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9666: ACKERMAN, JOHN - Dylan Thomas: His Life and Work
9732: ACKROYD, PETER - T.S. Eliot
9710: ADAMS, RICHARD - The Tyger Voyage
9438: ADIGA, ARAVIND - The White Tiger
9264: AGRICOLA, GEORG - De Re Metallica: Zwölf Bücher Vom Berg- Und Hüttenwesen
9003: D'AGUIAR, FRED - Airy Hall
9002: D'AGUIAR, FRED - Mama Dot
9799: AIKEN, CONRAD; (KILLORIN, JOSEPH. ED) - Selected Letters of Conrad Aiken
9287: ALLAIN, MARIE-FRANCOISE - The Other Man: Conversations with Graham Greene
9657: ALLENDE, ISABEL - Portrait in Sepia
9181: AMIS, KINGSLEY - The Old Devils
10026: ANGIER, CAROLE - The Double Bond. Primo Levi: A Biography
10024: ANISSIMOV, MIRIAM - Primo Levi: Tragedy of an Optimist
8986: ASHBERY, JOHN - The Tennis Court Oath
9654: MACHADO DE ASSIS - The Devil's Church and Other Stories
9380: ASTRA - Back You Come, Mother Dear
9470: ATWOOD, MARGARET - Cat's Eye
9423: ATWOOD, MARGARET - The Circle Game
9843: AUDEN, W.H. - The Enchafèd Flood or the Romantic Iconography of the Sea
9837: AUDEN, W.H. - Thank You, Fog
9839: AUDEN, W.H.; ISHERWOOD, CHRISTOPHER - The Complete Works of W.H. Auden: Plays and Other Dramatic Writings, 1928-1938
9257: AZZOPARDI, TREZZA - The Hiding Place
9949: BAAN, JAN - De Weg Naar Marktleiderschap
9510: DE BAECK, PHILIPPE - Apartment Bible
9920: BAIR, DEIRDRE - Jung: A Biography
9798: BAK, HANS - Malcom Cowley, the Formative Years
9778: BAKER, CARLOS - Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story
9885: BAKKER, GERBRAND - The Twin
9399: BALDWIN, MICHAEL - King Horn
10067: BALDWIN, JAMES - The Evidence of Things Not Seen
9182: BALLARD, J. G. - Das Reich Der Sonne (Empire of the Sun)
9146: BALLARD, J. G. - Empire of the Sun
9061: BALLARD, J. G. - The Day of Creation
010098: BANTOCK, NICK - The Museum at Purgatory
9708: BANTOCK, NICK - Griffin & Sabine, an Extraordinary Correspondence
9707: BANTOCK, NICK - Sabine's Notebook, in Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Continues
9108: BANVILLE, JOHN - Mefisto
9106: BANVILLE, JOHN - Ghosts
9105: BANVILLE, JOHN - The Untouchable
9610: BARCLAY, EDGAR - Stonehenge and Its Earth-Works. With Plans and Illustrations
9655: BARNES, JULIAN - Arthur & George
9656: BARNES, JULIAN - Arthur & George
8894: BASKIN, LEONARD - Leonard Baskin
9469: BATCHELOR, JOHN - Virginia Woolf: The Major Novels
9786: BAYLEY, JOHN - Elegy for Iris
9787: BAYLEY, JOHN - Iris and the Friends - a Year of Memories
9712: BAYLEY, NICOLA - One Old Oxford Ox
9409: BEARDSLEY, DOUG - A Dancing Star
010099: BECCO, HORACIO JORGE - Jorge Luis Borges: Bibliografia Total 1923-1973
10053: BEDFORD, SYBILLE - Aldous Huxley: A Biography. Volume One: 1894-1939. Volume Two: 1939-1963
9990: BELL, QUENTIN - Virginia Woolf: A Biography
8959: BENÉT, STEPHEN VINCENT - Western Star
9782: BENKOVITZ, MIRIAM J. - Frederick Rolfe: Baron Corvo
9437: BENNETT, ALAN - Writing Home
9436: BENNETT, ALAN - Untold Stories
9928: BENSE, J.F. - Anglo-Dutch Relations. From the Earliest Times to the Death of William the Third. Being an Historical Introduction to a Dictionary of the Low-Dutch Element in the English Vocabulary.
010088: BERENDSE, FRANK - Natuur in Nederland
9247: BERGHUIS, HANS - De Scheiding
9921: BERMAN, RONALD - Fitzgerald-Wilson-Hemingway: Language and Experience
10018: BERNDT, JERRY - Jerry Berndt: Insight
8889: LIPS BESSELINK, JOSÉ - Maar de Reizen Namen Geen Einde
8930: BISHOP, ELIZABETH - North & South
8896: BISSCHEROUX, LAURENS - Arche 1983-1987
9513: BJONE, CHRISTIAN - Art and Architecture: Strategies in Collaboration
9477: BLACKSTONE, BERNARD - Virginia Woolf: A Commentary
9375: BLAND, PETER - Stone Tents
9374: BLAND, PETER - The Crusoe Factor
9566: DE BOEKENWERELD - De Boekenwereld. Tijdschrift Voor Boek En Prent. Eerste En Tweede Jaargang, 1984 - 1986. Compleet: Tien Nummers.
8935: DU BOIS, WILLIAM PÈNE - The Twenty-One Balloons
9493: VAN DER BOOM, A. - Acht Vlaamse En Nederlandse Houtgraveurs
9192: BORGES, JORGE LUIS - Other Inquisitions 1937-1952
9190: BORGES, JORGE LUIS - Dreamtigers
9186: BORGES, JORGE LUIS - A Personal Anthology
9185: BORGES, JORGE LUIS - The Book of Imaginary Beings
9184: BORGES, JORGE LUIS - The Aleph and Other Stories 1933-1969
9183: BORGES, JORGE LUIS - Evaristo Carriego
8892: BOSWELL, PEYTON - Modern American Painting
9607: BOWEN, ELIZABETH - A World of Love
10051: BOWERING, PETER - Aldous Huxley: A Study of the Major Novels
9311: BOYCE, JOHN; NIN, ANAÏS - Aphrodisiac
9361: BOYLE, CHARLES - House of Cards
9230: BOYNE, JOHN - The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
9141: BRADFORD, RICHARD - The Life of a Long-Distance Writer
9555: BRAITHWAITE, E.R. - Choice of Straws
9413: BRETT, BRIAN - Evolution in Every Direction
9902: BRIAN, DENIS - The True Gen: An Intimate Portrait of Hemingway by Those Who Knew Him
9869: BRINK, ANDRÉ - The Wall of the Plague
9678: BRINNIN, JOHN MALCOLM - Dylan Thomas in America: An Intimate Journal
9907: BROER, LAWRENCE R. - Hemingway's Spanish Tragedy
9223: BRONTË, CHARLOTTE (SMITH, MARGARET. ED.) - Selected Letters of Charlotte Brontë
9840: BROOKE, RUPERT - Democracy and the Arts
9817: BROOKE, RUPERT - The Collected Poems
9816: BROOKE, RUPERT - The Collected Poems
8933: BROOKE, RUPERT - The Old Vicarage, Grantchester
9754: BROOKER, PETER - A Student's Guide to the Selected Poems of Ezra Pound
9713: BROPHY, BRIGID - The Prince and the Wild Geese
9924: BROTTON, JERRY - Trading Territories: Mapping the Early Modern World
9762: BROWN, NORMAN O. - Closing Time
9147: BROWN, GEORGE MACKAY - Andrina and Other Stories
010105: BROWN, GEORGE MACKAY - The Golden Bird: Two Orkney Stories
10014: BROWN, F. MARTIN; HEINEMAN, BERNARD - Jamaica and Its Butterflies
9385: BROWNJOHN, ALAN - Collected Poems
10005: BRUCCOLI, MATTHEW J. - Some Sort of Epic Grandeur: The Life of F. Scott Fitzgerald
9917: BRYER, JACKSON R. (ED. ET AL) - F. Scott Fitzgerald in the Twenty-First Century
9505: WERUMEUS BUNING, J.W.F. - De Ware Geschiedenis Van Tristan En Isolde
9676: BURDETTE, ROBERT K. - The Saga of Prayer: The Poetry of Dylan Thomas
8957: BURNFORD, SHIELA - The Incredible Journey
9320: BURROUGHS, WILLIAM - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Die Vier Apokalyptischen Reiter
9314: BYRON, LORD - The Poetical Works of Lord Byron
9648: CAISTOR, NICK (ED.) - The Faber Book of Contemporary Latin American Short Stories
9411: CAMPBELL, ANNE - Death Is an Anxious Mother
010107: CAPOTE, TRUMAN - The Grass Harp
9139: CAREY, JOHN (ED.) - William Golding: The Man and His Books
9096: CAREY, PETER - My Life As a Fake
