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S57606: Crawley, M.J. - Herbivory The Dynamics of Animal-Plant Interactions
S41946: Crawley, M.J. - GLIM for Ecologists
S46402: Crawley, M.J. (Ed.) - Natural Enemies: The Population Biology of Predators, Parasites and Diseases
S20591: Crawley, M. - Angiosperm Woods from British Lower Cretaceous and Palaeogene Deposits Special Papers in Palaeontology 66
S12901: Crawley, E. - The Mystic Rose: A Study of Primitive Marriage and of Primitive Thought in its bearing on Marriage
S20315: Cray, P.E. - Marsupialia, Insectivora, Primates, Creodonta and Carnivora from The Headon Beds (Upper Eocene) of Southern England
N25006: Creed, P.; Haynes, T. - A Guide to finding Mosses in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
N26154: Creed, P. - A Guide to finding Hoverflies in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
N28159: Creed, P.; Hudson, R. - A Guide to finding Wild Food in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
N25007: Creed, P.; Hudson, R. - Guide to finding Orchids in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
N34821: Creed, P. - A Guide to Finding Bees in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
N26153: Creed, P.; Hudson, R. - A Guide to finding butterflies and day-flying moths in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
N28963: Creed, P.; Hudson, R. - Guide to finding Orchids in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
S49779: Creighton, W.S. - Ants of North America
N39623: Cremona, J. - Beyond Extreme Close-Up Photography
N30384: Cremona, C.; Harper, L. - Guide to foraging: top 25 edible plants (Identification Chart)
N9341: Cremona, C.; Simms, A.; Ward, M. - Rocky Shore Name Trail (Identification Chart)
N27989: Cremona, J. - Extreme Close-Up Photography and Focus Stacking
N7499: Crespi, B.J.; Morris, D.C.; Mound, L.A. - Evolution of Ecological and Behavioural Diversity. Australian Acacia Thrips as Model Organisms
S43511: De Crespigny, E. C. - The New London Flora; or, Handbook to the Botanical Localities of the Metropolitan Districts
R34663: Cressey, R.; Cressey, H.B. - Parasitic Copepods of Mackerel- and Tuna-like fishes (Scombridae) of the world
S40787: Cresswell, G.; Walker, D. - Whales and Dolphins of the European Atlantic: The Bay of Biscay and the English Channel
R35238: Cresswell, A. - Records of Meteorological Observations for 1896 [and] 1897, taken at the Observatory of the Birmingham and Midland Institute
S27615: Cresswell, G.; Walker, D. - Bay of Biscay Cetacean Report 1998
S52561: Cresta, S.; Pavia, G. - Proceedings of the Meeting on Bajocian Stratigraphy
S21168: Creswell, W.G. - The Hygiene of Bird Keeping
S56329: Cribb, P.; Tibbs, M. - A Very Victorian Passion: The Orchid Paintings of John Day 1863 to 1888
S19550: Cribb, P.W. - A Label List of Butterflies (Rhopalocera) North, Western & Southern Europe
S36650: Cribb, P.J.; Leedal, G.P. - The Mountain Flowers of Southern Tanzania: A Field Guide to the Common Flowers
N10253: Cribb, P.W. - Breeding the British Butterflies
S54301: Cribb, P. - Slipper Orchids of Borneo
S39595: Cribb, P.; Whistler, W.A. - Orchids of Samoa
S9296: Crichton, M.I. - Studies of the mouth parts and the ecology of adult caddis flies (Trichoptera)
S35057: Crichton, M.I. - Structure and Function of the Mouth Parts of Adult Caddid Flies (Trichoptera)
S30031: Criddle, A.J.; Stanley, C.J. (Eds) - The Quantitative Data File for Ore Minerals of the Commission on Ore Microscopy of the International Mineralogical Association
S20942: Crisp, E. - On the Causes of Death of Many of the Animals at the Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park from 1851 to February 1860
R42650: Croasdale, H.; Scott, A.M. - New or otherwise Interesting Desmids from Northern Australia
S47317: Crocker, J.; Daws, J. - Spiders of Leicestershire & Rutland [with] Millennium Atlas
S22075: Crocker, J. (Ed.) - Charnwood Forest: A Changing Landscape
S14322: Crocker, J.; Daws, J. - Spiders of Leicestershire & Rutland
N12864: Croft, P.; Roberts, C. (Illus) - Guide to British freshwater Fishes (Identification Chart)
N1965: Croft, P.S. - A Key to the Major Groups of British Freshwater Invertebrates
S53036: Croft, L.R. - Life and Death of Charles Darwin
N37049: Crofts, S.M. - Caddisfly Adults (Trichoptera) of Britain and Ireland: Family level keys and introductory guide
N56991: la Croix, I. - Aerangis
S23798: Croizat, L. - Panbiogeography. Vol. I, IIa, IIb
S30752: Croizat, L. - Space, Time, Form: The Biological Synthesis
S23800: Croizat, L. - Space, Time, Form: The Biological Synthesis
S43675: Croizat, L. - Panbiogeography. Vol. I, IIa, IIb
S45805: Crombie, J.M. - Lichenes Britannici, seu Lichenum in Anglia, Scotia, et Hibernia Vigentium, Enumeratio, cum Eorum Stationibus et Distributione
S13567: Crompton, J. - The Spider
S20405: Crompton, A.W. - On the Skull of Oligokyphus
S20306: Crompton, A.W. - Postcanine Occlusion in Cynodonts and Tritylodontids
S20383: Crompton, A.W. - The Dentitions and Relationships of the Southern African Triassic Mammals, Erythrotherium Parringtoni and Megazostrodon Rudnerae
S38622: Crompton, J. - The Spider
S44740: Crompton, J. - Ways of the Ant
S20327: Crompton, A.W. - The Dentitions and Relationships of the Southern African Triassic Mammals, Erythrotherium Parringtoni and Megazostrodon Rudnerae
S8025: Crompton, A.W. - Postcanine Occlusion in Cynodonts and Tritylodontids
S58357: Cronin, T.W.; Johnsen, S.; Marshall, N.J.; Warrant, E.J. - Visual Ecology
S32782: Cronin, L. - Key Guide to Australian Mammals
S38919: Cronin, L. - Key Guide to Australian Mammals
S56648: Cronin, H. - The Ant and the Peacock: Altruism and Sexual Selection from Darwin to Today
S36779: Cronin, L. - Key Guide to Australian Palms, Ferns and Allies
S25751: Cronquist, A. - Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants
S41374: Cronwright-Schreiner, S.C. - The Migratory Springbucks of South Africa (The Trekbokke)
N22968: Cropper, R.S. - The Orthoptera and allied insects of Somerset
S37861: Crosnier, A. (Ed.) - Résultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM. Vol. 15
R39516: Cross, T.; Davis, P. - The Red Kites of Wales
S45614: Crossen, R. - Dolphins & Whales in Pembrokeshire
A26961: Crosskey, R.W. (Ed.) - Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region
N6583: Crosskey, R.W. - A Conspectus of the Tachinidae (Diptera) of Australia, including Keys to the Supraspecific Taxa and Taxonomic and Host Catalogues
N6523: Crosskey, R.W. - The Type-Material of Australasian, Oriental and Ethiopian Tachinidae (Diptera) Described by Macquart and Bigot
S49670: Crosskey, P. - Knotted Round My Heart: Recollections of Life in Nigeria 1952-1959
N6597: Crosskey, R.W. - A Revisionary Classification of the Rutiliini (Diptera: Tachinidae) with keys to the described Species
S44359: Crosskey, R.W. (Ed.) - Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region
S56172: Crosskey, R.W.; Peterson, B.V. - The Simuliidae described by N. Baranov and their Types (Diptera)
S58118: Crosskey, R.W. - A Revision of the Oriental Species of Palexorista Townsend (Diptera: Tachinidae, Sturmiini)
N6586: Crosskey, R.W. - A Review of the Rhinophoridae (Diptera) and a revision of the Afrotropical species
N6589: Crosskey, R.W. - The British Tachinidae of Walker and Stephens (Diptera)
S39550: Crosskey, R.W. - A Taxonomic Conspectus of the Tachinidae (Diptera) of the Oriental Region
S38575: Crosskey, R.W. - The Natural History of Blackflies
S39526: Crosskey, R.W. - The Natural History of Blackflies
S39548: Crosskey, R.W. - A Taxonomic Conspectus of the Tachinidae (Diptera) of the Oriental Region
S39549: Crosskey, R.W. - A Revisionary Classification of the Rutiliini (Diptera: Tachinidae) with keys to the described Species
S56625: Crosskey, R.W. - A Taxonomic Conspectus of the Tachinidae (Diptera) of the Oriental Region
S38897: Crosskey, R.W. - A Re-classification of the Simuliidae (Diptera) of Africa and its Islands
S39554: Crosskey, R.W. - A Re-classification of the Simuliidae (Diptera) of Africa and its Islands
S28884: Crosskey, R.W.; Howard, T.M. - A New Taxonomic and Geographical Inventory of World Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) [with] 1st and 2nd Update (1999, 2002, pp. 10 + 14)
R26803: Crosskey, R.W. - The Morphology, Taxonomy, and the Biology of British Evanioidea (Hymenoptera)
S29577: Crosskey, R.W. - The Natural History of Blackflies
N6414: Crosskey, R.W. (Ed.) - Catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region
S22219: Crosskey, R.W. - A Re-classification of the Simuliidae (Diptera) of Africa and its Islands
S31727: Crosskey, R.W.; Howard, T.M. - A New Taxonomic and Geographical Inventory of World Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae)
S39537: Crosskey, R.W. - Annotated keys to the genera of Tachinidae (Diptera) found in tropical and southern Africa
S39552: Crosskey, R.W. - A Conspectus of the Tachinidae (Diptera) of Australia, including Keys to the Supraspecific Taxa and Taxonomic and Host Catalogues
S39553: Crosskey, R.W. - A Systematic Revision of the Ameniinae (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
S39562: Crosskey, R.W. - Simuliidae
S39658: Crosskey, R.W.; Howard, T.M. - A New Taxonomic and Geographical Inventory of World Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae)
R58099: Crosskey, R.W. - Annotated keys to the genera of Tachinidae (Diptera) found in tropical and southern Africa
R57704: Crosskey, R.W. - The Morphology, Taxonomy, and the Biology of British Evanioidea (Hymenoptera)
N25632: Crossley, R.; Couzens, D. - The Crossley ID Guide: Britain and Ireland
R16491: Crotch, G.R. - A Revision of the Coleopterous Family Erotylidae
R16853: Crotch, G.R. - A Revision of Coleopterous Family Erotylidae
N20791: Crothers, J. - Snails on rocky sea shores (Naturalists' Handbooks 30)
S55892: Crothers, J.H. - Dale Fort Marine Fauna
N582: Crothers, J. - A Key to the Major Groups of British Marine Invertebrates
S34355: Croucher, T. - Boots and Books: Work and Writings of Arthur Raistrick
S43823: Crowder, M. - Revolt in Bussa: A Study of British 'Native Administration' in Nigerian Borgu, 1902-1935
S43898: Crowe, T.P.; Frid, C.L.J. (Eds) - Marine Ecosystems: Human Impacts on Biodiversity, Functioning and Services
R41531: Crowley, T.E.; Pain, T.; Woodward, F.R. - A Monographic Review of the Mollusca of Lake Nyasa
S34697: Crowson, R.A. - Coleoptera. Introduction and Key to Families (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 4/1)
S49440: Crowson, R.A. - Coleoptera. Introduction and Key to Families (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 4/1)
S45007: Crowson, R.A. - Coleoptera. Introduction and Key to Families (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 4/1)
S52849: Crowson, R.A. - The Biology of the Coleoptera
S20409: Crowson, R.A. - The Natural Classification of the Families of Coleoptera
S53896: Crowson, R.A. - The Natural Classification of the Families of Coleoptera
S45408: Crowson, R.A. - Coleoptera. Introduction and Key to Families (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 4/1)
S52510: Crowson, R.A. - The Natural Classification of the Families of Coleoptera
S57642: Crowson, R.A. - Coleoptera. Introduction and Key to Families (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 4/1)
S16877: Crowson, R.A. - Studies on Dermestoidea (Coleoptera), with special reference to the New Zealand Fauna
S59131: Crowson, R.A. - The Natural Classification of the Families of Coleoptera
S47427: Crowson, R.A. - The Natural Classification of the Families of Coleoptera
S49256: Crowson, R.A. - Coleoptera. Introduction and Key to Families (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 4/1)
S37532: Crowson, R.A. - The Natural Classification of the Families of Coleoptera
S25614: Crowson, R.A. - Classification and Biology
S26337: Crowson, R.A. - Classification and Biology
S52482: Crowson, R.A. - Classification and Biology
S46248: Crozier, R.H.; Pamilo, P. - Evolution of Social Insect Colonies: Sex Allocation and Kin Selection
S25258: Crozier, R.H.; Pamilo, P. - Evolution of Social Insect Colonies: Sex Allocation and Kin Selection
S20748: Crump, R.G.; Emson, R.H. - The Natural History, Life History and Ecology of the British Species of Asterina
S52217: Crump, R. - Sand Dunes: A Practical Coursework Guide
R38700: Cruz, J. de la.; Garcia, Avila, I. - Los Tábanos (Diptera: Tabanidae) de Cuba
S6570: Csaplovics, E. - Die Geodätische Aufnahme des Bodens des Neusiedler Sees. Mit besonderer Berücksichtung Berücksichtigung des Schilfgürtels und der Lamelle 115,50 bis 116,50 m ü. A.
