Judith Patton P.O. Box 71094, 484 Plains Rd. E., Burlington, ON. L7T 4J8 Canada. Tel.: +1 905-681-7998 Email: bookedex1@gmail.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
003467: Brower, Kenneth - A Song for Satawal
003806: Bill Brower - The Complete Traveling Salesman's Joke Book
000109: Brower, Kenneth - One Earth: Photographed By More Than 80 of the World's Best Photojournalists
0283978: J Lloyd G Brown - Parables of Life in Shakespeare
021579: George W. Brown & Allen S. Merritt - Canadians and Their Government
285503: Joy Brown - Night of Terror 72
287081: Brown, Pauline - The Encyclopedia of Embroidery Techniques: A Comprehensive Visual Guide to Traditional and Contemporary Techniques
000131: Douglas Brown, Ed., - Copperfield
004738: Brown, Roger D. - Blood on the Coal-the Story of the Springhill Mining Disasters
005638: Brown, Lester Et Al - State of the World 1988: a Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society
003912: Brian Brown - The Burning Bush
025471: Brown, Frank E. - Cosa: The Making of a Roman Town (Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures)
007491: Brown, Jules - The Rough Guide to Hong Kong and Macau
002778: Brown, Robert J. - 333 Science Tricks and Experiments
003365: Rose Brown - The Land and People of Brazil-Portrait of a Nations Series
002909: Brown, Dee Alexander - The Gentle Tamers: Women of the Old Wild West
022192: Colin Barrow; Paul Barrow; Robert Brown - The Business Plan Workbook (Sunday Times Business Enterprise Guide)
023690: Brown, Dale - Shadows of Steel
286316: Brown, Craig - Ninety-Nine Glimpses of Princess Margaret
286130: Dee Brown with Martin F Schmitt - Fighting Indians of the West
284805: Christina Brown - The Book of Yoga
008621: Kurt Brown, Editor - The True Subject: Writers on Life and Craft
024138: Brown, Dale - Silver Tower
026036: H B Brown & A J Bryant - Engineering Science Vol. 1 - Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics
026052: Ron Brown - Rails across Ontario - Exploring Ontario's Railway Heritage
028041: George W Brown, et al - Dictionary of Canadian Biography Vol. 1 1000 to 1700
287072: Brown, Patricia Fortini - Private Lives in Renaissance Venice: Art, Architecture, and the Family
0283750: Dr O Phelps Brown - The Complete Herbalist Making Use of Nature's Remedies - a Reprint of the Long-lost Classic
008057: Brown, Hulda - River of Memories
285017: Mary Brown - Here There Be Dragones
020583: Frederick Brown - For the Soul of France - Culture Wars in the Age of Dreyfus
285486: Tina Brown - The Palace Papers Inside the House of Windsor - the Truth and the Turmoil
024936: Brown, Paul; Faulder, Carolyn - Learning to Love: How to Make Bad Sex Good and Good Sex Better
011761: Brown, Chip - Good Morning Midnight: Life and Death in the Wild
287220: Brown, Raymond E. - The Epistles of John (The Anchor Bible, Vol 30)
0283996: Joseph Epes Brown - The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian with Letters While Living with Black Elk
286264: Dee Brown - Creek Mary's Blood
010636: Darreen Brown, Editor - The Greatest Exploration Stories Ever Told: True Tales of Search and Discovery
027578: George W Brown, et al - Dictionary of Canadian Biography Index Volumes I to IV
022835: Lorraine Brown - 200 years of tradition: The story of Canadian whisky
027740: Dan Brown - Angels & Demons
002286: Brown, Lester R.; Flavin, Christopher; Postel, Sandra - Saving the Planet: How to Shape an Environmentally Substainable Global Economy
017531: Brown, Dan - The Da Vinci Code
016943: Brown, Ron - Ghost Railways of Ontario
016079: J.A.C. Brown - The Social Psychology of Industry - Human Relations in the Factory
015592: Brown, Dee - Hear That Lonesome Whistle Blow: Railroads in the West
015608: Craig Brown, Editor - The Illustrated History of Canada
286946: Brown, Peter Harry; Barnham, Patte B. - Marilyn: The Last Take
285094: Craig Brown, editor - The Illustrated History of Canada
026645: Ian Brown - A Diary of m Sixty-First Year - the Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning?
019867: P.C.W Davies and J. Brown, Editors - Superstrings: A Theory of Everything?
026659: Robert Craig Brown, Brian Stuart Osborne - The Publications of the Champlain Society LXIV - The "Great Swivel Link"; Canada's Welland Canal
019331: Brown, Dee - Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West
0283548: Craig Brown, Editor - The Illustrated History of Canada
021536: Richard Brown - Voyage of the Iceberg - the Story of the Iceberg That Sank the Titantic
027035: Laurence Brown - The Psychology of Religion - an Introduction
027164: Peter Brown, Editor - The Book of Kells
021508: George W. Browne - The St. Lawrence River - Historical - Legendary - Picturesque
023874: Browne, Lois - Girls of Summer: In Their Own League
009435: Browne, Thomas - Religio Medici: Letter to a Friend And Christian Morals
015834: Browne, Sylvia - God, Creation, and Tools for Life - Journey of the Soul Series - Book 1
019113: Sylvia Browne - Contacting Your Spirit Guide
027002: Ray B. Browne, et al - Journal of Popular Culture Vol. 30.3 Winter 1996
025208: Louise Brightman Brownell, D.A. - Your Destiny in the Zodiac and Its Mastery
0284263: Marie Browning - New Paper Crafts
011010: Barrett Browning, Elizabeth - Aurora Leigh: A Poem From the Last London Edition, Corrected by the Author
0283905: Marie Browning - Wonderful Wraps Make Your Gifts Mean Even More
010231: Browning, Norma Lee - The Psychic World of Peter Hurkos
024776: Browning, Marie - Natural Soapmaking
013304: Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Sonnets from the Portuguese and Other Treasured Poems of
010727: Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Sonnets From The Portuguese
0284261: Marie Browning - Hand Decorating Paper
009355: Sylvia Brownrigg - Ten Women who Shook the World
286680: Brownstein, Bill - Schwartz's Hebrew Delicatessen: The Story
022133: Art Brownstein, M.D. - Healing Back Pain Naturally: The Mind-Body Program Proven to Work
004822: Bruccoli, Matthew Joseph - Reconquest of Mexico: an Amiable Journey in Pursuit of Cortes
000248: Matthew J. Bruccoli, Editor - Ernest Hemingway, Cub Reporter-Kansas City Star Stories
006279: Bruce, Duncan A. - The Mark of the Scots: Their Astonishing Contributions to History, Science, Democracy, Literature, and the Arts
286799: Bruce, Susan - Shakespeare: King Lear
010957: Ann Bruce - Love and Marriage - The Art of Winning and Holding the One you Love
019899: Bruce, Harry - Down Home: Notes of a Maritime Son
022311: Harry Bruce - Maud: The Life of L. M. Montgomery
012565: V.N. Bruce - Junior Science for secondary Schools Part II
005868: Bruchac, Joseph - Dawn Land
003134: Bruchac, Joseph - Dawn Land
018454: Bruchac, Joseph;Ross, Gayle - The Girl Who Married the Moon: Tales from Native North America
018460: Bruchac, Joseph;Ross, Gayle - The Girl Who Married the Moon: Tales from Native North America
000105: Brucker, Virginia - Gifts From the Heart: 450 Simple Ways to Make Your Family's Christmas More Meaningful
027281: Cheryl Bruder - Out of the Blue
287221: Walter Brueggemann - Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth: Prayers of Walter Brueggemann
026962: Elisabeth Young-Bruehl - Anna Freud - a Biography
000498: Fred Bruemmer - The Life of the Harp Seal
019105: Fred Bruemmer - Islands of Fate
285517: Nancy Bruff - The Manatee 1
027120: Karl Brugger - The Chronicle of Akakor
286204: Bruner, Jerome - On Knowing: Essays for the Left Hand, Second Edition
007617: Brunner, Marguerite Ashworth - Antiques for Amateurs on a Shoestring Budget
287138: John Brunner - The Rites of Ohe/Castaways World
014375: Mario Bruno, P. Eng. - Life in the 21st Century
027631: Stephen Brunt - Gretzky's Tears - Hockey, Canada and the Day Everything Changed
022440: Stephen Brunt - Second to none: The Roberto Alomar Story -SIGNED BY ALOMAR
022593: Stephen Brunt - The New Ice Age: A Year in the Life of the NHL - Review Copy
020663: Douglas H. Brunt - The Broken Islands - Paddle British Islands
017256: Stephen Brunt - Gretzky's Tears - Hockey, canada, and the Day Everthing Changed
021212: Stephen Brunt - Searching for Bobby Orr
0283967: Dr Paul Brunton - The Hidden Teaching Behind Yoga
002940: Brunvand, Jan H. - Study of American Folklore: an Introduction
008975: Brusaw, Charles T.;Oliu, Walter E.;Alred, Gerald J. - Handbook of Technical Writing
024690: Bruycker, Daniel De; Noblet, Martine - Tibet (Tintin's Travel Diaries)
287247: Gunter de Bruyn - Unter Den Linden
0284137: Bill Bryan - Keep it Real
023746: Bryan, Mike - The Only Way I Know
022326: Mike Bryan - The Afterword: A Novel
007420: Arthur Bryant - Makers of the Realm-the Story of England
011660: Bryant, Peter - Perception and Understanding in Young Children: An Experimental Approach
286192: Edward Bryant & Harlan Ellison - Phoenix Without Ashes
006539: Bryant, Christopher R.; Johnston, Thomas R.R. - Agriculture in the City's Countryside
287915: George Brybycin - The Glorius Banff & Jasper National Parks
005707: Lyman Bryson, Editor - An Outline of Man's Knowledge of the Modern World
024030: Bryson, Bill; Bryson, Michael G. - The Babe Didn't Point: And Other Stories About Iowans and Sports
025880: Bryson, Valerie - Feminist Political Theory: An Introduction (Women in Society)
008276: Bryson, Bill - The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid : A Memoir
007972: Bryson, Bill - In a Sunburned Country
014938: Bill Bryson, Editor - The Best American Travel Writing 2000
013943: Bryson, Bill - Made in America: An Informal History of the English Language in the United States
013482: Bryson, Bill - The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid : A Memoir
