - Recollections of a Rascal
047540: LACENDRE, BARNEY; SALWAY, OWEN (AS TOLD TO) - The Bushman and the Spirits
046057: LACEY, ROBERT - Great Tales from English History
24673: LADNER, T. ELLIS - Above the Sand Heads
37919: LADNER, T. ELLIS - Above the Sand Heads
047836: CLOKE, BOBBIE (EDITOR); LADYSMITH & DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Discover the Gap Through the Memories of Those Who Lived Them at Porlier Pass
33787: LAF - Eggbert's Advice to the Love-Born
046241: LAFONTAINE, GARY - The Dry Fly: New Angles
10142: LAFOREST, SERGE - Le Cirque De Gaunce
38210: LAGENDIJK, A. - Van de Willem III tot de Willem Ruys
045896: LAI, DAVID CHUENYAN - The Forbidden City Within Victoria
44119: LAI, CHUENYAN DAVID - Land of Genghis Khan: The Rise and Fall of Nation-States in China's Northern Frontiers (Western Geographical Series, V. 30)
37706: LAIDLAW, MURRAY - Danger! Do Not Shake the Coconut Tree
047635: LAING, CATHERINE M.; MOULES, NANCY J.; MCCAFFREY, GRAHAM; FIELD, JAMES C. - Conducting Hermeneutic Research: From Philosophy to Practice
35100: LAIRD, A. BONNET - My Part of the Country
32407: LAIRD, DON - A Reflection of Tears
34139: LAJEUNESSE, RONALD A. - Political Asylums
44181: LAKE, ELIZABETH - Siamese Counterpart
17175: LAKIN, RITA - A Summer Without Boys
42887: LALONDE, CHRISTINE - Beauty in a Common Thing: Drawings and Prints by L.L. Fitzgerald = La Beaute Dans Une Chose Ordinaire: Les Dessins Et Estampes de L.L. Fitzgeral
41168: LAM, MRS. P. C.; WOO, KENNETH - My Walk with Jesus - A Personal Testimony to the Power of Jesus
046093: LAMB , W. KAYE - Canada's Five Centuries
44579: LAMB, ANDY; HANBY, BERNARD - Marine Life of the Pacific Northwest: A Photographic Encyclopedia of Invertebrates, Seaweeds And Selected Fishes
045171: LAMB, DANA - The Fishing's Only Part of It
048041: LAMBERT, PHILIP - The Sea Stars of British Columbia (Provincial Museum Handbook 39)
38350: LAMONT, A. G. W. - Guns Above Steam Below in Canada's Navy
30621: LAMPI, LEONA - At the Foot of the Beartooth Mountains - A History of the Finnish Community of Red Lodge, Montana
12255: LANCIONI, ENRICO - The History of the Popes
045683: LAND, DAVID M. - Once-Upon-A-Tyne - The Angling Art and Philosophy of Thomas Bewick
046498: LANDALE, ZOE - Harvest of Salmon: Adventures in Fishing the B.C. Coast
046389: LANDALE, ZOË - Colour of Winter Air
048097: LANDALE, PHYLLIS - Islands of Beauty
31921: LANDE, RICHARD - Rail Freight Contracting
43879: LANDE, LAWRENCE M. - A Man Called Job
045451: LANDERMAN, RICHARD - The Fly Rod Chronicles - A Collection of Essays on the Quiet Sport of Fly Fishing
41836: LANDSBERG, HERRAD OF - Hortus Deliciarum (Garden of Delights)
44467: LANDY, ROBERT J - Drama Therapy: Concepts and Practices
047275: LANE, FREDERICK A. - The Magnificent Mariner
38677: LANE, STEER, WRIGHT - Land of Shining Mountains
33480: LANE, M. TRAVIS - Night Physics
41461: LANE, STEER, WRIGHT - Land of Shining Mountains
39363: LANE, STEER, WRIGHT - Land of Shining Mountains
045154: LANE, PATRICK (EDITOR) - Mocambo Nights: Poetry from the Mocambopo Readings
044843: LANE, JOSCELYN - Lake and Loch Fishing for Trout
046371: LANE, PATRICK - The Bare Plum of Winter Rain
046372: LANE, PATRICK - Albino Pheasants
20646: LANG, D. (EDITOR) - Report of a Leadership Symposium, June 1981, Royal Roads Military College
43618: LANG, MARGARET - Along the Way...
048479: LANGE, OWEN S. - Living with Weather Along the British Columbia Coast: The Veil of Chaos
42868: WAYNE NORTON; TOM LANGFORD (EDITORS) - A World Apart: The Crowsnest Communities of Alberta and British Columbia
20863: LANGFORD, MICHAEL J. - Providence
048510: LANGLOIS, DAMON - Sojourning
43804: LANGLOIS, W. J. (EDITOR) - Sound Heritage Vol. 3 No. 2
24861: LANGSTON, DONNA - Kaida - Poems About Womanhood, Working
42646: LANGSTON, LAMOINE - A History of Masonry in New Mexico 1877-1977
045202: LANK, DAVID M - Audubon's Wilderness Palette: The Birds of Canada
39012: LANK, H. H.; WILLIAMS, E. L. - The Du Pont Canada History
18951: LANSING, JACK - Run Away
41506: LAPIERRE, LAURIER L. - The Apprenticeship
37065: LAPOINTE, SUZANNE - A Guide to Home Freezing
42645: LARGE, R. G. - History of Tyee Lodge No. 66
046103: LARGE, R. G. - Prince Rupert a Gateway to Alaska
045854: LARGE, R. G. - Prince Rupert - A Gateway to Alaska and the Pacific - Volume Two
35613: LARIAR, LAWRENCE (EDITOR) - You've Got Me in a Hole
17648: LARKIN, H. J. - Bonsai Culture for Beginners - Miniature Trees in Containers
785H: LARKIN, R.T. - Black Magic
044635: LAROCQUE, EMMA, LEVEZ - Off the Beaten Path : Discovering Powell River and the Upper Sunshine Coast
38022: LAROCQUE, EMMA LEVEZ; BROWN, ALLAN; MORRISON, JANET; PANKRATZ, NICOLE - Many Voices : Music and the Arts in Powell River
41162: LAROCQUE, EMMA, LEVEZ - Off the Beaten Path : Discovering Powell River and the Upper Sunshine Coast
046481: LAROCQUE, EMMA LEVEZ - Off the Beaten Path - Discovering the Campbell River Area
047242: LARSBACK, DIANE - Raven's Heart
43441: LARSEN, EGON - Men Who Fought for Freedom
046031: TODD E.A. LARSON - The History of the Fish Hook in America: An Illustrated Overview of the Origins, Development, and Manufacture of the American Fish Hook - Volume 1: From Forge to Machine
19123: LARSON, ETHEL - Pioneer of the North - The Story of Rolla and Elsie Richmond
30851: LATHROP, SLACK, DRAPER - The Villano Project
047016: LATTIMORE, OWEN - Manchuria - Cradle of Conflict
048419: LAU, MIKE R. - The Military and Police Sniper: Advanced Precision Shooting for Combat and Law Enforcement
29549: LAUNAY, DROO - The Scream
10111: LAURENT, AGNES - Le Justicier
35884: LAURIE, ANNIE - Roses and Rain
31702: LAURIE, RONA (EDITOR) - Scenes and Ideas
37579: LAURITZEN, PHILIP - Highlights of an Arctic Revolution
046507: LAUT, AGNES C. - The Conquest of the Great Northwest - Two Volume Set
41116: LAVACH, DAN - Canine Diabetes Handbook
046986: OMER LAVALLEE - Canadian Pacific Diagrams and Data: Steam Locomotives
048643: LAVIGNE, J.P.A. MICHEL; EDWARDS J. F. (STOCKY) - Kittyhawk Pilot - Wing Cdr. James F. (Stocky) Edwards
048088: LAVOIE, LEO - The Arnprior Story 1823-1984
22560: LAW, FELICIA - Red
046030: LAW, GLENN - A Concise History of Fly Fishing
42821: LAW, ROBERT; FRIPP, ELIZABETH (EDITOR) - Two Dollars a House Call - Poems and Letters By Robert Law M.D.
34445: LAWLOR, PATRICK DANIEL - The Psychotic Personality of Our Time
43236: LAWRENCE, GUY - 40 (Forty) Years on the Yukon Telegraph
048432: LAWRENCE, MAEVE - Keeping Kahlua
045027: LAWRIE, W. H. - English and Welsh Trout Flies
046084: LAWRIE, WILLIAM H - English Trout Flies
37413: LAWSON, DANIEL E. - Sedimentological Analysis of the Western Terminus Region of the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska
37600: LAWSON, HENRY - Bill the Ventriloquial Rooster and Other Yarns
046080: LAWTON, TERRY - Flies That Catch Trout
34646: LAYER, A. P. - The Simplicity of the Golf Swing
35430: LAZARUS, MORDEN - Years of Hard Labour
42790: LAZARUS, CORNWALL, PATTERSON - The Life and Art of Frank Molnar, Jack Hardman, LeRoy Jensen
048518: LEACH, CAMPBELL W. - Coopers and Lybrand in Canada
30578: LEACH, JIM - Claude Jutra: Filmmaker
32333: LEACH, JOHN - Instinctively Speaking
31086: LEAH, VINCE - A History of the Blue Bombers
42377: LEAH, VINCE - Pages from the Past
42692: LEAMING, S. - Rock and Mineral Collecting in British Columbia
17660: O'LEARY, MICHAEL - The Great Automobile Club
32522: O'LEARY, MICHAEL - A Penny to See the Pier
048107: LEBELLE, WAYNE - Anson's Folly - The Story of Iroquois Falls
27767: LEBUTT, PAUL - Fort Louisbourg
36808: LECKY, S. T. S. - The Danger Angle and Off-Shore Distance Tables
045292: LECLERC, GEORGES-LOUIS - All the World's Birds: Buffon's Illustrated Natural History General and Particular of Birds
41188: LECUYER, JACK - National Security Staff for the 21st Century
048514: ELDON LEE - A Western Doctor's Odyssey: From Cariboo to Kos
048006: LEE, MEI-LI - Potlatch Blanket for a China Man
37121: LEE, J. MURRAY - Helping Your Child Improve His Spelling
37122: LEE, CHARLOTTE - How to Make a Speech
29133: LEE, FRANK - The City Page
35819: LEE, SHAU YAN - How to Win the Chinese
43722: LEE, VIRGINIA - The House That Tai Ming Built
34267: LEE, RONNY - The Ronny Lee Beginner's Mandolin Book
34160: LEE, SYLVIA - Ever to Excel - The History of Lakeland College
048269: LEE, MOLLY - Baleen Basketry of the North Alaskan Eskimo
048459: LEE, DAVID; THIRKELL, KEITH - Four-Wheeling on Southern Vancouver Island: Victoria to Tofino
047380: LEE, LINDA - Bruce Lee: The Man Only I Knew
549H: LEEHANE, LAURIE - Diary of a Newfoundland Cat or Twelve Days in the Life of Stanley
37135: LEFAVRE, JEAN - Dear Heart
37136: LEFAVRE, JEAN - Yo -San
41098: LEFFINGWELL, RANDY - Caterpillar: Farm Tractors, Bulldozers & Heavy Machinery
048435: LEFFLER, MARJORIE - Parksville And Then Some...
