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S19555: Sutton, S.L.; Whitmore, T.C.; Chadwick, A.C. (Eds) - Tropical Rain Forest Ecology and Management
S54745: Sutton, S.L.; Beaumont, H.E. (Eds) - Butterflies and Moths of Yorkshire: Distribution and Conservation [with] A Millenium Review
S49212: Sutton, J.B. - Ligaments their nature and morphology
S9041: Sutton, S.L.; Whitmore, T.C.; Chadwick, A.C. (Eds) - Tropical Rain Forest: Ecology & Management
S35801: Sutton, S.; Harding, P.; Burn, D. - Key to British Woodlice
N35623: Svec, Z. - Phalacridae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 31)
N50638: Svensson, L.; Mullarney, K.; Zetterström, D.; Grant, P.J. - Collins Bird Guide
S41938: Svensson, G.S.O. - Fresh Water Fishes from the Gambia River (British West Africa): Results of the Swedish Expedition 1931
S53457: Svensson, L.; Grant, P.J.; Mullarney, K.; Zetterstrom, D. - Collins Bird Guide (Large Format)
N50639: Svensson, L.; Mullarney, K.; Zetterström, D.; Grant, P.J. - Collins Bird Guide
S23261: Sventenius, E.R. - Additamentum ad Floram Canariensem I
N44583: Sverdrup-Thygeson, A. - Extraordinary Insects: Weird, Wonderful, Indispensable. The ones who run our world
S54944: Svetovidov, A.N. - Fauna USSR: Fish Vol. II Pt 1: Clupeidae
N4477: Svihla, V. - Revision of the subgenera Stenaxis and Oedemera s. str. of the genus Oedemera (Coleoptera: Oedemeridae): Folia Heyrovskyana Suppl. 4
S43992: Svoboda, J. & al. - Regional Geology of Czechoslovakia. Part I: The Bohemian Massif
S43214: Van Swaay, C. et al. - European Red List of Butterflies
S35735: Swaay, C. van; Warren, M. - Red Data Book of European Butterflies (Rhopalocera)
R36185: Swain, A. - A Synopsis of the Aphididae of California
S679: Swaine, C.M. - Birds of Gloucestershire
A43881: Swainson, W.; Shuckard, W.E. - On the History and Natural Arrangement of Insects (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Natural History)
S57708: Swainson, W. - A Defence of 'certain French naturalists'
S53860: Swainson, W. - A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural History
A47141: Swainson, William - The Natural History of the Birds of Western Africa. Vol. I-II The Naturalist's Library. Ornithology VII-VIII
S47072: Swainson, William - Flycatchers The Naturalist's Library. Ornithology X
S59914: Swan, G. - Flora of Northumberland
S41733: Swan, G. - A Photographic Guide to Snakes and Other Reptiles of Australia
S31885: Swan, G. - Flora of Northumberland
S51287: Swan, G. - Flora of Northumberland
S33638: Swanepoel, D.A. - Butterflies of South Africa:Where, When and How they fly
S53523: Swann, H.K. - The Concise Handbook of British Birds
S51347: Swanton, E.W. - A Country Museum: The Rise and Progress of Sir Jonathan Hutchinson's educational museum at Haslemere
N42860: Swash, A.; Hume, R.; Harrop, H.; Still, R. - Europe's Birds: An Identification Guide
N14945: Swash, A.; Still, R. - Birds, Mammals and Reptiles of the Galapagos Islands
S56562: Swaysland, W. - Familiar Wild Birds. First-Fourth Series
S16917: Sweeney, R.C.H. - Snakes of Nyasaland
S3372: Swellengrebel, N.H.; Rodenwaldt, E. - Die Anophelen von Niederländisch-Ostindien
S38478: Swellengrebel, N.H.; Rodenwaldt, E. - Die Anophelen von Niederländisch-Ostindien
S37792: Swift, Jonathan; Davis, H. - Swift: poetical works
S40333: Swindells, P. - Waterlilies
N44024: Swingland, I.R. - The Law of the Wild: An Ecologist's Life
S48408: Swinnerton, H.H. - Outlines of Palaeontology
S44082: Swinnerton, H.H. - Outlines of Palaeontology
S20624: Swinton, W.E. - Giants Past and Present
S53651: Swinton, A.H. - Insect Variety: Its Propagation and Distribution
S59575: Swinton, W.E. - The Dinosaurs
S44417: Swinton, W.E. - Fossil Amphibians and Reptiles
S42413: Swinton, W.E. - Fossil Birds
S6537: Swinton, W.E. - Harry Govier Seeley and the Karroo Reptiles
S39119: Swinton, W.E. - Harry Govier Seeley and the Karroo Reptiles
R31739: Swirski, E.; Amitai, S. - Annotated List of Aphids (Aphidoidea) in Israel
S16162: Swynnerton, C.F.M. - The Tsetse Flies of East Africa: A first study of their ecology, with a view to their control
S34716: Sykes, W.R. - Contribution to the Flora of Niue
R57396: Sykes, W. - 1954 Expedition to Nepal
R52300: Sylven, E. - Studies on fruit leaf Tortricids (Lepidoptera). With special reference to the periodicity of the adult moths
S39986: Sylvester-Bradley, P.C. (Ed.) - The Species Concept in Palaeontology
S44671: Sylvester-Bradley, P.C.; Siveter, D.J.; Bate, R.H.; Boomer, I.D.; Horne, D.J.; Lord, A.R.; Neale, J.W.; Sheppard, L.M.; Williams, M.; Athersuch, J. (Eds) - A Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells Vol. 1-25
S27129: Sylvester-Bradley, P.C. (Ed.) - The Species Concept in Palaeontology
S49243: Sylvester-Bradley, P.C.; Ford, T.D. (Eds) - The Geology of the East Midlands
S10830: Sylvester-Bradley, P.C.; Ford, T.D. (Eds) - The Geology of the East Midlands
N32111: Symes, N.; Day, J. - A Practical Guide to the Restoration and Management of Lowland Heathland
S28084: Symes, C.B. - Descriptions of Fourth Stage Larvae of certain Anophelines of East Africa, with brief notes on Breeding, Distribution and Economic Importance in Kenya
S43811: Symoens, J.J. (Ed.) - Vegetation of Inland Waters
S59941: Synge, P.M. - In Search of Flowers
S47927: Synge, P.M. - Lilies: A Revision of Elwes' Monograph of the Genus Lilium and its Supplements
S49095: Synge, P.M. - In Search of Flowers
N38189: Szabo, I. - Kingfisher
N18769: Szaboky, C.; Csoka, G. - Tortricids / Sodromolyok
S59110: Szaboky, C.; Csoka, G. - Tortricids / Sodrómolyok
S15909: Szczytko, S.W.; Stewart, K.W. - The Genus Isoperla (Plecoptera) of Western North America: Holomorphology and Systematics, and a New Stonefly Genus Cascadoperla
N18669: Szekely, L. - Moths of Romania / Fluturii de noapte din Romania 1: Hepialidae - Arctiidae
N25707: Szekely, L. - Moths of Romania / Fluturii de noapte din Romania 4: Geometridae 3 - Sterrhinae
N22376: Szekely, L. - Moths of Romania / Fluturii de noapte din Romania 3: Geometridae 2 - Larentiinae 1
S43597: Szelegiewicz, H. - Mszyce-szkodniki Roslin Wektory Chorob Wirusowych i Producenci Spadzi Bibliografia
S32698: Szelegiewicz, H. - Aphidodea Katalog Fauny Polski /Catalogus faunae Poloniae XXI(4)
S59960: Szlachetko, D.L.; Skakuj, M. - Storczyki Polski [Orchids of Poland]
N59079: Tabell, J.; Siloaho, R.; Sippola, L. - The Casebearer Moths (Coleophoridae) of Northern Europe - Genitalia
R2782: Taber, S.W. - The World of Harvester Ants
N3452: Taber, S.W. - Fire Ants
S11892: Taglianti, A.V.; Angelini, F. - Checklist delle Specie della Fauna Italiana: 44. Coleoptera Archostemata, Adephaga 1(Carabidae); 45. Coleoptera Adephaga 2 ('Hydroadephaga') (Chrysomelidae, Bruchidae).
S52557: Taitt, A.H.; Kent, P.E. - Deep Boreholes at Portsdown (Hants) and Henfield (Sussex)
S54934: Taitt, A.H.; Kent, P.E. - Deep Boreholes at Portsdown (Hants) and Henfield (Sussex)
S40247: Tajan - La Bibliothèque de Dmitri Nabokov / The Library of Dmitri Nabokov Inscribed and Annotated Books by Vladimir Nabokov
S31769: Takahashi, R. - Aphididae of Formosa. Pt 6
S16424: Takahashi, R. - Insects of Micronesia Vol. 6(1): Homoptera: Aleyrodidae
N43987: Takakuwa, M.; Nakamura, H.; Kobayashi, T. - Parechthistatus of Japan
S46487: Takamizawa, K. - The Japanese Social Wasps and Bees
S38461: Takano, T.; Hamaguchi, T.; Morioka, T.; Kanouchi, T.; Kabaya, T. - Wild Birds of Japan
S39521: Takaoka, H. - The Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Philippines
S40496: Takaoka, H.; Davies, D.M. - Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Java, Indonesia
S39525: Takaoka, H.; Davies, D.M. - The Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of West Malaysia
S39532: Takaoka, H. - The Black Flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Sulawesi, Maluku and Irian Jaya
S7725: Takumi, R.L. - A Systematic Review of the Ectemnius (Hymenoptera: Spechidae) of Hawaii
N16866: Talamas, E.J.; Johnson, N.F.; van Noort, S.; Masner, L.; Polaszek, A. - Revision of world species of the genus Oreiscelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea, Platygastridae)
S41370: Talbot, H.W.B. - The geology and mineral resources of the North West, Central and Eastern Divisions Between long. 119° and 122 °E, and lat. 22° and 28 °S. (Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Western Australia No 83)
S56304: Talbot, G. - A Monograph of the Pierine Genus Delias. Part VI (Conclusion)
S56306: Talbot, G. - A Monograph of the Pierine Genus Delias. Part VI (Conclusion)
S33641: Talbot, G. - Fauna of British India: Butterflies. Vols 1-2
S43098: Talbot, H.W.B. - A Geological Reconnaissance in the Central and Eastern Divisions between 122° 30 ´and 123° 30 ´E. longitude and 25° 30 ´and 28° 15 ´S. Latitude. (Western Australia Geological Survey. Bulletin No.87)
S57617: Talekar, N.S. - Agromyzid Flies of Food Legumes in the Tropics
S8699: Talekar, N.S. et al - Annotated Bibliography of Diamondback Moth 2 Vol
S8700: Talekar, N.S. (Ed.) - Diamondback Moth and Other Crucifer Pests: Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop, Tainan, Taiwan, 1990
S43441: Talling, J.F.; Brandi, Z.; Straskrabova, V. - Proceedings of the International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality 2. Chemical limnology, primary production, plankton, benthos and fish interactions
S58194: Talling, J.F.; Lemoalle, J. - Ecological Dynamics of Tropical Inland Waters
S47073: Talling, J.F. - Some English Lakes as Diverse and Active Ecosystems: A Factual Summary and Source Book
S39670: Tamayo, F.; Aparicio, A.; Maxim, P. (Illus.) - Arboles en Flor de Venezuela
S32700: Tamm, C.O. (Ed.) - Man and the Boreal Forest
S52801: Tampion, J.; Tampion, M. - How to Attract Butterflies to your Garden
S14640: Tams, W.H.T., Heath, J. et al - Some British Moths reviewed/ Lepidoptera Distribution Maps Scheme Guide to the Critcal Species Parts I-VII
N19322: Tams, W.H.T., Heath, J. et al - Some British Moths reviewed. Lepidoptera Distribution Maps Scheme Guide to the Critcal Species Parts I-VII
S53084: Tams, W.H.T., Heath, J. et al - Some British Moths reviewed. Lepidoptera Distribution Maps Scheme Guide to the Critcal Species Parts I-VII
S27510: Tams, W.H.T. - A Pest of Coconut Palms in Portuguese East Africa / Two New Reprentatives of the Genus Hypotrabala (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) from the Belgian Congo
S25983: Tan, K.-H. (Ed.) - Area-Wide Control of Fruit Flies and Other Insect Pests
S36195: Tanaka, T. - Aphids on Vegetables in Japan
N25589: Tanasijtshuk, V.N. - Silver-flies (Diptera, Chamaemyiidae) of Australia
S43956: Tancred, T. - On the collection of Boracic Acid from the Lagoni of Tuscany
N56037: Tañedo, M.; Hutchinson, R.; Constantino, A.; Constantino, T. - A Naturalist's Guide to the Birds of the Philippines
S14584: Tang, F. - The Scale Insects of Horticulture and Forest of China. Vol. 1
S34039: Tansley, A.G. - The British Islands and their Vegetation
S36196: Tao, C.C. - List of Aphidoidea (Homoptera) of China
S47807: Taplin, William - A Compendium of Practical and Experimental Farriery originally suggested by reason and confirmed by practice. Equally adapted for the convenience of the gentleman, the farmer, the groom, and the smith. : Interspersed with such remarks, and elucidated with
S57953: Tapp, W.H. - The Sunbury Charter
S15201: Tar'inskiy, S.P.; Plavil'shchikov, N.N. (Eds) - Opredelitel Nasekomykh Evropeyskoy Chasti CCCR [Keys to the Insects of the European Part of the USSR]
S43721: Tarasov, N.I.; Zevina, G.B. - Fauna SSSR Rakoobraznye Tom VI(1): Usonogie Raki (Cirripedia Thoracica) Morej SSSR [Fauna of the USSR Crustacea Vol. VI(1): Cirripedia Thoracica of the Seas of the USSR]
N37753: Tarboton, W.; Tarboton, M. - A Guide to the Dragonflies & Damselflies of South Africa
S40703: Tarboton, W.; Tarboton, M. - A Field Guide to the Dragonflies of South Africa
S40704: Tarboton, W.; Tarboton, M. - A Field Guide to the Damselflies of South Africa
S21389: Targett, G.A.T. (Ed.) - Malaria Waiting for Vaccine
S60302: Tarpey, T.; Heath, J. - Wild Flowers of North East Essex
N13588: Tarrier, M.R. - Les papillons de jour du Maroc: Un guide d'identification et de bioindication
S47187: Taschen, A.; Phillips, I. - New Seaside Interiors Nouveaux intérieurs de la côte
S21570: Taschenberg, E.L. - Entomologie für Gärtner und Gartenfreunde oder Naturgeschichte der dem Gartenbau schädlichen Insekten, Würmer etc.