286795: Bryson, Bill - I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Away
009877: Brzeczek, Richard;De Vita, Sharon;Brzecaek, Elizabeth - Addicted to Adultery: How We Saved Our Marriage and How You Can Save Yours
287179: Buber, Martin - Eclipse of God: Studies in the Relation Between Religion and Philosophy
287171: Martin Buber - Two Types of Faith A Study of the interpenetration of Judaism and Christianity
010607: Buchan, James - The Expendable Mary Slessor
026559: John Buchan - Memory Hold the Door - an Autobiography
026389: John Buchan - The Thirty-nine Steps & The Power-House
024033: John Buchan - The Island of Sheep
026348: John Buchan - The Battle of the Somme
028072: John Buchan - The King's Grace 1910-1935
028199: John Buchan - Sick Heart River
285575: charles Buchan - Charles Buchan's Soccer Gift Book 1965-66 The World's Greatest Football Annual
016771: Buchan, Jane - Transformation in Canada's Deep South: The Creation of Sustainable, Regional Culture through Environmental, Social, and Personal Restoration
022713: John Buchan - The Thirty-nine Steps
285259: Patrick Buchanan - A Requiem of Sharks
000525: Claud N. Buchanan - The People I Meet in Qualicum Beach
028142: Cathy Marie Buchanan - The Day the Falls Stood Still
0283614: Heather S Buchanan - George Mouse's First Summer
017115: Andrea J. Buchanan - Miriam Peskowitz - El Libro Aventurado Para Las Chicas
010688: Freda M. Buchanan - The Land and People of Scotland - Portrait of a Nation Series
019823: Buchholtz, C. W. - Rocky Mountain National Park: A History
016823: Emilie Buchwald, Editor - Toward the Livable City
284931: Art Buchwald - While Reagan Slept
009624: Buchwald, Art - Leaving Home: A Memoir
007117: Buck, Pearl S. - Pearl S. Buck: the Complete Woman: Selections From the Writings of Pearl S. Buck
017052: Pearl S Buck - The Beech Tree
005820: Pearl S. Buck - The Long Love
010696: Pearl S Buck - Fighting Angel - Portrait of a Soul
012093: Pearl S.Buck - Death in the Castle
011300: Pearl S Buck - The Living Seed
0284272: Sandra Buckingham - The Complete Stenciling Handbook
027942: Ernest Buckler - Ox Bells and Fireflies - a Memoir
021122: Robert Buckman, Dr. - What You Really Need to Know about Depression
022180: Robert Buckner - The Man Who Won the War
021600: P.A. Buckner, David Frank, Editors - Atlantic Canada Before Confederation (Vol. 1) 1985 Atlantic Canada After Confederation (Vol. 2 Second Edition) 1988
285042: Rhonda Budd, editor - Sailing Boats of the World a guide to classes
006857: Wolfgang Von Buddenbrock - The Love Life of Animals
0284022: E A Wallis Budge - The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 and Vol 2
285025: J Donald Budge - Budge on Tennis
286671: Budlong, John P - Sky and sextant: Practical celestial navigation
024943: Thomas S. Buechner - Norman Rockwell: Artist and Illustrator
287196: Buechner, Frederick - Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy, and Fairy Tale
012075: Frederick Buechner - The Magnificient Defeat
009452: Buechner, Frederick - Whistling in the Dark: A Doubter's Dictionary
026225: Walter Buehr - The Story of the Wheel
014141: Joy Day Buel & Richard Buel, Jr. - The Way of Duty - a Woman and Her Family in Revolutionary America
003396: Buerschaper, Peter - Arctic Journey: Paintings, Sketches, and Reminiscences of a Vanishing World
287980: Buffett, Jimmy - A Pirate Looks at Fifty
287582: Bufwack, Mary A.; Oermann, Robert K. - Finding Her Voice: The Saga of Women in Country Music
026018: Buist, Ron - Tales from Under the Rim: The Marketing of Tim Hortons
015185: Douglas Bukowski - American History: A Concise Documents Collection To 1877 - Vol. I
006796: Bulfinch - Bulfinch's Mythology-the Age of Chivalry-Legends of Charlemagne Or Romance of the Middle Ages
016720: Geoffrey T. Bull - Tibetan Tales
028313: Mike Bullard - Stick 2 Comedy
010138: Gerald Bullett - Silver Poets of the Sixteenth Century
010665: Bullfinch, T. - Golden Age of Myth & Legend
008625: Bullis, Nancy Jane - The Eel Ladder
286577: Kenneth Bulmer - Roller Coaster World
287712: Bumsted, J. M - Henry Alline 1748-1784 (Canadian biographical studies)
006979: Bundesen, Lynne - So the Woman Went Her Way: a Personal Journey
287291: Bungay, Michael Stanier - The Coaching Habit Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever
0284559: Matthew Bunson - The Complete Christie an Agatha Christie Encyclopedia
0283764: Matthew E Bunson, Compiler - Papal Wisdom Words of Hope and Inspiration from John Paul II
028286: John Bunyan - The Pilgrim's Progress
286310: John Bunyan - The Pilgrim's Progress
012172: John Bunyan - The Pilgrim's Progress - from This World to That Which is to Come
0284037: John Bunyan - Pilgrim's Progress
003007: Bunyan, Tony - The History and Practice of the Political Police in Britain
004239: Burchell, John - Lester P. Loon: Dare to Dive Deep
287987: Burckhardt, John Lewis - Notes on the Bedouins and Wahábys: Collected during his travels in the East. Volume 1 and Volume 2
010200: Burdett, John - Bangkok 8 : A Novel
014900: Rebeta-Burditt, Joyce;Burditt, Joyce - Buck Naked
287165: Paul M Van Buren - The Secular Meaning of the Gospel An Analysis of Its Language
011998: Amy Burfoot, Editor - Runner's World Complete Book of Running: Everything You Need to Know to Run for Fun, Fitness, and Competition
026388: Burgess, Ruth - Candles and Conifers - Resources for All Saints' and Advent
023945: P H E Burgess - Diamonds Unlimited
028098: Anthony Burgess - Any Old Iron - a Novel
013934: Burgess, Colin - The Age of Stonehenge
000805: Burgess, Maureen - Gift Baskets, How to Prepare Them
285820: Thornton W Burgess - Bedtime Stories
012136: Peter K. Burian - Mastering Digital Photography and Imaging
287851: Edmund Burke - Speeches & Letters Morley's Universal Library 38
024032: Burke, Edmund - Reflections on the Revolution in France (Hackett Classics)
004004: Burke, Edmund - Reflections on the Revolution in France
020998: Joe C. Burke - A Treasury of Newfoundland Humour and Wit
013372: Edmund Burke, III - Struggle and Survival in the Modern Middle East
009762: Burke, William - Protect Us from All Anxiety: Meditations for the Depressed
008866: Burke, James Lee - Burning Angel
287730: Burke, Thomas - Limehouse Nights
287050: Burke, Brian; Brunt, Stephen - Burke's Law: A Life in Hockey
012322: Burke, Betsy - Hardly Working
287635: Mabel Burkholder - Barton on the Mountain
013040: Burkholder, Mark A.;Johnson, Lyman L. - Colonial Latin America
016949: Aubrey Burl - A Brief History of Stonehenge - a Complete History.
027275: Aubrey Burl - The Stone Circles of the British Isles
027562: Aubrey Burl - Rings of Stone the Prehistoric Stone Circles of Britain and Ireland
025525: Burland, C. A - Eskimo Art
025524: Burland, C. A - The people of the ancient Americas
007467: Burland, C.A.; Forman, Werner - Feathered Serpent and Smoking Mirror
025542: W J Burley - Wycliffe and the Guilt-edge Alibi
286947: Burnam, Tom - The Dictionary of Misinformation
026382: Burnard, Bonnie - Women of Influence
0283746: Frances Hodgson Burnett - The Annotated Secret Garden
023289: Burnett, Alastair - In Private - In Public: The Prince and Princess of Wales
287328: Burnett, Frances Hodgson - A Little Princess
286370: Burnett, Carol - Carrie and Me: A Mother-Daughter Love Story
019641: Burnett, Frances Hodgson; Resnick, Jane Parker - The Secret Garden (A Young Reader's Edition)
008861: Burnett, Mark - Survivor II: The Field Guide The Official Companion to the CBS Television Show
016621: Burney, Fanny;Burney, Frances;Howard, Susan Kubica - Evelina: Or, a Young Lady's Entrance into the World
018571: Sheila Burnford - Bel Ria
0284069: Sophy Burnham - The Path of Prayer
019260: George Burns - Gracie: A Love Story
026477: Edward Burns with Todd Gold - Independent Ed
022481: Kathryn Burns - Colonial Habits: Convents and the Spiritual Economy of Cuzco, Peru
287788: Burns, Florence M. - John Beverley Robinson & the War of 1812 - We Built Canada Series
010865: Burns, George;Fisher, David - All My Best Friends
025165: Marilyn Burns - Math for Smarty Pants
287315: Burns, Robert; O'Hagan, Andrew - A Night Out with Robert Burns: The Greatest Poems
0284023: Kevin Burns - Eastern Philosophy the Great Thinkers and Sags from Ancient to Modern Times
015284: Burns, Bill - Raising Susan : A Man, A Woman and a Golden Eagle
005954: Lawrence J. Burpee, Editor - An Historical Atlas of Canada
020610: Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent - Heaven is for Real
014337: Burrill, Gary - Away: Maritimers in Massachusetts, Ontario and Alberta An Oral History of Leaving Home
023056: Edgar Rice Burroughs - Lllana of Gathol and John Carter of Mars
022747: Edgar Rice Burroughs - Tarzan and the Golden Lion
015956: Burroughs, Augusten - Magical Thinking: True Stories
001575: Burrows, Tess - Cry From the Highest Mountain
287089: Terry Burrows - Total Keyboard
285051: Brian C Bursey - Discovering Newfoundland
023900: Burstein, Dan - Secrets of the Code: The Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind The Da Vinci Code
022401: A. L. Burt, M.A. (Oxon) - The Romance of the Prairie Provinces - the Romance of Canada Series
027885: Rob Burt And Michael Wells - The Beatles Musical Pop Up
000581: Robert Burton - The Book of the Year: a Natural History of Britain Through the Seasons
027217: Philip Burton - Stealing Home
023030: Hester Burton - Riders of the Storm
023772: Maurice Burton - Systematic Dictionary of Mammals of the World
018530: Burton, Robert - North American Birdfeeder Handbook - National Audubon Society
022714: Sir Richard F. Burton, Translator - The Perfumed Garden of the Shaykh Nefzawi - Arabian Manual of Love Complete and Unexpurgated
012048: Maria Amparo Ruiz De Burton - Who Would Have Thought it?
