Judith Patton
P.O. Box 71094, 484 Plains Rd. E., Burlington, ON. L7T 4J8 Canada. Tel.: +1 905-681-7998            Email: bookedex1@gmail.com
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022496: Luis Martin - Daughters of the Conquistadores: Women of the Viceroyalty of Peru
010991: Martin, Raquel;Gerstung, Judi - The Estrogen Alternative: Natural Hormone Therapy With Botanical Progesterone
010133: Martin, Ralph G.;Martin, Ralph - Hero for Our Time: An Intimate Story of the Kennedy Years
026973: Judy Martin - High Tech Illustration - State of the Art Techniques for Turning an Ordinary Object Into a Sophisticated, High Tech Illustration
028164: Don Martin - Belinda the Political and Private Life of Belinda Stronach
024944: George R.R. Martin - A Clash of Kings - Book Two of a Song of Ice and Fire
024956: Father Patrick A. Martin - Now I Think I Could Almost fly!
023060: Bill Martin Jr. - Tricks or Treats?
023040: Martin, Emily - Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction
286266: Martin, Gabriel - Drawing for the Beginning Artist: Practical techniques for mastering light and shadow in graphite and charcoal
0284205: Andrea Martin - Andrea Martin's Lady Parts
017169: Martha Martin - Out of the Shadows and Other Poems
023309: Martin, Steve - The Pleasure of My Company: A Novel
011874: Martin, Lawrence - Chretien Vol. 1 : The Will to Win
015368: Martin, Emily - The Woman in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction
011709: Martin, Phyllis Rodgers - Martin's Magic Formula for Getting the Right Job
027216: William Martin - Nerve Endings
285639: Virgil Martin - Changing Landscapes of Southern Ontario
005761: Martin, Douglas - The Telling Line: Essays on Fifteen Contemporary Book Illustrators
019388: Martines, Lauro - April Blood: Florence and the Plot against the Medici
024207: Guillermo Martinez - The Book of Murder
020479: Tomas Eloy Martinez - Santa Evita
026705: Marty, Martin E. - A Short History of Christianity: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
000597: John Walter Martyn - The Past is Simply a Beginning-Peterborough Doctors 1825-1993
008063: Martz, Sandra;Martz, Sandra Haldeman - I Am Becoming the Woman I'Ve Wanted
015929: Martz, Sandra - If I Had My Life to Live over I Would Pick More Daisies
013869: Martz, Sandra - If I Had My Life to Live over I Would Pick More Daisies
021041: Marvin , Editor; selections by Card, Orson Scott; Moon, Elizabeth; Lee, Tanith; Lackey, Mercedes; Swanwick, Michael Kaye - Dragon Quintet - Book Club Edition
021745: Patricia Marx - Starting from Happy
286456: Marx, Groucho - Groucho And Me
023949: Marx, Samuel - A Gaudy Spree: Literary Hollywood in the 1930s When the West Was Fun
286854: Mascetti, Manuela Dunn - The Song of Eve: Mythology and Symbols of the Goddess
285545: John Masefield - Victorious Troy or The Hurrying Angel
025570: John Masefield - Jim Davis
026132: Robert Masello - The Medusa Amulet
010610: James Maskalyk - Six Months in Sudan - a Young Doctor in a war-torn Village
010287: Richard Mason - The Fever Tree
005998: Herbert Mason - Gilgamesh-a Verse Narrative
285928: Mason, Bobbie Ann - Feather Crowns
285908: A E W Mason - The Summons
286098: Herbert Molloy Mason Jr - The United States Air Force A Turbulent History
027992: Mary Willan Mason - The Consummate Canadian a Biography of Samuel Weir Q.C.
017667: Mason, Daniel - The Piano Tuner
015126: Mason, Matt - The Pirate's Dilemma: How Youth Culture Reinvented Capitalism
027484: Keith Mason - Radionics and Progressive Energies
019623: Adrienne Mason - Long Beach Wild - a Celebration of People and Place on Canada's Rugged Western Shore
010530: Burford-Mason, Roger - Travels in the Shining Island: The Life and Work of James Evans
011218: F. Van Wyck Mason - Blue Hurricane
027540: Aldo Massa - The World of Pompeii
027541: Aldo Massa - The World of the Etruscans
025479: Masselos, Jim - Indian Nationalism: A History
027690: Vincent Massey - Speaking of Canada - Addresses By The Right Hon.1952-1959
010513: Vincent Massey - Confederation on the March - Views on Major Canadian Issues During the Sixties
026682: Massey, Raymond - A hundred different lives: An autobiography
285745: Robert K Massie - Dreadnought Britain, Germany, and the Coming of the Great War
287309: Massimino, Mike - Spaceman: An Astronaut's Unlikely Journey to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe
001523: Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff - Dogs Never Lie About Love: Reflections on the Emotional World of Dogs
005176: Masson, J. Moussaieff; Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff - The Emperor's Embrace: Reflections on Animal Families and Fatherhood
025634: Thomas L Masson - Best Short Stories
023957: Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff - LOST PRINCE: The Unsolved Mystery of Kaspar Hauser
004055: Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff - Final Analysis: the Making and Unmaking of a Psychoanalyst
005404: John Masters - Coromandel!
017196: M. Smith-Masters - The Knights of Compassion
016433: Mather, Robert; Edwards, Brian - Brave Warrior : A Japanese Legend
014459: Berkely Mather - The Pass Beyond Kashmir
027099: S L MacGregor Mathers, Translator - The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
025829: Dawn Matheson And Rosemary Anderson (edited By) - Guelph: Perspectives on a century of change, 1900-2000
024458: George Matheson - The Representative Men of the New Testament
005460: Basil Mathews - Livingstone-the Pathfinder
001000: Mathien, Thomas - Bibliographie De La Philosophie Au Canada: Une [Sic] Guide a Recherche = Bibliography of Philosophy in Canada a Research Guide
011535: Franklin K. Mathiews - Chief Scout Librarian Boys Scouts of America - Laugh, Boy, Laugh! - A Book of Humorous Stories for Boys
026950: Mathison, Richard R - His Weird and Wanton Ways : The Secret Life of Howard Hughes
024442: Maurice Matloff, General Editor - The Civil War: A concise military history of the War between the States, 1861-1865
022108: Brad Matsen - Descent: The Heroic Discovery of the Abyss
002868: Matsubara, Hisako - Samurai
021597: Jordan Matter - Dancers Among Us - a Celebration of Joy in the Everyday Life
285334: Jacqueline Matter and Phyllis A Richard - Allons Bi-Bi Premiere Etape, Deuxieme etape, Troisieme etape (3 books)
013391: John Matteson - Eden's Outcasts - The Story of Louisa May Alcott and Her Father
013853: Matthaei, Gay;Grutman, Jewel H. - Sketchbook of Thomas Blue Eagle
011667: Jim Matthews - A Salute to Jacqueline Kennedy the Bravest Woman in the World - the Highlights and Shadows in Her Life from Inauguration to Arlington
001741: Brinley E. Matthews - The Swansea Story-a History of the Swansea Rugby Football Club 1874-1968
023741: Matthews, Greg - The Further Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
023310: Matthews, Rupert O. - Canada's Lakes & Mountains
023311: Ruper O Matthews - Canadian Reflections
023312: Matthews, Rupert O. - Canada the Majestic Land
023313: Matthews, Rupert O. - Canada The Great Outdoors
000346: Peter Matthiessen & Eliot Porter - The Tree Where Man Was Born/the African Experience
002847: Matthiessen, Peter - The Tree Where Man Was Born
013611: Matthiessen, Peter - Sand Rivers
019564: Mattingly, Garrett - The Defeat Of The Spanish Armada
012640: Matton, Sylvie;Black, Tamsin - Rembrandt's Whore
021440: Erling Matz - Vasa 1628
001366: Matzen, Robert D. - Research Made Easy: a Guide for Students and Writers
011584: Maududi, A.A.;Ahmad, Khurshid;Maududi, Abul A. - Towards Understanding Islam
287830: Maugham, W. Somerset - The Razor's Edge
022150: W. Somerset Maugham - The Complete Short Stories: Vol. 1 - East and West Vol. 2 The World Over
285944: W Somerset Maugham - Of Human Bondage
018637: Maugham, W. Somerset - A Traveller in Romance: Uncollected Writings, 1901-1964
026644: W. Somerset Maugham - The Complete Short Stories of W. Someret Maugham Vol. 1 & 2 in Slipcase
0284692: Robert Maunder and Jonathan Hunter - Damaged
025557: Guy De Maupassant - Short Stories of the Tragedy and Comedy of Life - Odalisque of Senichou Etc. Vol. IV
285412: Guy De Maupassant - Selected Tales of Guy De Maupassant
015934: Guy De Maupassant - The Best Short Stories
285561: Guy de Maupassant - Bel-Ami Vol. 1 The Window etc, Vol. 2 Mad, Under the Yoke, etc. Vol 3 Ball-of Tallow etc Vol. 4 Monsieur Parent, etc Vol. 5 Madame Tellier's Establishment etc, Vol. 6 Moiron etc Vol.7 Vol.8 Francesca and Carlotta Rondoli
010051: Maupin, Armistead - Tales of the City - Volume 1
008885: Maupin, Armistead - More Tales of the City
020003: Robert Maurer, Ph.D. - The Kaizen Way: One Small Step Can Change Your Life
0284248: Diane Vogel Maurer with Paul Maurer - Marbling a Complete Guide to Creating Beautiful Patterned Papers and Fabrics
021473: Edward Beaucle Maurice - Last of the Gentlemen Adventurers~Edward Beauclerk Maurice
010890: Daphne Du Maurier - The Infernal World of Branwell Bronte
016031: Daphne du Maurier - The Loving Spirit
011711: Andre Maurois - Disraeli - A Picture of the Victorian Age
011193: Andre Maurois - Ariel - A Shelley Romance
005259: Maw, J. - Year of the Jaguar
000559: June Knox-Mawer, Illustrated By Pearl Binder - A South Sea Spell
286420: Max, Tucker - Hilarity Ensues
022491: John C Maxwell - Make Today Count - the Secret of Your Success is Determined By Your daily Agenda
