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496473: EZRA, ELIZABETH; HARRIS, SUE (EDS.) - France in Focus: Film and National Identity
177175: F. S. W. BRIMBLECOMBE, M. P. M. RICHARDS, N. R. C. ROBERTON (ED) - Separation and Special-care Baby Units. Clinics in Developmental Medicine No. 68.
171574: F. W. L. - Uncle Will's Heirs
510902: F'MURRR - Le Pauvre Chevalier
169484: F. J. BOURNE (ED) - The Mucosal Immune System : Proceedings of a Seminar in the EEC Program of Agricultural Research on Protection of the Young Animal Against Perinatal Diseases
177176: F. S. W. BRIMBLECOMBE, M. P. M. RICHARDS, N. R. C. ROBERTON (ED) - Separation and Special-care Baby Units. Clinics in Developmental Medicine No. 68.
602103: FAALAND, JUST (ED.) - Population and the World Economy in the 21st Century
550157: FAATH, SIGRID - Anti-Americanism in the Islamic World
451106: FABB, NIGEL; ATTRIDGE, DEREK; DURANT, ALAN; MACCABE, COLIN (EDS.) - The Linguistics of Writing: Arguments Between Language and Literature
516201: FABEL, OLIVER; FARINA, FRANCESCO; PUNZO, LIONELLO F. (EDS.) - European Economies in Transition: In Search of a New Growth Path
461424: FABEL, OLIVER - The Economics of Pensions and Variable Retirement Schemes
211146: FABER, MALTE AND MANSTETTEN, REINER - Philosophical Basics of Ecology and Economy
237605: FABER, JOHN (ED.) - Neutron Scattering -- 1981 (Argonne National laboratory)
522656: FABER, MICHAEL (ED.) - Childhood-Playtime?
483866: FABER, MICHAEL - The Crimson Petal and the White
180267: FABER, OSCAR; KELL, J. R - Heating and air-conditioning of Buildings
457106: FABER, MALTE; MANSTETTEN, REINER; PROOPS, JOHN - Ecological Economics: Concepts and Methods
524325: FABER, RICHARD - The Brave Courtier: Sir William Temple
Am1162: AND FABER FABER - Poetry Introduction: No.7
526606: FABES, GILBERT H.; FOYLE, WILLIAM A. - Modern First Editions: Points and Values (second series)
463109: FABIAN, BERNHARD; VON ROSADOR, KURT TETZELI (EDS.) - Shakespeare: Text, Language, Criticism - Essays in Honour of Marvin Spevack
449811: FABIAN, CLAUDIA (ED.) - Personennamen Des Mittelalters: Ansetzungs- Und Verweisungsformen Gemass Den RAK Erarbeitet Von Der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek (Regeln Fur Die Alphabetische Katalogisierung)
213107: FABOZZI, FRANK J.; MODIGLIANI, FRANCO - Capital Markets : Institutions and Instruments
063693: FABRE, J. HENRY - The Mason-Wasps
494336: FABRICII, JO. ALBERTI - Bibliotheca Latina Mediae et Infimae Aetatis
492940: FABRICIUS, JACOB (ED.) - Gillian Wearing: Family Stories
418517: FABRITSKY, B.; SHMELEV, I. - Treasures of Mediaevel Rus
607385: FACCARELLO, GILBERT; IZUMO, MASASHI; MORISHITA, HIROMI (EDS.) - Malthus Across Nations: The Reception of Thomas Robert Malthus in Europe, America and Japan
469201: FACHINGER, UWE; ROTHGANG, HEINZ; VIEBROK, HOLGER (EDS.) - Die Konzeption Sozialer Sicherung: Festschrift FUR Prof. Dr. Winfried SCHMAHL Zum 60. Geburtstag
419946: FACIU, ANDREA; KOHLER, SUSANNE (ED.) - Andrea Faciu: Dreams and Accomplices
075752: FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ECONOMICAS - Comentarios Sobre La Situacion Economica No.2
075750: FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ECONOMICAS - Comentarios Sobre La Situacion Economica No.3
075767: FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS ECONOMICAS - Comentarios Sobre La Situacion Economica
277990: FADER, DANIEL - The Periodical Context of English Literature 1708-1907
105957: FAERBER, ERIC N - Digital Subtraction Imaging in Infants and Children
299241a: FAETH, PAUL - Growing Green: Enhancing the Economic and Environmental Performance of U.S. Agriculture
298663: FAETH, PAUL (ED.) - Agricultural Policy and Sustainability: Case Studies from India, Chile, the Philippines and the United States
499227: FAGAN, BRIAN - Grahame Clark: An Intellectual Biography of an Archaeologist
510834: FAGAN, BRIAN M. - Kingdoms of Gold, Kingdoms of Jade: The Americas Before Columbus
177196: FAGAN, GUS (EDITED BY) - Labour Focus on Eastern Europe: Trade Unions in the Transition (A Review of European Affairs 70
269625: FAGAN, SARAH M. B. - The Syntax and Semantics of Middle Constructions: A Study with Special Reference to German
064159: FAGEN, RICHARD R.; CORNELIUS, WAYNE A. (EDS.) - Political Power in Latin America: Seven Confrontations
073063: FAGEN, RICHARD R. - Forging Peace: The Challenge of Central America
603210: FAGEN, RICHARD R.; TUOHY, WILLIAM S. - Politics and Privilege in a Mexican City
441915: FAGER, CHARLES E. - White Reflection on Black Power
605007: FAGES, JEAN - Cartographic Handbook of French Polynesia
548930: FAGG, BERNARD - Nok Terracottas
426745: FAGGIONI, ELEONORA; SCHIAVI, ALESSANDRA - Abitare Il Tempo: Mostre Di Sperimentazione e Ricerca Laboratori Metaprogettuali/Experimentation and Reserach Exhibitions Workshops
286357: FAGIH, AHMED (ED.) - Libyan Stories: Twelve Short Stories from Libya
423904: FAGIOLO DELL'ARCO, MAURIZIO (ED.) - Disegno e Rilievo: Tra Futurismo e Novecento: Opere Di Boccioni, Balla, Severini, Sironi, Prampolini, Gangiullo, Depero, Dottori, Pahhaggi, De Chirico, Carra, Sironi, Ferrazzi, Siponi, Cagnaccio, Morandi, Licini, Savinio, DE Pesis, Scipione
192171: FAGUET, EMILE - Essai Sur La Tragedie Francaise Au XVIe Siecle (1550-1600)
454055: FAHEY, B. D.; THOMPSON, R. D. (EDS.) - Research in Polar and Alpine Geomorphology
511052: FAHLMAN, BETSY - Guy PENE Du Bois: Painter of Modern Life
454228: FAHRMEIR, ANDREAS - Ehrbare Spekulanten: Stadtverfassung, Wirtschaft und Politik in der City of London (1688-1900)
295699: FAIERMAN, M. - Two Parameter Eigenvalue Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 205)
602282: FAIERS, ROY - England's Glory: A Pictorial Collection of Patriotic Poetry
423398: FAIGAN, JULIAN - The Colonial Art of the Western District
Am1339: FAIK TANRIKULU - The European Union's Energy Security and Turkey's Role in the Southern Gas Corridor: Interdependence on the Natural Gas Pipeline between Turkey and EU
475542: FAIN, HASKELL - Between Philosophy and History: The Resurrection of Speculative Philosophy of History Within the Analytic Tradition
477476: FAINI, MARCO - Pietro Bembo: A Life in Laurels and Scarlet
517719: FAINLIGHT, RUTH; SILLITOE, ALAN - All Citizens are Soldiers ( Fuente Ovejuna
494929: FAINLIGHT, HARRY - Sussicran (Turret Booklets)
279863: FAINLIGHT, RUTH (ED.) - Harry Fainlight: Selected Poems
071717: FAINLIGHT, RUTH - Selected Poems
216623: FAINSTEIN, P.D (ED.); LIMA, M.A.P. (ED.); MIRAGLIA, JORGE E. (ED.); MONTENEGRO, E.C (ED.); RIVAROLA, ROBERTO D.(ED.) - Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions : Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference
245667: FAIR, JUDY H. - Microforms Management in Special Libraries : A Reader (Microform Review Series in Library Micrographics Management; No. 5)
076813: FAIR, DONALD E.; BOISSIEU, CHRISTIAN DE (EDS.) - International Monetary and Financial Integration - the European Dimension (Financial and Monetary Studies; 14)
008585: FAIRBAIRN, GAVIN J. & WINCH, CHRISTOPHER - Reading, Writing and Reasoning : A Guide for Students
473146: FAIRBAIRN, JOHN - Invitation to Go
305259: FAIRBAIRN, DOUGLAS - Down and Out in Cambridge
004523: FAIRBAIRN, A.M. - Studies in Religion and Theology
445345: FAIRBANK, WILLIAM - The Forest Stations
110292: FAIRBRIDGE, DOROTHEA - The Pilgrims' Way in South Africa
242686: FAIRBROTHER, W.H. - The Philosophy of Thomas Hill Green
027120: FAIRBROTHER, F. - Roses
408752: FAIRBROTHER, TREVOR J.; WRIGHT, BAGLEY - The Virginia and Bagley Wright Collection
465017: FAIRBROTHER, NAN - New Lives, New Landscapes
111652: FAIRBURN, CHRISTOPHER G. - Sexual Problems and Their Management
487874: FAIRBURN, MILES - The Ideal Society and Its Enemies: The Foundations of Modern New Zealand Society, 1850 - 1900
525071: FAIRBURN, A.R.D.; GLOVER, DENIS; CANNIBAL, DOROTHY (ED.) - Poetry Harbinger
523480: FAIRCHILD, WILLIAM - The Poppy Factory
521788: FAIRER, DAVID (ED.) - The Correspondence of Thomas Warton
180167: FAIRFIELD, PAUL - Why Democracy?
545457: FAIRHALL, DAVID - Cold Front: Conflict Ahead in Artic Waters
175294: FAIRHOLM, G. W. AND AYOBOLU, BENJAMIN B. - Native Authority Finance Patterns
175292: FAIRHOLM, G. W. - Urban Government Organization in Northern Nigeria, 1964
449388: FAIRHURST, JOHN - Law of the European Union (Foundations Series)
290994: FAIRLESS, MICHAEL - The Grey Brethren: And Other Fragments in Prose and Verse
096826: FAIRLEY, GORDON - The Observer's Book of Small Craft
549484: FAIRLEY, BARKER - Wilhelm Raabe: An Introduction to His Novels
500751: FAIRLEY, ALISTAIR - De La Warr Pavilion: The Modernist Masterpiece
530321: FAIRLEY, PETER - The Conquest of Pain
534047: FAIRLEY, ALASTAIR - Bucking the Trend: The Life and Times of the Ninth Earl De La Warr
603710: FAIRLEY, JOHN - Remember Arnhem: The Story of the 1st Airborne Reconnaissance Squadron at Arnhem
514411: FAIRLIE, GERARD - Captain Bulldog Drummond
513428: FAIRLIE BRUCE, DORITA - The New House Captain
539596: FAIRLIE, GERARD (FOLLOWING SAPPER) - Bulldog Drummond Stands Fast
537573: FAIRLIE, GERARD; SAPPER - Hands Off Bulldog Drummond!
538638: FAIRLIE, GERARD; SAPPER - Hands Off Bulldog Drummond!
