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9707: Adamian, Martin S. and Klem, Daniel - Handbook of the Birds of Armenia
9639: Adams, Ansel - Ansel Adam, Images 1923-1974 (with foreword by Wallace Stegner)
1457: Adams, H.G. and H.B. - THE SMALLER BRITISH BIRDS: With Descriptions of their Nests, Eggs, Habits etc., etc., etc.
8030: Adams, John Quincy - The Duplicate Letters, the Fisheries and the Mississippi. Documents relating to Transactions at the Negotiation of Ghent. Collected by John Quincy Adams, one of the Commissioners of the United States at that Negotiation
9440: Aelianus, Claudius - De Natura Animalium libri XVII. Cum animadversionibus Conradi Gessneri, et Danielis Wilhelmi Trilleri: curante Abrahamo Gronovio, Qui et suas Adnotationes adjecit, 2 volumes complete in a clamshell box
5157: Agassiz, Louis - Sketch of the Natural Provinces of the Animal World and their Relation to the Different Types of Man.
7393: Agassiz, Louis - Monographies d'Echinodermes Vivans et Fossiles, Livraison 1-3
8183: Agassiz, Louis - Report on Deep-Sea Dredgings in the Gulf Stream during the third Cruise of the U.S. Steamer Bibb, addressed to Professor Benjamin Peirce, Superintendent U.S. Coast Guard Survey
9089: Agusti, Jorge; Rook, Lorenzo; de Bonis, Louis; Koufos, George D. and Andrews, Peter (editors) - Hominoid Evolution and Climatic Change in Europe Volume 1: The Evolution of Neogene Terrestrial Ecosystems in Europe + Volume 2: Phylogeny of the Neogene Hominoid Primates of Eurasia (two volume set)
4063: Akazawa, T. and Szathmary, E.J.E. (editors). - Prehistoric Mongoloid Dispersals.
7800: Al-Rawa, Abdul Hakim A. - The Development of the Weberian Apparatus and the Swim Bladder in the Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque)
8327: Albrecht, Gene H. - Craniofacial Morphology of the Sulawesi Macaques: Multivariate Approaches to Biological Problems
6606: Allen, Glover N. - Solenodon Paradoxus.
8033: Allen, Glover M. - The Whalebone Whales of New England
3835: Allen, J. A. - Ontogenetic and other Variations in Muskoxen, with a Systematic Review of the Muskox Group, Recent and Extinct.
7786: Allen, G. R. (editor) - FAO Species Catalogue, Volume 6 - Snappers of the World: An annotated and illustrated catalogue of Lutjanid species known to date
7787: Allen, G. R. (editor) - FAO Species Catalogue, Volume 6 - Snappers of the World: An annotated and illustrated catalogue of Lutjanid species known to date
6388: Altmann, Stuart A. (editor) - Social Communication among Primates.
7339: Altmann, Jeanne - Baboon Mothers and Infants
8947: Amann, Gottfried - Bodenpflanzen des Waldes: Taschenbildbuch
5742: Amano, Akira - Birds in Flight.
5220: Amaral, Afranio do. - A General Consideration of Snake Poisoning and Observations on Neotropical Pit-Vipers.
1922: American Journal of Archaeology - AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY, Volume 38, no. 1-4, complete.
9259: American Philosophical Society - Commemoration of the Centennial of the Publication of The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
8755: Ammirati, Joseph F., Traquair, James A. and Horgen, Paul A. - Poisonous Mushrooms of Canada, Part 1: The Fungus Fruit Body and Part 2: Fungal Poisoning
4619: Ananjeva, N. B. and Borkin, L. J. (editor) - The Fauna and Ecology of Amphibians and Reptiles of Palaearctic.
4618: Ananjeva, N. B. and Borkin, L. J. (editor) - Ecology and Systematics of Amphibians and Reptiles.
7455: Anderson, John - Catalogue of Mammalia in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, Part I: Primates, Prosimiae, Chiroptera and Insectivora
9778: Anderson, Anders H. and Anderson, Anne - The Cactus Wren
9658: Anderson, John - Anatomical and Zoological Researches: Comprising an account of the zoological results of the two expeditions to western Yunnan in 1868 and 1875; and a monograph of the two cetacean genera, Platanista and Orcella, in two volumes (text + hand-colored plates)
8505: Anderson, Douglas D. - Lang Rongrien Rockshelter: A Pleistocene, Early Holocene Archaeological Site from Krabi, Southwestern Thailand
4293: Anderson, John - Herpetology of Arabia.
2831: Andersson, Lars G. - Some new species of snakes from Cameroon and South America belonging to Royal Museum in Stockholm
8057: Andrews, C. W. - A description of new species of Leathery Turtles from the Eocene of southern Nigeria.
8802: Andrews, Roy Chapman - The New Conquest of Central Asia: A Narrative of the Explorations of the Central Asiatic Expeditions in Mongolia and China, 1921-1930, inscribed by Roy Chapman Andrews and Walter Granger
3645: Andrews, Roy Chapman - The Sei Whale (Balaenoptera borealis Lesson): 1. History, habits, external anatomy, osteology, and relationships. 2. Anatomy of a foetus of Balaenopterus borealis (by H. von W. Schulte).
8566: Andrews, R. C., Berkey, C. P., Grabau, A. W., Nichols, J. T., Pope, C. H., Allen, G. M. et al. - Collected Works of the Central Asiatic Expeditions to Mongolia and China, in 7 volumes, complete
8286: Angel, F. - Vie et Moeurs des Serpents
4625: Angel, Fernand - Petit Atlas des Amphibiens et Reptiles, Fascicule I: Apodes, Urodèles, Anoures, Rhynocéphales, Chéloniens, Crocodiliens + Fascicule II: Sauriens, Ophidiens, 2 volumes, complete
4443: Angel, Fernand - Faune de France 45: Reptiles et Amphibiens.
4506: Angel, F. - Vie et Moeurs des Amphibiens: Grenouilles, Crapauds, Tritons, Salamadres, Cecilies.
4507: Angel, F. - Vie et Moeurs des Amphibiens: Grenouilles, Crapauds, Tritons, Salamadres, Cecilies.
7541: Angress, Shimon and Reed, Charles - An Annotated Bibliography on the Origin and Descent of Domestic Mammals, 1900-1955
4864: Anthony, R. and Friant, M. - Théorie de la Dentition Jugale Mamalienne, Parts I-III, complete.
4701: Antoniewicz, Wlodzimierz - Sur l'Atlas Archeologique du Monde et de la Pologne.
7792: Arambourg, Camille - Résultats Scientifiques de la Mission C. Arambourg en Syrie et en Iran (1938-1939). II. Les Poissons Oligocènes de l'Iran
8314: Arambourg, Camille - Mission Scientifique de l'Omo, 1932-1933, Tome I: Geologie - Anthropologie, Fascicle II (Geologie) + Fascicle III (Paleontologie): Contribution a l'etude geologique et paleontologique du bassin du lac Rodolphe et de la basse vallee de l'Omo
8274: Arambourg, C. and Hoffstetter, R. - Le Gisement de Ternifine, I.
5717: Archer, John - The Behavioural Biology of Aggression.
4725: Arkiv for Zoologi - Arkiv for Zoologi. Utgivet af K. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien (ser. 1), volume 1-19, 32, in 20 bound volumes.
7535: Armstrong, A. Leslie - Rhodesian Archaeological Expedition (1929): Excavations in Bambata Cave and Researches on Prehistoric sites in Southern Rhodesia
4317: Armstrong, Barry L. - The Natural History of Mexican Rattlesnakes.
7938: Arnold, Marion (author and editor) - South African Botanical Art: Peeling back the petals (Collector's edition of 100 numbered copies, this is copy no. 1 presented to 'The Publisher' by the author)
5402: Arthaber, G. V. - IV. Das Jungere Palaozoicum aus der Araxes-Enge + V. Uber die Fundstelle von Senon-Fossilien bei Sirab in Persien.
8862: Asher, Robert J. and Müller, Johannes (editors) - From Clone to Bone: The Synergy of Morphological and Molecular Tools in Palaeobiology
9402: Ashton, Ray E. and Ashton, Patricia S. - The Natural History and Management of the Gopher Tortoise Gopherus polyphemus (Daudin)
5787: Atmadi, Parmono - Some Architectural Design Principles of Temples in Java: a study through the buildings projection on the beliefs of Borobudur temple.
7932: Atwater, W. O. - Contributions to the Knowledge of the Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of American Food Fishes and Invertebrates
6020: Auboyer, Jeannine and Darbois, Dominique. - Angkor (Coleccion Fotoscop in four languages).
9800: Audubon, J. J. - The Original Watercolor Paintings of John James Audubon for the ‘The Birds of America’ in two volumes.
1725: Ault, Captain J.P. - OCEANOGRAPHY IV. THE WORK OF THE CARNEGIE AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE SCIENTIFIC CRUISES. (Scientific Results of Cruise VII of the Carnegie during 1829-1929).
9342: Aung-Thwin, Michael - Irrigation in the Heartland of Burma: Foundations of the Pre-Colonial Burmese State
9605: Australian National Commission for UNESCO - Australian Aboriginal Culture
8063: Azevedo, Antonio Carlos Pradel - Notas sobre Cobras Corais (Serpentes: Elapidae), III, IV, V, VI and VII
6351: Babcock, Harold L. - The Turtles of New England.
9587: Bacon, Anne-Marie (editor) - Les sites de Tam Hang, Nam Lot et Tam Pà Ling au nord du Laos: Des gisements à vertébrés du Pléistocène aux origines des Hommes modernes
9547: Bacon, Anne-Marie (editor) - Les sites de Tam Hang, Nam Lot et Tam Pà Ling au nord du Laos: Des gisements à vertébrés du Pléistocène aux origines des Hommes modernes
9791: Bailey, B. H. - The Raptorial Birds of Iowa
9792: Bailey, A. M. - Birds of Arctic Alaska
3203: Baker, Frank C. - The Mollusca of the Chicago Area: The Pelecypoda
6516: Baker, Paul T. and Weiner, J. S. (editors) - The Biology of Human Adaptability.
8376: Ballowitz, E. - Die Entwickelungsgeschichte Der Kreuzotter (Pelias berus Merr.) (=The History of the Development of the Adder (Pelias berus Merr.), Part 1: Die Entwickelung Vom Auftreten Der Ersten Furche Bis Zum Schlusse Des Amnios (all published).
7620: Bannerman, David A. and Bannerman, W. Mary - Birds of Cyprus
8885: Barber, A. J. and Wiryosujono, S. (editors) - The Geology and Tectonics of Eastern Indonesia: Proceedings of the CCOP-IOC SEATAR Working Group Meeting Bandung, Indonesia, 9-14 July 1979
9518: Barbour, Thomas et al. - Four herpetological monographs from Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Museum: A Contribution to the Zoogeography of the East Indian Islands + A Contribution to the Zoogeography of the West Indies, with special reference to Amphibians and Reptiles + The Herpetology of Cuba + A Comparative Study of the Herpetological Faunae of the Uluguru and Usambara Mountains, Tanganyika Territory
8328: Barbour, T. and Carr, Jr., A. F. - Antillean Terrapins
8198: Barigozzi, Claudio et al. (editors) - Atti Del Colloquio Internazionale sul Tema: l""Origine Dell'uomo Indeteto in occasione Del Primo Centenario Della pubblicazione Dell'opera Di Darwin ""The Descent of Man"" (Roma, 28-30 Ottobre 1971)
5616: Barker, George F. - The Correlation of Vital and Physical Forces.
2129: Barnard, J. L. - Marine Amphipoda of Oregon.
7304: Barnes, Lawrence G. - Miocene Desmatophocinae (Mammalia Carnivora)
1808: Barraband, J. - Le Barbu de la Guyane, hand-colored engraving (20.5 x 13.5 inches).
9139: Bartholomew, Breck - In Pursuit of Snakes & Other Reptiles: The Herpetological Library of Adrian Crane
4609: Barus, Vlastimil and Oliva, Ota - Obojzivelnici Amphibia
9344: Bassenne, Marthe and Tips, Walter E. J. (translator) - In Laos and Siam
3598: Bateman, James - A Second Century of Orchidaceous Plants
2622: Baur, G. - Beitrage zur Morphogenie des Carpus und Tarsus der Vertebraten, I: Batrachia
8008: Bean, Tarleton and Goode, G. Brown - A List of European Fishes in the Collection of the United States National Museum + Catalogue of a collection of fishes sent from Pensacola, Florida, and Vicinity, by Mr. Silas Stearns, with descriptions of six new species
9807: Beardslee, Clark S. and Mitchell, Harold D. - Birds of the Niagara Frontier Region: An Annotated Check-List.
3009: Beaumont, Eilneen H. - Cranial morphology of the Loxommidae (Amphibia: Labyrinthodontia)
9595: Bechstein, Johann Matthaus - Herrn de la Cepede's Naturgeschichte der Amphibien, oder der enerlegenden vierfussigen Thiere und der Schlangen: Eine Fortsetzung von Buffon's Naturgeschichte, in five volumes with hand-colored plates
8359: Bedriaga, Jacques de - Wissenschaftliche Resultate der von N.M. Przewalski nach Central-Asien unternommenen Reisen Zoologischer Teil. Band III, Abtheilung 1: Amphibien und Reptilien. Lieferung 1 to 4, complete in four parts
4912: Bedriaga, Jacques de - Wissenschaftliche Resultate der von N.M. Przewalski nach Central-Asien unternommenen Reisen Zoologischer Teil. Band III, Abth. 1: Amphibien und Reptilien. Lieferung (Part) I and II.
4131: Beebe, William and Tee-Van, John - The Fishes of Port-Au-Prince Bay, Haiti.
9331: Beebee, T. J. C. - Ecology and Conservation of Amphibians
9795: Behle, William H. - The Bird Life of the Great Salt Lake
7562: Bekaert, Jacques - Kampuchea Diary 1983-1986
8127: Bell, D. C. - Britain's Maritime History: An Illustrated Chronicle (limited edition of 300 numbered copies)
9048: Bellairs, Angus and Carrington, Richard - The World of Reptiles
9774: Bellrose, Frank C. and Holm, Daniel J. - Ecology and Management of the Wood Duck
9081: Bellwood, Peter - Man’s Conquest of the Pacific: The Prehistory of Southeast Asia and Oceania
6286: Bemis, William E. and Burggren, Warren W. and Kemp, Norman E. (editors) - The Biology and Evolution of Lungfishes.
6367: Bendall, Derek S. (editor) - Evolution from Molecules to Men.
6049: Beneden, P.J. van - Description des Ossements Fossiles des Environs d'Anvers, Text volumes, Parts 2-5 (of 5 Parts).
4225: Bennett, Daniel - Warane der Welt Welt der Warane.
9193: Benson, Lyman and Thornber, J. J. - The Cacti of Arizona
6201: Bentham, T. - An Illustrated Catalogue of Asiatic Horns and Antlers.
8888: Berger, Karl (editor) - Mykologisches Worterbuch in 8 Sprachen -- Mycological Dictionary in 8 Languages
1580: Berlepsch, H. von - Revision der Tanagriden.
