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Richard Neylon, Bookseller ANZAAB/ILAB 21 Story Street, 7215 St Marys, Tasmania, Australia. Tel.:+613 6372 2198 Email: orders@richardneylon.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
9883: - [Wasei Jutai Iroha].
9857: [BRICAIRE DE LA DIXMERIE, Nicolas]. - Le Sauvage de Taiti aux Francais; Avec un Envoi au Philosophe Ami des Sauvages.
9844: [HEINE, Johann August]. - Traite des Batiments Propres a Loger les Animaux, qui sont necessaires a l'economie rurale;...
9802: - Prison Administration in South Africa.
9769: - Barque "Norna." (Correspondence relative to). [with] ... Further Correspondence.
9726: [LANE, William]. - The Workingman's Paradise: an Australian Labour Novel. By John Miller.
11189: - [Roshia Jin].
9673: - [Eiji Kunmo Zukai or Ei Kuno Zukai depending on the transcriber].
9658: [HOBSON, Benjamin]. - [Hakubutsu Shinpen].
11188: - [Shogaku Nyumon : kyoju etoki].
9316: [WARD, Robert Plumer]. - Tremaine, or the Man of Refinement.
9281: [BERTOLDI, Giuseppe ? or Jakob Bartholdy?] - Memoirs of the Secret Societies of the South of Italy, particularly the Carbonari.
11199: - Papua the Marvellous. The country of chances.
9209: [TYSSOT DE PATOT, Simon.] - Voyages et Avantures de Jaques Masse.
9108: [STRETTON, Julia Cecilia]. - The Valley of a Hundred Fires.
9073: - New of Pom and Song The English and Japanese. [Eiwa Taiyaku Shintai Undoka].
11112: Exhibition - Osaka 1903. - [Daigokai naikoku kangyo hakurankai mesaizu].
11113: Exhibition - Nagoya 1910. - [Daijikkai Kansai fuken rengen kyoshinkai zenzu].
8853: - Hints on the Nature and Management of Duns. By the Honourable ____, a Younger Son.
8773: - Rough Nights' Quarters. By one of the people who have roughed it.
8763: [PHILP, Robert Kemp]. - Life Doubled by the Economy of Time.
11163: [FAIRBURN, Edwin]. - The Ships of Tarshish: a sequel to Sue's "Wandering Jew." By Mohoao. [with] The Ships of the Future being an epilogue to The Ships of Tarshish ...
8580: [GUERINEAU DE SAINT-PERAVI, J.N.M.]. - L'Optique Chinois, Traduit de l'Egyptien.
8557: [MARRYAT, Captain Frederick]. - Mr Midshipman Easy.
8522: Exhibition - Melbourne 1888. - Report of the Royal Commission for the Melbourne Centennial International Exhibition of 1888.
8515: Exhibition - Adelaide 1887. - Report of the Royal Commission for the Adelaide Jubilee International Exhibition of 1887.
8516: Exhibition - Adelaide 1887. - Report of the Royal Commission for the Adelaide Jubilee International Exhibition of 1887.
11182: - Les premiers pas de l'enfance. Orthgraphe Francaise, a l'usage de l'ecole quai-sei-zio. Premier edition. Yedo ... (1867). [sic].
8474: Exhibition - Melbourne 1880. - Melbourne International Exhibition, 1880. The Official Catalogue of the Exhibits, with introductory notices of the countries exhibiting.
11135: - [Nihon no Heitai-san].
8358: - Supreme Court, Sydney, New South Wales ... Report of the Trial The Bank of Australasia v. Thomas Chaplin Breillat, Chairman of the Bank of Australia.
8348: [HARRIS, Alexander]. - The Emigrant Family: or, The Story of an Australian Settler.
8329: - [in Russian] Lapti - Laptishchi.
8320: [STIEBER, Wilhelm]. - Die Prostitution in Berlin und ihre Opfer.
10932: - [Shinsen Shoka no Fukiyose].
8245: - Papers on Mechanics, published by the Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. Vol. I. 1810 - 1843.
8157: Exhibition - Tokyo 1907. - The Tokyo Industrial Exhibition, an extra number of the 'Teikoku Gaho', an illustrated monthly magazine.
8088: [Exhibition - Melbourne 1888-89]. - Official Record of the Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1888 - 1889, ..
8023: [RYMER, James Malcolm]. - The Dark Woman; or, the Days of the Prince Regent.
7939: [Guiton, N. (aine)]. - Traite Complet du Jeu de Trictrac ... contenant les principes et regles de ce jeu, avec des tables de calculs qui ne se trouvent dans aucun des traites connus.
7558: [DILLON, John]. - The Decision of the Three Judges of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, pronounced seriatim Monday, 11th of April, 1836, on the Applicability of the Marriage Act of England to this Colony; with a report of the case, and a review of the arguments.
7257: [STERNE, Laurence and John Hall STEVENSON]. - A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. [and] Yorick's Sentimental Journey Continued .. prefixed, some account of the life and writings of Mr Sterne.
7099: [Sydney University]. - Up and Atom! University Students' Festival Song Book 1946.
6039: [DILKE, Sir Charles Wentworth]. - The Fall of Prince Florestan of Monaco. By himself.
5429: [National Park]. - An Official Guide to the National Park of New South Wales.
3576: [VAIRASSE d'ALAIS, Denis]. - Histoire des Sevarambes, peuples qui habitent .. la Terre Australe, contenant une relation du gouvernement; des moeurs, de la religion, & du langage de cette nation .. nouvelle edition, revue & corrigee.
10864: Exhibition - Dunedin 1865. - Official Catalogue of the New Zealand Industrial Exhibition, 1865.
10858: Exhibition - London 1885-86. - Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1885-86. Report of the Royal Commission for Victoria ...
10856: Exhibition - Launceston 1891. - Tasmanian Exhibition, Launceston, 1891-92. Official Catalogue of the Exhibits.
10857: Exhibition - Launceston 1891. - Official Record of the Tasmanian International Exhibition - held at Launceston, 1891-92.
10854: Exhibition - Melbourne 1866-67. - Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, Melbourne 1866-67. Official Record, containing, introduction, catalogues, reports and awards ... essays and statistics. [and] The Australasian colonies at the International Exhibition, London, 1862. [and] A Treatise on Australian building stones.
10853: Exhibition - London 1873; Melbourne 1872-73 & Vienna 1873. - London International Exhibition of 1873. (Melbourne, 1872-73). Official Record, containing introduction, catalogues, reports and recommendations of the experts, official awards ...
10852: Exhibition - Melbourne 1880. - Report of the Executive Commissioner on the Melbourne International Exhibition 1880-81.
11062: Exhibition - Tokyo 1890. - [Dai Sankai Naikoku Kangyo Hakurankai Shinkei].
11181: - Strait Gate to the Kingdom of Westen Knowledge. [Seisoku Eigo Hitoriannai].
10755: - [Tojimari Sen Kanagu : Bunka Kuroro].
10706: Exhibition - Tokyo 1907 - [Tokyo Kangyo Hakurankai Zue - Fuzoku Gaho].
10666: Exhibition - Tokyo 1914. - [Tokyo Taisho Hakurankai Kaku Kan no Kokei]
10668: [STEELE, John V]. - The Bush Pets' Party.
10660: Exhibition - Toyama 1936. - [Toyamashi Shusai Nichiman Sangyo Daihakurankai Kyosankai Shi].
10652: - [Rikukaigun fukuseizu].
11120: [GASPEY, Thomas]. - The History of George Godfrey. Written by himself.
10513: - [Kisha to Norimono].
10492: - [Nihon Kaigun - Kyoiku Ebanashi].
10471: - $1000000 Reward [Hyakumandoru no Kensho].
10470: - [Miezaru Te] The Invisible Hand.
10918: - [Yokomoji Iroha - Haya Keiko].
10416: [ERSKINE, Thomas]. - Armata. A fragment. [with] The Second Part of Armata.
10388: - [Uenokoen Shimizu Do Saigo Nanshu Dozo no Zu]
10389: - [Hibiyakoen Tsuru no Funsui Kokei].
10364: Exhibition - Tokyo 1922. - [Heiwa Kinen Tokyo Hakurankai Jimu Hokoku].
10350: - [Sekai Hatsumei Hatsuken Sugoroku].
10278: - [Hataraku Fujin]. No. 1 to no. 5, no. 8, no. 11 and Vol. 2 no 3/4
10263: Exhibition - Osaka 1903. - [Daigokai naikoku kangyo hakurankai jonai jitchi shukuzu]. Fifth National Industrial Exhibition ... Osaka.
11197: - [Shochu : Shinka Jogi Ryaku].
10137: - Euthanasia Or Turf, Tent and Tomb.
10135: [JEBB, Joshua.] - Report of the Surveyor-General of Prisons on the Construction, Ventilation and Details of Pentonville Prison, 1844.
10085: - [Nikonikoponchi].
10069: - English, Japanesh, Small Dictionary; [Eiwa haya-gaku jibiki Binran].
10058: - Ned Nimble Amongst the Bushrangers of Australia.
11101: Elephant advertisement. - [Tenjiku Watari : Nama Daizo].
10910: Tricycle advertisement. - Advertising leaflet for a new American children's bicycle.
10289: Advertising. - [Megamimaru?].
9186: Giichi Akita. [The entry used by Worldcat names him Hodo Akita]. - [Sanpo Jikata Taisei].
8707: ALCOTT, William A. - Essay on the Construction of School-Houses, to which was awarded the prize offered by the American Institute of Instruction, August, 1831.
7966: ALDEN, Winthrop. - The Lost Million.
7971: ALDRICH, T.B. - The Stillwater Tragedy.
10813: ALLEN, Grant. - What's Bred in the Bone. £1000 Prize Novel.
10644: ALLEN, Charles Bruce; Murata Fumio & Yamada Koichiro. - [Seiyo Kasaku Hinagata].
7739: AMPERE, André-Marie and Jacques BABINET. - Darstellung der Neuen Entdeckungen uber die Electricitat und den Magnetismus von Oerstedt, Arago, Ampere, H. Davy, Biot, Erman, Schweigger, de la Rive u.f.w. ... aus dem Franzsischen.
9134: AMPHLETT, James. - The Newspaper Press, in part of the last century and up to the present period of 1860. The recollections of James Amphlett, who has been styled the father of the press, extending over a period of sixty years in connexion with newspapers, London and the country.
8839: ANDERSEN, Hans Christian. - A Poet's Bazaar. From the Danish ... by Charles Beckwith, Esq.
8689: ANDREWS, Thomas. - The Scientific Papers ... with a memoir by P.G. Tait and A. Crum Brown.
9836: ANSTEY, F. [ie Thomas Anstey Guthrie]. - A Bayard From Bengal. Being some account of the magnificent and spanking career of Chunder Bindabun Bhosh, Esq. B.A., Cambridge, by Hurry Bungsho Jabberjee, B.A., Calcutta University, ...
9222: APPLETON, G.W. [George Webb]. - The Down Express.
8578: Architecture. - The International Competition for the Phoebe Hearst Architectural Plan for the University of California.
11145: Shop architecture. - [Shoten Kenchiku Oyobi Tento Keikaku Zuan].
8843: ARLEN, Michael. - Man's Mortality. A story.
3357: ASLANAPA, Oktay. - Turkish Art and Architecture.
8745: Bridges. Portland Cement Association. - Architectural Design of Concrete Bridges. Concrete for permanence.
11172: Yokohama Temperance Association. - [Kinshu Karenda]. 1929.
10453: Woogaroo lunatic asylum. - Report from the Joint Select Committee on the Woogaroo Lunatic Asylum, together with the proceedings ... and minutes of evidence.
6723: [Sparta]. British School at Athens. - Laconia. I. Excavations Near Angelona ...[etc]. [bound with] Excavations at Sparta 1906; [bound with] Excavations at Sparta 1907; [bound with] Excavations at Sparta 1908.
9413: AUDSLEY, W. & G. [William & George]. - Polychromatic Decoration as Applied to Buildings in the Mediaeval Styles.
7465: [Catalogue - Engraved stamps]. J. Augey, Saint-Claude. - 1928. Maison Speciale pour tous Articles Graves.
9774: Chinese in Australia. - Correspondence Relating to Chinese Immigration into the Australasian Colonies, with a return of acts passed by the legislatures of those colonies and of Canada and British Columbia on the subject.
7523: BADHAM, C. David. - Prose Halieutics or Ancient and Modern Fish Tattle.
2997: [Benton]. BAIGELL, Matthew. - Thomas Hart Benton.
7898: BAKER, Richard.T. - Cabinet Timbers of Australia.
8696: BALCH, Edwin Swift. - Glacieres or Freezing Caverns.
2895: BARTOLI, Cosimo. - Del Modo di Misurare le Distantie, le superficie, i corpi, le piante, le provincie, le prospettive, & tutte le altre cose terrene, che possono occorrere a gli huomini, secundo le vere regole d'Euclid, & de gli altri piu lodati scrittori.
8490: BASTIAT, Frederic. - Harmonies of Political Economy, translated ... with a notice of the life and writings of the author, by Patrick James Stirling.
