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Click on booknumber for full information
224802: AMERICAN QUARTERLY; COHEN, HENNIG (ED.) - American Quarterly. Volume XXII, Number 2 Part 1, Summer 1970
144547: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - ASCE Annual Combined Index, 1989
144550: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - ASCE Annual Combined Index, 1987
224793: AMERICAN QUARTERLY; COHEN, HENNIG (ED.) - American Quarterly. Volume XX, Number 2 Part 2, Summer 1968
050756: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - Water Conservation: Needs and Implementing Strategies
295948: AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY - American Photography 15
296293: AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPHY - American Photography 15
549051: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments: Berkeley, California, August 22-26, 1966
206927: AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY - Entire functions and Related parts of Analysis (Proceedings of Symposia in Pure mathematics, Volume 11)
049285: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - Code of Practice, Adopted January 18, 1927
223043: AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW; ROSCIGNO, VINCENT J. (ED.); HODSON, RANDY (ED.) - American Sociological review, Volume 74, Number 2: April 2009
224787: AMERICAN QUARTERLY; COHEN, HENNIG (ED.) - American Quarterly. Volume XIX, Number 2 Part 1, Summer 1967
224788: AMERICAN QUARTERLY; COHEN, HENNIG (ED.) - American Quarterly. Volume XIX, Number 2 Part 2, Summer 1967
105619: AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION; SOUTHGATE, M. THERESE; BARCLAY, WILLIAM ROBERT; MAYO, ROBERT W. - Manual for Authors & Editors: Editorial Style & Manuscript Preparation
205592: AMERICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION - American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November 3-6, 2005: 'Groundwork: Space and Place in American Cultures'
223047: AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW; ROSCIGNO, VINCENT J. (ED.); HODSON, RANDY (ED.) - American Sociological review, Volume 74, Number 6: December 2009
182090: AMERICAN LESSING SOCIETY (VI) - Lessing Yearbook
548647: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - Proceedings of the Conference on Geotechnical Practice for Disposal of Solid Waste Materials: University of Michigan, June 13-15, 1977
050751: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - Clean Water For Our Future Environment
223041: AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW; ROSCIGNO, VINCENT J. (ED.); HODSON, RANDY (ED.) - American Sociological review, Volume 73, Number 6: December 2008
085529: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - Proceedings of the Speciallty Conference on Conservation and Utilization of Water and Energy Resources
144544: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - ASCE Annual Combined Index, 1984
224801: AMERICAN QUARTERLY; COHEN, HENNIG (ED.) - American Quarterly. Volume XXI, Number 4, Winter 1969
223045: AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW; ROSCIGNO, VINCENT J. (ED.); HODSON, RANDY (ED.) - American Sociological review, Volume 74, Number 4: August 2009
224795: AMERICAN QUARTERLY; COHEN, HENNIG (ED.) - American Quarterly. Volume XX, Number 4, Winter 1968
086972: AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION - Water Quality and Treatment
223042: AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW; ROSCIGNO, VINCENT J. (ED.); HODSON, RANDY (ED.) - American Sociological review, Volume 74, Number 1: February 2009
144545: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - ASCE Annual Combined Index, 1983
182095: AMERICAN LESSING SOCIETY (I) - Lessing Yearbook
513436: AMERY, THE RT. HON. L. S. - The Elizabethan Spirit: Presidential Address Delivered to the Devonshire Association at Bideford, June 1948
480487: AMES, WILLIAM F. - Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
522184: AMES, DELANO - Murder, Maestro, Please (Penguin Crime)
148789: AMES, W. F. - Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Engineering Vol 2
495416: AMIDON, STEPHEN - Splitting the Atom
539097: AMIDON, STEPHEN - The Primitive
605000: AMIDON, STEPHEN - Thirst
216533: AMIEL, STEPHEN (ED.); HEATH, IONA (ED.) - Family Violence in Primary Care
549192: AMIN, SHAHID - Sugarcane and Sugar in Gorakhpur: An Inquiry Into Peasant Production for Capitalist Enterprise in Colonial India
441431: AMIN, RIYAD; AMUN, HASAN; DAVIS, URI; ELRAZIK, ADNAN ABED; SAN'ALLAH, NASR DAKHLALLAH - Palestinian Arabs in Israel: Two Case Studies
498382: AMIRPUR, KATAJUN - New Thinking in Islam: The Jihad for Democracy, Freedom and Women's Rights
440589: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Riverside Villas Murder
305493: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Jake's Thing
547499: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Old Devils
298321: AMIS, MARTIN - Heavy Water and Other Stories
199080: AMIS, JOHN - Amiscellany : My Life, My Music
533933: AMIS, KINGSLEY (ED.) - The Amis Anthology: A Personal Choice of English Verse
496021a: AMIS, MARTIN - Invasion of the Space Invaders: An Addict's Guide to Battle Tactics, Big Scores and the Best Machines
539078: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Anti-Death League
537457: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Mr Barrett's Secret and Other Stories
515113: AMIS, MARTIN - Heavy Water and Other Stories
278514: AMIS, KINGSLEY - We Are All Guilty
408317: AMIS, MARTIN - Yellow Dog
549356: AMIS, JOHN - Amiscellany: My Life, My Music
547149: AMIS, MARTIN - Heavy Water and Other Stories
547064: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Russian Hide & Seek
515002: AMIS, MARTIN - Yellow Dog
514999: AMIS, MARTIN - Heavy Water and Other Stories
505732: AMIS, KINGLSEY - Collected Poems 1944-1979
274176: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Difficulties with Girls
549577: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Bright November: Poems By Kingsley Amis
544539: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Mr Barrett's Secret and Other Stories
022920: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Difficulties with Girls
549382: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Russian Hide-and-Seek; A Melodrama
213148: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Russian Girl
600091: AMIS, KINGSLEY - My Enemy's Enemy
547508: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Jake's Thing
515114: AMIS, MARTIN - The Pregnant Widow: Inside History
299896: AMIS, MARTIN - The Pregnant Widow
537709: AMIS, KINGSLEY; CONQUEST, ROBERT (EDITORS) - Spectrum V: A Fifth Science Fiction Anthology
479637: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Old Devils
454782: AMIS, KINGSLEY - I Want it Now
033117: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Riverside Villas Murder
603815: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Anti-Death League
604179: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Jake's Thing
604180: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Collected Short Stories
604183: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Difficulties with Girls
604184: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Crime of the Century
604618: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Collected Poems 1944-1979
542528: AMIS, KINGSLEY - Stanley And The Women
537417: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Riverside Villas Murder
475195: AMIT-TALAI, VERED; WULFF, HELENA (EDS.) - Youth Cultures: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
274157: AMMAN, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE - Edvard Munch (1863-1944): das druckgrafische Werk: (Auswahl aus dem Munch Museum Oslo)
480591: AMMERELLER, ERICH; VOSSENKUHL, WILHELM (EDS.) - Rationale Motivation
497385: AMMERLAAN, TOM; HULSEN, MADELEINE; STRATING, HELEEN; YAGMUR, KUTLAY (EDS.) - Sociolinguistic and Psycholinguistic Perspectives on Maintenance and Loss of Minority Languages
186132: AMMERS-KÜLLER, JO VAN - Der Verschollene Kronprinz
061200: AMMERS-KÜLLER, JO VAN - Frauenkreuzzug
446782: AMMON, KARL WILHELM - Nachrichten Von Der Pferdezucht Der Araber Und Den Arabischen Pferden
607973: AMMON, SABINE; CAPDEVILA-WERNING, REMEI - The Active Image: Architecture and Engineering in the Age of Modeling: 28 (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology, 28)
179648: AMMONDS, C C - Photoengraving Principles and Practice
506312: AMMONS, A. R. - Selected Poems
605438: AMMONS, A. R. - Bosh and Flapdoodle
239258: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL - Contra La Tortura: Manual De Acción
234090: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL - Philippines : The Killing Goes On
280450: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL STAFF - Greece: Torture and Ill-Treatment
489528: AMNON RUBINSTEIN - From Herzl to Rabin: The Changing Image of Zionism
481042: AMON, ANNE-MARIE; BESSE, XAVIER - La Chine Des Porcelaines
446179: AMOR, JAIME SEPULVEDA; CHEN, LINCOLN C.; SEGAL, SHELDON J. (EDS.) - AIDs and Women's Reproductive Health (Reproductive Biology)
451765: AMORALES, CARLOS - Skeleton Images Tossed By Chance
545129: AMOROSO, BRUNO; JESPERSEN, JESPER - Macroeconomic Theories and Policies for the 1990s: A Scandinavian Perspective
269234: AMOS, S. W. - Diccionario de Electronica: Espagnol-Ingles/Ingles-Espagnol
604922: AMOS, WILLIAM - The Originals: Who's Really Who in Fiction
539030: AMOSOFF, N. (AUTHOR); ST GEORGE, GEORGE (TRANSLATOR) - Notes from The Future
166728: AMOSSY, RUTH; ROSEN, ELISHEVA - Les Discourse Du Cliche
480746: AMRANI, YOUNES; BEAUD, STEPHANE - "Pays De Malheur!": Un Jeune De CitE Ecrit A Un Sociologue
243430: AMRITAH, SOMA - Raja's Dream
182048: AMSDEN, ALICE H. (ED) - Economics of Women and Work
189977: AMSTRONG, PAT & DAWSON, CHRIS - People in Organisations
521809: AMTENBRINK, FABIAN; VAN DEN BERG, PETER A. J. (EDS.) - The Constitutional Integrity of the European Union
428300: AMY, HELEN - Jane Austen
493137: AMY LLOYD - One More Lie: This chilling psychological thriller will hook you from page one
516757: AN OLD BOY - Tom Brown's School-Days
548848z: AN AMATEUR FLAGELLANT - Experiences of Flagellation: A Series of Remarkable Instances of Whipping Inflicted on Both Sexes: With Curious Anecdotes of Ladies Fond of Administering Birch Discipline
489882: ANACKER, KATRIN B. (ED.) - The New American Suburb: Poverty, Race and the Economic Crisis
538764: ANAGNOSTOU, ATHANASIUS, (ED); DAINIAK, NICHOLAS, (ED.); NAJMAN, ALBERT, (ED.) - Negative Regulators of Hematopoiesis: Studies on Their Nature, Action and Potential Role in Cancer Therapy
302788: ANAM, TAHMIMA - A Golden Age
536846: ANAND, MULK RAJ - The Barber's Trade Union and Other Stories
469366: ANAND, SUDHIR; PETER, FABIENNE; SEN, AMARTYA (EDS.) - Public Health, Ethics, and Equity
519232: ANAND, VIDYA SAGAR; GOVENDER, G.D. (ED.) - From Slavery to Freedom: A Brief History of The Epic Indo-African-Caribbean Emancipation Movement, Collection of Speeches and Writings
469611: ANAND, SUDHIR; SEGAL, PAUL; STIGLITZ, JOSEPH E. (EDS.) - Debates on the Measurement of Global Poverty (The Initiative for Policy Dialogue Series)
483914: ANAND, SUBHASH C. - Medical Textiles: Proceedings of the International Conference 24 & 25 August 1999, Bolton, UK
060092: ANAND, SUDHIR - Inequality and Poverty in Malaysia: Measurement and Decomposition
194035: ANAND, ANITA; ESCOBAR, A.; SEN, J.; WATERMAN, P. - Eine andere Welt ist möglich: Das Weltsozialforum
602116: ANAND, VIDYA SAGAR; GOVENDER, ROBERT (ED.) - Human Diversity: Collection of Speeches
600138: ANCAROLA, NORA; XIMENEZ, MARGA - Trilogia De La Privadesa
531907: ANCESCHI, LUCIANO (DIRETTORE) - Il Verri: Rivista Di Letteratura 2
531908: ANCESCHI, LUCIANO (DIRETTORE) - Il Verri: Rivista Di Letteratura 2
549465: ANCHIETA, JOSE DE - Poeslas
219842: ANCILL, R.J.; LADER, M.H. - Pharmacological Management of Chronic Psychiatric Disorders (Clinical Psychiatry International Practice and research, Volume 1, No. 4, November 1995)
463925: ANCTIL, PIERRE (ED.); HARNEY, ROBERT F.; RAMIREZ, BRUNO (ED.) - If One Were to Write a History...: Selected Writings By Robert F. Harney
527837: ANDALL, JACQUELINE; DUNCAN, DEREK (EDS.) - National Belongings: Hybridity in Italian Colonial and Postcolonial Cultures (Italian Modernities, Volume 7)
275921: ANDELKOVIC, BRANISLAVA; LULIC, MARKO; TRUMMER, THOMAS (EDS.) - Zidovi na Ulici/Walls in the Street; Beograd, 20 VI - 1 VIII 2008
522064: ANDENAS, MADS; GORMLEY, LAURENCE; HADJIEMMANUIL, CHRISTOS; HARDEN, IAN (EDS.) - European Economic and Monetary Union: The Institutional Framework (International Banking, Finance and Economic Law Series, Volume 6)
055502: ANDENAS, MADS; HUTCHINGS, MICHAEL & MARSDEN, PHILIP (EDITED BY) - Current Competition Law, Volume II
607675: ANDENAS, MADS - Article 177 References to the European Court - Policy and Practice
543975: ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN; GRIMM - Fairy Tales from Hand Andersen and Grimm
214938: ANDERSEN, ROY R.; SEIBERT, ROBERT F.; WAGNER, JON G. - Politics and Change in the Middle East : Sources of Conflict and Accommodation
411440: ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN - Tales From Hans Andersen (Level 2)
493878: ANDERSEN, LARS ERSLEV - Den Amerikanske Orden: USA Og Det Moderne MellemOsten
494098: ANDERSEN, JANS; KEIDING, HANS - Introduktion Til NationalOkonomi
213811: ANDERSEN, ROBIN; STRATE, LANCE (EDITORS) - Critical Studies in Media Commercialism
