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S52726: Karsholdt, O. et al - Katalog over de danske Sommerfugle: Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Denmark
S45875: Karsholdt, O. et al - Katalog over de danske Sommerfugle: Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Denmark
S7530: Karsholdt, O. et al - Katalog over de danske Sommerfugle: Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Denmark
S33520: Karsholdt, O.; Nielsen, E.S. - Systematisk fortegnelse over Danmarks sommerfugle / Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Denmark
S52728: Karsholt, O.; Nielsen, P.S. - Revideret katalog over de danske Sommerfugle
S51336: Karsholt, O.; Stadel Nielsen, P. - Revised Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Denmark / Revideret Fortegnelse over Danmarks Sommerfugle
R57062: Karsholt, O.; Nielsen, E.S. - The Lepidoptera described by C.P. Thunberg
S44139: Kase, T.; Asama, K. - Bibliography of palaeontology in Japan 1976-1980
N33055: Kasparek, M. - Resin bees of the anthidiine genus Trachusa: Identification, taxonomy, distribution and biology of the Old World species
N38006: Kasparek, M. - Bees in the genus Rhodanthidium: A review and identification guide
N51466: Kasparek, M. - The Resin and Wool Carder Bees (Anthidiini) of Europe and Western Turkey: Identification and Description of the Species of the Genera Afranthidium, Anthidiellum, Anthidium, Eoanthidium, Icteranthidium, Pseudoanthidium, Rhodanthidium, and Trachusa
S53153: Kassas, M.; Elbadry, E.; Bishai, H.; El-Hawary, E.; El-Gazzar, A. - Egypt Country Study on Biological Diversity
S17604: Kaston, B.J. - Spiders of Connecticut
S58855: Kaston, B.J. - Spiders of Connecticut
S54468: Kauffman, S.A. - The Origins of Order
S38633: Kaufmann, J. - Insect Travellers
N20095: Kawai, S.; Hori, S.; Kawahara, M.; Inagaki, M. - Atlas of Japanese Scarabaeoidea Vol. 1: Coprophagous Group
S42322: Kawalik, R. (Ed.) - Wildflower Country
R27241: Kawashima, Itsuro - 15 short papers on mostly Coleoptera
S29852: Kaye, W.J. - A Catalogue of the Trinidad Lepidoptera Rhopalocera (Butterflies)
S55212: Kazenas, V.L. - Royushchie Osy-tsertserisy srednei Asii i Kazakhstana [Digger wasps Cerceris of central Asia and Kazakhstan]
S54882: Keane, A.H.; Quiggin, A.H.; Haddon, A.C. - Man Past and Present
S46634: Kear, J.; Duplaix-Hall, N. (Eds) - Flamingos
S34325: Kear, J.; Duplaix-Hall, N. (Eds) - Flamingos
S58496: Kear, J.; Berger,A.J. - The Hawaiian Goose: An experiment in Conservation
S48308: Kear, J.; Berger,A.J. - The Hawaiian Goose: An experiment in Conservation
S46582: Kear, J.; Berger,A.J. - The Hawaiian Goose: An experiment in Conservation
S58467: Kear, J.; Duplaix-Hall, N. (Eds) - Flamingos
S58520: Kear, J. - Man and Wildfowl
S53100: Kearney, T.; Peebles, R.H.; Howell, J.T.; McClintock, E. - Arizona Flora
S56522: Kearton, R. - Wild Nature's Ways
S56499: Kearton, R. - Nature's Carol Singers
S14244: Kearton, R. - Keartons' Nature Pictures
S53482: Kearton, R. - Birds' Nests, Eggs, and Egg-Collecting
S56518: Kearton, R. - Our Bird Friends: A Book for all Boys and Girls
S56517: Kearton, R. - Bird Life in England
S55390: Kearton, R. - Keartons' Nature Pictures
S39379: Keeble, F.; Gamble, F.W. - The Colour-Physiology of Higher Crustacea
S45517: Keegan, H.L. - Scorpions of Medical Importance
S43671: Keegan, J. - The First World War
N929: Keegan, H.L. - Scorpions of Medical Importance
S20321: Keen, M.C. - Mid-Tertiary Cytherettinae of North-West Europe
S60384: Keenan, P.E. - Wild Orchids Across North America: A Botanical Travelogue.
S23631: Keenan, A.; Ryan, J. - Marriage A Medical and Sacramental Study
S17743: Keeton, W.T. - A Revision of Milliped Genus Brachoria (Polydesmida: Xystodesmidae)
S56184: Kehlmaier, C. - Taxonomic revision of European Eudorylini (Diptera, Pipunculidae)
S20325: Keij, A.J. - The Bryozoan Genus Skylonia Thomas (Cheilostomata)
S6325: Keij, A.J. - Eocene and Oligocene Ostracoda of Belgium
S45648: Keilhack, L. - Die Süsswasserfauna Deutschlands. Phyllopoda. Heft 10
S60686: Keith, P.; Marquet, G.; Valade, P.; Bosc, P.; Vigneux, E. - Atlas des poissons et des crustaces d'eau douce des Comores, Mascareignes et Seychelles
S60684: Keith, P.; Vigneux, E.; Bosc, P. - Atlas des poissons et des crustacés d'eau douce de la Réunion
S60688: Keith, P.; Vigneux, E.; Marquet, G. - Atlas des poissons et des crustacés d'eau douce de Polynésie Française
N40856: Keith, A.R., Raffaele, H.A., Raffaele, J., Wiley, J.W., Garrido, O.H., Pedersen, T., Williams, K. - Birds of the West Indies
S35000: Keith, P.; Vigneux, E.; Marquet, G. - Atlas des poissons et des crustacés d'eau douce de Polynésie française
S39063: Keith, A.B.; Carnoy, A.J. - The Mythology of All Races. Vol. VI: Indian [and] Iranian
S46158: Keller, L. (Ed.) - Queen Number and Sociality in Insects
S46155: Keller, L.; Gordon, E. - The Lives of Ants
N43057: Keller, V.; Herrando, S.; Vorísek, P; Rodríguez-Franch, M.; Kipson, M.; Milanesi, P.; Marti, D.; Anton, M.; Klvanova, A.; Kalyakin, M.V.; Bauer, H.G.; Foppen, R.P.B. - European Breeding Bird Atlas 2
N30947: Kelley, L.E. - The Antarctic Dive Guide
S25636: Kelloff, C.L.; Alexander, S.N.; Funk, V.A.; Clarke, H.D. - Smithsonian Plant Collections, Guyana 1995-2004, H. David Clarke
S19713: Kellogg, R. - Two Additional Miocene Porpoises from the Calvert Cliffs Maryland
S3596: Kellogg, R. - Cetothere Skeletons from the Miocene Choptank Formation of Maryland and Virginia
S53921: Kelly, G. - The Norfolk Bird Atlas
S28781: Kelly, R.B.Talbot - Mountain and Moorland Birds
N60546: Kelly, M. - Identification of common benthic diatoms in rivers
S7632: Kelly, S.R.A. - Bivalvia of the Spilsby Sandstone and Sandringham Sands (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) of Eastern England. Part 1
S53862: Kelly-Quinn, M.; Bracken, J.J. - The Distribution of the Ephemeroptera in Ireland
S53230: Kelsall, J.E.; Munn, P.W. - The Birds of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
S53778: Kelsall, J.E. (A New Forest Naturalist) - Bird Friends
S48700: Kelsall, J.E.; Munn, P.W. - The Birds of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
S53365: Kelsall, J.E. (A New Forest Naturalist) - Bird Friends
R58101: Kelsey, L.P. - A Revision of the Scenopinidae (Diptera) of the World
S56198: Kelsey, L.P. - A Revision of the Scenopinidae (Diptera) of the World
S44379: Kelsey, L.P. - A Revision of the Scenopinidae (Diptera) of the World
S53528: Kelso, J.E.H. - Notes on Some Common and Rare British Birds
S29403: Kemp, W. - The Desire of My Eyes: The Life and Work of John Ruskin
S37329: Kemp, E.; Birkinshaw, N.; Peay, S.; Hiley, P.D. - Reintroducing the White-clawed Crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes
S37328: Kemp, E.; Birkinshaw, N.; Peay, S.; Hiley, P.D. - Reintroducing the White-clawed Crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes
S39396: Kemp, S. - The Decapoda Natantia of the Coasts of Ireland
S52651: Kemper, E. (Ed) - Das Späte Apt und frühe Alb Nordwestdeutschlands: Versuch der umfassenden Analyse einer Schichtenfolge
R26767: Kendall, D.A. - The structure of the defence glands in Alleculidae and Lagriidae
S42029: Keneally, T. - Now and in Time to Be : Ireland & the Irish
N49687: Kenefick, M.; Restall, R.; Hayes, F. - Birds of Trinidad and Tobago
S49639: Kenefick, M.; Restall, R.; Hayes, F. - Birds of Trinidad & Tobago
R37006: Kenk, R. - Index of the Genera and Species of the Freshwater Triclads (Turbellaria) of the World
S37003: Kenk, R. - The Planarians (Turbellaria: Tricladida Paludicola) of Lake Ohrid in Macedonia
S37004: Kenk, R. - Freshwater Triclads (Turbellaria) of North America, IX: The Genus Sphalloplana
S60326: Kennedy, W.J. - Late Cenomanian and Turonian Ammonite Faunas from North-east and Central Texas Special Papers in Palaeontology 39
S58449: Kennedy, P.G.; Ruttledge, R.F.; Scroope, C.F. - The Birds of Ireland: An account of the distribution, migration, and habits as observed in Ireland
N39764: Kennedy, D. - Wildlife of the Pennine Hills
S17908: Kennedy, J.S. - Observations of the Mass Migration of Desert Locust Hoppers
N35916: Kennedy, R.; Stammers, S. - Trilobites of the British Isles
S20331: Kennedy, W.J.; Klinger, H.C. - Cretaceous Faunas from Zululand and Natal, S. Africa. Introduction, Stratigraphy
N25452: Kennedy, A.S.; Kennedy, V. - Animals of the Masai Mara
S45748: Kennedy, A. - Rocks and Monuments of Petra
N30949: Kennedy, A.S. - Birds of Kenya's Rift Valley
N25453: Kennedy, A.S. - Birds of the Masai Mara
S20388: Kennedy, W.J.; Klinger, H.C. - Cretaceous Faunas from Zululand and Natal, South Africa. The Ammonite Family Phylloceratidae
S20544: Kennedy, W.J.; Cobbam, W.A. - Coniacian Ammonite Faunas from the United States Western Interior Special Papers in Palaeontology 45
S28715: Kennedy, J.S.; Day, M.F.; Eastop, V.F. - A Conspectus of Aphids as Vectors of Plant Viruses [with] Additions to ….