S9643: Tasso, T. - La Gerusalemme Liberata
S58772: Tastas-Duque, Ruben - Ultrastructural and Systematic Studies of Cecidomyiidae (Diptera)
S54833: Tate, G.H.H. - Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 65. The Rodents of Australia and New Guinea
A47614: Tate, R. - A Plain and Easy Account of the Land and Fresh-Water Mollusks of Great Britain
S34428: Tate, P. - Swallows
S53303: Tate, P. - East Anglia and its Birds
S46330: Tate, P. - A Century of Bird Books
R34729: Tate, G.H.H. - Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 65. The Rodents of Australia and New Guinea
S48015: Tate, P. - East Anglia and its Birds
S56384: Tatelbaum, I. - Through our Eyes: Children Witness The Holocaust
S56752: Tattersall, O.S.; Barnes, R.S.k. - (1) A survey of the genus Heteromysis (Crustacea: Mysidacea) with descriptions of five new species from tropical coastal waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, with a key for the identification of the known species of the genus; (2) The Macrophth
S14585: Tattersall, W.M. - A Review of the Mysidacea of the United States National Museum
S10966: Tattersall, W.M. - A Review of the Mysidacea of the United States National Museum
S60734: Tattersall, W.M. - The Marine Fauna of the Coast of Ireland. Pt V: Isopoda
S34690: Tattersall, W.M. - A Review of the Mysidacea of the United States National Museum
S18489: Tattersall, W.M. - Clare Island Survey Part 42: Amphipoda
S22443: Tattersall, W.M. - Mysidacea and Euphausiacea Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-29. Scientific Reports. Vol.V, No. 4
S57306: Tattersall, W.M. - The Marine Fauna of the Coast of Ireland. Pt V: Isopoda
S55141: Taverner, J.H. - Wildfowl in Hampshire
S40707: Taverner, J.; Cham, S.; Hold, A. et al - The Dragonflies of Hampshire
S20324: Taverner-Smith, R. - Fenestrate Bryozoa from the Visean of County Fermanagh, Ireland
S47278: Taverner, J.H. - Wildfowl in Hampshire
S3110: Taylor, T.H.C. - The Biological Control of an Insect in Fiji: An account of the Coconut Leaf-mining Beetle and its Parasite Complex
S34101: Taylor, M.; Seago, M.; Allard, P.; Dorling, D. - The Birds of Norfolk
N41719: Taylor, M. - RSPB Spotlight Owls
S20572: Taylor, P.D.; Lewis, D.N. - Fossil Invertebrates
N43186: Taylor, M.; Lewington, R. - RSPB ID Spotlight - Bees
N43187: Taylor, M.; Lewington, R. - RSPB ID Spotlight - Butterflies
N43188: Taylor, M.; Lewington, R. - RSPB ID Spotlight - Dragonflies and Damselflies
S59541: Taylor, P.D. (Ed.) - Field Geology of the British Jurassic
S43559: Taylor, G. - Insect Life in Britain (Britain in Pictures)
N25433: Taylor, M. - Dragonflight: In search of Britain's dragonflies and damselflies
S53795: Taylor, M.; Seago, M.; Allard, P.; Dorling, D. - The Birds of Norfolk
S55667: Taylor, A. - Birds of a County Palatine
S52867: Taylor, A.E.R.; Muller, R. (Eds) - Aspects of Fish Parasitology
S53616: Taylor, G. - Insect Life in Britain (Britain in Pictures)
S55268: Taylor, D. - Birdwatching in Kent
S36883: Taylor, J.E. - The Playtime Naturalist
N41772: Taylor, M. - The Gull Next Door
S59417: Taylor, T.G.; Warner, C. - Genetics for Budgerigar Breeders
N43295: Taylor, M.; Lewington, R. - RSPB ID Spotlight - Caterpillars
N39732: Taylor, M. - The Pocket Book of Insect Anatomy
S54025: Taylor, M. - The Birds of Sheringham
S41426: Taylor, W.R. - A Revision of the Catfish Genus Noturus Rafinesque with an Analysis of Higher Groups in the Ictaluridae
S48624: Taylor, M.; Seago, M.; Allard, P.; Dorling, D. - The Birds of Norfolk
S40269: Taylor, P.D.; Lewis, D.N. - Fossil Invertebrates
N49760: Taylor, M.; Message, S. (Illus.) - RSPB Pocket Guide to British Birds
N34063: Taylor, Marianne - The Way of the Hare
N40834: Taylor, M. - RSPB Spotlight Ducks and Geese
N50376: Taylor, M.; Lewington, R. (Illus.) - RSPB ID Spotlight - Garden Bugs
S48283: Taylor, R.L. - Plants of Colonial Days: A Guide to One Hundred & Sixty Flowers, Shrubs, and Trees in the Gardens of Colonial Williamsburg
N43126: Taylor, M.; Lewington, R. - RSPB ID Spotlight - Moths
S46010: Taylor, A. - Birds of a County Palatine
S3584: Taylor, W.R. - A Revision of the Catfish Genus Noturus Rafinesque with an Analysis of Higher Groups in the Ictaluridae
S34232: Taylor, K. - A Birders guide to Costa Rica An Introduction to Bird Finding; A Self-Made Tour for the Independent Birder
R38649: Taylor, R.W. - Monographic Revision of the rare tropicopolitan ant genus Probolomyrmex Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
S53796: Taylor, M.; Seago, M.; Allard, P.; Dorling, D. - The Birds of Norfolk
S38777: Taylor, W.C.; de Nicéville, L. - List of the Butterflies of Khorda in Orissa
N21839: Taylor, M. - Revised Illustrated Checklist. Orchids of Chios, Inouses & Psara
N52307: Taylor, M.; Lewington, R. - RSPB ID Spotlight - Ladybirds
P60653: Taylor, J.W.; Hoyle, W.E.; Tomlin, J.R. Le B. (Eds) - Journal of Conchology Vol. 6-19
S6349: Taylor, G. - Insect Life in Britain (Britain in Pictures) (Britain in Pictures 94)
N41716: Taylor, M. - RSPB Spotlight Robins
S60783: Taylor, J.E.; Duncan, P.M.; Wood, J.G.; Napier, C.O.G.; Anstead, D.T. - Natural History Rambles: Underground; The Sea-Shore; Lane and Field; Mountain and Moor; Lakes and Rivers; In Search of Minerals
S58947: Taylor, P.D.; Lewis, D.N. - Fossil Invertebrates
N39374: Taylor, M. - RSPB Garden Birds
S60263: Taylor, M. - Revised Illustrated Checklist. Orchids of Chios, Inouses & Psara
S958: Tazima, Y. - The Genetics of the Silkworm
N19768: SwissLep Team - Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera) der Schweiz. Eine kommentierte, systematisch-faunistische Liste Fauna Helvetica 25
S56138: Butterflies under threat team (BUTT) - The management of chalk grassland for butterflies
N42374: Teasdale, G.E.J. - Taxidermy & Animal Anatomy for Artists
S55278: Tegner, H. - Natural History in Northumberland and Durham
S54100: Tegner, H. - A Naturalist on Speyside
S53767: Tegner, H. - A Border County: Being an account of its wild life and field sports
S55579: Tegner, H. - The Magic of Holy Island
S44354: Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - The Appearance of Man
S48908: Teilhard de Chardin, P. - Réflexions et Prières dans l'Espace-Temps
S42130: Telban, B. - Grupos étnicos de colombia. Etnografía y bibliografía
S44423: Telenga, N.A. - Origin and evolution of parasitism in Hymenoptera parasitica and development of their fauna in the USSR
A41002: Temminck, C.J. - Account of some new Species of Birds of the genera Psittacus and Columba, in the Museum of the Linnean Society
S58962: Tempelman, D.; Lock, K.; Sanabria, M.J.; Zuyderduyn, C.; Koses, B. - De schietmotten van de Benelux (Trichoptera)
N56221: Tempelman, D.; Lock, K.; Sanabria, M.J.; Zuyderduyn, C.; Koses, B. - De schietmotten van de Benelux (Trichoptera)
S47052: Temperley, G.W. - A History of the Birds of Durham
S59727: Templado, J.; Baratech, L.; Calvo, M.; Villena, M.; Aparicio, T. - Los "ejemplares tipo" de las colecciones malacologicas del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales
S56866: Temple, P. - The BP Guide to Milford Track
S3196: Temple, V. - Butterflies and Moths in Britain
S5507: Temple, J.T. - Early Llandovery Brachiopods of Wales
S42406: Temple, J.T. - The Lower Llandovery Brachiopods and Trilobites from Ffridd Mathrafal, Near Meifod, Montgomeryshire
S22150: Temple, J.T. - Early Llandovery Brachiopods of Wales
S10397: Tendeiro, J. - Estudos sobre Malofagos revisao monografica do genero Columbicola Ewing (Ischocera, Philopteridae)
S21183: Tenison-Woods, J.E. - Palaeontology of New Zealand. Part IV: Corals and Bryozoa of the Neozoic Period in New Zealand
N935: Tennent, J. - The Butterflies of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia
N28655: Tennent, J. (Ed.) - The Poetry Bug: An anthology of writing by professional poets, entomologists, intellectuals, musicians and more…
N19777: Tennent, J. - The Butterflies of Vanuatu
N4953: Tennent, J. - Butterflies of the Solomon Islands: Systematics and Biogeography
S12830: Tenorio, J.M. - A revision of the Celyphidae (Diptera) of the Oriental region
N19500: Teocchi, P.; Juhel, P.; Adlbauer, K. - Les Cahiers Magellanes NS no. 1
R15930: Terborgh, J.W.; Fitzpatrick, J.W.; Emmons, L. - Annotated Checklist of Birds and Mammals Species of Cocha Cashu Biological Station, Manu National Park, Peru
S58233: Terborgh, J.; Estes, J.A. (Eds) - Trophic Cascades: Predators, Prey, and the Changing Dynamics of Nature
S40332: Terry, P.J. - Some Common Crop Weeds of West Africa and Their Control / Quelques Adventices Banales Des Cultures De L'afrique Occidental et La Lutte Contre Celles-la
N25888: Teruel, R.; Kovarik, F. - Scorpions of Cuba
S39641: Teskey, H.J. - Larvae and Pupae of some Eastern North American Tabanidae (Diptera)
S56044: Teskey, H.J. - Horse Flies and Deer Flies of Canada and Alaska (Diptera: Tabanidae) (The Insects and Arachnids of Canada 16)
S57997: Teskey, H.J. - Diptera Larvae associated with Trees in North America
S57998: Teskey, H.J. - Larvae and Pupae of some Eastern North American Tabanidae (Diptera)
N19775: Tessier, F. - Catalogue des Coléoptères Carabiques du Lot-et-Garonne
S43983: Tew, T.E.; Crawford, T.J.; Spencer, J.W.; Stevens, D.P.; Usher, M.B.; Warren, J. (Eds) - The Role of Genetics in Conserving Small Populations
N28315: Teyssie, F. - Tarantulas of the World
S33107: Thackray, J.C. - A Catalogue of Manuscripts and Drawings in the General Library of The Natural History Museum, London
S34539: Thackray, J.C. - A Catalogue of Manuscripts and Drawings in the General Library of The Natural History Museum, London
S46679: Thackray, J.; Press, B. - The Natural History Museum: Nature's Treasurehouse
S44815: Thackray, J.C. - A Guide to the Official Archives of The Natural History Museum, London
S34540: Thackray, J.C. - A Catalogue of Portraits, Paintings and Sculpture at The Natural History Museum, London
S33108: Thackray, J.C. - A Catalogue of Portraits, Paintings and Sculpture at The Natural History Museum, London
