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538020: HAREVEN, TAMARA K. (EDITOR) - Anonymous Americans: Exporations in Nineteenth-Century Social History
526351: HARFORD, JUDITH; RUSH, CLAIRE (EDS.) - Have Women Made a Difference? Women in Irish Universities, 1850-2010 (Rethinking Education, Volume 3)
514094: HARFORD, JUDITH; HUDSON, BRIAN & NIEMI, HANNELE (EDS) - Quality Assurance and Teacher Education: International Challenges and Expectations
526345: HARFORD, JUDITH; HUDSON, BRIAN; NIEMI, HANNELE (EDS.) - Quality Assurance and Teacher Education: International Challenges and Expectations (Rethinking Education, Volume 6)
479206: HARFORD-BATTERSBY, CHARLES F. - Pilkington of Uganda
547433: HARGRAVE, STEPHEN - London London
111655x: HARGREAVES, G. R. - Psychiatry and the Public Health
545422: HARGREAVES, JOYCE - The Dragon Hunter's Handbook
168925: HARGREAVES, DAVID J.; COLLEY, ANN M. - The Psychology of Sex Roles
270323: HARGREAVES, JACK (MANAGING EDITOR) - Lilliput: December-January 1952
522602: HARGREAVES, W.H.; MORRISON, R.J.G. - The Practice of Tropical Medicine
250239: HARGREAVES, IAN - Journalism: Truth or Dare?
067306: HARGREAVES, R. L. - Starting a Business in Britain: A Practicle Handbook with Examples; Planning, Forecasting, Tax and Legal Matters, Controlling the Business, Raising Finance
524494: HARGREAVES, CLARE - Snowfields: The War on Cocaine in The Andes
541005: HARGREAVES, JACK (EDITOR) - Lilliput: A Long John Steinbeck Story Vol 31, No. 6, Issue No. 186
012299: HARGREAVES - Hargreaves Photographic, Audio Visual & Video, Issue 15, 1992-3
606348: HARGREAVES, JOHN - Sport, Power and Culture: A Social and Historical Analysis of Popular Sports in Britain
515323: HARGROVE, E. - Anecdotes of Archery; from the Earliest Ages to the Year 1791
469771: HARGUS, SHARON; KAISSE, ELLEN M. (EDS.) - Phonetics and Phonology: Volume 4: Studies in Lexical Phonology
300128: HARI-SHA; HAGIWARA, HIDEO - Hari; Volume 2
043304a: HARIDI, SEIF; ALI, KHAYRI & MAGNUSSON, PETER - Euro-Par '95: Parallel Processing: First International Euro-Par Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 29 - 31, 1995. Proceedings
424447: HARING, DONALD R. - Sequential-Circuit Synthesis: State Assignment Aspects
522316: HARING, ROLF; BOLSINGER, MARKUS - Mercedes SL (Marques & Models)
219754: HARINGTON, HENRY; HOAR, ALEXANDER - The New Investor's Toolbox : Using the Right Tools to Fine Tune Your Financial Future
535542: HARKABI Y.; LOUVISH, MISHA (TRANS.) - Arab Attitudes to Israel
603660: HARKAWAY, NICK - Angelmaker
526706: HARKENSS, NIGEL; SCHMID, MARION (EDS.) - Au Seuil De La MODERNITE: Proust, Literarture and the Arts; Essays in Memory of Richard Bales (Romanticism and After in France, Volume 15)
269111: HARKIN, JOE; TURNER, GILL; DAWN, TREVOR - Teaching Young Adults: A Handbook for Teachers in Post-Compulsory Education
078206: HARKIN, JOE - Communication for Enterprise GNVQs: Business / Management Studies / Retail and Distributive Services / Information Technology (Collins GNVQ Core Skills)
173552: HARKNESS, J.W. (EDITOR) - Pestivirus Infections of Ruminants : Agriculture
525268: HARKNESS, NIGEL; SCHMID, MARION (EDS.) - Au Seuil De La Modernite: Proust, Literature and the Arts: Essays in Memory of Richard Bales (Romanticism and After in France, Volume 15)
196961: HARKNESS, H.W. - Elementary Dynamics of Particles
525698: HARKNESS, NIGEL; WRIGHT, JACINTA (EDS.) - George Sand: INTERTEXTUALITE et Polyphonie II - Voix, Image, Texte (French Studies of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Volume 31)
528215: HARKNESS, NIGEL; ROWE, PAUL; UNWIN, TIM; YEE, JENNIFER (EDS.) - Visions/Revisions: Essays on Nineteenth-Century French Culture (French Studies of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Volume 14)
519242: HARKNESS, JOHN - The Academy Awards Handbook: Who Won What When?
413516: HARKONEN, ANNA-LEENA - Takana Puhumiaen Taito
450886: HARLAN, JUDITH - Mamphela Ramphele: Challenging Apartheid in South Africa
487169: HARLAN, DAVID - The Degradation of American History
237373: HARLAND, W.B. (ED.); FRANCIS, E.H. (ED.); EVANS, P.; GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON - The Phanerozoic Time-Scale: a Supplement
028602: HARLE, LESLEY; WILLIS, SIMON - Painting Ceramics
107889: HARLEN, WYNNE - Evaluation and the Teacher's Role : Papers from Members of the Schools Council Project Evaluators' Group on the Role of Evaluation in Innovation Within the School
297726: HARLEY, TREVOR - The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory
520061: HARLEY, J.B.; (INTRO.); MANTERFIELD, J.B & B.A.D (CARTO-BIBLIOGRAPHY) - The Old Series Ordnance Survey Maps of England and Wales: A Reproduction of the 110 Sheets of The Survey in Early State in 10 Volumes (Volume V Lincolnshire, Rutland and East Anglia)
520062: HARLEY, J.B.(INTRO); OLIVER, R.R. (INTRO); OLIVER, RICHARD (CARTO-BIBLIOGRAPHY) - The Old Series Ordnance Survey Maps of England and Wales: A Reproduction of the 110 Sheets of The Survey in Early State in 8 Volumes (Volume VI Wales)
520058: HARLEY, J.B.; O'DONOGHUE, YOLANDA (INTRO.) - The Old Series Ordnance Survey Maps of England and Wales: A Reproduction of the 110 Sheets of The Survey in Early State in 10 Volumes (Volume II: Devon, Cornwall and West Somerset)
540874: HARLEY, REX - Here and Never
306555: HARLEY, BIRGIT (ED.) - Lexical Issues in Language Learning
511789: HARLINE, CRAIG - Miracles at the Jesus Oak
541701: HARLING, ROBERT - Amateur Sailor
431605: HARLOW, HARRY F. (ED.) - The Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology: Volume 50, 1957
190563: HARLOW, ALVIN F. - Entretelones De La Filatelia
521800: HARLOW, CAROL; RAWLINGS, RICHARD - Process and Procedure in EU Administration
431603: HARLOW, HARRY F. (ED.) - The Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology: Volume 48, 1955
431608: HARLOW, HARRY F. (ED.) - The Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology: Volume 53, 1960
546517: HARLOW, VINCENT T. - A History of Barbados, 1625-1685
431609: HARLOW, HARRY F. (ED.) - The Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology: Volume 54, 1961
431606: HARLOW, HARRY F. (ED.) - The Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology: Volume 51, 1958
431610: HARLOW, HARRY F. (ED.) - The Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology: Volume 55, 1962
431604: HARLOW, HARRY F. (ED.) - The Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology: Volume 49, 1956
431607: HARLOW, HARRY F. (ED.) - The Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology: Volume 52, 1959
441322: HARLOW, CAROL; RAWLINGS, RICHARD - Pressure Through Law
531091: HARLTLEY, GILFRID W. - Wild Sport with Gun, Rifle and Salmon-Rod
518749: HARMAN, HARRIET - A Woman's Work
528925: HARMAN, HARRIET - A Woman's Work
491145: HARMAN AKENSON, DONALD - Surpassing Wonder: The Invention of the Bible and the Talmuds
020043: HARMER, MICHAEL & LUNN, G. MAURICE - Aids to Surgery
527228: HARMSEN, PETER - War in the Far East: Storm Clouds Over the Pacific 1931-1941
491094: HARNACK, ADOLF VON - Marcion Das Evangelium Vom Fremden Gott
287719: HARNAD, STEVAN (ED.) - Behavioral and Brain Sciences: Volume 9, Number 1, March 1986
287711: HARNAD, STEVAN (ED.) - The Behavioral and Brain Sciences: Volume 7, Number 1, March 1984
287713: HARNAD, STEVAN (ED.) - The Behavioral and Brain Sciences: Volume 7, Number 3, September 1984
287715: HARNAD, STEVAN (ED.) - The Behavioral and Brain Sciences: Volume 8, Number 1, March 1985
287722: HARNAD, STEVAN (ED.) - Behavioral and Brain Sciences: Volume 9, Number 4, December 1986
287712: HARNAD, STEVAN (ED.) - The Behavioral and Brain Sciences: Volume 7, Number 2, June 1984
287716: HARNAD, STEVAN (ED.) - The Behavioral and Brain Sciences: Volume 8, Number 2, June 1985
287723: HARNAD, STEVAN (ED.) - Behavioral and Brain Sciences: Volume 10, Number 1, March 1987
289621: HARNAD, STEVAN (ED.) - The Behavioral and Brain Sciences; December 1982, Volume 5, Number 4
289620: HARNAD, STEVAN (ED.) - The Behavioral and Brain Sciences; September 1982, Volume 5, Number 3
289625: HARNAD, STEVAN (ED.) - The Behavioral and Brain Sciences; December 1983, Volume 6, Number 4
287717: HARNAD, STEVAN (ED.) - The Behavioral and Brain Sciences: Volume 8, Number 3, September 1985
546396: HARNETT, CYNTHIA - The Wool-Pack
489462: HARNEY, G. JULIAN (ED.) - The Red Republican & The Friend of the People in Two Volumes
469014: HARNISCH, INGEBORG (ED.) - Ich Denke Dien
218263: HARNQVIST, KJELL; SVENSSON, NILS-ERIC (EDS.) - Swedish Research in a Changing Society : The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, 1965-1990
541135: HARPER, STEPHEN - A Necessary End
002671: HARPER, ROLAND - Human Senses in Action
296945: HARPER, JOSEPH H. - Harper's Hydraulic Tables for the Flow of Water
178833: HARPER, W. M. - Management Accounting (The M&E Handbook Series)
471059: HARPER, GRAEME; SULLIVAN, CERI (EDS.) - Authors at Work: The Creative Environment (Essays and Studies 2009)
498054: HARPER, GLYN - Dark Journey: Passchendaele, the Somme and the New Zealand Experience on the Western Front
528374: HARPER, ANTHONY J.; IVES, MARGERET C. (EDS.) - Sappho in the Shadows: Essays on the Work of German Women Poets of The Age of Goethe (1749-1832): British and Irish Studies in German Language and Literature, Vol.19)
289484: HARPER, ROLAND - Human Senses in Action
509290: HARPER, JOHN LAMBERTON - American Machiavelli: Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of U.S. Foreign Policy
020761: HARPER, WILSON (ED.) - The Books of Ezra: Nehemiah & Esther
498542: HARPER-SCOTT, J. P. E. - Elgar: An Extraordinary Life
264345: HARPER, MICHAEL S. - Healing Song for the Inner Ear
189846: HARPER, MALCOM; FINNEGAN, GERRY - Value for Money? : Impact of Small Enterprise Development
530015: HARPER, DAVID R.; MEYER, ANDREA S. - Of Mice, Men and Microbes: Hantavirus
480153: HARPER, ELODIE - The Death Knock
283063: HARPER, CHARLES G. - Cycle Rides Around London
484938: HARPER, RALPH - The Sleeping Beauty
532977: HARPER, LELAND ROYCE - Multiverse Deism: Shifting Perspectives of God and the World
291167: HARPER, ROLAND - Psychological and Psycho-Physical Studies of Craftsmanship in Dairying (The British Journal of Psychology Monograph Supplements XXVIII)
