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281218: LEON, DONNA - The Golden Egg
534279: LEON, DONNA - Falling in Love
546796: LEON, DONNA - Through a Glass, Darkly
537474: LEON, DONNA - About Face
537482: LEON, DONNA - Through a Glass, Darkly
546798: LEON, DONNA - Drawing Conclusions
537481: LEON, DONNA - By Its Cover
475739: LEON, DONNA - Falling in Love
546797: LEON, DONNA - The Girl of His Dreams
480645: LEON, FRANCISCO DE P. - Los Esmaltes De Uruapan
160136: LEONARD - Suicide Prevention and Antidepressants (ACTA Supplementum 354, Vol 80)
280592: LEONARD, HUGH - Rover and Other Cats
506326: LEONARD, CLARK - The Hearing Heart
008435: LEONARD, B. E. (EDITOR) - Fundamentals of Psychopharmacology
063171: LEONARD, DIARMUID (ED.) - Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 16 Spring, 1997
495230: LEONARD, ELMORE - City Primeval
236251: LEONARD, DOROTHY; SWAP, WALTER C. - When Sparks Fly : Igniting Creativity in Groups
108878: LEONARD, DICK (BUTLER, DAVID) - Elections in Britain Today : A Guide for Voters and Students
529886: LEONARD, DICK; GARNETT, MARK - Titans: Fox vs. Pitt
294105: LEONARD, ELMORE - Pagan Babies
022195: LEONARD, JONATHAN NORTON AND THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS - The World of Gainsborough, 1727-1788
528731: LEONARD, DICK - The Great Rivalry: Gladstone and Disraeli, A Dual Biography
547432: LEONARD, ELMORE - Djibouti
286933: LEONARD, BRIAN; SPENCER, PAUL (EDS.) - Antidepressants: Thirty Years on
019773: LEONARD, ELMORE - Cuba Libre
416845: LEONARD, MARK; SMALL, ANDREW; ROSE, MARTIN - British Public Diplomacy in the 'Age of Schisms'
020476: LEONARD, DICK - Elections in Britain Today: A Guide for Voters and Students
284226: LEONARD, ELMORE - Pagan Babies
284228: LEONARD, ELMORE - Up In Honey's Room
464452: LEONCINI, GIUSEPPE - Instrvttioni Architettoniche
230188: LEONDES, CORNELIUS (ED.) - Structural Dynamic Systems Computational Techniques and Optimization : Techniques in Buildings and Bridges
440949: LEONE, CHARLES A. (ED.) - Taxonomic Biochemistry and Serology
466806: LEONHARD, WOLFGANG - The Kremlin and the West: A Realistic Approach
460065: LEONOFF, CYRIL E. - An Enterprising Life: Leonard Frank: Photographs 1895 - 1944
436740: LEONT'EV, KONSTANTIN - Pis`ma k Vasiliju Rozanovu. Vstuplenie, kommentarii i posleslovie V. V. Rozanova
078626: LEONTIADES, MILTON - Mythmanagement: An Examination of Corporate Diversification As Fact and Theory
234221: LEONTIEV, A. N.; ZINCHENKO, V. P.; PANOV, D. YU. (EDS.) - Inzhenernaya Psikhologiya
061322: LEOPOLD SCHMIDT - Beethoven
228261: LEOPOLD, ELLEN - In the Service of London: Origins and Development of Council Employment From 1889
528858: LEOPOLD, LUNA BERGERE - A Life for Water: A Memoir
546481: LEOPOLD, CHRISTOPHER - Looneyhime
478002: LEOPOLDSEDER, HANNES; SCHOPF, CHRISTINE; STOCKER, GERFRIED (EDS.) - 1979-2004: Ars Electronica: The Network for Art, Technology and Society: The First 25 Years
524317: LEPAN, DON (ED.) - The Broadview Book of Common Errors in English
467498: LEPIK, ANDRES (ED.) - Der Masterplan Museumsinsel Berlin: Ein Europaisches Projekt
036854: LEPMAN, H., - Ueber einen Fall von Meningitis traumatica purulenta.
443930: LEPPAKOSKI, MARKKU - Transcendental How: Kant's Transcendental Deduction of Objective Cognition
028318: LEPPER, J. HERON - The New Enlarged German-English English-German School Dictionary
486967: LEPPMANN, WOLFGANG - Pompeii in Fact and Fiction
498213: LEQUEUX, WILLIAM - The Zeppelin Destroyer: Being some Chapters of Secret History
287874: LERMAN, MANUEL - A Framework for Priority Arguments
Am1924: LERMONTOV, MIKHAIL IUREVICH - Eros Russe: Russkii Erot Ne Dlia Dam/Russian Eros
076047: LERMONTOV, M. - Tambovskaya kaznacheisha.
089781: LERNER, LAURENCE - My Grandfather's Grandfather
505783: LERNER, LAURENCE; HIDDEN, NORMAN (ED.) - New Poetry No. 34
510186: LERNER, S.; CLARK, C. M. A.; NEEDHAM, W. R. - Basic Income: Economic Security for All Canadians
425059: LERNER, LAURENCE (ED.) - Reconstructing Literature
445758: LERNER, I. MICHAEL; LIBBY, WILLIAM J. - Heredity, Evolution and Society
191182: LERNER, I. MICHAEL - Heredity, Evolution and Society
608592: LEROUX, GASTON - The Mystery of The Yellow Room
548701: LEROUX, GASTON - The Bride of the Sun
474937: LEROY, DR. EDGAR - Cartulaire de Saint-Paul-de-Mausole A Saint-REmy-de-Provence: Tome I
536581: LEROY, MARCEL (EDITOR) - Environment and Conflict in Africa: Reflections on Darfur
438688: LEROY, J. - Le Mankon: Langue Bantoue Des Grassfields (Province Nord-Ouest Du Cameroun)
437276: LESAGE, ALAIN RENE - Geschichte Des Gil Blas Von Santillana
159200: LESAGE - Histoire De Gil-Blas De Santillane
457684: LESAGE - Histoire De Gil-Blas De Santillane
473636: LESCARBOURA, AUSTIN C. - Behind the Motion Picture Screen
520707: LESCOT, MADAME - Un Peu Beaucoup Passionnement
255868: LESCOW, THEODOR - Das Stufenschema: Untersuchungen zur Struktur Alttestamentlicher Texte
535088: LESHAN, LAWRENCE; MARGENAU, HENRY - Einstein's Space & Van Gogh's Sky: Physical Reality and Beyond
427629: LESHEM, MOSHE - Balaam's Curse: How Israel Lost Its Way and How it Can Find it Again
514507: LESKIEN, CLAUDIA - Operation Welcome: How Strasbourg Remained a Seat of European Institutions, 1949-1979
275284: LESKOV, NIKOLAI - The Priest Who Was Never Baptized: Stories Factual and Fictional of Russian Life in the Nineteenth Century
275754: LESKOV, NIKOLAY S.; LANTZ, K. A. (ED.) - The Sealed Angel and Other Stories by Nikolay Leskov
548024: LESLAU, CHARLOTTE; LESLAU, WOLF (EDITORS) - African Folk Tales
259359: LESLIE, MICHAEL - Spenser's 'Fierce Warres and Faithful Loves' : Martial and Chivalric Symbolism in 'The Faerie Queene'
518946: LESLIE, DORIS - Peridot Flight: A Novel Reconstructed from the Memoirs of Peridot, Lady Mulvarnie (1872-1955)
255830: LESLIE, DEREK, ET AL. (EDS.) - An Investigation of Racial Disadvantage
529591: LESLIE, DONALD D.; MACKERRAS, COLIN; GUNGWU, WANG (EDS.) - Essays on the Sources for Chinese History
240287: LESLIE, DAVID STUART - The Cutting Edge
462896: LESLIE, SHANE - The End of a Chapter
526158: LESLIE, GEORGE DUNLOP - Our River (The Thames)
295661: LESLIE, KEVIN O.; WICK, MARK R. - Practical Pulmonary Pathology: A Diagnostic Approach
288960: LESLIE, S. CLEMENT - The Rift in Israel: Religious Authority and Secular Democracy
513859: LESLIE, ANITA; CHAPMAN, PAULINE - Madame Tussaud, Waxworker Extraordinary
256099: LESLIE, JEREMY - Issues: New Magazine Design
227164: LESLIE HINDMAN AUCTIONEERS - Modern and Contemporary Art: Made in Chicago: Fine Prints, Photographs and Multiples: American and European Art: Sunday 16 May 2010
016032: LESLIE, EMMA - Lina's Fortune
477405: LESLIE, DORIS - The Sceptre and the Rose
063391: LESLIE, ANDREW - The Which? Guide to Scotland
296555: LESPINASSE, MLLE DE - Nouvelles Lettres De Mlle De Lespinasse, Suivies Du Portrait De M. De Mora, et D'Autres Opuscules Inedits Du Meme Auteur
409282: LESSARD, MICHEL; HUOT, CLAUDEL - Quebec: Ville De Lumieres
299045: LESSE, STANLEY (ED.) - What We Know about Suicidal Behavior and How to Treat It
000643: LESSE, STANLEY - An Evaluation of the Results of the Psychotherapies
106478: LESSER, ELLEN - The Shoplifter's Apprentice: Stories
269488: LESSER, RUTH - Linguistic Investigations of Aphasia
188541: LESSER, ERIC; FONTAINE, MICHAEL; SLUSHER, JASON - Knowledge and Communities
147454: LESSER, RUTH - Linguistic Investigations of Aphasia
601277: LESSING, ERICH; KONRAD, GEORGE - Revolution in Hungary: The 1956 Budapest Uprising
547533: LESSING, DORIS - Love, Again: A Novel
432132: LESSING, DORIS - The Summer Before Dark
547226: LESSING, DORIS - The Summer Before the Dark
504451: LESSING, DORIS - The Making of the Representative for Planert 8 (Canopus in Argos)
300949: LESSING, DORIS - In de Schaduw: Autobiografie 1949-1962
547542: LESSING, DORIS - The Memoirs of a Survivor
215348: LESSING, G.E. - Nathan the Wise
547535: LESSING, DORIS - The Good Terrorist
504996: LESSING, DORIS - The Making of the Representative for Planet 8: Canopus in Argos
468246: LESSING, DORIS - The Grass is Singing
547536: LESSING, DORIS - The Making of the Representative for Planet 8: Canopus in Argos
547225: LESSING, DORIS - The Sirian Experiments: The Report By Ambien II,of the Five
602067: LESSING, DORIS - The Doris Lessing Reader
033403: LESSKOW, NIKOLAI - Der ungetaufte Pope
187702: LESTER SMITH, W. O. - Education in Great Britain
232943: LESTER, EDWARDS C. - The Life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius
072453: LESTER, DAVID S.; FELDER, CHRISTIAN C.; LEWIS, E. NEIL - Imaging Brain Structure and Function: Emerging Technologies in the Neurosciences
475462: LESTER, MARK - Readings in Applied Transformational Grammar
494008: LESTER, RICHARD K. - The Productive Edge: How U.S. Industries are Pointing the Way to a New Era of Economic Growth
509463: LESTER, PAUL - A Funny Brand of Freedom
478335: LESTER, RICHARD A. - Manpower Planning in a Free Society
509465: LESTER, PAUL - Songs and Wrongs
509467: LESTER, PAUL - Changing Channels
187205: LESTON, GEORGE LIONEL - Land & Mining Surveying: As Applied to Colleries and Other Mines: For students, Colliery Officials, and Mine Surveyors
452775: LESY, MICHAEL; STOFFER, LISA - Repast: Dining Out at the Dawn of the New American Century, 1900-1910
516508: LETHBRIDGE, HENRY JAMES - Torquay & Paignton: The Making of a Modern Resort
539060: LETHBRIDGE, PETER - Here Lies Gold: Stories of The World's Lost Treasures
608324: LETHBRIDGE, PETER - Here Lies Gold
454522: LETHRBRIDGE, KATHERINE (ED.) - Letters from East and West
484048: LETOURNEAU, JOCELYN - Le QuEbec, les QuEbEcois
016661: LETSKY, ELIZABETH A. - Coagulation Problems During Pregnancy
525949: LETTEVALL, REBECKA; PETROV, KRISTIAN (EDS.) - Critique Cosmopolitan Reason: Timing and Spacing the Concept of World Citizenship (New Visions of the Cosmopolitan, 2)
016819: LETTS, PENNY; NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR ONE PARENT FAMILIES - Double Struggle: Sex Discrimination and One-Parent Families
601860: LETTS, JOHN - A Little Treasury of Limericks, Fair and Foul
483377: LEUCHTER, ANGELIKA (ED.) - Wissenschaftskolleg Zu Berlin/Institute for Advanced Study Berlin: Jahrbuch 2002/2003
438142: LEUNG, DONALD Y. M. (ED.) - The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Volume 101, January - June 1998
539887: LEUNIG, MARY - A Piece of Cake
249147: LEUPERS, RAINER (MARWEDEL, PETER) - Retargetable Code Generation for Digital Signal Processors