520298: FAIRMAN, ELISABETH R.; REID-CUNNGINHAM, JAMES - The Poet of Them All: William Shakespeare and Miniature Designer Bindings from the Collection of Neale and Margaret Albert
601014: FAIRS, MARCUS - 21st Century Design: New Design Icons from Mass Market to Avant-Garde
294430: FAIRSTEIN, LINDA - Death Angel
193358: FAIRWEATHER, JAMES; GHOSH, RIETA - Chambers' Guide to the Legal Profession, 2003-2004
486602: FAIRWEATHER, VIRGINIA - Cry God for Larry: An Intimate Memoir of Sir Laurence Olivier
605621: FAITH, WILLIAM ROBERT - Bob Hope: A Life in Comedy
544507: FAIZUDDIN, MUNSHI; FAROUQUI, ATHER (TRANS.) - The Last Gathering: A Vivid Portrait of Life in the Red Fort
283166a: FAJARDO-HILL, CECILIA - Fortunate Objects: Selections from the Ella Fontacals-Cisneros Collection
533075: FAKHRY, AHMED - The Oases of Egypt, Volume I: Siwa Oasis
236088: FAKIR, MANSOUR; RAHARDJO, TOTO; PIMBERT, MICHEL; SUTOKO, AMIR; WULANDARI, DANARTI; PRASETYO, TRIYAS - Community Integrated Pest Management in Indonesia: Institutionalising Participation and People Centered Approaches
535254: FALADE, BANKOLE - Living with Science & Miracles
434795: FALCOFF, MARK; VALENZUELA, ARTURO; KAUFMAN PURCELL, SUSAN - Chile: Prospects for Democracy
434616: FALCOFF, LAURA - Tango: 50 Keys
511067: FALCONER, JOHN (FW.) - Commonwealth in Focus: 130 Years of Photographic History
093682: FALCONER, ALAN A. - Motoring on the North York Moors
205512: FALCONER, DUNCAN - Mercenary
475450: FALCONER, PETER; SMITH, COLIN; WEBSTER, C. WILLIAM R. (EDS.) - Managing Parliaments in the 21st Century: EGPA Yearbook
528258: FALCUS, SARAH - MICHELE Roberts: Myths, Mothers and Memories
257614: FALGRONE, E; BOULANGER, F; DUVERT, G (EDS.) - Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation: Proceedings of the 147th Sympoium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Grenoble, France, June 12-16, 1990
607982: FALGUERA, JOSÉ L.; MARTÍNEZ-VIDAL, CONCHA - Abstract Objects: For and Against: 422 (Synthese Library, 422)
270691: FALK, LISA (ED.) - Historical Archaeology in Global Perspective
035443: FALK-WHYNES, JANE (ED.) - Health Education in Universities, Professional Developments in Health Promotion
427911: FALK, PAUL; HOLMBERG, JOHN; LILJEGREN, S. B. (ED.) - Studia Neophilologica; Volume XXIV-XXV, 1951-52, 1952-53
548969: FALK, BERNARD - Thomas Rowlandson: His Life and Art: With 21 Coloured Plates and 70 Black and White Illustrations
479013: FALK, RICHARD A.; KIM, SAMUEL S. (EDS.) - The War System: An Interdisciplinary Approach
521907: FALKE, JOSEF; SCHEPEL, HARM (EDS.) - Legal Aspects of Standardisation in the Member States of the EC and EFTA, Volume 2: Country Reports
195296: FALKENBERG, ECKHARD D. ET AL - Information Systems Concepts
469484: FALKINGHAM, JANE; HILLS, JOHN (EDS.) - The Dynamic of Welfare: The Welfare State and the Life Cycle
542405: FALKIRK, RICHARD - Blackstone
542395: FALKIRK, RICHARD - Blackstone's Fancy
542407: FALKIRK, RICHARD - Blackstone and the Scourge of Europe
542348: FALKNER, JOHN MEADE; YOUNG, G.M. (INTRO.) - The Nebuly Coat and The Lost Stradivarius
535600: FALKNER, ROBERT - The Handbook of Global Climate and Environment Policy
462693: FALL, GEORGES - Opus International 9: Tchecoslovaquie La Verite Vaincra: Decembre 1968
462694: FALL, GEORGES - Opus International 9: Tchecoslovaquie La Verite Vaincra: Decembre 1968
462692: FALL, GEORGES - Opus International 9: Tchecoslovaquie La Verite Vaincra: Decembre 1968
533879: FALL, BERNARD B. - Viet-nam Witness: 1953-66
462695: FALL, GEORGES - Opus International 26: Juin 1971
462688: FALL, GEORGES - Opus International Messages De Prague 8: Les Minoritaires: Octobre 1968
462689: FALL, GEORGES - Opus International Messages De Prague 8: Les Minoritaires: Octobre 1968
462699: FALL, GEORGES - Opus International 17: Avril 1970
439632: FALLA, N. A. R.; MORETON, JANET - Analysis of Airborne Pollutants in Working Atmospheres: The Welding and Surface Coatings Industries (Analytical Sciences Monographs)
201455: FALLDING, HAROLD - The Sociology of Religion : An Explanation of the Unity and Diversity in Religion
255303: FALLER, KEVIN - Genesis
523958: FALLON, ROBERT THOMAS - Captain or Colonel: The Soldier in Milton's Life and Art
445878: FALLSIDE, FRANK; WOODS, WILLIAM A. (EDS.) - Computer Speech Processing
272105: FALNIOWSKA-GRADOWSKA, ALICJA - Testamenty Szlachty Krakowskiej XVII-XVIII W.: Wybor Tekstow Zrodlowych z Lat 1650-1799
531628: FALOMIR, MIGUEL (ED.) - Tintoretto
109652: FALTER, C.; LUDWIG, W. - Symmetries in Physics: Group Theory Applied to Physical Problems (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences; 64)
537528: FALZEDER, ERNST - Psychoanalytic Filiations: Mapping the Pyschoanalytic Movement
163980: FALZON, JOE; GARDENER, EDWARD P. M. - Strategic Challenges in European Banking
203620: FAMILY CARE INTERNATIONAL - Committments to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All: Framework for action, Based on Relevant international Agreements and conventions, Including the beijing, copenhagen, Cairo and Vienne Conferences
419888: FAN, YUN; XIONG, Q. Y.; ZHENG, Y. L. - A Course in Algebra
258418: FANE, JULIAN - A Letter
110028: FANE, JULIAN - Memoir in the Middle of the Journey
275179: FANE, JULIAN - Memoir in the Middle of the Journey
537317: FANE, JULIAN - The Fools of God
452191: FANE, JULIAN - Small Change: Shorter and Longer Stories
172392: FANE, JULIAN - Revolution Island
258414: FANE, JULIAN - Odd Woman Out
274031: FANE, JULIAN - Cautionary Tales for Women
537923: FANE, JULIAN - The Anthology from In Short By Julian Fane
534657: FANE, JULIAN - According to Robin
455164: FANE, JULIAN - A Reader's Choice
275177: FANE, JULIAN - Hounds of Spring: and Other Stories
274033: FANE, JULIAN - Sins of the Flesh
457757: FANELLI, GIOVANNI - Brunelleschi
439309: FANG, JADE - The Twelve Days of Christmas
549672: FANG, FONG HOE (EDITOR) - That We May Dream Again
423156: FANGWEI, CHANG (ED.) - London Underground
439843: FANNING, DIANE - The Trophy Exchange (A Lucinda Pierce Mystery)
543966: FANON, FRANTZ - Studies in a Dying Colonialism
547835: FANSHAWE, H.C. - Delhi: Past and Present
450839: FANSLER, HARRIOTT ELY - The Evolution of Technic in Elizabethan Tragedy
518615: FANSTONE, R.M. - Guide to The New Forest
549496: FANTHAM, H.B.; PORTER, ANNIE - Some Minute Animal Parasites, or Unseen Foes in the Animal World
511846: FANTHORPE, U. A. - Neck-Verse
302337: FANTINI, BERNARDINO (ED.) - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences: 1999, Vol. 21, No. 3
302335: FANTINI, BERNARDINO (ED.) - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences: 1999, Vol. 21, No. 1
539523: FANTONI, BARRY - Mike Dime
537792: FANTONI, BARRY - Stickman
447475: FANTOZZI, AUGUSTO; NARDUZZI, EDOARDO - Il Malessere Fiscale: Governare il Fisco nel Duemila
236755: FAO STAFF - FAO Legislative Study: 73 - Law and Sustainable Development since Rio: Legal Trends in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
302038: FAO - Notes Sur Les Regimes Fonciers: 1: Baux Agricoles
302039: FAO - Etudes Sur Les Regimes Fonciers: 4: La Parite Hommes-Femmes et l'Access a la Terre
302040: FAO - Etudes Sur Les Regimes Fonciers: 4: La Parite Hommes-Femmes et l'Access a la Terre
525440: FAQUIRE, RAZAUL KARIM - Modality and Its Learner Variety in Japanese
538007: FARACI, TITO - Orange Chronicles: A Graphic Novel
515433: FARADAY, MICHAEL - Faraday Celebrations
009862: FARADAY, E.R. & L.W. - Form-Room Plays for Girls
515434: FARADAY, MICHAEL - Faraday Celebrations
515432: FARADAY, MICHAEL - Faraday Celebrations
515431: FARADAY, MICHAEL - Faraday Celebrations
248663: FARAG, EMAD N.; ELMASRY, MOHAMED I. - Mixed Signal VLSI Wireless Design : Circuits and Systems
263539: FARAH, IFFAT; JAWORSKI, BARBARA (EDS.) - Partnerships in Educational Development (Oxford Studies in Comparative Education)
055109: FARAH, IFFAT & JAWORSKI, BARBARA (EDITED BY) - Partnerships in Educational Development
305615: FARAH, IFFAT; JAWORSKI, BARBARA (EDS.) - Partnerships in Educational Development (Oxford Studies in Comparative Education)
548217: FARAHMAND, BAHRAM (EDITOR) - Virtual Testing and Predictive Modeling: For Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Allowables
472097: FARALLA, DANA - The Singing Cupboard
521985: FARANTOURIS, NIKOLAOS E. - European Integration and Maritime Transport
105064: FARB, DANIEL; GORDON, BRUCE - Total Quality in Provider Practices Guidebook
452217: FARBER, MARVIN (ED.) - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research: A Quarterly Journal: Vol. XL, No. 4, June, 1980
452218: FARBER, MARVIN (ED.) - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research: A Quarterly Journal: Vol. XLI, No. 3, March, 1981
477795: FARBER, ELLEN A.; HERTZIG, MARGARET E. (EDS.) - Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development 1996
452215: FARBER, MARVIN (ED.) - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research: A Quarterly Journal: Vol. XL, No. 1, September, 1979
509076: FARBER, DANIEL - Lincoln's Constitution
452216: FARBER, MARVIN (ED.) - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research: A Quarterly Journal: Vol. XL, No. 2, December, 1979
163116: FARBTAFELN, ZWOLF - Romanische Glasfenster Aus Den Landen am Rhein
530841: FARDELLA, MICHELANGELO - Pensieri Scientifici e Lettera Antiscolastica (Serie Testi VIII)
185277: FARDON, MICHAEL; PROKOPIW, JOHN - Intermediate Business
185276: FARDON, MICHAEL; PROKOPIW, JOHN - Intermediate Business
526781: FARELLY, DAN - Under the Curse: Goethe's 'Iphigenie Auf Tauris'
174087a: FARGE, YVES; EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility : The Feasibility Study
174088a: FARGE, Y.; DUKE, P. J. (EDS.) - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility; Supplement I : The Scientific Case
537259: FARGEON, ELEANOR - Dark World of Animals
542309: FARHI, MORIS - The Pleasure Of Your Death
234675: FARHI, MORIS - Journey Through the Wilderness
439054: FARHI, MORIS - The Pleasure of Your Death (Constable crime)
537808: FARIN, INGO; MALPAS, JEFF (EDITORS) - Reading Heidegger's Black Notebooks 1931-1941
461563: FARINA, FRANCESCO; SAVAGLIO, ERNESTO (EDS.) - Inequality and Economic Integration
469336: FARINA, FRANCESCO; SAVAGLIO, ERNESTO (EDS.) - Inequality and Economic Integration
459152: FARINGTON, JOSEPH, R.A. - The Farington Diary: Vol. V. (January 9, 1808, to December 21, 1809)
060650: FARIS, NEIL; TURNER, SHARON (EDS.) - Public Law and the Environment: New Directions?: Proceedings of the UKELA Conference, Belfast, 16-18 April, 1999
546079: FARIS, NABIH AMIN; HUSAYN, MOHAMMED TAWFIK - The Crescent in Crisis: An Interpretive Study of the Modern Arab World
261991: FARJEON, ELEANOR - Martin Pippin in the Apple-Orchard
493357: FARJEON, ELEANOR - Nursery Rhymes of London Town
494638: FARJEON, ELEANOR - Magic Casements (P.E.N. Books)
472010: FARJEON, ELEANOR - The Little Book Room (Japanese Edition)
542215: FARJEON, J. JEFFERSON (AUTHOR); KEATING, H.R.F. (SELECTOR AND INTRODUCTION) - Ben on the Job: Ben Investigates... (The Disappearing Detectives)
549358: FARJEON, ELEANOR - The Little Bookroom
542565: FARJEON, ELEANOR - The Silver Curlew
438987: FARLEY, F. J. M. (ED.) - Progress in Nuclear Techniques and Instrumentation, Volume 3
541928: FARMAKI, ANNA; ALTINAY, LEVENT; FONT, XAVIER (EDS) - Planning and Managing Sustainability in Tourism: Empirical Studies, Best-practice Cases and Theoretical Insights (Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management)
541926: FARMAKI, ANNA; ALTINAY, LEVENT; FONT, XAVIER (EDS) - Planning and Managing Sustainability in Tourism: Empirical Studies, Best-practice Cases and Theoretical Insights (Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management)
203888: FARMER, RICHARD; LAWRENCE, ROSS; MILLER, DAVID - Lecture Notes on Epidemiology and Public Health
483720: FARMER, J. BRETLAND (ED.) - Science Progress: A Monthly Review of Current Scientific Investigation: Vol. I. March-August 1894.
