PsychoBabel Books 1 Churchward, Didcot Park, Southemead, Didcot, UK. OX11 7HB. Tel. +44 1235 861411 | Fax: +44 1235 861422 Email: | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
433004: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XXXII, 1911-1912
456984: - Thirty
485696: - Alexander the Great: The Road to the East
480683: - Gregg Baker Asian Art: Recent Acquisitions
168549: - Catalogue of the Renowed Collection of Western Manuscripts. The Second Portion .
431360: - Cornette de Saint Cyr: Estampes & Multiples, 23 Mars 2015
431364: - Heritage: American Art, 2 May 2015
449527: - The Nicos J. Vardinoyannis Seafarers' Handbook
467387: - Tracce Dei Luoghi, Tracce Della Storia: L'Editore Che Inseguiva La Bellezza - Scritti in Onore Di Franco Cosimo Panini (Saggi. Arti e Lettere)
187716: - Publications of the Thoresby Society Second Series Vol 13: Miscellany
181500: ET AL - Defence Analysis : Volume 6 Number 3. Sept 1990
181504: - Defence Analysis : Volume 2 - Number 3. Sept 1986
421645: - The Grand Magazine, Vol III, February 1906, No. 13
244720: - Automobility - Was uns bewegt: Katalogbuch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung
306136: - Selected Poems of Thomas Hardy
258059: - Eire: Achtanna an Oireachtais/Acts of the Oireachtas 1947
148594: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 64, No 3
148595: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 64, No 4
270060: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 9(2): Companies (Parts 2(13) - 2(14))
270061: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 7(3): Building, Building Contracts, Architects, Engineers and Surveyors, Building Societies, Burial and Cremation
297251: - Histoire Des Techniques (XII Congres International D'Historie Des Sciences Paris 1968, Actes,Tome X B
488428: - Luis CaNizares: Dibujos/Drawings
181572: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 10 - Number 4. Nov 2008
181571: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 9 - Number 4. Nov 2007
187532: - Durham 1849 : The 1849 Public Health Report on Durham City
031698: - Northamptonshire Past and Present, Number 55
172688: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 458 Number 2024 (Pages 1783-2038)
171671: - Neuroscience Volume 52 Number 3
300546: - Moving Beyond: Painting in China 2013
176311: - 2001 International Workshop on System-Level Interconnection Prediction.
416205: - Zeitgenossische Kunst I. Teil/Cotemporary Art, Part I, 20. Mai 2014
416209: - Prints and Multiples: New Bond Street, London, Tuesday 15 July 2014
113866: - Waste-Heat Recovery : Twenty-one Chapters Based on a Conference Held by The Institute of Fuel at Bournemouth in 1961
429411: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 19: Obras Completas del Excmo. Sr. D. Manuel Jose Quintana
436120: - Surrey Archeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, Volume XXVII
436121: - Surrey Archeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, Volume XXXIX
273823: - Catalogue of Russian Paintings, Drawings, Watercolours and Sculpture 1750-1910: Wednesday, 14th May, 1980
474114: - Notes Sans PortEes
474115: - La Mouche Des Croches
253873: - Treasures of the British Library (Japanese Edition)
469695: - Banca d'Italia Research Department Public Finance Workshop: Indicators of Structural Budget Balances
177877: - French-English ; English-French : Langenscheidt's Universal Dictionary
082216: - Cytological Screening in the Control of Cervical Cancer: Technical Guidelines
175719: - Horizon: Chimp Talk
172616: - Learning from Audit 2
428534: - Victorian Poetry: Volume 5, 1967
428533: - Victorian Poetry: Volume 4, 1966
016852: - Rediscovering the Patient
458197: - Selected By Philip Hohenlohe: Classic - Canon Interior Design: Donnerstag, 2. Marz 2017, Palais Dorotheum
429222: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 3: Novelistas Anteriores a Cervantes
181474: - Politics: Volume 27. Number 1. Feb 2007
181475: - Politics: Volume 27. Number 1. Feb 2007
169075: - Chatham House: International Affairs Volume 81 Number 5 October 2005
169076: - Chatham House: International Affairs: Volume 83: Number 2: March 2007
169079: - International Affairs: Volume 80 Number 2: March 2004
216736: - Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports. Consolidated Tables and Index. Vol 1 to 100
439684: - Bonhams: British & Continental Pictures, 19 June 2012
530758: - The Bookman, Special X-Mas Number 1918
408810: - The Annual Register; A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad, for the Year 1865.
431009: - The London Mystery Selection No. 83
141041: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 74, Part 1
173089: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 281 Numbers 1384-1387
186289: - London Magazine Vol 22 No 8
176314: - Mobile Computing and Networking 2001
519139: - Bunnykins Nursery Ware Painting Book
534652: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 41
492533: - Glossarium latino-germanicum mediae et infimae aetatis: E codicibus manuscriptis et libris impressis concinnavit L.D. (Supplementum lexici mediae et ... conditi a Carolo Dufresne Du Cange)
274992: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome XIII NumEro 52: Novembre 1950
496126: - The Path of Modernism: From Impressionism to Today
484613: - La Technique Der Travaux: Revue Mensuelle Des ProcEdEs De Construction Modernes: 6e AnnEe, No 10, Octobre 1930
413504: - De Ronsard a Breton: Recueil d'Essais: Hommages a Marcel Raymond
285354: - The Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal: A Weekly Gazette of Legal News and Information; to Which are Added The Irish Law Times Reports; Volume XLIV, 1910
019950: - Digest of World Reading 15th Anniversary Reader
220353a: - Audi techDay Qualitat
491612: - Goldmark: July 2005
491613: - Goldmark: April 2004
172790: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 420 Numbers 1858-1859
038964: - ESRC Economic & Social Research Council Annual Report and Accounts 2003-04
292071: - Adolescenza e Suicidio: Incontro con Anne Hurry
292072: - Adolescenza e Suicidio: Incontro con Anne Hurry
479695: - The 'Half Inch' Map of England: Sheet Number 1
416197: - Contemporary Art Evening Auction, New York 14 May 2014
440173: - Flore De Paris, Genera et Species, Ou Premiere Application Faite Du Nouveau Systeme Floral Aux Plantes Vivantes
451739: - William Pye: Words from the 1960s & 1970s
451742: - Agnieszka Brzezanska: I Love You. Be Good.
462406: - Sotheby's: Tableaux Sculptures et Dessins Anciens et Du XIXe Siecle: Vente a Paris, 15 Juin 2017
140466: - Educational Equality for the Handicapped: Report of the Fifth International Seminar on Special Education
442131: - The Method of Isotopic Tracers Applied to the Study of Active Ion Transport
258051: - Achtanna an Oireachtais/Acts of the Oireachtas 1975
258052: - Eire: Achtanna an Oireachtais/Acts of the Oireachtas 1946
258058: - Achtanna an Oireachtais/Acts of the Oireachtas: 1973
487004: - The Dickens House Museum: Guide and Illustrated Souvenir
486948a: - Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London for the Year 1892.
269956: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 27(2): Husband and Wife and Matrimonial Law (Parts 2(9) - 4(9))
414216: - Korea Journal, Vol. 52, No.3, Autumn 2012; Contemporary Korean Religions in Context
414217: - Contemporary Art / Afternoon, 22 June 2006
414218: - Contemporary Art / Evening, 22 June 2005
414219: - Contemporary Art / Evening, 10 February 2005
414220: - Contemporary Art / Day, 10 February 2006
485736: - The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings: Forty-First Annual Report of the Committee, June 1918
172694: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 458 Number 2023 (Pages 1527-1782)
172693: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 456 Number 1997 (Pages 1019-1290)
257687: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Mathematical and Physical Sciences) (Volume 61)
530650: - Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici. Venti anni di ricerca e di Formazion
468900: - Otia et Lusus Silvii Philomusi: Latina Omnia, Quaedam Vernaculam in Linguam Versa.
165298: - Schizophrenia : Biochemical Impairments: Social handicaps?
