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S59025: Oreskes, N. (Ed.) - Plate Tectonics: An Insider's History of the Modern Theory of the Earth
S39059: d'Orgeval, M. - Touched by Fire
S57337: Orians, G.H. - Some Adaptations of Marsh-nesting Blackbirds
S54840: Orléans, Henri d' - Une Visite à l'Empereur Ménélick: Notes et Impressions de route
S44152: Orlov, Y.; Ruzhentsev, V.E. (Eds) - Fundamentals of Paleontology - A Manual for Paleontologists and Geologists of the USSR Vol. V Mollusca - Cephalopoda I
S44412: Ormerod, J.G. (Ed.) - Phototrophic Bacteria: Anaerobic Life in the Light
S28302: Ormerod, Eleanor Anne - Notes of Observations of Injurious Insects Report 1879
S53822: Ormerod, Eleanor Anne - A Text Book of Agricultural Entomology A Guide to Methods of Insect Life and Means of Prevention of Insect Ravage
S53823: Ormerod, Eleanor Anne - Handbook of Insects Injurious to Orchard and Bush Fruits with Means of Preservation and Remedy
S40123: Ormerod, Eleanor Anne - Handbook of Insects Injurious to Orchard and Bush Fruits with Means of Preservation and Remedy
S15106: Ormerod, Eleanor Anne - Report of Observations of Injurious Insects and Common Farm Pests during the Year 1892-1894, with Methods of Prevention and Remedy: 16th-18th Report
S56254: Ormond, P.S. - The Basques and their Country Deaking chiefly with the French Provinces
S53195: British Ornithologists' Union - Check-List of the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland
N10359: Orousset, J. - Coleopteres Staphylinidae Euaesthetinae (Faune de Madagascar 71)
S57490: Orpen, N. - East African and Abyssinian Campaigns South African Forces World War II. Vol. I
N19286: Orr, A.; Kitching, R. - The Butterflies of Australia
S54929: Orr, R.T. - The Rabbits of California
S50696: Orr, J. - Hong Kong Seashells
S50695: Orr, J. - Hong Kong Nudibranchs
S29344: Orr, J. - Agriculture in Berkshire: A Survey
S20588: Orr, P.J.; Briggs, D.E.G. - Exceptionally preserved Conchostracans and other Crustaceans from the Upper Carboniferous of Ireland Special Papers in Palaeontology 62
N5679: Orr, A.G. - A Guide to Dragonflies of Borneo: Their Identification and Biology
N16227: Orr, A.G.; Hamalainen, M. - The Metalwing Demoiselles (Neurobasis and Matronoides) of the Eastern Tropics
N29528: Orr, G.; Kalkman, V.J. - Field Guide to the dragonflies of New Guinea
S22600: Orrhage, L. - Uber die Anatomie, Histologie und Verwandschaft der Apistobranchidae (Polychaeta Sedentaria) / On the Structure and Evolution of the Anterior End of the Sabellariidae (Polychaeta Sedentaria)
S35744: Orsak, L.J. - Butterflies of Orange County, California
N55947: Örstadius, L. - The Genus Psathyrella s.l. (Fungi of Northern Europe 6)
S27462: Ortali, A.; Bertaccini, E. - Le farfalle diurne d'Italia: Catalogo e notizie
S57536: Orton, D.A. - The Hawkwatcher: Adventures among Birds of Prey in the Wild
S56872: Orton, R.; Bebbington, A.; Bebbington, J. - Guide to Commoner Water Plants (Identification Chart)
N9345: Orton, R.; Bebbington, A.; Bebbington, J. - Guide to Commoner Water Plants (Identification Chart)
S47012: Orton, P.D. - British Fungus Flora Agarics and Boleti 4: Pluteaceae: Pluteus and Volvariella
N9342: Orton, R.; Bebbington, A.; Bebbington, J. - Freshwater Name Trail (Identification Chart)
S45290: Ortuno, V.M.; Toribio, M. - Carabidae de la Peninsula Iberica y Baleares. Vol. 1: Trechinae, Bembidiini
N8602: Ortuno, V.M.; Toribio, M. - Carabidae de la Peninsula Iberica y Baleares. Vol. 1: Trechinae, Bembidiini
S29341: Orwin, C.S.; Orwin, C.S. - The Open Fields
S17710: Osborn, D.J. - Hedgehogs and Shrews of Turkey
S16356: Osborne, P.J. - An Insect Fauna of Late Bronze Age Date from Wilsford, Wiltshire
S16183: Osborne, P.J. - Insect faunas of Late Devensian and Flandrian age from Church Stretton, Shropshire
S37882: Osculati, G. - Exploracion de las regiones ecuatoriales A lo largo del Napo y los Rios de la amazonia
S54845: Osgood, W.H. - The Mammals of Chile
S27420: Osiadacz, B.; Halaj, R. - The Aphids (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aphidinea) of Poland: A Distributional Checklist
S57738: Osler, Adrian G. - Mr Greathead's Lifeboats
S37626: Osmond, A. - Twitcher
S1876: Osten-Sacken, R.; Morris, J.G.; Le Conte, J.L. - Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections Vol. 3: 1: Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America (Osten-Sacken), 1858; 2: Catalogue of the described Lepidoptera of North America (Morris), 1860; 3: Classification of the Coleoptera of North America (L
S55990: Osten-Sacken, C.R. - Record of my Life-Work in Entomology
A43163: Osten-Sacken, C.R.; van der Wulp, F.M.; Williston, S.W. - Biologia Centrali-Americana. Diptera [part]
S53276: Oster, G.F.; Wilson, E.O. - Caste and Ecology in the Social Insects
S54883: Osvald, H. - Des Vegetation des Hochmoores Komosse
S52398: Oswald, Felix - Alone in the Sleeping-Sickness Country
S49793: Otero, L.S. - Butterflies: Beauty and Behaviour of Brazilian Species
S49257: Otero, J.C.; Lopez, M.J. - Coleoptera: Latridiidae Fauna Iberica 42
S49183: Otero Gonzalez, J.C. - Coleoptera: Monotomidae, Cryptophagidae Fauna Iberica 35
S12126: Ott, H.; Herzfeld, K.F. - Strukturbestimmung mit Röntgeninterferenzen: Gittertheorie Der Festen Körper
S54174: Ottaway, D.; Ottaway, M. - Ethiopia: Empire in Revolution
N10561: Otte, D. - Orthoptera Species File 2: Grasshoppers [Acridomorpha] A: Eumasticoidea, Trigonopterygoidea, Pneumoroidea
N10563: Otte, D. - Orthoptera Species File 4: Grasshoppers [Acridomorpha] C: Acridoidea: Lentulidae, Pauliniidae, Tristiridae, Romaleidae, Acrididae (part)
N10564: Otte, D. - Orthoptera Species File 5: Grasshoppers [Acridomorpha] C: Acridoidea: Acrididae (part)
N10566: Otte, D. - Orthoptera Species File 1: Grylloidea
N10562: Otte, D. - Orthoptera Species File 3: Grasshoppers [Acridomorpha] B: Pamphagoidea
S38426: Otto, C. (Ed.) - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Trichoptera
S51339: Owen, J. - The Ecology of a Garden: The first fifteen years
S39866: Owen, E.; Smith, A.B. - Kreide-Fossilien: Ein Bestimmungsatlas der Fossilien des Chalk
S19001: Owen, M.; Atkinson-Willes, G.L.; Salmon, D.G. - Wildfowl in Great Britain
S36823: Owen, M.; Atkinson-Willes, G.L.; Salmon, D.G. - Wildfowl in Great Britain
S57551: Owen, M.; Atkinson-Willes, G.L.; Salmon, D.G. - Wildfowl in Great Britain
S46327: Owen, M.; Atkinson-Willes, G.L.; Salmon, D.G. - Wildfowl in Great Britain
S20391: Owen, E.F. - Evolutionary Trends in some Mesozoic Terebratellacea
S36015: Owen, D.F. - Tropical Butterflies: The Ecology and Behaviour of Butterflies in the Tropics with special reference to the African Species
S46088: Owen, M. - Wildfowl of Europe
A41040: Owen, Richard - Descriptions of some new and rare Cephalopoda. (Part II.)
A41041: Owen, Richard - On Hypsiprymnodon, Ramsay, a Genus indicative of a distinct Family (Pleopodidæ) in the Diprotodont Section of the Marsupialia
S20947: Owen, E.F. - The Brachiopod Genus Cyclothyris
S20956: Owen, D.E.; Archangelsky, S. - Silurian Polyzoa from Benthall Edge, Shropshire (Owen)/ Fossil Ginkgoales from the Tico Flora, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina
S36146: Owen, D.F. - Tropical Butterflies: The Ecology and Behaviour of Butterflies in the Tropics with special reference to the African Species
R41038: Owen, Richard - Description of a Portion of Mandible and Teeth of a large extinct Kangaroo (Palorchestes crassus, Ow.) from ancient fluviatile Drift, Queensland
N32345: Owens, N. - The Bees of Norfolk
N40855: Owens, N. - The Bumblebee Book
S52237: Owens, N. - Bumblebees of Norfolk
S41668: Owens, R.M. - British Ordovician and Silurian Proetidae (Trilobita)
S9835: Oxburgh, E.R. - The Geology of the Eastern Alps
N10661: Oxford, R.; Sutton, A. - Guide to Keeping Common Frog Tadpoles (Identification Guide)
N40239: Oxford, G.; Russell-Smith, T.; Smith, H. (Eds) - Arachnologists' Handbook
S3686: Oxnard, C. - Fossils, Teeth and Sex: New Perspectives on Human Evolution
S45541: Pachai, B. (Ed.) - Livingstone: Man of Africa, Memorial Essays 1873-1973
R17267: Packard, A.S. - Injurious Insects, New and Little Known
S32944: Packard, A.S. - Entomology for Beginners for the Use of Young Folks, Fruit-Growers, Farmers, and Gardeners
S17006: Packard, A.S. - The Embryological Development of the Locust
S9666: Packard, A.S. - Monograph of the Bombycine Moths of America North of Mexico. Part II: Family Ceratocampidae, subfamily Ceratocampinae
S50653: Packer, L. - Keeping the Bees: Why All Bees Are at Risk and What We Can Do to Save Them
N51007: Packer, L. - Bees of the World: A Guide to Every Family
S52968: Packham, J.R.; Willis, A.J. - Ecology of Dunes, Salt Marsh and Shingle
S33964: Packham, J.R.; Willis, A.J. - Ecology of Dunes, Salt Marsh and Shingle
S33966: Packham, J.R.; Randall, R.E.; Barnes, R.S.K.; Neal, A. (Eds) - Ecology & Geomorphology of Coastal Shingle
S54031: Paddock, G.H. - Catalogue of Shropshire Birds
N40047: Padfield, G. - The Butterflies of the Villars-Gryon [Switzerland]
S20303: Padian, K.; Chure, D.J. - The Age of Dinosaurs: Short Courses in Paleontology No. 2
S15572: Paeckelmann, W.; Sieverts, H. - Neue Beiträge zur Kenntis der Geologie, Paleontologie und Petrograhie der Umgegend von Konstantinopel. 1.Obersilurische und devonische Faunen der Prinzeninseln, Bithyniens und Thraziens
N35969: Paek, M.K.; Shin, Y.H. - Butterflies of the Korean Peninsula
S52901: Page, C.N. - The Ferns of Britain and Ireland
N41883: Page, R.E. - The Art of the Bee: Shaping the Environment from Landscapes to Societies
S56775: Page, C. - 19th Century Life at Lord's Mill
N6648: Page, M.G.P.; Treadaway, C.G. - Butterflies of the World 17: Papilionidae 9: Papilionidae of the Philippines
S48136: Page, F.J.T. - Field Guide to British Deer
S42297: Page, L.M.; Burr, B.M. - A Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes: North America North of Mexico
S50079: Page, C.N. - The Ferns of Britain and Ireland
S18123: Page, C.N. - Ferns (New Naturalist 74)
S52631: Pagenstecher, A. - Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pt 3: Libytheidae
S58614: Paget-Tomlinson, W.S. - Kindness to All Created Things: With Special Reference to the Protection of Wild Birds and their Eggs
N16911: Pagliano, G. - Elenco mondiale dei generi di Hymenoptera con specie tipo
N9300: Pagliano, G.; Negrisolo, E. - Hymenoptera: Sphecidae (Fauna d'Italia 40)
S17777: Paice, E. - Lost Lion of Empire; The Life of 'Cape-to Cairo' Grogan
S25391: Paine, T.D. (Ed.) - Invasive Forest Insects, Introduced Forest Trees, and Altered Ecosystems: Ecological Pest Management in Global Forests of a Changing World
S12986: Painter, N.S. - Diverticular Disease of the Colon: A Deficiency Disease of Western Civilisation
N45610: Painting, A. - Regeneration: The Rescue of a Wild Land
S52491: Pakaluk, J.; Slipinski, S.A. (Eds) - Biology, Phylogeny and Classification of Coleoptera: Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Roy A. Crowson. Vol. 1-2
S50143: Pakenham, T. - The Mountains of Rasselas: An Ethiopian Adventure
A42108: Paley, William - Natural Theology; or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity. Collected from the appearances of nature
S51132: Palm, E. - Nordeuropas Pyralider (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
N30320: Palm, T. - Svensk Insektfauna 9:Staphylinidae Pt 3: Paederinae, Staphylininae
N30348: Palm, T. - Svensk Insektfauna 9:Staphylinidae Pt 1: Micropeplinae, Phloeocharinae, Olisthaerinae, Proteininae, Omaliinae
S45775: Palm, E. - Nordeuropas Prydvinger (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae)
S51131: Palm, E. - Nordeuropas Prydvinger (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae)
S51137: Palm, E. - Atlas over viklernes udbredelse i Danmark (Tortricidae & Cochylidae)
N2990: Palm, E. - Nordeuropas Snudebiller. Coleoptera: Curculionidae. Vol. 1: De kortsnudede arter (Brachycerinae and Otiorhyncerinae)
N21070: Palm, T. - Die scandinavischen Elateriden-Larven(Coleoptera)