199537: FARMER, ROGER - Self-Assessment in Psychiatry
535418: FARMER, DAVID HUGH - Benedict's Disciples
463252: FARMER, JOHN S. - Merry Songs and Ballads: Prior to the Year A.D. 1800: Volume II
550129: FARMER, HENRY GEORGE - A History of Arabian Music to the XIIIth Century
438180: FARMER, STEPHEN G.; HAY, DOUGLAS W. P. (EDS.) - The Airway Epithelium: Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Pharmacology (Lung Biology in Health and Disease; volume 55)
467963: FARMER, B. H. - Agricultural Colonization in India Since Independence
201628: FARMER, D.L. - Britain and the Stuarts
542291: FARMER, PHILIP JOSE - The Book of Philip JOSE Farmer or The Wares of Simple Simon's Custard Pie and Space Man
529567: FARMER, R.C. - Industrial and Power Alcohol (Pitman's Technical Primers, No. 28)
548869: FARMER, PHILIP JOSE - The Fabulous Riverboat
523883: FARMER, PAUL - AIDS and Accusation: Haiti and the Geography of Blame
483721: FARMER, J. BRETLAND (ED.) - Science Progress: A Monthly Review of Current Scientific Investigation: Vol. II. September-February 1894-5.
537768: FARMER, PHILIP JOSE - The Fabulous Riverboat
606645: FARMER, ANN - Prophets & Priests: The Hidden Face of the Birth Control Movement
536859: FARMER, H.V. - Seychelles: Postage Stamps and Postal History
511791: FARNAN, DOROTHY J. - Auden in Love
491760: FARNDALE, JAMES (ED.) - Trends in the National Health Service
001115: FARNDALE, JAMES - The Day Hospital Movement in Great Britian
601341: FARNDON, JOHN - Atlas of Oceans: An Ecological Survey of Underwater Life
034599: FARNDON, JOHN - Children's Encyclopedia
221919: FARNELL, LEWIS RICHARD - The Cults of the Greek States in Five Volumes; Volume IV, Part I (Elibron Classics)
220959: FARNELL, RICHARD LEWIS - The Cults of the Greek States Volume IV Part 2
085821: FARNHAM-DIGGORY, SYLVIA - Learning Disabilities: The Developing Child
024658: FARNHAM, DAVID; PIMLOTT, JOHN - Understanding Industrial Relations
474890: FARNHAM, DAVID; HORTON, SYLVIA; BARLOW, JOHN; HONDEGHEM, ANNIE (EDS.) - New Public Managers in Europe: Public Servants in Transition
025536: FARNHAM, DAVID; PIMLOTT, JOHN - Understanding Industrial Relations
519549: FARNOL, JEFFERY - Gyfford of Weare
519550: FARNOL, JEFFERY - The Quest of Youth
519552: FARNOL, JEFFERY - Another Day
519557: FARNOL, JEFFERY - Sir John Dering
519199: FARNOL, JEFFERY - Sir John Dering: A Romantic Comedy
519196: FARNOL, JEFFERY - The Geste of Duke Jocelyn: A Romance in Prose and Verse
518860: FARNOL, JEFFERY - The Fool Beloved
518969: FARNOL, JEFFERY - Sir John Dering: A Romantic Comedy
512582: FARNOL, JEFFREY - The Amateur Gentleman
519545: FARNOL, JEFFERY - Another Day
533351: FARNOL, JEFFERY - The Amateur Gentleman: a Romance
519548: FARNOL, JEFFERY - Peregrine's Progress OR Diana of the Dawn
519558: FARNOL, JEFFERY - The Jade of Destiny
519555: FARNOL, JEFFERY - The Chronicles of the Imp: The Romance
017534: FARNWORTH, EDWARD G.; GOLLEY, FRANK B. (ED.) - Fragile Ecosystems: Evaluation of Research and Applications in the Neotropics: A Report of the Institute of Ecology (TIE)
473990: FARNY, DIETER; LUTKE-BORNEFELD, PETER; ZELLENBERG, GERTRUD (EDS.) - Lebenssituationen Alterer Menschen: Beschreibung Und Prognose Aus interdisziplinArer Sicht
513297: FAROOQ, GHAZI M.; SIMMONS, GEORGE B.; SALAS, RAFAEL M. - Fertility in Developing Countries: An Economic Perspective and Policy Issues
450816: FAROVA, ANNA - Andre Kertesz
264246: FARQUHARSON, ROY G. (ED.) - Vignettes for the MRCOG, Volume 3 (Hospital Medicine Monographs)
510510: FARQUHARSON, ALEX; KNIGHT, CHRISTOPHER - Lari Pittman: Paintings 1992-1998
268314: FARR, MARCIA (ED.) - Ethnolinguistic Chicago: Language and Literacy in the City's Neighborhoods
523280: FARR, FINIS - Black Champion: The Life and Times of Jack Johnson
044384: FARR, ROB; O'LEARY, BRENDAN; RICHARDSON, RAY; YAMEY, BASIL (EDS.) - L.S.E. Quarterly; Summer 1989
278335: FARR, FIONA; MORIARTY, MAIREAD (EDS.) - Language, Learning and Teaching: Irish Research Perspectives
474765: FARR, JAMES; DRYZEK, JOHN S.; LEONARD, STEPHEN T. (EDS.) - Political Science in History: Research Programs and Political Traditions
543246: FARRAND, J.T.; GILCHRIST SMITH, J. - Emmet's Notes on Perusing Titles and on Practical Conveyancing
246092: FARRAND, J. T.; ADAMS, J.E. (EDS.) - The Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, Volume 42: 1978
026148: FARRAR, S. - William Shakespeare: Macbeth (Guides to English Literature)
534963: FARRAR-HOCKLEY, ANTHONY - The Edge of the Sword
004469: FARRAR, F.W. - Seekers After God
234716: FARRAR, ALFRED HOWARD - The Household Treasury of Instructive Anecdotes
547056: FARRE, ROWENA - A Time from the World
517265: FARRED, GRANT - In Motion, At Rest: The Event of the Athletic Body
520513: FARRELL, JEROME - This Ghastly Affair: Great War Letters from the Leathersellers' Archives
526284: FARRELL, JOSEPH (ED.) - Primo Levi: The Austere Humanist
518745: FARRELL, M.J. - Red Letter Days
518971: FARRELL, J.G. - The Singapore Grip
505293: FARRELL, JAMES T. - Childhood Is Not Forever
504766: FARRELL, J.G. - The Siege of Krishnapur
111356: FARRELL, JAMES T - What Time Collects
522256: FARRELL, CYRIL (ED.) - Aquarius: An Annual Religio-Cultural Review, Number 5
260359: FARRELL, STEVEN - Liverpool Roared
453362: FARRELL, LAURIE ANN - Wild is the Wind
015674: FARRELL, B.A. - The Standing of Psychoanalysis
448777: FARRELLS - UK>HK: Farrells Placemaking: From London to Hong Kong and Beyond
182051: FARRELLY, D. J. - Goethe and Inner Harmony : A Study of "Schoene Seele" in the Apprenticeship of William Meister
185111: FARREN, MICK; SNOW, GEORGE - The Rock 'n' Roll Circus: The Illustrated Rock Concert
544696: FARREN, MICK - Synaptic Manhunt
520864: FARRER, PETER (ED.) - Men in Petticoats: A Selection of of Letters from Victorian Newspapers
530192: FARRER, KATHARINE - The Missing Link
479182: FARRER-HALLS, GILL - The Feminine Face of Buddhism
502539: FARRINGTON, KAREN - The Blitzed City: The Destruction of Coventry, 1940
470437: FARRINGTON, J. H. - Morphological Studies of English Canals
547982: FARRINGTON, BRIAN - Malachi-Stilt-Jack: A Study of W.B. Yeats and His Work
235976: FARRINGTON, JOHN (ED.) - Agricultural Biotechnology: Prospects for the Third World
252764: FARRINGTON, MARGARET VERE - Fra Lippo Lippi: A Romance
065871: FARRINGTON, KAREN - This is Nicotine
542259: FARRIS, JOHN - The Axeman Cometh
541297: FARROW, G.E. (AUTHOR); AVERY, GILLIAN (INTRODUCTION) - The Wallypug of Why
515037: FARSCHCHIAN, MAHMOUD - The Iran Collection: Selected Paintings
262176: FARSY, FOUAD - Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques: King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz
501960: FARTHING, ROGER - Royal Tunbridge Wells: A Pictorial History
525621: FARZIN, SINA; GAINES, SUSAN M.; HAYNES, ROSLYNN D. (EDS.) - Under the Literary Microscope: Science and Society in the Contemporary Novel
270410: FASE, WILLEM; JASPAERT, KOEN; KROON, SJAAK (EDS.) - Maintenance and Loss of Minority Languages (Studies in Bilingualism; Vol. 1)
526818: FASOLD, RALPH W. - Tense Marking in Black English: A Linguistic and Social Analysis
518704: FASSBINDER, RAINER WERNER; BIESENBACH, KLAUS (ED.) - Berlin Alexanderplatz
520911: FASSETT, JAMES H - The Beacon Infant Readers: Book Two
208306: (ED.) FASSMANN, HEINZ, REEGER, URSULA & SIEVERS, WIEBKE - Statistics and Reality: Concepts and Measurements of Migration in Europe
012918: FATHALLA, MAHMOUD F; ROSENFIELD, ALLAN; INDRISO, CYNTHIA; SEN, DILUP K. & RATNAM, SHAN S. [EDITORS] - The FIGO Manual of Human Reproduction, Volume 3: Reproductive Health, Global Issues
012915: FATHALLA, MAHMOUD F [EDITOR] - Family Planning
415080: FATHER HUGH - Nineteenth Century Pamphlets at Pusey House: An Introduction for the Prospective User
437389: FATHER VERNON - Happiness
437390: FATHER VERNON - Self-Expression: Seven Studies in Prayer
473060: FATHMAN, C. GARRISON; FITCH, FRANK W. (EDS.) - Isolation, Characterization, and Utilization of T Lymphocyte Clones
530865: FATTORI, MARTA (ED.) - Lessico Filosopfico Dei Secoli XVII e XVIII, Vol. I,1 A-Aetherius
530864: FATTORI, MARTA (ED.) - Lessico filosofico dei secoli XVII e XVIII. Sezione latina Vol.1.3
533401: FATTORI, MARTA - Linguaggio e Filosofia Nel Seicento Europeo
530862: FATTORI, MARTA (ED.) - Lessico Filosofico Dei Secoli XVII e XVIII, Vol.I,2 Aetherius - Animositas
530863: FATTORI, MARTA (ED.) - Lessico Filosopfico Dei Secoli XVII e XVIII, Vol. I,1 A-Aetherius
085971: FATU, MIHAI - The Romanian Church in Northwest Romania During the Horthy Occupation (1940-1944)
508418: FAUCHE. X; LETURGIE. J - Le Parrain
236465: FAUCHEUX, SYLVIE; GOWDY, JOHN; NICOLAI, ISABELLE (EDS.) - Sustainability and Firms : Technological Change and the Changing Regulatory Environment (Advances in Ecological Economics Series)
094487: FAUGERAS, O. (ED.) - Computer Vision - ECCV 90: 1st European Conference on Computer Vision Antibes France April 23-27, 1990 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 427)
534301: FAUGHT, C. BRAD - Cairo 1921: Ten Days That Made the Middle East
200123: FAUL, HENRY - Ages of Rocks, Planets, and Stars (Earth and Planetary Science Series)
605118: FAULK, ODIE B. - The Geronimo Campaign
451431: FAULKER, WILLIAM - Sanctuary
147750: FAULKINGHAM, RALPH; GOHEEN, MITZI (EDS.) - African Studies Review; Volume 48, Number 1, April 2005
147751: FAULKINGHAM, RALPH; GOHEEN, MITZI (EDS.) - African Studies Review; Volume 47, Number 3, December 2004
147752: FAULKINGHAM, RALPH; GOHEEN, MITZI (EDS.) - African Studies Review; Volume 47, Number 2, September 2004
304500: FAULKNER, HOWARD J.; PRUITT, VIRGINIA (EDS.) - The Selected Correspondence of Karl A. Menninger 1919-1945
198633: FAULKNER, A.; KENNEDY, L.G.; BAXTER, K.; DONOVAN, J.; WILKINSON, M.; BEVAN, G. - Effectiveness of Hip Prostheses in Primary Total Hip Replacement:A Critical Review of Evidence and an Economic Model
510946: FAULKNER, PETER - Angus Wilson: Mimic and Moralist
299629: FAULKNER, XRISTINE - Usability Engineering