N4756: Kennel, J. - Die Palaearktischen Tortriciden
S54043: Kenneth Allsop Memorial Trust; Fowles, J. - Steep Holm: a case history in the study of evolution
R55070: Kenny, Nathaniel T. - Ethiopian Adventure
N40917: Kenrick, P. - A History of Plants in 50 Fossils
S60592: Kensley, B. - Shrimps & Prawns of Southern Africa
S36749: Kensley, B.; Walker, I. - Palaemonid Shrimps from the Amazon Basin, Brazil (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia)
R34657: Kensley, B. - On the zoogeography of Southern African decapod crustacea: With a distributional checklist of the species
S47826: Kent, D.H.; Lousley, J.E. - A Hand List of the Plants of the London Area. Pt. I-VII: Flowering Plants, Ferns, and Stonewarts
S30716: Kenworthy, J.B. (Ed.) - John Anthony's Flora of Sutherland
S53699: Kenyon, F.G. - Museums & National Life
S29584: Kenyon, J.R. - Willoughby Gardner Library: A collection of early printed books on natural history
S27752: Keogan, M.T.; Wallace, E.M.; O'Leary, P. - Concise Clinical Immunology for Healthcare Professionals
S48507: Kepler, A.K.; Kepler, C.B. (Eds) - The Natural History of Caroline Atoll, Southern Line Islands
S58834: Kepler, Johannes - Epitome of Copernican Astronomy & Harmonies of the World
S57902: Keppel-Jones, A. (Ed.) - Philipps, 1820 settler
S16104: Keqin, G.; Fox, R.C. - Taxonomy and Evolution of the Late Cretaceous Lizards (Reptilia: Squamata) from Western Canada
S36535: Kerfoot, W.C. (Ed.) - Evolution and Ecology of Zooplankton Communities
S42397: Kermack, K.A.; Mussett, F.; Rigney, H.W. - The Lower Jaw of Morganucodon
S42399: Kermack, K.A.; Mussett, F.; Rigney, H.W. - TheSkull of Morganucodon
S41202: Kern, G. - Stone: Colours and forms of a hidden world
S36242: Kernan, M.; Battarbee, R.W.; Moss, B. (Eds) - Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems
S47498: Kerner von Marilaun, A.; Oliver, F.W. (Ed.) - The Natural History of Plants: their forms growth, reproduction and distribution. Half-Volume I-IV
S28171: Kerner, A. - Flowers and their unbidden Guests
S59589: Kerney, M.; Cameron, R.A.D. - A Field Guide to the Land Snails of Britain and North-West Europe
S23133: Kerney, M.P. - Atlas of the Non-Marine Mollusca of the British Isles
S59553: Kerney, M.P. (Ed.) - Atlas of the Non-Marine Mollusca of the British Isles
S58670: Kerney, M.; Cameron, R.A.D. - A Field Guide to the Land Snails of Britain and North-West Europe
S48356: Kerney, M.P. (Ed.) - Atlas of the Non-Marine Mollusca of the British Isles
S34009: Kerney, M.P. (Ed.) - Atlas of the Non-Marine Mollusca of the British Isles
S49075: Kerney, M.; Cameron, R.A.D. - A Field Guide to the Land Snails of Britain and North-West Europe
S55279: Kerr, I. - Northumbrian Birds: Their history and status up to the 21st Century
S55154: Kerr, I. - The Birds of Holy Island and Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve
S40412: Kerr, R. - Nature Curious and Beautiful
S37505: Kerr, J.G. - The Naturalist in The Gran Chaco
S5765: Kerrich, G.J. - A Review, and a Revision in Greater Part, of the Cteniscini of the Old World. (Hym., Ichneumonidea)
S16956: Kerrich, G.J. - Systematic Notes on British and Swedish Cleonymidae, with Description of a New gemus (Hym., Chalcioidea)
S28092: Kerrich, G.J. - A Revision of the tropical and subtropical species of the Eulophid genus Pediobius Walker (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)
S22535: Kerrich, G.J. - A Review, and a Revision in Greater Part, of the Cteniscini of the Old World. (Hym., Ichneumonidea)
S50070: Kershaw, K.A. - Physiological Ecology of Lichens
S48127: Kershaw, L.; MacKinnon, A.; Pojar, J. - Plants of the Rocky Mountains: A Field Guide
S43464: Kertesz, C. - Catalogus Dipterorum hucusque descriptorum. Vol. I-VII
S27288: Kessel, E.L.; Arnaud, P.H. (Eds) - Autobiographical Anecdotes (I was a Preacher's Kid)
S32269: Kesseler, R. - Pollinate: Encounters with Lakeland Flowers
S50150: Kessler, R.; Harley, M. - Pollen: The Hidden Sexuality of Flowers
S34109: Kettle, D.S. (Ed.) - Medical and Veterinary Entomology
R57096: Kettlewell, H.B.D. - Industrial Melanism in Moths and its Contribution to our Knowledge of Evolution
S55903: Kettlewell, B. - The Evolution of Melanism: The Study of a Recurring Necessity. With special reference to Industrial Melanism in the Lepidoptera
S16449: Kettlewell, H.B.D. - A 12-year survey of the frequencies of Biston betularia (L.)(Lep.) and its melanic forms in Great Britain
A52248: Keulemans, T.; Coldewey, J. - Feathers to Brush: The Victorian Bird Artist John Gerrard Keulemans 1842-1912
S19878: Kevan, D.K.McE. - A Revision of the Genus Taphronota Stal, 1873 (Orthoptera; Acridoidea; Pyrgomorphidae)
S19881: Kevan, D.K.McE. - A further contribution to our knowledge of the Acrididae (Orthoptera) of Angola
S18432: Kevan, D.K.McE. - The Ceylonese Species of Orthacris I. Bolivar, 1884 (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Pyrgomorphinae)
S20608: Kevan, D.K.McE. - An Examination of the Angolan genus Caconda I. Bolivar, 1884 (Orthopt., Acrid., Pyrgomorphine)
S50776: Kevan, P.G. (Ed.) - The Asiatic Hive Bee: Apiculture, Biology, and Role in Sustainable Development in Tropical and Subtropical Asia
S19882: Kevan, D.K.McE. - A Revision of tribe Pyrgomorphini, other than Pyrgomorpha and the Flightless Genera (Orthoptera; Acridoidea, Pyrgomorphidae)
S50774: Kevan, P.G.; Imperatriz-Fonseca, V.L. (Eds) - Pollinating Bees: The Conservation Link Between Agriculture and Nature
R47806: Kew, H.W. - A Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland
S33857: Kew, H.W. - The Dispersal of Shells: An Inquiry into the means of Dispersal Possessed by Fresh-Water and Land Mollusca
R50672: Kew, H.W. - A Synopsis of the False-Scorpions of Britain and Ireland
N46779: Bat Rock Habitat Key - Bat Roosts in Rocks:A Guide to Identification and Assessment for Climbers, Cavers & Ecology Professionals
N44446: Key, R.; Fowler, L.; Pryce, D. - Terrestrial & Freshwater Invertebrates of St. Helena
S53566: Keynes, G. - Dr. Timothie Bright 1550-1615: A Survey of his Life with a Bibliography of his Writings
S40351: Keynes, G. - Dr Martin Lister: A Bibliography
S58914: Keynes, R. - Annie's box : Charles Darwin, his daughter, and human evolution
S42485: Keynes, G. - Dr Martin Lister: A Bibliography
A57138: Keyssler, Johann George - Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy and Lorrain: Giving a true and just description of the present state of those countries; their natural, literary, and political history; manners, laws, commerce, manufactures, painting, sculpt
S42892: Khan, R.A. - Faunal diversity of zooplankton in freshwater wetlands of southeastern West Bengal
S30691: Grace Wong; Goh Eck Kheng - Imperial Life in the Qing Dynasty:Treasures from the Snenyang Palace Museum
N57271: Kibby, G.; Docker, S.; Farley-Brown, R. - Distinctive gilled fungi (Identification Chart)
N37471: Kibby, G. - Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and Europe. Vol. 2: Agarics - part 1
N49266: Kibby, G.; Tortelli, M. - The genus Cortinarius in Britain
N27598: Kibby, G. - British Milkcaps - Lactarius & Lactifluus
N27597: Kibby, G. - The Genus Agaricus in Britain
N44538: Kibby, G. - Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and Europe. Vol. 3: Agarics - part 2
N44539: Kibby, G. - Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and Europe. Vol. 4: Agarics - part 3
N23707: Kibby, G. - The Genus Tricholoma in Britain
N57270: Kibby, G.; Docker, S.; Farley-Brown, R. - Distinctive non-gilled fungi (Identification Chart)
N20802: Kibby, G. - British Boletes with keys to species
N41246: Kibby, G. - Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and Europe. Vol. 1
N23071: Kibby, G. - The Genus Amanita in Britain
N22482: Kibby, G. - The Genus Russula in Great Britain with synoptic keys to species
S49012: Kidd, M.M. - Cape Peninsula. South African Wild Flower Guide 3
S13167: Kidd, W. - Use-Inheritance: Illustrated by the Direction of Hair on Bodies of Animals
S34766: Kidd, J. - On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man, Principally with Reference to the Supply of his Wants and the Exercise of his Intellectual Faculties
S18550: Kidd, J. - On the Anatomy of the Mole-cricket
S56258: Kidd, L.N.; Fitton, M.G. (Eds) - Holden Clough: the natural history of a small Lancashire valley
S42381: Kiefer, F. - Versuch einer revision der gattung Eudiaptomus Kiefer (Copepoda Calanoida)
S42382: Kiefer, F. - Revision der Bacillifer-Gruppe der Gattung Arctodiaptomus Kiefer (Crustacea Copepoda: Calanoida)
S34650: Kiefer, F. - Crustacea Copepoda 2. Cyclopoida Gnathostoma (Das Tierreich 53)
S38026: Kiefer, F. - Copepoda Calanoida und Cyclopoida (Exploration du Parc National Albert, Fasc. 21)
S31105: Kieffer, J.J. - Hymenoptera: Scelionidae: Genera Insectorum 80B
S44398: Kieffer, J.-J.; Edwards, F.W.; Riedel, M.P.; Stein, P.; Becker, T.; Bezzi, M. - Resultats Scientiques du Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique Orientale (1911-1912). Diptera I-VI
S12287: Kieffer, J.J. - Dipteres (Nematoceres piqueurs): Chironomidae Ceratopogoninae Faune de France 11
S4502: Kieffer, J.J. - Dipteres (Nematoceres piqueurs): Chironomidae Ceratopogoninae Faune de France 11
R31747: Kieffer, J.J. - Ètude sur les Chironomides des Indes Orientales, avec description de quelques nouvelles espèces d'Egypte
N1396: Kielland, J. - Butterflies of Tanzania
R27650: Kielland, J. - A Provisional Checklist of the Rhopalocera of the Eastern Side of Lake Tanganyika
S50889: Kier, P.M. - Triassic Echinoids
S50846: Kier, P.M. - Tertiary and Mesozoic Echinoids of Saudi Arabia
S46031: Kier, P.M. - Upper Miocene Echinoids from the Yorktown formation of Virginia and their environmental significance
S45926: Kier, P.M.; Lawson, M.H. - Index of Living and Fossil Echinoids 1924-1970
S45982: Kier, P.M. - Echinoids from the Triassic (St Cassian) of Italy, Their Lantern Supports and a Revised Phylogeny of Triassic Echinoids
S44212: Kier, P.M. - Evolutionary Trends and Their Functional Significance in the Post-Paleozoic Echinoids
S46074: Kier, P.M. - Tertiary and Mesozoic Echinoids of Saudi Arabia
S37592: Kiernan, R.H. - Lawrence of Arabia
S59454: Kiesenwetter, H. von; Seidlitz, G. - Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschlands begonnen von Dr. W.F. Erichson. 1. Abt. Coleoptera. Bd 5, Hälfte 1
S59451: Kiesenwetter, H. von - Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschlands begonnen von Dr. W.F. Erichson. 1. Abt. Coleoptera. Bd 4
S37024: Kihara, H. (Ed.) - Fauna and Flora of Nepal Himalaya
N7154: Killeen, I.; Aldridge, D.; Oliver, G. - Freshwater Bivalves of Britain and Ireland
S48393: Killeen, I.J. - The Land and Freshwater Molluscs of Suffolk
S50052: Killick, J.; Perry, R.; Woodell, S. - The Flora of Oxfordshire
S59900: Killick, J.; Perry, R.; Woodell, S. - The Flora of Oxfordshire
S36661: Killick, D. - A Field Guide to the Flora of the Natal Drakensberg
S37704: Killick, D.J.B. - An Account of the Plant Ecology of the Cathedral Peak Area of the Natal Drakensberg
P28339: Killington, F.J.; Hobby, B.M. et al (Eds) - Transactions of the Society for British Entomology: Vol. 1
S37376: Killington, F.J. - A Monograph of the British Neuroptera. Vol. I-II
S44356: Killington, F.J. - A Monograph of the British Neuroptera. Vol. I-II
S34117: Killington, F.J. - A Monograph of the British Neuroptera. Vol. I-II
S48778: Killington, F.J. - A Monograph of the British Neuroptera. Vol. I-II
S38287: Killington, F.J. - A Monograph of the British Neuroptera. Vol. I-II
S32578: Killington, F.J. - A Monograph of the British Neuroptera. Vol. I-II
S55804: Killington, F.J. - A Monograph of the British Neuroptera. Vol. I
S40167: Killington, F.J. - A Monograph of the British Neuroptera. Vol. I-II
S25417: Killington, F.J. - A Monograph of the British Neuroptera. Vol. I-II
N17323: Kim, S.P. - Australian Lauxaniid Flies: Revision of the Australian species of Homoneura van der Wulp, Trypetisoma Malloch and allied genera (Diptera: Lauxaniidae)
S21147: Kim, K.C.; Merritt, R.W. (Eds) - Black Flies: Ecology, Population Management, and Annotated World List
S13174: Kimball, C.P. - The Lepidoptera of Florida: An Annotated Checklist
N45615: Kimmerer, R.W. - Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses
S16199: Kimmins, D.E.; Conde, B.; Bradley, J.D. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1952, Vol. 2. Parts 8-12
S59493: Kimmins, D.E. - Plecoptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1/6)
R58066: Kimmins, D.E. - New Species and Subspecies of Odonata and On some Trichoptera From S. Rhodesia and Portuguese East Africa
S16003: Kimmins, D.E. - Plecoptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1/6)
S43626: Kimmins, D.E. - On the Leptocerinae of the Indian sub-continent and North East Burma (Trichoptera)
S13747: Kimmins, D.E. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1934-5 Vol. 3 no.5: Ephemeroptera and Neuroptera
S33096: Kimmins, D.E. - Plecoptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1/6)
S39002: Kimmins, D.E. - Ephemeroptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1/9)
S15071: Kimmins, D.E. - Plecoptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1/6)
S35385: Kimmins, D.E. - Plecoptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1/6)
S35386: Kimmins, D.E. - Ephemeroptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1/9)
N6592: Kimmins, D.E. - A List of the Type-Specimens of Plecoptera and Megaloptera in the British Museum (Natural History)
S39542: Kimmins, D.E. - Plecoptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1/6)
S39451: Kimmins, D.E. - Keys to the British Species of Aquatic Megaloptera and Neuroptera with ecological notes
S46228: Kimmins, D.E. - Keys to the British Species of Aquatic Megaloptera and Neuroptera
S48797: Kimmins, D.E. - A Revised Key to the Adults of the British Species of Ephemeroptera: with notes on their Ecology
S36603: Kimmins, D.E. - A Revision the Australian and Tasmanian Gripopterygidae and Nemouridae (Plecoptera)
S34819: Kimmins, D.E. - Miss L.E. Cheesman's Expedition to New Guinea Trichoptera
