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Natural History Books 1025 Keokuk Street, Iowa City, IA 52240, USA. Tel.: +1 (319) 354-9088 / Fax.: +1 (319) 354-0844 Email: noriko@naturalhistorybooks.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
6413: MacPhee, Ross D. E. (editor) - Primates and Their Relatives in Phylogenetic Perspective.
6169: Magurran, Anne E. and May, Robert M. (editors) - Evolution of Biological Diversity.
8548: Maier, Wolfgang - Vergleichend- und funktionell-anatomische Untersuchungen an der Vorderextremitat von Theropithecus gelada (Ruppell 1835): Ein Beitrag zur Systematik und Evolutionsmorphologie terrestrischer Cercopithecidae
8814: Majumdar, R. C. - India and South-east Asia
7520: Majumdar, R. C. - Ancient Indian Colonies in the Far East, Volume 2: Suvarnadvipa, Part I - Political History
6200: Maki, Moichiro - A Monograph of the Snakes of Japan, in 3 volumes, complete.
8040: Maki, M. - A Monograph of the Snakes of Japan, in 3 text volumes + Portfolio of color plates, in portfolio case with bone-clasped ties
9738: Malcolm, George and Maxwell, Aymer - Grouse and Grouse Moors
7311: Mann, Albert - Report on the Diatoms of the Albatross Voyages in the Pacific Ocean, 1888-1904
9637: Manning, Harvey and Miller, Tom - The North Cascades
8979: Mao, Shou-Hsian and Chen, Been-Yuan - Sea Snakes of Taiwan: A Natural History of Sea Snakes
8980: Mao, Shou-Hsian and Chen, Been-Yuan - Sea Snakes of Taiwan: A Natural History of Sea Snakes
7136: Mara, W. P. - Desert Snakes of North America.
6431: Marcho, Gabriele and Freeman, Leonard - A re-analysis of the Andrew A Abbie morphometric data on Australian Aborigines.
8794: Marks, G. C. and Kozlowski, T. T. (editors) - Ectomycorrhizae: Their Ecology and Physiology
9514: Marsh, O.C. - Odontornithes: A Monograph on the Extinct Toothed Birds of North America
9496: Marshall, A. J. - Bower-Birds: Their Displays and Breeding Cycles, A Preliminary Statement
8482: Martin, Karl (editor) - Sammlungen des Geologischen Reichs-Museums in Leiden (Ie Serie), Band I - Band VII (1881-1904)
8450: Martin, Robert A. - Missing Links: Evolutionary Concepts and Transitions through Time
5444: Marty, P. - Etudes sur les Végétaux Fossiles du trieu de leval (Hainaut) avec une note preliminaire sur la résine fossile de ce gisement par Maurice Langeron.
6311: Marzuki, Yazir and Heraty, Toeti - Borobudur.
9429: Masroor, Rafaqat - A Contribution to the Herpetology of Northern Pakistan: The Amphibians and Reptiles of Margalla Hills National Park and surroundings regions
9428: Masroor, Rafaqat - A Contribution to the Herpetology of Northern Pakistan: The Amphibians and Reptiles of Margalla Hills National Park and surroundings regions
9678: Mather, William W. - Geological of New York, Part 1: Comprising the Geology of the First District with 32 hand-colored plates and maps (Natural History of New York series)
7941: Mathews, Gregory M. - The Birds of Australia, Supplement No. 2 - Check List of the Birds of Australia, Part 2: Order Passeriformes (Part) + Supplement No. 3 - Check List of the Birds of Australia, Part 3: Order Passeriformes (Concluding Part)
1908: Mathias, M.M. - Studies the Umbelliferae. III: A Monograph of Cymoptera including a critical study of related genera
4785: Matthes, Horst W. - Zur Palaogeographie und Stammesgeschichte der Eozanen Wirbeltiere des Geiseltales.
6107: Matthew, William D. - Climate and Evolution.
4078: Matthew, William Diller - Paleocene Faunas of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico.
2289: Mayor, Alfred Goldsborough - A Memorial to Alfred Goldsborough Mayor. Some Posthumous Papers of A.G. Mayor Relating to His Work at Tutuila Island and Adjacent Regions, together with reports of R.A. Daly, R.T. Chamberlin, and C.B. Lipman on their work in the same connection.
2579: Mayr, E. and Rand, A.L. + Tate, G.H.H. and Archbold, R. - Results of the Archbold Expeditions, No. 14: Birds of the 1933-1934 Papuan Expedition + No. 16: Some Marsupials of New Guinea and Celebes
3575: McCormick, L. Hamilton - Characterology: An Exact Science
9036: McCranie, James R. and Wilson, Larry David - The Amphibians of Honduras
7892: McDonald, Marshall (editor) - Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission Vol IX, for 1889
4894: McDowell, Samuel Booker, Jr. - The Greater Antillean Insectivores.
9270: McKeown, Sean - Hawaiian Reptiles and Amphibians
3640: McNab, Robert - The Old Whaling Days: A history of southern New Zealand from 1830 to 1840
7813: Mead, Albert D. - A Method of Lobster Culture
9073: Medway, Lord - The wild mammals of Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia) and Singapore, second edition
9582: Meikle, William Eric and Parker, Sue Taylor - Naming Our Ancestors: An Anthology of Hominid Taxonomy
3753: Meinertzhagen, Richard - Birds of Arabia.
7060: Mell, R. - Beitrage zur Fauna Sinica, IV: Grundzuge einer Okologie der chinesischen Reptilien und einer herpetologischen Tiergeographie Chinas.
8206: Mellars, Paul (editor) - The Emergence of Modern Humans: An Archaeological Perspective
9777: Mendall, H.L. - The Ring-Necked Duck in the Northeast
5147: Menzel, Emil W. (editor) - Precultural Primate Bahavior.
8356: Meriam, C. Hart (editor) - Harriman Alaska Expedition, 1901-1914, complete in 13 volumes
1813: Merian, Matthaus - MAP OF PARIS in a later hand-colored state, first published in 1615.
9444: Merriam, J. C. - Triassic Ichthyosauria with special reference to the American forms
4644: Mertens, Robert and Muller, Lorenz - Liste der Amphibien und Reptilien Europas.
4813: Mertens, Robert - uber Reptilienbastarde.
4826: Mertens, Robert - Zur Kenntnis der Eidechsenfauna Nordwest-Spaniens.
4646: Mertens, Robert - Reptilien und Amphibien aus dem sudlichen Inner-Afrika.
5133: Mertens, Robert - The history of the herpetological section of the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Frankfurt A.M. (including a list of types in the Museum).
5052: Mertens, Robert - Zur verbreitung und systematik einiger Lacerta-formen der Apenninischen halbinsel und der Tyrrhenischen inselwelt.
4827: Mertens, Robert - uber eine kleine herpetologische Sammlung aus Java.
4828: Mertens, Robert - Die Reptilien der Madagaskar-Expedition Prof. D. H. Bluntschli's.
5048: Mertens, Robert - Zur Kenntnis der Iguaniden-Gattung Tropidurus in Peru.
4652: Mertens, Robert and Schnurre, Otto - Eidonomische und oekologische Studien an Smaragdeidechsen Deutschlands.
4611: Mertens, Robert - Senckenberg Naturforschende Gesellschaft Abhandlungen, no. 435, 442, 449, 451, 462, 465, 466 (7 monographs by Robert Mertens)
6086: Mertens, Robert - Die Familie der Warne (Varanidae); Teil 1: Allgemeines, Teil 2: Der Schadel, Teil 3: Taxonomie, complete in 3 parts.
5982: Mertens, Robert - Die rezenten Krokodile des Natur-Museums Senckenberg
4645: Mertens, Robert and Muller, Lorenz - Die Amphibien und Reptilien Europas
4564: Mertens, Robert - Die Tierwelt des tropischen Regenwaldes. Hrsg. v. d. Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft.
4562: Mertens, Robert - Die Lurche und Kriechtiere des Rhein-Main-Gebietes.
4642: Mertens, Robert - Die Tierwelt der Erde.
4497: Mertens, Robert - Herpetogische Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Kamerun.
4641: Mertens, Robert and Wermuth, Heinz - Die Amphibien und Reptilien Europas.
9298: Mertens, Robert, Hennig, Willi, and Wermuth, Heinz - Liste der rezenten Amphibien un Reptilien: Ascaphidae, Leiopelmatidea, Pipidae, Discoglossidae, Pelobatidae, Leptodactylidae, Rhinophrynidae
9028: Mertens, Robert - Die Amphibien und Reptilien der Inseln Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa und Flores (Beiträge zur Fauna der Kleinen Sunda-Inseln, I).
4134: Mertens, Robert - Die ""Typostrophen-Lehre"" im Lichte des Darwinismus.
4138: Mertens, Robert - Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise nach den Pelagischen Insen und Sizilien.
4643: Mertens, Robert - Studien zur Eidonomie und Taxonomie der Ringelnatter (Natrix natrix).
8539: Messeri, Patrizia (editor) - Abstracts of the VIIIth International Congress of Primatology, Firenze, Italy, July 7-12, 1980, volume 3, no. 2
6449: Meyer, H.L. - Egyptian Neophron (Neophron percnopterus) Hand Colored Plate
6450: Meyer, H.L. - Magpie and Bittern Eggs Hand Colored Plate
6446: Meyer, H.L. - Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus) Hand Colored Plate
6445: Meyer, H.L. - Jer Falcon (Falco Islandicus) Hand Colored Plate
6451: Meyer, H.L. - Land Rail and Ring Pheasant Eggs Hand Colored Plate
6447: Meyer, H.L. - Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus) Hand Colored Plate
6454: Meyer, H.L. - Ptarmigan (Tetralagopus) Hand Colored Plate
6455: Meyer, H.L. - Missel Thrush (Turdus miscovorus) Hand Colored Plate
6453: Meyer, H.L. - Rook (Corvus frugilegus) Hand Colored Plate
8557: Michael, Richard P. and Crook, John H. (editors) - Comparative Ecology and Behaviour of Primates: Proceedings of a Conference held at the Zoological Society, London, November 1971
7951: Michelet, M. J. - The Sea (La Mer)
5913: Middleton, Robert Hunter (printer) - Abstract Art Print Limited Edition on hand made paper
5892: Middleton, Robert Hunter (printer) - Limited Edition Abstract Art Print on hand made paper
6177: Middleton, R. Hunter - Cherryburn Prints: Volume I. Discovered Subjects I to X (and) Volume II. Discovered Subjects XI to XX + 2 additional signed prints, each housed in portfolio cases as issued.
6162: Midlo, Charles and Cummins, Harold - Palmar and Plantar Dermatoglyphics in Primates.
9574: Miksic, John N. - Traditional Sumatran Trade
5790: Miksic, John - Borobudur: Golden Tales of the Buddhas.
6128: Milisauskas, Sarunas - European Prehistory.
9631: Miller, Gerrit S. - Revised determinations of some Tertiary Mammals from Mongolia
8130: Miller, John F. - Illustratio Systematis Sexualis Linnaei. An Illustration of the sexual system of the Genera Plantarum of Linnaeus
8537: Miller, James B. (editor) - The Epic of Evolution: Science and Religion in Dialogue
7648: Miller, Robert R. - The Cyprinodont Fishes of the Death Valley system of eastern California and southwestern Nevada.
5692: Miller, A. H. et al. (editors) - University of California Publications in Zoology, volume 52, no. 1-5 (1951-1954).
5424: Miller, Arthur K. - Tertiary Nautiloids of West-Coastal Africa.
2827: Milne Edwards, M. Alphonse - Mission Scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amerique Centrale: Études sur les Xiphosures et les Crustacés de la région Mexicaine
3057: Milne Edwards, Alphonse - Description de quelques Crustacés Nouveaux provenant des voyages de M. Alfred Grandidier a Zanzibar et a Madagascar
3992: Milne Edwards, Alphonse and Bouvier, E. L. - Reports on the Results of Dredging in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78), in the Caribbean Sea (1878-79) and along the Atlantic coast of the United States (1880), by the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer ""Blake"", Part XLIV: Les Pénéides et Sténopides.
3993: Milne Edwards, Alphonse and Bouvier, E. L. - Reports on the Results of Dredging in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78), in the Caribbean Sea (1878-79) and along the Atlantic coast of the United States (1880), by the U.S. Coast Survey Steamer ""Blake"", Part XLVII: Les Porcellanides et les Brachyures.
3455: Minelli, Alessandro - The Development of Animal Form: Ontogeny, Morphology, and Evolution
6003: Miner, Roy Waldo - The Pectoral Limb of Eryops and Other Primitive Tetrapods.
3089: Mirbel, M. - Mémoire sur l'Anatomie et la Physiologie des plantes de la famille des Labiées
5063: Mitchell, Edward - Evidence for Mass Standings of the False Killer Whale (Pseudorca crassidens) in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean.
3799: Mitchell, E. and Tedford, R.H. - The Enaliarctinae, a new Group of Extinct Aquatic Carnivora and a Consideration of the Origin of the Otariidae.
3852: Mitchell, E. and Tedford, R.H. - The Enaliarctinae, a new Group of Extinct Aquatic Carnivora and a Consideration of the Origin of the Otariidae.
2200: Mitchell, G. F. - Post-Boreal Pollen-Diagrams from Irish Raised-Bogs
6278: Mitra, N. D. et al. - Geology of Nagaland Ophiolite: D.B. Ghosh Commemorative Volume: A Compilation of Research Papers on Nagaland Ophiolite.