106967a: HARPER, G. L. - Selected topics in biology: Tools and Techniques
499963: HARPUR, JAMES - The Monk's Dream
000489: HARRADENCE, A & HARTLEBURY, MICHAEL - Difficult and Disruptive Behaviour
485823: HARRE, ROM; MOGHADDAM, FATHALI M. (EDS.) - Questioning Causality: Scientific Explorations of Cause and Consequence across Social Contexts
003257: HARRE, ROM (EDITOR) - Life Sentences: Aspects of the Social Role of Language
188404a: HARRE, ROM; LAMB, ROGER - The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology
546955: HARRELL-BOND, B.; SHEHADI, N. (DIRECTORS) - Palestinians in Lebanon: Conference Report (Report on the Conference Held at Oxford from 27th-30th September 1996)
488716: HARREX, SYD - Atlantis and Other Islands
025673: HARRIES, RICHARD - Morning Has Broken: Thoughts and Prayers from BBC Radio 4's "Today" Programme
188966: HARRIES, J. T. (ED.) - Essentials of Paediatric Gastroenterology
412606: HARRIES, RICHARD - Questioning Belief
167377: HARRIES, RICHARD - God Outside the Box : Why Spiritual People Object to Christianity
538090: HARRIES, MEIRION; HARRIES, SUSIE - Soldiers of the Sun: The Rise and Fall of the Imperial Japanese Army, 1868-1945
273426: HARRIES, JOAN (HONORARY EDITOR) - Surrey Archaeological Collections: General Index to Volumes 61 to 70
168889: HARRIET; MATA - La Sueur Du Soleil : T. 1 : L'Indien d'Eldorado
250251: HARRINGTON, JAMES - The Commonwealth of Oceana
502071: HARRINGTON, SUE; WELCH, MARTIN - The Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms of Southern Britain, AD 450-650: Beneath the Tribal Hidage
001928: HARRINGTON, CHARLES CHRISTOPHER - Errors in Sex-Role Behavior in Teen-Age Boys
525714: HARRINGTON, CAROL; SALEM, AYMAN; ZURABISHVILI, TAMARA (EDS.) - After Communism: Critical Perspectives on Society and Sociology
470108: HARRINGTON, MICHAEL - The Other America: Poverty in the United States
604533: HARRINGTON, ALAN - Life in the 'Crystal Palace'
505408: HARRIOT, STEPHEN; MATTHEWS, LESLEY - Social Housing: An Introduction
109273: HARRIS, R. K. - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Volume 3
048363: HARRIS, CHARLES - Faith-Sharing Teams (Grove Series No. 7)
534145: HARRIS, JOANNE - The Lollipop Shoes
525726: HARRIS, NIGEL; SAYNER, JOANNE (EDS.) - The Text and its Context: Studies in Modern German Literature and Society Presented to Ronald Speirs on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday
543821: HARRIS, TREVOR (EDITOR) - Art, Politics and Society in Britain (1880-1914): Aspects of Modernity and Modernism
529350: HARRIS, HENRY - The Cells of the Body: A History of Somatic Cell Genetics
531486: HARRIS, KATIE A. - From Muslim to Christian Granada: Inventing a City's Past in Early Modern Spain
091276: HARRIS, L. LOEB, A.L. - Introduction to Wave Mechanics
422164: HARRIS, ROBERT E.; MILLER, JAMES G.; MUENCH, GEORGE A.; STONE, L. JOSEPH; TEUBER, HANS-LUKAS; ZUBIN, JOSEPH - Recent Advances in Diagnostic Psychological Testing: A Critical Summary
536466: HARRIS, STEVEN - Surrealist Art and Throught in the 1930's: Art, Politics, and the Psyche
528483: HARRIS, PETER JAMES - From Stage to Page: Critical Reception of Irish Plays in the London Theatre, 1925-1996 (Reimagining Ireland, Volume 41)
297187: HARRIS, WILLIAM J. - The First Printed Translations Into English of the Great Foreign Classics: A Supplement to Text-Books of English Literature
502913: HARRIS, BATH, ALAN - Tracking the Axis Enemy: The Triumph of Anglo-American Naval Intelligence
500094: HARRIS, JAMES - Santa Monica Pier: A Century on the Last Great Pleasure Pier
514243: HARRIS, TIM (ED.) - Popular Culture in England, c. 1500-1850
484745: HARRIS, RICHARD COLEBROOK - The Seigneurial System in Early Canada: A Geographical Study
175228: HARRIS, STANLEY E., JR.; HORRELL, C. WILLIAM; IRWIN, DANIEL - Exploring the Land and Rocks of Southern Illinois : A Geological Guide
191383: HARRIS SEMICONDUCTORS - Product Selection Guide : July 1995
451849: HARRIS, RICHARD G. - Democracy in Kingston: A Social Movement in Urban Politics, 1965-1970
299954: HARRIS, DAVID H. (ED.) - Wartburg Cars Workshop Manual
457353: HARRIS, C.C. - Fundamental Concepts and the Sociological Enterprise
472586: HARRIS, THOMAS - Hannibal Rising
542561: HARRIS, HERBERT (EDITOR) - John Creasey's Crime Collection 1987: The Annual Anthology of the Crime Writers' Association
102440: HARRIS, BRYAN; NASLAIN, R. (EDS.) - Ceramic Matrix Composites: Components, Preparation, Microstructure and Properties
538979: HARRIS, JOHN - The Sword of General Frapp
459554: HARRIS, WILSON - Da Silva Da Silva's Cultivated Wilderness and Genesis of the Clowns
528976: HARRIS, ROBERT - V2
459972: HARRIS, PEGGY - Growing Up in the Great Depression: A Story of Hardship and Hope
529164: HARRIS, ROBIN - Not for Turning: The Life of Margaret Thatcher
505975: HARRIS, ALAN - Village Professions
511901: HARRIS, OLIVER - The Hollow Man
491806: HARRIS, FRANK - Mr. And Mrs. Daventry: A Play in Four Acts
174538: HARRIS, R. W. - Reason and Nature in the Eighteenth Century 1714-1780 (Blandford History Series)
258918a: HARRIS, GERALD (ED.) - The Irish Jurist with Reports: Vol VI: 1940
165463: HARRIS, RALPH - No, Minister!
294189: HARRIS, ROBERT - The Ghost
516226: HARRIS, JILL; WOOD, IAN (EDS.) - The Theodosian Code
506217: HARRIS, ALAN - The Daffodil Man and Other Poems
521501: HARRIS, HAROLD (ED.) - Astride the Two Cultures: Arthur Koestler at 70
512717: HARRIS, H. G.; BORELLA, S. P. - All About Gateaux and Dessert Cakes
266999: HARRIS, ERROL E. - Hypothesis and Perception: The Roots of Scientific Method
521227: HARRIS, RALPH; NAYLOR, MARGOT; SELDON, ARTHUR - Hire Purchase in a Free Society
520432: HARRIS, NIGEL - National Liberation
505695: HARRIS, ALAN - Seeking the Host
505804: HARRIS, ALAN; BARNABY, MICHAEL (ED.); HARRIS, JEAN (ED.) - Seeking The Host
248581: HARRIS, WILLAIM O. - Skelton's Magnyfycence and the Cardinal Virtue Tradition
509155: HARRIS, JONATHAN; WILLIAMS, RICHARD J. (EDS.) - Regenerating Culture and Society: Architecture, Art and Urban Style Within the Global Politics of City-Branding
283010: HARRIS, KEVIN - Sex, Ideology and Religion: The Representation of Women in the Bible
516627: HARRIS, WILLIAM V. - War and Imperialism in Republican Rome 327-70 B.C.
258910a: HARRIS, GERALD (ED.) - The Irish Jurist with Reports: Vol V: 1939
517694: HARRIS, FRANK; SHAW, BERNARD - Contemporary Portraits: Second Series with a Portrait of Bernard Shaw By Himself
096160: HARRIS, COLIN; HARROP, CHERRY - CRUS, Occasional Paper No. 9: Metals Information Needs in Industry: A Pilot Study in South Yorkshire
518651: HARRIS, STEVEN - Ok, I Want to Get off the Phone Now: New and Recent Work By Fredette Frame
527725: HARRIS, TIM - Rebellion: Britain's First Stuart Kings 1567-1642
544221: HARRIS, W.V. - Rethinking the Mediterranean
520728: HARRIS, NIGEL - The Return of Cosmopolitan Capital: Globalization, the State and War
250619: HARRIS, R.I.D.; JEFFERSON, C.W.; SPENCER, J.E. (EDITORS) - The Northern Ireland Economy: A Comparative Study in the Economic Development of a Peripheral Region
109270: HARRIS, R. K. - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Volume 4
305020: HARRIS, CLARE - The Well
525447: HARRIS, NIGEL (ED.) - The Shorter Writings of Ulrich Putsch: Diarium, Oraciones super missam and Manuale simplicium Sacerdotum
512090: HARRIS, BILL - Chicago: A Picture Memory
509678: HARRIS, BOB - Politics and the Rise of the Press: Britain and France, 1620-1800
185415: HARRIS, JAY R.; LIPPMAN, MARC E.; MORROW, MONICA; OSBORNE, C. KENT - Diseases of the Breast
096862: HARRIS, HENRY; GRIMSTONE, A.V.; JOHNSON, ROBERT T.; COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS - Prospects in Cell Biology: A Volume of Reviews to Mark 20 Years of Journal of Cell Science
530017: HARRIS, HENRY - The Balance of Improbabilities: A Scientific Life
477270: HARRIS, R. W. - National Health Insurance in Great Britain, 1911-1946
540775: HARRIS, JOHN - A Visit to the Bazaar
462848: HARRIS, HARRY - Prenatal Diagnosis and Selective Abortion
110747: HARRIS, KEITH - Books on Spain : Catalogue, Winter-Spring 1997-98
257889: HARRIS, JANE - Gillespie and I
254388: HARRIS, ROBERT - The Ghost
073051: HARRIS, GORDON E - A Ministry Renewed
275531: HARRIS, JAMES BRAXTON - The Humanics Method: A Tractate on the Way Forward in Academic Arenas Not Amenable to the Scientific Method
179095: HARRIS, MACDONALD - Bull Fire : A Novel
296783: HARRIS, FRANK - My Life and Loves; Volume 4
258911a: HARRIS, GERALD (ED.) - The Irish Jurist with Reports: Vol IV: 1938
533964: HARRIS, JOANNE - Holy Fools
533965: HARRIS, JOANNE - Jigs & Reels
165727: HARRIS, BILL - Paris : A Photographic Journey
065823: HARRIS, ALAN - Questions About Sex
004849: HARRIS, RENDEL - An Early Christian Psalter
258913a: HARRIS, GERALD (ED.) - The Irish Jurist with Reports: Vol 2: 1936
304117: HARRIS, COLETTE; CHEUNG, THERESA FRANCES - You Can Beat PMS!: Feel Fantastic All Month Long with This 12-week Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan
496730: HARRIS, P. R. (ED.) - Douai College Documents, 1639 - 1794
487098: HARRIS, CYRIL M. - American Architecture: An Illustrated Encyclopedia
285962: HARRIS, PETER B. - Foundations of Political Science
109281: HARRIS, R. K. - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Volume 2
238079: HARRIS, J. DEREK - Orthopaedic Engineering : Proceedings of the Orthopaedic Engineering Conference held in Oxford, September, 1977
486506: HARRIS, BARNARD, A. - A Sceptical Chemist
547874: HARRIS, WILSON - Eternity to Season
531702: HARRIS WILLIAMS, MEG (ED) - Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick
499849: HARRIS, EUGENE E. - Ancestors in Our Genome: The New Science of Human Evolution
445348: HARRIS, KEITH - Colours in Chiaroscuro and Other Poems
483330: HARRIS, FRANK - Great Days
525650: HARRIS, NIGEL (ED.) - The Light of the Soul: The Lumen Anime C and Ulrich Putsch's Das Liecht Der Sel - Critical Edition with Introduction
419844: HARRIS, LARISSA; ENGBERG, JULIA - Kathy Temin: Auditions for a Pair of Koalas
506233: HARRIS, PETER - Bristol's 'Railway Mania', 1862-1864
437341: HARRIS, THISTLE Y. - Wild Flowers of Australia
109283: HARRIS, R. K. - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Volume 1
258912a: HARRIS, GERALD (ED.) - The Irish Jurist with Reports: Vol 3: 1937
