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268305: KOOPMAN, HILDA; SZABOLSCI, ANNA - Verbal Complexes
182640: KOOPMANN, HELMUT - Friedrich Schiller II, 1794-1805. Realienbucher Fur Germanisten; Abteilung Literaturgeschichte.
182641: KOOPMANN, HELMUT - Friedrich Schiller I, 1759-1794. Realienbucher Fur Germanisten; Abteilung Literaturgeschichte.
264645: KOOPMANS, J.; VERHUYCK, P. - Een kijk op anekdotencollecties in de zeventiende eeuw. Jan Zoet: Het Leven en Bedrijf van Clément Marot. (Atlantis 3)
409230: KOOPS, WILLEM; ELDER JR., GLEN H. (EDS.) - International Journal of Behavioral Development: Historical Contexts, Volume 19, Number 2, June 1996
417932: KOPAC, RADIM (ED.) - Czech Literature at the Turn of the Millennium
416724: KOPFE, MARKANTE - Anton van Dyck und Sein Illustrer Kreis
257630: KOPFERMANN, H; RICHTER, G (EDS.) - Annalen Der Physik. 7.Folge, Vols. 5-6, 1959-60
257629: KOPFERMANN, H; RICHTER, G (EDS.) - Annalen Der Physik. 7.Folge, Vols. 3-4, 1959
257628: KOPFERMANN, H; RICHTER, G (EDS.) - Annalen Der Physik. 7.Folge, Vols. 1-2. 1958-59
257631: KOPFERMANN, H; RICHTER, G (EDS.) - Annalen Der Physik. 7.Folge, Vols. 7-8, 1961
446350: KOPFF, A. - The Mathematical Theory of Relativity
104179: KOPFSTEIN, RABBINER DR. M. - Geschichte der Synagogen - Gemeinde in Beuthen O. S.
535577: KOPINAK, KATHRYN (EDITOR) - The Social Costs of Industrial Growth in Southern Mexico
216550: KOPLAN, JEFFREY - Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity : How Do We Measure up?
302611: KOPLOW, DAVID A. - Death by Moderation: The U.S. Military's Quest for Useable Weapons
235097: KOPP, W. LAMARR - German Literature in the United States, 1945-1960
484323: KOPPENJAN, JOOP - The New Public Governance in Public Service Delivery
196579: KOPPERUD, GUNNAR - The Time of Light
529348: KOPROWSKI, HILARY; OLDSTONE, MICHAEL B.A. (EDS.) - Microbe Hunters - Then and Now
543235: KOPS, BERNARD - Shalom Bomb: Scenes From My Life
537098: KOPS, BERNARD - Awake for Mourning
605811: KOPS, BERNARD - Poems and Songs
038901: KORAH, VALENTINE - An Introductory Guide To EC Competition Law And Practice
049582: KORAH, VALENTINE - An Introductory Guide To EC Competition Law And Practice
018414: KORDA, MICAHEL - The Fortune
605445: KORDA, MICHAEL - Charmed Lives: A Family Romance
416101: KORDAS, DIANA (ED.) - International Learning System: Intermediate Level: Poe, Dahl, Nesbit
453864: KOREA FOUNDATION - Masterpieces in Ceramics from the V&A
242534: KOREAN CULTURE AND INFORMATION SERVICE - Facts About Korea: 2010 Edition
407146: KORELLI, ENGIN - The Fake Bat/Yalanci Yarasa
608023: KOREN, LADISLAV; SCHMID, HANS BERNHARD; STOVALL, PRESTON; TOWNSEND, LEO - Groups, Norms and Practices: Essays on Inferentialism and Collective Intentionality (Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality, 13)
484014: KOREN ZAILCKAS - Drama Teacher: A Novel
497212: KORFF, H. A. - Geist Der Goethezeit: Versuch Einer Ideellen Entwicklung Der Klassisch-Romantischen Literaturgeschichte: IV. Teil: Hochromantik
497209: KORFF, H. A. - Geist Der Goethezeit: Versuch Einer Ideellen Entwicklung Der Klassisch-Romantischen Literaturgeschichte: I. Teil: Sturm Und Drang
497210: KORFF, H. A. - Geist Der Goethezeit: Versuch Einer Ideellen Entwicklung Der Klassisch-Romantischen Literaturgeschichte: II. Teil: Klassik
497211: KORFF, H. A. - Geist Der Goethezeit: Versuch Einer Ideellen Entwicklung Der Klassisch-Romantischen Literaturgeschichte: III. Teil: FrUhromantik
092166: KORFHAGE, ROBERT R. - Logic and Algorithms with Applications to the Computer and Information Sciences
604685: KORG, JACOB - Language in Modern Literature: Innovation and Experiment
092078: KORGEN, KATHLEEN O. - From Black to Biracial : Transforming Racial Identity Among Americans
236225: KORHONEN, JOUNI (ED.) - Progress in Industrial Ecology : An International Journal : Volume 1, Nos. 1/2/3, 2004
547213: KORINETZ, JURI (AUTHOR); BELL, ANTHEA (TRANSLATOR) - In the Middle of the World
274617: KORN, DAVID - Human Rights in Iraq: Middle East Watch
167363: KORN, DAVID - Exodus Within Borders : An Introduction to the Global Crisis of Internal Displacement
470131: KORNAI, ANDRAS (ED.) - Extended Finite State Models of Language
487112: KORNBERG, ALLAN; CLARKE, HAROLD D. - Citizens and Community: Political Support in a Representative Democracy
520852: KORNBLUH, JOYCE L. - A New Deal for Workers' Education: The Workers' Service Program 1933-1942
537683: KORNBLUTH, C.M. - Christmas Eve
445584: KORNEGGER, PEGGY - Anarchism: The Feminist Connection
455027: KORNER, HEIKO; MEYER-DOHM, PETER; TUCHTFELDT, EGON; UHLIG, CHRISTIAN (EDS.) - Wirtschaftspolitik - Wissenschaft und politische Aufgabe
529721: KORNER, STEPHAN - On the Relevance of Philosophy
467938: KORNER, STEPHAN - Experience and Conduct: A Philosophical Enquiry Into Practical Thinking
440306: KORNER, STEPHAN - Experience and Theory: An Essay in the Philosophy of Science (International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Mind)
450269: KORNER, AXEL; MILLER, NICOLA; SMITH, ADAM I. P. (EDS.) - America Imagined: Explaining the United States in Nineteenth-Century Europe and Latin America
525851: KORNHABER, DAVID; LOEHLIN, JAMES N. (EDS.) - Tom Stoppard in Context
505270: KORNITZER, BELA - The Real Nixon: An Intimate Biography
515374: KORNITZER, LOUIS - Trade Winds
535807: KOROBILI, GIOULI - Aristotle. On Youth and Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration 1-6: With Translation, Introduction and Interpretation
454623: KOROBKIN, V.V.; ROMANOVSKY, M. YU. (EDS.) - Short Wavelength Lasers and Their Applications
246342: KOROGOD, SERGEY M.; TYC-DUMONT , SUZANNE - Electrical Dynamics of Dendritic Space
520857: KOROLENKO, V.G.; PARSONS, NEIL (TRANS.) - The History of My Contemporary
147129: KOROLEV, I.S. (ED.) - Mirovaya Ekonomika : Global'nye Tendentsii za 100 Let (Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk. Institut Mirovoi Ekonomiki i Mezhdunarodnykh Otnoshenii)
225471: KOROLEV, YU.K.; IOVLEVA, L.I. - Gosudarstvennaya Tret'yakovskaya Galereya/The Tretyakov Gallery
541408: KOROMILA, MARIANNA - The Greeks in the Black Sea: From the Bronze Age to the Early Twentieth Century
504142: KORSCH, KARL; HALLIDAY, FRED (TRANS.) - Marxism and Philosophy
432434: KORSCHELT, EUGEN - Regeneration and Transplantation; Volume II, Part 1
432435: KORSCHELT, EUGEN - Regeneration and Transplantation; Volume II, Part 2
429446: KORTE, F.; OURISSON, G.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 25, PP. 2575-3638, 1969
429445: KORTE, F.; OURISSON, G.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 25, PP. 1825-2574, 1969
429457: KORTE, F.; OURISSON, G.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 27 Index, PP. 5063-6214, 1971
429453: KORTE, F.; OURISSON, G.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 26, Index, PP. 4929-6000, 1970
429444: KORTE, F.; OURISSON, G.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 25, PP. 937-1824, 1969
429450: KORTE, F.; OURISSON, G.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 26, PP. 1169-2064, 1970
429456: KORTE, F.; OURISSON, G.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 27, PP. 3971-5062, 1971
429455: KORTE, F.; OURISSON, G.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 27, PP. 2579-3970, 1971
429447: KORTE, F.; OURISSON, G.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 25, PP. 3639-4922, 1969
429451: KORTE, F.; OURISSON, G.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 26, PP. 2065-3072, 1970
429452: KORTE, F.; OURISSON, G.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 26, PP. 3073-4064, 1970
429449: KORTE, F.; OURISSON, G.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 26, PP. 1-1168, 1970
429441: KORTE, F.; MARTIN, R. H.; NESMEYANOV, A. N. (EDS.) - Tetrahedron: The International Journal of Organic Chemistry; Vol. 24, PP. 3517-4630, 1968
235871: KORTEN, FRANCES F.; SIY - Transforming a Bureaucracy : The Experience of the Philippine National Irrigation Administration
184757: KORTEN, DAVID C. - When Corporations Rule the World
528583: KORZENIOWSKA, VICTORIA B. - The Heroine as Social Redeemer in the Plays of Jean Giraudoux (Modern French Identities, Vol.13)
538277: KOS, PETER; SEMROV, ANDREJ - A Hoard Of Third Century Antoniniani
299952: KOSACOFF, BERNARDO (ED.) - Hacia Una Nueva Estrategia Exportadora
199265: KOSAI, YUTAKA; OGINO, YOSHITARO - The Contemporary Japanese Economy (Studies in the Modern Japanese Economy)
446828: KOSALS, LEONID - Why Doesn't Russian Industry Work? (Second World Series)
453316: KOSCHAKER, PAUL - Uber Einige Griechische Rechtsurkunden Aud Den Ostlichen Randgebieten Des Hellenismus, XLII, No. I (Der Abhandlungen Der Philologisch-Historischen Klasse Der Sachsischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften)
497172: KOSCHATZKY-ELIAS, GABRIELA - Fitz Maierhofer: Jewellery and More!
489911: KOSELLECK, REINHART; STEMPEL, WOLF-DIETER - Poetik und Hermeneutik 5: Geschichte-Ereignis und ErzAhlung
499053: KOSHAR, RUDY - Germany's Transient Pasts: Preservation and National Memory in the Twentieth Century
607387: KOSHIMURA, SHINZABURO - Fixed Capital and Economic Fluctuations: Theory of Crises and Waves, Vol. I
607388: KOSHIMURA, SHINZABURO - Fixed Capital and Economic Fluctuations: Theory of Crises and Waves, Vol. II
601096: KOSKI, OLIVIA; GRCEVICH, JANA - Vacation Guide to the Solar System: Science for the Savvy Space Traveler!
608026: KOSLOW, ARNOLD - Laws and Explanations; Theories and Modal Possibilities (Synthese Library, 410)
081693: KOSMINSKII, E. A. - Istoriographiya Srednikh Vekov V v. - Ceredina XIX v.: Lektsii
435815: KOSNIOWSKI, CZES (ED.) - Transformation Groups (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
261342: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVI, No. 9, Sentyabr', 1970 g.
261357: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVII, No. 12, Dekabr', 1971 g.
261348: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVII, No. 3, Mart, 1971 g.
261349: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVII, No. 4, Aprel', 1971 g.
261350: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVII, No. 5, Mai, 1971 g.
261351: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVII, No. 6, Iyun', 1971 g.
261347: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVII, No. 2, Fevral', 1971 g.
261346: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVII, No. 1, Yanvar', 1971 g.
261345: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVI, No. 12, Dekabr', 1970 g.
261344: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVI, No. 11, Noyabr', 1970 g.
261343: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVI, No. 10, Oktyabr', 1970 g.
261339: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVI, No. 6, Iyun', 1970 g.
261337: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVI, No. 4, Aprel', 1970 g.
261336: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVI, No. 3, Mart, 1970 g.
261341: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVI, No. 8, August, 1970 g.
261340: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVI, No. 7, Iyul', 1970 g.
261355: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVII, No. 10, Oktyabr', 1971 g.
261356: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVII, No. 11, Noyabr', 1971 g.
261335: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVI, No. 2, Fevral', 1970 g.
261354: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVII, No. 9, Sentyabr', 1971 g.
261352: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVII, No. 7, Iyul', 1971 g.
261353: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVII, No. 8, Avgust, 1971 g.
261338: KOSOLAPOV, V. A. (ED.) - Novyi Mir - Literaturno-Khudozhestvennyi i Obshchestvenno-Politicheskii Zhurnal; God Izdaniya XLVI, No. 5, Mai, 1970 g.