072285: LEVALLOIS, MARIE-PIERRE (ED.) - Hachette Guide to Great Britain
261056: LEVANDER, CAROLINE FIELD - Voices of the Nation: Women and Public Speech in Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture
526948: LEVELT, CLARA C. - On the Acquisition of Place
279192: LEVEN, KARL-HEINZ - 100 Jahre Klinische Dermatologie an der Universitat Freiburg im Breisgau 1890-1990
527695: LEVENE, MALCOLM I.; WILLIAMS, JONATHAN L.; FAWER, CLAIRE-LISE - Ultrasound of the Infant Brain: Clinics in Developmental Medicine No. 92
477897: LEVENE, RICARDO - Historia Del Derecho Argentino, Tomo XI: Documentos Referentes al Derecho Patrio Argentino y La Tirania De Rosas
477895: LEVENE, RICARDO - Historia Del Derecho Argentino, Tomo VII: Documentos Referentes al Derecho Patrio Argentino Hasta 1829
477896: LEVENE, RICARDO - Historia Del Derecho Argentino, Tomo VIII: El Poder Dictatorial De Rosas Con Las Facultades Extraordinarias y Los Gobiernos Subsiguientes Hasta El Proceso De Barranca Yaco
526838: LEVENSON, MICHAEL - Modernism and the Fate of Individuality: Character and Novelistic Form from Conrad to Woolf
015845: LEVENSON, ALVIN J. - Neuropsychiatric Side-Effects of Drugs in the Elderly
444662: LEVENSON, JAY A. - Prints of the Italian Renaissance: A Handbook of the Exhibition
525678: LEVENSON, JENNIFER - A Cat in New York: A Novel Based on a True Story
440107: LEVEQUE, CLAUDE - Here I Rest
603723: LEVEQUE, PHILIPPE; TALLET, DANIEL - Petits Trains Pittoresques: Charmants et Joyeux Tortillards Du PASSE
184437: LEVER, CHARLES - Lord Kilgobbin
184438: LEVER, CHARLES - Harry Lorrequer
184441: LEVER, CHARLES - Charles O'Malley, Volumes One and Two
077008: LEVER, CHARLES, EDITED BY HIS DAUGHTER - The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. The Novels of Charles Lever (Copyright Edition Volume I)
008046: LEVER, CHARLES - Jack Hinton the Guardsman
184440: LEVER, CHARLES - Tom Burke, Volumes One and Two
520408: LEVER, CHARLES - The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer
423412: LEVER, A. E. (ED.) - The Plastics Manual
504502: LEVER, RACHEL - Her Mind's Eye: Images & Poems By Women
187064: LEVER, CHARLES - Maurice Tiernay : The Soldier of Fortune
526597: LEVERE, TREVOR H. - The Arctic Journal of Captain Henry Wemyss Feilden, R.A., The Naturalist in H.M.S. Alert, 1875-1876 (The Hakluyt Society, Series III, Volume 35)
530150: LEVERTOV, DENISE - This Great Unknowing: Last Poems
532887: LEVESQUE, JACQUES; MARTIN, KEITH (TRANS.) - The Enigma of 1989: The USSR and the Liberation of Eastern Europe
007597: LEVETE, GINA (EDITOR) - The Creative Tree: Active Participation in the Arts for People Who Are Disadvantaged
603956: LEVEY, MICHAEL - The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Italian Schools
544248: LEVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - The Raw and the Cooked: Introduction to a Science of Mythology
536994: LÉVI-VALENSI, JACQUELINE (ED.); ABBOU, ANDRÉ (ED.) - Camus, Cahiers Albert 3: Fragments D'un Combat 1938-1940: Alger Républicain
173246: LEVI, MICHAEL I. - Multiple Choice Questions for the Mrcpsych Part 2
255048: LEVI, PETER - To the Goat
051219: LEVI, SHEM-TOV; AGRAWALA, ASHOK K. - Real-Time System Design
507358: LEVI, ANTHONY - Religion in Practice: An Outline of Christian Religious Teaching in the Light of the Religious Relevance of Humane Standards of Conduct
526407: LEVI, PRIMO; WOOLF, STUART (TRANS.); MENDEL, DAVID (INTRO.) - The Truce: A Survivor's Journey Home from Aushwitz
075095: LEVI, SILVAIN - The Theatre of India Volume 1
498708: LEVI, STEVEN C. - The Great Red Scare in World War I Alaska: Elite Panic, Government Hysteria, Suppression of Civil Liberties, Union-Breaking, and Germanophobia, 1915-1920
601659: LEVI, PETER - Edward Lear: A Biography
089640: LEVI, PETER - Life is a Platform
536993: LÉVI-VALENSI, JACQUELINE (ED.); ABBOU, ANDRÉ (ED.) - Camus, Cahiers Albert 3: Fragments D'un Combat 1938-1940: Alger Républicain
473711: LEVI, PETER - To the Goat
457847: LEVI, NEIL - Modernist Form and the Myth of Jewification
543205: LEVI, PETER - To the Goat
602790: LEVI, PETER - Atlas of the Greek World
149685: LEVIALDI, S. (ED) - Multicomputer Vision
439888: LEVIEN, DAVID - City of the Sun
541012: LEVIN, DAVID - Superman, The Story
491785: LEVIN, LOWELL S.; BESKE, FRITZ; FRY, JOHN (EDS.) - Self-Medication in Europe: Report on a Study of the Role of Non-Prescription Medicines
174566: LEVIN, ENID; GORBACH, PETER; SINCLAIR, IAN - Families, Services and Confusion in Old Age
516092: LEVIN, MICHAEL - Political Thought in the Age of Revolution 1776-1848: Burke to Marx
515548: LEVIN, DAN - Stormy Petrel: The Life and Work of Maxim Gorky
519144: LEVIN, DEANA - Leisure and Pleasure of Soviet Children
469788: LEVIN, YUVAL - The Fractured Republic: Renewing America's Social Contract in the Age of Individualism
007016: LEVIN, MARVIN E.; O'NEAL, LAWRENCE W.; BOWKER, JOHN H. - The Diabetic Foot
515401: LEVIN, MICHAEL - Marx, Engels and Liberal Democracy
198126: LEVIN, BERNARD - I Should Say So
007864: LEVIN, HARRY - The Essential James Joyce
418345: LEVIN, SAMUEL R. - The Semantics of Metaphor
533182: LEVIN, MICHAEL - Marx, Engels and Liberal Democracy
605733: LEVIN, MICHAEL - Political Thought in the Age of Revolution, 1776-1848: Burke to Marx
607078: LEVIN, JOSH - Jerry Seinfeld: Much Ado About Nothing
296590: LEVINE, JAMES P. - Juries and Politics
081530a: LEVINE, ANDREW - The State and Its Critics Volumes 1-2
529297: LEVINE, DONALD N. - The Flight from Ambiguity: Essays in Social and Cultural Theory
543906: LEVINE, JOSEPH M. - Between the Ancients and the Moderns: Baroque Culture in Restoration England
047699: LEVINE, MELVIN D. - Early Adolescent Transitions
175462: LEVINE, ROBERT A. - Dreams and Deeds: Achievement Motivation in Nigeria
510336: LEVINE, STEVE - Putin's Labyrinth: Spies, Murder, and the Dark Heart of the New Russia
543673: LEVINE, DANIEL H. - Politics, Religion and Society in Latin America
089645: LEVINE, KENNETH - The Social Context of Literacy
112616: LEVINE, ANDREW - The Politics of Autonomy : A Kantian Reading of Rousseau's "Social Contract"
543626: LEVINE PACKER, RENEE - This Life of Sounds: Evenings for New Music in Buffalo
071849: LEVINE, NICK - Language Teaching & Learning; History
419628: LEVINE, H. B. (ED.) - Ketoconazole in the Management of Fungal Disease
089644: LEVINE, KENNETH - The Social Context of Literacy
484774: LEVINE-MEYER, ROSA - LevinE: The Life of a Revolutionary
543847: LEVINE, DANIEL H. - Popular Voices in Latin American Catholicism
172630: LEVINE, LAURA - Men in Womens Clothing - Anti-theatrically and Effeminization 1579-1642
270983a: LEVINE, JEFFREY - Rumor of Cortez
087775: LEVINE, CHARLES (ED.) - Thailand
607221: LEVINE, ANDREW - Arguing for Socialism: Theoretical Considerations
284842: LEVINSON, ORDE - Ndilapa Nkosi
466028: LEVINSON, ORDE - John Piper: The Complete Graphic Works: A Catalogue Raisonne, 1923-1983
247320: LEVISON, H. - Textbook for Dental Nurses
505505: LEVISON, BRIAN - Strange Smells of a Cat: Poems By Brian Levison
469191: LEVITAN, SAR A. - Programs in Aid of the Poor for the 1980s
015897: LEVITAN, STEPHAN J. & BERKOWITZ, HOWARD L. - New Developments in Pain Research and Treatment
601970: LEVITAS, RUTH - The Inclusive Society?: Social Exclusion and New Labour
441778: LEVITH, DR. MURRAY J. - Musical Masterpieces in Poetry
143994: LEVITT, RUTH - The People's Voice in the NHS : Community Health Councils after Five Years
016797: LEVITT, RUTH; WALL, ANDREW - The Reorganized National Health Service
548023: LEVITT, LEONARD - An African Season
212867: LEVITT, M.S.; JOYCE, M.A.S. - The Growth and Efficiency of Public Spending
533105: LEVITT, IAN (ED.) - Government and Social Conditions in Scotland 1845-1919 (Scottish History Society. 5th series)
533103: LEVITT, IAN (ED.) - Scottish Office: Depression and Reconstruction, 1919-59: v. 5 (Fifth Series)
193128: LEVRAULT, LEON - La Comedie (Evolution Du Genre) : Les Genres Litteraires
541603: LEVY, BROOKS EMMONS; BASTIEN, PIERRE C.V, - Roman Coins in the Princeton University Library: I: Republic to Commodus
250607: LEVY, S. - Original Virtue and Other Short Studies
426953: LEVY, ARIK - L'Autre (The Other)
448977: LEVY, D. N. L. - 1 B4 Sokolsky Opening
533896: LEVY, LOU - Day Walks in the Santa Monica Mountains with Accessibility Notes for the Disabled
469438: LEVY, MOSHE; LEVY, HAIM; SOLOMON, SORIN - Microscopic Simulation of Financial Markets: From Investor Behavior to Market Phenomena
070785: LEVY, SHIMON - The Bible as Theatre
173879: LEVY, RAYMOND; HOWARD, ROBERT; BURNS, ALISTAIR (EDS.) - Treatment and Care in Old Age Psychiatry
543808: LEVY PECK, LINDA - Court Patronage and Corruption in Early Stuart England
526186: LEVY, DAVID A.L.; NIELSON, RASMUS KLEIS (EDS.) - The Changing Business of Journalism and Its Implications for Democracy
481101: LEVY, DAVID A. L. - Europe's Digital Revolution: Broadcasting Regulation, the EU and the Nation State (Routledge Research in European Public Policy)
545581: LEVY, MURIEL - The Adventures of Wonk: Going to Sea
490234: LEVY, DEBORAH - Hot Milk
173164: LEVY, LEONARD A. & WILLIS, HERBERT G. - Radium and Other Radio-Active Elements : A Popular Account Treated Experimentally
195324: LEVY, RAYMOND ET AL EDS. - Treatment and Care in Old Age Psychiatry
179249: LEVY, MATTHEW N. - Principles of Physiology
250393: LEVY, SYDNEY; PIERSSENS, MICHEL (EDS.) - Literature and Its Others: Volume 21
545582: LEVY, MURIEL - The Adventures of Wonk: The Snowman
026840: LEVY, HYMAN & PREIDEL, E. E. - Elementary Statistics
477078: LEWANDOWSKA, MARYSIA - Sight Works: The Missing Text, Volume Two
448703: LEWANDOWSKI JR., GARY W. - Study Guide for Psychological Science
466355: LEWELL, JOHN - Modern Japanese Novelists: A Biographical Dictionary
016804: LEWER, HELEN - Learning to Care on the Paediatric Ward
465678: LEWES, G.H. - The Life and Works of Goethe: With Sketches of His Age and Contemporaries from Published and Unpublished Sources
478666: LEWICKA, HALINA - La Langue et Le Style Du ThEAtre Comique FranCais Des Xv et Xvi SiEcles
064900: LEWIN, BENJAMIN M. - The Molecular Basis of Gene Expression
494730: LEWIN, MOSHE - The Making of the Soviet System: Essays in the Social History of Interwar Russia
462784: LEWIN, RONALD - Hitler's Mistakes
053148: LEWIN, THORD - Osteoarthritis in Lumbar Synovial Joints, a Morthological Study
176345: LEWIN, KEVIN M.; STUART, JANET S. - Researching Teacher Education: New Perspectives on Practice, Performance and Policy.