S57659: CSIRO - The Insects of Australia: A Textbook for Students and Research Workers
S49890: Csóka, G.; Mattson, W.J.; Stone, G.N.; Price, P.W. - The Biology of Gall-inducing Arthropods
S47458: Csoka, Gy.; Kovacs, T. - Xylophagous Insects
S52140: Csoka, Gy. - Plant Galls
N36717: Cugno, A. - Libellules
S5540: Cullen, J.M. - Ritualization of Animal Activities in relation to Phylogeny, Speciation and Ecology
S47151: Cullen, J.P.; Jennings, P.P. - Birds of the Isle of Man
S39706: Cullen, J. (Ed.) - The Orchid Book: A Guide to the Identification of Cultivated Orchid Species
S33256: Culot, J. - Noctuelles et Geometres d'Europe. Vol. I-IV
S45848: Culot, J. - Noctuelles et Geometres d'Europe. Vol. I-IV
S44131: Cuming, E.D. - British Sport Past and Present
S48525: Cumming, R.G. - Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the Far Interior of South Africa. Vol. I.
S12902: Cummins, J.S. (Ed.) - The Travels and Controversies of Friar Domingo Navarrete 1618-86
S54279: Cunningham, P. - Birds of the Outer Hebrides
S48695: Cunningham, P. - Birds of the Outer Hebrides
S39557: Cupp, E.W.; Gordon, A.E. (Eds) - Notes on the Systematics, Distribution, and Bionomics of Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Northeastern United States
S37015: Curds, C.R. - British and Other Freshwater Ciliated Protozoa. Part I. Ciliophora: Kinetofragminophora (Synopses of the British Fauna 22)
S37712: Curds, C.R. - A Revision of the Suctoria (Ciliophora, Kinetofragminophora) 1-3
S7944: Curds, C.R. - A Revision of the Suctoria (Ciliophora, Kinetofragminophora) 5. The Paracineta and Corynophrya problem
S26090: Curle, R. - The Ray Society. A Bibliographical History
N28212: Curletti, G.; Brule, S. - Agrilus de Guyane II
S44392: Curran, C.H. - The Families and Genera of North American Diptera
S49900: Curry, A.; Grayson, R.F.; Hosey, G.R. - Under the Microscope
S43122: Curson, J.; Quinn, D.; Beadle, D. - New World Warblers
S42405: Curson, J.; Quinn, D.; Beadle, D. - New World Warblers
S36169: Curson, J.; Quinn, D.; Beadle, D. - New World Warblers
N9985: Curtis, W. - A Short History of the Brown-Tail Moth [1782]
A35068: Curtis, John - Farm Insects: Being the Natural History and Economy of the Insects Injurious to the Field Crops of Great Britain and Ireland, and also Those which Infest Barns and Granaries. With Suggestion for their Destruction
A31811: Curtis, John - Farm Insects: Being the Natural History and Economy of the Insects Injurious to the Field Crops of Great Britain and Ireland, and also those which Infest Barns and Granaries. With Suggestions for their Destruction
A36343: Curtis, John - Farm Insects: Being the Natural History and Economy of the Insects Injurious to the Field Crops of Great Britain and Ireland, and also Those which Infest Barns and Granaries. With Suggestion for their Destruction
S3649: Curtis, M.M. - Book of Snuff and Snuff Boxes
A47878: Curtis, John - British Entomology. Vol. I-VI
A38707: Curtis, John - Farm Insects: Being the Natural History and Economy of the Insects Injurious to the Field Crops of Great Britain and Ireland, and also those which Infest Barns and Granaries. With Suggestions for their Destruction
S17217: Curtis, W. - A Short History of the Brown-Tail Moth [1782]
R38931: Curtis, W.P. - A List of the Lepidoptera of Dorset. Pt II
S54847: Curzon, G.N. - The Pamirs and the Source of the Oxus
S36881: Cushman, J.A. - Foraminifera: Their Classification and Economic Use
S36943: Cushman, J.A. - Foraminifera of the Philippine and Adjacent Seas
S38215: Cussans, M. - Gammarus
S39281: Cussans, M. - Gammarus
S27110: Cutter, E.G. - Plant Anatomy: Experiment and Interpretation: Part 1 Cells and Tissues
S44057: Cuvay, R. - Prehistoric Cave Painting
A38373: Cuvier, Georges; Griffith, E.; Pidgeon, E. - The Animal Kingdom arranged in comformity with its organization, by the Baron Cuvier, with Supplementary Additioins to each Order. Vol. 13: The Classes Annelida, Crustacea, and Arachnida
A37982: Cuvier, Georges - Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles de quadrupe`des: ou l'on re´tablit les caracte`res de plusieurs espe`ces d'animaux que les re´volutions du globe paroissent avoir de´truites. Tome I-IV
N23943: Czechowski, W.; Radchenko, A.; Czechowska, W.; Vepsalainen, K. - The ants of Poland with reference to the myrmecofauna of Europe
S57082: Czerkas, S.J.; Olsen, E.C. (Eds). - Dinosaurs Past and Present
R26770: Da Cunha, A.X. - 7 short papers on Tardigrades of Portugal
S37147: Dabrowski, J.S.; Krzywicki, M. - Ginace i zagrozone gatunki motyli (Lepidoptera) w faunie Polski. Czesc 1: Papilionoidea, Hesperioidea, Zygaenoidea
S9974: Daccordi, M.; Giachino, P.M. (Eds) - Results of the Zoological Missions to Australia of the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin, Italy. II
S38485: Daday, E. - Mikroskopische Süsswasserthiere aus Patagonien, gesammelt von Dr. Filippo Silvestri
S34929: Daget, J. - Catalogue raisonné des Mollusques bivalves d'eau douce africains
S36162: Daget, J. - Les Poissons du Niger Supérieur
S55681: Daglish, E.F. - Woodcuts of British Birds
S52640: Dahl, E.; Krog, H. - Macrolichens of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden
S20866: Dahl, E. - On the smaller Arthropoda of Marine Algae, especially in the Polyhaline Waters off the Swedish West Coast
S58750: Dahl, F.; Dahl, M.; Wiehle, H.; Reimoser, E. - Spinnentiere I: Salticidae / VI: Agelenidae, Araneidae / VIII: Gnaphosidae, Anyphaenidae, Clubionidae, Hahniidae, Argyronetidae, Theridiidae / IX: Orthognatha - Cribellatae - Haplogynae - Entelegynae (Pholcidae, Zodariidae, Oxyopodidae, Mimentidae, Nestic
S47788: Dahl, E. - The Phytogeography of Northern Europe (British Isles, Fennoscandia, and Adjacent Areas)
S25840: Dahlgren, R. - Studies on Aspalathus and some related genera in South Africa
S27146: Dahlgren, R.; Rasmussen, F.N. - Monocotyledon Evolution Characters and Phylogenetic Estimation
S22973: Dahms, E.C. - A checklist of the types of Australian Hymenoptera described by Alexandre Arsene Girault: II-IV. Chalcidoidea species A-Z with advisory notes advisory notes plus addenda and corrigenda
S52655: Daily, G.C.; Ellison, K. - The New Economy of Nature: The quest to make conservation profitable
S21009: Dakin, W.J.; Bennett, I.; Pope, E. - Australian Seashores: A guide for the beach-lover, the naturalist, the shore fisherman and the student
S9792: Dal, B. - The Butterflies of Northern Europe
S12104: Dal, B. - The Butterflies of Northern Europe
S13571: Dal, B. - The Butterflies of Northern Europe
R56855: Dalby, C.; Dalby, D.H. - Biological Illustration: A guide to drawing for reproduction
S52427: Dale, C.W. - Lepidoptera of Dorsetshire. Or A Catalogue of Butterflies and Moths Found in the County of Dorset
R40360: Dall, W.H. - Some American Conchologists: An Address Delivered at the Eighth Anniversary Meeting of the Biological Society of Washington
S52635: Dalla Torre, K.W.; Strand, E.; - Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pt 20: Thyrididae + Pt 28: Lepidarbelidae, Heterogyninidae + Pt 29: Cossidae
S51427: von Dalla Torre, K.W. - Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pt 25: Cymatophoridae
N23840: Dallimore, T.; Shaw, P. - Illustrated key to the families of British Springtails (Collembola) (Identification Chart)
S47521: Dallimore, W.; Jackson, A.B.; Harrison, S.G. - A Handbook of Coniferae and Ginkgoaceae
S43224: Dallimore, W.; Jackson, A.B.; Harrison, S.G. - A Handbook of Coniferae and Ginkgoaceae
S38562: Dalmat, H.T. - The Black Flies (Diptera, Simuliidae) of Guatemala and their role as vectors of Onchocerciasis
S39168: Dalton, S. - Spiders:The Ultimate Predators
N51459: Daly, S. - Wild Sark: A celebration of the island's wildlife and landscapes
N8444: Daly, H.V.; Magnacca, K.N. - Insects of Hawaii 17: Hawaiian Hylaeus (Nesoprosopis) Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea)
S58769: Daly, H.V. - Skeleto-Muscular Morphogenisis of the Thorax and Wings of the Honey Bee Apis Mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
R55770: Daly, H.V. - Bees of the New Genus Ctenoceratina in Africa South of the Sahara (Hymonoptera: Apoidea)
A31980: Dalyell, John Graham - The Powers of the Creator Displayed in the Creation; or, Observations on the Life amidst the various Forms of the humbler Tribes of Animated Nature: with Practical Comments and Illustrations Vol. I-III
S57050: Damian-Georgescu, A. - Calanoidea (Forme de apa dulce) Fauna Republicii Socialiste România: Crustacea Copepoda Vol. IV, Fasc. 8
S34702: Van Damme, D. - The Freshwater Mollusca of Northern Africa: Distribution, Biogeography and Palaeoecology
S29126: Dance, S.P. - The Art of Natural History: Animal Illustrators and their Work
S55689: Dance, S.P. - The Art of Natural History
S29624: Dance, P. - Animal Fakes & Frauds
S58288: Dance, S.P.; Swinney, G.N. - Fish (Classic Natural History Prints)
S56962: Dance, S.P.; Swinney, G.N. - Fish (Classic Natural History Prints)
S36546: Dance, S.P. (Ed.) - The Encyclopedia of Shells
S56961: Dance, S.P.; Heppell, D. - Shells (Classic Natural History Prints)
S58353: Dance, P. - Animal Fakes & Frauds
S9: Dance, S.P. - The Shell Collector's Guide
S53851: Dance, S.P.; Hancock, E.G. - Butterflies Moths & Other Insects (Classic Natural History Prints)
S31997: Dance, S.P. - The Art of Natural History: Animal Illustrators and their Work
N54577: Dando, M.; Ebert, D.A. - Field Guide to Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of the East Coast of North America
S29467: Dandy, J.E. (Ed.) - The Sloane Herbarium
S48728: Dandy, J.E. - Watsonian Vice-Counties of Great Britain
S54996: Dandy, J.E. - Watsonian Vice-Counties of Great Britain
S23373: Dandy, J.E. (Ed.) - The Sloane Herbarium
S49372: Danesch, O.; Dierl, W. - Papillons Diurnes
S40063: Danesch, O.; Danesch, E. - Papillons de chez nous
N38314: Danforth, B.N.; Minckley, R.L.; Neff, J.L. - The Solitary Bees: Biology, Evolution, Conservation
S18906: Dangeard, P. - Traité d'Algologie Introduction a la Biologie et la Systématique des Algues
S57616: Dangerfield, P.; Austin, A.; Baker, G. - Biology, Ecology and Systematics of Australian Scelio: Wasp Parasitoids of Locust and Grasshopper Eggs
S33839: Daniel, F. - Die Lepidopterenfauna Jugoslavisch Mazedoniens. II. Bombyces et Sphinges
N40844: Daniels, J.C. - Butterflies of the Northwest: Your Way to Easily Identify Butterflies
N7545: Daniels, G. - Bibliography of Australian Entomology 1687-2000
N43387: Danilevsky, M. - Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera 6/1: Chrysomeloidea I (Vesperidae, Disteniidae, Cerambycidae)
S56387: Danin, A. - Desert Vegetation of Israel and Sinai
N23262: Dannelid, E. - Trollsländor i Sverige: en fälthandbok
S41050: Danson, M.J.; Hough, D.W.; Lunt, G.G. (Eds) - The Archaebacteria: Biochemistry and Biotechnology
N49559: Darby, M. - British Coleopterists: Biographies, Collections, Sources
N4330: Darge, P. - Le Genre Charaxes Ochs. / The Genus Charaxes Ochs. (Lepidoptera Charaxidae Doherty) (Fauna of the United Republic of Cameroon 1)
S54168: Darley, H. - Slaves and Ivory in Abyssinia: A Record of Adventure and Exploration Among the Ethiopian Slave-raiders
S29692: Darling, L.; Darling, L. - Coral Reefs
S54255: Darling, F.F. - A Naturalist on Rona: Essays of a biologist in isolation
S39055: Darling, F.F.; Boyd, J.M. - The Highlands and Islands (New Naturalist 6)
S53126: Darlington, A. - The Pocket Encyclopaedia of Plant Galls in Colour
S54918: Darlington, P.J. - Biogeography at the Southern End of the World
S48911: Dartevelle, E. - Les ''N'Zimbu'' Monnaie du Royaume de Congo
S44542: Dartnall, H.J.G.; Hollowday, E.D. - Antarctic Rotifers
S14841: Darwin, Charles - Ausdruck der Gemüthsbewegungen bei dem Menschen und den Thieren
A35100: Darwin, Charles - The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants [From the JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY]
A55274: Darwin, Charles; Darwin, Francis - The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Including an Autobiographical Chapter. Vol. I-III
S42038: Darwin, Charles - The Voyage of the Beagle
S58688: Darwin, Charles; Wallace, Alfred Russel - Evolution by Natural Selection