S58701: Thaler, K. (Ed.) - Diversität und Biologie von Webspinnen, Skorpionen und anderen Spinnentieren
S17699: Theel, H. - Z195: Sveriges Zoologiska Hafsstation Kristineberg
S45647: Théel, H.; Molander, A.R.; Gislen, T. - Kristinebergs Zoologiska Station, 1877-1927: Nos 1-4
N44177: Theischinger, G.; Hawking, J.; Orr, A. (Illus.) - The Complete Field Guide to Dragonflies of Australia
R43306: Themido, A.A. - Aves da Colecção Genal do Museu Zoologico de Coimbra [with] Aves das colonias portuguesas
S25851: Thenius, E. (Ed.) - Stammesgeschichte der Säugetiere (Einschliesslich der Hominiden) Handbuch der Zoologie. Bd. 8(2)
S53553: Theobald, F.V. - Insect Life: A Short Account of the Classification and Habits of Insects
S43420: Theobald, F.V. - Text-book of Agricultural Zoology
S53871: Theobald, F.V. - An Account of British Flies (Diptera)
S44473: Theobald, F.V. - [Culicidae Papers - compiled by F.V. Theobald]
S57672: Theodor, O. - The Genitalia of Bombyliidae (Diptera)
S56058: Theodor, O. - Diptera: Asilidae Fauna Palaestina. Insecta II
S56096: Theodor, O. - On the Structure of the Spermatheca and Aedeagus in the Asilidae and their Importance in the Systematics of the Family
R44441: Theodor, O. - A Revision of the Streblidae (Diptera) of the Ethiopian Region
S43840: Theodor, O. - The Genitalia of Bombyliidae (Diptera)
S17257: Theodor, O. - Diptera: Pupipara Fauna Palaestina. Insecta I
S55985: Theodor, O. - An Illustrated Catalogue of the Rothschild Collection of Nycteribiidae (Diptera) in the British Museum (Natural History)
S57010: Therivel, R.; Thompson, S. - Strategic environmental assessment and nature conservation: Report to English Nature
R9745: Theron, J.G. - Comparative studies on the Morphology Male Scale Insects (Hemiptera: Coccoidea)
S57967: Thesiger, Wilfred - Arabian Sands
S41341: Thibault, J.C.; Rives, C. - Birds of Tahiti
R34270: Thiebaud, M. - Contribution a la biologie du Lac de Saint-Blaise
S52480: Thiel, E. - The Soviet Far East: A Survey of its Physical and Economic Geography
S33908: Thiele, J. - Handbuch der systematischen Weichtierkunde. Teil 1-3
S45277: Thiele, H.-U. - Carabid Beetles in their Environments: A Study on Habitat Selection by Adaptations in Physiology and Behaviour
S51349: Thieme, M.L.; Abell, R.; Stiassny, M.L.J.; Skelton, P. et al - Freshwater Ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar: A Conservation Assessment
S43330: Thillayampalam, E.M. - Scoliodon: The Common Shark of the Indian Seas
S36545: Thines, G.; Tercafs, R. - Atlas de la vie souterraine: Les animaux cavernicoles
S55576: Thom, V. - Scottish Birds
S46569: Thom, V.M. - Birds in Scotland
S58483: Thom, V.M. - Birds in Scotland
S10437: Thom, C.; Church, M.B. - The Aspergilli
S57805: Thomas, Bertram - Arabia Felix: Across the Empty Quarter of Arabia
S46458: Thomas, J.; Lewington, R. (Illustrator) - The Butterflies of Britain and Ireland
S52550: Thomas, J. - The Coleoptera of the Witherslack Area of Cumbria
S59623: Thomas, J.; Lewington, R. - The Butterflies of Britain and Ireland
S48870: Thomas, J.; Lewington, R. - The Butterflies of Britain and Ireland
S60569: Thomas, M.L.H. - The Natural History of Bermuda
S52644: Thomas, J.; Eccles, T.; Bowestead, S. - The Coleoptera of the Sandhills of South Lancashire
S31834: Thomas, J.; Webb, N. - Butterflies of Dorset
S22211: Thomas, H.W.; Breinl, A. (1); Dutton, J.E.; Todd, J.L. (2) - (1) Trypanosomes, Trypanosomiasis, and Sleeping Sickness; (2) Gland Puncture in Trypanosomiasis
N42442: Thomas, P. - Trees (New Naturalist 145)
S5083: Thomas, G.S. - Gardens of the National Trust
S40954: Thomas, D.A. - The Growth and Direction of Our Foreign Trade in Coal during the Last Century
S37475: Thomas, H. - World Without End: The Gobal Empire of Philip II
S14556: Thomas, N. - A Double Beaker Burial on Bredon Hill, Worcs
S55040: Thomas, J.; Lewington, R. - The Butterflies of Britain and Ireland
S43199: Thomas, J.; Lewington, R. (Illustrator) - The Butterflies of Britain and Ireland
S40857: Thomas, E. - Richard Jefferies: His Life and Work
N31233: Thomas, J.; Eccles, T.; Bowestead, S. - The Coleoptera of the Sandhills of South Lancashire
N31232: Thomas, J. - The Coleoptera of the Witherslack Area of Cumbria
N56280: Thomas, O. - A Naturalist's Guide to the Birds Of New Zealand
S45837: Thomas, J.; Webb, N. - Butterflies of Dorset
N26747: Thomas, J.; Lewington, R. - The Butterflies of Britain and Ireland
S54464: Thomas, D.K. - An Atlas of Breeding Birds in West Glamorgan
S38643: Thomas-Hope, E. (Ed.) - Environmental Management in the Caribbean: Policy and Practice
S31783: Thomas, J. - The Coleoptera of the Witherslack Area of Cumbria
S53570: Thomas, J.; Lewington, R. (Illustrator) - The Butterflies of Britain and Ireland
S47201: Thomas, W.B. - Events of the Great War
S45527: Thomas, J.; Lewington, R. (Illustrator) - The Butterflies of Britain and Ireland
N56033: Thomas, R. - Storm-petrels
S21853: Thomas, H.D.; Davis, A.G. - The Pterobranch Rhabdopleura in the English Eocene
S59689: Thomas, H.H.; Edwards, W.N. - Guide to the Fossil Plants in the British Museum (Natural History)
S50551: Thomas, Dylan - Under Milk Wood: A Play for Voices
S51162: Thomas, J.H. (Ed.) - Wiltshire Archaeological And Natural History Society: The First 150 Years
N43388: Thommen, D. - Jugendstadien der Heuschrecken der Schweiz [Immature Stages of the Grasshoppers of Switzerland]
S60100: Thompson, R.; Nelson, B. - The Butterflies and Moths of Northern Ireland
S41767: Thompson, T.E. - Biology of Opisthobranch Molluscs Vols 1+2
N2383: Thompson, F.C. (Ed.) - Fruit Fly Expert Identification System and Systematic Information Database: a resource for identification and information of fruit flies and maggots, with information on their classification, distribution and documentation
S33084: Thompson, R.T. - Coleoptera, Phalacridae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/5b)
S37595: Thompson, F.G. - The Aquatic Snails of the Family Hydrobiidae of Peninsular Florida
S52970: Thompson, H. S. - Alpine Plants of Europe together with Cultural Hints
S52971: Thompson, H. S. - Sub-Alpine Plants or Flowers of the Swiss Woods and Meadows
N27907: Thompson, D.; Birks, H.H.; Birks, J. (Eds) - Nature's Conscience: The Life and Legacy of Derek Ratcliffe
S34185: Thompson, T.E. - Biology of Opisthobranch MolluscsVols 1+2
S43929: Thompson, D.B.A.; Hester, A.J.; Usher, M.B. (Eds) - Heaths and Moorland: Cultural Landscapes
N33845: Thompson, R. - Close-up and Macro Photography: Its Art and Fieldcraft Techniques
S55897: Thompson, T.E. - Biology of Opisthobranch Molluscs Vols 1+2
S43352: Thompson, R.T. - A Revision of the New Guinea Weevil Genus Apirocalus Pascoe (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
S58543: Thompson, T.E. - Nudibranchs
S17086: Thompson, E.F.; Gilson, H.C. - Chemical and Physical Investigations: Introduction. The John Murray Expedition 1933-34 Scientific Reports Vol. II, No. 2
S30637: Thompson, W.R. - Some Beneficial Insects
S58334: Thompson, J.V. - Zoological Researches and Illustrations 1828-1834
S59929: Thompson, R. - Close-Up & Macro: A Photographer's Guide
S42970: Thompson, R.T. - Coleoptera, Phalacridae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/5b)
S44680: Thompson, H.V.; Worden, A.N. - The Rabbit (New Naturalist Monograph 13)
S60347: Thompson, R. - A new flora of Alnwick District
S60491: Thompson, d'Arcy Wentworth - Bibliography of Protozoa, Sponges, Coelenterata, and Worms, including the Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, and Tunicata for the years 1861-1883
S5736: Thompson, R.T. - A Revision of the New Guinea Weevil Genus Apirocalus Pascoe (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
S18495: Thompson, W.R, - A Catalogue of the Parasites and Predators of Insect Pests. Section 2 Host Parasite Catalogue. Part 2 Hosts of the Hymenoptera (Agaonidae to Braconidae)
S18497: Thompson, W.R, - A Catalogue of the Parasites and Predators of Insect Pests. Section 1. Parasite Host Catalogue. Part 2 Neuroptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Psocoptera, Siphonaptera, Thysanoptera
S57072: Thompson, J.V. - Zoological Researches and Illustrations 1828-1834
S25836: Thompson, F.C.; Pont, A.C. - Systematic Database of Musca Names (Diptera)
S55834: Thompson, T.E. - Molluscs: Benthic Opisthobranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda) (Synopses of the British Fauna 8)
S18373: Thompson, T.E. - Biology of Opisthobranch Molluscs. Vol. 1
S32581: Thompson, T.E. - Biology of Opisthobranch Molluscs. Vol. 1
A58437: Thompson, W. - The Natural History of Ireland. Vol. I-IV
S47397: Thompson, R.T. - Coleoptera, Phalacridae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/5b)
S47772: Thomsen, P.; Jacobsen, P. - The birds of Tunisia: an annotated checklist and a field-guide to bird-watching
S34147: Thomsen, M. - Stuefluen (Musca domestica) og Stikfluen (Stomoxys calcitrans)
S3913: Thomsen, M. - Stuefluen (Musca domestica) og Stikfluen (Stomoxys calcitrans)
S52563: Thomson, D.J.; Bradbury, S. - An Introduction to Photomicrography
S36020: Thomson, J.A. - The Wonder of Life
S36992: Thomson, J. - Mungo Park and the Niger
S32865: Thomson, G. - The Butterflies of Scotland: A Natural History
A50547: Thomson, David Croal - The Life and Works of Thomas Bewick being an Account of his Career and Achievements in Art with a Notice of the Works of John Bewick
A11507: Thomson, J. - Archives Entomologiques ou recueil contenant des illustrations d'insectes nouveaux ou rares. Tome Premier [-Deuxieme]
S50909: Thomson, J.D., Kearns, C.A. - The Natural History of Bumblebees: A Sourcebook for Investigations
S37110: Thomson, G. - The Butterflies of Scotland: A Natural History
S46078: Thomson, G. - The Butterflies of Scotland: A Natural History
S15257: Thomson, D.F. - Birds of the Cape York Peninsula: Ecological Notes, Field Observations, and Catalogue of Specimens Collected on Three Expeditions to North Queensland
S32809: Thomson, C.G. - Skandinaviens Hymenoptera. Hymenoptera Scandinaviae. Tom. 3(1). Vespa Lin.
