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181496: - Defence Analysis : Volume 8 Number 1. April 1992
181497: - Defence Analysis : Volume 6 Number 1. March 1990
223856: - Nature: A Weekly Journal of Science : Volume 177,2 April 7 to June 30, 1956
099760: - "Kunst Und Prophetie" Franz-Kafka-Symposion Juni 1979 in Klosterneuburg
224287: - African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society, Volume 107 Number 428 July 2008
168824: - Irish Historical Studies Vol XXXIV No 136
021860: - Warne's Large Type Ready Reckoner
157600: - What
171691: - Neuroscience Volume 56 Number 2
100791: - Political Communication: Volume 16, Number 3, July-September 1999
264058: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 16 No. 2 Winter 1999
432850: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 126: Estudios de Historia Venezolana
301032: - Impressionist and Modern Art Including Property From Collection of Jean-Yves Mock
436000: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, Vol. XXI
150407: - Bullettin of the Insitute of Historical Research: Alphabetical Table of Contents Volumes I-XXV (1923-1952)
431318: - Artcurial: Estampes et Livres Illustres: Mercredi 3 Juin 2015, Paris
182412: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (Fifth Series; Volume 17)
264152: - Japanese Prints and Illustrated Books: London: Wednesday 18th December 1991
172668: - Sotheby's Voyages and Travels from the Library of David Parsons, 11 December 2007
172655: - Sotheby's London - Travel, Atlases, Maps and Natural History
172663: - Sotheby's Old Master Paintings, 5 May 2009
172669: - Stephen Solovy Fine Art Splendors of Chinese Art
140947: - Herbert Schugerl, 15.9 - 15.10.1978
425181: - Motoko Ishii: Lighting Horizons
425182: - Petr Weigl
255999: - Modern and Contemporary Prints Including Andy Warhol and the Pop Legacy: Thursday 30th June 2011, 1.00 Pm
172757: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 441, Number 1911 (Pages 1-210)
084685: - Official Directory of the European Union 2005
435362: - Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of The Jewish Historical Society of England; Volume XXXV, 1996-1998 and Cumulative Index to Volumes XXVI-XXXV
154492: - The Post Office Electrical Engineers' Journal Vol 42 Part 2
154493: - The Post Office Electrical Engineers' Journal Vol 42 Part 4
439648: - Guia De Importadores y Exportadores De Madrid
530925: - The History of St. Quintin 1831-1981: Chartered Surveyors
281632: - Christie's: Post-War and Contemporary Art, Morning Session, New York, 15 November 2012
296869: - Manual of the International Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death; Two Volume Set
099464: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XI, Part 4 November 1958
428879: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London; Second Series, Volume VIII, January 1879 - June 1881
105157: - The Europa Directory of International Organizations 2007
485060: - The Net: Power Structure in Ten Villages
298828: - Goethes Gesprache Mit Edermann
228145: - Autographes & Manuscripts Livres Ancient & Modernes, 13 December 2011
228167: - Aguttespeinture Impressionists et Modern - Art Contemporain - Peintures Vietnamienne, Chinoise, Russe et XIX 13-14 December 2011
485733: - The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, Fifty-fifth Annual Report of the Committee, June 1932 and an Account of the Annual Meeting with Dr. G.G. Coulton's Address
511397: - The Botticelli Renaissance
407300: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 7: 1963
196871: - Financial Statement Analysis, Level 1. Volume 3.
439746: - Powder Metallurgy (Technical Assistance Mission)
270047: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 26(3): Human Rights
224288: - African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society, Volume 108 Number 433 October 2009
439486: - The Whitehead Collection: Late 19th and 20th Century French Masters
031258: - Eight General Index to Book- Auction Records for the Years 1963-1968
430679: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1901-1902, Volume XII, Third Series
600250: - Report of the Fortieth Annual Conference of The Labour Party, London, 1941
416235: - Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao (Maestros Antiguos y Modernos)
172681: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 459 Number 2035 (Pages 1581-1849)
263680: - John Pearson: Drawings 1983 - 1984: March 5 - 30, 1985
033815: - Die Muttersprache - Lesebuch für Volksschulen - Ausgabe A in 5 Teilen -Erster Teil
420280: - Chimney Design Symposium, Volume 1, April 1973
176000: - The Archives Franco Stole from Catalonia : The Campaign for Their Return
427647: - Vacancies and Other Point Defects in Metals and Alloys
161121: - Gaudi
410948: - Feminist Review; No. 40, Spring 1992
104543: - Seizure, European Journal of Epilepsy: Volume 12 Number 5 July 2003
104021: - The Righteous of Austria: Heroes of the Holocaust
029653: - The Good Housekeeping Toddlers' Book
181568: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 9 - Number 3. Aug 2007
264979: - The Scout: Volume XXV for 1930
187621: - English Language and Literature
172689: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 459 Number 2030 (Pages 273-526)
430346: - Gedenkstatte: Stille Helden
033519: - Duden-Lexikon in drei Bänden
412461: - 10 Jahre Wiederaufbau der Land- und Forstwirtschaft Tirols: Tatigkeitsbericht der Landwirtschaftskammern Tirols, 1945-1954
093931: - Furniture and Decorative Objects
173524: - Speedicut Tools. Twist Drills Instruction Book. Publication No.169/5. March 1959
183621: - The Skeptic, Volume 9, Number 4 - Therapist Power : The Social Psychology of Healing and Therapy
467081: - Kinderleben in Basel: Eine Kulturgeschichte der frühen Jahre. Katalog zur Ausstellung: 20.10.2005 - 13.3.2006 in Basel, Historisches Museum Basel, Barfüsserkirche
224373: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute: Volume 79, Number 2, 2009
451717: - HIV Infection and AIDS : Guidelines for Nursing Care, Volume 4
416349: - Modern and Contemporary Art, 1 June 2003
172004: - Management and Control of Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers: Summary of Guidance from the Advisory Comittee on Dangerous Pathogens
481137: - Allen Jones: Sculpture
467549: - Chuck Close: Seven Portraits
172691: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 456 Number 2003 (Pages 2569-2821)
172690: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 457 Number 2007 (Pages 511-766)
183639: - The Skeptic, Volume 14, Number 1 - Special Issue: Weird Science at Goldsmiths
183640: - The Skeptic, Volume 14, Number 2 - Would We be Better Off Stupid?
183637: - The Skeptic, Volume 13, Numbers 3 & 4 - God on the Brain
183631: - The Skeptic, Volume 11, Number 1 - Psychoanalysis: Fact or Fiction?
183628: - The Skeptic, Volume 11, Number 2 - Unidentified Flying Airships
183630: - The Skeptic, Volume 11, Number 4 - Does Astrology Work?
