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28554: Rostovtzeff, Michael - Città Carovaniere. Traduzione Dall'Inglese Di Charis Cortese de Bosis. Riveduta Ed Accresciuta Dall'Autore
19615: Rota, Marco; Barks, Carl; Van Horn, William; Vicar - Les Plus Belles Histoires de Vacances
22693: Rota, Marco - Happy Birthday Paperino. (Buon Compleanno Paperino)
34908: Rotenberg, David - The Shanghai Murders
5482: Roth, Holly - Mask of Glass
8454: Roth, Philip - Sabbath's Theater
30148: Roth, Philip - Novels and Stories, 1959-1962. (Goodbye, Columbus and Five Short Stories, Letting Go. )
20437: Rotsler, William - Zandra (the Hidden Worlds of Zandra - Italian Edition)
13538: Rotsler, William - The Hidden Worlds of Zandra
21445: Rotundo, Massimo - Ex Libris Eroticis
22111: Rotundo, Massimo - Tovarisc Nina: Guerra Calda
29144: Roud, Gustave - Requiem. (Signed and Inscribed Copy)
4529: Roueche', Berton - The Incurable Wound
14183: O'Rourke, Frank - Violence at Sundown
11810: O'Rourke, Frank - The Last Chance
11827: O'Rourke, Frank - Dakota Rifle
12733: O'Rourke, Frank - Segundo
36008: O'Rourke, Frank - The Last Chance
37450: Rouse, William Merriam - Sinister House Part I in Argosy February 28, 1931
37558: Rousseau, Victor - World's End in Argosy July 8, 1933 to July 22, 1933
29016: Rouvier, Frederic - Au Berceau de L'Autre France: Le Canada Et Ses Premiers Martyrs. Avec de Nombreux Dessins a la Plume de L'Auteur
35630: Rowland, Laura Joh - Shinju
35631: Rowland, Laura Joh - Bundori: A Novel of Japan
37425: Rowling, J. K. - L'Ickabog. (Italian Edition)
22194: Royer, Mike - Mike Royer Donald Duck Painting Original Art
22192: Royer, Mike - Mike Royer Mickey Mouse Jumping Original Art
22193: Royer, Mike - Mike Royer Mickey Mouse Running Original Art
9256: Garcia-Roza, Luiz Alfredo - December Heat
21704: Rozan, S.J. - Concourse
34101: Rozan, S. J. - China Trade. (Signed Review Copy)
34102: Rozan, S. J. - China Trade
21698: Rozan, S.J. - In This Rain
38376: Patterson, Russell; Hershfield, Harry; Goldberg, Rube and others - The Cartoonist 20th Anniversary Issue. (Signed by Several Authors)
32136: Rucka, Greg; Fernandez, Leandro - The Old Guard #2
32137: Rucka, Greg; Fernandez, Leandro - The Old Guard #3
31242: Rucka, Greg; Scott, Nicola - Wonder Woman: Blackest Night. Complete Mini Series
31243: Rucka, Greg; Scott, Nicola - Blackest Night Complete Eight Issue Mini Series
31627: Rucka, Greg; Johns, Geoff; Tan, Philip; Kolins, Scott - Final Crisis: Revelations and Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge Complete Mini Series
20979: Rucker, Rudy - Hylozoic
13517: Rucker, Rudy - The Hollow Earth: The Narrative of Mason Algiers Reynolds of Virginia
18044: Rucker, Rudy; Anselm, Hollo - All the Visions / Space Baltic
30804: Rucker, Rudy; Anselm, Hollo - The Secret of Life. All the Visions. Space Baltic. (Signed Limited Edition)
19232: Rucker, Rudy - Master of Space and Time
29238: Rucker, Rudy - The Hacker and the Ants
34011: Rucker, Rudy - Transreal!
14057: Rucker, Rudy - Gnarl!
13723: Rucker, Rudy - Spaceland
18368: Rucker, Rudy - Master of Space and Time
9707: Rucker, Rudy - The Hollow Earth: The Narrative of Mason Algiers Reynolds of Virginia
18367: Rucker, Rudy - The Hacker and the Ants
13372: Rucker, Rudy - The Hollow Earth: The Narrative of Mason Algiers Reynolds of Virginia
18346: Rucker, Rudy - The Hollow Earth: The Narrative of Mason Algiers Reynolds of Virginia
35464: Rucker, Rudy; Anselm, Hollo - The Secret of Life. All the Visions. Space Baltic. (Signed Limited Edition)
29298: Rucker, Rudy - The Secret of Life
13592: Rucker, Rudy - Saucer Wisdom
35595: Rucker, Rudy - The Secret of Life. (Signed Limited Edition)
19018: Rucker, Rudy - Freeware
27504: Rucker, Rudy; Anselm, Hollo - The Secret of Life. All the Visions. Space Baltic. (Signed Limited Edition)
29310: Merini, Alda; Stevenson, Robert Louis; Robbins, Tom; Kipling, Rudyard and others - A Small Group of Booklets Published by Stampa Alternativa. (Includes Natale, Ho Fatto IL Censimento, IL Fungo Magico, Racconti Ecuadoriani, le Parole Di Alda Merini, Sabbia Bionda, IL Piccolo Obiettore, Germania, Papalagi)
32650: Quintus Curtius Rufus - Q. Curtii Rufi de Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni Libri Superstites Cum Freinshemii Supplementis, Suis Variorumque Notis Illustravit A. Huguet
20220: Ruju, Pasquale; Siniscalchi, Luigi - Demian #2 - la Nave Fantasma
14836: Ruju, Pasquale - Dylan Dog: IL Treno Dei Dannati
16748: Ruju, Pasquale - Demian #5 - Una Cascata Di Diamanti
16749: Ruju, Pasquale - Demian #7 - la Stella Di Algeri
24582: Ruju, Pasquale; Bigliardo, Daniele - Dylan Dog #211 - la Casa Dei Fantasmi
24589: Ruju, Pasquale; Piccatto, Luigi - Dylan Dog #223 - le Due Vite Di Dream
15076: Ruju, Pasquale - Nathan Never #57 - Thor 14
20296: Ruju, Pasquale; Di Vincenzo, Maurizio - Dylan Dog #139 - Hook L'Implacabile
20302: Ruju, Pasquale; Piccatto, Luigi - Dylan Dog #215 - IL Pozzo Degli Inganni
20300: Ruju, Pasquale; Brindisi, Bruno - Dylan Dog #192 - Macchie Solari
24241: Ruju, Pasquale; Mari, Nicola - Dylan Dog: Goliath
11179: Ruju, Pasquale - Dylan Dog: IL Treno Dei Dannati
11182: Ruju, Pasquale - Dylan Dog: IL Treno Dei Dannati
11381: Ruju, Pasquale - Dylan Dog #215 - IL Pozzo Degli Inganni
16747: Ruju, Pasquale - Demian #3 - la Nube Nera
16745: Ruju, Pasquale - Demian #1 - IL Ricordo E la Vendetta
27556: Ruju, Pasquale; Freghieri, Giovanni - Hellnoir #3 - L'Abisso Guarderà Dentro Di Te
27557: Ruju, Pasquale; Freghieri, Giovanni - Hellnoir #4 - Stirpe Maledetta
24290: Ruju, Pasquale; Bigliardo, Daniele - Dylan Dog Collezione Book #162 - IL Dio Prigioniero
16746: Ruju, Pasquale - Demian #2 - la Nave Fantasma
23884: Runk, L. B., ed - Watervliet Arsenal Mortar No. 5 September, 1918
5988: Runyon, Damon - Damon Runyon Favorites
22246: [Israel Daniel Rupp] - Early History of Western Pennsylvania, and of the West, and of Western Expeditions and Campaigns from Mdccliv to Mdcccxxxiii. By a Gentleman of the Bar. With an Appendix, Containing Besides Copious Extracts from Important Indian Treaties, Minutes of Conferences, Journals, Etc. , a Topographical Description of the Counties of Allegheny, Westmoreland, Washington, Somerset, Greene, Fayette, Beaver, Butler, Armstrong, Etc.
