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467h5049: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - New Canadian Readers - 20th Century Edition: [a] Second Reader
357a4690: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post, November 3, 1962 *Adolph Eichmann and His Trial*
357a4691: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post, May 5, 1962 *the Neutron Bomb / Backstage with Andy Williams*
357a4688: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post, December 15, 1962 *the Real Scandal of Divorce*
357a4689: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post, December 22 - December 29, 1962 *in-Depth Study of the American Woman / Johnny Carson*
357a4684: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post, December 24 - December 31, 1960 *Is European Education Better Than Ours?*
357a4685: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post, November 19, 1960 *a Visit with Robert Frost / Perry Como*
34803131: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Western & Eastern Treasures Magazine - Volume 14 Number 1 - January 1980
144a7282: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News - November 10, 1962
144a7283: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News - October 20, 1962
144a7284: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News - October 13, 1962
876a4604: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International, Vol. 43, Issue 2, 1998-'99
45206340: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - A Woman of Valour - an Anthology for the Thinking Jewess
556g0024: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading, September 1957 - Steam in the South
826c8370: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, October 19, 2009 *Stephen Harper's Musical Debut*
101a4180: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - 1995 Ieee Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (Smc) - Proceedings, May 17-19, 1995, Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
339a4562: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Canadian Magazine, 30 January 1971 *Roundup Time in Bc's Cattle Country*
339a4563: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Canadian Magazine, 13 February 1971 *More on the Mob, and Artist Jack Chambers*
339a4564: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Canadian Magazine, 20 February 1971 *the Niagara Daredevils/Part 6 of 'the Mob'*
34803119: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Western & Eastern Treasures - Volume 14 Number 4 April 1980
34803120: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Western & Eastern Treasures - Volume 14 Number 5 May 1980
34803097: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Treasure Magazine - Vol. 10 No. 11 December 1979
34803098: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Treasure Magazine - Vol. 11 No. 1 January 1980
873g3667: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Bugle: 1952 Yearbook of C.H. H.S. , Crescent Heights High School, Calgary, Alberta, Volume XXXIII
873g3617: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Tech Art Record, '54-'55 (1954-1955) - the Year Book (Yearbook) of the Provincial Institute of Technology & Art, Calgary, Alberta
768a9666: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Canadian Philatelist - Volume 28, No. 5, Whole No. 162, Sept. - Oct. , 1977
768a9538: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sea Frontiers - Vol. 34. No. 3 - May/June 1988
825c8025: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Atlantic Magazine, October 1955 *Dylan Thomas in Wales*
141a1444: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Northern Mariner - the Journal of the Canadian Nautical Research Society: January 1998
729c6297: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: May 1952
511h1255: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Excellence - the Magazine About Porsche, June 2011 - Cayman R
813a1404: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Popular Mechanics, October 1969
813a1405: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Popular Mechanics, April 1968
447h5730: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian House & Home, Canada's Magazine of Home & Style, November 2008 - Houses, Gifts & Trimmings That Shine
13804991: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - World War II (2) Magazine, September 1997
13804992: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - World War II (2) Magazine, January 1989
876a4585: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International, Issue No. 52
842a0706: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, March 1956 - Australian Edition
838g4377: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine (Canadian Edition), March (Mar. ) 12, 1979 - Robin Williams (Mork) Cover Photo
826c8147: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Woodenboat (Wooden Boat), September / October 1982, Number 48 - the Magazine for Wooden Boat Owners, Builders and Designers
825c7577: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Liberty Magazine, September 19, 1936 - Cover Illustration of John Barrymore
844g0644: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Pathfinder New Magazine, December 31, 1947
739c6322: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Field - the Country Newspaper June 11, 1953 *Coronation Souvenir*
842a0698: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Antique Showcase Magazine - Canada's Oldest Antique Magazine: September 1989, Volume 25 Number 3
842a0704: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, August 1956 - Australian Edition
826c8034: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Western Horseman - the Magazine for Admirers of Stock Horses, June 1953 *Montie Montana Feature*
845g1077: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cineaste - America's Leading Magazine on the Art and Politics of the Cinema, Vol. XXIV No. 1, 1998 - Shakespeare in the Cinema Supplement
845g0983: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Thoroughbred and Classid Cars Magazine, June 1975 - the Brian Lister Story
844g0520: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, April 15, 1950: Kate Aitken Is the Busiest Woman in the World
357a4773: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sailing (Magazine) - the Beauty of Sail: March 1975
357a4770: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sailing (Magazine) - the Beauty of Sail: July, 1975
357a4771: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sailing (Magazine) - the Beauty of Sail: May 1975
357a4772: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sailing (Magazine) - the Beauty of Sail: April 1975
877a8743: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Gun Report Magazine - November 1961
876a4614: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International, Vol. 35, Issue 2, 1990-1991
876a4612: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International, Issue No. 24, Fall-Winter 1968
873g3537: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - 1990 Yearbook of Edward Milne Community School (Emcs), Sooke, B.C.
35507972: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Na Okida o Hawaii - Hawaii Orchid Journal Volume IV, Number 1 March 1975
74602504: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine - June 1949
74602502: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine - September 1949 Vol. 103, No. 617
336h1309: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Hot Rod Magazine, October (Oct. ) 1974
843c8669: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 4, June 1990
843c8670: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 5, July 1990
825c7674: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Theatre Organ Bombarde, Journal of the American Theatre Organ Enthusiasts, August 1969 *1969 Chicago Convention Coverage*
876a4606: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International, Issue No. 72
842a0946: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Old West Magazine: Summer 1979
838g4386: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine (Canadian Edition), March (Mar. ) 15, 1971 - Wedding Photo of Pierre and Margaret Trudeau
14104348: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Annals of Statistics - an Official Journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics: Vol. 1, No. 1 - January 1973
141a1238: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Journal of Art & Design Education: Volume 3, Number 1, 1984
107c5792: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Dziesmu Krajums - Tresiem Amerikas Rietumu Krasta Latviesu Dziesmu Svetkiem San Francisco Kalifornija 1967 - Gada
739g0221: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, November 4, 1939
739g0223: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, December 9, 1939
821a3957: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Collectible Automobile Magazine, October 1988
821a3958: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Collectible Automobile Magazine, October 1989
844g0239: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, March 17, 1967 - Lynn & Vanessa Redgrave Cover
844g0240: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, March 24, 1967 - Martin Luther Cover
844g0229: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The World of Interiors Magazine, July-August 1984
844g0232: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, January 13, 1967 - Chairman Mao Cover
844g0233: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, January 20, 1967 - H.E. W. Secretary John Gardner Cover
843c8667: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 16, July 1991
843c8668: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 3, May 1990
843c8656: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 26, May 1992
843c8653: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 43, October 1993 - Hermitage Sour Mash Whiskey Cover Ad
843c8654: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 44, November 1993
843c8652: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 42, September 1993 - Poland Water Cover Ads
843c8646: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 35, February 1993 *Dr. King's New Discovery Cover*
843c8647: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 37, April 1993 *Bon Ami Cover*
843c8645: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 34, January 1993 *I.W. Harper Whisky Cover*
339a4137: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, March 6, 1965 *the Great Travel Explosion*
339a4138: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, June 19, 1965 - the Built-in Lie in Canada's Immigration
339a4139: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, July 3, 1965: Marshall Mcluhan - Our Hottest Intellectual Fad
844g0264: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The War Illustrated Magazine, 6 February 1915 - Beatty - the Hero of the North Sea
844g0265: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The War Illustrated Magazine, 30 January 1915 - the Modern Empire Rallies in the Shadow of the Ancient Sphinx
339c7975: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, May 19, 1962 - Saga of the S.S. Tropic See
202g4035: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vogue (Us) Magazine, July, 1992 - America's Top Olympians
727c8752: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Garden Railways Magazine, March-April 1989
727c8751: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Garden Railways Magazine, May-June 1989
16102899: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Perspectives 2-76
16102900: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Perspectives 3-76
14104238: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Conservation Biology - Volume 13, No. 4, August 1999
14104239: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Conservation Biology - Volume 13, No. 5, October 1999
531c6612: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Commonwealth Today - No. 59
531c6618: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Telephone Talk, Volume XXXI, Number 2, March-April 1941
531c6874: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Liberty Magazine, 20 March 1937
349a7748: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The (Victoria, British Columbia) Daily Colonist Newspaper: Tuesday, November 22, 1904 Issue
844g0606: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - American Indian Art Magazine, Summer 2008
534c6800: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Star Weekly Magazine, 15 March 1958 *Canada's Busiest Party Givers, in Vancouver*
821a2760: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Frets Magazine, November 1983: Includes Article on Hand Injuries and Fighting Back to Play Again
536c7418: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Dealer and Collector's Guide, March 1969
536c7419: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Dealer and Collector's Guide, June 1966
536c7414: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Dealer and Collector's Guide, January 1970
536c7415: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Dealer and Collector's Guide, July 1970
536c7411: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Antique Collector Magazine, December 1972 / January 1973