104413: HARRIS, R.J.C. (ED.) - Cellular Basis and Aetiology of Late Somatic Effects of Ionizing Radiation
269038: HARRIS, JOHN - Phonological Variation and Change: Studies in Hiberno-English
255888: HARRIS, SUE - Full Moon Singing in an Empty Sky
445347: HARRIS, KEITH - Reckoning: Poems about the Life of Jacob
005797: HARRIS, W. MELVILLE - The Unsealed Book or How the Bible Came to Many Lands
431804a: HARRIS, NIGEL; LOVE, JOEL - Dialogue and Disputation in the Zurich Reformation: Utz Eckstein's Concilium and Rychsztag: Edition, Translation and Study
245944: HARRIS, J. GLYNDWR - Arweiniad at Islam
021206: HARRIS, W. STUART - Europe To-day: Evangelical : Prophetical : Devotional
284646: HARRIS, SARA - House Of The 10,000 Pleasures
548077: HARRIS, WILSON - Tumatumari
158765: HARRIS, BERNARD - Writers and Their Work: Number 197: Sir John Vanbrugh
153323: HARRIS, RALPH; SELDON, ARTHUR - Shoppers' Choice: An Essay in the Political Economy of Obstruction by Sectional Interests to the Repeal of the Shops Acts (Institute of Economic Affairs; Occasional Paper No. 68)
192892: HARRIS, ROSEMARY - Zed
160230: HARRIS, R.J.C. - Symposia of the International Socity for Cell Biology Volume 2: Cell Growth and Division
542681: HARRIS, JOHN - The Wonderful Ice Cream
546507: HARRIS, ERROL E.; HARRIS, NIGEL, (ED.) - Bound in Shallows: Autobiographical Reminiscences: Memoirs of a Philosopher
037581: HARRIS, J.R.W & FORSTER, S.M - Recent Advances in Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS 4
476442: HARRIS, GEORGE WASHINGTON - Sut Lovingood: Yarns Spun By A "Nat'ral Born Durn'd Fool"
097986: HARRIS, ROBERT S.; MUNSON, PAUL L.; DUCZFALUSY, EGON; GLOVER, JOHN (EDS.) - Vitamins and Hormones: Advances in Research and Applications; Volume 29
538882: HARRIS, HERBERT (EDITOR) - John Creasey's Crime Collection 1987: An Anthology By Members of the Crime Writers' Association
443273: HARRIS, E.J. - Transport and Accumulation in Biological Systems
461215: HARRIS, MARVIN - The Rise of Anthropological Theory: A History of Theories of Culture
479791: HARRIS, WILLIAM C. - With Charity for All: Lincoln and the Restoration of the Union
525039: HARRIS, NIGEL; LOVE, JOEL - Dialogue and Disputation in the Zurich Reformation: Utz Eckstein's Concilium and Rychsztag (Edition, Translation and Study)
279148a: HARRIS, PETER JAMES - From Stage To Page: Critical Reception of Irish Plays in the London Theatre, 1925-1996 (Reimagining Ireland; Volume 41)
472941: HARRIS, ROBERT - The Ghost
268884: HARRIS, JOEL CHANDLER - Nights with Uncle Remus
607928: HARRIS, HERBERT (EDITOR) - John Creasey's Crime Collection 1986 : Anthology By members of The Crime Writers' Association
035002: HARRIS, CYNTHIA J. - Occupational Health Nursing Practice
202545: HARRIS, ROBERT SAMUEL (ED.); AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - Dietary Chemicals vs. Dental Caries: Based on a Symposium on Dietary Chemicals in Relation to Dental Caries, Sponsored by the Agricultural and Food Chemistry Division at the 1966 Winter Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Phoenix, Arizona, January 1
180798: HARRIS, FRANK, III; MCCAFFER, RONALD - Modern Construction Management
258914a: HARRIS, GERALD (ED.) - The Irish Jurist with Reports: Vol I: 1935
543074: HARRIS, ERROL E. - The Reality of Time
533682: HARRIS, JANE - Gillespie and I
438264: HARRIS, MARGARET - Language Experience and Early Language Development: From Input to Uptake
544225: HARRIS, JOSE, (ED.) - Civil Society in British History: Ideas, Identities. Institutions
540621: HARRIS, JAMES - Looking for a Lullaby
545723: HARRIS, PAUL - Aberdeen at War: A Pictorial Account, 1939-45
536590: HARRIS, NICHOLAS - Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York: Wardrobe Accounts of Edward the Fourth
606268: HARRIS, FRANK - Mr. and Mrs. Daventry
Am2007: HARRIS, G.G - Trinity House of Deptford Transactions, 1609-35
104708: HARRISON, NANCY - Successful Writing (Education and Human Communication)
540439: HARRISON, HARRY (EDITOR) - Backdrop of Stars
104707: HARRISON, NANCY - Successful Writing (Education and Human Communication)
258169: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - The Irish Reports, 1950: Containing records of cases Determined in the High court of Justice and in the court of Criminal appeal, and By the Irish Land commission, and on appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
258158: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1964, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
514213: HARRISON, TED - Remembrance Today: Poppies, Grief and Heroism
518947: HARRISON, STANLEY - Poor Men's Guardians: A Survey of the Struggles for a Democratic Newspaper Press, 1763-1973
258554: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - Irish Reports 1959
608145: HARRISON, HARRY - Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of Robot Slaves
273420: HARRISON, E.E. (HONORARY EDITOR) - Surrey Archaeological Collections: Vol. 66
258096: HARRISON, DAVID - England Before the Norman Conquest
008964: HARRISON, ROSEMARY - Employee Development
172005: HARRISON, COLIN - Victorian and Edwardian Suffolk
194525: HARRISON, G. A.; TANNER, J. M.; PILBEAM, D. R.; BAKER, P. T. - Human Biology. An Introduction to Human Evolution, Variation, Growth, and Adaptability
000171: HARRISON, SHEILA - Families in Stress
447519: HARRISON, CAREY - Egon
465267: HARRISON, TONY - The Mysteries
472706: HARRISON, JEFFERY; GRANT, PETER (EDS.) - The Thames Transformed: London's River and Its Waterfowl
539442: HARRISON, CAREY - Egon
476517: HARRISON, JONATHAN - Our Knowledge of Right and Wrong
091801: HARRISON, ALICE W., EDWARD A. COLLISTER, AND R. ELLEN WILLIS - The Conservation of Archival and Library Materials: A Resource Guide to Audiovisual Aids
540270: HARRISON, HARRY (EDITOR) - Nova 3
524841: HARRISON, LUCY - The Peninsula Papers
477187: HARRISON, MARTIN; BACON, FRANCIS (EDS.) - Francis Bacon: Paintings from the Estate: 1980-1991
540269: HARRISON, HARRY (EDITOR) - Nova 2
523299: HARRISON, GORDON - Mosquitoes, Malaria and Man: A History of the Hostilities Since 1880
512787: HARRISON, JIM - The Farmer's Daughter
521299: HARRISON, DAVID - Problems in Genetics with Notes and Examples
444234: HARRISON, G. A.; MORPHY, HOWARD (EDS.) - Human Adaptation
506281: HARRISON, TONY - Palladas: Poems - a selection translated and introduced by Tony Harrison
291948: HARRISON, ANTHONY; DIXON, JENNIFER - The NHS: Facing the Future
281137: HARRISON, TONY - Phaedra Britannica
273418: HARRISON, E.E. (HONORARY EDITOR) - Surrey Archaeological Collections: Vol. 64
542273: HARRISON, CAREY - Cley
025166: HARRISON, KATHRYN - Seeking Rapture: A Memoir
532245: HARRISON, TOM; MADGE, CHARLES - Britain by Mass-Observation (The Cresset Library)
008283: HARRISON, F. BAYFORD - Under Canvas: a Tale
543491: HARRISON, HARRY - The Ethical Engineer
475587: HARRISON, JONATHAN - Ethical Essays: Volume II
467184: HARRISON, ANDREW - Philosophy and the Stars: Seeing and Believing
537795: HARRISON, HARRY - The Best of Harry Harrison
206955: HARRISON, JONATHAN - Essays on Metaphysics and the Theory of Knowledge: Volume 1
220207: HARRISON, G.A. (ED.) - Energy and Effort
258157: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1963, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
273423: HARRISON, E.E. (HONORARY EDITOR) - Surrey Archaeological Collections: Vol. 69
273422: HARRISON, E.E. (HONORARY EDITOR) - Surrey Archaeological Collections: General Index to Volumes 39 to 60
258555: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - Irish Reports 1954
258550: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - Irish Reports 1951
258551: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - Irish Reports 1958
258552: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - Irish Reports 1957
258553: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - Irish Reports 1953
478642: HARRISON, ROSS - On What There Must Be
538835: HARRISON, HARRY - Bill the Galactic Hero on The Planet Of Robot Slaves
178431: HARRISON, JOHN - Finance for Non-Financial Manager
540912: HARRISON, HARRY - The California Iceberg
539099: HARRISON, HARRY - The Technicolor Time Machine
258547: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - Irish Reports 1952
258549: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - Irish Reports 1956
172679: HARRISON, ANTHONY - Making the Right Connections : The Design and Management of Health Care Delivery
512786: HARRISON, JIM - Julip
450931: HARRISON, ADA M.; AUSTIN, R. S. - Some Tuscan Cities
538914: HARRISON, HARRY; EDWARDS, MALCOLM - Spacecraft: In Fact And Fiction
104503: HARRISON, NANCY - Successful Writing (Education and Human Communication)
543799: HARRISON, TROON; FOREMAN, MICHAEL - The Long Weekend
104709: HARRISON, NANCY - Successful Writing (Education and Human Communication)
521664: HARRISON, MICHAEL - Fire From Heaven
289376: HARRISON, ANTHONY; DIXON, JENNIFER - The NHS: Facing the Future
189253: HARRISON, B. F. - A Business of Your Own
475783: HARRISON, JONATHAN - Essays on Metaphysics and the Theory of Knowledge: Volume II (Avebury Series in Philosophy)
544594: HARRISON, RUSSELL - Against the American Dream: Essays on Charles Bukowski
261851: HARRISON, HARRY; BISCHOFF, DAVID - Bill, The Galactic Hero... on the Planet of the Hippies from Hell
529536: HARRISON, MICHAEL - Alan Reynolds: The Making of a Concretist Artist
544419: HARRISON, MARTIN - Nathaniel Westlake and the Stained Glass of Mary Datchelor Girls School
408323: HARRISON, FREDERIC - Oliver Cromwell
165087: HARRISON, M. J.; HEALY, T. E.; THORNTON, J. A. - Aids to Anaesthesia; Vol. 2 : Clinical Practice
416074: HARRISON, MARTIN - Summer
521665: HARRISON, MICHAEL - Fire From Heaven
537707: HARRISON, HARRY - Captive Universe
300973: HARRISON, TONY - Collected Poems
275779: HARRISON, I. HENRY (TRANS.) - Kriloff's Original Fables
433074: HARRISON, TONY - Dramatic Verse 1973-1985
501060: HARRISON, SHIRLEY; EVEMY, SALLY - Rochester upon Medway: The Tale of a City
600014: HARRISON, BRIAN - The Transformation of British Politics, 1860-1995
533630: HARRISON, COLIN - Samuel Palmer: No. 11 (Ashmolean Handbooks S.)
432298: HARRISON, TONY - A Cold Coming
034300: HARRISON, STEPHEN - Managing the National Health Service, Shifting the Frontier?
