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519042: BRAMHALL, WILLIAM - Hepcat
536437: BRAMWELL, GEO. - The Manner of Proceeding on Bills in The House of Commons
259755: BRAMWELL, MARTYN (ED.) - The International Book of Wood
099431: BRAMWELL, JAMES - The Lion Hunt. A Narrative Poem
099432: BRAMWELL, JAMES - The Lion Hunt. A Narrative Poem
297226: BRANCA, GIOVANNI - Le Machine
481603: BRANCA, VITTORE - Il Cantare Trecentesco e Il Boccaccio Del Filostrato e Del Teseida
521325: BRANCH, PAMELA - Lion in the Cellar
535585: BRANCH, ADAM - Displacing Human Rights: War and Intervention in Northern Uganda
475988: BRAND, GERD - The Essential Wittgenstein
408436: BRAND, ULRICH; KALCSICS, MONIKA (EDS.) - Wem gehort die Natur?: Konflikte um genetische Ressourcen in Lateinamerika (jAtencion! Jahrbuch des Osterreichischen Lateinamerika-Instituts; Band 5)
472548: BRAND, CHRISTIANNA - Matilda Na Cidade
472549: BRAND, CHRISTIANNA - Matilda No Hospital
472550: BRAND, CHRISTIANNA - Tata Matilda Va in cittA
543990: BRAND, C.P. - Torquato Tasso: A Study of the Poet and His Contribution to English Literature
505644: BRAND, MAX - Trail Partners
514572: BRAND, RUSSELL - Revolution
474058: BRAND, CHRISTIANNA - Tata Matilda Va All'ospedale
516166: BRAND, PAUL A. (ED.) - The Earliest English Law Reports: Volume II, Common Bench Reports 1285-1289 and Undated Reports 1279-1289
473213: BRAND, CHRISTIANNA - Tata Matilda: Va in CittA
473653: BRAND, CHRISTIANNA (ED.) - Naughty Children: An Anthology
548813: BRAND, MAX - The Phantom Spy
515957: BRAND, RUSSELL - Booky Wooky 2: This Time It's Personal
542747: BRANDEL, MARC - The Mine of Lost Days
504717: BRANDIMARTE, G. - La Via Crucis
421928: BRANDIN, LOUIS - La Chanson D'Aspremont
425821: BRANDIST, CRAIG - The Bakhtin Circle: Philosophy, Culture and Politics
602178: BRANDOLINI, SEBASTIANO; RICCI, MOSE - Rome: New Architecture
508364: BRANDON, LAURA; STANLEY, PETER; ET AL. - Shared Experience, Art & War: Australia, Britain & Canada in the Second World War
513881: BRANDON, RUTH - The Life and Many Deaths of Harry Houdini
448064: BRANDON, HENRY (ED.) - In Search of a New World Order: The Future of U.S.-European Relations
440845: BRANDON, RUTH - Surreal Lives: The Surrealists, 1917-45
503407: BRANDON, PETER - The North Downs
502905: BRANDON, PETER; SHORT, BRIAN - The South East from AD 1000
538131: BRANDON, RUTH - Left, Right and Centre
110250: BRANDONLEIGH, ED.; FARNOL, JEFFERY (ED.) - Murder by Nail : Being an Episode in the Career of Jasper Shrig of Bow Street with Particulars of His Highly Original Methods in the Wrybrook Case
283133: BRANDRETH, GYLES - Something Sensational to Read on the Train
514813: BRANDRETH, GYLES - Oscar Wilde and the Candlelight Murders
529110: BRANDS, H. W. - The General vs. the President: MacArthur and Truman at the Brink of Nuclear War
527107: BRANDS, HAL - From Berlin to Baghdad: America's Search for Purpose in the Post-Cold War World
511858: BRANDS, H. W. - The Use of Force After the Cold War
501668: BRANDSHAFT, HELEN; PANKOW, DAVID (ED.) - The Work of Ismar David
015939: BRANDSMA, JEFF - Outpatient Treatment of Alcoholism: A Review and Comparative Study
007867: BRANDT, GEORGE W. - Drama: Beginners Please
108266: BRANDT, CARL; SHAFTER, EDWARD (EDS) - Selected American Speeches on Basic Issues (1850-1950)
173917: BRANDT, KENNETH D. - Diagnosis and Nonsurgical Management of Osteoarthritis
485954: BRANDT, GEORGE W. (ED.) - British Television Drama
261184: BRANDY, DANIEL - Motamorphoses: L'Histoire des Mots
538815: BRANFIELD, JOHN - The Day I Shot My Dad And Other Stories
503251: BRANFILL-COOK, ROGER - Torpedo: The Complete History of the World's Most Revolutionary Naval Weapon
166363: BRANFORD, WILLIAM - The Elements of English: An Introduction to the Prinicples of the Study of Language
472572: BRANIGAN, KEITH; NIBLETT, ROSALIND - The Roman Chilterns
490921: BRANNON M. WHEELER - Prophets in the Quran: An Introduction to the Quran and Muslim Exegesis: Stories of the Prophets (Comparative Islamic studies)
296870: BRANSBY WILLIAMS, GEORGE - Storage Reservoirs
098952: BRANSCOMB, LEWIS M.; KELLER, JAMES H. (EDS.) - Converging Infrastructures: Intelligent Transportation and the National Information Infrastructure (A Publication of the Harvard Information Infrastructure Project)
202324: (ED.) BRANSCOMB; LEWIS M. & KELLER; JAMES H. - Converging Infrastructures : Intelligent Transportation and the National Information Infrastructure
189947: BRANSKI, D.; ROZEN, P.; KAGNOFF, M. F. - Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy. Frontiers of Gastrointestinal Research Vol. 19
060186: BRANSON, WILLIAM H.; FRENKEL, JACOB A.; GOLDSTEIN, MORRIS - International Policy Coordination and Exchange Rate Fluctuations
188449: BRANT, LIZ; HARVEY, TONY - Choosing and Using Music in Training
450692: BRANTLINGER, PATRICK (ED.) - Victorian Studies: Vol. 28, 1984-85
265955: BRANTON, MATTHEW - The House of Whacks
439732: BRANTON, MATTHEW - The House of Whacks
495997: BRARA, N. VIJAYLAKSHMI - Politics, Society and Cosmology in India's North East
033665: BRASCH, DR. MORITZ - Moses Mendelssohn's Schriften zur Philosophie, Aesthetik und Apologetik.
465246: BRASCH, CHARLES; RODDICK, ALAN (ED.) - Home Ground
530181: BRASCH, CHARLES (ED.) - Landfall: A New Zealand Quarterly, Volume 1, No.2
221661: BRASCH, R. - How Did It Begin? : Customs,Superstitions and Their Romantic Origins
521017: BRASEL, DALE (ED.) - FLAUN: Know Moore, November 1999, No. 9
521016: BRASEL, DALE (ED.) - FLAUNT: Spring Fashion Issue (Premiere issue), No. 2
521019: BRASEL, DALE (ED.) - FLAUNT: The Latin Issue, Eva Mendes, No. 54
290004: BRASHER, W. K. (ED.) - Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers: Volume 85, 1939 July-December
290006: BRASHER, W. K. (ED.) - Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers: Volume 87, 1940 July-December
290005: BRASHER, W. K. (ED.) - Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers: Volume 86, 1940 January-June
526940: BRASILEIRO, IVANA - The Effects of Bilingualism on Children's Perception of Speech Sounds
516871: BRASS, PAUL R. - Factional Politics in an Indian State: The Congress Party in Uttar Pradesh
491793: BRASSENS, GEORGES - PoEmes et Chansons
534273: BRASSEY, EARL - The "Sunbeam": Voyages and Experiences in Many Waters
536538: BRASSLEY, PAUL - The Agricultural Economy of Northumberland and Durham in the Period 1640-1750
514452: BRATHEN, RACHEL - Yoga Girl
521281: BRATLEY, PAUL; FOX, BENNETT L.; SCHRAGE, LINUS E. - A Guide to Simulation
086360: BRAUDY, LEO - Native Informant: Essays on Film, Fiction and Popular Culture
517559: BRAUER, JURGEN; HARTLEY, KEITH (EDS.) - The Economics of Regional Security: NATO, The Mediterranean, and Southern Africa
527051: BRAUMOELLER, BEAR F. - The Great Powers and the International System: Systemic Theory in Empirical Perspective (Cambridge Studies in International Relations)
519723: BRAUN, HANNA - Weeds Don't Perish: Memoirs of a Defiant Old Woman
525442: BRAUN, BETTINA - Production and Perception of Thematic Contrast in German
199548: BRAUN, HUGH - Historical Architecture: The development of Structure and Design
549901: BRAUN, OTTO (AUTHOR); MOORE, JEANNE (TRANSLATOR); WILSON, DICK (INTRODUCTION) - A Comintern Agent in China, 1932-1939
602793: BRAUN, EDWARD - The Theatre of Meyerhold: Revolution on the Modern Stage
474453: BRAUNERHJELM, PONTUS; ET AL - Integration and the Regions of Europe: How the Right Policies Can Prevent Polarization
258195: BRAUNERT, HORST; BUCHNER, KARL; DILLER, HANS. - Hermes: Zeitschrift fur Klassische Philologie: 104. Band. 1976
052118: BRAUNL, THOMAS - Parallel Programming: An Introduction
473543: BRAUNMULLER, A. R. (ED.); SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM - The Life and Death of King John (The Oxford Shakespeare)
268873: BRAUNROTH, MANFRED - Ansätze und Aufgaben der linguistischen Pragmatik
516001: BRAUNSWEG, JULIAN - Ballet Scandals
008945: BRAUNWALD, EUGENE - Heart Disease : A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine (Volumes 1 & 2)
540410: BRAUTIGAN, RICHARD - The Hawkline Monster: A Gothic Western
542992: BRAUTIGAN, RICHARD - So The Wind Won't Blow It All Away
540403: BRAUTIGAN, RICHARD - Dreaming of Babylon: A Private Eye Novel 1942
526322: BRAVO-MORENO, ANA - Migration, Gender and National Identity: Spanish Migrant Women in London
436457: BRAWER, MICHAEL K. (ED.) - Prostate Specific Antigen
166288: BRAWNE, MICHAEL - University of Virginia : Charlottesville 1817-1826 Thomas Jefferson
246876: BRAY, MARGRET L. - Bunnies and Beetles, and Other Rhymes
419022: BRAY, WILLIAM (ED.) - Evelyn's Diary and Correspondence
050807: BRAYBROOKE, NEVILLE - T. S. Eliot
542775: BRAYBROOKE, NEVILLE (EDITOR) - Seeds in the Wind: 20th Century Juvenilia From W.B. Yeats to Ted Hughes
241320: BRAYBROOKE, NEVILLE (EDITOR) - Seeds in the Wind : Juvenilia from H. G. Wells to Ted Hughes
022863: BRAYBROOKE, RICHARD LORD (EDITOR) - Memoirs of Samuel Pepys, ESQ, FRS Comprising His Diary from 1659 to 1669 and a Selection from His Private Correspondence
019852: BRAZIL, ANGELA - A Fourth Form Friendship
462092: BRAZIL, ANGELA - Three Terms at Uplands
030598: BRAZIL, ANGELA - A Fortunate Term
462093: BRAZIL, ANGELA - The Mystery of the Moated Grange
448358: BRAZIL, ANGELA - The Luckiest Girl in the School
036944: BREA, L.C., SOLA, J.E. & HERREO, R.C. (EDS.) - Instrumenta Lexicologica Latina
279502: BREA, JOSE LUIS; POWER, KEVIN; SAVATER, FERNANDO - Three Spanish Artists: Susana Solano; Jose Maria Sicilia; Miquel Navarro
486862: BREAK, GEORGE F. - Federal Lending and Economic Stability
469229: BREAK, GEORGE F. (ED.) - Metropolitan Financing and Growth Management Policies: Principles and Practice (Publications of the Committee on Taxation, Resources and Economic Development)
510830: BREAKWELL, IAN; HAMMOND, PAUL (EDS.) - Brought to Book: The Balance of Books and Life
008677: BREAKWELL, GLYNIS M. - Facing Physical Violence
490400: BREARLEY, DENIS (ED.) - Commentum Sedulii Scotti in Maiorem Donatum Grammaticum
539444: BREASTED, JAMES HENRY - Ancient Records of Egypt: Volumes I-V Complete
511018: BREATHED, BERKE - Classics of Western Literature: Bloom County 1986-1989
483107: BREAZEALE, DANIEL; ROCKMORE, TOM (EDS.) - Fichte: Historical Contexts, Contemporary Controversies
150969: BREBBIA, C. A.; FERRANTE, A. J. - Computational Methods for the Solution of Engineering Problems
415620: BRECH, BERTOLD - Gesammelte Werke Supplement 2: Gedichte aus dem Nachlass 1913-1956
516875: BRECHLING, FRANK - Investment and Employment Decisions
409546v: BRECHT, BERTOLT; MANHEIM, RALPH (ED.); WILLETT, JOHN (ED.) - The Threepenny Opera (Bertolt Brecht Collected Plays)