183627: - The Skeptic, Volume 10, Number 1 - The Mystery of the Self
495650: - Universitas Studiorum Mediolanensis, 1924 - 1994
428886: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London; Second Series, Volume XV, November 1893 - June 1895
434812: - Stories from the Classics (The Children's Hour; Volume III)
186224: - Social Sciences in China Vol. XXII, No. 4 Winter 2001
291155: - Het Teken Van De Mode
453055: - Entre Fronteiras: Between Borders
478878: - No.7: Established & Sons
478879: - Vignettes DEbut De SiEcle: Attributs De Commerce Culs-de-Lampe AllEgories Passe-partout Sujets Divers
491614: - Goldmark: July 2004
478880: - 1000 Vignettes DEbut de siEcle: Attributs De Commerce Culs-de-Lampe - AllEgories Passe-partout - Sujets Divers
PODorothy: - Dorothy Parker Book Covers Art 59x84cm Poster
472398: - Book of the Fair, Queen's College, Belfast, May 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 1894
213989: - Committee on National Expenditure Report: Presented to Parliament By Command of His Majesty, July, 1931
416227: - Impressionismus & Klassische Moderne, Freitag, 27. Juni 2014
250403: - Oxford Economic Papers Volume 33
430200: - Trajes y Costumbres de la Edad Media: Basada en Monumentos y Manuscritos de la Epoca
430171: - Phillips: 2012 Spring Season Auction Review
430170: - Phillips: Design, 9 June 2015
183124: - The Skeptic, Volume 6, Number 3 : Premenand : Scourge of the Godmen
515054: - The Aesthetics of Terror
279669: - Notes and Queries for Readers and Writers, Collectors and Librarians; New Series Volume CCX, January - December 1965
173690: - Encounter 67 - April 1959
173691: - Encounter 66 - March 1959
029257: - Conference on Elecromagnetic Compatibility (IERE Conference Proceedings No. 47)
460354: - Christie, Manson & Woods, Ltd: Catalogue of Original Works By William Blake, the Property of the Late Graham Robertson, Esq., On Friday, July 22, 1949
195681: - The Modern Law Review. Vol.64, NO.6 November 2001
280697: - Advanced English Dictionary: English-Spanish, Espanol-Ingles
431259: - Hotel Des Ventes De Monte-Carlo: Tableaux et Sculptures Modernes et Contemporains: Photographies: Vente Aux Encheres Publiques: Samedi 11 Avril 2015
460562: - Women and Health: Volume 37, Number 4
460563: - Women and Health: Volume 38, Number 2
094794: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCIV Part 2
094795: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCV Part 2
172715: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 457 Number 2010 (Pages 1277-1531)
198404: - Belfast in Its Regional Setting: A Scientific Survey
100794: - Political Communication: Volume 17, Number 2, April-June 2000
162661: - Sinn Und Form 1958 No. 1
077750: - Rabies
077751: - The BMA Guide to Rabies
060192: - The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 91, 1989, No. 2
172798: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 424 Numbers 1866-1867
172797: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 426 Numbers 1870-1871
172796: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 421 Numbers 1860-1861
172795: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 432 Numbers 1884-1886
172794: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 435 Numbers 1893-1895
POLight: - TO THE LIGHTHOUSE, New POSTER of book cover, A1 size
174668: - Report on Services for the Elderly with Mental Disability in Scotland : A Report
463186: - LAMA - Los Angeles Modern Auctions: Modern Art & Design, March 5, 2017
455261: - Il Palasport Di Torino: Arup Ingegneria Multidisciplinare/The Palasport in Turin: Arup's Multidisciplinary Approach
099550: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XXIX, Part 2 May 1976
099551: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XXIX, Part 3 August 1976
432046: - Lands and Peoples: The World on Color, Volume I: British Isles and Western Europe
472381: - The Charles B. Hoyt Collection: Memorial Exhibition: February 13-March 30, 1952
429582: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. 55: January 1832 - July 1832
094825: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCIV Part 3
094826: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCII Part 3
466903: - Annette Messager: Na Pokaz (Faire Parade)
169077: - Chatham House: International Affairs: Volume 81: Number 1: January 2005
225018: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Volume XCIX Part 1 1999
225019: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Volume XCIX Part 2 1999
462415: - Ketterer Kunst: 450. Auktion: Contemporary Art: 10. Juin 2017
462416: - Ketterer Kunst: 447. Auktion: Klassische Moderne - Teil II: 8. Juin 2017
492179: - Regional Analysis and Policy: The Greek Experience (Contributions to Economics)
174467: - How to Do It : 2
484729: - Mind: A Quarterly Review of Philosophy: Vol: 109: 2000
484612: - La Technique Der Travaux: Revue Mensuelle Des ProcEdEs De Construction Modernes: 6e AnnEe, No 7, Juillet 1930
492936: - La grand guerre au Luxembourg, le journal de Michel Welter 3 aout 1914 - 3 mars 1916: Edition annotEe et commentEe par Germaine Goetzinger
418456: - Post War and Contemporary Art & Design, Pop & Op Art 10 March 2010
491855: - L'obligation de donner
467648: - Moore in America: Monumental Sculpture at The New York Botanical Garden
429557: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. 78: July 1843 - October 1843
485637: - The Christmas Box or New Year's Gift
485641: - The Flow-of-Funds Approach to Social Accounting: Appraisal, Analysis, and Applications
273738: - Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum Katalog Over Samlingene
467697: - Motoring in Scotland: Road Guide Published By The Glasgow Herald
431543: - Christie's: Looking Forward to the Past: A Curated Evening Sale: New York, Monday 11 May 2015
468516: - Statutes Made for Magdalen College Oxford Under the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act, 1923, Including All Amendments Prior to 31 March 1965
467756: - Thomas Croft Architecture
423977: - Art in Kyoto: Dolls of Kyoto
221684: - Experiments on Force and Motion Using the Griffin Air Pucks
466960: - The Kaleidoscopic Eye: Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary Collection
493011: - Carl Burckhardt 1878-1923: Ein Bildhauer zwischen Basel, Rom und Ligornetto
029839: - Baedeker's Berlin
304276: - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 41, 1966
251848: - Old Master and 19th Century Paintings, Drawings and Watercolours: Wednesday 7th July 2010
179292: - Down a Dark Street : An Anthology of American Crime Stories
429818: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 27, Januay - June 1873
429819: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 28, July - December 1873
429424: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 249: Obras de Lope de Vega: XXXII
483488: - Kongeriget Norges Grundlov: Given I Rigsforsamlingen Paa Eidsvold Den 17de Mai 1814
032995: - The National Geographic Magazine, April, 1949
020735: - The Psalter in Metre: A Revised Version (with music)
220404: - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies. Number 118, February 1988
298799: - Allegro: Repair Operation Manual
432048: - Lands and Peoples: The World on Color, Volume III: The Near and the Middle East
432049: - Lands and Peoples: The World on Color, Volume IV: Southern Asia and Far East
420036: - The Subject Index to Periodicals 1921, A. Theology and Philosophy
548300: - Rome The Eternal: Special Edition for the Allied Forces
099521: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume VIII, Part 4 December 1955
031882: - The Victory Book
484486: - Totenbuch Theresienstadt I: Deportierte Aus Osterreich
091243: - Quick and Natural Rice Dishes: The 75 Most Popular Recipes from 20 Years of East West Natural Health
083992: - This Common Inheritance: Britain's Environmental Strategy
172788: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 427 Numbers 1872-1873
172789: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 412 Numbers 1842-1843
467646: - Kate De Rothschild: Drawings and Sketches
106174: - Handbook of Latin American and Caribbean Studies in the UK 1997
441039: - Bottin International: International Business Register/Anuario Del Comercio Internacional/Internationales Handels-Register 1957
460359: - Collectivism: Guangci, 2005 - 2007
173555: - British Ceramic Proceedings: Fine Ceramic Powders
429578: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. 51: April 1830 to July 1830
532263: - ARCHEOLOGIE, miniatures orientales, art de la Chine: Vente, samedi 15 Octobre 2005 et dimanche 16 octobre 2005, Drouot-Richelieu, salle 9, Paris
529604: - Wellcome's Excerpta Therapeutica
435683: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Volume 52, Parts 3-4, 1919-21
172734: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 459 Number 2036 (Pages 1851-2119)
259029: - Tourism Today: The Journal of the College of Tourism and Hotel Management, Number 5, Autumn 2005
062519: - Radiation Damage in Solids, Vol. I (Proceedings Series)
053081: - Management Accounting, Productivity Report
219126: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 61, No 1
088725: - European Economy No 1 1994
088724: - European Economy Special Edition No 2, 1991
181447: - International Peace Keeping Vol 5 No. 2, 1998
181448: - International Peace Keeping Vol 5 No. 3, 1998
431053: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 47, Parts I-4, 1908-11
535648: - The Redfern Gallery: Modern British 2001
540021: - Nyasaland Despatch by the Governor relating to the report of the Nyasaland Commission of Inquiry
098297: - Mercury 9 AIDS - an Anthrposophical Approach
425232: - Guide to Eastbourne, Beachy Head, Pevensey, Herstmonceux, Lewes, Seaford, Newhaven, Etc.
425233: - Guide to Paignton, Torquay, Brixham, Dartmouth and South Devon
257651: - Annalen Der Physik. 7.Folge, Vol. 35, 1978
099541: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume 46, Part 2 May 1993
459943: - Women and Health: Volume 24, Number 3
200729: - Adhesion and Microorganism Pathogenicity
176725: - Case Studies on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
191043: - The Annals of Probability. An Official Journal of The Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Volume 3
283326: - As High as the Bullet Holes (The Rue Bella, Volume Six)
258920a: - The Irish Jurist: Vol 10: 1944
479201: - The Roll of St. Edward's School, 1863 - 1927
407753: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 12: 1972-1973
413224: - Pecia : Ressources en Medievistique, Volume 1
030428: - Which? 1960
437795: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Volume XLIX. Part IV. - Session 1913-14.
282152: - Christie's Post-War and Contemporary Art: Afternoon Session, Thursday 16 May 2013
282153: - Leslie Hindman Auctioneers: Modern and Contemporary Art, Thursday 13 December 2012
228171: - Prints on Paper and Photographs, 3 December 2011
228173: - Italian Identity an Important Private Collection London, 13 October 2011
260198: - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XXXIX, No. 12, Dekabr', 1963 g.