S58057: Thomson, G.C. - Kongliga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring Jorden under befäl af C.A. Virgin, åren 1851-53. Vetenskapliga Iakttagelser. Dl. II, Zoologi I, Insecta Pt. 12 (pp. 443-614): Diptera Species Novas Descripsit
R29665: Thomson, C.G. - Skandinaviens Coleoptera I. Tom
S22240: Thomson, R.C.M. - Studies on Behaviour Anopheles minimus: Parts I-VIII
S2017: Thomson, I.M. - Birds from the Hide described and photographed
A50676: Thomson, Spencer - Wild Flowers: Where to find, and how to know them
S48868: Thomson, G. - The Butterflies of Scotland: A Natural History
S36830: Thonner, F. - Flowering Plants of Africa: An Analytical Key to the Genera of African Phanerogams
S53176: Thorburn, Archibald - British Birds Vol. I-IV
S57554: Thorburn, Archibald - British Birds. Vol. I-IV
S50747: Thorburn, Archibald - British Mammals. Vol. I-II
S55234: Thorburn, Archibald - British Birds Vol. I-IV
S50748: Thorburn, Archibald - British Birds. Vol. I-IV
A57137: Thorburn, Archibald - British Mammals. Vol. I-II [Large Paper Edition]
S39649: Thorell, T. - Remarks on Synonyms of European Spiders
S33155: Thornback, J.; Jenkins, M. - The IUCN Mammal Red Data Book. Part 1: Threatened Mammalian Taxa of the Americas and the Australian Zoogeographic Region (excluding Cetacea)
S41342: Thorne, W.E.; Hooke, A.W. - Mining of Alluvial Deposits by Dredging and Hydraulicking
S40796: Thornton, K.W.; Kimmel, B.L.; Payne, F.E. (Eds) - Reservoir Limnology: Ecological Perspectives
S40903: Thornton, I.; New, T. (Ed.) - Island Colonization: The Origin and Development of Island Communities
S53587: Thornton, J.L.; Tully, R.I.J. - Scientific Books Libraries and Collectors: A Study of Bibliography and the Book Trade in Relation to Science
S42964: Thornton, K. - Practical Pig Production
A48882: Thornton, Robert John - Elements of Botany. Vol. I-II
A48883: Thornton, Robert John - The British Flora; or, Genera and Species of British Plants: Arranged after the Reformed Sexual System. Vol. V
S26622: Thornton, I.W.B.; Wong, S-K. - The Peripsocid Fauna (Psocoptera) of the Oriental Region and the Pacific
N46653: Thorogood, C. - Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of the Western Mediterranean
N44923: Thorogood, C.; Rumsey, F. - Broomrapes of Britain & Ireland
N38277: Thorogood, C. - Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of the Eastern Mediterranean
N50103: Thorpe, R.S. - Reptiles of the Lesser Antilles
S39980: Thorson, T.B. (Ed.) - Investigations of the Ichthyofauna of Nicaraguan Lakes
S40223: Thrower, S.L. - Hong Kong Climbing Plants
S52694: Thrower, S.L. - Hong Kong Trees: Omnibus Volume
S38556: Thrower, S.L. - Hong Kong Trees: Omnibus Volume
S50691: Thrower, S.L. - Hong Kong Trees: Omnibus Volume
S38662: Thrower, S.L. - Hong Kong Shrubs Vol. II
R42651: Thunmark, S. - Zur Soziologie des Süsswasserplanktons: Eine methodologisch-ökologische Studie
R34285: Thunmark, S. - Abwasserfrage der Växjöseen in hydrobiologischer Beleuchtung: Grundzüge in der regionalen Planktologie von Südschweden
S44035: Thunmark, S. - Der See Fiolen und seine Vegetation
S39402: Thys Van Den Audenaerde, D.F.E. - Revision Systematique des Especes Congolaises du Genre Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae)
S48478: Ticehurst, C.B. - A History of the Birds of Suffolk
S47148: Ticehurst, N.F. - The Mute Swan in England: Its History, and the Ancient Custom of Swan-Keeping
S54014: Ticehurst, C.B. - A History of the Birds of Suffolk
S12951: Tickell, F.G. - The Examination of Fragmental Rocks
S23251: Tidwell, W.D. - Common Fossil Plants of Western North America
S46730: Li Tiesheng - The Development & Utliization of the Hornet Resources in China
R23217: Tigerstedt, R.; Stromberg, C.A. - Der Venensinus des Froschherzens physiologisch untersucht
S30802: Tikasingh, E.S. (Ed.) - Studies on the Natural History of Yellow Fever in Trinidad
N37895: Tilbury, C. - Chameleons of Africa - An Atlas including the chameleons of Europe, Middle East and Asia
N51485: Tilford, T. - Birds of Bali, Sumatra and Java
S11710: Tilley, C.E. - Discovery Reports. Vol. X Report on Rocks from the South Orkney Islands
S34991: Tillier, S. - Gastéropodes terrestres et fluviatiles de Guyane francaise
N28032: Tilling, S.M. - A Key to the Major Groups of British Terrestrial Invertebrates
S48271: Tilling, S.M. - A Key to the Major Groups of British Terrestrial Invertebrates
S26845: Tilling, S.M. - A Key to the Major Groups of British Terrestrial Invertebrates
S31039: Tillyard, R.J. - The Panorpoid Complex in the British Rhaetic and Lias (Fossil Insects, No. 3)
S9481: Tillyard, R.J.; Buxton, P.A.; Bagnall, R.S. - Insects of Samoa Pt VII. Other Orders of Insects: Fasc. 2. Plectoptera, Siphonaptera; Thysanoptera
S8384: Tillyard, R.J. - The Panorpoid Complex in the British Rhaetic and Lias (Fossil Insects, No. 3)
S39853: Tillyard, R.J. - The Biology of Dragonflies (Odonata or Paraneuroptera)
S45503: Tillyard, R.J. - The Biology of Dragonflies (Odonata or Paraneuroptera)
S42515: Tillyard, R.J. - TheBritish Liassic Dragonflies (Odonata) (Fossil Insects, No. 1)
S39387: Tilzer, M.M.; Khondker, M. (Eds) - Hypertrophic and Polluted Freshwater Ecosystem: Ecological Bases for Water Resource Management
S39383: Timms, B.V.; Savage, A. - An Identification Guide to the Fairy Shrimps (Crustacea: Anostraca) of Australia
S55795: Tinbergen, N. - The Study of Instinct
S53490: Tinbergen, N.; Falkus, H. - Signals for SurvivalSignals for Survival
S42689: Tinley, L. - Drawn from the Plains: Life in the Wilds of Southern Africa
S42556: Tinturier-Hamelin, E. - Polychromatisme et Détermination Génétique du Sexe chez L'Espèce Polytypique Idotea Balthica (Pallas) (Isopode Valvifère)
S55159: Tippett, R. (Ed.) - A Natural History of Loch Lomond
S17737: Tirmizi, N.M.; Manning, R.B. - Stomatopod Crustacea from West Pakistan
S34911: Tischler, G. - Allgemeine Pflanzenkaryologie
N27841: Tison, J.-M.; de Foucault, B. (Eds) - Flora Gallica: Flore de France
P53063: Tissandier, Gaston (Ed.) - La Nature: revue des sciences et de leurs applications aux arts et à l'industrie. Treizième année, 1885
P55189: Tissandier, Gaston (Ed.) - La Nature: Revue des Sciences et de leurs Applications aux Arts et à l'Industrie. Quatrième année 1876
S59766: Tite, G.E.; Dickson, E.G.C. - The Aloeides Thyra Complex (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
S10897: Tite, G.E. - A Revision of the Genus Anthene from the Oriental Region (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
S51107: Tite, G.E. - The Jamides euchylas complex (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) and Two new species of the genus Jamides (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
S51108: Tite, G.E. - The Jamides euchylas complex (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) and Two new species of the genus Jamides (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
S51110: Tite, G.E. - A Revision of the Genus Candalides and Allied Genera (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
S51111: Tite, G.E. - A Revision of the Genus Anthene from the Oriental Region (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
S31206: Tite, G.E.; Dickson, E.G.C. - The Genus Aloeides and Allied Genera (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
S51109: Tite, G.E. - A Synonymic List of the Genus Nacaduba and Allied Genera (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
S25972: Tite, G.E.; Dickson, E.G.C. - The Genus Aloeides and Allied Genera (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
N6615: Tite, G.E.; Dickson, E.G.C. - The Genus Aloeides and Allied Genera (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
S43384: Tite, G.E. - The Jamides euchylas complex (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) and Two new species of the genus Jamides (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
S41324: Titley, S.R.; Hicks, C.L. - Geology of the Porphry Copper Deposits Southwestern North America
S52773: Tittensor, R.M. - Report on the vegetation of 'The Mens' woodland reserve, West Sussex
S44682: Tiwari, S.K. - Zoogeography of Indian Amphibians: Distribution, Diversity and Spatial Relationship
N54335: Tizard, R.; Zaw Naing, T.; Davison, G. - A Naturalist's Guide to the Birds of Myanmar
S36356: Tobias, V.I. (Ed.) - Morfologicheskie osnovy filogenii nasekomykh [Morphological Principles of the Phylogeny of Insects]
S58407: Tockner, K.; Robinson, C.T.; Uehlinger, U. (Eds) - Rivers of Europe
S28490: Todd, C.D.; Laverack, M.S. - Coastal Marine Zooplankton: a practical manual for students
S47782: Toghill, P. - Geology in Shropshire
S59071: Tokar, Z.; Lvovsky, A.; Huemer, P. - Die Oecophoridae s.l. (Lepidoptera) Mitteleuropas: Bestimmung - Verbreitung - Habitat - Bionomie
N8578: Tokar, Z.; Lvovsky, A.; Huemer, P. - Die Oecophoridae s.l. (Lepidoptera) Mitteleuropas Bestimmung - Verbreitung - Habitat - Bionomie
S42715: Tokeshi, M. - Species Coexistence: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives
S4922: Tokioka, T. - Pacific Tunicata of the United States National Museum
S38424: Tokunaga, M.; Murachi, E.K. - Insects of Micronesia. Vol. 12(3): Diptera: Ceratopogonidae
S38865: Tokunaga, M. - New Guinea Biting Midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
S53592: Tolkamp, H.H. - Organism-substrate relationships in lowland streams
N16777: Tolman, T.; Lewington, R. - Collins Butterfly Guide
S49707: Tolman, T.; Lewington, R. (Illus.) - Collins Field Guide. Butterflies of Britain & Europe
S31968: Tomasello, M.; Call, J. - Primate Cognition
S36570: Tomasi, G. - Origine, Distribuzione, Catasto e Bibliographia dei Laghi del Trentino
N37159: Tomek, T.; Bochenski, Z.M. - A key for the identification of domestic bird bones in Europe: Galliformes and Columbiformes
S57263: Tomek, T.; Bochenski, Z.M. - A key for the identification of domestic bird bones in Europe: Galliformes and Columbiformes
N39265: Tomek, T.; Bochenski, Z.M. - The comparative osteology of European Corvids (Aves: Corvidae), with a key to the identification of their skeletal elements
S36374: Tomelleri, J.R.; Eberle, M.E. - Fishes of the Central United States
S17978: Tomes, C.S. - A Manual of Dental Anatomy Human and Comparative
S17977: Tomes, C.S. - A Manual of Dental Anatomy Human and Comparative
S42296: Tomkeieff, S.I. - Coals and Bitumens, and Related Fossil Carbonaceous Substances: Nomenclature and Classification
S55269: Tomkies, M. - On Wing and Wild Water
R60490: Tomlin, J.R. Le B. - Book Notes [and] Catalogues and Collections
S57502: Tomlin, D.M. - The Salt Industry of the River Tees
S34602: Tomlinson, P.B. - The Botany of Mangroves
N33852: Di Tommaso, L. - The Art of the First Fleet: Images of Nature
S50499: Toms, M. - Owls (New Naturalist 125)
S50292: Toms, M. - Owls (New Naturalist 125)
S21852: Tomuda, Y. - Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates in Japan: (Preliminary Version)
S38651: Tonapi, G.T. - Fresh Water Animals of India (An Ecological Approach)
S52732: Tonge, A.E - Some Moths and Butterflies and their Eggs (Gowans's Nature Books No. 15)
S54169: Tonkin, T. - Ethiopia with Love
S58273: Tonnoir, A.L. - Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Pt II - Fasc. 1: Psychodidae
S9160: Tonnoir, A.L. - Ruwenzori Expedition 1934-1935 Vol.1 no.4 Psychodidae
S44958: Tonsley, C. - Honey for Health
