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8326: LESAGE (Alain Rene): - Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. Par M. LeSage. Nouvelle Edition, revue & corrigee.
1690: LESAGE (Alain Rene): - The Adventures of Gil Blas, of Santillane. Translated from the French of Le Sage, by T. Smollett.
8926: LESLIE (Charles): - A Short and Easy Method with the Deists; Wherein the Certainy of the Christian Religion Is Demonstrated by Infallible Proof from Four Rules, which are incompatible to any Imposture that ever yet has been, or possibly can be. In a Letter to a Friend.... With a Letter from the Author to a Deist upon his Conversion by reading his Book. To which is prefixed A Preface By the Rev. W. Jones.... A New Ediiton, Published by Desire of he Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
3493: LETTER-WRITER, THE COMPLETE: - The Complete Letter-Writer, containing Familiar Letters on the Most common Occasions in Life. Also, A Variety of elegant Letters for the Direction and Embellishment of Style, on Business, Duty, Amusement, Love, Courtship, Marriage, Friendship, and other Subjects, To which is prefixed a Plain and Compendious Grammar Of the English Language, With Directions for writing Letters, and the proper Forms of Address. At the End are given Forms of Message-Cards, and a copious English Spelling Dictionary.
10334: LEWIS (Matthew Gregory): - Tales of Wonder. Written and Collected by M. G. Lewis, Esq. M. P.
5632: LEWIS (James): - Church of Scotland. The Crisis and Preparation; With Directions to the Collectors of Congregational and Parochial Associations. Delivered at the Formation of St John's Congregational Association, Leith. Second Thousand.
7390: LIBURNIO (Nicolo): - Le molte et diverse virtu Delli Savi antichi da Greci, & latini auttori in volgar sermone per M. Nicolo Liburnio tradotte. Motti Elegantissimi de diversi auttori. Tradotti di Latino in Volgare [da M. Cadamosto da Lodi].
8015: LIEUTAUD (Jacques): - Connoissance des Temps Pour l'Anneé 1706. Au Meridien de Paris. Publiée Par l'Ordre de l'Academie Royal des Sciences, et Calculee Par Mr. Lietuaud, de la meme Academie.
9291: LINCOLN'S INN. PSALM TUNES. [SKIRROW (Walker)]: - A Selection of Psalm Tunes, accommodated to the new version for the use of Lincoln's Inn Chapel
6656: LIND (Jenny). - Lindiana. An Interesting Narrative of the Life of Jenny Lind. With a Portrait by Linton.
6426: LING (Nicholas). [BROOKS (Jonathan), editor: - Antiquity; or the Wise Instructer [sic]. Being a Collection of the most Valuable Admonitions and Sentences, Compendiously put together, From an infinite Variety of the most celebrated Christian and Heathen Writers, Divine, Moral, Historical, Poetical, and Political./
8885: LINNECAR (Richard): - The Miscellaneous Works of Richard Linnecar, of Wakefield.
9280: LISLE (Edward): - Observations in Husbandry.
3840: LISTER. TURNER (A. Logan): - Joseph, Baron Lister. Centenary Volume 1827 - 1927. Edited for the Lister Centenary Committee of the British Medical Association.
7813: LISZT (Franz): - The Gipsy in Music. The result of the Author's Life-long Experience and Investigations of the Gipsies and their Music. Englished for the first time by Edwin Evans. With Seven Portraits.
7878: LIVY. - T. Livi Patavini Historiarum Ab Urbe Condita Libri XLV. Cum Universae Historiae Epitomis: Omnibus accuratissime castigatis, & in elegantiorum formam, quam unquam suerint, redactis.
6994: LIVY. - Le Deche di T. Livio Padovano delle Historie Romane, Tradotte nella lingua Toscana, da Iacopo Nardi cittadino Fiorentino, & nuouamente dal medesimo riuedute & emendate, con le postille parimente accresciute nelle margini del libro, che diachiarano molti uocaboli delle cose uecchie, piu degne di cognitione: & molti nomi di Paesi, & citta, fiumi, monti, & luoghi, illustrati conomi moderni. Etappress, la ualuta delle monete Romane, ridotta al pregio di quelle de tempionostir: insieme con la dichiaratione di tutte le misure, quanto e stato necessario alla piena intelligenza dell'autore. Allequali, per maggior satisfattion de lettori, habbiamo anchora aggiunto la Tauola de Re, Consoli, Tribuni militari con lad podesta Consolare, & Dittatori: che per i tempi correnti sono stati creati nella citta di Roma. Et appresso, la Tauola di tutte le cose, fatti, & detti notabili, nella presente opera contenuti.
10151: LLOYD (David): - The Voyage of Life: A Poem in Nine Books. By the Reverend D. Lloyd, Vicar of Llanbister.
9076: LOCKE (John): - Abrege de Essay de Monsieur Locke, sur l'Entendement Humain, Traduit de l'Anglois Par Mr. Bosset. Nouvelle Edition.
2820: LOCKE (John): - The Conduct of the Understanding. [AND]: BACON (Francis): Essays, Moral, Economical, & Political.
9841: LOCKE (John): - A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of S. Paul to the Galatians, Corinthians, Romans, Ephesianss. To which is Prefix'd, An Essay for the Understnading of St. Paul's Epistles, by Consulting St. Paul Himself. The Second Edition.
8799: LOCKE (John): - Some Thoughts concerning Education. [Pitt Press Series] With an Introduction and Notes by The Rev. R. H. Quick. Stereotyped Edition.
4419: LOCKE (John). WYNNE (John): - An Abridgment of Mr. Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding. The Fifth Edition Corrected.
7387: [LOCKMAN (John)]: - A New History of England, by Question and Answer. Extracted from the Most Celebrated English Historians, Particularly M. Rapin Thoyras. The Third Edition, Corrected, and very much Improv'd by the Author.
6681: [LOCKMAN (John): - A New History of England, by Question and Answer. Extracted from the Most Celebrated English Historians, Particularly M. de Rapin Thoyras. The Third Edition, Corrected, and very much Improv'd by the Author.
5852: LODGE (Edmund): - The Peerage of the British Empire, as at present existing. Arranged and printed from the Personal Communicates of the Nobility. To which is added a view of The Baronetage of the three kingdoms. Dedicated by Permission to Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent. Fourth Edition.
4905: LOGAN (John): - Poems, and Runnamede, A Tragedy. With a Life of the Author.
6078: LOGAN (John): - Poems, by the Rev. Mr. Logan, one of the Ministers of Leith.
8474: LONGINUS. - Dionysius Longinus on the Sublime: Translated from the Greek, with Notes and Observations, and Some Account of the Life, Writings, and Character of the Author. The Third Edition, Corrected and Improved.
8786: LONGUS. - Daphnis and Chloe. A Pastoral Novel Now First Selectly [sic] Translated into English from the Original Greek of Longus.
9970: LONGUS. - Longou Poimenikon ton kata Daphnin kai Chloen bibloi tettares cum Proloquio de libris eroticis antiquorum.
8599: LOTI (Pierre; pseudonym of Louis Marie-Julien Viaud): - Pecheur d'Islande Roman Quatre-Vinget-Cinquieme Edition. [and] Madame Chrysantheme.
5207: LOTTERY ADVERT. - State Lottery, [C]ontaining Six Prizes of £20,000, Begins Drawing June 28, 1808.... Tickets and Shares are selling by J. Brook, 2, Jamaica-Row, Near the Moat, Birmingham, Agent to Brooke and CO. London.
9872: [LOUIS XVI]. - Heures Dédiées a la Reine, Nouvelle Edition, augmentée de l'Office des Principales Fêtes de L'Année, Précedées des Testaments du Roi, de la Reine, d'un discours du Roi à Madame, d'un Fac Simile, &c.
2822: LOUIS XV. MOUFFLE d'ANGERVILLE: - Vie Privée de Louis XV; ou Principaux Évémens, Particularités et Anecdotes de son Regne.
9881: [LOUVET DE COUVRAY (Jean-Baptiste)]: - The Amours of the Chevalier de Faublas. Newly and Faithfully Translated from the Paris Edition of 1821.
8989: LOVE (John), compiler: - The New Waymouth Guide: Or, Useful Pocket Companion: Containing A Description of Waymouth, the Mineral Spring, at Nottinton, And whatever is worty of Notice at, or going to, the following Places: Portland, Abbotsbury, Bridgport, Sherbourghne, Dorchester Blandford, Lulworth , Corse Castle, Poole, Wareham, Winborn &c.
8959: LOZANO Y CASELA (Pablo): - Trescientas Sentencias Arabes: Quinientas Maximas y Pensamientos de los mas Celebres Autores Antiguos y Modernos; Y Cincuenta Pensamientos Originales del Mismo que ha redacto Los Anteriores.
8770: LUCAS (Richard): - An Enquiry after Happiness. In Three Parts. The Tenth Edition.
4855: LUCIAN. - The Works of Lucian, From the Greek, By Thomas Francklin, D. D.
7054: LUCRETIUS. - De Natua Rerum Libri Sex.
9468: LUCRETIUS. - T. Lucretii Cari De Rerum Natura Libri Sex. A D. Lambino Monstroliensi litt. Grec. Lutetie doctore Regio nuper ope veteru[m] codicu[m] a multis mendis vindicati, nunc ab eodem recogniti, & perpurgati. Accesserunt aliquot ab Adr. Turnebo emendationes. In calce libri variae lectiones: Le rerum insigniorum index.
8456: LUCRETIUS. - Titi Lucretii Cari De Rerum Natura Libri Sex.
6638: LUDLAM (William): - Essays on Scripture Metaphors, Divine Justice, Divine Mercy, and the Doctrine of Satisfaction.
6639: LUDLAM (William): - Mathematical Essays. The Second Edition, with Additions.
9194: LUSIGNAN (Saveur): - A History of the Revolt of Ali Bey, against the Ottoman Porte, Including An Account of the Forms of Government of Egypt; together with a Description of Grand Cairo, and of several celebrated Places in Egypt, Palestine, and Syria: To which are added, A short Account of the present State of the Christians who are Sujbects to the Turkish Government, and the Journal of a Gentleman who travelled from Aleppo to Bassora. By S. L. The Second Edition.
8616: [LUTTEROTH (Henri)]: - Chants Chretiens. "L'Eternel est mon Cantique."
10174: [LYTTELON (George), Lord]: - Advice to a Lady.
3899: LYTTELTON (George), Lord: - The Works of George Lord Lyttelton; Formerly Printed Separately: And Now First Collected Together, with Some Other Pieces Never Before Printed. Published by George Edward Ayscough, Esq. The Third Edition. To which is added a General Index.
3891: LYTTELTON (George), Lord: - The Works of George Lord Lyttelton; Formerly printed separately, and now collected together: With some other Pieces, never before printed. Published by George Edward Ayscough.
3255: LYTTELTON (George), Lord: - The Works of George Lord Lyttelton; Formerly printed separately, and now collected together: With some other Pieces, never before printed. Published by George Edward Ayscough.
8901: [LYTTELTON (George), Lord and MONTAGU (Elizabeth)] - Dialogues of the Dead. The Second Edition.
10490: M'NAYR (James): - A Guide from Glasgow, to some of the most Remarkable Scenes in the Highlands of Scotland, and the Falls of the Clyde.
10204: M'NICOL (Donald): - Remarks on Dr. Samuel Johnson's Journey to the Hebrides; In which are contained, Observations on the Antiquities, Language, Genius, and Manners of the Highlanders of Scotland.
3925: MACAULAY. TREVELYAN (George Otto): - The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. New Edition.
8528: MACBEAN (Alexander): - A Dictionary of the Bible; or, an Explanation of the Proper Names and Difficult Words in the Old and New Testament, accented as they ought to be pronounced. With Other Useful Particulars, For Those Who Would Understand The Sacred Scriptures, And Read Them With Propriety. The Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged.
8540: MACCOLL (Mary J.): - Bide a Wee, and Other Poems.
6757: MACDIARMID (John): - Lives of British Statesmen.
5654: MACGREGOR (John): - A Complete Treatise on Practical Mathematics: Including the Nature and Use of Mathematical Instruments: Logarithmic Tables. Trigonometry. Mensuration of Heights and Distances; Of Surfaces & Solids. Land-Surveying. Gunnery. Gauging. Artificer's Measuring. Miscellaneous Exercises. With an Appendix on Algebra. The whole conducted on the most approved plan, with proper Rules, and a variety of suitable Examples to each rule. Principally designed for the use of schools and academies.
8580: [MACKENZIE (William)]: - The Sorrows of Seduction. In Eight Delineations, with Other Poems. Second Edition, considerably improved.
10443: MACKENZIE (James): - The History of Health and the Art of Preserving it: Or, An Account of all that has been recommended by Physicians and Philosophers, towards the Preservation of Health, from the most remote Antiquity to this Time. To which is subjoined, A succinct Review of the principle Rules relating to this subject, gogether with the Rearsons on which these Rules are founded.
7828: MACKENZIE (Henry). HOWARD (Alfred): - Beauties of Mackenzie Consisting of Selections from his Prose and Poetry.
4952: MACKINTOSH (James): - Vindiciæ Gallicæ. Defence of the French Revolution and its English Admirers, against the Accusations of The Right Hon. Edmund Burke; Including some Strictures on the late Production of Mons. De Calonne. The Second Edition Corrected.
3032: MACKINTOSH (Sir James): - Memoirs of the Life of the Right Honourable Sir James Mackintosh. Edited by his Son, Robert James Mackintosh. Second Edition.
9096: MACKNIGHT (James): - A Harmony of the Four Gospels: in which The Natural Order of each is preserved. With a Paraphrase and Notes.... The Second Edition, corrected and greatly enlarged.
6882: MACLAINE (Archibald): - A Series of Letters, addressed to Soame Jenyns, Esq. On Occasion of his View of the Internal Evidence of Christianity.
10055: MACLAURIN (Colin): - An Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Discoveries. In Four Books. Published from the Author's Manuscript Papers. The Second Edition.
10054: MACLAURIN (Colin): - A Treatise of Algebra. In Three Parts. Containing I. The fundamental Rules and Operations; II. The Composition and Resolution of Equations of all Degrees; and the different Affections of their Roots. III. The Application of Algebra and Geometry to each other. To which is added an Appendix, concerning the general Properties of Geometrical Lines. The Third Edition.
5615: MACNEILL (Hector): - Scotland's Scaith; or, The History of Will and Jean: owre true a tale! Together with The Waes of War; or, The Upshot of the History o' Will and Jean. A New Edition, embellished wiht Engravings.
10169: MACNEILL (Hector)]: - Scotland's Skaith; Or, The History o' Will and Jean Own True a Tale: Together with Some Additional Poems, by th Author of the Harp. Embellished with Elegant Engravings.
6029: [MACPHERSON (James)]: - A Short History of the Opposition During the Last Session of Parliament. The Fifth Edition.
10060: MACPHERSON (John): - Critical Dissertations on the Origin, Antiquities, Language, Government,Manners and Religion, of the Antient Caledonians, Their Posterity The Pict, and the British and Irish Scots.
5234: MACROBIUS (Aurelius Ambrosius Theodosius): - Quæ Exstant Omnia, Diligentissime emendata, Et cum optimis editionibus collata, ut ex Prefatione manifestum.
2577: MACVICAR (John G.): - An Enquiry into Human Nature.
10256: [MADAN (Martin)]: - Thelyphthora; or, A Treatise on Female Ruin, in its Causes, Effects, Consequences, Prevention, and Remedy; considered on the Basis of the Divine Law: under the following Heads, viz. Marriage, Whoredom and Fornication, Adultery, Polygamy, Divorce. With many other Incidental Matters; particularly including, An Examination of the Principles and Tendency of Stat. 26. Geo. II. c. 33. Commonly called The Marriage Act. In Two [Three] Volumes. The Second Edition, Enlarged.
9333: MADRAMANY y CALATAYUD (Mariano): - Tratado de la Elocucion o del perfecto lenguage y buen estilo respecto al castellano.
9610: MAGALOTTI (Lorenzo): - Lettere Familiari del Conte Lorenzo Magalotti, Gentiluomo Florentino, e Accadeico dellas Crusca Divise in due Parti Part Prima. [Seconda].
6430: MAIDEN HOSPITAL. - The Rules and Constitutions For Governing and Managing the Maiden Hospital, Founded by The Company of Merchants, and Mary Erskine, in Anno 1695. Allowed and Confirmed by an Act of Parliament of Her Majesty Queen Anne, dated the 25th Mach 1707, Amended and Approven in a General Meeting of the Contributers, upon the 9th February 1708. Ratified by the Lord Provost, Baillies and Town Council, upon 9th March the said Year, except in so far as the same have been altered by an Act of the Contributers, dated 10th February 1718.
8565: MAINWARING (Sir Thomas): - The Legitimacy of Amica, Daughter of Hugh Cyveliok, Earl of Chester, Clearly Proved. With Full Answers to all Objections that have at any time been made against the same.
7705: MAIR (John): - An Introduction to Latin Syntax: Or An Examination of the Rules of Construction, as delivered in Mr. Ruddiman's Rudiments, without anticipating posterior Rules.... To which is subjoined, An Epitome of Ancient History, From the Creation to the Birth of Christ. Intended as a proper mean to initiate boys in the useful study of History, while at the same time it serves to improve them in the knowledge of the Latin Tongue. To which is added, A proper collection of Historical and Chronological Questions; with a Copious Index. The Eighth Edition.
4436: MALCOLM (Alexander): - A Treatise of Musick, Speculative, Practical, and Historical. Containing An Explication of the Philosophical and Rational Grounds and Principles thereof; The Nature and Office of the Scale of Musick; The whole Art of Writing Notes; And the General Rules of Composition. With A Particular Account of the Antient Musick, and a Comparison thereof with the Modern.
3842: MALCOLM (Charles A.): - The History of The British Linen Bank.
7914: MALEBRANCHE (Nicholas de): - De la Recherche de la Verité. Ou l'on Traite de la Nature de l'Esprit de l'homme, & de l'usage qu'il en doit fair pour éviter l'erreur dans les Sciences. Septieme Edition. Revûe & augmentée de plusieurs Eclaircissemens.
3215: MALEBRANCHE (Nicolas): - Dialogues on Metaphysics and Religion. Translated by Morris Ginsbery...With a Preface by Professor G. Dawes Hicks.
9901: [MALKIN (Arthur Thomas)]: - History of Greece from the Earliest Times, to the Final Subjection to Rome.
3700: [MALLET (David)]: - Elvira: A Tragedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane.
1966: MALLING (Ove): - Recueil de Traits Memorables, tires de l'histoire de Danemark, de Norwege & de Holstein; Traduit du danois part seu Frederik-Moise Mourier. Orne de Six Estampes.
10353: MALO (Charles): - La Corbeille de Fruits.
2801: "MAN (An Idle)": - IDEAS of my Own; or, Industrious Moments of "An Idle Man."
3471: MANDEVILLE (Bernard): - The Fable of the Bees: Or, Private Vices, Public Benefits. With An Essay on Charity and Charity-Schools: And A Search into the Nature of Society. The ninth Edition. To which is added, A Vindication of the Book from the Aspersions contained in a Presentment of the Grand Jury of Middlesex, and an abusive Letter to the Lord C.
8595: [MANLEY, Mary De La Riviere Manley] - Memoirs of Europe, Towards the Close of the Eighth Century. Written by Eginardus, Secretary and Favourite to Charlemagne; And done into English by the Translator of the New Atalantis .
5500: [MANNING (Robert)]: - A Plain and Rational Account of the Catholick Faith; With a Preface and Appendix, In Vindication of Catholic Morals, from Old Calumnies revived and collected in a scurrilous Libel, Entituled, A Protestant's Resolution, &c. To which is Annext The Reform'd Churches prov'd destitute, of a Lawful Ministry. The Third Edition Revised and Corrected.
8569: MANUSCRIPT. LEIGHTON (Marie Connor): - Autograph letter signed, addressed to the literary editor Peter Keary (1865-1915), dated 14th May, 1905, from The Red Croft, Gunton Cliff, Lowestoft, Suffolk.
4179: MANUSCRIPT. WILSON (John): - Autograph letter, signed, written on one side of a single, folded quarto leaf, with the address on the same leaf, to Robert Scott Moncreiff, dated 13 March 1834.
4176: MANUSCRIPT. TYTLER (Patrick Fraser): - Autograph letter, signed, on small quarto leaf folded once, addressed to Robert Scott Moncrieff of Dalkeith, about the widow of his later father's clerk.
4177: MANUSCRIPT. TYTLER (Patrick Fraser): - Autograph letters, signed, on a single quarto leaf, to Robert Scott Moncreiff, not dated, but probably 1829.
10525: MANUSCRIPT. PHILO-VERITAS (pseudonym): - "Pain the Cause of human Volition, and, of all Voluntary Motion; as Pleasure the End design'd by all Voluntary Activity / By Philo-Veritas."
5997: MANWARING (Edward): - An Historical and Critical Account Of the most Eminent Classic Authors in Poetry and History. In Three Parts.
7822: MAPLESON (James Henry): - The Mapleson Memoirs 1848 - 1888.
9257: MARINO (Giovanni Bapttista): - Dicerie Sacre Del Cavalier Marino. Cioè Pittura. Musica. Et Ciolo. Con licenza de' Superiori, & Privilegio.
10061: [?MARKS (Richard)]: - The Flight of the Old Woman Who WasTossed up in a Basket. Sketched £ Etched by Aliquis.
3799: MARMONTEL (Jean-François): - Memoirs of Marmontel, Written by Himself: Containing his Literary and Political Life, and Anecdotes of the Principal Characters of the Eighteenth Century.
4519: MARMONTEL (Jean-Francois): - Moral Tales. Translated from the French, By C. Dennis and R. Lloyd.
6984: MARRIOTT (John): - A Short Account of John Marriott, Including Extracts from some of his letters. To which are added, some of his Poetical Productions.
8935: MARRIOTT (John): - A Short Account of John Marriott, Including Extracts from some of his letters. To which are added, some of his Poetical Productions.
6345: [MARRYAT (Thomas)]: - Sentimental Fables. Designed chiefly for the Use of the Ladies.
9661: MARRYAT Captain Frederick): - The Pirate and the Three Cutters. By Captain Marreiat [sic], Author of "Japhe in Search of a Father," -- "Peter Simple" -- "Jacob Faithful," etc.
8341: [MARSHALL (William)]: - A Review of The Landscape, A Didactic Poem: also of An Essay on the Picturesque: Together with Practical Remarks on Rural Ornament. By the Author of "Planning and Ornamental Gardening; a Practical Treatise."
2831: MARSOLLIER (Jacques): - The Life of St. Francis of Sales, Bishop and Prince of Geneva, founder of the order of the Vitiation. Translated from the original French...By the Rev. William Henry Coombes.
4243: MARTIAL. - Select Epigrams of Martial. Translated and Imitated By William Hay, Esq; With An Appendix Of some by Cowley, and other Hands.
9254: MARTIN (Alfred Tobias John): - The Remains of the Late Tobias Martin of Breage, in Cornwall, Mine Agent, with a Memoir of the Author.
7634: MARTINELLI (Vincenzio): - Istoria Critica della Vita Civile.
9832: MARTINELLI (Vincenzio): - Lettere Familiari e Critiche.
8450: MARTYR STUDENT. - The Portfolio of the Martyr=Student.