200688: KOSSLYN, S. M.; ANDERSEN, R. A. - Frontiers in Cognitive Neuroscience
470435: KOSTELANETZ, RICHARD (ED.) - Moholy-Nagy
604687: KOSTELANETZ, RICHARD - The End of Intelligent Writing: Literary Politics in America
605333: KOSTELANETZ, RICHARD (ED.) - The Avant-Garde Tradition in Literature
025923: KOSTENEVICH, A. G.; KOSTENEVICH, ALBERT G. - Hidden Treasures Revealed: Impressionist Masterpieces and Other Important French Paintings Preserved by the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
106670: KOSTENEVICH, ALBERT - Hidden Treasures Revealed : Impressionist Masterpieces and Other Important French Paintings Preserved by the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
234749: KOSTER, SERGE - Francis Ponge
507212: KOSTIS, KOSTAS P. (ED.) - The Creators and the Creation of Banking Enterprises in Europe from the 18th to the 20th Century
112571: KOSTORZ, GERNOT (ED.) - High-Tech Ceramics : Viewpoints and Perspectives
271837: KOSTOVIC, IVICA; KNEZEVIC, STEVO; WISNIEWSKI, HENRYK M.; SPILICH, GEORGE J. (EDS.) - Neurodevelopment, Aging, and Cognition
270603: KOSTRZEWSKI, ANDRZEJ (ED.) - Geneza, Litologia i Stratygrafia Utworow Czwartorzedowych; Tom III (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan; Geography Series, No. 64)
527622: KOT, WLADYSLAW - Historyczny Przeglad Orientacji Filozoficznych
162010: KOTA, NYANYIAN - Le Chant Des Villes
418177: KOTALIK, JIRI (ED.) - Narodni Galerie V Praze 1: Sbirka Stareho Evropskeho Umeni/Sbirka Stareho Ceskeho Umeni
496156: KOTARO, ISAKA - Buoyancy of Death
156054: KOTAS, RICHARD; DAVIS, BERNARD - Food Cost Control
290515: KOTECHA, HARSHAD - Windows 7 In Easy Steps
095622: KOTELENETS, E. A. - Kharizmaticheskii Vlastnyi Soyuz: Noveishie Issledovaniia o Lenine i Ego Politicheskom Okruzhenii (Seriya "Assotsiatsiia Issledovatelei Rossiiskogo Obshchestva XX veka - Nauchnye Doklady i Diskussii. Temy Dlya XXI veka". Vypusk 2 (8))
076459: KOTELOVA, N. Z., ALATORTSEVA, S. I., BUTSEVA, T. N. (EDS.) - Novoe v Russkoi Leksike: Slovarnye Materialy - 1986
099796: KOTHARI, M. M. - Reflection During Emergency
238396: KOTHARI, ASHISH; VANIA, FARHAD; DAS, PRIYA; CHRISTOPHER, K.; JHA, SUNITI (EDS.) - Building Bridges for Conservation: Towards Joint Management of Protected Areas in India
437908: KOTIK, JAN - Jan Kotik, 1936-1996: Kresby, Kolaze, Graficke Listy, Objekty, Obrazy / Drawings, Collages, Graphics, Paintings, Objects
407357: KOTLER, PHILIP; REIN, IRVING; HAMLIN, MICHAEL; STOLLER, MARTIN - Personal Marketing (Korean edition)
291723: KOTLIKOFF, LAURENCE J.; BURNS, SCOTT - The Coming Generational Storm: What You Need to Know about America's Economic Future
291725: KOTLIKOFF, LAURENCE J.; BURNS, SCOTT - The Coming Generational Storm: What You Need to Know about America's Economic Future
482114: KOTO BOLOFO; CLAUDIA VAN RYSSEN-BOLOFO - Koto Bolofo/Claudia Van Ryssen-Bolofo: The Prison
269608: KOTTHOFF, HELGA; WODAK, RUTH (EDS.) - Communicating Gender in Context
531967: KOTTLER, JEFFREY A.; BROWN, ROBERT W. - Introduction to Therapeutic Counseling (2nd edition)
538242: KOTTMAN, PAUL A. - A Politics of the Scene
452464: KOTYK, ARNOST; SLAVIK, JAN - Intracellular pH and its Measurement
540390: KOTZWINKLE, WILLIAM - Doctor Rat
437712: KOUFA, K. (ED.) - Balkan Studies, Volume 32-33, 1991-92
547327: KOUL, OPENDER; DHALIWAL, G.S. (EDITORS) - Phytochemical Biopesticides
279470: KOURKOV, ANDREI - Night Vision: Visiting Cards: New Prose from Ukraine
248563: KOURTEV, IVAN S.; FRIEDMAN, EBY G.; TASKIN, BARIS - Timing Optimization Through Clock Skew Scheduling
249209: KOURTEV, IVAN S.; FRIEDMAN, EBY G. - Timing Optimization Through Clock Skew Scheduling
522024: KOUTRAKOS, PANOS; SNELL, JUKKA (EDS.) - European Law Review 2019, Volume 44
522023: KOUTRAKOS, PANOS; SNELL, JUKKA (EDS.) - European Law Review 2016, Volume 41
522022: KOUTRAKOS, PANOS; SHUIBHNE, NIAMH NIC (EDS.) - European Law Review 2013, Volume 38
521870: KOUTRAKOS, PANOS; HINAREJOS, ALICIA (EDS.) - European Law Review 2020, Volume 45
521871: KOUTRAKOS, PANOS; SNELL, JUKKA (EDS.) - European Law Review 2017, Volume 42
522020: KOUTRAKOS, PANOS; SHUIBHNE, NIAMH NIC (EDS.) - European Law Review 2014, Volume 39
522021: KOUTRAKOS, PANOS; SHUIBHNE, NIAMH NIC (EDS.) - European Law Review 2011, Volume 36
521872: KOUTRAKOS, PANOS; SNELL, JUKKA (EDS.) - European Law Review 2018, Volume 43
020372: KOUTRAKOU VASSILIKI, EMERSON LUCIE (EDS) - European-British Debates at the Dawn of the New Millennium: Reflections on the 1998 British Presidency of the European Union
527914: KOUTSANTONI, DIMITRA - Developing Academic Literacies: Understanding Disciplinary Communities' Culture and Rhetoric
518655: KOUVELAKIS, STATHIS, MULHERN, FRANCIS; ET AL. - New Left Review 110, Second Series, March/April 2018
273398: KOUWENHOVEN, W.J.H. - Nimboran: A Study of Social Change and Social-Economic Development in a New Guinea Society
444438: KOVACH, JOSEPH K.; MURPHY, GARDNER - Historical Introduction to Modern Psychology (International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method)
161100: KOVACS, MARGIT; SCHENK, LEA - Kovacs Margit Gyujtemeny
464254: KOVALEV, ANDREY - Aidan Gallery
194248: KOVALEVA, AGNESSA - Optimal Control of Mechanical Oscillations
421430: KOVARI, K. (ED.) - Field Measurements in Rock Mechanics, Volume 1
506043: KOVATZIS, LUCETTE - The Realization of Skipped Time: Captured Moments from an Unfinished Diary
168551: KOVEL, RALPH M.; KOVEL, TERRY H. - Kovels' Collector's Guide to American Art Pottery
451776: KOVES, PAL - Index Theory and Economic Reality
151269: KOVNER, ANTHONY R. - Really Managing: The Work of Effective Ceos in Large Health Organizations
542907: KOVSKAYA, MAYA (ESSAY) - Chaos in the Palace Boxed Set
542908: KOVSKAYA, MAYA (ESSAY) - Chaos in the Palace Boxed Set
279935: KOWAL, JAMES A. - Behavior Models: Specifying User's Expectations
530722: KOWALCYCK, BOZENA ANNA - Canaletto: Il Trionfo Della Veduta
512045: KOWALCZYK, GEOG; KOSTER, AUGUST - Decorative Sculpture
485722: KOWALCZYNSKI, KRZYSZTOF R. - LOdZ przeLomu wiekOw XIX-XX
051828: KOWALSKI, ROBERT & BOWEN, KENNETH - Logic Programming 2: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference and Symposium
254260: KOYRÉ, ALEXANDRE - The Astronomical Revolution: Copernicus, Kepler, Borelli
440657: KOZELUCH, LEOPOLD - Concerto in Mi b Maggiore
513413: KOZIKOWSKI, ALAN P. - Drug Design for Neuroscience
460214: KOZISEK, PETR; KRALIK, JAN - L&K- Skoda 1895-1995: Part II: The Flight of the Winged Arrow
605552: KOZLOFF, NIKOLAS - Hugo CHAVEZ: Oil, Politics, and the Challenge to the U.S.
424022: KOZLOWSKA-SWIATKOWSKA, ELZBIETA - Caly Swiat Gra Komedie
432605: KOZLOWSKI, J.; HUGHES, J. T. - Threshold Analysis
517322: KOZOL, JONATHAN - Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools
515882: KOZOL, JONATHAN - The Fume of Poppies
491174: KOZULIN, ALEX - Vygotsky's Psychology: A Biography of Ideas
413262: KOZYREV, MIKHAIL - Elena Baturina: Kak Zhena Byvshego Mera Moskvy Zarabotala Milliardy
033392: KRAAZ VON ROHR, INGRID S. - Wege zum richtigen Pendeln
603354: KRACAUER, SIEGFRIED - From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological Study of the German Film
023115: KRAELING, EMIL G. - Rand McNally Bible Atlas
156773: KRAEMER, ELMER O. - Advances in Colliod Science Volume I
498083: KRAEMER-JOHNSON, GLYN - The Colours of the South Downs
510876: KRAEMER-JOHNSON, GLYN; BISHOP, JOHN - Streets of Sussex
173721: KRAEMER, KLAUS; ZIMMERMANN, MICHAEL B. (EDS.) - Nutritional Anemia
516593: KRAFT, ELIZABETH - Laurence Sterne Revisted
544504: KRAFT, ERIC - Herb 'n' Lorna: A Love Story
302047: KRAFT, ROGER - Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society: May 1992, Volume 97, Number 468: Intersections of Thick Cantor Sets
470743: KRAFT, ERIC - The Personal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy, Volume 2, Number 2: The Girl with the White Fur Muff
470746: KRAFT, ERIC - Call Me Larry, No 8
541875: KRAFTL, PETER; KELLY, PETER; PADILLA, DIEGO CARBAJO; BLACK, ROSALYN; BROWN, SETH; NAYAK, ANOOP - Young People and Thinking Technologies for the Anthropocene
454698: KRAFTNER, JOHANN - Osterreichs Bauernhofe
028283: KRAHL, M. E. - The Action of Insulin on Cells
546653: KRAIDY, MARWAN M. - Hybridity, or The Cultural Logic of Globalization
539200: KRAINER, KONRAD; WOOD, TERRY (EDITORS) - The International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education: Volume 3, Participants in Mathmatics Teacher Education: Individuals, Teams, Communities and Networks
607608: KRAJEWSKI, MAREK; STOK, DANUSIA (TRANS.) - Death in Breslau
488710: KRAL, THOMAS (ED.) - Teacher Development: Making the Right Moves - Selected Articles from the English Teaching Forum, 1989-1993
521838: KRALJIC, SUZANA; KLOJCNIK, JASMINA (EDS.) - From an Individual to the European Integration - Discussion on the Future of Europe
482026: KRALL, ROTRAUT; MULLER, PAUL JOHANNES (EDS.) - FlAmische Malerei Im Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien
299794: KRAMER, N. MARTIN - The Hearth and the Strangeness
527697: KRAMER, ALAN - Dynamic of Destruction: Culture and Mass Killing in the First World War
411321: KRAMER LINKIN, HARRIET (ED.) - Selena By Mary Tighe: A Scholary Edition
497332: KRAMER, ANN - Land Girls and Their Impact
518348: KRAMER, LLOYD S. - Threshold of a New World: Intellectuals and the Exile Experience in Paris, 1830-1848
522068: KRAMER, LUDWIG; MICKLITZ, HANS-W.; TONNER, KLAUS (EDS.) - Law and Diffuse Interests in the European Legal Order
528397: KRAMER, ANDREAS; VILAIN, ROBERT - Yvan Goll - A Bibliography of the Primary Works (BI, Vol.26)
526460: KRAMER, MARTIN - The Phonology of Italian (The Phonology of the World's Languages)
447618: KRAMER, MORTON; POLLACK, EARL S.; REDICK, RICHARD; LOCKE, BEN Z. - Mental Disorders, Suicide
081298: KRAMER, M.; LAUTERBACH, F. (EDS.) - Intestinal Permeation : Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop Conference Hoechst, Schloss Reisensburg, 19-22 October, 1975 (Workshop Conference Hoechst; v. 4) (International Congress Series; No. 391)
091977: KRAMER, DAVID - Heaven on Earth
539673: KRAMER, KATHRYN - A Handbook for Visitors From Outer Space
607119: KRAMER, RALPH M.; LORENTZEN, HAKON; MELIEF, WILLEM B.; PASQUINELLI, SERGIO - Privatization in Four European Countries: Comparative Studies in Government-Third Sector Relationships
500064: KRAMISH, ARNOLD - The Griffin: The Greatest Untold Espionage Story of World War II
471119: KRANTZ, DAVID L. - Schools of Psychology: A Symposium
509061: KRAPPALA, MARI - Burning (of) Ethics of the Passions: Contemporary Art as a Process
213485: KRASILOVSKY, M. WILLIAM; SHEMEL, SIDNEY - More about this Business of Music
485957: KRASNER, NEVILLE - Gastrointestinal Bleeding
494844: KRASNY, MARIANNE E.; TIDBALL, KEITH G. (EDS.) - Greening in the Red Zone: Disaster, Resilience and Community Greening
491416: KRASOVEC, JOZE (ED.) - Interpretation of the Bible/Interpretacija Svetega Pisma
047274: KRASS, ALFRED C. - Five Lanterns at Sundown: Evangelism in a Chastened Mood
498888: KRASS, PETER - Portrait of War: The U.S. Army's First Combat Artists and the Doughboys' Experience in WWI
444949: KRASYUK, B. A. (ED.) - Electrospark Machining of Metals (Volume 3)
453804: KRATOCHWIL, FRIEDRICH - The Puzzles of Politics: Inquiries Into the Genesis and Transformation of International Relations
460372: KRAUS, SIDNEY; PERLOFF, RICHARD M. (EDS.) - Mass Media and Political Thought: An Information-Processing Approach
110564: KRAUS, FRIEDMANN N. - Hormonal Control of Gluconeogenesis Vol. 1 : Function and Experimental Approaches
519602: KRAUS, EVA; STOHR, FRANZISKA - Was, Wenn..? Zum Utopischen in Kunst, Architektur and Design/What if..? On the Utopian in Art, Architecture, and Design
201279: KRAUS, GERHARD - Humankind at the Brink
545003: KRAUS, KARL; FRANZEN, JONATHAN (TRANS.) - The Kraus Project
548078: KRAUS, RENE - Young Lady Randolph: The Life and Times of Jennie Jerome, American Mother of Winston Churchill
475570: KRAUS, GERHARD - Has Hawking Erred?