426723: - The Artists of Taliesin
428849: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal; July, 1850 - October, 1850, Volume XCII
417952: - History of Philosophy Quarterly: Vol. 12, 1995
417953: - History of Philosophy Quarterly: Vol. 13, 1996
417954: - History of Philosophy Quarterly: Vol. 14, 1997
426689: - The Burlington Magazine: Number LXXVII, Volume XV, August 1909
426656: - A Royal Miscellany: From the Royal Library Windsor Castle
Am2176: - Henry van De Velde: Zum 100. Geburtstag: Wurtt Kunstverein, Kunstgebaude am Schlossplatz, Stuttgart
305768: - Revue d'Histoire Litteraire De La France: 18e Annee, 1911, I
099530: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XVII, Part 3 August 1964
438357: - Actes Du III' Congres International D'Historie Du Theatre, Vol I.
167457: - Patterns of Prejudice, Vol 40, No 2
473019: - People from Kharkiv Oblast
300068: - Boletin Del Archivo Historico De Miraflores, Numero 38: Caracas, Setiembre-Octubre De 1965, Ano VII
431470: - The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Third Series, Volume XXVI, 1963
099529: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XIV, Part 3 August 1961
173105: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 287 Numbers 1408-1411
094817: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCI Part 1
021307: - The Koran Commonly Called the Al Koran of Mohammed
408199: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 9: 1966-1967
408201: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 10: 1968-1969
163901: - Zvezda 8 (1985)
274981: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome VIII NumEro 30: Janvier 1949
274982: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome XIV NumEro 58: Mai 1951
274983: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome VIII NumEro 32: Mars 1949
172873: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 362 Numbers 1708-1711
035759: - Health and Lifestyles of the Chinese Population in England
029493: - Christie's Tableaux Anciens et Du XIXeme Siecle
432965: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 24, 1938-1940
029277: - Sotheby's Mobili, Argenti, Dipinti Antichi e del XIX Secolo, Armi, Ceramiche, Oggetti da Collezione e Tappeti
414951: - History, Volume XLV No. 155, October 1960
181426: - International Political Sociology : Vol 2 No. 1, 2008
Am1169: - First and Always: Poems for Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital
407746: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 11: 1970-1971
178476: - Antiquity, Review of Archaeology (VOLUME XLIII) 1969
429932: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles; Vol 27: Escritores Del Siglo XVI, Tomo 1. San Juan De La Cruz. - Fray Pedro Malon De Chaide. Fray Hernando De Zarate
429936: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles; Vol 33: Novelistas Posteriores a Cervantes, Tomo 2
172818: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 396 Numbers 1810-1811
172819: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 394 Numbers 1806-1807
297770: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXXII, Number 1-2, Autumn 1967
098649: - Water Reflections, a Short History of Four Water Companies
172778: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 461 Number 2055 (Pages 608-893)
491462: - Second Congress of the Communist International: Minutes of the Proceedings, Volume Two
462860: - Fine and Decorative Arts Including Estates: February 25-27, 2017
478417: - Latin American Research Review: Volume 36, Number 1, 2001
478418: - Latin American Research Review: Volume 36, Number 2, 2001
458049: - COR: 50 Jahre
150991: - Transforming Health in London
154494: - The Post Office Electrical Engineers' Journal Vol 41 Part 4
462855: - Modern 31.5.2017
462856: - Prints and Multiples: Tuesday April 18, 2017
462857: - Art Contemporain Vente Du Jour: 7 Decembre 2016
462861: - Zeitgenossische Kunst II: Contemporary Art II: I. Juni 2017
462862: - Zeitgenossische Kunst I: Contemporary Art I: I. Juni 2017
428889: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London; Second Series, Volume XVIII, November 1899 - June 1901
029566: - Bonhams Printed Books, Maps and Manuscrips
436040: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 179, 1976
198681: - James Bond 007
188661: - History of European Ideas Vol 13. No. 3 1991
429872: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. XXVII, January-June 1830
200759: - Annual Review of Materials Research, Vol. 31, 2001
181440: - International Peace Keeping Vol 3 No. 3, 1996
023202: - Forging the Modern Age, 1900-14
256000: - Modern and Contemporary Prints Including Andy Warhol and the Pop Legacy: Thursday 30th June 2011, 1.00 Pm
172044: - The Manchester Socinian Controversy with Introductory Remarks
091964: - Multilingual Technical Dictionary on Irrigation and Drainage (English to French)
041572: - Der Blumenkorb, Deutsche Maler 1800 Bis 1870
177909: - La Farce De Maistre Pathelin : Univers Des Lettres
429009: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. XIV, April 1809 - July 1809
493896: - Humboldt et Bonpland Exploration de I' OrEnoque 1799-1800
194886: - You and Your Country
414604: - The Boy and the Frogs (Ready to Read)
414605: - The Boy and the Frogs (Ready to Read)
414607: - The Ant and the Dove (Ready to Read)
183625: - The Skeptic, Volume 10, Number 4 - The Psychology of Alien Abductions
183626: - The Skeptic, Volume 10, Number 3 - Why Do People Believe in the Paranormal?
163813: - Modern Chinese-English Technical and General Dictionary VOL THREE: Pinyin Romanization in Alphabetical Sequence
106558: - The Aristotelian Society: New Series Vol LXXXV
164170: - Modern Drama 1900 - 1938
083109: - Museen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
472983: - Safe Agua
099533: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XVIII, Part 2 May 1965
099532: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XVIII, Part 1 February 1965
277396: - The Photographers 2012
468284: - Beethoven: Violoncello Sonatas: Sonatas 1-5: Piano Part
449041: - Verfahren: >>Wiedergutmachung<< Im Geteilten Berlin
407752: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 12: 1972-1973
095076: - The Worldwide Bibliography of Art Exhibition Catalogues, 1963-1987; Volume 1: Geographical Section: Western Art - Non-Western Art
095075: - The Worldwide Bibliography of Art Exhibition Catalogues, 1963-1987; Volume 1: Geographical Section: Western Art - Non-Western Art
202595: - Symposium on Tunneling and Deep Excavation in Soils 27-29 April Sao Paulo Brazil
300069: - Boletin Del Archivo Historico De Miraflores, Numero 39: Caracas, Noviembre-Diciembre De 1965, Ano VII
053813: - Monitor, Journal for the CTI Centre for Computing
462195: - Photographing Birds in West Menalon of Arcadia in Peloponnese
419450: - Church Ballads
297727: - The Robert von Hirsch Collection: Volume Three: Furniture and Porcelain
297734: - The Robert von Hirsch Collection: Volume Two: Works of Art
032093: - PCs Made Easy 9
032099: - Bad Taste Book: From Beginning to End: Birth, Adolescence, Middle-age, Senility, Illness, Death & the Hereafter (A Silvey-Jex Bad Taste Book)
099538: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume 45, Part 2 May 1992
432765: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 14, 1898
436598: - The Eames Commission: The Official Reports: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Commission on Communion and Women in the Episcopate
411506: - The Beck Collection: German Expressionist & Modern Art
436273: - Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1914
436274: - Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1915
436277: - Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1918
436278: - Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1919
436279: - Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1920
436306: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Volume 51, Part III, 1915-16-17
436308: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Volume 51, Part II, 1915-16
436309: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Volume 38, Part II, 1894-95
436310: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, General Index, 1889-1908
171669: - Neuroscience Volume 50 Number 1
171670: - Neuroscience Volume 52 Number 4
425722: - Christie's: 19th Century European Paintings, 23 April 2012
425720: - Christie's: Dessins Anciens et Du XIX Siecle, 29 Mars 2012
160145: - The Record Changer, Volume 6 No. 2
194195: - The Wasatch Mountains Utah. A Photographic Portrait
445826: - Sotheby's: Old Master & British Paintings Day Sale, 8 December 2011
033454: - Historisches Jahrbuch - Im Auftrage der Görres-Gesellschaft
526854: - Report from the Secret Committee on Joint Stock Banks; Together with the Minutes of evidence, and Appendix
418919: - Contemporary Art Morning Auction, 2 July 2008
150161: - Histoire Du Peuple De La Bible 3: Changement De Societe
411502: - Trends in Israeli Art 1970 - 1980
284374: - Financing Environmentally Sound Development
600279: - Revue Internationale De Philosophie, Tome VIII: 1954
436810: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Session MDCCCXCVII. Volume XXXII.