7756: MARY (Blessed Virgin): - Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis S. PII V. Pontificis Maximi Justu editum, et Urbani VIII. Auctoritate recognitum, Con l'Uffizio de' Morti, Sette Salmi, ed altre divote Orazioni e Divozioni.
10133: [MASON (John)]: - Spiritual Songs, Or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God: Upon Several Occasions. Together with the Songs of Songs, Which is Solomon's: First Turn'd, then Paraphrased in English Verse: With an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus. To whis Added Penitential Cries. The Tenth Edition Corrected.
9700: MASON (William): - Caractacus. Karaktakos epi mone. Sive Cl. Masoni Caractacus græco carmine redditus cum versione latina. A Georgio Henrico Glasse.
3180: MASON (John): - An Essay on the Power and Harmony of Prosaic Numbers. The Second Edition.
3181: MASON (John): - Essays on Poetical and Prosaic Numbers and Elocution. The Second Edition.
4218: MASON (William): - Elegies.
5505: MASSON (David): - Memories of Two Cities, Edinburgh and Aberdeen.
8747: MATHIAS (Thomas James): - Poesie Liriche Toscane. Nuova edizione, dietro quella di Londra del 1816, e di quella di Firenze del 1817.
4875: MATRIMONY. - The Matrimonial Preceptor. A Collection of Examples and Precepts Relating to the Married State From the most Celebrated Writers Ancient and Modern. Being the Third Edition, Adorn'd with a beautiful Frontispiece not in the former.
6799: MATRIMONY. - The Matrimonial Preceptor. A Collection of Examples and Precepts Relating to the Married State From the most Celebrated Writers Ancient and Modern.
7280: MAUCHLINE WARE. BINDING. - BIRTHDAY BOOK. Thorn Blossom. Quotations Grave and Gay. Arranged as a Birthday Text-Book.
7277: MAUCHLINE WARE. BINDING. SHAKESPEARE (William): - The Shakespeare Daily Gem Book and Journal for Birthdays.
5633: [MAUDIT (Israel)]: - Considerations on the Present German War. The Third Edition.
8917: [MAXWELL (John)]: - An Essay upon Tune. Being an Attempt To free the Scale of Music, and the Tune of Instruments, from Imperfection. Illustrated with Plates.
9586: MAYER (John): - The Sportsman's Directory; or, Park and Gamekeeper's Companion: Containing Instructions for Breeding, Feeding, and Breaking Dogs; Hunting, Coursing, and Shooting; Fishing, Preserving Game, and Decoys; Breeding Pheasants, Partridges, Pigeons, Rabbits, &c. &c. Also a Descreption of all Kinds of Poaching; how to Detect Poachers, and to Destroy their Works. Upwards of 50 Valuable Recipes, and Abstracts of the Lst Game Laws. Fourth Edition
10161: [MAYHEW (Jonathan), former owner.] - BOYLE, Earl of Orrery (John): Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, London: Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, in a Series of Letters from John Earl of Orrery to his son, the Honourable Hamilton Boyle.
2134: MAYNARD (Samuel): - A Key to Bonnycastle's Introduction to Mensuration; Containing the solution to all the questions in that work conformable to the present improved state of the science. With references to the problems, rules, and notes, by which the solutions are obtained.
1770: MAZEAS (J. M.): - Elemens d'Arithmetique. d'Algebre, et de Geometrie, Avec une Introduction aux Sections coniques. Ouvrage utile pour fair entrer dans l'esprit de ces Sciences & pour disposer a l'etude de la Physique & des Sciences Physico-Mathematiques. Cinquieme Edition, Revue & corrigee par l'Auteur.
10420: MAZZARINO (Giulio): - Di Giulio Mazarini della Compagnia di Giesu Cento discorsi sù'l cinquantesimo salmo e'l suo titolo intorno al peccato alla penitenza e alla santita di Dauide.
7834: MAZZINELLI (Allesandro), inter alia: - Uffizio della Settimana Santa Cogl'Argomenti de' Salmi, colla spiegazione della Cerimonie e Misteri, e con riflessioni divote dell' Abat Allexandro Mazzinelli. Dedicato Beatissime Vergine Maria Addorata.
3647: McCANN (Timothy J.), ed.: - The Correspondence of the Dukes of Richmond and Newcastle, 1724 - 1750. Sussex Record Society Volume 73.
8198: [MEARS (John)]: - A Short Explanation of the End and Design of the Lord's Supper; With suitable Meditations and Prayers, and a Preface, Recommending a Due Attendance on that Sacred Institution; To which is added A Postscript Concerning Self-Examination, with a few Forms of Prayer for the Use of those who need or desire such Helps.
10010: MEIBOM (Marcus): - Antiquae Musicae Auctores Septem. Graece et Latine. Restuit ac Notis explicavit.
8421: MELVILLE (George John Whyte-): - Uncle John. A Novel. New Edition.
10117: MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY (Felix), author. WALLACE (Grace Jane, Lady Wallace), translator: - Letters from Italy and Switzerland. Translated from the German by Lady Wallace. Third Edition.
10227: MERCER (Thomas): - The Sentimental Sailor or St. Preux to Eloisa. An Elegy In two Parts, With Notes.
9186: MERCURIALE (Girolamo): - Hieronymi Mercurialis De Arte Gymnastica Libri Sex. In Quibus Exercitationum Omnium vetstarum genera, local, modi facultates, & quidquid denique ad corporis humani exercitationes pertinet, diligenter explicatur. Teretia edition correctiiores, & auctiores facti. Opus non modo medicis, veerum etiam omnibus antiquarum rerur cognoscendarum, & valetudinis conferuandae studiosis admodum utile. Ad Maximillian M II. Imperatorum
9606: METASTASIO (Pietro); - Opere Scelte dell' Abate Metastasio. Rivedute da Leonardon Nardini, ad uso deglie Studiosi della Lingua Italiana.
7352: METCALF (John): - The Life of John Metcalf; commonly called Black Jack of Knaresbrough; with many entertaining anecdotes of His Exploits in Hunting, Card Play, &c. some particulars relative to the Expedition against the Rebels, in 1745, In which he bare a Personal Share; and also, a succinct account of his various contracts of Making Roads, Erecting ridges, and Other Undertakings. In Yorkshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire, and Cheshire. Which, for a series of years have brought him into a most Extraordinary Characters. The Fifth Edition, with considerable Additions and Amendments.
9378: METHODISM. CLARKE (Adam): - Memoirs of the Wesley Family, Collected principally from Original Sources.
6286: METHOLD (William) [PURCHAS (Samuel)]: - Naauw-keurige Aanteekeningen van William Methold President van de Engelsse Maatschappy, Gehouden op sijn Voyagie, in het Jaar 1619. Aangaande de Koningrijken van Golconda, Tanassary, Pegu Arecan en meer andere Landen, geleegen langs de Kust van den Zee-boesen van Bengale; als mede den Koophamdel, die door de Engelsse in die Land-streeken gedreeven word. Beneffens den Gods-dienst, Aart, Zeden en Gewoontens omtrent de Stammen deser Volkeren, Huwelijken, Verbranding der Vrouwen met hare Mannen; ook op wat wijse de Diamanten uyt des selfs Mijn aldaar gehaalt worden, door den Schrijver selfs ondersogt en besien; Van hem in het Engels beschreeven, en nu alder-eerst uyt die spraak vertaalt. Met Noodig Register en Konst-Printen verrijkt.
9575: [MEUSNIER DE QUERLON (Anne Gabriel)], editor: - Les Graces.
9286: MIDDLETON (Conyers): - The Miscellaneous Works Of the late Reverend and Learned Conyers Middleton, D. D. Principal Library o the University of Cambridge. In Five Volumes. The Second Edition.
3238: MIDDLETON (Conyers): - Dr. Middleton's Introductory Discourse to a Larger Work, Designed hereafter to be Published, concerning the Miraculous Powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church, from the earliest Ages, through several successive Centuries...With a Postscript, containing Some Remarks on an Archidiaconal Charge, delivered the last Summer by the Reverend Dr. Chapman, to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury. The Second Edition.
9285: MIDDLETON (Conyers): - A Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers, Whi h are supposed to have sub isted in the Christian Church, From the Earliest Ages through seveal successive Centuries. By which it is shews, That we have no sufficient Reason to believe, upon the Authorit of the Primitive Fathers, That any such Poweres were continued to the Church, after the Days of the Apostles.
9596: MIHLES (Samuel): - Elements of Surgery. In which are contained All the essential and necessary Principles of the Art; with an Account of the Nature and Treatment of Chirurgical Disorders, and a Description of the Operations, Bandages, Instruments, and Dressings, according to the modern and most approved Practice. Adapted to the Use and Camp and Navy as well as of the Domestic Surgeon. Illustrated with Twenty-Five Copper-Plates.
3875: MILL (John Stuart): - An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy and of the Principal Philosophical Questions discussed in his Writings. Fourth Edition.
5836: MILL (James): - Elements of Political Economy. Third Edition, Revised and Corrected.
8508: MILLAR (John): - Observations concerning the Distinction of Ranks in Society. Under the following heads: I. Of the Rank and Condition of Women in different Ages. II. Of the Jurisdiction and Authority of a Father over his Children. III. Of the Author of a Chief over the members of a Tribe or Village. IV. Of the Power of a Sovereign over an extensive Society. Of the Authority of a Master over his Servants. The Second Edition, greatly enlarged.
10329: MILLER (Robert): - Short Advices to Young Women, on the subject of Courtship. Published by Request.
10109: [MILLS (Andrew Hervey): - Bagatelles. In this collection is reprinted the Fragment: or, Allen and Ella. Which (Unknown to the Author) Appeared some Years since under the Title of Collin and Lucy. , To which is subjoined a Journey to, and Description of, the Paraclete, Near the City of Troyes, in Champagne, where Abelard and Eloisa were buried. All by the Same Hand. The Second Edition.
9671: MILLS (William): - The Belief of the Jewish People and of the most eminent Gentile Philosophers, more especially of Plato and Aristotle, in A Future State, briefly considered; Including an Examination into some of the Leading Principles contained in Bishop Warburton's Divine Legation of Moses; in A Discourse preached before the University of Oxford at St. Mary's, March 30, 1828. With Notes and an Appendix.
9313: MILMAN (Henry Hart): - Belshazzar: A Dramatic Poem.
3496: MILTON (John): - Paradise Lost. A Poem. In Twelve Books. The Eighth Edition, With notes of various Authors, By Thomas Newton. [AND] Paradise Regained. A Poem in Four Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes: And Poems upon Several Occasions. A New Edition, With Notes of various Authors, By Thomas Newton.
5737: MILTON (John). ADDISON (Joseph): - Notes upon the Twelve Books of Paradise Lost. Collected from the Spectators. Written by Mr. Addison. To which is prefixed A Critical and Biographical Account of the Author and his Writings.
5109: MILTON (John): - Paradise Regain'd. A Poem in Four Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes: And Poems upon Several Occasions. A New Edition. With Notes of various Authors, By Thomas Newton, D. D.
5074: MILTON (John). SYMMONS (Charles): - The Life of John Milton. Third Edition.
9410: MILTON (John): - Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. The Seventh Edition, With Notes of various Authors, By Thomas Newton, D. D.
2261: MILTON (John). [NEVE (Philip)]: - Cursory Remarks on some of the Ancient English Poets, Particularly Milton.
8871: MILTON (John): - The Poetical Works of John Milton, With Notes of Various Authors. To which are added Illustrations. And some Account of The Life and Writings of Milton, by the Rev. Henry J. Todd.... The Second Edition, with Considerable Additions, and with a Verbal Index to the Whole of Milton's Poetry. In Seven Volumes.
10302: MILTON (John): - Paradise Lost A Poem in Twelve Books. With a Biographical and Critical Account of the Author and his Writings.
10138: MINIATURE. - Le Conseiller des Graces, Dedie aux Dames. Annee 1817
9357: MINIATURE. BIBLE. - The Bible in Miniature Or a concise History of the Old & New Testaments.
7608: MINIATURE. BRYCE (John), printer - The Smallest English Dictionary in the World. Comprising, besides the ordinary and newest words in the language short explanations of a large number of scientific, philosophical, literary and technical terms.
5697: MINOR POETS. - The Works of the most celebrated Minor Poets. Namely, Wentworth, Earl of Roscommon; Charles, Earl of Dorset; Charles, Earl of Halifax; Sir Samuel Garth; George Stepney, Esq; William Walsh, Esq; Thomas Tickell, Esq. Never before collected and publish'd together.
1407: MIRABEAU (Victor de Riquetti), Marquis: - L'Ami des Hommes, ou Traite de la Population. Troisieme Edition.
4448: MIRABEAU (Honoré Gabriel de Riquetti, Comte de): - The Secret History of the Court of Berlin; or, The Character of the Present King of Prussia, his Ministers, Mistresses, Generals, Courtiers, Favourites, and The Royal Family of Prussia. With numerous Anecdotes of the Potentates of Europe.... In a Series of Letters, translated from the French; a Posthumous Work. To which is added, A Memorial, presented to the present King of Prussia, on the day of his Accession to the Throne.
6020: MISCELLANIES. - Miscellanies Historical and Philological: Being a Curious Collection of Private Paper Found in the Study of a Noble-Man, Lately Deceas'd.
9243: MISSAL. - Missale Romanum ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum, S. Pii V. jussu editum, Clementis VIII. et Urbani Papæ Octavi Auctoritate Recognitum, Et novis Missis ex Indulto Apostolico hucusque concessis auctum.
9324: MISSAL. - Missale Romanum Ex decreto Sacro-sancti Coneilii Tridentini restitutum, S. Pii V. Pont. Max. jussu editum, et Clementis VIII, primum, nunc denuo Ubrani Paae VIII. auctoritate recognitum.
9312: MITFORD (William): - An Essay upon the Harmony of Language.
9532: MITFORD (Mary Russell): - Recollections of a Literary Life; or, Books, Places, and People
5781: MOLIERE (Jean Baptiste): - Oeuvres de Moliere, avec des Remarques Grammaticales, des Avertissemens et des Observations sur chaque Piece. Par M. Bret.
6434: MONBODDO (James Burnett), Lord: - Of the Origin and Progress of Language. Second Edition [volumes 1 and 3]. With large Additions and Corrections. To which are annexed, Three Dissertations, Viz. 1. Of the Formation of the Greek Language. 2. Of the Sound of the Greek Language. 3. Of the Composition of the Ancients; and particularly of that of Demosthenes [volume 2 only].
7831: MONDEJAR (Gaspar Ibáñez de Segovia; publicadas por Gregorio Mayans y Siscar, Marques de): - Obras Chronologicas de Don Gaspar Ibanez de Segovia Per alta I Mendoza, Cavallero de la Orden de Alcantara, Marques de Mondejar, de Valhermoso, i de Agropoli, Conde de Tendilla, Alcaide que sue de la Alhambra, i Capitan General de la Ciudad, de Granada, &c. Las Publica de Orden, i a Expensas de la Academia Valenciana....
7707: MONIER (Pierre): - The History of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Graving, And Of those who have Excell'd in them: In Three Books. Containing their Rise, Progress, Decay, and Revival; With an Account of the most considerable Productions of the best Artists in all Ages: And how to distinguish the true and regular Performances, from those that are otherwise.
9647: MONTAGNANI (Pietro Paolo) - Illustrazione Storico - Pittorica Con Incisioni Contorni delle Pitture nelle Stanze Vaticane di Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino accresciuta di sopran venti soggetti inediti Data alla Luce da Pietro Paolo Montagnani offerta A S. E. Sig. Principe Gagarin Inviato Straordinario, e Ministro Plenipotenziario di S. M. l'Imperatore di Tutte Le Russie.
6804: MONTAGU (Mary Wortley), Lady: - The Poetical Works Of the Right Honourable Lady M--y W-----y M-------e.
9110: [MONTALBANI (Castor)]: - La Paleologeide ouuero Diana flaggellata di Virbio Accademico tra Spensierati lo Sfaccendato. Dedicata alla Verità.
6313: [MONTELEONE (Isidoro Casado de Avezeda de Rosales). - Remarks upon Mr. S--------y C------s's letter to the Marquis of Monteleone, &c.
7008: [MONTESQUIEU (Charles-Louis de Secondat]: - De l'Esprit des Loix. Nouvelle Edition, Avec les dernieres Corrections & Illustrations de l'Auteur.
7036: [MOORE (John)]. - A Treatise on Domestic Pigeons; Comprehending all the different species known in England; describing the Perfections and Imperfections of each, agreeable to the Improvement and great Perfection they are at this Time arrived at; together with the Method of Building and Furnishing a Lost, Area, Trap, &c. The Method of Breeding the most curious and valuable Sorts, as practised by the best Fanciers. The Generation of Pigeons in general, with a Philosophical Description and Progress of the Egg. With Observations and Remarks on their Diet. The Distempers they are chiefly subject to, and the Method of Curing them as practised with Success. The fraudulent Methods used in the Sale of bad Pigeons, clearly and fully demonstrated, &c. &c. &c. Carefully compiled from the best authors. To which is added, a most ample description of that celebrated and beautiful Pigeon called The Almond Tumbler. The whole calculated, as well for the Use of those Gentlemen who are Fanciers, as those who are utterly unacquainted with their Perfections and Properties, which are here set forth in the clearest Manner. Illustrated with a frontispiece, and cuts elegantly and accurately engraved from Life by the most able and eminent Artists, under the immediate Inspection of very experienced Fanciers
3187: [MOORE (John)]: - Zeluco. Various View of Human Nature, taken From Life and Manners, Foreign and Domestic.
8536: MOORE (Edward): - Solomon. A Serenata. Taken from the Canticles. The Music composed by Doctor Boyce. The Words, by Mr. Moore.
4287: MOORE (Edward): - Fables for the Female Sex. The Fourth Edition.
6896: MOORE (Arthur William): - Manx Ballads and Music. With a Preface by the Rev. T. E. Brown
9709: MORA (Domenico): - Il Soldato di M. Domenico Mora, Bolognese, Gentilhuomo Grisone, Nel Quale si Tratta di tutto quello, che ad un uero Soldato, & nobil Caualliere si conuiene sapere, & essercitare nel mestiere dell' arme. Et Questa, Secondo l'Ordine da noi posto è la quarta Gioia congiunta all'Anella della nostra Collana Historica. All'Illustrissimo et Eccellentissimo Signo, il Signor Duca di Parma, Piacenza & Castro, Gran Consaoloniere di Santa Chiesa. Con Privillegi.
3600: [MORE (Hannah)]: - Coelebs in Search of a Wife. Comprehending Observations on Domestic Habits and Manners, Religion and Morals. The Seventh Edition.
10450: MORE (Hannah): - The Search after Happiness: A Pastoral Drama. And Other Poems.
9768: MORE (Hannah): SAMMELBAND. - The Inflexible Captive: A Tragedy. The Third edition.
9816: MORE (Henry). WARD (Richard): - The Life of The Learned and Pious Dr. Henry More, Late Fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge. To which are annex'd Dives of his Useful and Excellent Letters.
9699: MORE (Sir Thomas). ROPER (William): - The Life of Sir Thomas More, By his Son-in-Law, William Roper, Esq. With Notes, and an Appendix of his Letters. A New Edition, Revised and Corrected, By S. W. Singer.
9858: [MORE (Hannah)]: - Essays on Various Subjects, Principally designed for Young Ladies. The Fourth Edition.
7333: MOREHEAD (Robert): - A Series of Discourses on the Principles of Religious Belief, as connected with Human Happiness and Improvement. Third Edition [volume 1].
3188: MORGAN (Sir Thomas Charles): - Sketches of the Philosophy of Morals.
3937: MORGAN (Thomas): - A Collection of Tracts, Relating to The Right of Private Judgment, the Sufficiency of Scripture, and the Terms of Church-Communion; upon Christian Principles: Occasion'd by the late Trinitarian Controversy. And now revised and published all together; With a Preface: By the Author.
9590: [MORGAN (Thomas)]: - A Brief Examination of the Rev. Mr. Warburton's Divine Legation of Moses. In which The Mosaic Thocrac, the Nature and Character of the Sacred Writings, the Antiquity of hero-Gods, and a future, separate State of Animal Life, and Action for Souls after Death; with other Principles and Positions of that learned Writer are occasionally considered and discussed. Address'd to the Author. By a Society of Gentlmen.
4549: MORLAND (George). DAWE (George): - The Life of George Morland, with Remarks on his Works.
4988: MORRIS (Robert): - A Letter to Sir Richard Aston, Knt. One of the Judges of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench, and late Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in Ireland; Containing a Reply to his scandalous Abuse, and some Thoughts on the Modern Doctrine of Libels. The Fourth Edition.
9150: [MORRIS (Thomas)], of Barton: - A Serious and Friendly Address To some of the Inhabitants of [mutilated], And others inclinable to Skepticism and Infidelity.
8731: [MORRIS (Corbyn)]: - An Essay Towards Fixing the True Standards of Wit, Humour, Raillery, Satire, and Ridicule. To which is Added, an Analysis Of the Characters of An Humourist, Sir John Falstaff, Sir Roger De Coverly, and Don Quixote. Inscribed to the Right Honorable Robert Earl of Orford. By the Author of a Letter from a By-Stander.
8615: MOSCHELES (Felix). [COLERIDGE (Arthur Duke)], translator: - Life of Moscheles, with selections from His Diaries and Correspondence. By his Wife. Adapted from the Original German by A. D. Coledridge.
9001: MOSTYN-OWEN (David): - Poems.
7601: MOTHERWELL (William): - Poems Narrative and Lyrical.
4571: MOTLEY (John Lothrop): - The Rise of the Dutch Republic. A History. New Edition in Three Volumes.
3941: MOTLEY (John Lothrop): - The Rise of the Dutch Republic. A History.
10187: MOTTLEY (John), compiler: - Joe Miller's Jests. Or, the Wit's Vade Mecum: Being A Collection of the most Brilliant Jests, the excellent Bon Mots, and the most pleasant short stories, in the English Language, man of them transcribed from the Mouth of the Facetious Gentleman whose Name they bear. To which are added, Choice Collections of Moral Sentences, And of the most pointed and truly valuable Epigrams in the British Tongue; With the Names of the Authors to such as are known. Most humbly Inscribed To those Choice Spirits of the Age, His Majesty's Poet-Laureat, Mr. David Garrick, Mr. The Cibber, Mr. Justice Boden's Horse, Tom Jones, the most Impudent Man living, the Rev. Mr. Henley, and Joe Baker the Kettle-Drummer. The Fourteenth Edition.
9622: MOTTLEY (Johm), compiler: - Joe Miller's Jests; Or, the Wit's Vade Mecum: Being A Collection of the most Brilliant Jests, the excellent Bon Mots, and the most pleasant short Stories, in the English Language: A originally edited by John Mottley, Esq. Author of the Life of Peter the Great, &c. With Considerable Additions. A Collection of Witty and Moral Sentences; And the most pointed and truly valuable Epigrams and Epitaphs; With the Names of the Authors, to such as are know. Inscribed to the Choice Spirits of the Age! A New Edition.
9361: MOTTLEY (John), compiler: - Joe Miller's Jests. Or, the Wit's Vade Mecum: Being A Collection of the most Brilliant Jests, Excellent Bon Mots, and the most pleasant short stories, in the English Language. With considerable additions. A Collection of Witty and Moral Sentences, And the most pointed and truly valuable Epigrams and Epitaphs, With the Names of the Authors, in such as are know. Inscribed to the Choice Spirits of the Age: A New Edition.