286652: Maxwell, John C. - How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
025520: James A. Maxwell - America's Fascinating Indian Heritage: The First Americans: Their Customs, Art, History and How They Lived
025434: Maxwell, John C. - The Success Journey: The Process of Living Your Dreams
285421: Lewis S Maxwell - Florida Plant Selector
027745: Rollo May - The Courage to Create
021554: Peter May - Extraordinary People
023598: May, John - The book of beasts
020524: John R. May and Michael Bird - Religion In Film
285626: Robin May - The Wild West Fact Finders
016666: Karl May - In the Desert
010414: May, John - Poe & Fanny
027827: Herbert G May, Editor - Oxford Bible Atlas
025801: Karola Maya - Old Shatterhand I Winnetow
011587: George Mayberry - A Concise Dictionary of Abbreviations
023628: Mayer, Martin - About Television
000497: S.L. Mayer - World War II
286827: Edward Mayer - Money Bridge
011110: Milton Mayer with a Center Discussion - On Liberty: Man v. The State
015572: Mayernik, David - Timeless Cities: An Architect's Reflections on Renaissance Italy
016169: Frances Mayes - A year in the World - Journeys of a Passionate Traveller
015820: Mayes, Frances - Swan
014198: Mayes, Frances - A Year in the World: Journeys of a Passionate Traveler
017552: Mayhew, Henry; Quennell, Peter - London's Underworld
002828: Mayle, Peter - Toujours Provence
004289: Mayle, Peter - Year in Provence
019580: Peter Mayle - The Marseille Caper - a Novel
002619: Mayle, Peter - French Lessons: Adventures With Knife, Fork, and Corkscrew
023970: Mayle, Peter - Encore Provence - New Adventures in the South of France
028182: Peter Mayle - A Dog's Life
017352: Mayle, Peter - Hotel Pastis: A Novel of Provence
016535: Mayle, Peter - Hotel Pastis: A Novel of Provence
006801: Mayle, Peter - Anything Considered
010190: Mayle, Peter - A Year in Provence
016715: Crosby Maynard - Flight Plan for Tomorrow - The Douglas Story - A Condensed History
022179: Joyce Maynard - At Home in the World
025207: Margaret Mayo - Our Fate & the Zodiac - an Astrologoical Autograph Book
003107: Mayo, Gretchen Will - Earthmaker's Tales: North American Indian Stories About Earth Happenings
016723: Eileen Mayo - The Story of Living Things and their Evolution
005535: Drayton Mayrant - A Sword From Galway
025868: Mays, John Bentley - Power in the Blood: Land, Memory and a Southern Family
000722: Mays, John Bentley - Power in the Blood: Land, Memory and a Southern Family
018025: Mays, Marianne - The Proper Care of Hamsters
017756: Mays, Buddy - Indian Villages of the Southwest: A Practical Guide to the Pueblo Indian Villages of New Mexico and Arizona
007748: Mayson, Barry; Marco, Tony - Fallen Angel: Hell's Angel to Heaven's Saint
000265: Frank Feather & Rashmi Mayur, Eds - Optimistic Outlooks
286903: Allan Mazer - Lessons to Light Up Your Game, 2 club or not 2 club That is the Question, Hand Evaluation Think First, Bid Later, Thinking Your Way to Slam, The Art of Finding Queens, Listen, Learn, Lead (6 books)
0284694: Tilar J Mazzeo - Sisters in Resistance
017319: Annalena McAfee - The Spoiler
023209: Ian McAllister - The Last Wild Wolves - Ghosts of the Great Bear Rainforest
026205: Tom McArthur, Editor - The Oxford Companion to the English Language
017610: Michael R. McAteer & Michael G. Steinhauser - The Man in the Scarlett Robe - Two Thousand Years of Searching for Jesus
004136: Mcauley, Mary - Politics and the Soviet Union
0284071: Catherine McAuley - Praying in the Spirit of Catherine McAuley
016255: Jason McBride & Alana Wilcox - Utopia: Towards a New Toronto
011654: Richard P. McBrien - Church the Continuing Quest
287404: McBurney, Margaret; Byers, Mary - Tavern in the Town: Early Inns and Taverns of Ontario
287113: Bob McCabe - Dark Knights & Holy Fools: The Art and Films of Terry Gilliam
023391: Charles R. McCabe, Editor - Damned Old Crank - America's Most Unconventional Newspaper Giant Tells His Story with Unparalleled Frankness and Gusto
022995: Joseph McCabe - Haeckel's Critics Answered
010022: McCabe, Patrick - The Butcher Boy
025794: McCaffrey, Anne - Lyon's Pride
025795: Anne McCaffrey - Damia's Children
028189: Anne McCaffrey - No One Noticed the Cat
021958: Anne McCaffrey - Pegasus in Flight
287931: Anne McCaffrey; Todd McCaffrey - Dragon's Kin, Dragon's Fire, Dragon Harper, Dragon's Time, Sky Dragons (5 books)
287942: McCall, Fiona; Howard, Paul - Still in the Same Boat
023813: McCallum, John Dennis - The world heavyweight boxing championship;: A History
012461: Mary McCallum, Text - Greece - History-Art Folklore-Routes
020457: Bryan McCann - Hello, Hello Brazil: Popular Music in the Making of Modern Brazil
025177: Samuel W. McCart - Trial By Jury - a Complete Guide to the Jury System
287959: Scott McCarthy - Creation Litury: An earth-centered theology
026486: McCarthy, Mike - Porsche
001884: McCarthy, Scott - Creation Liturgy: an Earth Centered Theology of Worship
285241: Gary McCarthy - The Derby Man - a Double D Western
015430: McCarthy, Peter - McCarthy's Bar : A Journey of Discovery in the West of Ireland
0284612: Kevin W McCarthy - The On-Purpose Person Making Your Life Make Sense a Modern Parable
013756: McCartney, Linda - Wide Open: Photographs
012578: Jennifer McCartney - Afloat
011407: McCarver, Tim;Robinson, Ray - Oh, Baby, I Love It!: Baseball Summers, Hot Pennant Races, Grand Salamis, Jellylegs, El Swervos, Dingers and Dunkers, Etc, Etc, Etc
012774: Lucy McCauley - Traveler's Tales Women in the Wild: True Stories of Adventure and Conneciton
026208: J OSTER M IVESON J MCCLAY - Literary Experiences Vol. 1 & 2
017923: Kathryn McCleary and Beverly Dixon Mallette - What's Worth Dying for - a Historical Mystery Novel Set in Simcoe County at the Time of Confederation
015965: McClellan, Edwin - Woman in the Crested Kimono: The Life of Shibue Io and Her Family Drawn from Mori Ogai's Shibue Chusai
287641: McClelland, Mac - Irritable Hearts: A PTSD Love Story
022914: Captain McClintock - In the Arctic Seas - a Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and His Companions
018544: McCloskey, Robert - Make Way for Ducklings
022058: Shelby T. McCloy - The Negro in the French West Indies
0284486: Nellie L McClung - In Times Like These
026901: McColm, Bruce - Where Have They Gone?: Rock'N'Roll Stars
004743: McConkey, James - Stories From My Life With the Other Animals
023029: McCord, Gary - Just a Range Ball in a Box of Titleists
023367: McCormack, Mark H. - On Negotiating
007760: Louisa McCormack - Six Weeks to Toxic
287267: A Ross McCormack - Reformers, Rebels, and Revolutionaries The Western Canadian Radical Movement 1899-1919
015925: McCormick, Patricia - Sold
006102: Edward A. McCourt - The Canadian West in Fiction
026539: McCourt, Malachy - Claddagh Ring
003390: McCourt, Malachy - A Monk Swimming: a Memoir
013484: McCourt, Malachy - A Monk Swimming: A Memoir
012808: McCourt, Frank - Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
0284673: Edward A. McCourt - The Yukon and Northwest Territories
005982: Edward McCourt - Saskatchewan-the Traveller's Canada
011056: McCourt, Frank - Teacher Man: A Memoir
009596: McCourt, Malachy - Singing My Him Song
012567: Frank McCourt - Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
024433: Bob McCown - The 100 Greatest Hockey Arguments
003363: McCoy, J. J. - The Plight of the Whales
286798: McCracken, Scott - Pulp: Reading popular fiction
024906: Alf McCreary - Tried by Fire: Finding Hope Out of Suffering in Northern Ireland
287136: McCreath, Peter L. - The Life and Times of Alexander Keith, Nova Scotia's Brewmaster
285657: Robert McCrum - Mainland
015345: McCrum, Robert;Cran, William;MacNeil, Robert - Story of English
027628: Sharyn McCrumb - The Songcatcher
019571: John McCuaig - The Return of Robert Burns
026078: McCullers, Carson - The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
015546: Carson McCullers - The Ballad of Sad Cafe and other Stories
022343: Mary E. McCullough - The Sky Was My Friend - Songs of the Ottawa Valley
015900: McCullough, H. B., Editor - Political Ideologies and Political Philosophies
004035: McCully, Patrick - Silenced Rivers: the Ecology and Politics of Large Dams-Enlarged and Updated Edition
010439: McCurdy, Fitzgerald Joan - The Serpent's Egg
285544: George Barr McCutcheon - A Fool and His Money
012627: McDaniel, Judith - Sanctuary, a Journey
012174: John W. McDermott - How to Get Lost & Found in Fiji
019670: McDermott, Catherine - Essential Design
027620: Lanny McDonald with Steve Simmons - Lanny
287086: Bernadette McDonald - Editor - Extreme Landscapes
025943: McDonald, Frank - Provenance
022069: Trevor McDonald - Viv Richards, the authorised biography
287636: John Fogerty; Jimmy McDonough - Fortunate Son: My Life, My Music
286118: McDonough, Jimmy - Tammy Wynette: Tragic Country Queen
025038: McDowell, Bart - Inside the Vatican
006750: William Mcelwee - The Battle of D Day
287448: McEntire, Reba with Tom Carter - Reba: My Story
286175: McEvedy, Colin - The Penguin Atlas of Medieval History (Hist Atlas)
026944: J P McEvoy - A Brief History of the Universe from Ancient Babylon to the Big Bang
026332: Ian McEwan - On Chesil Beach
027979: Ian McEwan - Black Dogs
028127: Ian McEwan - The Children Act
006942: McEwan, Ian - Atonement
027017: David W McFadden - An Innocent in Newfoundland - Even More Rambles and Singular Encounters