172874: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 353 Numbers 1672-1675
433199: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXVIII, Section B (Biology), 1959-1964
089069: - Chemistry and Agriculture: The Proceedings of a Symposium Organised by the Industrial Division of the Chemical Society as Part of the Annual Chemical Congress, 1979, Bristol, April 3rd-5th, 1979 [ Special Publication No. 36 ]
518439: - DBUK Tour
455705: - 60 Years - Tresor (Auction 795, November 2008)
249589: - The Bell System Technical Journal; Volume 47, Number 10, December 1968
224372: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute: Volume 79, Number 2, 2009
305981: - Revue d'Histoire Litteraire De La France: 21e Annee, 1914, 2
025751: - Environment Committee Third Special Report, Historic Buildings and Ancient Monuments
025749: - First Report from the Environment Committee Session 1986-87, Historic Buildings and Ancient Monuments
481180: - General Problems of Low Pay: Report No.169
168200: - Contemporary Art: Thursday 26th October
531811: - Antike MUNZEN; AUSLANDISCHE Gold- Und SILBERMUNZEN, Schweizer MUNZEN Und Banknoten, Geschnittene Steine Und Schmuck Der Antike: Auktion XXXIII
436816: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Session MDCCCCCVII-MDCCCCVIII. Vol. XLII.
105764: - Costa Rica, Panama 1st Quarter 1995 : Country Report
105762: - Brazil : Critical Issues in Social Security (World Bank Country Studies)
031262: - Land of the Southern Cross Australia
289271: - Etudes Rabelaisiennes; Tom I (Travaux D'Humanisme et Renaissance; 24)
099539: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume 45, Part 3 August 1992
485469: - Mind: A Quarterly Review of Philosophy: Vol. 111, No. 441, January 2001
485470: - Mind: A Quarterly Review of Philosophy: Vol. 116, No. 461, January 2007
453048: - The Three Prophets: Stanley Fisher, Sam Goodman, Boris Lurie
456994: - The Revelation of Saint Joan the Divine
457037: - The Journal of Hellenic Studies: Vol CXII 1992
429810: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 19, January - June 1869
425740: - Furniture History: The Journal of the Furniture History Society: Volume XXX for the Year 1994
035945: - The Impact of HIV on Surgical Practice
250888: - Zeitschrift Fur Kirchengeschichte, Vol. 24
220352a: - Audi techDay Lightweight Design
258060: - Achtanna an Oireachtais/Acts of the Oireachtas: 1974
434351: - The Bibliographical Society 1892-1942: Studies in Retrospect
463183: - A List of the Monumental Brasses Remaining in England. Arranged According to Counties. With a Chronological Index as Far as the End of the Fourteenth Century.
432803: - The National Plan
274978: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome V NumEro 18: Janvier 1948
171686: - Neuroscience Volume 55 Number 4
171687: - Neuroscience Volume 58 Number 2
426028: - The Annual Register: A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad, for the Year 1870.
099540: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume 46, Part 3 August 1993
425746: - Lomographiere! Lomographische Gesellschaft
425748: - Titles and Forms of Address: A Guide to Their Correct Use
172745: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 452, Number 1951 (Pages 1729-1951)
172746: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 452, Number 1950 (Pages 1505-1727)
495063: - Writing 3: 12 Poets & 1 Painter
267879: - Plato and Xenophon: Socratic Discourses
439835: - Warsava: Wieku Oswiecenia
477650: - The Proceedings of the Physical Society: Section A: From January 1953 to December 1953: Volume 66
484739: - European Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 14: 2006
484740: - European Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 15: 2007
173694: - Encounter 72 - Setpember 1959
173696: - Encounter 70 - July 1959
431054: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 48, Parts I-4, 1911-13
417238: - Modern Paintings, Sculptures and Prints: Auction 777, October 2007
171996: - Cognitive Psychology
455320: - John Bellamy: a Scottish Odyssey
095701: - Genesis of a Gallery: Part 2
140690: - The PRS-LTSN Journal, Philosophical and Religious Studies Learning and Teaching Support Network, Volume 2, Number 2
246167: - 20th Century Italian Art London 13 October 2011
282154: - Cornette De Saint Cyr: Estampes & Multiples, Mercredi 27 Mars 2013 a 11h00 et 14h00 - Petit salon
163914: - Zvezda 5 (1985)
169948: - Democratization, Volume 8 Number 2
094814: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol CIII Part 3
094815: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCI Part 3
094811: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCVII Part 1
094813: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCI Part 2
455059: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Sixth Series, Vol. 21
438854: - The International Style
201263: - Lessing Auswahl, Band II: Die Mittlere Epoche 1760-1770
484478: - "I Can Stop and Search Whoever I Want": Police Stops of Ethnic Minorities in Bulgaria, Hungary and Spain
106062: - Petty & Sons Limited, 1865-1965
436035: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 174, 1974
205033: - Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Volume 67, Number 3)
488376: - Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition 1931: Final Report
172774: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 461 Number 2054 (Pages 305-608)
172775: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 461 Number 2059 (Pages 1951-2302)
407465: - The Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 55, 2005, 218-221
423541: - Sermon Moral
168257: - Twentieth Century Art
431062: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 59, Parts I-3, 1936-39
407466: - The Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 56, 2006, 222-225
531409: - Forum Auctions No. 49: Best of British 1950-2019
163554: - Camden Miscellany XXXI
163555: - Camden Miscellany XXVII
172840: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 356 Numbers 1684-1687
424486: - Summer Woman
430707: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1954-1956: Volume LXXXVIII, Session MCMLIV.-MCMLVI.
454414: - Phillips De Pury & Company: Design, 27 September 2012, London
281366: - Kaupp 12/12: Moderne, 07.12.2012
281367: - Kaupp 12/12: Kunsthandwerk, Antiquitaten Und Gemalde, 08.12.2012
281368: - Kaupp 12/12: Asiatika, Afrikana Un Aussereuropaische Kunst, 08.12.2012
418830: - Photographs, 15 October 2009
053023: - Computers in Teaching Intiative
272719: - The Mariner's Mirror: Vol. 89 No. 1 (February 2003)
166560: - 15-18: Report of the Central Advisory Council for Education - England Vol I: Report
256943: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1810
223863: - Nature: A Weekly Journal of Science : Volume 183,1 January 3, 1959, to March 28, 1959
429492: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 149, 1879
102903: - Notices of the Churches of Warwickshire: Deanery of Warwick Volume 1
415792: - English Reprints Volume IV
418487: - Art Impressioniste & Moderne 1, 30 Mai 2012
418488: - London Contemporary, 23 October 2005
172704: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 455 Number 1990 (Pages 3565-3874)
172705: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 456 Number 1996 (Pages 731-1017)
172703: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 455 Number 1991 (Pages 3875-4130)
464147: - Fairy Gold (The Golden Pathway Brochures)
464146: - Select Committee on a Wealth Tax, Session 1974-75, Volume I: Report and Proceedings of the Committee
464145: - Proceedings of International Conference on PM Aerospace Materials
432761: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 11, Part 1, 1885
085481: - Multilateralism and Western Strategy
104927: - Pre-Hospital Pediatric Life Support
407382: - India Investment and Business Guide
182970: - The Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume LXXX: The Symposia Read at the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association at the University of Southampton, July 2006
180829: - An Economic Study of Three Villages in Zaria Province: 3. Maps
180560: - The Guide to Selecting Plays for Performance
175818: - Nankai Journal No. 1.