251578: KRAUS, ROBERT; PHELPS, CHARLES E. - Transforming Ideas : Selected Profiles in University of Rochester Research and Scholarship
091934: KRAUSE, LAWRENCE B. AND WALTER S. SALANT, EDS. - European Monetary Univication and Its Meaning for the United States
091933: KRAUSE, LAWRENCE B. - European Economic Integration and the United States
232973a: KRAUSE, FLORENTIN; BACH, WILFRID AND KOONEY, JON - Energy Policy in the Greenhouse: From Warming Fate to Warming Limit
072511: KRAUSE, LAWRENCE B - European Economic Integration and the United States
263024: KRAUSMAN, RUDI - The Water Lily: And Other Poems
544709: KRAUSS, RUTH - I'll Be You and You Be Me
544710: KRAUSS, RUTH - Somebody Else's Nut Tree and Other Tales From Children
476173: KRAUSS, NICOLE - Great House
546728: KRAUSS, RUTH - Open House for Butterflies
471465: KRAUSSE, A. S. - A Pictorial History of the Thames
197820: KRAUSZ, A. S.; KRAUSZ, K. - Fracture Kinetics of Crack Growth
014611: KRAUSZ, ERNEST - Sociology in Britain: a Survey of Research
222212: KRAUSZ, ERNEST - Exploring Reality and Its Uncertainties
519976: KRAUZE, ENRIQUE - El Poder y el Delirio
454515: KRAUZE, TADEUSZ; SLOMCZYNSKI, KAZIMIERZ (EDS.) - Class Structure & Social Mobility in Poland
Am2242: KRAVIS, NATHAN - On the Couch: A Repressed History of the Analytic Couch from Plato to Freud
092104: KRAVIS, JUDY - Teaching Literature: Writers and Teachers Talking
537197: KRAVITZ, DAVID - The Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythologhy
158937: KRAY, KATE - Ultimate Hardmen : The Truth About the Toughest Men in the World
301203: KRAYBILL, DONALD B.; NOLT, STEVEN M.; WEAVER-ZERCHER, DAVID L. - The Amish Way: Patient Faith in a Perilous World
530441: KRAYBILL, DONALD B. - Concise Encyclopedia of Amish, Brethren, Hutterites, and Mennonites
486104: KREBS, SERGE - Aux mains de l'ennemi: Roman
016476: KRECHOWIECKA, IRENE - Net That Course!: Using the Internet to Research, Select and Apply for Degree Courses.
094524: KRECZMAR, A. & MIRKOWSKA, G. (EDS.) - Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1989: Porabka-Kozubnik, Poland, August 28 - September 1, 1989 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 379)
545034: KREGEL, J.A. (EDITOR) - Inflation and Income Distribution in Capitalist Crisis: Essays in Memory of Sidney Weintraub
449529: KREIDLER, CHARLES W. - The Pronunciation of English: A Course Book in Phonology
547838: KREIG, RAYMOND; REGER, RICHARD D. - Air-Photo Analysis and Summary of Landform Soil Properties Along the Route of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System
490212: KREIMENDAHL, LOTHAR (ED.) - Philosophen Des 18. Jahrhunderts: Eine EinfUhrung
288631: KREINDLER, A.; FRADIS, A. - Performances in Aphasia: A Neurodynamical Diagnostic and Psychological Study (Collection Neuropsychologia)
281602: KREIS, THOMAS; VALE, RONALD (EDS.) - Guidebook to the Extracellular Matrix and Adhesion Proteins
485047: KREIS, ELFI; SIMON, CYNTHIA - Cynthia: Rocket Woman
168965: KREISBERG, ROBERT A. & SEGREST JERE P. EDS. - Plasma Lipoproteins and Coronary Artery Disease
066210: KRELL, MAX - Über Neue Prosa
519412: KREMLING, ANDREAS - Systems Biology: Mathematical Modeling and Model Analysis
108791: KRENNING, ERIC PAUL - Thyroid Hormone Uptake by Rat Hepatocytes in Primary Culture
449964: KREPS, MICHAEL - To the Devil With Opera!: It's All About Sex, Religion, Myths
540540: KRESS, NANCY - An Alien Light
440483: KRESS, ADRIENNE - Alex and the Wigpowder Treasure
531124: KRESS, RAINER - Numerical Analysis: 181 (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 181)
471086: KRETSCHMER, ULRIKE - Der Mensch - Affe oder gottahnliches Wesen?
516781: KRETZENBACHER, LEOPOLD - WORTBEGRUNDETES Typologie-Denken Auf Mittelalterlichen Bildwerken
516780: KRETZENBACHER, LEOPOLD - Das Verletzte Kultbild: Voraussetzungen, Zeitschriften Und Aussagewandel Eines ABENDLANDISCHEN Legendentypus
516778: KRETZENBACHER, LEOPOLD - Mystische Einhornjagd: Deutsche Und Slawische Bild- Und Wortzeugnisse Zu Einem Geistlichen Sinnbild-GEFUGE
532912: KRETZER, ANGELIKA - Modals and Conditionals
199542: KREUSER, E.D. (ED.); SCHLAG, P.M. (ED.) - Recent Results in Cancer Research: New Perspectives in Molecular and Clinical Management of Gastrointestinal Tumors
272826: KREUZER, HELMUT - Zeitschrift Für Literaturwissenschaft Und Linguistik: Eine Zeitschrift Der Universität Gesamthochscule Siegen: Jahrgang 20/1990 Heft 79: Zukunft Der Sprache
504729: KREUZER, H.J. - Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Its Statistical Foundations
441535: KREUZER, HELMUT (ED.) - Gestaltungsgeschichte Und Gesellschaftsgeschichte: Literatur-, Kunst- Und Musikwissenschaftliche Studien
453187: KREUZSALER, CLAUDIA - Griechische Papyrusurkunden Kleineren Formats Neuedition: Spp III 449-582 Quittungen Fur Die Getreidesteuer, Volume 6
450495: KREY, UWE; OWEN, ANTHONY - Basic Theoretical Physics: A Concise Overview
052586: KRICUN, R.; KRICUN, M. - Computed Tomography of the Spine: Diagnostic Exercises
536648: KRIEDTE, PETER - Peasants, Landlords and Merchant Capitalists: Europe and the World Economy 1500-1800
277052: KRIEF, PHILIPPE - Prototyping with Objects
094455: KRIEG-BRUCKNER, B. (ED.) - ESOP '92: 4th European Symposium on Programming Rennes, France, February 26-28, 1992 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 582)
537904: KRIEGAL, URIAH - The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School
180220: KRIEGEL, ANNIE - Un Autre Communisme ?
180221: KRIEGEL, ANNIE - Un Autre Communisme ?
531325: KRIEGER, LEONARD; BRICK, M.L. (ED.) - Ideas and Events: Professing History
454115: KRIEGER, JOEL (ED.) - The Oxford Companion to International Relations: Volume 1: Afghanistan-Kosovo War
519916: KRIEGER, JOEL (ED.) - The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World (Second Edition)
100828: KRIEGER, DOROTHY & HUGHES, JOAN - Neuroendocrinology: The Interrelationships of the Body's Two Major Integrative Systems - in Normal Physiology and in Clinical Disease
162804: KRIELE, MARTIN - Nicaragua: America's Bleeding Heart
192361: KRIEPS, ROBERT (ED.) - Environment and Health : A Holistic Approach
547142: KRIER, LEON; KUNSTLER, JAMES HOWARD (FOREWORD) - Drawing for Architecture
532437: KRIESI, HANSPETER; TRECHSEL, ALEXANDER H. - The Politics of Switzerland: Continuity and Change in a Consensus Democracy
487419: KRIGER, NORMA - Guerrilla Veterans in Post-War Zimbabwe: Symbolic and Violent Politics 1980-1987
603939: KRIM, SEYMOUR - Shake it for the World, Smartass
244341: KRIMPAS, GEORGE ELIAS - Labour Input and the Theory of the Labour Market
419776: KRISHN, GOPAL - Delhi in Two Days
509940: KRISHNA, DAYA (ED.) - India's Intellectual Traditions: Attempts at Conceptual Reconstructions
420854: KRISHNAIAH, PARUCHURI R. (ED.) - Applications of Statistics: Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, 14-18 June 1976
421118: KRISHNAIAH, PARUCHURI R. (ED.) - Applications of Statistics
179221: KRISHNAIAH, PARUCHURI R (ED) - Applications of Statistics: Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, 14-18 June 1976
267959: KRISHNAMURTHI, ANANDAM - Readwell's English Tamil Dictionary
267960: KRISHNAMURTHI, ANANDAM - Readwell's English Tamil Dictionary
267958: KRISHNAMURTHI, ANANDAM - Readwell's English Tamil Dictionary
468278: KRISHNAMURTI, G. - Women Writers of the 1890s
473219: KRISHNAMURTI, J. - Talks By Krishnamurti in India, 1966 (Authentic Report)
473220: KRISHNAMURTI, J. - Talks By Krishnamurti in U.S.A., 1966 (Authentic Report)
468276: KRISHNAMURTI, G. - Women Writers of the 1890s
473221: KRISHNAMURTI, J. - Talks By Krishnamurti in U.S.A., 1966 (Authentic Report)
468275z: KRISHNAMURTI, G. - Women Writers of the 1890s
473218: KRISHNAMURTI, J. - Talks By Krishnamurti in India, 1966 (Authentic Report)
201420: KRISHNAN, P. (ED.) - Mathematical Models of Sociology
603861: KRISSDOTTIR, MORINE - Descents of Memory: The Life of John Cowper Powys
525150: KRIST, PAMELA - Memory and the Trevi Fountain: Flows of Political Power in Media Performance
529620: KRISTELLER, PAUL OSKAR; WIENDER, PHILIP P. (EDS.) - Renaissance Essays (Library of the History of Ideas, No.9)
235509: KRISTENSEN, THORKIL; PALUDAN, JOHAN PETER - The Earth's Fragile Systems : Perspectives on Global Change
546953: KRISTEVA, JULIA (AUTHOR); GOLDHAMMER, ARTHUR (TRANSLATOR); KERNBERG, OTTO F. (INTRODUCTION) - In the Beginning Was Love: Psychoanalysis and Faith
491670: KRISTIAN SUDA - Jiri George Erml: New York Collected Bars, 1990-1994
491669: KRISTIAN SUDA - Jiri George Erml: New York Collected Bars, 1990-1994
441831: KRISTJANSSON, SVERRI (ED.) - Mannkynssaga
470568: KRISTJONSSON, HILMAR (ED.) - Modern Fishing Gear of the World
246817: KRISZTIN, TIBOR; WALTHER, HANS-OTTO; WU, JIANHONG - Shape, Smoothness and Invariant Stratification of an Attracting Set for Delayed Monotone Positive Feedback
077727: KRITZINGER, ERNA E.; TAYLOR, KENNETH G. - Diabetic Eye Disease: An Illustrated Guide to Diagnosis and Management
157862: KRIVSKY, W, A. (ED.) - High Temperature Refectory Metals (Metallurgical Society Conferences Volume 34 Part 1)
292837: KRIZEK, M.; NEITTAANMAKI, P. - Finite Element Approximation of Variational Problems and Applications
528392: KROBB, FLORIAN; MORRISON, JEFF (EDS.) - Poetry Project: Irish Germanists Interpret German Verse (BI, Vol.25)
527584: KROEBER, ARTHUR R. - China's Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know
193464: KROENKE, DAVID M. - Database Processing
143539: KROGER, FRITZ - Dual Restructuring : A Two-Way Route to Survival and Competitive Advantage
089460: KROGER, FRITZ - Dual Restructuring
143641: KROGER, FRITZ - Dual Restructuring : A Two-Way Route to Survival and Competitive Advantage
488694: KROHN, CLAUS-DIETER; KIMBER, RITA (TRANS.); KIMBER, ROBERT (TRANS.) - Intellectuals in Exile: Refugee Scholars and the New School for Social Research
418195: KROIZ, LAUREN - Creative Composites: Modernism, Race, and the Stieglitz Circle
449873: KROK, PETER - Looking for an Eye
483757: KROKER, ARTHUR; KROKER, MARILOUISE; COOK, DAVID - Panic Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Postmodern Scene
459974: KROKER, ARTHUR; KROKER, MARILOUISE (EDS.) - Body Invaders: Sexuality and the Postmodern Condition
469427: KROKER, EDUARD J.M.; DECHAMPS, BRUNO (EDS.) - Zeitenwende: Wohin Bewegt Sich Die Welt? Wohin Wird Sie Getrieben?