003963: Maurice Burton - Animal Families
001237: Buruma, Ian - God's Dust: a Modern Asian Journey
007812: Ian Buruma - God's Dust - A Modern Asian Journey
027755: J P T Bury - Napoleon III and the Secret Empire
028150: Brian Busby - Question and Answer Encyclopedia Canada Over 1,000 Questions and Answers About Things You Want to Know
010609: Busby, Brian;Busby, Brian John - Character Parts
017306: Richard J. Busby - Beginner's Guide to Brass Rubbing
006071: Buscaglia, Leo F. - Personhood: the Art of Being Fully Human
003501: Buscaglia, Leo F.; Short, Steven - Living, Loving and Learning
003498: Buscaglia, Leo F. - Seven Stories of Christmas Love
010963: Buscaglia, Leo F. - The Way of the Bull: [a Voyage]
020712: Leo F. Buscaglia - Loving Each Other: The Challenge of Human Relationships
016784: Buscaglia, Leo F. - Born for Love: Reflections on Loving
287049: Buscemi, Santi V. - The Basics: A Rhetoric and Handbook (Canadian)
285804: Wilhelm Busch - Samtliche Bildergeschichten
287251: Wilhelm Busch - Alle Tage
287249: Wilhelm Busch - Kritik des Herzens
009385: Bush, Catherine - The Rules of Engagement
023470: Bush, Catherine - Minus Time: A Novel
0283867: Jodie Bushman - The Big Book of Decorative Borders Over 500 Borders You Can Paint
287585: Buskin, Richard - Sheryl Crow: No Fool to This Game
020929: Gary Buslik - A Rotten Person Travels the Caribbean
000411: Helen M. Buss, Guest Editor - Prairie Fire: a Canadian Magazine of New Writing: Life Writing
010176: Butala, Sharon - The Perfection of the Morning: An Apprenticeship in Nature
024051: Butala, Sharon - Wild Stone Heart: An Apprentice in the Fields
014121: Butala, Sharon - The Perfection of the Morning: An Apprenticeship in Nature
012834: Butala, Sharon - Wild Stone Heart : An Apprentice in the Fields
001898: Butala, Sharon - The Perfection of the Morning: an Apprenticeship in Nature
286160: Butler, Robert - The American Ceramic Society: 100 Years
006609: Butler, Robert Olen - Had a Good Time: Stories From American Postcards
020698: Geoff Butler - The Killick: A Newfoundland Story
027707: David Butler - What's Dad thinkin'? a Lighthearted Look at Our Family Tree
010115: Butler, Elaine - Attracting Birds
007208: Butler, Ron - Dancing Alone in Mexico: From the Border to Baja and Beyond
014398: Butler, Susan - The Dinkum Dictionary : The Origins of Australian Words
014111: Butler, Elaine - Attracting Birds
008197: Butler, Robert Olen - A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain: Stories
284888: Samuel Butler - Erewhon and Erewhon Revisited Both novels complete in this volume
004031: Butt, Gerald - the Arab World-a Personal View
285697: Malcolm Butt - Sid Vicious Rock 'n' roll star
027725: Bill Butterworth - New Life After Divorce - the Promise of Hope Beyond the Pain
287292: Butts, Edward - Outlaws of the Lakes: Bootlegging & Smuggling from Colonial Times to Prohibition
005805: H. Fred Dale-Introduction By. - Toronto Star Outdoor Garden Book
007248: Duncan Brine-Introduction By - The Literary Garden: Recreating Literature's Most Beautiful Gardens in Your Own Backyard
027957: A S Byatt - The Matisse Stories
027962: A S Byatt - Passions of the Mind
287416: A. S. Byatt - The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye : Five Fairy Stories
015715: Byatt, A. S. - The Matisse Stories
027953: A S Byatt - The Biographer's Tale
027951: A S Byatt - Babel Tower
0284561: Dwight C Byers - Better Health with Foot Reflexology the Original Ingham Method Including Hand Reflexology
003144: David Richard And Dorie Byers, Editors - Taste Life: the Organic Choice
019307: Byfield, Graham - Gretchen Liu - Singapore Sketchbook:The Restoration of A City
027647: Ted Byfield, Editor - A Pinch of Incense - the Christians Their First Two Thousand Years A.D. 70 to 250 from the Fall of Jerusalem to the Decian Persecution Second Volume
017478: Jeff Byles - Rubble: Unearthing The History Of Demolition
023374: Mike Bynum - Toronto Maple leafs' 50 Unforgettable Moments in History from the Sports Pages of the Toronto Star
285540: Anita Byrant - Amazing Grace
287883: Byrd, Max - JEFFERSON: A NOVEL
286410: Byrd, Richard E. - Skyward: Man's Mastery of the Air
011478: Byrge, Duane;American Film Institute - Private Screenings: Insiders Share a Century of Great Movie Moments
028229: Robert Byrne and Teressa Skelton - Cat Scan All the Best from the Literature of Cats
285385: Dymphna and Joseph Byrne - The Story of English Full Lead Crystal Webb Corbett Royal Doulton
0283532: Bruce Marshall from the Story Told to Him By Wing Commander F F E Yeo-thomas G C, M C - The White Rabbit
002237: Cable, Mary - Black Odyssey: the Case of the Slave Ship Amistad
004807: Cabot, Laurie - Celebrate the Earth: a Year of Holidays in the Pagan Tradition
019939: Hood-Caddy, Karen - Tree Fever
024370: Cade, Brian; O'Hanlon, Bill - A Brief Guide to Brief Therapy
027721: C Maxwell Cade and Nona Coxhead - The Awakened Mind - Biofeedback and the Development of Higher States of Awareness
004871: Caduto, Michael J. Told By Joseph Bruchac - The Native Stories From Keepers of the Animals
285495: Charles H Caffin - The Story of American Painting The Evolution of Painting in America DeLuxe Edition
005559: Victor H. Cahalane - Mammals of North America
006058: Cahill, Tim - A Wolverine is Eating My Leg
002472: Cahill, Tim - Jaguars Ripped My Flesh: Adventure is a Risky Business
012775: Tim Cahill, Editor - Not So Funny When It Happened: The Best of Travel Humor and Misadventure
023127: Marie Cahill - Madonna
026055: Jonathan Cahn - The Paradigm - the Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times
020939: Emily Cain - Ghost Ships: Hamilton and Scourge: Historical Treasures from the War of 1812
027024: Mary Caine - The Kingston Zodiac
027561: Mary Caine - The Glastonbury Zodiac - Key to the Mysteries of Britain
285711: Gary Calamar and Phil Gallo - Record Store Days From Vinyl to Digital and Back Again
287306: Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Brother Roger of Taize - Meditations On The Way of the Cross
027801: Randolph Caldecott - Hey Diddle Diddle and Other Funny Poems
0284394: Jim Calder & Ron Fletcher - Women Play Lacrosse a History of the International Field Game
018557: Calder, Robert - A Richer Dust : Family, Memory and the Second World War
013677: Calder, Julian; Garrett, John - The 35mm Photographer's Handbook
287524: Ritchie Calder - Men Against the Frozen North
287103: Caldicott, Helen - The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex
025021: Taylor Caldwell - A Pillar of Iron
027809: Taylor Caldwell - Dear and Glorious Physician
011486: Morley Callaghan - Our Lady of the Snows
023677: Callaghan, Morley - The lost and found stories of Morley Callaghan (International fiction list)
023665: Callaghan, Morley - A Fine and Private Place
023666: Callaghan, Morley - Close to the Sun Again
023663: Callaghan, Morley - A Wild Old Man on the Road
022044: Morley CALLAGHAN - No Man's Meat
023732: Callaghan, Morley - No Man's Meat & the Enchanted Pimp
008692: Callaghan, Barry - Raise You Five : Essays and Encounters 1964-2004 Vol. One
015308: Callaghan, Morley - The Man with the Coat
0284642: Tom Callahan - In Search of Tiger a Journey Through Golf with Tiger Woods
027313: E J Callahan - Swagelok Tube Fitting and Installation Manual
016612: Georgina O'Hara Callan - The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Fashion and Fashion Designers
020175: Callan, Kevin - Up the Creek: A Paddler's Guide to Ontario
0284526: Paul Calle - The Pencil
016013: Callison, Brian - A Ship Is Dying
026555: Simon Callow - Shakespeare on Love
287501: Calloway, Stephen & David Colvin - Oscar Wilde , an Exquisite Life
023278: Callwood, June; Evanshen, Terry - The Man Who Lost Himself -The Terry Evanshen Story
027136: Paul A Calter and Michael Calter et al - Technical Mathematics, 4/e Technical Mathematics with Calulus 4/e Student Solutions Mkanual
007168: Calvin, William H. - How the Shaman Stole the Moon: in Search of Ancient Prophet-Scientists From Stonehenge to the Grand Canyon
