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271486: BARTHOLOMEW, A.T. (ED.) - Further Extracts from the Note-Books of Samuel Butler
032088: BARTHOLOMEW, ALEXANDER; TAYLOR, JASMINE - Conservatories and Garden Rooms
440837: BARTHORP, MICHAEL - The Anglo-Boer Wars: British and the Afrikaners, 1815-1902
487366: BARTLES, BILL - Coarse Fishing: Modern Techniques with Float and Leger
487367: BARTLES, BILL - Coarse Fishing: Modern Techniques with Float and Leger
005072: BARTLET, J. VERNON & CARLYLE, A.J. - Christianity in History: a Study of Religious Development
522447: BARTLETT, VERNON - Tuscan Retreat
010694: BARTLETT, HELEN & BURNIP, STEPHANIE [EDITORS] - Continuing Care of Older People: a Bibliography of Nursing Research 1980-1998
485646: BARTLETT, IRVING H. - The American Mind in the Mid-Nineteenth Century
191794: BARTLETT, C. J. - The Global Conflict : The International Rivalry of the Great Powers, 1880-1990
521166: BARTLETT, M.S. - Probability, Statistics and Time: A Collection of Essays
524196: BARTLETT, JOHN - Ships of North Cornwall
294386: BARTLETT, JOHN G.; FINKBEINER, ANN K. - The Guide to Living with HIV Infection: Developed at the Johns Hopkins AIDS Clinic
517504: BARTLETT, WILLIAM - Croatia: Between Europe and the Balkans
170145: BARTLETT, FREDERICK; GINSBERG, M.; LINDGREN, E. J. AND THOULESS, R. H. EDS. - The Study of Society : Methods and Problems
240900: BARTLETT, A. G. - Propositions Put to Work
154730: BARTLETT, JOHN - The Dictionary of Americanisms
148877: BARTLETT, M. S. - Statistical Analysis of Spatial Pattern, The (Monographs on Applied Prabability and Statistics)
190288: BARTLETT, RICHARD C. - Saving the Best of Texas : A Partnership Approach to Conservation
517774: BARTLETT, A. J.; CLEMENS, JUSTIN (EDS.) - Badiou and His Interlocutors: Lectures, Interviews and Responses
533846: BARTLETT, M.S. - An Introduction to Scholastic Processes with Special Reference to Methods and Apllications
500356: BARTLETT, W. B. - The Taming of the Dragon: Edward I and the Conquest of Wales
289860: BARTLEY, MEL; BLANE, DAVID; DAVEY SMITH, GEORGE (EDS.) - The Sociology of Health Inequalities
184304: BARTLEY, MEL; BLANE, DAVID - The Sociology of Health Inequalities
520089: BARTLEY, MEL - Health Inequality: An Introduction to Theories, Concepts and Methods
478273: BARTOCCINI, FIORELLA; CARAVALE, MARIO (EDS.) - Dizionario Biografico Degli Italiani, Vol. 50: Francesco I Sforza - Gabbi
478266: BARTOCCINI, FIORELLA; CARAVALE, MARIO (EDS.) - Dizionario Biografico Degli Italiani, Vol. 43: Enzo - Fabrizi
478267: BARTOCCINI, FIORELLA; CARAVALE, MARIO (EDS.) - Dizionario Biografico Degli Italiani, Vol. 44: Fabron - Farina
478265: BARTOCCINI, FIORELLA; CARAVALE, MARIO (EDS.) - Dizionario Biografico Degli Italiani, Vol. 42: Dugoni - Enza
193618: BARTOLINI, ROBERTO - The Academy and the David
523488: BARTOLLAS, CLEMENS; MILLER, STUART J.; DINITZ, SIMON - Juvenile Victimization: The Institutional Paradox
422157: BARTON, WALTER E.; COLE, JONATHAN O.; KATZ, MARTIN M. (EDS.) - The Role and Methodology of Classification in Psychiatry and Psychopathology
495560: BARTON, C. M. - The Geology of the South Shetland Islands, III. The Stratigraphy of King George Island (British Antarctic Survey: Scientific Reports No. 44)
179631: BARTON, TAYLOR J. - The Illustrated Symphony Book
529651: BARTON, STEPHEN; STANTON, GRAHAM (EDS.) - Resurrection: Essays in Honour of Leslie Houlden
249289: BARTON, BRUCE WALTER - The Tree at the Center of the World: A Story of the California Missions
475910: BARTON, FIONA - The Widow
277198: BARTON, DAVID - Sequences One (Notebooks 1-28)
468703: BARTON, A. W. - A Text Book on Heat
495559: BARTON, C. M. - The Geology of the South Shetland Islands, III. The Stratigraphy of King George Island (British Antarctic Survey: Scientific Reports No. 44)
488272: BARTON, HUGH; BRUDER, NOEL - A Guide to Local Environmental Auditing
608250: BARTON, GEZ; BROWN, CAMILLA; FAVA, LAURA; NESTOR, HATTY; QUICHO, ALEX; ZACH SOUDAN; THACKER, SARAH; (EDITORS) - Meet Me in the Present: Documents and their Afterlives
475773: BARTON, FIONA - The Widow
047395: BARTON, DAVID - Dying and Death: A Clinical Guide for Caregivers
291540: BARTON, LEN; WALKER, STEPHEN (EDS.) - Social Crisis and Educational Research
016391: BARTON, STUART (ED.) - Clinical Evidence, Issue 4 December 2000
607330: BARTON, RUSSELL - Institutional Neurosis
407481: BARTOSEK, MIROSLAV, ET AL (EDS.) - SOFSEM '95: Theory and Practice of Informatics: 22nd Seminar on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics: Milovy, Czech Republic, November 23 - December 1 1995 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1012)
527974: BARTRA, ELI - Frida Kahlo: Mujer, IDEOLOGIA, Arte
543100: BARTRA, ELI - En Busca De Las Diablas: Sobre Arte Popular Y Genero
600610: BARTRAM, DANIELLE - 40p Each or 2 for £1: Making Maths Memorable, Accessible and Relevant
410779: BARTRAM, ALAN - Typeforms: A History
530554: BARTRAM, CLAIRE (ED.) - Kentish Book Culture: Writers, Archives, Libraries and Sociability 1400-1660
085513: BARTREE E M - Statistical Methods in Engineering Experiments
607292: BARTRIP, P. W. J. - Mirror of Medicine: A History of the British Medical Journal
466147: BARTSCH, INGO; KLEMM, CHRISTIAN; PETERS, HANS ALBERT (EDS.) - Allen Jones: Retrospective of Paintings, 1957 - 1978
459690: BARTSTRA, GERT-JAN; CASPARIE, WILLEM ARNOLD (EDS.) - Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia: Volume 11 (1988-1989)
541429: BARTZ, JULIA - The Writing Retreat
445543: BARUCH, GEOFF; TREACHER, ANDREW - Psychiatry Observed
002567: BARUCH, GEOFF & TREACHER, ANDREW - Psychiatry Observed: The Conflict Between Theory and Practice in a General Hospital Psychiatric Unit
060457: BARWISE, JOHN - Taking Responsibility: Promoting Sustainable Practice Through Higher Education Curricula: Science and Technology (Environmental Agenda S.)
608245: BARYCZ, HENRYK - Szlakami Dziejopisarstwa Staropolskiego: Studia Nad Historiografia: W.XVI-XVIII
195108: BARYSCH, KATINKA; TILFORD, S.; WANLIN - The Lisbon Scorecard VII; Will Globalisation Leave Europe stranded?
448126: BAS, ISIL; FREEMAN, DONALD C. (EDS.) - Challenging the Boundaries
161167: BASABE, FERNANDO M.; SHIN, ANZAI; LANZACO, FEDERICO - Religious Attitudes of Japanese Men : A Sociological Survey
260111: BASALLOTE, FRANCISCO - En Las Colinas De Bashir
538172: BASARA, ANNA - Studia nad wokalizmem w gwarach Mazowsza (SAMOGLOWSKI USTNE)
085421: BASCH, REVA - Electronic Information Delivery: Ensuring Quality and Value
411214: BASCHEK, B.; KEGEL, W. H.; TRAVING, G. (EDS.) - Problems in Stellar Atmospheres and Envelopes
306776: BASCHIN, MARION - Wer lässt sich von einem Homöopathen behandeln? Die Patienten des Clemens Maria Franz von Bönninghausen (1785-1864) (Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte; Beiheft 37)
444148: BASDEVANT, ARNAUD; BRINGER, JACQUES; LEFEBVRE, PATRICK (EDS.) - Weight, Nutrition and Hormonal Events in Women: Volume 12, Supplement 1, October 1997
440121: BASE, RON - If the Other Guy Isn't Jack Nicholson, I've Got the Part
213338: BASE, RON; HASLAM, DAVID - The Movies of the Eighties
521835: BASEDOW, JURGEN - Mehr Freiheit Wagen: UBER Deregulierung Und Wettbewerb
514398: BASEHART, JACK; SCHEZEN, ROBERTO; TOLEDANO, RALPH; HOFMANN, PAUL - Italian Splendor: Palaces, Castles and Villas
295025: BASELGA, JOSE; HUDIS, CLIFFORD A. (EDS.) - Breast Cancer Therapy Annual
534388: BASH, ANTHONY - Forgiveness and Christian Ethics
478825: BASHAM, A.L. - A Cultural History of India
159314: BASHAM, SCOTT - PageMaker in Easy Steps
457250: BASHAN, RAPHAEL; BONDY, RUTH; ZMORA, OHAD (EDS.) - Mission Survival: The People of Israel's Story in Their Own Words: From the Threat of Annihilation to Miraculous Victory
445462: BASHEVIS SINGER, ISAAC - Shadows on the Hudson
503573: BASHEVIS SINGER, ISAAC - The Slave
535695: BASHEVKIN, SYLVIA - Women on the Defensive: Living Through Conservative Times
535696: BASHEVKIN, SYLVIA - Welfare Hot Buttons: Women, Work and Social Policy Reform
424774: BASHOW, DAVID L. - All the Fine Young Eagles: In the Cockpit with Canada's Second World War Fighter Pilots
605893: BASIC-HRVATIN, SANDRA; THOMPSON, MARK; JUSIC, TARIK - Divided They Fall: Public Service Broadcasting in Multiethnic States
478647: BASIL, ROBERT; GEHRMAN, MARY BETH; MADIGAN, TIM (EDS.) - On the Barricades: Religion and Free Inquiry in Conflict
541588: BASILDON - A Handful of Sovereigns
527689: BASILE, GIUSEPPE (ED.) - Giotto: The Frescoes of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua
538244: BASILE, DAVID G - Tillers of the Andes: Farmers and Farming in the Quito Basin
514113: BASILEVSKY, ALEXANDER - Experimental Social Programs and Analytic Methods: An Evaluation of the U.S. Income Maintenance Projects
539002: BASILICA DIS. FRANCESCO: AREZZO - Basilica Dis. Francesco, Arezzo: Visita Guidata
452340: BASING, PATRICIA (ED.) - Parish Fraternity Register: Fraternity of the Holy Trinity and SS. Fabian and Sebastian in the Parish of St. Botolph Without Aldersgate (London Record Society Publications 18)
452339: BASING, PATRICIA (ED.) - Parish Fraternity Register: Fraternity of the Holy Trinity and SS. Fabian and Sebastian in the Parish of St. Botolph Without Aldersgate (London Record Society Publications 18)
155570a: BASING, PATRICIA (ED.) - Parish Fraternity Register: Fraternity of the Holy Trinity and SS. Fabian and Sebastian in the Parish of St. Botolph Without Aldersgate (London Record Society 18)
Am2006: BASING, PATRICIA - Parish Fraternity Register
604872: BASINGER, JEANINE - The Star Machine
233269: BASIT, TEHMINA N. - Eastern Values; Western Milieu: Identities and Aspirations of Adolescent British Muslim Girls
543451: BASKENT, CAN; MOSS, LAWRENCE S.; RAMANUJAM, RAMASWAMY (EDITORS) - Rohit Parikh on Logic, Language and Society (Outstanding Contributions to Logic 11)
168006: BASKETT, PETER J. F. - Resuscitation Handbook
012436: BASKETTER, DAVID; GERBERICK, FRANK; KIMBER, IAN; WILLIS, CAROLYN - Toxicology of Contact Dermatitis
017676: BASKETTER, DAVID; GERBERICK, FRANK; KIMBER, IAN; WILLIS, CAROLYN - Toxicology of Contact Dermatitis
544081: BASKIN, LEONARD - Leonard Baskin's Miniature Natural History
170296a: BASNER, ELENA V.;GOSUDARSTVENNYI MUZEI IZOBRAZITELNYKH ISKUSSTV IMENI A.S. PUSHKINA - I Love Petersburg... : the Russian Museum in Moscow--in Celebration of the Tercentenary of St. Petersburg
171058a: BASNER, ELENA V.;GOSUDARSTVENNYI MUZEI IZOBRAZITELNYKH ISKUSSTV IMENI A.S. PUSHKINA - I Love Petersburg... : the Russian Museum in Moscow--in Celebration of the Tercentenary of St. Petersburg
445764: BASQUE ASSOCIATION OF LAWYERS AND BASQUE OBSERVATORY OF HUMAN RIGHTS - Freedom of Expression and Opinion and Right of Association in the Basque Country
534221: BASS, GEOFFREY - Roundhay St. Edmund: The First One Hundred Years 1901-2001
543092: BASS, BARNEY (MD, FRCP) - Tell Them Its Been Wonderful
478722: BASS JR., HAROLD R. - Historical Dictionary of United States Political Parties
448112: BASS, BERNARD M.; DRENTH, PIETER J.D. (EDS.) - Advances in Organizational Psychology: An International Review
542682: BASS, DONNA - The Tale of The Dark Crystal
539029: BASS, T.J. - The Godwhale
186672: BASS, HOWARD - Glorious Wembley : The Official History of Britain's Foremost Entertainment Centre
291729: BASS, JACK; DEVRIES, WALTER - The Transformation of Southern Politics: Social Change and Political Consequence Since 1945
277317: BASS, H.; HELLER, A.; SWAN, R.G.; MAZUR, BARRY - K-Theory and Stable Algebra; The Whitehead Group of a Polynomial Extension; Corrections to Differential Topology From the Point of View of Simple Homotopy Theory and Further Remarks
282820: BASSAN, RAPHAEL, ET AL - Le Cinema Indien
027172: BASSERMANN, LUJO - The Oldest Profession
426729: BASSETT, CAROLINE, ET AL (EDS.) - Radical Philosophy: 113, May/June 2002
514855: BASSETT, KATE - In Two Minds: A Biography of Jonathan Miller
012446: BASSETT, LAWRENCE W.; GOLD, RICHARD H. & SEEGER, LEANNE L. - Magnetic Resonance Imaging Atlas of the Musculoskeletal System
146039: BASSETT, J. - Inorganic Chemistry: A Concise Text
538926: BASSETT-LOWKE, W.J.; DUNN, LAURENCE - Waterways of the World
538936: BASSETT-LOWKE, W.J.; MANN, PAUL B. - Marvellous Models
427505: BASSETTI, VITALIANO (ED.) - Aviazione in Lombardia: Pionieri, Artigianato, Industria
442672: BASSIOUNI, M. CHERIF - Crimes Against Humanity in International Criminal Law
026863: BASSNETT, SUSAN - New Comparison, a Journal of Comparative and General Literary Studies, Number 7, Summer 1989
015696: BASSUK, ELLEN - Lifelines: Clinical Perspectives on Suicide
542477: BASTABLE, BERNARD - Too Many Notes, Mr. Mozart
542325: BASTABLE, BERNARD - Dead, Mr Mozart
178264: BASTID, JEAN - Les Douanes : Collection Que Sais-Je?
