Rainy Day Books
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42756: - Canada West Magazine Vol. 3 No. 2 Summer 1971
39441: - Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada Passed in the Forty-First Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and in the Fifth Session of the Third Parliament
38615: - Sumner Iron Works - Bulletin No. 32 Semi-Portable Band Saw Mill
38730: - Sig Manufacturing Co., Inc. - Catalog 42 (The Model Builder's Wishbook)
38731: - Soil-Cement Construction Handbook
20633: - Report of the Secretary of Agriculture 1891 (Washington)
39747: - Logging and Sawmilling Journal Oct. 1989
39746: - British Columbia Business Journal Aug/Sept 1969
31445: - Report from the Select Committee on Science and Technology - Session 1967-68 Coastal Pollution
39551: - The Bank of Nova Scotia 1832-1932
39552: - Judging Home-made Wine and Beer
39740: - Hiballer Forest Magazine June/July 1985
39738: - Glossary of Forestry Terms
39739: - Canadian Forest Industries Magazine Feb. 1973
39756: - Guide to Placer Staking
39744: - Forest Industries Magazine March 1986
41082: - Pictorial Brighton 1859-1984
38759: - Princess Diana - A Queen of Fashion
28702: - Pitman's Shorthand Instructor - New Era Edition
19575: - The Hoppit (Read With Me Series) Set A
12048: - Selo Text Book of Amateur Photography
39827: - Sharp Facsimile Operation Manual Model UX-300 and FO-760
20121: - 1986 Chevy Pickup Chevrolet Owner's Manual
046823: - Statutes Compiled for the Use of Magistrates, Police, Etc. (R.S.B.C. 1948)
046862: - Detective Dragnet Magazine June 1973
045754: - Victoria Historical Review - Centennial Celebrations 1862-1962
30854: - GM Diesel Operators Manual - V-71 Engines
30855: - Buick Skylark 1980 Chassis and Body Service Manual
1085H: - Today's Man - A Manual of Personal Hygiene
25702: - The Sedbergh School Register 1546-1909
045041: - Lost Fish: Anthologies of the Work of the Comte De Lacepede
38844: - Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada Passed in the Session Held in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Years of the Reign of His Majesty King George V Being the First Session of the Fifteenth Parliament
048611: - Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society: Discussions on the Stanzas of the First Volume of the Secret Doctrine, Volumes 1-2
048612: - Our Ships at Work - A Pictorial Review of Some of out Post-War products 1946-1952
40165: - Room of One's Own Vol. 13, No. 1 & 2 (The Carol Shields Issue)
40732: - Power Wagon Advertiser - April 1987
40731: - Power Wagon Advertiser - Dec. 1987
40729: - Power Wagon Advertiser - Nov. 1987
40730: - Power Wagon Advertiser - Aug. 1987
40728: - Power Wagon Advertiser - Feb. 1988
41727: - BC Studies No. 125 & 126 - Ethnographic Eyes
31434: - Canadian Mining Manual 1960
42769: - Canada West Magazine Vol. 5 No. 3 Summer 1975
24465: - Knotting and Braiding with Pyro Lace, Cord, Tones, Pearl
29286: - Robert Edward Peters Collector
31617: - Christian Science Salmebog (Christian Science Hymnal)
047256: - iisaak in the Garden
39410: - Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia from 2nd March to 31st May, Both Days Inclusive Vol. XLV
11604: - Fire in the Forest
36098: - God's Inheritance in the Saints - Notes of Meetings in Manchester and Elsewhere
045327: - 500 Fly Dressings - Illustrared in Colour
047868: - The First Hundred Years - United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 452, Vancouver, BC
047871: - Kayak: Canada's History Magazine for Kids #42 Dec. 2012
42232: - Motorcycle and Moped Maintenance - a Basic Guide to Servicing and Maintaining Your Machine
21303: - The Records of the Atomic Bombing in Nagasaki
40637: - Farmstead Wiring
047374: - Backroad Mapbooks: Southwestern Alberta
28999: - Red Berets '44
046572: - Upland Game Bird Harvest Management in Montana
34708: - The Rye High School Alumni Directory 1994 Edition
42064: - Alberta Poetry Year Book 1975
33952: - Introduction to Our Native Peoples
22344: - Cheltenham Spa and the Cotswolds
43552: - Peace River Remembers - Peace River, Alberta and Adjacent Districts
28499: - About Selective Cavities
28500: - About Duplexers
27932: - The Jodoshinshu Book
33547: - The Reader's Digest Braille Edition - Vol. 116 No. 698 Part 4
33548: - The Reader's Digest Braille Edition - Vol. 116 No. 698 Part 3
31579: - Instructions for Installation and Maintenance of Hewittic Rectifiers Small Single Bulb Cubicles
31580: - Caterpillar Parts Book - No. 8D Ripper Serial No. 92M1-Up, 93M1-Up
31582: - Instructions to Forest Officers in Forest Protection
32045: - 1961 Plymouth Owner's Manual
30300: - Application Data - MT Series 90 to 270 Hp Allison Fully Automatic Truck Transmission
31073: - 1975 Astre Service Manual
31525: - Elvis Forever - A Salute to the King
30159: - The Transactions of the Canadian Mining Institute 1915 - Vol. 18
39998: - The Time of the Nabis
31686: - The Report of the Bishop of Toronto's Commission on the Church's Ministry of Healing
38909: - Statutes of the Province of British Columbia Passed in the Session Held in the Sixtieth Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Being the Third Session of the Seventh Parliament of British Columbia
40733: - Power Wagon Advertiser - Sept. 1987
40751: - The Durandrium Find: Salvation for House Augustus-Hayes (Space Master RPG)
41830: - Alberni Pulp and Paper Division 1947-1987
41179: - Flower Adornment Dharmas - Conduct and Vows of Universal Worthy Flower Adornment Repentance Flower Adornment Preface
41383: - A Lady of Paisley in the Alberni Valley - Mary Carswell Collings - Paintings and Letters Home to Scotland
41394: - Giant Panda - Stamp and Papercut in China
39422: - Loggers Handbook Vol. XXXIII 1973 - Man and the Forest
39421: - Loggers Handbook Vol. XXXVI 1977 - Logging: A Look at Realities
17848: - Vocational Rehabilitation of the Drug Abuser - The Practice of the Art (No. 2 in the series)
27067: - The Bear and the Two Friends
26707: - Anchor Embroidery Designs - 20 Multi-Impression Transfers - Book No. 856
42761: - Canada West Magazine Vol. 1 No. 2 Summer 1969
29483: - Asahi Pentax Photography - Recent Works of Japanese Photographers
29666: - Place Names of the Alberni Valley
20574: - Color Television - Horizontal Deflection and High-Voltage
30131: - Wilkinson Company 1949 Stock List and Reference Book
39396: - The Early Days...in Photographs from the Collection of Bert Kellogg - Locomotives
39394: - Hiballer Magazine - May/June 1993
39395: - Hiballer Magazine - August/September 1993
39696: - The Sea Chest - Journal Of the Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society June 1989
30271: - Signal Training - Vol. II Part I Electricity and Magnetism
26181: - YES World Tour 1984
26180: - Hats By Beehive - Knitted and Crocheted
31584: - Mining Machinery Catalogue U (1937)
31609: - Joe Beaver's Forestry Quiz
2533H: - Journey to the Blue Forest - The Adventures of Dinky and Flora
40279: - How and Why of Centrifugal Pumps
31138: - International Library of Technology 271B - Elements of Arithmetic, Fractions, Decimals, Weights and Measures, Ratio and Proportion, Powers and Roots, Mensuration, Formulas, Cube Root, Trigonometry and Graphs, Use of Trigonometric Tables
22448: - Exploring the Secrets of Treating Deaf-Mutes
31661: - The Machray Review No. 2 Oct. 1992
41332: - Cherokee Cruiser 140 - Ground School Handbook
43460: - IWA (International Woodworkers of America) Annual 1975
31649: - Jones and Willis Church Art Workers
22469: - The Food Pilot Cook Book
40278: - Choosing a Motor - Bulletin C1024
31660: - The Machray Review No. 1 April 1992
39516: - Look at Devon in Colour
39517: - Evinrude Fastwin 15 Aquasonic Owner's Manual Models 15014-15015
23786: - English-Songs of Joyful Melody - Selection of Folk, Western and Home Songs
30378: - The Spiritual Healer - The Journal of Spiritual Healing and Philosophy
31433: - Pulp and Paper Magazine of Canada - August - December 1952
30802: - Operation and Maintenance Cummins H. HS, HR, HRS, NH, NHS, NHRS Diesel Engines- Bulletin No. 6333-C
31542: - Champion Sports Comic Vol. 1 No. 2
39222: - Centennial Reflections - B.C. Tel 100 1891-1991
30068: - Royal Commission on Industrial Training and Technical Education - Vol. II of Part III
30070: - Royal Commission on Industrial Training and Technical Education - Parts I and II
41042: - Indian Food - A Cookbook of Native Foods from British Columbia
046768: - Kandahar: Through Afghan Eyes
31620: - Nature Study - Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Years - Part II
