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546195: HILTON, IAN - The Chastleton Diaries: Change and Continuity in the Nineteenth Century
602823: HILTON, TIM - John Ruskin: The Later Years
606064: HILTON, AUDREY - This England: 1946-1949
294681: HILTY, GREG - Young German Artists 2 at the Saatchi Gallery
294682: HILTY, GREG - Young German Artists 2 at the Saatchi Gallery
514641: HIME, JULIET (ED.) - People of Surrey
539744: HIMES, CHESTER - The Heat's On
522179: HIMES, CHESTER - The Crazy Kill (Panther Crimes 025677)
522178: HIMES, CHESTER - A Rage in Harlem (Panther Crime)
522175: HIMES, CHESTER - All Shot Up (Panther Crime 027971)
522176: HIMES, CHESTER - Run Man Run (Panther Crime 026851)
522174: HIMES, CHESTER - The Heat's On (Panther Crimeband 23844)
543259: HIMES, CHESTER - Black on Black: Baby Sister and Selected Writings
473801: HIMLY, AUGUSTE - Histoire De La Formation Territoriale Des Etats De L'Europe Centrale
476117: HIMMEL, L. (ED.) - Recovery and Recrystallization of Metals
188331: HIMMELBLAU, D. M. ED. - Decomposition of Large Scale Problems
000197: HIMMELFARB, SAMUEL & EAGLY, ALICE H. - Readings in Attitude Change
518376: HIMMELFARB, GERTRUDE - Marriage and Morals Among the Victorians
512583: HIMSWORTH, SHEILA - Winchester College Muniments (Volume I College)
190898a: HIMSWORTH, H. - Scientific Knowledge and Philosophic Thought
206691: HIMUS, G. W. AND SWEETING, G. S. - The Elements of Field Geology
048908: HIMWICH, WILLIAMINA A (ED) - Developmental Neurobiology
521972: HINAREJOS, ALICIA - The Euro Area Crisis in Constitutional Perspective (Oxford Studies in European Law)
522060: HINAREJOS, ALICIA - Judicial Control in the European Union: Reforming Jurisdiction in the Intergovernmental Pillars (Studies in European Law)
010119: HINCHLIFFE, ARNOLD P. - British Theatre 1950-70
182127: HINCK, WALTER - Theater Der Hoffnung: Von Der Aufklarung Bis Zur Gegenwart
182358: HINCK, WALTER - Geschichte Als Schauspiel: Deutsche Geschichtsdramen Interpretationen
290427: HIND, DAN - The Return of the Public
182465: HIND, JOHN - The Principles and Practice of Arithmetic Comprising the Nature and Use of Logarithms, with the Computations Employed By Artificers, Gagers, and Land-Surveyors, Designed for the Use of Students
001305: HINDE, R.A. & STEVENSON-HINDE, J. - Constraints on Learning: Limitations and Predispositions
477793: HINDE, ROBERT A.; PERRET-CLERMONT, ANNE-NELLY; STEVENSON-HINDE, JOAN (EDS.) - Social Relationships and Cognitive Development
145298: HINDELL, KEITH & MAXWELL, ROBERT - Man Alive! A Current Affairs Annual for schools and Colleges
441933: HINDLE, TIM - The Sultan of Berkeley Square: Polly Peck and the Thatcher Years
498356: HINDLE, DAVID JOHN - Preston: Planes, Trains, Tramcars and Ships
530741: HINDLEY-SMITH, J.D. - Chronic Streptococcal Infection as a Disease
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174358: HINDMARCH, I.; HIPPIUS, H. AND WILCOCK, G. - Dementia : Molecules, Methods and Measures
412566a: HINDMARSH, ROLAND (ED.) - Waiting and Other Modern Stories
247864: HINDMARSH, J. - Electrical Machines : A Unified Treatment on a Physical Basis (The Commonwealth and International Library; Applied Electricity and Electronics Division)
073573: HINDS, H; PHOENIX, A; STACEY, J (EDS) - Working Out: New Directions for Women's Studies
100572: HINE, REGINALD L. - The Cream of Curiosity: Being an Account of Certain Historical and Literary Manuscripts of the XVIIth, XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries
478353: HINES, DONALD M. - Magic in the Mountains, The Yakima Shaman: Power & Practice
545536: HINES, COLIN - Art Deco London
086295: HINES, THEODORE C. HARRIS, JESSICA L. - Computer Filing of Index, Bibliographic, and Catalog Entries
225479: HINES, BARRY (SHEPHERD, PETER) - Two Men from Derby and Shooting Stars (Heinemann Plays)
236636: HINGESTON, FRANCIS CHARLES (ED.) - Johannis Capgrave Liber De Illustribus Henricis. (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle Ages)
517043: HINGLEY, RONALD - A New Life of Chekhov
544024: HINGLEY, RONALD, (TRANSL. AND EDITOR) - The Oxford Chekov: Volume VIII: Stories 1895-1897
608294: HINGLEY, RONALD - Joseph Stalin: Man and Legend
465279: HINGLEY, RONALD (TRANS./ED.) - The Oxford Chekhov: Volume VIII: Stories 1895-1897
531784: HINKELMANN, KLAUS; KEMPTHORNE, OSCAR - Design and Analysis of Experiments, Volume I: Introduction to Experimental Design
293517: HINKLEY, E. D. (ED.) - Laser Monitoring of the Atmosphere, Topics in Applied Physics, Volume 14
496209: HINKS, ARTHUR R. - Maps and Survey
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529689: HINSDALE, GUY - Atmostpheric Air in Relation to Tuberculosis (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Volume 63, No.1)
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461410: HINSHAW, RANDALL - Key Issues in International Monetary Reform (Volume Four)
267656: HINSHELWOOD, C. N. - The Kinetics of Chemical Change
000978: HINSIE, LELAND E. & CAMPBELL, ROBERT JEAN - Psychiatric Dictionary
497280: HINSKENS, FRANS LEON MARIE PAUL - Dialect Levelling in Limburg: Structural and Sociolinguistic Aspects
530421: HINSKENS, FRANS - Dialect Levelling in Limburg: Structural and Sociolinguistc Aspects
173342: HINSON, MIKE; SMITH, PETE - Phonics and Phonic Resources
201963: HINTON, E.;LEWIS, R. W.;BETTESS, P. - Numerical Methods for Coupled Problems: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the University College, Swansea, 7th-11th September 1981
535719: HINTON, ADAM - Shibuya
436129: HINTON, ADAM - Shibuya
002037: HINTON, JOHN - Special Hospitals Research Report No. 13: Development of Objective Behaviour Rating Scales for Use By Nurses on Patients in Special Hospitals
537864: HINTZ, ARNE; DENCIK, LINA; WAHL-JORGENSEN, KARIN - Digital Citizenship in a Datafied Society
453090: HIPKINS, GAVIN - Empire
526065: HIPKINS, DANIELLE (ED.) - Intellectual Communities and Partnerships in Italy and Europe: Studies in Honour of Mark Davie
608183: HIPÓLITO, INÊS; GONÇALVES, JORGE; G. PEREIRA, JOÃO - Schizophrenia and Common Sense: Explaining the Relation Between Madness and Social Values (Studies in Brain and Mind, 12)
259631: HIRAMA, YOICHI; GOW, IAN; HATANO, SUMIO (EDITORS) - Nichi-Ei koryushi, 1600-2000. 3, Gunji
440326: HIRATA, MAYUMI - Dance Tiger, Dance!
233149: HIRD, NORMA J. - Torts Law ! & II: Readings from McBride and Bagshaw - Tort Law
549792: HIRO, DILIP - Cold War in the Islamic World: Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Struggle for Supremacy
531468: HIRSCH, MORRIS W; SMALE, STEPHEN; DEVANEY, ROBERT L. - Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and An Introduction to Chaos, Second Edition
509766: HIRSCH, ANTONIA (ED.) - Intangible Economies
470224: HIRSCH, WERNER Z.; RUFOLO, ANTHONY M. - Public Finance and Expenditure in a Federal System
606595: HIRSCH, JAMES S. - Hurricane: The Miraculous Journey of Rubin Carter
602766: HIRSCHFELD, AL - Hirschfeld On Line
080478: HIRSCHFIELD, R (ED) - The Power of the Presidency: Concepts & Controversy
524295: HIRSCHHORN, LARRY - Managing in the New Team Environment: Skills, Tools, and Methods (Organization Development Series)
543438: HIRSCHMAN, ALBERT O. - A Propensity to Self-Subversion
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486462: HIRSH, WALTER; SCOTT, RAYMOND (EDS.) - Getting it Right: Aspects of Ethnicity and Equity in New Zealand Education
607585: HIRSH, WENDY; JACKSON, CHARLES - Strategies for Career Development: Promise, Practice and Pretence
469006: HIRST, DAMIEN - Is Mr Death In?
545474: HIRST, PAUL H. - Knowledge and The Curriculum: A Collection of Philosophical Papers
608544: HIRST, FRANCIS W. - Safeguarding and Protection in Great Britain and the United States
514360: HIRST, MICHAEL - Michelangelo: vol. 1: The Achievement of Fame, 1475-1534
222908: HIRST, DEREK - Return to Andalucia
526004: HIRT, HANS C. - The Enforcement of Directors' Duties in Britain and Germany: A Comparative Study with Particular Reference to Large Companies
227433: HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE - First Report of the Commissioners of Public Instruction, Ireland, Presented to Both Houses of Parliament By Command of His Majesty
223174: HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE - Turkey No. 1: Convention Regarding the Régime of the Straits, with Correspondence Relating Thereto
458100: HISCOCK, W. G. - Henry Aldrich of Christ Church, 1648-1710
456812: HISLOP, RICHARD - Love songs, Sonnets & Suchlike
186474: HISLOP, IAN - Secret Diary of a Lord Gnome Aged 73 ¾
502127: HISS, ALGER - Recollections of a Life
235707: HISS, TONY AND MEIER, CHRISTOPHER - H2O : Highlands to Ocean
507584: HISTORIC AMERICAN BUILDINGS SURVEY (ED.) - Historic American Buildings Survey: Catalog of the Measured Drawings and Photographs of the Survey in the Library of Congress, March 1, 1941
497969: HISTORIC ENGLAND - Piling and Archaeology: Guidelines and Best Practice
507585: HISTORIC AMERICAN BUILDINGS SURVEY - Historic American Buildings Survey: Catalog of the Measured Drawings and Photographs of the Survey in the Library of Congress, March 1, 1941
497976: HISTORIC ENGLAND - Where on Earth are We?: The Role of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in Archaeological Field Survey
535470: HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION - The Manuscripts of Lord: Fourteenth Report, Appendix, Part IV
425189: HISTORICAL MSS COMMISSION - The Manuscript Papers of British Scientists, 1600-1940
225105: HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT; SCHIEDER, THEODOR (ED.); SCHIEFFER, THEODOR (ED.) - Historische zeitschrift, Band 214. 1972
225108: HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT; SCHIEDER, THEODOR (ED.); SCHIEFFER, THEODOR (ED.); KIENAST, WALTHER (ED.) - Historische zeitschrift, Sonderheft 4: Bohemica Probleme Und Literatur Seit 1945
225116: HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT; GALL, LOTHAR (ED.); HARTMANN, PETER CLAUS - Historische zeitschrift, Sonderheft 13: Franzosische Geschichte 1914-1945
299621: HISTORISCHE UND ANTIQUARISCHE GESELLSCHAFT ZU BASEL - Aus Der Geschichte Des Historischen Seminars Der Universitat Basel