S47239: Palm, E. - Nordeuropas Snudebiller. Coleoptera: Curculionidae. Vol. 1: De kortsnudede arter (Brachycerinae and Otiorhyncerinae)
N30319: Palm, T. - Svensk Insektfauna 9:Staphylinidae Pt 5: Aleocharinae (Deinopsis-Trichomicra)
N30175: Palm, T. - Svensk Insektfauna 9: Staphylinidae Pt 7: Aleacharinae (Aleuonota-Tinotus)
N30321: Palm, T. - Svensk Insektfauna 9: Staphylinidae Pt 4: Habrocerinae, Trichophyinae, Tachyporinae
N30347: Palm, T. - Svensk Insektfauna 9:Staphylinidae Pt 2: Oxytelinae, Oxyporinae, Steninae, Euaesthetinae
N18841: De Palma, M.; Frantz, S. - Taxonomic revision of Megalorhina Westwood and Subgeneric Classification of Mecynorhina Hope (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)
N39171: Palma, R.L. - Phthiraptera: A catalogue of parasitic lice from New Zealand. Fauna of New Zealand 75
S28147: Palma, S.; Báez, P.; Pequeño, G. (Eds) - Bibliografía sobre Biodiversidad Acuática de Chile
N18729: De Palma, M. - Taxonomic revision of Eudicella White (Coleoptera: Cetoniinae)and Iconographic Catalogue
S53209: Palmar, C.R; Crosthwaite, J.H.S; Fraser, J. (Eds) - Birds of Britain First Miscellany
S40754: Palmer, S. - The Microlepidoptera of Wiltshire
S56264: Palmer, S. - Wiltshire Birds
S40009: Palmer, W.T.; Heaton Cooper, A. (Illus.) - The English Lakes
S54094: Palmer, E.M.; Ballance, D.K. - The Birds of Somerset
S42796: Palmer, P.G.; Tucker, A.E.; Gerbeth-Jones, S.; Hutchison, S. - A Scanning Electron Microscope Survey of the Epidermis of East African Grasses. Pt I-IV
S20078: Palmer, T.S. - A List of the Generic and Family Names of Rodents
S20077: Palmer, T.S. - A Review of Economic Ornithology in the United States
S50684: Palmer, M. - Action plan for the conservation of native freshwater crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes in the United Kingdom
S1308: Palmer, M.G. - The Fauna and Flora of the Ilfracombe District of North Devon
N6616: Palmer, J.M.; Mound, L.A. - Nine genera of Fungus-feeding Phlaeothripidae (Thysanoptera) from the Oriental Region
S49742: Palmer, W.T.; Heaton Cooper, A. (Illus.) - The English Lakes
S57316: Palmer, M. - A Birdwatching Guide to Southern Spain
S31750: Palmer, R.C.; Scott, W. - A Check-List of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Shetland Islands
R21347: Palmer, W.M.; Braswell, A.L. - Reptiles of North Carolina
N23451: Palmer, R.M.; Porter, J.; Collins, G. - Smaller Moths of Surrey
N33795: Palo, H. - Borboletas do Brasil / Butterflies of Brazil
N55627: Pálsson, G. - The Last of its Kind: The Search for the Great Auk and the Discovery of Extinction
S56914: Panchen, A.L. - Classification, Evolution and the Nature of Biology
S25700: Panchen, A.L. - Classification, Evolution and the Nature of Biology
S20119: Panchen, A.L. (Ed.) - The Terrestrial Environment and the Origin of Land Vertebrates
S57676: Pankhurst, Sylvia - Ethiopia: A Cultural History
S21001: Pant, D.D. - The Structure of some Leaves and Fructifications of the Glossopteris Flora of Tanganyika
S22267: Pantaleoni, R.A.; Letardi, A.; Corazza, C. (Eds) - Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Neuropterology
S45794: Pantel, J. - Description de Carausius nouveaux (Orth. Phasmidae) et notes sur les Carausius de l´Inde Meridionale
S52411: Pantin, C.F.A. - Notes on Microscopical Technique for Zoologists
S17546: Pantin, C.F.A. - Notes on Microscopical Technique for Zoologists
S10871: Pantin, H.M. - Submarine Morphology East of the North Island, New Zealand
S10875: Pantin, H.M. - Internal Structure in Marine Shelf, Slope, and Abyssmal Sediments East of New Zealand
S10878: Pantin, H.M. - Sedimentation in Hawke Bay
N30589: Paolucci, P. - Bombyces and Sphinges of the Alps and their larvae, pupae and cocoons
S49046: Papavero, N. - Essays on the History of Neotropical Dipterology. Vol. I with special reference to collectors (1750-1905)
S38784: Papavero, N. - Essays on the History of Neotropical Dipterology with special reference to collectors (1750-1905)
N2049: Pape, T. - The Sarcophagidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark (Fauna ent. scand. 19)
S40173: Pape, R. - Boldness be my Friend
N29193: Papp, L.; Cerný, M. - Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Hungary. Vol. 4: Phytomyzinae III
N29192: Papp, L.; Cerný, M. - Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Hungary. Vol. 3: Phytomyzinae II
N29190: Papp, L.; Cerný, M. - Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Hungary. Vol. 1: Agromyzinae
N29191: Papp, L.; Cerný, M. - Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Hungary. Vol. 2: Phytomyzinae I
S58056: Papp, L.; Darvas, B. (Eds) - Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera 2: Nematocera and Lower Brachycera
S58055: Papp, L.; Darvas, B. (Eds) - Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera 1: General and Applied Dipterology
S27160: Papp, L. - Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary
S23266: Paradis, E. - Analysis of Phylogenetics and Evolution with R
S45599: Parenzan, P. - Cladocera: Sistematica e corologia dei Cladoceri limnicoli italiani ed appendice sui Cladoceri in generale
S16584: Parham, J.W. - Plants of the Fiji Islands
S18050: Parham, J.W. - The Grasses of Fiji
S39286: Parihar, N.S. - An Introduction to Embryophyta. Vol. 1: Bryophyta
S45621: Parikian, L. - Into the Tangled Bank: In Which Our Author Ventures Outdoors to Consider the British in Nature
N42452: Parikian, L. - Into the Tangled Bank: In Which Our Author Ventures Outdoors to Consider the British in Nature
A38457: Park, Mungo - Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa: performed in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. With an Account of a Subsequent Mission to that Country in 1805 ... To which is added an Account of the Life of Mr. Park
S53341: Parker, E. - Predatory Birds of Great Britain
S53318: Parker, E. - Ethics of Egg-Collecting
S9719: Parker, J.B. - A generic revision of the fossorial wasps of the tribes Stizini and Bembicini with notes and descriptioms of new species
S33786: Parker, S. - Museum of Life
S32792: Parker, H.L. - Recherches sur les formes post-embryonnaires des chalcidiens
N44876: Parker, E. - Ash
S57492: Parker, C.; Riches, C.R. - Parasitic Weeds of the World
S22461: Parker, J.R. - Alternatives to heart kauri for boat-building: Bending properties of planks of clear and finger-jointed radiata pine and second-growth kauri
S21965: Parker, R.B.; Mannion, L.E. (Eds) - Contributions to Geology. Trona Issue
S37745: Parker, C.R.; Wiggins, G.B. - Revision of the Caddisfly Genus Psilotreta (Trichoptera: Odontoceridae)
R50429: Parkinson, D. - Origin and Structure of the Lower Viséan Reef-Knolls of the Clitheroe District, Lancashire
N39762: Parkkinen, S.; Paukkunen, J.;Teräs, I. - Suomen Kimalaiset [Finnish Bumblebees]
S47152: Parkman, F. - The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life
S35474: Parkman, F. - The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life
A25705: Parlatore, Philippe - Les Collections Botaniques du Musee Royal de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Florence au Printemps de MDCCCLXXIV
S38869: Parma, S. - Chaoborus flavicans (Meigen) (Diptera, Chaoboridae): an autecological study
S53220: Parmelee, A. - All the Birds of the Bible: Their Stories, Identification, and Meaning
S11306: Parshley, H.M. - A Bibliography of the North American Hemiptera-Heteroptera
S3188: Parshley, H.M. - A Bibliography of the North American Hemiptera-Heteroptera
S50505: Parslow, R. - The Isles of Scilly (New Naturalist 103)
S18811: Parslow, R. - The Isles of Scilly (New Naturalist 103)
S46628: Parslow, J. - Breeding Birds of Britain and Ireland: A Historical Survey
S58470: Parslow, J. - Breeding Birds of Britain and Ireland: A Historical Survey
S44468: Parslow, R. - The Isles of Scilly
N11062: Parslow, R. - The Isles of Scilly (New Naturalist 103)
R23688: Parsons, M.C. - Thoracic skeleton and musculature of adult Saldula pallipes (F.) (Heteroptera: Saldidae)
S49730: Parsons, M. - Insect Farming and the Trading Agency: Farming Manual
S46693: Parsons, M. - A review of scarce and threatened pyralid moths of Great Britain
S36563: Parsons, M. - A review of the scarce and threatened ethmiine, stathmopodine and gelechiid moths of Great Britain
S35229: Parsons, H. - The Nature of Frogs: Amphibians with attitude
S33414: Parsons, M.C. - Skeleton and musculature of the head of Saldula pallipes (F.) (Heteroptera: Saldidae)
R14396: Parsons, M.C. - Skeletomuscalature of the pterothorax and first abdominal segment in micropterous Aphelocheirus aestivalis F. (Heteroptera: Naucoridae)
S56162: Parsons, T. - The Sea's Enthrall: Memoirs of an Oceanographer
N49336: Parsons, M.; Clancy, S. - Guide to the Pyralid and Crambid Moths of Britain and Ireland
S56132: Parsons, M. - A review of the scarce and threatened ethmiine, stathmopodine and gelechiid moths of Great Britain
S56141: Parsons, M. - A review of scarce and threatened pyralid moths of Great Britain
N55448: Cannock Chase AONB Partnership - Features of Cannock Chase (Identification Chart)
S31974: Partridge, J. (Ed.) - Management Guidelines for Bears and Raccoons
S55709: Avian Predators Working Party - Predatory Birds in Britain
S42250: Pascoe, J. - Exploration New Zealand
S41442: Pascual, M.; Dunne, J.A. (Eds) - Ecological Networks: Linking Structure to Dynamics in Food Webs
S53953: Pasquier, R.F.; Farrand, J. - Masterpieces of Bird Art: 700 years of Ornithological Illustration
S37084: Passmore, N.I.; Carruthers, V.C. - South African Frogs
R2398: Pasteels, J.J. - Revision du Genre Gasteruption (Hymenoptera Evanoidea Gasteruptionidae): I. Especes de L'Afrique Noire
S5640: Pasteels, J.J. - Revision du Genre Gasteruption (Hymenoptera, Evanoidea, Gasteruptionidae): Especes Australiennes
R14874: Pasteels, J.J. - Collection of 4 papers on Evanoidea (Hymenoptera). 1957-1962
C15432: Pasternak, J. - A Naturalist in Birdwing Paradise (CD-ROM)
S36178: Patch, E.M. - A collection of 20 papers on aphids and other realted insects of Maine published in the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station 1907-1927
S47925: Paterson, A. - The History of the Rose
S28103: Patocka, J. - Die Raupen und Puppen der Eichenschmetterlinge Mitteleuropas
N4004: Patocka, J. - Die Puppen der mitteleuropaeischen Eulen: Cuculliinae, Heliothinae, Ipimorphinae, Hadeninae, Agrotinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
S6994: Patocka, J. - Die Tannenschmetterlinge der Slowakei: Mit Berücksichtigung der Fauna Mitteleuropas
S54083: Paton, E.R.; Pike, O.G. - The Birds of Ayrshire
S52739: Paton, J.A.; Holyoak, D.T. - The Bryophyte Flora of the Isles of Scilly
N48528: Paton, J.A. - A Supplement to The Liverwort Flora of the British Isles
S30177: Paton, J.A. - Census Catalogue of British Hepatics
R52685: Paton, J.A. - A Bryophyte Flora of South Hants
R34550: Patrick, R. et al - The Catherwood Foundation Peruvian-Amazon Expedition: Limnological and Systematic Studies
N23593: Patrick, B.; Patrick H. - Butterflies of the South Pacific
S53327: Patten, C.J. - The Aquatic Birds of Great Britain and Ireland
S9298: Patten, M.A.; McCaskie, G.; Unitt, P. - Birds of the Salton Sea: Status, Biogeography, and Ecology
S12517: Patten, M.A.; McCaskie, G.; Unitt, P. - Birds of the Salton Sea: Status, Biogeography, and Ecology
S36297: Patten, B.C. (Ed.) - Wetlands and Shallow Continental Water Bodies. Vol. 1-2
S47188: Patterson, C. - Review of Mesozoic Acanthopterygian Fishes, with Special Reference to Those of the English Chalk
S53764: Patterson, A.H. - Wild-Fowlers and Poachers: Fifty Years on the East Coast
S51033: Patterson, A.H. - Nature in Eastern Norfolk
S20000: Patterson, B.; Wood, A.E. - Rodents from the Deseaden Oligocene of Bolivia and the Relationships of the Caviomorpha
S53339: Patterson, A. - Rambles in Birdland
S53968: Patterson, A.H. - Rough Sketches of Bird Life
S53765: Patterson, A.H. ("John Knowlittle") - In Norfolk Bird Haunts in A.D. 1755 Reprinted from the "Norfolk Chronicle" Series
S53780: Patterson, Robert (Ed.) - Ulster Nature Notes. (Series I.)