523416: BASTIEN, JOSEPH WILLIAM - The Kiss of Death: Chagas' Disease in the Americas
528582: BASTIN, NINA - Queneau's Fictional Worlds (Modern French Identities, Vol.15)
104389: BASTIN, EDSON S. - Interpretation of Ore Textures (The Geological Society of America; Memoir 45)
295529: BASTOS ARENTES, ROGERIO - Ministerio Publico e Politica no Brasil
082026: BASU, TAPAN K.; DICKERSON, JOHN W. T. - Vitamins in Human Health & Disease
521884: BASU, SUBHAJIT - Global Perspectives on E-Commerce Taxation Law (Markets and the Law)
449795: BASU, MANOJE - I Come as a Thief (Orient Paperbacks)
488808: BASU, KAUSHIK; MAJUMDAR, MUKUL; MITRA, TAPAN (EDS.) - Capital, Investment and Development: Essays in Honour of Sukhamoy Chakravarty
527086: BASUMATARY, PRAFULLA - Verbal Semantics in a Tibeto-Burman Language: The Bodo Verb (Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics, Volume 42)
549740: BATCHELDER, ALF; RUSDEN, ANN; WEBSTER, RAY; WILLIAMS, KEN - The Centenary Test: Melbourne Cricket Ground March 1977
Am2226: BATCHELOR, DAVID (ED.) - Colour
512005: BATCHELOR, DAVID - Minimalism (Movements in Modern Art series)
283706: BATCHELOR, THE REV. JOHN - Sea-Girt Yezo
538884: BATCHELOR, JOHN - Mervyn Peake: A Biographical and Critical Exploration
602824: BATCHELOR, JOHN - John Ruskin: No Wealth But Life
536483: BATE, PERCY - English Table Glass
460851: BATE, MARK - Owl among the Ruins
236230: BATE, ROGER;TREN, RICHARD - The Cost of Free Water: The Global Problem of Water Misallocation and the Case of South Africa
513164: BATE, JONATHAN; GOODMAN, JESSICA - Worcester: Portrait of an Oxford College
236231: BATE, ROGER;TREN, RICHARD - The Cost of Free Water: The Global Problem of Water Misallocation and the Case of South Africa
085230: BATE, ROGER (EDITOR) - What Risk?
534219: BATE, PHILIP - The Flute: Instruments of the Orchestra
530989: BATE, J.G. - Treatment with Penicillin and Other Antibiotics
539993: BATEMAN, H.M. - On the Move in England
469679: BATEMAN, HAZEL; KINGSTON, GEOFFREY; PIGGOTT, JOHN - Forced Saving: Mandating Private Retirement Incomes
546482: BATEMAN, ROBERT - When the Whites Went
545125: BATEMAN, BRADLEY W.; DAVIS, JOHN B. (EDITORS) - Keynes and Philosophy: Essays on the Origin of Keynes's Thought
176494: BATES, ANTHONY W. - Managing Technological Change : Strategies for College and University Leaders
217424: BATES, D.R (ED.); ESTERMANN, IMMANUEL (ED.) - Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics Volume 1
466717: BATES, RANDOLPH - Rings: On the Life and Family of a Southern Fighter
536374: BATES, CATHERINE - Masculinity & The Hunt: Wyatt to Spencer
014865: BATES, ERICA M. - Health Systems and Public Scrutiny: Australia, Britain and the United States
548181: BATES, ROBERT H. - Open-Economy Politics: The Political Economy of the World Coffee Trade
548502: BATES, H.E. - The Bride Comes to Evensford
486736: BATES, L. F. - Modern Magnetism
516222: BATES, DARRELL - The Fashoda Incident of 1898: Encounter on the Nile
167316: BATES, I.; CLARKE, JOHN; COHEN, PHILIP; FINN, DAN; MOORE, ROBERT; WILLIS,PAUL - Schooling for the Dole? : The New Vocationalism
475031: BATES, H.E. - The Poacher
022887: BATES, H. E. - The Feast of July
496466: BATES LORD, ALBERT - Beginning Serbocroatian
475158: BATES, DAWN (ED.) - The Proceedings of the Tenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
545799: BATES, PAMELA, (ED.) - Leslie Gilbert R.I.: Painting for Myself
452913: BATES, H.E. - The Sleepless Moon
262243: BATES, DANIEL G.; LEES, SUSAN H. (EDS.) - Case Studies in Human Ecology
294359: BATES, INGE; RISEBOROUGH, GEORGE (EDS.) - Youth and Inequality
547032: BATES, H.E. - Down the River
425065: BATES, A. W. (TONY) - Technology, Open Learning and Distance Education (Routledge Studies in Distance Education)
517013: BATES, DON (ED.) - Knowledge and the Scholarly Medical Traditions
197331: BATES, MADELEINE AND WEISCHEDEL, RALPH M. EDS. - Challenges in Natural Language Processing
533559: BATES, STEPHEN - A Church at War: Anglicans and Homosexuality
429066: BATESON, F. W. (ED.) - Essays in Criticism; Volume VI, No. 3, July 1956
429065: BATESON, F. W. (ED.) - Essays in Criticism; Volume VI, No. 1, January 1956
416708: BATESON, F. W. (ED.) - The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, Volume IV: Index
526615: BATESON, F.W. (ED.) - The Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature, Volume IV: Index
544884: BATESON, PATRICK; MARTIN, PAUL - Design for a Life: How Behavior and Personality Develop
515852: BATESON, F. W. (ED.) - Selected Poems of William Blake
000201: BATESON, MARY - Borough Customs Volume II
488090: BATESON, KAREN; TAYLOR, ANITA (EDS.) - The Jerwood Drawing Prize 2005
488091: BATESON, KAREN; TAYLOR, ANITA (EDS.) - The Jerwood Drawing Prize 2004
500688: BATH, JO - Tyneside: Remembering 1914-18
449883: BATH, GEOFFREY (ED.) - The State of the Universe: Wolfson College Lectures 1979
413392: BATHO, EDITH C.; DOBREE, PROFESSOR BONAMY - Introductions to English Literature: Volume IV: The Victorians and After 1830-1914
186488: BATINI, GIORGIO - Toscana Fuoristradea
267713: BATLE, JOSEP AMENGUAL I - Historia De L'Esglesia A Mallorca: Del Barroc A La Lustracio (1563-1800) Volum II
474785: BATLEY, RICHARD; STOKER, GERRY (EDS.) - Local Government in Europe: Trends and Developments (Government Beyond the Centre)
474589: BATLEY, RICHARD; LARBI, GEORGE (EDS.) - The Changing Role of Government: The Reform of Public Services in Developing Countries
607120: BATLEY, RICHARD; CAMPBELL, ADRIAN (EDS.) - The Political Executive: Politicians and Management in European Local Government
430539: BATLLORI Y CEFERINO PERALTA, MIGUEL - Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles: 229: Obras de Baltasar Gracian, I
471355: BATOG, TADEUSZ - The Axiomatic Method in Phonology
451951: BATSTONE, ERIC; FERNER, ANTHONY; TERRY, MICHAEL - Consent and Efficiency: Labour Relations and Management Strategy in the State Enterprise
030485: BATT, W.F. - Fishing for Men, the Practice of Evangelism
194617: BATT, ROY - And Further More
451967: BATT, JUDY - East Central Europe from Reform to Transformation
196839: BATT, ROY - It Has to be Said
167340: BATTA, ANDRÁS ED. - Opera : Composers, Works, Performers
470644: BATTACHARYA, SISIR - Social Darwinism in India's Welfare State
528998: BATTARBEE, RICHARD W.; GASSE, FRANCOISE; STICKLEY, CATHERINE E. (EDS.) - Past Climate Variability Through Europe and Africa, Volume 6
015709: BATTEGAY, RAYMOND - The Hunger Diseases : Foreword by Otto F. Kernberg
417440: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 46, Part 4, July 2003
417441: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 46, Part 5, September 2003
417439: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 46, Part 3, May 2003
417442: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 46, Part 6, November 2003
545927: BATTEN, MORTIMER (AUTHOR); GRAHAM, ELEANOR (EDITOR) - Red Ruff: The Life Story of a Fox
257622: BATTEN, A. H (ED.) - Extended Atmospheres and Circumstellar Matter in Spectroscopic Binary Systems: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposium, No. 51, Parksville, B. C., Canada, Sept. 6-12, 1972
417443: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 47, Part 1, January 2004
417444: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 47, Part 2, March 2004
417431: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 45, Part 1, January 2002
417436: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 45, Part 6, November 2002
417434: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 45, Part 4, July 2002
417435: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 45, Part 5, September 2002
417433: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 45, Part 3, May 2002
417432: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 45, Part 2, March 2002
417437: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 46, Part 1, January 2003
417438: BATTEN, D. J. (ED.) - Palaeontology; Volume 46, Part 2, March 2003
517353: BATTERSBY, EILEEN - Ordinary Dogs: A Story of Two Lives
532076: BATTHYANY, ALEXANDER; RUSSO-NETZER, PNINIT (EDS.) - Meaning in Positive and Existential Psychology
476647: BATTIFORA, PAOLO - La Liguria Dei Trattati/Liguria of Treaties
437999: BATTILOTTI, DONATA - The Villas of Palladio
443538: BATTIN, MARGARET P. - Ethics in the Sanctuary: Examining the Practices of Organized Religion
487508: BATTINO, RUBINO - Nitrogen and Air
536629: BATTISCOMBE, GEORGINA - Mrs Gladstone: The Portrait of a Marriage
