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Judith Patton P.O. Box 71094, 484 Plains Rd. E., Burlington, ON. L7T 4J8 Canada. Tel.: +1 905-681-7998 Email: bookedex1@gmail.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
0283816: Graham and Rosemary Haley - Haley's Hints a Compilation
027259: James Norman Hall - Kitchener's Mob the Adventures of an American in the British Army
285467: F Marcus Hall, Richard S Stevens and John Wyman - The Kent and Canterbury Hospital 1790-1987
023200: Hall, Roger; Dodds, Gordon - A Picture History of Ontario
0284469: Mari Hall - Practical Reiki a Practical Step By Step Guide to This Ancient Healing Art
001562: Michael C. Hall, M.D. - Palestine: the Price of Freedom-Medical and Social Effects of the Intifada Uprising
024165: Ethel May Hall - Selling the Needy for a Pair of Shoes - and Other Stories
026101: J. Lincoln Hall, et al - Jubilate Sunday School Hymnal
287184: Hall, Douglas John - God and Human Suffering: An Exercise in the Theology of the Cross
026679: Hall, Roger & Gordon Dodds - Canada A History in Photographs
018093: Hall, Donald - When Willard Met Babe Ruth
016261: Edward T. Hall - The Silent Language
287644: Hall, David D. - A Reforming People: Puritanism and the Transformation of Public Life in New England
004260: Hall, James W. - Paper Products
022660: The Children of the Fifth Grade and Nan Hall, Their Teacher - Little Pitchers with Big Ears - How Young Americans Can Help America
005941: Gerry Hall - Offbeat Canada-101 Unusual Vacation Adventures
287175: Hall, Douglas John - The Cross in Our Context: Jesus and the Suffering World
006957: Eric Halladay - The Emergent Continent-Africa in the 19th C.
012722: William Hallberg, Editor - Perfect Lies: A Century of Great Golf Stories
008620: Meghan Hallett, Editor - Diary of Sarah Clinch : A Spirited Socialite in Victorian Nova Scotia
016986: Hallett, Martin - Folk and Fairy Tales
015577: Halley, Ned - Dictionary of Drink - An A-Z of Alcoholic Beveragess
005696: Richard Halliburton - Seven League Boots
027796: Richard Halliburton - The Royal Road to Romance
021552: Richard Halliburton - The Glorious Adventure
011174: Richard Halliburton - New Worlds to Conquer
006129: Hugh M. Halliday - Adventures Among Birds
023423: Halliday, Jan; Chehak, Gail - Native Peoples of the Northwest: A Traveler's Guide to Land, Art, and Culture
012406: Halliday, James - Classic Wines of Australia
017999: Timothy Hallinan - The Queen of Patpong - A Poke Rafferty Thriller
026878: Constance M Hallock - East from Burma
021526: Gill Farrer-Halls - The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Buddhist Wisdom: A Complete Introduction to the Principles and Practices of Buddhism
0283916: Gill Farrer-Halls - Working with Karma Understanding and Transforming Your Karma
008825: Halpern, Daniel - Antaeus/No 63, Autumn, 1989
009814: Halpern, Sue - Four Wings and a Prayer : Caught in the Mystery of the Monarch Butterfly
001475: Halpert, Sam - Raymond Carver: an Oral Biography
026148: Herbert Halpert, J. D. A. Widdowson - Folktales of Newfoundland The Resilience of the Oral Tradition Vol 1 and Vol 2
018926: Halpin, Marjorie M. - Totem Poles: An Illustrated Guide
010526: Halpin, Marjorie M. - Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
002275: Fred Halse - Road to Jerusalem-Romance and Revolution in a Tale of Three Crosses
024609: Elizabeth T. Halsey - Book of Interior Decoration - Ladies' Home Journal
0284644: Murat Halstead and A J Munson - The Life and Reign of Queen Victoria Including the lives of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra
287796: Jack Hambleton - Hunter's Holidays
285535: Stephen F Hamblin - American Rock Gardens
024001: Hambly, Barbara - The Emancipator's Wife: A Novel of Mary Todd Lincoln
285031: Wick Allison Jeremy Adams Gavin Hambly - condemned to repeat it The Philosopher who flunked life and other great lessons from history
285337: Gary Hamel - Leading the Revolution
022363: Mohsin Hamid - How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia - Uncorrected Proof Copy
285959: Tony Hamil, editor - Six Canadian Plays
021013: Sam Hamill, Editor - Poets Against the War
005362: Hamill, Pete - Snow in August
026293: Joe Hamilton - Murder in Biloxi
003242: Hamilton, Jane - Disobedience
002236: Hamilton, Masha - Staircase of a Thousand Steps
009102: Hamilton, Willie - M.P. - My Queen and I
023222: Bob Hamilton - Gene Autry and the Thief River Outlaws
023835: G. R. Hamilton - Game Gene Theory - How the Mind Actually Works and Why We All Survive
024913: Laurell K. Hamilton - Hit List - an Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Novel
021443: Clive Unger-Hamilton - The Entertainers
286104: Hamilton, Nigel - The Full Monty Vol. 1 Montgomery of Alamein 1887-1942
012864: Hamilton, Jane - The Short History of a Prince: A Novel
012745: Matt Hamilton - Through Travel and Error - Confessions of an Asylum Seeking Canadian
022705: Charles V Hamilton - The Black experience in American politics, (New perspectives on Black America)
027483: Loren Cunningham David Joel Hamilton with Janice Rogers - Why Not Women? - a Fresh Look at Scripture on Women in Missions, Ministry and Leadership
009473: Hamilton, Jane - Map of the World
023236: Anne Spence Hamilton - Echoes from an Old Farm Home - a Group of Poems
026529: Hamilton, Michael - Down memory line: The Sligo Leitrim & Northern Counties Railway
286135: Hamilton, Peter F. - The Reality Dysfunction (The Night's Dawn, 1)
022043: Dennis Hamley - Pageants of Despair
287724: Hammond, Paul - Marvellous Me?lie`s
028339: Norman Hampson - A Social History of the French Revolution
010442: Hampton, Kitty - The Happy Ship - Victuals and Vitals for Yacht Crews
286835: Hampton, Bob - How to Remember Every Card in the Deck
012961: Hampton, Bruce; Cole, David - The Great American Wolf
012642: Hampton, Bruce;Cole, David - Soft Paths: How to Enjoy the Wilderness Without Harming It
000907: Hampton, Bruce; Cole, David - Soft Paths: How to Enjoy the Wilderness Without Harming It
004785: Lyn Hancock - Alaska Highway-Road to Adventure
005282: Hancock, Lyn - There's a Raccoon in My Parka
005522: Hancock, Lyn - There's a Seal in My Sleeping Bag
010997: Hancock, Lyn - An Ape Came Out of My Hatbox: The Story of Gypsy, a Gibbon
287162: Hancock, Graham - Supernatural: Meetings With the Ancient Teachers of Mankind
025243: R.C.G. Hancock - The Right Way to Keep Dogs
003258: Geoff Hancock, Editor - Illusion One: Fables, Fantasies and Metafiction
004193: Hancock, Lyn - Looking for the Wild
022661: Thos. J. Hand - Guenon on Milch Cows - a Treatise Upon the Bovine Species in General
026620: Handelman, Stephen - Uncommon Kingdom, the British in the 1980's
027912: Thomas W Handford - William Ewart Gladstone Life and Public Services
008079: Handler, Marisa - Loyal to the Sky : Notes from an Activist
014060: Evan Handler - It's Only Temporary - the Good news and the Bad news of Being Alive
028128: Oscar & Lilian Handlin - Liberty and Power 1600-1760 Vol. 1
023901: Handy, Charles - The Age of Unreason
014813: Handy, Emory, et al - Ancient Hawaiian Civilization
012975: Handy, Charles - The Age of Paradox
021749: Amy Handy - The Golden Age of Sail (Golden Age of Transportation)
284963: Hank Haney - The Big Miss My Years Coaching Tiger Woods
287887: Nhat Hanh, Thich - The Energy of Prayer: How to Deepen Your Spiritual Practice
0284499: Thich Nhat Hanh - This Moment is Full of Wonders the Zen Calligrapy of Thich Nhat Hanh
285696: Thich Nhat Hanh - A Handful of Quiet Happines in Four Pebbles
0283786: Thich Nhat Hanh - The Blooming of a Lotus
0283788: Thich Nhat Hanh - Creating True Peace
024844: Tom Hanks - Angels & Demons DVD Two-Disc Extended Edition
018805: O'Hanlon, Redmond - Trawler : Journey to the North Atlantic
020409: Cliff Hanna - Bandits on the Great North Road: The bushranger as social force
008366: Hanna, Jay S. - Marine Carving Handbook: The Design and Making of Billetheads, Trailboards, and Other Marine Carvings
024968: Gabbie Hanna - Adultolescence
019675: Hanna, Karen C - GIS for Landscape Architects with CD
006240: Hans W. Hannau - The Bermuda Isles in Full Color
023093: Hannibal, Edward and Robert Boris - Blood Feud - a Documentary Novel
026916: Hannity, Sean - Deliver Us from Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism
005769: Hannon, Leslie F. - The Discoverers: an Illustrated History
010658: C.E.M. Hansel - Introduction By Edwin G. Boring - ESP - A Scientific Evaluation
028288: Harry Hansen, Edited By - The Pocket Book of O. Henry Thirty of His Finest Short Stories
005991: Hansen, Mark Victor; McCarty, Hanoch; McCarty, Meladee - 4th Course of Chicken Soup for Soul: 101 Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirits
0284003: J E Hansford and Other Noted Specialists - The Business Guide; or Safe Methods of Business
011712: Lawrence and Elisabeth Hanson - Marian Evans & George Eliot - A Biography
023824: Hanson, Peter G - Counter Attack the Joy of Stress Action
023194: Marianne Hanson, Editor - From Conflict to Peace: What Lessons Might We Learn from Episodes of Successful Resolution of Conflict?