S35640: Kimmins, D.E. - Ephemeroptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1/9)
S18100: Kimmins, D.E. - A Revised Check-list of the British Trichoptera
S6619: Kimmins, D.E. - A List of the Type-specimens of Odonata in the British Museum (Natural History) Part III
S51103: Kimsey, L.S; Bohart, R.M - The Chrysidid Wasps of the World
S47540: Kimsey, L.S; Bohart, R.M - The Chrysidid Wasps of the World
S50778: Kimsey, L.S; Bohart, R.M - The Chrysidid Wasps of the World
S54843: Kimura, M.; Takahata, N. (Eds) - New Aspects of the Genetics of Molecular Evolution
N23502: Kimura, Y.; Aoki, T.; Yamaguchi, S.; Uemura, Y.; Saito, T. - The Butterflies of Thailand. Vol. 2: Lycaenidae
R56345: Kindle, E.M.; Burling, L.D. - Structural relations of the pre-cambrian and palaeozoic rocks north of the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Valleys
S49969: King, C. - The Natural History of Weasels and Stoats
S49332: King, J.E. - Seals of the World
S35244: King, C.A.M. - Beaches and Coasts
S55266: King, C.J. - Some notes on Wild Nature in Scillonia Particularly of Sea-birds and Seals
S55577: King, C.J. - Some notes on Wild Nature in Scillonia Particularly of Sea-birds and Seals
S32709: King, B.; Dickinson, E.C.; Woodcock, M. - A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia
S36278: King, J.E. - Seals of the World
S49972: King, C. - The Natural History of Squirrels
S54933: King-Hele, D. - The Essential Writings of Erasmus Darwin
S47120: King, B.; Dickinson, E.C.; Woodcock, M. - A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia
N30783: King, R.J. - Lobster
S48657: King, W.B. - Endangered Birds of the World The ICBP Bird Red Data Book
S26734: King, J.J.F.X.; Halbert, J.N. - A List of the Neuroptera of Ireland
S23013: King, P.E. - Pycnogonids
S42165: King, C.W. - Natural History, Ancient and Modern, of Precious Stones and Gems and of Precious Metals
S10909: King, R.E. et al - Geology and Palaeontology of the Permian Area Northwest of Las Delicias, Southwestern Coahuila,Mexico Mexico
S58323: Kingdon, J. - The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals
S58199: Kingdon-Ward, F. - Plant Hunting on the Edge of the World
S48788: Kingdon, J. - Island Africa: The Evolution of Africa's Rare Animals and Plants
S30661: Kingdon-Ward, F. - Plant Hunting in the Wilds
S57969: Kingdon-Ward, F. - Plant Hunter in Manipur
S32329: Kingdon, J. - Kingdon Pocket Guide to African Mammals
S58200: Kingdon-Ward, F. - The Land of the Blue Poppy: Travels of a Naturalist in Eastern Tibet
S41054: Kingdon, J. - Island Africa: The Evolution of Africa's Rare Animals and Plants
S37263: Kingsley, Nadia (Ed.) - Shropshire Butterflies - a poetic and artistic guide to the butterflies of Shropshire
A39060: Kingsley, Charles - Glaucus; or the Wonders of the Shore
A42174: Kingsley, Charles - At Last: A Christmas in the West Indies
S48118: Kingsley, Charles - Glaucus; or the Wonders of the Shore
R1945: Kingsolver, J.M.; Johnson, C.D. - Systematics of the genus Mimosestes (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)
N17190: Kington, J. - Climate and Weather (New Naturalist 115)
S50522: Kington, J. - Climate and Weather (New Naturalist 115)
S19645: Kinne, O.; Bulnheim, H-P. - Cultivation of Marine Organisms and its Importance for Marine Biology
S43449: Kipling, R. - Twenty-One Tales
S47071: Kipling, C.; Roscoe, M.E. - Surface Water Temperature of Windermere: Monthly and Yearly Totals of Degree-days Centigrade and Monthly Mean temperatures, 1933 to 1975
A57108: Kirby, W.F. - European Butterflies and Moths
S56133: Kirby, P. - A review of the scarcer Neuroptera of Great Britain
N38419: Kirby, K.; Hall, J. - Woodland Survey Handbook: Collecting Data for Conservation in British Woodland
A39095: Kirby, W.; Spence, W. - An Introduction to Entomology. Vol. I + II
S52150: Kirby, K.J. - Woodland Survey Handbook
A51331: Kirby, W.F. - The Butterflies and Moths of Europe
N40832: Kirby, K.J. - Woodland Flowers: Colourful past, uncertain future
S52271: Kirby, P. - A review of the scarce and threatened Hemiptera of Great Britain
S54709: Kirby, W.F. - Elementary Text-Book of Entomology
S40113: Kirby, W.; Spence, W. - An Introduction to Entomology. Vol. II
S48857: Kirby, P. - A review of the scarce and threatened Hemiptera of Great Britain
A40972: Kirby, W. - A Description of some Insects which appear to exemplify Mr. William S. MacLeay's Doctrine of Affinity and Analogy
A40997: Kirby, W. - The Characters of Otiocerus and Anotia, two new Genera of Hemipterous Insects belonging to the Family of Cicadiadæ: with a Description of several Species
S49973: Kirby, P. - A review of the scarce and threatened Hemiptera of Great Britain
S21612: Kirby, W.F. - A Manual of European Butterflies
A57109: Kirby, W.F. - European Butterflies and Moths
R18474: Kirby, W. - The Characters of Oticerus and Anotia, two new Genera of Hemipterous Insects belonging to the Family of Cicadiadae: with a Description of several Species
S16376: Kirejtshuk, A.G. - Systematics and Geographical Distribution of Coleoptera
R27637: Kiriakoff, S.G. - Notodontidae Africains Nouveaux (Lepidoptera) IV
R27582: Kiriakoff, S.G. - Lepidoptera Heterocera: (Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba. Fasc. 26)
N34945: Kirk-Spriggs, A.H.; Sinclair, B.J. (Eds) - Manual of Afrotropical Diptera. Vol. 3 (Brachycera-Cyclorrhapha, excluding Calyptratae - Higher Diptera)
N33330: Kirk-Spriggs, A.H.; Sinclair, B.J. (Eds) - Manual of Afrotropical Diptera. Vol. 1 (Introduction & Family Keys)
S37032: Kirk, P.W. (Ed.) - The Great Dismal Swamp
N25921: Kirk, W.D.J.; Howes, F.N. - Plants for Bees: A Guide to the Plants that Benefit the Bees of the British Isles
N555: Kirk, W.D.J. - Insects on Cabbages and Oilseed Rape (Naturalists' Handbooks 18)
N33331: Kirk-Spriggs, A.H.; Sinclair, B.J. (Eds) - Manual of Afrotropical Diptera. Vol. 2 (Nematocera & Lower Brachycera)
S58448: Kirk, C. - Wild Birds at Home [First]-Third [and] Fifth Series (Gowans's Nature Books, No. 1, 5, 19, 29)
S37556: Kirk-Spriggs, A.H. - Pollen Beetles (Coleoptera: Kateridae and Nitidulidae: Meligethinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/6a)
S14108: Kirk, W.D.J. - Insects on Cabbages and Oilseed Rape (Naturalists' Handbooks 18)
S47965: Kirk, W.D.J. - Insects on Cabbages and Oilseed Rape (Naturalists' Handbooks 18)
R27680: Kirk, R.; Lewis, D.J. - The Phlebotominae of the Ethiopian Region
S49146: Kirk-Spriggs, A.H. - Pollen Beetles (Coleoptera: Kateridae and Nitidulidae: Meligethinae) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/6a)
N41185: Kirkconnell, A.; Bradley, P.E.; Rey-Millet, Y-J. - Birds of Cuba: A Photographic Guide
S12621: Kirkham, N. - Derbyshire
N50385: Kirkland, P. - Discovering Scotland's Butterflies
S44132: Kirkman, F.B.; Jourdain, F.C.R. - British Birds
S53463: Kirkman, F.B.; Hutchinson, H.G (Eds) - British Sporting Birds
S57886: Kirkman, J.S. - Men and Monuments on the East African Coast
S58567: Kirkpatrick, P.A.; Pugh, P.R. - Siphonophores and Velellids (Synopses of the British Fauna 29)
S47158: Kirkpatrick, R.; Bell, F.J. - Guide to the Coral Gallery (Protoza, Porifera or Sponges, Hydrozoa and Anthozoa) in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History)
S45885: Kirschbaum, U.; Wirth, V. - Flechten erkennen - Luftgüte bestimmen
N39170: Kirti, J.S.; Singh, N.; Chandra, K.; Saxena, A. - Geometrid Moths of India
N42816: Kirton, L.G. - A Naturalist's Guide to the Butterflies of Peninsular Malaysia Singapore and Thailand
N37705: Kirwan, G.M.; Levesque, A.; Oberle, M.; Sharpe, C.J. - Birds of the West Indies
N44041: Kishida, Y.; Yano, T.; Mitamura, T.; Goshima, M.; Nakajima, H. - Saturniidae of Japan
N28287: Kishida, Y. - Selected arctiid moths of the World
S36864: Kisielewski, J. - Inland-water Gastrotricha from Brazil
S17764: Kissinger, D.G. - A Revision of the Apion subgenus Trichapion Wagner in the New World (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
S14359: Kistner, D.H. - The Pygostenini of Angola (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
R13854: Kistner, D.H. - The Evolution of the Pygostenini (Coleoptera Staphylinidae)
S2621: Kistner, D.H. - The Evolution of the Pygostenini (Coleoptera Staphylinidae)
R14358: Kistner, D.H. - A Revision of the Old World species of the genus Stenaesthetus Sharp and a review of the Euaesthetinae of Angola (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
S43723: Kitching, J.A. - An Introduction to the Ecology of Intertidal Rock Surfaces on the Coast of Argyll
S10857: Kitching, I.J. - An Historical Review of the Higher Classification of the Noctuidae (Lepidoptera)
S40050: Kitching, R.L. - Food Webs and Container Habitats: The Natural History and Ecology of Phytotelmata
S57407: Kittenberger, K. - Big Game Hunting and Collecting in East Africa, 1903-1926
N18566: Kjaerandsen, J.; Hedmark, K.; Kurina, O. et al - Annotated checklist of fungus gnats from Sweden (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Ditomyiidae, Keraplatidae & Mycetophilidae)
S9595: Kjellman, F.R. - The Algae of the Arctic Sea: A Survey of the Species, together with an Exposition of the General Characters and the Development of the Flora
S20567: Klapper, G.; Foster, C.T. - Shape Analysis of Frasnian Species of the Late Devonian Conodont Genus Palmatolepsis
S44586: Klausewitz, W. - Contributions to the Knowledge of the Cichlid Fishes of the Genus Aulonocara of Lake Malawi (East-Africa)
N4233: Klausnitzer, B.; Klausnitzer, U.; Wachmann, E.; Hromadko, Z. - Die Bockkäfer Mitteleuropas Bd 1: Biologie und Bestimmung; Bd 2: Die mitteleuropäischen Arten
S14583: Klausnitzer, B.; Klausnitzer, H. - Die Marienkäfer (Coccinellidae)
N6943: Klausnitzer, B. (Ed.) et al - Verzeichniss der Protura, Collembola, Diplura, Ephemeroptera, Blattoptera, Psocoptera, Phthiraptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Psylloidea, Aleyrodoidea, Aphidina, Coccina, Heteroptera, Strepsiptera, Raphidioptera, Megaloptera, Neuroptera, Siphonaptera und Mecopter
N5297: Klausnitzer, B. - Wunderwelt der Käfer
N32714: Klausnitzer B. - Scirtidae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 29)
S14417: Kleber, W. - Angewandte Gitterphysik: Behandlung der Eigenschaften kristallisierter Körper vom Standpunkte der Gittertheorie
S18470: Klein, A. - Catalogues raisonnés de la Faune Entomologique du Congo Belge: Coleoptera, Brenthides
S33240: Klein, J; Takahata, N. - Where Do We Come From? The Molecular Evidence of Human Descent
S22570: Kleine, R. - Die Lyciden der Philippinen-Inseln
S19829: Kleine, R. - Coleoptera Lycidae
S19761: Kleine, R. - Die Brenthiden des Papuanischen Gebietes
S15907: Kleine, R. - Die Lyciden der Philippinen-Inseln
S34687: Klemm, D.J. - Leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea) of North America
S58882: Klett, Wally - Wedding of Colours and Dreams | Hochzeit der Farben und Träume
N32963: Kleukers, R. - De Sprinkhanen van Nederland en België
S59149: Kleukers, R.; Nieukerken, E. van; Ode et al - De Sprinkhanen en Krekels van Nederland
N7885: Klewen, R. - Die Landsalamander Europas, Teil 1 Die Gattungen Salamandra und Mertensiella
S41444: Klie, W. - Krebstiere III: Ostracoda, Muschelkrebse (Tierwelt Deutschlands 34)
S10765: Klie, W. - Krebstiere III: Ostracoda, Muschelkrebse (Tierwelt Deutschlands 34)
S42612: Klimaszewski, J. - A revision of the Gymnusini and Deinopsini of the world: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae
N40542: Klimaszewski, J.; Hoebeke, E.R.; Langor, D.; Douglas, H.B.; Borowiec, L.; Hammond, H.E.J.; Davies, A.; Bourdon, C.; Savard, K. - Synopsis of adventive species of Coleoptera (Insecta) recorded from Canada. Part 5: Chrysomeloidea (Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae, and Megalopodidae)
N18974: Klimaszewsky, J.; Langor, D.; Majka, C.G., et al - Review of adventive species of Coleoptera (Insecta) recorded from eastern Canada
S34246: Klimaszewsky, J.; Langor, D.; Smith, A.B.T. et al - Synopsis of adventive species of Coleoptera (Insecta) recorded from Canada. Part 4: Scarabaeoidea, Scirtoidea, Buprestoidea, Byrrhoidea, Elateroidea, Derodontoidea, Bostrichoidea and Cleroidea
N32501: Klimaszewsky, J.; Langor, D.; Smith, A.B.T. et al - Synopsis of adventive species of Coleoptera (Insecta) recorded from Canada. Part 4: Scarabaeoidea, Scirtoidea, Buprestoidea, Byrrhoidea, Elateroidea, Derodontoidea, Bostrichoidea and Cleroidea
N28282: Klimaszewsky, J.; Langor, D.; Hammond, H.E.J.; Pelletier, G.; Bousquet, Y.; Bourdon, C.; Webster, R.; Borowiec, L.; Scudder, G.G.E.; Majka, C.G. - Synopsis of adventive species of Coleoptera (Insecta) recorded from Canada. Part 3: Cucujoidea
N12734: Kljuchko, Z. - The Noctuids of the Ukraine
S59818: Kloet, G.S.; Hincks, W.D. - A Check List of British Insects. Part 2: Lepidoptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 11/2)
S12718: Kloet, G.S.; Hincks, W.D. - A Check List of British Insects Part 5: Diptera and Siphonaptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 11/5)
S12777: Kloet, G.S.; Hincks, W.D. - A Check List of British Insects Part 5: Diptera and Siphonaptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 11/5)
S16167: Kloet, G.S.; Hincks, W.D. - A Check List of British Insects Part 5: Diptera and Siphonaptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 11/5)
S41753: Kloet, G.S.; Hincks, W.D. - A Check List of British Insects Part 5: Diptera and Siphonaptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 11/5)
S47098: Klots, A.B. - A Field Guide to the Butterflies of North America, East of the Great Plains
S35732: Klots, A.B. - A Field Guide to the Butterflies of North America, East of the Great Plains
N15523: Klotz, J.; Hansen, L.; Pospischil, R.; Rust, M. - Urban Ants of North America and Europe: Identification, Biology and Management
S51302: Knaggs, H.G.; Merrin, J. - The Lepidopterist's Guide, intended for the use of the Young Collector [bound with] The Lepidopterist's Calendar: Giving the Time of Appearance of the British Lepidoptera ...