9094: CAREY, PETER - The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith
9095: CAREY, PETER - Oscar and Lucinda
9092: CAREY, PETER - Jack Maggs
9093: CAREY, PETER - True History of the Kelly Gang
9090: CAREY, PETER - Theft
9834: CARPENTER, HUMPHREY - W.H. Auden: A Biography
9795: CARPENTER, HUMPHREY - Geniuses Together: American Writers in Paris in the 1920s
9758: CARPENTER, HUMPHREY - A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound
10061: CARR, VIRGINIA SPENSER - Paul Bowles: A Life
10007: CARR, VIRGINIA SPENSER - Dos Passos: A Life
9466: LE CARRÉ, JOHN - The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
9232: LE CARRÉ, JOHN - The Constant Gardner
9233: LE CARRÉ, JOHN (ET AL.) - Sarratt and the Draper of Watford
9830: O'CASEY, SEAN - Collected Plays (Volume One and Volume Two)
10037: CATE, CURTIS - André Malraux: A Biography
9625: CATHER, WILLA - April Twilights and Other Poems
9585: CHARTERIS, EVAN - The Life and Letters of Sir Edmund Gosse
8966: CHATWIN, BRUCE - On the Black Hill
8967: CHATWIN, BRUCE; THEROUX, PAUL - Patagonia Revisited
9653: CHATWIN, BRUCE - The Songlines
9652: CHATWIN, BRUCE - Utz
9651: CHATWIN, BRUCE - What Am I Doing Here
9194: CHESELKA, PAUL - The Poetry and Poetics of Jorge Luis Borges
9624: CHURCHILL, WINSTON S. - A History of the English-Speaking Peoples (Complete 4 Volume Set)
9582: CHURCHILL, WINSTON S. - The Second World War (Abridged Edition)
9620: HÄNTZSCHEL-CLAIRMONT, WALTHER - Die Praxis Des Modernen Maschinenbaues. Gemeinverständliche Darstellung Der Technischen Grundlagen Und Praktiken Des Maschinenbaues. (2 Bände Und Modell-Atlas)
010078: CLARK, RONALD W. - The Life of Bertrand Russell
8971: CLARK, GEORGE (ED.) - The Oxford History of England
9333: CLARK, RONALD W. - Freud: The Man and the Cause
9664: CLEVERDON, DOUGLAS - The Growth of Milk Wood
9443: CLOETTA, YVONNE - In Search of a Beginning: My Life with Graham Greene
010093: COELEN, VAN DER (ED.) - Verspreiding En Ecologie Van Amfibieën En Reptielen in Limburg
9087: COETZEE, J.M. - Elizabeth Costello
9088: COETZEE, J.M. - Diary of a Bad Year
9086: COETZEE, J.M. - Slow Man
9085: COETZEE, J.M. - Youth: Scenes from Provincial Life II
9995: COHEN, JOYCE TENNESON (COMPILED BY) - In/Sights: Self-Portraits by Women
9468: O'CONNOR, JOSEPH - Redemption Falls
9757: CONOVER, ANNE - Olga Rudge & Ezra Pound
9382: COPE, WENDY - Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis
9578: COUMANS, WILLEM; OVEREEM, JAN-WILLEM; PROP, SER; WAARSENBURG, HANS VAN DE (ED.) - Jan Hanlo: Achterwaartse Blik Op Een Uniek Solist
8945: CULLEN, COUNTEE - On These I Stand
9360: CULLUP, MICHAEL - Reading Geographies
8978: CUMMINGS, E.E. - Him
8977: CUMMINGS, E.E. - The Enormous Room
9057: CUNNINGHAM, MICHAEL - Specimen Days
8949: H.D. - Red Roses for Bronze
9472: DALLY, PETER - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: Manic Depression and the Life of Virginia Woolf
9019: DAMSEAUX, ADOLPH - Manuel Des Plantes de la Grande Culture
9408: DANIEL, LORNE - Falling Together
8972: DARBY, H.C. - Domesday England
9633: DAVENPORT, MARCIA - The Constant Image
9760: DAVIES, STAN GÉBLER - James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist
9761: DAVIES, STAN GÉBLER - James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist
9674: DAVIES, ANEIRIN TALFAN - Dylan: Druid of the Broken Body
9669: DAVIES, WALFORD (ED.) - Dylan Thomas: New Critical Essays
9244: VAN DEEL, T. - Kadeverlangen
9245: VAN DEEL, T. - Nu Het Nog Licht Is
9246: VAN DEEL, T. - Atelier Van Godelief
9250: VAN DEEL, T. - Ogenblik
9267: DEEPING, WARWICK - Roper's Row
8941: DEFOE, DANIEL - Levensgeschiedenis En Lotgevallen Van Robinson Crusoe
10058: DELILLO, DON - Underworld
9214: DESAI, KIRAN - The Inheritance of Loss
8895: DIETEREN, ANDRÉ - Vóór de Leeuwenpoort
9351: DIGBY, JOHN - To Amuse a Shrinking Sun
9343: DINESCU, MIRCEA - Excile on a Peppercorn
8997: DINESEN, THOMAS - My Sister, Isak Dinesen
8998: DINESEN, ISAK - Shadows on the Grass
9053: DOCTOROW, E. L. - City of God
9054: DOCTOROW, E. L. - Reporting the Universe
9052: DOCTOROW, E. L. - Billy Bathgate
9051: DOCTOROW, E. L. - Lives of the Poets
9049: DOCTOROW, E. L. - The March
9050: DOCTOROW, E. L. - The Book of Daniel
9916: DONALDSON, SCOTT - Hemingway Vs. Fitzgerald: The Rise and Fall of a Literary Friendship
9876: DONLEAVY, J.P. - A Singular Country
8985: O'DONOGHUE, BERNARD - The Weakness
9915: DOYLE, RODDY - The Barrytown Trilogy (the Commitments, the Snapper, the Van)
9913: DOYLE, RODDY - A Star Called Henry
9914: DOYLE, RODDY - Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha
010097: DRIEL, LO VAN - Een Leven in Woorden: J.H. Van Dale
9004: DUNMORE, HELEN - The Apple Fall
9603: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Bitter Lemons
9600: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Sauve Qui Peut
9601: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Sicilian Carousel
9597: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Vega and Other Poems
9599: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Stiff Upper Lip
9596: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Sebastian or Ruling Passions
9595: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Constance or Solitary Practices
9594: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Livia or Buried Alive
9593: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Monsieur or the Prince of Darkness
9592: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Nunquam
8958: A. E. (RUSSELL, GEORGE WILLIAM) - Selected Poems
9608: ECKHARDT, A.G. [ANTHONY GEORGE] - Description D'Un Graphometre Universel, Nouvel Instrument, Propre á Dessiner Toutes Sortes D'Objets [Etc. ]
9219: ECO, UMBERTO - The Aesthetics of Chaosmos: The Middle Ages of James Joyce
9207: ECO, UMBERTO - The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana
9208: ECO, UMBERTO - The Limits of Interpretation
9205: ECO, UMBERTO - Foucault's Pendulum
9206: ECO, UMBERTO - The Island of the Day Before
9152: EDEL, LEON - Bloomsbury: A House of Lions
9400: EDMOND, LAURIS - Summer Near the Arctic Circle
9882: EDRIC, ROBERT - Gathering the Water
9450: EGGERS, DAVE - What Is the What
9717: ELIOT, T.S. - Little Gidding
9776: ELIOT, T.S. (TRANS.); PERSE, SAINT-JOHN - Anabasis
9736: ELIOT, T.S. - The Family Reunion
9733: ELIOT, T.S. - The Cocktail Party
9725: ELIOT, T.S. - Poetry and Drama
9724: ELIOT, T.S. - The Elder Statesman
9722: ELIOT, T.S.; ELIOT, VALERIE (ED.) - The Letters of T.S. Eliot. Volume 1, 1898-1922
9721: ELIOT, T.S. - What Is a Classic?