285119: Anthony Hanson - Burgundy
028111: Peter G. Hanson - Stress for Success - Thriving on Stress and Work
010670: Hanson, Neil - The Custom of the Sea : A Shocking True Tale of Shipwreck, Murder and the Last Taboo
015872: Hanson, Neil - The Dreadful Judgement: The True Story of the Great Fire of London, 1666
286388: Hanson, P. - The Joy of Stress
005336: Mary O'Hara - Thunderhead
006357: John O'Hara - Appointment in Samarra
286806: Hardin, Terri - The Pre-Raphaelites: Inspiration from the Past
000643: Harding, Sandra; Petty, Dini - A Self-Directed Journey-the Recipe: 4 Ingredients for Achieving Health and Prosperity
016787: Mike Harding - A Little Book of Tombs & Monuments
015823: Harding, Duncan - Tug of War (December 22nd-December 31st 1941)
014093: Harding, Ford - Rain Making: The Professional's Guide to Attracting New Clients
008145: Harding, Anne - The Home Spa
023240: Robert Hardman - Our Queen
001871: Hardwick, Michael; Hardwick, Mollie - Alfred Deller: a Singularity of Voice
006341: Hardy, David T.; Clarke, Jason - Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man
286836: Hardy, Max - Competitive bidding with two suited hands
285973: Hardy, Thomas - The Mayor of Casterbridge (Broadview Literary Texts)
023383: Thomas Hardy - Far from the Madding Crowd
028290: Thomas Hardy - Far from the Madding Crowd
010048: John Hare - The Literature of France - A Short Introduction
023110: Harfeist, Peter H. - Auguste Renoir: 1841-1919 (A Dream of Taschen Art Series)
285068: Rahaf Harfoush - Yes We Did An Inside Look at How Social Media Built the Obama Brand
285381: Dorothy and Bob Hargreaves - Tropical Blossoms of the Caribbean over 100 full color pictures
023306: Dorothy and Bob Hargreaves - Tropical Blossoms of the Caribbean
027535: Maddy Hargrove Mic Hargrove - Freshwater Aquariums for Dummies
024451: Marion Harland et al - 365 Luncheon Dishes - a Luncheon Dish for Every Day of the Year
022384: Kristin Harmel - The Winemaker's Wife
019294: Clarissa Young Spencer; Mabel Harmer - Brigham Young At Home
015435: Harmer, Jeremy - The Practice of English Language Teaching
285191: Stephen J Harper - A Great Game The Forgotten Leafs & The Rise of Professional Hockey
007560: Harper, Timothy; Harper, Elizabeth - Your Name in Print: a Teen's Guide to Publishing for Fun, Profit and Academic Success
0284397: J Russell Harper - Krieghoff
026184: Jane Harper - The Lost Man
018654: Kenn Harper, Editor - Christmas in the Big Igloo: True Stories from the Canadian Arctic
0283889: Tom Harpur - For Christ's Sake
011898: Harpur, Tom - Prayer: The Hidden Fire
284807: Sari Harrar et al - The Sugar Solution
020328: Heinrich Harrer - Return to Tibet: Tibet After the Chinese Occupation
286560: Harrigan, Stephen - Comanche Midnight
015169: Harrigan, Stephen - Water and Light: A Diver's Journey to a Coral Reef
287858: James Harrington - The Commonwealth of Oceana Morley's Universal Library 53
023556: Harrington, Michael - The Twilight of Capitalism
014338: Lyn Harrington - Manitoba Roundabout
286359: Thomas A Harris - I'm OK -- You're OK A Practical Guide to Transactional Analysis
025521: Harris, Claire - Fables from the Women's Quarters
007597: Harris, Claire - Fables From the Women's Quarters
001634: Harris, Joanne - Holy Fools
020290: Eddy L. Harris - Mississippi Solo: A River Quest
023525: Harris, Thomas - Hannibal: A Novel
0283875: Geraldine Harris - Gods & Pharaohs from Egyptian Mythology
013325: Harris, Thomas - Hannibal Rising
285587: Christie Harris - Mouse Woman and the Muddleheads
003790: Harris, Frank - Bomb, the-the Classic Novel of Anarchist Violence
008707: Jim Harris - The Learning Paradox - Gaining Security By rediscovering the joy of Learning
0283635: Ruth Harris - Lourdes Body and Spirit in the Secular Age
0283709: Ed Harris - Golf facts, Figures & Fun
285957: Harris, Ruth - Dreyfus: Politics, Emotion, and the Scandal of the Century
017318: Harris, Sam - Letter to a Christian Nation
015809: Harris, Margaret;Coltheart, Max - Language Processing in Children and Adults: An Introduction
015614: Harris, Maria - Dance of the Spirit: The Seven Steps of Women's Spirituality
015512: Jim Harris - The Learning Paradox: Gaining Security By Rediscovering the Joy of Learning
013909: Harris, Christie; Reid - Raven's Cry
013369: Harris, Marvin - Why Nothing Works: The Anthropology of Daily Life
019636: Harris, Marian - The Three Little Pigs
287210: Harris, Larry - Bridge Players Companion
012441: Harris - Stamps of the United states, united Nations, and Canada and Provinces Fall/winter 1976-1977
008149: Max Harris & Alison Forbes - The Land That Waited
285397: Nathaniel Harris - The Life and Works of Dali
0284553: Terry Harrison, Geoff Kersey and Arnold Lowrey - Trace & Paint Watercolour
005230: Pamela Harrison - The First Original Authentic Unexpurgated Great Canadian Quiz Book
025357: Dick Harrison, Editor - Best Mounted Police Stories
000578: Fraser Harrison, Illustrated By Harriet Dell - The Living Landscape-the Seasons of a Suffolk Village
000031: Harrison, George H. - The Backyard Bird-Watcher
008677: Brian Harrison - South-east Asia - a Short History
0283660: Holly Harrison - Making Angels Ornaments and Dolls By Hand Step By Step Instructions for 47 Projects
000856: Harrison, David - The Sociology of Modernization and Development
018033: Marina Harrison & Lucy D. Rosenfeld - Country Artwalks from Maine to Maryland
015049: G. B. Harrison - Introducing Shakespeare
286427: Hazel Harrison, et al Editors - The Painting and Drawing Course Complete Lessons in Creating Figures, Portraits, Landscapes and Still Lifes
286824: Hazel Harrison - How to Paint and Draw: Drawing, Watercolour, Oil & Acrylic, Pastel- A Complete Course on Practical & Creative Techniques
027580: George Harrison - I Me Mine
007790: G.B. Harrison - Profession of English
009903: Harron, Don - Charlie Farquarson's History of Canada
009523: Hornell Hart, Ph.D - Autoconditioning:The New Way to a Successful Life
026523: Hart, Archibald D - Stress and your Child - Know the Signs and Prevent the Harm
003795: Hart, Matthew - The Irish Game-a True Story of Crime and Art
004898: Hart, Matthew - Diamond: a Journey to the Heart of an Obsession
009002: Hart, Josephine - Sin
019170: Hart, E.J. - The Selling of Canada: The CPR and the Beginnings of Canadian Tourism
026744: Hart, Anne - The Life and Times of Miss Jane Marple
026745: Anne Hart - Agatha Christie's Poirot: Life and Times of Hercule Poirot
026039: Henry H Hart - Sea Road to the Indies
014602: Hart, Mickey;Kostyal, K. M. - Songcatchers: In Search of the World's Music
021932: Brian Hart - Then Came the Evening
011672: Sir Basil Liddell Hart and Barrie Pitt - History of the Second World War - Part 16 - The sinking of the Bismarck
012575: Nina Hart - Crosses to Bear Love to Share - a Dedication to Single Mothers
004679: Hartley, Catharine With Ying Chang - To the Poles Without a Beard
011076: Hartley, Catharine; Chang, Ying - To the Poles Without a Beard : The Polar Adventures of a World Record-Breaking Woman
004989: Hartnoll, Phyllis - The Theatre: a Concise History-Revised Edition
015866: Hartnoll, Phyllis - The Theatre: A Concise History
0283936: Dolf Hartsuiker - Sadhus India's Mystic Holy Men
286867: Jeff Foxworthy; Brian Hartt - How to Really Stink at Golf
021031: David G. Hartwell - The Anthology of Canadian Science Fiction Northern Stars
287438: Haruf, Kent - Our Souls at Night: A novel
022451: Edward B. Harvey - The Lansdowne Era Victoria College 1946-1963
017017: D.C. Harvey, Editor - Journeys to the Island of St. John or Prince Edward Island 1775-1832
024249: John Harwood - The Seance
026050: Jeremy Harwood - Unexplained Mysteries of World War II
014009: Earl of Harwood and Antony Peattie - The New Kobbe's Opera Book
001134: Hasija, Nipla - The Unforgettable Past: a Story of Pain, Dilemma, Mystery and an Unusual Romance
285712: Haskell, Molly - From Reverence to Rape The Treatment of Women in the Movies
001757: Haskell, Molly - Holding My Own in No Man's Land: Women and Men and Film and Feminists
026545: Haslip, Joan - The Crown of Mexico: Maximilian and His Empress Carlota
021802: Janet Eagleson; Rosemary Hasner - Nature Hikes: Near-Toronto Trails and Adventures
022468: Arthur Hassall, Editor, William Stubbs - Historical Introductions to the Rolls Series
286878: David Hasselhoff - Making Waves - The Autobiography
011732: Milo Hastings, Rasmus Alsaker, Charles Clinton, William Howard Hay, John maxwell, and Dr. Max Rosenfeld - High Blood Pressure - The Menance to Life That Begins at Forth - a Symposium
010894: Macdonald Hastings - Jesuit Child
