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001115: FREDERICK COPLESTON S. J. - Contemporary Philosophy, studies of logical positivism and existentialism
001948: M. L. JACKS - Total Education, a plea for synthesis
000090: J.HAMPDEN JACKSON - Europe and Ourselves
001403: MARGARET JACKSON - What They Wore - a history of children's dress
006174: ROBERT JACKSON - Men of Power: The Lives of Rolls-Royce Chief Test Pilots Harvey & Jim Heyworth
006793: STANLEY JACKSON - An Indiscreet Guide to Soho
004472: NAOMI JACOB - Three Men and Jennie
005565: NAOMI JACOB - The Plough
001650: NAOMI JACOB - The Cap of Youth
002156: NAOMI JACOB - Me - Likes and Dislikes
006223: DR. JOLAN JACOBI - The Psychology of C. G. Jung, an Introduction with Illustrations
006190: W. W. JACOBS, ED. E. V. KNOX - Methuen's library of Humour - W. W. Jacobs
006460: W. W. JACOBS - Short Stories
006231: C. K. JAEGER - Sweet Fanny Adams
003498: MURIEL JAEGER - Before Victoria, changing standards and behaviour 1787-1837
004980: C. K. ( KAREL ) JAEGER - Sweet Fanny Adams
001645: ELIZABETH INGLI JAMES - Eight Poems
005058: HANS ANDERSEN / TRANS. M. R. JAMES - Hans Andersen Forty-two Stories
000298: M.R.JAMES - Abbeys
003089: PETER JAMES - Twilight
004226: DR M R [ MONTAGUE RHODES ] JAMES - Ghost Stories of an Antiquary
004503: J. BARNARD-JAMES - The City of Shadows, and other stories
001696: WILL JAMES - Smoky, the Cowhorse
002428: GLENN JAMES & ROBERT C. JAMES - Mathematics Dictionary
002277: ALAN JAMES AND ROBERT JEFFCOATE (ED) - The School in the Multicultural Society
003805: HENRY JAMES - The Jolly Corner
001644: ELIZABETH INGLI JAMES - Eight Poems
000793: H. NOEL JAMES - Poems
000742: STORM JAMESON - Before the Crossing
005826: E. B. JAMIESON, M.D. - Illustrations of Regional Anatomy, Section III Abdomen
005336: REV. THOMAS JANES - The Beauties of the Poets, Being a Collection of Moral and Sacred Poetry
005806: LAURENCE M. JANIFER & S. J. TREIBICH / JOHN RACKHAM - Target: Terra / The Proxima Project
002916: RICHARD JARMAN - The London Coliseum, the story of London's largest theatre
005233: TERRY JARVIS WITH LINDA BALL - The Long Search
002124: SIR JAMES JEANS - The Stars in their Courses.
003139: BO JEFFARES - The Artist in 19th Century English fiction
004328: RICHARD JEFFERIES - The Life of the Fields
002937: RICHARD JEFFERIES - Under the Acorns
006377: GEORGE JEFFREYS - Pentecostal Rays, the Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit
004421: RODERIC JEFFRIES - Dead Man's Bluff
001501: GERTRUDE JEKYLL - Old English Household Life
006544: GERTRUDE JEKYLL & LAWRENCE WEAVER - Gardens for Small Country Houses
000105: HERBERT JENKINS - Adventures of Bindle
001378: INEZ JENKINS - The History of the Women's Institute Movement of England and Wales
000106: HERBERT JENKINS - The Bindles on the Rocks
001703: GEOFFREY JENKINS - The River of Diamonds
002290: HERBERT JENKINS - John Dene of Toronto, a comedy of Whitehall
003659: EDWARD JENKS - An Outline of English Local Government
000848: W. A. JENSEN - The Plant Cell
001432: DOUGLAS JERROLD - Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures
000585: C. E. M. JOAD - Introduction to Modern Philosophy
001035: ST. JOHN - The Revelation of St. John the Divine
004590: GWYN JOHN - Flat Green Bowls : Skills of the Game
005859: CAPTAIN W. E. JOHNS - Biggles in the Cruise of the Condor
005839: CAPTAIN W. E. JOHNS - Biggles Delivers the Goods
005908: CAPTAIN W. E. JOHNS - The Boy Biggles
005872: CAPTAIN W. E. JOHNS - Biggles Air Detective
005913: CAPTAIN W. E. JOHNS - Biggles Pioneer Air Fighter
005914: CAPTAIN W. E. JOHNS - Biggles of the Camel Squadron
004196: SAMUEL JOHNSON - Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia
005901: JAMES WELDON JOHNSON - The Autobiography of an Ex-colored Man (Twentieth Century Classics)
000641: DORIS M. JOHNSON (ED) - Dr. Williams's Library, London, Catalogue of Accessions 1900-1950
006608: ANNABEL & EDGAR JOHNSON - A Golden Touch
002152: KEITH JOHNSTON, JUN. - Hand Book of Physical Geography
001752: MARY JOHNSTON - Drury Randall
000773: MAURUS JOKAI - Timar's Two Worlds
005064: BUSTER LLOYD-JONES - The Animals Came in One By One
005133: STEPHEN JONES - H.P. Lovecraft in Britain : A Monograph
005130: BERNARD E. JONES - Soldering, Brazing and Welding
002712: DIANA WYNNE JONES - The Homeward Bounders
006451: STEPHEN JONES, EDITOR - Flotsam Fantastique, the Souvenir Book of World Fantasy Convention 2013
001216: ADRIENNE JONES - The Hawks of Chelney
006697: ALAN PRYCE-JONES - Richard Strauss, Der Rosenkavalier
006123: EDGAR JORDAN - Reading Tramways (Tramways Classics)
005444: ROBERT FURNEAUX JORDAN - Le Corbusier
006441: S. T. JOSHI - Ramsey Campbell and Modern Horror Fiction
006245: GABRIEL JOSIPOVICI - Mobius the Stripper: Stories and Short Plays
001956: THOMAS JOY - Mostly Joy, a bookman's story
001607: ELVIN A. KABAT & MANFRED M. MAYER - Experimental Immunochemistry
006647: ALBERT E. KAHN - High Treason, the Plot Against the People
005997: JOSEF KALLINIKOW - Frauen Und Monche
004668: STUART M. KAMINSKY - The Man Who Walked Like a Bear
003019: DR. ALB. VAN KAMPEN - Justus Perthes' Atlas Antiquus, Pocket-Atlas of the Ancient World
005441: RUSSELL KANE - The Humorist
002415: PAUL KANE & MARIE O'REGAN (ED) - The British Fantasy Society - a Celebration
004473: IMMANUEL KANT - Prolegomena Zu Einer Jeden Kunftigen Metaphysik
005270: IMMANUEL KANT - Metaphysik Der Sitten, Der Rechtslehre Erster Teil, Das Privatrecht
002956: CHARLES J. KAPPLER (COMPILED & EDITED BY) - Indian Treaties 1778 - 1883
002288: LESLIE KARK - Red Rain
002127: DAVID KARP - One
005346: KATHLEEN KARR - Gideon and the Mummy Professor
006108: YOUSUF KARSH - Karsh: A Fifty-Year Retrospective
001184: H HOWARD KARSLAKE - Land Commission Act 1967 (Chapter 1)
003980: HERBERT D. KASTLE - Keys to Seven 7 Rooms
006442: BEN KATCHOR - Cheap Novelties: The Pleasures of Urban Decay (Penguin Graphic Fiction S.)