085331: FAULKNER, XRISTINE - Usability Engineering
547274: FAULKNER, PETER - William Morris and W.B. Yeats
606535: FAULKNER, CHRISTINE - Hops and Hop-pickers
479499: FAULKS, SEBASTIAN - A Week in December
493989: FAULKS, SEBASTIAN - Jeeves and the Wedding Bells
440591: FAULKS, SEBASTIAN - On Green Dolphin Street
444869: FAULKS, SEBASTIAN - Jeeves and the Wedding Bells
534086: FAULKS, SEBASTIAN (ED.) - A Broken World: Letters, Diaries and Memories of the Great War
440592: FAULKS, SEBASTIAN - Charlotte Gray
210436: FAULKS, KEITH - Contested Bodies
018456: FAULKS, SEBASTIAN - On Green Dolphin Street
606930: FAULKS, SEBASTIAN - Jeeves and the Wedding Bells
442906: FAULL, M.L. (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 2, 1980
442905: FAULL, M.L. (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 1, 1979
442912: FAULL, M.L. (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 6, 1984
442910: FAULL, M.L. (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 4, 1982
442907: FAULL, M.L. (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 3, 1981
442909: FAULL, M.L. (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 4, 1982
442908: FAULL, M.L. (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 3, 1981
442911: FAULL, M.L. (ED.) - Landscape History: Journal of the Society for Landscape Studies, Volume 5, 1983
177965: FAUNCE, WILLIAM A. (ED.) - Readings in Industrial Sociology
521999: FAURE, MICHAEL; VERHEIJ, ALBERT (EDS.) - Shifts in Compensation for Environmental Damage (Tort and Insurance Law, Volume 21)
085076: FAURE, MURRAY; LANE, JAN-ERIK, EDS. - South Africa : Designing New Political Institutions
514298: FAUST, DREW GILPIN - James Henry Hammond and the Old South: A Design for Mastery
467961: FAUTIN, DAPHNE GAIL (ED.) - Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics: Volume 24, 1993
474632: FAUVEL, MAUD - Requiem Pour Un Nouveau Monde: Hommes et Animaux, Essai Sur Un Mieux Vivre Ensemble
020786: FAUVET, JACQUES - The Cockpit of France
447478: FAVA, CLAUDIO - Sud: L'Italia Dimenticata Dagli Italiani
301406: FAVAZZA, ARMANDO R.; FAHEEM, AHMED D. - Themes in Cultural Psychiatry: An Annotated Bibliography, 1975-1980
521925: FAVRE-BULLE, XAVIER - Les Paiements TRANSFRONTIERES Dans Un Espace Financier EUROPEEN (Collection Genovoise)
547941: FAVRE, CHARLES; GAUTHIER, THOMAS - The Arithmetic of Polynomial Dynamical Pairs
493827: FAWCETT, EDWARD - More Poems
493828: FAWCETT, EDWARD - Late Harvest
484355: FAWCETT, J. E. S. - International Law and the Uses of Outer Space (The Melland Schill Lectures)
066477a: FAWCETT, A.H. (ED.) - High Value Polymers: The Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Marco Group in Association With the Industrial Division, Ireland Region, of The Royal Society of Chemistry. The Queen's University of Belfast, 9th-12th April 1990 (Special Publication 87
305183: FAWCETT, LOUISE; SAYIGH, YEZID (EDS.) - The Third World Beyond the Cold War: Continuity and Change
457231: FAWCETT, C.B. - Frontiers: A Study in Political Geography
493829: FAWCETT, EDWARD - The Promised Land
541607: FAWKES, WALLY. (TROG) - Flook: Roman' In The Gloamin': The Great Battersea Safari: S.S. Tapioca Cruise
550082: FAWKES, WALLY. (TROG) - Flook
601665: FAWKES, WALLY. (TROG); MELLY, GEORGE - Trog-Shots: A Cartoonarama
187634: FAY, C. R - Great Britain from Adam Smith To the Present Day: An Economic and Social Survey
549625: FAYE EUGENE ( DE ) - GNOSTIQUES ET GNOSTICISME: ETUDE Critique des Documents du Gnosticisme CHRETIEN Aux IIe et IIIe SIECLES
469879: FAZEKAS, KAROLY; KOLTAY, JENO (EDS.) - The Hungarian Labour Market: Review and Analysis, 2002
151814: FAZEY, IAN HAMILTON - The Pathfinder : The Origins of the Enterprise Agency in Britain
180208: FAZIO, HUGO (ED.) - La Gran Europa ?
545035: FAZZARI, STEVEN; PAPADIMITRIOU, DIMITRI B. (EDITORS) - Financial Conditions and Macroeconomic Performance: Essays in Honor of Hyman P. Minsky
530566: FAZZINI, MARCO (EDS.) - Resisting Alterities: Wilson Harris and Other Avatars of Otherness (Cross Cultures No. 71)
411025: FEAL, ROSEMARY G. ( - Profession 2012
030581: FEARN, JACQUELINE - Discovering Heraldry
466530: FEARNEHOUGH, DAVID - Derbyshire Extremes
600307: FEARNLEY, CHARLES - Vintage Wellington
526436a: FEASEY, REBECCA - Mothers on Mothers: Maternal Readings of Popular Television
525069: FEASEY, REBECCA - Mothers on Mothers: Maternal Readings of Popular Television
526436: FEASEY, REBECCA - Mothers on Mothers: Maternal Readings of Popular Television
536811: FEATHER, JOHN - A Dictionary of Book History
423807: FEATHERMAN, A. - Thoughts and Reflections on Modern Society
547092: FEATHERSTONE, MIKE - Undoing Culture: Globalization, Postmodernism and Identity
232255: FEATHERSTONE, JOSEPH - British Primary Schools Today: An Introduction
548230: FEATHERSTONE, DAVID - Solidarity: Hidden Histories and Geographies of Internationalism
085040: FEATHERSTONE, KEVIN; GINSBERG, ROY H. - The United States and the European Community in the 1990s
534726: FEATHERSTONE, DONALD - Armies and Warfare in the Pike and Shot Era 1422-1700
534814: FEATHERSTONE, KEVIN; PAPADIMITROU, DIMITRIS - Prime Ministers in Greece: The Paradox of Power
455019: FEAVER, WILLIAM - George Cruikshank
547994: FEAVER, WILLIAM; FREUD, LUCIEN - Lucien Freud on John Constable with William Feaver
482640: FEBRUARY, VERNON - The Afrikaners of South Africa
033692: FECHNER, GUSTAV THEODOR - Ueber die Seelenfrage - Ein Gang durch die sichtbare Welt, und die unsichtbare zu finden
255870: FECHTER, FRIEDRICH - Bewaltigung der Katastrophe: Untersuchungen zu Ausgewahlten Fremdvolkerspruchen im Ezechielbuch
030686: FEDDEN, ROBIN - Treasures of the National Trust
061594: FEDDEN, ROBIN; JOEKES, ROSEMARY - The National Trust Guide
027097: FEDDEN, ROBIN; JOEKES, ROSEMARY - The National Trust Guide
020237: FEDDEN, ROBIN - Churchill and Chartwell
025658: FEDDEN, ROBIN - Anglesey Abbey: A Guide
456472: FEDDEN, KATHARINE - The Basque Country
473245: FEDER, THEODORE H. - Great Treasures of Pompeii & Herculaneum
473246: FEDER, THEODORE H. - Great Treasures of Pompeii & Herculaneum
154771: FEDERAL-STATE RELATIONS COMMITTEE - International Treaty Making and the Role of the States
085727: FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETIES - Abstracts of Communications Presented at the First Meeting of the Federation
242864: FEDERICO, FELLINI; GUERRA, TONINO - Amarcord : Portrait of a Town
515099: FEDERN, KARL; MIALL, BERNARD (TRANS.) - Richelieu
486294: FEDOROV, V. A.; PIOTROVSKY, M. B. - Homage to the Founder of St. Petersburg
531215: FEDOROWICH, KENT; GIFFORD, JAYNE (EDS.) - Sir Earle Page's British War Cabinet Diary, 1941-1942: Volume 61
536787: FEDOSOV, DMITRY - Diary of General Patrick Gordon of Auchleuchries, 1635-1699: Volume II: 1659-1667
424846: FEDOSYUK, YURI (ED.) - Sputnik: Ezhemesyachnyi Daidzhest; 2, Fevral' 1973
095624: FEDOTOVA, V. G. (ED.) - Modernizatsiia I Globalizatsiia: Obrazy Rossii v XXI Veke
475421: FEE, E. JANE; HUNT, KATHERINE (EDS.) - Proceedings of the Eighth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
420108: FEEKE, STEPHEN - Espaco Aberto/Espaco Fechado: Sites for Sculpture in Modern Brazil
420109: FEEKE, STEPHEN - Espaco Aberto/Espaco Fechado: Sites for Sculpture in Modern Brazil
110363: FEELY, JOHN - New Drugs
179696: FEELY, JOHN - New Drugs
515480: FEENBERG, ANDREW - LUKACS, Marx and The Sources of Critical Theory
531992: FEENBERG, ANDREW; FREEDMAN, JIM - When Poetry Ruled the Streets
535227: FEENEY, ALICE - Daisy Darker
548075: FEENEY, LEONARD - Fish on Friday
604523: FEENEY, MARK - Nixon at the Movies: A Book About Belief
516473: FEENSTRA, R. (ED. ET. AL.) - Collatio ivris Romani : ETUDES DEDIEES Hans Ankum A L'Occasion de son 65e Anniversaire
521565: FEGAN, THOMAS - The 'Baby Killers' -- German Air Raids on Britain in the First World War
601765: FEGHELM, DAGMAR - I, Goya
519255: FEHENEY, J. MATTHEW (ED.) - From Ideal to Action: The Inner Nature of a Catholic School Today
542621: FEHER, MARTA - Changing Tools: Case Studies in the History of Scientific Methodology
530471: FEHER, MICHEL (ED.) - The Libertine Reader: Eroticism and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century France
525421: FEHERVARY, HELEN; FISCHER, BERND (EDS.) - Kulturpolitik Und Politik Der Kultur/Cultural Politics and the Politics of Culture: Festschrift FUR Alexander Stephan/Essays to Honor Alexander Stephan
604370: FEHR, A. J. A. - Les Dialogues Antiques De Paul Valery: Essai d'Analyse d'Eupalinos Ou l'Architecte
480050: FEHRENBACHER, DON E.; MCAFEE, WARD M. (ED.) - The Slaveholding Republic: An Account of the United State's Government's Relations to Slavery
541649: FEHSE, WILLI (AUTHOR); BELL, ANTHEA (TRANSLATOR) - The Thousand and One Days
519393: FEHSENFELD, MARTHA DOW; OVERBECK, LOIS MORE (EDS.) - The Letters of Samuel Beckett 1929-1940
469296: FEI, JOHN C. H.; RANIS, GUSTAV; KUO, SHIRLEY W. Y. - Growth with Equity: The Taiwan Case
217788: FEI, JOHN; FEI, JOHN C.; RANIS, GUSTAV; KUO, SHIRLEY W. - Growth with Equity: The Taiwan Case
542577: FEIBLEMAN, PETER S. - The Columbus Tree
513903: FEIBLEMAN, PETER - Lilly: Reminiscences of Lillian Hellman
216625: FEICHTINGER, GUSTAV - Stochastische Modelle Demographischer Prozesse
540006: FEIFFER, JULES - The Explainers
Am2093: FEIGEL, LARA; HARRIS, ALEXANDRA (EDS.) - Modernism on Sea: Art and Culture at the British Seaside
545702: FEIGEL, MARCEL; BUSSELLE, BRIAN - Wine Libels: The Not So Ordinaire Book of Humorous Wine Labels
451471: FEIGELSON, ERIC D.; BABU, G. JOGESH (EDS.) - Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy
085300: FEIGELSON, E. M. - Radiation in a Cloudy Atmosphere
079097: FEIGENBAUM, HARVEY - The Politics of Public Enterprise: Oil and the French State
154815: FEIGHNER, J. P.; BOYER, W. F. - Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors
009617: FEIGHNER, J. P. - Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors (Progress in Psychiatry Ser.)