9270: BAUM, A.W. - Aus Wundersamen Garten. Zehn Radierungen.
2452: BAYNTON, Barbara. - Bush Studies.
8235: BEALE, Lionel S. - Life Theories: their influence upon religious thought.
8819: BEERBOHM, Max. - Rossetti and His Circle.
8820: BENSON, E.F. - Sheaves.
7180: BENTHAM, Jeremy. - Economic Writings. Critical edition based on his printed works and unprinted manuscripts by W. Stark.
8140: De BERENGER, Lt. Col. Baron [Charles Random]. - Helps and Hints How to Protect Life and Property. With instructions in rifle and pistol shooting. &c.
7585: BERENSON, Bernard. - Italian Pictures of the Renaissance. A list of the principal artists and their works .. Venetian School.
8760: BERRY, Edward Payson. - Where the Tides Meet.
8994: BEST, Elsdon. - The Maori Canoe. An acount of various types of vessels used by the Maori of New Zealand in former times, with some description of those of the isles of the Pacific ...
7728: BILLET, [Felix]. - Traite d'Optique Physique.
6640: BINET, Rene. - Esquisses Decoratives.
9007: BLACK, Archibald et al. - American Airport Designs - containing 44 prize winning and other drawings from the Lehigh Airports Competition ...
9344: Blackbirding. - Further Correspondence Respecting the Deportation of South Sea Islanders.
10675: Blackbirding. - Polynesian Immigration. (Despatches relative to alleged abuses, etc ...).
8605: BLUM, Edgar C. - In Satan's Realm.
10678: Boer War paper game. SCHLETTE, E.G. - Boer-en Rooinekspel.
9734: Atomic bomb. - La Bomba Atomica e l'Aviazione.
8393: BOOCK, John C.T. - The inventor's collection of papers and reports relating to his 'Boock Break of Gauge Device'.
10966: Hikifuda specimen book. - A publisher's sample book of specimen hikifuda.
11099: Writing book. - [Moji Ban].
10791: Hikifuda specimen book. - [Hikifuda Mihon Jo].
10704: Textile sample book. - [Sawa Shirushi - Kyozome Gofuku Oroshisho].
10245: Toy book. - The Hearty Old Boy Who Looked Always the Same.
11063: Advertising fan sample books. - [Yubi Uchiwa Mihon Jo] + [Yubi Uchiwa Shin Gacho] + six actual advertising uchiwa - fans.
9221: BOOTHBY, Guy. - Love Made Manifest.
9041: BOOTHBY, Guy. - Pharos the Egyptian.
8495: BOURDILLON, Francis William. - Nephele.
9150: BOUVE, Edward T. - Centuries Apart.
9547: BRADLEY, Charles. - The Red Cripple. A Tale of the Midnight Express.
7734: BRADLEY, F.H. - Essays on Truth and Reality.
10544: MULLER-BRANDEBOURG. (Hermann Muller-Brandenburg). - L'ouevre du Service du Travail allemand.
8754: BRECKINRIDGE, Col. Henry. - Airship Investigation. Report of Col. Henry Breckinridge Counsel for the Joint Committee to Investigate Dirigible Disasters.
9178: BROCK, R.W. [ie John Alexander Barr]. - Mihawhenua: the Adventures of a Party of Tourists Amongst a Tribe of Maoris Discovered in Western Otago, New Zealand. Recorded By R. W. Brock, MA, LLB. Edited By R. H. Chapman. (Being a Manuscript Addressed to the Editor, Found Attached to a Maori Kite on Mount Alta ...
8852: BROOKS, Detective James J. - Whiskey Drips. A series of interesting sketches illustrating the operations of the whiskey thieves in their evasion of the law ... to which is added, a circumstantial account of his attempted murder by the Philadelphia Whiskey Ring ... the only authenticated instance of hired assassins in the United States.
9637: BROWN, Ernest W. - The Inequalities in the Motion of the Moon Due to the Direct Action of the Planets. An essay which obtained the Adams Prize in the University of Cambridge for the year 1907.
8537: BROWN, W. Norman. - The Story of Kalaka. Texts, history, legends and miniature paintings of the Svetambara Jain hagiographical work the Kalakacaryakatha.
7794: BROWN, Ernest W. - An Introductory Treatise on the Lunar Theory.
10891: Yanagisawa Bunzo &c. - [Kaidan Kasane Monogatari].
6814: [Warren Hastings]. BURKE, Edmund. - Articles of Charge of High Crimes and Misdemeanors Against Warren Hastings, Esquire Late Governer General of Bengal [with] The Defence of Warren Hastings, Esq .. at the Bar of the House of Commons....
8725: BURNS, William J. & Isabel OSTRANDER. - The Crevice.
8550: BUXTON, Thomas Fowell. - An Inquiry, Whether Crime and Misery are Produced or Prevented, by Our Present System of Prison Discipline. Illustrated by descriptions ... sixth edition.
7546: BUXTON, Thomas Fowell. - An Inquiry, Whether Crime and Misery are Produced or Prevented, by Our Present System of Prison Discipline. Illustrated by descriptions ... sixth edition.
6848: CAIRNES, J.E. - Essays in Political Economy. Theoretical and applied.
8826: CALABRELLA, Baroness de. - Evenings at Haddon Hall ... with illustrations from designs by George Cattermole.
8293: CALCOTT, Wellins. - A Candid Disquisition of the Principles and Practices of the Most Antient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons; ...
7795: CAMPBELL, Norman Robert. - Physics, the Elements.
11139: CAPEK, Karel & Suzuki Zentaro. - [R.U.R Robotto].
10676: CAPES, B.E.J. [Bernard]. - The Mill of Silence.
10464: Film - lobby card. - Guerra Entre Planetas - Battle in Outer Space.
8629: CARLING, John R. - The Viking's Skull.
8569: CARLING, John R. - The Weird Picture.
8608: CARRYL, Charles E. - The River Syndicate and Other Stories.
9428: CARSWELL, John & C.J.F. DOWSETT. - Kutahya Tiles and Pottery from the Armenian Cathedral of St. James, Jerusalem.
9418: CARSWELL, John. - New Julfa. The Armenian Churches and Other Buildings.
9783: Catalogue - clothing. E. Rosenburger, New York City. - A Dark Secret is Let Out By [cover title; inside:] The Clothing Specialists of America. E. Rosenburger & Co.
9364: Catalogue - fashion. Cleghorn & Harris, Cape Town. - A Journal of Fashions for the Summer Season 1902-3.
9285: Catalogue - perambulators and carriages. Halesowen, Brirmingham. - Halesown Perambulator & Carriage Co, Ltd. Illustrated Catalogue. Season 1895.
11009: Catalogue - hats. Watanabe, Tokyo. - The Watanabe's Catalogue : Full fashioned and hand finished. Y. Watanabe & Co., Nihonbashi, Tokyo, Japan.
8918: Catalogue - Garden Furniture. John P. White, Bedford. - A Complete Catalogue of Garden Furniture and Garden Ornament. By John P. White, The Pyghtle Works, Bedford ... Xmas, 1906.
8603: Catalogue - Gravestones. D.L. Kent & Co. East Dorset, Vt. - Turned Marble Monuments, Urns, etc.
8594: Catalogue - Yachts. Herreshoff Manufacturing Co. Bristol, R.I. - Yachts by Herreshoff.
8573: Catalogue - Cast Iron. A. Durenne, Paris &c. - Societe Anonyme des Etablissement Metallurgiques A. Durenne.
8572: Catalogue - Hardware. The Penn Hardware Company, Reading, PA. - Illustrated Catalogue of General Hardware Manufactured by the Penn Hardware Company ... 1883.
8552: Catalogue - Pharmaceuticals. Weeks & Potter, Boston. - Revised Catalogue of Foreign and Domestic Drugs, selected powders, fine essential oils, waters and extracts ... wines and liquors, proprietry medicines, druggists shop furniture ... sundries and surgical appliances, sponges, fancy goods, and toilet articles.
8549: Catalogue - Pharmaceuticals. McKesson & Robbins, New York. - Prices Current of Drugs and Druggists' Articles, chemical and pharmaceutical preparations, proprietry medicines & perfumery, sponges, corks, dyes, paints, etc., etc., etc.
7819: Catalogue - Hammers. Henry Cheney, Little Falls. - Illustrated Catalogue of the Henry Cheney Hammer Company. 1912.
10606: Catalogue - Iron gates, fences &c. Handa Shonosuke Shoten. - [Sentetsuseio Monpi Tetsusakurui?].
10536: Catalogue - medical and dental equipment. Kawai Shoten, Tokyo. - [Iryokikkai Zufu?].
10458: Catalogue - tiles. Minton, Hollins & Co. Stoke Upon Trent. - [Catalogue of art-painted tiles, enamelled tiles and embossed Majolica tiles].
10403: Catalogue - Circus wagons. Beggs Wagon Co. Kansas City, Mo. - Beggs Wagon Co. Manufacturers of Circus Wagons, Band Wagons, Ticket Wagons, Cages, Calliopes, Racing Chariots ...
10395: Catalogue - hearses. Merts & Riddle, Ravenna, Ohio. - Merts & Riddle, Coach and Hearse Builders.
8757: CAULKINS, Daniel. - Aerial Navigation. The Best Method.
8616: CESCINSKY, Herbert. - The Gentle Art of Faking Furniture.
10104: de CHABRILLAN, Celeste. - Les Voleurs d'Or.
8701: CHAMBERS, Robert W. - The Maids of Paradise. A novel.
8439: CHAMBLESS, Edgar. - Roadtown.
7543: CHEVALLIER, Edgecumbe. - The Shipwrecked Mariners; a poem.
11023: Chiarini's Circus. - Chiarini's Circus and Menagerie. Complete Congress of Wonders and Marvels.
9264: Children's ABC. - All Aboard ABC.
10154: Cholera. - A gathering of five Italian pamphlets on Cholera dating from 1849 to 1884: Intorno al Colera-Morbus Prima Istruzione Popolare ... [and] Regolamento Sovranamenve Approvato per Guarentire le Provincie del Regno dalla Diffusione del Colera Asiatico qualore vi penetrasse ... [and] Pratiche per l'Espurgo dei Luoghi e Degli Oggetti che Hanno Servito a Colerosi [and] Nota ed Avertenze Pratiche del Consiglio Superiore di Sanita ... sulla Colera [and] Istruzioni Pratiche del Consiglio Superiore di Sanita sul Colera.
10656: Asai Chu. - [Tosei Fuzoku Gojuban Utaawase].
10119: Asai Chu. - [Tosei Fuzoku Gojuban Utaawase].
11133: Mitsukuri Genpo & Morishima Churyo. - [Kaisei Zoho : Bangosen].
6024: CIPRIANI, Gio. Batt. [Giovanni Battista]. - Scelta di Ornati Antichi e Moderni. Disegnati ed incisi ..
10540: Kinoshita Circus. - [Kinoshita Dai Sakasu Dan].
8781: CLAPPERTON, Robert Henderson & William HENDERSON. - Modern Paper-Making.
8749: CLAPPERTON, George. - Practical Paper-Making. A manual for paper-makers and owners and managers of paper mills ...
7541: CLARK, C.H. Douglas. - The Story of the Atomic Bomb. A popular review of the principle discoveries which have led up to its production.
10967: CLARKE, Marcus. - The Mystery of Major Molineux, and Human Repetends.
10968: CLARKE, Marcus, et al. - The Australian Christmas Box: a series of stories ...
10947: CLARKE, Marcus.. - Long Odds.
10737: CLEGG, Thomas Bailey. - The Bishop's Scapegoat.
8642: Catalogue - Mechanical Music. Symphonion Manufacturing Co. - Symphonions.
10880: Catalogue - safes. Nagayama Safe Co. - [Nagayama Shiki Kinko Mokuroku].
10527: Catalogue - bicycles. Leonard Gundle Motor Co. - Carrier Cycles [cover title].
10969: Tom Collins [Joseph Furphy]. - Such is Life being certain extracts from the diary of Tom Collins.
11073: Manchuria colonisation. - [Manshu Iju Hyakumon Hyakuto].
10688: COMBES, Edward. - Report on the Lighting, Heating, and Ventilation of School Buildings in Great Britain, the continent of Europe, and America ...
10038: Superhero tulip comic. - Bulb Magic!
10549: Facsist Anti-Communism. - Le Communisme c'est la Vie Triste, Morne, Grise.
8834: New Guinea. Keystone View Company. - Stereoscope card: Natives of New Guinea in their picturesque sailing craft.
11201: Kyoto Porcelain Company. - A chomolithograph advertisement for the Chicago Columbian Exposition 1893.
10655: Catalogue - watches. Yoshida Watch Company. - Fancy Smart ... Yoshida Watch Company [from the cover].
10215: Sugoroku. Nomura Toy Company - [Yaji Kita Rokkei Ryoko Sugoroku].
8266: COMTE, Auguste. - A General View of Positivism. Translated ... by J.H. Bridges.
10772: Confectionary. - [Kashi Moyo - Ten]
8547: CONRAD, Joseph. - Suspense. A Napoleonic novel.