40685: - List of Lights and Fog-Signals on the Inland Waters (West of Montreal and East of British Columbia) of the Dominion of Canada - Corrected to the 1st January 1954
046879: - Vancouver, B.C. - The Gateway to the Lions
42755: - Canada West Magazine Vol. 3 No. 4 Winter 1971
39435: - Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada Passed in the Fortieth Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and in the Fourth Session of the Third Parliament
046818: - Standing Orders of the Union Steamship Company of British Columia, Limited
42065: - Alberta Poetry Year Book 1974
42066: - Alberta Poetry Year Book 1976
39330: - Universal-Seng Furniture Facts
39331: - Canadian Heritage - Historical Documents of Canada
30280: - The Miracle Series of Modern Music Piano No. 11
43064: - Old McGill 1928 Vol. XXXI
39170: - NTN Ball and Roller Bearings - Cat. No. 2200/E
26248: - Seasoned Timbers Vol. 1 - A Sampling of Historic Buildings Unique to Western Nova Scotia
22401: - Decorative Works of Art and Paintings 31st March 1st & 2nd April
047715: - Prayer and Formal Language - Skidegate Haida Language
43332: - Super Cycle Magazine April 1988
046359: - The Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1911 - Volume 4
046838: - Antonio Dacosta 1988
43056: - Mixed Moss - the Journal of the Arthur Ransome Society Vol. 3 No. 3 Summer 1998
39164: - SKF Ball and Roller Bearings - Catalogue No. 551
31564: - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - Mercury and Its Compounds
42177: - Life Magazine July 11, 1938 - Shirley Temple Goes East
42178: - Life Magazine August 23, 1937 - Transoceanic Transport
13825: - My Book of Butterflies and Moths
047233: - Past and Present - People, Places and Events in Calgary
047230: - Oxen to Oil - Diamond Memories
40182: - This Old Town - City of Victoria Central Area Heritage Conservation Report
42432: - Better Photography Made Easy
42448: - Building Christian English - Preparing to Build English 2 (Includes Textbook, Teacher's Manual and Test Booklet)
42455: - Dwight Yoakam - Just Lookin' for a Hit (Music Book)
43122: - Frenchy: Getting Serious, Capitaine Charles E. J. M. Nungesser, Lieutenant Georges M. L. J. Guynemer, Capitaine Rene Paul Fonck
43123: - The Boche: Everybody Loves a Circus, Rittmeister Manfred Freiherr Von Richtofen, Hauptmann Oswald Boelcke, Max Imelmann Oberleutnant
43124: - Yanks: How to Cook a Sausage, Second Lieutenant Frank Luke Jr., Captain Edward V. Rickenbacker, Captain Elliott White Springs
40973: - Whistle Punk Vo. 1 No. 1 Spring 1984 (BC Forest History Magazine)
40974: - Whistle Punk Vol. 1 No. 2 Fall 1984 (BC Forest History Magazine)
39241: - 100 (One Hundred) Years on the Road
39252: - Flying VOR - Pilot's Manual
39255: - Ye Flame - Central Collegiate Institute Yearbook
39259: - Industrial British Columbia
045086: - The American Fly Fisher - Volumes 9 & 10
29665: - Stairway to Heaven and the Best of Heavy Metal Rock
39683: - The Phantom of the Opera - The Canadian Tour
39682: - Jotul - A Resource Book on the Art of Heating with Wood
39716: - The Ohio Brass Company Catalogue No. 7 - Electric Railway and Mine Supplies
39731: - The Canadian Fairbanks-Morse Catalogue No. 36
24990: - The Forth and Clyde Cookery Book
31259: - Firing Iron 2006 - 75 Years of Building BC -Internationanal Union of Operating Engineers Local 115
30738: - The Bloody Trail of Imperialism
38599: - Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (Statutes of Canada 1916 Vol. 1-2)
36690: - Facsimiles of Female-Paintings By Chinese Old Masters
36652: - New Kids on the Block Magic Summer
38109: - Western Fisheries Magazine - Annual Statistical Review - May 1973 Vol. 86 No. 2
40310: - IWA (International Woodworkers of America) Annual 1990
30933: - The Visit of Pope John Paul II to British Columbia September 1984
42781: - Canada West Magazine Vo. 4 No. 1 Spring 1972
13989: - The Genesis of a Jar
41680: - Basic Titling and Animation for Motion Pictures
43054: - Duncan City of Totems
40507: - Forestry in Canada
27262: - Dictionary of English - Thai Idioms
38629: - Towards the Intelligent Universe
30452: - Development - The New Name for Peace
42607: - From Prairie Sod to Golden Grain 1904-1974 A History of the People of Ernfold and Community
40247: - Wire Rope Recommendations - Supplement to the Modern Wire Rope Digest
22858: - The Baker's Wife - Storybook 10
43384: - Inside Detective Magazine Sept. 1972
27016: - Flash Gordon
28780: - Fish Stocks of the Pacific Coast
28779: - Fraser River Sockeye, 1994 : Problems and Discrepancies: Report of the Fraser River Sockeye Public Review Board
39637: - Home Building in Canada's Log Cabins
39355: - Boundary Historical Society Eleventh Report 1988
39354: - Boundary Historical Society Fifth Report 1967
28886: - The Play Pictorial - No. 83 Vol. XIV - The Woman in the Case
43266: - Close Encounters with Space Aliens Feb. 1978
43261: - Beyond the Gates of Lower Fort Garry: A Sequel (R.M. Of St. Andrews)
41740: - A Bridge to the Past - Wilmot Valley 1784-1979
42181: - Look Magazine September 14, 1937 - Women and Athletics
39692: - The Pipes and Drums and Regimental Band of the Black Watch (Souvenir Program)
39693: - S. Hurok Presents the Massed bands, drums, Pipes and Dancers of the Welsh Guards and Scots Guards
40248: - Leslie Steel-Metals
41962: - Industrial Pneumatic Technology Bulletin 0275-B1
048092: - Scarlet and Gold - 59th Edition
40707: - Power Wagon Advertiser - Aug. 1990
41052: - Pioneer Memories - Heritage Literary Circle - Fir Park Village
046505: - Cumberland and Hudson House Journals 1775-82 - Second Series, 1779-82
046515: - Post-Iimpressionist Masterworks from the National Gallery of Canada
045492: - Commission of Conservation Canada - Report of the Eighth Annual Meeting
045493: - Commission of Conservation Canada - Forest Protection in Canada 1913-1914
41559: - Racing the Go-Kart - from Beginner to Winner
26709: - Rockhounding - In Search of Earth's Treasures
23348: - Souvenir Utrecht Holland 1945
045513: - American Indian Basketry Magazine No. 6 - Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut Basketry of Alaska
40266: - IWA (International Woodworkers of America) Annual 1980
40267: - IWA (International Woodworkers of America) Regional Council #1 Annual 1987
43412: - B. C. Yesterday
19013: - Rederiaktieselskabet Dannebrog 1883-1973
22400: - Chicago International Art Exposition 1993
40175: - Green Branches and Fallen Leaves - The Story of a Community Shawnigan Lake 1887-1967
38910: - Statutes of the Province of British Columbia Passed in the Session Held in the Fifty-Third Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Being the Fourth Session of the Fifth Parliament of British Columbia
38884: - Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia from 5th January to 27th February, Both Days Inclusive Vol. XXVIIL
28618: - A Textbook on The Gas Engine - Geometrical Drawing, Mechanical Drawing, Tables and Formulas
39372: - The Report of the British Columbia Centennial Committee
046819: - Index to the Statutes in Force in Upper Canada, at the End of the Session of 1854-5
40014: - Operation and Maintenance Manual 789B Off-Highway Truck
26387: - The Saturday Evening Post - Sept. 7, 1968
39526: - Nature's Fury - The Inside Story of the Disastrous B.C. Floods May-June 1948
40497: - Replacement Parts List for the Sumner Upright Shingle Machine
41126: - Postage Stamps of the Cape of Good Hope - The Collection Formed By Sir Maxwell Joseph
41124: - Woodsbike - Catalogue - Parts - Accessories and Owners Manual
30857: - Petersen's Complete Book of Vega
048085: - Standing Orders for the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
048086: - Canadian Army Manual of Unit Administration and Discipline
30891: - Amphora 20 - Number 2, 1975
27549: - About John Brian / The Vengeance of Billy Bawkins
40722: - Power Wagon Advertiser - April 1988
26377: - Four Men and a Machine
26369: - Canadian Forces Medical Service - Introduction to Its History and Heritage
26175: - Dritz Style Book - Stoles, Hats, Bags to Crochet and Knit
38626: - Noranda 1984 Annual Report
38619: - General Accident Prevention Regulations
38851: - Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada Passed in the Session Held in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Years of the Reign of His Majesty King George V Being the Fourth Session of the Fourteenth Parliament
26056: - Francis & Day's Community Song Book No. 1
26057: - Francis & Day's Community Song Book No. 4
26058: - Francis & Day's Community Song Book No. 2
