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A10878: Tillmanns, Martin - Bridge Hall Mills: Three Centuries of Paper and Cellulose Film Manufacture
C1249: Tilly, Louise A.& Scott, Joan W - Women, Work and Family:
A13287: Tillyard, Frank - Unemployment Insurance in Great Britain, 1911 - 48:
A15072: The Times, - British War Production, 1939 - 1945: a Record
C9769: The Times, - China's Three Thousand Years: The Story of a Great Civilization
G14218: Timmins, Alice - Patchwork: Technique and Design
A8955: Tims, Margaret - Jane Addams of Hull House, 1860 - 1935: a Centenary Study
A14673: TLCAS, - Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society: Vol XLVII. 1930 - 1931
A13927: Tobias, J. J - Nineteenth-Century Crime: Prevention and Punishment
A13204: Tobien, Felicitas - Art Nouveau Paintings:
J13782: Tobien, Felicitas - Paul Cezanne:
C8785: Todd, Janet - Feminist Literary History: A Defence
C4003: Todd, Janet, ed - A Dictionary of British and American Women Writers, 1660-1800:
C15615: Todd, Janet, ed - A Wollstonecroft Anthology:
C15589: Todd, Janet - Gender, Art and Death:
C10026: Tomalin, Claire - Mrs Jordan's Profession: The Story of a Great Actress and a Future King
C9425: Tomalin, Claire - The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft:
A15534: Tomkinson, E. M - Sarah Robinson, Agnes Weston and Mrs Meredith: World's Workers
A14420: Tonge, Neil and Quincey, Michael - British Social and Economic History, 1800 - 1900:
A14852: Toulalan, Sarah - Imagining Sex: Pornography and Bodies in Seventeenth-Century England
A11961: Toussant-Samat, Maguelonne - History of Food:
A6954: Towner, Margaret - Dollhouse Furniture: The Collector's Guide to Selecting and Enjoying Miniature Masterpieces
C4844: Townsend, Colin & Eileen - War Wives: a Second World War Anthology
A3230: Townsend, Henry - Robert Wilson Black:
C8747: National Union of Townswomen's Guilds, - The Constitutions, Rules and Handbook:
A15146: Toy, Sidney - A History of Fortification from 3000 BC to AD 1700:
A14334: Tozer, Basil - The Horse in History:
A13591: Trainor, Luke - The Origins of the First World War:
A9394: Tranter, Neil - Population Since the Industrial Revolution: The Case of England and Wales
A8259: Tranter, N. L - Population Since the Industrial Revolution: The Case of England and Wales
A5575: Tranter, N. L - Population and Society, 1750-1940:
A6432: Treble, J.H - Urban Poverty in Britain, 1830 - 1914:
A14884: Treherne, John - Dangerous Precincts: Mystery of the Wakeford Case
J12087: Trevelyan, Sir Charles - Wallington: Its History and Treasures
A8361: Trinder, Barrie - The Darbys of Coalbrookdale:
C7639: Trollope, Joanna - Britannia's Daughters: Women of the British Empire
C1188: Trollope, Joanna - Britannia's Daughters: Women of the British Empire
A14980: Trompenaars, Fons - Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business
C15753: Trotter, Janet MacLeod - No Greater Love:
C10961: Trotter, Janet MacLeod - The Suffragette:
C6914: Troubridge, Laura - Life Amongst the Troubridges: Journals of a Young Victorian 1873-1884
C8045: Trudgill, Eric - Madonnas and Magdalens: The Origins and Development of Victorian Sexual Attitudes
A14801: National Trust, - Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire:
A12127: Girls' Public Day School Trust, - Norwich High School, 1875-1950:
A11997: National Trust, - Dunham Massey:
A11611: National Trust, - The National Trust Guide to Scotland:
C4189: Trustram, Myna - Women of the Regiment: Marriage and the Victorian Army
C9042: Tucker, Cynthia Grant - Prophetic Sisterhood: Liberal Women Ministers of the Frontier, 1880-1930