009685: Dennis McFarland - The Music Room
000509: J.A. McFarlane, Warren Clements - The Globe and Mail Style Book
022585: Brian McFarlane - One Hundred Years of Hockey
021191: Brian McFarlane - The story of the National Hockey League;: An intimate history of hockey's most dramatic half century
0284593: Brian McFarlane - Team Canada 1972 Where are They Now? 30th Anniversary Edition
026468: J.A. Sandy McFarlane and Warren Clements - 1995 Globe and Mail Style Book : A Guide to Langua
024930: Leslie McFarlane - Fire in the North - a Play for Radio
015821: McFarlane, Evelyn;Saywell, James - How Far Will You Go?: Questions to Test Your Limits
021947: Brian McFarlane - More it Happened in Hockey - More Weird & Wonderful Stories from Canada's Greatest Game
024413: Brian McFarlane - The Leafs - True Hockey Stories
016135: McFeely, William S. - Proximity to Death
009573: McGarey, William and McGarey, Gladys - There Will Your Heart Be Also - Edgar Cayce's Readings About Home and Marriage
286094: McGarrigle, Anna; McGarrigle, Jane - Mountain City Girls: The McGarrigle Family Album
287173: McGarry, Michael B - Christology after Auschwitz (An Exploration book)
003852: McGhee, Alison - All Rivers Flow to the Sea
002325: McGillis, Ian - A Tourist's Guide to Glengarry
285008: Phyllois McGinley - Times Three
021435: Jill McGivering - The Last Kestrel
025443: McGivern, William P - Caprifoil
287204: McGoogan, Ken - How The Scots Invented Canada
026051: Ken McGoogan - 50 Canadians Who Changed the World
006933: McGrath, Patrick - Ghost Town: Tales of Manhattan Then and Now
285145: Robin McGrath - A Heritage Guide to Portugal Cove-St. Philip's
000647: McGrath, Robin - Escaped Domestics
024938: Dr. Phil McGraw - love Smart - Find the One You Want - Fix the One You Got
008973: McGraw, Robin - Inside My Heart : Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose
016125: McGraw, Dan - First and Last Seasons: A Father, a Son, and Sunday Afternoon Football - A Memoir
010764: John McGreevy, Editor - Glenn Gould Variations By Himself and His Friends
004677: Ewan McGregor & Charley Boorman With Robert Uhlig - Long Way Round
010620: Kenneth R. McGruther - The Evolving Soviet Navy
004123: McGuffin, Gary; McGuffin, Joanie - Where Rivers Run-a 6000 Mile Exploration of Canada By Canoe
027708: Leslie McGuire - Rainbow Brite - And the Big Color Mix-up Plus 5 More Books
020043: McGuire, Bill - A Guide to the End of the World: Everything You Never Wanted to Know
285741: Georgess McHargue - adaptor - Walt Disney's Mary Poppins
0284547: Peter McHoy - Rock Gardening
019469: Fiona McHugh - The Anne of Green Gables Storybook: Based on the Kevin Sullivan film of Lucy Maud Montgomery's classic novel
0284545: Andrew & Rosamond McIndoe - Planting with Trees the Horticulture Gardener's Guides
287318: McIndoe, Sean - The Down Goes Brown History of the NHL: The World's Most Beautiful Sport, the World's Most Ridiculous League
022147: Graham McInnes - Canadian Art
017411: Edgar McInnis - The War - First Year
019178: McIntyre, Peter - Kakahi New Zeland
019108: McIntyre, Vonda N. - The Crystal Star
020875: W. John McIntyre - Early Writings of David Willson
025390: J. R. McIver - Gems, Minerals and Rocks in Southern Africa
285705: Sharon McKain - The Great Noank Quilt Factory How to Make Quilts & Quilted Things
027463: Elizabeth McKane - Story of Coal
004780: McKay, Jean - Gone to Grass
285564: Kenneth B McKay - Puppetry in Canada An Art to Enchant
011449: Dave McKay - The Truth About Living with Goddesses - Affirmation for Women - Advice for Men
013371: Dave McKay - The Truth About Living with Goddesses
285438: Irene S McKay - Have Your Say! Intermediate Communication Activites
008183: McKean, James N. - Quattrocento: A Novel
018308: McKee, Christopher - Treaty Talks in British Columbia: Negotiating a Mutually Beneficial Future
0284424: S G McKeever - Paths are Many Truth is One Exploring the Unity of All Religions
025930: Blake McKelvey - The Emergence of Metropolitan America 1915-1966
021616: B. A. McKelvie - Pageant of B.C. - Glimpses Into the Romantic Development of Canada's Far Western Province
000082: Kenneth McKenney - Mexico
021744: Jack McKenney - Dive to Adventure
023948: McKenzie, Ruth - James FitzGibbon: Defender of Upper Canada (Dundurn Lives)
026960: Alan Mckenzie - How to Draw and Sell Comic Strips for Newspapers and Comics
285302: Robin McKenzie - Treat Your Back
011377: McKervill, H. - Salmon People - 25th Anniversary Edition - special Edition
010843: McKibben, Bill - The Age of Missing Information
027526: Bill McKibben - Eaarth Making a Life on a Tough New Planet
019102: Heather McKillop - The Ancient Maya - New Perspectives
285362: Robin McKinley - My Father is in the Navy
0283716: Rick McKinley, Chris Seay and Greg Holder - Advent Conspiracy Can Christmas still Change the World?
022981: Edward H McKinley - Marching to glory: The history of the Salvation Army in the United States of America, 1880-1980
002731: McKinney, Kevin; Moran, Michael - Everyday Geography
026260: McKinty, Alec - The father of British airships: A biography of E. T. Willows
003031: McKnight, Reginald - Moustapha's Eclipse
001722: McKnight, Gerald - The Mind of the Terrorist
011119: McKuen, Rod - The Beautiful Strangers
011883: Rod McKuen - Listen to the Warm
013251: Rod McKuen - Listen to the Warm
021386: Paula McLain - Circling the Sun
025569: Mary Webster McLain - Lifting the Veil
020752: Gary McLain - The Indian Way: Learning to Communicate With Mother Earth
0284315: Paula McLain - The Paris Wife - a Novel
000504: Don McLaren - Tales of Old Mosman
024991: Mclaughlin, Emma; Kraus, Nicola - The Nanny Diaries: A Novel
017904: McLaughlin, Audrey with Rick Archbold - A Woman's Place: My Life and Politics
013919: W.R.D. McLaughlin - So Thin is. The Line - a Further Novel of War in the Antarctic
004682: Don McLean - Time of the Seventh Fire-Pathways of Peace Through a Violent Age
028208: Jim McLean - The Eight-step Swing
021642: Stuart McLean - The Vinyl Cafe Notebooks
000849: McLean, Barbara - Lambsquarters: Scenes From a Handmade Life
017792: Allan P. McLean - This Magnificent Line - Story of Edinburgh-Glasgow Railway
021908: Stuart McLean - Stories from the Vinyl Cafe
022916: Stuart McLean - Vinyl Cafe Diaries
021498: Stuart McLean - The Vinyl Cafe Unplugged
009488: John A.B. McLeish - The Far Shore Dimly Seen - Poems Chiefly Lyrical
017854: McLennan, J. S. - Louisbourg: From Its Foundation to Its Fall 1713-1758
286675: J S McLennan - Louisbourg From Its Foundation to Its Fall 1713-1758
010378: McLoughlin, John C. - The Canine Clan: A New Look at Man's Best Friend
023841: McLoughlin, John C. - The Marvels of Animal Behavior. (Natural science library)
024514: McLuhan, Marshall; McLuhan, Eric [Editor]; Zingrone, Frank [Editor] - Essential McLuhan
024326: McLynn, Frank - The Jacobites
018970: Sophia Hillan King and Sean McMahon , Editors - Hope and History - Eyewitness Accounts of Life in 20th c Ulster
027376: Ed McMahon - Here's Johnny - My Memories of Johnny Carso, the Tonight Show and 46 Years of Friendship
002494: Hugh McManners - Crowning the Dragon-Adventures in the Chinese Karakoram
005490: McManus, Erwin - Soul Cravings
284873: Joyce McMaster - Stories to Remember The Copp Clark Literature Series
003465: D.F. McMichael - A Treasury of Australian Wildlife
001272: A. Norman McMillan - Woodsmoke at Twlight-Stories for Cubs and Scouts
000385: McMillon, Bill With Kevin McMillon - Best Hikes With Children in San Francisco's North Bay
286048: McMurtry, Larry - The Late Child
012292: Larry McMurtry - Sin Killer - The Berrybender Narratives - Vol 1
286046: McMurtry, Larry - The Evening Star: A Novel
025662: McNab, David T. - Flanagan's Run
022514: Chris McNab - The Luftwaffe 1933-45 - Hitler's Eagles
017883: Ute Lischke and David T. McNab, Editors - Walking A Tightrope: Aboriginal People And Their Representations
287043: Alan McNairn - The Young Van Dyck (Le jeune van Dyck) (English and French Edition)
009499: McNall, Scott G. - Plains Families: Exploring Sociology Through Social History
0283515: Julie McNally and Timothy Cahill - Hare and Space Museum
025568: G. Fred. McNally - A Book of Good Stories - St. Martin's Classics
002153: McNamara, Katherine - Narrow Road to the Deep North: a Journey Into the Interior of Alaska
286259: McNamara, Michelle - I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer
016153: McNamee, Gregory - Blue Mountains Far Away: Journeys into the American Wilderness
010815: McNaught, Kenneth - The Pelican History of Canada
010932: Kenneth McNaught - A Prophet in Politics - a Biography of J.S. Woodsworth
016843: McNaught, Brian - Gay Issues in the Workplace
000571: McNaught, Eleanor, McNaught-Sirluck, Leslie (Illustrator) - Blame It on Wilmot (the Hidden Heritage Ser., No. 2)
007170: McNaughton, Janet - To Dance at the Palais Royale
008796: Robert H. McNeal - The Bolshevik Tradition
286172: May McNeer - The Canadian Story
025126: McNeill, John J - The Church and the homosexual
286483: McNeill, Graham - The Ultramarines Omnibus
025982: Charles L. McNichols - Crazy Weather
007056: Syvia McNicoll - Last Chance for Paris
001879: McNicoll, Susan - British Columbia Murders: Mysteries, Crimes, and Scandals
022843: Alan Mcnie - Clan Mackay - Your Clan Heritage
286984: David McPhail - Those Terrible Toy-Breakers