26059: - Francis & Day's Community Song Book No. 6
26067: - McGlennon's 165th Edition Record Song Book
26070: - Hillbilly Hit Parade of 1951
26179: - Handknits for Dolls in Molana and Canadiana By Beehive
26189: - Canada the Growth of a Great Nation
276H: - Baby Bears
30149: - What the Farmer Can Do with Concrete
30152: - Soil-Cement Inspector's Manual
39977: - Fifty-First Annual Report of the Fisheries Branch
39554: - Portraits of the Olympic Peninsula
42214: - Gleanings After Pioneers and Progress
41244: - Canadian Aerospace and Joint Studies - Curtis Papers Vol. 1 Books 1 and 2
41219: - Interpreter's Word Book - Tusaajiit Uqausiqautingit
41226: - Ajurnarmat - The Hunting and Trapping Lifestyle
43382: - True Magazine - For Today's Man - Aug. 1970
43383: - True Magazine - For Today's Man - June 1970
43380: - True Police Cases Magazine Dec. 1971
43381: - Secret Romances Magazine Feb. 1972
41433: - Field Identification Guide for Juvenile Pacific Salmon
39482: - Royal Palace and Gothic Statues of Medieval Buda
39469: - The Buzzer - Rails-to-Rubber Issue
39468: - Visit of Mikhail Gorbachev to Canada May 29-30, 1990
39470: - Surrey Municipality Road Map 1957 Edition
39491: - St. Clement Danes Church - Royal Air Force Appeal
39485: - Preston Hall Museum
39488: - Shrewsbury - Official Guide to England's Historic Market Town
39475: - Official Souvenir Book - The Stadium - The Building of B.C.'s Dream
39474: - Official Souvenir Guide for Expo 86
25952: - Strawberry Shortcake's Book of Words
17587: - O'O Meets the Thief of Heaven
39528: - The British Columbia Genealogist - Vol. 15 No. 2 June 1986
40249: - Japanese Internal-Combustion Engines for Marine Use 1955
047617: - Kelowna British Columbia, Canada: A Pictorial History
43351: - Iron Horse Magazine Sept. 1984
43352: - Iron Horse Magazine Dec. 1979
048106: - A Lively Story! Historical Sketches of the Women's Missionary Society (Western Division) of the Presbyterian Church in Canada 1864-1989
43350: - SuperCycle Magazine Sept. 1985
41643: - XK's Unlimited Parts and Services For All Model Jaguars from 1948 On
40273: - Indian Baskets - California, Oregon
39466: - Know Canada Better - Centennial Souvenir 1867-1967
41049: - The Book of Joya - Cirque Du Soleil
048168: - History of Grand Lodge of British Columbia 1871-1970
047365: - A Brief History of the Benguela Railway - Describing its Construction through Angola, Portuguese West Africa, and the Important Role it is Destined to Play in the Development of Southern and Central Africa
23464: - Blouses and Shells By Beehive
32768: - 1983 Oldsmobile Owner's Manual - Delta 88, Ninety-Eight and Custom Cruiser Models
32769: - 1981 Oldsmobile Owner's Manual - Delta 88, Ninety-Eight and Custom Cruiser Models
32715: - Famous Monsters #148 - Oct. 1978 - Darth Vader Cover
16572: - Pit, Pet, Pat and the Naughty Giant
40243: - Black Diamond Gift Catalogue No. 15 and Book of Bonus Stamps
41974: - Clymer Yamaha 650cc Twins 1970-1982
40219: - Non-Ferrous Metal Deposits of C.I.S. Countries and Mongolia
16481: - The Mercedes-Benz Club Gazette September/October 1993
39140: - Report of the Mississauga Railway Accident Inquiry
40244: - By-Laws and Trade Rules - San Bernardino and Riverside Counties District Council of Carpenters and Joiners of America
40245: - Ritchie's Popular Book on Gardening
21625: - Baily's Hunting Directory 1966-1967
047986: - Radio Pictorial No. 101 December 20, 1935
26115: - A History of the Elks of Canada 1912-1987
24402: - 30 (Thirty) One-Evening Projects
12054: - Jaguar Autobook One - Service Manual for All Models 1946-1948
30281: - The Miracle Series of Modern Music Piano No. 5
40765: - Supervisors Kit - Golden Heroes Play-Aid No. 1
42176: - Life Magazine October 22, 1945 - Ohio State's Star Halfback Paul Sarringhaus
40746: - Adventurers Club - The Hero Games, Iron Crown Quarterly #7 Summer 1986
40745: - Adventurers Club - The Hero Games, Iron Crown Quarterly #8 Fall 1986
40744: - Adventurers Club - The Hero Games Quarterly #13 1989
40741: - Power Wagon Advertiser - Feb. 1989
40743: - Adventurers Club - The Hero Games Iron Crown Quarterly #9 Spring 1987
40740: - Power Wagon Advertiser - Jan. 1989
26391: - The Saturday Evening Post - Dec. 14, 1968
37749: - Victorian Fancies - A Tour of Discovery of Architectural Designs, Details and Delights
37722: - Trapline Lifeline
37411: - The Hydrologic Cycle and Its Role in Arctic and Global Environmental Change - A Rationale and Strategy for Synthesis Study
19105: - The Treasure
19130: - All About Pigs - Over 700 Questions Answered
36767: - Boatbuilder's International Directory
36769: - How to Fix Your Wooden Boat
36702: - Rage Against the Machine Live at the Grand Olympic Auditorium DVD
18972: - Bruce and His Troubles
18998: - Basic Power Plant Engineering
14006: - Professions
36026: - 25 (Twenty Five) Years - A Salute to 25 Years of Tubbing Tradition 1967-1991
34874: - Our Generation Vol. 13 No. 2 Spring 1979
30129: - Syntron Model F-44-C Vibratory Feeder - Instructions and Parts List
34350: - Ontario's Mines and Mineral Resources
34252: - The Art of Asian Costume
19224: - Kittens (A Sturdi-Contour Book #5518)
31664: - The Machray Review No. 3 May 1993
30301: - Instructions for Care and Operation of Model AC-125 Two-Stage Air-Cooled Portable Compressors
30302: - Periodic Maintenance and Circuit Checks - Charging Ignition and Cranking Systems
33306: - Chilton's Repair & Tune-Up Guide Chevrolet Mid-Size 1964-81 Chevelle 1964, Laguna S-3, Malibu 1978-91, Monte Carlo 1970-91, El Camino 1964-81
046736: - The Kelsey Papers
32701: - Outlaw Biker Presents Outlaw Legends - Fiction Built on Fact - Number 1 (One)
32307: - Toronto 2001 International Art Fair
30047: - A Textbook on Prospecting - Blowpiping, Mineralogy, assaying, Geology, Prospecting, Placer and Hydraulic Mining
19392: - Transactions of the Brome County Historical Society Vol III from Aug. 1910 to Nov. 1926
19393: - Transactions of the Brome County Historical Society Vol. II from 1901 to Aug. 1910
31558: - High-Tension Power Transmission
048036: - Electrical Conductors Handbook - Twelfth Edition
30002: - Man the Protector
38946: - British Columbia Lumber Trade Directory and Year Book 1967
38907: - Statutes of the Province of British Columbia Passed in the Session Held in the Forty-Fourth Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Being the Second Session of the Third Parliament of British Columbia
38881: - A Collection of the Public General statutes, Passed in the Seventh and Eighth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Fourth: Being the First Session of the Eighth Parliament
38871: - Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada Passed in the Thirty-Sixth Year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and in the First Session of the Second Parliament
38845: - Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada Passed in the Session Held in the First Year of the Reign of His Majesty King Edward VIII Being the First Session of the Eighteenth Parliament
38662: - Spirit of Change Spirit of Growth - A History of St. Joseph's Parish, Chemainus
37620: - Catalogue of the Books in the Liverpool Medical Institution Library
42136: - Preview 75 - Texas Art Gallery Adolphus Hotel, Dallas, Texas December 6 And 7, 1974
40686: - Richard Remembers - A History of Richard and the Following School Districts Badger Bluff, Bromley, Dominion, Ellastone, Etonia, Prolific, Richard, Tillotson, Turberville, Willow Springs
39178: - Manual of Wire for Manufacturing Purposes and Story of Making Steel and Wire
40275: - Moline Chains Manual and Catalog - Design Engineers Handbook
40276: - Concrete Pressure Pipe - AWWA No. M9
41397: - The Hungarian Chemical Industry
41402: - The Year Book of the Engineering Profession in British Columbia
20577: - Semiconductor Diode D.A.T.A. Book
22859: - The Big Dragon Hunt - Storybook 11
42585: - Cranbrook Heritage Report
40811: - Star Wars Live-Action Adventures
27393: - Little Pussy
42086: - Nampeyo, Hopi Potter - Her Artistry and Her Legacy
39087: - The Heights of Abraham - Matlock Bath - Derbyshire
40508: - The Year Book of the Forestry Profession in British Columbia
41720: - British North America Acts and Selected Statutes 1867-1943
40084: - The Dallas County Missouri Story (1841-1971)
39385: - Illuminated Brahminism, or the True Theosophy, Being an Explanation of the Original Doctrines of Ranga Hilyod, Often Called the Great Brahma
39451: - Working Lives: Vancouver 1886-1986
41682: - Dutch Franciscans and Their Missions - Volume 1: India and Pakistan