9696: THOMAS-ELLIS, AERONWY - Christmas and Other Memories: A Daughter Remembers Dylan
8929: ELLSON, HAL - Duke
9638: VAN DER ELST, W.J. (ET AL) - Snelloopende Dieselmotoren Voor Automobielen En Railtractie
9680: EMERY, CLARK - The World of Dylan Thomas
9113: ENG, TAN TWAN - The Gift of Rain
9854: ENGER, LEIF - Peace Like a River
9348: ERWITT, ELLIOTT - The Art of André S. Solidor - A.K. A. Elliott Erwitt
9347: ERWITT, ELLIOTT - Unseen
9346: ERWITT, ELLIOTT - Elliott Erwitt's Rome
9887: EVANS, NICHOLAS - The Horse Wisperer
9427: EWART, GAVIN - The Collected Ewart 1933-1980
9641: FALLAUX, EMILE - De Gulden Hopsack
9349: FALLOWS, SAMUEL (ED.) - The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopaedia and Scriptual Dictionary (3 Vols. )
010079: FAULKNER, WILLIAM - De Familie Sartoris
9874: FAULKS, SEBASTIAN - Human Traces
9906: FENTON, CHARLES A. - The Apprenticeship of Ernest Hemingway: The Early Years
9682: FERRIS, PAUL - Dylan Thomas: The Biography New Edition
9780: FIELD, SAUL; LEVITT, MORTON P. - Bloomsday: An Interpretation of James Joyce's Ulysses
9821: FINNERAN, RICHARD J. (ET AL ED.) - Letters to W.B. Yeats (Two Volume Set)
9508: FISCHER, JOACHIM; VAN UFFELEN, CHRIS - 1000x European Architecture
10009: FISHER, CLIVE - Hart Crane: A Life
9912: FITZGERALD, ZELDA - Save Me the Waltz
9999: FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT - Poems: 1911-1940
9998: FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT; (ED. KUEHL, JOHN; BRYER, JACKSON) - Dear Scott/Dear Max: The Fitzgerald-Perkins Correspondence
9918: FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT - The Crack-Up
10000: FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT; (ED. BRUCCOLI, MATTHEW J.) - As Ever, Scott-Fitz: Letters between F. Scott Fitzgerald and His Literary Agent Harold Ober, 1919-1940
10001: FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT; FITZGERALD, ZELDA; (ED. BRYER, JACKSON R.; BARKS, CATHY W.) - Dear Scott, Dearest Zelda: The Love Letters of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald
10010: FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT; (ED. BRUCCOLI, MATTHEW J.) - The Notebooks of F. Scott Fitzgerald
9679: FITZGIBBON, CONSTANTINE - The Life of Dylan Thomas
8963: FLEMING, IAN - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - the Magical Car
9646: O'FLYNN, CATHERINE - What Was Lost
9926: HADDICK-FLYNN, KEVIN - Orangeism: The Making of a Tradition
9796: FORD, HUGH - Published in Paris: American and British Writers, Printers, and Publishers in Paris, 1920-1939
9291: FOWLES, JOHN - Daniel Martin
9373: FOX, LEVI - Stratford Upon Avon - Official Guide
9042: FRAZIER, CHARLES - Cold Mountain
9041: FRAZIER, CHARLES - Thirteen Moons
9334: FREUD, SIGMUND - Collected Papers (Five Volume Set)
8912: FRISBIE, FLORENCE (JOHNNY) - Miss Ulysses from Puka-Puka
8946: FROST, ROBERT - The Complete Poems of Robert Frost
9659: FUENTES, CARLOS - Inez
9658: FUENTES, CARLOS - The Years with Laura Díaz
9174: FUENTES, CARLOS - The Old Gringo
010094: AINLEY, DAVID G. ET AL - Breeding Biology of the Adélie Penguin
9266: GALLICO, PAUL - Mrs Harris Goes to New York
10047: GARNETT, DAVID - The Golden Echo
10048: GARNETT, DAVID - The Flowers of the Forest
9220: GENZ, MARCELLA D. - A History of the Eragny Press, 1894-1914
9927: GEYL, P. - Willem IV En Engeland Tot 1748 (Vrede Van Aken)
8928: GINSBERG, ALLEN (TRANS. SIMON VINKENOOG) - Plutonian Ode / Plutonische Ode
9376: GITTINGS, ROBERT - People, Places, Personal
9487: GLENDINNING, VICTORIA - Vita: The Life of V. Sackville-West
9482: GLENDINNING, VICTORIA - Leonard Woolf: A Life
9635: GODDEN, RUMER - China Court: The Hours of a Country House
8968: GOLDING, WILLIAM - Darkness Visible
8969: GOLDING, WILLIAM - The Pyramid
9434: GOLDING, WILLIAM - The Pyramid
9432: GOLDING, WILLIAM - The Scorpion God
9433: GOLDING, WILLIAM - The Spire
9137: GOLDING, WILLIAM - The Double Tongue
9136: GOLDING, WILLIAM - A Moving Target
9135: GOLDING, WILLIAM - The Paper Men
9134: GOLDING, WILLIAM - Lord of the Flies
9133: GOLDING, WILLIAM - Fire Down Below
9132: GOLDING, WILLIAM - Close Quarters
9116: GOLDING, WILLIAM - The Spire
8954: GOLDING, WILLIAM - To the Ends of the Earth: A Sea Trilogy
8902: GOLDING, WILLIAM - The Spire
9863: GORDIMER, NADINE - Something out There
9860: GORDIMER, NADINE - Jump and Other Stories
9861: GORDIMER, NADINE - Get a Life
9862: GORDIMER, NADINE - The Pickup
010102: GORDON, LYNDALL - Charlotte Brontë: A Passionate Life
9729: GORDON, LYNDALL - Eliot's New Life
9728: GORDON, LYNDALL - Eliot's Early Years
9584: GORDON, LYNDALL - Virginia Woolf: A Writer's Life
9473: GORDON, LYNDALL - Virginia Woolf: A Writer's Life
9706: GRAHAME, KENNETH - The Golden Age and Dream Days
9557: GRASS, GÜNTER - Der Butt. Roman
8905: GRASS, GÜNTER - O Susanna: Ein Jazzbilderbuch
9444: GREENE, GRAHAM (GREENE, RICHARD ED.) - A Life in Letters
9312: GREENE, GRAHAM - The Honorary Consul
9296: GREENE, GRAHAM - Tributes to Graham Greene Om, Ch 1904-1991
9295: GREENE, GRAHAM - From the Library of Graham Greene
9294: GREENE, GRAHAM - In Search of a Character
9293: GREENE, GRAHAM - Yes and No and for Whom the Bell Chimes
9288: GREENE, GRAHAM - The Captain and the Enemy
9286: GREENE, GRAHAM - The Collected Stories
9284: GREENE, GRAHAM - Ways of Escape
9283: GREENE, GRAHAM - Getting to Know the General
9281: GREENE, GRAHAM - The Tenth Man
9282: GREENE, GRAHAM - The Captain and the Enemy
9280: GREENE, GRAHAM - Doctor Fischer or the Bomb Party
9278: GREENE, GRAHAM - The Human Factor
9279: GREENE, GRAHAM - Monsignor Quixote
9276: GREENE, GRAHAM - Travels with My Aunt
9275: GREENE, GRAHAM - The Comedians
9274: GREENE, GRAHAM - Our Man in Havana
8973: GREENHILL, FRANK A. - The Incised Slabs of Leicestershire and Rutland
9256: GRENVILLE, KATE - The Secret River
9545: GRIFFITHS, PHILIP JONES - Recollections
9405: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY - Collected Poems 1963-1980
9449: GRISHAM, JOHN - The Testament
9447: GRISHAM, JOHN - A Painted House
9448: GRISHAM, JOHN - The Brethren
9446: GRISHAM, JOHN - The Summons
9237: GROENEVELT, M.H.L. (SELECTED BY) - Twaalf Liften
9310: GROOT, JAN H DE - Herfstvacantie - Negen Sonnetten
9397: GROSS, PHILIP - Manifold Manor
9396: GROSS, PHILIP - The Son of the Duke of Nowhere
9395: GROSS, PHILIP - Cat's Whisker
9394: GROSS, PHILIP - The Ice Factory
9340: GUNN, THOM - The Occasions of Poetry
9339: GUNN, THOM - Selected Poems 1950-1975