452263: FEILBERG, LUDVIG - SamledeSkrifter, Volume I-II
535388: FEILER, THERESE - Logics of War: The Use of Force and The Problem of Mediation
601045: FEILER, BRUCE - The First Love Story: Adam, Eve, and Us
052562: FEILMEIER, M - Parallel Computing, Volume 12, Number 1
052563: FEILMEIER, M - Parallel Computing, Volume 17, Nos 2 & 3
516399: FEINBEG, JOEL - Offense to Others: The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law, Volume Two
517366: FEINBERG, JOEL - Harmless Wrongdoing: The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law, Volume 4
500297: FEINBERG, LEONARD - Where the Williwaw Blows: The Aleutian Islands - World War II
466253: FEININGER, LYONEL; LIEBERMAN, WILLIAM S. (EDS.) - The Ruin by the Sea
506118: FEINSTEIN, ELAINE - The Feast of Eurydice
547193: FEINSTEIN, ELAINE - The Shadow Master
532530: FEINSTEIN, CHARLES H.; TEMIN, PETER; TONIOLO, GIANNI - The European Economy Between the Wars
505808: FEINSTEIN, ELAINE - Some Unease & Angels: Selected Poems
542251: FEINSTEIN, ELAINE; WELDON, FAY (EDITORS) - New Stories 4: An Arts Council Anthology
477609: FEIREISS, KRISTIN (ED.) - Topotek 1: Paradise Remix
461671: FEIREISS, KRISTIN (ED.); HESS, HANS-EBERHARD; MEYHOFER, DIRK - The Water Temple: Grunderzeit and Jugendstil Public Baths
239765: FEISCHMIDT, MARGIT (ED.) - Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe: a Selected and Annotated Bibliography
549488: FEIST, SIGMUND - Germanen Und Kelten in Der Antiken UBERLIEFERUNG
607716: FEIST, AUBREY - The Lion of St Mark - Venice: The Story of a City from Attila to Napoleon
190091: FEIZHANG, HUANG - Concepts of English Grammar
111091: FEJTO, FRANCOIS (INTRODUCTION BY A. J. P. TAYLOR) - The Openings of an Era 1848, an Historical Symposium
157888: FEKETE, JOHN (ED.) - Life after Postmodernism : Essays on Value and Culture (Culture Texts Series)
497446: FELAK, JAMES RAMON - After Hitler, Before Stalin: Catholics, Communists, and Democrats in Slovakia, 1945-1948
113723: FELCE, DAVID; TOOGOOD, SANDY - Close to Home : A Local Housing Service and Its Impact on the Lives of Nine Adults with Severe and Profound Mental Handicaps
471693: FELCE, DAVID; TOOGOOD, SANDY (EDS.) - Close to Home
412260: FELDBAUER, GERHARD - Marsch Auf Rom: Faschismus Und Antifaschismus in Italien
002723: FELDMAN, SHEL - Cognitive Consistency: Motivational Antecedents and Behavioral Consequents
491297: FELDMAN, YAEL S. - Modernism and Cultural Transfer: Gabriel Preil and the Tradition of Jewish Literary Bilingualism
514103: FELDMAN-BARRETT, CHRISTINE - Lost Histories of Youth Culture
204043: FELDMAN, ROBERT A. - Japanese Financial Markets : Deficits, Dilemmas, and Deregulation
070761: FELDMAN, SHAI - After the War in Iraq: Defining the New Strategic Balance
492924: FELDMAN, MURRAY (ED.) - Art Tatum Improvisations No. 2: Piano Interpretations of America's Outstanding Song Hits
542876: FELDMAN, MARTY - eyE Marty: My Life in Words and Picture
070777: FELDMAN, SHAI (EDITED BY) - After the War in Iraq: Defining the New Strategic Iraq
215127: FELDMAN, ROBERT S. - Power Learning : Strategies for Success in College and Life
204973: FELDMAN, J. (ED.); GILULA, N.B. (ED.); PITTS, J.D. (ED.) - Intercellular Junctions and Synapses
510057: FELDMAN, DONALD B.; SEELY, JOHN C. - Necropsy Guide: Rodents and the Rabbit
439204: FELDMAN, JEAN - Transition Time: Let's Do Something different! Over 400 Ideas
016898: FELDMAN, STANLEY A.; ELLIS, HAROLD - Principles of Resuscitation
164905a: FELDMAN; PATON & SCURR - Mechanisms of Drugs in Anaesthesia
600865: FELDMAN, NOAH - What We Owe Iraq: War and the Ethics of Nation Building
509350: FELDMAN, GERALD D. - Army, Industry and Labor in Germany: 1914-1918
606584: FELDMAN, CHRISTIAN - Pope John XXIII: A Spiritual Biography
183456: FELDSTAIN, LEONARD CHARLES - Homo Quaerens. The Seeker and the Sought. Method Become Onthology
454597: FELDSTEIN, RICHARD; SUSSMAN, HENRY (EDS.) - Psychoanalysis and...
439554: FEL'SHTINSKII, YU. - SSSR-Germaniia, 1939-1941; Tom 2: Dokumenty i materialy o sovetsko-germanskikh otnosheniiakh s sentiabria 1939 g. po iyun' 1941 g.
479424: FELICE, MINUCIO - L'Ottavio
Am175: FELICITY O'DELL - PET Practice Tests: Students Book: Five Practice Tests for the Cambridge Esol Preliminary English Test
439636: FELITSIANT, I. N. - Regularity of Capillary Moverment of Water and of Salt Solutions in Stratified Soils: An Experimental Study
415375: FELIX, ZDENEK; INDIANA, GARY - Marcel Odenbach: House & Garden
478175: FELIX-JONES, IVOR - The Walking Voice
Am1726: FELIX BARKER; PETER JACKSON - The Pleasures of London
481171: FELKER, J. A. (ED.) - Canadian Marine Officers' Blue Book, 1950-1
528315: FELL, ALISON S. (ED.) - French and Francophone Women Facing War / Les Femmes Face a La Guerre (Modern French Identities, Vol.67)
508450: FELL, DEREK - Cezzane's Garden
506568: FELL, ALISON - Kisses for Mayakovsky
528252: FELL, ELENA - Duration, Temporality, Self: Prospects for the Future of Bergsonism
602378: FELL, JOHN L. (ED.) - Film Before Griffith
203538: FELLER, G. - Der Grune Heinrich.
084777: FELLINGER, K.; HOFER, R. (EDS.) - Further Advances in Thyroid Research; Vol. 2
515423: FELLOWES, CAPTAIN - A Narrative of the Loss of His Majesty's Packet Lady Hobart, on an Island of Ice, June 28, 1803
002010: FELLOWS, BRIAN J - The Discrimination Process and Development
240142: FELLOWS,OTIS - Diderot (TWAS 425)
186901: FELLOWS, R. F. - 1980 JCT Standard Form of Building Contract : A Commentary for Students and Practitioners
477389: FELPERIN, HOWARD - The Uses of the Canon: Elizabethan Literature and Contemporary Theory
536691: FELS USHER, SARAH - Introduction to Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Technique (Second Edition)
060016: FELS, GERHARD - A Supply-Side Agenda for Germany: Sparks from the United States-Great Britain-European Integration
459568: FELSENSTEIN, FRANK - Anti-Semitic Stereotypes: A Paradigm of Otherness in English Popular Culture, 1660-1830
038192: FELSHIN, JAN - More Than Movement: An Introduction to Physical Education (Health Education, Physical Education, and Recreation Series)
439499: FELSHTINSKY, YURI - Kommunisticheskaia oppozitsiia v SSSR 1923-1927. V 4-kh tomakh. Tom 3 (1927) (aprel'-iyul')
438503: FELSHTINSKY, YU. - SSSR - Germaniya. 1939: Dokumenty i materialy o sovetsko-germanskikh otnosheniyakh v aprele-sentyabre 1939 g.
502931: FELT, JAMES W. - Making Sense of Your Freedom: Philosophy for the Perplexed
518020: FELTON, MARK - Never Surrender: Dramatic Escapes from Japanese Prison Camps
450898: FELVER, CHRISTOPHER - The Importance of Being
548319: FEMIA, JOSEPH V. - Gramsci's Political Thought: Hegemony, Consciousness, and the Revolutionary Process
532828: FEMINIST ANTHOLOGY COLLECTIVE (ED.) - No Turning Back: Writings from the Women's Liberation Movement 1975-80
177250: FEMKE DE BEER - Clinical, Genetic and Biochemical Aspects of Dysbetalipoproteinemia
251678: FENBY, ERIC - Delius as I Knew Him
202393: FENCHEL, TOM; FINLAY, BLAND J. - Ecology and Evolution in Anoxic Worlds
280226: FENCOTT, CLIVE - Formal Methods for Concurrency
541307: FENDER, KAY - Odette, A Springtime in Paris
437432: FENDLER, SUSANNE; WITTLINGER, RUTH (EDS.) - The Idea of Europe in Literature
105190: FENELEY, R. C. L.; MALONE LEE, J. G.; STANTON, STUART L. - Incontinence
105191: FENELEY, R. C. L.; MALONE LEE, J. G.; STANTON, STUART L. - Incontinence
425116: FENEMORE, ANNA (ED.) - The Rehearsal: Pigeon Theatre's Trilogy of Perfomance Works on Playing Dead
448778: FENG, YANG - Innovative Residence: Mid-Rise/Multi-Floors
281995a: FENG, ZHUO - Cultural Difference in Television Programs: Foreign Television Programs in China
456936: FENG, FENG - The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
442954: FENLEY, MRS PAULINE - Vernacular Architecture, Volume 16, 1985
514964: FENLON, IAIN - The Ceremonial City: History, Memory and Myth in Renaissance Venice
515155: FENMAN - Images of Steam
428990: FENNAH, R.G. (ED.) - Bulletin of Entomological Research: Vol. 59, 1969-70
428991: FENNAH, R.G. (ED.) - Bulletin of Entomological Research: Vol. 60, 1970-71
544737: FENNELL, J.L.I; STONE, G.C, AND FOOTE, I.P. - Oxford Slavonic Papers: Volume 18, 1985
528261: FENNELL, NICHOLAS; SPEAKE, GRAHAM (EDS.) - Mount Athos and Russia 1016-2016
441397: FENNELL, JOHN; MULLER, LUDOLF; POPPE, ANDRZEJ (EDS.) - Russia Mediaevalis, Tomus II
526285: FENNELL, NICHOLAS - The Russians on Athos
441403: FENNELL, JOHN; MULLER, LUDOLF; POPPE, ANDRZEJ (EDS.) - Russia Mediaevalis, Tomus III
544734: FENNELL, J.L.I; STONE, G.C, AND FOOTE, I.P. - Oxford Slavonic Papers: Volume 15, 1982
544738: FENNELL, J.L.I; STONE, G.C, AND FOOTE, I.P. - Oxford Slavonic Papers: Volume 19, 1986
200901: FENNELL, SHAILAJA; ARNOT, MADELEINE (EDS.) - Gender Education and Equality in a Global Context : Conceptual Frameworks and Policy Perspectives
547446: FENNELL, JOHN - A History of the Russian Church, to 1448
544731: FENNELL, J.L.I; PENNINGTON, A.E, AND FOOTE, I.P. - Oxford Slavonic Papers: Volume 12, 1979
544736: FENNELL, J.L.I; STONE, G.C, AND FOOTE, I.P. - Oxford Slavonic Papers: Volume 17, 1984
544735: FENNELL, J.L.I; STONE, G.C, AND FOOTE, I.P. - Oxford Slavonic Papers: Volume 16, 1983
544739: FENNELL, J.L.I; STONE, G.C, AND FOOTE, I.P. - Oxford Slavonic Papers: Volume 20, 1987
544732: FENNELL, J.L.I; PENNINGTON, A.E, AND FOOTE, I.P. - Oxford Slavonic Papers: Volume 13, 1980
602032: FENNELL, J. L. I.; FOOTE, I. P.; STONE, G. C. (EDS.) - Oxford Slavonic Papers, New Series, Volume XVII
602034: FENNELL, J. L. I.; FOOTE, I. P.; STONE, G. C. (EDS.) - Oxford Slavonic Papers, New Series, Volume XIX
289542: FENNEMA, OWEN - Proteins at Low Temperatures
151600: FENNER, ROGER T. - Principles of Polymer Processing
050379: FENNER, ROGER T. - Finite Element Methods for Engineers
523409: FENNER, FRANK; WHITE, DAVID O. - Medical Virology
525875: FENOULHET, JANE - Nomadic Literature: Cees Nooteboom and His Writing (European Connections, Volume 35)
420249: FENSTAD, JENS ERIK ET AL. - Situations, Language and Logic (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy)
439191: FENSTAD, JENS E. - General Recursion Theory: An Axiomatic Approach (Perspectives in Mathematical Logic)
456765: FENSTON, JOSEPH - Never Say Die: An Impresario's Scrapbook
012440b: FENTIMAN, IAN S. - Detection and Treatment of Early Breast Cancer
175132: FENTON, FRED R. - Home and Hospital Psychiatric Treatment
545562: FENTON, EDWARD - Scorched Earth
416763: FENTON, JAMES - Dead Soldiers
519486: FENTON, JAMES - Manila Envelope
512509: FENTON, JAMES (ED.) - Cambodian Witness: The Autobiography of Someth May
519487: FENTON, JAMES - The Ballad of The Shrieking Man
543348: FENTON, JAMES - Selected Poems
504752: FENTON, JAMES - You Were Marvellous: Theatre Reviews from the Sunday Times
104651: FENTON, NORMAN - What Will be Your Life?