175821: - Annual Repost on the Department of Agriculture of the Northern Region of Nigeria 1953 - 54
176425: - Journal of French Language Studies.vol 2
100481: - Animation Industry Directory 1999-2000
100506: - 1992 Michelin Italia
100561: - Histoire De Gil Blas De Santillane, Par Lesage, Tome Quatrieme
285347: - The Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal: A Weekly Gazette of Legal Postings and Miscellaneous Legal News and Information; to Which are Added The Irish Law Times Reports; Volume XXXVII, 1903
082683: - Wie Sie Sich Selber Sehen
104500: - Transport in the 1980-1990 Decade: Fifth International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics, Athens, 22nd-25th October, 1973; Volume 2: Summary of the Discussion
428858: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal; January - April, 1882, Volume CLV
264298: - Chelsea Arts Club 1993 Yearbook
407414: - Marlborough College Hymns
417259: - Ausgewahlte Werke: Auktion Nr. 160: Berlin, 28. November 2008
291700: - Mitteilungen Des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts, Roemische Abteilung: Band 49, 1934, 1-2
483760: - India: Tourist's Guide
172800: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 377 Numbers 1768-1771
172801: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 373 Numbers 1752-1755
416402: - Post-War and Contemporary Day Auction, London 2 July 2014
416403: - The Gemini Collection of Modern Prints and Illustrated Books, Tuesday October 28, 2014, New York
161218: - Soviet Research on Complex and Coordination Compounds in English Translation Part IV Complexes in Analytical Chemistry
429425: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 250: Obras de Lope de Vega: XXXIII
169418: - Original Papers Published Under the Direction of the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society Vol XXVI Part II
297760: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXV, Number 1-2, 1962
172799: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 374 Numbers 1756-1759
189448: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 73, Part 3
189449: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 73, Part 1
530585: - Holy Bible (King James Version)
094282: - Akzente - Zeitschrift für Dichtung 4/1954
462221: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 105, 1972-74
469223: - Gaudier Brzeska: Marlborough, February 1965
469155: - The Big Book of Mother Goose
467411: - OZ 32 - January 1971
467405: - Jose Rosario Godoy: Espejismo Abstracto - Obras 1994 - 2016
515179: - Badges And Emblems of the British Forces 1940
172776: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 461 Number 2057 (Pages 1247-1597)
440739: - 18th and 19th Century British Drawings and Watercolours 2010
099506: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XIX, Part 1 February 1966
414009: - Van Gallery
487801: - The White Paper: A Chronicle of Threats and Assaults on Journalists in Croatia: 1990-2011
487802: - The White Paper: A Chronicle of Threats and Assaults on Journalists in Croatia: 1990-2011
429386: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 128: Obras de D. Mariano Jose de Larra (Figaro): II
180161: - Taishukan's Fresh Genius English-Japanese Dictionary
429260: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal; Volume 118, July - October 1863
272127: - Pierre Bergé & Associés: Tableaux Mobilier & Objets D'Art: Mercredi 15 Décembre 2010
440031: - Beck's Futures 2002
246641: - Securities and Investment Institute Level 3 Certificate in Investments Unit 1-FSA Financial Regulation
151860: - Weekly Law Reports 1980 Vol 1
032996: - Twenty-one Years: An Anniversary Account and Activities 1956-1977 United Kingdom and Commonwealth Branch Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
171275: - Selected Documents of the International Petroleum Industry 1969
436046: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 185, 1978
432893: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 137: Las Fuerzas Armada Venezolanas en la Colonia
172872: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 366 Numbers 1724-1727
046908: - Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SCG'05)
225010: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Volume XCII Part 3 1992
161300: - Journal of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Volume 43 (1996)
258037: - Saorstat Eireann: Reachtanna Puibli An Oireachtais 1928/Public Statues of the Oireachtas 1928
258042: - Achtanna an Oireachtais/Acts of the Oireachtas 1942
069864: - WEISSEN BLAETTER,DIE. Eine Monatsschrift. Jg. 1, H. 4. Dezember 1913
069865: - WEISSEN BLAETTER,DIE. Eine Monatsschrift. Jg. 1, H. 2. Oktober 1913
421520: - Laura Horelli: Interviews, Diaries and Reports
254761: - El Ascenso y el Ocaso de la Revolucion Nicaraguense. [Nueva Internacional: Numero 3]
254760: - El Ascenso y el Ocaso de la Revolucion Nicaraguense. [Nueva Internacional: Numero 3]
187502: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Fifth Series Vol 21
187504: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Sixth Series Vol 15
214387: - Bibliographic Guide to Soviet and East European Studies, 1983, Volume 2: N-Z
214419: - World Meteorological Organization, Technical Note No. 92: Hydrological Forecasting
436005: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 170, 1973
172803: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 375 Numbers 1760-1763
168271: - Carpets, European Furniture, Decorative Objects, Walking Sticks and Pictures At Home
168275: - British and Victorian Pictures
539898: - The Needs of Youth in Stevenage: A Report to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation 1959
285349a: - The Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal: A Weekly Gazette of Legal Postings and Miscellaneous Legal News and Information; to Which are Added The Irish Law Times Reports; Volume XXXIX, 1905
482390: - The International Review of Missions: Volume LXIV: No.253: January 1975
482386: - The International Review of Missions: Volume LVIII
482385: - The International Review of Missions: Volume LVII
482384: - The International Review of Missions: Volume LVI
041258: - The Times 1000, 1994
179703: - Gainsborough : British School
071963: - Etudes Balkaniques 3
274997: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome XI NumEro 42: Janvier 1950
293797: - Fine Japanese Works of Art on Monday, December 10, 1973
306919: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for November 1817. February 1818: Vol XXIX
085249: - British Design & Art Direction CD-ROM 1997
256169: - Estampes: Mardi 3 Avril 2012 a 14h00
437562: - Christie's: Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Auction, London, 1 July 2015
437564: - Christie's: First Open 10/NYC: Post-war and Contemporary Art, New York, Wednesday 30 September 2015
301942: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXVII, No. 1-2, Autumn 1963
301943: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXVII, No. 3-4, Winter 1963-4
301947: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXXI, No. 1-2, Autumn 1966
301948: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXXI, No. 1-2, Autumn 1966
189423: - London Magazine Volume 6 Number 3, 1959
140974: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 81, Part 1
176960: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society : Fifth Series Volume 21
289276: - Etudes Rabelaisiennes; Tom VI (Travaux D'Humanisme et Renaissance; LXXI)
445030: - Historical Association Pamphlets: G. 51-60 (1962-1965)
429151: - Billy Mayerl Home Study Course in Composing Popular Music
153455: - Atlases, Travel and Topography, Natural History, Science and Medicine
153456: - Topography, Travel, Prints and Natural History
032198: - Arabian Nights
416251: - Royal Commission of Inquiry Into Primary Education (Ireland), Volume IV: Evidence
191041: - The Annals of Probability. An Official Journal of The Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Volume 1
219141: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 76 No.4
219143: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 77 No.2
429568: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. 40: March 1824 - July 1824
417641: - Time for Dominoes (ELT Digital Games)
292583: - Revue D'Histoire Litteraire De La France: No. 6: Novembre/Decembre 1976
292582: - Revue D'Histoire Litteraire De La France: No. 5: Septembre/Octobre 1976
292580: - Revue D'Histoire Litteraire De La France: No. 3: Mai/Juin 1976
292578: - Revue D'Histoire Litteraire De La France: No. 1: Janvier/Fevrier 1976
219140: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 76 No.3
219138: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 76 No.1
219139: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 76 No.2
456794: - Agnew's 1993 Catalogue
193114: - Werksbesichtigung Geisteswissenschaften. Fünfundzwanzig Bücher Von Ihren Autoren Gelesen
060278: - Creative DIY: Painting & Decorating; Tiling & Flooring; Storage & Shelving; Wiring & Lighting; Plumbing & Heating; Garden Building Projects
439025: - The Journal of Hellenic Studies Volume XLI. (1921)
432883: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 88: Mision de los Capuchinos en Cumana: Tomo I
433005: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XXXIII, 1912-1913
433006: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XXXIV, 1913-1914
433007: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XXXV, 1914-1915
433008: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XXXVI, 1915-1916
433009: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XXXVII, 1916-1917
029441: - Christie's Carpets, Decorative Objects and Furniture
273819: - Catalogue of Fine Japanese Prints, and Japanese Illustrated Books: Wednesday, 31st May and Thursday, 1st June 1978
208626: - Christie's Impressionist / Modern Day Sale 25th June 2008
094807: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol CII Part 3
181538: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 8 - Number 4. Nov 2006
292657: - Journal of the History of Philosophy: Vol. 22: 1984
295544: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, of the Year 1820. Part II.
459093: - The Great Secret, Being the Letters of an Old Man to a Young Woman: A Book for Beginners
411501: - Fifteen Contemporary Artists from the Netherlands
094796: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol CIV Part 2
099486: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume X, Part 3 August 1957
293729: - Asian Art Auction Alliance Contemporary Auction: May 28 2010, 7pm, Hong Kong
448561: - Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art
099531: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XVII, Part 4 November 1964
447901: - Dorotheum Linz: Fruhlingsauktion in Linz: Dienstag, 10. Mai Und Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2016
275560: - Sculpture By Cecco Bonanotte
178152: - Journal of Audiological Technique Vol. 14.