495895: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume XVI. 1903
469483: - A Measured Approach to Ending Poverty and Boosting Shared Prosperity: Concepts, Data, and the Twin Goals
285644: - The Complete Statutes Of England: Classified And Annotated: In Continuation Of Halsbury's Laws Of England: Volume 21: Consolidated Table Of Statutes
473391: - American Photography 26
429005: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. X, April 1807 - July 1807
429007: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. XII, April 1808 - July 1808
290050: - Travaux D'Humanisme et Renaissance: Etudes Rabelaisiennes Vol 7
290075: - The Directory of Surgical Specialists
432721: - The Cornhill Magazine: New Series, Vol. X. January to June, 1888
481478: - King Edward's School, Birmingham: Quarter Centenary
429407: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 14: Comedias de Don Pedro Calderon de la Barca: IV
256182: - Catechismus Concilii Tridentini
172498: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 423 Numbers 1864 and 1865
172499: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 459 Number 2040 (Pages 2933-3218)
418171: - The Italian Sale: Auction in London, 17 October 2014
220435: - Past & Present: A Journal of Historical Studies. Number 94, February 1982
434194: - I Costumi del Potere: Evoluzione dei Costumi nel Veneto
183781: - ANNUAL REPORT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF MALAYSIA 1985 / Lapuran Tahunan Penyiasatan Kajibumi Malaysia 1985
418865: - Christie's June/July 2009 London
141181: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 72, Number 1
430687: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1921-1922: Volume LVI, Fifth Series, Volume 8
456317: - Horta
176262: - An Assessment of Selected Policies in Candidate States : Minority Protection. Volume I
448735: - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, New Series, Volume 4
429809: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 18, July - December 1868
436002: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, Vol. XXII
219152: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 63 No.3
219163: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 78 No.2
281174: - Sotheby's: Contemporary Art Afternoon Auction, New York, 15 May 2013
431480: - The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Third Series, Volume XXXVI, 1973
021122: - Anuario General De Espana 1957 (Tomo I - IV)
296542: - Vales Reales de S.M. el Rey, 1795-1799
304275: - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 39, 1964
484912: - Purdue University North Central: Odyssey 1999-2009: Celebrating Ten Years of Sculpture Exhibits
465511: - Leslie Fox 1918-1992
263651: - Deutsche Akademie Fur Sprache Und Dichtung. Jahrbuch: 1995
Am1338: - From Tahrir Square to Ferguson: Social Networks as Facilitators of Social Movements (Communication Law)
172755: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 445, Number 1923 (Pages 1-256)
186335: - London Magazine Vol 6 No 8
429395: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 137: Obras de Fernan Caballero: II
407303: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 9: 1966-1967
407304: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 10: 1968-1969
432962: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 20, 1912-1915, Part 2
163941: - Zvezda 12 (1974)
301037: - Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665): The Flight Into Egypt
301038: - 20th Century British Art
472378: - Kunst Der Ch'ing-Zeit 1644-1911
029447: - Christie's Impressionist and Modern Paintings, Drawings, Sculpture and Ceramics
029450: - Christie's Old Master Pictures
432848: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 65: Actas del Cabildo Eclesiastico de Caracas: Tomo II (1771-1808)
431278: - Koller Zurich: Postwar & Contemporary Auktion: Samstag, 27. Juni 2015
080553: - Water Resources Act 1963: Ninth Annual Report of the Water Resources Board for the Year Ending 30th September 1972
431279: - Galerie Kornfeld, Bern: 160 Ausgewahlte Kunstwerke Des 19. Bis 21. Jahrhunderts: Auktion 264, Teil I, Freitag, Den 19. Juni 2015
449578: - A Handbook for Visitors to Paris; Containing A Description of the Most Remarkable Objects, with General Advice and Information for English Travellers in That Metropolis, and on the Way to it.
038965: - Economic and Social Research Council: Annual Report and Accounts 2002-03
446473: - Musee St Pierre Art Contemporain: Collection 1985
094827: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCVI Part 2
094828: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol LXXXIX Part 2
069305: - Introduction to Visual Cafe for Java, Learning Guide (Symantec Education Course 504)
025370: - The Abney Quarterly
416338: - Klassische Moderne/Modern Art: Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014, Palais Dorotheum
163944: - Oxford Volume V, Number 2
493014: - Abetz/Drescher: Paint it Black
197514: - The Nomenclature of Disease
278828: - The Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd.
148445: - Zoeter-Meer Tussen Hemel En Aarde, Ziel En Geweten Van Een Moderne Groeistad
508925: - In the Public Eye: Treasures from the West of England
418801: - One Hundred and Nine Oil Paintings from the Collection
258025: - Saorstat Eireann: Reachtanna Puibli An Oireachtais 1924/ Public Statutes of the Oireachtas 1924
447078: - A Guide to Specifying Concrete: Part I - Type 1 Specification
477310: - Encounter: Vol.1: No.3: December 1953
PONakedL: - 'The Naked Lunch' book cover Poster
531666: - David Wynne: Portraits
531665: - Laylah Ali
273541: - Resiliency: Cool Ideas For Local Leaders
161221: - Soviet Research on Complex and Coordination Compounds in English Translation Part II Metal-Organic Complexes
161222: - Soviet Research on Complex and Coordination Compounds in English Translation Part I Inorganic Complexes
417243: - Arts Decoratifs Du XXe Siecle/Art Contemporain: Mercredi 9 et Jeudi 10 Novembre 2011, Drought Richelieu
036040: - Losing Generations: Adolescents in High-risk Settings
416375: - Moderne Und Zeitgenossische Druckgrafik/Modern and Contemporary Prints: Mittwoch, 5. November 2014, Palais Dorotheum
024975: - ABPI Data Sheet Compendium 1994-95
088731: - European Economy No 2 1997
088729: - European Economy No 4 1996
101747: - Diagnostic Uses of Radioisotopes in Medicine
418482: - Arts Decoratifs Du XXe Siecle, 17 Mars 2009
433157: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 107: En Ordenamiento Militar de Indias
433198: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXVIII, Section A (Mathematical and Physical Sciences), 1968-1970
433200: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXIX, Section A (Mathematical and Physical Sciences), 1970-1972
485059: - Who Gets What and Why: Resource Allocation in a Bangladesh Village
210152: - Sotheby's Photographs 2nd May 1997
426027: - The Annual Register: A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad, for the Year 1869.
416216: - KAUPP 06/14, 78: Kunsthandwerk, Antiquitaten Und Gemalde 28.06.2014
105938: - The American Historical Associations Guide to Historical Literature
062399: - Sotheby's Schweizer Kunst Und Helvetica 18. Bis 20. Jahrhundert
431376: - Bulletin d'Information: Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes: Nos. 13-15: 1964-68
436194: - The Air Almanac: May - August 1971
469622: - Le DEbat: NumEro 59, Mars - Avril 1990
416252: - Royal Commission of Inquiry Into Primary Education (Ireland), Volume VII: The Returns
429899: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 8, 1821
429898: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 7, 1820
429897: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 6, 1820
417951: - History of Philosophy Quarterly: Vol..11, 1994
531280: - The Cock Crows at Midnight
030437: - The Plays of John Galsworthy
072095: - The Journal of American and Canadian Studies #21
072096: - The Journal of American and Canadian Studies #22
044617: - The Low Countries 9, Arts and Society in Flanders and the Netherlands
444845: - Viking 1 Early Results (NASA SP)
438498: - Chimera: A Collection of Poetry and Illustrations by The Snowdonia Poets
178477: - Antiquity, Review of Archaeology (VOLUME XLII) 1968
066372: - WEISSEN BLAETTER,DIE. Eine Monatsschrift. Jg. 2, H. 5. Mai 1915
264075: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 21 No. 2 Winter 2004
264076: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 21 No. 3 Spring 2005
191493: - Salute to Turner
414548: - Pinocchio (Ready to Read)
414551: - The Ugly Duckling (Ready to Read)
414552z: - The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (Ready to Read)
414553: - The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (Ready to Read)
257655: - Annalen Der Physik. 7.Folge, Vol. 39, 1982
257656: - Annalen Der Physik. 7.Folge, Vol. 40, 1983
257657: - Annalen Der Physik. 7.Folge, Vol. 41, 1984
414562: - Sleeping Beauty (Ready to Read)
414563: - Pinocchio (Ready to Read)
414570: - Little Red Riding Hood (Ready to Read)
414571: - Little Red Riding Hood (Ready to Read)
414573: - Sleeping Beauty (Ready to Read)
433197: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXVII, Section B (Biology), 1957-1960
035323: - Contemporary Theatre (Stratford-upon-Avon Studies 4)
153217: - Impessionist and Modern Paintings and Sculpture from The Estate of Mrs. Algur H. Meadows
084993: - The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers from Seeds and Roots
148588: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 67, No 1
148590: - Africa, Journal of the International African Institute Volume 65, No 4
147276: - Annals Index (Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences Volume 351)
154834: - Mobilier et Objets d'Art, Art Islamique, Ceramiques Europeennes et Verre
080282: - Medical Uses of Ca47: Second Panel Report
542351: - Tales from the Travels of Baron Munchausen
542352: - The Flying Dutchman and other stories from the Operas
100807: - Political Communication: Volume 21, Number 2, April-June 2004
100808: - Political Communication: Volume 21, Number 3, July-September 2004
142257: - Famous Places of the Holy Land
152906: - Short-Title Catalogue of Eighteenth-Century Spanish Books in the British Library; Volume II : Catalogue M-Z
096372: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Supplement to Vol. 128): Forty Years On
096374: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Spring 1992): The Exit from Communism
031617: - Paestum
075192: - European Monetary Agreement: Tenth Annual Report of the Board of Management
081772: - Oxford Economic Papers, Volume 43, No. 1
481841: - He Pakiwaitara: Te Whare Kura 2
464005: - The Walpole Society 1917-1918: Volume 6
425241: - Guide to Eastbourne, Beachy Head, Pevensey, Herstmonceux, Lewes, Seaford, Newhaven, Etc.