545610: FENTON, JAMES - Manila Envelope
437834: FENVES, PETER - "Chatter": Language and History in Kierkegaard
425375: FENWICK GAYE, PHOEBE - Vision of England: Essex
462325: FERBER, ROBERT; HIRSCH, WERNER Z. (EDS.) - Social Experimentation and Economic Policy
263462: FERBER, CHRISTIAN (ED.) - Zeichner Der Zeit: Pressegraphik Aus Zehn Jahrzehnten
540741: FERCH-JOHNSON, CAROLE - Religions and Discourse: Telling Hands and Teaching Feet: Nonverbal Communication in Two of the Narratives of Acts: Vol.61
501564: FEREDAY GLENN, D. - Bus Operators: 3 - Hants & Dorset
510769: FEREJOHN, JOHN; ROSENBLUTH, FRANCES MCCALL - Forged Through Fire: War, Peace, and the Democratic Bargain
250663: FERGUSON, HENRY (ED.) - Body Art. Issue 13
548404: FERGUSON, R. BRIAN; FARRAGHER, LESLIE E. - The Anthropology of War: A Bibliography: No. I.: Occasional Papers of the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
113234: FERGUSON, RACHEL - The Brontes Went to Woolworth's
496399: FERGUSON, MARGARET; WICKE, JENNIFER (EDS.) - Feminism and Postmodernism
504420: FERGUSON, ROBERT A. - The Trial in American Life
205207: FERGUSON, J. M.; TAYLOR, C. BARR - The Comprehensive Handbook of Behavioral Medicine. Volume 2: Syndromes & Special Areas
550199: FERGUSON, JOHN C. - Outlines of Chinese Art: The Scammon Lectures at the Art Institute of Chicago, 1918
173035: FERGUSON,JOHN - The Politics of Love
015403: FERGUSON, SUSAN J. - Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology
162080: FERGUSON, ALBERT BARNETT - Orthopaedic Surgery in Infancy and Childhood
543779: FERGUSON, ADAM - The History of the Progress and Termination of the Roman Republic: In Five Volumes
533262: FERGUSON-WOOD, E.J. - The Living Ocean (Biology and Environment Series)
017468: FERGUSON, MARY ANNE HEYWARD - Bibliography of English Translations from Medieval Sources, 1943-1967
512249: FERGUSON, GARY - The Great Divide: A Biography of the Rocky Mountains
537500: FERGUSON, KENNAN - Cook Book Politics
547434: FERGUSON, PATRICIA - Family Myths and Legends
531829: FERGUSON, YALE H.; MANSBACH, RICHARD W. - The State, Conceptual Chaos, and the Future of International Relations Theory
443671: FERGUSON, KITTY - The Fire in the Equations
205206: FERGUSON, J. M.; TAYLOR, C. BARR - The Comprehensive Handbook of Behavioral Medicine. Volume 1: Systems Intervention
296131: FERGUSON, THOMAS; MACPHAIL, A.N. - Hospital and Community
151211: FERGUSON, BRIAN; SHELDON, TREVOR & POSNETT, JOHN - Concentration and Choice in Healthcare
440358: FERGUSON, ADAM ET AL - World Press Photo: Persistence
433289: FERGUSON, F. D.; JONES, T. K. - The Phase Rule
531871: FERGUSON, PATRICIA - Family Myths and Legends
601103: FERGUSON, NIALL - The Square and the Tower: Networks and Power, from the Freemasons to Facebook
049023: FERGUSON, JOHN - Greek and Roman Religion Units 14-15
602270: FERGUSON, NIALL - Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire
602716: FERGUSON, ROBERT - Henry Miller: A Life
533436: FERGUSON, JOAN P.S. (COMPILER) - Scottish Family Histories Held in Scottish Libraries
508649: FERGUSSON, JAMES - Spicilegium Scoticum: Books and Papers of Sir Herbert Grierson and Others
506776: FERGUSSON, ROBERT - Auld Reikie
150449: FERGUSSON, FRANCIS - The Idea of a Theater : A Study of Ten Plays : The Art of Drama in Changing Perspective
535349: FERGUSSON, DAVID - Community Liberalism and Christian Ethics
602183: FERGUSSON, JAMES - History of the Modern Styles of Architecture
526791: FERINO-PAGDEN, SYLVIA (ED.) - Late Titian and The Sensuality of Painting
515142: FERINO-PAGDEN, SYLVIA - Arcimboldo 1526-1593
453833: FERINO-PAGDEN, SYLVIA; FORNARI SCHIANCHI, LUCIA (EDS.) - Parmigianino und der Europaische Manierismus
474541: FERLIE, EWAN; HYDE, PAULA; MCKEE, LORNA (EDS.) - Organizing and Reorganizing: Power and Change in Health Care Organizations
532587: FERMOR, PATRICK LEIGH - A Time of Gifts: On Foot from Constantinople, from the Hook of Holland to the Middle Danube
525864: FERN, CAROLA SUSANNE - Seesturm Im Mittelalter: Ein Literarisches Motiv Im Spannungsfeld Zwischen Topik, Erfahrungswissen Und Naturkunde (Kultur, Wissenschaft, Literatur: Band 25)
189395: FERNALD, JOHN - The Play Produced. An Introduction to the Technique of Producing Plays
487467: FERNALD, JOHN - Sense of Direction: The Director and His Actors
499948: FERNAND, ROLAND; SKINNER, CORNELIA OTIS - Opening Night: A Play in One Act
195578: FERNANDES, EDESIO - Law and Urban Change in Brazil
269142: FERNANDEZ DE MOYA, ZARA - Estudio Ele: Metodo de Espagnol para Extranjeros en el Ambito Universitario
293822: FERNANDEZ, JUSTINO - L'Art Mexicain: Photographies De Constantino Reyes-Valerio
297253: FERNANDEZ, JOSE A. - Catalogo De Noventa Presas y Azudes Espanoles Anteriores a 1900
185430: FERNANDEZ DE ARROYABE, JUAN CARLOS; PENA, ARRANZ NIEVES - Business Cooperation : From Theory to Practice
432259: FERNANDEZ ARMESTO, FELIPE - Civilizations
447716: FERNANDEZ DE MORATIN, LEANDRO - Viage a Italia
520806: FERNANDEZ-ARMESTO, FELIPE (INTRO.) - Columbus on Himself
467421: FERNANDEZ ALBA, ANTONIO - Centre de Arte Reina Sofia: (Memoria de Una Restauracion)
075220: FERNANDEZ, PATRICIO FRIAS - Le Mouvement Syndical Chilien Sous Le Regime Militaire (1973-1983)
494792: FERNANDO, SAHAYADAS; DOSS, JESU PUDUMAI (EDS.) - Works of Mercy and Education of the Young
453066: FERNANDO, VIJITA - The Adventures of Andare, the Court Jester
141129: FERNANDO DE AZEVEDO - A Cultura Brasileira: Introducao Ao Estudo Da Cultura No Brasil
460002: FERNANDO, LLOYD - Cultures in Conflict: Essays on Literature & the English Language in South East Asia
035948: FERNANDO, DANIEL - AIDS and Intravenous Drug Use
015065: FERNEYHOUGH FRANK - Railways
444821: FERNG, JENNIFER H.; SOLOMON, JONATHAN D. (EDS.) - 306090 01
434871: FERNOS ISERN, DR. ANTONIO - Filosofia y Doctrina del Estadolibrismo Puertorriqueno
149635: FERNS, H. S. - The Argentine Republic, 1516-1971
608472: FERRA-MIKURA, VERA; KOENIG, MARION, (TRANSL.) - The Three Stanislaus: The Three Painters
607285: FERRAN, EILIS - Building an EU Securities Market
543704: FERRARA DEGLI UBERTI, CARLOTTA - Making Italian Jews: Family, Gender, Religion and the Nation, 1861-1918
468514: FERRARI, G. R. F. - The Messages We Send: Social Signals and Storytelling
519374: FERRARI, MICHELLE - Du Pont: 200 Years of an American Family
514499: FERRARI, LORENZO - Sometimes Speaking with a Single Voice: The European Community as an International Actor, 1969-1979: 95 (Euroclio)
477158: FERRARI, GUSTAVO; GALLO, EZEQUIEL (EDS.) - La Argentina Del Ochenta al Centenario (Coleccion Historia y Sociedad)
446691: FERRARI, PIERRE - L'Autisme Infantile
529509: FERRARO, JOANNE M. - Nefarious Crimes, Contested Justice: Illicit Sex and Infanticide in the Republic of Venice, 1557-1789
543227: FERRARS, ELIZABETH - Trial By Fury
528246: FERREDAY, DEBRA - Online Belongings: Fantasy, Affect and Web Communities
043318: FERREIRA, AFONSO & ROLIM, JOSE - Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems: Second International Workshop, IRREGULAR '95, Lyon, France, September 4 - 6, 1995. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 980)
478513: FERREIRA, GABRIELA NUNES - CentralizaCAo e DescentralizaCAo No ImpErio: O Debate Entre Tavares Bastos e Visconde De Uruguai
526261: FERREIRA-PEREIRA, LAURA C. - Inside the Fence But Outside the Walls
531730: FERREIROS, JOSE - Labyrinth of Thought: A History of Set Theory and Its Role in Modern Mathematics
550143: FERRELL, LORI ANNE - Government By Polemic: James I, the King's Preachers and the Rhetorics of Conformity: 1603-1625
435255: FERRELL, ROBYN - The Weather and Other Gods
544791: FERRER, ANTONIO FERNANDEZ - Ficciones de Borges: En las GALERIAS del Laberinto
416276: FERRER, ELIZABETH - A Shadow Born of Earth: New Photography in Mexico
533521: FERRERA, MAURIZIO (ED) - Welfare State Reform in Southern Europe: Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece
508759: FERRERO, FRANCES L. (TRANS.) (ED.) - Felice Ferrero's Abelard
488278: FERREY, ASHOK - Colpetty People
445635: FERRIDAY, PETER (ED.) - Subject Index to Periodicals 1960
445634: FERRIDAY, PETER (ED.) - Subject Index to Periodicals 1961
473710: FERRIER, MISS - The Inheritance
416808: FERRIS, JOSHUA - Then We Came to the End
056535: FERRIS, GEORGE T. (SHARP, WILLIAM - EDITED WITH INTRODUCTION) - The Great Composers German, french and Italian
507342: FERRIS, MURIEL - Regency Bonnets: A Play in One Act for 8 Women
513939: FERRIS, PAUL - Sir Huge: The Life of Sir Huw Wheldon: Life of Huw Wheldon
541079: FERRIS, JOSHUA - Then We Came to the End
254376: FERRIS, JOSHUA - Then We Came to the End
085383: FERRIS, KEN. JONES, MARK - The Reuter Guide to Official Interest Rates
531077: FERRIS, MURIEL - The Valley of the Shadow: A play in One Act of Edith Cavell
303893: FERRIS, TIMOTHY - The Whole Shebang: A State-Of-The Universe(s) Report
493261: FERRIS, PAUL (ED.) - Dylan Thomas: The Collected Letters
539112: FERRIS, PAUL - A Distant Country
483576: FERRIS, PAUL - Dr. Freud: A Life
549877: FERRISS, HUGH - The Metropolis of Tomorrow
512903: FERRUS, BEATRIZ; USANDIZAGA, HELENA (EDS.) - Fragmentos de Un Nuevo Pasado Inventario de Mitos Prehispanicos En La Literatura Latinoamericana Actual (Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas)
445714: FERRUS, BEATRIZ; USANDIZAGA, HELENA (EDS.) - Fragmentos De Un Nuevo Pasado: Inventario De Mitos Prehispanicos En La Literatura Latinoamericana actual (Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas)
491150: FERRY, LUC - Philosophie Politique 1: Le Droit: La Nouvelle Querelle Des Anciens et Des Modernes
178258: FERRY, JACQUES; CHATEL, RENE - L'Acier : Collection Que Sais-Je?