0284348: Nancy McPhee - The Second Book of Insults
023864: Kathryn McPherson, et al Editors - Gendered Pasts: Historical Essays in Femininity and Masculinity in Canada (Canadian Social History Series)
016617: James M. McPherson - Tried By War - Abraham Lincoln as Commander in Chief
018060: McQuaig, Jack H. - Like Yourself and Live
001929: Mcquay, Peri P. - A Wing in the Door: Adventures With a Red-Tailed Hawk
285576: Melbourne V McQueen and V N Bruce - Vocational Science for Industrial, Art and Commerical Departments with which is included Home Economics Science
019627: Rod McQueen - Blackberry - the Inside Story
005126: Mcquillan, Deirdre - The Aran Sweater
008888: McRoberts, Darlene - The Hurt and Healing of Divorce
008916: McSherry, Frank - Civil War Women: The Civil War Seen Through Women's Eyes in Stories by Louisa May Alcott, Kate Chopin, Eudora Welty, and Other Great Women Writers
286504: J. Walker McSpadden - Robin Hood
027335: Frqances McSparran - Octovian - the Early English Text Society No. 289
286788: McVey, Mary A. - Play More Bridge (Bridge Ser)
018363: McWhinney, Edward - Quebec and the Constitution, 1960-1978
0283579: Alan Russell Norris D McWhirter - The Guinness Book of Records 1988
023845: McWilliams, Peter - Catch me with your smile
019057: Margaret McWilliams - Manitoba Milestones
287144: Gundry MD, Dr. Steven R - The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain (The Plant Paradox, 1)
024753: Colbert MD, Don - Bible Cure for Hepatitis C: Ancient Truths, Natural Remedies and the Latest Findings for Your Health Today (New Bible Cure (Siloam))
024887: Colbert MD, Don - The Bible Cure for Arthritis: Ancient Truths, Natural Remedies and the Latest Findings for Your Health Today (New Bible Cure (Siloam))
287228: Schwarzbein MD, Dr. Diana - The Schwarzbein Principle: The Truth about Losing Weight, Being Healthy and Feeling Younger
007438: Margaret Mead - People and Places
007613: Charles W. Mead - Old Civilizations of Inca Land
023097: Mead, Margaret - Culture and Commitment: The New Relationships Between the Generations in the 1970s
025182: Margaret Mead, Editor - Cooperation and Competition Among Primitive Peoples
008024: Margaret Mead, Editor - Cultural Patterns and Technical Change
025632: Meade, Marion - The Unruly Life of Woody Allen: A Biography
024769: Dedre Gentner and Susan Goldin-Meadow, Editors - Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought
006169: Mear, Roger; Swan, Robert - A Walk to the Pole: to the Heart of Antarctica in the Footsteps of Scott
020321: Tom O'Meara - A Miscellany of Britain
005947: John Mebane - The Coming Collecting Boom
021901: Popular Mechanics - Mancrafts - Leather Tooling, Fly Tying,, Ax Whittling, and Other cool Things to Do
287347: Vicki Mechner - Healing Journeys : The Power of Rubenfeld Synergy
015314: MEDCALF, JENNIFER;Van Loon, Borin - Introducing Cultural Studies
286704: Burton Goldberg; Editors Of Alternative Medicine - Heart Disease
009304: Medvedev, Zhores, A. - Gorbachev
286368: Charles L Mee Jr - Meeting at Potsdam
027779: David Meeker - Jazz in the Movies a Guide to Jazz Musicians 1917-1977
015680: Van Der Meer, Ron;Sudjic, Deyan - The Architecture Pack: A Unique, Three-Dimensional Tour of Architecture over the Centuries What Architects Do, How They Do It, and the Great Buildings They Have Given Us
0283909: Mark E Mehaffey - Creative Watercolor Workshop Challenge Your Artistic Boundaries with 25 Fun Painting Exercises
015181: Alexander Mehdevi - Bungling Pedro & Other Majorcan Tales
0283908: Janet Mehigan & Mary Noble - Beginner's Guide to Calligraphy a Simple Three-Stage Guide to Perfect Letter Art
003251: G.N. Mehra - Bhutan-Land of the Peaceful Dragon
0283922: Mira Mehta - Yoga a Step By Step Guide to the Iyengar Method of Yoga for Relaxation, Health and Well Being
286722: Gita Mehta - Karma Cola
008271: Mehta, Suketu - Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found
013539: Meier, Dr. Paul;Clements, Todd;Bertrand, Jean-Luc;Mandt, David Sr. - Blue Genes: Breaking Free From The Chemical Imbalances That Affect Your Moods, Your Mind, Your Life, And Your Loved Ones
011912: Meier, Andrew - Black Earth: A Journey Through Russia After the Fall
007731: Meigs, Mary - In the Company of Strangers
025396: Meili, Trisha - I Am the Central Park Jogger: A Story of Hope and Possibility
027543: D. Meilsheim - The World of Ancient Israel
014055: Melady, John - Pearson's Prize: Canada And the Suez Crisis
022031: Antonio Melechi - Fugitive Minds - on Madness, Sleep and Other Twilight Afflictions
019784: Mellor, John - Music in the park: C. F. Thiele, father of Canadian band music
027036: Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch - The Lincoln Conspiracy - the Secret Plot to Kill America's 16th President - and Why it Failed
018284: Herman Melville - Typee
018696: Skene-Melvin, David - Bloody York
015115: Jim Melvin - Moon Goddess: Book Two The Death Wizard Chomicles - a Six Book epic Fantasy
019538: David Skene-Melvin - Secret Tales of the Arctic Trails: Stories of Crime and Adventure in Canada's Far North
023862: Ronald Melzack - The Puzzle of Pain
015401: Menchu, Rigoberta;Burgos-Debray, Elisabeth - I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala
012897: Menchu, Rigoberta;Burgos-Debray, Elisabeth - I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala
025580: Mendelsohn, Robert - Footsteps on a Drum
286241: Felix Mendelsohn - The Story of a Hundred Operas
027718: K Mendelssohn - The Riddle of the Pyramids
024079: Sam Snead; George Mendoza - Slammin' Sam
011516: Mendoza, George - Norman Rockwell's Patriotic Times
024894: Justin Menkes - Executive Intelligence - What All Great Leaders Have
027257: Sandhya Menon - From Twinkle with Love
008758: Mensah, David - Kwabena : An African Boy's Journey of Faith
013298: Mensah, David - Kwabena : An African Boy's Journey of Faith
024398: Menuhin, Yehudi - Life class: Thoughts, exercises, reflections of an itinerant violinist
005464: Allan Menzies - History of Religion
002128: Menzies, Heather - The Railroad's Not Enough: Canada Now
021571: Rick Mercer - Final Report
025584: Charles Mercer - The Drummond Tradition
287595: Mercer, Rick - Talking to Canadians: A Memoir
026473: Elizabeth Lodor Merchant - Dickens' Stories About Children
027730: Jacques Mercier - Ethiopian Magic Scrolls
020848: Ovide Mercredi & Mary Ellen Turpel - In the Rapids - Navigating the Futre of First Nations
025896: Martin Meredith - The Fate of Africa - a History of Fifty Years of Independence
286634: Charles Mergendahl - The Next Best Thing
024492: Merifield, Russell - Speaking of Canada: The Centennial History of the Canadian Clubs
000410: Mary Merikle, Managing Editor - The New Quarterly-New Directions in Canadian Writing
0283984: Mary Merikle, Managing Editor - The New Quarterly New Directions in Canadian writing Vol. 18 Summer 1998 No. 2
022303: Bill Merilees - The New Gardening for Wildlife
0283492: Prosper Merimee - Colomba et Dix Autares Nouvelles
0284410: Janet Merlo - No One to Tell Breaking My Silence on Life in the RCMP
285661: Donna Merrick and Ginne Clark - Christopher Discovers a Secret
025652: Stuart Merrill - Translator from French - Pastels in Prose
285802: Edward A Merrill - "FOr the Sake of the Trust" Sherlock Holmes and the Musgrave Ritual Illustrated
015612: Merrill, Ronald E. - The Ideas of Ayn Rand
018565: Merriman, Brenda Dougall, Ba, Cgrs, Cgl - Genealogy in Ontario: Searching the Records
028076: Richard Merritt, Nancy butler, and Michael Power, Editors - The Capital Years Niagara on the Lake 1792-1796
024748: Susan E. Merritt - Her Story II: Women from Canada's Past
019229: Merritt, John I. - Baronets and Buffalo: The British Sportsman in the American West, 1833-1881 ([A Rendezvous book])
286203: Raymond Merritt - The Dog in Photography 1839-today
0283642: Thomas Merton - Mystics and Zen Masters
005033: Thomas Merton - The Waters of Siloe
0284095: Sabrina Mesko - Healing Mudras Yoga for Your Hands
014132: Marin La Meslee, Edmond - The New Australia, 1883;
287784: Hank Messick - The Beauties & the Beasts The Mob in Show Business
287244: Heinz Messinger - Langenscheidt Concise German Dictionary German-English English-German
002154: Messner, Reinhold - My Quest for Yeti: Confronting the Himalayas' Deepest Mystery
284874: John Metcalf, editor - The Bumper Book
024666: Metcalf, John - Sixteen by twelve;: Short stories by Canadian writers
013825: Julie Metz - Perfection: A Memoir of Betrayal and Renewal
000093: Metzer, Patty - Lights of the Veil (Palisades Pure Romance Ser. )
009531: Marden-Meyer - Minorities in American Society
287456: Meyer, Joyce - Life in the Word: Devotional
287465: Joyce Meyer - The Confident Woman: Start Today Living Boldly and Without Fear
024309: Stephenie Meyer - Twilight
024310: Stephenie Meyer - Eclipse
024311: Stephenie Meyer - Breaking Dawn
025244: F.B. Meyer - Israel: A Prince with God. The Story of Jacob Re-told
287457: Meyer, Joyce - Change Your Words, Change Your Life: Understanding the Power of Every Word You Speak
023034: Bruce Meyer & Brian O'Riordan - In Their Words: Interviews with Fourteen Canadian Writers
017252: Meyer, Susan E. - A Treasury of the Great Children's Book Illustrators
015738: Meyer, Carolyn - People Who Make Things: How American Craftsmen Live and Work
0284053: Kathleen Meyer - How to Shit in the Woods