A10617: Tumin, Melvin M - Social Stratification: The Forms and Functions of Inequality
J13771: Tunnicliffe, C. F - Sketches of Bird Life:
A12539: Tunstall, Jeremy - The Media in Britain:
A15045: Turnbull, Jean, ed - Lancaster University Centre for North-West Regional Studies: Regional Bulletin
C3265: Turner, Barry - Equality for Some: The Story of Girls' Education
A5704: Turner, John Munsey - Conflict and Reconciliation: Studies in Methodism and Ecumenism in England, 1740-1982
A14184: Turner, Barrie Carson - Mozart Fun: Recorder: Instrumental Fun Book Series
A14049: Turner, William - The Warrington Academy, 1757 - 1786:
A13857: Turns, Keith - The Independent Bus: Historical Survey of Some Independent Bus Operators
C15769: Tuttle, Lisa - Encyclopedia of Feminism:
J10911: Twinch, Carol - Poultry:
C5209: Tylecote, Mabel - The Future of Adult Education:
A8592: Uglow, Jenny - A Little History of British Gardening:
A7767: Unesco, - Bibliographic Guide to Studies on the Status of Women: Development and Population Trends
A10049: Unstead, RJ - The Twenties: An Illustrated History in Colour, 1919-1929
A11375: Upham, Martin - Tempered - Not Quenched: The History of the ISTC, 1951-1997
A8433: Urwin, Derek W - Western Europe since 1945: A Political History
A13395: Uyeda, Teijiro - Japanese Economic History, 1930 - 1960: The Small Industries of Japan: Their Growth and Development. Volume X
A14162: Eserleri Kütüphanesi Bilgi Merkezi Vakfi, - Kadinlarin Bellegi: Women's Memory: Uluslararasi Kadin Kütüphaneleri Sempozyum Tutanaklari, 8 - 10 Ekim 1991, Istanbul: Proceedings of the International Symposium of Women's Libraries
C11350: Vallely, Bernadette - What Women Want: The Campaign for Social and Political Change
A15201: Vamplew, Wray - Pay Up and Play the Game: Professional Sport in Britain, 1875 - 1914
A12607: Veeser, A. Aram, ed - The New Historicism: Reader
C12415: Vellacott, Jo - From Liberal to Labour with Women's Suffrage: The Story of Catherine Marshall
C13610: Vertinsky, Patricia A - The Eternally Wounded Woman: Women, Doctors and Exercise in the Late Nineteenth Century
A15075: Vesey-Fitzgerald, Brian - The Domestic Dog: An Introduction to its History
C7557: Vicinus, Martha - Independent Women: Work and Community for Single Women, 1850-1920
C1942: Vicinus, Martha, ed - A Widening Sphere: Changing Roles of Victorian Women
A6991: Vickers, Jeanne - Women and the World of Economic Crisis:
A13968: Victorian Ministry for the Arts, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - The Visual Arts in Victoria: a Survey
A13980: Vigne, Thea, ed - Oral History: the Journal of the Oral History Society. Family History Issue
A9039: Vincent, Adrian - Victorian Watercolours: Children
J13774: Vinci, Leonardo da - Leonardo da Vinci:
C13834: Vining, Elizabeth Gray - Flora MacDonald: Her Life in the Highlands and in America
A10105: Viotti, Andrea - Garibaldi: The Revolutionary and his Men
J11829: Voysey, Cynthia - Needlelace in Photographs:
C9649: Vyas, Anju and Singh, Sunita, eds - Women's Studies in India: Information Sources, Services and Programmes
A14537: Wade, Beryl - Storm Over the Mersey:
A14523: Wainwright, A. Martin - The Better Class of Indians: Social Rank, Imperial Identity, and South Asians in Britain, 1858-1914
A625: Waites, Bernard; Bennett, Tony & Martin, Graham - Popular Culture: Past and Present
C5846: Walby, Sylvia - Patriarchy at Work: Patriarchal and Capitalist Relations in Employment
C15686: Walby, Sylvia - Theorizing Patriarchy:
C8844: Walczak, Yvette - He and She: Men in the Eighties
C10415: Waldfogel, Jane - Women Working for Less: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Family Gap