422188: HARRISON, DEREK - Birmingham Snow Hill: A First Class Return
540676: HARRISON, HARRY - Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers
258170: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - The Irish Reports, 1949: Containing records of cases Determined in the High court of Justice and in the court of Criminal appeal, and By the Irish Land commission, and on appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
434469: HARRISON, JAMES - Printing Patents: Abridgements of Patent Specifications Relating to Printing, 1617-1857
525715: HARRISON, LIZ - PaperHeaDs: Living Doctoral Study, Developing Doctoral Identity
258159: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1965, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
258160: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1966, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
419432: HARRISON, MARTIN - David Bailey: Locations: The 1970s Archive
538141: HARRISON, HARRY; SHECKLEY, ROBERT - Bill, The Galactic Hero on the Planet of Bottled Brains
540311: HARRISON, HARRY (EDITOR) - The Year 2000: An Anthology
157911: HARRISON, MARK - John Gibbons
440563: HARRISON, BERNARD T. - The Literate Imagination: Renewing the Secondary English Curriculum
505613: HARRISON, TONY - From The School of Eloquence and other poems
542057: HARRISON, LISI - The Clique: A Graphic Novel
232772: HARRISON, JAMES - Encouraging Innovation in the Eightheenth and Nineteenth Centuries: The Society of Arts and Patents, 1754-1904
037546: HARRISON, STEPHEN; HUNTER, DAVID; MARNOCH, GORDON & POLLITT, CHRISTOPHER - Just Managing: Power and Culture in the National Health Service
540911: HARRISON, HARRY - The California Iceberg
009738: HARRISON, MARY & HARRISON, PETER - Make Money from Your Car
432299: HARRISON, TONY - A Cold Coming
519067: HARRISON, COLIN - Bodies Electric (Bloomsbury Modern Library)
258156: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1962, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
436707: HARRISON, ROBIN - Lessing: Minna Von Barnhelm (Critical Guides to German Texts)
258154: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1960, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
258155: HARRISON, R.A. (ED.) - The Irish Reports 1961, containing reports of Cases Determined in the High court of justice and in the court of criminal appeal and by the Irish land Commission and on Appeal Therefrom in the Supreme Court
186863: HARRISON, ANTHONY; DIXON, JENNIFER - The NHS : Facing the Future
178432: HARRISON, JOHN - Finance for Non-Financial Manager
516096: HARRISON, J.F.C.; THOMPSON, DOROTHY - Bibliography of the Chartist Movement, 1837-1976
082219: HARRISON, POLLY F.; ROSENFIELD, ALLAN (EDS.) - Contraceptive Research, Introduction and Use: Lessons from Norplant
143223: HARRISON CHURCH, R. J. - West Africa: A Study of the Environment and Man's Use of It
143221: HARRISON, RICHARD; HART, MARK (EDS) - Spatial Policy in a Divided Nation
012439: HARRISON, TIM J. & ZUCKERMAN, ARIE J. - Molecular Medicine of Viral Hepatitis
016387: HARRISON, ROSEMARY - Employee Development
537698: HARRISON, HARRY (EDITOR) - Nova 4 - Hale Science Fiction
603027: HARRISON, CAREY - Freud
537697: HARRISON, HARRY (EDITOR) - Nova 1 - Hale Science Fiction
Am1908: HARRISON, CAREY - Justice
049168: HARRISS, TONY - The Training Contract Handbook
514897: HARRISS, JOSEPH - The Eiffel Tower: Symbol of an Age
012755: HARRISSON, SHELIA - Families in Stress
058589: HARROD, SIR ROY FORBES - Induction, Growth and Trade: Essays in Honour of Sir Roy Harrod
517565: HARROLD, FIONA - The Seven Rules of Success: Life Coaching for Professional Success and Personal Fulfillment
108961: HARROP, MARTIN; SHAW, ANDREW - Can Labour Win? (The Fabian Series)
094343: HARROP, BEATRICE (ED.) - Apusskidu: Songs for Children
181158: HARRRISON, ANTHONY - The making of the Twentieth Century : The Framweork of Economic activity - the International economy and the Rise of the State
283120: HARRY, J.S. - The Deer Under The Skin
484493: HARRY S. J. KLOCKER - William of Ockham and the Divine Freedom. (Marquette Studies in Philosophy)
492641: HARRY FAINLIGHT - Selected poems
Am1242: HARRY BRETT - Red Hot Front (The Goodwins)
493649: HARSAAE, ERIK - Okonomi filosofi og videnskab
417675: HARSCH, ERNEST - Apartheid's Great Land Theft: Struggle for the Right to Farm in South Africa
505501: HARSENT, DAVID - Winter Poetry Supplement Compiled By David Harsent
435374: HART, CHRISTOPHER - Manga Mania Shoujo: How to Draw the Charming and Romantic Characters of Japanese Comics
608093: HART, JEANNE - Lament for Two Ladies
531624: HART, TANYA - Health in the City: Race, Poverty, and the Negotiation of Women's Health in New York City, 1915-1930
180358: HART, HAROLD (ED.); KARABATSOS G.J. (ED.) - Advances in Alicyclic Chemistry Volume 2
600625: HART, PATRICIA M.; ROWLEY, JAMES B. - Becoming a Star Teacher: Practical Strategies and Inspiration for K-6 Teachers
545269: HART, J. EDWARD - 101 London Oddities
519235: HART, H.L.A. - The Concept of Law (Clarendon Law Series)
290989: HART, MITCHELL B. - The Healthy Jew: The Symbiosis of Judaism and Modern Medicine
523816: HART, STEPHEN; YOUNG, RICHARD (EDS.) - Contemporary Latin American Cultural Studies
546924: HART, JOHN - An Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics: Occasional Paper No. 25
516844: HART, H.L.A - Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy
532103: HART, JEFFREY A. - Technology, Television and Competition: The Politics of Digital TV
276622: HART, ANNA - Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems
197204: HART, DAVID M.; NORMAN, JANE - Gynaecology Illustrated
051506: HART, F. DUDLEY - Overcoming Arthritis: A Guide to Coping with Stiff or Aching Joints
228464: HART, P. E.; CLARKE, ROGER - Concentration in British Industry, 1935-1975
496708: HART, IVOR B. - The Mechanical Investigations of Leonardo Da Vinci
235670: HART, WILLIAM HENRY (ED.) - Historia et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae. Vol. III (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle Ages)
235671: HART, WILLIAM HENRY (ED.) - Historia et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae. Vol. III (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle Ages)
437127: HART, JUSTINA - The Rhythm of Stones
529600: HART, P. D'ARCY; WRIGHT, G. PAYLING - Tuberculosis and Social Conditions in England with Special Reference to Young Adults (A Statistical Study)
051498: HART, H. DUDLEY; KLINENBERG, JAMES - Choosing NSAID Therapy : International Reappraisal
481354: HART, KIMBERLY (ED.) - What Josephine Saw: Twentieth Century Photographic Visions of Rural Anatolia
447175: HART, SMITH - The New Yorkers: A Story of a People and Their City
470330: HART, JIM ALLEE - Views on the News: The Developing Editorial Syndrome 1500 - 1800 (New Horizons in Journalism)
470499: HART, P. E. - Studies in Profit, Business Saving and Investment in the United Kingdom, 1920 - 1962: Volume I (University of Glasgow Social and Economic Studies)
273525: HART, GWEN - A History of Cheltenham
525749: HART, DOROTHY - Thou Swell, thou Witty: the life and lyrics of Lorenz Hart
235668: HART, WILLIAM HENRY (ED.) - Historia et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae. Vol. II (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle Ages)
235667: HART, WILLIAM HENRY (ED.) - Historia et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae. Vol. I (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle Ages)
186564: HART, PEMBROKE J. - The Earth's Crust and Upper Mantle: Structure, Dynamic Processes, and Their Relation to Deep-Seated Geological Phenomena
504034: HART, PETER - 1918: A Very British Victory
533048: HART, ELIZABETH; BOND, MEG - Action Research for Health and Social Care: A Guide to Practice
418249: HART, JAMES D. (ED.) - A Novelist in the Making: A Collection of Student Themes, and the Novels 'Blix' and 'Vandover and the Brute': Frank Norris
254857: HART, ROBERT A. - The Eccentric Tradition: American Diplomacy in the Far East
467639: HART, WILLIAM O. - Hart's Introduction to the Law of Local Government and Administration
535261: HART, MOTHER COLUMBA (TRANS. AND INTRO.); MOMMAERS, PAUL (PREFACE) - Hadewijch: The Complete Works
447147: HART, ROBERT A.; MOUTOS, THOMAS - Human Capital, Employment and Bargaining
235666: HART, WILLIAM HENRY (ED.) - Historia et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae. Vol. I (Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle Ages)
606544: HART, H. L. A. - The Morality of the Criminal Law: Two Lectures
517134: HARTCUP, GUY - The Silent Revolution: Development of Conventional Weapons 1945-85
255372: HARTE, BRET - The Heathen Chinee, and Other Poems, and Sensation Novels, Condensed
223667: HARTE, VERITY (ED.); ROWE, CHRISTOPHER (ED.); ET AL. - Phronesis: a Journal for Ancient Philosophy. Vol. XLVIII, No. 4, 2003
223657: HARTE, VERITY (ED.); ROWE, CHRISTOPHER (ED.); ET AL. - Phronesis: a Journal for Ancient Philosophy. Vol. XLIX, No. 1, 2004
223658: HARTE, VERITY (ED.); ROWE, CHRISTOPHER (ED.); ET AL. - Phronesis: a Journal for Ancient Philosophy. Vol. XLIX, No. 2, 2004
542827: HARTE, VERITY; GILL, CHRISTOPHER (EDITORS) - Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy: Vol. LI No. 3 2006
542828: HARTE, VERITY; GILL, CHRISTOPHER (EDITORS) - Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy: Vol. LIII No. I 2008
542829: HARTE, VERITY; RAPP, CHRISTOF (EDITORS) - Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy: Vol. LIV No. 2 2009
191762: HARTE, N. B. ED - The Study of Economic History : Collected Inaugural Lectures 1893-1970
147110: HARTE, BRET - Short Stories of To-day and Yesterday : Bret Harte
223659: HARTE, VERITY (ED.); ROWE, CHRISTOPHER (ED.); ET AL. - Phronesis: a Journal for Ancient Philosophy. Vol. XLIX, No. 3, 2004
204833: HARTE, BRET; TWAIN, MARK - Sandy Bar / the Heathen Chinee / the Jumping Frog
275971: HARTER, ANDREW - Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuit Layout
289479: HARTERT. H.H.; COPLEY, A.L. (EDS.) - Theoretical and Clinical Hemorheology
007612: HARTFORD, MARGARET E. - Groups in Social Work: Application of Small Group Theory and Research to Social Work Practice
007613: HARTFORD, MARGARET E. - Groups in Social Work: Application of Small Group Theory and Research to Social Work Practice
546113: HARTH, DOROTHY E. (ED.); BALDWIN, LEWIS M. (ED.) - Voices of Aztlan: Chicago Literature of Today
444273: HARTIGAN, RICHARD SHELLEY - The Future Remembered: An Essay in Biopolitics
508838: HARTIGAN, ANNE - Return Single
521873: HARTKAMP, ARTHUR; HESSELINK, MARTIJN; HONDIUS, EWOUD; MAK, CHANTAL; DU PERRON, EDGAR (EDS.) - Towards a European Civil Code: Fourth Revised and Expanded Edition
544479: HARTKEMEIER, HARRY P. - Introduction to Applied Statistical Analysis
473099: HARTLAND-SWANN, JOHN - An Analysis of Knowing
286332: HARTLE, FRANKLIN - Transforming the Performance Management Process
459089: HARTLEY, JOHN - Many a Slip (A Domestic Romance)
600023: HARTLEY, FRANK R. (ED.) - The Chemistry of Organophosporus Compounds, Volume 1: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Phospines, Polyphospines and Heterocyclic Organophosphorus(III) Compounds
547451: HARTLEY, R.A.; SNELLING, O.F. (PREFACE) - History and Bibliography of Boxing Books: Collector's Guide to the History of Pugilism
516403: HARTLEY, T. C. - The Foundations of European Community Law: An Introduction to the Constitutional and Administrative Law of the European Community
528007: HARTLEY, GEORGE (ED.) - Listen: A Review of Poetry and Criticism. Volume 2, No.1
021077: HARTLEY, L. P. - A Perfect Woman
521790: HARTLEY, R.A. - History and Bibliography of Boxing Books: Collectors guide to the History of Pugilism
533899: HARTLEY, JEAN - Philip Larkin the Marvell Press and Me
486839: HARTLEY, PETER; WOODS, AMANDA; PILL, MARTIN (EDS.) - Enhancing Teaching in Higher Education: New Approaches for Improving Student Learning
542703: HARTLEY, L.P. - The Collections
436029: HARTLEY, ALLAN JOHN - The Novels of Charles Kingsley: A Christian Social Interpretation
252044: HARTLEY, JANET M. - Guide to Documents and Manuscripts in the United Kingdom Relating to Russia and the Soviet Union
543482: HARTLEY, NORMAN - Shadowplay
049013: HARTLEY, JILL; NOONAN, AMANDA; METCALFE, STAN - New Electronic Information Services
539624: HARTLEY, L.P. - The Sixth Heaven
141286: HARTLEY, J. F. ; HILL, K. A. (EDITORS) - Machinery's Buyers' Guide - the Weekly Journal Devoted to Engineering Shop Practice - Annual Buyer's Guide
144577: HARTLEY, ANTHONY - A State of England
049594: HARTLEY, T.C. - Foundations of European Community Law, The
543836: HARTLEY, T.E. (ED.) - Proceedings in the Parliament of Elizabeth I: Volume I: 1558-1581
061541: HÄRTLING, PETER - Große, kleine Schwester.