230404: ANDERSEN, MIKAEL SKOU; SPRENGER, ROLF-ULRICH (EDITOR) - Market-Based Instruments for Environmental Management: Politics Institutions
544650: ANDERSEN, ANDERZEN, (ED.); KRISTIANSEN, ROALD, (ED.) - Ecology of Spirit Conference: Cultural Plurality and Religious Identity in the Barents Region
231576: ANDERSEN, GEOFF - Eye on the Sky : The Fascination of Telescopes
045256: ANDERSEN, HANS - Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
537586: ANDERSEN, HANS; KINGSLAND, L.W. (TRANS) - Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
457614: ANDERSEN, HANS - Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
421742: ANDERSEN, L. (ED.) - Deutsche Heimat: Die Schonsten Bolfs, Wander- Und Studentenlieder
481837: ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN - Danish Fairy Tales and Legends
212553: ANDERSEN, JORGEN GOUL; JENSEN, PER H. - Changing Labour Markets, Welfare Policies and Citizenship
519345a: ANDERSEN, HENDRIK CHRISTIAN; HEBRARD, ERNEST M. - Creation of A World Centre of Communication
Am1899: ANDERSEN, COLIN - Balfour in the Dock
081381: ANDERSEN, JAN A. (ED.) - Underwater Technology Conference-84: Deep Water Technology
469657: ANDERSEN, TORBEN M.; MOENE, KARL O.; SORENSEN, PETER BIRCH (EDS.) - Tax Policy in Small Open Economies
608636: ANDERSON, JACK - The Grief Doctor
463884: ANDERSON, CYNTHIA D. - The Social Consequences of Economic Restructuring in the Textile Industry: Change in a Southern Mill Village (Transnational Business and Corporate Culture: Problems and Opportunities)
430212: ANDERSON, HARLAN U.; MARSHALL, DAVID; MESSING, GARY L. (EDS.) - Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Volume 78, Number 1, January 1995
017831: ANDERSON, W. FERGUSON & JUDGE, T. G. - Geriatric Medicine
549945: ANDERSON, EDWARD - Thieves Like Us
063370: ANDERSON, E. B. - Rock Gardens
031806: ANDERSON, JONATHAN - Psycholinguistic Experiments in Foreign Language Testing
545247: ANDERSON, CLAY J. - A Half-Century of Federal Reserve Policymaking, 1914-1964
027309: ANDERSON, INGVAR - Introduction to Sweden
451906: ANDERSON, OLIVE; ET AL - Economica: New Series, Volume 28, Numbers 109-112 (1961)
549275: ANDERSON, R.G.W.; CAYGILL, M.L.; MACGREGOR, A.G.; SYSON, L. (EDITORS) - Knowledge, Discovery and The Museum in the Eighteenth Century
149631: ANDERSON, M. G.; BURT, T. P. - Hydrological Forecasting
173875: ANDERSON, ROBERT - The Aftermath of Stroke : The Experience of Patients and Their Families
445028: ANDERSON, ROMOLA AND R.C. - The Sailing Ship: Six Thousand Years of History
433642: ANDERSON, STEPHEN R. - Organisation of Phonology
479011: ANDERSON, DIGBY (ED.) - The Loss of Virtue: Moral Confusion and Social Disorder in Britain and America
145940: ANDERSON, J G C & OWEN, T R - The Structure of the British Isles
530891: ANDERSON, J.K. - Ancient Greek Horsemanship
518663: ANDERSON, PERRY; HAZAN, ERIC; ET AL. - New Left Review 48, Second Series, Nov/Dec 2007
600024: ANDERSON, L.L.; ET AL; INTERSTITIAL COLLABORATIVE WORKING GROUP - Interstitial Brachytherapy: Physical, Biological, and Clinical Considerations
521140: ANDERSON, J C - A Short Chronicle Concerning the Parish of Croydon
286752: ANDERSON, PERRY (ED.) - New Left Review 17; Second Series. September/October 2002
286756: ANDERSON, PERRY; WATKINS, SUSAN (EDS.) - New Left Review 21; Second Series. May/June 2003
296744: ANDERSON, ROBERT; SMOLLETT, TOBIAS - The Miscellaneous Works of Tobias Smillett, M.D. With Memoirs of His Life and Writings By Robert Anderson, M.D.: Volume III
517355: ANDERSON, ODIN W. - Health Care: Can There By Equity? The United States, Sweden and England
518400: ANDERSON, W. ELLERY - Expedition South
513118: ANDERSON, J. CORBET - The Archiepiscopal Palace at Croydon
513119: ANDERSON, J. CORBET - Croydon Old Church Parish Register and the Whitgift Charity
156658: ANDERSON, J. R. - Chemisorption and Reactions on Metallic Films Vol 2
527253: ANDERSON, TERRY H. - Bush's Wars
275065: ANDERSON, NORMAN B.; BULATAO, RODOLFO A.; COHEN, BARNEY (EDS.) - Critical Perspectives on Racial and Ethnic Differences in Health in Late Life
510612: ANDERSON, ROBERT - Great Court and the British Museum
510613: ANDERSON, ROBERT - Great Court and the British Museum
608330: ANDERSON, HUGH (EDITOR) - Selected Tales from the Arabian Nights
513198: ANDERSON, MALCOM; BORT, EBERHARD - The Frontiers of the European Union
262910: ANDERSON, MICHAEL - Approaches to the History of the Western Family, 1500-1914
157453: ANDERSON, MARY - The Menopause
286744: ANDERSON, PERRY (ED.) - New Left Review 9; Second Series. May/June 2001
286747: ANDERSON, PERRY (ED.) - New Left Review 12; Second Series. November/December 2001
148136: ANDERSON, ROBERT - The Works of the British Poets with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical (14 VOLUMES)
549962: ANDERSON, WILLIAM - The Waking Dream
294617: ANDERSON, JAMES M. - Structural Aspects of Language Change
084819: ANDERSON, D.C.; JENKINS, J.S. (EDS.) - Clinical Endocrinology; Vol. 23, No. 3, September 1985
441112: ANDERSON, ROY - The Violent Kingdom: The Early History of Northumbria
213772: ANDERSON, JAMES (ED.) - Transnational Democracy: Political Spaces and Border Crossings
089768: ANDERSON, TERRY L; SNYDER, PAMELA - Water Markets: Priming the Invisible Pump
531814: ANDERSON, PETER - Then and There, Here and Now, Volume One
197228a: ANDERSON, VALBORG (ED.); STRINDBERG, AUGUST - The Father and a Dream Play
197227z: ANDERSON, VALBORG (ED.); STRINDBERG, AUGUST - The Father and a Dream Play (Croft Classics)
544058: ANDERSON, PERRY - Lineages of the Absolutist State
292505: ANDERSON, DIGBY (ED.) - The Loss of Virtue: Moral Confusion and Social Disorder in Britain and America
539808: ANDERSON, MATTHEW T. - Thirsty
540702: ANDERSON, DOUGLAS - All About Cribbage
015608: ANDERSON, ALAN H. - Effective Personnel Management: A Skills and Activity-Based Approach
421531: ANDERSON, DAVID R.; SWEENEY, DENNIS J.; WILLIAMS, THOMAS A. - Solutions Manual to Accompany Statistics: Concepts and Applications
034313: ANDERSON, DOROTHY (SONTRIBUTOR) CHALLEN, V (EDITOR) - Ultrasound (Continuing Education Module) Unit B
423054: ANDERSON, ALAN; HILLAGE, JIM; PEARSON, RICHARD; TAMKIN, PENNY - Excellence in Research on Schools
094578: ANDERSON, R.; BUBENKO, J.A. & SOLVBERG, A. (ED.) - Advanced Information Systems Engineering: Third International Conference CAiSE '91 Trondheim, Norway, May 13-15, 1991 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 498)
277712: ANDERSON, STEVENS W. - Compact Classics: Volume III
510080: ANDERSON, W. A. (ED.) - The Correspondence of Thomas Percy & Robert Anderson (The Percy Letters)
519994: ANDERSON, DIGBY - The Spectator Book of Imperative Cooking
485338: ANDERSON, NELS (ED.) - Studies in Multilingualism
191305: ANDERSON, BARBARA - Long Hot Summer
186239: ANDERSON, RON - Computer Studies : A First Year Course
035367: ANDERSON, DIGBY C. (ED.) - Health Education in Practice
533529: ANDERSON, KAREN M. - Social Policy in the European Union
501303: ANDERSON, KATRINA; ANDERSON, MARJORIE (ED.) - Blessed: Portrait of Asdis Sigrun Anderson
548110: ANDERSON, MARGARET - The Fiery Fountains
445376: ANDERSON, VICKI; NORTHAM, ELISABETH; HENDY, JULIE; WRENNALL, JACUIE - Developmental Neuropsychology: A Clinical Approach
464116: ANDERSON, STEPHEN R. - A-Morphous Morphology
497293: ANDERSON, ROBERT - Elgar in Manuscript
430607: ANDERSON, R.C. (HON. ED.) - The Mariner's Mirror: The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research: Vol. 26, No. 1, Jan. 1940
286749: ANDERSON, PERRY (ED.) - New Left Review 14; Second Series. March/April 2002
286750: ANDERSON, PERRY (ED.) - New Left Review 15; Second Series. May/June 2002
479798: ANDERSON, OLIVE - A Liberal State at War: English Politics and Economics During the Crimean War
549883: ANDERSON, NORMAN - Law Reform in the Muslim World
433306: ANDERSON, JOHN (ED.) - Meanwhile... Issue 1, Oct 2014
197788: ANDERSON, DAVID G. (ED.); BERGLUND, EEVA (ED.) - Ethnographies of Conservation : Environmentalism and the Distribution of Privilege
282752: ANDERSON, ROBERT - The Kissing Was Always The Best (Scenes From A Divorce)
155812: ANDERSON, THOMAS - Angel Bait : A Romance
275472: ANDERSON, J. CORBET - The Roman City of Uriconium at Wroxeter, Salop
608573: ANDERSON, POUL - Operation Luna
157877: ANDERSON, ELEANOR - A Very Far Place to Be Away From: Stories and Poems
435383: ANDERSON, ROBERT - Effect of Tobacco Advertising on Tobacco Consumption: A Discussion Document Reviewing the Evidence
537661: ANDERSON, POUL - Guardians of Time
175783: ANDERSON, H. H. - Bibliography and Index of Experimental Range and Stopping Power Data
085239: ANDERSON, JOE; FEARS, ROBIN; TAYLOR, BERNARD - Managing Technology for Competitive Advantage
286751: ANDERSON, PERRY (ED.) - New Left Review 16; Second Series. July/August 2002
544700: ANDERSON, PETER M. - A Structural Atlas of the English Dialects
296384: ANDERSON, BRUCE; HOARE, JOHN - Clay Statements
460444: ANDERSON, JAMES M.; FEINSTEIN, OTTO; SMITH, IVA A. (EDS.) - Ethnic America: A Book of Readings
305428: ANDERSON, JOHN - Education and Inquiry (Values and Philosophical Inquiry)
531008: ANDERSON, DONALD G.; KEEFER, CHESTER S. - The Therapeutic Value of Penicillin: A Study of 10,000 Cases
482326: ANDERSON, R. C.; ROMOLA - The Sailing-Ship: Six Thousand Years of History
212385: ANDERSON, JOHN - MPRE Ultimate Exam Prep
157105: ANDERSON, MARY M. - Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for the House Officer
546337: ANDERSON, COLIN - Magellan
487686: ANDERSON, GAIL-NINA - Kitchen Sink & Other Drawings of the Fifties in Black Chalk
063015: ANDERSON, DENNIS; CHUA, SWEE - Economic Growth, Trade, Foreign Investment and the Environment (Applied Economics Discussion Paper Series, No 208)
445547: ANDERSON, ELIZABETH M.; CLARKE, LYNDA - Disability in Adolescence
055592: ANDERSON, E.W. - An Atlas of World Political Flash Points
016515: ANDERSON, WILLIAM; HICKS, CLIVE - Cathedrals in Britain and Ireland: From Early Times to the Reign of Henry VIII
025151: ANDERSON, RACHEL - The Rattletrap Trip
538092: ANDERSON, BENEDICT R. O'G. - A Life Beyond Boundaries
541610: ANDERSON, J.G.C. - A Journey of Exploration in Pontus
304180: ANDERSON, PERRY (ED.) - New Left Review 17; Second Series, September October 2002
286748: ANDERSON, PERRY (ED.) - New Left Review 13; Second Series. January/February 2002
286050: ANDERSON, PERRY (EDITOR) - New Left Review 15 May/June 2002 (Second Series)
548151: ANDERSON, PERRY - Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism
108465: ANDERSON, M.C.; JORDAN, J.A.; MORSE, A.R.; SHARP, F. - Text and Atlas of Integrated Colposcopy : For Colposcopists, Histopathologists and Cytologists (Chapman & Hall Medical Atlas Series)
533093: ANDERSON, ALAN ORR (COLLECTED AND TRANSLATED BY) - Early Sources of Scottish History: A.D. 500-1286, Volumes I&II
542387: ANDERSON, POUL - War of the Gods
604145: ANDERSON, MAXWELL - Winterset
605959: ANDERSON, DIGBY (ED.) - The Loss of Virtue: Moral Confusion and Social Disorder in Britain and America
606519: ANDERSON, LIZ - Red Lights and Green Lizards: A Cambodian Adventure
528851: ANDERSSON, AXEL - A Hero for the Atomic Age: Thor Heyerdahl and the Kon-Tiki Expedition
544691: ANDERSSON, THEODORE M. (ED.); BARNEY, STEPHEN A. (ED,) - Contradictions: From Beowulf to Chaucer: Selected Studies of Larry D. Benson
512154: ANDERSSON-SKOG, LENA; OLIVARES, JAVIER VIDAL (EDS.) - The Journal of Transport History: Third Series, Volume 31, Number 1, June 2010
525689: ANDERSSON, AXEL - A Hero for the Atomic Age: Thor Heyerdahl and the Kon-Tiki Expedition
453123: ANDERSSON, ARON (ED.) ET AL - Acta Archeologica, Vol. 46-47, 1975-76
411210: ANDERSSON, SUSAN W. - From Birth to Senescence: Studies on Factors at Birth and Their Relation to Morbidity in Women in Adult Life
093115: ANDERSSON, LEIF C.; GAHMBERG, C.G. - Gene Expression During Normal and Malignant Differentiation
407470: ANDERSSON, STIG I. (ED.) - Analysis of Dynamical and Cognitive Systems Advanced Course, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-14 1993 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 888)
527683: ANDERSSON, AXEL - A Hero for the Atomic Age: Thor Heyerdahl and the Kon-Tiki Expedition
413250: ANDERTON, LIZ; CREECE, DERMOTT (EDS.) - Bookbinder; Volume 11, 1997
549052: ANDERTON, BASIL; GIBSON, W.H. - Catalogue of the Bewick Collection (Pease Bequest)
532961: ANDEWEG, RUDY B.; IRWIN, GALEN A. - Governance and Politics of the Netherlands
495917: ANDIA, BEATRICE DE - Les MusEes Parisiens: Histoire, Architecture et dEcor
607979: ANDINA, TIZIANA; BOJANIC, PETAR - Institutions in Action: The Nature and the Role of Institutions in the Real World (Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality, 12)
188439: ANDO, ALBERT; BROWN, E. CARRY; FRIEDLAENDER, ANN F. (EDS.) - Studies in Economic Stabilization (Studies of Government Finance)
251657: ANDO, D. J; PELLATT, M. G. (EDS) - Fine Chemicals for the Electronic Industry II: Chemical Applications for the 1990s (Special Publication No. 88)
153200: ANDO, TAKATURA - Reflections on God, Self and Humanity
470243: ANDO, ALBERT; BLUME, MARSHALL E.; FRIEND, IRWIN (EDS.) - The Structure and Reform of the U.S. Tax System
451474: ANDOM, R. - The Cruise of the "Mock Turtle"
109672: ANDOM, R. - Troddles' Farm
222907: ANDOR, L.E. - Psychological and Sociological Studies of the Black People of Africa, South of the Sahara, 1960-1975: An Annotated Select Bibliography
019132: ANDRADE, E. N. DA C. - Airs (for the hautbois and other instruments).