S46114: Darwin, Charles - The Origin of Species
S49135: Darwin, C. - What Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship Beagle
A28376: Darwin, Charles - The Descent of Man and Selection in relation to Sex
A49206: Darwin, Erasmus - The Botanic Garden; A Poem, in Two Parts
S54947: Darwin, Charles; Barrett, P.H. (Ed.) - The Collected Papers of Charles Darwin
S55292: Darwin, Charles; Secord, J.A. (Ed.) - Evolutionary Writings
S36319: Darwin, Charles; Ralling, C. - The Voyage of Charles Darwin: His authobiographical writings selected and arranged by Christopher Ralling
A38753: Darwin, Erasmus - Phytologia; or the Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening. With the Theory of Draining Morasses, and with and Improved Construction of the Drill Plough
S54919: Darwin, Charles - Questions about the Breeding of Animals
S44598: Darwin, Charles - The Descent of Man: Part I and the concluding chapter of part III
S32528: Darwin, Charles - The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex
S41560: Darwin, Charles - The Origin of Species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life
S58857: Darwin, Charles - The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex
S52985: Darwin, Charles - Autobiography of Charles Darwin: with Two Appendices, comprising a chapter of reminiscences and a state of Charles Darwin's religious views, by his son, Sir Francis Darwin
S46115: Darwin, Charles - The Origin of Species by means of natural selection
A28347: Darwin, Charles - The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants
S41327: Darwin, Charles - On the Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs; Also Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands and Parts of South America visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
A38166: Darwin, Charles - The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
A42547: Darwin, Charles - The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom
A42549: Darwin, Charles - Insectivorous Plants
S43542: Darwin, Charles - On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
A41206: Darwin, Charles - The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Action of Worms, with Observations on their Habits
A41220: Darwin, Charles - The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Action of Worms, with Observations on their Habits
A38223: Darwin, Charles - The Descent of Man, and Selection in relation to Sex
A38228: Darwin, Charles - Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands and Parts of South America visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Beagle'
S58840: Darwin, Charles - The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants
S58683: Darwin, Charles - The Voyage of the Beagle
S41667: Darwin, Charles - Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex
S45746: Darwin, C. - Darwin as a traveller
S15195: Darwin, Francis - The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin: Including an Autobiographical Chapter. Vol. I-III
S55227: Datta, A. - John Gould in Australia Letters and Drawings
A43961: Daubeny, C. - Sketch of the Geology of North America being the substance of a Memoir read before the Ashmolean Society Nov. 26, 1838
S43957: Daubeny, C. - On the Site of the Ancient City of the Aurunci, and on the volcanic phenomena which it exhibits; with some remarks on craters of elevation, on the distinctions between plutonic and volcanic rocks, and on the theories of volcanic action which are at presen
A45021: Daubeny, C. - Narrative of an Excursion to the Lake Amsanctus and to Mount Vultur in Apulia in 1834
S44143: Daubrée, A. - Etudes synthétiques de Géologie expérimentale
N18182: Dauphin, P.; Aniotsbehere, J.-C. - Les Galles de France
N19772: Dauphin, P. - Les Coléoptères phytophages de Gironde. Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae phyllophages
N41351: Dauphin, P. - Petit Dictionnaire des noms communs d'Insectes et autres Arthropodes
N23497: Dauphin, P. - Les Gyrophaena (Coléoptères Staphylinidae) et les champignons
S36225: Davatchi, A.G. - Etude biologique de la faune entomologique des Pistacia sauvages et cultivées
S14390: Davenport, J.; Comelati, G. - A New Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages based upon that of Baretti
S39249: Davenport, J.L.; Sleeman, D.P.; Woodman, P.C. (Eds) - Mind the Gap: Postglacial Colonization of Ireland
N33489: Davey, S.; Davey, A. - The Lichens of Jersey
S12401: Davey, T.H. - Trypanosomiasis in British West Africa
N55731: David, P.; Teynie, A.; Vogel, G. - The Snakes of Laos
S48822: Davidson, A. - A Bird Watcher in Scandinavia: Some Observations of the Rarer British Vistors in their Native Haunts
S5561: Davidson, T. - A Monograph of the British Fossil Brachiopoda. Vol. 5: Silurian and Devonian Supplements. General Summary, with Catalogue and Index of the British Species
S50245: Davidson, A. - North Atlantic Seafood
N46651: Davie, P.J.F. - Crabs: A Global Natural History
S40003: Davies, H.; Pemberton-Pigott, C. - Beatrix Potter's Lakeland
S58562: Davies, N.B. - Cuckoos, Cowbirds and Other Cheats
S46340: Davies, N.B. - Dunnock Behaviour and Social Evolution
N7549: Davies, C.; Shelley, J.; Harding, P. et al - Freshwater Fishes in Britain: the species and their distribution
S40080: Davies, H.; Pemberton-Pigott, C. - Beatrix Potter's Lakeland
S30877: Davies, M. - It's Only Me: Mary Kingsley and Health in the Tropics
S22024: Davies, H. - Tsetse Flies in Nigeria
S22023: Davies, H. - Tsetse Flies in Northern Nigeria
S41440: Davies, C.; Shelley, J.; Harding, P. et al - Freshwater Fishes in Britain: the species and their distribution
S17100: Davies, A.M. - Tertiary Faunas: A Textbook for Oilfield Palaeontologists and Students of Geology
S52576: Davies, G.C. - The Tourist's guide to the Rivers & Broads of Norfolk and Suffolk
S52962: Davies, P.; Davies, J.; Huxley, A. - Wild Orchids of Britain and Europe
S33784: Davies, G.M. - The Dorset Coast: A Geological Guide
S48923: Davies, C.; Shelley, J.; Harding, P. et al - Freshwater Fishes in Britain: the species and their distribution
S56267: Davis, P.H. (Ed.) - Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 2
S33536: Davis, P.H.; Heywood, V.H. - Principles of Angiosperm Taxonomy
S50572: Davis, B.N.K. - Insects on Nettles
R9368: Davis, D.R. - A Revision of the North American Moths of the Superfamily Eriocranioidea with the Proposal of a New Family, Acanthoperoctetidea (Lepidoptera)
S57123: Davis, B.N.K. - Insects on Nettles (Naturalists' Handbook 1)
R9371: Davis, D.R. - A World Classification of the Harmacloninae, a New Subfamily of Tineidae (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea)
S58713: Davis, B.N.K. - Insects on Nettles (Naturalists' Handbook 1)
S58561: Davis, L.S.; Renner, M. - Penguins
S46886: Davis, D.R. - Monograph of the Family Arrhenophanidae (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea)
S34334: Davis, L.S.; Renner, M. - Penguins
R9379: Davis, D.R. - A New Family of Monotrysian Moths from Austral South America (Lepidoptera: Palaephatidae), with a Phylogenetic Review of the Monotrysia
S23200: Davis, S.D.; Droop, S.J.M.; Gregerson, G. et al - Plants in Danger: What do we know?
S58346: Davis, D.H.S. (Ed.) - Ecological Studies in Southern Africa
S43023: Davis, B.; Walker, N.; Ball, D.; Fitter, A. - The Soil (New Naturalist 77)
R9382: Davis, D.R. - Review of Ochsenheimeriidae and the Introduction of the Cereal Stem Moth Ochsenheimeria vacculella into the United States (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea)
R9377: Davis, D.R. - Generic Revision of the Opostegidae, with a Synoptic Catalog of the World's Species (Lepidoptera: Nepticuloidea)
S46880: Davis, D.R; Pellmyr, O.; Thompson, J.N. - Biology and systematics of Greya Busck and Tetragma, new genus (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae)
R43323: Davis, G.M. et al - Pomatiopsidae of Hunan, China (Gastropoda: Rissoacea)
S8957: Davis, D.R. - A Revision of the Moths of the Subfamily Prodoxinae (Lepidoptera: Incurvariidae)
S48699: Davis, P.H.; Cullen, J. - The Identification of Flowering Plant Families
S46882: Davis, D.R.; Deschka, G. - Biology and systematics of the North American Phyllonorycter Leafminers on Salicaceae, with Synoptic Catalog of the Pelearctic species (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae)
S23810: Davis, P.H.; Heywood, V.H. - Principles of Angiosperm Taxonomy
R11534: Davis, D.R. - A Revision of the Moths of the Subfamily Prodoxinae (Lepidoptera: Incurvariidae)
N41471: Davis, C.F. - The Honey Bee Inside Out
R3534: Davis, D.R. - A Revision of the American Moths of the Family Carposinidae (Lepidoptera: Carposinoidea)
S43406: Davis, D.H.S. (Ed.) - Ecological Studies in Southern Africa
S41258: Davis, P.; Brewer, C. (Eds) - A Catalogue of Natural Science Collections in North-East England with Biographical Notes on the Collectors
R16593: Davis, D.R. - Generic Revision of the Opostegidae, with a Synoptic Catalog of the World's Species (Lepidoptera: Nepticuloidea)
S55592: Davis, T.; Jones, T. - The Birds of Lundy
S32032: Davison, L.J. - Chameleons: Their Care and Breeding
S41796: Davson, H. - A Textbook of General Physiology. Vol. 1-2
S42773: Daw, A.W.; Daw, Z.W. - The Blasting of Rock in Mines, Quarries, Tunnels etc.
S41062: Dawes, B. - The Trematoda. With Special Reference to British and Other European Forms
S34211: Dawes, B. - A Hundred Years of Biology
S51273: Dawkins, R. - The Blind Watchmaker
S51332: Dawkins, R. - Climbing Mount Improbable
S46399: Dawkins, R. - The Extended Phenotype: The Gene as the Unit of Selection
S41250: Dawkins, R. - The Blind Watchmaker
S54156: Dawkins, R. - The Blind Watchmaker
S49069: Dawkins, R. - The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life
S47554: Dawkins, R. - The God Delusion
S51376: Dawkins, R. - An Appetite For Wonder: The Making of a Scientist
S51272: Dawkins, R. - The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life
S51435: Dawkins, R. - River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life
E46111: Dawkins, R. et al. - Charles Darwin: On the origin of species
S11993: Dawson, Warren R. - The Custom of Couvade
S55684: Dawson, Major K. - Marsh and Mudflat
S42600: Dawson, J.W. - Relics of Primeval Life
S49919: Dawson, Warren R. - Supplementary Letters of Sir Joseph Banks.
S53787: Dawson, Warren R. (Ed.) - The Banks Letters
S39112: Dawson, Warren R. - Supplementary Letters of Sir Joseph Banks. + Second Series
S42280: Dawson, Warren, R. - The Huxley Papers: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Correspondence, Manuscripts and Miscellaneous Papers of The Rt. Hon. Thomas Henry Huxley, P.C., D.C.L., F.R.S. preserved in the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London
S19835: Dawson, E.C. - James Hannington First Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa
S38158: Dawson, W.R.; Savage, S. - Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of the Linnean Society of London. Pt I-IV
N2221: Daxiang, S.; Mingsheng, Z.; Jun, C. - The Spiders of China
S37802: Day, M.C. - A Revision of Pompilus Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), with further nomenclatural and biological considerations
S6562: Day, M.C. - A Revision of Atopopompilus Arnold, with a note on the Identity of Anoplinellus Banks (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae)
S36449: Day, J.H. - A Guide to Marine Life on South African Shores
S39775: Day, C.D. - British Tachinid Flies: Tachinidae (Larvaevoridae & Calliphoridae)
S41955: Day, J.H. - Ecology of South African Estuaries. Pts. I-VII
S37878: Day, M.C. - Nomenclatural Studies on the British Pompilidae (Hymenoptera)
S8046: Day, M.C. - A Contribution to the Taxonomy of the Genus Anoplius Dufour (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae): Including a Revision of the Palaeotropical Subgenus Orientanoplius Haupt
S6605: Day, M.C. - A Contribution to the Taxonomy of the Genus Anoplius Dufour (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) including a Revision of the Palaeotropical Subgenus Orientanoplius Haupt
S16690: Day, F. - Why is Fish so dear?
