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13473: Bonanno, Margaret Wander - Otherwise
13474: Bonanno, Margaret Wander - Otherwhere
12624: Bonanno, Margaret Wander - Preternatural
4378: Bonanno, Margaret Wander - Preternatural Too: Gyre
23862: Bonaparte, Roland - La Nouvelle-Guinée. Ive Notice. Le Golfe Huon
20283: Bonatti, Walter - Le Mie Montagne
32805: Bond, J. Harvey / Brett, Mike - Kill Me with Kindness. / the Guilty Bystander
7290: Bond, Nelson - No Time Like the Future
22066: Bond, J. Wesley - Minnesota and Its Resources, to Which Are Appended Camp-Fire Sketches or Notes of a Trip from St. Paul to Pembina and Selkirk Settlement on the Red River of the North
12117: Bondurant, Matt - The Third Translation
17320: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Ticci, Giovanni - Tex #236 - IL Cerchio Di Sangue
18678: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Letteri, Guglielmo - Tex #240 - Ombre Del Passato
18679: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #277 - IL Vendicatore Mascherato
14753: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #193 - Trapper!
18129: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Letteri, Guglielmo - Tex #279 - Cavalcata Selvaggia
18114: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Letteri, Guglielmo - Tex #211 - Tucson!
16104: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Nicolò, Erio - Tex: Apache Kid
14533: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #71 - Pueblo Bonito
14535: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #116 - la Dama Di Picche
14546: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #208 - Un Nido Di Serpenti
16460: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #3 - Nel Covo Di Satania
18680: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Fusco, Fernando - Tex #304 - Aquila Della Notte
18681: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Blasco, Javier - Tex #308 - IL Ritorno Della Mano Rossa
14737: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #162 - IL Ritorno Di Yama
14739: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #173 - L'Ora Della Violenza
14740: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #174 - L'Artiglio Ha Colpito
14741: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #175 - I Cacciatori Di Scalpi
14742: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #176 - la Città Morta
14877: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #90 - Fuga Nella Notte
14882: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #221 - la Foresta Dei Totem
14748: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #183 - Caccia All'Uomo
14749: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #186 - L'Uomo Dai Cento Volti
18108: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #176 - la Città Morta
25190: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Moliterni, Jorge - Yuma Kid
14726: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #73 - Pony Express
14735: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #152 - Odio Senza Fine
25417: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #109 - Massacro!
25418: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #127 - Magia Nera
12473: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #9 - L'Ultima Battaglia
12461: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #25 - L'Agguato
24561: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Letteri, Guglielmo; Nicolò, Erio - Tex Collezione Storica a Colori #69 - IL Testimone Non Parlerà
24556: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio; Uggeri, Mario - Tex Collezione Storica a Colori #12 - IL Picco Dell'Aquila
24560: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio; Ticci, Giovanni; Muzzi, Virgilio - Tex Collezione Storica a Colori #65 - Gila River
12537: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #96 - la Caccia
12540: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #127 - Magia Nera
26105: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex Contro Mefisto
32591: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Ticci, Giovanni - Tex: A Sud Di Nogales
37226: Bonelli, Gian Luigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - IL Massacro Di Goldena
13115: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #71 - Pueblo Bonito
25422: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Ticci, Giovanni - Tex #271 - Bandoleros!
18118: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Letteri, Guglielmo - Tex #220 - IL Complotto
18119: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Nicolò, Erio - Tex #221 - la Foresta Dei Totem
18117: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Letteri, Guglielmo; Fusco, Fernando - Tex #219 - Requiem Per Una Canaglia
21410: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio; Letteri, Guglielmo - Tex Collezione Storica a Colori #47 - la Seconda Vittima
17315: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #208 - Un Nido Di Serpenti
18104: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #71 - Pueblo Bonito
26771: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio; Letteri, Guglielmo - Tex Collezione Storica a Colori #35 - IL Tesoro Del Pirata
25424: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Fusco, Fernando - Tex #275 - Dinamite
18128: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Fusco, Fernando - Tex #275 - Dinamite
25443: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #97 - Lo Straniero
25416: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #98 - I Razziatori
18105: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio; Letteri, Guglielmo - Tex #72 - New Orleans
18677: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Nicolò, Erio - Tex #237 - Contro Tutti
18115: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Letteri, Guglielmo - Tex #212 - Trafficanti Di Armi
18116: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Nicolò, Erio - Tex #214 - I Due Rivali
18113: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #209 - la Casa Sul Fiume
18112: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #207 - L'Aquila E la Folgore
18111: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Nicolò, Erio - Tex #194 - Uomini Senza Paura
18110: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Ticci, Giovanni - Tex #189 - la Mesa Degli Scheletri
14736: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #158 - I Cacciatori Di Teste
25419: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Letteri, Guglielmo - Tex #233 - Scacco Matto
25421: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Monti, Vincenzo - Tex #262 - le Collane Della Paura
18109: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio; Muzzi, Virgilio - Tex #182 - Canyon Diablo
14034: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex: Nel Regno Dei Maya
12536: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex #95 - la Carovana Dell'Oro
26818: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Ticci, Giovanni - Tex #202 - Grand Canyon
26817: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #99 - la Sconfitta
17317: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Letteri, Guglielmo - Tex #233 - Scacco Matto
17318: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Ticci, Giovanni - Tex #234 - Gli Eroi Di Devil Pass
17319: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Ticci, Giovanni - Tex #235 - Fuochi Nella Notte
18672: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Nicolò, Erio - Tex #210 - Linciaggio!
18671: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Letteri, Guglielmo - Tex #213 - Attacco Notturno
18120: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Letteri, Guglielmo; Fusco, Fernando - Tex #232 - la Maschera Di Ferro
25413: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #12 - IL Figlio Di Tex
25414: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #82 - la Sfida
25415: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex #84 - IL Re Del Rodeo
28608: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex E IL Figlio Di Mefisto
18106: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio; Muzzi, Virgilio - Tex #75 - la Bufera
18107: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio; Nicolò, Erio - Tex #121 - Dugan IL Bandito
17057: Bonelli, Gianluigi - Tex: Nel Regno Dei Maya
18126: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Letteri, Guglielmo - Tex #257 - la Pista Nel Cielo
21363: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex Contro Mefisto
18676: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Fusco, Fernando - Tex #218 - Guerra Sui Pascoli
18670: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Ticci, Giovanni - Tex #202 - Grand Canyon
18673: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Ticci, Giovanni - Tex #215 - Santa Cruz
18674: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Ticci, Giovanni - Tex #216 - I Tre Killers
18675: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Ticci, Giovanni - Tex #217 - la Mano Del Destino
17085: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio; Nicolò, Erio - Tex Collezione Storica a Colori #57 - la Trappola Di Yama
35401: Bonelli, Gianluigi; Galleppini, Aurelio - Tex Contro Mefisto
32576: Casty (Andrea Castellan); Bonfatti, Massimo - Tutto Questo Accadra' Ieri. (Topolino Super Deluxe Edition #4. )
31481: Bonfiglioli, Kyril, ed - Science Fantasy December 1964 & January 1965
11784: Bonham, Frank - Sound of Gunfire
12302: Bonham, Frank - Bold Passage
18073: Bonham, Frank - Rawhide Guns
24537: Bonini, Carlo; De Cataldo, Giancarlo - Suburra
15013: Bonner, Parker (W. T. Ballard) - Superstition Range
29764: Bonner, Sherwood [Katherine Sherwood Bonner McDowell] - Suwanee River Tales
25197: Bonvi - Nick Carter
21362: Bonvi - Sturmtruppen: Kosì Va IL Mondo
33388: [Miniature Book] - Idle Thoughts
35048: [Japan - Pattern Books] - Japanese Leporello Zuan Book with Sixty-Four Woodblocks of Chrysanthemums
36285: [Children's Books] - Cappuccetto Rosso. Albo Con Figure Movibili. (Little Red Riding Hood Pull-Tab Italian Book)
33222: [Children's Books] - Goody Two Shoes
33322: Boore, Walter Hugh - Cry on the Wind. (Signed Copy)
32647: Boote, Richard - An Historical Treatise of an Action or Suit at Law; and of the Proceedings Used in the King's Bench and Common Pleas, from the Original Processes to the Judgments in Both Courts; Wherein the Reason and Usage of the Old, Obscure and Formal Parts of Our Writs and Pleadings, Such Especially As Have Reference, or Relate to the Ancient Method of Practice. .