047444: LEGAULT, MARIE - Mental Wards to Blackboards
046617: LEGENDRE, VIANNEY - Key to Game and Commercial Fishes of the Province of Quebec - Vol. 1 The freshwater Fishes
046052: LEGENDRE, MONGEUA, ET AL - Les Salmonides Des Eaux de la Plaine de Montreal - 1. Historique, 1534-1977
39782: LEHMAN, EDWARD - Women Clergy in England: Sexism, Modern Consciousness, and Church Viability (Studies in Religion and Society)
26633: LEHMAN, PAUL EVAN - Idaho
046940: LEHMANN, R. C. - Conversational Hints for Young Shooters
047709: HILL-LEHR, ANDRIA - Mona Parsons: from privilege to prison, from Nova Scotia to Nazi Europe
044826: LEISENRING, JAMES; HIDY,VERNON - The Art of Tying the Wet Fly & Fishing the Flymph
42146: LEITCH, ADELAID - Lukey Paul from Labrador
046533: W. G. LEITCH - Ducks And Men : Forty Years Of Co-Operation in Conservation
41758: ROBERT STEVEN LEITERMAN - The Bigfoot Mystery: The Adventure Begins
046500: LEITRITZ, EARL; LEWIS, ROBERT C. - Trout and Salmon Culture (Hatchery Methods)
38766: LENARDUZZI, BOB; TAYLOR, JIM - Bob Lenarduzzi: A Canadian Soccer Story
046147: LENEVE, LANS - Hello, Sportsmen
30277: LENK, JOHN D. - Servicing UHF TV
28175: LENNOX, JOY I. - Join the Dots to the Inner Life
42992: LENNOX, HAZEL - Us Dames Have Come a Long Way - The Story of Activist Ruth Masters
40002: LENOTRE, G. - The September Massacres
38661: LENT, HENRY B. - From Trees to Paper
046091: LEONARD, DAVID - Lure of the Peace River Country: A Fostered Dream
29588: LEONE, BRUNO - Maria Montessori: Knight of the Child
35681: LEONOFF, CYRIL EDEL - The Architecture of Jewish Settlements in the Prairies
044833: LEPORE, PAUL - Sport Fishing in Baja
38642: LERK, JAMES A. - Bendigo's Mining History 1851-1954
28204: LESHKEWICH, STEPHEN DANIEL - Chromatic Chronicles
28206: LESHKEWICH, STEPHEN DANIEL - Chromatic Chronicles
047200: LESIEG, THEO. - Come Over to My House
044860: BETTY C. KELLER; ROSELLA M. LESLIE - Sea-silver: Inside British Columbia's salmon-farming industry
43671: LESLIE, CECILIE - The Golden Stairs
048154: LEUCHARS, ROBERT B. - A Practical Treatise on the Construction, Heating, and Ventilation of Hot-Houses
30774: LEVELL, D. A. - Pulse and Time-Base Generators
22149: LEVINE, MICHAEL L. - Moviemaking (Movie Making): A Guide for Beginners
048362: LEVINE, ALLAN GERALD - The Exchange: 100 years of trading grain in Winnipeg
28704: LEVY, MATTHIAS - Shorthand Notes, and the Practice Relating to Them
44162: LEVY, BARBARA - The Missing Matisse
048641: LEVY, PAUL - River Queen: The Amazing Story of Tugboat Titan Lucille Johnstone
34567: LEWIS, DAVID - Yesterday's Promises - A History of the District of Port Hardy
31684: LEWIS, GEORGE M.; HOPPER, MARY E. - Robert Sanderson - Chaplain to King Charles the First, Regius Professor of Divinity, Oxford, and Bishop of London
048110: LEWIS, NORMAN - One's Voice Echoed
044828: LEWIS, ELISHA J. - The American Sportsman
38613: LEWIS, DONOVAN - The Sawmill of Destiny
38154: LEWIS, MARY G. - Teaching Suggestions for Singing Every Day - Melody Instrument Charts
20826: LEWIS, ANN - Mary and Jane Camp Out
25559: LEWIS, COOTS, ADAMSON - Goodbye Again
25292: FRANCIS-LEWIS, CECILE - A Practical Handbook on Pen Painting
34163: LEWIS, NORMAN - Taotitlan
40774: LEWIS, ROGER; THOMAS, CRAIG; WAGNER, M. J. - Scourge From The Deep (#40 An Underwater Sourcebook For Champions)
29618: LEWIS, GRISELDA - The Weekend Sailors' Cookbook
28580: LEWIS, SAMUEL R. - Hot-Water Heating
045172: LEWIS, WILLIAM S.; PHILLIPS, PAUL C. - The Journal of John Work: A Chief-trader of the Hudson's Bay Co. During His Expedition from Vancouver to the Flatheads and Blackfeet of the Pacific Northwest
44298: LEWIS, ADAM - Sockeye : The Adams River Run
44331: LEWIS, JAMES R. (EDITOR) - The Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements (Oxford Handbooks)
31156: LEYNSE, JAMES P. - Prince of Moving Sand - Gobi
38055: YI-LI, CHENG - A New English-Chinese Dictionary
40354: LIBBY, MARGARET SHERWOOD - The Attitude of Voltaire to Magic and the Sciences
26875: I. C. S. REFERENCE LIBRARY - Simultaneous Telephony and Telegraphy, Telephones, Telephone Train Despatching, Indoor Wiring, Line Work, Telephone and Telegraph Cables
26876: I. C. S. REFERENCE LIBRARY - Elements of Telegraph Operating, Elementary Telegraphy, Repeaters, Power Equipment
26877: I. C. S. REFERENCE LIBRARY - Electrostatic Capacity and Work, Magnetism, Electromagnetism, Chemistry of Batteries, Primary Batteries, Storage Batteries, Electrical Measurements
39483: FRIENDS OF THE VALLEY CENTER LIBRARY - Once Upon a Time in Valley Center
33475: LIDDELL, KEN E. - I'll Take the Train
29733: LIDDERDALE, K. E. - Hockey for Girls and Women
20714: LIEBERS, ARTHUR - 50 (Fifty) Favorite Hobbies
42861: SALAM-LIEBICH, HAYAT - Islamic Art Objects for Daily Use / Art Islamique Objets Du Quotidien
39649: LIEBKNECHT, WILHELM - Speeches of Wilhelm Liebknecht - Voices of Revolt Series Vol. 7
38975: LIEBKNECHT, KARL - Speeches of Karl Liebknecht - Voices of Revolt Vol. 4
43654: VENERABLE MASTER MIAO-LIEN - Buddhist Stories - Volume One
046741: LIFFITON, LARRY; MCALLISTER, JOHN (EDITORS) - Poetry Alive- Reflections
12302: LIGHT, LUISE - In Praise of Vegetables
43071: LIGHT, E. S. (EDITOR) - Man of Faith, Man of Action: Edward Scott
44531: LIGHT, BETH; PIERSON, RUTH ROACH (EDITORS) - No Easy Road: Women in Canada 1920s to 1960s (Documents in Canadian Women's History ; V. 3)
42056: ARHUR S. LIGHTFOOT - People of Worth
045529: LIITTSCHWAGER, DAVID; MIDDLETON, SUSAN - Archipelago: Portraits of Life in the World's Most Remote Island Sanctuary
046207: LILLARD, CHARLES; GREGSON, MICHAEL - Land of Destiny: The Golden Age of British Columbia
44506: RON MACISAAC; DON CLARK; CHARLES LILLARD - The Devil of Decourcy Island: The Brother XII
20957: LILLQUIST, FRANK - The Best of Sid
10119: LIMAT, MAURICE - Danse Macabre Pour Mephista
10118: LIMAT, MAURICE - Mephista et La Croix Sanglante
38565: ATLAS ASBESTOS COMPANY LIMITED - It Was in the Beginning
36463: ATLAS ASBESTOS COMPANY LIMITED - It Was in the Beginning
046016: LINCOLN, ROBERT PAGE - The Pike Family
29973: LINCOLN, E. S. - Electrical Measurements and Meter Testing in the Power Station
33522: LINDBLOM, ANDREAS - The Stockholm Skansen
43995: LINDELL, LUCY B. - Rites of Passage
38076: LINDENBERG, MARK - Naked Ambition
7969: LINDQUIST, WILLIS - The Mad Elephant
048007: LINDSAY, F. W. - Outlaws in British Columbia
048372: LINDSAY, IAN - The First Passionate Collector: The Ian Lindsay Collection of Inuit Art
30898: LINDSAY, JOHN C. - Art is...
046875: LINDSAY, IAN G. - From the Bottom of the Kudlik - Carvings and Artifacts from Gjoa Haven 1974
045124: LINDSEY, CHARLES - The Life and Times of Wm. Lyon Mackenzie and the Rebellion of 1837-38
29890: LINES, PATRICIA - The Milk Lady : Memories of a Farmer's Wife
42817: LINES, PATRICIA - The Milk Lady : Memories of a Farmer's Wife
30273: LINK, FRED - Portable FM Radiotelephones
21570: LINKERT, LO - Hunters Fishermen and Other Liars
23130: LINKERT, LO - Golftoons
21517: LINKERT, LO - Laugh off the Pounds
28557: LINN, CHARLES F. - Odd Angles - Thirty-Three Mathematical Entertainments
048582: LINN, BRUCE, DONALDSON, ET AL - Magic Letters
26435: LINNEY, A. G. - The Peepshow of the Port of London
30214: GRIMM; LINZ, ERNER (TRANSLATOR) - Little Red-Cap
15336: LIONNI, LEO - Au Jardin De Lapins
047568: LIPPERT, OWEN (EDITOR) - Beyond the Nass Valley: National Implications of the Supreme Court's Delgamuukw Decision
39258: LIPPINGWELL, DEE - First Three Songs...No Flash!