536c7413: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Dealer and Collector's Guide, November 1979
536c7408: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Antique Collector Magazine, December 1970 / January 1971
536c7409: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Antique Collector Magazine, August 1972 / September 1972
536c7405: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Collector Magazine, August 1969 / September 1969
536c7406: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Antique Collector Magazine, January 1977
536c7404: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Collector Magazine, October 1969 / November 1969
536c7403: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Collector Magazine, February 1971 / March 1971
536c7400: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Collector Magazine, August 1971 / September 1971
536c7399: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Collector Magazine, December 1968 / January 1969
536c7398: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Collector Magazine, February 1969 / March 1969
302g2941: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Chatelaine Magazine, May 2008: 80th (Eightieth) Anniversary Special Edition
749g0132: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, 29 July 1944
749g0133: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, 12 August 1944
813a1152: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Earth First! - the Radical Environmental Journal: 1 August 1993
13804987: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Planes Magazine - Volume 1, Number 2 1981
13804988: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - World War Investigator: Volume 1, No. 12, 1989
431a1533: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, Volume 17: April 1906 Through July 1906 Plus Septmber and October 1906
727c8750: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Garden Railways Magazine, July-August 1989
658c9086: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Dollhouse Miniatures, January 1998 - Antique Toys
727c8749: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Garden Railways Magazine, September-October 1989
35508009: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Laifs - Bulletin of the Los Angeles International Fern Society Volume 6, Number 7, July 1979
357a4758: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sailing (Magazine) - the Beauty of Sail: November 1973
357a4759: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sailing (Magazine) - the Beauty of Sail: March 1973
357a4760: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sailing (Magazine) - the Beauty of Sail: February 1973
316g2214: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Pathfinder Magazine - a Weekly News Review of World Affairs, May 22, 1937 - Safety in the Sky / the Hindenberg Disaster
301g4208: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Harper's Bazaar -Taiwan International Edition, July 1997, No. 91
317c8989: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Rod and Rifle in British Columbia
658c9322: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cosmopolitan Magazine, March 2006 - Hilary Duff Cover
658c9323: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cosmopolitan Magazine, July 2005 - Jessica Biel Cover
357a4636: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post, January 5 - January 12, 1963 *Quack Marriage Counselors*
357a4637: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post, January 26, 1963 *Black Muslims - Negro Hate Group*
115a9216: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian West Magazine - Spring 1987: Special Barkerville Issue
115a9217: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian West Magazine - Summer 1987
823c5259: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Heritage, November/December 1997: The Magazine of the Heritage Canada Foundation - Francis C. Sullivan
565h3984: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cinemart - the Most Authoritative Chinese Movie Magazine, July 1983, No. 163
458g0107: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Japan Christian Quarterly - April 1957
458g0105: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Japan Christian Quarterly - Spring 1968
127c9254: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, December 1984 - Celebrate Christmas
127c9135: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, October 1994 - Contemporary Miniatures
822a2799: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Lampoon - the Humor Magazine: October, 1984
822a2800: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Lampoon - the Humor Magazine for Adults: May, 1985 *Celebrity Roast*
141a1425: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Northern Mariner: Journal of the Canadian Nautical Research Society - October 1994
141a1430: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Northern Mariner - the Journal of the Canadian Nautical Research Society: April 1995
146c7001: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 15 December 1965 *Genevieve Bujold Cover Photo*
146c6002: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine: December 1950
146c6001: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine: September 1950
146c6000: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine: August 1950
146c5999: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine: July 1950
146c5995: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine: January 1949
146c5994: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine: November 1948
146c5993: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine: October 1948
146c5992: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine: August 1948
146c5991: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine: July1948
146c5989: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine: April 1948
146c5990: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine: June 1948
146c5988: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine: January 1948
824c5748: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, Fall 1990
824c5749: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, Winter 1991
821a2761: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Frets Magazine, June 1982 *Jose Feliciano Feature*
821a2822: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Life Magazine, 12 July 1900 - Volume XXXVI, Number 922
821a2824: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Life Magazine: 9 December 1905, Volume XLVI, Supplement to Number 1206
823c5456: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nature Magazine, July 1935
823c5457: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nature Magazine, August 1935
823c5458: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nature Magazine, September 1935
823c5459: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nature Magazine, October 1935
449j0261: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Guitar World Magazine March 2023 - Jimmy Page Cover
511h1251: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Excellence - the Magazine About Porsche, November (Nov. ) 2010 - Gt3 R Hybrid Driven
432a1932: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War Magazine - Part 128, January 17th, 1917 - Belgium Under Two Flags
833j0408: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Chronicles of Kitsilano 75 - 75th Homecoming
758j0415: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Lutheran Ladies Family Celebrations Cookbook - Volume II [2/Two]
823a4842: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, December 3, 1945
302g3349: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Traditional Home Magazine, September 2000 - Statements of Style
34803125: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Western & Eastern Treasures - Volume 13 Number 7 July 1979
467c5075: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Young Reader
821a2102: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - True West Magazine, October 1973
821a2104: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - True West Magazine, June 1973 *the Lost Patrol*
658c9320: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cosmopolitan Magazine, March 2007
658c9321: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cosmopolitan Magazine, February 2007 - Eva Mendes Cover
658c9316: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cosmopolitan Magazine, January 2009 - Amanda Bynes Cover
658c9317: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cosmopolitan Magazine, December 2009 - Fergie Cover
658c9318: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cosmopolitan Magazine, March 2008 - Rihanna Cover
658c9319: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cosmopolitan Magazine, April 2007 - Eva Longoria Cover
813a1773: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The War Illustrated, No. 187, 16 March 1918
336h0158: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nature Magazine, No. 3473, Vol. 137, Saturday, May 23, 1936 - Cosmic Rays and Mutations
467c6862: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Ontario Readers - Third Reader
551h1693: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, August (Aug. ) 29, 1969 - Melvin Laird Cover / Woodstock/ Mies Van Der Rohe Remembered
658c9453: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Lampoon Magazine, September 1983 - All-Star Gala Self-Congratulatory Issue!
658c9454: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Lampoon Magazine, August 1983
114a0638: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Climate of the Canadian Arctic Islands and Adjacent Waters - Volume 2
733a5023: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Klipsun: 1921 Yearbook of the Washington State Normal School, Bellingham, Washington
733a5024: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Kaldron: 1923 High School Yearbook of Ferndale, Washington High School
764a2747: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Antiques Collector Magazine, February 1971
762a2564: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Logger's Handbook, Volume XLV 1985 - World Markets, Methods & Friends
255j0976: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine (Canadian Edition) June 17, 1966 - Quebec Premier-Designate Daniel Johnson Cover Photo
103h4050: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - In Defence of Freedom: Marc Lemire Vs. The Canadian "Human Rights" Enforcers
555j0944: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Pioneer Campfire Echoes - British Columbia
336h1313: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post, February (Feb. ) 1979 - Norman Rockwell Memorial Issue
357a4661: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post, November 4, 1961 *the Master Planners of Television Usa*
823a4845: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, October 29, 1945 *the Fleet's in*
813a1892: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nature Canada Magazine: Fall 1986
727c8745: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Outdoor Railroader Magazine, June/July 1992
727c8744: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Outdoor Railroader Magazine, October/November 1996
727c8740: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Model Railway Constructor Magazine, October 1982
727c8741: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Model Railway Constructor Magazine, July 1984
727c8742: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Model Railway Constructor Magazine, June 1984
727c8743: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Outdoor Railroader Magazine, September 1996
115a9218: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian West Magazine - Winter 1987
144c5273: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, April 22, 1961: What Tv Does to Children
123a7381: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, July 1943
123a7383: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, September 1942
658c9103: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, April 1996 - Simply Miniatures
749g0814: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Creative Needle Magazine - Smocking, Handsewing, Embroidery, Other Needle Arts - September/October 1989
813c9867: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The American Needlewoman Magazine, June 1926
449j0260: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Guitar World Magazine May 2020 - Ozzy Cover Photo with Andrew Watt
813a1120: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Equinox - the Magazine of Canadian Discovery: April 1995
813a1121: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Equinox - the Magazine of Canadian Discovery: February 1995
813a1122: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Equinox - the Magazine of Canadian Discovery: September 1999
844j1334: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's - Canada's National Magazine, October 1, 1954: Fred Varley and Eric Aldwinckle Visit Russia
556g0069: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Popular Magazine of Railroading, March 1951 - Cover Photo of the Clinchfield 4-6-6-4 No. 651, Class #-1, Near Marion, N.C.