525822: ANDRADE, MONA; ANDRADE, E.N.DA C. - The Answer is: A Quiz of 500 Varied Questions for Brains of All Degrees
607766: ANDRADE, E. N. DA C.; ANDRADE, MONA - The Answer Is
493010: ANDREA SCHLIEKER - Folkestone Triennial: A Million Miles from Home
489384: ANDREA MORIGI; VITTORIO EMANUELE VERNOLE; PRISCILLA DI THIENE - The Cross and the Crescent: Religious freedom in Countries with an Islamic Majority
169208: ANDREANI, D; GUERIGUIAN, J.L.; STRIKER, G.E.; CONTI, F.G. (EDITED BY) - Diabetic Complications: Epidemiology and Pathogenetic Mechanisms (Volume 69)
Am1340: ANDREAS DITTMANN - Geoparks and Geo-Tourism in Iran (Schriften Zur Internationalen entwicklungs- Und Umweltforschung)
527003: ANDREAS-SALOME, LOU; BECK, FRANK (TRANS.); WHITINGER, RALEIGH (TRANS.) - Anneliese's House: A Translation of Lou Andreas-SALOME'S 1921 Novel Das Haus: Familiengeschichte Vom Ende Vorigen Jahrhunderts
540813: ANDREAS, HOLGER - Logical Studies of Paraconsistent Reasoning in Science and Mathematics
108230: ANDREAS ANDRESEN - Der Deutsche Peintre-Graveur: German Graphic Artists from 1560 to 1800 Volume I
607983: ANDREAS, HOLGER - Dynamic Tractable Reasoning: A Modular Approach to Belief Revision (Synthese Library, 420)
492369: ANDREASEN, MOGENS WENZEL; SORENSEN, SOREN - Politikens Introduktion Til Klassisk Musik: Komponisterne, VAErkerne Og Teorien
061260: ANDREASON, WALTER E. - Das Schöne Deutschland, ErsterTeil
475596: ANDREOLI-DE VILLERS, JEAN-PIERRE - Futurism and the Arts: A Bibliography, 1959-73
472974: ANDREOPOULOS, GEORGE J.; SELESKY, HAROLD E. (EDS.) - The Aftermath of Defeat: Societies, Armed Forces, and the Challenge of Recovery
440610: ANDREOTTI, E. R.; MCGEEHAN, PATRICK J. (ED.) - Advances in Power Metallurgy, Volume 3, 1990
528522: ANDREOZZI, GABRIELE (ED.); GORMAN, DAVID (TRANS.) - DESAPARICION: Argentina’s Human Rights Trials (Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas, Volume 53)
177295: ANDRES, CLAY - The Little Mac Toolkit
608411: ANDRESKI, STANISLAV - Social Sciences as Socery
442207: ANDREUCCI, VITTORIO E.; FINE, LEON G. (EDS.) - International Yearbook of Nephrology 1996
023620: ANDREW, J.J. - The Blood of the Covenant: Its Efficacy in Baptism, Resurrection and Immortalization
161158: ANDREW, RALPH, P. (ED.) - The Strength of Concrete Structures 1956 Symposium
411744: ANDREW, MARTIN - Buckinghamshire: Pictorial Memories (County Series)
494461p: ANDREW GREGORY - Anaximander (Bloomsbury Classical Studies Monographs)
496831: ANDREW T. CHAMBERLAIN; MICHAEL PARKER PEARSON - Earthly Remains: The History and Science of Preserved Human Bodies
494563p: ANDREW CROME - The Restoration of the Jews: Early Modern Hermeneutics, Eschatology, and National Identity in the Works of Thomas Brightman (International Archives of ... Internationales d'Histoire des Idees)
503066: ANDREW, CHRISTOPHER; HANDEL, PETER; WARK, WESLEY K.; ALDRICH, RICHARD (EDS.) - Intelligence and National Security, Volume 11, Number 4, October 1996
519225: ANDREW, MARTIN - Francis Frith's Down the Thames (Francis Frith's Photographic Memories)
426404: ANDREW MARTIN INTERNATIONAL - Andrew Martin Interior Design Review: Volume 15
496906: ANDREW HEMMINGS; DAVID SWIDENBANK - From Lancashire to Yorkshire by Canal: In the 1950s
Am429: ANDREW GREGORY - Plato's Philosophy of Science
080064: ANDREW, G. W. - The Resources of the Empire. Fuel.
495594: ANDREW, GEOFF (ED.) - Film: The Critics' Choice
425094: ANDREW, RALPH P. (ED.) - Proceedings of a Symposium on Concrete Quality
Am1275: ANDREW WILSON - A Different Kind of Evil (Agatha Christie 2)
Am2013: ANDREW, DONNA, T - London Debating Societies 1776 - 1799
Am299: ANDREW BECKMAN - Studebaker's Last Dance: The Avanti
522092: ANDREWES, CHRISTOPHER - The Lives of Wasps and Bees
533092: ANDREWES, THOM; DJURIC, DIMITRI - We Break Strings: The Alternative Classical Scene in London
239735: ANDREWS, EDWARD D. - The Community Industries of the Shakers (New York State Musem Handbook 15)
542440: ANDREWS, VAL - Shelock Holmes and the Brighton Pavilion
059971: ANDREWS, FRANK C. - Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
164516: ANDREWS, J. T. ED. - Quaternary Environments : The Eastern Canadian Arctic, Baffin Bay and West Greenland
472987: ANDREWS, WILLIAM - Bygone Church Life in Scotland
103101: ANDREWS, SEAN - Straightforward Guide to Letting Property
259865: ANDREWS, DAVID; SURUGUE, JEAN (EDS.) - New Experimental Techniques in Propulsion and Energetics Research
457145: ANDREWS, PETER; ET AL - The House Book
505186: ANDREWS, MAGGIE; GREGSON, ADRIAN; PETERS, JOHN (EDS.) - Worcestershire's War (Voices of the First World War)
147905: ANDREWS, J.S.; EATON, E.G.; HORE, T.; MC TAGGART, S.; WEST, L.H.T. - An Analysis of Drink Driving Research
028093: ANDREWS, STUART - Eighteenth-Century Europe: The 1680s to 1815
519344: ANDREWS, J - A Topographical Map of the County of Kent in Twenty Five Sheets, on a Scale of Two Inches to a Mile, from an Actual Survey; in Which are Expressed All the Roads, Lanes, Churches, Towns, Villages, Noblemen and Gentlemens Seats, Roman Roads, Hills, Rivers..