34570: LISBOA, MARIA MANUEL - Paula Rego's Map of Memory: National and Sexual Politics
15034: LISS, HOWARD, ILLUSTRATED BY COLE, LEONARD - Fishing Talk for Beginners
37285: LISTER, E. J. - Muy Caliente : A Bo Reese Novel
30996: LITTLE, BILLY (AKA ZONKA) - Failure
38669: LITTLE, A. J. - The Story of the Firm 1864-1964 - Clarkson, Gordon & Co.
048263: LITTLE, JEAN - Stand in the Wind
42207: LITTLE, MARGARET WOOD - The Fiery Furnace - Has Teheran Changed Much in 100 Years?
045813: LIVELY, CHAUNCY - Chauncy Lively's Flybox: A Portfolio of Modern Trout Flies
36807: LIVINGSTON, THEODORE - How to be a Successful Minister
045269: LIVINGSTONE, ROBERTA - Beyond the Gate: Artists' Journeys to Save the Tsitika Valley and Robson Bight
42131: LIZEE, SIMON (EDITOR) - A Cross in the Clearing - A History 1903-1980
11837: LLEWELLYN, SHIGERU - The Game of Rugby Football As Played By Elderly Gentlemen
38763: LLORELLA, ANJA - New Minimalist Houses
048026: LLOYD HUNT, ET AL - We Happy Few
29221: LLOYD, ROGER - An Adventure in Discipleship
44274: VAN LOAN, DEREK; HAGGERTY, DON - The Chinese Sailing Rig: Designing and Building Your Own
21767: LOBBAN, CHRISTOPHER S. - Fragmented Lobster Pot
24883: LOCHHEAD, R. N. - With Rod Well Bent
21371: LOCKE, PETER - Rambles Through West Kerry in Song and Story
34694: LOCKE, CLARK - Country Hours
044823: LOCKHART, ROBERT BRUCE - My Rod My Comfort
13438: LOCKHART, DAVID - The House That Mac Built
29521: LODGE, MCLEAN, JOHNSTON - Stock-Poisoning Plants of Western Canada
29181: LODS, KIRBY, RAYMOND, BARRETT, JEFFERSON - Experiment and Liturgy
35842: LOEFFLER, PETER - Five Sketches on Gordon Craig
37317: LOEWEN, HARRY - Between Worlds : Reflections of a Soviet-Born Canadian Mennonite
048049: LOEWEN, CHARLES F - Fly Fishing Flies
37589: LOGAN, LILLIAN M.;LOGAN, VIRGIL G. - Educating Young Children
42474: LOGAN, HARRY T. - Tuum Est - A History of the University of British Columbia
42424: PATRICIA RICHARDSON LOGIE - Chronicles of Pride: A Journey of Discovery
44394: LOHRBACH, JENA (EDITOR) - Not All Paved Roads - Stories from Powell River Seniors
22072: LOI, DAO - Lost Generation
44034: SHIRLEY COLMAN LOMBARD - Iliahi: Poems of Hawaii
34508: LONDON, JAMES B. - Public Education Public Pride - The Centennial Hostory of the British Columbia School Trustees Association
31673: BISHOP OF LONDON - Principles of the First Prayer Book of king Edward VI - The Lecture by the Bishop of London of the 1549 Prayer Book
41667: LONDON, JAMES B. - Public Education Public Pride - The Centennial Hostory of the British Columbia School Trustees Association
045062: LONG, MORDERN H. - A History of The Canadian People - Vol. 1 New France
43044: LONG, J. - Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader
42535: GEORGINA NAPANGARDI; JANET NAKAMARRA LONG - Warlpiri Women's Voices: Our Lives Our History (Oral History)
40778: LONG, JAMES - 2nd ACR - Armored Calvary Regiment
40768: LONG, JAMES - 2nd ACR - Armored Calvary Regiment
045465: LONG, WILLIAM J. - Following the Deer
43243: LONGPRE, ROBERT - Ile-a-lla-Crosse 1776-1976 Sakitawak Bi-Centennial
39791: LONGSON, ARLENE MARIE - Chilcotin Rose
38405: LONGSON, ARLENE MARIE - Chilcotin Rose
046427: LOO, TINA - States of Nature: Conserving Canada's Wildlife in the Twentieth Century
044825: LOOKER, SAMUEL (EDITOR) - Float and Fly - A Little Book for Anglers
34950: LOOKER, SAMUEL J. (EDITOR) - On the Green - An Anthology for Golfers
39066: LOOMIS, KRISTINE; LONG, DEBBIE - The Basics of Mushroom Gathering
43182: VAN LOON, KATJE - Bellica
43016: LORD, C. S. - Snare River and Ingray Lake Map-Areas, Northwest Territories Memoir 235
39473: LORD, JUDY - The Arctic Trading Co. Catalogue
43007: LORD, C. S. - McConnell Creek British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 46-6
43896: LORENZ, SARAH E. - Our Son, Ken
24328: LOSS, H. - A Brief Spanish Review Grammar
048509: ANDY SHUTSE LOU - Selected Paintings by Andy Shutse Lou
047903: LOUDON, PETE - The Town That Got Lost: A Story of Anyox, British Columbia
29169: LOUGHBOROUGH, G. W.; LAMB, E. M. - The Church and the Prayer Book
045155: ADELL, LOUIE ET AL (THE MOSTLY POETS) - A Murder of Crones : A Collection
046020: LOVE, GLEN - Fishing the Northwest: An Angler's Reader
31250: TRUE LOVE - God Made Me Do it
44229: LOVEDAY, PETE - Plain Rapper Comix 2
24254: LOVEGROVE, JENNIFER - The Dagger Between Her Teeth
048444: LOVEGROVE, JENNIFER - I Should Never Have Fired the Sentinel
25020: LOVELACE, JOSHUA; POORTER, YVETTE - Manual for Advanced
20529: LOW, JAYE - Spirit of Love
37691: LOW, JOHN - The Giant Stairway 1932-1982
25016: LOW, JAYE - Spirit of Life
047530: LOWE, GREG - Betting the House Beating the Odds - Kirit Chimanlal Shah's Tranformation of Gangjee Premjee & Co.
44231: LOWE, JACK (EDITOR) - Farmers and Milkmaids: A History Of Lacrosse in Richmond
36147: LOWERY, JOHN - Anatomy of a Spin
39559: LOWES, WARREN - Gophers and Tumbleweed, Tales of a Saskatchewan Boyhood
44276: LOWTHER, PAT - This Difficult Flowring
24739: WILKINSON CO. LTD. - Steel and Metals Stock List and Reference Book
046519: LUARD, G. D. - Fishing - Fact or Fantasy
045830: LUCAS, JASON - Lucas on Bass Fishing
30569: LUCKOCK, ELIZABETH; GUNDRY, CAROLINE - Simon De Montfort: Reformer and Rebel
048237: LUKESH, CHARLES (TRANSLATED BY) - "Greasy" the Robber
42120: LUMMIS, CHARLES F. - Bullying the Moqui
44590: LUNA, LUIS EDUARDO; WHITE, STEVEN F. (EDITORS) - Ayahuasca Reader - Encounters with the Amazon's Sacred Vine
37541: LUND, ROALD G. - Our Enduring Heritage
31813: LUNDE, PAUL - Science: The Islamic Legacy
39764: LUNDINE, DAN - Signpost - A Prairie Town
046253: LUSCH, E. A. - How to Catch and Identify the Gamefish of Oregon
33878: LUTHIN, JAMES N. - Drainage Engineering
39558: LUTMAN, JOHN H. - The South and the West
43847: LUTZ, HERMANN - German-French Unity - Basis for European Peace
047114: LYALL, ARCHIBALD - Black and White Make Brown
22348: LYMAN, ALBERT JOSIAH - The Three Greatest Maxims of the World
047870: LYNAM, TERENCE - The BMX Bunch Turns Detective
42092: LYNCH, JAMES B. - Tamayo
045657: LYNCH, CHARLES - Fishing with Simon
33594: LYNCH, THOMAS G. - The Flying 400: Canada's Hydrofoil Project
044963: LYON, ANNABEL - Oxygen
22059: LYON, DORIS - Brush Stroke Workbook
045233: LYON, G. F. - An Attempt to Reach Repulse Bay in His Majesty's Ship 'Griper'
38939: LYON, JIM; DUGGAN, BARBARA - The Port of Vancouver
046786: LYONS, CICELY - Salmon - Our Heritage
046311: LYONS, CICELY - Salmon - Our Heritage
32162: DY LYS, CLAUDIA - Curious Sex Customs in the Far East
40701: LYSENG, RON - Three R's Three I's - Immigration Innovation Imagination - The Story of the Victoria-Albert School Community
048404: MAARTMAN, BEN; HOOD, PADDY - A Boy's Story
048109: MAARTMAN, BEN - The Strange Thing About Miracles
36961: MACANULTY, COLIN - Venus Looking at the Moon
42553: MACARTHUR, IAIN C. - The Caledonian Steam Packet Co. Ltd.
43914: MACASKIE, IAN - The Long Beaches: A Voyage in Search of the North Pacific Fur Seal
20012: MACAULAY, ANGUS - Leonie and the Lion
24331: MACBEATH, JOHN - The Life of a Christian
44351: MACBETH, R. G. - The Burning Bush and Canada
29932: MACCALLUM, COLIN (EDITOR) - Sea, Sky and Dreams
24651: MACDONALD, ALEX B. - A Bill of Rights for Canada Now! Speech
36062: MACDONALD, BRIAN (EDITOR) - War in the Eighties: Men against High Tech
34184: MACDONALD, D. A.; KAY, DAVE - Come with Me to Yesterday
32779: MACDONALD, R.H. - Thorough, An Illustrated History of the College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 1912-1982
35110: MACDONALD, GEORGE HEATH - Fort Augustus - Edmonton Northwest Trails and Traffic
32553: MACDONALD, BRIAN (EDITOR) - Canadians and Asia-Pacific Security
045758: MACDONALD, ALEXANDER - On Becoming a Fly Fisherman
046538: MACDONALD, JAKE - Lakes, Lures and Lodges: An Angler's Guide to Western Canada
046539: MACDONALD, JAKE (EDITOR) - Casting Quiet Waters: Reflections on Life and Fishing
30889: MACDONALD, D. A.; KAY, DAVE - Come with Me to Yesterday
3481: MACDONALD, ALEX - My Dear Legs
32432: MACDONALD, ADRIAN (EDITOR); SENIOR SCRIBES - Gone Are the Days: A New Horizons Project
40140: MACDONALD, WILSON - An Ode on the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation
42967: DAVID L. MACDONALD - Peace River Past: A Canadian Adventure
41689: MACDONALD, WILSON - Caw-Caw Ballads
40224: MACDONALD, DICK - Singing Headlines - News Highlights from Canada's Past as Interpreted in Song
046522: MACDONALD, ALEXANDER - On Becoming a Fly Fisherman
44516: MACDONALD, IAN; O'KEEFE, BETTY - Born to Die: A Cop Killer's Final Message
047931: MACDOWELL, SYL - Western Trout
36565: MACE, J. H. B. - What, Then, is the Gospel?