535321: BATTISCOMBE, GEORGINA - Reluctant Pioneer: The Life of Elisabeth Wordsworth
542070: BATTISON, BRIAN - Fool's Ransom: A DCI Jim Ashworth Novel of Suspense
540487: BATTISON, BRIAN - The Christmas Bow Murder: A DCI Jim Ashworth Novel of Suspense
530656: BATTISTINI, ANDREA - Mappe Letture: Studi in Onore Di Ezio Raimondi
450391: BATTISTON, GIULIANO - Per Un'Altra Globalizzazione
600685: BATTLES, MATTHEW - Palimpsest: A History of the Written Word
086238: BATTOCLETTI, JOSEPH H. - Electro-magnetism, Man and the Environment
085309: BATTY, C. D. - An Introduction to the 19th Edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification
160329: BATTY, C. D. - An Introduction to the Nineteenth Edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification
033419: BATZER, MARIA - Komm, laß dir was erzählen! Zwölf Kindergeschichten
Am119: BAUBETA, PATRICIA ANNE ODBER DE; VALE DE GATO, MARGARIDA; SAMPAIO, MARIA DE - The Anthology in Portugal: Literature, Translation and the Margins
209790: BAUDE, LUIGI - Mitologia Per I Giovanetti
549455: BAUDELAIRE, CHARLES; HAMBURGER, MICHAEL, (TRANSL. AND INTRO.) - Twenty Prose Poems: Cape Editions No. 14
476554: BAUDELAIRE, CHARLES - Die Fanfarlo
548450: BAUDELAIRE, CHARLES, (INTRO) - The Choice Works of Edgar Allan Poe: Poems, Stories, Essays
159482: BAUDELAIRE, CHARLES - Les Fleurs Du Mal
250433: BAUDINO, MARIO - In Volo Per Affari
250432: BAUDINO, MARIO - Il Gran Rifiuto: Storie Di Autori e Di Libri Rifiutati Dagli Editori
444863: BAUDIS, DOMINIQUE - Le Capitole De Toulouse
476030: BAUDOUIN, ANNE (ED.); LANGDON, JAMES; SCHOUPPE, MAXIME (ED.) - Where Are We Now?: Master in Beeldende Kunsten of Visual Arts, 2014 - 2015
490544: BAUDRILLARD, JEAN; FOSS, PAUL (ED.); PEFANIS, JULIAN (ED.) - Revenge of the Crystal: Selected Writings on the Modern Object and Its Destiny, 1968 - 1983
491034: BAUDRILLARD, JEAN - L'Echange Symbolique et La Mort
525488: BAUER, LUKAS - The South in German Imaginary: The Italian Journeys of Goethe and Heine (Australian and New Zealand Studies in German Language and Literature, Volume 21)
286089: BAUER, AUGUST; AND BURDACH, KONRAD; PETERSEN, JULIUS; NADLER, JOSEF; STEFANSKY, GEORG (EDS.) - Euphorion: Zeitschrift Fur Literaturgeschichte. Band 32. (1931)
204580: BAUER, C. - The Dr. H.P. Heineken Prize
281009: BAUER, F. L.; BROY, M.; DIJKSTRA, E. W.; GRIES, D.; TURSKI, W. M. (EDS.) - Acta Informatica: Vol. 36, Fasc. 9/10, 2000
484951: BAUER, WOLFGANG - The Bel Etage Gallery Exhibiting at the European Fine Art Fair Tefaf 2012 in Maastricht
484952: BAUER, WOLFGANG - The Bel Etage Gallery Exhibiting at the European Fine Art Fair Tefaf 2013 in Maastricht
481154: BAUER, MARTIN W.; HARRE, ROM; JENSEN, CARL - Resistance and the Practice of Rationality
543929: BAUER, F.L.; BROY, M.; DIJKSTRA, E.W.; HOARE, C.A.R. (DIRECTORS); BROY, MANFRED (EDITOR) - Logic of Programmig and Calculi of Discrete Design
473675: BAUER, KAROLINE - Memoirs of Karoline Bauer from the German. In Two Volumes.
487038: BAUER, WOLFGANG - Bel Etage: The Bel Etage Gallery Exhibiting at the European Fine Art Fair Tefaf 2016 in Maastricht, 11 - 20 March 2016
484953: BAUER, WOLFGANG - The Bel Etage Gallery Exhibiting at the European Fine Art Fair Tefaf 2014 in Maastricht
484950: BAUER, WOLFGANG - Bel Etage: 17. Herbstsalon 2016
484949: BAUER, WOLFGANG - Bel Etage: 17. Herbstsalon 2016
163070: BAUER, WOLFGANG - Ein Frohlicher Morgen Beim Friseur
536786: BAUER, MARTIN W.; SHUKLA, RAJESH; ALLUM, NICK (EDITORS) - The Culture of Science: How the Public Relates to Science Across the Globe
037104: BAUER, C. & SCHULTZ, H.M. - Raabe-Gedenkbuch Im Auftrage der Gesellschaft der freunde Wilhelm Raabes
452619: BAUER, CAROL; RITT, LAWRENCE - Free and Ennobled: Source Readings in the Development of Victorian Feminism
538816: BAUER, STEVEN - Satyrday: A Fable By Steven Bauer
451488: BAUER, P.T.; ET AL - Economica: New Series, Volume VIII, Numbers 29-32 (1941)
606667: BAUER, RICHARD - Zwei MUNCHNER ALTSTADTHAUSER ERZAHLEN Stadtgeschichte: Eine Chronik Der Anwesen Dienerstrasse 21 Und Burgstrasse 3
204380: BAUERIE, R (ED.); EGLI, U.; VON STECHOW, A. - Semantics from Different Points of View
012716: BAUGH, W.E. - Introduction to Social and Community Services
272436: BAUGH, JOHN - Black Street Speech: Its History, Structure, and Survival (Texas Linguistics Series)
529316: BAUHN, PER - The Value of Courage
476516: BAUM, ROBERT - Logic
186662: BAUM, MICHAEL - Breast Cancer : The Facts
184459: BAUM, LAWRENCE - The Supreme Court
538361: BAUM, KELLY; BRADNOCK, LUCY; RIVERS RYAN, TINA - Delirious: Art at the Limits of Reason, 1950-1980
495198: BAUM, TIMOTHY; MALANGA, GERARD (EDS.) - Nadada, No. 1: Contemporary American Poets Issue
475901: BAUM, ROBERT - Logic
548482: BAUM, L. FRANK - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
473762: BAUMAN RARE BOOKS - Sale Catalogue: Bauman Rare Books: November 2017
206855: BAUMAN, ZYGMUNT - Intimations of Postmodernity
467984: BAUMAN, RICHARD; SHERZER, JOEL (EDS.) - Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking
547689: BAUMANN, H.D. - Hitler's Fate: The Final Story
439748: BAUMANN, LUDWIG - Introduction to Ore Deposits
490482: BAUMARD, PHILIPPE - Tacit Knowledge in Organizations
264115: BAUMGAERTNER, JILL P (ED) - Poetry
049047: BAUMGARDT, ERNEST - Les Mechanismes De La Vision
162636: BAUMGARTEN, HERMANN - Geschichte Karls V, Erster Band (VOLUME I)
282941: BAUMGARTEN, OLIVER (ED.) - KunstFilmBiennale 09: Catalogue
526260: BAUMGARTNER, KARIN - Political Discourse in the Writings of Caroline De La Motte FOUQUE (North American Studies in 19th Century German Literature, 44)
469802: BAUMOL, WILLIAM J.; FISCHER, DIETRICH - Superfairness: Applications and Theory
515883: BAUMOL, WILLIAM J.; BLACKMAN, SUE ANNE BATEY; WOLFF, EDWARD N. - Productivity and American Leadership: The Long View
451494: BAUMOL, W.J.; ET AL - Economica: New Series, Volume XIV, Numbers 53-56 (1947)
467209: BAUR, ANDREAS (ED.) - Michael Bauer: K-Hole (Frogs)
467210: BAUR, ANDREAS (ED.) - Michael Bauer: K-Hole (Frogs)
485764: BAURET, GABRIEL; KURAMOCHI, KAZE; SERVANT, VALERIE (EDS.) - European Eyes on Japan 3: Japan Today
544866: BAUSANI, ALESSANDRO; MARCHESI, J.M., (TRANSL.) - Religion in Iran: From Zoroaster to Baha'ullah
269151: BAUSCH, RICHARD - Peace
298325: BAUSCH, RICHARD - Peace
533437: BAUSTERT, RAYMOND - La consolation e´rudite : huit e´tudes sur les sources des lettres de consolation de 1600 a` 1650
432133: BAVERSTOCK, KEITH - Footsteps Through London's Past: A Discovering Guide
521125: BAVERSTOCK, K.F.; STATHER, J.W. (EDS.) - Low Dose Radiation: Biological Bases of Risk Assessment
548814: BAVIN, WILLIAM - The Pocket Book of Dice Games
050206: BAWA, JOANNA - The Computer User's Health Handbook: Problems, Prevention and Cure
451697: BAWDEN, EDWARD - Edward Bawden: Engravings 1927-1929
547501: BAWDEN, NINA - The Ice-House
539799: BAWDEN, NINA - Squib
548655: BAWDEN, NINA - A Handful of Thieves
548593: BAWDEN, NINA - Granny the Pag
547503: BAWDEN, NINA - Walking Naked
478735: BAWN, C.E.H. - Physical Chemistry - Series Two: Macromolecular Science Volume 8
548069: BAX, MARTIN (EDITOR) - Ambit: A Quarterly of Poems, Short Stories, Drawings and Criticism, Number 57, 1974
432369: BAX, MARTIN; PEMBERTON, KATE (EDS.) - Ambit Issue 184, Spring 2006
548067: BAX, MARTIN (EDITOR); HARLAND, ROBIN (ASST. EDITOR) - Ambit: A Quarterly of Poems, Short Stories, Drawings and Criticism, No. 26, 1965/6
527084: BAX, STEPHEN - Researching Intertextual Reading (Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics, Volume 25)
422942: BAX, MARTIN; PEMBERTON, KATE (EDS.) - Ambit 187
548070: BAX, MARTIN (EDITOR) - Ambit: A Quarterly of Poems, Short Stories, Drawings and Criticism, Number 65, 1976
025606: BAX, JOSEPHINE (ED.) - Meeting God Today: A Lent Course
409880: BAX, MARTIN - Edmond Went Far Away
548071: BAX, MARTIN (EDITOR) - Ambit 101: An Index
548068: BAX, MARTIN (EDITOR) - Ambit: A Quarterly of Poems, Short Stories, Drawings and Criticism, Number 38, 1969
498598: BAXELL, RICHARD - Unlikely Warriors: The British in the Spanish Civil War and the Struggle Against Fascism
485630: BAXELL, RICHARD; JACKSON, ANGELA; JUMP, JIM - Help Spain: Voluntarios BritAnicos e Irlandeses En La Guerra Civil EspaNola
541316: BAXENDALE, LEO - Willy the Kid
526735: BAXENDALE, ALAN S. - Before the Wars: Churchill as Reformer (1910-1911)
528447: BAXENDALE, ALAN S. - Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill: Penal Reformer
521647: BAXT, GEORGE - A Parade of Cockeyed Creatures or Did Someone Murder Our Wandering Boy?