S53763: Patterson, A.H. - Wild Life on a Norfolk Estuary
S21473: Patterson, R. - Reptiles of Southern Africa
S41943: Patterson, R.S. (Chairman of Organizing Committee) - Status of Biological Control of Filth Flies
S46025: Patterson, I.J. - The Shelduck: A study in behavioural ecology
S22649: Patterson, C.; Greenwood, P.H. (Eds) - Papers on Fossil Vertebrates
S23833: Patterson, C. (Ed.) - Molecules and Morphology in Evolution: conflict or compromise
N50411: Pattinson, T. - The Freshwater Microscopist. Pt 4
N50033: Pattinson, T. - The Freshwater Microscopist. Pt 3
N50412: Pattinson, T. - The Freshwater Microscopist. Pt 5
N32318: Pattinson, T. - The Freshwater Microscopist. Pt 2
S41390: Pattison, D.R.M.; St-Onge, M.R.; Begin, N.J.; Martin, R.F. (Eds) - Truth and Beauty in Metamorphism: A tribute to Dugald M. Carmichael
N32114: Paukkunen, J.; Berg, A.; Soon, V.; Ødegaard, F.; Rosa, P. - An Illustrated Key to the Cuckoo Wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) of the Nordic and Baltic Countries, with Description of a New Species
N9806: Paul, J. - Grasshoppers and Crickets of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
N48244: Paul, G.S. - The Princeton Field Guide to Pterosaurs
S57731: Paul, A. - A History of the Beja Tribes of the Sudan
S13847: Paul, C.R.C. - British Ordovician Cystoids Parts 1-2
S44592: Paul, H.; Mönkemeyer, W.; Schiffner, V. - Bryophyta (Sphagnales - Bryales - Hepaticae). Die Süsswasser-Flora Mitteleuropas. Heft 14
S37892: Paul'son, O. - Izsledovaniya Rakoobraznykh Krasnago Morya. Chast' I. Podophthalmata i Edriophthalmata (Cumacea) [Studies on Crustacea of the Red Sea with notes regarding other seas. Part 1]
S30687: Paulian, R. - La Zoogéographie de Madagascar et des Iles Voisines (Faune de Madagascar 13)
N2971: Paulian, R. - Coleopteres Scarabeides Faune de France 63
S29856: Paulian, R.; Viette, P. - Insectes Lépidoptères Papilionidae (Faune de Madagascar 27)
S30822: Paulian, R. - Larves d'Insectes de France vers blancs - chenilles - asticots
S27359: Paulian, R. - La Zoogéographie de Madagascar et des iles Voisines (Faune de Madagascar 13)
S6972: Paulian, R. - Coleopteres Scarabeides Faune de France 63:
N5991: Paulian, R. - Coleopteres Cetoniidae. Genre Pygora (Faune de Madagascar 82)
S26676: Paulian, R. - Coleopteres Scarabeides Faune de France 63:
S50580: Paulian, R. - Les Coléoptères: Formes, Moeurs, Rôle
N44667: Paulson, D.R.; Haber, W.A. - Dragonflies and Damselflies of Costa Rica: A Field Guide
S58577: Paulson, D. - Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West
N8748: Paulson, G.S. - Handbook to the Construction and Use of Insect Collection and Rearing Devices: A Guide for Teachers with Suggested Classroom Applications
S53962: Paulussen, W. - The Breeding Birds of the Turnhout Campine 1942-1992 (Caliologists' Series No. 9)
N18946: Pauly, A. et al - Hymenoptera Apoidea de Madagascar et des les Voisines
N49527: Pavelle, S. - Forget Me Not:Finding the forgotten species of climate-change Britain
S52273: Pavett, M.; Fowles, A. - The Aculeate Hymenoptera of Wales with special reference to the manuscript 'The Aculeates of Wales' by H.M. Hallett
R52525: Pavia, G. - Ammoniti del Baiociano Superiore di Digne (Fracia SE, dip. Basses - Alpes)
R52555: Pavia, G. - Ammoniti del Baiociano Superiore di Digne
S30676: Paviour-Smith, K.; Whittaker, J.B. - A Key to the Major Groups of British Free-Living Terrestrial Invertebrates
S41412: Pavitt, N. - Kenya The First Explorers
S43096: Pavord, A. - The Naming of Names: The Search for Order in the World of Plants
S29743: Pavord, A. - The Naming of Names: The Search for Order in the World of Plants
N21115: Pawley, S.; Dobson, M.; Fletcher, M. - Guide to British Freshwater Macroinvertebrates for Biotic Assessment
S55769: Pawlikowski, T. - A Distribution Atlas of Bumblebees in Poland (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombini)
S47226: Pawlikowski, T. - A Distribution Atlas of Bumblebees in Poland (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombini)
R8131: Pawlowski, J. - Revision du genre Trechus Clairv. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) du Proche Orient
S54103: Payn, W.H. - The Birds of Suffolk
S13983: Payn, W.H. - The Birds of Suffolk
S631: Payn, W.H. - The Birds of Suffolk
S54453: Payn, W.H. - The Birds of Suffolk
S40436: Payne, A.I. - The Ecology of Tropical Lakes and Rivers
S54161: Payne, E. - Ethiopian Jews: The Story of a Mission
S10817: Payne, T.L.; Birch, M.C.; Kennedy, C.E.J. (Eds) - Mechanisms in Insect Olfaction
S50644: Paz, U. - The Birds of Israel
S57115: Peach, B.N.; Horne, J. - Guide to the Geological Model of the Assynt Mountains
S49438: Peacock, E.R. - Coleoptera, Rhizophagidae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/5a)
S26515: Peacock, E.R. - Coleoptera, Rhizophagidae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/5a)
S5322: Peacock, E.R. - A review of the Rhadalinae (=Aplocneminae) (Coleoptera: Melyridae)
S49254: Peacock, E.R. - Coleoptera, Rhizophagidae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 5/5a)
S39335: Peaker. M. (Ed.) - Avian Physiology
S55976: Pearce, E.K. - Typical Flies A Photographic Atlas of Diptera. Series I-III
S45009: Pearce, E.J. - Coleoptera Pselaphidae (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 4/9)
S50059: Pearce, G.E. - Badger Behaviour, Conservation and Rehabilitation: 70 Years of Getting to Know Badgers
R45756: Pearl, R. - The Reading of Graduate Students
S31605: Pearman, D.A.; Preston, C.D.; Rothero, G.P.; Walker, K.J. - The Flora of Rum: An Atlantic Island Reserve
S49633: Pearsall, W.H.; Pennington, W. - The Lake District (New Naturalist 53)
S47309: Pearsall, W.H.; Pennington, W. - The Lake District (New Naturalist 53)
S48564: Pearsall, W.H. - Mountains and Moorlands (New Naturalist 11)
S57382: Pearsall, W.H. - Mountains and Moorlands (New Naturalist 11)
S47800: Pearsall, W.H. - Mountains and Moorlands (New Naturalist 11)
S18590: Pearsall, W.H. - Mountains and Moorlands (New Naturalist 11)
R26943: Pearson, A.A.; Dennis, R.W.G. - Revised List of British Agarics and Boleti
S43615: Pearson, R. - Climate and Evolution
S40051: Pearson, R. - Animals and Plants of the Cenozoic Era: Some Aspects of the Faunal and Floral History of the Last Sixty Million Years
S36760: Pearson, J. - Cancer (Liverpool Marine Biology Committee Memoirs on Typical British Marine Plants and Animals, Vol. XVI)
R5536: Pearson, L. - The Corpora Pedunculata of Sphinx Ligustri L. and other Lepidoptera: an anatomical study
R32870: Pearson, A.A. - Notes on the Boleti: With Short Monograph and Key
R32871: Pearson, A.A. - A Key to the Genera of the Agarics & Boleti
S55254: Pearson, B. - Birds of East and West Horsley [Surrey]
N41359: Pearson, D.L.; Wiesner, J.; Acciavatti, R.E.; Uniyal, V.P.; Anichtchenko, A. - A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of India: Identification and Biology of the Cicindelidae
S37326: Peay, S. - Monitoring the White-clawed Crayfish Austropotamobius p. pallipes
S37313: Peay, S. - Monitoring the White-clawed Crayfish Austropotamobius p. pallipes
S1061: Peck, O. - A Catalogue of the Nearctic Chalcidoidea (Insecta: Hymenoptera)
N4074: Peck, S.B. - Smaller Orders of Insects of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador: Evolution, Ecology, and Diversity
E35187: Pedder-Smith, R. - Detail from Herbarium Specimen Painting 2006-2009: (10 Cards)
S52909: Pedersen, B. (Ed.); [Fenwick, S.] - A Guide to the Archives of the Royal Entomological Society
N4268: Pedersen, B. (Ed.); [Fenwick, S.] - A Guide to the Archives of the Royal Entomological Society
S40245: Pedersen, B. (Ed.); [Fenwick, S.] - A Guide to the Archives of the Royal Entomological Society
S29578: Pedersen, B. (Ed.); [Fenwick, S.] - A Guide to the Archives of the Royal Entomological Society
S32580: Pedersen, B. (Ed.); [Fenwick, S.] - A Guide to the Archives of the Royal Entomological Society
S3107: Pedgley, D. (Ed.) - Desert Locust Forecasting Manual2 vols
S27128: Pedraza, J.; Sanz, M.A.; Martin, A. - Formas Graniticas de la Pedriza
N16901: Pedrono, M. - The Tortoises & Turtles of Madagascar
S36561: Peduzzi, R.; Bachofen, R.; Tonolla, M. (Eds) - Lake Cadagno: A Meromictic Alpine Lake
S51360: Peeters, T.M.J.; Reemer, M. - Bedreigde en verdwenen Bijen in Nederland (Apidae s.l.): Basisrapport met voorstel voor de Rode Lijst
N53182: Peeters, I. - The Genus Carabus in Belgium: (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
S46259: Peeters, T.M.J.; Reemer, M. - Bedreigde en verdwenen Bijen in Nederland (Apidae s.l.): Basisrapport met voorstel voor de Rode Lijst
S46588: Peissel, M. - The Last Barbarians: The Discovery of the Source of the Mekong in Tibet
R57287: Pejler, B. - On the Taxonomy and Ecology of Benthic and Periphytic Rotatoria: Investigations in northern Swedish Lapland
S50258: Pellant, C.; Pellant, H. - Fossils: A Photographic Field Guide
N9360: Pellant, C.; Pellant, H. - A Guide to Common Fossils (Identification Chart)
S57510: Le Pelley, R.H. - Pests of Coffee
S26580: Pemberton, J.E. (Ed) - Who's Who in Ornithology
S49259: Penck, W. - Morphological Analysis of Land Forms: A Contribution to Physical Geology
S9599: Pendergrast, J.G.; Cowley, D.R. - An introduction to New Zealand Freshwater Insects
R16856: Pendergrast, J.G. - Studies on the Reproductive Organs of the Heteroptera with a consideration of their bearing on Classification
S55527: Penhallurick, R.D. - Birds of the Cornish Coast Including the Isles of Scilly
S55528: Penhallurick, R.D. - Birds of the Cornish Coast Including the Isles of Scilly
S55533: Penhallurick, R.D. - The Birds of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
N10714: Penhallurick, R.D. - The Butterflies of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
S41912: Penn, R. - Portrait of Ashdown Forest
S20829: Pennak, R.W. - Fresh-water Invertebrates of the United States
A49262: Pennant, Thomas - British Zoology. Vol. I-IV
N29633: Penney, D. - So you want to be a Palaeontologist
N27059: Penney, D.; Jepson, J.E. - Fossil Insects: An Introduction to Palaeoentomology
N17238: Penney, D. - Common Spiders & other Arachnids of the Gambia, West Africa
N29240: Penney, D. - Field Guide to Wildlife of the Gambia
S40886: Penney, J.T.; Racek, A.A. - Comprehensive revision of a worldwide collection of Freshwater Sponges (Porifera: Spongillidae)
N42408: Penney, D. - Fossil Spiders in Baltic Amber: An annotated systematic catalogue
S48856: Pennington, W. - The History of British Vegetation
S56050: Penny, N.D.; Arias, J.R. - Insects of an Amazon Forest
S35314: Penrose, R. - Pablo Picasso: Four Themes
N11953: Pentecost, A. - Introduction to Freshwater Algae
N11954: Pentecost, A. - Introduction to Freshwater Algae
S52222: Pentecost, A. - Introduction to Freshwater Algae
R38687: Penz, C.M.; DeVries, P.J. - A Phylogenetic Reassessment of Thisbe and Uraneis Butterflies (Riodinidae, Nymphidiini)
S4624: Peppin, B.; Micklethwait, L. - Dictionary of British Book Illustrators: The Twentieth Century
S36806: Peragallo, H. - Monographie du Genre Pleurosigma et des Genres Alliés
S21573: Peragallo, A. - Etudes sur les Insectes nuisibles a l'Agriculture. Pt I + II
N4251: Perez De-Gregorio, J.J.; Munoz, J.; Rondos, M. - Atlas fotografico de los Lepidopteros Macroheteroceros ibero-baleares 2: Lasiocampoidea, Bombycoidea, Axioidea y Noctuoidea (1)
S53099: Perez De-Gregorio, J.J.; Munoz, J.; Rondos, M. - Atlas fotografico de los Lepidopteros Macroheteroceros ibero-baleares 2: Lasiocampoidea, Bombycoidea, Axioidea y Noctuoidea (1)
S59070: Pericart, J. - Hemipteres Leptopodidae et Saldidae d'Europe occidentale et du Magrheb Faune de France 77
S59069: Pericart, J. - Hemipteres Nabidae d'Europe occidentale et du Maghreb Faune de France 71
S4220: Peries, I.D.R. - Studies on Host-Plant Resistance in Rice to the Gall Midge, Orseolia oryzae (Wood-Mason)
S52911: Perkins, J.F. - Hymenoptera, Ichneumoninae 2, Alomyinae, Agriotypinae and Lycorininae (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 7/2aii)
S52323: Perkins, J.F. - Hymenoptera, Superfamily Bethyloidea (excluding Chrysidadae) : (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects)
S57641: Perkins, J.F. - Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae I (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 7/2ai)
S45092: Perkins, B.F. (Ed.) - Trace fossils: A field guide to selected localities in Pennsylvanian, Permian, Cretaceous, and Tertiary rocks of Texas and related papers
S50317: Perkins, J.F. - Hymenoptera, Superfamily Bethyloidea (excluding Chrysidadae) : (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects)
S6566: Von Pernau, A.F. - Unterricht was mit dem lieblichen Geschoepff denen Voegeln ...