31467: Booth, Edwin / Hogan, Ray - The Troublemaker. / a Marshal for Lawless
31193: Booth, Ernest - We Rob a Bank in the American Mercury September 1927
6092: Booth, Fred W. - Victory Also Ends
31519: Booth, Edwin - Shoot-out at Twin Buttes
29857: Boothby, Guy Newell - A Maker of Nations
32970: Boothby, Guy Newell - My Strangest Case
27032: Boothby, Guy Newell - A Two-Fold Inheritance
18819: Boothby, Guy Newell - Pharos, the Egyptian: A Romance
35784: Boothby, Guy (Newell) - Dr. Nikola
11865: Borchardt, Alice - The Wolf King
25360: Bord, Benjamin, ed - Aesculape: Revue Mensuelle Illustrée Des Lettres Et Des Arts Dans Leurs Rapports Avec Les Sciences Et la Médécine. Janvier 1935
26559: Bordley, John Beale - Essays and Notes on Husbandry and Rural Affairs. The Second Edition with Additions
34995: Borgers, Etienne; Walthery, Francois - Natacha N. 9: Les Machines Incertaines. (with Original Drawing by the Author)
34800: Borgers, Etienne; Walthery, Francois - Natacha N. 8: Instantanes Pour Caltech. (with Original Drawing by the Author)
13385: Borghi, Armando - Errico Malatesta in 60 Anni Di Lotte Anarchiche: Storia - Critica - Ricordi
29160: Borlenghi, Aldo - 28 Poesie. (Signed and Inscribed Copy)
5809: Borthwick, J. S. - Murder in the Rough
21527: Boschi, Luca - Frigo, Valvole E Balloons: Viaggio in Vent'Anni Di Fumetto Italiano D'Autore
22787: Bosco, Andrea, ed - Tex Presenta: La Storia Del West
23579: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Agosto 1985
23585: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Aprile 1983
23586: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Giugno 1983
23588: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Gennaio 1983
23589: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Novembre 1983
23583: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Febbraio 1985
23315: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo - 1981 Complete Twelve Issue Set
23576: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Dicembre 1985
23317: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Marzo 1983
23318: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo 1984 Complete Twelve Issue Set
23319: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Settembre 1985
23584: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Gennaio 1985
23577: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Novembre 1985
23578: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Ottobre 1985
23316: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Febbraio 1983
23580: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Giugno 1985
23581: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Maggio 1985
23582: Boscolo, Armando, ed - Motociclismo Marzo 1985
21740: Boselli, Mauro; Cropera, Michele - Dampyr #104 - la Maledizione Di Sinistrari
21737: Boselli, Mauro; Dotti, Maurizio - Dampyr #93 - L'Isola Dei Bucanieri
21738: Boselli, Mauro; Dotti, Maurizio - Dampyr #94 - Lo Stregone Senza Volto
29065: Boselli, Mauro; Font, Alfonso - Tex Speciale Collezione Storica a Colori #12 - Gli Assassini
7370: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor # 532 - I Fuorilegge Della Valle Nascosta
14606: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor #465 - Sfida Sui Monti Wichita
14601: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor #416 - la Locanda Degli Impiccati
14610: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor #533 - IL Trono Degli Dei
14608: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor #530 - L'Ultima Thule
14609: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor #532 - I Fuorilegge Della Valle Nascosta
21743: Boselli, Mauro; Lozzi, Arturo - Dampyr #64 - I Sogni Di Lisa
29720: Boselli, Mauro; Andreucci, Stefano - Tex: IL Vendicatore. (Tex Stella D'Oro N. 26)
30260: Boselli, Tito; Franzè, Giuseppe - Paese Con Rovine. Etching from a Painting by Giovan Paolo Pannini
19899: Boselli, Mauro; Fortunato, Alessio - Dampyr #130 - la Casa Delle Cicogne
19906: Boselli, Mauro; Scibilia, Alessandro - Dampyr #140 - la Ballata Di Re Orpheus
21431: Boselli, Mauro; Font, Alfonso - Speciale Tex N. 12 - Gli Assassini
30268: Boselli, Tito; Franzè, Giuseppe - Paese Con Rovine. Etching from a Painting by Giovan Paolo Pannini
30289: Boselli, Tito; Toschi, Paolo; Gonin, Enrico - Paese E Marina. Etching from a Painting by Claude Lorrain
16494: Boselli, Mauro - Tex #570, 571 and 572
23178: Boselli, Mauro; Bocci, Alessandro - Dampyr #153 - Terra Di Nessuno
23177: Boselli, Mauro; Bartolini, Fabio - Dampyr #152 - Ritorno a Sheffield
8667: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor #402 - I Pirati Del Drago
8682: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor #396 - L'Esploratore Scomparso
8684: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor #428 - Agente Speciale
8685: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor #429 - Hellingen è Vivo!
30255: Boselli, Tito; Gonin, Enrico - Paese. Etching from a Painting by Gaspard Dughet Also Known As Gaspard Poussin
23172: Boselli, Mauro; Cropera, Michele - Dampyr #146 - IL Signore Verde
29521: Boselli, Mauro; Andreucci, Stefano - Tex: IL Vendicatore. (Tex Stella D'Oro N. 26)
23182: Boselli, Mauro; Fortunato, Alessio - Dampyr #158 - Serata Al Grand Guignol
19695: Boselli, Mauro; Colombo, Maurizio; Majo (Mario Rossi) - Dampyr: I Misteri Della Transilvania
7372: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor # 541 - Huron!
23181: Boselli, Mauro; Genzianelli, Nicola - Dampyr #157 - la Furia Di Thorke
25195: Boselli, Mauro; Della Monica, Raffaele - Zagor #639 - la Chiave Della Conoscenza
35407: Boselli, Mauro; Colombo, Maurizio; Majo (Mario Rossi) - Dampyr: I Misteri Della Transilvania
23173: Boselli, Mauro; Ambu, Fabio - Dampyr #148 - Nella Fortezza Dei Naphidim
23175: Boselli, Mauro; Lozzi, Arturo - Dampyr #150 - la Scelta Di Lisa
23176: Boselli, Mauro; Celoni; Fabio - Dampyr #151 - la Strega Regina
8537: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor #432 - Ossessione!
7369: Boselli, Mauro - Zagor # 530 - Ultima Thule
30272: Boselli, Tito; Gonin, Enrico - Paese Con Rovine. Etching from a Painting by Gaspar de Witte
33824: Boselli, Mauro; Majo - Speciale Tex N. 33 - I Rangers Di Finnegan
30293: Boselli, Tito; Piacenza, Carlo - Paese. Etching from a Painting by Hans Vredeman de Vries
33825: Boselli, Mauro; Andreucci, Stefano - Speciale Tex N. 32 - IL Magnifico Fuorilegge
16668: Boselli, Mauro; Colombo, Maurizio; Majo (Mario Rossi) - Dampyr: I Misteri Della Transilvania
23169: Boselli, Mauro; Fortunato, Alessio - Dampyr #143 - la Bambola Veneziana
20991: Bossuet, Jacopo Benigno - Opere Di Monsignor Jacopo-Benigno Bossuet. Tomo Decimoquarto. Meditazioni Sopra IL Vangelo
21010: Bossuet, Jacopo Benigno - Opere Di Monsignor Jacopo-Benigno Bossuet. Tomo Undecimo. Che Contiene la Storia Universale Per Dilucidare la Continuazione Della Religione E le Mutazioni Degl'Imperj Dal Principio Del Mondo Fino All'Anno 1777
31778: Bosworth, Allan R. - Border Roundup. (Wherever the Grass Grows)
25581: Botta, Carlo - Storia Della Guerra Dell'Indipendenza Degli Stati Uniti D'America. Edizione Sopra Quella Del 1819 Approvata E Corretta Dall'Autore
10897: Bottaro, Luciano - Pinocchio Signed and Numbered Limited Edition Print. Art by Luciano Bottaro
11145: Bottaro, Luciano - Pinocchio Signed/Numbered Limited Edition Portfolio. Art by Luciano Bottaro
24045: Bottaro, Luciano; Martina; Guido - Disney Literature Classics #7: Donald Duck and the Count of Monte Cristo
24046: Bottaro, Luciano; Chendi, Carlo - Disney Literature Classics #8: Donald Duck on Treasure Island
13836: Bottaro, Luciano - Doctor Paperus #1 Limited Edition Lithograph (Donald Duck with Demons). Art by Luciano Bottaro
19566: Bottaro, Luciano - I Maestri Disney Oro #26: Luciano Bottaro (Disney Masters Series)
22708: Bottaro, Luciano; Chendi, Carlo; Martina, Guido - Tesori Disney #16 - IL Corsaro Paperinero E Altri Pirati
31851: Bottaro, Luciano - I Maestri Disney Oro #26: Luciano Bottaro. (Disney Masters Series)
15225: Boucher, Anthony - The Compleat Werewolf and Other Stories of Fantasy and Science Fiction
17370: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1956 Vol. 10 No. 4
17373: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1957 Vol. 12 No. 1
17376: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1957
17383: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1957
16475: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1954 Vol. 7 No. 4
17285: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1955
17286: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1955
17292: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1956
27114: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1958
16472: Boucher, Anthony; McComas, J. Francis, eds - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1954
16474: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1954
17369: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1956
17372: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1956
17375: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1957
17377: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1957
19527: Boucher, Anthony; McComas, J. Francis, eds - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1953
17384: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1958
35487: Boucher, Anthony - Nellthu in Playboy July 1956
26893: Boucher, Anthony; McComas, J. Francis, eds - The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction Third Series
33465: Boucher, Anthony - The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars
33464: Boucher, Anthony - The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars
7481: Boucher, Anthony - Far and Away
21165: Boucher, Anthony, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1956
34752: Boulanger, Yves - Flip N. 1: Attends, Tu Vas Rire! (with Original Drawing by the Author)
11538: Bouma, J. L. - Border Vengeance
13193: Bourget, Paul - Physiologie de L'Amour Moderne
26432: Bouvé, Edward T. - Centuries Apart
27907: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact July 1974
27916: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact February 1975
27918: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact May 1975
27922: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact August 1975
5134: Bova, Ben - Cyberbooks
27804: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact May 1977
15810: Bova, Ben - The Hittite
27920: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact July 1975
27634: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact October 1975
13205: Bova, Ben - Venus
12803: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact July 1972
12805: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 1972
12807: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact February 1973
17392: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Yearbook