C14738: Walker, Carole - A Saviour of Living Cargoes: the Life and Work of Caroline Chisholm
A14127: Walker, Martyn A - Examinations for the Underprivileged in Victorian Times: the Huddersfield Mechanics' Institution and the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
A14107: Walker, Stephen and Barton, Len, eds - Gender, Class & Education:
A1037: Walker-Smith, Derek - The Protectionist Case in the 1840s:
C15803: Walkerdine, Valerie and Lucey, Helen - Democracy in the Kitchen: Regulating Mothers and Socialising Daughters
C12173: Wallace, Jonathan and Mangan, Mark - Sex, Laws and Cyber Space:
A7048: Wallace, Tina and March, Candida - Changing Perceptions: Writings on Gender and Development
A10349: Wallas, Graham - The Life of Francis Place, 1771-1854:
C15375: Waller, David - The Magnificent Mrs Tennant: The Adventurous Life of Gertrude Tennant Victorian Grande Dame
C12468: Waller, Jane and Vaughan-Rees, Michael - Women in Uniform, 1939-45:
A11071: Waller, Robert and Criddle, Byron - The Almanac of British Politics:
A15211: Walsh, Margaret, ed - Working Out Gender: Perspectives from Labour History
A10253: Walsh, Margaret, ed - Motor Transport:
A14499: Walter, John - Crowds and Popular Politics in Early Modern England:
A2320: Walton, John K. & Walvin, James, eds - Leisure in Britain, 1780-1939:
A13843: Walton, John K. and Walvin, James - Leisure in Britain, 1780 - 1939:
A9631: Walvin, James - Leisure and Society, 1830 - 1950:
A7558: Walvin, James - English Urban Life, 1776-1851:
A7200: Walvin, James - Victorian Values:
C15229: Wandersee, Winifred D - On the Move: American Women in the 1970s
A14223: Wangerin, Walter - The Bedtime Rhyme:
C12946: Ward, Mrs Humphry - A Writer's Recollections (1856-1900):
A9633: Ward, J.T - Chartism:
A6466: Ward, James - Psychology Applied to Education: A Series of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Education
A2966: Ward, J.T. & Wilson, R.G., eds - Land and Industry: The Landed Estate and the Industrial Revolution
A1499: Ward, J.T - The Factory System:
A12021: Ward, W. R - The Early Correspondence of Jabez Bunting, 1820-1829:
A11586: Ward, Robin - Some City Glasgow:
A11470: Ward, J.T - The Factory System:
C9749: Ward, A, Gregory, J. and Yuval-Davis, N., eds - Women and Citizenship in Europe, Borders, Rights and Duties: Women's Differing Identities in a Europe of Contested Boundaries
C6565: Wardlaw, C. W - A Quiet Talent: Jessie Wardlaw, 1903 - 1971. A Brief Biographical Note on her Artistic Accomplishments
A646: Wardle, David - Education and Society in Nineteenth-Century Nottingham:
A1366: Wardle, David - English Popular Education, 1780-1970:
C15660: Ware, Vron - Beyond the Pale: White Women, Racism, and History
A3864: Warkentin, John & Harris, R. Cole - Canada Before Confederation: a Study in Historical Geography
C9990: Warner, Marina - Joan of Arc: The Image of Female Heroism
A15186: Warner, George Townsend - How Wars Were Won: a Short Study of Napoleon's Times
A14335: Warner, Oliver - Captain Marryat: a Rediscovery
A10862: Warner, Sir Pelham - Lord's:
H14312: Warren, Geoffrey C. ed - The Foods We Eat: A Survey of Meals, their Content and Chronology by Season, Day of the Week, Region, Class, and Age, Conducted in Great Britain by the Market Research Division of W. S. Crawford Limited
A9881: Warren, Kenneth - The British Iron and Steel Sheet Industry Since 1840:
A3993: Washington, Booker T - Up from Slavery: An Autobiography
C9923: Human Rights Watch, - Human Rights Watch Global Report on Women's Human Rights:
A3884: Waterhouse, Ellis, et al - Dutch Painting: Twelve Studies in Dutch Painting from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century, Related to the 1966 BBC Radio Series, Painting of the Month