460116: KROKER, ARTHUR; KROKER, MARILOUISE (EDS.) - Frenzy: Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory: Volume 12, Numbers 1-2, 1988
425286: KROLICK, SANFORD - Recollective Resolve: A Phenomenological Understanding of Time and Myth
466793: KROLOW, KARL - Unsichtbare Hande: Gedichte 1959 - 1962
489783: KRONASSER, HEINZ - Handbuch Der Semasiologie: Kurze EinfUhrung in die Geschichte, Problematik und Terminologie der Bedeutungslehre
099886: KRONBERG, MAX - Konig Walzer: Ein Johann-Strauss-Lebensroman
292368: KRONENBERGER, LOUIS - The Extraordinary Mr. Wilkes: His Life and Times
214952: KRONICK, ROBERT F. - At-Risk Youth : Theory, Practice, Reform
213216: KROOT, ANTONIUS - History of the Telugu Christians
146972: KROPP DAKUBU, M. E.;CHILDREN'S LITERATURE FOUNDATION - Lizzie Who Liked Oranges: Pepared for Children's Literature Foundation (Ghana)
544263: KROSS, JAAN (AUTHOR); DICKENS, ERIC (TRANSLATOR) - The Conspiracy and Other Stories
546671: KROVEL, ROY; ROKSVOLD, THORE (EDITORS) - We Love to Hate Each Other: Mediated Football Fan Culture
294172: KRUEGER, JIM; LILLY, MIKE; ROSS, ALEX - Black Terror: Volume 1, Issue 3
184164: KRUEGER, THOMAS, H; OSTRY, JONATHAN D.; YUEN, CHI-WA - Exercises in Intertemporal Open Economy MacRoeconomics
175003: KRUG - Form Spexial
464107: KRUGER, MICHAEL - The Beast
027124: KRUGER, ANNA - The Pocket Guide to Herbs
179019: KRUGERS, JAN;AYERS, JOEL B. - Instrumentation in Applied Nuclear Chemistry
450849: KRUKOWSKI, DAMON - Afterimage
438919: KRULL, MARIANNE - Freud und Sein Vater: Die Entstehung der Psychoanalyse und Freuds Ungeloste Vaterbindung
465111: KRUMMACHER, HANS-HENRIK; MARTINI, FRITZ; MULLER-SEIDEL, WALTER (EDS.) - Zeit Der Moderne: Zur Deutschen Literatur Von Der Jahrhundertwende Bis Zur Gegenwart
437787: KRUPNOV, E. I. (ED.) - Slaviane i Rus'
499350: KRUSE, MAXINE - Lawrence County, Indiana (Images of America)
441996: KRUSE, COLIN G. - Paul, the Law and Justification
212561: KRUSE, VINDLING - Hume's Philosophy in His Principal Work `A Treatise of Human Nature' and in His Essays : 1939 Edition
267560: KRUSE, JOSEPH A.;REUTER, ULRIKE;HOLLENDER, MARTIN - Ich Narr Des Glücks: Heinrich Heine 1797-1856 Bilder Einer Ausstellung
439833: KRUSZEWICZ, ANDRZEJ G. - Glosy Ptakow: Ogladaj i Sluchaj
439832: KRUSZEWICZ, ANDRZEJ G. - Ptaki Polski, Tom 1
488851: KRUTA, VENCESLAS (ED.) - The Celts
488557: KRUUSE, JENS; MALMBERG, CARL (TRANS.) - Madness at Oradour: 10 June 1944... & After
278263: KRYGIER, MARCIN (ED.) - Of Fair Speche, and of Fair Answere
280264: KRYLOV, IVAN ANDREEVICH - Krylov's Fables (Classics of Russian Literature) (The Hyperion Library of World Literature)
044896: KRYLOV, I. A. (MEYENDORFF, A. F.) - The Lesson to the Daughters: A Comedy in One Act
525163: KRYLOVA, KATYA (ED.) - New Perspectives on Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture
505059: KRYSTAL, PHYLLIS - Sai Baba: The Ultimate Experience
157924: KRYWALSKI, DIETHER - Handlexikon Zur Literaturwissenschaft
452036: KRYZANEK, MICHAEL J. - Latin America: Change and Challenge
479144: KRZESZOWSKI, TOMASZ P. - Early Contrastive Studies in England (15th-18th Centuries)
437211: KRZYZANOWSKI, JULIAN - Polish Romantic Literature
433534: KSIEZOPOLSKA, IRENA - The Web of Sense: Patterns of Involution in Selected Works of Virginia Woolf and Vladimir Nabokov
248464: KU, DAVID C.; DE MICHELI, GIOVANNI - High Level Synthesis of ASICs under Timing and Synchronization Constraints
188745: KU, YEUN-WEN - Welfare Capitalism in Taiwan : State, Economy, and Social Policy
544501: KUBAN, KARLA - Marchlands
056414: KUBARYCH, ROGER - Stress Testing the System: Simulating the Global Consequences of the Next Financial Crisis
290301: KUBBAH, ABDUL AMIR Q. - Libya: Its Oil Industry and Economic System
459467: KUBICA, MARY - Don't You Cry
299856: KUBIN, ALFRED - Le Travail Du Dessinateur
174766: KUBONIWA, MASAAKI - Quantitative Economics of Socialism : Input-Output Approaches
455733: KUBRICK, STANLEY; BURGESS, ANTHONY - Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange
294509: KUCIA, KAROLINA; NAUHA, TERO (EDS.) - Kukkia
439018: KUCK, J. A. (ED.) - Methods in Microanalysis, Volume I: Simultaneous Rapid Combustion
516917: KUCYNSKI, R.R. - Demographic Survey of the British Colonial Empire, Volume III: West Indian and American Territories
539421: KUCZYNSKI, ROBERT R. - The Cameroons and Togoland: A Demographic Study
494045: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - A Short History of Labour Conditions Under Industrial Capitalism in The United States of America, 1789-1946
494044: KUCZYNSKI, JURGEN - A Short History of Labour Conditions Under Industrial Capitalism in Great Britain and the Empire - Part One: Great Britain 1750-1944; Part Two: The British Empire 1800-1944
012335: KUCZYNSKI JURGEN - The Rise of the Working Class
600286: KUDIELKA, ROBERT; RILEY, BRIDGET - Paul Klee: The Nature of Creation
506632: KUDRITZKI, R.P.; YORKE, H.W.; FRISCH, H. - Radiation in Moving Gaseous Media: Eighteenth Advanced Course Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy
196317: KUEHLWEIN, KEVIN T.; ROSEN, HUGH - Cognitive Therapies in Action : Evolving Innovative Practice
269909: KUGLER, FRANZ; MENZEL, ADOLPH V. - Geschichte Friedrichs des Grossen
202116: KUHLE, DIANE - Kulopathy: Natural Healing Through Potentised Remedies
170325: KUHN, SHERMAN M (EDITOR) - Middle English Dictionary Part P.2
170322: KUHN, SHERMAN M (EDITOR) - Middle English Dictionary Part P.8
170323: KUHN, SHERMAN M (EDITOR) - Middle English Dictionary Part P.5
170319: KUHN, SHERMAN M (EDITOR) - Middle English Dictionary Part P.6
440293: KUHN, SHERMAN M. (ED.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part O.3: Ordeinen - Ournement
440294: KUHN, SHERMAN M. (ED.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part O.4: Ournen - Oversen
440292: KUHN, SHERMAN M. (ED.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part O.2: Oinoun - Ordeinen
440291: KUHN, SHERMAN M. (ED.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part O.1: O - Oinonette
170324: KUHN, SHERMAN M (EDITOR) - Middle English Dictionary Part P.1
514677: KUHN, CLIFFORD M.; JOYE, HARLON E.; WEST, E. BERNARD (EDS.) - Living Atlanta: An Oral history of the city, 1914-1948
170320: KUHN, SHERMAN M (EDITOR) - Middle English Dictionary Part P.6
170321: KUHN, SHERMAN M (EDITOR) - Middle English Dictionary Part P.7
440278: KUHN, SHERMAN M.; KURATH, HANS (EDS.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part F.3: Fleshlinesse - Forgrouen
170326: KUHN, SHERMAN M (EDITOR) - Middle English Dictionary Part P.3
440298: KUHN, SHERMAN M. (ED.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part P.4: Piacle - Pleie
440275: KUHN, SHERMAN M.; KURATH, HANS (EDS.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part E.2: Endemate - Escheu
440296: KUHN, SHERMAN M. (ED.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part P.2: Partable - Penaunce
147228: KUHN, AXEL - Volksunruhen in Wurttemberg, 1789-1801
440272: KUHN, SHERMAN M.; KURATH, HANS (EDS.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part A I: Affrai
440276: KUHN, SHERMAN M.; KURATH, HANS (EDS.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part E.3: Escheuen - Fair
440277: KUHN, SHERMAN M.; KURATH, HANS (EDS.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part F.2: Fered - Fleshlihede
440279: KUHN, SHERMAN M.; REIDY, JOHN (EDS.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part H.1: Grith - Hastie
440274: KUHN, SHERMAN M.; KURATH, HANS (EDS.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part B.3: Beste - Bisetten
170327: KUHN, SHERMAN M (EDITOR) - Middle English Dictionary Part O.1
440285: KUHN, SHERMAN M. (ED.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part M.4: Metalli - Minten
440281: KUHN, SHERMAN M.; REIDY, JOHN (EDS.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part H.3: Hennes-forth - Hidous
440280: KUHN, SHERMAN M.; REIDY, JOHN (EDS.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part H.2: Hastie - Hennes-fore-ward
440287: KUHN, SHERMAN M. (ED.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part M.6: Moleine - Muche
440297: KUHN, SHERMAN M. (ED.) - Middle English Dictionary, Part P.3: Penaunce - Piable
061280: KÜHNER, OTTO-HEINRICH - Wahn und Untergang 1939-1945
094530: KUICH, W. (ED.) - Automata, Languages and Programming: 19th International Colloquium, Wien, Austria, July 13-17, 1992 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 623)
517029: KUIKEN, KIR - Imagined Sovereignties: Toward a New Political Romanticism
435378: KUIPER, EDWARD - Water Resources Project Economics
476859: KUIPER, KOENRAAD; ALLAN, W. SCOTT (EDS.) - An Introduction to English Language: Word, Sound and Sentence
539194: KUIPERS, THEO A.F. - Nomic Truth Approximation Revisited
198014: KUIPERS, LIZ - Family Work for Schizophrenia
142217: KUIPERS, LIZ ; LEFF, JULIAN ; LAM, DOMINIC - Family Work For Schizophrenia - a Practical guide
472605: KUKAFKA, DANYA - Girl in Snow
526944: KULA, NANCY CHONGO - The Phonlogy of Verbal Derivation in Bemba
495300: KULCZYCKI, JOHN J. - The Foreign Worker and the German Labor Movement: Xenophobia and Solidarity in the Coal Fields of the Ruhr, 1871-1914
290199: KULKARNI, ABHIJEET S. - Dental and Oral Health for All
429328: KULL, STEVEN - Feeling Betrayed: The Roots of Muslim Anger at America
509202: KULLANDER, BJORN - Sveriges JARNVAGS Historia
286532: KULPE, OSWALD - Outlines of Psychology
469560: KUMAR, PRADEEP - Relative Wage Differentials in Canadian Industries
089407: KUMAR, B. AND A. RETIK, EDS. - Information Representation and Delivery in Civil and Structural Engineering Design
229285: KUMAR, VIPIN; GOPALAKRISHNAN, P. S. & KANAL, LAVEEN N. - Parallel Algorithms for Machine Intelligence and Vision
248382: KUMAR, AMITABH - Mobile TV: DVB-H, DMB, 3G Systems and Rich Media Applications
166270: KUMAR, H. L. - Control of Exclusion Clauses in England and India
477525: KUMAR, VINOD; EISDORFER, CARL (EDS.) - Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
257606: KUMAR, RADHA; PURI, ELLIOT - Peace Building: Indian and European Perspectives (Conference Report)
492120: KUMAR, SUKRITA PAUL - Breakthrough: Modern Hindi and Urdu Short Stories
537316: KUMAR, RAVINDER - Essays in the Social History of Modern India
419884: KUMAR-SINNER, SUSANNE (ED.) - Based in Berlin
445667: KUMAR, VINOD - Poverty and Inequality in the UK: The Effects on Children
490610: KUMAR, MANJIT (ED.) - Prometheus: Firing the Mind 02 Spring 1999
519647: KUMAR, KRISHNA - Superheavy Elements
472691: KUMAR, RAVINDER - Western India in the Nineteenth Century: A Study in the Social History of Maharashtra
264348b: KUMAR, BAKUL - MCQs in Anaesthesia: Basic Sciences
261233: KUMAR, VINITA - Economic Growth and Rural Poverty The Indian Experience 1960 - 1995
237532: KUMAR, NAGESH; CHATURVEDI, SACHIN (EDITORS) - Environmental Requirements and Market Access: Reflections from South Asia
450278: KUMARASINGHAM, HARSHAN - Onward with Executive Power: Lessons from New Zealand 1947-57
263801: KUMIN, MAXINE - A Daughter and Her Loves
423909: KUNDE, HARALD; ETC. - Gundula Schulze El Dowy: Egyptian Diaries
412452: KUNDERA, MILAN - Les Testaments Trahis: Essai
466459: KUNDERA, MILAN - Slowness
511341: KUNDERA, MILAN - Ignorance
168020: KUNDERA, MILAN - Identity
603479: KUNDERA, MILAN; KUSSI, PETER (TRANS.) - Life is Elsewhere
419664: KUNDEREWUCZ, CEZARY (ED.) - Sextus Iulius Frontinus: De Aquaeductu Urbis Romae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana)
035585: KUNE, GABRIEL A. - Causes and Control of Colorectal Cancer: A Model for Cancer Prevention
461738: KUNG, HANS - Reforming the Church Today: Keeping Hope Alive
524300: KUNG, HANS; BOWDEN JOHN (TRANS.) - Disputed Truth: Memoirs II
279028: KUNG-KIU, LAU (ED.) - Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 10th International Workshop, LOPSTR 2000 London, UK, July 24-28, 2000 Selected Papers
524298: KUNG, HANS; BOWDEN, JOHN (TRANS.) - My Struggle for Freedom: Memoirs
529463: KUNG, HANS - Does God Exist? An Answer for Today
533118: KUNG, HANS; BOWDEN JOHN (TRANS.) - The Catholic Church: A Short History
197769: KUNG, SUN-YUAN ET AL (EDS.) - VLSI Signal Processing, II
162767: KUNGFUTSE - Gesprache (lun Yu)
452961: KUNIN, A. V. - English-Russian Dictionary of Idioms
414737: KUNSTHAUS ESSEN (ED.) - Phillip Zaiser
061235: KUNSTMAN, HEINRICH - Moderne Polnische Dramatik
417925: KUNSTMANN, HEINRICH - Denkmaler Der Alttschechischen Literatur
060282: KUNZ, C - Synchrotron Radiation: Techniques and Applications; Topics in Current Physics
491718: KUNZL, HANNELORE - JUdische Grabkunst Von Der Antike Bis Heaute
518630: KUNZLE, MARGARET (ED.); ANDERSON, PETE (TRANSL.); PARTRIDGE, HILARY (TRANSL.) - Dear Comrades: Readers' Letters to Lotta Coninua
473498: KUNZMAN, ROBERT - Write These Laws on Your Children: Inside the World of Conservative Christian Homeschooling
213348: KUNZMANN, KLAUS R. (ED.); SCHMID, WILLY A. (ED.); KOLL-SCHRETZENMAYR, MARTINA (ED.) - China and Europe: The Implications of the Rise of China for European Space
541288: KUNZRU, HARI - Red Pill
248441: KUO, JAMES B.; SU, KER-WEI - CMOS VLSI Engineering : Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI)
532060: KUO, HSIU-LING - Monumentality and Modernity in Hitler's Berlin: The North-South Axis of the Greater Berlin Plan
248171: KUO, JAMES B.; SU, KER-WEI - CMOS VLSI Engineering : Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI)
220628: KUO, EDDIE C.Y. (ED.); HO, K.C. (ED.);ASIAN MASS COMMUNICATION RESEARCH AND INFORMATION CENTRE - Videotex Development in the Asia-Pacific: Policy, Marketing, and Implications
Am2288: KUOKKANEN, RAUNA - Restructuring Relations.