023342: Camden, South Carolina - A Guide to Historic Sites in Camden, South Carolina
006220: Came, Richard - Silver
285610: Elizabeth Cameron - The Bib Book of Real Fire Engines
004997: Cameron, Silver Donald - Seasons in the Rain: an Expatriate's Notes on British Columbia
007862: Cameron, Anne - Tales of the Cairds
005816: Cameron, Kate - Orenda: a Novel of the Iroquois Nation
284967: Claire Cameron - The Last Neanderthal
285317: Stevie Cameron - Ottawa Inside Out
023834: Cameron, Craig - Born Lucky: One D-Day Dodger's Story, RSM Harry Fox, MBE (Vanwell Voices of War) SIGNED BY CAMERON AND FOX
021835: Elspeth Cameron - No Previous Experience - a Memoir of Love and Change
020313: Cameron, Julia - The Right to Write: An Invitation and Initiation into the Writing Life
0284654: Rev D B Cameron - Expository Discourses on the Epistle to the Ephesians
003575: Cameron, Julia - Supplies: a Pilot's Guide to Creative Flight
285161: Allan T Cameron with preface by The Duke of Argyll - The Religious Communities of the Church of England
026145: Cameron, James; Lemos, Jain - Titanic
025005: Ian Cameron and Elizabeth Kingsley-Row Editors - The Encyclopedia Of Antiques
006231: Thubten Zopa; Cameron, Ailsa; Rinoche, Lama Zopa - Ultimate Healing: the Power of Compassion
287873: Cameron, Julia; Lively, Emma - The Prosperous Heart: Creating a Life of "Enough"
014850: Cameron, Julia;Putnam;Jeremy P Tarcher - The Right to Write: An Invitation and Initiation into the Writing Life
017892: Cameron, Silver D. - Once upon a Schooner : A Foreign Voyage in Bluenose II
017842: Cameron, Anne - Orca's Song
012378: Julia Cameron - The Writing Diet - Write Yourself Right-Size
010180: Cameron, Anne - The Journey
010182: Cameron, Anne - Deejay & Betty
016093: Cameron, Anne - How the Loon Lost Her Voice
015441: Cameron, Charles W. - Scottish Witches
015258: Cameron, Julia - The Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart
0284067: Julia Cameron - God is No Laughing Matter Observations and Objections on the spiritual Path
011937: Deborah Cameron - The Feminist Critique of Language: A Reader
286809: L. Sprague de Camp-& Fletcher Pratt - The Compleat Enchanter (Millennium Fantasy Masterworks S.) The Magical Misadventures of Harold Shea
022477: Roderic Ai Camp - Politics in Mexico
010151: L. Sprague De Camp - Ancient Engineers
0284578: Murray Campbell and Harrison Hatton - Herbert H Dow Pioneer in Creative Chemistry
284932: Malcolm Campbell - The Golfers Almanac of Great Britain and Ireland
287170: Joseph Campbell - Myths to Live BY
024805: Marjorie Wilkins Campbell - The Savage River - 71 Days with Simon Fraser
024496: John Campbell - Roy Jenkins - a Well-Rounded Life
287177: Campbell, Joseph - The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Bollingen Series)
005218: Rosemarie Campbell - Footpath
023662: Ramsey Campbell, Editor - Uncanny Banquet
024411: Eddie Campbell - The Fate of the Artist
024461: Joseph Campbell - The Masks of God - Oriental Mythology
024044: Ramsey Campbell, - Midnight Sun
025158: Campbell, Will D. - Forty Acres and a Goat: A Memoir
008310: Campbell, Sandra - Getting to Normal
008344: Campbell, Sheldon - Lifeboats to Ararat
001956: Campbell, Anne - Men, Women, and Aggression
017771: A E Campbell - America Comes of Age - the Era of Theodore Roosevelt
016876: Campbell, Joseph;Toms, Michael;Briggs, Dennie;Maher, John M. - An Open Life: Joseph Campbell in Conversation With Michael Toms
286280: Campbell, Joseph - Historical Atlas of World Mythology, Vol. II: The Way of the Seeded Earth, Part 1: The Sacrifice Part 2: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters The North Americans Part 3: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters: The Middle and Southern Americas
286281: Joseph Campbell - Historical Atlas of World Mythology, Vol. 1: The Way of the Animal Powers, Part 1, Mythologies of the Primitive Hunters and Gatherers
012812: Marjorie Freeman Campbell - Ports of Call
0283986: Stu Campbell - Let it Rot! The Home Gardener's Guide to Composting
019381: P.F. Campbell - An Outline of Barbados History
286490: John W Campbell, editor - Prologue to Analog
026566: Wilfred Campbell - Poetical Tragedies
287178: Joseph Campbell - Creative Mythology (The Masks of God, Volume IV)
012314: Campbell, Bernard Grant - Human Ecology: The Story of Our Place in Nature from Prehistory to the Present
027642: Edward Campbell, et al - The Holy Land Satellite Atlas Vol. 1 Terrain Recognition, Vol. 2 The Holy Land Satellite Atlas - The Regions
0284752: Ken Campbell - 5 Years Rescuing at "the Gates of hell"
0283973: Heinrich Zimmer Edited By Joseph Campbell - Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization
0284268: Joy Campbell - Batik - Start a Craft
011813: Campisi, Jack - The Mashpee Indians: Tribe on Trial
287324: Scouts Canada - The Cub Book Welcome to Wolf Cubs!
015256: Parks Canada - National Historic Sites - Ontario Region
287795: Time Canada - The Canadian Canvas 1975-76
287322: Scout's Canada - B.P.'s Outlook Selections from the Founder's contributions to The Scouter from 1909-1941
024532: Trudi Canavan - Thief's Magic - Book One of the Millennium's Rule Trilogy
024533: Trudi Canavan - Angel of Storms - Book Two of the Millennium's Rule Trilogy
019327: Cancian, Anita - Classic Hikes of the Lower Left-hand Side of B.C. (Altitude Superguides)
287569: Canemaker, John - Tex Avery The MGM Years, 1942-1955
027926: Elias Canetti - Auto-Da-fe
0284298: Jack Canfield, et al - Sunrise Sunset 52 Weeks of Awe & Gratitude
016656: Canfield, Jack;Hansen, Mark Victor - Dare to Win
286784: Canfield, Jack; Watkins, D.D. - Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction: A Simple Guide to Creating the Life of Your Dreams
015504: Du Cann, Charlotte; Watson, Mark - Reality Is the Bug That Bit Me in the Galapagos : Trips in the Americas
016138: Cannadine, David - The Pleasures of the Past
007580: Canning, John, Editor - 100 Great Nineteenth-Century Lives
025701: Joanna Cannon - Religious Poverty, Visual Riches
284909: Claudia Von Canon - The Moonclock
018953: Cantalupo, Joseph;Renner, Thomas C. - Body Mike: An Unsparing Expose by the Mafia Insider Who Turned on the Mob
022510: Norman F. Cantor & Richard I. Schneider - How to Study History
008783: A. Canuck - Penn pictures of Early Life in Upper Canada
008664: Rosemary Caperton, et al Editors - The Unsavvy Traveler: Women's Comic Tales of Catastrophe
021151: Ronald Caplan - Down North - The Book of Cape Breton's Magazine
020237: Caplan, Ronald (Editor) - Down North, The Book of Cape Breton's Magazine
286879: Caplin, Steve - How to Cheat in Photoshop CS5: The art of creating realistic photomontages
020090: Pat Capponi - Dispatches from the Poverty Line
022088: Theresa Capuana - Expressions of Love: Woman's Day Prizewinning Cross-Stitch Samplers
024495: Carcaterra, Lorenzo - Gangster
015061: Orson Scott Card, Editor - Getting Lost: survival, baggage, and starting Over in J. J. Abrams' Lost
022290: Orson Scott Card, Editor - Alvin Journeyman: The Tales of Alvin Maker IV
287222: Ernesto Cardenal - The Gospel in Solentiname Vol. 3
026805: Hallmark Cards, Inc - Kansas City;: An intimate portrait of the surprising city on the Missouri
005550: J.M.S. Careless - Brown of the Globe-Vol. 1-the Voice of Upper Canada 1818-1859
025287: J.M.S. Careless & R. Craig Brown - The Canadians 1867-1967
000393: J.M.S. Careless And R. Craig Brown - The Canadians-Part One, 1867-1967
010354: Carey, Diane - Stark Trek: Ship of the Line
027950: Peter Carey - The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith
022237: Mary Carey - The Gnome-Mobile - Authorized Edition
003689: Carey, Peter - Wrong About Japan: a Father's Journey With His Son
011236: David Carey - 'How it Works" The Aeroplane
010045: Michael Carin - The Neutron Picasso
006722: Cariou, Warren - Lake of the Prairies: a Story of Belonging
287020: Carlin, Peter A - Paul McCartney: A Life
287311: Carlin, George - When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?