003479: H. B. KAYE - The Man in My Chair
006292: GERALDINE KAYE - Nowhere to Stop
004943: HENRY KEANE - The Faded Poppy, a fragment of Philistine Melodrama (novel)
002985: JOSEPH KEATING - The Exploited Woman
005436: H. R. F. KEATING, EDITOR - Crime Writers, Reflections on Crime Fiction
003557: JOSEPH KEATING - The Exploited Woman
006467: JOHN KEATS - Selected Poems - the Ormond Poets
006710: JOHN KEATS - John Keats Poems, Replica
006624: JANET KEBBELL - Morgan's Folly
003801: CLAUDIA O'KEEFE (EDITOR) - Ghost Tide / Ghosttide
005671: JOHN A. KEEL - The Cosmic Question
005672: JOHN A. KEEL - UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse
005674: JOHN A. KEEL - Our Haunted Planet (Mysteries of Time & Space)
005673: JOHN A. KEEL - Strange Creatures from Time and Space
002271: K. D. KEELE - Anatomies of Pain
000361: KEN KELLY - Cricket Reflections, Five Decades of Cricket Photographs
004288: DAVID KENDALL, EDITOR - The Mammoth Book of Zombie Comics
005593: ROBERT KENNEDY - Start Bodybuilding: Complete Natural Program
006037: ALEXANDER KENT - Honour This Day
006413: HAROLD KENT - The Black Castle
004952: F. W. KENYON - Emma
003108: W. P. KER - English Literature, Medieval
005650: FRANK KERMODE - Shakespeare: The Final Plays
006547: EVAN J. KERN - Harpsichord Design and Construction
001941: JEAN KERR - The Snake Has All the Lines
005594: COLM KERRIGAN - History of Tower Hamlets
003822: GERALD KERSH - Guttersnipe - little novels
002638: CICELY KERSHAW - Familiar Birds of Ceylon
006525: HERMANN KESTEN (ED) - 24 Neue Deutsche Erzahle, Das Buch Des Neue Deutschland
004832: FIONA PITT-KETHLEY - London
005170: ALEXANDER KEY - The Wrath and the Wind
005504: FRANCES PARKINSON KEYES - The Great Tradition
006067: DR. F. A. KHAN - Architecture and Art Treasures in Pakistan
004928: GEOFFREY KIBBY - Mushrooms and Toadstools : A Field Guide
006628: CLARK KIDDER - Marilyn Monroe: Cover to Cover
003858: SØREN KIERKEGAARD, TRANS DAVID F. SWENSON AND WALTER LOWRIE - Concluding Unscientific Postscript
004614: CATHY KILPATRICK - Wildlife in Towns
003597: GARRY D. KILWORTH - Angel
001145: W. J. T. KIMBER - The Healing Church
006006: EMILY KIMBROUGH - It Gives Me Great Pleasure
005882: DR. H. C. KING - Look at the Stars
006418: PROF. THOS. KING - Art of Reckoning / Explanatory Arithmetic
001897: CHARLES KINGSLEY - The Water Babies
000034: JAMES R. KINNEY & ANN HONEYCUTT - The Town Dog
002200: JAMES KINROSS - The Isle of Saints
005122: RUDYARD KIPLING - Humorous Tales
006252: RUDYARD KIPLING - Wee Willie Winkie and other stories 2 Vols
006253: RUDYARD KIPLING - Actions and Reactions
004223: A. F. KIRKPATRICK, EDITOR - The Book of Psalms
005582: HOWARD KISSELL - David Merrick: The Abominable Showman: The Unauthorized Biography
003536: JOE KLAAS - Maybe I'm Dead
003784: VICTOR VON KLARWILL (EDITOR) - The Fugger News-Letters, First Series
000314: HEINRICH VON KLEIST - Michael Kohlhaas
001560: IRENA KLEPFISZ - Different Enclosures
005957: B. KLIBAN - Cat
003509: M. KLINE - The Language of Number, Secondary School Arithmetic, Book 1
001286: WALTER KLINEFELTER - Sherlock Holmes in Portrait and Profile
002752: MATTHEW KNEALE - Sweet Thames
001830: R. J. KNECHT - French Renaissance Monarchy: Francis I & Henry II
003170: CHARLES KNIGHT - Knowledge is Power, a view of the Productive Forces of Modern Society, and the Results of Labour, Capital and Skill
000005: WILLIAM G. KNIGHT - A Major London Minor: The Surrey Theatre 1805-1865
001453: FRANCIS G. W. KNOWLES - Man and Other Living Things - an introduction to human biology
003674: DERRICK KNOWLTON - The Naturalist in Central Southern England, Hampshire, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Dorset and Somerset
004418: AUTHOR NOT KNOWN - The Sleeping Beauty - Walker Toy Book
005614: OLIVER KNOX - Croft: A Journey of Confidence, Croft Port 300 Years, 1678-1978
001225: STANO KOCHAN AND STEPHEN FRY - Darling - You Are a Devil !
002423: ARTHUR KOESTLER - Twilight Bar
006247: RICK KOGAN - Sabers & Suites - the story of Chicago's Ambassador East
005732: OSKAR KOKOSCHKA (INTRODUCTION JOHN RUSSELL) - Oskar Kokoschka - Watercolours, Drawings, Writings
002597: LUCY KOMISAR - The New Feminism
006009: FOREWORD BY KENNETH KONSTAM - Know the Game - Contract Bridge
002378: KORNEICHUK, LEONOV, SIMONOV - Four Soviet War Plays
004175: ZOFIA KOSSAK, TRANSLATED RULKA LANGER - Blessed are the Meek, a novel about St. Francis of Assissi
001452: WILLIAM KOTZWINKLE - Fata Morgana
005212: THE GREAT KOVARI - Kovari's Master Magic
005903: J. O'BARR & ED KRAMER, EDITORS - The Crow: Shattered Lives and Broken Dreams
004169: LAURA KREY - and Tell of Time
003316: MIROSLAV A. KRIZ - The Price of Gold
002979: PETER KRUGER - Fahrenbrink
000821: PAUL R. KRUGMAN & MAURICE OBSTFELD - International Economics, Theory and Policy
002686: ERICH KUBY - Rosemarie
005975: HARI KUNZRU - White Tears
005716: GOTTFRIED KURE & DAVID VOICE - Toy and Model Trams of the World : 2 Volumes - Toys, Diecasts and Souvenirs; Plastic, White Metal and Brass Models and Kits.
001401: MICHAEL KURLAND - The Infernal Device
004723: PAUL KURTZ, ALBERT DONDEYNE, EDITORS - A Catholic-Humanist Dialogue : Humanists and Roman Catholics in a Common World
003452: ELISABETH KYLE - But We Are Exiles
001567: PETER B. KYNE - Cappy Ricks Retires
006358: PETER B. KYNE - Webster - Man's Man
006649: PETER B. KYNE - The Parson of Panamint
003193: DIONYSIUS LARDNER D. C. L. - Handbook of Natural Philosophy - Mechanics
006554: BRIAN LABAN - The Mini: Forty Years of Fun
002705: DOMINICK LABINO - Dominick Labino - a Decade of Glass Craftsmanship 1964-1974
003054: ANNA COLEMAN LADD - Hieronymous Rides
000251: KEVIN LAFFAN - It's a Two-Foot-Six-Inches-Above-the-Ground World
006311: KALTON C. LAHUE (ED) - Pinto Tune-up & Repair
003912: JIM LAKER WITH PAT GIBSON - Cricket Contrasts - from Crease to Commentary Box
003913: JIM LAKER - One-Day Cricket
002637: A. DE LAMARTINE, ED. MARY BENTINCK SMITH - Deux Héroïnes de la Révolution Française
006513: CHARLES LAMB - Essays of Elia & Last Essays of Elia 2 Vols
002728: CHARLES & MARY LAMB - Tales from Shakespeare
005537: CHARLES & MARY LAMB - Tales from Shakespeare
001493: HAROLD LAMB - A Garden to the Eastward
006355: HENRY G. LAMOND - Big Red
006663: FREDERICK LOCKER LAMPSON - London Lyrics
005750: TERRY LAMSLEY - Under the Crust: Supernatural Tales of Buxton
003654: GEOFFREY LANCASTER AND DAVID JOBBER - Sales Technique & Management
003829: OSBERT LANCASTER - Signs of the Times, 1939 - 1961
005920: OSBERT LANCASTER - Progress at Pelvis Bay
003756: F. HOWARD LANCUM - Wild Birds and the Land
004759: ISAAC LANDMAN - Stories of the Prophets (before the exile)
000882: NEIL LANDS - History, People and Places in Languedoc Roussillon
002976: MICHAEL LANE - Surrey Lore and Legend
006365: FRANZ LANGE - Progressive German Reader: Elementary Part
002495: DAVID LANGFORD - Was ist ein Troll-Striptease?: Terry Pratchetts neues Schweibenwelt-Quizbuch
002494: DAVID LANGFORD - War in 2080, the future of military technology
001194: THOMAS PITT TASWELL-LANGMEAD - English Constitutional History
005590: WM. LANHAM - The Steel Square
005611: JOE R. LANSDALE - The Drive-in
004518: NORMAN LANSDELL - The Atom and the Energy Revolution
000226: P.G.LARBALESTIER - Ducks and Drakes
000025: REX LARDNER - The Lardner Report
003869: BARBARA LASLETT - EDITOR - Contemporary Sociology, May 1985, Vol 14 No 3
005051: BARBARA LASLETT - EDITOR - Contemporary Sociology, January 1985, Vol 14 No 1
003428: ROBERT LATHAM - The Illustrated Pepys
003893: EMMA LATHEN - Murder Without Icing
001366: EMMA LATHEN - Sweet & Low
002615: M. COURTENAY-LATIMER, G. G. SMITH, H. BOKELMANN & A. BATTEN - The Flowering Plants of the Tsitsikama Forest and Coastal National Park / Die Blomplante van die Tsitsikamabos en -Seekus Nasionale Park
001834: HARRY LAUDER - From Tyburn to the Tower, guide to the history of London in stone
006362: TERRY LAUGHLIN - Extraordinary Swimming for Every Body
003881: PATRICK J. LAVELLE - To Guelderland, a story with a symbol
004757: JAMES LAVER - A Concise History of Costume
000770: JAMES LAVER - Museum Piece
001069: ALICE & STEPHEN LAWHEAD - The Pilgrim's Guide to the New Age
002090: JOSEPHINE LAWRENCE - If I Have Four Apples
005102: ANN LAWRENCE - The Good Little Devil
006115: D. H. LAWRENCE - Lady Chatterley's Lover
005634: R. D. LAWRENCE - The Diabetic Life
002711: BILL LAWS - Old English Farmhouses
000810: LYLE LAWSON (ED) - Waterways of Europe
005428: ROBERT LAXALT - A Man in the Wheatfield
004237: F. A. LEA - The Ethics of Reason: An Essay in Moral Philosophy
001185: W. A. LEACH - Disturbance on Compulsory Purchase
003146: STEPHEN LEACOCK - Laughter and Wisdom
006302: C. L. A. LEAKEY, EDITOR - Crop Improvement in East Africa
002695: EDWARD LEAR - A Nonsense Alphabet
006620: F. DOGGETT LEARNER - Tibetan Journey
003634: TIMOTHY LEARY - The Politics of Ecstasy
006796: BERNARD LECACHE - Quand Israel Meurt - Au Pays Des Pogromes
006128: LAURRIE LEE - Cider with Rosie
006351: M. TULLIUS CICERO A. G. LEE - Paradoxa Stoicorum
005955: RODNEY LEE - Shoe Town
006805: MARJORIE LEE - The Lion House
006122: CHRIS LEIGH - Great Western Railway Country Stations: v. 1
005000: MICHAEL LEIGH - He Couldn't Say Amen
003494: JOHN LEIGHTON AND COLIN J. BAILEY - Painting in Focus: Caspar David Friedrich - Winter Landscape
001670: PATRICIA LEITCH - Highland Pony Trek
006407: JEREMY LELAND - The Jonah
001823: ELMORE LEONARD - Get Shorty
004148: ANNA H. LEONOWENS - Siamese Harem Life
004935: SHANE LESLIE - The End of a Chapter
003043: R. F. LESLIE (PROFESSOR OF HISTORY, QUEEN MARY COLLEGE, LONDON) - The Polish Question, Poland's Place in Modern History
001505: W. R. LETHABY - London Before the Conquest
004623: JONATHAN LETHEM - Gun with Occasional Music
005577: ALFRED LEUTSCHER - Vivarium Life - a Manual on Amphibians, Reptiles and Cold-Water Fish.