225109: HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT; SCHIEDER, THEODOR (ED.); SCHIEFFER, THEODOR (ED.); KIENAST, WALTHER (ED.) - Historische zeitschrift, Sonderheft 5: Literaturberichte Uber Neuerscheinungen Zur Ausserdeutschen Geschicte
225110: HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT; SCHIEDER, THEODOR (ED.); GALL, LOTHAR (ED.); HAVERKAMP, ALFRED; ENZENSBERGER, HORST - Historische zeitschrift, Sonderheft 7: Italien Im Mittelalter : Neuerscheinungen Von 1959-1975
225112: HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT; GALL, LOTHAR (ED.); HITCHENS, KEITH - Historische zeitschrift, Sonderheft 9: Hungarica 1961-1974. Literaturbericht Uber Neuerscheinungen Zur Geschicte Ungarns Von Den Arpaden Bis 1970
225117: HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT; GALL, LOTHAR (ED.); WEISS, GUNTER - Historische zeitschrift, Sonderheft 14: Bysanz. Kritischer Forschungs- Und Literaturebericht
225115: HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT; GALL, LOTHAR (ED.); SARKISYANZ, MANUEL - Historische zeitschrift, Sonderheft 12: Sudostasien 1959-1979. Literaturbericht
225113: HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT; GALL, LOTHAR (ED.); KULKE, HERMANN; LEUE, HORST-JOACHIM; LUTT, JURGEN; ROTHERMUND, DIETMAR - Historische zeitschrift, Sonderheft 10: Indische Geschichte Vom Altertum Bis Zur Gegenwart
006666: HITCHCOCK, GEORGE - Cloud-Taxis
527251: HITCHCOCK, WILLIAM I. - The Struggle for Europe: The History of the Continent Since 1945
501650: HITCHCOCK, WILLIAM I. - Liberation: The Bitter Road to Freedom, Europe 1944-1945
073863: HITCHCOCK, RICHARD - The Kharjas: A Critical Bibliography (Research Bibliographies & Checklists)
460453z: HITCHCOCK, HENRY-RUSSELL - Netherlandish Scrolled Gables of the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries
464256z: HITCHCOCK, HENRY-RUSSELL - Netherlandish Scrolled Gables of the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries
Am2011: HITCHCOCK, TIMOTHY - Richard Hutton's Complaints Book
Am2015: HITCHCOCK, TIM & BLACK, JOHN - Chelsea Settlement and Bastardy Examinations 1733 - 1766
176288: HITE, STEVEN J. - Reviewing Quantitative Research to Inform Educational Policy Processes
176289: HITE, STEVEN J. - Reviewing Quantitative Research to Inform Educational Policy Processes
286007: HITIRIS, THEO - European Community Economics
480418: HITNER, ELIZABETH; HITNER, JOHN - Two for the Road: Ph.D European Plan
490505: HJELMSLEV, LOUIS - Sistema LingUIstico y Cambio LingUIstico (Biblioteca RomAnica HispAnica Estudios y Ensayos)
447044: HJORT, METTE (ED.) - Rules and Conventions: Literature, Philosophy, Social Theory
482523: HJORT, METTE; BONDEBJERG, IB - The Danish Directors: Dialogues on a Contemporary National Cinema
487066: HKPIP - Surmount & Dilute, the Current Predicament 1: Residential Apartments
043325: HLAVAC, VACLAV & SARA, RADIM - Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: Sixth International Conference, CAIP '95, Prague, Czech Republic, September 6-8 1995 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 970)
419942: HLAVAJOVA, MARIA - Sanja Ivekovic: Urgent Matters
148992: HLAWICZKA, PAUL - Matrix Algebra for Electronic Engineers
498719: HLYTON, STUART - Reading at War
155240: HM STATIONERS OFFICE - Selected Government Research Reports- Volume 8 Wood
178606: HMSO STAFF - Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1995 Chapter 44
178607: HMSO STAFF - Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1993 : Chapter 50
046581: HMSO STAFF - Historical On-Line Database Services : A Report on the Supply in the UK of Service Monopolies and Mergers Commission Report
178605: HMSO STAFF - Severn Bridges Act 1992 Chapter 3
046571: HMSO STAFF - British Aerospace PLC and Thomson - CSFSA Command Paper
537041: HMSO - Calendar of the Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Office: Elizabeth I, Vol VIII, 1578-1580
178599: HMSO STAFF - Social Security (Consequential Provisions) Act 1992 : Chapter 6
178602: HMSO STAFF - Social Security (Consequential Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Act 1992 : Chapter 9
192795: HMSO STAFF - The Children Act 1989: Working in Partnership with Families - Trainer's Pack
046593: HMSO STAFF - Moran Crucible Company PLC and Manville Corporation
538014: HO DAVIES, PETER - The Welsh Girl
503266: HO, YONG - Chinese-English Frequency Dictionary: A Study Guide to Mandarin Chinese's 500 Most Frequently Used Words
017788: HO, ELAINE - Is Pregnancy an Illness?
282744: HO, MICHELLE - Chi Ming - J S Tan: 'Testing Freedom's Temperature': A Dual Exhibition
170618: HO, BENG T.; SCHOOLAR, JOSEPH C. AND USDIN, EARL - Serotonin in Biological Psychiatry - Advances in Biochemical Psychopharmacology Volume 34
457155: HO, PANSY; KAIFANG, WANG - Glorious China, Auspicious Macau: Wang Kaifang's Gold Bricks Exhibition
235985: HO, CYNTHIA O.; SAWIN, SHERYL D.; SPELLMAN W.M. (EDS.) - The Asheville Reader : The Medieval and Renaissance World
606115: HO, EN-NING - Yesterday Should be Happy (Two Volumes)
445474: HOAG, TAMI - The Bitter Season
294440: HOAG, TAMI - The 9th Girl
459460: HOAG, TAMI - The Bitter Season
091898: HOAGLAND, EDWARD - The Final Fate of the Alligators: Stories from the City
025908: HOAR, FRANK - European Architecture from Earliest Times to the Present Day
547052: HOARE, ROBERT J. - Travel By Sea Through the Ages (Black's Junior Reference Books)
239057: HOARE, GRAHAM; POWELL, MARTIN - Mathematics with a Microcomputer : Problems, Algorithms and Proofs
521722: HOARE, E.N. - Brave Men of Eyam: A Tale of The Great Plague Year
222795: HOARE, JAMES E.; PARES, SUSAN - A Political and Economic Dictionary of East Asia (The Europa Political and Economic Dictionary Series)
182208: HOARE, ALFRED - A Short Italian Dictionary, Vol. 2
544053: HOARE, CECIL A. - The Trypanosomes of Mammals: A Zoological Monograph
220687: HOARE, REV E. N. - Heroism in Humble Life; or, the Story of Ben Pritchard and Charlie Campion
537649: HOBAN, RUSSELL - Fremder
539776: HOBAN, RUSSELL - The Trokeville Way
539777: HOBAN, RUSSELL - The Trokeville Way
540465: HOBAN, RUSSELL - Mr Rinyo-Clacton's Offer
537760: HOBAN, RUSSELL - The Trokeville Way
542895: HOBAN, RUSSELL - The Pedalling Man
537620: HOBAN, RUSSELL - The Trokeville Way
542864: HOBAN, RUSSELL - How Tom Beat Captain Najork and His Hired Sportsmen
531515: HOBAN, RUSSELL - Ten What? A Mystery Counting Book
540498: HOBAN, RUSSELL - The Last of the Wallendas and Other Poems
505872: HOBAN, RUSSELL - Ten What? (A Mystery Counting Book)
545936: HOBAN, RUSSELL - Jim Hedgehog and the Lonesome Tower
544355: HOBAN, RUSSELL & PIENKOWSKI, JAN - M.O.L.E. (Much Overworked Little Earthmover)
544356: HOBAN, RUSSELL & PIENKOWSKI, JAN - M.O.L.E. (Much Overworked Little Earthmover)
541897: HOBAN, RUSSELL - Ace Dragon Ltd
606683: HOBAN, RUSSELL - Ten What?: A Mystery Counting Book
297801x: HOBART, RUTH - Festivals! (Earlyreads)
443371: HOBART, TIMOTHY - Forbidden Images: An Exhibition of Eastern and Western Erotic Art from the 18th Century to the Present Day
290161: HOBART - B.C.M. (British Chess Magazine) Guide to the Openings in One Hundred and Seventy-Eight Games
300002: HOBART, RUTH - Festivals!
549753: HOBART, ANGELA - Dancing Shadows of Bali: Theatre and Myth
2970798: HOBART, RUTH - Festivals! (Earlyreads)
087782: HOBART, CHRISTINE; FRANKEL, JILL - Practical Guide to Child-Care Employment, A
008526: HOBBS, TONY (EDITOR) - Experiential Training : Practical Guidelines
505623: HOBBS, CHRISTOPHER; MORAN, MATTHEW - Exploring Regional Repsonses to a Nuclear Iran: Nuclear Dominoes?
510904: HOBBS, ROY - Steam on the Southern: A Colour Portfolio
505622: HOBBS, CHRISTOPHER; MORAN, MATTHEW - Exploring Regional Repsonses to a Nuclear Iran: Nuclear Dominoes?
220799: HOBBS, PETER - The Short Day Dying
550034: HOBBS, CHRISTOPHER - Jeremy and the Puddle
195587: HOBHOUSE, L.T. - Democracy and Reaction
542415: HOBHOUSE, CAROLINE (EDITOR) - Winter's Tales 25
468048: HOBHOUSE, L. T.; WHEELER, G. C.; GINSBERG, M. (EDS.) - The Material Culture and Social Institutions of the Simpler Peoples: An Essay in Correlation
607289: HOBHOUSE, L. T. - The Metaphysical Theory of the State: A Criticism
028001: HOBKIRK, JOAN K. - Anaesthetics for Nurses
532894: HOBOLT, SARA BINZER - Europe in Question: Referendums on European Integration
546670: HOBSON, SARAH - Through Persia in Disguise
516574: HOBSON, JOHN MORRISON - The Book of the Wandle: The Story of a Surrey River
479394: HOBSON, JOHN A. - Rationalism and Humanism
521570: HOBSON, W. - World Health and History
222671: HOBSON, BATBARA, ORLOFF ANN SHOLA; WILLIAMS, FIONA (EDS) - Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society : Volume 11; Number 1; Spring 2004
438665: HOBSON, ALFRED; JENKINS, NEIL - Modern Humanism: Living Without Religion
547969: HOBSON, LAURA Z. - Consenting Adult
488602: HOBSON, ARTHUR H. G. - The Amateur Mechanic's Practical Handbook: Describing the Different Tools Required in the Workshop, the Uses of Them, and How to Use Them
427769: HOBSON, ALFRED; JENKINS, NEIL - Modern Humanism: Living Without Religion
048601: HOBSON, HAROLD - The French Theatre of To-day: An English View
608045: HOCH, EDWARD D. - Dear Dead Days
434726: HOCHBERG, JULIAN E. - Perception ( Foundations of Modern Psychology Series)
483453: HOCHDORFER, ACHIM; SCHRODER, BARBARA (EDS.) - Claes Oldenburg: The Sixties
476087z: HOCHDORFER, ACHIM; SCHRODER, BARBARA (EDS.) - Claes Oldenburg: The Sixties
466029: HOCHLEITNER, ALBERT; HAMPEL, ERICH (EDS.) - Central: New Art from New Europe
271311: HOCK, HANS HENRICH - Principles of Historical Linguistics
543070: HOCKENHULL, D.J.D. (EDITOR) - Progress in Industrial Microbiology: Volume 10
196009: HOCKETT, SHIRLEY O.; STERNSTEIN, MARTIN - Applied Calculus: A First Course
015247: HOCKEY LISBETH - Use or Abuse, a Study of the State Enrolled Nurse in the Local Authority Nursing Services
520051: HOCKEY, THOMAS; TRIMBLE, VIRGINIA; WILLIAMS, THOMAS R. (EDS.) - Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers (volumes I&II)
214321: HOCKEY, JENNEY (ED.); WOLMARK, JENNY (ED.) - Journal of Gender Studies, Volume 7, Number 2: July 1998
211380: HOCKMAN, CHARLES H. (ED.); BIEGER, DETLEF (ED.) - Chemical Transmission in the Mammalian Central nervous System
538842: HOCKNEY, DAVID - Grimms' Fairy Tales
524102: HOCQUENGHEM, GUY; DANGOOR, DANIELLA (TRANS.) - "The Problem is Not So Much Homosexual Desire as the Fear of Homosexuality...