727c8739: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Model Railway Constructor Magazine, August 1982
739g0190: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, July 31, 1943 - the War Completely and Exclusively Illustrated - Cover Photo of Mussolini Speaking from the Palazzo Venezia
338h1108: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Mccall's Needlework Magazine - Knitting, Crochet, Home Arts, Crafts: Spring / Summer 1956
876a4603: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International, Vol. 40, Issue 3, 1995-'96
826c8134: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Woodenboat (Wooden Boat), July / August 1984, Number 59 - the Magazine for Wooden Boat Owners, Builders and Designers
824c7222: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American Magazine, April 1988
813c9872: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, January 1960 (First Quarter)
23307565: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings April 1981 Volume 11 No. 2
23307567: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings October 1981 Volume 11 No. 5
23307564: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings February 1982 Volume 12 No. 1
822a2869: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Chip Chats Magazine, September/October 1989
842a0711: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, September 1955 - Australian Edition
842a0712: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, August 1955 - Australian Edition - Amateur Ontario Lumberjacks
823g0171: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, October 11, 1937
319c9388: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Sunday May 13, 1934, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
319c9389: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Sunday May 29, 1934, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
319c9390: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Sunday June 3, 1934, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
845g0971: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Thoroughbred and Classic Cars Magazine, May 1975 - Porsche Carrera
115a9205: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian West Magazine - Summer 1990
115a9206: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian West Magazine - Fall 1990
115a9208: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian West Magazine - Spring 1989
115a9209: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian West Magazine - Summer 1989
115a9212: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian West Magazine - Spring 1988
115a9200: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian West Magazine - Spring 1991
23303753: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Airforce - the Magazine of the Air Force Association of Canada: Volume 19 No 1 Spring 1995
319c9402: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Sunday September 23, 1934, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
842a0955: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Old West Magazine: Spring, 1977
842a0956: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Old West Magazine: Winter, 1976
842a0495: MULLTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Frontier Times Magazine: May, 1971
749g0822: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Creative Needle Magazine - Smocking, Handsewing, Embroidery, Machine Arts - May/June 1992
749g0823: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Creative Needle Magazine - Smocking, Handsewing, Embroidery, Machine Arts - November/December 1992
842a1487: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine: February 1912, No. 166. Vol. 28
822a2803: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Lampoon, June 1986 *Horror and Fantasy Issue*
431a1545: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine: Volume 11 - May Through October 1903
636g2602: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Dansk Kunsthaandvaerd 5-6. 39. Argang 1966-1967 - the Journal of the Danish Society of Arts and Crafts and Industrial Design
842c8912: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American, November 1981 - Butterfly Color Patterns
432a1939: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War Magazine - Part 242 - 5 April 1919 - the Roll of Honour, Concluding Survey
556g0080: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Illustrated Magazine of Railroading, May 1950 - Cover Photo of Union Pacific No. 26 Nearing Glenns Ferry, Idaho
432a1935: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War Magazine - Part 164, October 6th, 1917 - Safeguarding the Suez Canal
432a1936: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War Magazine - Part 186, March 9th, 1918 - Victoria Cross (V.C. ) Heroes in the Third Year of the War
768a0111: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Fiberarts - the Magazine of Textiles: Vol. 6, No. 3 , May/June 1979
876a4625: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International, Volume 32, Issue 1, 1987
876a4617: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International, Vol. 34, Issue 2, 1989-1990
144a7285: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News - September 29, 1962
768a9519: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sea Frontiers - Vol. 30. No. 3 - May/June 1984
821a2373: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: December, 1958
821a2374: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: April, 1958
727c8737: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Model Railway Constructor Magazine, October 1981
727c8735: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Model Railway Constructor Magazine, September 1982
727c8736: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Model Railway Constructor Magazine, August 1984
822a4543: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Flora Magazine - for Flower Arrangers and Gardeners: March-April 1979
823g0199: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, September 19, 1949 - Cover Photo of Robert A. Taft
118a8284: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Air Stories - Flying Thrills and Aerial Adventure: January 1938, Vol. 6, No. 1
825c7786: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, October 4, 1941
825c7551: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Theatre Organ Magazine, January/February 1992
825c7545: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Kitchen-Klatter Magazine, June 1948
825c7544: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Kitchen-Klatter Magazine, December 1948
825c7543: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Kitchen-Klatter Magazine, October 1957
825c7379: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, August 23, 1982: Lebanon - Flames and the Future
844g0869: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - American Forests and Forest Life, December 1928 - the Magazine of the American Forestry Association
511h1250: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Excellence - the Magazine About Porsche, August (Aug. ) 2010 - Zero to Sixty and 2. 6 Seconds!
127c9264: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, October 1983 - Arizona Architecture
127c9265: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, November 1983 - the Victorian Mystique
127c9266: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, December 1983 - a Dickensian Christmas
568a8821: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Totem 1949 - Yearbook of the University of British Columbia (U.B. C. )
568a9465: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Atom: 1959-1960... Yearbook of Aurora and District High School, Aurora, Ontario
44500550: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bittersweet Country
842c8906: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American, May 1981 - the Sunflower Crop
842c8907: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American, June 1981 - Accretion of Planets
312a9184: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Shooting Times and Country Magazine - December 26, 1970
312a9186: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Shooting Times and Country Magazine - Wildfowling Number: August 30-September 5, 1979
312a9187: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Shooting Times and Country Magazine: October 4-10, 1979
312a9188: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Shooting Times and Country Magazine: October 11-17, 1979
739g0171: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, January 2, 1943
739g0172: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, January 23, 1943 - Eighth Army's Advance Into Tripolitania
739g0173: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, February 6, 1943
813a1471: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The War Illustrated - December 29th, 1917
764c6919: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Antiques Collector Magazine, November 1966, Volume 1, Number 6: The Old Mills of Quebec
312a7453: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Diver Magazine: 8 Issues from 1993
826c8031: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Western Horseman - the Magazine for Admirers of Stock Horses, September 1953 *Special E.B. Quigley Feature*
826a4803: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll World, Spring 1987 *Linda Spiegel Tours with Her Bears / Amish Dolls*
826a4804: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll World, April 1987 *Golliwogs / Raggedy Ann and Andy*
838g4396: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine (Canadian Edition), August (Aug. ) 31, 1970 - the Politics of Sex / Cover Illustration of Kate Millett
831c6960: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine 28 September 2009
831c6961: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine 5 October 2009
826a4799: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Doll World, December 1987
824c5769: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, Winter 1996/1997
823g0194: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, May 23, 1949 - Judge Harold R. Medina Cover Photo
823g0195: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, July 11, 1949 - Tom Clark Color Cover Photo
768a9480: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sea Frontiers - Vol. 23. No. 3 - May/June, 1977
768a9481: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sea Frontiers - Vol. 23. No. 4 - July/August, 1977
123a7398: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, May 1940
123a7399: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, March1940
826c8133: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Woodenboat (Wooden Boat), May / June 1984, Number 58 - the Magazine for Wooden Boat Owners, Builders and Designers
826c8131: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Woodenboat (Wooden Boat), January / February 1984, Number 56 - the Magazine for Wooden Boat Owners, Builders and Designers
764a9406: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Antiques Collector - November 1968, Vol. 3, No. 11
763c8481: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Collector Magazine, September/October 1976, Vol. 11 No. 5 - Halifax Cabinetmakers Thomas Cook Holder and Henry Arthur Holder
822a4544: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Flora Magazine - for Flower Arrangers and Gardeners: January-February 1979
764a9394: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Antiques Collector - December 1970, Vol. 5, No. 11
764a9395: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Antiques Collector - November 1970, Vol. 5, No. 10
764a9397: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Antiques Collector - September 1970, Vol. 5, No. 8: St. Lawrence Glass Co.
764a9398: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Antiques Collector - May 1970, Vol. 5, No. 5
764a9399: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Antiques Collector - April 1970, Vol. 5, No. 4
764a9400: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Antiques Collector - March 1970, Vol. 5, No. 3
764a9403: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Antiques Collector - April 1969, Vol. 4, No. 4
764a9393: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Antiques Collector - January 1971, Vol. 6, No. 1
822a2805: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Lampoon, August 1986 *Show Biz Issue*
845g0975: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Thoroughbred and Classic Cars Magazine, December 1975 - Kaye Don
842a0738: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, May 1954, Australian Edition
842a0737: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, July 1954, Australian Edition: African Houdini
842a0719: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, January 1955 - Australian Edition
842a0715: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, May 1955 - Australian Edition
842a0716: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, April 1955 - Australian Edition
826a4809: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll World Omnibook, Spring 1986 *Big Babies / Toni Time / Mary Jane*
813a1730: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, July 1954:
613h2006: THE NORWOOD W.A.; MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Norwood [Saskatchewan] W.A. Cook Book [Cookbook]: Tried and Tested Recipes
559c8580: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Lambrick Park Secondary School Yearbook 1984-1985
559c8581: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ebb Tide: Yearbook of Kwalikum Secondary School, 1985-1986, Qualicum Beach, British Columbia
559c8582: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Yearbook of Reynolds Secondary School, Victoria, B.C. , 1976-1977
559c8583: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Lansdowne Flyer: Yearbook of Lansdowne Junior High School/Middle School, 1960-1961, Victoria, B.C.
842c7011: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian National Magazine, November 1949, Volume 35, Number 10
813a1153: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Earth First! - the Radical Environmental Journal: August-September 1998
813a1154: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Earth First! - the Radical Environmental Journal: June-July 1998
842a4751: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading, March 1970 *Steam Spectacular of 1969*
877a8745: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Gun Report Magazine - September 1961
831a1701: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Concrete and Constructional Engineering Including Prestressed Concrete: Volume LIX (59) - Containing All Issues from 1964
827a4501: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The New York Times Magazine, December 6, 1964
826c7937: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Marine Technology and Sname News, April 2004
523g1028: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Rock and Gem Magazine, September, 1984, Volume 14, Number 9 - 5 Lb Nugget Cover Photo
23303736: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Airforce Magazine: January-February-March 1991, Volume 14 Number 4
23303735: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Airforce Magazine: October-November-December 1990, Volume 14 Number 3
35608376: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Electrical Engineer Vol. II No. 1 May 22nd, 1936
357a4775: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sailing (Magazine) - the Beauty of Sail: January 1975
357a4776: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sailing (Magazine) - the Beauty of Sail: April 1976
357a4777: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sailing (Magazine) - the Beauty of Sail: March 1976
13104285: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Soldier of Fortune Magazine - March 1995
13104286: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Soldier of Fortune Magazine - October 1995
13104279: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Soldier of Fortune Magazine - March 1993
13104284: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Soldier of Fortune Magazine - June 1994
824c7214: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American Magazine, January 1987
144c5645: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Le Magazine Maclean, Octobre 1964 *Les Hommes Derriere le Pouvoir*
144c5642: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Le Magazine Maclean, Juin 1964 *Annexion Aux Usa?*
144c5643: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Le Magazine Maclean, Juillet 1964 *L'Amour Au Canada Francais: Histoire Et Petites Histoires... *
144c5644: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Le Magazine Maclean, Septembre 1964 - L'Ecole Doit-Elle Enseigner la Religion a Tous?