7345: Bernstein, Irwin S. and Smith, Euclid O. (editors) - Primate Ecology and Human Origins: Ecological Influences on Social Organization
7898: Berry, S. Stillman - A Review of the Cephalopods of Western North America
4696: Berthelet, Arlette and Chavaillon, Jean - The Use of Tools by Human and Non-human Primates.
7760: Bertram, James G. - The Harvest of the Sea: A Contribution to the Natural and Economic History of the British Food Fishes
2976: Besairie, Henri - Recherches Géologiques a Madagascar (première suite): La Géologie du Nord-Ouest, text + plates (mostly ammonites).
9771: Betten, H.L. - Upland Game Shooting (limited first edition of 124 numbered copies each signed by the author)
5891: Bewick, Thomas and Middleton, R. Hunter - Thomas Bewick, ten working drawing reproductions shown with impressions of the corresponding engravings.
8687: Bigelow, Howard E. and Thiers, Harry D. (editors) - Studies on Higher Fungi: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Dr. Alexander H. Smith on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday
7538: Binford, Lewis R. - Debating Archaeology
4994: Binney, W.G. and Bland, Thomas - XVIII. Notes on the Lingual Dentition of Mollusca.
1951: Biosystems Analysis, Inc. - ECOLOGY OF BALD EAGLES IN ARIZONA, 4 volumes, complete.
7751: Bisset, Peter - The Book of Water Gardening
3002: Bjorge, A. and Donovan, G. P. (editors) - Biology of the Phocoenids
7679: Bjorndal, Karen and Balazs, George H. (editors) - Manual of Sea Turtle Research and conservation techniques prepared for the Western Atlantic Turtle Symposium
7473: Blache, J. - Contribution a la connaissance de Poissons Anguilliformes de la cote occidentale d'Afrique, Premiere note: Enchelycore nigricans + Deuxieme note: Le genre Muraena + Troisieme note: Le genre Echidna + Quatrieme note: Le genre Lycodontis + Cinquieme note: Le genre Gymnothorax + Sixieme note: Les genres Ararchias, Uropterygius et Channomuraena, in six separate parts, each in its original light red wrappers
3211: Blackwelder, R.E. - Checklist of the Coleopterous Insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Parts I-VI, complete (bound in 1 thick volume)
2563: Blake, S.F. - A Revision of the Genus Viguiera
9464: Blanford, W.T. - Eastern Persia; an account of the journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission, 1870 – 1871 – 1872, Volume II: The Zoology and Geology only
5094: Blanford, W.T. - Account of a visit to the Eastern and Northern Frontiers of Independent Sikkim, with notes on the zoology of Alpine and Subalpine Regions, Part I-II: Narrative + Zoology, complete.
8185: Bloch, Marcus Elieser - Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Fische: I. Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische, 9 parts in 4 volumes (text) + II. Oeconomische Naturgeschichte der Fische Deutschlands, with 432 fine color plates in 2 volumes (plates)
9704: Boere, Gerard, Galbraith, Colin, and Stroud, David (Editors) - Waterbirds around the World: A global overview of the conservation, management, and research of the world's waterbird flyways
5494: Boesch, Christophe - Wild Cultures: A Comparison between Chimpanzee and Human Cultures.
5861: Boettger, O. - Katalog der Reptilien-Sammlung im Museum der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Teil 1:Rhynochocephalen, Schildkroten, Krokodile, Eidechsen, Chamaleons.
0929: Bogert, C.M. - Dentitional Phenomena in Cobras and Other Elapids with Notes on Adaptive Modifications of Fangs
2592: Bogert, C. M. - Herpetological results of the Vernay Angola Expedition with notes on African reptiles in other collections
7348: Bohlin, Birger - Cavicornier der Hipparion-Fauna Nord-China (Palaeontologia Sinica, series C, volume 9, fascicle 4)
7350: Bohlin, Birger - Die Familie Giraffidae mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der fossilen Formen aus China (Paleaeontologia Sinica, series C, volume 4, fascicle 1)
7363: Bohlin, Birger - The Fossil Mammals from the Tertiary deposit of Taben-buluk, western Kansu, Part II: Simplicidentata, Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla and Primates
2971: Boivin, Bernard - Énumération des Plantes du Canada, Provancheria no. 6
3746: Bolivar, Ignacio - Monografia de los Pirgomorfinos, Part I.
5232: Bolus, Harry - Icones Orchidearum Austro-Africanarum Extra-Tropicarum; or, figures, with descriptions, of extra-tropical South African Orchids, in 3 volumes (1896-1911-1913) + The Orchids of the Cape Peninsula (1918), in 4 uniformly-bound volumes
7443: Bonifay, Eugene and Vandermeersch, Bernard (editors) - Les Premiers Europeens (Actes du 114e Congres national des societes savants, Section de prehistoire et de protohistoire)
9418: Bonnaterre, Pierre-Joseph - Tableau Encyclopédique et Méthodique des Trois Règnes de la Nature: Erpétologie + Ophiologie
6181: Bonnichsen, Robson and Turnmire, Karen L. (editors) - Ice Age Peoples of North America: Environments, Origins, and Adaptations of the First Americans.
4132: Boone, Lee - The Littoral Crustacean Fauna of the Galapagos Islands.
9747: Boonsong Legakul and McNeeley, J.A. - Mammals of Thailand (second edition)
5427: Bose, Emilio - El Temblor del 14 de Abril de 1907.
2955: Boston Society of Natural History - Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, volume XVI (1873-1874)
5155: Boston Society of Natural History - Louis Agassiz: memorial meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, January 7th 1874.
9457: Boulenger, George A. - Vertebrate Fauna of the Malay Peninsula from the Isthmus of Kra to Singapore Including the Adjacent Islands: Reptilia and Batrachia
9212: Boulenger, George Albert - Catalogue of the Batrachia Gradientia: S. Caudata and Batrachia Apoda in the collection of the British Museum, second edition
9044: Boulenger, G. A. - Contributions to American Herpetology, Collected Papers, Parts 1-18, complete + Taxonomic Index and Two Tables of Contents
8918: Bourret, René - Les Batraciens de l'Indochine
5628: Bourret, Rene L. - Les Tortues de l'Indochine avec une note sur la pêche et l'elevage des tortues de mer par F. Le Poulain.
9439: Bourret, Rene L. - Les Tortues de l'Indochine avec une note sur la pêche et l'elevage des tortues de mer par F. Le Poulain
8476: Bourret, Rene - Les Mammiferes de l'Indochine: Les Gibbons
9438: Bourret, Rene L. - Les Tortues de l'Indochine avec une note sur la pêche et l'elevage des tortues de mer par F. Le Poulain
3994: Bouvier, E. L. - Reports on the Results of Dredging in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78), in the Caribbean Sea (1878-79) and along the Atlantic coast of the United States (1880), by the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer ""Blake"", Part XLVIII: Les Macroures Marcheurs.
8543: Bowden, Douglas M. - Aging in Nonhuman Primates (Primate Behavior and Development Series)
7925: Bowers, George M. - Artificial Propagation of the Atlantic Salmon, Rainbow Trout, and Brook Trout
7630: Bowers, George M. (Commissioner) - Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol XXV for 1905
6232: Boyce, A. J. (editor) - Chromosome Variations in Human Evolution
5064: Boyde, A., Brown, S. G. and Jones, S. I. - Sightings of Cetacea during the 1966 Trans-Atlantic Yacht Race.
8273: Brain, C. K. (editor) - Swartkrans: A Cave's Chronicle of Early Man (Transvaal Museum Monograph no. 8)
9323: Brandon, Ronald A. - Systematics of the Salamander Genus Gyrinophilus
9775: Brandt, Herbert - Texas Bird Adventures in the Chisos Mountains and on the Northern Plains
9728: Brandt, Herbert - Alaska Bird Trails: Adventures of an Expedition by Dog Sled to the Delta of the Yukon River
5431: Branson, E. B. et al. - The Devonian of Missouri with chapters on The Bailey Limestone and the Little Saline Limestone
4246: Brazil, Vital - La Défense Contre l'Ophidisme.
9236: Breckenridge, W. J. - Reptiles and Amphibians of Minnesota
7515: Breder, C. M. - The reproductive habits of the North American Sunfishes (Family: Centrarchidae)
9719: Bree, Charles R. - A History of the Birds of Europe not observed in the British Isles, in 5 volumes (second edition, revised)
4614: Brehm, A E. - De Kallblodiga Ryggradsdjurens Lif.
9294: Brent, Peter - Charles Darwin: A Man of Enlarged Curiosity
7533: Briggs, J. C - Biogeography and Plate Tectonics
8166: Britton, Nathaniel Lord - Descriptions of Cuban Plants New to Science
3981: Broadley, Donald G., Gans, Carl, and Visser, John - Studies of Amphisbaenians (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia): 6. The Genera Monopeltis and Dalophia in Southern Africa.
3980: Broadley, Donald G., Gans, Carl, and Visser, John - Studies of Amphisbaenians (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia): 6. The Genera Monopeltis and Dalophia in Southern Africa.
3355: Brooks, W.K. and Herrick, F.H. - The Embryology and Metamorphosis of the Macroura.
8064: Broom, Robert - Article II. - Further evidence on the Structure of the Eosuchia + Article III. - On the Classification of the Reptilia
8317: Broom, Robert and Robinson, J. T. + Schepers, G.W.H. - Further Evidence of the Sterkfontein Ape-Man Plesianthropus (Part 1) + The Brain Casts of the Recently Discovered Plesianthropus Skulls (Part 2)
6515: Brothwell, D. R. - The Skeletal Biology of earlier Human Populations (Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology, volume 8).
8176: Brown, Peter - Nouvelles Illustrations de Zoologie; New Illustrations of Zoology, containing fifty coloured plates of new, curious, and non-descript Birds, with a few Quadrupeds, Reptiles and Insects, in two complete volumes (one-hand-colored volume and one proof copy with monochrome plates)
9049: Brown, Alison Leadley - The African Clawed Toad, Xenopus laevis: A Guide for Laboratory Practical Work
9080: Brown, Lilian - Cleopatra Slept Here
6405: Brown, Barnum - The Conrad Fissure, A Pleistocene Bone Deposit in Northern Arkansas: With descriptions of two new genera and twenty new species of Mammalia
9231: Brown, Donald, Dawid, Igor, Crippa, Marco, Gross, Paul, Hallberg, Richard, et al. - Molecular Biology of Amphibian Development
0662: Brown, L.A. - EARLY PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS AT TRANSYLVANIA COLLEGE (and Relics of the Medical Department).
9838: Brown, L. and Amadon, D. - Eagles, Hawks, and Falcons of the World, in two volumes with slipcase
4842: Brues, Charles T. - Philippine Phoridae from the Mount Apo Region in Mindanao.
3177: Bryden, M.M. and Harrison, R. (editors) - Research on Dolphins
7802: Buckland, Frank - Fish Hatching
9836: Buckley, P. A.; Foster, Mercedes S.; Morton, Eugene S.; Ridgely, Robert S.; and Buckley, Francine G. (editors) - Neotropical Ornithology (Ornithological Monographs No. 36)
8561: Buettner-Janusch J. (editor) - The Relatives of Man: Modern Studies of the Relation of the Evolution of Nonhuman Primates to Human Evolution
3011: Buffetaut, Eric - Ostéologie et affinitiés de Trematochampsa taqueti (Crocodylia, Mesosuchia) du Sénonien inférieur d'in Beceten (République du Niger)
6381: Bulletin d'Archéologie Marocaine - Bulletin d'Archéologie Marocaine, Tome III (1958-1959).
8753: Bumpus, Hermon C. Jr. - Hermon Carey Bumpus, Yankee Naturalist
6314: Burdukiewicz, Jan Michal - Technokompleks mikrolityczny w Paleolicie dolnym Srodkowej Europy (Polish Edition).
9290: Burgess, Warren E. - A Complete Introduction to Corydoras and Related Catfishes
7563: Buried Worlds - Stones and Bones! How Archaeologists Trace Human Origins
9740: Burleigh, T.D. - Birds of Idaho
5970: Burt, Charles E. And Burt, May D. - The South American Lizards in the Collections of the American Museum of Natural History.
5855: Burt, Charles E. and Burt, May D. - The South American Lizards in the Collections of the American Museum of Natural History.
7756: Burukovskii, R. N. - Key to Shrimps and Lobsters (translated from the Russian)
7757: Burukovskii, R. N. - Key to Shrimps and Lobsters (translated from the Russian)
9415: Bustamente, Joannes - De reptilibus vere animantibus sacrae scripturae, Tomus primus
6062: Butler, P. M. - Erinaceidae from the Miocene of East Africa.
6524: Butzer, Karl - Environment and Archeology: An Ecological Approach to Prehistory.
9812: Byers, Clive, Olsson, Urban and Curson, Jon - Buntings and Sparrows: A Guide to the Sparrows and Buntings of North America and the World
7887: Caddock, Nigel M. W. - Nishikigoi - Still Waters: A Photographic Journey of Nishikigoi Discovery
9806: Cade, Tom and Burnham, William, (Editors) - Return of the Peregrine: A North American Sage of Tenacity and Teamwork
5635: Cagle, Fred R. - Home Range, Homing Behavior, and Migration in Turtles.
5634: Cagle, Fred R. - The life history of the Slider Turtle, Pseudemys scripta troostii (Holbrook).
0813: Calman,W.T. - ON NEW OR RARE CRUSTACEA OF THE ORDER CUMACEAE FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE COPENHAGEN MUSEUM, Part 1: The families Bodotriidae, Vauntompsoniidae and Leuconidae.
9188: Cameron, Thomas W. M. - Parasites and Parasitism
8216: Campbell, Christina J. et al. (editor) - Primates in Perspective
6540: Cann, John - Australian Freshwater Turtles.
9133: Cann, John and Sadlier, Ross - Freshwater Turtles of Australia
5627: Cantor, T.E. - Catalogue of Reptiles Inhabiting the Malayan Peninsula.
8617: Carlson, Elof Axel - Genes, Radiation, and Society: The Life and Work of H.J. Muller
6385: Carpenter, C. R. (editor) - Behavioral Regulators of Behavior in Primates.
5160: Carpenter, C. R. and Hofer, H. O. (editors) - Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Primatology, Atlanta, GA, 1968, in 3 volumes, complete in original slipcase.
6261: Carr, Archie and Ogren, Larry - The Ecology and Migrations of Sea Turtles, 4: The Green Turtle in the Caribbean Sea.
6267: Carr, Archie F. - Outline for a classification of animal habitats in Honduras.
9030: Carroll, Robert L. - Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution
9516: Case, E. C. - A Revision of the Cotylosauria of North America.
9513: Case, E.C. - Revision of the Amphibia and Pisces of the Permian of North America
9461: Case, E.C. - Revision of the Pelycosauria of North America
5760: Cassin, John and Bowen, J. T. - Hawk from Cuba (Cymindis Wilsonii Cassi.) Hand-Colored Plate
4913: Cassin, John - Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America.