002875: Carline, Jan; Lentz, Marty; Macdonald, Steven - Mountaineering First Aid: a Guide to Accident Response and First Aid Care
014700: Jeff Carlisi & Dan Lipson - JAM! Amp Your Team, Rock Your Business
286041: Carlisle, Belinda - Lips Unsealed: A Memoir
285074: Dr Bernard Slatt Dr Lloyd Carlsen - The Naked Face
017117: Spike Carlsen - A Splintered History of Wood - Belt Sander races, Blind Woodworkers & Baseball Bats
0283959: Richard Carlson, Ph.D. - The Big Book of Small Stuff
020425: Richard Carlson, Ph.D. - Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and Its All Small Stuff
016614: Carlson, Vada - Broken Pattern Sunlight and Shadows of Hopi History
015828: Carlson, Richard;Carlson, Kristine - Don't Sweat the Small Stuff in Love: Simple Ways to Nurture and Strengthen Your Relationships While Avoiding the Habits That Break Down Your Loving Connectin
019642: Carlson, Laurie - More Than Moccasins: A Kid's Activity Guide to Traditional North American Indian Life (Hands-On History)
020424: Richard Carlson, Ph.D. - Don't Sweat the small Stuff with Your Family
018207: Carlstein, Andres - Odyssey to Ushuaia: A Motorcycling Adventure from New York to Tierra Del Fuego
005616: Carlton, Richard R. - My Bicycle Adventure
025646: Thomas Carlyle - On Heroes, Hero-Worship and Their Heroic in History Vol. 1
022284: Thomas Carlyle - Essays on Goethe with an Introduction By Henry Morley
024723: Thomas Carlyle - Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History
012180: Thomas Carlyle - Sartor Resartus
022286: Richard Carlyon - Dark Lord of Pengersick
018356: Carmichael, Peter;Williams, Winston - Florida's Fabulous Reptiles and Amphibians
010199: Carmody, Denise - Women and World Religions
286958: Dale Carnegie - The Dale Carnegie Course in Effective Speaking and Human Relations
004625: Dale Carnegie - The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking
023652: Dale Carnegie - Public Speaking & Influencing Men in Business
007923: Dale Carnegie - The quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking
005614: Dale Carnegie - The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking
286701: Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People
021284: Dale Carnegie - How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
021225: Dale Carnegie - How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (Revised Edition)
013246: Janet Carnochan - Inscriptions and graves in the Niagara Peninsula
015093: Caro, Robert A. - Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson
024579: Abraham-Carolyn - Possessing Genius - the Bizarre Odyssey of Einstein;s Brain
027621: Donna Sammons Carpenter and John Feloni - The Fall of the House of Hutton
002337: Carpenter, Russell B. & Blyth C. - Fish Watching in Hawaii
010239: Carpenter, Catrine - Beginner's French - an Easy Introduction
008562: David Carpenter - The Glory of Westminister Abbey
021960: Marcia Clark; Teresa Carpenter - Without a Doubt
014481: Carpenter, David Gibbs - Daytripper: 50 Trips in and Around Southwestern Ontario
028331: George Carpozi, Jr - Poison Pen the Unauthorized Biography of Kitty Kelley
019285: Allen Carr - The Only Way to Stop Smoking Permanently
0283535: Samuel Carr, Editor - The Poetry of Childhood
005354: Carr, Emily With A Foreword By Ira Dilworth - The Book of Small
006122: Carr, Emily With A Foreword By Ira Dilworth - The Emily Carr Collection
007394: Carr, Caleb - The Italian Secretary
285729: Charmian Carr with Jean A S Strauss - Forever Liesl A Memoirof The Sound of Music
023283: Carr, Emily With A Foreword By Ira Dilworth - The Heart of a Peacock
287476: Carr, Emily - Klee Wyck
024900: Carr, Gwendolyn C. - The Fierce Goodbye: Hope in the Wake of Suicide
021973: Allen Carr - Allen Carr's easy Way to Stop Smoking
004156: Carr, Emily With A Foreword By Ira Dilworth - Klee Wyck
285340: John Le Carre - A Small Town In Germany
006449: Le Carre, John - The Tailor of Panama
016631: Le Carre, John - The Little Drummer Girl
021054: John Le Carre, Graham Greene, Joseph Conrad, Len Deighton, et al - Favourite Spy Stories
287192: Jim Carrey and Dana Vachon - Memoirs and Misinformation: A novel
0283919: Mara Carrico - Yoga Basics the Essential Beginner's Guide to Yoga for a Lifetime of Health and Fitness
028207: John Carrido - The Fitness Approach to Power Golf
008065: Carrier, Roch - LA Guerre, Yes Sir!
017633: Carrier, Roch - The Man in the Closet
016921: Carrier, Roch; Fischman, Sheila - Prayers of a Young Man
000441: Audrey Doerr And Micheline Carrier, Editors - Women and the Constitution in Canada
011899: Carrier, Roch - Is It the Sun, Philbert?
285310: Sally Carrighar - Wild Heritage
006624: O'Carroll, Brendan - The Granny
285798: Alice Carroll, editor - The Good Housekeeping Needlecraft Encyclopedia
026838: Carroll, Lewis - Mathematical Recreations of - Symbolic Logic and the Game of Logic (Dover Recreational Math) 2 Books in One
287977: Carroll, Lewis Poem by Austin Dobson - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
016944: Carroll, Lewis;Gardner, Martin;Newell, Peter - More Annotated Alice: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
006625: O'Carroll, Brendan - The Chisellers
0284178: David Carroll - Spiritual Parenting a Loving Guide for the New Age Parent
025798: Jean Carroz - Faces of Bangkok
026084: Carruth, Jane - Johann Wyss's Swiss Family Robinson (Award Adventure Classics)
285501: W H Carruth - Schiller's Wilhelm Tell with introduction, notes and a vocabulary
028158: Jane Carruth, Reteller - Pinocchio
013113: Carruth, J. A. - Sir Walter Scott
0284620: Rachel Carson - The Sea Around Us
006656: Rachel Carson - The Edge of the Sea
022598: Rachel Carson - The Sense of Wonder
026137: Mary A. Carson - The Girl's Companion
285268: Rick Carson - Taming Your Gremlin
027930: Dr William Carson - The Great Newfoundland Reformer - Hi Life, Letters and Speeches
286237: Carter, Ronald - The Routledge History of Literature in English: Britain and Ireland
009516: Carter, Carmen - The Devil's Heart - Star Trek the Next Generation
006703: Carter, Robert - Talwar
009776: Carter, Carmen - The Devil's Heart - Star Trek the Next Generation
002073: Carter, W. Hodding - A Viking Voyage: in Which an Unlikely Crew Attempts an Epic Journey to the New World
003591: Carter, Jimmy - Talking Peace: a Vision for the Next Generation
0284573: Walter Carter - Classic Guitars
018966: Charles Ambrose Carter & Thomas Melville Bailey - The Diary of Sophia MacNab
017623: Jimmy Carter - Our Endangered Values - America's Moral Crisis
017317: Susan Whelehan and Anne Laurel Carter , Editors - My Wedding Dress - True Life Tales of Lace, Laughter, Tears and Tulle
017238: Carter, B. - Walking in the Wild
015501: Joseph H. Carter - Never Met a Man I Didn't Like: The Life and Writings of Will Rogers
014127: Carter, Howard - The Tomb of Tutankhamen
0284725: George Goldsmith Carter - Spotlight on Sailing Ships
011312: Carter, Mildred - Hand Reflexology: Key to Perfect Health
019704: Carter, Jimmy - The Hornet's Nest: A Novel of the Revolutionary War
0283847: Mildred Carter - Body Reflexology Healing at Your Fingertips
027130: Elizabeth Eliot Carter - Valley of the Kings a Novel of Tutankhamun
007786: G.S.Carter - A General Zoology of the Invertebrates
005776: Barbara Cartland - The Devil Defeated 2/Love Leaves at Midnight3/Love in the Dark 5/
287149: Caruthers, Phineas J - Style & Circumstance: The Gentleperson's Guide to Good Grammar
286955: Carver, Raymond - Where I'm Calling from: New and Selected Stories
008370: Carver, Virginia;Ponee, Charles - Women Work and Wellness
005169: Joyce Cary - Memoir of the Bobotes
011447: Cary, Elizabeth; Hodgson-Wright, Stephanie - The Tragedy of Mariam, the Fair Queen of Jewry
027169: Barbara Cary - Meet Abraham Lincoln
024145: Casagrande, June - Grammar Snobs Are Great Big Meanies: A Guide to Language for Fun and Spite
002569: Casanova, Mary - Cecile: Gates of Gold
287231: Case, Barbara - A World of Beads: How to Make Your Own Unique Jewellery
287362: David Case - Plumb Drillin'
287545: Rev D A Casey - Leaves on the Wind
007508: H. R. Casgrain - Wolfe and Montcalm
011838: Cash, Rosanne;Disney Pr Hyperion - Bodies of Water: Short Fiction
0283505: Bill Casper - Billy Casper's My Million-dollar Shots
285938: Casper, Claudia - The Reconstruction
020771: Claudia Casper - The Continuation of Love by Other Means
013573: Lionel Casson - Illustrated History of Ships & Boats
027317: Herbert N Casson - The Art of handling People
020537: Roger Rapoport and Marguerita Castanera, Editors - I Should Have Stayed Home: The Worst Trips of Great Writers (Travel Literature Series)
024534: Sebastien De Castell - Shadowblack - Spellslinger Book 2
024535: Sebastien De Castell - Charmcaster Spellslinger Book Three
024536: Sebastien De Castell - Spellslinger - Spellslinger Book One
011807: De Castillejo, Irene Claremont - Knowing Woman: A Feminine Psychology
026117: Richard Castle - Naked Heat
008000: Coralie Castle and Barbara Lawrence - Hors D'oeuvre Etc.