102175: LEWIN, WALTER (CHOSEN AND ARRANGED) - Prose Writings of Swift
605369: LEWIN, BENJAMIN - Claret & Cabs: The Story of Cabernet Sauvignon
087853: LEWINSOHN, PETER M. - Clinical Geropsychology: New Directions in Assessment and Treatment
262450: LEWIS-BECK, MICHAEL S. (ED.) - Regression Analysis
167564b: LEWIS, CAROLE B.; CAMPANELLI, LINDA C. - Health Promotion and Exercise for Older Adults : An Instructor's Guide (Aspen Series in Physical Therapy)
507194: LEWIS, ROY - A Walk with Mr Gladstone
030660: LEWIS, F. WARBURTON - The Work of Christ
543019: LEWIS, GREVILLE P. (EDITOR) - The Preacher's Handbook (Number Five)
481785: LEWIS, H. SPENCER - Mansions of the Soul: The Cosmic Conception
469662: LEWIS, GORDON H.; MICHEL, RICHARD C. (EDS.) - Microsimulation Techniques for Tax and Transfer Analysis
538745: LEWIS, C.S. - The Screwtape Letters
501707: LEWIS, BRENDA RALPH - Women at War in World War II: At Home, at Work, on the Front Line
543834: LEWIS, JAMES R., (ED.); PETERSEN, JESPER AAGAARD, (ED.) - Controversial New Religions
419418: LEWIS, C. S. - The Magician's Nephew (Puffin Books)
608384: LEWIS, C.S. - Boxen: The Imaginary World of the Young
233294: LEWIS, CHARLES J. - Medical Negligence: A Practical Guide
053057: LEWIS, W. M. - Development in Water Treatment - 1
529533: LEWIS, ERIC (TRANS.) - Alexander of Aphrodisias: On Aristotle Meteorology 4 (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle)
460557: LEWIS, GILBERT - Knowledge of illness in a Sepik Society: A Study of the Gnau, New Guinea
494830: LEWIS, ALISON - Subverting Patriarchy: Feminism and Fantasy in the Works of Irmtraud Morgner
233183: LEWIS, CHARLES J. - Medical Negligence: A Practical Guide
251822: LEWIS, NORMAN - The March of the Long Shadows
457932: LEWIS, JOHN (ED.) - Typography: Design and Practice
061252: LEWIS, SINCLAIR - Der Erwerb
472710: LEWIS, J. WINDSOR - A Concise Pronouncing Dictionary of British and American English
015999: LEWIS, SIR AUBREY - Inquiries in Psychiatry: Clinical and Social Investigations
108613: LEWIS, SINCLAIR - Cass Timberlane : A Novel of Husbands and Wives
447800: LEWIS, EILUNED - The Leaves of the Tree
483537: LEWIS, ANTHONY - Make No Law: The Sullivan Case and the First Amendment
188701: LEWIS, D S (ED) - The Annual Register. A Record of World Events 2004
459170: LEWIS, ALUN - In the Green Tree
291657: LEWIS, D. B. WYNDHAM - The Hooded Hawk or the Case of Mr. Boswell
516433: LEWIS, STEPHEN R. JR. - Economic Policy and Industrial Growth in Pakistan
510844: LEWIS, ARTHUR D. - The Kent Coast
520547: LEWIS, SUSAN - The Lost Hours
537428: LEWIS, C.S. - Perelandra
170334: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part R.4
510047: LEWIS, DAVID F. V - Guide to Cytochromes P450: Structure and Function
538218: LEWIS, SINCLAIR - Our Mr. Wrenn: The Romantic Adventures of a Gentle Man
144139: LEWIS, PAUL (ED.) - Exploring Political Worlds (Power, Dissent, Equality : Understanding Contemporary Politics)
170337: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.14
170335: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part R.3
281238: LEWIS, MICHAEL - The Future Just Happened
536355: LEWIS, C.S. - The Silver Chair
520682: LEWIS, C. DAY - The Otterbury Incident
447527: LEWIS, CHARLIE; O'BRIEN, MARGARET (EDS.) - Reassessing Fatherhood: New Observations on Fathers and the Modern Family
170339: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part Q
170338: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.15
525254: LEWIS, ELIZABETH SARA; BORBA, RODRIGO; FABRICIO, BRACA FALABELLA; PINTO, DIANA DE SOUZA (EDS.) - Queering Paradigms IV: South-North Dialogues on Queer Epistemologies, Embodiments and Activisms
170340: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part R.1
431171: LEWIS, C. P.; COWNIE, EMMA (EDS.) - Haskins Society Journal, Volume 8
170341: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part R.2
170342: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part R.6
461687: LEWIS JONES, DAVID - Paraguay: A Bibliography
170344: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.6
086517: LEWIS W M - EDITOR - Developments in Water Treatment - 1
104395: LEWIS, D.H. (ED.) - Recent Advances in Basic Microcirculatory Research: 9th European Conference on Microcirculation, Antwerp, July 5-9, 1976; Part II (Bibliotheca Anatomica; No. 16)
086480: LEWIS, WILFRED - Budget Concepts for Economic Analysis
202918: LEWIS, ROGER; MACDONALD, LESLEY - The Open Learning Pocket Workbook
170345: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.4
170346: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.3
519162: LEWIS, EILUNED - In Country Places
170348: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.1
170347: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.2
542154: LEWIS, C. DAY (TRANS.) - The Aeneid of Virgil
188704: LEWIS, D S (ED) - The (2007) Annual Register: World Events. Key Events & Developments from 2006
170349: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.18
086252: LEWIS, MAURICE - Electrical Installation Competences: Part 1 Studies: Practical
523449: LEWIS, C. DAY - The Complete Poems
095151: LEWIS, M. M.; CLARKE, A. D. B. - Learning, Speech and Thought in the Mentally Retarded
170333: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part R.5
536350: LEWIS, C.S. - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
170351: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.14
170350: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.13
014725: LEWIS, D.B. WYNDHAM - The Soul of Marshal Gilles De Raiz. With some account of his life and times, his abominable crimes, and his expiation.
519392: LEWIS, JEREMY - Shades of Greene: One Generation of an English Family
175824: LEWIS, B. (ED.); ASSMANN,G. (ED.) - The Social and Economic Contexts of Coronary Prevention
170330: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.9
608551: LEWIS, DAVID; BURGESS, JOHN. P. (APP.); HAZEN, A.P. (APP.); LEWIS, DAVID, (APP.) - Parts of Classes
256640: LEWIS, NORMAN - A Suitable Case for Corruption
031426: LEWIS, F. WARBURTON - Jesus, Saviour of Men
496434: LEWIS, WYNDHAM; LAFOURCADE, BERNARD (ED.) - Snooty Baronet
103376: LEWIS, PAUL - Understanding Taxes and Savings 2006/07: Making the Most of Your Money
170404: LEWIS, BERNARD - From Babel to Dragomans : Interpreting the Middle East
471544: LEWIS, WILLIAM H. - Nitrogen Oxides Removal
173365: LEWIS, DAVID; SARGEANT, MALCOLM - Essentials of Employment Law
457295: LEWIS, J. OWEN - A Green Vitruvius: Principles and Practice of Sustainable Architectural Design
533723: LEWIS, ALUN - In the Green Tree
465336z: LEWIS, JOHN - Typography: Design and Practice
104394: LEWIS, D.H. (ED.) - Recent Advances in Basic Microcirculatory Research: 9th European Conference on Microcirculation, Antwerp, July 5-9, 1976; Part I (Bibliotheca Anatomica; No. 15)
499732: LEWIS-JONES, JUNE - The Cotswolds at War
493715: LEWIS, FLORA - Europe: A Tapestry of Nations
087856: LEWIS, BERNARD - From Babel to Dragomans: Interpreting the Middle East
502813: LEWIS, JIM - London's Lea Valley and the Great War
537310: LEWIS, NORMAN - To Run Across the Sea
535573: LEWIS, H.D. - Our Experience of God
304347: LEWIS, J. T.; THOMPSON, E. C. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics; Oxford Second Series, Volume XX, 1969
197913: LEWIS, R. W.; HINTON, E.; BETTESS, P.; SCHREFLER, B. A. (EDITED BY) - Numerical Methods in Transient and Coupled Problems
175827: LEWIS, B. (ED.); ASSMANN,G. (ED.) - Receptor-Mediated Uptake in the Liver
170332: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.11
021545: LEWIS, T. ELLIS - Winfield on Tort: a Textbook of the Law of Tort
013191: LEWIS, HENRY [RE-EDITED BY] - Welsh Dictionary: Welsh-English/English-Welsh
025626: LEWIS, DON - More "Reverend Sirs, Ladies and Gentlemen..."