5437: Cassinis, Giuseppe (editor) - Permian and Permian-Triassic boundary in the South-Alpine segment of the western Tethys, and additional regional reports.
4986: Castellanos, Telasco G. - Darwin: Homenje en el Centenario de la Primera Manifestestación Cientifica sobre el Orígen de las Especies.
6798: Cate, Sandra - Making Merit, Making Art: A Thai Temple in Wimbledon
8612: Cazaly, W. H. - The Common Snakes of India and Burma and How to Recognise Them
2811: Celsius, Andreas - Dissertatio Gradualis de Existentia Mentis, Quam, cum consensu adprobatione Ampliss. Fac. Phil. In Reg. Acad. Upsal praeside Dn. Johanne
2589: Chabanaud, Paul - Resultats Scientifiques Reptiles et Batraciens
7220: Chang, Mangven .L. C. - Contribution a l'etude Morphologique, Biologique et systematique des Amphibiens, Urodeles de la Chine
4591: Chang, M. L. Y. - Notes on a Collection of Reptiles from Szechuan.
9731: Chapman, Frank M. - The Warblers of North America (first edition)
8928: Charas, Moyse - Nouvelles Experiences sur la Vipere, ou l'on verra une description exacte de toutes ses parties, la source de son venin ses divers effets, et les remedes exquis (the rare first edition, first issue)
0423: Chatterjee, S. - The Rise of Birds: 225 Million Years of Evolution.
9378: Chawla, Sumedha and Pandit, T. N. - Bibliography on Andaman and Nicobar Islands
5227: Chen, Xiaoming et al. - Ornamental Butterflies in China.
8453: Cheney, Dorothy L. and Seyfarth, Robert M. - How Monkeys See the World: Inside the mind of another species
9709: Cheng Tso-hsin - A Synopsis of the Avifauna of China (warmly inscribed by the author)
9708: Cheng Tso-hsin - A Synopsis of the Avifauna of China
0814: Chester, R.H. - THE SYSTEMATICS OF SYMPATRIC SPECIES IN WEST INDIAN SPATANGOIDS. A Revision of the genera Brissopsis, Plethotaenia, and Saviniaster.
8526: Chiarelli, A. B. - Evolution of the Primates: An Introduction to the Biology of Man
8532: Chiarelli, A. B. and Corruccini, R. S. (editors) - Advanced Views in Primate Biology: Main Lectures of the VIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society, Florence, 7-12 July, 1980
8533: Chiarelli, A. B. and Corruccini, R. S. (editors) - Primate Evolutionary Biology: Selected Papers (A) of the VIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society, Florence, 7-12 July, 1980
8153: China Reconstructs - In Memory of Soong Ching Ling 1893-1981
8826: Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences - Karst in China: Geology and Hydrogeology
4263: Chippaux, Jean-Philippe - Les Serpents de la Guyane francaise.
4085: Chivers, David J. - Malayan Forest: Ten Years' Study in Tropical Rain Forest.
6309: Choisy, Abbe de - Journal of a Voyage to Siam, 1685-1686: Translated and introduced by Michael Smithies.
3497: Chopard, L. - Insects of Samoa and other Samoan Terrestrial Arthropoda. Part I. Orthoptera and Dermaptera, Fasc. 2: Orthoptera
9558: Ciochon, Russell L. and Fleagle, John G. - The Human Evolution Source Book
3624: Clark, Austin H. - The New of Evolution: Zoogenesis
7416: Clark, J Desmond - The Prehistory of Africa
9447: Clarke, John M. - Monographias do Servico Geologico e Mineralogico do Brasil, Volume I: Fosseis Devonianos do Parana
5065: Clarke, Robert and Ruud, Johan T. - International co-operation in whale markings: The Voyage of the ""Enern"" to the Antarctic in 1953.
9341: Clifton, Violet - Island of Indonesia
7550: Cloud, Preston (editor) - Adventures in Earth History: Being a Volume of Significant Writings from Original Sources on Cosmology, Geology, Climatology, Organic Evolution, and related topics from the time of Nicolaus Steno to the present
8899: Clowez, Philippe - Les Morilles, une nouvelle approche mondiale du genre Morchella
4837: Clute, Willard N. - American Plant Names.
7137: Coborn, John - Ball Pythons.
9260: Cochran, Doris M. - Frogs of Southeastern Brazil
9269: Cochran, Doris M. and Goin, Coleman J. - Frogs of Colombia
5601: Cock, M. J. W., Godfray, and Holloway, J. D. (editor) - Slug and Nettle Caterpillar: The Biology, Taxonomy and Control of the Limacodidae of Economic Importance on Palms in South-East Asia.
9368: Coedes, George and Floyd Gardiner, Emily (translator) - Angkor: An Introduction
6004: Coedes, George - The Making of South East Asia.
6533: Cogger, Harold G. - Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia (Fifth Edition).
5917: Cogger, Harold G. - Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, Sixth (final) edition.
9019: Cogger, Harold G. - Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia
9324: Cogger, Harold G. - The Frogs of New South Wales
8934: Coker, W. C. - The Amanitas of the Eastern United States
9330: Colbert, Edwin H. - Wandering Lands and Animals: The epic story of the drifting continents and the spread of their animals through the ages
9316: Coletti, Ted Dengler - Aquarium Care of Livebearers
9333: Collins, Joseph T. - Amphibians and Reptiles in Kansas
7841: Collins, Joseph William - Gill-Nets in the Cod Fishery: A description of the Norwegian cod-nets, with directions for their use, and a history of their introduction into the United States
9409: Conant, Roger - A Field Guide to the Life and Times of Roger Conant
9410: Conant, Roger - A Field Guide to the Life and Times of Roger Conant
7310: Conard, Henry Shoemaker - The Structure and Life-History of the Hay-Scented Fern
5796: Coombs, Andrew - Folktales from the Land of Smiles.
9695: Cooper, William T. and Forshaw, Joseph M. - The Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds
7772: Cooper, J G. et al. - Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to ascertain the most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, made under the direction of the Secretary of War in 1853-1855, Volume XII, Book II
4678: Cooper, Roy P. - Birds of the Macquarie Marshes, New South Wales.
8060: Cope, E. D. - Notes on the geographical distribution of Batrachia and Reptilia in western North America
9522: Cope, Edward D. - The Primary Factors of Organic Evolution
8270: Cope, E. D. - On the structure and affinities of the Amphiumidae
9249: Cope, E. D. - The Batrachia of North America
7688: Cope, Edward D. - The Batrachia of North America
7593: Cope, Edward Drinker - Batrachia and Reptilia of Costa Rica with Notes on the Herpetology and Ichthyology of Nicaragua and Peru
4738: Corbet, G. B. - A Revision of the Elephant-Shrews, Family Macroscelididae.
5530: Cory, Charles B. - The Birds of Haiti and San Domingo.
9737: Coues, Elliot - The Coues Check List of North American Birds. Revised to Date, and entirely Rewritten, under Direction of the Author: with a Dictionary of the Etymology, Orthography, and Orthoepy of the Scientific Names, The Concordance of Previous Lists, and a Catalogue of his Ornithological Publications
4836: Coultas, Harland - The Principles of Botany, as Exemplified in the Phanerogamia.
8323: Count de la Cepede (translated by Robert Kerr) - The Natural History of Oviparous Quadrupeds and Serpents. Arranged and Published from the Papers and Collections of the Count De Buffon, in 4 volumes complete
4084: Cowper-Reed, F. R. - Brachiopoda and Mollusca from the Productus Limestones of the Salt Range.
9385: Cox, Philip G. and Hautier, Lionel (editors) - Evolution of the Rodents: Advances in Phylogeny, Functional Morphology and Development
8611: Cox, Merel J. - Snakes of Thailand and Their Husbandry
9751: Craib, Charles - Geophytic Pelargoniums: Field and Cultivation Studies of Pelargonium section Hoarea (the Collector’s edition of 25 numbered copies each signed by the author and artist)
7155: Cramp, Stanley (editor) - Handbook of the Birds of Europe the Middle East and North America: The Birds of the Western Palearctic, Volume 1: Ostrich to Ducks + Volume 2: Hawks to Bustards (the first two of nine volumes)
9369: Cranbrook, Earl of - Riches of the Wild: Land Mammals of South-East Asia
5754: Crane Organization of Japan Airline - The Song of the Japanese Crane living in Kushiro in Hokkaido.
9540: Craw, Robin C., Grehan, John R. and Heads, Michael J. - Panbiogeography: Tracking the History of Life
8005: Crawford, Michael (editor) - Anthropological Genetics: Theory, Methods and Applications
4682: Cray, P. E. - Marsupialia, Insectivora, Primates, Creodonta and Carnivora from the Headon Beds (Upper Eocene) of Southern England.
8749: Crespo, Fernando Ortiz and Carrión, Juan Manuel - Introducción a las Aves del Ecuador
9354: Cross, Margaret W. and Maglio, Vincent J. - A Bibliography of the Fossil Mammals of Africa 1950-1972
7581: Crow, T. J. (editor) - The Speciation of Modern Homo sapiens
8500: Crummett, Tracy Leigh - The Evolution of Shovel Shaping: Regional and Temporal Variation in Human Incisor Morphology
9416: Cubieres, Simon Louis Pierre, Marquis de - Histoie abregee des Coquillages de Mer, de leurs Moeurs, et de leurs Amours
8981: Culotta, Wendy A. and Pickwell, George V. - The Venomous Sea Snakes: A Comprehensive Bibliography
9070: Culture and Information Service - Museum of Cham Sculpture in Da Nang
8258: Cunningham, J. T. - Sexual Dimorphism in the Animal Kingdom: A theory of the secondary sex characters
3069: Cuvier, F. - Essai de Classification Naturelle des Vespertilions, et description de plusieur espèces de ce genre
2797: d'Almeida, R. Ferreira - Revisão das Especies Americanas das superfamilia Danaoidea (Lepid. Pieridae), Part I: Familia, Danaidae, subfam. Danainae
2796: d'Almeida, R. Ferreira - Revisão das Terias americanas (Lepid. Pieridae), Part II
6479: Dahlberg, Albert A (editor) - Dental Morphology and Evolution.
8467: Dang, Huy Huynh - The Hoofed Species (Ungulata) of Vietnam
5693: Daniel, J. Frank et al. (editors) - University of California Publications in Zoology, volume 48, no. 1-6 (1942-1949).
4490: Daniel, J. C. - The Book of Indian Reptiles.
6467: Darlington, Philip J. - Biogeography of the Southern End of the World: Distribution and History of Far-Southern Life and Land, With an Assessment of Continental Drift
4745: Dart, Raymond A. - African Serological Patterns and Human Migrations (Presidential Address 1950, delivered before the South African Archaeological Society at Cape Town on 6 March 1951).
9449: Darwin, Charles - Insectivorous Plants (First American Edition)
9620: Darwin, Charles - The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (second edition)
9452: Darwin, Charles - The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (First edition)
6421: Darwin, Charles - The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species.
6117: Darwin, Charles - The Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilised by Insects.
9166: Darwin, Charles - A Monograph of the Fossil Lepadidae, or, Pedunculated Cirripedes of Great Britain
6087: Darwin, Charles - The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, 2 volumes.
9450: Darwin, Charles - On the Origin of Species by means of natural selection (from Sixth English edition)
5743: Darwin, Charles - The Power of Movement in Plants.
9170: Darwin, Charles - A Monograph on the Fossil Balanidae and Verrucidae of Great Britain
9282: Darwin, Charles - Extracts from Letters addressed to Professor Henslow by C. Darwin, Esq. read at a meeting of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 16 November, 1835
9655: Darwin, Charles - On the Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, also Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands and Parts of South America visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
9621: Darwin, Charles - The Variation of Animal and Plants under Domestication, in two volumes (second edition)
7433: Das, Ram Ranjan - Art Traditions of Cambodia
4199: Das, Indraneil - Biogeography of the Reptiles of South Asia.
9405: David, Patrick and Vogel, Gernot - Venomous Snakes of Europe, Northern, Central and Western Asia / Giftschlangen Europas, Nord-Zentral-und Westasiens
7376: Davies, L. Merson and Pinfold, E. S. - The Eocene Beds of the Punjab Salt Range (India)
6205: Davies, L. Merson and Pinfold, E. S. - The Eocene Beds of the Punjab Salt Range (India).
6180: Davies, Oliver - The Quaternary in the Coastlands of Guinea.
4127: Davies, Bob and Valerie - Care and Breeding of Poison-Arrow Frogs: A Guide for Beginners.
7540: Davis, Simon J.M. - The Archaeology of Animals
9696: Dawson, William Leon - The Birds of California. A Complete, Scientific and Popular Account of the 580 Species and Subspecies of Birds Found in the State, the Booklovers’ Edition, limited to 1000 copies, in four volumes
6356: De Waal, Frans - Peacemaking Among Primates.
0938: de Witte, G.-F. - Reptiles Récoltés au Congo Belge par le Dr. H. Schouteden et par M.G.-F. de Witte.
2871: de Man, J.G. - Ergebnisse einer Zoologischen Forschungsreise in den Molukken und Borneo, im Auftrage der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft: Dekapoden und Stomatopoden
9512: de Vosjoli, Philippe, Repashy, Allen and Fast, Frank - Gargoyle Geckos
9401: De Lisle, Harold F. - The Natural History of Monitor Lizards
9656: De Kay, James E. - Zoology of New York or the New York Fauna, Part II. Birds (hand-colored plates)
3049: De Haan, W. - Mémoires sur les métamorphoses de Coléoptéres
4867: De Vos, A., Manville, R. H. and Van Gelder, R. G. - Introduced Mammals and their influence on Native Biota.
4300: de Witte, Gaston-Francois - Genera des Serpents du Congo et du Ruanda-Urundi.
5165: de Schauensee, R. M. - A Guide to the Birds of South America.
5184: Dean, F.C. and Chesemore, D. L. - Studies of Birds and Mammals in the Baird and Schwatka Mountains, Alaska.
7788: Deelder, C. L. (editor) - Synopsis of Biological Data on the Eel, Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758)
7789: Deelder, C. L. (editor) - Synopsis of Biological Data on the Eel, Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758)
0424: Degen, E. - IX. Ecdysis, as Morphological Evidence of the Original Tetradactyle Feathering of the Bird's Fore-Limb, based especially on the perennial moult in Gymnorhina tibicen.