094850: BRECHT, BERTOLT - The Life of Galileo
263490: BRECHT, BERTOLT - Bertolt Brecht on Stage/Bertolt Brecht Auf Deutschen Buehnen
158326: BRECHT, BERTOLT - Stucke Band I (Baal / Trommeln in Der Nacht / Im Dickicht Der Stadte)
473051: BRECHT, BERTOLT - Gesammelte Werke: Texte Fur Filme
473049: BRECHT, BERTOLT - Gesammelte Werke: Bande I
021602: BRECHT, BERTOLT - Life of Galileo
223545: BRECHT, BERTOLT - The Caucasian Chalk Circle
158325: BRECHT, BERTOLT - Prosa Band 1 - 5 (5 Volumes)
158327: BRECHT, BERTOLT - Stucke Band VIII (Leben Des Galilei / Der Gute Mensch Von Sezuan)
158331: BRECHT, BERTOLT - Stucke Band III (Die Dreigroschenoper / Aufstieg Und Fall Der Stadt Mahagonny / Das Badener Lehrstuck Vom Einverstandnis)
300981: BRECHT, BERTOLT - Tales from the Calendar
435261: BRECHT, BERTOLT - Stucke V
082449: BRECHT, BERTOLT - Mother Courage and Her Children
111263: BRECHT, BERTOLT - The Caucasian Chalk Circle
229340z: BRECHT, BERTOLT; MANHEIM, RALPH (ED.); WILLETT, JOHN (ED.) - The Threepenny Opera (Bertolt Brecht Collected Plays)
161531: BRECHT, BERTHOLT - Uber Die Irdische Liebe Und Andere Gewisse Weltratsel in Liedern Und Balladen
458740: BRECKINRIDGE, SOPHONISBA PRESTON - Madeline McDowell Breckinridge; - Primary Source Edition
607421: BRECKON, BILL; PARKER, JEFFREY - Tracing the History of Houses
254906: BREDESEN, PHILIP - Fresh Medicine: How to Fix Reform and Build a Sustainable Health Care System
421044: BREDIN, LUCINDA (ED.) - Bonhams Magazine: Winter 2014, Issue 41
296761: BREDIN, LUCINDA (ED.) - Bonham's Magazine, Winter 2012, Issue 33
421024: BREDIN, LUCINDA (ED.) - Bonhams Magazine: Summer 2014, Issue 39
272816: BREDIN, LUCINDA (ED.) - Bonhams Magazine: Autumn 2011 Issue 28
443726: BREDVOLD, LOUIS I. - The Intellectual Milieu of John Dryden
544214: BREEDLOVER, LYNN - Godspeed
255707: BREEDS, JOHN - The Satellite Book: A Complete Guide to Satellite TV Theory and Practice
433292: BREEN, OONAGH; CASEY, JAMES; KERR, ANTHONY (EDS.) - Liber Memorialis: Professor James C. Brady
522855: BREEN, GERALD E. - Essentials of Fevers
531212: BREEN, MICHAEL P. - Law, City, and King: Legal Culture, Municipal Politics, and State Formation in Early Modern Dijon
230493: BREESE, JAMES - Freedom and Choice in Education (Problems and Perspectives)
085755: BREESE, MARTIN - Breese's Guide to Modern First Editions
175018: BREEZE, ELIZABETH - Differences in Drinking Patterns Between Selected Regions : A Comparison of Drinking Patterns in Two Regions with High Levels and Two Regions with Low Levels of Alcohol-Related Problems: An Enquiry Carried Out on Behalf of the Department of Health and Soc
475926: BREEZE, DAVID J.; WILLIAMS, HOWARD (EDS.) - Frankfurt am Main: Report and Proceedings of the 159th Summer Meeting of the Royal Archaeological Institute in 2013
499180: BREEZE, CARLA - New York Deco
015718: BREEZE, ELIZABETH; GREAT BRITAIN - Women and Drinking: An Enquiry Carried Out on Behalf of the Department of Health and Social Security
285598: BREGMAN, WALTER W. - Spray the Bear: Reminiscences From the Golden Age of Advertising
039426: BRÉHANT, JACQUES - Thanatos le Malade et Le Médecin Devant La Mort
513459: BREHIER, LOUIS - Les Provinces FRANCAISES: L'auvergne
199737: BRÉHIER, ÉMILE - Histoire De La Philosophie. Tome II: La Philosophie Moderne a Le Dix-Huitieme Siecle
249374: BREHONY, NOEL; EL-DESOUKY, AYMAN (EDITORS) - British-Egyptian Relations from Suez to Present Day
439944: BREIER, MIGNONNE; PRINSLOO, MASTIN (EDS.); STREET, BRIAN V. (PREFACE) - The Social Uses of Literacy: Theory and Practice in Contemporary South Africa (Studies in Written Language and Literacy)
232293: BREIER, MIGNONNE; PRINSLOO, MASTIN (EDS.); STREET, BRIAN V. (PREFACE) - The Social Uses of Literacy: Theory and Practice in Contemporary South Africa (Studies in Written Language and Literacy)
174281: BREIT, WILLIAM - The Antitrust Casebook
474233: BREIT, HARVEY - The Writer Observed
079224: BREITENSTEIN, ROLF (ED) - German Sites in London: A Pictorial Guide
514022: BREITMAN, GEORGE - Fighting Racism in World War II
085173: BRELSFORD, HARRY; TOOT, MICHAEL S. - Connecting to Customers: Strategies and Solutions for Growing Your Business Online
547462: BREMNER, ANN (ED.) - Chris Marker: Silent Movie
108221: BREMNER, ROBERT; REICHARD, GARY (EDS) - Reshaping America : Society and Institutions, 1945-1960
060116: BREMS, HANS - Inflation, Interest, and Growth: A Synthesis
534425: BREMS, CHRISTIANE - Basic Skills in Psychotherapy and Counseling
433837: BREND, RUTH M.; CHANG-RODRIGEZ, EUGENIO; COSTELLO, JOHN R.; FICHTNER, EDWARD G. (EDS.) - Word: Journal of the International Linguistic Association, Volume 39, 1988
433838: BREND, RUTH M.; CHANG-RODRIGEZ, EUGENIO; COSTELLO, JOHN R.; FICHTNER, EDWARD G. (EDS.) - Word: Journal of the International Linguistic Association, Volume 40, 1989
433834: BREND, RUTH M.; CHANG-RODRIGEZ, EUGENIO; COSTELLO, JOHN R.; FICHTNER, EDWARD G. (EDS.) - Word: Journal of the International Linguistic Association, Volume 36, 1985
482047: BRENDEL, ALFRED - One Finger Too Many
534929: BRENDEL, ALFRED - Collected Poems of Alfred Brendel: Playing the Human Game
545347: BRENDON, PIERS (AUTHOR); FOWLES, JOHN (FOREWORD) - Hawker of Morwenstow: Portrait of a Victorian Eccentric
602937: BRENDON, PIERS - The Decline and Fall of the British Empire 1781-1997
529984: BRENK, BEAT - Tradition Un Neuerung in Der Christlichen Kunst Des Ersten Jahrtausends: Studien Zur Geschichte Des Weltgerichtsbildes (Wiener Byzantinistische Studien, Band III)
548414: BRENKE, GABRIELE - Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Und Der Namibia-Konflikt
176307: BRENKERT, GEORGE G. - Political Freedom
546921: BRENNAN, RORY - The Sea on Fire
600398: BRENNAN, JOHN; SHAH, TARLA - Managing Quality in Higher Education: An International Perspective on Institutional Assessment and Change
249655: BRENNAN, GEOFFREY; FLEURBAEY, MARC; MONGIN, PHILLIPE; RABINOWICZ, WLODEK (EDITORS) - Economics & Philosophy: Vol. 16, No. 2: October 2000
600399: BRENNAN, JOHN; SHAH, TARLA - Managing Quality in Higher Education: An International Perspective on Institutional Assessment and Change
249654: BRENNAN, GEOFFREY; FLEURBAEY, MARC; MONGIN, PHILLIPE; RABINOWICZ, WLODEK (EDITORS) - Economics & Philosophy: Vol. 16, No. 1: April 2000
601116: BRENNAN-JOBS, LISA - Small Fry: A Memoir
015395: BRENNAN, J. L.; MURRAY, K.; LYON, E.S.; MCGEEVOR, P.A. - Students, Courses and Jobs: The Relationship Between Higher Education and the Labour Market
486196: BRENNAN, DEBORAH - The Politics of Australian Child Care: From Philanthropy to Feminism
008761: BRENNAN, CLAIRE M. - Directory of Child Rights & Welfare
183687: BRENNAN, WILFRED K. - Curriculum for Special Needs
527800: BRENNAN, FIONA - George Fitzmaurice: 'Wild in his Own Way' - Biography of an Abbey Playwright
150206: BRENNAN, J. G. - Food Dehydration : A Dictionary and Guide
249657: BRENNAN, GEOFFREY; FLEURBAEY, MARC; RABINOWICZ, WLODEK; MORRIS, CHRISTOPHER (EDITORS) - Economics & Philosophy: Vol. 17, No. 2: October 2001
249659: BRENNAN, GEOFFREY; FLEURBAEY, MARC; RABINOWICZ, WLODEK; MORRIS, CHRISTOPHER (EDITORS) - Economics & Philosophy: Vol. 18, No. 2: October 2002
142015: BRENNECKE, JOCHEN - Gespensterkreuzer HK 33: Tatsachenbericht
282194: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 69, Part 2, September 1994
282196: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 70, Part 2, March 1995
282197: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 70 Part 3, May 1995
282198: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 71, Part 2, September 1995
282210: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 74 Part 2, March 1997
282209: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 74 Part 1, January 1997
282191: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 68, Part 2, March 1994
282186: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 66 Part 1, January 1993
025838: BRENNER, ROBERT M. - Study Guide for Weisz, the Science of Biology
282200: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 71 Part 3, November 1995
282185: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 66, Part 2, March 1993
282202: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 72 Part 1, January 1996
282203: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 72, Part 2, March 1996
282204: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 72 Part 3, May 1996
520108: BRENNER, ROBERT - The Boom and the Bubble: The US In The World Economy
181152: BRENNER, Y. S. - Short History of Economic Progress : Course in Economic History
282206: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 69 Part 3, November 1994
282207: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 73 Part 2, September 1996
282208: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 73 Part 3, November 1996
016857: BRENNER, BARRY & STEIN, JAY - Acute Renal Failure
282192: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 68, Part 3, May 1994
282205: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 73 Part 1, July 1996
282184: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 66, Part 3, May 1993
282233: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Third Series, Volume 69, Part 1, July 1994
282183: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 67, Part 1, July 1993
282189: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 68 Part 1, January 1994
483055: BRENNER, LOUIS - Controlling Knowledge: Religion, Power and Schooling in a Western African Muslim Society
282199: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 71, Part 1, July 1995
282222: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 74 Part 3, May 1997
282217: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 70 Part 1, January 1995
282221: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 75 Part 1, July 1997
282220: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 75 Part 2, September 1997
282219: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 75 Part 3, November 1997
476134: BRENNER, WILLIAM H. - Logic and Philosophy: An Integrated Introduction
282181: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 67, Part 2, September 1993
282182: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 67 Part 3, November 1993
282187: BRENNER, S.; WALL, C.T.C. (EDS.) - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society: Third Series, Volume 65, Part 3, November 1992
269108: BRENNER, MICHAEL (ED.) - The Structure of Action
523502: BRENON, ANNE; GASC, JEAN-LOUIS (PHOTOS) - Le Vrai Visage Du Catharisme