7252: [MOTTLEY (John), compiler]: - Joe Miller's Jests: Or, the Wits Vade-Mecum. Being a Collection of the most Brilliant Jests; the Politest Repartees; the most Elegant Bons Mots, and most pleasant short Stories in the English Language....
9533: MOUNTENEY (Richard): - Baron Mountenay's celebrated Dedication of the Select Orations of Demosthenes, to the late Sir Robert Walpole, Bart. Of Ministerial Memory. Done into Plain English, and illustrated with Notes and Comments, and dedicated to Trinity-College, Dublin. By AEschines the Third.
8684: MOXON (Elizabeth): - English Housewifery, Exemplified in Above Four Hundred and Fifty Receipts, giving directions in most parts of Cookery; And how to prepare various Sorts of Soops [sic], Made Dishes, Pates, Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Made Wines, &c. &c. &c..... With an Appendix, Containing upwards of Eighty Receipts, of the most valuable kind (many never be fore printed).... The Thirteenth Edition, Corrected.
6496: MOZART. JAHN (Otto): - Life of Mozart. Translated from the German by Pauline D. Townsend. With a Preface by George Grove.
3335: MOZART. NOHL (Ludwig): - The Life of Mozart Translated from the German Work of Dr Ludwig Nohl. By Lady Wallace.
6026: MOZART (Leopold): - [Versuch einer gründlichen Violinschule] Leopold Mozarts Hochfürstl. Salzburgisch Vice-Kapellmeisters grünliche Violinschule, mit vier Kupfertaflen und einer Tabelle. Vierte vermehrte Auflage.
6028: MOZART (Wolfgang Amadeus): - The Letters of Mozart & His Family. Chronologically Arranged, Translated and Edited with an Introduction, Notes and Indices by Emily Anderson. With Extracts from the letters of Constanze Mozart to Johann Anton André translated and edited by C. B. Oldman.
10072: [MUDFORD (William)]: - Nubilia in Search of a Husband; including Sketches of Modern Society, and Interspersed with Moral and Literary Disquisitions.
9396: MULSO (Thomas): - Callistus: Or, the Man of Fashion. And Sophonius: Or, the Country Gentleman. In Three Dialogues.
7100: MURRAY (Lindley): - Abridgment of Murray's English Grammar. With an Appendix, containing exercises In Orthography, In Parsing, In Syntax, And in Punctuation. Designed for the Younger Classes of learner. The Twentieth Edition, Corrected.
8777: MURRAY (Thomas): - The Literary History of Galloway. Second Edition.
8594: MUSIC TRIO. - Concert Spirituel
6079: MUSICAL MAGAZINE. BENNETT (Thomas), publisher: - The Musical Magazine, or Compleat Pocket Companion For the Year 1767. Consisting of Songs and Airs for the German Flute, Violin, Guittar and Harpsichord. By the Most Eminent Hands. Volume I [II].
9514: MYLNE (James): - Poems, Consisting of Miscellaneous Pieces, and Two Tragedies.
6960: NANNINI - FLORENTIO (Remigio): - Orationi Militari. Raccolte per M. Remigio, Fiorentino, da tutti gli Historici Greci e Latini, antichi e moderni. Con gli argomenti, che dichiarano l'occasioni, per le quali elle furono fatte. Con gli effetti, in questa seconda edizione, che elle fecero ne gli animi di coloro, che l'ascoltarono, dove sommariamente si toccano l'Historie di tutti i tempi. Con l'Aggiunta de moltic Historici, et Oration, non impresse nella prima. Dal medesimo Autore diligentemente corrette. Com Prvilegio.
8050: NARDI (Francesco) [RUSSEL (John)], Lord: - Scritti a Difesa Della Santa Sede de Monsignor Francesco Nardi, Prelato Domestico di sua Santita Uditore di S. Rosta e Consultore della S. C. di Propaganda.
8804: NARES (Robert): - Elements of Orthoepy: Containing a Distinct View of the Whole Analogy of the English Language; so far as it relates to Pronunciation, Accent, and Quantity.
10126: NELSON (James): - An Essay on the Government of Children, Under Three General Heads, Viz. Health, Manners, and Education. The Third Edition.
9272: NELSON (Gilbert): - The Happiness of Man, in this Life.
2846: NELSON (Robert): - An Address to Persons of Quality and Estate. To which is added, an Appendix Of some Original and Valuable Papers.
6982: NEO-LATIN POETRY. [FLAMINIO (Marcantonio)]: - Carmina Qvinqve Illvstrivm Poetarvm; Quorum nomina in sequenti pagina continentur. Additis Nonnvllis M. Antonii Flaminii libellus nunquam antea impressis.
9315: NEWBERY (Francis): - Donum Amicis. Verses on Various Occasions By Francis Newbery, Esquire.
5425: NEWTON (Thomas): - Dissertations on the Prophecies, Which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in the world. The Eleventh Edition.
8960: NIBBY (Antonio): - Del Foro Romano Della via Sacra dell'Anfiteatro Flavio e de' Luoghi Adjacenti Opera di Antonio Nibby Membro Ordinaria dell'Accademia Romana di Archeologia.
7398: NICHOLSON (Peter). HAY (John): - Nicholson's New Carpenter's Guide; Being A complete Book of Lines for Carpenters, Joiners, Cabinet Makers, and Workmen in General. An Enlarged and Improved Edition, By John Hay, Esq. Architect. The Theory and Practice Explained by Numerous Engravings.
10515: NICOLAIUS (Joanes Secunds): - Kisses; A Poetical Translation of the Basia of Joannes Secundus Nicolaius. With the Original Latin, and An Essay on his Life and Writings. The Third Edition, with Additions. and the Epithalamium translated.
8134: NICOLSON [née Cory], Adela Florence [pseud. Laurence Hope]: - Stars of the Desert.
8281: NOEL (Gerard Thomas): - Sermons chiefly intended for the Use of Families.
7493: NON-CONFORMITY. 4 TRACTS. DE LAUNE (Thomas): - A Plea for the Non-Conformists. In Three Parts. A New Edition Enlarged.
10306: NORRIS (Charles): - Etchings of Tenby, Including Many Ancient Edifices which have been destroyed, and intended to illustrate the Most Striking Peculiarities in Early Flemish Architecture. With a short account of that town, and of the principal buildings in its neighbourhood.
9591: NORRIS (John): - A Practical Treatise concerning Humility Design'd for The Furtherance and Improvement of that Great Christian Vertue, Both in The Minds and Lives of Men.
10316: NORRIS (John): - A Collection of Miscellanies: Consisting of Poems, Essays, Discourses & Letters. Occasionally Written. The Second Edition Corrected.
3267: NORTH (Roger): - Memoirs of Music.... Now first Printed from the Original MS. and edited, with Copious Notes, by Edward F. Rimbault.
1302: NORTH (Roger): - The Lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Baron Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, under King Charles II. and King James II. The Hon. Sir Dudley North, Commissioner of the Customs...and The Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Clerk of the Closet to King Charles II. A New Edition, With Notes and Illustrations, Historical and Biographical.
10153: NOSES. - A Treatise on the Custom of Counting Noses.
10470: O'KEEFE (Adelaide). MONTOLIEU (Isabelle de): - Dudley et Claudy ou, L'Ile de Ténériffe . Traduit de l'Anglais de Mlle O'Keefe, par Madame de Montolieu
2850: OBSERVATIONS. - OBSERVATIONS on the Conduct of Great-Britain, with Regard to the Negociations and other Transactions Abroad.
9958: OCHINO (Bernardino): - A Dialogue of Polygamy, Written Originally in Italian: Rendred [sic] into English by a Person of Quality; and Dedicated to the Author of that well-known Treatise call'd, Advice to a Son.
7559: OFFENBACH (Jacques): - The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein, Comic Opera, The English Words by Charles Lamb Kenney. The Music by J. Offenbach.
6319: OGILVIE (John): - Rona, A Poem. In Seven Books, Illustrated with a Correct Map of the Hebrides, and Elegant Engravings.
5689: OLDHAM (John): - The Compositions in Prose and Verse of Mr. John Oldham. To which are added Memoirs of his Life, and Explanatory Notes upon some Obscure Passages of his Writings. By Edward Thompson.
9736: OLIPHANT (Thomas): - La Musa Madrigalesca; or a Collection of Madrigals, Ballets, Roundelays, etc. Chiefly of the Elizabethan Age' with Remarks and Annotations.
10527: OOSTEN (Henry Van): - The Dutch Gardener: Or the Compleat Florist, Containing, The most successful Method of Cultivating all sorts of Flowres; the Planting, Dressing, and Pruning of all manner of Fruit Trees in Northern Climates. Written in Dutch By Henry Van Oosten. The Leyden Gardner. And made English.
4601: OPIE (Amelia): - The Warrior's Return, and Other Poems. The Second Edition.
10445: [ORDE (John), Sir attributed author]: - Copy of A Correspondence, &c. between the Right Hon.. the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, The Right Hon. The Earl St. Vincent, K. B. The Right Earl Spencer, K. G. and Vice-Admiral Sir J. Order, Bart.
4682: ORIEL (John Foster), Baron: - Speech of the Right Honorable John Foster, Speaker of the House of Commons of Ireland; Delivered in Committee of the Whole House On Thursday the 11th of April, 1799.
9684: OSBORNE (Francis): - Advice to a Son. The Second Part. By Francis Osborn.
2456: OSSIAN. M'CALLUM (Hugh and John): - An Original Collection of the Poems of Ossian, Orrann, Ulin, And Other Bards, who flourished in the same age. Collected and Edited by Hugh and John M'Callum.
10041: OSWALD (James): - An Appeal to Common Sense in Behalf of Religion. The Second Edition.
9531: OTWAY (Thomas): - The Works of Thomas Otway. In Three Volumes. With Notes, Critical and Explanatory, and a Life of the Author, by Thomas Thornton.
10160: OULTON (Walley Chamberlain): - The Beauties of Modern Dramatists. Containing all the Interesting Characters, Sentiments, Speeches, &c. in the Most Favourite Drmas of our Present Authors. Connected and Digested under Appropriate Heads, Alphabetically Srranged.
10488: OVID. - P. Ovidii Nasonis Poetae Sulmonensis Opera Quae Vocantur Amatoria, cvm doctorvm virorvm commentarijs partim hucusq[ue] etiam alibi editis, partim iam primùm adiectis: quorum omnium catalogum uersa pagina reperies. His accesservnt Iacobi Micylli annotationes longè doctissimæ, quibus passim & quæcunq; in his deprauata hactenus erant loca, uel parum rectè intellecta, aut penitus etiam prætermissa ab alijs, ita nunc emendantur, & explicantur, ut nihil ad hæc quidem probè intelligenda desiderari amplius ab æquo lectore possit. Eivsdem Iacobi Micylli locorvm aliquot ex Ouidiana Metamorphosi Retractio.
3349: PAINE (Thomas): - A Letter addressed to the Abbe Raynal, on the Affairs of North-America. In which the Mistakes in the Abbe's Account of the Revolution of America are Corrected and Cleared Up.
10281: PALAFOX Y MENDOZA (Juan de): - The New Odyssey of the Spanish Homer: Being the Travels of the Christian hero, Ulysses Desiderius Pius, Throughout the Universe, to the Palace of that Sovereign Princess styled the Science of Salvation. Contained in Nineteen Chapters, Rhapsodies or Visions; The whole making a fine Spiritual Romance, or, rather, a Sublime Allegorical Poem written originally in Spanish. Fourth Edition, carefully revised and corrected.
8750: PALEY (William). PEARSON (Edward): - Remarks on the Theory of Morals: In which is contained an examination of the theoretical part of Dr. Paley's "Principles of Moral and Political PHilosophy."
7827: PALEY (William). HOWARD (Alfred): - Beauties of Paley, Consisting of Selections from his Theological, Moral, and Political Works.
8849: PALGRAVE (Francis T.): - The Golden Treasury. Selected from the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language and arranged with Notes. Revised and Enlarged
8271: PALLADIO (Andrea): - Le Terme dei Romani diegnate da Andrea Palladio e Ripubblicate con La Giunta di Alcune Osservazioni da Ottavio Bertotti Scamozzi giusta l'esemplare de Lord Conte di Burlington Impress in Londra l'Anno 1732
9114: PALLADIO (Andrea). LEONI (Jacques): - Architecture de Palladio, divisée en quatre livres: Dans Lesquels Après un Traité des cinq Ordres, joint aux observations les plus nécessaires pour bien bâtir, Il Est Parlé De la Construction des Maisons publiques & particuliéres des Grand Chemis, des Ponts, des Places-Publiques, des Xystes, & des Temples, avec leur Plans, Profils, Coupes & Elévations. Avec Des Notes D'Inigo Jones, qui n'avoient point encore été imprimées. Le tout revu, dessiné, & nouvellement mis a jour par Jacques Leoni.... Traduit de l'Italien....
8054: [PALM SUNDAY.] - Office du Dimanche des Rameaux, Latin et Francois, a l'usage de Rome.
2852: PALMER (Charles): - A Collection of Select Aphorisms and Maxims; With several Historical Observations: Extracted from the most Eminent Authors.
7694: [PAOLI (Giovanni Antonio de)]: - Sommario delle Vite de Gl'Imperadori Romani, Cavato dall'Historie Antiche, et Moderne, con le Loro Effigie, Ritratte Dalla Medaglie, Et anco in nomi de' Pontefici, che a quei tempi furono.
10217: PAPA (Giuseppe del): - Consulti Medici.
7630: PARADISI (Agostino): - Elogio del Principe Raimondo Montecuccoli.
4265: PARKER (Samuel): - Bishop Parker's History Of His Own Time. In Four Books. Faithfully Translated from the Latin Original, By Thomas Newlin.
9090: PARKHURST (John): - A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament: in which The Words and Phrases occurring in those Sacred Books Are Distinctly Explained And the Meaning assigned to each Authorized by References to Passages of Scripture. And frequently illustrated and confirmed By Citations from the Old Testament, And from the Greek Writers. To this Work is prefixed A Plain and Easy Greek Grammar, Adapted to the Use of Learners, And Of those who understand no other Language than English.
9187: PARKINSON (John): - Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris. Or A Garden of all sorts of pleasant Flowers which our English ayre will permit to be noursed up: With A Kitchen Garden of all manner of herbes, rootes, and fruites, for meate or sauseused with us, And An Orchard of all sort of fruit-bearing Trees and Shrubbes fit for our Land. Together With the right ordering, planting, and preserving of them and their uses and vertue. Collected by John Parkinson Apothecary of London.
4498: PARSON (Country): - The Country-Parson to the Country-People, Or, a Short Exposition of the Church-Catechism, By way of Question and Answer.
1440: PARSONS (James): - Philosophical Observations on the Analogy between the Propagation of Animals and that of Vegetables: In which are answered Some Objections against the Indivisibility of the Soul, which have been inadvertently drawn from the late curious and useful Experiments upon the Polypus and other Animals. With An Explanation of the Manner in which each Piece of a divided Polypus becomes another perfect Animal of the same Species.
9376: PARSONS (James): - Remains of Japhet: Being Historical Enquiries into The Affinity and Origin of The European Languages.
6848: PARSONS (Lawrence), Second Earl of Rosse: - Observations on the Bequest of Henry Flood, Esq. To Trinity College, Dublin: With a Defence of the Ancient History of Ireland. By Sir Lawrence Parsons, Bart.
3156: PASCAL (Blaise): - Thoughts on Religion, And other curious Subjects. Written Original in French by Monsieur Pascal. Translated into English By Basil Kennet, D. D. The Fourth Edition.
9809: PATTISON (Samuel): - Original Poems; Moral, and Satirical.
9959: PAULO (Veneto): - Logica. Pauli Veneti, Quam vir ille sui temporis facile primus pari breuitate, ac perspicuitate conscripsit. Addidimus Annotationes ad marginem, tabulas, figuras, eaque omnia diligentissimè emendauimus.
8372: PEARCH (George), editor: - A Collection of Poems. In Two [Four] Volumes. By Several Hands.
1511: PELLING (Edward): - A Practical Discourse upon Charity, In it several Branches: And of the Reasonableness and Useful Nature of this Great Christian Virtue.
9028: PEMBERTON (Henry): - Observations on Poetry, Especially the Epic: Occasioned by The Late Poem upon Leonidas.
7870: [PEMBERTON (Henry)]: - A View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy.
8234: PENMANSHIP. - Specimens of Penmanship, written at Mr. Jackson's Academy
9784: PENN (William): - Fruits of a Father's Love: Being the Advice of William Penn To his Children, Relating to their Civil and Religious Conduct. The Fifth Edition.
6946: PENN (James): - Various Tracts.
10229: PENNIE (John Fitzgerald): - The Royal Minstrel; or, The Witcheries of Endor. An Epic Poem, in Eleven Books.
6152: PENROSE (Thomas): - Poems by the Rev. Thomas Penrose late rector of Beckington and Standerwick, Somersetshire.
8962: PERCIVAL (Thomas): - A Father's Instructions; Consisting of Moral Tales, Fables, and Reflections; designed to promote the Love of Virtue, a Taste for Knowledge, and an early acquaintance with the Works of Nature. The Seventh Edition, Revised and Enlarged.
7656: PERCY (Thomas): - Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our earlier Poets, (Chiefly of the Lyric kind.) Together with some few of later Date. The Second Edition.
5830: PERCY (Thomas): - The Hermit of Warkworth. a Northumberland Ballad. Henry and Emma. Upon the model of The Nut Brown Maid by Matw Prior, &c.
9937: PEREZ (Antonio): - Las Obras y Relaciones De Ant. Perez Secretario de Estado, que fue del rey de España Don Phelippe II, deste nombre. Illustravat ndumVexat,
8796: PERINI (Lodovico): - Trattato della pratica di Geometria. In cui oltre i principi di essa vi sono molti insegnamenti intorno alle varie Misure di Terre, Acque, Fieni, Pietre, Grani, Fabbbriche, ed Altor, Seconde l'uso di Verona, e dit altre Citta d'Italian, raccolti dall'Opere di molti Autori, e dall' Experienza a comodo degli Studiosi di tal Profession da Lodovico Perini Pubblico Ingegnere, ed Architetto Veronese
8186: PERIODICAL. MUSICAL WORLD. - The Musical World, A Weekly Record of Musical Science, Literature, Intelligence. Vol. I [- XIII], From March 15, to June 10, 1836.
6526: [PERIODICAL]. CAECILIA. - Caecilia. Eine Zeitschrift für die musicalische Welt, herausgegeben von einem Vereine von Gelehrten, Kunstverständigen und Künstlern. Nr. 1 Mit 1 Portrait, 1 Musikblatt, und Intelligenzblatt.
6169: [PERNARELLI (Odorisio): - Istituzioni di Canto Fermo. Composte per Use degil Ecclesiastici Secondo lo Stile del Moderno Sistema e La Pratica della Chiesa Romana da un Sacerdote della congregazione della Missione. Dedicate al Reverendissimo Signore D. Giovanni Battista Etienne Superior Generale della Medesima Congregazione.
4460: PERRIN (Jean Baptiste): - Entertaining and Instructive Exercises, with the Rules of the French Syntax. By John Perrin. The Sixth Edition.
7399: PERRIN (John): - Le Guide du Traducteur. Or, The Entertaining and Instructive Exercises Rendered into French.
7457: PERSIUS. - The Satires of Persius. Translated by William Drummond, Esq. M. P.
5999: PERSIUS. - The Satires of Persius Translated into English Verse; with some Occasional Notes and the Original Text corrected. The Second Edition; To which is now prefixed, The Life of the Author.
7111: PERSIUS. - The Satires of Persius Translated into English Verse; with some Occasional Notes; and the Original Text corrected. The Second Edition, To which is now prefixed, The Life of the Author.
7311: PERSPECTIVE. - The Art of Drawing in Perspective: Wherein the Doctrine of Perspective is clearly and concisely treated of, upon Geometrical Principles; and a Mechanical Method of Perspective and Designing invented, for the Benefit of such as are Strangers to Mathematics. Illustrated with Variety of Copper-Plate Figures. To which are annexed, The Arts of Painting upon Glass, and Drawing in Crayons; with Directions for making Crayons after the French and Italian Manner: Also the Art of Etching; and that of Japanning upon Wood, or any Metal, so as to imitate China; with Instructions for making Black or Gilt Japan Ware, both beautiful and light; and for making the hardest and most transparent Varnishes. And, to which is added, A Method of casting Amber in any Form whatever. The Sixth Edition.
8521: PERTHES (Justus), publisher: - Gothaischer genealogischer Hof-Kalender auf das Jahr 1826
7640: PETRARCA (Francesco): - Sonnets, and Odes Translated from the Italian of Petrarch; with original Text, and an Account of his Life.
9585: PETRARCH - Il Petrarca con l'Espositione d' Allessandro Vellutello. Di nuovo ristampato con le figure ai Trionfi, con le Apostille, e con piu cose utili aggiunte.
9079: PETRARCH [COLONNA (Stefano)]: - I Sonetti, Le Canzoni, et I Triomphi di M. Lavra in Risposta d M. Francesco Petrarcha per le sve Rime in Vita, et Dopo la Morte di Lei Peruenuti alle mani del Magnifico M. Stephano Colonna, Gentil'huomo Romando, non per l'adietro date in luce. Con Privilegio
7568: PETRONIUS. - T. Petronij Arbitri, eqvitis Romani, Satyricon. In Capita dissectum, Cum omnibus omnium Interpretvm Obseruationibus, Notis, & Commentariis: Hactenus sigallatim, Nunc tandem sub vnum conscpectum, ad calcern cuiusque capitis, collocatis. Cum novo insuper & locupletissimo Rerum & verborum Indice. Accedunt & alla nonjulla Petroniorum Fragment aVetervmque Poetarvm Ctalecta, Svipici AEquve Vita et Satyra.
9839: PETRONIUS: - The Satyrical Works of Titus Petronius Arbiter, In Prose and Verse. In Three Parts. Together with his Life and Character, Written by Mons. St. Evremont; and A Key to the Satyr, by a Person of Quality. Made English by Mr. Wilson, Mr. Burnaby, Mr. Blount, Mr. Tho. Ayloff, and several others. And adorn'd with Cuts. To which is added, The Charms of Liberty; a Poem, by the late Duke of D------- [Devonshire].
9167: [PEYRONNET (Pierre-Denis Charles, comte de)]: - Compte General de l'Administration de la Justice Criminelle en France, Pendant l'Amee 1825, Presente au Roi, par le Garde des Sceaux, Ministre Secretaire d'Etat au Department de la Justice.
9673: PHARMACOPEIA LONDINENSIS. - Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis. Juxta Postremam Renovationem Edita. Londoni, Apud T. Londman, T. Sherwell, et J. Nourse....
7441: PHILIPOT (Thomas): - A Brief Historical discourse of the Original and Growth of Heraldry, Demonstrating upon what rational Foundations, that Noble and Heroick Science is established.
2975: [PHILIPS (John)]: - Cyder. A Poem. In Two Books. With the Splendid Shilling. Paradise Lost, and two Songs, &c.
10294: PHILIPS (Katherine): - Poems by the most deservedly Admired Mrs Katherine Philips The matchless Orinda. To which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey & Horace Tragedies. With several other Translations out of French.
8458: [PHILIPS (Ambrose), editor]: - A Collection of Old Ballads. Corrected from the best and most Ancient Copies Extant. With Introductions Historical and Critical.