11162: COOK, Theodore Andrea. - The Curves of Life; being an account of spiral formations and their application to growth in nature, to science and to art; with special reference to the manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci.
9603: Corn. [CLAYE, Rev William]. - A Supplementary Letter to the Right Honorable Lord William Bentinck. Corn Importation, &c.
10004: CORNELL, Sophia S. - Cornell's Primary Geography for the Use of Schools. First Edition. [Chigaku Shoho].
9804: Costume. - Ladies' Garments and How to Make Them. A practical treatise on the art of sewing, pressing & other details ... as employed by tailors ... by "Several Experts" ...
8270: CRAIK, David. - The Practical American Millwright and Miller: ...
7922: CROSLAND, Newton. - Apparitions; An Essay, Explanatory of Old Facts and a New Theory. To which are added, sketches and adventures.
9095: CROUCH, Archer P. - On a Surf-Bound Coast; or, Cable-Laying in the African Tropics.
7751: CUNNINGHAM, E. - The Principle of Relativity.
10344: DAGLESS, Thomas. - The Light in Dends Wood and Other Stories.
6008: DANA, James D. - Characteristics of Volcanoes, with contributions of facts and principles from the Hawaiian Islands.
8736: DANBY, Frank. [ie Julia Frankau]. - Baccarat.
754: DANE, John Colin. - Champion.
9642: DANIELS, Heber K. - Dol Shackfield, a novel.
7552: DARWIN, G.H. - The Tides and Kindred Phenomena in the Solar System.
8596: DAVIES, Charles. - A Treatise on Shades and Shadows, and Linear Perspective.
8475: DAVIES, J. [John]. - The Innkeeper and Butler's Guide, or, a Directory in the Making and Managing of British Wines; together with directions for the managing, colouring and flavouring of foreign wines and spirits, and for making British compounds, peppermint, anniseed, shrub, &c. Sixth edition.
8453: DAVIES, Charles Maurice. - Heterodox London: or, Phases of Free Thought in the Metropolis.
8823: DAVIS, Richard Harding. - Van Bibber and Others.
8619: DAVISON, Ralph C. - Concrete Pottery and Garden Furniture.
10971: Kimono design. - [Miyuki].
8166: Design. - An album of designs for textiles and/or paper.
10960: Japanese textile design. - [Shingata Komon Chu?].
11044: DINSDALE, Alfred. - Television ... foreword by Dr. J.A. Fleming.
8618: DOBSON, E.J. - English Pronunciation 1500 - 1700.
4553: O'DONOVAN, W.J. - The Hair. Its Care, Diseases and Treatment.
9549: DORRINGTON, Albert. - The Radium Terrors.
8419: DORRINGTON, Albert. - The Radium Terrors.
7992: DOUGLASS, Arthur. - Ostrich Farming in South Africa. Being an account of its origin and rise; how to set about it; the profits .. how to manage the birds .. diseases and difficulties ..
7217: [Nonesuch] DREYFUS, John. - A History of the Nonesuch Press. With an introduction by Geoffrey Keynes and a descriptive catalogue by David McKitterick, Simon Rendall & John Dreyfus.
10547: Poster - dye. - [Watashitachi no Katei Senryo : Sumire Zome].
9641: EASTWICK, Mrs. Egerton. - The Rubies of Rajmar or, Mr. Charlecote's Daughters. A romance.
8685: EDDINGTON, Sir A.S. - Fundamental Theory.
8684: EDDINGTON, Arthur. - The Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons.
11115: EDWARDS, Edward B. - Dynamarhythmic Design. A book of structural pattern.
11175: Yamanaka Eijiro. - [Mankoku Shuyu Sugoroku].
10378: Kobayashi Eijiro. - [Kokkei Norimono Sugoroku]
10375: Kobayashi Eijiro. - [Taisho Shonen Sugoroku].
10917: Inaba Eiko. - [Chohei Men'eki Kokoroe].
9806: Ikeda Eisen [aka Keisei Eisen]. - [Shinpan Edo no Hana Gofukuya Sugoroku]
9933: Catalogue - fire engines. - [Shobo goyo sokuto seisakusho].
7477: von ERDBERG, Eleanor. - Chinese Influence On European Garden Structures.
5142: ERLE, Sir William. - The Law Relating to Trade Unions.
10955: Smoca advertising. Kataoka Toshiro etc. - [Smoca Kokoku Sakuhinshu Daigoshu].
10872: Smoca advertising. Kataoka Toshiro etc. - [Smoca Kokoku Sakuhinshu].
9781: EVANS, Bob [ed]. - Surfing World Vol 1 No 1 ... Vol 2 No 6.
10715: Exhibition, Kyoto 1895. Yoshiwara Takeo. - [Daiyonkai Kangyo Hakurankai Taikyoku Zenzu?].
8674: FALK, David G. - Rick; or, The Recidiviste. A Romance of Australian Life.
10285: FARJEON, B.L. [Benjamin Leopold]. - Something Occurred. [and] Something Occurred. Third edition.
10282: FARJEON, B.L. [Benjamin Leopold]. - Grif. A story of Australian Life. Seventeenth edition.
10022: Hikifuda - fashion. - A small hikifuda - handbill - advertising fashion from Kawaki Shoten in Ogawamachi in Tokyo.
8297: Advertising - Feet. - M. Joel & M. Kock, (from Paris) Corn Operators, by Special Appointment to the Duke de Orleans and Princess Adelaide, Prince Nassau ... most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry and Public in general, that they eradicate Bunions and Soft Corns from their very roots; ...
7963: FIELDING, Henry. - An Enquiry Into the Causes of the Late Increase of Robbers, &c. With some proposals for remedying this growing evil ... the second edition.
6465: FIELDING, Henry. - Joseph Andrews edited by Martin C. Battestin.
9925: FIELDING, Henry. - The Modern Husband. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane.
9924: Henry Fielding. - The Letter-Writers: or, a New Way to Keep a Wife at Home. A farce in three acts. As it is acted at the Theatre in the Hay-Market. Written by Scriblerus Secundus.
9615: Fireworks. - [Keitai Hitsuyo].
9085: Fireworks. - [Oginoryu Tama Ageya Yagyocho].
10846: Sumida Fireworks. - Fireworks.
10775: FITZHAMON, Lewin. - The Rival Millionaires.
8721: FLADER, Louis [ed]. - Achievement in Photo-Engraving and Letter Press Printing, 1927.
8990: Flags. - Drawings of the Flags in Use at the Present Time by Various Nations. Admiralty.
11013: FLETCHER, Henry. - The North Shore Mystery.
10623: FOWLER, O.S. [Orson Squire] and Hashizume Kanichi. - [Danjo Kogo Shinron].
8671: FOWLES, Joseph. - Sydney in 1848: Illustrated by copper-plate engravings of the principal streets, public buildings, churches, chapels, etc., from drawings ...
8345: FREEMAN, R. Austin. - The Surprising Adventures of Mr Shuttlebury Cobb.
7843: FREGE, Gottlob. - Translations from the Philosophical Writings, edited by Peter Geach and Max Black.
9338: FRITH, Walter. - The Sack of Monte Carlo. An adventure of today.
10997: Catalogue - magic. Green Frog. - Magician's Handbook ... catalogue of "Green Frog" magical conjuring stage and pocket tricks.
8896: Fuller. FORCE, Roland W. & Maryanne. - The Fuller Collection of Pacific Artifacts.
8125: FURNIVAL, William James. - Leadless Decorative Tiles, Faience, and Mosaic .. history, materials, manufacture and use of ornamental flooring tiles, .. recipes for tile-bodies, and for leadless glaze and art-tile enamels.
10264: Hirai Fusando? - [Nori no tomo - sen'i no horumon].
10001: Nakamura Fusetsu. - [Sekai Isshu Sugoroku].
11016: FYNE, Neal. - The Land of the Living Dead A narration of the perilous sojourn therein of George Cowper, mariner, in the year 1835.
11030: Miyatake Gaikotsu. - [Kiso Tenrai].
8751: Gall etc. COMBE, George and Dr. A, [Andrew]. - On the Functions of the Cerebellum, by Drs Gall, Vimont, and Broussais, translated ... by George Combe; Also Answers to the Objections Urged Against Phrenology by Drs Roget, Rudolphi, Prichard, and Tiedemann, by George Combe and Dr. A. Combe.
9862: Paper Game. - Nieuw Stoombootspel.
9671: Monkey Game. - Het Apenspel.
9668: Paper Game. - Het Vermakelijk Harlekijnspel.
9669: Tram Game. - Tramway Spel.
9663: Aviation Game. - Helder's Vlieg-Spel.
10800: Aviation paper game. - Paris - Madagascar [Les Deux Raids Magnifique de l'Avion "Alsa" on the back].
9287: GARNIER, Tony. - Les Grands Travaux de la Ville de Lyon. Etudes, projets et travaux executes.
6955: GASPAR, Camille. - The Breviary of the Mayer van den Bergh Museum at Antwerp.
9046: GEDDES, WENDT &c. - The Atomic Age Opens, prepared by the editors of Pocket Books.
9661: Otsuki Genkan. - [Seion Hatsubi].
10530: [BRIDGMAN, Elijah Coleman.] Mitsukuri Genpo. - [Renpo Shiryaku].
7954: GETTY, Alice. - The Gods of Northern Buddhism. Their history, iconography and progressive evolution through the northern Buddhist countries.
11147: Masuda Giheee. - [Shinkoku Gagaku Jogi Zukai].
8840: GLASGOW, Ellen. - The Voice of the People.
7199: GOMBRICH, E.H. - Meditations on a Hobby Horse and Other Essays on the Theory of Art.
7198: GOMBRICH, E.H. - Norm and Form. Studies in the Art of the Renaissance.
4633: GOMBRICH, E.H. - New Light on Old Masters. Studies in the art of the renaissance IV.
9579: Death. Naosuke Gonda. - [Sogishiki Fuzu].
9561: GOODRICH, Henry Newton. - Raven Rockstrow: or, the Pedlar's Dream. A romance of Melbourne.
10993: Motomatsu Goro. - [Manga Kokoku Sosakushu].
7968: GORON, M.F. - The Truth About the Case ... edited by Albert Keyzer.
8450: GOULD, Nat. - A Straight Goer.
10930: GOWER, Richard Hall. - A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Seamanship, together with a system of naval signals .. a useful compendium to the officer, to instruct him when young, and to remind him when old. The third edition, corrected and enlarged. [bound with] A Supplement to the Practical Seamanship ...
6840: GRAY, Francis C. [Calley]. - Prison Discipline in America.
8544: GREEN, Anna Katherine. - The Mayor's Wife.
8543: GREEN, Anna Katherine. - The Millionaire Baby.
4992: GREENWELL, G.C. - A Practical Treatise on Mine Engineering.
9629: GRIFFITH, George. - Gambles With Destiny.
9630: GRIFFITH, George. - The Gold-Finder.
8415: GRIFFITH, George. - Brothers of the Chain.
10546: Friedrich Grimm. - Un Journaliste Allemand Vous Parle. Par le Dr Friedrich.
9324: GRIMSHAWE, Helena. - Trapped by Avarice.
7730: Grosseteste. CROMBIE, A.C. - Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science 1100 - 1700.
8479: GROWDEN, Oliver H. - Matthew Redmayne. A New Zealand Romance.
7792: GUERINI, Vincenzo. - A History of Dentistry, from the most ancient times until the end of the eighteenth century.
10776: GULL, C. Ranger. - The Woman in the Case.
10227: Sunday Chewing Gum. - [Sande Chiuingamu].
10270: Sunday Chewing Gum. - [Sande Chiuingamu].
9261: Japan - gymnastics. - [Taiso Kyohan - Manual of Gymnastics].
10599: Suzuki Gyosui. - [Kasei Tanken Dai Sugoroku].
10339: Shibuya Shigeo & Suzuki Gyosui. - [Tsuepperin Sekai Isshu Sugoroku].
10817: HADDON, A.C. & James HORNELL. - Canoes of Oceania.
10816: Kurata Hakuyo. - [Hiko Jidosha Sugoroku].
11192: Hamada Masuji, Sugiura Hisui and others. - [Gendai Shogyo Bijutsu Zenshu - The Complete Commercial Artist].
7607: HAMMER, William J. - Radium, and other Radioactive Substances; Polonium, Actinium, and Thorium, ... properties and applications of Selenium and the treatment of disease by the ultra-violet light.
8864: HANDS, Joseph. - Beauty, and the Laws Governing its Development; with suggestions on education, relative to the attainment of beauty.
8202: HANDS, Joseph. - Will-Ability; or, Mind and its Varied Conditions and Capacities. A dissertation and explanation of the mystery of Will-Ability, Mind-Energy, or Mental Volition, as exercised in controlling ourselves, or the thoughts, feelings, and acts of others; exemplified, especially as to the latter capabilities, by the faculty of Electro-Biology, or Animal Magnetism, and the Influence of Fascination. Illustrated by facts. Also observations on the consequences effected in us through the quality or dominion of Faith and Belief, or Self-Will Operation, as influenced by the phrenological organ of hope, and called into active being, through the agency of education and persuasion, and other means, as Charms, Spells and Amulets, to which are added essays on Free-Will and Fate, Destiny and Inevitable Necessity.