536949: ANDREWS, JEAN; COROLEU, ALEJANDRO (EDITORS - Mexico 1680: Cultural and Intellectual Life in the 'Barroco De Indias'
532066: ANDREWS, KENNETH R. (ED) - The Last Voyage of Drake and Hawkins
194949: ANDREWS, JOHN T. - A Geomorphological Study of Post-Glacial Uplift with Particular Reference to Arctic Canada
157575: ANDREWS, R. W. - Wollastonite (Natural Environment Research council)
515277: ANDREWS, JAMES - Reminiscences of Epsom
516997: ANDREWS, MOLLY - Shaping History: Narratives of Politcal Change
508421: ANDREWS, ALLEN - Back to the Drawing Board: The Evolution of Flying Machines
524753: ANDREWS, DONNA - No Nest for the Wicket (A Meg Langslow Mystery)
533258: ANDREWS, RICHARD - Scripts and Scenarios: The Performance of Comedy in Renaissance Italy
246698a: ANDREWS, MARY RAYMOND SHIPMAN - The Perfect Tribute
234879: ANDREWS, A. T. - Chemical Aspects of Food Enzymes
546649: ANDREWS, JAMES R. - The Practice of Rhetorical Criticism
289760: ANDRIEU, J. - Etude Critique Sur Les Sigles De Personnages Et Les Rubriques De Scene Dans Les Anciennes Editions De Terence
253473: ANDRIEUX, LOUIS - Pierre Gassendi: Prevot De l'Eglise De Digne
101485: ANDRIS BARBLAN (EDITOR) - CRE-Action No 95
508407: ANDRIYASHEV, A.P. AND USHAKOV, P. V. (EDS.) - Biological Reports of the Soviet Antartic Expedition (1955-1958) Vol. 2
473897: ANDRONOV, A.A.; VITT, A.A.; KHAIKIN, S.E. (EDS.) - Theory of Oscillators
425625: ANDROUET, PIERRE - Guide du Fromage
001922: ANDRY, ROBERT G. - Delinquency and Parental Pathology: A Study in Forensic and Clinical Psychology
547187: ANDRZEYEVSKI, GEORGE; WELSH, D.J. (TRANSL.) - Ashes and Diamonds
061210: ANET, CLAUDE - Lydia Sergijewna
180245: ANFINSEN, C.B. (ED.); EDSALL, JOHN T. (ED.); RICHARDS, FREDERIC M. (ED.) - Advances in Protein Chemistry Volume 32
180248: ANFINSEN, C.B. (ED.); EDSALL, JOHN T. (ED.); RICHARDS, FREDERIC M. (ED.) - Advances in Protein Chemistry Volume 29
180246: ANFINSEN, C.B. (ED.); EDSALL, JOHN T. (ED.); RICHARDS, FREDERIC M. (ED.) - Advances in Protein Chemistry Volume 31
180247: ANFINSEN, C.B. (ED.); EDSALL, JOHN T. (ED.); RICHARDS, FREDERIC M. (ED.) - Advances in Protein Chemistry Volume 30
236799: ANFINSEN, C.B.; ANSON, M.L.; EDSALL, JOHN T. (EDS.) - Advances in Protein Chemistry; Volume 18
180244: ANFINSEN, C.B. (ED.); EDSALL, JOHN T. (ED.); RICHARDS, FREDERIC M. (ED.) - Advances in Protein Chemistry Volume 33
236806: ANFINSEN, C.B; EDSALL, JOHN T.; RICHARDS, FREDERIC M. (EDS.) - Advances in Protein Chemistry; Volume 28
236807: ANFINSEN, C.B; EDSALL, JOHN T.; RICHARDS, FREDERIC M. (EDS.) - Advances in Protein Chemistry; Volume 36
236802: ANFINSEN, C.B.; ANSON, M.L.; EDSALL, JOHN T.; RICHARDS, FREDERIC M. (EDS.) - Advances in Protein Chemistry; Volume 21
236804: ANFINSEN, C.B; EDSALL, JOHN T.; RICHARDS, FREDERIC M. (EDS.) - Advances in Protein Chemistry; Volume 26
236805: ANFINSEN, C.B; EDSALL, JOHN T.; RICHARDS, FREDERIC M. (EDS.) - Advances in Protein Chemistry; Volume 27
518873: ANGADI, PATRICIA - My Mother Said
518877: ANGADI, PATRICIA - Turning the Turtle
490677: ANGANG HU - China: Innovative Green Development
144510: ANGARSKY, ANDREW - Eighty-Seven Days
511182: ANGELA MCDONALD - The Ancient Egyptians: Their Lives and Their World
511183: ANGELA MCDONALD - The Ancient Egyptians: Their Lives and Their World
283259: ANGELETTI, LUCIANA R. (ED.) - Giornale Di Storia Della Medicina, Journal of History of Medicine, Medicina Nei Secoli, Arte e Scienza: New Series, Vol. 6, No. 3
283260: ANGELETTI, LUCIANA R. (ED.) - Giornale Di Storia Della Medicina, Journal of History of Medicine, Medicina Nei Secoli, Arte e Scienza: New Series, Vol. 7, No. 1
283262: ANGELETTI, LUCIANA R. (ED.) - Giornale Di Storia Della Medicina, Journal of History of Medicine, Medicina Nei Secoli, Arte e Scienza: New Series, Vol. 12, No. 2
283261: ANGELETTI, LUCIANA R. (ED.) - Giornale Di Storia Della Medicina, Journal of History of Medicine, Medicina Nei Secoli, Arte e Scienza: New Series, Vol. 9, No. 3
548229: ANGELL, ALAN - Democracy After Pinochet: Politics, Parties and Elections in Chile
155491: ANGELL, ALAN - Peruvian Labour and the Military Government since 1968 : University Lecturer in Latin American Politics, Oxford, and Fellow of St. Antony's College (University of London, Institute of Latin American Studies, Working Papers 3)
494087: ANGELL, NORMAN - The Story of Money
075737: ANGELL; CORREA; GAZMURI; JOCELYN-HOLT; MENESES - Opciones 9: Revista Del Centro De Estudios De la Realidad Contemporanea academia De Humanismo Cristiano
548191: ANGELL, ALAN; LOWDEN, PAMELA; THORP, ROSEMARY - Decentralizing Development: The Political Economy of Institutional Change in Colombia and Chile
520315: ANGELL, CALLIE; BERMAN, AVIS; DANTO, ARTHUR C. (ET.AL) - The Andy Warhol Museum
264304: ANGELUCCI, ENZO; MATRICARDI, PAOLO - Aeroplani di Tutto il Mondo, dal 1903 al 1960 (6 Volumes)
517428: ANGER, JENNY - Four Metaphors of Modernism from Der Sturm to the SOCIETE Anonyme
475936: ANGERSON, W.J.; SHELDON, C.D.; BARBENEL, J.C.; FISHER, A.C.; GAYLOR, J.D.S. (EDS.) - Blood Flow in the Brain
469000: ANGIRA, JARED - Cascades
022227: ANGLE, PAUL M. - The Making of a World Power, Volume IV (Student Editions)
450753: ANGLO, SYDNEY - Spectacle Pageantry, and Early Tudor Policy
533134: ANGOFF, ALLAN; SHAPIN, BETTY (EDS.) - Parapyschology Today: A Geographic View
285670: ANGRISANI, ISA GUERRINI (ED.) - Giordano Bruno: Candelaio
465071: ANGUERA, SALVADOR VILASECA; SERRA-RAFOLS, JOSE DE C.; CEDO, LUIS BRULL (EDS.) - Excavaciones Del Plan Nacional En El Castellet De Banolas, De Tivisa (Tarragona)
544329: ANIE, SUSSIE - To Fill a Yellow House
536774: ANIEVAS, ALEX; FABRY, ADAM; KNOW, ROBERT; CALLINICOS, ALEX - International Socialism 136: Obama and the Dream That Died
477558: ANISEF, PAUL; AXELROD, PAUL - Opportunity and Uncertainty: Life Course Experiences of the Class of '73
506716: ANISHCHENKO, V. S. - Dynamical Chaos in Physical Systems
506715: ANISHCHENKO, V. S. - Dynamical Chaos - Basic Concepts
287450: ANISIMOV, I. (ED.) - Soviet Literature Monthly: 11: 1951
Am1577: ANITA WILLIAMS - Psychology and Formalisation: Phenomenology, Ethnomethodology and Statistics (Studies in Social Sciences, Philosophy and History of Ideas)
513298: ANKER, RICHARD; HEIN, CATHERINE (EDS.) - Sex Inequalities in Urban Employment in the Third World
469840: ANKER, RICHARD; VAN DER HOEVEN, ROLPH (EDS.) - Poverty Monitoring: An International Concern
534957: ANKERSMIT, F. R. - Aesthetic Politics: Political Philosophy Beyond Fact and Value
518341: ANKUM, J.A.; SPRUIT, J.E.; WUBBE, F.B.J. (EDS.) - Satura Roberto Feenstra sexagesimum quintum annum aetatis complenti ab alumnis collegis amicis Oblata
292410: ANN, LISA - Celebrity Cookbook: Recipes For A Cure
Am1752: ANN SAUNDERS (ED) - London Topographical Record, XXIV
Am1759: ANN SAUNDERS (ED) - London Topographical Record, XXVI
Am1761: ANN SAUNDERS (ED) - London Topographical Record, XXIX
Am1763: ANN SAUNDERS (ED) - London Topographical Record, XXX
481970: ANNA NOYES - Goodnight, Beautiful Women
192318: ANNA STAFIEJ (ED) - Mrozek Festival. Cracow 15th-29th June 1990
192317: ANNA STAFIEJ (ED) - Slawomir Mrozek's Plays Performed in Poland and Elsewhere / Utwory Slawomira Mrozka Na Scenach Polskich I Zagranicznych
481550: ANNA BERNARD - Rhetorics of Belonging: Nation, Narration, and Israel/Palestine (Postcolonialism Across the Disciplines)
206066: ANNAN, NOËL - Leslie Stephen : The Godless Victorian
510890: ANNAN, DAVID - Cinefantastic: Beyond the Dream Machine
545489: ANNAN, NOEL - The Dons: Mentors, Eccentrics and Geniuses
545193: ANNAND TAYLOR, RACHEL (AUTHOR); MURRAY, GILBERT (PREFACE) - Aspects of the Italian Renaissance
215691: ANNAS, JULIA (ED.) - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume IX, 1991
174577: ANNAS, GEORGE J. - Standard of Care : The Law of American Bioethics
217911: ANNAS, GEORGE J. - Standard of Care : The Law of American Bioethics
Am1175: ANNE DEVLIN - Way-Paver
Am769: ANNE DEVLIN - Way-Paver
510156: ANNEAR, JEREMY - Annear Exhibition 2018
514124: ANNEMARIE EVANS - Seeking Equilibrium: Architecture of Ken Wai
600846: ANNER, JOHN (ED.) - Beyond Identity Politics: Emerging Social Justice Movements in Communities of Color
085318: ANNESLEY, CLAIRE - Postindustrial Germany: Services, Technological Transformation and Knowledge in Unified Germany
225140: ANNUAL REVIEW OF GENETICS; ROMAN, HERSCHEL L. (ED.); SANDLER, LAURENCE M. (ED.); CAMPBELL, ALLAN (ED.) - Annual Review of genetics, Volume 14. 1980
225136: ANNUAL REVIEW OF GENETICS; ROMAN, HERSCHEL L. (ED.); SANDLER, LAURENCE M. (ED.); CAMPBELL, ALLAN (ED.) - Annual Review of genetics, Volume 10. 1976
225141: ANNUAL REVIEW OF GENETICS; ROMAN, HERSCHEL L. (ED.); SANDLER, LAURENCE M. (ED.); CAMPBELL, ALLAN (ED.) - Annual Review of genetics, Volume 15. 1981
225134: ANNUAL REVIEW OF GENETICS; ROMAN, HERSCHEL L. (ED.); SANDLER, LAURENCE M. (ED.); CAMPBELL, ALLAN (ED.) - Annual Review of genetics, Volume 8. 1974
498767: ANOKHINA, OLGA (ED.) - Multilinguisme et CrEativitE LittEraire
500837: ANON ANON - Boys Anti-Tank Rifle Mark I
519396: ANON. - The Young Ladies' Treasure Book: A Complete Cyclopaedia of Practical Instruction and Direction for All Indoor and Outdoor Occupations and Amusements Suitable to Young Ladies
189405: ANON. - The Muse of Monarchy. Poems By Kings and Queens of England Offered Unto the English-speaking Peoples Upon the Occasion of the Coronation of His Majesty King George VI
498938: ANON ANON - History of the Great War; Military Operations: Gallipoli, Vol. I - Appendices
541298: ANON.; AVERY, GILLIAN (INTRODUCTION) - The Life and Adventures of Lady Anne
174520: ANONYMOUS - The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher
254767: ANONYMOUS - O: A Presidential Novel
549261: ANONYMOUS - The Making of a Ninja: Ashida Kim's Training Camp
500157: ANONYMOUS; JORDAN, DENHAM; OWEN, JEAN ALLAN - On Surrey Hills. By a Son of the Marshes, Etc. [Denham Jordan.] [Edited By J. A. Owen.]
532218: ANONYMOUS - Us: The Ultimate Erotic Adventurer
496923: ANONYMOUS - The Trial of Richard Parker, for Mutiny, c. &c. on Board of his Majesty's Fleet at the Nore. To which is added an Account of his Behaviour During the Execution. With a Description of his Person
010033: ANONYMOUS - An Englishwoman's Love-Letters
182236: ANONYMOUS - The Fear Makers
486484: ANONYMOUS - The Kingfisher Secret
176838: ANONYMOUS - The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher
177401: ANONYMOUS - The works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher
267610: ANONYMOUS - Report of the New York City Commission on Congestion of Population: Transmitted to the Mayor and The Board of Aldermen February 28, 1911
486501: ANOUILH, JEAN; MOYES, PATRICIA (TRANS.) - Time Remembered
419089: ANOUILH, JEAN - Restless Heart
109430: ANSCOMBE, RODERICK - Secret Life of Laszlo, Count Dracula
542626: ANSCOMBE, RODERICK - Shank
306253: ANSELL, M. F.; PATTENDEN, G. - Saturated Heterocyclic Chemistry; Volume 4: A Review of the Literature Published during 1974 (Chemical Society. Specialist Periodical Reports)
517536: ANSELL-PEARSON, KEITH - Nietzsche's Search for Philosophy: On the Middle Writings
306252: ANSELL, M. F. - Saturated Heterocyclic Chemistry; Volume 3: A Review of the Literature Published during 1973 (Chemical Society. Specialist Periodical Reports)
202704: ANSELL, G.; BETTMANN, M. A.; KAUFMAN, J. A.; WILKINS, R. A. - Complications in Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Radiology
170387: ANSELM HEINRICH - Entertainment, Propaganda, Education: Regional Theatre in Germany and Britain Between 1918 and 1945
250639: ANSELONE, P.M. (EDITOR) - Nonlinear Integral Equations: Proceedings of an Advanced Seminar Conducted By the Mathematics Research Centre, United States Army, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 22-24, 1963
475940: ANSHEN, RUTH NANDA - Biography of an Idea
204574: ANSHUTZ, EDWARD POLLOCK (ED.) - New, Old, and Forgotten Remedies
451483: ANSTEY, VERA; ET AL - Economica: New Series, Volume III, Numbers 9-12 (1936)
101511: ANSTEY, E. - Staff Reporting and Staff Development
186722a: ANSTEY, F. - The Man from Blankleys and Other Sketches
537104: ANSTEY, F. - Tourmalin's Time Cheques
550245: ANSTRUTHER, GODFREY - The Seminary Priests: Volume 2: Early Stuarts 1603-1659
525303: ANTA, CLAUDIO GIULIO - Albert Einstein: The Roads to Pacifism (Studies in the History of Religious and Political Pluralism, Volume 10)
529542: ANTALL, J. (ED.) - Medical History in Hungary 1972 (Supplement 6)
496005: ANTHIAS, TEFCROS - The Elegy of Haido (from "The Cyprus Tragedy")
264664: ANTHOLIS, WILLIAM; TALBOTT, STROBE - Fast Forward: Ethics and Politics in the Age of Global Warming
264732: ANTHOLIS, WILLIAM; TALBOTT, STROBE - Fast Forward: Ethics and Politics in the Age of Global Warming
533346: ANTHON, CHARLES - Q. Horath Flacci: Opera Omnia
085334: ANTHONY, IAN, ED. - The Future of the Defence Industries in Central and Eastern Europe
539055: ANTHONY, EVELYN - The Occupying Power
520928: ANTHONY, P.D. - The Ideology of Work
022653: ANTHONY, EVELYN - The Persian Ransom
189204: ANTHONY, CHRISTOPHER - Bacterial Energy Transduction
492167: ANTHONY C ATKINSON; ATANU BISWAS - Randomised Response-Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability 130)
510287: ANTHONY JOHNSON - Solving Stonehenge: The New Key to an Ancient Enigma
170237: ANTHONY RYE - To a Modern Hero
539049: ANTHONY, EVELYN - The Malaspiga Exit
178002: ANTHONY, GORDON - Dancers to Remember: The Photographic Art of Gordon Anthony
492166: ANTHONY C ATKINSON; ATANU BISWAS - Randomised Response-Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability 130)
492666: ANTHONY POWELL - Journals 1990 - 1992
450051: ANTHONY, IAN (ED.) - SIPRI Yearbook 2014: Arnaments, Disarmament and International Security
029991: ANTHONY, EVELYN - The Poellenberg Inheritance
201207: ANTHONY, E. JAMES; CHILAND, COLETTE - The Child in His Family : Children in Turmoil Tomorrows Parents. (Volume 7)
Am1523: ANTHONY DYSON; BERNARD TOWERS - Evolution, Marxism and Christianity: Studies in the Teilhardian Synthesis
521815: ANTIC, CEDOMIR - Ralph Paget: A Diplomat in Serbia
419488: ANTIC, DR. LJUBOMIR; LETIC, DR. FRANCO - Serbian Terrorism and Violence in Croatia 1990-1991
260170: ANTICK, PAUL; CUCKLE, THOMAS; KEARNEY, ANDREW; MAC NAMARA AOIFE - Phase 2: Speculative Practices (Art, Architecture and Curating)
492869: ANTIN, DAVID; ROTHENBERG, JEROME (EDS.) - Some / Thing: Volume One: Number Two: Winter 1965
527083: ANTINUCCI, RAFFAELLA; PETRILLO, MARIA GIOVANNA (EDS.) - Navigating Maritime Languages and Narratives: New Perspectives in English and French (Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics, Volume 39)
235920: ANTON, DANILO J. - Thirsty Cities : Urban Environments and Water Supply in Latin America
548782: ANTON, SAUL - Lee Friedlander: The Little Screens
542831: ANTONAKOS, TOULA - Through A Cat's Eyes
469948: ANTONELLI, CRISTIANO - The Economics of Localized Technological Change and Industrial Dynamics (Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation)
547248: ANTONELLI, ARMANDO; PEDRINI, RICCARDO (EDS.) - Archivio della Commissione per i Testi di Lingua in Bologna (1841-1974)
205102: ANTONELLI, ETIENNE - Bolshevist Russia
607977: ANTONELLI, MAURO - Vittorio Benussi in the History of Psychology: New Ideas of a Century Ago: 21 (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind, 21)
543617: ANTONELLO, PIERPAOLO; O'LEARY, ALAN (EDITORS) - Imagining Terrorism: The Rhetoric and Representation of Political Violence in Italy 1969-2009
425499: ANTONETTO, MARCO; DONNINI, MARCO - Swatcher: The Swatch Hand Book'92: 497 Swatch Catalogati Con Quotazioni Di Mercato
601216: ANTONI, ROBERT - My Grandmother's Erotic Folktales
478518: ANTONIAZZI, MARIELA MORALES; ARROYO, CESAR LANDA; VON BOGDANDY, ARMIN (EDS.) - żIntegraciOn Suramericana a TravEs Del Derecho? Un anAlisis Interdisciplinario y Multifocal (Cuadernos y Debates)
301564: ANTONINO SERNAGIOTTO, P.; PIZZOLATO, EGIDIO - Un Francescano in China 1947-1954
176711: ANTONIO M. GOTTO JR., LOUIS C. SMITH, BARBARA ALLEN (ED) - Athero-Sclerosis Vol V. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium.