223716: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 85, Number 339, April 1986: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223717: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 84, Number 337, October 1985: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223742: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 80, Number 320, July 1981: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223741: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 81, Number 322, January 1982: The Journal of the Royal African Society
539026: HODDER-WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER - The Prayer Machine
223524: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD AND WOODWARD, PETER - African Affairs: Journal of the Royal African Society: Vol 87 No. 347 April 1988
223537: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD AND WOODWARD, PETER - African Affairs: Journal of the Royal African Society: Vol 86 No.344 July 1987
223539: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD AND WOODWARD, PETER - African Affairs: Journal of the Royal African Society: Vol 88 No.353 October 1989
223541: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD AND WOODWARD, PETER - African Affairs: Journal of the Royal African Society: Vol 89 No.357 October 1990
223740: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 81, Number 323, April 1982: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223730: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 83, Number 330, January 1984: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223733: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 82, Number 329, October 1983: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223734: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 82, Number 329, October 1983: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223727: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 83, Number 332, July 1984: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223723: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 84, Number 336, July 1985: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223719: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 84, Number 336, July 1985: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223739: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 81, Number 325, October 1982: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223729: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 83, Number 331, April 1984: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223724: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 84, Number 335, April 1985: The Journal of the Royal African Society
439010: HODDER, IAN (ED.) - The Meanings of Things: Material Culture and Symbolic Expression (One World Archaeology 6)
223744: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 80, Number 318, January 1981: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223743: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 80, Number 319, April 1981: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223728: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); TWADDLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 83, Number 332, July 1984: The Journal of the Royal African Society
223715: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD (ED.); WOODWARD, PETER (ED.) - African Affairs, Volume 87, Number 346, January 1988: The Journal of the Royal African Society
072826: HODDER, B W - Economic Development in the Tropics (University Paperback)
184883: HODDER-WILLIAMS, RICHARD - The Politics of the US Supreme Court
098571: HODDINOTT - Roman Dream (Emyr Humphreys) Scena for Soprano and Instrumental Ensemble (Piano, Harp, Percussion)
110945: HODEL, ALAN E - The Best of Aixtra : An Eclectic Unix Anthology
509514: HODERLIN - Werke Und Briefe (Two Volumes)
530595: HODES, TAMAR (ED.) - Other Rooms
288538: HODES, CYRUS; SEDRA, MARK - The Search For Security In Post-Taliban Afghanistan
410372: HODES, CHARLOTTE - New Papercuts By Charlotte Hodes: Drawing Skirts
410371: HODES, CHARLOTTE; SAVILL, ROSALIND - Charlotte Hodes: Fragmented Images
531108: HODGART, A. BUONO - Giordano Bruno's 'The Candle-Bearer': An Enigmatic Renaissance Play (Medieval/Renaissance Studies, Volume 16)
151955: HODGART, M. J. C. - Samuel Johnson and His Times
425205: HODGE, ROBERT - Literature as Discourse: Textual Strategies in English and History
521817: HODGES, CHRISTOPHER - European Regulation of Consumer Product Safety
531225: HODGES, ELISABETH - Urban Poetics in the French Renaissance
522107: HODGES, CHRISTOPHER - The Reform of Class and Representative Actions in European Legal Systems: A New Framework for Collective Redress in Europe (Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law, Volume 8)
509438: HODGES, SUE - Kittiwakes Were Fun
461842: HODGES, MICHAEL P. - Transcendence and Wittgenstein's Tractatus
545579: HODGETTS, SHEILA - Toby Twirl Tales: The Weeping Dragon & The Imp of Mischief
520788: HODGKIN, THOMAS; HEATHER, PETER (INTRO.) - The Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire, Volume II: The Huns and the Vandals
520787: HODGKIN, THOMAS; HEATHER, PETER (INTRO.) - The Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire, Volume I: The Visigothic Invasion
536935: HODGKINSON, FRANK - Sepik Diary
289771: HODGKINSON, LIZ; METCALFE, JANE - The Bristol Experience: A Personal Assessment of the Unique Life-Enhancing Programme for Cancer Patients and Carers
522505: HODGKINSON, GERARD P.; FORD, J. KEVIN (EDS.) - International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2007, Volume 22
026252: HODGKISS, ALAN G. - Discovering Antique Maps
540944: HODGMAN, HELEN - Broken Words
488991: HODGSON, GEOFFREY M. - Economics and Utopia: Why the Learning Economy is Not the End of History
291246: HODGSON, GODFREY - All Things to All Men: The False Promise of the Modern American Presidency
528616: HODGSON, GODFREY - JFK and LBJ: The Last Two Great Presidents
415249: HODGSON, ANN; SPOURS, KEN - New Labour's Educational Agenda: Issues and Policies for Education and Training from 14+ (The Future of Education from 14+)
546725: HODGSON, DENNIS; LAWSON, PAT - Kuma is a Maori Girl: The 'Children Everywhere' Series
264536: HODGSON, KEITH - Fighting Fascism: The British Left and the Rise of Fascism, 1919-39
505671: HODGSON BURNETT, FRANCES - The One I Knew the Best of All
189068: HODGSON, BARBARA - Key Terms and Issues in Open and Distance Learning
448460: HODGSON, N. BARRIE - Freshwater Fishes of the British Isles (Crowther's Rambler's Books)
528503: HODGSON, KATHARINE; SMITH, ALEXANDRA - Poetic Canons, Cultural Memory and Russian National Identity after 1991 (Russian Transformations: Literature, Thought, Culture, Volume 7)
459864: HODGSON, ADAM - A Letter to M. Jean-Baptiste Say, on the Comparative Expense of Free and Slave Labour
460420: HODGSON, TERENCE E. R. - Charles Tilleard Natusch: A Folio of Houses
450787: HODGSON, JULIAN - Music Titles in Translation: A Checklist of Musical Compositions
488992: HODGSON, GEOFF - Capitalism, Value and Exploitation
436577: HODGSON, TERRY - The Batsford Dictionary of Drama
606326: HODGSON, ANTONIA - The Silver Collar
607436: HODGSON, DAMIAN E. - Discourse, Discipline and the Subject: A Foucauldian Analysis of the UK Financial Services Industry
542312: HODGSON BURNETT, FRANCES - The Spring Cleaning
459445: HODIN, J.P. - Bernard Stern: Paintings and Drawings
531462: HODOS, JEROME I. - Second Cities: Globalization and Local Politics in Manchester and Philadelphia
462331: HODRICK, ROBERT J. - The Empirical Evidence on the Efficiency of Forward and Futures Foreign Exchange Markets
174029: HODSON, H. V. - The International Foundation Directory
504826: HODSON, H.V. - The Great Divide: Britain - India - Pakistan
076833: HODSON, H.V. - The International Foundation Directory 1996
527953: HOEBEL, THOMAS - Laity and Participation: A Theology of Being the Church (Religions and Discourse, Volume 29)
205716: HOEDT, JORGEN (ED.); TURNER, ROBIN (ED.) - The World of LSP
184880: HOEFS, J. - Stable Isotope Geochemistry
238915: HOEKMAN, BERNARD; MARTIN, WILL; BRAGA, CARLOS A. PRIMO (EDS.) - Trade Preference Erosion : Measurement and Policy Response
193063: HOELZE, JOHN F.; AMRHYN, O.C.; MCALEXANDER, GARY A. - Utility Vehicle Design Handbook
461784: HOENIG, THOMAS M.; ET AL - The Greenspan Era: Lessons for the Future
221551: HOENIG, J.; HAMILTON, MARIAN W. - The De-Segregation of the Mentally Ill
001113: HOENIG, J & HAMILTON, MARIAN W - The Desegregation of the Mentally Ill
267100: HOENIGSWALD, HENRY M. - Spoken Hindustani: Book Two
267101: HOENIGSWALD, HENRY M. - Spoken Hindustani: Book Two
486209: HOEPFFNER, ERNEST - Les Lais de Marie de France
525477: HOERLE, W. SCOTT - Hans Friedrich Blunck: Poet and Nazi Collaborator, 1888-1961 (Studies in Modern German Literature, Volume 97)
469348: HOEVEN, ROLPH VAN DER; SHORROCKS, ANTHONY (EDS.) - Perspectives on Growth and Poverty
546348: HOEYE, MICHAEL - The Sands of Time: A Hermux Tantamoq Adventure
108930: HOFER, R.; AIGINGER, P.; FRITZSCHE, H.; WEISSEL, M. (EDS.) - Rational Diagnosis of Thyroid Disease : Proseedings of the Bernstein Workshop, October 1976
095863: HOFF, URSULA - National Gallery of Victoria
481427: HOFF, STELLA; VROOMAN, COK (EDS.) - The Poor Side of the Netherlands: Results from the Dutch 'Poverty Monitor', 1997 - 2003
033748: HOFF, JOH. FRIEDRICH - Ein Künstlerheim vor 70 Jahren
061224: HOFF, JOH. FRIEDRICH - Amt Und Muße, Ludwig Richter als Freund
171622: HOFFBRAND, A. V. (E) - Recent Advances in Haematology 3
539861: HOFFE, OTFRIED - Dictionnaire de Morale
543123: HOFFENBERG, PETER H. - An Empire on Display: English, Indian, and Australian Exhibitions from the Crystal Palace to the Great War
462849: HOFFENBERG, RAYMOND - Clinical Freedom
286211: HOFFGEN, ADELHEID; DUNCALF-EDELSBACHER, JOHANNA - Understanding German Accounts
286213: HOFFGEN, ADELHEID; DUNCALF-EDELSBACHER, JOHANNA - Understanding German Accounts
509734: HOFFMAN, JENS - Around the World in Eighty Days
512647: HOFFMAN, PATRICK - Clean Hands
528911: HOFFMAN, DANIEL - Hang-Gliding from Helicon: New and Selected Poems, 1948-1988
517371: HOFFMAN, DANIEL G. - A Little Geste and Other Poems
529281: HOFFMAN, DAVID L.; KOTSONIS, YANNI (EDS.) - Russian Modernity: Politics, Knowledge, Practices
451477: HOFFMAN, G.W.; HRABA, T. (EDS.) - Lecture Notes in Biomathematics: 65: Immunology and Epidemiology: Proceedings
439170: HOFFMAN, MARK (ED.) - UK Arms Control Policy in the 1990's
544516: HOFFMAN, PHILIP T. - Church and Community in the Diocese of Lyon, 1500-1789
437859: HOFFMAN, RICHARD L.; MYERS, L. M. - Companion to the Roots of Modern English
532158: HOFFMAN, DONALD - Frank Lloyd Wright's House on Kentuck Knob
495822: HOFFMAN, ALICE - Illumination Night
212321: HOFFMAN, ANTHONY E. - Costs Cases: A Civil Guide
146231: HOFFMAN, FREDERICK J. - The Art of Southern Fiction: A Study of Some Modern Novelists
045410: HOFFMAN, RAGNAR - Arkiv For Kemi, 17:1
453551: HOFFMAN, JENS; BOWMAN, ROB - London in Six Easy Steps
304928: HOFFMAN, LUDGER (ED.) - Sprachwissenschaft: Ein Reader
602552: HOFFMAN, MICHAEL J.; MURPHY, PATRICK D. (EDS.) - Essentials of the Theory of Fiction
603090: HOFFMAN, FREDERICK J. - The Twenties: American Writing in the Postwar Decade
016153: HOFFMANN, REINER - Transfer European Review of Labour and Research
292242: HOFFMANN, PETER - Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for a Cleaner Planet
269193: HOFFMANN, PAUL - Tradition Und Situation: Studien Zur Jesusüberlieferung in Der Logienquelle Und Den Synoptischen Evangelien
421272: HOFFMANN, K. H. (ED.); SPREKELS, J. (ED.) - Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications; Volume 1 (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series; 185)
496734: HOFFMANN, G. H. - Tales of Hoffmann: The Experiences of an International Business Investigator
496426: HOFFMANN, G. H. - Tales of Hoffmann: The Experiences of an International Business Investigator.