10679: HANDS, Joseph. - Beauty, and the Laws Governing its Development; with suggestions on education, relative to the attainment of beauty.
10024: Hiroshi Hara [?]. - [Minatominato no Ryokigai].
7219: HARROP, Dorothy A. - A History of the Gregynog Press.
10639: Kaburagi Kiyokata & Miyagawa Haru? - [Boken Sugoroku].
11086: Hashizume, Kan'ichi (publisher). - [Doban : Shogaku Nyumon : Chirishoho].
11054: Hashizume, Kan'ichi (publisher). - [Doban : Shogaku Nyumon : Chirishoho].
8246: HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. - The Blithedale Romance. [bound with] The Snow-Image, and Other Tales.
8761: HAZELTON, Harry. - The Trail of Blood. A tale of New York. [bound with] Life Among the Red Indians. An Indian Romance.
10970: HEALEY, Daniel. - The Seven Christians Of Championdom - A Tale of the Times.
10976: Jonathan Swift & Katayama Heisaburo. - [Garibarusu Shimameguri].
11031: Henry James Black. (Burakku Kairakutei). Du Boisgobey, Fortune. - [Shachu no dokubari : Tantei shosetsu].
1891: HERBERTS, K. - Oriental Lacquer. Art and Technique.
10502: Tanaka Higara. - [Shojo Supotsu Sugoroku].
9223: HIGGINSON, S.J. [Sarah Jane Hatfield Higginson]. - A Princess of Java. A tale of the far east.
7288: HIGHAM, Charles Frederick. - Looking Forward. Mass education through publicity.
10937: Hikifuda - Kakkoku taii no yuko hosho-yaku? Hyakudokukudashi : Wajanyu].
10941: Hikifuda. - [Gakuyohin ...].
11010: Hikifuda. - [Shoyu Shio Sumi ...]
10919: Hikifuda. - [Wata Neru Zakka-Sho].
10961: Specimen hikifuda. - Hikifuda of a modern couple in an elaborate cockerell balloon basket above an exposition or fair; the brash young woman waving a Japanese flag.
10883: Hikifuda. - [Yamaishihara ...]
10882: Hikifuda. - Hikifuda with lucky gods Ebisu and Daikokuten on the telephone.
10911: Specimen hikifuda. - Large hikifuda of a boy flying his mother in a monoplane.
10761: Hikifuda. - [Goto Shokai].
10762: Hikifuda. - [Takahashiya ... Taromaru ...].
10709: Hikifuda. - [Rokujinmaru aputo - Toyama Seizai Kabushikigaisha].
10593: Hikifuda. - [Wayo Sake Kakushu ... Amari Eitaro Shoten].
10583: Specimen hikifuda. - Hikifuda of women and children shopping.
10534: Hikifuda. - Hikifuda of a woman driving a motor car.
10489: Specimen hikifuda. - Hikifuda of a woman driving a motor car.
10488: Specimen Hikifuda. - Hikifuda of lucky gods driving a motor car.
10371: Hikifuda. - [Shinshu Matsumoto Higashimachi Uetei].
10374: Specimen Hikifuda. - [Yorozu to Kanbutsu Sato Sekiyu ...]
10341: Hikifuda. - Hikifuda of a boy sailor winning a horserace with a crown princess like mother and two other military children cheering.
10342: Hikifuda. - Hikifuda of a ship against the rising sun.
10340: Hikifuda. - Hikifuda of a ship bedecked with flags with fireworks overhead
11196: Hikifuda. - [Tsuchiya Rikujiro].
10269: Hikifuda. - Specimen hikifuda.
10268: Hikifuda. - Specimen hikifuda.
10262: Hikifuda. - [Kisha Seki Suiriku Nimotsu Unso Toriatsukaijo].
10224: Hikifuda. - [Niimura Shoten ... Shimosuwa Kinoshita ... Wayo Orimonosho ...].
10165: Hikifuda. - [Natori-gawa Shoyu Hatsubai-Moto].
10007: Specimen Hikifuda. - A large hikifuda - handbill - or modest poster for Kyoto haberdashery bargain sales.
8538: HILDBURGH, W.L. - Medieval Spanish Enamels and their Relation to the Origin and the Development of Copper Champleve Enamels of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries.
7967: HILL, Frederick Trevor. - The Accomplice.
7442: HILL, Headon. [Francis Edward Grainger]. - The Jesmond Mystery.
7354: HILL, Headon. [Francis Edward Grainger]. - The Rajah's Second Wife.
10745: HILL, Headon. - The Embassy Case.
10742: HILL, Headon. - Unmasked at Last.
10744: HILL, Headon. - Millions of Mischief. The story of a great secret.
9941: HILLCOAT, Captain C.H. [Charles Henry]. - Ida Hall or a Mystery of the Suez Canal.
750: HIND, Lewis. - The Enchanted Stone.
9604: HINGSTON, John. - To the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament assembled, The humble Petition of the Labouring Poor of Great Britain, sheweth, ...
10433: Mineda Hiroshi. - [Sekai Shingata Norimono Sugoroku].
10841: Takeda Hisa. - [Saishin Majutsu Sugoroku].
11024: Tanaka Hisara. - [Joshi Supotsu Sugoroku].
10647: Morita Hisashi. - [Kensho Tsuki Shonen Yakyu Sugoroku].
10417: Morita Hisashi. - [Sekai Yume Ryoko Sugoroku].
10598: Sugiura Hisui. - [Shonen Sekai Kyoso Sugoroku].
10807: Ikematsu Hitoshi. - Original illustration of a rocket-like space ship.
11056: HOLDEN, Robert. - Photography in Colonial Australia. The Mechanical Eye and the Illustrated Book.
5384: HOLDSWORTH, [Edward]. - Remarks and Dissertations on Virgil; with some other classical observations; ... with several notes, and additional remarks, by Mr Spence.
8445: HOLYOAKE, Manfred. - The Conservation of Pictures.
7763: Homer. LORIMER, H.L. - Homer and the Monuments.
9808: Homoeopathy. - The Medical Telephone: containing hints on the preservation of health. Notes on nursing ... Plain directions for treating diseases. Ambulance lectures ...
10617: Kawabata Honami - [Shin'an Otogi Misemono Sugoroku].
8855: HOPE, Anthony. - Mrs. Maxon Protests.
8581: HOPKINS, Henry Powell. - Sources of Memorial Ornamentation.
5153: HOPKINS, Francis R.C. - Souvenir of the Dramatic Works. Printed for private circulation only.
11129: Enomoto Horeikan. - [Gizoku Dokufu Den : Yoma no Joen?]
11187: Tatsunosuke Hori et al. - A Pocket Dictionary of the English and Japanese Language. Second and revised edition. At Yedo 1867.
9554: HORNUNG, E.W. [Ernest William]. - Irralie's Bushranger. A story of Australian adventure.
8788: HORNUNG, E.W. [Ernest William]. - Stingaree.
8765: HORNUNG, E.W. [Ernest William]. - Mr. Justice Raffles.
8347: HORNUNG, E.W. [Ernest William]. - A Thief in the Night. Further adventures of A.J. Raffles cricketer and cracksman.
7359: HORNUNG, E.W. [Ernest William]. - Witching Hill.
8155: Hotels. - The Stevens. The World's Greatest Hotel. Chicago.
8563: HOWARD, Thomas. - On the Loss of the Teeth; and on the best means of restoring them.
8409: HOWE, E.W. - The Mystery of the Locks.
8691: HOYLAND, John. - A Historical Survey of the Customs, Habits, & Present State of the Gypsies; designed to develope the origin of this singular people, and to promote the amelioration of their condition.
11121: HUBBARD, John Gellibrand. - The Currency and the Country.
7961: HULME, F. Edward. - Suggestions in Floral Design.
9582: HUMBER, William. - A Complete Treatise on Cast and Wrought Iron Bridge Construction ... illustrated by numerous examples, drawn to a large scale. Third edition ... revised and considerably enlarged.
9557: HUME, Fergus. - The Crimson Cryptogram. A Detective Story.
8631: HUME, Fergus. - The Rainbow Feather.
10283: HUME, Fergus. - The Dwarf's Chamber.
7828: HUNT, Robert. - Researches on Light in its Chemical Relations; embracing a consideration of all the photographic processes.
8601: HUNTER, A. [Alexander] - Georgical Essays.
10658: Sawai Ichisaburo. - [Sugoroku - Dai Toa Kyoeiken Meguri].
10349: Kobayashi Ikuhide. - [Tokyo Meisho no Uchi Ashumabashi ...
11082: Moga illustrations. - [Iede Musume no Nu-chan].
9296: Chinese Immigration. - Petition. Arrest of Chinese Immigration. Laid upon the council table by the Honorable W.H.F. Mitchell ... 15th July, 1857. [with] Influx of the Chinese. Petition ... 7th August 1857. [with] Influx of the Chinese. Petition ... 7th August 1857. [with] Petition. Influx of Chinese ... 12th August 1857. [with] Influx of the Chinese. Petition ... 2nd October 1857. [with] Report of the Select Committee ... on the subject of Chinese Immigration, together with proceedings of the committee and minutes of evidence.
6788: INGERSOLL, Ernest. - The Crest of the Continent a record of a summer's ramble in the rocky mountains and beyond.
10503: Takeo Inoue. - [Shojo Kokkei Kaimono Sugoroku].
10869: Okamoto Ippei. - [Jido Mangashu].
10630: Okamoto Ippei. - [Shufunotomo - Manga Sugoroku].
10570: Okamoto Ippei. - [Yama to Umi] (Mountain & Sea).
10490: Okamoto Ippei. - [Katei wo Akarumi he].
10467: Okamoto Ippei. - [Shufunotomo - Manga Sugoroku].
9419: Iribe &c. - La Baionnette. Volume 4. Nouvelle Serie. No.40 [... to No.52].
9999: Ise. - [Isesangu Meisho An'nai no Zu].
9606: Masakata Ishibashi. - [Eigosen].
11126: Yoshida Isojiro. - [Seito Hikkei : Shinsen Shogaku Taisojutsu].
8613: JACKSON, Wilfrid S. - Nine Points of the Law.
8286: JACOBS, Thomas Jefferson. - Scenes, Incidents, and Adventures in the Pacific Ocean, or the islands of the Australasian seas, during the cruise of the clipper Margaret Oakley, under Capt. Benjamin Morrell. Clearing up the mystery which has heretofore surrounded this famous expedition .. full account of the exploration of the Bidera, Papua, Banda, Mindoro, Sooloo, and China Seas .. the inhabitants of the islands .. and a description of vast regions never before visited by civilized man.
10898: JANE, Fred T. - All the World's Fighting Ships.
6993: Japan. - [Ichikawake Hiden Kumadori zukan - ie Drawings of Kumadori Secrets of the Ichikawa Family].
10894: Communications - Japan. - Post. A handmade (draft? mock up?) picture book or sketches for paintings on telecommunication and post in Meiji Japan; with "Post" scrolled across what passes for the title page.
10814: Vietnam: anti war and underground American press in Japan. - A collection of newspapers and leaflets produced by or for the American military in Japan during the Vietnam war.
9898: Photography - Japan. - Portraits from photographs scrupulously hand painted to impersonate lithographs.
2397: JAQUET, Eugene & Alfred CHAPUIS. - Technique and History of the Swiss Watch from its beginnings ...
8729: JENKS, George C. & Carlyle MOORE. - Stop Thief!
8753: JENNINGS, J. Ellis. - Color-Vision and Color-Blindness. A practical manual for railroad surgeons.
8779: JEROME, Jerome K, - Three Men on Wheels.
8337: JEVONS, W. Stanley. - The Principles of Science: a treatise on logic and scientific method.
11068: Kurita Jiro. (illustrator). - [Shogaku Kagaku Ehon : Shokumotsu] .
11065: Kurita Jiro (illustrator). - [Shogaku Kagaku Ehon : Sato].
10952: Jonathan Swift, Katayama Heisaburo and Okube Tsunekichi. - [Garibarusu Shimameguri] and [Daijinkoku Ryoko : Nan'yo Hyoryu].
9412: JONES, Owen. - The Grammar of Ornament ... illustrated by examples ...
4379: JONES, Ernest. - Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis.
9566: JUNOR, Charles. - Dead Men's Tales.
9960: JUNOR, Charles. - Richard Brice, Adventurer.
10197: Hikifuda. Tsumura Juntendo. - [Chujo Yu - Herupu].
11202: Sada Kaiseki. - [Fukoku Ayumi Hajime].
10370: Sada Kaiseki. - [Fukoku Ayumi Hajime].
9672: Hashizume Kan'ichi. - [Sekai Shobai Orai - literally World Trade Traffic].
9653: Hashizume Kan'ichi. - [Zokuzoku Sekai Shobai Orai].
9638: Hashizume Kan'ichi. - [Zokuhen Sekai Shobai Orai].
9611: Hashizume Kan'ichi. - [Zokuzoku Sekai Shobai Orai].