9338: GUNN, THOM - The Man with Night Sweats
9337: GUNN, THOM - The Sense of Movement
9005: WIJNAND, J.H. ET AL - Het Schipryck Amsterdam
9567: HALL, DENNIS (ED.) - Parenthesis: The Newsletter of the Fine Press Book Association. Numbers One, Two and Three
9538: HAMANN, HORST - New York
10070: HAMILTON, IAN - In Search of J.D. Salinger
10071: HAMILTON, IAN - Robert Lowell: A Biography
9718: HARDY, THOMAS - The Dynasts
10045: HARRADEN, BEATRICE - Ships That Pass in the Night
9370: HARSENT, DAVID - Mister Punch
9300: HASKELL, FRANCIS - The Painful Birth of the Art Book
9568: HAUFF, WILHELM - De Bedelares Van de Pont Des Arts
9331: HEANEY, SEAMUS - New Selected Poems 1966-1987
9332: HEANEY, SEAMUS - Seeing Things
9330: HEANEY, SEAMUS - Door Into the Dark
9329: HEANEY, SEAMUS - Field Work
9452: HELLER, JOSEPH - Now and Then: From Coney Island to Here
9895: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - By-Line: Ernest Hemingway
9897: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - A Moveable Feast
9896: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - Across the River and Into the Trees
9898: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - For Whom the Bell Tolls
9774: HEMINGWAY, LEICESTER - My Brother, Ernest Hemingway
9910: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - True at First Light
9911: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - Death in the Afternoon
8903: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - By-Line: Ernest Hemingway
9719: HEPPENSTALL, RAYNER - Four Absentees: Dylan Thomas, George Orwell, Eric Gill, J. Middleton Murry
9251: HERBERGHS, LEO - Dorp
9023: HERBERT, ZBIGNIEW - Selected Poems
9022: HERBERT, ZBIGNIEW - Barbarian in the Garden
9800: HERRING, PHILLIP - Djuna: The Life and Works of Djuna Barnes
9749: HEYMANN, C. DAVID - Ezra Pound: The Last Rower
9388: HILL, GEOFFREY - King Log
9387: HILL, GEOFFREY - The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Péguy
9386: HILL, GEOFFREY - Collected Poems
9001: HILL, SELIMA - The Accumulation of Small Acts of Kindness
9000: HILL, SELIMA - My Darling Camel
8999: HILL, SELIMA - Saying Hello at the Station
9241: HOET, JAN - Kunst En Samenleving: Participatie of Vlucht?
9667: HOLBROOK, DAVID - Llareggub Revisited: Dylan Thomas and the State of Modern Poetry
9665: HOLBROOK, DAVID - Dylan Thomas: The Code of Night
9381: CROSSLEY-HOLLAND, KEVIN - Waterslain
9889: HOLLINGHURST, ALAN - The Folding Star
10041: HOLROYD, MICHAEL - Lytton Strachey: A Critical Biography (2 Vols. )
10042: HOLROYD, MICHAEL - Lytton Strachey: A Critical Biography (2 Vols. )
9342: HOLUB, MIROSLAV - Vanishing Lung Syndrome
9021: HOOGERWERF, A - Een Bijdrage Tot de Oölogie Van Het Eiland Java
9020: HOOGERWERF, A - De Avifauna Van de Plantentuin Van Buitenzorg (Java)
9109: HOSSEINI, KHALED - The Kite Runner
9900: HOTCHNER, A.E. - Papa Hemingway
9632: HUGHES, RICHARD - The Spider's Palace and Other Stories
9631: HUGHES, RICHARD - In Hazard: A Sea Story
9224: HUGHES, TED (REID, CHRISTOPHER. ED.) - Letters of Ted Hughes
9149: HUGHES, TED - Gaudete
8936: HUGHES, LANGSTON - Fields of Wonder
9016: HULME, KERI - The Bone People
9483: HUMM, MAGGIE - Modernist Women and Visual Cultures: Virginia Woolf, Vanessa Bell, Photography and Cinema
10055: HUXLEY, ALDOUS - Ape and Essence
9833: HYNES, SAMUEL - The Auden Generation: Literature and Politics in England in the 1930s
9853: DUBUS III, ANDRE - House of Sand and Fog
9879: IRVING, JOHN - Last Night in Twisted River
9878: IRVING, JOHN - The Fourth Hand
9040: IRVING, JOHN - The Cider House Rules
9039: IRVING, JOHN - A Prayer for Owen Meany
9037: IRVING, JOHN - Until I Find You
9038: IRVING, JOHN - A Prayer for Owen Meany
9036: IRVING, JOHN - A Son of the Circus
9034: IRVING, JOHN - The Hotel New Hampshire
9035: IRVING, JOHN - My Movie Business: A Memoir
9033: IRVING, JOHN - The Fourth Hand
9026: IRVING, JOHN - The Hotel New Hampshire
010073: ISAACSON, WALTER - Steve Jobs
9829: ISHERWOOD, CHRISTOPHER - People We Ought to Know
9828: ISHERWOOD, CHRISTOPHER - Prater Violet
9820: JEFFARES, A. NORMAN - W.B. Yeats: A New Biography
10044: JEFFERSON, GEORGE - Edward Garnett: A Life in Literature
8893: JENCKS, CHARLES - Post-Modernism - the New Classicism in Art and Architecture
9369: JENKINS, ALAN - In the Hot-House
9986: JENSEN, ROLF - De Droom Maatschappij
8942: JHABVALA, RUTH PRAWER - To Whom She Will
9519: JOHNSON, BEN; (JENCKS, CHARLES ET AL). - Ben Johnson: Foster in View
9857: JOHNSTON, WAYNE - The Colony of Unrequited Dreams
9671: JONES, DANIEL - My Friend Dylan Thomas
9416: JONES, RODNEY - The Unborn
9313: JONES, HERBERT DAVY - Bassae and Other Verses
9259: JONES, EDWARD P. - The Known World
9098: JONES, LLOYD - Mister Pip
9771: JOYCE, JAMES - A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man
9769: JOYCE, JAMES - Selected Letters of James Joyce
9737: JOYCE, JAMES - Ulysses
10039: JOYCE, JAMES - The Essential James Joyce
8995: JOYCE, JAMES - Giacomo Joyce
9301: HAHN JR, ALBERT - Caricatuur
10060: JUNGER, SEBASTIAN - The Perfect Storm
010076: KARL, FREDERICK R. - William Faulkner: American Writer
9328: KAVANAGH, P.J. - Presences: New and Selected Poems
9309: KAWABATA, YASUNARI - The Sound of the Mountain
9177: KAWABATA, YASUNARI - The Master of Go
9475: CUDDY-KEANE, MELBA - Virginia Woolf, the Intellectual, and the Public Sphere
9643: KEATES, JONATHAN - Allegro Postillions
9883: KEHLMANN, DANIEL - Measuring the World
9463: KEMP, PIERRE - Het Wondere Lied
9269: KEMP, PIERRE - Bericht Van Mistvorming. Twaalf Late Brieven Aan Karel Reijnders
9064: KENEALLY, THOMAS - Bettany's Book
9063: KENEALLY, THOMAS - Schindler's Ark
9062: KENEALLY, THOMAS - Confederates
9097: KENNEDY, A.L. - Day
10022: KERTÉSZ, IMRE - Liquidation
10021: KERTÉSZ, IMRE - Fatelessness
9384: PITT-KETHLEY, FIONA - The Perfect Man
9297: KETNER, JOSEPH D. (ANDY WARHOL) - Andy Warhol: The Last Decade
9014: KHAYYÁM, OMAR; (FITZGERALD, EDWARD. TRANS.) - Rubáiyát of Omar KhayyáM
9239: KIDD, CHIP - Chip Kidd: Book One, Work 1986-2006
9422: KINZIE, MARY - The Threshold of the Year
10027: KIS, DANILO - The Encyclopedia of the Dead
8965: KLEIN, WILLIAM - Photographs
9645: KLOSTERMAN, CHUCK - Downtown Owl
9253: KOPLAND, RUTGER - Verslagen Van de W.T. F. : Dertien Ansichtkaarten
9252: KOPLAND, RUTGER - Titus Aan Zijn Schrijftafel
8955: KOSINSKI, JERZY - Steps
8937: KOUDELKA, JOSEF - Gypsies
10012: KOZLOWSKI, T.T. - Growth and Development of Trees. Physiological Ecology.