064230: ANTONIO SANCHEZ, TOMAS , JOSE PIDAL, PEDRO - Biblioteca De Autores Espanoles. Tomo LVII. Poetas Castellanos Anteriores al Siglo XV
540810: ANTONIO PICCOLOMINI D'ARAGONA - Prawitz's Epistemic Grounding: An Investigation into the Power of Deduction
011616: ANTONIOU, JIM - Environmental Management: Planning for Traffic
530941: ANTONOPOULOU, E.; PAGONI-TETLOW, S. - The Sounds of English: Units and Patterns
538767: ANTOUN, RICHARD T. (ED.); QUATAERT, DONALD, (ED.) - Syria: Society, Culture and Polity
268853: ANTROBUS, JOHN - 'Why bournemouth? & Other Plays: An Apple a Day; the Missing Links (Playscript 7)
414333: ANTROBUS, JOHN - Why Bournemouth? and Other Plays, Playscript 7
436424: ANTSYFEROV, N. P. - Nepostizhimyi Gorod
170929: ANURAAG - Papa & Other Poems
536317: ANUSAUSKAS, ARVYDAS; - Anti-Communist Congress and Tribunal Proceedings
037040: ANWANDER, ANTON - Die Religionen Der Menschheit
212152: ANWAR, MUHAMMAD - Between Cultures : Continuity and Change in the Lives of Young Asians
444513: ANWARD, JAN; NORDBERG, BENGT; STEENSLAND, LARS; THELANDER, MATS; WANDE, ERLING (EDS.) - Aspects of Multilingualism: Proceedings from the Fourth Nordic Symposium on Bilingualism, 1984 (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studia Multiethnica Upsaliensia)
486854: ANYAOKU, EMEKA - The Missing Headlines: Selected Speeches
509813: AOKI, MASANAO - Modeling Aggregate Behavior and Fluctuations in Economics: Stochastic Views of Interacting Agents
514482: AOKI, MASAHIKO - Information, Incentives and Bargaining in the Japanese Economy
283866: AOKI, TOSHIO (ED.) - Japan Quarterly: Vol. XXXIII: No. 1: January - March 1986
283683: AOKI, TOSHIO (ED.) - Japan Quarterly: Vol. XXXII: No. 3: July - September 1985
210369: AOUN, MICHEL - Une Certain Vision Du Liban: Entretiens Avec Frédéric Dumont
521966: APA, ERNESTO; POLLICINO, ORESTE - Modeling the Liability of Internet Service Providers: Google vs. Vivi Down: A Constitutional Perspective
219348: APANOWICZ, KATHRYN - Richard by Kathryn: The Life of Richard Whiteley
531667: APERY, FRANCOIS - Models of the Real Projective Plane: Computer Graphics of Steiner and Boy Surfaces
084988: APICHELLA, MICHAEL - God's Grey Warriors: The Church's Secret Resource
165646: APLEY, JOHN & OUNSTED, CHRISTOPHER [EDITORS] - One Child (Clinics in Developmental Medicine Ser., Vol. 80)
442010: APOLLINAIRE, SIDOINE; BARET, EUGENE - Oeuvres De Sidoine Apollinaire: Texte Latin
537432: APOLLINAIRE, GUILLAUME - The Poet Assassinated and Other Stories
537140: APOLLINAIRE, GUILLAUME - Correspondance Avec Son Frčre et sa Mčre
445926: APOLLONIO, UMBRO - Fauves and Cubists
451872: APOSTOLOPOULOS, YIORGOS; LEIVADI, STELLA; YIANNAKIS, ANDREW (EDS.) - The Sociology of Tourism: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations
293478: APOSTOLOS CAPPADONA, DIANE - Dictionary of Christian Art
167373: APOSTOLOS-CAPPADONA, DIANE - Dictionary of Women in Religious Art
046295: APOSTOLOV, N. N. - Zhivoi Tolstoi: Zhizn' L'va Nikolaevicha Tolstogo v Vospominaniyakh i Perepiske (Zhizn' Geniev. V 5 t. Tom 5)
539286: APPACHANA, ANJANA - Fear and Lovely
544057: APPADORAI, A. - Documents on Political Thought in Modern India: Volume I
489651: APPEL, GRISTON - A Philosophy of Mizvot: The Religious-Ethical Concepts of Judaism, Their Roots in Biblical Law and the Oral Tradition
523793: APPELBAUM, PETER; ALLEN, DAVID SCOTT - Embracing Mathematics: On Becoming a Teacher and Changing with Mathematics
544034: APPELBAUM, NANCY P. - Muddied Waters: Race, Religion, and Local History in Colombia 1846-1948
461994: APPELL, GEORGE N.; MADAN, TRILOKI N. (EDS.) - Choice and Morality in Anthropological Perspective: Essays in Honor of Derek Freeman
203758: APPELROS, ERICA - God in the Act of Reference : Debating Religious Realism and Non-Realism
600375: APPELT SLICK, GLORIA (ED.) - Making the Difference for Teachers: The Field Experience in Actual Practice
111539: APPELT, ALFRED - Stammering and Its Permanent Cure: A Treatise on Individual-Psychological Lines
542069: APPIAH, ANTHONY - Nobody Likes Letitia
543383: APPIGNANESI, RICHARD - Italia Perversa: Part One: Stalin's Orphans
493492: APPIGNANESI, RICHARD - Italia Perversa Part One: Stalin's Orphans
543381: APPIGNANESI, RICHARD - Italia Perversa: Part Three: Destroying America
543382: APPIGNANESI, RICHARD - Italia Perversa: Part Two: The Mosque
603134: APPIGNANESI, RICHARD - Italia Perversa, Part Two: The Mosque
603135: APPIGNANESI, RICHARD - Italia Perversa, Part Three: Destroying America
600514: APPLE, MICHAEL W. - Teachers and Texts: A Political Economy of Class and Gender Relations in Education
214716: APPLE, MICHAEL W. (EDITED BY) - Review of Research in Education, 1997
545550: APPLE, MAX - Free Agents
520507: APPLE, MAX - Free Agents
601866: APPLEBAUM, KEN (ED.) - Record II, Fall 1985: An Anthology of Poetry, Prose, and Art Works By University School
538310: APPLEBY, JOHN T., (ED.) - The Chronicle of Richard of Devises of the Time of King Richard the First
108193: APPLEBY, PAUL H. - Morality and Administration in Democratic Government
230893: APPLEBY, DORRIS - Programing Languages : Paradigm and Practice (Computer Science Series)
015715: APPLEBY, JOHN - Financing Healthcare in the 1990s
003994: APPLEBY, LOUIS; FORSHAW, DAVID M; AMOS, TIM & BARKER, HELEN [EDITORS] - Postgraduate Psychiatry: Clinical and Scientific Foundations
183575: APPLEBY, JOHN; HARRISON, ANTHONY (EDS) - Health Care UK Autumn 2001 : The King's Fund Review of Health Policy
441113: APPLEFIELD, DAVID (ED.) - Frank, An International Journal of Contemporary Writing & Art: Issue 16/17
023879: APPLEFORD, PATRICK - Glimpses of Glory
276074: APPLEGATE, LYNDA M.; AUSTIN, ROBERT D.; MCFARLAN, F. WARREN - Corporate Information Strategy and Management: Text and Cases
243692: APPLEGATE, FRANK G. - Indian Stories from the Pueblos
411680: APPLEMAN, PHILIP; MADDEN, WILLIAM A.; WOLFF, MICHAEL (EDS.) - Victorian Studies Volume 1: 1957 - 58
290850: APPLEMAN, PHILIP; MADDEN, WILLIAM A.; WOLFF, MICHAEL (EDS.) - Victorian Studies: Vol. 2, 1958-59
290851: APPLEMAN, PHILIP; MADDEN, WILLIAM A.; WOLFF, MICHAEL (EDS.) - Victorian Studies: Vol. 3, 1959-60
290852: APPLEMAN, PHILIP; MADDEN, WILLIAM A.; WOLFF, MICHAEL (EDS.) - Victorian Studies: Vol. 4, 1960-61
257007: APPLEMAN, PHILIP; MADDEN, WILLIAM A.; WOLFF, MICHAEL (EDS.) - Victorian Studies: A Quarterly Journal of the Humanities, Arts, and Sciences; Vol. VI, 1962-1963
290854: APPLEMAN, PHILIP, ET AL (EDS.) - Victorian Studies: Vol. 6, 1962-63
486309: APPLETON, RICHARD; APPLETON, BARBARA - The Cambridge Dictionary of Australian Places
191013: APPLETON, E; WILLIAMS, D. J. - Industrial Robot Applications
207890: APPLETON, A.B.; HAMILTON, W.J.; TCHAPEROFF, IVAN C.C. - Surface and Radiological Anatomy
146920: APPLETON, VICTOR - Tom Swift and the Visitor from Planet X (The Tom Swift Science Adventures)
519081: APPLEYARD, BRYAN - The Pleasures of Peace: Art and Imagination in Post-War Britain
164393: APPLEYARD, BRYAN - Richard Rogers : A Biography
547211: APPS, HOWARD L. - Spindle's Partner
469128: APPS, PATRICIA - A Theory of Inequality and Taxation
606198: APPS, PATRICIA - A Theory of Inequality and Taxation
511869: APPY, CHRISTIAN G. - American Reckoning: The Vietnam War and Our National Identity
445073: APRILE, RENATO (ED.) - La Fiaba di Magia in Sicilia
236991: APTE, TEJASWINI - An Activist Approach to Biodiversity Planning
548351: APTEKAR, LEWIS - Street Children of Cali
471608: APTER, DAVID E. - Some Conceptual Approaches to the Study of Modernization
602090: APTER, T. E. - Thomas Mann: The Devil's Advocate
489776: APTHEKER, HERBERT (ED.) - Marxism and Alienation: A Symposium
463111: APULEIUS (BARBARUS); COCKAYNE, THOMAS OSWALD; PEDANIUS, DIOSCORIDES (OF ANAZARBOS); PLACITUS, SEXTUS (PAPYRIENSIS) - Leechdoms, Wortcunning, And Starcraft Of Early England: Preface. Herbarium Of Apuleius. Continued From Dioskorides, Etc. Medicina De Quadrupedibus Of Sextus Placitus...