27903: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact May 1974
27742: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact September 1972
27743: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact September 1972
27746: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact December 1972
10976: Bova, Ben - Venus
6198: Bova, Ben - The Multiple Man
27908: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact August 1974
27909: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact September 1974
27730: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact May 1973
12315: Bova, Ben - The Kinsman Saga
27728: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact April 1973
27919: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact May 1975
27921: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact August 1975
27923: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact October 1975
7541: Bova, Ben - Star Watchman
27631: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact June 1976
12831: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1972
27732: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact July 1973
27900: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact March 1974
12414: Bova, Ben - The Peacekeepers
27735: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact September 1973
10236: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact February 1974
27727: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact April 1973
4029: Bova, Ben - Death Dream
27477: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1974
27902: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact April 1974
27914: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact December 1974
27917: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact February 1975
27808: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact September 1977
27809: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact October 1977
27811: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact February 1978
27812: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact March 1978
27813: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact April 1978
27817: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact July 1978
27816: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact May 1978
27797: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact January 1977
27814: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact April 1978
27815: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact May 1978
27802: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact April 1977
27632: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact June 1975
27633: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact July 1975
20408: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact March 1977
12833: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact February 1972
12834: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact January 1972
27819: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact September 1978
27810: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact January 1978
35075: Bova, Ben; Lewis, Myron R. - The Dueling Machine in Analog Science Fact Science Fiction May 1963
20407: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact March 1977
27807: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact July 1977
27901: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact April 1974
27913: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact December 1974
27739: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact December 1973
27803: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact April 1977
12832: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact March 1972
27731: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact June 1973
27630: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact May 1976
27734: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact August 1973
19344: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact September 1976
19345: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 1976
27800: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact February 1977
27625: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact December 1976
4508: Bova, Ben; Pohl, Frederick; Sheffield, Charles; Pournelle, Jerry - Future Quartet: Earth in the Year 2042 : A Four-Part Invention
27910: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact September 1974
27911: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact October 1974
27912: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact November 1974
19096: Bova, Ben, ed - Omni January 1980
27736: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact November 1973
27898: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact February 1974
27899: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact March 1974
27733: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact July 1973
24526: Bova, Ben - The Winds of Altair
35696: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact April 1975
27737: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact November 1973
35740: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact December 1974
20223: Bova, Ben - Conquistatori Di Stelle (the Star Conquerors)
8257: Bova, Ben - Millennium a Novel About People and Politics in the Year 1999
27798: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact January 1977
36524: Bova, Ben - Crisis of the Month in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1988
27738: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact December 1973
27799: Bova, Ben, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact February 1977
27834: Bova, Ben - Foeman, Where Do You Flee? in Galaxy Magazine January 1969
12410: Bowers, Bill, ed - Xenolith Second Series #3
8473: Bowers, Bill, ed - Outworlds 24
18770: Bowers, Bill, ed - Outworlds 25
25611: Bowes, Richard - From the Files of the Time Rangers
31034: Bowker, Richard - Forbidden Sanctuary
30208: Bowles, Paul - Collected Stories & Later Writings
33576: Bowman, David - Let the Dog Drive
33577: Bowman, David - Let the Dog Drive. (Signed Copy)
36334: Bowring, Sam - Scharlette Doesn't Matter and Goes Time Travelling
4837: Boyce, Chris - Catchworld
13578: Boyd, John (Boyd Upchurch) - Barnard's Planet
13584: Boyd, John (Boyd Upchurch) - The Pollinators of Eden
15515: Boyd, William - Armadillo
18177: Boyd, James - Bitter Creek
33458: Boyd, Jane [Pseudonym] - Murder in the King's Road
36808: Boyd, John (Boyd Upchurch) - The Doomsday Gene Part 2 in Galaxy May 1973
28849: Brackeen, Steve (John Farris) - Danger in My Blood
7698: Bracken, Mike, ed - Knights 19 - December 1977
7577: Bracken, Mike, ed - Knights 16 - June 1976
7802: Bracken, Mike, ed - Knights 13 - September 1975
10853: Brackett, Leigh - The Big Jump
8130: Brackett, Leigh - The Halfling and Other Stories
20147: Brackett, Leigh - IL Ciclo Marziano
20125: Brackett, Leigh - Oltre L'Infinito (the Big Jump)
27140: Brackett, Leigh - Enchantress of Venus in Planet Stories Fall 1949
15381: Brackett, Leigh / Silverberg, Robert - The Nemesis from Terra / Collision Course
35767: Brackett, Leigh - Last Call from Sector 9g in Planet Stories Summer 1955
31414: Brackett, Leigh - Enchantress of Venus in Planet Stories Fall 1949
8384: Brackett, Leigh - The Ginger Star and the Hounds of Skaith
35787: Brackett, Leigh - No Good from a Corpse
7636: Brackett, Leigh - The Best of Leigh Brackett
24114: Brackmann, Lisa - Getaway
34123: Russell, Mark; Walker, Brad and others - Lex Luthor / Porky Pig #1 Variant Cover
26054: Bradbury, Ray - The Dwarf in Fantastic January-February 1954
4596: Bradbury, Ray - One More for the Road
21116: Bradbury, Ray - Now and Forever: Somewhere a Band Is Playing & Leviathan '99
16754: Bradbury, Ray - Driving Blind
33339: Bradbury, Ray - Death Is a Lonely Business. (Signed Copy)
24891: Bradbury, Ray - The Cat's Pajamas: Stories
10909: Bradbury, Ray - Now and Forever: Somewhere a Band Is Playing & Leviathan '99
28786: Bradbury, Ray - Long After Midnight. (Signed Lettered Edition in Traycase)
36425: Bradbury, Ray - La Fine Del Principio. (a Medicine for Melancholy - First Italian Edition)
32565: Bradbury, Ray - Asleep in Armageddon in Planet Stories Winter 1948
28831: Bradbury, Ray - The Golden Apples of the Sun
8131: Bradbury, Ray - The Golden Apples of the Sun
28315: Bradbury, Ray - Special Slipcased Lettered Deluxe Set Including the Day It Rained Forever and Medicine for Melancholy
36137: Bradbury, Ray; McKay, Winsor - Nemo
16343: Bradbury, Ray - The Ray Bradbury Chronicles Volume 2
35424: Bradbury, Ray - The Illustrated Woman in Playboy March 1961
36135: Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451
31410: Bradbury, Ray - Defense Mech in Planet Stories Spring 1946
28471: Bradbury, Ray - Now and Forever: Somewhere a Band Is Playing & Leviathan '99. (Signed by Author and Dedicatee)
36032: Bradbury, Ray - R Is for Rocket. S Is for Space. (Signed Limited Edition)
31413: Bradbury, Ray - Defense Mech in Planet Stories Spring 1946
15517: Bradbury, Ray - Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines
20459: Bradbury, Ray - One More for the Road
36131: Bradbury, Ray - The Halloween Tree. The October Country. Something Wicked This Way Comes
35484: Bradbury, Ray - In a Season of Calm Weather in Playboy January 1957
33780: Bradbury, Jack - Albi D'Oro N. 44. Topolino E IL Regno Rubato. (Mickey Mouse in the Lost Kingdom)
12253: Bradbury, Ray - Ahmed and the Oblivion Machines
36130: Bradbury, Ray; McKay, Winsor - Nemo
17283: Bradbury, Ray - My Perfect Murder in Playboy August 1971
10386: Bradbury, Ray - Death Is a Lonely Business
30441: Bradbury, Ray - The Martian Chronicles
19245: Bradbury, Ray - Quicker Than the Eye
35505: Bradbury, Ray - The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine January 1953
9671: Bradbury, Ray - I Sing the Body Electric
19246: Bradbury, Ray - Quicker Than the Eye
35242: Bradbury, Ray - Farewell Summer
24692: Bradbury, Ray - One More for the Road
32555: Bradbury, Ray - The Creatures That Time Forgot (Frost and Fire) in Planet Stories Fall 1946
32557: Bradbury, Ray - Jonah of the Jove-Run in Planet Stories Spring 1948
28794: Bradbury, Ray; Hasse, Henry - Final Victim in Amazing Stories February 1946
35243: Bradbury, Ray - Farewell Summer
10244: Bradley, Marion Zimmer; Lackey, Mercedes - Rediscovery: A Novel of Darkover
10245: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Heirs of Hammerfell
13673: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Exile's Song: A Novel of Darkover
16220: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Sharra's Exile
16221: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Thendara House
16222: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Hawkmistress!