357a4720: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Youth's Companion, January 28, 1926 *the Dawes Family in Marietta, Ohio*
357a4721: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Youth's Companion, February 11, 1926
127c9235: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, March 1985 - R. Lee Taylor's French Pavilion
838g4375: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine (Canadian Edition), September (Sept. ) 14, 1981 - Jesse Helms Cover
432a1956: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War Magazine - Part 64 - 6 November 1915
823c5182: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Happy Motoring - an Imperial Oil/Esso Publication: Volume 17, Number 5 - St. Thomas Cigar Store Indian
823c5195: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Action for Men (Magazine): August, 1959, Vol. 3, No. 5
825c7135: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vogue Magazine, November 2009
825c7136: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrator Magazine, Summer/Fall 1980 *Milwaukee Bucks Cover Illustration*
825c7138: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrator Magazine, Winter 1977
523a9359: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Rock and Gem Magazine, April 1983, Volume 13, Number 4
338h1112: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Mccall's Needlework and Crafts Magazine: Fall / Winter 1968 - 1969
763c7846: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Collector Magazine, January/February, 1987, Vol. 22 No. 1
876a4600: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International, Issue No. 75
823g0180: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, December 27, 1937
531c6548: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 1 April 1938: Hockey's All-Stars
71306130: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Official 1951 Year Book: International Woodworkers of America: Local 1-118 Victoria; Local 1-80 Duncan
842a0966: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Old West Magazine: Summer, 1974
842a0967: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Old West Magazine: Spring, 1974
821a3968: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Collectible Automobile Magazine, August 1997
73202122: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Healing Journeys : The Ka Ka Wis Experience, 1974-1994
35507985: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Laifs - Bulletin of the Los Angeles International Fern Society Volume 4, Number 1, January 1977
35507983: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Orchid Advocate: Featuring Cyms, Paphs, & Other Selected Genera Vol. VI, No. 3 May-June 1980 Official Journal of the Cymbidium Society of America, Inc
35507984: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Orchid Advocate: Featuring Cyms, Paphs, & Other Selected Genera Vol. VI, No. 6 November-December 1980 Official Journal of the Cymbidium Society of America, Inc
569c5288: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Old Mcgill '44 - Volume 47: Mcgill University Yearbook, Class of 1944
821a2577: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Practical Wireless Magazine: November 5, 1932 - Vol. 1, No. 7
821a2578: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Practical Wireless Magazine: October 29th, 1932 - Vol. 1, No. 6
823g0168: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - News-Week (Newsweek) Magazine, August 21, 1937 - "Hands Off China" Protest Cover Photo
813a1408: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Popular Mechanics, January (Jan. ) 1962
813a1409: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Popular Mechanics, November (Nov. ) 1961
813a1410: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Popular Science Magazine, April (Apr. ) 1966
729c6276: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: June 1942
825c7354: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, April 18, 1983 - Hard Times in B.C.
845g0121: MULLTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cars & Parts Magazine, April 1979
845g0114: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cars & Parts Magazine, April 1980 - Carroll Shelby
64501115: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Victorian 1974-1975: Student Yearbook of Victoria Composite High School
125a5952: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Beaver - Canada's History Magazine - December 1993/January 1994
827a4490: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Aviation and Marine International - Atlantic Edition: June 1978 * Oliver Hazard o. H Perry*
827a4491: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Aviation and Marine International - Atlantic Edition: July/August 1978 *the 5000th Phantom II*
827a4492: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Aviation and Marine International - Atlantic Edition: September 1978 *European Point Defense Systems*
339a4154: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 15 September, 1956 *Robert Fowler and His T.V. Royal Commission*
339a4155: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 1 October, 1950 *Rabbi Abraham Feinberg*
339a4040: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Winnipeg Tribune - Weekend Magazine, May 5, 1962
413c9499: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - 1987 Nanaimo Bathtub Festival Guide - 20th Anniversary Souvenir Tubbing Guide
64601380: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - '63 Georgian - 1963 Student Yearbook of King George High School, Vancouver, British Columbia
64601381: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Georgian 1961 - 1961 Student Yearbook of King George High School, Vancouver, British Columbia
556g0012: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Baldwin Locomotives (Magazine), July 1932
556c9980: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Signalman's Journal, October 1945
312a7451: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Diver Magazine: 9 Issues from 1991
64601495: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Parksville Middle School 1983 Yearbook
658c9437: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Lampoon Magazine, October 1989 - Back to College Issue
658c9438: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Lampoon Magazine, June 1989 - Summer Sex Issue
825c8019: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Atlantic Magazine, September 1956 *the Crisis in Teaching*
825c8020: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Atlantic Magazine, October 1956 *72 Page Feature on the Arab World*
312a7449: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Diver Magazine: 9 Issues from 1989
312a7446: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Diver Magazine: 9 Issues from 1986
312a7448: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Diver Magazine: 9 Issues from 1988
876a4586: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International, Volume 40 Issue 1, Publication # 103
876a4587: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International, Vol. 31 Issue 1 - Issue No. 77, 1987
876a4588: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International: *Ikebana Third World Convention Held in Tokyo
825c8009: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Atlantic Magazine, February 1956 *Brazil Today - 72 Page Feature*
825c7965: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, June 30, 2003 *Should Christians Convert Muslims*
825c7832: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vanity Fair Magazine, June 2005 *Angelina Jolie Cover Photo*
825c7838: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Town and Country Magazine, January 1990 - Cover Photo of Alison Eastwood (Daughter of Clint)
825c7929: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Transworld Snowboarding - 2008 Photo Issue
825c7827: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Lip Magazine - Informed Revolt, 1, Winter 2006 *the 'Relentlessly Persuasive' Propaganda Issue*
825c7825: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Joe Magazine, Volume 1, Number 1, 1999 *Premiere Issue*
825c7810: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Geographical Journal, February 1934
824c7223: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American Magazine, August 1988
824c7224: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American Magazine, December 1988
824c7225: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American Magazine, August 1989
824c7227: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American Magazine, November 1986
144c5657: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Le Magazine Maclean, Mars 1965 *Cardinal Leger*
144c5656: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Le Magazine Maclean, Avril 1965 *Renee Claude - Pour Faire Mentir la Legende, Une Robe Rouge*
144c5653: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Le Magazine Maclean, Juillet 1965 *Les Discotheques*
144c5654: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Le Magazine Maclean, Juin 1965 *la Voirie Au Quebec - IL Faudra 25 Ans Et Des Milliards... *
144c5651: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Le Magazine Maclean, Septembre 1965 *Jean Marchand - Cover Photo*
144c5650: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Le Magazine Maclean, Octobre 1965 *Michel Robichaud Cover Portrait*
658c9084: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Dollhouse Miniatures, November 1997 - Tiny Treats
825c7787: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, September 6, 1941 *Cover Photo of the Dnieper Dam - Later Destroyed by Stalin*
825c7789: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, August 23, 1941 *Cover Photo of Churchill Handing Roosevelt a Letter from the King in the North Atlantic*
825c7790: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, August 16, 1941 *Cover Photo of an R.A. F. Pilot at the Controls of a Boeing Flying Fortress*
825c7677: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Theatre Organ Bombarde, Journal of the American Theatre Organ Enthusiasts, February 1969
825c7676: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Theatre Organ Bombarde, Journal of the American Theatre Organ Enthusiasts, April 1969 *the Chicago Stadium's Barton*
647a4651: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Charlottes: A Journal of the Queen Charlotte Islands, the Land of the People - Yesterday and Today - Volume 3 (Three)
647a4652: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Charlottes: A Journal of the Queen Charlotte Islands, the Land of the People - Yesterday and Today - Volume 2 (Two)
825c7672: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Theatre Organ Bombarde, Journal of the American Theatre Organ Enthusiasts, December 1969 *Edwin A. Link and the Roberson Center Organ*
83209871: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wild West - Volume 1, Number 1 June 1969
831a1702: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Concrete and Constructional Engineering Including Prestressed Concrete: Volume LX (60) - Containing All Issues from 1965
511h1248: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Excellence - the Magazine About Porsche, May 2010 - the Stunning Spyder
825c7355: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, April 11, 1983 - Roberto Calvi Mystery
511h1238: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Excellence - the Magazine About Porsche, October (Oct. ) 2008 - 2009 Carrera
511h1239: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Excellence - the Magazine About Porsche, December (Dec. ) 2008: Ruf Ctr3 - First Drive in Alois's 232-Mph Supercar
511h1240: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Excellence - the Magazine About Porsche, April (Apr. ) 2009: 2009 Cayman S - First Drive
521c6479: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Love This Team: (Vancouver) Canucks 02-03 (2002-2003)
824c7211: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American Magazine, July 1987
843c8662: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 31, November 1992
843c8661: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 31, October 1992
825c7547: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Theatre Organ Magazine, May/June 1993
825c7356: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, April 4, 1983 - the Race for an Ultimate Weapon
825c7353: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, April 25, 1983 - Hugh Hefner
51407941: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Lawns: The American Horticultural Society Illustrated Encyclopedia of Gardening
761a8619: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - April 1985
761a8620: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - February 1985
761a8621: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - January 1985
761a8622: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - March 1985
761a8623: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - December 1984
761a8624: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - October 1984
761a8625: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - December 1974
761a8626: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - November 1974
761a8628: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - August 1974
761a8629: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - September 1974
761a8602: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - December 1987
761a8603: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - January 1987
761a8598: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - September 1989
761a8591: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - March 1990
761a8592: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - April 1990
761a8593: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sport Aviation Magazine - November 1989
825c7383: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, July 26, 1982 - Yasser Arafat Cover Photo
34803121: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Western & Eastern Treasures - Volume 14 Number 2 February 1980
827c7499: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, November 15, 1952 *Karsh Photos of Vancouver*
302g3339: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian House and Home Magazine, December 2000 / January 2001 - Trends Issue
302g3340: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian House and Home Magazine, October 2000 - Graydon Hall Designer Showcase