S43344: Perraudiere, R. de la - Notes sur les Coleopteres de l'Anjou
S51370: Perrett, B. - The Hampshire Tigers: Story of the Royal Hampshire Regiment, 1945-92
S35472: Perrier, R. (Ed.); Delphy, J. - La Faune de la France. Tome 1A:Coelenteres, Spongiaires, Echinodermes, Protozoaires
S21177: Perrier, R. (Ed.); Delphy, J. - La Faune de la France. Tome 1B. Vers et Némathelminthes
S14647: Perrier, R. - La Faune de la France. Fasc. 3: I. Myriapodes, II. Insectes Inférieurs
S10354: Perring, F.H.; Walters, S.M. (Eds) - Atlas of the British Flora
S15417: Perring, F.H.; Sell, P.D.; Walter, S.M. - A Flora of Cambridgeshire
S22164: Perring, F. (Ed.) - The Flora of Changing Britain
S45045: Perrins, C. - British Tits (New Naturalist 62)
S48125: Perrins, C. - British Tits (New Naturalist 62)
S59154: Perrins, C.M. (Ed.) - Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Birds: The Definitive guide to Birds of the World
A43348: Perris, E. - Larves de Coleopteres [Pt 2]
A50993: Perrott, Charlotte Louisa Emily - A Selection of British Birds
A58754: Perrott, Charlotte Louisa Emily - A Selection of British Birds
S25122: Perry, J.J.; Staley, J.T.; Lory, S. - Microbial Life
S54227: Perry, R. - Shetland Sanctuary Birds on the Isle of Noss
S55176: Perry, R. - A Naturalist on Lindisfarne
S44694: Perry, R. - A Naturalist on Lindisfarne
S9770: Perry, L.S. - Chinese Snuff Bottles: The Adventures & Studies of a Collector
S9771: Perry, L.S. - Chinese Snuff Bottles The Adventures & Studies of a Collector
S57172: Perry, A.R. - Mosses and Liverworts of Woodland: A Guide to Some of the Commonest Species
S47907: Perry, A.R.; Ellis, R.G. (Eds) - The Common Ground of Wild and Cultivated Plants: Introductions, invasions, control and conservation
S22882: Perry, R. - The Watcher and the Red Deer
S33759: Perry, R. (Ed.) - Galapagos (Key Environments)
S53208: Perry, P. (Ed.) - British Birds: Their Nests and Eggs
S39610: Pertchik, H.; Pertchik, H.; White, W.C. (Introduction) - Flowering Trees of the Caribbean: 30 Paintings by Bernard and Harriet Pertchik
S48477: Pertchik, H.; Pertchik, H.; White, W.C. (Introduction) - Flowering Trees of the Caribbean: 30 Paintings by Bernard and Harriet Pertchik
R59017: Le Peru, B. - Catalogue et répartition des araignées de France
N21922: Le Peru, B.Le Peru, B. - The Spiders of Europe, a synthesis of data. Vol. 1: Atypidae - Theridiidae
S45094: Peryt, D.; Wrona, R. - Planktic Foraminifera Zonation of the Upper Cretaceous in the Middle Vistula River Valley, Poland [and] Upper Silurian-Lower Devonian Chitinozoa From the Subsurface of Southeastern Poland
N38541: Pesarini, F. - Hymenoptera: Symphyta 1 (Fauna d'Italia 52)
N55757: Peslier, S.; Mazel, R.; Gaunet, A.; Varenne, T.; Nel, J. - Catalogue iconographique des Lépidoptères des Pyrénées-Orientales (France). Tome I (Superfamilles dont la majorité des espèces sont diurnes)
N55774: Peslier, S.; Varenne, T.; Nel, J.; Taurand, L. - Catalogue iconographique des Lépidoptères des Pyrénées-Orientales (France). Tome II (Superfamilles dont la majorité des espèces sont nocturnes)
S42653: Pessagno, E.A. - Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy of the Western Gulf Coast Area of Mexico, Texas, and Arkansas
S10763: Pesta, O. - Krebstiere I: Ruderfüsser/Copepoda (4. Monstrilloida, 5. Notodelphyoida, 6. Caligoida, 7. Lernaeoida) (Tierwelt Deutschlands 29)
S36585: Pesta, O. - Der Hochgebirgssee der Alpen (Versuch einer limnologischen Charakteristik) (Die Binnengewässer Bd. VIII)
S39097: Petanovic, R.; Stankovic, S - Catalog of the Eriophyoidea (Acari; Prostigmata) of Serbia and Montenegro
R26941: Petch, T. - British Hypocreales
S47252: Petch, C.P.; Swann, E.L. - West Norfolk Plants Today
N25066: Peterken, G. - Meadows
S50507: Peterken, G. - Wye Valley (New Naturalist 105)
S58690: Peterken, G.F. - Woodland Conservation and Management
N13432: Peterken, G. - Wye Valley (New Naturalist 105)
N51486: Peterken, G. - Trees and Woodlands
S11033: Peters, T.M. - Insects and Human Society
S41678: Peters, E.D. - Principles of Copper Smelting
S11226: Peters, W. et al - Malaria of the Orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) in Borneo
N52670: Petersen, J.H. - Edible Fungi of Britain and Northern Europe: How to Identify, Collect and Prepare
N55959: Petersen, J.H. - Champignons comestibles et toxiques: Eviter les confusions [Edible and toxic mushrooms - Avoid confusion]
S49282: Peterson, D. - Jane Goodall:The Woman Who Redefined Man
S57630: Peterson, R.T.; Peterson, V.M.; Audubon, J.J. (Illus) - Audubon's Birds of America (The Audubon Society Baby Elephant Folio)
S42738: Peterson, L.E. - A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants of Eastern and Central North America
S58237: Peterson, R.T. - A Field Guide to Western Birds Peterson Field Guide
S28856: Peterson, R.T. - A Field Guide to the Birds of Texas and Adjacent States
S10362: Peterson, R.L.; Eger, J.L., Mitchell, L. - Chiropteres (Faune de Madagascar 84)
S22096: Peterson, B.V. - The Prosimulium of Canada and Alaska (Diptera: Simuliidae)
S45568: Peterson, A. - Entomological Techniques: How to Work with Insects
S58569: Peterson, R.; Mountfort, G.; Hollom, P.A.D. - Birds Britain and Europe (Collins Field Guide)
S48358: Peterson, R.; Fisher, James - Wild America: The Record of a 30,000-mile Journey Around the North American Continent by an American Naturalist and his British colleague
S36704: Peterson, A. - Manual of Entomological Equipment and Methods. Pts I and II
S56910: Peterson, R.T.; McKenny, M. - A Field Guide to Wildflowers of Northeastern and North-central North America: A Visual Approach
S39467: Peterson, B.V. - The Prosimulium of Canada and Alaska (Diptera: Simuliidae)
S38674: Peterson, B.V. - The Prosimulium of Canada and Alaska (Diptera: Simuliidae)
N38924: Petitpierre, E. - Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae II Fauna Iberica 46
S40907: Petr, T. (Ed.) - The Purari: Tropical Environment of a High Rainfall River Basin
S27213: Petric, D.; Curcic, B.P.M. (Eds) - On the Biology and Control of Blackflies
S55580: Petrides, G.A. - Eastern Trees
S40170: Petrocokino, A. - Along the Andes [in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador]
S34652: Petrushevskaya, M.G. - Radiolyarii otryada Nassellaria Mirovogo Okeana [Radiolaria of the order Nassellaria of the World Ocean]
S13880: Pettersson, H. - Teneur en radium des depots de mer profonde (Princess-Alice II et Challenger. 1930
S19950: Pettibone, M.H. - Marine Polychaete Worms of the New England Region 1. Aphroditidae through Trochochaetidae
S17722: Pettibone, M.H. - Revision of the Pilargidae (Annelida: Polychaeta), including descriptions of new species, and redescription of the pelagic Podarmus Ploa Chamberlin (Polynoidea)
S43095: Pettijohn, F.J. - Sedimentary Rocks
S5423: Pettitt, N.E. - A Monograph on some Rhynchonellidae of the British Chalk
S20955: Pettitt, J.M. - Two Heterosporous Plants from the Upper Devonian of North America
S7636: Pettitt, N.E. - A Monograph of the Rhynchonellidae of the British Chalk. Part 1
S48903: Peyrony, D. - Le Périgord Préhistorique : essai de géographie humaine suivi des listes des stations, gisements, monuments divers connus, avec leur bibliographie
S49041: Peyrony, D. - Éléments de Préhistoire
S6571: Pezzoli, E.; Spelta, F. - I Molluschi delle Sorgenti e delle "Acque Sotterranee" IX Aggiornamento al Censimento. V. Regione Lombardia, Provincia di Bergamo
S57016: Pfeifer, S. - Das Naturschutzgebiet Kühkopf-Knoblochsaue
N7194: Pfeuffer, E. (Ed.) - Von der Natur fasziniert: Fruehe Augsburger Naturforscher und Zeichner
S39351: Pfleger, V. - A Field Guide in colour to Molluscs
S46255: Pfleger, V.; Chatfield, J. - A Guide to Snails of Britain and Europe
S47654: Pfleger, V.; Chatfield, J. - A Guide to Snails of Britain and Europe
S56700: Pforr, M.; Limbrunner, A. - The Breeding Birds of Europe: A Photographic Handbook
N38625: Phaka, F.M.; Netherlands, E.C.; Kruger, D.J.D.; du Preez, L.H. - A Bilingual Field Guide to the Frogs of Zululand
S36643: phelps, G. - A Short History of English Literature
A48983: Phelps, William - Calendarium Botanicum, or a Botanical Calendar: Exhibiting, at one View, the Generic and Specific Name, the Class, Order, and Habitat of all the British Plants, from the Class Monandria Monogynia, to Polygamia Dioecia, inclusive. Arranged according to the
N56023: Phelps, M.; Stubbs, E. - Where to Watch Birds in Surrey and Sussex
S46378: Phemister, J. - British Regional Geology: Scotland the Northern Highlands
A30603: Philippi, R.A. - Orthoptera Berolinensia. Dissertatio Inauguralis Entomoligica
S54462: Philipson, W.R. - Birds of a Valley
N25356: Phillipps, H. - A Naturalist's Guide to the Butterflies of Borneo
S34714: Phillipps, A.; Lamb, A. - Pitcher-Plants of Borneo
S21188: Phillipps, W.J. - Bibliography of New Zealand Fishes
N29950: Phillipps, Q.; Phillipps, K. (Illus) - Phillipps Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo: Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan
N29952: Phillipps, Q.; Phillipps, K. - Phillipps Field Guide to the Mammals of Borneo and their Ecology. Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei and Kalimantan
S53118: Phillips, S.J.; Comus, P.W. (Eds) - A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert
S34559: Phillips, B. - Another Man's War: The Story of a Burma Boy in Britains Forgotten African Army
S41261: Phillips, J. - Geology of Oxford and the Valley of the Thames
S52255: Phillips, R. - Wild Flowers of Britain
S20141: Phillips, D. - Catalogue of the Type and Figured Specimens of Mesozoic Ammonoidea / Fossil Cephalopoda(excluding Mesozoic Ammonoidea) / Additions to the Catalogues of Type and Figured Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History)
N46452: Phillips, J.A. - The Lives of Seaweeds: A Natural History of Our Planet's Seaweeds and Other Algae
N28351: Phillips, N. - A Guide to Finding Seashore and Rockpool Life in Somerset
S49993: Phillips-Watlington, C. - Bermuda's Botanical Wonderland: A Field Guide
N38721: Phillips, D.M. - Insects of North America: A Field Guide to Over 300 Insects
S49777: Phillips, R. - Wild flowers of roadsides and waste places
S54669: Phillips, R. - Grasses, Ferns, Mosses & Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland
N47926: Phillips, N. - The Nature of Somerset's Coast
S52253: Phillips, R.; Rix, M. - Vegetables
S52254: Phillips, R. - Trees in Britain: Europe and North America
S52256: Phillips, R. - Grasses, Ferns, Mosses & Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland
A55521: Phillips, E. Cambridge - The Birds of Breconshire
S45532: Phillipson, D.W. - African Archaeology
S45868: Philp, E.G. - The Butterflies of Kent: an atlas of their distribution
S45108: Philp, E.G. - The Butterflies of Kent: an atlas of their distribution
S48892: Philp, E.G. - The Butterflies of Kent: an atlas of their distribution
S48360: Philp, E.G. - Atlas of the Kent Flora
S16875: Phipps, J. - Studies on East African Acridoidea (Orthoptera), with special reference to Egg-production, Habitats and Seasonal Cycles
S28921: Phlipson, W.R. - Contributions to Our Knowledge of Old World Araliaceae
S46400: Pianka, E.R. - Ecology and Natural History of Desert Lizards
R2618: Pic, M. - Coléoptères Nouveaux du Congo Belge
N40827: Picard, J. - Observations sur les genitalia femelles des Pterophores européens
R34850: Pichi Sermolli, R.E.G - A Survey of the Pteridological flora of the Mediterranean Region