078305: FERSHT, ALAN - Enzyme Structure and Metabolism
528240: FERSTENBERG, HELEN - Mediations On Jewish Creative Identity: Representations of the Jewish Artist in the Works of German-Jewish Writers from Heine to Feuchtwanger (North American Studies in 19th-Century German Literature, Volume 34)
478649: FESLER, JAMES W.; KETTL, DONALD F. - The Politics of the Administrative Process
000938: FESSARD, A; GERARD, R.W. & KONORSKI, J. [EDITORS] - Brain Mechanisms and Learning: A Symposium
425745: FESSY, GEORGES - Le Grand Hornu
528626: FET, AFANASY; GREEN, JAMES (TRANS.) - I Have come to You to Greet You
605725: FETHERSTON, PATRICK - Natures of All Sorts
176552: FETZER, JAMES H. - Philosophy and Cognitive Science
288692: FETZER, JAMES H. (ED.) - Epistemology And Cognition
071415: FEU - Curriculum Development in the Education of Adults
071416: FEU - Curriculum Development for a Multicultural Society
524457: FEUCHTWANG, STEPHAN D.R. - An Anthropological Analysis of Chinese Geomancy
549986: FEUCHTWANGER, LION - Little Tales
202600: FEUERSTEIN, MARIE-THERESE - Turning the Tide : Safe Motherhood - A District Action Manual
526420: FEUILLEE-KENDALL, PASCALE; TROUILLE, HELEN (EDS.) - Justice on Trial: The French 'Juge' in Question
Am2271: FEUVRE, LISA LE (ED.) - Failure
462144: FEVRE, R. W. - The Demoralization of Western Culture: Social Theory and the Dilemmas of Modern Living
461732: FEVRE, R.W. - The Demoralization of Western Culture: Social Theory and the Dilemmas of Modern Living
170057: FEVRIER; ROCCA - Le Fleau de Dieu: T.1: Mangeur de Rats
288715: FEWTRELL, DAVID; O'CONNOR, KIERON - Clinical Phenomenology And Cognitive Psychology
061567: FEYL, RENATE - Das sanfte Joch der Vortrefflichkeit.
480684: FEYMAN, RICHARD P. - 'What Do You Care What Other People Think?': Further Adventures of a Curious Character
519645: FEYNMAN, RICHARD P.; LEIGHTON, ROBERT B.; SANDS, MATTHEW - The Feynman Lectures on Physics: Commemorative Issue, Volume 2: Mainly Electomagnetism and Matter
508753: FFOLKES, MICHAEL - Ffundamental Ffolkes: An Autobiography
518972: FFORDE, JASPER - One of Our Thursdays is Missing (Thursday Next 6)
548627: FFORDE, JASPER - Something Rotten
435453: FFORDE, J. S. - The Federal Reserve System 1945-1949
540538: FFORDE, JASPER - The Big Over Easy
542711: FFORDE, JASPER - The Last Dragonslayer
605463: FFORDE, JASPER - First Among Sequels
300030: FFRENCH-DAVIS, RICARDO; GRIFFITH-JONES, STEPHANY - Las Nuevas Corrientes Financieras Hacia la América Latina : Fuentes, Efectos y Políticas, Lecturas 81
467100: FFRENCH, YVONNE - Exhibition of Old Master Drawings: 18th May - 29th May 1965
192360: FFRENCH-DAVIS, RICARDO; GRIFFITH-JONES, STEPHANY (EDS.) - Coping with Capital Surges : The Return of Finance to Latin America
434023: FFRENCH, RICHARD - A Guide to the Birds of Trinidad and Tobago
094460: FIALA, F.; DEHNE, F. & KOCZKODAJ, W. W. (EDS.) - Advances in Computing and Information - ICCI '91: International Conference on Computing and Information Ottawa, Canada, May 27-29, 1991 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 497)
480247: FIANI, RONALDO - Teoria Dos Jogos: Para Cursos De AdministraCAo e Economia
485458: FIBICHER, BERNHARD; FREHNER, MATTHIAS (EDS.) - Mahjong: Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection
418973: FICAT, C. C. J. (ED.) - Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
195179: FICHTER, MANFRED M. - Bulimia Nervosa : Basic Research, Diagnosis and Therapy
541962: FICINO, MARSILIO; JAYNE, SEARS (TRANS.) - Commentary on Plato's Symposium on Love
446868: FICOWSKI, JERZY - Regions of the Great Heresy: Bruno Schulz: A Biographical Portrait
542357: FIDDES, MARK - The Rainbow Factory
526419: FIDDLER, ALLYSON (ED.) - 'Other' Austrians: Post-1945 Austrian Women's Writing: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the University of Nottingham from 18-20 April 1996
537557: FIDLER, KATHLEEN - Surprises For the Brydons
442009: FIDLER, FLORENCE G. - Cremation
539794: FIDLER, KATHLEEN - Mr Simister is Unlucky
537556: FIDLER, KATHLEEN - Guest Castle
538817: FIDLER, KATHLEEN - Mr. Simister Appears Again
466368: FIDLER, KATHLEEN - Tales of Pirates and Castaways
454001: FIDOLINI, MARCO; NOTTE, RICCARDO - Fidolini: Il Vento Orbicolare dell'Arte: Disegni - Dipinti - Sculture
455772: FIDOLINI, MARCO - Metropolis Ed Altro
608030: FIEBICH, ANIKA - Minimal Cooperation and Shared Agency (Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality, 11)
485788: FIECHTER, ERNST (ED.) - Schloss Ludwigsburg in Sechzig Aufnahmen Von Otto Lossen
509013: FIEDLER, LESLIE - A Fiedler Reader
531870: FIEDLER, LESLIE; PARDINI, SAMUEL F. S. (ED.) - The Devil Gets His Due: The Uncollected Essays of Leslie Fiedler
472224: FIEDLER, LESLIE A. - No!: In Thunder
604935: FIEDLER, LESLIE A. - No! In Thunder: Essays on Myth and Literature
470238: FIEGEHEN, G.C.; REDDAWAY, W.B. (EDS.) - Companies, Incentives, and Senior Managers
472623: FIELD, MARY; ET AL - National Froebel Foundation Bulletin: 1956
495053: FIELD, EDWARD - Stand Up, Friend, With Me
505615: FIELD, BONNIE N.; BOTTI, ALFONSO (EDS.) - Politics and Society in Contemporary Spain: From Zpatero to Rajoy
165200: FIELD, JOHN - Spicers European Union Policy Briefings : Educational and Vocational Training Policy
546087: FIELD, MICHAEL - A Hundred Million Dollars a Day: Inside the World of Middle-East Money
203426: FIELD, WALTER TAYLOR - Rome: The Eternal City
047031: FIELD, PEGGY ANNE - Perinatal Nursing
470052: FIELD, FRANK - The Minimum Wage: Its Potential and Dangers
433882: FIELD, TREVOR - Form & Function in the Diary Novel
087766: FIELD, JANE (ED.) - Electronic Pathways: Adult Learning and the New Communication Technologies
474421: FIELD, FRANK - The Conscript Army: A Study of Britain's Unemployed
603161: FIELD, ANDREW - Nabokov: His Life in Part
604727: FIELD, NICK - Cries of London
606820: FIELD, KIT (ED.) - Issues in Modern Foreign Languages Teaching
607534: FIELD, RACHEL - Little Dog Toby
101598: FIELDEN, JOHN; LOCKWOOD, GEOFFREY; NIND, R. A. - Planning and Management in Universities: A Study of British Universities
030724: FIELDEN, CHRISTOPHER - The Sainsbury Book of Wine
543873: FIELDER, LESLIE A. - Being Busted
165641: FIELDHOUSE, KEN; HARVEY, SHEILA - Landscape Design: An International Survey
519974: FIELDHOUSE, ROGER - A History of Modern British Adult Education
092764: FIELDHOUSE, ROBERT, ED. - AIDS Reference Manual
462868: FIELDHOUSE, DAVID; MADDEN, FREDERICK (EDS.) - The Classical Period of the First British Empire, 1689 - 1783: The Foundations of a Colonial System of Government: Select Documents on the Constitutional History of the British Empire and Commonwealth, Volume II (Documents in Imperial History)
151409: FIELDIND, HENRY - The Author's Farce (original version)
410248: FIELDING, A.; VERBEKE, G. (EDS.) - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A: Statistics in Society: Volume 171, Part 3, 2008
035007: FIELDING, PAULINE - Research in the Nursing Care of Elderly People
410249: FIELDING, A.; VERBEKE, G. (EDS.) - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A: Statistics in Society: Volume 171, Part 4, October 2008
516683: FIELDING, K.J.; TARR, RODGER L. (EDS.) - Carlyle Past and Present: A Collection of New Essays
523684: FIELDING, GABRIEL - The Birthday King
465080: FIELDING, HENRY - The Works of Henry Fielding, Esq; in Twelve Volumes
546392: FIELDING, HELEN - Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy
028186: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones, Vol. 2
009661: FIELDING, PAULINE (EDITOR) - Research in the Nursing Care of Elderly People
539426: FIELDING, HELEN - Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination
449111: FIELDING, HENRY - Tom Jones (Naxos Audiobooks Complete Classics Unabridged)
239076: FIELDING, HELEN - Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination
410244: FIELDING, A.; VERBEKE, G. (EDS.) - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A: Statistics in Society: Volume 169, Part 3, 2006
410245: FIELDING, A.; VERBEKE, G. (EDS.) - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A: Statistics in Society: Volume 170, Part 4, 2007
410247: FIELDING, A.; VERBEKE, G. (EDS.) - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A: Statistics in Society: Volume 171, Part 2, 2008
547025: FIELDING, XAN (SELECTOR AND EDITOR) - Best of Friends: The Brenan-Partridge Letters
021255: FIELDING, HENRY - The History of Tom Jones, Volume 1 (Everyman's Library)
414488: FIELDING, HENRY; LOCKE, MIRIAM AUSTIN (ED.) - The True Patriot: And The History of Our Own Times
099238: FIELDING, JANE; GILBERT, NIGEL - Understanding Social Statistics
410246: FIELDING, A.; VERBEKE, G. (EDS.) - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A: Statistics in Society: Volume 171, Part 1, 2008
472654: FIELDS, W. C. - The Bank Dick (Classic Film Scripts)
488581: FIELDS, W. C. - The Bank Dick
544351: FIELDS, D.K - Widow's Welcome
544855: FIELDS, D.K. - Widow's Welcome: Book One of the Tales of Fenest
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511038: FIELL, CHARLOTTE; FIELL, PETER - Plastic Dreams: Synthetic Visions in Design
536515: FIELL, CHARLOTTE; FIELL, PETER (EDITORS) - Domus: 1928-1939
549074: FIENGO, ROBERT - Asking Questions: Using Meaningful Structures to Imply Ignorance
436247: FIENNES, WILLIAM - The Snow Geese
513803: FIENNES, RICHARD - Man, Nature and Disease
474557: FIERLBECK, KATHERINE - Globalizing Democracy: Power, Legitimacy and the Interpretation of Democratic Ideas (Perspectives on Democratic Practice)
535014: FIERRO, NANCY - Hildegard of Bingen and Her Vision of The Feminine
533543: FIESCHI, CATHERINE - Fascism, Populism and the French Fifth Republic: In the Shadow of Democarcy
469385: FIESER, JAMES (ED.) - Early Responses to Hume's Moral, Literary and Political Writings: Volumes I and II (Early Responses to Hume)
606679: FIFE, DUNCAN - Scarlet Blue and Green: A Book of Sporting Verse
534700: FIFFE, MICHEL - All-New Ultimates: No Gods, No Masters
028394: FIFIELD, RICHARD (ED.) - The Making of the Earth (A New Scientist Guide)
477411: FIFIELD, WILLIAM - Matadora
184513: FIFIELD, L. K. ET AL. - Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
469830: FIG, DAVID (ED.) - Staking Their Claims: Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility in South Africa
547885: FIGES, EVA - Eva's Choice
549722: FIGES, ORLANDO - The Story of Russia
536878: FIGES, ORLANDO - A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution 1891-1924
471367: FIGGE, FRANK H. J.; SOBOTTA, JOHANNES - Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. 2: Visceral Anatomy
111594: FIGLIOLA, RICHARD S.; BEASLEY, DONALD E. - Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements
546717: FIGUEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO DA FONSECA - David Jewett: Una Biografia Para La Historia De Las Malvinas
470146: FIGUEIREDO, JOSE; DE HAAN, ARJAN (EDS.) - Social Exclusion: An ILO Perspective
074781: FIGUEIREDO, EURICO DE LIMA - OS MILITARES E A DEMOCRACIA. Analise Estrutural da Ideologia do Pres. Castelo Branco
149641: FIGUEROA, ADOLFO - Capitalist Development and the Peasant Economy of Peru
459734: FIGUIER, LOUIS - Les Aerostats (Bibliotheque Instructive)
418926: FIGURSKI, LESZEK - The Courage to Think for Yourself: The Search for Truth and the Meaning of Human Life
090337: FIINLAY, MARIKE - The Potential of Modern Discourse: Musil, Peirce, and Perturbation
269267: FIJNAUT, C.; WOUTERS, J.; NAERT, F. (EDITORS) - Legal Instruments in the Fight Against International Terrorism: A Transatlantic Dialogue
521987: FIKENTSCHER, WOLFGANG - Recht Und Wirtschaftliche Freiheit, Band II: Transnationales Marktrecht
521986: FIKENTSCHER, WOLFGANG - Recht Und Wirtschaftliche Freihet, Band I: Die Freiheit Des Wettbewerbs
526795: FIKKERT, PAULA - On the Acquisition of Prosodic Structure
522519: FILBEE, MARJORIE - Cottage Industries
238387: FILER, COLIN (ED.) - The Political Economy of Forest Management in Papua New Guinea (NRI Monograph 32)
462777: FILETICI, M.G.; GIOVANETTI, F.; MALLOUCHOU-TUFANO, F.; PALLOTTINO, E. (EDS.) - I Restauri Dell'Acropoli Di Atene Restoration of the Athenian Acropolis: 1975-2003
530843: FILIBECK, GIORGIO - Human Rights in the Teaching of The Church: From John XXIII to John Paul II
528086: FILIPPAKOPOULOU, MARIA - Transatlantic Poe: Eliot, Williams and Huxley, Readers of the French Poe
480502: FILIPPI, PAUL; BERGASSOLI, AIME; HABAULT, DOMINIQUE; LEFEBVRE, JEAN-PIERRE - Acoustics: Basic Physics, Theory and Methods
450404: FILIPPINI, ENRICO - Eppure Non Sono Un Pessimista: Conversazioni con Jurgen Habermas
479794: FILLER, LOUIS - The Muckrakers
088267: FILON, L. N. G. - An Introduction to Projective Geometry
526794: FILPPULA, MARKKU - Some Aspects of Hiberno-English in a Functional Sentence Perspective (University of Joensuu Publications in the Humanities, No. 7)
526537: FILPPULA, MARKKU - The Grammar of Irish English: Language in Hibernian Style
488832: FILSON, FLOYD V. - The New Testament Against Its Environment: The Gospel of Christ the Risen Lord
479408: FILTZER, DONALD - Soviet Workers and de-Stalinization: The Consolidation of the Modern System of Soviet Production Relations, 1953-1964
457130: FIMBEL, JANET (TRANS.) - Columbian Contemporary Art
544609: FINBERG, H.P.R. - Tavuistock Abbey: A Study in the Social and Economic History of Devon
545242: FINBERG, H.P.R. (EDITOR) - Gloucestershire Studies
464057: FINBERG, A.J. - The Walpole Society 1913-1914: Volume 3
170139: FINBERG, H. P. R. AND SKIPP, V. H. T. - Local History : Objective and Pursuit
464063: FINBERG, A.J. - The Walpole Society 1915-1916 and 1916-1917: Volume 5
545152: FINBERG, H.P.R. - The Early Charters of the West Midlands
464065: FINBERG, A.J. - The Walpole Society 1914-1915: Volume 4
459685: FINBERG, A.J. (ED.) - The Old Water-Colour Society's Club, 1923-1924: First Annual Volume
476624: FINCH, HENRY LE ROY - Wittgenstein - The Later Philosophy: An Exposition of the "Philosophical Investigations"
017724: FINCH, JOHN D - Health Services Law
165111: FINCH, R.G.; SHANSON, D.C.; LITTLER, W.A. (EDS.) (HOFFENBERG, RAYMOND) - Infective Endocarditis
481656: FINCH, JEREMIAH S. - Sir Thomas Browne: A Doctor's Life of Science and Faith
476167: FINCH, A.G. - Report on the Manuscripts of Allan George Finch, Esq., Of Burley-on-the-Hill, Rutland: Vol. I, 1537-1669
409367: FINCH, CALEB E.; VAUPEL, JAMES W.; KINSELLA, KEVIN (EDS.) - Cells and Surveys: Should Biological Measures be Included in Social Science Research?