003901: J. K. LEVER AND PAT GIBSON - J. K. Lever : A Cricketer's Cricketer
005542: CHARLES LEVER - Jack Hinton, the Guardsman
002284: PETER LEVI - The Echoing Green, three elegies
003811: SINCLAIR LEWIS - Bethel Merriday
005017: D. B. WYNDHAM LEWIS - Take it to Bed
004126: SINCLAIR LEWIS - The Prodigal Parents
006125: NORMAN LEWIS - The Volcanoes Above Us
005418: C. DAY LEWIS - Collected Poems 1929 to 1933, Transitional Poem, From Feathers to Iron, The Magnetic Mountain
004599: C. S. LEWIS - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
005318: C. S. LEWIS - Letters to Malcom, Chiefly on Prayer
005972: NORMAN LEWIS - The Day of the Fox
003623: ALFRED HENRY LEWIS - Wolfville Nights
001195: W. H. LEWIS - Assault on Olympus - the Rise of the House of Gramont between 1604 and 1678
003525: ERIC LEYLAND - Half-term Adventure
001349: EDWARD E. LIGOCKI - Legends and History of Poland
005785: THOMAS LIGOTTI - Teatro Grottesco
000132: ARTHUR LILLIE - Buddha & Buddhism
000893: JOSEPH C. LINCOLN - Mr. Pratt
005218: MOGENS LIND - We Danes, or - It's Perfectly True!
005559: ASTRID LINDGREN - Pippi in the South Seas (Oxford Children's Paperbacks)
001387: JOHN LINDLEY - School Botany, Descriptive Botany and Vegetable Physiology
004895: PHILIP LINDSAY - Jack Laughs at Locksmiths
001562: MAURICE LINDSAY - The Discovery of Scotland
005310: PHILIP LINDSAY - The Loves of Florizel
005311: PHILIP LINDSAY - He Rides in Triumph
005309: PHILIP LINDSAY - Heart of a King
000533: JESSIE LINDSAY & HELEN M. TRESS - What Every Cook Should Know
000573: J. C. N. LING - The Timbers of Sarawak
001595: FREDA LINGSTROM (ED) - BBC Children's Annual
001373: ERIC LINKLATER - Juan in China
005397: ERIC LINKLATER - Crisis in Heaven - an Elysian Comedy
004982: GERTRUDE DAVIES LINTZ - Animals are My Hobby
006438: 'SEA-LION' - The Pirate Destroyer and also The Dockyard Robbery
001954: EMILY LISTFIELD - Acts of Love
006130: W. B. LITTLE - Gardening for Schools
005339: JAMES T. TANNER & EMILE LITTLER, ADRIAN ROSS, PERCY GREENBANK - The Quaker Girl, a musical play in three acts
003745: HENRY LIVINGS - Flying Eggs and Things: More Pennine Tales
006207: T. LIVII PATAVINI [ LIVY ] - Historiarum, Libri Qui Supersunt Cum Deperditorum Fragmentis et Epitomis Omnium
004999: L. MOAKES LLA - History of Travel and Communication book 1 - Travel
005553: TOM LLOYD - Entrepreneur!: The ECI Ventures Guide
003307: TOM LLOYD - The Stormcaller
001354: J. H. LOBBAN (ED) - English Essays
004236: JOHN LOCKE, GENT. - An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
003459: WILLIAM J. LOCKE - Idols
003385: WILLIAM J. LOCKE - The Beloved Vagabond
005930: CHARLES O. LOCKE - Amelia Rankin
003691: WILLIAM J. LOCKE - Simon the Jester
004307: R. H. BRUCE LOCKHART - My Scottish Youth
001274: K. G. LOCKYER - An Introduction To Critical Path Analysis
006118: JEPH LOEB - Fallen Son - the death of Captain America
003119: J. LOEB, TRANS. H. MOUTON - La Conception Mécanique de la Vie
001141: HUGH LOFTING - The Story of Doctor Dolittle
005118: BLISS LOMAX - Appointment on the Yellowstone
006495: ALBERT LONDRES - The Road to Buenos Ayres, Terrible Exposure of the White Slave Traffic
000555: H. SHIRLEY LONG - Princess Tina Ballet Book No.4
002235: HENRY W. LONGFELLOW - Voices of the Night and other poems
003819: PIERRE LOTI - An Iceland Fisherman
004775: HAROLD LOUKES - The Castle and the Field - Swarthmore Lecture 1959
006176: PATRICIA LOUSADA - The Great American Bake-in
004610: GILLY LOVE - Storage Solutions
005751: H. P. LOVECRAFT, EDITED S. T. JOSHI AND MARC A. MICHAUD - H. P. Lovecraft in "The Eyrie"
002118: T. LOVEDAY AND J. A. GREEEN - Introduction to Psychology, more especially for teachers
006131: SAMUEL LOVER - Handy Andy
001821: PETER LOVESEY - Wobble to Death
004198: EDWARD GIBBON / D. M. LOW - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (abridged)
006504: A. M. LOW - Home Experiments
006689: DAVID LOW - Europe at War, a History in Sixty Cartoons with a Narrative Text
003171: EILEEN LOWCOCK - Needlework for Pleasure - Good Housekeeping Family Library
003156: ROBERT A. W. LOWNDES (EDITOR) - Future Science Fiction No. 6
000405: J.M.LOWSON, REV. BY AUTHOR & L.C.FOX - A Textbook of Botany
002220: E. V. LUCAS - A Little of Everything
002676: E. V. LUCAS - Old Lamps for New
006507: EDWARD VERRALL LUCAS - A Book of Verses for Children
001131: E. V. LUCAS - London Lavender
003002: E. V. LUCAS - Genevra's Money
000920: E. V. LUCAS - Mixed Vintages
002687: E. V. LUCAS - One Day and Another
001182: W. W. LUCAS - The Corporate Nature of English Sovereignty
003138: E. V. LUCAS - The Vermilion Box
006720: EDWARD W. LUDWIG - The Mask of Jon Culon
003297: BRIAN LUMLEY - Necroscope - The Touch
004431: WILLIAM G. LUSCOMBE - A Book of Inns, No. 1, Inns Easily Accessible from London
004202: ABBÉ LUSSEAU AND ABBÉ COLLOMB - Manuel D'Études Bibliques, Tome 1, Introduction Générale
003048: EDNA LYALL - In the Golden Days
003050: EDNA LYALL - A Hardy Norseman
004067: EDNA LYALL (ADA ELLEN BAYLY) - Knight-Errant
005639: DON LYNCH - " Titanic ": An Illustrated History
006167: ROBERT LYND (Y.Y.) - The Peal of Bells
001172: LT.-COL. W. E. LYON (ED) - The Horseman's Year
001202: A. NEIL LYONS - Sixpenny Pieces
002143: R. S. LYONS - The School in the Skies
000209: ARTHUR LYONS - All God's Children
002514: LUCY LYTTELTON (SELECTED) - A Book of Wild Things
006788: SIR EDWARD BULWER LYTTON - The Last Days of Pompeii
001988: H. M. M. - An Outline of Social Credit
003245: N. G. M. - How Would I Choose?