9156: KUNDERA, MILAN - The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
9155: KUNDERA, MILAN - The Art of the Novel
9153: KUNDERA, MILAN - Immortality
9154: KUNDERA, MILAN - Ignorance
9576: KUSTERS, WIEL - Vaak Is in Mij Iets Heidens Aan Het Treuren
9426: LARKIN, PHILIP - Jill
9494: LARSEN, REIF - The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet
9629: LASKI, MARGHANITA - The Victorian Chaise-Longue
9201: LASKY, MELVIN, J. (ET AL) - Encounter 187: Borges
9424: LAUGHLIN, JAMES - The Bird of Endless Time
9318: LAUGHLIN, JAMES - Some Natural Things
9151: RIDING, LAURA AND GRAVES, ROBERT - A Survey of Modernist Poetry
9523: LAUWERIKS, JAN (ET AL) - Nederlandsche Burgerlijke Bouwkunst Uit Vroeger Tijd; Nederlandsche Kerkelijke Bouwkunst Uit Vroeger Tijd; Nieuwe Nederlandsche Ruimtekunst
8976: LAWRENCE, D.H. - Glad Ghosts
8975: LAWRENCE, ADA (AND GELDER, G. STUART) - Young Lorenzo: Early Life of D.H. Lawrence
8974: LAWRENCE, D.H. - The Symbolic Meaning
010104: HANSON, LAWRENCE; ET AL. - The Four Brontës
9366: LEALE, B.C. - Leviathan and Other Poems
9365: LEALE, B.C. - The Colours of Ancient Dreams
9532: LEASKA, MITCHELL; PHILLIPS, JOHN (ED.) - Violet to Vita: The Letters of Violet Trefusis to Vita Sackville-West
8910: LEE, LAURIE - Cider with Rosie
9637: VAN LEEUWEN, A.P. - Honderden Wonderen Van Vernuft. Puzzles Van Allerhande Soort
010101: LEHMANN, JOHN - Rupert Brooke: His Life and His Legend
9583: LEHMANN, JOHN - Thrown to the Woolfs
8890: LEIRIS, MICHEL - Francis Bacon
9644: LEONARD, ELMORE - Road Dogs
9010: LEVI, PRIMO - The Mirror Maker
9009: LEVI, PRIMO - The Voice of Memory: Interviews 1961-1987
9008: LEVI, PRIMO - The Monkey's Wrench
10050: LEVIN, DAVID; UPDIKE, JOHN - Pens and Needles: Literary Caricatures by David Levine
9730: LEVY, WILLIAM TURNER; SCHERLE, VICTOR - Affectionately T.S. Eliot: The Story of a Friendship 1947-1965
9709: LEWIS, NAOMI (ED.) - The Silent Playmate
9846: LOOY, JAC, VAN - Nieuwjaarsdag
9580: LOWRY, MALCOLM - Onder de Vulkaan (Under the Volcano)
9558: LUBELEY, IGNATIA - In de Provincie
010100: LÜTZELER, PAUL MICHAEL - Hermann Broch: A Biography
9683: LYCETT, ANDREW - Dylan Thomas: A New Life
10003: LYNN, KENNETH S. - Hemingway
9368: MACKINNON, LACHLAN - The Coast of Bohemia
9367: MACKINNON, LACHLAN - Monterey Cypress
10052: MACLEISH, ARCHIBALD - Poetry and Experience
8960: MACLEISH, ARCHIBALD - Poems 1924-1933
9825: MAGEE, BRYAN - The Great Philosophers
10069: MAILER, NORMAN - The Naked and the Dead
8952: MAILER, NORMAN - The Naked and the Dead
9242: MALIK, ANJUM - Before the Rains
9899: DILLON-MALONE, AUBREY - Hemingway: The Grace and the Pressure
9727: MARCH, RICHARD; TAMBIMUTTU (EDS.) - T.S. Eliot: A Symposium
9138: KINKEAD-WEEKES, MARK & GREGOR, IAN - William Golding: A Critical Study
9170: MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCÍA - Living to Tell the Tale
9168: MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCÍA - Collected Novellas
9167: MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCÍA - Collected Stories
9166: MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCÍA - Of Love and Other Demons
9165: MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCÍA - News of a Kidnapping
9163: MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCÍA - Memories of My Melancholy Whores
9162: MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCÍA - The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor
9161: MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCÍA - The General in His Labyrinth
9160: MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCÍA - Strange Pilgrims
9159: MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCÍA - Innocent Eréndira
9158: MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCÍA - Chronicle of a Death Foretold
9157: MÁRQUEZ, GABRIEL GARCÍA - The Autumn of the Patriarch
010080: MARRS, SUZANNE - Eudora Welty: A Biography
9818: MARSH, EDWARD - Rupert Brooke: A Memoir
8939: MARSH, EDWARD - A Number of People
9660: MARTEL, YANN - Life of Pi
9919: WAGNER-MARTIN, LINDA - Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald: An American Woman's Life
9521: MARTINSON, TOM; MEIER, RICHARD - The Atlas of American Architecture: 2000 Years of Architecture, City Planning, Landscape Architecture and CIVIL Engineering
9628: MASEFIELD, JOHN - Midsummer Night and Other Tales in Verse
9731: MATTHEWS, T.S. - Great Tom: Notes Towards the Definition of T.S. Eliot
9047: MATTHIESSEN, PETER - Bone by Bone
9048: MATTHIESSEN, PETER - Killing Mister Watson
010087: DU MAURIER, DAPHNE - The Apple Tree (Incl. The Birds)
9606: DU MAURIER, DAPHNE - The Apple Tree (Incl. The Birds)
9363: MAXWELL, GLYN - Tale of the Mayor's Son
9711: MAYNE, WILLIAM - The Mouldy
9579: MCCARTHY, MARY - The Oasis (Horizon: Vol. 19, No. 110)
9128: MCCARTHY, CORMAC - No Country for Old Men
9127: MCCARTHY, CORMAC - The Road
9017: MCCARTHY, MARY - Birds of America
10040: MCCOURT, JOHN - James Joyce: A Passionate Exile
9077: MCCOURT, FRANK - 'Tis
9076: MCCOURT, FRANK - Teacher Man
9203: MCCRINDLE, J.F. (ET AL) - The Transatlantic Review 50: Borges
9202: MCCRINDLE, J.F. (ET AL) - The Transatlantic Review 27: Borges
8906: MCEWAN, IAN - First Love, Last Rites
9824: MCGINN, COLIN - The Making of a Philosopher
9336: MCGOUGH, ROGER - Melting Into the Foreground
9415: MCGRATH, THOMAS - Selected Poems 1938-1988
9507: MEIER, RICHARD - Richard Meier, Architect: Volume 5
9922: MELLOW, JAMES R. - Invented Lives: F. Scott & Zelda Fitzgerald
9803: MELLOW, JAMES R. - Charmed Circle: Gertrude Stein & Company
9841: MENDELSON, EDWARD - Early Auden
9419: MERRILL, JAMES - The Inner Room
9315: MERTON, THOMAS - The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton
9502: MEUELEN, R. VAN DER - Het Boek in Onze Dagen
9903: MEYERS, JEFFREY - Hemingway: A Biography
9512: MIERS, MARY - The English Country House: From the Archives of Country Life