39639: - Emergencies in War
39643: - Small Fishing Vessel Safety Manual
047519: - The Language of Wood - Wood in Finnish Sculpture, Design and Architecture
40499: - Catalogue of Simplex Shingle Machines - Pamphlet 12
43084: - Shooting Black Powder Guns
32770: - 1986 Chevrolet Owner's Manual - Chevrolet Caprice
39382: - Tamaya Digital Navigation Computer NC-77 Instruction Manual
27640: - Play with Raggedy Andy
27642: - Fuel Injection and Tune-Up Procedures
39088: - Bottle Cutting and Decorating
43059: - Mixed Moss - the Journal of the Arthur Ransome Society Vol. 3 No. 2 Autumn 1997
43058: - Mixed Moss - the Journal of the Arthur Ransome Society Vol. 2 No. 2 Nov. 1995
26944: - Wireless and Electrical Cyclopedia
35769: - BSA Replacement Parts List - Model B44 Victor Special
40137: - Sound Into Sight
40135: - Sixth Paramount Song Folio with Words and Music
27058: - Princess Diana - Her Life in Words and Pictures
047160: - Davis Dam and Powerplant - Technical Record of Design and Construction
41957: - A Frontier Guide to Calgary to Medicine Hat
38944: - British Columbia Lumber Trade Directory and Year Book 1970
41707: - Photographs By L. G. Saunders, 1895-1968 - A Memorial
29081: - Northern Lights - No. 92 Christmas 1985
42033: - Reflections of Reciprocity and Beyond : Alida, Cantal, Auburnton, Nottingham [Saskatchewan] - Volume I
27097: - Nootka - Regreso a Una Historia Olvidada
24507: - Maintenance and Care of Hand Tools - Technical Manual TM 9-867
24515: - The WoodBook 80
24593: - Canadian Insulator Collector Vol. 3 Issue 4 - November 1994
24632: - Trouble Shooting Electric System - S8065
24703: - Incas Oro Del Peru
24734: - Cortina Shop Manual
43337: - Supercycle Magazine May 1985
39443: - Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Passed in the Sessions Held in the 52nd and 53rd Years of the Reign of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, Being the Fourth Session of the Twenty -Fourth Parliament
21056: - Carol and Her Pony
40260: - Alternative Sources of Energy - An Encyclopedic Report
40258: - Canada West Magazine Vol. 3 No. 3 Fall 1971 (Gold on Little Hixon, Old Fort Rupert, The K&S Railway)
40257: - B. C. Salt Water Salmon Guide
40254: - Port of Vancouver British Columbia, Canada - Canada's Front Door on the Pacific
40255: - Final Report - Royal Commission on State Health Insurance and Maternity Benefits 1932
40083: - Royal Army Service Corps Training - Vol. III Supplies
046438: - Mind's Eye: The Campbell River Drawings of Sybil Andrews
046439: - The Toronto Dominion Bank Collection of Canadian Art
047600: - Above and Beyond - The JR Shaw Family History in Life and Business 1819-2004
046897: - The Common Sense Cook Book
40126: - Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto Grade IV Pianoforte Examination
40208: - Aberdare: v. 2: Pictures from the Past
39442: - Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Passed in the Sessions Held in the 51st and 52nd Years of the Reign of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, Being the Third Session of the Twenty -Fourth Parliament
047627: - Hallam's Trappers Guide
39460: - Contour-Coloured World Map Series - South America
41513: - The Kootenay Bulletin Area - Bulletin Area No. 1
40173: - The Cheltenham Waistcoat
39690: - Coldstream Guards and the Black Watch - North American and Canadian Tour Sept. 15th - Dec. 7th, 1970
39691: - The Pipes, Drums and Bugles, Regimental Band and Dancers of the Royal Highland Fusiliers (Souvenir Program)
39168: - A-Z Sight-Seeing Map of England and Wales
39433: - Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Passed in the Sessions Held in the Second Year of the Reign of His Majesty, King Edward VII, Being the Third Session of the Twenty -Seventh Parliament of the United Kingdom
42180: - Look Magazine April 2, 1979 - Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner: Hollywood's Most Exciting Couple
39432: - Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Passed in the Sessions Held in the 53rd-54th & 54th-55th Years of the Reign of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, Being the Fifth and Sixth Sessions of the Twenty -Fourth Parliament
42182: - Look Magazine November 9, 1937 - Slum Child, Rudy Vallee, Sally Rand and Chicago Fire
42213: - Log Cabin Tales and Changing Trails - History of Choiceland and District
045833: - Gregory's Australian Fishing Guide
045456: - Fishing with Mr. Crabtree in All Waters
42174: - Life Magazine December 5, 1938 - Ballerina
43391: - Oregon Saw Chain Maintenance Manual
40190: - Canada at War and Peace, II: A Millennium of Military Heritage - Two Volume Set
048617: - StarCraft Wings of Liberty - Limited Edition Strategy Guide
40127: - Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto Grade VII Pianoforte Examination
43374: - True Romance Magazine Sept. 1973
43375: - True Confessions Magazine Oct. 1973
43338: - Supercycle Magazine May 1987
39436: - Acts of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada Relating to Criminal Law and to Precedure in Criminal Cases
39461: - Contour-Coloured World Map Series - Western Europe Automobile Map
8115: - Bertie and Betsie Have an Adventure
42421: - 1966 Ford Falcon Club Wagon Econoline and Recreational Vehicle Shop Manual
41755: - Canadian Literature No. 124-125 Spring-Summer, 1990 : Native Writers and Canadian Literature
41760: - BC Studies No. 101 Spring 1994 - The First Nations in British Columbia
39157: - Wire Rope and Fittings - Catalogue No. W. R. 42
39156: - Camp Sites and Roadside Parks in Ontario 1958
43366: - Custom Bike Choppers Magazine Aug. 1982
43367: - Rider - Motorcycling at Its Best Magazine Dec. 1988
43371: - Ideology and Co-Existence
43372: - True Story - A Woman's Guide to Love and Marriage Magazine June 1972
43373: - True Romance Magazine Dec. 1971
42005: - Under/Overdrive 2 Speed Transmissions Manual (GM, Ford and Dodge Systems)
42008: - Red River Insurgence 1869-70
40298: - Notes on Training for Air Raid Wardens
40299: - The Coquihalla Story
40301: - Geological Survey Map 17A Southern Vancouver Island
40302: - Geological Survery Map 42A Duncan Sheet
43765: - Building British Columbia - The Story of the Carpenters' Union and the trade Union Movement Since 1881
43814: - Glen Leslie Church - Centennial Celebration 1915-2015
43820: - Candy a Venise
43867: - Fishing Regulations in Canada's National Parks 1953
43948: - RCA Silicon Power Circuits Manual - Technical Series SP-50
43950: - 8020A Multimeter Instruction Manual
43951: - Sony Servicing Guide - Tapecorder Model 464
43957: - Vancouver the Golden Years 1900-1910
44041: - Sapulpa, Ok 74066 Volume One
44079: - The Official Foreign Service Institute Course of Cantonese Lessons
44080: - The Official Foreign Service Institute Course of Basic French Lessons
44081: - Uncanny Cats - Amazing Tales of Our Most Popular Pet
44136: - A Frontier Guide to Mystic Jasper and the Yellowhead Pass
44143: - Roger Williams Plays Great Motion Picture and Show Themes
44144: - Hurricane Carol Lashes Rhode Island August 31, 1954
44148: - Canada West Magazine Vol. 2 No. 4 Winter 1970
047376: - The Sooke Story - The History and the Heartbeat
44241: - Life Magazine -April 10, 1970
44248: - The Illustrated London News - June 27, 1970
44250: - B is for Basketball - An All Native Alphabet Book
047911: - Tales of Tache and its People - Book Five
44292: - The Art of Survival: Canadian Artists in Aid of Endangered Wildlife (La Survivance et l'art)
44333: - Man and Nickel
44367: - The Wesleyan Sunday-School Magazine and Journal of Education for the Year 1868 Vol. 3
44368: - The Kirk That Faith Built
44369: - Old Ballads
44374: - The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible - An Illustrated Encyclopedia - 5 Volume Set
44490: - Kootenay - British Columbia Heritage Series - Our Native Peoples Series 1 Volume 8
44512: - Aostra - A 15 Year Portfolio of Achievement
047248: - The Albernis Then and Now 1912-2012
6244: - A Book of Seasons
5R: - The Weeds of Ontario
620H: - The Polar Bear (Tales of the Sea)
6212: - Cinderella/How the Elephant Got it's Trunk
6260: - The Small World of Cooking
66H: - Pictorial Review of Prince Edward Island
682H: - The King's English Encyclopaedia
7897: - The Vain Little Mouse
8058: - Pit, Pet, Pat and the Kite
044647: SLOVACK M.A., SANDY - Hello, You're Fabulous!
41469: ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSORS EMERITI OF THE U OF A - Echoes in the Halls: An Unofficial History of the University of Alberta
1714H: WORKMAN, B.A. & AULT, SUSAN - What Happened Book One: B.C.