523840: LEWIS, COLIN M. - British Railways in Argentina 1857-1914: A Case Study of Foreign Investment (University of London Institute of Latin American Studies Monographs, No. 12)
515574: LEWIS, CECIL - Sagittarius Rising
447168: LEWIS, PERICLES (ED.) - The Cambridge Companion to European Modernism
172417: LEWIS, TONY - Cricket in Many Lands
279216: LEWIS, THOMAS P. (ED.) - Something About the Music: Guide to Contemporary Repertory: 2: Anthology of Critical Opinions
531760: LEWIS, C.S.; LANCASTER, OSBERT; ET.AL. - Literature and Life: Addresses to the English Association
451023: LEWIS, THERESA (ED.) - Journal and Correspondence of Miss Berry, Volume I-III
481121: LEWIS, IVOR - Sahibs, Nabobs and Boxwallahs: A Dictionary of the Words of Anglo-India
211140: LEWIS, ALISON M - Literary Research and British Modernism: Strategies and Sources No.7
549990: LEWIS, ANDREW; BRAND, PAUL; MITCHELL, PAUL (EDITORS) - Law in the City: Proceedings of the Seventeenth British Legal History Conference, London, 2005
537139: LEWIS, DAVID (ED.); MOSSE, DAVID (ED.) - Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies
543483: LEWIS, ALUN (AUTHOR); ARCHARD, CARY (EDITOR) - Alun Lewis: Collected Stories
170329: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.8
451107: LEWIS, ROY - A Walk with Mr Gladstone
495372: LEWIS, WYNDHAM - Self Condemned
304346: LEWIS, J. T.; THOMPSON, E. C. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics; Oxford Second Series, Volume XIX, 1968
188702: LEWIS, D S (ED) - The Annual Register. A Record of World Events 2003
519649: LEWIS, ROBERT - Science and Industrialisation in the USSR: Industrial Research and Development 1917-1940 (Studies in Russian and East European History and Society)
151842: LEWIS, R. W. B. - The Jameses : A Family Narrative
143929: LEWIS, PAUL & BROWN, WILLIAM - Module 1 Introduction DD(ZX)200 Governing Europe Social Sciences Level 2
089550: LEWIS, C. DAY - Word Over All
170328: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.7
031013: LEWIS, SINCLAIR - Die Hauptstrasse - Carola Kennicotts Geschichte
060422: LEWIS, BRIAN; ENRIGHT, JANE; ENRIGHT, DUNCAN & ENRIGHT, SIMON - The Man Who Sang Yellow Submarine in Latin, Derek Enright, 1935-1995
419341: LEWIS, M. G. - The Bravo in Venice
523839: LEWIS, COLIN M. - British Railways in Argentina 1857-1914: A Case Study of Foreign Investment (University of London Institute of Latin American Studies Monographs, No. 12)
538741: LEWIS, C.S. - Beyond Personality: The Christian Idea of God
166353: LEWIS, CHARLES J. - Medical Negligence: A Plaintiff's Guide
152934: LEWIS, JORDAN D. - The Connected Corporation : How Leading Companies Manage Customer-Supplier Alliances
545887: LEWIS, MICHAEL - The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine
517731: LEWIS, ROY HARLEY - Fine Bookbinding in The Twentieth Century
216890: LEWIS. D.S.; SLATER, WENDY (EDS.) (CLIFTON, LAURA) - The Annual Register : A Record of World Events 2002
109253: LEWIS, MILDRED D. - The Honourable Sword
546401: LEWIS, JEREMY (EDITOR AND INTRODUCTION) - The Chatto Book of Office Life, or Love Among the Filing Cabinets
306217: LEWIS, J. T.; THOMPSON, E. C. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Second Series; Volume XVIII, 1967
112459: LEWIS, JANET - The Wife of Martin Guerre
520579: LEWIS, WYNDHAM - Paleface: The Philosophy of the "Melting-Pot"
029907: LEWIS, E. GLYN - Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
454614: LEWIS, PAUL (ED.) - Ten.8: Quarterly Photographic Magazine No. 17: Men in Camera
544894: LEWIS, NORMAN - Sand and Sea in Arabia
515407: LEWIS, JAMES P. - Project Planning Scheduling and Control: A Hands-on Guide to Bringing Projects in on Time and on Budget
488985: LEWIS, ALAN; WEBLEY, PAUL; FURNHAM, ADRIAN - The New Economic Mind: The Social Psychology of Economic Behaviour
239816: LEWIS, STEPHEN R. - Economic Policy and Industrial Growth in Pakistan
055398: LEWIS, DAVID - The Secret Language of Your Child: How Children Talk Before They Can Speak
454893: LEWIS, JON (ED.) - Cinema Journal 44, No. 1, Fall 2004
454896: LEWIS, JON (ED.) - Cinema Journal 44, No. 4, Summer 2005
447311: LEWIS, JANE; CLARK, DAVID; MORGAN, DAVID - Whom God Hath Joined Together: The Work of Marriage Guidance
188700: LEWIS, D S (ED) - The Annual Register. World Events 2005
170352: LEWIS, ROBERT E (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF) - Middle English Dictionary Part S.5
517059: LEWIS, A.D.E.; IBBETSON, D.J. (EDS.) - The Roman Law Tradition
533884: LEWIS, WYNDHAM - The Apes of God
533200: LEWIS, HYWEL D. - The Elusive Self
086516: LEWIS W M - Developments in Water Treatment 2
549022: LEWIS, MICHAEL - Barbary Coast
538785: LEWIS, GEOFFREY - F.A.Mann: A Memoir
520091: LEWIS, C. S. - The Silver Chair
608050: LEWIS, ROY - A Question of Degree (The diamond jubilee collection)
537026: LEWIS, RALPH, (ED.); GARDNER, KEITH S. - Sir William Russell Flint: 1880-1969
605047: LEWIS-JONES, JUNE - The Cotswolds At War
605059: LEWIS, JIM - Industry and Innovation: The Technological Revolution in the Lea Valley
606583: LEWIS, ALUN - A Cypress Walk: Letters to 'Frieda'
607554: LEWIS, W. ARTHUR - The Principles of Economic Planning
110772: LEWISOHN, LUDWIG - For Ever Wilt Thou Love
448302: LEWISOHN, LUDWIG - Roman Summer
422221: LEWISON, JEREMY - Ian McKeever: Paintings 1990-96
422222: LEWISON, JEREMY - Ian McKeever: Paintings 1990-96
008716: LEWISON, HELEN - Your Choices for Pregnancy and Childbirth
470444: LEWITH, GEORGE T.; ALDRIDGE, DAVID (EDS.) - Clinical Research Methodology for Complementary Therapies
516571: LEWITT, SOL (ET.AL) - Irish
519092: LEWITT, E.H. - Thermodynamics Applied to Heat Engines (Pitman's Engineering Degree Series)
169849: LEWKOWITSCH, J. - Chemical Technology and Analysis of Oils, Fats, and Waxes - Volumes 1 & 2
500285: LEWY, GUENTER - The Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies
295147: LEXER, MATTHIAS - Matthias Lexers Mittelhochdeutsches Taschenworterbuch, 37. Auflage, Unveranderter Nachdruck
414834: LEXUS; PLANK, ANIA; GRYCZMANSKA, MAGDALENA - The Polish Travelmate
164575: LEY, L.; CARDONA, M. (EDS.) - Photoemission in Solids II : Case Studies (Topics in Applied Physics; Volume 27)
461136: LEY, GRAHAM - From Mimesis to Interculturalism: Readings of Theatrical Theory Before and After 'Modernism'
524376: LEYDI, ROBERTO - Musica e Liturgia 1984: Le Musiche Liturgiche Tradizionali
239578: LEYLAND, PETER - A Traveller from Stratford and Other Poems
194683: LEYLAND, PETER; ANTHONY, GORDON - Textbook on Administrative Law
540950: LEYLAND, ERIC - Flame Wins Through
549423: LEYLAND, ERIC - Crash Landing
548714: LEYLAND, ERIC - Flame Takes a Chance
540943: LEYLAND, ERIC - Flame Hits Back
539643: LEYLAND, ERIC - Fire Over London
539651: LEYLAND, ERIC - Rip Randall and the Pharaoh's Tomb
188556: LEYLAND, PETER; WOODS, TERRY - Textbook on Administrative Law
187112: LEYS, COLIN - Politics in Britain : An Introduction
486543: LEYS, COLIN; PRATT, CRANFORD (EDS.) - A New Deal in Central Africa
545946: LEYSER, K.J. - Medieval Germany and Its Neighbours: 900-1250
422089: LEYSSENNE, P. - Traite D'Arithmetique
205309: LEZAMA, JOSE LUIS; MORELOS, JOSE B. - Population, City and Environment in Contemporary Mexico
183673: LEZAMA, JOSÉ LUIS (ED.); MORELOS, JOSÉ B. (ED.) - Population, City, and Environment in Contemporary Mexico
205308: LEZAMA, JOSE LUIS; MORELOS, JOSE B. - Population, City and Environment in Contemporary Mexico
215380: LHOTSKY, ALPHONS - Aufsatze Und vortrage, Band V: Aus Dem Nachlass
465504: LI, FANG - Transitions
092451: LI, KI-JOUNE MAKKI, KIA PISSINOU, NIKI RAVADA, SIVA: EDITORS - Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
550014: LI, DUANDUAN; LIU, IRENE - Reading Into a New China: Deciphering a Changing Society, Volume 2, Second Edition
550013: LI, DUANDUAN; LIU, IRENE - Reading Into a New China: Deciphering a Changing Society, Volume 2, Second Edition
421719: LI, LAURE (ED.) - Taiwan
501888: LI, YONG - Introduction to Management Accounting and Financial Management
526266: LI, WEIJIA - China Und China-Erfahrung in Leben Und Werk Von Anna Seghers (German Life and Civilization, 53)
533039: LI, WINNIE M. - Complicit
151463: LI, PUI LING & LOGAN, STUART - The Mental Needs of Chinese People Living in England: A Report of a National Survey
455125: LI, PI - Yang Qian's New Work
493928: LI, WENG (ED.) - Hutongs of Beijing
526265: LI, WEIJIA - China Und China-Erfahrung in Leben Und Werk Von Anna Seghers (German Life and Civilization, 53)
471721: LI, QUAN; REUVENY, RAFAEL - Democracy and Economic Openness in an Interconnected System
525510: LI, SHUXUE - Lewis Mumford: Critic of Culture and Civilzation
457409: LI, BING (ED.) - First Annual Conference of Collectors of Chinese Contemporary Art
Am699: LI AIHONG; DING XIAOJUAN - Top Space & Art IV: 4
Am1174: LIAM LYNCH - The Pale Moon of Morning
527984: LIAN, YANG; POZZANA, CLAUDIA (ED.) - Where the Sea Stands Still
545905: LIAN, YANG (AUTHOR); HOLTON, BRIAN; HUNG-CHONG CHAN, AGNES (TRANSLATORS) - Concentric Circles: Poems By Yang Lian
545906: LIAN, YANG (AUTHOR); HOLTON, BRIAN (TRANSLATOR) - Where the Sea Stands Still: New Poems By Yang Lian
431231: LIANG, TAN - Self-taught Learning Painting 2: Orchids(Chinese Edition)
247731: LIANG, DIANE WEI - Paper Butterfly
511085: LIANKE, YAN - The Explosion Chronicles
458857: LIAOYUAN, HUANG - He Sen: 1989-2004
293285: LIBBY, RONALD T. - Protecting Markets: U.S. Policy and the World Grain Trade
544464: LIBERO INTERNATIONAL - Bakunin OSUGI and the Yokohama-Paris Connection: No. 5: September 1978
544465: LIBERO INTERNATIONAL - Libero International No. 4: April 1976
248689: LIBESKIND-HADAS, RAN; HASAN, NANY; CONGEMI, J. M.; MCKINLEY, PHILIP; LIU, C.L. - Fault Covering Problems in Reconfigurable VLSI Systems
033368: LIBIS, JOHN - 100 Briefe Französisch für Export und Import
472726: LIBRAIRIE HISTORIQUE CLAVREUIL - Sale Catalogue: Livres Rares et Manuscrits Anciens
459458: LIBRAIRIE SOURGET - Librairie Sourget: Manuscrits et Livres Precieux: 1480-1913: Catalogue No. XXVI: 2003
456557: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - Library of Congress Prints and Photographs: An Illustrated Guide
170558: LIBUSE DUSKOVA A KOL. - Mluvnice Soucasne Anglictiny Na Pozadi Cestiny
081268: LICHARDUS, BRANISLAV; SCHRIER, ROBERT W.; PONEC, JOZEF (EDS.) - Hormonal Regulation of Sodium Excretion
426521: LICHTAROWICZ, PAULA - Creative Truths in Provincial Policing
290807: LICHTENBERG, JOSEPH (ED.) - Psychoanalytic Inquiry: Volume 4, Number 3, 1984
294314: LICHTENBERGER, ERNEST (ED.) - Goethe: Gotz Von Berlichingen
443564: LICHTENSTEIN, P. M.; SMALL, S. M. - A Handbook of Psychiatry
520610: LICHTENSTEIN, NELSON - What's Next of Organized Labor? Report of the Century Foundation Task Force on the Future of Unions
428392: LICHTHEIM, GEORGE - Marxism: An Historical and Critical Study
600791: LICHTMAN, ALLAN J. - The Embattled Vote in America: From the Founding to the Present
530414: LIDDALL, W.J.N. - The Place Names of Fife and Kinross
025884: LIDDELL, ROBERT - A Treatise on the Novel
024976: LIDDELL, SALLY - Sotheby's Art at Auction 1988-89
545319: LIDDELL HART, B.H. - The Memoirs of Captain Liddell Hart; Volume One and Two
024978: LIDDELL, SALLY - Sotheby's Art at Auction, 1987-88
059457: LIDDELL, E. G. T. - The Discovery of Reflexes
519500: LIDDLE, PETER - Britain's Great War Experience: Life at Home and Abroad 1914-1918
499771: LIDDLE, PETER - Captured Memories 1900-1918: Across the Threshold of War
545155: LIDDLE, ANDREW - Cheers, Mr Churchill! Winston in Scotland
544167: LIDDLE, ANDREW - Cheers, Mr Churchill! Winston in Scotland
420738: LIDDON, H.P. - Sermons Preached on Special Occasions, 1860-1889
526350: LIDDY, MAGS; PARKER-JENKINS, MARIE (EDS.) - Education that Matters: Teachers, Critical Pedagogy and Development Education at Local and Global Level (Rethinking Education, Volume 7)
514095: LIDDY, MAGS & PARKER-JENKINS, MARIE (EDS) - Education that Matters: Teachers, Critical Pedagogy and Development Education at Local and Global Level
021193: LIDGETT, F. SCOTT - God, Christ and the Church
457318: LIDIN, OLOF G. - The Life of Ogyu Sorai: A Tokugawa Confucian Philosopher
015937: LIDZ, THEODORE - The Origin and Treatment of Schizophrenic Disorders
508904: LIE, JOHN - Multi-Ethnic Japan
159283: LIE, NILS - Boys Who Became Offenders (ACTA Supplementum 342, Vol 77)
245186: LIEBENBERG, IAN; SOLOMON, HUSSEIN (ED.) - Consolidation of Democracy in Africa : A View from the South
468564: LIEBERMAN, WILLIAM S. - Painters in Paris 1895-1950
470816: LIEBERMAN, JETHRO K. - Liberalism Undressed
510073: LIEBERMAN, HERBERT A.; RIEGER, MARTIN M.; BANKER, GILBERT S. (EDS.) - Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Disperse Systems, Volume 1
299082: LIEBERMAN, FLORENCE (ED.) - Clinical Social Workers as Psychotherapists (Gardner Press Series in Clinical Social Work)
294173: LIEBERMAN, LUKE; WOLPERT, MATT - The Man with No Name: Volume 1, Issue 8
445159: LIEBERMAN, PHILIP - Intonation, Perception, and Language
106261: LIEBERMAN, IRA W.; KIRKNESS, CHRISTOPHER D. - Privatization and Emerging Equity Markets
608528: LIEBERMAN, HERBERT - The Eighth Square
409662: LIEBERMAN, JETHRO K. - Liberalism Undressed
305614: LIEBERMAN, MYRON - Public Education: An Autopsy
036903: LIEBERMEISTER,C.,H.LEBERT,F.HAENISCH,J.B.O.HEUBNER & J.OERTEL, - Handbuch der Acuten Infectionskrankheiten. 2 Volumes.