N37253: Day, L. - Honeybee Hotel: The Waldorf Astoria's Rooftop Garden and the Heart of NYC
S27465: Day, G.O. - A List of Lepidoptera found in the Counties of Cheshire, Flintshire, Denbighshire, Carnarvonshire, and Anglesea No. V.
S53950: Day, J.C.; Hodgson, M.S.; Rossiter, B.N. (Eds) - The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Northumbria
S55718: Day, J. Wentworth - Wild Wings and some Footsteps
A41789: Day, Francis - British and Irish Salmonidae
S20222: Day, M.H. - Guide to Fossil Man
S39661: Day, J.A.; Harrison, A.D.; de Moor, F.C. - Guides to the Freshwater Invertebrates of Southern Africa. Vol. 9: Diptera
S19633: Deakin, R. - Southward Ho! With the Prince in Africa and South America
S20965: Dean, W.T. - Middle Cambrian Trilobites from the Sosink Formation, Derik-Mardin district, south-eastern Turkey
S21331: Dean, M. - Lymphatic Filariasis: The Quest to Eliminate a 4000-Year-Old Disease
S25132: Dean, W.T. - Lower Palaeozoic Stratigraphy and Faunas of the Taurus Mountains near Beysehir, Turkey III: The trilobites of the Sobova Formation (Lower Ordovician)
S21002: Dean, W.T. - Lidgettonia, a new type of Fertile Glossopteris(Thomas)/The Faunal Succession in the Caradoc Series of South Shropshire
S20954: Dean, W.T. - The Geology of the Ordovician and Adjacent Strata in the southern Caradoc District of Shropshire
N27377: Dean, Anneliese Emmans - Buzzing! discover the poetry in garden minibeasts
S44647: Dean, S.A. - Charles Darwin: After the Origin
S25133: Dean, W.T. - The Ordovician Trilobite Faunas of South Shropshire, II
S25136: Dean, W.T.; Monod, O. - Lower Palaeozoic Stratigraphy and Faunas of the Taurus Mountains near Beysehir, Turkey I: Stratigraphy
S23837: Dean, W.T. - The Ordovician Trilobite Faunas of South Shropshire, I
S54091: Deans, P.; Sankay, J.; Smith, L.; Tucker, J.; Whittles, C.; Wright, C. (Eds). - An Atlas of The Breeding Birds of Shropshire
N29531: Debreuil, M.; Cantot, P.; Coulon, J. - Les Pachybrachis de France (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocepahlinae)
N19106: Debreuil, M. - Les Clytrinae de France (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
N33186: Debrot, A.O.; Miller, J.Y. - Butterflies and Moths of Curacao Aruba and Bonaire (Barbuletenan do Korsou Aruba I Boneiru)
S37602: Décamps, H. - Recherches écologiques sur les Trichoptères des Pyrénées
S30415: Dechen, H. von - Geologische und Mineralogische Litteratur der Rheinprovinz und der Provinz Westphalen sowie einiger angrenzenden Gegenden
S40132: De Deckker, P.; Williams, W.D. (Eds) - Limnology in Australia
N41042: Dee, Tim - Landfill
N41615: Dee, T. - Greenery: Journeys in Springtime
S40344: Deevey, E.S. - Limnologic Studies in Middle America with a chapter on Aztec Limnology
S36519: Deflandre, G. - Liste Chronologique des Travaux Publies 1923-1957
S42276: Defoe, Daniel - The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders
S52771: DEFRA - Code of Practice on how to prevent the spread of Ragwort
S41113: Degen, B. - Discus-Atlas
N38210: Degiovanni, A.; Magrini, P. - I Trechus d'Italia e Corsica: Coleoptera: Carabidae, Trechinae
N42314: Dehondt, F.; Mora, F. - Atlas des sauterelles, grillons et criquets de Franche-Comté: Illustrations commentées du peuple chantant de l'herbe
S30765: Deignan, H.G. - The Birds of Northern Thailand
N41878: Del Hoyo, J. (Ed.) - All the Birds of the World
S55230: Del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A.; Sargatal, J.; Christie, D.A. (Eds) - Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vols 1-16 + Special Volume
S38496: Del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A.; Christie, D.A. (Eds) - Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 9: Cotingas to Pipits and Wagtails
N31082: Del Hoyo, J.; Collar, N.J. - HBW and Birdlife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World. Vol. 1: Non-Passerines
S55219: Del Hoyo, J.; Collar, N.J. - HBW and Birdlife International Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World. Vol. 1-2
N44768: Del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A.; Sargatal, J.; Christie, D.A. (Eds) - Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 1-16 [and] Special Volume (Complete set)
S37082: Delacour, J. - Guide des oiseaux de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et de ses dépendances
S48760: Delacour, J. - Pheasants of the World
S34415: Delacour, J.; Amadon, D. - Curassows and Related Birds
S47143: Delacour, J. - The Waterfowl of the World. Vol. 1-4
S48591: Delacour, J.; Amadon, D. - Curassows and Related Birds
S46208: Delacour, J.; Amadon, D. - Curassows and Related Birds
S36087: Delacour, J.; Jabouille, P. - Recherches Ornithologiques dans les Provinces du Tranninh (Laos) de Thua-Thien et de Kontuoum (Annam) et quelques autres Régions de l'Indochine Française
S37199: Delacour, J. - Pheasant Breeding and Care
S54298: Delagadillo, C.M.; Bello, B.; Cárdenas, A.S. - Latmoss: A catalogue of Neotropical Mosses
S41778: Delage, Y. - Contribution a l'étude de l'appareil circulatoire des crustacés édriophthalmes marins
R56758: Delair, J.B. - Cretaceous dinosaur footprints from the Isle of Wight: A brief history
R55315: Delamare Deboutteville, C. ; Massoud, Z. - Collemboles termitophiles de l'Angola récoltés par A. de Barros Machado [with] Collemboles Symphypléones de l'Angola (Première note)
S58207: Delano-Smith, C.; Kain, J.P. - English Maps: A History
S46227: Delany, M.J. - Thysanura and Diplura (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1/2)
N12585: Delany, M.J. (Ed.) - Yorkshire Mammals
S35647: Delany, M.J. - Thysanura and Diplura (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1/2)
S51357: Delaplane, K.S.; Mayer, D.F. - Crop Pollination by Bees
S26873: Delbaere, B.C.W. (Ed) - Facts and Figures on Europe's Biodiversity: State and trends 1998-1999
S12382: Delfinado, M.D., Bram, R.A.; Knight, K.L. - Contributions to the Mosquito Fauna of Southeast Asia: Part I The genus Aedes, subgenus Neomacleaya Theobold in Thailand, Part II The genus Culex in Thailand (Diptera Culicidae) Part III The genus Aedes, subgenus Neomacleaya Theobald in Southeast Asia Pa
S38520: Delfinado, M.D. - The Culicine Mosquitoes of the Philippines, tribe Culicini (Diptera, Culicidae)
S55995: Delfinado, M.D.; Hardy, D.E. - A Catalogue of Diptera of the Oriental Region Vol. II: Suborder Brachycera through Division Aschiza, Suborder Cyclorrhapha
S47998: Delforge, P. - Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East
N55081: Delisle, R.G.; Tierney, J. - Rereading Darwin's Origin of Species: The Hesitations of an Evolutionist
N8225: Della Bruna, C.; Gallo, E.; Lucarelli, M.; Sbordoni, V. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Satyrinae 2: Tribe Satyrini: Argestina, Boeberia, Callerebia, Eugrumia, Hemadara, Loxerebia, Paralasa, Proterebia
N17030: Della Santa, E. - Guide pour l'identification des principales espèces de fourmis de Suisse (Misc. Faunistica Helv. 3)
N25361: Della Bruna, C.; Gallo, E.; Sbordoni, V. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Pieridae 1: Subfamily Pierinae, Tribe Pierini (partim)
S52738: Delmas, S.; Maechler, J. - Catalogue Permanent De L'Entomofaune Française. Série nationale. Fasc. 2: Lepidoptera Rhopalocera (Hesperioidea et Papilionoidea)
S59067: Deltshev, C.C.; Curcic, B.P.M.; Blagoev, G.A. - The Spiders of Serbia
S30647: Dementiev, G.P. - Systema Avium Rossicarum (Catalogue Critique des Oiseaux de l'U.R.S.S.) Vol. I: Accipitres - Striges - Passeres
S41524: DeMille, J.B. - Strategic Minerals A summary of uses, world output stockpiles, procurement
S32640: Dempster, J.P.; McLean, I.F.G. (Eds) - Insect Populations in Theory and in Practice
S47157: Dempster, W.J. - Patrick Matthew and Natural Selection: Nineteenth Century Gentleman-Farmer, Naturalist and Writer
S46159: Dempster, J.P.; McLean, I.F.G. (Ed.) - Insect Populations in theory and in practice
R8271: Dennell, R. - The Structure and Function of the Mouth-Parts, Rostrum and Fore-Gut of the Weevil Calandra granaria L.
N34388: Dennis, R.L.H.; Hardy, P.B. - British and Irish Butterflies: An Island Perspective
S39625: Dennis, R.L.H. - The British Butterflies: Their Origin and Establishment
S54085: Dennis, Robert Nathaniel - Notes on Sussex Ornithology Being Extracts from the Diaries (1845-1869) of Robert Nathaniel Dennis (Sometime Rector of East Blatchington)
N34: Dennis, R.L.H.; Shreeve, T. - Butterflies on British and Irish Offshore Islands: Ecology and Biogeography
S32867: Dennis, R.L.H. - The British Butterflies: Their Origin and Establishment
S36676: Dennis, R.L.H.; Shreeve, T. - Butterflies on British and Irish Offshore Islands: Ecology and Biogeography
S53308: Dennis, M.K. - Tetrad Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Essex
S26680: Dennis, R.L.H. - The British Butterflies: Their Origin and Establishment
S32733: Denno, R.F.; Perfect, T.J. (Eds) - Planthoppers: Their Ecology and Management
S44302: Denno, R.F.; Dingle, H. (Eds) - Insect Life History Patterns: Habitat and Geographic Variation
S39886: Denny, P.; Bailey, R. (Eds) - A Biological Survey of Nyumba Ya Mungu Reservoir, Tanzania, July to September 1974
A47508: Denny, Henry - Monographia Pselaphidarum et Scydmaenidarum Britanniae: An Essay on the British Species of the Genera Pselaphus, of Hebst, and Scydmaenus, of Latreille
N1742: Dent, D. - Insect Pest Management:
S21244: Dent, D. - Insect Pest Management:
S39671: Dent, A. - Animals in Art
S57511: Denti di Pirajno, A. - A Cure for Serpents: A doctor in Africa
S57635: Denti di Pirajno, A. - A Grave for a Dolphin
S51047: Denton, J. - The Beetles of Surrey: A Checklist
S47041: Denton, J. - The Beetles of Surrey: A Checklist
S47328: Denton, M. - Ground Beetles in the Yorkshire Museum The H.W. Ellis Collection of Carabidae
S11977: Denton, M. - Ground Beetles in the Yorkshire Museum The H.W. Ellis Collection of Carabidae
S54744: Denton, M. - A Natural History of Blackmoorfoot Reservoir, Huddersfield
S42307: Denton, M. - Ground Beetles in the Yorkshire Museum The H.W. Ellis Collection of Carabidae
S56154: Denton, M. - The Beetles of the Spurn Peninsula
N25280: Deonier, D.L. - A Manual of the Common North American Species of the Aquatic Leafmining Genus Hydrellia (Diptera: Ephydridae)
S34673: Deonier, D.L. - A systematic and ecological study of Nearctic Hydrellia (Diptera: Ephydridae)
S50749: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions - Implementation of the Ramsar Convention in general, and of the Ramsar Strategic Plan 1997-2002 in particular, during the period since the National Report prepared in 1995 for Ramsar COP6 and 30 June 1998 [United Kingdom]: Convention on Wetlands of Interna
S54901: Deraniyagala, P.E.P. - A Colored Atlas of Vertebrates from Ceylon. Vol. 1: Fishes
S14089: Derennes, C. - The Life of the Bat
S54261: Deribéré, Paulette; Deribéré, Maurice - L’Ethiopie, Berceau de L’Humanité
N57319: Derouch, M. - Cahier d’identification des Poissons d’eau douce de France
S58285: Derricourt, Robin - Man on the Kafue: The archaeology and history of the Itezhitezhi area of Zambia
S36038: Derry, R. - The World of Robert Bateman
R27891: Desbrochers des Loges, J. - Monographie des Balaninidæ et Anthonomidæ d'Europe et des confins meditérranéens
S34726: Descourtilz, T. - Beija-Flores do Brasil [Facsimile of: Oiseaux-mouches Orthorynques du Brésil]
S32706: Desender, K. - Distribution and Ecology of Carabid Beetles in Belgium (Coleoptera, Carabidae) Pts 1-4
S31615: Desender, K.; Dufrêne, M.; Loreau, M.; Luff, M.L.; Maelfait, J-P. (Eds) - Carabid Beetles: Ecology and Evolution
S33954: Desender, K. - Naamlijst van de Loopkevers en Zandloopkevers van Belgie (Coleoptera, Carabidae)
S38795: Desikachary, T.V. (Ed.) - Taxonomy and Biology of Blue-green Algae