547135: BAXT, GEORGE - The Affair at Royalties
605699: BAXT, GEORGE - A Queer Kind of Death
604871: BAXTER, JOHN - George Lucas: A Biography
486756: BAXTER, R. K. NEILSON; MANVELL, ROGER; WOLLENBERG, H. H. (EDS.) - The Penguin Film Review I
169386: BAXTER, BAXTER & MACCORMACK - Farm Animal Housing and Welfare : Seminar Proceedings
531764: BAXTER, JAMES K. - Recent Trends in New Zealand Poetry
505942: BAXTER, JAMES K. - The Holy Life and Death of Concrete Grady: Various Uncollected and Unpublished Poems
530180: BAXTER, JAMES K. - Two Plays: The Wide Open Cage and Jack Winter's Dream
516748: BAXTER, COLIN - Colin Baxter's Edinburgh: Photographs of the Capital City
494257: BAXTER, PETER - Just Watch!: Sternberg, Paramount and America
494699: BAXTER, MAURICE G. - One and Inseparable: Daniel Webster and the Union
098620: BAXTER STAFF; AGNEW, ALLEN M. - Out of Rough
492965: BAXTER, ANNETTE KAR - Henry Miller: Expatriate (Critical Essays in English and American Literature)
486759: BAXTER, R. K. NEILSON; MANVELL, ROGER; WOLLENBERG, H. H. (EDS.) - The Penguin Film Review 9
548569: BAXTER, GLEN - Jodhpurs in the Quantocks
010557: BAXTER, RAYMOND & BURKE, JAMES (EDITED BY MICHAEL LATHAM) - Tomorrow's World, Second Volume
486758: BAXTER, R. K. NEILSON; MANVELL, ROGER; WOLLENBERG, H. H. (EDS.) - The Penguin Film Review 6
447635: BAXTER, ARLENE - Techniques for Dealing with Child Abuse
190806: BAXTER, G. DAVID; DIAMANTOPOLOUS, COSTAS - Therapeutic Lasers : Theory and Practice
603261: BAXTER, JOHN; ATKINS, THOMAS - The Fire Came By: The Riddle of the Great Siberian Explosion
478940: BAY, CHRISTIAN; WALKER, CHARLES C. (EDS.) - Civil Disobedience: Theory and Practice
514409: BAYANGOS, VERONICA B. - Inflation Targeting and Exchange Rate Uncertainty
533579: BAYARD, CAROLINE - The New Poetics in Canada and Quebec: From Concretism to Post-Modernism
288153: BAYER, JONATHAN - The Panoramic Image
537726: BAYER, HERBERT; KATSUMI, MASURA - The Graphic Design of Yusaku Kamekura
487136: BAYKAM, BEDRI - Monkey's Right to Paint and the Post-Duchamp Crisis
185121: BAYLE, THAD L. - State and Local Government 1999-2000
548601: BAYLEY, JOHN - The Queer Captain
503024: BAYLEY, EDWIN R. - Joe McCarthy and the Press
431631: BAYLEY, PETER - Edmund Spenser: Prince of Poets
547384: BAYLEY, JOHN - Pushkin: A Comparative Commentary
419463: BAYLEY, JOHN - Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch
446753: BAYLEY, JOHN - Alice
492962: BAYLEY, STEPHEN; DAVIES, PETER - Channel Tunnel Rail Link: Special Edition (2 Volumes in Slipcase)
539031: BAYLEY, BARRINGTON J. - The Soul of the Robot
527681: BAYLEY, SALLY - Home on the Horizon: America's Search for Space, from Emily Dickinson to Bob Dylan
011242: BAYLEY, JOHN - Iris and the Friends: A Year of Memories
272951: BAYLEY, ROBERT; PRESTON, DENNIS R. (EDS.) - Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Variation
193174: BAYLIN, FRANK; GALE, BRENT - Ku-Band Satellite TV: Theory, Installation and Repair
252972: BAYLIS, JOHN - Anglo-American Defence Relations, 1939-1984: The Special Relationship
536631: BAYLIS, JOHN; WIRTZ, JAMES J.; GRAY, COLIN S. - Strategy in the Contemporary World (Sixth Edition)
144360y: BAYLISS, JOHN - Venus in Libra
144360z: BAYLISS, JOHN - Venus in Libra
186824a: BAYLISS, D. (ED.) - Orbital Motorways
004673: BAYLISS, A.E.M. - Junior One-act Plays of To-day
107580: BAYNE, ROWAN; HORTON, IAN & BIMROSE, JENNY - New Directions in Counselling
158514: BAYNE, ROWAN; HORTON IAN; BIMROSE, JENNY (EDS) - New Directions in Counselling
273374: BAYNES, KEN - War: Art and Society One
547207: BAYNES, ANDREW - Sarah and the Sandhorse
451309: BAYNHAM, MIKE; DEIGNAN, ALICE; WHITE, GOODITH (EDS.) - Applied Linguistics at the Interface
249165: BAYOUMI, MAGDY A. (ED.) - Parallel Algorithms and Architectures for DSP Applications (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science; SECS 149. VLSI, Computer Architecture, and Digital Signal Processing)
547308: BAYRAKDAR, DENIZ (EDITOR) - Cinema and Politics: Turkish Cinema and the New Europe
513378: BAYULGEN, OKSAN - Foreign Investment and Political Regimes: The Oil Sector in Azerbaijan, Russia, and Norway
522204: BAZ, AVNER - The Crises of Method in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy
144500: BAZAGONOV, M. S. - Shakespeare in the Red, Tales from Shakespeare by a Soviet Lamb
514202: BAZALGETTE, PETER (ED) - Egon Ronay. The Man Who Taught Britain How to Eat.
238792: BAZALGETTE, JOHN; REED, BRUCE; KEHOE, IAN; REED, JEAN (LORD DEARING; CLOUGH, JILL) - Leading Schools from Failure to Success : How three Christian Headteachers Transformed Church Schools
607465: BAZELEY, PAT - Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo
470002: BAZEN, STEPHEN; GREGORY, MARY; SALVERDA, WIEMER (EDS.) - Labour Market Inequalities: Problems and Policies of Low-Wage Employment in International Perspective
295418: BAZILEVICH, K. V.; GOLUBTSOV, I. A.; ZINOVEV, M. A. (EDS.) - Atlas Istorii SSSR, Chast' II; Dlja Srednej Shkoly
304505: BAZIN, GERMAIN - Fouquet XV Siecle
476506: BAZIN - What Is Cinema?: Volume II
028094: BAZIN, GERMAIN - Art Treasures in France: Monuments, Masterpieces, Commissions and Collections
535476: BAZIN, HERVE - Au Nom Du Fils
164866: BAZIRE, STEPHEN - GP Psychotropic Handbook
484422: BBC - Painting of the Month 1962
538120: BBC - BBC Annual 1937
484423: BBC - Painting of the Month 1964
484420: BBC - Painting of the Month 1960
601678: BBC "HISTORY" MAGAZINE; BANKS, TONY (FOREWORD) - Low!: The Twentieth Century's Greatest Cartoonist
484421: BBC - Painting of the Month 1961
545219: BEACH, DEREK, MAZZUCELLI, COLETTE, (EDITORS) - Leadership in the Big Bangs of European Intergration
525612: BEACH, J.M. - Can We Measure What Matters Most? Why Educational Accountability Metrics Lower Student Learning and Demoralize Teachers
607467: BEACH, LEE ROY - The Psychology of Decision Making: People in Organizations
548859: BEACHCROFT, MAURICE - Memories of Rickmansworth
600454: BEADLE, PHIL - How to Teach Literacy: Commas, Colons, Connectives and Conjunctions
424982: BEADLE, J.D. (ED.) - Plastics: Vol. 1
424983: BEADLE, J.D. (ED.) - Plastics: Vol. 2
289861: BEAGLEHOLE, ROBERT; BONITA, RUTH - Public Health at the Crossroads: Achievements and Prospects
207350: BEAGLEHOLE, ROBERT; BONITA, RUTH - Public Health at the Crossroads : Achievements and Prospects
477215: BEAGLEHOLE, J.C. - The University of New Zealand: An Historical Study
543210: BEAHM, GEORGE - The Stephen King Companion
170519: BEAKE, FRED - Towards the West and Other Poems
205916: BEAKE, LESLEY - The Strollers
205917: BEAKE, LESLEY - The Strollers
148850: BEALE, J - Introduction to Complex Numbers for Technical Students
523253: BEALE, LIONEL S. - The Mystery of Life: An Essay in Reply to Dr. Gull's Attack on the Theory of Vitality in His Harveian Oration for 1870
199251: BEALES, DAVID; DENHAM, MICHAEL J.; TULLOCH, ALISTAIR (EDS.) - Community Care of Older People
532273: BEALES, DEREK; BIAGINI, EUGENIO F. - The Risorgimento and The Unification of Italy (Second Edition)
151790: BEALEY, FRANK - The Post Office Engineering Union: The History of the Post Office Engineers, 1870-1970
535587: BEALL, J; GUHA-KHASNOBIS, BASUDEB; KANBUR, RAVI (EDITORS) - Urbanization and Development: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
486562: BEALL, STEPHEN - Macmillan Teach Yourself Latin in 24 Hours
525985: BEALS, M.H. - Coin, Kirk, Class and Kin: Emigration, Social Change and Identity in Southern Scotland (BID, 3)
527968: BEAMAN, S.G. HULME - Wireless in Toytown
267377: BEAMISH, TUFTON; HADLEY, GUY - The Kremlin's Dilemma: The Struggle for Human Rights in Eastern Europe
189516: BEAN, LOUIS H. - The Graphic Method of Curvilinear Correlation
451897: BEAN, CHARLIE; LAYARD, RICHARD; NICKELL, STEPHEN (EDS.) - Economica: Volume 53: Supplement
601490: BEAN, SUSAN S. (ED.) - Midnight to the Boom: Painting in India After Independence
446047: BEAN, A.R.; SIMONS, R.H. - Lighting Fittings - Performance and Design
268959: BEAN, SUSAN S. - Symbolic and Pragmatic Semantics: A Kannada System of Address
486474: BEAR, LEROY LITTLE; BOLDT, MENNO; LONG, J. ANTHONY (EDS.) - Governments in Conflict? Provinces and Indian Nations in Canada
608493: BEAR, GREG - Queen of Angels
277753: BEAR, HERBERT S. - Lectures on Gleason Parts (Lecture Notes in Mathematics; 121)
538130: BEAR, GREG - Tangents
602950: BEAR, GREG - Eternity
520271: BEARD, HENRY - The Complete Latin for All Occasions: Lingua Latina Occasionibus Omnibus in Toto, Everything You'll Ever Need to Say in Perfect Latin
105950: BEARD, R. W.; NATHANIELSZ, P. W. - Fetal Physiology and Medicine: The Basis of Perinatology
001420: BEARD, RUTH - An Outline of Piaget's Developmental Psychology
008249: BEARD, HENRY - Latin for All Occasions
541251: BEARDMORE, GEORGE - Jack O' Lantern and the Fighting Cock
051454: BEARDON, COLIN - Artificial Intelligence Terminology: a Reference Guide (Ellis Horwood Series in Artificial Intelligence Foundations & Concepts)
009158: BEARDSHAW, VIRGINIA & ROBINSON, RAY - New for Old? Prospects for Nursing in the 1990s
425377: BEARDWELL, IAN J. (ED.) - Contemporary Industrial Relations: A Critical Analysis
508043: BEARE, RON - Retford Old and New: A New Take on Some Old Views of Retford
531398: BEARE, NICK; THOMPSON, TAMZIN; PHILLIPS, SARAH - Incredible English 4: Teacher's Book
471301: BEARHOP, DEREK A. (ED.) - Munro's Tables and Other Tables of Lower Hills
440325: BEARNE, DAVID - Francis Apricot
058240: BEARSHAW, BRIAN - Towpaths of England
544337: BEASHEL, AMY - Spilt Milk
600448: BEASLEY, JOHN; BEERE, JACKIE (ED.) - The Perfect Science Lesson
453349: BEATH, JOHN - Review of Economic Studies: Index to Volumes 47-56, 1980-1989
475439: BEATON, ELIZABETH - Ross & Cromarty
533323: BEATON, M.C. - Agatha Raisin: Witches' Tree
548523: BEATON, M.C - Death of a Spy
548222: BEATON, M.C. - Agatha Raisin and a Spoonful of Poison
547911: BEATTIE, JAMES; COLLINS, WILLIAM (AUTHORS); MILLER, THOMAS (EDITOR) - The Poetical Works of James Beattie and William Collins
040551: BEATTIE, JOHN - Other Cultures, Aims, Methods and Achievement in Social Anthropology
232019: BEATTIE, ANDREW; PEPPER, TIMOTHY - Ticino (Landmark Visitors Guides)
546335: BEATTIE, GEOFFREY - The Corner Boys
183098: BEATTIE, JOHN - Other Cultures: Aims, Methods and Achievements in Social Anthropology.