020681: Thom Hatch - The Last Days of George Armstrong Custer
023082: John Hatcher - A Sense of History: A Collection of Poems
019081: Harlan Hatcher and Erich A Walter - A Pictorial History of the Great Lakes
027121: J. S. Hatem - We Called Them Gods
026966: J H Hatfield - Fortunate Son - George w Bush and the Making of an American President
024726: C J Hauser - The From-Aways
006120: Hausman, Patricia; Hurley, Judith Benn - The Healing Foods: the Ultimate Authority on the Curative Power of Nutrition
024521: Vaclav Havel - The Memo
016910: Jaroslav Havelka - Reflections and Preoccupations
021612: Ronald Haver - A Star Is Born : The Making of the 1954 Movie and Its 1983 Restoration
017814: Haw, Stephen G. - A Traveller's History of China
009987: Ethan Hawke - The Hottest State
017120: David Freeman Hawke - Everyday Life in Early America
019900: Paul Hawken - Blessed Unrest
009628: Hawkes, John - Second Skin
024331: Stephen William Hawking - The Universe in a Nutshell
019499: Stephen W. Hawking - Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays
0284584: N Hawkins - Maxims and Instructions for the Boiler Room & Hand Book of Calculations for Engineers 2 Books
286218: Hawkins, Harriet - Classics and Trash (THEORY/CULTURE)
020722: Ellison Hawks - How it is Made
0284143: Harry B hawthorn, Editor - The Doukhobors of British Columbia
024473: Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Marble Faun or The Romance of Monte Beni
285658: Nathaniel Hawthorne - Tanglewood Tales
025963: Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter (Portland House Illustrated Classics)
019338: J.A.Haxby and R. C. Willey - Coins of Canada - 13th Edition 1995
009140: Dr. James A. Haxby - The Royal Canadian Mint and Canadian Coinage - Striking Impressions
021673: J. A. Haxby and R. C. Willey - Coins of Canada -15th Edition
020675: J. A. Haxby and R. C. Willey - Coins of Canada - 19th Edition
010601: Elizabeth Hay - Late Nights on Air
287459: Hay, Louise - The Power Is Within You
027118: Clarence L Hay, et al Editors - The Maya and Their Neighbors - Essays on Middle American Anthropology and Archaeology
013637: Elizabeth Hay - Late Nights on Air
286738: Louise Hay - You Can Heal Your Life Companion Book (Hay House Lifestyles)
021040: Mike Hayden - Exploring the north coast from the Golden Gate to the Oregon border by Mike Hayden
007875: Boeshaar;Hayden;Andrea;Hayden, Susannah;Susannah - Great Lakes: Love Stretches Her Hand Across Rough Waters in Three Historical Novellas
284916: Dorothy Hayden - Bid Better Play Better
007756: Hayden, Torey L. - Ghost Girl: The True Story of a Child in Peril and the Teacher Who Saved Her
026219: Mo Hayder - Birdman
003169: Hayes, Horace M. Captain - Veterinary Notes for Horse Owners-a Manual of Horse Medicine and Surgery
008078: Cliff Hayes - Francis Frith's Heart of Lancashire - Photographic Memories
020558: Bartlett H.hayes, Jr., Text - American Drawings - Drawings of the Masters
023355: Dirk Hayhurst - The Bullpen Gospels - Major League Dreams of a Minor League Veteran
008058: Haynes, Deborah J. - Art Lessons: Meditations on the Creative Life
018422: Michael Brent Haynes - Zen and the Art of Golf - A Round with Rich Fairway
000867: Haynes, Sterling - Bloody Practice: Reflections on Doctoring Around the World
025942: Hays, H. R. - Birds, Beasts, and Men - a Humanist History of Zoology
011598: Wilma Pitchford Hays - George Washington's Birthdays
001639: Haysom, Cari - Stampcraft: Dozens of Creative Ideas for Stamping on Cards, Clothing, Furniture and More
0284246: Cari Haysom - Stampcraft
000545: Charles H. Hayward - Antique Or Fake?
009168: Roy Hayward - Photography in a Nutshell
021691: Arthur L Hayward - Dickens Encyclopedia
0284684: Gar Anthony Haywood - It's Not a Pretty Sight - an Aaron Gunner Mystery
026504: Xaviant Haze - Liquid Conspiracy 2 - The CIAm MI6, and Big Pharma's War on Psychedelics
0284406: Kayleen M Hazlehurst - Popular Justice and Community Regeneration Pathways of Indigenous Reform
025921: Hazzard, Shirley - The Great Fire: A Novel
287917: Heacox, Kim - Shackleton: The Antarctic Challenge
016313: George Head - Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of North America Being a Diary of a Winter's Route from Halifax to the Canada's and During Four Months Residence in the Woods on the borders of Lake Huron and Simcoe
012936: Head, Ivan L.;Trudeau, Pierre Elliott - The Canadian Way: Shaping Canada's Foreign Policy 1968-1984
285821: Cecil Headlam - The Inns of Court Painted by Gordon Home Described by Cecil Headlam
024440: Headley, John W - Confederate Operations in Canada and New York (Collector's Library of the Civil War)
285183: Lord Headley - The Three Great Prophets of the World Moses Jesus & Muhammad
011608: Maggie Headrick and Celia Ehrlich - Seeing Buffalo
018572: J.J.Heagerty - The Romance of Medicine in Canada
003603: Ron Heagy With Donita Dyer - Life is an Attitude (a Tragedy Turns to Triumph)
287697: Tim Heald - The Best After Dinner Stories
025348: Heald, Tim - Philip: A Portrait of the Duke of Edinburgh
002507: Healy, Dermot - The Bend for Home
007913: Healy, Dermot - Sudden Times
021239: Seamus Heaney - The Redress of Poetry
286125: Seamus Heaney, translator - Beowulf: A New Verse Translation - Bilingual Edition
026256: Leo Heaps - Log of the Centurion
287868: O'Hear, Anthony - The Great Books: From The Iliad and The Odyssey to Goethe's Faust: A Journey Through 2,500 Years of the West's Classic Literature by O'Hear, Anthony (2007) Hardcover
0284319: Jerry Heard with Paul Dolman - The Golf Secrets of the Big-Money Pros
017720: Heard, Christopher - Dreaming Aloud: The Life and Films of James Cameron
013117: Helen Heardman - A Way to Natural Childbirth - a Manual for Physiotherapists and Parents to be
011735: Hearn, Lian - Grass for His Pillow
004095: Claudine Chiawei O'Hearn, Editor - Half and Half
011135: Lian Hearn - The Harsh Cry of the Heron - the Last Tale of the Otori
020590: Lafcadio Hearn - The Boy Who Drew Cats and Other Tales
005739: Lafcadio Hearn - Chita: a Memory of Last Island
019645: Hearne, Betsy Gould - Celebrating Children's Books: Essays on Children's Literature in Honor of Zena Sutherland
005284: Heath, Edward - Travels: People and Places in My Life
018362: Heath, Robin - Stonehenge
012463: Heath, Edward - Music: A Joy for Life
008502: Heathcote, Blake - Testaments of Honour: Personal Histories of Canada's War Veterans
026294: Michael Heatley - Italy
019475: Michael Heatley - Michael Jackson 1958-2009 Life of a Legend
026442: John Heaton - Routledge's Enlarged Ready Reckoner
287151: Heatter, Maida; Evins, Toni - Maida Heatter's Book of Great Desserts
000245: Hebert, J. - Travelling in Tropical Country
019847: Chantal Hebert - French Kiss - Stephen Harper's Blind Date with Quebec
021690: Peter Hecht - Weed Land - Inside America's Marijuana Epicenter and How Pot Went Legit
007523: Hedgecoe, John - John Hedgecoe's Complete Guide to Black & White Photography and Darkroom Techniques
001576: Hedgecoe, John - Basic Photography
028245: Sid G Hedges - The Home Entertainer
012200: Hedges, Burke;Hedges, Bert - Who Stole the American Dream: The Book Your Boss Doesn't Want You to Read
003458: Hedley, Olwen - Buckingham Palace
000994: Heft, Harry; O'Brien, Peter - Build a Better Book Club
286862: Alice Caldwell Hegan - Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
286243: Alice Caldwell Hegan - Mrs. Wigg of The Cabbage Patch
0284131: Robert Heidbreder - See Saw Saskatchewan
015136: Heide, Florence Parry - The Treehorn Trilogy: The Shrinking of Treehorn, Treehorn's Treasure, And Treehorn's Wish
287499: Heide, Chantal - Fix That Shit: A Couples Guide To Getting Past The Sticky Stuff
028006: Konrad Heiden - Der Fuehrer Hitler's Rise to Power
016265: Heighton, Steven - The Admen Move on Lhasa: Writing and Culture in a Virtual World
0284352: Alexandra Heilbron - Remembering Lucy Maud Montgomery
022641: Joan Heilbroner - Meet George Washington
004908: Heilbroner, Robert L. - Twenty-First Century Capitalism
008807: Heilbrun, Carolyn G. - Reinventing Womanhood
286016: Heilbrun, Carolyn G. - Writing a Woman's Life
007459: Van Campen Heilner - A Book on Duck Shooting
007010: John Heilpern - John Osborne-the Many Lives of the Angry Young Man
009612: Hein, Lucille E. - Entertaining Your Child
287287: William C Heine - The Last Canadian
009545: Heines, Jesse M. - Screen Design Strategies for Computer-Assisted Instruction
013575: Heinlein, Robert A. - Job: A Comedy of Justice
286574: Robert A Heinlein - The Past Through Tomorrow Future History Stories complete in one volume