569a2789: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - 1965-1966 Yearbook: Killarney Secondary School, Vancouver, British Columbia
336h1302: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - 1001 Custom and Rod Ideas Magazine, February (Feb. ) 1975 - West Coast Van Nationals
127c9124: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for Creators and Collectors of Scale Miniatures, November 1995 - Decorating with Miniatures
34803116: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Western & Eastern Treasures - Volume 14 Number 3 March 1980
519a9165: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Country Woman Magazine: November/December 1992
729c6271: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: July 1941
729c6267: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: December 1940
729c6268: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: January 1941
729c6263: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: June 1940
729c6264: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: July 1940
729c6262: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: September 1939
729c6261: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: July 1939
729c6258: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: January 1939
729c6259: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: March 1939
727c8870: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 13 September 2010 - Tim Hortons' Move from Fresh to Frozen
727c8871: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 1 November 2010 - Miraculous Miner Rescue in Chile
727c8746: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Garden Railways Magazine, November-December 1988
727c8747: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Garden Railways Magazine, September-October 1988
727c8748: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Garden Railways Magazine, November-December 1989
876a4616: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ikebana International, Vol. 33, Issue 1, 1988
83500946: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Losing a Million Minds - Confronting the Tragedy of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias
838g4897: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, Canadian Edition, January (Jan. ) 4, 1971 - Willy Brandt Cover
838g4898: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, Canadian Edition, April (Apr. ) 5, 1971 - Sst Cover
844g0535: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vogue Magazine (Us Edition), March 2011 - Lady Gaga Cover
844g0536: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal Magazine, March 1976 - Valerie Harper/Rhoda Cover
34803101: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Treasure Magazine - Vol. 11 No. 4 April 1980
727c8938: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Better Homes & Gardens Magazine, March 1938
151h2124: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - In Memoriam: Proceedings of the Legislature of the State of New York on the Life, Character and Public Service of Thomas Francis Grady, State Senator, February 5, 1912
455h4623: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Pictorial Parish Directory of St. Nicholas Parish, Winnipeg
727c8753: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Garden Railways Magazine, January-February 1989
727c8754: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Garden Railways Magazine, May-June 1990
823g0173: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, November 1, 1937
823g0169: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - News-Week (Newsweek) Magazine, September 6, 1937 - Workers Alliance of American Cover Photo
823g0068: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vogue Magazine, September 2009 - Charlize Theron Cover Photo
727c8687: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Architectural Digest Magazine, February 1993
727c8635: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Architectural Digest Magazine, January 2002
727c8634: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Architectural Digest Magazine, October 2002 *Larry King in Beverly Hills*
727c8629: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Architectural Digest Magazine, May 2003 *the Great Design Issue*
727c8627: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Architectural Digest Magazine, January 2005 *30 Deans of American Design*
727c8625: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Architectural Digest Magazine, December 2000 *Robert Redford's Manhattan Penthouse*
727c8626: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Architectural Digest Magazine, December 2006 *an Exclusive Look Inside Private Homes*
727c8624: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Architectural Digest Magazine, November 1996
727c8622: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Architectural Digest Magazine, March 1987 - a Visit with Sophia Loren
727c8623: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Architectural Digest Magazine, January 1990 *Special Italy Issue*
727c8619: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Architectural Digest Magazine, June 1998
727c8616: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vanity Fair Magazine, February 2009 *Cate Blanchett Cover*
727c8617: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vanity Fair, October 2008 *Marilyn Monroe Cover*
727c8618: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Architectural Digest Magazine, August 2002
727c8615: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vanity Fair Magazine, June 2008 *Robert (Bobby/Rfk) Kennedy Cover*
727c8614: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vanity Fair Magazine, January 2010 *Meryl Streep Cover*
727c8610: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vanity Fair Magazine, March 2010, No. 595 - Cover Photo of Abbie Cornish, Kristen Stewart and Carey Mulligan
727c8601: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Gq Magazine, January 2002 *Hugh Jackman Cover Photo*
727c8590: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vogue (U.S. ), October 2008 *Rachel Weisz Cover Photo*
727c8585: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Flight and the Aircraft Engineer Magazine, 28 November 1940, No. 1666, Vol. XXXVIII
727c8576: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vanity Fair Magazine, August 1995 *Keanu Reeves Cover*
727c8573: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Neue Mode Magazine, December 1979
727c8574: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Neue Mode Magazine, September 1980
727c8537: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post, November 1, 1941 *the First American Crusade, by Herbert Hoover*
727c8534: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - New Liberty Magazine, September 1948 *Paul Martin (Sr. )*
727c8535: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - New Liberty Magazine, 18 October 1947 *Are Sane Patients Held in Canadian Asylums?*
825c7380: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, August 16, 1982: Trudeau's 6 and 5 (Six and Five) Plan
302g3334: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canada's Style at Home Magazine, November 2010 - Sophisticated Euro Penthouse
447h5747: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian House & Home, Canada's Magazine of Home & Style, September 2012 - Attic Makeovers / Minimalist Living Goes Luxe in Vancouver / Brad Goreski
447h5748: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian House & Home, Canada's Magazine of Home & Style, April 2010 - Elegant Eastern Townships Country Home / 7 Great Laundry Rooms
824c7146: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Karate Illustrated Magazine, April 1977
302g3315: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek - the Magazine of News Significance, January 27, 1947: Cover Photo of Ingrid Bergman;
34803127: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Western & Eastern Treasures Magazine - Volume 13 Number 9 - September 1979
73aa1979: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - British Columbia Telephone Company (B.C. Tel. /Telus) Telephone Talk: Bound Issues January, 1925 Through December 1925
843c8650: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 40, July 1993
843c8651: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 41, August 1993
843c8649: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 39, June 1993
843c8648: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 38, May 1993 *Gargling Oil Liniment Cover*
144c5682: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 20 August, 1966 *the Look, and How It's Hitting Main Street*
144c5683: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 3 September, 1966 - Daniel Johnson Cover Photo
144c5684: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 17 September, 1966 *Colour Television*
144c5685: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 17 September, 1966 *Colour Television*
144c5687: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 19 November, 1966
144c5688: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 3 December 1966 *Montreal - 16 Page Report*
144c6133: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, April 1 1954 - Can Cigarettes Kill You?
144c6472: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Holly Leaves Magazine, Christmas 1965
144c6896: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 1 December 1965: Philip Aziz - Artist
144c7689: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's - Canada's National Magazine, May 15, 1934 *Australia Sees Japanese Menace*
845g0134: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Pfm - Picture Framing Magazine, December 2007
845g0130: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cars & Parts Magazine, May 1978
845g0126: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cars & Parts Magazine, November 1978
845g0125: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cars & Parts Magazine, December 1978
323a1198: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - British Columbia Historical News: Summer 2003
838g4404: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine (Canadian Edition) May 11, 1962 - U.S. General Paul Harkins Cover Photo
432a1310: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War - the Standard History of the World-Wide Conflict, Part 211: 31 August 1918 - War Scenes in Coloured Photography, No. 8 with This Part
432a1311: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War - the Standard History of the World-Wide Conflict, Part 212: 7 September 1918 - the Roll of Honour, 1917, Fully Illustrated
432a1312: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War - the Standard History of the World-Wide Conflict, Part 206: 27 July 1918 - the Victories of Progress in Mesopotamia
432a1313: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War - the Standard History of the World-Wide Conflict, Part 207: August 3rd 1918 - War Scenes in Coloured Photography - No. 6 with This Part
432a1314: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War - the Standard History of the World-Wide Conflict, Part 208: August 10th, 1918 - America's Achievements in Preparation and in Action, 1917-18
432a1316: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War - the Standard History of the World-Wide Conflict, Part 198: June 1st, 1918 - How Britain Raised Six Billion Pounds
824c5764: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, Winter 1994/1995
844g0870: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - American Forests and Forest Life, July, 1929 - the Magazine of the American Forestry Association
75202915: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cedar Junior Secondary School Yearbook - 1994
75202944: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - John Barsby High School Yearbook 1977-78
511h1252: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Excellence - the Magazine About Porsche, December (Dec. ) 2010 - 2011 Turbos
826c8377: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, June 7, 2010 *the Great Depression, Part 2*
744a9461: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nanaimo Marine Festival (Bathtub Race) July 17-25, 1993
144c5676: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, May 2, 1966 *Cover Photo of Carol Goss*
729c6293: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: December 1947
729c6294: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: February 1951
729c6295: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: May 1951
729c6296: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ladies' Home Journal: August 1951
536c7393: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Collector Magazine, June 1972 / July 1972
536c7390: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Collector Magazine, June 1970 / July 1970
536c7385: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Collector Magazine, December 1971/Janaury 1972 - Christmas Number
536c7386: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Antique Collector Magazine, December 1969 / Janaury 1970 - Christmas Number
825c7316: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - American Cage-Bird, August, 1979
825c7323: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 6 April 1998 - the Trudeau Phenomenon 30 Years Later
843c8665: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 13, April 1991
843c8666: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 14, May 1991
528h0780: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Far Eastern Digest Vol. II. - No. 1 January 1939
431a1549: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine - Volume 18: November, 1906 Through April 1907 (Missing February 1907)
739g0178: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, April 17, 1943
739g0179: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, May 8 1943 - Cover Photos of General Montgomery, His Private Flying Fortress, and His All-American Crew
739g0180: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, May 15, 1943 - the War Completely and Exclusively Illustrated
739g0181: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, May 29, 1943 - the War Completely and Exclusively Illustrated - Dambusters Centerfold Illustration
127c9170: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, October 1991- Nostalgia!