28499: Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - Fast Cars in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine October 1989
12620: Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - Star Wars: The New Rebellion
18513: Rusch, Kristine Kathryn, ed - Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue One Fall 1988
18511: Rusch, Kristine Kathryn, ed - Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue Four Summer 1989
18512: Rusch, Kristine Kathryn, ed - Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue Three Spring 1989
36818: Rusch, Kristine Kathryn, ed - The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1993
16943: Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - Star Wars: The New Rebellion
10660: Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - Star Wars: The New Rebellion
24082: Rush, Jacob - Charges, and Extract of Charges, on Moral and Religious Subjects; Delivered at Sundry Times, by the Honorable Jacob Rush, President of the Third District of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the State of Pennsylvania. With a Recommendation by the Reverend Clergy of the Presbyterian Church, in the City of Philadelphia. To Which Is Annexed, the Act of the Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania, Respecting Vice and Immorality
17649: Rushdie, Salman - The Satanic Verses
17799: Russ, Joanna - Extra (Ordinary) People
37632: Russ, Joanna - The Two of Them
37801: Russ, Joanna - And Chaos Died
15380: Russell, Eric Frank - Selections from Deep Space
36209: Russell, William S. - Pilgrim Memorials, and Guide to Plymouth with a Lithographic Map, and Eight Heliotypes
18085: Russell, Ray - Absolute Power
20143: Russell, Eric Frank - Schiavi Degli Invisibili (Sinister Barrier)
36612: Russell, Eric Frank - The Space Willies. / Six Worlds Yonder
14799: Russell, Bertrand - Authority and the Individual
35261: Aaron, Jason; Dautermann, Russell and others - The Mighty Thor Ten Issue Run
31556: Russell, Eric Frank - The Star Watchers in Startling Stories November 1951
31333: Russell, John - The Lost God and Other Adventure Stories
2705: Russell, Randy - Blind Spot
17423: Russell, Eric Frank - Dreadful Sanctuary in Astounding Science Fiction June, July and August 1948
16759: Russo, Richard - That Old Cape Magic
13771: Russo, Richard - That Old Cape Magic
25981: Russo, Richard - Bridge of Sighs
21674: Russo, Richard Paul - Terminal Visions
8663: Russo, Alessandro - Zagor # 501 - Orrore Nel Buio
24212: Russo, Richard - Bridge of Sighs
30953: Russo, John; Verma, Dheeraj - Escape of the Living Dead #3 Die-Cut Cover
5249: Russo, Richard - Straight Man
18739: Wilson, Ruth and Alexander - The Town Is Full of Rumors in the Philadelphia Inquirer Gold Seal Novel Sunday, January 11, 1942
37901: Ryan, Charles C., ed - Galileo Magazine of Science Fiction Complete Run #1 to 16
37268: Kirkman, Robert; Walker, Corey; Ottley, Ryan and others - Invincible Italian Edition Twelve Issue Set in Magnetic Clamshell Box
28745: Ryan, Alan - The Bones Wizard
9148: Ryan, Charles C., ed - Aboriginal Science Fiction September-October 1989
37859: Ryman, Geoff - Unconquered Countries: Four Novellas
23436: Ryner, Jim, ed - The Restorer (Model a Ford Club of America) 1965 Full Run
23422: Ryner, Jim, ed - The Restorer (Model a Ford Club of America) 1968 Full Run
23423: Ryner, Jim, ed - The Restorer (Model a Ford Club of America) 1969 Full Run
23424: Ryner, Jim, ed - The Restorer (Model a Ford Club of America) 1970 Full Run
23426: Ryner, Jim, ed - The Restorer (Model a Ford Club of America) 1972 Full Run
23427: Ryner, Jim, ed - The Restorer (Model a Ford Club of America) 1973 Full Run
37706: Strauss, Erwin S. and others - Index to the Sf Magazines, 1951-1965. [with] Index to the Science Fiction Magazines 1966-1970
25178: Saavedra, Scott; Asteriti, Sergio - IL Principe E IL Povero
33812: Saba, Umberto - Antologia Del "Canzoniere
21993: Sabatier, Raphael Bienvenu - De la Médecine Opératoire, Ou Des Opérations de Chirurgie Qui Se Pratiquent le Plus Fréquemment
17717: Sabatini, Rafael - IL Re Scomparso (the Lost King)
30302: Sabatini, Rafael - His Insolence of Buckingham in the Golden Book Magazine July 1928
17718: Sabatini, Rafael - La Strega (the Hounds of God)
11687: Sabatini, Rafael - La Vergogna Del Buffone (the Shame of Motley)
17856: Sabatini, Rafael - IL Santo Ambiguo (the Strolling Saint)
32920: Sabatini, Rafael - Captain Blood
17721: Sabatini, Rafael - Cavalleria (Chivalry)
18654: Sabatini, Rafael - The Urbinian
17859: Sabatini, Rafael - IL Cavaliere Della Taverna (the Tavern Knight)
17719: Sabatini, Rafael - Le Fortune Del Capitano Blood (the Fortunes of Captain Blood)
17715: Sabatini, Rafael - Racconti Turbolenti (Turbulent Tales)
17720: Sabatini, Rafael - IL Principe Romantico (the Romantic Prince)
17714: Sabatini, Rafael - Lo Sparviero Del Mare (the Sea Hawk)
17716: Sabatini, Rafael - IL Giocatore (the Gamester)
34989: Sabatini, Rafael - The Sea-Hawk Photoplay Edition. (Dustjacket Only)
17855: Sabatini, Rafael - IL Favorito (the Minion)
12054: Saberhagen, Fred - The First Book of Lost Swords: Woundhealer's Story
12055: Saberhagen, Fred - The First Book of Lost Swords: Sightblinder's Story
29237: Saberhagen, Fred - The Frankenstein Papers
38166: Saberhagen, Fred / Wright, Lan - The Golden People. / Exile from Xanadu
12270: Saberhagen, Fred - The First Book of Lost Swords: Woundhealer's Story
27240: Saberhagen, Fred - The Broken Lands
13588: Saberhagen, Fred - Dancing Bears
37566: Saberhagen, Fred - Berserker
1998: Saberhagen, Fred - Berserker Kill
12063: Saberhagen, Fred - The Veils of Azlaroc
30467: Saberhagen, Fred - The Berserker Throne
9086: Saberhagen, Fred - The Broken Lands
12092: Sabin, Mark - Winchester Cut
32823: Aguirre-Sacasa, Roberto; DeLandro, Valentine - Fantastic Four: The Resurrection of Nicholas Scratch
37417: Sack, John - From Here to Shimbashi
37982: Sacks, Janet, ed - The Best of Science Fiction Monthly
23605: Sadlier, Mrs. J. (Mary Anne Sadlier) - Willy Burke; or, the Irish Orphan in America
18831: Sadoul, Jacques, ed - Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine N. 229 Février 1967
18830: Sadoul, Jacques, ed - Ellery Queen Mystère Magazine N. 216 Janvier 1966
12159: Saffel, Steve, ed - X-Men Anniversary Magazine Vol. 1, No. 1 September 1993
18621: Saffel, Steve, ed - Spider-Man: The Icon. The Life and Times of a Pop Culture Phenomenon
5992: Sagan, Francoise - A Certain Smile
23736: Saito, Takao - Golgo 13 Volume 82 Original Japanese Manga
37339: Thomas, Roy; Buscema, Sal and others - IL Mitico Thor #85. (Thor #85 Italian Edition)
35994: Buscema, Sal and others - Web of Spider-Man #38 Italian Edition
37323: Thomas, Roy; Buscema, Sal and others - IL Mitico Thor #84. (Thor #83 Italian Edition)
35996: Buscema, Sal and others - The Spectacular Spider-Man #134 Italian Edition
37336: Thomas, Roy; Buscema, Sal and others - IL Mitico Thor #86. (Thor #86 Italian Edition)
37337: Thomas, Roy; Buscema, Sal and others - IL Mitico Thor #87. (Thor #87 Italian Edition)
36704: Johns, Geoff; Velluto, Sal and others - Jsa All Stars Complete Mini Series
36415: Sale, Medora - Sleep of the Innocent
27525: Salgari, Emilio - I Predoni Del Sahara
27526: Salgari, Emilio - I Figli Dell'Aria
27527: Salgari, Emilio - IL Re Dell'Aria
25358: Salgari, Emilio - Sul Mare Delle Perle
27524: Salgari, Emilio - La Rivincita Di Yanez
29833: Salgari, Emilio; Salgari, Nadir - IL Fantasma Di Sandokan. Romanzo Postumo. Tratto Da Una Trama Lasciata Dall'Autore E Pubblicato a Cura Di Nadir Salgari. Nuovissima Edizione Riveduta E Corretta, Con Otto Tavole Fuori Testo
29834: Salgari, Emilio; Salgari, Nadir - L'Eredità Del Capitano Gildiaz. Romanzo Postumo Tratto Da Trama Lasciata Dall'Autore E Pubblicato a Cura Di Nadir Salgari
29835: Salgari, Emilio; Salgari, Nadir - Lo Smeraldo Di Ceylan. Romanzo Postumo Tratto Da Trama Lasciata Dall'Autore E Pubblicato a Cura Di Nadir Salgari
14285: Salinger, J. D. - Alzate L'Architrave, Carpentieri E Seymour. Introduzione (Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour. An Introduction)
32719: Salinger, J. D. - Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction
35481: Salinger, J. D. - Franny and Zooey First Edition Dustjacket
32156: Salmonson, Jessica Amanda - John Collier and Fredric Brown Went Quarrelling Through My Head. (Signed Copy)
32173: Salmonson, Jessica Amanda, ed - The Haunted Wherry and Other Rare Ghost Stories
32529: Salten, Felix - Bambi
18805: Saltman, Jules, ed - Orbit 1953 Vol. 1 No. 1
23348: Trilussa (Carlo Alberto Salustri) - Ommini E Bestie
31764: David, Peter; Larroca, Salvador and others - Heroes Reborn: The Return
12114: Salvatore, R. A. - The Lone Drow
11583: Salvatore, R. A. - Siege of Darkness
13112: Salvatore, R. A. - Starless Night
6581: Salvatore, R. A. - The Dragon King
5832: Salvatore, R. A. - Siege of Darkness
20211: Salvatori, Claudia; Jannì, Mario - Nick Raider #130 - IL Leone E la Gazzella
20205: Salvatori, Claudia; Jannì, Mario - Nick Raider #126 - la Guardia Del Corpo
20206: Salvatori, Claudia; Jannì, Mario - Nick Raider #126 - la Guardia Del Corpo
20208: Salvatori, Claudia; Polese, Renato - Nick Raider #127 - IL Nano E IL Gigante
20210: Salvatori, Claudia; Antinori, Federico - Nick Raider #129 - la Banda Dei Giustizieri
31118: Salvini, Maso - Pinocchio: Bizzarria in 4 Atti
23342: Samalman, Alexander, ed - Startling Stories Winter 1955
19115: Samalman, Alexander, ed - Thrilling Wonder Stories Fall 1954
12983: Sand, George - La Palude Del Diavolo (la Mare Au Diable)
31187: Sandburg, Carl - Santa Fe Sketches in the American Mercury March 1927
35546: Sandburg, Carl - There Is a Santa Claus! in Pictorial Review December 1930
21106: Sanders, Lawrence - Mcnally's Caper
21105: Sanders, Lawrence - Mcnally's Trial
33545: Sanderson, Jim - El Camino Del Rio
21216: Sandford, John - Silent Prey
6519: Sandford, John (John Camp) - Mind Prey
31184: Sanford, Winifred - Black Child in the American Mercury January 1927
36060: Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth - The Rest of Their Lives in Woman's Home Companion May 1941
30287: Sanguinetti, Gustavo; Perfetti, Antonio; Metalli, Lorenzo - Giovane Guerriero. Etching from a Painting by Giorgio Barbarelli Di Castelfranco
33813: De Santa, Alessio; Magalotti, Lorenzo - The Moneyman: La Vera Storia Del Fratello Di Walt Disney
14478: Santarelli, Stefano - Martin Mystere #166 - la Foresta Incantata
5577: Santayana, George - The Last Puritan
15959: Santesson, Hans Stefan, ed - Fantastic Universe February 1957 Vol. 7 No. 2
15962: Santesson, Hans Stefan, ed - Fantastic Universe October 1956 Vol. 6 No. 3
26546: Santesson, Hans Stefan, ed - New Worlds Science Fiction Magazine May 1960
26545: Santesson, Hans Stefan, ed - New Worlds Science Fiction Magazine March 1960 No. 1
17842: Sanvitale, Francesca - IL Figlio Dell'Impero
37728: Sapiro, Leland, ed., and others - Set of Nineteen Riverside Quarterly (Formerly Inside) Fanzines
30010: Bendis, Brian Michael; Pichelli, Sara and others - Guardians of the Galaxy / All New X-Men: The Trial of Jean Grey
30007: Bendis, Brian Michael; Pichelli, Sara and others - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Angela
4566: Sargent, Pamela - The Shore of Women
12184: Sargent, Pamela - The Golden Space
13749: Sargent, Pamela - The Golden Space
12596: Sargent, Pamela - Farseed
26931: Sargent, Pamela - The Golden Space
25356: Sarno, Giuseppe - L'Anarchia Criticamente Dedotta Dal Sistema Hegeliano. Ristampa Di Un Saggio Del 1890 Con Prefazione Di Benedetto Croce
28755: Sarrantonio, Al, ed.; King, Stephen; Gaiman, Neil; Disch, Thomas M., and others - 999: New Stories of Horror and Suspense. (Signed Lettered Edition in Traycase)