17362: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Best of Marion Zimmer Bradley
4924: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Firebrand
31916: Bradley, Mary E. - Birds of a Feather
8124: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Two to Conquer
8126: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Hawkmistress!
12927: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Hunters of the Red Moon
30430: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The House between the Worlds
13138: Bradley, Marion Zimmer; Paxson, Diana L. - Priestess of Avalon
11984: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Lady of Avalon
19877: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - La Torre Proibita (the Forbidden Tower: A Darkover Novel)
9145: Bradley, Marion Zimmer, ed - Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine Issue #22
19832: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - La Catena Spezzata (the Shattered Chain: A Darkover Novel)
7775: Bradley, Marion Zimmer, ed - Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine Issue #20
7776: Bradley, Marion Zimmer, ed - Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine Issue #17
6848: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Forbidden Tower a Darkover Novel
6576: Bradley, Marion Zimmer; Lisle, Holly - Glenraven
7787: Bradley, Marion Zimmer, ed - Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine Issue #29
7788: Bradley, Marion Zimmer, ed - Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine Issue #35
26128: Bradley, Marion Zimmer; Holmen, Rachel Elaine, eds - Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Worlds
8968: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The World Wreckers
8984: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Ruins of Isis
7377: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Colors of Space
7846: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Sharra's Exile
9455: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Bloody Sun
7789: Bradley, Marion Zimmer, ed - Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine Issue #36
7646: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Oath of the Renunciates
26941: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Web of Darkness
9090: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Forbidden Tower a Darkover Novel
8350: Bradley, Marion Zimmer; Zimmer, Paul Edwin - The Survivors
9335: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Forest House
27389: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Exile's Song: A Novel of Darkover
13589: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Lady of the Trillium
13591: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Ghostlight
25270: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Lady of Avalon
26553: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Climbing Wave in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1955
34112: Braider, Donald - The Niagara
34110: Braider, Donald - The Niagara
23969: Braly, Malcolm - On the Yard
24725: Bramhall, John; Williams, Daniel; Sharpe, Isaac; Earbery, Matthias - The Consecration and Succession of Protestant Bishops Justified; and the Bishop of Durham Vindicated. [Bound with] the Succession of Protestant Bishops Asserted; or, the Regularity of the Ordinations of the Church of England Justify'd. [Bound with] a Vindication of the Consecration of Archbishop Cranmer, Against the Objections of Papists and Others. [Bound with] a Modest Vindication of the Clergy of the Church of England; Both As to Their Orders and Succession. .
12321: Brancati, Vitaliano - Bell'Antonio
14181: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - Border Guns
18071: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - Brothers on the Trail
34477: Brand, Christianna - Green for Danger
30932: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - The Flaming Finish in the Blue Book Magazine August 1938
30933: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - The Return of the Man Who Was Killed in the Blue Book Magazine October 1938
30934: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - True Steel in the Blue Book Magazine February 1939
11525: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - Mystery Ranch
11530: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - The Streak
11541: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - Desert Showdown (Trouble Trail)
12301: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - Danger Trail
12303: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - The Hair-Trigger Kid
12304: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - Single Jack
12306: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - Vengeance Trail
12307: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - The Seventh Man
12717: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - Outlaw Breed
12718: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - South of Rio Grande
12731: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - The Untamed
31982: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - Timbal Gulch Trail: A Novel of the Fighting West. (Popular Library Review Copy)
10146: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - The Jackson Trail
14197: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - Gun Gentlemen
31288: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - South of Rio Grande
31396: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - Silvertip
9824: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - Twenty Notches
31569: Brand, Christianna - Cat and Mouse
33591: Brand, Christianna (Mary Christianna Milne Lewis) - Death in High Heels
31349: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - The Fighting Four
34478: Brand, Christianna - Green for Danger
13605: Brand, Max (Frederick Faust) - The Streak
17647: Brandner, Gary - The Howling III: Echoes
35576: Brandner, Gary - The Howling III: Echoes
37048: Marz, Ron; Peterson, Brandon and others - Mystic Complete Run Instant Collection
16661: Brandon, Peter - Caccia Infernale (Vicious Hunt)
33461: Branson, Henry C. - The Fearful Passage
8429: Braunbeck, Gary A. - In Silent Graves
33460: Brautigan, Richard - Willard and His Bowling Trophies: A Perverse Mystery
23596: Breathed, Berke - Classics of Western Literature: Bloom County 1986-1989
31004: Breathed, Berke - Penguin Dreams and Stranger Things. 'Toons for Our Times. Billy and the Boingers Bootleg. Tales Too Ticklish to Tell. The Night of the Mary Kay Commandos. Happy Trails
31005: Breathed, Berke - Politically, Fashionably, and Aerodynamically Incorrect. His Kisses Are Dreamy... But Those Hairballs Down My Cleavage... !
7563: Brede, Arnold - Sister Earth
36037: Breen, Jon L. - What About Murder? a Guide to Books About Mystery and Detective Fiction. [and] What About Murder? (1981-1991)
31630: Newquist, Kenneth; Fraim, Brendon and others - Knights of the Dinner Table #258, 259, and 260
36798: Busiek, Kurt; Anderson, Brent and others - Astro City 54 Comic Instant Collection. (Several Complete Series)
37458: Brent, Loring (George F. Worts) - Chinese for Racket Part II in Argosy June 6, 1931
19876: Brent, Bob; Wells, Bob - IL Giudice Morris Edizione Cronologica Integrale #2 to 10
37432: Brent, Loring (George F. Worts) - Cave of the Blue Scorpion in Argosy November 21, 1931
8922: Bretnor, Reginald - The Schimmelhorn File: Memoirs of a Dirty Old Genius
29844: Bretonne, Retif de la - Notti Rivoluzionarie: La Vita a Parigi Durante la Rivoluzione
21181: Brett, Simon - Mrs, Presumed Dead
17914: Brett, Simon - A Comedian Dies
23953: Brett, Simon - Dead Giveaway
9049: Brett, Martin (Douglas Sanderson) - Flee from Terror
10384: Brewer, Steve - Boost
5456: Brewster, Elliot - Smooth
24368: Brewster, Marian - Under the Water-Oaks
33258: Brewster, Elliot - Body for Sale
12484: Brick, John - The King's Rangers
30269: Bridi, Luigi; Metalli, Lorenzo - Salmace Ed Ermafrodito. Etching from a Painting by Francesco Albani
23396: O'Brien, Daniel - Sf: Uk - How British Science Fiction Changed the World
32248: O'Brien, Fitz-James - The Supernatural Tales of Fitz-James O'Brien Volume One and Two. (Macabre Tales. Dream Stories and Fantasies)
33424: Briggs, Clare A.; Nesbit, Wilbur D. - Oh Skin-Nay! the Days of Real Sport
22079: Briggs, Erasmus - History of the Original Town of Concord, Being the Present Towns of Concord, Collins, N. Collins and Sardinia, Erie County, New York
37086: Briggs, S. R.; Elliott, John H. - Notes and Suggestions for Bible Readings
10383: Brightwell, Emily - Mrs. Jeffries and the Silent Knight
17440: Brignano, Enrico - Sono Romano Ma Non è Colpa Mia
9541: Brin, David - The Uplift War
29947: Brindisi, Bruno - Bruno Brindisi Dampyr #209 Page 79 Original Comic Art. (Featuring Dylan Dog)
29949: Brindisi, Bruno - Bruno Brindisi Dampyr #209 Page 72 Original Comic Art. (Featuring Dylan Dog)
29948: Brindisi, Bruno - Bruno Brindisi Dampyr #209 Page 56 Original Comic Art. (Featuring Dylan Dog)
23487: Brinkley, William - Don't Go Near the Water
18093: Brinton, Henry - Purple-6
33457: Brinton, Henry - Apprentice to Fear
33455: Brinton, Henry - Rude Awakening
33456: Brinton, Henry - Coppers and Gold
34035: Brisson, Ed; Couceiro, Damian - X-Force #5 Ryan Brown Variant Cover