S49991: Pichinot, V.B.; Meyer, H. - Kommentierte Liste der phytophagen Wirbellosenarten in Schleswig-Holstein Teil 1. Diptera
S16360: Pickard-Cambridge, O. - Monograph of the British Phalangidea, or Harvestmen
S57305: Pickard-Cambridge, O. - On a new genus and species of Acaridea
S15630: Pickard-Cambridge, O. - Monograph on the British Species of Chernetidea, or False-Scorpions
S1784: Pickard, B.C. - Grasshoppers and Crickets of Great Britain and the Channel Islands
N38720: Picker, M.; Griffiths, C.; Weaving, A. - Field Guide to Insects of South Africa
S55868: Pickett, G.D.; Pawson, M.G. - Sea Bass: Biology, exploitation and conservation
S55233: Pickford, P.; Pickford, B.; Tarboton, W. - African Birds of Prey
S55223: Pickford, M. - A revision of Miocene Suidae and Tayassuidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) of Africa (Tertiary Research Special Paper No. 7)
S45850: Pickford, Grace Evelyn - A Monograph of the Acanthodriline Earthworms of South Africa
S53890: Pickles, R. (Ed.) - The Countryside Around Us: A Natural History of East Lancashire
S34000: Pico, P. - Climatological Atlas of the Western Mediterranean
S19766: Pictet, A. - Influence de l'Alimentation et de l'Humidite sur la Variation des Papillons
S42668: Pictet, F.-J. - Traité de Paléontologie où histoire naturelle des animaux fossiles considérés dans leurs rapports zoologiques et géologiques
N52306: Picton, B.; Morrow, C. - Nudibranchs of Britain, Ireland and Northwest Europe
S26159: Piedade-Guerreiro, J. (Ed.) - Fruit flies of economic importance / Mouche des fruits d'importance economique
S43440: Pielou, E.C. - Biogeography
S53493: Pienkowski, M.W.; Wormell, P.; Harrison, D.; Shepard, K.B.; Stroud, D.A.; Cadbury, C.J.; Madders, M.; Moser, M.; Broad, R.A.; Newton, S.F.; Percival, S.; Fox, A.D.; Francis, I.S.; - Birds on Coll and Tiree: Status, Habitats and Conservation
N52589: Pienkowski, M. - When the Kite builds …:Why and How we restored Red Kites across Britain
S20381: Pierantoni, U. - La Gestazione Esterna (Contributo biologia ed alla embriologia dei Sillidi)
S34460: Pierce, F.N. - The Genitalia of the British Geometridae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands: An account of the morphology of the male clasping organs and the corresponding organs of the female
N9979: Pierce, F.N. - The Genitalia of The Group Noctuidae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands An Account of the Morphology of the Male Clasping Organs
N9980: Pierce, F.N. - The Genitalia of The Group Geometridae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands
N9970: Pierce, F.N.; Beirne, B.P. - The Genitalia of The British Rhopalocera and the Larger Moths
S45783: Pierce, F.N. - The Genitalia of the Group Noctuidae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands: An Account of the Morphology of the Female Reproductory Organs
S26496: Pierce, F.N.; Metcalfe, J.W. - The Genitalia of the British Pyrales with the Deltoids and Plumes
S31607: Pierce, G.W. - The Songs of Insects with Related Material on the Production, Propagation, Detection and Measurement of Sonic and Supersonic Vibrations
S52745: Pierce, F.N. - The Genitalia of the British Geometridae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands: An account of the morphology of the male clasping organs and the corresponding organs of the female
S52749: Pierce, F.N. - The Genitalia of the group Noctuidae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands: An account of the morphology of the male clasping organs
S52746: Pierce, F.N.; Metcalfe, J.W. - The Genitalia of the British Pyrales with the Deltoids and Plumes
S55861: Pierce, F.N. - The Genitalia of the group Noctuidae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands: An account of the morphology of the male clasping organs
C11293: Pierce, F.N.; Metcalfe, J.W. - The Genitalia of the Tortricidae CD
S55026: Pierce, F.N.; Beirne, B.P. - The Genitalia of The British Rhopalocera and the Larger Moths
S48968: Pierce, F.N. - The Genitalia of the Group Noctuidae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands: An Account of the Morphology of the Female Reproductory Organs
S9969: Pierce, F.N. - The Genitalia of the Group Noctuidae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands. An Account of the Morphology of the Female Reproductory Organs
N10522: Pierce, F.N.; Metcalfe, J.W. - The Genitalia of the British Pyrales with the Deltoids and Plumes
S26474: Pierce, F.N. - The Genitalia of the British Geometridae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands: An account of the morphology of the male clasping organs and the corresponding organs of the female
S18338: Pierce, F.N. - The Genitalia of the group Noctuidae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands: An account of the morphology of the male clasping organs
S52751: Pierce, F.N.; Beirne, B.P. - The Genitalia of The British Rhopalocera and the Larger Moths
S58881: Piercy, Harold - The Constance Spry Book of Flower Arranging
N25596: Pierre, J.; Bernaud, D. - Butterflies of the World 39: Acraea, subgenus Acraea
S25828: Pierrot-Bults, A.C.; van der Spoel, S.; Zahuranec, B.J.; Johnson, R.K. - Pelagic biogeography, Proceedings of an international conference, The Netherlands, 29 May-5 June 1985
N45065: Piesse, Jude - The Ghost in the Garden: in search of Darwin's lost garden
S53586: Pietsch, T.W. - Trees of Life: A Visual History of Evolution
S55450: Pietsch, T.W.; Arnold, R.J. - Frogfishes: Biodiversity, Zoogeography, and Behavioral Ecology
S55064: Pigott, T. Digby - London Birds and London Insects and other Sketches
S41960: Pihu, E.; Haberman, J. (Eds) - Lake Peipsi: Flora and Fauna
S53373: Pike, O.G. - Farther Afield in Birdland
S53320: Pike, O.G. - Hillside, Rock, and Dale: Bird Life pictured with Pen and Camera
S53321: Pike, O.G. - Home Life in Bird-Land
S53372: Pike, O.G. - Birdland: A Book for Young People
S53319: Pike, O.G. - In Bird-Land with Field-Glass and Camera
S53322: Pike, O.G. - Through Birdland Byways with Pen and Camera
S53312: Pike, O.G. - Woodland, Field and Shore: Wild Nature Depicted with Pen and Camera
S53371: Pike, O.G. - Bird Biographies and other Bird Sketches
S36758: Pike, R.B. - Galathea (Liverpool Marine Biology Committee Memoirs on Typical British Marine Plants and Animals, Vol. XXXIV)
S30157: Pike, O.G. - Woodland, Field and Shore: Wild Nature Depicted with Pen and Camera
S46095: Pilát, A.; Ušák, O. - Mushrooms
S8035: Pilgrim, G.E.; Hopwood, A.T. - Catalogue of the Pontian Bovidae of Europe in the Department of Geology
S20492: Pilgrim, G.E. - Catalogue of the Pontian Carnivora of Europe in the Department of Geology
S20493: Pilgrim, G.E.; Hopwood, A.T. - Catalogue of the Pontian Bovidae of Europe in the Department of Geology
S25788: Pilgrim, G.E.; Hopwood, A.T. - Catalogue of the Pontian Bovidae of Europe in the Department of Geology
S45330: Pillai, R.S.; Ravichandran, M.S. - Gymnophiona (Amphibia) of India: A Taxonomic Study
S56622: Pilleri, G. (Ed.) - Maria Teresa e le Indie Orientali La spedizione alle Isole Nicobare della nave Joseph und Theresia e il diario del chirurgo di bordo
S16032: Pilleri, G. (Ed.) - Contributions to the Paleontology of some Tethyan Cetacea and Sirenia (Mammalia) II
S16034: Pilleri, G. - Schädel und Hirn des Menschen / Irrwege eines Gehirns
S15874: Pillers, A.W.N. - Notes on Mange and Allied Mites for Veterinarians
N20309: Pils, G. - Flowers of Turkey. A photo guide
N51500: Pils, G. - Illustrated Flora of Morocco
S34566: Pilsbry, H.A.; Bequaert, J. - The Aquatic Molluks of the Belgian Congo, With a Geographical and Ecological Account of Congo Malacology
S38378: Pilsbry, H.A. - Sessile Barnacles (Cirripedia) contained in the Collections of the U.S National Museum; Including a Monograph of the American Species
S34701: Pilsbry, H.A. - A Review of the Land Mollusks of the Belgian Congo Chiefly Based on the Collections of the American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909-1915
S22209: Pimentel, D. (Ed.) - Encyclopedia of Pest Management
N11129: Pinchen, B.J. - A Pocket Guide to the Bumblebees of Britain and Ireland
S52189: Pinchen, B.J. - Species recovery programme 2000. Action for biodiversity. BAP Aculeates
N11140: Pinchen, B.J. - Pocket Guide to the Grasshoppers, Crickets and allied Insects of Britain and Ireland
N13483: Pinchen, B.J. - A Pocket Guide to the Ladybirds of Britain and Ireland
N41243: Pinches, C.; Blackstock, T.; Walker, K.; Stroh, P.; Jefferson, R.; Smith, S. - Grassland Plants of the British and Irish Lowlands: ecology, threats and management
S58386: Pinder, A.C. - Keys to Larval and Juvenile Stages of Coarse Fishes from Fresh Waters in the British Isles
S43528: Pinder, L.C.V. - A key to adult males of British Chironomidae (Diptera) Vol. 1: The Key; Vol. 2: Illustrations of the Hypopygia
S56358: Pingle, A. - Preliminary studies on Trichomonas spp. in sparrows (Passer domesticus) at the Sweihan Research Station
S48034: Pingree, J. - Thomas Henry Huxley: A list of his scientific notebooks, drawings, and other papers, preserved in the College archives
N12449: Pinguey, D.K - The Dragonflies of Mortimores Wood and surrounding area
S17148: Pinhey, E.; Loe, I. - A Guide to the Insects of Zambia
S38681: Pinhey, E.C.G. - Butterflies of Rhodesia
N26155: Pinhey, S. - The Botanical Illustrator's Handbook
R16184: Pinhey, E. - Entomofauna from Cabora Bassa. Results of the Entomological Brigade of the IICM: III. Lepidoptera
S33583: Pinhey, E. - The Butterflies of Southern Africa
S31131: Pinhey, E.C.G. - Butterflies of Rhodesia
S42606: Pinhey, E.C.G. - A Survey of the Dragonflies (Order Odonata) of Eastern Africa
S11744: Pinhey, E. - Tandem Linkage in Dichoptic and other Anisoptera (Odonata)
S50794: Pinhey, E. - The Butterflies of Southern Africa
N38524: Pinniger, D.; Lauder, D. - Pests in Houses Great and Small: Identification, Prevention and Eradication
N28747: Pinniger, D. - Integrated Pest Management for Cultural Heritage
S49875: Pinratana, A. - Butterflies in Thailand 3: Nymphalidae
S35783: Pinratana, A. - Butterflies in Thailand 3: Nymphalidae
S43683: Pinto, I.D.; Ornellas, L.P. de - A New Brackishwater ostracode Cyprideis riograndensis Pinto et Ornellas, sp. nov., from Southern Brazil and its ontogenetic carapace development
S43684: Pinto, I.D.; Purper, I. - New Fresh-water ostracode Cyprinotus trispinosus Pinto et Purper, sp. nov., from Southern Brazil, its ontogenetic carapace variation and seasonal distribution
S43685: Pinto, I.D.; Ornellas, L.P. de - A New Brackishwater ostracode Perissocytheridea krömmelbeini Pinto & Ornellas, sp. nov., from Southern Brazil
S43686: Pinto, I.D.; Purper, I. - Neotype for Elpidium broeliarum Müller, 1880 (type species for the genus) and a revision of the Genus Elpidium (Ostracoda)
S50777: Pinzauti, M. (Ed.) - Api e impollinazione
S54019: Piotrowski, S. - Birds of Suffolk
N50194: Piper, Ross - How to Read an Insect: A Smart Guide to What Insects Do and Why
S27697: Piran, A.A. - Catalogo Sistematico y Zoogeorgrafico de Tettigonoioideos Argentinos (Orthoptera: Tettigonioidea)
S58546: Pitches, A.; Cleeves, T. - Birds New to Britain: 1980-2004
S18987: Pitkin, L.M.; Sattler, K. [1]; Sattler, K. [2] - (1) Sattleria: a European genus of brachypterous alpine moths (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) (L.M. Pitkin & K. Sattler); (2) A review of wing reduction in Lepidoptera (K. Sattler)