1358: Mitten, G. - MUSCI AUSTRO-AMERICANI. Enumeratio muscorum omnium Austro-Americanorum auctori hucusque cogitorum.
6383: Mivart, George - On the Appendicular Skeleton of the Primates.
5712: Miyazaki, Manabu - Ural Owl (=Fukuro).
9377: Mjoberg, Eric - Forest Life and Adventures in the Malay Archipelago
5630: Mlynarski, Marion - Handbuch der Palaoherpetologie, Part 7: Testudines.
7391: Mobius, Karl, Fraiche, Felix, et al. - The Oyster, Parts XXVII to XXXVI, complete in one volume
5623: Moll, Edward O. and Legler, John M. - The Life History of a Neotropical Slider Turtle, Pseudemys scripta (Schoepff) in Panama.
6129: Mongait, Alexander - Archaeology in the U.S.S.R.
8071: Monks, Sarah - The Columella and Stapes in some North American Turtles
7613: Montgomery, Thomas H. - On Phylogenetic Classification
7497: Mook, Charles C. - A Revision of the Mesozoic Crocodilia of North America
7785: Moore, Henry F. - The Commercial Sponges and the Sponge Fisheries
6274: Moore, John A. - Geographic Variation in Rana pipiens Schreber of Eastern North America.
3480: Moore, John - A Treatise on Domestic Pigeons, comprehending all of the different species known in England; describing the perfections and imperfections of each, ... the method of breeding the most curious and valuable sorts, ... the generation of pigeons in general
7798: Moore, Henry F. - A Practical Method of Sponge Culture
9329: Moore, John A. and Lofts, Brian (editors) - Physiology of the Amphibia, 2 volumes.
6297: Morbeck, Mary Ellen, Preuschoft, Holger and Gomberg, Neil (editors) - Environment, Behavior, and Morphology: Dynamic Interactions in Primates.
8501: Morbeck, Mary Ellen - A Reexamination of the Forelimb of the Miocene Hominoidea
6498: Morch, Ernst Trier - Chondrodystrophic Dwarfs in Denmark (supplemented with investigations from Sweden and Norway) with special reference to the Inheritance of Chondrodystrophy.
2852: Moreira, C. - Crustaceos do Brazil + six other papers by Moreira
8923: Morgan, Andrew Price - The Mycologic Flora of the Miami Valley, Ohio, in 10 parts, complete
9473: Morris, F. O. - A Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds (with 225 color plates) in three volumes, complete
5814: Morris, F. O. - Jer Falcon Hand-Colored Plate
9687: Morris, Rev. F. O. - A History of British Birds, in 6 volumes [together with] A Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds, in 3 volumes, both in the original slipcases
4989: Morse, Albert P. - Notes on the Acrididae of New England, II. Tryxalinae + III. Oadipodinae, + IV. Acridiinae.
8046: Mortensen, Th. - Handbook of the Echinoderms of the British Isles
9184: Mount, Robert H. - The Reptiles & Amphibians of Alabama
9186: Moyal, Ann - Platypus: The extraordinary story of how a curious creature baffled the world
5439: Muir-Wood, Helen M. - The British Carboniferous Producti, II: Productus (sensu stricto) - semireticulatus and longispinus groups.
3305: Multiple Authors - Herpetological Offprints from Zoologische Mededelingen, (Leiden), 1938-1978
5182: Munro, J. A. - Studies of Waterfowl in British Columbia, No. 9: Barrow's Golden-eye, American Golden-eye.
9744: Murphy, R.C. - Oceanic Birds of South America, in two volumes
3595: Murray, Andrew - The Geographical Distribution of Mammals
6332: Murrill, Rupert Ivan - Cranial and Postcranial Skeletal Remains from Easter Island.
8479: Musser, Guy - Species Limits of Rattus cremoriventer and Rattus langbianis Murid Rodents of Southeast Asia and the Greater Sunda Islands
9372: Musser, Guy G. - Zoogeographical Significance of the Ricefield Rat, Rattus argentiventer, on Celebes and New Guinea and the Identity of Rattus pesticulus
9373: Musser, Guy G. - The Species of Hapalomys (Rodentia, Muridae)
8471: Musser, Guy G. and Newcomb, Cameron - Malaysian murids and the Giant Rat of Sumatra
8472: Musser, Guy. G. - Results of the Archbold Expeditions, No. 105. Notes on Systematics of Indo-Malayan Murid Rodents, and Descriptions of New Genera and Species from Ceylon, Sulawesi, and the Philippines
8473: Musser, Guy G. and Dagosto, Marian - The Identity of Tarsius pumilus, a pygmy species endemic to the montane mossy forests of Central Sulawesi
9155: Myers, Charles W. and Daly, John W. - Preliminary Evaluation of Skin Toxins and Vocalizations in Taxonomic and Evolutionary Studies of Poison-Dart Frogs (Dendrobatidae)
9349: Myrdal, Jan and Kessle, Gun - Angkor: An Essay on Art and Imperialism
3464: Nabours, Robert K. - Studies of Inheritance and Evolution in Orthoptera. V. The Grouse Locust, Apotettix eurycephalus Hancock
8000: Nadler, Tilo, Streicher, Ulrike and Long, Ha Thang (editors) - Conservation of Primates in Vietnam
9060: Naef, Adolf - Fauna and Flora of the Bay of Naples, monograph no. 35: Cephalopoda, in two fascicles, complete
8591: Naef, Adolf - Die fossilen Tintenfische. Eine paläozoologische Monographie
6329: Nairn, Alan E. M. and Stehli, Francis G. (editors) - The Ocean Basins and Margins, Volume 1: The South Atlantic.
4073: Nakal, T., Honda, M., Satake, Y. and Kitagawa, M. - Index Florae Jeholensis cum Appendice: Plantae novae vel minus cognitae ex Manshuria.
5825: Nakamura, Tsukasa and Yoda, Masauo - Birds in Yamanishi, Japan.
8646: Nakasone, Karen K. - Cultural Studies and Identification of Wood-Inhabiting Corticiaceae and selected Hymenomycetes from North America
8266: Nakaya, Hideo (editor) - Northern Hemisphere Geo-Bio Traverse, Numbers 1-4: Report of Evolutionary History of Mammalian Fauna and Paleoenvironments - Late Cenozoic Eurasia and North America
9481: Napier, J. R. - Fossil Metacarpals from Swartkrans
8218: Napier, J.R. and Napier, P.H. (editors) - Old World Monkeys: Evolution, Systematics, and Behavior
6065: Napier, J. R. - Fossil Metacarpals from Swartkrans.
6384: Napier, Prudence H. - Catalogue of Primates in the British Museum (Natural History) and Elsewhere in the British Isles, Part 1: Families Callitrichidae and Cebidae.
7776: Napoleon I - The Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon Bonaparte with his Brother Joseph, sometime King of Spain. Selected and translated, with explanatory notes, from the 'Mémoires Du Roi Joseph' in 2 volumes, complete
6342: National Academy of Science - Paleontological Collecting.
8255: National Center for Scientific Research of Vietnam - Selected Collection of Scientific on Ecology and Biological Researches (1986-1990)
9646: Naumann, J. A. and Keulemans, J. G. - Little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius) Chromolithograph Plate
6458: Navia, Juan M. - Animal Models in Dental Research.
9124: Necas, P., Modrý, D. and Zavadil, V. - Czech Recent and Fossil Amphibians and Reptiles: An Atlas and Field Guide
5144: Nelson, Gareth and Rosen, Donn (editors) - Vicariance Biogeography: A Critique.
9652: New York Zoological Society - Set of six vintage postcards from the New York Zoological Park
9651: Newell, Rev. Daniel - The Honeysuckle and Hummingbird Framed Hand-colored Plate
9338: Ngoc, Huu - Vietnamese Studies, New Series No. 9 (79)
9339: Ngoc, Huu - Etudes Vietnamiennes No. 18 (88)
9337: Nguyen, Khac Vien - Essays on Vietnamese Civilization (I)
8303: Nguyen, Tuan - Hoian | Old Town (Hôian Dô Thi Co)
5236: Nguyen, Chi Ben et al. - My Son: The World Heritage.
9336: Nguyen, Khac Vien - Dien Bien Phu: Before During After
9340: Nguyen, Khac Vien - Face to Face with U. S. Armed Forces (I)
9789: Nice, Margaret M. - The Birds of Oklahoma
7392: (Nichols, Ichabod) - A Catechism of Natural Theology (the rare anonymous first edition)
5493: Nishida, Toshisada - Chimpanzees of the Lakeshore.
7425: Nitecki, Matthew H. and Nitecki, Doris V. (editors) - The Evolution of Human Hunting (first edition: 1987)
7940: No Editor listed - Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies Newsletter Volume 1: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 (1963-1964); Volume 2: Nos.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 (1965-1969) + Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies Bibliography, Series A: Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 (1963-1965).
8061: Noble, G. K. - The systematic status of some Batrachians from South America
9254: Noble, G. K. - Contributions to the Herpetology of the Belgian Congo based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909-1915: Part III. Amphibia
9815: Nørgaard-Olesen, E. - Tanagers, in two volumes: Vol. 1: Tersinidae, Thraupidae Genus 1-16 + Vol. 2: Thraupidae Genus 17-57.
9293: Norris, Kenneth S. and Prescott, John H. - Observations on Pacific Cetaceans of Californian and Mexican Waters
7866: Norris, Thaddeus - American Fish-Culture: Embracing all the details of Artificial Breeding and Rearing of Trout; the Culture of Salmon, Shad and other Fishes
2401: North American Fauna - North American Fauna, numbers 1-76, complete
4909: Norton, J.B.S. - A Revision of the North American Species of Euphorbia of the section Tithymalus occurring north of Mexico.
4908: Norton, J.B.S. - A Revision of the North American Species of Euphorbia of the section Tithymalus occurring north of Mexico.
4893: Novacek, Michael J. - The Skull of Lepticid Insectivorans and the higher-level classification of Eutherian mammals.
6391: Nuttall Ornithological Club - The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, December 1923.
7979: Nutting, C. C. - Hydroids of the Hawaiian Islands collected by the Steamer Albatross in 1902
2049: Nutting, C.C. - Fiji - New Zealand Expedition: Narrative and Preliminary Report of a Scientific Expedition from the University of Iowa to the South Seas.
5335: Nutting, C.C. - Fiji - New Zealand Expedition: Narrative and Preliminary Report of a Scientific Expedition from the University of Iowa to the South Seas.
5188: Nybakken, James W. - Pre-Earthquake Intertidal Ecology of Three Saints Bay, Kodiak Island, Alaska.
6078: O'Brien, T. P. - The Prehistory of Uganda Protectorate.
7169: O'Shea, Mark - Boas and Pythons of the World
9542: Oakley, Kenneth - Framework for Dating Fossil Man
9006: Okada, Yaichiro - Amphibia and Reptilia of Jehol
9517: Okada, Yaichiro - The Tailless Batrachians of the Japanese Empire
7611: Okada, Yaichiro - The herpetological fauna in the vicinity of Nikko, Japan + Two interesting examples for the zoogeography of Japan found in Karafuto + Notes on the mixed fauna of tropical and boreal animals in Honsyu
8256: Okada, Yaichiro - The Tailless Batrachians of the Japanese Empire
7506: Okada, Y. - On the Parallelism between the distribution of Lizards and of Anurans in the Japanese Empire.
5738: Okuda, Natsuko et al. - Birds and Literature: Birds appearing in Japanese, English and American Literature.
9176: Oldfield, Barney and Moriarty, John J. - Amphibians & Reptiles Native to Minnesota
8004: Oliver Peebles Jenkins - Report on Collections of Fishes made in the Hawaiian Islands, with descriptions of new species
4445: Oliver, James A. - The Relationships and Zoogeography of the Genus Thalerophis Oliver.
9320: Oliver, W. R. B. - The Moas of New Zealand and Australia
7501: Oliver, James S., Sikes, Nancy and Stewart, Kathlyn (editors) - Early Hominid Behavioural Ecology
7044: Oliverio Pinto, O.M. de - Ornitologia Brasiliense: Catalogo descritivo e ilustrado das Aves do Brasil, primeiro volume -- Parte introdutoria e familias Rheidae a Cuculidae (all published).
9412: Olivier, Georges and Moullec, Jean - Anthropologie de Cambodgiens
4388: Ollén, Christina - Jonas Ark: Eller sagan om Jonas och alla hans fantastiska djur!
4946: Olsen, Stanley J. - The Horse in Ancient China and its Cultural Influence in some other areas.
9219: Olson, Deanna H., Leonard, William P., Bury, R. Bruce - Sampling Amphibians in Lentic Habitats
7846: Oppianus - Oppian's Halieuticks of the Nature of Fishes and Fishing of the Ancients in V. Books. Translated from the Greek, with an Account of Oppian's Life and Writings, and a Catalogue of his Fishes
6547: Orenstein, Ronald - Turtles, Tortoises and Terrapins: Survivors in Armor.
6349: Osborn, Henry Fairfield - Man Rises to Parnassus: Critical Epochs in the Prehistory of Man.
9529: Osborn, H. F. and Mook, C. - Camarasaurus, Amphicoelias, and other Sauropods of Cope
9597: Osborn, Henry Fairfield - The Cranial Evolution of Titanotherium
9598: Osborn, Henry Fairfield - Bibliography of the Published Writings of Henry Fairfield Osborn, for the years 1877-1910
7978: Osburn, Raymond C. - The Bryozoa of the Woods Hole Region
5491: Osella, Filippo and Osella, Caroline (editors). - Islamic Reform in South Asia.