464004: - The Walpole Society 1929-1930: Volume 18
464002: - The Walpole Society 1912-1913: Volume 2
172946: - Who's Who in Art.
278000: - The Norman People
152329: - Short-Title Catalogue of Eighteenth-Century Spanish Books in the British Library VOLUME 1: Catalogue A _ L
034036: - Agricultural Class Book; or, How Best to Cultivate a Small Farm and Garden: Together with Hints on Domestic Economy
172702: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 456 Number 2000 (Pages 1803-2057)
084265: - The Story of Lancashire
084199: - Cambridge Review: Art and Architecture (Volume 95, No 2220)
084200: - Cambridge Review: John Tenniel; Poetry Questions (Volume 95, No. 2221)
431184: - Iris, No. 1, 1989-91
227044: - Speculum, Journal of Medieval Studies Volume 32 (1957)
227045: - Speculum, Journal of Medieval Studies Volume 33 (1958)
224994: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume LI 8-10 July 1977
224995: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume LII 13-15 July 1979
108793: - Advance Abstracts of Papers : X Acta Endocrinologica Congress, Amsterdam, August 26th to August 29th 1975 (Acta Endocrinologica; Supplementum 199)
160211: - The Annual Register 1875: A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad , for the Year 1875
160212: - The Annual Register 1876: A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad , for the Year 1876
266222y: - Berlitz Ingles Garantizado
195630: - Handbook of Low and High Dielectric Constant Materials and Their Applications
272695: - Engelsk Dansk: Dansk Engelsk
495146: - Ice: A One Shot Magazine: Vol. I, No. 1
490642: - Environmental Taxation in China and Asia-Pacific: Achieving Environmental Sustainability Through Fiscal Policy (Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation Series)
494304: - The Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament; Being an Attempt at a Verbal Connexion Between the Original and the English Translation with Indexes, a List of the Proper Names and Their Occurrences Etc.
432050: - Lands and Peoples: The World on Color, Volume V: Africa, Australia and Southern Islands
104793: - Clinical Evidence Concise: The International Source of the Best Available Evidence for Effective Health Care; 11 Issue, June 2004
104792: - Clinical Evidence Concise: The International Source of the Best Available Evidence for Effective Health Care; 10 Issue, December 2003
075833: - Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society; Volume 51
069861: - WEISSEN BLAETTER,DIE. Eine Monatsschrift. Jg. 1, H. 10. Juni 1914
430538: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: 228: Obras de Nicomedes-Pastor Diaz, II
270045: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 24: Executors and Administrators (Parts 8-11)
264077: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 21 No. 4 Summer 2005
264078: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 22 No. 1 Autumn 2005
264079: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 22 No. 2 Winter 2005
264080: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 22 No. 3 Spring 2006
264081: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 22 No. 4 Summer 2006
264142: - Decorative Works of Art: Chinese, Japanese and Korean: New York: Saturday, June 6, 1992
181498: - Defence Analysis : Volume 6 Number 4. Dec 1990
181499: - Defence Analysis : Volume 6 Number 2. June 1990
275007: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome I NumEro 2: Septembre 1946
038966: - ESRC, Economic & Social Research Council Annual Report 2001-2002
173093: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 279 Numbers 1376-1377
173092: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 273 Numbers 1352-1355
297769: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXXI, Number 3-4, Spring 1967
100800: - Political Communication: Volume 19, Number 3, July-September 2002
459053: - Richard Jackson: Bank Job
140676: - The Japan of Today
464383: - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (B) 1897: Volume 188
036023: - Concern for Europe's Tomorrow - Health and Environment in the WHO European Region. WHO European Centre for Environment and Health
429263: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal; Volume 121, January - April 1865
099552: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XXX, Part 3 August 1977
433022: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. L, 1929-1930
099542: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume 46, Part 1 February 1993
489357: - New Voices in Jewish Thought: v. 1
478860: - Eugenio Miccini
061708: - One of the Family: A Cat and Dog Guide
464625: - Raccolta De Piu Belli Ed Interessanti Dipinte, Musaici Ed Altri Monumenti Rinvenuti Negli Icavi Di Ercolano, Di Pompei, e Di Stabia Che Ammiransi Nel Museuo Nationale
455712: - 19th Century European & Orientalist Art: London, Tuesday 15 December 2015
183081: - The Skeptic, Volume 5 Number 1: Interview with Paul Daniels
183083: - The Skeptic, Volume 5 Number 3: Speaking in Tongues / Why Not to Test a Psychic
099543: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XXVI, Part 4 November 1973
096405: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Spring 1996): Managing Innovation
160144: - The Record Changer, Volume 7 No. 7
151657: - Developments in Fracture Mechanics
458340: - Collections: Volume IV: The Malone Society: The First Fifty Years: 1906-56
430689: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1923-1924: Volume LVIII, Fifth Series, Volume 10
096500: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Fall 1987): Learning About Women: Gender, Politics and Power
096501: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Spring 1987): Past and Present
081762: - Agenda, Celebratory Issue for William Cookson (Volume 39, No. 4)
081764: - Agenda, Volume 12, No. 2
081765: - Agenda, Volume 21, No. 1
512182: - The Journal of Transport History: Third Series, Volume 7, Number 2, September 1986
417245: - Ravenel Spring Auction 2010 Hong Kong: Modern and Contemporary Art, 31 May 2010
417246: - Design: Paris, Mercredi 18 Juin 2008
484961: - The Book of Artemas
458641: - Top Design: Jiang & Associates Interior Design Works (Works of China's Best Interior Design Companies)
485131: - Painting the East: Paintings and Drawings 1790-1940
469392: - An Appraisal of the 1950 Census Income Data: Studies in Income and Wealth, Volume Twenty-three: A Report of the National Bureau of Economic Research, New York
469393: - Studies in Income and Wealth, Volume Thirteen: Conference on Research in Income and Wealth
469394: - Studies in Income and Wealth, Volume Ten
417326: - Contemporary Art Evening Auction, 17 October 2014
409683: - The Law Reports 1971: Queen's Bench Division: Vol. 1
175848: - The Training Contract & Pupillage Handbook 2007
458836: - Handicrafts Handbooks No. 19: Marquetry Made Easy
075538: - Paragraph: The Journal of the Modern Critical Theory Group; Volume 11, Number 3, November 1988
438847: - Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity: Volume LXXXVII, 1937
438848: - Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity: Volume LXXXVIII, 1938
451683: - M + M: 7 Tage
165217: - Reves Du Dauphine-Ardeche
458218: - The Family Economist; and Entertaining Companion for Town and Country. Volume Seventh.
432966: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 25, 1941-1946
437547: - Christie's: Modern British and Irish Art Day Sale, London, 26 June 2015
437548: - Christie's: Modern British and Irish Art Day Sale, London, 26 June 2015
429921: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 40, July - December 1879
429388: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 130: Obras de D. Mariano Jose de Larra (Figaro): IV
408202: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 10: 1968-1969
408203: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 10: 1968-1969
416340: - Postwar & Contemporary, Samstag, 28. Juni 2014
407748: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 12: 1972-1973
106083: - Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry : An International Journal Dealing with All Aspects of Nuclear Analytical Methods; Volume 12, Number 1, October 1972
061327: - Wallraf-Richartz Jahrbuch 5
061330: - Aus Voltaires Gedankenwelt
061343: - Frankfurt Auf Einen Blick
414352: - Bentley's Miscellany, Volume XXI
434137: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Vol. XVI
434138: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Vol. XVII
435111: - Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. 1857.
433018: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XLVI, 1925-1926
460114: - How Concrete Can Help the Dairy Farmer/How Concrete Can Help the Pig-Breeder/Concrete Fences, Posts and Walls
096368: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Spring 1994): Europe Through a Glass Darkly
280991: - The Book of Trades: Or Circle of the Useful Arts
459936: - Women and Health: Volume 22, Number 1
436178: - Red Letters: Number 13, Spring 1982
140662: - Boletim Do SEPESP, Seminario Permanente De Estudos Portugueses (V.6, 1995)
465447: - Surrealisme: Galerie De Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, 2 Mai - 1er Septembre 1971
492464: - The Michel Legrand Songbook
174469: - Jubilee of the Chemical Society of London : Record of the Proceedings Together with an Account of the History and Development of the Society, 1841-1891
025747: - First Report from the Environment Committee Session 1986-87, Historic Buildings and Ancient Monuments
452580: - Rob Shaw: Haven - A Year in Staithes
419374: - The Spectator. Volume the Seventh.