S29853: Knaggs, H.G. - The Young Collector's Guide to Butterflies and Moths
S26981: Knapp, S. - Footsteps in the Forest: Alfred Russel Wallace in the Amazon
S45193: Knapp, S.; Wheeler, Q. (Eds) - Letters to Linnaeus
S44817: Knapp, S.; Press, B. - The Gilded Canopy: Botanical Ceiling Panels of the Natural History Museum
S42253: Knell, S.J.; Taylor, M.A. - Geology and the local museum: Making the most of your geological collection
S53585: Knight, D. - The Nature of Science: The History of Science in Western Culture since 1600
S42500: Knight, D.M. - Natural Science Books in English 1600-1900
S49268: Knight, L. - Isles of Scilly Flora Checklist
S33477: Knight, D. - Sources for the History of Science, 1660-1914.
S22655: Knight-Jones, P.; Perkins, T.H. - A revision of Sabella, Bispira and Stylomma (Polychaeta: Sabellidae)
S5776: Knight, W.J. - The Evolution of the Holarctic Leafhopper Genus Diplocolenus Ribaut with Descriptions and Keys to Subgenera and Species (Homoptera: Cicadellidae)
S53314: Knight, L.A. - The Morlo
S56418: Knight, Captain C.W.R - All British Eagle
S8062: Knight, W.J. - The Leafhopper genus Batracomorphus (Cicadellidae, Iassinae) in the Eastern Oriental and Australian regions
S53853: Knight, D.M. - Natural Science Books in English 1600-1900
S54520: Knights, P. - Birds of the Pembrokeshire Coast
S21219: Knols, B.G.J. - Odour-mediated host-seeking behaviour of the Afro-tropical malaria vector Anopheles gambiae Giles
S45897: Knoph, J.-G. - Untersuchungen an gesteinsbewohnenden xanthonhaltigen Sippen der Flechtengattung Lecidella (Lecanoraceae, Lecanorales) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von außereuropäischen Proben exklusive Amerika
S57163: Knoph, J.-G. - Untersuchungen an gesteinsbewohnenden xanthonhaltigen Sippen der Flechtengattung Lecidella (Lecanoraceae, Lecanorales) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von außereuropäischen Proben exklusive Amerika
S50804: Knowler, J.T. - An Annotated Checklist of the Larger Moths of Stirlingshire, West Perthshire and Dunbartonshire
S45812: Knowles, Matilda; Porter, L. - The Lichens of Ireland [with] Supplement
S60086: Knox, Bryan - A Pictorial Guide to British Orchids and some of their variations, hybridizations and other oddities
S53786: Knox, A.G.; Walters, M.P. - Extinct and Endangered Birds in the Collections of The Natural History Museum
N18070: Knox, A.; Parkin, D. - The Status of Birds in Britain and Ireland
S56415: Knox, A.E. - Game Birds and Wild Fowl: Their Friends and Their Foes
S57093: Knox, A.G. - Checklist of Birds of Britain and Ireland
S58442: Knox, A.E. - Ornithological Rambles in Sussex; with a Systematic Catalogue of the Birds of that County, and Remarks on their Local Distribution
S58443: Knox, A.E. - Ornithological Rambles in Sussex; with a Systematic Catalogue of the Birds of that County, and Remarks on their Local Distribution
S35060: Knox, J. - The Seige of Quebec and the Campaigns in North America 1757-1760
S48126: Knox, A.E. - Ornithological Rambles in Sussex; with a Systematic Catalogue of the Birds of that County, and Remarks on their Local Distribution
S16344: Knutson, L.V.; Stephenson, J.W.; Berg, C.O. - Biosystematic studies of Salticella fasciata (Meigen), a snail-killing Fly (Diptera: Sciomyzidae)
N30290: Kobayashi, H.; Shikata, K.; Eda, K. - Winter noctuid moths of Japan
S45131: Kobes, L.W.R. - Heterocera Sumatrana, vol. 11: Noctuidae pars 5 Lepidoptera, Noctuidae: Chloephorinae
N28152: Kobes, L.W.R. - Heterocera Sumatrana, vol. 14: The Euteliidae, Stictopterinae of Sumatra (Noctuoidea partim)
N2818: Kobes, L. - Heterocera Sumatrana, vol. 4: Die Thyatiridae, Agaristidae und Noctuidae (1: Pantheinae und Catocalinae) von Sumatra
N4468: Kocarek, P.; Holusa, J.; Vidlicka, L. - Blattaria, Mantodea, Orthoptera & Dermaptera of the Czech and Slovak Republics
A15194: Koch, W.D.J. - Synopsis Florae Germanicae et Helveticae, exhibens stirpes phanerogamas rite cognitas, quae in Germania, Helvetia, Borussia et Istria sponte crescunt atque in hominum usum copiosius coluntur, secundum systema candolleanum digestas, praemissa generum dispo
A2951: Koch, G. - Die Schmetterlinge des südwestlichen Deutschlands inbesondere der umgegend von Frankfurt, Nassau und der Hessischen Staaten, nebst Angabe der Fundarte und Flugplaetze, etc.
A39527: Koch, L. - Die Arachniden-Familie der Drassiden
S53821: Koch, M. - Wir bestimmen Schmetterlinge
N17641: Kocman, S. - Parnassius of Tibet and Adjacent Areas
S3866: Koehler, R. - Ophiurans of the Philippine Seas and Adjacent waters
S14589: Koehler, R. - A Contribution to the Study of Ophiurans of the United States National Museum
N18842: Koeniger, G.; Koeniger, N. - Honey Bees of Borneo: Exploring the Centre of Apis Diversity
S37320: Koese, B.; Soes, M. - De Nederlandse rivierkreeften (Astacoidea & Parastacoidea)
N21937: Koese, B.; Soes, M. - De Nederlandse rivierkreeften (Astacoidea & Parastacoidea)
N19079: Koese, B. - De Nederlandse steenvliegen (Plecoptera)
S41837: Koestler, A. - The Case of the Midwife Toad
N8771: Kogan, M.; Jepson, P. (Eds) - Perspectives in Ecological Theory and Integrated Pest Management
N38521: Koh, J.K.H.; Bay, N. - Borneo Spiders: A Photographic Field Guide
R29176: Kohl, F.F. - Neue Hymenopterenformen
S21586: Kohl, F.F. - Die Gattungen der Sphegiden
S49038: Kohts, N. - Adaptive Motor Habits of the Macacus rhesus under Experimental Conditions
N27973: Koivunen, A.; Malinen, P.; Ormio, H.; Terhivuo, J.; Valovirta, I. - Suomen kotilot ja etanat: Opas maanilviäisten maailmaan [Terrestrial Snails and Slugs of Finland]
R30481: Koiwaya, S. - The Life Histories of the Formosan Teclini Pts 1-10 (lacks Pt. 11) + A New Species of the Genus Parnassius
S60728: Kojima, J.-I.; Carpenter, J.M. - Catalogue of species in the Polistine tribe Ropalidiini (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
S56371: Kojima, J.; Carpenter, J.M. - Distributional Checklist of Species of the Genus Polistes (Hymenoptera: Vespidae; Polistinae; Polistini)
S47583: Kojima, J.; Carpenter, J.M. - Catalog of Species in the Polistine Tribe Ropalidiini (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
N36056: Kolibac, J. - Coleoptera: Cleroidea: Phloiophilidae, Acanthocnemidae, Trogossitidae, Thanerocleridae, Cleridae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 33)
S53839: Köllar, Vincent - A Treatise on Insects Injurious to Gardeners, Foresters, and Farmers
A48912: Kölliker, A. - Handbuch der Gewebelehre des Menschen. Für Aerzte und Studirende
S41781: Komárek, J.; Ettl, H. - Algologische Studien
N20100: Komiya, Z.; Drumont, A. - Revision of the genus Armiger sensu Quentin & Villiers, 1981 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae)
N28426: Kompier, T. - Guide to Dragonflies & Damselflies of the Serra dos Orgaos
N45547: Kondo, T.; Watson, G. (Eds) - Encyclopedia of Scale Insect Pests
S57035: Königliche Bergacademie zu Freiberg; Gottschalk, C.G.; Menzel, C. (Eds) - Jahrbuch für den Berg-und Hütten-Mann 1870-1872 [continued as] Jahrbuch für das Berg- und Hüttenwesen im Königreiche Sachsen 1873-1887
N32291: Kononenko, V. - Noctuoidae Sibiricae 3: Noctuidae: Cuculliinae to Noctuinae (part)
S53742: Konrad, P.; Maublanc, A. - Icones selectae Fungorum. Tome I-VI
N19915: Konstantinov, A.; Baselga, A.; Grebennikov, V.V.; Prena, S.W. - Revision of the Palearctic Chaetocnema Species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini)
N9118: Konstantinov, A.; Tishechkin, A.; Penev, L. (Eds) - Contributions to Systematics and Biology of Beetles: Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Igor Konstantinovich Lopatin
N31675: Konvicka, O. - Tetratomidae, Melandryidae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 25)
N47912: Koopman, J. (Ed.) - Carex Europaea, The genus Carex L. (Cyperaceae) in Europe, 1: Accepted names, hybrids, synonyms, distribution, chromosome numbers
S52178: Koops, R.J. - Veldgids Plantengallen
S14505: Kopaneva, L.M. - Keys to the Pest and Beneficial Insects and Ticks associated with Annual and Perennial Grasses and Forage Crops in the USSR
S48305: Kopp, H. - Die Entwicklung der Chemie in der neueren Zeit
S964: Korb, M. - Die Schmetterlinge Mittel-Europas
S60328: Koren, T.N.; Rickards, R.B. - Taxonomy and Evolution of Llandovery Biserial Graptoloids from the Southern Urals, Kazakhstan Special Papers in Palaeontology 54
S20553: Koren, T.N.; Rickards, R.B. - Taxonomy and Evolution of Llandovery Biserial Graptoloids from the Southern Urals, Kazakhstan Special Papers in Palaeontology 54
S60362: Korhonen, M.; Vuokko, S. - Kämmekät: Suomen orkideat [Finnish Orchids]
S35035: Korlnek, V. - Cladocères / Cladocera (Hydrobiological Survey of the Lake Bangweulu Luapula River Basin Vol. XIII, fasc. 2)
N6008: Kormann, K. - Schwebfliegen und Blasenkopffliegen Mitteleuropas: Ein Naturführer zum Bestimmen der wichtigsten Arten
S34853: Kornas, J. - Distribution and Ecology of the Pteridophytes in Zambia
N36719: Barthlott W.; Große-Veldmann B.; Korotkova N. - Orchid seed diversity: A scanning electron microscopy survey
S47184: Kortright, F.H. - The Ducks, Geese and Swans of North America: A Vade Mecum for the Naturalist and the Sportsman
S55794: Kosarev, A.N.; Yablonskaya, E.A. - The Caspian Sea
S36568: Koschel, R.; Adams, D.D. (Eds) - Lake Stechlin: An approach to understanding an oligotrophic lowland lake
R52384: Kostrowicki, A.S. - Studies on the Palaearctic species of the family Plusiinae (Lepidoptera, Phalaenidae)
S26972: Kostrowicki, A.S. - Geography of the Palaearctic Papilionoidea
S42838: Kotagama, S.; Fernando, P. - A Field Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka
N27477: Kotrba, M. (Ed.) - Flies and Midges: A Family Album / Fliegen und Mücken: Ein Familienalbum
S56451: Kott, P. - The Sessile Tunicata. The John Murray Expedition 1933-34 Scientific Reports Vol. X, No. 4
S43249: Kottelat, M. - Zoogeography of the Fishes from Indochinese Inland Waters with an Annotated Check-list
N21311: Kotze, J.; Assmann, T.; Noordijk, J.; Turin, H.; Vermeulen, R. - Carabid Beetles as Bioindicators: Biogeographical, Ecological and Environmental Studies Proceedings of the XIV European Carabidologists Meeting, Westerbork, 14-18 September, 2009
S6801: Kovalev, O.V. - Co-evolution of the Tamarisks (Tamaricaceae) and Pest Arthropods (Insecta; Arachnida; Acarina), with special reference to Biological Control Prospects
N18325: Kovarik, F. - Illustrated Catalog of Scorpions. Part I
N25887: Kovarik, F.; Ojanguren-Affilastro, A.A. - Illustrated Catalog of Scorpions. Part II
N19232: Kraberg, A.; Baumann, M.; Durslen, C.-D. - Coastal Phytoplankton: Photo Guide for Northern European Seas
S57092: Krahmann, M. - Fortschritte der praktischen Geologie. Erster Band. 1893 bis 1902 [and] Fortschritte der praktischen Geologie und Bergwirtschaft. Zweiter Band 1903-1909
N35624: Kral, D.; Bezdek, A.; Jurena, D. - Scarabaeoidea: Geotrupidae, Trogidae, Glaresidae, Lucanidae, Ochodaeidae, Glaphyridae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 32)
R57018: Kramp, P.L. - Origin of the Hydroid Family Corymorphidae
S19826: Kramp, P.L. - The Hydromedusae of the Danish Waters
S12445: Kramp, P.L. - Hydromedusae: Collected in the South-western part of the North Sea and the Eastern part of the Channel in 1903-1914
S20850: Kramp, P.L. - The Hydromedusae of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Sections [I]-III
S20562: Kranz, P.M. - Dinosaurs in Maryland
S11886: Kranz, J.; Schmutterer, H.; Koch, W. (Eds) - Diseases, Pests and Weeds in Tropical Crops
S57518: Krapf, J. Lewis - Travels, Researches, and Missionary Labours During an Eighteen Years' Residence in Eastern Africa Together with Journeys to Jagga, Usambara, Ukambani, Shoa, Abessinia, and Khartum and a Coasting Voyage from Mombaz to Cape Delgado
S34925: Krasnoborov, I.M. (Ed.) - Lycopodiaceae - Hydrocharitaceae: Flora of Siberia 1
S42498: Krause, B. - Mineral Collector's Handbook
S10879: Krause, D.C. - Bathymetry and Geologic Structure of the North-western Tasman Sea - Coral Sea - South Solomon Sea area of the South-western Pacific Ocean
S10903: Krause, D.C. - Geology and Geomagnetism of the Bounty Region East of the South Island, New Zealand
S57455: Krazhanovskij, O.L.; Tshetyrkina, I.A. (Eds) - Systematics and Ecology of Orthopteran Insects ??????????? ? ???????? ??????????? ?????????