2518: Osgood, W. H. and Conover, B. + Hellmayr, C. E. - Game Birds from Northwestern Venezuela + A Contribution to the Ornithology of Northeastern Brazil
5479: Osman Hill, W. C. - The Anatomy of Callimico goeldii (Thomas): A Primitive American Primate.
5224: Osorio, Luis F. - Orquideas Colombianas.
5211: Ottestad, Per - On the size and stock of Antarctic Fin Whales relative to the size of the catch.
0963: Oudemans, C.A.J.A. - RÉVISION DES CHAMPIGNONS tant supérieurs qu'inférieurs trouvés jusqu'à ce jour dans les Pays-Bas, 2 Volumes, complete.
8310: Ovey, Cameron D. (editor) - The Swanscombe Skull: A survey of research on a Pleistocene site
5563: Owen, Richard. - Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus pompilius, Linn.) with illustrations on its external form and internal structure.
7478: Oxnard, Charles - Form and Pattern in Human Evolution: Some Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Approaches
7479: Oxnard, Charles - Uniqueness and Diversity in Human Evolution: Morphometric Studies of Australopithecines
2376: Packard, Alpheus S. - Guide to the Study of Insects and a Treatise on those Injurious and Beneficial to Crops.
2132: Packard, E. L. - A New Turtle From the Marine Miocene of Oregon.
5571: Pallas, Peter S. - Travels through the Southern Provinces of the Russian Empire, in the Years 1793 and 1794, in 2 volumes, complete.
9736: Palmer, Ralph S. - Maine Birds
6331: Pappu, Raghunath Subrao - Pleistocene Studies in the Upper Krishna Basin.
4631: Parker, William S. and Brown, William S. - Comparative Ecology of Two Colubrid Snakes, Masticophis t. taeniatus and Pituophis melanolucus deserticola, in Northern Utah.
7590: Parker, H. W. and Sanderson, Ivan T. - The Amphibians of the Mamfe Division, Cameroons, Part I: Zoogeography and Systematics + Part II: Ecology of the Frogs, in 2 parts, complete
7360: Parkinson, John - Paradisi in Sole: Paradisus Terrestris faithfully reprinted from the edition of 1629
5319: Parmentier, Henri - L'Art Architectural Hindou dans l'Inde et en Extrême-Orient.
9314: Passmore, N. I. and Carruthers, V. C. - South African Frogs
4452: Passmore, N.I. and Carruthers, V.C. - South African Frogs.
9016: Pasteur, G. and Bons, J. - Les Batraciens du Maroc
4405: Patterson, Rod - Reptiles of Southern Africa.
9199: Patton, Hardison - Raising Fur-Bearing Animals
4834: Payson, Edwin B. - A Monographic Study of Thelypodium and Its Immediate Allies.
8672: Pegler, David N. - The Genus Lentinus: A World Monograph
7862: Peirce, B. K. - Life in the Woods; or, the Adventures of Audubon
5194: Pellegrin, Jacques - Les Poissons des Eaux Douces de Madagascar et des Iles Voisines (Comores, Seychelles, Mascareignes).
5178: Pellegrin, Jacques - Les Poissons des Eaux Douces de Madagascar et des Iles Voisines (Comores, Seychelles, Mascareignes).
7302: Penionzhkevich, E. E. (editor) - Poultry - Science and Practice, Volume 1: Biology, Breeds and Breeding + Volume 2: Farming and Production, in 2 volumes, complete
5961: Peracca, Mario G. - The Life and Herpetological Contributions of Mario Giacinto Peracca (1861-1923).
4192: Perez-Higareda, Gonzalo and Smith, Hobart M. - Ophidiofauna of Veracruz: Taxonomical and Zoogeographical Analysis.
4804: Perret, Jean-Luc and Mertens, Roberts - Étude d'une collection herpétologique faite au Cameroun de 1952 à 1955.
9304: Peters, James A. - Dictionary of Herpetology: A Brief and Meaningful Definition of Words and Terms Used in Herpetology
9809: Peters, H. S. and Burleigh, T. D. - The Birds of Newfoundland
9585: Petraglia, Michael D. and Allchin, Bridget (editors) - Evolution and History of Human Populations in South Asia: Inter-Disciplinary Studies in Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Linguistics and Genetics
3381: (Petrunkevitch, Alexander) - In Honor of Alexander Petrunkevitch: Articles Contributed by Associates, Friends and Former Students on the Occasion of his Retirement from the Professorship of Zoology at Yale University
3540: Petrunkevitch, Alexander - A Synonymic Index-Catalogue of Spiders of North, Central and South America: With All Adjacent Islands Greenland, Bermuda, West Indies, Tierra del Fuego, Galapagos, etc.
3716: Pettit, Auguste - Résultats des Campagnes Scientifiques Accomplies sur son Yacht par Albert 1er Prince Souverain de Monaco, Fascicule XXXI: Description des encephales de Grampus griseus, de Steno frontatus Cuv., et de Globicephalus melas Traill, prov. des campagnes du yacht Princesse-Alice
9594: Pfeiffer, Louis and Otto, Fr. - Abbildung und Beschreibung blühender Cacteen. Figures des Cactées en fleur peintes et lithographiées d'après nature (two volumes complete bound in one volume)
2736: Pfizenmayer, E.W. - Les Mammouths de Siberie: La découverte de cadavres de mammouths préhistoriques sur les bords de la Berezovka et de la Sanga-Iourakh
7435: Phelan, Peter R. - Traditional Stone and Wood Monuments of Sabah
9832: Phillips, Allan; Marshall, Joe; Monson, Gale - The Birds of Arizona
6301: Pianka, Eric - Evolutionary Ecology.
9584: Pickering, Travis R.; Schick, Kathy and Toth, Nick (editors) - Breathing Life into Fossils: Taphonomic Studies in Honor of C.K. (Bob) Brain
7408: Pickering, D.E. (editor) - Proceedings of a Conference on Research with Primates
9242: Pickwell, Gayle - Amphibians and Reptiles of the Pacific States
3747: Pictet, Alphonse and Saussure, Henri de - Iconographie de quelques Sauterelles Vertes.
5498: Pilgrim, Guy E. and Hopwood, Arthur T. - Catalogue of the Pontian Bovidae of Europe in the Department of Geology (British Museum).
6404: Pilgrim, Guy E. - The Artiodactyla of the Eocene of Burma.
9607: Pilgrim, Guy E. - Siwalik Antelopes and Oxen in the American Museum of Natural History
7299: Pinto-Correia, Clara - Return of the Crazy Bird: The Sad, Strange Tale of the Dodo
9359: Piper, Jacqueline M. - Rice in South-East Asia: Cultures and Landscapes
9360: Piper, Jacqueline M. - Bamboo and Rattan: Traditional Uses and Beliefs
6069: Piveteau, Jean (editor) - Traité de Paléontologie, tome VII: Les Primates et l'Homme - Vers la forme Humaine. Le problème biologique de l'Homme. Les époques de l'Intelligence
6139: Plavcan, J Michael et al. (editors) - Reconstructing Behavior in the Primate Fossil Record.
4123: Pleguezuelos, Juan M. (editor). - Distribución y Biogeografía de los Anfibios y Reptiles en España y Portugal.
2255: Poeppig, Eduardus and Endlicher, Stephano - Nova Genera ac Species Plantarum in regno Chilensi Peruviano et in terra Amazonica
3082: Poiteau, M. - Monographie du genre Hyptis de la famille des Labiées et qui' a des rapports d'une part avec le Basilic, le Plectranthus, et de l'autre avec la Cataire
5613: Ponec, Jozef - Naše Motýle.
4809: Pope, Clifford H. - Notes on Amphibians from Fukien, Hainan, and other parts of China.
5983: Pope, Philip H. - The Life History of the Common Water-Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens), together with observations on the sense of smell.
2017: Portland Society of Natural History. - Proceedings of Portland Society of Natural History, volume 1.
9222: Pough, F. Harvey, Andrews, R.M., Cadle, J.E., Crump, M.L., Savitzky, A. H., Wells, K. D. - Herpetology, Second edition
7140: Powell, Robert, Henderson, Robert W. and Parmerlee, John S. - The Reptiles and Amphibians of the Dutch Caribbean: St Eustatius, Saba, and St. Marteen
5978: Poynton, J. C. - The Amphibia of Southern Africa, a Faunal Study.
9003: Poynton, J. C. - The Amphibia of Southern Africa
6300: Prasad, M. R. N. and Kumar T. C. Anand, (editors) - Use of Non-Human Primates in Biomedical Research.
8023: Pratt, Anne (revised by Edward Step) - The Flowering Plants, Grasses, Sedges & Ferns of Great Britain and their allies the Club Mosses, Horsetails, in four volumes, complete
9392: Price, Peter W. - Biological Evolution
9407: Pritchard, Peter C. H. - Rafetus: The Curve of Extinction – The Story of the Giant Softshell Turtle of the Yangtze and Red Rivers
9141: Pritchard, Peter C.H. - The Galapagos Tortoises: Nomenclatural and Survival Status
3648: Purves, P.E. - The Wax Plug in the External Auditory Meatus of the Mysticeti.
7546: Puscher, Horst - Postnatale Entfaltung der Kopfmuskulatur, insbesondere der Kaumuskeln, bei Papio hamadryas L. 1758 (Cercopithecidae, Simiae, Primate) in Beziehung zur Kopfgestaltung (Inaugural-Dissertation)
9389: Rabinowitz, Alan - Chasing the Dragon’s Tail: The Struggle to Save Thailand’s Wild Cats
8378: Radinsky, L. - Evolution of the Felid Brain
8379: Radinsky, Leonard B. - A review of the rhinocerotoid family Hyracodontidae (Perissodactyla)
5546: Radinsky, Leonard B. - The Evolution of Vertebrate Design.
2149: Rand, A.L. - The Distribution and Habits of Madagascar Birds: A Summary of the Fieldnotes of the Mission Zoologique Franco-Anglo-Américaine á Madagascar.
9190: Rand, A. L. - Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 43: Birds of the 1938-1939 New Guinea Expedition
9191: Rand, A. L. - Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 42: Birds of the 1936-1937 New Guinea Expedition
2055: Rand, A.L. - The Distribution and Habits of Madagascar Birds: A Summary of the Fieldnotes of the Mission Zoologique Franco-Anglo-Américaine á Madagascar.
8670: Rangaswami, G., Seshadri, V. S. and Channamma, K. A. Lucy - Fungi of South India
5067: Rao, K. S. and Rao, S. R. N. - The Fossil Charophyta of the Deccan Inter-Trappeans near Rajahmundry (India).
5637: Rapp, George and Mulholland, Susan C. (editors) - Phytolith Systematics: Emerging Issues.
9541: Raven, Henry C. - Wallace's Line and the Distribution of Indo-Australian Mammals
8590: Ravn, J. P. J. - Molluskerne i Danmarks Kridtaflejringer, Parts I-III: I. Lamellibranchiater; II. Scaphopoder, Gastropoder og Cephalopoder; III. Stratigrafiske Undersøgelser; + Det Kongelige danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter (3 Parts + appendix, bound in one volume)
8348: Ray, John (Joannis Raii) - Joannis Raii de Variis Plantarum Methodis Methodis Dissertatio Brevis
3918: Rayner, George W. - Whale Marking II: Distribution of Blue, Fin and Humpback Whales Marked from 1932 to 1938.
8656: Read, D. J.; Lewis, D. H.; Fitter, A. H. and Alexander, I. J. (editors) - Mycorrhizas in Ecosystems
5467: Real Estate Institute (editor) - Colubridae: Photographs and Breeding Manual of Snakes of the Americas (in Japanese).
5468: Real Estate Institute (editor) - The Book of the Chameleon: Photographs and Breeding Manual (in Japanese).
5469: Real Estate Institute (editor) - The Book of the Gecko: Photographs and Breeding Manual (in Japanese).
9308: Redmond, William H., Echternacht, Arthur C., and Scott, A. Floyd - Annotated Checklist and Bibliography of Amphibians and Reptiles of Tennessee (1835 through 1989)
6204: Reed, F.R. Cowper - The Lower Palaeozoic Faunas of the Southern Shan States.
8168: Reese, A. M. - The Ductless Glands of Alligator mississippiensis
7658: Regan, C. Tate - Biologia Centrali-Americana: Pisces.
7474: Regnier, Robert (editor) - Bulletin de la Société des Amis des Sciences naturelles de Rouen (VII serie), volumes 66-73 (1932-1938)
7981: Reguis, Jean Marius Francois - Essai sur L'histoire Naturelle des Vertebres de la Province et des Departements Circonvoisins: Vertebres Anallantantoidiens (Poissons et Batraciens)
3463: Rehn, J.A. and Hebard, M. - Studies in American Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera), Parts I, II, V and VI
9642: Reichenow, Anton and Mützel, Gustav - Greater Sulphur, Leadbeater's and Slender-billed Cockatoos Hand-Colored Plate
9643: Reichenow, Anton and Mützel, Gustav - Grey-headed, Red-Cheeked, Malabar, Black-Headed and Rosy Hand-Colored Plate
9644: Reichenow, Anton and Mützel, Gustav - Mealy Amazon, Guatemalan Amazon, Vinaceous Amazon, Salle's Amazon, White-fronted Amazon, Green-cheeked Amazon, and Yellow-cheeked Amazon Hand-Colored Plate
8493: Reichs, Kathleen J. (editor) - Hominid Origins: Inquiries Past and Present
9096: Reid, C. Lestock - Commerce and Conquest: The Story of the Honourable East India Company
8619: Reid, Derek - A Monograph of the Stipitate Stereoid Fungi
8352: Rensberger, J. M. - Pleurolicine Rodents (Geomyoidea) of the John Day Formation, Oregon and their relationships to taxa from the early and middle Miocene, South Dakota
1510: Rensch, B. - Evolution above the Species Level.