004233: NEIL MACALPINE, COMPILER - Pronouncing Gaelic-English Dictionary
000652: RENNIE MACANDREW - Friendship, Love Affairs and Marriage
000596: LORD MACAULAY - Essays and Lays of Ancient Rome
000398: LORD MACAULAY - Miscellaneous Writings & Speeches
004109: D. P. MACDONALD - Nicholas Simon, a romance of revolution
006296: GEORGE MACDONALD - The Princess and Curdie
002930: CHARLES KINGSLEY / MARY MACGREGOR - The Heroes, told to the children
003726: ALASDAIR ALPIN MACGREGOR - The Farthest Hebrides
005067: ALASDAIR ALPIN MACGREGOR - Behold the Hebrides, or Wayfarings in the Western Isles
004898: DENIS MACKAIL - Huddleston House
005823: A. STEWART MACKAY - How to Make Lino Cuts for Profit or Pleasure
005945: MAURICE GOLDSMITH AND ALAN MACKAY, EDTORS - The Science of Science, Society in a Technological Age
000790: IAN MACKAY - The Real Mackay
004172: MACKELLAR, M. J. R. - Folktales from Australia's Children of the World
005314: COMPTON MACKENZIE - The Rival Monster
000645: KENNETH MACKENZIE - Sunday Morning
005740: D. L. MACKENZIE - A Practical Dictionary of English Synonyms, Alphabetically Arranged
006387: AGNES MURE MACKENZIE - Cypress in Moonlight, an Operetta in Prose
001990: MARY MACKIE - Dry Rot and Daffodils
000651: K. M. MACLEOD - Derry & Co., Life Boys
001148: NOTTIDGE CHARLES MACNAMARA - Origin and Character of the British People
006799: S. MACNAUGHTAN - Four-Chimneys, a Novel
005352: EONA MACNICOL - The Hallowe'en Hero and other stories
002008: JAMES MACPHERSON - The Poems of Ossian
006449: HECTOR (CARSEWELL) MACPHERSON - The Jesuits in History
003719: BRYAN MAGEE - The Great Philosophers
005011: GUSTAVE MAGNEL - Prestressed Concrete
003935: SUSAN SHELBY MAGOFFIN, EDITED STELLA M. DRUMM - Down the Santa Fé Trail and Into Mexico
003336: MARGARET MAHY - Aliens in the Family
005440: NORMAN MAILER - Marilyn, a Biography
002478: S. P. B. MAIS - Hunting the Fox
000922: AMEDEO MAIURI - Pompejanische Wandbilder
001647: A. S. MAKARENKO - Learning to Live
000557: W. J. MAKIN (COMPILER) - The Story of Twenty-five Years
005829: J. P. W. MALLALIEU - Very Ordinary Seaman
006127: RAYMOND O'MALLEY & DENYS THOMPSON - Comprehension and Summary (formerly Precis and Comprehension )
000302: JAY MALLIN - Santo Domingo Contesa
001860: LEONARD MALTIN (ED) - TV Movies, 1983-84 Edition
005479: NELSON MANDELA - The Illustrated Long Walk To Freedom
000606: JAMIE MANDELKAU - Harmony Farm
003022: ROBERT MANDROU, TRANSLATED BRIAN PEARCE - From Humanism to Science 1480-1700
005533: AVRO MANHATTAN - The Vatican Moscow Alliance
005313: DON M. MANKIEWICZ - Trial
006210: MARTY MANN - Primer on Alcoholism
002778: WILLIAM W. MANN - Esperanto Self-Taught, with phonetic pronunciation
004897: BRIAN MANNING, EDITOR - Joint Transactions of the Chartered Accountant Students Societies 1932-33
003930: A. HAWKES MANSELL - Waters of Forgetfulness, an Australian Story
001527: ROGER MANVELL - Film
001381: RANDLE MANWARING - Collected Poems
005421: S. MENON MARATH - The Wound of Spring
006162: EDWARD GREENFIELD; ROBERT LAYTON; IVAN MARCH - The Penguin Stereo Record Guide Second Edition (Penguin Handbooks)
006191: STEVEN MARCUS - The Other Victorians, a study of Sexuality and Pornography in Mid-Nineteenth Century England
005396: W. MARGRIE - The Mighty Heart, a survey of England as it Is and a Vision of What it Might Be
003925: LEO MARGULIES, EDITOR - The Ghoul Keepers
002944: JAN MARK - The Ennead
000024: MRS. MARKHAM - A History of France, from the Conquest of Gaul By Julius Caesar to the Present Time, with Conversations at the End of Each Chapter
005555: "MRS. MARKHAM - A History of Germany, from Its Invasion By Marius to the Year 1850. On the Plan of Mrs. Markham's Histories, for the Use of Young Persons
004647: ELYSA MARKOWITZ - Warming up to Living Foods
003068: STEPHEN MARLEY - Spirit Mirror
006309: JOYCE MARLOW - Billy Goes to War
003589: DEREK MARLOWE - Nightshade
004936: CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE - Doctor Faustus
005307: DAVE MARLOWE - Coming, Sir! The autobiography of a Waiter
006305: MABEL MARLOWE - True Stories of the Water Folk, Parts One & Two
006230: P. VERGILI MARONIS - Opera
003958: MELISSA MARR - Wicked Lovely
001011: J. W. MARRIOTT - Q. E. D., Some Hints on Arguing
002411: J. W. MARRIOTT (SELECTED BY) - One Act Plays of Today, Second Series
002357: J. W. MARRIOTT (SELECTED BY) - One-Act Plays of To-day, First Series
005298: NGAIO MARSH - Photo-Finish
003104: NGAIO MARSH - Off with His Head
001604: NGAIO MARSH - Tied Up in Tinsel
006699: JANET MARSH - A Child's Book of Flowers
004751: MICHAEL MARSHALL - The Intruders
005403: GARY MARSHALL - Nevada Man
001955: SYBIL MARSHALL - A Pride of Tigers - a fen family and its fortunes
002282: ARCHIBALD MARSHALL - The Birdikin Family
006520: WILLIAM( LEONARD) MARSHALL - Skulduggery (Yellowthread Street mysteries)
006399: H. G. HAYES-MARSHALL - Interior Decoration Today (incomplete)
005781: YANN MARTEL - The Life of Pi, Illustrated Edition
004498: SAMUEL E. MARTIN - Basic Japanese Conversation Dictionary
002946: CHARLES MARTIN - The Civil Costume of England from the Conquest to the Present Time / Ancient Costume
003319: E. W. MARTIN - A Wanderer in the West Country
006026: SISTER MARY MARTIN - Make Yours a Fine Baby
005870: F. MARTIN AND L. T. DUNCAN - Plant Friends and Foes
001853: JOHN MASEFIELD - A Letter from Pontus and other Verse
002413: JOHN MASEFIELD - Philip the King and other poems
003675: JOHN MASON - Paper Making as an Artistic Craft
005653: A. E. W. MASON - Inspector Hanaud's Investigations - the A. E. W. Mason Omnibus
001872: WILLIAM EDMAN MASSEE - An Insider's Guide to Low-Priced Wines
004682: GUSTAVE MASSON - Early Chroniclers of Europe - France
003707: RICHARD L. MASTEN - Saint Udo: How, By a Mortal Sin, he Balked a Duke, Pleased a Prince, and Saved a Lady's Life
004526: MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS - Notes on Mathematics in Primary Schools
000394: HELEN MATHERS - The Lovely Malincourt
005714: PETER MATHIAS - Retailing Revolution, a history of Multiple Retailing in the Food Trades, based upon the Allied Suppliers Group of Companies
006267: DENIS MATTHEWS - Brahms Piano Music (BBC Music Guides)
004344: PETER MATTHIESSEN - Indian Country
003946: V. MATVEYEV - The Commissar of the Gold Express
006781: SOPHIE MAUDE - John and Joan. a Story of the Northern Rising Under King Henry VIIIth
000592: DAPHNE DU MAURIER - Classics of the Macabre
001611: DAPHNE DU MAURIER - Classics of the Macabre
006603: DAPHNE DU MAURIER - The King's General
006295: ANDRE MAUROIS - Ariel, ou La Vie de Shelley
003543: MICHELLE MAUROIS - The Sweetbread and Other Stories
006408: G. S. MAXTON AND E. H. DANCE - The March of History, from Earliest Times to the Present Day
003874: GAVIN MAXWELL - Ring of Bright Water
002073: W. B. MAXWELL - Hill Rise
003723: DONALD MAXWELL - Unknown Sussex
006541: GAVIN MAXWELL - A Reed Shaken By the Wind
000858: MARTIN MAYER - Wall Street: Men and Money
002302: HENRY MAYHEW - The Story of the Peasant-Boy Philosopher
002111: SIMON MAYO - Margaret Mee's Amazon
000566: ISABEL MCALLISTER - Alfred Gilbert
003295: PAUL MCAULEY - Mind's Eye
000526: ED MCBAIN - Bread
001727: JOSEPH MCCABE - The Pope and the Italian Jackal
001742: JOSEPH MCCABE - The Papacy in Politics To-day
000571: ANNE MCCAFFREY - Damia's Children
002490: ANNE MCCAFFREY - All the Weyrs of Pern
002585: NEIL MCCALLUM - It's an Old Scottish Custom
005188: JUSTIN HUNTLY MCCARTHY - Pretty Maids All in a Row
004166: SEAN MCCARTHY - The Road to Song
003933: MICHAEL J. F. MCCARTHY - Priests and People in Ireland
006059: STEWART MCCLEAN - SAS: The History of the Special Raiding Squadron "Paddy's Men"
006141: MARY LLOYD MCCONNEL - Songs of Aftermath
004690: DAVID MCDONNELL, JOHN SAYERS, TIM L. SMITH - Starlog Science Fiction Trivia