418636: HOFFMANN, E.T.A. - Die Elixiere des Teufels Lebens-Ansichten des Katers Murr
421560: HOFFMANN, JENS - For Sale
075935: HOFFMANN, MICHAEL J.; BECHER, PAUL F.; PETZOW, GUNTER (EDS.) - Silicon Nitride 93: Proceedings of the International Conference on Silicon Nitride-Based Ceramics, Stuttgart, October 4-6, 1993 (Key Engineering Materials; Volume 89-91)
418923: HOFFMANN, E. T. A. - Spate Werke
449659: HOFFMANN, FRANZ - The Henry "Red" Allen & J. C. Higginbotham - Collection: An Uncommercial Bio-Disco-documentation Part - 3: 1954 - 1967/73
488002: HOFFMANN, E. T. A. - Nutcracker
292241: HOFFMANN, PETER - Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for a Cleaner Planet
458316: HOFFMEISTER, BIRGIT (ED.) - Made in Berlin: Eine Neue Kunstlergeneration
542033: HOFFNUNG, GERARD - Birds, Bees and Storks
491282: HOFFNUNG, ANNETTA - Gerard Hoffnung: His Biography
545941: HOFFNUNG, GERARD - Hoffnung's Constant Readers
516854: HOFGREFE, C.J. - Eye Movement Research: Physiological and Psychological Aspects
151840a: HOFHEINZ, ROY; CALDER, KENT E. - The Eastasia Edge
079758: HOFMAN, A.; SCHALEKAMP, M. A. D. H.; GROBBEE, D. E. (EDS.) - The Early Pathogenesis of Primary Hypertension: Selected Reviews Presented at the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Primary Hypertension, Implications for Detection and Intervention in Childhood, Rotterdam, 9-10 September 1986
503239: HOFMANN, RAINER; TAMS, CHRISTIAN J. (EDS.) - International Investment Law and its Others (Schriften zur EuropAischen Integration und Internationalen Wirtschaftsordnung)
506153: HOFMANN, MICHAEL - Nights in the Iron Hotel
030941: HOFMANN, GERT - Der Kinoerzähler
522061: HOFMANN, HERWIG C.H.; TURK, ALEXANDER H. (EDS.) - EU Administrative Governance
199409: HOFMANN, V. (ED.); BERENS, M.E. (ED.); MARTZ, G. (ED.) - Predictive Drug Testing on Human Tumor Cells
465259: HOFMANN, MICHAEL - Acrimony
465150: HOFMANN, MICHAEL - Nights in the Iron Hotel
193207: HOFMANN, WERNER - Moderne Malerei in Osterreich
177891: HOFMANN, ROSTISLAV - Tchaikovsky : Pour La Musique
438240: HOFMANN, WERNER; MEYER-ROGGE, URSULA - Roswitha Kleffel-Ensslin: Plastiken 1968 bis 2005
604406: HOFMANN, MICHAEL - Behind the Lines: Pieces on Writing and Pictures
294329: HOFSTADTER, RICHARD - America at 1750: A Social Portrait
524588: HOFSTADTER, RICHARD - The Progressive Historians: Turner, Beard and Parrington
198346: HOFSTETTER, FRED T.; FOX, PATRICIA - Multimedia Literacy
498066: HOGAN, ANTHONY - Merseyside at War
608590: HOGAN TROCHECK, KATHY - Happy Never After
548825: HOGAN TROCHECK, KATHY - Homemade Sin
478344: HOGAN, ROBERT; KILROY, JAMES - The Irish Literary Theatre, 1899-1901
499953: HOGAN, JAMES - Ivy & Joan
285729: HOGAN, EDWARD - The Hunger Trace
526799: HOGARTH, DAVID GEORGE - The Penetration of Arabia: A Record of the Development of Western Knowledge Concerning the Arabian Peninsula
462992: HOGARTH, WILLIAM - Anecdotes of William Hogarth
099598: HOGARTH, TERENCE; DANIEL, WILLIAM WENTWORTH - Britain's New Industrial Gypsies
526676: HOGARTH, BASIL - The Technique of Novel Writing: A Practical Guide for New Authors
548804: HOGBEN, CAROL; WATSON, ROWAN (EDITORS) - From Manet to Hockney: Modern Artists' Illustrated Books
483586: HOGER, RAINER - Raumzeitliche Prozesse der visuellen Informationsverarbeitung
026563: HOGG, IAN V. - Hutchinson Pocket Dictionary of World War I
026564: HOGG, IAN V. - Hutchinson Pocket Dictionary of World War II
111928: HOGG, JAMES; MOSS, STEVE; COOKE, DIANA - Ageing and Mental Handicap
083193: HOGG, COLIN; SNOW, TERRY - Outand About in New Zealand
029123: HOGG, GARRY - The Second Book Of Inns and Villages Of England
090328: HOGG, GARRY - Inns and Villages of England
111151: HOGG, J.; SEBBA, JUDY - Profound Retardation and Multiple Impairment Vol 1: Development and Learning
471727: HOGG, JAMES; MOSS, STEVE; COOKE, DIANA - Ageing and Mental Handicap
111119: HOGG, JAMES; SEBBA, JUDY AND LAMBE, LORETTO - Profound Retardation and Multiple Impairment Vol. 3 : Medical and Physical Care and Management
410500: HOGG, PETER - Catalogue of Scandinavian Books in the British Library Printed Before 1801: Volume 1: Author and Title Catalogue A-R
410501: HOGG, PETER - Catalogue of Scandinavian Books in the British Library Printed Before 1801: Volume 3: Subject Index, Provenance Index
140479: HOGG, JAMES; MOSS, STEVE; COOKE, DIANA - Ageing and Mental Handicap
047414: HOGG, GARRY - The Shell Book of Exploring Britain
547639: HOGGART, RICHARD - Contemporary Cultural Studies: An Approach to the Study of Literature and Society
514420: HOGGART, RICHARD - Townscape with Figures - Farnham: Portrait of an English Town
514203: HOGGART, SIMON - A Long Lunch: My Stories and I'm Sticking to Them
504579: HOGGETT, CHRIS - Stage Crafts
241818: HOGHTON, CHARLES DE - Cross-Channel Collaboration : A Study of Agreements Between British and Continental Firms
235741: HOGHUGHI, MASUD; DOBSON, CAROLINE - Assessing Problem Children: Issues and Practice
171546: HOGINS, JAMES BURL - Literature: Poetry
076605: HOGLUND, BENGT; WERIN, LARS - The Production System of the Swedish Economy: An Input-Output Study
471037: HOGLUND, JOHAN A. - Mobilising the Novel: The Literature of Imperialism and the First World War
106904: HOGREFE, JEFFREY - Wholly Un-Acceptable: The Bitter Battle for Sotheby's
528509: HOHBEIN-DEEGEN, MONIKA - Reisen zum Ich: Ostdeutsche IDENTITATSSUCHE in Texten der neunziger Jahre (DDR-Studien/East German Studies, Volume 17)
256886: HOHENDAHL, PETER UWE - The Institution of Criticism
213488: HOHLER, G. (EDITED BY) - Springer Tracts in Modern Physics / Ergebnisse Der Exakten Naturwissenschaften, Volume 45; Regge Poles in Particle Physic
017407: HOHMANN, HANS-HERMANN - Economics and Politics in the USSR: Problems of Interdependence
200311: HOIE, T. A. - Central Systems Architecture : Planning and Controlling Complex IBM Computing Centres
485653: HOILE, DAVID - Farce Majeure: The Clinton Administration's Sudan Policy, 1993-2000
544170: HOJA, GULCHEHRA - A Stone is Most Precious Where it Belongs: A Memoir of Uyghur Loss, Exile and Hope
145667: HOJER-PEDERSEN - On the Significance of Psychic Factors in the Development of Peptic Ulcer
524704: HOJMAN, DAVID E. (ED.) - Neo-Liberalism with a Human Face? The Politics and Economics of the Chilean Model (Monograph Series, No.20)
485035: HOJMAN, DAVID E. - Chile: The Political Economy of Development and Democracy in the 1990s
540470: HOKE, HELEN - A Chilling Collection: Tales of Wit and Intrigue
048974: HOKE, HOLGER - Welt Und Sprache: Einfuhrung in Eine Neue Sprachtheorie Auf Philosophisch-Semantischer Graundlage
108936: HOKFELT, BERNT; DYMLING, JOHN-FREDRIK - Advance Abstracts of Short Papers : Seventh Acta Endocrinologica Congress, Stockholm, June 29 - July 2, 1969 (Acta Endocrinologica, Supplementum 138)
549201: HOKKANEN, MARKKU (AUTHOR); VAUGHAN, MEGAN (FOREWORD) - Medicine and Scottish Missionaries in the Northern Malawi Region, 1875-1930: Quests for Health in a Colonial Society
548680: HOKUSAI - Hokusai Manga: Three Volume Set Containing: Edo Life: The Wonders of Nature: Flights of Fancy
449096: HOL ROYD, MICHAEL - Lytton Strachey: A Critical Biography, Volume II: The Years of Achievement (1910 - 1932)
469272: HOLBIK, KAREL; MYERS, HENRY ALLEN (EDS.) - West German Foreign Aid 1956-1966: Its Economic and Political Aspects
547028: HOLBROOK, DAVID - Gustav Mahler and the Courage To Be
492511: HOLBROOK, DAVID - Human Hope and the Death Instinct: An Exploration of Psychoanalytical Theories of Human Nature and Their Implications for Culture and Education (The Pergamon English Library)
492505: HOLBROOK, DAVID - Sex & Dehumanization (Social Policy and Social Theory Series)
461916: HOLBROOK, DAVID - Human Hope and the Death Instinct
600492: HOLBROOK, DAVID - Education, Nihilism, and Survival
487605: HOLBROOK, DAVID - Imaginings
487606: HOLBROOK, DAVID - Against the Cruel Frost: A Second Volume of Verse
290497: HOLBROOK, DAVID - Evolution and the Humanities
053441: HOLCOMBE, MINKE; STRATTON, ANDY; FINCHER, SALLY & GRIFFITHS, GARY - Projects in the Computing Curriculum: Proceedings of the Project 98 Workshop, Sheffield, 1998
542218: HOLD, TOM - Lucia Triumphant
491223: HOLDAWAY, SIMON - The Racialisation of British Policing
606677: HOLDCROFT, DAVID - Words and Deeds: Problems in the Theory of Speech Acts
172384: HOLDEN, UNA P. - Looking at Confusion
517236: HOLDEN, JAMES - In Search of Vinteuil: Music, Literature and a Self Regained
298512: HOLDEN, PATRICK W. - Pesticides and Groundwater Quality: Issues and Problems in Four States
142509: HOLDEN, ALICK - Counselling in Secondary Schools with Special Reference to Authority and Referral
484322: HOLDEN, JOHN - Real Photography: Foundations
009723: HOLDEN, UNA [EDITOR] - Neuropsychology and Ageing: Definiteions, Explanations and Practical Approaches
529487: HOLDEN, EDWARD S. - Sir William Herschel: His Life and Works
171271: HOLDEN, ANTHONY - Of Presidents, Prime Ministers and Princes : A Decade in Fleet Street
078481: HOLDEN, D. A. - Butterworth's Annotated Legislation Service: Child Legislation 1969
512881: HOLDEN, OSCAR M. - Annual Report of the School Medical Service for the Year 1942-1948
532982: HOLDEN, J. RAILTON - Wings of Revolution
290613: HOLDEN, PETER; SHARROCK, J. T. R. - The RSPB Book of British Birds
002954: HOLDEN, UNA; MARTIN, CAROL & WHITE, MARGARET - 24 Hour Approach to the Problems of Confusion in Elderly People
425949: HOLDEN, PAT; LITTLEWOOD, JENNY (EDS.) - Anthropology and Nursing
009722: HOLDEN, UNA [EDITOR] - Neuropsychology and Ageing: Definiteions, Explanations and Practical Approaches
023733: HOLDEN, LYNN - Taboos: Structure and Rebellion
604629: HOLDEN, ANTHONY - The Wit in the Dungeon: A Life of Leigh Hunt
606680: HOLDEN, BEATRICE - They're Away
292036: HOLDER, ALEX (ED.) - Bulletin of the Hampstead Clinic: Volume 3, Part 4, 1980
150944: HOLDER, HENRIETTA; MACMAHON, JULES - The Book of Escapes, 1993-1994
292039: HOLDER, ALEX (ED.) - Bulletin of the Hampstead Clinic: Volume 4, Part 3, 1981
292042: HOLDER, ALEX (ED.) - Bulletin of the Hampstead Clinic: Volume 6, Part 2, 1983
292044: HOLDER, ALEX (ED.) - Bulletin of the Hampstead Clinic: Volume 6, Part 4, 1983
098683: HOLDERLIN, FRIEDRICH - Elegien
093313: HOLDERLIN, FRIEDRICH - Ausgewahlte Briefe
421705: HOLDERLIN, FRIEDRICH - Heidelberg
486030: HOLDERNESS, GRAHAM - Shakespeare's History
608553: HOLDING, DENNIS H. - The Psychology of Chess Skill
189239: HOLDING, D. H. - Principes of Training
093298: HOLDING, NORMAN - More Sources of World War I Army Ancestry, Second Edition
525449: HOLDORPH, ANNE - The Real Meaning of our Work? Jewish Youth Clubs in the UK, 1880-1939
496246: HOLDSWORTH, WILLIAM ANDREWS - The Handy Book of Parish Law
195073: HOLDSWORTH, MAY (ED.); HUNT, JILL (ED.) - Collins Illustrated Guide to Guilin, Canton and Guangdon
275596: HOLE, CHRISTINA (HON. ED.) - Folklore: Volume 85: Winter 1974