8805: Retallack, Gregory J. - Miocene Paleosols and Ape Habitats of Pakistan and Kenya
7125: Rhoads, Dusty - The Complete Suboc: A Comprehensive Guide to the Natural History, Care, and Breeding of the Trans-Pecos Ratsnake
6610: Ribeiro, Alipio de Miranda - Fauna Brasiliense: Peixes, volume 5: (Eleutherobranchios Aspirophoros) Physoclisti.
5032: Ribeiro, Alipio de Miranda - Commentaries on South American Primates.
7672: Rice, Mary E. and Todorovic, Maksim (editors). - Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Biology of the Sipuncula and Echiura, in 2 volumes, complete.
8341: Rich, Thomas H. V. - Deltatheridia, Carnivora, and Condylarthra (Mammalia) of the early Eocene, Paris Basin, France
3715: Richard, J. - Résultats des Campagnes Scientifiques Accomplies sur son Yacht par Albert 1er Prince Souverain de Monaco, Fascicule XCIV: Documents sur les Cétacés et Pinnipèdes Provenant des Campagnes du Prince Albert 1er de Monaco
7653: Richardson, John. - Report on the Ichthyology of the seas of China and Japan -- with a new index to names in Richardson's Report on the ichthyology of the seas of China and Japan by Peter Whitehead.
8100: Richter, H. C., and John Gould - Gould and Richter Prince Max's Aracari Hand-Colored Plate
8102: Richter, H.C., and John Gould - Gould and Richter Little Egret Hand-Colored Plate
8105: Richter, H.C., and John Gould - Gould and Richter Cayenne Fairy Hummingbird Hand-Colored Plate
9531: Rickett, Harold W. - Wild Flowers of the United States, 6 volumes in 14 parts with slipcases + Index volume, complete
7027: Ridgely, Robert S. and Tudor, Guy - The Birds of South America, Volume 1: The Oscine Passerines + Volume 2: The Suboscine Passerines, in 2 volumes, complete.
9064: Ridgway, Robert - The Ornithology of Illinois: Descriptive Catalogue, in 2 volumes, complete
5846: Ridgway, Robert - Birds of the Galapagos Archipelago.
7752: Riehl, Rudiger and Baensch, Hans A. - Aquarien Atlas, in 3 volumes
2556: Rindge, Frederick - A Revision of the Genera Melanolophia, Pherostesia, and Melanotesia (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)
7355: Ringstrom, Torsten - Nashorner der Hipparion-Fauna Nord-Chinas (Palaeontologia Sinica, series C, volume 1, fascicle 4)
9758: Ripley, S. Dillon - Rails of the World: A Monograph of the Family Rallidae – Portfolio edition
5676: Ritter, William E. and Kofoid, Charles A. (editors) - University of California Publications in Zoology, volume 46, no. 1-7 (1941-1943).
9197: Rivero, Juan A. - Salientia of Venezuela
2234: Rivet, D. and Trouessart, M. - Mission du Service Geographique De L'armee Pour la Mesure D'un Arc De Méridien Équatorial En Amérique du Sud. Volume 9, Zoologie, Part 1: Mammifères, Oiseaux, Trochilidae (Mammals, Birds, Hummingbirds)
5381: Robequain, Charles - Le Thanh Hoa: Étude géographique d'une province annamite, volume 1.
9765: Roberts, Thomas S. - The Birds of Minnesota, in two volumes (first edition)
9817: Robson, Craig - A Guide to the Birds of Southeast Asia: Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia
7740: Robson, G. C. - A Monograph of the Recent Cephalopoda, Based on the Collections in the British Museum (Natural History) - Part I: Octopodinae and Part II: The Octopoda, in 2 volumes, complete.
7124: Rodda, Gordon H. et al. - Problem Snake Management: The Habu and the Brown Treesnake
2106: Rodenhouse, Iram Z. + Guberlet, John E. - The Morphology and Behavior of the Cushion Star Pteraster Tesselatus Ives.
8165: Roe, Keith E. - A Revision of Solanum Section Brevantherium (Solanaceae)
9050: Roe, Anne and Simpson, George Gaylord - Behavior and Evolution
8200: Roebroeks, Wil and Kolfschoten Thijs van, (editors) - The Earliest Occupation of Europe
9527: Roesel von Rosenhof, August Johann - Historia naturalis Ranarum nostratium / Die naturliche Historie der Froesche hiesigen Landes
8960: Rogner, Manfred - European Pond Turtles, Emys orbicularis
8961: Rogner, Manfred - European Pond Turtles, Emys orbicularis
5718: Rohles, Frederick H. - The Chimpanzee: A Topical Bibliography (first edition)
8077: Rondelet, Guillaume - Libri de Piscibus Marinis, in quibus verae Piscium effigies expressae sunt + Universae aquatilium Historiae pars altera, cum veris ipsorum Imaginibus, two volumes in one (in late 19 century polished calf)
8373: Rooij, Nelly de - The Reptiles of the Indo-Australian Archipelago, volume I: Lacertilia, Chelonia, Emydosauria + volume II: Ophidia, 2 volumes, complete
9748: Rookmaaker, L. C. - The Zoological Exploration of Southern Africa, 1650-1790 (inscribed by author)
6068: Roonwal, M. L., Mohnot, S. M. and Rathore, N. S. (editors) - Current Primate Researches.
0970: Roscoe, Mrs. Edward (née Lace) - Floral Illustrations of the Seasons: Consisting of Drawings from Nature of some of the Most Beautiful, Hardy and Rare Herbaceous Plants cultivated in the Flower Garden, carefully arranged according to their Seasons of Flowering
9616: Rose, M. D. - Positional behavior of Olive Baboons (Papio Anubis) and its relationship to maintenance and social activities
9606: Rose, Kenneth D. - The Carpolestidae: Early Tertiary Primates from North America
7144: Rossi, John V. and Rossi, Roxanne - Snakes of the United States and Canada: Keeping them Healthy in Captivity, Volume 1: Eastern Area + Volume 2: Western Area, in 2 volumes complete
8081: Roth, August M. (editor) - Aquatic Life and the Aquatic World, Second Series, Volume 1 (1951) to volume 14 (1964), complete in six cloth-bound volumes
8080: Roth, August M. (editor) - Aquatic Life and the Aquatic World: The Fish Fanciers Guide, volume 12 (1928) to volume 25 (1942), complete in sixteen cloth-bound volumes
9750: Rouke, John Patrick - Mimetes: An Illustrated Account of Mimetes Salisbury and Orothamnus Pappe, Two Notable Cape Genera of the Proteaceae (limited to 500 numbered copies each signed by the author and artist)
8488: Roveda, Vittorio - Khmer Mythology
5195: Rovirosa, Jose N. - Pteridographía del sur México.
7513: Roxas, Hilario - A Review of Philippine Mugilidae
5418: Roy, S.K. - The Upper Ordovician Fauna of Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island.
7110: Royal, Bruce R. - Speaking of Elephants and the Circus under Canvas
9419: Rubio, Manny - Rattlesnakes of the United States and Canada (Hardcover First Edition)
9420: Rubio, Manny - Rattlesnakes of the United States and Canada (Leatherbound limited edition)
5212: Rudd, Johan T. and Oynes, Per - Whale Markings carried out by Norwegian catchers in the Antarctic, Seasons 1956/57 and 1957/58.
8562: Runestad, Jacqueline A. - Humeral and femoral diaphyseal cross-sectional geometry and articular dimensions in prosimii and platyrrhini (primates) with applications for reconstruction of body mass and locomotor behavior in Adapidae (Primates: Eocene)
9417: Rush, John A. - Endocellular Selection: Evolution without Darwin
6482: Russell, Donald E. et al. - Teeth Revisited: Proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on Dental Morphology.
8368: Russell, Donald E., Louis, Pierre and Savage, Donald E. - Primates of the French Early Eocene
8371: Russell, D. E. - Les Mammiferes Paleocenes d'Europe
8353: Russell, Donald E., Louis, Pierre, and Savage, Donald E. - Chiroptera and Dermoptera of the French Early Eocene
8354: Russell, Donald E., Louis, Pierre, and Savage, Donald E. - Chiroptera and Dermoptera of the French Early Eocene
9130: Russell, Findlay E. and Campbell, James R. - Venomous Terrestrial Snakes of the Middle East
9181: Russell, Anthony P. and Bauer, Aaron M. - The Amphibians and Reptiles of Alberta
9131: Russell, Findlay E. and Campbell, James R. - Venomous Terrestrial Snakes of the Middle East
8358: Russell, Donald E. - Le Paleocene Continental d'Amerique du Nord
8560: Russell, Donald E., Louis, Pierre and Savage, Donald E. - Primates of the French Early Eocene
9773: Ruthven, John A and Laycock, George - John A. Ruthven: In the Audubon Tradition
7983: Ruud, Johan T. and Oynes, Per - Whale marking carried out by Norwegian Catchers in the Antarctic, Seasons 1956/57 and 1957/58
5436: Ruzhencev, V. E. - Evolution and Change in Marine Organisms at the boundary of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic.
9288: Ryan, Michael J. - The Tungara Frog: A Study in Sexual Selection and Communication
4187: Ryan, Michael J. - The Tungara Frog: A Study in Sexual Selection and Communication.
8123: Rydberg, P. A. - Catalogue of the Flora of Montana and the Yellowstone Natural Park
7913: Ryder, John A. - Development of Viviparous Osseous Fishes and of the Atlantic Salmon
6198: Ryutanji, Yu - A Color Photo Album of Cacti and Succulents, in 3 volumes, complete.
5302: Saalmuller, M. - Lepidopteren von Madagascar. Neue und weig bekannte Arten zumeist aus der Sammlung der Senckenberg'schen naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Frankfurt am Main, 2 Parts, complete (bound in one volume).
5562: Saalmuller, M. - Lepidopteren von Madagascar. Neue und weig bekannte Arten zumeist aus der Sammlung der Senckenberg'schen naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Frankfurt am Main, 2 Parts, complete (bound in one volume).
5068: Sahni, B. - Homoxylon Rajmahalense, Gen. et Sp. Nov., A fossil angiospermous wood, devoid of vessels, from the Rajmahal Hills, Behar.
6207: Sahni, B. - Revision of Indian Fossil Plants, Coniferales, Part II: Petrifactions (of 2 parts).
3090: Saint-Hilaire, Auguste de and Monquin-Tandon, Alfred - Premier Mémoire sur la Famille de Polygalées, contenant des recherches sur la symétrie de la organes
3092: Saint-Hilaire, Auguste de - Tableau Monographique des Plantes de la Flore du Brésil méridional appartenant au groupe (classe Br.) qui comprend les Droséracées, les Violacées, les Cistées et les Frankéniées
7271: Saint Jalme, M. and Van Heezik, Y. (editors) - Propagation of the Houbara Bustard
0795: Sakai, S. - Butterflies of Afghanistan.
9477: Sakka, Michel - Morphologie Evolutive de la tete et du cou chez l'homme et les grands singes actuels: Application aux hominides fossils. I: Ensembles Anatomiques Cervicaux
8301: Saldanha, Cecil J. - Andaman, Nicobar and Lakshadweep: An environmental impact assessment
7098: Salvin, Francis H. and Brodrick, William - Falconry in the British Isles
9640: Sanborn, Elwin R. - New York Zoological Park
8881: Sanborn, Ethel Ida - Hepaticae and Anthocerotes of western Oregon
9165: Sanders, Ottys - Evolutionary Hybridization and Speciation in North American Indigenous Bufonids
9769: Sargeaunt, Captain C. C. - Venomous Snakes of Southern India
9581: Sarmiento, Esteban E. - Generalized quadrupeds, committed bipeds, and the shift to open habitats: An evolutionary model of hominid divergence
4505: Sauer, Frieder - Kriechtiere und Lurche im Mittelmeerraum nach farbfotos erkannt.
5035: Saurin, Edmond - Études Géologiques sur le Centre-Annam Méridional.
7192: Sausman, Karen, (editor) - Zoological Park and Aquarium Fundamentals
8340: Savage, Donald E. and Curtis, Garniss H. - The Villafranchian Stage-Age and its radiometric dating
8342: Savage, Donald E., Russell, Donald E. and Louis, Pierre - Ceratomorpha and Ancylopoda (Perissodactyla) from the Lower Eocene Paris Basin, France
4672: Savage, D. E., Russell, D. E. and Louis, P. - European Eocene Equidae (Perissodactyla).
5871: Savage, Jay .M. and Heyer, W. Ronald - The Tree-Frogs (Family Hylidae) of Costa Rica.
9005: Savage, Jay M. - The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica: A Herpetofauna between Two Continents, between Two Seas
4261: Savage, Jay .M. and Heyer, W. Ronald - The Tree-Frogs (Family Hylidae) of Costa Rica.