005522: JOSEPH P. MCEVOY, [THOMAS R E BARNES] - Guide to Assessment Scales in Schizophrenia
003507: PHILIP MCFARLAND - A House Full of Women
006740: PATRICIA MCGERR - The Seven Deadly Sisters
006158: R. J. MCGREGOR - The Young Detectives
004527: HARRY MCGURK - Growing and Changing, a Primer of Developmental Psychology
001187: ERNEST L. MCKEAG - Serat the Sheik
003678: STEPHEN MCKENNA - Namesakes
003376: STEPHEN MCKENNA - That Dumb Loving
006452: STEPHEN MCKENNA - Tomorrow and Tomorrow
006025: STEPHEN MCKENNA - Midas and Son
000565: MARGARET MCKILLOP - Food Values, what they are and how to calculate them
006521: ROD MCKUEN - Rod McKuen Omnibus: Listen to the Warm; Lonesome Cities; Stanyan Street and Other Sorrows; + Fourteen New Poems
000286: ROBERT MCLELLAN - The Hypocrite
005126: MARSHALL MCLUHAN - The Mechanical Bride : Folklore of Industrial Man
004134: BRUCE MCMILLAN - Apples, How They Grow
005801: W. G. MCMINNIES - Practical Flying - Complete course of Flying Instruction
004669: MARY MCMULLEN - Prudence be Damned
001095: LARRY MCMURTRY - The Last Picture Show
004965: WILFRED MCNEILLY - Land of the Free
001749: LT.-COLONEL J. A. MCQUEEN - Intelligence Work and the Bible
001598: J. WALKER MCSPADDEN - Opera Synopses
005292: SHEPHERD MEAD - How to Get Rich in TV Without Really Trying
005148: SHEPHERD MEAD - The Carefully Considered Rape of the World
005312: MRS. L. T. MEADE - A Ring of Rubies
002707: GEORGE MEASOM - The Illustrated Guide to the South Eastern Railway, 1853
005360: ' MEDICA ' - Change of Life - facts and fallacies of middle age
005705: KATE MELLERSH - His By Right, a story for Boys
006753: THEODORA MELLOR AND HILDA H. PEARSON - Housecraft Arithmetic
002951: G. J. WHYTE MELVILLE - General Bounce or the Lady and the Locusts
004052: HELEN & LEWIS MELVILLE - London's Lure - an anthology in Prose & Verse
004369: MAUREEN MELVIN - Paws for Pasta
000164: FELIX MENDELSSOHN - Letters
003344: JOSÉ LUIS LLOVIO-MENÉNDEZ - Insider - My Hidden Life as a Revolutionary in Cuba
006715: JOSÉ LUIS LLOVIO-MENÉNDEZ - Insider - My Hidden Life as a Revolutionary in Cuba
003363: LUCY MENZIES - The First Friend
002866: PROSPER MÉRIMÉE - Aventures d'un Gentilhomme sous Charles IX
006215: LEONARD MERRICK - The Man Who Understood Women
003988: LEONARD MERRICK - The Position of Peggy Harper
003333: HENRY SETON MERRIMAN - The Velvet Glove
005319: HENRY SETON MERRIMAN - The Sowers
005320: HENRY SETON MERRIMAN - The Vultures
001711: HENRY SETON MERRIMAN - In Kedar's Tents
006381: GILBERTE MARTIN-MERY - De Tiepolo a Goya -Exhibition Catalogue
006621: CHARLES MESSENGER - The D-Day Atlas: Anatomy of the Normandy Campaign
005948: EDITED HENRY C METCALF & L. URWICK - Dynamic Administration, the Collected Papers of Mary Parker Follett
005666: JEAN DE MEY ET BERNARD POINDESSAULT - Repertoire de la Numismatique Francaise Contemporaine, 1793 a Nos Jours
003270: WILLIAM R. MEYER - The Film Buff's Catalog
005598: F. B. MEYER - The Shepherd Psalm
006104: YA DANG.SI MI (ADAM SMITH) - Moral Sentiment Treatise- Complete Translation version (Chinese Edition)
002077: SERGEJ MICHALKOV - Der Lowe und der Hase - Fabeln
005680: JOHN MICHELL - The View Over Atlantis
005557: GRAHAM MIDGLEY - University Life in Eighteenth-century Oxford
006686: DOROTHY MIEROW & TIRTHA BAHADUR SHRESTHA - Himalayan Flowers and Trees
006170: KALMAN MIKSZATH - A Strange Marriage
006049: EDITH MILES - Moonshine Island
006741: W. M. MILES - The Chemistry of Power Plant - the Chemical Engineering Library, Second Series
000800: T. G. MILLAR - Long Distance Paths of England and Wales
005640: PIERRE MILLE, TRANSLATED BERENGERE DILLIEN - Two Little Parisians (Caillou and Tili)
005539: J. GRAHAM MILLER, EDITED IAIN H. MURRAY - A Day's March Nearer Home (autobiography )
004509: BERNARD MILLER, COMPILED & EDITED BY - People Like That ... sometimes want to write
001224: JUDITH MILLER - Blythe Spirit
005100: JOHN MILLHOUSE & H. HAMILTON - Dialogues, Anglais et Francais, Enrichie d'un Voyage a Londres
005822: SPIKE MILLIGAN & JACK HOBBS - William McGonagall, the Truth at Last, Shock Horror - a Fantasia
003456: SPIKE MILLIGAN - The Bible - the Old Testament, According to Spike Milligan
000901: CONSTANCE MILMAN - Aunt Sally
000984: JAMES LEES-MILNE (ED) - The National Trust, a record of fifty years achievement
002166: A. A. MILNE - The Sunny Side
004879: EDITH MILNER - Ober Ammergau and Its Passion Play
006690: ERIC C. MILNES AND PAUL LUKACS - Improve Your Dummy Play
001176: JOHN MILTON - Poetical Works
005219: THE INSTITUTION OF MINING AND METALLURGY - Royal Charter and Bye-laws
003666: JACK MITCHELL - Robert Tressell and the Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists
005753: ANTHONY MITCHELL - Thomas Earp Master of Stone: The Life and Work of This Noted Sculptor of the Victorian Era
003872: GLADYS MITCHELL - Dead Men's Morris
002319: JAMES MITCHELL - The Ilford Manual of Photography
001715: C. GUISE MITFORD - The Paxton Plot
003067: MAYO MOHS - Other Worlds, Other Gods
003778: MOLIÈRE ( JEAN-BAPTISTE POQUELIN ) - Oeuvres de Molière
005736: BORIS MOLLO - The Indian Army
005658: E. MOLLOY, W. F. POOLE, EDITORS - Radio & Television Servicing, Volume 1 Radio Servicing
005949: MARTIN MONS - Een Meisje Verdwijnt
002174: C. E. MONTAGUE - The Right Place, a book of pleasures
006746: C. E. MONTAGUE - Essays of To-day and Yesterday
004212: MONTESQUIEU, TRANSLATED C. J. BETTS - Persian Letters
003072: L. M. MONTGOMERY - Rainbow Valley
003073: L. M. MONTGOMERY - Anne of the Island
003081: L. M. MONTGOMERY - Emily Climbs
006257: JOHN MONTGOMERY - Foxy
005917: A. R. MOORE - Catalogue of Dartmoor Letterboxes Spring 1994
003332: GEORGE MOORE - Sister Teresa
006148: PATRICK MOORE - The Sky at Night
000420: GEORGE MOORE - Esther Waters
006638: R. W. B. MOORE - The Nearness of Our Lord's Return, as Inferred from Studies in the comparison of Prophecy with History
006731: GERALD MOORE - The Unashamed Accompanist
002919: JOACHIM MORAS, HANS PAESCHKE (EDIT) - Merkur, Deutsche Zeitschrift Für Europäisches Denken #70
002918: JOACHIM MORAS, HANS PAESCHKE (EDIT) - Merkur, Deutsche Zeitschrift Für Europäisches Denken #29
006422: ELINOR MORDAUNT - Roses in December
001220: DR. MORELL - A Biographical History of English Literature
000852: ALEXANDRE MORET - In the Time of the Pharaohs
001606: STANLEY MORGAN - Tobin in Tahiti
002924: E. VICTOR MORGAN - A History of Money
005332: ELAINE MORGAN - The Descent of Woman
003284: RICHARD MORGAN - Black Man
002084: CHARLES MORGAN - Sparkenbroke
006617: WILLIAM J. MORGAN - Spies and Saboteurs
003562: SUSAN MORISSETTE (EDITOR) - The Telegraph Colour Library - the best of Masterfile
004644: CHRISTOPHER MORLEY - The Haunted Bookshop
004270: CHRISTOPHER MORLEY - Mandarin in Manhattan
004745: MICHAEL MORPURGO - The Best Christmas Present in the World
002806: DESMOND MORRIS - Catwatching
001991: JAMES MORRIS - Venice
001227: RAMONA AND DESMOND MORRIS - The Giant Panda
003618: WILLIAM MORRIS - News from Nowhere, or an Epoch of Rest, being some chapters from a Utopian Romance
003365: WILLIAM MORRIS - The Defence of Guenevere, and other poems
005201: WILLIAM MORRIS - The Life and Death of Jason
002714: JOHN MORRIS (EDITED) - Domesday Book - 3 - Surrey
001477: REV. F. O. MORRIS - British Birds
001665: DONALD R. MORRIS - China Station
004622: IRA J. MORRIS - A Kingdom for a Song
004466: ARTHUR MORRISON - Short Stories of Today and Yesterday - Arthur Morrison
005038: MARGARET MORRISON - The East Window
001455: EMMELINE MORRISON - From Jest to Earnest
002808: JAMES MORTON - Catching the Killers, a history of crime detection
001059: J. B. MORTON (BEACHCOMBER) - Gallimaufry
001947: STELLA MORTON - The Unfamiliar Name
002224: J. B. MORTON (BEACHCOMBER) - Captain Foulenough and Company
002431: J. B. MORTON - Who's Who in the Zoo?