36335: Saudelli, Franco - Barefoot and Bondage Photo Fantasies
6414: Saudelli, Franco - Porfiri Nero
16998: Saudelli, Franco - La Bionda #6 - Un Nuovo Look
32588: Saudelli, Franco - The Third Book of Saudelli Bondage and Foot Fantasies
25446: Saudelli, Franco; Baldazzini, Roberto - Baldazzini & Saudelli's Bizarreries: Bondage, Feet, Wrestling, Fetish - Book Two
24754: Saudelli, Franco - Otto Porfiri: Drama on the Cliff
24505: Saudelli, Franco; Ferrandino, Peppe - La Bionda #1 - IL Numero Uno
35888: Saudelli, Franco - The Art of Saudelli. The Second Book of Saudelli. The Third of Book Saudelli. Bondage and Foot Fantasies
37249: Saudelli, Franco - Barefoot and Bondage Photo Fantasies
21177: Saul, John - Black Lightning
12730: Savage, Les, Jr. - Shadow Riders of the Yellowstone
20884: Savage, Les, Jr. - Table Rock
18155: Savage, Les, Jr. - Last of the Breed
30704: Savatteri, Gaetano - La Congiura Dei Loquaci
24379: [Solomon Sawrey] - A Popular View of the Effects of the Venereal Disease Upon the Constitution: Collected from the Best Writers. To Which Are Prefixed, Miscellaneous Observations, by a Physician
29448: Sawtelle, William Carter - Slaves of the Crystal Brain in Amazing Stories May 1950
13448: Sawyer, Robert J. - Hybrids
37452: Saxon, Kurt - The Poor Man's James Bond Vol. 1, 2 and 3. (Signed and Inscribed Copies)
4516: Saxon, Richard - Future for Sale
17678: Saxton, Josephine - The Power of Time
18041: Saxton, Josephine - The Power of Time
31575: Sayers, Dorothy L. - The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club
37935: Sayers, Dorothy L. - Suspicious Characters
31448: Sayers, Dorothy - Have His Carcase
31490: Sayers, Dorothy - In the Teeth of Evidence and Other Stories
35814: Sayers, Dorothy L., ed - The Omnibus of Crime
5983: Sayers, Dorothy L. - Strong Poison
17680: Sayers, Dorothy - Clouds of Witness
29281: Sbarbaro, Camillo - Gocce. (Signed and Inscribed by the Publisher)
29282: Sbarbaro, Camillo - Quisquilie
24044: Scala, Guido; Pujol, Miquel - Disney Literature Classics #6: Tales from One Thousand and One Nights
33815: Cassar Scalia, Cristina - L'Uomo Del Porto
16293: Scalzi, John - Zoe's Tale
27281: Scanlon, C. K. M. - Big Shot in G-Men February 1936
27277: Scanlon, C. K. M. - The Purple Shirts in G-Men May 1936
13576: Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann - Cleopatra 7. 2
13644: Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann - Last Refuge
13645: Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann - Nothing Sacred
26356: Scarpa, Romano - L'Opera Omnia Di Romano Scarpa #8: Zio Paperone E IL Clavicembalo Scrivano E Altre Storie
26358: Scarpa, Romano - L'Opera Omnia Di Romano Scarpa #11: Topolino Alle Olimpiadi E Altre Storie
26359: Scarpa, Romano - L'Opera Omnia Di Romano Scarpa #24: Zio Paperone E IL Tunnel Sotto la Manica E Altre Storie
28642: Scarpa, Romano - Topolino Nel Favoloso Regno Di Shan-Grillà
26357: Scarpa, Romano - L'Opera Omnia Di Romano Scarpa #10: Paperino E IL Pallone Diamantifero E Altre Storie
25020: Scarpa, Laura - Hugo Pratt: Le Lezioni Perdute
17056: Scarpa, Romano; Carpi, Giovan Battista; Barks, Carl - Topolino Story 1957
35034: Scarpa, Romano - Romano Scarpa Topolino #692 Page 26 Original Comic Art Featuring Uncle Scrooge
35829: Scarpa, Romano; Lelievre, Jacques - Avventure a Euro Disney
29523: Scarpa, Romano - I Maestri Disney #24 - Speciale Romano Scarpa
24249: Scarpa, Romano - L'Opera Omnia Di Romano Scarpa #1: Paperino E I Gamberi in Salmì E Altre Storie
24122: Scarpa, Romano - I Maestri Disney Oro #19 - Speciale Romano Scarpa (Disney Masters Series)
17060: Scarpa, Romano; De Vita, Massimo; Cavazzano, Giorgio - Disney Anni D'Oro #5
29307: Scarry, Richard - Richard Scarry's Animal Nursery Tales. (Signed Presentation Copy)
27163: Schachner, Nat - The Return of Circe in Fantastic Adventures August 1941
31976: Schacht, Al - Clowning Through Baseball. (Bantam Review Copy)
24992: Schaefer, Vincent J.; Day, John A. - The Atmosphere. (Roger Tory Peterson Field Guides)
3535: Schafer, Kermit, Ed - Pardon My Blooper
2046: Schaffner, Val - Lost in Cyberspace
22069: Schebek, Edmund - The Violin Manufacture in Italy and Its German Origin. An Historical Sketch
36414: Scheiwiller, Silvano - Studi E Disegni Di Silvano Scheiwiller
29192: Scheiwiller, Vanni, ed - Antologia Impopolare 1966. Con Una Lettera Al Signor Bonaventura. (Signed Copy)
29166: Scheiwiller, Giovanni - Segnalazioni: Scritti D'Arte. Con Uno Scritto Di Sergio Solmi
29191: Scheiwiller, Vanni, ed - Antologia Impopolare 1966. Con Una Lettera Al Signor Bonaventura
29197: Scheiwiller, Vanni, ed - Omaggio a Marianne Moore
29194: Scheiwiller, Vanni; Viazzi, Glauco, eds - Poeti Del Secondo Futurismo Italiano. (with Autograph Letter Signed)
29195: Scheiwiller, Vanni, ed - Piccola Antologia Di Poeti Futuristi
32066: Schenck, Bradley W. - Slaves of the Switchboard of Doom: A Novel of Retropolis
33154: Scherf, Margaret - The Gun in Daniel Webster's Bust
6932: Schiff, Stuart David, Ed - Whispers December 1984
8021: Schiff, Stuart David, Ed - Whispers August 1977
7103: Schiff, Stuart David, Ed - Whispers III
8952: Schiff, Stuart David, Ed - Whispers July 1974
22285: Schilling, Phil, ed - Cycle January 1984
38251: Schilling, Peter, Jr. - Carl Barks' Duck: Average American
9305: Schiraldi, Vittorio - Baciamo le Mani
10729: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact January 1980 Vol. C No. 1
10730: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact February 1980 Vol. C No. 2
10731: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact March 1980 Vol. C No. 3
19303: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact June 1979
27315: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1983
17391: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - From Mind to Mind: Tales of Communication from Analog
27788: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact August 1983
27778: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact November 1980
27779: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact January 5, 1981
10733: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1980 Vol. C No. 5
10735: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact July 1980 Vol. C No. 7
10737: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Magazine September 1980 Vol. C No. 9
10739: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact Magazine March 2, 1981 Vol. CI No. 3
27781: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact March 30, 1981
27092: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 1982
27776: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact May 1980
27314: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact August 1980
27828: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact November 1980
19000: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact July 20, 1981
19001: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact July 20, 1981
12014: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - From Mind to Mind: Tales of Communication from Analog
8003: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Unknown
27089: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact August 1982
19002: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact June 22, 1981
27777: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact September 1980
27091: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact August 1982
27830: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact December 1980
25770: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - War and Peace: Possible Futures from Analog. (the Analog Anthology #6)
13816: Schmidt, Walter R., ed - Manhunt July 1956
20409: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact April 1979
20410: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact February 1979
20411: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact September 14, 1981
20412: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact October 12, 1981
20413: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact November 9, 1981
27783: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact May 25, 1981
27822: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact July 1979
9520: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Yearbook II
19346: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact March 1979
19366: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1979
27789: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact April 1984
27790: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - The Analog Anthology #2
10736: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact August 1980 Vol. C No. 8
20414: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact December 7, 1981
19003: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - The Analog Anthology #1
27829: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact December 1980
27090: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1982
27773: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact March 1980
27782: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact April 27, 1981
18999: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact August 17, 1981
25771: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Aliens from Analog. (the Analog Anthology #7)
25772: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Writers' Choice Volume II. (the Analog Anthology #8)
13250: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact March 1, 1982 Vol. CII No. 3
13249: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1986 Vol. CVI No. 5
25768: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - The Analog Anthology #1
25769: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog's Children of the Future. (the Analog Anthology #3)
27780: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact March 2, 1981
27784: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact March 29, 1982
27785: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact September 1982
27786: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact December 1982
27823: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact September 1979
27821: Schmidt, Stanley, ed - Analog Science Fiction Science Fact June 1979
29511: Schmidt, Giulio - Ferrari. Due Anni Dopo: Sport E Prototipi. (Ferrari. Two Years Later: Sports Cars and Prototypes)
32474: Schmitz, James H. - Left Hand, Right Hand in Amazing Stories November 1962
30118: Schmitz, James H. - A Pride of Monsters
27229: Schmitz, James H. - The Telzey Toy
14170: Schochet, Victoria; Silbersack, John, eds - The Berkley Showcase Vol. 1: New Writings in Science Fiction and Fantasy
6827: Schochet, Victoria; Silbersack, John, Eds - The Berkley Showcase Vol. 2 New Writings in Science Fiction and Fantasy
6828: Schochet, Victoria; Silbersack, John, Eds - The Berkley Showcase Vol. 3 New Writings in Science Fiction and Fantasy
13786: Schofield, William Greenough - The Cat in the Convoy
37837: Scholz, Carter; Harcourt, Glenn - Palimpsests
15033: Schoonover, Lawrence - The Burnished Blade
9050: Schorer, Mark - Three Loves Had She
25624: Schroeder, Russell; Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. - Disney's Mulan. (Special Collector's Edition)
25626: Schroeder, Russell; Saxon, Victoria - Disney's Tarzan. (Special Collector's Edition)
22391: Schroeder, Theodore - Obscene" Literature and Constitutional Law: A Forensic Defense of Freedom of the Press
25177: Schultz, Mark - Time in Overdrive
32636: Schulz, Charles M. - IL Bracchetto E' Charlie Brown!