027558: Rodney Castleden - Witness to History - First Hand Accounts By Those Who Saw it Happen
0284522: Don Caston - Eighty-Eight Easy to Make Aids for Older People & for Special Needs
011647: Norma S. De Castro, Ph.D - My Dog My Other Self - Why Owners Have tics and Dogs Have Spasms
001897: Caswell, William E. - The Best Dam Business Book in the World-Vol. One. -a Fast Read Introduction to a Twelve Part Series
010321: Edmund Catchpool - John Satterly - A Text Book of Sound - The Tutorial Physics Vol I
286356: Edmund Catchpool - The University Tutorial Services The Tutorial Physics Vol. 1 A Text-Book of Sound with Numerous Diagrams and Examples
021572: Willa Cather - My Ántonia (Broadview Literary Texts)
004963: Willa Cather - Shadows on the Rock
025611: Willa Cather - Death Comes for the Archbishop
025335: Willa Cather - Sapphira and the slave Girl
023385: Willa Cather - My Mortal Enemy
011439: Willa Cather - Sapphira and the Slave Girl
286728: Willa Cather - My Antonia
021891: Christopher Catherwood - A Brief History of the Middle East - New Edition
285880: Geo Catlin - North American Indians Vol. 1 Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians
013569: Catlin, George;Ewers, John Canfield - O-Kee-Pa, a Religious Ceremony and Other Customs of the Mandans
012396: Cato, Bob;Burgess, Anthony;Vitiello, Greg - Joyce Images
026318: Catton, Bruce and William b Catton - The Bold and Magnificent Dream: America's Founding Years, 1492-1815 (The Doubleday basic history of the United States)
024490: Catton, Bruce - This Hallowed Ground: The Story of the Union Side of the Civil War (Wordsworth Military Library)
003727: Catullus, Gaius Valerius - Odi Et Amo: the Complete Poetry of Catussus
008553: Cavanagh, Paul - After Helen : A Novel
286139: Cavanaugh, Jack - Quest for the Promised Land: Oppressed by British Rule, the Van Der Kemps Cross a Hostile Wilderness to Find a Home (African Covenant Series 2)
023166: Hugh B. Cave - The Unwanted and Peril in the Gorge
287852: George Cavendish - Cardinal Wolsey Morley's Universal Library 24
024466: Richard Cavendish, Editor - Legends of the World
025186: Anthony Cavendish - Granta 24: Inside Intelligence (Import)
0284502: Richard Cavendish, Editor - The Great Religions
287074: Bruxy Cavey - Reunion
027110: A C Cawley, Editor - Eeryman and Medieval Miracle Plays
020639: John Cawte - The Universe of the Warramirri: Art, Medicine and Religion in Arnhem Land
025742: Cawthorne, Nigel - Art of India
006835: Nigel Cawthorne - 100 Catastrophic Disasters
019268: Nigel Cawthorne - Stalin - the Murderous Career of the Red Tsar
0283600: Nigel Cawthorne - Witch Hunt History of a Persecution
016147: Nigel Cawthorne - A History of Pirates - Blood and Thunder on the High Seas
026244: Edgar Cayce - An Edgar Cayce Home Medicine Guide
010465: Jan Cech and J.E. Mellon - Czechoslovakia - Land of Dream and Enterprise
285994: Henry Cecil - Ways and Means
008869: Cecil, Jennifer - Traveling Solo
008421: Rod Cedaro, Compiler - Triathlon: Achieving Your Personal Best
285935: Georgiana Dorcas Ceder - Ann of Bethany
016418: Celoria, Francis - Archeology - a Grosset All-Color Guide
0284361: The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center - Learn Yoga in a Weekend
025355: Berkeley Holistic Health Center; Berkley Holistic Health Center - The Holistic health handbook: A tool for attaining wholeness of body, mind, and spirit
285468: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center - Yoga Mind & Body
010699: Ceram, C.W. - First American: A Story of North American Archaeology
008001: C.W.Ceram - Gods, Graves, and Scholars - the Story of Archaeology
025938: Chabon, Michael - The Mysteries of Pittsburgh
012762: Chaffers, William - Concise Marks & Monograms on Pottery & Porcelain
0284180: Dr Leon Chaitow - Conquer Pain the Natural Way a Practical Guide
0284304: Dr Leon Chaitow - The Body/mind Purification Program How to be Healthy in a Polluted World
007453: D.M. Chakravorty - Banaras-a Tourist Handbook
017004: Eric Chaline - Traveller's Guide to the Ancient World - Ancient Greece - Athens and Its Environs in the Year 415 BCE
286484: Jack L Chalker - The Four Lords of the Diamonds Lilith:A Snake in the Grass Cerberus: A Wolf in the Fold Charon: A Dragon at the Gate Medusa: A Tiger by the Tail
285764: Jack L Chalker - An Informal Biography of Scrooge McDuck
285509: George Challis - The Bait and The Trap 278
010822: Bruce Chalmers - The Structure and Mechanical Properties of Metals - Vol. 2
009222: Mary chamberlain, EditorC - Writing Lives: Conversations Between Women Writers
007190: William Henry Chamberlin - Japan Over Asia
023675: Patrick Chamoiseau - Texaco
0284421: Francis Chan - Crazy Love Overwhelmed By a Relentless God
003712: Chance, Norman Allee - The Eskimo of North Alaska
014712: Nayan Chanda - Bound Together - how Traders, preachers, Adventurers, and Warriors Shaped Globalization
019502: Paul-Gordon Chandler - Pilgrims of Christ on the Muslim Road - Exploring a New Path Between Faiths
025901: Chandler, John - Wessex Images
026491: Anankha K. Chandler - Therapist in a Book: Emotional Healing : Companion to the Audio Series Therapist in a Box
025551: Chandler, Charlotte - Hello, I must be going: Groucho and his friends
0283544: Raymond Chandler - Playback
024831: Chandra, Vikram - Red Earth and Pouring Rain: A Novel
025012: Chandrakanthan, Joseph A.editor - Jesus: Lord and Christ: A Christology Reader
0284503: Earlyne Chaney - Revelations of Things to Come Initiation and Rebirth of the Great, Great, Planet Earth
0284030: Earlyne Chaney - A Book of Prophecies By Earlyne Chaney Beyond the Coming Crisis the New Man and the New Earth
027583: Kwang-Chih Chang - Shang Civilization
005044: Chanoff, David; Tang, Troung Nhu; Doan, Van Toai - A Vietcong Memoir
015315: Chant, Christopher - Pioneers of Aviation
027735: D. A. Chant - Pets & Pests - Animal Environments Study Print Program - Teacher's Manual
0284482: Chris Chant - Special Forces
027833: Vilma Liacouras Chantiles - The Food of Greece Food, Folkways and Travel in Mainland and Islands of Greece
025673: Thomas Chapais - The Great Intendant - a Chronicle of Jean Talon in Canada 1665-1675
284819: Bryan Chapell with Kathy Chapell - Each for the Other Marriage as it's meant to be
023038: Abraham Chapman, Editor - Black Voices - an Anthology of African-american Literature (Signet Classics)
027290: E A Chapman, Editor - The Illustrated Book of Romantic Verse
005431: Hester Chapman - King's Rhapsody-Based on the Play By Ivor Novello
004506: Chapman, Sally Putnam; Mansfield, Stephanie - Whistled Like a Bird: the Untold Story of Dorothy Putnam, George Putnam, and Amelia Earhart
287656: Jean Chapman - The Wish Cat
026516: Gary Chapman - Desparate Marriages - Moving Toward Hope and Healing in Your Relationship
0284518: Guy Chapman - A Passionate Prodigality Fragments of Autobiography
026584: Gary Chapman - The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers - the Secret to Loving Teens Effectively
286682: Chapman, Gary - The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
013571: Charles F. Chapman - Publisher of Motor Boating - Piloting, Seamanship, & Small Boat Handling
012586: R. W. Chapman, Editor - Johnson's Journey to the Western islands of Scotland and Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL.D.
011773: Chapman, Gary D.;Chapman, Gary - Loving Solutions: Overcoming Barriers in Your Marriage
011375: Lieutenant Edward Chappell, R.N. - Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay in His Majesty's Ship Rosamond containing some Accounts of the North-Eastern Coast of America and of the Tribes Inhabiting that Remote Region
0283621: Jenny Chappell - The Youngest Princess or Little Means to Big Ends
013601: Lieut. Edward Chappell, R.N. - Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay in His Majesty's Ship Rosamond - 1817
0283918: Master Charles - The Bliss of Freedom a Contemporary Mystic's Enlightening Journey
021429: Wilkins Charles - A Wilderness Called Home: Dispatches from the Wild Heart of Canada
025585: Lamb Charles & Mary Lamb - Tales from Shakespeare
006178: Charlesworth, Edward A. - Stress Management: a Comprehensive Guide to Wellness
287525: Hector Charlesworth - The Canadian Scene Sketches: Political and Historical
009658: Roberta Charlesworth, et al - Nineteenth Moon - Unicorn, Grade 6
007874: J.E. Charlton - 1978 Charlton Coin Guide - a Buying List of Canadian and U.S. Coins & Bills and Coins of Great Britain
0284780: Moyra Charlton - Tally Ho the Story of an Irish Hunter
286573: Suzy McKee Charnas - Walk to the End of the World
026767: Charney, Maurice - All of Shakespeare
286194: Charteris, Leslie - The First Saint Omnibus: An Anthology of Saintly Adventures
025914: Charyn, Jerome - Death of a Tango King
023933: Charyn, Jerome - Movieland - Hollywood and the Great American Dream Culture
009996: Chasan, Daniel Jack;Thompson, Tim - The Smithsonian Guides to Natural America: The Pacific Northwest Washington and Oregon
021915: John Charles Chasteen - Problems in Modern Latin American History: A Reader (Latin American Silhouettes)
027241: Maurice Chatelain - Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space
010550: Henri Chatenay - The Country Doctors
028078: Les Chater with Elizabeth Hamid - Behind the Fence Life as a POW in Japan 1942-1945 the Diaries of Les Chater
286620: Erckmann-Chatrian (translator from French) - The Plebiscite or A Miller's Story of the War by one of the 7,500,000 who voted "Yes" - The Conscript The Story of the French War of 1813 (1899) 3) Madame Therese or The Volunteers of '92 - 1899 4)The Invasion of France in 1814 - 1899 5) The Blockade of Phalsburg An Episode of the End of the Empire - 1899 6) Waterloo 1899
284866: Tulsidas Chatterjee - Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga
004295: Chatwin, Bruce - What Am I Doing Here
013888: Chatwin, Bruce - The Songlines
013283: Chatwin, Bruce - On the Black Hill
004338: Chatwin, Bruce - Utz
021003: Bruce Chatwin - Anatomy of Restlessness: Selected Writings 1969-1989
010729: Chatwin, F. - The Viceroy of Ouidah
006677: Chatwin, Bruce - Utz
287489: Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Complete Canterbury Tales
010108: Chaucer, Geoffrey - Selected Canterbury Tales
286197: Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Canterbury Tales: Illustrated Edition
013398: Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Miller's Prologue & Tale from the Canterbury Tales
285473: Anthony Cheam - The ABCs of Life Living a life of Power, Purpose and Passion
017009: Cheetham, Erika - The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus
026345: George B Cheever, D.D. - God Against Slavery: And the Freedom and Duty of the Pulpit to Rebuke it, as a Sin Against God
009626: Cheever, Susan - A Woman's Life: The Story of an Ordinary American and Her Extraordinary Generation
022126: Anton Chekhov - Kashtanka
287346: Chen, Curtis C. - Kangaroo Too: A Novel
007918: Neita-Chen, Denise - Journey
0283585: Janet Chenery - Wolfie - a Science I Can Read Book