532983: AQUILECCHIA, GIOVANNI (ET.AL) - Il Corsivo: Libro Antico E Censimento Delle Edizioni Italiane Del XVI Secolo, Nuova Serie N.2
531106: AQUILECCHIA, GIOVANNI - Le Opere Italiane Di Giordano Bruno: Critica testuale e oltre (Lezioni della Scuola di studi superiori in Napoli, 12)
Am2094: AQUILECCHIA, GIOVANNI - Schede Bruniane (1950-1991)
531109: AQUILECCHIA, GIOVANNI - Nuove Schede Di Italianistica
533417: AQUILECCHIA, GIOVANNI - Il Dilemma Matematico Di Bruno Tra Atomismo e Infinitismo
430160: AQUINAS, THOMAS - The "Summa Theologica" Part II. (Second Part) QQ. CLXXI.-CLXXXIX.
483986: AQUINAS, ST. THOMAS; D'ENTREVES, A. P. (ED.) - Aquinas: Selected Political Writings (Blackwell's Political Texts)
144556: AQUINO, TRACEY - Family Law (Q & A Series)
458035: AQUINO DE, SANTO TOMAS - Da Justica
046762: AR'ES, F. - Rebenok i semeinaya zhizn' pri Starom Poryadke
504457: ARA, JUDITH - El Bosco
536806: ARA, IFFAT - The Relevance of Songs in the Plays of Shakespeare
469612: ARAAR, ABDELKRIM; DUCLOS, JEAN-YVES - Poverty and Equity: Measurement, Policy and Estimation with DAD (Economic Studies in Inequality, Social Exclusion and Well-Being)
421720: ARABI IDID, SYED (ED.) - Malaysia at 50 : Achievements and Aspirations
280444: ARAC, JONATHAN (ED.) - Postmodernism and Politics (Theory and History of Literature; Volume 28)
248456: ARAGONES, XAVIER; GONZALEZ, JOSE LUIS; RUBIO, ANTONIO - Analysis and Solutions for Switching Noise Coupling in Mixed-Signal ICs
549284: ARAKI, NANCY K.; HORII JANE M. - Matsuri : Festival, Japanese American Celebrations and Activities
543364: ARAKI, NOBUYOSHI - A's Lovers: No. 19 (Works S.)
000088: ARANGUREN, JL - Human Communication
529419: ARANOVICH, RAUL; BYRNE, WILLIAM; PREUSS, SUSANNE; SENTURIA, MARTHA (EDS.) - The Proceedings of the 13th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
180039: ARANT, WENDI. & MOSLEY, PIXEY ANNE. (EDS) - Library Outreach, Partnerships and Distance Education : Reference Librarians at the Gateway
413178: ARANTES, PEDRO FIORI - Arquitetura na Era Digital-financeira: Desenho, Canteiro e Renda da Forma
446391: ARANY, JANOS - The Legend of the Wondrous Hunt (from Buda Halala) with a Few Miscellaneous Pieces and Folk Songs
451455: ARAOZ, A.B.; ET AL - The Review of Economic Studies: Volume XXVIII, 1960-61
Am1957: ARASHIRO, ZULEIKA - Negotiating the Free Trade Area of the Americas
514629: ARASSE, DANIEL; DE VECCHI, PIERLUIGI; NITTI, PATRIZIA (EDS.) - Botticelli: From Lorenzo the Magnificent to Savonarola
160036: ARATA, LUIS OSCAR - The Festive Play of Fernando Arrabal
251941: ARAUJO, OCTAVIO RODRIGUEZ - La Organizacion
251946: ARAUJO, OCTAVIO RODRIGUEZ - El Asesino Es El Mayordomo
519421: ARAWAK, CHRISTOPHER [PSEUDONYM OF DONAL JAMES BLACK] - Jamaica's Michael Manley, Messiah, Muddler, or Marionette? : Has his disastrous experiment with "Democratic Socialism" wrecked Jamaica's economy beyond repair?
469784: ARBATOV, A.G.; CHERNIKOV, E.L. (EDS.) - Russian Federation Legal Acts on Civil-Military Relations: Collection of Documents
411543: ARBERRY, A. J. - Catalogue of the Library of the India Office; Vol. II, Part VI: Persian Books
524798: ARBUS, DIANE (PHOTOS); ARBUS, DOON (ED.); ISRAEL, MARVIN (ED.) - Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph
439197: ARBUTHNOT, ANDY; ARBUTHNOT, AUDREY - Love That Heals: God Works in Power at the London Healing Mission
459837: ARCANGELO - Arcangelo: Opere 1983-2002
603253: ARCE, WILFREDO F.; ALVAREZ, GABRIEL C. (EDS.) - Population Change in Southeast Asia
172490: ARCHAMBAULT, GILLES - The Umbrella Pines
474124: ARCHAMBAULT, EDITH; ARKHIPOFF, OLEG - Etudes De Comptabilite Nationale
301887: ARCHBOLD, R. J.; HUBBUCK, J. R. (EDS.) - Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society; No. 125, Volume 27, Part 2, March 1995
301888: ARCHBOLD, R. J.; HUBBUCK, J. R. (EDS.) - Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society; No. 126, Volume 27, Part 3, May 1995
301890: ARCHBOLD, R. J.; HUBBUCK, J. R. (EDS.) - Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society; No. 128, Volume 27, Part 5, September 1995
301891: ARCHBOLD, R. J.; HUBBUCK, J. R. (EDS.) - Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society; No. 129, Volume 27, Part 6, November 1995
301886: ARCHBOLD, R. J.; HUBBUCK, J. R. (EDS.) - Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society; No. 124, Volume 27, Part 1, January 1995
496228: ARCHBOLD, JOHN FREDERICK - The Parish Officer: Comprising the Whole of the Present Law Relating to the Several Parish and Union Officers, as well as of the Guardians of the Poor in England, comprising also the Law as to Church Rates, Highway Rates, Vestries, Watching and Lighting
484607: ARCHBOLD, R. J.; HUBBUCK, J. R. (EDS.) - The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society: Volume 27, 1995
301889: ARCHBOLD, R. J.; HUBBUCK, J. R. (EDS.) - Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society; No. 127, Volume 27, Part 4, July 1995
229402: ARCHBOLD, R.J & HUBBUCK, J.R - Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society: Volume 30 1998
229401: ARCHBOLD, R.J & HUBBUCK, J.R - Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society: Volume 29 1997
229400: ARCHBOLD, R.J & HUBBUCK, J.R - Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society: Volume 28 1996
523687: ARCHDALL, G.; DONKIN, H. BRYAN - Prevention of Venereal Disease
420850: ARCHER, IAN W. - Transactions of Royal Historical Society; Volume XXIV
455062: ARCHER, IAN W - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Sixth Series, Vol. 24
525144: ARCHER, NEIL; WEISL-SHAW, ANDREEA (EDS.) - Adaptation: Studies in French and Francophone Culture
202168: ARCHER, THOMAS - William Ewart Gladstone and His Contemporaries: Fifty Years of Social and Political Progress, Continued to the Introduction of the government of Ireland and Land Purchase Bills of 1886. Vol II. 1840 to 1854
546642: ARCHER, MICHAEL - Jeff Koons, One Ball Total Equilibrium Tank
028481: ARCHER, DAN - The Ambridge Years
528941: ARCHER, JEFFREY - This WAs a Man (Clifton Chronicles, Volume 7)
540060: ARCHER, JEFFREY - A Prison Diary By FF8282
455056: ARCHER, IAN W - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Sixth Series, Vol. 18
528792: ARCHER, JEFFREY - Cometh the Hour: The Clifton Chronicles, Volume Six
500607: ARCHER, LYNETTE; WOODFORD, JOHN - Ryde Postcards
509335: ARCHER, ROBIN - Why Is There No Labor Party In the United States?
435767: ARCHER, LEONA & STUART, ALEX - Visions of Apocalypse: Representations of the End in French Literature and Culture (Modern French Identities)
427462: ARCHER, IAN W. (ED.) - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Volume 23
517705: ARCHER, WILLIAM; SHAW, BERNARD - Three Plays
512933: ARCHER, JAYNE ELISABETH - Food and the Literary Imagination
528952: ARCHER, JEFFREY - Heads You Win
281322: ARCHER, JEFFREY - Cat O'Nine Tales and Other Stories
458103: ARCHER-WILLS, ANTHONY - Water Power: A Unique Approach to Designing Water Gardens
425323: ARCHER, MICHAEL - Voice Over: Sound and Vision in Current Art
455057: ARCHER, IAN W - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Sixth Series, Vol. 19
525100: ARCHER, LEONA; STUART, ALEX (EDS.) - Visions of Apocalypse: Representations of the End in French Literature and Culture
195801: ARCHER, DAVID - Land of Singing Waters
259747: ARCHER, JEFFREY - The Collected Short Stories
299522: ARCHER, WILLIAM (ED.) - The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen: Volume X: Hedda Gabler, The Master Builder
431753: ARCHER, NEIL; WEISL-SHAW, ANDREEA (EDS.) - Adaptation: Studies in French and Francophone Culture
197008: ARCHER, CLIVE - Organizing Western Europe
299519: ARCHER, WILLIAM (ED.) - The Collected Works of Henrik Ibsen: Volume VI: The League of Youth; Pillars of Society
470586: ARCHER, JOHN (ED.) - Male Violence
302829: ARCHER, NEIL; WEISL-SHAW, ANDREEA (EDS.) - Adaptation: Studies in French and Francophone Culture (Modern French Identities, Volume 99)
524417: ARCHETTI, EDUARDO P. (ED.) - Exploring the Written: Anthropology and the Multiplicity of Writing
451454: ARCHIBALD, G.C.; ET AL - The Review of Economic Studies: Volume XXVII, 1959-60
469608: ARCHIBUGI, FRANCO - The Associative Economy: Insights Beyond the Welfare State and Into Post-Capitalism
419637: ARCHIMEDES; HEIBERG, JOHAN LUDVIG (ED.) - Archimedis Opera Omnia, Volumen II (Biblioteca Scriptorum Graecorum et Roamorum Teubneriana)
464973: ARCHITECTS JOURNAL - AJ Handbook of Building Enclosure
464972: ARCHITECTS JOURNAL - AJ Handbook of Building Enclosure
295060: ARCHITEKTUR & STADTEBAUFORUM - Berlinmodekk Industriekultur: Redesigning the Urban Factory
604668: ARCINIEGAS, GERMAN - Caribbean: Sea of the New World
550089: ARDAGH, PHILIP - Unlikely Exploits:The Fall of Fergal
550090: ARDAGH, PHILIP - Terrible Times: Book Three of the Eddie Dickens Trilogy
550067: ARDAGH, PHILIP - Unlikely Exploits 2: Heir of Mystery
417103: ARDAGH, RICHARD; CHECKER, POLLY - Modern British Art 1913-2013
538108: ARDALAN, ZIBA (ED.) - Siah Armajani: An Ingenious World
074963: ARDEN, JOHN - Armstrong's Last Goodnight
517581: ARDEN, JOHN - Ironhand: Adapted from Goethe's Goetz Von Berlichingen
071870: ARDEN, ANDREW; HUNTER, CAROLINE - The Local government and Housing Act 1989. Text and Commentary
095985: ARDEN, ANDREW & HUNTER, CAROLINE - Manual of Housing Law
037237: ARDEN, JOHN - Serjeant Musgrave's Dance
453942: ARDENNE, PAUL - The New Cinema Palace of Venice: 5 + 1AA - Rudy Ricciotti
472002: ARDIZZON, EDVARD - Tim I Ryzhiy Ben
472667: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Tim Stok-Alleen
472666: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Tim Stok-Alleen
472665: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - John Klockmakare
472664: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - John Klockmakare
472659: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Tim Se Heldedaad
472660: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Tim Och Ginger
472661: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Tim Och Ginger
472658: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Tim Se Heldedaad
541058: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Baggage to the Enemy
608297: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Tim in Danger
473535: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Tim to the Rescue (Japanese Edition)
472669: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Tim In Gevaar
472321: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Triste JournEe Pour Johnny
472325: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD; SETA, TEIJI - Little Tim and the Brave Sea Captain (Japanese Edition)
472099: ARDIZZONE, AINGELDA - The Night Ride
537084: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Tim and Charlotte
549426: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Ship's Cook Ginger: Another Tim Story
472006: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - The Young Ardizzone: An Autobiographical Fragment (Japanese Edition)
536943: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Lucy Brown and Mr Grimes
473248: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - Tim's Last Voyage (Japanese Edition)
541799: ARDIZZONE, EDWARD - The Original Illustrations for the Book 'A Child's Christmas In Wales' By Dylan Thomas
500423: ARDLEY, NICK - The Jottings of a Thames Estuary Ditch-Crawler
502895: ARDLEY, NICK - The May Flower: A Barging Childhood
079770: ARDOV, V. - Yumoristicheskie Rasskazy
604831: ARDREY, ROBERT - Thunder Rock
