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Click on booknumber for full information
15430: - The Development of Modern Art in Northern California, Part II- from Exposition to Exposition: Progressive and Conservative Northern California Painting, 1915-1939
180771: - La Rime Et la Raison: Les Collections Ménil
180772: - Roland Penrose
183181: - Catalogue Des Collections de Feu M. Vincent Van Gogh a Amsterdam; Quatrieme Partie
132764: - Oeuvres Ecrites de Gauguin Et Van Gogh: Collections Du Musee National Vincent Van Gogh, Amsterdam
136380: - The Sporting Magazine or Monthly Calendar, of the Transactions of the Turf, the Chase, and Every Other Diversion Interesting to the Man of Pleasure Enterprise & Spirit, Vol. 3. New Series of Vol. 58. Old Series
151791: - Illustrated Catalogue of the Beautiful Old Chinese Porcelains Comprising the Extraordinary Private Collection Formed by Mr. S.S. Carvalho of New York
189789: - L'Amour de L'Art
107225: - The New York Mirror, Volumes 1-20++
190893: - Fotofest 2010
173315: - Report of the Third Annual Fair of the American Institute of the City of New-York, Held at Masonic Hall, October, 1830 : With a List of Premiums, and a Catalogue of All the Articles Exhibited, by Whom Made and Sold, with the Duties Imposed on Similar Commodities
198767: - Letters Designed and Cut on Linoleum Blocks by the Lettering Class of Teachers College Columbia University
186271: - The Brickbuilder: An Architectural Monthly (7 Issues 1907)
173968: - Xxe Siècle: Panorama 68, Deuxieme Volume: Les Grandes Expositions Dans Les Musees Et Dans Les Galeries En France Et a L'Etranger No. 31
185956: - The Ladies' Wreath and Parlor Annual
189562: - Catalogue of the Exhibition of the New-York Gallery of the Fine Arts, Now Open at the Rooms of the National Academy of Design
189496: - Bulletin of the American Art-Union: Containing the Plan of the Institution, List of It's Officers, and Catalogue of Paintings, and Other Works of Art (No. 13 Oct 25, 1848); Published Semi-Monthly
189505: - Transactions of the American Art-Union for the Year 1847 (Bound with) Transactions of the American Art-Union for the Year for 1848
189745: - The Art Journal New Series
189699: - The Print Connoisseur (6 Volumes)
189690: - Tha American Museum Journal/Natural History, the Journal of the American Museum (21 Volumes)
189578: - Philadelphia As It Is, and Citizens Advertising Directory: Containing a General Description of the City and Environs, List of Officers, Public Institutions, and Other Useful Information; for the Convenience of Citizens, As a Book of Reference, and a Guide to Visitors. With a New Map of the City
186283: - The Brickbuilder: An Architectural Monthly (11 Issues 1916)
189292: - Les Dessins de Pisanello & de Son Ecole: IV
191895: - The First White Man of the West, or the Life and Exploits of Col. Dan'l. Boone, the First Settler of Kentucky;; Interspersed with Incidents in the Early Annals of the Country
172680: - In Darkest Africa or the Quest, Rescue, and Retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria
200236: - A New & Complete Map of the City of Boston, with Part of Charlestown, Cambridge and Roxbury... By G.W. Boynton for N. Dearborn
190211: - The Kent Collector (47 Issues)
190212: - Le Crapouillot (22 Issues)
182141: - Modern Book Production
165688: - Le Logographe, Journal National (April 27, 1791 - August 17, 1792)
173945: - Maryan: First American Exhibition *Signed*
3383: - Paintings and Drawings by Philip Leslie Hale, 1865-1931
155370: - Catalogue: Second Annual "Portrait of America" Exhibition
174245: - Prize Winning Drawings from the Roman Academy, 1682-1754
183122: - Stimpson's Boston Directory; Containing the Names of the Inhabitants, Their Occupations, Places of Business, and Dwelling Houses, and the City Register, with Lists of the Streets, Lanes and Wharves, the City Officers, Public Offices and Banks, and Other Useful Information
171369: - American Prints 1915-1945: A Documentary
111942: - The Century Gallery of One Hundred Portraits
170702: - Selection, Chronique de la Vie Artistique, IV: Edgard Tytgat
190340: - The Temple of Angkor Wat. Tome II, Premiere Partie. L'Architecture Du Monument (2 Volume)
190341: - The Temple of Angkor Wat; the Architecture of the Monument. 1. Introduction and Plates 1 to 72
190343: - Le Temple D'Angkor Vat Wat. Tome II, Deuxieme Partie. La Sculpture Ornamentale Du Temple (Volume 2 Only)
179044: - Mystères Du Feu à Kyoto: Eiraku Kôichi: Céramiste Japonais Contemporain
181511: - Collection de Monsieur Et Madame S. : Important Ensemble de Faïences de Moustiers
174102: - Francesco Di Giorgio Architetto
191864: - Beaux Exemples de Vertu, de Sagesse Et de Piete Filiale Donnes Par Differents Peuples
189761: - Windowphanie: The Great Stained Glass Substitute: Centre Pieces for Chapels, Churches, Lecture Rooms, Halls, Libraries, Etc.