011651: T.A. Cheney - Land of the Hibernating Rivers - Life in the Arctic
001227: Cheney, Patricia - The Land and People of Zimbabwe-(Portraits of the Nations Series)
009020: Cheney, Lynne V. - Telling the Truth: Why Our Culture and Our Country Have Stopped Making Sense-And What We Can Do About It
000762: Cheng, Terrence - Sons of Heaven: a Novel
019543: Emanuel Cheraskin - Psychodietetics
006552: Vladimir Chernov - Moscow a Short Guide
027015: Don Cherry - Hockey Stories Part 2 as Told to Al Strachan
022448: Don Cherry with Stan Fischler - Grapes: A vintage view of hockey
0284418: Don Cherry - Don Cherry's Hocket Greats and More
023129: Don Cherry - Don Cherry's Hockey Stories and Stuff as Told to Al Strachan
005625: Laura Chester, Editor - Cradle and All: Women Writers on Pregnancy and Birth
015824: Laura Chester, Editor - The Unmade Bed: Sensual Writing on Married Love
286306: G K Chesterton - The Scandal of Father Brown, The Secret of Father Brown, The Innocence of Father Brown 3 books
005679: M.C. Cheung & S.Y. Chan - M.C. Tests in East Asian History 1870-1952
019035: Tracy Chevalier - The Last Runaway
287897: Chhaya, Mayank - Dalai Lama: Man, Monk, Mystic
285492: Mantak Chia & Douglas Abrams - The Multi-Orgasmic Man
016629: Paul Chiasson - The Island of Seven Cities - where the Chinese Settled when they Discovered America
002465: Chicago, Judy - The Dinner Party: a Symbol of Our Heritage
000087: Judy Chicago - The 39 Women
011511: Sir Francis Chichester - The Romantic Challenge
019888: Graciela Chichilnisky and Kristen A. Sheeran - Saving Kyoto
0283771: Swani Chidvilasananda - My Lord Loves a Pure Heart
026979: Gurumayi Chidvilasananda - Ashes at My Guru's Feet - Poems
285266: Gurumayi Chidvilasananda - Kindle My Heart Wisdom and Inspiration from A Living Master Volume 1
005804: Jonina Wood-Editor In Chief - Canada: a Portrait
286598: Rossiter Johnson Editor in Chief - The Greatest Events by Famous Historians Vol. XIX
027286: Bob Chieger and Pat Sullivan - Inside Gold Quotations on the Royal and Ancient Game
026041: Chilcoat, Loretta - Lonely Planet Road Trip: Blue Ridge Parkway
285863: Child, Lee; Child, Andrew - Better Off Dead A Jack Reacher Novel
286732: Julia Child - The French Chef Cookbook Receipes from Julia Child's celebrated first television series
285864: Child, Lee; Child, Andrew - No Plan B: A Jack Reacher Novel
016909: Child, Lydia Maria - Hobomok and Other Writings on Indians
004050: Childerhose, Buffy - From Lilith to Lilith Fair-Forward By Sarah McLachlan
007147: Childers, Mary - Welfare Brat: a Memoir
014511: Australia's Aboriginal Children - The Aboriginal Children's History of Australia
287770: Childress, David Hatcher - Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria and the Pacific (The Lost City Series)
003286: Ann Childs And Stanley Coleman - Say It With Flowers and Plants
285693: Chilton, John - Billie's Blues: The Billie Holiday Story, 1933-1959
027527: David Chilton - The Wealthy Barber Returns
285071: Tsao Hsueh-Chin - Dream of the Red Chamber
018476: New Archaeological Finds in China - Discoveries During the Cultural Revolution - Hsia Nai
000018: Women Of China - When They Were Young
005855: Michael Chinery - The Complete Amateur Naturalist
0283655: Sri Chinmoy - Beyond Within a Philosophy for the Inner Life
284810: Sri Chinmoy - Yoga and the Spiritual Life
024614: Chirot, Daniel - Modern Tyrants - the Power and Prevalence of Evil in Our Age
012519: Chisholm, Margo;Bruce, Ray - To the Summit: A Woman's Journey into the Mountains to Find Her Soul
021464: Hiram Martin Chittenden - Yellowstone National Park
013831: Chittister, Joan D. - A Passion for Life: Fragments of the Face of God
026377: Chittister, Sister - Living Well: Scriptural Reflections For Every Day
016187: Eleanor Chlitheroe, Editor - Women Rising: How Canadian Women Are Breaking Free from Criminal Pasts and Building a Better Future
009481: Chodis, Robert - Quebec in a New World - the PQ's Plan for Sovereignty
002440: Chodorow, Nancy J. - Feminism and Psychoanalytic Theory
285344: Pema Chodron - The Places That Scare You
287890: Chodron, Pema - No Time to Lose: A Timely Guide to the Way of the Bodhisattva
287825: Chodron, Pema - How We Live Is How We Die
009105: Robert Chomiak et al - A Tapestry of Cultures - Voices from Burnaby's Ethnic Communities
008606: Chomsky, Noam - Rethinking Camelot : JFK, the Vietnam War and U. S. Political Culture
020516: Noam Chomsky - The Chomsky Reader
024895: Noam Chomsky and C.J. Polychroniou - Optimism Over Despair - on Capitalism, Empire and Social Change
013241: Chomsky, Noam;Junkerman, John;Masakazu, Takei;Masakuzu, Takei - Power and Terror: Post 9-11 Talks and Interviews
013244: Chomsky, Noam - 9-11 - an Open Media Book
287583: Chong, Kevin - Neil Young Nation: A Quest, an Obsession (and a True Story)
018529: Chong, Denise (SIGNED) - The Girl in the Picture: The Kim Phuc Story
018061: Chong, Denise - The Girl in the Picture: The Kim Phuc Story
020994: Steven Foster; Yue Chongxi - Herbal Emissaries - Bringing Chinese Herbs to the West
023003: Kate Chopin, Louisa May Alcott, Edna Ferber, - American Women Writers
006276: Chopra, Deepak - Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: the Quantum Alternative to Growing Old
002517: Chopra, Deepak - Return of the Rishi: a Doctor's Story of Spiritual Transformation and Ayurvedic Healing
022165: Deepak Chopra - Soulmate
024332: Deepak Chopra - Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul - How to Create a New You
027974: Deepak Chopra & David Simon - Grow Younger, Live Longer 10 Steps to Reverse Aging
009914: Chopra, Deepak - Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old
0284020: Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford, Marianne Williamson - The Shadow Effect Illuminating the Hidden Power of Hour True Self
021688: Deepak Chopra - The Soul in Love: Classic Poems of Ecstasy and Exaltation
286081: Deepak Chopra - Golf for Enlightenment: The Seven Lessons for the Game of Life
285891: Deepak Chopra - Perfect Weight: The Complete Mind/Body Program for Achieving and Maintaining Your Ideal Weight (Perfect Health Library)
012496: Deepak Chopra - The Third Jesus - The Christ We Cannot Ignore
011167: Chopra, Deepak - Restful Sleep: The Complete Mind/Body Program for Overcoming Insomnia
015062: Chornenki, Genevieve A.; Hart, Christine E. - Bypass Court : A Dispute Resolution Handbook
000538: Choy, Wayson - Paper Shadows: a Chinatown Childhood
021993: Wayson Choy - Not Yet - a Memoir of Living and Almost Dying
021992: Wayson Choy - Not Yet - a Memoir of Living and Almost Dying
020833: Wayson Choy - Paper Shadows: A Chinatown Childhood
018906: Choyce, Lesley - The Coasts of Canada: A History
026611: Jean Chretien - Straight from the Heart
018676: Jean Chretien, Editor - Finding Common Ground - the Proceedings of the Alymer Conference
022946: Chretien, Jean - Straight from the Heart
007235: Christ, Carol P. - Womanspirit Rising: a Feminist Reader in Religion
286058: Ian Christe - Sound of the Beast: The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal
002565: Christensen, Jo Ippolito - The Needlepoint Book: 303 Stitches With Patterns and Projects
001922: Christensen, Jo-Anne - Ghost Stories of British Columbia
0283772: Alice Christensen - Yoga of the Heart Ten Ethical Principles for Gaining Limited Growth, Confidence and Achievement
005277: Christensen, Thomas - The Discovery of America & Other Myths: a New World Reader
019131: John R. Christensen - Drops of Jupiter
287741: Pam Behan; Sara Christenson - Malibu Nanny: Adventures of the Former Kardashian Nanny
008161: Christianson, Gale E - Greenhouse : The 200-Year Story of Global Warming
287431: Christie, George - Exile on Front Street: My Life as a Hells Angel . . . and Beyond
024559: Chris Christie with Ellis Henican - Le Me Finish - Trump, the Kushners, Bannon, New Jersey, and the Power of in Your Face Politics
026307: Christie, Agatha - The Seven Dials Mystery Ready By Jenny Funnell
026312: Christie, Agatha - 4.50 From Paddington Read By Joanna David
026313: Christie, Agatha - The Body in the Library Read By Ian Masters
0284660: Matt Christopher - Mountain Bike Mania
018151: Christopher, Robert C. - Japanese Mind: The Goliath Explained
009959: James R. Christopher - The North Americans
025918: Chryssides, George D. - The Elements of Unitarianism (The Elements of . Series)
008219: Chu, Chin-Ning - Working Woman's Art of War - from glass Slippers to Combat Boots
024783: Amy Chua - Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
006306: Chubb, Kit - The Avian Ark: Tales From a Wild-Bird Hospital
018672: Howard P. Chudacoff - Children at Play - An American History
003665: Chui, Carole; Roebuck, Derek - Hong Kong Contracts
027800: The Rev A J Church - The Adventures of a Roman Boy
011132: C.S. churcher, Editor - Athlon: Essays on Palaeontology in Honour of Loris Shano Russell
004775: Sara Churchill - A Thread in Tapestry
006583: Winston S Churchill - Secret Session Speeches
285291: Winston Churchill - Closing the Ring The Second World War
023407: Winston Churchill - Blood Sweat Tears - Five Memorable Addresses
019711: Churchill, Winston S. - Memories and Adventures (Coronet Books)
285294: Winston Churchill - The Hinge of Fate The Second World War
023726: Winston Churchill - Never Give in!
285293: Winston S Churchill - Their Finest Hour The Second World War
285292: Winston Churchill - The Gathering Storm The Second World War
018655: Churchill, Winston S. O.M., - The Island Race
016419: Winston Churchill - The Crossing
015325: Winston S. Churchill - Painting as a Pastime
011524: Winston Churchill - The Inside of the Cup
020188: Winston Churchill - Heroes of History - a Selection of Churchill's Favorite Historical Characters
012362: Winston S. Churchill - Memoirs of the Second World War - an Abridgement of the Six Volumes of The Second World War
027444: James Churchward - The Sacred Symbols of Mu
287936: Churchwell, Sarah - Careless People: Murder, Mayhem, and the Invention of The Great Gatsby
005159: Chute, Marchette - Introduction to Shakespeare
008193: Chute, Dennis - Turning Samoan: A Novel
013668: Chute, Marchette - Introduction to Shakespeare
287565: Chuvalo, George; Greig, Murray - Chuvalo: A Fighter's Life - The Story Of Boxing's Last Gladiator
286126: John Ciardi - The Inferno, The Purgatorio, The Paradiso
014238: Ciccone, Christopher - Life with my Sister Madonna
027336: Gloria Cigman, Editor - Lollard Sermons - the Early English Text Society No. 294
020699: Marcaello Di Cintio - Walls - Travels Along the Barricades
023626: Charles J. Cipolla, Publisher - The First Year: Toronto Bluejays Scorebook Magazine Vol. 1, No. 18 - Special Edition
0284192: Grace Cirocco - Take the Step the Bridge Will be There Inspiration and Guidance for Moving Your Life Forward
012106: Cisneros, Sandra - Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories
286801: Sandra Cisneros - The House on Mango Street
012615: Ontario Senior Citizens - Are you Listening?