41378: DONG-A - Dong-A's English-Korean-Korean-English Dictionary
046623: ABBATE, JAYE; THOMSETT, MICHAEL - Celebrating the Art of Architecture: 25 Years of Pritzker Prize Winning Architects
045795: ABBOTT, CHARLES C. - Days Out of Doors
047324: ABERNATHY, ERNEST - Safari-Safari: Chasing the Big Five in Botswana and Tanzania, Africa
38456: ABNEY, LOUISE; ROWE, GRACE - Choral Speaking Arrangements for the Lower Grades
38454: ABNEY, LOUISE - Choral Speaking Arrangements for the Upper Grades
38455: ABNEY, LOUISE - Choral Speaking Arrangements for the Junior High
41711: ABRAHAM, DOROTHY - Hoots from a Brown Owl - Tu Whit Tu Whoo
048594: ABRAHAM, DOROTHY - Lone Cone - Life on theWest Coast of Vancouver Island
044887: ABRAHAM, TERRY - Mountains So Sublime: Nineteenth-Century British Travellers and the Lure of the Rocky Mountain West
048219: ACKINCLOSE, MURIEL JARVIS - For the Love of George: In Old Victoria and World War One
40800: MARK ACRES - Star Ace : Campaign Master's Screen featuring Ace in the Hole
40837: MARK ACRES - Star Ace : Campaign Master's Screen featuring Ace in the Hole
43125: ACTON, C. R. - Hunting for All
31399: ADAIR, L. H.; SANDERSON, T. J. - Seeing for Ourselves
045802: ADAMS, JOSEPH - Fifty Years Angling
38356: ADAMS, DAWN; MARKOWSKY, JEANNIE - The Queen Charlotte Islands Reading Series: A Teachers' Guide
045783: ROBERT J. ADAMS - Fish Cop
048192: ADAMS, ROBERT - The Place We Live - Three Volume Set
43953: ADAMS, HERBERT F. R. - Mathematics for Electricity - Problems and Study Guide to Adams: Technical Mathematics
13983: ADERNECK, STEPHEN E. - Stevie's Big Adventure : A Cosmic Healing Story
33599: HUNGRY WOLF, ADOLF & OKAN - Canadian Railway Stories
23331: HUNGRY WOLF, ADOLF & BEVERLY (COMPILED BY) - Blackfoot Craftworker's Book - Good Medicine No. 15
43710: AFANASIEV, A. N. - Ivan Korovavich: The Son of a Cow
43392: GREGORY AFTANDILIAN - Egypt's New Regime and the Future of the U.s.-Egyptian Strategic Relationship
10114: AGAPIT, MARC - L'heritage Du Diable
10113: AGAPIT, MARC - Le Pays Des Mutants
20662: BONAIR-AGARD, ROGER - ...In the Act of Naming (Lovers, Messiahs and Other Christian Things)
047797: D'AGATA, R.; CHROUSOS, G.P. - Recent Advances in Adrenal Regulation and Function /Ss0022 (Vol 40) (Serono Symposia Publications from Raven Press)
12450: , ILLUSTRATED BY EVALISA AGATHON - 35 (Thirty Five) Tales for Tiny Tots Told By Isabel
20171: AGELASTO, C. P. - Riding with BP
42712: ECHO STORYTELLING AGENCY - The Unforgettable Journey - Stories from Rocky Mountaineer
19141: MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES - Carnations Under Glass (Bulletin No. 151)
19142: MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES - Chrysanthemums (Bulletin No. 92)
20109: AHLSTRAND, ALAN - Datsun 200 SX 1977-1979 Shop Manual
27121: AHRENS, CORA B. - Rudiments of Music Book Two - Bass Clef
41567: AIKENS, W. E. - Homestead
046841: AITKEN, EDITH - Elementary Text Book of Botany
047805: AKHTARY, MUHAMMAD OSMAN - Afghanistan
2294H: AKLAND, TINA LOUISE, ILLUSTRATED BY AUTHOR - A Fishy Story: The Bear Facts (Adventures of Eugene Book 1)
046398: AKRIGG, G.P.V.; AKRIGG, HELEN B. - H.M.S. Virago in the Pacific 1851-1855
16677: ALBERS, VERNON M. - The World of Sound
44002: ALCOCK, RAY; LOWE, JIM - The Seagraph Vol. Two - San Juan Island to Gabriola Island Via Trincomali and Pylades Channels
44003: ALCOCK, RAY; LOWE, JIM - The Seagraph Vol.One - San Juan Island to Gabriola Via Sansum Narrows
047563: ALCOTT, LOUISA, MAY - Little Women
43532: ALDIN, CECIL - Just Among Friends
047486: ALDRICH, JOHN E. (ED.); LENTLE, BRIAN (ED.) - A New Kind of Ray : The Radiological Sciences in Canada, 1895-1995
32215: ALDWINCKLE, JO - Oshawa General Hospital
44265: ALLINSON, ALEC & BEVERLEY - Multipoems (Multi-Poems)
35858: ALEXANDER, PAUL - Sri Lankan Fishermen: Rural Capitalism and Peasant Society
34491: ALEXANDER, JOHN B. - Africa: Irregular Warfare on the Dark Continent
34490: ALEXANDER, JOHN B. - The Changing Nature of Warfare, the Factors Mediating Future conflict, and Implicaitons for SOF
28121: ALEXANDER, FLOYCE - Bottom Falling Out of the Dream
39852: ALFIERI, BIANCA MARIA - Islamic Architecture of The Indian Subcontinent
047614: ALI, AAMIR (EDITOR) - For Hills to Climb
35516: ALLAND, SANDRA - Proof of a Tongue
046831: ALLEN, GLADYS PEARL; LYONS, MARILYN (ALLEN) (COMPILED BY) - A Legacy of Love - A Collection of Poetry
047973: ALLEN, EULA - Before the Beginning
045083: ALLEN, JOHN LOGAN - Passage Through the Garden; Lewis and Clark and the Image of the American Northwest
28685: ALLEN, LINDA (RETOLD BY) - The Giant Who Had No Heart
37123: ALLEN, JOAN - The Organization of Small Libraries
045435: ALLEN, EDWARD W. - Dancing Tails and Other Fishy Jingles
36605: ALLEN, HARRY - Hanging Tough : Memories of a Central Coast Gillnetter 1952-1992
39006: ALLEN, ROBERT THOMAS - What Do You Do Here? I'm Chariman of the Board
33509: ALLEN, GEORGE; OWENS, JOHN - The Life History of Douglas Fir
047730: ALLEN, BARBARA - Homesteading the High Desert
43024: ALLEN, CLIFFORD M. - Geology of the Western Bear Lake Area - Oxford Lake Mining Division Manitoba Publication 52-4
41462: ALLEN, HARRY - Hanging Tough : Memories of a Central Coast Gillnetter 1952-1992
43026: ALLEN, CLIFFORD M. - Geology of the Cotton lake Area - Cross Lake Mining Division Manitoba Publication 53-2
1655H: ALLEN, TOM - The Quest a Report on Extraterrrestrial Life
048578: ALLEN, RICHARD - The Social Passion: Religion and Social Reform in Canada 1914-1928
25355: ALLEN, ADAM - Dynamo Farm - A 4-H Story
42619: GEORGE ALLEN - Timeless Shore
22074: ALLEN, J. ROSS - The Best of Few Words - Sneers and Tears Laughs and Leers - Vol. I
15910: ALLEN, HAZEL, ILLUSTRATED BY ROGER DUVOISIN - The Little Church on The Big Rock
40274: ALLEN, F. E. "ED - High-strain / Thin Kerf
048211: ALLEN, MARTY - Cordelia
40688: ALLEY, NEVILLE F.; THOMSON, BRUCE - Aspects of Environmental Geology, Part of Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands - Bulletin No. 2
41752: ALLEY, ELSPETH - Call Me Ted
37165: ALLIX, HEREWARD - Rear View Mirror
42226: HEREWARD ALLIX - In the Face of the Enemy
26725: ALLIX, HEREWARD - Rear View Mirror
40787: ALLT, TONY; ROBSON, BRIAN - Onward and Upward - York Place to Varndean 1184-1975
35865: ALMSTEAD, FRANCES; TUTHILL, F. R. L. - Radio Materiel Guide
37351: ALN, GLEN - Notable Northerners
37352: ALN, GLEN - People and Places of Northumberland
047913: ALOFF, BRENDA - Canine Body Language - A Photographic Guide
048390: ALSFORD, STEPHEN (EDITOR) - The Meta Incognita Project: Contributions to Field Studies
40896: ALSOP, M. H. - The Population of Natal (Natal Regional Survey Vol. 2)
045786: ALTMAN, HEIDI M. - Eastern Cherokee Fishing
20030: ALVAREZ, MANUEL - Seven Years at Sea
18894: AMBROSE, KAY - Beginners, Please! - A Concentrated Primer for Ballet Students of all Ages
43812: AMBROSE, LINDA M. - A Great Rural Sisterhood - Madge Robertson Watt and the ACWW
046211: AMBROSI, JOSEPH GRAHAM - Fly fishing the Canadian Rockies
36410: CHINESE SHAR-PEI CLUB OF AMERICA - Book of Champions
35109: AMERY, L. S. - A Balanced Economy
40664: AMOORE, JOHN; JOHNSTON, JAMES; RUBIN, MARTIN - The Visual Cortex of the The Stereochemical Theory of Odor (Scientific American Offprint No. 297)
045518: AMOS, ROBERT - Harold Mortimer-Lamb: The Art Lover
35360: AMOS, DAVID W. - Mosquito Control Suva, Fiji - Training Manual
44409: AMOS, ROBERT - Victoria - Another View
37734: AMOSS, HARRY - Canadian Neighbours
24259: AMUNDSEN, SVERRE S. - Italienergutten Som Oppfant Den Tradlose
048304: AMUNDSEN, CAPTAIN ROALD; ELLSWORTH, LINCOLN - First Crossing of the Polar Sea
048230: ORDER OF SHAOLIN CH'AN - The Shaolin Grandmasters' Text: History, Philosophy, and Gung Fu of Shaolin Ch'an
41628: ANAHAREO - Devil in Deerskins: My Life with Grey Owl
047894: ANAHAREO - Devil in Deerskins