7218: Del Toro, Miguel Alvarez - Aranas de Chiapas
9697: Delacour, Jean - The Waterfowl of the World, in 4 volumes, in a color pictorial slipcase
9722: Delacour, Jean - The Pheasants of the World
9810: Delacour, Jean and Amadon, Dean - Curassows and related Birds
7275: Delacour, Jean - The Waterfowl of the World, Volume I and Volume II only (of the four volume set)
8458: Delson, Eric, Tattersall, Ian and Van Couvering, John - Paleoanthropology Annuals, Volume 1: 1990 (only volume published)
8481: Delson, Eric, Tattersall, Ian, Van Couvering, John and Brooks, Alison S. (editors) - Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory (second and final edition)
8480: Delson, Eric, Tattersall, Ian, Van Couvering, John and Brooks, Alison S. (editors) - Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory (second and final edition)
8502: Delson, Eric - Fossil Colobine Monkeys of the Circum-Mediterranean region and the Evolutionary History of the Cercopithecidae (Primates, Mammalia), in two volumes, complete
9840: Dement'ev, G.P., Gladkov, N.A., et al. - Birds of the Soviet Union, in six volumes, complete
9754: Dennis, Nigel and Tarboton, Warwick - Waterbirds: Birds of Southern Africa's Wetlands (the Collector’s edition, limited to 150 numbered copies, signed by the photographer and author)
8621: Dennis, R.W.G. - Fungus flora of Venezuela and adjacent countries
7975: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Rose Fish (Sebastes marinus)
8388: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Pollack
8389: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Mascalonge
8390: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Gold Fish
8395: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, The White Fish (Coregonus Clupeiformis)
8397: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Flat Fish (Pseudopleuronectes americanus Walbaum)
8398: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Burbot (Lota maculosa Le Sueur)
8402: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Kingfish (Menticirrhus saxatilis)
8383: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Adirondack Frost Fish or Round White Fish
8385: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Male Land Locked Salmon or Ouananiche
8386: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Short Pompano
8387: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Whiting
8404: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Sea Herring (Clupea harengus Linnaeus)
8405: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Cod (Gadus morrhua Linnaeus)
8406: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Hake (Urophycis chuss Walbaum)
7969: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Spotted Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus
7973: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
7974: Denton, Sherman Foote - Original Denton Fish Chromolithograph, Yellow Mackerel (Caranx crysos)
9350: Department of History, University of Rangoon - Glimpses of Glorious Pagan
8118: Deperet, Ch. and Roman, F. - Le Felsinotherium serresi des sables Pliocenes de Montpellier et les Rameaux Phyletiques des Sireniens Fossiles (Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon, Volume 12)
7205: Deraniyagala, P. E. P. - Some Extinct Elephants, Their Relatives and the Two Living Species
8409: Deraniyagala, S. - Some Implements from a Balangoda Culture site in Ceylon - Bellan Bandi Palassa
4761: Deraniyagala, P. E. P. - The Hybridization of the Vaddas with the Sinhalese.
4760: Deraniyagala, P. E. P. - An Open Air Habitation Site of Homo sapiens balangodensis.
9745: Descourlitz, J.T. - Pageantry of Tropical American Birds + Oiseaux Brillans et Remarquables du Bresil
8454: DeVore, Paul L. (editor) - The Origin of Man: Transcript of a Symposium Sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, convened by Sol Tax, held at the University of Chicago, April 2-4, 1965
9684: Dharmakumarsinhji, R.S. - Birds of Saurashtra, India, with additional notes on the birds of Kutch and Gujerat
9183: Dickinson, W. E. - Field Guide to the Lizards and Snakes of Wisconsin
2350: Dickson, Catherine L. (Editor) - Catalogue of the Moir Library, 1950, 1962
7335: Dingle, Hugh - Migration: The Biology of Life on the Move
8681: Dissing, Henry - The genus Helvella in Europe with special emphasis on the species found in Norden
6670: Dixon, James R. - Amphibians and Reptiles of Texas: With Keys, Taxonomic Synopses, Bibliography, and Distribution Maps.
8573: Dobbs, J. S. - Reptilian Disease: Recognition and Treatment
9404: Dobiey, Maik and Vogel, Gernot - Venomous Snakes of Africa / Giftschlangen Afrikas
6052: Dobzhansky, Theodosius - Genetics of the Evolutionary Process.
5087: Dodge, Henry - A Historical Review of the Mollusks of Linnaeus, 7 parts, complete (in 4 bound volumes with 3 in original wrappers).
9090: Donohue, Kathleen (editor) - Darwin's Finches: Readings in the Evolution of a Scientific Paradigm
2892: Doutt, F. Kenneth - Review of the genus Phoca
7923: Downing, S. W., Clark, Frank N. and Reighard, Paul - A Plan for Promoting the Whitefish Production of the Great Lakes
9679: Doyle, James E - A Chronicle of England: B.C. 55 – A.D. 1485
5829: Dresser, H. E. and Keulemans, J. G. - Burmese Roller (Coracias affinis) Hand-Colored Plate
8114: Dresser, H. E. - A Monograph of the Coraciidae, or the family of the Rollers
8421: Dresser, H. E. and Keulemans, J. G. - Blueheaded Ground Roller (Atelornis pittoides) Hand-Colored Plate
5832: Dresser, H. E. and Keulemans, J. G. - Temmincks Roller (Coracias temmincki) Hand-Colored Plate
6477: Dresser, H. E. and Keulemans, J. G. - Hooded Chat (Saxicola monacha) Dresser Hand Colored Plate
6476: Dresser, H. E. and Keulemans, J. G. - African Cormorant (Phalacracorax africanus) Dresser Hand Colored Plate
8411: Dresser, H. E. and Keulemans, J. G. - Bluebellied Roller (Coracias cyanogaster) Hand-Colored Plate
8420: Dresser, H. E. and Keulemans, J. G. - Olive Crowned Roller (Coracias mosambicanus) Hand-Colored Plate
8422: Dresser, H. E. and Keulemans, J. G. - Anomalous Cuckoo-Roller (Leptosoma discolor) Hand-Colored Plate
9511: Drewes, Oliver - Kompaktwissen Taggeckos: Die Gattung Phelsuma
8226: Ducrocq, Stephane - Etude Biochronologique des Bassins Continentaux Tertiaires du Sud-Estb Asiatique: Contribution de Faunes de Mammiferes, in 2 volumes (text and plates), complete
6685: Duellman, William E. (editor) - The South American Herpetofauna: Its Origin, Evolution, and Dispersal.
6263: Duellman, W.E. and Zweifel, R.G. - A Synopsis of the Lizards of the Sexlineatus group (Genus Cnemidophorus).
6264: Duellman, W.E. and Zweifel, R.G. - A Synopsis of the Lizards of the Sexlineatus group (Genus Cnemidophorus).
6252: Duellman, William E. - A Monographic Study of the Colubrid Snake Genus Leptodeira.
7394: Duerden, J. E. - Report on Actinians of Porto Rico
7395: Duerden, J. E. - Report on Actinians of Porto Rico
7595: Duges, Alfredo - Elementos de Zoologia
8142: Duges, Alfredo - Hemichirotes tridactylus, A, Dug.
9802: Dugès, Antoine L. - Recherches sur l'ostéologie et la myologie des batraciens, a leurs différens ages, présentées a l'Académie Royale des Sciences en réponse a la question suivante: déterminer, a l'aide d'observations, et démonstrer, par préparations anatomiques et des dessins exacts, les modifications que présentent, dans leur squelette et dans leurs muscles, les reptiles batraciens, tels que grenouilles et les salamandres, en passant de l'état de larve à celui d'animal parfait
7370: Duges, Alfredo - Eumeces altamiraani, A. Duges + Elaps diastema, Var. michoacanensis, A. Duges + Intestino de Crocodilus americanus
9364: Dumarcay, Jacques - Borobudur, Second edition
9526: Duméril, A. M. Constant, Bibron, Gabriel, Duméril, Auguste H. A., and Bour, Roger - Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles (General Herpetology or Complete Natural History of Reptiles), in six volumes, complete
6419: Dunbar, Robin and Dunbar, Patsy - Social Dynamics of Gelada Baboons.
8523: Dunbar, R. I. M. - Reproductive Decisions: An Economic Analysis of Gelada Baboon Social Strategies
8182: Duncker, Georg and Mohr, Erna - Die Fische der Südsee-Expedition der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Stiftung 1908-1909, in three parts
6496: Dunn, L. C. (editor) - Commemoration of the Publication of Gregor Mendel's Pioneer Experiments in Genetics: Papers read at the Annual General Meeting, April 23, 1965.
8977: Dunson, William A. (editor) - The Biology of Sea Snakes
6171: Durham, William H. - Coevolution: Genes, Culture, and Human Diversity.
3093: Dutrochet, M. - Observations sur les Variations Accidentelles du Mode survant lequel les Feuilles sont distribuées sur les Tiges des Végétaux
5262: Dutta, S. K. and Manamendra-Arachchi, K. - The Amphibian Fauna of Sri Lanka.
4150: Dutta, Shiva - Common Rat Snake of India, Ptyas mucosus: Their Functional Morphology and Bionomics, including a review of the deadly venomous snakes of India.
8362: Duvernoy, G. L. - Memoire sur quelques particularites des Organs de la Deglutition de la Classe de Oiseaux et des Reptiles
2046: Duvernoy, G.L. - Fragments sur les Organes Genito-Urinaires des Reptiles et Lues Produits.
3730: Dwight, Thomas - V. Description of the Whale (Balaenoptera musculus Auct.) in the possession of the Society; with remarks on the classification of Fin Whales
7864: Dyer, Sidney - Ocean Gardens and Palaces or the Tent on the Beach
6674: Edmondson, Charles H. - Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii.
9665: Edwards, George - The Red-breafted Green Creeper and the Spotted Green Creeper Hand-Colored Plate
9666: Edwards, George - The Puffin and Razor-bill Hand-Colored Plate
5761: Edwards, George - Little Black and Orange Indian Hawk Hand-Colored Plate
9664: Edwards, George - The Marsh-Hawk and Reed-Birds Hand-Colored Plate
9662: Edwards, George - The Little Green and Orange-coloured King-Fifher and the Blue Lizard Hand-Colored Plate
9663: Edwards, George - The Black and Blue Creeper and the Hoopoe Hen Hand-Colored Plate
3473: Ehrenberg, Kurt - Die Plistozaenen Baeren Belgiens, Teil I: Die Baeren von Hastière + Teil II: Die Baeren vom ""Trou du Sureau"" (Montaigle), 2 volumes, complete
7316: Ehrlich, Paul R. and Ehrlich, Anne H. - The Head Musculature of the Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)
3358: Eigenmann, Carl H. - A Review of the Doradidae. A Family of South American Nematognathi or Catfishes.
9590: Eipper, Scott - A Guide to … Australian Frogs in Captivity
7082: Ek-Amnuay, Pisuth - A Handbook of Interesting Beetles of Thailand
7295: Ekarius, Carol - Storey's Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds: Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Emus, Guinea Fowl, Ostriches, Partridges, Peafowl, Pheasants, Quails, Swans
5159: Eliot, Charles W. (editor) - Agassiz Centennial: Special Issue of the American Naturalist, July 1907.
9593: Elliot, Daniel Giraud - A Monograph of the Pittidae, or Family of Ant Thrushes (first edition)
4973: Elliot, Henry W. - A Monograph of the Seal-Islands of Alaska.
8652: Ellis, J. B. and Everhart, B. M. - The North American Pyrenomycetes: A contribution to Mycological Botany
8536: Else James G. and Lee, Phyllis C. (editors) - Primate Ontogeny, Cognition and Social Behaviour (Selected Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the International Primatological Society held in Nairobi, Kenya in July 1984)
8535: Else James G. and Lee, Phyllis C. (editors) - Primate Ecology and Conservation (Selected Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the International Primatological Society held in Nairobi, Kenya in July 1984)
9682: Emmons, Ebenezer - Agriculture of New York: Comprising an Account of the Classification, Composition and Distribution of the Soils and Rocks, and the natural Waters of the Different Geological Formations; Together with a Condensed View of the Climate and the Agricultural Productions of the State, Volume II: Vegetables of New York – food for cattle, the cereals, the leguminous plants, esculent vegetables and fruit and forest trees
9681: Emmons, Ebenezer - Agriculture of New York: Comprising an Account of the Classification, Composition and Distribution of the Soils and Rocks, and the natural Waters of the Different Geological Formations; Together with a Condensed View of the Climate and the Agricultural Productions of the State, Volume III, in two volumes (text + color plates of fruit)
9683: Emmons, Ebenezer - Agriculture of New York: Comprising an Account of the Classification, Composition and Distribution of the Soils and Rocks, and the natural Waters of the Different Geological Formations; Together with a Condensed View of the Climate and the Agricultural Productions of the State, Volume II: Vegetables of New York – food for cattle, the cereals, the leguminous plants, esculent vegetables and fruit and forest trees
5390: Endo, Riuji - Stratigraphical and Paleontological Studies of the Later Paleozoic Calcareous Algae, XIV: Fossil Algae from Hyygawa valley in the Hida Massif + 5 related articles by Endo.
7249: Entwisle, William F. - Bantams
8984: Ernst, Adolfo - Obras Completas / Adolfo Ernst (compilacio?n por Blas Bruni Celli; coordinador de la edicio?n, Miguel Sua?rez), tomo I-X, complete
6154: Erwin, J., Mitchell, G., Swindler, D., Stekis, H. and Dukelow, W. R. (editors) - Comparative Primate Biology, volumes 1, 2A, 2B, 3, 4 in five volumes (a complete set).
9132: Ettmar, Stephan - Toad-Headed Turtles of the Genus Mesoclemmys: Distribution, Natural History, Husbandry
6015: Evans, Grant (editor) - Laos: Culture and Society.
7282: Evans, Humphrey ap - Falconry: An Illustrated Introduction
7312: Evans, Grant (editor) - Asia's Cultural Mosaic: An Anthropological Introduction
7007: Eve, Roland and Guigue, Anne-Marie - Birds of Thailand.
9828: Everett, Michael - The Birds of Paradise
3601: Eyre-Todd, George (editor) - Scottish Poetry of the Eighteenth Century
8374: Falconer, Hugh - Palaeontological Memoirs and notes of the late Hugh Falconer with a Biographical Sketch of the Author. Compiled and edited by Charles Murchison, in two 2 volumes
7504: Fang, P. W. and Chang, Mangven, L. Y. - Notes on Tylototriton unterstein with synopsis to species
9351: Faton, Andree (editor) - Les Dossiers Histoire Archeologie No. 125: Angkor
9352: Faton, Louis (editor) - Les Dossiers d’Archeologie No. 221: Angkor
8239: Fei, Liang - The Colour Pictorial Handbook of Amphibians in Sichuan.
4581: Fei, Liang - The Colour Pictorial Handbook of Amphibians in Sichuan.
1863: Feilitsch, F.v., Limpricht, Prof. and Marsson, Dr. - MITTHEILUNGEN AUS DEM NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHEN VEREINE von Neu-Vorpommern und Rugen, 3 Parts.
4876: Fejfar, Oldrich - The Lower Villafranchian Vertebrates from Hajnacka near Filakovo in Southern Slovakia.
6506: Feldesman, Marc R. - The Primate Forelimb: A morphometric study of locomotor diversity.
4756: Fernandes, A. and Barros Neves, J. (editors) - Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana, volumes 43, 44, 45 and 50 (2a Serie), in 4 volumes.