192412: - The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (64 Volumes)
158073: - Catalogue of Art Treasures of Ten Great Temples of Nara, with Supplemental Volumes (30 Volumes Total)
201348: - Joseph Wesner at Mid-Career
171241: - Raumkonzepte: Konstruktivistische Tendenzen in Buhnen- Und Bildkunst 1910-1930
186207: - Christkatholisches Gesang- Und Andachtsbuch Zum Gebrauche Bei Der Offentlichen Gottesverehrung in Dem (Ehemaligne) Bisthum Constanz
183055: - Life's Prints
183168: - Waddell Mfg. Company, Catalogue No. 20
173410: - Catalogue de Tableaux Aquarelles, Pastels & Dessins Sculptures Objets D'Art & D'Ameublement Tapisseries Dependant de la Succession de M. Alexandre Dumas... Galerie Georges Petit... 3 Mars 1896
128871: - Catalogue of Original Paintings by F.B. De Blois
185991: - Carpentry and Building, Vol IV, 1882
125420: - The New-York Sketch Book of Architecture. Volume 1
182056: - Drawing: The International Review Published by the Drawing Society (Issn: 0191-6963, 35 Issues, 1986-1992)
183111: - The Trow Business Directory of New York City (Formerly Wilson's), 1895, Volume XLVIII
188029: - Le Style Empire: L'Hotel Beauharnais; Palais de L'Ambassade D'Allemagne a Paris
181971: - Boyd's Blue Book : The Elite Private Address Directory and Ladies' Visiting and Shopping Guide of Philadelphia and Surroundings. The Names of 20,000 Prominent Householders, Arranged Alphabetically and Classified by Streets. To Which Is Added 6,500 Names and Post Office Addresses of the "Elite" of 100 Towns Within a Radius of Twenty Miles. For the Year Ending, June, 1886. Season of 1885-6
29399: - Von Arp Zu Warhol: Samlung Daimler-Benz
170886: - Picasso: Eaux-Fortes - Lithographies 1905-1947
170887: - Succession Dessauer-Besnard: Premiere Vente de L'Atelier Albert Besnard: Gravures - Aquarelles - Dessins - Gouaches - Pastels Et Tableaux
182693: - Galerie Francaise, Ou Collection de Portraits Des Hommes Et Des Femmes Qui Ont Illustre la France, Dans Les Xvie, Xviie Et Xviiie Siecles. Avec Des Notices Et Des Facsimile. Precedee D'Une Introduction Qui Comprendra Les Principaux Evenemens Qui Se Sont Passes Depuis Merovoe Jusqu'a Louis XII. Par Une Societe D'Hommes de Lettres Et D'Artistes. Tome 1, 2 & 3
160642: - Joan Miro: Oeuvre Grave Et Lithographie
191556: - European Architecture Vol II
176544: - The Studio; an Illustrated Magazine of Fine & Applied Art; March 15, 1906, Vol. 37, No. 156
101859: - American Fire Marks: The Insurance Company of North America Collection
110292: - The History of John Wise, a Poor Boy
113113: - Scripture Illustrations: Explanatory of Numerous Texts, and of Various Customs Mentioned in the Bible with Twenty-Eight Cuts. Second Series
170778: - Russian Painters and the Stage (Offprint Article from Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in Usa, Volume 2)
189712: - Musen Almanach Fur 1788
189713: - Naval and Military Anecdotes; Collected to Illustrate Ancient and Modern Warfare and Particularly the British Character. Volume 2
189498: - Bulletin of the American Art-Union: Containing the Plan of the Institution, List of It's Officers, and Catalogue of Paintings, and Other Works of Art (No. 15 Nov. 25, 1848); Published Semi-Monthly
171889: - Dead and Company - 2019 - Tour Pin - Citi Field (New York City)
189216: - Nouveau Voyage Pittoresque de la France (3 Volumes)
182540: - The Lamps of Tiffany : Highlights of the Egon and Hildegard Neustadt Collection