210340: LIEBERT, SALTANAT - Irregular Migration From the Former Soviet Union to the United States
148228: LIEBING, RALPH W. - Construction Contract Administration
483580: LIEBMAN, JEREMY - Odd Sympathy
517253: LIEBMAN, CHARLES S. - Religion, Democracy and Israeli Society
449943: LIEBMANN, GEORGE W. - The Gallows in the Grove: Civil Society in American Law
601622: LIECHTI, ERICH - Das Salondampfschiff BLUMLISALP: Eine Legende
438508: LIEDMAN, SVEN-ERIC - Fra Platon til Kommunismens Fall: politisk Idehistorie
516008: LIEFTINCK, PIETER (ET AL) - The Economic Development of Jordan
522695: LIEHM, ANTONIN; KUSSI, PETER (EDS.) - The Writing on the Wall: An Anthology of Contemporary Czech Literature
479439: LIEKIS, ALGIMANTAS - NenugalEtoji Lietuva: LietuviU PogrindZio VadovybEs OkupacijU Metais (1940 - 1953): DokumentinE ApybraiZa 5
270024: LIEMBERG, ELLIE; THOLEN, BASTIENNE; HUIZINGA, MARIJKE; JANSEN, FOUKE - Ijskbreker: Basisleergang Nederlands Voor Volwassen Anderstaligen, Deel 2
533223: LIENHARD, SIEGFRIED; BOCCALI, GIULIANO (EDS.) - Tesori Della Lirica Classica Indiana
086973: LIEPMANN, KATE (DICKINSON, H.D.) - Apprenticeship: An Enquiry into Its Adequacy under Modern Conditions
543945: LIERS, EMIL E. - An Otter's Story
479985: LIESKOV, NIKOLAI - The Guest
262250: LIETEN, G. K. - Continuity and Change in Rural West Bengal
064146: LIEUWEN, EDWIN - Generals Versus Presidents: Neomilitarism in Latin America
188562: LIFSCHITZ, CARLOS H. - Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition in Clinical Practice
548076: LIFSHITZ, MIKHAIL (AUTHOR); WINN, RALPH B. (TRANSLATOR) - The Philosophy of Art of Karl Marx
605669: LIGGETT, THOMAS M. - Interacting Particle Systems
408733: LIGHT, PAUL; SHELDON, SUE; WOODHEAD, MARTIN (EDS.) - Learning to Think (Child Development in Social Context 2)
530920: LIGHT, TENEBRIS - Three Rainbows
292842: LIGHT, WILL (ED.) - Advances in Numerical Analysis, Vol. I: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
080818: LIGHT, H. R. - The Nature of Management
544209: LIGHT, ALISON - A Radical Romance: A Memoir of Love, Grief and Consolation
468604: LIGHT, WILL - Advances in Numerical Analysis: Volume I: Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
269507: LIGHTFOOT, DAVID - The Language Lottery: Toward a Biology of Grammars
438258: LIGHTHILL, M. J. - Higher Approximations in Aerodynamic Theory
539933: LIGHTMAN, ALAN - Einstein's Dreams
542631: LIGOTTI, THOMAS - Noctuary
421010: LIGUAN, WU - Photo Album of Local-Style Dwelling Houses in China
516729: LIGUORI, PAR S. - Visites Au Saint Sacrement et a La Sainte Vierge
254981: LIHONG, XIE - Evolving Self in the Novels of Gail Godwin (Southern Literary Studies)
547402: LIJINSKY, WILLIAM - Chemistry and Biology of N-nitroso Compounds
148863: LIKHACHEV, A.; ANISIMOV, V.; MONTESANO, R. (EDS) - Age-Related Factors in Carcinogenesis
165381: LILFORD, RICHARD J.; SETCHELL, MARCUS E. - Multiple Choice Questions in Gynaecology and Obstetrics
547717: LILIEN, E.M. (ARTIST) - Book Plates, 1897-1907
448555: LILIENFELD, SCOTT O.; LYNN, STEVEN JAY; NAMY, LAURA L.; WOOLF, NANCY J. - Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding
260433: LILLA, MARK (ED.) - New French Thought
536507: LILLEY, CLARE (INTRODUCTION) - Alfredo Jaar: The Garden of Good and Evil
521603: LILLEY, CLARE (ED.) - James Turrell Deer Shelter: An Art Fund Commission
280493: LILLEY, CLARE (ED.) - Liadin Cooke: Overlay: Sculpture and Drawings
Am421: LILLIE, ELISABETH - Sense and Sensitivity: Difference and Diversity in Higher Education Classrooms (Cultural Identity Studies)
527478: LILLIE, ELISABETH (ED.) - Sense and Sensitivity: Difference and Diversity in Higher Education Classrooms (Cultural Identity Series, 13)
107512: LILLIS, K. M.; WEST, R. W. - Issues in Science Education: A Bibliographic Survey
479552: LILLYMAN, WILLIAM J. - Otto Ludwig's Zwischen Himmel Und Erde: A Study of its Artistic Structure
086870: LILLYMAN, SUE; WARD, CAROL - Balancing Organisational and Personal Development Needs: Performance Management and Career Profiling for Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors
524625: LILLYWHITE, BRYANT - London Signs
180899: LIM, EDWARD C. (ED.) - Excited States Volume 2
113186: LIM, YANG-TAEK - Korea in the 21st Century
488516: LIM, ARTHUR - To Freedom with Love: Three One-Act Plays
143458: LIM, KEAN GHEE - A Review of Diseases in Malaysia
222652: LIMA, LAZARO - The Latino Body : Crisis Identities in American Literary and Cultural Memory (Sexual Cultures : New Directions from the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies)
265377: LIMA, EMMA EBERLEIN O. F.; LIMA, LUIZ CARLOS - Avenida Brazil 2: Glossary Portuguese-English
265378: LIMA, EMMA EBERLEIN O. F.; LIMA, LUIZ CARLOS - Avenida Brazil 2: Glossary Portuguese-English
513318: LIMAM, IMED (ED.) - Institutional Reform and Development in the MENA Region
273803: LIMBACHER, JAMES L. - Four Aspects of the Film
530320: LIMPRICHT, CORNELIA - Kurt Hensel (1882-1948): Ein Maler in Einbeck
237742: LIN, JULIA C. - Essays on Contemporary Chinese Poetry
226690: LIN SHAN - The Total Chinese Learning Kit
458864: LIN, SHU MIN - Shu Min Lin
458865: LIN, SHU MIN - Shu Min Lin
463440: LIN, AGNES (ED.) - Beyond Beijing
165382: LINARDAKIS, NIKOS M. - Digging Up the Bones... Volume 6: Psychiatry
444633: LINCOLN, R.J.; BOXSHALL, G.A.; CLARK, P.F. - A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
533793: LINCOLN, ABRAHAM; KAPLAN, FRED (INTRO.) - The New Birth of Freedom
529459: LINCOLN, ANDREW T.; WEDDERBURN, A. J. M. - The Theology of the Later Pauline Letters (New Testament Theology)
439925: LINCOLN, EDMOND EARL - Problems in Business Finance (Financial Management 1880-1934, Volume 6)
602410: LINCOLN COLLIER, JAMES - Louis Armstrong
295274: LIND, JAKOV - The Silver Foxes are Dead and Other Plays
461610: LIND, ANTON - Secret Service at Altonbury
451048: LIND, JAKOV - Landscape in Concrete
080912: LINDAHL, JAN - Somatic Complications Following Legal Abortion
529450: LINDARS, BARNABAS - The Theology of the Letter to the Hebrews (New Testament Theology)
529466: LINDARS, BARNABAS - John (New Testament Guides)
029734: LINDAUER, JOHN (EDITOR) - Macroeconomic Readings
469670: LINDBECK, ASSAR - Macroeconomics and Economic Policy: The Selected Essays of Assar Lindbeck, Volume I
462536: LINDBECK, ASSAR - Inflation: Global, International and National Aspects
527610: LINDBERGH, ANNE MORROW - North to the Orient
543798: LINDBERGH, REEVE - Benjamin's Barn
491143: LINDEN, DAVID - The Biology of Psychological Disorders
520444: LINDEN, GRACE; JOBLING, BILLY - Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Auction, Friday 5 October 2018
032883: LINDEN, BRUCE - Home Maintenance and Improvement
168428: LINDEN, EDDIE S. - Aquarius Number 10, 1978: In Honour of John heath - Stubbs
237231: LINDENBERG, KLAUS - Fuerzas Armadas y Politica En America Latina: Bibliografia Selecta
305702: LINDENBERGER, HERBERT - Saul's Fall: A Critical Fiction
470544: LINDERT, PETER H. - Growing Public: Social Spending and Economic Growth Since the Eighteenth Century: Volume 2: Further Evidence
461348: LINDERT, PETER H. - Fertility and Scarcity in America
174573: LINDESAY,JAMES (ED) - Neurotic Disorders in the Elderly
458559: LINDGREN, TORGNY - In Praise of Truth: The Personal Account of Theodore Marklund, picture-framer
292745: LINDH, LENA (ED.) - Swedish Images, 1999-2000: A Guide Through the Swedish Film Year: XXIII Goteborg Film Festival, 28 January-6 February
439659: LINDHARD, JENS - Influence of Crystal Lattice on Motion of Energetic Charged Particles
545179: LINDLEY, KEITH; SCOTT, DAVID (EDITORS) - The Journal of Thomas Juxon, 1644-1647: Camden Fifth Series, Volume 13
496344: LINDLEY, JOHN; HUTTON, WILLIAM - The Fossil Flora of Great Britain: Volume 2
543034: LINDLEY, ANNA - The Early Morning Phone Call: Somali Refugees' Remittances
496343: LINDLEY, JOHN; HUTTON, WILLIAM - The Fossil Flora of Great Britain: Volume 1
462315b: LINDLEY, PROFESSOR (ED.) - The Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette for 1853: A Stamped Newspaper of Rural Economy and General News
534351: LINDLEY, ERNEST K: EDITOR - The Winds of Freedom, Selections from the Speeches and Statements of Secretary of State Dean Rusk, January 1961- August 1962
472209: LINDLEY, JOHN - Ladies' Botany: Or a Familiar Introduction to the Study of the Natural System of Botany: Vol II.