533641: HOLE, CHRISTINA - Witchcraft in England
275595: HOLE, CHRISTINA (HON. ED.) - Folklore: Volume 85: Autumn 1974
275597: HOLE, CHRISTINA (HON. ED.) - Folklore: Volume 85: Winter 1974
275598: HOLE, CHRISTINA (HON. ED.) - Folklore: Volume 86: Spring 1975
275599: HOLE, CHRISTINA (HON. ED.) - Folklore: Volume 86: Summer 1975
275600: HOLE, CHRISTINA (HON. ED.) - Folklore: Volume 86: Summer 1975
275602: HOLE, CHRISTINA (HON. ED.) - Folklore: Volume 86: Autumn/Winter 1975
516630: HOLFORD- STREVENS, LEOFRANC - Aulus Gellius
523735: HOLL, KARL - Epiphanius (Ancoratus Und Panarion), Zweiter Band, Panarion Haer. 34-64
495870: HOLL, KARL - Epiphanius (Ancoratus und Panarion): Erster band: Ancoratus und Panarion haer. 1-33
104396: HOLLAENDER, ALEXANDER (ED.) - Radiation Biology; Volume II: Ultraviolet and Related Radiations
145263: HOLLAHAN, EUGENE (ED.) - Studies in the Literary Imagination, Volume XXVI, No. 1, Spring 1993
529693: HOLLAHAN, JOHN R.; BELL, ALEXIS T. (EDS.) - Techniques and Applications of Plasma Chemistry
108073: HOLLAND, RUTH (ED.) - Soundings from BMJ Columnists
546594: HOLLAND, CURTIS C. - Inequality, Identity, and the Politics of Northern Ireland: Challenges of Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation
513680: HOLLAND, OWEN - William Morris's Utopianism: Propaganda, Politics and Prefiguration
207875: HOLLAND, W.W. - European Community Atlas of 'Avoidable Death'
601628: HOLLAND, KEVIN J. - Classic American Railroad Terminals
516974: HOLLAND, OWEN - William Morris's Utopianism: Propaganda, Politics and Prefiguration
508366: HOLLAND, F. ROSS - Lighthouses
425032: HOLLAND, DIANA - Barnabas the Dancing Bear: Five Musical Plays for Children
450369: HOLLAND, MAX; JOHNSON, ROBERT DAVID; GERMANY, KENT B.; SHREVE, DAVID; - The Presidential Recordings: Lyndon B. Johnson, Volume 1-3: The Kennedy Assassination and the Transfer of Power November 1963-January 1964
513533: HOLLAND, OWEN - William Morris's Utopianism: Propaganda, Politics and Prefiguration
506590: HOLLAND, JAMES - 1918-2018 RAF 100: The Official Story
276733: HOLLAND, BERNARD HENRY ("ONYX") - A Reported Change in Religion
008633: HOLLAND, STEVIE - Developing Professionally Workbook (Managing Care Pack 1)
101545: HOLLAND, C. H.; HARRIS, A.L.; GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON; LEAKE, BERNARD E. - The Caledonides of the British Isles: Reviewed
009041: HOLLAND, STEVIE - Developing Professionally Reader and Workbook
419190: HOLLAND-HIBBERT, JAMES - Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert: Modern British Art 2007
107391: HOLLAND, ROBIN C. - Integrated Circuits and Microprocessors
038327: HOLLAND, JACK & DUNFORD, MARTIN - The Rough Guide to New York
262505: HOLLAND, JANET; RAMAZANOGLU, CAROLINE; SHARPE, SUE - Wimp or Gladiator: Contradictions in Acquiring Masculine Sexuality (WRAP/MRAP Paper 9)
075431: HOLLAND, MARK; HOBSON, MARIAN - Paragraph: The Journal of the Modern Critical Theory Group; Volume 1
261228: HOLLAND, STUART. - Towards a New Bretton Woods: Alternatives for the Global Economy
445200: HOLLAND, JANET; WEEKS, JEFFREY (EDS.) - Sexual Cultures: Communities, Values and Intimacy (Explorations in Sociology)
197312: HOLLAND, MARTIN - European Community Integration
234186: HOLLAND, GRENVILLE (ED.); EATON, ANDREW N. (ED.) - Applications of Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry II
Am2095: HOLLAND, RUTH (EDITOR) - Soundings from BMJ Columnists
462872: HOLLAND, R. F.; RIZVI, G. (EDS.) - Perspectives on Imperialism and Decolonization: Essays in Honour of A. F. Madden
464291: HOLLAND FORBES, A. (ED.) - The Architect: Apr.-Sept. 1925
487127: HOLLAND, B.; WELCH, A.A.; BUSS, D.H. - Vegetable Dishes (Second Supplement to the Fifth Edition of McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods)
304932: HOLLAND ROSE, JOHN - The Life of Napoleon I: Vols. I & II
212417: HOLLAND, LAUREN - Weapons Under Fire
530938: HOLLAND, FRANCIS ROSS - America's Lighthouses: An Illustrated History
516973: HOLLAND, OWEN - William Morris's Utopianism: Propaganda, Politics and Prefiguration
251282: HOLLANDER, JUSTIN B. - Polluted and Dangerous: America's Worst Abandoned Properties and What Can Be Done About Them
506020: HOLLANDER, JOHN - Town & Country Matters
188408: HOLLANDER, E. P. - Principles and Methods of Social Psychology
100218: HOLLANDER, XAVIERA - Kiss of the Serpent
600974: HOLLANDER, JOHN (ED.) - Marriage Poems
498522: HOLLANDS, RAY - Along the Sussex Coast
093302: HOLLAWAY, LEONARD - Glass Reinforced Plastics in Construction : Engineering Aspects
048839: HOLLEDGE, SIMON (ED) - Japan
262998: HOLLENDER, JEFFREY; FENICHELL, STEPHEN - What Matters Most: Business, Social Responsiblity And the End of the Era of Greed
510647: HOLLEY, DAVID M. - Meaning and Mystery: What it Means to Believe in God
492011: HOLLEY, GILL; METCALF, ROBERT - Framework Level 4: Workbook with Answer Key and Transcripts
421979z: HOLLEY, GILL; METCALF, ROBERT - Framework, Level 4, Upper Intermediate (Book & CD)
062237: HOLLEY, MARIETTA (JOSIAH ALLEN'S WIFE) - Samantha at Saratoga; or, "Flirtin with fashion"
543923: HOLLIDAY, ADRIAN - The Struggle to Teach English as an International Language
009953: HOLLIDAY, DAVID [EDITOR] - Iota Poetry Quarterly (no. 27)
187425: HOLLIDAY, LESLIE (ED.) - The Integration of Technologies
093289: HOLLIDAY, STEPHEN G.; ANCILL, R. J.; MACEWAN, G. W. - Schizophrenia : Breaking Down the Barriers
602812: HOLLIDAY, J. S. - The World Rushed In: The California Gold Rush Experience
192297: HOLLIER R. H; GELDERS, L. F. - Automated Guided Vehicle Systems
168041: HOLLIER, ROBERT - Antilles
488229: HOLLINGER, DAVID A.; CAPPER, CHARLES (EDS.) - The American Intellectual Tradition, Volume II: 1865 to the Present
179471: HOLLINGHURST, ALAN - The Spell
294046: HOLLINGHURST, ALAN - The Stranger's Child
287989: HOLLINGHURST, ALAN - The Stranger's Child
532788: HOLLINGHURST, ALAN - The Stranger's Child
283048: HOLLINGHURST, ALAN - The Stranger's Child
548355: HOLLINGHURST, ALAN - The Swimming-Pool Library
481638: HOLLINGSWORTH, SANDRA - Teacher Research and Urban Literacy Education: Lessons and Conversations in a Feminist Key
098054: HOLLINGSWORTH, J. ROGERS (ED.) - The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science; Volume 459, January 1982
538084: HOLLINGWORTH, CLARE - Mao and the Men against him
533880: HOLLINGWORTH, CLARE; TENORIO, NERI - Captain if Captured
475721: HOLLIS, MARTIN - Reason in Action: Essays in the Philosophy of Social Science
257041: HOLLIS, ERNEST E. - Design of VLSI Gate Array Ics
547564: HOLLIS, MARIANNE (EDITOR) - Late Sickert: Paintings 1927 to 1942
448229: HOLLIS, MARTIN - Models of Man: Philosophical Thoughts on Social Action
284785: HOLLISTER-SHORT, GRAHAM (ED.) - History of Technology: Vol. 22, 2000
214361: HOLLIWELL, L.R - Carneddau
500301: HOLLO, ANSELM - Alembic
451515: HOLLO, ANSELM (ED.) - Negro Verse
256500: HOLLOW, JOHN (ED.); ET AL. - The After-Summer Seed: Reconsiderations of william Morris's 'the story of Sigurd the volsung': Papers read at the Annual meeting of the Modern Language Association: decemby, 1976
524011: HOLLOWAY, MEMORY (INTRO.) - John Walker: Prints 1976-84
528008: HOLLOWAY, D.S. - The Huxleys: A Godalming Family
526518: HOLLOWAY, JOHN - Civitatula: The Little City, A Poem in Six Parts
543315: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD - Leaving Alexandria: A Memoir of Faith and Doubt
242389: HOLLOWAY, GEOFFREY - To Have Eyes
009822: HOLLOWAY, JOHN - The Minute and Longer Poems
433428: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD - Let God Arise
602162: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD - Doubts and Loves: What is Left of Christianity
607441: HOLLOWAY, DAVID - The Soviet Union and the Arms Race
548806: HOLLOWOOD, BERNARD - Pont: An Account of the Life and Work of Graham Laidler (1908-1940), the Great Punch Artist
608519: HOLLOWOOD, BERNARD - Pont: The Life and Work of the Great Punch Artist
546037: HOLLOWOOD, BERNARD - The Hawksmoor Scandals
509579: HOLLOWOOD, BERNARD (ED.) - Pick of Punch
544556: HOLLSTEIN, WILHELM - Metallanalytische Untersuchungen an MUNZEN Der ROMISCHEN Republik
438100: HOLLYFIELD, JOE G.; ANDERSON, ROBERT E.; LAVAIL, MATTHEW M. (EDS.) - Retinal Degenerative Diseases (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Volume 572)
438101: HOLLYFIELD, JOE G.; ANDERSON, ROBERT E.; LAVAIL, MATTHEW M. (EDS.) - Retinal Degenerative Diseases (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Volume 572)
476286: HOLM, MICHAEL JUUL; KJELDSEN, KJELD (EDS.) - Frontiers of Architecture II: Green Architecture for the Future
435319: HOLM, CHRIS - The Killing Kind
549206: HOLM, DARRYL D.; SCHMAH, TANYA; STOICA, CRISTINA - Geometric Mechanics and Symmetry: From Finite to Infinite Dimensions
603842: HOLM, IAN; JACOBI, STEVEN - Acting My Life
607852: HOLM, JOHN - Pidgins and Creoles, Volume II: Reference Survey
504567: HOLMAN, ROBERT - Other Worlds: The Overgrown Path: Two Plays by Robert Holman
434642: HOLMAN, C. HUGH - The American Novel Through Henry James
487171: HOLMAN, MICHAEL - Fatboy and the Dancing Ladies
468368: HOLMAN, H.; HOLMAN, M.R. - Handy Book for Shipowners & Masters.
421458: HOLMAN, MARTIN - Richard Rome
604467: HOLMAN, BETTY - Memoirs of a Diplomat's Wife
236777: HOLMBERG, JOHAN (EDITOR) - Making Development Sustainable : Redefining Institutions, Policy, and Economics
160320: HOLMBERG, BORJE - Distance Education: A Survey and Bibliography
427801: HOLMBERG, JOHN-HENRI (ED.) - A Darker Shade of Sweden: Original Stories By Sweden's Greatest Crime Writers
477090: HOLME, GEOFFREY (ED.) - The Studio: A Magazine of Fine and Applied Art: Volume 93, Number 407, Feb. 15th 1927
199852: HOLME, ANTHEA; YUDKIN, SMON - Working Mothers and Their children: A Study for the Council for Children's Welfare
109099: HOLME, RICHARD & ELLIOTT, MICHAEL (EDITORS) - 1688-1988 : Time for a New Constitution
280230: HOLME, GEOFFREY (ED.) - The Studio: 1922
477091: HOLME, GEOFFREY (ED.) - The Studio: A Magazine of Fine and Applied Art: Volume 93, Number 408, Mar. 15th 1927
481682: HOLME, CHARLES (ED.) - The Royal Academy from Reynolds to Millais
155928: HOLME, CHARLES. ED. - Masters of English Landscape Painting
047356: HOLME, THEA - Caroline
477537: HOLME, CONSTANCE - The Old Road from Spain
466738: HOLMES, ROGER - Legitimacy and the Politics of the Knowable (Routledge Direct Editions)
149781: HOLMES, DIANA - Romance and Readership in Twentieth Century France : Love Stories
104538: HOLMES, GRACE E. - Whither Thou Goest . . . I Will Go
492703: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - The Professor at the Breakfast-table
423859: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - The Autocrat of The Breakfast Table
519013: HOLMES, LESLIE (ED.) - The Withering Away of the State? Party and State Under Communism (SAGE Modern Politics Series, Volume 6)
296152: HOLMES, CAROLINE - Why Do Violets Shrink?