4444: PHILIPS (Ambrose): - Pastorals, Epistles, Odes, and other Original Poems, With Translations from Pindar, Anacreon, and Sappho.
1775: PHILLIPS (John): - Poems attempted In the Style of Milton. The Tenth Edition.
9544: [PHILLIPS (Edward)]: - The Adventures of a Black Coat. Containing A Series of Remarkable Occurrences and Entertaining Incidents, That it was a Witness to in its Perwgrinations through the Cities of London and Westminster, in Company with Variety of Characters. As related by Itself.
10287: [PHILLIPS (John)]: - Cyder A Poem. In Two Books
9805: [PIDDINGTON (Rose)]: - The Last of the Cavaliers. Copyright Edition.
2660: PIKE (Nicholas): - The New Complete System of Arithmetick, Composed for the Use of the Citizen of the United States. Abridged for the Use of Schools. Fifth Edition.
7784: [PINKERTON (John)]: - An Essay on Medals.
10082: PIOZZI (Hester Lynch), editor. JOHNSON (Samuel), author: - Letters to and from the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D., to which are added, Some Poems Never Before Printed. Published from the Original MSS. in Her Possession. By Hester Lynch Piozzi. In Two Volumes
7562: PITTS (J.), printer: - Vocal Repository. The Gallant Soldier; being a Collection of Choice Songs relating to the Soldier's Life
5612: PLATO. - Phedon; or, A Dialogue of the Immortality of the Soul. From Plato, the Divine Philosopher.
9063: PLATO. - [Greek title]. Platonos Dialogoi 5. Recensuit, Notisque illustravit Nath. Forster, A. M. C. C. C. Socius. Edition Tertia.
8916: PLAYFORD (John): - The Whole Book of Psalms: With the Usual Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Together With all the Ancient and Proper Tunes sung in Churches, with some of Later Use. Composed in Three Parts, Cantus, Medius, & Bassus: In a more Plain and Useful Method than hat been formerly Published. The Third Edition, Corrected and Amended.
10364: PLINY The Younger. - Pliny's Panegyrick Upon the Emperor Trajan, Faithfully Rendred [sic] into English from the Original. By George Smith of North Nibley in the County of Glocester, Eq;
9336: PLOUGHMAN (Wm.) - Oeconomy in Brewing. The Second Edition. Concise Instructions for Brewing in Private Families. Calculated Solely for the Use of Those who are desirous of Brewing their own Beer. Wherein is laid down the Method of Obtaining it Fine and Good Flavored, With every other useful Direction for Private Brewing, Management of the Cellar, &c. &c.
3718: PLUCHE (Noel-Antoine): - Spectacle de la Nature: Or Nature display'd. Being Discourses On such Particulars of Natural History As were thought most proper to Excite the Curiosity, and From the Minds of Youth. Illustrated with Copper Plates. Translated from the Original French, By Mr. Humphreys. The Seventh Edition, Revised and Corrected.
7221: PLUMPTRE (James): - A Collection of Songs, Moral, Sentimental, Instructive, and Amusing. Selected and Revised by The Rev. James Plumptre.
3708: PLUMSTEAD (W. H.): - The Beauties of Melody; A Collection of the most popular Airs, Duets, Glees, &c. of the Most Esteemed Authors, Ancient and Modern, comprising those of Arne, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Winter, Weber, Bishop, &c. Also a selection of the best and most approved Irish Melodies; with appropriate words, written expressly for them. The Symphonies and Accompaniments entirely new and composed for this work. Interspersed with many of the beautiful Scotch Melodies, singing at the Theatres, Consorts, &c. Arranged for the Voice, with an Accompaniment for the Piano-Forte, &c. To which is prefixed, Observations and Instructions on Music, particularly Vocal and Accompaniment. The whole compiled, composed, selected and arranged, by W. H. Plumstead.
10068: PLUTARCH. - The History of Julius Cæsar. Newly translated from the original Greek of Plutarch.
5688: PLUTARCH. - Plutarch's Lives, translated from the original Greek, with Notes, Historical and Critical; And A Life of Plutarch. By John Langhorne and William Langhorne. A New Edition, carefully corrected, and the index much amended, and accurately revised throughout.
8791: PLUTARCH. - Alcuni Opusculetti de le Cose Morali del Divino Plutarco. In questa lingua nuovamente tradotti, Nuovamente ristampati, & corretti; Con la gionta di una tabola delle sentenze piu notibili, che in quelli si contengono.
7106: POETICAL MISCELLANY - The Poetical Miscellany; Consisting of Select Pieces From the Works of the following Poets, viz. Milton, Dryden, Pope, Addison, Gay, Parnel [sic], Young, Thomson, Akenside, Philips, Gray, Wharton, Shakespeare, Goldsmith, Wilkie, &c. &c. For the use of Schools. The Second Edition..
8855: POETRY. ANTHOLOGY. - The Muse's Mirrour: Being a Collection of Poems, Written by the following Authors: Mr. Pope Swift Churchill Gray Colman Wilkes Lloyd Thornton Garrick Ansty Jernyngham C. Denis Sheridan Cumberland Cunningham Edmund Waller Julius Mickle Schomberg J. Philips Law. Sterne Newell-Puddicombe T. Vaughan Mr. Soam Jenyns H. Kelly Fowkes Woty Aaron Hill Bryant Edwards McMillan Cha. Crawford Wm. Whitehead Paul Whitehead Evelyn Meadows Dr. Parnell Young Goldsmith Berkley Landhorne S. Johnson Sheridan Burton Rev. Mr. Mason Caswal P. Stockdale Rev. Mr. Ogilvie Nath. Lloyd Lord Carlisle Lyttelton Palmerston Sir Tho. H. Williams Alex Schomberg Hon. C. Townshend Mr. Fitzpatrick C. Fox Mr. Erskine Capt. Thompson Rice Lady M. W. Montague Mrs. Montague Lady Craven Mrs. Vaughan Lennox Greville Miss Sally Carter H. Moore Aikin. Second Edition.
7475: POETS (Most Eminent) [sic]: - The Muse in Good Humour: Or a Collection of Comic Tales. By the most Eminent Poets. The Sixth Edition
8741: POLENI (Giovanni): - Memorie Istoriche della Gran Cupola del Tempio e de' danni di essa, e de'; ristoramenti loro, Divise in Libri Cinque. Alla Santita' di Nosro Signore Papa Benedetto XIV.
7915: POLIGNAC (Diane), Comtesse - Memoires sur La Vie et le Caractere de Mme La Duchesse de Polignac. Avec des Anecdotes Interessantes sur La Revolution Francoise, et sur La Personne de Marie-Antoinette, Reine de France.
1896: POLIGNAC (Melchior), Cardinal de: - L'Anti Lucrece, Poeme sur la Religion Naturelle...De la Traduction de M. de Bugainville.
9470: POLIZIANO (Angelo): - Angeli Politiani et Aliorum virorum illust Epistolae cum praefatione in Suet. expositionem.
9318: POLIZIANO (Angelo): - Angeli Politiani Operoum. Tomus Primus. Epistolarum libros XII, ac Miscellaneorum Centuriam I, complectens.
7105: POMEY (Francesco): - Methode pour apprendre l'Histoire des faux Dieux de l'Antiquité ou le Pantheon Mytyque. Composé en Latin par le Pere Pomey, & traduit en francois par Monsieur Tenand.
9857: POMPADOUR. [Barbé-Marbois (François, Marquis de)]: - Letters of the Marchioness of Pompadour: From MDCCXLVI to MDCCLII inclusive.
8774: PONTANO (Giovanni Gioviano): - Ioannis Ioviani Pontani amorum libri II. e amore coniugali III. Tumulorum II, qui in superiore aliorum poematon editione desyderabantur. Lyrici I. Eridanorum II. Eclogae duae Coryle & Quinquennius superioribus quatuor additae. Calpurnij Siculi Eclogae VII. Aurelij Nemesiani Eclogae IIII. Explicatio locorum omnium abstrusorum Pontani authore Petro Summontio viro doctissimo. Index rerum quae in his Pontani lusibus contineantur.
9277: PONTEY (William): - The Profitable Planter. A Treatise on the Cultivation of Larch Scotch Fir Timber: showing that Their Excellent Quality (Especially that of the former) will Render Them so Extensively Useful, as greatly to promote the Interest of th Country. With Directions for Planting, in various soils and situation by a New and Expeditious Method; also, for the management of plantations. To which are added, Useful Hints, in regard to Shelter and Ornament.
5829: POPE (A.) GOLDSMITH (O.), inter alia: - The Pleasures and Pursuits of Human Life By Alexr Pope Esq. Edwin and Angelina by Oliver Goldsmith. The Traveller, or a prospect of Society by Do. Evening Contemplations in a College imitated from Gray's Elegy, with notes and Illustrations by the Author of Solitary Walks [George Wright] &c.
8991: POPE (William): - The Triumphal Chariot of Friction Or A Familiar Elucidation of the Origin of Magnet Attraction &c. &c. With Plates from Drawings made by the Author.
8210: POPE (Alexander): - Miscellaneous Poems and Translations. By Several Hands. Particularly, I. Windsor-Forest, with the Messiah. II. Essay on Criticism. III. Rape of the Lock. IV . Ode on St. Cecilia's Day. V. Verses to the Memory of a Lady. VI. To Mr. Jervas, with Fresno's Art of Painting. VII. To a young Lady, with the Works of Voiture. VIII. Eloisa to Abelard [Volume I.]. Dr. King, late of the Commons. Mr. Smith, late of Christ Church. Revd Mr. Dibben. Mr. Eiisha Fenton. Revd Dr. Yalden. Mr. Rowe. Mr. Southcot. Revd. Mr. Broome. Revd. Mr. James Ward. And the Rev. Mr. Archdeacon Daniel [Volume II]. The Fourth Edition.
7213: POPE (Alexander): - Les Principes de la Morale et du Gout. Traduits de l'Anglois de M. Pope Par M. du Resnel .... Nouvelle edition, Augmentee de la Boucle de Cheveux Enlevee, Poeme Heroi-Comique. [And] Examen de l'Essay de M.Pope sur l'Homme, Par M. de Crousaz.
9521: PORTER (Anna Maria), Miss: - Roche-Blanche; Or, The Hunters of the Pyrenees. A Romance.
3602: PORTEUS (Beilby): - Beauties of Porteus... Containing A Digest of the Faith, Duties, and Privileges, of A Christian. Including a View of the Evidences of the Christian Religion, with Notes of Observations and Reflections. Third Edition.
2856: PORTEUS (Beilby): - Lectures on the Gospel of St. Matthew; Delivered in the Parish Church of St. James, Westminster, in the Years 1798, 1799, 1800, and 1801.
2860: PORTEUS (Beilby). HODGSON (Robert): - The Life of the Right Reverend Beilby Porteous, D. D. Late Bishop of London.
9379: POSTEL (Guillame): - De Universitate Libri duo: In quibus Astronomiae Doctrinaeve Coelestis Compendium. Reliqua qua hisce Libris continentur, Pagina tertia offendit. Editio tertia.
10512: [POTTS (Ethelinda Margaretta)]: - Moonshine, Containing Sketches of England and Wales. The Second Edition.
10509: [PRATT (Samuel Jackson)]: - The Pupil of Pleasure: Or, the New System Illustrated. Inscribed To Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope, Editor of Lord Chesterfield's Letters. By Courtney Melmoth.
10131: PRATT (Samuel Jackson): - Miscellanies by Mr Pratt in Four Volumes.
7523: PRECEPTOR. - The Polite Preceptor: Or a Collection of Entertaining and Instructive Essays; Selected from The best English Writers, and Arranged in the most natural Order; with A View to inspire into the Minds of Youth the Love of Virtue, and the Principles of true Taste and just Reasoning.
3800: PRESCOT (Kenrick): - Letters concerning Homer The Sleeper in Horace: With Additional Classic Amusements.
3930: PRESCOTT (William H.): - History of the Conquest of Mexico, With a preliminary view of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes. New and Revised Edition, with the Author's Latest Corrected and Additions. Edited by John Foster Kirk.
5901: PRICE (Charles). - Histoire de Charles Price, Fameux Escroc de Londres, connu sous differens noms: traduire de l'Anglois sur la sixieme Edition.
4826: PRICE (Richard) and PRIESTLEY (Joseph): - Sermons.
9603: PRICE (Ridhard). MORGAN (Willliam): - Memoirs of the Life of The Rev. Richard Price, D. D. F. R. S.
9597: PRIESTLEY (Joseph): - Discourses on Various Subjects, including several on Particular Occasions.
7998: PRIOR (Matthew): - Poems on Several Occaions.
6021: PRIOR (Matthew): - Poems on Several Occasions.
8522: PRIOR (Matthew): - Poems on Several Occasions.
2494: [PROCTOR (Brian Waller)]: - Mirandola. A Tragedy. By Barry Cornwall. Second Edition.
9412: [PROCTOR (Brian Waller)]: - English Songs, and other Small Poems. By Barry Cornwall.
9415: [PROCTOR (Bryan Waller)] - A Silician Story. With Diego de Montilla. And Other Poems. By Barry Cornwall.
8221: PROLOGUES AND EPILOGUES. - Prologues and Epilogues, celebrated for their Poetical Merit.
6508: PROSPECTUS. NEWCASTLE PRESS - Prospectus to the People. In the Course of a Few Weeks will be Published, The first Number of a New Weekly Newspaper, to be called the Newcastle Press.
10473: PROVINCIAL POETRY: METHODISM. - Miscellaneous Poems and Hymns. Published for the Benefit of the Methodist Sunday School in Nottingham
10185: PSALMANAZAR (George): - Memoirs of **** Commonly known by the Name of George Psalmanazar; A Reputed Native of Formosa. Written by himself In order to be published after his Death. Containing An Account of his Education, Travels, Adventures, Connections, Literary Productions, and pretended Conversion from Heathenism to Christianity; which last proved the Occasion of his being brought over into this Kingdom, and passing for a Proselyte, and a Member of the Church of England.
8417: PSALMS. - A New Version of the Psalms of David, By N. Tate & N. Brady. Together with some Hymns as adapted to Christian Worship, selected from J. Stennet; Js. Watts, S. Browne: andJ. Mason, as used in the English established Church in Amsterdam. And set to Musick By J. Z. Triemer. With Priviledge for the Beneft of the Poor.
7572: PSALMS. DAVID. - The Psalms of David in Metre. Allowed by the Authority of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, And appointed to be sung in Congregations and Families.
4725: PSALMS. HYMNS. - Select Psalms and Hymns For the Use of the Parish-Church and Chapels Belonging to the Parish of St. James Westminster. With proper Tunes in three parts.
8730: PSALMS. DAVID. - The Psalms of David, in Metre; Newly translated, and diligently compared with the Original Text, and former Translations. More plain, smooth and agreeable to the Text, than any heretofore.
4206: PSALMS. STERNHOLD (Thomas) and HOPKINS (John): - The Whole Book of Psalms, Collected into English Metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, And Others; Conferred with the Hebrew.
7273: PSALMS. DAVID. - The Whole Book of Psalmes. Collected into English Meeter by T. Sternhold, J. Hopkins. W. Whittingham, and others: conferred with the Hebrew. . Newly set forth, and allowed to be sung in all Churches of all the people together, before and after Morning and Evening prayer, and also before and after Sermons. Moreover, in private houses, for their godly solace and comfort: laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which may tend only to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth
10167: PSEUDO MEDICINE. - The Quack Doctors. A Satire. In Hudibrastic Stile.
9371: PSEUDO PHALARIS. - Phalaridos Akragantinon tyrannou epistolai. Agrigentinorum Tyranni. Epistolae. Ex MSS Recensuit, Version, Annotationibus & Vita insuper Authoris Donvavit Car. Boyle, ex. AEde Christi.
9493: PUGET DE LA SERRE (Jean): - Il Sepolcro delle Delitie, e de i Piaceri del Mondo del Signor de la Serre. Portato dal Francese nell'Italiano Dal Padre Francesco Maria Battaglia Dell'Ordine Eremitano di S. Agostino. Dedicato al Revermo Padre, e Padrone Collendiss Il P. D. Gio. Battista dall'Aqua Priore dell'Insigne Certosa di Milano presso Garignanon. In questa seconde impressione remiste e diligentement corretto.
4962: [PULTENEY (William), Earl of Bath]: - An Enquiry into the Conduct of our Domestick Affairs, From the Year 1721. to the present Time. In which the Case of our National Debts; the Sinking Fund, and all Extraordinary Grants of Money, are particularly considered. Being a Sequel to Politicks on both Sides.
4730: [PULTENEY (William) Earl of Bath]: - The Case of the Sinking Fund, and the Right of the Publick Creditors to it considered at large; with some Farther Observations on the National Debts, the Civil List, the Bank Contract, Votes of Credit, and other extraordinary Grants of Money. Being a Defence of an Enquiry into the Conduct of our Domestick Affairs, and, A Full Reply to a late Pamphlet, intitled, Some Considerations concerning the Publick Funds, &c. In a Letter to the Author.
3913: [PULTENEY (William)]. - A Letter to Mr. P** On Occasion of his late Letter In Answer to the Remarks, &c.
6897: PURCELL (Henry): - Te Deum et Jubilate, for Voices and Instruments Perform'd before the Sons of the Clergy at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul. [And]: ARNE (Thomas): [King Arthur].
9649: PUSEY (Edward Bouverie): - An Historical Enquiry into the Probable Causes of the Rationalist Character lately predominant in the Theology of Germany. To which is prefixed, A Letter from Professor Sack upon the Rev. H. J. Rose's Discourses on German Protestantism; Translated from the German.
7799: PYE (Henry James): - Poems on Various Subjects. Ornamented with Frontispieces.
8335: QUEEN OF HEARTS. - Grandmamma Easy's New Story of the Queen of Hearts.
6940: QUINTILIAN - M. Fabii Qvintilian Oratoris eloquentissimi, Institutionum oratorium Libri XII,
10393: QUINTILIAN. - M. Fabii Quintilliani De Institutione Duodecim ad Codicum Vetrum Fiden Recensuit et Annotatione. Explanavit Georg. Ludovicus Spalding....
7609: QUINTUS CURTIUS RUFUS - De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni Editio prioribus correctior.
10067: QUINZIANO STOA (Giovanni Francesco), Brixiani Poetae Laureati: - De Syllabarum Quantitate Epographiae Sex. Epographia I. De Literis. Epographia II. De syllabae accidentius. Epographia III. De primis Syllabis. Epographia IIII. De mediis..Epographia V. De ultimis syllabis. Epographia VI. De ambiguis dictionibus. Riusdem Ars de Aliquibus Metrorum Generibus, ac de omnibus Heroici carminis speciebus.
9287: RABELAIS (Robert, the Younger): - A Nineteenth Century, and Familiar History of the Lives, Loves, & Misfortunes, of Abeillard and Heloisa, A Matchless Pair, who flourished in the twelfth century: A Poem, in Twelve Cantos. Illustrated with Ten Engravings. By Robert Rabelais, the Younger!
9767: RADCLIFFE (Ann): - The Mysteries of Udolpho, A Romance; interspersed with some pieces of poetry. The Second Edition.
9499: RADCLIFFE (Ann): - The Mysteries of Udolpho, A Romance; interspersed with some pieces of poetry. The Second Edition.
6756: RADCLIFFE (Sir George). WHITAKER (Thomas Dunham): - The Life and Original Correspondence of George Radcliffe, Knight, LL. D. The Friend of the Earl of Strafford.
8686: RAFFALD (Elizabeth): - The Experienced English Housekeeper, For the Use and Ease of Ladies, Housekeepers, Cooks, &c. Written purely from Practice, and dedicated to the Hon. Lady Elizabeth Warburton, Whom the Author lately served as Housekeeper: Consisting of near seveeral Hundred Original Receipts, most of which never appeared in print. Part I. Lemon Pickle, Browning for all Sorts of made Dishes, Soups, Fish, Plain Meat, Game, made Dishes, both hot and cold, Pyes, Puddings, &c. Part II. All Kinds of Confectionary, particularly the Gold and Silver Web for covering of Sweetmeats, and a Desert of Spun Sugar; with Directions to set out a Table in the most elegant Manner, and in the modern Taste; Floating Islands, Fish-Ponds, Transparent Puddings, Trifles, Whips, &c. Part III. Pickling, Potting, and Collaring, Wines, Vinegars, Catchups, Distilling; with two most value Receipts, one for refining Malt Liquors, the other for curing Acid Wines; and a correct List of every Thing in Season for every Month in the Year. A New Edition. In which are inserted some celebrated Receips by other modern Authors.
6494: RAMSAY (Allan): - The Tea-Table Miscellany: A Collection of Choice Songs, Scots and English. The Eighteenth Edition.
9431: RAMSAY (Andrew Michael, "The Chevalier"): - The Travels of Cyrus. To which is annexed, a Discourse upon the Theology and Mythology Of the Ancients. The Fifth Edition much enlarged.
2496: RAMSAY (Allan): - The Monk and the Miller's Wife, A Tale. With a Translation into Latin Rhyme.
7439: RAMSAY (Allan): - Poems by Allan Ramsay.
8829: RAMSAY (John), of Kildalton: - Sammelband: Address on the Opening of the Suez Canal. Diaries of Trips to Egypt and America, inter alia.
2586: RAMSAY (Andrew Michael, "The Chevalier"): - Les Voyages de Cyrus; avec un discours sur la Theologie et La Mythologie des Anciens. Seconde Édition, avec la signification des mots les plus difficiles en Anglois au bas de chaque page. Revue et Soigneusement corrigée Par N. Wanostrocht.
2097: RAMSAY (Andrew Michael), "The Chevalier": - Les Voyages de Cyrus, Avec un Discours sur la Mythologies.
8657: RANDOLPH (George): - An Enquiry into the Medicinal Virtues of Bristol-Water: and the Indication of Cure which it answers.
9843: [RAPIN (Rene)]: - Observations on the Poems of Homer and Virgil. A Discourse representin the Excellencies of those Works and the perfections, in general, of all Heroick Act
9161: RATTRAY (Robert Haldane): - The Exile: A Poem. The Third Edition.
8060: RAUTHEMEL (Richard): - Antiquiates Bremetonacenses: or The Roman Antiquities of Overborough.
9472: RAUTHMEL (Richard): - Antiquitates Bremetonacenses; Antiquitates Bremetonacenses, or, The Roman antiquities of Overborough.
3122: RAVENSHAW (Thomas F.): - Antiente Epitaphes (From A. D. 1250 to A. D. 1800), Collected & sett forth in Chronologicall order
8416: [ RAWYNSLEY (Eleanor Foster) née Eleanor Foster Simpson]: - Cuckoo Time. A Drama of Westmorland Village Life in Four Acts.
10232: RAY (John): - Philosophical Letters Between the late Learned Mr. Ray And several of his Ingenious Correspondents, Natives and Foreigners. To which are added those of Francis Willughby Esq. The Whole consisting of many curious Discoveries and Improvements in the History of Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Plants, Fossiles, Fountains, &c. Published by W. Derham, Chaplain to his Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, and F.R.S.
5634: REASONS. - Reasons for the Neutrality of Great-Britain, Deduced From her Exploits for the House of Austria.