N6591: Pitkin, B.R. - A Revision of the Indian Species of Haplothrips and Related Genera (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae)
S38041: Pitkin, B.R. - A Revision of the flower-living genus Odontothrips Amyot & Serville (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
S5755: Pitkin, L.M. - A Revision of the Pacific Species of Conocephalus Thunberg (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
S5229: Pitkin, L.M. - Gelechiid moths of the genus Mirificarma
S32539: Pitkin, L.M. - Neotropical ennomine moths: a review of the Genera (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
S57408: Pitman, C.R.S. - A Guide to the Snakes of Uganda
S54780: Pittaway, A.R. - The Hawkmoths of the Western Palaearctic
S51425: Pittaway, A.R. - The Hawkmoths of the Western Palaearctic
S53109: Pittaway, A.R. - The Hawkmoths of the Western Palaearctic
S46714: Pittaway, A.R. - The Hawkmoths of the Western Palaearctic
S45721: Pittaway, A.R. - The Hawkmoths of the Western Palaearctic
S25690: Pittier, H. - Plantas Usuales de Costa Rica
S17289: Planet, L. - Histoire Naturelle de la France. 14 Partie: Araignées (Araignées, Chernètes, Scorpions, Opilions)
S46213: Plant, C.W. - A Key to the Adults of British Lacewings and their Allies
N10309: Plant, C.W. - A provisional list of the microlepidoptera of Middlesex (vice-county 21)
S52965: Plant, C.W. - Provisional Atlas of the Lacewings and allied Insects (Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Mecoptera) of Britain and Ireland
S51314: Plant, C.W. - The Moths of Hertfordshire
S48061: Plant, C.W. - Provisional Atlas of the Lacewings and allied Insects (Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Mecoptera) of Britain and Ireland
S45908: Plant, C.W. - Larger Moths of the London Area
S52800: Plant, C.W. - A Key to the Adults of British Lacewings and their Allies
S4023: Plant, C.W. - The Butterflies of the London Area
S45104: Plant, C.W. - Larger Moths of the London Area
S43201: Plant, C.W. - Larger Moths of the London Area
S49491: Plant, C.W. - A Key to the Adults of British Lacewings and their Allies
S43756: Plant, C.W. - A Key to the Adults of British Lacewings and their Allies
S45723: Plant, C.W. - The Moths of Hertfordshire
N29890: Plant, J.D.; Hannes, F.P. - Evolution and Phylogeny of Bees: Review and Cladistic Analysis in Light of Morphological Evidence (Hymenoptera, Apoidea)
S44377: Plant, C.W. - Provisional Atlas of the Lacewings and allied Insects (Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Mecoptera) of Britain and Ireland
S33336: Plant, C.W. - Larger Moths of the London Area
S1882: Plant, C.W. - The Butterflies of the London Area
N586: Plant, C.W. - A Key to the Adults of British Lacewings and their Allies
S45870: Plant, C.W. - The Butterflies of the London Area
S45102: Plant, C.W. - The Moths of Hertfordshire
S40722: Plant, C.W. - A Key to the Adults of British Lacewings and their Allies
S53919: Plant, C.W. - The Birds of Newham
S28201: Plant, C.W. - Larger Moths of the London Area
S50401: Plant, C.W. - Provisional Atlas of the Lacewings and allied Insects (Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Mecoptera) of Britain and Ireland
N14992: Plant, C.W. - The Moths of Hertfordshire
S33951: Plant, C.W. - Larger Moths of the London Area
S52837: Plata, P.; Santiago , T. - Revision de la Familia Malachiidae en la Peninsula Iberica e Islas Baleares
S52838: Plata, P.; Santiago , T. - Revision de la Familia Malachiidae en Marruecos
N2274: Plata, P.; Santiago , T. - Revision de la Familia Malachiidae en Marruecos
A45054: Plateau, J[oseph] - Statique Expérimentale et Théorique des Liquides Soumis aux Seules Forces Moléculaires. Vol. I-II
S42864: Plateau, F. - Recherches physiologiques sur le coeur des Crustacés Décapodes
N4983: Platia, G.; Schimmel, R. - Revisione delle specie orientali (Giappone e Taiwan esclusi) del genere Melanotus Escholtz, 1829 (Coleoptera, Elateridae, Melanotinae)
N39737: Platnick, N. - Spiders of the World: A Natural History
S7962: Platt, H.M. - Revision of the Ethmolaimidae (Nematoda: Chromadorida)
S33680: Platts, E. (Ed.) - In celebration of the Ray Society, established 1844, and its founder George Johnston (1797-1855)
S44313: Plenderleith, H.J. - Preservation of Antiquities
S56388: Plitmann, U.; Heyn, C.; Danin, A.; Shmida, A. - Pictorial Flora of Israel
S26674: Plowright, C.R. - A Monograph of the British Uredineae and Ustilagineae
S38849: Plues, Margaret - British Grasses: An Introduction to the Study of the Gramineae
A38102: Plukenet, L. - Amaltheum Botanicum (i.e.) Stirpium Indicarum Alterum Copiae Cornu Millenas ad inimum & bis centum diversas Species novas & indictas nominatim comprehendens ....
S44607: Pocock, R.W.; George, T.N. - British Regional: South Wales
S33709: Pocock, R.W.; Whitehead, T.H. - British Regional Geology: The Welsh Borderland
S44605: Pocock, R.W.; George, T.N. - British Regional: South Wales
S44432: Pocock, R.W.; Whitehead, T.H. - British Regional: Welsh Borderland
R43252: Pocock, R.I. - The External Characters of the Pigmy Hippopotamus (Chaeropsis liberiensis) and of the Suidae and Camelidae
S5461: Pocock, R.I. - A Monograph of the Terrestrial Carboniferous Arachnida of Great Britain
S13772: Pocock, R.W.; Whitehead, T.H. - British Regional Geology: The Welsh Borderland
N11623: Podenas, S.; Geiger, W.; Haenni, J.-P.; Gonseth, Y. - Limoniidae & Pediciidae de Suisse Fauna Helvetica 14
S36831: Podzorski, A.C.; Håkansson, H. - Freshwater and marine diatoms from Palawan (a Philippine Island) (Bibliotheca Diatomologica 13)
S45899: Poelt, J. - Bestimmungsschlüssel der höheren flechten von Europa
N14507: Poey, P.H. - Centurie de Lepidopteres de l'Ile de Cuba: contenant La Description et Les Figures Cloriees de Cent Especes de Papillons
S49724: Poinar, G.; Poinar, R. - The Quest for Life in Amber
S19057: Poinar, G.; Poinar, R. - The Amber Forest: A Reconstruction of a Vanished World
S49516: Poinar, G.; Poinar, R. - The Amber Forest: A Reconstruction of a Vanished World
S25227: Poinar, G.; Poinar, R. - The Quest for Life in Amber
S58320: Poinar, G.; Poinar, R. - The Amber Forest: A Reconstruction of a Vanished World
S34480: Pointier, J.-P.; Yong, M.; Gutierrez, A. - Guide to the Freshwater Molluscs of Cuba
S43640: Poisson, R. - Heteropteres Aquatiques Faune de France 61
S41023: Poisson, R. - Hétéroptères Aquatiques - Aquatic Heteroptera (Hydrobiological Survey of the Lake Bangweulu Luapula River Basin, Vol. XIV, Fasc. 11)
S41025: Poisson, R.; Sallier Dupin, F. de - Hétéroptères Aquatiques du Bassin de la Luanza - Aquatic Heteroptera from the Luanza Drainage Area (Hydrobiological Survey of the Lake Bangweulu Luapula River Basin, Vol. XIV, Fasc. 12)
S41018: Poisson, R. - Hemipteres Aquatiques (Exploration du Parc National Albert, Fasc. 58 [with] Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba, Fasc. 31)
S48318: Poisson, R. - Heteropteres Aquatiques Faune de France 61
N39792: Poland, J.; Clement, E. - The Vegetative Key to the British Flora: A New Approach to Plant Identification
S6131: Polesny, F.; Mueller, W.; Olszak, R.W. - International Conference on Integrated Fruit Production Proceedings of the meeting at Cedzyna, Poland 1995
S31733: Polgar, L.; Chambers, R.J.; Dixon, A.F.G.; Hodek, I. (Eds) - Behaviour and Impact of Aphidophaga
R19901: Polhemus, J.T,; Polhemus, D.A. - The Trepobatinae of New Guinea Parts 1-6
S40049: Polis, G.A.; Power, M.E.; Huxel, G.R. (Eds) - Food webs: At the Landscape Level
S42719: Polis, G.A.; Winemiller, K.O. (Eds) - Food Webs: Integration of Patterns and Dynamics
S56257: Polkinghorne, J. - Faith, Science & Understanding
S34900: Poll, M. - Revision de la Faune Ichthyologique du Lac Tanganika
S36155: Poll, M. - Les Genres des Poissons d'Eau Douce de l'Afrique
S47288: Pollard, E.; Hooper, M.D.; Moore, N.W. - Hedges (New Naturalist 58)
S44853: Pollock, D.A. - Natural history, classification and reconstructed phylogeny and geographic history of Phyto Latreille (Coleoptera: Heteromera: Pythidae)
S40379: Polo, Marco; Latham, R. (Trans.) - The Travels of Marco Polo
S18832: Polunin, N. - Introduction to Plant Geography and some Related Sciences
S30136: Polunin, O.; Smythies, B.E. - Flowers of South-West Europe: A Field Guide
S19161: Polunin, O.; Stainton, A. - Flowers of the Himalaya
S49239: Polunin, O.; Smythies, B.E. - Flowers of South-West Europe: A Field Guide
S33890: Polunin, O. - Flowers of Europe: A field guide
S49932: Polunin, O.; Smythies, B.E. - Flowers of South-West Europe: A Field Guide
S32475: Polunin, O.; Smythies, B.E. - Flowers of South-West Europe: A Field Guide
S53503: Polunin, O.; Smythies, B.E. - Flowers of South-West Europe: A Field Guide
S36289: Polunin, N.V.C. (Ed.) - Aquatic Ecosystems
S35081: Polunin, O. - Flowers of Europe: A field guide
S19202: Polunin, O.; Stainton, A. - Concise Flowers of the Himalaya
A43305: Pond, J. - The Sporting Kalendar. Containing a distinct Account of what Plates and Matches have been run for in 1753
S58331: Ponomareva, L.A. - Euphausiids of the North Pacific: their distribution and ecology
S228: Ponomareva, L.A. - Euphausiids of the North Pacific their distribution and ecology
S49053: Pont, A.C. - The Type-Material of Diptera described by G.H. Verrall and J.E. Collin
N19666: Pont, A.C. - The Type-Material of Diptera described by G.H. Verrall and J.E. Collin
S27117: Pont, A.C. - Studies on Australian Muscidae (Diptera) II. A Revision of Tribe Dichaetomyiini Emden
R27395: Pont, A.C. - Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States 97: Muscidae
R27394: Pont, A.C. - A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States No. 96a: Anthomyiidae
S27064: Pont, A.C. - 15 short papers on Muscidae
S27118: Pont, A.C. - A Revision of the Genus Passeromyia Rodhain & Villeneuve (Diptera: Muscidae)
S56836: Pont, A.C. - Sepsidae. Diptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/5c)
S22099: Pont, A.C.; Magpayo, F.R. - Muscid Shoot-flies of Philippine Islands (Diptera: Muscidae, genus Atherigona Rondani)
S49079: Pont, A.C. - Sepsidae. Diptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/5c)
R37823: Pont, A.C.; Magpayo, F.R. - Muscid Shoot-flies of Philippine Islands (Diptera: Muscidae, genus Atherigona Rondani)
S26102: Pont, A.C.; Magpayo, F.R. - Muscid Shoot-flies of Philippine Islands (Diptera: Muscidae, genus Atherigona Rondani)
N4742: Pont, A.C.; Meier, R. - The Sepsidae (Diptera) of Europe (Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 37)
S45964: Pontin, J. - Ants of Surrey
S55473: Pontin, J. - Ants of Surrey
N9424: Pontin, J. - Ants of Surrey
S27862: Pontin, R.M. - A Key to the Freshwater Planktonic and Semi-Planktonic Rotifera of the British Isles
S58091: Ponting, H.G. - The Great White South: Or With Scott in the Antarctic
N4645: Poole, R.W. - The Moths of America North of Mexico 26.1: Noctuidae: Cuculliinae, Stiriinae, Psephidinae (part)
R46701: Poole, T.B. - Collecting Bumblebees (Amateur Entomologists' Society Leaflet No. 25)
R52530: Poole, E.G.; Kellaway, G.A.; Adams H.F.; Bennet, J.R.P.; Taylor, J. - The Stratigraphy of the Geological Survey Apley Barn Borehole, Witney, Oxfordshire
S31263: Poole, E.G.; Whiteman, A.J. - Geology of the Country around Nantwich and Whitchurch Explanation of one-inch Geological Sheet 122
S51150: Poole, R.W. - Lepidopterorum Catalogus (New Series) Fasc. 118: Noctuidae Pts 1-3