293809a: - Serenity: Limited Edition (Blu-ray Disc)
016747: - The Proceedings of the Nursing Mirror Cancer Nursing
429415: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 23: Obras De Quevedo Villegas I
429420: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 38: Collection Escogida de Obras No Dramaticas de Frey Lope Felix de Vega Carpio
186522: - London Magazine Vol 1 No 2
186511: - London Magazine Volume 2 Number 9, 1962
479482: - Courier: Volume 18: Number 5: May 1952
506761: - Chaldon Church: Surrey: A. D. 1086
530056: - Penicillin: Its Properties, Uses and Preparations
079150: - Proceedings of Sixth ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies
079151: - Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
079147: - KDD 2001: Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
087284: - Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Chemistry, Volume 19 (1990)
234634: - SHD: Super Holland Design
455127: - Zhao Xiaojia
433196: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXVII, Section A (Mathematical and Physical Sciences), 1963-1967
017757: - A Strategy for Nursing; Report of a Seminar Organised By Nursing Division
172809: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 350 Numbers 1660-1663
142407: - The Grand Union Canal, Southern Section [DVD]
176416: - Redescriptions : Yearbook of Political Thought and Conceptual History, Vol. 9
472279: - Brian Harkins: An Exhibition 14th-18th June 1999
275008: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome I NumEro 4: Novembre 1946
033671: - Hofmannsthal Blätter Heft 2 Frühjahr 1969
033674: - Hofmannsthal Blätter Heft 28 Herbst 1983
469306: - Werner Haypeter: Wall Crossing
025027: - The Musical Quarterly, Volume 86, Number 1
025031: - American Music, Volume 18, Number 4
224996: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume LIV 11-13 July 1980
417236: - Orfevrerie, Mobilier et Objets d'Art: Grande Decoration et Mobilier Anglais: Paris, Vendredi 17 Octobre 2008
175064: - M.T.P. International Review of Science. Inorganic Chemistry. Series One. Volume 4
416405: - Impressionist and Modern Art, Tuesday November 4, 2014, New York
062028: - Sotheby's Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
431006: - The London Mystery Magazine No. 32
296405: - Aguttes: Tableaux Argenterie Mobilier Objets d'Art: Deauville: Samedi 20 Juillet 2013, Dimanche 21 Juillet 2013
298272: - Cuaderno-Homenaje a Antonio Perez Gomez
072087: - American Studies Library Newsletter #47
291565: - DeSignis: 1: La Moda/Representaciones e Identidad
431414: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 62, 1966
431415: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 63, 1967
099669: - Pardagogica Evropaea 1965, First Volume
440341: - Setnja u Mestu / Walking on the Spot: Gradanski Protest u Srbiji / Civil Protest in Serbia, November 17 1996 - March 20 1997
407298: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 6: 1961
419931: - Radical Philosophy 179: May/June 2013
419933: - Radical Philosophy 182: Nov/Dec 2013
031412: - Impressionist and Modern Paintings, Drawings and Sculptures
432675: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. LXXXVII, January-June, 1860
432678: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. XC, July-December 1861
432677: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. LXXXIX, January-June 1861
419802: - Necesidades
419810: - Pulso Alterado / Altered Pulse
440227: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Volume LXI, Part I, Session 1942-1944
185263: - Modelling with Circular Motion
030464: - Poems of To-Day: First and Second Series
416212: - Evening & Day Editions, London 12 June 2014
416213: - Contemporary Art, London Evening Sale 2 July 2014
416214: - Impressionist/Modern Art, South Kensington, Friday 27 June 2014
166697: - Dublin Diocesan Guidebook 1996
416215: - Prints Featuring a Selection from the Curwen Archive, Wednesday 4 June 2014, Knightsbridge, London
488405: - Poverty in Australia: First main report, April 1975
429223: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol 11: Obras de Fray Luis de Granada: III
173069: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 306 Numbers 1484-1487
261182: - Atlas: zusammengestellt von deutschen Autoren
600096: - Arkiv FOR Matematik
435959: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 165, 1972
162595: - Public Health II The Present Problem and the Ministry of Health (Reconstruction Problems 23)
162598: - Electrical Development (Reconstruction Problems 24)
081581: - Wills and Probate
169953: - Democratization, Volume 6 Number 4
431453: - The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Third Series, Volume 30, 1967
Am742: - The Rev. Edward Irving and the Catholic Apostolic Church in Camden and Beyond
159320: - Studies In Theatre Production Number 16 December 1997
159321: - Studies In Theatre Production Number 15 June 1997
263949a: - A Mail Bid Sale of the Classical Numismatic Group: Auction 37: Wednesday, March 20, 1996
416219: - Post-war and Contemporary Art, Afternoon Session, New York, 14 May 2014
181451: - International Peace Keeping Vol 6 No. 2, 1999
181452: - International Peace Keeping Vol 6 No. 3, 1999
453071: - Yann Stofer: A House is Not a Home
416257: - Catalogo III Feria Internacional Del Libro Antiguo
266905: - The New World Comprehensive Korean-English Dictionary
436123: - Surrey Archeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, Volume XLIII
258923a: - The Irish Jurist: Vol 15: 1949
430672: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1931-1932: Volume LXVI, Sixth Series, Volume 6
173106: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 280 Numbers 1380-1383
111270: - 1996 Black Community Report Vol 1
432891: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 127: Los Origenes Venezolanos (Ensayo sobre La Colonizacion Espanola en Venezuela)
432995: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XXIV, 1901-1903
433000: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XXVIII, 1907-1908
173060: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 310 Numbers 1500-1503
306993: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics., And Literature, for the Year 1796
034307: - Towards Good Practices in Small Hospitals, Some Suggested Guidelines
036166: - The Health of the UK's Elderly People 1994
066214: - Studien Des Instituts Für Die Kultur Der Deutschsprachigen Länder
066247: - Literatur Und Kritik: November 8 1966
282158: - Mainichi Auction: Paintings, Prints and Sculpture, 14 July 2012
432964: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 23, 1937-1938
441545: - Of the Human Form
258048: - Eire: Achtanna an Oireachtais/Acts of the Oireachtas 1945
407308: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 14-15: 1976-1980
449888: - Retrospecta 08-09
429583: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. 56: July 1832 - January 1833
237994: - Estampes Art Contemporain: Druout Richelieu: Dimanche 30 Mars - Lundi 31 Mars
438861: - Jennifer Bartlett: Piccoli Dipinti/Small Paintings
037207: - Journal Des Choses Memorables Advenues Durant Le Regne De Henry III, Roy De France, et De Pologne Volumes 1-3
141179: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 77, Part 4
306982: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics., And Literature, for the Year 1785
169949: - Democratization, Volume 6 Number 1
421074: - Valve Retainer, Valve Data and Electronic Components
203144: - Nature, A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science Volume 379 (Jan-Feb 1996)
199702: - Science and Future Choice: Technological Challenge for Social Changes Vol. 2
157298: - Freud: Forty Years After
446663: 0LIVER, BRUCE - The Square
173067: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 250 Numbers 1260-1263
173066: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 261 Numbers 1304-1307
436119: - Surrey Archeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, Volume XXVI
431299: - Koller Zurich: Impressionismus & Klassische Moderne Auktion: Freitag, 26. Juni 2015
431302: - Phillips: Contemporary Art: New York Day Sale, 15 May 2015
264153: - A Collection of Japanese Prints, Illustrated Books and Paintings: London: Thursday 18th December 1986
301615: - Herbstauktion in Linz, 6-7 November 2013
101181: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 76, Part 1
181535: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 8 - Number 3. Aug 2006
181536: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 8 - Number 3. Aug 2006
304493: - Works on Paper
435682: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Volume 51, Part 4, 1915-16-17
029708: - New Big Size Buster Book 1988
096231: - Semiconductor Measurement Technology: Method to Determine the Quality of Sapphire (NBS Special Publication 400-62)
168548: - Catalogue of the Renowed Collection of Western Manuscripts. The First Portion .