527156: BEATTY, BERNARD; LASPRA-RODRIGUEZ, ALICIA (EDS.) - Romanticism, Reaction and Revolution: British Views on Spain, 1814-1823 (Cultural History & Literary Imagination, Volume 30)
520704: BEATTY, RICHMOND CROOM - Lord Macaulay: Victorian Liberal
015278: BEAUCHAMP, K.G. - Computer Communications
480872: BEAUDRY, RAYMOND - La REsistance Incertaine: La RuralitE Dans Le Passage De La ModernitE A La PostmodernitE
528693: BEAUJEU, ARNAUD - MATIERE et LUMIERE Dans Le THEATRE De Samuel Becket: Autour Des Notions De TRIVIALITE, De SPIRITUALITE et d' "autre-LA" (Modern French Identities, Vol.36)
528694: BEAUJEU, ARNAUD - MATIERE et LUMIERE Dans Le THEATRE De Samuel Becket: Autour Des Notions De TRIVIALITE, De SPIRITUALITE et d' "autre-LA" (Modern French Identities, Vol.36)
536916: BEAUJOUAN, GUY - Science Médiévale D'Éspagne et D'alentou
485146: BEAUJOUR, MICHEL; EHRMANN, JACQUES (EDS.) - La France contemporaine: Choix de textes culturels
517064: BEAUMAN, SALLY - The Royal Shakespeare Company: A History of Ten Decades
495625: BEAUMAN, NED - The Teleportation Accident
188391: BEAUMAN, SALLY - Landscape of Love
274770: BEAUMARCHAIS - The Three Figaro Plays - The Barber of Seville, The Marriage of Figaro, The Guilty Mother
471488: BEAUMARCHAIS - Le Mariage de Figaro
177906: BEAUMARCHAIS - Le Mariage De Figaro : Univers Des Lettres
202908: BEAUMARCHAIS, P. A. CARON DE (WEEKLEY, ERNEST, EDITOR) - Le Barbier De Seville: Comedie En Quatre Actes En Prose
192350: BEAUMONT, G. P. - Probability and Random Variables
019943: BEAUMONT, GEORGE - A Book of English Poetry
425518: BEAUMONT, P. B.; THOMSON, A. W. J. - Public Sector Bargaining: A Study of Relative Gain
094444: BEAUMONT, A. & GUPTA, G. (EDS.) - Parallel Execution of Logic Programs: ICLP '91 Pre-Conference Workshop Paris, June 24, 1991 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 569)
516930: BEAUMONT, ANTONY - Zemlinsky
212231: BEAUREGARD, ROBERT A. - Voices of Decline : The Postwar Fate of U. S. Cities
434348: BEAURLINE, L.A.; BOWERS, FREDSON (EDS.) - John Dryden: Four Tragedies
257245: BEAUSSANT LEFEVRE - Provenant Des Collections Le Viel
513783: BEAUVOIR, SIMONE DE - Adieux: Farewell to Sartre
293254: BEAUWENS, R.; DE GROEN, P. (EDS.) - Iterative Methods in Linear Algebra
285395: BEAVEN, DEREK - If the Invader Comes
285396: BEAVEN, DEREK - If the Invader Comes
495042: BEAVEN, BRIONY (ED.) - IATEGL 2005: Cardiff Conference Selections
271895: BEAVEN, DEREK - His Coldest Winter
500851: BEAVER, WILLIAM - Under Every Leaf: How Britain Played the Greater Game from Afghanistan to Africa
485966: BEAVER, HAROLD (ED.) - American Critical Essays: Twentieth Century (The World's Classics)
536111: BEAVER, DANIEL C. - Hunting and the Politics of Violence Before the English Civil War
528781: BEAVER, KEVIN M. - The Nature and Nuture of Antisocial Outcomes (Criminal Justice: Recent Scholarship)
602303: BEAVER, FRANK E. - On Film: A History of the Motion Picture
540025: BEAVERBROOK, LORD; TAYLOR, A.J.P. (ED.) - The Abdication of King Edward VIII
448949: BEAVERS, W. ROBERT - Successful Marriage: A Family Systems Approach to Couples Therapy
299020: BEAVIS, LYNN (ED.) - The Student Design Yearbook 1998
543463: BEAZLEY, J.D. - Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters
498521: BEAZLEY, BEN - Four Years Remembered: Leicester during the Great War
085369: BEBARTA, PRAFULLA C. - Family Type and Fertility in India
205961: BEBB, WILLIAM AMBROSE - Llyfryddiaeth William Ambrose Bebb: A Bibliography
605743: BEBB, E. D. - Nonconformity and Social and Economic Life, 1660-1800: Some Problems of the Present as They Appeared in the Past
145583: BEBBINGTON, W.G. - The Grooves of Change : An Anthology of Victorian Poetry (The World of English: Poetry)
290692: BEBEK, BORNA - The Third City: Philosophy at War with Positivism
535299: BEBEK, BORNA - Santhana: One Man's Road to the East
476044: BECCARIA, CESARE - On Crimes and Punishments and Other Writings
159280: BECH & MELLERUP - Psychochemistry in Psychiatry (ACTA Supplementum 345, Vol 78)
542112: BECHSTEIN, LUDWIG - Three Fairy Tales Box Set Comprising: The Hunchbacked Musician; The Horse in the Attic; The Giant Lottery Ticket
442006: BECHTELL, HOMER - The Theory of Groups (Addison-Wesley Series in Mathematics)
543188: BECK, WILLIAM - The Draper's Dictionary: A Manual of Textile Fabrics, Their History and Applications
608221: BECK, IAN - Emily and the Golden Acorn
527509: BECK, JAMES - Jacopo Della Quercia, Volume 1
542175: BECK, R; BECK, J. - Frena Handbook
108170: BECK, WARREN A.; CLOWERS, MYLES L. - Understanding American History Through Fiction Volume II
423779: BECK, LAWRENCE - Lawrence Beck: Photographies
000572: BECK, SAMUEL - The Six Schizophrenias: Reaction Patterns in Children and Adults
475090: BECK, PETER - Damnation
530326: BECK, CARL - A Manual of the Modern Theory and Technique of Surgical Asepsis (Saunders' New Aid Series)
457798: BECK, LOUIS J. - New York's Chinatown: An Historical Representation of Its People and Places
157218: BECK, E. H. ADOLPH - The Technology of Magnesiom and Its Alloys
537092: BECK, PETER J. - The Falkland Islands as an International Problem
298690: BECK, STANLEY D - Pest Control: An Assessment of Present and Alternative Technologies, Volume III - Cotton Pest Control
281420: BECK, LAWRENCE - Lawrence Beck Photographies
476071: BECK, ULRICH; MENGHI, CARLO BORIS (EDS.) - Living in World Risk Society
425961: BECK, STANLEY D. - Insect Photoperiodism
469215: BECK, MORRIS - Government Spending: Trends and Issues
484108: BECK, ANDREAS - Der Untergang Der Templer: GrOsster Justizmord Des Mittelalters?
606032: BECK, HANS-GEORG - Byzantinisches Erotikon: Orthodoxie - Literatur - Gesellschaft
486935: BECKER, JORG - Communication and Conflict: Studies in International Relations
542354: BECKER, PAUL - False Testimony: Collected Writing
222566: BECKER, KARL (ED.) - Freigeistige Bibliographie: Ein Verzeichnis Freigestiger, Humanistischer Und Religionkritischer Literatur
504924: BECKER, FELICITAS - The Politics of Poverty: Policy-Making and Development in Rural Tanzania
469602: BECKER, IRENE; HAUSER, RICHARD - Dunkelziffer Der Armut: Ausmass Und Ursachen Der Nicht-Inanspruchnahme Zustehender Sozialhilfeleistungen (Forschung aus Der Hans-BOckler-Siftung)
216052: BECKER, JONATHAN A. - Soviet and Russian Press Coverage of the United States : Press, Politics and Identity in Transition
240516: BECKER, JASPER - The Chinese
263564: BECKER, HELLMUT - Auf Dem Weg Zur Lernenden Gesellschaft: Personen, Analysen, Vorschlage Fur D. Zukunft
479092: BECKER, JUREK; VENNEWITZ, LEILA (TRANS.) - Sleepless Days
422421: BECKER, HANS - Die Neidharte: Studien zur Uberlieferung, Binnentypisierung und Geschichte der Neidharte der Berliner Handschrift, germ. fol. 779 (c) (Goppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik; Nr. 255)
453317: BECKER, PHILIPP AUGUST - Das Werden Der Wilhelm- Und Der Aimerigeste: Versuchen Einer Neuen Losung, XLIV, No. I (Der Abhandlungen Der Philologisch-Historischen Klasse Der Sachsischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften)
549007: BECKER, STEPHEN - A Rendezvous in Haiti
469058: BECKER, ARTHUR P. - Land and Building Taxes: Their Effect on Economic Development
228315: BECKER, JUERGEN; MELL, ULRICH; MUELLER, ULRICH B. - Das Urchristentum in Seiner Literarischen Geschichte : Festschrift Fuer Juergen Becker Zum 65. Geburtstag
454831: BECKER, YECHIEL - Skin Langerhans (Dendritic) Cells in Virus Infections and AIDS
535135: BECKER, LAWRENCE C. - Property Rights: Philosophic Foundations
605004: BECKER, IRENE; HAUSER, RICHARD (EDS.) - Einkommensverteilung Und Armut: Deutschland auf Dem Weg Zur VIERFUNFTEL-GESELLSCHAFT?
060131: BECKERMAN, W. - The British Economy in 1975
475997: BECKERMAN, WILFRED - Economics as Applied Ethics: Value Judgements in Welfare Economics
268385: BECKERMAN, HOWARD - DJ French
211660: BECKERMAN, WILFRED (ED.) - Slow Growth in Britain: Causes and Consequences
469841: BECKERMAN, WILFRED; CLARK, STEPHEN - Poverty and Social Security in Britain Since 1961
152973: BECKERMAN, WILFRED - Wage Rigidity & Unemployment
227033: BECKERS, THEO; BAS, HENK; ET AL - Vantijdtottijd
533623: BECKET, SAMUEL - Film: Complete scenario/illustrations/production Shots
455991: BECKETT, ALICE - Fakes, Forgery and the Art World
547281: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Six Residua
492062: BECKETT, WENDY - The Gaze of Love: Meditations on Art
152806: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Watt
476908z: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Miten Sanoa: Runoja Vuosilta 1930-1988
546923: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Molloy: Malone Dies: The Unnamable
521059: BECKETT, SAMUEL - No's Knife: Collected Shorter Prose 1945-1966
452024: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Dramatic Works and Dialogues (Beckett Shorts)
476909: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Miten Sanoa: Runoja Vuosilta 1930-1988
512567: BECKETT, FRANCIS; HENCKE, DAVID; KOCHAN, NICK - Blair Inc.: The Man Behind the Mask
176094: BECKETT, KENNETH A - Ward Lock's Complete Home Gardener
600936: BECKETT, KATHERINE; HERBERT, STEVE - Banished: The New Social Control in Urban America
517717: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Footfalls
548374: BECKETT, SAMUEL - For to End Yet Again
545776: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Company
506756: BECKETT, SAMUEL, ET AL - Dramatische Dichtungen in Drei Sprachen Suhrkamp
500471: BECKETT, IAN - Home Front 1914-1918: How Britain Survived the Great War
455071: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Vagt Sett Vagt Sagt
465148: BECKETT, SAMUEL - The Theatrical Notebooks of Samuel Beckett: Volume I: Waiting for Godot
307147x: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Mercier and Camier
473129: BECKETT, SAMUEL - DrOm Om Mer Eller Mindre Fagre Kvinner (Klassikerserien Moderne Tider)
473128: BECKETT, SAMUEL - DrOm Om Mer Eller Mindre Fagre Kvinner (Klassikerserien Moderne Tider)
159278: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Film/He Joe
547277: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Molloy: Malone Dies: The Unnamable
545951: BECKETT, SAMUEL - For To End Yet Again and Other Fizzles
Am1166: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Proust y otros ensayos [paperback] SAMUEL BECKETT [Jan 01, 2000] ...
Am186: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Beckett Short: Selected Poems v. 12
606295: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Three Occasional Pieces
606478: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Watt
606483: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Happy Days
Am883: BECKETT, SAMUEL - Beckett Short: First Love v. 8 (Calderbooks) [paperback] Beckett, Samuel,Beckett, S.