S49711: Took, I.F. - Fishes of the Caribbean Reefs
S53857: O'Toole, C. (Ed.) - The New Encyclopedia of Insects and their Allies
N25063: O'Toole, C. - The Red Mason Bee:
N14196: O'Toole, C.; Buglife; Shields, C. - Guide to Bees of Britain (Identification Chart)
S53271: O'Toole, C. - The Dragonfly over the Water
S53246: O'Toole, C. - Alien Empire: An Exploration of the Lives of Insects
N25757: O'Toole, C. - Bees: A Natural History
S16599: O'Toole, C.; Raw, A. - Bees of the World
S49780: O'Toole, C. (Ed.) - The New Encyclopedia of Insects and their Allies
S41602: Tooley, R.V. - Collectors' Guide to Maps of the African Continent and Southern Africa
S4623: Tooley, R.V. - English Books with Coloured Plates 1790-1860: A Bibliographical Account of the most Important Books illustrated by English Artists in Colour Aquatint and Colour Lithography
N54483: Top, M; Fritsch, D.; Kononenko, V. - Noctuidae Europaeae Essential
S48984: Topinard, P. - Éléments d'anthropologie générale
S39852: Toral-Granda, V.; Lovatelli, A.; Vasconcellos, M. (Eds) - Sea cucumbers: A global review of fisheries and trade
S54778: Torre-Bueno, J.R. - A Glossary of Entomology
S59777: Torrens, H. - Mary Anning (1799-1847) of Lyme: 'the greatest fossilist the world ever knew'
N34354: Toth, M. - Hair and Fur Atlas of Central European Mammals
S41561: Tothill, J.D.; Taylor, T.H.C.; Paine, R.W. - The Coconut Moth in Fiji: A history of its control by means of parasites
S19300: Tothill, J.D.; Taylor, T.H.C.; Paine, R.W. - The Coconut Moth in Fiji: A history of its control by means of parasites
S59491: Tottenham, C.E. - Coleoptera Staphylinidae a) Piestinae to Euaesthetinae (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 4/8a)
S45008: Tottenham, C.E. - Coleoptera Staphylinidae a) Piestinae to Euaesthetinae (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 4/8a)
S11785: Tottenham, C.E. - Contributions a l'etude de la faune entomologique du Ruanda-Urundi (mission P. Basileswky 1953) 87. Coleoptera, Staphylinidae; Steninae, Xantholininae, Staphylininae, Tachyporinae and Pygosteninae
S44491: Totton, A.K.; Mackie, G.O. - Studies on Physalia physalis (L.) Pt 1: Natural History and Morphology; Pt. 2: Behaviour and Histology. (Discovery Reports XXX)
S23566: Tournier, H. - Description des Dascillides du Bassin du Léman
S59827: Toussaint, A.; Adolphe, H. - Bibliography of Mauritius (1502-1954): Covering the Printed Record, Manuscripts, Archivalia, and Cartographic Material
S59311: Tovell, W.M. - The Niagara River
R14232: Tower, W.L. - The Development of the Colors and Color Patterns of Coleoptera, with Observations upon the Development of Color in other Orders of Insects
N18478: Townes, H.; Townes, M.; Gupta, V.K. - A catalogue and reclassification of the Indo-Australian Ichneumonidae
S20945: Townrow, J.A. - On Pteruchus, a Microsporophyll of the Corystospermaceae
R22205: Townsend, B.C.; Chainey, J.E.; Crosskey, R.W.; Pont, A.C. et al - A catalogue of the types of bloodsucking flies in the British Museum (Natural History)
N39052: Townsend, M.; Waring, P.; Lewington, R. - Concise Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland
N19541: Townsend, J.I. - Trechini (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) Fauna of New Zealand 62
R39659: Townsend, B.C.; Chainey, J.E.; Crosskey, R.W.; Pont, A.C. et al - A catalogue of the types of bloodsucking flies in the British Museum (Natural History)
R31720: Townsend, B.C.; Chainey, J.E.; Crosskey, R.W.; Pont, A.C. et al - A catalogue of the types of bloodsucking flies in the British Museum (Natural History)
S6400: Townsend, B.C. - A revision of the Afrotropical mole-crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae)
S47632: Townsend, F.; Rayner, J.F. - Flora of Hampshire Including the Isle of Wight [with] A Supplement to Townsend's Flora of Hamphsire
S32164: Townson, S. (Ed.) - Breeding Reptiles & Amphibians
S33153: Trail, J.W.H. - James William Helenus Trail: A Memorial Volume
S55922: Traimer, B.; Aston, G.H.R.; Durrieu, M.; Lepian, A.; van Oudernhoven, J.A.C.M.; Robinson, N.; Sedlacek, K.W.; Sibria, P. - A field guide to coastal oil spill control and clean-up techniques
S16187: Traub, R. - The Gunong Benom Expedition 1967.11-13. Notes on Zoogeography, Convergent Evolution and Taxonomy of Fleas (Siphonaptera), Based on Collections from Gunong Benom and Elsewhere in South-East Asia. I. New taxa (Pygiopsyllidae, Pygiopsyllinae); II Convergent
S38374: Traub, R. - The Gunong Benom Expedition 1967 12. Notes on Zoogeography, Convergent Evolution and Taxanomy of Fleas (Siphonaptera), based on collections from Gunong Benom and elsewhere in South-East Asia. II. Convergent Evolution12. Notes on Zoogeography, Convergent E
S9400: Traub, R. - The Gunong Benom Expedition 1967.13. Notes on Zoogeography, Convergent Evolution and Taxonomy of Fleas (Siphonaptera), Based on Collections from Gunong and Elsewhere in South-East AsiaIII Zoogeography
S9399: Traub, R. - The Gunong Benom Expedition 1967 12. Notes on Zoogeography, Convergent Evolution and Taxanomy of Fleas (Siphonaptera), based on collections from Gunong Benom and elsewhere in South-East Asia. II. Convergent Evolution12. Notes on Zoogeography, Convergent E
S23722: Traub, R. - Siphonaptera From Central America and Mexico A morphological study Of the aedeagus with descriptions of new genera and species
S35976: Trautman, M.B. - The Birds of Buckeye Lake, Ohio
N32570: Trautner, J. (Ed.) - Die Laufkäfer Baden-Württembergs
S40891: Travers, J.R. - Mayflies of Puerto Rico / Ecological Survey of the Fresh water Insects of Puerto Rico
S56909: Traynor, J. - Honey: The Gourmet Medicine
N23444: Treadaway, C.G. - Butterflies of the World 37 Nymphalidae 21: Euploea of the Philippine Islands
S58523: Treat, Ida - Sailing Forbidden Coasts
S42808: Treatt, S.C. - Sudan Sands: Filming the Baggara Arabs
S57262: Trebilcock, G.D. - A Guide to and Local List of Insects in North West Cornwall
N53735: Tree, I.; Burrell, C. - The Book of Wilding: A Practical Guide to Rewilding, Big and Small
N37984: Tree, I. - Wilding: The Return of Nature to a British Farm
N52373: Treesucon, U.; Limparungpatthanakij, W. - Birds of Thailand
N47911: Trehern, R.; Harper, L.; Shields, C. - Guide to Woodlands: trees, flowers & fungi (Identification Chart)
N11167: Tremewan, W.G. - Ecology, Phenotypes and the Mendelian Genetics of Burnet Moths (Zygaena Fabricius, 1775)
S45751: Tremewan, W.G. - A Bibliography of the Zygaeninae (Lepidoptera; Zygaenidae)
P34551: Tremewan, W.G. (Ed.) - Entomologist's Gazette: A Journal of Palaearctic Entomology. Vol. 25-36
S57389: Tremewan, W.G. - The Publications on Lepidoptera by O.G. and A. Costa and the nominal taxa described therein
P43046: Tremewan, W.G. (Ed.) - Entomologist's Gazette. Vol. 21-27
S38393: Tremewan, W.G. - The Publications on Lepidoptera by O.G. and A. Costa and the nominal taxa described therein
S59768: Tremewan, W.G. - A Catalogue of the Genus-group Names of the Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera)
S50246: Tremewan, W.G. - Entomologist's Gazette. Vol. 26 (1975)
S8950: Tremewan, W.G. - The Publications on Lepidoptera by O.G. and A. Costa and the nominal taxa described therein
N2563: Tremewan, W.G. - A Bibliography of the Zygaeninae (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae)
S50381: Trench, R. - Forbidden Sands: A Search in the Sahara
S16352: Trengrove, L. - Chemistry at the Royal Society of London in the Eighteenth Century -III (A) and (B) - Metals
S52533: Trewartha, G.T. - Japan: A Geography
S39951: Trewavas, E. - Tilapiine Fishes of the genera Sarotherodon, Oreochromis and Danakilia
S42524: Trewavas, E.; Payne, A.I.; Banister, K.E. - Miscellanea [Four papers on African Fish]
S41854: Trewavas, E. - A Revision of the Genus Serranochromis Regan (Pisces, Chichlidae)
S41446: Trewavas, E. - I. On the cichlid fishes of the genus Pelmatochromis with proposal of a new genus for P. congicus; on the relationship between Pelmatochromis and Tilapia and the recognition of Sarotherodon as a distinct genusand II. A new species of
S50006: Treweek, J. - Ecological Impact AssessmentEcological Impact Assessment
N29104: Trewhella, S.; Hatcher, J. - The Essential Guide to Beachcombing and the Strandline
A45566: Tripp, F.E. - British Mosses: their Homes, Aspects, Structure, and Uses
S55180: Tristram-Valentine, J.T. - London Birds and Beasts
S51364: Tristram, S. - The Bloodless Revolution: Radical Vegetarians and the Discovery of India
N32715: Stejskal R.; Trnka F. - Brachyceridae, Dryophthoridae, Erirhinidae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 30)
S54082: Trodd, P.; Kramer, D. - The Birds of Bedfordshire
N30831: Troelstra, A.S. - A Bibliography of Natural History Travel Narratives
S45082: Tröger, W.E. - Optische Bestimmung der gesteinsbildenden Minerale.Teil 1: Bestimmungstabellen
S16888: Trois, E.F. - Annotazioni sopra un organo speciale e non desrcitto nel Lophius piscatorius [with] Ricerche sul sistema linfatico dell' Uranoscopus scaber
S49138: Tronquet, M. (Ed.) - Catalogue des Coléoptères de France de la Faune de France continentale et de Corse
N13959: Tronquet, M. - Catalogue Iconographique des Coleopteres des Pyrenees-Orientales. Vol. 1: Staphylinidae
N25594: Tronquet, M. - Révision des espèces appartenant au genre Geostiba Thomson présentes en France continentale, Corse et régions limitrophes
N30828: Tronquet, M. (Ed.) - Catalogue des Coléoptères de France. Supplement 1: Index Errata Données nouvelles
S55047: Tronquet, M. - Catalogue Iconographique des Coleopteres des Pyrenees-Orientales. Vol. 1: Staphylinidae
N33844: Tronquet, M. - Catalogue des Coléoptères de France. Supplement 3: Errata, Données nouvelles
N25595: Tronquet, M. (Ed.) - Catalogue des Coléoptères de France de la Faune de France continentale et de Corse
N31063: Tronquet, M. (Ed.) - Catalogue des Coléoptères de France. Supplement 2: Index Errata Données nouvelles
S54977: Trouessart, E.-L. - Faune de Mammiféres d'Europe (Conspectus Mammalium Europae)
S17684: Trouessart, E. - Revue de Paléontologie pour l'Année 1890. Mammifères
S21171: Trouessart, E. - Note sur les Acariens Marins (Halacaridae): récoltés par M. Henri Gadeau de Kerville dans la région d'Omonville-la-Rogue (Manche) et dans la fosse de la Hague
S41389: Trought, T. - The Amateur Entomologist Volume 10
S34665: Trueman, I.; Morton, A.; Wainwright, M. (Eds) - The Flora of Montgomeryshire
N51393: Trueman, I.C.; Poulton, M.W.; Hodder, M.; Large, L.; Hancock, S.A.; Phipps, S.M. - The Flora of Sutton Park: National Nature Reserve
S59901: Trueman, I.; Morton, A.; Wainwright, M. (Eds) - The Flora of Montgomeryshire
S12619: Trueta, J. et al - Studies of the Renal Circulation
N43210: Štrunc, V. - Tiger Beetles of the World: Illustrated Guide to the Genera
N45324: Štrunc, V. - Ground Beetles of the Africa: Ethiopian Region and Madagascar
N49423: Štrunc, V. - Jewel Beetles of the World: Illustrated Guide to the Superfamily Buprestidae
S48208: Hampshire and Isle Of Wight Wildlife Trust - Wildlife and Wild Places: Your Guide to the Nature Reserves of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildife Trust
S46348: Dorset Wildlife Trust - The Natural History of Dorset
N56210: Field Studies Council; Shark Trust - Shark and skate eggcases (Identification Chart)