A14728: Waters, William - Stained Glass from Shrigley and Hunt of Lancaster and London:
A2768: Waterson, Merlin - The Servants' Hall: a Domestic History of Erddig
C15630: Watkins, Micky - Henrietta Barnett in Whitechapel: Her First Fifty Years
A13534: Watkins, Charles, ed - Rights of Way: Policy, Culture and Management
C7509: Watson, Mrs Sydney - A Village Maiden's Career: Life Story of Mrs Sydney Watson
C13349: Watson, Susan - Women of Derbyshire:
A8590: Watts, A. G - Education, Unemployment and the Future of Work:
A14710: Watts, John I - The First Fifty Years of Brunner, Mond & Co, 1873 - 1923:
A5246: Waugh, Thomas - The Clarion or the Bible:
C5027: Weaver, Mary Jo - New Catholic Women: A Contemporary Challenge to Traditional Religious Authority
C5952: Webb, Mary - Precious Bane:
C3272: Webb, Mary - The Essential Mary Webb:
C11987: Webb, Beatrice - Beatrice Webb's Diaries, 1912-1924:
A4063: Webb, Catherine, ed - Industrial Co-operation: the Story of a Peaceful Revolution
A14271: Webber, Richard - Fifty Years of Hancock's Half Hour:
A14573: Webster, Frank - The New Photography: Responsibility in Visual Communication
C10243: Wedin, Carolyn - Inheritors of the Spirit: Mary White Ovington and the Founding of the NAACP
C15474: Weed, Elizabeth, ed - Coming to Terms: Feminism, Theory, Politics
C893: Weeks, Jeffrey - Sex, Politics and Society: the Regulation of Sexuality Since 1800
C15595: Weeks, Jeffrey and Holland Janet - Sexual Cultures: Communities, Values and Intimacy
A2949: Weightman, Gavin - The Seaside:
A5560: Weinberg, Samantha - A Fish Caught in Time: the Search for the Coelacanth
J14604: Weir, Alison - Elizabeth the Queen:
A8268: Weisser, Henry - British Working-Class Movements and Europe, 1815-48:
A14130: Welle-Strand, Erling - Motoring in Norway: the Motorist's Ideal Holiday Guide
A12742: Wells, H.G - Short Stories:
D15437: Wessinger, Catherine Lowman - Annie Besant and Progressive Messianism: 1847 - 1933:
C952: West, Dorothy - The Living is Easy:
C795: West, Jackie, ed - Work, Women and the Labour Market:
C5736: West, Rebecca - Sunflower:
C3756: West, Rebecca - Cousin Rosamund:
C3454: West, Rebecca - 1900:
C1301: West, Rebecca - A Celebration: Selected from her Writings
A9556: West, Elliott - Growing Up With the Country: Childhood on the Far Western Frontier
A73: West, E.G. - Education and the Industrial Revolution:
A13350: West, Jenny, ed - Windmills and Watermills: Open to View
A12795: West, Julius - A History of the Chartist Movement:
A10736: West, E. G - Education and The Industrial Revolution:
A10521: West, Jackie, ed - Work, Women and The Labour Market:
A4730: Westall, Oliver M., ed - Windermere in the Nineteenth Century:
A11979: Westall, Oliver, ed - Innovation and Labour During British Industrialisation: A Celebration of the Life and Work of Harry Dutton, 1947-1984
C12669: Westaway, K. M - Old Girls in New Times: The Story of Some of the Work done by the Old Girls of Bedford High School During Nearly Six Years of War, 1939-1945
C15122: Westermarck, Edward - The History of Human Marriage:
A11568: Western, J.R - Monarchy and Revolution:
C12713: Westwood, Sallie - All Day Every Day: Factory and Family in the Making of Women's Lives
A14995: Wethered, Newton - Mediaeval Craftsmanship and the Modern Amateur: More Particularly With Reference to Metal and Enamel
A13523: Wharton, Margaret - Back to Britain: the Holiday Journals of a G.I. Bride
A3855: Wheal, Elizabeth-Anne & Pope, Stephen - The Macmillan Dictionary of the Second World War:
C608: Wheatley, Vera - The Life and Work of Harriet Martineau:
A13308: Wheeler, Barry, ed - Spare the Rod: Journal of a Victorian Schoolmaster in Dorset, 1863 - 64
A10345: Wheeler, Wendy - The Political Subject: Essays on the Self from Art, Politics and Science
A8671: Whelan, Robert, ed. (Octavia Hill) - Octavia Hill's Letters to Fellow-Workers, 1872 - 1911: Together with an Account of the Walmer Street Industrial Experiment
A15705: Whelan, Robert - Helping the Poor: Friendly Visiting, Dole Charities and Dole Queues
A12266: Wherret, Duncan - Jaguar MKII:
A467: Whitaker, Wilfred B - Victorian and Edwardian Shopworkers: the Struggle to Obtain Better Conditions and a Half-Holiday
Z14715: White, R. F. and Iles, R - Archaeology in National Parks:
C3712: White, Antonia - Frost in May:
C15121: White, Florence, ed - How to Wash Clothes at Home: Containing Simple and Complete Instructions
A5407: White, Andrew - The Buildings of Georgian Lancaster:
A13136: White, Kevin - The First Sexual Revolution: The Emergence of Male HeteroSexuality in Modern America
A12961: White, E. W - British Fishing-Boats and Coastal Crafts: Part I : Historical Survey
A11762: White, Andrew, ed - A History of Lancaster, 1193-1993:
H13383: Whitehouse, J. Howard - Vindication of Ruskin:
A3301: Whitehouse, J. Howard - Creative Education at an English School:
A3291: Whitehouse, P. B., ed - The Last Parade: An Authorised Tribute to British Steam Preservation
A6711: Whiting, Charles - Massacre at Malmedy: The Story of Jochen Peiper's Battle Group Ardennes, December, 1944
C11320: Whitney, Janet - Elizabeth Fry: Quaker Heroine
C1011: Whitney, Janet - Geraldine S. Cadbury, 1865-1941:
A3949: Whitson, Robley Edward, ed - The Shakers: Two Centuries of Spiritual Reflection
A11736: Whone, Herbert - The Essential West Riding:
H13934: Whyte, Andrew - Jaguar: The Definitive History of a Great British Car
C5582: Whyte, Edna Gardner - Rising Above It: An Autobiography
A4495: Whyte, A. Gowans - The Story of the R.P.A., 1899-1949:
A14750: Whyte, Judith - Girls into Science and Technology:
C8414: Wickham, Ann - Women and Training:
A14378: Wickham, Glynne - Early English Stages, 1300 to 1660: Volume One: 1300 to 1576
A2182: Wicks, Ben - No Time to Wave Goodbye: True Stories of Britain's 3,500,000 Evacuees
A13005: Wicks, Ben - When The Boys Came Marching Home: True Stories of the Men Who Went to War and the Women and Children Who Took Them Back
A10045: Wiencek, Henry - An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves and the Creation of America
A12784: Wiener, Joel - William Lovett:
A13536: Wigglesworth, Neil - The Evolution of English Sport:
A5148: Wigham, Eric L - Trade Unions:
C7738: Wightman, Clare - More than Munitions: Women, Work and the Engineering Institutions, 1900-1950
C2775: Wilbur, Sibyl - The Life of Mary Baker Eddy:
C10298: Wilbur, Sibyl - The Life of Mary Baker Eddy:
G10840: Wilhide, Elizabeth - Laura Ashley Windows:
A11187: Wilkins, John - John Wilkins:
A6531: Wilks, Mike - The Ultimate Noah's Ark:
C1593: Willard, Frances E - Glimpses of Fifty Years: the Autobiography of an American Woman
C15522: Willard, Frances E. - My Happy Half-Century: The Autobiograophy of an American Woman
C12976: Williams, Professor Lady Williams - The Changing Pattern of Women's Employment:
C11665: Williams, Canon G. A - Rachel Kay-Shuttleworth:
A8852: Williams, Jonathan, ed - Money: A History
A7566: Williams, A Susan - Women and Childbirth in the Twentieth Century: A History of the National Birthday Trust Fund, 1928-93
A6645: Williams, David - Leicester and Education Before 1870:
A5810: Williams, Harry - Quest Beyond the Sahara:
A5737: Williams, James - Give me Yesterday:
A15191: Williams, W. M - The Country Craftsman: A Study of Some Rural Crafts and the Rural Industries Organisation in England
A14379: Williams, Leonard - The Arts And Crafts Of Older Spain: Volume II only
A14121: Williams, Peter and Hayes, Janice, eds - Warrington as it Was:
A10394: Williams, Gwyn A - Artisans and Sans-Culottes: Popular Movements in France and Britain During the French Revolution
J13028: Williams, Rosemary - The Beginner's Guide to Painting Watercolours:
A9640: Williamson, D. G - Bismarck and Germany, 1862-1890:
A15400: Williamson, Dr George and Buckman, Percy - The Art of the Miniature Painter:
A10139: Willmott, H. P - Pearl Harbor:
C6864: Wilson, Barbara Ker, ed - Everyone Mattered: The Life and Times of Dame Kitty Anderson
C5784: Wilson, Mary - A European Journal: Two Sisters Abroad in 1847
C10517: Wilson, S.J - Women, the Family and the Economy:
A8518: Wilson, Graham K - Business and Politics: A Comparative Introduction
A7370: Wilson, Andrew, ed - The Modern Physician: Being a Complete Guide to the Attainment and Preservation of Health
A7012: Wilson, Charles - England's Apprenticeship, 1603-1763:
A7000: Wilson, Ian - Shakespeare The Evidence: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Man and his Work
A5730: Wilson, Colin - World Famous Gaslight Murder:
A15761: Wilson, Trevor - The Myriad Faces of War: Britain and the Great War, 1914 - 1918
A14256: Wilson, Joan - A Soldier's Wife: Wellington's Marriage
A12681: Wilson, John G - The British Isles: Certificate Geography
A12029: Wilson, Charles - First With the News: The History of W. H. Smith, 1792-1972
A11865: Wilson, David Alec and Macarthur, David Wilson - Carlyle in Old Age 1865-1881:
A11654: Wilson, Neil - Great Sea Disasters:
A7504: Windsor, Alan, ed - Handbook of Modern British Painting, 1900-1980:
A6206: Wingfield-Stratford, Esme - Before the Lamps Went Out:
C3140: Winship, Janice - Inside Women's Magazines:
A2952: Winstanley, Michael, ed. - Rural Industries of the Lune Valley:
A11487: Winstanley, Michael - Gladstone and the Liberal Party:
C12409: Wise, Nancy Baker and Wise, Christy - A Mouthful of Rivets: Women at Work in World War II
A14657: Witts, Florence - Frances E. Willard: the Story of a Noble Woman
C15578: Wohlcke, Anne - The 'Perpetual Fair': Gender, Disorder and Urban Amusement in Eighteenth-century London
C7234: Wojtczak, Helena - Women of Victorian Sussex: their Status, Occupations,and Dealings With The Law, 1830-1870
C13898: Wojtczak, Helena - Notable Sussex Women: 580 Biographical Sketches
A15407: Wolf, Edward C. J. - Rowlandson and his Illustrations of Eighteenth Century English Literature:
J13224: Wolff, Theodore F - The Many Masks of Modern Art:
A11381: Wolff, C de, Shimmin, S., & Montmollin, M - Conflicts and Contradictions: Work Psychologists in Europe
G12272: Wollaston, Charles - Silkscreen in Schools:
C15786: Wollstonecraft, Mary and Godwin, William - A Short Residence in Sweden & Memoirs of the Author of The Rights of Woman:
A13347: Woloch, Isser, ed - The Peasantry in the Old Regime: Conditions and Protests
C12699: Wolpe, Anne-Marie - Some Processes in Sexist Education:
A15041: Fabian Women's Group, - Summary of Six Papers and Discussions Upon the Disabilities of Women As Workers:
A11942: Hampshire Federation of Women's Institut, - Hampshire: Within Living Memory
A9821: Dale Women's Institute, - Dale: An Illustrated History
A14317: Cheshire Federation Women's Institutes, - The Cheshire Village Book:
C8808: Women's Social and Political Union, Replica Badge (Suffragettes) - Sowing the Seeds of Suffrage: Modern Reproduction Suffragette Badge in Enamel