151805: BRENT, P.L. (ED.) - Young Commonwealth Poets '65
490193: BRENT, LESLIE BARUCH - Ein Sonntagskind?: Vom jUdischen Waisenhaus zum weltbekannten Immunologen
605275: BRENT-DYER, ELINOR M. - The Chalet School and The Island
438681: BRENTANO, FRANZ - The True and the Evident
549079: BRENTARI, DIANE (EDITOR) - Sign Languages
265069: BRENTON, HOWARD - Diving for Pearls
010149: BRENTON, HOWARD - Diving for Pearls
182220: BRERETON, GEOFFREY - A Short History of French Literature
260816: BRERETON, GEOFFREY - French Tragic Drama in the 16th and 17th Centuries
019787: BRERETON, PETER - Through Britain on Country Roads
162783: BRESLER, BORIS/ AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE - Symposium on Reinforced Concrete Columns
191683: BRESLER, J. B. - Human Ecology. Collected Readings
513236: BRESNAHAN, TIMOTHY; GAMBARDELLA, ALFONSO (EDS.) - Building High-Tech Clusters: Silicon Valley and Beyond
479434: BRESSLER, KAREN W.; NEWMAN, KAROLINE; PROCTOR, GILLIAN - A Century of Style: Lingerie: Icons of Style in the 20th Century
541831: BRETECHER, CLAIRE - Agrippina
541830: BRETECHER, CLAIRE - Agrippina
236913: BRETH, STEVEN A. (ED.) - Food Security in a Changing Africa: Proceedings of the Workshop on Africa Food Security in a Changing Environment: Sharing Good Practices and Experiences. Kampala, Uganda, 6-9 June, 2001
534528: BRETHERTON, LUKE - Hospitality as Holiness: Christian Witness Amid Moral Diversity
452038: BRETON, ALBERT - The Economic Theory of Representative Government (Aldine Treatises in Modern Economics)
305541: BRETON, ANDRE - Nadja
496709: BRETON, ANDRE; SOUPAULT, PHILIPPE - Magnetic Fields
523759: BRETON, BINKA LE - Trapped: Modern-day Slavery in the Brazilian Amazon
451626: BRETT PAULSTON, CHRISTINA; TUCKER, G. RICHARD (EDS.) - The Early Days of Sociolinguistics: Memories and Reflections
472351: BRETT YOUNG, FRANCIS - The City of Gold
540684: BRETT YOUNG, FRANCIS - The Cage Bird and Other Stories
188033: BRETT, SIMON - The Witness at the Wedding
504165: BRETT, ANWAR - Dorset in Film: A Cinematic Journey through the County
482661: BRETT, SIMON - Dead Room Farce
508675: BRETT, HARRY - Good Dark Night
487214: BRETT TOPPING; NANCY G. HELLER - The Age of Grandeur and a Woman Who Lived it: Artist Evelyn Metzger
524023: BRETT, GUY (ED.) - Cildo Meireles
534913: BRETT, R.L. - Reason & Imagination: A Study of Form and Meaning in Four Poems
482662: BRETT, SIMON - Not Dead, Only Resting
148265: BRETT, G. S. - Historia de la Psicologia (Biblioteca de historia de la psicologia Paidos)
472352: BRETT YOUNG, FRANCIS - The Little World
548623: BRETT, SIMON - Molesworth Rites Again
272280: BRETTSCHNEIDER, RUDOLF - Das Feile Weib: Thriebleben Und Umwelt Der Dirne / Liebesindustrie Und Liebeskünste Bei Allen Völ-kern Und Zu Allen Zeiten
094587: BREU, R. - Algebraic Specification Techniques in Object Oriented Programming Environments (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 562)
502229: BREUER, WILLIAM B. - Unexplained Mysteries of World War II
502608: BREUER, WILLIAM B. - Top Secret Tales of World War II
233501: BREUILLY, JOHN (ED.) - Nineteenth-Century Germany: Politics, Culture and Society, 1780-1918
106023: BREUL, KARL (LEPPER, J. HERON; KOTTENHAHN, RUDOLF) - Cassell's German and English Dictionary
547847: BREUSERS, H.N.C.; RAUDKIVI, A.J. - Scouring: Hydraulic Structures Design Manual Series, Volume 2
522034: BREUSS, FRITZ; GRILLER, STEFAN (EDS.) - Flexible Integration in Europa: Einheit Oder "Europe A La Carte"?
101684: BREWER - Warwickshire: Or, Original Delineations, Topographical, Historical and Descriptive of That County the Result of Personal Survey
411033: BREWER, DEREK - Chaucer in His Time
015180: BREWER, SARAH - The Essential Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements
486563: BREWER, JOHN D. (ED.) - Can South Africa Survive? Five Minutes to Midnight
235396: BREWER, J. S. (ED.) - Giraldi Cambrensis Opera, Solicet, 1. De Invectionibus, Lib. IV. 2. De Menevensi Ecclesia Dialogus. 3. Vita S. David. Volume 3. [The Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages)
543909: BREWER, SARAH, (ED.) - The Early Letters of Bishop Richard Hurd: 1739-1762
Am1911z: BREWER, COLIN - O. Let Me Not Get Alzheimer's, Sweet Heaven: Why many people prefer death or active deliverance to living with dementia.
Am1911: BREWER, COLIN - O. Let Me Not Get Alzheimer's, Sweet Heaven: Why many people prefer death or active deliverance to living with dementia.
197287: BREWER, SARAH - Increase Your Sex Drive in 12 Weeks
541470: BREWIN, ROBERT - Sanctified Humour: Being a Brief Memorial of the Life, Experience, and Sayings of the Rev. John Wold Ackrill, of Northallerton, United Methodist Free Church Minister
233020: BREWIN, CHRIS R. - Cognitive Foundations of Clinical Psychology
008827: BREWIS, R.A.L.; GIBSON, G.J. & GEDDES, D.M. - Respiratory Medicine
497125: BREWSTER, PAUL G. - Ballads and Songs of Indiana
188392: BREWSTER, C.; HEGEWISCH, ARIANE; HOLDEN, LEN; LOCKHART, TERRY - The European Human Resource Management Guide
540424: BREYTENBACH, BREYTEN - Mouroir: Mirrornotes of a Novel
481163: BREYTENBACH, BREYTEN - End Papers: Essays, Letters, Articles of Faith, Workbook Notes
479044: BREYTENBACH, BREYTEN - Mouroir: Mirrornotes of a Novel
608512: BREYTENBACH, BREYTEN (AUTHOR); HIRSON, DENIS (TRANSLATOR) - In Africa Even the Flies are Happy: Selected Poems, 1964-1977
466466: BREYTENBACH, BREYTEN - Judas Eye
295771y: BREYTENBACH, BREYTEN - Memory of Snow and of Dust
295770z: BREYTENBACH, BREYTEN - Memory of Snow and of Dust
257286: BREYTENBACH, BREYTEN - Memory of Snow and of Dust
051299: BRIAN, MARSHALL - Motif Programming: The Essentials . . . and More
496822: BRIAN BALMER - Britain and Biological Warfare: Expert Advice and Science Policy, 1930-65
494737: BRIANT, PIERRE; KUHRT, AMELIE (TRANS.) - Alexander the Great and His Empire
515216: BRIANT, KEITH - Fighting with the Guards
214927: BRIAULT, ERIC; SMITH, FRANCES - Falling Rolls in Secondary Schools Part 2
293496: BRICHTO, SIDNEY - The Genius of Paul: Paul's Letters (The People's Bible)
535722: BRICKELL, KATHERINE; DATTA, AYONA (EDITORS) - Translocal Geographies: Spaces, Places, Connections
461981: BRICKER, VICTORIA REIFLER - Ritual Humor in Highland Chiapas
482493: BRICKHILL, PAUL - The Dam Busters
306267: BRICKMAN, LESTER - Lawyer Barons: What Their Contingency Fees Really Cost America
512830: BRICOUT, GREGORY; LEMOINE, CLAIRE - Churchill de Gaulle
469499: BRIDEL, PASCAL (ED.) - General Equilibrium Analysis: A Century After Walras (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)
549228: BRIDGE, D. MCC.; GOZZARD, J.R. - The Limestone and Dolomite Resources of the Country Around Bakewell, Derbyshire: Description of 1:25 000 Sheet SK 26 and Part of SK 27 (Mineral Assessment Report 79)
051469: BRIDGE, WILL & CLARK, JILL MACLEOD - Communication in Nursing Care
167635: BRIDGE, GARY; WATSON, SOPHIE (EDITORS) - A Companion to the City
528629: BRIDGE, ANN - The Ginger Griffen
549231: BRIDGE, D. MCC.; KNEEBONE, D.S. - The Limestone and Dolomite Resources of the Country North and West of Ashbourne, Derbyshire: Description of 1:25 000 Sheet SK 15 and Parts of 04, 05 and 14 (Mineral Assessment Report 129)
218187: BRIDGE, J.L. - Applied Econometrics
606865: BRIDGE, TOM; COOPER ENGLISH, COLIN - Dr. William Kitchiner, Regency Eccentric: Author of the Cook's Oracle
519048: BRIDGEMAN, BRIAN - Swindon: Living Memories
214659: BRIDGEMAN, TERESA - Negotiating the New in the French Novel: Building Contexts for Fictional Worlds
519050: BRIDGEMAN, BRIAN; THE SWINDON SOCIETY - A Century of Swindon: Events, People and Places of The Last 100 Years
534413: BRIDGER, GEOFF - The Great War Handbook: A Guide for Family Historians & Students of the Conflict
538587: BRIDGES, ROBERT, (ED.) - Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins
296070: BRIDGES, ROBERT - The Testament of Beauty: A Poem in Four Books
456685: BRIDGES, R.C.; HAIR, P.E.H. (EDS.) - Compassing the Vaste Globe of the Earth: Studies in the History of the Hakluyt Society 1846-1996 (Second series, no. 183)
211094: BRIDGES, ROBERT - The Testament of Beauty : A Poem in Four Books
499944: BRIDGES, VICTOR - The Green Monkey: A Comedy
444427: BRIDGES, R. C.; HAIR, P. E. H. (EDS.) - Compassing the Vaste Globe of the Earth: Studies in the History of the Hakluyt Society 1846-1996 (Works Issued By the Hakluyt Society, Second Series)
503826: BRIDGLAND, TONY - Waves of Hate: Naval Atrocities of the Second World War
261490: BRIDGMAN, G. F. L.; SWINGLAND, O. M. W.; SUMMERFIELD, HENRY; KIDNER, G. A. (EDS.) - The All England Law Reports Reprint, 1929: Being a Selection from the Law Times Reports, 1843-1935, Revised and Annotated
261496: BRIDGMAN, G. F. L.; SWINGLAND, O. M. W.; SUMMERFIELD, HENRY; KIDNER, G. A. (EDS.) - The All England Law Reports Reprint, 1930: Being a Selection from the Law Times Reports, 1843-1935, Revised and Annotated
261478: BRIDGMAN, G. F. L. (ED.) - The All England Law Reports Reprint, 1886-1890: Being a Selection from the Law Times Reports, 1843-1935, Revised and Annotated
261763: BRIDGMAN, G. F. L . (ED.) - The All England Law Reports Reprint, 1904-1907: Being a Selection from the Law Times Reports , 1843-1935, Revised and Annotated
542848: BRIDGWATER, SUE; MCGECHIE, ALISTAIR - Perian's Journey
035474: BRIDGWOOD, ANN; RAINFORD, LAURA & WALKER, ALISON (WITH MARY HICKMAN AND ANTONY MORGAN) - All Change: The Health Education Monitoring Survey One Year on
219208: BRIDGWOOD, BARRY; LENNIE, LINDSAY - History, Performance and Conservation
101935: BRIDSON, RORY - The Making of a Para
249330: BRIECHA, OTTO; STERK, HAROLD - Vienna: Expressionist Tendencies Since 1945
529543: BRIEGER, E.M. - The Papworth Families: A 25 Years Survey
161057: BRIEGLEB, GUNTHER - Elektronen-Donator-Acceptor-Komplexe
182117: BRIEL, HOLGER MATHIAS; FEHRINGER, CAROL - Field Studies: German Language, Media and Culture
525993: BRIEL, HOLGER; FEHRINGER, CAROL (EDS.) - Field Studies: German Language, Media and Culture (CUTG Proceedings, 5)
195759: BRIERE, JOHN (ED.); BERLINER, LUCY (ED.); BULKLEY, JOSEPHINE A. (ED.); JENNY, CAROLE (ED.); REID, THERESA (ED.) - The APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment
438906: BRIERE, JOHN N. - Psychological Assessment of Adult Posttraumatic States
051066: BRIEUX, M. (SHAW, BERNARD) - Three Plays By Brieux (Preface By Bernard Shaw) - Maternity, The Three Daughters of M. Dupont, Damaged Goods
215265: BRIGGS, ADAM (ED.); COBLEY, PAUL (ED.) - The Media : An Introduction
262100: BRIGGS, JULIA. - A Woman of Passion: Life of E.Nesbit, 1858-1924
295812: BRIGGS, PHILIP - The Silent Planet: A Story of Two Boys and a Daring Rescue from Outer Space