9077: REBUFFI (Pierre): - Praxis Beneficiorum Utilissima, Acquirendi, conseruandique illa, ac amittendi modos continens, usumque & stylum literarum Curiae Romanae, formas denique signaturae, Bullae simplicis, ac nouae prouisionis dispensationisque, atque aliarum literarum gratiae, clausularumque; in eis con tentarum, adhaec regularum Cancellariae explicationem, & aliorum, que ad hanc materiam spectant, et que in foren sieuersantur indicio, prout indicat sequens pagina. Autore D. Petro Rebuffo de Montepessulano.... Accessit his singularium materiarum locupletissimus Index in gratiam studiosorum per elementa Alphabetica uenustè digestus.
10027: REDDING (Cyrus): - A History and Description of Modern Wines. Second Edition, with considerable additions, and a new preface developing the system of the port wine trade.
9726: REID (Thomas): - Essays on the Active Powers of Man.
9725: REID (Thomas): - Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man.
9214: RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY. - The Youth's Manual; or, Profitable Companion.
5919: RERESBY (John): - The Memoirs Of the Honourable Sir John Reresby, Bart. And last Governor of York. Containing several Private and Remarkable Transactions From the Restoration to the Revolution Inclusively. To which is added a Copious Index.
10218: REYNARD THE FOX - The Crafty Courtier: Or the fable of Reinard the Fox: Newly done into English Verse, from the Antient Latin Iambics of Hartm. Schopperus, And by him Dedicated to Maximilian then Emperor of Germany.
5748: REYNOLDS (Edward): - A Treatise of the Passions and Faculties of the Soule of Man. With the severall Dignities and Corruptions thereunto belonging.
3264: REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua). HILLES (Frederick Whiley): - The Literary Career of Sir Joshua Reynolds.
3729: REYNOLDS (Frederick): - The Blind Bargain: Or, Hear it Out; A Comedy, in five acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden.
8263: RICCI (Michele): - Di Michele Riccio Napolitano De Re di Francia Librii. De Re d'Ispagnia. Libri III. De Re di Gierusalem Lib I. De Re di Napoli, & di Sicilia. Lib IIII. De Re di Vngaria. Libri II. Dal Latino, tradotti in questa nostra lingare da M. Giovanni Tatti Florentino. Con Priuilegio dell'Illustrissimo Veneto, per anni dieci.
8147: RICHARDS (George): - An Essay on the Characteristic Differences between Ancient and Modern Poetry. And the Several Causes from which they result.
2870: RICHARDSON (Joseph): - Literary Relics of the late Joseph Richardson... consisting of The Comedy of The Fugitive, and a Few Short Poems; With A Sketch of the life of the Author by an Intimate Friend; in which those numbers of the Rolliads and Probationary Odes written by Mr. Richardson are particularized. The whole Collected and Prepared for the Press by Mrs. Richardson, His Widow.
7859: RITSON (Anne): - Exercises for the Memory: An Entire new Set of Improving Enigmas, being The Forty English and Twelve Welch Counties, in Verse; Including upwards of Three Hundred Different Events and Anecdotes. Selected from the Grecian, Roman, and English Histories, Mythology, Poetical and Dramatic Authors, also the Most Public Buildings and Places in and about London and Westminster.
7802: RIVARD ( François Dominique): - Traité de la Sphère et du Calendrier. Cinquieme Edition. Revue et augmentée par Jerome de Lalande, Dikrecteur de l'Observatoire: &c.
8016: ROBERTSON (William), inter alia: - An Abridgement of the History of Scotland, from Robertson, Stuart, &c. In the Manner of Goldsmith's Abridgement of the Histories of England, Rome, and Greece. (For the Use of School.)
2594: ROBERTSON (William): - The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a View of the Progress of Society in Europe, from the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. The Eleventh Edition.
2341: [ROBINS (Benjamin)]: - An Address to the Electors, and other Free Subjects of Great Britain; Occasion'd by the Late Secession.In which is contain'd A particular Account of all our Negotiations with Spain, and their Treatment of Us, for above Ten Years past. The Second Edition.
5885: ROBINSON (Thomas): - Scripture Characters: or, A Practical Improvement of the Principal Histories in the Old and New Testament. In Four Volumes. The Third Edition.
3763: ROBINSON (Mary): - Memoires de Mistriss Robinson, célèbre actrice de Londres, contenant des détails curieux sur sa carrière dramatique et littéraire, ses amours avec le prince de Galles; son voyage en France, et ses relations avec le duc d'Orlenas et plusieurs personages celebres; écrits par elle-même; traduit de l'anglais sur la dernière édition.
4098: ROBINSON (Robert): - The History of Baptism.
9775: ROBLES (Isidoro de): - Varios Prodigios de Amor. En onze novelas exemplares, nuevas, nunca vistas, ni impressas. Las cinco escritas sin una de las letras vocales ; y las otras de gusto, y apacible entretenimiento. Tercera impression. Añadidos, y emmendados tres casos prodigiosos. Compuestas por diferentes autores, los mejores ingenios de España. Recogidas Por Isidro de Robles, natural de esta Coronada Villa de Madrid.
2930: ROCHE (Regina Maria): - The Children of the Abbey, A Tale.
4987: ROCHESTER. (PARSONS (Thomas [sic, for Robert]): - A Sermon Preach'd at the Funeral Of the Right Honourable John Earl of Rochester, who Died at Woodstock-Park, July 26. 1680. and was Buried at Spilsbury in Oxfordshire, Aug. 9. By Thomas [sic] Parsons, M. A. Chaplain to the Right Honourable Anne Countess-Dowager of Rochester. The Fourteenth Edition.
9735: ROCHESTER (John Wilmot), Earl of: - Poems On Several Occasions: With Valentinian; A Tragedy. Written by the Right Honourable John, Earl of Rochester.
9734: ROCHESTER (John Wilmot), Earl of, inter alia: - The Works Of the Earls of Rochester, Roscomon, and Dorset; The Dukes of Devonshire, Buckinghamshire, &c. With Memoirs of their Lives. In Two Volumes. With Additions, and Adorned with Cuts.
9983: ROCHESTER (John Wilmot, Earl of): - Familiar letters: ... Written by the Right Honourable John, late Earl of Rochester. To the Honble Henry Savile, Esq; And other Letters, by Persons of Honour and Quality. With Letters written by the most Ingenious Mr. Thomas Otway, and Mrs. K. Phillips. Publish'd from their Original Copies. With Modern Letters, by Tho. Cheek, Esq; Mr. Dennis; and Mr. Brown. The Fourth Edition, with Additions.
7480: RODOLPHE (Jean Joseph): - Solfeges, Ou, Nouvelle Methode de musique Par Demandes et Réponses Divisées en deux Parties: La premiere contient la Théorie de cet Art: La seconde, les Leçons avec la Basse et les Gradations nécessaires pour parvenir aux difficultés.... Seconde Edition revue et corrigee par l'Auteur.
8924: ROGERS (Charles): - The Modern Scottish Minstrel, or The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century. With Memoirs of the Poets, and Sketches and Specimens in English Verse of the most Celebrated Modern Gaelic Bards.
7931: ROHAULT (Jacques): - Rohault's System of Natural Philosophy, Illustrated with Dr. Samuel Clarke's Notes Taken mostly out of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. Done into English By John Clarke. The The Third Edition.
5371: ROSCOMMON (Wentworth Dillon), Earl of: - The Poetical Works Of the Right Honourable Wentworth Dillon, Earl of Roscommon.
9067: ROSE (William Stewart): - The Court and Parliament of Beasts freely translated from The Animali Parlanti of Giambattista Casti. A Poem In seven Cantos.
7296: ROSINUS (Joannes): - Antiquitatum Romanarum Corpus Absolutissimum, in quo praeter ea quae Ioannes Rosinus delineaverat, infinitia supplentur, mutantur, adduntur: ex Criticis, et Omnibus utriusque linguae auctoribus collectum: Poetis, Oratoribus, Historicis, Jurisconsultiis, qui laudati, explicate, correctiq: Thoma Dempstero... Edition Postrema, emendatior.
9049: ROSMINI (Antonio). LOCKHART (William) and LOCKART (William Henry): - An Outline of the Life of Antonio Rosmini, Founder of the Institute of Charity. With a Short Sketch of His Philosophical System, by Monsignor Gastaldi, Archbishop of Turin, Edited by Father Lockhart. Second Edition.
10522: ROSSEAU (Jean Jacques: - Emilius; or an Essay on Education. By John James Rousseau, Citizen of Geneva. Translated from the French By Mr. Nugent.
9221: ROSSINI. ITALIAN MUSIC. MAJER (Andrea): - Essai de Littérature musicale concernant L'Origine, les Progrè et les Révolutions de la Musique Italienne, avec des Rémarkques critiques sur les véritable causes de sa décadence et le nouveu style de Rossini. Traduit de l'Italien par le Docteur Joseph de V alerian.
10406: ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques): - Letters on the Elements of Botany. Addressed to a Lady. Translated into English With Notes, and Twenty-Four additional Letters, fully explaining the System of Linnaeus. By Thomas Martyn...The Second Edition, with Corrections and Improvements.
5491: ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques): - Dictionnaire de Musique. Collections Complete des Oeuvres de J. J. Rousseau, ave Figures en taille-douce. Nouvelle Edition, Soigneusement revue & corrigée. Tome Dixieme [&] Onzieme.
9030: ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques): - Dictionnaire de Musique.
5144: ROUSTAN (Antoine Jacques): - A Catechism upon a New and Improved Plan; Translated from the French of Monsieur Roustan.
4923: ROWE (Elizabeth): - Friendship in Death: In Twenty Letters from the Dead to the Living. To which are added, Letters Moral and Entertaining, In Prose and Verse: In Three Parts.
9894: [ROWLANDSON (Thomas). FARQUHAR (Ferdinand): - The Relicks of a Saint. A right merry Tale.
10508: ROWSE (Elizabeth): - Outlines of English History. In Verse. Second Edition.
10410: [ROYAL HOUSEHOLD] - A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household Made in Divers Reigns From King Edward III. to King William and Queen Mary. Also Receipts in Ancient Cookery.
6591: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS. - The Exhibition of the Royal Academy, M.DCC.XCIII. The Twenty-Fifth [1793]. [AND]. The Twenty-Sixth. The Twenty-Seventh. The Twenty-Eighth. The Twenty-Ninth. The Thirtieth. The Thirty-First. The Thirty-Second. The Thirty-Third. The Thirty-Fourth. The Thirty-Fifth. The Thirty-Sixth. The Thirty-Seventh. The Thirty-Eighth. The Thirty-Ninth [1807].
7158: RUDDIMAN (Walter), editor: - A Collection of Scarce, Curious, and Valuable Pieces, Both in Verse and Prose; Chiefly selected From the fugitive Productions of The most eminent Wits of the present Age.
7486: RUGGLE (George): - Ignoramus, Comoedia; Scriptore Georgio Ruggle, A. M. Aulae Clarensis, apud Cantabrigienses. Olim Sociio; nunc denuo in lucem edita cum Notis Historicis et Cdriticis: quibus in super Praeponitur Vita Auctioris, et Subjicitur Glossarium Vocabula Forensia Dilucide Exponens; accurante Johanne Sidneio Hawkins.
4634: RUMFORD (Sir Benjamin Thompson), Count of: - Essays, Political, Economical and Philosophical. The Third Edition. [Volume 1].
9085: RUMP SONGS. [BROME (Alexander], editor: - A Collection of Loyal Songs Written against the Rump Parliament, Between the Years 1639 and 1661. Containing A great Variety of Merry and Diverting Characters of the Chief Sectaries, who were the Principal Actors in that whole Scene of Affairs. With an Historical Introduction to the Whole. In Two Volumes.
2465: RUSH (James): - The Philosophy of the Human Voice: Embracing its Physiological History; together with a System of Principles by which Criticism in the Art of Elocution may be rendered inteligible, and instruction, definite and comprehensive. To which is added a Brief Analysis of Song and Recitative. Seventh Edition, Revised.
9738: [RUTLEDGE (Jean-Jacques)]: - The Englishman's Fortnight in Paris; or, The Art of Ruining Himself There in a Few Days. By an Observer. Translated from the French.
9679: RYMER (Thomas): - The Tragedies of the Last Age. Consider'd and Examin'd by the Practice of the Ancients and by the Common sense of all Ages. In a letter to Fleetwood Shepheard, Esq. The Second Edition.
7566: SADOLETO (Jacopo): - De liberis recte instituendis, liber.
8174: SAINSBURY (John S.): - A Dictionary of Musicians, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. Comprising the most Important Biographical Contents of the works of Gerber, Choron, and Fayolle, Count Orloff, Dr. Burney, Sir John Hawkins, &c. &c. Together with upwards of a Hundred Original Memoirs of the most Eminent Living Musicians; and a Summary of the History of Music. Second Edition.
6697: SAINSBURY (John S.): - A Dictionary of Musicians, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. Comprising the most Important Biographical Contents of the works of Gerber, Choron, and Fayolle, Count Orloff, Dr. Burney, Sir John Hawkins, &c. &c. Together with upwards of a Hundred Original Memoirs of the most Eminent Living Musicians; and a Summary of the History of Music. Second Edition.
7291: SAINT PAUL. ADDINGTON (Stephen): - The Life of Paul the Apostle. With Critical and Practical Remarks on his Discourses and Writings.
9846: SAINT JULIEN (Antoine de): - La forge de Vulcain, ou L'apareil des Machines de Guerre. Traité Curieux, Dans lequel on fait voir comme en racourci quels sont les Instrumens Militaires, leur forme, leur matiere, & leur composition; Leur fin, leur appareil, & leur execution, les effets suprenans qu'ils produisent; & generalment tout de quite peu servir a leur perfection.
6929: SAINTE-MARTHE (Scévole de): - Paedotrophia; Or, the Art of Nursing and Rearing Children. A Poem, in Three Books. Translated from the Latin of Scevole de St. Marthe. With Medical and Historical Notes; with the Life of the Author, from the French of Michel and Niceron; his Epitaph; his Dedication of this Poem to Henry III. of France; and the Epigram written on the visit he had the Honour to receive from Charles I. of England, when Prince of Wales. By H. W. Tytler, M. D. Translator of Callimachus, and Fellow of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce.
10093: SAINTIN, publisher. M***8 (le Baron [sic]): - Petits Voyages Pittoresques dans l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Amérique, la Polynésie et les terres australes;contenant la description des principaux pays de ces parties du monde, et celle de leurs habitans; Avec trente-deux planches coloriées soigneusement, représentant les costumes de tous ces peuples.
8559: SALLUST. - C. Crispii Sallustii De conivratione Catilinæ historia. Eivsdem De Bello Ivgvrthino. Portij Latronis Declamatio contra L. Catilinam. Fragmenta quædam ex libris Historiarum C. Crispi Sallustij. Ex uestuiss.codicibus Omnia emendatiora: & ad fine, uariæ lectiones annotatæ.
9933: SALLUST. - C. Crispi Sallustii Belli Catilinarii et Jugurthink: Historiae. Secundum Exempla Emendatissima.
7766: SALLUST.Catiline et Bellum Jugurthinum Fragmenta - C. Sallustii. Crispi Conjuratio Catiline et Bellum Jugurthinum Fragmenta eiusdem historiarum, e scriptorib. antiquis ab Aldo Manutio, Paulli F. collecta; Scholia Aldi Manutii Index, rerum & verbor. memorabilium. Aldus. Mantius. Pavlli. F. A. n.
4438: SALLUST. - The History of Catiline's Conspiracy, and the Jugurthine War. By C. C. Sallust. With a New Translation of Cicero's Four Orations against Catiline. To which is prefixed, The Life of Sallust. By William Rose.
3275: SALLUST. - Caius Crispus Sallustius the Historian Translated into English. To which are prefixed The Life and Character of the Author and His Works. By John Rowe. The Fourth Edition, Revised and Corrected Throughout.
9510: SAMMELBAND. [KING (William)]: - Tres Oratiunculae Habitae in Domo Convocationis Oxon.
9602: SAMMELBAND: SCOTT (John). KEATE (George). GERRARD (John) - Amwell: A Descriptive Poem. By John Scott, Esq. The Second Edition.
9255: SANDERSON (John), of Chalk: - Original Poems, on Various Subjects.
9692: SANDERSON (Thomas): - Original Poems.
9320: [SANDERSON (Robert)]: - Jucicium Universitatis Oxoniensis. De 1. Solenni Liga & Foedere. 2. Iuramento Negativo. 3. Ordinationibus DParlamenti circa Disciplina & Cultum. In plena Convocation 1. Junii 1647. Communibus Suffragiis (nemine contradicente) proumlgatum.
10482: SANDERSON (Robert) . WALTON (Isaac): - The Life of Dr. Sanderson, Late Bishop of Lincoln. Written by Izaak Walton. to which is added, Some short Tracts of Cases of Conscience, written by the said Bishop
9100: SANDYS (Lucy): - Child Life in Bible Times. (Illustrated).
10305: SANDYS (George): - A Relation of a Journey begun An Dom. 1610. Foure Bookes. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of Ægypt, of the Holy Land, of the remote parts of Italy, and ilands adioyning. The third edition.
3905: SANDYS (William) and Simon Andrew Forster: - The History of the Violin and other instruments played on with the bow from the remotest times to the present. Also, an account of the principal makers, English and foreign, with numerous illustrations.
9381: SANNAZARO (Jacopo): - Arcadia di M Giacomo Sannazaro. Ornata di alcuni Annotationi da Tomaso Porcacchi. Con La Vita dell'Autore descritta dal medesimo. Et la dichiaratione delle voci iscure che sono nell'Opera. to re ta ma [sic] Alla M. Ill. Sig. mia & Padrona Coll. La Signora Anna Renzi.
3048: SAVAGE (Richard): - The Works of Richard Savage, Esq. Son of The Earl Rivers. With an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by Samuel Johnson. A New Edition.
10461: SAVILLE (George, Lord): - The Lady's New-year's Gift: Or, Advice to a Daughter. Under these following Heads, viz. Religion, Husband, House, Family and Children, Behaviour and Conversation, Friendships, Censure, Vanity and Affectation, Pride, Diversions. The Tenth Edition, exactly Corrected.
2878: SAY (Jean-Baptiste): - A Treatise on Political Economy; Or the Production, Distribution, and Consumption of Wealth. Translated from the Fourth Edition of the French, By C. R. Prinsep. With Notes by the Translator. New American Edition. Containing a Translation of the Introduction, and Additional Notes, By Clement C. Biddle.
10460: SCALA (Giovannie) and POMODORO (Giovanni): - Geometria Pratticca di chiarasa da Giovanni Scala Sopra le tavole dell Eccte. Mathematico Giovanni Pomodoro, traite d'Euclide et altri authori. Opera per Generali da guerra, Capitani Architetti ombardieri e Ingegniert Cosmograsinon che per orindarii professori di misure.
10213: SCALIGER. Jules César Scaliger; - Julii Caesaris Scaligeri Exotericarum exercitationum liber quintus decimus, de subtilitate, ad Hieronymum Cardanum.
9364: SCHINDLER (Valentin): - Lexicon Pentaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Talmudico-Rabbinicum, et Arabicum. In Qvo Omnes Voces Hebraeae, Chaldaeae, Syrae, Rabbinicae & Arabicae, adjectis hincinde Persicis, Aethiopicis & Turcicis, ordine Alphabetico, sub suis singulae Radicibus degest[a]e continentur ... ; Variorvm Item, Interpretvm Difficiles, ac discrepantes sententiae conferuntur, & examinantur; Cum triplici Indice: 1. Abbreviaturarum Hebraearum copiosissimo. 2. Nominum propriorum hoc Lexico citatorum. 3. Omnium vocum Latinarum, quibus dicta Idiomata explicantur, locupletisimo....
6661: SCHMIDT (Erasmus): - Novi Testamenti Jesu Christi Græci, Hoc Est, Originalis Linguæ Tameion (aliis Concordantiæ) Hactenus Usitato Correctius, Ordinatius, Distinctius, Plenius, Jam dudum a pluribus desideratum: Ita Concinnatum, Ut Et Loca reperiendi, & Vocum veras Significationes; & Significationum diversitates per Collationem investigandi, Ducis instaresse possit. Opera Erasmi Schmidii, Graec. L. & Mathem. Prof. Cum gratia & Privilege Elect. Saxon.
8432: SCHOONEBEEK (Adriaan): - Nette Afbeeldingen Der Eyge Dragten Van alle Geestelyke Orders, Nevens Een kort Aantekening van haar begin, instelders, en bevestiging. In't koper gebracht door Adriaan Schoonebeek.
10050: SCHOPPE (Kaspar): [SCIOPPIUS (Caspar)] FIVE WORKS IN ONE VOLUME: - Pascasii Grosippi Paradoxa Literaria In quibus multa de literis nove contra Ciceronis, Verronis, Qunctiliani, aliorum literatorum hominum, tam Veterum, quam recentiorum, sententiam disputantur.Ad. ferdinandum Henriquez a Rivera Ducem de Alcalaa & Marchionem Tariffæ.
9013: SCOTT (Sir Walter). OLDE (E. M.): - Lasofnigar i Engelska Spraket, for Nya Elementar Skolan.
7266: [SCOTTISH AGRICULTURE]: - Select Essays on Husbandry. Extracted from the Museum Rusticum, and Foreign Essays on Agriculture. Containing A Variety of Experiments, all of which have been found to succeed in Scotland.
10403: [SCUPOLI (Lorenzo)]: - The Spiritual Combat: To whiich is added, The Peace of the Soul, &c. &c. Eleventh Edition.
9073: SCURVEY (Ed) and Bob Charlies: - Kutchin: Indian Words and Meanings.
8316: SECRET HISTORY. - The Secret History of the Reigns of K. Charles II. and K. James II.
10014: SEDGWICK (James): - A New Treatise on Liquors: Wherein the Use and Abuse of Wine, Malt-Drinks, Water, &c. Are particularly consider'd, In many Diseases, Constitutions, and Ages. With the Proper Manner of using them, Hot, or Cold, either as Physick, Diet, or Bath. Containing Plan and easy Rules for the Preservation of Health, and the Attainment of Long Life. The Whole Being a full Determination of all that hath lately been publish'd on those Subjects: Tho' chiefly contrary to the Opinions of Dr. Cheyne, Dr. Rouse, Dr. Short, Lommius, Vander Heyden, Dr. Mancock, Mr. Smith, And others.
5603: SELLON (William): - Sermons on Various Subjects.
8737: [SEMPLE (Adam (fl. 1870s)]: - Testimonials Testimonials in Favour of the Rev. Adam Semple, M.A., B.D., Candidate for the Office of Examiner in Mental Science in the University of Glasgow.
5624: SENAULT (Jean-Francois): - The Use of Passions. Written in French By J. F. Senault. And Put into English by Henry Earl of Monmouth.
7385: SENIOR (William Nassau): - Two Lectures on Population, delivered before the University of Oxford, in Easter Term, 1828. To which is added a Correspondence between the Author and the Rev. T.R. Malthus.
8410: [SERLE (Edis)]: - Little Joe and His Strawberry Plant. By the author of "Little Charlotte's Home," "Bunch of Grapes," "Donald's Hamper."
9195: SERMONS. [CRANMER (Thomas), inter alia]: - Certaine Sermons or Homilies Appoynted to be read in Churches. In the time of the late Queen Elizabeth of famous memory. And now thought fit to be reprinted by authoring form the Kings most Excellent Majesty.
9032: SERVICES FOR HOLY WEEK. - L'Office de la Semaine Sainte, a l'Usage de la Maison du Roy. Imprimè aux Breviaires & Messels Romain & Parisien. Avec les Cérémonies de l'Eglise. Nouvelle Edition.