32635: Schulz, Charles M. - IL Bracchetto E' Charlie Brown!
35578: Schulz, Charles M. - Peanuts: Every Sunday 1952-1955
37252: Schulz, Charles M. - C'Era Una Volta Charlie Brown. (Peanuts, More Peanuts Italian Edition)
1436: Schulz, Charles M. - The Joy of a Peanuts Christmas: 50 Years of Holiday Comics!
21417: Schulz, Charles M. - Arriva Charlie Brown!
29525: Schulz, Charles M. - Non CI Posso Credere... Charlie Brown!
35426: Schulz, Charles M. - You'Re Something Else, Charlie Brown
26481: Schulz, Charles M. - The Complete Peanuts 1989 to 1990
36437: Schulz, Charles M. - Non C'e' Tempo Per L'Amore Charlie Brown. (There's No Time for Love, Charlie Brown - Italian Edition)
5904: Schulz, Charles M. - All About Friendship - a Commentary on Friends by the Peanuts Characters
5905: Schulz, Charles M. - Linus on Life
5906: Schulz, Charles M. - Charlie Brown's Reflections
30881: Schulz, Charles M. - Classroom Peanuts
27365: Schulz, Charles M. - Charlie Brown: This Is Your Life
37404: Schulz, Charles M. - Set of Three Vintage Italian Peanuts Baseball Posters Featuring Snoopy
27363: Schulz, Charles M. - Schroeder: Music Is My Life
27364: Schulz, Charles M. - Snoopy: My Greatest Adventures
31263: Schulz, Charles M. - But We Love You, Charlie Brown
24410: Schulz, Charles M. - Classroom Peanuts
30408: Schulz, Charles M. - Noi Peanuts
33826: Schulz, Charles M. - Peanuts Eight Volume Collection. (C'Era Una Volta Charlie Brown. Ti Saluto, Charlie Brown! IL Bracchetto è Charlie Brown! Buon Natale, Charlie Brown! Vita Da Cani, Charlie Brown! C'è Ancora Una Cosa Che Non Capisco... Charlie Brown! Non CI Posso Credere... Charlie Brown! Sento Dei Passi, Charlie Brown!)
23978: Schulz, Charles M. - Arriva Charlie Brown Al Cinema
37517: Schulz, Charles M. - The Complete Peanuts 1991 to 1992
32922: Schulz, Charles M. - Collection of 28 Vintage Peanuts Stickers
37183: Schulz, Charles M. - The Complete Peanuts 1991 to 1992
27193: Schulz, Charles M. - Sandlot Peanuts
27195: Schulz, Charles M. - You'Re Something Else, Charlie Brown
27196: Schulz, Charles M. - You'Re Something Else, Charlie Brown
22815: Schulz, Charles M. - Snoopy: Flying Ace to the Rescue
5907: Schulz, Charles M. - Snoopy's Philosophy
32639: Schulz, Charles M. - Arriva Charlie Brown!
36438: Schulz, Charles M. - E' Un Mistero Charlie Brown. (It's a Mystery, Charlie Brown - Italian Edition)
32638: Schulz, Charles M. - Niente Da Fare, Charlie Brown!
3531: Schulz, Charles M. - It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
30825: Schulz, Charles M. - The Complete Peanuts 1953 to 1954
28828: Schulz, Charles M. - I Never Promised You an Apple Orchard". The Collected Writings of Snoopy. Being a Compendium of His Puns, Correspondence, Cautionary Tales, Witticisms, Titles Original and Borrowed, with Critical Commentary by His Friends, and, Published for the First Time in Its Entirety, the Novel "Toodle--Oo, Caribou!" a Tale of the Frozen North
17844: Schulz, Charles M. - Lancia la Palla, Charlie Brown!
35427: Schulz, Charles M. - You'LL Flip, Charlie Brown
30465: Schulz, Charles M. - It's for You, Snoopy
31765: Schulz, Charles M. - The Complete Peanuts 1971 to 1972
17302: Schulz, Charles M. - Snoopy
25260: Schulz, Charles M. - It's a Long Way to Tipperary. (Peanuts Parade No. 2)
31766: Schulz, Charles M. - The Complete Peanuts 1977 to 1978
38291: Schulz, Charles M. - Peanuts: Every Sunday 1952-1955
33230: Schulz, Charles M. - Linus: Chiamatemi Piccolinus
29986: Schulz, Charles M. - Celebrating Peanuts: 60 Years
28483: Schulz, Charles M. - The Complete Peanuts 1997 to 1998
28484: Schulz, Charles M. - The Complete Peanuts 1995 to 1996
33827: Schulz, Charles M. - C'è Ancora Una Cosa Che Non Capisco... Charlie Brown!
33217: Schulz, Charles M. - Snoopy E "Era Una Notte Buia E Tempestosa". (Snoopy and "It Was a Dark and Stormy Night" - Italian Edition)
33206: Schulz, Charles M. - Diario Di Snoopy 1997-1998. (Vintage Snoopy Italian Student Planner)
25259: Schulz, Charles M. - Who's the Funny-Looking Kid with the Big Nose? (Peanuts Parade No. 1)
34459: Schulz, Charles M. - Si Salvi Chi Può, Charlie Brown!
27366: Schulz, Charles M. - Sally: School Is My World
9199: Schumacher, Aileen - Rosewood's Ashes
10723: Schuré, Edouard - I Grandi Iniziati: Cenni Sulla Storia Segreta Delle Religioni (Great Initiates: A Study of the Secret History of Religions)
6530: Schutz, Benjamin M. - All the Old Bargains
8601: Schweitzer, Darrell, ed - Weird Tales #307 Summer 1993
21439: Schweitzer, Darrell - The White Isle
6928: Schweitzer, Darrell - The Shattered Goddess
8599: Schweitzer, Darrell, ed - Weird Tales #306 Spring 1993
18003: Schweitzer, Darrell; Betancourt, John; Scithers, George H., eds - Weird Tales Summer 1988 No. 291
18004: Schweitzer, Darrell; Betancourt, John; Scithers, George H., eds - Weird Tales Fall 1988 No. 292
26352: Sciascia, Leonardo - IL Contesto: Una Parodia
10554: Scithers, George H., ed - Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic Stories January 1984 Vol. 57 No. 5
10555: Scithers, George H., ed - Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic Stories March 1984 Vol. 57 No. 6
10806: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine November 1979 Vol. 3 No. 11
10807: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine December 1979
10808: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine January 1980
10303: Scithers, George H., ed - Asimov's Sf Adventure Magazine #1 Fall 1978
10794: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine July-August 1978 Vol. 2 No. 4
10797: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine February 1979 Vol. 3 No. 2
10803: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine August 1979 Vol. 3 No. 8
10813: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Anthology 1982
10810: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine March 1980
10811: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine January 19, 1981
10812: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Anthology Fall-Winter 1979
10829: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine Summer 1977 Vol. 1 No. 2
10830: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine Fall 1977 Vol. 1 No. 3
10833: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine March-April 1978 Vol. 2 No. 2
10834: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine April 1979
10835: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine November 1979
10836: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine November 1980 Vol. 4 No. 11
10837: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine February 16 1981
10839: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine December 21 1981 Vol. 5 No. 13
10809: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine February 1980
19363: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine March 1979
18833: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine April 1980 Vol. 4 No. 4
10805: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine October 1979 Vol. 3 No. 10
19362: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine January 1979
10556: Scithers, George H., ed - Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic Stories May 1984 Vol. 58 No. 1
10022: Scithers, George H., ed - Asimov's Sf Adventure Magazine Full Run
10798: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine March 1979 Vol. 3 No. 3
10799: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine April 1979 Vol. 3 No. 4
10551: Scithers, George H., ed - Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic Stories January 1983 Vol. 28 No. 9
10838: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine May 11, 1981
23683: Scithers, George H., ed - Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic Stories March 1984
27357: Scithers, George H., ed - Amazing Stories March 1984
18834: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine September 1980 Vol. 4 No. 9
9317: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine Spring 1977
19359: Scithers, George H., ed - Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine November 1980
14501: Sclavi, Tiziano - Dylan Dog Collezione Book #23 - L'Isola Misteriosa
14504: Sclavi, Tiziano - Dylan Dog Collezione Book #26 - Dopo Mezzanotte
14642: Sclavi, Tiziano; Piccatto, Luigi - Dylan Dog #41 - Golconda!