018008: Leonard Meyers - Twenty-Three Skidoo
011278: Jay Meyers - The Great Canadian Road - a History of Yonge Street
022786: Amy Meyerson - The Bookshop of Yesterdays
014704: Rick Meyrick - Jaspa's Journey - The Great Migration
004091: Ira Mfreeman - Physics Made Simple
024703: Agnes M. Miall - Complete Needlecraft - Everything About Embroidery, Home Dressmaking, Knitting and Crochet and Home Upholstery, Etc Etc Etc
285581: Irene Davison Agnes M Miall and R K and M I R Polkinghorne - Needlework and Crafts Every Woman's Book on the arts of Plain Sewing, Embroidery, Dressmaking and Home Crafts
025825: Anne Michaels - The Winter Vault
027889: Anne Michaels - Fugitive Pieces
022551: Joanne Michaels - The Hudson Valley & Catskill Mountains: An Explorer's Guide: Includes Saratoga Springs & Albany, Explorer's Guide Fifth Edition
025954: Beck Weathers; Stephen G. Michaud - Left for Dead: My Journey Home from Everest
027571: John Michell - A Little History of Astro-Archaeology Stages in the Transformation of a Heresy
021482: James A. Michener - Pilgrimage: A Memoir of Poland and Rome
023978: Michener, James A. - Creatures of the Kingdom: Stories About Animals and Nature
0284640: James A Michener - The Eagle and the Raven
0284633: James A Michener - Legacy - a Novel
0284635: James Michener - Journey a Quest for Canadian Gold
027491: James A Michener - The Covenant Vol. 1 & 2
022645: Richard Michod - Eros And Evolution: A Natural Philosophy Of Sex (Helix Books)
000021: Middleton, Nick - Last Disco in Outer Mongolia
010614: Middleton, Michael - Man Made the Town - a Shell Book
022918: Haydn Middleton - The People in the Picture
000214: John Middleton - Peoples of Africa-the Tribes and Cultures of an Intriguing Continent-From Afrikaner to Zulu
017650: Midgette, Anne;Breslin, Herbert H. - The King and I: The Uncensored Tale of Luciano Pavarotti's Rise to Fame By His Manager, Friend, and Sometme Adversary
0283710: Greg Midland - Better By Saturday Driving
004643: Miedzian, Myriam; Malinovich, Alisa - Generations: a Century of Women Speak About Their Lives
022476: Fray Servando Teresa de Mier - The Memoirs of Fray Servando Teresa de Mier (Library of Latin America)
027402: Earl Schenck Miers - The Last Campaign - Grant Saves the Union
023242: Edward C. Migdalski and George S. Fichter - The Fresh & Salt Water Fishes of the World
027300: J Michael Migel - The Stream Conservation Handbook
022300: Charles Mighton - Subtle Thought & Query - Some Layman Philosophy Fact & Fiction Verse & Prose - Somewhat Canadian in Text
001630: Mihalyi, Victoria - Tribe of Star Bear
005153: Nick And Helma Mika - Mosaic of Canada on Postage Stamps
020482: Nick Mika - Railways of Canada;: A pictorial history
002537: George Mikes - Not By Sun Alone-Life in Jamaica
016734: George Mikes - Not By Sun Alone
000507: Milani, L. - Robert Gourlay, Gadfly: Forerunner of the Rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837
023730: Milani, Felix - The Convict - the Gripping, True Story of the Man the World's Worst Prisons Could Not Hold
0283947: Anna Milbourne - Stories from India
006494: Miles, Rosalind - The Knight of the Sacred Lake
001973: Miles, Jim - The Storm Tide: a History and Tour Guide of the War in the East, From Fredericksburg to Mine Run, 1862 to 1863
286746: Marhsall Miles - How to Win at Duplicate Bridge
019030: Miles, Charles - Indian and Eskimo Artifacts of North America
017583: Miles, Bernard; Shakespeare, William - Five Tales from Shakespeare
015242: Miles, Barry - Ginsberg: A Biography
019114: Rebecca Miles - Editorial - Ripley's Believe it or Not - for Guys - Unbelievable
0284327: Jim Milio and Melissa Jo Peltier - Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan the Ultimate Episode Guide
011267: Stefano Milioni - Columbus Menu
006013: John Stuart Mill - Utilitarianism on Liberty-Essay on Bentham
286470: John O'Mill - Rollicky in Dutch Rhymes and double Dutch
027340: Charlotte D'Evelyn and Anna J Mill, Editors - The South English Legendary Vol. III The Early English Text Society No. 244
018315: Nancy Millar - The Unmentionable History of the West
285786: Edna St Vincent Millay - The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver
018137: James De Mille - A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder
028332: Orlo Miller et al - London 200 an Illustrated History
003374: Miller, Neil - Out in the World: Gay and Lesbian Life From Buenos Aires to Bangkok
005795: Miller, C.; Miller, D. M. O. - Modern Naval Combat
006301: Miller, Jeffrey - Ardor in the Court: Sex and the Law
006744: Miller, Evelyn - Fox Terriers
025354: Miller, Gustavus Hindman - 10,000 Dreams Interpreted or What's in a Dream
285577: Henry Miller - My Life and Times
285801: Francis Trevelyan Miller - Poetry and Eloquence From the Blue and the Gray The Photographic History of the Civil War
004658: Alice Duer Miller - The White Cliffs
287785: Olive Beaupre Miller - My Book House The Latch Key
010908: Miller, Jane - Women Writing About Men
011816: Miller, Muriel - Bliss Carman: Quest & Revolt
0284703: Sabine Miller - Renoir the Great Artists Collection Includes 6 Free Ready-To-frame 8 x 10 Prints
023893: Marvin Miller - A Whole Different Ball Game: The Sport and Business of Baseball
024205: Miller, Orlo - The Donnellys Must Die
028225: Greg Miller - The Apprentice Trump, Russia, and the Subversion of American Democracy
285210: Dennis Miller - The Rant Zone
285499: Marion Mills Miller - Manual of Ready Reference to the Authors' Digest containing brief analyses of The World's Greatest Stories
286846: Miller, David & Diana Martin - Getting Started in Airbrush
0283884: Muriel Miller - Peter's Adventures in the Out of Doors Grades V-viii
000045: Miller, Alden H.; Stebbins, Robert C. - The Lives of Desert Animals in Joshua Tree National Monument
0284669: Paul M Miller, Editor - The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy
022997: Oscar W. Miller - Thunder on the Left - Some Religio-Philosophical Essays
285956: Miller, Laura; Begley, Adam - The Salon.com Reader's Guide to Contemporary Authors
018934: Miller, Martin;Miller, Judith - Miller's World Encyclopedia of Antiques
018601: Miller, John, Editor - Peter Ustinov : The Gift of Laughter - The Authorised Biography
017928: Miller, Sherrill - The Pilgrim's Guide to the Sacred Earth
009353: Robert Miller - Calc I - Calc for the Clueless
017234: Donald Miller - Through Painted Deserts - Light, God and Beauty on the Open Road
027171: George A Miller - The Science of Words
016216: Miller's - Complete Book of Antiques & Collectibles: Millers
014166: Miller, Mary Ellen - The Art of Mesoamerica from Olmec to Aztec
013907: Miller, Calvin - The Singer
286240: Miller, Ron; Hartmann, William K. - The Grand Tour: A Traveler's Guide to the Solar System
028312: Dennis Miller - I Rant, Therefore I Am - Performed By the Author
287084: Miller, Angelyn - The Enabler: When Helping Hurts the Ones You Love
287572: Miller, James - Flowers in the Dustbin: The Rise of Rock and Roll, 1947-1977
011764: Miller, James - Flowers in the Dustbin - the Rise of Rock and Roll 1947-1977
026756: M. L. Miller - Those Bottles
020184: John Miller, Editor - San Francisco Stories: Tales of the City
027645: Bradley Smith Introduction By Henry Miller - Erotic Art of the Masters the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries
020843: Derek Miller - The Silk Road - Routes of Cross-Cultural Exchange - Library Bound
009289: Miller, Sue - While I Was Gone : A Novel
286263: Miller, Linda Lael - A Lawman's Christmas
286813: Walter M. Miller Jr. - Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman
023197: Stanton Millet - the Study of Poetry
285085: Kate Millett - A.D. A Memoir
027330: Bella Millett, Editor - Hali Meidhad - Early English Text Society No.284
015641: Milligan, Spike - Robin Hood According to Spike Milligan
027591: E K Milliken - The Victorian Era (1820-1901)
285341: Dan Millmamn - The Life You Were Born to Live A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose
287333: Millman, Dan - No Ordinary Moments: A Peaceful Warrior's Guide to Daily Life
023335: Dan Millman - The Hidden School - Return of the Peaceful Warrior
012605: Janetta A. Millray - A Guide to Paris for School Visits
001937: Mills, Judith - The Strange Voyage of the Raconteur
006168: Mark Mills - The Savage Garden
023163: Mills, Hilary - Mailer: A Biography
018538: Mills, Judith Christine - The Stonehook Schooner
013581: Mark Mills - The Savage Garden
287678: J S Mills - South American and Africa Book Five Mills Geographical Series
027353: R M Lumiansky and David Mills, Editors - The Chester Mystery Cycle Vol. II Commentary and Glossary the Early English Text Society No. SS9
023796: Larry Millson - Ballpark Figures - the Blue Jays and the Business of Baseball
010608: Duncan Grinnell-Milne - Mad, is He? The Character and Achievement of James Wolfe
286987: A A Milne - Walt Disney presents Winnie-the-Pooh Poems by A A Milne A Whitman Big Tell-a-Tale Book
024472: A. A. Milne - Now We are Six
022235: A. A. Milne - The St Michael book of Winnie the Pooh favourites
024788: A. A. Milne - Pooh's Library - Now We are Six, When We Were Very Young, Winnie-the-Pooh, The House at Pooh Corner
026176: A.A. Milne - The Boy Comes Home - a Comedy in One Act
027859: Herbert Milnes - Settlers' Traditions
006643: John Milton - The Rose Question and Answer Book