044941: ANDERSEN, MARNIE - Women of the West Coast - Then and Now
18451: ANDERSEN, BENNY - The Pillows
41573: ANDERSON, FRANK (EDITOR) - Sagas of the Canadian West - Featuring Famous Indian Outlaws Vol. 1 No. 4
39034: ANDERSON, FRANK - Regina's Terrible Tornado
41330: ANDERSON, FRANK W. - Riel's Saskatchewan Rebellion
15324: ANDERSON, MILDRED - Original Creations with Papier Mache
046588: ANDERSON, L. A. - Hunting, Fishing, and Camping
044924: ANDERSON, J. K. - Hunting in the Ancient World
046349: ANDERSON,GARY - Atlantic Salmon Fact and Fantasy
38681: ANDERSON, FRANK - Hillcrest 1914 - Canada's Worst Mine Disaster
38223: ANDERSON, FRANK. W. - The Dead and the Dying Ghost Towns of South East Alberta (The Ghost Towns Journal Volume Two)
37610: ANDERSON, DON - Oil Seekers
046728: ANDERSON, J. W. - Fur Trader's Story
33049: ANDERSON, MARY - Progress of Madness - Saltspring Island - My Mulligatawny and Unpublished Poems
046357: ANDERSON, BERN - Surveyor of the Sea - The Life and Voyages of Captain George Vancouver
40561: ANDERSON, HEIDE; SCHOFIELD, CATHY - Protecting the Environment: What One Person Can Do
046839: ANDERSON, ROBERT T. - The Old Timer and Other Poems
048538: ALLAN ANDERSON - Remembering Leacock: An Oral History
047780: ANDERSON, DONALD W. - Hockey That Changed the World and Me: The Story of Great Canadian Teams of the 1930's, 40's & 50's
045436: ANDERSON,GARY - Atlantic Salmon Fact and Fantasy
046473: ANDERSON, CHELSIE; BALZER, DONNA - Three Year Gardener's Gratitude Journal: Part Diary, Part Personal Growing Guide
047817: ANDERSON, SANDRA; STAUGARD, FRANTS - Traditional Midwives (Traditional Medicine in Botswana)
39806: ANDERSON, WILLIAM - The Sport of Pigeon Racing
41986: ANDERSON, YOHANN (COMPILED BY) - The Tune Book Songs
41963: ANDERSON, EDWARD; TESKEY, WILLIAM (EDITORS) - Proceedings of the Fourth Canadian Symposium on Mining Surveying and Deformation Measurements
048547: ANDERSON, JAMES F. - Outlaw Pilot : True Adventures of Jimmy Midnight Anderson
047774: ANDERSON, GEORGE - Kingston-On-Spey
42701: ANDERSON, E. L.; COLLIER, P. (EDITED BY WHITNEY CASPAR) - Riding and Driving
16284: ANDERSON, MARY - Progress of Madness - Saltspring Island - My Mulligatawny and Unpublished Poems
41858: ANDREW, DAVID A. - The Hereford in Canada 1860-1960
37379: ANDREWES, BULLOCK, DOUGLAS, ET AL - Diphtheria Its Bacteriology, Pathology and Immunology
048400: ANDREWS, THOMAS D.; MACKAY, GLEN; ANDREW, LEON - Hunters of the Alpine Ice the Nwt Ice Patch Study
16096: ANDREWS, RALPH W. - Heroes of the Western Woods
42901: ANDREWS, M. H. - The Story of a Little Crab
35831: ANDREWS, CAPTAIN W. D. - The Lifeboat and Other Poems
34419: ANDREWS, G. SMEDLEY - Sir Joseph William Trutch K.C.M.G., C.E., L.S., F.R.G.S. 1826-1904 - A Memorial Apropos the 1871-1971 Centenary of British Columbia's Confederation with Canada
16519: ANDREWS, WILLIAM PAGE - Goethe's Key to Faust (A Scientific Basis for Religion and Morality and for a Solution of the Enigma of Evil)
16834: ANDREWS, A. A. - The Cannonball Cattle Company
21815: ANDREWS, MARK - Body Rub
28122: ANDREWS, AGNES TOEWS - Garbage and Flowers : My Year's Sojourn in the Holy Land: Chronicles of the Mind and Emotions: Multi-Dimentional Journeys and a Travelogue
44039: ANDRIC, OLIVERA; JONES, PETER (EDITORS) - Island Impressions - An Anthology of Canadian Verse
41488: ANDRIEUX, J. P. - Shipwreck! Marine Misadventure in Story and Picture Along the Rocky Shores and Shoals of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
047808: ANDRUFF, NICK - Now What?
793H: ANGLEMAN, JACK - Upper Bracket Sex
048302: SCIENTIFIC ANGLERS - To Cast a Fly - a step-by-step guide for the modern angler
44189: ANGOFF, CHARLES - Summer Storm
44578: ANKER, DANIEL (EDITOR) - Eiger: The Vertical Arena
22418: DE LA FONTAINE, JEAN; LEWIS ANN & PETERS, PAERL - The Raven and the Fox/The Vain Rich Man and the Sly Tinker
048652: BETTY ANNAND - Voices From Bevan
047060: ANNAND, BETTY - Voices from Courtenay Past
048352: LAURENS, ANNEKE AND JEAN-MARC - Deep River, Ontario: A perfect place for perfect people?
047761: ANNESLEY, MICHAEL - Spy Against the Reich
34479: ANONYMOUS - Gil's Scrapbook - A Collection of Anonymous Verses Presented in Aid of March of Dimes
39539: ANTELLE, YVONNE - Do You Fear Poverty? Honest Ed Welcomes You
41283: ANTHONY, PHILLIP - Locks, Keys, and Closures
29723: ANTHONY, ELLIOTT (EDITOR) - Caribbean Sun - Nov. 1981 - A Magazine of the Caribbean Islands
41441: ANTHONY, J. E. - The Birth of the United States
047811: ANTHY, I. - Mess-Girl
047524: ANTONSON, HANS; JANSSON, ULF - Agriculture and Forestry in Sweden Since 1900 - Geographical and Historical Studies: 54 (SOLMED)
41965: APLIN, C. L.; ARGALL, GEORGE (EDITORS) - Tailing Disposal Today: Proceedings of the First International Tailing Symposium
20535: APPEL, WILLIAM - Sing Now No Sad Songs
048399: APPELT, MARTIN - Oqaluttuaq 2 - The Ermine
047728: APPLEBY, EDNA - Canmore - The Story of an Era
34250: APPLETON, JOHN - The Civil Aircraft Registers of Great Britain 1919-1985
047826: ARAKAKI, KIYOSHI - The Secrets of Okinawan Karate: Essence and Techniques
046997: ARAMILEV, IVAN - Beyond the Ural Mountains
13414: ARCHER, ROBERT - Vietnam: The Habit of War
047558: ARCHIBALD, JO-ANN - Indigenous Storywork: Educating the Heart, Mind, Body, and Spirit
40753: ARENSBERG, S.; DENNIS, D. - Rules of Warfare (Silent Death, the Next Millennium)
12073: ARETINO, JR. - Roman Hookers
38517: ARGUINZONI, SONNY - Once a Junkie
047755: STRUGATSKI, ARKADI AND BORIS - The Final Circle of Paradise
10117: ARLY, DOMINIQUE - L'immonde Banshee
10116: ARLY, DOMINIQUE - Les Abominables
23238: ARMINGTON, RALPH; VOLZ, CARL - An Introduction to Electric Circuit Analysis
046571: ARMISTEAD, J. J. - A Handy Guide to Fish Culture
44288: ARMITAGE, DOREEN - From the Wheelhouse: Tugboaters Tell Their Own Stories
048289: ARMOUR, MARGARET - The Impostor (Imposter) and the Poodle
30387: ARMSTRONG, RINALDO WILLIAM - The Salt of the Earth
23846: ARMSTRONG, CLARA - My Rosary of Friendships and Other Poems
048261: ARMSTRONG, HENRY - Gloves, Glory and God
42127: ARMSTRONG, JOHN - A Series of Dogs
41685: ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM C. - The Lundy Family and Their Decendants of Whatsoever Surname: With a Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Lundy
044936: ARMSTRONG, SEAN; CORBEIL, CAROLE [EDITORS] - A Corner in Each Life: Contemporary Canadian stories (Reflections in Fiction)
047881: ARMSTRONG, AUDREY - The Blacksmith of Fallbrook : The Story of Walter Cameron, Blacksmith, Woodcarver, Raconteur
10136: ARNAUD, G. J. - Le Commander et Le Vigile
10137: ARNAUD, G. J. - Trio Infernal Pour Le Commander
10129: ARNO, MARC - S Comme Espion
30221: ARNOLD, RICHARD - The Complete Guide to Shotguns
26037: ARNOLD, JAY (EDITOR) - Very First Method (Hansen's Very First Clarinet Method)
26061: ARNOLD, FOWLER, HALL - That's How Much I Love You
046569: ARNOV, BORIS - Fishing for Everyone
048645: ARTHURS, HORACE - The Last Wooden Spar
32363: ARTMANN, BULLOCK, DUCORNET - Contemporary Surrealist Prose - Volume One
048102: ELIZABETH FOUNDATION FOR THE ARTS - History of the Arts in White Rock
38146: ASHBY, SABRINA - Life Lived
044727: ASHER, JAY - Sunny Boy
045741: ASHIZAWA, KAZUHIRO - Fly Fishing - Knowledge and Equipment
44525: ASHLEE, TED - Gabby, Ernie and me: A Vancouver boyhood
44526: ASHLEE, TED - Gabby, Ernie and me: A Vancouver Boyhood
048572: ASHLEY, MARLET - The Right Kind of Crazy
38319: ASHTON, JOHN - The Fleet - Its River, Prison, and Marriages
28785: ASHWORTH, KIVELL (EDITORS) - Land, Water and Sky - European Environmental Planning
37789: ASHWORTH, A. H. (TED) - Told the Way it Was - A Derbyshire Lad Turned International
21297: ASIMOV, ISAAC; WHITE, FRANK - Think about Space : Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going? (Think Ser.)