212306: LINDLEY, R. M. - Economic Change and Employment Policy
408998: LINDOP, CHRISTINE - Green Planet (Dominoes)
477398: LINDOP, AUDREY ERSKINE - The Singer Not the Song
408997: LINDOP, CHRISTINE - Green Planet (Dominoes)
200165: LINDOP, PATRICIA J. (ED.); SACHER, G.A. (ED.) - Radiation & Aging: Proceedings of a Colloquium Held in semmering, Austria
148675: LINDOR, KEITH D.; HEATHCOTE, E. JENNY; POUPON, RAOUL (EDS) - Primary Biliary Cirrhosis : From Pathogenesis to Clinical Treatment
449467: LINDQUIST, MARK J. - Spiritual Common Sense: Self-Evident Facts Without Religious Beliefs
471911: LINDQUIST, ERIC N. - The Origins of the Center for Hellenic Studies
423035: LINDQUIST, MARK J. - Spiritual Common Sense: Self-Evident Facts Without Religious Beliefs
145658: LINDQVIST - The Motor Unit Potential in Severely Paretic Muscles After Acute Anterior Poliomyelitis, an Electromyographic Study Using Fatigue Experiments
543344: LINDROOS, RUBIO TAPANI - The Greatest Hits of Rubio Tapani Lindroos
543345: LINDROOS, RUBIO TAPANI - I Got Drowned in the Soda Fountain
541452: LINDROOS, RUBIO TAPANI - Horseplay
110026: LINDROTH, MALIN - The Night Watch
523714: LINDSAY, WALLACE MARTIN (ED.) - Palaeographia Latina, Parts 1-6
165420: LINDSAY, ROBERT - Osteoporosis: A Guide to Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment
518303: LINDSAY, W.M. (ED.) - T. Macci Plauti: Comoediae, Vol. 1: Amphitruo; Mercator (Oxford Classical Texts)
538054: LINDSAY, DAVID - A Voyage to Arcturus (Rare Works of Imaginative Fiction: A Series of Reissues, 2.)
537244: LINDSAY, JAMES R. - Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly: Vol 7: 1946-8
408705: LINDSAY, CLAIRE (ED.) - Traslados/Translations: Essays on Latin America in Honour of Jason Wilson
008438: LINDSAY, BRUCE (EDITOR) - The Child and Family: Contemporary Nursing Issues in Child Health and Care
508890: LINDSAY, J. F. - Developments in Solar System- And Space Sciences
228337: LINDSAY, ROBERT - Letting Go
261829: LINDSAY, MAURICE - History of Scottish Literature
502766: LINDSAY, FRANKLIN - Beacons in the Night: With the OSS and Tito's Partisans in Wartime Yugoslavia
537245: LINDSAY, JAMES R. - Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly: Vol 8: 1948-50
518049: LINDSAY, JACK - William Morris: His Life and Work
413253: LINDSAY, JAMES R. - Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly; Volume 12, 1956-7
089439: LINDSAY, GEOFF AND MARTIN DESFORGES - Baseline Assessment : Practice, Problems and Possibilities
542777: LINDSAY, JEFF - Dexter is Delicious
502217: LINDSAY, PATRICK - Fromelles: Australia's Darkest Day and the Dramatic Discovery of Our Fallen World War One Diggers
020316: LINDSAY, MARGIE - Developing Capital Markets in Eastern Europe: A Business Reference
605902: LINDSAY, MERRILL - Miniature Arms
Am1968: LINDSAY, CLAIRE - Magazines, Tourism, and Nation-Building in Mexico
497058: LINDSELL, W. G. - A. & Q. Or Military Administration in War
292462: LINDSEY, ALMONT - Socialized Medicine in England and Wales: The National Health Service, 1948-1961
531205: LINDSEY, J. K. - Parametric Statistical Inference
509395: LINDSEY, LAWRENCE B. - The Growth Experiment: How the New Tax Policy is Transforming the U.S. Economy
198279: LINDSEY, DARRYL - Digital Printed Circuit Design and Drafting
279762: LINDSKOV KNUDSEN, JORGEN (ED.) - ECOOP 2001 - Object-Oriented Programming: 15th European Conference, Budapest, Hungary, June 18-22, 2001: Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2072)
531640: LINDSTEN, JAN (ED.) - Physiology or Medicine 1981-1990: Nobel Lectures : Including Presentation Speeches and Laureates' Biographies
531436: LINDSTEN, JAN (ED.) - Physiology or Medicine 1971-1980 (Nobel Lectures)
164111a: LINDSTROM, NAOMI - Women's Voice in Latin American Literature
020221: LINDSTROM, THAIS S. - A Concise History of Russian Literature: From the Beginning to Chekhov (Vol. 1)
140484: LINE, MAURICE B. (ED.) - Academic Library Management: Edited Papers of a British Council Sponsored Course, 15-27 January 1989, Birmingham
548594: LINE, DAVID - Screaming High
543831: LINEHAN, THOMAS - Modernism and British Socialism
541779: LINEHAN, PETER - The Ladies of Zamora
541742: LINEHAN, PETER - The Ladies of Zamora
429231: LINELL, K.A.; TEDROW, J.C.F. - Soil and Permafrost Surveys in the Arctic
502004: LINES BROS - Tri-Ang OO/HO Railways
510637: LINES, RICHARD - Swedenborg, Science and Poetry: A Lecture Delivered at Swedenborg Hall on 3rd July, 2008
472308: LINES, KATHLEEN - Dick Whittington
294055: LING, RICH - New Tech, New Ties: How Mobile Communication Is Reshaping Social Cohesion
200784: LING, JOYCE - Knowledge and Education
051107: LINGARD, RICHARD - Princes Risborough -Thame-Oxford Railway
484871: LINGAS, ANDRZEJ; KARLSSON, ROLF; CARLSSON, SVANTE (EDS.) - Automata, Languages and Programming: 20th International Colloquium, ICALP 93, Lund, Sweden, July 5-9, 1993: Proceedings
600337: LINGEMAN, RICHARD - Small Town America: A Narrative History, 1620-The Present
411042: LINGS, MARTIN; SAFADI, YASIN HAMID - Third Supplementary Catalogue of Arabic Printed Books in the British Library 1958-1969: Volume II: Authors Khulusi - Z
529239: LINJAKUMPU, AINI; VIRTANEN, KIRSI (EDS.) - Under the Olive Tree: Reconsidering Mediterranean Politics and Culture, No.73
451426: LINK, WERNER - The East-West Conflict: The Organisation of International Relations in the 20th Century
437017: LINKE, J.; KOIZLIK, K.; NICKEL, H. - Pyrokohlenstoffabscheidung aus der Gasphase - ein kinetisches Modell
293839: LINKER, ROBERT WHITE - Music of the Minnesinger and Early Meistersinger: A Bibliography
233318: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Cornerstones: a Conversation in Elysium
156962: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Thistle and the Pen
541153: LINKLATER, ERIC - A Terrible Freedom
534076: LINKLATER, MAGNUS; HESKETH, CHRISTIAN - For King and Conscience: John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee
546874: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Pirates in the Deep Green Sea
525525: LINKLATER, BETH V. - "Und Immer ZUGELLOSER Wird Die Lust" - Constructions of Sexuality in East German Literatures
549908: LINKLATER, ERIC - Private Angelo
539875: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Dark of Summer
540755: LINKLATER, ANDRO - The Code of Love: A True Story
106332: LINKLATER, ERIC - A Year of Space : A Chapter in Autobiography
212232: LINKSKOG, DAG - Wages and Exchange Rates : Nordic Reactions to Foreign Disturbances, 1973-1981
433546: LINN, DON - Warbirds Illustrated No. 34: US Naval and Marine Aircraft Today
444561: LINNARD, W. - Russian-English Forestry and Wood Dictionary
428457: LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Journal of the Linnean Society of London; Zoology, Volume 38, 1932-34
428458: LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Journal of the Linnean Society of London; Zoology, Volume 39, 1934-36
428459: LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Journal of the Linnean Society of London; Zoology, Volume 40, 1936-38
428460: LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Journal of the Linnean Society of London; Zoology, Volume 41, 1940-50
428461: LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Journal of the Linnean Society of London; Zoology, Volume 42, 1951-56
428463: LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Journal of the Linnean Society of London; Zoology, Volume 44, 1958-63
428464: LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Journal of the Linnean Society of London; Zoology, Volume 45, 1963-65
428456: LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Journal of the Linnean Society of London; Zoology, Volume 37, 1930-32
428465: LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Journal of the Linnean Society of London; Zoology, Volume 46, 1966-67
428466: LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Journal of the Linnean Society of London; Zoology, Volume 47, 1967-68
428462: LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Journal of the Linnean Society of London; Zoology, Volume 43, 1956-58
542059: LINS DO REGO, JOSE (AUTHOR); MARION, LUCIE (TRANSLATOR) - Pureza: A Brazilian Novel
608105: LINSCOTT, GILLIAN - Knightfall
438661: LINSCOTT, MARY - Quiet Revolution: The Educational Experience of Blessed Julie Billiart and the Sisters of Notre Dame De Namur
185584: LINSKILL, MARY - In Exchange for a Soul
496678: LINSLEY, STAFFORD - Ports and Harbours of Northumberland
032953: LINTON, R.G - Veterinary Hygiene
450009: LINTON, HAROLD - Portfolio Design
205877: LINTZ, JOSEPH; SIMONETT, DAVID S. - Remote Sensing of Environment
230905: LINZ, BARBARA - Glass
230904: LINZ, BARBARA - Glass
186992: LIPIETZ, ALAIN - L'audace Ou L'enlisement: Sur Les Politiques economiques De La Gauche
529279: LIPMAN, MARIA; PETROV, NIKOLAY (EDS.) - Russia 2025: Scenarios for the Russian Future
024936: LIPMAN, MAUREEN - Something to Fall Back on
034503: LIPMAN, MAUREEN - Thank You for Having Me
528527: LIPNER, JULIUS J. (ED.) - Truth, Religious Dialogue and Dynamic Orthodoxy: Reflections on the works of Brian Hebblethwaite
516682: LIPP, CAROLA (ED.) - Schimpfende Weiber Und Patriotische Jungfrauen: Frauen in VORMARZ Und in Der Revolution 1848/49
199869: LIPP, WOLFGANG - Institution Und Veranstaltung: Zur Anthropologie Der Dozialen Dynamik
601179: LIPPERT, KEVIN (ED.) - The Inventor Says: Quotes, Quips, and Words of Wisdom
469940: LIPPMAN, S. A.; MCCALL, J. J. (EDS.) - Studies in the Economics of Search (Contributions to Economic Analysis)
001473: LIPPMAN, HYMAN S. - Treatment of the Child in Emotional Conflict
191598: LIPPOLD, OLOF CONRAD JOHN - The Origin of the Alpha Rhythm