024390: Bernd Heinrich - Winter World: The ingenuity of Animal Survival
000034: Heintzelman, Donald S. - A Manual for Bird Watching in the Americas
017209: Richard Heinzl - Founder of Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders - Cambodia Calling - a Memoir From the Frontlines of Humanitarian Aid
010567: Richard H. Helfant, MD, FACC - Courageous Confrontations
009268: Helfant, Richard H. M.D. - Women, Take Heart: A Leading Cardiologist's Breakthrough Program to Help Women Combat Heart Disease
286339: Harriet Schoenholz Bee; Cassandra Heliczer - MoMA Highlights 350 Works from The Museum of Modern Art New York
284854: Calvin Helin - Dances with Dependency
015083: Helldorfer, M.C. - L. M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables
286239: Heller, Steven - Sex Appeal: The Art of Allure in Graphic and Advertising Design
026746: Lillian Hellman - Pentimento aABook of Portraits
004146: Hellman, Judith A. - Mexican Lives
287755: Hellmann, Harald - The Best of American Girlie Magazines
022589: P. Hellweg - Book of Intriguing Words (Wordsworth Reference)
285455: Kristen Helmstetter - Coffee Self-Talk
000759: Helprin, Mark - Ellis Island & Other Stories
008411: Helwig, Maggie - Between Mountains
016485: Maggie Helwig - Girls Fall Down
024437: Hely, Sara - War Story
285871: Felicia Hemans - The Poetical works of Mrs. Hemans "The Albion Edition"
287467: Dr. Robert Hemflet, et al - Love Is A Choice Recovery for Codependent Relationships
020682: Vince Hemingson - Tattoo Design Directory - the Essential Reference for Body Art
286558: Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea
004184: Hemingway, Ernest; Hemingway, Patrick - True at First Light-a Fictional Memoir
027180: Ernest Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms
027181: Ernest Hemingway - For Whom the Bell Tolls
285125: Ernest Hemingway - The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway - The Finca Vigia Edition
018177: Hemingway, Ernest;White, William - Dateline, Toronto: The Complete Toronto Star Dispatches, 1920-1924
0284708: Karen Hemingway, Editor - The Encyclopedia of Stitches with 245 Stitches Illustrated and 24 Exquisite Projects
020110: Hemley, Robin - Turning Life into Fiction
004581: John Hemming - Red Gold: the Conquest of the Brazilian Indians, 1500-1760
027101: John Hemming - The Search for El Dorado
016604: Louis Hemon - Maria Chapdelaine
028180: Rosemary Hemphill, Selector - A Gift Book of Herbs and Herbal Flowers
286957: Dion Henderson - The Waltons The Bird Dog - A Whitman Book
286531: Zenna Henderson - The Anything Box
285660: Bruce Henderson - Sons and Soldiers
286615: Kathryn A. Kamp; Amy Henderson - Life in the Pueblo: Understanding the Past Through Archaeology
007129: Larry Henderson - A Journey to Samarkand
011679: Richard Henderson with Bartless S. Dunbar - Sail and Power - A Manual of Seamanship
004408: Henderson, Sara - The Strength in Us All
287695: Henderson, Zenna; Olson, Mark; Olson, Priscilla - Ingathering: The Complete People Stories of Zenna Henderson
024006: Junius Henderson - The Practical Value of Birds
285079: William Haywood Henderson - The Rest of the Earth
017106: Henderson, Lyndee Jobe - More Than Petticoats: Remarkable Illinois Women
016495: George V.Henderson - Keys
022470: Gilbert M. Joseph & Timothy J. Henderson, Editors - The Mexico Reader: History, Culture, Politics (The Latin America Readers)
027399: Colonel G F R Henderson, Edited By Jay Luvaas - The Civil War a Soldier's View - a Collection of Civil War Writings
028270: Burton J Hendrick - The Life and Letters of Walter H Page Vol. 1 and 2
025465: Harville hendrix, Ph.D. - Getting the Love You Want - a Guide for Couples
013229: Hendrix, Harville - Getting The Love You Want: A Guide For Couples
006402: Hendrix, Harville - Keeping the Love You Find: a Guide for Singles
012449: James B. Hendryx - Man of the North
287740: Henein, Marie - Nothing But the Truth: A Memoir
009559: Harry Henig - Storms of Fate
004120: Henighan, Tom - Maclean's Companion to Canadian Arts and Culture
287378: Henley, Thom - Rediscovery Ancient Pathways New Directions
007984: Henley, Patricia - Hummingbird House
026807: W E Henley - Views and Reviews Essays in Appreciation Literature
024062: Maurice N Hennessy - I'll Come Back in the Springtime - John F Kennedy and the Irish
0283507: Don Freeman BG Hennessy - Corduroy's Christmas a Lift the Flap Book
0284628: Max Hennessy - The Iron Stallions
005799: Thomas R. Henry - The White Continent-the Story of Antarctica
000646: Will Henry - Maheo's Children: the Legend of Little Dried River
007249: O. Henry - Cabbages and Kings
026446: Henry, Marguerite - Justin Morgan Had a Horse
008485: Henry, Robert Selph - The Story of the Mexican War
026031: Vera Henry - A Lucky Number
014565: Patrick Henry, Editor - Benedict's Dharma: Buddhists Reflect on the Rule of Saint Benedict
027347: Avril Henry, Editor - The Pilgrimage of the Lyfe of the Manhode Vol. 1 and 2 The Early english Text Society Nos. 288 & 292
012483: Brian Henry, Editor - Verse Vol 22 No 1 Interview with Mary Jo Bang
009376: James M. Henslin - Down to Earth Sociology: Introductory Readings
014949: Ted Henson - Discovering Canada: Using the Five themes of Geography - Middle School
288006: Selwyn Hepburn, Tom; Jacobson - The World's 72 Toughest Golf Holes
004498: Hepburn, Katharine - Me: Stories of My Life
000174: Gordon Hepburn - Africa, Australasia, and the British Isles
016439: Hepburn, Katharine - Me: Stories of My Life
0284664: Katherine Hepburn - The Making of the African Queen or How I Went to Africa with Bogart, Bacall and Huston and Almost Lost My Mind
287047: Artemis Herald - Chagall
005551: Jane Herbert - We Wander in Wessex
286697: Herbert, Frank - The Heaven Makers
0283595: Jacques Herbert - Katima.What?
018887: Herbert, Janice - Affordable Oriental Rugs - The Buyer's Guide to Rugs from China, India, Pakistan and Romania
286468: Herbst, Sharon Tyler - Never Eat More Than You Can Lift and other food quotes and quips
017229: Herck, Alice - The Enchanted Gardening Book: Ideas for Using Plants to Beautify Your World, Both Indoors and Out
0283907: Deborah Hercun, Editor - Complete Watercolor Course 35 Practical Lessons, Expert Hints and Tips
000554: Herdman, Kim - Gelato With the Pope: and Other Adventures of a Travel Writer in Europe
011638: Heren, Louis - Growing up Poor in London
024199: Robert Herjavec - Driven - How to Succeed in Business and in Life
285592: Aritha van Herk - Judith
002383: Van Herk, Aritha - Restlessness: a Novel
019790: Herm, Gerhard - The Celts: The People Who Came Out of the Darkness
017291: Herman, Marc - Searching for El Dorado: A Journey into the South American Rainforest on the Tail of the World's Largest Gold Rush
015949: Arthur Herman - Gandhi & Churchhill - the Epic Rivalry That Destroyed an Empire and Forged Our Age
0284755: George Herman - The Tears of the Madonna
006022: Erwin Helmle-Gerhard Hermes - Fatima-a Pictorial Book About the Country and the Miracles of Mary
001835: Dr. Juan Hernandex - Poetry From Chile: 26 New Voices
000249: Solange Hernando - A Profile of Spaniards in Ontario
286996: Herodotus - The Histories of Herodotus
0284057: A Ferdinand Herold - The Life of Buddha According to the Legends of Ancient India
288005: Herriot, James - James Herriots Yorkshire
026765: James Herriot - The Lord God Made Them All
285325: James Herriot - James Herriot's Dog Stories
0283596: James Herriot - Every Living Thing
016983: James Herriot - James Herriot's Dog Stories
019606: Herscovic, Alan - Second Nature: The Animal Rights Controversy
005405: Jean Hersey - The Shape of a Year
003831: Hersey, John - A Single Pebble
022385: John Hersey - Under the Eye of the Storm
004697: Hersh, Seymour - The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House
0284045: Tom Herstad - Love Care and Share a Message for Us All
010097: Hervey, George F.;Hems, Jack - Illustrated Encyclopedia of Freshwater Fishes
022759: Harold Courlander; George Herzog - The Cow-Tail Switch: And Other West African Stories
026032: Herzog, Gerard - The Jackson route
286417: Maurice Herzog - Annapurna Conquest of The First 8,000 metre Peak (26,493 feet)
284923: Olga Hesky - The Painted Queen - Ex-Lib
010507: Robert L. Hess - Ethiopia - The Modernization of Autocracy
286674: Thomas B Hess and John Ashberry - The Avant-Garde Art News Annual XXXIV
008871: Hesse, Karen - Out of the Dust
027104: David J Hesselgrave - Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally an Introduction to Missionary Communication
024443: Hesseltine, William Best - Civil War prisons