411561: KUP, KARL - The Christmas Story in Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts from the Spencer Collection (Spencer Publication Fund; Publication Number 1)
463159: KUPER, ADAM (ED.) - The Social Anthropology of Radcliffe-Brown
461937: KUPER, ADAM - The Chosen Primate: Human Nature and Cultural Diversity
485227: KUPER, LEO - Race, Class and Power
491936: KUPER, YURI - Moscow Still Life
481594: KUPFERBERG, HERBERT - Basically Bach
422426: KUPIECKI, EDMUND - Warszawa: Krajobraz i Architekrura
069730: KÜPPER, HEINZ - Woerterbuch Der Deutschen Alltagssprache - Band 1 - A - Pep
069729: KÜPPER, HEINZ - Woerterbuch Der Deutschen Alltagssprache - Band 2 - Per - Z
106716: KUPPER, ANKE - Berliner Museen.: Die wichtigsten Museen der Stadt. / Museums of Berlin
305132: KUR, PINAR (ED.) - Short Fiction in English
509056: KURASHIGE, SCOTT - The Shifting Grounds of Race: Black and Japanese Americans in the Making of Multiethnic Los Angeles
534893: KURATH, GERTRUDE PROKOSCH - Dance and Song Rituals of Six Nations Reserve, Ontario
527777: KURDI, MARIA (ED.) - Literary and Cultural Relations: Ireland, Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe
543897: KUREISHI, HANIF - The Black Album
217507: KUREISHI, HANIF - Something to Tell You
545897: KUREISHI, HANIF - The Black Album
407026: KUREISHI, HANIF - Something to Tell You
433935: KUREISHI, HANIF - The Black Album
534656: KUREISHI, HANIF - The Black Album
537305: KUREISHI, HANIF - The Buddha of Suburbia
606398: KUREISHI, HANIF - The Black Album
535681: KURELEK, WILLIAM; MURRAY, JOAN - Kurelek's Vision of Canada
479204: KURIANSKY, JUDY - Tantric Sex
445525: KURIHARA, KENNETH K. - Introduction to Keynesian Dynamics
517356: KURIHARA, KENNETH K. - Macroeconomics and Programming
521979: KURLANTZICK, LEWIS (ED.) - Legal Issues in Professional Basketball
461271: KURPIK, MARIA; PARSZEWSKA, DOROTA; SZYDLOWSKA, AGATA (EDS.) - Warszawski Plakat/Warsaw's Poster
487219: KURT W. FORSTER - Hodgetts and Fung: Scenarios and Spaces
Am898: KURT STENROSS - Madurese Seafarers: Prahus, Timber and Illegality on the Margins of the Indonesian State (ASAA Southeast Asia Publications)
535387: KURTZ, LESTER R. (EDITOR) - The Warrior and the Pacifist: Competing Motifs in Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
435190: KURTZ, IRMA - About Time: Growing Old Disgracefully
540720: KURTZMAN, HARVEY - Harvey Kurtzman's Strange Adventures
089398: KURULKAR, R P - Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and Landless Agricultural Labour
518796: KURZMAN, DAN - Day of the Bomb: Hiroshima 1945
529730: KUSCHEL, KARL-JOSEF - Born Before All Time? The Dispute Over Christ's Origin
508573: KUSHNAREV, SERGEY; QIU, ANQI; YOUNES, LAURENT (EDS.) - Mathematics of Shapes and Applications
546661: KUSHNER, TONY; VALMAN, NADIA (EDITORS) - Jewish Culture and History, Volume 1 Number 2, Winter 1998: Special Issue on Remembering Cable Street: Fascism and Anti-Fascism in British Society
254278: KUSHNER, HARVEY W. (ED.) - Essential Readings on Political Terrorism: Analyses of Problems and Prospects for the 21st Century
287886: KUSHNER, THOMASINE (ED.) - Surviving Health Care: A Manual for Patients and Their Families
240722: KUSHNIR, SLAVA M. - Mauriac Journaliste (Bibliotheque des lettres modernes 29)
045005: KUSIKOV, ALEKSANDR - Koevangelieran
524909: KUSMIN, MICHAIL; ELIASBERG, ALEXANDER (TRANS.) - Die Reisen Des Sir John Fairfax Durch Die TURKEI Und Andere Bemerkenswerte LANDER
459440: KUSPIT, DONALD - The Dialectic of Decadence
265046: KUSTER, BERND - Max Liebermann: Ein Maler-Leben
512448: KUSTOW, MICHAEL - One in Four: A Year in the Life of a Channel Four Commissioning Editor
433300: KUSTOW, MICHAEL (ED.) - The Magazine of the Institute of Contemporary Arts: May - June 1968
433988: KUSTOW, MICHAEL - Citizens: A Treatment for a Television Weekend on Democracy for Channel 4
487769: KUSTOW, MICHAEL; MAROWITZ, CHARLES; MILNE, TOM (EDS.) - Encore, the Voice of Vital Theatre: Number Fifty-Six, Vol. 12, No. 4, July - August 1965
546151: KUSTOW, MICHAEL (INTRODUCTION) - Gambit International Theatre Review, Volume 5, Number 20, Special Issue Programme Text, 1789: The French Revolution, Year One, The Round House
603106: KUSTOW, MICHAEL - Theatre@risk
169467: KUSUM BHAMBRI - Untouchable & Other Poems.
476704: KUTCHER, STAN (ED.) - Practical Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology (Cambridge Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
600497: KUTNICK, PETER; ROGERS, COLIN (EDS.) - Groups in Schools
533054: KUTNIKA, JERZEGO - Cage 100: MATERIALY z sympozjum z okazji stulecia urodzin Johna Cage'a
469821: KUTSAR, DAGMAR (ED.) - Living Conditions in Estonia Five Years Later: Norbalt II
537663: KUTTNER, HENRY - Mutant
407398: KUWASHIMA, TSUNAKI - Syuan - The Color of Blood
469865: KUZNETS, SIMON - Economic Development, the Family, and Income Distribution: Selected Essays
095663: KUZNETSOV, P. V.; RUDIN, L. G. - Monastyri Russkoi Pravoslavnoi tserkvi: Spravochnik-Putevoditel'; Vypusk 1
481793: KUZNETSOV, EDWARD - Prison Diaries
438500: KUZNETSOV, EDUARD - Mordovskii Marafon
522849: KUZNETSOVA, O.; BONE, EDITH (TRANS.) - The Enemy under the Microscope: A Story of the Life of Pasteur
444954: KVALHEIM, ASLAK (ED.) - Geochemical Prospecting in Fennoscandia
198382: KVANVIG, J. L. - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion. Volume 1
434977: KWEI-LI - Kwei-Li: Golden Lilies
488013: KWOK, NICOLETTE; ZHONGMIN, XU; PEIFEN, SUNG - The Royal Academicians in China
456871: KWOK, NICOLETTE N. - Futuroe: Chinese Contemporary Art
546557: KWOK, JEAN - The Leftover Woman
458459: KWOK, NICOLETTE; COATES, DEBORAH (EDS.) - Dream 2001: Contempory Chinese Art Exhibition
508487: KWON, AHRAM - A State
146654: KYAMBALESA, HENRY - The Keys to Success in Management
474149: KYBER, MANFRED - Unter Tieren
524603: KYDD, SAMUEL H.G. - The History of the Factory Movement (Reprints of Economic Classics)
545844: KYGER, JOANNE - Places to Go
478194: KYKKOTIS, I. - Modern Greek (Self Taught) with a Vocabulary of About 1,300 Words
478193: KYKKOTIS, I. - Modern Greek (Self Taught) with a Vocabulary of About 1,300 Words
063376: KYLE, LYNN - Essential Flash 4 for Web Professionals
509924: KYLE, MOLLY M. (ED.) - Resistance to Viral Diseases of Vegetables: Genetics & Breeding
110741: KYLE, ELISABETH - Bridge of the Blind Man
459915: KYMLICKA, WILL - Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and Citizenship
113132: KYMLICKA, WILL; OPALSKI, MAGDA (EDS.) - Can Liberal Pluralism Be Exported? : Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe
517417: KYNASTON, DAVID - LIFFE: A Market and Its Makers
519956: KYNASTON, DAVID - Cazenove and Co. A History
278853: KYNG, MORTEN; MATHIASSEN, LARS (EDS.) - Computers and Design in Context
515798: KYPREOS, CHRISTOPHER - Saturday Night Girl
546564: KYRIACOU, ELENI - The Unspeakable Acts of Zina Pavlou
212586: KYTHE, PREM K.; PURI, PRATAP; SCHAFERKOTTER, MICHAEL R. - Partial Differential Equations and Mathematica
464930: KYUNG, LEE - Hai Yun Jung: Time Track (2012.12.7.Fri-12.30.Sun)
492171: L. CHAUMONT; M. YOR - Exercises in Probability: A Guided Tour from Measure Theory to Random Processes, via Conditioning (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics)
534236: L'ESTRANGE, A. G. - Yachting Round the West of England
535019: L.N. FOWLER & CO - Fowler's Ephemeris: 1955 to 1959 Inclusive
535127: L.N. FOWLER & CO. LTD - Fowler's Ephemeris: 1960-1964 Inclusive
536602: L'E TURNER, GERARD - God Bless The Microscope! A History of the Royal Microscopical Society Over 150 Years
101750: L.A. VAN ES - A Study of Experimental Glomerulonephritis in Rats
157285: L'UNIVERSITIE DE BORDEAUX III - Le Livre et La Presse
542449: L.S. - Sacred Journeys: Tripguide for Psychonauts
046230: L. GELLER (ED.) - Novoe o Zamyatine: Sbornik Materialov
483792: L'ANSELME, JEAN - The Ring Around the World: Selected Poems of Jean l'Anselme (Poetry Europe Series)
090351: L'ESTRANGE, A.G - From the Thames to the Tamar: A Summer on the South Coast
Am1765: L. GRENADE - The Singularities of London, 1578
241338: LA FONTAINE - Fables
513588: LA FARGE, TOM - Understanding Social Theory
432733: LA FONTAINE, JEAN DE - The Fables; Set of Three Volumes
482439: LA ROCHEFOUCAULD; ROUSTAN, MARIUS - Maximes De La Rochefoucauld
235583: LA CALPRENEDE - La Mort des Enfans D'Herodes Ou Suite De Mariane (LXIX Textes litteraires)
523115: LA FOTAINE, JEAN DE - Fables Choisies De La Fontaine, PRECEDEES De Sa Vie
486572: LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, FRANCOIS - Maximes et REflexions Morales Du Duc De La Rochefoucauld