8906: Final Technical Report, P.L. 480 Project No. A7-CR-101 (FG-in-235) - Collection, Description and Identification of the Specified Fungal Flora in the Western and Central Himalayas up to Kathmandu in Nepal: Operculate Discomycetes
8907: Final Technical Report, P.L. 480 Project No. A7-CR-101 (FG-in-235) - Collection, Description and Identification of the Specified Fungal Flora in the Western and Central Himalayas up to Kathmandu in Nepal: Inoperculate Discomycetes
9752: Finch-Davies, Claude Gibney - A Celebration of Birds: C.G. Finch-Davies’s Final Album of Southern African Birds (the Collector’s edition limited to 200 numbered copies)
5838: Finot, Louis - Le Temple D'Angkor Vat, in 3 volumes - Volume I: L'Architecture; Volume II: La Sculpture; Volume III: La Galerie des Bas-Reliefs (Memoires Archeologiques: Publies Par L'ecole francaise D'Extreme-Orient).
5358: Finsch, O. and Hartlaub, G. - Beitrag zur Fauna Centralpolynesiens. Ornithologie der Viti-, Samoa- und Tonga- Inseln.
3532: Fischer, P. - Mémoire sur les Cétacés du genre Ziphius Cuvier.
7389: Fisher, Walter K. - The Starfishes of the Hawaiian Islands.
9718: FitzGerald, Edward - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: The First and Fourth Renderings in English verse
9805: Fitzgerald, Theodore C. - The Coturnix Quail: Anatomy and Histology
5964: Fitzinger, Leopold - Neue Classification der Reptilien (and) Entwurf einer Systematische Anordnung der Schildkroeten.
2870: Fize, A. and Serene, R. - Les Hapalocarcinidés du Viet-Nam
9362: Fleuve Rouge - Faites Connaissance Avec Hanoi
3440: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Mammals in the Seas, 4 volumes, complete
8465: Fooden, Jack - Taxonomy and Evolution of the Monkeys of Celebes (Primates: Cercopithecidae)
9411: Fooden, Jack - Systematic review of Southeast Asian Longtail Macaques, Macaca fascicularis (Raffles, 1821)
8824: Ford, Trevor D. - Limestones and Caves of Wales (1989, Hardback First Edition)
9575: Foreign Languages Press - Recent discoveries in Chinese Archaeology: 28 articles by Chinese archaeologists describing their excavations
6151: Forman, Bedrich - Borobudur: The Buddhist legend in stone.
9770: Forshaw, Joseph M. and Cooper, William T. - Parrots of the World
7216: Forster, R. R. and L. M. Forster - New Zealand Spiders: An Introduction
9787: Foss, Carol R. (editor) - Atlas of Breeding Birds in New Hampshire
9056: Fouquette, M. J., Jr. and Dubois, Alain - A Checklist of North American Amphibians and Reptiles, The United States and Canada: Volume 1 – Amphibians
4906: Fowler, Henry W. - A Synopsis of the Fishes of China, Part VII: The Perch-like Fishes (continued) + The Perch like Fishes (completed).
7618: Fowler, Henry W. - A Catalog of World Fishes, Parts XVII to XXIV (eight consecutive parts)
7895: Fowler, Henry W. - A Study of the Fishes of the Southern Piedmont and Coastal Plain
4753: Fox, Cyril S. - The Gondwana System and Related Formations.
9568: Francis, Charles M. - A Field Guide to the Mammals of Thailand and South-east Asia
9705: Frank, Louis F. (Frank-Kerler) - Pionierjahre der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Familien Frank-Kerler in Wisconsin und Michigan 1849-1864. Geschildert aus Briefen. Gesammelt u. herausgegeben.
9434: Frankfurt: Edition Chimaira, 2004, 2005 2006, 2011, 2018. First edition (Vol. 1 is second printing). - Turtles of the World, Vols 1-5 (the complete five-volume set)
9554: Franzen, J.L., Kohler, M. and Moya-Sola, S. (editors) - Walking Upright: Results of the 13th International Senckenberg Conference at the Werner Reimers Foundation Bad Homburg and at the Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt am Main, October 5-9, 1999
5070: Fraser, F.C. - Report on Cetacea Stranded on the British Coasts during 1927-1932, no. 11.
2725: Fraser, Thomas and Elliot, R.H. - A Contribution of the Study of the Action of Sea-Snake Venoms, Part I. - Venoms of Enhydrina valakadien and Enhydris curtus
3888: Fraser, F.C. - On the Development and Distribution of the Young Stages of Krill (Euphausia superba).
5366: Frech, Fritz - Neue Cephalopoden aus den Buchensteiner, Wengener, und Raibler Schichten de Sudlichen Bakony.
5405: Frech, Fritz - uber Devonische Ammoneen.
5368: Frech, Fritz - uber Devonische Ammoneen.
8547: Freedman, Leonard - The Fossil Cercopithecoidea of South Africa
9733: Friedmann, Herbert - The Cowbirds: A Study in the Biology of Social Parasitism
5824: Frisch, J. L. - Bird of Prey Hand-colored Copper Engraving
5823: Frisch, J. L. - Sparrow Hawk Hand-colored Copper Engraving
3470: Frison, T. H. - A List of the Insect Types in the Collections of the Illinois State Natural History Survey and the University of Illinois
2872: Fritsch, Ant. and Kafka, Jos. - Die Crustaceen der Bohmischen Kreideformation
6208: Fromaget, Jacques - l'Anthracolithique en Indochine après la régression moscovienne ses transgressions et al stratigraphie.
8293: Funk, V. A. and Brooks, D. R. (editors) - Advances in Cladistics: Proceedings of the First Meeting of the Willi Hennig Society
5953: Furbringer, Max - Die Knochen und Muskeln der Extremitaten bei ten Schlangenanhnlichen Sauriern.
5986: Gaffney, Eugene S. - Comparative Cranial Morphology of Recent and Fossils Turtles.
6032: Galdikas, Birute M. F. et al. (editors) - All Apes Great and Small, Volume 1: African Apes.
6594: Galindo-Leal, Carlos - Of Two Worlds: Frogs, Toads and Salamanders of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico / De Dos Mundos: Sapos, Ranas y Salamandras en la Peninsula de Yucatan, Mexico.
9208: Gans, Carl - Biomechanics: an approach to vertebrate biology
4464: Gans, Carl - Studies on Amphibaenids (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia). 3. The small species from southern South America commonly identified as Amphibaena darwini.
6596: Gardner, Susan C. and Oberdorster, Eva (editors) - Toxicology of Reptiles.
4853: Garman, Philip - The Zygoptera, or Damsel-Flies, of Illinois.
9239: Gause, G. F. - The Struggle for Existence
4742: Gentry, A. W. - Fossil Antilopini of East Africa.
9839: Gentry, Thomas - Nests and Eggs of Birds of the United States
8530: George, Wilma - Animal Geography
9653: Gerald, Brian and Quinton, A. R. - Set of ten vintage watercolor postcards from England
8041: Gervais, Paul - Reptiles vivants et fossiles (the hand-colored plate version)
4746: Ghosh, Asok K. - The Paleolithic Culture of Singhbhum.
8498: Ghosh, Asok K. (editor) - Perspectives in Palaeoanthropology
9689: Gil, Robles Patricio; Eccardi, Fulvio; and Gils, Javier Robles - El Libro De Las Aves De Mexico (Spanish Edition)
7399: Gilbert, Charles, Jordan, David Starr et al. - The Lantern-Fishes of Japan + Record of Fishes obtained on Japan in 1911 + Record of Fishes obtained by David Starr Jordan in Japan, 1922
7914: Gill, Theodore - Bibliography of the Fishes of the Pacific Coast to 1879
6002: Gill, Theodore - Addresses in Memory of Edward Drinker Cope: Herpetological and Ichthyological Contributions.
4677: Gill, Edmund D. - Geological evidence in Western Victoria relative to the Antiquity of the Australian Aborigines.
5153: Gilliard, E. T. and LeCroy, M. - Birds of the Victor Emanuel and Hinderberg Mountains, New Guinea: Results of the American Museum of Natural History Expedition to New Guinea in 1954.
9063: Gilliard, E.T. - Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds
5446: Gilliard, E. Thomas - On the Breeding Behavior of the Cock-of-the-Rock (Aves, Rupicola rupicola).
5442: Glibert, Maxine - Monographie de la Faune Malacologique du Bruxellien des Environs de Bruxelles.
9145: Gliessman, Stephen R. - Agroecology: Ecological Processes in Sustainable Agriculture
9107: Glover, Ian (editor) - Southeast Asian Archaeology 1990: Proceedings of the Third Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists
5321: Godwin, Harry - The History of the British Flora: A Factual Basis for Phytogeography.
9174: Goin, Coleman J. and Goin, Olive B. - Introduction to Herpetology, second edition
9289: Goldschmidt, Richard B. - The Golden Age of Zoology: Portraits from Memory
9218: Goldstein, Robert J. - American Aquarium Fishes
3229: Goodale, George L. and Watson, Sereno - List of the Writings of Dr. Asa Gray, chronologically arranged, with an index
7912: Goode, G. Brown - Notes of the Life-History of the Eel, chiefly derived from a study of recent European authorities
7655: Goode, G. Brown et .al. - Materials for the History of a Mackerel Fishery.
5137: Goodman, Morris (editor) - Macromolecular Sequences in Systematic and Evolutionary Biology.
7918: Goodrich, S. G. - Johnson's Natural History, Comprehensive, Scientific, and Popular, illustrating and describing the Animal Kingdom, with its Wonders and Curiosities, in two volumes, complete
6993: Gore, M. E. J and Won, P-O. - The Birds of Korea.
5902: Gosling, Betty - Sukhothai: Its History, Culture, and Art.
7950: Gosse, Philip Henry - Land and Sea
7949: Gosse, Philip Henry - A Manual of Marine Zoology for the British Isles, in 2 Parts (complete) in 2 volumes
8850: Goswami, Anjali and Friscia, Anthony (editors) - Carnivoran Evolution: New Views on Phylogeny, Form and Function
8099: Gould, Elizabeth, and John Gould - Gould Lesser Kestril (kestrel) Hand-Colored Plate
8107: Gould, Elizabeth, and John Gould - Gould Brown-fronted Woodpecker Hand-Colored Plate
9533: Gould, John and Sharpe, R. Bowdler - A Monograph of the Trochilidae, or Family of Humming-Birds (Supplement)
1811: Gould, J. and Sharpe, R. B. - WESTERMANN'S CASSOWARY, Casuarius westermanni, hand-colored lithograph (22 x 15 inches).
9580: Gould, John - Asiatic Birds: Fifty-Four Specimens Selected from 'The Birds of Asia'
9062: Graham, Joe M. (editor) - The Hive and the Honey Bee
5681: Grahmann, Rudolf and Movius, Hallam - The Lower Palaeolithic Site of Markkleeberg and Other Comparable Localities near Leipzig.
5118: Gramann, Franz - Ostracoda from Tertiary Sediments of Burma with reference to living species.
9703: Grange, W.B. - The Ways to Game Abundance with an Explanation of Game Cycles
5017: Grantz, Arthur, Johnson, L. and Sweeney, J. F. (editors) - The Arctic Ocean Region, in 2 volumes (text + maps), complete.
8346: Gravenhorst, J. L. C. - Beiträge zur genauern Kenntniss einiger Eidechsengattungen
8347: Gravenhorst, J. L. C. - Über Phrynosoma orbicularis, Trapelus hispidus, Phrynocephalus helioscopus, Corythophanes cristatus und Chamaeleopsis hernandesii
3840: Gray, Asa - Synoptical Flora of North America: The Gametopetalae
7163: Gray, John E. and Gunther, Albert - The Lizards of Australia and New Zealand in the Collection of the British Museum
4977: Gray, George R. and Bowdler Sharpe, R. - The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror: The Birds of New Zealand.
3139: Gray, Asa - Synoptical Flora of North America: The Gametopetalae
3399: Gray, Asa - Synoptical Flora of North America: The Gametopetalae
9535: Gray, Henry - Anatomy of the Human Body
3138: Gray, Asa - Synoptical Flora of North America: The Gametopetalae
3404: Gray, Asa - Synoptical Flora of North America, Volume 1, Part 2 and Volume 2, Part 1 (in 2 volumes)
3373: Gray, Asa - Synoptical Flora of North America, Volume I, Part I, fascicle II only
5397: Greco, B. - La Fauna Permiana de Sosio conservata nei Musei di Pisa, di Firenze e di Padova, Parte Prima: Introduzione - Considerazioni Geo-Paleontologiche: Tunicata (?), Crustacea, Cephalopoda.
9040: Green, David M. and Sessions, Stanley K. - Amphibian Cytogenetics and Evolution
8021: Green, Darren - Keeping Bearded Dragons
1581: Greenhow, J S., Soberman, R K., Russell, J A., Southworth, R B., et al. - PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM ON THE ASTRONOMY AND PHYSICS OF METEORS.
3032: Greer, Allen E. and Cogger, Harold G. - Systematics of the reduced-limbed and limbless skinks currently assigned to the genus Anomalopus (Lacertilia, Scincidae)
3031: Greer, Allen E. - The Australian scincid lizard genus Calyptotis De Vis: Resurrection of the name, description, of four new species, and discussion of relationships
9564: Gregory, W. K., Hellman, M., Lewis, G. Edward - Fossil Anthropoids of the Yale-Cambridge India Expedition of 1935
8897: Grelet, L.- J. - Les Discomycetes de France, 20 offprints published between 1932-1959 from the journals ""Revue de Mycologie"" and ""Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest.""
8242: Griffin, P. Bion and Estioko-Griffin, Agnes (editors) - The Agta of Northeastern Luzon: Recent Studies
6600: Grigg, R., Shine, R. and Ehmann, H. (editors) - The Biology of Australasian Frogs and Reptiles.
5696: Grinnell, Joseph et al (editors) - University of California Publications in Zoology, volume 30, no. 1-17 (1926-1929).
9729: Grinnell, Joseph and Miller, Alden H. - The Distribution of the Birds of California
9763: Gromme, Owen - The World of Owen Gromme (Publisher’s proof copy, numbered 7/75, of the limited edition of 950 signed copies)
8643: Grout, A. J. - Moss Flora of North America north of Mexico, in 12 parts bound in three volumes, complete
4560: Gruber, Ulrich - Die Schlangen Europas und rund ums Mittelmeer.
7831: Gudger, E. W. - Habits and Life History of the Toadfish (Opsanus tau)
7879: Gudger, Eugene W. and Smith, Bertram G. - The Anatomy of the Frilled Shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus Garman (The Bashford Dean Memorial Volume, Archaic Fishes Article VI)
7880: Gudger, Eugene W. and Smith, Bertram G. - The Anatomy of the Frilled Shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus Garman (The Bashford Dean Memorial Volume, Archaic Fishes Article VI)
7130: Guggisberg, C. A. W. - Crocodiles: Their natural history, folklore and conservation.
9628: Gunnell, Gregg F. - Evolutionary History of Microsyopoidea (Mammalia, ?Primates) and the Relationship between Plesiadapiforms and Primates
7578: Gunnell, Gregg F. - Evolutionary History of Microsyopoidea (Mammalia, ?Primates) and the Relationship between Plesiadapiforms and Primates
8846: Gunnell, Gregg F. and Simmons, Nancy B. (editors) - Evolutionary History of Bats: Fossils, Molecules and Morphology
8326: Gunnell, Gregg F. (editor) - Eocene Biodiversity: Unusual Occurrences and Rarely Sampled Habitats
6191: Gunthart, A. - Beitrage zur Bluthenbiologie der Cruciferen, Crassulaceen und der gattung Saxifraga.