416141: LIPSCHUTZ-VILLA, EDUARDO - Guillermo Kuitca: Burning Beds
480562: LIPSET, DAVID - Mangrove Man: Dialogics of Culture in the Sepik Estuary
518105: LIPSEY, ROBERT E.; MUCCHIELLI, JEAN-LOUIS (EDS.) - Multinational Firms and Impacts on Employment, Trade and Technology: New Perspectives for a New Century (Studies in Global Competition Series)
448202: LIPSHULTZ, STEVEN E. - Cardiology in AIDS
550049: LIPSNER, BENJAMIN B; HILTS, LEONARD FINLEY - The Airmail: Jennies to Jets
187720: LIPSON, E - The Growth of English Society
271700: LIPSON, CHARLES - Doing Honest Work in College: How to Prepare Citations, Avoid Plagiarism, and Achieve Real Academic Success
238104: LIPSON, E. - The Economic History of England, Vol. III: The Age of Mercantilism
146607: LIPSON, E. - Europe In the Nineteenth Century
534736: LIPTON, SIR THOMAS J. - Leaves from the Lipton Logs
505175: LIPTON, MIMI - Untamed Encounters: Contemporary Jewelry from Extraordinary Gemstones
516947: LIPTON, RUSSELL C. - User Guide to FOCUS
472690: LIPTON, MICHAEL; FIRN, JOHN (EDS.) - The Erosion of a Relationship: India and Britain Since 1960
509817: LIPTON, MICHAEL - Assessing Economic Performance: Some features of British economic development 1950-1965 in the light of economic theory and the principles of economic planning
046584: LIPWORTH, M.S.; GREAT BRITAIN STAFF - William Cook PLC Acquisitions : Monopolies and Mergers Commission Report
296887: LISBOA, EUGENIO - No Eca, nem com uma flor se Toca: Eca visto por Regio
089459: LISCOUSKI, JOSEPH G. - Laboratory & Scientific Computing : A Strategic Approach (Interscience Series on Laboratory Automation)
293891: LISE, KAISER - Louisiana Revy, Vol. 40, No. 2, April 2000: Andy Warhol and His World
541898: LISH, GORDON - Dear Mr. Capote
478604: LISLE, DAVID A. - Imaging for Students: Third Edition
192850: LISS, P. S.; CRANE, A. J. - Man-made Carbon Dioxide and Climatic Change. A Review of Scientific Problems
183457: LISSAMAN, A. J.; MARTIN, S. J. - Principles of Engineering Production
289679: LISSANT, KENNETH J. - Emulsions and Emulsion Technology Part II
538485: LISTA, GIOVANNI - Le Futurisme: Une Avant-Garde Radicale
508390: LISTER, ERIC; WILDER, JESS - Portal Painters: A Survey of British Idiosyncratic Artists
549468: LISTER, RAYMOND - Beulah to Byzantium: A Study of Parallels in the Works of W.B. Yeats, William Blake, Samuel Palmer & Edward Calvert By Raymond Lister, Being No. II of the Dolmen Press Yeats Centenary Papers MCMLXV
285905: LISTER, JOHN - Health Policy Reform: Driving the Wrong Way?: A Critical Guide to the Global 'Health Reform' Industry
503751: LISTER, DAVID - Die Hard, Aby! Abraham Bevistein - The Boy Soldier Shot to Encourage the Others
204324: LISTER, J.H.; JONES, R.L.; LAWLEY, P.D.; HITCHINGS, G.H.; ELION, G.B.; BROWN, D.J. (ED.) - Fused Pyrimidines. Part II: Purines
544655: LISTER, J. - Notes on Guidelines in School Mathematics
243442: LISTER, STEPHEN - A Smell of Brimstone
026749: LISTER, IAN - The School of the Future: Some Teachers' Views on Education in the Year 2000
605228: LISTER, R. P. - Genghis Khan
525884: LISTON, ANDREW - The Ecological Voice in Recent German-Swiss Prose (CIS 24)
525523: LISTON, ANDREW - The Ecological Voice in Recent German-Swiss Prose (Cultural Identity Studies, Volume 24)
025644: LISTRI, PIER FRANCESCO - Florence, 1967: The Third Renaissance
157484: LISWOOD, LAURA A. - Serving Them Right : Innovative and Powerful Customer Retention Strategies
033134: LISZT, RUDOLPH G. - The Last Word in Make-Up (Make-Up Encyclopedia)
426568: LITT, TOBY - Adventures in Capitalism
517151: LITTELL, ROBERT - The Company: A Novel of the CIA
093159: LITTELL, BLAINE - The Dolorosa Deal
270304: LITTELL, JONATHAN - The Kindly Ones
188461: LITTLE, WAILLIAM (PREPARED BY) ONIONS, C T (REVISED AND EDITED) - The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles (2 VOLUME SET)
281592: LITTLE, ALAN; ROBBINS, DIANA - 'Loading The Law': A Study of Transmitted Deprivation, Ethnic Minorities and Affirmative Action
470114: LITTLE, I. M. D.; MIRRLEES, J. A. - Project Appraisal and Planning for Developing Countries
261513: LITTLE, PETER D. - The Elusive Granary: Herder, Farmer, and State in Northern Kenya
174290: LITTLE, GEORGE O. - The Royal Houses of Israel and Judah: An Interwoven History with a Harmony of Parallel Passages
524444: LITTLE, WALTER; POSADA-CARBO, EDUARDO (EDS.) - Political Corruption in Europe and Latin America (Insitute of Latin American Studies Series)
524577: LITTLE, WALTER; POSADA-CARBO, EDUARDO (EDS.) - Political Curruption in Europe and Latin America (Institute of Latin American Studies Series)
521583: LITTLE, ERNEST MUIRHEAD (COMPILER) - History of The British Medical Association 1832-1932, Volumes I & II
533482: LITTLE, ADRIAN - Post-Industrial Socialism: Towards a New Politics of Welfare
218981: LITTLE, IAN - Picking Winners : The East Asian Experience
287906: LITTLE, MELVYN (ED.) - Recombinant Antibodies for Immunotherapy
506007: LITTLE, JACK; PLIMPTON, GEORGE - Love-Songs & Graffiti
239452: LITTLE, ALAN; SMITH, GEORGE. - Strategies of Compensation: A Review of Educational Projects for the Disadvantaged in the United States.
462249: LITTLE, KENNETH - Urbanization as a Social Process: An Essay on Movement and Change in Contemporary Africa
472131: LITTLE, I. M. D. - Ethics, Economics, and Politics: Principles of Public Policy
602791: LITTLE, STUART W.; CANTOR, ARTHUR - The Playmakers
417777: LITTLEFIELD, DAVID - Space Craft: Developments in Architectural Computing
428388: LITTLEFIELD, SOPHIE - The Moon Pool
047032: LITTLER, W.A - Immunological Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease (Bailliere's Clinical Immunology and Allergy: International Practice and Research)
482657: LITTLEWOOD, IAN - The Writings of Evelyn Waugh
527237: LITTLEWOOD, IAN (ED.) - Jane Austen: Critical Assessments, Volumes I-IV
008424: LITTLEWOOD, JENNY [EDITOR] - Recent Advances in Nursing: Community Nursing
535867: LITTLEWOOD, ROLAND; LYNCH, REBECCA (EDS.) - Cosmos, Gods and Madmen: Frameworks in the Anthropologies of Medicine
424928: LITTLEWOOD, JENNY (ED.) - Recent Advances in Nursing: Community Nursing
502605: LITTON, HELEN - The World War II Years: The Irish Emergency, an Illustrated History
484354: LITVINE, MAX - Droit AErien: Notions De Droit Belge et De Droit International
602376: LITWAK, MARK - Reel Power: The Struggle for Influence and Success in the New Hollywood
440567: LITWIN, EDITH - La Educacion A Distancia: Temas Para el Debate en una Nueva Agenda Educativa
440568: LITWIN, EDITH - La Educacion A Distancia: Temas Para el Debate en una Nueva Agenda Educativa
543850: LITZENBERGER, CAROLINE - The English Reformation and the Laity: Gloucestershire, 1540-1580
012705: LIU, D. T. Y. & FAIRWEATHER, D.V.I. - Labour Ward Manual
192601: LIU, KECHENG - Semiotics in Information Systems Engineering
192602: LIU, KECHENG - Semiotics in Information Systems Engineering
192603: LIU, KECHENG - Semiotics in Information Systems Engineering
192600: LIU, KECHENG - Semiotics in Information Systems Engineering
540803: LIU, YANG; HARTMANN, STEPHAN & PRICE, HUW (EDITORS) - Decision Theory and the Future of AI
524871: LIU, SHIH SHUN (TRANS.) - Chinese Classical Prose: The Eight Masters of the T'ang-Sung Period (A Renditions Book)
524627: LIU, FANG-JU; BRIX, DONALD E. (TRANS.) - Figure Painting of the Middle Ming Dynasty: Catalogue to the Special Exhibition of Works By Tu Chin, Chou Ch'en, T'ang Yin and Ch'iu Ying
473632: LIU, GRETCHEN - Singapore Sketchbook: The Restoration of a City
248432: LIU, HUI - Signal Processing Applications in CDMA Communications (Artech House Mobile Communications Series)
261580: LIU, TIEN-LUNG - The Chameleon State: Global Culture and Policy Shifts in Britain and Germany, 1914-1933
409855: LIU, KECHENG - Semiotics in Information Systems Engineering
457453: LIU, PING - My Chinese Dream: From Red Guard to CEO
074262: LIVANOV, M. N.; RUSINOV, V. S. (EDS) - Mathematical Analysis of the Electrical Activity of the Brain: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the Tenth Congress of the All-Union Physiological Society, Erivan, USSR, October 1964
290920: LIVELY, PENELOPE - The Photograph
472525: LIVELY, PENELOPE - Dancing Fish and Ammonites: A Memoir
279691: LIVELY, PENELOPE - Making it Up
421848: LIVELY, PENELOPE - How it All Began
495257: LIVELY, PENELOPE - Spiderweb
256748: LIVELY, PENELOPE - Passing On
534081: LIVELY, PENELOPE - Moon Tiger
534089: LIVELY, PENELOPE - A House Unlocked
533938: LIVELY, PENELOPE - How It All Began
439819: LIVELY, PENELOPE - Making it Up
541010: LIVELY, PENELOPE - The Voyage of QV 66
603835: LIVELY, ADAM - Blue Fruit
604062: LIVELY, ADAM - The Burnt House
472383: LIVENGOOD, W.W. - Americana as Taught to the Tune of a Hickory Stick
532771: LIVERANI, MARIO - Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography (Studies in Egyptology and the Ancient Near East)
212599: LIVERANI, ANDREA - Civil Society in Algeria: The Political Functions of Associational Life (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics)
545168: LIVERSIDGE, M.J.H. - The Bristol High Cross
451761: LIVERSIDGE, PETER - Peter Liversidge - Ingleby Proposals
152922: LIVESEY, FRANK - Economics
454496: LIVI, TITI - Ab Vrbe Conditia: Tomus II. Libri VI - X
415038: LIVING LANGUAGE - iKnow Chinese
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254456: LIVING LANGUAGE - Spanish Vocabulary (Flash Forward)
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050805: LIVINGS, HENRY - The Little Mrs Foster Show
279574: LIVINGS, HENRY - That the Medals and the Baton Be Put on View: The Story of a Village Band, 1875-1975
503934: LIVINGS, HENRY - Good Grief!
542014: LIVINGS, HENRY - Eh?