608498: BRIGGS, RAYMOND - Ethel and Ernest: A True Story
517803: BRIGGS, TOM (ED.) - Musical Scene Study: The Musicals of Rodgers and Hammerstein
539409: BRIGGS, WILLIAM (ED.); BARRETT, WILLIAM (INTRO) - Anthology of Zen
408802: BRIGGS, ELSPETH - The White King
548678: BRIGGS, RAYMOND - Ethel and Ernest: A True Story
470486: BRIGGS, ASA; MACARTNEY, ANNE - Toynbee Hall: The First Hundred Years
112055: BRIGGS, ELSPETH - Service is None Heritage
424953: BRIGGS, ASA - The Story of the Leverhumle Trust
419087: BRIGGS, ELSPETH - Service is None Heritage
487983: BRIGGS, ASA; SNOWMAN, DANIEL (EDS.) - Fins de SiEcle: How Centuries End 1400-2000
537612: BRIGGS, RAYMOND - Ivor The Invisible
408801: BRIGGS, ELSPETH - The Rhyme for Porringer
537161: BRIGGS, RAYMOND - The Man
472699: BRIGGS, MARTIN S. - Down the Thames
540520: BRIGGS, RAYMOND - The Snowman: A Little Ladybird Flap Book
071740: BRIGGS, GERALD G.; FREEMAN, ROGER K.; YAFFE, SUMNER J. - Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk
236747: BRIGGS, D. J.; COURTNEY, FRANK - Agriculture and Environment : The Physical Geography of Temperate Agricultural Systems
537755: BRIGGS, RAYMOND - The Snowman
537756: BRIGGS, RAYMOND - The Snowman
486028: BRIGGS, MARTIN SHAW - Baroque Architecture
050264: BRIGGS, WILLIAM; BAUSOR, H.W. (SNELLGROVE, D.R.) - Elementary Quantitative Analysis (Textbooks on Chemistry)
173862: BRIGGS, ANNA; OLIVER, JUDITH (EDS.) - Caring : Experiences of Looking After Disabled Relatives
408803: BRIGGS, ELSPETH - Restoration
548679: BRIGGS, RAYMOND - Ethel and Ernest: A True Story
543055: BRIGGS, ROBIN - Communities of Belief: Cultural and Social Tensions in Early Modern France
012245: BRIGGS, G.W. - The Daily Reading
537027: BRIGGS, RAYMOND - Ethel & Ernest
531235: BRIGGS, JOAN; MCGHEE, RITA; SMITH, JOHN; TINDALL, JENNIFER; TUMMAN, ANN; WEBSTER, XENIA - Sunderland Wills and Inventories 1601-1650 (Publications of the Surtees Society, 214)
107210: BRIGHT, SUSIE - The Best American Erotica 2003
107212: BRIGHT, SUSIE - The Best American Erotica 2003
107209: BRIGHT, SUSIE - The Best American Erotica 2003
408725: BRIGHT, J. A.; MCGREGOR, G. P. - Teaching English as a Second Language: Theory and Techniques for the Secondary Stage
425437: BRIGHT, WILLIAM (ED.) - Language in Society: Vol. 24, 1995
495513: BRIGHT, GILLIAN - Beyond the Rectory Shutters
488737: BRIGHT, WILLIAM - Language Variation in South Asia
441097z: BRIGHT, SUSIE (ED.) - X: The Erotic Treasury
537267: BRIGHTON, CATHERINE - Hope's Gift
499369: BRIGHTON, PAUL - Original Spin: Downing Street and the Press in Victorian Britain
488576: BRIGHTON, ANDREW - Blasphemies, Ecstasies, Cries
437270: BRIGSTOCKE, HUGH (ED.) - The Sixty-Fourth Volume of the Walpole Society 2002
467978: BRIGSTOCKE, HUGH (ED.) - The Sixty-fourth Volume of the Walpole Society 2002
518591: BRILL, LESLEY - The Hitchcock Romance: Love and Irony in Hitchcock's Films
236956: BRILL, R. (ED.) - Advances in Structure Research By Diffraction Methods / Fortschritte Der Strukturforschung Mit Beugungsmethoden. Volume 1
236957: BRILL, R. (ED.); MASON, R. (ED.) - Advances in Structure Research By Diffraction Methods / Fortschritte Der Strukturforschung Mit Beugungsmethoden. Volume 2
436141: BRILLANTE, CLARA - La Santa Biblia
176069: BRIMBLECOME, F. S. W.; RICHARDS, M. P. M.; ROBERTON, N. R. C. (EDS) - Clinics in Developmental Medicine No. 68: Separation and Special-care Baby Units
305194: BRIMMER, ESTHER (ED.) - Defending the Gains?: Transatlantic Responses When Democracy Is Under Threat
540851: BRIN, DAVID - Earth
298441: BRINCK-JOHNSEN, TORIL; GADD, DEREK; WILKINS, JOHN B. (EDS.) - The Archaeology of Power: Fourth Conference of Italian Archaeology, January 2-5 1990
103015: BRINCKMAN, ERIC; DELZENNE, GERARD; POOT, ALBERT; WILLEMS, JOZEF - Unconventional Imaging Processes
426708: BRINCKMANN, JOHANNES (ED.) - Giovanni Battista Pergolesi: Konzert in G-dur
488423: BRINGER, RODOLPHE - Blaise et Babette Ou Les FiancEs De La Rue Quincampoix
509068: BRINGHURST, ROBERT (ED.) - The Griffin Poetry Prize Anthology 2014: A Selection of the Shortlist
542071: BRINGLE, MARY - Death of an Unknown Man
223589: BRINGS, ALLEN - Tre Esercizi for Harpsichord
233591: BRINGS, ALLEN; RILKE, RAINER MARIA - Elegy for Baritone & String Quartet
296970a: BRINITZER, CARL - Liebeskunst Ganz Ritterlich
548668: BRINK, A,B.A.; PARTRIDGE, T.C.; WILLIAMS, A.A.B. - Monographs on Soils Survey: Soil Survey for Engineering
259939: BRINK, ANDRE - A Chain of Voices
225652: BRINK, CLAUDIA (ED.); HORNBOSTEL, WILHELM (ED.); ET AL. - Pegasus and the Arts
445040: BRINK, ANDRE - Before I Forget
466377: BRINK, ANDRE - States of Emergency
467988: BRINK, DAVID O. - Moral Realism and the Foundations of Ethics (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy)
085403: BRINK, HELGE - Themes in Modern Macroeconomics
036155: BRINKLEY, AOFIE; FITZGERALD, MICHAEL & GREENE, SHEILA - Substance Use in Early Adolescence: a Study of the Rates and Patterns of Substance Use Among Pupils in Dublin
490810: BRINKLEY, ROB; CLARIDGE, LAURANN; MOORE, HOLLY - Domestic Art: Curated Interiors
420921: BRINKMAN, ANNE; PUTZ, ANNE; TURNER, SIMON; VON BAEYER, EMANUEL (EDS.) - Expressiver Barock: Graphik Und Zeichnungen Aus Mitteleuropa, 1700 - 1800/Expressive Baroque: Prints and Drawings from Central Europe, 1700 - 1800
503354: BRINKMANN, R.D.; RYGULLA, R.R. - Acid: Neue Amerikanische Szene
074140: BRINKWORTH, BRIAN JOSEPH - An Introduction to Experimentation
605037: BRINNIN, JOHN MALCOLM - The Third Rose: Gertrude Stein and Her World
445643: BRINSLEY BURBIDGE, R. - Dictionary of British Flower, Fruit & Still-Life Painters, Volume 1-2
466250: BRINSMEAD, H.F. - Beat of the City
526319: BRINSON, CHARMIAN - The Strange Case of Dora Fabian and Mathilde Wurm: A Study of German Political Exiles in London During the 1930's
530749: BRINTON, SELWYN - The Gonzag - Lords of Mantua
518140: BRINTON, CRANE - English Political Thought in the 19th Century
162655: BRION, MARCEL - La Provence Couverture D'Yves Brayer
483851: BRIOT, MARIE-ODILE; ALAOUI, BRAHIM - Kacimi: Paintings, Pastels, Drawings, Events, Writings
439376: BRISCOE, A. DALY - A Marian Lord Mayor: Sir Thomas White
608560: BRISCOE, DESMOND; CURTIS-BRAMWELL, ROY - The BBC Radiophonic Workshop: The First 25 Years
521935: BRISMIMI, VASILIKI - The Interface Between Competition and the Internal Market: Market Separation Under Article 102 TFEU (Studies in Competition Law)
435762: BRISOLIN, VIOLA - Power and Subjectivity in the Late Work of Roland Barthes and Pier Paolo Pasolini (European Connections)
211260: BRISSAUD, E.; PINARD, A.; RECLUS, P. (EDS.) - Nouvelle Pratique Médico-Chirurgicale. Tome II: Blépharites - Diabete
211261: BRISSAUD, E.; PINARD, A.; RECLUS, P. (EDS.) - Nouvelle Pratique Médico-Chirurgicale. Tome III: Diaphragm - Genu Varum
211262: BRISSAUD, E.; PINARD, A.; RECLUS, P. (EDS.) - Nouvelle Pratique Médico-Chirurgicale. Tome IV: Gérodermie - Kystes
211430: BRISSAUD, E.; PINARD, A.; RECLUS, P. (EDS.) - Nouvelle Pratique Médico-Chirurgicale. Tome 1: Abasie - Blennorragie
212390: BRISTOL, MICHAEL (ED.); MCLUSKIE, KATHLEEN (ED.); HOLMES, CHRISTOPHER (ED.) - Shakespeare and Modern Theatre: The Performance of Modernity
000494: BRISTOL LOCAL MEDICAL COMMITTEE - Prevention of Break-Up of Families
154550: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol. 90: 1995 Lectures and Memoirs
415235: BRITISH LIBRARY - The David and Mary Eccles Centre for American Studies at the British Library
173953: BRITISH POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL FEDERATION, - The Scientific Basis of Medicine : Annual Reviews 1961
173956: BRITISH POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL FEDERATION, - The Scientific Basis of Medicine : Annual Reviews 1962
173957: BRITISH POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL FEDERATION, - The Scientific Basis of Medicine : Annual Reviews 1967
259351: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.); WEST, ROBERT (ED.); GRUNBERG, NEIL E. (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 86, Number 5 (May 1991). Special Issue on Future Directions in Tobacco Research
549138: BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION - Terry Nation's Dalek Annual, 1978
183751: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol LXI (1975)
282395: BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE - 1993/1994 Animation Catalogue
223583: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol. 87: 1994 Lectures and Memoirs
167443: BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Sociology Volume 40, Number 1
162285: BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Sociology Volume 40, Number 4
026610: BRITISH MUSEUM - An Introduction to Ancient Egypt
183762: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol LII (1966)
143105: BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION STAFF - The Future of Health Care
259333: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 84, Number 8 (August 1989)
259338: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 85, Number 1 (January 1990)
198672: BRITISH PAEDIATRIC ASSOCIATION STAFF - Alcohol and the Young : Report of a Joint Working Party of the Royal College of Physicians and the British Paediatric Association
259340: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 85, Number 6 (June 1990)
259344: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 85, Number 10 (October 1990)
259345: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 85, Number 11 (November 1990)
259346: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 85, Number 12 (December 1990)
163999: BRITISH MUSEUM - Man before Metals
162284: BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Sociology Volume 40, Number 4
504267: BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY - Baseline Report Series: 5. The Chalk Aquifer of Kent and East Surrey
259337: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 84, Number 12 (December 1989)
183756: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol LXI (1975)
183757: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol LXI (1975)
183758: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol LIX (1973)
183763: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol LII (1966)
169515: BRITISH TELECOM INTERNATIONAL STAFF - Doing Business in Poland
183753: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol LXI (1975)
223581: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 97: 1997 Lectures and Memoirs
259334: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 84, Number 9 (September 1989)