8049: Gunther, Albert C. L. G. - Biologia Centrali-Americana: Reptilia and Batrachia
4449: Gunther, A.C.L.G. - The Reptiles of British India.
6510: Gupta, V. J. - Indian Cenozoic Stratigraphy.
3999: Gurney, Robert - Zoological Results of the Cambridge Expedition to the Suez Canal, XXXIII: Report on the Crustacea - Copepoda (Littoral and Semi-Parasitic).
8851: Gusukube Town Board of Education - The Urasoko Site: A sketch of the excavation in photographs
4653: Gyldenstolpe, N. - Zoological Results of the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Siam, 1911-1912 and 1914-1915: Snakes.
5152: Haas, Otto - Revision of the Jurassic Ammonite Fauna of Mount Herman, Syria.
4603: Haas, Georg - Some Amphibians and Reptiles from Arabia.
6334: Haeckel, Ernst - Last Words on Evolution: A Popular Retrospect and Summary.
7529: Hafez, E.S.E. (editor) - Adaptation of Domestic Animals
6460: Hahn, Martin, Jensen, Craig, and Dudek, Bruce (editors) - Development and Evolution of Brain Size: Behavioral Implications.
7565: Haile, N. S. - The Geology and Mineral Resources of the Strap and Sadong Valleys, West Sarawak, including the Klingkang Range Coal
9065: Hall, Brian K. (editor) - Fins into Limbs: Evolution, Development, and Transformation
4962: Hall, Elizabeth Cornelia - Printed Books 1481-1900 in The Horticultural Society of New York
4062: Hall, Gordon E. (editor). - Reservoir Fisheries and Limnology.
6525: Hamburg, David A. and McCown, Elizabeth R. (editors) - The Great Apes.
9798: Hamerstrom, Frances - Strictly for the Chickens (inscribed by the author)
7836: Hamilton, Robert - The Natural History of British Fishes, in 2 volumes, complete
5106: Hamilton, Robert - Mammalia: Amphibious Carnivora, including the Walrus and Seals, also of Herbivorous Cetacea + Mammalia: Whales, etc. (The Naturalist's Library, volumes XXV + XXVI), in 2 volumes, complete.
9576: Hammond, Norman (editor) - South Asian Archaeology: Papers from the First International Conference of South Asian Archaeologists held in the University of Cambridge (hardcover first edition)
9825: Hammond, Nicholas (editor) - Artists for Nature in Extremadura (first edition)
9509: Hamper, Robbie - Crested Geckos in Captivity (with notes on all Rhacodactylus species)
9820: Hancock, James; Kushlan, James; and Kahl, Philip - Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills of the World
9814: Hancock, James and Kushlan, James - The Herons Handbook
2360: Hankinson, T. - Biological Survey of Walnut Lake, Michigan
9824: Hanks, Amanda S. - Louisiana Paradise: The Chenieres and Wetlands of Southwest Louisiana
2740: Hardy, D.E. - A Revision of Nearctic Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae)
5171: Harlan, Richard - Fauna Americana: being a description of the mammiferous animals inhabiting North America.
7542: Harland, W. B. et al. - A Geologic Time Scale 1989
8693: Harley, J. L. and Smith, S. E. - Mycorrhizal Symbiosis
5071: Harmer, S. F. - Report on Cetacea Stranded on the British Coasts during 1913-1926, no. 10.
6298: Harris, Robert S. (editor) - Feeding and Nutrition of Nonhuman Primates.
4727: Harrisson, Tom - The Malays of South-West Sarawak before Malaysia
8101: Hart, W., and John Gould - Gould and Hart Nutcracker Hand-Colored Plate
8106: Hart, W., and John Gould - Gould and Hart Fruit Dove Hand-Colored Plate
7037: Harting, James Edmund - Bibliotheca Accipitraria: A Catalogue of Books Ancient & Modern Relating to Falconry, with notes, glossary, and vocabulary.
6221: Harvey, William Henry - The Genera of South African Plants, arranged according to the Natural System.
4378: Harvey, William H. - Nereis Boreali-Americana: Part I. Melanospermae; Part II. Rhodospermeae; Part III. Chlorospermeae, in 3 volumes, complete.
5348: Harvie-Brown, J.A. - Travels of a Naturalist in Northern Europe: Norway, 1871, Archangel, 1872, Petchora, 1875, in 2 volumes.
5047: Hasumi, Masato and Iwasawa, Hisaaki - Geographic variation on the number of teeth of the Japanese salamander, Hynobius lichenatus.
3340: Hatch, M.H. - A Bibliographical Catalogue of the Injurious Arachnids and Insects of Washington.
9735: Hatch, P.L. and Nachtrieb, Henry F. - First Report of the State Zoologist, Accompanied with Notes on the Birds of Minnesota
7754: Hawkins, A. D. (editor) - Aquarium Systems
6186: Haworth, Adrian Hardy - Observations on the Genus Mesembryanthemum, in Two Parts, containing scientific descriptions of above one hundred and thirty species, about fifty of which are new; directions for their management; new arrangements of the species; references to authors; and a great variety of critical, philosophical, and explanatory remarks.
9038: Hay, Oliver P. - The Pleistocene Mammals of Iowa
5079: Hayes, C. W. and 11 other authors - The Coal Fields of the United States + 11 Regional Coal Articles.
9085: Haynes, G. Klimowicz J. and. Reumer J. W. F (editors) - Mammoths and the Mammoth Fauna: Studies of an Extinct Ecosystem. Proceedings of the First International Mammoth Conference in St. Petersburg, October 16-21, 1995
9223: Heatwole, Harold and Dawley, Ellen M. (editors) - Amphibian Biology, Volume 3: Sensory Perception
9226: Heatwole, Harold and Sullivan, Brian K. (editors) - Amphibian Biology, Volume 2: Social Behaviour
8978: Heatwole, Harold - Sea Snakes
6163: Heintz, Nicole - Le Crane des Anthropomorphes: Croissance relative, Variabilite, Evolution, in 2 volumes (text + plates), complete.
9379: Helmi, Rio, Rossi, Guido Alberto, and Vatikiotis, Michael - Over Indonesia
9011: Hemmer, Helmut and Alcover, Josep A. (editors) - Historia Biologica del Ferreret (Life History of the Mallorcan Midwife Toad)
9129: Henderson, Robert W. - Natural History of Neotropical Treeboas (genus Corallus)
4167: Henderson, G. C. - The Discoverers of the Fiji Islands - Tasman, Cook, Bligh, Wilson, Bellingshausen.
4357: Henkel, Friedrich W. and Schmidt, Wolfgang - Geckos: Biologie, Haltung und Zucht.
9749: Hennessy, Esme F. and Hedge, T. A. - The Slipper Orchids: Selenipedium, Phragmipedium, Criosanthes, Cypripedium, Paphiopedilum (the Collector’s edition limited to 100 copies signed by the author and artist)
2328: Henrey, B. - British Botanical and Horticultural Literature before 1800. Comprising a history and bibliography of botanical and horticultural books printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland from the earliest times until 1800, 3 volumes.
9786: Henshaw, H.W. - Chapter III: Report upon the Ornithological Collections made in portions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874.
9247: Herbert, Sandra - Charles Darwin, Geologist
8140: Herrera, Alfonso L. - El Valle de Mexico considerado como Provincia Zoologica
9091: Herrmann, Bernd and Hummel, Susan (editors) - Ancient DNA: Recovery and Analysis of Genetic Material from Paleontological, Archaeological, Museum, Medical, and Forensic Specimens
4743: Hershkovitz, Philip - Mice, Land Bridges and Latin American Faunal Interchange.
9116: Hershkovitz, Philip - Mammals of Northern Colombia
9742: Hewitt, Oliver H. (editor) - The Wild Turkey and Its Management
6646: Heyer, W. Ronald et al. - Frogs of Boraceia.
5999: Heynemann D. F. - Die geographische Verbreitung der Nacktschnecken. Eine zusammenfassende kritische Darstellung unserer Kenntnisse derselben zu Amfang des 20. Jahrhunderts.
7129: Highfield, A. C. - Keeping and Breeding Tortoises in Captivity
7436: Hildebrand, Milton - Analysis of Vertebrate Structure (second edition)
9781: Hilty, S. L. and Brown, W. L. - A Guide to the Birds of Columbia
2114: Hitchcock, C.L. - A Revision of the Drabas of Western North America.
5060: Hjort, J. Lie, J., Rudd, J. T. and Bergersen, B. - Pelagic Whaling in the Antarctic, Part V: The Season 1934-1935 + Part VI: The Season 1935-1936 + Part VII: The Season 1936-1937 + Part VIII: The Season 1937-1938 + Part IX: The Season 1938-1939.
8929: Hodierna, D. Joannis Baptistae - De Dentis in Vipera Virulenta Anatomia
2817: Hoeven, J. van der - Philosophia Zoologica
6319: Hofer, H., Schultz, A. H. and Starck, D. (editors) - Primatologia: Handbuch der Primatenkunde / Handbook of Primatology / Manuel de Primatologie, Volume III, Part 1: Verdauungstrakt - Urogenitalorgane - Endokrine Organe + Part 2: Blut- und Kreislauforgane - Respirationsorgane - Zahne und Gebiss, in 2 volumes complete.
2866: Hoffmann, C.K. - Recherches sur la Faune de Madagascar et de ses dépendences: Crustacés et Echinodermes
2795: Hogberg, D. - Svensk flora, innefattande sveriges phanerogamvexter; med en kort, forberedande Vextlara
4262: Hoggren, Mats - Mating Strategies and Sperm Competition in the Adder (Vipera berus).
9759: Holbrook, John Edwards - North American Herpetology; or A Description of the Reptiles Inhabiting the United States, in five volumes (Second edition)
7729: Holder, Charles F. - The Game Fishes of the World.
3985: Holder, Charles F. - Louis Agassiz: His Life and Work
6509: Holland, Thomas H. - Indian Geological Terminology.
9702: Hölldobler, Bert and Wilson, Edward O. - Journey to the Ants: A Story of Scientific Exploration
3053: Holloway, Ralph L. (editor) - Primate Aggression, Territoriality, and Xenophobia: A Comparative Perspective
9171: Holman, J. Alan - Fossil Salamanders of North America
9460: Holt-White, R. - The Life and Letters of Gilbert White of Selbourne, written and edited by his Great-Grand Nephew, 2 Volumes, complete
8633: Holtedahl, O. (editor) - Report of the scientific results of the Norwegian Expedition to Novaya Zemblya 1921 - Geology and Paleontology
7790: Holthuis, L. B. (editor) - FAO Species Catalogue, Volume 1 - Shrimps and Prawns of the World: An Annotated Catalogue of Species of Interest to Fisheries
3952: Holthus, Lipke B. - A General Revision of the Palaemonidae (Crustacea Decapoda Natantia) of the Americas, Part I: The Subfamilies Euryrhynchinae and Pontoniinae.
9435: Holycross, Andrew T. and Mitchell, Joseph C. (editors) - Snakes of Arizona (special leatherbound limited edition)
5421: Holzapfel, E. - Die Cephalopoden des Domanik in sudlichen Timan.
5369: Holzapfel, E. - Die Cephalopen des Domanik im Sudlichen Timan.
5440: Holzapfel, E. - Das obere Mitteldevon (Schichten mit Stringocephalus Burtini und Maenceras terebratum) im Rheinischen Gebirge.
5451: Homann, J. B. - Provinciarum Persicarum Kilaniae nempe Chirvaniae Dagestaniae (Map of the provinces surrounding the southern Caspian Sea especially the eastern Caucasus and Turkmenistan in 1728).
8180: Hoog, Robert and Bull, Henry Graves (editors) - The Herefordshire Pomona, containing figures and descriptions of the most esteemed kinds of Apples and Pears, Volume 2 only with 77 fine chromolithographs colored from Nature by Miss Ellis and Miss Bull
9551: Hooijer, D.A. - Fossil Bovidae from the Malay Archipelago and the Punjab
8714: Horak, Egon - Fungi Agaricini Novazelandiae I - V
4636: Horn, George Van - Complete Guide to Snakes of Florida Coloring Book.
9588: Hoser, Raymond T. - Australian Reptiles and Frogs
3834: Hossack, W.C. - An Account of the Rats of Calcutta, with some remarks on the existing classification of the genera Mus and Nesokia, 2 parts, complete.
3814: Hossack, W.C. - An Account of the Rats of Calcutta, with some remarks on the existing classification of the genera Mus and Nesokia, 2 parts, complete.
3268: Housse, R-P Émile. - Les Oiseaux du Chili + Les Oiseaux du Proie du Chili: Essai Éthologique + Les Oiseaux du Andes.
8345: Hovers, Erella - The Lithic Assemblages of Qafzeh Cave
5701: Howard, Daniel J and Berlocher, Stewart H. (editors) - Endless Forms: Species and Speciation.
8457: Howell, F. Clark and Bourliere, Francois (editors) - African Ecology and Human Evolution
9799: Howell, Arthur H. - Birds of Alabama
9544: Howells, W. W. (editor) - Early Man in the Far East: A Symposium of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the American Anthropological Association, December 28, 1946
4781: Howells, W.W. - Origins of the Chinese People: Interpretations of the recent evidence.
9827: Howman, Keith - Pheasants of the World: Their Breeding and Management (inscribed copy)
9841: Hoyo, Josep; Elliot, Andrew; Sargatal, Jordi et al. - Handbook of the Birds of the World, volumes 1-11 (of 16)
8278: Hrdlicka, Ales - Early Man in South America
5380: Huang, T. K. - Late Permian Brachiopoda of Southwestern China, part 2.
9698: Hudson, W.H. - Birds of La Plata, in two volumes, housed in the original slipcase
9182: Hudson, George E. - The Amphibians and Reptiles of Nebraska
7384: Huene, Friedrich von - Die Cotylosauier der Trias
7685: Huey, R.B., Pianka, E. R. and Schoener, T.W. (editors) - Lizard Ecology: Studies of a model organism
6543: Hughes, G. R. - The Sea Turtles of South-East Africa, in 2 parts, complete.
2432: Hughs, Norman F. - The Enigma of Angiosperm Origins
0184: Humphreys, P.S., Bridge, D, Reynolds, P.W. and Peterson, R.T. - Birds of Isla Grande (Tierra del Fuego).
3583: Humphreys, H.N. and Westwood, J.O. - British Moths and their Transformations, 2 volumes
9720: Hunt, Lynn Bogue - An Artist's Game Bag
4889: Huxley, T.H. and Martin, H.N. - A Course of Elementary Instruction in Practical Biology (Revised edition).
4869: Huxley, Thomas H. - Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews.
5980: Inger, Robert F. - The Systematics and Zoogeography of the Amphibia of Borneo.
4427: Inger, Robert F. - The Systematics and Zoogeography of the Amphibia of Borneo.