460501: HARTLYN, JONATHAN - The Politics of Coalition Rule in Colombia
064902a: HARTMAN, PHILIP E.; SUSKIND, SIGMUND R. - Gene Action
513553: HARTMAN, LAURA P.; WERHANE, PATRICIA H. - The Global Corporation: Sustainable, Effective and Ethical Practices: A Case Book
305228: HARTMAN, CHARLES O. - Glass Enclosure
220183: HARTMANN, H.; LEWIS, J.; STONE, F.G.A.; MUETTERTIES, E.L.; VLCEK, A.A.; INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY - Coordination Chemistry: Plenary Lectures Presented at the VIIIth International Conference on Coordination Chemistry
601623: HARTMANN, JEAN-MICHEL - Schienenbummel
285954: HARTMANN, PAUL; PATIL, B. R.; DIGHE, ANITA - The Mass Media and Village Life: An Indian Study (Communication and Human Values)
172178: HARTMANS, J. - Evaluation of the E. C. Plant Productivity Programme 1984-1988 Report EUR 11959 EN
492444: HARTNACK, JUSTUS - Den Ydre Verdens Eksistens
492388: HARTNACK, JUSTUS - Filosofiens Filosofi
492389: HARTNACK, JUSTUS - Metafysiske HOjdepunkter I Den EuropAEiske Filosofi
492387: HARTNACK, JUSTUS - Filosofi Og Common Sense: Fra Det Relative Til Det Absolutte
445890: HARTNAGEL, H. - Gunn-effect Logic Devices
506283: HARTNETT, DAVID; O'NEILL, MICHAEL; REEVES, GARETH (EDS.) - Poetry Durham: 1989 Number 22
483603: HARTOG, PHILIP - Words in Action: The Teaching of the Mother Tongue for the Training of Citizens in a Democracy
538129: HARTRIDGE, JON - Earthjacket
539906: HARTRIDGE, JON - Binary Divine
535750: HARTRIDGE, R.A.R. - A History of Vicarages in the Middle Ages
541447: HARTSHORNE, CHARLES; WEISS, PAUL (EDS.) - Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce: Volumes III and IV: Exact Logic (Published Papers) and The Simplest Mathematics
546946: HARTSHORNE, CHARLES; WEISS, PAUL (EDS.) - Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, Volume I: Principles of Philosophy, Volume II: Elements of Logic
546947: HARTSHORNE, CHARLES; WEISS, PAUL (EDS.) - Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, Volume V: Pragmatism and Pragmaticism, Volume VI: Scientific Metaphysics
463074: HARTSHORNE, CHARLES; VALADY, MOHAMMAD (ED.) - The Zero Fallacy, and Other Essays in Neoclassical Philosophy
440803: HARTSTON, WILLIAM - The Kings of Chess: A History of Chess, Traced Through the Lives of Its Greatest Players
238894: HARTUNG & HARTUNG - Wertvolle Bücher; Manuskripte, Autographen Graphik. Auktion 128; 2-4 Mai 2011. Hartung & Hartung, München.
463945: HARTWIG, MERVYN; MORGAN, JAMIE (EDS.) - Critical Realism and Spirituality
190503: HARTZ, JIM; CHAPPELL, RICK - Worlds Apart. How the Distance Between Science and Journalism Threatens America's Future
207698: HARTZENBUSCH, JUAN EUGENIO - Los Amantes De Teruel : Modern Language Series
456721: HARVARD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF DESIGN - A View on Harvard GSD - Volume 1
207150: HARVEY, NEIL (ED.) - Mexico : Dilemmas of Transition
485811: HARVEY, A.E. - Believing and Belonging: The Practice of Believing in the Church
545167: HARVEY, PAUL; TRINDER, BARRIE S. - New Light on Banbury's Crosses: Where Were Banbury's Crosses?: The Re-Building of Banbury Cross
025752: HARVEY, BARBARA - Visiting the National Portrait Gallery, a Report of a Survey of Visitors to the National Portrait Gallery
469513: HARVEY, A. C. - The Econometric Analysis of Time Series (LSE Handbooks in Economics)
472305: HARVEY, ANNE - A Present for Nellie: A Story About the Childhood of the Writer Eleanor Farjeon
534566: HARVEY, MICHAEL - Pulse
448029: HARVEY, PAUL (ED.) - The Oxford Companion to English Literature
518942: HARVEY, JOHN - Flesh and Blood
010485: HARVEY-JONES, JOHN - All Together Now
480315: HARVEY, L. A.; LEGER-GORDON, D. ST. - Dartmoor (The New Naturalist)
257074: HARVEY, ANDREW; PENNINGTON, ANNE - Songs from Macedonia
098358: HARVEY, PAUL (SIR) - The Oxford Companion to English Literature
512917a: HARVEY, JOHN - The Poetics of Sight (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship Between the Arts)
518936: HARVEY, JOHN - Gone to Ground
015210: HARVEY JUDITH, MACK SUE, WOOLFSON JULIAN - Cervical Cancer, and How to Stop Worrying About it
512917: HARVEY, JOHN - The Poetics of Sight (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship Between the Arts)
423457: HARVEY, GAIL (ED.) - A Garland of Roses
297634: HARVEY, H.W. - Biological Chemistry and Physics of Sea Water
511045: HARVEY, ELEANOR JONES - The Civil War and American Art (Metropolitan Museum, New York: Exhibition Catalogues)
027426: HARVEY, BARBARA; MARSTON, JOHN - Cases and Commentary on Tort
015794: HARVEY, MARILYN - You Can't be Serious!
432472: HARVEY, ROBERT - Search for a Father: Sartre, Paternity, and the Question of Ethics
105390: HARVEY, G.M. - Colliery Electrical Engineering : A Treatise for Mine-Owners, Managers Colliery Engineers, and Mining Students
196111: HARVEY, ROBERT - Search for a Father : Sartre, Paternity and the Question of Ethics
542294: HARVEY, JOHN - The Legend of Captain Space
522502: HARVEY, CAROL P.; ALLARD, M. JUNE - Understanding and Managing Diversity: Reading, Cases, and Exercises
034783: HARVEY-JONES, J. - Troubleshooter 2
071839: HARVEY, J; BATHER, L - The British Constitution
206204: HARVEY, NEIL; SERRANO, MONICA (EDS.) - Party Politics in an "Uncommon Democracy": Political Parties and Elections in Mexico
504514: HARVEY, ROBERT - American Shogun: MacArthur, Hirohito and the American Duel with Japan
602871: HARVEY, ANDREW - Burning Houses
602872: HARVEY, ANDREW - The Web
605250: HARVEY, ANDREW - Homage to Toukaram: Recreations of an Indian Mystic
607252: HARVEY, ELIZABETH - Youth Welfare and Social Democracy in Weimar Germany: The Work of Walter FRIEDLANDER
513287: HARVIE, CHARLES; LEE, HYUN-HOON - Korea's Economic Miracle: Fading or Reviving?
480380: HARVIE, CHRISTOPHER - Scotland and Nationalism: Scottish Society and Politics 1707 to the Present
098182: HARVOR, E. - Fortress of Chairs
478807: HARWIN, JUDITH - Children of the Russian State: 1917-1975
546224: HARWOOD, LEE - Boston-Brighton
267015: HARWOOD, ROBIN - The Survival of the Self
545764: HARWOOD, LEE - Freighters: From Notes of a Post Office Clerk
545765: HARWOOD, LEE - Old Bosham Bird Watch and Other Stories
499950: HARWOOD, RONALD - Tramway Road
483629: HARWOOD, A.C. - The Recovery of Man in Childhood: A Study in the Educational Work of Rudolf Steiner
094662: HARWOOD, W.T.; DENVIR, B. T.; JACKSON, M. I. & WRAY, M. J. (EDS.) - The Analysis of Concurrent Systems
080078: HARWOOD, J. H. - Industrial Applications of the Organometallic Compounds
467810: HARWOOD, LAURIE B. - A Golden Harvest: Paintings By Adam Pynacker
602764: HARWOOD, RONALD (ED.) - A Night at the Theatre
258234: HARYU, ICHIRO (EDITOR) - Sign and Image: Art Now 10
435940: HASAN, MUSHIRUL (ED.) - India Partitioned: The Other Face of Freedom: Volume 1 & 2
601966: HASAN, MEHDI; MACINTYRE, JAMES - Ed: The Milibands and the Making of a Labour Leader
260885: HASEEB, KHAIR EL-DIN; MAKDISI, SAMIR - Arab Monetary Integration: Issues and Prerequisites
487515: HASEGAWA, YUKO - Space for Your Future
162730: HASEK, J. - Schmeifiaden
161354: HASEK, JAROSLAV - von scheidungen und Andern Trostlichen Dingen
162762: HASEK, JAROSLAV - Die Beichte Des Hochverraters Oder Das Geheimnis Der Bastei Auf Dem Laurenziberg
547642: HASEK, JAROSLAV; PARROTT, CECIL, (TRANSL.) - The Red Commissar Including Further Adventures of the Good Soldier SVEJK and Other Stories
603560: HASEK, JAROSLAV; PARROTT, CECIL (TRANS.) - The Good Solider SVEJK and his Fortunes in the World War
476635: HASELER, STEPHEN; RELAND, JACQUES (EDS.) - Britain & Euroland: A Collection of Essays
231077: HASELER, STEPHEN; MEYER, HENNING (EDS.) - Reshaping Social Democracy: Labour and the SPD in the New Century
519036: HASELFOOT, A. J. - The Batsford Guide to the Industrial Archaeology of South-East England - Kent, Surrey, East Sussex, West Sussex
500661: HASELGROVE, COLIN - Celtic Coins Found in Britain, 1977-82
035077: HASELTINE, FLORENCE P.; MCCLURE, MICHAEL E. & GOLDBERG, ELLEN H. (EDITORS - Genetic Markers of Sex Differentiation
513280: HASHEM PESARAN, M.; SMITH, RON P.; AKIYAMA, TAKAMASA - Energy Demand in Asian Developing Economies
288175: HASHIGUCHI, MINORU - Poet Auden
015868: HASHIMI, LANDY; OTTO, SHIRLEY & SHAW, STAN - Problem Drinking: Experiments in Detoxification
535369: HASHMI, JENNIFER - Gleanings
286158: HASHMI, ALAMGIR - A Choice of Hashmi's Verse (Poetry from Pakistan)
479335: HASKELL, JOHN - I am Not Jackson Pollock
427219: HASKELL, ARNOLD L. (ED.) - Ballet - To Poland
544354: HASKELL, BARBARA - Red Grooms' Ruckus Rodeo
545975: HASKELL, ARNOLD - Australia
021055: HASKELL, ARNOLD L. - Balletomania: The Story of an Obsession
009115: HASKELL, SIMON H. & BARRETT, ELIZABETH K. - The Education of Children with Motor and Neurological Disabilities
605551: HASKEW, MICHAEL E. - De Gaulle: Lessons in Leadership from the Defiant General
547330: HASLAM, EDWIN - Plant Polyphenols: Vegetable Tannins Revisited (Chemistry & Pharmacology of Natural Products)
257531: HASLAM, DAVID - Caste Out: The Liberation Struggle of the Dalits in India
546739: HASLAM, MICHAEL - Various Ragged Fringes
544158: HASLAM, DAVID - Side Effects: How Our Healthcare Lost Its Way - And How We Can Fix It
512554: HASLAM, RICHARD - From Decay to Splendour: The Repair of Church Treasures
513582: HASLAM, S. ALEXANDER; REICHER, STEPHEN D.; PLATOW, MICHAEL J. - The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power
440700: HASLAM, H. W. - Geochemical Survey of Stream Waters and Stream Sediments from the Cheviot Area
607128: HASLAM, JEREMY M. - Writing Engineering Specifications
521110: HASLEHUST, E.W.; NEATBY, W.J. - A Day with the Poet Keats
448984: HASLER, SAM - A Prayer Book
201202: HASLER, EVELINE - Ibicaba, Das Paradies in Den Kopfen: Roman
306342: HASLER, RICHARD - Agriculture, Foraging and Wildlife Resouce Use in Africa: Cultural and Political Dynamics in the Zambezi Valley
019573: HASLETT, A. W. (ED.) - Recent Advances in Soviet Science.