9255: Hashizume Kan'ichi. - [Sekai Shobai Orai - literally World Trade Traffic].
9260: Hashizume Kan'ichi. - [Sekai Shobai Orai - literally World Trade Traffic].
9169: Hashizume Kan'ichi. - [Sekai Shobai Orai Hoi].
10895: Hashizume Kan'ichi. - [Rokudaishu Kuni Zukushi] Name of the Land on the Globe. VI. Daishiu Kuni Dzkushi [sic].
9996: Hashizume Kan'ichi. - [Dai Nihon Kunizukushi - Eiji Santai].
8519: Kanban. LEVY, Dana. - Kanban. Shop Signs of Japan.
9395: KANT, Immanuel. - Metaphysical Works of the celebrated Immanuel Kant, translated from the German, with a Sketch of his Life and Writings, by John Richardson ... Containing 1. Logic. 2. Prolegomena to Future Metaphysics. 3. Enquiry into the Proofs for the Existence of God, and into the Theodicy, now first published.
10323: Kant. WIRGMAN, Thomas. - A Complete and Permanent Science of Morals, Founded on Transcendental Philosopy. [or, drop title: Moral philosophy reduced to a complete and permanent science on the principles of transcendental philosophy, as contained in Kant's "Critic of Practical Reason."]
9824: Tsutsumi Kanzo. - [Manga sugoroku sekai haya nozoki].
10501: Fujimoto Katao. - [Jitsuyo Oryori Kondate Manga Sugoroku].
10909: Kawakita Renshichiro & Takei Katso. - [Kosei Kyoiku Taikei].
10493: Kabashima Katsuichi. - [Kasei Kuni Tanken Kyoso Sugoroku].
10633: KAUFFMAN, Reginald Wright. - Miss Frances Baird Detective - A Passage From Her Memoirs.
5902: KAUTSKY, Karl. - Die Klassengegensatze von 1789, zum hundertjahrigen gedenktag der grotzen revolution.
11176: Kawaraban. - [Kyoiku Sanko Mankoku Dobutsu Daikaikai Shu Miyagi?] + [Shu Miyagi Hisayoshi?].
11026: Kawaraban. - [Yoroppa Jin Zu].
10987: Kawaraban. - [Ryutsu Shin Kahei-i-tsuki Hayami].
10714: Uemura Rokuro & Yoshida Keisuke - [Etchusanshishukan].
10151: KELLY, Hugh. - The Romance of An Hour, a comedy of two acts, as it is performed, with universal applause, at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden.
11067: Yamashita Ken'ichi (illustrator). - [Shogaku Kagaku Ehon : Sekitan] .
11069: Yamashita Ken'ichi (illustrator). - [Shogaku Kagaku Ehon : Ie] .
11066: Yamashita Ken'ichi (illustrator). - [Shogaku Kagaku Ehon : Sekiyu] .
8649: KENDRICK, John B. - History of the Wallingford Disaster.
10889: Kon Wajiro & Yoshida Kenkichi. - [Moderunorojio - Kogengaku]. (Modernologio on the cover).
10905: Kon Wajiro & Yoshida Kenkichi. - [Kogengaku Saishu (Moderunorojio)].
5923: KENNEDY, William [ed]. - The Continental Annual, and Romantic Cabinet, for 1832. With illustrations by Samuel Prout.
10430: Niizeki Kennosuke (?) - [Boken Manga Takarajima Tanken Sugoroku].
8615: KESTEL, R.W.O. - Radiant Energy, a Working Power in the Mechanism of the Universe.
7989: [Johannes van den Bosch]. de KEVERBERG, [Charles Joseph], Baron. - De la Colonie de Frederiks-Oord, et des Moyns ... traduction d'un manuscript u General-Major van den Bosch ... avec une preface.
10954: Baitei Kinga. - [Enzetsuburi : Sokuseki Shinamono].
10764: Suzuki Kinjiro. - [Shinpen Meiji Dokufuden].
3511: KIPLING, Rudyard & Wolcott BALESTIER. - The Naulahka: a story of west and east.
11136: Dondontei Kiraku. - [Tantei Jittan : Inazuma Goto].
10681: KIRMESS, C.H. [i.e. Frank Fox?]. - The Australian Crisis.
10680: KIRMESS, C.H. [i.e. Frank Fox?]. - The Australian Crisis.
8739: KLEIN, Charles & Arthur HORNBLOW. - John Marsh's Millions.
10448: Kobayashi [Eijiro?] - [Daisokuryoku Sugoroku].
11076: Wax. Kitagumi & Co. Ltd. Kobe. - Manufacturers & Exporters of Japan Vegetable Wax ...
10926: Tobari Kogan. - [Sosaku Hanga to Hanga no Tsukurikata] How to Make Prints by Kogan Tohari : Drawn, blok-cut & printed by author [sic].
8664: KOHN, Ferdinand. - Iron and Steel Manufacture. ... iron and steel in the Paris Exhibition of 1867; ... the state and progress of the manufacture during ... 1867 & 1868 ... descriptions of many of the principal iron and steel works in Great Britain, the continent of Europe, and the United States.
11116: Izumi Kojiro. - [Wayo Kagu Hinagata].
10412: Kuriki Kojiro. - [Kyokun Manga Sugoroku].
10295: Kuriki Kojiro. - [Oshogatsu Asobi Sugoroku].
10780: Otake Kokkan. - [Shin'an Sei-Ro Senkyoku Sugoroku].
10419: Otake Kokkan. - [Shogaku Kyoka Sugoroku].
10837: Takeda Korai. - [Yamato Rasha Yokohama Bidan].
11114: Advertising ABC. Kryolith. - Kryolith Kids Alphabet.
9985: Baido Kunimasa [Utagawa Kunimasa IV]. - [Meiji Kiken Kagami].
11198: Exhibition - Tokyo 1881. Utagawa Kunitoshi. - [Dai Nikai Naikoku Kangyo Hakurankai].
10068: Specimen Tea Label. - Smile Extra Choicest Spring Leaf Japan Tea.
9433: Laboureur. TONNEAU-RYCKELYNCK, Dominique. - Jacque-Emile Laboureur.
10176: LAFITTE, J.P. [Jean Baptiste Pierre]. - The Red Doctor. Translated from the French ... by Huon d'Aramis.
10320: LANG, John. - Botany Bay.
8226: LANGLEY, Samuel Pierpont and Charles M. MANLY. - Langley Memoir on Mechanical Flight.
344: LARNER, E.T. - Practical Television with a foreword by John L. Baird.
9758: LAW, Frederick Houk. - The Heart of Sindhra. A novel.
8098: LAWRY, Rev. Walter. - Friendly and Feejee Islands: a missionary visit ... [with] A Second Missionary Visit to the Friendly and Feejee Islands ..
1541: LAWSON, Will. - Pacific Steamers.
9013: LEE, Henry. - The White Whale.
6996: LEFFINGWELL, Alsop. - The Mystery of Bar Harbor. A melo-dramatic romance of France and Mt. Desert.
8542: LEGRAND, Edy. - Voyages Glorieuses Decouvertes des Grands Navigateurs & Explorateurs Francais.
8561: LEIGH, Evan. - The Science of Modern Cotton Spinning: embracing mill architecture; machinery for cotton ginning, opening ... preparing and spinning, with all the latest improvements; also articles on steam and water power ... gearing and American system of belting compared ... boiler explosions, &c; ...
8730: LEWIS, Alfred Henry. - Confessions of a Detective.
10821: Catalogue - Lighting. - [Atokyubu : Tokyo Denki Kabushikigaisha].
9183: LINDEN, Annie. - Gold. A Dutch-Indian Story for English People.
11141: Hikifuda : NYK Line - [Fushikiminato-gawa Nokiwa Mito Han Uemon].
9974: LIPS, Julius E. - The Savage Hits Back or the White Man Through Native Eyes.
8731: LIVINGSTON, Robert R. - Essay on Sheep: their varieties - account of the Merinoes of Spain, France &c. Reflections on the best method of rearing them, and raising a flock in the United States; together with miscellaneous remarks on sheep and woollen manufactures.
7736: LOCKYER, Norman. - The Sun's Place in Nature.
6005: LOCKYER, J. Norman. - Contributions to Solar Physics.
10561: Catalogue - musical instruments. Beare & Son. London. - Beare & Son 1927 Nett Wholesale Export Catalogue.
8585: LOUDON, J.C. - An Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furniture; .. a new edition;
8750: LOUGHEED, Victor. - Vehicles of the Air. A popular exposition with working drawings.
8354: LUCAS, Dr T.P. [Thomas Pennington]. - Cries From Fiji and Sighings From the South Seas. 'Crush out the British Slave Trade' ... a review of the social, political, and religious relations of the Fijians .. policy of the English Government .. white settlers; the labour traffic.
8398: LYNCH, Lawrence L. [Emma Murdoch van Deventer?]. - The New Detective Story. The Diamond Coterie.
7356: LYNCH, Lawrence [E. Murdoch van Deventer]. - Against Odds. A detective story.
9555: MacDONALD, Rev. J. Middleton. - Thunderbolt. An Australian Story.
10683: MACKAY, Kenneth. - The Yellow Wave. A romance of the Asiatic invasion of Australia.
10682: MACKAY, Kenneth. - The Yellow Wave. A romance of the Asiatic invasion of Australia.
7466: [Catalogue - Fashion]. Maison du Petit Saint-Thomas, Paris. - Maison du Petit St Thomas. Saison d'Hiver 1879 - 1880.
8651: MAKOWER, Walter. - The Radioactive Substances, their properties and behaviour.
11122: MALTHUS, T.R. - An Essay on the Principle of Population; ... The Fourth Edition.
10481: City Planning. Xinjing or Shinkyo (Changchun) - Manchukuo. - [Kokuto Shinkyo Kensetsu no Zenbo].
10840: Pesticide manga. - [Fumakilla Manga].
11154: Manga. - [Jinsei Mangacho].
8117: John Edye Manning. - Copies or Extracts of Correspondence relative to the Default of Mr. Manning, late Registrar of the Supreme Court of New South Wales; ..
9229: MANSON, Marsden. - The Yellow Peril in Action. A possible chapter in history.
6999: MARCHMONT, A.W. - Parson Thring's Secret.
10239: Advertising - Lotus Margarine. - Lotus Margarine. Fine de Table. Recettes de Cuisine.
8366: MARKHAM, Clements R. - Peruvian Bark. A popular account of the introduction of Chinchona cultivation into British India. 1860-1880.
10717: Advertising & trade marks. - A Japanese album of labels, trade marks, etc.
9394: MARSH, Richard. - Mrs. Musgrave and Her Husband.
8420: MARSH, Richard. - The Datchet Diamonds.
8377: MARSHALL, Alfred. - Principles of Economics. Vol I. [all published].
7605: MARTIN, John. - An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, in the South Pacific Ocean. With an original grammar and vocabulary of their language, compiled and arranged from the extensive communications of Mr. William Mariner.
10836: Fukutani Masakichi. - [Shinsen Saiho no Shiori].
10958: Kuroda Masanori. - [Tojiki Isho Hyohon].
10953: Feminist Sugoroku. Maeda Masujiro. - [Onna Tenko Sugoroku].
9011: MAUNDER, E. Walter. - The Indian Eclipse 1898. Report of the expeditions organized by the British Astronomical Association to observe the solar eclipse of 1898, January 22.
8268: MAUNSELL, R. - Grammar of the New Zealand Language. Second edition.
9592: MAUPAS, Ch. [Charles]. & William Aufeild. - A French Grammar and Syntaxe, Contayning most Exact and certaine Rules ... of the French Language. Translated into English, with many Additions and Explications, peculiarly usefull to us English ... by W.A.
7206: McCULLOCH, J.R. - The Principles of Political Economy: with a sketch of the rise and progress of the science.
7362: McCUTCHEON, George Barr. - Anderson Crow Detective.
11130: McIVER, G. [George]. - Neuroomia: A New Continent. A manuscript delivered from the deep.
10181: Catalogue - beds. A.F. Melendes. - Album No. 5 1923. Lits Fer & Cuivre & Cuivre.
10098: Hikifuda Menu. - [Banzai Binran].
2781: MEREDITH, George. - The Tale of Chloe - The House on the Beach - The Case of General Ople and Lady Camper.
8609: [CAMERON, John?]. Wulla Merrii. - The Fire Stick: Incidents in the shearer's strike. A tale of bush life.
11146: Advertising sugoroku. Metabolin. - [Manguwa Shin Heiki Hatsumei Sugoroku].
10447: Metrication. - [Toitsu Sa Reta Metoru-ho].
10115: Muneaki Mihara. - [Jizai Kyoikuho Kuzai]. The Teaching by Pictures the Way of Impraving Freely am Easely the Natural Constitution of Man [sic].
11011: Mill, John Stuart and Nakamura Masanao. - [Jiyu no Ri or Jiyuno Kotowari depending on the transcriber]. On Liberty.
10876: Mill, John Stuart and Nakamura Masanao. - [Jiyu no Ri or Jiyuno Kotowari depending on the transcriber]. On Liberty.