286808: Milton, John - Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes, and the Complete Shorter Poems (Modern Library Classics)
023684: Giles Milton - Churchill's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare - the Mavericks Who Plotted Hitler's Defeat
016699: Milton, Steve - Skate Talk : Figure Skating in the Words of the Stars
015474: Milton, Giles - Nathaniel's Nutmeg : How One Man's Courage Changed the Course of History
025996: Denise Mina - Blood Salt Water
008710: Minchot, Pia - Madrid
285771: Alan Minsky - Kings of the Court Legends of the NBA
007834: Minton, Sandra C.;Human Kinetics - Choreography: A Basic Approach Using Improvisation
009135: Minton, Sandra C. - Choreography: A Basic Approach Using Improvisation
285434: Honest Ed Mirvish - How to Build an Empire on an Orange Crate or 121 Lessons I never Learned in School
027655: Jeffrey Mishlove - The Roots of Consciousness Psychic Liberation Through History, Science and Experience
019746: Mishra, Pankaj - Temptations of the West: How to Be Modern in India, Pakistan, Tibet, and Beyond
020598: John Miska, Editor - Blessed Harbours: An Anthology of Hungarian-Canadian Authors (Prose Series 65)
027073: Jean Miso - Legacy & Tradition 3rd Canadian Ranger Patrol Group
005181: Mistry, Rohinton - Family Matters
002309: Mistry, Rohinton - Such a Long Journey
286200: Mistry, Rohinton - A Fine Balance
008820: Mitcham, Allison - Northern Imagination: A Study of Northern Canadian Literature
005244: Mitcham, Allison - Northern Imagination: a Study of Northern Canadian Literature
019399: Mitcham, Allison - The Northern Imagination: A Study of Northern Canadian Literature
010369: Jacquelyn Mitchard - Cage of Stars
011460: Mitchell, John Hanson - Walking Towards Walden: A Pilgrimage in Search of Place
004167: Mitchell, Richard With An Introduction By Thomas H. Middleton - The Leaning Tower of Babel and Other Affronts By the Underground Grammarian
001920: Mitchell, W. O. - An Evening With W.O. Mitchell-a Collection of the Author's Best Loved Performance Pieces
285527: Paul Mitchell - The Duchovny Files The Truth is in Here
006558: Mitchell, Ken; Currie, Robert - Ken Mitchell Country
020509: Alanna Mitchell - Seasick - the Global Ocean in Crisis
021630: William Ormond Mitchell - The Vanishing Point,
019550: Mitchell, Donald D. - Resource Units in Hawaiian Culture
018413: Mitchell, Alanna - Dancing At The Dead Sea: Tracking The World's Environmental Hotspots
016284: Mitchell, Margaret;Freer, Debra - Lost Laysen
015647: Mitchell, John Hanson - Walking Towards Walden: A Pilgrimage in Search of Place
014599: Harris Mitchell - The Basement Book
014081: Mitchell, R. B. - Castaway Kid: One Man's Search for Hope and Home
021489: Siri L. Mitchell - Moon Over Tokyo
286495: Mitchell, W.O. - W.O. Mitchell Country Portrayed by Courtney Milne
010222: Mitchell, W. O. - Ladybug Ladybug
019501: 'MARY RUSSELL MITFORD' - Our Village
286033: Nancy Mitford - Madame de Pompadour
017402: Mitford, Jessica - Decca: The Letters of Jessica Mitford
027032: Jacqueline Mitton - Astronomy an Introduction for the Amateur Astronomer
285595: Mix, Paul E - The Life and Legend of Tom Mix
010282: George W. Mixter - Primer of Navigation with Complete Tables and work Forms and Special Information for yachtsmen and Other Mariners
005939: Mizutani, Nobuko-Ochanomizu University - How to Use Japanese
024990: Sarah Mlynowski - Ten Things We Did (and Probably Should't have)
027270: Seth Mnookin - Hard News
0284252: Elizabeth Moad - The Paper Crafter's Bible
286461: Modesitt, L. E. - Fall of Angels
286428: Modesitt, L. E. - The Death of Chaos
287373: Modesitt, L. E. Jr. - The Order War (The Saga of Recluce Vol.4)
287188: L E Modesitt, Jr - The Magic of Recluce, The Towers of the Sunset, The Magic Engineer (The Saga of Recluce Book 1,2,3)
016846: Mohr, Richard D. - Gays/Justice: A Study of Ethics, Society, and Law
023620: John S. Moir, Editor - The Cross in Canada - vignettes of the Churches Across Four Centuries
016793: John Mole - It's All Greek to Me! a Tale of a Mad Dog and an Englishman, Ruins, Retsina - and Real Greeks
021675: Rich Mole - Great Stanley Cup Victories: Glorious Moments in Hockey (Amazing Stories)
017761: Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women;Molgat, Anne - Sharing Our Experience
027220: Sara Bowman Michel Molinare - A Fashion for Extravagance Art Deco Fabrics and Fashions
005316: Elick Moll - Mr. Seidman and the Geisha
287127: Victor Mollo and Nico Gardener - Card Play Technique or The Art of Being Lucky
286745: Victor Mollo - Will You Be My Partner?
286826: Victor Mollo - Streamlined Bridge or Bidding Without Tears
016766: Molony, John N. - The Penguin Bicentennial History of Australia: The Story of 200 Years
018237: Molson, Karen;Buist, Hilbert;Molson, John H. R. - On His Way in the World: The Voyages and Travels of John H.R. Molson, 1841
016497: Momaday, N. Scott - The Names: A Memoir
007281: Kelly Monaghan - The Insider Guide to Air Courier Bargains
008159: Monaghan, Kelly - Air Courier Bargains: How to Travel World-Wide for Next to Nothing
005165: M C Scott Moncrieff - Kings and Queens of England
023092: Moncure, Jane Belk - What Can We Play Today? (Magic Castle Readers Social Science)
023091: Moncure, Jane Belk - A Wish-For Dinosaur (Magic Castle Readers Language Arts)
023090: Moncure, Jane B. - Mousekin's Special Day (Magic Castle Readers Social Science)
023089: Moncure, Jane Belk - Butterfly Express (Magic Castle Readers Science)
009843: Lester Mondale - Values in World Religions
006612: Monette, Paul - Sanctuary: a Tale of Life in the Woods
008518: Moneymaker, Chris - Moneymaker : How an Amateur Poker Player Turned $40 into $2. 5 Million at the World Series of Poker
027940: Denis Moniere - Le Developpement Des Ideologies Au Quebec Des Origines a Nos Jours
0284398: Carmela A Monk - Secret Keys Stories That Unlock a Child's Potential
018574: Monk, Carl;Knap, Jerome J. - A Complete Guide to Canoeing: A Manual on Technique and Equipment and the Best Canoeing Routes in North America
020873: Maria Monk - The Awful Disclosures - 1851
024347: R. W. Monro - Highland Clans and Tartans
025977: Monro, Robin Dr.; Nagendra, Dr.; Nagarantha, Dr.; Monro, Dr. Robin - YOGA FOR COMMON AILMENTS
286322: H M Mons - The Sword of Satan - complete and unabridged
025432: Monsarrat - the Time Before This
287483: Nicholas Monsarrat - Smith and Jones
023478: Nicholas Monsarrat - the Tribe That Lost Its Head
026783: Nicholas Monsarrat - The Story of Esther Costello
025330: M F Ashley Montagu, Editor - Culture and the Evolution of Man
023462: Montague, John - An Occasion of Sin
009340: Montaigne, Fen - Reeling in Russia
0284280: Colin Monteath - Antarctica Beyond the Southern Ocean
017121: Monteseri, Pepe - Azucar
026841: Montessori, Maria - Montessori Method
013090: John Montgomerie and Sefton D. Temkin - Topham's Company Law
285779: L M Montgomery - Anne of the Island
003130: John Montgomery - The World of Cats
286545: Montgomery, John Warwick, Ed., With Fuller, Edmund ; Clyde S. Kilby; Russell Kir - Myth, Allegory, and Gospel: An Interpretation of JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, GK Chesterton, Chas Williams
023417: L. M. Montgomery - Anne of Green Gables (The World's Best Reading)
016755: Montgomery, Ruth Shick - Ruth Montgomery: Herald of the New Age
013457: Montgomery, L.M. - Anne of Avonlea
013191: Montgomery, L.M. - Pat of Silver Bush
021549: L.M. Montgomery - Anne's House of Dreams
021449: Patricia A. Monture & Patricia D. McGuire - First Voices - an Aboriginal Women's Reader
287268: Monty, Shirlee - May's Boy: An Incredible Story of Love
028330: Susanna Moodie - Life in the Clearings
022604: Mrs. Susanna Moodie - Roughing it in the Bush, or Forest Life in Canada - Unabridged
287230: Moody, Jo - Make Necklaces: 16 Projects for Creating Beautiful Necklace (Make Jewelry Series)
010088: Moody, Jo - Beads - Easy to Make Projects to Give and Treasure
023889: Moody, Susan - Misselthwaite - the Sequel to the Secret Garden
008389: Moody, Skye Kathleen - K Falls
028013: Rick Moody - Demonology Stories By
020437: William Least Heat-Moon - River-Horse: A Voyage Across America
000663: Robert Moon - I Found Canada Abroad
002105: Heat-Moon, William Least - River-Horse: Across America By Boat
286672: Booth Mooney - Henry Clay
286605: Moorcock, Michael - The Chronicles Of Corum
287141: Michael Moorcock - City of the Beast
286814: Michael Moorcock - The Revenge Of The Rose
286424: Moorcock, Michael - The Cornelius Chronicles: The Final Programme / A Cure for Cancer / The English Assassin / The Condition of Muzak
286664: Michael Moorcock - Stormbringer
286149: Moorcock, Michael - Hawkmoon (Eternal Champion, Vol 3)
286607: Moorcock, Michael - Swords The Trilogy complete in one novel
286861: Moore, Dan - The Brainpower Bible: Fun Exercises and Puzzles to Make You Think Quicker and Remember More
003959: Moore, Pete - Super Bugs: Rogue Diseases of the Twenty-First Century
001447: Moore, Brian - The Magician's Wife
025913: Moore, Brian - The Statement
286020: Moore, Alan; Lloyd, David - V for Vendetta
0284216: Peter Moore - Damn His Blood
005166: Mary F Moore - Canadian Magic
005448: T. Inglis Moore, Editor - A Book of Australia
005449: T. Inglis Moore, Editor - A Book of Australia
006154: Moore, Michael - Dude, Where's My Country?