259335: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 84, Number 10 (October 1989). Special Issue: The Economics Of Addiction
259332: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 84, Number 7 (July 1989)
183771: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol LXII (1976)
183772: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol LXII (1976)
223584: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol. 90 : 1995 Lectures and Memoirs
289666: BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - The Medical Profession and Human Rights: Handbook for a Changing Agenda
515673: BRITISH MUSEUM - The British Museum: Treasures of Ancient Greece: 20 Colourful Cards to Pull Out and Send
162286: BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Sociology Volume 40, Number 5
259336: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 84, Number 11 (November 1989)
259339: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 85, Number 2 (February 1990)
521187: BRITISH NUCLEAR ENERGY SOCIETY - Health Effects of Low-dose Ionizing Radiation: Recent Advances and Their Implications - Conference Proceedings
162277: BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Sociology Volume 40, Number 6
021982: BRITISH MUSEUM - Reproductions from Illuminated Manuscripts, Series V
422298: BRITISH LIBRARY - The David and Mary Eccles Centre for American Studies at the British Library
259347: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 86, Number 1 (January 1991)
445947: BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - Rights and Responsibilities of Doctors
173952: BRITISH POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL FEDERATION, - The Scientific Basis of Medicine : Annual Reviews 1969
195676: BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION STAFF - Rights and Responsibilities of Doctors
008750: BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION STAFF - Pesticides, Chemicals and Health
259326: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 84, Number 1 (January 1989(
259327: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 84, Number 2 (February 1989)
259328: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 84, Number 3 (March 1989)
259329: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 84, Number 4 (April 1989)
259330: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 84, Number 5 (May 1989)
259331: BRITISH JOURNAL OF ADDICTION (JOURNAL); EDWARDS, GRIFFITH (ED.) - British Journal of addiction, Volume 84, Number 6 (June 1989)
173954: BRITISH POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL FEDERATION, - The Scientific Basis of Medicine : Annual Reviews 1963
173955: BRITISH POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL FEDERATION, - The Scientific Basis of Medicine : Annual Reviews 1965
162278: BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Sociology Volume 40, Number 1
548641: BRITISH COUNCIL OF CHURCHES - Towards Understanding the Arab Israel Conflict: The Report of a British Council of Churches Delegation to the Middle East
183774: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol LXIV (1978)
162283: BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Sociology Volume 40, Number 3
162281: BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Sociology Volume 40, Number 2
162282: BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION - Sociology Volume 40, Number 3
441157: BRITISH ACADEMY - Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume LXII, 1976
106345: BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (BOARD OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION) - A Code of Practice for : Implementation of the UK Hepatitis B Immunisation Guidelines for the Protection of Patients and Staff
548789: BRITISH DEAF AND DUMB ASSOCIATION - The Language of the Silent World
183755: BRITISH ACADEMY STAFF - Proceedings of the British Academy Vol LXII (1976)
550207: BRITNELL, R.H. - The Commercialisation of English Society, 1000-1500
497932: BRITTAIN, COLIN - Into the Maelstrom: The Wreck of HMHS Rohilla
539783: BRITTAIN, VERA - Lady into Woman: A History of Women from Victoria to Elizabeth II
475128: BRITTAN, ARTHUR - Meanings and Situations
153190: BRITTAN, SAMUEL - Two Cheers for Self-Interest : Some Moral Prerequisites of a Market Economy (Occasional Paper; No. 73)
027284: BRITTEN, KATHLENE D. - Brain Teasing Quizzes
533689: BRITTEN, MATT - Think Quarterly: The Data Issue
232896: BRITTING, GEORG - Der Eislaufer: Erzahlungen
232895: BRITTING, GEORG - Der Eislaufer: Erzahlungen
220597: BRITTON, ANDREW J. - Policymaking with Macroeconomic Models
191335: BRITTON, CARL - John Stuart Mill
491708: BRITTON, JOHN - Modern Athens Displayed in a Series of Views: Or Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century
528601: BRITTON, ANDREW; SEDGWICK, PETER - Economic Theory and Christian Belief (Religions and Discourse, Vol.16)
440750: BRITTON, ALISON; MARGETTS, MARTINA - The Raw and the Cooked: New Work in Clay in Britain
535136: BRITTON, CELIA (EDITOR) - Claude Simon: Modern Literatures in Perspective
476106: BRITZOLAKIS, CHRISTINA - Sylvia Plath and the Theatre of Mourning
219945: BRIVATI, BRIAN (ED.); BALE, TIM (ED.) - New Labour in Power: Precedents and Prospects
498857: BROAD, ROGER - The Radical General: Sir Ronald Adam and Britain's New Model Army 1941-46
080837: BROAD, H. W.; CARMICHAEL, K. S. - A Guide to Management Accounting
503078: BROADBENT, HARVEY - Gallipoli: The Fatal Shore
299679: BROADBENT, DONALD (ED.) - The Simulation of Human Intelligence (Wolfson College Lectures)
004009: BROADBENT, DONALD E - In Defence of Empirical Psychology
606617: BROADBENT, UNA; LATHAM, RONALD (EDS.) - Coulsdon, Downland Village: A History Based on Material Collected By Members of the Bourne Society
512138: BROADBERRY, STEPHEN N.; PERSSON, KARL GUNNAR; ZAMAGNI, VERA (EDS.) - European Review of Economic History: Volume 3, Part 1, April 1999
195245: BROADBRIDGE, SEYMOUR - Industrial Dualism in Japan : A Problem of Economic Growth and Structural Change
195246: BROADBRIDGE, SEYMOUR - Industrial Dualism in Japan : A Problem of Economic Growth and Structural Change
439238: BROADFOOT, PATRICIA; OSBORN, MARILYN; PLANEL, CLAIRE; SHARPE, KEITH - Promoting Quality in Learning: Does England Have the Answer?
112159: BROADFOOT, PATRICIA - Introducing Profiling: A Practicle Manual
408969: BROADHEAD, ANNIE; HAMPTON, ROBERT; LIGHT, GINNI - Total FCE, Student's Book (Book & CD)
407464: BROADIE, SARAH (ED.) - The Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 54, 2004, 214-217
407467: BROADIE, SARAH (ED.) - The Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 58, 2008
490405: BROADIE, ALEXANDER - The Circle of John Mair: Logic and Logicians in Pre-Reformation Scotland
471756: BROADLEY, MARTIN JOHN - Louis Charles Casartelli: A Bishop in Peace and War
481813: BROADLEY, MARTIN JOHN - Bishop Herbert Vaughan and the Jesuits: Education and Authority
604390: BROADS MANUFACTURING COMPANY - Covers & Gratings for All Purposes
536280: BROADWAY, JAN - 'No Historie So Meete': Gentry Culture and the Development of Local History in Elizabethan and Early Stuart England
521982: BROBERG, MORTEN; HOLST-CHRISTENSEN, NINA - Free Movement in the European Union: Cases, Commentaries and Questions
273771: BROCH, INGVILD; BULL, TOVE; SWAN, TORIL (EDS.) - Nordlyd: Tromso University Working Papers on Language & Linguistics; No. 23: Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Conference on Language and Gender, Tromsø, 3.-5. November 1994, University of Tromsø, School of Language and Literature
484978: BROCHU, ANDRE - REver La Lune: L'Imaginaire De Michel Tremblay Dans Les Chroniques Du Plateau Mont-Royal
495988: BROCK, CHARLES - Mosaics of the American Dream: America as New Israel: A Metaphor for Today
516089: BROCK, R. (ED.) - The Journal of Hellenic Studies: Volume 133
509405: BROCK, EDWIN - Song of the Battery Hen: Selected Poems 1959-1975
506320: BROCK, EDWIN - A Cold Day at the Zoo
541566: BROCK, R.; WOODMAN, A.J. (EDITORS) - Papers of the Leeds International Latin Seminar, Eighth Volume, 1995: Roman Comedy, Augustan Poetry, Historiography
480306: BROCK, WILLIAM R. - Welfare, Democracy, and the New Deal
453886: BROCK, COLIN - Geography of Education: Scale, Space and Location in the Study of Education
478574: BROCK, THOMAS D. - Membrane Filtration: A User's Guide and Reference Manual
601905: BROCK, EDWIN - A Family Affair: Two Sonnet Sequences
607003: BROCKBANK, WILLIAM - Ancient Therapeutic Arts
507044: BROCKHAUS, HERMANN - Vendidad Sade
238873: BROCKHOFF, VICTORIA - Gotter, Damonen, Menschen: Mythen Und Geschichten Aus Dem Zweistromland
550134: BROCKINGTON, C. FRASER - Medical Officers of Health, 1848 to 1855
525900a: BROCKINGTON, GRACE (ED.) - Internationalism and the Arts in Britain and Europe at the Fin De SIECLE (CISRA Vol 4)
525900: BROCKINGTON, GRACE (ED.) - Internationalism and the Arts in Britain and Europe at the Fin De SIECLE (CISRA Vol 4)
030780: BROCKINGTON, RAYMOND - Financial Accounting
055351: BROCKINGTON, C FRASER - The Health of the Community
010813: BROCKLEHURST, GORDON (EDITOR) - Spina Bifida for the Clinician (Clinics in Developmental Medicine Ser., Vol. 57)
032110: BROCKLEHURST, J. C.; TUCKER, J. S. - Progress in Geriatric Day Care
434779: BROCKLEHURST, J. C. (ED.) - Geriatric Care in Advanced Societies
476207: BROCKMAN, JOHN - Speculations: The Reality Club
453331: BROCKMAN, JANIE - Whiffles
179212: BROCKMAN, JOHN - Quality Management and Benchmarking in the Information Sector
298615: BROCKWAY, GEORGE P. - Economists Can Be Bad for Your Health: Second Thoughts on the Dismal Science
453231: BROCKWELL, STEPHEN - The Wire in Fences
531161: BROCKWELL, PETER J; DAVIS, RICHARD, A. - Time Series: Theory and Methods
066282: BROD, MAX; SCHOEPS, HANS-JOACHIM - Im Streit um Kafka und das Judentum
278880: BRODA, KRYSIA (ED.) - ALPUK92: Proceedings of the 4th UK Conference on Logic Programming, London, 30 March - 1 April 1992
529586: BRODA, PAUL - Plasmids
541200: BRODEUR, PAUL - The Sick Fox
450516: BRODIE, FAWN M. - Richard Nixon: The Shaping of His Character
263455: BRODIE, KEITH; BANNER, LESLIE - Keeping an Open Door: Passages in a University Presidency
508617: BRODIE, KATHY - Interviews from the SAGE Early Years Masterclass 2018
052170: BRODIE, MORRIS - On Thinking Statistically: A Short Introduction
080828: BRODIE, M. B. - On Thinking Statistically
495212: BRODKEY, HAROLD - The Runaway Soul
535749: BRODRIBB, A.C.C.; HANDS, A.R.; WALKER, D.R. - Excavations at Shakenoak Farm, Near Wilcote, Oxfordshire: Part V: Sites K and E