C9537: Women's Studies Collective, Hunter College - Women's Realities, Women's Choices: An Introduction to Women's Studies
C2324: Wood, Ethel M - The Pilgrimage of Perseverance:
A6602: Wood, Ethel M - A History of the Polytechnic:
C6358: Woodforde, John - The Strange Story of False Hair:
C15479: Woodhouse, A. E., ed - Tales of Pioneer Women:
G13104: Woods, Pamela - Flowers from Fabrics:
A12105: Woodward, Sir Llewellyn - The Age of Reform, 1815-1870:
A11467: Woodward, John - To Do The Sick No Harm:
C13671: Woolf, Virginia - Orlando:
A7961: Wootton, Graham - Workers, Unions and the State:
C8864: Wordsworth, Dorothy - Illustrated Lakeland Journals: Complete Edition
A2770: Work, Thomas S. & Elizabeth - The Basis of Chemotherapy:
A13838: Worrall, Eldon - Precious Vessels: 2000 Years of Chinese Pottery
A3220: Worswick, G. D. N. & Ady, P.H. eds - The British Economy, 1945-1950:
A12540: Worthen, John - D.H. Lawrence: The Early Years 1885-1912
A12769: Wrenn, C.L., ed - Beowulf: With the Finnesburg Fragment
A15131: Wright, Thomas - The Romance of the Lace Pillow: Being The History Of Lace-Making In Bucks, Beds, Northants And Neighbouring Counties, Together With Some Account Of The Lace Industries of Devon And Ireland
C14161: Wrigley, Julia, ed - Education and Gender Equality:
A928: Wrigley, C.J., ed - The Working Classes in the Victorian Age: Debates on the Issue from 19th Century Critical Journals
A14066: Wrigley, Ammon - Those Were the Days:
A14932: Wyatt, Charles Henry - Gardening for Children and Others:
A10619: Wyld, Andrew - English Watercolours, Drawings and Oil Paintings: From Gainsborough to Turner
A7161: Wynia, Gary W - The Politics of Latin American Development:
C7023: Xinran, - The Good Women of China: Hidden Voices
C13651: Yalom, Marilyn - A History of the Wife:
A1866: Yarwood, Derek - Outrages - Fatal & Other: A Chronicle of Cheshire Crime, 1612-1912
A14285: Yates, S. A. Thompson - Notes, Mainly Concerning Painted Windows: Made During a Journey in Italy and Switzerland with my brother, Edw. P. Thompson, February 15 to May 5, 1898
A13887: Yeo, Geoffrey, ed - The British Overseas: A Guide to Records of their Births, Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths and Burials, Available in the United Kingdom
C6354: Yonge, Charlotte M - The Dove in the Eagle's Nest:
C6102: Yonge, Charlotte M - Chaplet of Pearls:
C6066: Yonge, Charlotte - The Prince and the Page: A Story of the Last Crusade
C3743: Yonge, Charlotte M - The Caged Lion:
C13692: Yonge, Charlotte - The Clever Woman of the Family:
A11165: Yonge, Charlotte M - The Dove in the Eagle's Nest:
C3995: Young, James D - Women and Popular Struggles: A History of Scottish and English Working-Class Women, 1500-1984
C3422: Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth - Subject to Biography: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and Writing Women's Lives
A5695: Young, Pat - Mastering Social Welfare:
A15567: Young, Robert, ed - Memoirs of a Family: 1822 - 1944
A13179: Young, G. M. ed - Early Victorian England, 1830-1865: Volume 1
A11002: Young, Mary Blamire - Richard Wilton: A Forgotten Victorian
A4925: Youngson, A. J - Urban Development and the Royal Fine Arts Commissions:
A2313: Zaczek, Iain - Essential William Morris:
A2989: Zagorin, Perez - The Court and the Country: the Beginning of the English Revolution
C965: Zahava, Irene, ed - Feminism: the Third Generation in Fiction
A12735: Zentner, Peter - Social Democracy in Britain: Must Labour Lose?
C13062: Zieger, Robert H - American Workers, American Unions:
A9576: Ziegler, Philip - London at War, 1939-1945:
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