200735: HASLETT, WILFORD LETH - The Pharmacology of Oxotremorine, a Tremorgenic Agent
482259: HASLUCK, PAUL N. (ED.) - Domestic Jobbing: The Repair of Household Articles
187556: HASLUCK, E. L. - Local Government in England
433989: HASLUCK, NICHOLAS; YOUNG, TANIA - Collage: Recollections and Images of The University of Western Australia
267183: HASS, MARY R.; SUBHANKA, HENG R. - Spoken Thai: Book Two
510777: HASS, WILLIAM K.; EASTON, J. DONALD (EDS.) - Ticlopidine Platelets and Vascular Disease
444765z: HASS, MARY R.; SUBHANKA, HENG R. - Spoken Thai Book Two
490631: HASS, JORGEN - Illusionens filosofi: Studier i Nietzsches Firsermanuskripter
456666: HASSALL, ANGELA - Jubilee Wood
544607: HASSALL, TOM - Oxford: The Buried City
018126: HASSALL, W.O - Who's Who in History, Volume 1 British Isles 55BC to 1485
522367: HASSALL, CHRISTOPHER - Edward Marsh: Patron of the Arts, A Biography
006572: HASSAN, MALAM C.I. - Turanci a Saukake
544366: HASSAN BIN TALAL, HRH CROWN PRINCE - A Study on Jerusalem
604812: HASSAN, IHAB - Radical Innocence: Studies in the Contemporary American Novel
606902: HASSE, MANUELA; DA SILVA AMADO, JOAO - Logos e Brinquedos Tradicionais
538334: HASSEL, O.; EVANS, R.C., (TRANS.) - Crystal Chemistry
473086: HASSELGREEN, ANGELA - Bergen 'Can Do' Project
536268: HASSELL SMITH, A. - County and Court: Government and Politics in Norfolk, 1558-1603
536105: HASSELL SMITH, A.; BAKER, GILLIAN M (EDITORS) - The Papers of Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey: Volume II, 1578-1585
535147: HASSELL, RANDALL G. - The Karate Experience: A Way of Life
428197: HASSELROT, BENGT (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Philology, Volume 35, 1963
428198: HASSELROT, BENGT (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Philology, Volume 34, 1962
428199: HASSELROT, BENGT (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Philology, Volume 33, 1961
428201: HASSELROT, BENGT (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Philology, Volume 31, 1959
428202: HASSELROT, BENGT (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Philology, Volume 30, 1958
428203: HASSELROT, BENGT (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Philology, Volume 29, 1957
428204: HASSELROT, BENGT (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Philology, Volume 37, 1965
428210: HASSELROT, BENGT (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Philology, Volume 43, 1971
427912: HASSELROT, BENGT; HOLMBERG, JOHN; LILJEGREN, S. B. (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica; Volume XXVI, 1953-54
427914: HASSELROT, BENGT; HOLMBERG, JOHN; LILJEGREN, S. B. (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica; Volume XXVIII, 1956
428217: HASSELROT, BENGT (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica: A Journal of Germanic and Romance Philology; Volume 46, 1974
538272: HASSETT, JOSEPH M. - Yeats and the Poetics of Hate
495497: HASSEVELDT, ROGER; STOREY, WILLIAM (TRANS.) - The Church: A Divine Mystery
535801: HASSING, RICHARD F. - Cartesian Psychophysics and the Whole Nature of Man: On Descartes's Passions of the Soul
447442: HASSLER, DONALD M. (ED.) - Patterns of the Fantastic
239749: HASSON, SCHLOMO - The Cultural struggle Over Jerusalem: accomodations, Scenarios and Lessons
532898: HASSOUN, NICOLE - Globalization and Global Justice: Shrinking Distance, Expanding Obligations
487196: HASSRICK, PETER H. (ED.) - The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
429997: HASTIE, SCOTT - Angel Voices: The Poetry of Scott Hastie
189259: HASTINGS, MACDONALD - Diane, a Victorian
484149: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Sixty-ninth, October 1957 - September 1958
482581: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Twenty-third, October 1911 - September 1912
482930: HASTINGS, MAX - Catastrophe: Europe Goes to War, 1914
482592: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E.; HASTINGS, JAMES (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Thirty-fourth, October 1922 - September 1923
482415: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Seventeenth, October 1905 - September 1906
482403: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Fifth, October 1893 - September 1894
482595: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Thirty-seventh, October 1925 - September 1926
484153: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Seventy-third, October 1961 - September 1962
484144: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Sixty-fourth, October 1952 - September 1953
484145: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Sixty-fifth, October 1953 - September 1954
482583: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Twenty-fifth, October 1913 - September 1914
482586: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Twenty-eighth, October 1916 - September 1917
482587: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Twenty-ninth, October 1917 - September 1918
414175: HASTINGS, ROBERT; WALL, MARIA (EDS.) - Sustainable Solar Housing: Exemplary Buildings and Technologies
482737: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Sixtieth, October 1948 - September 1949
180997: HASTINGS, ADRIAN - Robert Runcie
482726: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Forty-eighth, October 1936 - September 1937
484146: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Sixty-sixth, October 1954 - September 1955
482594: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Thirty-sixth, October 1924 - September 1925
482735: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Fifty-eighth, October 1946 - September 1947
482400: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Second, October 1890 - September 1891
482410: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Twelfth, October 1900 - September 1901
482413: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Fifteenth, October 1903 - September 1904
482412: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Fourteenth, October 1902 - September 1903
167579: HASTINGS, MICHAEL - An Hour-Glass to Eternity
482739: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Sixty-second, October 1950 - September 1951
539133: HASTINGS, MACDONALD - Cork and the Serpent
482416: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Eighteenth, October 1906 - September 1907
484155: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Seventy-fifth, October 1963 - September 1964
534117: HASTINGS, MAX - Going to the Wars
482596: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Thirty-eighth, October 1926 - September 1927
515983: HASTINGS, SELINA - The Red Earl: The Extraordinary Life of the 16th Earl of Huntingdon
430068: HASTINGS, G. PRENTICE - Computer-Aided Design on the Macintosh
482402: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Fourth, October 1892 - September 1893
482401: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Third, October 1891 - September 1892
484147: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Sixty-seventh, October 1955 - September 1956
484151: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Seventy-first, October 1959 - September 1960
482598: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Fortieth, October 1928 - September 1929
482729: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Fifty-second, October 1940 - September 1941
482733: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Fifty-sixth, October 1944 - September 1945
484148: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Sixty-eighth, October 1956 - September 1957
482580: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Twenty-second, October 1910 - September 1911
484150: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Seventieth, October 1958 - September 1959
533990: HASTINGS, SELINA - The Secret Lives of Somerset Maugham
197149: HASTINGS, MARK; DESSELBERGER, ULRICH - Lecture Notes on Medical Microbiology
482404: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Sixth, October 1894 - September 1895
482588: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Thirtieth, October 1918 - September 1919
482589: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Thirty-first, October 1919 - September 1920
482597: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Thirty-ninth, October 1927 - September 1928
482406: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Eighth, October 1896 - September 1897
482736: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Fifty-ninth, October 1947 - September 1948
482591: HASTINGS, JAMES (ED.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Thirty-third, October 1921 - September 1922
484152: HASTINGS, A. W.; HASTINGS, E. (EDS.) - The Expository Times: Volume the Seventy-second, October 1960 - September 1961
518740: HASTINGS, MACDONALD - The Shotgun
534414: HASTINGS, ROBIN - An Undergraduate's War
606711: HASTINGS JR, SCOTT E. - Goodbye Highland Yankee: Stories of a North Country Boyhood
530244: HASTON, DOUGAL - In High Places
606883: HATAKEYAMA, NAOYA - A Bird (Blast #130)
017843: HATCH, DAVID J.; SUMNER, EDWARD - Neonatal Anesthesia and Perioperative Care
486799: HATCHARD, JOHN; SLINN, PETER (EDS.) - Parliamentary Supremacy and Judicial Independence: A Commonwealth Approach
096551: HATCHICK, KEITH; COLLINS, DAVID; SMITH, KEITH - Alternative Investment Market Handbook, The
468042: HATCHWELL, RICHARD - Adventure
547822: HATEM, DAVID J. (EDITOR) - Subsurface Conditions: Risk Management for Design and Construction Management Professionals
541550: HATFIELD, JOHN - Quintilian
191321: HATFIELD, A.; TRONSON, M. - The Complete Recovery Room Book
540931: HATFIELD, JERRY; BENTLEY, DAWN - Harley-Davidson: A Three Dimensional Tribute to an American Icon
545686: HATFIELD, JOHN - Quintilian and the Curious Weather Shop
543479: HATFIELD, KATE - Drowning in Honey
067419: HATFIELD, WILLIAM E.; PALMER, RICHARD A. - Problems in Structural Inorganic Chemistry
544788: HATHAWAY, WINIFRED - Manual for Conservation of Vision Classes: A Manual to assist in the establishing and conduct of classes for conservation of Vision: November 1919
450081: HATHAWAY, STEPHANIE L. - Saracens and Conversion: Chivalric Ideals in Aliscans and Wolfram's Willehalm (Studies in Old Germanic Languages and Literatures)
170550: HATHAWAY, D. E. - Foreign Compound Metabolism in Mammals, Volume 5: A Review of the Literature Published During 1976 and 1977 (Specialist Periodical Reports)
525066: HATHAWAY, STEPHANIE - Saracens and Conversion: Chivalric Ideals in Aliscans and Wolfram's Willehalm (Studies in Old Germanic Languages and Literatures, Volume 6
525065: HATHAWAY, STEPHANIE - Saracens and Conversion: Chivalric Ideals in Aliscans and Wolfram's Willehalm (Studies in Old Germanic Languages and Literatures, Volume 6)
170548a: HATHWAY, D. E. - Foreign Compound Metabolism in Mammals, Volume 1: A Review of the Literature Published Between 1960 and 1969 (Specialist Periodical Reports)
170602: HATHWAY, D. E. - Foreign Compound Metabolism in Mammals Volume 4 : a Review of the Literature Published During 1974 and 1975 - Specialist Periodical Reports
407444: HATHWAY, D.E. - Mechanisms of Chemical Carcinogenesis
043298: HATON, JEAN-PAUL; KEANE, MARK & MANAGO, MICHEL - Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: Second European Workshop, EWCBR 94, Chantilly, France, November 7-10, 1994. Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 984)
197335: HATON, J. P. ED. - Fundamentals of Computer Understanding in Speech and Vision
515285: HATSWELL, DOROTHY; KERR, SIMON - Secret East Grinstead
487531: HATTAWAY, MICHAEL - Elizabethan Popular Theatre: Plays in Performance
157456: HATTERSLEY, JOHN - People with Mental Handicap : Perspectives on Intellectual Disability
527250: HATTERSLEY, ROY - The Edwardians
516802: HATTERSLEY, ROY - Who Goes Home? Scenes from a Political Life
157458: HATTERSLEY, JOHN - People with Mental Handicap : Perspectives on Intellectual Disability
536423: HATTERSLEY, ROY - The Devonshires: The Story of a Family and a Nation
506723: HATTERSLEY-SMITH, GEOFFREY - Geographical Names of the Ellesmere Island National Park Reserve and Vicinity
157457: HATTERSLEY, JOHN - People with Mental Handicap : Perspectives on Intellectual Disability
607142: HATTERSLEY, ROY - Who Goes Home?: Scenes from a Political Life
511614: HATTON, S. F.; ALLENBY, FIELD-MARSHAL VISCOUNT - The Yarn of a Yeoman
492897: HATZAKI, MYRTO (ED.) - A. G. Leventis Foundation: The Paris Collection: 17th- to 20th-Century European Art
537154: HAUBEN, PAUL J. - Three Spanish Heretics and the Reformation
306326: HAUBERT, MAXIME - Les Paysans Peuvent-Ils Nourrir le Tiers-Monde?