36183: MACE, LONA F. - Pic-A-Pocket - Jean Pocket Designs for the Home Sewer
047236: MARGARET M. MACFARLANE - The M.F. Schurman Company Limited of Prince Edward Island: A Century of Building
048315: MACFARLANE, JOHN; SALMON, LYNN J. - Around the World in a Dugout Canoe: The Untold Story of Captain John Voss and the Tilikum
31054: MACGAHAN, PAUL - Electrical Measuring Devices
22084: MACGILLIVRAY, ROYCE - The Mind of Ontario
046990: MACGILLIVRAY, ALLISTER (EDITOR) - The Nova Scotia Song Collection
045908: MACGREGOR, J. G - Father Lacombe
37144: MACGREGOR, ROY - Poli-Graphs
32758: MACGREGOR, JAMES G. - MacGregor V.C.: Goodbye Dad Biography of the Man Who Won More Prestigious Awards for Valour than Any Other Canadian Soldier
047144: MACGREGOR, DAVID R - Merchant Sailing Ships, 1775-1815
046757: MACGREGOR, HALL, BENNETT, CALVERT - Canadian Art - Building a Heritage
43677: MACINNES, COLIN - Out of the Garden
048059: MACINNES, IAN - Characters and Others - The stories of two very different lives and one enduring insititution
41950: MACINNIS, LLOYD - The Don Messer Show - Souvenir Book
44533: MACINTYRE, D. E - Prairie Storekeeper
048335: MACK, CLAYTON - Bella Coola Man: More Stories of Clayton Mack
048422: MACK, CLAYTON - Bella Coola Man: More Stories of Clayton Mack
048366: MACK, CLAYTON - Grizzlies & White Guys: The Stories of Clayton Mack
048384: MACKAY, PATRICIA JOY - Drugstore Cowgirl: Adventures in the Cariboo-Chilcotin
24118: MACKAY, DONALD B. - Design of Space Powerplants
29389: MACKAY, ANGUS M. - The Churchman's Introduction to the Old Testament
048675: MACKAY, SANDRA YUEN - My Schizophrenic Life: The Road to Recovery from Mental Illness
048656: MACKENZIE, JOHN T. - There Was A Piper, A Scottish Piper: Memoirs of Pipe Major John T. MacKenzie
36302: MACKENZIE, CORTLANDT GORDON - Notes for Hunting Men
22766: MACKENZIE, JEAN - Storm Island
42208: MACKENZIE, MICHAEL (RECALLED BY) - Glimpses of the Past True Stories Old and New
046456: MACKENZIE, IAN - Ancient Landscapes of British Columbia
045108: MACKENZIE, JEAN - An Exaltation of Birds
045693: MACKERACHER, W. M. - Canada, My Land and Other Compositions in Verse
31211: MACKEY, ROY - A Fly in the Microwave - Fun on the Farm When No One's Around
048626: MACKIE, RICHARD S. - Trading Beyond the Mountains: The British Fur Trade on the Pacific, 1793-1843
048368: MACKIE, RICHARD - Hamilton Mack Laing: Hunter-Naturalist
048561: MACKIE, RICHARD SOMERSET - Island Timber: A Social History of the Comox Logging Company, Vancouver Island
046449: MACKIE, RICHARD; WYNN, GRAEME (EDITORS) - Home Truths: Highlights from BC History
40031: MACKIE, R. L. - The Pageant of Dundee
048405: MACKINNON, ANDY; POJAR, JIM; COUPE, RAY - Plants of Northern British Columbia
048142: MACKINNON, POJAR, COUPE (EDITORS) - Plants of Northern British Columbia
33216: MACKINNON, JOAN - Kingston Cabinetmakers, 1800-1867
33215: MACKINNON, JOAN - A Checklist of Toronto Cabinet and Chair Makers, 1800-1865
20044: MACKINNON, ALAN - We Bought a Country Pub
32497: MACKINTOSH, IAN M. (COMPILED BY) - Troon Golf Club
045745: MACLACHLAN, DONALD F. - The Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway - The Dunsmuir Years: 1884-1905
048599: MACLAGAN, DAVID - It's a Watercolor World
36279: MACLAREN, I. S.; THOMPSON, G. D. - The Technique of the Tonfa
045985: MACLAREN, I.S. - Mapper of Mountains: M.P. Bridgland in the Canadian Rockies, 1902-1930
18956: MACLEAN, ROBERT - Selected Poems Chosen from: Poems to Define the Corona of Silence (1970) / Earthswimmer (1972) / Snowglobe (1973)
35554: MACLEAN, H. R. - History of Dentistry in Alberta, 1880-1980
30400: MACLEAR, G. G. - A Class-Book of the Catechism of the Church of England
048089: MACLELLAN, BRUCE - Post Cards from Lake of Bays
044929: MACLEOD, ALISTAIR - Explorers: Great Tales of Adventure and Endurance
047368: MACLEOD, JEAN S. - Doctor in Bondage
40882: MACLEOD, HECTOR CHARLES - Behold the Lamb
40157: MACNEISH, RICHARD S. - Preliminary Archaeological Investigations in the Sierra De Tamaulipas, Mexico (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society Vol. 48, Part 6)
40668: MACNICHOL, EDWARD F. - Three-Pigment Color Vision (Scientific American Offprint No. 197)
048662: MACPHAIL, MARGARET - Loch Bras D'Or
047373: MACPHEE, EARLE DOUGLAS - The Mythology, Traditions and History of MacDhubhsith-MacDuffie Clan - Volumes One through Five
38511: MACPHERSON, HELENE DE LA HITTE - Letters to Leon
34596: MACPHERSON, J. PENNINGTON - Life of the Right Hon. Sir John A. MacDonald - 2 Vol. Set
045286: MACPHERSON, ANDREW - Canadian Ice Angler's Guide
43143: PERCY MACQUOID - A History of English Furniture : The Age of Oak, The Age of Satinwood, The Age of Mahogany, The Age of Walnut (Vol. 1-4 in one book)
33673: MACRAE, BLAIR - Operation: Gender War
32433: MACRAE, MARION - Macnab of Dundurn
26190: MACVICAR, ANGUS - A Highlands Omnibus - Rocks in My Scotch, Silver in My Sporran, Bees in My Bonnet
048343: MACY, HAROLD - The Four Storey Forest: As Grow the Trees, So Too
38814: MADDOCKS, PAT - Lethal Dose
33622: MADDOX, ROBERT; HAYNES, JOHN H - Mazda Pick-Ups 1972 Thru 1993 Automotive Repair Manual
36483: MADISON, CHARLOTTE; COOK, NANA - G. B. and the Strange Canadian Painter Lady
41480: MADISON, CHARLOTTE; COOK, NANA - G. B. and the Strange Canadian Painter Lady
25672: MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE - Forever Diana
045283: MAGEE, LESLIE - Fly Fishing: The North Country Tradition
30978: MAGIDSON, HERB; OAKLAND, BEN - I'll Dance at Your Wedding
39146: MAGNUSSEN, HAZEL J. - Go North Young Woman Go North
31258: MAGNUSSON, WARREN; SANCTON, ANDREW (EDITORS) - City Politics in Canada
048299: MAHARAJ, SRI SRIMATE BHAKTIVEDANTA NARAYANA - Shower of Love - A Historical Account of the Tours and Discourses
41543: MAHOOD, IAN - Growing Up in the Fraser Valley
048584: MAIER, WALTER - Christ, Set teh World Aright!