284844: Patrick Moore, editor - 2001 Yearbook of Astronomy
0284117: Abd Al-hayy Moore - Zen Rock Gardening
027218: Patrick Moore - Watchers of the Stars
009011: W.G. Moore - Editor - A Dictionary of Geography
020051: Terence Moore - The Captured Harvest - Creating Exquisite Objects from Nature
287313: Moore, Patrick - Men of the Stars The Story of the men who charted the heavens and the discoveries they made
003516: Moore, Tom - The Plains of Madness
023943: Moore, Michael - Will They Ever Trust Us Again?: Letters From the War Zone
0283637: Thomas Moore - Meditations on the Monk Who Dwells in Daily Life
024923: Brian Moore - LIES OF SILENCE.
285254: Dorothea Moore - Three Feet of Valour - The Paladin Series
286037: George Moore - Heloise and Abelard Vol. 1 & 2 in one book
0284365: W G Moore - A Dictionary of Geography
019478: Michael Moore - Here Comes Trouble - Stories from My Life
017122: Walker Moore - Ritual De Transicion En La Crianza De Los Hijos
017073: Moore, Kathleen Dean - Holdfast: At Home in the Natural World
022948: Dudley Moore - Dudley Moore Off-Beat: My World of Music
014530: Moore, Jim - Swan: The Second Voyage
012894: Patrick Moore - Legends of the Stars
021210: Kevin Moore - The Mersey Ship Repairers: Life and work in a port Industry
287892: Dinty W. Moore - The Accidental Buddhist: Mindfulness, Enlightenment, and Sitting Still, American Style
012504: Moore, Colin - Outdoors in New Zealand
020883: Christopher Moore - Adventurers: Hudson's Bay Company, The Epic Story
0283754: Thomas Moore - Original Self Living with Paradox and Originality
286883: Moore, William - Home Beermaking: The complete beginner's guidebook
020987: Alan Moorehead - The Blue Nile
016732: Alan Moorehead - No Room in the Ark
016673: Alan Moorehead - The White Nile
015839: Moorehead, Alan - The Fatal Impact: The Invasion of the South Pacific, 1767-1840
015594: Moorehead, Alan - Darwin and the Beagle
021421: Caroline Moorehead - Freya Stark (Lives of Modern Women)
287786: S H Moorfield and H H Winstanley - Heat Engines
012487: Hopkins Moorhouse - Deep Furrows
0283797: Anita Moorjani - Dying to be Me My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing
020838: Shani Mootoo - Valmiki's Daughter
006983: Dom Moraes - Gone Away-an Indian Journal
009528: Moraes, Dom F. - Indira Gandhi
006479: Moran, Lindsay - Blowing My Cover: My Life as a Cia Spy
023328: Moran, Diana - Fresh Face : The Easy Way to Look 10 Years Younger
023609: Moran, Thomas - The Man in the Box
012242: Morantz, Alan - Where Is Here: Canada's Maps and the Stories They Tell
001346: Moravec, Ivo - Tightrope Passage: Along the Refugee Route to Canada
026280: Mordal, Jacques (transl By Len Mordal) - Twenty-five Centuries of Sea Warfare
023715: Jacques Mordal - 25 Centuries of Sea Warfare
285903: Thomas More - Utopia (Dover Thrift Editions: Philosophy)
023422: Thomas More - Utopia (Norton Critical Editions)
285726: Morella, Joe - Paul and Joanne
022398: Pepe Moreno - Batman Digital Justice
025053: William C Morey - Outlines of Roman Law Comprising Its Historical Growth and General Principles
010455: Morgan, Marlo - Mutant Message Down Under
007542: Morgan, Robin - The Demon Lover: the Roots of Terrorism
025885: Charles Morgan - The River Line
286860: Nicola Morgan - Know Your Brain
003568: Morgan, Marlo - Message From Forever
008618: Morgan, Bernice - Random Passage
024732: Charles Morgan - The Voyage
016308: Morgan, Bernice - Waiting for Time
016506: Morgan, Bernice - The Topography of Love - Stories
016307: Morgan, Bernice - Random Passage
015932: Morgan, Bernice - Random Passage
014661: Morgan, Bernice - Waiting for Time
010502: Ted Morgan - Churchill - Young Man in a Hurry 1874-1915
022502: Robert Morgan - Gap Creek : The Story of a Marriage - Book Oprah's Club
022654: Elaine Morgan - The Descent of Woman
011766: Morgan, Edmund Sears - The Puritan Dilemma: The Story Of John Winthrop
021272: Dwayne Morgan - Long Overdue - Poetry
0283761: Robert J Morgan - All To Jesus a Year of Devotions
027644: Ben Morgan - Night Sky Detective - Eyewitness Explorer Explore Nature with Loads of Fun Activities
0283780: Bill Morgan - The Typewriter is Holy the Complete Uncensored History of the Beat Generation
0284470: Kisaku Mori - Mushrooms as Health Foods
000750: Mori, Kyoko - Polite Lies: on Being a Woman Caught Between Cultures
022636: James Morier - The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
287609: Samuel Eliot Morison, editor - The Parkman Reader - From the Works of Francis Parkkman
015254: Samuel Eliot Morison - The European Discovery of America - the Northern Voyages A.D. 500-1600
018404: Samuel Eliot Morison - The Story of Mount Desert Island
015854: Samuel Eliot Morison - Samuel De Champlain - Father of New France
022292: Theresa Moritz; Albert Moritz - Stephen Leacock: His Remarkable Life
028344: Christopher Morley - The Old Mandarin
025806: Morley, Sheridan; Wilde, Oscar - Oscar Wilde
005017: Morley, Patricia - Selected Stories of Ernest Thompson Seton
005403: Christopher Morley - Hasta La Vista-Or, a Postcard From Peru
004814: Morley, John David - Pictures From the Water Trade: Adventures of a Westerner in Japan
004601: Muriel E. Morley - Cleft Palate and Speech
022788: Christopher Morley - The Haunted Bookshop
023303: Christopher Morley - Bright Cages
022603: Christopher Morley - Where the Blue Begins
023710: Christopher Morley - I Know a Secret
028244: Christopher Morley - The Powder of Sympathy
026998: Christopher Morley - Plum Pudding of Divers, Ingredients, Discreetly Blended and Seasoned
021219: Christopher Morley - Toulemonde
022419: Christopher Morley - The Ballad of New York, New York and Other Poems 1930-1950
0284721: Christopher Morley - Chimneysmoke
020025: Christopher Morley - Parnassus on Wheels
009279: Arthur Morley and Edward Hughes - Basic Engineering Science with Diagrams
022093: Michael Morpurgo - Arthur - High King of Britain
003546: Dermot Morrah - To Be a King
018108: Dermot Morrah - The Work of the Queen
024952: Morrall, Clare - Astonishing Splashes of Colour
027334: E J Morrall, Editor - Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (Pius II) The Goodli History of the Ladye Lucres of Scene and Her Lover Eurialus - the Early English Text Society O. 308
025874: Morrell, David - Fireflies
010668: Morrell, David - Assumed Identity
026552: Beth Morrey - Saving Missy
285666: Penny Morris, editor - the Girl Guide Annual 1984
001831: Morris, Mary - House Arrest
019235: Morris, Caroll - A Suzuki Parent's Diary, or How I Survived My First 10,000 Twinkles (Suzuki Method International S)
003602: Morris, Thomas V.; Morris, Tom Ph.D. - If Aristotle Ran General Motors: the New Soul of Business
004889: Morris, Jan - A Writer's House in Wales
025371: Sidney Morris - Fons Perennis - an Anthology of Medieval Latin for Schools
025238: Heather Morris - The Tattooist of Auschwitz
008351: Morris, Mary, Editor - Maiden Voyages: Writings of Women Travelers
017199: Morris, Roger - Partners in Power: The Clintons and Their America
014074: Morris, Jan - Fifty Years of Europe: An Album
004409: Morris, Mary McGarry - Songs in Ordinary Time
027639: John Morris - The Age of Arthur - a History of the British Isles from 350 to 650
021426: Desmond Morris - Intimate Behaviour
286512: Will Morris, President et al - Art Toronto 2013 Official Catalogue
008330: John Morrish, Editor - Guitar Facts-the Essential Reference Guide
022275: Toni Morrison - Paradise
026465: Morrison, Toni - Song of Solomon
023228: Patricia Kennealy-Morrison - The Oak above the Kings (The Tales of Arthur) Vol II
000042: Morie Morrison - Here's How in Golf
285216: Harry Steele Morrison - The Adventures of a Boy Reporter
018958: Morrison, Amanda;Matthews, Cally - Simple Handmade Furniture: 23 Step-By-Step Weekend Projects