279516: HAUFF & AUVERMANN - Hauff & Auvermann: Auktion 68: 25. Bis 27. Oktober 2012: Berlin
469470: HAUFLER, ANDREAS - Taxation in a Global Economy
198836: (ED.) HAUG, EDWARD J. - Concurrent Engineering : Tools and Technologies for Mechanical System Design
537783: HAUGE, MICHAEL - Writing Screenplays That Sell
527990: HAUGE, OLAV V.; FULTON, ROBIN (TRANS.); GREENE, JAMES (TRANS.); HENNUM, SIV (TRANS.) - Don't Give me the Whole Truth
179228: HAUGEN, ROBERT A. - Modern Investment Theory
241630: HAUGEN, CHRISTINE; MEDEMA, LEE; LANTICAN, CELSO B. (EDS.) - Multipurpose Tree Species Research for Small Farms: Strategise and Methods
420757: HAUGH, C. - Vilhelm Zabern
547132: HAUGHNEY, MICHAEL - A Dog's Chance
528551: HAUGHT, JOHN F. - God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution
526729: HAUGHTON, MIRIAM; KURDI, MARIA (EDS.) - Radical Contemporary Theatre Practices By Women in Ireland
528711: HAUGHTON, MIRIAM; KURDI, MARIA (EDS.) - Irish Theatre International Vol. 3 No.1 Autumn 2014
604358: HAUGHTON, BRIAN - Handbook of Paranormal Powers: Discover the Secrets of Mind Readers, Mediums, and More
525368: HAUGLAND, KARI E.; MCCAFFERTY, KEVIN; RUSTEN, KRISTIAN A. (EDS.) - 'Ye Whom the Charms of Grammar Please' - Studies in the English Language History in Honour of Leiv Egil Breivik (Studies in Historical Linguistics, Volume 4)
493082: HAUGSTAD, BORRE; HOLM, INGAR (ED.) - Tryggve Sagen Gutten - Norge Glemte: En Biografi: Rederkapitalen Og Nasjonalgalleriet - Del 2
544282: HAUKE, CHRISTOPHER - Visible Mind: Movies, Modernity and the Unconscious
479098: HAUPT, WALTER C. - Die Poetische Form Von Goethes Faust: Eine Metrische Untersuchung
455564: HAUPTMAN, JODI - Fast Forward: Modern Moments 1913 >>2013
517585: HAUPTMAN, GERHART; ACHURCH, JANET (TRANSL.); WHEELER, C.E. (TRANSL.) - The Coming of Peace (A Family Catastrophe)
458332: HAUPTMAN, JODI - Fast Forward: Modern Moments 1913 >> 2013
036829: HAUPTMANN, GERHARDT - Anna Ein Laendliches Liebesgedicht
165973: HAUPTMANN, CARL - Tobias Buntichuh Eine Burleske Tragodie in Funf Ukten
083122: HAUPTMANN, GABY - Die Lüge im Bett
109483: HAURET, CHARLES - Beginnings: Genesis and Modern Science
464154: HAUS DER GESCHICHTE DER BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND - Krauts - Fritz - Piefkes...?: Deutschland Von Aussen
464214: HAUS DER GESCHICHTE DER BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND - Krauts - Fritz - Piefkes...?: Deutschland Von Aussen
453319: HAUSCHILD, RICHARD - Mistra-Die Faustburg Goethes: Erinnerungen an Eine Griechenlandfahrt, Band 54, Heft 4 (Der Abhandlungen Der Philologisch-Historischen Klasse Der Sachsischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften)
257207: HAUSER, OSWALD (ED). - Das Geteilte Deutschland in seinen internationalen Verflechtungen: 15 Vortrage (German Edition)
469335: HAUSER, RICHARD; BECKER, IRENE (EDS.) - Reporting on Income Distribution and Poverty: Perspectives from a German and a European Point of View
469874: HAUSER, RICHARD; ET AL - Ungleichheit und Sozialpolitik
469847: HAUSER, RICHARD; BECKER, IRENE (EDS.) - The Personal Distribution of Income in an International Perspective
469655: HAUSER, RICHARD (ED.) - Die Zukunft Des Sozialstaats
607707: HAUSER, ERNEST O. - Shanghai: City for Sale
267681: HAUSMAN, CARL R. - Charles S. Peirce's Evolutionary Philosophy
506682: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: Volume Twenty-seven, Number 1, Fall 1998; The Journal of the Business History Conference
506686: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: Second Series Volume Eighteen 1989
506683: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: The Journal of the Business History Conference; Second Series Volume Nineteen, 1990
506684: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and the Economic History: The Journal of the Business History Conference; Volume 26, No. 1, Fall 1997
506691: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: The Journal of the Business History Conference; Second Series Volume Twenty-one 1992
506692: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: The Journal of the Business History Conference; Volume 22. No. 2 Winter 1993
506693: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: The Journal of the Business History Conference; Volume 24, No. 2, Winter 1995
506694b: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. - Business and Economic History: The Journal of the Business History Conference; Volume 26, No. 2, Winter 1997
506695: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: The Journal of the History Conference; Volume 25, No 1, Fall 1996
506687: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: The Journal of the Business History Conference; Vol. 23, No. 1 Fall 1994
506696: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: The Journal of the Business History Conference; Volume Twenty-two, No. 1, Fall 1993
506697: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: The Journal of the Business History Conference; Volume 23, No. 2, Winter 1994
506698: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: The Journal of the Business History Conference; Volume 27, No. 2, Winter 1998
506813: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. - Business and Economic History: The Journal of the Business History Conference; Volume 25, No. 2, Winter 1996
506699: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: Second Series Volume Seventeen 1988
506688: HAUSMAN, WILLIAM J. (ED.) - Business and Economic History: The Journal of the Business History Conference; Second Series Volume Twenty 1991
520556: HAUSMANN, ROMY - Sleepless
108216: HAUSNER, VICTOR A. - Critical Issues in Urban Economic Development Volume II
437586: HAUSNER, HENRY H.; ROLL, KEMPTON H.; JOHNSON, PETER K. (EDS.) - New Methods for the Consolidation of Metal Powders; Perspectives in Powder Metallurgy, Volume 1
488887: HAUSSIG, HANS WILHELM - ArchAologie und Kunst der Seidenstrasse
503942: HAUSTEIN, LYDIA; SCHERER, BERND; HAGER, MARTIN (EDS.) - Feindbilder: Ideologien Und Visuelle Strategien Der Kulturen
608185: HAUTAMÄKI, ANTTI - Viewpoint Relativism: A New Approach to Epistemological Relativism based on the Concept of Points of View (Synthese Library, 419)
601049: HAUTER, WENONAH - Foodopoly: The Battle Over the Future of Food and Farming in America
413969: HAUXWELL, ANNIE - A Morbid Habit
294443: HAUXWELL, ANNIE - A Bitter Taste
475629: HAVARD, HENRY - Histoire De La Peinture Hollandaise (Bibliotheque De l'Enseignement Des Beaux-Arts)
434762: HAVARD, CYRIL - The Trenchard Touch
547688: HAVEL, VACLAV; BLACKWELL, VERA, (TRANSL. AND ADAPTATION) - The Garden Party: Cape Editions 37
432307: HAVEL, VACLAV - Disturbing the Peace: A Conversation with Karel Hvizdala
409768: HAVEL, VACLAV - Redevelopment or Slum Clearance
094529: HAVEL, I.M. & KOUBEK, V. (EDS.) - Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1992: 17th International Symposium, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 24-28 1992, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 629)
528437: HAVELY, NICK (ED.) - Dante in the Nineteenth Century: Reception, Canonicity, Popularization (CISRA, Vol. 19)
470024: HAVEMAN, ROBERT H. - Poverty Policy and Poverty Research: The Great Society and the Social Sciences
469720: HAVEMAN, ROBERT H. (ED.) - Public Finance and Public Employment/Finances Publiques et Emploi Public
510432: HAVEN, ERIC - Vague Tales
484252: HAVENS, LESTON - Participant Observation: The Psychotherapy Schools in Action
451553: HAVERFIELD, PROFESSOR F.; ET AL ( - The Journal of Roman Studies: Volume I, 1911
236773: HAVERKORT, BERTUS; HOOFT, KATRIEN VAN'T; HIEMSTRA, WIM (EDITORS) - Ancient Roots, New Shoots : Endogenous Development in Practice
237674: HAVERKORT, BERTUS; VAN 'T HOOFT, KATRIEN; HIEMSTRA, WIM (EDS.) - Ancient Roots, New Shoots : Endogenous Development in Practice
604205: HAVERS, JOHN; CAMPBELL, PETER (EDS.) - Tails of the Forties: Another Anthology of True Aviation Stories (Mainly Postwar)
193501: HAVET, J. - Main Trends of Research in the Social and Human Sciences. Part Two/Volume 1: Anthropological and Historical Sciences Aesthetics and the Science of Art
284484: HAVET, JAQUES (ED.) - Main Trends of Research in the Social and Human Sciences: Anthropological and Historical Sciences, Aesthetics and the Sciences of Art, Legal Science, Philosophy, Part 2, Volume 2
284485: HAVET, JAQUES (ED.) - Main Trends of Research in the Social and Human Sciences: Anthropological and Historical Sciences, Aesthetics and the Sciences of Art, Legal Science, Philosophy, Part 2, Volume 1
037214: HAVET, JACQUES (PREFACE BY AMADOU-MAHTAR M'BOW) - Main Trends of Research in the Social and Human Sciences, Part 2. Volumes 1 and 2
543976: HAVILTON, JEFFREY - Harold Comes to School
453322: HAVRANEK, B.; FISCHER, R. (EDS.) - Deutsch-Tschechische Beziehungen Im Bereich Der Sprache Und Kultur: Aufsatze Und Studien, Band 57, Heft 2 (Der Abhandlungen Der Philologisch-Historischen Klasse Der Sachsischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften)
060467: HAVRYLYSHYN, OLEH; WILLIAMSON, JOHN - From Soviet Disunion to Eastern Economic Community?
438069: HAWCROFT, DAVID; HECTOR, TERRY - Clinical Specimens
533419: HAWCROFT, MICHAEL - Word as Action: Racine, Rhetoric, and Theatrical Language (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs)
442644: HAWEIS, ELIZA - The Art of Decoration (The Aesthetic Movement & the Arts and Crafts Movement)
301795: HAWEIS, H. R. - The Child's Life of Christ
518401: HAWES, JAMES - My Little Armalite
270291: HAWES, DEREK; PEREZ, BARBARA - The Gypsy and the State: The Ethnic Cleansing of British Society
547151: HAWES, JAMES - A White Merc With Fins
108010: HAWES, M.A - Electromagnetic Machines: The Field Centred Approach for Students: Volume 1
517145: HAWES, JAMES - Excavating Kafka
025431: HAWES, JAMES - Rancid Aluminium
485989: HAWES, JAMES - A White Merc with Fins
108009: HAWES, M.A - Electromagnetic Machines: The Field Centred Approach for Students: Volume 2
603959: HAWES, LOUIS - Presences of Nature: British Landscape, 1780-1830
606386: HAWES, JAMES - Excavating Kafka
538565: HAWI, KHALIL S. - Kahlil Gibran: His Background, Character and Works
510190: HAWK, C. TERRANCE; LEARY, STEVEN L. - Formulary for Laboratory Animals
456503: HAWKE, GARY (ED.) - Employment and the Future of Work: Harkness Employment Conference
455184: HAWKEN, WILLIAM - You and Your Prints
165107: HAWKER, LILIAN EDITH; LINTON, ALAN H. (EDS.) - Micro-Organisms : Function, Form and Environment
458174: HAWKER, LIZZY - Runner: A Short Story About a Long Run
292393: HAWKER, LILIAN E.; LINTON, ALAN H. (EDS.) - Micro-Organisms: Function, Form and Environment
457680: HAWKER, PETER - Instructions to Young Sportsmen in All That Relates to Guns and Shooting
171552: HAWKER, LILIAN E, AND LINTON, ALAN H. - Micro-organisms : Function, Form and Environment
605835: HAWKER, P. - Instructions to Young Sportsmen in All That Relates to Guns and Shooting
607745: HAWKER, LILIAN E. - Fungi
141834: HAWKES, JOHN - Whistlejacket
205757: HAWKES, PETER W. (ED.) - Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Volume 93
427859: HAWKES, JACQUETTA - Man and the Sun
495557: HAWKES, D. D. - The Geology of the South Shetland Islands, II. The Geology and Petrology of Deception Island (Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey: Scientific Reports No. 27)
500767: HAWKES, JASON - The Isle of Wight & Hampshire from the Air
500769: HAWKES, JASON - Kent Coast from the Air
495558: HAWKES, D. D. - The Geology of the South Shetland Islands, II. The Geology and Petrology of Deception Island (Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey: Scientific Reports No. 27)
206446: HAWKES, P. W. (ED.) - Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics Volume 87
206449: HAWKES, P. W. (ED.) - Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics: Supplement 7: Quadrupoles in Electron
206452: HAWKES, PETER - Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics: Volume 86
495555: HAWKES, D. D. - The Geology of the South Shetland Islands, I. The Petrology of King George Island (Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey: Scientific Reports No. 26)
206445: HAWKES, PETER - Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics Volume 85
495556: HAWKES, D. D. - The Geology of the South Shetland Islands, I. The Petrology of King George Island (Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey: Scientific Reports No. 26)
500722: HAWKES, JASON - Sussex Coast from the Air
454559: HAWKES, TERENCE (ED.) - Textual Practice: Volume 8, Number 2, Summer 1994
521640: HAWKESWORTH, ERIC - Practical Lessons in Magic: Tricks and Illusions for the New Performer
541002: HAWKESWORTH, JENNY - A Handbook of Family Monsters