11107: MILL, James. - Elements of Political Economy. Second edition, revised and corrected.
11160: Coal mine. - [Tanko].
11037: Kosugi Misai. - [Boken Soyu Sugoroku].
8589: MITCHELL, J.A. - The Last American. A fragment from the journal of Khan-Li, Prince of Dimph-yoo-chur and Admiral in the Persian Navy.
9598: MITFORD, C. Guise. - The Paxton Plot.
7481: [Caravaggio]. MOIR, Alfred. - Caravaggio and His Copyists.
10619: MOLLOY, J. Fitzgerald. - How Came He Dead?
9045: MOORE-BENTLEY, Mrs M.A. - An Original Hypothesis of the Origin of Life.
6448: [Tiepolo]. MORASSI, Antonio. - A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings of G.B. Tiepolo, including pictures by his pupils and followers wrongly attributed to him.
8244: MORESBY, John. - Discoveries & Surveys in New Guinea and the d'Entrecasteaux Islands. A cruise in Polynesia and visits to the pearl-shelling stations in Torres Straits ...
7512: MOSELEY, Sydney A. & H.J. Barton CHAPPLE. - Television To-Day and To-Morrow with a foreword by John L. Baird.
10722: MOSER, Inspector Maurice ... late of Scotland Yard. - The Modern Detective; or Shadows & Shadowland & the Crime Investigator. Vol. 1., No. 1. [all published?].
10870: Kimoto Motoo. - [Shin'an Meiji Fujin Sugoroku].
8237: MULLER, John. - Elements of Mathematics ... to which is prefixed, The first principles of algebra ... the third edition improved: with an addition of a New Treatise on Perspective.
952: MUNRO, H.H. ("Saki"). - Beasts and Super-Beasts.
8776: MUNRO, Hector H. (Saki). - The Westminster Alice. Illustrated by F. Carruthers Gould.
9768: MURPHY, G. [George] Read. - Beyond the Ice. Being a story of the newly discovered region round the north pole. Edited from Dr. Frank Farleigh's diary.
11061: MURRAY, Lindley. - [Igirisu Shobunten] Abridgment of Murray's English Grammar.
11070: Lindley Murray. - [Eigo Kaitei] An English Spelling-Book, with reading lessons, for beginners at the school Kaiseidzio in Yedo. First edition.
10520: Blackbirding. James Patrick Murray. - Brig "Carl" - James Patrick Murray. (correspondence, &c, as to admission of Murray as an approver.)
11190: Nagasaki. - [Nagasaki no zu].
10833: Nakamura Fusetsu, Takahama Kyoshi, Kawahigashi Hekigodo & Natsume Soseki. - [Fusetsu Haiga].
10804: Hikifuda. Nakayama. - Club Washing Powder ... highly perfumed by violet essence, white rose, musk and Jockey Club Essence ...
9920: Nakazawa Hiromitsu, Kobayashi Shokichi & Okano Sakae. - [Toyo Mirai Sugoroku].
10693: Nakazawa Hiromitsu, Kobayashi Shokichi & Okano Sakae. - [Toyo Mirai Sugoroku].
11143: Kanai Naozo. - [Undokai].
8687: NAPIER, David. - David Napier Engineer 1790 - 1869. An autobiographical sketch with notes.
6210: New Australia. GRAHAME, Stewart. - Where Socialism Failed. An actual experiment.
9345: NEWCOMB, Josiah Turner. - A Fight for a Throne.
8702: NEWKIRK, Newton. - Stealthy Steve, The Six-Eyed Sleuth. His Quest of the Big Blue Diamond. A Satirical Detective Story.
6412: NICHOLSON, Charles A. & Hubert C. CORLETTE. - Modern Church Building.
10281: Cassandre. Catalogue - wine. Establissements Nicolas. - Liste des Grands Vins Fins 1936.
9116: NISBET, Hume. - The Land of the Hibiscus Blossom; a yarn of the Papuan Gulf.
7949: NISBET, Hume. - A Dream of Freedom, romance of South America.
10687: Pesticide posters. Nihon Nohyaku. - Set of five posters advertising pesticides from the company, Nihon Nohyaku.
6754: NOLAN, James. - Satellite Evolution. The evident scope of tidal friction, the meaning of Saturn's rings.
8559: NORITANE, Ninagawa. - [Kanko Zusetsu]. Kwan Ko Dzu Setsu. Notice historique et descriptive sur les arts et industries Japonais ... art ceramique.
9015: Noshigami. - A sample book of Noshigami - special paper for gifts - from the Kadoya Dyeing Workshop, Tokyo.
10777: OHNET, Georges. [Georges Henot]. - The Poison Dealer.
1405: Oil. - Petroleum. (Correspondence, &c., Respecting Existence of, in New South Wales.)
9675: OKAMOTO, K.S. [Konseki]. - Ancient and Modern Various Usages of Tokio Japan. .
11029: OLIPHANT, Mrs. [Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant]. - A Beleaguered City being a narrative of certain recent events in the city of Semur, in the Department of the Haute Bourgogne. A story of the seen and the unseen.
9822: Takeo Takei & others - [Kansatsu ehon - Kinda bukku - boku kei].
11090: Ikebe Hitoshi & others. - [Okunijiman Meibutsu Odori Omoshiro Sugoroku].
10271: Otsuki Gentaku, Shimura Hiroyuki &c. - [Kankai Ibun].
9539: Dokufu. Hanai Oume? - Set of proof wood engraved illustrations for a Japanese serial story.
9393: OUTCAULT, R.F. [Richard Felton]. - Buster Brown's Antics.
7234: PAIN, Barry. - Playthings and Parodies.
9545: Paper Toy. John Sands, Sydney. - The Spanish Galleon.
8328: Catalogue - Fashion. Ribby. Paris. - Ribby 1923 - 1924.
7461: [Catalogue - Fashion]. Grands Magasins du Printemps. Paris. - Saison d'Ete 1870. Grands Magasins du Printemps. Exposition Publique et Grande Mise en Vente des plus belle nouveautes de la saison. Catalogue des articles les plus remarquables .. 1870.
7791: PARSONS, J. Herbert. - An Introduction to Colour Vision.
7781: PARTINGTON, J.R. - A History of Greek Fire and Gunpowder.
9234: Photograph - Hunting party. - A photograph of a group of colonial hunters.
9333: Palace of Peace. - International Competition of the Carnegie Foundation. The Palace of Peace at The Hague. The 6 premiated and 40 other designs chosen by the society of architecture ...
8740: PEMBERTON, Max. - Doctor Xavier.
2571: PERCIER, C. & P.F.L. FONTAINE. - Recueil de Decorations Interieures, comprenant tout ce qui a rapport a l'ameublement.
8442: Peters. LONG, W. Arnold. - Bobbie Peters A Chosen Vessel. A story of a deformed half-caste aboriginal native worker, who was made meet for the master's use.
7101: [Werkbund]. PFLEIDERER, Wolfgang [ed]. - Die Form Ohne Ornament. Werkbundausstellung 1924.
8607: PHILIPS, F.C - A Question of Color.
10626: Photograph. - [Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun : Honjo fukagawa hanbai-kyoku : Urahobunsha].
7965: PIDGIN, Charles Felton. - The Chronicles of Quincy Adams Sawyer, Detective.
2416: PIGGOTT, Sir Francis. - Studies in the Decorative Art of Japan.
9294: PLANAS, D. Eusebio. - Historia de Una Mujer.
10329: PLEASONTON, Gen. A.J. - The Influence of the Blue Ray of the Sunlight and of the Blue Color of the Sky, in developing animal and vegetable life, in arresting disease, and in restoring health ...
10240: PLOYER, Otokar. - Views, elevations and plans for the Remislavsky-Stome villa and studio in Prague, along with drawings and plans for a 'California Weekender'.
8973: POPE, James H. - Health for the Maori: a manual for use in native schools. [with] Te Ora Mo te Maori: he pukapuka mo nga kura Maori.
10933: Borraginol poster. - [Borraginal : Dji Ji Ni].
10845: Tobacco poster. - Old Gold Cut Plug.
10783: Smoca Toothpowder Poster. - [Tabako Nomi no Hamigaki Sumoka].
10782: Smoca Toothpowder Poster. - [Tabako Nomi no Hamigaki Sumoka].
10771: Poster. - [Riken Chakku].
11087: Fire safety poster. - [Hinoyojin].
11088: Fire safety poster. - [Kasai Yobo De : Hinoyojin].
10624: Poster. - [Osaka Yuryo Senshoku Mihonichi].
10577: Poster. - [Kani Kansanki?]
10494: Fire Safety Poster. - [Hifuse - Chichibu Shobogume].
10202: Teruha toiletry poster. - [Hakuresui or Hakureisui]. A shop poster for Hakuresui toiletry to whiten the skin and remove blemishes.
10005: Fire Safety Poster. - [Hifuse - Chichibu Shobogume].
11117: School posters. - [Shiseizu - Kyoshitsu Jobi-yo].
10886: Posters. - [Shogyo Bijutsuten Posuta Shusei].
8771: POTTER, Beatrix [Not by]. - Peter Rabbit and His Pa.
3535: POUCHET, Georges. - The Plurality of the Human Race: translated and edited ... by Hugh J.C. Beavan.
6067: POUND, Ezra. - Exultations.
8849: PRADT, M. De . [Dominique Georges Frederic]. - Les Trois Ages des Colonies, ou de leur etat passe, present et a venir.
9568: PRATT, Ambrose. - The Counterstroke.
9567: PRATT, Ambrose. - Vigorous Daunt: Billionaire.
9130: PRATT, Ambrose. - The Living Mummy.
8714: PRIDEAUX, T. Syme. - Dishonesty Exposed. Report on Experiments Made on Board H.M.S. 'Imperieuse' in June 1856, with Prideaux's Self-Closing Furnace-Valve-Door, and the Common Door.
8666: PRIP-MOLLER, J. - Chinese Buddhist Monasteries. Their plan and its function as a setting for Buddhist monastic life. [with] Kina For Og Nu.
8148: PRITCHETT, R.T. - Smokiana, Historical & Ethnographical.
8597: PROCTOR, Richard A. - Chance and Luck: a discussion of the laws of luck, coincidences, wagers, lotteries, and the fallacies of gambling; with notes on poker and martingales.
10322: Public health, quarantine & sanitation. - A collection of sixteen reports on vaccination, quarantine, disease and sanitation in Sydney.
7815: [Catalogue - Cast-Iron Hollow Ware]. E. Pugh & Co., Wednesbury. - [Illustrated Price List of Cast-Iron Hollow-Ware - E. Pugh & Co.].
10781: Puppets. - [Seiyo Ayatsuri Ningyo].
10850: PUTTICK, A.A. [Athol Alfred?]. - Television. A simple story which provides a peep into the treasure trove of Television. [cover title: Television Without Tears].
10229: Russian ship. Putyatin. - A Bunkindo woodcut of a supposedly Russian ship.
10726: Asian labour in Queensland. - Eleven parliamentary papers relating to the introduction of Chinese or 'Coolie' labourers from India: Asiatic Labour ... 1861; [with] Asiatic Labour (Despatches relative to.) ... 1861; [with] Coolie Immigration (petition in favor of.) ... 1861; [with] Chinese and Coolie Immigration ... Petition ... 1862; [with] Coolie Immigration. (Petition.) ... 1874 [with] Immigration of Chinese and Indian Coolies ... 1875; [with] Coolie Immigration. (Petition.) ... 1882. [with] Labourers From British India. (Further Correspondence ...) 1883; [with] Correspondence respecting Proposed Introduction of Labourers from British India ... 1884; [with] Labourers from British India (Further correspondence ...) ... 1884; [with] Labourers From British India. (Further Correspondence ...) 1884. [with] Labourers From British India. (Further Correspondence ...) 1885.
10721: Asian labour in Queensland. - Seven parliamentary papers relating to the introduction of Chinese or 'Coolie' labourers from India: Asiatic Labour ... 1861; [with] Asiatic Labour (Despatches relative to.) ... 1861; [with] Coolie Immigration (petition in favor of.) ... 1861; [with] Chinese and Coolie Immigration ... Petition ... 1862; [with] Immigration of Chinese and Indian Coolies ... 1875; [with] Correspondence respecting Proposed Introduction of Labourers from British India ... 1884; [with] Labourers from British India (Further correspondence ...) ... 1884.
10002: London - Melbourne Air Race. - Nederlands Succes. Melbourne Race.
9599: RADCLIFFE, Ann. - The Italian, or, The Confessional of the Black Penitents. A romance.
10906: Kitazawa Rakuten. - [Rakuten Zenshu]. 1-3, 5-7, 9 [all published].
10394: John Ramage. - The Torture Book.
10824: Ready reckoner. - [Koku Soba Hayami?].
9092: REISNER, G.A. [George Andrew]. - Models of Ships and Boats.
10751: Patent remedies. - A gathering of 19th century handbills or descriptive and instructive leaflets or wrappers for various patent, herbal or quack medicines.
9278: Advertising. Hudson's Household Removals. - Hudson's Household Removals. Fire Proof Depositories.