001317: Velmans-Van Hessen, Edith; Velmans, Edith - Edith's Story: the True Story of a Young Girl's Courage and Survival During World War II
014936: Hester, Elliott - Adventures of a Continental Drifter: An Around-the-World Excursion into Weirdness, Danger, Lust, And the Perils of Street Food
022259: Dorothy Hett - Behind the Hills
028243: Gerhard Hetz - Learning to Swim Quickly and Safely
014232: Heuer, Karsten - Walking the Big Wild : From Yellowstone to Yukon on the Grizzly Bears' Trail
002380: L'Heureux, John - The Miracle: a Novel
015922: Heurgon, Jacques - Daily Life of the Etruscans
026673: W A Heurtley, H C Darby et al - A Short History of Greece from Early Times to 1964
0284786: Phillip Hewett - The Unitarian Way
004935: Hewitt, Linda - All About Auctions
009138: Hewitt, Gavin - Terry Waite and Ollie North: The Untold Story of the Kidnapping and the Release
021939: Jason Hewitt - The Dynamite Room
013417: Hewitt, James - The Complete Yoga Book: Yoga of Breathing, Yoga of Posture, and Yoga of Meditation/Three Volumes in One
287203: Thor Heyerdahl - The Kon-Tiki Expedition
026907: Thor Heyerdahl - The RA Expeditions
021713: Thor Heyerdahl - The RA Expeditions
027434: Thor Heyerdahl - Aku-Aku
018102: Heymann, C. David - RFK: A Candid Biography of Robert F. Kennedy
022541: Christine Heyrman - Commerce and Culture: The Maritime Communities of Colonial Massachusetts, 1690-1750 (Maritime Cimmunites of Colonial Massachusetts. 1690-1750)
286570: Heywood, A. - Intermediate Technical Mathematics
014584: Carl Hiaasen - The Downhill Lie - a Hacker's Return to a ruinous Sport
013984: Hiaasen, Carl - Hoot
013918: Hiaasen, Carl - Nature Girl
026306: Hiaasen, Carl - Skinny Dip Read By Barry Bostwick
020645: Christopher Hibbert - Wolfe at Quebec: The Man Who Won the French and Indian War
287176: Hick, John editor - The Myth of God Incarnate
0284535: Julie Hickey - Quick & Clever Handmade Cards Over 80 Projects And Ideas for All Occasions
020428: Donald R. Hickey - Don't Give Up the Ship! Myths of the War of 1812
025644: W J Hickie - Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament
003230: Hicks, David - Tetum Ghosts & Kin: Fieldwork in an Indonesian Community
001435: Hicks, Robert - In Search of Wisdom: Timeless Insights for the Practice of Life
015760: Hicks, Robert - The Widow of the South
014286: Hidier, Tanuja Desai - Born Confused
005808: Hiebert, Carl - Gift of Wings: an Aerial Celebration of Canada
024790: Hiebert, Carl - SIGNED - Us Little People: Mennonite Children
285102: W H Higgins - The Life and Times of Joseph Gould
021024: William J Higginson with Penny - The haiku handbook: How to write, share, and teach haiku
024003: Higgs, Mike - The Sexton Blake Detective Library
018474: Higham, Charles - South East Asia
014372: Charles Higham- Rachanie Thosarat - Khok Phanom Di - Prehistoric Adaptation to the World's Richest Habitant
001100: Highwater, Jameke; Scholder, Fritz - Anpao: an American Indian Odyssey
001883: Highwater, Jamake - Anpoa: an American Indian Odyssey
017364: Highwater, Jamake;Valmiki Ramayana - Rama: A Legend
013475: Highwater, Jamake - Anpoa: An American Indian Odyssey
285487: Tomson Highway - Kiss of the Fur Queen
022175: Tomson Highway - Kiss of the Fur Queen
022176: Tomson Highway - Kiss of the Fur Queen - ARC
286896: Highway, Tomson - Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing
006412: Dr. Rainer Hildebrandt - It Happened at the Wall
015160: Hildebrandt, Walter;Hubner, Brian - The Cypress Hills: The Land and Its People
026191: Elin Hilderbrand - 28 Summers
026196: Elin Hilderbrand - The Identicals
284834: C Hugh Hildesley - The Complete Guide to Buying & Selling at Auction
002645: C.H. Hildreth And Bernard C. Nalty - 1001 Questions Answered About Aviation History
287961: Matthew D. Hileman - The Impressionist Landscape From Corot to Van Gogh (Masterworks from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
0284293: Tommy Hilfiger with Peter Knobler - American Dreamer My Life in Fashion & Business
025484: George Birkbeck Hill - Johnson History of Rasselas Prince of Abyssinia
287611: Kay Hill - And Tomorrow the Stars - The Story of John Cabot
0283802: Tamara Hill with Maryann Brinley - Fat Chat with Tamara How I Lost 100 Pounds and You Can Too
010060: F. Warner Hill - Labradors
027886: Rev W A Hill - The Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell with Notes and a Biographical Sketch
023615: Hill, Doug; Weingrad, Jeff - Saturday Night: A Backstage History of Saturday Night Live
000786: Hill, Kathleen; Hill, Gerald N.; Hill, Gerald - Victoria and Vancouver Island: a Personal Tour of an Almost Perfect Eden
027691: Douglas Hill - The Second Trap
017705: Hill, Lawrence - Any Known Blood
027108: Charlotte Hill and William Wallace - Erotica an Illustrated Anthology of Sexual art and Literature Plus Vol. II
007724: Louise Hillary - Keep Calm If You Can
015310: Hillen, David - Even Our Shadows Dance
286015: Hillen, Ernest - Way of a Boy a Memoir of Java
012797: Helen Train Hilles - Farm Wanted
009048: Hilley, Joe - Double Take
027619: General Rick Hillier - A Soldier First Bullets, Bureaucrats and the Politics of War
005904: Hillier, Malcolm - The Book of Fresh Flowers: a Complete Guide to Selecting and Arranging
022098: Fred HILLIER - Down the Back. The Era of the Outhouse
020545: John B. Hilling - The Historic Architecture of Wales - an Introduction
027087: Christopher Hills - Energy Matter & Form - Toward a Science of Consciousness, Vol. II the Supersensitive Life of Man
013721: Ben Hills - Princess Masako - Princess of the Chrysanthemum Throne - the tragic true Story of Japan's Crown Princess
005537: Norman Hillson - Alexander of Tunis-Biographical Portrait of a Distinguished Soldier Statesman
012788: James Hilton - Good-bye, Mr. Chips
011739: James Hilton - So Well Remembered
025016: James Hilton - Time and Time Again
009649: Hilton, James - Good-Bye, Mr. Chips, and Other Stories
007563: Hindley, Geoffrey - A Brief History of the Anglo-Saxons-the Beginnings of the English Nation
003707: Hindson, Ed; Hindson, Edward E. - Final Signs: Amazing Prophecies of the End Times
023534: Sherman Hines - Halifax
285123: The Busconductor Hines - James Kelman
285919: Barry Hines & Allan Stronach - The Play of Kes
026997: R W G Hingston - Darwin - a Biography - Great Lives
006465: Hinton, S. E. - Hawkes Harbor
024008: Hirnschall, Helmut - Indianische Mythem in Sagen Und Bildern (Indian Myths in Words and pictures) - Text in German Language
287002: Hirsch, E. D. - Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know
286301: Hirsch, Edward, The Art Institute of Chicago - Transforming Vision: Writers on Art
014931: E.D. Hirsch, Jr. - What Your Fourth Grader Needs to Know: Fundamentals of a Good Fourth-Grade Education
014932: E.D. Hirsch, Jr. - What Your Third Grader Needs to Know: Fundamentals of a Good Third-Grade Education
014933: E.D. Hirsch, Jr. - What Your Second Grader Needs to Know: Fundamentals of a Good Second-Grade Education
014934: E.D. Hirsch, Jr. - What Your First Grader Needs to Know: Fundamentals of a Good First-Grade Education
026803: Burt Hirschfeld - The Ewings of Dallas - Based on the TV Series
027332: John C Hirsh - Barlam and Iosaphat - a Middle English Life of Buddha - the Early English text Society
284951: David Hirshey and Roger Bennett Foreword by Steve Nash - The ESPN World Cup Companion Everything You Need to Know about the Planet's Biggest Sports Events
287577: Hirshey, Gerri - We Gotta Get Out of This Place: The True, Tough Story of Women in Rock
287588: Hirshey, Gerri - Nowhere to Run: The Story of Soul Music
024054: Stanley P. Hirshson - The Lion of the Lord - a Biography of Brigham Young
026354: Eric Hiscock - Cruising Under Sail (incorporating voyaging under sail) with 251 Photographs and 102 Diagrams
019535: Hiscock, Eric C. - Two Yachts, Two Voyages
007131: Eric Hiscock - Sou'Wes in Wanderer IV
019536: Hiscock, Eric - Wandering Under Sail
0284666: Arin Murphy-Hiscock - The Hidden Meaning of Birds a Spiritual Field Guide Explore the Symbology & Significance of These Divine Winged Messengers
285236: Hislop, John - Conversations with Sathya Sai Baba
004256: Hiss, Tony - The Experience of Place
021379: Tony Hiss - The Experience Of Place
011649: The Instituto Nacional De Antropologia e Historia - Uxmal - Official Guide
025511: Hitchcock, Susan Tyler - Mad Mary Lamb: Lunacy and Murder in Literary London
026774: Alfred Hitchcock, et al - The Best of Mystery: 63 Short Stories Chosen by the Master of Suspense
285162: Hitchens, Christopher - Arguably: Essays by Christopher Hitchens