521213: - Report from the Committee of Secrecy on the Bank of England Charter; with the Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index
432673: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. LXXXV, January-June 1859
224987: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume XLI 7-9 July 1967
224989: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume XLIII 11-13 July 1969
534621: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 9
174233: - The Nomenclature of Disease
254457: - Flash Forward: French Vocabulary
303141: - One Hundred & Thirty Sixth Annual International Print Exhibition, Catalogue 1992
457905: - Napoleon (Collection Genies et Realites)
077040: - Comentarios Sobre La Situacion Economica No.4
178834: - Toxic Materials in the Atmosphere : Sampling and Analysis (ASTM Special Technical Publication; 786)
281950: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 13, No. 2, June 2005
281949: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 13, No. 1, March 2005
487713: - Terra Cotta of the Italian Renaissance
471258: - 400 Years of Swiss Drawing: The Kurt Meissner Collection
264046: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 13 No. 2 Winter 1996
264047: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 13 No. 3 Spring 1997
274999: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome XIV NumEro 55: FEvrier 1951
150618: - Master Plan for Solid Waste Collection and Disposal ~ Tri- Parish Metropolitan Area of New Orleans
Am1713: - Cross, Crown & Community: Religion, Government and Culture in Early Modern England 1400-1800
025390: - Book of World Travel (The Reader's Digest)
432725: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine; Vol. 46, 1839
414349: - Bentley's Miscellany, Volume XVII
432522: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal; Vol. XLVIII
451703: - Gotthard Schuh
061248: - Meisterwerke Der Malerei
485056: - Record of Draught of Water of Sea-Going Ships Leaving Ports in the United Kingdom Reported to the Board of Trade: Reports from May 8, 1872, to February 26, 1873, Inclusive.
421563: - Miao Xiaochun
462219: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 103, 1970-71
418747: - FACET: For Africa's Children Every Time
418749: - 87. Kunstauktion: Klassische Moderne, 10. Nov. 2011
418750: - 87. Kunstauktion: Antiquitaten, 9. Nov. 2011
418752: - Post War and Contemporary Art and Design/Italian Art and Design: Wednesday 22 September 2010, London
418754: - Modern Design: 7 October 2007
478882: - Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume XCI, 2017
271499: - The Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds; Late President of the Royal Academy. In Three Volumes.
302022: - My First 100 Words in Spanish: A First Spanish-English Word Book
085610: - Canadian Review of Comparative Literature: Volume 23 Number 1
208628: - Christie's Impressionst / Modern Works on Paper 25th June 2008
084661: - Western Europe, 2006 (Europa Regional Surveys of the World)
407295: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 5: 1959-1960
029939: - Toy Story
284159: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society; Fifth Series, Volume 2
432660: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. LXXII, July-December 1852
432661: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. LXXIII, January-June, 1853
452959: - Sinai, Byzantium, Russia : Orthodox art from the sixth to the twentieth Century
095933: - Notes for New Magistrates of England and Wales
033305: - Valiance Desktop-LC System User's Manual
459942: - Women and Health: Volume 24, Number 2
459941: - Women and Health: Volume 24, Number 1
474151: - The Songs of Shakspere, Selected from His Poems and Plays
529704: - The Poet's Yearbook 1979
099510: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XVIII, Part 4 November 1965
052345: - Water Sterilisation By Gaseous Chlorine
272754: - The Mariner's Mirror: Vol. 86 No. 2 (May 2000)
495754: - Life, September 28 1970, Vol. 49, No. 7: Top Pop Singers
099511: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XVIII, Part 3 August 1965
183087: - The Skeptic, Volume 8 Number 2: The Creation : What Really Happened?
173673: - Encounter 41 - February 1957
035604a: - Biological Sciences, Part I: Research
144750: - Which? April - December 1959
442604: - Christie's: The Italian Sale, 16 October 2015
442605: - Phillips: Contemporary Art Evening Sale, 14 October 2015
022922: - Otto Wenzel's Adressbuch Der Chemischen Industrie Des Deutschen Reichs
072086: - American Studies Library Newsletter #56
099513: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XXXV, Part 3 August 1982
407294: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 4: 1957-1958
154495: - The Post Office Electrical Engineers' Journal Vol 42 Part 1
266963: - An Encyclopaedia of North and South America 1786
433011: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XXXIX, 1918-1919
143995: - Health Care UK 1996/97 : The King's Fund Review of Health Policy
094800: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCVI Part 1
094797: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCVI Part 3
094799: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol CV Part 2
099515: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XXXIV, Part 4 November 1981
436171: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London; Volume 189
163960: - Oxford Volume IX, Number 1
163961: - Oxford Volume VIII, Number 3
163962: - Oxford Volume VIII, Number 2
163963: - Oxford Volume II, Number 3
016497: - Birth to Old Age: Health in Transition
173703: - Encounter 112 - January 1963
441817: - Ruben Dario
237041: - Pile Neutron Research in Physics: Proceedings of a Symposium, Vienna 17-21 October 1960
181487: - Defence Analysis : Volume 5. Number 4. Dec. 1989
181483: - Politics: Volume 22. Number 3. September 2002
181484: - Politics: Volume 23. Number 1. Feb 2003
187317: - London Magazine Volume 3 Number 6, 1956
419921: - Radical Philosophy 166: Mar/Apr 2011
416853: - Sotheby's Photographs 2nd May 1997
531681: - The London Sale: Friday 26 November 1999
420756: - Furry Friends
099487: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume X, Part 2 May 1957
031413: - From Van Eyck to Tiepolo, an Exhibition of Pictures from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection
189452: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 78, Part 3
189453: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 78, Part 2
189454: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 82, Part 1
189455: - Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Volume 80, Part 4
447907: - Sotheby's: Art Impressioniste & Moderne, Paris, 1er Juin 2016
447908: - Ketterer Kunst: Auction Preview, June 2016: Modern Art; Post War; Contemporary Art
296927: - IAEA Human Health Series No. 13: Introduction to Body Composition Assessment Using the Deuterium Dilution Technique with Analysis of Urine Samples by Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
087282: - Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Chemistry, Volume 20 (1991)
457763: - l'Atelier de Pat Andrea
199970: - White Paper on Kaduna State Judicial Commisions of Inquiry, 1976 : Justice Mu'azu Aliyu Commision (Part A) and Justice S. U. Mohammed Commision (Part B)
258031: - Saorstat Eireann: Reachtanna Puibli An Oireachtais 1936/Public Statutes of the Oireachtas 1936
258030: - Saorstat Eireann: Reachtanna An Oireachtais 1931/Statutes of the Oireachtas 1931
541412: - The International Ceramics Fair and Seminar 2009
429804: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 9, January - June 1864
445829: - Sotheby's: Fine Jewels, 12 December 2013
485247: - Canada: Descriptive Atlas
053675: - The Nottingham Linguistic Circular, NLC 15
046915: - Creativity & Cognition: Proceedings 2005
046914: - UIST 2005: Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
101322: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 87, Part 4
101335: - Documents on British Policy Overseas: Microfiches. Series II Volume IV
299582: - Les Francais Peints Par Eux-Memes: Tome Premier
305763: - Revue d'Histoire Litteraire De La France: 13e Annee, 1906, I
305766: - Revue d'Histoire Litteraire De La France: 1909, 2
225684: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 7 - Number 1. Feb 2005
520666: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society - Sixth Series, Volume X
419538: - Traversees: Catalogue
495924: - Bartholomew's Revised "Half-inch" Contoured Maps: England Sheet 11. North Wales
495923: - Bartholomew's New Reduced Survey Sheet 10: Lincoln Wolds: Scale 2 Miles to an Inch. Coloured For Tourists & Cyclists
438794: - Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity: Volume LXII, Part 1
163955: - Oxford Volume VII, Number 2
163956: - Oxford Volume VII, Number 1
187322: - Treasures of Catherine the Great
151673: - Gary Cooper
196645: - Cambridge and Its Contribution to Medicine, Proceedings of the Seventh British Congress on the History of Medicine University of Cambridge, 10 - 13 September 1969
267566: - A Mail Bid Sale of the Classical Numismatic Group: Auction 41, Closing Wednesday March 19, 1997 5 PM
060476: - Bulgaria and the European Community: The Transformation of the Labour Market and Social Policy, a View Towards Europe
181557: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 7 - Number 1. Feb 2005
458219: - The Family Economist; an Entertaining Companion for Town and Country. (1859)
472311: - Game Pie: A Guinness Indoor Sportfolio
018469: - Know the Game Badminton
224284: - African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society, Volume 106 Number 425 October 2007