N43819: Krediet, A. - Earthworms: Photographic guide to the species of Northwestern Europe
N38833: Krediet, A. - De Nederlandse Regenwormen
S11191: Kreier, J.P. (Ed.) - Parasitic Protozoa. Vols I-IV
S36973: Kreis, H.A. - Die Joeriseen und ihre postglaziale Besiedelungsgeschichte: Eine faunistisch-biologische Studie
S36592: Kreis, H.A. - Die Jöriseen und ihre postglaziale Besiedelungsgeschichte: Eine faunistisch-biologische Studie
S54250: Krems, A.J. (Ed.) - The Petroleum Excursion Fascicle 1-5 (International Geological Congress XVII Session)
S60075: Kretzchmar, H.; Kretzchmar, G.; Eccarius, W. - Orchids - Crete & Dodecanese
S59953: Kretzschmar, H.; Kretzschmar, G.; Eccarius, W. - Orchideen auf Rhodos: Ein Feldführer durch die Orchideenflora der "Insel des Lichts"
S59961: Kretzschmar, H.; Kretzschmar, G.; Eccarius, W. - Orchideen auf Kreta, Kasos, Karpathos: Ein Feldführere durch die Orchideenflora der zentralen Inseln der Südägäis
S60428: Kretzschmar, H.; Eccarius, W.; Dietrich, H. - The Orchid Genera Anacamptis, Orchis, and Neotinea: Phylogeny, Taxonomy, Morphology, Biology, Distribution, Ecology, and Hybridisation
S60009: Kretzschmar, H. - Die Orchideen Deutschlands: Finden und Bestimmen [The Orchids of Germany: Find and Identify]
S60043: Kreutz, C.A.J. - Feldführer Deutsche Orchideen [Field Guide to the Orchids of Gemany]
S60064: Kreutz, C.A.J. - Feldführer der Türkischen Orchideen [Field Guide to the Orchids of Turkey]
N43011: Kreutz, C.A.J. - Feldführer Deutsche Orchideen [Field Guide to the Orchids of Gemany]
S60203: Kreutz, C.A.J. - De verspreiding van de inheemse orchideeën in Nederland
S60082: Kreutz, C.A.J.; Fateryga, A.V.; Ivanov, S.P. - Orchids of the Crimea: Description, Pattern of Life, Distribution, Threats, Conservation, Iconography
N43010: Kreutz, C.A.J. - Feldführer der Türkischen Orchideen [Field Guide to the Orchids of Turkey]
S59885: Kreutz, C.A.J. - Orobanche: Die Sommerwurzarten Europas / The European broomrape species. Ein Bestimmungsbuch / A Field Guide. 1: Mittel- und Nordeuropa / Central and Northern Europe
S60437: Kreutz, C.A.J. - Die Orchideen der Türkei: Beschreibung, Ökologie, Verbreitung, Gefährdung, Schutz
S60106: Kreutz, C.A.J.; Shifman, A.; Schot, R.; Talmon, I. - The Orchids of Israel
S59920: Kreutz, C.A.J. - Die Orchideen von Zypern - The Orchids of Cyprus: Description, Pattern of Life, Distribution, Threat, Conservation and Iconography
N40278: Kreutz, C.A.J.; Fateryga, A.V.; Ivanov, S.P. - Orchids of the Crimea: Description, Pattern of Life, Distribution, Threats, Conservation, Iconography
N40279: Kreutz, C.A.J. - Die Orchideen der Türkei: Beschreibung, Ökologie, Verbreitung, Gefährdung, Schutz
N44252: Kreutz, C.A.J.; Shifman, A.; Schot, R.; Talmon, I. - The Orchids of Israel
S60393: Kreutz, C.A.J. - Orchideeën in Zuid-Limburg
S60216: Kreutz, C.A.J. - Catalogue of European Orchids | Kompendium der Europäischen Orchideen
N40280: Kreutz, C.A.J. - The Orchids of Rhodes and Karpathos / Die Orchideen von Rhodos und Karpathos
S60435: Kreutz, C.A.J.; Dekker, H. - De orchideeën van Nederland: ecologie, verspreiding, bedreiging, beheer
N40484: Kreutz, C.A.J. - Die Orchideen von Zypern / The Orchids of Cyprus: Description, Pattern of Life, Distribution, Threat, Conservation and Iconography
S60403: Kreutz, C.A.J. - The Orchids of Rhodes and Karpathos / Die Orchideen von Rhodos und Karpathos
N44263: Kreutz, C.A.J. - Orchideeën van de Benelux Veldgids / Orchids of Benelux Field Guide / Orchidées du Benelux Guide de Terrain / Orchideen des Benelux Feldführer
S44651: Krinsley, D.B. - A Geomorphological and Paleoclimatological Study of the Playas of Iran Pt I-II
S17202: Kriss, A.E. - Marine Microbiology (Deep Sea)
S27063: Kristek, J. - Die Blattwespen Euura laeta und Euura mucronata in den Korbweidenanlagen Mährens
S35886: Kristensen, I. - Differences in density and growth in a cockle population in the Dutch Wadden Sea
S41819: Kristiansen, J. - Flagellates from Some Danish Lakes and Ponds
S43165: Kröber, O. - Diptera: Muscaridae, Platystominae: Genera Insectorum 148
S54879: Kroeber, A.L. - Anthropology Today: An Encyclopedic Inventory
S54096: Krœner, C.A.; Dillwyn, L.W. - (1) Aperçu des Oiseaux de l'Alsace et des Vosges [with] (2) Materials for a Fauna and Flora of Swansea and the Neighbourhood
R47223: Krombein, K.V.; Norden, B.B.; Rickson, M.M.; Rickson, F.R. - Biodiversity of Domatia Occupants (Ants, Wasps, Bees, and Others) of the Sri Lankan Myrmecophyte Humboldtia laurifolia Vahl (Fabaceae)
S9269: Krombein, K.V. - Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico Synoptic Catalog: First Supplement
S7865: Krombein, K.V.; Pulawski, W.J. - Biosystematic Studies of Ceylonese Wasps, XVI: A Revision of Gastrosericus Spinola (Hymenoptera: Sphecoidea: Larridae)
S7866: Krombein, K.V.; Pulawski, W.J. - Biosystematic Studies of Ceylonese Wasps, XX: A Revision of Tachysphex Kohl, 1883, with notes on other oriental species (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Larrinae)
S19982: Krombein, K.V. - Behavioral and Life-History Notes on three Floridian Solitary Wasps(Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
S51267: Krombein, K.V.; Hurd, P.D.; Smith, D.R.; Burks, B.D. - Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. Vols. 1-3
S18300: Krombein, K.V. - Biosystematic Studies of Ceylonese Wasps: Pts. 1-6, 8-21
S18302: Krombein, K.V. - Revision of Melanesian Wasps of the Genus Cerceris Latreille (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
N41599: Kronauer, D.J.C. - Army Ants: Nature's Ultimate Social Hunters
S56282: Kroodsma, D.E.; Miller, E.H. - Acoustic Communication in Birds. Vol. 1-2
R26997: Kruseman, G. - Tendipedidae Neerlandicae, Pars 1: Genus Tendipes cum Generibus Finitimis
S51028: Kruys, I. - Butterflies of Pembrokeshire
S3102: Kuchlein, J.H.; Vos, R. de - Annotated Checklist of the Dutch Lepidoptera
S48470: Kuck, L.E.; Tongg, R.C. - Hawaiian Flowers
R1874: Kudish, M. - Adirondack Upland Flora An Ecological Perspective
S41817: Kudo, R. - A Biologic and Taxonomic Study of the Microsporidia
S37144: Kudrna, O. (Ed.) - Butterflies of Europe Vol. 1: Concise Bibliography of European Butterflies
S56151: Kudrna, O. - The Distribution Atlas of European Butterflies
S41158: Kudrna, O. - An Annotated Catalogue of the Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) Named by Roger Verity
N40215: Kudrna, O. - Distribution of Butterflies and Skippers in Europe
S20040: Kuehne, W.G. - The Liassic Therapsid Oligokyphus
N11586: Kueppers, P.V. - Butterflies of the World 24: Nymphalidae 11: Cethosia
S60412: Kühn, R.; Pedersen, H.A.; Cribb, P. - Field Guide to the Orchids of Europe and the Mediterranean
N43332: Kühn, R.; Pedersen, H.; Cribb, P. - Guide Découverte des Orchidées d'Europe et de Méditerrannée
N9799: Kühn, E.; Feldmann, R.; Thomas, J.; Settele, J. (Eds) - Studies on the Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe. Vol. 1: General Concepts and Case Studies
R42649: Kühne, H.; Becker, G. - Der Holz-Flohkrebs Chelura terebrans Philippi (Amphipoda, Cheluridae)
N17559: Kuhne, L. - Butterflies and moth diversity of the Kakamega forest (Kenya)
N12784: Kuhne, L. - Revision und Phylogenie der Gattungsgruppe Crypsotidia Rothschild, 1901, Tachosa Walker, 1869 Hypotacha Hampson, 1913, Audea Walker, [1858] 1857 und Ulotrichopus Wallengren, 1860 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Catocalinae) Esperiana Memoir 2
S48267: Kühnelt, W.; Walker, N. (Ed.) - Soil Biology with special reference to the animal kingdom
N58013: Kuijpers, M. - Reptiles of the Guianas - Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana
S45653: Kuiter, R.H. - Fairy & Rainbow Wrasses and their Relatives: A Comprehensive Guide to Selected Labroids
S12957: Kukuk, P. - Geologie, Mineralogie und Lagerstättenlehre: Eine Einführung für Bergschüler, Grüben- und Vermessungsbeamte, Studierende des Bergbaus, des Bauingenieurwesens und der Naturwissenschaften
S27883: Kulagin, N.M. - Materialy po estestvennoi istorii parasiticheskikh pereponchatokrylykh (Platygaster, Meochorus, Microgaster)
S59996: Kull, Tiiu (Ed.) - Orchid Ecology and Protection in Estonia
N21125: Kullander, S.O. - Chordata: Branchostomatidae - Chondrichtyes / Ryggstrangsdjur: Lansettfiskar - broskfiskar (Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges Flora och Fauna)
S58218: Kullander, S.O. - Cichlid fishes of the Amazon River drainage of Peru
S58236: Kullander, S.O.; Nijssen, H. - The Cichlids of Surinam Teleostei: Labroidei
R52419: Kullenberg, B.; Bergström, G. - Hymenoptera Aculeata Males as Pollinators of Ophrys Orchids
S48262: Kullenberg, B. - Studien über die Biologie der Capsiden
R27666: Kumar, R. - The Biology of some Ghanaian Mantids (Dictyoptera: Mantodea)
R28294: Kumar, R. - On some cockroaches from Angola including a check-list of the species
N6144: Kumar, A. - Current Trends in Odonatology
N37350: Kumar, P.; Gale, S.; Phaxaysombath, T. - A Guide to Orchids of Laos
S35515: Kumar, P. - Handbook on Common Butterflies of Uttarakhand
R26701: Kumata, T.; Kuroko, H.; Ermolaev, V.P. - Japanese species of the Acrocercops-group
S44004: Kummel, B. - Post-Triassic Nautiloid Genera
S44023: Kummel, B.; Erben, H.K. - Lower and Middle Triassic Cephalopods from Afghanistan
S46368: Kummer, H. - Social Organization of Hamadryas Baboons: Field Study
S25560: Kunkel, G. (Ed.) - Biogeography and Ecology in the Canary Islands
S32986: Künstler, G. - Die unseren Kulturpflanzen schädlichen Insekten: Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Erscheinungen, welche bei den Beschädigungen durch Insekten sich zeigen und das Stadium der Entwicklung, in welchem sie vorzugsweise schädlich sind
N20360: Kunz, G.; Nickel, H.; Niedringhaus, R. - Photographic Atlas of the Plant- and Leafhoppers of Germany / Fotoatlas der Zikaden Deutschlands
N28270: Kuppers, P.V. - Butterflies of the World 44: Nymphalidae XXV: Kallima Doubleday, 1849 and related African genera
S11371: Kupsch, W.O. - Annotated Bibliography of Saskatchewan Geology (1823-1970)
S60133: Kurbel, R.; Hirse, T. - Eesti Orhideede Käsiraamat: Piltmääraja. Levik. Kirjeldused. Huvitavat [Handbook of Estonian Orchids: Identification, Distribution, Description]
S21181: Kuroda, N. - The Protection of Birds in Japan
N26122: Kurzweil, H.; Lwin, S. - A Guide to Orchids of Myanmar
S32583: Kuschel, G. - Beetles in a suburban environment: A New Zealand case study: The identity and status of Coleoptera in the natural and modified habitats of Lynfield, Auckland (1974-1989)