14719: Sclavi, Tiziano - Dylan Dog #176 - IL "Progetto
11332: Sclavi, Tiziano; Neri, Cristina - Dylan Dog #244 - Marty
17813: Sclavi, Tiziano; Brindisi, Bruno; - Dylan Dog: Trilogia Extraterrestre
24231: Sclavi, Tiziano; Roi, Corrado; Stano, Angelo - Dylan Dog L'Indagatore Dell'Incubo
27523: Sclavi, Tiziano - Mostri
25983: Sclavi, Tiziano; Piccatto, Luigi - Dylan Dog #117 - la Quinta Stagione
20097: Sclavi, Tiziano; Casertano, Giampiero - Dylan Dog #80 - IL Cervello Di Killex
24282: Sclavi, Tiziano; Piccatto, Luigi - Dylan Dog Collezione Book #63 - Maelstrom!
19562: Sclavi, Tiziano; Roi, Corrado; Stano, Angelo - Dylan Dog L'Indagatore Dell'Incubo
20158: Sclavi, Tiziano; Ambrosini, Carlo - Dylan Dog #46 - Inferni
28904: Sclavi, Tiziano - Sogni Di Sangue
37553: Scortia, Thomas N.; Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn, eds - Two Views of Wonder
32481: [Miniature Book - Scotland] - 16 Collotype Views of Aberdeen
34982: Scott, Anthony (Davis Dresser) - Temptation Pre-Publication Dustjacket
11589: Scott, Melissa - The Kindly Ones
1495: Scott, Melissa - Dreaming Metal
36205: Scott, Walter - Christmas in the Olden Time
2706: Scott, Melissa - The Shapes of Their Hearts
29358: Scott, Jack C. - A Clutch of Vipers
30238: Straczynski, J. Michael; Romita, John, Jr.; Hanna, Scott and others - The Best of Spider-Man Volume 1. (Dynamic Forces Signed Edition. )
32142: Campbell, J. Scott and others - Danger Girl #2
33380: Scott, Jack - Corporal Smithers, Deceased
20361: Scott, W. W., ed - Super-Science Fiction October 1958
32022: Scott, Walter - Waverley, or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since
25002: Scott, Walter - Ivanhoe
1996: Scott, Melissa - The Shapes of Their Hearts
36633: Perez, George; Hannah, Scott and others - Avengers: Supreme Justice
32001: Robinson, James; Benefiel, Scott and others - Jsa Secret Files #1
31937: Oeming, Michael Avon; Kolins, Scott and others - Thor: Blood Oath Complete Mini Series. Thor: The Truth of History. Thor: Reign of Blood. Thor: Ages of Thunder. Thor: Man of War
29359: Scott, Jack - Corporal Smithers, Deceased
29080: Scott, Walter - Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. A New Edition. With Illustrations by Corbould
33387: [Miniature Book - Scriptures] - Miniature Book Featuring One Biblical Verse for Each Day of the Year
18207: Scrivo, Susanna - Rumiko Takahashi: La Regina Dei Manga
7424: Van Scyoc, Sydney J. - Star Mother
5860: Sealy, Adrienne - And Even a Child Shall Lead Them
24210: Seamon, Hollis - Flesh
36663: Wang, Sean and others - The Tick: Circus Maximus Complete in Four Issues
17904: Search, Pamela - The Supernatural in the English Short Story
33862: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi) and others - Alan Ford Fourteen Issue Run
17439: Secchi, Luciano - Un Sano Delitto Di Gelosia
29985: Bunker, Max (Luciano Secchi) and others - Alan Ford Story #132 - Zippel. - L'Insultatore Pubblico N. 1
30346: Sechrist, Elizabeth Hough - Rufie Had a Monkey!
24736: Sedgwick, Theodore, ed.; Dickens, Charles; Collins, Wilkie - Harper's Weekly. November 28, 1857
24342: Sedgwick, Anne Douglas - Tante
4742: Seeley, Mabel - The Chuckling Fingers
33684: Seeley, Mabel - Eleven Came Back
32127: Seeley, Tom; Norton, Mike - Revival #1 Phantom Bloody Variant
32663: Seeley, Tim; King, Tom - Grayson Volume 1: Agents of Spyral
16760: Segantini, Edoardo; Sarda, Bruno - I Promessi Paperi
38092: Segar, Elzie Crisler - Popeye Complete Six Volume Set
20803: Sekowsky, Mike - Adventure Comics #402
19323: Sekowsky, Mike; Giordano, Dick - Adventure Comics No. 405
35355: Sekowsky, Mike - Showcase No. 90. (Jason's Quest)
21983: Selby, Charles - Maximums and Speciments of William Muggins, Natural Philosopher and Citizen of the World
38377: Seltzer, Charles Alden - Breath of the Desert Part I in Argosy June 18, 1932
25687: Seltzer, Charles Alden - The Gentleman from Virginia
9823: Seltzer, Charles Alden - Arizona Jim
29148: Selvaggi, Giuseppe - Vento Alla Porta. (Signed and Inscribed Copy)
24918: Selvatico, Pietro - Sulla Architettura E Sulla Scultura in Venezia Dal Medio Evo Sino Ai Nostri Giorni. Studi Di P. Selvatico Per Servire Di Guida Estetica Con Settanta Vignette in Legno Ed Una Tavola in Rame
33382: Selwyn, Francis - Sergeant Verity and the Swell Mob
21782: Selznick, Brian - The Invention of Hugo Cabret
26241: Sémenoff, W.; Balincourt, Raoul de - L'Expiation: L'Agonie D'Un Cuirassé. L'Escadre de Port-Arthur. Sur le Chemin Du Sacrifice
24733: Semerano, Massimo; Nizzoli, Marco - I Figli Del Tramonto Libro 2: IL Trionfo Di Trimarkos
24573: Semerano, Massimo; Nizzoli, Marco - Fondazione Babele
24688: Semerano, Massimo; Nizzoli, Marco - I Figli Del Tramonto Libro 1: Paura Sulla Città
33842: Senarens, Lu., ed - Mystery Magazine No. 10 April 1918
23188: Sente, Yves; Juillard, André - Le Avventure Di Blake E Mortimer: IL Santuario Di Gondwana
29167: Sereni, Vittorio - L'Opzione E Allegati
19948: Toninelli, Marcello; Tuis, Sergio and others - Raccolta Nick Raider #21 - Pugno Proibito - Omicidi Alla Finestra
23159: Scarpa, Romano; Gatto, Luciano; Asteriti, Sergio and others - Tesori Disney #12 - Topolino & Atomino
35543: Skeates, Steve; Aragones, Sergio and others - Plop #15
35544: Skeates, Steve; Aragones, Sergio and others - Plop #13
29952: Asteriti, Sergio and others - Group of Seven Walt Disney Movies Adaptations. (Ducktales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp. Shipwrecked! White Fang. One Hundred and One Dalmatians. Disney's the Rescuers: Down Under. Disney's the Prince and the Pauper. Walt Disney's the Jungle Book)
20496: Cabella, Sergio and others - Paperino #335 (Donald Duck Stories)
20504: Cabella, Sergio and others - Paperino #326 (Donald Duck Stories)
8237: Serpieri, Paolo Eleuteri - Druuna - IL Pianeta Dimenticato
21718: Serra, Antonio; Cozzi, Gianmauro - Greystorm #12 - I Capitoli Dimenticati
14510: Serra, Antonio - Legs Weaver #12 - la Città Sotto IL Mare
14512: Serra, Antonio - Legs Weaver #14 - Ritorno a Waldur
14584: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never #47 - Exodus
14583: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never #46 - la Fratellanza Ombra
14580: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never #43 - IL Ritorno Di Raven
14581: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never #44 - IL Satellite Killer
14570: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never #33 - Una Voce Dal Passato
21711: Serra, Antonio; Bignamini, Alessandro - Greystorm #3 - IL Polo Sud
21712: Serra, Antonio; Denna, Simona - Greystorm #4 - la Fine Dell'Iron Cloud
15072: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never #51 - I Predatori Dei Mari
15061: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never #37 - L'Orrore Sopra Di Noi
15058: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never #33 - Una Voce Dal Passato
15066: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never #43 - IL Ritorno Di Raven
15067: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never #44 - IL Satellite Killer
15071: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never #50 - la Biblioteca Di Babele
21713: Serra, Antonio; Zanella, Melissa - Greystorm #5 - Morte Sull'Isola
13119: Serra, Antonio - Legs Weaver #34 - la Regina Del Peccato
21714: Serra, Antonio; Denna, Simona - Greystorm #7 - Ossessione
20267: Serra, Antonio; Palomba, Francesca - Legs Weaver #36 - IL Segreto Delle Dame Nere
20268: Serra, Antonio; Zanella, Melissa - Legs Weaver #38 - IL Talismano Vivente
21710: Serra, Antonio; Denna, Simona - Greystorm #2 - IL Gigante Dei Cieli
20257: Serra, Antonio; Enoch, Luca - Legs Weaver #7 - IL Tempio Maledetto
20256: Serra, Antonio; Platano, Antonella - Legs Weaver #6 - le Lune Di Waldur
20264: Serra, Antonio; Pianta, Elena - Legs Weaver #27 - Fuori Orario
14522: Serra, Antonio - Legs Weaver #24 - la Notte Della Violenza
14518: Serra, Antonio - Legs Weaver #20 - IL "Dormiente
20261: Serra, Antonio; Olivares, Giancarlo - Legs Weaver #20 - IL "Dormiente
14524: Serra, Antonio - Legs Weaver #26 - IL Ritorno Delle Dame Nere
8857: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never 22 - I Demoni
8859: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never 50 - la Biblioteca Di Babele
8861: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never 20 - L'Ora Della Vendetta
8865: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never 12 - L'Ultima Battaglia
8866: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never 11 - Fanteria Dello Spazio
15079: Serra, Antonio - Nathan Never #60 - Sfida Negli Abissi
25562: Serra, Antonio; Alberti, Mario - Nathan Never Albo Gigante #2 - Odissea Nel Futuro
21715: Serra, Antonio; Bignamini, Alessandro - Greystorm #8 - Ai Confini Della Terra
21716: Serra, Antonio; Bignamini, Alessandro - Greystorm #10 - la Battaglia Di Makatea
21709: Serra, Antonio; Denna, Simona - Greystorm #1 - Grandi Progetti
29079: Servadio, Emilio - La Ricerca Psichica
23294: Sessa, Maurizio - La Bottega Delle Nuvole: La Storia Del Fumetto Da Nerbini Ai Disegnatori Toscani
30482: Sessions, Ralph - The Shipcarver's Art: Figureheads and Cigar-Store Indians in Nineteenth Century America
30481: Sessions, Ralph - The Shipcarver's Art: Figureheads and Cigar-Store Indians in Nineteenth Century America