450741: BECKFORD, WILLIAM - The Vision Liber Veritatis
461640: BECKFORD, JAMES A. - Religion and Advanced Industrial Society
432840: BECKLES, HILARY; SHEPHERD, VERENE (EDS.) - Caribbean Freedom: Economy and Society from Emancipation to the Present
257741: BECKMAN, J. E.; PAGEL, B. E. J. (EDS.) - Evolutionary Phenomena in Galaxies
204339: BECKMAN, L. - Isozyme Variations in Man
502237: BECKMAN, MORRIS - Flying the Red Duster: A Merchant Seaman's First Voyage Into the Battle of the Atlantic 1940
462332: BECKMANN, M.; KUNZI, H.P. (EDS.) - Economic Models, Estimation and Risk Programming: Essays in Honor of Gerhard Tintner
419783: BECKMANN, JORN - Psykologien I Perspektiv
015741: BECKMANN, H. - Pathochemical Markers in Major Psychoses
470070: BECKMANN, MARTIN J. - Rank in Organizations
493230: BECKSTETTE, SVEN - Katrin StrObel, Monika Nuber: Wilde, Kartoffeln
164019: BECKWITH, LILLIAN - About My Fathers Business
164017: BECKWITH, LILLIAN - A Rope-in Case
511919: BECKWITH, DAVID W. - A New Day in the Delta: Inventing School Desegregation as You go
517038: BECKWITH, FRANCIS J. - David Hume's Argument Against Miracles: A Critical Analysis
099892: BECQUE, HENRY - La Parisienne, Comedie En Trois Actes
448948: BECVAR, DOROTHY S. - Families That Flourish: Facilitating Resilience in Clinical Practice
481298: BEDARD, ERIC; GOYETTE, JULIEN (EDS.) - Parole d'Historiens: Anthologie Des REflexions Sur l'Histoire Au QuEbec
446208: BEDDINGTON, SARAH; IVERSEN, MARGARET - Sarah Beddington: Forty Nights
496491: BEDDOE, DEIRDRE; VERILL-RHYS, LEIGH (EDS.) - Parachutes and Petticoats: Welsh Women Writing on the Second World War
063186: BEDE, CUTHBERT - The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green
264410: BEDE, CUTHBERT - Mr. Verdant Green
271583: BEDELL, GERALDINE - The Handmade House: A Love Story Set in Concrete
513220: BEDFORD, MICHAEL (ED.) - Dod's Parliamentary Companion 2002, 170th Year
513210: BEDFORD, MICHAEL J. (ED.) - Dod's Parliamentary Companion 2000, 168th Year
547118: BEDFORD, SYBILLE - Jigsaw
146287: BEDFORD, SIMI - Not with Silver
513211: BEDFORD, MICHAEL J. (ED.) - Dod's Parliamentary Companion 2001, 168th Year
513219: BEDFORD, MICHAEL (ED.) - Dod's Parliamentary Companion 1998, 166th Year, New Parliament Edition
262976: BEDFORD, JOHN - London's Burning
543226: BEDFORD, MARTYN - The Houdini Girl
493698: BEDINI, GILBERTO - The Landscapes of Wine and Oil: Cultural Itineraries in the Lucca and Montecarlo Hills on a Discovery of the District of Taste
488746: BEDNARSKA, MALGORZATA (ED.) - Random Structures and Algorithms: Volume 22, Number 1, January 2003
502595: BEDOYERE, GUY DE LA - The Home Front
473839: BEDROSIAN, MAGGIE - Delights, Dilemmas and Decisions: The Gift of Living Lightly
529557: BEDSON, S.P.; DOWNIE, A.W.; MACCALLUM, F.O.; STUART-HARRIS, C.H. - Virus and Rickettsial Diseases
435806: BEDSON, S. P.; DOWNIE, A. W.; MACCALLUM, F. O.; STUART-HARRIS, C. H. - Virus and Rickettsial Diseases
431924: BEEBE, MAURICE (ED.) - Modern Fiction Studies: Volume 4, 1958
433847: BEEBE, MAURICE (ED.) - Modern Fiction Studies, Volume XIV, Number 1-4, 1968-69
431929: BEEBE, MAURICE (ED.) - Modern Fiction Studies: Volume 9, 1963
431925: BEEBE, MAURICE (ED.) - Modern Fiction Studies: Volume 5, 1959
431923: BEEBE, MAURICE (ED.) - Modern Fiction Studies: Volume 3, 1957
431922: BEEBE, MAURICE (ED.) - Modern Fiction Studies: Volumes 1 - 2, 1955 - 56
431927: BEEBE, MAURICE (ED.) - Modern Fiction Studies: Volume 7, 1961 - 62
431928: BEEBE, MAURICE (ED.) - Modern Fiction Studies: Volume 8, 1962
431926: BEEBE, MAURICE (ED.) - Modern Fiction Studies: Volume 6, 1960 - 61
541497: BEEBEE, CHRIS - The Hub
467185: BEEBEE, HELEN - Hume on Causation
547826: BEEBY THOMPSON, A. - Oil-Field Exploration and Development, Volume I and II Complete
185357: BEECH, JOHN; COLLEY, ANN (EDS) - Cognitive Approaches to Reading
001335: BEECH H.R. & VAUGHAN M. - Behavioural Treatment of Obsessional States
210731: BEECHER, JOHN - Report to the Stockholders and Other Poems 1932-1962
488714: BEECHER, JOHN - Hear the Wind Blow!: Poems of Protest & Prophecy
299475: BEECHING, H.C. (ED.) - A Paradise of English Poetry
608566: BEECHING, JACK - The Dakota Project
085648: BEECHING, KATE - Vrai de Vrai! : Authentic French for Listening and Reading Comprehension
431665: BEECHING, H. C. - Essays and Studies By Members of the English Association, Volume II
540568: BEECHING, REV. H.C. (EDITOR) - The Poetical Works of John Milton
502881: BEECROFT, ARTHUR - Gallipoli: A Soldier's Story
525004: BEEDHAM, CHRISTOPHER; DANKS, WARWICK; SOSELIA, ETHER (EDS.) - Rules and Exceptions: Using Exceptions for Empirical Research in Theoretical Linguistics
219379: BEEDHAM, KATHARINE F. (ED.); ENGLISH, BARBARA (ED.); PALMER, J.J.N. (ED.) - Royal Historical Society Annual Bibliography of British and Irish History: Publications of 1993
540212: BEEDING, FRANCIS - The League of Discontent
009282: BEELEY, LINDA - Safer Prescribing: a Guide to Some Problems in the Use of Drugs
248545: BEENKER, F. P.; THIJSSEN, A. P.; BENNETTS, R. G. - Testability Concepts for Digital ICs : The Macro Test Approach
177237: BEENSTOCK, MICHAEL - The World Economy in Transition
218900: BEENSTOCK, MICHAEL - A Neoclassical Analysis of Macroeconomic Policy
461550: BEENSTOCK, MICHAEL; BRASSE, VALERIE (EDS.) - Insurance for Unemployment
505836: BEER, PATRICIA - Selected Poems
545516: BEER, AMY-JANE - The Flow: Rivers, Water and Wildness
506457: BEER, PATRICIA - Poetry Supplement Compiled By Patricia Beer for the Poetry Book Society Christmas '78
029837: BEER, GRETEL - Exploring Rural Austria
600275: BEER, PATRICIA - Collected Poems
524101: BEER, JOSH - Sophocles and the Tragedy of Athenian Democracy (Contributions in Drama and Theatre Studies, Number 105)
171244: BEER, PATRICIA - An Introduction to the Metaphysical Poets
294073: BEER, YIZHAR; ABDEL-JAWAD, SALEH - Collaborators in the Occupied Territories: Human Rights Abuses and Violations
533135: BEER, JOHN - Post-Romantic Consciousness: Dickens to Plath
022483: BEER, PATRICIA - Just Like the Resurrection
421393: BEERBOHM, MAX - Mainly on the Air
286260: BEERBOHM, MAX - Max's Nineties: Drawings 1892-1899
487078: BEERBOHM, MAX - More
539036: BEERBOHM, MAX (AUTHOR); HALL, N. JOHN (INTRODUCTION) - The Illustrated Zuleika Dobson, or An Oxford Love Story
481521: BEERBOHM, MAX - Lytton Strachey
541915: BEERBOHM, MAX (AUTHOR); RIEWALD, J.G. (EDITOR) - Max Beerbohm: Collected Verse
600486: BEERE, JACKIE; GILBERT, IAN (ED.) - The Perfect Lesson
468797: BEERS, MARK H.; BERKOW, ROBERT, M.D. (EDS.) - The Merck Manual
472865: BEERY, BARBARA - The Snow Princess Cookbook
549860: BEESON, MARK; SOUTHGATE, CHRISTOPHER - Landscape or Land?: Poems for Devon
506807: BEESON, EDWARD WILLIAM - Port Sunlight: The Model Village of England
533078: BEESTON, A.F.L.; JOHNSTONE, T.M.; SERJEANT, R.B.; SMITH, G.R. (EDS.) - Arabic Literature to the End of The Umayyad Period
515497: BEETHAM, DAVID - Democracy and Human Rights
226713: BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN; ULRICH, HUGO - Collection D'ouvertures Pour Piano a Quatre Mains
519953: BEETON - Beeton's Medical Dictionary; A Safe Guide for Every Family. Defining, in the Plainest Language, the Symptoms and Treatment of All Ailments, Illnesses & Diseases with Accounts of the Different Parts of the Human Body, and of the Various Substances Used in
488618: BEETON, SAMUEL ORCHART; EMERSON, S. R.; JERROLD, EVELYN DOUGLAS; MURRAY, EUSTACE CLARE GRENVILLE; SMIFF, O. P. Q. PHILANDER - Edward the Seventh: A Play on the Past and Present Times with a View to the Future
455070: BEEUWKES III, REINIER; POE, RHONDA - How to be Plump: A Victorian Recreation
264292: BEEVERS, D. GARETH; MACGREGOR, GRAHAM A. - Hypertension in Practice
008776: BEEVERS, D.GARETH & MACGREGOR, GRAHAM A. - Hypertension in Practice
511551: BEEVOR, ANTONY - Stalingrad
538904: BEEVOR, ANTONY - For Reasons of State
195501: BEGBIE, HAROLD - Broken Earthenware: A Footnote in Narrative to Professor William James's Study in Human nature, 'The Varieties of Religious Experience'
462307: BEGER, NICO J. - Tensions in the Struggle for Sexual Minority Rights in Europe: Querying Political Practices
543238: BEGOVIC, MIROSLAV M. - Electrical Transmission Systems and Smart Grids: Selected Entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology
450838: BEGUM, SELINA; STIVE, MARCEL J.F.; HALL, JIM W. (EDS.) - Flood Risk Management in Europe: Innovation in Policy and Practice
193912: BEHBEHANI, HASHIM S. - China's Foreign Policy in the Arab World 1955-75
480980: BEHIELS, MICHAEL D. (ED.) - Quebec Since 1945: Selected Readings (New Canadian Readings)
517698: BEHLMER, RUDY - Inside Warner Bros (1935-1951): The Battles, The Brainstorms, And the Bickering - from the Files of Hollywood's Greatest Studio
512721: BEHNEGAR, NASSER - Leo strauss, Max weber, and the Scientific Study of Politics
488855: BEHNEGAR, NASSER - Leo Strauss, Max Weber, and the Scientific Study of Politics
239191: BEHR, SHULAMITH; CHRISTENSEN, TORBEN - Ekspressionismen
504733: BEHR, EDWARD - LES MISERABLES: History in the Making
189937: BEHR, HANS-GEORG - Almost a Childhood: Growing up among the Nazis
448531: BEHRAVESH, NARIMAN - Economics USA
108965: BEHREND, HILDE - Incomes Policy, Equity and Pay Increase Differentials : An Analysis of Employee Attitudes Towards Pay-Increases in Ireland and the Implications for Incomes Policy in Britain
280946: BEHREND, DAVID - A Citizen's Guide to Unemployment and Inflation and the Policies to Overcome Them Both
296759: BEHRENS, EDWARD; ETHERINGTON-SMITH, MEREDITH (EDS.) - Christie's, September-October 2012
435572: BEHRMAN, J. R. - Supply Response in Underdeveloped Agriculture: A Case Study of Four Major Annual Crops in Thailand, 1937-63
469838: BEHRMAN, JERE R.; HRUBEC, ZDENEK; TAUBMAN, PAUL; WALES, TERENCE J. - Socioeconomic Success: A Study of the Effects of Genetic Endowments, Family Environment, and Schooling (Contributions to Economic Analysis)
182637: BEHRMANN, ALFRED - Eunführung in Die Analys Von Prosatexten. Realienbucher Für Germanisten. Abteilung Literaturewissenschaftliche Methodenlehre.