8782: SEVEN ALMANACS. 1808 - The Gentleman's Diary, or the Mathematical Repository; An Almanack For the Year of our Lord 1808: Being Bissextile or Leap Year. Containing many useful and entertain Particulars, peculiarly adapted to the ingenious Gentlemen engaged in the delightful Study and Practice of the Mathematicks. The Sixty-eight Almanack published of this Kind; and the Fifty-sixth of the New Style in England.
8781: SEVEN ALMANACS. 1806. - The Gentleman's Diary, or the Mathematical Repository; An Almanack For the Year of our Lord 1806: Being The Second after Bissextile or Leap Year. Containing many useful and entertaining Particulars, peculiarly adapted to the ingenious Gentlemen engaged in the delightful Study and Practice of the Mathematicks. The Sixty-sixth Almanack published of this Kind; and the Fifty-fourth of the New Style in England.
2298: SEVILLE. B. (A.): - The Treaty of Seville, and the Measures that have been taken for the Four Last Years, Impartially Considered. In a Letter to a Friend.
10197: SEWALL (Jonathan Mitchell): - Miscellaneous Poems, With Several Specimens from the Author's Manuscript Version of the Poems of Ossian. Published Agreeably to an Act of Congress.
10199: SEWARD (Anna): - [Works]: The Poetical Works of Anna Seward: With Extracts from her Literary Correspondence. Edited by Walter Scott, Esq.
2881: SEWEL (William): - The History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People called Quakers. Intermixed with Several Remarkable Occurrences. Written Originally in Low Dutch, and also translated by himself into English. The Fifth Edition.
6511: SEWELL ([Mary]), Mrs.: - The Rose of Cheriton. A Ballad. By Mrs Sewell, Author of "Mother's Last Words," "Thy Poor Brother," "Homely Ballads," etc
9069: [SEXBY (Edward) and TITUS (Silius)]: - Traicte Politique compose par William Allen, Et traduit nouvellement en françois, Où il est prouvé par l'exemple de Moyse, et par d'autres, tirés hors de l'escriture, que Tuer un Tyran 'titulo vel exercitio', n'est pas un meurtre.
7043: SEYER (Samuel): - On the Syntax of the Latin Verb: Designed for the Use of Students.
10319: SEYMAR (William): - Conjugium Conjurgium: Or, Some Serious Considerations on Marriage. Wherein (by way of Caution and Advice to a Friend) its Nature, Ends, Events, Concomitant Accidents, &c. are Explained.
1689: SHAIRP (John Campbell): - Studies in Poetry and Philosophy.
3715: SHAKESPEARE. - Shakespeare's England. An Account of the Life and Manners of his Age.
2499: SHAKESPEARE. WALTER (James): - Shakespeare's True life. Illustrated by Gerald E. Moira.
2657: SHAKESPEARE (William): - The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare, In Six Volumes; With Notes by Joseph Rann.
4508: SHAKESPEARE. PARR (Wolstenholme): - The Story of the Moor of Venice. Translated from the Italian. With Two Essays of Shakespeare, and Preliminary Observations.
7195: SHAKESPEARE. [HEATH (Benjamin)]: - A Revisal of Shakespear's Text, wherein The Alterations introduced into it by the modern Editors and Critics, are particularly considered.
9252: SHAKESPEARE. THORNBURY (George Walter): - Shakspere's England; Or, Sketches of the Social History in the Reign of Elizabeth.
7194: SHAKESPEARE. SEYMOUR (E. H.): - Remarks, Critical, Conjectural, and Explanatory, upon the Plays of Shakespeare; resulting from A Collation of the Early Copies, with that of Johnson and Steevens, edited by Isaac Reed. Together with Some Valuable Extracs from the Mss. of the Late Right Honourable John, Lord Chedworth. Dedicated to Richard Brinsely Sheridan.
4318: SHAKESPEARE. [TAYLOR (Edward)]: - Cursory Remarks on Tragedy, on Shakespear, and on certain French and Italian Poets, principally Tragedians.
9727: SHAKSPEARE (William): - The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare, with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators; Comprehending A Life of the Poet, and An Enlarged History of the Stage by the Late Edmond Malone. With a New Glossarial Index.
6315: SHARP (Granville): - An Account of the Ancient Division of the English Nation into Hundreds and Tithings: the happy effects of that excellent institution; -that it would be equally beneficial to all other Nations and Countries, as well under monarchical as republican establishments;-and that, to the English Nation in particular, it would afford an effectual means of reforming the Corruption of Parliaments by rendering the Representation of the People perfectly equal, in exact numerical Proportion, to the total Number of Householders throughout the whole Realm. Intended as an Appendix to several Tracts on National Defence, &
1827: SHAW (James): - Sketches of the History of the Austrian Netherlands: With Remarks on the Constitution, Commerce, Arts, and General State of these Provinces.
6595: SHENSTONE (William): - The Works in Verse and Prose, of William Shenstone, Esq. The Fifth Edition [volumes 1 and 2]. A New Edition [volume 3].
5222: SHENSTONE (William): - The Poetical Works of William Shenstone. With Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes, by the Rev. George Gilfillan. The Text edited by Charles Cowden Clarke.
10271: [SHERBURNE (Sir Edward). QUINTILIAN - M. Fabii Quintiliani Institutionum Oratoriarum Libri Duodecim. Summa diligentia ad fidem vetustissimorum codicum recogniti ac restituti. Accesserunt huic renovatae editioni Declamationes, quae tam ex P. Pithoei, J. C. Clarissimi, quam aliorum Bibliothecis & editionibus colligi potuerunt. Cum Turnebi, Camerarii, Parei, Gronovii, & Aliorum Notis. Cum Indice locupletissimo, tam in Textum, quam Notas.
9778: SHERIDAN (Thomas): - A Discourse Delivered in the Theatre at Oxford, in the Senate-House at Cambridge, and at Spring-Garden in London. Being Introductory to His Course of Lectures on Elocution and the English Language. The Second Edition.
8030: SHERIDAN (Thomas): - A Rhetorical Grammar of the English Language. Calculated solely for the Purposes of Teaching Propriety of Pronunciation, and Justness of Delivery, in That Tongue, by the Organs of Speech.
10447: SHERIDAN (Louisa Henrietta), later Lady Louisa Henrietta Wyatt: - The Diadem: A Book for the Boudoir edited by Miss Louisa H. Sheridan.
5463: SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley): - A Trip to Scarborough, A Comedy. As performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane. Altered from Vanbrugh's Relapse; or, Virtue in Danger.
10442: SHERIDAN (Charles Francis): - The Roman Catholic Claim to the Elective Franchise Disclosed, An Essay upon the True Principles of Civil Liberty.
8679: SHERIDAN (Thomas): - A Course of Lectures on Elocution: Together with Two Dissertations on Language; and Some Other Tracts relative to those Subjects. A New Edition.
7233: [SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley), inter alia]: - [The Rival Beauties: A Poetical Contest. Containing, The Bath Picture; or, a sketch of its beauties in 1771. Clio's protest, or, the picture varnished. And Pindar's reply. To which is added, The Ridotto of Bath, a panegyric.]
7911: SHERLOCK (William): - The Present State of the Socinian Controversy, and the Doctrine of the Catholick Fathers Concerning a Trinity in Unity.
6200: SHERLOCK (William): - A Practical Discourse concerning a Future Judgment. The Sixteenth Edition.
6198: SHERLOCK (William): - A Practical Discourse concerning a Future Judgment. The Fifth Edition.
6201: SHERLOCK (William): - A Discourse Concerning the Knowledge of Jesus Christ, And Our Union and Communion with him, &c.
2317: SHERLOCK (Thomas): - A Vindication of the Corporation and Test Acts. In Answer to the Bishop of Bangor's Reasons for the Repeal of Them. To Which is added: A Second Part, Concerning the Religion of Oaths. By Tho. Sherlock, Dean of Chichester, and Master of the Temple.
5083: SHERLOCK (Thomas): - Several Discourses Preached at the Temple Church. The Third Edition.
9106: SHERSTON (Peter): - The Months, commencing with Early Spring; A Poem, Descriptive of Rural Scenes and Village Characters.
10291: SHERWOOD (Mary Martha), Mrs. - The History of Theophilus & Sophia. Ninth Edition.
2978: [SHIPPEN (William)]: - Faction Display'd. A Poem. From a Corrected Copy.
10026: SHOREY (J. F.): - What Jesus is Doing for Drunkards. How Faith and Trust in Him can Overcome the Craving Appetite for Strong Drink. With Testimonies of Rescued and Converted Drunken Men and Women From London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and New York, U. S. A. Revised, Condensed, and Cheaped.
3911: SIDDONS. CAMPBELL (Thomas): - Life of Mrs. Siddons.
6905: SIDNEY (Sir Philip): - The Miscellaneous Works of Sir Philip Sidney, Knt. With a life of the author and illustrative notes By William Gray.
3770: SIDNEY [SYDNEY] (Algernon): - The Works of Algernon Sydney. A New Edition.
3992: [?SILLIMAN (Benjamin)]: - Letters of Shahcoolen, a Hindu philosopher residing in Philadelphia, to his friend El Hassan, an inhabitant of Delhi.
6513: SIME (D.), editor: - The Edinburgh Musical Miscellany: A Collection of the most approved Scotch, English, and Irish Songs, Set to Music.
7314: SIMSON (Robert): - Sectionum Conicarum Libre Quinque. Editio Secunda, Emendatior & Auctior.
7935: SINGING. - The London Minstrel a selection of favorite Songs, Duetts, Glees &c. Set to Music for the Voice, Violin & Flute with an Introduction to Singing.
4117: SKEFFINGTON (Hon. and Rev. T. C.): - Handy-Book of Musical Art; With some Practical Hints to Students.
3073: SKELTON (Philip): - Ophiomaches: Or Deism Revealed. With a new Introduction by David Berman.
9170: SKELTON (John): - Pithy Pleasaunt and Profitable Workes of Maister Skelton, Poete Laureate. To King Henry the VIIIth.
8581: SKINNER (John): - Amusements of Leisure Hours: or Poetical Pieces, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect: by the late Reverend John Skinner; at Longside, Aberedeenshire. To which is Prefixed, A Sketch of the Author's Life, with some Remarks on Scottish Poetry.
8542: SKITTLES. - Rules and Instructions for Playing at Skittles. By a Society of Gentlmen.
10261: SKRINE (Henry Duncan): - The Eclogues of Virgil Translated into English Verse.
9475: SKURRAY (Francis): - Bidcome Hill, A Rural and Descriptive Poem. Second Edition. To which is prefixed An Essay on Local Poetry.
8718: SLAUGHTER (Edward): - Grammatica Hebraica Auctore Edwardo Slaughter S. I. Item Chaldaica. Auctore Io. Dav. Michaelis.
9129: [SMART (Christopher)] - An Index to Mankind: Or Maxims Selected from The Wits of all Nations, For the Benefit of the Present Age, and of Posterity: Intermix'd with some Curious Reflections, with a Preface by the late Mr. Pope. [The Student's Companion: Being a Collection of Historical Quotations From the best Ancient and Modern Author, on All Sorts of Subjects, Alphabetically Digested, page 85].
10182: SMETHAM (Richard): - Natal Love, A Poem, Together Two Other Pieces.
6863: SMETIUS (Henricus or Hendrik): - Henrici Smetii Alostani Prosodia in Novam Forma Digesta: In qua voces plurimae de novo additae: pleraeque etiam ad similia remissiones, novis exemplis suppletae: Singularum vero syllabarum quantitas, in rudiorum gratiamnotulis productionem brevitatemque earum indicantibus, ad marginem notatur.
5973: SMILES (Samuel): - Duty With Illustrations of Courage, Patience, & Endurance
5643: SMITH (Robert): - Harmonics, or The Philosophy of Musical Sounds.
3879: SMITH (John Thomas): - Nollekens and his Times: Comprehending a Life of that Celebrated Sculptor: and Memoirs of Several Contemporary Artists, from the time of Roubiliac, Hogarth, and Reynolds, to that of Fuseli, Flaxman, and Blake.
3054: SMITH (Adam). MOSSNER (Ernest Campbell): - Adam Smith: The Biographical Approach. Being the thirtieth Lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on 3rd March 1969.
3230: SMITH (Robert): - Harmonics, or The Philosophy of Musical Sounds. The Second Edition, Much improved and augmented.
3710: SMITH (John): - Fruits and Farinacea the Proper Food of Man: Being an attempt to prove, from history, anatomy, physiology, and chemistry, that the Original, Natural, and Best Diet of Man is derived from the Vegetable Kingdom. With Notes and Illustrations, by R. T. Trall. From the Second London Edition.
2291: SMITH (Thomas): - Letter to Thomas Smith, Esquire; Occasioned by His Letter to the Lord Provost and Magistrates of Edinburgh. Containing Matter of Serious Consideration for the Public and the Magistrates. By an Inhabitant of Edinburgh.
9829: SMITH (Charlotte): - Elegiac Sonnets and Other Poems. The Eighth Edition.
3645: SMITH (David Nichol). - Essays on the Eighteenth Century. Presented to David Nichol Smith in honour of his seventieth birthday.
10135: SMITH (Samuel Stanhope): - An Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species. To which are added, Strictures On Lord Kames's Discourse on the Original Diversity of Mankind. A New Edition. With Some Additional Notes, By a Gentleman of the University of Edinburgh.
2885: SMITH (John): - Memoirs of Wool, Woolen Manufacture, and Trade, (Particularly in England) From the Earliest to the Present Times; With Occasional Notes, Dissertations, and Reflections. The Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged.
5916: SMITH (John): - The Art of Painting in Oyl. Wherein is included each particular Circumstance relating to the best and most approved Rules for preparing, mixing, and working of Oyl Colours The whole Treatise being so full Compleat, and so exactly fitted to the meanest Capacity, that all Persons whatsoever, may be able by these Directions, to Paint in Oyl Colours all manner of Timber work; that require either Use, Beauty, or Preservation, from the Violence or Injury of the Weather. The Fifth Impression, with some Alterations, and many Matters added, which are not to be found in the former Editions. To which is added, The whole Art and Mystery of Colouring Maps, and other Prints, with Water-Colours.
8867: SMOLLETT (Tobias): - The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves. Cooke's Edition. Two Volumes in One. Embellished with Superb Engravings.
8822: SOCIETY OF THE COURT OF COMUS. - Tales to Kill Time: Or, A New Method to cast off Care, and to cure Melancholy, Vapours, and all Hypochondriacal Complaints. By the Society of the Court of Comus.
8797: SOMERVILLE (Thomas): - The History of Great Britain during the Reign of Queen Anne. With a Dissertation concerning the Danger of the Protestant Succession; And an Appendix, containing Original Papers.
8525: SONGS. CHANSONS. - Chansons Choisies, avec les airs notés.
8807: SONGS. - Le Petit Chansonnier des Desserts.
9913: SONGS. MINSTREL. - Prime the Cup, Fill it High. The Boatman of de Ohio. De Color'd Fancy Ball.
5430: SOUTHEY (Robert): - The Book of the Church. Second Edition.
9618: SOUTHEY (Robert): - The Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo:
4322: SOUTHEY (Robert): - Madoc. The Second Edition.
3183: SPENCER (Herbert). GUTHRIE (Malcolm): - On Mr. Spencer's Formula of Evolution as an exhaustive statement of the changes of the universe. Followed by a resume of the most important criticism of Spencer's "First Principles."
7107: SPOHR (Louis): - Louis Spohr's Celebrated Violin School, Translated from the Original. Dedicated to the Author's Friend Edward Taylor Esqr. Gresham Professor Music. By John Bishop.
6316: SQUIRE (Samuel): - Indifference for Religion Inexcusable; Or, a Serious, impartial and practical Review of the Certainty, Importance, and Harmony of Religion both Natural and Revealed.
4953: [ST. JOHN (John)]: - Observations on the Land Revenue of the Crown.
4095: STAFFORD (William C.): - A History of Music.
6054: STAFFORD (William C.): - History of Music.
6933: STAGG (John): - Miscellaneous Poems, Some of which are in the Cumberland Dialect.
8373: STANHOPE (Eugenia): - The Deportment of a Married Life; Laid down in a Series of Letters, written by the Honorable E------. S-------, a few years since, to a Young Lady, her relation then lately married. Dedicated to the Countess of Derby. Second Edition.
4335: STANHOPE (George): - The Danger of Hard-heartedness to the Poor. A Sermon Preach'd in the Parish-Church of St. Sepulchers, May 31. 1750. Being Thursday in Whitson Week. At a Meeting of the Gentlemen concerned in Promoting the Charity-Schools in and about the Cities of London and Westminster. At which Time and Place the several Masters and Mistresses of the said Schools appeared with the poor Children under their Care: In Number above Two Thousand. Published at the Request of many Persons concerned in this Charity.
9981: STATIUS (Publius Papinius): - Statii Sylvarum Libri quinque Thebaidos libri duodecim Achilleidos.
10322: STEBBING (Henry): - A Dissertation on the Power of States to Deny Civil Protection to the Marriages of Minors Made without the Consent of their Parents or Guardians. In which The Opinion of Baron Puffendorf upon that Subject, is examined.
10464: STEELE (Richard): - The Romish Ecclesiastical History of Late Years.
10065: STEELE (Richard), editor: - Poetical Miscellanies, Consisting of Original Poems and Translations By the best Hands.
7902: STEELE (Sir Richard): - Epistolary Correspondence of Sir Richard Steele. Containing Letters to his Second Wife, Mrs. Mary Scurlock, and Her Two Daughters [volume 1]; Containing Letters to and from His Friends and Patrons [volume 2]. Now first printed from the originals, which are deposited in the British Museum. Illustrated with Literary and Historical Anecdotes By John Nichols.
9715: STEELE (Richard): - Il Funerale. Commedia. Originale Inglese, Del Cavaliero Riccardo Steele.
8721: STEELE (Sir Richard): - The Conscious Lovers. Gli Amanti Interni Commedia Inglese del Cavaliere Ricardo Steele.
4598: STEELE (Richard), editor: - The Guardian. A New Edition, Carefully Revised. With Prefaces Historical and Biographical by Alexander Chalmers.
5053: STEELE (Richard). - Remarks upon Mr. Steele's Crisis, Humbly inscrib'd to the Clergy of the Church of England.
4276: [STEPHENS (William)]: - An Account of the Growth of Deism in England.
10483: STERNE (Laurence): - The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman A New Edition.
9359: STERNE (Laurence): - Voyage Sentimental en France. Par M. Sterne, sou le Nom d''Yorick.
4074: STERNE (Laurence): - Sermons Choisis de L. Sterne. Traduits de l'Anglais par Mr. D. L. B.
9233: STERNE (Laurence): - A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, By Mr. Yorick; and the History of a Good Warm Watch-Coat, &c. A Political Romance,
6107: STERNE (Laurence): - A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. By Mr. Yorick. A New Edition.
4631: [STEVENS (William)], ed.: - The Scholar Armed against the Errors of Infidelity, Enthusiasm, and Disloyalty; or, A Collection of Tracts on the Principles of Religion, Government, and Ecclesiastical Polity.
3628: STEVENS (George Alexander): - A Lecture on Heads, With Additions by Mr. Pilon; As delivered by Mr. Charles Lee Lewis..... To which is added An Essay on Satire. A New Genuine Edition Corrected. With the genuine Edition of G. A. Steven's Songs....
9538: STEVENS (George Alexander): - The Choice Spirit's Chaplet; Or, A Poesy from Parnassus. Being a Select Collection of Songs, from The most approved Authors; Many of them Written and the Whole compiled by George Alexander Stevens, Esq.
9664: STEVENS (John L.): - Fancy's Wreath; Poems. Second Edition.
10440: [STEVENSON (John Hall)]: - Crazy Tales: To which are prefixed, Macarony fables; Fables for Grown Gentlemen ; Lyrick Epistles; And Several Other Poems; By The Same Author.
9329: [STEWART (William Grant)]: - The Popular Superstitions and Festive Amusements of the Highlanders of Scotland.
2614: STEWART (Dugald): - Philosophical Essays. Third Edition.
2615: STEWART (Dugald): - Philosophical Essays. Third Edition.
2611: STEWART (Dugald): - Outlines of Moral Philosophy. With a Memoir, a Supplement, and Questions, by James M'Cosh, LL. D.
2612: STEWART (Dugald): - Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. In Two Parts. With References, Sectional Heads, Synoptical Table of Contents and Translations of the Numerous Greek, Latin, and French Quotations, &c. By The Rev. G. N. Wright, Editor of the Works of Berkeley, Reid, etc.
6919: [STILLINGFLEET (Edward)]. - Three works (uniformly bound) written against Stillingfleet, viz. To Katholiko [Greek] Stillingfleeton. Or, An account given to a Catholick Friend, of Dr. Stillingfleets late book against the Roman Church. Together with a short Postil upon his Text, in three Letters, by I.V.C. [John Vincent Canes].
7869: STIRLING. RANDALL (M.): - The History of Stirling, From the earliest accounts to the present time. Compiled from the Latest and best Authorities. With a Sketch of a Tour to Callander and the Trosachs, &c. &c. Second Edition.
9207: STOKES (J.): - The Complete Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer's Guide: Comprising, the Rudiments and Principles of Cabinet-Making and Upholstery, with Familiar Instructions, Illustrated by Examples, for Attaining a Proficiency in The Art of Drawing: The Processes of Veneering, Inlaying, and Buhl-Work; the Art of Dying and Staining Wood, Ivory, Bone Tortoiseshell, &c. Directions for Lackering, Japanning, and Varnishing; to make French Polish, to Prepare the Best Glues, Cements, & Compositions; and A Number of Recipts, particularly useful to the workmen generally. Embellished with Sixteen Explanatory and Illustrative Engravings, by Mr. J. Stokes, With the Articles of Furniture elegantly coloured.
7875: STONE (Edmund): - A New Mathematical Dictionary: Wherein is contain'd, not only the Explanation of the Bare Terms, But likewise an History of the Rise, Progress, States, Properties, &c. of Things, Both in Pure Mathematics, and Natural Philosophy, So far as these last come under a Mathematical Consideration. The Second Edition, with Large Additions.
7924: STONE (Edmund): - A New Mathematical Dictionary: Wherein is contain'd, not only the Explanation of the Bare Terms, But likewise an History of the Rise, Progress, States, Properties, &c. of Things, Both in Pure Mathematics, and Natural Philosophy, So far as these last come under a Mathematical Consideration. The Second Edition, with Large Additions.
9697: STONHOUSE (James): - Admonitions against Swearing, Sabbath-Breaking, and Drunkenness, Designed for the Benefit of such, as are guilty of one, or more of these Vices. The Ninth Edition.
10468: STOTHARD (Thomas). BRAY (Mrs. [Anna Eliza]): - The Life of Thomas Stothard, R.A. With Personal Reminiscences. With Numerous Illustrations from His Works.
10456: STRANGE (Robert): - An Inquiry Into the Rise and Establishment of the Royal Academy of Arts To Which Is Prefixed, a Letter to the Earl of Bute.
10112: STRETCH (Liscombe Maltbee): - The Beauties of History; Or, Pictures of Virtue and Vice, Drawn from Real Life; Designed For the Instruction and Entertainment of Youth. The Third Edition.
6557: STUART (Gilbert): - The History of the Establishment of the Reformation of Religion in Scotland.
9954: SULLIVAN (Arabella Jane): - Recollections of a Chaperon. Edited by Lady Dacre. New Edition.