546389: BRODRICK, WILLIAM - The Gardens of the Dead
206922: BRODSKY, WILLIAM A. (ED.) - Anion and Proton Transport (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 341)
548266: BRODSKY, JOSEPH - Less Than One: Selected Essays
480860: BRODSKY, JOSEPH - Less Than One: Selected Essays
423188: BRODY, HUGH; IGNATIEFF, MICHAEL - Nineteen Nineteen
110862: BRODY, JEROME S.; CENTER, DAVID M. - Signal Transduction in Lung Cells
487239: BRODY, JACOB A.; MADDOX, GEORGE L. (EDS.) - Epidemiology and Aging: An International Perspective
607811: BRODY, NEVILLE - Neville Brody
469059: BROECK, JULIEN VAN DEN - Public Choice
488309: BROECKER, WILLIAM L. (ED.) - The International Center of Photography Encyclopedia Photography
274528: BROEDER, PETER; EXTRA, GUUS - Language Ethnicity & Education: Case Studies of Immigrant Minority Groups and Immigrant Minority Languages
446541: BROEHL, JR., WAYNE G. - Crisis of the Raj: Revolt of 1857 Through British Lieutenants' Eyes
533520: BROERS, MICHAEL - The Politics of Religion in Napoeonic Italy: The War Against God, 1801-1814
532514: BROERS, MICHAEL - Napoleon's Other War: Bandits, Rebels and Their Pursuers in the Age of Revolutions
265093: BROEZE, FRANK - Island Nation: A History of Australians and the Sea
518609: BROGAN, COLM - The Democrat at The Supper Table
064158: BROGAN, D.W. - An Introduction to American Politics
481053: BROGDEN, MIKE - Geronticide: Killing the Elderly
548316: BROGDEN, MIKE - On the Mersey Beat: Policing Liverpool Between the Wars
257872: BROGLIE, MAURICE DE; CABANNES, JEAN; RIBAUD, GUSTAVE (EDS.) - Annales De Physique: Douzieme Serie Des Annales De Chimie et De Physique, Tome 8, 1953
257873: BROGLIE, MAURICE DE; CABANNES, JEAN; RIBAUD, GUSTAVE (EDS.) - Annales De Physique: Douzieme Serie Des Annales De Chimie et De Physique, Tome 9, 1954
257874: BROGLIE, MAURICE DE; CABANNES, JEAN; RIBAUD, GUSTAVE (EDS.) - Annales De Physique: Douzieme Serie Des Annales De Chimie et De Physique, Tome 10, 1955
257875: BROGLIE, MAURICE DE; CABANNES, JEAN; RIBAUD, GUSTAVE (EDS.) - Annales De Physique: Treizieme Serie Des Annales De Chimie et De Physique, Tome 1, 1956
517281: BROGLIO, RON; YOUNG, FREDERICK - Being Human: Between Animals and Technology
549898: BROKKEN, JAN - Baltische zielen: lotgevallen in Estland, Letland en Litouwen
550111: BROMAN, BARRY - Faces of Myanmar: A Photographic Mosaic of Burma
607397: BROME, VINCENT - Ernest Jones: Freud's Alter Ego
088020: BROMHEAD, PETER - Britain's Developing Constitution (Studies in Political Science)
015992: BROMLEY, D.B. [EDITOR] - Gerontology: Social and Behavioural Perspectives
445173: BROMLEY, MICHAEL; O'MALLEY, TOM (EDS.) - A Journalism Reader
436901: BROMLEY, ROGER - Lost Narratives: Popular Fictions, Politics and Recent History
175328: BROMLEY, H.A.; SHORE, J. - Articles of Stationery and Allied Materials : Their Chemistry and Technical Examination
306373: BROMME, RAINER; STAHL, ELMAR (EDS.) - Writing Hypertext and Learning: Conceptual and Empirical Approaches (Advances in Learning and Instruction Series)
190807: BROMME, RAINER; STAHL, ELMAR - Writing Hypertext and Learning : Conceptual and Empirical Approaches
170449: BRON, A. J. - The Unquiet Eye : A Diagnostic Guide
601610: BRONCARD, Y.; POGGI, J. L. - Trains De France
281184: BRONCHUD, MIGUEL H.; FOOTE, MARYANN; PETERS, WILLIAM P.; ROBINSON, MURRAY O. (EDS.) - Principles of Molecular Oncology
528087: BRONK-BACON, KATARZYNA (ED.) - 'Experienc'd Age knows what for Youth is fit'? Generational and Familial Conflict in British and Irish Drama and Theatre
525343: BRONK, KATARZYNA (ED.) - Autumnal Faces: Old Age in British and Irish Dramatic Narratives
526390: BRONK-BACON, KATARZYNA - 'And Yet I Remember': Ageing and Old(er) Age in English Drama Between 1660 and the 1750s
602869: BRONNER, EDWIN J. - The Encyclopedia of the American Theatre, 1900-1975
488835: BRONSHTEIN, I.N.; SEMENDYAYEV, K.A. - Handbook of Mathematics
534593: BRONSHTEIN I.N.; SEMENDYAYEV K.A. - A Guide to Mathematics: Fundamental Formulas, Tables, Graphs , Methods
512480: BRONSON, JOHN - Future Tense: The Cinema of Science Fiction
487776: BRONSON, B. H. (ED.) - That Immortal Garland
540280: BRONSON, PO - Bombardiers
081009: BRONSON, GARY J. BRONSON, RICHARD - Mathematics for Management
603718: BRONSON, PO - Bombardiers
452860: BRONSTEIN, P.; ISSA, I.; MIR, A. - Monuments
523059: BRONTE, CHARLOTTE; BRONTE, EMILY; BRONTE, ANNE; GASKELL, MRS. - Pocket Edition of the Life and Works of Charlotte Bronte and Her Sisters, Emily and Anne Bronte. 7 Volume Set
520416: BRONTE, ANNE - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Haworth Edition)
520417: BRONTE, CHARLOTTE - The Professor and Poems (Haworth Edition)
185611: BRONTË, ANNE; BRONTË, CHARLOTTE; BRONTË, EMILY - The Bronte Sisters: Selected Poems
279506: BRONTE, EMILY - Les Hauts De Hurle-Vent
520418: BRONTE, CHARLOTTE - Villette (Haworth Edition)
520420: BRONTE, CHARLOTTE - Shirley (Haworth Edition)
185958: BRONTË, EMILY - Wuthering Heights : Icon Critcal Guides
241451a: BRONTE, J.; MATHY, P. (EDS) - The European Communities Research Project on Open-Top Chambers Results on Agricultural Crops 1987 - 1988
032976: BROOK, M - Biology and the Manufacturing Industries (Institute of Biology Symposia Number 16)
523869: BROOK, G.L.; LESLIE, R.F. (EDS.) - La3amon: Brut. Volumes I&II (Early English Text Society)
187033: BROOK, DONALD - The Romance of the English Theatre
513987: BROOK, PETER - The Shifting Point: Forty Years of Theatrical Exploration, 1946-87
447317: BROOK, CHARLES G.D. (ED.) - The Practice of Medicine in Adolescence
475504: BROOK, ANDREW - Kant and the Mind
167996: BROOK, CHARLES; MARSHALL, NICHOLAS - Essential Endocrinology
017826: BROOK, CHARLES G. D. - Growth Assessment in Childhood and Adolescence
602934: BROOK, STEPHEN - New York Days, New York Nights
602935: BROOK, STEPHEN - Honkytonk Gelato: Travels Through Texas
604440: BROOK, STEPHEN - Claws of the Crab: Georgia and Armenia in Crisis
100570: BROOKE, EILEEN M. - The Current and Future Use of Registers in Health Information Systems
546276: BROOKE, JOCELYN - The Military Orchid
452455: BROOKE, BIRAN N.; CAVE, DAVID R.; GURRY, JOHN F.; KING, DENIS W. - Crohn's Disease: Aetiology, Clinical Manifestations and Management
018185: BROOKE, IRIS - English Costume of the Seventeenth Century
544923: BROOKE, Z.N. - The English Church and the Papacy: From the Conquest to the Reign of John
608375: BROOKE-TAYLOR, TIM; GARDEN, GRAEME; ODDIE, BILL - The Goodies' Book of Criminal Records
608117: BROOKE, KEITH - Expatria
537588: BROOKE, JOCELYN - The Goose Cathedral
472210: BROOKE LITTLE, J. - Law of Burials
253250: BROOKE, CASSANDRA - Dear Venus
006385: BROOKE, STOPFORD A. - English Literature from A.D. 670 to A.D. 1832
021409: BROOKE, IRIS - English Costume of the Later Middle Ages, The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries
542271: BROOKE, JOCELYN - The Crisis in Bulgaria or Ibsen to the Rescue!
543157: BROOKE, KEITH - Keepers of the Peace
516516: BROOKE, BRYAN N - The Troubled Gut: The Causes and Consequences of Diarrhoea
004524: BROOKE, GEOFFREY - Let's Learn to Ride: Horsemanship for Young and Old
468922: BROOKE, ROGER - Jung and Phenomenology
518086: BROOKER, CHARLIE - The Hell of it All
532883: BROOKER, PAUL - The Faces of Fraternalism: Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan
516920: BROOKES, ERNEST ROY; ET AL. - Report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue for the Year Ended 31st March 1964: Hundred and Seventh Report
184355: BROOKES, B.C. (ED.); DICK, W.F.L. (ED.) - Introduction to Statistical Method, Parts One and Two
110974: BROOKES, JOHN - Gärten im ländlichen Stil : Planung, Gestaltung, Pflege
050568: BROOKES, B.C & DICK, W.F.L - Introduction to Statistical Method; Parts 1 & 2
519318: BROOKES, STEVE - The Greatest Gardening Tips in the World
286010: BROOKES, JILL - Training, Development and Competence: A Practical Guide
452075: BROOKMEYER, RON; GAIL, MITCHELL H. - AIDS Epidemiology: A Quantitative Approach
542544: BROOKMYRE, CHRISTOPHER - Quite Ugly One Morning
446696: BROOKMYRE, CHRISTOPHER - When the Devil Drives
549366: BROOKMYRE, CHRISTOPHER - Quite Ugly One Morning
548491: BROOKMYRE, CHRISTOPHER - Not the End of the World
472455: BROOKMYRE, CHRIS - Dear Girl Walking ((Jack Parlabane)
601408: BROOKMYRE, CHRISTOPHER - When the Devil Drives
496070: BROOKNER, ANITA - Incidents in the Rue Laugier
496071: BROOKNER, ANITA - Altered States
518505: BROOKNER, ANITA - A Private View
544396: BROOKNER, ANITA - A Friend From England
216630: BROOKNER, ANITA - Visitors
169800: BROOKNER, ANITA - Latecomers
528313: BROOKS, WILLIAM; ZAIDER, RAINER (EDS.) - Theatre, Fiction, and Poetry in the French Long Seventeenth Century / Le THEATRE, Le romand, et La POESIE A L'AGE Classique (Medieval and Early Modern French Studies, Vol.2)
146666: BROOKS, LAURENCE; KIMBLE, CHRIS (EDS.) - Information Systems - The Next Generation : Proceedings of the 4th UKAIS Conference, University of York, 7-9 April 1999
526763: BROOKS, WILLIAM - FRANCOIS Boscheron, Ami De Challe, Ses Oeuvres, Ses Biographies et Ses Travaux EDITORIAUX: Une ENQUETE Bio-Bibliogaphique (Medieval and Early Modern French Studies, Volume 17)
108191: BROOKS, JOHN; EVANS, ROBERT W. - Macroeconomic Policy in Theory and Practice
549403: BROOKS, A.G. (SELECTOR) - North Country Stories
472452: BROOKS, GERALDINE - Caleb's Crossing
284314: BROOKS, ANN; WATKINS, KAREN E. (EDS.) - The Emerging Power of Action Inquiry Technologies
497865: BROOKS, ROBIN J. - Kent Airfields in the Second World War
500214: BROOKS, RICHARD - Out of Sight: How We Lost Track of Thousands of NEETs, and How We Can Transform Their Prospects
540103: BROOKS, TERRY - The Tangle Box
540613: BROOKS, TERRY - First King of Shannara
283837: BROOKS, ANN; WATKINS, KAREN E. (EDS.) - The Emerging Power of Action Inquiry Technologies (New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education; Number 1963, Fall 1994))
487355: BROOKS, W.H. - Strength and Elasticity of Materials: Solutions to Examination Questions of the University of London: Volume III
281045: BROOKS, TERRY - The Druid Of Shannara
440701: BROOKS, M.; MCQUILLIN, R. - Geophysical Surveys in the Shetland Islands
107665: BROOKS, KENNETH G.; COOK, HERBERT F. - Modern French for Adults; Part I
600400: BROOKS, ANN; MACKINNON, ALISON (EDS.) - Gender and the Restructured University
539429: BROOKS, KEVIN - Lucas: A Story of Love and Hate
537621: BROOKS, TERRY - Running with the Demon
454076: BROOKS, VICTORIA; STELLA-SAWICKA, JOANNA (EDS.) - Monsoon Art Collection
019594: BROOKS, VAN WYCK - New England: Indian Summer 1865-1915.