079158: AREF, WALID (ED) - ACM-GIS 2001: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
184381: AREHART, GREG B.; HULSTON, JOHN R. - Water-Rock Interaction : Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium - WRI-9, Taupo, New Zealand, 30 March - 3 April 1998
453352: ARELLANO, M.; BORGERS, T.; JEWITT, I.D. (EDS.) - Review of Economic Studies: Volume 62, 1995
453353: ARELLANO, M.; BOLTON, P.; SHIN, H.S. (EDS.) - Review of Economic Studies: Volume 63, 1996
453354: ARELLANO, M.; BOLTON, P.; SHIN, H.S. (EDS.) - Review of Economic Studies: Volume 64, 1997
453351: ARELLANO, M.; DEWATRIPONT, M.; JEWITT, I.D. (EDS.) - Review of Economic Studies: Volume 61, 1994
283305: AREND, ANGELIKA - Mannerliebe Frauenleben
543201: ARENDT, VERONIQUE - Zoe and George: The Island of Colours
533361: ARENTINO, PIETRO; AQUILECCHIA, GIOVANNI (ED.); ROMANO, ANGELO (ED.) - Poesie Varie: Edizione Nazionale Delle Opere, I
533359: ARENTINO, PIETRO; ROMEI, DANILO - Poemi Cavallerschi: Volume II, (Edizione Nazionale Delle Opere II)
509846: ARENTS, M.; CLUITMANS, M.M.; VAN DER ENDE, M.A. - Benefit Dependency Ratios: An Analysis of Nine European Countries, Japan and the US
545101: ARESTIS, PHILIP - The Post-Keynesian Approach to Economics: An Alternative Analysis of Economic Theory and Policy
545126: ARESTIS, PHILIP (EDITOR) - Keynes, Money and The Open Economy: Essays in Honour of Paul Davidson, Volume One
470183: ARESTIS, PHILIP; PALMA, GABRIEL; SAWYER, MALCOLM (EDS.) - Markets, Unemployment and Economic Policy: Essays in Honour of Geoff Harcourt: Volume Two
545123: ARESTIS, PHILIP (EDITOR) - Method, Theory and Policy in Keynes: Essays in Honour of Paul Davidson, Volume Three
545087: ARESTIS, PHILIP; PALMA, GABRIEL; SAWYER, MALCOLM (EDITORS) - Capital Controversy, Post-Keynesian Economics and the History of Economics: Essays in Honour of Geoff Harcourt, Volume One
533327: ARETINO, PIETRO - Dialoghi I (I Ragionamenti)
533328: ARETINO, PIETRO - Dialoghi II: Dialogo di Messer Pietro Aretino
533215: ARETINO, PIETRO - Pietro Aretino nel cinquecentenario della Nascita: Volumes I&II
531111: ARETINO, PIETRO - Le Vite Dei Santi: Santa Caterina Vergine San Tommaso d'Aquino 1540-1543
535734: ARFINI, SELENE; MAGNANI, LORENZO (EDITORS) - Embodied, Extended, Ignorant Minds: New Studies on the Nature of Not-Knowing
076112: ARGAN, G.C. ; TRAVERSA CARLO - Die Zeichnung im Kindesalter und ihre Bedeutung für die Arzt-Patient-Beziehung
469330: ARGANDONA, ANTONIO; GUAL, JORDI (EDS.) - The Social Dimensions of Unemployment: Institutional Reforms in Labour Markets
032744: ARGENT, H. D. - Death Duty Mitigation
452782: ARGOTE, IVAN - Let's Write a History of Hopes
239568: ARGUELLES, LETICIA (ED.) - Estudios Demograficos Y Urbanos 74 : Vol. 25; Num. 2
480618: ARGUIMBAU, L. B.; STUART, R. D. - Frequency Modulation
001224: ARGYLE, MICHAEL - Religious Behaviour
012923: ARGYLE, MICHAEL [EDITOR] - Social Skills and Health
523145: ARGYRIS, CHRIS - On Organizational Learning
605921: ARIADNE GALLERIES - Art and Adornment: Treasures of Combat
174576: ARIE, TOM (ED) - Recent Advances in Psychogeriatrics
430194: ARIE, TOM (ED.) - Recent Advances in Psychogeriatrics, Volume 2
500329: ARIELLI, NIR - Fascist Italy and the Middle East, 1933-40
101816: ARIES, S. J. - Dictionary of Telecommunications
470669: ARIES, ELIZABETH - Men and Women in Interaction: Reconsidering the Differences
249599: ARIMONDO, ENNIO (ED.); DE NATALE, PAOLO (ED.); INGUSCIO, MASSIMO (ED.) - Atomic Physics 17: XVII International Conference on Atomic Physics; ICAP 2000
528084: ARIOVICH, LAURA - Organizing the Organized: Trade Union Renewal, Organizational Change and Worker Activism in Metropolitan America (Trade Unions. Past, Present and Future, Volume 10)
262465: ARISTOPHANES; MERRY, W.W. (ED.) - The Frogs Part I: Introduction and Text
506720: ARISTOPHANES; FITTS, DUDLEY - Lysistrata
486206: ARISTOPHANES - Ladies' Day, an English Version of Thesmophoriazusae
533245: ARISTOTE; LOUIS, PIERRE (TRANS.) - Aristote, Problemes: Tome II, Sections XI-XXVII: 357 (Collection Des Universites De France Serie Grecque)
284502: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. LXXIV
227083: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY - The Aristotelian Society : Supplementary Volume 81 2007
284069: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY - The Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume LIX, 1985: The Symposia Read at the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association at the University of Leeds, July 1985
284498: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. LXXXVIII
284501: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society: New Series-Vol. 104
434076: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume LV, 1981
284495: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume LII
284496: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume LVI
284497: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. LXXVIII
227078: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society : New Series-Vol. 104
448074: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, New Series - Vol. XCIII
227076: ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society : New series-Vol. 100
531051: ARISTOTLE; PECK, A.L. (TRANS.) - Historia Animalium Books IV-VI (Loeb Classical Library)
479345: ARJONA, JOSE JOAQUIN - Donde El Veraneo Nace: Trilogia Donostriarra
235367: ARKEBAUER, JAMES - Going Public
061699: ARKIN, M. - Major Barbara: Notes on Bernard Shaw's (Methuen Notes)
526728: ARKINS, BRIAN - What Shakespeare Stole from Rome
526730: ARKINS, BRIAN - Death and Marriage: Greek and Roman Drama
530557: ARKINS, BRIAN - Irish Appropriation of Greek Tragedy
549125: ARLACCHI, PINO (AUTHOR); STEINBERG, JONATHAN (TRANSLATOR) - Mafia, Peasants and Great Estates: Society in Traditional Calabria
260491: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 17e Annee No 194 1er Fevrier 1969
260483: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 18e Annee No 206 1er Fevrier 1970
260487: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 18e Annee No 210 1er Juin 1970
260485: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 18e Annee No 208 1er Avril 1970
260486: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 18e Annee No 209 1er Mai 1970
260484: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 18e Annee No 207 1er Mars 1970
260488: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 18e Annee No 211 1er Juillet 1970
260493: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 17e Annee No 196 1er Avril 1969
260482: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 18e Annee No 205 1er Janvier 1970
260490: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 17e Annee No 193 1er Janvier 1969
260492: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 17e Annee No 195 1er Mars 1969
260499: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 17e Annee No 202 1er Octobre 1969
260489: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 18e Annee No 212 1er Aout 1970
260501: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 17e Annee No 204 1er Decembre 1969
260498: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 17e Annee No 201 1er Septembre 1969
260497: ARLAND, MARCEL (ED.) - La Nouvelle Revue Francaise: 17e Annee No 200 1er Aout 1969
088382: ARLART, I.P; BONGARTZ, G.M & MARCHAL, G - Magnetic Resonance Angiography
008407: ARLEN, MICHAEL - May Fair
446484: ARLET, J.; GARDENIERS, J. W. M.; HUGHES, S. P. F.; SCHOUTENS, A. (EDS.) - Bone Circulation and Vascularization in Normal and Pathological Conditions (NATO ASI Series)
540503: ARLOTT, JOHN - Clausentum
420536: ARMAN, AYSE - Gezi'nin Guzel Insanlari
410041: ARMANI, GIORGIO - Faces of Sport
498930: ARMBRUSTER, KURT E. - Orphan Road: The Railroad Comes to Seattle, 1853-1911
517987: ARMES, ROY - A Critical History of British Cinema
113771: ARMET, LLUIS - Federalismo Y Estado De Las Autonomias
530029: ARMFIELD, MAXWELL - Homage to Masters [With reproductions of the authors paintings]
547255: ARMFIELD, MAXWELL - Tempera Painting Today
547256: ARMFIELD, MAXWELL - Tempera Painting Today
542104: ARMITAGE, SIMON - Tyrannosaurus Rex Versus The Corduroy Kid
537333: ARMITAGE, SIMON, (TRANS.) - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
272035: ARMITAGE, EDWARD, R.A. - Lectures on Painting.
274168: ARMITAGE, SIMON - Gig: The Life and Times of a Rock-star Fantasist
009213: ARMITAGE, P. & BERRY, G. - Statistical Methods in Medical Research
452206: ARMOUR, BEN; HUI, CHEN - Chen Hui
250597: ARMS, WILLIAM Y. - Digital Libraries
544137: ARMSTONG, KAREN - Muhammad: A Western Attempt to Understand Islam
608604: ARMSTRONG, JESS - The Curse of Penryth Hall
082622: ARMSTRONG, ROBERT (SELECTED & EDITED BY) - Old Ballads of England and Scotland
467418: ARMSTRONG, D.M. - A Combinatorial Theory of Possibility: Cambridge Studies in Philosophy
472528: ARMSTRONG, ROSS - Head Case
247063: ARMSTRONG, S.P. - Up in the Old Pear Tree
548947: ARMSTRONG, THOMAS - King Cotton
095332: ARMSTRONG, FRANK B. - Biochemistry
452033: ARMSTRONG, DAVID - 615 Jefferson Avenue
512152: ARMSTRONG, JOHN (ED.) - The Journal of Transport History: Third Series, Volume 20, Number 1, March 1999
512148: ARMSTRONG, JOHN (ED.) - The Journal of Transport History: Third Series, Volume 22, Number 2, September 2001
540968: ARMSTRONG, CAMPBELL - Mazurka
418991: ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH - California Biennial 2004
064790a: ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH - Ronsard and the Age of Gold
549699: ARMSTRONG, M. JOCELYN; ARMSTRONG, R. WARWICK; MULLINER, KENT (EDITORS) - Chinese Populations in Contemporary Southeast Asian Societies: Identities, Interdependence and International Influence
451452: ARMSTRONG, W.E.; ET AL - The Review of Economic Studies: Volume XXV, 1957-58
538566: ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH - Ronsard and the Age of Gold
541052: ARMSTRONG, THOMAS - Pilling Always Pays
508884: ARMSTRONG, ISOBEL - Victorian Scrutinies: Reviews of Poetry 1830-1870
214326: ARMSTRONG, DAVID (ED.) - Routledge Handbook of International Law
227123: ARMSTRONG, JOHN - Facts and Observations Relative to the Fever Commonly Called Puerperal
533569: ARMSTRONG, WARWICK; ANDERSON, JAMES (EDS) - Geopolitics of European Union Enlargement: The Fortress Empire
244875: ARMSTRONG, RICHARD (CURATOR); ET AL. - Carnegie International 1995
544586: ARMSTRONG, CAROL - Scenes in a Library: Reading the Photograph in the Book: 1843-1875
199921: ARMSTRONG-DAILEY, ANN; GOLTZER, SARAH ZARBOCK (EDS.) - Hospice Care for Children
009946: ARMSTRONG, FRANCES - Her Own Way
608516: ARMSTRONG, THOMAS - Pilling Always Pays
543992: ARMSTRONG KELLY, GEORGE - Idealism Politics and History: Sources of Hegelian Thought
608593: ARMSTRONG, THOMAS - Our London Office
547133: ARMSTRONG, T.J. - Walter and the Resurrection of G
453357: ARMSTRONG, M.; ATTANASIO, O.; DOW, J. (EDS.) - Review of Economic Studies: Volume 67, 2000
517510: ARMSTRONG, PHILIP - Reticulations: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Networks of the Political
193637: ARMSTRONG, ROBERT E. - Fundamentals of Direct Current
535825: ARMSTRONG, HELEN (EDITOR); DEAN DIXON, KEETRA (FOREWORD) - Digital Design Theory: Readings from the Field
005261: ARMSTRONG, GINA; RACE, DAVID & RACE, DEBORAH - E.R.G. Reports, No.5: The Role and Function of the Social Services Department in the Total System of Provision for the Mentally Handicapped
243080: ARMSTRONG, MICHAEL; MURLIS, HELEN - A Handbook of Salary Administration