140969: - Succession Rudorff, Ceramiques et Objets D'Art D'Extreme-Orient
140970: - Succession Rudorff, Estampes Japonaises, Livres D'Art De Reference Sur L'Extreme-Orient, Ceramiques Islamiques, Tapis D'Orient
109038: - Whitaker's Almanack 1998
600262: - The Rolling Stone Record Review, Volume II
263657a: - Deutsche Akademie Fur Sprache Und Dichtung. Jahrbuch: 2006
263658: - Deutsche Akademie Fur Sprache Und Dichtung. Jahrbuch: 2007
429264: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal; Volume 122, July - October 1865
061313: - Visioni di Verona
429567: - The Edinburgh Review: Vols. 21-50: General Index: April 1813 - January 1830
032091: - One Dish Meals
261279a: - Claude Aguttes-Dan Coissard: Mercredi 4 Avril 2012
152290: - Form and Content of Company Accounts : Comprehensive Coverage of Disclosure Requirements of the Companies ACT 1985 and 1989, SSAPs and the Yellow Book
186336: - London Magazine Vol 6 No 10
173095: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 293 Numbers 1432-1435
429917: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 35, January - June 1877
408194: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 5: 1959-1960
071919: - Dermatology: Diagnosing Photodamaged Skin (WITH SLIDES)
429728: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXII, 1814
429729: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXIII, 1814
429730: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXIV, 1815
429731: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXV, 1815
186802a: - Pressure Systems: Operations and Risk Management (IMechE Conference Transactions)
422358z: - Shirley Kaneda: Soft Freeze
428852: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal; July - October, 1856, Volume CIV
224277: - African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Society, Volume 105 Number 418 January 2006
032603: - Arts on Merseyside: Directory 1986
182427: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (Fifth Series; Volume 20)
432532: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine; Vol. 41, 1837
430698: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1943-1944: Volume LXXVIII, Seventh Series, Volume 6
418055: - Contemporary Art, Morning; New York, November 13, 2003
452621: - Metaphysical Poetry (Stratford-upon-Avon Studies 11)
475820: - Le Moderna Museet Stockholm A'Bruxelles in Brussel
186566: - 10th International Clay Confernce: Abstracts of Keynote addresses, oral, and Poster Papers
300001: - Hommage aan Dali
418800: - Contemporary Day Sale, 28 June 2011, Howick Place London
416394: - Impressionist & Modern Art Day Sale, London, 4 February 2004
416392: - British and Irish Traditionalist and Modernist Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, London, Thursday, 21 September 1989
416389: - Important British & Irish Art, Wednesday 26 November 2003
496577: - Mimmo Paladino
496584: - Sylvia Lee Goh, A Malaysian Artist: Two Decades of Art - "From the Heart" 1978-1998
496596: - Norges Dekorative Malerkunst Gjennem 1000 Ar
496603: - Oskar Kokoschka: Late Lithographs
496606: - Rodin: Bronze Age
163934: - Zvezda 5 (1974)
Am2161: - The Clothworkers' Charity Manual
414753: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1781.
414754: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature, for the Year 1782.
281634: - Christie's: Art Contemporain, Vente Du Jour, Paris, 4 Decembre 2012
414785: - Coleridge & Literary Society, 1790-1834. The Papers of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) from the British Library, London
407751: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 12: 1972-1973
190250: - Plural (30:2 2007) Tales of Two Reigns
273429: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History and Politics of the Year 1842.
476927: - Francis Bacon: Paintings
476924: - Ron Arad: Summer Exhibition
432878: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 131: Fortificacion y Defensa
432876: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 119: Documentos Jesuiticos: Relativos a la Historia de la Compania de Jesus en Venezuela: III
433040: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. LXIV, Section B (Biology), 1949-1952
027579: - Rembrandt Van Rijn, 1606?-1669 (Master Draughtsmen No. 4)
254132: - Architectural Choice 2
289657: - Fine Japanese Kakiemon, Arita, Nabeshima, Satsuma and Other Porcelain; Monday, June 25, 1973
078203: - Real Life Reading & Writing at Work
431051: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 45, Parts I-4, 1905-06-07
208265: - Fine African Sculpture: 25 May - 2 July 1971
258069: - Saorstat Eireann: Index to the Statutes of the Oireachtas 1922 - 32
432717: - The Cornhill Magazine: New Series, Vol. III. July to December, 1884
261273: - John Whiting on Theatre
477598: - Almanaque PolItico y De Comercio Para 1826
301621: - Tableaux Du XIX - Peinture Impressionniste et Moderne - Peintres D'Asie - Peinture Russe et Orientaliste, 14 June 2013
436701: - Koller Zurich: Postwar & Contemporary, 22 Juni 2013
024499: - Tell the World
063727: - Europe and Latin America: An Annual Review of European-Latin American Relations, 1980
264059: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 16 No. 3 Spring 2000
264060: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 17 No. 2 Winter 2000
531678: - The Locomotive Railway Carriage and Wagon Review: No. 469
264954: - Aucassin and Nicolette: An Old French Song-Tale
488348: - Oil Paintings in Public Ownership in Aberdeen (The Mercers' Series)
473314: - Control of Organelle Development
277080: - Germany: Volume III: Economic Geography: November 1944
451575: - Famous People and Their Illnesses
169181: - Proceedings of the Workshop on Deep-Water Rice
102367: - Shooting Notes and Comments: A Book Containing Matters of Interest to Sportsmen
408211: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 14-15: 1976-1980
169417: - Original Papers Published Under the Direction of the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society Vol XXVII Part II
542145: - Anatolie antique: Fouilles FRANCAISES en Turquie
458106: - Fine Art Degree Show 1988
163908: - Zvezda 6 (1986)
167284: - Le Moyen Age : N 3-4, 1966 : Revue d'Histoire et de Philologie
167285: - Le Moyen Age : N 1, 1967 : Revue d'Histoire et de Philologie
210204: - Phillips BRIC 23rd - 24th April 2010
210154: - Sotheby's Photographs April 18th 1997
431229: - Yen Chen-ching of Chinese Calligraphy Regular Script Tutorial Training Course
444074: - Valerius: A Roman Story I-III
305978: - Revue d'Histoire Litteraire De La France: 20e Annee, 1913, I
205052: - Female Sterilization, a Guide to Privision of Services
149382: - Caring for People with Learning Disabilities
043406: - Good For You 1
478169: - An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Middlesex
094801: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCIX Part 2
094802: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol C Part 3
094803: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCIX Part 3
094804: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol CI Part 2
094805: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol CII Part 1
094806: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCII Part 1
483796: - Hans Falk
259580: - Topography, Travel, Prints and Natural History: London: Thursday 23rd October 1986 and Friday 24th October 1986
486890: - The English Companions Members Handbook
417250: - Modern and Contemporary Art Auction, June 29 2009
410165: - The British Library Catalogue of the Ashley Manuscripts; Part II: Index
274300: - Partisan Review: Volume XV, Number 7: July, 1948
256159: - The Chelsea Song Book
186524: - London Magazine Volume 1 Number 5, 1961
186526: - London Magazine Volume 1 Number 6, 1961
200348: - Collins Concise Encyclopedia
424917: - Your Hamster: A Simple Guide to the Selection and Care of Your Pet
306972: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics., And Literature, for the Year 1760
080286: - Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers; Volume 5, Number 1, Part 3
547260: - Recovery of Fission Products
181492: - Defence Analysis : Volume 5 Number 1. March 1989
181493: - Defence Analysis : Volume 7 Number 4. Dec 1991
100786: - Political Communication: Special Issue: Perspectives on Journalism, Power and Citizenship: Volume 14, Number 4, October-December 1997
222144: - Versailles: The Chateau and Its History in books and Pictures
540020: - Nyasaland Despatch by the Governor relating to the report of the Nyasaland Commission of Inquiry
101639: - Annual Review of Nuclear Science, Vol. 6, 1956
270911: - Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana: Supplementi 1-7: 1971-73
173078: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 284 Numbers 1396-1399
429903: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 12, 1822
205045: - Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Volume 72, Number 4)
205043: - Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Volume 72, Number 2)
173088: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 289 Numbers 1416-1419
171116: - New Zealand Short Stories : Second Series
104524: - An Anthology of Pieces from Early Editions of Encyclopaedia Britannica
257660: - Annalen Der Physik. 7.Folge, Vol. 44, 1987
257661: - Annalen Der Physik. 7.Folge, Vol. 45, 1988
172743: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 460 Number 2046 (Pages 1547-1847)
180869: - French Commercial Phrases and Abbreviations With Translations
272041: - Living in the City: An Urban Renaissance
486951a: - Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London for the Year 1896.