003832: SIMON MOSER (TEXT MAX STOCK) - Deutsche Bergbauern
006293: ARTHUR MOSS & EVALYN MARVE - The Legend of the Latin Quarter: Henry Murger and the Birth of Bohemia
004447: JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY - The Rise of the Dutch Republic, a History, three volumes
001844: JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY - The Rise of the Dutch Republic, a history
001324: THOMAS MOULT (ED) - Bat and Ball
001758: R. B. MOWAT - Europe in the Age of Napoleon
002560: R. B. MOWAT - Nineteenth Century Europe
001766: A. G. ("JOHNNIE") MOYES - Benaud
001997: MALCOLM MUGGERIDGE - Tread Softly for You Tread on My Jokes
005323: MALCOLM MUGGERIDGE - Tread Softly, for You Tread on My Jokes
005686: DHAN GOPAL MUKERJI - The Chief of the Herd
005283: FREDERIC MULLALLY - Man with Tin Trumpet
001133: TALBOT MUNDY - Rung Ho!
000654: MUNFORD (?) - The Students' Office Guide
005979: NEIL MUNRO - John Splendid, the Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
003593: SHIRLEY ROUSSEAU MURPHY - Silver Woven in My Hair
002433: GENEVIEVE MURPHY (ED) - The Pony Club Annual 1976
001969: G. M. MURRAY - Illustrated English Social History 1
001668: D. L. MURRAY - Roman Cavalier
006510: D. L. MURRAY - Enter Three Witches
006545: DAVID MURREY - Storm Force: A Pictorial Record of the Storm Winter 1990 in Berkshire
004800: MUSAFIR - Is Not This the Christ?
005356: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - A Picture Book of Persian Pottery
005357: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - A Picture Book of English Porcelain Figures
005738: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - Early Mediaeval Art in the North
005355: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - A Picture Book of Turkish Pottery
005354: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - A Picture Book of Corean Pottery
004341: P. W. MUSGRAVE - The Sociology of Education
000729: PAUL DE MUSSET - Mr. Wind and Madam Rain
001905: W. A. J. MUSSON & R. D. REID - Concise General Science
001215: N. E. MUSTOE, H. BRIAN EVE & BRYAN ANSTEY - Complete Valuation Practice
002172: JOHN MYERS MYERS - The Wild Yazoo
006463: STEPHEN NACHMANOVITCH - Free Play: Power of Improvisation in Life and the Arts
006692: ERNEST NAMENYI - The Essence of Jewish Art
004191: MAJOR GENERAL SIR WILLIAM NAPIER - History of the War in the Peninsula
000531: S. ELIZABETH NASH - Cooking Craft, a practical handbook for students in training for cookery and for the homeworker
005878: MARY NASH - Mrs. Coverlet's Magicians
001618: OGDEN NASH - You Can't Get There from Here
001619: OGDEN NASH - Many Long Years Ago
006632: OGDEN NASH - Custard And Company
000754: MARCEL NATKIN - Better Photographs
004525: COUNCIL FOR NATURE - Predatory Mammals in Britain
006298: MARGARET QUEEN OF NAVARRE - The Heptameron
006684: GILLIAN NAYLOR - The Bauhaus
005755: SERGE NAZARIEFF - Jeux de Dames Cruelles 1850-1960 (Photobook)
003579: EDWARD VANSITTART NEALE - Feasts and Fasts - an essay on the Rise, Progress and Present State of the Laws Relating to Sundays and Other Holidays and Days of Fasting, with Notices of the Origin of Those Days, and of the Sittings and Vacations of the Courts
004533: J. E. NEALE - Queen Elizabeth
003388: RICHARD NEELY - The Walter Syndrome
004201: STEPHEN NEILL - Anglicanism
005790: JOSEPH O'NEILL - Blood Dark Track, a family history
004973: ROBERT NEILL - Moon in Scorpio
002403: EUGENE O'NEILL - A Moon for the Misbegotten
002376: EUGENE G. O'NEILL - The Moon of the Caribbees, and six other plays of the sea
005602: A. NESBIT, REVISED REV. JOHN HUNTER - A Treatise on Practical Mensuration
006675: J. C. NESFIELD - Senior Course of English Composition
002087: ALFRED NEUMANN - Another Caesar
001297: MARION I NEWBIGIN - Animal Geography
004953: HENRY NEWBOLT - Collected Poems 1897-1907
003111: ROBERT NEWMAN - The Shattered Stone
001761: PETER C. NEWMAN - Flame of Power
000134: GEORGE NEWNES, EDITOR - The Strand Magazine
006717: GEORGE NEWNES, EDITOR - The Strand Magazine Vol X, July - December 1895
006744: HORACE W. C. NEWTE - A 'Young Lady', a Study in Selectness
004161: IAN NIALL - Fresh Woods
006572: RUTH NICHOLS - Ceremony of Innocence
005136: WALLACE B. NICHOLS - King Perkin's Knight
006088: BEVERLEY NICHOLS - The Wickedest Witch in the World (Knight Books)
005505: BEVERLEY NICHOLS - The Tree That Sat Down - Abridged
006794: BEVERLEY NICHOLS - Cry Havoc!
005916: NORMAN NICHOLSON - Provincial Pleasures
003871: MEREDITH NICHOLSON - A Hoosier Chronicle
002432: JOYCE NICHOLSON - Andy's Kangaroo
000453: OSWALD NIELSEN - Cases in Auditing
006380: JOSEPHINA NIGGLI - Step Down, Elder Brother
006648: GALINA NIKOLAYEVA - Harvest
003802: ADAM NISWANDER - The Hound Hunters
003523: ALFRED NIXON AND ROBERT W. HOLLAND - Commercial Law - Longmans' Commercial Series
004101: CYRIL NOALL - The Story of Cornwall's Lifeboats
005835: MARTIN NOBLE - Tin Men
006801: REV SAMUEL NOBLE - The Plenary Inspiration of the Scriptures and the Principles of Their Composition
001694: O. S. NOCK - Great Western in Colour
003462: L. NOEL - Crescent Moon
001067: WINIFRED NORLING - Hilary of Highlands
001935: CECILIA NORMAN - Barbecue Cookery
006386: W. E. NORRIS - Nature's Comedian
003506: W. E. NORRIS - Matthew Austin
005976: CECIL NORTHCOTT - Glorious Company, One Hundred and Fifty Years Life and Work of the London Missionary Society 1795-1945
004830: KATHLEEN NOTT - Private Fires
003457: NOVALIS (FRIEDRICH VON HARDENBERG) - Klingsohr's Fairy Tale
003268: NAOMI NOVIK - Temeraire
005599: DEBORAH NOYES - The Ghosts of Kerfol
002092: JUAN ANTONIO GAYA NUNO - Salvador Dali
006246: GORDON NUTBROWN - A Thames Parish Magazine, Volume Three / 3 1986-2015
004217: D. NYS - La Notion d'Espace
005191: H.M.S.O. - Brief Guide to the National Museums & Galleries of London
005192: H.M.S.O. - Brief Guide to the National Museums & Galleries of London
005852: PHILIP OAKES - Dwellers All in Time and Space - a memory of the 1940s
004777: PHILIP OAKES (EDITOR) - The Film Addict's Archive - Poetry and Prose of the Cinema
000261: KENNETH P. OAKLEY & HELEN M. MUIR-WOOD - The Succession of Life Through Geological Time
004523: DIMITRI OBOLENSKY - The Byzantine Commonwealth : Eastern Europe, 500-1453
004658: HOME OFFICE - CIVIL DEFENCE - Wireless Instructions for Civil Defence - Handbook No. 1
004660: HOME OFFICE - CIVIL DEFENCE - Basic Fire-Fighting - Manual of Basic Training Vol II, Pamphlet 2
004661: HOME OFFICE - CIVIL DEFENCE - Headquarters Section - Manual of Basic Training Vol I, Pamphlet 4
004665: HOME OFFICE - CIVIL DEFENCE - Reconnaissance and Reporting - Manual of Basic Training Vol I, Pamphlet 9
005692: INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE - Introduction to Work Study
006159: DAVID OGILVY - De Havilland 88: The Story of De Havilland's Racing Comets
002984: NORIKO OGIWARA, TRANS. CATHY HIRANO - Dragon Sword and Wind Child
004796: OLE LUK-OIE (SIR ERNEST DUNLOP SWINTON) - The Great Tab Dope, and other Stories
001268: FRANCES JENKINS OLCOTT - The Book of Elves and Fairies
005764: ZOE OLDENBOURG - The Awakening, a novel of our time
005728: PAMELA OLDFIELD - The Adventures of the Gumby Gang
003807: ERNEST OLDMEADOW - The Lilies of the Kitchen
001348: PAUL OLIVER (INTRO) - English Cottages and Small Farmhouses
005199: JOCELYN OLIVER, EDITOR - Tales of Modern Enterprise
005486: H. T. OPENSHAW - A Laboratory Manual of Qualitative Organic Analysis