465653: FINCH, KEITH - Wonders of the World: 5 Models to Build and Display
152339: FINCH, CHRIS - Swinging the Lamp
602594: FINCH, CHRISTOPHER; ROSENKRANTZ, LINDA - Gone Hollywood: The Movie Colony in the Golden Age
203949: FINCHAM, J.R.S.; DAY, P.R. - Fungal Genetics
499010: FINCHAM, GARRICK - Durobrivae: A Roman Town Between Fen and Upland
027901: FINCHAM, J. R. S. - Using Fungi to Study Genetic Recombination (Oxford Biology Readers)
188398: FINCHAM, ROBIN; RHODES, PETER S. - The Individual, Work and Organization : Behavioural Studies for Business and Management Students
514125: FINCHETT-MADDOCK, LUCY - Protest, Property and the Commons: Performances of Law and Resistance
432413: FINDER, JOSEPH - The Fixer
268743: FINDLATER, RICHARD - The Player Queens
157617: FINDLATER, RICHARD - The Future of the Theatre (Fabian Tract 317)
437493: FINDLAY GALLERIES - g.f. RIS: Exhibition, Oct. 3-21, 1967
304804: FINDLAY, ALEXANDER - General and Inorganic Chemistry (Home Study Books)
103401: FINDLAY, LORNA; WRIGHT, STEWART; ETC. - CPAG's Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit Legislation
527040: FINDLAY, RONALD; O'ROURKE, KEVIN H. - Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
441367: FINDLAY, ALLAN M. - The Arab World
096773: FINDLAY, ALEXANDER - Physical Chemistry for Students of Medicine
606690: FINDLAY, JAMES G. - Sel-La-V: Life on the Earth
485958: FINDLEY, TIMOTHY - You Went Away: A Novella
279845: FINDON, B.W. (ED.) - The Play Pictorial: Volumes 42, 43
279843: FINDON, B.W. (ED.) - The Play Pictorial: Volume 40
279844: FINDON, B.W. (ED.) - The Play Pictorial: Volume 42
279841: FINDON, B.W. (ED.) - The Play Pictorial: Volume 39
513368: FINE, BEN - Labour Market Theory: A constructive Reassessment
545677: FINE, ANNE - In Cold Domain
542740: FINE, ANNE - The Book of the Banshee
511927: FINE, DOUG - Too High to Fail
540404: FINE, ANNE - The Angel of Nitshill Road
545498: FINEBERG, NAOMI; MARAZZITI, DONATELLA; STEIN, DAN J (EDITORS) - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Practical Guide
493591: FINEGAN, JACK - Encountering New Testament Manuscripts
165425: FINEGOLD, SYDNEY M.;ROSENBLATT, JON E.;SUTTER, VERA L.;ATTEBERY, HOWARD R. - Scope Monograph on Anaerobic Infections
451283: FINELLI, RANDY - The Weekend Trumpeter
111147: FINER, HERMAN - The Theory and Practice of Modern Government
548127: FINER, S.E. - The History of Government From the Earliest Times, Volume II: The Intermediate Ages
158274: FINES, JOHN AND VERRIER, RAYMOND - The Drama of History an Experiment in Co-Operative Teaching
474691: FINGER, MATTHIAS; HOLVAD, TORBEN (EDS.) - Regulating Transport in Europe
236108: FINGER-STICH, ANDREA; FINGER, MATTHIAS - State Versus Participation : Natural Resources Management in Europe
519658: FINGLETON, EAMONN - In Praise of Hard Industries: Why Manufacturing, Not the Information Economy, is the Key to Future Prosperity
037805: FINGRET, ANN; SMITH, ALAN - Occupational Health: A Practical Guide for Managers
298174: FINI, GIULIA (ED.) - Ville
511588: FINK, ALOIS - Oberammergau Das Passions Spiel 1960
288798: FINK, MAX; KETY, SEYMOUR, MCGAUGH, JAMES; WILLIAMS, THOMAS A. (EDS.) - Psychobiology of Convulsive Therapy
547184: FINK, IDA - A Scrap of Time
440491: FINKEL, ANDREW; SIRMAN, NUKHET (EDS.) - Turkish State, Turkish Society
165221: FINKEL, MADELON L. - Understanding the Mammography Controversy : Science, Politics, and Breast Cancer Screening
546300: FINKELSTEIN, NORMAN G. - Knowing Too Much: Why the American Jewish Romance with Israel is Coming to an End
250111: FINKELSTEIN, ANNE MARIE (ED) - Prosper Merimee
604700: FINKELSTEIN, ISRAEL - Living on the Fringe: The Archaeology and History of the Negev, Sinai and Neighbouring Regions in the Bronze and Iron Ages
528903: FINKL, CHARLES W. (ED.) - Holocene Cycles: Climate, Sea Levels, And Sedimentation
299950: FINKLER, STEVEN A. - Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations
512998: FINLAY, ROGER - Population and Metropolis: The Demography of London 1580-1650
452552: FINLAY, MARIKE - The Potential of Modern Discourse: Musil, Peirce, and Perturbation
513278: FINLAY, IAN HAMILTON - The Blue Sail
549127: FINLAY, IAN HAMILTON - Beauty and Revolution: The Poetry and Art of Ian Hamilton Finlay
523037: FINLAY, CARLOS E.; KAHN, MORTON C. (ED.) - Carlos Finlay and Yellow Fever
181039: FINLAY, FERGUS - Snakes and Ladders
477873: FINLAY, MARIKE - Powermatics: A Discursive Critique of New Communications Technology
153033: FINLAY, MARIKE - The Potential of Modern Discourse: Musil, Peirce, and Perturbation
201807: FINLAY, ANN (ED.); WEINBERGER, JO (ED.) - The National Literacy Trust's International Annotated Bibliography of Books on Literacy
548659: FINLAY, D.G. - The Grey Regard
548723: FINLAYSON, RODERICK (AUTHOR); PEARSON, BILL (EDITOR AND INTRODUCTION) - Brown Man's Burden and Later Stories: New Zealand Fiction
530927: FINLAYSON, RODERICK - Sweet Beaulah Land
607423: FINLAYSON, JAMES - Galen: Two Bibliographical Demonstrations
537952: FINLEY, M.I. (EDITOR) - Studies in Roman Property
540240: FINN, TIMOTHY - Three Men (Not) In A Boat, And Most of the Time Without A Dog
479825: FINN, MARGOT C. - After Chartism: Class and Nation in English Radical Politics, 1848 - 1874 (Past and Present Publications)
518657: FINN, DANIEL; SCHWARZ, ROBERTO; ET AL. - New Left Review 107, Second Series, Sept/Oct 2017
528382: FINNCH-RACE, DANIEL A.; POSTHUMUS, STEPHANIE (EDS.) - French Ecocriticism: From the Early Modern Period to the Twenty-First Century (Studies in Literature, Culture, and the Environment Vol.1)
546831: FINNEGAN, T.A. - Sligo: Sinbad's Yellow Shore
263495: FINNEGAN, RUTH - Oral Literature in Africa
481463: FINNERAN, RICHARD J. - Letters of James Stephens: With an Appendix Listing Stephen's Published Writings
461978: FINNEY, BEN R. - Polynesian Peasants and Proletarians
545617: FINNEY, BRIAN - Christopher Isherwood: A Critical Biography
539069: FINNEY, CHARLES G. - The Magician Out Of Manchuria
472697: FINNEY, BRIAN - The Inner I: British Literary Autobiography of the Twentieth Century
532858: FINNEY, PATRICIA - The Poetry Diet or Why Don't We All Just Wear Corsets?
154997: FINNIGAN, JOHN - The Right People in the Right Jobs
516280: FINNIS, JOHN - Fundamentals of Ethics
488398: FINNISS, SUE - Salisbury: A Walk in the City
269667: FINSEN, HANS CARL - Das Werden Des Deutschen Staatsburgers
107247: FINZSCH, NORBERT; WELLENREUTHER, HERMANN - Visions of the Future in Germany and America
453765: FIOCCO, G. (ED.) - Biblioteca d'Arte Illustrata: B. Strozzi
527116: FIORETOS, ORFEO; FALLETI, TULIA G.; SHEINGATE, ADAM (EDS.) - The Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism
484847: FIORETOS, ARIS (ED.) - Re: The Rainbow
605225: FIORETOS, ARIS (ED.) - Word Traces: Readings of Paul Celan
445058: FIORI, PAMELA - Stolen Moments: The Photographs of Ronny Jaques
446143: FIRBANK, RONALD - The New Rhythm and Other Pieces
532864: FIRBANK, RONALD; HORDER, MERVYN (ED.) - Prancing Nigger
470265: FIREBAUGH, GLENN - The New Geography of Global Income Inequality
508110: FIRESTONE, CATHERINE - Daydream Daughter
440643: FIREY, WALTER - Law and Economy in Planning
433897: FIRLA, IAN (ED.) - Gravesiana: The Journal of the Robert Graves Society: Volume II, Number III/IV
530868: FIRPO, LUIGI (ED.) - Virgilio - Le Georgiche
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