493724: - The World-Wide Series of Motoring and Cycling Maps: Scotland (Scale: Eight Miles to One Inch)
426322: - Spanish Studies: Volume XIII: 1936
428530: - Victorian Poetry: Volume 1, 1963
140988: - Standard Specification for Road and Sewerage Works 1975
283274: - Sotheby's: Impressionist & Modern Art Day Sale, Morning, New York, 8 May 2013
457280: - Meddelelser Fra Thorvaldsens Museum 1959
172749: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 454, Number 1973 (Pages 1253-1508)
172750: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 445, Number 1924 (Pages 257-477)
172751: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 446, Number 1926 (Pages 1-216)
189422: - London Magazine Volume 6 Number 2, 1959
103936: - Ninon De Lenclos
417345: - Studies in Theatre Production, Number 16, December 1997
081720: - Our Wonderful World (The Golden Pathway: Brochures)
038525: - The Manual of Heraldry
216737: - Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports. Vol 15
285352: - The Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal: A Weekly Gazette of Legal Postings and Miscellaneous Legal News and Information; to Which are Added The Irish Law Times Reports; Volume XLII, 1908
168059: - Metamorfoses 8 : Catedra Jorge De Sena Para Estudos Literarioc Luso-Afro-Brasileiros/UFRJ
429734: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume XXVIII, 1817
417265: - Modern and Contemporary Indian Art: Summer Online Auction, June 15 - 16, 2011
417269: - Modern & Contemporary Chinese Art Day Sale, December 2nd, 2010
417264: - Art Moderne et Contemporain Arabe et Iranien: Paris, Samedi 24 Octobre 2009
418900: - The Annual Register or a View of the History, Politics, and Literature For the Year 1817
172771: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 461 Number 2062 (Pages 3005-3353)
160944: - From Wolfram and Petrarch to Goethe and Grass
163904: - Zvezda 11 (1985)
266704: - Large Print English Dictionary
408210: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 12: 1972-1973
197926: - Works of Alessandro Codivilla Volumes 1 and 2
100789: - Political Communication: Volume 16, Number 1, January-March 1999
144088: - Health Care UK 1997/98 : The King's Fund Annual Review of Health Policy
144089: - Health Care UK 1997/98 : The King's Fund Annual Review of Health Policy
274970: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome VII NumEro 28: Novembre 1948
435681: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Volume 40, Part 4, 1903-04
281942: - The Journal of Political Philosophy: Volume 11, No. 2, June 2003
295486: - Saturday@Phillips: Contemporary Art, Photographs, Design, Jewelry: New York: December 1 2007
250328: - Mobel Und Silber, Schweizer Kunst: Furniture and Silver, Swiss Art
250331: - 20th Century British Art: Wednesday 27 February 2008
483245: - Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London for the Year 1884
151873: - Weekly Law Reports 1991 Vol 1
151885: - Weekly Law Reports 1992 Vol 1
151870: - Weekly Law Reports 1994 Vol 1
258366: - Sam Taylor-Wood
601739: - Premios Brunel Awards Madrid 1992
436001: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, Vol. XXIV
491475: - Cura Regis Rollis of the Reigns of Richard I. And John, Preserved in the Public Record Office, Vol. III: 5 - 7 John. (1203-5)
270529: - Argosy: Vol XI: No: 11: November, 1950
459940: - Women and Health: Volume 22, Number 4
462675: - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Containing Papers of a Biological Character. Vol. 195.
288472: - Rapports: Contemporary Photography from France
477316: - Encounter: Vol.3: No.6: December 1954
477323: - Hegel and Legal Theory: Part II
224984: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume XLIX 18-20 July 1975
162663: - Sinn Und Form 1955 No 2
162667: - Sinn Und Form 1956 No 4-6
162564: - Housing in England and Wales (Reconstruction Problems 2)
188260: - Sotheby's Important Continental Furniture and Tapestries : 30th May 1997
140679: - Critique Communiste Numero Special, Qu-est-Ce Que L'Urss? (Oct/Nov No 18/19 - 18F)
531056: - Important English and Continental Silver, New York, Thursday, April 6, 1989, Sale number 5827
281296: - Sotheby's: Impressionist & Modern Art Day Sale, Afternoon, New York, 8 May 2013
478460: - In Residence II
187285: - London Magazine Volume 7 Number 8, 1960
181505: - Defence Analysis : Volume 3 - Number 4. dec 1987
429877: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. XXXII, July-December 1832
432890: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 125: Apendices A: El Sinodo Diocesano de Santiago de Leon de Caracas de 1687: Tomo II
433002: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XXX, 1909-1910
272037: - Stephen Cox: Dulwich Picture Gallery: 25 June - 28 September 1997
185290: - The International Directory of Business Information Sources and Services, 1986
414346: - Bentley's Miscellany, Volume XII
431372: - Bulletin d'Information: Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes: Nos. 1-3: 1952-54
301619: - Printed, Books, Maps & Photographs, 10 September 2013
301620: - Orientalisme, 19 June 2013
416342: - Moderne & Zeitgenossische Grafik, Samstag, 28. Juni 2014
481139: - Fiona Rae: Swag
407743: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 10: 1968-1969
291147: - National Gallery, Millbank: Catalogue of British School, 1929
487604: - The True Confession of George Barker
430699: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1944-1945: Volume LXXIX, Seventh Series, Volume 7
208640: - Christie's Sporting Art 23rd May 2008
208649: - Thomaston Place Fine Art Antiques and Ephemera 7-8 November 2009
065324: - Fuel Element Fabrication with Special Emphasis on Cladding Materials, Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Vienna, May 10-13, 1960 (Volume I)
029712: - Key Note Report, a Market Sector Overview: Restaurants
525021: - A Phil May Medley
289560: - Contemporary Art: Latin America, 20 November 2012, New York
289562: - Dorotheum: Zeitgenossische Kunst/Contemporary Art
289563: - Dorotheum: Zeitgenossische Kunst/Contemporary Art
431427: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 75, 1974
482477: - The International Review of Missions: Volume LXXX: No.317: January 1991
482483: - The International Review of Missions: Volume LXXXVI: Nos. 340/341: January/April 1997
429811: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 20, July - December 1869
478421: - Latin American Research Review: Volume 33, Number 3, 1998
478420: - Latin American Research Review: Volume 33, Number 1, 1998
023690: - Exhibition of London Views (Old and Modern) by Twenty Artists, May 4th - 19th, 1937: A Catalogue
433507: - The Care of Old Churches: Annual Review of the Council for the Care of Churches, Volume 16
433508: - The Care of Old Churches: Annual Review of the Council for the Care of Churches, Volume 17
418807: - Modern and Contemporary Art Auction Part I, June 29 2011
476921: - Colin Painter: Conversations EntremElEes
091668: - The West Indian Reports: Volume 19, 1972
185054: - Dyslexia : Its Neuropsychology and Treatment
481254: - Wood, Leather and Some Associated Industries
284050: - Christie's: Printed Books and Manuscripts, Wednesday 25 June 1980
306931: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for July 1849. October 1849: Vol XC
306932: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for July 1875. October 1875: Vol CXLII
601081: - Living Rooms (Home Series)
425512: - Dorotheum Salzburg: Osterauktion, 1. Und 2. April 2015
425506: - Bonhams: The Space History Sale: Tuesday April 21, 2015 at 10am, New York
017959: - Higher Education Appendix Three
017960: - Higher Education Appendix Two (A)
289637: - Bibliography of the Literature on the Minor Elements and Their Relation to Plant and Animal Nutrition; Volume III
156752: - The Earth's Climate and Variability of the Sun over Recent Millennia : Geophysical, Astronomical and Archaeological Aspects
407290: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume II: 1952-1954
407744: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 10: 1968-1969
432968: - Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: Volume 27, 1950-1953
173068: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 264 Numbers 1316-1319
306928: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for July 1833. January 1834: Vol LVIII
151893: - Weekly Law Reports 1997 Vol 1
295830: - The Windsor Magazine, An Illustrated Monthly for Men and Women, Vol II, July to December
295831: - The Windsor Magazine, An Illustrated Monthly for Men and Women, Vol XXII, June to November 1905
306981: - The Annual Register, or a View of the History, Politics., And Literature, for the Year 1783
072060: - The Public Interest No 16, Summer 1969. Special Issue. Focus on New York.