261329: HOLMES, RICHARD - Coleridge: Early Visions
439735: HOLMES, RICHARD - The Age of Wonder
522741: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL; WHITE, G. EDWARD (INTRO.) - The Common Law (John Harvard Library)
261434: HOLMES, PETER; DEHAVAS, TOM. - ELECTRON Assembly Language Course (Dr. Watson series)
524314: HOLMES, JANET; STUBBE, MARIA - Power and Politeness in the Workplace: A Sociollinguistic Analysis of Talk at Work
166271: HOLMES, PHILIP; LUNDSKAER-NIELSEN, TOM; ALLAN, ROBIN - Danish : An Essential Grammar
512064: HOLMES, LESLIE - Rotten States?: Corruption, Post-Communism and Neoliberalism
504128: HOLMES, R. DERBY - A Yankee in the Trenches
515607: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - The Professor at the Breakfast Table
062125: HOLMES, W. KERSLEY - The Stolen Trophy and Other Stories
098730: HOLMES, CLIVE - Twenty Cotswold Towns
461682: HOLMES, LOWELL D. - Samoan Islands Bibliography
530771: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - The Professor at the Breakfast Table
547601: HOLMES, OLIVIA - Assembling the Lyric Self: Authorship from Troubadour Song to Italian Poetry Book
535264: HOLMES, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Environment and the Industrial Society
530772: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - The Professor at the Breakfast Table
418277: HOLMES, SIR CHARLES - A Grammar of the Arts
231685: HOLMES, DEBORAH L.; PASTERNAK, JOSEPH F.; REICH, J. NAGY - The Development of Infants Born at Risk
519333: HOLMES, RICHARD - Coleridge: Early Visions
502871: HOLMES, NEIL - Merseyside Blitzed
461006: HOLMES, DOUGLAS R. - Cultural Disenchantments: Worker Peasantries in Northeast Italy
021271: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table
519181: HOLMES, RICHARD - Firing Line
295940: HOLMES, JOHN W. (ED.) - Maelstrom: The United States, Southern Europe, and the Challenges of the Mediterranean
515606: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table
545526: HOLMES, DOROTHY A. - Cotswolds Calling
515608: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - The Poet at The Breakfast Table
097964: HOLMES, EDMOND - The Albigensian or Catharist Heresy, a Story and a Study
530986: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL - The Poet at The Breakfast Table
498589: HOLMES, HARRY - Avro: The History of an Aircraft Company in Photographs
504505: HOLMES, MARK H.; RUBENFIELD, LESTER A. - Mathematical Modeling of the Hearing Process: Lecture Notes in Biomathematics; Proceedings, Troy, NY 1980
174511: HOLMES, GORDON - Selected Papers of Gordon Holmes
543297: HOLMES, CAROL - The Paradox of Countertransference: You and Me, Here and Now
073343: HOLMES, LESLIE - The Policy Process In Communist States: Politics and Industrial Administration (Sage Library of Social Research; V. 127)
604621: HOLMES, RICHARD - Sidetracks: Explorations of a Romantic Biographer
091570: HOLMLUND, BERTIL; LOFGREN, KARL-GUSTAF; ENGSTROM, LARS - Trade Unions, Employment, and Unemployment Duration (FIEF Studies in Labour Markets and Economic Policy)
451936: HOLMLUND, BERTIL - Labor Mobility: Studies of Labor Turnover and Migration in the Swedish Labor Market
515361: HOLMS, STAFFORD; WINGATE, MICHAEL - Building with Lime: a Practical Introduction
221077: HOLMSTROM, LYNDA LYTLE - The Two-Career Family
159275: HOLMSTROM; JUSSILA; VAUHKONEN - Assessment of Mental Health and Illness, Considered in the Light of a 13-year Longitudinal Study (ACTA Supplementum 333, Vol 75)
160025: HOLMSTROM, REIJO - Healthy Students as Adult Citizens (ACTA Supplementum 351, Vol 80)
159282: HOLMSTROM; KOIVIST; NIEMI - Differences in Adjustment Among University-Educated Men and Women (ACTA Supplementum 343, Vol 78)
427636: HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS - Out of the Dark: Short Stories by Survivors
425545: HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS - Out of the Dark: Short Stories by Survivors
248168: HOLROYD, MICHAEL (ED.) - The Genius of Shaw : A Symposium
271662: HOLROYD, MICHAEL - Augustus John: A Biography - Volume I, The Years of Innocence
019505: HOLROYD, MICHAEL - Bernard Shaw. Volume I: 1856-1898. The Search for Love.
511640: HOLROYD, MICHAEL - Lytton Strachey: A Critical Biography (2 volumes)
444700: HOLROYD, MICHAEL, ET AL - Whose Loan is it Anyway?: Essays in Celebration of PLR's Twentieth Anniversary
519114: HOLROYD, MICHAEL - Lytton Strackey: The New Biography
545696: HOLROYD, MICHAEL - A Strange Eventful History: The Dramatic Lives of Ellen Terry, Henry Irving and Their Remarkable Families
517686: HOLROYD, MICHAEL - Bernard Shaw: Volume I 1856-1898, The Search for Love
449095: HOLROYD, MICHAEL - Lytton Strachey: A Critical Biography, Volume 1: The Unknown Years (1880 - 1910)
457812: HOLROYD, MICHAEL - A Dog's Life
271900: HOLROYD, MICHAEL - Mosiac: Portraits in Fragments
016479: HOLROYD, FRED - Thinking About Nuclear Weapons: Analyses and Prescriptions
423539: HOLROYD, MICHAEL (ED.) - Essays by Divers Hands: New Series: Volume XLII
481186: HOLSAPPLE, C.W. - Handbook on Knowledge Management 1: Knowledge Matters
545340: HOLSCHER, JENS; KLAES, MATTHIAS (EDITORS) - Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace
545093: HOLSCHER, JENS; TOMANN, HORST (EDITORS) - Money, Development and Economic Transformation: Selected Essays By Hajo Riese
545105: HOLSCHER, JENS (EDITOR) - Poland and the Eurozone
105955: HOLSCHNEIDER, ALEXANDER M. - Hirschsprung's Disease
300814: HOLST, GUSTAV - Nocturne for Piano Solo
300817: HOLST, GUSTAV - Two Folk Song Fragments for Piano Solo
429331: HOLSTI, OLE R. - Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy
186607: HOLSTROM, J. EDWIN (ED.) - Analytical Index to the publications of the Institution of Civil Engineers: 1970 to 1974
449586: HOLT, TERRENCE - Internal Medicine: A Doctor's Stories
547321: HOLT, TOM - Grailblazers
540876: HOLT, TOM - Wish You Were Here
513519: HOLT, P. M. - Studies in the History of the Near East
534826: HOLT, J.C. (ED.) - Domesday Studies: Novocentenary Conference: Royal Historical Society and Institute of British Geographers: Winchester 1986
542064: HOLT, HAZEL - The Cruellest Month
540447: HOLT, TOM - Flying Dutch
542841: HOLT, TOM - Faust Among Equals
545054: HOLT, RICHARD P.F.; PRESSMAN, STEVEN (EDITORS) - A New Guide to Post Keynesian Economics
535004: HOLT, DAVID; NEWMAN, JEFFREY (INTRODUCTION) - The Clermont Story: Arguing Christian Responsibility
485016: HOLT, TERRENCE - Internal Medicine: A Doctor's Stories
541143: HOLT, TOM - Little People
547166: HOLT, TOM - Faust Among Equals
512334: HOLT, TONIE AND VALMAI - Major & Mrs Holt's Battlefield Guide: Ypres Salient
258429: HOLT, P. J. - Mechanics: Essential Theory and Exercises
305400: HOLT, JONATHAN - The Abduction
176685: HOLT, K.S.;HEWETT, SHEILA;STEPHEN, ELSPETH - Mental Retardation: 2, 3 & 4: The Quality of Survival, The Need for Long-Term Care, Growing Up in Hospital
528888: HOLT, RICHARD - Second Amongst Equals: Chancellors of the Exchequer and the British Economy
425421: HOLT, TOM - Poems By Tom Holt
548496: HOLT, TOM - GoatSong
477869: HOLT, JOHN - General View of the Agriculture of the County of Lancaster
490503: HOLT, J. C. (ED.) - Domesday Studies: Papers Read at the Novocentenary Conference of the Royal Historical Society and the Institute of British Geographers, Winchester, 1906
221944: HOLT, OLIVER - Pipers Hill: Memories of a Country Childhood
534882: HOLTAN, ORLEY I. - Mythic Patterns in Isbsen's Last Plays
172206: HOLTJE, BERT; CHRISTMAN, DONALD A. - Handbook of Engineering Management
247798: HOLTON, SANDRA STANLEY - Suffrage Days : Stories from the Women's Suffrage Movement
175990: HOLTON, ROBERT J.; TURNER, BRYAN S. - Max Weber on Economy and Society
008748: HOLTON, JOHN B. (EDITOR) - The Inherited Metabolic Diseases
545393: HOLTROP, PIETER N & MCLEOD, HUGH (ED) - Missions and Missionaries: Studies in Church History, Subsidia 13
182109: HOLTZHAUER, HELMUT - Natur Und Idee
505471: HOLUB, MIROSLAV - On the Contrary and Other Poems
547685: HOLUB, MIROSLAV; MILNER, IAN, (TRANSL.); MILNER, JARMILA, (TRANSL.) - Although: Cape Editions 44
480481: HOLUM, JOHN R. - Elements of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: Ninth Edition
231343: HOLYBAND, CLAUDIUS - The French Littelton : The Edition of 1609
535679: HOLYOAKE, JOHN - Montaigne: Essais (Critical Guides to French Texts)
481948: HOLYOAKE, G. JACOB (ED.) - The Movement: Anti-persecution Gazette and Register of Progress: A Weekly Journal of Republican Politics, Anti-theology and Utilitarian Morals: 1843 - 1845
607329: HOLYOAKE, DEAN-DAVID; FITZGIBBON, SANDY - Discussing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Nursing
214640: HOLZ, CYNTHIA; ADDERSON, CAROLINE - A History of Forgetting
230568: HOLZAPFEL, HELMUT - Trip Relationships in Urban Areas
521462: HOLZBERG, NIKLAS (COMPILER AND TRANSLATOR) - Applaus FUR Venus: Die 100 SCHONSTEN Liebesgedichte Der Antike
510757: HOLZER, HAROLD (ED.) - The Lincoln Anthology: Great Writers on His Life and Legacy from 1860 to Now
060464: HOLZMANN, ROBERT; GACS, JANOS & WINCKLER, GEORG - Output Decline in Eastern Europe: Unavoidable, External Influence or Homemade?