298916: ARMSTRONG, WALTER - Velazquez: A Study of His Life & Art
533487: ARMSTRONG, WALTER - The Thames from Its Source to the Sea (2 Volumes)
536388: ARMSTRONG, PAT; AMARATUNGA, CAROL (ET AL) - Exposing Privatization. Women and Health Care Reform in Canada
016454: ARMSTRONG, ROGER (ED.) - Simulation/Games for Learning : Journal of Sagset, Volume 22, No 1 March 1992
605473: ARMSTRONG, ROBERT - The Ghosts of Highgate Hill and Other Poems
607422: ARMSTRONG, ROBERT - The Birth of Eastbourne
517996: ARNANDA, FRANCISCO; ROBINSON, DAVID (TRANSL. & ED.) - Luis BUNUEL: A Critical Biography
426119: ARNAS, NEYLA (ED.) - Fighting Chance: Global Trends and Shocks in the National Security Environment
421616: ARNASON, DAVID - The Circus Performers' Bar
606656: ARNASON, RAGNAR; BJORNDAL, TROND (EDS.) - Essays on the Economics of Migratory Fish Stocks
466987: ARNAUD, DANIELLE; KAPLAN, JORDAN; NORMAN, PHILIP (EDS.) - Repatriating the Ark
271859: ARNAUD BREJON DE LAVERGNÉE (ED.) - Rubens: Lille, Palais des Beaux-Arts, 6 mars - 14 juin 2004
151174: ARNAUDOVA, ALBENA; WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: REGIONAL OFFICE FOR EUROPE - 10 health questions about the new EU Neighbours
532067: ARNAULD, ANTOINE; GAUKROGER, STEPHEN (TRANS) - On True and False Ideas
512723: ARNDT, JAN-WILLEM - Scintigraphy for the Assessment of Inflammatory Bowl Disease: The Search for the Optimal Radiopharmaceutical
296132: ARNETT, JAN COREY - For the People of Latin America
236189: ARNETT, GRACE-MARIE (ED.) - Empowering Health Care Consumers through Tax Reform
177698: ARNETT, EIC (ED.) - Nuclear Weapons after the Comprehensive Test Ban : Implications for Modernization and Proliferation
519440: ARNHEIM, RUDOLF; BARKER, ALEX; HEALY, TOM (ET.AL) - The Lasting World: Simon Dinnerstein and The Fulbright Triptych
537910: ARNHOLD, YVONNE - Das Weib Sieht Tief, Der Mann Sieht Weit: Frauenbilder in Den Dramen Christian Dietrich Grabbes
530053: ARNOLD, EDWIN - The Light of Asia or, the Great Renunciation. Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama
446184: ARNOLD, ROBERT M.; FISCHER, LYNN; LIDZ, CHARLES W. - The Erosion of Autonomy in Long-Term Care
549209: ARNOLD, DAVID (EDITOR) - Imperial Medicine and Indigenous Societies
227058: ARNOLD, E. V.; HALL, F. W. (ED.) - The Classical Quarterly: Volumes XIII and XIV, Nos. 1-4
110501: ARNOLD, EDWIN - The Gulistan Being the Rose-Garden of Shaikh Sa'Di, the First Four Babs
439153: ARNOLD, DANA - Rural Urbanism: London Landscapes in the Early Nineteenth Century
227061: ARNOLD, E. V.; HALL, F. W. (ED.) - The Classical Quarterly: Volumes XVII and XVIII, Nos. 1-4
417749: ARNOLD, MATTHEW - The Scholar Gipsy, Thyrsis, Rugby Chapel
482035: ARNOLD, EDWIN - The Light of the World or the Great Consummation
543608: ARNOLD, JOHN H.; HILTON, MATTHEW; RUGER, JAN (EDITORS) - History After Hobsbawm: Writing the Past for the Twenty-First Century
416746: ARNOLD, DANA (ED.) - Art History: Journal of the Association of Art Historians, Volume 24, Number 5, November 2001
182594: ARNOLD, HEINZ L. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Text + Kritik)
516188: ARNOLD, MORRIS S. (ED.) - Select Cases of Trespass From the King's Courts, 1307-1399: Volume II
523507: ARNOLD, CHRISTOPHER - Outsourcing Contracts: A Specially Commissioned Report
416745: ARNOLD, DANA (ED.) - Art History: Journal of the Association of Art Historians, Volume 24, Number 4, September 2001
513448: ARNOLD, THOMAS JAMES ESQ. - Reynard the Fox: After the German Version of Goethe
094489: ARNOLD, A. (ED.) - CAAP '90: 15th Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming: Copenhagen, Denmark, May 15-18, 1990 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 431)
227059: ARNOLD, E. V.; HALL, F. W. (ED.) - The Classical Quarterly: Volumes XIX and XX, Nos. 1-4
221341: ARNOLD-BAKER, CHARLES - The 5000 and the Power Tangle
536458: ARNOLD, DANA - The Georgian Country House: Architecture, Landscape and Society
175861: ARNOLD, GEOFFREY - Ring Circuits (and Radial Final sub-circuits)
099299: ARNOLD, MATTHEW (ALLOTT, MIRIAM) - Selected Poems of Matthew Arnold
535266: ARNOLD, MATTHIEU (EDITOR); MCNAB, FELICITY (TRANSLATOR) - John Calvin: The Strasbourg Years (1538-1541)
173274: ARNOLD, MATHEW - Sohrab and Rustum, and Other Poems
513955: ARNOLD, BRUCE - Haughey: His Life and Unlucky Deeds
516190: ARNOLD, MORRIS S. (ED.) - Select Cases of Trespass From the King's Courts, 1307-1399: Volume I
009802: ARNOLD, MATTHEW - Poems
487287: ARNOLD, GUY - The Last Bunker: A Report on White South Africa Today
448482: ARNOLD, MATTHEW - Last Essays on Church and Religion
218146: ARNOLD, ELLIOTT - A Night of Watching
242090: ARNOLD, EDWIN - The Light of Asia, or, the Great Renunciation: Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Prince of India and Founder of Buddhism, as Told in Verse By an Indian Buddhist
547705: ARNOLD, MATTHEW - Essays in Criticism, First Series
220147: ARNOLD, DAVID M.; RANGASWAMY, K. M. (EDS.) - Abelian Groups and Modules: Proceedings of the International Conference at Colorado Springs
467944: ARNOLD, EDWIN LESTER - On the Indian Hills: or, Coffee-Planting in Southern India
532820: ARNOLD, MORRIS S.; GREEN, THOMAS, A.; SCULLY, SALLY A.; WHITE, STEPHEN D. (EDS.) - On the Laws and Customs of England: Essays in Honor of Samuel E. Thorne (Studies in Legal History)
532026: ARNOLD-DE SIMINE, SILKE (ED.) - Memory Traces: 1989 and the Question of German Cultural Identity
548028: ARNOLD, V.I. - Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics (Second Edition)
466795: ARNOLD, RALPH - Orange Street & Brickhole Lane
201438: ARNOLD, JAMES T. - Simplified Digital Automation with Microprocessors
100955: ARNOLD, WENDY - The Historic Country Hotels of France, a Select Guide
165020: ARNOLD, MATTHEW - Poems
483738: ARNOLD, GUY - Brainwash: The Cover-Up Society
216372: ARNOLD, E. VERNON - Roman Stoicism : Being Lectures on the History of the Stoic Philosophy with Special Reference to its Development within the Roman Empire
547588: ARNOLD, ARMIN - D.H. Lawrence and America
604792: ARNOLD, A. P.; INGRAM, A. G. - The History of the Painter-Stainers Company of London Volume II
290256: ARNOT, MADELEINE; DILLABOUGH, JO-ANNE - Challenging Democracy: International Perspectives on Gender, Education and Citizenship
546054: ARNOT, R. PAGE - A Short History of the Russian Revolution from 1905 to the Present Day, Volume 2, From February 1917 to the Present Day
515817: ARNOT, R.PAGE - The Miners in Crisis and War: A History of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain (From 1930 onwards)
263759: ARNOT, MADELEINE - Reproducing Gender?: Essays on Educational Theory and Feminist Politics
085325: ARNOT, MADELEINE, ED. - Race and Gender: Equal Opportunities Policies in Education
502674: ARNOTT, ALASTAIR; WRAGG, RACHEL - Images of Southampton
464114: ARNOTT, JAKE - The Long Firm
214435: ARNOTT, MARGARET A.; RAAB, CHARLES D. (EDS.) - The Governance of Schooling : Comparative Studies of Devolved Management
533392: ARNOULD, JEAN-CLAUDE; POULOUIN, CLAUDINE - Notes - études sur l'annotation en littérature: Etudes sur l'annotation en Littérature
085839: ARNOULD-TAYLOR, W. E. - The Principles and Practice of Physical Therapy
494715: ARNSBERG, PAUL - Zivilcourage Zum Widerstand: BeitrAge Zum VerhAltnis Von Deutschen, Juden, Israelis
484438: ARNSBERG, PAUL - Bilder aus dem jUdischen Leben im alten Frankfurt
484439: ARNSBERG, PAUL - Bilder aus dem jUdischen Leben im alten Frankfurt
524713: ARNSON, CYNTHIA J. (ED.) - The Peace Process in Colombia with the Autodefensas Unidas De Colombia-AUC (Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas, no. 13)
085071: ARNSTEIN, H. R. V. AND COX, R. H. - Protein Biosynthesis
437802: ARNTZEN, HELMUT; BARON, FRANK; CATEFORIS, DAVID (EDS.) - Albert Bloch: Artistic and Literary Perspectives
033422: ARNTZEN, JOHANNA - Von Königen und Helden
521908: ARNULL, ANTHONY; CHALMERS, DAMIAN (EDS.) - The Oxford Handbook of European Union Law
522019: ARNULL, ANTHONY; CHALMERS, DAMIAN (EDS.) - European Law Review: 2012, Volume 37
522072: ARNULL, ANTHONY; WINCOTT, DANIEL (EDS.) - Accountability and Legitamacy in the European Union (Studies in European Law
479214: ARNUP, KATHERINE (ED.) - Lesbian Parenting: Living with Pride & Prejudice
144134: AROCS, JOSEPH C ET AL - Chemical Induction of Cancer: Structural Bases and Biological Mechanisms
489737: ARON, RAYMOND - Introduction A La Philosophie De l'Histoire: Essai Sur Les Limites De l'ObjectivitE Historique complEtEe Par Des Textes REcents (Collection l'Imaginaire)
482576z: ARONSFELD, C. C.; STEIN, LEONARD (EDS.) - Leonard G. Montefiore, 1889 - 1961: In Memoriam
482577: ARONSFELD, C. C.; STEIN, LEONARD (EDS.) - Leonard G. Montefiore, 1889 - 1961: In Memoriam
194183: ARONSON, RONALD - After Marxism
472154: ARONSON, DAN R. - The City is Our Farm: Seven Migrant Ijebu Yoruba Families
187805: ARONSON, J.; HARRE, ROM; WAY, E. - Realism Rescued : How Scientific Progress Is Possible
222930: ARORA, GULJIT K. - Globalisation, Federalism and Decentralisation: Implications for India
452694: ARORA, KRITI - Tar
534445: ARORA, DILIP K. (ED); MUKERJI, K.G.(ED); MARTH, ELMER H.(ED). - Handbook of Applied Mycology: Foods and Feeds : Vol III
189157: ARRABAL - Theatre Bouffe : Vole-moi Un Petit Milliard
532922: ARREGUI, ANA; RIVERO, MARIA LUISA; SALANOVA, ANDRES (EDS) - Modality Across Syntactic Categories
532923: ARREGUI, ANA; RIVERO, MARIA LUISA; SALANOVA, ANDRES (EDS) - Modality Across Syntactic Categories
523041: ARRHENIUS, SVANTE; FRIES, J.E. (TRANS.) - The Destinies of the Stars
547006: ARRIAZA IBARRA, KAREN; NOWAK, EVA; KUHN, RAYMOND (EDITORS) - Public Service Media in Europe: A Comparative Approach
525105: ARRIBERT-NARCE, FABIEN; AUSONI, ALAIN (EDS.) - L'Autobiographie Entre Autres: ECRIRE La Vie Aujourd'hui
518667: ARRIGHI, GIOVANNI; BARGHOUTI, MUSTAFA; ET AL. - New Left Review 32, Second Series, March/April 2005
542963: ARRILLAGA, JOS; SMITH, BRUCE - AC-DC Power System Analysis
419603: ARRIOLA, MAGALI; DE LA GARZA, MAGNOLIA - Microhistorias Y Macromundos, Volume 1
298437: ARRIVABENE, CHARLES - I Poeti Italiani: Selections from the Italian Poets
470222: ARROW, KENNETH J. (ED.) - Issues in Contemporary Economics: Volume 1. Markets and Welfare
461524: ARROW, KENNETH J. (ED.) - The Balance between Industry and Agriculture in Economic Development: Volume 1: Basic Issues
475947: ARROW, KENNETH J. (ED.) - Social Choice and Justice
451907: ARROW, KENNETH J.; ET AL - Economica: New Series, Volume 29, Numbers 113-116 (1962)
513509: ARROW, KENNETH J. - Collected Papers of Kenneth J. Arrow: Volume 1 - Social Choice and Justice
520152: ARROWSMITH, SUE; TRYBUS, MARTIN (EDS.) - Public Procurement: The Continuing Revolution (International Economic Development Law Series)
520154: ARROWSMITH, SUE - Government Procurement in the WTO (Studies in Transnational Economic Law, Volume 16)
520165: ARROWSMITH, SUE; LINARELLI, JOHN; WALLACE, DON, JR - Regulating Public Procurement: National and International Perspectives
606308: ARROWSMITH, DAVID - David Arrowsmith's Collection of Finebindings: A Personal Selection
519408: ARRUZZA, CINZIA; DUGGAN, PENELOPE - Dangerous Liaisons: The Marriages and Divorces of Marxism and Feminism
152332: ARSAN, EMMANUELLE - Emmanuelle 2
215834: ARSEL, MURAT (ED.); SPOOR, MAX (ED.) - Water, Environmental Security and Sustainable Development: Conflict and Cooperation in Central Eurasia
494583p: ARSEN DALLAN; KARLEN DALLAKYAN - The Pursuit of Pleasure - Overcoming a Civilizational Challenge
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