301625: - Photographica & Film, 23 March 2013
301626: - Wissenschaft & Technik, Buro-Antik, Spielzeug, 25 May 2013
301624: - Buro-Antik, Spielzeug, Wissenschaft & Technik, 26 May 2012
483972: - South African Review: Two
282169: - Passion + Transmission: International Contemporary Art from the CAP Collection, New York, 7 March 2013, Lots 1 - 88
282170: - Art Contemporain, Vente Du Jour, Paris, 30 Mai 2012 a 14h30 Lots 101 - 237
436096: - The Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Volume 95, 1945
485134: - The Antiquaries Journal: Being the Journal of The Society of Antiquaries of London: Volume XXXIV
447906: - Heritage: Nature & Science Auction, June 2, 2016, Dallas
096401: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Spring 1995): What Future for the State?
172805: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 399 Numbers 1816-1817
282165: - Christie's: March - April 2013
483786: - Adaptability and Aging 1
094816: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol LXXXIX Part 1
436007: - Journal of Zoology: Proceedings of The Zoological Society of London: Volume 172, 1974
079673: - Steel Designers' Manual
455379: - The Twelfth Man: Annual Magazine 1980, Including a Tribute to Basil d'Oliveira
271425: - Second Texas Conference on Problems of Linguistic Analysis in English, April 26-29, 1957 (Studies in American English)
534643: - Entscheidungen Der Beschwerdekammern Des EUROPAISCHEN Patentamts; Decisicions of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office; DECISIONS Des Chambres De Recours De l'Office EUROPEEN Des Brevets: Volume 31
465612: - A Register of Rhodes Scholars, 1946-1972
301451: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. IX, No.2, 1934
301452: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. IX, No.2, 1934
301447: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. VIII, No. 2, 1933
301449: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. VIII, No. 4, 1934
031576: - The Jack and Jill Book 1955
270059: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 8(3): Choses in Action, Civil Aviation, Clubs, Commonwealth
172710: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 455 Number 1992 (Pages 4131-4404)
465069: - SALE CATALOGUE: At the Hotel Okura, Tokoyo: Volume I: February 14 and 15, 1981
465575: - The Armstrong Treasury: Louis' Song Book: Vocal Edition
094830: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol CV Part 3
486819: - Henri Cartier-Bresson: Dessins 1974 - 1997
171697: - Neuroscience Volume 53 Number 3
174462: - Drug Misuse and Dependence : Guidelines on Clinical Management
072777: - Camden Miscellany Vol XXVII (camden fourth series; volume 22)
478952: - World Economic Survey, 1969 - 1970: The Developing Countries in the 1960s: The Problem of Appraising Progress
260100: - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XXXVIII, No. 4, April 1962
260101: - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XXXVIII, No. 5, May 1962
305979: - Revue d'Histoire Litteraire De La France: 20e Annee, 1913, 2
425507: - Sotheby's: Bear Witness 3: Auction in London, 12 March 2015, 10:30 am
481255: - Long-term and Short-term Screening Assays for Carcinogens: A Critical Appraisal
298926: - Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium In Turri Londinensi: Printed By Command of His Majesty King George III, in Pursuance of an Address of the House of Commons of Great Britain
432869: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 78: Conversion de Piritu Tratado Historico
187505: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Sixth Series Vol 11
187508: - Ricerche Di Storia Politica
483885: - PEche et Chasse: Etude PrEparEe Avec La Collaboration Du DEpartment Des PEcheries Maritimes et Du DEpartement De La Chasse et De La PEche De QuEbec, Ainsi Que De l'Ecole SupErieure Des PEcheries De Sainte-Anne-de-la-PocatiEre (Etudes Sur Notre Milieu)
429902: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 11, 1822
036071: - Strategies to Control Tobacco Use in the United States: a Blueprint for Public Health Action in the 1990s (Smoking and Tobacco Control Monographs 1)
291165: - Catalogue of the Exhibition of 17th Century Art in Europe
140973: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 79, Part 2
155673: - European Conference on Mathematics for Industry: June 21-25, 2004
486233: - The Musical Times and Singing-Class Circular. Volume 44.
418497: - Israeli Art and Judaica, 24 May 2011
025017: - Twentieth-Century Music, Volume 1, Number 1
111971: - The F.S. Mackenna Collection of English Porcelain; Part I : Chelsea 1743-1758
200583: - Mind. A Quarterly Review of Philosophy. Vol. 110, No. 437
106371: - Total Eclipse 1999
022805: - Explorations in Entrepreneirial History, a Symposium on the Aristocrat in Business
431052: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 46, Parts I-3, 1907-09
021069: - Hail and Farewell, the Passing of King George V
440268: - La Vie Mysterieuse Des Chefs-D'oeure: La Science Au Service De L'art
431413: - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society: Vol. 61, 1963-64
087039: - Little Arthur's History of France: From the Earliest Times to the Fall of the Second Empire
274962: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome II NumEro 8: Mars 1947
087153: - Guide to Britain 1989
274298: - Twentieth Century Scottish Painting
099547: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XXVII, Part 4 November 1975
099545: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume 47, Part 2 May 1994
432861: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 8: El Publicista de Venezuela
432865: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 68: El Orinico Ilustrado y Defendido
541940: - Vulcan Annual 1977
063012: - Artificial and Synthetic Food for Human Consumption
071328: - Host Literarni Revue 6/97
071297: - The Prague Revue, Bohemia's Journal of International Literature 4 (Autumn / Winter 1996-97)
071321: - AA Baedeker's Gruide: Prague
278988: - Notes and Queries for Readers and Writers, Collectors and Librarians; Volume CCXXVI, 1981
418915: - Contemporary Art Evening, 13 May 2003
418916: - Contemporary Art Afternoon, 16 May 2002
225025: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Volume CI Part 2 2001
225026: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Volume CI Part 3 2001
423043: - Engineering Heritage: Highlights from the History of Mechanical Engineering, Volume I
291701: - Mitteilungen Des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts, Roemische Abteilung: Band 50, 1935, 1-2
105209: - Deaths in the Community
105210: - Deaths in the Community
547258: - Organic Liquids as Reactor Coolants and Moderators
547259: - Laboratory Training Manual on the use of Isotopes and Radiation in Soil-plant Relations Research: A Joint Undertaking by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
034604: - The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Wildlife, Volume 7: Mammals
416337: - Bucher & Autographen, Samstag, 29. Marz 2014
421126: - Johanna Kandl: Kampfer Fur's Gluck/Kunstverein Ulm/2003
432855: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 94: Escritos Varios
258231: - Saorstat Eireann: Reachtanna An Oireachtais 1937/Statutes of the Oireachtas 1937
030219: - Catalogue of Important Impressioninst Paintings, Drawings and Sculptures, Which Will be Sold By Auction
415790: - English Reprints Volume II
224364: - African Affairs: The Journal of the Royal African Socirty, Volume 107 Number 429 October 2008
464243: - The Battle of Britain: An Air Ministry Account of the Great Days from 8th August - 31st October 1940
464278: - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character. Vol. 190..
464279z: - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character. Vol. 190..
171436: - Art at the Edge - Contemporary Art from Poland
497715: - A History of the Newhaven Bridge, 1784 - 1974
418858: - Photographs, 26 November 2010
418864: - Master Drawings of American Post-War Art, 12 November 2008
078482: - Statistics on Women and the Criminal Justice System
430533: - The Edinburgh Review or Critical Journal, Volume 146, 1877
432528: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal; Volume CIV
301458: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XI, No 4, 1937
301459: - The British Museum Quarterly, Vol. XII, No 1, 1938
488368: - Some Account of the Oxford University Press, 1468-1921
488371: - Las Mordazas Invisibles: Nuevas y Viejas Barreras a la Diversidad en la RadiodifusiOn
257912a: - Modern and Contemporary Prints Including Andy Warhol and the Pop Legacy: Thursday 30th June 2011, 1.00 Pm
024803: - Pompeii AD79
152343: - Preliminary List of Vernacular Names of Trees, Schrubs and Woody Climbers Found in the Forests of the Madras Presidency
178155: - Journal of Audiological Technique Vol. 18.
178156: - Journal of Audiological Technique Vol. 4.