42636: MAILLOUX, CHRISTINE - Esther Blondin: Prophet For Today
30009: MAIN, J. R. K. (ARRANGED BY) - Manual of Ground School Training
045287: MAINWARING, ARTHUR - Fishing and Philandering
045759: MAIR, RAFE - The Last Cast: Fishing Reminiscences
39817: MAJID, K.I. - Optimum Design of Structures
37021: MALAN, J. S. - Peoples of Namibia
048125: MALCOLM, EDEANA - Tea at the Empress
44025: MALCOLM, MURRAY J. - Nine Dead Dogs
048294: MALDEN, R. H. - The Growth, Building and Work of a Cathedral Church
046454: MALIN, EDWARD - Northwest Coast Indian Painting: House Fronts and Interior Screens
048657: MALING, GEORGE C. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise Control Engineering Held December 8-10, 1980 Vols. One and Two
20211: MALITZ, SIDNEY (EDITOR); SACKEIM, HAROLD A. (EDITOR) - Electroconvulsive Therapy : Clinical and Basic Research Issues (Annals of New York Academy of Sciences Vol. 462)
046615: MALLOCH, P. D. - Life-History and Habits of the Salmon, Sea-Trout, Trout, and Other Freshwater Fish
32684: MALLONEE, RICHARD C. - The Naked Flagpole: Battle for Bataan
045875: MALONE, MICHAEL (EDITOR) - Montana Century: 100 Years in Pictures and Words
41431: MALTBY, W. R. - The Meaning of the Cross
42981: NATIONAL MUSEUM OF MAN (CANADA) - The Inuit Print: A travelling exhibition of the National Museum of Man, National Museums of Canada, and the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs ... Ministere des affaires indiennes et du Nord
047101: SAINT-MANDE, WILFRED - War, Wine and Women
35833: MANDEL, MEL - The Jazz Cats
44305: SALLY MANDEL - Heart and Soul
046303: MANDELL, MARK; JOHNSON, LES - Tube Flies: A Tying, Fishing & Historical Guide
20569: MANDL, MATTHEW - Fundamentals of Electric and Electronic Circuits
41866: MANDRY, SAVAGE, BROWNFIELD - Songs of the Dragon - Caneuon y Ddraig
34642: MANGRUM, LLOYD - Golf a New Approach
33240: MANKIEWICZ, RENE H. (EDITOR) - Yearbook of Air and Space Law 1967
35751: MANNING, PHYL - The Pendray Pioneers in Early Victoria, Birtish Columbia
044656: MANNING, PHYL - The Pendray Pioneers in Early Victoria, Birtish Columbia
35750: MANNING, PHYL - The Pendray Pioneers in Early Victoria, Birtish Columbia
044831: MANNIX, DANIEL P. - Troubled Waters
047162: MANNIX, DERRY - The Long Meadow - A History of Mallow GAA Club
44165: MANNIX, DANIEL P. - The Killers
18398: MANOLESCO - Hypnotism
047921: MANRY, KATHRYN - Skoki Beyond the Passes: The Story of Western Canada's First Backcountry Ski Lodge
36848: MANSON, WILL - A Deadly Game
40938: EDITORS OF HAYNES MANUALS - Yamaha: TDM850 & TRX850 '91 to '99 - XTZ750 Super Tenere '89 to '95 (Haynes Service & Repair Manual)
34110: MANVELL, ROGER - This Age of Communication
41190: MANWARING, MAX G. - Venezuela As an Exporter of 4th Generation Warfare Instability
6896: MAPSON, JO-ANN - The Wilder Sisters
42829: O'MARA, PATRICK F. - A Brief History of the Rise and Fall of Leprechaun Civilization
044859: MARACH, W N - A Gillnet's Drift: Tales of Fish and Freedom on the BC Coast
41166: MARANDA, WILLIAM - The Potter's Guild
40457: MARAT, JOHN PAUL - Writings of Jean Paul Marat - Voices of Revolt Volume 2
047427: MARC, JACQUES - The Underwater Heritage of Friendly Cove
047434: MARC, JACQUES - Pacific Coast Ship China
048028: MARCHAK, PATRICIA - Green Gold: The Forest Industry in British Columbia
42852: MARCHAND, DEBBIE; PICCIOTTO, LINDA - South Park School - Memories Through the Decades
2575H: , ILLUSTRATED BY MICHELE DANON-MARCHO - 35 Tales for Tiny Tots Told By Mother Squirrel
44055: MARDEN, ORISON SWETT (EDITOR) - Talks with Great Workers
40763: MAREK, C.; STARR, B.; BERTRAM, D. - Universal Night Watch (Silent Death, the Next Millennium)
046006: KERR,COLIN AND MARGARET - Australian Pioneers
29889: MARGOLIS, DORIS T. - A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That
44213: DE MARIA, ROBERT - Carnival of Angels
41524: MARIANO, SIMONETTA - Il Etait Une Fois Dix Fees Petits Conseils et Grandes Creations
047068: MARIE, SUZAN; THOMPSON, JUDY - Dene Spruce Root Basketry: Revival of a Tradition
047238: MARIGHELLA - Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla
7863: MARIN, LISE - Lots of Fun to Cook
26708: MARKERT, LOUISE (COMPILED BY) - Poetry Keepsake
24429: MARKHAM, EDWIN - The Star of Araby
20041: MARKLAND, P. R. - The Best of Karpov
43449: GARY WOLFE MARKS - Unions in Politics: Britain, Germany, and the United States in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
26416: MARLATT, DAPHNE - Here and There
048222: MARLATT, DAPHNE - Steveston Recollected
37501: MARLOWE, JOHN - Iran - A Short Political Guide
14673: MARMOR, SOLOMON - Laboratory Guide for Organic Chemistry
048693: MAROUFI, ABBAS - Symphony of the Dead
42218: MARQUAND, JOHN P. - North of Grand Central - Three Novels of New England
045822: MARSDEN, GRAHAM - Angling Essays
39268: MARSH, JAMES H. - The Fur Trade
048628: MARSH, NORMAN - Trout Stream Insects of New Zealand: How to Imitate and Use Them
39320: MARSH, WILLIAM BARTON - An American Portrait
44269: MARSH, BERT - Bert Marsh: Woodturner
31386: MARSHALL, TOM - A.M. Klein
30197: MARSHALL, SAMUEL L. - Elements of Practical Radio Mechanics - Shop Manual for Beginners
047925: MARSHALL, JOHN - Saltspring
046394: MARSHALL, DON B. - Who Discovered the Straits of Juan De Fuca?: The Strange Tale of Apostolos Valerianos
046563: MARSHALL, JAMES; MARSHALL, CARRIE - Vancouver's Voyage (Formerly Adventure in Two Hemispheres)
31734: MARSHALL, JOYCE - A Private Place
045288: MARSHALL, HOWARD - Reflections on a River
21916: MARTENSSON, KERSTIN - Kwik Sew Method - Men's Wear
30611: MARTIN, J. EDWARD - The Great Canadian Northwest Rail Pictorial
28548: MARTIN, LOUIS F. - Storage Batteries and Rechargeable Cell Technology
045218: MARTIN, DARREL - Fly-Tying Methods
15822: MARTIN, JANET - Fur and Feathers
047588: MARTIN, BERNARD - John Newton and the Slave Trade
15296: MARTIN, RITA - Robin Hood Mix Magic
28108: MARTIN, A. M. (EDITOR) - Bioconversion of Waste Materials to Industrial Products
32387: MARTIN, W. H. - A First Course in Chemistry
31897: MARTIN, WILLIAM;CHILD, JOHN - Lichens of New Zealand
41717: MARTIN, JOHN LESLIE - James Island Memories
22133: MARTIN, STAN - Jewels of the Bahamas
34843: MARTIN, H. B. - What's Wrong with Your Game
15474: MARTIN, PATRICIA MULES - The Dog and the Boat Boy
21205: MARWOOD, DESMOND - Seven Roads to Happiness
047828: MARX, KARL W - Martial Art Spirit
38666: MASON, DUANE [ED] - Sawmill Techniques For Southeast Asia: Proceedings of the First Southeast Asia Sawmill Seminar Singapore, June 1975.
42099: EDITH HART MASON - Living Earth
048423: MASON, BRUCE - Our Clinic - Visionary Health Care, Fundraising and Community Building on Gabriola Island
40272: MASON, OTIS TUFTON - Ethnic Basketry - Fraser Columbia Region
36036: MASON, PATRICIA - Indian Tales of the Northwest - Plus Teachers Guide to Tales
43207: MASON, BERNARD S. - The Book of Indian-Crafts and Costumes
045776: MASSEY, JOHN - Rod, Reel and Reminiscence
045613: MASSINGHAM, H. J. (EDITOR) - Poems About Birds From the Middle Ages to the Present Day
048029: ULI MAST - West Coast Logging: Stump to Dump
41634: ULI MAST - West Coast Logging: Stump to Dump
31718: MASTERS, D. C. - The Coming of Age
41237: MATE, NATHAN - Keri Does it All
046113: MATHER, CHARLES O. - Billfish
41337: MATHER, KEN - Bronc Busters and Hay Sloops
36523: MATHESON, GEORGE;VADER, FRANK;VADER, ZELMA - The Vaders' Caboose: Stories of a Railroad Family, the Vaders, Who Worked on the Greatest Ball-Buster of Them All, the Kettle Valley Railway of British Columbia
048437: MATHESON, WILLIAM RICHARD - A Year Down North
047707: MATHESON, GEORGE - The Vaders' Caboose: Stories of a Railroad Family
044824: MATHEWS, CRAIG; JURACEK, JOHN - Fly Patterns of Yellowstone
046188: MATHEWS, BORDEN, AKRIGG,GIBBARD - The Fraser's History - From Glaciers to Early Settlements
045961: MATHEWSON, WORTH (EDITOR) - Upland Tales
046579: MATHEWSON, WORTH - Band-Tailed Pigeon: Wilderness Bird at Risk
048180: MATHEY, FRANCOIS - Georges Mathieu
11737: DUDLEY-MATHIESEN, VI - Sweet N Sour - My Nine Years in the Wartime and Peacetime Royal Canadian Air Force
29035: MATHIESON, ERIC - Pastoral Work with Children
38118: MATHISON, MEIRA; JEFFERSON, CATHY (COMPILED BY) - Fired Up! Contemporary Works in Clay
40503: MATSON, GERRY A. - From Adversity to a New Standard of Excellence
44476: MATTESON, GEORGE - Draggermen: Fishing on Georges Bank
048380: MATTHEWS,DAVID L. (EDITOR); POCHAT, JEAN - Adventures of a Priest Among the Tlicho People
39587: MATTHEWS, ERNEST R.; THOMAS, T. G. HOWES - Logarithms and Trigonometry for Engineers and Surveyors
048039: MATTHEWS, CAROL - Questions for Ariadne: The Labyrinth and the End of Times