9279: Save-Soderbergh, G. - Preliminary Note on Devonian Stegocephalians from East Greenland
7217: Savory, Theodore - Arachnida
2152: Schabol, Abbé Roger. - La Pratique du Jardinage; ouvrage rédigé après sa mort sur ses memoires, 2 volumes.
5084: Schaeffer, Charles - Revision of the New World Species of the Tribe Donaciini of the Coleopterous Family Chrysomelidae.
8232: Schaller, George B. - The Last Panda
8268: Schatti, I., Baran, I. and Sigg, H. - Rediscovery of the Bolkar viper: Morphological variation and systematic implications on the ""Vipera xanthina-complex""
3807: Scheffer, Victor B. - Pelage and Surface Topography of the Northern Fur Seal.
9012: Schiøtz, Arne - The Treefrogs (Rhacophoridae) of West Africa
9441: Schlegel, Hermann - Essai sur la Physionomie des Serpens (atlas volume only)
8377: Schmidt, F. J. J., Goddard, Q. J. & Hoeven, J. van der - Aanteekeningen over de anatomie van Cryptobranchus japonicus
7073: Schmidt, W. - Chamaeleo calyptratus: El camaleon de Yemen (2nd edition).
5956: Schmidt, Karl P. - Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba (Mission G. F. De Witte): Amphibians.
8350: Schmidt, Karl P. - The Complete Coral Snake Papers, 1925-1958
8349: Schmidt, Karl P. - The Complete Coral Snake Papers, 1925-1958
9328: Schmidt, Karl P. - Exploration du Parc National de l’Upemba (Mission G. F. De Witte): Amphibians
8311: Schoetensack, Otto - Der Unterkiefer des Homo heidelbergensis aus den Sanden von Mauer bei Heidelberg: Ein Beitrag zur Palaontologie des Menschen
9504: Schonecker, Patrick - Geckos of Madagascar, The Seychelles, Comoros and Mascarene Islands / Geckos Madagaskars, der Seychellen, Komoren und Maskarenen
9743: Schorger, A. W. - The Wild Turkey Its History and Domestication
9046: Schreiber, Egid - Herpetologia europaea: Eine systematische Bearbeitung der Amphibien und Reptilien welche bisher in Europa aufgefunden sind + Nachtrag zur zweiten Auflage
5610: Schrier, Allan M., Harlow, Harry F., and Stollnitz, Fred (editors) - Behavior of Nonhuman Primates: Modern Research Trends, in 4 volumes.
8337: Schroeder, Henry - Über Rhinoceros mercki und seine nord- und mitteldeutschen Fundstellen
9436: Schuett, Gordon W., Feldner, Martin J., Smith, Charles F., and Reiserer, Randall S. (editors) - Rattlesnakes of Arizona, Vol. 1: Species Accounts and Natural History + Vol. 2: Conservation, Behavior, Venom, and Evolution + Book of Plates, housed in slipcase (special leatherbound limited edition)
9437: Schuett, Gordon W., Feldner, Martin J., Smith, Charles F., and Reiserer, Randall S. (editors) - Rattlesnakes of Arizona, Vol. 1: Species Accounts and Natural History + Vol. 2: Conservation, Behavior, Venom, and Evolution + Book of Plates, housed in slipcase (special leatherbound limited edition)
3880: Schulte, H. von W. - The Skull of Kogia breviceps Blaine.
6401: Schultz, Adolph H. - Los Primates.
8392: Schultz, John R. - Plesippus francescana (Frick) From the Late Pliocene, Coso Mountains, California with a Review of the Genus Plesippus
5853: Schultz, J.P. - Sea Turtles Nesting in Surinam.
3457: Schultze, H.-P. and Trueb, L. (editors) - Origin of the Higher Groups of Tetrapods: Controversy and Consensus
7939: Schumann, Dolf and Kirsten, Gerhard - Ericas of South Africa (Collector's edition of 100 numbered copies, this is copy no. 1 presented to 'The Publisher' by the authors)
5843: Schwartz, A. and McCoy, J. - A Systematic Review of Ameiva auberi Cocteau (Reptilia, Teiidae) in Cuba and the Bahamas: Part I - The Cuban subspecies; Part II- The Bahamian subspecies; Part III - Discussion.
5844: Schwartz, A. and McCoy, J. - A Systematic Review of Ameiva auberi Cocteau (Reptilia, Teiidae) in Cuba and the Bahamas: Part I - The Cuban subspecies; Part II- The Bahamian subspecies ; Part III - Discussion.
9723: Schwartz, Charles W. - The Prairie Chicken in Missouri
8093: Schwartz, Jeffrey H. - Skeleton Keys: An Introduction to Human Skeletal Morphology, Development, and Analysis (second edition)
3735: Schwartzlose, Richard A. and Hendrickson, John R. - Bibliografia del Golfo de California: Ciencias marinas: (Hasta el final de 1981) ++ Bibliography of the Gulf of California: Marine Sciences (Through 1981).
6061: Schwarz, Ernst - Die Fossilen Antilopen von Oldoway.
9432: Schweigger, August F. - The Life and Herpetological Contributions of August Friedrich Schweigger (1783-1821)
9431: Schweigger, August F. - The Life and Herpetological Contributions of August Friedrich Schweigger (1783-1821)
5988: Sclater, W.L. - List of Snakes in the Indian Museum.
6241: Scott, Charles L. - The Genus Haworthia (Liliaceae): A Taxonomic Revision (the Sponsors' edition limited to 27 signed copies lettered A-Z - this is letter ""V"" signed by the author)
9137: Scott, Norman J. Jr. (editor) - Herpetological Communities: A Symposium of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles and the Herpetologists’ League, August 1977
7127: Scott, Chris - Snake Lovers' Lifelist and Journal
5649: Scott, W.E.D. and Sharpe, R. Bowdler - Report of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899. Vol. II: Ornithology, Part IV. Anatidae -- Tytodidae.
8335: Scott, William B. - The Mammalia of the Duchesne River Oligocene
7670: Scudder, Samuel H. - Nomenclator Zoologicus: An alphabetical list of all generic names that have been employed by naturalists for recent and fossil animals from the earliest times to the close of the year 1878 -- Part I: Supplemental List of Genera in Zoology (and) Part II: Universal index to Genera in Zoology, bound together in one volume.
9106: SEAMEO Project in Archaeology and Fine Arts - SPAFA Final Report: Seminar in Prehistory of Southeast Asia (T-W11), Bangkok, Surat Thani, Phangnga, Phuket, and Krabi, Thailand, January 12-25, 1987
9388: Searle, Jeremy B., Polly, P. David, and Zima, Jan (editors) - Shrews, Chromosomes and Speciation
2880: Seba, Albertus - Gekkos from Ceylon, TOMUS I, TABULA CVIII
2883: Seba, Albertus - Reptiles, TOMUS II, TABULA CV.
2882: Seba, Albertus - Snakes, TOMUS II, TABULA XXVII.
9677: Seitz, Adalbert - The Macrolepidoptera of the World (a complete, fully bound set: 16 volumes and 4 supplements bound in 30 total volumes
9641: Selby, Prideaux John - Ash-Coloured or Grey Parrot Hand-Colored Plate
9007: Semlitsch, Raymond D. and Gibbons, Whit - Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of the Savannah River Site
4398: Sengoku, Showichi and Nagasaka, Takuya - Picture Book of 800 Reptiles and Amphibians.
7574: Sept, Jeanne and Pilbeam, David (editors) - Casting the Net Wide: Papers in Honor of Glynn Isaac and his approach to Human Origins Research
9480: Sergi, Sergio - Il cranio Neandertaliano del Monte Circeo (Circeo I)
6096: Seth, S. D. et al. - Pharmacodynamics of Musk.
2711: Sewell, R. B. Seymour - Geographic and Oceanographic Research in Indian Waters, Part VIII: Studies on Coral and Coral-Formations in Indian Waters
6654: Sharma, R. C. - The Fauna of India and the Adjacent Countries, Reptilia: Volume I (Testudines and Crocodilia).
5561: Shaw, George and Nodder, Frederick Polydore - Great American Guana Hand Colored Plate
8233: Sheldon, William G. - The Wilderness Home of the Giant Panda
8043: Shelley, George Ernest - A Monograph of the Nectariniidae, or Family of Sunbirds
5741: Shimada, Tadshi - The Kingfisher: Flying over Crystal Clear Streams.
4077: Shimizu, S., Matsuzawi, I., Ihara, K. and Ueno, M. - The Geology of the Cheng-Teh Area, Je-Ho Province, Manchuria + Geology of the Hsing-Lung-Hsien Area + The Geology along the Route between Ku-Pei-Kow and Luan-Ping, Je-Ho province in Manchuria + A Fossil Insect from Jehol.
7258: Shirihai, Hadoram, Gargallo, Gabriel and Helbig, Andreas J. - Sylvia Warblers
8336: Shotwell, J Arnold - The Juntura Basin: Studies in Earth History and Paleoecology
2850: Shufeldt, R.W. - The skeleton in the Flying Lemurs, Galeopteridae
8609: Sicard, Guillaume - Histoire Naturelle des Champignons comestibles et vénéneux
9072: Sidisunthorn, Pindar, Gardner, Simon, and Smart, Dean - Caves of Northern Thailand
7874: Sigerfoos, Charles P. - Natural History, Organization and Late Development of the Teredinidae or Ship-Worms
7873: Sigerfoos, Charles P. - Natural History, Organization and Late Development of the Teredinidae or Ship-Worms
5146: Silverberg, James and Gray, J. Partrick (editors) - Aggression and Peacefulness in Humans and Other Primates.
3466: Silvestri, F., and collaborators - Marquesan Insects III
8364: Simpson, George Gaylord - Review of the Mammal-Bearing Tertiary of South America
8370: Simpson, George G. - Glossary and Correlation Charts of North American Tertiary Mammal-Bearing Formations
9101: Simpson, George Gaylord - Principles of Animal Taxonomy
9596: Simpson, G. G. - Paleobiology of Jurassic Mammals
8844: Singer, Rolf - Die Rohrlinge, Teil 2 only
5081: Sitholey, Rajendra V. - Jurassic Plants from Afghan-Turkistan.
9818: Sitwell, Sacheverell; Buchanan, Handasyde; and Fisher, James - Fine Bird Books 1700-1900 (first edition, limited to 2000 copies)
8050: Skafte, Hakon - A contribution to the preservation of the Sumatran Rhinoceros
9730: Skead, C. J. - The Sunbirds of Southern Africa, also the Sugarbirds, the White-Eyes, and the Spotted Creeper
4858: Skinner, John L. - Those Intriguing Miniatures, Bantams.
9327: Slevin, Joseph R. - The Amphibians of Western North America
5209: Slijper, E. J. and Utrecht, W. L. van - Observing Whales: Participation of the Netherlands mariners in the Whale Research Project has proved a great success - after three years, 4500 reports with about 3500 observations.
8759: Smith, John B. - Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Superfamily Noctuidae found in Boreal America
3495: Smith, Roger S. et al. - Common Insects in Kansas
8729: Smith, Alexander H. and Thiers, Harry D. - A Contribution toward a monograph of North American species of Suillus
8730: Smith, Alexander H. and Thiers, Harry D. - A Contribution toward a monograph of North American species of Suillus
8735: Smith, Alexander H. and Zeller, S. M. - A Preliminary Account of North American Species of Rhizopogon
9561: Smith, Andrew T. and Yan Xie (editors) - A Guide to the Mammals of China
7884: Smith, Bertram G. - The Heterodontid Sharks: Their natural history, and the external development of the Heterodontus japonicus based on notes and drawings by Bashford Dean (The Bashford Dean Memorial Volume, Archaic Fishes Article VIII)
7832: Smith, Hugh M. - Report on the Fisheries of the South Atlantic States
7927: Smith, I. L. B. and Smith, Margaret M. - Studies in Carangid Fishes, no. 1 to no. 6, complete
4799: Smith, Rozella B. and Smith, Hobart M. - Nominal Taxa of Recent Amphibians and Reptiles, I: Gymnophiona.
4472: Smith, Hobart M. and Taylor, Edward H. - An Annotated Checklist and Key to the Snakes of Mexico + An Annotated Checklist and Key to the Amphibia of Mexico + An Annotated Checklist and Key to the Reptiles of Mexico exclusive of Snakes, 3 parts complete in 3 volumes.
7419: Smith, Philip E.L. - Palaeolithic Archaeology in Iran
8877: Smith, Alexander H. and Thiers, Harry D. - A Contribution toward a monograph of North American species of Suillus
8704: Smith, D. Onions, A. H. S. - The Preservation and Maintenance of Living Fungi (second edition)
9784: Smythies, B.E. - The Birds of Borneo
2392: Snodgrass, R. E. - Insect Metamorphosis
7273: Snow, David - The Cotingas: Bellbirds, Umbrellabirds and Allies
8086: Snow, Charles E. - Two Prehistoric Indian Dwarf Skeletons from Moundville
7272: Snow, David - The Cotingas: Bellbirds, Umbrellabirds and Allies
8847: Snow, Bryan E. and Shutler, Jr., Richard - The Archaeology of Fuga Moro Island: New approaches for the isolation and explanation of diagnostic ceramic assemblages in Northern Luzon, Philippines
7701: Snyder, John O. - Japanese and Riu Kiu Fishes (three separate papers by John Snyder)
7926: Snyder, John O. - Relationships of the Fish Fauna of the lakes of southeastern Oregon
5590: Soekmono. D., de Casparis, J. G. and Dumarcay, J. - Borobudor: Prayer in Stone.