006773: ROBERT OPIE - The 1930s Scrapbook
002089: E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM - A Millionaire of Yesterday
003362: E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM - Envoy Extraordinary
003350: E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM - The Double Four
003351: E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM - Mr. Wingrave, Millionaire
003352: E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM - Gabriel Samara
003612: E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM - The Governors
003548: E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM - As a Man Lives
005152: E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM - Master of Men
003353: E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM - The Great Impersonation
000805: LESLIE OPPITZ - Tramways Remembered - south and south east England
005688: BARONESS ORCZY - The Way of the Scarlet Pimpernel
006560: BARONESS ORCZY - The Elusive Pimpernel
005254: J. EDWIN ORR - Faith That Makes Sense
005328: C. W. ORR - The Charm of Two Cities / Le Charme de Deux Cités : London and Paris, Comparative Studies and Contrasts
005675: LEN ORTZEN - Strange Stories of U.F.O.s / Unidentified Flying Objects
006260: GEORGE ORWELL - The English People
006077: GEORGE ORWELL - Nineteen Eighty-four: The Facsimile of the Extant Manuscript
006137: GEORGE ORWELL - Critical Essays
005864: WILLIAM HAMILTON OSBORNE - The Girl of Lost Island
004810: JOHN M. OSKISON - Wild Harvest, a novel of transition days in Oklahoma
004449: MIRABEL OSLER, SHAUN HILL - A Spoon with Every Course : In Search of the Legendary Food of France
006385: ANDRO LINKLATER & OTHERS, ED. NANCY KOHLBERG & PHILIP KOPPER - Shetland Breeds: Little Animals- Very Full of Spirit, Ancient, Endangered & Adaptable
006726: EMIL OTTO, REVISED DOUGLAS YATES - German Conversation-Grammar
002982: BOB OTTUM - The Tuesday Blade
005531: OUIDA - Strathmore; or, Wrought By His Own Hand. a Life Romance
002961: JOHN OWEN - The Shepherd and the Child
001625: TOM OWEN (COMPILED BY) - The Corgi Sports Almanac
002102: PHILIP OWENS - Bed and Sometimes Breakfast - an anthology of landladies
002553: GREY OWL - The Adventures of Sajo and her Beaver People
000529: JOHN OXENHAM - Bees in Amber
005597: JOHN OXENHAM - The Vision Splendid - Some Verse for the Times and the Times to Come
006024: JOHN OXENHAM - The Cedar Box
005871: JOHN OXENHAM - Selected Poems
001289: ELIZABETH D'OYLEY (ED) - English Diaries
000948: F. M. P. (FRANCES MARY PEARD) - One Year, or a story of Three Homes
005554: FRANK L. PACKARD - Broken Waters
001020: JOY PACKER - The Man in the Mews
003688: GERTRUDE PAGE - The Pathway
005480: SIR RICHARD PAGET, BART. - Babel, or the Past, Present, and Future of Human Speech
003921: LOUIS PALGRAVE, HONORARY EDITOR - Stan Squires Benefit Souvenir
001513: FRANCIS PALGRAVE - A History of the Anglo-Saxons
002703: P. S. PALLAS - Travels Through the Southern Provinces of the Russian Empire, Performed in the Years 1793 and 1794, Vol. III
006271: JOAN PALMER - Animals: All Famous - Mostly Friendly
000830: W. G. PALMER - Valency: Classical and Modern
005321: ORHAN PAMUK - Istanbul, memories of a City
004791: ORHAN PAMUK - The White Castle
005691: CHRISTABEL PANKHURST - The World's Unrest: Visions of the Dawn
006619: CHRISTABEL PANKHURST - The Lord Cometh - the World Crisis Explained
005556: CHRISTOPHER PAOLINI - Brisingr : Inheritance, Book Three
000262: SARA PARETSKY - Tunnel Vision
001076: MICHAEL PARFIT - South Light, a journey to Antarctica
005637: STEVEN PARISSIEN - The Georgian Group Book of the Georgian House
006332: GILBERT PARKER - Cumner's Son, and Other South Sea Folk
005974: SEL. E. W. PARKER, EDIT. A. R. MOON - England Out of Doors
001419: BRANT PARKER AND JOHNNY HART - The Wondrous Wizard of Id
005498: S. T. PARKINSON AND G. SMITH - Weed Seeds as Impurities of Agricultural See
003461: SYDNEY M. PARKMAN - Sunk Without Trace
003323: FRANCIS PARKMAN - Count Frontenac and New France Under Louis XIV. Part five of France & England in North America
002683: DAVID PARLETT - The Penguin Book of Card Games
002213: OLIVE KATHARINE PARR - The Voice of the River, a Dartmoor story
004465: MICHEL PARRY (EDITOR) - The 3rd / Third Mayflower Book of Black Magic Stories
006539: EDWARD ABBOTT PARRY - Judgments in Vacation
003650: GRIFFITH PARRY (TRANS) - Beibl y Teulu. Yr Efengyl yn ol Marc
002796: W. G. L. PARSONS - A 'Mellstock Quire' Boy's Recollections of Thomas Hardy
002679: BURGO PARTRIDGE - A History of Orgies
003771: A WORKING PARTY - English in the Certificate of Secondary Education
005420: BLAISE PASCAL - Lettres Ecrites a Un Provincial , Precedees d'un Eloge de Pascal par M. Bordas Demoulin
006119: BRUNO PASTENA - La Civilta Della Vite in Sicilia
004735: FREDERIC PATENAUDE - The Raw Secrets: The Raw Vegan Diet in the Real World
002479: JOHN PATIENCE - Fern Hollow, Spring
000711: DEREK PATMORE - Private History
006397: DEREK PATMORE - I Decorate My Home
006398: DEREK PATMORE - Colour Schemes for the Modern Home
004059: DIANA PATRICK - Outpost of Arden
000586: W. R. PATTERSON - Colloquial French
006485: LIEUT.-COL. J. H. PATTERSON - The Man-Eaters of Tsavo, and Other East African Adventures
004219: JAMES PAWSEY - John Constable, Paintings and Countryside
003746: B. L. PEARCE - Free for All: The Public Library Movement in Twickenham
006135: E. HOLROYD PEARCE & ROGER ORMROD - Dunstan's Law of Hire Purchase
001325: IAN PEEBLES - Talking of Cricket
005365: JOHN PELLOW - With a Little Help from My Friends
005941: R. A. PENFOLD - Power Supply Projects (BP76)
003374: F. E. PENNY - Pulling the Strings
003554: O. F. MORSHEAD (EDITED & ABRIDGED BY) / SAMUEL PEPYS - Everybody's Pepys
005282: PERCIVAL J. S. PERCEVAL - London's Forest, Its History, Traditions and Romance
006079: MAURICE PERESS - Dvorak to Duke Ellington: A Conductor Explores America's Music and Its African American Roots:
001829: GILLES PERRAULT - Dossier 51
005880: ALICE PERRIN - The Woman in the Bazaar
006662: ALICE PERRIN - The Stronger Claim
001901: ROBERT H. PERSONS, JR. - The Investor's Encyclopedia of Gold, Silver and Other Precious Metals
006456: SEVERAL YOUNG PERSONS - Original Poems for Infant Minds (vol 1 only)
004536: CLAUDIO PESCIO - The Uffizi
003027: WILLIAM PESKETT - Survivors
005893: FERNANDO PESSOA - Poesias, Selecao de Sueli Barros Cassal
004565: ELIZABETH PETERS - The Last Camel Died at Noon
006094: DAVID PETERSEN - Mouse Guard: Autumn 1152
003331: NIS PETERSEN - The Street of the Sandalmakers
002835: GAIL PETERSON - The Last Laugh, a completely new collection of funny old epitaphs
006493: BEN PETMECKY - Confessions of a Tobacco Addict
003272: VICKI PETTERSSON - The Scent of Shadows
005028: NIKOLAUS PEVSNER - The Buildings of England - Hertfordshire
005066: VIVIAN PHELIPS - Modern Knowledge and Old Beliefs ( an Appeal for Candour )
006673: VIVIAN PHELIPS - Concerning Progressive Revelation
003338: GILBERT PHELPS - The Dry Stone
004413: GEORGE PHILIP - English Roads at a Glance 2
005741: C. E. LUCAS PHILIPS - Cockleshell Heroes
002233: HUBERT PHILLIPS - Who Wrote That?
002890: STEPHEN PHILLIPS - Marpessa
006161: CLARE PHILLIPS - Jewels And Jewellery
001368: EDEN PHILLPOTTS - Awake Deborah!
006112: JOHN PICHTEL - Waste Management Practices: Municipal, Hazardous, and Industrial
005189: BROTHER RON PICKARSKI - Friendly Foods
002741: MARY PICKFORD - Why Not Try God?