287563: Hitchens, Christopher - God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything
026729: Hitt, Jack; Block, Lawrence; Caudwell, Sarah - The Perfect Murder: Five Great Mystery Writers Create the Perfect Crime
285327: Richard Hittleman - Yoga for Health The Total Program
015744: Joseph Hoag - Journal of the life of Joseph Hoag - an Eminent minister of the Gospel in the society of Friends
026839: Hoagland, Mahlon B - The roots of life
001482: Hoagland, Edward; Van Vliet, Claire - Notes From the Century Before: a Journal From British Columbia
287118: Hoban, Tana - Just Look
013269: Alice Tisdale Hobart - Oil for the Lamps of China
003735: Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan: Or the Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil
285736: R Gerald Hobbs - Songs for a Gospel People - Spiral Bound
024551: Michael Hobbs - Golf A Visual History
001720: Phyllis Hobe, Editor - Travels With Our Fellow Creatures
010412: Hobsbawm, E. J. - Industry and Empire - From 1750 to the Present Day - Vol. 3 The Penguin Economic History of Britain
006423: Hobson, Christine - The World of the Pharaohs-a Complete Guide to Ancient Egypt
005844: Hobson, Burton - Coin Collecting as a Hobby
000819: Adam Hochschild - The Mirror at Midnight-a Journey to the Heart of South Africa
287523: Hockinson, Michael J. - The Ultimate Beatles Quiz Book II
286981: David Hockney - That's the Way I See It
021343: I. Hodder - Reading the Past - Current Approaches to Interpretation in Archaeology
013146: Hodder, Rick M.D. - Every Breath I Take - a Guide to Living with COPD
021604: Ian Hodder - The Domestication of Europe -Structure and Contingency in Neolithic Societies
023896: Matthew Hodgart - Satire
000861: Hodgdon, Dana H. - Basic Filmmaking
0283618: Jessica Hodge - Frank Sinatra
002913: Hodges, Lewis H. - 66 Weekend Wood Furniture Projects
003065: John C. Hodges And Mary E. Whitten - Complete Guide to Effective English
028003: Turner Hodges, Editor - The Bible Story Library 4 volumes
023738: Henry Hodges and Edward Pyddoke - Ancient Britons: How They Lived
026261: Hodges, Goderic - Memoirs of an Old Balloonatic
008561: Hodgins, Jack - A Passion for Narrative: A Guide for Writing Fiction
009090: Hodgins, Jack - Broken Ground: A Novel
0283696: Brian Hodgkinson - The Essence of Vedanta
287615: Charles D Hodgman, compiler - Mathematical Tables from Handbook of Chemistry & Physics
022071: Lynn-Philip Hodgson - Inside-Camp X
019311: Barbara Hodgson - The Tattooed Map
015628: Hodgson, Michael - The Basic Essentials of Minimizing Impact on the Wilderness
014465: Hodgson, Barbara - Dreaming of East: Western Women And the Exotic Allure of the Orient
019329: Barbara Hodgson - The Tattooed Map
005010: Hodson, Peregrine - A Circle Round the Sun: a Foreigner in Japan
025915: Peter Hoeg - Smilla's Sense of Snow
014017: A.A. Hoehling - The Franklin Comes Home - the Saga of the Most Decorated Ship in Naval History
287947: Hoff, Benjamin - The Tao of Pooh
285221: Benjamin Hoff - The Te of Piglet
284821: Bridget Hoff - Paper Quilting
025045: Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond - How to Live with Schizophrenia
004718: Eric Hoffer - Working and Thinking on the Waterfront-a Journal June 1958-May 1959
008909: Hoffer, Charles R. - A Concise Introduction to Music Listening
003893: Hoffert, Paul - All Together Now: Communities Connected
027862: Susanna Hoffman - The Olive and the Caper Adventures in Greek Cooking
008713: Mary Hoffman - The Falconer's Knot
008779: Hoffman, Edward - Despite All Odds: The Story of Lubavitch
286265: Lee Hoffman - The Land KillerA Double D Western
013084: Alice Hoffman - Incantation
026778: Carl Timothy Hoffman - This is Greyhound Racinig
026656: Hoffman, Ernst Theodor; Humphries, Stella; Humphries, Vernon - Tales of Hoffmann (Penguin Classics)
025502: Felix Hoffmann - Joggeli Wott go Birli Schuttle/neui Bilder Zum Alte Vars Vom Felix Hoffmann
025503: Felix Hoffmann - der Wolf Und Die Sieben Geisslein
009795: Banesh Hoffmann - The strange Story of the Quantum
025492: Robert Hofsinde (Gray-Wolf) - Indian Beadwork - How to Create Your Own belts/bracelets/headbands/bags/chokers
023017: Robert Hofsinde (Gray-Wolf) - The Indian's Secret World
005852: Robert Hofsinde (Gray-Wolf) - Indian Beadwork
0283498: Chuck Hogan - Five Days to Golfing Excellence
0283852: Emily Hogarth - Cut Up This book! Step By Step Instruction for Artworks, Greeting Cards, Keepsakes and More
006741: Hogg, Peter - Crimes of War
284959: Sarah Hoggett - Making & Displaying Quilts Country Living
010742: Johannes K. Hogrebe - Abenteuer Der Wildnis - Waidwerk Und Fischwaid Im Kanadischen Busch
012054: Robert Holden - Happiness Now! Timeless Wisdom for Feeling Good Fast
284796: Anthony Holden - Oliver
285932: Holder, Deborah - Completely Frank: The Life of Frank Sinatra
0283559: Kemper Meyer Van Rys Sebranek Holditch - Effective Writing
010388: Holdstock, Pauline - Beyond Measure
287699: Merlin Holland - The Wit of Oscar Wilde
287718: Holland, Clifford G. - William Dawson Le Sueur (1840-1917, A Canadian Man of Letters : The Sage of Ottowa)
019042: Crossley-Holland, Kevin - Arthur : The Seeing Stone
019043: Crossley-Holland, Kevin - At the Crossing Places
019044: Crossley-Holland, Kevin - King of the Middle March
019041: Crossley-Holland, Kevin - Arthur : Vol. 1 The Seeing Stone, Vol. 2 At Crossing Places Vol. 3 King of the Middle March
011879: Crossley-Holland, Kevin - King of the Middle March
011880: Crossley-Holland, Kevin - At the Crossing Places
0284260: Annette Hollander - Easy to Make Decorative Boxes and Desk Accessories
284906: N Hollander & H Mertes - Yachtsman's Emergency Handbook - A Complete Survival Manual - The Cover that Glows in the Dark
0283894: Jess Byron Hollenback - Mysticism Experience, Response and Empowerment
0283877: Joe Holliday - Dale of the Mounted Atlantic Assignment
284917: Joe Holliday - Dale of the Mounted
017943: Joe Holliday - Dale of The Mounted Dew Line Duty
285744: Joe Holliday - Dale of the Mounted Dew Line Duty
022373: Tony Hollihan - The Mounties March West: The Epic Trek And Early Adventures of the Mounted Police
014321: Ray Hogan/Kyle Hollingshead - Trouble at Tenkiller/The Franklin Road
006616: Hollingshead, Greg - The Roaring Girl
005788: Hollingsworth, J. B. - Atlas of the World's Railways
011869: Holm, Jennifer L.;Holm, Matthew - Babymouse: Beach Babe 3
014809: Holm, Bill - Eccentric Islands: Travels Real and Imaginary
004517: Holman, Sheri - The Dress Lodger
286716: Holme, Bryan - Advertising: Reflections of a Century
023098: Holmes, Marjorie - The Messiah
007243: Holmes, Lowell D. - Treasured Islands: Cruising the South Seas With Robert Louis Stevenson
001041: Holmes, James William, Edited By Daughter Nora - Voyaging; Fifty Years on the Seven Seas in Sail
024106: Holmes, Richard - War Walks from Agincourt to Normandy - Accompanies the TV Series
020695: Jon Holmes - Rock Star Babylon
0283615: Nigel Holmes - The Lonely Planet Book of Everything a Visual Guide to Travel and the World
017586: Holmes, Richard - Battle
009931: Mrs. Mary J. Holmes (1825-1907) - The Rector of St. Mark's
009934: Mary J. Holmes (1825-1907) - Rosamond
009936: Mary J. Holmes - Aikenside
0283893: Ernest Holmes - The Science of Mind the Complete Edition
286941: Holmes, Ernest - The Science of Mind: 50th Anniversary Edition
008822: Virginia C. Holmgren - Wish on a Mountain
025809: Holroyd, Michael - Bernard Shaw, Vol. 1: 1856-1898 - The Search for Love
024231: Holroyd, Michael - Bernard Shaw: The One-Volume Definitive Edition
014086: Holstein, Lana - How to Have Magnificent Sex: The 7 Dimensions of a Vital Sexual Connection
007057: Holsti, K.J. - International Politics: a Framework for Analysis
287079: Holt, Anne - 1222: Hanne Wilhelmsen Book Eight (A Hanne Wilhelmsen Novel)
286918: Holt, Jim - Stop Me If You've Heard This: A History and Philosophy of Jokes
287794: Winifred Holtby - Mandoa, Mandoa! A Comedy of Irrelevance
006504: Holzel, Tom; Salkeld, Audrey - First on Everest
011589: Homans, George Caspar - The Nature of Social Science
023850: Douglas-Home, Charles - Rommel; (The Great commanders)
018915: Jessica Douglas-Home - A Glimpse of Empire
013409: Homer - The Odyssey
285470: Homer - The Odyssey translated by Robert Fagles
026580: Better Homes And Gardens Books - Better Homes and Gardens Quick and Easy Woodcrafts
017088: Better Homes and Gardens - Wildflowers and Special Gardens
0283711: Sat Chuen Hon - Taoist Qigong for Health and Vitality
010593: Honderich, John - Arctic Imperative: Is Canada Losing the North?