022736: Toni Morrison - Love
015675: Morrison, Blake - The Justification of Johann Gutenberg
287110: Morrissey - Autobiography
001622: Bradford Morrow And Patrick McGrath Editors - The New Gothic-a Collection of Contemporary Gothic Fiction
012354: Morrow, James - The Last Witchfinder : A Novel
003713: Morrow, P - Beyond Everest
023013: Honore Morrow - Great Captain - the Lincoln Trilogy of Forever Free - with Malice Toward None - the Last Full Measure
013397: Morrow, Lance - Evil: an Investigation
012120: Morrow, Patrick et al - Adventures in Photography
021812: James Morrow - The Philosopher's Apprentice
287973: Eric W Morse+ - Fur Trade Canoe Routes of Canada/Then and Now
016800: Greg Mortenson - Sur Ces pierres, Tu Batiras Des Ecoles
016213: Greg Mortenson - Stones Into Schools - Promoting Peace through Education in Afghanistan and Pakistan
014577: Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin - Three Cups of Tea - One Man's Mission to Promote Peace. One School at a Time
011476: Mortimer, Monty - Competition Training for Horse and Rider
023168: John Mortimer - The Anti-Social Behaviour of Horace Rumpole
027963: John Mortimer - Felix in the Underworld
027964: John Mortimer - The Summer of a Dormouse
010564: Morton, Frederic - A Nervous Splendor : Vienna, 1888-1889
005307: H. V. Morton - A Stranger in Spain
005458: H. V. Morton - In Search of England
007565: Morton, Mark; Noble, Gail - The End: Closing Words for a Millennium
004733: Morton, W. L.; Hannon, Leslie F. - This Land, These People: an Illustrated History of Canada
005185: Grace L. Morton - Country Views
023823: H V Morton - I saw Two Englands
005599: H. V. Morton - The Spell of London
025490: John Creasey as Anthony Morton - The Baron and the Unfinished Portrait
024634: Morton, Desmond; Granatstein, J. L. - Victory 1945: The Birth of Modern Canada
020550: Grace L. Morton - COUNTRY VIEWS
027757: Frederic Morton - The Rothschilds - a Family Portrait
287181: John Morton - Redeeming Creation A Christian World Evolving
023434: Andrew Morton - William & Catherine - Their Story
023455: Morton, Andrew - Madonna
023502: Morton, Andrew - Diana: Her New Life
027617: Desmond Morton and J. L. Granatstein - Marching to Armageddon - Canadians and the Great War 1914-1919
015648: Morton, Desmond - A Short History of Canada
014222: H V Morton - Atlantic Meeting - An Account of Mr. Churchill's Voyage in H.M.S. Prince of Wales, in August 1941, and the Conference with President Roosevelt Which Resulted in the Atlantic Charter
013587: Morton, Desmond - A Short History of Canada
013354: Morton, Mark Steven;Morton, Mark;Noble, Gail - The End: Closing Words for a Millennium
287880: Morton, Andrew - Wallis in Love: The Untold Life of the Duchess of Windsor, the Woman Who Changed the Monarchy
020955: W. L. Morton - Manitoba: A History
019764: James Morwood - The Pocket Oxford Latin Dictionary
016305: Moses, Barbara Ph.D. - Career Intelligence: Mastering the New Work and Personal Realities
0283904: Marcia Moses - Creative Watercolor New Ways to Express Yourself
004632: Mosher, Steven W. - Broken Earth: the Rural Chinese
021165: Mosher, Steven W. - Stretchmarks - 15 Years of Aislin Cartoons
287488: Mosley, Charles - Charles Dickens: A Celebration of His Life and Work
021125: W. Stanley Moss - Ill Met By Moonlight - a Daring WWII Mission on Nazi-held Crete
285067: Michael Moss - Salt Sugar Fat How the Food Giants Hooked Us
286900: Moss, Alan - The Beginner's Guide to Still Life Drawing
000247: Moss, John - Invisible Among the Ruins: Field Notes of a Canadian in Ireland
022623: Barbara Robinette Moss - Change Me into Zeus's Daughter - a Memoir
011042: Moss, Linda - Scott Reade - Wolf Song Visions - the Earthwalk of Lela and Kahla Remembered
016727: Moss, John George - Invisible Among the Ruins: Field Notes of a Canadian in Ireland
016085: Moss, Cynthia and Martyn Colbeck - Echo of the Elephants: The Story of an Elephant Family
025579: Moss, Robert - Mexico Way
285520: W Stanley Moss - Bats with Baby Faces 165
001752: Ron Mossop - Sundreamer's Flight
022359: Bernard Most - Dinosaur Cousins
285963: Mother, The - Commentaries on "the Life Divine": Two of the Last Chapters
017329: Motlagh, Hushidar Hugh - One God, Many Faiths, One Garden, Many Flowers
023863: Motley, Mark Edward - Becoming a French Aristocrat: The Education of the Court Nobility, 1580-1715 (Princeton Legacy Library)
0284722: Richard G Moulton - St Luke and St Paul Vol. 2
010433: Charles P. Mountford - The Dawn of Time - Australian Aboriginal Myths in Paintings
007134: Sabri Moussa - Seeds of Corruption
007726: Farley Mowat - The Polar Passion: the Quest for the North Pole-With Selections From Arctic Journals
0284637: Farley Mowat - Born Naked
285296: Farley Mowat - A Whale for The Killing
284962: Claire Mowat - The French Isles
023444: Mowat, Farley - Rescue the Earth: Conversations with the Green Crusaders
016608: Mowat, Farley - A Whale for the Killing
014103: Mowat, Farley - The World of Farley Mowat - a Selection from His Works
013474: Farley Mowat - And No Birds Sang
287526: Mowat, Farley - Virunga: The Passion Of Dian Fossey
286386: Mowat, Farley - Aftermath: Travels in a Post-War World
026449: Bill Moyer - This Unique Heritage - the Story of Waterloo County
025636: John W Moyer - Practical Taxidermy - a Working Guide
017265: Moynahan, John K. - 50 Years at the Game: A Sports Traveler's Journey
008244: Moynihan, Ruth B.;Armitage, Susan - So Much to Be Done: Women Settlers on the Mining and Ranching Frontier
005119: Moynihan, Daniel - Came the Revolution: Argument in the Reagan Era
020866: Douglas Mudd - All the Money in the World - the Art and History of Paper Money and Coins from Antiquity to the 21st Century
023909: Muggeridge, Malcolm and Alec Vidler - Paul, Envoy Extraordinary
005886: Muir, John - Travels in Alaska
003906: Muir, John - Story of My Boyhood and Youth, the
003968: Muir, John; Bade, William Frederic - The Cruise of the Corwin: Journal of the Arctic Expedition of 1881 in Search of De Long and the Jeannette
027858: Michelle Muir - Nuff Said Poems Spoken Word CD Included
006025: Muir, John - The Wilderness World of John Muir
008281: Muir, Richard - The Villages of England
013749: Kate Muir - Left Bank - a Novel
022543: Bharati Mukherjee - Miss New India
285914: Siddhartha Mukherjee - The Emperor of All Maladies A Biography of Cancer
015190: Mulder, Niels - Inside Indonesian Society: Cultural Change in Java
000466: Karen Mulhallen, Editor - Descant 54: Fall Fiction Issue
000464: Karen Mulhallen, Editor - Descant 56/7-Comedy and the Sporting Life
000465: Karen Mulhallen, Editor - Descant 27-28
006249: Karen Mulhallen, Editor - Descant 79/80 Winter/Spring 1992/93 Space I
000467: Karen Mulhallen, Editor - Descant 64/5 Filmsounds
285213: Karen Mulhallen, editor - Descant 73 Summer 1991 Vol. 22 No. 2 R. Murray Schafer Patria and the Theatre of Confluence
003359: Mulhallen, Karen - Views From the North-an Anthology of Travel Writing
015702: Karen Mulhallen, Editor - DESCANT 149 - Summer and Smoke: The Search for Values with 2010 Collins/Descant Poetry Prize Winners
000468: Karen Mulhallen, Editor - Descant 43
000470: Karen Mulhallen, Editor - Descant 25-26. Special Prose Issue
000471: Karen Mulhallen, Editor - Descant 48-Featuring Ann Ditchburn
000472: Karen Mulhallen, Editor - Descant 47-Poetry Coast to Coast
025564: Kare Mulhallen, Editor - Descant 111, Winter 2000, Vol.31 No.4 Tales for a Winter's Day
008944: Mullan, Bob - In Search of Love
000933: Mullen, Robert - Americas
023186: Thomas Mullen - Darktown - a Novel
021933: Thomas Mullen - The Last Town on Earth
015469: Mullen, Tom - Rivers Of Change - Trailing the Waterways of Lewis & Clark

Next 1000 books from Judith Patton[an error occurred while processing this directive]