15023: Brister, Richard - The Wolf Streak
10118: Brister, Richard - The Kansan
33338: Bristow, Gwen; Manning, Bruce - The Mardi Gras Murders
33159: Bristow, Gwen; Manning, Bruce - The Mardi Gras Murders
27530: Brite, Poppy Z. - Drawing Blood
14372: Brizzi, Enrico; Manfredi, Maurizio - IL Pellegrino Dalle Braccia D'Inchiostro
30872: [King's Lynn - Norfolk - England - Broadside] - The Ten Commandments Printed Broadside
28435: [State of Kentucky - Lottery Advertisement Broadside] - Broadside for Havana Scheme Drawing, Library Association Co. Lottery of Kentucky, to Be Drawn in Covington, Ky, on Tuesday, Oct. 31st, 1865
28436: [State of Massachusetts - Boston Theatre Broadside] - Broadside for the Boston Theatre, December 1856. Great Triumph of the Grand Spectacle by the Wonderful Ravels, and Their Double Company -- Forty-Five in Number. Mademoiselle Robert, Premier Danseuse of the Academy of Paris
24543: Brocchi, Virgilio - I Gonfaloni Di Lucifero
6603: Broecker, Randy - Fantasy of the 20th Century an Illustrated History
35143: Bromfield, Louis - The World We Live in
26461: Bromfield, Louis - Twenty-Four Hours
31740: Brooke, Lindsay; Gaylin, David - Triumph Motorcycles in America
23528: Brookner, Anita - Latecomers
19647: Brookner, Anita - Family and Friends
10642: Brooks, Terry - Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
10093: Brooks, Terry - The Talismans of Shannara
5078: Brooks, Terry - The Druid of Shannara
6054: Brooks, Terry - Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
21230: Brooks, Terry - The Druid of Shannara
6568: Brooks, Terry - The Talismans of Shannara
16942: Brooks, Terry - Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
36186: Brooks, Walter R. - Wiggins for President
16851: Broome, John; Binder, Otto - The Flash #176
35881: Broome, John; Moldoff, Sheldon - Batman #5. (Italian Edition of Batman #186)
36441: Broome, John; Moldoff, Sheldon - Detective Comics #354
20778: Broome, John; Infantino, Carmine; Kane, Gil; Anderson, Murphy - From Beyond the Unknown #14
36890: Broome, John; Moldoff, Sheldon - Batman #186
23502: Broome, John; Infantino, Carmine - Dc Special Blue Ribbon Digest No. 2 - Flash and His Friends
26866: Broome, John; Kane; Giella, Joe; Anderson, Murphy; Sekowsky, Mike - Green Lantern Omnibus Volume 1
13995: Brophy, Brigid - Hackenfeller's Ape
32204: Broster, Dorothy Kathleen - A Fire of Driftwood: A Collection of Short Stories
23253: Brouard, Jean-Yves; Dumas, Patrick A. - Allan Mac Bride #1 - L'Odyssée de Bahmès
32530: Broughton, Rhoda - Rhoda Broughton's Ghost Stories and Other Tales of Mystery and Suspense
14179: Brown, Will C. - Laredo Road
16313: Brown, Mary - The Unlikely Ones
37123: Brown, Wilbur F., ed - History of the Gift of Six Hundred National Flags to the Schools of Porto Rico by Lafayette Post, No. 140, Department of New York, Grand Army of the Republic 1898
3534: Brown, William F. - The Abominable Showmen
29452: Brown, Fredric - The Pickled Punks. (Limited Edition)
13738: Yeats-Brown, Francis - Lancer at Large
30173: Brown, Charles Brockden - Three Gothic Novels. (Wieland, or the Transformation. Arthur Mervyn, or Memoirs of the Year 1793. Edgar Huntly or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker. )
36511: Brown, Fredric - Killers Three: The Letter in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine July 1955
37050: Brown, Palmer - Beyond the Pawpaw Trees
13758: Brown, Fredric - The Fabulous Clipjoint
37057: Brown, Palmer - The Silver Nutmeg
35570: Brown, Fredric - Nasty in Playboy April 1959
34043: Brown, Fredric - The Murderers
34044: Brown, Fredric - His Name Was Death
35444: Brown, Fredric - Killers Three: The Letter in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine July 1955
18490: Brown, Eve - Champagne Cholly: The Life and Times of Maury Paul
27395: Brown, Fredric - The Frownzly Florgels in Other Worlds Science Stories October 1950
15565: Brown, Charles N., ed - Locus November 1992 Vol. 29 No. 5
35422: Brown, Fredric - The Hobbyst in Playboy May 1961
35804: Brown, William C., ed - The Mother's Assistant and Young Lady's Friend January and March 1846
23612: Brown, Susan Anna - Mrs. Gilpin's Frugalities. Remnants, and 200 Ways of Using Them
37124: Brown, Wilbur F., ed - A Tribute of Respect by Lafayette Post, No. 140, Department of New York, Grand Army of the Republic. In Memory of Commander Richard Worsam Meade, Rear-Admiral (Retired), United States Navy
32840: Brown, Fredric - The Dead Ringer
37065: Brown, Joe David - The Freeholder
29877: Brown, Fredric - Rogue in Space
19864: Brown, Fredric - Un Caso Su Mille (Compliments of a Fiend)
30491: Brown, Carter (Alan G. Yates) - The Girl from Outer Space
33259: Brown, Fredric - The Far Cry
33260: Brown, Fredric - His Name Was Death
18070: Brown, Will C. - Guns Along the Chisholm
29878: Brown, Fredric - Space on My Hands. (Signed First Edition)
18839: Brown, Fredric - From These Ashes: The Complete Short Sf of Fredric Brown
34649: Brown, Fredric - A Plot for Murder. (Murder Can Be Fun)
11929: Brown, Will C. - Trouble on the Brazos
18771: Brown, Charles N.; Brown, Dena, eds - Locus Sixty-Two Issue Run 1974-1980
33300: Brown, Andrew Cassels - Josselin Takes a Hand
29000: Brown, Charles Brockden - Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793. By the Author of Wieland; and Ormond, or the Secret Witness
37453: Brown, Margaret Wise - The Golden Bunny
26046: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic September-October 1953
26050: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic August 1954
32540: Browne, Howard, ed - Amazing Stories May 1949
9956: Browne, Howard, ed - Amazing Stories November 1948
9957: Browne, Howard, ed - Amazing Stories October 1949
9958: Browne, Howard, ed - Amazing Stories June 1952
9965: Browne, Howard, ed - Amazing Stories April 1949
9980: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic Adventures April 1952
26042: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic June 1955
26056: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic November-December 1953
9966: Browne, Howard, ed - Amazing Stories May 1949
28016: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic March-April 1953
31756: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic Adventures March 1953
9982: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic Adventures February 1953
26062: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic Fall 1952
18355: Browne, Howard - Warrior of the Dawn: The Adventures of Tharn
20532: Browne, Howard, ed - Amazing Stories January 1955
9955: Browne, Howard, ed - Amazing Stories July 1952
19189: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic January-February 1953
26058: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic March-April 1953
26059: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic January-February 1953
26052: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic December 1954
7183: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic Adventures March 1953
26587: Browne, Howard, ed - Amazing Stories March 1954
25993: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic February 1956
25994: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic April 1956
35174: Browne, Howard (Writing as John Evans) - Halo in Blood. Halo for Satan
26055: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic November-December 1953
26053: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic April 1954
26044: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic October 1955
7188: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic Adventures August 1952
19406: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic September-October 1953
26049: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic June 1954
26051: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic October 1954
19199: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic November-December 1952
19202: Browne, Howard, ed - Fantastic June 1954
20551: Browne, Howard, ed - Amazing Stories December-January 1953
33047: Browning, Elizabeth Barrett - A Selection from the Poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning First Series and Second Series
28142: Browning, Robert - Selections from the Poetical Works of Robert Browning. From the Sixth London Edition
15563: Brownstein, Charles, ed - Feature Magazine Summer 1997 Vol. 3 No. 2
32128: Brubaker, Ed; Phillips, Sean - Fatale #1 Fifth Printing
34183: Brubaker, Ed; Silvestri, Marc - X-Men: Messiah Complex #1 Variant Cover
29862: Bruccoli, Matthew J. - F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Descriptive Bibliography
36164: Bruccoli, Matthew J.; Layman, Richard, eds - The New Black Mask Five Issue Set
30516: Bruce, George - Claim of the Flashless Corpse in 5 Detective Novels Magazine Winter 1950
4473: Bruen, Ken - The Magdalen Martyrs
21853: Bruen, Ken - The Magdalen Martyrs
16045: Bruers, Antonio - G. D'Annunzio
14086: Bruers, Antonio - G. D'Annunzio
18818: Vercors (Jean Bruller) - Borderline
30286: Della Bruna, Vincenzo; Perfetti, Antonio; Ceresa, Lorenzo - La Geometria. Etching from a Painting by Francesco de Rossi (Salviati)
29849: Brunelli, Bruno - Corsi Contro Francesi Nei Dispacci Dei Consoli Veneti
15026: Brunetti, Nello G. - ... Ma Come è Buffo IL Mondo!