555h2007: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - All-Time Classical Themes Volume 2 [Two] Intermediate Piano Solos
653h5560: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vogue (Us) Magazine, March (Mar. ) 1998 - the Spring Collections
844g0435: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The New York Times Magazine, June 5, 1960 - Cover Photo of Nato in Turkey
447h5745: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian House & Home, Canada's Magazine of Home & Style, May 2012 - at Home with Marilyn Denis / Osheen Harruthoonyan
827a4512: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The New York Times Magazine, August 1, 1965
41601776: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Mcgill : A Celebration
764a2745: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Antiques Collector Magazine, May 1968 - Canadiana at the Smithsonian
824c5770: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, Spring 1996
824c5768: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, Winter 1995/1996
447h5740: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian House & Home, Canada's Magazine of Home & Style, January 2010 - Top Trends for 2010
838g4889: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's - Canada's Weekly Newsmagazine, November (Nov. ) 19, 1979 - Iran Boils Again / Mavis Gallant
826c7938: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Marine Technology and Sname News, January 2004
825c7274: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, July 18, 1983: Drought in Africa
825c7275: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, July 11, 1983 *Cover Photos of Pitchers Dave Steib and Steve Rogers*
827a4483: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Aviation and Marine International - Atlantic Edition: July (August), 1977 *Warsaw Pact - Politics and Armed Forces*
827a4484: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Aviation and Marine International - Atlantic Edition: September, 1977 *Monorama - Niteroi Class*
844g0486: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, February 1, 1955 - the Eaton's/Simpson's Retail War
827a4481: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Aviation and Marine International - Atlantic Edition: May 1977
825c8017: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Atlantic Magazine, April 1956 *Cover Painting of Arthur Miller by James Avati*
302g3312: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek - the Magazine of News Significance, April 29, 1946: Cover Photo of Chiang Kai-Shek and His Wife / Superman Photo/Article
824c6885: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Windsor Magazine, September 1897, Volume 6, Number 33
319c9418: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Standard, 22 March 1947 - Weekly Montreal Pictorial Newspaper
824c5744: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, June 1989
824c5745: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, Winter 1990: Expedition to the Mekranoti Indians
838g4391: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine (Canadian Edition), July 20, 1970 - Henry Ford II Cover Illustration
844g0489: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, September 15, 1953
127c9185: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, January 1989 - Under 30" Issue, Plus a Visit with Eugene Kupjack!
127c9186: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, February 1989 - Alan Wolfson's Slices of Urban Life
127c9187: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, March 1989 - Special Issue - Dining in Miniature
127c9188: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, April 1989 - Saluting the International Guild of Miniature Artisans
565h3987: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Hong Kong Movie News, October [Oct. ] 1976
565h3978: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cinemart - the Most Authoritative Chinese Movie Magazine, September [Sept. ] 1980, No. 129
565h3971: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cinemart - the Most Authoritative Mandarin Magazine in the World, February [Feb. ] 1977, No. 86
565h3970: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cinemart - the Most Authoritative Mandarin Movie Magazine, June 1976, No. 78
565h3969: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cinemart - the Most Authoritative Mandarin Movie Magazine, April [Apr. ] 1975, No. 64
563h5920: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Les Paul Song Folio
825c7132: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Gq (Gentlemen's Quarterly) Magazine, November 2007 - Ryan Gosling Cover
825c7130: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vanity Fair Magazine, April 2008
825c7131: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Hog Tales, July/August 2006 - the Journal of the H.O. G. Experience
827c6731: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post, 28 June 1952
52906827: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Everton's Genealogical Helper: July-August 1993, Vol. 47 / No. 4
13804963: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Air Combat Magazine Vol. 13, No. 1 January 1985
13804964: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Air Combat Magazine Vol. 6, No. 1 January 1980
13804965: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Air Progress Magazine - Vol. 42, No. 12 December 1980
13804966: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Air Pictorial Magazine - July 1980
312a7455: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Diver Magazine: 9 Issues from 1995
312a7456: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Diver Magazine: 9 Issues from 1996
825c8024: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Atlantic Magazine, September 1955 *Inside Red China*
152g0161: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Agricultural Journal (of British Columbia) - Volumes 2 and 3 Bound in One Book
844g0906: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated Canadian Forest and Outdoors Magazine, October 1931
44501551: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Home Comfort : Stories and Scenes of Life on Total Loss Farm
826a4811: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll World Omnibook, Summer 1986 *Sasha Dress Pattern / Dolls of Canada / Million Dollar Baby / Patsy Sunsuit*
146a8310: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, January 27, 1900 Vol. 26 - No. 664
146a8311: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, February 3, 1900 Vol. 26 - No. 665
146a8312: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, February 10, 1900 Vol. 26 - No. 666
826c7939: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Marine Technology and Sname News, October 2003
826c7940: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Marine Technology and Sname News, July 2003
827c7252: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, May 25 1957
64400009: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nanaimo World Championship Bathtub Race Program - 1986
64400022: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nanaimo District Secondary (N.D. S.S. ) School Yearbook 1990
825c6236: MULLTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Frontier Times, Winter 1961*Cord of Death - Bloody Bill Anderson Tied 53 Knots in His Silken*
824c7217: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American Magazine, June 1985
655a5180: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Alternative Medicine - Expanding Medical Horizons
127c9255: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, January 1983 - Super Projects for the New Year!
127c9256: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, February 1983 - the Age of Romance
127c9258: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, April 1983 - Mary Penet & Phil Lavigne
127c9259: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, May 1983 - Arizona's Artisans
127c9260: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, June 1983 - the Country Look in Miniature
127c9261: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, July 1983 - Summer at the Shore!
127c9262: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, August 1983 - Design a Patio
127c9263: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, September 1983 - Kick Off Fall with Our Biggest Issue Ever!
622c8935: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Readings and Prayers for Use in Toronto Schools
826a4783: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll World, August, 1981
826a4784: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll World, December, 1981
826a4785: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll World, June, 1981
826a4787: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll World, April 1989
822a4834: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Shoot! Soccer/Football Magazine, 13 December 1969 *West Ham Team Group in Full Colour*
822a4830: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Shoot! Soccer/Football Magazine, 10 January 1970 *Extra Eight-Page World Cup Supplement*
822a4833: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Shoot! Soccer/Football Magazine, 20 December 1969 *the Chelsea Story*
349a7752: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The (Victoria, British Columbia) Daily Colonist Newspaper: Thursday, October 27, 1904 Issue
568a4031: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Craigdarroch 1931-1932: Victoria College Annual (Yearbook), Victoria, British Columbia (Uvic)
127c9143: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, July 1993 - Your Dream Rooms
127c9144: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, August 1993 - Annual Kitcrafting Issue
127c9146: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, October 1993 - Your Heritage in Miniature
127c9147: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, November 1993 - Miniature Potter Elizabeth Chambers
127c9148: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, December 1993 - 'Tis the Season
127c9149: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, January 1992 - Tour a 20 Room Treasure
127c9151: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, March 1992 - International Issue
127c9152: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, April 1992 - the Goodwin's Chateau la Chaille
127c9153: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, May 1992 - Build This 1/2" '30s Tudor
127c9154: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, June 1992 - a June Wedding House
127c9156: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, August 1992 - 5th Annual Kitcrafting Issue
127c9157: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, September 1992 - Small Wonders II
127c9158: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, October 1992 - Spooktacular Houses!
127c9159: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, November 1992 - Savor the Southwest
127c9160: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, December 1992 - It's Christmas!
127c9161: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, January 1991 - Eugene Kupjack
127c9162: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, February 1991- Make It Romantic!
127c9163: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, March 1991- 15 Pages of Readers' Dolls!
127c9164: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, April 1991
127c9165: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, May 1991- Dutch Colonial Dream House
127c9166: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, June 1991- Happily Ever After!
127c9167: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, July 1991- Christmas in July!
127c9168: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, August 1991- 4th Annual Kitcrafting Issue
844g0879: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - America's Forests and Forest Life Magazine, September, 1929
127c9251: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, September 1984 - a Dutch Treat in Iowa
127c9194: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, October 1989 - the Arnell Collection
127c9195: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, November 1989 - Gwtw's 50th Birthday
127c9196: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, December 1989 - the Best of the Season in Miniature
127c9197: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, January 1988 - Japan's Exciting New Artisans
127c9198: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, February 1988 - the White House Restored
127c9199: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, March 1988 - Tulip Time Tours
127c9200: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, April 1988 - Lee and Allie Frank's "Musical Reflections"
127c9201: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, May 1988 - England's Elizabethan Expert
127c9202: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, June 1988 - the Royal Wedding
127c9203: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, July 1988 - Resplendent Rooms by Brooke Tucker
127c9204: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, August 1988 - Special Customizing Issue!