3455: Reynolds. NORTHCOTE, James. - Memoirs of Joshua Reynolds, .. comprising original anecdotes .. a brief analysis of his discourses .. to which are added varieties on art.
10551: Urine. Carlo Magnani-Riccoti. - Il Sindaco della Citta di Novara - Manifesto.
9162: Richard Burton. PENZLER, Norman M. - An Annotated Bibliography of Sir Richard Francis Burton.
2854: RIDDELL, Robert. - The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder and Hand-Railer.
9106: RINEHART, Mary Roberts. - The Window at the White Cat.
3516: RINEHART, Mary Roberts. - The Circular Staircase.
10749: Risho. - [Hanabi Hiden-shu].
10537: Fujiwara Ritsuta. - [Sorakai Seifuku Sugoroku].
8099: ROBERTS, Helen H. - Ancient Hawaiian Music.
10206: ROBERTS, Morley. - The Adventure of the Broad Arrow. An Australian romance.
9569: ROBERTSON, Andrew. - The Kidnapped Squatter and other Australian stories.
9572: ROCK, Gilbert. [ie John Alexander Barr]. - Colonists. Illustrating goldfields and city life in Australia between 1851 and 1870.
10996: ROCK, Gilbert. [ie John Alexander Barr]. - Colonists. Illustrating goldfields and city life in Australia between 1851 and 1870.
9262: RODGERS, H.J. - Twenty-Three Years Under a Sky-light, or Life and Experiences of a Photographer.
8786: ROLLINS Jr., William. - Midnight Treasure.
7870: ROS, Amanda M. - Fumes of Formation.
9928: ROSENKRANTZ, Baron Palle. - The Magistrate's Own Case.
8406: de Rougemont, Louis. [Henri Grien]. - The Adventures of Louis de Rougemont as told by himself.
6372: RUTHERFORD, E. - Radio-Activity.
10275: Sagane Ryokichi. - [Genshi Bakudan (ie: Atomic Bomb)].
11118: Gyokaen Karyu & Saikaen Ryuko. - [Doho no Ketto].
10896: Sugoroku. Kawabata Ryushi. - [Shonen Undo Sugoroku].
10734: Kawabata Ryushi. - [Boken Shosetsu Sugoroku].
10694: Kawabata Ryushi. - [Shonen Gunkan Sugoroku].
10318: Kawabata Ryushi - [Nijuyon Toki Katei].
11195: Sugoroku. Kawabata Ryushi. - [Shonen Mirai Ryoko Sugoroku].
10990: Kimishima Ryuzo. - [Hanakotoba Sugoroku].
10075: Ota Saburo. - Asagiri.
10789: Uryu Masakazu & Hashimoto Sadahide - [Seiyo Shinsho].
11125: Inoue Kohe & Hasegawa Sadanobu (artist). - Seiyowuyebiki setuyowusiyu [Seiyo Ebiki Setsuyoshu].
10982: Okano Sakae - [Shonen Hiko Sugoroku].
10994: Okano Sakae - [Shonen Hiko Sugoroku].
10785: Shogakusei Zenshu. Okano Sakae [cover design]. - [Sanjutsu no Hanashi].
5357: SAMAROW, Gregor. [ie Oskar Meding]. - For Sceptre and Crown. A romance of the present time. Translated from the German ..
10866: SAMUELS, Lieut. Edmond. - An Illustrated Diary of Australian Internment Camps. By an Australian officer of the guard.
10294: Yoshimoto Sanpei. - [Isoppu Sugoroku].
9959: Wada Sanzo. - Wood Block Hand Prints - Japanese Life and Customs - A set of six pictures by Sanzo Wada. [aka , Showa Occupations or Japanese Vocations in Pictures].
11033: Wada Sanzo. - [Shikimei Sokan (Zoteiban)].
10461: Poster. Sasao (?). - [... Daitoasenso Kansui Yokusan Senkyo].
9540: SAVILE, Frank. - Beyond the Great South Wall - being some surprising details of the voyage of the S.Y. Racoon.
10516: Takeuchi Keishu & Iwaya Sazanami. - [Shin'an keiba Yugi].
8203: SCHIMMELPENNINCK, Mary Anne. - Theory on the Classification of Beauty and Deformity, and their correspondence with physiognomic expression, exemplified in various works of art, and natural objects ...
10440: SCOTT, G. Firth. - The Last Lemurian. A Westralian romance.
1007: SCOTT, H.H. - A Monograph of Nototherium Tasmanicum.
10450: Akashi Seiichi. - [Fujin Nama Hi Tate Sugoroku].
10337: Akashi Seiichi. - [Kodakara Sugoroku].
11156: Hosokibara Seiki. - [Hatsuyume Sugoroku].
10498: Hosokibara Seiki. - [Kaimono Awase].
10413: Nakamura Susumu [&] Hosokibara Seiki - [Shin'an Supotsu Sugoroku [&] Unmei Unsei Dokusen-ban].
10730: Yanase Masamu & Fujimori Seikichi. - [Okami e! (Waga Rodo)].
10903: Goto Seikichiro. - [Washi to Urushi].
11127: Hikifuda. Iwasaki Seishichi - Japanuese Sauce Manufactured by S. Iwasaki City - Fujioka, County - Shimotsuga, Province - Shimotsuke Japan [sic].
10012: SELBORNE, John. - The Thousand Secrets.
10784: Shogakusei Zenshu. Maekawa Senpan. - [Hikoku no Hanashi - Sensuikan no Hanashi].
11043: Gomeiro Tamasuke & Ito Senzo - [Kaimeikidan Shashinnoadauchi].
8587: SERVISS, Garrett P. - A Columbus of Space.
2258: SETH, Andrew [later Seth Pringle-Pattison]. - The Development from Kant to Hegel with chapters on the philosophy of religion.
7970: SEVERY, Melvin L. - The Darrow Enigma.
8094: SHAW, Simeon. - The Chemistry of the Several Natural and Artificial Heterogeneous Compounds, Used in Manufacturing Porcelain, Glass, and Pottery.
7567: SHAW, Eyre M. - Fire Protection. A complete manual of the organization, machinery, discipline, and general working, of the fire brigade of London.
8698: SHIEL, MP. - The Rajah's Sapphire.
8343: SHIEL, M.P. - The Dragon.
11040: Shikoku & Wakayama. Nakamura Kisen, Inoue Seiji & Yokoyama Kei. - [Manga Ryoko - Nihonzenzu ... ].
9762: Ship's newspaper. - The Sorata Scorcher Vol. 1 No. 2. October 10(?) 1883.
11041: Shipping. - More Than Twenty Knots - MS Canberra Maru - MS Tokyo Maru - New freighters on the Japan Australian service of O.S.K. Line.
11200: Perry and the black ships. - [Shinhan Otuse-bushi].
11092: Kimono design. Shirokiyagofukuten? - [Ashide Oyo Moyo?].
11174: Maruo Shiyo. - [Mei Tantei Komyo Kurabe Sugoroku].
10711: Maruo Shiyo. - [Mei Tantei Komyo Kurabe Sugoroku].
11183: Shochikuza. - Shochikuza News.
9826: Yukawa Shodo. - War Nurse from the series [Kinko Fuzoku Hyaku Bijin - 100 Beauties Past and Present].
10760: Hikifuda. Shoes. - [Hakimono Hanao-sho .... Omura Kazumasa].
10834: Magic. Kitensai Shoichi - [Kakkoku Hatsumei : Fushigi No Den].
10803: Catalogue - printed photograph mounts. Asanuma Shokai. - [Shashin Daishi Teika-hyo].
10822: Catalogue - bicycles. Nishiura Shoten. - [Nishiura Shoho].
10112: Hikifuda. Benkyo Shoten? - [Wayo Zakka Keorimono-rui]. Hikifuda - or handbill - for a sale of Japanese and western wool textiles.
11075: Nakano Shuji. - [Kao?] [Doke Asobi Sugoroku].
10897: Kyokaen Shujin (?) - [On'na Kaizoku Ryujin Otora]
11048: Nakajima Shunko. - [Kokon Hiden Tsukiyama Teizoho].
10939: Yanagawa Shunsan. - [Seiyo Tokei Benran].
9772: Yanagawa Shunsan. - [Seiyo Tokei Benran].
6838: SIEMENS, C. William. - On the Conservation of Solar Energy. A collection of papers and discussions.
9944: Kyoto Silk. - A collection of 48 and a half large sample books of Kyoto silk from the twenties and thirties.
4654: SIMMONDS, P.L. [Peter Lund]. - The Animal Food Resources of the Different Nations, with mention of some of the special dainties of various people ...
10690: Simon, Jaakow. - Lastträger Bin Ich.
9782: SLADEN, Douglas. - Fair Inez. A romance of Australia.
9759: SLADEN, Douglas. - Fair Inez. A romance of Australia.
9856: Slavery. [Gilbert Francklyn?]. - A Very New Pamphlet Indeed! Being the Truth addressed to the people at large. Containing some strictures on the English Jacobins ... respecting the Slave Trade.
10998: SLEE, Richard & Cornelia Atwood PRATT. - Dr. Berkeley's Discovery.
8417: SMEATON, Oliphant. - A Mystery of the Pacific.
9228: SMITH, James & John Wren SUTTON. - The Secret of the Sphinx or, the Ring of Moses.
7532: [Exhibition - Melbourne 1888-9]. SMITH, R. Burdett. - Report by ... Executive Commissioner for the Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1889; with appendices and views of the New South Wales Court.
11111: SMITH, Thomas. - Essay on the Theory of Money & Exchange.
3400: SMYTHE, F.S. - Climbs and Ski Runs. Mountaineering and Ski-ing in the Alps, Great Britain and Corsica.
10538: Soap. - [Bikatsu Sekken].
6366: SODDY, Fredk [Frederick]. - Radio-Activity: an elementary treatise, from the standpoint of the disintegration theory.
10779: Hanai Oume. Shuyotei Sofu. - [Hanai Oume Suigetsu Kibun].
11110: Hanai Oume. Shuyotei Sofu. - [Hanai Oume Suigetsu Kibun].
9716: Wattle wedding souvenir. - Souvenir in Commemoration of the Marriage Between Captain Leonard G. Sewell ... and Miss Elsa Faning at Christ Church, Lancastergate, January 5th 1918.
9133: SPARROW, Walter Shaw. - Our Homes and How to Make the Best of Them.
9744: SPENCE, Percy Frederick Seaton. - Two ink drawings: native police and apparent new chums with a settler.
5437: SPURZHEIM, J.G. - A View of the Elementary Principles of Education, founded on the study of the nature of man.
4539: STEPHENS, James. - Insurrections.
7705: STEUART, Sir Henry. - The Planter's Guide; or a practical essay on the best method giving immediate effect to wood, by the removal of large trees and underwood;
8777: STEVENSON, Burton E. - The Marathon Mystery. A story of Manhattan.
8595: STEVENSON, Robert Louis. - A Footnote to History, eight years of trouble in Samoa.
8411: STILES, Henry Reed. - Bundling: its Origin, Progress and Decline in America.
7441: STOCKTON, Frank R. - A Bicycle of Cathay.
5897: SUASSO, Antonio [i.e. Antonio Lopez Suasso Diaz de Fonseca]. - The Theory of Infantry Movements.
8824: SUE, Eugene. - Paula Monti: or, The Hotel Lambert.
9012: SUGDEN, Alan Victor & John Ludlam EDMONDSON. - A History of English Wallpaper 1509 - 1914.
10315: Sugiura Hisui, Takeo Takei, Takeshi Kimata &c. - [Wagako no Rekishi].
11032: Wakamoto sugoroku. - [Wakamoto - Manga Kenko Sugoroku].
11036: Sugoroku. - [Sugoruku Oyo Otogi Ebanashi 'Ganjitsu no Asa'].
10826: Insurance sugoroku. - [Seimei Hoken Sugoroku].
10790: Fire sugoroku. - [Hifuse Senden Kotobuki Goroku].
11144: Sugoroku. - [Shinpan Dobutsu Ponchi Sugoroku].
10646: Hikifuda & Sugoroku. - [Nichiro Kinen Sugoroku].
10594: Sugoroku. - [Diasan Sugoroku].
10539: Sugoroku. - [Saiken Sugoroku].
10355: Sugoroku. - [Katei Kyoiku Sekai Isshu Sugoroku].
10353: Advertising sugoroku. - [Katata Shobai Hanjo Sugoroku].
10347: Advertising Sugoroku. - Sugoroku issued by the Osaka Mainichi newspaper Sunday supplement
10338: Sugoroku. - [Kodomo Norimono Sugoroku].
10325: Sugoroku. - [Yumei Shoten Annai u Kure-Roku].
10267: Advertising Sugoroku. - [Shobai Hanei Sugoroku].
10944: Kawakami Sumio. - [Kogei no.96].
10888: Itagaki Takao & Horiguchi Sutemi [editors]. - [Kenchiku Yoshiki Ronso].
10943: Catalogue - books. Aoki Suzando. - [Naigai Shoseki Shuppan Hatsuda Mokuroku]
8467: SWEDENBORG, Emanuel. - The True Christian Religion; containing the universal theology of the new church.