535960: HOMANS, GEORGE C. - Social Behavior: Its Elementary Forms
535961: HOMANS, GEORGE C. - The Human Group
151129: HOMANS, HILARY - Women in the National Health Service : Report of a Case Study into Equal Opportunities in Clinical Chemistry Laboratories
446373: HOMANS, HILARY (ED.) - The Sexual Politics of Reproduction
535044: HOMANS, GEORGE C. - The Witch Hazel: Poems of a Lifetime
547615: HOMBERGER, ERIC; JANEWAY, WILLIAM; SCHAMA, SIMON (EDITORS) - The Cambridge Mind: Ninety Years of the 'Cambridge Review', 1879-1969
548233: HOME, GORDON (AUTHOR); LORD HARDING (PREFACE) - Cyprus Then and Now
000581: HOME OFFICE - Habitual Drunken Offenders
546716: HOME, STEWART - Blood Rites of the Bourgeoisie: Semina No. 7
084171: HOME OFFICE - Legislation on Identity Cards: A Consultation
426414: HOME, GORDON - Through Yorkshire: The County of Broad Acres
005323: HOME OFFICE - Mental Health (Amendment) Act 1982: Chapter 51
000645: HOME OFFICE - London County Council Remand Homes - Report of Committee of Inquiry
499949: HOME, WILLIAM DOUGLAS - The Golf Umbrella: A Comedy
003542: HOME OFFICE - Health Services Act 1980 - Chapter 53
001911: HOME OFFICE - Young Adult Offenders: Report of the Advisory Council on the Penal System
523061: HOMER; POPE, ALEXANDER (TRANS.) - The Odyssey
063384: HOMER, ALEX; ETC. - Instant HTML: Programmer's Reference
500784: HOMER, LLOYD; MOORE, PHIL - Reading the Rocks: A Guide to Geological Features of the Wairarapa Coast
535361: HOMER; RIEU, E.V. (TRANSLATOR) - The Iliad
281123: HOMES, A. M. - The Mistress's Daughter: A Memoir
488668: HOMES, A. M. - Ghada Amer
526006: HOMFRAY, MIKE - Provincial Queens: The Gay and Lesbian Community in the North-West of England
294040: HOMMA, M.; OSAWA, E.; YASUFUKU, M.; WAKATSUKI M.; ICHNOSE, N. (EDS.) - Advanced Materials '93, I. 14B: Magnetic, Fullerene, Dielectric, Ferroelectric, Diamond and Related Materials
286375: HOMMA, KENSHIRO - A History of Modern Japanese Literature
Am1905: HON, ADRIAN - A History of the Future in 100 Objects
474723: HONDEGHEM, ANNIE (ED.) - Ethics and Accountability in a Context of Governance and New Public Management: EGPA Yearbook
304399: HONDERICH, TED (ED.) - Essays on Freedom of Action
428022: HONER, JULIAN (ED.) - London Suburbs
479277: HONER, STANLEY M.; HUNT, THOMAS C. - Invitation to Philosophy: Issues and Options
485975: HONERKAMP, JOSEF - Statistical Physics: An Advanced Approach with Applications
074738: HONEY, MICHAEL KEITH - Black Workers Remember: An Oral History of Segregation,Unionism and the Freedom Struggle
279559: HONEY, W. B. - Many Occasions: Essays towards the Appreciation of Several Arts
021392: HONEY, W. B. - Wedgwood Ware
112028: HONEY, W.B. - French Porcelain of the 18th Century
098936: HONEY, W. B. (INTRODUCTION) TURNER, W. J. (EDITOR) - British Craftsmanship
602062: HONEY, DEREK - The Testament of Barabbas
448750: HONEYBOURNE, MARJORIE B. (ED.) - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, New Series, Volume 19
448747: HONEYBOURNE, MARJORIE B. (ED.) - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, New Series, Volume 16, 1968-69
448748: HONEYBOURNE, MARJORIE B. (ED.) - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, New Series, Volume 17
448749: HONEYBOURNE, MARJORIE B. (ED.) - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, New Series, Volume 18
198837: (ED.) HONG; MAO-CHUNG & CHEN; LING - Design and Construction of Coordination Polymers
413387: HONG, LIU YU - Bidirectional Interaction of Lexicon and Syntax Interface
607993: HONGLADAROM, SORAJ - The Online Self: Externalism, Friendship and Games (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology, 25)
212497: HONIG, BONNIE; MAPEL, DAVID R. (EDITORS) - Skepticism, Individuality and Freedom : The Reluctant Liberalism of Richard Flathman
247867: HONIG, EDWIN - García Lorca (Jonathan Cape Paperback; 74)
081718: HONIG, EDWIN - The Affinities of Orpheus
547257: HONIGMANN, ERNEST - Patristic Studies
232008: HONIGMANN, E. A. J. - Myriad-Minded Shakespeare : Essays, Chiefly on the Tragedies and Problem Comedies (Contemporary Interpretations of Shakespeare)
075287: HONIGSBAUM, NAOMI - HIV, AIDS, and Children: A Cause for Concern
485513: HONNEF, KLAUS (ED.) - Melanie Manchot: Love is a Stranger: Photographs 1998 - 2001
111272: HONNEF, KLAUS; SZCZESNY, STEFAN (ED) - Art at the Hotel
213698: HØNNELAND, GEIR; STOKKE, OLAV SCHRAM - International Cooperation and Arctic Governance: Regime Effectiveness and Northern Region Building
518347: HONORE, A.M. - The South African Law of Trusts
518914: HONORE, TONY - The South African Law of Trusts
516613: HOOD, ROGER - Race and Sentencing: A Study in the Crown Court - A Report fo the Commission for Racial Equality
544815: HOOD, CHRISTOPHER, (ED.); JONES, DAVID K.C. (ED.) - Accident and Design: Contemporary Debates in Risk Management
516983: HOOD, JEAN (ED.) - Carrier: A Century of First-Hand Accounts of Naval Operations in War and Peace
486723: HOOD, ROGER - Borstal Re-Assessed
426287: HOOD, FREDERIC - The Chapel of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
478738: HOOD, JOHN - Problems in Paediatrics
292097: HOOD, SUZANNE; MAYALL, BERRY; OLIVER, SANDY (EDS.) - Critical Issues in Social Research: Power and Prejudice
516393: HOOD, ROGER - The Death Penalty: A World-wide Perspective
518258: HOOD; JOSHUA - Robert Ludlum's The Treadstone Exile
441730: HOOD, NEIL; YOUNG, STEPHEN (EDS.) - The Globalization of Multinational Enterprise Activity and Economic Development
292737: HOOD, THOMAS - Hood's Own: Or, Laughter from Year to Year: Being Former Runnings of His Comic Vein, with an Effusion of New Blood for General Circulation
539018: HOOD, PETER - The Sky and Heavens
488426: HOOD, THOMAS - Poems
111658: HOOD, D; GOETING, N (EDS) - Vertigo: Current Approaches
040746: HOOD, THOMAS - Poems of Thomas Hood, Vol 2
111064: HOOD, D.E & TARRANT, P.V (ED) - The Problem of Dark Cutting in Beef
088645: HOOFT, G.; JAFFE, A.; MITTER, P.K.; MACK, G. - Nonperturbative Quantum Field Theory (Series B: Physics Vol. 185)
143706: HOOGSTRATEN, B.; ADDIS, B. J., HANSEN, H.H.; MARTINI, N.; SPIRO, S.G. (EDS.) - Lung Tumors: Lung, Mediastinum, Pleura, and Chest Wall (International Union Against Cancer, Current Treatment of Cancer)
407347: HOOGSTRATEN, B. (ED.) (DURANT, J. R.; GUNZ, F. W.; HENDERSON, E. S.) - Hematologic Malignancies (Current Treatment of Cancer)
080533: HOOK, JERRY B.; GOLDSTEIN, ROBIN S. (EDS.) - Toxicology of the Kidney (Target Organ Toxicology Series)
543322: HOOK, DAVID, (ED.); NEWMAN, PENNY, (ED.) - Estoria Do Muy Vespesiano Emperador De Rome: EHT XXXIII
221508: HOOK, COLIN - Studying Classrooms
491626: HOOK, SIDNEY - From Hegel to Marx: Studies in the Intellectual Development of Karl Marx
477630: HOOK, PHILIP - The Island of the Dead
032919: HOOK, LUCYLE; GAVER, MARY VIRGINIA - The Research Paper: Gathering Library Material, Organizing and Preparing the Manuscript
604051: HOOK, SIDNEY (ED.) - Philosophy and History: A Symposium
607685: HOOK, DAVID (ED.) - From Orosius to the Historia Silense: Four Essays on Late Antique and Early Medieval Historiography of the Iberian Peninsula
452241: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies: Volume 29, 2007
452240: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies: Volume 28, 2006
442917: HOOKE, D. (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 20, 1998
442919: HOOKE, D. (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 22, 2000
442901: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 30, 2008-9, Issue 2
442900: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 30, 2008-9
452239: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies: Volume 27, 2005
442903: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 31, 2010, Issue 2
442904: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Index of Volumes 1-10, 1979-1988
452238: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies: Volume 26, 2004
452233: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies: Volume 17, 1995
452235: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies: Volume 23, 2001
442902: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 31, 2010, Issue 1
452230: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies: Volume 14, 1992
452229: HOOKE, DELLA (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies: Volume 13, 1991
442918: HOOKE, D. (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 21, 1999
152957: HOOKE, J. M.; KAIN, ROGER - Historical Change in the Physical Environment
191455: HOOKER & ARNOTT - The British Flora: Comprising the Phaenogamous or Flowering Plants and the Ferns
537984: HOOKER, ROGER - What is Idolatry?
254037: HOOKER, MICHAEL (ED.) - Leibniz: Critical and Interpretive Essays
528002: HOOKER, JEREMY - Our Lady of Europe
446146: HOOKER, JEREMY - David Jones: An Exploratory Study
000752: HOOKER, DAVENPORT & HARE, CLARENCE C., EDS - Genetics and Inheritance of Integrated Neurological Psychiatric Patterns
445075: HOOKER, M.B. (ED.) - A Source Book of Adat. Chinese Law & the History of Common Law in the Malayan Peninsula: Malaya Law Review, Monograph No. 1, 1967
432101: HOOKEY, DR. JOHN; HICKS, A.B. - Fraser Island Environmental Inquiry: Final Report of the Commission of Inquiry
549126: HOOKS, BELL - A Woman's Mourning Song
517612: HOOKS, MIKE - Classic Props, InCamera: Vol 3
267330: HOOKWAY, CHRISTOPHER; PETERSON, DONALD (EDS.) - Philosophy and Cognitive Science
447414: HOOLE, JOHN - Jerusalem Delivered: An Heroic Poem: Vol. I
Am1883: HOOLE, JOHN; HYDE, RALPH; SATO, TOMOKO (EDS.) - Getting London in Perspective
094441: HOOMAN, J. - Specification and Compositional Verification of Real-Time Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 558)
536541: HOOPER, WILFRID - Reigate: Its Story Through the Ages
440445: HOOPER, CHLOE - A Child's Book of True Crime
524762: HOOPER, MEREDITH - The Longest Winter: Scott's Other Heroes
424858: HOOPER, DOUGLAS; ROBERTS, JOHN - Disordered Lives: An Interpersonal Account (Education Today)
487128: HOOPER, MEREDITH - The Ferocious Summer: Palmer's Penguins and the Warming of Antarctica
484498: HOOPER, SYDNEY E. (ED.) - Philosophy: The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy: Volume 30, 1955
484499: HOOPER, SYDNEY E. (ED.) - Philosophy: The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy: Volume 31, 1956
484494: HOOPER, SYDNEY E. (ED.) - Philosophy: The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy: Volume 26, 1951
484496: HOOPER, SYDNEY E. (ED.) - Philosophy: The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy: Volume 28, 1953
473077: HOOPER, CHARLES E. - Common Sense and the Rudiments of Philosophy
606604: HOOPER, WILFRID - Reigate: Its Story Through the Ages, Including Redhill
601532: HOORNAERT, LUC; PHOTOGRAPHY BY KRIS VLEGELS - Must Eat Amsterdam: An Eclectic Selection of Culinary Locations
601510: HOORNAERT, LUC; PHOTOGRAPHY BY KRIS VLEGELS - Must Eat Paris: An Eclectic Selection of Culinary Locations
234516: HOOS, IDA R. - Retraining the Work Force : An Analysis of Current Experience
017616: HOOTON, JOY; HESELTINE, HARRY - Annals of Australian Literature
183581: HOOVER, KENNETH R. - The Elements of Social Scientific Thinking
455279: HOOVER, P.A - Backwater Woman
161779y: HOOYKAAS, C (INTRODUCTION, TEXT, TRANSLATION AND NOTES) - The Lay of Jaya Prana, the Balinese Uriah
516535: HOOZEE, ROBERT (ED.) - British Vision: Observation and Imagination in British Art 1750-1950
032566: HOPE, C.E.G - Pony Magazine Annual 1972
187296: HOPE, ANTHONY - The God in the Car
491441: HOPE, TIM; SPARKS, RICHARD (EDS.) - Crime, Risk and Insecurity: Law and Order in Everyday Life and Political Discourse
187295: HOPE, ANTHONY - A Servant of the Public
187297: HOPE, ANTHONY - The King's Mirror
548252: HOPE, A.R. - 'The Pampas': A Story of Adventure in the Argentine Republic
476655: HOPE, EVA - Grace Darling, The Heroine of the Farne Islands: Her Life, and its Lessons
186043: HOPE, ANTHONY - A Change of Air
500915: HOPE HODGSON, WILLIAM - Captain Gault: Being the Exceedingly Private Log of a Sea-Captain
506092: HOPE, MAURICE - The Shores of Penrhyn LLYN: The Llyn Peninsula
520742: HOPE, ADRIAN; TROUBRIDGE, LAURA; LANCASTER, MARIE-JAQUELINE (ED.) - Letters of Engagement 1884-1888: The Love Letters of Adrian Hope and Laura Troubridge
476063: HOPE, V. - Philosophers of the Scottish Enlightenment
187291: HOPE, ANTHONY - A Man of Mark
479229: HOPE, MURRY - The World of Psychism: An Authoritative Study of Mysticism and Magic
544152: HOPE, ANNA - The White Rock
186064: HOPE, ANTHONY - The Intrusions of Peggy
542726: HOPE, ANTHONY - The Heart of Princess Osra
186063: HOPE, ANTHONY - The Great Miss Driver
186051: HOPE, ANTHONY - Mrs. Maxon Protests
549305: HOPE, CHRISTOPHER - Black Swan
016030: HOPE, ANTHONY - Rupert of Hentzau
187293: HOPE, ANTHONY - Simon Dale
185930: HOPE, ANTHONY - The Indiscretion of the Duchess
264674: HOPF, TED - Reconstructing the Cold War: The Early Years, 1945-1958
533450: HOPIL, CLAUDE - Les divins ELANCEMENTS d'amour: EXPRIMES en cent Cantiques faits en l'honneur de la TRES-Sainte-TRINITE
465294: HOPKINS, KENNETH - The Powys Brothers: A Biographical Appreciation
425747: HOPKINS, TIGHE - The Dungeons of Old Paris
037997: HOPKINS KAVANAGH, KATHRYN & KENNEDY, PATRICIA - Promoting Cultural Diversity
234804: HOPKINS, COLIN R.; HUGHES, R. COLIN (EDS.) - Growth Factors : Structure and Function : Proceedings of the British Society for Cell Biology - The Company of Biologists Limited Symposium, Glasgow, April 1985 (Journal of Cell Science; Supplement 3 1985)
258898: HOPKINS, JOHN - 100 Years of Squash at Pall Mall
028538: HOPKINS, MICHAEL - European Communities Information, Its Use and Users
500646: HOPKINS, JAMES K. - A Woman to Deliver Her People: Joanna Southcott and English Millenarianism in an Era of Revolution
142878: HOPKINS, S.J. - Principal Drugs : An Alphabetical Guide to Modern Therapeutic Agents
000452: HOPKINS, PHILIP & WOLFF, HEINZ [EDITORS] - Principles of Treatments of Psychosomatic Disorders
539841: HOPKINS, DAVID - African Comedy
549894: HOPKINS, BENJAMIN D.; MARSDEN, MAGNUS (EDITORS) - Beyond Swat: History, Society and Economy Along the Afghanistan-Pakistan Frontier
272660: HOPKINS, NICHOLAS S. (ED.) - Cairo Papers in Social Science; Volume 15, Monograph 4, Winter 1992: Environmental Challenges in Egypt and the World
535253: HOPKINS, LISA; STEGGLE, MATTHEW - Renaissance Literature and Culture
539145: HOPKINS, NICHOLAS S. - Political and Social Protest in Egypt
112287: HOPKINS, ANTHONY (ED.) - Headache : Problems in Diagnosis and Management (Major Problems in Neurology; Volume 15)
111169: HOPKINS, ANTHONY; BAHL, VEENA (EDS.) - Access to Health Care for People from Black and Ethnic Minorities
071833: HOPKINS, DAVID - Rethinking Teacher Education
026290: HOPKINS, M.; BRITISH LIBRARY; BINGHAM, GEORGE - The Business Use of European Communities Information in the United Kingdom
162392: HOPKINS, GORDON - Wanderings in South Wales
239453: HOPKINS, KENNETH - The End of a Golden String; Poems By Kenneth Hopkins.