A33684: Küster, H.C. - Die Käfer Europas. Nach der Natur beschrieben. Heft I-IX, XI
S38827: Kutac, E.A.; Caran, S.C. - Birds and other wildlife of South Central Texas: a handbook
S34656: Kutikova, L.A.; Starobogatov, Ya. I. (Eds) - Keys to the Freshwater Invertebrates of the European part of USSR: Plankton and Benthos
N9695: Kuzmin, S.L. - Die Amphibien Russlands und angrenzender Gebiete (Neue Brehm-Bücherei 627)
S33464: Kuznetsov, V.I. (Ed.) - Nasekomye I Kleshh: vrediteli sel'skohozjajstvennyh kul'tur. Tom III. Cheshuekrylye Chast' 1 Insects and Mites: Pests of Agricultural Plants. Vol. III. Lepidoptear Part 1
S12356: Kuznetsov, V.I. - Systematics and Zoogeography of the Lepidoptera of the Asiatic part of the USSR
S48341: Kvamme, T.; Wetås, A. - Revidert liste over norske maur Inkludert dialektale navn og forslag til nye norske navn
S36949: Kvet, J.; Jeník, J.; Soukupová, L. (Eds) - Freshwater wetlands and their sustainable future: A case study of Trebon Basin Biosphere Reserve, Czech Republic
S31950: Kyley-Worthington, M.; Rendle-Worthington, J. - Exploding the Myths: Mammal Welfare, Handling & Teaching
S14362: Kylin, H. [1]; Grubb, V.M. [2]; Sjostedt, L.G. [3] - [1] Studien über die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Florideen; [2] The Male Organs of the Florideae; [3] Floridean Studies
S46143: The Biological Laboratory - Heredity and Variation in Microorganisms
A32061: Labram, J.D.; Imhoff, L. - Singulorum Generum Curculionidum unam alteramve speciem additis iconibus ... Die Gattungen der Rüsselkäfer erläutert durch bildliche Darstellung einzelner Arten … Heft 1-14, 17, 18
S34045: Lacaille, A.D. - The Stone Age in Scotland
S34865: Lacaze-Duthiers, H. de - Histoire de la Laura gerardiae: Type Nouveau de Crustacé Parasite
N4246: Lachaume, G. - Beetles of the World 3: Goliathini 1
S36212: Lack, P. - The Atlas of Wintering Birds in Britain and Ireland
S48298: Lack, D. - Island Biology: illustrated by the land birds of Jamaica
S37805: Lack, P. - The Atlas of Wintering Birds in Britain and Ireland
S46576: Lack, P. - The Atlas of Wintering Birds in Britain and Ireland
S48377: Lack, P. - The Atlas of Wintering Birds in Britain and Ireland
S52334: Lack, D. - Swifts in a Tower
S28793: Lack, D. - Darwin's Finches
R54526: Lack, D. - The Breeding Birds of Orkney
S48576: Lack, D. - Swifts in a Tower
S45303: Lack, D. - The Life of the Robin
S56544: Lack, D. - Ecological Isolation in Birds
S56281: Lack, D. - Evolution Illustrated by Waterfowl
S51505: Lack, D. - Ecological Adaptations for Breeding in Birds
S36176: Lack, D. - Darwin's Finches
S50887: Lack, D. - The Life of the Robin
S55184: Lack, P. - Birds on Lowland Farms
S48693: Lack, D. - The Birds of Cambridgeshire
S47784: Lack, D. - Island Biology: illustrated by the land birds of Jamaica
S36313: Lack, D. - Ecological Adaptations for Breeding in Birds
S25830: Lack, H.W. - Current Projects on the Mediterranean Flora
S38184: Lack, D. - Population Studies of Birds
S28704: Lack, P.;Ferguson, D. - The Birds of Buckinghamshire
S28532: Lack, D. - Enjoying Ornithology
N31463: Lackner, T. - Sphaeritidae, Histeridae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 23)
N27095: Lacomme, D.; Manil, L. - Lepidopteres de Guyane 2b: Rhopaloceres 1
N27096: Lacomme, D.; Manil, L. - Lepidopteres de Guyane 3: Rhopaloceres 2
N27097: Lacomme, D.; Manil, L. - Lepidopteres de Guyane 4: Heliconniinae - Riodinidae
N27099: Lacomme, D.; Manil, L. - Lepidopteres de Guyane 6: Castniidae, Erebidae (Letis), Saturniidae (Eacles)
N27100: Lacomme, D.; Manil, L. - Lepidopteres de Guyane 7: Nymphalidae
N27101: Lacomme, D.; Manil, L. - Lepidopteres de Guyane: Liste de Rhopaloceres (hors Hespiridae) (2007)
A29982: Lacordaire, T. - Monographie des Coléoptères Subpentamères de la famille des Phytophages. Tome 1
N30391: Lacourt, J. - Sawflies of Europe: Hymenoptera of Europe 2
S34857: Lacourt, A.W. - A Monograph of the Freshwater Bryozoa - Phylactolaemata
S39209: Lacourt, A.W. - A Monograph of the Freshwater Bryozoa - Phylactolaemata
N10531: Lacroix, M. - Insectes Coleopteres Melolonthidae (Faune de Madagascar 73(1))
N10533: Lacroix, M. - Insectes Coleopteres Melolonthidae (Faune de Madagascar 73(2))
N42760: Lacroix, M.; Poussereau, J. - Les Scarabeides de l'île de la Réunion
S7452: Lady Hart Dyke, Z. - So Spins the Silkworm
S41922: Laerm, J.; Freeman, B.J. - Fishes of the Okefenokee Swamp
R39939: Lafont, M. - Annélides Oligochètes (Introduction pratique à la systématique des organismes des eaux continentales françaises 3)
N10013: Lafontaine, J.D.; Poole, R.W. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 25.1: Noctuidae: Plusiinae
S52446: Lafontaine, J.D.; Poole, R.W. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 25.1: Noctuidae: Plusiinae
S52447: Lafontaine, J.D. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 27.2: Noctuoidea Noctuidae (Part) : Noctuinae (part-Euxoa)
N48645: Lafranchis, T.; Sfikas, G. - Flowers of Greece
S42361: Lagerkranz, J. - Observations on the Flora of West and East Greenland made during four voyages 1934, 1936, 1938, and 1946
S60377: Laguna Lumbreras, E. (Ed.) - Orquídeas Silvestres de la Comunidad Valenciana
S35255: Laidlaw, W.B.R. - Butterflies of New Zealand
S29776: Laidlaw, W.B.R. - Butterflies of New Zealand
S52737: Laine, M. - Macrolepidopteres de Normandie III - Heteroceres (Noctuoidea, Bombycoidea, Sphingoidea)
N36239: Laine, J.; Flatberg, K.I.; Harju, P.; Timonen, T.; Minkkinen, K.; Laine, A.; Tuittila, E.S.; Vasander, H. - Sphagnum Mosses: The Stars of European Mires
S52736: Laine, M. - Macrolepidopteres de Normandie IV - Heteroceres (Pyraloidea - Pterophoroidea)
S47810: Laing, R.M.; Blackwell, E.W. - Plants of New Zealand
S28053: Laing, F. - Cockroach: Its Life-history and how to deal with it
S38605: Laird, M. (Ed.) - Tsetse. The future for biological methods in integrated control
S38466: Laird, M. - Studies of Mosquitoes and Freshwater Ecology in the South Pacific
N36249: Laird, T. - Bat
S22613: Laird, M. (Ed.) - Tsetse. The future for biological methods in integrated control
S22471: Laird, M. - Biting Flies in Canada: Health Effects and Economic Consequences
S22017: Laird, M. (Ed.) - Blackflies: The Future for Biological Methods in Integrated Control
S39531: Laird, M. (Ed.) - Blackflies: The Future for Biological Methods in Integrated Control
S21157: Laird, M.; Miles, J.W. - Integrated Mosquito Control Methodologies. Vol. 1-2
R18541: Lajonquiere, Y. de - Genres Dendrolimus, Germar, Hoenimnema, n.gen., Cyclophragma Turner 10e Contribution à l'étude des Lasiocampides
S54597: Lake, S.; Liley, D.; Still, R.; Swash, A. - Britain's Habitats: A Guide to the Wildlife Habitats of Britain and Ireland
N41601: Lake, S.; Liley, D.; Still, R.; Swash, A.; Driver, A. - Britain's Habitats: A Field Guide to the Wildlife Habitats of Great Britain and Ireland
S30129: Lakeman, J.A. (Ed.) - Climate Change 1995: The Science of Climate Change
N2542: Lamas, G. - Butterflies of the World 3: Nymphalidae 2: Ithomiinae
S49005: Lamb, G.; Forster, W.B.C. - On the Standardisation of Anti-typhoid Vaccine
N38051: Lamb, A. - Guide to Wild Fruits of Borneo
S20437: Lamb. S.H. - Native Trees & Shrubs of the Hawaiian Islands
S23930: Lamb, C. - The Essays of Elia
R14554: Lambdin, P.L.; Kosztarab, M. et al - Studies on the Morphology and Systematics of Scale Insects: Nos 5-7, 9-10
N57355: Lambdon, P.; Sim, J.; Stroud, S. - Flowering Plants and Ferns of Ascension Island
S54527: Lambert, R.A. - A Guide to Birds and Birdwatching on Papa Westray (Portrait of an Island Year)
S41365: Lambiris, A.J.L. - Frogs and Toads of the Natal Drakensberg
N16129: Lambiris, A.J.L. - The Frogs of Zimbabwe
S57861: Lambkin, C.L. - Systematics and Evolution of Australian Exoprosopine Flies (Diptera: Bombyliidae: Anthracinae) based on molecules, morphology and colour patterns
S50538: Lambley, P.; Wolseley, P. (Eds) - Lichens in a changing pollution environment
S52264: Lambourne, M. - John Gould's Birds of Britian
S54075: Lambrick, G.; Robinson, M. - Iron Age and Roman riverside settlements at Farmoor, Oxfordshire
S47168: Lamey, C.A. - Metallic and Industrial Mineral Deposits
N14059: Lampe, R.E. - Saturniidae of the World (Pfauenspinner der Welt): Their Life Stages from the Eggs to the Adults
N10388: Lampe, R.E. - Malayan Saturniidae from the Cameron & Genting Highlands: A guide for collectors
N7538: Lampel, G.; Meier, W. - Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha - Aphidina, Vol. 1 Fauna Helvetica 8
S36995: Lampert, W.; Rothhaupt, K.-O. - Limnology in the Federal Republic of Germany
S38252: Lampitt, R.S.; Billett, D.S.M.; Martin, A.P. (Eds) - Water column and seabed studies at the PAP Sustained Observatory in the Northeast Atlantic
S42122: Lamsdell, J.C. - The eurypterid Stoermeropterus conicus from the lower Silurian Pentland Hills, Scotland
S32595: Lancaster, J.; Briers, R.; Macadam, C. (Eds) - Aquatic Insects: Challenges to Populations
S49444: Lancaster, R. - Plant Hunting in Nepal
N14573: Lancaster, J.; Briers, R.; Macadam, C. (Eds) - Aquatic Insects: Challenges to Populations
S5043: Lancaster, R. - Plant Hunting in Nepal
S44342: Lancaster-Jones, E. - Geodesy and Surveying: Catalogue of the Collections in the Science Museum South Kensington
R29236: Lancum, F.H. - Wild Birds and the Land
S47192: Land, H.C. - Birds of Guatemala
S58568: Landauer, J. - Blowpipe Analysis
S41074: Landauer, J. - Blowpipe Analysis
N6303: Lander, T. - Revision du genre Chrysodema
S27376: Landing, B.H. - Factors in the Distribution of Butterfly Color and Behavior Patterns - Selected Aspects
S44003: Landman, N.H.; Waage, K.M. - Scaphitid ammonites of the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Fox Hills Formation in South Dakota and Wyoming
S22803: Landman, N.H.; Johnson, R.O.; Garb, M.P.; Edwards, L.E.; Kyte, F.T. - Cephalopods from Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary Interval on the Atlantic Coastal Plain, with a description of the Highest Ammonite Zones in North America. Part III: Manasquan River Basin, Monmouth County, New Jersey
S54039: Landsborough, D. - Excursions to Arran, Ailsa Craig, and the two Cumbraes, with Reference to the Natural History of these Islands
A40097: Landsborough, D. - A Popular History of British Zoophytes or Corallines
S43115: Landsborough, D. - A Popular History of British Seaweeds, Comprising Their Structure, Fructification, Specific Characters, Arrangement, and General Distribution, with some Notices of Some of the Fresh-Water Algae