459939: - Women and Health: Volume 22, Number 3
436114: - Surrey Archeological Collections, Relating to the History and Antiquities of the County, Volume XX
479481: - Courier: Volume 18: Number 4: April 1952
467849: - Karl Friedrich Schinkel
429561: - The Edinburgh Review: Vol. 96: July 1852 - October 1852
453645: - Irradiation Facilities for Research Reactors
172733: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 460 Number 2041 (Pages 1-402)
492148: - Religion and the Culture of Print in Modern America (Print Culture History in Modern America)
428468: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland; One Hundredth Session, 1879-80, Volume II, New Series
428467: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland; Ninety-Ninth Session, 1878-79, Volume I, New Series
433412: - Buch, 24 x 30
433360: - The Literary Merit of the English Bible
431049: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Volume 41, Parts I-III, 1903-05
418477: - Orfevreire - Ceramiques - Armes Et Souvenirs Historiques Instruments Scientifiques - Objets De Marine Mobilier Et Objets D'Art Des XVIIIe Et XIXe Siecles, 18 Mai 2011
025194: - Patterns for Worship
490176: - Bibelhandschriften, Bibeldrucke: Gutenbergbibel in Offenburg
458220: - The Family Economist; an Entertaining Companion for Town and Country. (1860)
277339: - Contemporary Art Evening Auction: London: Friday 12 October 2007
277342: - 20th Century Italian Art: Sotheby's: London 12 October 2012
144762: - Memories of Northampton
434143: - Archaeologia: Or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity. Vol. XXV
437937: - Rembrandt to Gainsborough: Masterpieces from Dulwich Picture Gallery
031713: - Initial Government Observations on the Fifth Report from the Education, Science and Arts Committee, Session 1979-80: The Funding the Organisation of Courses in Higher Education
445564: - This Is Britain By Road
418912: - Contemporary Art Part Two Afternoon, 16 May 2001
492021: - Irish Journal of Sociology: Volume 10, No. 2, 2001
156979: - The Anatomy of a Controversy Part 2 November 1963 (Mankind Monographs VI)
426235: - The Sphere: An Illustrated Newspaper for the Home, Volume LXIII, No. 826, November 20, 1915
Am1302: - America and Enlightenment Constitutionalism (Studies of the Americas)
Am25: - St Pancras International: 150 Facts for 150 Years
418828: - 70. Auktion, 2 Juni 2012
274971: - La Revue: Hommes et Mondes: Tome VII NumEro 27: Octobre 1948
100788: - Political Communication: Volume 15, Number 2, April-June 1998
546232: - CARLS Series of Advanced Study of Logic and Sensibility: Volume 2, 2008
416366: - First Impression: Prints & Multiples, Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 July 2014
262424: - Clin D'Oeil Sur Le XXe: Samedi 17 Septembre 2011 a 14h30
260194: - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XXXIX, No. 8, August, 1963 g.
418460: - Vente Au Profit Des Ecoles De L'Espoir, 17 Novembre 2008
418461: - Vente Au Profit Des Ecoles De L'Espoir, 17 Novembre 2008
477312: - Encounter: Vol.3: No.2: August 1954
172698: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 459 Number 2039 (Pages 2663-2931)
172697: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 457 Number 2016 (Pages 2799-3066)
077309: - British Historical Portraits, a Selection from the National Portrait Gallery with Biographical Notes
410114: - Pornography: The Reply
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208622: - Christie's Imperial Design from Stockholm to St. Petersburg 25th November 2008
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173044: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 334 Numbers 1596-1599
460570: - Women and Health: Volume 40, Number 1
460571: - Women and Health: Volume 40, Number 2
438917: - Essays and Reviews
263108: - Commision of Inquiry: Report, University of Oxford, 1997
263112: - Charlton Hall: FIne Southern Estates at Auction: Important American, English & Continental Fine & Decorative Arts: 10 & 11 September 2011
431072: - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Vol. 69, 1976
427205: - Artcurial: Art Moderne et Contemporain Arabe et Iranien: Paris: Samedi 24 Octobre 2009
469617: - Den GlOmda Krisen: Om Ett Sverige Som GAr IsAr
283050: - Chamber's Miscellany Volume V
454701: - Archaeological Reports No. 58
439243: - Corticosteroid Therapy: The First Hundred Years
061659: - German and Austrian Contributions to World Literature (1890-1970): Selections from the Klaus W. Jonas Collection
061660: - The Statutes of Christ Church Oxford
425238: - A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Killarney, the Kerry Coast, Glengariff, Cork, and the South-West of Ireland
465657: - The Will and the Power: An Anonymous Novel
433012: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XL, 1919-1920
101187: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 80, Part 3
052551: - Proceedings Dissertations
491335: - Say Not the Struggle: Essays in Honour of A. D. Gorwala
446987: - Christie's Contemporary Art and Photoworks: London, 23 October 2001
430678: - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland: 1899-1900, Volume X, Third Series
418911: - Impressionist & Modern Art Part Two, 27 June 2001
279674: - Notes and Queries for Readers and Writers, Collectors and Librarians; New Series Volume CCIV, January - December 1959
172825: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 349 Numbers 1656-1659
431469: - The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, Third Series, Volume XXV, 1962
432534: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine; Vol. 43, 1838
306955: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for July 1854. October 1854: Vol C
167283: - Le Moyen Age : N 2, 1966 : Revue d'Histoire et De Philologie
162567: - Housing in Scotland (Reconstruction Problems 4)
162569: - New Fields for British Engineering (Reconstruction Problems 5)
411072: - Risorgimento Collection: Accessions to the General Catalogue of Printed Books
182430: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (Fifth Series; Volume 23)
408190: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 5: 1959-1960
491105: - Audubon's Birds of America
263412: - FIMA: Paintings 1939-1976: The Tel Aviv Museum, October-November 1976
487424: - 350 Livres IllustrEs, Illustratifs ou Illustres du dix-septiEme au dix-neuviEme siEcle
159846: - Proteomics and Protein-Protein Interactions : Biology, Chemistry, Bionformatics, and Drug Design
416356: - ESSL: 44 Works, Evening Auction, Monday 13 October 2014
416360: - Modern Art & Design, October 12, 2014
281168: - Kaupp 12/12: Juwelen Und Uhren, 06.12.2012
437004: - La Santa Biblia: Nueva Version Internacional
439652: - Export Directory of Portugal 1966/7
480606: - Justice League of America, Vol. 17, No. 133, August 1976
220885: - New DIrections for World Trade - A Chatham House Report
433013: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Vol. XLI, 1920-1921
167452: - Patterns of Prejudice, Vol 37, No 3
167454: - Patterns of Prejudice, Vol 40, No 1
167455: - Patterns of Prejudice, Vol 41, No 2
167456: - Patterns of Prejudice, Vol 40, No 3
163940: - Zvezda 11 (1974)
181556: - The British Journal of Politics & International relations : Volume 7 - Number 1. Feb 2005
175702: - The Uptake and Storage of Noradrenaline
485988: - The Pictorial Handbook of London, Comprising Its Antiquities, Architecture, Arts, Manufacture, Trade, Social, Literary, and Scientific Institutions, Exhibitions, and Galleries of Art (Bohn's Illustrated Library)
216741: - Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports. Vol 20
216742: - Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports. Vol 24
432533: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine; Vol. 42, 1837
418720: - Lempertz Auction 972: Modern Kunst; Koln, 3-4 Dezember 2010
441377: - L'Iraq Revolutionnaire 1968-1973
490350: - Masao Abe: A Zen Life of Dialogue
454723: - Christie's: The Italian Sale, 16 October 2015
264068: - British Journal of Psychotheraphy: Vol. 19 No. 2 Winter 2002
273886: - Early British and Irish Paintings
284058: - Sotheby & Co: Addenda, Impressionist and Modern Paintings and Watercolours, the Property of a Gentleman and of a New York Private Collector, Lots 61a to 61r, Wednesday 3rd July 1974
284060: - A Series of Watercolour Drawings By Alfred Jacob Miller: Public Auction, Friday May 6th at 11am
284056: - Sotheby & Co: A Collection of Works By Cubist and Futurist Artists, the Property of a Californian Private Collector, Wednesday 7th July 1971
053446: - Introduction to Visual Cafe for JAVA. Learning Guide
601740: - "Caminos De Hierro" 1994: 8o Concurso FOTOGRAFICO
140954: - Jihad in Palenstine & Afganistan, the Second Exhibition of Paintings By HRH Prince Khalid Al-Faisal
178433: - Cancers (Key Area Handbook)
175345: - Agriculture : Electrical Stimulation and Hot Boning : Effects on Meat Quality Attributes Report EUR 8075 EN
515467: - Origami Animal Print Paper Pack
167814: - Maria Lindberg, Och Galleri Andrehn-Schiptjenko
017252: - Understanding Rockets and Jets
071990: - Etudes Balkaniques 3
087285: - Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, Volume 17 (1988)
502332: - A Look at Little Common
291676: - The Collection of Allan Stone, Vol. I
291678: - Christie's International Highlights, Spring 2011
462674: - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Containing Papers of a Biological Character. Vol. 195.
433154: - Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia: 82: Fray Antonio Caulin: Historia de la Nueva Andalucia: Tomo II
489344: - Long Term Unemployment (Social Change in Western Europe S.)