3520: SWIFT, Emerson H. - Roman Sources of Christian Art.
9967: SWIFT, Benjamin [ie William Romaine Paterson]. - The Tormentor.
7440: SWINBURNE, Algernon Charles. - Ode on the Proclamation of the French Republic. September 4th, 1870.
10750: SWINBURNE, Alfred James. - [Tsuzoku Ronridan]. [Cover title: The Grave Made Gay].
8312: Sydney. - Rates assessment ledger for the ward of Bourke in Sydney 1863.
10560: Hayashi Tadaishi. - [Sekai Haya Mawari Hiko Kyoso Sugoroku].
11185: Hayashi Taidichi. - [Shonen Mirai Sugoroku].
11019: Shimizu Taigakubo. - [Denki Kyoiku Sugoroku].
10595: Yodogawa Taisuke. - [Suwae Kokorozashi Iku?].
10429: Yamada Takanori. - [Shonen Yakyu Sugoroku].
10739: Itagaki Takao. - [Geijutsukai no Kicho to Jicho].
10664: Itagaki Takao. - [Atarashiki Geijutsu no Kakutoku].
10290: Minamimura Takashi. - [Robotto Kaiju - Saibogu Kaiju]. Original illustration for the magazine Shonen.
10276: Minamimura Takashi. - Original illustration for a double page spread in Shonen magazine.
10258: Minamimura Takashi. - [Jido Taiho-ki]. Original illustration for a double page spread in Shonen magazine.
10485: Inoue Takeo. - [Kodomo Katsudo Shashin Sugoroku].
9602: Abe Tameto. - [Eigaku Shokei : Nanatsu Iroha].
9323: Hayashi Tamiji. - [Kibutsu Zushiki - Vessel Patterns (more or less)].
8588: TAYLOR, William Alexander. - Intermere.
11064: Paper toy - teeth. - A cut out and assemble anatomy model.
9597: Kate Temple? - The Fair Mystery. By the author of "Strangely Parted," &c., &c.
6096: TERESHKOVA, Valentina. - Speech .. at the World Congress of Women.
9645: Japanese textiles. - Sample book of textiles titled Tozakire Honcho ['album of textiles we have handled' - more or less] and dated March Taisho 4 [1915].
8073: Textiles. - [Shokumon Zue - Miyuki].
10893: Japanese textiles. - Sample book of woven ribbed silk and brocades for decoration and furnishing.
10766: Japanese textiles. - A gathering of 15 original designs for textile designs.
7972: THANET, Octave [ie Alice French]. - The Lion's Share.
9760: THOMAS, Edward A. - At Swords' Point. A novel.
6622: THOMAS, John Jones. - Britannia Antiquissima: or, a key to the philology of history (sacred and profane).
7854: THOMPSON, Sir H. - Modern Cremation. Its history and practice .. recently improved arrangements made by the Cremation Society of England. Second edition revised and greatly enlarged.
8686: THOMSON, James. - Collected Papers in Physics and Engineering. Selected and arranged with unpublished material and brief annotations by Sir Joseph Larmor ...
8566: THOMSON, Sir William, Baron Kelvin. - Mathematical and Physical Papers. Collected from various scientific periodicals from May, 1841, to the present time.
11123: THORNTON, Henry. - Recherches sur la Nature et les Effets du Credit du Papier dans La Grande-Bretagne.
8141: Tobacco. - Tobacco Whiffs for the Smoking Carriage.
10209: Tobacco. - Three price and retailers lists of cigars, cigarettes and tobacco and a manual of rules and regulations from the Imperial Japanese Government Monopoly.
8624: Tokyo. - The Outline of the Reconstruction Work in Tokyo & Yokohama.
10823: Tokyo. - [Tokyo Meisho Manseibashi Hirose Chuza Dozo?].
10808: Exhibition - Tokyo - [Tokyo Hakurankai Dai Ichi Kaijo Dai Ni Kaijo Bayoru No Bikan].
10507: Tokyo. - [Kaisei Tokyo Zenzu].
10259: Catalogue - Photo albums. Seiundo Co. Tokyo. - Catalogue of Album.
7062: [Bosch]. DE TOLNAY, Charles. - Hieronymus Bosch.
10146: Murayama Tomoyoshi. - [Puroretaria Eiga Nyumon].
10039: Shogakusei Zenshu. Murayama Tomoyoshi. - [Ongaku no Hanashi to Syokashu].
8802: TOOLEY, R.V. - The Mapping of Australia and Antarctica. Second revised edition.
10957: War artists; Sino-Japanese war. Mizuno Toshikata. - [Dainipponteikoku banbanzai : Seikan Shugeki Wa-gun Taisho Nozu?].
5144: TOTTEN, George Oakley. - Maya Architecture.
9807: Chung Teong Toy. - Ah Toy v. Musgrove. A copy of the report of the arguments and judgment in the case of Ah Toy v. Musgrove - Supreme Court of Victoria.
11173: Tokiwa Toyoko. - [Kiken na Dokubana (sometimes transliterated as Kiken na Adabana)].
10938: Paper. Toyosha? - [Shin Hatsumei Keibenshi].
10786: Paper toys. - A gathering of eleven Taisho period cheap and flimsy paper games and booklets.
8735: TRACY, Louis. - A Son of the Immortals.
7383: TRAIN, Arthur. - McAllister and his Double.
7382: TRAIN, Arthur. - True Stories of Crime, from the District Attorney's Office.
10818: Trams (streetcars). - [Otogi Ehon : Densha-Dzukushi].
8070: TRELOAR, W.P. - The Prince of Palms.
8341: TROLLOPE, Anthony. - Barchester Towers.
11028: Shimizuya Tsunejiro (publisher). - [Wayo Shitai Iroha].
10754: Sino-Japanese War. Fushuken Tsuneshige? - [Teikoku Kantai Toshima ni Shina-kan o Yabu Ru].
9331: TUCKER, Horace. - The New Arcadia. An Australian story.
8391: TUCKER, John Owen. - The Mute; a Poem of Victoria. And other poems.
6017: TUKE, Daniel Hack. - Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British Isles.
9927: TURNER, George Frederic. - The Toad and the Amazon.
9074: Rochester University. - Grand Exhibition of Rochester University Pet Animals, at Corinthian Hall, Friday Evening, December 4 1868.
10795: Shimizu Usaburo. - [Seiyo Hanabi No Ho].
9656: Ogawa Usen [also known as Soju Usen]. - [Soju Manga].
8856: VANCE, Louis Joseph. - The Bandbox.
8536: VANDAM, Albert D. - The Mystery of the Patrician Club.
10884: VERNE, Jules and Inoue Tsutomu. - [Gakujutsu myoyo : Zobutsusha kyogaku shiken].
7435: VERNEUIL, M.P. - Etude de la Plante. Son application aux industries d'art .. pochoir, papier peint etoffes, ceramique ..
8759: VESCELIUS-SHELDON, Louise. - An I.D.B. in South Africa.
10978: VILLER, Frederick. [Christian Sparre?]. - The Black Tortoise : being the strange story of old Frick's Diamond.
8355: Imaginary Voyage. - The History of Bullanabee and Clinkataboo, Two Recently Discovered Islands in the Pacific.
8215: WAINEWRIGHT, Jer. [Jeremiah]. - A Mechanical Account of the Non-Naturals: Being a brief explication of the changes made in humane bodies, by Air, Diet, &c. Together with an enquiry into the nature and use of baths ... the fifth edition, revis'd. To which is added, An Anatomical Treatise of the Liver, with the diseases incident to it.
11053: Kon Wajiro. - [Shinpan Dai Tokyo Annai].
10921: Wakefield, Edward Gibbon. - Facts Relating to the Punishment of Death in the Metropolis.
8728: WALCOTT, Earle Ashley. - The Open Door. A romance of mystery, time, 1905.
8410: WALCOTT, Earle Ashley. - Blindfolded.
6847: WALDSTEIN, Charles. - Essays on the Art of Pheidias.
8727: WALK, Charles Edmonds. - The Time Lock.
8372: WALRAS, Leon. - Correspondence of Leon Walras and Related Papers. Edited by William Jaffe.
8794: WALSH, M.C. - The Golden Idol. A tale of adventure in Australia and New Zealand.
7974: WALSH, George E. - The Mysterious Burglar.
10587: Sino-Japanese War. - [Ehon Nichi Shin Kan Sensoki].
10592: Sino-Japanese War. - [Ehon Nichi Shin Kan Sensoki].
8724: WATSON, H.B. Marriott. - The Devil's Pulpit.
7455: WATSON, John. - The Theory and Practice of the Art of Weaving, by hand and power, ..
8346: WAWN, William T. - The South Sea Islanders and the Queensland Labour Trade. A record of voyages and experiences in the western Pacific from 1875 to 1891.
7560: WEALE, John [ed]. - Ensamples of Railway Making; which, although not of English practice, are submitted, with practical illustrations, to the civil engineer and the British and Irish public.
9695: WEAVER, Mrs. - Letter from a Mrs Weaver to a Mr Buntin, September 17 1880
9537: Wegener, Sem, Iribe &c. - La Baionnette. Volume 5. Nouvelle Serie. No.53 [... to No.65].
9536: Wegener, Sem, Iribe &c. - La Baionnette. Volume 2. Nouvelle Serie. No.14 [... to No.26].
10949: WEIR, Hugh C. - Miss Madelyn Mack, Detective.
6022: WEISMANN, August. - Essays Upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems.
1122: WESCHER, Herta. - Collage.
9037: WHITE, Caroline Earl. - Love in the Tropics. A romance of the south seas.
9423: WHITELAW, David. - The Man with the Red Beard. A story of Moscow and London.
2596: Oscar Wilde. - For the Love of the King A Burmese Masque by Oscar Wilde.
8737: WILKINS, W.A. - The Cleverdale Mystery; or, the machine and its wheels.
8401: WILKINS, W.A. - The Cleverdale Mystery; or, the machine and its wheels.
7693: WILSON, Frederick J. - The Philosophy of Classification; being a base for thought, a measure for morality, and a key to truth.
10524: Shop windows. - [Tenpo Chinretsu Shomei Kyogikai : Nyushu Shashin Shu].
9114: Wine Labels - Sample Book. Myncke Freres, Brussels. - The printer's sample album of wine labels by Myncke Freres of Brussels.
10407: WOOD, H.F. [Harry Freeman]. - The Englishman of the Rue Cain.
10927: End of the world. - [Sekai Tenpuku Kidan].
11012: End of the world. - [Sekai fu Tenpuku Satoshi].
9640: WYLIE, I.A.R. [Ida Alexa Ross]. - The Paupers of Portman Square.
10986: Street Kamishibai. Gataro & Yaeko? - [Shinigami Musume : 13 kan]. [& 23].
10798: Hikifuda. Chairs. Yoshida Yakichi. - [Isu Seizojin].
10003: Yamamoto G.S. [Tadashi]. - The Conversations for Officers and Merchants, of the Japanese and English. [Eiwa Bunsho Kaiwahen].
11171: Makino Yasuzo. - [Eiwa Shogyo Kaiwahen] Awashogeo Kai Wa Hen [cover title].
10975: Akita Yazaemon. - [Shinsen Daiku Hinagata - Seiyo Gijutsu]
10696: Yoshio Shunzo (or Nanko or Josan depending on the translator) & Kusano Yojun. - [Rigaku Nyushiki : Ensei Kansho Zusetsu].
10940: Yokohama. - Handcoloured photo panorama of Yokohama.
10070: Yokosuka. - [Yokosuka-ko Ichiran Ezu].
10072: Shinoda Senka & Utagawa Yoshiharu, - [Meiji Eimei Hyakueisen].
10042: Shinoda Senka & Utagawa Yoshiharu, - [Meiji Eimei Hyakueisen].
10504: Kameda Yoshiro (or Kichirobei). - [Wayo Kenchiku Shin Hinagata].
11148: Takanashi Yoshitaro [ed]. - [Bunkamura no Kan'i Jutaku].
10825: Police. Murakami Yoshitomo. - [Genko Hoki : Junsa Kokoroe].
9346: Kyokutei Bakin. [sometimes called Takizawa Bakin]. Yoshitoshi. - [Muso byoe kocho monogatari - A Dreamer's Butterfly Tale].
10261: Aso Yutaka. - [Nonki Na Tosan de Kichi Sugoroku].
9662: Yves. [ie Yves Zuber]. - Aviation Sans Formules.
10723: Chinese in New Zealand. - Interim Report (No.I.) of the Chinese Immigration Committee. [with] Interim Report (No.II.) ... [and] Final Report ... with Minutes of Proceedings.
11081: Iwahashi Zenbei (or Yoshitaka depending on the transcriber). - [Heitengi Zukai].
10037: Shogakusei Zenshu. - [Kodomo Seiri Eisei Monogatari].
10035: Shogakusei Zenshu. - [Jido Butsuru Kagaku Monogatari].
10033: Shogakusei Zenshu. - [Jido Supotsu].
3358: ZIMMER, Heinrich. - The Art of Indian Asia. Its Mythology and Transformations. Edited by Joseph Campbell.
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