9923: MILFORD, NANCY - Zelda: A Biography
010103: MILLER, LUCASTA - The Brontë Myth
10063: MILLER, HENRY (ED. JOYCE HOWARD) - Letters by Henry Miller to Hoki Tokuda Miller
9618: LEES-MILNE, JAMES - Harold Nicolson: A Biography (2 Volume Set)
9025: MILOSZ, CZESLAW - The Usurpers
9169: MINTA, STEPHEN - Gabriel García Márquez: Writer of Colombia
9410: MITCHELL, KEN - Through the Nan Da Gate: A China Journey
9112: MO, TIMOTHY - The Redundancy of Courage
9111: MO, TIMOTHY - An Insular Possession
9574: MOLIN, ROB; MOREL, PETER (ED.) - Pierre Kemp: Man in Het Zwart, Heer Van Het Groen
9307: MOLL, FRANK - Hoog Verraad
9196: MONEGAL, EMIR RODRIGUEZ - Jorge Luis Borges: A Literary Biography
9794: MONNIER, ADRIENNE - The Very Rich Hours of Adrienne Monnier
9556: MOORE, BRIAN - An Answer from Limbo
9379: MOORE, ALAN - Opia
8947: MOORE, MARIANNE - Collected Poems
9500: VAN MOORSEL, A.J.M. - De Kinkhoorn
10004: MOREIRA, PETER - Hemingway on the China Front
9055: MORRIS, CHRISTOPHER D. (ED.) - Conversations with E.L. Doctorow
9362: MORRISON, BLAKE - Dark Glasses
9359: MOTION, ANDREW - Natural Causes
9358: MOTION, ANDREW - Love in a Life
9357: MOTION, ANDREW - Selected Poems 1976-1997
9216: MOTION, ANDREW - The Pale Companion
9325: MULDOON, PAUL - Meeting the British
9327: MULDOON, PAUL - Moy Sand and Gravel
9746: MURDOCH, IRIS - The Red and the Green
9745: MURDOCH, IRIS - A Severed Head
9744: MURDOCH, IRIS - The Time of the Angels
8989: MURDOCH, IRIS - Something Special
9672: MURDY, LOUISE BAUGHAN - Sound and Sense in Dylan Thomas's Poetry
9355: MURPHY, RICHARD - Selected Poems
9634: MYERS, ELIZABETH - Thirty Stories
9084: NAIPAUL, V.S. - The Writer and the World
9083: NAIPAUL, V.S. - A Bend in the River
8994: NEAGOE, PETER (ED.) - Americans Abroad: An Anthology
9546: NESHAT, SHIRIN; DANTO, ARTHUR C. - Shirin Neshat
8953: NICHOLS, BEVERLEY - The Wickedest Witch in the World
9997: NICHOLSON, VIRGINIA - Among the Bohemians: Experiments in Living 1900-1939
9588: NICOLSON, HAROLD - Sir Arthur Nicolson, Bart: First Lord Carnock
9587: NICOLSON, HAROLD - The Desire to Please: A Story of Hamilton Rowan and the United Irishmen
9531: NICOLSON, NIGEL (ED.) - Vita and Harold: The Letters of Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson
010090: NIJSSEN, HAN - Veldgids Zeevissen
9528: NOBLE, JOAN RUSSELL (ED.) - Recollections of Virginia Woolf by Her Contemporaries
9218: NOVAK, MAXIMILLIAN E. - Daniel Defoe: Master of Fictions
9465: HAUPTKULTURAMT DER NSDAP - Deutsche Kriegsweihnacht 1944
9517: NUSSBAUM, ANDREA (ET AL) - 91° More Than Architecture
9089: OAKESHOTT, WALTER - The Sequence of English Medieval Art
9180: OE, KENZABURO - Rouse Up O Young Men of the New Age!
9103: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - In the Skin of a Lion
9102: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - Anil's Ghost
8951: ONDAATJE, MICHAEL - The English Patient
9901: ONDAATJE, CHRISTOPHER - Hemingway in Africa: The Last Safari
9689: OSBORNE, JOHN - A Better Class of Person: An Autobiography 1929-1956
9501: OVINK, G.W. - De Ontembare Lettergieter
9886: OZ, AMOS - Black Box
9260: PALLISER, CHARLES - The Quincunx
10066: PARINI, JAY - John Steinbeck: A Biography
9527: PARTRIDGE, FRANCES - Memories
9324: PAULIN, TOM - Liberty Tree
9323: PAULIN, TOM - Fivemiletown
9305: PEETERS, HAGAR - Loper Van Licht
9261: PENNEY, STEF - The Tenderness of Wolves
9894: PERKINS, MAXWELL E.; (BRUCCOLI, MATTHEW J. ED.) - The Sons of Maxwell Perkins
9893: PERKINS, MAXWELL E. - Editor to Author: The Letters of Maxwell E. Perkins
10062: PERLÈS, ALFRED - My Friend, Henry Miller
9892: PETTERSON, PER - In the Wake
9516: PFEIFER, GÜNTER; BRAUNECK, PER - Freestanding Houses: A Housing Typology
9522: PHAIDON - The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture: Comprehensive Edition
9210: PICOULT, JODI - Salem Falls
9211: PICOULT, JODI - Nineteen Minutes
9299: PIGGOTT, STUART - Antiquity Depicted: Aspects of Archaeological Illustration
9235: PIJPERS, JELLE L.S. - Pas Op, Liefdesbaby!, Memoires Deel 2
9234: PIJPERS, JELLE L.S. - De Liefdesbaby, Memoires Deel 1
9870: PIRSIG, ROBERT M. - Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals
8897: PLATH, SYLVIA - Collected Poems
9204: PLIMPTON, ROBERT B. (ET AL) - The Paris Review 40: Borges
010075: PORTER, CAROLYN - William Faulkner
9630: PORTER, KATHERINE ANNE - Flowering Judas
9752: POUND, EZRA; (PAIGE, D.D. ED.) - The Selected Letters of Ezra Pound 1907-1941
9751: POUND, EZRA; (PAIGE, D.D. ED.) - The Selected Letters of Ezra Pound 1907-1941
9763: POUND, EZRA - Personae
9755: POUND, EZRA - Confucian Analects
9753: POUND, EZRA - Selected Poems 1908-1959
9806: POWYS, JOHN COWPER - Three Fantasies
9790: POWYS, JOHN COWPER - James Joyce's 'Ulysses' - an Appreciation
010081: PRENSHAW, PEGGY WHITMAN (ED.) - Conversations with Eudora Welty
9815: PRITCHETT, V.S. - The Myth Makers
9814: PRITCHETT, V.S. - The Tale Bearers: Essays on English, American and Other Writers
9813: PRITCHETT, V.S. - Midnight Oil
9812: PRITCHETT, V.S. - A Cab at the Door
9811: PRITCHETT, V.S. - A Careless Widow and Other Stories
9810: PRITCHETT, V.S. - Collected Stories
9122: PROULX, ANNIE - The Shipping News
9121: PROULX, ANNIE - Accordion Crimes
9120: PROULX, ANNIE - That Old Ace in the Hole
9119: PROULX, ANNIE - Fine Just the Way It Is: Wyoming Stories 3
9118: PROULX, ANNIE - Bad Dirt: Wyoming Stories 2
9117: PROULX, ANNIE - Close Range: Wyoming Stories (Incl. Brokeback Mountain)
9046: PURDY, JAMES - The Nephew
9044: PURDY, JAMES - Mourners Below
9043: PURDY, JAMES - The House of the Solitary Maggot
10034: QUILLIOT, ROGER - The Sea and Prisons: A Commentary on the Life and Thoughts of Albert Camus
9344: QUINN, EDWARD - Riviera Cocktail
9649: RABAN, JONATHAN - For Love and Money
9750: DE RACHEWILTZ, MARY - Discretions. A Memoir by Ezra Pound's Daughter.