1781H: MATTSON, LLOYD - Good Morning, Lord - Devotions for Men
43287: EDWARD MATUNAS - American Ammo: Selection, Use, Ballistics
43098: LUJAN MATUS - Whisperings of the Dragon: Shamanic Practices to Awaken Your Primal Power
25602: BERTAL-MAUBON, RONN, DANIDEFF - Titina (Je Cherche Apres Titine)
29384: MAUDE, J. H. - The Foundations of the English Church
42503: MAUFE, EDWARD - Modern Church Architecture
046479: MAVROW, CECILIA - Journal Writing
36553: MAWHINEY, ANNE-MARIE (EDITOR) - Rebirth: Political, Economic, and Social Development in First Nations
046745: MAWHINNEY, LOCK - A Treasure in a Field - A Personal Account of the Journey of L'Arche to the Comox Valley (1983-2002)
046308: MAXWELL, MIKE - Advanced Speyfishing
32764: MAXWELL, BALDWIN - Studies in the Shakespeare Apocrypha
37529: MAY, JULIAN - Blue River
41209: MAY, C.A.N. - Wheelspin Abroad
16187: MAY, ROBIN - Ballet
048468: MAY, TONY - Smoke in the Wind
41152: MAY, EILLIAM (EDITOR) - Principles of Catholic Moral Life
047992: MAYDONIK, N. ALLEN (COMPILED BY) - The Luscar Story
33206: MAYER, MARGERY L. (COMPILED BY) - With Pen and Brush
048501: MAYER, BRET - My First KANJI Book - Japanese Language and Culture through Pictures
048191: MAYER, BERNADETTE - Memory
048090: MAYNARD, LARA (EDITOR) - Hibernia: Promise of Rock and Sea
33607: MAYS, SYLVIA (COMPILED BY) - Good Ole Gospel Country
24439: MAYTUM, A. F. - Lone Elk and Other Poems
39243: MCADOO, DALE (TRANSLATOR) - Color Profiles of World War I Combat Planes
045345: MCALLISTER, D. E.; CROSSMAN, E. J. - A Guide to the Freshwater Sport Fishes of Canada
42047: MCANDREW, RAWLING, WHITBY - La Liberation - Les Canadiens En Europe
43386: MCARTHUR, CRAIG - B. C. Centennial of Logging - A Century of Photographs
14812: MCBRIDE, ELLIOTT - Old Time Humorous Dialogues for Young People and Adults
30178: MCCABE, HUGH R. - Mississippian Oil Fields of Southweastern Manitoba
30179: MCCABE, HUGH R. - Mississippian Oil Fields of Southweastern Manitoba
26949: MCCABE, ANTHONY J. - The Adventures of Sheewee
32931: MCCALPIN, JAMES (EDITOR) - Paleoseismology
36003: MCCANN, S. BRIAN (EDITOR) - The Coastline of Canada: Littoral Processes and Shore Morphology Proceedings of a Conference Held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 1-3, 1978
40657: MCCART, PETER J.; BESTE, J. DEN - Aquatic Resources of the Northwest Territories
047595: MCCARTHY, TODD; FLYNN, CHARLES (EDITORS) - Kings of the Bs: Working Within the Hollywood System : An Anthology of Film History and Ccriticism
41382: MCCARTHY, JUSTIN; MCCARTHY, CAROLYN - Who Are the Turks? : A Manual for Teachers
045352: MCCLANE, A. J. - The American Angler
33695: MCCLELLAND, REYNOLDS, STEET, GUILLORY - English Ninety-eight - Lessons in Basic Writing Skills
564H: MCCLEMENT, FRED - Night Murders
25090: MCCLURE, STUART; SCAMBRAY, JOEL; KURTZ, GEORGE - SAFEguarding the E-Business Network
045401: MCCLURE, ROBERT LE M. - The Discovery of the North-West Passage
044663: PAMELA MCCOLL - British Columbian Salmon - A Celebration of Paintings and Cookery
44536: PAMELA MCCOLL - British Columbian Salmon - A Celebration of Paintings and Cookery
42250: MCCONAGHY, L. MEL - The Stoker - Ten Years Fighting Red Aggression and Other Social Diseases in the Service of One's Country
35894: MCCONAUGHY, JAMES - The Great Events in the Life of Christ
37449: MCCONVILLE, WALT - Trabler Travel Tales
29404: MCCORKLE, CONSTANCE M. - Improving Andean Sheep and Alpaca Production
044839: MCCOWAN, DAN - A Naturalist in Canada
42088: MCCOY, RONALD - Circles of Power
045778: MCCRACKEN, ENRIGHT, SHEPHERD, CAPPLEMAN, DUNN - The Canadian Bird Bander's Training Manual
045779: MCCRACKEN, ENRIGHT, SHEPHERD, CAPPLEMAN, DUNN - The Canadian Bird Bander's Training Manual: The Instructor's Guide
41611: MCCRACKEN, DAVE - Advanced Dredging Techniques Volume 2 Part 2 - Succeeding at a Gold Dredging Venture
048456: MCCREADIE, MARY (EDITOR) - Canoeing Canada's Northwest Territories: A Paddler's Guide
39790: MCCREERY, CHRISTOPHER - The Canadian Forces' Decoration
047232: MCCREERY, CHRISTOPHER - The Maple Leaf and the White Cross: A History of St. John Ambulance and the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Canada
40391: MCCRIMMON, A. L. - The Woman Movement
29810: MCCULLAGH, S. K. - The Country of the Red Birds
26287: MCCULLAGH, S. K. - The Storm - Griffin Readers Book 5
41486: MCCULLAGH, S. K. - The Lighthouse
33406: MCCULLOCH, TOM - Mandalay to Norseman
33405: MCCULLOCH, TOM - Navigator to Hydrographer
047387: MCCULLOCH, JOHN HERRIES - Old Shetland!
26831: MCCULLOUGH, DAVID G. (EDITOR) - World War II Chronology (American Heritage Magazine)
26832: MCCULLOUGH, DAVID G. (EDITOR) - World War II Chronology (American Heritage Magazine)
046035: MCCULLY, C. B. - Fly Fishing: A Book of Words
046036: MCCULLY, C.B. - The Language of Fly-Fishing
045257: MCDANIEL, JOHN - Turkey Hunter's Book
047213: MCDONALD, TIM - Remembering Queens County, Nova Scotia - Vol. Three the 1950s and 1960s
23977: MCDONALD, ROBERT; BARMAN, JEAN (EDITORS) - Readings in the History of British Columbia
047900: MCDONALD, JOHN (EDITOR) - The Complete Fly Fisherman - The Notes and Letters of Theodore Gordon
048392: MCDONNELL, GREG - Locomotives: The Modern Diesel and Electric Reference
28053: MCDONOUGH, ADRIAN M. - Centralized Systems - Planning and Control
42205: THOMAS B. MCDORMAND - A Diversified Ministry
41309: MCDOUGALL, SUE - Customs and Cooking from Scotland
045351: MCDOUGALL, DOUGLAS - Goose Fever
045232: MCDOUGALL, JOHN - Pathfinding on Plain and Prairie
046451: MCDOWELL, JIM - Uncharted Waters: The Explorations of Jose Narvaez (1768-1840)
28639: MCELROY, GIL (GUEST EDITOR) - Nebula 15 - Fringe
045905: MCEVOY, BERNARD (EDITOR) - Stories From Across Canada
231H: MCFADDEN, LUCAS (EDITOR) - The Almanac for Farmers and City Folk 1995
34525: MCFARLAND, J. RANDALL (EDITOR) - Literary Selma - Writings of a Central California Community
046045: MCFARLAND, WILLIAM - Salmon of the Atlantic
047359: SONNIE MCFARLAND - Honoring The Light Of The Child: Activities to Nurture Peaceful Living Skills in Young Children
048484: MCFARLANE, SHERYL - Waiting for the Whales
18147: MCGEE, MARK G. - Introductory Psychology Reader
15088: MCGEE, R. A.; BROWN, ARTHUR G. - Instructional Units in Woodfinishing
046122: MCGHEE, ROBERT - Ancient People of the Arctic
12951: MCGIFFIN, LEE - The Mustangers
048493: MCGILL, DAVID - 101 Stops of Interest in Beautiful British Columbia
047054: MCGILL, MURRAY - Dead Birds Don't Sing But Witching Rods Talk
045764: MCGILLEN, PETE - Outdoors with Pete McGillen
046040: MCGILLEN, PETE - Outdoors with Pete McGillen
34881: MCGOVERN, JAMES A. - The Essence of Engineering Thermodynamics
24872: MCGREGOR, ERIC - Advertising
047272: MCINNES, IAN; FRASER, MARK - Ashanti, 1895-96
43467: MCINNIS, EDGAR - The North American Nations
045092: MCINNIS, GEORGE L. - The Saga of the West Coast Loggers
22079: MCINNIS, NELSON - I've Been to Yahk and Back
42843: MCINNIS, NADINE - Delirium for Solo Harp
29254: MCINTOSH, R. DALE - One Hundred Years of Singing
045765: MCINTURFF, ROY A. - Wilderness Fishing for Salmon and Steelhead
047767: MCINTYRE, G. H. - OP Harmony Chronicle Croatia 1992-93
35319: MCKAY, J. R. - The Scylla and Charybdis of Strategic Leadership
34713: MCKAY, J. F. - Gravel and Gold
045958: MCKAY, BERNARD - Wild Trails Wild Tales
046467: MCKAY, JOHN - The Beaver: The Hudson's Bay Company 1835 Steam Ship
40893: MCKEE, SANDRA LYN (EDITOR) - Gabriel Dumont - Indian Fighter
34204: MCKEEVER, HARRY P. - Canaries on the Clothesline
41814: MCKENZIE, A. F. (DICK) - The Lansdowne Story
40875: MCKENZIE, BESSIE - Autobiography of an Enigma
40876: MCKENZIE, BESSIE - Autobiography of an Enigma
046037: MCKEOWN, BRIAN A. - Fish Migration
44188: MCKINLEY, GEORGIA - The Mighty Distance
40972: MCKINNON, BARRY - The Carcasses of Spring
047527: MCKNIGHT, GEORGE - Sawlogs on Steel Rails
048108: MCLACHLAN, ELIZABETH - With Unfailing Dedication: Rural Teachers of the War Years
41457: MCLAREN, DUNCAN - Bush to Boardroom
30007: MCLAURIN, CAMPBELL - Without Reservations - Flying Around the World
28993: MCLEAN, TERRY - Paintings of the Canadian West
28992: MCLEAN, TERRY - Paintings of the Canadian West
43181: MCLEAN, BRUCE - A Union Amongst Government Employees - A Histroy of the B.C. Government Employees Union 1919-1979
37823: MCLELLAN, EVERARD A. - A Wee Touch of Cancer?
19093: MCLELLAN, DAVID - Ideology (Concepts in Social Thought Ser.)
39278: MCLELLEN, J. A.; AMES, A. F. - The Public School Mental Arithmetic
046537: MCLENNAN, JIM - Trout Streams Of Alberta: A Guide to the Best Fly Fishing
045560: JIM MCLENNAN - Water Marks
35870: MCLEOD, CARROLL - Dat H'ampire H'air Train Plan - The Story of Joe's Career in the R.C.A.F.