11992: Seton, Anya - Avalon
31624: Seton, Ernest Thompson - Wild Animals I Have Known
35350: Seuling, Carole; Andru, Ross - Shanna the She-Devil #3
35352: Seuling, Carole; Andru, Ross - Shanna the She-Devil #4
35353: Seuling, Carole; Andru, Ross - Shanna the She-Devil #4
35351: Seuling, Carole; Andru, Ross - Shanna the She-Devil #3
26448: Severn, David (David Storr Unwin) - Treasure for Three
30380: Rabutin-Chantal Sévigné, Marie de; Hyatt, Alfred H. - Madame de Sévigné: Whimsicalities, Witticisms, and Reflections from Her Letters, Arranged by Alfred H. Hyatt
19784: Sforzino, M. Francesco - I Tre Libri de Gli Uccelli Da Rapina Di M. Fancesco Sforzino Da Carcano, Nobile Vicentino. Ne' Quali Si Contiene la Vera Cognitione Dell'Arte de' Struccieri, & IL Modo Di Conoscere, Ammaestrare, Reggere, & Medicare Tutti Gli Augelli Rapaci. Con Un Trattato de' Cani Da Caccia Del Medesimo
20882: Shaara, Jeff - Gods and Generals
4281: Shaber, Sarah R. - Snipe Hunt
18045: Shafer, Robert - The Conquered Place
35108: Shallit, Joseph (Matt Brady) - The Billion Dollar Body in Detective Book Magazine Spring 1949
32806: Shallit, Joseph (Matt Brady) - The Case of the Billion Dollar Body
31306: Shallit, Joseph (Matt Brady) - Kiss the Killer
2745: Shames, Laurence - Tropical Depression
3471: Shames, Laurence - Virgin Heat
36766: Moore, Alan; Oakley, Shane and others - Albion Complete Mini Series
18731: Shane, Susannah - Lady in Lilac in the Philadelphia Inquirer Gold Seal Novel Sunday, August 23, 1942
18193: Shannon, Lytle - High, Wild and Lonesome
21193: Shapiro, Walter F. - Eddie Black
34020: Shapiro, Harvey; Tumay, Paulette - Murder in Soho
31521: Sharkey, Jack / Ronald, Bruce W. - Ultimatum in 2050 A.D. / Our Man in Space
31427: Sharp, Margery - Cluny Brown
33554: Shaver, Richard S. - The Masked World in Amazing Stories May 1946
33640: Shaver, Richard S. - Titan's Daughter in Amazing Stories September 1948
35657: Shaver, Richard S. - The Crystalline Sarcophagus in Amazing Stories May 1947
28077: Shaver, Richard S. - Beyond the Barrier Part 3 in Other Worlds January 1953
27394: Shaver, Richard S. - Yelisen in Other Worlds Science Stories December 1951
31416: Shaver, Richard S. - Invasion of the Micro-Men in Amazing Stories February 1946
32470: Shaver, Richard S. - Joe Dannon, Pioneer in Amazing Stories March 1947
31415: Shaver, Richard S. - Mer-Witch of Ether 18 in Amazing Stories August 1947
31671: Shaver, Richard S. - The Mind Rovers in Amazing Stories January 1947
31674: Shaver, Richard S. - The Crystalline Sarcophagus in Amazing Stories May 1947
28806: Shaver, Richard S. - The Crystalline Sarcophagus in Amazing Stories May 1947
29445: Shaver, Richard S. - The Land of Kui in Amazing Stories December 1946
21083: Shaver, Richard; Palmer, Raymond, ed - The Hidden World Summer 1961 - the Masked World
28078: Shaver, Richard S. - Beyond the Barrier Part 4 in Other Worlds February 1953
35655: Shaver, Richard S. - Mer-Witch of Ether 18 in Amazing Stories August 1947
35656: Shaver, Richard S. - Joe Dannon, Pioneer in Amazing Stories March 1947
32531: Shaver, Richard S. - The Crystalline Sarcophagus in Amazing Stories May 1947
26005: Shaver, Richard - The Dream Makers in Fantastic July 1958
32538: Shaver, Richard S. - Titan's Daughter in Amazing Stories September 1948
32539: Shaver, Richard S. - Daughter of the Night in Amazing Stories December 1948
31658: Shaver, Richard S. - Earth Slaves to Space in Amazing Stories September 1946
31660: Shaver, Richard S. - The Land of Kui in Amazing Stories December 1946
29446: Shaver, Richard S. - Luder Valley in Amazing Stories June 1946
29447: Shaver, Richard S. - The Mind Rovers in Amazing Stories January 1947
28799: Shaver, Richard S. - Mer-Witch of Ether 18 in Amazing Stories August 1947
12205: Shaw, Bob - Orbitsville Departure
18359: Shaw, Bob - A Wreath of Stars
13322: Shaw, Bob - The Ragged Astronauts
13533: Shaw, Bob - A Wreath of Stars
4964: Shaw, Bob - A Wreath of Stars
19452: Shaw, Larry T., ed - Science Fiction Adventures April 1957
16239: Shaw, Larry T., ed - Infinity Science Fiction November 1957 Vol. 3 No. 1
26272: Shaw, Larry T., ed - Infinity Science Fiction October 1958
13358: Shaw, Bob - The Ragged Astronauts
13422: Shaw, Bob - Cosmic Kaleidoscope
20849: Shaw, Albert, ed - The American Review of Reviews August 1916
35726: Shaw, Bob - Ground Zero Man
26975: Shaw, Bob - Orbitsville Departure
31812: Shaw, Bernard - Heartbreak House, Great Catherine, and Playlets of the War
3609: Shaw, Bob - A Wreath of Stars
5127: Shaw, Bernard - Saint Joan, Major Barbara, Androcles and the Lion
26262: Shaw, Larry T., ed - Infinity Science Fiction June 1956
26265: Shaw, Larry T., ed - Infinity Science Fiction December 1956
26271: Shaw, Larry T., ed - Infinity Science Fiction October 1958
37438: Shaw, Bob - I Figli Di Medusa. (Medusa's Children Italian Edition)
5240: Shaw, Irwin - Tip on a Dead Jockey and Other Stories
4190: Shaw, Simon - Killer Cinderella
26266: Shaw, Larry T., ed - Infinity Science Fiction February 1957
26268: Shaw, Larry T., ed - Infinity Science Fiction June 1957
26273: Shaw, Larry T., ed - Infinity Science Fiction November 1958
31016: Shaw, Bob - The Ceres Solution
36764: DeMatteis J. M.; McManus, Shawn and others - Doctor Fate Complete Series + Annual #1 Instant Collection
30120: Sheckley, Robert - Crompton Divided
35610: Sheckley, Robert - The World of Heart's Desire in Playboy September 1959
7579: Sheckley, Robert - Citizen in Space
7580: Sheckley, Robert - Pilgrimage to Earth
27113: Sheckley, Robert - The Prize of Peril in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1958
13580: Sheckley, Robert - Hunter / Victim
27977: Sheckley, Robert - The Fortunate Person in Fantastic Universe February 1955
17273: Sheckley, Robert - Can You Feel Anything When I Do This? in Playboy August 1969
29259: Sheckley, Robert - Computer Grand-Guignol
19532: Sheckley, Robert - The Journey of Joenes in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October and November 1962
12352: Sheckley, Robert - Mindswap
35485: Sheckley, Robert - Love, Incorporated in Playboy September 1956
35629: Sheckley, Robert - The Alternative Detective
35571: Sheckley, Robert - Triplication in Playboy May 1959
17657: Sheehan, Perley Poore - The Abyss of Wonders
21999: O'Sheel, Shaemas - It Never Could Happen, or the Second American Revolution
11987: Sheffield, Charles - The Ganymede Club
28501: Sheffield, Charles - A Braver Thing in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine February 1990
12613: Sheffield, Charles - Dark As Day
13689: Sheffield, Charles - The Billion Dollar Boy: A Jupiter Novel
3453: Sheffield, Charles - Divergence
3455: Sheffield, Charles - Transcendence
13415: Sheffield, Charles - Cold As Ice
13416: Sheffield, Charles - Godspeed
3461: Sheffield, Charles - The Spheres of Heaven
3459: Sheffield, Charles; Pournelle, Jerry - Higher Education
6320: Sheffield, Charles - The Ganymede Club
35927: Moldoff, Sheldon and others - Superboy #69 Italian Edition. Albi Del Falco N. 156. Come Nembo Kid (Superman) Imparo' a Volare
35969: Moldoff, Sheldon and others - Batman #166 Italian Edition. Albi Del Falco N. 465
35972: Moldoff, Sheldon and others - Batman #169 Italian Edition. Albi Del Falco N. 478
35932: Moldoff, Sheldon and others - Batman #121 Italian Edition. Albi Del Falco N. 168. Nembo Kid (Superman): Titano L'Ultra Gorilla
7712: Sheldon, Roy (Herbert J. Campbell) - Moment out of Time
22710: Shelley, Percy Bysshe - IL Prometeo Liberato. Dramma Lirico Di P.B. Shelley Tradotto Da Adolfo de Bosis. Con Un Commento Del Traduttore. (Prometheus Unbound - Italian Edition)
21390: Shelton, Gilbert - Le Avventure Alternative Dei Favolosi Freak Brothers (the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers - Italian Edition)
37914: Shelton, Gilbert - Feds 'n' Heads #1
37915: Shelton, Gilbert - Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers #1
24301: Shenton, Edward - The Rib and Adam
18558: Shepard, Lucius; Shea, Michael; Salmonson, Jessica Amanda - Axolotl Special Number One
17802: Shepard, Lucius - Life During Wartime
18557: Shepard, Lucius; Shea, Michael; Salmonson, Jessica Amanda; Sterling, Bruce; Kessel, John; Ligotti, Thomas - Axolotl Special Number One. (Signed by All Authors)
35185: Shepard, Lucius; Shea, Michael; Salmonson, Jessica Amanda; Sterling, Bruce; Kessel, John; Ligotti, Thomas - Axolotl Special Number One. (Signed by All Authors)
35186: Shepard, Lucius - The Jaguar Hunter
22137: Shepard, Lucius - Louisiana Breakdown
17592: Shepard, Lucius - The Jaguar Hunter
22130: Shepard, Lucius - Softspoken
22132: Shepard, Lucius - Kalimantan
36522: Shepard, Lucius - The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1984
35246: Shepard, Lucius; Shea, Michael; Salmonson, Jessica Amanda; Sterling, Bruce; Kessel, John; Ligotti, Thomas - Axolotl Special Number One. (Signed by All Authors)
35247: Shepard, Lucius; Shea, Michael; Salmonson, Jessica Amanda; Sterling, Bruce; Kessel, John; Ligotti, Thomas - Axolotl Special Number One. (Signed by All Authors)
9241: Shepard, Lucius - Valentine
22026: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - Critic, or a Tragedy Rehearsed. A Dramatic Piece in Three Acts As It Is Performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane
26047: Sherman, Harold M. - Touchdown!