S54035: Landsborough, D. (The Landsboroughs, Father and Son) - Arran: its Topography, Natural History, and Antiquities
S39904: Landwehr, J. - Studies in Dutch Books with Coloured Plates Published 1662-1875: Natural History, Topography and Travel Costumes and Uniforms
S60358: Landwehr, J. - Les Orchidées Sauvages de France et d'Europe I-II
S52779: Lane, S.A.; Wright, R.J.; Forsythe, T.G. - An Atlas of Warwickshire Beetles
S38014: Lane, E.W. - Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians
S39528: Lane, R.P.; Crosskey, R.W. - Medical Insects and Arachnids
N43952: Lane, S.A.; Lucas, C.B.H.; Whiffin, A.L. - The Histeridae, Sphaeritidae and Silphidae of Britain and Ireland
S47910: Lane, S.A.; Wright, R.J.; Forsythe, T.G. - An Atlas of Warwickshire Beetles
S5416: Lane, P.D. - British Cheiruridae (Trilobita)
S49424: Lane, J.A. - A Birder's Guide to Southern California
S49425: Lane, J.A.; Tveten, J.L. - A Bird's Guide to the Texas Coast
S42495: Lane, P.D. - British Cheiruridae (Trilobita)
N6421: Lane, R.P. - The Sandflies of Egypt (Diptera: Phlebotominae)
S53000: Lane, S.A.; Lucas, C.B.H.; Whiffin, A.L. - The Histeridae, Sphaeritidae and Silphidae of Britain and Ireland
S53112: Lang, D. - Wild Orchids of Sussex
S19855: Lang, W.D.; Smith, S.; Thomas, H.D. - Index of Palaeozoic Coral Genera
S20296: Lang, H.C. - A Systematic List of the Butterflies of Europe
N49479: Lang, S.-Y. - The Nymphalidae of China (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera). Part III: Satyrinae (partim), Satyrini (partim), Subtribes Mycalesina, Coenonymphina, Melanargiina, Maniolina, Satyrina, Ypthimina, Erebiina, Euptychiina
S59921: Lang, D. - Wild Orchids of Sussex
S3905: Lang, W.D.; Smith, S.; Thomas, H.D. - Index of Palaeozoic Coral Genera
S11877: Lang, J.C. (Ed.) - Status of Coral Reefs in the Western Atlantic: Results of Initial Surveys, Atlantic and gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) Program
S20376: Lang, K. - Copepoda Harpacticoida
N8477: Lang, D. - Britain's Orchids: A Guide to the identification and ecology of the wild orchids of Britain and Ireland
S31284: Lang, W.D. - A Handbook of British Mosquitoes
A57101: Lang, H.C. - The Butterflies of Europe described and figured: Rhopalocera Europae descripta et delineata. Vol. I (Text) - II (Plates)
N33700: Lang, S.-Y. - The Nymphalidae of China (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera). Part II: Satyrinae (partim), Satyrini (partim), Subtribes Eritina, Ragadiina, Lethina, Parargina
S39416: Lang, W.D. - A Handbook of British Mosquitoes
N33493: De Lang, R. - The Snakes of Java, Bali and Surrounding Islands
N22007: Lang, S.-Y. - The Nymphalidae of China (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera). Part I: Libytheidae, Danainae, Calinaginae, Morphinae, Heliconiinae, Nymphalinae, Charaxinae, Apaturinae, Cyrestinae, Biblidinae, Limenitinae
S36498: Lang, K. - Copepoda Harpacticoidea from the Californian Pacific Coast
S60087: De Lange, P.; Rolfe, J.; St George, I.; Sawyer, J. - Wild orchids of the lower North Island: Field guide
S46997: Lange, M.; Hora, F.B. - Collins Guide to Mushrooms and Toadstools
S39906: Lange, M.; Hansen, L. (Eds) - The Centenary of the Copenhagen Botanical Garaden 9 October 1974
S47006: Lange, J.E. - Flora Agaricina Danica. Vol. I-II
S58831: Langford, J.J. - Galileo, Science, and the Church
S20925: Langley, S.P. - Memoir of George Brown Goode 1851-1896
N34242: Langmaid, J.R.; Palmer, S.M.; Young, M.R. - A Field Guide to the Smaller Moths of Great Britain and Ireland
N34685: Langman, L.; Langman, M. - Guide to Winter Coastal Birds (Identification Chart)
S37624: Langmead, C. - A Passion for Plants From the Rainforests of Brazil to Kew Gardens. The life and vision of Ghillean Prance
S10297: Langston, R.L.; Powell, J.A. - The Earwigs of California (Order Dermaptera)
S8269: Langston, R.L. - A Synopsis of the Hymenopterous Parasites of Malacosoma in California (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae)
S41930: Langstroth, L.; Langstroth, L. - A Living Bay: The Underwater World of Monterey Bay
N12913: Langton, P.H.; Pinder, L.C.V. - Keys to the Adult Male Chironomidae of Britain and Ireland
R59709: Lankester, E.R. - The Structure and Classification of the Arthropoda
S45306: Lankester, R. - Science from an Easy Chair
N19257: Lansdown, R.V. - Water Starworts: Callitriche of Europe
S56270: Lanyon, W.E. - Biology of Birds
N28515: Lanza, B.; Funaioli, U.; Riccucci, M. - The Bats of Somalia and Neighbouring Areas
S26073: Lapage, G. - Mönnig's Veterinary Helminthology and Entomology
S37587: Lapage, G. - Parasitic Animals
S30312: LaPolla, J.S. - Acropyga (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the World
S37776: Laporte, L.-J. - Recherches sur la Biologie et la Systématique des Desmidiées
S59458: Lapworth, Charles - An Intermediate Text-Book of Geology
N19916: Larink, O.; Westheide, W. - Coastal Plankton: Photo Guide for European Seas
N19542: Lariviere, M.-C.; Fletcher, M.J.; Larochelle, A. - Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera): catalogue Fauna of New Zealand 63
N25763: Lariviere, M.-C.; Burckhardt, D.; Larochelle, A. - Peloridiidae (Hemiptera: Coleorrhyncha) Fauna of New Zealand 67
N12586: Larkin, D. - Illustrated Book of Macro Moths found in Northamptonshire. Vol. 1
N25018: Larkin, D. - A Photographic Pocket Guide to Insects found in Northamptonshire. [Supplement 1]
N26775: Larkin, D. - A Photographic Pocket Field Guide to Insects found in Northamptonshire. [Supplement 2]
S45299: Larochelle, A.; Lariviere, M.-C. - Harpalini (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalinae) Fauna of New Zealand 53
S44580: Larrabee, A.P. - An Ecological Study of the Fishes of the Lake Okoboji Region
S40148: Larrea Maldonado, C. - Hacia una historia ecológica del Ecuador: propuestas para el debate
N7654: Larsen, T.B. - Hazards of Butterfly Collecting
S57105: Larsen, E.S.; Berman, H. - The Microscopic Determination of the Nonopaque Minerals
S11660: Larsen, E.S. - The Microscopic Determination of the Nonopaque Minerals
S11665: Larsen, E.S.; Berman, H. - The Microscopic Determination of the Nonopaque Minerals
R1886: Larsen, T.B. - Butterflies of Saudi Arabia and its neighbours
S37558: Larsen, E.B. - Biologische Studien über die tunnelgrabenden Käfer auf Skallingen
S35491: Larsen, T.B. - Butterflies of Lebanon
S56217: Larsen, T.R. (Ed.) - Høstemark Status 1994: De nyeste flora - og faunaundersøgelser i perioden 1991-94
S38531: Larsen, T.B. - Butterflies of Lebanon
N10365: Larsen, T.B.; Nakamura, I. - The Butterflies of East Jordan
S22538: Larson, P.P.; Larson, M.W. - Ants Observed
S46669: Larson, P.P.; Larson, M.W. - Lives of Social Insects
S41218: Larson, E.J. - Evolution's Workshop: God and Science on the Galapagos Islands
N46732: Larsson, K.H.; Ruvarden, L. - Corticioid Fungi of Europe Vol. 1: Acanthobasidium - Gyrodontium (Synopsis Fungorum Vol. 43)
S58764: Larsson, Magnus - To Bee or Not to Be: Critical Flower Resources of Wild-Bees
S10053: Larwood, G.P. - The Morphology and Systematics of some Cretaceous Cribrimorph Polyzoa (Pelmatoporinae)
S20944: Larwood, G.P. - The Morphology and Systematics of some Cretaceous Cribrimorph Polyzoa (Pelmatoporinae)
S23171: Larwood, G.P. (Ed.) - Extinction and Survival in the Fossil Record
S57515: LaSalle, J.; Gauld, I.D. (Eds) - Hymenoptera and Biodiversity
S51092: Last, J. - Ethiopians and the Houses they live in
N5050: Lastuvka, Z. - Checklist of Lepidoptera of the Czech and Slovak Republics
N36550: Lastuvka, A.; Lastuvka, Z.; Liska, J.; Sumpich, J. - Motyli a housenky stredni Evropy V. Drobni motyli I [Moths and caterpillars of central Europe V. - Micromoths I]
S30574: Laszlo, R. - 88 Szines Oldal a nappali Lepkekrol
S11613: Latchininsky, A.L.; Launois-Luong, M.H. - Le Criquet Marocain Dociostaurus maroccanus (Thunberg 1815) dans la Partie Orientale de son aire de Distribution
A44103: Latham, John - A General History of Birds. Vol. I-X (with Index)
S49214: Latouche, Y.; Pujol, R.; Rostand, J. - Sommerfugler Europeiske Arter
N48247: Latta, S.; Rimmer, C.; McFarland, K. - Field Guide to the Birds of the Dominican Republic and Haiti
S53157: Latter, O.H. - The House-Fly and Mosquito
S25158: Lauber, K.; Wagner, G. - Bestimmungsschlüssel Flora des Kantons Bern
S55063: Launert, E. (Ed.) - Flora Zambesiaca. Vol. 4
S3830: Launois-Luong, M.H. et al - La Lutte Chimique Contre Les Criquets du Sahel
S3831: Launois, M.; Launois-Luong, M.H. - Oedaleus senegalensis (Krauss, 1877) Sauteriau ravageur du Sahel
S11446: Launois-Luong, M.H.; Lecoq, M. - Vade-Mecum des Criquets du Sahel
S51244: Laurance, W.F.; Bierregaard Jr., R.O. (Eds) - Tropical Forest Remnants: Ecology, Management, and Conservation of Fragmented Communities
S25748: Laurie, E.M.O.; Hill, J.E. - Land Mammals of New Guinea, Celebes and Adjacent Islands 1758-1952
S45646: Lauterborn, R. - Der Formenkreis von Anuraea Cochlearis: Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Variabilität bei Rotatorien. I-II. Teil
S59959: Laux, H.E.; Keller, R. - Unsere Orchideen sehen erkennen und schützen
N5970: Lavciev, V. - Catalogus Faunae Bulgaricae. Vol. 5. Diptera: Fanniidae, Muscidae, Stomoxydidae
S45591: Lavelle, D. - Skellig: Island Outpost of Europe
S47707: Lavin, J.C.; Wilmore, G.T.D. (Eds) - The West Yorkshire Plant Atlas
S59892: Lavin, J.C.; Wilmore, G.T.D. (Eds) - The West Yorkshire Plant Atlas
N25999: Lawrance, P.; Stammers, S. - Trilobites of the World: An Atlas of 1000 Photographs
S43612: Lawrence, P.A. (Ed.) - Insect Development: Symposia of the Royal Entomological Society no. 8
S52284: Lawrence, T.E. - Revolt in the Desert
S57942: Lawrence, T.E.; Garnett, D. (Ed.) - The Letters of T.E. Lawrence
S34600: Lawrence, J.F.; Weir, T.A.; Pyke, J.E.; Moore, B.P. - Zoological Catalogue of Australia 4: Coleoptera: Archostemata, Myxophaga and Adephaga
S1250: Lawrence, R.F. - The Biology of the Cryptic Fauna of Forests: with special reference to the indigenous Forests of South Africa
S40319: Lawrence, T.E. - Revolt in the Desert
S18441: Lawrence, J.F.; Weir, T.A.; Pyke, J.E.; Moore, B.P. - Zoological Catalogue of Australia 4: Coleoptera: Archostemata, Myxophaga and Adephaga
N27058: Lawrence, J.M.; Crafford-Venter, M. (Illus) - Field Guide to Butterflies of Seychelles: Their Natural History and Conservation
S60778: Lawrence, T.E. - Seven Pillars of Wisdom: a triumph