9306: Inger, Robert F. and Stuebing, Robert B. - Frogs of Sabah
5382: Inthavong, Somphavan - Notes on Lao History.
9569: IVPP Staff (editors) - Publication List of the Staff of Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1923 to 1993
4981: Jablonski, Nina G., editor - The First Americans: The Pleistocene Colonization of the New World.
7305: Jablonski, Nina G. and Peng Yan-Zhang (editors) - Primatology in China
9108: Jablonski, Nina G. (editor) - The Changing Face of East Asia during the Tertiary and Quaternary (Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on the Evolution of East Asian Environment)
7457: Jackson, Robert Tracy - Studies of Arbacia punctulata and allies, and on non-pentamerous Echini
9210: Jackson, Jerome A. - In Search of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker
2644: Jackson, Robert T. - Phylogeny of the Echini, with a Revision of Palaeozoic Species
8931: Jacobaeus, Oliger - De Ranis Observationes: accessit Caspari Bartholini th. f. de nervorum usu in motu musculorum epistola
6377: Jacques, Claude - Angkor.
1622: Jane, F.E. - A List of the Vertebrates of Hertfordshire
5108: Jardine, William - Mammalia: Deer, Antelopes, Camels, etc. + Mammalia: Goats, Sheep and Oxen, etc. (The Naturalist's Library, volumes XXI + XXII), in 2 volumes, complete.
9667: Jardine, W., and Lizars, W. H. - Gallus Sonnerati (Female) Hand Colored Plate
9668: Jardine, W., and Lizars, W. H. - Argus Giganteus Hand Colored Plate
9669: Jardine, W., and Lizars, W. H. - Numida Cristata Hand Colored Plate
9670: Jardine, W., and Lizars, W. H. - Meleagris Ocellata Hand Colored Plate
9671: Jardine, W., and Lizars, W. H. - Lophophorus Impeyanus Hand Colored Plate
9672: Jardine, W., and Lizars, W. H. - Tragopan Satyrus Hand Colored Plate
9673: Jardine, W., and Lizars, W. H. - Meleagris Gallopavo (female and young) Hand Colored Plate
9674: Jardine, W., and Lizars, W. H. - Euplocomus Ignitus (female) Hand Colored Plate
9675: Jardine, W., and Lizars, W. H. - Meleagris Ocellata Hand Colored Plate
9676: Jardine, W., and Lizars, W. H. - Meleagris Gallopavo Hand Colored Plate
7656: Jayaram, K. C. - The Freshwater Fishes of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and Sri Lanka: A Handbook.
7315: Jeffs, R. E. and Little, Elbert L. Jr. - A Preliminary List of the Ferns and Seed Plants of Oklahoma
8546: Jenkins, Farish A. (editor) - Primate Locomotion
7946: Jennings, H. S. - Rotatoria of the United States, Part II: A Monograph of the Rattulidae (Contributions to the Biology of the Great Lakes)
7947: Jennings, H. S. - Rotatoria of the United States, Part II: A Monograph of the Rattulidae (Contributions to the Biology of the Great Lakes)
9793: Jewett, S.G., Taylor, W.P., Shaw, W.T. and Aldrich, J.W. - Birds of Washington State
9783: Ji, Weizhi (editor) - Birds in Yunnan
8563: Jiang, Nengren, Sun, Rong, Liang, Qizhong et al. - The late Cenozoic stratigraphy and paleontology in Yuanmou Basin, Yunnan, China
9380: Jiguang, Xin (editor) - The Giant Panda
8825: Jin, Deming and Wang, Zhaoyang - Underground Worlds: Guizhou, China
0222: Johanson, B.K. - LINNÍS TRaDGÅRDAR.
9706: Johnsgard, Paul A. - The Pheasants of the World
9826: Johnsgard, Paul A. - Cormorants, Darters and Pelicans of the World
9772: Johnsgard, Paul A. - The Hummingbirds of North America (second edition)
9813: Johnsgard, Paul A. - The Grouse of the World
2727: Johnson, George L. - Contributions to the Comparative Anatomy of the Reptilian and Amphibian Eye, chiefly based on ophthalmological examination
8803: Johnson, R. W. (editor) - Volcanism in Australasia: A collection of papers in honor of the late G. A. M. Taylor
7775: Johnson, Charles E. + Warren, Edward R. - An Investigation of the Beaver in Herkimer and Hamilton Counties in the Adirondacks + The Life of the Yellowstone Beaver
3148: Johnson, Walter - Gilbert White: Pioneer, Poet, and Stylist
8698: Johnson, Jr., Terry W. - The Genus Achlya: Morphology and Taxonomy
8552: Jolly, C. J. - The Classification and Natural History of Theropithecus (Simopithecus) (Andrews, 1916), Baboons of the African Plio-Pleistocene
5881: Jones, Owen - The Grammar of Chinese Ornament: Selected From Objects in the South Kensington Museum and Other Collections.
7006: Jones, Darryl N., Dekker, René W. R. J. and Roselaar, Cees S. - The Megapodes: MegaPodiidae (Bird Families of the World)
6463: Jones, Frederic Wood - The Principles of Anatomy as Seen in the Hand.
9833: Jones, Lynds - The Birds of Ohio: A Revised Catalogue (Ohio State Academy of Science, Special Papers No. 6)
5059: Jonsgard, Age - Biology of the North Atlantic Fin Whale, Balaenoptera physalus (L): Taxonomy distribution and food.
7902: Jordan, David Starr - A Catalog of the Fishes known to inhabit the waters of North America north of the Tropic of Cancer with notes on species discovered in in 1883 and 1884 (inscribed from Albert Herre to Earl Herald)
7698: Jordan, David Starr and Evermann, Barton W. + Cobb, John N. - Preliminary Report on an investigation of the Fishes and Fisheries of the Hawaiian Islands + Commercial Fisheries of the Hawaiian Islands
7725: Jordan, David Starr and Evermann, Barton W. - The Genera of Fishes from Linnaeus to Cuvier, 1758-1920, with the Accepted Type of Each. A Contribution to the Stability of Scientific Nomenclature + Jordan, David Starr: A Classification of Fishes including Families and Genera as Far as Known, in 5 volumes, complete
7708: Jordan, David L. - Report on the Fishes of Ohio
7928: Jordan, David Starr and Eigenmann, Carl H. - A Review of the genera and species of Serranidae found in the waters of America and Europe
7797: Jordan, David Starr and Evermann, Barton W. - Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Fishes of the Hawaiian Islands
7990: Jordan, David Star and Seale, Alvin - Fishes of the Islands of Luzon and Panay
7796: Jordan, David Starr - A List of the Fishes of Hawaii with notes and descriptions of new species
7840: Jordan, David Starr and Fesler, Bert - A Review of the Sparoid Fishes of America and Europe
4049: Jordan, David Starr - Reports by Wm. Gouverneur Morris, Ivan Petroff, C.H. Townsend, F.W. True, J.J. Brice and Leonard Stejneger on Internal Resources of Alaska and the Fur-Seal Fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean.
1337: Jorgensen, E. - NORGES LEVERMOSER.
7720: Joubin, Louis - Faune ichthyologique de l'Atlantique Nord, no. 15
7721: Joubin, Louis - Faune ichthyologique de l'Atlantique Nord, no. 18
7722: Joubin, Louis - Faune ichthyologique de l'Atlantique Nord, no. 7
4914: Jozefik, Mieczyslaw - Studies on the Squacco Heron, Ardeola ralloides (Scop.). Part II: Secular changes in the numbers and distribution in the Palearctic range.
8859: Jurmain, Robert and Nelson, Harry - Instructor's Manual with Text Bank to accompany Introduction to Physical Anthropology, Sixth Edition
8858: Jurmain, Robert, Nelson, Harry and Turnbaugh, William A. - Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology
9601: Jurmain, Robert; Kilgore, Lynn; Trevanthan, Wenda; and Ciochon, Russell L. - Introduction to Physical Anthropology (2011-2012 Edition) (Instructor's Edition)
9602: Jurmain, Robert; Kilgore, Lynn; Trevanthan, Wenda; and Ciochon, Russell L. - Introduction to Physical Anthropology (2011-2012 Edition) (Instructor's Edition)
9603: Jurmain, Robert; Kilgore, Lynn; Trevanthan, Wenda; and Ciochon, Russell L. - Introduction to Physical Anthropology (2009-2010 Edition) (Instructor's Edition)
9604: Jurmain, Robert; Kilgore, Lynn; Trevanthan, Wenda; and Ciochon, Russell L. - Introduction to Physical Anthropology (11th Edition) (Instructor's Edition)
3078: Jussieu, A.L. - Mémoire sur le Loasa, genre de plantes qui devra constituer avec le Mentzelia, une nouvelle famille
9001: Kampen, P. N. van - The Amphibia of the Indo-Australian Archipelago
9788: Karalus, K.E. and Eckert, A.W. - The Owls of North America (North of Mexico): All the Species and Subspecies Illustrated in Color and Fully Described
5401: Karpinsky, A. - uber die Ammoneen der Artinsk-Stufe und Einge mit Denselben Verwandte Carbonische Fromen.
5350: Karpinsky, A. - uber die Ammoneen der Artinsk-Stufe und Einge mit Denselben Verwandte Carbonische Fromen.
5786: Kaston, Benjamin J. - Spiders of Connecticut.
9251: Keast, A., Crocker, R. L., and Christian, C. S. (editors) - Biogeography and Ecology in Australia
8295: Kekule, L. Bruce - Thailand's Natural Heritage: A look at some of the rarest animals in the Kingdom
6457: Kelley, Mark A. and Larsen, Clark Spencer (editors) - Advances in Dental Anthropology.
4364: Kellogg, Remington - Mexican Tailless Amphibians in the United States National Museum.
4780: Kennedy, K. A. R., Lovell, N. C. and Burrow, C. B. - Mesolithic Human Remains from the Gangetic Plains: Sarai Nahar Rai.
9088: Kennedy, Kenneth A. R. and Possehl, Gregory L. - Studies in the Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology of South Asia
9122: Keynes, Richard Darwin (editor) - The Beagle Record: Selections from the original pictorial records and written accounts of the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle
6328: Khanaichenko, N. K. - The System of Equatorial Countercurrents in the Ocean.
7726: Kihara, H. (editor). - Scientific Results of the Japan Expeditions to Nepal Himalaya, 1952-1953, volume II: Land and Crops of Nepal Himalaya.
6412: Kimbel, William H. and Martin, Lawrence W. (editors) - Species, Species Concepts and Primate Evolution.
5136: King, Max - Species Evolution: The Role of Chromosome Change.
3849: King, Judith E. - The Otariid Seals of the Pacific Coast of America.
3622: Kirchner, O. von - Blumen und Insekten: Ihre Anpassungen aneinander und ihre gegenseitige Abhangigkeit
6176: Kiyosu, Ukiyasu - Wild Birds of Japan 2.
8039: Klein, Jacob Theodor - Tentamen Herpetologiae
9433: Klein, Jacob Theodor - Tentamen Methodi Ostracologicae sive Dispositio Naturalis Conchlidum et Concharum in suas Classes, Genera et Species
3030: Klembara, Jozef - The parasphenoid and associated dermal structures of the parabasisphenoid of Alligator mississippiensis (Daudin, 1802)
3025: Klemmer, Konrad - Untersuchungen zur Osteologie und Taxionomie der europaischen Mauereidechsen
9715: Klevezal, G.A. and Kleinenberg, S.E. - Age Determination of Mammals from Annual Layers in Teeth and Bones
8991: Klokov, M., Schelag-Sossonko, G., Makarevicz, M., Dudka, I., and Dubovik, O. - Systematic News of Higher and Lower Plants 1974
9074: Kloss, C. Boden - In the Andamans and Nicobars: Adventures in Ethnology and Natural History
3977: Kluge, Arnold G. - Higher Taxonomic Categories of Gekkonid Lizards and their Evolution.
5774: Kner, Rudolf - Fische der Novara-Expedition.
7919: Knight, Alfred Ernest and Step, Edward - The Living Plant in Leaf, Flower, and Fruit
9058: Knopf, Fritz, (editor) - Ecology and Conservation of Great Plains Vertebrates
8483: Kobayashi, T. and Toriyama, R. (editors) - Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, Volumes 1-8 (1964-1970)
3217: Koch, C. - Revision der Tenebrionidengattungen Thalpophila und Rhytinota
8324: Koenigswald, G. H. R. von (editor) - Hundert Jahre Neanderthaler / Neanderthal Centenary, 1856-1956; Gedenkbuch der Internationalen Neanderthal Feier, Dusseldorf, 26-30 August 1956
5677: Kofoid, Charles A. and Grinnell, Joseph (editors) - University of California Publications in Zoology, volume 21, no. 1-18 (1918-1926).
8136: Kopstein, Felix - Ein Beitrag zur Eierkunde und zur Fortpflanzung der Malaiischen Reptilien.
9578: Korenhof, C. A. - Morphogenetical Aspects of the Human Upper Molar: A comparative study of its enamel and dentine surfaces and their relationship to the crown pattern of fossil and recent primates
1629: Kornicker, L.S. - ANTARCTIC OSTRACODA (MYODOCOPINA), 2 Parts, complete.
9355: Kotturan, George - The Himalayan Gateway: History and Culture of Sikkim
8780: Kowall, Earl, Kowall, Nazima and Mathur, Asharani - A Golden Souvenir of Kashmir and Ladakh
6024: Kowall, Earl and Kowall, Nazima. - Our World in Colour: Sikkim and Darjeeling.
2640: Krause, Ernst - Erasmus Darwin. With a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin
8129: Krefft, Gerard - The Snakes of Australia; an illustrated and descriptive catalogue of all known species (with all 12 plates hand-colored and warmly inscribed by the author)
8723: Kreisel, Hanns - Taxonomisch-Pflanzengeographische Monographie der Gattung Bovista
8724: Kreisel, Hanns - Taxonomisch-Pflanzengeographische Monographie der Gattung Bovista
5873: Krogh John E. and Tanner, William W. - The Hyobranchium and throat myology of the adult Ambystomidae of the United States and Norhern Mexico.
2766: Kruijt, J.P. - Ontogeny of Social Behaviour in Burmese Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus).
8717: Kuhner, R. and Romagnesi, H. - Complements a la ""Flore Analytique"" (contains nine chapters)
8718: Kuhner, R. and Romagnesi, H. - Complements a la ""Flore Analytique"" (contains nine chapters)
5731: Kuko, Keishin - Birds.
5326: Kummel, Bernhard - Ammonoids of the Late Scythian (Lower Triassic).
6146: Kummer, Benno - Bauprinzipien des Saugerskeletes.
5728: Kuroda, Nagahisa - Study of Birds: The Ecology.
9688: Kuroda, Nagamichi - Birds of the Island of Java, in 2 volumes
6213: Kuroda, Nagahisa and Takashima, Haruo - Color Illustrations of Birds.