12947: Brunner, John - The Rites of Ohe / Castaways World
16299: Brunner, John / Grinnell, David (Donald A. Wollheim) - Times without Number / Destiny's Orbit
22930: Brunner, John - The Repairmen of Cyclops. / Enigma from Tantalus
6885: Brunner, John - The Astronauts Must Not Land. / the Space-Time Juggler
19981: Brunner, John - Dramma D'Avanguardia (the Productions of Time)
12944: Brunner, John / van Vogt, A. E. - The World Swappers. / Siege of the Unseen
28195: Brunner, John / Grinnell, David (Donald A. Wollheim) - The 100th Millennium. / Edge of Time
28196: Brunner, John - The Space-Time Juggler. / the Astronauts Must Not Land
32820: Brunner, John / Grinnell, David (Donald A. Wollheim) - The Atlantic Abomination. / the Martian Missile
35064: Brunner, John / White, Ted - The Altar of Asconel. / Android Avenger
12607: Brunner, John - Players at the Game of People
12638: Brunner, John - A Maze of Stars
28198: Brunner, John - The Super Barbarians
35065: Brunner, John - The Repairmen of Cyclops. / Enigma from Tantalus
19778: Brunner, John - L'Era Dei Miracoli (Age of Miracles)
13429: Brunner, John - The Days of March
20132: Brunner, John - Sabbie Mobili (Quicksand)
6833: Brunner, John - The Productions of Time
20377: Brunner, John - Sabbie Mobili (Quicksand)
28167: Brunner, John - Into the Slave Nebula
13380: Brunner, John - Age of Miracles
8908: Brunner, John / Chandler, A. Bertram - Secret Agent of Terra / the Rim of Space
26888: Brunner, John - Castaways World. / the Rites of Ohe
26889: Brunner, John / Sharkey, Jack - Sanctuary in the Sky. / the Secret Martians
26629: Brunner, John / Bulmer, Kenneth - Meeting at Infinity. / Beyond the Silver Sky
7850: Brunner, John - The Super Barbarians
30531: Brunner, John / Nourse, Alan E. - Echo in the Skull. / Rocket to Limbo
35031: Brunner, John - Stand on Zanzibar
19889: Brunner, John - IL Telepatico (the Whole Man)
36803: Brunner, John - The Stone That Never Came Down (Conclusion) in Amazing Stories December 1973
36807: Brunner, John - Easy Way out in If June 1971
22828: Drake, Arnold; Premiani, Bruno and others - Doom Patrol #119
22829: Drake, Arnold; Premiani, Bruno and others - Doom Patrol #102
19936: Nizzi, Claudio; Ramella, Bruno and others - Raccolta Nick Raider #38 - IL Dito Nella Piaga - Affari Sporchi
19951: Nogara, Alfredo; Brindisi, Bruno and others - Raccolta Nick Raider #31 - la Lunga Ombra - Duri a Morire
19949: Nizzi, Claudio; Ramella, Bruno and others - Raccolta Nick Raider #23 - Immagini Di Morte - L'Ultimo Della Lista
20379: Brunoro, Gianni, ed - Fumetto #15 Ottobre 1995
16021: Brunoro, Gianni - Corto Come Un Romanzo Nuovo: Illazioni Su Corto Maltese Ultimo Eroe Romantico
21576: Brunoro, Gianni, ed - IL Fumetto Special Galleppini
25115: Brunoro, Gianni - Corto Come Un Romanzo: Illazioni Su Corto Maltese, Ultimo Eroe Romantico
29514: Brusadelli, Stefano - Gli Amici Del Venerdì
34967: Brush, Katharine - When She Was Bad. .
6758: La Bruyère, Jean de - Les Caractères Ou Les Moeurs de Ce Siècle
17992: Bryant, Edward - Among the Dead and Other Events Leading Up to the Apocalypse
34932: Bryson, Leigh - The Gloved Hand
37394: Buccellato, Brian; Derenick, Tom - Harley Quinn Injustice #1 Walmart Exclusive Variant. (Dc Comics Sealed 3-Pack)
31989: Buchan, John - The Three Hostages
31571: Buchan, John - The Three Hostages
30635: Buchan, John - A Prince of the Captivity
31486: Buchan, John - Greenmantle
33452: Buchanan, Edna - Nobody Lives Forever
33454: Buchanan, Madeleine Sharps - The Poison Eye: A Detective Story
37122: Buck, Pearl S. - Moon over Manhattan in Mccall's Magazine September 1953
569: Buck, Pearl S. - Come, My Beloved
36981: Buckler, Rich - Demon Hunter #1
5801: Buckley, Fiona - The Doublet Affair
32295: Budiansky, Bob; Springer, Frank - Transformers #44
20281: Budrys, Algis - IL Satellite Proibito (Rogue Moon)
8048: Budrys, Algis - The Amsirs and the Iron Thorn
20250: Budrys, Algis - Progetto Terra (Michaelmas)
31037: Budrys, Algis - Some Will Not Die
31074: Budrys, Algis - Falling Torch
26317: Buell, Raymond Leslie - Europe: A History of Ten Years
9295: von Buhler, Cynthia - The Cat Who Wouldn't Come Inside
5774: Bujold, Lois McMaster - The Curse of Chalion
13437: Bujold, Lois McMaster - Cetaganda: A Vorkosigan Adventure
7002: Bull, Albert E. - The Mystery of the Hidden City
18525: Bull, R. C. - Perturbed Spirits: A Book of Ghost and Terror Stories
23975: Bullen, A. H., ed - Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age
29393: Bullett, Gerald - The World in Bud
30276: Bulli, Pietro; Gonin, Enrico - Paese. Etching from a Painting by Claude Lorrain
8406: Bulmer, Kenneth / Anderson, Poul - No Man's World / Mayday Orbit
37513: Bulmer, Kenneth - Le Gabbie Dell'Infinito. (Behold the Stars Italian Edition)
35063: Bulmer, Kenneth / Glasby, John - The Hunters of Jundagai. / Project Jove
7837: Bulmer, Kenneth / Anderson, Poul - No Man's World / Mayday Orbit
35756: Bulmer, Kenneth / Purdom, Tom - Demon's World. / I Want the Stars
8532: Bulmer, Kenneth - To Outrun Doomsday
34052: Bulow, Ernie - Navajo Taboos. (Signed and with an Original Color Drawing)
4977: Bulychev, K. - Half a Life and Other Stories
33109: Bunce, Bill - Railroads Deliver the Goods!
14858: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi) - Kriminal 25th Anniversary Thirty-Six Issue Set
18243: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Perucca, Dario - Alan Ford #500 - Oggi Sposi
25951: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Perucca, Dario - Satanik: Sbattito D'Ali Di Vampiro
29043: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Piffarerio, Paolo - Alan Ford Story #45 - IL Benefattore - IL Botto Delle Dodici E Quindici
18548: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Piffarerio, Paolo - Alan Ford Story #63 - Super Razza Maggiore - El Rapador
18636: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Piffarerio, Paolo - Alan Ford Story #46 - Pop Art - IL Terribile Krack-Fu
29041: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Piffarerio, Paolo - Alan Ford Story #39 - Succursale Inaugurasi - Una Missiva Importante
18389: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Perucca, Dario - Alan Ford #370 - Due Camere Più Cucina
29524: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford Tnt Edition N. 4 - Gennaio 1971 - Luglio 1971
29039: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford Story #29 - Salvateci Per Piacere, Grazie - Un Tuffo Nel Vuoto
26111: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi) ; Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Satanik
25353: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi), ed - Eureka Luglio 1979
19609: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Satanik Volume 19 - Kamalo - la Beffa Di Kamalo
33863: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford Story #3 - Date! Date! Date! - Alex Barry Non C'e' Piu'
27573: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi) ; Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford: Cuori Spezzati
27480: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi) ; Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Maxmagnus: C'Era Una Volta Un Re
33843: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford #48. IL Ricco Zio E' Morto
35902: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi) - Alan Ford a Colori - Lo Spirito Del Natale
20348: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Perucca, Dario - Alan Ford #436 - L'Ombra Di Superciuk
18381: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Tacconella, Gianni - Alan Ford #242 - Mistero Un Pochino Svelato
18379: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Perucca, Dario - Alan Ford #241 - IL Naufragio Della Daisy Lou
37309: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford Story #2. - Operazione Frankenstein. La Casa Dei Fantasmi
22736: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Satanik Volume 16 - L'Impossibilità - IL Regno Del Silenzio
22737: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Satanik Volume 20 - Rosa E Rosso - L'Ultimo Giorno Dell'Anno
22738: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Satanik Volume 21 - Una Sedia Luigi XIV - L'Inviato Di Mjorek
22739: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Satanik Volume 22 - Sovrapposizione - la Crociera Del Terrore
22741: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Perucca, Dario - Satanik Volume 24 - Sbattito D'Ali Di Vampiro - IL Suo Nome Era Satanik - Ultimo Atto
22793: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Satanik #13 - IL Ritratto Di Alex Bey
22794: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Satanik #15 - la Vedova Nera
26727: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford (and Other Stories)
18252: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Warco - Alan Ford #342 - la Rapina Di Natale
18233: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Warco - Alan Ford #279 - Tele X.