26016: Sherman, Harold M. - One Minute to Play
26069: Sherman, Harold M. - Crashing Through!
34443: Sherman, Captain V. T. - Boy Scouts in the War Zone
34444: Sherman, Captain V. T. - The Perils of an Air-Ship, or, Boy Scouts in the Sky
26017: Sherman, Harold M. - Hold That Line!
26048: Sherman, Harold M. - Block That Kick!
8948: Sherman, Jory - Chill #5: The Phoenix Man
32508: Sherman, Harold M. - The Green Man in Amazing Stories October 1946
12023: Sherred, T. L.; Biggle, Lloyd, Jr. - Alien Main
2895: Sherred, T. L.; Biggle, Lloyd, Jr. - Alien Main
6144: Sherry, Edna - Tears for Jessie Hewitt
10908: Shetterley, Will - Chimera
16127: Shiel, Matthew Phipps - Xelucha and Others
13257: Shiel, M. P. - Prince Zaleski and Cummings King Monk
18927: Shiel, Matthew Phipps - This Knot of Life
30021: Shiel, Matthew Phipps - Xelucha and Others
30355: Shimidzu, T. T. - Chu, the Tongueless Sparrow
4145: Shiner, Lewis - Deserted Cities of the Heart
37639: Shiner, Lewis - The Edges of Things. (Signed and Numbered Limited Edition)
3741: Shippey, Tom, Ed - The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories
37611: Shirley, John - Eclipse Corona
37779: Shirley, John - Preach in Cyber-Psychos Aod #7
8434: Shirley, John - Wetbones
37620: Shirley, John - Wetbones
25072: Shirow, Masamune - Appleseed Volume 3 (Italian Edition)
23118: Shirow, Masamune - Vintage Masamune Shirow Dominion Poster
13975: Shooter, Jim, ed - The Tomb of Dracula #2 December 1979
13980: Shooter, Jim, ed - The Tomb of Dracula #5 June 1980
32385: Shooter, Jim; Layton, Bob - Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #4
36695: Shooter, Jim; Lapham, David - Rai #0
21586: Shooter, Jim, ed - The Tomb of Dracula #5 June 1980
36387: Shooter, Jim; Mortimer, Win - Adventure Comics #376
23696: Short, Luke - Hard Money
14176: Short, Luke - Bold Rider
14162: Short, Luke - Savage Range
11839: Short, Luke - Raw Land
11840: Short, Luke - The Man on the Blue
12478: Short, Luke - High Vermilion
23697: Short, Luke - The Rustlers
23761: Short, Luke - Ride the Man Down
31781: Short, Luke - Ride the Man Down
25653: Short, Luke - And the Wind Blows Free
18157: Short, Luke - The Branded Man
31617: Short, Luke - Coroner Creek
18707: Shulman, Max - The Feather Merchants in the Philadelphia Inquirer Gold Seal Novel Sunday, August 13, 1944
3579: Shulman, Max - I Was a Teen-Age Dwarf
3581: Shulman, Max - Sleep Till Noon
3582: Shulman, Max - The Feather Merchants
3584: Shulman, Max - Potatoes Are Cheaper
3585: Shulman, Max - Anyone Got a Match
4752: Shuman, M. K. - The Maya Stone Murders
18314: Shute, Nevil - The Rainbow and the Rose
16268: Shuttleworth, John, ed - True Detective September 1943 Vol. 40 No. 6
23532: Siegel, Jerry; Purcell, Howard - Mystery in Space #101
36457: Siegel, Jerry; Plastino, Al - Action Comics #322
12926: Silas, A. E. - The Panorama Egg
23486: Silone, Ignazio - Bread and Wine
28603: Silva, José de Seabra da [Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo] - Deduzione Cronologica, E Analitica. [with] Prove Della Parte Prima Della Deduzione Cronologica E Analitica E Supplica Di Ricorso Del Dottor Giuseppe de Seabra Da Silva. [and] Prove Della Parte Seconda Della Deduzione Cronologica E Analitica E Supplica Di Ricorso Del Dottor Giuseppe de Seabra Da Silva. Complete in Five Volumes
24757: Silva, David B., ed - The Horror Show Fall 1987
30264: Silvani, Gaetano; Franzè, Giuseppe - Interno Di Tempio Protestante. Etching from a Painting by Pieter Jansz. Saenredam
35839: Silver - Lupo Alberto 2
22048: Silver, George - A Practical Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of Smoky Chimneys; with an Appendix, Containing Various Extracts Connected with the Subject, and Testimonials of the Author's Experience
38111: Silverberg, Robert (as Alex Merriman) - The Monster in the Attic in Super-Science Fiction August 1959
37567: Silverberg, Robert - Up the Line
19798: Silverberg, Robert - Violare IL Cielo (to Open the Sky)
27856: Silverberg, Robert - A Time of Changes (Part 1 of 3) in Galaxy Magazine March 1971
27857: Silverberg, Robert - A Time of Changes (Part 2 of 3) in Galaxy Magazine April 1971
12932: Silverberg, Robert / Gunn, James E. - The 13th Immortal / This Fortress World
28218: Silverberg, Robert / Grinnell, David (Donald Allen Wollheim) - Invaders from Earth. / Across Time
6753: Silverberg, Robert, ed - Threads of Time
12287: Silverberg, Robert - Tom O'Bedlam
7285: Silverberg, Robert; Garrett, Randall - The Dawning Light
7286: Silverberg, Robert; Garrett, Randall - The Shrouded Planet
18301: Silverberg, Robert, ed - Robert Silverberg's Worlds of Wonder
6927: Silverberg, Robert - Capricorn Games
27851: Silverberg, Robert - Downward to the Earth (Part 4 of 4) in Galaxy Magazine March 1970
27296: Silverberg, Robert - The Nudes of Quendar III in Imaginative Tales January 1957
27852: Silverberg, Robert - The Throwbacks in Galaxy Magazine July 1970
27623: Silverberg, Robert - Shadrach in the Furnace Part 1 of 3 in Analog Science Fiction Science Fact August 1976
12432: Silverberg, Robert - The Desert of Stolen Dreams
7980: Silverberg, Robert, ed - The Ends of Time
27850: Silverberg, Robert - Downward to the Earth (Part 4 of 4) in Galaxy Magazine March 1970
35491: Silverberg, Robert - The Sri Lanka Position in Playboy December 1993
19893: Silverberg, Robert - L'Uomo Nel Labirinto (the Man in the Maze)
7719: Silverberg, Robert / Wright, Lan - Stepsons of Terra. / a Man Called Destiny
27624: Silverberg, Robert - Shadrach in the Furnace Part 2 of 3 in Analog Science Fiction Science Fact September 1976
14276: Silverberg, Robert - Violare IL Cielo (to Open the Sky)
37989: Silverberg, Robert - Dimension Thirteen
20438: Randall, Robert (Robert Silverberg and Randall Garrett) - IL Pianeta Nascosto (the Shrouded Planet - Italian Edition)
27844: Silverberg, Robert - To Jorslem in Galaxy Magazine February 1969
29176: Silverberg, Robert; Waugh, Charles G.; Greenberg, Martin H. - The Science Fictional Dinosaur
37551: Silverberg, Robert - To Live Again
37552: Silverberg, Robert - Thorns
28508: Silverberg, Robert - Lion Time in Timbuctoo in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine October 1990
29249: Silverberg, Robert - To Live Again
5204: Silverberg, Robert / Temple, William F. - The Silent Invaders. / Battle on Venus
9806: Randall, Robert (Robert Silverberg and Randall Garrett) - The Dawning Light
27300: Silverberg, Robert - Twelve Hours to Blow! in Imaginative Tales May 1957
5043: Silverberg, Robert - Tom O'Bedlam
27835: Silverberg, Robert - To Jorslem in Galaxy Magazine February 1969
17841: Silvestri, Mario - Caporetto: Una Battaglia E Un Enigma
35227: Silvestri, Marc; Pham, Khoi - Cyberforce #1 Variant Cover
13494: Simak, Clifford D. - Project Pope
19890: Simak, Clifford D. - IL Papa Definitivo (Project Pope)
27837: Simak, Clifford D. - Buckets of Diamonds in Galaxy Magazine April 1969
10217: Simak, Clifford D. - New Folks' Home in Analog Science Fact Science Fiction July 1963
4772: Simak, Clifford D. - Project Pope
30711: Simak, Clifford D. - Stranieri Nell'Universo. (Strangers in the Universe - Italian Edition. )
27826: Simak, Clifford D. - The Visitors (Part 3 of 3) in Analog Science Fiction Science Fact December 1979
37821: Simak, Clifford D. / Delany, Samuel R. / Vance, Jack - Ace Science Fiction Reader. (the Trouble with Tycho. Empire Star. The Last Castle)
27125: Simak, Clifford D. - The Golden Bugs in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1960
6714: Simak, Clifford D. - Highway of Eternity
35074: Simak, Clifford D. - New Folks' Home in Analog Science Fact Science Fiction July 1963
35414: Simak, Clifford D. - Highway of Eternity
26612: Simak, Clifford D. - The Trouble with Tycho in Amazing Stories October 1960
13424: Simak, Clifford D. - Where the Evil Dwells
31578: Simak, Clifford D. - ... And the Truth Shall Make You Free in Future Science Fiction March 1953
31661: Simak, Clifford D. - ... And the Truth Shall Make You Free in Future Science Fiction March 1953
37610: Simak, Clifford D. - Skirmish: The Great Short Fiction of Clifford D. Simak
19888: Simak, Clifford D. - IL Labirinto Del Cosmo. (Time Is the Simplest Thing Italian Edition. )
27824: Simak, Clifford D. - The Visitors (Part 1 of 3) in Analog Science Fiction Science Fact October 1979
27744: Simak, Clifford D. - Cemetery World (Part 1 of 3) in Analog Science Fiction Science Fact November 1972
3424: Simak, Clifford D. - Time and Again
19833: Simak, Clifford D. - All'Ombra Di Tycho (the Trouble with Tycho)
13700: Simak, Clifford D. - Highway of Eternity
1240: Simak, Clifford D. - Strangers in the Universe
38113: Simak, Clifford D. - Construction Shack in Worlds of If February 1973