9103: Sokal, Robert R. and Sneath, Peter H. - Principles of Numerical Taxonomy
9383: Solheim, Wilhelm G. II, Legaspi, Avelino M., Neri, Jaime S. S.J. - Archaeological Survey in Southeastern Mindanao
4703: Solheim II, Wilhelm G. and Deraniyagala, S. - Archaeological Survey to Investigate Southeast Asian Prehistoric Presence in Ceylon.
4702: Solheim II, Wilhelm G. and Deraniyagala, S. - Archaeological Survey to Investigate Southeast Asian Prehistoric Presence in Ceylon.
5877: Somerville, William - The Chase; A Poem.
5458: Sparrman, Andrew - A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, and Round the World; but chiefly into the Country of the Hottentots and Caffres, from the year 1772 to 1776.
8737: Spawls, Stephen and Branch, Bill - Dangerous Snakes of Africa: Natural History, Species Directory, Venoms and Snakebite
6495: Spencer, Frank - A History of Physical Anthropology 1930-1980
8943: Spinar, Zdenek V. - Tertiary Frogs from Central Europe
8944: Spinar, Zdenek V. - Tertiary Frogs from Central Europe
9100: Spinar, Zdenek V. - Tertiary Frogs from Central Europe
4404: Sprackland, Robert G. - Giant Lizards.
1844: Sprecher von Bernegg, A. - Tropische und Subtropische Weltwirtschaftspflanzen. Ihre Geschichte, Kultur und volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung, Volume 1: Starke- und Zuckerpflanzen
7382: Spuhler, J. N. (editor) - Genetic Diversity and Human Behavior
5484: Stafleu, Frans A. - Linnaeus and Linnaeans: The spreading of their ideas in systematic botany, 1735-1789.
6406: Stapf, Otto + Prain, D. - The Aconites of India: A Monograph + A Sketch of the Life of Francis Hamilton (once Buchanan) sometime Superintendent of the Honorable Company's Botanic Garden, Calcutta (India).
8109: Stargardt, Janice - Satingpra I: The Environmental and Economic Archaeology of Southern Thailand
7650: Stead, David G. - General Report upon the Fisheries of British Malaya with recommendations for future development.
9334: Stearn, Colin W. and Carroll, Robert L. - Paleontology: The Record of Life
9263: Stebbins, Robert C. and Cohen, Nathan W. - A Natural History of Amphibians
2119: Steenberg, C. M. - Études sur l'anatomie et la systématique des maillots (fam. Pupillidae s. lat.)
8919: Steindachner, Franz - Reptilien (und) Amphibien. Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857-59 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Band I: Reptilien + Band II: Amphibien, bound together in one volume
3409: Steinhauser, F. (supervisor) - Climatic Atlas of North and Central America I: Maps of Mean Temperature and Precipitation
8932: Stejneger, Leonhard - Results of Ornithological Explorations in the Commander Islands and in Kamtschatka
3708: Stejneger, Leonhard and Jordan, David Starr. - The Fur Seals and Fur-Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean, Part 4: The Asiatic Fur-Seal Islands and Fur-Seal Industry
4919: Stejneger, Leonhard - List of Snakes collected in Bulungan, northeast Borneo, by Carl Lumholtz, 1914.
7375: Stekelis, M., Bar-Yosef, O. and Schick, T. - Archaeological Excavations at 'Ubeidiya, 1964-1966
7710: Stensio, Erik Andersson - On the Head of the Macropetalichthyids, with certain remarks on the head of the other arthrodires
7876: Stephens, John L. - Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land, volume 1 only (of a two volume set)
2099: Sterrett, J.R. Sitlington. - The Wolfe Expedition to Asia Minor.
2098: Sterrett, J.R. Sitlington. - An Epigraphical Journey in Asia Minor.
8407: Stevens, M. S., Stevens, J. B. and Dawson, M. R. - New early Miocene Formation and vertebrate local fauna, Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas
6240: Stewart, Alban - Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences to the Galapagos Islands, 1905-1906: Part II: A Botanical Survey of the Galapagos Islands + Part V: Notes on the Botany of Cocos Island + Part VII: Notes on the Lichens of the Galapagos Islands.
6366: Stewart, A. T. Q. - The Pagoda War: Lord Dufferin and the Fall of the Kingdom of Ava 1885-6.
3819: Stewart, Robert - Missing Whale Ships: Correspondence between the Board of Treasury and the Merchants and others of Dundee, on the subject of missing whale ships.
8578: Stichel, H. - Synonymisches Verzeichnis bekannter Eueides-Formen mit erlauternden Bemerkungen und Neubeschreibungen
8580: Stichel, H. - Zur Synonymie einiger Arten der Gattung Catonephele Hbn
8581: Stichel, H. - Aufteilung d. Gattung Opsiphanes Westw., Beschreibung neuer Brassoliden u. synonymische Notizen
5794: Stierlin, Henri - The Cultural History of Angkor.
9126: Stille, Bo and Stille, Mario - The Herpetofauna of Corfu and adjacent islands
7901: Stillwell, S. B. (President) - Report of the Fish Commissioners of the State of Pennsylvania for the Year 1901
9630: Stirton, R. A. - Ceboid Monkeys from the Miocene of Colombia
5445: Stockmans, F. - Vegetaux Eocenes des Environs de Bruxelles.
9837: Stoddard, Herbert L. - Memoirs of a Naturalist
9693: Stout, G.D., Matthiessen. P., Palmer, R.S. & Clem, R.V. - The Shorebirds of North America
5456: Straelen, V. Van - Resultats Scientifiques du Voyage aux Indes Orientales Neerlandaises de Ll. Aa. Rr. le Prince et la Princesse Leopold de Belgique, Volume IV, fascicle 6 + 12: Lepidoptera I + II.
2247: Strand, Embrik - Die Arktischen Araneae, Opiliones und Chernetes
8545: Strasser, Elizabeth and Dagosto, Marian (editor) - The Primate Postcranial Skeleton: Studies in Adaptation and Evolution
8343: Strecker, John K. - Collected Herpetological Papers of John K. Strecker, 1902-1927
8942: Studer, J. H. - The Birds of North America, drawn and colored from nature
8575: Sumner, Francis, and others - A Report upon the Physical Conditions in San Francisco Bay, based upon the Operations of the United Fisheries Steamer ""Albatross"" during the Years 1912 and 1913
8600: Sundman, Gosta and Palmen, J. A. - Finska Fogelägg / Eggs of Finnish Birds / Suomen Lintuin Munia
6189: Suringar, W. F. R. and Suringar, J. V. - Illustrations du Genre Melocactus, in 3 Parts, complete.
6358: Susman, Randall L. - The Pygmy Chimpanzee: Evolutionary Biology and Behavior.
2552: Sutton, George M. - The Exploration of Southhampton Island, Section 2: The Birds of Southhampton Island
9726: Sutton, George M. - Mexican Birds: First Impressions, based upon an Ornithological Expedition to Tamaulipas, Neuvo Leon and Coahuila
7536: Suzuki, Hisashi and Takai, Fuyuji (editors) - The Palaeolithic Site at Douara Cave in Syria: Report of the Fourth Season of the Tokyo University Scientific Expedition to Western Asia, Part I only
5905: Suzuki, Kouu - Toushiki Zukai Shodo Youketsu (=Methods of Japanese Calligraphy with see-through lettered tissue guards).
2157: Sweet, Robert. - Geraniaceæ: The natural order of Gerania. Illustrated by coloured figures and descriptions; comprising the numerous and beautiful mule-varieties cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain, with directions for their treatment, 5 volumes, complete.
1760: Swinton, W.E. - THE CROCODILE OF MARANSART (Dollosuchus dixoni [Owen]).
4749: Swynnerton, G. H. and Hayman, R. W. - A Checklist of the Land Mammals of the Tanganyika Territory and the Zanzibar Protectorate.
6121: Symons, Donald - Play and Aggression: A Study of Rhesus Monkeys.
9629: Szalay, Frederick S. - The Picrodontidae, a Family of Early Primates
6681: Szczerbak, N.N. and Golubev, M.L. - Gecko Fauna of the USSR and Contiguous Regions.
5415: Sze, H. C. - Older Mesozoic Plants from the Yenchang Formation, Northern Shensi.
3273: Tabernaemontanus, Jacobus Theodorus - Neu Vollkommen Krauter-Buch, Darinnen uber 3000. Krauter, mit schonen und kunstlichen Figuren, auch deren Underscheid und Wurckung, samt ihren Namen in mancherley Sprachen, beschrieben, 3 parts, complete (bound in one thick volume)
6046: Takagi, Kiyokazu - Mountain Birds (in Japanese).
6026: Takano, Tsuyako et al. - Wild Birds of Japan.
6023: Takasaki, Baitan (editor) - Taika Kacho Kessaku Shu (=Collection of Masterpieces of Flowers and Birds by Great Artists).
6212: Takashima, Haruo and Kuroda, Nagahisa - Color Illustrations of Birds.
5737: Tamura, Sakae - Birds of River Tama (=Tamagawa No Tori).
3617: Tanaka, Yoshitaka and Tin Tin Yee - Wild Orchids in Myanmar: Last Paradise of Wild Orchids, 3 volumes, complete
5840: Tanaka, Ryosuke (editor) - The Collection of Famous Paintings on the Early Showa Era (in Japanese)
3635: Tanner, Vasco M. - A Preliminary Study of the Genitalia of Female Coleoptera
9196: Tanner, James T. - The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker
6220: Tarling, D. H. and Runcon, S. K. (editors) - Implications of Continental Drift to the Earth Sciences, in 2 volumes, complete.
8901: Tassi, Gernard - Notes critiques, descriptives et ecologiques sur quelques Agaricomycetes rencontres en France
9281: Tate, G. H. H. and Archbold, Richard - Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 16: Some Marsupials of New Guinea and Celebes
4684: Tate, G. H. H. - The Taxonomy of the Genera of Neotropical Hystricoid Rodents.
9274: Tate, G. H. H. - Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 47: Review of the Vespertilionine Bats, with special attention to genera and species of the Archbold Collections
9635: Tattersall, Ian - The Strange Case of the Rickety Cossack, and Other Cautionary Tales from Human Evolution
8777: Tattersall, Ian - The Last Neanderthal: The Rise, Success, and Mysterious Extinction of Our Closest Human Relatives
9714: Tattersall, Ian - Cranial anatomy of the Archaeolemurinae (Lemuroidea, Primates)
9610: Tattersall, Ian - The evolutionary significance of Ramapithecus
8538: Taub, David M. and King, Frederick A. (editors) - Current Perspectives in Primate Biology (Papers on Primate Biology from the IXth Congress of the International Primatological Society, Atlanta, 8-13 August 1982
6266: Taub, Aaron M. - Comparative histological studies on Duvernoy's gland of Colubrid snakes.
8222: Tawari, S. K. - Zoo Geography of India and South East Asia
7553: Taylor, Edward H. - Herpetological Miscellany No. 1
3040: Taylor, R.E. and Meighan, C.W. (editors) - Chronologies in New World Archaeology
7948: Taylor, John W. - Monograph of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the British Isles, in 4 volumes (1894-1924), complete
9057: Taylor, William Ralph - A Revision of the Catfish Genus Noturus Rafinesque with an Analysis of Higher Groups in the Ictaluridae
7715: Taylor, W.R. - Fishes of Arnhem Land
9202: Taylor, Edward H. - A Review of the Frogs and Toads of Costa Rica
6029: Taylor, Edward H. - Eight early papers on the Reptiles and Amphibians of Mexico, 1939-1942, including 'New Species of Mexican Anura,' 'New Salamanders of Mexico and the distribution of certain known forms,' 'Some Mexican Serpents,' 'Tadpoles of Mexican Anura' and 'New Tailless Amphibia from Mexico' all from volumes 26-28 of the Kansas Science Bulletin.
5994: Taylor, Edward H. - Four papers and small monographs on the snakes and lizards of Ceylon from 1947-1960.
7554: Taylor, Edward H. and Elbel, Robert E. - Contribution to the Herpetology of Thailand
7555: Taylor, Edward H. - Concerning Mexican Salamanders
5859: Taylor, Edward H. and Elbel, Robert E. - Contribution to the Herpetology of Thailand.
5860: Taylor, Edward H. - Further Studies on the Serpents of Costa Rica.
5412: Tchang, T. L., Liao, K. M. and Fu, T. S. - Notes on the Reptiles from South China and Kiran + Notes on some Amphibians and Reptiles from Kwangsi + Studies on the Amphibians of Honan.
5411: Tchang, T. L., Liao, K. M. and Fu, T. S. - Notes on the Reptiles from South China and Kiran + Notes on some Amphibians and Reptiles from Kwangsi + Studies on the Amphibians of Honan.
0533: Tchernavin, V. - CHANGES IN THE SALMON SKULL.
6456: Teaford, Mark F., Smith, Moya Meredith and Ferguson, Mark W. J. (editors) - Development, Function and Evolution of Teeth.
5373: Teichert, Curt - Ordovician and Silurian Faunas from Arctic Canada.