N28313: Deslisle, G.; Sclavo, J.-P. - Outstanding Birdwing Butterflies
S42041: Desmond, A.; Moore, J. - Darwin
S58225: Desmond, R. - Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker: Traveller and Plant Collector
S32774: Desmond, A.; Moore, J. - Darwin
S53349: Desmond, A.; Moore, J. - Darwin
S29567: Desmond, A.; Moore, J. - Darwin
S34780: Desmond, A.; Moore, J. - Darwin
S53347: Desmond, A. - Huxley: The Devil's Disciple
S41336: Desmond, A.; Moore, J. - Darwin
S45626: Desmond, A. - Huxley: The Devil's Disciple
S25848: Desmond, A. - Archetypes and Ancestors: Palaeontology in Victorian London 1850-1875
S29505: Desmond, R. - Wonders of Creation, Natural History Drawings in the British Library
S29449: Desmond, R; Hepper, F.N. - A Century of Kew Plantsmen: A Celebration of the Kew Guild
R2399: Desneaux, J. [1]; Emerson, A.E. [2] - [1] Les Constructions hypogees des Apicotermes Termites de L'Afrique tropical; [2] The African genus Apicotermes (Isoptera: Termitidae)
S37599: Despax, R. - Plécoptères Faune de France 55
S37873: Dessart, P. - Contribution a l'étude des Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) (VII): Tableaux dichotomiques illustrés pour la détermination des Forcipomyia Africains
S30114: Dethier, V.G. - Crickets and Katydids, Concerts and Solos
R39943: Dethier, M.; Haenni, J-P. - Insectes 6: Hétéroptères aquatiques et ripicoles; 7: Planipennes, Mégaloptères et Lépidoptères à larves aquatiques (Introduction pratique à la systématique des organismes des eaux continentales françaises 6-7)
S55683: Detmold, E.J. (Illus); Dugdale, F.E. - The Book of Baby Birds
S41107: van Deurs, W. - Sommerfugle VI: Pyralidae Danmarks Fauna 48
N47596: Deuve, T. - Carabus of the World
N4537: Deuve, T. - Une Classification du genre Carabus
N23905: Deuve, T. - Cychrus, Calosoma et Carabus de Chine
S56213: Arab Organisation for Agricultural Development - Wild Plants of Qatar
S53489: Devere, J. - Nureyev in Paris: Le Jeune Homme et La Mort
N39515: Devesa, S.; Barro, A.; Fonseca, E. - Longicornios de Cuba (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Vol. 2: Lamiinae
N29261: Devesa, S.; Fonseca, E.; Barro, A. - Longicornios de Cuba (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Vol. 1: Parandrinae, Prioninae, Spondylinae, Cerambycinae
N35274: Deville, Tanguy - Les Oiseaux de Guyane
S50481: Devillers, P.; Devillers-Terschuren, J. - A Classification of Palaearctic Habitats
S46372: DeVore, I. (Ed.) - Primate Behavior: Field Studies of Monkeys and Apes
S14709: Dewalque, G. - Catalogue des ouvrages de Geologie, de Mineralogie et de Paleontologie ainsi que des Cartes Geologiques qui se trouvent dans les principales biblioteques de Belgique
A55693: Dewar, D. - Game Birds
S57215: Dewey, H.; Bromehead, C.E.N. - Tungsten and Manganese Ores (Special Reports on the Mineral Resources of Great Britain. Vol. I)
S57222: Dewey, H.; Dines, H.G. - Tungsten and Manganese Ores (Special Reports on the Mineral Resources of Great Britain. Vol. I)
S33708: Dewey, H. - British Regional Geology: South-West England
S13773: Dewey, H. - British Regional Geology: South-West England
R50823: Dewitz, H. - West- und Centralafrikanische Tagschmetterlinge
A30344: Deyrolle, E. (Ed.) - Petites Nouvelles Entomologiques. Nos 1-124 [lacking 4 Nos]
S1351: Diakonoff, A. - The South Asiatic Olethreutini (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae)
R28016: Diakonoff, A. - The South Asiatic Polyorthini with notes on species of Polyortha Dognin (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae)
R37795: Diakonoff, A. - Tortricoidea from Nepal 2
R37796: Diakonoff, A. - Collection of some families of micro-lepidoptera from Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
R37797: Diakonoff, A. - The South Asiatic Polyorthini with notes on species of Polyortha Dognin (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae)
S9288: Diakonoff, A. - Microlepidoptera of the Philippine Islands
S8168: Diakonoff, A. - A Revision of the Family Ceracidae(Lepidoptera Tortricoidea)
S27511: Diakonoff, A. - The Type Specimens of Certain Oriental Eucosmidae and Carposinidae (Microlepidoptera)
S27515: Diakonoff, A. - Additions to Descriptions of New Olethreutinae & Carposinidae in the British Museum (Natural History)
S14181: Dibb, J.R. - Field Book of Beetles
S48479: Dibb, J.R. - Field Book of Beetles with keys to general and species arranged according to habitat
S35309: Dice, L. R. - Natural Communities
S55258: Dicerbo, E. - The Birds of Scotland
S33423: Dickens, M. - The World of Moths
S52129: Dickerson, M.C. - The Frog Book: North American Toads and Frogs with a study of the Habits and Life Histories of those of the Northeastern States
S48354: Dickinson, C.I. - British Seaweeds The Kew Series
S48427: Dickinson, C.I. - British Seaweeds The Kew Series
S53279: Dicks, L.V.; Showler, D.A.; Sutherland, W.J. - Bee Conservation: Evidence for the effects of interventions
S55885: Dicks, B. (Ed.) - Ecological Impacts of the Oil Industry
S52172: Dicks, L.V.; Showler, D.A.; Sutherland, W.J. - Bee Conservation: Evidence for the effects of interventions
S35784: Dickson, C.G.C.; Kroon, D.M. (Eds) - Pennington's Butterflies of Southern Africa
S53776: Dickson, R.C. - Birds in Wigtownshire: A Guide to their Status and Distribution
S30528: Dickson, C.G.C. - What Butterfly is that?
S53958: Dickson, G.W.R. - Northern Waders (Caliologists' Series No. 9)
S45981: Dickson, C.G.C.; Kroon, D.M. (Eds) - Pennington's Butterflies of Southern Africa
A26964: Didier, R.; Rode, P. - Les Mammifères de France
S45793: Diederich, P.; Serusiaux, E. - The Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi of Belgium and Luxembourg: An Annotated Checklist
N25479: Diemont, W.H.; Hiejman, W.J.M.; Siepel, H.; Webb, N.R. (Eds) - Economy and Ecology of Heathlands
S56641: Dietrich, R.V. - Mineral Tables: Hand-Specimen Properties of 1500 Minerals
R9915: Dietz, R.E.; Duckworth, W.D - A Review of the Genus Horama Hubner and Reestablishment of the Genus Poliopastea Hampson (Lepidoptera: Ctenuchidae)
N29096: Dietz, C.; Kiefer, A. - Bats of Britain and Europe
S45384: Dijkstra, K.-D.; Lewington, R. (Illustrator) - Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain and Europe
N25017: Dijkstra, K.-D.; Clausnitzer, V. - The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Eastern Africa: Handbook for all Odonata from Sudan to Zimbabwe
N40477: Dijkstra, K.-D.; Schröter, A.; Lewington, R. - Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain and Europe
N40478: Dijkstra, K.-D.; Schröter, A.; Lewington, R. - Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain and Europe
N10401: Dijkstra, K.-D.; Lewington, R. (Illustrator) - Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain and Europe
N52924: Dilger, M. - One Thousand Shades of Green: A Year in Search of Britain's Wild Plants
S14680: Diliunas, J. - Nemuno ir Neries upiu sleniu Pozeminiu vandenu panaudojimo perspektyvos Transactions, Volume 22
S34751: Dillon, R.T. - Ecology of Freshwater Molluscs
S36446: Dimentman, C.; Bromley, H.J.; Por, F.D. - Lake Hula: Reconstruction of the Fauna and Hydrobiology of a Lost Lake
S20063: Dimmock, G. (Ed.) - The Writings of Samuel Hubbard Scudder
S11579: Ding, J. - Homoptera: Delphacidae Fauna Sinica Insecta 45
S31999: Dingle, H. - Migration: The Biology of Life on the Move
S49709: Dioni, W. - Safe Microscopic Techniques for Amateurs: Slide Mounting
C5913: Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S.; Mueller, G.J. - Medically Important Spiders and Scorpions of Southern Africa
S58991: Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S. - Baboon and Trapdoor Spiders of Southern Africa: An Identification Manual
S55902: Dipper, F.; Woodward, T. - The Living Seas: Marine Life of the Southern Gulf
P55214: Director-General, Indian Medical Service (Ed.) - The Indian Journal of Medical Research. Vol. I (1913-1914)- Vol. XII (1924-1925) [and] Vol. X (Supplementary No.)
P55213: Director-General, Indian Medical Service (Ed.) - The Indian Journal of Medical Research. Vol. III (1915-1916)
S19879: Dirsh, V.M. - Revision of the Genera Cardenius I. Bolivar, Cardeniopsis gen. n. and Cardenioides gen. n.(Acridoidea; Orthoptera)
S30299: Dirsh, V.M. - Classification of the Acridomorphoid Insects
S13696: Dirsh, V.M. - The African Genera of Acridoidea
S16863: Dirsh, V.M. - The Phallic Complex in Acridoidea (Orthoptera) in Relation to Taxonomy
S26712: Dirsh, V.M. - Revision of the Family Pneumoridae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea)
S55172: Committee of Inquiry on Grouse Disease - The Grouse in Health and Disease being the Final Report of the Committee of Inquiry on Grouse Disease. Vol. I-II
S45543: Dismier, G. - Flore des Sphaignes de France
S45416: Disney, R.H.L. - A Key to Pupae and Adults of the British Dixidae (Diptera). The Meniscus Midges
S56844: Disney, R.H.L. - Scuttle Flies (Phoridae, except Megaselia) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/6)
S48806: Disney, R.H.L. - Scuttle Flies (Phoridae, except Megaselia) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/6)
N2447: Disney, R.H.L. - Scuttle Flies (Phoridae, except Megaselia) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/6)
S52932: Disney, R.H.L. - Scuttle Flies (Phoridae, except Megaselia) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/6)
S50332: Disney, R.H.L. - Scuttle Flies (Phoridae, except Megaselia) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/6)
S50333: Disney, R.H.L. - Scuttle Flies (Phoridae: Megaselia) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/8)
S34133: Disney, R.H.L. - A Key to Pupae and Adults of the British Dixidae (Diptera). The Meniscus Midges
S22957: Disney, R.H.L. - A Key to Pupae and Adults of the British Dixidae (Diptera). The Meniscus Midges
P56134: Distant, W.L. (Ed.) - The Zoologist: A Monthly Journal of Natural History. Fourth Series - Vol. X
S32596: Distant, W.L. - A Synonymic Catalogue of Homoptera. Pt I: Cicadidae
P57207: Distant, W.L. (Ed.) - The Zoologist. A Monthly Journal of Natural History. Fourth Series - Vol. I
A37975: Distant, W.L. - Rhopalocera Malayana: A Description of the Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula
S52560: Naval Intelligence Division - Jugoslavia Vol. I: Physical Geography
S42234: Naval Intelligence Division - Pacific Islands Vol. III: Western Pacific (Tonga to the Solomon Islands)
S42232: Naval Intelligence Division - Netherlands East Indies. Vol. I
S53288: Dix, H.M.; Hughes, D.R. - The Coventry District: A Naturalist's Guide
S55284: Dixey, F. - Colonial Geological Surveys 1947-56 A review of progress during the last ten years
S53140: Dixon, C. - The Story of the Birds Being an introduction to the study of Ornithology
S53141: Dixon, C. - The Nests and Eggs of British Birds When and Where to find them, being a Handbook to the Oology of the British Islands
S48586: Dixon, C. - Our Rarer Birds being Studies in Ornithology & Oology
S53136: Dixon, C. - Rural Bird Life being Essays on Ornithology with Instructions for preserving Objects related to that Science
S53137: Dixon, C. - Rural Bird Life being Essays on Ornithology with Instructions for Preserving Objects related to that Science
S51428: Dixon, E. - Fairy Tales From the Arabian Nights
S53135: Dixon, C. - The Nests and Eggs of Non-indigenous British Birds or Such Species that do not Breed within the British Archipelago
S55685: Dixon, C. - Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands
S53178: Dixon, C. - Open-air Studies in Bird Life: Sketches of British Birds in their Haunts
S54107: Dixon, C. - Bird-Life in a Southern County being Eight Years' Gleanings among the Birds of Devonshire
S52512: Dixon, A.F.G. - Aphid Ecology