011134: Hong, Ying - Daughter of the River : An Autobiography
024811: Honig, Donald - The Brooklyn Dodgers: An Illustrated Tribute
003655: Honigsbaum, Mark - The Fever Trail in Search of the Cure for Malaria
010873: Hugh Hood - Around the Mountain - Scenes from Montreal Life
023597: Matthew Hood - I am Not a Scientist: Scientific Essays & Explorations
017131: Bruce M. Hood - The Science of Superstition - How the Developing Brain Creates Supernatural Beliefs
287854: Richard Hooker - Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity Books I-IV Morley's Universal Library 57
007737: Hooker, Jeremy - Welsh Journal
015722: Hooper, Anne - Great Sex Guide
020733: Ned E. Hoopes and Richard Peck - Edge of Awareness
009487: Hoover, Kenneth R. - The Elements of Social Scientific Thinking
005303: Laurence Hope - India's Love Lyrics-Including the Garden of Kama
006860: Laura Lee Hope - The Bobbsey Twins: Forest Adventure
009480: Hope, Christopher - Love Songs of N. J. Swirsky
006649: Laura Lee Hope - The Bobbsey Twins at Mystery Mountain
026234: Hope, Thomas - Costumes of the Greeks and Romans (Dover Fashion and Costumes)
285785: Laura Lee Hope - The Bobbsey Twins' Adventure in the Country 2
004243: Dalai Lama; Hopkins, Jeffrey; Napper, Elizabeth - Kindness, Clarity, and Insight: the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, His Holiness Tehzin Gyatso
010417: J. Castell Hopkins - French Canada and the St. Lawrence
007619: J. Castell Hopkins - The Story of the Dominion-a History of Canada for Four Hundred Years
027061: Anthony Hopkins - Songs from the Front and Rear Canadian Servicemen's Songs of the Second World War
028109: J Castell Hopkins and Murat Halstead - South Africa and the Boer-British War Comprising a History of South Africa and Its People Including the War of 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1902 Vol. 2
287972: J Castell Hopkins - Canada at War A Record of Heroism and Achievement 1914-1918 containing also A Stories of Five Cities by The Rev Robert John Renison - illustrated
285203: Lee Bennett Hopkins - Mama
009382: George E. Hopkins - Flying the Line Volume II: The Line Pilot in Crisis: ALPA Battles Airline deregulation and Other Forces
018497: Hopkins, Adam - Spanish Journeys - a Portrait of Spain
016593: Hopkins, Lee Bennett - Voyages - Poems By Walt Whitman
024149: Nalo Hopkinson and Geoff Ryman - Tesseracts Nine New Canadian Speculative Fiction
026791: Patricia Horan - 177 Favorite Poems for Children
008991: Horan, Martin - Scottish Executions, Assassinations, and Murders
007196: Paul Horgan - Citizen of New Salem
005628: Horn, Sandra; Lewith, George - Drug-Free Relief: a Self-Help Guide
002318: Horn, Shifra - The Fairest Among Women
016552: Horn, Stacy - The Restless Sleep : Inside New York City's Cold Case Squad
006564: Horn, Greg - Living Green: a Practical Guide to Simple Sustainability
286670: George Hornby, editor - Poems for Children and Other People
016870: Horne, M. Meyer - Power of the Zila - South Africa Thabazimbi
0283861: David E Horne, Editor - Catalogue of Creativity the Paintings of Mercedes Horne
0284750: Harvey A Hornstein - Brutal Bosses and Their Prey
0284568: Rick Hornung - One Nation Under the Gun Inside the Mohawk Civil War
024967: Eva Hornung - Dog Boy
018884: Hornung, Rick - At the Edge of All Things: In Search of Labrador
0284504: Ilan Horowitz - The Painless Guide to a Healthy Back
021976: Peter Collier; David Horowitz - The Fords: An American Epic
012648: Horsley, Kate - Black Elk in Paris
287093: Horton, Mark; Senior, Brian - 'For Love or Money: The Life of a Bridge Journalist'
287094: Horton, Mark; Kielbasinski, Radoslaw - The Bridge Magicians: Spellbinding Plays from the Polish Stars
006894: Rod W Horton & Herbert W. Edwards - Backgrounds of American Literary Thought
022516: Roberta Horton - Calico and Beyond: The Use of Patterned Fabric in Quilts
006047: Horwitz, Tony - Baghdad Without a Map: and Other Misadventures in Arabia
016144: Horwitz, Tony - Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before
007919: Horwood, Harold; Butts, Edward - Dancing on the Shore: A Celebration of Life at Annapolis Basin
009825: Horwood, H. - Joey - the Life and political Times of Joey Smallwood
019269: Harold Horwood - Tomorrow Will be Sunday
285049: Harold Horwood - Newfoundland
287701: Yukinobu Hoshino - 2001 Nights Space Fantasia Vol. 2 & 3 (Japanese Language)
286120: Hoshino, Yukinobu - 2001 Nights: Journey Beyond Tomorrow
286121: Hoshino, Yukinobu - 2001 Nights, Volume 1
021583: John Hoskin - Chiang Mai The Tranquil Valley
021070: Jay Hosking - Three Years with the Rat
287514: Hoskyns, Barney - Beneath the Diamond Sky: Haight Ashbury 1965 - 1970
004181: Janette Turner Hospital - Borderline
007537: Hospital, Janette Turner - Dislocations
004196: Hospital, Janette Turner - The Last Magician
009841: Hospital, Janette Turner - Borderline
011369: A.E. Hotchner - Papa Hemingway - A Personal Memoir
285621: A E Hotchner - Blown Away The Rolling Stones and the Death of the Sixties
286087: Hotchner, A. E. - Blown Away: A No-Holds-Barred Portrait of The Rolling Stones and the Sixties told by the Voices of the Generation
026383: Michel Houellebecq - Submission
005794: Hough, Richard Alexander - A History of Fighting Ships
023788: Richard Hough, Editor - Motor Car Lover's Companion
021433: Robert Hough - Dr. Brinkley's Tower
019259: Hough, Richard Alexander - Winston and Clementine: The Triumphs and Tragedies of the Churchills
285912: Henry Bettle Hough - Melville in the South Pacific
022796: Trevor Housby - Fresh Water Fish (Concise Illustrated Books)
023459: Houseman, John - Entertainers and the Entertained
021632: Paul Simpson-Housley - The Arctic: Enigmas and Myths
027932: Philip Houston, Michael Flloyd and Susan Carnicero - Spy the Lie Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect Deception
023998: Houston, James - Hideaway: Life on the Queen Charlotte Islands
028141: Nancy Houston - An Adoration
005019: James Houston - Songs of the Dream People
018285: James Houston - Songs of the Dream People
017482: Nancy Houston - Fault Lines
287974: James Houston - The White Dawn: An Eskimo Saga
015228: Houston, James - The Ice Master: A Novel of the Arctic
0284077: Dr James M Houston, Editor - A Life of Prayer Faith and Passion for God Alone
002530: Houston, James - The Ice Master: a Novel of the Arctic
027380: R E L Masters and Jean Houston, Ph.D. - The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience - the First Comprehensive Guide to the Effects of LSD on Human Personality
022314: Tamara Hovey - Paris Underground
287950: Hoving, Thomas - Master Pieces: The Curator's Game
284882: Thomas Hoving - False Impressions The Hunt for Big-Time Art Fakes
006754: Peter Howard - Frank Buchman's Secret
012288: Blanche Howard & Allison Howard, Editors - A Memoir of Friendship - The Letters Between Carol Shields & Blanche Howard
012631: Howard, Alice;Howard, Walden - Exploring the Road Less Traveled: A Study Guide for Small Groups, a Workbook for Individuals, a Step-By-Step Guide for Group Leaders
006297: Howat, Irene - Ten Girls Who Changed the World
287433: Howell, Michael; Ford, Peter - The True History of the Elephant Man
008629: Jason Howell - Flatliners - A Guide to Prairie Living
023002: Howell, Colin - Blood, Sweat, and Cheers: Sport and the Making of Modern Canada (Themes in Canadian History)
011224: Howell, Michael;Ford, Peter - True History of the Elephant Man
006106: William Howells - The Heathens-Primitive Man and His Religions
007285: Howells, Coral Ann - Private and Fictional Words: Canadian Women Novelists of the 1970'S and 1980'S
286543: Bernie Howgate - Newfie or Bust Coast to Coast Cycling Adventure on a Rickshaw
285426: Bernie Howgate - Tales of a Travelling Man an eight year odyssey around the world by bicycle
013978: Bernie Howgate - Around the Rock in a Bad Mood
003216: Howgate, Bernie - Journey Through Labrador: a Land Where Hospitality Reigns Supreme
005768: J.L. Howgego - The City of London Through Artists' Eyes
0284607: Jon Howison, Esq. - Sketches of Upper Canada 1821
025395: Hoy, Claire - - Pollsters and the Manipulation of Canadian Politlics
010685: Hoy, Claire - Friends in High Places: Politics and Patronage in the Mulroney Government
026025: Frances P Hoyle - The Universal Standard Speaker - a Handbook of Entertainment for All Occasions
027417: F A Hoyos - Barbados - a History from the Amerindians to Independence
0284001: Erich Hoyt - The Whales of Canada
0284343: Erich Hoyt - The Whales of Canada an Equinox Wildlife Handbook
019710: Hoyt, Richard - Old Soldiers Sometimes Lie - What Happened to Hirohito's gold?
027299: Richard Hoyt - Darwin's Secret a Novel of the Amazon
003312: Hozy, S. P. - Some Comfort Among Us
003101: Hrytsai, Iaroslav; Hrytsai, Paraskeviia - A Rany Ne Hoilysia--Spomyny Chornoty
023555: Hsia, R. Po-chia - The Myth of Ritual Murder: Jews and Magic in Reformation Germany
015342: Lu Hsun - A Brief History of Chinese Fiction
000585: Evelyn Huang With Lawrence Jeffery - Chinese Canadians-Voices From a Community
287521: Thomas H Hubbard, Hugh C Mitchell and Charles R Duvall - To Students of Arctic Exploration The Geographic Position of Camp Jesup and the Reduction of the Observations of R E Peary in the Vicinity of the North Pole
022324: Elbert Hubbard - Little Journeys to the Homes of Good Men and Great
005461: Ethel Daniels Hubbard - Ann of Ava
014558: Hubbard, L. Ron - Spy Killer
285156: Webb Hubbell - Friends in High Places
028219: Jeanne Huber and the Editors of Sunset Books - Decorative Concrete
012356: Huber, Robert - Forever Young: My Friendship with John F. Kennedy, Jr.