18241: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola); Perucca, Dario - Alan Ford #443 - Hollywood Chiama
29045: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Piffarerio, Paolo - Alan Ford Story #47 - Riappare Baby Kate - IL Piromane
29033: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford Story #23 - Piano Concerto Al Centimetropolitan - Rischia O Trapassa
29037: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford Story #27 - Arsenico Lupon Assai Galante E Molto Ladron - L'Inghippo Di Bubù
17138: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Piffarerio, Paolo - Alan Ford #95 - Luna Chiama Skylab
25352: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi), ed - Eureka Gennaio 1980
26107: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Perucca, Dario - Alan Ford
26116: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi) ; Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Satanik: Wurdalak IL Vampiro
19608: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Satanik Volume 18 - la Donna Che Uccise Se Stessa - la Spirale
32688: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford a Colori Fifty-Nine Issue Run
29038: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford Story #28 - Una Trappola Per IL Gruppo T.N. T. - Vuoi Venire in Crociera Con Me
29040: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford Story #30 - Intrigo a Monte Calvo - Golpe
29042: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Piffarerio, Paolo - Alan Ford Story #42 - Giallissimo - IL Sergente Gruber
29047: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Satanik Volume 10 - Una Strega in Paradiso - IL Ritorno Di Wurdalak
25354: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi), ed - Eureka Agosto 1979
18242: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola); Perucca, Dario - Alan Ford #461 - Permette? Geko Limortacci
29046: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Piffarerio, Paolo - Alan Ford Story #49 - IL Pugno Proibito - Una Ragazza Chiamata Brenda
18259: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Perucca, Dario - Alan Ford #441 - I Bandana Rock
18257: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Perucca, Dario - Alan Ford #398 - Fate L'Amore Con. .
29044: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Piffarerio, Paolo - Alan Ford Story #46 - Pop Art - IL Terribile Krack-Fu
29036: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford Story #25 - Derby - Così Nacque IL Gruppo T.N. T.
27574: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi) ; Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford: La Minaccia Alcoolica
20275: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Perucca, Dario - Alan Ford #469 - Tutti Al Mare
29034: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Alan Ford Story #22 - la Festa Di Capodanno - C'Era Una Volta Una Taglia
18637: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi); Piffarerio, Paolo - Alan Ford Story #64 - Frod Uno, Frod Due - Mexico Olé
35409: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi) ; Magnus (Roberto Raviola) - Maxmagnus: C'Era Una Volta Un Re
34292: Bunn, Cullen; Rosanas, Ramon - Night of the Living Deadpool #1
25141: Bunn, Cullen; Edwards, Neil - Spider-Man: Season One
6045: Bunting, James - Fortress of Fear
30656: Bunyan, John - The Pilgrim's Progress, from This World to That Which Is to Come, Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream
22991: Buonarroti, Filippo - Osservazioni Istoriche Sopra Alcuni Medaglioni Antichi All'Altezza Serenissima Di Cosimo III, Granduca Di Toscana
27591: Buonoconto, Mario - Viaggio Fantastico Alla Luce Del Lume Eterno: Le Straordinarie Invenzioni Del Principe Di Sansevero
14605: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #457 - I Dannati Della Valle
14600: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #402 - I Pirati Del Drago
14599: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #390 - la Diabolica Invenzione
14615: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #579 - Un Capestro Per Gambit
14614: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #575 - la Grotta Dei Bucanieri
14612: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #573 - Tropico Del Cancro
14611: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #572 - Pleasant Point
11412: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #381 - IL Traditore
13058: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #529 - Piramide Di Sangue
13066: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #537 - IL Cuore E la Spada
13067: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #538 - IL Tempo Della Vendetta
13055: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #525 - I Bassifondi Di New Orleans
37294: Burattini, Moreno - Dall'Altra Parte: 26 Storie Inquiete. (Signed Copy)
8676: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #363 - L'Orribile Mutazione
8680: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #390 - la Diabolica Invenzione
8681: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #392 - L'Indiana Bianca
9632: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #409 - la Strega Della Serra
9631: Burattini, Moreno - Zagor #403 - L'Isola Dei Lebbrosi
22173: Burdett, John - Bangkok Haunts
13730: Burdett, John - Bangkok 8
21600: Burdett, John - Bangkok Tattoo
9240: Burdett, John - Bangkok Tattoo
13684: Burgess, Melvin - Bloodtide
33915: Burgess, Gelett - Two O'Clock Courage
3554: Burgess, Anthony - Tremor of Intent
33453: Burgess, Gelett - Two O'Clock Courage
6247: Burke, John - Ladygrove: The 3rd Adventure of Dr. Caspian and Bronwen
15500: Burke, Jan - Goodnight, Irene
34353: Burke, James Lee - A Stained White Radiance
33325: Burke, James Lee - The Lost Get-Back Boogie
13630: Burke, Jan - The Messenger: A Novel
21260: Burke, Jan - Goodnight, Irene
3981: Burke, James Lee - Burning Angel
13351: Burke, James Lee - Burning Angel. (Signed Copy)
14026: Burke, James Lee - Crusader's Cross
37047: Burke, James Lee - In the Electric Mist with the Confederate Dead
33334: Burke, James Lee - To the Bright and Shining Sun. (Signed Limited Edition)
5712: Burke, James Lee - Black Cherry Blues
34645: Burke, Richard - The Frightened Pigeon
35170: Burke, Richard - Chinese Red
2246: Burke, James Lee - Purple Cane Road
34395: Burke, James Lee - In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead
36453: Burkett, Cary; Newton, Don - Detective Comics #493
33759: Burley, W. J. - Wycliffe and the Beales
4991: Burley, W. J. - Wycliffe and the Redhead
33760: Burley, W. J. - Wycliffe's Wild Goose Chase
23281: Burman, Ben Lucien - The Strange Invasion of Catfish Bend
22065: Burnand, Francis, ed - Punch Vol. CXII - January 1897 to July 1897
4525: Burnett, Virgil - Towers at the Edge of a World
3863: Burnett, W. R. - Round the Clock at Volari's
33742: Burnham, Helen - The Murder of Lalla Lee
22921: Burns, Harvey, ed - Detective Novel Magazine October 1944
33768: Burns, Ken - Roman Nights
36292: Burns, Robert - Selected Poems of Robert Burns
33379: Burns, Ron - Roman Nights
22917: Burns, Harvey, ed - Black Book Detective March 1942
22918: Burns, Harvey, ed - Black Book Detective Summer 1943
30449: Burns, Robert; Dewar, R., ed - Poetry & Prose. With Essays by Mackenzie, Jeffrey, Carlyle, and Others
3647: Burns, Rex - Ground Money
23695: Burns, Robert - The Cotter's Saturday Night
22208: Burr, John, ed - Street and Smith's Western Story March 1945
22210: Burr, John, ed - Street and Smith's Western Story December 1945
25650: Burroughs, Edgar Rice; Hogarth, Burne - Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan in Color Volume 14 (1944-1945)
21824: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Golden Lion Part Three in Argosy All-Story Weekly December 23, 1922
25838: Burroughs, Edgar Rice; Wolfman, Marv; Kane, Gil - John Carter Warlord of Mars #8
14108: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan Gigante N. 7 Aprile 1972
14107: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan Gigante N. 6 Dicembre 1971
32960: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
32962: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan Lord of the Jungle
32963: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Return of Tarzan
24477: Burroughs, Edgar Rice; Kubert, Joe - Limited Collectors' Edition C-29. (the Return of Tarzan)
37352: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Lost on Venus in Argosy March 4, 1933 to April 15, 1933
25773: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - A Fighting Man of Mars
26604: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - John Carter and the Giant of Mars in Amazing Stories April 1961
12561: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the City of Gold
37371: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Lost on Venus
21823: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Golden Lion Part Two in Argosy All-Story Weekly December 16, 1922
24476: Burroughs, Edgar Rice; Kubert, Joe - Limited Collectors' Edition C-22. (Tarzan of the Apes)
29484: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - A Fighting Man of Mars
12668: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan the Invincible
12674: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Carson of Venus
32830: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Cave Girl
37433: Burroughs, Edgar Rice / Merritt, Abraham - The Pirates of Venus in Argosy September 17, 1932 to October 22, 1932. [with] Burn, Witch, Burn! in Argosy October 22, 1932 to November 19, 1932