548020: BEIER, ULLI (EDITOR) - Political Spider: Stories from Black Orpheus (African Writers Series, No. 58)
544023: BEIER, ULLI - When the Moon Was Big: And Other Legends from New Guinea
608414: BEIER, ULLI - Black Orpheus: An Anthology of African and Afro-American Prose
420723: BEIERSDORFER, KURT (ED.) - Was ist Denken? Gehirn - Computer - Roboter. Gesamttitel: UTB; 2422
085055: BEIGEL, HUGO G. - Dictionary of Psychology and Related Fields (German/English)
186795: BEIGHTON, PETER H. - Inherited Disorders of the Skeleton
267286: BEIJING INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN (ED.) - Olympic Architecture Beijing 2008
079206: BEIL, HERMANN ET AL - Bertolt Brecht on Stage
533680: BEILENSON, EVELYN (COMPILER AND EDITOR) - Eating Rich: Recipes from America's Wealthiest Families
515348: BEILHARZ, PETER - Labour's Utopias: Bolshevism, Fabianism and Social Democracy
491118: BEILHARZ, PETER; HOGAN, TREVOR; MURPHY, PETER (EDS.) - Thesis Eleven: Critical Theory and Historical Sociology: Number 100, February 2010
450324: BEILHARZ, PETER; MANNE, ROBERT (EDS.) - Reflected Light: La Trobe Essays
304884: BEILHARZ, PETER - Trotsky, Trotskyism and the Transition to Socialism
469819: BEINEKE, LOWELL W.; WILSON, ROBIN J. (EDS.) - Graph Connections: Relationships Between Graph Theory and Other Areas of Mathematics (Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications)
173258: BEISCHER, NORMAN A.; MACKAY, ERIC V. - Colour Atlas of Gynaecology
485284: BEISLY, PHILIP - Weston-Super-Mare Past
498334: BEISNER, ROBERT L. - Dean Acheson: A Life in the Cold War
218407: BEITZ, CHARLES R. (ED.) - Philosophy and Public Affairs: Volume 36 Number 1 Winter 2008
258457: BEJANCU, AUREL - Geometry of CR-Submanifolds
541449: BEJOT, E. - Paris: A Sketchbook
186979: BEKKERI, IMMANUELIS - Thucydidis De Bello Peloponnesiaco Libri Octo. Volume IV
186980: BEKKERI, IMMANUELIS - Thucydidis De Bello Peloponnesiaco Libri Octo. Volume II
488167: BEKRI, TAHAR - LittEratures de Tunisie et du Maghreb: (essais) suivi de, REflexions et propos sur la poEsie et la LittErature
099758: BELA BARTOK - Mikrokosmos Piano Solo Vol V, Progressive Piano Pieces
096809: BELA, SHAHERA KHATUN - Searching in the Feather (A Book of Poems)
231526: BELANGER, SAANDRA E. - Better Said and Clearly Written Vol. 3 : An Annotated Guide to Business Communication Sources, Skills and Samples
539390: BELANGER GRAFTON, CAROL (EDITOR) - 120 Great Paintings from Medieval Illuminated Books: DVD & Book
440772: BELANGER, ANDRE J. - The Ethics of Catholicism and the Consecration of the Intellectual
480691: BELANGER, GUY - La Caisse Populaire De LEvis, 1900-2000: LA OU Tout a CommencE
462245: BELANGER, MARIO - Petit Guide du Parler Quebecois
025959: BELANINA, VALERIA - Pavlovsk
185775: BELARDINELLI, MARTA OLIVETTI (ED.) - Cognitive Processing, Volume NR. 1, 2000
542669: BELBEN, ROSALIND - Reuben, Little Hero
267163: BELCHEM, JOHN - Industrialization and the Working Class: The English Experience, 1750-1900
544906: BELCHER, DIANE; CONNOR, ULLA (EDITORS) - Reflections on Multiliterate Lives
229463: BELFALL, DONALD - Creating Value for Members: A Strategic Guide for Associations
071924: BELFIELD, TONI - FPA Contraceptive Handbook: The Essential Reference Guide for Family Planning and Other Health Professionals
169203: BELFIORE, F.; GALTON, D.J.; REAVEN, G.M. - Diabetes Mellitus : Etiopathogenesis and Metabolic Aspects (Frontiers in Diabetes Volume 4)
511713: BELFRAGE, CEDRIC - The Man at the Door with the Gun
548842: BELFRAGE, SALLY - A Room in Moscow
528079: BELHORMA, SOUAD - Women in the Informal Sector and Poverty Reduction in Morocco: The City of Fez as a Case Study (Africa in Development, Volume 16)
539961: BELIAEV, ALEXANDER; STURGEON, THEODORE, (INTRO) - Professor Dowell's Head
266817: BELING, WILLARD A. (ED) - Middle East Peace Plans
539393: BELKIN, KRISTIN LOHSE; HEALY, FIONA - A House of Art: Rubens as Collector
443635: BELL, PAULINE - Swan Song
440821: BELL, TED - Tsar: A Thriller
483030: BELL, DUNCAN (ED.) - Victorian Visions of Global Order: Empire and International Relations in Nineteenth-Century Political Thought
545225: BELL, JONATHAN; STATHAKI, ELLIE - The New Urban House: A Global Survey
084817: BELL, CARLOS G.; HAYES, F. NEWTON (EDS.) - Liquid Scintillation Counting : Proceedings of a Conference held at Northwestern University, August 20-22, 1957
447273: BELL, JOHN ELDERKIN - Family Therapy
211340: BELL, TRUDY E.; DOOLING, DAVE; FOUKE, JANIE (ED.) - Engineering Tomorrow: Today's Technology Experts Envision the Next Century
006413: BELL, MARTIN - In Harm's Way: Reflections of a War-Zone Thug
443967: BELL, DAVID; LOADER, BRIAN D.; PLEACE, NICHOLAS; SCHULER, DOUGLAS - Cyberculture: The Key Concepts
505720: BELL, MARTIN; PORTER, PETER (ED.) - Martin Bell: Complete Poems
512826: BELL, DAVID; JOHNSON, DOUGLAS; MORRIS, PETER (EDS.) - A Biographical Dictionary of French Political Leaders Since 1870
497267: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - Zero Db and Other Stories
497268: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - Straight Cut
462161: BELL, RAYMOND - Possessed of a Past: A John Banville Reader
518055: BELL, CHRISTOPHER M. - Churchill and Sea Power
293831: BELL, ALDON D. (ED.) - The American Oxonian: Volume LXIV, Number 1, Part 2, January 1977
416154: BELL, JONATHAN - Dialogue: Works By Peter Meacock Central Workshop
485037: BELL, COLIN - Sweets from Strangers: A Verse-Reportage Sequence (Workshop Poets Series)
512814: BELL, DAVID S.; CRIDDLE, BYRON - Exceptional Socialists: The Case of the French Socialist Party
539730: BELL, CLARE - Clan Ground
444520: BELL, COLIN; BELL, ROSE - City Fathers: The Early History of Town Planning in Britain
249126: BELL, KENNETH L.; BERRINGTON, KEITH A.; CROTHERS, DERRICK S.F.; HIBBERT, ALAN; TAYLOR, KENNETH T. (EDITORS) - Supercomputing, Collision Processes, and Applications
255398: BELL, KEN; FRANCA, CELIA - National Ballet of Canada: A Celebration
448425: BELL, CURRER - Villette
448426: BELL, CURRER - The Professor
475085: BELL, NATASHA - Exhibit Alexandra
267607: BELL, P. W.; TODARO, M. P. - Economic Theory: An Integrated Text with Special Reference to Tropical Africa and Other Developing Areas
494106: BELL, JIM - Tahoe's Gilded Age, 1890-1917: A Photographic Portfolio
507037: BELL, JOHN - Judiciaries Within Europe: A Comparative Review
446465a: BELL, RICHARD M.; DAYTON, MERRIL T.; LAWRENCE, PETER F. (EDS.) - Essentials of Surgical Specialties
255487: BELL, EDWARD (ED.) - Lessing's Prose Works
608129: BELL, CLARE - Ratha's Creature
529745: BELL, PATRICIA (ED.) - Bedfordshire Wills 1484-1533 (volume 76)
608470: BELL, MARY HAYLEY - Far Morning
550228: BELL, ANNE OLIVIER, (ED.); BELL, QUENTIN, (INTRO.) - The Diary of Virginia Woolf: Vol. I: 1915-1919
446369: BELL, GEORGE H. - Experimental Physiology
261045: BELL, MARTIN - A Very British Revolution: The Expenses Scandal and How to Save Our Democracy
497266: BELL, MADISON SMARTT - The Year of Silence
009827: BELL, ROBERT [EDITOR] - Poetical Works of Samuel Butler (Volume II)
151320: BELL, CURRER (CHARLOTTE BRONTE) - The Professor
497147: BELL, THOMAS; OWEN, RICHARD - Monograph on the Fossil Reptilia of the London Clay and of the Bracklesham and Other Tertiary Beds (Cambridge Library Collection)
422254: BELL, W. J. - Recent Locomotives of the London Midland & Scottish Railway
167028: BELL, LUKE - A Deep and Subtle Joy: Life at Quarr Abbey
150216: BELL, ANDREW C. - Employment Law
277850: BELL, JONATHAN - Dialogue: Works By Peter Meacock Central Workshop
183285: BELL, D.; GILKS, C.; MOLYNEUX , MALCOLM; SMITH, M. G. M.; WYATT, GEORGE - The Lecture Notes on Tropical Medicine
287768: BELL, GERARD - What Happens When: 3: An Airport Is Enlarged
511025: BELL, STEVE - Maggie's Farm: The Last Roundup
548072: BELL, MARJATTA; HIETALA, MARJATTA - Helsinki: The Innovative City, Historical Perspectives
436401: BELL, COLIN F. - Principles and Applications of Metal Chelation (Oxford Chemistry Series)
153210: BELL, ANDREW C. - Employment Law
518730: BELL, ROGER - Morgans to 1997: A Collector's Guide
490800: BELL, H. IDRIS; SKEAT, T. C. (EDS.) - Fragments of an Unknown Gospel and Other Early Christian Papyri
550227: BELL, ANNE OLIVIER, (ED.); MCNEILLIE, (ASST. ED.) - The Diary of Virginia Woolf Vol. II: 1920-1924
511019: BELL, STEVE - Maggie's Farm: The Last Roundup
539885: BELL, STEVE; HOMER, BRIAN - Waiting for the Upturn: The Ultimate Business Trip
179222: BELL, D.J.(ED) - Recent Mathematical Developments in Control: Proceedings of a Conference ..
025161: BELL, MARTIN - Through Gates of Fire: A Journey into World Disorder
601236: BELL, JONATHAN - 21st Century House
448424: BELL, CURRER - Shirley
086903: BELL, E. TREVOR; LORAINE, JOHN A. (EDS.) - Recent Research on Gonadotrophic Hormones: Proceedings of Fifth Gonadotrophin Club Meeting, Edinburgh, September 1966
080882: BELL, W. W. - Matrices for Scientists and Engineers
253569: BELL, MARTIN - Through Gates of Fire: A Journey into World Disorder
000786: BELL, WILLIAM E. & MCCORMICK, WILLIAM F. - Increased Intracranial Pressure in Children
603300: BELL, P. M. H. - France and Britain 1900-1940: Entente and Estrangement
606514: BELL, J. M.; MENDUS, SUSAN (EDS.) - Philosophy and Medical Welfare
472649: BELLAK, LEOPOLD (ED.) - Schizophrenia: A Review of the Syndrome
000969: BELLAK, LEOPOLD & BARTEN, HARVEY H [EDITORS] - Progress in Community Mental Health
479916: BELLAMY, RICHARD - Liberalism and Modern Society
442842: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 8, Number 2, October 1997
442865: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 20, Number 1, April 2009
525015: BELLAMY, MARTIN - The Mariner's Mirror, Volume 103:3, August 2017
442837: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 6, Number 1, April 1995
442839: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 7, Number 1, April 1996
525016: BELLAMY, MARTIN - The Mariner's Mirror, Volume 103:4, November 2017
442858: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 16, Number 2, October 2005
442861: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 18, Number 1, April 2007
442862: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 18, Number 2, October 2007
442869: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 22, Number 1, April 2011
442843: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 9, Number 1, April 1998
442866: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 20, Number 2, October 2009
521919: BELLAMY, C.W.; CHILD, GRAHAM D.; ROSE, VIVIEN (ED.) - Common Market Law of Competition
529154: BELLAMY, CHRIS - Absolute War: Soviet Russia in the Second World War - a Modern History
442854: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 14, Number 2, October 2003
518048: BELLAMY, CHRISTOPHER; CHILD, GRAHAM - Common Market Law of Competition
442857: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 16, Number 1, April 2005
442859: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 17, Number 1, April 2006
442849: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 12, Number 1, April 2001
442851: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 13, Number 1, April 2002
442835: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 5, Number 1, April 1994
510548: BELLAMY, RICHARD - Political Constitutionalism: A Republican Defence of the Constitutionality of Democracy
241780: BELLAMY, CHRISTOPHER - Expert Witness: A Defence Correspondent's Gulf War 1990-91
536569: BELLAMY, J.G. - Bastard Feudalim and the Law
442844: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 9, Number 2, October 1998
442834: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 4, Number 2, October 1993
442870: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 22, Number 2, October 2011
525017: BELLAMY, MARTIN - The Mariner's Mirror, Volume 104:2, May 2018
525014: BELLAMY, MARTIN - The Mariner's Mirror, Volume 103:2, May 2017
442852: BELLAMY, LIZ; SNELL, KEITH D. M.; WILLIAMSON, TOM (EDS.) - Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture: Volume 13, Number 2, October 2002
539237: BELLAMY, EDWARD - Looking Backward 2000-1887
519449: BELLAMY, RICHARD (ED.) - Victorian Liberalism: Nineteenth-century Political Thought and Practice
176621: BELLANY, IAN - Curbing the Spread of Nuclear Weapons
015951: BELLDEGRUN, ARIE; KIRBY, R.S.; NEWLING, DONALD W.W. - New Perspectives in Prostate Cancer
207352: BELLE, DEBORAH - The After-School Lives of Children : Alone and with Others While Parents Work
601001: BELLEBUONO, HOLLY - The Essential Herbal for Natural Health: How to Transform Easy-to-Find Herbs Into Healing Remedies for the Whole Family
480873: BELLEFLEUR, MICHEL - L'Eglise et Le Loisir Au QuEbec Avant La REvolution Tranquille
152923: BELLER, ANDREA H.; GRAHAM, JOHN W. - Small Change : The Economics of Child Support
296360: BELLESILES, MICHAEL A. - A People's History of the U. S. Military: Ordinary Soldiers Reflect on Their Experience of War from the American Revolution to Afghanistan
065138: BELLESSORT, ANDRE - Sainte-Beuve et Le Dix-Neuvieme Siecle
541599: BELLINGER, A.R.; BRUUN, P.; KENT, J.P.C.; SUTHERLAND, C.H.V. - An Offprint from Dumbarton Oaks Papers: No,. Eighteen: Late Roman Gold and Silver Coins at Dumbarton Oaks: Diocletian to Eugenius
541600: BELLINGER, A.R.; BRUUN, P.; KENT, J.P.C.; SUTHERLAND, C.H.V. - An Offprint from Dumbarton Oaks Papers: No,. Eighteen: Late Roman Gold and Silver Coins at Dumbarton Oaks: Diocletian to Eugenius
479157: BELLINGHAM, SUSAN - Twenty-five Fine Books: Twenty-five Years of Collecting at the University of Waterloo
481110: BELLINI, VINCENZO - I Puritani: Canto e Pianoforte
519922: BELLIS, PAUL - Marxism and the USSR: The Theory of Proletarian Dictatorship and the Marxist Analysis of Soviet Society
539647: BELLIS, H. - Twentieth Century Cavalcade
250103: BELLMAN, R. E AND DENMAN, E. D (EDS) - Invariant Imbedding: Proceedings of the Summer Workshop on Invariant Imbedding, Held at the University of Southern California, June - August 1970
526448: BELLO, IRIA; BERNALES, CAROLINA; CALVI, MARIA VITTORIA; LANDONE, ELENA (EDS.) - Cognitive Insights Into Discourse Markers and Second Language Acquisition
436729: BELLO, JOSE MARIA - A History of Modern Brazil, 1889-1964
212268: BELLO, VALERIA (ED.); GEBREWOLD, BELACHEW (ED.) - A Global Security Triangle: European, African and Asian Interaction
474639: BELLOC, M.A.; SHEDLOCK, M. (TRANS.) - Edmond and Jules De Goncourt, with Letters, and Leaves from their Journals
498295: BELLOC, H. - Pongo and the Bull
503619: BELLOC, HILAIRE - The Historic Thames
505487: BELLOC, H AND B. T. B. - The Modern Traveller
505330: BELLOC, HILAIRE - A Companion to Mr. Wells's "Outline of History"
464165: BELLOC, HILAIRE - A Change in the Cabinet
249959: BELLOC, HILAIRE - The Road
498293: BELLOC, HILAIRE - Shadowed!