476794: - Handbook in Performance Auditing: Theory and Practice
476797: - International Review of Administrative Sciences: An International Journal of Comparative Public Administration: Volume 75, Number 1, March 2009
476798: - International Review of Administrative Sciences: An International Journal of Comparative Public Administration: Volume 75, Number 3, September 2009
171672: - Neuroscience Volume 52 Number 2
171673: - Neuroscience Volume 52 Number 1
171674: - Neuroscience Volume 51 Number 4
171675: - Neuroscience Volume 51 Number 3
301468: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XX, No. 1, 1955
301469: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXI, No. 2, 1957
301470: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XXII, No. 3/4, 1960
476850: - The Official Handbook of the Legion of Mary
181553: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 7 - Number 2. May 2005
100792: - Political Communication: Volume 16, Number 4, October-December 1999
033840: - Euro Guide: Yearbook of the Institutions of the European Union
140993: - Dense Bitumen Slag MacAdam Wearing Course (BSF Slag for Roads)
140994: - Slag for Road Bases Dense Mixtures (BSF Slag for Roads)
072890: - The Hutchinson Softback Encyclopedia
080879: - BASIC
492589: - Juden, Christen und Muslime: Religionsdialoge im Mittelalter
416202: - If I Live I'll See You Tuesday... Evening Sale, New York 12 May 2014
173701: - Encounter 87 - December 1960
173702: - Encounter 84 - September 1960
173699: - Encounter 76 - January 1960
173700: - Encounter 75 - December 1959
440743: - Phillips Auctioneers: 20th Century Japanese Masterworks: Tuesday 13th November 2001, London
435962b: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 168, 1972
172802: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 379 Numbers 1776-1777
481745: - Guinevere: The First 50 Years
435960: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 166, 1972
436043: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 182, 1977
445833: - Sotheby's: Contemporary Art Day Auction, 16 October 2015
445834: - Christie's: Japanese Art and Design, 17 November 1998
429484: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 138, 1873
455510: - Italies: Peintures Des Musees De La Region Centre
094818: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol CIV Part 3
094819: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol C Part 1
416220: - Art Contemporain, Paris 4 - 5 Juin 2014
416221: - Ketterer Kunst, Auktion 416, 7. Juni 2014: Nach 1945, Zeitgenossische Kunst, Teil I
455089: - Jessica Warboys: A L'etage - Plat Verso
306773: - Light Water Lattices: Report of the Panel on Light Water Lattices Held in Vienna, 28 May - 1 June 1962 (Technical Report Series; No. 12)
018171: - From Millais to Miro European Prints 1855-1955
094823: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCVII Part 3
181539: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 8 - Number 4. Nov 2006
181540: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 8 - Number 4. Nov 2006
523330: - Debbie: Film Nurse Netta (no. 32)
224264: - African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society, Volume 102 Number 406 January 2003
224235: - Journal of Economic Literature: September 2006 Volume XLIV Number 3
306794: - Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society; Vol. 9, 1969
475232: - Proceedings of the I. R. E.: Volume 50, 1962, 1 - 1448
472510: - Der Pariser Alexanderroman: Eine Reise in Ferne Welten in Bildern Der Gotik
075520: - The World Economy, Volume 26, No. 5
468285: - Beethoven: Sonatas for Violoncello: Sonatas 1-5: Violin Part
472578: - SALE CATALOGUE: Summers Place Auctions Ltd in Association with Sotheby's: Garden Statuary and Fossil Decoration, 20 & 23 October 2009
468286: - Schumann: Zweite Sinfonie: (Piano)
173072: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 258 Numbers 1292-1295
173073: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 257 Numbers 1288-1291
173074: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 292 Numbers 1428-1431
173075: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 275 Numbers 1360-1363
476521: - Classic Film Scripts: The Four Marx Brothers in 'Monkey Business' and 'Duck Soup'
468287: - Beethoven: Sammtliche Ouverturen: (Piano)
476577: - Santa Biblia de estudio Serie 50 RVR 1960
476604: - Carlton Hobbs: Catalogue Number Four
600019: - ERGANZUNGSBAND Zum Bilder-Lexikon: Kulturgeschichte - Literatur Und Kunst - Sexualwissenschaft, Band VIII: M-Z
600018: - Bilder-Lexikon Sexualwissenschaft, Band VI: I-Z
476614: - Welcome the Heritage: The Story of Marie Adele Garnier
473778: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume LXXXV
447383: - We Know It's Tough to Talk: Boys in Need of Help: A Childline Study
171668: - Neuroscience Volume 49 Number 1
485509: - "De Senectute": Parole Ed Immagini 1988
096403: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Fall 1995): American Education: Still Separate, Still Unequal
172857: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 404 Numbers 1826-1827
251056: - Lights Out?: The Outlook for Energy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
210143: - Phillips Music 21st November 2009
418817: - Sotheby's: Volume 5, Issue 8, December 2013
431306: - Koller Zurich: Grafik, Multiples & Fotografie Auktion: Samstag, 27. Juni 2015
171677: - Neuroscience Volume 60 Number 2
171678: - Neuroscience Volume 60 Number 1
457828: - Chinese Photography: Tuesday, April 29, 2008
281342: - Christie's: American Modernism
251851: - Dessins Anciens et Du XIX Siecle: Vendredi 1 April 2011
495005: - Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society: Volume 16, 1970
495004: - Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society: Volume 3, 1957
269957: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 27(3): Husband and Wife and Matrimonial Law (Parts 4(9) - 6(3))
274976: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome V NumEro 19: Fevrier 1948
251850: - English and Continental Furniture, Tapestries and Works of Art: Wednesday 12th June 2002
424034: - The Phaidon Press: A Retrospect and Prospectus, 1923-1948
087286: - Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, Volume 16 (1987)
200603: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 115, No. 457
407927: - Resinography of Cellular Plastics
200604: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 115, No. 458
200605: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 115, No. 459
520653: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society - Fifth Series, Volume 31
520654: - Transactions of Royal Historical Society - Fifth Series, Volume 21
436038: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 177, 1975
025945: - The Wellingburian Vol 27
422217: - Contemporary Art, 13 May 2014
044261: - L. S. E. Quarterly, Spring 1989
426305: - Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Volume VII., No. 25, January 1930
426306: - Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Volume VIII., No. 29, January 1931
429013: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. XIX, Nov. 1811 - Feb. 1812
264074: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 21 No. 1 Autumn 2004
407889: - Christie's South Kensington: Lalique and 20th Century Bronzes and Sculpture: Monday, 24 November 1997
407888: - Christie's: Important Work By the Tiffany Studios, the Dr. Frank Stanton Collection: December 9, 1995
190183: - Desert Research Prodceedings
293804: - Fine Japanese Ceramics, Lacquer and Works of Art on Tuesday, February 17, 1976
293799: - Fine Japanese Ceramics, Prints and Works of Art on Tuesday, July 16, and Wednesday, July 17, 1974
306917: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for June 1815.October 1815: Vol XXV
306918: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for February 1816.June 1816: Vol XXVI
023782: - Amnesty International Annual Report
456937: - Guo Jin
432279: - The Jewish Quarterly, Vol. 21, Nos. 1 & 2, 1973
224110: - Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1/2: 1988
429410: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 18: Novelistas Posteriores a Cervantes: I
408198: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 8: 1964-1965
408200: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 9: 1966-1967
178162: - Journal of Audiological Technique Vol. 17.
178163: - Journal of Audiological Technique Vol. 8.
411493: - Kunstler Helfen Alten Und Neuen Meistern/Artists Help Old and New Masters: Charity Auction in Aid of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
546216: - Punishing the Innocent: House Demolitions as Collective Punishment on the West Bank: A Palestine Chronicle
079672: - World Water '89: Managing the Future - Learning from the Past
540903: - Past and Present: A Journal of Historical Studies: Number 70, February 1976
220433: - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies. Number 92, August 1982
202863: - The Seagram Collection of Photographs. October 16 2003; New York
432963: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 22, 1926-1929
420286: - Frost: Action in Soils, Volume 2; International Symposium University of Lulea, Sweden February 16-18 1977;
418840: - DaimlerChrysler Collection
417056: - De Canaletto a Kandinsky: Obras Maestras de la Collection Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza
174019: - Christie's South Kensington: Russian Art, 11 June 2009
152003: - Report on Forest Research for the Year Ended March 1986

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