251109: BROOKS, MAUREEN; RITCHIE, JOAN - Tassie Terms : A Glossary of Tasmanian Words
527482: BROOKS, WILLIAM - Philippe Quinault, Dramatist (Medieval and Early Modern French Studies, 6)
539434: BROOKS, KEVIN - Martyn Pig
600600: BROOKS, ANN; MACKINNON, ALISON (EDS.) - Gender and the Restructured University
304476: BROOKS, PAMELA - Heroes, Villains & Victims of Norwich
464203: BROOKS, TERRY - The Talismans of Shannara
232858: BROOKS, HUNT, FANTES, WHEATLEY, ET AL - The Cell Cycle: Journal of Cell Science Supplement 12
525352: BROOKS, WILLIAM; PROBES, CHRISTINE MCCALL; ZAISER, RAINER (EDS.) - Lieux De Culture Dans La France Du XVIIe SIECLE (Modern and Early French Studies, Volume 11)
549310: BROOKS, EDWY SEARLES - Expelled! Howard Baker Nelson Lee Volume No. 2
541627: BROOKS, KEVIN - Martyn Pig
110675: BROOKS, VAN WYCK - New England: Indian Summer 1865-1915
431758a: BROOKS, WILLIAM; MCCALL PROBES, CHRISTINE; ZAISER, RAINER (EDS.) - Lieux de Culture Dans La France Du XVIIe Siecle
439275: BROOKS, ANTHONY E.; NEWMAN, KENNETH (EDS.) - Structure of Concrete and Its Behaviour Under Load: Conference Proceedings, London, 1965
439276: BROOKS, ANTHONY E.; NEWMAN, KENNETH (EDS.) - Structure of Concrete and Its Behaviour Under Load: Conference Proceedings, London, 1965
303203: BROOKS, ANN - Gendered Work in Asian Cities: The New Economy and Changing Labour Markets
483373: BROOKS, PETER; HALPERN, JOSEPH (EDS.) - Genet: A Collection of Critical Essays (Twentieth Century Views)
604543: BROOKS, JEREMY - Doing the Voices
604544: BROOKS, JEREMY - Jampot Smith
605270: BROOKS, H. ALLEN - The Prairie School: Frank Lloyd Wright and His Midwest Contemporaries
158557: BROOKSBANK, KENNETH; ANDERSON, KEITH (EDS.) - Educational Administrator
434050: BROOKSHEAR, J. GLENN - Computer Science: An Overview
501374: BROOM, JOHN - Fight the Good Fight: Voices of Faith from the First World War
031672: BROOM, DONALD - The Wonderful World of Birds and their Behaviour
237268: BROOME, DONALD C.; CHILD, R.O. - The Testing of Bituminous Materials: a Laboratory Handbook Concerning road and Building Materials
249653: BROOME, JOHN; MONGIN, PHILLIPP; RABINOWICZ, WLODEK (EDITORS) - Economics & Philosophy: Vol. 15, No. 2: October 1999
249651: BROOME, JOHN; MONGIN, PHILLIPP; RABINOWICZ, WLODEK (EDITORS) - Economics & Philosophy: Vol. 14, No. 2: October 1998
249652: BROOME, JOHN; MONGIN, PHILLIPP; RABINOWICZ, WLODEK (EDITORS) - Economics & Philosophy: Vol. 15, No. 1: April 1999
606944: BROOME, JON - Procurement Routes for Partnering: A Practical Guide
024524: BROOMFIELD, GERALD WEBB - Colour Conflict: Race Relations in Africa
543774: BROOMHALL, SUSAN, (ED.); FINN, SARAH, (ED.) - Violence And Emotions in Early Modern Europe
489435: BROOMHEAD WALKER, GERALD - Diffusions: Five Studies in Early History
522186: BROPHY, BRIGID - In Transit: A Trans-sexual Adventure
245771: BROPHY, JOHN - The Ridiculous Hat
085100: BROPHY, JULIA, LOUISE BROWN, SUZANNE COHEN, AND POLLY RADCLIFFE - Child Psychiatry and Child Protection Litigation
207117: BROPHY, PETER & FISHER,SHELAGH & CLARKE, ZOE. - Libraries Without Walls 5: the Delivery of Library Services to Distant Users
207118: BROPHY, PETER; CRAVEN, JENNY; MARKLAND, MARGARET - Libraries Without Walls 6 : Evaluating the Distributed Delivery of Library Services
606867: BROPHY, BRIGID - Don't Never Forget: Collected Views and Reviews
254307: BROR, DANIELSSON. - Modern Svensk-Engelsk Ordbok/A Modern Swedish-English Dictionary
458610: BROSENS, KOENRAAD - European Tapestries in the Art Institute of Chicago
607930: BROSNAN, JOHN - War of the Sky Lords
602402: BROSNAN, JOHN - Future Tense: The Cinema of Science Fiction
165884: BROSS, DONALD C.; KRUGMAN, RICHARD D.; LENHERR, MARILYN R.; ROSENBERG, DONNA A. - The New Child Protection Team Handbook
160950: BROSTER, WILLIAM HOUGHTON; SWAN, HENRY - Feeding Strategy for the High Yielding Dairy Cow
546812: BROTCHIE, ALASTAIR - Alfred Jarry: A Pataphysical Life
485506: BROTHERS, W. H. (ED.) - Transactions of the British Association of Waterworks Engineers. Vol. I. 1896.
522137: BROTHERSTON, J.M.F. - Observations on the Early Public Health Movement in Scotland (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine: Memoir 8)
606222: BROTHERSTON, GORDON - The Emergence of the Latin American Novel
260785: BROTHERTON, J. - Sex Hormone Pharmacology
292268: BROTO, CARLES - Compact Interiors
543456: BROUGH, PAULA; BROWN, JENNIFER; BIGGS, AMANDA - Improving Criminal Justice Workplaces: Translating Theory and Research Into Evidence-Based Practice
494132: BROUGH, ROBERT B. - A Cracker Bon-Bon for Christmas Parties: Consisting of Christmas pieces, for private representation, and other seasonable matter in prose and Verse
449892: BROUGH, JACK - Retrospecta 2006/2007
172454: BROUGHALL, MARJORIE S. - Pastel for Eliza
416898: BROUGHTON, RHODA - Nancy
416895: BROUGHTON, RHODA - Not Wisely, But Too Well.
086269: BROUGHTON, R.L. RAMSAY, A.R.D. - Numerical Methods
416896: BROUGHTON, RHODA - Doctor Cupid
281561: BROUGHTON, T. ALAN - A Family Gathering (A Henry Robbins Book)
217219: BROUILLARD, F. (ED.) - Atomic Processes in Electron-Ion and Ion-Ion Collisions
184586: BROUSSON, JEAN-JACQUES - Anatole France Abroad
235209: BROUWERS, J. H. A. M. - Rural People's Response to Soil Fertility Decline
048808: BROWDER, CLIFFORD - Andre Breton, Arbiter of Surrealism
479699: BROWMAN, DAVID L. - Advances in Andean Archaeology
015836: BROWN, STEPHEN & WISTOW, GERALD (EDS) - The Roles and Tasks of Community Mental Handicap Teams
101486: BROWN, SANBORN C. ; CLARKE, NORMAN (EDITORS) - The Education of a Physicist
478474: BROWN, ROBERT; GORVY, BRETT (ED.) - Willem De Koonig: Untitled XXV, 1977
468509: BROWN JR., ALBERT J. - High Performance Banking: How to Improve Earnings in ANY Bank
060128: BROWN, A. J. - Introduction to the World Economy
525917: BROWN, KEITH; TONNING, ERIK (ED.) - Sightings: Selected Literary Essays
469531: BROWN, C. V. - Taxation and the Incentive to Work
027492: BROWN, IVOR - Shakespeare
437043: BROWN, CAROLINA - Liksom en Herdinna: Litterara teman i svenska kvinnoportratt under 1700-Talet
463216: BROWN, E.K.; MILLER, J.E. (EDS.) - Syntax: A Linguistic Introduction to Sentence Structure
155063: BROWN, RUPERT (ED.) - Intergroup Processes
494168: BROWN, CARTER - No Blonde is an Island
526317: BROWN, TONY; ATKINSON, DENNIS; ENGLAND, JANICE - Regulatory Discourses in Education: A Lacanian Perspective
085673: BROWN, LESLIE ELLEN; CRADDOCK, PATRICIA; EDITORS - Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture: Volume 20
005271: BROWN, C TREVES - Special Hospitals Research Report No 7: Assessment of Regional Differences in Rates of Referral for Special Hospitals Placement
547438: BROWN, PAMELA - The Television Twins
146686: BROWN, RICHARD K. (ED.) - The Changing Shape of Work
109130: BROWN, C. V. - Taxation and the Incentive to Work
548416: BROWN, MATTHEW - The Struggle for Power in Post-Independence Colombia and Venezuela
435982: BROWN, GLENN H.; LABES, M. M. (EDS.) - Liquid Crystals 3, Part I: Conference Proceedings
504585: BROWN, DAVID J. (ED.) - The Arup Journal, Vol 49, Issue 1, 2014
549011: BROWN, IVOR - A Rhapsody of Words
026187: BROWN, DAVID - God's Tomorrow
494150: BROWN, PETER G. - The Commonwealth of Life: Economics for a Flourishing Earth
479990: BROWN, MARTIN S.; BUTLER, JOHN (EDS.) - The Production, Marketing, and Consumption of Copper and Aluminium
505609: BROWN, PETE - Let 'em Roll Kafka
541145: BROWN, MOLLY - Invitation to a Funeral
472705: BROWN, WILLIAM - Psychological Methods of Healing: An Introduction to Psychotherapy
110791: BROWN, PAMELA - Family Playbill
293290: BROWN, MICHAEL BARRATT; TIFFEN, PAULINE - Short Changed: Africa and World Trade
608005: BROWN, GREGORY; CHIEK, YUAL - Leibniz on Compossibility and Possible Worlds (The New Synthese Historical Library, 75)
500897: BROWN, CAROLINE; HUNNEBELL, MARK - Ilkley and the Great War
240908: BROWN, DAN - The Lost Symbol
454752: BROWN, M. W.; MILLER, K. J. (EDS.) - Biaxial and Multiaxial Fatigue
064161: BROWN, JONATHAN C. (ED.) - Worker's Control in Latin America, 1930-1979
466249: BROWN, DAN - Inferno
187480: BROWN, IVOR - Old and Young. A Personal Summing Up
104432: BROWN, R. A.; BECK, J. SWANSON - Medical Statistics on Microcomputers
109990: BROWN, IVOR - No Idle Words
546960: BROWN, ARTHUR - Wilkie Collins: An Odd Volume
109293: BROWN-THOMSEN, J - Pipotiazine, Pipotiazine Undecylenate and Pipotiazine Palmitate
508536: BROWN, MURRAY (ED.) - Jane's Railway Year
527174: BROWN, HILARY (ED.) - Landmarks in German Women's Writing - Britische Und Irische Studien Zur Deutschen Sprache Und Literatur
517516: BROWN, DEMING - The Last Years of Soviet Russian Literature: Prose Fiction 1975-1991
245190: BROWN, STEPHEN; BELL, JIM; CARSON, DAVID (ED.) - Marketing Apocalypse : Eschatology, Escapology and the Illusion of the End
515545: BROWN, STUART (ED.) - The Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Philosophers: Volumes 1 & 2
544643: BROWN, MICHELLE P., (ED.); MCKENDRICK, SCOT, (ED.) - Illuminating the Book: Makers and Interpreters
003608: BROWN, C TREVES - Special Hospitals Research Report No 7: Assessment of Regional Differences in Rates of Referral for Special Hospitals Placement
452035: BROWN, J. DOUGLAS; HARBISON, FREDERICK - High-Talent Manpower for Science and Industry: An Appraisal of Policy at Home and Abroad
451530: BROWN, DOUGLAS M.; HIEBERT, JANET (EDS.) - Canada: The State of the Federation 1994
507488: BROWN, MARY ELIZABETH (ED.) - Dedications: An Anthology of the Forms Used from the Earliest Days of Book-Making to the Present Time
500877: BROWN, PETER C. - RAF Southend, 1940-1944
509018: BROWN, RORY - Fighting Monsters: British-American War-making and Law-making
434708: BROWN, DAN - The Lost Symbol
417115z: BROWN, MALCOLM - Lawrence da Arabia
417116: BROWN, MALCOLM - Lawrence da Arabia
504081: BROWN, R. DOUGLAS - East Anglia 1940
517315: BROWN, ALAN A.; LICARI, JOSEPH A.; NEUBERGER, EGON (EDS.) - Urban and Social Economics in Market and Planned Economies: Housing, Income and Environment - Volume 2
281476: BROWN, G.C.; NICHOLLS, D.G.; COOPER, C.E. (EDS.) - Mitochondria And Cell Death
421767: BROWN, IAIN D.; FLETCHER, JO (EDS.) - How Americans Publish Commercial Fiction: The Reports of George Lucas and Richard Scrivener, the 1996 Tony Godwin Award Recipients
496412: BROWN, BEVERLEY; BURMAN, MICHELE; JAMIESON, LYNN - Sex Crimes on Trial: The Use of Sexual Evidence in Scottish Courts
521186: BROWN, MICHELLE P. - A Guide to Western Historical Scripts from Antiquity to 1600
549431: BROWN, GEORGE MACKAY - Christmas Stories
528461: BROWN, GORDON - My Life, Our Times
104784: BROWN, R. A.; BECK, J. SWANSON - Medical Statistics on Microcomputers
540203: BROWN, PAMELA - Golden Pavements
482256: BROWN, JULIAN - Poems
526262: BROWN, PETER; IRWIN, MICHAEL (EDS.) - Literature and Place 1800-2000
446507: BROWN, P. R. - Dictionary of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Abbreviations
107509: BROWN, ERIC; HANSFORD, RUTH (EDS) - The CILT Guide to sources of Modern Foreign Language Statistics
160903: BROWN, STEWART J. - Buses in Britain
515195: BROWN, MIKE - Put That Light Out! Britain's Civil Defence Services at War 1939 - 1945
450074: BROWN, PETER - Reading Chaucer: Selected Essays
254341: BROWN, DAN - The Lost Symbol
445857: BROWN, MILTON W. - The Modern Spirit: American Painting 1908-1935
104246: BROWN, HENRY PHELPS; HOPKINS, SHEILA V. - A Perspective of Wages and Prices
167207: BROWN, MICHAEL BARRATT - Essays on Imperialism
461751: BROWN, STUART C. - Do Religious Claims Make Sense?