39574: ASSAF, W. - And the Winds Blew
34286: ASSAGIOLI, ROBERTO - Dynamic Psychology and Psychosynthesis
046930: REVELSTOKE SENIOR CITIZENS ASSN - Pioneers of Revelstoke
23083: MICHAEL BRUCE ASSOCIATES - The Best of the Corvette Restorer, 1953-1967
44004: CANADIAN AUTHORS ASSOCIATION - Seasons of Children - A Collection of Special Moments
7855: B. C. HOME ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION - Cooking the Metric Way
047403: ASTILL, LIZ - A Little Off Course
045749: ASTON, GEORGE (SOUTHCOTE) - Mostly About Trout
43967: ATKIN, ROBERT C. - Prairie Tales and Passed Time
41476: ATKINSON, RON - To Hold Awhile
43159: JOHN L ATLEE - Perioperative Cardiac Dysrhythmias: Mechanisms, Recognition, Management
046594: ATTENBOROUGH, DAVID; FULLER, ERROL - Drawn From Paradise: The Discovery, Art and Natural History of the Birds of Paradise
048403: MARGARET ATWOOD - Murder in the Dark: Short Fictions and Prose Poems
045522: ATWOOD, MARGARET; BEAULIEU, VICTOR-LEVY - Two Solitudes: Conversations
41698: ATWOOD, MAE - Border Gold
44482: AUBLET, YVES - Deauville (English Version)
42395: WALKER'S AUCTIONS - Inuit Art and First Nations Art - May 3, 2014 Ottawa
44291: AUDAIN, JAMES - Alex Dunsmuir's Dilemma
43964: AUDETTE, APRIL - Two Cats and a Dog
045203: AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES - Audubon's Masterpieces: 150 Prints from the Birds of America
045772: AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES; BLAUGRUND, ANNETTE; STEBBINS, THEODORE E., JR. - John James Audubon: The Watercolors for the Birds of America
047807: AUGER, GERMAINZ. - T-Fording Around the Farms
37965: AULD, W. H.; STEIN, H. L. - The Guidance Worker
41781: AUSTEN, KEITH - Bullswool and Barbed Wire
41780: AUSTEN, KEITH - More Bullswool and Barbed Wire
047265: AUSTEN, A.W. (EDITOR) - Teachings of Silver Birch
045793: AUSTIN, A. B. (COLLECTED BY) - An Angler's Anthology
26054: AUSTIN, GENE - Under the Spell of a Voodoo Drum
34990: MINNEHAHA CO-OP WOMEN'S AUXILLIARY - Tales and Trails 1893-1979
14856: AVIS, WARREN E. - The Art of Sharing
41801: RICHARD H. AXSOM - Beyond the Plane: The Relief Paintings of Judith Rothschild
38081: J. T.; R. B. (REVISED BY) - The Ark of the Convenant - Notes of Meetings in Belfast, April, 1922
755H: SWEAZEY. T.B. - Profits from Hoarded Gold
41909: BRUCE E BABBITT - Color and Light: The Southwest Canvases of Louis Akin,
41910: BRUCE E BABBITT - Color and Light: The Southwest Canvases of Louis Akin,
26065: BABBITT, MARY JANE - In a Garden of Roses
048666: BABCOCK, HAVILAH - My Health is Better in November
045225: BABCOCK, HAVILAH - Tales of Quails 'n Such
046200: BABSON, STANLEY M. - Bonefishing
44142: BACH, J. S.; LANGRISH, VIVIAN - Eighteen Selected Pieces from A Little Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach
35221: BACHRACH, KAYE, CHAYEN (EDITORS) - Advances in Polyamine Research Volume 4
40480: BACKMAN, CHARLES A.; WAGGENER, THOMAS R. - Soviet Timber Resources and Utilization: An Interpretation of the 1988 National Inventory
43208: BACON, REGINALD - The Dover Patrol - 2 Vol. Set
047135: BADGER, CURTIS J. - Bird Carving Basics: Tools
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26015: BADINO, MARY JANE - French Verbs 1 (Record and Book Set)
44169: JOAN BAGNEL - Gone the Rainbow, Gone the Dove
047988: GEORGE HILLS; ROBERTA L. BAGSHAW - No Better Land: The 1860 Diaries of the Anglican Colonial Bishop George Hills
048485: PAUL VON BAICH - Light in the Wilderness
42444: BAIKIE, WALLACE - Rolling with the Times
43779: BAIKIE, WALLACE (COMPILER) - From Gypo to B.T.O: The First Twenty Five Years of the Truck Loggers Association of British Columbia
26417: BAILEY, MELVILLE - The History of Dundurn Castle and Sir Allan MacNab
35332: BAILEY, HAMILTON - Emergency Surgery (Issued in Five Parts)
31733: BAILEY, DON - Replay
43033: BAILLIE, ANDREW D. - Ordovician Geology of Lake Winnipeeg and Adjacent Areas Publication 51-6
43032: BAILLIE, ANDREW D. - Devonian Geology of Lake Manitoba - Lake Winnipegosis Area Publication 49-2
43030: BAILLIE, ANDREW D. - Silurian Geology of the Interlake Area Manitoba Publication 50-1
37725: BAIN, DAVID (EDITOR) - British Columbia - The Magic Mine
37726: BAIN, DAVID (EDITOR) - British Columbia - The Magic Mine
045791: BAINBRIDGE, W. G. - The Fly-Fisher's Guide to Aquatic Flies and their Imitations
31035: BAINBRIDGE, JIM - The Beginning Fly Tyer Instruction Book
048069: BAIRD, D. M. - Waterton Lakes National Park - Lakes Amid the Mountains
044704: DONAL M. BAIRD - Under Tow: A History of Tugs and Towing
048071: BAIRD, D. M. - Jasper National Park - Behind the Mountains and Glaciers
048070: BAIRD, D. M. - Yoho National Park - The Mountains, the Rocks, the Scenery
048239: IAN BAIRD - An Historical Guide to Canadian Pacific Railway Stations in British Columbia
048325: BAIRD, DONAL M. - Under Tow: A History of Tugs and Towing
34706: BAIRD, GEORGE - Art Work on Toronto
048068: BAIRD, D. M. - Banff National Park - How Nature Carved Its Splendour
41112: STANLEY-BAKER, JOAN - Mokuhan: The Woodcuts of Munakata & Matsubara
045766: BAKER, R. PALMER - The Sweet of the Year
26770: BAKER, EUNICE RUITER - Searching for Your Ancestors in Canada
047708: GARTH BAKER - Thirty-Two Years Trapping the Swan Hills
045275: BAKER, J. E. - Corbett Lake Diaries: Stories for the Fireside Angler
36101: BAKER, ARTHUR (COMPILED BY) - The American Esperanto Book
26364: BAKER, SUSAN; JEHLICKA, PETR (EDITORS) - Dilemmas of Transition: The Environment, Democracy and Economic Reform in East Central Europe
32725: BAKEWELL, JACK - TNT BC : Temporize Not Terrorize BC
32537: BAKEWELL, JACK - TNT BC : Temporize Not Terrorize BC
15111: BAKEWELL, JACK - TNT BC : Temporize Not Terrorize BC
44474: BALAWYDER, A. - The Winnipeg General Strike
20718: BALDINI, ET AL (EDITORS) - ASTM Standards for Corrosion Testing of Metals
23328: BALDRY, BETTY - Home: The True School
20832: BALDRY, BETTY - Home: The True School - Beyond the Painted Windows
14015: BALDWIN, PAT - Trouble at Littleford (Streatley Family Book 2)
048162: BALDWIN, BEULAH - The Long Trail: The Story of a Pioneer Family
41202: BALE, JEFFREY M. - Jihadist Cells and 'IED' Capabilities in Europe: Assessing the Present and Future Threat to the West
048196: BALF, MARY - Kamloops: 1914-1945
38306: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - October 1960
38304: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - August 1960
38298: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - June 1961
38295: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - October 1961
38292: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - August 1968
38293: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - June 1968
38265: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - February 1962
38266: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - January 1962
38262: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - June 1962
38254: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - January 1960
38267: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - July 1969
31966: BALL, KENNETH - Volkswagen Beetle 1968-74 Autobook
38300: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - May 1963
38269: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - December 1968
38312: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - September 1963
38311: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - February 1960
38310: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - March 1960
38313: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - September 1963
38309: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - April 1960
38308: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - May 1960
38305: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - November 1960
38294: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - April 1968
38291: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - July 1968
38290: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - January 1970
38299: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - December 1961
38263: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - May 1962
38264: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - March 1962
38297: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - July 1961
38296: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - August 1961
38278: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - October 1963
38276: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - December 1963
38277: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - January 1964
38288: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - January 1969
38286: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - December 1969
38287: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - July 1970
38285: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - August 1970
38283: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - May 1968
38284: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - January 1968
38274: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - February 1969
38273: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - May 1969
38270: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - April 1969
38268: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - December 1967
38259: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - September 1962
38255: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - November 1967
38256: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - November 1961
38257: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - September 1961
38258: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - November 1962