009041: Huckaby, Lisa Hall - Pot Bellied Pigs and Other Miniature Pet Pigs
286315: W H Hudson - Green Mansions A Romance of the Tropical Forest
021885: Leslie Hudson - Chicago Skyscrapers in Vintage Postcards (IL) (Postcard History Series)
025893: Hudson, Pat; Ishizu, Mina - History by Numbers: An Introduction to Quantitative Approaches (Hodder Arnold Publication)
025240: Alice Hudson - Adele Songbird Unofficial
018278: W. H. Hudson - Green Mansions - a Romance of the Tropical Forest
027095: Thomas J Hudson - A Scientific Demonstration of the Future Life
011539: W.H. Hudson - The Purple Land - Being the Narrative of One Richard Lamb's Adventures in the Banda oriental, in South America as Told By Himself
285059: Walter A Huelsen - Sweet Corn
027650: LaUna Huffines - Bridge of Light - Tools of Light for Spiritual Transformation
023315: Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington - Picasso: Creator and Destroyer
015816: Huffington, Arianna - The Fourth Instinct: The Call of the Soul
006065: Huggan, Isabel - Belonging: Home Away From Home
025358: Joan Huggins, Editor - Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes
004542: Roger T. Hughes, Q. C. - Trade Secrets
001771: J. Donald Hughes - The Story of Man at Grand Canyon
003802: Hughes, Robert - Barcelona
021771: Robert Hughes - The Fatal Shore - the Epic of Australia's Founding
285583: Richard Hughes - The Spider's Palace and other stories
0283597: Thomas Hughes - Tom Brown's Schooldays
018511: Hughes, Ted - How the Whale Became : And Other Stories
017182: Hughes, Richard - The Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy
016648: Lindy Hughes - It Never stays in Vegas
014350: Hughes, Robert - Culture of Complaint: The Fraying of America
012011: Hughes, Dean - Along the Sideroad
287091: Hughes, Roy - The Contested Auction
027941: Robert Hughes - Culture of Complaint the Fraying of America
011525: Rupert Hughes - She Goes to War and Other Stories
009078: Hughes, Thomas - Tom Brown's School Days
287424: Victor Hugo - Les Miserables
028230: Victor Hugo - The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Complete and Unabridged
022421: Victor Hugo - Marie Tudor, La Esmeralda, Angelo
286507: Hugo, Victor - Les Miserables
020560: Sean O'Huigin - King of the Birds
286208: J Huizinga - The Waning of the Middle Ages
003161: Leonhard Huizinga - Take Your Jacket Off-the Chronicle of a Merchant House as Seen Against 75 Years of World History
023087: John Hullah, LL.D - Wilhem's Method of Teaching Singing, Adapted to English Use
021938: S.M. Hulse - Black River
010192: Hume, Stephen - Ghost Camps: Memory and Myth on Canada's Frontiers
004839: Monte Hummel, General Editor - Endangered Spaces: the Future for Canada's Wilderness
027198: Helen Humphreys - Coventry - a Novel
003659: Humphreys, Danda - On the Street Where You Live
014604: Humphreys, Helen - The Lost Garden
025839: Humphreys, C. C - Blood Ties
019758: Humphreys, Helen - The Lost Garden
004811: Humphreys, Helen - The Lost Garden
028094: C C Humphreys - Jack Absolute Officer, mohawk, lover, Spy
008905: Humphry, Derek - Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying
027362: John Hundevad, Editor - Guide Book of the Pilgrimage to Vimy and the Battlefields July-aug. 1936
023811: Edward Hungerford - Wells Fargo - Advancing the American Frontiere
019206: Hunt, Christopher - Waiting for Fidel
285360: Angela Hunt - Risen
023977: Hunt, Marsha - Joy
024128: Lynn Hunt, Editor Etc. - The French Revolution and Human Rights: A Brief Documentary History (Bedford Series in History and Culture)
028132: W Ben Hunt - How to Build and Furnish a Log Cabin the Easy-Natural Way Using Only Hand Tools and the Woods Around You
284818: Gladys Hunt - Honey for a child's heart the imaginative use of books in family life
025467: Hunter, Ian - Malcolm Muggeridge: A Life
003335: Hunter, Robert - On the Sky: Zen and the Art of International Freeloading
005803: Hunter, Martin - Romancing the Bard: Stratford at Fifty
019267: Douglas Hunter - Half Moon - Henry Hudson and the Voyage That Redrew the Map of the New World
009458: Hunter, Catherine - Where Shadows Burn
000969: A. F. Hunter, M.A. - Lake Simcoe and Its Environs
009171: Hunter, I. M. - Memory : Facts and Fallacies
0284696: Andrew Hunter - It Was Dark There All the Time Sophia Burthen and the Legacy of Slavery in Canada
0283631: Joan Hunter - Healing the Whole Man Handbook - Effective Prayers for Body, Soul, and Spirit
0283886: Dard Hunter - Papermaking the History and Technique of an Ancient Craft
285096: Douglas Hunter - Molson The Birth of a Business Empire
013095: W.S.Hunter - Hunter's Panoramic Guide from Niagara to Quebec 1857
020318: Hunter, Robert, - Red Blood : One (Mostly) White Guy's Encounters with the Native World,
024974: Amy Huntley - The Everafter
024975: Amy Huntley - The Everafter
027938: Dennis P Hupchick - Culture and History in Eastern Europe
013342: Huppert, George - After the Black Death: A Social History of Early Modern Europe
015053: Hurdle, J. Frank - A Country Doctor's Common Sense Health Manual
026927: Hurley, Maureen - Beautiful Baby Knits
016560: Belinda Hurmence, Editor - My Folks Don't Want Me to Talk about Slavery : Twenty-one Oral Histories of Former North Carolina Slaves
000735: Hurst, Ronald - The Golden Rock: an Episode of the American War of Independence
012168: Fannie Hurst, Sir Philip gibbs, Ring W. lardner, W.somerset maugham, Montague Glass, Robert Hichens - My Favorite Story
287864: Hurtig, Mel - The Arrogant Autocrat: Stephen Harper's Takeover of Canada
010204: Hurtig, Mel - The Betrayal of Canada
016712: Hurting, Mel - Pay the Rent or Feed the Kids - The Tragedy and Disgrace of Poverty in Canada
025912: Huston, Mervyn - Golf and Murphy's Law
008845: Huston, Nancy - Prodigy
285943: Siri Hustvedt - What I Loved
0283578: Jeff Hutcheson - Best of Canada
011666: Hutchinson, Tom - Niven's Hollywood
0284523: Warner Hutchinson - Ancient Egypt Three Thousand Years of Splendor
285971: Hutchinson, Robert - Young Henry: The Rise of Henry VIII
025202: Geoff Hutchinson - Introduction to Battle, Rye and the Villages
017811: Bruce Hutchinson - Canada - Tomorrow's Giant
021389: Bruce Hutchinson - Canada: Tomorrow's Giant
015218: Hutchinson, Brian - Betting the House : Winners, Losers and the Politics of Canada's Gambling Obsession
0283836: Ronald Hutchinson - Yoga a Way of Life
021313: Bruce Hutchison - The unfinished country: To Canada with love and some misgivings
018651: Hutchison, Bruce - Uncle Percy's Wonderful Town
286933: Paul Hutchrn - The Sugar Creek Gang (A Story for Boys)
0284505: Francis Huxley - The Way of the Sacred
026009: Aldous-Huxley - Eyeless in Gaza
024806: Huxley, Elspeth - The African Poison Murders (Viking Novel of Mystery and Suspense)
024344: Aldous Huxley - On the Margin - Notes and Essays
016516: Huxley, Elspeth Joscelin Grant - Scott of the Antarctic
027547: Francis Huxley - The Dragon
023042: Huyssen, Andreas - After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism (Theories of Representation and Difference)
007449: Hans Hvass - Reptiles & Amphibians of the World
284822: christopher Hyde - A Gathering of Saints
002967: Max Hyder - Picture Framing
028015: M J Hyland - This is How
007479: Hyman, Mildred L. - Elderhostels: the Student's Choice
285084: Stanley Edgar Hyman - The Promised End Essays and Reviews 1942-1962
013999: Hyman, Robin - Dictionary of Famous Quotations
005703: Lionel Edwards R.I. - Sketches in Stable and Kennel
028160: Lee Iacocca with Sonny Kleinfield - Talking Straight
022925: Lee Iacocca - Iacocca: An Autobiography with William Novak
287298: Lee Iacocca with Catherine Whitney - Where Have All the Leaders Gone?
024835: Franca Iacovetta and Wendy Mitchinson - On the Case: Explorations in Social History
020459: V. Blasco Ibanez - Mexico in Revolution
017670: Ibbitson, John - The Polite Revolution: Perfecting the Canadian Dream
0284540: Chris Idzikowski - Learn to Sleep Well a Practical Guide to Getting a Good Night's Rest
011682: Ies, Edwards - Treasures of Tutankhamun: National Gallery of Art
025846: Iggers, Georg G. - Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge
285735: Iggulden, Con; Iggulden, Hal - The Dangerous Book for Boys
021820: Conn Iggulden - Emperor: The Gods of War (The Emperor Series) Vol.4
021846: Edith Iglauer - The Strangers Next Door
287307: Edith Iglauer - Fishing with John
018394: Michael Ignatieff - The Liberal Imagination: A Defense
022793: Michael Ignatieff - Scar Tissue
017456: Ignatieff, George;Sinclair, Sonja - The Making of a Peacemonger: The Memoirs of George Ignatieff
003590: Ignatieff, Michael - Blood and Belonging: Journeys Into the New Nationalism
003801: Ignatieff, Michael - Charlie Johnson in the Flames
022267: Michael Ignatieff - Charlie Johnson in the Flames
285369: Michael Ignatieff - The Lesser Evil Political Ethics in An Age of Terror - The Gifford Lectures
017332: Michael Ignatieff - True Patriot Love - Four Generations in Search of Canada
022652: Hugh Brody; Michael Ignatieff - Nineteen Nineteen
020365: Michael Ignatieff - Lesser Evil: Political Ethics In An Age Of Terror
026992: E J Bourgeois II & P T Stuyck - Nottoway History of the Grand Manor
023109: John Paul II - Pope John Paul II - Pilgrim of Peace
027530: Cornelis a De Kluyver John a Pearce II - Strategy a View from the Top
025230: Andre Dubus III - The Garden of Last Days
017200: L. Paul Bremer III - Ambassador with Malcolm McConnell - My Year in Iraq - The Struggle to Build a Future of Hope
0283693: Daisaku Ikeda - Hopes and Dreams Poems By
0284124: Daisaku Ikeda - On the Japanese Classics
0284425: Daisaku Ikeda - Songs from My Heart
009360: Illich, Albert G. - Al Illich's How to Pick Winners
0284401: Sports Illustrated - How to Hit Every Shot the Ultimate Guide to Shotmaking and Scoring - Magazine
022600: Punch Imlach's with Scott Young - Heaven and Hell in the NHL
026047: Dr Jack Van Impe - Soul Food - Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread - a Devotional
002889: O'Faoláin, Seán - The Irish
007651: Arabian Horse Registry Of America Inc - The Arabian Stud Book Vol: XXXVII
007652: Arabian Horse Registry Of America Inc - The Arabian Stud Book Vol: XXXVI
024372: Sandra Ingerman - Medicine for the Earth - How to Transform personal and Environmental Toxins
287778: Ingersoll, Lockwood - The Baron Trump Collection: Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and his Wonderful Dog Bulger, Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey, The Last President (or 1900)
014136: Earl G. Ingersoll, Editor - Doris Lessing - Conversations
023485: Ingham, Chris - Divas: Billie Holiday
024947: Gina Ingoglia - Walt Disney's Pinocchio (Illustrated Classics Series)
0283672: Catherine Ingram - Passionate Presence - Experiencing the Seven Qualities of Awakened Awareness
017831: Ingram, Jay - Science of Everyday Life
013469: Ingram, Jay - Science of Everyday Life
006401: Ingram, Jay - Talk, Talk, Talk-an Investigation Into the Mystery of Speech
006454: Ingram, Jay - Science of Everyday Life-of Cbc's "Quirks and Quarks"
285889: Inkeles, Gordon - Unwinding: Super Massage for Stress Control
0284492: Wayne Inkpen and Rob Van Eyk - Guide to the Common Native Trees and Shrubs of Alberta
Next 1000 books from Judith Patton[an error occurred while processing this directive]