13818: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Monster Men
36752: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Madman
36753: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Castaways
36754: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan's Quest
36755: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan at the Earth's Core
36756: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Golden Lion
36757: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
36758: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Jungle Tales of Tarzan
36759: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Lost on Venus
29718: Burroughs, Edgar Rice; Newman, Paul S.; Marsh, Jesse - Four Color #437 - Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter of Mars Cbcs Graded Nm- 9. 2
32713: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Moon Maid
32714: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Son of Tarzan
26137: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan Delle Scimmie
32711: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the City of Gold
8323: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Eternal Savage
36864: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the City of Gold in Argosy March 12, 1932 to April 16, 1932
21920: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Foreign Legion
8506: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Monster Men
17654: Burroughs, William S. - Queer
25651: Burroughs, Edgar Rice; Foster, Hal; Hogarth, Burne - Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan in Color Volume 6 (1936-1937)
32965: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan the Untamed
32966: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan of the Apes
32967: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Son of Tarzan
32968: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan the Magnificent
32715: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Land of Hidden Men
7517: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Eternal Savage
22929: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Out of Time's Abyss
26852: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Man Eater (Ben, King of Beasts)
7198: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Moon Men
22928: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan Triumphant
32964: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan the Terrible
7663: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Beyond the Farthest Star
7562: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Carson of Venus
26287: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan the Terrible
26286: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
26288: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Golden Lion
5941: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Lion Man
26342: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - At the Earth's Core
34363: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and 'the Foreign Legion'
22926: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Land That Time Forgot
22927: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Eternal Savage
34342: Burrows, Jacen - Moon Knight #189
34241: Burt, Struthers - Powder River: Let 'Er Buck
18606: Burt, Katharine Newlin - Rapture Beyond in the Chicago Herald and Examiner Sunday, September 19, 1937
33153: Burton, Miles (Cecil John Charles Street) - The Hardway Diamonds Mystery
25001: Burton, Richard (Translator) - The Arabian Nights Entertainments
34445: Burton, Miles (Cecil John Charles Street) - The Hardway Diamonds Mystery
5148: Burton, Richard - The Arabian Nights - an Adult Selection
33743: Burton, Miles (Cecil John Charles Street) - Devil's Reckoning
33690: Burton, Miles (Cecil John Charles Street) - The Hardway Diamonds Mystery
15016: Busbee, James, Jr. - Yankee Mariner
35681: Busby, Roger - New Face in Hell
9511: Busby, F. M. - Cage a Man
31141: Buscema, John - John Buscema Conan the Barbarian #102 Page 6 Original Comic Art
5999: Busch, Niven - Duel in the Sun
35018: Busett, Dino - Dino Busett Original Painted Cover Art for Tarzan Geant N. 31
33683: Bush, Christopher (Charlie Christmas Bush) - The Case of the Heavenly Twin
24376: Bushe, George Macartney - A Treatise on the Malformations, Injuries, and Diseases of the Rectum and Anus. Illustrated with Plates
8613: Bushyager, Linda E. - Master of Hawks
36993: Busiek, Kurt; Perez, George - New Eternals: Apocalypse Now #1
36883: Busiek, Kurt; Perez, George - Jla Avengers Complete Mini Series
28928: Busiek, Kurt; Archer, Nathan - Spider-Man: Goblin Moon
36992: Busiek, Kurt; Perez, George - Avengers #19
36678: Busiek, Kurt; Batista, Chris - The Order Complete Mini Series
27043: Busiek, Kurt; Rude, Steve; Mignola, Mike - Thor: Godstorm
28450: [State of Massachusetts - Daniel Hooke, Business and Ticket Agent, Haverhill] - Remember the Beautiful Excursion Trip to the Ocean. Via Boston & Maine Rail Road, and the New Steamer. Advertisement for Hooke, Business and Ticket Agent in Haverhill, Massachusetts
25961: Butler, Robert Olen - A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain
15379: Butler, Samuel - Erewhon
33290: Butler, Ellis Parker - Philo Gubb: Correspondence-School Detective
35680: Butler, Robert Olen - Sun Dogs
3740: Butler, Gwendoline - Grave Coffin
26424: Butler, Henry - South African Sketches: Illustrative of the Wild Life of a Hunter on the Frontier of the Cape Colony
4996: Butler, Gwendoline - Coffin's Game
22230: Butterfield, C. W. - An Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky Under Col. William Crawford in 1782. With Biographical Sketches, Personal Reminiscences, and Descriptions of Interesting Localities. Including, Also, Details of the Disastrous Retreat, the Barbarities of the Savages, and the Awful Death of Crawford by Torture
33930: Butterworth, Hezekiah - Zigzag Journeys in the Orient. The Adriatic to the Baltic. A Journey of the Zigzag Club from Vienna to the Golden Horn, the Euxine, Moscow, and St. Petersburg. Fully Illustrated
33931: Butterworth, Hezekiah - Zigzag Journeys in Classic Lands; or, Tommy Toby's Trip to Mount Parnassus
30407: Buzzati, Dino - Egregio Signore, Siamo Spiacenti Di. .
35835: Buzzati, Dino - Sessanta Racconti
32751: Buzzati, Dino - Barnabo Delle Montagne. IL Segreto Del Bosco Vecchio
21615: Buzzelli, Guido; D'Antonio, Gino - L'Uomo Del Bengala
26232: Buzzelli, Guido - Zil Zelub
29162: Buzzi, Aldo - Quando la Pantera Rugge. Memorie Interrotte Dall'Indignazione
13483: Byrne, John - Wonder Woman: Gods and Goddesses
32377: Byrne, John; Swan, Curt - Superman: The Earth Stealers
32378: Byrne, John; Swan, Curt - Superman: The Earth Stealers
37053: Byrne, John - The Sensational She-Hulk #1 Newsstand Edition
36448: Byrne, John - The Sensational She-Hulk #50
11581: Byrne, John; Mignola, Mike - Superman: The World of Krypton
29530: Byrne, Eugene; Newman, Kim - Back in the Ussa: A Novel. (Signed Limited Edition)
30901: Byrne, John - Spider-Man Chapter One Complete 13-Issue Maxi-Series
27362: Byrne, John; Mignola, Mike - John Byrne's Next Men #21. Cgc Universal Grade 9.4. (Near Mint). Includes the Complete Series
36887: Byrne, John - Superman and Batman: Generations. Superman and Batman: Generations 2
25733: Byrne, Donn - Hangman's House. (Photoplay Edition)
35588: Byrne, Donn - Field of Honor Part 1 in Pictorial Review May 1929
23144: Byrom, John - The Universal English Short-Hand; or, the Way of Writing English, in the Most Easy, Concise, Regular, and Beautiful Manner, Applicable to Any Other Language, But Particularly Adjusted to Our Own
35229: Conlin, Edward C. and others - Rules of Tennis and Tournament Regulations 1923. Includes Explanations of the Rules and Regulations by Edward C. Conlin
23873: Vaughn, J. C. and others - The Overstreet Guide to Collecting Comics
36552: Maggin, Elliot S.; Beck, C. C. and others - Set of 7 Shazam! Comics
6225: Clarke, Arthur C. and Gentry Lee - Cradle
36385: Bridwell, Nelson E.; Maggin, Elliot S!; Beck, C. C. and others - Shazam! #12
36230: Cabell, James Branch - Kindly Omit Flowers in the American Mercury June 1929
36231: Cabell, James Branch - Kindly Omit Flowers in the American Mercury June 1929
31233: Cabell, James Branch - A Note As to Sinclair Lewis in the American Mercury August 1930
18477: Cabell, James Branch - There Were Two Pirates: A Comedy of Division
22688: Cabell, James Branch - Something About Eve: A Comedy of Fig-Leaves
26791: Cadelo, Silvio - IL Fiore Innamorato
21360: Cadelo, Silvio - IL Fiore Innamorato
30682: Caesar, Gaius Julius - CIVIL Wars
31046: Cahill, Brendan; Gaydos, Michael - Legion of Monsters: Morbius #1
30762: Cahn, Joseph M. - The Teenie Weenies Book: The Life and Art of William Donahey
13534: Caidin, Martin - Buck Rogers: A Life in the Future
12158: Cain, James - La Moglie Del Mago (the Magician's Wife)
25707: Cain, James M. - Love's Lovely Counterfeit
24887: Cain, James M. - The Postman Always Rings Twice & Double Indemnity
33264: Cain, James M. - Sinful Woman
33265: Cain, Paul - Fast One
28404: Cain, James M. - Career in C Major and Other Fiction
21411: Cain, James M. - Mignon
31194: Cain, James M. - Red, White and Blue in the American Mercury October 1927
6185: Cain, James M. - Career in C Major and Other Fiction
33263: Cain, James M. - The Root of His Evil

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