9390: RAINE, CRAIG - Rich
9389: RAINE, CRAIG - The Electrification of the Soviet Union
8984: RAINE, CRAIG - The Onion, Memory
010077: RAND, AYN - Atlas Shrugged
9563: RANDLE, JOHN; RANDLE, ROSALIND (ED.) - Matrix 22: A Review for Printers & Bibliophiles
9565: RANDLE, JOHN; RANDLE, ROSALIND (ED.) - Matrix 24: A Review for Printers & Bibliophiles
9564: RANDLE, JOHN; RANDLE, ROSALIND (ED.) - Matrix 23: A Review for Printers & Bibliophiles
9562: RANDLE, JOHN; RANDLE, ROSALIND (ED.) - Matrix 21: A Review for Printers & Bibliophiles
9561: RANDLE, JOHN; RANDLE, ROSALIND (ED.) - Matrix 20: A Review for Printers & Bibliophiles
9414: RANSOM, W.M. (BILL) - Finding True North & Critter
9082: READ, PIERS PAUL - Monk Dawson
9081: READ, PIERS PAUL - The Junkers
9858: REDHILL, MICHAEL - Consolation
9354: REED, JEREMY - By the Fisheries
9353: REED, JEREMY - Nero
9352: REED, JEREMY - Nineties
9401: REEVES, GARETH - Real Stories
9515: REICHEL, ALEXANDER (ET AL) - Open Close: Windows, Doors, Gates, Loggias, Filters
9364: REID, CHRISTOPHER - In the Echoey Tunnel
9785: REYNOLDS, M.E. - Memories of John Galsworthy (by His Sister)
9393: REYNOLDS, OLIVER - The Oslo Tram
9392: REYNOLDS, OLIVER - The Player Queen's Wife
9391: REYNOLDS, OLIVER - Skevington's Daughter
8948: RIDING, LAURA - Poet: A Lying Word
9398: RIDLER, ANNE - New and Selected Poems
9356: ROLLINS, SCOTT - Painting with Water
9114: RONG, JIANG - Wolf Totem
9773: ROS, AMANDA MCKITTRICK - Irene Iddesleigh
10035: ROWLEY, HAZEL - Tête-à-Tête
9835: ROWSE, A.L. - The Poet Auden: A Personal Memoir
9836: ROWSE, A.L. - The Poet Auden: A Personal Memoir
10043: RUDORFF, RAYMOND - Belle Epoque: Paris in the Nineties
9212: RUFIN, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE - The Abyssinian
9372: RUMENS, CAROL - The Greening of the Snow Beach
9371: RUMENS, CAROL - Selected Poems
9072: RUSHDIE, SALMAN - The Satanic Verses
9071: RUSHDIE, SALMAN - East, West
9070: RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Shame
9069: RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Shalimar the Clown
9068: RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Fury
9067: RUSHDIE, SALMAN - Fury
9827: RUSSELL, BERTRAND - The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell. Volume 2: The Public Years (1914-1970)
9826: RUSSELL, BERTRAND - The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell. Volume 1: The Private Years (1884-1914)
9255: RUSSO, RICHARD - Bridge of Sighs
9884: RUTHERFURD, EDWARD - The Forest
010091: GEESINK, M.S. ET AL (ED.) - Bibliografie Van de Nederlandse Taal- En Literatuurwetenschap
9173: SÁBATO, ERNESTO - The Tunnel
9497: SALAMAN, MALCOLM C. - The New Woodcut
9496: SALAMAN, MALCOLM C. - The New Woodcut
9611: SANDILANDS, BRIGADIER H.R. - The Fifth in the Great War: Atlas
10029: SARAMAGO, JOSÉ - Seeing
10028: SARAMAGO, JOSÉ - Blindness
10030: SARAMAGO, JOSÉ - The Cave
010085: SARIS, FRANK (ED.) - Een Eeuw Vogels Beschermen
9570: SASSOON, SIEGFRIED - Selected Poems
8944: SASSOON, SIEGFRIED - Collected Poems
10008: SAVIGNEAU, JOSYANE - Carson Mccullers: A Life
9642: SAYER, PAUL - The Comforts of Madness
10023: SCAMMELL, MICHAEL - Solzhenitsyn: A Biography
9378: SCANNELL, VERNON - Winterlude
9623: SCHEDA, JOSEPH - General-Karte Von Europa in 25 Blättern
9988: SCHEIN, EDGAR H. - Process Consultation: Its Role in Organization Development
9402: SEIDEL, FREDERICK - Men and Women: New and Selected Poems
9544: SELIGER, MARK - The Music Book
9701: SENDAK, PHILIP - In Grandpa's House
9700: SENDAK, PHILIP - In Grandpa's House
010074: SETH, VIKRAM - A Suitable Boy
9881: SETH, VIKRAM - Two Lives
9520: SETTEMBRINI, LUIGI (ET AL.) - 500 Years of Italian Furniture: Magnificence and Design
9702: SEVERN, DAVID - Foxy-Boy
9772: SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD - Four Plays: The Devil's Disciple, Man and Superman, Pygmalion, Saint Joan
9442: SHERRY, NORMAN - The Life of Graham Greene (3 Volumes)
9441: SHERRY, NORMAN - The Life of Graham Greene: Volume Three 1955-1991
9440: SHERRY, NORMAN - The Life of Graham Greene: Volume Two 1939-1955
9439: SHERRY, NORMAN - The Life of Graham Greene: Volume One 1904-1939
9485: SHONE, RICHARD - Bloomsbury Portraits: Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant, and Their Circle
9484: SHONE, RICHARD - Bloomsbury Portraits: Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant, and Their Circle
9925: SHORT, JOHN RENNIE - Representing the Republic: Mapping the United States, 1600-1900
8908: SHYAM, BHAJJU - Het Jungleboek Van Londen
9140: SILLITOE, ALAN - Storm
9024: SIMPSON, LOUIS - Selected Poems
8987: SIMPSON, LOUIS - At the End of the Open Road
9509: SMITH, JOHN - Luxury Houses: Top of the World
9421: SMITH, DAVE - In the House of the Judge
9227: SMITH, ALI - The Accidental
9504: SMITS, L - Overpeinzingen Van Een Boekenwurm
10036: COHEN-SOLAL, ANNIE - Sartre: A Life
9804: SOUHAMI, DIANA - Gertrude and Alice
9867: SPARK, MURIEL - The Stories of Muriel Spark
9852: SPENDER, STEPHEN - A Version of the Oedipus Trilogy of Sophocles
9851: SPENDER, STEPHEN - The Thirties and After: Poetry, Politics, People (1933-1975)
9850: SPENDER, STEPHEN - Journals 1939-1983
9199: SPENDER, STEPHEN (ET AL) - Encounter 116
9200: SPENDER, STEPHEN (ET AL) - Encounter 130: Borges
9197: SPENDER, STEPHEN (ET AL) - Encounter 105: Borges
9198: SPENDER, STEPHEN (ET AL) - Encounter 112
9626: SPONSEL, JEAN LOUIS - Das Moderne Plakat
9290: STEINBECK, JOHN - The Forgotten Village
10065: STEINBECK, JOHN (ED. SHILLINGLAW, S. AND BENSON, J.J.) - America and Americans and Selected Nonfiction
010092: STERRY, PAUL - Vogels Van de Middellandse Zee
9412: STEVENS, PETER - Out of the Willow Trees
9614: STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS - Kidnapped. Being the Memoirs of the Adventures of David Balfour in the Year 1751