127c9205: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, September 1988 - the Vassall-Craigie-Longfellow House
127c9206: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, October 1988 - Tour the New Lagniappe
127c9207: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, November 1988 - Special Freedom of Worship Issue
127c9208: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, December 1988 - Holiday Sleigh Rides!
127c9209: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, January 1987 - World Architectural Styles
127c9210: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, February 1987 - the Philadelphia Story / Ancient Egypt
127c9211: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, March 1987 - Shall Shops / the Incomparable Thomases
127c9212: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, April 1987 - Beckoning Angel Children / Bunny Burrow
34105495: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Sporting News: Hockey Register, 82-83
348c7698: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, August 15, 1937 *Rabbit Maranville - Manager of the Montreal Royals*
813a1775: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The War Illustrated, No. 189 - 30 March 1918
845g0107: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cars & Parts Magazine, December 1982
824c5760: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, Summer 1993
824c5761: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, Spring 1994
824c5759: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, Fall 1993
127c9247: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, April 1984 - Builder Harleen Alexander
127c9248: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, May 1984 - Walt Disney's 1" World
125a5954: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Beaver - Canada's History Magazine - February/March 1996: Quebec and the Defence of Canada
125a5953: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Beaver - Canada's History Magazine - August/September 1998: Arctic Ordeal of Captain John Ross
844g0615: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - American Indian Art Magazine, Autumn 2003
339a4035: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Winnipeg Tribune - Weekend Magazine, January 27, 1962
339a4036: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Winnipeg Tribune - Weekend Magazine, February 17, 1962
825c7348: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, 30 May 1983 *Cruise Missile Testing*
319c9406: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Tuesday, January 14, 1936, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
319c9403: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Tuesday September 25, 1934, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
319c9404: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Thursday September 27, 1934, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
319c9399: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Thursday August 23, 1934, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
319c9400: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Sunday September 23, 1934, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
319c9401: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Saturday September 15, 1934, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
319c9394: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Sunday July 1, 1934, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
319c9395: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Wednesday July 4, 1934, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
319c9387: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Daily Colonist, Sunday May 3, 1934, Victoria, British Columbia Newspaper
534g0672: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Weekend Magazine, 12 July 1969 (Canadian Newspaper Insert) - Pro Golfer Doug Sanders
534g0673: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Weekend Magazine, 25 October 1969 (Canadian Newspaper Insert) - Super Bus Feature
534g0675: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Weekend Magazine, 28 August 1971 (Canadian Newspaper Insert) - 600,000 Canadian 'Settlers' in California
534g0676: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Weekend Magazine, 18 August 1973 (Canadian Newspaper Insert) - Karen Magnussen
534g0678: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Weekend Magazine, 13 September 1975 (Canadian Newspaper Insert) - Gerard Pelletier Cover Photo
64400567: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cedar Junior Secondary School (C.J. S.S. ) '95 Student Yearbook
432a1321: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War - the Standard History of the World-Wide Conflict, Part 189: March 30th, 1918 - Scotland's Share in the War
845g0105: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cars & Parts Magazine, May 1983
838g4558: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vogue (Us) Magazine, April (Apr. ) 2015 - Serena Williams Cover
432a1317: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War - the Standard History of the World-Wide Conflict, Part 199: June 8th, 1918 - War Scenes in Coloured Photography, No. 2
432a1318: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War - the Standard History of the World-Wide Conflict, Part 200: June 15th, 1918 - Anzac's Great Record During 1917
432a1319: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War - the Standard History of the World-Wide Conflict, Part 201: June 22nd, 1918 - War Scenes in Coloured Photography- No. 3
127c9243: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, December 1985 - Holiday Traditions Here and Abroad
127c9242: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, November 1985 - Enjoy a Bountiful Harvest
127c9240: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, August 1985 - Fun for Your Late Summer Days!
127c9241: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, October 1985 - Carolyn Sunstein's World of Antiques
824c5743: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, September 1989
123g0255: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, November 1942 "the Murder Trail" Cover Illustration
127c9136: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, November 1994 - Nn Visits Two Great November Shows
127c9137: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, January 1993 - Projects, Profiles, Shows, and More!
127c9138: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, February 1993 - Petite Elite Museum
127c9139: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, March 1993 - Tv's Beauty & the Beast
127c9239: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, July 1985 - Christmas in July
313a0435: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Black and White Budget Magazine: No. 4 - Transvaal (Boer War) Special
313a0436: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Black and White Budget Magazine: Transvaal (Boer War) Special No. 3
313a0437: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Black and White Budget Magazine: Transvaal (Boer War) Special No. 2
14704718: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Saturday Evening Post Magazine July 27, 1929
827a4485: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Aviation and Marine International - Atlantic Edition: October/November 1977 *Yc-14 and Yc-15*
824c7264: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Sunday Times Magazine, 20 February 1972 *the Motorist and the Law*
312a9198: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Shooting Times and Country Magazine: August 22-28, 1991
312a9199: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Shooting Times and Country Magazine: October 7-13, 1993
127c9132: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, July 1994 - Betty Martin's Magnificent Museum in Miniature
127c9133: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, August 1994 - Annual Kitcrafting Issue
127c9134: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, September 1994 - Nn Visits Holland, England and Scotland, and a Gala
843c8655: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bottles and Extras Magazine, No. 45, December 1993
842c8915: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American, February 1983 - Synthetic Vaccines
842c8916: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Scientific American, March 1983 - Memory in Birds
568a7509: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Tower - Victoria College (Precursor to the University of Victoria) Yearbook 1946-1947, Victoria, British Columbia
568a7511: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Anecho 1948 - Yearbook of the Provincial Normal School (Precursor to the University of Victoria), Victoria, British Columbia
568a7540: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ndss 1998-1999: Student Yearbook of Nanaimo District Secondary School, Nanaimo, British Columbia
568a8501: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Old Mcgill 1950 - Mcgill University Student Yearbook
568a8503: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Chinook 1939-1940: Yearbook of the Calgary Normal School *Signed by Principal Dr. E.W. Coffin*
825c7276: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, July 4, 1983: The New Census - a Portrait of Canadians
312a9181: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Shooting Times Magazine December, 1964
312a9182: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Shooting Times Magazine - March, 1968
127c9236: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, April 1985 - Eileene Mcdanal's Easter Shop
127c9237: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, May 1985 - Special Canadian Issue
127c9234: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniature Hobbyist, February 1985 - Sandy Pynn's Antique Reproduction Dolls
739c6326: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Woman's World Magazine: February 1933
127c9232: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, December 1986 - the Holiday Season!
739c6324: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Leslie's Illustrated Weekly Newspaper, December 28, 1918
739c6325: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Leslie's Illustrated Weekly Newspaper, January 24, 1920
123c7624: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, August (Aug. ) 1918: Thrilling Stories of the Air
123c7627: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, May 1917 *"Todger" Jones, V.C. - Single-Handedly Captured 102 Men*
123c7628: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, March 1917: The White "Maori"
123c7629: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, June 1917 *General Korniloff's Escape*
432a1306: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War - the Standard History of the World-Wide Conflict: Part 193, April 27, 1918 - the Collapse of Russia
432a1307: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Great War - the Standard History of the World-Wide Conflict: Part 194, May 4th, 1918 - the Breakup of Russia (Cont'd)
844g0261: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, December 22, 1967 - Bob Hope Cover - Christmas in Vietnam
844g0262: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, December 29, 1967 - Cover Illustration of Jersey Standard's Michael Haider
568a0888: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Call 1956 - Yearbook of the British Columbia Bible Institute, North Vancouver, British Columbia
568a0889: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Clarion 1954 - Yearbook of the Bethel Bible Institute, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
127c9216: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, August 1987 - Bearfoot on Bonnie Beach
127c9217: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, September 1987 - Unusual Collections / New How-to Series
127c9218: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, October 1987 - Natural and Supernatural Stirrings
127c9219: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, November 1987 - Etchings from a Canadian Vista / Minikins
127c9220: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, December 1987 - Christmas in a Late Victoria Parlor!