2890: SULLY (Maximilien de Béthune), Duc de: - Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minister to Henry the Great. Containing The History of the Life and Reign of that Monarch, And his own Administration under Him. Translated [by Charlotte Lennox] from the French. To which is added, The Tryal of Ravaillac for the Murder of Henry the Great.
8028: SUPPER. - A Week's Preparation toward a Worthy Receiving of the Lord's Supper After the Warning of the Church for the Celebration of the Holy Communion. In Meditations and Prayers for Morning and Evening, for every Day in the Week. Also Some Meditations to live well after the Receiving the Holy Sacrament The Forty-Sixth Edition.
2208: SYDENHAM (Thomas): - Medecine pratique de Sydenham, avec des notes; Ouvrage traduit en Francois sur la derniere edition Angloise, Par feu M. A. F. Jault.
4690: SYKES (Arthur Ashley): - The Principles and Connexion of Natural and Revealed Religion Distinctly Considered.
8434: SYMPSON [SIMPSON] (Christopher): - A Compendium: Or Introduction to Practical Musick In Five Parts. Teaching, by a New, and Easie Method, 1. The Rudiments of Song. 2. The Principles of Composition. 3. The Use of Discords. 4. The Form of Figurate Descant. 5. The Contrivance of Cannon. The Eighth Edition with Additions: Much more Correct than any former, the Examples being put in the most useful Cliffs.
9057: TABRAHAM (Richard): - Instructive Sketches of Character. Fourth Edition, Enlarged. Six Thousand Two Hundred. Sent post paid, if ordered of the Rev. R. Tabraham, Spalding, or through any Wesleyan Minister.
10282: [TAIT (John)]: - The Cave of Morar, The Man of Sorrows. A Legendary Tale. In Two Parts.
10136: [TALBOT (Catherine)]: - Essays on Various Subjects. By the Author of Reflections on the Seven Days of the Week. The Second Edition.
4366: TASSO (Torquato): - Il Goffredo, overo Gierusalemme Liberata, Poema Heroico...con l'Allegoria Univerale dell'istesso, Et con gli Argomenti del Sig. Horatio Ariosti & di bellissime figure adnorato.
9413: Taurobolium. - The Tauroboliad or the Sacrifice of the Constitution. A Satire.
2892: [TAYLOR (Isacc)]: - Physical Theory of Another Life. By the Author of the Natural History of Enthusiasm.
4858: TAYLOR (Isaac): - Beginnings of European Biography. The Early Ages. From the Decline of the Roman Empire to the Reign of Charlemagne. Illustrated with twenty-four engravings.
10156: TAYLOR (C.), publisher. - The Cabinet of Genius containing Frontispieces and Characters adapted to the most Popular Poems, &c. with the Poems & C. at Large.
10272: TAYLOR (John): - The Music Speech at the Public Commencement in Cambridge, July 6, MDCCXXX. To which is added, An Ode designed to have been set to Music on that Occasion.
10487: TAYLOR (Miss Elizabeth): - Authentic Memoirs of Mrs Clarke, in which is pourtrayed the Secret History of Intrigues of Many Characters in the First Circles of Fashion and High Life. And containing the whole of Her Correspondence, During the Time she live under the Protection of His Royal Highness The Duke of York, The gallant Duke's Love Letters, And other interesting Papers Never Before Published.
6555: TAYLOR (Jeremy). WHEELDON (John): - The Life of Bishop Taylor, and The Purest Spirit of his Writings, Extracted and Exhibited for General Benefit by John Wheeldon.
10425: TAYLOR (Hannah): - Memoir of Hannah Taylor: Extracted from her own Memorandums.
1808: [TAYLOR (Isaac)]: - Fanaticism. By the Author of the Natural History of Enthusiasm.
5838: TAYLOR (Jeffreys): - Parlour Commentaries on the Constitution and Laws of England; being a Familiar Explanation of the Nature of Government and the necessity of Legal Authority, with some Account of the proceedings in Parliament and Courts of Justice.
10455: TEMPLE (Laura Sophia): - The Siege of Zaragoza, and Other Poems.
7772: TERTULLIAN. - The Address of Q. Sept. Tertullian, to Scapula Tertullus, Proconsul of Africa. Translated By Sir David Dalrymple.
8209: TEVO (Zaccaria): - Il Musico Testore del P. Bac. Zaccaria Tevo M.C. Raccomandato alla benigna et Auttoreuole Protetione dell'Illmo. Eccmo. Sigr. il Sigr. Andrea Statio Veneto Patritio.
3118: THACKERAY (William Makepeace): - The History of Pendennis. His Fortunes and Misfortunes, his Friends and his Greatest Enemy.
10422: [THE YOUNG LADY'S POCKET LIBRARY ([THE)]: GREGORY (John): - A Father's Legacy to his Daughters. By the late Dr. Gregory, of Edinburgh.
2328: THE CRAFTSMAN. [BOLINGBROKE (Henry St. John), Viscount]: - A Final Answer to the Remarks on the Craftsman's Vindication; and to All the Libels, Which have come, or may come from the same Quarter against the Person, last mentioned in the Craftsman of the 22nd of May.
5151: THEOCRITUS. - The Idylliums of Theocritus with Rapin's Discourse upon Pastorals. Made English by Mr. Creech. The Second Edition. To which is prefix'd, The Life of Theocritus. By Basil Kennet.
9137: THEOCRITUS. - Ta tou Theokritou sesosmena [in Greek]. Theocriti Quae Extant. Ex Editione Danielis Heinsii expressa.
9193: THEOCRITUS. - Theocritic Syracusii Quae Supersunt. Cum scholiis Græcis auctioribus, emendationibus et animadversionibus in scholia editoris et Joannis Toupii, glossis Selectis Ineditis, indicibus Amplissimis. Præmittuntur editoris dissertatio de bucolicis Græcorum, vita Theocriti a Josua Barnesio Scripta, Cum Nonnullis Aliis Auctariis. Accedunt Editoris Et Variorum Notae Perpetuae, epistola Joaniis Toupii de Syracusiis, ejusdem addenda in Theocritum, Necnon Collationes Quindecim Codicum. Edidit Thomas Warton, S. T. B. Coll. Ss. Trin. Socius, Nuper Poeticae Publicus.
8164: THEOPHRASTUS. - Theophrastou Charakteres ethikoi. Theophrasti Characteres ethici. Ex recensione Petri Needham, et versione Latina Isaaci Casauboni.
3892: THIERS (Louis Adolphe): - The History of the French Revolution. Translated, With Notes and Illustrations from the Most Authentic Sources.
3212: THOM (William), of Inverury: - Rhymes and Recollections of a Hand-Loom Weaver. Third Edition, with Additions.
4574: THOMASON (Thomas): - An Essay tending to shew that The Christian Religion has in its Effects been favourable to Human Happiness.
6393: THOMPSON (Charles): - Rules for Bad Horsemen; Hints to Inexpert Travellers; and Maxims worth remembering by the most Experienced Equestrians. A New Edition, with Modern Additions. By John Hinds, V. S.
8584: [THOMPSON (Thomas Perronet)]: - The True Theory of Rent, In Opposition to Mr. Ricardo and Others. Beingan Exposition of Fallacies on Rent, Tithes, &c. In the form of a Reveiw of Mr. Mill's Elements of Political Economyh. By the Author of the Catechism on the Corn Laws. Eighth Edition.
10189: [THOMPSON (Edward)]: - The Demi-Rep. By Author of the Meretriciad. The Second Edition.
4830: THOMSON (John): - Tables of Interest, At 4, 4½, and 5 per Cent. From 1 to 365 Days, from 1 to 12 Months, and from 1 to 10 Years. Also, Tables of Exchange and Commission, From 1/8 to 3 per Cent.
4620: THOMSON (William): - Orpheus Caledonius: Or, A Collection of Scots Songs. Set to Musick by W. Thomson. The Second Edition.
6560: THOMSON (James): - The Seasons: and Castle of Indolence.
10430: THOMSON (William): - An Enquiry into the Elementary Principles of Beauty. In the Works of Nature and Art. To which is prefixed, An Introductory Discourse on Taste.
10106: THOMSON (James): - The Castle of Indolence: An Allegorical Poem. Written in Imitation of Spenser. By James Thomson.
7080: THRALE (Hester Lynch). PINE (Robert Edge). - An oil painting, probably made in the early 20th century, of Hester Lynch Thrale (1741 - 1821), after Robert Edge Pine (1730 - 1788). The original picture of Mrs. Thrale by Pine dating from 1781 was auctioned at Christie's South Kensington in December 2008.
9780: TIBULLUS. VOLPI (Giovanni Antonio), editor: - Albius Tibullus eques Romanus; et in Eum Jo. Antonii Vulpii Philologi ac Rhetoris in Gymansio Patavino Novus Commentarius Diligentissimus.
6398: [TICKELL (Thomas], inter alia: - Probationary Odes for the Laureatship: With a Preliminary Discourse, by Sir John Hawkins.
4679: [TICKELL (Richard)]: - Anticipation: Containing the Substance of His M-------y's Most Gracious Speech to both H----s of P---l-----t, on the Opening of the approaching Session, Together with a full and authentic Account of the Debate which will take Place in the H----e of C-----s, on the Motion for the Address, and the Amendment. With Notes.
9365: TILLOTSON (John): - The Beauties of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Carefully Selected from his Works. Containing his Admirable System of Early Education - Thought on Religion - Atheism and Infidelity - The Immortality of the Soul, &c. To which are prefixed some of his Arguments for the Truth and Belief of the Christian Religion.
6830: TILLOTSON (John), Archbishop. BIRCH (Thomas): - The Life Of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Compiled chiefly form His Original Papers and letters.
2898: TIRABOSCHI (Girolamo): - Histoire de la Littérature d'Italie, Tirée de l'Italien de Mr. Tiraboschi, et abrégée par Antoine Landi, Conseiller & Poëte de cour de Prusse, & Académicien Florentin.
10478: TISSOT (Samuel August David): - Advice to the People in General, With Regard to their Health: But more particularly calculated for those, by their distance from regular Physiciasn, or oher very experienced Practitioners, are the most unlikely to be seasonably provided with the best Advices and Assistance, in some Diseases, or upon any sudden inward or outward Accident. With A Table of the most cheap, yet effectual Remedies, and the plainest Directions for preparing them readily. Translated from the French Edition of Dr. Tissot's Avis au Peuple, &c. Printed at Lyons; with all his own Notes; a few of his medical Editor's at Lyons; and several occasional Notes, adapted to this English Trandlaton. By J. Kirkpatrick, M. D.
5792: TISSOT (Samuel August David): - Advice to the People in General, With Regard to their Health: But particularly calculated for those, who are the most unlikely to be provided in time with the best Assistance, or upon any sudden inward or outward Accident. With A Table of the most cheap, yet effectual Remedies, and the plainest Directions for preparing them readily. Translated from the French Edition of Dr. Tissot's Avis au Peuple, &c. Printed at Lyons; with all the Notes in the two former English Editions, and a few additional ones. By J. Kirkpatrick, M. D. The Third Edition revised and corrected. With some further additional Notes and Prescriptions, and with the former Appendix.
8659: TOMKINS (E. [sic, for Thomas]): - Poems on Various Subjects; Selected to enforce the Practice of Virtue, and to comprise in one Volume the Beauties of English Poetry. A New Edition, with Vignettes.
7872: [TOPHAM (Edward), editor]: - The British Album. Containing the Poems of Della Crusca, Anna Matilda, Arley, Benedict, the Bard, &c. &c. &c. Which were originally published under the Title of The Poetry of the World. Revised and Corrected by their Respective Authors. Second Edition. Also, a Poem, never before published, called The Interview, by Della Crusca. And other Considerable Additions.
9993: [TOPHAM (Edward)]: - Letters from Edinburgh; Written in the Years 1774 and 1775: Containing Some Observations on the Diversions, Customs, Manners, and Laws, of the Scotch Nation, During a Six Months Residence in Edinburgh.
6666: TOTTIE (John): - A View of Reason and Passion, as in their original and present state. A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable The Lord-Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs of the city of London, at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, on Sunday, December 21, 1735.
5609: TOUSSAINT (Francois Vincent): - Manners. Translated from the French. The Third Edition.
6335: TOUSSAINT (Francois Vincent): - Manners. Translated from the French. The Second Edition.
10004: TOVEY (Charles): - Wine and Wine Countries. A Record and Manual for Wine Merchants and Wine Consumers. New Edition.
9936: TOWN (Mr.) [COLMAN (George) and THORNTON (Bonnell)]: - The Connoisseur. By Mr. Town, Critic and Censor-General. The Four Edition.
9231: TRASTOUR DE VARANO (Eugene): - Rudiments of Music for the use of Teachers and their Pupils, and especially intended for Class Teaching. See Testimonials from S. B. Mills and L. M. Gottschalk on following pages. Eleventh Revised Edition.
5054: TRELAWNY (Jonathan), Lord Bishop of Exeter: - A Sermon Preach'd before the Queen, and Both House of Parliament: At the Cathedral Church of St. Pauls Nov. 12, 1703. Being the Day of Thanksgiving: For the Signal Successes Vouchsafed to Her Majesties Forces by Sea and Land: Under the Command of the Earl of Marlborough....
6930: TRESSAN (Abbé de): - Mythologie Comparée avec l'Histoire A l'Usage des Jeunes Personnes et Convenable a Tous Les Ages dédiée a Lady Barbara Pleydell-Bouverie.
2308: TRIENNIAL ACT. [?HUTCHESON (Archibald)]: - A Speech Made in the House of Commons April the 24th 1716; Against the Bill for the Repeal of the Triennial Act, And for enlarging the Time of Continuance of Parliaments. Never before Printed.
2984: TRIPE. - The Swan Tripe-Club: A Satyr, on the High-Flyers; In the Year 1705.
10379: TROIL (Uno von) and BANKS (Joseph): - Letters on Iceland: Containing observations on the civil, literary, ecclesiastical, and natural history ; antiquities, volcanos, basaltes, hot springs ; customs, dress, manners of the inhabitants, &c. &c. made, during a voyage undertaken in the year 1772, by Joseph Banks, Esq. F.R.S. assisted by Dr. Solander, F.R.S. Dr. J. Lind, F.R.S. Dr. Uno Von Troil, and several other literary and ingenious gentlemen. Written by Uno Von Troil, D.D. first chaplain to his Swedish Majesty, almoner of the Swedish orders of knighthood, and member of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm. To which are added the letters of Dr. Ihre and Dr. Bach to the author, concerning the Edda and the elephantiasis of Iceland: Also, Professor Bergman's curious observations and chemical examination of the lava and other substances produced on the island. With a new map of the island, and representation of the remarkable boiling fountain called by the inhabitants Geyser.
10516: [TRUSLER (John)]: - Modern Times, Or the Adventures of Gabriel Outcast. Written by Himself. In Imitation of Gil Blas. The Second Edition, with Additions.
6350: TRYDELL (Rev. John): - Two Essays on the Theory and Practice of Music. In the First are laid down the Principles of the Science. In the Latter are demonstrated the Rules of Harmony, Composition, and Thorough Bass. To which is added, A new and short Method of attaining to Sing by Note.
7666: TUNSTALL (James): - Lectures on Natural and Revealed Religion, Read in the Chapel of St. John's College, Cambridge.
3804: [TURNER (Elizabeth)]: - The Daisy; Or Cautionary Stories in Verse adapted to the Ideas of Children from Four to Eight Years Old. Illustrated with Thirty Engravings.
7767: TURNOR (Edmond): - Description of an Ancient Castle at Rouen in Normandy, Built by Henry V. King of England, &c. &c. Read at the Society of Antiquaries of London, April 1,1784. And published in the Seventh Volumes of the Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity.
8252: [TYTLER (William)]: - Poetical Remains of James the First, King of Scotland. [AND] Dissertation on the Scottish Music.
8749: UDE (Louis Eustache): - The French Cook, A System of Fashionable and Economical Cookery, adapted to the Use of English Families. Tenth Edition, Corrected and Enlarged, with an Appendix of Observations on the meals of the day - new methods of giving fashionable suppers at routs and soirees, as practised by the author when with Lord Sefton - history of cookery - rules of carving - on the choice of meats, &c.
2900: UPHAM (Thomas): - A Philosophical and Practical Treatise on the Will.
9548: URSINUS (Zacharias): - The Summe of Christian Religion: Delivered by Zacharias Ursinus in his Lectures upon the Catechism authorised by the noble Prince Frederic, throughout his dominions. Wherein are debated and resolved the Questions of whatsoever points of moment, which have been or are controversed in Divinitie. Translated into Enlighs by Henrie Parrie, out of the last & best Latin Editions, together with some supplie of ways out of his Discourse of Divinitie, and with corrections of sundrie faults & imperfections, which are as yet remaining in the best corrected Latine.
10402: VALDES (Juan de). VALDESSO (John): - Divine Considerations: Treating of those things which are most profitable, most necessary, and most perfect in our Christian Profession
7700: VALERIANO (Piero) [Joannis Pierii Valeriani Bellunensis]: - Hieroglyphica; seu, De sacris Aegyptiorum Aliarumque Gentiuim Literis Commentarii. Summa cum industria exarati, & in libros quinquaginta octo redacti: quibus etiam duo alii ab eruditissimo viro sunt annexi.... Accessere nunn primum perutiles ad marginem Annotatipones nunquam hactenus excusae, una cum Declamatiuncula pro Barbis, ac einsdem Poematibus: eaque a mendis quaeirrepserant, vindicata. Cum Indice Gemino.
7880: VALERIUS MAXIMUS. - Valerius Maximus cum selectis variorum observat et nova recensione A. Thysii.
8505: VALLA (Lorenzo): - Laurentii Vallae De linguae latinae elegantia libri sex. Eiusdem de Reciprocatione Sui & Suus, libellus apprimè vtilis. Vna cu[m] Epitomis Iodoci Badij Ascensij, nec non Antonij Mancinelli Lima: His accesserunt perdoctae annotationes eruditissimi viri Ioannis Theodorici Bellouaci: qui locos insuper è variis authoribus à Valla citatos, ex codicum Ciceronis, Quintiliani, Liuii & aliorum fideli collatione reposuit, germanaeq[ue] integritati restituit. Cum Indice multo quam antea locupletiore.
8000: [VALPY (Richard)], editor: - Poems, Odes, Prologues, and Epilogues, Spoken on Public Occasions at Reading School. Second Edition.
9411: VANBRUGH (Sir John): - Plays, written by Sir John Vanbrugh. In Two Volume. Volume the First. Containing. The Relapse; Or, Virtue in Danger. The Provok'd Wife, with a new Scene. AEsop, in two Parts. The False Friend. [AND] Volume the Second. Containing, The Confederacy. The Mistake. The Country House. A Journey to London. The Provok'd Husband.
9479: VAUGHAN (Walter): - An Essay, Philosophical and Medical, concerning Modern Clothing.
8715: VEEN (Otto Van): - Quinti Horatii Flacci Emblemata. Imaginibus in æs incisis, notisque illustrata. Studio Othonis VænI Batavo-Lugdunensis. Editio nova correctior, & SS. Parrum, Senecae atquae aliorum Philosophorum & Poetarum Sententiis, novilque Versibus auctta.
9401: [VENTIGNANO (Cesare della Valle, Duca di)] - Lalage nello Studio di Canova.
9126: [VENUTI (Ridolfino], D'ARGENS (Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis). - Risposta alle Reflessioni Critiche Sopra le differenti Scuole di Pittura.
10405: VERGANI (Angelo): - A New and Complete Italian Grammar Containing A shortl introduction to the Italian Pronunciation..., etc.
1941: VERGANI (M. A.): - Grammaire Italienne, simplifiee et redutie a xx lecons, Avec des Themes, des Dialogues, et un petit Recueil de trtis d'histoire en italine, a l'usage des commencans; Sixieme Edition, Corrigee et Augmentee.
10265: VERTOT (René-Aubert), L'Abbé de Vertot: - Histoire des Révolutions de Portugal, M. L'Abbé de Vertot, de l'Académie Roïale des Inscriptions & de Belles Lettres. Sixième Edition. Revuë & augmentée par Auteur,
9683: [VICTOR (Benjamin)]: - The Widow of the Wood.
7787: VICTORIAN SCRAP ALBUM. - A large Victorian scrap album, 286 X 230 mms.
10335: VIDA (Marco Girolomo): - Silk-Worms: A Poem in Two Books. Written originally in Latin, by Marc. Hier. Vida, Bishop of Alba. And now translated into English. With a preface, giving an account of the life and writings of Vida.
9372: VIDA (Marco Girolama): - Marci Hieronymi Vidae, Cremonsis, Albae Episcopi, Poematum, Quae haud plane disjunxit a Fabula, Pars Prima, Continens De Arte Poetica Libros Tres, Bucolica, et Epistolam Ad Joannem Matthaeum Gibertum. Edidit Thomas Tristram.
5984: VILLETTE (Charles Louis de): - Essay on the Happiness of the Life to Come.
2045: VINAS Y BARNOYA (Narcis F. J.): - Essai sure les Passions de l'Ame, Considerees comme Cause de Maladies; Presented et Publiquement souten a la Faculte de Medecine de Montpellier, le 2 Mai 1809.
9259: VINEYARD. J. (S.): - The Vineyard; Being a Treatise shewing I. The Nature and Method of Planting, Manuring, Cultivating, and Dressing of Vines in Foreign-Parts. II. Proper Directions for Drawing, Press, Making, Keeping, Fining, and Curing all Defects in the Wine. III. An Easy and Familiar Method, of Planting and Raising Vines in England, to the greatest Perfection; illustrated with several useful Examples. IV. New Experiments in Grafting, Budding, or Inoculating; whereby all Sorts of Fruit may be much more improv'd than at present, Particularly the Peach, Apricot, Nectarine, Plumb [sic], &c. V. The best Manner of raising several Sorts of compound Fruit, which have not yet been attempted in England. Being the Observations made By a Gentleman in his Travels.
7247: VINTNER'S COMPANY. MILBOURN (Thomas): - The Vintner's Company, Their Muniments, Plate, and eminent Members, with some account of The Ward of Vintry. Revised and Edited by Thomas Milbourn.
5581: VIRGIL. - The Works of Virgil, in English Verse. The Æneid Translated By the Rev. Mr. Christopher Pitt, The Eclogues and Georgics By the Rev. Mr. Joseph Warton.
10268: VIRGIL. ANGELELLI (Antonio), translator. - Le Georgiche di Virgilio volgarizzata da Antonio Angelelli
1800: VIRGIL. - Varietate Lectonis et Perpetua Annotatione illustratus a Chr. Gottl. Heyne accedit index uberrimus. Editio Nova Accurata.
10513: VIRGIL. - La Eneyda de Virgilio Traducida en Verso Castellano por Gregorio Hernandez de Velasco y El Supplemento Compusto por Mapheo Veggio Traducido por El Mismo Velasco Con Una Tabla que Contiene la declaricion de varios vocublos dificultosos que ay an la Obro.
10239: VITORIO (Francisco Alvares): [MUSIC. CATHOLIC CHURCH:] - Cantum ecclesiasticum precibus apud Deum animas juvandi, Corpora'que humandi, Defunctorum Officium, missam, et stationes juxta ritum Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae omnium Ecclesiarum Matris, & Magistrae: Juxta Breviarii, Miss'isque Romani novissimam recognitionem. Nunc denuo in hac secunda editione luculenter castigatum, affluenterque illustratum, sumptibus reverendi P. Francisci Alvares Victorii, Thesaurii Parochialis Ecclesiae Divi Pauli, in lucem prodiit.