S9130: Lawrence, J.F.; Weir, T.A.; Pyke, J.E.; Moore, B.P. - Zoological Catalogue of Australia 4: Coleoptera: Archostemata, Myxophaga and Adephaga
N42412: Lawrence, J.M.; Williams, M.C. - An Illustrated History of Butterflies of the Afrotropical Indian Ocean Islands: Madagascar, Comoros, Seychelles, Reunion, Mauritius, Rodrigues and Socotra
S55462: Lawson, R. - Ailsa Craig Its history and natural history
R28907: Lawson, J.W.H. - The Anatomy and Morphology of the Early Stages of Culicoides Nubeculosus Meigen (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae = Heleidae)
S30621: Lawson, A.K. (Ed.) - A Check List of the Fauna of Lancashire and Cheshire Pt. I
S35296: Lawson, A.K. (Ed.) - A Check List of the Fauna of Lancashire and Cheshire Pt. I
S58167: Lawson, A.A. - Life in the Burmese Jungle
P40652: Lawson, H. - The Monthly Microscopical Journal: Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society, and Record of Histological Research at Home and Abroad. Vol. XIV
S55148: Lawson, K. - A Birdwatchers' Guide to Lancashire
S28925: Lawton, J.H.; May, R.M. (Eds.) - Estimating Extinction Rates Sir Joseph Banks Anniversary Meeting
S34312: Lawton, J.H.; May, R.M. (Eds) - Extinction Rates
S20227: Lawton, J.H.; May, R.M. (Eds.) - Extinction Rates
A42513: Layard, E.L.; Sharpe, R. Bowdler - The Birds of South Africa
S39996: Laybourn-Parry, J. - Protozoan Plankton Ecology
S38124: Laybourn-Parry, J.; Tranter, M.; Hodson, A.J. - The Ecology of Snow and Ice Environments
S12847: Layton, T.B. - Catalogue of the Onodi Collection In the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
S52642: Lazzarin, G. - Selezione di lavori lichenologici di A.B. Massalongo
A41004: Leach, William Elford [1790-1836] - The Characters of three new Genera of Bats without foliaceous Appendages to the nose
A41001: Leach, William Elford [1790-1836] - The characters of seven genera of Bats with foliaceous Appendages to the nose
S54077: Leach, M. - The Secret Life of Snowdonia
S22187: Leach, William Elford - On the Genera and Species of Eproboscideous Insects
R33202: Leach, W. - Butterfly People:An American Encounter with the Beauty of the World
S22666: Leadbeater, B. - Irene Manton: A Biography (1904-1988)
S40053: Leadbeater, B.S.C.; Green, J.C. (Eds) - The Flagellates: Unity, diversity and evolution
S58356: Leadbeater, B.S.C. - Choanoflagellates: Evolution, Biology and Ecology
S25083: Leadbeater, B.S.C.; Green, J.C. (Eds) - The Flagellates: Unity, diversity and evolution
S23250: Leadlay, E.; Jury, S. (Eds) - Taxonomy and Plant Conservation: The Cornerstone of the Conservation and the Sustainable Use of Plants
S58230: Leakey, L.S.B. - Finding the World's Earliest Man
S49399: Leakey, C.L.A.; Wills, J.B. (Eds) - Food Crops of the Lowland Tropics
A51035: Lear, Edward - Illustrations of the Family of Psittacidae, or Parrots
S50986: Lear, Edward; Thorpe, A. (Ed.) - The Birds of Edward Lear A Selection of the 12 finest bird plates of the Artist
N561: Leather, S.R.; Bland, K.P. - Insects on Cherry Trees (Naturalists' Handbooks 27)
S11607: Leather, S.R. (Ed.) et al - Individuals, Populations and Patterns in Ecology
S48054: Leather, S.R.; Bland, K.P. - Insects on Cherry Trees (Naturalists' Handbooks 27)
S25085: Leather, S.R. ; Hardie, J. (Eds) - Insect Reproduction
N37043: Lebas, C.; Galkowski, C.; Blatrix, R.; Wegnez, P. - Ants of Britain and Europe: A Photographic Guide
N35582: Leckie, S.; Beadle, D. - Peterson Field Guide to Moths of Southeastern North America
S53181: LeClerc, Georges-Louis, Compte de Buffon - All the World's Birds. Buffon's Illustrated Natural History General and Particular of Birds
S29125: Leclercq, M. - Introduction a l'étude des tabanides et revision des espèces de Belgique
S47568: Leclercq, J. - Atlas provisoire des Insectes de Belgique ( et des régions limitrophes) Hymenoptera Chrysididae
S47571: Leclercq, J. - Hyménoptères Sphécides Crabroniens d’Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen
S53562: Leclercq, J. - Monographie systématique, phylogénétique et zoogéographique des Hyménoptères Crabroniens
S37388: Leclercq, J. - Monographie systématique, phylogénétique et zoogéographique des Hyménoptères Crabroniens
S21324: Leclercq, M. - Entomological Parasitology: The Relations between Entomology and the Medical Sciences
S30462: Leclercq, J. - Hymenoptera Sphecoidea (Sphecidae II. Crabroninae) (Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba 45)
S47724: Leclercq, J. - Monographie systématique, phylogénétique et zoogéographique des Hyménoptères Crabroniens
S47573: Leclercq, J. - Atlas de répartition des Crabroniens de France et des régions limitrophes (Hymenoptera , Sphecidae, Crabronini
S48157: Leclercq J.; Gaspar C..; Marchal, J.-L.; Verstraeten, C.; Wonville, C. - Analyse des 1600 premières cartes de l'Atlas provisoire desInsectes de Belgique et première liste rouge d'insectes menacés dans la faune Belge
S3829: Lecoq, M.; Mestre, J. - La Surveillance des Sauteriaux du Sahel
S57526: Lecoq, J.-C.; Mestre, J.; Launois-Luong, M.H.; Launois, M.; Rachadi, T.; Duraton, J.F.; Popov, G.B.; Van Der Weel, J.J.; Greathead, D.J.; Kyooman, C. - Les criquets du Sahel / La surveillance des sauteriaux du Sahel / La lutte chimique contre les criquets du Sahel / Oedaleus senegalensis (Krauss, 1877) sauteriau revageur du Sahel / Vade-mecum des criquets du Sahel / Le criquet pelerin au Sahel / L
S11447: Lecoq, M. - Les Criquets du Sahel
N5994: Lecoq, J.-C. - Coleopteres Staphylinidae Paederinae II: Paederini (Faune de Madagascar 79)
N5989: Lecoq, J.-C. - Coleopteres Staphylinidae Paederinae, genre Astenus (Faune de Madagascar 86)
N38717: Lederer, R. - Birds: Ornithology and the Great Bird Artists
N23622: Ledoux, G.; Roux, P. - Archastes (Coleoptera, Nebriidae): Monographie
S10356: Ledoyer, M. - Crustaces Amphipodes Gammariens - Acanthonotozomatidae a Gammaridae (Faune de Madagascar 59(1))
S19744: Lee, A.J.; Ramster, J.W. (Eds) - Atlas of the Seas around the British Isles
S38439: Lee, D.L.; Woodhill, A.R. - The Anopheline Mosquitoes of the Australasia Region
S37301: Lee, D.O'C.; Wickins, J.F. - Crustacean Farming
N56900: Lee, C.; McPherson, S. - Nature's Tricks
N11002: Lee, P. - Atlas of Millipedes (Diplopoda) of Britain and Ireland
S12934: Lee, D.L.; Woodhill, A.R. - The Anopheline Mosquitoes of the Australasia Region
S52242: Lee, M. - Occurrence of the Large Blue Butterfly (Maculinea arion L.) in Cornwall
S26781: Lee,K.E. - Royal Society and Percy Sladen Expedition to the New Hebrides, 1971: Collection Data
S46729: Lee, Tie-sheng - Hornets from Agricultural Regions of China (Hymenoptera: Vespoidea)
N28418: Lee, J. - Yorkshire Dales (New Naturalist 130)
S32050: Leech, M.J., Michaelis, H.N. - The Lepidoptera of Formby
A18555: Leech, J.H. - Butterflies from China, Japan and Corea. Pt 1: Danainae, Satyrinae, Morphinae, and Acraeinae
S59608: Leeds, E. Thurlow; Swinton, W.E. (Ed.) - The Leeds Collection of Fossil Reptiles from the Oxford Clay of Peterborough
N37107: Leeming, J. - Scorpions of South Africa
S55866: Lees, F.A. - The Flora of West Yorkshire with a Sketch of the Climatology and Lithology in connection therewith
S45890: Lees, E. - The Botany of The Malvern Hills in the Counties of Worcester, Hereford, and Gloucester
A47612: Lees, E. - The Botanical Looker-out among the Wild Flowers of England and Wales, at all Seasons, and in the most interesting Localities
N47379: Lees, D.; Ferguson, J.; Lawrence, M.; Brown, R. - Tracks and Signs of the Birds of Britain and Europe
N47378: Lees, A.; Gilroy, J. - Vagrancy in Birds
S45864: Lees, E. - The Botany of the Malvern Hills in the counties of Worcester, Hereford, and Gloucester
S32627: Lees, D.R.; Edwards, D. (Eds) - Evolutionary Patterns and Processes
S45976: Lees, E. - Pictures of Nature in the Silurian Region around the Malvern Hills and Vale of Severn
S21482: Leeson, F. - Identification of Snakes of the Gold Coast
S16991: Leeson, F. - Identification of Snakes of the Gold Coast
S43434: Leeson, F. - Identification of Snakes of the Gold Coast
N43820: Leeuwen, J. van - Fotogids Libellen
S34541: LeFanu, W. - Nehemiah Grew M.D., F.R.S.: a study and bibliography of his writings
S46662: Lefeber, B.V. - Verspreidingsatlas van 64 soorten Nederlandse Graafwespen (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae p.p.) (Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen 2)
S16878: Lefkovitch, L.P. - A Revision of the European Laemophloienae (Coleoptera: Cucujidae)
S55405: Lefort, R. - Ethiopia: An Heretical Revolution?
N52672: Lefranc, N.; Worfolk, T. (illus) - Shrikes of the World
S55999: Leftwich, A.W. - A Dictionary of Entomology
S30135: Leftwich, A.W. - A Dictionary of Entomology
N20875: Legalov, A.A. - Leaf-Rolling Weevils (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae, Attelabidae) of the World Fauna
S43991: Legendre, P; Legendre, L. - Numerical Ecology
N31842: Legg, G.; Farr-Cox, F. - Illustrated key to the British False Scorpions (Pseudoscorpions)
S57251: Legg, P.; Hill, B. - Better Late...Cello Book: Cello Playing for Late Starters
N9544: Legon, N.W.; Henrici, A. (Eds) - Checklist of the British & Irish Basidiomycota
S53974: Legum, C.; Lee, B. - Conflict in the Horn of Africa
S44206: Lehane, M.J. - Biology of Blood-Sucking Insects
S53578: Lehman, J.P. - The Proofs of Evolution
S58173: Lehman, J.T. (Ed.) - Environmental Change and Response in East African Lakes
N9472: Lehrer, A.Z. - Bengaliidae du Monde (Diptera)
S58676: Leibak, E.; Lilleleht, V.; Veromann, H. (Eds) - Birds of Estonia: Status, Distribution and Numbers
S6327: Leichmann, G. - Beitraege zur Naturgeschichte der Isopoden
S37743: Leidy, J. - Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories. Vol. XII. Fresh-Water Rhizopods of North America
S37928: Leigh, E.G.; Rand, A.S.; Windsor, D.M. - The Ecology of a Tropical Forest: Seasonal Rhythms and Long-term Changes
S45819: Leighton, W.A. - The British Species of Angiocarpous Lichens Elucidated by their Sporidia
S52636: Leighton, W.A. - The Lichen-Flora of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands
S26821: Leighton, A. - Early English Gardens in New England: 'For Meate or Medicine'
R52615: Leleup, N. - Révision des Mastigini de l'Afrique de sud (Coleoptera Scydmaenidae)
S41823: Leloup, E.; Van Meel, L.; Jacquemart, S. - Recherches hydrobiologiques sur trois mares d'eau douce des environs de Liège
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