S48284: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust - Wildlife and Wild Places: Your Guide to the Nature Reserves of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildife Trust
S58339: Uganda National Park Trustees - Uganda National Parks Handbook
S56190: Tsacas, L. - Révision des espèces du genre Neomochtherus Osten-Sacken Diptères: Asilidae 1. Region Paléarctique
S43981: Tschermak, G. - Lehrbuch der Mineralogie
N44318: Tschinkel, W.R. - Ant Architecture: The Wonder, Beauty, and Science of Underground Nests
N19687: Tshikolovets, V.V.; Kosterin, O.; Gorbunov, P.; Yakovlev, R. - The Butterflies of Kazakhstan
N17640: Tshikolovets, V.V.; Yakovlev, R.; Kosterin, O. - Butterflies of Altai, Sayans and Tuva(South Siberia)
N9482: Tshikolovets, V.V. - Butterflies of Kyrgyzstan
N9549: Tshikolovets, V.V. - The Butterflies of Ladak (N.-W. India)
N31680: Tshikolovets, V.V.; Pagès, J. - The Butterflies of Pakistan
N19532: Tshikolovets, V.V.; Naderi, A.; Eckweiler, W. - The Butterflies of Iran and Iraq
N17639: Tshikolovets, V.V.; Yakovlev, R.; Balint, Z. - The Butterflies of Mongolia
N34483: Tshikolovets, V.V.; Pliushch, I.; Pak, O.; Skrylnik, Y. - The Butterflies of Afghanistan
N42678: Tshikolovets, V.V. - The genus Calinaga Moore, [1858] (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Calinaginae)
S44781: Tshikolovets, V.V.; Nekrutenko, Y. - The Butterflies of Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russian Federation)
N23705: Tshikolovets, V.V.; Nekrutenko, Y. - The Butterflies of Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russian Federation)
N41118: Tshikolovets, V.V.; Yehuds, Oz Ben - The Butterflies of Middle East (Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan and Egypt (Sinai Peninsula))
N39694: Tshikolovets, V.V.; Streltzov, A. - The Butterflies of Russian Far East (Khabarovskiy and Primorskiy Kray, Jewish Autonomous and Amur Regions), Sakhalin and Kuril Islands
N43984: Tsukamoto, K.; Inagaki, M.; Kawahara, M.; Mori, M. - Genus Copris of Japan
S35517: Tubbs, C.R. - The New Forest (New Naturalist 73)
S49432: Tubbs, C.R. - The New Forest
S46058: Tubbs, C.R. - The Buzzard
S23045: Tubbs, C.R. - The New Forest (New Naturalist 73)
S46470: Tucker, G.M.; Heath, M.F. - Birds in Europe: Their Conservation Status
S35234: Tucker, P. H. - Monet in the '90s: the series Paintings
S35235: Tucker, P. H. - Monet in the 20th Century
S54287: Tucker, V. - Birds of Plymouth A city avifauna 1950-1994
S50451: Tucker, G.M.; Heath, M.F. - Birds in Europe: Their Conservation Status
S42502: Tucker, M.E. - Sedimentary Petrology: An Introduction to the Origin of Sedimentary Rocks
P53044: Tucker, B.W.; Nicholson, E.M. - British Birds: An Illustrated Magazine devoted to the Birds on the British List. Vol. 40-48
S50452: Tucker, G.M.; Evans, M.I. - Habitats for Birds in Europe: A Conservation Strategy for the Wider Environment
S58183: Tudorancea, C.; Taylor, W.D. (Eds) - Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes
A35893: Tugwell, George - A Manual of the Sea-Anemones Commonly Found on the English Coast
A40086: Tugwell, George - A Manual of the Sea-Anemones Commonly Found on the English Coast
A42112: Tugwell, George - A Manual of the Sea-Anemones Commonly Found on the English Coast
S36740: Tull, D.; Miller, G.O. - A Field Guide to Wildflowers, Trees & Shrubs of Texas
S54524: Tulloch, B. - A Guide to Shetland's Breeding Birds
S54523: Tulloch, B.; Hunter, F. - A Guide to Shetland Birds
S54286: Tulloch, B. - A Guide to Shetland's Breeding Birds
S54533: Tulloch, B.; Hunter, F. - A Guide to Shetland Birds
S45813: Tung, V.W. - Common Malaysian Beetles
P54878: Tunmore, M. (Ed.) - Atropos. 1-27
P31401: Tunmore, M. (Ed.) - Atropos. No. 1-56
P44454: Tunmore, M. (Ed.) - Atropos. No. 43-51
P27027: Tunmore, M. (Ed.) - Atropos. No. 1-39
S39691: Tunnicliffe, C.F. - Shorelands Summer Diary
S28570: Tunnicliffe, C.F. - Sketches of Bird Life
A50529: Tunnicliffe, C.F. - Shorelands Summer Diary
S53289: Tunnicliffe, C.F. - Shorelands Winter Diary
S53894: Tunnicliffe, C.F. - A Sketchbook of Birds
S55688: Tunnicliffe, C.F.; Cusa, N. - Tunniclife's Birds: Measured Drawings by C F Tunnicliffe RA
S28527: Tunnicliffe, C.F. - The Peregrine Sketchbook
R16195: Tuomikoski, R. - Zur Kenntnis der Sciarden (Dipt.) Finnlands
S59156: Turek, V.; Marek, J.; Benes, J.; Brown, J. (Ed.) - Fossils of the World: A comprehensive, practical guide to collecting and studying fossils
S34455: Turgeon, D.D. et al - Common and Scientific Names of Aquatic Invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Mollusks
S37635: Turillazzi, S. - The Biology of Hover Wasps
S45959: Turillazzi, S. - The Biology of Hover Wasps
S59558: Turin, H. - Provisional Checklist of the European Ground-Beetles (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae & Carabidae)
N49494: Turin, H.; Kotze, D.J.; Muller-Kroehling, S.; Saska, P.; Spence, J.; Heijerman, T. - Ecology and conservation of the Dutch ground beetle fauna: Lessons from 66 years of pitfall trapping
S9152: Turin, H.; Haeck, J.; Hengeveld, R. - Atlas of the Carabid Beetles of the Netherlands
S8319: Turin, H. - Provisional Checklist of the European Ground-Beetles (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae & Carabidae)
S59145: Turin, H. - De Nederlandse Loopkevers: Verspreiding en Oecologie (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
S47451: Turk, S.M.; Meredith, H.M.; Holyoak, G.A. - The Land and Freshwater Molluscs of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
S32364: Turk, S.M. - Concordance to the Field Card for British Marine Mollusca
S55399: Turk, F.A.; Turk, S.M. - A Handbook to the Natural History of the Lizard Peninsula
S15935: Turk, F.A. - The Chilopods of Peru with Desriptions of New Species and some Zoogeographical Notes on the Peruvian Chilopod Fauna
S8946: Turk, F.A. - A Preliminary List of British Collembola
S18870: Turk, F.A.; Turk, S.M. (Eds) - A Handbook (+ Supplement 1) to the Natural History of the Lizard Peninsula
S60024: Turland, N.J.; Chilton, L.; Press, J.R. - Flora of the Cretan Area: Annotated Checklist & Atlas
N40946: Turlin, B. - Butterflies of the World 47: Nymphalidae 27: Charaxinae of Asia and Indo-Australia. The genus Charaxes
N33263: Turlin, B. - Butterflies of the World. Supplement 26: Les Charaxinae de la faune asiatique et indo-australienne. Le genre Polyura Billberg, 1820
N23483: Turlin, B. - Butterflies of the World 38: Nymphalidae 22: Charaxes 6. Aberrations
N27104: Turlin, B.; Manil, L. - Etude Synoptique et Repartition Modiale des Especes du Genre Parnassius Latreille 1804 (Lepidoptera Papilionidae)
N33262: Turlin, B. - Butterflies of the World 46A+B: Nymphalidae 26: Charaxinae of Asia and Indo-Australia. The genus Polyura (Billberg, 1820)
N40948: Turlin, B. - Butterflies of the World. Supplement 27: Les Charaxinae de la faune asiatique et indo-australienne. Charaxes (Nymphalidae, Charaxinae)
N23484: Turlin, B. - Butterflies of the World. Supplement 21: Aberrations et formes particulieres dans le genre Charaxes en region Afrotropicale
N9704: Turlin, B. - Butterflies of the World 22: Nymphalidae 10: Charaxes 1
N11587: Turlin, B. - Butterflies of the World 25: Nymphalidae 12: Charaxes 2
N13265: Turlin, B. - Butterflies of the World 28: Nymphalidae 14: Charaxes 3
N21284: Turlin, B. - Butterflies of the World 34: Nymphalidae 19: Charaxes 5
N28073: Turlin, B. - Butterflies of the World 40: Nymphalidae 24: Charaxes 7. Afrotropical Charaxinae: Palla & Euxanthe
N17425: Turlin, B. - Butterflies of the World 32: Nymphalidae 17: Charaxes 4
S43821: Turnbull, C.M. - Man in Africa
S42211: Turnbull, A. - Vitis Vinifera L. One Vine Street
S58853: Turner, Gerard L'E. - God Bless the Microscope! A History of the Royal Microscopical Society over 150 Years
S43124: Turner, A.; Rose, C. (Illustrator) - A Handbook to the Swallows and Martins of the World
S4121: Turner, L.M. - Contributions to the Natural History of Alaska: Results of Investigations made chiefly in the Yukon District and the Aleutian Islands...1874 to 1881
S58924: Turner, Gerard L'E. - Essays on the History of the Microscope
S55240: Turner, E.L. - Bird Watching on Scolt Head
N40803: Turner, T.; Turland, V. - Discovering Jamaican Butterflies and their relationships around the Caribbean
S58475: Turner, A. - The Barn Swallow
S58945: Turner, Gerard L'E. - The Great Age of the Microscope: The Collection of the Royal Microscopical Society through 150 Years
S48963: Turner, A.H. - Lepidoptera of Somerset
S53385: Turner, W.; Ryden, M.; Helander, H.; Olsson, K. - Libellus de re Herbaria Novus
S55115: Turner, A.; Rose, C. (Illustrator) - A Handbook to the Swallows and Martins of the World
S56615: Turner, P. - Aids to Osteology
S55848: Turner, A.H. - Lepidoptera of Somerset
S57070: Turner, H.J. - Supplement to Tutt's British Noctuae and their Varieties. Vol. I-IV
S36812: Turner, W. - Libellus de re Herbaria, 1538; The Names of Herbes, 1548
S8088: Turner, W. - Libellus de Re Herbaria, 1538; The Names of Herbes, 1548
S30017: Turner, F.J. - Metamorphic Petrology: Mineralogical and Field Aspects
S39478: Turner, W.J. (Ed.) - A Treasury of English Wild Life
S25587: Turner, H. - Cladistic and Biogeographic Analyses of Arytera Blume and Mischarytera gen. nov. (Sapindaceae) with notes on methodology and a full taxonomic revision
S6383: Turner, B.D. - Psocoptera of Jamaica
S14643: Turner, G.G. - The Hunterian Museum Yesterday and Tomorrow
S18238: Turner, H.J. - Supplement to Tutt's British Noctuae and their varieties. Vol. I-II
S59691: Turov, S.S. - Zoologicheskiy Muzey Moskovskogo Universiteta (????????????? ????? ??????????? ????????????) [Zoological Museum of Moscow University]
S37938: Turrill, W.B. - British Plant Life (New Naturalist 10)
S32262: Turrill, W.B. - British Plant Life (New Naturalist 10)
A38059: Turton, W.; Gray, J.E. - A Manual of Land and Fresh-Water Shells of the British Islands
A47515: Turton, W.; Gray, J.E. - A Manual of Land and Fresh-Water Shells of the British Islands
A39340: Turton, W.; Gray, J.E. - Manual of the Land and Fresh-Water Shells of the British Islands
S60165: Tutin, T.G.; Heywood, V.H.; Burges, N.A.; Valentine, D.H.; Moore, D.M.; Walters, S.M.; Webb, D.A. (Eds) - Flora Europaea. Vol. 3: Diapensiaceae to Myoporaceae
S60166: Tutin, T.G.; Heywood, V.H.; Burges, N.A.; Valentine, D.H.; Moore, D.M.; Walters, S.M.; Webb, D.A. (Eds) - Flora Europaea. Vol. 5: Alismataceae to Orchidaeceae
S53552: An Oxford Tutor [Fowler, W. Warde] - A Year with the Birds
S53551: An Oxford Tutor [Fowler, W. Warde] - A Year with the Birds
S55799: Tutt, J.W. - A Natural History of the British Lepidoptera. Vol. VIII
S57068: Tutt, J.W. - The British Noctuae and their Varieties. Vol. 2
S57069: Tutt, J.W. - The British Noctuae and their Varieties. Vol. I-IV
S53544: Tutt, J.W. - Chats about British Birds
S53655: Tutt, J.W.; Gardiner, B.O.C. - Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist
S52798: Tutt, J.W.; Gardiner, B.O.C. - Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist
S37260: Tutt, J.W. - The British Noctuae and their Varieties. Vol. I-IV
S56747: Tutt, J.W. - The British Noctuae and their Varieties. Vol. I-IV
S57067: Tutt, J.W. - The British Noctuae and their Varieties. Vol. 2
S55800: Tutt, J.W. - A Natural History of the British Lepidoptera. Vol. I-V
P36709: Tutt, J.W. (Ed.) - The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation. Vol. 20