9577: Teichert, C.; Liu, Lu; Chen, Pei-ji (editors) - Paleontology in China, 1979: Selected Papers Presented at the Third General Assembly and Twelfth National Meeting of the Paleontological Society of China, April 1979 (GSA Special Paper 187)
7357: Teilhard De Chardin, P. and Young, C. C. - Fossil Mammals from the Late Cenozoic of Northern China (Palaeontologia Sinica, series C, volume 9, fascicle 1)
9285: Terent’ev, P. V. and Chernov, S. A. - Key to Amphibians and Reptiles
7992: Ternaux, Henri - Voyages, relations et Mémoires Originaux pour server à l'histoire de la découverte de l'Amérique: Histoire de la province de Sancta-Cruz, que nous nommons ordinairement Le Bresil, par pero de Magahanes de Gandavo
8452: Tester, John R. and Marshall, William H. - A Study of Certain Plant and Animal Interrelations on a Native Prairie in Northwestern Minnesota
8522: The Thai-Danish Prehistoric Expedition, 1960-1962 (Sorensen, P. et al., editors) - Archaeological Excavations in Thailand, Volume I to IV (1967-1988), complete (all published)
7819: The Philippine Journal of Science - The Philippine Journal of Science: Ichthyological Papers from Volume 3, 1908 through Volume 87, No. 1, 1958, in 3 volumes, complete
8871: The British Mycological Society - Transactions British Mycological Society, Volume 30: 1896-1946 Proceedings of the Jubilee Meeting held in London, 20-25 October 1946
8492: Thein Sein - Pagodas and Monuments of Bagan, Volume 1
4936: Thery, Andre - Notes on the Buprestidae (Coleoptera) of East Africa.
4671: Thewissen, J. G. M. - Evolution of the Paleocene and Eocene Phenacodontidae (Mammalia, Condylarthra).
6257: Thierry, Solance - The Khmers.
7910: Thomas Henry Huxley - Evolution and Ethics and other essays
2027: Thomas, A. O. - Echinoderms of the Iowa Devonian + Slocom, A.W. and Foerste, A.F. New Echinoderms from the Maquoketa Beds of Fayette County, Iowa.
9583: Thompson, Jennifer L.; Krovitz, Gail E. and Nelson, Andrew J. (editors) - Patterns of Growth and Development in the Genus Homo
9482: Thompson, J. C. - On the Reptiles new to the Island Arcs of Asia
9741: Thompson, B. H. - History and Present Status of the Breeding Colonies of the White Pelican (Pelecansu erythrorhynchos) in the United States
3246: Thompson, Fred G. - The Aquatic Snails of the Family Hydrobiidae of Peninsular Florida
3820: Thomson, Poulett - Missing Whale Ships: Copies of Memorials to the Admiralty, Treasury Minutes, etc., relating to missing whale ships.
9557: Thong, Pham Huy (editor) - Archaeological Data (Vietnamese Studies no. 46)
7692: Thorpe, J. E. (editor) - Rhythmic Activity of Fishes
7663: Thorson, Thomas B. (editor). - Investigations of the Ichthyofauna of Nicaraguan Lakes.
8219: Tikader, B. K. and Das, A. K. - Glimpses of Animal Life of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
6582: Tikader, B.K. and Sharma, R.C. - Handbook Indian Lizards.
9374: Tinh, Ho Xuan - Di Tich Cham o Quang Nam: Vestiges Chams a Quang Nam Cham Relics in Quang Nam
9013: Tinsley, R. C. and Kobel, H. R. (editors) - The Biology of Xenopus (Symposia of the Zoological Society of London)
9555: Tobias, Phillip V. et al. (editors) - Humanity from African Naissance to Coming Millennia: Colloquia in Human Biology and Paleoanthropology
8280: Tobias, Phillip V. and Coppens Yves (editors) - IXe Congres, Colloque VI: Les Plus Anciens Hominides
2888: Todd, W. E. Clyde - A Study of the Neotropical Finches of the genus Spinus
9690: Todd, Frank S. - Natural History of the Waterfowl
9572: Tong, Yongsheng, Xu, Qinqi et al. (editors) - Evidence for Evolution – Essays in Honor of Prof. Chungchien Young on the Hundredth Anniversary of his Birth
2466: Tooke, F.C.G. - The Eucalyptus snout-beetle, Gonipterus scutellatus Gyll: A study of its ecology and control by biological means.
7694: Torell, Magnus - Fisheries in Thailand: Geographical Studies about the Utilization of Resources in Semi-Enclosed Seas
7695: Torell, Magnus - Fisheries in Thailand: Geographical Studies about the Utilization of Resources in Semi-Enclosed Seas
5379: Toriyama, R. - Geology of Akiyoshi, part III: Fusulinids of Akiyoshi (Southwest Japan).
9099: Tortonese, Enrico and Lanza, Benedetto - Pesci, Anfibi E Rettili
4435: Townsend, Charles H. - Studies on the Body-Forms of Fishes.
7157: Trefethen, James B. (editor) - The Wild Mountain Sheep in Modern North America: Proceedings of the Workshop on the Management Biology of North American Wild Sheep
7580: Trevino, Sergio - Graincollection: Humans' Natural Ecological Niche
8284: Trinkaus, Erik - The Shanidar Neanderthals
8204: Trinkaus, Erik (editor) - The Emergence of Modern Humans: Biocultural Adaptations in the Later Pleistocene (School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series)
8263: Trinkaus, Erik and Svoboda, Jiri (editors) - Early Modern Human Evolution in Central Europe: The People of Dolni Vestonice and Pavlov
8264: Trinkaus, Erik, Constantin, Silviu and Zilhao, Joao - Life and Death at the Pestera cu Oase: A Setting for Modern Human Emergence in Europe
8167: Trueb, Linda - Systematic relationships of Neotropical horned frogs, genus Hemiphractus (Anura: Hylidae)
5352: Tschernyschew, Th. - Die Fauna des Unteren Devon am Ostabhange des Ural.
0239: Tullberg, T. - LINNEPORTRaTT. Vid Uppsala Universiteits Minnesfest På Tvåhundraårsdagen af Carl von Linnés Fodelse.
4184: Turbang, Pierre - Guide des Mygales Elevees en Terrarium: Anatomie, alimentation, manipulation, reproduction.
9760: Turbott, E. G. (Editor) - Buller’s Birds of New Zealand: A History of the Birds of New Zealand by Sir Walter Lawry Butler
9611: Turnball, Pricilla and Reed, Charles - The Fauna from the Terminal Pleistocene of Palegawra Cave: A Zarzian occupation site in northeastern Iraq
7847: Turner, Sir William - Report of the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H M S Challenger during the Years 1873-76 under the Command of Captain George S Nares and Captain Frank Tourle Thomson, Zoology, Vol. XXVI, Part 68 - Report on the Seals
4521: Turtle Conservation Fund - A Global Action Plan for Conservation of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles: Strategy and Funding Prospectus 2002-2007.
9543: Tuttle, Russell H. - Apes and Human Evolution
9613: Tuttle, Russell H. - Quantitative and Functional studies on the Hands of the Anthropoidea, I. The Hominoidea
7582: Tuttle, Russell H. + Setchell, Joanna M. (editors) - International Journal of Primatology: The Official Journal of the International Primatological Society, 114 separate numbers between volume 1, no. 1 to volume 33, no. 6 (2012)
9612: Tuttle, Russell H. - Postural, Propulsive, and prehensile capabilities in the cheiridia of Chimpanzees and other Great Apes
7415: Tuttle, Russell H., (editor) - Socioecology and Psychology of Primates
9614: Tuttle, Russell H. - Functional and Evolutionary Biology of Hylobatid hands and feet
9076: Tweedie, M. W. F. - Mammals of Malaysia
6648: Tyler, Michael J. - Australian Frogs: A Natural History.
9325: Tyler, Michael J. - The Frogs of South Australia
8831: Tylutki, Edmund E. - Mushrooms of Idaho and the Pacific Northwest, Vol. 1: Discomycetes + Vol. 2: Non-Gilled Hymenomycetes, in two volumes
9829: Tyrrell, E.S. and Tyrrell, R.A. - Hummingbirds of the Caribbean
5409: Tzwetaev, Marie - Cephalopodes de la section supérieure du calcaire carbonifère de la Russie central.
8596: Tzwetaev, Marie - Nautiloidea et Ammonoidea de la section inférieure du calcaire carbonifère de la Russie central
6310: U Shwe Zan - The Golden Mrauk-U: An Ancient Capital of Rakhine.
3804: U.S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, Townsend, C.H. and others - Reports to the Secretary of the Treasury, in Relation to the Condition of Sea Life on the Fur-Seal Rookeries of the Pribilof Islands and to Pelagic Sealing in Bering Sea and the Pacific Oceans (2 Parts in 2 Volumes + Atlas volume)
4074: Ueno, M., Sakai, T and Uchida, H. - Crustacea of Jehol.
8913: Ulvinen, Tauno - Suursieniopas
5441: University of Perm, Excursion Party of the Congress - Scientific Memoirs of the M. Gorky State University of Perm for the XVII Session of the International Geological Congress, Part I.
5762: Unknown - Greenland Falcon Painting
9649: Unknown - Tiger Hunt Antique Painting
9650: Unknown - Tiger Watercolor Painting
9654: Unstated - New York: The Empire City
4366: Uricheck, Michael J. (editor) - Medical Perspectives in Herpetology: Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the International Herpetological Symposia on Captive Propagation and Husbandry.
6265: Uzzell, Thomas M. - Teiid Lizards of the genus Neusticurus (Reptilia, Sauria).
2756: Vaillant, L. and Bocourt, M. - Mission Scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale: Études sur les Poissons
9423: Valencia, J. H., Garzon–Tello, K. and Barragan–Paladines, M. E. - Serpientes Venenosas del Ecuador: Sistematica, taxonomía, historia natural, conservacion, envenenamiento y aspectos antropologicos
6295: Van Denburgh, John - The Gigantic Land Tortoises of the Galapagos Archipelago.
8065: Van Denburgh, John - II. Concerning the Origin of the Soft-shelled Turtle, Aspidonectes californiana Rivers + III. Notes on the herpetology of Guam, Mariana Islands
6294: Van Denburgh, John - The Gigantic Land Tortoises of the Galapagos Archipelago.
9187: Van Denburgh, John - Herpetology of Lower California
4537: Van Denburgh, John - The Reptiles of the Pacific Coast and Great Basin: An Account of the Species Known to Inhabit California, and Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Nevada.
7607: Van Denburgh, John - The Galapagoan lizards of the genus Tropidurus; with notes on the Iguanas of the genera Conolophus and Amblyrhynchus
8632: Varin, Amédee, Nus, Eugène, Méray, Antony - Les Papillons. Métamorphoses terrestres des peuple de L'Air, in 2 volumes
4053: Various authors - Collection of 365 offprints on Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, and locusts) and related insect groups from the private library of entomologist Herbert S. Wallace.
7897: Vaughan, T. Wayland - The Stony Corals of the Porto Rican Waters
9560: Veevers-Carter, Wendy - Land Mammals of Indonesia
5342: Veevers, J. J. and Powell, C. McA. (editors). - Permian-Triassic Pangean Basins and Foldbelts along the Panthalassan Margin of Gondwanaland.
3365: Verdoorn, Frans - Studien uber asiatische Jubuleae (de Frullaniaceis XV-XVII) mit einer Enleitung Bryologie und Hepaticologie ihre Methodik und Zukunft
6316: Verheyen, Walter N. - Contribution a la Craniologie Comparee des Primates. Les Genres Colobus Illiger 1811 et Cercopithecus Linne 1758.
7838: Verrill, A. E. - Results of the Explorations Made by the Steamer Albatross off the Northern Coast of the United States in 1883
8962: Vetter, Holger - Hermann's Tortoise, Boettger's and Dalmatian Tortoises: Testudo boettgeri, hercegovinensis and hermanni
8963: Vetter, Holger - Hermann's Tortoise, Boettger's and Dalmatian Tortoises: Testudo boettgeri, hercegovinensis and hermanni
2320: Viereck, H.L. et al. - The Hymenoptera, or Wasp-like Insects, of Connecticut
9321: Villa, Jaime - Anfibios de Nicaragua
4222: Villa, J., Wilson, D. and Johnson, J. D. - Middle American Herpetology: A Bibliographic Checklist.
9172: Villa, J., Wilson, D. and Johnson, J. D. - Middle American Herpetology: A Bibliographic Checklist
8141: Villada, Manuel M. - Apuntes de Geologia y de Botanica relativos a Mexico
8958: Vinke, Sabine; Vetter, Holgren; Vinke, Thomas; and Vetter, Susanne - South American Tortoises: Chelonoidis carbonaria, C. denticulata and C. chilensis
8959: Vinke, Sabine; Vetter, Holgren; Vinke, Thomas; and Vetter, Susanne - South American Tortoises: Chelonoidis carbonaria, C. denticulata and C. chilensis
3659: Vladykov, Vadim D. - Études sur les mammifères aquatiques III: Chasse, biologie et valeur économique du Marsouin blanc ou Béluga du fleuve et du golfe Saint-Laurent.
3658: Vladykov, Vadim D. - Etudes sur les Mammiferes Aquatiques IV: Nourriture du Marsouin Blanc ou Beluga (Delphinapterus Leucas) du Fleuve Saint-Laurent.
6179: Vrba, Elizabeth S. et al. (editors) - Paleoclimate and Evolution with emphasis on human origins.
5466: Vuong, Dinh-Xam - Dong-Vat Thu-Lap va San-Ban Tai Viet-Nam.