047936: MCLEOD, WILLIAM - Chapleau - Retrospective on Life in an Isolated Northern Community
41008: GERALD MCLOUGHLIN - Nigerian Unity: In the Balance
40331: MCMENEMY, WILLIAM G. - The Place of the Circle in Elementary Geometry
045482: MCMULLAN, PETER - Casting Back: Sixty Years of Writing and Fishing
44340: MCNAB, JOHN - Our Priceless Heritage (Our Heritage and Our Faith)
31732: MCNAMARA, EUGENE - Salt - Short Stories
23307: MCNAMEE, LUE - A Cart Full of Strays
19888: MCNAUGHTON, JOHN - Man - Jungle-wise and Otherwise (Challenge of Changing Conditions)
046807: MCNEIL, WILLIAM J.; HIMSWORTH, DANIEL C. - Salmonid Ecosystems of the North Pacific
31711: MCNEIL, FLORENCE - The Rim of the Park
047694: MCPARTLAND, P. J. - Pit Boy
32250: MCPHERSON, SIGRID R. - The Refiner's Fire: Memoirs of a German Girlhood
13501: MCRAE, PATRICK (COVER ART) - Bunny Tales
25828: MCTEER, MAUREEN A. - Tough Choices : Living and Dying in the 21st Century
048620: MCWHA, J. S. - Rebecca Sullivan And The Book Of Secrets
40879: MEAD, JOHN T. - Marine Refrigeration and Fish Preservation
23364: MEADOWS, ALTA H. - Paint and Color Texas Wild Flowers
047703: MEADOWS, ALAN H.; HEAL, S. C. - Pushing the Beach
046277: MECK, CHARLES R. - The Hatches Made Simple: A Universal Guide to Selecting the Proper Fly at the Right Time
046417: MECK, CHARLES - Fishing Limestone Streams: A Complete Guide to Fishing These Unique Waters
047759: MEE, ARTHUR - Our Life's Star
38726: MEEK, JOE - Boarded! - A Guide to Understanding the Coast Guard Boarding
40604: MEEK, H. A. - Guarino Guarini and His Architecture
048170: MEEK, R. JACK - The Royal Art - A History of Royal Arch Masonry in British Columbia and the Yukon 1867-1982
43519: MEGGS, GEOFF - Strange New Country
41591: DOUGLAS A. MELVILLE - Canadians and the Victoria Cross
40661: MELZACK, RONALD - The Perception of Pain (Scientific American Offprint No. 457)
43510: ECHO MEMOIRS - St. Paul's Hospital - A Proud Tradition of Compassionate Care
37532: MENDEL - The Mendel Collection - Sixty-five paintings personally selected by Mr. Mendel for the Opening Exhibition Oct. 16-Nov. 13, 1964
28212: MENDENHALL, WILLIAM - Introduction to Probablility and Statistics
32099: MENDOZA, JOHN - Ventriloquism Made Easy
046421: MENDOZA, GEORGE - Fishing the morning lonely
19967: MENJO, TILYI - Tears from Palestinian Children to God
25588: MERCER, JOHNNY; MALNECK, MATT - Eeny Meeny Miney Mo
44072: MERCER, GEORGE - Fat Cats - Book Four in the Dyed in the Green Series
34000: MERGEL, SARAH KATHERINE - John M. Gillespie - A Teamster's Life
046922: MERILEES, BILL - Newcastle Island: A Place of Discovery
23196: MERKEL, RENE; RICHARDSON, DON - Vancouver Stories : People in Its History
6048: MILLER, MERL & SIPPL, CHARLES - Home Computers a Beginner's Guide
11169: MERRILL, JEAN - The Very Nice Things
24050: MERRILL, BOB - Butterflies
25591: MERRILL, BOB - There's a Pawn Shop on a Corner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1718H: MERRILL, JEAN - Revolt of the Pushcarts
1086H: MERRILL, JEAN - The Very Nice Things
045539: MERRITT, JAMES - Trout Dreams: A Gallery of Fly-fishing Profiles
047497: MESSERLY, KELLY (EDITOR) - Painting the Elements: Weather Effects in Oil, Acrylic And Watercolor
10741: AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR METALS - Source Book on Stainless Steels
30010: METCALF, JOHN (EDITOR) - The Bumper Book
047998: METCALFE, E. BENNETT - Man of Some Importance - The Life of Roderick Langmere Haig-Brown
045899: METCALFE, E. BENNETT - Man of Some Importance - The Life of Roderick Langmere Haig-Brown
41964: METCALFE, J. E. - A Mining Engineer's Survey Manual
38445: VAN METER, VICTORIA B. - Florida's Sea Turtles
40850: METZE, STEVE - Pyramid in the Sky (Champions)
44595: METZNER, RALPH (EDITOR) - Sacred Vine of Spirits: Ayahuasca
39003: MEYER, M. WILHELM - The End of the World
045812: MEYER, DEKE - Tying Saltwater Flies: 12 of the Best
26334: MEYER, FRED; WARREN, JAMES; CAREY, TIMOTHY (EDITORS) - A Guide to Integrated Fish Health Management in the Great Lakes Basin
44601: MEYER, ULRICH - The Nature of Time
18357: MIC - Cat-cat, Cock and Creepy (Read WITH Me Series Set A)
18356: MIC - Cat-cat and Moo Too (Read With Me Series Set A)
046220: MICHAEL, WILLIAM W. - Dry-Fly Trout Fishing
046219: MICHALAK, DAVID - Fly-Fishing
24525: ST. MICHEL, JEAN-PAUL (EDITOR) - 50 (Fifty) Projects You Can Do
045156: DI MICHELE, MARY (EDITOR) - Anything Is Possible: A Selection of Eleven Women Poets
047203: MICHELL, MARTI - Kaleido-Krazy II
29091: MIFFLETON, JACK; BLANDFORD, ELIZABETH - Stations of the Cross for Children - Two Alternate Programs with Music
34544: MILAN, MIKE - A Road to Life and Sanity - A Challenge to the Social Systems of Capitalism and Communism
047246: MILBERRY, LARRY - The Wilf White Propline Collection
42224: MILBURN, CONSTANCE - And Yet So Far (Woman's Weekly Library No. 1240)
30737: MILES, THOMAS H. - Critical Thinking and Writing for Science and Technology
26589: MILLAR, CLIVE; RAYNHAM, S.; SCHAFFER, A. (EDITORS) - Breaking the Formal Frame: Readings in South African Education in the Eighties a Collection
35312: MILLAR, ROB; MILLAR, NANCY (EDITORS) - A History of the Calgary Co-op
40645: MILLAR, ROB; MILLAR, NANCY (EDITORS) - A History of the Calgary Co-op
047545: MILLBANK, G. GAYLE - Zeta Star and the Fusion Factories - Book One: The Inheritance
045186: MILLER, GORDON - Voyages - To the New World and Beyond
30716: MILLER, DEBORAH; VOOSEN, DEBORAH - Ordinateur Familial Adam Manuel D'installation
38430: MILLER, HENRY - Where is the Lady?
37588: MILLER, NORA E. - Reflections Now and Then
30712: MILLER, DEBORAH; VOOSEN, DEBORAH - Adam Family Computer System Set-Up Manual
30713: MILLER, DEBORAH; VOOSEN, DEBORAH - Adam Family Computer System Set-Up Manual
047430: MILLER, WILLIAM H. - The Chandris Liners
40820: MILLER, MARC - Emperor's Arsenal: Traveller Role Playing Game
048465: MILLER, MURIEL - Homer Watson: The Man of Doom
048280: MILLER, STEPHEN J. - Orcas, Bears and Eagles...in the City (A Trilogy of Public Art Projects)
045964: MILLER, STEPHEN - Early American Waterfowling: 1700'S-1930
34927: MILLER, NED - Dark Moon Sheet Music
42430: WILLIAM H. MILLER - New York Shipping
26964: MILLER, DAVID REED; BEAL, CARL, DEMPSEY, JAMES; HEBER, R. WESLEY - The First Ones: Readings in Indian/Native Studies
046549: MILLER, STEPHEN - Early American Waterfowling: 1700'S-1930
43011: MILLIGAN, G. C. - Geology of the Beau-Cache Lake Area - Granville Lake Division Northern Manitoba
43012: MILLIGAN, G. C. - Geology of the Laurie Lake Area - Granville Lake Division Northern Manitoba
045894: MILLIGAN, CARINA EAGLESFIELD - Eagles - King of Birds
43037: MILLIGAN, G. C. - Geology of th Eutik Lake - Bear Lake Area Publication 51-4
43031: MILLIGAN, G. C.; TAKE, W. F. - Geology of the Eastern Bear Lake Area Publication 53-1
38515: MILLS, TESSA - Rusty and Dinah
36116: MILLS, THORA MCILROY - The Church and the Klondike Gold Rush
39864: MILLS, CHARLES E. - Fifty Years of Engineering
048549: MILLS, SPARLING - Woman, Be Honest
1782H: MILLS, ERIC (EDITOR) - Preachers Priests and Critters
22777: MILLS, JOHN V. - You and the Music Business
046322: MILLS, JOHN - The Sportsman's Library
048625: MILNE, GILBERT A. - H.M.C.S.
25508: MILNE, CHRISTOPHER - The Windfall
31737: MILNE, W. S. (EDITOR) - Curtain Rising
046508: MILNE, COURTNEY - Emily Carr Country
37321: MILNE, R.; MAUZY, DIANE K. - Malaysia: Tradition, Modernity, and Islam
29775: MILNE, JACK - Trading for Milady's Furs: In the Service of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1923-1943
045031: MILNE, D. J. - The Chinook and Coho Salmon Fisheries of British Columbia
41763: R. H. MILNE (COMPILED BY) - Shawnigan and the War
43179: JOHN A. MIMMS - Spam Medal Heroes
165H: MINER, MAE - The Destiny of Jenni
41404: OFFICERS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES - Notes on Placer-Mining in British Columbia - Bulletin No. 21
39073: OFFICERS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES - The Identification of Common Rocks
41403: OFFICERS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES - Notes on Placer-Mining in British Columbia - Bulletin No. 21
21980: MINETTA - The Key to Tea-Cup Fortune Telling
14351: MINGHI, JULIAN V. (EDITOR) - Peoples of the Living Land - Geography of Cultural Diversity in British Columbia
045604: MIRONUCK, JEFF (EDITOR) - Angling in the Shadows of the Canadian Rockies
046292: MIRONUCK, JEFF (EDITOR) - Angling in the Shadows of the Rockies
046471: MIRSKY, JEANNETTE - To the North - The Story of Arctic Exploration from Earliest Times to the Present
048490: MISHENENE, RACHEL A.; TOULOUSE, DR. PAMELA ROSE - Strength and Struggle: Perspectives From First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples in Canada
41218: MITCHELL, JACK - The Hills Around - 75 (Seventy five) Years on Skis in Rossland
21198: MITCHELL, FRANCES E. - Teach Your Hobby for Profit
37827: MITCHELL, J. F. - Caribbean Crusade
32574: MITCHELL, BRUCE; DE LOE, ROBERT C. - Reflections on Water: Canadian Water Resources Association, 1947-1997
18903: MITCHELL, FRANCES E. - Teach Your Hobby for Profit
046278: MITCHELL, ED - Fly-Fishing the Saltwater Shoreline
34186: MITCHELL, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Experiences in Appropriate Technology
33300: MITCHELL, DAVID; DUFFY, DENNIS (EDITORS) - Bright Sunshine and a Brand New Country - Recollections of the Okanagan Valley 1890-1914
21499: MITCHELL, W. R.; GREEN, R. E. - Identification and Interpretation of Ecosystems of the Westen Kamloops Forest Region (Vol. II-Dry and Subcontinental Climatic Regions) Land Management Handbook No. 2
20573: MITCHELL, CARL W. - Color Television - AGC and Sync
048650: MITCHELL, HELEN A. - Diamond in the Rough - A History of Campbell River
1152H: MITCHELL, HOWARD - The Battle of Mole Run and Other Offenses
048588: MITER, ANICA - Starburst of Consciousness, Starburst of Life - Answers to All (Y)our Existential Questions
37804: MIYOSHI, AKIMA (EDITOR) - Gut Peptides: Secretion, Function, and Clinical Aspects Proceedings of the Hiroshima Symposium on Gut Hormones, Held at Hiroshima Grand Hotel in Hiroshima, July 17-19, 1979, Hiroshima, Japan
1028H: MIZUMURA, KAZUE - The Way of an Ant
048339: MOBLEY, CARLA - Mysterious Powell Lake - A Collection of Historical Tales
42355: MOCHON, MARION JOHNSON - Masks of the Northwest Coast - The Samuel A. Barrett Collection
24766: MOE, JULIA - December Tide - Poems from Lighthouses, Inaccessible Islands, and Cabins in the Middle of Nowhere
31674: MOFFETT, M'LEDGE - Youth Looks at Marriage
39172: MOHAMMAD, AZRAL - Guide for Tourists - Practical Usage of the Indonesian Laguage
10438: MOIR, PHYLLIS - I Was Winston Churchill's Private Secretary
19632: MOLE, RICH - Season's Greetings from British Columbia's Past - Christmas as Celebrated in British Columbia from the 1880's to the 1930's (Sound Heritage Number 29)
047796: MOMMSEN, T.P.; HOCHACHKA, PETER W. - Molecular Biology Frontiers (Volume 2) (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Fishes, Volume 2)
046685: MONEY, KEPHART, CARLIN, HIMMELWRIGHT, KEENE - Guns, Ammunition, and Tackle
046950: MONEY, ALBERT W. - Pigeon Shooting
045575: MONNETT, JOHN H. - Cutthroat and Campfire Tales: Fly-Fishing Heritage of the West
14193: MONROE, LYNN L. - The Old-Time Bicycle Book
27766: MONTAGUE, KEITH - Westerns, Hymeks and Warships
30580: MONTEMURRO, ANNETTE JUNE - Any Danger of Getting a Cup of Tea?