S55024: Tutt, J.W.; Gardiner, B.O.C. - Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist
S50360: Tutt, J.W. - British Butterflies: Being a Popular Hand-Book for Young Students and Collectors
S54361: Tutt, J.W.; Gardiner, B.O.C. - Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist
P52683: Tutt, J.W. (Ed.) et al - The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation. Vol. 1-25
S18503: Tutt, J.W. - A Natural History of the British Lepidoptera. Vol. 2
S55851: Tutt, J.W. - Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist I-III
S55844: Tutt, J.W. - Melanism and Melanochroism in British Lepidoptera
S31190: Tutt, J.W. - A Natural History of the British Lepidoptera. Vol. I-V
S45776: Tutt, J.W.; Gardiner, B.O.C. - Practical Hints for the Field Lepidopterist
S45747: Tutt, J.W. - British Moths
S43324: Tutt, J.W. - The British Noctuae and their Varieties. Vol. 1-2
N13387: Tuttle, J.P. - The Hawk Moths of North America: A Natural History Study of the Sphingidae of the United States and Canada
S52704: Laštuvka, Z. - Motýli rozšíreného území CHKO Pálava - Lepidoptera of the Protected Landscape Area Pálava
S59196: Tuxen, S.L. - Fauna of New Zealand 9: Protura
S5769: Tuxen, S.L.; Imadate, G. - The Protura of the Bismarck Archipelago and Solomon Islands
S53594: Tuxen, S.L. (Ed.) - Taxonomist's Glossary of Genitalia in Insects
N31721: Tuzov, V.K.; Bozano, G.C. (Ed.) - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region: Nymphalidae 1: Tribe Argynnini. Argynnis, Issoria, Brenthis, Argyreus
N28967: Tuzov, V.K. - Bibliography on the butterflies of Russia and adjacent countries (1758–2008)
S38459: Tweedie, M.W.F. - Common Birds of the Malay Peninsula
S52364: Tweedie, M. - Pleasure from Insects
R57143: Twehhofel, W.H. (Ed.) - Correlation of the Ordovician Formations of North America
S57293: Twells, H.N - An Illustrated History of the London, Midland & Scottish Railway
S27616: Twigg, H.M. - Freshwater Studies in the Shropshire Union Canal
S54662: Twinn, P.; Harding, P. - Provisional Atlas of the longhorn beetles (Coleoptera; Cerambycidae) of Britain
S49544: Twinn, P.; Harding, P. - Provisional Atlas of the longhorn beetles (Coleoptera; Cerambycidae) of Britain
S49613: Twinn, P.; Harding, P. - Provisional Atlas of the longhorn beetles (Coleoptera; Cerambycidae) of Britain
S50398: Twinn, P.; Harding, P. - Provisional Atlas of the longhorn beetles (Coleoptera; Cerambycidae) of Britain
S47665: Twinn, P.; Harding, P. - Provisional Atlas of the longhorn beetles (Coleoptera; Cerambycidae) of Britain
S32081: Twiss, J.R.; Reeves, R.R. (Eds) - Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals
S1727: Tykac, J. - Klic k Urcovani Motylu
S35062: Tykac, J. - Klimplanten
S58556: Tyler, S.; Ormerod, S. - The Dippers
S32878: Tyler, H.A. - Swallowtail Butterflies of North America: A Study in Biological Dynamics, Ecological Diversity, Biosystematics and Conservation
S33598: Tyler, H.; Brown, K.S.; Wilson, K. - Swallowtail Butterflies of the Americas: A Study in Biological Dynamics, Ecological Diversity, Biosystematics and Conservation
S35548: Tyler, H.A. - Swallowtail Butterflies of North America: A Study in Biological Dynamics, Ecological Diversity, Biosystematics and Conservation
N572: Tyler, H.; Brown, K.S.; Wilson, K. - Swallowtail Butterflies of the Americas: A Study in Biological Dynamics, Ecological Diversity, Biosystematics and Conservation
S30397: Tyndall, J. - Researches on Diamagnetism and Magne-Crystallic Action: Including the Question of Diamagnetic Polarity
A30442: Tyndall, J. - On Radiation: The "Rede" Lecture Delivered in the Senate-House before the University of Cambridge on Tuesday, May 16, 1865
S42270: Tyndall, J. et al. - The Culture Demanded by Modern Life: A Series of Addresses and Arguments on the Claims of Scientific Education
S44301: Tyndall, J. - Essays on the Floating-Matter of the Air in Relation to Putrefaction and Infection
S21462: Tyning, T.F. - Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians
N10608: Tyrrell, M. - The Dragonflies of Northamptonshire: Breeding species, their distribution and conservation
S60566: Tyson, Keith - Head to Hand: Drawings by Keith Tyson
N26068: Tyzack, A. - Drawing and Painting Insects
S48466: Tyzack, A. - Drawing and Painting Insects
R56984: Tzschaschel, G. - Marine Rotatoria aus dem Interstitial der Nordseeinsel Sylt
R56985: Tzschaschel, G. - Verteilung, Abundanzdynamik und Biologie mariner interstitieller Rotatoria
R30985: Ubaghs, G. - Recherches sur les Crinoides Camerata du Silurien de Gotland (Suede). Pts I-III
S35247: Ucko, P.J.; Dimbleby, G.W. - Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals
S25574: Bernardino da Ucria [Aurifici, Placido Michele] - Hortus Regius Panhormitanus aerae vulgaris anno MDCCLXXIX noviter extructus Septoque ex indigenis, exoticifque plurimas complectens plantas
N33570: Uddström, A.; Rinne, V. - Suomen lukit ja valeskorpionit [Harvestmen (Opiliones) and Pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpiones) of Finland]
R60719: d'Udekem d'Acoz, C. - The genus Hippolyte Leach, 1814 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Hippolytidae) in the East Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, with a checklist of all species in the genus
S51305: Ueberwasser, W. - Giotto. Frescoes
E7575: Ueda, K.; Sakai, K.; Takakuwa, M. et al - Amazing Insects of the World
S23889: Ueda, K. - A Revision of the Genus Deltote R.L. and its Allied Genera from Japan and Taiwan (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae; Acontiinae). Pt. 2: Systematics of the Genus Deltote R.L. and its allied genera
S19338: Uellner, W. (Ed.) - Fungorum Libri Bibliothecae Joachim Schliemann: Books and Prints of Four Centuries/Bücher and Schriften aus vier Jahrhunderten
S40356: Uellner, W. (Ed.) - Fungorum Libri Bibliothecae Joachim Schliemann: Books and Prints of Four Centuries/Bücher and Schriften aus vier Jahrhunderten
S34713: Uhl, N.W.; Dransfield, J.; Sheehan, M.R. (Illus.) - Genera Palmarum: A Classification of Palms Based on the Work fo the Harold E. Moore, Jr
S60189: Uí Chonchubhair, Maírín - Flóra Chorca Dhuibhne: Aspects of the Flora of Chorca Dhuibhne
S52386: Ullastre, J.Y. - Biologia del Saturnid Graellsia isabelae (Graellis, 1849)
S52381: Ullastre, J.Y. - Història Natural del Lepidòpter Graellsia isabelae (Graells, 1949)
S54814: Ullendorff, E. - The Ethiopians: An Introduction to Country and People
S57685: Ullendorff, E. - The Ethiopians: An Introduction to Country and People
S54802: Ullendorff, E. - An Amharic Chrestomathy
S57078: Ulmer, J.G.; Gower, S. - Lions and Tigers and Bears: A Guide to Zoological Parks, Visitor Farms, Nature Centers, and Marine Life Displays in the United States and Canada
N41989: Ulrich, R.; Koenig, O. - Hétérocères diurnes France, Belgique, Suisse, Luxembourg
R29177: Ulrich, H. - Zur Skelett und Muskelanatomie des Thorax der Dolichopodiden und Empididen (Diptera)
S23648: Umana, R. - Etudes générale des Myiases
S41405: Shun Umezawa - Alpine Flowers of Hokkaido
S41468: Jun'ichiro¯ Samejima; Tatsuichi Tsujii; Shun Umezawa - Wild Flowers of Hokkaido (Hokkaido no hana)
S34293: Underwood, A.J. - Experiments in Ecology: Their Logical Design and Interpretation Using Analysis of Variance
S57947: University of St. Andrews, Alumnus Association - Echoes Re-Echoed An Anthology of St. Andrews University Verse 1860-1914
S41046: Consolidated Gold Fields Limited and Liverpool University - Ecological and conservation value assessments and their integration with proposed alluvial tin mining - Porkellis Moor, Nr. Helston, Cornwall
S43331: Guangdong Entomological Institute and Biology Department of Zhongshan University - Birds and Animals of Hainan Island
N2995: Unwin, D.M. - A Key to the Families of British Bugs (Hemiptera)
S58270: Unwin, D.M. - A Key to the Families of British Diptera
N552: Unwin, D.M.; Corbet, S.A. - Insects, plants and microclimate (Naturalists' Handbooks 15)
N41712: Unwin, M. - RSPB Spotlight Swifts and Swallows
S50261: Unwin, P. - Baltic Approaches
S50883: Unwin, D.M. - A Key to the Families of British Diptera
S20586: Unwin, D.M. - Cretaceous Fossil Vertebrates Special Papers in Palaeontology 60
N41707: Unwin, M. - RSPB Spotlight Eagles
N41720: Unwin, M. - RSPB Spotlight Foxes
N580: Unwin, D.M. - A Key to the Families of British Beetles
S23170: Uotila, P. (Ed.) - Chorological Problems in the European Flora
A60526: Upcott, William - A Bibliographical Account of the Principal Works relating to English Topography Vol. I-III
N43392: Upton, G. - Measuring Abundance: Methods for the Estimation of Population Size and Species Richness
R26805: Urarov, B.P. - Recent Advances in Acridology: Anatomy and Physiology of Acrididae
N57539: Uriot, S. - Guide expert des oiseaux de Guyane Manuel d'identification
S21903: The Silk and Rayon Users' Association - The Silk Book
S43941: Usher, M.B.; Thompson, D.B.A. (Eds) - Ecological Change in the UplandsProceedings Out of Print
S43942: Usher, M.B.; Williamson, M.H. (Eds) - Ecological Stability
S43948: Usher, M.B. - Biological Management and Conservation: Ecological Theory, Application and Planning
S43982: Usher, M.B.; Erz, W. - Erfassen und Bewerten im Naturschutz
S43928: Usher, M.B. (Ed.) - Enjoyment and Understanding of the Natural Heritage
S43935: Usher, M.B. (Ed.) - Wildlife Conservation Evaluation
S43950: Usher, M.B. (Ed.) - Action for Scotland's Biodiversity
S43930: Usher, M.B.; Mackey, E.C.; Curran, J.C. (Eds) - The State of Scotland's Environment and Natural Heritage
S43985: Usher, M.B. - An Archipelago of Islands: The Science of Nature Conservation
S43986: Usher, M.B.; Balharry, D. - Biogeographical Zonation of Scotland
N13580: Usinger, R.L. - Monograph of Cimicidae (Hemiptera - Heteroptera)
R14043: Usinger, R.L. - General Catalogue of the Hemiptera Fasc. V: Polyctenidae
S34610: Usinger, R.L. (Ed.) - Aquatic Insects of California: With keys to North American Genera and California Species
S56732: Ussher, R.J. - Clare Island Survey 20: Aves
S58447: Ussher, R.J.; Warren, R. - Birds of Ireland: An Account of the Distribution, Migrations and Habits of Birds as observed in Ireland, with all Additions to the Irish List
S33419: Vaczek, L.; Buckland, G. - Travelers in Ancient Lands: A Portrait of the Middle East, 1839-1919
S5331: Vajda, E. - A Magyar Novenyvilag Kepeskonyve
N1889: Vala, J.-C. - Dipteres Sciomyzidae euro-mediterraneens Faune de France 72
S56183: Vala, J.-C. - Dipteres Sciomyzidae euro-mediterraneens Faune de France 72
S48115: Valdés, B.; Rejdali, M.; El Kadmiri, A A.; Jury, J.L.; Montserrat, J.M. (Eds) - Checklist of Vascular Plants of N Morocco With Identification Keys / Catalogue des Plantes Vasculaires du Nord du Maroc, Incluant des Clés D'Ídentification. Vol. I-II
S50891: Valdez, U.O. - Reporte Tambopata: Resúmenes de investigaciones en los alrededores del Explorer's Inn / Abstracts of investigations around Explorer's Inn
S42742: Valentine, D.H. (Ed.) - Taxonomy Phytogeography and Evolution
S33591: Valentine, D.H. (Ed.) - Taxonomy Phytogeography and Evolution
S8966: Valentine, E.W. - Annotated Catalogue of New Zealand Hymenoptera
S48016: Valentine, D.H. (Ed.) - Taxonomy Phytogeography and Evolution
S49803: Valentine, P. - Australian Tropical Butterflies
R57364: Välikangas, I. - Planktologische untersuchungen im Hafengebiet von Helsingfors: über das Plankton insbesondere das Netz-Zooplankton des Sommerhalbjahres.