426019: LA SOCIETE D'HISTOIRE DU THEATRE - L'Influence de la Musique et de la Danse sur la Mise en Scene Theatrale et l'Art du Comedien: Du XVIII Siecle a nos Jours
418221: LA CONSEJERIA DE CULTURA DE LA JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA - Andalucia en la Stampa: Grabados y Litografias S. XVI-XIX
155090: LA PERVIN - Personality Theory Assessment and Research 3RD e Dition
238315: LA REVISTA COMISION INTERNACIONAL DE JURISTAS (JOURNAL); DOSWALD-BECK, LOUISE (ED.) - La Revista Comision Internacional De Juristas, Julio 2001, No. 62-63: Impunidad, Crimen De Lesa Humanidad y Desaparicion Forzada
475351: LA FRENAIS, ROB (ED.) - Performance: The Review of Live Art, No. 25, Aug/Sept 1983
075727: LA REALIDAD NATIONAL - Cuadernos De la Realidad Nacional 16
183206: LA FOLLETTE, ROBERT M. - La Follette's Autobiography: A Personal narrative of Political Experiences
075728: LA REALIDAD NATIONAL - Cuadernos De La Realidad Nacional 10: Problemas y Perspectivas Del Socialismo En Chile
446118: LA ROSA, DR. M. - Der Ather: Geschichte Einer Hypothese
545567: LA PAGE, JOHN - Centuries of Achievement in Wool: Reprinted from Wool Knowledge, The Journal of Wool Education
300830: LA FONTAINE; MOLAND, LOUIS (ED.) - Fables; 2 Volumes Set
546234: LAANE, J.; TAKAHASHI, H.; BANDRAUK, A. (EDS.) - Structure and Dynamics of Electronic Excited States
600502: LAAR, BILL - Primary Heads: Exceptional Leadership in the Primary School
146974: LABASTIDE, NEVILLE - Cousin Adriana Coming (Caribbean Plays One-Act Play 43)
146977: LABASTIDE, NEVILLE - One for the Road (Caribbean Plays short-Length Play 31)
252508: LABAUNE, JEAN-PIERRE - Handbook of Pharmacokinetics: Toxicity Assessment of Chemicals
528514: LABEAU, EMMANUELLE; MYLES, FLORENCE (EDS.) - The Advanced Learner Variety: The Case of French (Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics, Volume 12)
527909: LABEAU, EMMANUELLE - Beyond the Aspect Hypothesis: Tense-Aspect Development in Advanced L2 French (Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics, Volume 5)
492231: LABEDZ, LEOPOLD (ED.) - Revisionism: Essays on the History of Marxist Ideas (Library of International Studies)
473169: LABICA, GEORGES; BENSUSSAN, GERARD - Kritisches Worterbuch des Marxismus: Band 2: Casarismus bis Funktionar
473170: LABICA, GEORGES; BENSUSSAN, GERARD - Kritisches Worterbuch Des Marxismus: Band 3: Gattung bis Judenfrage
434594: LABONTE, RICHARD; SCHIMEL, LAWRENCE (EDS.) - Second Person Queer: Who You Are (So Far)
529540: LABOV, WILLIAM - What is a Linguistic Fact? (PdR Press Publications in Linguistic Theory 1)
526626: LABOV, WILLIAM - The Social Stratification of English in New York City
084805: LABRIE, FERNAND; PROULX, LOUISE (EDS.) - Endocrinology: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Endocrinology, Quebec City, 1-7 July 1984 (International Congress Series; No. 655)
529175: LABROSSE, JEAN J. - MicroC/OS-II: The Real-Time Kernel
075758: LABROUSSE, ALAN - L'expérience chilienne. reformisme ou revolution?
524197: LABRUCHERIE, ROGER A. (TEXT AND PHOTOS) - Images of Puerto Rico
454713: LABRUM, E.A. (ED.) - Civil Engineering Heritage: Eastern and Central England
531083: LABRUSSE, REMI; DE CHASSEY, ERIC - Henri Matisse, Ellworth Kelly: Dessins De Plantes
100894: LABUDA, MICHAEL (EDITOR) - Creative Reading for Gifted Learners: a Design for Excellence
255092: LABUSCHANGNE, C. J.; VAN LEEUWEN, C.; MULDER, M. J.; BRONGERS, H. A.; JONGELING, B.; DEQUEKER, L.; DE BOER, P. A. H. - Oudtestamentische Studien: Deel XVIII, Syntax and Meaning, Studies in Hebrew Syntax and Biblical Exegis
467355: LACEY, ROBERT (ED.) - The Court Historian: Volume 8, 1: July 2003
527183: LACEY, KAREN - A Class Apart The Military Man in French and British Fiction, 1740-1789
293547: LACEY, RON - The Complete Guide to Psychiatric Drugs: A Layman's Handbook
449146: LACEY, KAREN - A Class Apart: The Military Man in French and British Fiction, 1740-1789
442637: LACEY, NICOLA; WELLS, CELIA; MEURE, DIRK - Reconstructing Criminal Law: Text and Materials
540087: LACEY, SARAH - File Under: Deceased
160875: LACEY, JOHN - John Lacey's book of Woodcarving
529526: LACEY, A. R. (TRANS.) - Philoponus: On Aristotle's Physics 2
452463: LACHENMEYER, JULIANA RASIC; GIBBS, MARGARET S. - Psychopathology in Childhood
201887: LACHENMEYER, CHARLES W. - The Essence of Social Research: A Copernican Revolution
448110: LACHEVRE, FREDERIC - Des Oeuvres de Theophile de Viau
279290: LACHEVRE, FREDERIC - Les Oeuvres Libertines de Cyrano de Bergerac: Volumes I and II
545043: LACHMANN, LUDWIG (AUTHOR); LAVOIE, DON (EDITOR) - Expectations and the Meaning of Institutions: Essays in Economics By Ludwig Lachmann
494683: LACK, RICHARD W. (ED.) - Essentials of Safety and Health Management
094753: LACK, SYLVIA A.; TWYCROSS, ROGERT G. - Therapeutics in Terminal Cancer
424818: LACKBERG, CAMILLA - The Preacher
524181: LACKNER, HELEN - P.D.R. Yemen: Outpost of Socialist Development in Arabia
443845: LACOMBLED, DAVID - Digital Citizen: Manifeste pour une Citoyennete Numerique
198181: LACOUME, J. L.; STORA, R. - Traitment Du Signal - Signal Processing Volume 2
170110: LACOUTURE, JEAN - De Gaulle : 2 : La Politique
603390: LACOUTURE, JEAN; LEGGATT, JEREMY (TRANS.) - Jesuits: A Multibiography
537730: LACROIX, JUSTINE, (ED.); NICOLAIDIS, KALYPSO, (ED.) - European Studies: Intellectual Debates of Europe in National Contexts
444482: LACROIX, CLAUDE - Le Cycle De Cyann: La Source et la Sonde
517409: LADD, HELEN F. (ED.) - Holding Schools Accountable: Performance-Based Reform in Education
526939: LADD, D. ROBERT - Simultaneous Structure in Phonology
156625: LADDIE, HUGH; PRESCOTT, PETER; VITORIA, MARY - The Modern Law of Copyright and Designs; Volume 2
472820: LADEFOGED, PETER - Preliminaries in Linguistic Phonetics
510662: LADEFOGED, PETER - Elements of Acoustic Phonetics
109307: LADER, MALCOLM (ED) - Priorities in Psychiatric Research
515021: LADJEVARDI, ALI - Iran: A Way Forward
046248: LADOGIN, V. (REIN, E.) - Bul'varnyi Roman; Ispoved' Alkogolika: Stikhotvoreniya
512316: LADURIE, EMMANUEL LE ROY; FEENEY, MARY (TRANS.) - Carnival: A People's Uprising at Romans 1579-1580
531980: LADY JACKSON, CATHERINE CHARLOTTE - Lady Jackson's Works (14 Volume Complete Set)
522814: LADY AMHERST OF HACKNEY - A Sketch of Egyptian History From the Earliest Times to the Present Day
524254: LAFAR, FRANZ; HANSEN, EMIL CHR.; (INTRO.); SALTER, CHARLES T.C. (TRANS.) - Technical Mycology: The Utilization of Micro-Organisms in the Arts and Manufactures, Volume I
217153: LAFFERRIERE, ERIC; STOETT, PETER J. - International Relations Theory and Ecological Thought : Towards a Synthesis
539590: LAFFERTY, R.A. - Nine Hundred Grandmothers
539762: LAFFERTY, R.A. - Arrive At Easterwine: The Autobiography of a Ktistec Machine
464462: LAFFEY, BRUCE - Beatrice Lillie: The Funniest Woman in the World
545344: LAFFIN, JOHN - The Arab Mind: From Arab Sources
241717: LAFFIN, JOHN - The World in Conflict War Annual 7
479459: LAFFIN, JOHN - British VCs of World War 2: A Study in Heroism
502216: LAFFIN, JOHN - The Agony of Gallipoli
220139: LAFFITTE, PIERRE - The Positive Science of Morals: Its Opportuneness, Its outlines, and Its Chief Applications
209187: (ED.) LAFFONT, JEAN-JAQUES - Advances in Economic Theory Sixth World Congress Vol. 1 (Econometric Society Monographs; no. 20)
450599: LAFITTE, FRANCOIS - Britain's Way to Social Security
169144: LAFORGUE, FULES - Moralites Legendaires
515977: LAFOUNTAINE, MARIE-JO - LaFountaine, Marie-Jo
445384: LAFRAIE, NAJIBULLAH - Revolutionary Ideology and Islamic Militancy: The Iranian Revolution and Interpretations of the Quran (International Library of Iranian Studies 13)
515870: LAFRANCE, MARIANNE - Lip Service: Smiles in Life, Death, Trust, Lies, Work, Memory, Sex and Politics
409220: LAFRENIERE, PETER J.; MACDONALD, KEVIN B. (EDS.) - International Journal of Behavioral Development: Evolutionary Perspectives, Volume 19, Number 1, March 1996
453025: LAGEDER, ALOIS; ET AL - Peripheral Vision & Collective Body
524032: LAGERLOF, SELMA; HEDIN, FLORENCE (TRANS.); HEDIN, NABOTH (TRANS.) - Harvest: Tales and Magic Legends of the VARMLAND and Four Famous Addresses
521610: LAGERLOF, SELMA - The Further Adventures of Nils
274640: LAGERLOF, SELMA - From a Swedish Homestead
274289: LAGERLOF, SELMA - From a Swedish Homestead
297956: LAGLER, KARL E. (ED.) - Man-Made Lakes: Planning and Development
059462: LAGNADO. J. R.; LOVENBERG, W.; SHARMAN, D. F.; YOUDIM, M. B. H. (EDS.) - Essays in Neurochemistry and Neuropharmacology, Volume 1
293152: LAGNEFORS, JIMMY; CARLSTEN, LOUISE (EDS.) - Svensk Film Guide/Swedish Film Guide: 1996/1997
245980: LAGO, DARREN - 7 x 5 = Sculptures
446197: LAGO, DARREN - Darren Lago & Co.