127c9222: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, February 1986 - Make a Valentine's Day Party
727c8418: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Fortune Magazine, 24 December, 2001 *the Enron Disaster*
727c8419: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Fortune Magazine, 6 March, 2000 *Special 70th Anniversary Issue - the Amazing Future of Business*
845g0124: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Cars & Parts Magazine, January 1979
727c8443: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Rail Classics, May 1973 *British Columbia Electric Railway - with Colour Photos*
302g3348: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Dior Magazine No. 7 (Seven): Power of Seduction - Autumn 2014
836c5415: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Francis & Day's Album of Old Time Favourites, No. (Number) 1, with Words, Music, Tonic Sol-Fa and Ukulele Accompaniment
836c5410: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Musical Medley - 150 Excerpts from Well-Known Classical and Popular Works - Gem Series No. 5 (Five)
836c5399: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - Francis & Day's Album of Old Time Favourites, No. (Number ) 4 (Four)
836c5398: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Francis & Day's Album of Old Time Favourites No. 2, with Words, Music, Tonic Sol-Fa, and Ukulele Accompaniment
836c5381: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Kerr's Caledonian Collection: Highland Airs & Quicksteps, Scotch & Irish Reels, Irish Jigs, Reels & Strathspeys, Country Dances - 109 Airs Effectively Arranged for the Pianoforte or Piano-Accordion
302g3347: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Traditional Home Magazine, May 1999 - Irresistible Interiors
845g0979: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Thoroughbred and Classic Cars Magazine, September 1979 - the Making of the Mini
612c5154: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Computer Confluence: Exploring Tomorrow's Technology Today - Second Custom Edition for the University of Victoria
838g4387: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine (Canadian Edition), February (Feb. ) 9, 1970: The American Indian - Goodbye to Tonto
838g4388: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine (Canadian Edition), March (Mar. ) 30, 1970 - Us Mail Strike
823a4858: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, November 13, 1944 *Soldier Vote, 1944*
823a4860: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, May 22, 1944 *the War in Italy*
823a4861: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, April 17, 1944 *Cover Photo of H.R. H. Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary*
727c8466: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Rod and Custom Magazine, March 1974
827a4513: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The New York Times Magazine, August 15, 1965 *Cover Photo of Greek King Constantine*
827a4486: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Aviation and Marine International - Atlantic Edition: December 1977/January 1978 *Monorama - Lupo*
827a4480: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Aviation and Marine International - Atlantic Edition: April 1977
826c8343: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Ship and Boat International Magazine, January/Febrary 2003
826c8336: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Edmontonian, November 1958 - Published Monthly in the Interests of Employees of the T. Eaton Co. , Western Ltd. , Edmonton
826c8302: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Journal of the American Rhododendron Society, Vol. 55, Number 2 Spring 2001
823a4872: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, March 13, 1944 *Old Bill Turns Up on the Italian Front*
823a4873: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Newsweek Magazine, January 24, 1944 *Jfk Home for 30 Days of Leave*
727c8467: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Rod and Custom Magazine, October 1972: Street Rod Nationals Issue
826a4818: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Teddy Bear and His Friends: December 1986
826a4819: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Best of Doll World 1984 - Issue No. 1
826a4820: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll World, February 1984 *Queen Elizabeth Dolls*
826a4821: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll World, April 1984
826a4822: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll World Omnibook: Spring 1984
826a4823: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll Word: June 1984
826a4824: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll Word Omnibook: Summer 1984
826a4825: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - National Doll World Omnibook: Fall 1984
826c7934: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nej - Naval Engineer's Journal, Winter 2004
302g3338: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian House and Home Magazine, February 2001 - Renovation Issue
842a0692: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Antique Showcase Magazine - Canada's National Antique Magazine: May 1998, Volume 33 Number 8 - Christine Marshall
127c9213: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, May 1987 - a Rare Dutch Treat! / Put Your Puppets on Stage
127c9215: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine - for the Complete Miniatures Hobbyist, July 1987 - Bouquets, Baskets, Bows & Bears
127c9192: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, August 1989 - 2nd Annual Kitcrafting Issue
127c9193: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, September 1989 - Noah's Ark
127c9183: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, November 1990 - Miniatures from Mars
127c9184: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, December 1990 - Happy Holidays
127c9127: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News Magazine, February 1994 - the Phoenix Thorne Rooms
826c8032: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Western Horseman - the Magazine for Admirers of Stock Horses, August 1953
826c8029: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Western Horseman - the Magazine for Admirers of Stock Horses, November 1953
651h2558: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Railway Carmen's Journal (Magazine), December (Dec. ) 1969, Vol. LXXIV, No. 12 - Winter on the Alaska Railroad
821a2330: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: April 1969
821a2331: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: January 1969
821a2332: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: June 1969
821a2333: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: August 1969
821a2334: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: March 1969
821a2335: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: March 1968
821a2336: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: February 1968
821a2337: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: May 1968
844g0474: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, March 1, 1954 - First Hand Report on Rudolf Hess
844g0460: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bloomberg Magazine, Volume 6 - January 1995 Through June 1995
123a7437: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, November 1932
123a7438: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, February 1932
825c8021: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Atlantic Magazine, February 1955 *Walter Lippmann Cover Illustration*
827a4522: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The New York Times Magazine, September 12, 1965 *Pope Paul VI on Cover*
877a8805: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Gun Report Magazine - August 1978
825c7371: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, November 8, 1982 - Ocean Ranger Disaster Inquest
825c7372: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Maclean's Magazine, November 1, 1982 *Trudeau - a Question of Trust*
123a7407: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, November 1937
123a7408: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, September 1937
123a7409: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, July 1937
123a7410: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, June 1937
123a7411: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, May 1937
123a7412: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, April 1937
123a7413: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, March 1937
123a7414: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, February 1937
123a7416: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, August 1936
123a7417: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, June 1936
123a7418: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, May 1936
123a7419: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, March 1936
123a7420: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, November 1935
123a7421: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, September 1935
123a7423: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, April 1935
123a7424: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, February 1935
123a7425: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, January 1935
123a7427: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, June 1934
123a7428: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, May 1934
123a7430: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, February 1934
123a7431: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, December 1933
123a7434: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, July 1933
123a7435: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, March 1933
821a2375: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: March, 1958
821a2376: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: May, 1958
821a2377: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: October, 1958
821a2378: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: December, 1957
821a2124: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - True West Magazine, August 1977
821a2125: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - True West Magazine, February 1977
821a2109: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - True West Magazine, April, 1974
821a2110: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - True West Magazine, February, 1974
821a2099: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - True West Magazine, June 1972
821a2093: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - True West Magazine: December 1971 *Special Treasure Issue*
877a8790: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Gun Report Magazine - November 1972
877a8791: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Gun Report Magazine - December 1972
73aa1986: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - British Columbia Telephone Company (B.C. Tel. /Telus) Telephone Talk: Bound Issues January, 1912 Through December 1912 *Includes June Souvenir Issue - Features Victoria*
823c5483: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Happy Motoring: A Publication of Esso/Imperial Oil, Volume 11, Number 4, 1950: Yukon's Highway to the Sea
823c5482: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Happy Motoring: A Publication of Esso/Imperial Oil, Volume 13, Number 3, 1952 - the Frank Slide
821a2358: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: August 1963
821a2359: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: September, 1963
821a2360: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: October, 1963
821a2361: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Trains - the Magazine of Railroading: September, 1962
824c5732: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Explorer's Journal, June 1986
824c5733: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Explorer's Journal, September 1986
824c5735: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Explorer's Journal, March 1987
824c5738: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, June 1987
824c5739: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, September 1987
824c5740: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, December 1987
824c5741: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, December 1989
824c5742: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Explorer's Journal, March 1989
838g4894: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine - Canadian Edition, November (Nov. ) 24, 1967 - Harold Wilson Cover Photo
877a8783: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Gun Report Magazine - March 1972
877a8784: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Gun Report Magazine - April 1972
842a0766: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, October 1952
842a0764: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, December 1952
842a0765: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Wide World Magazine, November 1952
826c7953: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Naval Architect, April 2003
826c7946: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Naval Architect, March 2004
826c7947: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Naval Architect, February 2004
826c7948: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Naval Architect, October 2003
826c7950: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Naval Architect, July/August 2003
826c7951: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Naval Architect, May 2003
826c7952: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Naval Architect, June 2003
318c7090: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Bc Studies: British Columbia - a Place for Aboriginal Peoples? No. 57 Spring 1983
844g0252: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, July 28, 1967 - Patrick Moynihan Cover Illustration
844g0253: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, August 11, 1967 - Whitney Young of the Urban League
844g0254: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time Magazine, September 1, 1967 - Sandy Dennis Cover
23307575: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings February 1980 Volume 10 No. 1
23307576: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings October 1979 Volume 9 No. 5
23307577: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings August 1979 Volume 9 No. 4
23307578: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings December 1979 Volume 9 No. 6
23307583: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings February 1978 Volume 8 No. 1
23307584: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings December 1978 Volume 8 No. 6
23307585: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings April 1978 Volume 8 No. 2
23307586: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings April 1977 Volume 7 No. 2
23307587: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings December 1977 Volume 7 No. 6
23307589: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings October 1977 Volume 7 No. 5
23307590: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings August 1977 Volume 7 No. 4
23307592: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings June 1976 Volume 6 No. 1
23307595: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Wings October 1974 Volume 4 No. 5
739c8807: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - The Country Guide Magazine, February 1945, Volume LXIV, No. 2: B.C. Co-Operatives
845g0981: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Thoroughbred and Classic Cars Magazine, May 1980 - Stirling Moss Tribute
838g4557: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Vogue (Us) Magazine, December (Dec. ) 2014 - Amy Adams Cover
727c8389: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Liberty - Canada's Young Family Magazine, April 1957 - the Voodoo Murder of Gold Tycoon Sir Harry Oakes
826c8219: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Sports Review Wrestling Magazine, July 1974 *Andre the Giant Cover and Feature Article*
336h2812: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Time, the Weekly Newsmagazine (U.S. Edition), January (Jan. ) 17, 1938, Volume XXXI, Number 3 - Frank Lloyd Wright Cover Photo
739g0185: VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS - The Illustrated London News, Saturday, June 26, 1943 - the War Completely and Exclusively Illustrated
844g0620: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - American Indian Art Magazine, Spring 2002
844g0621: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - American Indian Art Magazine, Summer 2001
844g0622: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - American Indian Art Magazine, Spring 2001
844g0623: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - American Indian Art Magazine, Winter 2000
658c9092: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Nutshell News, January 1997 - Meet the Master of Miniature Lighting
658c9090: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Dollhouse Miniatures, May 1998 - Soldering Secrets Revealed - 3 Projects
352a5283: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Audubon - November/December 1961
352a5284: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Audubon - January/February 1962
352a5285: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Canadian Audubon - November/December 1962
824c5706: MULTIPLE CONTRIBUTORS - Explorer's Journal, December 1979

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