S38343: Vallance, T.G.; Moore, D.T. - Geological aspects of the voyage of HMS Investigator in Australian Waters, 1801-5
S6525: Vallance, T.G.; Moore, D.T. - Geological aspects of the voyage of HMS Investigator in Australian Waters, 1801-5
S60010: Valles, V.; Valles-Lombard, A.-M. - Orchidees de Tunisie
S22485: Valletta, A. - The Moths of the Maltese Islands
S48387: Valley, J.W.; Taylor, H.P.; O'Neil, J.R. (Eds) - Stable Isotopes in High Temperature Geological Processes
S58864: Vanden Berghe, Moniek - Flowers in the Heart
S59462: Vandermoere, Carl - Floral Table Decoration
S60209: Vanderplank, J. - Passion Flowers
N46286: Vane-Wright, R.I. - Iconotypes: A compendium of butterflies and moths. Jones's Icones Complete
S37377: Vane-Wright, R.I.; Ackery, P.R. (Eds) - The Biology of Butterflies
N6581: Vane-Wright, R.I. - The Coloration, Identification and Phylogeny of Nessaea Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
S5756: Vane-Wright, R.I. - The Butterflies named by J.F.Gmelin(Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)
S35481: Vane-Wright, R.I.; Ackery, P.R. (Eds) - The Biology of Butterflies
S40996: Vane-Wright, R.I.; Ackery, P.R. (Eds) - The Biology of Butterflies
S49733: Vane-Wright, R.I.; Ackery, P.R. (Eds) - The Biology of Butterflies
S40440: Vaney, C. - Contributions à l'étude des larves et des métamorphoses des Diptères
S30578: Vanhöffen, E. - Die Hydroiden der Deutschen Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903
S60770: Vanholder, B.; De Turck, A.; Glabeke, G.; Misonne, B.; Troukens, W.; van Opstaele, M.; Vermandel, E. - De Belgische Trekvlinders en Dwaalgasten (10 jaar Belgisch trekvlinderonderzoek)
S40560: Vankat, J.L. - The Natural Vegetation of North America An Introduction
S15749: VanLandingham, S.L. - Catalogue of the Fossil and Recent Genera and Species of Diatoms and their Synonyms: A revision of F.W.Mills, 'An Index to the Genera and Species of the Diatomaceae and their Synonyms'.Part III Coscinophaena through Fibula
R56992: Vannucci, M. - (1) On the Brazilian Hydromedusae and their distribution in relation to different water masses [and] (2) On the Ecology of the Brazilian Medusae at 25° Lat. S
S50710: Vanschuytbroeck, P. - Dolichopodidae: (Diptera: Brachycera, Orthorrhapha) (Exploration du Parc National Albert. Mission G. F. De Witte (1933-1935). Fasc. 74)
S58247: Vanzolini, P.E. (Ed.) - Historia natural de organismos aquaticos do Brasil: Bibliografia comentada
S52508: Vardy, C.R. - The New World Tarantula-hawk Wasp Genus Pepsis Fabricus (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Pt 3: The P. inclyta - to P. auriguttata-groups
S7332: Vardy, C.R. - A Revision of the Neotropical wasp genus Trigonopsis Perty (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
S37809: Vardy, C.R. - A Revision of the Neotropical wasp genus Trigonopsis Perty (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
S23941: Vardy, C.R. - A Revision of the Neotropical wasp genus Trigonopsis Perty (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
N49577: Varela, C. - Wildlife Walks: Get back to nature at more than 475 of the UK's best wild places
N25028: Varga, Z.; Gyulai, P.; Ronkay, L.; Ronkay, G. - The Witt Catalogue Vol. 6: A Taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian and North African Noctuoidea: Noctuinae I
N29667: Varga, Z.; Ronkay, G.; Ronkay, L.; Gyulai, P. - The Witt Catalogue Vol. 8: A Taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian and North African Noctuoidea: Noctuinae II
S49739: Varga, Z. - Checklist of the Fauna of Hungary. Vol.3: Macrolepidoptera
S52753: Varga, Z. (Ed.) - Natura 2000 Fajok Kutatásai / Natura 2000 Species Studies Vol. 1: Gortyna borelii lunata (Freyer, 1838); Arytrura musculus (Ménétriés, 1859)
N41235: Varga, Z.; Ronkay, G.; Gyulai, P.; Kiss, A.; Ronkay, L. - The Witt Catalogue Vol. 11: A Taxonomic Atlas of the Eurasian and North African Noctuoidea: Noctuinae III. Poliina
S19834: Varga, Z. et al - Checklist of the Fauna of Hungary. Vol.3: Macrolepidoptera
R60849: Vari, R.P.; Ferraris, C.J.; Radosavljevic, A.; Funk, V.A. - Checklist of Freshwater Fishes of the Guiana Shield
S27712: Vari, L.; Kroon, V. (Eds) - Southern African Lepidoptera: A Series of Cross-Referenced Indices
S27711: Vari, L.; Kroon, V. - Southern African Lepidoptera: A Series of Cross-Referenced Indices
S57727: Varley, D.H.; Matthew, H.M (Eds) - The Cape Journals of Archdeacon N.J. Merriman 1848-1855
S40178: Varshney, R.K.; Nandi, B.; Nahar, S.C. - Butterflies from Hazaribagh National Park (South Bihar) (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)
S50205: Vasari, Y.; Vasari, A. - Late- and Post-Glacial Macrophytic Vegetation in the Lochs of Northern Scotland
S53877: Vasiliu, M. - Muzeul de Istorie Naturala Grigore Antipa 1831-1961
N39398: Vasquez Noboa, A. - Wildlife of Ecuador: A Photographic Field Guide to Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, and Amphibians
S47488: Vaughan, J. - The Music of Wild Flowers
S54204: Vaughan, R. - Birds of the Yorkshire Coast
S46533: Vaughan, R. - In Search of Arctic Birds
S30545: Vaughan, T.; Murray-Oliver, A.A.St.C.M. - Captain Cook, R.N., the Resolute Mariner: An International Record of Oceanic Discovery
S49224: Vaughan, A. - Correlation of Dinantian and Avonian
S58518: Vaughan, R. - In Search of Arctic Birds
S38491: Vauk, G. - Geschichte der Vogelwarte und der Vogelforschung auf der Insel Helgoland
S7245: Vaupel Klein, J.C. von; Schram, F.R. (Eds) - The Biodiversity Crisis and Crustacea: Proceedings of the Fourth International Crustacean Congress, Amsterdam, July 1998. Vol. 2
R18511: Vaurie, P. - A Revision of the Neotropical Genus Metamasius (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Rhynchophorinae) Species Groups I and II
S11425: Vaurie, P. - Catalog of the Coleoptera of America North of Mexico Family: Curculionidae Subfamily: Rhynchophorinae
R38196: Vecht, J. van der; Carpenter, J.M. - A catalogue of the genera of the Vespidae (Hymenoptera)
S56082: Van Veen, M.P. - De Roofvliegen van Nederland [The Robberflies of the Netherlands]
S59563: Veen, M. van - Hoverflies of Northwest Europe: Identification keys to the Syrphidae
S53269: Veeresh, G.K.; Mallik, B.; Viraktamath, C.A. (Eds) - Social Insects and the Environment
S46153: Veeresh, G.K.; Mallik, B.; Viraktamath, C.A. (Eds) - Social Insects and the Environment
S41291: Vegh-Neubrandt, E. (Ed.) - 100-year celebration of the Hungarian Gelogical Institute Colloque du Jurassique Méditerranéen Budapest, 3-8. Ix., 1969
S21685: Veillet, A. - Recherches sur le Parasitisme des Crabes et des Galathées par les Rhizocéphales et les Epicarides
S39673: Veitch, [John] - The River Tweed from its source to the sea
S36904: Vejdovskeho, F. - Sbornik Praci vydany k 90. narozeninam Prof. Dr. Frantiska Vejdovskeho [Collection of works edited for the 90th birthday of Prof. F. Vejdovsky by the Royal Czech Society of Science and the Czechoslovak Zoological Society of Prague]
S56393: Velthuis, H. - The Biology of Stingless Bees
S52598: Venables, L.S.V.; Venables, U.M. - Birds and Mammals of Shetland
S48858: Venables, Ursula - Tempestuous Eden
S54015: Venables, Ursula - Tempestuous Eden
S45185: Venables, S. - Everest: Summit of Achievement
S54201: Venables, L.S.V.; Venables, U.M. - Birds and Mammals of Shetland
S23180: Venables, B. - Fishing
S47767: Venables, L.S.V.; Venables, U.M. - Birds and Mammals of Shetland
S48165: Verdcourt, B.; Trump, E.C. - Common Poisonous Plants of East Africa
S41093: Verdcourt, B. - Flora of Tropical East Africa: Hydrophyllaceae
S33888: Verdcourt, B. - A Revised List of the Non-marine Mollusca of East Africa (Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, excluding Lake Malawi)
A43394: Verdet, E. - Vorlesungen über die Wellentheorie des Lichtes. Bd I-II
S50766: Vergon, J.-P.; Craney, E.; Pinston, H.; Herold, J.-P. - Les poissons, amphibiens et reptiles de la montagne jurassienne
S54867: Verheyen, W.N. - Contribution a la Craniologie Comparee des Primates: Les genres Colobus Illiger 1811 et Cercopithecus Linne 1758
S39944: Verhoef, H.A.; Morin, P.J. (Eds) - Community Ecology: Processes, Models, and Applications
N43814: Verhoogt, K. - Determinatietabel voor Nederlandse Weekschildkevers (Cantharidae)
N1992: Verhulst, J.T. - Monograph of the Genus Colias / Les Colias du Globe
A26954: Verity, R. - Rhopalocera Palaearctica. Papilionindae et Pieridae (Texte + Atlas)
A22541: Verity, R. - Rhopalocera Palaearctica. Papilionindae et Pieridae (Texte + Atlas)
S41209: Verity, R. - The Eighty-five Blessed Martyrs of England, Wales and Sscotland beatified by Pope John Paul 2nd on 22 November 1987
S17545: Verity, R. - Les variations géographiques des saisonnières des papillons diurnes en France. Pt I-II
S16717: Verity, R. - Les variations géographiques et saisonnières des papillons diurnes en France. Pt I-II
S56175: Verlinden, L. - Fauna van Belgie: Zweefvliegen (Syrphidae)
N46869: Vermeij, G.J. - A Natural History of Shells
S55846: Vermeij, G.J. - Biogeography and Adaptation Patterns of Marine Life
S29686: Vermes, G. (Ed.) - The Dead Sea Scrolls
N42553: Vernon, J. - The Secret Lives of Garden Bees
S55924: Vernon, H.M. - Variation in Animals and Plants
S60593: Veron, J.E.N. - Corals in Space and Time: The Biogeography and Evolution of the Scleractinia
S57428: Verrall, G.H. - British Flies. Vol. VIII: Platypezidae, Pipunculidae and Syrphidae of Great Britain
S57432: Verrall, G.H. - British Flies. Vol. V: Stratiomyidae and succeeding Families of the Diptera Brachycera of Great Britain
S54674: Verrall, G.H. - British Flies. Vol. VIII: Platypezidae, Pipunculidae and Syrphidae of Great Britain
R15936: Verrall, G.H. - List of British Dolichopodidae with Table and Notes
S18032: Verrall, G.H. - List of British Dolichopodidae with Table and Notes
S54874: Verschuren, J. - Écologie, Biologie et Systématique des Cheiroptères
S54912: Verschuren, J. - Écologie, Biologie et Systématique des Cheiroptéres
S38994: Versey, H.C. - Geology and Scenery of the Countryside round Leeds and Bradford
A59225: Vertue, George - Engraving of Richard III K[ing] of England. From an Antient Original Painting on Board at Kensinton Palace.
S349: Vervoort, W. - Free-living Copepoda from Ifaluk Atoll in the Caroline Islands
S45603: Vervoort, W. - A review of the genera and species of the Bomolochidae (Crustacea, Copepoda) including the description of some old and new species
S42364: Vervoort, W. - Free-Living Copepoda From Ifaluk Atoll in the Caroline Islands with notes on related species
S42759: Vervoort, W. - Bibliography of Copepoda up to and including 1980. Pt. I-III
S35727: Vesco, J.-P. - Butterflies
S56973: Vesey-Fitzgerald, B. - A Book of British Waders
S54849: Vesey-Fitzgerald, B. - British Birds and their Nests [with] A Second Book of British Birds and their nests [with] A Third book of British Birds and their nests (Ladybird Series 536 Nature)
S44308: Vesey-Fitzgerald, B. - The Worlds of Ants, Bees and Wasps
S56779: Vesey-Fitzgerald, B. - Background to Birds
S22595: Vesey-Fitzgerald, B. - The Worlds of Ants, Bees and Wasps
S37058: Vial, J.L. (Ed.) - Evolutionary Biology of the Anurans: Contemporary Research on Major Problems
S13640: Vicente Rosillo, M.S. et al - Catálogo De Los Fondos Especiales De La Biblioteca Del Museo Nacional De Ciencias Naturales. Obras Impresas Del Siglo XVIII: A-E
S4995: Vicioso, C. - Revision del Genero Ulex en España
S27608: Vickery, V.R.; Johnstone, D.E.; Kevan, D.K.McE. - The Orthopteroid Insects of Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces of Canada
N38238: Vickery, R. - Vickery's Folk Flora
S17129: Vicq, L.B. Eloy de; Brutelette, H.L. Blondin de - Catalogue raisonné de plantes vasculaires du departement de la Somme
S33363: Vicq, L.B. Eloy de; Brutelette, H.L. Blondin de - Catalogue raisonné de plantes vasculaires du departement de la Somme
S52702: Viedma, M.G. de - Fauna de Cazorla: Invertebrados
S47768: Vieira, R. - Flores da Madeira / Flowers of Madeira / Fleurs de Madère / Blumen Madeiras
N10400: Vieitez, J.M.; Alvarez, F.; Emig, C.; Roldan, C. - Fauna Iberica 27: Lophophorata: Phoronida, Brachiopoda
S15078: Viereck, H.L. - Type Species of the Genera of Ichneumon Flies
S41780: Viets, K. - Süßwassermilben (Hydrachnellae, Acari) aus Südamerika
S38549: Viets, K.O. - Die Milben des Süßwassers (Hydrachnellae und Halacaridae [part.], Acari. 1: Bibliographie [and] 2: Katalog
S10535: Viette, P. - Principales localites ou des Insectes ont ete recueillis a Madagascar / Chief Field Stations where insects were collected in Madagascar (Faune de Madagascar Supplement 2)
N10534: Viette, P. - Liste recapitulative des Lepidopteres Heteroceres de Madagascar (Faune de Madagascar / A Provisional check-list of the Lepidoptera Heterocera of Madagascar (Supplement 1)A provisional check-list of the Lepidoptera Heterocera of Madagascar Faune de Madag
S19567: Viette, P.; Fletcher, D.S. - The Types of Lepidoptera Heterocera described by P. Mabille
R16393: Viette, P. - Lepidopteres Homoneures Faune de France 49
S19187: Vigo I Bonada, J. - L'Alta Muntanya Catalana Flora I Vegetacio
S41212: Vigor, P. - Discover Wild Warwickshire A guide to local nature reserves
S43538: Viguier, C. - Etudes sur les Animaux Inferieurs de la Baie d'Alger
S51416: Viidalepp, J. - Checklist of the Geometridae (Lepidoptera) of the former USSR 2nd edition
N938: Viidalepp, J. - Checklist of the Geometridae (Lepidoptera) of the former USSR 2nd edition
N28460: Vij, S.P.; Jagdeepm, V.; Kumar, S. - Orchids of Himachal Pradesh
S26036: Vijaysegaran, S.; Ibrahim, A.G. (Eds.) - Fruit Flies in the Tropics:Proceddings of the First International Symposium 14-16 March 1988, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
N35310: Vila, R.; Stefanescu, C.; Sesma, J.M. - Guia de les papallones diürnes de Catalunya
S52880: Vilhelmsen, F. - Lepidoptera «Den lille grå». Oversigt og flyvetabel over danske dagsommerfugle
S54930: Villa-R., B. - Los Murcielagos de Mexico: Su importancia en la economia y la salubridad - su clasificación sistemática
S58510: Village, A. - The Kestrel
S46546: Village, A. - The Kestrel
S60597: Villalobos, A. - Crayfishes of Mexico (Crustacea: Decapoda)
N42579: Villaret, J.-C. - Guide des habitats naturels et semi-naturels des Alpes: Du Jura méridional à la Haute Provence et des bords du Rhône au Mont-Blanc
S18461: Villiers, A. - Hémiptères Réduviides récoltés en Angola par A. de Barros Machodo
S60468: De Villiers, M.; Hirtle, S. - Sahara: The life of the great desert
R18462: Villiers, A. - Hémiptères Réduviides récoltés en Angola par Barros Machodo: Part 2
S44584: Vinberg, G.G. - Biologicheskaya produktivnost' severnykh ozer. 1: Ozera Krivoe i Krugloe [Biological productivity of northern lakes 1: Lakes Krivoe and Krugloe]
S36430: Vincent, W.F.; Laybourn-Parry, J. (Eds) - Polar Lakes and Rivers: Limnology of Arctic and Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystems
S40061: Vincent, W.F. - Microbial Ecosystems of Antarctica
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