494697: BELLOC, HILAIRE; ROUGHEAD, W. N. (ED.) - The Verse of Hilaire Belloc
530182: BELLOC, H. - Selected Cautionary Verses (Puffin Story Book edition)
545068: BELLOFIORE, RICCARDO; FERRI, PIERO (EDITORS) - Financial Keynesianism and Market Instability: The Economic Legacy of Hyman Minsky, Volume I
223398: BELLONY-REWALD, ALICE - The Lost World of the Impressionists
445435: BELLOW, SAUL - Him with His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories
457172: BELLOW, SAUL - Ravelstein
520256: BELLOW, SAUL - The Dean's December
453729: BELLOW, SAUL - More Die of Heartbreak
305548: BELLOW, SAUL - Mr Sammler's Planet
022109: BELLOW, SAUL - More Die of Heartbreak
520506: BELLOW, SAUL - Him with his foot in his mouth and other stories
541661: BELLOW, SAUL - Henderson The Rain King
493516: BELLOW, SAUL - The Bellarosa Connection
515659: BELLU, SERGE - Musee De L'Automobile De La Sarthe
453946: BELLUCCI, ALBERTO; ET AL - Cinalli
217726: BELLUS, D. (ED.) - Science of Synthesis: Houben-Weyl Methods of Molecular Transformations - Guidebook: Editorial Description. Information for Authors. Sample Contribution
102664: BELMANS, R; BINNS, K.J; GEYSEN, W & VANDENPUT, A - Vibrations and Audible Noise in Alternating Current Machines: Workshop Proceedings
534802: BELMESSOUS, SALIHA - Assimilation and Empire: Uniformity in French and British Colonies, 1541-1954
297164: BELOE, CHARLES H. - On the Construction of Catch-Water Reservoirs
423704: BELOE, CHARLES H. - On The Construction of Catch-Water Reservoirs in Mountain Districts
521676: BELOFF, MAX - Britain's Liberal Empire 1897-1921: Volume 1 of Imperial Sunset
462288: BELSHAW, CYRIL S. - The Conditions of Social Performance: An Exploratory Theory
429145: BELSHAW, CHRISTOPHER - Environmental Philosophy: Reason, Nature and Human Concern
003649: BELSON, WILLIAM A. - Television Violence and the Adolescent Boy
478671: BELSON, W.A. - Television and the Family: An Effects Study Directed by W.A. Belson
221772: BELSON, WILLIAM A. - Television Violence and the Adolescent Boy
195202: BELSON, WILLIAM A. - Validity in Survey Research : With Special Reference to the Techniques of Intensive Interviewing and Progressive Modification for Testing and Constructing Difficult or Sensitive Measures for Use in Survey Research: A Report
250788: BELUSSI, F (ED); SAMMARA, A (ED). - Business Networks in Clusters and Industrial Districts
095609: BELYAEVA, I.M.; KOLPAKOVA, N.V.; LEONOV, V.P. (EDS.) - Sokhranenie Kul'turnogo Naslediya Bibliotek, Arkhivov i Muzeev: Materialy Nauchnoi Konferentsii, Sankt-Peterburg, 14-15 Fevralya 2003 g.
048179: BELZA, I. - Slavyane i Zapad: Sbornik statei k 70-letiyu I. F. Belzy (AN SSSR, Institut slavyanovedeniya i balkanistiki)
409860: BEM, SACHA; DE JONG, HUIB LOOREN - Theoretical Issues in Psychology: An Introduction
477264: BEMELMANS-VIDEC, MARIE-LOUISE; LONSDALE, JEREMY; PERRIN, BURT (EDS.) - Making Accountability Work: Dilemmas for Evaluation and for Audit
465821: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG - On Board Noah's Ark
545807: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG - Madeline
549686: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG - Madeline and the Gypsies
246806: BEMET, MARY KATHLEEN - Writers in Love
473813: BEMIS, EDWARD W. - Municipal Ownership of Gas in the United States (Publications of the American Economic Association)
473814: BEMIS, EDWARD W. - Municipal Ownership of Gas in the United States (Publications of the American Economic Association)
253475: BEMONT, CHARLES; PFISTER, CHRISTIAN - Revue Historique: Tome 136, Janvier - Avril 1921
253476: BEMONT, CHARLES; PFISTER, CHRISTIAN - Revue Historique: Tome 146, May - Aout 1924
253477: BEMONT, CHARLES; PFISTER, CHRISTIAN - Revue Historique: Tome 141, Septembre - Decembre 1922
253465: BEMONT, CHARLES; PFISTER, CHRISTIAN - Revue Historique Vol. 135: Septembre-Decembre 1920
490867: BEN-CHORIN, SCHALOM - Jenseits Von Orhodoxie Und Liberalismus: Versuch Uber Die JUdische Glaubenslage Der Gegenwart
496942: BEN WARLOW - RN Minor War Vessels in Focus
507875: BEN-CHORIN, SCHALOM - Judischer Glaube
507684: BEN-CHORIN, SCHALOM - JUDISCHE Ethik, Anhand Der Patristischen Perikopen (Jerusalemer Vorlesungen)
508491: BEN-HALIM, AHMED - Libya: The Years of Hope; The Memoirs of Mustafa Ahmed Ben-Halim, Former Prime Minister of Libya
543928: BEN-ARI, M. - Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming
507685: BEN-CHORIN, SCHALOM - Narrative Theologie Des Judentums, anhand der Pessach-Haggada (Jerusalemer Vorlesungen)
490235: BEN-CHORIN, SCHALOM - Theologia Judaica: Gesammelte AufsAtze
546766: BEN-JOSEPH, ERAN - Rethinking A Lot: The Design and Culture of Parking
164812: BEN-SHAUL, A.; HAAS, Y.; KOMPA, K. L.; LEVINE, R. D. - Lasers and Chemical Change
211118: BEN-ARI, GUY; ADAMS, GORDON - Transforming European Militaries : Coalition Operations and the Technology Gap
278219: BEN-ARTZI, MATANIA; FALCOVITZ, JOSEPH - Generalized Riemann Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics
543655: BEN-GHIAT, RUTH; FULLER, MIA (EDITORS) - Italian Colonialism
262443: BEN-PERETZ, MIRIAM - Learning from Experience: Memory and the Teacher's Account of Teaching
105778: BEN-DAVID, ARIE - Orpheus : Watercolours
Am1200: BEN JONSON - Devil is an Ass (DRAMA CLASSICS)
540473: BENABO, BRIAN - Ace of Diamonds in New York
525506a: BENABU, ISAAC - Textos 'ilegibles' - Reflexiones Sobre La REPRESENTACION De La Comedia AUREA (Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas, Volume 79)
480999: BENAC, HENRI; BLED, EDOUARD; BLED, ODETTE - Guide D'Orthographe/Guide De Conjugaison
460617: BENADUSI, LUCIANO - Scuola Democratica: Rivista di Ricerca Sociale e Strategie Formative: Gennaio-Settembre 1995, 1/2/3
460616: BENADUSI, LUCIANO - Scuola Democratica: Rivista di Ricerca Sociale e Strategie Formative: Gennaio-Guigno 1994, 1-2
530391: BENARDOU, AGIATIS; CHAMPION, ERIK; DALLAS, COSTIS, HUGHES, LORNA M. (EDS.) - Cultural Heritage Infrastructures in Digital Humanities (Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities)
239626: BÉNASSY, JEAN-PASCAL - The Macroeconomics of Imperfect Competition and Nonclearing Markets : A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach
606227: BENATAR, STEPHEN - Letters for a Spy
526682: BENATTI, FRANCESCA; RYDER, SEAN; TONRA, JUSTIN (EDS.) - Thomas Moore: Texts, Contexts, Hypertext (Reimagining Ireland, Volume 24)
456036: BENAUD, RICHIE - Anything But... An Autobiography
466574: BENAVENTE, JACINTO - Plays By Jacinto Benavente: Second Series
502512: BENBOUGH-JACKSON MIKE - Merseyside's War
455641: BENBOW, TIM - The History of World War I: Naval Warfare 1914-1916: From Coronel to the Atlantic and Zeebrugge
187833: BENCIVENGA, ERMANNO - Looser Ends: The Practice of Philosophy
454710: BENCIVENGA, ERMANNO - Looser Ends: The Practice of Philosophy
454709: BENCIVENGA, ERMANNO - Looser Ends: The Practice of Philosophy
444169: BENCIVENGA, ERMANNO - Looser Ends: The Practice of Philosophy
174149: BENDALL, J. R. - Muscles, Molecules and Movement
541843: BENDAT, JULIUS S.; PIERSOL, ALLAN G. - Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures
601497: BENDAVID-VAL, LEAH - Facing Change: Documenting America
451576: BENDELOW, GILLIAN; CARPENTER, MICK; VAUTIER, CAROLINE; WILLIAMS, SIMON - Gender, Health and Healing: The Public/Private Divide
494856: BENDER, STEPHEN O.; DAVIS, IAN; KRIMGOLD, FREDRICK; MCDONALD, FRANKLIN J. (EDS.) - Reducing Disaster Risks: Progress and Challenges in the Caribbean Region (Environmental Hazards: Human and Policy Dimensions)
538969: BENDER, MICHAEL - Waiting For Filippo: The Life of Renaissance Architect Filippo Brunelleschi
034110: BENDER, LIONEL - Atoms and Cells (through the microscope)
607400: BENDIX, REINHARD - Max Weber: An Intellectual Portrait
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