003003: THOMAS PICKLES - Great Britain and Ireland
006591: DR. G. PIEKARSKI - Medical Parasitology in Plates
003942: JOSE PIJOAN - Summa Artis Vol 1, Arte de los Pueblos Aborigenes
001795: DAVID PILGRIM - No Common Glory
002082: DAVID PILGRIM - The Grand Design
006593: N. W. PIRIE - Leaf Protein and Other Aspects of Fodder Fractionation
005500: BEVERLY PISANO - Afghan Hounds (Kw Dog Breed Library)
005573: MARION PITMAN - Music in the Bone and Other Stories
003699: BENTZ PLAGEMANN - All for the Best
004766: ADRIAN PLASS & JEFF LUCAS - Seriously Funny
002133: WILLIAM PLOMER - Museum Pieces
006317: WILLIAM PLOMER & ANTHONY BUTTS - Curious Relations
001874: J. H. PLUMB - The Pelican Book of the Renaissance
000584: REV. ALFRED PLUMMER - The Pastoral Epistles
001355: GUY N. POCOCK - Pen & Ink
004624: FREDERIK POHL, EDITOR - The Expert Dreamers, 15 Science Fiction Stories By Scientists
003952: HARRY POLLITT - The World in Arms!
000357: GRAEME POLLOCK - Down the Wicket
004605: BROWN & POLSON - Light and Crumbly Suet Puddings
003849: GRACE POND - The Observer's Book of Cats
004625: W. MACQUEEN-POPE - St. James's - Theatre of Distinction
000636: HUGH POPHAM - The House at Cane Garden
006250: CRICHTON PORTEOUS - Pill Boxes and Bandages ... Robinsons of Chesterfield
006310: LINDSAY PORTER - VW Beetle and Transporter Restoration Manual (Haynes Restoration Manuals)
005399: GENE STRATTON PORTER - Music of the Wild
005924: HAL PORTER - Elijah's Ravens
001541: CECIL PORTER - Not Without a Chaperone
005956: J. P. POSTGATE (ED) - Select Elegies of Propertius, Edited with Introduction, Notes and Appendices
005457: BERYL POTKIN AND DAVID A. VARCOE - Exploring Around the Thames and Cotswolds
005523: JOHN POTOKAR & MICHAEL THASE - Advances in the Management and Treatment of Depression
000667: STEPHEN POTTER - A Christmas Miscellany, Containing Good Cheermanship, with Notes on Winesmanship
006339: JERRY ALLEN POTTER & FRED BOST - Fatal Justice: Reinvestigating the Macdonald Murders
004556: STEPHEN POTTER - Some Notes On Lifemanship
001721: CHARLES FRANCIS POTTER - The Faiths Men Live By
002096: GEORGE POTTINGER - The Winning Counter - Hugh Fraser and Harrods
005448: ED POTTON & AMBER COWAN - Into the Woods - the Definitive Story of the Blair Witch Project
006566: W. A. POUCHER - The Surrey Hills
000434: NORMAN J.G.POUNDS - The Geography of Iron and Steel
002564: F. YORK POWELL AND T. F. TOUT - History of England Part 1 to 1509
003339: DAWN POWELL - Angels on Toast
005700: ERIC POWELL - The Goon - Chinatown and the Mystery of Mr. Wicker
001308: ENOCH POWELL - Dancer's End and The Wedding Gift
002139: EILEEN POWER - Medieval People
006754: LLEWELYN POWYS - Dorset Essays
006031: RICK POYNOR - Obey the Giant: Life in the Image World
005760: RICK POYNOR - Nigel Coates: City in Motion: The City in Motion (Blueprint Monographs)
004227: EL. PRADEZ - Dictionnaire des Gallicismes les plus usités
005868: BEN MACKWORTH-PRAED AND MIKE ANDREWS - Year with Three Summers
006185: REV. JOHN B. PRATT - Buchan
001191: GEORGE R. PREEDY - Nightcap and Plume
005717: NORTHERN MINER PRESS - Canadian Mines Register of Dormant and Defunct Companies
005824: JACOB PRESSER - Breaking Point
006546: F PRETORIUS - The Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902 (Heritage series, 19th century)
000521: L'ABBÉ PREVOST - Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du Chevalier des Grieux
003255: MARGARET PRIESTLEY - The Ring of Fortune
001673: J. B. PRIESTLEY - Victoria's Heyday
001764: J. B. PRIESTLEY - Salt is Leaving
003192: J. B. PRIESTLEY - Midnight on the Desert, a chapter of autobiography
002544: ALISON PRINCE - The Ghost Within
003520: JOHN DOUGLAS PRINGLE - On Second Thoughts: Australian essays
004815: LOVEDAY PRIOR - A Law Unto Themselves, a Tale of Old Austria
006549: EDWARD S. PRIOR - The Cathedral Builders in England
005153: MATTHEW PRIOR - Poetical Works, Volume 2 Only (with a life of the author)
000655: F. H. PRITCHARD - The Haliburton Handbooks of English, Book Four
006654: D N PRITT (PREFACE) - The Moscow Trial (1936)
004528: HOWARD PROBERT AND CHRISTOPHER JARMAN - A Junior School - British Primary Schools Today
004229: O. PROCKSCH - Liber XII Prophetarum - Biblia Hebraica
003258: FREDERIC PROKOSCH - Age of Thunder
003865: LEIGHTON PULLAN, REV. - The History of the Book of Common Prayer
000632: A. M. PULLEN - The Invisible Sword
000808: W. P. PYCRAFT - Birds in Flight
003257: WARREN MILLER Q - The Cool World
001593: GILFORD G. QUARLES - Elementary Photography
001166: FRANCIS QUARLES - The School of the Heart, or the Heart (of Itself Gone away from God) Brought Back Again to Him and Instructed By Him
004426: ELLERY QUEEN, EDITED BY, - Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine No 92
001577: MARJORIE AND C. H. B. QUENNELL - A History of Everyday Things in England, part 1, 1066 - 1499
004793: PATRICK QUENTIN - The Man in the Net
002743: YVES LE QUERDEC, TRANS. MARA GORDON-HOLMES - Letters of a Country Vicar
000738: HUGH QUIGLEY - The Highlands of Scotland
000126: THOMAS DE QUINCEY - Selected Essays
004272: FRANCOIS RABELAIS - The Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais
004235: J. RACINE - Oeuvres Completes de J. Racine
005140: RAFAEL - Spanish Onions
006571: ZENAIDE A. RAGOZIN, EDITED AND TRANSLATED BY - Little Russian Masterpieces
001499: PHILIP RAHV (ED) - Modern Occasions
002389: CRAIG RAINE - The Onion, Memory
001581: WALTER RALEIGH - Style
001328: ANTHONY RAMPTON (ED) - The Panther Book of Horror
004823: MICHAEL RAMSEY - Be Still and Know
005060: CLAYTON RAND & ROBERT SMITLEY - The World is Mine
000832: MARY GERTRUDE RANKEN - John Piper, 1838 - 1932, a Memoir by his Eldest Daughter
003305: ROBERT RANKIN - Knees Up Mother Earth
001330: MAJOR REGINALD RANKIN - The Royal Ordering of Gardens
000563: W. MUNN RANKIN AND E. M. HILDRETH - Intermediate Domestic Science, Part 1 Foods and Dietetics
003407: ROBERT RANKIN - The Da-Da De-Da-Da Code
006489: WILLIAM JOHN MACQUORN RANKINE - A Manual of Applied Mechanics
005925: TESSA RANSFORD - Shadows from the Greater Hill
000447: CYRIL RANSOME, M.A. - A Short History of England, from the earliest times to the death of Queen Victoria
000448: CYRIL RANSOME, M.A. - A Short History of England, from the earliest times to the death of Queen Victoria
003124: DR. ANGELO S. RAPPOPORT (SELECTED & COMPILED BY) - Selections from Russian Poetry
004657: S. K. RATCLIFFE ( SAMUEL KERKHAM ) - The Resurgence of Asia
003396: ALICE RAVENHILL - Some Characteristics and Requirements of Childhood
001890: K. RAVIKUMAR, P. V. SREEKUMAR & V. LAKSHMANAN - Dimeria Balakrishnaniana - a New Grass from Tamil Nadu, India
003981: F. G. RAYER - Tomorrow Sometimes Comes
006035: CHET RAYMO - Valentine
005772: DIANA RAYMOND - The Dark Journey
003377: ERNEST RAYMOND - Wanderlight
004985: ERNEST RAYMOND - Tell England
004986: ERNEST RAYMOND - To the Wood No More
006722: ALEX RAYMOND - Flash Gordon - the Plague of Sound
004620: DONALD READ - Edwardian England
000646: CHARLES READE - The Cloister and the Hearth
004910: LOUIS REAU - Les Primitifs Allemands
003663: PETER REDGROVE - The Sermon, a prose-poem
005227: BRUCE REED - Christian Counselling
005981: DOUGLAS REED - Downfall, a Play in Three Acts
004976: DOUGLAS REED - The Next Horizon
005752: MYRTLE REED - Lavender and Old Lace
006551: WILLIAM REES - Caerphilly Castle and Its Place in the Annals of Glamorgan
006138: RICHARD REES - George Orwell - Fugitive from the Camp of Victory
001246: OLWEN REES - There's No One in the Village
001867: JAMES REEVES - The Wandering Moon
005986: P. R. REID - The Colditz Story
005257: GEORGE REINDORP - What About You?
004340: A RELIGIOUS, C. S. D. - "That I May Know Him"
002381: RUTH RENDELL - Heartstones
001591: FERNAND G. RENIER - Learn Dutch!

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