S56009: Poole, R.W.; Lewis, R.E. - Nomina Insecta Nearctica: A Check List of the Insects of North America, Vol. 3: Diptera, Lepidoptera, Siphonaptera
S50838: Poole, A.F. - Ospreys: A Natural and Unnatural History
S46073: Poole, A.F. - Ospreys: A Natural and Unnatural History
N35927: van der Poorten, G.M.; van der Poorten, N. - Field Guide to the Butterflies of Sri Lanka
N29979: van der Poorten, G.M.; van der Poorten, N. - The Butterfly Fauna of Sri Lanka
S13810: Pope, R.D. - Coleoptera Coccinellidae and Sphindidae (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 5/7)
R6261: Pope, R.D. - Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba. Mission H. De Saeger Fasc.25 Colydiidae (Coleoptera Clavicornia)
S26884: Pope, R.D. - A Check List of British Insects Pt. 3: Coleoptera and Strepsiptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 11/3)
S55068: Pope, G.V. - Flora Zambesiaca Vol. 11, Pt. 1: Orchidaceae
S47422: Pope, R.D. - Coleoptera Coccinellidae and Sphindidae (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 5/7)
S33100: Pope, R.D. - Coleoptera Coccinellidae and Sphindidae (Handbooks for Identification of British Insects 5/7)
S15597: Pope, R.D. - A Check List of British Insects Pt. 3: Coleoptera and Strepsiptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 11/3)
S46901: Pope, C.; Snow; L.; Allen, D. - The Isle of Wight Flora
S26213: Pope, R.D. - A Check List of British Insects Pt. 3: Coleoptera and Strepsiptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 11/3)
S35644: Pope, R.D. - A Check List of British Insects Pt. 3: Coleoptera and Strepsiptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 11/3)
R2617: Pope, R.D. - New Species of Colydiidae from the Belgian Congo and notes on others
S54888: Pope, R.D. - A Check List of British Insects Pt. 3: Coleoptera and Strepsiptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 11/3)
R47162: Pope, R.D. - Coleoptera: Coccinellidae
S37790: Pope, A.; Davis H. - Pope: poetical works
S26681: Popescu-Gorj, A. - Catalogue de la Collection de Lépidoptères "Prof. A. Ostrogovich" du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" Bucharest
R19365: Popescu-Gorj, A.; Dragha, I. - L'Entomofaune de l'ile de Letea (Delta du Danube)
S19334: Popescu-Gorj, A. - Catalogue de la Collection de Lépidoptères "Prof. A. Ostrogovich" du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" Bucharest
S15250: Popham, M.L. - On Phlyctaenachlamys lysiosquillina Gen. and Sp. Nov., A Lamellibranch commensal in the burrows of Lysioquilla maculata Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-29. Scientific Reports. VI(2)
S22452: Popham, M.L. - On Phlyctaenachlamys lysiosquillina gen. and sp. nov., a Lamellibranch Commensal in the Burrows of Lysiosquilla maculata Great Barrier Reef Expedition 1928-29. Scientific Reports. Vol.V1.(2)
P54262: Popham, E.J.; Askew, R.R.; Kennaugh, J.H. (Eds.) - Entomologist Vol. 44
R52558: Popov, G.B.; Kevan, D.K. - A Revision of the Genus Poekilocerus Audinet-Seville 1831 (Orthoptera: Acridoidea: Pyrgomorphidae)
S57525: Popov, G.B. - Nymphs of the Sahelian grasshoppers: An illustrated guide
S16881: Popov, G.B. - A Revision of the Genera Allaga Karsch and Sauracris Burr (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
S34629: Por, F.D.; Dor, I. (Eds) - Hydrobiology of the Mangal: the Ecosystem of the Mangrove Forests
N42686: Porion, T.; Audibert, C. - Le Genre / The genus EUPHOLUS
N25426: Porley, R.D. - England's Rare Mosses and Liverworts: Their History Ecology and Conservation
S55847: Porritt, G.T. - List of Yorkshire Lepidoptera
S58555: Porter, R.F.; Christensen, S.; Schiermacker-Hanson, P. - A Field Guide to the Birds of the Middle East
S42930: Porter, J. - The Colour Identification Guide to Caterpillars of the British Isles (Macrolepidoptera)
N32115: Porter, M.; Foley, M. - Violas of Britain and Ireland
S46629: Porter, R.F.; Willis, I.; Christensen, S.; Nielsen, B.P. - Flight Identification of European Raptors
S52899: Porter, M.; Foley, M. - Violas of Britain and Ireland
S58485: Porter, R.F.; Willis, I.; Christensen, S.; Nielsen, B.P. - Flight Identification of European Raptors
S45521: Porter, K. - An Atlas of Oxfordshire Diptera: Stratiomyidae
S58468: Porter, R.F.; Willis, I.; Christensen, S.; Nielsen, B.P. - Flight Identification of European Raptors
S46537: Porter, R.F.; Christensen, S.; Schiermacker-Hanson, P. - A Field Guide to the Birds of the Middle East
N19540: Porter, J. - The Colour Identification Guide to Caterpillars of the British Isles (Macrolepidoptera)
S48816: Porter, R. - Enlightenment Britain and the Creation of the Modern World
S6546: Porter, R. (Ed.) - The Earth Generated and Anatomized by William Hobbs: an early eighteenth century theory of the earth
S48202: Porter, R.F.; Willis, I.; Christensen, S.; Nielsen, B.P. - Flight Identification of European Raptors
S46630: Porter, R.F.; Willis, I.; Christensen, S.; Nielsen, B.P. - Flight Identification of European Raptors
S29438: Porter, C.M. - The Eagle's Nest: Natural History and American Ideas, 1812-1842
S29645: Porter, R. - London: A Social History
S33993: Porter, R.F.; Willis, I.; Christensen, S.; Nielsen, B.P. - Flight Identification of European Raptors
S32686: Porter, R. - The Creation of the Modern World: The Untold Story of the British Enlightenment
N55618: Porter, R.; Campbell, O.; Al-Sirhan, A. - Birds of the Middle East
S58680: Porter, J. - The Colour Identification Guide to Caterpillars of the British Isles (Macrolepidoptera)
S38345: Porter, R. - Earth generated and anatomized by William Hobbs: an early eighteenth century theory of the earth
S51210: Portevin, G. - Histoire Naturelle des Coleopteres de France. Tome II-III
S8741: Portier, P. - La Biologie des Lépidopterès
S56061: Portillo Rubio, M. - Fauna Iberica 18: Diptera Tabanidae
S46312: Poruba, M.; Pokorny, J.; Rabšteinek, O.; Hrabak, R. - A Field Guide in Colour to Woods & Forests
S58090: Van der Post, Laurens - Yet Being Someone Other
N28875: Potapov, M. - Synopses on Palaearctic Collembola Pt 3: lsotomidae
S52241: Potter, J. - Strange Blooms: The curious lives and adventures of the John Tradescants
N20816: Potts, G.R.; Burner, F. - Partridges: Countryside Barometer (New Naturalist 121)
N20817: Potts, G.R.; Burner, F. - Partridges: Countryside Barometer (New Naturalist 121)
S50502: Potts, G.R.; Burner, F. - Partridges: Countryside Barometer (New Naturalist 121)
S34881: Pouchet, F.A. - The Universe:or, The Infinitely Great and the Infinitely Little
S27721: Pough, F.H. et al - Herpetology
S19811: Poulsen, E.M. - Ostracoda-Myodocopa. Pt. 1 Cypridiniformes-Cypridinidae. Pt.2. Cypridiniformes-Rutidermatidae, Sarsiellidae and Asteropidae
S25147: Poulton, E.B.; Hale Carpenter, G.D.; Varley, G.C.; Hobby, B.M. (Eds) - The Hope Reports: Vols I-XXVIII [1893-1953]
S44086: Poulton, E.B. - Essays on Evolution 1889-1907
S47147: Poulton, E.B. - Further experiments upon the colour-relation between certain Lepidopterous larvae, pupae, cocoons, and imagines and their surroundings
S44307: Poulton, E.B. - Essays on Evolution 1889-1907
S56757: Pourriot, R.; Francez, A.-J. - Rotiféres (Introduction pratique à la systématique des organismes des eaux continentales françaises 8)
N35563: Poussereau, J.; Coutanceau J.-P.; Nicolas, V.; Gomy, Y. - Les coccinelles de l'île de la Réunion
R7759: Povolny, D. - Morphologie, Systematik und Phylogenie der Tribus Gnorimoschemini (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae)
R19613: Povolny, D. - Ein Kritischer Beitrag zur Taxonomischen Klärung eineger Palaearktischer Arten der Gattung Scrobipalpa (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae)
R19614: Povolny, D. - Neue und Wenig Bekannte Taxone aus der Tribus Gnorimoschemini Povolny, 1964 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae)
S34796: Powell, J.W. - Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey 1890-91. Pt I: Geology, Pt II: Irrigation
S34797: Powell, J.W. - Third Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey 1881-82
S55983: Powell, A.W.B. - Shells of New Zealand: An Illustrated Handbook
R19553: Powell, J,A. - Nomenclature of Nearctic Conifer-Feeding Choristoneura (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae): Historical Review and Present Status
S34844: Powell, J.W. - Eighth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey 1886-87
S34845: Powell, J.W. - Ninth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey 1887-88
N9416: Powell, J.A.; Opler, P.A. - Moths of western North America vol. 4: Distribution of "Oecophoridae" (sensu Hodges, 1983) of western North America
S34849: Powell, J.W. - Eleventh Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey 1888-89 Part 1 Geology
S34820: Powell, J.W. - Sixth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey 1884-85
R530: Powell, D. - A Guide to the Dragonflies of Great Britain
S34684: Powell, J.W. - Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey 1890-91. Pt I: Geology, Pt II: Irrigation
N22103: Powell, J.A.; Brown, J.W. - The Moths of North America 8.1: Tortricoidea, Tortricidae (part): Sparganothini & Atteriini
S7449: Powell, J.R. - Progress and Prospects in Evolutionary Biology: The Drosophila Model
S34944: Powell, J.W. - Fifteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey 1893-1894
S34846: Powell, J.W. - Tenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey 1888-89 Part 1 Geology
S20133: Powell, M.L.; Bridges, P.S.; Mires, A.M.W. (Eds) - What Mean These Bones? Studies in Southeastern Bioarchaeology
S36114: Powell, J.W. - Thirteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey 1891-92. Pt I: Report of the Director Pt II: Geology, Pt III: Irrigation
S36115: Powell, J.W. - Thirteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey 1891-92. Pt II: Geology
S47947: Power, E. - New Zealand Water Birds: An Artist's Journal
N55737: Power, J. - The Bees of Sussex
S54272: Power, F.D. - Ornithological Notes from a South London Suburb 1874-1909
S50432: Powne, M. - Ethiopian Music, an Introduction: A Survey of Ecclesiastical and Secular Ethiopian Music and Instruments
S28750: Powys, L.; Gibbings, R. (Illus.) - The Twelve Months
A50441: Poynting, F. - Eggs of British Birds, with an Account of their Breeding-Habits. Limicolae
S29230: Poyntz Wright, P. - Parish Church Towers of Somerset: Their construction, Craftmanship and Chronology, 1350-1550
S25800: Prance, G.T.; White, F. - The Genera of Chrysobalanaceae: a study in practical and theoretical taxonomy and its relevance to evolutionary biology
N50972: Prance, G.T. - The Amazon Forest and its People in Black and White
S49710: Prasad, S.N. - The Mango Midge Pests
S41009: Prashad, B.; Mukerji, D.D.; Stephenson, J.; Rao, H.S. - The Fish ... / The Oligochaeta ... / Sponges and Polyzoa ... / The Freshwater and Amphibious Gastropod Molluscs ... / Pelecypoda of Indawgyi Lake
S38141: Prater, S.H. - The Book of Indian Animals
S58494: Prater, A.J. - Estuary Birds of Britain and Ireland
S44061: Prater, S.H. - The Book of Indian Animals
S57051: Prater, A.J.; Marchant, J.H.; Vuorinen, J. - Guide to Identification and Ageing of Holarctic Waders
S58493: Prater, A.J. - Estuary Birds of Britain and Ireland
S46581: Prater, A.J. - Estuary Birds of Britain and Ireland
S30246: Prater, S.H. - The Book of Indian Animals
S35800: Prater, A.J. - Estuary Birds of Britain and Ireland
S8569: Prater, A.J. - Estuary Birds of Britain and Ireland