32231: MONTGOMERY, L. M. - My Dear Mr. M : Letters to G. B. MacMillan from L. M. Montgomery
047962: MONTGOMERY, RUTHERFORD G. - High Country
046434: MONTGOMERY, RUTHERFORD - High Country
048678: MONTOMERY, LUCY MAUD - Kilmeny of the Orchard
21473: MOON, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Colonel By's Friends Stood Up
40317: MOONEY, JOHN - Eynhallow: The Holy Island of or Orkneys
30349: MOORE, FRANCIS C. - Fire Insurance and How to Build
045576: MOORE, PHIL H. - With Gun and Rod in Canada
045577: MOORE, T.C.KINGSMILL - A Man May Fish
045184: MOORE, MCLEOD, REED - Fisheries - Fish Farming Fisheries Management (Conservation, Propagation, Regulation)
21989: MOORE, ADDISON WEBSTER - Pragmatism and Its Critics
43195: MOORE, PERCY H. - A Country Boy
33890: MOORE, BERNARD - Pruning with Bernard Moore
32641: MOORE, HENRY - Konig Und Konigin
40626: MOORE, DENTON R. - Gentlemen Never Sail to Weather: The Sequel
41887: MOORE, E. S. - American Influence in Canadian Mining
30522: MOORE, THURSTON (EDITOR) - Country and Western Scrapbook
048438: MOORE, TOM - Angels Crying: A True Story of Secrecy and Tragedy
28485: MOORE, FRANK J. - In as Much
045573: MOORE, JOHN (EDITOR) - Best Fishing Stories
43990: MOORE, TOM - Wilfred Grenfell
43022: MOORHOUSE, M. D.; SHEPHERD, J. H. - Geology of the California Lake Area - Oxford Lake Mining Division Northern Manitoba Publication 53-3
048327: MORA, JO - Trail Dust and Saddle Leather
31888: MOREL, GABRIEL - Norwegian Cradle Song - Tone Picture - Piano Solo
43118: MOREL, LEO - Mattawa - Meeting of the Waters
23320: MORELAND, FAYE WITT - Green Fields and Fairer Lanes
31189: DE A'MORELLI, RICHARD - ESP Party Games - Psychic Tests for Everyone
12217: MORGAN, ALLEN - Molly and Mr. Maloney
045467: MORGAN, PAUL (EDITOR) - Saltwater Flyfishing - Britain and Northern Europe
044669: MORGAN, MAX - Aerobleu Pilot's Journal: 1947
046845: MORGAN, COLE - Cole Morgan Twenty Years (English and French Edition)
39613: MORGAN, MURRAY - The Friend of the Family - 100 Years with Washington Mutual
39210: MORGAN, NIGEL - British Columbia Needs a New Forest Policy!
39575: MORGAN, DIANE - Footdee: And Her Shipyards (Villages of Aberdeen)
13815: MORGAN, VIOLET - Sebastian and the Dragon
045354: MORGAN, MOC - Fly Patterns for the Rivers and Lakes of Wales
048654: A.G. (ADRIAN GABRIEL ) MORICE - The History of the Northern Interior of British Columbia
41147: MORISON, C. K. - A Book Pedlar in British Columbia
048600: MORISON, SAMUELELIOT - History of United States Naval Operations in World War II - 15 Volume Set
24474: MORISSE, STANLEY - Recollections
24473: MORISSE, STANLEY - Recollections
38069: MORLEY, T. P. (EDITOR) - Medical Specialty Societies of Canada
41416: MORR, TOM; BRUBAKER, KEN - Monster Trucks (Enthusiast Color Series)
045663: MORRIS, SKIP - Tying Foam Flies
38015: MORRIS, W. E. - O Level Test in Chemistry
047742: MORRIS, ROBERT - Building Skin-on-Frame Boats
045348: MORRIS, WILFRED WALTER - The Blameless Sport
048686: MORRIS, SKIP - Concise Handbook of Fly Tying
046101: MORRIS, WILFRED WALTER - An Angler in Arcadia
23244: MORRISON, I. F.; FORD, G. - The Physical Properties of Solid Materials
29899: MORRISON, JAMES H. - Camps and Classrooms
40150: MORRISON, DOROTHY - Tales the Eskimos Tell
045890: MORIE MORRISON - Fishing Western Waters
44550: MORRISON, N. BRYSSON - Thea
046378: MORRISSEY, KIM - Batoche
045809: MORRITT, H. E. - The Constant Fisherman
045222: MORROW, JAMES E - The Freshwater Fishes of Alaska
048642: MORROW, KENNETH A - A boyhood in Nelson: Growing Up During the Depression
14825: MORROW, CHARLES T. - Shock and Vibration Engineering Vol. 1
045915: MORSE, ERIC WILTON - Fur Trade Canoe Routes of Canada: Then and Now
33521: MORSS, STEPHENSON, VAN RAPPARD - Theoretical Issues in Psychology: Proceedings of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology 1999 Conference
42539: MORTON, DESMOND - Canada at Paardeberg (Canadian Battle Series No. 2)
046559: MORTON, ARTHUR S. - Sir George Simpson - Overseas Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company
047570: MORTON, ARTHUR - Under Western Skies
43202: MORTON, THOMAS D. - Reed's Practical Mathematics Series - Vol. 9 (SI Units) Steam Enigneering Knowledge for Marine Engineers
41093: MORTON, JAMIE - Fort St. James 1806-1914: A Century of Fur Trade on Stuart Lake
045762: MOSELY, MARTIN E. - The Dry-Fly Fisherman's Entomology being a Supplement to The Dry-Fly Man's Handbook
28540: MOSER, PAUL - Shorthand Speed Drills Key
37774: MOSES, A.M.;SHARE, LEONARD (EDITORS) - Neurohypophysis - International Conference on the Neurohypophysis Key Biscayne, Florida, 1976
047377: MOSES, RICHARD - By Degrees: Around the World by Tramp Freighter
40910: MOSS, DONALD E. - Alzheimer's My Journey to a Next Generation Treatment
36918: MOSS, LOIS - The Home Trail - Volume 3
16657: MOSS, JOHN (EDITOR) - Beginnings: The Canadian Novel Vol. 2
24030: MOSS, THOMAS H.; SILLS, DAVID L. (EDITORS) - The Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident: Lessons and Implications
32460: MOSS, DONALD - The Art of Watercolor Painting - Still Life/Landscape/Seascape
046252: MOSSMAN, SAM - Serious About Sportfishing: A Saltwater Guide for New Zealand Anglers
4086H: GENERAL MOTORS - 1966 Oldsmobile Owner's Guide
048297: MOTTOLA, KARI (EDITOR) - The Arctic Challenge: Nordic And Canadian Approaches To Security And Cooperation In An Emerging International Region
046023: MOTTRAM, J. C. - Fly-Fishing: Some New Arts and Mysteries
045876: MOULTON, GARY (EDITOR) - Atlas of the Lewis and Clark Expedition (Volume One of the Journals of the Expedition)
046808: MOULTON, GARY E. (EDITOR) - The Definitive Journals of Lewis and Clark - 12 Volume Set
36418: MOUNTAIN, ANNE - The Green Bracelet
046004: PETERSON/MOUNTFORT - Guide des oiseaux de France et d'Europe
046551: MOWBRAYE, JOHN - Baxter's Game Book
44061: BRIAN J. MOYLAN - The Story Behind the Octagon
047844: MOYLES, R. G. (EDITOR) - Challenge of the Homestead - Peace River Letters of Clyde and Myrle Campbell 1919-1924
047814: MOZER, DAVID - Bicycling in Africa: The Places in Between
44131: MUELLER, HANS-FRIEDRICH - Latin 101: Learning a Classical Language
23891: MUFTI, A.; ERKI, M-A.; JAEGER, L. G. (EDITORS) - Advanced Composite Materials With Application to Bridges
37747: MULGAN, ALAN - From Track to Highway
20081: MULLEN, FRANK - Life on the Ocean Waves
37368: MULLER, EUGENIO; MACLEOD, ROBERT (EDITORS) - Neuroendocrine Perspectives - Volume One
28051: MULLIGAN, GERALD (EDITOR) - The Biology of Canadian Weeds
39510: MULLIGAN, R. - Bonning Map-Area British Columbia
22706: MULLINS, E. J.; MCKNIGHT, T. S. (EDITORS) - Canadian Woods: Their Properties and Uses
38548: MULLINS, CHRISTINE; HARVEY, ARTHUR - Russell and DuMoulin - The First Century 1889-1989
32043: MULLINS, CHRISTINE; HARVEY, ARTHUR - Russell and DuMoulin - The First Century 1889-1989
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