38301: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - December 1959
38271: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - March 1969
38272: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - October 1969
38302: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - December 1960
38303: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - June 1960
38289: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - September 1968
38275: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - February 1963
38279: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - January 1963
38564: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - October 1967
24843: BALL, BRIAN - Jackson's Holiday
38260: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - August 1962
38307: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - September 1960
38281: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - March 1968
38282: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - February 1968
38280: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - Septermber 1967
38261: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - July 1962
38252: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - March 1961
38253: BALL, VIC (EDITOR) - Grower Talks - January 1961
44281: BALLIET, WHITNEY - Dinosaurs in The Morning
35886: DE BALZAC, H. - The Country Doctor - The Quest of the Absolute and Other Stories
28038: BAMBER, MARGARET DAVIDSON - Beyond the Stile
047872: BAMMAN, HENRY; WHITEHEAD, ROBERT - Fire on the Mountain
047873: BAMMAN, HENRY; WHITEHEAD, ROBERT - Flight to the South Pole
38711: BANCROFT, M. F. - Zeballos Mining District and Vicinity, British Columbia
048690: BANDONI, R. J.; SZCZAWINSKI, A. F. - Guide to Common Mushrooms of British Columbia
43127: BANG, ELEONORE E. - Leathercraft for Amateurs
39267: BANHAM, F. L.; ARRAND, J. C. - Recognition and Life History of the Major Insect and Allied Pests of Vegetables in British Columbia
25681: BANISTER, LISA - A La Hauteur Du Defi
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40692: BANTOCK, MILES - On Many Greens
046440: BANTOCK, NICK - Urgent 2nd Class
046029: BARANI, PIERRE - Guide pratique du parfait pêcheur à la mouche
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046661: BARBEAU, JACQUES - A Journey with E.J. Hughes: One Collector's Odyssey
40392: TREVES-BARBER, HENRY - The Treatment of Varicose Veins of the Lower Extremities By Injections
046433: BARBER, JOEL D. - 'Long Shore
30613: BARCLAY, J. B. - The Tounis Scule - The Royal High School of Edinburgh
28664: BARDECKI, MICHAL; PATTERSON, NANCY (EDITORS) - Wetlands: Inertia or Momentum - Proceedings of a Conference Held in Toronto, Ontario Oct. 21-22, 1988
41523: BARGERY, MARY; FISSEL, JANET - Picture Hinton, Entrance, Brule, and Cadomin
044899: BARK, CONRAD VOSS - The Dry Fly: Progress Since Halford
044868: BARK, CONRAD VOSS - The Dry Fly: Progress Since Halford
045484: BARKER, THOMAS - Barker's Delight, or The Art of Angling
046402: BARKER, BURT (EDITOR) - Letters of Dr. John McLoughlin
42311: BARKER, TERRY - Last Chance This Life: A Hundred Letters
048577: N.L.BARLEE - The Guide To Gold Panning In British Columbia (Gold Regions, Methods of Mining & Other Data)
047523: BARMAN, JEAN - Stanley Park's Secret: The Forgotten Families of Whoi Whoi, Kanaka Ranch and Brockton Point
17243: BARNARD, JACK - The Hump - The Incredible Courage of War Weary Men in the Last Evacuation of Burma
40231: BARNARD, JOHN L. - The Butchart Gardens - A Pictorial Study
048350: BARNES, HOWARD - Backyard Boatyard
044930: BARNES, DUNCAN; ETC. - History of Winchester Firearms, 1869-1980
29344: BARNES, W. EMERY - The Forgivenesses of Jesus Christ
31458: BARNES, DAVID - Black Pearls of Wisdom
43132: BARNES, SHEILA - Sudden Success - The Story of a Show Jumping Team
36874: BARNESBY, G. J. - The Canary: Its management, Habits, Breeding, and Training with Directions for Preparing Snow Birds
39788: BARNETT, DON C.; KNIGHT, LOWRY R. - The Hutterite People (People of our land)
26454: VAN BARNEVELD, OGILVIE, RAFIQ, HARCOMBE - An Illustrated Key to Common Grass Genera of the Festucoideae (Fescue Subfamily) of British Columbia
26453: VAN BARNEVELD, OGILVIE, RAFIQ, HARCOMBE - An Illustrated Key to Common Grass Genera of the Festucoideae (Fescue Subfamily) of British Columbia
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40158: BARON, ANNE - The Story of Thorpe Bassett Village
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048140: BARR, ELINOR - Silver Islet: Striking It Rich in Lake Superior
15691: BARR, JAMES (CAPTAIN) - Ferry Across the Harbor - The Story of the North Vancouver Ferries
38558: BARR, JAMES (CAPTAIN) - Ferry Across the Harbor - The Story of the North Vancouver Ferries
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17993: BARR, CATHRINE - Little Ben
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047455: BARRETT, HARRY; COONS, CLARENCE F. - Alligators of the North: The Story of the West & Peachey Steam Warping Tugs
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36834: BARRY, KEN - The Love Itch
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20865: BARTH, RICHARD - A Ragged Plot
047045: BARTHAS, LOUIS - Poilu: The World War I Notebooks of Corporal Louis Barthas, Barrelmaker, 1914-1918
34400: BARTLETT, BRUCE - Think and Link : Advanced Reading and Writing Activities for English-as-a-Second-Language Students
045057: BARTON, E. A. - An Album of the Chalk Streams
14927: BARTON, HELEN - Laughs and Sighs from Sunny Skies
38128: BARTOO, OSBORN, WILLERDING - Algebra Second Course
047943: GORDON BARTSCH - Lady On A Pedestal
28511: BARZ, CROWLEY, CROWLEY, WHARTON - Trails to the Shuswap
34560: BASCH, DAVID - The Hidden Shakespeare
44042: BASHIR, MIR - Palmistry (Dell Purse Book Edition)
044821: BASHLINE, CHANDLER, DUBOIS, ET AL - There's No Fishing Like Fly Rod Fishing
046110: BASHLINE, L. JAMES - Atlantic Salmon Fishing
047791: BASQUE, GARNET - Frontier Days in British Columbia
19660: BASS, JACK - How to Send your Money Out to Work
38553: BASSETT, JOHN M - Samuel Cunard (The Canadians)
29031: BATER, A. B. - Lessons on the Holy Communion Service
046201: BATES, JOSEPH D. - Trout Waters and How to Fish Them
044940: BATES, CHUCK - Depression: The Crucial Role of Nutrition
046118: BATES, JOESPH D. - Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing
045101: BATES, L. VERNON - Artificial Flies - How to Tie Them
047693: BATES, CHRISTINA; DODD, DIANNE; ROUSSEAU, NICOLE (EDITORS) - On All Frontiers: Four Centuries of Canadian Nursing
37298: BATHGATE, D. A. - Doctor in the Sticks
30380: BATHURST, LEE (EDITOR) - Sharing - A Journal of Christian Healing - August 1973
33696: BATTELL, GESSER, ROSE, SAWYER, TWISS - Hardwired for Hope - Effective ABE/Literacy Instructors
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39384: BATTEN, JACK - Canada Moves Westward 1880/ 1890
26220: BATTERSHILL, NORMAN - Drawing Landscapes
31257: BAUCHMAN, ROSEMARY - Evelyn's Guiding Stars
44354: BAUER, ARTHUR O. F - Making Mission Happen: Year-Round Program of Education for Mission in the Local Church and Community
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28547: BAYLEY, THOMAS - A Pocket Book for Chemists
30373: BAYNE, STEPHEN - The Cross Completes Us
048488: BAYNE, MARIE - Toy Soldiers
44486: BAYNE, ALFRED V. - A Candle on the Coast, 1944-1994: A Fiftieth Anniversary History of the Pacific Coast Children's Mission and Camp Homewood
18348: BAYNES, SYDNEY - Destiny (Sheet Music) - Piano Solo
045487: BB - Confessions of a Carp Fisher
047462: EVELYN C. WHITE; PHOTOS BY JOANNE BEALY - Every Goodbye Ain't Gone
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26885: BEAN, HAZEL - Songs of the Hills - Cowboy Poetry
37598: BEARD, JULIA - Your Place or Mine?
41864: BEARDSLEY, DOUG - Going Down Into History
34410: BEARE, STEPHEN S. - Relative Abundance and Habitat Relationship of Clethrionomys Rutilus in the South-Central Yukon Territory
045533: BEATTY, AL; BEATTY, GRETCHEN - Innovative Flies and Techniques
37434: BEAUDETTE, F. R. (EDITOR) - Psittacosis - Diagnosis Epidemiology and Control
35063: DE BEAUFORT, J. M. - Behind the German Veil
43839: BEAULIEU, ANDRE; MORLEY, WILLIAM - La Province De Quebec (Canadian Local History) (v. 2)
34380: BEAUMONT, DAVID W. - The Boat That Wouldn't Sink
40458: BEBEL, AUGUST - Speeches of August Bebel - Voices of Revolt Volume 6
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046376: BECK, ALISON; BINETTI, MARIANNE - Annuals for British Columbia
37664: BECKETT, DENIS - The Fallacy of Heroes
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20071: BECKWITH, LILLIAN - Beautiful Just! And Bruach Blend
10324: BEDDOES, DICK - Dick Beddoes' Greatest Hockey Stories
047578: BEEBE, FRANK - Field Studies of the Falconiformes of British Columbia - Vultures, Hawks, Falcons, Eagles
048271: BEEBE, WILLIAM - Pheasants - Their Lives and Homes Vol. 1
045194: BEEBE, FRANK - Field Studies of the Falconiformes of British Columbia - Vultures, Hawks, Falcons, Eagles
42077: JOE BEELER - The Joe Beeler Sketch Book
046674: A. CHARLES BEGG; NEIL C. BEGG - Dusky Bay: In The Steps of Captain Cook
046805: BEHRENS, DAVID W. - Pacific Coast Nudibranchs: A Guide to the Opisthobranchs of the Northeastern Pacific
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43506: BEIRNE, BRYAN P. - Collecting, Preparing and Preserving Insects
40666: VON BEKESY, GEORG - The Ear (Scientific American Offprint No. 44)
048337: LE BEL, PAULINE - Whale in the Door
34793: BELANGER, STEPHANIE; DAVIS, KAREN (EDITORS) - Transforming Traditions - Women, Leadership and the Canadian Nave, 1942-2010
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