450984: HOPKINS, BILLY - High Hopes: A Lancashire Life
190698: HOPKINS, JOHN - In the Chinese Mountains: A Novel of Peru
100013: HOPKINS, IAN - An Introduction to Human Geography
538460: HOPKINS, CLARK (EDITOR) - Topography and Architecture of Seleucia on the Tigris
531796: HOPKINS, MICHAEL F. (ED.) - British Financial Diplomacy with North America 1944-1946: Volume 62: The Diary of Frederick Harmer and the Washington Reports of Robert Brand - Camden Fifth Series
525838: HOPKINSON, FRANCIS; ZALL, PAUL M. (ED & INTRO) - Comical Spirit of Seventy-Six: The Humor of Francis Hopkinson
235631: HOPKINSON, TOM - Down the Long Slide
471591: HOPKINSON, DIANA; ET AL - A Garden of Beliefs: The Memoirs and Poetry of David Martin Hopkinson, Author and Educationalist, 1914-2002
529365: HOPPE, NILS; MIOLA, JOSE - Medical Law and Medical Ethics
429034: HOPPE, HANS-HERMANN, ET AL - Friedrich von Wiesers "Uber den Ursprung und die Hauptgesetze des wirthschaftlichen Werthes"
473404: HOPPE, JIRI - PraZskE Jaro v MEdiIch
548755: HOPPEN, K. THEODORE - Elections, Politics, and Society in Ireland, 1832-1885
519291: HOPPEN, KELLY; STEWART-SMITH, SARAH; YATES, MEL (PHOTOS) - Kelly Hoppen Ideas: Creating a Home for the Way You Live
270565: HOPPER, PAUL J.; THOMPSON, SANDRA A. (EDS.) - Syntax and Semantics: Volume 15: Studies in Transitivity
187126: HOPPER, A. G. - Basic Statistical Quality Control
176286: HOPPER, EARL - Readings in the Theory of Educational Systems
452699: HOPTMAN, LAURA; TZIRZILAKIS, YORGOS - Christina Soulou: Selected Drawings
527296: HOPTON, ANDREW (ED. & INTRO.) - Tyranipocrit Discovered
443210: HOPWOOD, CHARLES HENRY; TRICE MARTIN, CHARLES (EDS.) - Minutes of Parliament of the Middle Temple, Vol. IV: Index of Persons and Places
549934: HOPWOOD, DEREK (EDITOR) - Euro-Arab Dialogue: The Relations Between the Two Cultures (Acts of the Hamburg Symposium, April 11th to 15th 1983)
549586: HOPWOOD, DEREK (EDITOR) - Studies in Arab History: The Antonius Lectures, 1978-87
087376: HORACE - Q. Horatii Flacci: Carminum: Liber Iv
260413: HORACE - Opera: Volumes I & II
481916: HORACE; WEST, DAVID (ED.) - Horace: Odes I: Carpe Diem
426652: HORAN, DENNIS J.; MALL, DAVID (EDS.) - Death, Dying and Euthanasia
516975: HORAN, THOMAS - Desire and Empathy in Twentieth-Century Dystopian Fiction
513667: HORAN, THOMAS - Desire and Empathy in Twentieth-Century Dystopian Fiction
481645: HORAN, M.A.; LITTLE, R.A. (EDS.) - Injury in the Aging
513661: HORAN, THOMAS - Desire and Empathy in Twentieth-Century Dystopian Fiction
478322: HORCASITAS, JOSE LUIS BARROS - Encuentros Con La Ciudad De MExico
544071: HORDEN, PEREGRINE, (ED.) - Music As Medicine: The History of Music Therapy Since Antiquity
488607: HORDER, JOHN (ED.) - The Writings of John Hunt
025624: HORDERN, WILLIAM - A Layman's Guide to Protestant Theology
005525: HORE, B. D. - Alcohol Dependence (Postgraduate Psychiatry Ser.)
604493: HORE, PETER - Nelson's Band of Brothers: Lives and Memorials
604496: HORE, PETER - Nelson's Band of Brothers: Lives and Memorials
181151: HORECKY, PAUL L. - Russia and the Soviet Union: A Bibliography Guide to Western Language Publications
477176: HORGA, IOAN - ContribuTii La CunoaSterea Jozeffinismului Provincial: Debutul Episcopiei Greco-Catolice De Oradea (1777-1784)
536482: HORGAN, TERENCE - Essays on Paradoxes
543634: HORGAN, JOHN - Walking Away From Terrorism: Accounts of Disengagement from Radical and Extremist Movements
441418: HORGAN, PAUL - Tracings: A Book of Partial Portraits
505581: HORGAN, PAUL - The Clerhews of Paul Horgan
172135: HORI, J. - Spectral Properties of Disordered Chains and Lattices (International Series of Monographs in Natural Philosophy; Volume 16)
537845: HORIGAN, STEPHEN - Nature and Culture in Western Discourses
160933: HORIKOSHI, KOKI - Microorganisms in Alkaline Environments
541736: HORISCH, JOCHEN - Die Andere Goethezit: Poetische Mobilmachung Des Subjekts Um 1800
190764: HORIUCHI, YUSAKU - Institutions, Incentives and Electoral Participation in Japan : Cross-Level and Cross-National Perspectives (The Nissan Institute/Routledge Curzon Japanese Studies Series)
517622: HORKHEIMER, MAX (ED.) - Zeitschrift FUR Sozialforschung: Jahrgang II, Heft 2
518044: HORKHEIMER, MAX; O'CONNELL, MATTHEW J. (TRANSL.) - Critique of Instrumental Reason: Lectures and Essays Since the End of World War II
545564: HORLER, SYDNEY - Tiger Stanish Comes Back
545563: HORLER, SYDNEY - The Man from Scotland Yard
525117: HORN, JULIA; RUSSELL-WATTS, LYNSEY (EDS.) - Possessions: Essays in French Literature, Cinema and Theory
408059: HORN, RONI - Cabinet Of
529820: HORN, JOYCE M.; BIRCH, DEBRA J. - History Laboratory: The Institute of Historic Research, 1921-96
527479: HORN, PETER - At the Margin of One/Many Languages: Essays on South African Literature
290410: HORN, PAMELA - The Victorian and Edwardian Schoolchild
199511: HORN, JOYCE M. - The Register of Robert Hallum
441801: HORN, ROBERT D. (ED.) - Marlborough: A Survey: Panegyrics, Satires, and Biographical Writings, 1688-1788
523500: HORN, MICHAEL - Studien Zur Geschichte Papst Eugens III (1145-1153)
212022: HORN, RONI - Rings of Lispector (Agua Viva)
548408: HORNA, HERNAN - Transport Modernization and Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth Century Colombia: Cisneros and Friends
456112: HORNBY, NICK - Slam
527242: HORNBY, NICK - Funny Girl
518961: HORNBY, NICK - Funny Girl
542316: HORNBY, NICK - How To Be Good
295263: HORNBY, NICK (ED.) - Speaking with the Angel
268833: HORNBY, NICK - About a Boy
300210: HORNBY, NICK - Juliet, Naked
518962: HORNBY, NICK - Slam
269105: HORNBY, NICK - How to Be Good
542484: HORNBY, NICK - The Complete Polysyllabic Spree
466827: HORNE, ALISTAIR; MONTGOMERY, DAVID (EDS.) - The Lonely Reader: Monty 1944-1945
174898: HORNE, J. A. & PAGE, M. L. (ED.) - Sleep Disorders - Current Approaches
491620: HORNE, JOSEPH - A Basic Vocabulary of Scientific and Technological German
515039: HORNE, ALISTAIR - The Terrible Year: The Paris commune, 1871
271388: HORNE, KIBBEY, M. - Language Typology: 19th and 20th Century Views
031735: HORNE, JOHN - Work and Unemployment (Sociology in Focus Series)
548135: HORNE, CYNTHIA M. - Building Trust and Democracy: Transitional Justice in Post-Communist Countries
258100: HORNE, CHARLES F. - The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Volume 1: Babylonia and Assyria
222984: HORNER, MATINA; NADELSON, CAROL C.; NOTMAN, MALKAH T. (EDS.) - The Challenge of Change : Perspectives on Family, Work, and Education (Women in Context)
067308: HORNER, PAULINE - Travel Geography for Tourism: United Kingdom
043052: HORNER, PAULINE - Travel Geography for Tourism; Part. 2 : Worldwide
232770: HORNER, JOSEPH - An Elementary Treatise on Hoisting Machinery
474140: HORNER, I.B. (TRANS.) - Sacred Books of the Buddhists, Vol. X: Book of the Discipline, Part 1
234171: HORNER, JOSEPH G. - Pattern Marking: A Practical Treatise
516813: HORNICK, LITA (ED.) - Kulchur 7
516811: HORNICK, LITA (ED.) - Kulchur 15
516810: HORNICK, LITA (ED.) - Kulchur 16
516806: HORNICK, LITA (ED.) - Kulchur 6
516824: HORNICK, LITA (ED.) - Kulchur 19
516819: HORNICK, LITA (ED.) - Kulchur 10
516820: HORNICK, LITA (ED.) - Kulchur 17
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