201425: - The Dolphin : Number Two - a Journal of the Making of Books
170708: - The Toledo Museum of Art: Catalogue of the Inaugural Exhibition
177711: - Contemporary Art Evening Auction: New York 11 November 2014
185912: - The Ladies' Repository
174574: - Katalog Der Grossen Kunstausstellung IM Stadtischen Kunstpalast Dusseldorf 1920
133689: - The Wilkie Gallery: A Selection of the Best Pictures of the Late Sir David Wilkie, R.A. Including His Spanish and Oriental Sketches. With Notices Biographical and Critical
175209: - Standard Atlas of Henderson County, Illinois Including a Plat Book of the Villages, Cities and Townships of the County, Map of the State, United States and World: Patrons Directory, Reference Business Directory and Departments Devoted to General Information
173851: - Tony Brown: Day Dreams
182024: - Photograph 1939
171109: - XI'an Bei Lin Bo Wu Guan = XI'an Forest of Stone Tablets Museum
190349: - The Bookbinder: An Illustrated Journal for Binders, Librarians, and All Lovers of Books. Volume 1
190013: - Belvedere; Illustrated Magazine for Art Collectors, 1st Quarter 1922
185629: - Olde Ulster : An Historical and Genealogical Magazine
191431: - Miniaturen Und Gravuren Aus Funf Jahrhunderten
166586: - The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues: And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised (Webb Family Bible)
177630: - Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum for the Present, Berlin
197435: - Dead and Company - 2023 - Tour Poster - 07-01 - Final Tour - Vip - Boulder Co Folsom Field, Nites 1-3 July 1-3, 2023 Set
175253: - Leon Kossoff: Recent Work
175255: - Gyula Derkovitz
128272: - Birmingham Museum of Art: Guide to the Collection
191796: - Arts Et Metiers Graphiques, No. 9, January 15th, 1929 (English Edition)
187051: - Wood-Engravings Being a Selection of Eric Gill's Engravings on Wood. No. 5 (Virgin and Child) Is a Wood Cut, Cut with a Knife on the Long Grain of the Wood Instead of with a Graver on the 'End' Grain
179514: - The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Late Emperor of France, from His Birth to His Abdication, and Retirement to the Island of Elba; Including His Parentage, Military Achievements, Remarkable Actions, Speeches, Battles, & Victories, and a Full Account of His Campaigns... Interspersed with Anecdotes & Biographical Memoirs of the Principal Generals in the French Armies. To Which Is Added, a Geographical Description of the Island of Elba
172824: - Location. Summer, 1964 Volume 1 No. 2
173048: - Bildertafelln: Des Etruskischen Museums (Helbig Museum) Der Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek
183603: - Kurre-Kalender for 1906
151823: - Twelfth Annual Exhibition of Texas Painting and Sculpture, 1950-1951
180495: - Plaisir de la Maison: Chambres, Rangement, Salles de Bains
190146: - The Ancient Buildings of Peking
190147: - L'Architecture Et la Decoration Aux Palais Du Louvre & Des Tuileries: Tome I & Tome II
185693: - The Dome : An Illustrated Monthly Magazine and Review of Literature Music Architecture and the Graphic Arts
186460: - L'Album de la Guerre: Histoire Photographique Et Documentaire Reconstituee Chronologiquement a L'Aide de Cliches Et de Dessins Publies Par "L'Illustration" de 1914 a 1921, Tome Premier and Tome Second
171803: - Dimitri Devyatkin: Poster for an Exhibition
183112: - The Trow Business Directory of New York City (Formerly Wilson's), 1896, Volume XLIX