9661: STRACHEY, LYTTON - Portraits in Miniature and Other Essays
8950: STRAND, PAUL - Southwest
9030: STYRON, WILLIAM - Sophie's Choice
9031: STYRON, WILLIAM - Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness
9029: STYRON, WILLIAM - A Tidewater Morning
9028: STYRON, WILLIAM - The Confessions of Nat Turner
9407: SUMMERHAYES, DON - Heavy Horse Judging
9221: SURIANO, GREGORY R. - The British Pre-Raphaelite Illustrators
9849: SUTHERLAND, JOHN - Stephen Spender: A Literary Life
9714: DE BOONE-SWARTWOLT, J.C. - Wat Wim En Anneke in de Vacantie Beleefden
9130: ARNOLD, EDWIN T. & LUCE, DIANNE C. - Perspectives on Cormac Mccarthy
9856: TARTT, DONNA - The Little Friend
9248: TERBORGH, HANS - Opmerkelijk Grappig
010072: THOMAS, D.M. - Charlotte: The Final Journey of Jane Eyre
010083: THOMAS, DYLAN - Adventures in the Skin Trade
9698: THOMAS, DYLAN - A Child's Christmas in Wales
9697: THOMAS, DYLAN - A Child's Christmas in Wales
9695: THOMAS, DYLAN; GRINDEA, MIRON (ED.) - Adam International Review No. 238. Dylan Thomas Memorial Number
9694: THOMAS, DYLAN; (CLAUS, HUGO. TRANS.) - Als Een Jonge Hond
9693: THOMAS, CAITLIN; TREMLETT, GEORGE - Caitlin: Life with Dylan Thomas
9692: THOMAS, CAITLIN; TREMLETT, GEORGE - Caitlin: Life with Dylan Thomas
9691: THOMAS, CAITLIN - Not Quite Posthumous Letter to My Daughter
9690: THOMAS, CAITLIN - Leftover Life to Kill
9688: THOMAS, DYLAN; (FERRIS, PAUL. ED.) - Dylan Thomas: The Collected Letters
9686: THOMAS, DYLAN - The Collected Stories
9685: THOMAS, DYLAN; (DAVIES, WALFORD. ED.) - Dylan Thomas: Early Prose Writings
9684: THOMAS, DYLAN; (JONES, DANIEL. ED.) - Dylan Thomas: The Poems
9681: THOMAS, DYLAN; (MAUD, RALPH. ED.) - On the Air with Dylan Thomas: The Broadcasts
9670: THOMAS, DYLAN - The Beach of Falesá
9668: THOMAS, DYLAN; (MAUD, RALPH, ED.) - Poet in the Making: The Notebooks of Dylan Thomas
9663: THOMAS, DYLAN - Deaths and Entrances
9406: THOMAS, R.S. - Experimenting with an Amen
8920: THOMAS, DYLAN - Under Milk Wood
9012: THOMSON, IAN - Primo Levi
9011: THOMSON, IAN - Primo Levi
9888: THORPE, ADAM - Ulverton
9715: VAN TICHELEN, H. - Dick Whittington En Zijn Kat
10038: TODD, OLIVIER - Malraux: A Life
9403: TOMLINSON, CHARLES - Annunciations
10002: TROGDON, ROBERT W. - Ernest Hemingway: A Literary Reference
10011: TURNBULL, ANDREW - Scott Fitzgerald
9756: TYTELL, JOHN - Ezra Pound: The Solitary Volcano
9100: UNSWORTH, BARRY - Sacred Hunger
9099: UNSWORTH, BARRY - Land of Marvels
9316: UPDIKE, JOHN - Rabbit at Rest
9619: VARIOUS - Kijk: Het Heden in Woord En Beeld (Complete)
9006: LA VICOMTERIE, LOUIS - Les Crimes Des Rois de France, Depuis Clovis Jusqu'a Louis Seize (XVI)
9740: VILLON, FRANCOIS; (TRANS. H. DEVERE STACPOOLE) - The Poems of Francois Villon
10013: VOOUS, KAREL H. - In de Ban Van Volgels. Geschiedenis Van de Beoefening Van de Ornithologie in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw. Tevens Ornithologisch Biografisch Woordenboek
9577: VROMAN, LEO - Tineke
9575: VROOMEN, PIM DE (ED.) - Pierre Kemp, Bevonden En Gewogen
9431: WALCOTT, DEREK - Collected Poems 1948-1984
9430: WALCOTT, DEREK - The Arkansas Testament
9429: WALCOTT, DEREK - Midsummer
9992: WALDOCK, A.J.A. - James, Joyce and Others
9215: WANDER, FRED - The Seventh Well
8964: WANDREI, DONALD - The Web of Easter Island
9228: WATERS, SARAH - The Night Watch
9675: WATKINS, GWEN - Dylan Thomas and Vernon Watkins: Portrait of a Friendship
9074: WEATHERBY, W.J. - Salman Rushdie: Sentenced to Death
9543: WEBER, BRUCE - Roberto Bolle: An Athlete in Tights
9781: WEEKS, DONALD - Corvo
8891: WEHRENS, PETER - Het Gewicht Der Dingen
9864: WELDON, FAY - The Hearts and Lives of Men
9514: WELLER, BERNHARD (ET AL) - Glass in Building: Principles, Applications, Examples
9377: WELLS, ROBERT - The Winter's Task
010082: WELTY, EUDORA - The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty
9779: WESKER, ARNOLD; ALLIN, JOHN - Say Goodbye: You May Never See Them Again
9489: SACKVILLE-WEST, VITA (DESALVO, LOUISE. ED.) - The Letters of Vita Sackville-West to Virginia Woolf
9488: SACKVILLE-WEST, VITA - The Easter Party
9032: WEST, JAMES L.W. III - William Styron: A Life
9460: WHITE, PATRICK - Voss
9459: WHITE, PATRICK - The Tree of Man
9418: WHITEN, CLIFTON - One Poem: Poems Selected and New
10031: WIESEL, ELIE - Night
9417: WILBUR, RICHARD - New and Collected Poems
8983: WILLIAMS, EMMETT - Sweethearts
8982: WILLIAMS, EMMETT (ED.) - An Anthology of Concrete Poetry
9195: WILLIAMSON, EDWIN - Borges: A Life
9877: WILSON, ANGUS - The Collected Stories of Angus Wilson
9229: WILSON, CHRISTOPHER - The Ballad of Lee Cotton
10033: WINEAPPLE, BRENDA - Genêt: A Biography of Janet Flanner
9802: WINEAPPLE, BRENDA - Sister Brother: Gertrude and Leo Stein
9797: WISER, WILLIAM - The Twilight Years: Paris in the 1930s
10059: WOLFE, TOM - The Bonfire of the Vanities
8898: WOLKERS, JAN - Turkish Delight
9993: WOOLF, VIRGINIA - The Letters of Virginia Woolf (Vols. 1-3)
8940: WOOLF, VIRGINIA - Jacob's Room
9573: WOOLF, VIRGINIA - Over Londen (the London Scene)
9525: WOOLF, VIRGINIA - The Years
9492: WOOLF, VIRGINIA - Three Guineas
9480: WOOLF, VIRGINIA (WOOLF, LEONARD. ED.) - The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays
9479: WOOLF, VIRGINIA (WOOLF, LEONARD. ED.) - The Moment and Other Essays
9476: WOOLF, VIRGINIA - The Years
9474: WOOLF, VIRGINIA - The London Scene
8943: WOOLF, VIRGINIA - The Years
9822: YEATS, W.B.; (ALBRIGHT, DANIEL. ED) - W.B. Yeats: The Poems
8961: YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER - Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry
8931: YOUNG, FRANCIS BRETT - Portrait of a Village
9308: ZOETE, HANS - Harrieke
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