2830: Kuroda, Nagamichi - A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Avifauna of the Riu Kiu Islands and the vicinity
5721: Kuroda, Nagahisa - Systematic Zoology, volume 10: Aves
6260: Kurup, G. U. - Census survey and population ecology of Bonnet macaque Macaca radiata (E. Geoffroy) in South India.
3592: L'Art Ancien S.A. - Early Books on Medicine, Natural Sciences and Alchemy
4125: Lachmann, Hermann - Die Reptilien und Amphibien Deutschlands in Wort und Bild. Eine systematische und biologische Bearbeitung der bisher in Deutschland aufgefundenen Kriechtiere und Lurche.
9256: Lack, David - Ecological Adaptations for Breeding in Birds
9295: LaFollette, Marcel Chotkowski - Reframing Scopes: Journalists, Scientists, and Lost Photographs from the Trial of the Century
8812: Lagesse, Marcelle; Mazin, Rosine and Coulon, Gérard - Mauritius From the Air
4690: Lamberton, C. - Contribution à la connaissance de la faune subfosslie de Madagascar, Note III: Les Hadropithèques.
4693: Lamberton, C. - Contribution à la connaissance de la faune subfosslie de Madagascar: Note IX: Orellie osseuse des Lémuriens.
4662: Lamberton, C. - Contribution à la connaissance de la faune subfosslie de Madagascar: Lémuriens et Ratites (Archaeoindris - Chiromys - Megaladapis - Omoplates des Lémuriens subfossiles - Les Mullerornis), 2 volumes (Text + Plates), complete.
4692: Lamberton, C. - Contribution à la connaissance de la faune subfosslie de Madagascar: Notes IV - VIII: Lémuriens et Cryptoproctes, 2 volumes (Text + Plates), complete.
4691: Lamberton, C. - Contribution à la connaissance de la faune subfosslie de Madagascar, Note XVII: Les Pachylemurs, Note XVIII: Le premier métatarsien du Megaladapis edwardsi, Note XIX: Métacarpe du M. edwardsi, Note XX: Membre postérieur des Néopropitheques et des Mésopropitheques, Note XXI: L'angle de divergence fémorale chez les Lémuriens.
4698: Lampert, R. J. - Burrill Lake and Currarong: Coastal Sites in New South Wales.
2595: Lamy, Édouard - Révision des Scrobiculariidae Vivants du Muséum d'Historie Naturelle de Paris
9235: Lane, Margaret - Life with Ionides
8623: Lange, Jakob E. - Flora Agaricina Danica, Vol. I-V complete, bound in two volumes, with 200 fine chromolithographs
9052: Lannoo, Michael - Malformed Frogs: the collapse of aquatic ecosystems
9144: Lannoo, Michael J. - Status & Conservation of Midwestern Amphibians
9273: Lannoo, Michael J. - Okoboji Wetlands: A Lesson in Natural History
9258: Lannoo, Michael J. - Status and Conservation of Midwestern Amphibians
9819: Lansdowne, J.F. and Livingston, J.A. - Birds of the West Coast, in two volumes, complete (first edition)
9801: Lansdowne, J.F. and Livingston, J.A. - Birds of the Eastern Forest, in two volumes, complete
4353: Lanza, B. et al. - Note Sulla Storia Naturale delle Isole Galapagos.
3754: Latham, John - A General History of Birds, 11 volumes, complete with index, bound in 5 thick volumes.
0945: Laurent, R.F. - Revision du Genre Atractaspis A. Smith
4898: Laurent, Raymond - Notes sur quelques Reptiles appartenant a la collection du Musée Royal d'Historie Naturelle de Belgique. I. Formes africaines.
4854: Laurent, Raymond P. - Redescubrimiento de Pithecopus pailonus (Shreve) en Argentina.
4304: Laurent, Raymond F. - Le genre Leptopelis Gunther (Salienta) au Zaïre.
4855: Laurent, Raymond P. - Nuevos datos sobre el genero Telmatobius en el Noroeste Argentino con descripcion de una nueva especie de al Sierra del Manchao.
4793: Laurent, R. F. - A Revision of the Punctatus Group of African Typhlops (Reptilia: Serpentes).
9822: Lavery, H. J. (editor) - The Kangaroo Keepers
7539: Laville, Henri, Philippe Rigaud, Jean and Sackett, James - Rock Shelters of the Perigord: Geological Stratigraphy and Archaeological Succession
2649: Lawrence, George H.M. et al. - B-P-H Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum
4931: Lawrence, George H.M. (editor) - Huntia. A Yearbook of Botanical and Horticultural Bibliography, volumes 1 and 2.
3533: Laws, R. M. - Reproduction, growth and age of Southern Right Fin Whales.
6369: Lawton, John H. and May, Robert M. (editors) - Extinction Rates.
7381: Le, Xuan and Chassain, J. C. - Comment elaborer systematiquement pedagogique une lecon un module: Une application de l'Analyse Comportementale
6415: Le Vaillant, F. - Second Voyage dans l'Interieur de l'Afrique par le Cape de Bonne Esperance dans les Annees 1783, 84 & 85, in 3 volumes, complete.
5875: Le Grand (d'Aussy, Pierre Jean-Baptiste) - Fabliaux or Tales, Abridged from French Manuscripts of the XIIth and XIIIth centuries, Selected and Translated into English Verse with a preface and notes, in 2 volumes, complete.
5647: Le Gros Clark, W.E., Wollard, H. H., Beattie, J. and Elliot-Smith, G., et al. - Collected Works on the Anatomy of Tarsius, Hapale (=Callithrix), Tupaia and Ptilocercus from the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 10 papers bound in 1 volume.
1213: Leader-Williams, N. - Reindeer on South Georgia: the Ecology of an Introduced Population
8320: Leakey, L. S. B., Leakey, M. D., Tobias, P. V. and Roe, D. - Olduvai Gorge, Volumes I-V in six volumes, complete (the original printing in dust jackets)
8090: Lear, Edward, and John Gould - Edward Lear Short-toed Ptarmigan Hand-Colored Plate
7001: LeBuff, Charles R. - The Loggerhead Turtle in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico.
5443: Lecompte, M. - Revision des Tabules Devoniens Decrits par Goldfuss.
7583: Lee, Yung-jo and Woo, Jong-yoon (editors) - The 15th International Symposium: Suyanggae and her Neighbors
7584: Lee, Yung-jo and Woo, Jong-yoon (editors) - The 15th International Symposium: Suyanggae and her Neighbors
8265: Lee, Yung-jo and Cho, Tae-sop (editors) - Paleoenvironment et Culture Paleolithique de la Region Jungwon, Coree - Korean-French Paleolithic Workshop
7588: Lee, Yung-jo and Cho, Tae-sop (editors) - Paleoenvironment et Culture Paleolithique de la Region Jungwon, Coree - 2004 French Paleolithic Workshop
7589: Lee, Yung-jo and Lee, Seung-won (editors) - The First Human Intelligence efflorescing on Stone: Paleolithic excavations for the past five years in central Korea
7585: Lee, Yung-jo, Xie, Fei and Gao, Xing (editors) - The 16th International Symposium: Suyanggae and her Neighbors in Nihewan, 2011.8.14-21 Yangyuan County, Hebei Province, China
7586: Lee, Yung-jo, Xie, Fei and Gao, Xing (editors) - The 16th International Symposium: Suyanggae and her Neighbors in Nihewan, 2011.8.14-21 Yangyuan County, Hebei Province, China
7587: Lee, Yung-jo et al. (editors) - The 13th International Symposium for Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of Suyanggae Excavation: Suyanggae and her Neighbours in Kyushu
7875: Lefevre, George and Curtis, Winterton C. - Studies on the Reproduction and Artificial Propagation of Fresh-Water Mussels
9094: Lefevre-Pontalis, Pierre - Travels in upper Laos and on the borders of Yunnan and Burma: Volume 5 - The Pavie Mission Indochina Papers, 1879-1895
6237: Leme, Elton M. C. - Nidularium: Bromeliads of the Atlantic Coast.
0761: Lemée, A. - Dictionnaire Descriptif et Synonymique des Genres de Plantes Phanérogames, Volume VIII b: Plantees Dicotyledones
7166: Lemos-Espinal, Julio A., et al. - The Family Xenosauridae in Mexico (La Familia Xenosauridae en Mexico)
6683: Lemos-Espinal, Julio A. and Smith, Hobart M. - Anfibios y Reptiles del Estado do Coahuila, Mexico / Amphibians and Reptiles of the State of Coahuila, Mexico.
3213: Leng, Charles W. and Mutchler, Andrew J. - Supplement 1919 to 1924 (inclusive) to Catalogue of the Coleoptera of America, North of Mexico
9834: Leopold, A Starker - The California Quail
9835: Leopold, A Starker - The California Quail
8902: Les Archives de la Societe Mycologique de France - Societe Mycologique Bulletin No. 1 (Mai 1885)
5641: Lessard, G. and Chouinard, A. (editors) - Bamboo Research in Asia: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Singapore, 28-30 May 1980.
5767: Lesser, Friedrich Christian - Testaceo-Theologia, oder Grundlicher Beweis des Daseyns und der vollkommnesten Eigenschaften eines Gottlichen Wesens, aus naturlicher und geistlicher Betrachtung der Schnecken und Muschelen, zur gebuhrenden Verherrlichung des grossen Gottes.
5560: Levine, Louis (editor) - Genetics of Natural Populations: The Continuing Importance of Theodosius Dobzhansky.
7782: Li, Zhen - Chinese Goldfish: A Complete Guide to Care and Collecting
7015: Li, Chuan-Kuei - The Paleogene Mammals of China.
7781: Li, Zhen - Chinese Goldfish: A Complete Guide to Care and Collecting
5229: Li, Zhenchang et al. - Amphibians and Reptiles of Guangdong.
3468: Light, S. F. and collaborators - Society Islands Insects
7240: Lindburg, Donald G. (editor) - The Macaques: Studies in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution
6203: Linne, Caroli V. - Genera Plantarum eorumque Characteres Naturales, secundum numerum, figuram, situm, et proportionem omnium fructificationis partium.
1560: Linné, Karl von - (A Biographical Sketch) STORA SVENSKA MaN. Tecknade for Folket.
7454: Lloyd, R. E. - The Races of Indian Rats: An Inquiry Supplementary to the Investigation of the Plague
8926: Lloyd, C. G. - Photogravure of American Fungi
9823: Lockhart, James - Wild America: A Collection of Drawings and Paintings of North American Wildlife
8767: Locy, William A. - Biology and its Makers, third edition, revised
7704: Loftus, W. F. and Kushlan, J. A. - Freshwater fishes of southern Florida
9252: Logier, E. B. S. - The Frogs, Toads and Salamanders of Eastern Canada
9299: Logier, E. B. S. and Toner, G. C. - Check List of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Canada and Alaska
6234: Lomolino, Mark V. and Heaney, Lawrence R. (editor). - Frontiers of Biogeography: New Directions in the Geography of Nature.
5359: Long, Nguyen Phuc - Les Nouvelles Researches Archéologiques au Vietnam (complement au Vietnam de Louis Bezacier).
7654: Longley, William Harding (edited and compiled by Samuel F. Hilderbrand). - Systematic Catalogue of the Fishes of Tortugas, Florida with Observations on Color, Habits, and Local Distribution.
9804: Lortet, L. - Observations sur les Tortues terrestres et paludines de Bassin de la Mediterranee
5912: Loti, Pierre - Siam.
9125: Lotters, Stefan; Jungfer, Karl-Heinz; Henkel, Friedrich Wilhelm; and Schmidt, Wolfgang - Poison Frogs: Biology, Species and Captive Husbandry
8027: Loudon, Jane Wells - The Ladies' Flower-Garden [comprising] Ornamental Annuals (1844); Ornamental Perennials (1850); Ornamental Bulbous Plants (1850); Ornamental Greenhouse Plants (1860) and British Wild Flowers (1859), in 5 volumes, complete
9123: Loveridge, Arthur - Reptiles of the Pacific World
4555: Loveridge, Arthur - Check List of the Reptiles and Amphibians of East Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Tanganyika, Zanzibar).
4419: Loveridge, Arthur - Checklist of the Reptiles and Amphibians of East Africa (Uganda; Kenya; Tanganyika; Zanzibar).
4421: Loveridge, Arthur - Further Revisions of African Snake Genera.
3530: Lowe, Percy R. - On the Systematic Position of the Swifts (Suborder Cypseli) and Hummingbirds (Suborder Trochili), with special reference to their Relation to the Order Passeriformes.
6123: Lubbock, Sir John - The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man: Mental and Social Condition of Savages.
9830: Lucas, A.M. and Stettenheim, P.R. - Avian Anatomy Integument, Parts I-II, complete
7937: Lucas, Frederic A. - General Guide to the Exhibition Halls of the American Museum of Natural History
5591: Luckett, W. P. and Hartenberger J-L. (editors) - Evolutionary Relationships among Rodents: A Multidisciplinary Analysis.
8544: Luckett, W. Patrick and Szalay, Frederick S. (editors) - Phylogeny of the Primates: A Multidisciplinary Approach
7518: Lukacs, John R. - The People of South Asia: The Biological Anthropology of India, Pakistan and Nepal
8150: Lumley, Henry de, Pillard, Brigitte and Pillard, Frederic - L'habitat et les activites de l'homme de Lazaret
5315: Lumley-Woodyear, Henry de - Le Paléolithique Inférieur et Moyen du midi Méditerranéen dans son cadre Géologique, Tome I: Ligurie, Provence + Tome II: Bas-Languedoc, Roussillon, Catalogne, (in 2 volumes complete).
5314: Lumley, Henry de (editor) - La Grotte de l'Hortus (Valflaunes, Herault). Les chasseurs neandertaliens et leur milieu de vie. Elaboration d'une chronologie du Wurmien II dans le Midi Mediterraneen (La Grotte Mousterienne De l'hortus).
8852: Luo, Hong (managing editor) - Customs of Zhuang Nationality in Black in Napo of Guangxi
8976: Lutz, Bertha - Brazilian Species of Hyla
9315: Lutz, Bertha - Brazilian Species of Hyla
5298: Lyell, Charles - Travels in North America, in the years 1841-2; with Geological Observations on The United States, Canada and Nova Scotia, 2 volumes bound together in one volume.
6273: Lynch, John D. and Myers, Charles W. - Frogs of the Genus Eleutherodactylus in Eastern Panama and Chocoan South America (Leptodactylidae).
2100: Lyon, Marcus W. - Mammals of Indiana.
5569: M'William, James O. - Medical history of the expedition to the Niger during the years 1841-42, comprising an account of the fever which led to its abrupt termination.
9086: Maceda, Marcelino - The Culture of the Mamanua (Northeast Mindanao) as compared with that of the other Negritos of Southeast Asia
9387: Macholan, Milos, Baird, Stuart J. E., Munclinger, Pavel, and Pialek, Jaroslav (editors) - Evolution of the House Mouse
6064: MacInnes, D. G. - Fossil Tubulidentata from East Africa.
3885: Mackintosh, N.A. - The Southern Stocks of Whalebone Whales.
2019: Macoun, John and Kindberg, N. C. - Catalogue of Canadian Plants, Part 6: Musci.

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