S55911: Dixon, P.S.; Irvine, L.M.; Chamberlain, Y.M.; Maggs, C.A.; Hommersand, M.H.; Burrows, E.M.; Fletcher, R.L.; Christensen, T. - Seaweeds of the British Isles Vol. 1 Rhodophyta (Pt. 1,2A,2B,3A); Vol. 2 Chlorophyta; Vol. 3. Fucophyceae (Phaeophyceae) (Pt 1); Vol. 4 Tribophyceae (Xanthophyceae)
N13832: Dixon, T.; Thieme, T. - Aphids on Deciduous Trees (Naturalists' Handbooks 29)
S8010: Dixon, P.S.; Price, J.H. - The genus Callithamnion (Rhodophyta: Ceramiaceae) in the British Isles
S35467: Dixon, B. - Power Unseen: How Microbes Rule the World
S12572: Dixon, A.F. - Manual of Human Osteology
M30233: Dixon, E.L. - Geological Map of South Wales with Longitudinal Sections Across the Coalfield
S47877: Dixon, C.J. - A Guide to Britain's Rarest Plants
S50843: Dixon, C. - Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands
S36341: Do Prado, A.P.; Sabrosky, C.W.; Paganelli, C.H. Pont, A.C.; Richards, O.W.; Wirth, W.W. - A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States Nos. 49a: Cypselosomatidae; 50: Psilidae; 70: Pallopteridae; 72: Sphaeroceridae; 77: Ephydridae; 78: Curtonotidae; 80: Diastatidae; 81: Chloridae; 82: Odiniidae; 84: Clusiidae; 85b: Cne
S22387: Do Prado, A.P.; Sabrosky, C.W.; Paganelli, C.H. - A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas south of the United States 49a: Cypselosomatidae; 70: Pallopteridae; 75: Milichiidae; 80: Diastatidae; 81: Chloridae; 85b: Cnemospathidae; 90: Chyromyiidae
S48278: Dobbs, G. (Ed.) - Yorkshire Bird Report 2017
N9355: Dobson, F.S. - Guide to rocky shore lichens (Identification Chart)
S55525: Dobson, R. - The Birds of the Channel Islands
S32231: Dobson, J. - The Mammals of Essex
N32777: Dobson, F.S. - Lichens: An illustrated guide to the British and Irish species
S12841: Dobson, J. (Ed.) - Descriptive Catalogue of the Physiological Series in the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
N9353: Dobson, F.S. - Guide to Common Churchyard Lichens (Identification Chart)
N15139: Dobson, F.S. - Guide to Lichens of heaths and moors (CHART) (Identification Chart)
S34057: Dobson, J. - Conservators of the Hunterian Museum
N12865: Dobson, F.S. - Urban lichens 1 (on trees and wood) (Identification Chart)
N12866: Dobson, F.S. - Urban Lichens 2 (on stone and soil) (Identification Chart)
S21851: Dobson, M.R.; Evans, W.E.; Whittington, R. - Geology of the south Irish Sea
N23706: Dobson, M.; Pawley, S.; Fletcher, M.; Powell, A. - Guide to Freshwater Invertebrates
S47154: Dobson, R. - The Birds of the Channel Islands
R16635: Dobson, G.E. - On the Homologies of the long Flexor Muscles of the Feet of Mammalia, with remarks on the Value of their Leading modifications in Classification
S56907: Dobzhansky, T. - The Biology of Ultimate Concern
S8187: Dobzhansky, T.; Epling, C. - Contributions to the Genetics, Taxonomy, and Ecology of Drosophila pseudoobscura and its Relatives
S52703: Docavo, I.; Aguilella, A.; Baixeras J.; Gonzalez, P.; Jimenez, R.; Michelena, J.; Oltra, M.T.; Pardo, J.; Ribes, J.; Saiz, J.; Sendra, A.; Tormos, J. - La Entomofauna del Monte de Porta-Cœli
N56206: Docker, S.; Offord, K.; Langman, M. - Waders of Britain and Ireland (Identification Chart)
S49666: Docters van Leeuwen, W.M. - Gallenboek: Overzicht van door dieren en planten veroorzaakte Nederlandse gallen
S54595: Dodd, A. - Beetle
N30773: Dodd, A. - Beetle
S50165: Dodd, Anna Bowman - On the Broads
S45862: Dodge, C.W. - Some Lichens of Tropical Africa. V: Lecanoraceae to Physciaceae (Nova Hedwigia 38)
S45859: Dodge, C.W. - Some Lichens of Tropical Africa. IV: Dermatocarpaceae to Pertusariaceae (Nova Hedwigia 12)
S39909: Dodge, E.S. - Beyond the Capes: Pacific Exploration from Captain Cook to the Challenger (1776-1877)
S44642: Dodge, J.D. (Ed.) - Provisional Atlas of the Marine Dinoflagellates of the British Isles
P32331: Dodinval, A. (Ed.) - Cercle des Lepidopteristes de Belgique/Belgische Lepidopterologische Kring . Bulletin. Tome I-III
S33739: Dodwell, C. - A Traveller on Horseback in Eastern Turkey and Iran
S12643: Döering, E.K.H. - Byfaltera: Aus dem Leben der Schmetterlinge
S14536: Doesburg, P.H. van - A Revision of the New World Dysdercus Guérin Méneville (Heteroptera, Pyrrhocoridae)
S16349: Doflein, F.; Reichnow, E. - Lehrbuch der Protozoekunde
N3879: Doguet, S. - Coleopteres Chrysomelidae 2: Alticinae Faune de France 80
S36952: Dokulil, M.; Metz, H.; Jewson, D. (Eds) - Shallow Lakes: Contributions to their Limnology
S35545: Dole, J.M.; Gerard, W.B.; Nelson, J.M. - Butterflies of Oklahoma, Kansas and North Texas
N34431: Dolezal, J. - A field guide to the flora of Ladakh
S15579: Dollfus, M.G.F. - On the Classification of the Beds of the Paris Basin
S33248: Dolling, W.R. - The Hemiptera
S57611: Dolling, W.R. - The Hemiptera
S5327: Dolling, W.R. - A Revision of the Oriental pod bugs of the tribe Clavigrallini (Hemiptera: Coreidae)
S48310: Dolling, W.R. - The Hemiptera
S42508: Dollman, J.G. - Catalogue of the Selous Collection of Big Game in the British Museum (Natural History)
N29900: Dolný, A.; Harabiš, F.; Bartá, D. - Vážky (Insecta: Odonata) Ceské Republiky [Dragonflies of the Czech Republic]
N28495: Dominguez, M.C.; Pont, A.C. - Fanniidae (Diptera) Fauna of New Zealand 71
S46034: Domning, D.P.; Morgan, G.S.; Ray, C.E. - North American Eocene Sea Cows (Mammalia:Sirenia)
S31931: Donahue, J.C.; Trump, E.K. - American Zoos during the Depression: A New Deal for Animals
S58560: Donald, P.F. - The Skylark
S46018: O'Donald, P. - The Arctic Skua: A Study of the Ecology and Evolution of a Seabird
S47202: Donald, P.F.; Collar, N.J.; Marsden, S. J.; Pain, D. J. - Facing Extinction: The World's Rarest Birds and the Race to Save Them
S5729: Doncaster, J.P. - G.B. Buckton's Works on Aphidoidea (Hemiptera)
S7373: Doncaster, J.P. - Francis Walker's Aphids
S52511: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - British Ants: Their Life-History and Classification
S47348: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - An Annotated List of the Additions to the British Coleopterous Fauna made since the publication of the Supplementary Volume (VI) of Fowler's 'Coleoptera of the British Islands'
S54754: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - An Annotated List of the Additions to the British Coleopterous Fauna made since the publication of the Supplementary Volume (VI) of Fowler's 'Coleoptera of the British Islands'
S44704: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - The Guests of British Ants: Their habits and life-histories
S52537: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - British Ants: Their Life-History and Classification
S12150: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - A Preliminary List of the Coleoptera of Windsor Forest
S49483: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - A Preliminary List of the Coleoptera of Windsor Forest
S38747: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - British Ants: Their Life-History and Classification
S49182: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - A Preliminary List of the Coleoptera of Windsor Forest
S47314: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - British Ants: Their Life-History and Classification
S18021: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - A Preliminary List of the Coleoptera of Windsor Forest
S54649: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - The Guests of British Ants: Their habits and life-histories
S58985: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - The Guests of British Ants: Their habits and life-histories
S42944: Donisthorpe, H.St.J.K. - A Preliminary List of the Coleoptera of Windsor Forest
S12359: Donnay, J.D.H. - Crystal Data Determinative Tables
S25200: Donoghue, P.C.J.; Smith, M.P. (Eds) - Telling the Evolutionary Time: Molecular Clocks and the Fossil Record
S23152: Donoghue, P.C.J.; Smith, M.P. (Eds) - Telling the Evolutionary Time: Molecular Clocks and the Fossil Record
S44974: Donovan, D.T.; Forsey, G.F. - Systematics of Lower Liassic Ammonitina
S47296: Donovan, J.; Rees, G. - Birds of Pembrokeshire: Status and Atlas of Pembrokeshire Birds
S7643: Donovan, S.K. (Ed.) - Pelmatozoan Columnals from the Ordovician of the British Isles. Part 1
S22154: Donovan, S.K. (Ed.) - Pelmatozoan Columnals from the Ordovician of the British Isles Parts 1-2
S49283: Dony, J.G. - Flora of Hertfordshire
S48696: Dony, J.G.; Rob, C.M.; Perring, F.H. - English Names of Wild Flowers A Recommended List of the Botanical Society of the British Isles
S26205: Dony, J.G. - Bedfordshire Plant Atlas
S40052: Doornbos, G. - Fish Fauna of Lake Grevelingen (SW Netherlands): The role of fish in the food chain of a man-made saline lake some ten years after embankment of a former estuary
S36023: Dor, R.; Naumann, C.M. - Die Kirghisen des Afghanischen Pamir
S54698: Doresse, Jean - L'empire du Prêtre-Jean Vol. 1: L'Éthiopie Antique; Vol. 2: L'Éthiopie MédiévaleL'Empire du Prêtre-jean
S36863: Dorier, A. - Recherches Biologiques et Systématique sur les Gordiacés
S13826: Döring, E. - Zur Morphologie der Schmetterlingseier
N35498: Dorji, P.; Nidup, T; Klein, W - Field guide to the Bees and Wasps of Bhutan
S39270: Dorsman, B.A. - Notes on the Life-History of Orchestia bottae Milne Edwards
S56996: Dorst, J. - Migrations of Birds
S58335: Dorst, J.; Dandelot, P. - A Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa
S30633: Dos Passos, C.F. - A synonymic list of the Nearctic Rhopalocera
S35618: Dos Passos, C.F. - A synonymic list of the Nearctic Rhopalocera
S53132: Douglas-Home, H. - The Birdman: Memories of Birds by Henry Douglas-Home
S56250: Douglas, J.A. - The Carboniferous and Permian Faunas of South Iran and Iranian Baluchistan
S56251: Douglas, J.A. - The Carboniferous and Permian Faunas of South Iran and Iranian Baluchistan
S56252: Douglas, J.A. - The Carboniferous and Permian Faunas of South Iran and Iranian Baluchistan
S23278: Douglas, J.G. - What Fossil Plant is that? A guide to the Ancient Floras of Victoria
S44364: Douglas, R.J.W. (Ed.) - Geology and Economic Minerals of Canada: Economic Geology Report No. 1
N57429: Dougoud, R. - Studying the Discomycetes from initiation to advanced levels
S32341: Dourojeanni, M.J.; Ponce, C.F. - Los Parques Nacionales del Peru
S35267: Doux, Y.; Gibeaux, C. - Papillons de jour d'Ile-de-France et de l'Oise
N13587: Doux, Y.; Gibeaux, C. - Papillons de jour d'Ile-de-France et de l'oise
S44208: Dover, J.; Warren, M.; Shreeve, T. (Eds) - Lepidoptera Conservation in a Changing World
S36081: Dowdeswell, W.H. - Practical Animal Ecology
S52829: Dowdeswell, W.H. - The Life of the Meadow Brown
S54703: Dowdeswell, W.H. - The Life of the Meadow Brown
S40648: Dowdy, S.E. - The Microscope: How to choose it and use it
S56858: Downes, M.C.; Watson, I. - Australian Waterfowl
S3569: Downey, M.E. - Catalog of Recent Ophiuroid Type Specimens in Major Collections in the United States
S40805: Downing, J.A.; Rigler, F.H. (Eds) - A Manual on Methods for the Assessment of Secondary Productivity in Fresh Waters
S30130: Downing, T.E.; Olsthoorn, A.A.; Tol, R.S.J. (Eds) - Climate, Change and Risk
S22223: Doyle, P. - Understanding Fossils: An Introduction to Invertebrate Palaeontology
S44639: Drake, C.J.; Harris, H.M. - The Gerrinae of the Western Hemisphere (Hemiptera)
S50399: Drake, C.M. - Provisional Atlas of the Larger Brachycera (Diptera) of Britain & Ireland
N5069: Drake, C.M. - Provisional Atlas of the Larger Brachycera (Diptera) of Britain & Ireland
S57693: Drake, C.M. - Provisional Atlas of the Larger Brachycera (Diptera) of Britain & Ireland
S55001: Drake, C.M. - Provisional Atlas of the Larger Brachycera (Diptera) of Britain & Ireland
S23232: Drake, C.M. - Provisional Atlas of the Larger Brachycera (Diptera) of Britain and Ireland