530993: BROWN, IVOR; FEARON, GEORGE - Amazing Monument: A Short History of the Shakespeare Industry
071043: BROWN, JOHN GRACEN - The Search
106744: BROWN, JOHN STUART - Procedures in General Practice
500051: BROWN, MIKE - Evacuees: Evacuation in Wartime Britain 1939-1945
035374: BROWN, DAVID L. - Risk and Outcome in Anesthesia
540594: BROWN, PAMELA - The Windmill Family
469882: BROWN, C.V. (ED.) - Taxation and Labour Supply
530205: BROWN, JESSICA; CAPPELEN, HERMAN (EDS.) - Assertion: New Philosophical Essays
452448: BROWN, IVORY (ED.) - A Book of London
199675: BROWN, CHRISTOPHER - Utrecht Painters of the Dutch Golden Age
474888: BROWN BROTHERS - The Brown Brothers of Milawa: Wine and Food Book
486748: BROWN, JUDITH M. - Gandhi: Prisoner of Hope
541302: BROWN, PAMELA - Family Playbill
535244: BROWN, ELIZABETH A.R. - Politics and Institutions in Capetian France
431798: BROWN, PETER - Reading Chaucher: Selected Essays
539160: BROWN, MICHELLE P. - Manuscripts from the Anglo-Saxon Age
222022: BROWN, C.H - Egyptian Cotton
533952: BROWN, DONA - Inventing New England: Regional Tourism in the Nineteenth Century
104430: BROWN, R. A.; BECK, J. SWANSON - Medical Statistics on Microcomputers
548073: BROWN, CHRISTY - Wild Grow the Lilies
280220: BROWN, ALAN W. - Object-Oriented Databases: Applications in Software Engineering
600624: BROWN, JANET HARLEY; SHAVELSON, RICHARD J. - Assessing Hands-On Science: A Teacher's Guide to Performance Assessment
462452: BROWN, D.E. - Principles of Social Structure: Southeast Asia
033872: BROWN, KEITH; MILLER, J. E. - Syntax: A Linguistic Introduction to Sentence Structure
240906: BROWN, C. V. - Taxation and the Incentive to Work: A Report Prepared for the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs
525434: BROWN, LESLEY-ANN - The German Lied after Hugo Wolf: From Hans Pfitzner to Anton Webern
526323: BROWN, PETER - Chaucer and the Making of Optical Space
305370: BROWN, NEVILLE - The Strategic Revolution: Thoughts for the Twenty-First Century
534885: BROWN, DAVID - God and Enchantment of Place: Reclaiming Human Experience
425521: BROWN, MALCOLM; MEEHAN, PATRICIA - Scapa Flow: The Reminiscences of Men and Women Who Served in Scapa Flow in the Two World Wars
450230: BROWN, W. E. - Robert Heywood of Bolton
526124: BROWN, PETER - Reading Chaucer: Selected Essays
264354: BROWN, ALISON; HEACOCK, ROGER; LA TORRE, FRANCO - Palestine: Development for Peace: The Proceedings of the ECCP-NENGOOT Conference: Brussells September 28 - October 1 1992
408722: BROWN, GEORGE; ATKINS, MADELEINE - Effective Teaching in Higher Education
548147: BROWN, JONATHAN C. - A Socioeconomic History of Argentina, 1776-1860
468682: BROWN, FREDERICK Z. - Cambodia and the Dilemmas of U.S. Policy
151581: BROWN, R. P. (ED) - Handbook of Plastics Test Methods
548717: BROWN, MICHAEL - The Idiot Played Rachmaninov
535258: BROWN, SCHUYLER - Text & Psyche: Experiencing Scripture Today
099847: BROWN, W.M C - Human Population Cytogenetics (Frontiers of Biology Volume 5)
491130: BROWN, MARK; PRATT, JOHN (EDS.) - Dangerous Offenders: Punishment and Social Order
104632: BROWN, ROSWYN A. - Individualised Care : The Role of the Ward Sister (Royal College of Nursing Research Series)
168032: BROWN, ANDREW - Livre Dangereux
504798: BROWN, MIKE - Evacuees of the Second World War
453260: BROWN, H. - A History of Easington Village
480995: BROWN, OLIVER (ED.) - The Chinese Story Book
440671: BROWN, AMY KATHRYN (ED.) - Powering the Future: The Problems and Possibilities of Green Energy (Sourcebook on Contemporary Controversies)
519319: BROWN, MICHAEL - James I (The Stewart Dynasty in Scotland Series)
500167: BROWN, R. DOUGLAS - East Anglia 1945
190059: BROWN, DAVID - Invitation to Theology
547580: BROWN, CURTIS - Contacts
449660: BROWN, RICHARD HENRY; WINSTON, PATRICK HENRY (EDS.) - Artifical Intelligence: An MIT Perspective, Volume 2: Understanding Vision; Manipulation; Computer Design; Symbol Manipulation (The MIT Press Series in Artificial Intelligence)
412647: BROWN, JOYCE M. - Contributions of the British to Irrigation Engineering in Upper India in the Nineteenth Century
000166: BROWN, L.B. [EDITOR] - Psychology and Religion
547905: BROWN, MICHELLE P.; ROTH, CHRISTIANE, (TRANSL.) - The Lindisfarne Gospels: Das Buch Von Lindisfarne
425813: BROWN, MICHAEL (ED.) - Approaches to Anti-Semitism: Context and Curriculum
242102: BROWN, FREDERIC J. - The U. S. Army in Transition Vol. II: Landpower in the Information Age
109989: BROWN, IVOR - I Break My Word
496133: BROWN, DAVID; ORMOND, RICHARD - Sir Edwin Landseer: 'Living Life Boats', Edwin Landseer's Apline Mastiffs & A Rescue in the Alps
099013: BROWN, R.F. - Gone No Address
600840: BROWN, MICHAEL E.; LYNN-JONES, SEAN M.; MILLER, STEVEN E. (EDS.) - Debating the Democratic Peace: An International Security Reader
530428: BROWN, CALRETON (ED.) - Religious Lyrics of the XVth Century
543676: BROWN, DAVID - Discipleship and Imagination: Christian Tradition and Truth
509445: BROWN, STUART (ED.) - Palantir, Number One, Winter 1973
445577: BROWN, P. J.; FORSYTH, J. B. - The Crystal Structure of Solids
032569: BROWN, ROBERT & JULIE - Medicine
144180: BROWN, RICHARD - Managing the Learning of History
298688: BROWN, MARTIN; GOLDIN, IAN - The Future of Agriculture: Developing Country Implications
085016: BROWN, LES - Conservation & Practical Morality: Challenges to Education & Reform
277008: BROWN, STEPHEN C.: MARTIN, JOHN N. T. (EDS.) - Human Aspects of Man-Made Systems: Readings on: Conceptual Models, Practical Strategies, Design Situations
255718: BROWN, TOM - The British General Strike
537241: BROWN, ROSS - Sound Effect: The Theatre We Hear
608354: BROWN, CRAIG - The Hounding of John Thomas
463070: BROWN, LAURENCE A. - Innovation Diffusion: A New Perspective
478197: BROWN, ALAN (ED.) - Promoting Vocational Education and Training: European Perspectives (Ammattikasvatussarja)
488634: BROWN, MICHAEL BARRATT - After Imperialism
548314: BROWN, MATTHEW - The Struggle for Power in Post-Independence Colombia and Venezuela
441957: BROWN, A. THEODORE; GLAAB, CHARLES N. - A History of Urban America
541147: BROWN, CHRISTY - Of Snails and Skylarks
264406: BROWN, E. H. PHELPS - The Growth of British Industrial Relations: A Study from the Standpoint of 1906-14
162342: BROWN, MICHAEL R. - Falling Wallendas
111093: BROWN, J. F. - The New Eastern Europe, the Krushchev Era and After
491417: BROWN, RUTH M. (ED.) - The Logbook of Thomas Slatford, Headmaster, Littlehampton Boys School, 1871-1911
300940: BROWN, NEIL - Christians in a Pluralist Society
204767: BROWN, W. M. COURT - Human Population Cytogenetics (North-Holland Research Monographs "Frontiers of Biology"; Volume 5)
255687: BROWN, LESTER R; KANE, HAL - Full House: Reassessing the Earth's Population Carrying Capacity
504799: BROWN, MIKE - Wartime Childhood
515479: BROWN, L. SUSAN - The Politics of Individualilsm: Liberalism, Liberal Feminism and Anarchism
502392: BROWN, FRANCES - Joanna Southcott: The Woman Clothed with the Sun
412459: BROWN, MALCOLM - Lawrence da Arabia (The British Library Vidas Historicas)
538681: BROWN, CHRISTY - A Shadow on Summer
459879: BROWN, LALAGE - Towards a Commonwealth of Scholars: A New Vision for the Nineties
530992: BROWN, IVOR; FEARON, GEORGE - Amazing Monument: A Short History of the Shakespeare Industry
011105: BROWN, MURIEL & PAYNE, SARAH - Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
222198: BROWN, JAMES; CHIDGEY, CATHERINE (EDS.) - Sport 24, Autumn 2000
108461: BROWN, HORATIO F - Venice; An Historical Sketch of the Republic
543095: BROWN, IVOR - London: City of Enchantment
191304: BROWN, R.; HAWKSLEY, BARBARA; HAWKESLEY, BARBARA - Learning Skills, Studying Styles and Profiling
533647: BROWN, KATHRYN (ED.) - The Art Book Tradition in Twentieth-Century Europe
601972: BROWN, CLARE; PATERSON, DON (EDS.) - Don't Ask Me What I Mean: Poets in Their Own Words
602544: BROWN, IVOR - Ivor Brown's Book of Words
602685: BROWN, JAMES - Final Performance
602818: BROWN, HAMISH M. - Hamish's Groats End Walk: One Man and his Dog on a Hill Route Through Britain & Ireland
603287: BROWN, CLAIRE (ED.) - Rupert Wace Ancient Art 16
605726: BROWN, STEWART - Room Service
605805: BROWN, ROBERT - The Nature of Social Laws: Machiavelli to Mill
606726: BROWN, EUGENE - J. William Fulbright: Advice and Dissent
235186: BROWNBRIDGE, MARTIN; HARVEY, CHARLES; GOCKEL, AUGUSTINE FRITZ - Banking in Africa : The Impact of Financial Sector Reform since Independence
452252: BROWNE, HARRY - The Second World War
058239: BROWNE, STEVEN E. - Video Editing, a Postproduction Primer
084984: BROWNE, FRANCES - Granny's Wonderful Chair and Its Tales of Fairy Times
495605: BROWNE, CHARLES FARRAR - Artemus Ward: His Book
515463: BROWNE, WYNYARD - The Fire and the Fiddle
268858: BROWNE, MICHAEL DENNIS - The Wife of Winter
515462: BROWNE, WYNYARD - Queenie Molson

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