181713: - Festschrift Zum 80 Geburtstag Max Neuburgers. Mit 91 Internationalen Medicohistorischen Beiträgen
169940: - Democratization, Volume 10 Number 2
224982: - The Aristotelian Society: Supplementary Volume XLVII 13-15 July 1973
444424: - Vocabulary of German Military Terms and Abbreviations
171659: - Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies Volume 1 Number 2
171661: - Litteraria Pragensia 17 (Vol 9 )
171664: - Neuroscience Volume 49 Number 4
171667: - Neuroscience Volume 49 Number 3
018466: - Pets Welcome: The Animal lovers' Holiday Guide
476923: - Rococo Porcelain
074159: - Water for Irrigation
103149: - Report of the Chief inspector of Marine Accidents into the capsize and sinking of the Fishing Vessel. MAJESTIC with the loss of five lives west of the shetlands on 13 June 1989; MAIB: Marine Accident Investigation Branch
467000: - The Antiquaries Journal: Volume 91: 2011
225013: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Volume XCIV Part 2 1994
225014: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Volume XCIV Part 3 1994
415394: - Tim Ayres: What is it That Determines? - Paintings
172699: - Proceedings of the Royal Society. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Volume 459 Number 2038 (Pages 2393-2661)
429916: - The Cornhill Magazine; Vol. 34, July - December 1876
172824: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 348 Numbers 1652-1655
141191: - The Modern Language Review, Volume 80, Part 2
415890: - Kartographische Drucke Des 15. Und 16. Jahrhunderts
415891: - Solanus, New Series, Volume 4, 1990
415889: - Bibliotheque Nationale de France Au Seuil Du Vingt Et Unieme Siecle
425175: - Indian Art and Letters: New Series, Vol. VI. No. 2. Second Issue for 1932
417323: - Post-War and Contemporary Art Evening Auction, 1 July 2014
417324: - The Italian Sale, 16 October 2014
475236: - I. R. E. International Convention Record: Volume 9, 1961, Nos. 1 - 5
415793: - English Reprints Volume V
215086: - Hong Kong 2008
215111: - Afghanistan: A Chronology of Events
167286: - Le Moyen Age : N 2, 1967 : Revue d'Histoire et de Philologie
473307: - Slovakia Plus a Korene: zbornIk prIspevkov z medzinArodnej konferencie NArodnA a StAtna stratEgia Slovenska, konanej 29. oktObra 1999 v Bratislave
438837: - Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity: Volume LXX, 1918-20
438863: - Grisebach: Die Sammlung Rohde-Hinze, Band II: Angewandte Kunste: Auktion Nr. 246, Samstag, 4. Juli 2015
429953: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles; Vol. 63: Poetas Liricos Del Siglo XVIII, Tomo 2
078929: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fifth Series, Volume 10
078932: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fifth Series, Volume 27
078936: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fifth Series, Volume 23
078938: - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fifth Series, Volume 28
109577: - Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1975; Volume 21
033253: - Werdendes Abendland an Rhein und Ruhr
419853: - La Nube
304280: - Akiyoshi Mishima: Quarter
304279: - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 44, 1969
172785: - Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. Volume 428 Numbers 1874-1875
079090: - 10 Jahre Kartellgesetz 1958-1968
170125: - Foreign Compound Metabolism in Mammals Volume 3 A Specialist Periodical Report
489656: - Non-verbal Communication
094789: - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol XCIII Part 3
079153: - Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
079154: - ISSS'01. 14th International Symposium on System Synthesis
079155: - ISLPED '01: Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
079157: - Proceedings New Security Paradigms Workshop 2001
079163: - Proceedings 15th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2001)
079165: - EC'01: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce
079167: - Hypertext '01: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia
079169: - FCRC '99: Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems
079190: - IPCS Environmental Health Criteria 109
263956: - Old Master, Modern & Contemporary Prints: London: Tuesday 14 May 2002
417237: - Orfevrerie - Ceramiques - Haute Epoque: Mobilier et Objets d'Art Des XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe Siecles: Paris, Jeudi 23 Juin 2011
183780: - ANNUAL REPORT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF MALAYSIA 1980 / Lapuran Tahunan Penyiasatan Kajibumi Malaysia 1980
411961: - Greece & Rome: Volume VI: 1936-37
271526: - Original Book Illustrations and Printed Books: South Kensington: Wednesday, 12 December, 1990
271527: - Japanese Works of Art: Thursday 16 and Friday 17 June 1988
435789: - Nazareth Pacheco
281620: - Nader's: Latin American, Modern & Contemporary Art Auction, Miami, Thursday, December 1st 2011
281621: - Phillips: Evening & Day Editions, New York, 29 April 2013
035183: - The Musical Quarterly, Volume 87, Number 1
035143: - Women, Assertiveness and Health
183784: - ANNUAL REPORT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF MALAYSIA 1983 / Lapuran Tahunan Penyiasatan Kajibumi Malaysia 1983
049255: - Journal Water Pollution Control, Federation Mar. 1977 Part 2
429253: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal; Volume 110, July - October 1859
474957: - La Pittura A Genova: E in Liguria: Dagli Inizi Al Cinquecento
418826: - Mobilier Scandinave 7, 25 Mars 2012
478183: - Joe Tilson: 'Pop' Paintings and Prints
474948: - Illustrated Catalogue of a Loan Collection of Portraits of English Historical Personages Who Died Between 1714 and 1837
168229: - Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary Art
168230: - Impressionist & Modern Art Part Two
171859: - Special Ceramics 9 (British Ceramic Proceedings No.49 April 1992)
POCatcher: - The Catcher in the Rye Book Covers Art 59x84cm Poster
025032: - American Music, Volume 19, Number 1
454409: - Westraven: Office Building for Rijkswaterstaat
418917: - Impressionist & Modern Art Part Two, 27 June 2001
484594: - Reports from Commissioners, Inspectors, and Others (40): Historical Manuscripts - Continued: Session 9 February 1888 - 24 December 1888: Vol. LXIII
099469: - The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Volume XVI, Part 2 May 1963
072141: - International Pharmafile 16
072143: - International Pharmafile 15
072144: - Pharmafile 40
292046: - General Index to Medium Aevum: Volumes XXVI to L: 1957-1981
292045: - General Index to Medium Aevum: Volumes I to XXV: 1932-1957
416693: - Contemporary Art Evening Auction, 17 October 2014
273824: - English, Foreign and Ancient Coins: Orders and Decorations: Tuesday, June 14, 1977
457407: - Third Annual Conference of Collectors of Chinese Contemporary Art
409659: - Esprit: No. 403: Mars-Avril 2014
447913: - Gros & Delettrez: Orientalisme; Art Islamique: Vendredi 20 Mai 2016, Hotel Drouot, Paris
447915: - FL Auction: Estampes - Dessins; Sculptures; Tableaux Modernes; Tableaux Contemporains; Art Urbain; Design; Arts Du XXeme Siecle: Mercredi 18 Mai 2016, Drouot - Richelieu
203075: - Nature, A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science Volume 309 (May-June 1984)
203076: - Nature, A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science Volume 310 (July-Aug 1984)
306951: - The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal for January 1847. April 1847: Vol LXXXV
277558: - Daedalus, Fall 2000: The End of Tolerance: Engaging Cultural Differences (Vol. 129, No. 4 of the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences)
300341: - Tableaux Orientalistes Modernes Art Contemporain
429412: - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: Vol. 20: Comedias de Don Juan Ruiz de Alarcon y Mendoza
168292: - The Italian Sale - 20th Century Art
159315: - International Conference on Vehicle Safety 2000
181494: - Defence Analysis : Volume 8 Number 3. Dec 1992
483886: - Notre Milieu: AperCu GEnEral Sur La Province De QuEbec (Etudes Sur Notre Milieu)
418492: - Haute-Epoque - Mobilier Et Objets D'Art Des XVII, XVIII Et XIXeme Siecles, 30 Juin 2009
418494: - Post-War & Contemporary Art, 17 October 2006
031695: - Elizabeth A Life in Pictures
456043: - In Memoriam
018116: - Lyn le Grice's Art of Stencilling
270062: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 10(3): Companies (Parts 6(7) - 7)
270064: - The Digest: Annotated British, Commonwealth and European Cases: 10(2): Companies (Parts 2(29) - 6(7))
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429869: - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. XXIV, July-December 1828
427322: - Introducao Ao Estudo Da Literatura Brasileira (Enciclopedia Brasileira, Biblioteca De Obras Subsidiarias; 1)
096378: - Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (Fall 1988): In Search of Canada
408195: - The Journal of the Society of Public Teachers of Law; New Series, Volume 5: 1959-1960
483672: - European Journal of Philosophy: Volume 3, 1995
483671: - European Journal of Philosophy: Volume 2, 1994
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