S12348: Drake, C.M. - Provisional Atlas of the Larger Brachycera (Diptera) of Britain & Ireland
S50138: Drakeford, T.; Sutcliffe, U. (Eds) - Wimbledon Common and Putney Heath: A Natural History
S32224: Drakeford, T.; Sutcliffe, U. (Eds) - Wimbledon Common and Putney Heath: A Natural History
S56302: Drakeford, T.; Sutcliffe, U. (Eds) - Wimbledon Common and Putney Heath: A Natural History
S26692: Drakeford, T. - A Field Guide to the Butterflies and some Day-Flying Moths of Wimbledon Common and Putney Heath
S43915: Drechsler, M. - Ecological-Economic Modelling for Biodiversity Conservation
S43913: Drechsler, M. - Ecological-Economic Modelling for Biodiversity Conservation
S33693: Dreghorn, W. - Geology Explained in the Severn Vale and Cotswolds
S17717: Dreisbach, R.R. - New Species of Spider Wasps, Genus Auplopus, from the Americas south of the United States (Hymenoptera: Psammocharidae)
S56600: Dresch, J.; Gigout, M.; Joly, F.; Le Coz, J.; Raynal, R. - Aspects de la Géomorphologie du Maroc
S12266: Drescher-Kaden, K. (Ed.) - Hamburger Beitrage zur Angewandten Mineralogie und Kristallphysik Vol.1
S5846: Dresser, H.E. (Ed.) - Reprint of Eversmann's Addenda ad Celeberrimi Pallasii Zoographiam Rosso-Asiaticam
A58006: Dresser, H.E. - A History of the Birds of Europe, including all the Species inhabiting the Western Palaearctic Region. Vol. I-IX [with] Eggs of the Birds of Europe, including all the Species inhabiting the Western Palaearctic Area. Vol. I-II
S53449: Dresser, H.E. - A Manual of Palaearctic Birds. Pt I-II
S27843: Drew, R.A.I. - Revised Descriptions of Species of Dacini (Diptera: Tephritidae) from the South Pacific Area: I. Genus Callantra and the Dacus Group of Sugenera of Genus Dacus / II. The Strumeta Group of Subgenera of Genus Dacus
S32240: Drewett, J. - The Nature of Surrey: The Wildlife and Ecology of the County and London South of the Thames
S39701: Drewett, J. - The Nature of Surrey: The Wildlife and Ecology of the County and London South of the Thames
N40845: Drewitt, E. - Raptor Prey Remains: A Guide to Identifying What's Been Eaten by a Bird of Prey
S51063: Droege, S.; Packer, L. - Bees: An Up-Close Look at Pollinators Around the World
S46417: Drohojowska-Philp, H. - Full Bloom: The Art and Life of Georgia O'Keeffe
S21330: Dronamraju, K.R. (Ed.) - Infectious Disease and Host-pathogen Evolution
S11979: Drost, M.R. - Models of Prey Capture in Larval Fish
N2391: Drost, M.B.P. et al - De Waterkevers van Nederland
S10060: Drot, J. - Rhynchonelloidea et Spiriferoidea Siluro-devoniens du Maroc Pre-Saharan
N33188: Drouet, E. - Les Procris de France / French Forester Moths (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae, Procridinae & Chalcosiinae)
N48069: Drouin, J.-M. - A Philosophy of the Insect
R50822: Druce, H.H. - On some new and little-known Butterflies of the family Lycaenidae from the African, Australian, and Oriental Regions
S15102: Druce, G.C. - The Flora of Buckinghamshire
S54725: Druce, G.C. - The Comital Flora of the British Isles
S30669: Druce, G.C. - Hayward's Botanist's Pocket-Book
R50815: Druce, H.H. - On some new and little-known Butterflies of the family Lycaenidae from the African, Australian, and Oriental Regions [and] On some New and Little-known Hesperiidae from Tropical West Africa [and] Descriptions of new Lycaenidae and Hesperiidae from Tropica
S47770: Druce, G.C. - The Flora of Buckinghamshire
S20301: Druce, G.C. - The Flora of Buckinghamshire
R54417: Druce, H.H. - On some new and little-known Neotropical Lycaenidae
S57040: Drucker, P. - Indians of the Northwest Coast
S57041: Drucker, P. - Indians of the Northwest Coast
S33953: Drugmand, D. - Distribution des Staphylininae de Belgique (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)
S11355: Drummond, H. - Tropical Africa
S53411: Dryander, J. - The Joseph Banks Bibliography of Natural History. Catalogus Bibliothecae Historico-Naturalis Josephi Banks. Vol. 1-5
N5995: Duarte Rodrigues, P. - Insectes. Heteropteres Tingidae (Faune de Madagascar 78)
A10555: Dubois, Charles Frédéric; Dubois, Alphonse Joseph Charles - Les Lépidoptères de la Belgique leurs Chenilles et leurs Chrysalides décrits et figurés d'après nature
N7286: Dubourg-Savage, M.-J. - Andorra: Bolets Champignons Setas Mushrooms
S56612: Duckworth, W.L.H. - Prehistoric Man
R17720: Duckworth, W.D. - North American Stenomidae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea)
S19818: Dudich, E. - Systematische biologische Untersuch- ungen über die Kalkeinlagerungen des Crustaceenpanzers in polarisiertem Lichte
S58554: Dudley, S.; Benton, T.; Fraser, P.; Ryan, J. - Rare Birds Day by Day
S46530: Dudley, S.; Benton, T.; Fraser, P.; Ryan, J. - Rare Birds Day by Day
S43663: Dudley, P.L. - Development and Systematics of some Pacific Marine Symbiotic Copepods: A Study of the Biology of the Notodelphyidae, Associates of Ascidians
R13493: Dudley, S.; Dudley, C.; Mackay, A. - Watching British Dragonflies
S37079: Duellman, W.E. (Ed.) - Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective
S17096: Duellman, W.E. - The Hylid Frogs in Middle America. Vol. I-II
N19173: Duellmann, W.E.; Lehr, E. - Terrestrial-Breeding Frogs (Strabomantidae) in Peru
S52723: Dufay, C. - Faune terrestre et d'eau douce des Pyrénées-Orientales. Fasc. 6:Lépidoptères I. Macrolépidoptères
N8948: Dufek, T.; Schäffler, O.; Schmidbauer, E. - Notes on Papilionidae 3: Beschreibung von 2 neuen Unterarten, sowie einer neuen Form von Achillides ulysses Linn., 1758 (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)
S45432: Duff, A.G. - Beetles of Somerset: their status and distribution
N27106: Duff, A.G. - Beetles of Britain and Ireland. Vol. 3: Geotrupidae to Scraptiidae
S42934: Duff, A.G. - Beetles of Somerset: their status and distribution
N27105: Duff, A.G. - Beetles of Britain and Ireland. Vol. 4: Cerambycidae to Curculionidae
N22928: Duff, A.G. (Ed.) - Checklist of Beetles of the British Isles
S32073: Duff, A.G.; Lawson, A. - Mammals of the World: A Checklist
S47863: Duff, A.G. - Beetles of Somerset: their status and distribution
S49151: Duff, A.G. - Beetles of Somerset: their status and distribution
S47443: Duff, A.G. - Beetles of Somerset: their status and distribution
N34365: Duff, A.G. (Ed.) - Checklist of Beetles of the British Isles
S31613: Duffey, E.; Watt, A.S. (Eds) - Scientific Management of Animal and Plant Communities for Conservation
S48602: Duffin, B. - The Birds of Titchfield Haven: A Review of their Status
S52908: Duffy, E.A.J. - A Monograph of the Immature Stages of African Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae)
S45006: Duffy, E.A.J. - Coleoptera Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 5/15)
S47420: Duffy, E.A.J. - Coleoptera. Cerambycidae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/12)
S45413: Duffy, E.A.J. - Coleoptera Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 5/15)
S47421: Duffy, E.A.J. - Coleoptera Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 5/15)
S53077: Duffy, E.A.J. - A Monograph of the Immature Stages of British and Imported Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae)
S45409: Duffy, E.A.J. - Coleoptera. Cerambycidae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/12)
S49553: Duffy, E.A.J. - Coleoptera Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 5/15)
S50367: Duffy, E.A.J. - A Monograph of the Immature Stages of Australasian Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae)
S57036: Duffy, E.A.J. - A Monograph of the Immature Stages of African Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae)
S57037: Duffy, E.A.J. - A Monograph of the Immature Stages of Oriental Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae)
S50278: Duffy, E.A.J. - A Monograph of the Immature Stages of Neotropical Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae)
S50270: Duffy, E.A.J. - A Monograph of the Immature Stages of Oriental Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae)
N35526: Dufresnes, C. - Amphibians of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East: A Photographic Guide
S58677: Duijm, M.; Kruseman, G. - De Krekels end Sprinkhanen in de Benelux
S9869: Duijn, C. Van - Diseases of Fishes
S39266: Düll, R. - Exkursions Taschenbuch der Moose
A31983: Dumeril, A.M.C. - Entomologie Analytique. Histoire Générale Classification Naturelle et Méthodique des Insectes. Tome I-II
S34502: Dumond, H.J.; Negrea, S.V. - Introduction to the Class Branchiopoda
S40139: Dumont, H.J.; Green, J.; Masundire, H. (Eds) - Studies on the Ecology of Tropical Zooplankton
S40140: Dumont, H.J.; Tundisi, J.G. (Eds) - Tropical Zooplankton
S45494: Dumpert, K. - The Social Biology of Ants
N51228: Dunayev, E., Orlova, V. - Amphibians and Reptiles of Russia
S46373: Dunbar, R.I.M. - Primate Social Systems: Studies in Behaviour and Adaptation
S54692: Dunbar, D. - British Butterflies: A History in Books
S46363: Dunbar, R.I.M. - Reproductive Decisions: An Economic Analysis of Gelada Baboon Social Strategies
S58326: Duncan, K.W. - Terrestrial Talitridae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) Fauna of New Zealand 31
S54999: Duncan, F.M.; Duncan, L.T. - The Sea Birds (Wonders of the Sea)
S57400: Duncan, U.K. - Introduction to British Lichens
S9794: Duncan, U.K. - Flora of East Ross-shire
R55340: Duncan, A.B. - List of the Birds of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Parts 1 and 2
S56010: Duncan, T.; Stuessy, T.F. (Eds) - Cladistics: Perspectives on the Reconstruction of Evolutionary History
S46356: Duncan, James - Entomology. Beetles The Naturalist's Library. Vol. XXXIII
S28274: Duncan, F.M.; Duncan, L.T. - Butterflies and Moths (Wonders of Insect Life)
S23102: Duncan, T.; Stuessy, T.F. (Eds) - Cladistics: Perspectives on the Reconstruction of Evolutionary History
S53909: Duncan, F.M.; Duncan, L.T. - The Sea-Birds (Wonders of The Sea)
S55612: Duncan, I. - The Breeding Birds of the Malvern Hills
S54172: Dunckley, F.C. - Eight Years in Abyssinia
S39580: Dunkle, S.W. - Damselflies of the Florida, Bermuda and the Bahamas
S39579: Dunkle, S.W. - Dragonflies of the Florida Peninsula, Bermuda and the Bahamas
S43334: Dunn, S.T. - Flora of South-West Surrey including Leatherhead, Dorking, Guilford, Godalming, Farnham and Haslemere
S32621: Dunn, D. - Why do Whales and Children Sing?: A Guide to Listening in Nature
S52209: Dunn, R.; Budworth, D. - Dragonflies in Derbyshire: Status and Distribution 1977-2000
N41715: Dunn, E. - RSPB Spotlight Puffins
N34489: Dunn, J. - Orchid Summer: In Search of the Wildest Flowers of the British Isles
N10244: Dunn, R.; Budworth, D. - Dragonflies in Derbyshire: Status and Distribution 1977-2000
N36238: Dunne, P.; Karlson, T. - Gulls Simplified: A Comparative Approach to Identifications Simplified: A Comparative Approach to Identification
S36044: Dunstone, N.; Gorman, M. (Eds) - Behaviour and Ecology of Riparian Mammals
S42026: DuPont, J.E. - Philippine Birds
S42368: DuPont, J.E. - Philippine Birds
R27464: Dupont, L. - Catalogue des Lépidoptères des environs de Pont-de-l'Arche (Eure)
S47171: DuPont, J.E. - South Pacific Birds
S53381: Dupré, J. - Humans and Other Animals
N41763: Dupuis, F.; Perrin, R. - Les Coléoptères Dynastidae de Guyane: Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea
S4397: Duran, R.; Fischer, G.W. - The Genus Tilletia
S16389: Durer, A. - Die Kleine Passion
S40992: Dürer, A. - Aus dem Gebetbuch Kaiser Maximilians
S29735: Durman, R. (Ed.) - Bird Observatories in Britain and Ireland
S45304: Durman, R. (Ed.) - Bird Observatories in Britain and Ireland
S58463: Durman, R. (Ed.) - Bird Observatories in Britain and Ireland
S32190: Durman, R. (Ed.) - Bird Observatories in Britain and Ireland