S57901: Pratt, C.R. - A Complete History of the Butterflies and Moths of Sussex. Vol. 1-4
S11575: Pratt, A.; Step, E. - The Flowering Plants, Grasses, Sedges & Ferns of Great Britain. Vol. I-IV
A50857: Pratt, A.; Step, E. - The Flowering Plants, Grasses, Sedges & Ferns of Great Britain. Vol. I-IV
S44569: Pray, L.C.; Murray, R.C. (Eds) - Dolomitization and limestone diagenesis A symposium
S42230: Prebble, J. - The Darien Disaster
S25640: Preece, T.F.; Hick, A.J. - Introductory Scanning Electron Microscope Atlas of Rust Fungi
N48605: Prelli, R.; Boudrie, M. - Les Fougères et plantes alliées d'Europe
S47057: Prendergast, E.D.V.; Boys, J.V. - The Birds of Dorset
S21999: Prentice, J.E. - Dinantian, Namurian and Westphalian Rocks of the District South-west of Barnstaple, North Devon
S40163: Prescott, W.H. - History of the conquest of Peru: with a prelimanary view of the civilization of the Incas
S54397: Prescott, G.W. - How To Know the Freshwater Algae
S54309: Prescott, G.W.; Croasdale, H.T.; Vinyard, W.C. - A Synopsis of North American Desmids Part II: Desmidiaceae: Placodermae Section 1
S42490: Prescott, G.W. - Algae: A Review
S44629: Press, J.R.; Shrestha, K.K.; Sutton, D.A. - Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal
S7990: Press, J.R. - Taxonomic Studies in the Labiatae tribe Pogostemoneae
S25789: Press, J.R.; Shrestha, K.K.; Sutton, D.A. - Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal
S46737: Preston-Mafham, R.; Preston-Mafham, K. - Primates of the World
S40713: Preston, T.A. - The Flowering Plants of Wilts
S11697: Preston, T.A. - The Flowering Plants of Wilts with Sketches of the Physical Geography and Climate of the County
N37457: Preston, C.D.; Hill, M.O. - Cambridgeshire's Mosses & Liverworts: A Dynamic Flora
S55202: Preston-Mafham, R.; Preston-Mafham, K. - The Natural History of Insects
S48539: Preston, C.D.; Pearman, D.A.; Dines, T.D. (Eds) - New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora An Atals of the Vascular Plants of Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands
S45823: Preston-Mafham, K. - Grasshoppers and Mantids of the World
S53270: Preston-Mafham, R. - The Book of Spiders and Scorpions
S31154: Preston, C.D.; Pearman, D.A.; Dines, T.D. (Eds) - New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora An Atals of the Vascular Plants of Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands
R4016: Preston-Mafham, K. - Grasshoppers and Mantids of the World
S55289: Preston-Mafham, R.; Preston-Mafham, K. - The Natural World of Bugs and Insects
N2793: Preston, C.D. - Pondweeds of Great Britain and Ireland
S53728: Preston-Mafham, K. - Grasshoppers and Mantids of the World
S11224: Preston-Mafham, R.; Preston-Mafham, K. - Spiders of the World
S47681: Preston, C.D.; Pearman, D.A.; Dines, T.D. (Eds) - New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora An Atals of the Vascular Plants of Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands
S56386: Preston-Mafham, K. - Madagascar: A Natural History
S42781: Preston, C.D.; Hill, M.O. - The Geographical Relationships of British and Irish Vascular Plants
S34872: Preston, C.D.; Pearman, D.A.; Dines, T.D. (Eds) - New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora An Atals of the Vascular Plants of Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands
N38626: Preston, C. - Bee
S50050: Preston, C.D.; Pearman, D.A.; Dines, T.D. (Eds) - New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora An Atals of the Vascular Plants of Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands
S49877: Preston-Mafham, K. - Madagascar: A Natural History
S33977: Preston, C.D.; Pearman, D.A.; Dines, T.D. (Eds) - New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora An Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands
S7472: Preston-Mafham, R.; Preston-Mafham, K. - Butterflies of the World
S7117: Preston-Mafham, R.; Preston-Mafham, K. - Butterflies of the World
S22248: Preston-Mafham, R.; Preston-Mafham, K. - The Encyclopedia of Land Invertebrate Behaviour
S38659: Preston, H.B. - Fauna of British India: Mollusca (Freshwater Gastropoda & Pelecypoda)
S14686: Prestwich, Joseph - Geology: Chemical, Physical and Stratigraphical. Vol. I-II
S31966: Preuschoft, H.; Chivers, D.J.; Brockelman, W.Y.; Creel, N. (Eds) - The Lesser Apes: Evolutionary and Behavioural Biology
S48301: Prey, A.; Mainka, C.; Tams, E. - Einführung in die Geophysik
N5157: Price, P.W. - Macroevolutionary Theory on Macroecological Patterns
S32748: Price, P.W. (Ed) - Evolutionary Strategies of Parasitic Insects and Mites
N4254: Price, J.M. - Stratford-upon-Avon: A Flora and Fauna
S53537: Price, Nancy - Wonder of Wings: A Book About Birds
S25802: Price, J.H.; John, D.M.; Lawson, G.W. - Seaweeds of the Western Coast of Tropical Africa and Adjacent Islands A Critical Assessment. IV. Rhodphyta (Floridae) 1. Genera A-F
S11563: Price, P.W. - Macroevolutionary Theory on Macroecological Patterns
N30317: Price, D. - Field Guide to Grasses, Sedges and Rushes
S9090: Price, J.H.; John,D.M.; Lawson, G.W. - Seaweeds of the western Coast of tropical Africa and adjacent Islands: A critical Assessment. II. Phaeophyta
S8360: Price, J.H.; John,D.M.; Lawson, G.W. - Seaweeds of the Western Coast of Tropical Africa and Adjacent Islands A Critical Assessment. IV. Rhodphyta (Floridae) 2. Genera G
S8014: Price,J.H.; Tittley, I.; Richardson, W.D. - The distribution of Padina pavonica (L.) Lamour. (Phaeophyta: Dictyolates) on British and adjacent European shores
S28301: Price, J.H.; John,D.M.; Lawson, G.W. - Seaweeds of the Western Coast of Tropical Africa and Adjacent Islands A Critical Assessment. IV. Rhodphyta (Floridae) 2. Genera G
S33811: Price, J.M. - Lepidoptera of the Midland (Birmingham) Plateau: A Concise History 1890-1990
S22827: Price, J. - Old Price's Remains; praehumous or during life
N7251: Price, R.D.; Hellenthal, R.A.; Palma, R.L.; Johnson, K.P.; Clayton, D. - The Chewing Lice: World Checklist and Biological Overview
N51116: Price, D.; Bealey, C. - A Field Guide to Bryophytes
N25742: Price, Dominic; Bersweden, Leif - Winter Trees: A photographic guide to common trees and shrubs
S53179: Price, D.T. - A Ready Aid to Distinguish the Commoner Wild Birds of Great Britain
S49889: Price, P.W.; Mattson, W.J.; Baranchikov, Y.N. - The Ecology and Evolution of Gall-forming Insects
N44543: Prichard, R.; Hughes, J.; Spence, I.M.; Haycock, B.; Brenchley A. (Eds) - The Birds of Wales Adar Cymru
S52966: Primavesi, A.L.; Evans, P.A. (Eds) - Flora of Leicestershire
S17146: Primavesi, A.L.; Evans, P.A. (Eds) - Flora of Leicestershire
S48026: Primavesi, A.L.; Evans, P.A. (Eds) - Flora of Leicestershire
S50071: Prime, C.T. - Lords and Ladies
S51259: Prime, C.T. - Lords and Ladies (New Naturalist Monograph 17)
S40953: Primrose, J.S.G. - The Practical Metallography of Iron and Steel
S48476: Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh; Fisher, James - Wildlife Crisis
S32548: Pringle, J.W.S. - Insect Flight
S40599: Pringle, A. - Practical Photo-Micrography
S46644: Pringle, J. - British Regional Geology: the South of Scotland
S33730: Pringle, J.; George, T.N. - British Regional: Geology South Wales
S39879: Pringsheim, E.G.; Van Niel, C.B. (Ed.) - Selected Papers of Ernst Georg Pringsheim
S57639: Prinsloo, G.L. - An Illustrated Guide to the families of African Chalcidoidea (Insecta: Hymenoptera)
S57644: Prinsloo, G.L. - An Illustrated Guide to the Parasitic Wasps Associated with Citrus Pests in the Republic of South Africa
S26644: Prinsloo, G.L. - Revision of the Afrotropical species of Encyrtus Latreille
S56231: Prior, G.T. - A Guide to the Collection of Meteorites with an alphabetical list of those represented
S22257: Prior, R. - The Roe Deer of Cranbourne Chase: An Ecological Survey
S21090: Pritchard, A. - History of Infusoria, Living and Fossil Arranged According to 'Infusionsthierchen' of C.G. Ehrenberg
S43082: Pritchard, J.L. - Francis Herbert Wenham, Honorary Member, 1824-1968 An Appreciation of the First Lecturer to the Aeronautical Society
S876: Procter, W. - Biological Survey of the Mount Desert Region part VI: The Insect Fauna, with References to methods of Capture, Food Plants, the Flora and other Biological Features
S50497: Proctor, M. - Vegetation of Britain and Ireland (New Naturalist 122)
S52104: Proctor, M. - Vegetation of Britain and Ireland (New Naturalist 122)
S52280: Proctor, M.; Yeo, P. - The Pollination of Flowers (New Naturalist 54)
S28231: Proctor, N.S.; Lynch, P.J. - Manual of Ornithology: Avian Structure and Function
S46492: Proctor, M.; Yeo, P. - The Pollination of Flowers (New Naturalist 54)
S50348: Proctor, M. - Vegetation of Britain and Ireland (New Naturalist 122)
S50340: Proctor, M. - Vegetation of Britain and Ireland (New Naturalist 122)
S58345: Proctor, H.C. (Ed.) - Aquatic Mites: From Genes to Communities
S58669: Proctor, M.; Yeo, P. - The Pollination of Flowers (New Naturalist 54)
S37495: Proctor, M.; Yeo, P. - The Pollination of Flowers (New Naturalist 54)
S25184: Proctor, M.; Yeo, P. - The Pollination of Flowers (New Naturalist 54)
S52141: Proctor, M.; Yeo, P.; Lack, A. - The Natural History of Pollination (New Naturalist 83)
S48731: Proctor, M.; Yeo, P. - The Pollination of Flowers (New Naturalist 54)
N57008: Prokosch, P. (Ed.) - The East Atlantic Flyway of Coastal Birds: 50 Years of Exciting Moments in Nature Conservation and Research
R36137: Prola, C.; Provera, P.; Racheli, T.; Sbordoni, V. - I Macrolepidotteri dell'Appenino Centrale Parte I: Diurna, Bombyces e Sphinges
N53559: von Proschwitz, T.; Roth, J.; Lundin, K. - Mollusca: Pyramidellidae - Planorbidae Blötdjur: Snyltsnäckor – Skivsnäckor (Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges Flora och Fauna)
S33573: Proske, B.G. - Brookgreen Gardens Sculpture
S33698: Prosser, R. - Geology Explained in the Lake District
S20213: Prothero, D.R.; Berggren, W.A. (Eds) - Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution
S52632: Prout, L.B. - Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pt 8: Geometridae: Brephinae, Nochrominae [and] Pt 14: Geometridae: Hemitheinae
S8078: Prout, L.B. - New Species of Indo-Australian Geometridae
S50152: Prout, L.B. - Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pt 14: Geometridae: Hemitheinae
S15971: Provera, P. - I Macrolepidoptera dell'Appennino Centrale: Parte II Noctuidae
S47941: Prud'homme van Reine, W.J. - Plants and Animals of the Sea-shore
N31476: Prudek, P. - Silvanidae, Passandridae, Cucujidae, Laemophloeidae (Icones insectorum Europae centralis 12)
N45254: Pruett-Jones, S. (Ed.) - Naturalized Parrots of the World: Distribution, Ecology, and Impacts of the World's Most Colorful Colonizers
S34456: Pruter, A.T.; Alverson, D.L. (Eds) - Columbia River Estuary and Adjacent Ocean Waters: Bioenvironmental Studies
N12867: Pryce, D.; Macadam, C.; Brooks, S. - Guide to the British Stonefly (Plecoptera) families: adults and larvae
S15643: Pryer, H. - Rhopalocera Nihonica: A Description of the Butterflies of Japan
N30772: Pryke, L.M. - Scorpion
S46464: Pryor, F. - Farmers in Prehistoric Britain
N19736: Prys-Jones, O.E.; Corbet, S.A. - Bumblebees
S49241: Prys-Jones, O.E.; Corbet, S.A. - Bumblebees
S56028: Prys-Jones, O.E.; Corbet, S.A. - Bumblebees
S53278: Prys-Jones, O.E.; Corbet, S.A. - Bumblebees
S55472: Prys-Jones, O.E.; Corbet, S.A. - Bumblebees
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