064319: LAGOS, RAMIRO - Mester De Rebelderia De La Poesia Hispanoamericana
077109: LAGOS, JORGE MAUREIRA - Ideologica Sindical Cristiana Para America Latina
534773: LAGREE, JAQUELINE; PORTIER, PHILIPPE - La MODERNITE Contre la Religion? Pour Une Nouvelle Approche De La LAICITE
462687: LAGREZE, G.B. DE - Pompei Les Catacombes L'alhambra (Troisieme Edition)
216963: LAGUERRE, MICHEL S. - Urban Poverty in the Caribbean : French Martinique As a Social Laboratory
536900: LAGUNA, ASELA RODRIGUEZ DE (ED.) - Global Impact of the Portuguese Language
526713: LAHAI, JOHN IDRISS - Gender in Practice: Culture, Politics and Society in Sierre Leone (Africa in Devlopment, Volume 14)
544372: LAHAV, OFER; CALDER, LUCY; MAYERS, JULIAN; FRIEMAN, JOSH (EDS.) - The Dark Energy Survey: The Story of a Cosmological Experiment
541453: LAHAV, OFER; CALDER, LUCY; MAYERS, JULIAN; FRIEMAN, JOSH (EDS.) - The Dark Energy Survey: The Story of a Cosmological Experiment
525490: LAHIANI, RAJA - Eastern Luminaries Disclosed to Western Eyes: A Critical Evaluation of the Translations of the MU'ALLAQAT Into English and French (1782-2000)
011125: LAHIFF, MAUREEN E. - Hard-To-Help Families
407681: LAHIRI, SUKHAMAY; FORSTER, ROBERT E., II; DAVIES, RICHARD O.; PACK, ALLAN I. - Chemoreceptors and Reflexes in Breathing: Cellular and Molecular Aspects - The Julius H. Comroe Memorial Volume
421561: LAHME, MATTHIAS - Matthias Lahme: Coming Soon
428757: LAHNSTEIN, MANFRED; MATTHOFER, HANS (EDS.) - Leidenschaft zur praktischen Vernunft: Helmut Schmidt zum Siebzigsten
257025: LAHON, H; RONDEL, R. K.; KRATOCHVIL, C. (EDS.) - Pharmaceutical Medicine - The Future: Based on the 3rd International Meeting of Pharmaceutical Physicians
514145: LAHR, JOHN - Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh
444808: LAHR, JOHN - Honky Tonk Parade: New Yorker Profiles of Show People
526204: LAHR, JOHN - Honky Tonk Parade: New Yorker Profiles of Show People
020373: LAHR, JOHN - Hot to Trot
488085: LAHR, JOHN - Light Fantastic: Adventures in Theatre
012673: LAHR, JOHN - Prick Up Your Ears
604428: LAHR, JOHN - Light Fantastic: Adventures in Theatre
277578: LAI, PHAM THE (ED.) - Equations Aux Derivee Partielles: Proceedings, Saint-Jean-de-Monts (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 660)
545084: LAIDLER, DAVID - Money and Macroeconomics: The Selected Essays of David Laidler
545082: LAIDLER, DAVID - The Golden Age of the Quantity Theory
474837: LAIN, DAVID - Reconstructing Retirement: Work and Welfare in the UK and USA
509240: LAINE, CLEO - You Can Sing if You Want To
514231: LAING, R. D.; RASCHID, SALMAN (ED.) - Contemporary Perspectives
503031: LAING, LLOYD; LAING, JENNIFER - Medieval Britain: The Age of Chivalry
475263: LAING, D. - Hints for Dwellings: Consisting of Original Designs for Cottages, Farm-Houses, Villas, &c. Plain and Ornamental; with Plans to Each: In Which Strict Attention is Paid to Unite Convenience and Elegance with Economy. Including Some Designs for Town Houses.
536888: LAING, MORNA, (ED.); WILLSON, JACKI (ED.) - Revisiting the Gaze: The Fashioned Body and the Politics of Looking
540680: LAING, B. KOJO - Search Sweet Country
511555: LAING, SIDNEY HERBERT - Darwinism Refuted: An Essay on Mr. Darwin's Theory of "The Descent of Man."
477971: LAING, S. - Problems of the Future and Essays
217279: LAING, N.F. - Technological Uncertainty and the pure theory of Allocation: A Supplement
525298: LAING, KATHRYN; MOONEY, SINEAD; O'CONNOR, MAUREEN (EDS.) - Edna O'Brien: New Critical Perspectives
153396: LAING, SARAH - CCH Tax Handbook 2005-2006
015743: LAING AND BUISSON - Clinical Performance
475262: LAING, D. - Hints for Dwellings: Consisting of Original Designs for Cottages, Farm-Houses, Villas, &c. Plain and Ornamental; with Plans to Each: In Which Strict Attention is Paid to Unite Convenience and Elegance with Economy. Including Some Designs for Town Houses.
104102: LAING, SARAH - CCH Tax Handbook, 2005-06
272651: LAINIO, JARMO - Spoken Finnish in Urban Sweden (Uppsala Multiethnic Papers; 15)
539578: LAIRD, ELIZABETH - Hiding Out
539144: LAIRD, THOMAS - Cutter
482248: LAIRD, JOHN - Philosophical Incursions Into English Literature
539936: LAIRD, ELIZABETH - Kiss The Dust
305636: LAIRD, ELIZABETH - Eddy and the Movie Star
519373: LAIRD, W.W. (COMPILER) - Du Pont De Nemours, 3 Volumes, 1800-1936
089294: LAISHLEY, JENNIE - Working with Young Children: Encouraging Their Development and Dealing with Problems
089310: LAISHLEY, JENNIE - Working with Young Children: Encouraging Their Development and Dealing with Problems
444953: LAJOINIE, JEAN-PIERRE; LAVILLE, PIERRE - Les Formations Bauxitiques De La Provence et Du Languedoc: Dimensions et Distribution Des Gisements
112967: LAK, YEO CHOO - Sunny Island
112875: LAK, YEO CHOO - Sunny Island
451181: LAKATOS, EVA - A Magyar Sajtotortenet Valogatott Bibliografiaja 1705-1944: 2. Kotet K-M
011117: LAKE, TONY - Test Your Sexuality
065963: LAKE, CATHY - Activities Management
507590: LAKE, R. D.; YOUNG, B.; WOOD, C. J.; MORTIMORE, R. N. - Geology of the Country Around Lewes: Memoir for 1:50000 geological sheet 319 (England & Wales)
542647: LAKE, DERYN - Death in the Dark Walk: A John Rawlings Mystery
270937: LAKE, NICK - In Darkness
174082: LAKE, JOHN V.; BOCK, GREGORY R.; CARDEW, GAIL (EDS.) - Health Impacts of Large Releases of Radionuclides (Ciba Foundation Symposium; 203)
250613: LAKE, CAROL - Wendy and Her Year of Wonders
270938: LAKE, NICK - In Darkness
504031: LAKE, DEBORAH - Smoke and Mirrors: Q-Ships Against the U-Boats in the First World War
271640: LAKE, NICK - Blood Ninja II: The Revenge of Lord Oda
547316: LAKE PRESCOTT, ANNE - Imagining Rabelais in Renaissance England
252454: LAKE, MICHAEL (ED.) - The EU and Turkey: A Glittering Prize or a Millstone?
468266: LAKEMAN, TOM - 'Of Hills'
198493: LAKEMEYER, GERHARD - Foundations of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
036290: LAKER, MICHAEL; NEIL, ANDREW & WOOD, CLIVE (EDITED BY) - Cholesterol Lowering Trials: Advice for the British Physician
420837: LAKER, MICHAEL F.; NEIL, ANDREW; WOOD, CLIVE (EDS.) - Cholesterol Lowering Trials: Advice for the British Physician (RCP Publications)
262397: LAKHANI, SUNIL R.; DILLY, SUSAN A.; FINLAYSON, CAROLINE J. - Basic Pathology: An Introduction to the Mechanisms of Disease
421335: LAKHANI, ANISHA - Schooled
102647: LAKOS, AMOS - International Terrorism: A Bibliography
468095: LAL, SAMUEL B. - Cactus Love
536302: LAL, RATTAN - Sustainable Management of Soil Resources in the Humid Tropics
089452: LAL, DEEPAK - The Hindu Equilibrium, Vol. II : Aspects of Indian Labour
419154: LAL, P. - Lessons
296584: LAL, DEEPAK - Appraising Foreign Investment in Developing Countries
477197: LAL, MUNI - Babar: Life and Times
607130: LAL DES, BHAGIRATH - The World Trade Organisation: A Guide to the Framework for International Trade
217340: LALAND, S. G. AND FROHOLM, L. O. (EDS.) - The Biochemistry of Virus Replication: Federation of Biochemical Societies Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting in Oslo, 3-7 July 1967
426714: LALANNE, JEAN-LOUIS - Cahiers Saint-John Perse: 3
052998: LALEMENT, RENE - Computation as Logic
263404: LALIC, SUSAN (INTERNATIONAL WOMAN GRANDMASTER) - Trends in the French Tarrasch: Volume 2
480963: LALL, ANAND - The House at Adampur: A Story of Modern India
547250: LALLY, MICHAEL - The South Orange Sonnets
505998: LALLY, MARGARET - Juliana's Room
271364: LALOR, BRIAN - Dublin: Ninety Drawings
524997: LAM, LAI SING - The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Mao's Global Order of Tripolarity
464188: LAMANDE, ANDRE - La Vie Gaillarde et Sage de Montaigne
545837: LAMANTIA, PHILIP - Selected Poems, 1943-1966
525512: LAMARRA, ANNAMARIA; FEDERICI, ELEONORA (EDS.) - Nations, Traditions and Cross-Cultural Identities: Women's Writing in English in a European Context
428677: LAMB, JOHN B. (ED.) - Victorian Poetry: Volume 48, Number 3, Fall 2010
438969: LAMB, CHARLES - Seven Letters from Charles Lamb to Charles Rye of the East India House, 1828 - 1832
428574: LAMB, JOHN B. (ED.) - Victorian Poetry: Volume 44, Number 2, Summer 2006
428675: LAMB, JOHN B. (ED.) - Victorian Poetry: Volume 48, Number 1, Spring 2010
531928: LAMB, CHARLES; TALFOURD, THOMAS NOON - The Letters of Charles Lamb, with a Sketch of His Life: Volumes I-II
462783: LAMB, RICHARD - Montgomery in Europe: 1943-1945: Success or Failure?
202022: LAMB, HORACE - Dynamics
428676: LAMB, JOHN B. (ED.) - Victorian Poetry: Volume 48, Number 2, Summer 2010
172452: LAMB, MICHAEL E. (ED) - Nontraditional Families : Parenting and Child Development
544907: LAMB, SYDNEY M.; MITCHELL, E. DOUGLAS (EDITORS) - Sprung from Some Common Source: Investigations Into the Prehistory of Languages
523034: LAMB, CHARLES - The Prose Works of Charles Lamb. 3-Volumes.
428576: LAMB, JOHN B. (ED.) - Victorian Poetry: Volume 44, Number 4, Winter 2006
428575: LAMB, JOHN B. (ED.) - Victorian Poetry: Volume 44, Number 3, Fall 2006
510984: LAMB, RICHARD - Chruchill as a War Leader: Right or Wrong?