521155: LIVINGSTON, HELEN - Surrey: Photographic Memories
514307: LIVINGSTON, HELEN - Photographic Memories: Francis Frith's Around Surrey
543705: LIVINGSTON, MICHAEL A. - The Fascists and the Jews of Italy: Mussolini's Race Laws, 1938-1943
516266: LIVINGSTON, WILLIAM S. (ED.) - A Prospect of LIberal Democracy
524283: LIVINGSTON, MARTY (ED.) - Group: The Journal of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society, Volume 28.4-29.4
001011: LIVINGSTON, SAMUEL - Drug Therapy for Epilepsy
080892: LIVINGSTON, ROBERT - Physico Chemical Experiments
607953: LIVINGSTON, NANCY - Death in close-up
603346: LIVINGSTON, PAISLEY - Ingmar Bergman and the Rituals of Art
150400: LIVINGSTONE, HUGH - The University, an Organizational Analysis
549716: LIVINGSTONE, KEN - If Voting Changed Anything, They'd Abolish It
024511: LIVINGSTONE, W. P. - Mary Slessor The White Queen: A True Story of Adventure Heroism and Faith
476323: LIVINGSTONE, MARCO - Stephen Farthing: Mute Accomplices
140348: LIVINGSTONE, MARCO - Photographics, 26 April - 26 May 2000
550229: LIVINGSTONE, ROSIE - Voyage Out: Poems By Rosie Livingstone: 1997-2000
542872: LIVINGSTONE HUNTLEY, FRANK - Jeremy Taylor and the Great Rebellion: A Study of His Mind and Temper in Controversy
455736: LIVINGSTONE, MARCO - Tony Bevan: Monotypes
414545: LIVINGSTONE, DINAH - St Pancras Wells
506530: LIVINGSTONE, DINAH - Saving Grace
541987: LIVINGSTONE, NANCY - Mayhem in Parva
455735: LIVINGSTONE, MARCO - Tony Bevan: Monotypes
086498: LIVINGSTONE, JAMES M. - The Contenders : The Rise of the Pacific Powers
220612: LIVY (TITUS LIVIUS); CREVIER, J.B.L. (ED.); DRAKENBORCH, ARNOLD (ED.) - Historiarum Ab Urbe Condita
091831: LIVY PATAVINI, TITI - Historiarum Libri: Volume 3
291494: LIVY - Ab Urbe Condita Libri
091832: LIVY PATAVINI, TITI - Historiarum Libri: Volume 4
091830: LIVY PATAVINI, TITI - Historiarum Libri: Volume 2
415822: LJOGODT, KNUT - Historien Fremstilt I Bilder
514450: LLANES, LILILIAN - The Houses of Old Cuba
061932: LLANOS, MARIANA - Privatization and Democracy in Argentina: An Analysis of President-Congress Relations (St. Antony's Series)
186078: LLEWELLYN, DAVID T. - International Financial Integration: The Limits of Sovereignty
512466: LLEWELLYN, OWEN; RAVEN-HILL, L. - The South-Bound Car
520536: LLEWELLYN, SARAH; LISS, PAUL (EDS.) - British Murals & Decorative Painting 1910-1970
487273: LLEWELLYN, E. C. - The Influence of Low Dutch on the English Vocabulary (Publications of the Philological Society)
016627: LLEWELLYN-JONES, DEREK - Herpes, AIDS and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases
520796: LLEWELLYN, ROBERT - The Man on Platform 5
231177: LLEWELLYN, RICHARD - Sweet Morn of Judas Day
547950: LLEWELLYN, SACHA; LISS, PAUL (EDITORS) - Charles Cundall, 1890-1971
262002: LLEWELYN, HUW; ANG, HOCK AUN; LEWIS, KEIR; AL-ABDULLA, ANEES - Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
480437: LLEWELYN, JOHN - Derrida on the Threshold of Sense
511977: LLLOYD, CHRISTOPHER - In Search of a Masterpiece: An Art Lover's Guide to Britain & Ireland
184192: LLOBERA, JOSEP R. - An Invitation to Anthropology : The Structure, Evolution and Cultural Identity of Human Societies
Am1967: LLORCA-JANA, MANUEL; MILLER, RORY M & BARRIA, DIEGO - Capitalists, Business and State-Building in Chile
606717: LLOSA, MARIO VARGAS; KING, JOHN (TRANS.) (ED.) - Making Waves
608602: LLOYD, ELLERY - The Final Act if Juliette Willoughby
608637: LLOYD, ELLERY - The Final Act of Juliette Willoughby
258165: LLOYD-BLOOD, N. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1971, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
258162: LLOYD-BLOOD, N. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1968, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
430599: LLOYD, PROFESSOR C.C. (HON. ED.) - The Mariner's Mirror: The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research: Vol. 63, No. 1, Feb. 1977
229483: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society (Second Series); Volume 36, 1987
501972: LLOYD, DAVID; KLEIN, PETER - Ludlow: An Historical Anthology
258167: LLOYD-BLOOD, N. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1973, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
251662y: LLOYD, ROSEMARY (ED.) - Nineteenth-Century Women Seeking Expression: Translations from the French
464153: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER - St Vincent & Camperdown (British Battles Series)
229484: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society (Second Series); Volume 37, 1988
291109: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 37, Part 2, April 1988
266444: LLOYD, JOHN; SEATON, JEAN (EDITORS) - What Can Be Done? Making the Media and Politics Better
251583: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER D. - Local Models Spatial Analysis
229485: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society (Second Series); Volume 38, 1988
177447: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - The Greville Memoirs 1840- 1860
461106: LLOYD, G.E.R. - Demystifying Mentalities
485068: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER - Explanation in Social History
195109: LLOYD, JOHN - Protest Ethic : How the Anti-Globalisation Movement Challenges Social Democracy
472542: LLOYD, AMY - The Innocent Wife
472651: LLOYD, AMY - The Innocent Wife
258168: LLOYD-BLOOD, N. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1974, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
157495: LLOYD, J. W. (ED.) - Case-Studies in Groundwater Resources Evaluation
505901: LLOYD, HUMPHREY; REESE, COLIN (EDS.) - Building Law Reports: Volume 18
531165: LLOYD, CHRIS J. - Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data
432511: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER; DOLLEY, BRIAN (EDS.) - The Mariner's Mirror; Volume 65, 1979
519590: LLOYD, JILL - Per Kirkeby
432510: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER; DOLLEY, BRIAN (EDS.) - The Mariner's Mirror; Volume 62, 1976
291108: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 37, Part 1, February 1988
244591: LLOYD, P. C. - Power and Independence : Urban Africans' Perception of Social Inequality
158475: LLOYD, HUMPHREY & REESE, COLIN (EDS) - Building Law Reports Volume 16
086661: LLOYD, TIM (EDITOR); MORRISSEY, OLIVER (EDITOR) - Poverty, Inequality, and Rural Development
162449: LLOYD, GWYNETH - Studies of Infant School Children 3 - Deprivation and the Bilingual Child
430598: LLOYD, PROFESSOR C.C. (HON. ED.) - The Mariner's Mirror: The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research: Vol. 59, No. 1, Feb. 1973
280223: LLOYD, JOHN; ET AL (EDS.) - Computational Logic - CL 2000: First International Conference, London, UK, July 2000 Proceedings
517866: LLOYD, G.E.R.; WOLPERT, LEWIS (INTRO.) - Greek Science
159160: LLOYD, HUMPHREY; REESE, COLIN (EDITED BY) - Building Law Reports Volume 19
159162: LLOYD, HUMPHREY; REESE, COLIN (EDITED BY) - Building Law Reports Volume 27
430600: LLOYD, PROFESSOR C.C. (HON. ED.) - The Mariner's Mirror: The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research: Vol. 64, No. 1, Feb. 1978
158474: LLOYD, HUMPHREY & REESE, COLIN (EDS) - Building Law Reports Volume 13
258163: LLOYD-BLOOD, N. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1969, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
283570: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 37, Part 3, June 1988
529231: LLOYD, SELWYN - Mr Speaker, Sir
159161: LLOYD, HUMPHREY; REESE, COLIN (EDITED BY) - Building Law Reports Volume 26
258161: LLOYD-BLOOD, N. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1967, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
031073: LLOYD, TREVOR; ETC. - Introducing Promise of His Glory (Grove Worship Series No.116)
522621b: LLOYD, SAM - The Rising Tide
432508: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER; DOLLEY, BRIAN (EDS.) - The Mariner's Mirror; Volume 60, 1974
432509: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER; DOLLEY, BRIAN (EDS.) - The Mariner's Mirror; Volume 61, 1975
283571: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 38, Part 1, August 1988
229479: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society (Second Series); Volume XXIX-XXX, 1984
519589: LLOYD, JILL - Per Kirkeby
430595: LLOYD, PROFESSOR C.C. (HON. ED.) - The Mariner's Mirror: The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research: Vol. 58, No. 1, Feb. 1972
289976: LLOYD, G. C. (ED.) - Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers: Volume 39, 1907
229481: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society (Second Series); Volume XXXIII-XXXIV, 1986
430596: LLOYD, PROFESSOR C.C. (HON. ED.) - The Mariner's Mirror: The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research: Vol. 58, No. 1, Feb. 1972
251662z: LLOYD, ROSEMARY (ED.) - Nineteenth-Century Women Seeking Expression: Translations from the French
283572: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 38, Part 2, October 1988
283573: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Second Series: Volume 38, Part 3, December 1988
290472: LLOYD-BOSTOCK, SALLY M. A. (ED.) - Psychology in Legal Contexts: Applications and Limitations
513135: LLOYD-WILLIAMS; ALBERICIO, FERNANDO; GIRALT, ERNEST - Chemical Approaches to the Synthesis of Peptides and Proteins
465466: LLOYD, E.M.H.; BENNETT, M.K. (EDS.) - Food and Inflation in the Middle East, 1940-1945 (1956)
430597: LLOYD, PROFESSOR C.C. (HON. ED.) - The Mariner's Mirror: The Journal of the Society for Nautical Research: Vol. 59, No. 1, Feb. 1973
177404: LLOYD OF HAMPSTEAD; RIDEOUT, ROGER W. - Current Legal Problems 1977
158473: LLOYD, HUMPHREY & REESE, COLIN (EDS) - Building Law Reports Volume 9
066341: LLOYD, HUMPHREY (ED) - Building Law Reports. Volume 60
424702: LLOYD WILLIAMS, JULIA - Rembrandt's Women
031077: LLOYD, TREVOR; ETC. - Introducing Patterns for Worship (Grove Worship Series No. 111)
538901: LLOYD-JONES, ROBIN - The Dreamhouse
096091: LLOYD, C.W; HYAMS, J.S & WARN, R.M - The Cytoskeleton: Cell Function and Organization
258164: LLOYD-BLOOD, N. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1970, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
176303: LLOYD, CHRISTOPHER - Explanation in Social History
229480: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society (Second Series); Volume XXXI-XXXII, 1985
Am1688: LLOYD C. GARDNER - Three Kings: The Rise of an American Empire in the Middle East After World War II
229482: LLOYD, N. G.; MORRIS, A. O. (EDS.) - The Journal of the London Mathematical Society (Second Series); Volume 35, 1987
474808: LLUCH, CONSTANTINO; POWELL, ALAN A.; WILLIAMS, ROSS A. - Patterns in Household Demand and Saving
093360: LLUENT, ARMAND - Historia D'un Proces, Inici D'una Evolucio
474917: LLWYD, ALAN; EDWARDS, ELWYN (EDS.) - Gwaedd y Bechgyn: blodeugerdd barddas o gerddi'r rhyfel mawr 1914-1918
457375: LO, YIN SHAN; BATTEN, JOHN (EDS.) - Design for Asia: HKDC Awards 2011
020053: LO, CLARENCE Y. H. & SCHWARTZ, MICHAEL - Social Policy and the Conservative Agenda
547604: LOADENTHAL, MICHAEL - The Politics of Attack: COMMUNIQUES and Insurrectionary Violence
302982: LOADER, MANDY - The Woman of Iron (Heinemann ELT Guided Readers)
444356: LOADER, MANDY - Amazing Young Sports People (Level 1)
016118: LOADES, D. M. - Politics and the Nation 1450-1660;: Obedience, Resistance and Public Order
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