6039: Wada, Gouich - In Praise of the Wild Birds of Japan (=Yacho Sanka), in Japanese.
6512: Wadia, D. N. - Geology of India.
9268: Wager, Vincent A. - The Frogs of South Africa
4314: Waite, Edgar R. - Reptiles and Amphibians of South Australia.
6016: Walker, Caroline et al. - On Leaving Bai Di Cheng: The Culture of China's Yangzi Gorges.
3245: Walker, Bryant - The terrestrial shell-bearing Mollusca of Alabama
9469: Wallace, Alfred Russel - Darwinism: An Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection with Some of its Applications (First edition)
9625: Wallace, Alfred Russel - The Wonderful Century: It's Successes and Failures
9626: Wallace, Alfred Russel - Natural Selection and Tropical Nature: Essays on Descriptive and Theoretical Biology
7133: Walls, Jerry G. - Rat Snakes
9647: Wang Gai - Chinese Woodblock Print ""Squirrel and Grapes"" from the Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting
9599: Wang Wei - The Fengshudao Site of Paleolithic Age in Baise Basin, Guangxi, South China
9600: Wang Wei - The Early Pleistocene Mohui Cave Site in Tiandong County, Guangxi, South China
8823: War Department - Gazetteer to Maps of Thailand. Compiled Under the Supervision of the United States Board on Geographical Names
3070: Waring, William G. - The Fruit Grower's Handbook. A Consise Manual of Directions for the Selection and Culture of the Best Hardy Fruits in the Garden or Orchard
9790: Warren, B.H. - Report on the Birds of Pennsylvania: With Special Reference to the Food-Habits, Based on Over Three Thousand Stomach Examinations
8456: Washburn, Sherwood L. (editor) - Classification and Human Evolution
8209: Washburn, S. L. and McCown, Elizabeth R. (editors) - Human Evolution: Biosocial Perspectives (Perspectives on Human Evolution, volume IV: Hardcover first edition)
8207: Washburn, Sherwood L., Jay, Phyllis and Dolhinow, Phyllis (editors) - Perspectives on Human Evolution, volumes 1 and 2
8108: Waterhouse Hawkins, B., and Gray, J. E. - Waterhouse Hawkins Indian Stag Hand-Colored Plate
3755: Watson, Sereno - Bibliographical Index to North American Botany; or Citations of Authorities for all the recorded Indigenous and Naturalized Species of the Flora of North America with A Chronological Arrangement of the Synonymy, Part I: Polypetalae (all published)
7557: Watson, D. M. S. - On the Skeleton of a Bauriamorph Reptile
9271: Weeden, Robert B. and Ellison, Laurence N. - Upland Game Birds of Forest and Tundra
9634: Wei, Dong (editor) - Proceedings of the 1999 Beijing International Symposium on Paleoanthropology
9713: Weidenreich, Franz - Some particulars of the skull and brain of early hominids and their bearing on the problem of the relationships between man and anthropoids
9032: Weishampel, David B., Dodson, Peter, Osmólska, Halszka - The Dinosauria
7915: Welsh, William W. and Breder, C. M. - Contributions to the life history of Sciaenidae of the eastern United States coast
8115: Wesselman, Henry B. - The Omo Micromammals: Systematics and Paleoecology of Early Man Sites from Ethiopia (Contributions to Vertebrate Evolution)
9734: Wheaton, J.M. - Report on the Birds of Ohio
8841: Whetzel, H.H., Hesler, L.B., Gregory, C.T. and Rankin, W.H. - Laboratory Outlines in Plant Pathology
7765: Whipple, A.W., Bigelow, J. and Englemann, G. et al. - Reports of Explorations and Surveys ... for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean made under the direction of the Secretary of War, in 1853-4, Volume IV: Part V: Botany of the Expedition + Part VI: Zoology of the Expedition
7766: Whipple, A.W., Bigelow, J. and Englemann, G. et al. - Reports of Explorations and Surveys ... for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean made under the direction of the Secretary of War, in 1853-4, Volume IV: Part V: Botany of the Expedition + Part VI: Zoology of the Expedition
9463: White, Gilbert - The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, in the county of Southampton, to which are added, The Naturalist's Calendar; observations on various parts of nature; and poems
5301: White, Ernest William - Cameos from the Silver-Land; or the Experiences of a Young Naturalist in the Argentine Republic, in 2 volumes, complete.
6700: Whitehead, Paul F., Sacco, William K. and Hochgraf, Susan B. - A Photographic Atlas for Physical Anthropology, Brief Edition
7661: Whitehead, Peter J. P. - FAO Species Catalogue, Volume 7 - Clupeoid Fishes of the World (Suborder Clupeoidei): An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of the Herrings, Sardines, Pilchards, Sprats, Shads, Anchovies, and Wolf-Herrings, Part 1: Chirocentridae, Clupeidae and Pristigasteridae.
8261: Whybrow, Peter. J. and Hill, Andrew (editors) - Fossil Vertebrates of Arabia: With Emphasis on the Late Miocene Faunas, Geology, and Palaeoenvironments of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
8179: Wied, Maximilian Prinz zu - Verzeichniss der Reptilien, welche auf einer Reise im nördlichen America beobachtet wurden
5556: Wied, Maximilian Prinz zu - Verzeichniss der Reptilien, welche auf einer Reise im nordlichen America beobachtet wurden.
6047: Wild Bird Society of Japan, Ishikawa chapter - Photographs of the Wild Birds of the North Country (in Japanese).
3405: Wilder, Harris H. - The Skeletal System of Necturus maculatus Rafinesque
7564: Wilford, G. E. - The Geology and Mineral Resources of the Kuching-Lundu Area, West Sarawak including Bau Mining District
7943: Wilkes, Charles - Exploring Expedition during the Years, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Madeira-Brazil-Southern Cruise-Chili, Peru-Paumotu Group
6534: Williamson, John A., Rifkin, Jacqueline F. et al. (editors). - Venomous and Poisonous Marine Animals: A Medical and Biological Handbook.
6215: Wills, Leonard J. - Palaeogeographical Atlas of the British Isles and Adjacent Parts of Europe.
5807: Willughby, Francis and Ray, John (Willughbeii, Francisci atque Raius, Joannes) - Ornithologiae Libri Tres: in quibus aves omnes hactenus cognitae in methodum naturis suis convenientem redactae accurate describuntur.
9591: Wilson, Steve K. - A Field Guide to Reptiles of Queensland
6551: Wilson, L.D., Townsend, J.H. and Johnson, J.D. (editors) - Conservation of Mesoamerican Amphibians and Reptiles.
7945: Wilson, Charles Branch - Water Beetles in relation to Pondfish Culture, with life histories of those found in fishponds at Fairport, Iowa
5296: Wiman, Carl - Fossile Schildkroten aus China.
5297: Wiman, Carl - Fossile Schildkroten aus China.
3787: Winge, Herluf - A Review of the Interrelationships of the Cetacea.
9227: Winterringer, Glen S. and Lopinot, Alvin C. - Aquatic Plants of Illinois: An illustrated manual including species submersed, floating and some of shallow water and muddy shores
8103: Wolf, J., Richter, H.C., and John Gould - Wolf, Gould, and Richter Golden Eagle Hand-Colored Plate
8104: Wolf, J., Richter, H.C., and John Gould - Wolf, Gould, and Richter Greenland Falcon Hand-Colored Plate
5117: Wood, Albert E. and Patterson, Bryan - The Rodents of the Deseadan Oligocene of Patagonia and the Beginnings of South American Rodent Evolution.
8187: Wood, B, Martin, L. and Andrews, P. (editors) - Major topics in primate and human evolution
6248: Wood Jones, Frederic and Porteus, Stanley D. - The Matrix of the Mind.
6503: Woodruff, Charles Edward - Expansion of Races.
5114: Woods, Charles A. - Comparative myology of jaw, hyoid, and pectoral appendicular regions of new and old world hystricomorph rodents.
5716: Workman, Lance and Reader, Will - Evolutionary Psychology: An Introduction.
8489: World Monuments Fund - Preah Khan Conservation Project - Historic City of Angkor, Siem Reap, Cambodia: Report V: Field Campaign II
8490: World Monuments Fund - Radar Imaging Survey of the Angkor Eco-Site, Report of the First Scientific Roundtable, Princeton, New Jersey, February 1-2, 1995
5537: Wortman, J. L. and Matthew, W. D. - The ancestry of certain members of the Canidae, the Viverridae, and Procyonidae.
4949: Wortman, J. L. - Studies of Eocene Mammalia in the Marsh collection, Peabody Museum, Part II: Primates.
9042: Wright, A. A. and Wright, A. H. - Handbook of Frogs and Toads: The Frogs and Toads of the United States and Canada
8917: Wright, Albert Hazen - Life-Histories of the Frogs of Okefinokee Swamp, Georgia. North American Salienta (Anura) No. 2.
3703: Wurtz, Maurizio - Balene e Delfini del Mediterraneo
4932: Wycoff, Edith - Bibliographical Contributions from the Lloyd Library, volume 2, no. 2 to volume 3, no. 7: Botany - Authors A-Z.
5779: Yabuuchi, Masayuki - Japanese Wild Birds no.4, The Birds in the Mountains (Nihon no Yacho volume 4, Yama no Tori).
5082: Yadagiri, P., Satsangi, P. P. and Prasad, K. N. - The Piscean Fauna from the Kota Formation of the Pranhita-Godavari Valley, Andhra Pradesh.
4882: Yale North India Expedition - Yale North India Expedition, volumes VIII-X with 24 articles, complete in 5 volumes.
4881: Yale North India Expedition - Yale North India Expedition, volume IX, articles 1-4, complete.
5740: Yamashina, Yoshimaro et al. - Nipponia nippon: The Japanese Crested Ibis.
6283: Yano, Kazunari et al. (editor) - Biology of the Megamouth Shark.
7917: Yarrell, William - A History of British Fishes, in two volumes (second edition)
7982: Yarrell, William - A History of British Fishes, in two volumes (third edition)
6175: Yawnghwe, Chao Tzang - The Shan of Burma: Memoirs of a Shan Exile.
4579: Ye, Changyuan, Fei, Liang and Hu, Shuqing - Rare and Economic Amphibians of China.
8853: Ye, Zhizhang et al. - The Anatomy of the Golden Monkey (Rhinopithecus)
8813: Yin, Saw Myat - Culture Shock - Myanmar: A guide to Customs and Etiquette
6027: Yoshii, Masashi and Kanouchi, Takuya. - Migratory Birds in Japan (in Japanese).
9571: Young, C. C. - Selected works of C. C. Young (1897-1979)
5216: Young, C. C. - On a new Nodosaurid from Ninghsia.
7609: Young, C. C. - Miscellaneous Mammalian fossils from Shansi and Honan (Palaeontologia Sinica, series C, volume 9, fascicle 2)
9797: Young, M. D. and Solbrig, O. T. (editors) - The World's Savannas: Economic Driving Forces, Ecological Constraints, and Policy Options for Sustainable Land Use (Man and the Biosphere Series, Volume 12)
5433: Yu, Chang-Min - Devonian - Carboniferous Boundary in Nanbiancun, Guilin, China - Aspects and Records.
7714: Yuan-Ting, Chu, et al. - Classification of Sciaenoid Fishes of China, with description of new genera and species (Monographs of Fishes of China)
5732: Yuasa, Daitaro (editor) - Avifauna of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
9348: Zach, Paul - Burma
2577: Zangerl, Rainer. - Die Triasfauna der Tessiner Kalkalpen IX: Pachypleurosaurus edwardsi, Cornalia sp. Osteologie - Variationsbreite - Biologie
7356: Zdansky, Otto - Die Alttertiaren Saugetiere Chinas nebst stratigraphischen Bemerkungen (Palaeontologia Sinica, series C, volume 6, fascicle 2)
7347: Zdansky, Otto - Fossile Hirsche Chinas (Palaeontologia Sinica, series C, volume 2, fascicle 3)
7222: Zeitz, Friedrich R. - Catalogue of Australian Lizards
7858: Zen Nippon Airinkai (editors) - Book of Great Nishikigoi, Book 2: Commemorative publication of the 18th Zen Nippon Airinkai Nishikigoi Show in Imabari
8994: Zerov, D. K. - Outlines of Nonvascular Plant Phylogeny
9609: Zeuner, F. E. - The goats of early Jericho
5795: Zhang, Tongsheng - The Old Town of Lijiang.
4587: Zhao, Ermi (editor) - Amphibian Zoogeographic Division of China.
8240: Zhao Ermi et al. - Colored Illustrated Atlas of the Snakes of China
4875: Zhao, Ermi et al. - Economic Amphibians and Reptiles of China.
7184: Zhu, Jing and Li, Yangwen (editors) - The Giant Panda
7185: Zhu, Jing and Li, Yangwen (editors) - The Giant Panda.
9811: Zimmer, John T. - Catalogue of the Edward E. Ayer Ornithological Library, Parts 1-2 complete, in 1 thick volume.
9573: Zong, Guanfu, Xu, Qinqi, et al. - Cenozoic Mammals and Environment of Hengduan Mountains Region
8156: Zuckerman, S. and Elliot Smith, G. - The Adichanallur Skulls
6270: Zweifel, Richard G. - Reproductive biology of Anurans of the arid Southwest, with emphasis on adaptation of embryos to temperature.
4482: Zweifel, Richard G. - Variation and Distribution of Lizards of Western Mexico Related to Cnemidophorus Sacki.
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