10332: VOITURE (Vincent): - The Works of Monsieur Voiture. In Two Volumes. Containing, I. Letters, and Characters of the most Eminent Persons in the Court of France. With explanatory notes. By Mons. Richelet. II. Alcidalis and Zelida. A Romance. An Entertainment for Mademoiselle De Rambouillet. III. Metamorphoses of Ladies into various Flowers. IV. Poems on Several Occasions. Translated by the most Eminent Hands, viz. Mr. Dryden. Mr. Dennis. Dr. Drake. Mr. Cromwel. Mr. Cheke. Mr. Brown. Mr. Ozell. Mr. Webster. The Third Edition, Revised and Corrected throughout by the last Edition Printed at Paris. Addresssed to Miss Blount, by Mr. Pope.
6292: VOLTAIRE (Francoise Marie Arouet de): - Henriade. An Epick Poem. In Ten Canto's. Translated from the French into English Blank Verse. To which are now added, The Argument to each canto and Large Notes Historical and Critical.
8921: WAGNER (Richard). CHAMBERLAIN (Houston Stewart): - Richard Wagner. Mit zahlreichern Portraits, Faksimiles, Illustrationen und Beilagen.
7411: WAKEFIELD (Priscilla): - Domestic Recreation; Or Dialogues illustrative of Natural and Scientific Subjects.
9707: [WAKEFIELD (Daniel)]: - Facts of Importance Relative to the Present State of Great Britain.
9819: WAKEFIELD (Gilbert): - Memoirs of the Life of Gilbert Wakefield, B. A. Formerly Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge.... Written by Himself, A New Edition, with his Lates Corrections, and Notes by the Editors. To which is sukbjoined, An Appendix of Original Letters.
4822: WAKELY (Andrew): - The Mariner's Compass Rectified: Containing Tables, shewing the True Hour of the Day, the Sun being upon any Point of the Compass: With the true Time of the Rising and Setting of the Sun and Stars, and the Points of the Compass that the Sun and Stars rise and set with: And Tables of Amplitude. All which Tables are Calculated from the Equinoctial to 60 Degrees of Latitude, &c. With the Description and Use of those Instruments most in Use in the Art of Navigation. Also a Table of the Latitude and Longitude of Places. Carefully Corrected, and very much Enlarged with many useful Additions. By J. Atkinson, Teacher of the Mathematicks.
9946: [WALDRON (Francis)]: - The Literary Museum: or, A Selection of Scarce Old Tracts: Viz., 1.The right Renoumyde Ladies, translated from Boccace. 2. A delicate Diet for daintymouthed Droonkardes, by Gascoyne. 3. Poems of Spenser, not in any Edition. 4. Peacham's Period of Mourning, in Six Visions. 5. Specimen of a New Edition of Ben Jonson. 6. Ceremonies used for healing the King's Evil, consecrating Cramp Rings, etc. 7. On Lydgate's Travelling into France. 8. The New Arcadia, by Belcher. 9. Downe's Roscius Anglicus; or, Theatrical history, &c. &c.
9283: WALKER (John): - A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the English Language.... To which are prefixed, Principles of English Pronunciation.... The whole interspersed with Observations, Etymological, Critical, and Grammatical.... The Fourth Edition; With considerable Improvements, and large Additions.
6330: WALKER (John): - A Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin and Scripture Proper Names; in which the words are accented and divided into syllables.... To which are added Terminational Vocabularies of Hebrew, Greek and Latin Proper Names....concluding with observations on the Greek and Latin Accent and Quantity.... The Second Edition, with large Additions.
9130: WALKER (Ralph), of Jamaica: - A Treatise on Magnetism, with a Description and Explanation of a Meridional and Azimuth Compass, for ascertaining the Quantity of Variation, without any calculations whatever, at any time of the day, also improvements upon compasses in general. With Table of Variation for All Latitudes and Longitudes.
10480: WALKER (Joseph): - Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards. Interspersed with Anecdotes of, and Occasional Observations on the Music of Ireland. Also, an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Musical Instruments of the Ancient Irish. And an Appendix, Biographical and Other Papers, with Select Irish Melodies.
10399: WALKER (Thomas): - The Original. Second Edition.
8464: WALKER (Alice M.): - Poem Read at the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Massachusetts State Grange. P. of H.
6132: WALPOLE (Horace). DOBSON (Austin): - Horace Walpole. A Memoir With an Appendix of Books Printed at the Strawberry Hill Press. With Illustrations by Percy and Leon Moran.
5989: WALPOLE (Horace): - Il Castello di Otranto. Storia Gotica.
6779: [WALPOLE (Horace)]: - A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, With Lists of their Works. In Two Volumes. The Second Edition, corrected and enlarged.
2327: [WALPOLE (Robert), later Earl of Orford]: - Observations upon the Treaty Between the Crowns of Great-Britain, France, and Spain, Concluded at Seville on the Ninth of November, 1729, N.S.
7918: [WALPOLE (Horace)]: - A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, With Lists of their Works. In Two Volumes. The Second Edition, corrected and enlarged.
9123: WALSH (Rev. Rorbert): - Narrative of a Journey from Constantinople to England. Second Edition.
10012: WALTON (Izaak): - The Lives of Dr. John Done, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson. To which are added, The Autographs of those Eminent Men, now first collected; An Index, and Illustrated Notes.
10427: [WALTON (Isaac)]: - The Life of Mr. Rich. Hooker, The Author of those Learned Books of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity.
10382: WARBURTON (William): - A Critical and Philosophical Enquiry into the Causes of Prodigies and Miracles, as related by Historians. With an Essay towards restoring a Method and Purity in History. In which, the Characters of the most celebrated Writers of every Age, and of the several Stages and Species of History, are occasionally criticized and explained. In Two Parts.
6083: WARBURTON (William). [MORGAN (Thomas)]: - A Brief Examination of the Rev. Mr. Warburton's Divine Legation of Moses. In which The Mosaic Theocracy, the Nature and Character of the Sacred Writings, the Antiquity of Hero-Gods, and a future, separate State of Animal Life, and Action for Souls after Death; with other Principles and Positions of that learned Writer are occasionally considered and discussed. Address'd to the Author. By a Society of Gentlemen.
6300: WARD (John): - A System of Oratory, Delivered in a Course of Lectures Publicly read at Gresham College, London: To which is prefixed An Inaugural Oration, Spoken in Latin, before the Commencement of the Lectures, according to the usual Custom.
5203: WARDEN (John): - A System of Revealed Religion, Digested under proper Heads, and Composed in the Express Words of Scriptures; containing All that the Sacred Records reveal, with respect to Doctrine and Duty. By the late Reverend John Warden, M. A. Revised and Published By his Son the Reverend Mr John Warden, Minister of the Gospel in Canongate.
9800: WARTON (Thomas): - The Oxford Sausage: Or, Select Poetical Pieces, Written by the most Celebrated Wits of the University of Oxford. Adorned with cuts, engraved in a new taste, and designed by the best masters.
4241: WARTON (Thomas): - The Poems on Various Subjects, of Thomas Warton, B. D. Now First Collected.
7646: [WATERLAND (Daniel)]: - Scripture Vindicated; In Answer to a Book intituled, Christianity as old as the Creation. Part I. [ II. and III.].
3547: WATKIN (E. I.): - A Philosophy of Form.
2678: WATSON (Richard), Bishop of Llandaff: - An Address to the People of Great Britain.
3535: WATSON (Richard), editor: - A Collection of Theological Tracts.
3704: WATSON (Richard): - A Discourse delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Ely, on May 9th & 10th, 1780.
3706: WATSON (Richard): - A Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, on Friday, February 4th, 1780. Being the Day appointed for a General Fast. The Second Edition.
7560: WATSON (Richard): - Two Apologies, One for Christianity, in a Series of Letters addressed to Edward Gibbon, Esq. The Other for The Bible, in answer to Thomas Paine. To which are added Two Sermons, and a Charge, in defence of Revealed Religion.
8101: WATTS (Isaac): - Divine Songs attempted in Easy Language for the use of Children.
2913: WATTS (Isaac): - The Improvement of the Mind. Or, A Supplement to the Art of Logic: Containing a Variety of Remarks and Rules for the Attainment and Communication of useful Knowledge in Religion, in the Sciences, and in common Life.
10296: WATTS (John), editor: - The Musical Miscellany Being a Collection of Choice Songs, Set to the Violin and Flute, by the most Eminent Masters.
3943: WATTS (Isaac): - The Beauties of the late Reverend Dr. Isaac Watts: Containing the most striking and admired Passages in the Works of that justly celebrated Divine, Philosopher, Moralist, and Poet: equally calculated for the communication of Polite and Useful Knowledge, and the Increase of Wisdom and Happiness. To which is added The Life of the Author.
3678: WATTS (Isaac): - Horæ Lyricæ. Poems, chiefly of the Lyric Kind, In Three Books. Sacred to Devotion and Piety.... A New Edition. To which are added, A Supplement, containing translations of all the Latin Poems, with Notes, by Thomas Gibbons.
8694: WATTS (Isaac): - Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, adapted for public worship.
6973: WEBB (Daniel): - Remarks on the Beauties of Poetry.
9716: WEBB (Francis): - Somerset a Poem.
8484: WEBB (Daniel): - Remarks on the Beauties of Poetry.
9356: WEBB (Yvonne): - Selected Poems.
8435: WEBB (Daniel): - Observations on the Correspondence between Poetry and Music.
9115: WEBB (John): - Haverhill, A Descriptive Poem, and Other Poems.
9559: [WEBBE (Cornelius]: - The Posthumous Papers, Facetious and Fanciful, of a Person Lately about Town.
6178: WELCHMAN (Edward): - Dr. Clarke's Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity Examined. To which are Added Some Remarks on His Sentiments, and A Brief Explanation of his Doctrine by way of Question and Answer.
4503: WELWOOD (Andrew): - Meditations, representing a Glimpse of Glory: Or Gospel-Discover of Immanuel's Land. Whereunto is subjoined, A Spiritual Hymn, intituled, The dying Saint's Songs; and some of his last Letters. By Mr Andrew Welwood, Brother to Mr John Welwood, late minister of the Gospel in Scotland.
8044: WENDEBORN (Gebhard Friedrich August): - A view of England toward the Close of the Eighteenth Century by Fred. Aug. Wendeborn LL. D. Translated from the Original German, by the Author himself.
10414: WESLEY (John): - Primitive Physic: Or, An Easy and Natural Method of Curing Most Diseases. A New Edition.
5561: WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH. WESLEY (John): - [Drop-title]: Rules of the Band Societies. Drawn up December 25, 1738. Directions given to the Band Societies, December 25, 1744 [p. 3 drop-title].
9771: WHATELEY (Mary), later DARWALL: - Original Poems on Several Occasions.
6948: WHITBY (Daniel): - A Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament. In Two Volumes. The First, containing The Four Gospels, and the Acts of the Holy Apostles. The Second, All the Epistles, with a Discourses of the Millennium. To which is added, A Chronology of the New Testament. A Map, and Alphabetical Table of all the Places Mentioned in the Gospels, Acts, or the Epistles. With Tables to each, Of the Matters contained, and of the Words and Phrases explained throughout the whole Work. The Second Edition.
5724: WHITE (John): - Three Letters To a Gentleman Dissenting from the Church of England.
3226: WHITE (John): - A Letter to Mr. Samuel Chandler; Being A Vindication of some Passages in the Three Letters to a Gentleman dissenting from the Church of England, and the Appendix to the Third of those Letters concerning Subscription. Against His Reflections in his late Book, entitled, The Case of Subscription to Explanatory Articles of Faith, as a Qualification for Admission to the Christian Ministry. With Some Considerations upon the Speech (therein published) of John Alphonso Turretine, previous to the Abolition of all Subscriptions at Geneva.
9343: WHITE (Rev. James): - The Village Poor House. Second Edition.
9204: [WHITE (John)]: - Some Account of the Proposed Improvements of the Western Part of London, By the formation of the Regent's Park, The New Street, The New Sewer, &c. &c. Illustrated by Plans, and Accompanied By critical Observations.
10045: [WHITE (Thomas)]: - A True Relation of the Conversion and Baptism of Isuf the Turkish Chaous, Named Richard Christophilus. In the presence of a full Congregation, Jan. 30, 1658, in Covent-Garden where Mr. Manton is Minister. Imprimatur, Edm. Calamy.
9988: WHITE (James): - A Treatise on Veterinary Medicine. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. Containing A Compendium of the Veterinary Art. Or, An Accurate Description of the Disease of the Horse, and their Mode of Treatment; the Anatomy and Physiology of the Foot; and the Principles and Practice of Shooting. Illustrated by Plates: With Observations on Stable Management, Feeding, Exercise, and Condition.... The Ninth Edition, considerably Enlarged. Volume II: A Treatise of Veterinary Medicine, in two vols. By James White of Exeter.... Vol. II. Containing the Materia Medica, and Pharmacopoeia. A New Edition. London: Printed for J. Johnson..., `1808.
6573: [WHITEHEAD (William)]: - The Goat's Beard. A Fable.
9512: [WHUR (Cornelius)]: - Village Musings on Moral and Religious Subjects. By a Villager. Second Edition.
4632: WHYTE (S. and E. A.): - Miscellanea Nova; Containing amidst a Variety of Other Matters Curious and Interesting, Remarks on Boswell's Johnson; With Considerable Additions, and Some New Anecdotes of that Extraordinary Character; A Critique on Bürger's Leonora; in which she is clearly proved of English extraction; And an Introductory Essay on the Art of Reading and Speaking in Public, In Two Parts. A New Edition.
2928: WILBERFORCE (William): - A Practical View of the prevailing religious system of Professed Christians, in the higher and middle classes in this country, contrasted with Real Christianity. The Seventeenth Edition.
2917: WILKES (John): - The Correspondence of the late John Wilkes, with his Friends, printed from the Original Manuscripts, in which are introduced Memoirs of his Life, by John Almon.
6157: WILKES (Thomas): - The Golden Farmer A Poem. Humbly Inscrib'd to the Right Honourable Wlliam [sic] Lord Craven.
10441: WILKES (Wetenhall): - A Letter, of Genteel and Moral Advice to a Young Lady: Being A System of Rules and Information; digested into a new and familiar Method, to qualify the FAIR SEX to be useful, and happy in every Scene of Life. The Sixth Edition, carefully Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged by the Author.
9746: [WILKIE (William)]: - The Epigoniad. A Poem. In Nine Books.
2919: WILKINS (John): - Of the Principles and Duties of Natural Religion: Two Books. To which is added, A Sermon Preached at his Funerals, by William Lloyd. The Seventh Edition.
9316: WILKINSON (Abraham): - Tentamen Philosophico-Medicum, De Electricitate. Quod Annuente Summo Numine, Ex Auctoritate Reverndi admodum Vir, Dr. Gulielmi Robertson, S. S. T. P.... Pro Gradu Doctoris... Eruditorum examini subjicit Abrahamus Wilkinson.
4964: [?WILLES (John), Sir]: - The Present Constitution, and the Protestant Succession Vindicated: In Answer to a late Book Entituled, The Hereditary Right to the Crown of England, Asserted, &c.
5220: WILLIAMS (Joseph): - Extracts from the Diary, Meditations, and Letters, of Mr. Joseph Williams Of Kidderminster. Who died December 21. 1755, Aged 63. A New Edition. To which are now added A Number of Original Letters to the late Rev Mr. R-----ll.
9348: WILSON (George): - Cyril, A Poem in Four Cantos. And Minor Poems.
8861: [WILSON Charles)]: - St. Cecilia; Or, the Lady's and Gentleman's Harmonious Companion: Being a Select Collection of Scots and English Songs; many of which are originals. Together with a set of Favourite Catches and Glees: Also a Variety of the most Celebrated Toasts and Sentiments.
3480: WINSLOW (James Benignus): - An Anatomical Exposition of the Structure of the Human Body. Translated from the French Original, by G. Douglas, M. D. The Fourth Edition, Corrected.
4882: WINTER (Cornelius). JAY (William): - Memoirs of the Life and Character of the late Reverend Cornelius Winter, compiled and composed by William Jay.
6890: [WIRT (William)]: - The Letters of the British Spy.
5819: [WOLCOT (John)]: - Instructions to a Celebrated Laureat; Alias The Progress of Curiosity; Alias a Birth-day Ode; Alias Mr. Whitbread's Brewhouse. By Peter Pindar. The Third Edition.
9118: WOLFF (Christian): - Cosmologia Generalis Methodo Scientifica Pertractata, qua ad solidam, inprimis Dei atque Maturae Cognitionem via Sternitur..... Editio Novissima Emendatior
4081: [WOLLASTON (William)]: - A Compendious View of the Religion of Nature Delineated: Being an Abridgment of Mr. Wollaston's Treatise Under that Title. To which is added, An Appendix Concerning the Christian Religion.
3655: [WOLLASTON (William)]: - The Religion of Nature Delineated.
4736: [WOLLASTON (William)]: - The Religion of Nature Delineated.
1901: WOLLASTON (William): - The Religion of Nature Delineated. The Fifth Edition.
2708: WOLLASTON (William): - The Religion of Nature Delineated. The Fifth Edition.
4581: WOOD (George B.): - Introductory to the Course of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Medicine, in the University of Pennsylvania. Delivered, October 14th, 1858.
9535: WOOD (Mrs. Henry): - East Lynne. Copyright Edition.
9011: WOOD (J.), Jun.: - A Manual of Perspective, Being a Familiar Explanation of the Science, including the rules necessary for the correct representation of object,s the principles of shadows, reflections in water, &c. Adapted more particularly For the Use of Amateurs. Second Edition, with Additions.
10417: WOODWARD (Josiah): - An Account of the Progress of the Reformation of Manners, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, And other Parts of Europe and America. With some Reasons and plain Directions for our hearty and vigorous Prosecution of this Glorious Work. In a Letter to a Friend. To which is added, The Special Obligations of Magistrates, to be diligent in the Execution of the Penal Law against Prophaneness and Debauchery, for the effecting of National Reformation. The Twelfth Edition with considerabel Additions.
9060: WORLIDGE (Thomas): - Collection Choisie de Desseins Tirés de Pierres Preçieuses Antiques; Pour la Plus Part dans la Possession de la Grande et Petite Noblesses de ce Royaume. Gravés dans le Gout de Rembrandt. Par T. Worlidge, Peintre.
10333: [WOTY (William)]: - The Shrubs of Parnassus. Consisting of Poetical Essays, Moral and Comic. By J. Copywell.
1652: WRAXALL (Nathaniel William): - Historical Memoirs of my Own Time. Part the First, from 1772 to 1780. Part the Second, from 1781 to 1784. Second Edition.
8717: WRIGHT (Charles): - The Brighton Ambulator, Containing Historical and Topographical Delineations of The Town, from the earliest period to the present time. Dedicated, by Permission, to his Royal Highness The Prince Regent.
10073: WRIGHT (George), editor: - Pleasing Reflections on Life and Manners with Essays, Characters & Poems Moral & Entertaining; Principally selected from Fugitive Publications. A new Edition enlarged.
6667: WRIGHT (Samuel): - Knowledge and Charity considered, separate and united. In a sermon Preach'd at Nottingham July 16, 1732.
4610: WRIGHT (Thomas), editor: - The Travels of Marco Polo, The Venetian. The Translation of Marsden revised, With a Selection of his Notes.
6871: XIMENEZ (Andrés). THOMPSON (George): - A Description of the Royal Palace, and Monastery of St. Laurence, called The Escurial; and of the Chapel Royal of the Pantheon. Translated from the Spanish of Frey Francisco de los Santos, Chaplain to his Majesty Philip the Fourth. Illustrated with Copper Plates [AND] Thompson (George): A Description of the Chapel Royal, called, The Pantheon or, Burial Place of the Kings of Spain. Translated from the Spanish of Frey Franciso de los Santos...
6901: [YONGE (J.)]: - Essays and Letters on the Most important and interesting Subjects.
5824: YORK (Frederick Augustus), Duke of. TAYLOR (Sir Herbert): - Memorandum Between the 9th June 1826, & 5th January 1827. [The last Illness and Decease of the Duke of York.]
9730: YORKE (Philip), Second Earl of Harwicke: - Lettres Atheniennes Lettres Athéniennes, ou Correspondance d'un Agent du Roi de Perse, à Athènes, pendant la guerre du Péloponèse; Traduites de l'Anglais, Par Alexandre-Louis Villeterque, Correspondant de l'Institut national de France. Orné de Douze Portraist Gravés au Burin; avec une Carte de l'ancien Grèce et un Index Georgraphique.
8897: YORKSHIRE DIALECT. BARON (Joseph): - T'Yorksher Lingo A Dickshonary ov Gooid Owd Tykes' Words.
10237: [YOUNG (Arthur): - Letters Concerning the Present State of the French Nation. Containing a Comprehensive View of the Political State, Agriculture, Trade and Commerce, Revenues, Military Power, Government, Ranks of the People, Manners, Laws, Fine Arts and Artists, Theatre, Literature and Writers: With a complete Comparison between France and Great Britain....
8217: YOUNG (David), of Perth: - National Improvements upon Agriculture, in Twenty-Seven Essays.
10108: YOUNG (Edward): - The Complaint; or Night Thoughts: Early editions of the first seven parts.
9900: [YOUNG (Arthur)]: - A Course of Experimental Agriculture: Containing An exact Register of all the Business Transacted during Five Years On near Three Hundred Acres of Various Soils...[etc.]. In Four Volumes.
2399: ZIMMERMAN (Johann Georg): - Solitude considered, With Respect to its Influence upon The Mind and the Heart. Written Originally in German By M. Zimmerman..., Translated from the French of J. B. Mercier. The Eighth Edition. [AND]: Solitude considered with Respect to its Dangerous Influence upon The Mind and Heart. Selected and Translated from the Original German of M. Zimmerman. Being a Sequel to the Former English Translation.
9059: ZITA OF BOURBON-PARMA, EMPRESS OF AUSTRIA. - Typescript Genealogy. The typed text is presented by a typed half-title, De Stirpe Regis, and an inscription opposite a collotype of a French King, and "J. E. Bulloz/ Editeur" ink stamp on verso and text "Les PARENT de CURZON s'honorent de remonter aux fondateurs de la Monarchie Francaise, a CHARLEMAGNE et a Saint LOUIS...." There are 46 leaves of typed text, and 20 leaves with hand-coloured coats of arms on the verso of the leaf preceding the text. The text can be dated to January, 1938, or slightly earlier, by the inclusion of a typescript letter from Steen[n]ockerzeel (Belgium), addressed to "Bien chère Comtesse," and continuing, Sa Majesté l'Impératrice et Reine Zita a été si touché de votre aimable pensée qu'Elle me charge de vous remercier bind sincèment, vous ainsi que le Comte de Curzon, pour l'expression renouvlé de votre sympathie la Famille Impériale et sourtout poour les priers...." At the foot of the letter is the closing note, "Par ordre de Sa Majesté L' l'Impératrice et Reine Zita.
9328: ZIZIUS (Johann Nepomuk): - Teorie Preliminari ed Introduttorie alla Statistica del Giovanni Zizius. Prima Verzione dal Tedesco di Carlo Bazzini.
10477: ZOUCH (Thomas): - The Life of Isaac Walton: Incluiding Notices of his Contemporareis.
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