006982: Citro, Joe - Cursed in New England: Stories of Damned Yankees
026818: Lost Civilizations - Facts and Enigmas in Archeology; the Civilization of the Maya; In Quest of the Bible - Archeology and the Scriptures; Easter Island (4 Vols.)
002538: Claiborne, Jack - Discovering North Carolina: a Tar Heel Reader
287027: Marcy Claman - Rise & Dine Canada Savory Secrets from Canada's Bed & Breakfast Inns
285518: H M E Clamp - Bridewell Beauty 65
023431: Clancy, Tom - Marine: A Guided Tour of a Marine Expeditionary Unit (Tom Clancy's Military Reference)
015155: Frances Clapham, et al - Evolution of Mankind
006011: Clar, C. Raymond - Out of the River Mist
024983: Cassandra Clare - City of Bones - Book One
285179: Christopher Clarey - The Master The Long Run and Beautiful Game of Roger Federer
006792: Clark, Joan - The Word for Home
007053: Clark, Eliza - Miss You Like Crazy
025391: Clark, Ronald W. - Scientific Breakthrough - the Impact of Modern Invention
0284370: Stanley K Clark - What to Eat.and When Rosicrucia Library Vol. XXI
286740: Clark, Michael - The Cottonwoods of Titus Smithing
021374: S.J Duncan-Clark, W. R. Plewman - Pictorial History of the Great War and Canada in the Great War
002080: Clark, Ella Elizabeth - Indian Legends of Canada
002573: Clark, Joan - An Audience of Chairs
286384: Clark, Simon - The Night of the Triffids
287992: Clark, Tim; Old Farmer's Almanac - A Millennium Primer, the Old Farmer's Almanac: Timeless Truths and Delightful Diversions
005676: Clark, William; Lewis, Meriwether; Bakeless, John Edwin - Journals of Lewis and Clark: a New Selection
009438: Gerald Clark - Canada: The Uneasy Neighbour
028053: Paul Clark & Julian Freeman - Design - a Crash Course
018946: Clark, Robert - River of the West: Stories from the Columbia
018463: Clark, Victoria - The Far-Farers: A Journey from Viking Iceland to Crusader Jerusalem
017966: Colin Clark - My Week with Marilyn - The Prince, the Show Girl, and Me.
014424: Clark, David L.;English Association - New Romanticisms: Theory and Critical Practice
012653: C.S. Clark - Of Toronto the Good: A Social Study: The Queen City of Canada as It Is.
285674: Colin Clark - Words about eating and drinking, words at school, words about our world, words about going places, words about the house, words at play, words about you, me and us, words about animals First Leaners Series 8 books
009852: Clark, Eliza - What You Need: A Novel
017346: Gregory Clark - May Your First Love be your Last and Other Stories
026309: Mary Higgins Clark - Two Little Girls in Blue - Ready By Jan Maxwell
0283993: Ella Elizabeth Clark - Indian Legends of Canada
0283982: Lovell Clark - The Manitoba School Question Majority Rule or Minoritiy Rights? Issues in Canadian History
285378: Bill Johnson Randy Clark - The Essential Guide to Healing Equipping All Christians to Pray for the Sick
011541: B. R. Clark - Mr. Cameron's Friends - Acorn Books No. 26
284871: John Clarke - Story of A Soul
004294: Clarke, Thurston - Equator: a Journey
022128: Austin Clarke - Choosing His Coffin. The Best Stories of Austin Clarke
022130: Austin Clarke - The Question
006764: Marcus Clarke - For the Term of His Natural Life
286323: Arthur C Clarke - 2061:odyssey three
026011: Clarke, Austin - The Polished Hoe: A Novel
010805: Clarke, Margaret - Healing Song
002715: Clarke, George Elliott, Editor - Eyeing the North Star: Directions in African-Canadian Literature
023542: Clarke, Arthur C. - The Snows of Olympus: A Garden on Mars - an Illustrated Story of Man's Colonization of Mars
022408: George Elliott Clarke - Execution Poems: The Black Acadian Tragedy of George And Rue
023661: Clarke, Austin - Proud Empires
286479: Clarke, Arthur C. - Childhood's End - A Del Rey Gold Seal Selection
018265: P.H. Clarke - Petrosian's Best Games of Chess 1946-1963
026834: Clarke, Darren with Dr Karl Morris - Golf - the Mind Factor
010965: Clarke, Marcus - For the Term of His Natural Life
003736: Clarke, Tony; Barlow, Maude - Mai Round Two: New Global and Internal Threats to Canadian Sovereignty
028278: Donald Henderson Clarke - The Story of John Bartel Jr - Complete and unabridged.
007924: Clarke, William M. - How the City of London Works: An Introduction to Its Financial Markets
009133: Clarke, Richard A. - Against All Enemies: Inside America's War On Terror
019576: Clarke, Richard A. - Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror
022248: Arthur C. Clarke - 1984, Spring: A Choice of Futures
017179: Clarke, Austin - The Question
016510: Clarke, Thurston - Searching for Crusoe: A Journey Among the Last Real Islands
013606: Clarke, Thurston - Equator: A Journey
003987: W. E. Legros Clarke - History of the Primates-an Introduction to the Study of Fossil Man
012676: Clarke, Gerald - Capote: A Biography
011970: Austin C. Clarke - Amongst Thistles & Thorns
286995: Arthur C. Clarke - 2010: Odyssey Two
027055: Adrienne Clarkson - Belonging the Paradox of Citizenship - CBC Massey Lectures
003799: Stephen Clarkson - Uncle Sam and Us: Globalization, Neoconservatism, and the Canadian State
011396: Clarkson, Michael - Quick Fixes for Everyday Fears : How to Manage Everything from Fear of Mice to Fear of Flying
023802: Clarkson, Stephen - The Big Red Machine: How the Liberal Party Dominates Canadian Politics
017716: Stephen Clarkson & Christina McCall - Trudeau and Our Times Vol. 1: The Magnificient Obsession
019634: Clarkson, Jeremy - Motorworld
024407: Clay, John - Culbertson: The Man Who Made Contract Bridge
004755: Clayre, Alasdair - The Heart of the Dragon
286145: Clayson, Alan - Only the Lonely: The Life and Artistic Legacy of Roy Orbison
012497: Clayton, Lisa - At the Mercy of the Sea
001026: John Cleare - Trekking-Great Walks of the World
021934: Paul Cleave - Trust No One - a Thriller
021936: Paul Cleave - A Killer Harvest - a Thriller
284999: Brian Clegg - A Brief History of Infinity The Quest to Think the Unthinkable
011579: Clemens, John;Mayer, Douglas F. - The Classic Touch: Lessons in Leadership from Homer to Hemingway
026292: Clement, Aeron - The Cold Moons
001133: Clements, Marcelle - The Improvised Woman: Single Women Reinventing Single Life
014439: Clemmer, Jim - Growing the Distance: Timeless Principles for Personal, Career, and Family Success
007669: Clifford, Geoffrey; Balaban, John - Vietnam: the Land We Never Knew
025654: Clifford, Francis - Good-bye and amen
028242: Martin Clifford - The Encyclopedia of Household Plumbing Installation & Repair
024380: Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic - Book of Alternative Medicine
010509: Clinton, Hillary Rodham;Osborne, Claire G. - The Unique Voice of Hillary Rodham Clinton: A Portrait in Her Own Words
001313: Catherine Clinton, Ed - Half Sisters of History: Southern Women and the American Past
026188: Bill Clinton and James Patterson - The President is Missing
020668: Catherine Clinton - Fanny Kemble's Civil Wars - the Story of America's First Abolitionist
0283581: Hillary Rodham Clinton - What Happened
015283: Clinton, Bill - My Life
012681: Town of Clinton - History of Clinton 1875-1975
027782: Bill Clinton and James Patterson - The President's Daughter - a Thriller
020189: Clinton, Hillary Rodham;Osborne, Claire G. - Living History
020190: Bill Clinton - Back to Work - Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy
020241: Hillary Rodham Clinton - It Takes a Village, and Other Lessons Children Teach Us
020747: Tim Clissold - Mr. China - a Memoir
012280: Stuart Cloete - The Turning Wheels
286043: Clooney, Rosemary; Barthel, Joan - Girl Singer: An Autobiography
013908: Karen Close - Unfinished Women - Seeds from My Friendship with Reva Brooks
026585: Dr. Henry Cloud, Dr. John Townsend - It's Not My Fault - Who's to Blame? People, Circumstances or DNA? The No-Excuse Plan to Put You in charge of Your Life
026146: Arthur Hugh Clough - Plutarach's Lives - Harvard Classics
024425: Clouser, Roy A. - Knowing With the Heart: Religious Experience & Belief in God
025574: Al Clouston - We Rant and We Roar: The Latest Collection of Newfoundland Humour
285157: Al Clouston - Come 'Ere Till I Tells Ya
020520: Sierra Club - The Sierra Club Guides to the National Parks of the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains
023544: Toronto Field Naturalists' Club - Toronto the Green
002210: Clubb, Angela - Wheel of Wisdom: a Turtle and Hare Journey to Your Dream
015798: Douglas Clucas - Dreams
001918: Robert Cluett - The Gold of Troy-an Inquiry Into Family Mythology and Personal History
024027: Floyd Clymer - Those Wonderful Old Automobiles
021026: Charles Sauriol CM - Green Footsteps: Recollections of a Grassroots Conservationist
0284092: Stephen Co & Eric B Robins - Your Hands Can Heal You
011733: Coady, Lynn - Strange Heaven
0283520: Carol Coates - Invitation to Mood
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