S46632: Durman, R. (Ed.) - Bird Observatories in Britain and Ireland
R40307: Durrant, J.H.; Beveridge, W.W.O. - Report of the temperature reached in army biscuits during baking, especially with reference to the destruction of the imported flour-moth, Ephestia kühniella Zeller
N25768: Dussaix, C. - Syrphes de la Sarthe: Ethologie, ecologie, reparation et developpement larvaire
S43534: Dussart, B. - Crustacés Copépodes Calanoïdes des Eaux Intérieures Africaines
S34504: Dussart, B.; Defaye, D. - World Directory of Crustacea Copepoda of Inland Waters. Vol. I - Calaniformes
S40887: Dussart, B.H. - Faune de Madagascar 58: Crustaces Copepodes des eaux interieures
S43889: Dutilleul, P.R.L. - Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneity: Concepts and Analyses
S50163: Dutt, W.A. - A Guide to the Norfolk Broads. Being Part I of "The Norfolk Broads"
S50158: Dutt, W.A. - Wild Life in East Anglia
S22210: Dutton, J.E.; Todd, J.L. - First Report of the Trypanosomiasis Expedition to Senegambia (1902)
S21901: Duval, M. - Etudes sur L'Embryologie des Chéiroptères Pt. 1 L'Ovule, la Gastrula, le Blastoderme, et l'origine des Annexes chez le Murin
N19774: Duverger, C. - Catalogue des Coléoptères Coccinellidae de France
R18994: Duviard, D. - Les Vols Migratoires de Dysdercus voelkeri Schmidt (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae) en Cote d'Ivoire. Pt.2 Les Rythmes Exogènes
S52426: Dyar, H.G - The Lepidoptera of the Kootenai District of British Columbia
S55181: Dye, K.; Fiszer, M.; Allard, P. - Birds New to Norfolk: The Accounts of their discovery and identification
S39263: Dyer, A.F.; Duckett, J.G. (Eds) - The Experimental Biology of Bryophytes
S42640: Dyganova, R. Ya. - Ryesnichniye chyervi ( Turbellaria, Tricladida) Kaspiyskovo moria
S47450: Van Dyke, E.C. - The Coleoptera of the Galapagos Islands
S2511: Van Dyke, E.C. - The Coleoptera of the Galapagos Islands
N44668: Dykman, S. - Bicycling with Butterflies: My 10,201-Mile Journey Following the Monarch Migration
S27814: Dymond, J.N. - The Birds of Lundy
S29027: Dymond, J.N.; Fraser, P.A.; Gantlett, S.J.M. - Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland
S55170: Dymond, J.N. - The Birds of Lundy
S55173: Dymond, J.N. - The Birds of Lundy
S46559: Dymond, J.N.; Fraser, P.A.; Gantlett, S.J.M. - Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland
S58537: Dymond, J.N.; Fraser, P.A.; Gantlett, S.J.M. - Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland
S23221: Dyne, G.R. (Ed.) - Fauna of Australia Vol. 1A: General Articles
S37814: Dyott, C.M. - On The Trail of The Unknown: In the Wilds of Ecuador and the Amazon
S52918: Eady, R.D.; Quinlan, J. - Hymenoptera, Cynipoidea. Keys to families and subfamilies and Cynipinae (including galls) (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 08/1a)
S21995: Eagar, R.M.C. - A Revision of the Sequence and Correlation of the Lower Coal Measures West of Wigan
S47931: Eagle, A. - Eagle's Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand in Colour [First Series] [with] Eagle's Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand Second Series
S38004: Eales, N.B. - The Littoral Fauna of the British Isles: A Handbook for Collectors
S26698: Eales, N.B. - The Littoral Fauna of the British Isles: A Handbook for Collectors
S50168: Eales-White, Major J.C. - Bird Life in Richmond and District
S14288: Eales, N.B. - The Littoral Fauna of the British Isles: A Handbook for Collectors
N32953: Eales, H.T. - Dragonflies & Damselfies of Northumberland & Durham
S57155: Eardley, C.D. - Catalogue of Apiodea (Hymenoptera) in Africa south of the Sahara: Part 1: The genus Xylocopa Latreille (Anthophoridae)
S36914: Earle, W.H. - Cacti of the Southwest
S31492: Earley, C.G. - Sparrows & Finches of Ontario
S55663: Early, J. - Hidden Jewels: The Wildlife of Leatherhead and Fetcham
S49244: Earp, J.R. et al. - Geology of the country around Clitheroe and Nelson
S48765: Eason, E.H. - Centipedes of the British Isles
S57084: Eason, E.H. - The Type specimens and identity of the species described in the genus Lithobius by R.I. Pocock, from 1890 to 1901 (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha)
S57085: Eason, E.H. - The Type specimens and identity of the species described in the genus Lithobius by C.L. Koch and L. Koch from 1841 to 1878 (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha)
S46243: Eason, E.H. - Centipedes of the British Isles
S27748: Eason, G.; Coles, C.W.; Gettinby, G. - Mathematics and Statistics for the Bio-Sciences
S52474: Eason, E.H. - Centipedes of the British Isles
S48756: Easterbrook, T.G. (Ed.) - Birds of the Banbury Area 1972-1981
N49316: Easterbrook, M. - Butterflies of Kent and South East London
R31419: Eastham, L.E.S. - The Embryology of Pieris rapae. -Organogeny
R43367: Eastham, L.E.S.; Eassa, Y.E.E. - The feeding mechanism of the butterfly Pieris brassicae L.
S35981: Eastman, W.R.; Hunt, A.C. - The Parrots of Australia A Guide to Field Identification and Habits
S21981: Easton, A.M. - The Meligethes of East Africa (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)
S18025: Easton, A.M. - Meligethes of North Africa (Coleoptera, Nititulidae)
S1180: Eastop, V.F. - A Study of the Aphididae (Homoptera) of West Africa
S28106: Eastop, V.F. - A Taxonomic Review of Species of Cinara Curtis Occuring in Britain (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
S36188: Eastop, V.F. - Study of the Aphididae (Homoptera) of East Africa
S30460: Eastop, V.F. - A Study of the Aphididae (Homoptera) of West Africa
S26723: Eastop, V.F. - A review of Cinara subgenus Cinarella (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
N38044: Eastop, V.F. - Keys for the Indentification of Acyrthosiphon (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
S36226: Eastop, V.F. - A study of the tribe Tramini (Aphididae - Homoptera)
S27416: Eastop, V.F. - A Taxonomic Review of Species of Cinara Curtis Occuring in Britain (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
S27572: Eastop, V.F. - Keys for the Indentification of Acyrthosiphon (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
S27561: Eastop, V.F. - A Study of the Aphididae (Homoptera) of West Africa
R31764: Eastop, V.F. - A Taxonomic Study of Australian Aphidoidea (Homoptera)
S6401: Eastop, V.F. - A Review of Cinara subgenus Cinarella (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
S27415: Eastop, V.F. - A review of Cinara subgenus Cinarella (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
N42823: Eatherley, Dan - Invasive Aliens: The Plants and Animals from Over There That Are Over Here
N42822: Eatherley, Dan - Invasive Aliens: The Plants and Animals from Over There That Are Over Here
N48524: Eaton, E.R. - Insectpedia: A Brief Compendium of Insect Lore
N43800: Eaton, E.R. - Wasps: The Astonishing Diversity of a Misunderstood Insect
S57029: Eaton, J.; Kirk, G. (Eds). - Rutland Natural History Society 1965-1990
N45137: Eaton, J.A.; Balen, B. van; Brickle, N.W.; Rheindt, F.E. - Birds of the Indonesian Archipelago: Greater Sundas and Wallacea
R57146: Eberhard, M.J.W. - Social Biology of Polistine Wasps
N40864: Eberhard, W.G. - Spider Webs: Behavior, Function, and Evolution
S52378: Ebert, G. et al - Die Schmetterlinge Baden-Württembergs. Bd 5: Nachtfalter III (Sesiidae, Arctiidae, Noctuidae 1: Herminiinae - Acontiinae)
R52374: Ebert, G. - Biotop- und Artenschutz bei Schmetterlingen II Europaeischen Kongresses fur Lepidopterologie April 1980 Karlsruhe
N44880: Ebert, D.A.; Dando, M.; Fowler, S. - A Pocket Guide to Sharks of the World
S33268: Ebert, G. (Ed.) - Die Schmetterlinge Baden-Wuerttembergs Band 3: Nachtfalter 1 (Hepialidae, Cossidae, Zygaenidae, Limacodidae, Psychidae, Thyrididae)
N3147: Ebert, G. et al - Die Schmetterlinge Baden-Wuerttembergs 8: Nachtfalter 6 (Geometridae 1)
N27478: Ebert, G. - Auf Expedition in Afghanistan: Ein Insektenforscher erzählt von seinen Reisen (1957–1971)
N34799: Ebert, D.A.; Fowler, S.; Dando, M. - Sharks of the World: A Fully Illustrated Guide
N41169: Ebert, D.A.; Dando, M. - Field Guide to Sharks, Rays & Chimaeras of Europe and the Mediterranean
S55652: Echalaz, C.T. - Complete History of the Echalaz Collection
S15211: Eckstein, K. - Die Technik des Fortschutzes gegen Tiere
N29334: Eckweiler, W.; Bozano, G.C. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Lycaenidae 4:Subfamily Polyommatinae, Tribe Polyommatini, Genus Polyommatus, Subgenus Agrodiaetus
N20090: Eckweiler, W.; Bozano, G.C. - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Satyrinae 4: Tribe Satyrini. Subtribe Maniolina
S58354: Eddy, S. - A Study of Fresh-water Plankton Communities
S56645: Ede, S. (Ed.) - Strange and Charmed: Science and the Contemporary Visual Arts
S15511: Edees, E.S. - Flora of Staffordshire: Flowering Plants and Ferns
S47696: Edees, E.S.; Newton, A. - Brambles of the British Isles
S46160: Eder, J.; Rembold, H. (Eds) - Chemistry and Biology of Social Insects
N20978: Edgar, P.; Foster, J.; Baker, J. - Amphibian Habitat Management Handbook
S42518: Edgar, E.; Connor, H.E. - Flora of New Zealand, Vol. V: Grasses
S42487: Edginton, B. - Charles Waterton: A Biography
S41257: Royal Society of Edinburgh - The Loch Leven IBP Project
S32566: Edington, J.M.; Edington, M.A. - Ecology and Environmental Planning
S42241: Edlin, H.L. - Wayside and Woodland Trees A guide to the trees of Britain and Ireland
S41432: Edlin, H.L. - Know your Broadleaves
S34139: Edlin, H.L. - The Natural History of Trees
S49427: Edlin, H.L. (Ed.) - East Anglian Forests
S7273: Edlin, H.L. - Wayside and Woodland Trees A guide to the trees of Britain and Ireland
N4482: Edmonds, W.D. - Revision of the Neotropical dung beetle genus Sulcophanaeus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae): Folia Heyrovskyana Suppl. 6
N8152: Edmonds, W.D.; Zidek, J. - Revision of the Neotropical Dung Beetle Genus Oxysternon (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Phanaeini)
S42749: Edmondson, W.T. - The Uses of Ecology: Lake Washington and Beyond
S46386: Edmunds, F.H. - British Regional Geology: Wealden district
S46643: Edmunds, F.H.; Oakley, K.P. - British Regional Geology: the Central England district
S38296: Edmunds, G.F; Jensen, S.L.; Berner, L. - The Mayflies of North and Central America
S48706: Edney, E.B. - Synopses of the British fauna No. 9 British Woodlice with Keys to the Species
S49829: Edney, E.B. - Synopses of the British fauna No. 9 British Woodlice with Keys to the Species
S55210: Edwardes, Tickner - The Bee-master of Warrilow
S26374: Edwards, D.G.W.; Meagher, M.D. - Mountain Hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana [Bong.] Carr.): An annotated bibliography
S49001: Edwards, A.J.; Head, S.M. (Eds) - Red Sea (Key Environments)
S14163: Edwards, J.G. - A Bibliographical Supplement to 'Coleoptera or Beetles east of the Great Plains': Applying particularly to Western United States
N5315: Edwards, D.R.; Leppla, N.C.; Dickerson, W.A. - Arthropod Species in Culture
S50403: Edwards, R.; Broad, G.; Telfer, M.; Roy, H.; Collins, G.A. - Provisional Atlas of Aculeate Hymenoptera of Britain and Ireland. Part 1-8
S41664: Edwards, F.W.; Oldroyd, H.; Smart, J. - British Blood-Sucking Flies
S36554: Edwards, J. - The Hemiptera-Homoptera (Cicadina and Psyllina) of the British Islands
S43970: Edwards, J. - The Hemiptera-Homoptera (Cicadina and Psyllina) of the British Islands
S38982: Edwards, F.W.; Oldroyd, H.; Smart, J. - British Blood-Sucking Flies
S56098: Edwards, F.W.; Curran, C.H. - I. Diptera Nematocera from the Federated Malay States Museums | II. The Syrphidae of the Malay Peninsula
S49003: Edwards, A.J.; Head, S.M. (Eds) - Antarctica (Key Environments)
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