35069: Simak, Clifford D. - Cosmic Engineers Conclusion in Astounding Science Fiction April 1939
13366: Simak, Clifford D. - Strangers in the Universe
13373: Simak, Clifford D. - The Fellowship of the Talisman
13377: Simak, Clifford D. - A Choice of Gods
13378: Simak, Clifford D. - Mastodonia
37351: Simak, Clifford D. - IL Labirinto Del Cosmo. (Time Is the Simplest Thing Italian Edition. )
28112: Simak, Clifford D. - Where the Evil Dwells
2530: Simak, Clifford D. - Highway of Eternity
38112: Simak, Clifford D. - Our Children's Children Part I in Worlds of If June 1973
37655: Simak, Clifford D. - The Goblin Reservation
19735: Simak, Clifford D. - Eternità Perduta (the Best of Clifford D. Simak)
32473: Simak, Clifford D. - The Trouble with Tycho in Amazing Stories October 1960
37575: Simak, Clifford D. - Time and Again
6742: Simak, Clifford D. - Mastodonia
6743: Simak, Clifford D. - Special Deliverance
27317: Simak, Clifford D. - All the Traps of Earth in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1960
33660: Simak, Clifford D. - City in Astounding Science Fiction May 1944
33661: Simak, Clifford D. - Census in Astounding Science Fiction September 1944
27825: Simak, Clifford D. - The Visitors (Part 2 of 3) in Analog Science Fiction Science Fact November 1979
35676: Simak, Clifford D. - The Fisherman in Analog Science Fact & Fiction April 1961
27121: Simak, Clifford D. - Final Gentleman in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1960
35672: Simak, Clifford D. - Goblin Reservation in Galaxy Magazine April 1968
38248: Simak, Clifford D. - Way Station
35209: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Fortuneteller
35124: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Millionaires
10936: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Apparition
35127: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Spinster
33253: Simenon, Georges - Maigret on the Defensive
4716: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Madwoman
8766: Simenon, Georges - The Methods of Maigret
35528: Simenon, Georges - Inspector Maigret in the Most Obstinate Man in Paris in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine April 1957
33050: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Calame Report
33060: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Toy Village
35125: Simenon, Georges - The Others
35182: Simenon, Georges - Maigret Hesitates
35205: Simenon, Georges - Maigret's Pickpocket
35183: Simenon, Georges - The Premier. [and] the Train
35126: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Informer
35476: Simenon, Georges - A Matter of Life and Death in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine January 1952
34077: Simenon, Georges - Maigret Hesitates
18761: Simenon, Georges - Havoc by Accident
4057: Simenon, Georges - Madame Maigret's Own Case
21285: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Black Sheep
17166: Simenon, Georges - The Disappearance of Odile
33075: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Black Sheep
33250: Simenon, Georges - Maigret in Exile
19239: Simenon, Georges - Letter to My Mother
19240: Simenon, Georges - The Novel of Man
19241: Simenon, Georges - Maigret's Rival
19243: Simenon, Georges - Three Beds in Manhattan
31803: Simenon, Georges - Maigret Abroad. (a Crime in Holland. At the "Gai-Moulin")
35128: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Reluctant Witness. / Maigret Has Scruples
36514: Simenon, Georges - The Old Lady of Bayeux in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine August 1952
34065: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Toy Village
35477: Simenon, Georges - Maigret's Christmas in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine January 1954
17282: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and the Loner
33248: Simenon, Georges - Maigret at the Coroner's
33249: Simenon, Georges - Maigret Has Doubts
26858: Simenon, Georges - A Maigret Trio: Maigret's Failure - Maigret in Society - Maigret and the Lazy Burglar
30473: Simenon, Georges - Tropic Moon
35208: Simenon, Georges - Maigret's Boyhood Friend
19168: Simenon, Georges - The Saint-Fiacre Affair
4576: Simmons, Dan - The Hollow Man
24451: Simon, Ted - I Viaggi Di Jupiter: IL Giro Del Mondo in Motocicletta
7087: Simon, Morris - Amazing Stories Book 2 - Jaguar!
9257: Simon, Roger L. - The Straight Man
28306: Simone, Gail; Syaf, Ardian - Batgirl Volume 1: The Darkest Reflection
35701: Snyder, Scott; Bianchi, Simone and others - The Joker 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1
28477: Simoni, Gianni - Contro Ogni Evidenza
32288: Simonson, Walt; Buscema, Sal - Thor #374
32284: Simonson, Walt; Buscema, Sal - Thor #369
32287: Simonson, Walt; Buscema, Sal - Thor #373
32281: Simonson, Walt - Thor #366
32282: Simonson, Walt - Thor #367
32283: Simonson, Walt - Thor #368
37202: Simonson, Louise; Liefeld, Rob - New Mutants #87
32279: Simonson, Walt - Thor #363
12511: Simonson, Walter - The Mighty Thor #340 to 344
33294: Simonson, Louise; LaRocque, Greg - Web of Spider-Man #3
35989: Simpson, Don - Megaton Man Seven Issue Lot
21239: Simpson, Dorothy - No Laughing Matter
9301: Simpson, Dorothy - Six Feet Under
17560: Sims, George - The Terrible Door
18029: Sims, George - The End of the Web
33099: Sims, George - Rex Mundi
34235: Sims, Chris; Koblish, Scott - X-Men '92 #1 Variant Cover
34145: Sims, Chris; Koblish, Scott - X-Men '92 #1 Variant Cover
28125: Drago, Harry Sinclair and others - Street & Smith's Western Story September 4, 1943
30159: Singer, Isaac Bashevis - Collected Stories: A Friend of Kafka to Passions
30161: Singer, Isaac Bashevis - Collected Stories: One Night in Brazil to the Death of Methuselah
20419: Singer, Isaac Bashevis - Satana a Goray (Satan in Goray - Italian Edition)
30160: Singer, Isaac Bashevis - Collected Stories: Gimpel the Fool to the Letter Writer
13247: Singer, Isaac Bashevis - The King of the Fields
26812: Singlande, R. P. de - Memoires Militaires, Et Voyages Du R.P. De Singlande, Ancien Aumônier Des Armées Du Roi, Reçu En Furvivance Aumônier Des Bains de Barege
37782: Sirius, R. U.; Morgan, Russell, eds - High Frontiers / Reality Hackers #5
22567: Sissons, Michael, ed - In the Dead of the Night: An Anthology of Horror Stories
37668: Sjoman, Vilgot - I Am Curious (Yellow)
21637: Sjowall, Maj; Wahloo, Per - The Locked Room: The Story of a Crime
33155: Sjowall, Maj; Wahloo, Per - Cop Killer
33156: Sjowall, Maj; Wahloo, Per - The Fire Engine That Disappeared
4574: Skal, David J. - Antibodies
30230: Skates, Steve; Auraleon - Warren Presents #8. (Pantha, the Panther Girl!)
34909: Skeggs, Douglas - The Talinin Madonna
9473: Skinner, Mike - Playground of Violence
13392: Sladek, John - Bugs
17559: Sladek, John - Bugs
20385: Sladek, John - IL Sistema Riproduttivo (Mechasm - Italian Edition)
37681: Sladek, John - The Muller-Fokker Effect
7447: Sladek, John T. - The Reproductive System
18455: Sladek, John - Bugs
17805: Sladek, John - Roderick at Random, or Further Education of a Young Machine
37602: Sladek, John - Tik-Tok
35213: Sladek, John - Bugs
36821: Sladek, John - Space Shoes of the Gods in the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November 1974
37598: Sladek, John - Roderick at Random, or Further Education of a Young Machine
37599: Sladek, John - Roderick
18198: Slaughter, Frank G. - Fort Everglades
35462: Slesar, Henry - The Last Smile in Playboy November 1961
26684: Slesar, Henry; Nourse, Alan E. - The Goddess of World 21 / Gold in the Sky. (the Most Thrilling Science Fiction Ever Told Winter 1968)
35456: Slesar, Henry - The Firing Line in Playboy September 1961
28801: O'Conor Sloane, T., ed - Amazing Stories February 1937
33887: Slott, Dan; Caselli, Stefano - The Amazing Spider-Man #654
35776: Slott, Dan; Ramos, Humberto - The Amazing Spider-Man #650
35228: Slott, Dan; Camuncoli, Giuseppe - The Amazing Spider-Man #23 Comicxposure Exclusive Variant Cover
33886: Slott, Dan; McNiven, Steve - The Amazing Spider-Man #546
32129: Slott, Dan; Camuncoli, Giuseppe - The Amazing Spider-Man #12
35777: Slott, Dan; Ramos, Humberto - The Amazing Spider-Man #668
35282: Slott, Dan; Perez, Ramon K. - The Amazing Spider-Man #1. 4
34753: Slott, Dan; Martin, Marcos - The Amazing Spider-Man #656
34533: Slott, Dan; McNiven, Steve - The Amazing Spider-Man #546
32429: Slott, Dan; Romita, John, Jr. - The Amazing Spider-Man #600 Ross and Romita Variant Cover
35620: Slott, Dan; Romita, John, Jr. - The Amazing Spider-Man #571
35621: Slott, Dan; Romita, John, Jr. - The Amazing Spider-Man #568
35622: Slott, Dan; Romita, John, Jr. - The Amazing Spider-Man #567

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