444087: HAWKINGS, DAVID T. - Pauper Ancestors: A Guide to the Records Created By the Poor Laws in England and Wales
457644: HAWKINS, J.B. - Masterpieces of English and European Silver & Gold: The Property of a European Private Collector
495336: HAWKINS, ERIC (ED.) - Intensive Language Teaching and Learning: Initiatives at School Level
527706: HAWKINS, D.R. (ED.) - Biotransformations: A Survey of the Biotransformations of Drugs and Chemicals in Animals (Volume 7)
527700: HAWKINS, D.R. (ED.) - Biotransformations: A Survey of the Biotransformations of Drugs and Chemicals in Animals (Volume 1)
545424: HAWKINS, COLIN - Spooks (Little Screamers) Pop-Up Book
538933: HAWKINS, SHEILA (ADAPTOR) - A Book of Fables
539849: HAWKINS, PAULA - The Girl on the Train
527704: HAWKINS, D.R. (ED.) - Biotransformations: A Survey of the Biotransformations of Drugs and Chemicals in Animals (Volume 4)
527703: HAWKINS, D.R. (ED.) - Biotransformations: A Survey of the Biotransformations of Drugs and Chemicals in Animals (Volume 2)
527702: HAWKINS, D.R. (ED.) - Biotransformations: A Survey of the Biotransformations of Drugs and Chemicals in Animals (Volume 5)
527701: HAWKINS, D.R. (ED.) - Biotransformations: A Survey of the Biotransformations of Drugs and Chemicals in Animals (Volume 6)
486172: HAWKINS, B. WATERHOUSE - The Artistic Anatomy of the Horse
486383: HAWKINS, FREDA - Canada and Immigration: Public Policy and Public Concern (Canadian Public Administration Series)
439635: HAWKINS, SHEILA - Anthology from the Akamas: A Collection of Articles Orginally Written for the Sunday Mail
455468: HAWKINS, J.B. - Masterpieces of English and European Silver and Gold: The Property of a European Private Collector
527705: HAWKINS, D.R. (ED.) - Biotransformations: A Survey of the Biotransformations of Drugs and Chemicals in Animals (Volume 3)
466495: HAWKINS, KIRK A.; KITSCHELT, HERBERT; LUNA, JUAN PABLO; ROSAS, GUILLERMO; ZECHMEISTER, ELIZABETH J. - Latin American Party Systems (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
102196: HAWKINS, D. M. (EDITED BY) - Topics in Applied Multivariate Analysis
472222: HAWKINS, ANGUS; POWELL, JOHN (EDS.) - Camden Fifth Series, Volume 9: The Journal of John Wodehouse First Earl of Kimberley for 1862-1902
546737: HAWKINS, RALPH - English Literature
504030: HAWKINS, NIGEL - The Starvation Blockades: Naval Blockades of WW1
460278: HAWKINS, FREDA - Canada and Immigration: Public Policy and Public Concern
545772: HAWKINS, RALPH, (ED.); INGHAM, CHARLES, (ED.) - Ochre Magazine: Number Four
244622: HAWKINS, KEVIN - Case Studies in Industrial Relations
Am1845: HAWKINS, PAULA - The Girl on the Train
542855: HAWKSLEY, HUMPHREY - Ceremony of Innocence
534468: HAWKSWORTH, D.L.; KIRSOP, B.E. (EDITORS) - Filamentous Fungi (Living Resources for Biotechnology)
536287: HAWKSWORTH, D.L. (ED.); KIRK, P.M. (ED.); CLARKE, S. DEXTRE (ED.) - Biodiversity Information: Needs and Options
530736b: HAWKSWORTH, D.L.; SEAWARD, M.R.D - Lichenology in the British Isles 1568-1975: An Historical and Bibliographical Survey
534458: HAWKSWORTH, D.L.; KIRK, P.M.; SUTTON, B.C.; PEGLER, D.N. - Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi, Eighth Edition
489897: HAWLEY, CHARLES ARTHUR - A Critical Examination of the Peshitta Version of the Book of Ezra
480058: HAWLEY, ELLIS W. - The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly: A Study in Economic Ambivalence
264344: HAWLEY, F. L. - Drawings and Diagrams for the Woodwork Class
529949: HAWLEY, NOAH - Anthem
440383: HAWLEY, DONALD - Manners and Correct Form in the Middle East
108964: HAWLEY, WILLIS. D - Nonpartisan Elections and the Case for Party Politics
443947: HAWLEY, KATHERINE (ED.) - Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 60, Number 239, April 2010
604748: HAWLEY, NOAH - Before the Fall
510881: HAWORTH, RICHARD - Tourist Railways Around Belgium and Luxembourg
510882: HAWORTH, RICHARD - The Tourist Railways of France
261834: HAWTHORN, JAN - Understanding and Management of Nausea and Vomiting
522585: HAWTHORN, PHILIP; MARKS, ANTHONY; SUSCHITZKY, ANYA - The Usborne Book of 100 Easy Keyboard Tunes
206463: HAWTHORN, JEREMY - Multiple Personality and the Disintegration of Literary Character : From Oliver Goldsmith to Sylvia Plath
012353: HAWTHORN, PAMELA, J. - Proceedings of the RCN Research Society Annual Conference 1985 University of Nottingham
546875: HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL (AUTHOR); LINES, KATHLEEN (FOREWORD); LANCELYN GREEN, ROGER (POSTSCRIPT) - The Complete Greek Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne, From the Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales
526376: HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL - Tanglewood Tales; The Blithedale Romance; The House of Seven Gables; The Scarlet Letter; True Stories from History; Wonder Book; Mosses from an Old Manse; New Adam and Eve; Twice Told Tales; The Province House; The Snow Image; Our Old Home
546294: HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL - Tanglewood Tales
519709: HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL - The Scarlet Letter
424707: HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL - A Wonder Book for Girls & Boys
495794: HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL - Grandfather's Chair: A History for Youth
419711: HAWTHORNE, JOHN (ED.) - Ethics (Philosophical Perspectives 23, 2009)
021123: HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL - The Scarlet Letter (A Signet Classic)
602211: HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL - Mosses from an Old Manse
461890: HAWTON, HECTOR (ED.) - The Rationalist Annual for the Year 1962
463789: HAWTON, HECTOR (ED.) - The Rationalist Annual for the Year 1955
463788: HAWTON, HECTOR (ED.) - The Rationalist Annual for the Year 1954
002176: HAWTON, KEITH - Suicide and Attempted Suicide Among Children and Adolescents
602150: HAWTON, HECTOR (ED.) - Question 2 (January 1969)
602151: HAWTON, HECTOR (ED.) - Question 3 (January 1970)
605763: HAWTON, HECTOR (ED.) - Question 2 (January 1969)
200722: HAXBY, DAVID - Probation : A Changing Service
026146: HAY, DENYS - The Medieval Centuries
271445: HAY, COLIN; KERR, PETER; KETTELL, STEVEN; MARSH, DAVID (EDS.) - British Politics; Volume 1, Number 1, April 2006
504575: HAY, MARIE - The Winter Queen: Being the Unhappy History of Elizabeth Stuart; Electress Palatine, Queen of Bohemia. A Romance
091794: HAY, WILLIAM M. (EDITOR); NATHAN, PETER E. (EDITOR) - Clinical Case Studies in the Behavioral Treatment of Alcoholism
503074: HAY, IAN - The First Hundred Thousand
518186: HAY, J. R. - The Origins of The Liberal Welfare Reforms 1906-1914 (Studies in Economic and Social History)
008473: HAY, DALE F. & ANGOLD, ADRIAN (EDITORS) - Precursors and Causes in Development and Psychopathology
287931: HAY, DAVID - A Flickering Lamp: A History Of The Sydenham Medical Club (1775-2000)
206709: HAY, MALCOLM;ROBERTS, PHILIP - Edward Bond: A Companion to the Plays
160296: HAY, MALCOLM;ROBERTS, PHILIP - Edward Bond: A Companion to the Plays
038358: HAY, HEATHER - Heritage
054564: HAY, IAN - The Right Stuff, Some Episodes in the Career of a North Briton
465776: HAY, BRENDAN - Scream Queen
539354: HAY, GEORGE (EDITOR) - Stopwatch: A Collection of International SF Stories
028510: HAY, ROY; STEWART, NORMAN - Gardening Question and Answer Book
607093: HAY, CAROLE - Was the Victorian Child Robbed of His Childhood?
163463: HAYAISHI, OSAMU; ISHIMURA, YUZURU; KIDO, RYO (EDS.) - Biochemical and Medical Aspects of Tryptophan Metabolism : Proceedings of the Third International Meeting of the International Study Group for Tryptophan Research Held in Kyoto, Japan, August 4-7, 1980 (Developments in Biochemistry; Volume 16)
256126: HAYAMI, AKIRA (ED.) - Historical Demography and Family History
484896: HAYAMI, YUJIRO; KIKUCHI, MASAO - Asian Village Economy at the Crossroads: An Economic Approach to Institutional Change
461546: HAYAMI, YUJIRO; AOKI, MASAHIKO (EDS.) - The Institutional Foundations of East Asian Economic Development
479986: HAYAMI, YUJIRO; AOKI, MASAHIKO (EDS.) - Anatomy of a Peasant Economy: A Rice Village in the Philippines
441684: HAYAMI, AKIRA (ED.) - Historical Demography and Family History
469361: HAYAMI, YUJIRO - Development Economics: From the Poverty to the Wealth of Nations
447222: HAYCOX, ALAN - The Costs and Benefits of Community Care: A Case Study of People with Learning Difficulties
606014: HAYCRAFT, W. C. - The Book of the Panther: A Practical and Comprehensive Guide for All Owners of P. & M. Lightweight Motor-Cycles (Covers Models from 1932 Onwards)
191376: HAYDEN, ROBERT S. - Global Mega-Geomorphology
543584: HAYDEN, PATRICK - Political Evil in a Global Age: Hannah Arendt and International Theory
534261: HAYDN, JOSEPH; DOLINSZKY, MIKLOS (ED.) - Haydn: Sonaten III For Piano (Music Scores)
534262: HAYDN, JOSEPH; DOLINSZKY, MIKLOS (ED.) - Haydn: Sonaten II, Music for Piano
304356: HAYDON, R. G.; STEWART, W. B. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics; Oxford Second Series, Volume XXXIV, 1983
304357: HAYDON, R. G.; STEER, B. F.; STEWART, W. B. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics; Oxford Second Series, Volume 41, 1990
304825: HAYDON, R. G.; STEWART, W. B. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Second Series: Volume 32, 1981
304826: HAYDON, R. G.; STEWART, W. B. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Second Series: Volume 33, 1982
306219: HAYDON, R. G.; STEWART, W. B. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Second Series; Volume 35, 1984
306220: HAYDON, R. G.; STEWART, W. B. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Second Series; Volume 36, 1985
306221: HAYDON, R. G.; STEWART, W. B. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Second Series; Volume 37, 1986
306222: HAYDON, R. G.; STEWART, W. B. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Second Series; Volume 38, 1987
306223: HAYDON, R. G.; STEWART, W. B. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Second Series; Volume 39, 1988
306224: HAYDON, R. G.; STEER, B. F.; STEWART, W. B. (EDS.) - The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Second Series; Volume 40, 1989
433904: HAYDON, A. L. - Pole for Cock House: A Public School Story
531525: HAYEK, F.A. - The Road to Serfdom
488966: HAYEK, F. A. - The Road to Serfdom
185844: HAYES, JOSEPH - Der Dritte Tag (roman)
473201: HAYES, MICHAEL - The Haunting Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne
535012: HAYES, JILL - Performing the Dreams of Your Body: Plays of Animation and Compassion
105073: HAYES, BERNARD - Non Invasive Cardiovascular Monitoring
216188: HAYES, BERNARD - Non Invasive Cardiovascular Monitoring
442520: HAYES, JAN - Wise Oonagh: An Irish Folktale
442521: HAYES, JAN - The Split Tongue Sparrow: A Traditional Japanese Folktale
517040: HAYES, HELEN M. - The Buddhist Pilgrim's Progess
470048: HAYES, JOHN - Rowlandson: Watercolours and Drawings
538412: HAYES, MICHAEL, (ED.) - The Fantastic Tales of Fitz-James O'Brien
154802: HAYES, D. - Inside the Primary School : Starting to Teach
522516: HAYES, JOHN; NUTMAN, PETER - Understanding the Unemployed: The Psychological Effects of Unemployment
233979: HAYES, WAYLAND J. - Toxicology of Pesticides
017595: HAYES, DENNIS E. - The Tectonic and Geologic Evolution of Southeast Asian Seas and Islands
600772: HAYES-BAUTISTA, DAVID E.; SCHINK, WERNER O.; CHAPA, JORGE - The Burden of Support: Young Latinos in an Aging Society
531368: HAYES, DAVID A.; KAMLISH, MARIAN - The King's Cross Fraudster: Leopold Redpath, His Life and Times
545632: HAYES, MICHAEL (EDITOR) - Supernatural Poetry: A Selection 16th Century to the 20th Century
526634: HAYES, MARY; BURKETTE, ALLISON (EDS.) - Approaches to Teaching the History of the English Language: Pedagogy in Practice
531874: HAYES, STEVEN C.; STROLSAHL, KIRK D.; WILSON, KELLY G. - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: The Process and Practice of Mindful Change
536624: HAYES, CALVIN - Popper, Hayek and the Open Society
474423: HAYES, PAUL - Themes in Modern European History 1890-1945
511487: HAYGOOD, WIL - Showdown: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court Nomination That Changed America
211162: HAYGOOD, TAMARA MINER - Henry William Ravenel, 1814-1887 : South Carolina Scientist in the Civil War Era
292492: HAYLEY, THOMAS T. S. (ED.) - The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis; 1984, Volume 65, Part 1
292489: HAYLEY, THOMAS T. S. (ED.) - The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis; 1983, Volume 64, Part 2
292484: HAYLEY, THOMAS T. S. (ED.) - The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis; 1982, Volume 63, Part 1
292518: HAYLEY, THOMAS T. S. (ED.) - The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis; 1987, Volume 68, Part 3

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