428679: LAMB, JOHN B. (ED.) - Victorian Poetry: Volume 49, Number 1, Spring 2011
428681: LAMB, JOHN B. (ED.) - Victorian Poetry: Volume 49, Number 3, Fall 2011
482709: LAMB, GEOFF - Peasant Politics
206411: LAMB, H. H. - Climate: Present, Past and Future
428682: LAMB, JOHN B. (ED.) - Victorian Poetry: Volume 49, Number 4, Winter 2011
438383: LAMB, CHARLES - The Letters of Charles Lamb Volume Two (Everyman's Library)
524035: LAMB, CHARLES - The Essays of Elia (First Series)
440509: LAMB, MARK - Farperoo: Volume One (Book One of the Dark Inventions)
428678: LAMB, JOHN B. (ED.) - Victorian Poetry: Volume 48, Number 4, Winter 2010
427925: LAMB, DAVID (ED.) - Hegel: Volume I (The International Library of Critical Essays in the History of Philosophy)
073659: LAMB, CHARLES - The Essays of Elia and the Last Essays of Elia
438384: LAMB, CHARLES; RHYS, ERNEST (ED.) - The Essays of Elia (The Scott Library)
440452: LAMB, MARK - Farperoo: Volume One (Book One of the Dark Inventions)
428573: LAMB, JOHN B. (ED.) - Victorian Poetry: Volume 44, Number 1, Spring 2006
428572: LAMB, JOHN B. (ED.) - Victorian Poetry: Volume 43, 2005
448181: LAMB, MURIEL - The Pobble and the Runcible Cat
171780: LAMBA, JUGINDER - Sculptures
050871: LAMBE - Elements of Statistics
437193: LAMBERS, ELKE; THORNE, BRIAN (EDS.) - Person-Centred Therapy: A European Perspective
547731: LAMBERT, SUSAN - Matisse: Lithographs
508111: LAMBERT, LEONARD - A Washday Romance: Poems 1969-1979
179709: LAMBERT, PETER J. - The Distribution and Redistribution of Income : A Mathematical Analysis
015200: LAMBERT, ANDREW - Physics for First Examinations
514332: LAMBERT, DEREK - The Saint Peter's Plot
521604: LAMBERT, GAVIN - On Cukor
518126: LAMBERT, GREGG - Return Statements: The Return of Religion in Contemporary Philosophy
440544: LAMBERT, CHARLES - Little Monsters
547876: LAMBERT, DAPHNE - Fermenting: Recipes and Preparation
034496: LAMBERT, DAVID - The World Before Man (colour Library of science)
544069: LAMBERT, PHYLLIS, (ED.); STEWART, ALAN, (ED.) - Opening the Gates of Eighteenth-Century Montreal
484715: LAMBERT, JEAN-CLARENCE (ED.) - Opus International No 3, Octobre 1967
484716: LAMBERT, JEAN-CLARENCE (ED.) - Opus International No 3, Octobre 1967
279202: LAMBERT, PAUL - Television Courtroom Broadcasting: Distraction Effects and Eye-Tracking
485576: LAMBERT, ANDREW D. - The Crimean War: British Grand Strategy against Russia, 1853-56
296416: LAMBERT, CHRISTOPHE; PARET, SAM; DESODT, TINE - In Search of Gandhi's Daughters
487266: LAMBERT, WALLACE E. - Language, Psychology, and Culture
268913: LAMBERT, ANGELA - No Talking after Lights
063729: LAMBERT, JACQUES - Latin America, Social Structure and Political Institutions
462814: LAMBERT, JEAN-CLARENCE (ED.) - Opus International No 1, Avril 1967
298673: LAMBERT, JOANNE - Climate Frontline: African Communities Adapting to Survive
515237: LAMBERT, H.C.M. - History of Banstead in Surrey
268812: LAMBERT, WALLACE E.; DIL, ANWAR S. (ED.) - Language, Psychology, and Culture: Essays by Wallace E. Lambert
544005: LAMBERT, SAM (ED.) - London NIght and Day: A Guide to Where the Others Don't Take You
604065: LAMBERT, ERIC - The Twenty Thousand Thieves
490021: LAMBERTON, CLARK D. - Themes from St. John's Gospel in Early Roman Catacomb Painting
452683: LAMBIE, JIM - Jim Lambie: Unknown Pleasures
530308: LAMBIRTH, ANDREW (TEXT) - Matthew Smith:1879-1959
542502: LAMBIRTH, ANDREW - Craigie Aitchison: Out of the Ordinary
542272: LAMBIRTH, ANDREW (TEXT); KENNEDY, BRIAN (FOREWORD) - James MacKeown: The Art of Living
524472: LAMBKIN, F. J.; TREVES, FREDRICK (PREFACE BY) - Syphilis: Its Diagnosis and Treatment
204559: LAMBLE, JOHN W. (ED.) - Drug Metabolism and Distribution
446171: LAMBLEY, PETER - How to Survive Anorexia: A Guide to Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimarexia
044045: LAMBLEY, P. W. - British Lichen Society Bulletin, Number 95, Winter 2004
011965: LAMBLEY, PETER - How to Survive Anorexia: A Guide to Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimarexia
509853: LAMBRECHT, RICHARD M.; ECKELMAN, WILLIAM C. (EDS.) - Animal Models in Radiotracer Design
407512: LAMBROPOULOS, P.; SMITH, S. J. (EDS.) - Multiphoton Processes
487984: LAMBTON, LUCINDA - Temples of Convenience and Chambers of Delight
444423: LAMBTON, LUCINDA - Temples of Convenience: And Chambers of Delight
275341: LAMDARK, KESANG - Kesang Lamdark: Son of Rimpoche
435782: LAMDARK, KESANG - Kesang Lamdark: Son of Rimpoche
184948: LAMM, DONALD L.; PAOLA, ANGELO S.; PAOLA, FREDERICK A. - Campbell's Urology : Review and Assessment
106119: LAMMING, RICHARD; BESSANT, JOHN - Macmillan Dictionary of Business and Management (Macmillan Reference Books)
545881: LAMMING, GEORGE - In The Castle of My Skin
460220: LAMMING, GEORGE - Water with Berries
503288: LAMMING, R.M. - The Notebook of Gismondo Cavalletti
603565: LAMMING, R. M. - In the Dark
606701: LAMMING, CLIVE - Vers La Grande Vitesse Dans Le Monde (Trains De LEGENDE)
606702: LAMMING, CLIVE - Le Chemin De Fer Italien: Inventeur De La Grande Vitesse, 1840-2006 (Trains De LEGENDE)
606703: LAMMING, CLIVE - Le Chemin De Fer Allemand: Vers l'Unification et La MODERNITE, 1920-2006 (Trains De LEGENDE)
219370: LAMOINE, GEORGES (ED.) - Charges to the Grand Jury 1689-1803 (Camden fourth series, Volume 43)
219369: LAMOINE, GEORGES (ED.) - Charges to the Grand Jury 1689-1803 (Camden fourth series, Volume 43)
512219: LAMOINE, GEORGES (ED.) - Charges to the Grand Jury 1689-1803
163543: LAMOINE, GEORGES (ED.) - Charges to the Grand Jury 1689-1803
482603: LAMOND, JOHN - Arthur Conan Doyle: A Memoir
153417: LAMONT, RICHARD J (ED) - Bacterial Invasion of Host Cells: Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology
292177: LAMONT, DOUGLAS - Winning Worldwide: Strategies for Dominating Global Markets
481504: LAMONTAGNE, LEOPOLD (ED.) - Le Canada franCais D'aujord'hui
480697: LAMOUREUX, HENRI - JournEes d'Hiver
527993: LAMPE, DAVID; MALONEY, DENNIS (EDS.) - Five Irish Poets: Padraig J. Daly, John F. Deane, Richard Kell, Dennis O'Driscoll, Macdara Woods
506938: LAMPE, DAVID (ED.) - The Legend of Being Irish: A Collection of Irish-American Poetry
512368: LAMPE, JOHN R. - Yugoslavia as History: Twice There Was a Country
274198: LAMPELL, MILLARD - Journey to the Cape
226721: LAMPERT, CATHERINE - Rodin
469561: LAMPMAN, ROBERT J. - Social Welfare Spending: Accounting for Changes from 1950 to 1978
475996: LAMPMAN, ROBERT J. - Ends and Means of Reducing Income Poverty
479129: LAMPORT, FELICIA - Cultural Slag
540260: LAMPORT, FELICIA - Cultural Slag
234306: LAMPRECHT, JAMES L. - ISO 9000 : Preparing for Registration (Quality and Reliability; 32)
522593: LAMPSOM, ROBIN - Death Loses a Pair of Wings: The Epic Gorgas and the Conquest of Yellow Fever
537752: LAMPTON, CHRIS - Gateway to Limbo
525063: LAMS, LUTGARD; CRAUWELS, GEERT; SERBAN, HENRIETTA ANISOARA (EDS.) - Totalitarian and Authoritarian Discourses: A Global and Timeless Phenomenon?
505296: LAMSON, PEGGY - Roger Baldwin: Founder of the American Civil Liberties Union
450817: LAN, DINH - Project Icon 01
050817: LAN, DAVID - Sergeant Ola and His Followers
056542z: LAN, DAVID - Desire and Other Plays
Am2198: LANATA-BRIONES, CECILIA; ESTEFANE, ANDRES & DABIEL, CLAUDIA JORGELINA (EDS) - Socio-Political Histories of Latin American Statistics
542510: LANCASTER, OSBERT - Drayneflete Revealed
018227: LANCASTER, OSBERT - Facades and Faces
505561: LANCASTER, OSBERT - Drayneflete Revealed
543305: LANCASTER, OSBERT - The Saracen's Head, or, The Reluctant Crusader
071743: LANCASTER-SMITH, MICHAEL & WILLIAMS, KENNETH G. D. - Problems in Gastroenterology (Problems in Practice Series)
542997: LANCASTER, HENRY CARRINGTON - French Tragedy: In the Time of Louix XV and Voltaire 1715-1774: Two Volumes Complete
536219: LANCASTER, OSBERT - The Saracen's Head or The Reluctant Crusader
025975: LANCASTER, JANET; GAUNT, JOAN - Developments in Early Childhood Education
209829: LANCASTER, CAROL - Aid to Africa: So Much to Do, So Little Done
422036: LANCASTER, OSBERT - Facades and Faces
480558: LANCASTER; SALKAUSKAS - Transform Methods in Applied Mathematics: An Introduction
546353: LANCASTER, OSBERT - Lady Littlehampton and Friends
541098: LANCASTER, OSBERT - The Saracen's Head, Or, The Reluctant Crusader
606619: LANCASTER, BRIAN - Consumed By Fire: The Destruction of Croydon Parish Church in 1867 and Its Rebuild
109328: LANCE, JAMES W. - The Mechanism and Management of Headaches
484601: LANCE, E. CHRISTOPHER; MCCONNELL, JOHN C. (EDS.) - The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society: Volume 20, 1988
484599: LANCE, E. CHRISTOPHER; MCCONNELL, JOHN C. (EDS.) - The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society: Volume 17, 1985
484600: LANCE, E. CHRISTOPHER; MCCONNELL, JOHN C. (EDS.) - The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society: Volume 19, 1987
173287: LANCE, JAMES W. - Mechanisms and Management of Headache
304419a: LANCE, E. CHRISTOPHER; MCCONNELL, JOHN C. (EDS.) - The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society: Volume 18, 1986
484602: LANCE, E. CHRISTOPHER; MCCONNELL, JOHN C. (EDS.) - The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society: Volume 21, 1989
303666: LANCELOT, CLAUDE - Quatre Traitez de Poesies, Latine, Francoise, Italienne et Espagnole
543502: LANCELYN GREEN, ROGER; BELL, ANTHEA; NESBITT, ELIZABETH - Lewis Carroll, E. Nesbit, Howard Pyle (Monographs)
542051: LANCHESTER, JOHN - The Debt to Pleasure
413418: LANCHESTER, JOHN - Mr Phillips
540201: LANCHESTER, JOHN - Fragrant Harbour
286152: LANCHESTER, JOHN - Mr. Phillips
286147: LANCHESTER, JOHN - Fragrant Harbour
438192: LAND, D. H. - Hydrology of the Triassic Sandstones in the Birmingham-Lichfield District (Water Supply Papers of the Geological Survey of Great Britain; Hydrogeological Report; No. 2)
500277: LAND, D. H. - Geology of the Tynemouth District
541818: LAND, RAY; MEYER, JAN H.F.; FLANAGAN, MICHAEL T. (EDITORS) - Threshold Concepts in Practice
534549: LAND JR., ANTHONY F. - Punishment, Justice and International Relations: Ethics and Order After the Cold War
207067: LANDEIRA, RICARDO (ED.) - Critical Essays on Gabriel Miro
298680: LANDELL-MILLS, NATASHA; PORRAS, INA T. - Silver Bullet or Fool's Gold?: A Global Review of Markets for Forest Environmental Services and Their Impacts on the Poor
473121: LANDELLS, WILLIAM - Selections from Tennyson
500024: LANDELLS, STEPHEN - Rescues in the Surf: The Story of the Shields Lifeboats 1789-1939
174326: LANDER, K. P. - Agriculture: Campylobacter - Report EUR9739 EN
191922: LANDER, JACK - The Artistry of Hollywood
497299: LANDES, RICHARD; GOW, ANDREW; VAN METER, DAVID C. (EDS.) - The Apolcalyptic Year 1000: Religious Expectation and Social Change, 950-1050
545207: LANDES, JOAN B. (ED.); LEE, PAULA YOUNG, (ED.); YOUNGQUIST, PAUL, (ED.) - Gorgeous Beasts: Animal Bodies in Historical Perspective
438808: LANDES, DAVID S. (ED.) - Critical Choices for Americans: Western Europe - The Trials of Partnership
604800: LANDESCO, JOHN - Organized Crime in Chicago (Part III of The Illinois Crime Survey 1929)
103602: LANDESMAN, PETER - Blood Acre
495599: LANDESMAN, JAY - Jaywalking
531902: LANDI, ORTENSIO; PROCACCIOLI, PAOLO (ED.) - La sferza de' scrittori antichi et moderni (Biblioteca di letteratura italiana)
512437: LANDIS, JOHN; SHINDER, JASON (EDS.) - The Best American Movie Writing 2001
459633: LANDIS, JOSEPH C. - Three Great Jewish Plays
000609: LANDIS, PAUL - Adolescence and Youth: The Process of Maturing
228316: LANDIS, STEPHAN - Das Verhaeltnis des Johannesevangeliums zu den Synoptikern : Am Beispiel von Mt. 8, 5-13; Lk. 7, 1-10; Joh. 4, 46-54
508132: LANDOW, GEORGE P. - Elegant Jeremiahs: The Sage from Carlyle to Mailer
480235: LANDRY, JEAN-PIERRE - PrEsence De La Fontaine: Actes De La JournEe La Fontaine
543950: LANDSBERG, J.M. - Tensors: Asymptotic Geometry and Developments 2016-2018
079070: LANDSBERG, HANS H (ED) - Selected Studies on Energy: Background Papers for Energy, the Next Twenty Years
468540: LANDY, DAVID - Hume's Science of Human Nature: Scientific Realism, Reason, and Substantial Explanation (Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy)
542300: LANDY, DEREK - Skulduggery Pleasant: Mortal Coil
417567: LANE, DR. P.D., ET AL (EDS.) - Palaeontology: Volume 38, Part 1, May 1995
417568: LANE, DR. P.D., ET AL (EDS.) - Palaeontology: Volume 38, Part 2, July 1995
417569: LANE, DR. P.D., ET AL (EDS.) - Palaeontology: Volume 38, Part 3, August 1995
514881: LANE, DAVID - Berlusconi's Shadow
502635: LANE, ANTHONY - Kent Ports and Harbours
513550: LANE, HENRY W.; MAZNEVSKI, MARTA L. - International Management Behavior: Global and Sustainable Leadership
514804: LANE, DAVID - Into the Heart of the Mafia: a Journey Throught the Italian South
518618: LANE, PETER - The Conservative Party (Past Into Present Series_
417564: LANE, DR. P.D., ET AL (EDS.) - Palaeontology: Volume 37, Part 2, July 1994
218071: LANE, JOHN S. - On Optimal Population Paths

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