173872: - How to Buy and Sell Money
167543: - Lester George Hornby: American Artist
192395: - Annales Du Musée Guimet (Vols 4-12,14,15,16 (Pt II & III),17,18,22,23,24,26 (Pt I,III,IV), 27,28,29,31,32, Bibliotheques Vol I, II, XX, XXI)
121152: - Art News (Periodical Set, 1929-2007)
170788: - A Vous de Juger (Picasso Portraits of Stalin)
170793: - January 5 - 31, 1969 Barry Huebler Kosuth Weiner
165735: - ... A Valuable Reference of Lighting in All Its Branches, Cobering the Application of Traditional Styles Land Contemporary Trends
1990: - George A. Hearn Gift to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the City of New York and Arthur Hoppock Hearn Memorial Gift
189882: - Jahrbuch Fur Photographie Und Reproduktionstechnik Fur Das Jahr 1911
188976: - L'Architecture Et la Decoration Francaises Aux Xviiie Et Xixe Siecles: Premiere Serie
175892: - The Political Register and Impartial Review of New Books for Mdcclxix (1769) Volume 5 (July to December)
181387: - Collection of Heinrich Hardt, Berlin 1931
181320: - Pino Castagna: Rimini Centro Sto
134436: - Description of the Grand Historical Picture of Belshazzar's Feast, Painted by Washington Allston, and Now Exhibiting at Corinthian Gallery, Federal Street
113705: - Contemporary Art from the Estate of Betty Parsons
124780: - 3rd Pacific Coast Biennial: An Exhibition of Sculpture and Drawings by Artists of California, Oregon and Washington
195829: - Dead and Company - 2022 - Tour Poster - Summer Tour Poster
186273: - The Brickbuilder: An Architectural Monthly (9 Issues 1908)
189020: - The Great Modern Painters: English, French, German, Etc. , Medallists of Successive Universal Expositions, Volume 1 & Volume 2
198997: - The Germ : Thoughts Towards Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art. Nos. 1 - 4. [All Published]
178067: - L'Ami de la Jeunesse: Premiere Annee
177812: - De Geschiedenis Van Rome, Een Leesboek Voor Kinderen Van 7 Tot 15 Jaaren (Tweede Deel Met Plaaten))
170784: - Vh 101 / Revue Trimestrielle / Numero 7-8 / Printemps - Ete 1972 (L'Architecture Et L'Avant-Garde Artistique En Urss de 1917 a 1934)
189260: - The Iconographic Encyclopaedia ( Vol I and II)
2418: - Catalog of an Exhibition of the Work of George Benjamin Luks
185587: - Pushkin : A Collection of Articles and Essays on the Great Russian Poet A.S. Pushkin
35735: - R.B. Kitaj
176542: - The Studio; an Illustrated Magazine of Fine & Applied Art; July 15, 1907, Vol. 41, No. 172
186268: - The Brickbuilder: An Architectural Monthly (November, January and Index 1906)
189855: - The American Art Journal (67 Issues)
175811: - The Rhine from Cologne to Mayence
186776: - Pennsylvania Telegraph, May 19, 1858 - January 22, 1859
183177: - Boyd's Philadelphia Blue Book, Elite Directory. Fashionable Private Address Directory, the Ladies' Visiting and Shopping Guide, and Philadelphia Club List
156248: - Paul Landacre: Wood Engravings
192864: - Le Style Empire - Lhotel de Beauharnais a Paris
171539: - Academy Notes, January 1916
173402: - Tracts Written by the Honourable Robert Boyle. About the Cosmicall Qualities of Things. Cosmicall Suspitions. The Temperature of the Subterraneall Regions. The Temperature of the Submarine Regions. The Bottom of the Sea. To Which Is Praefixt, an Introduction to the History of Particular Qvalities
190240: - Ikarus: IM Fluge Durch Die Grosse Welt: 1925, No. 1 Summer Issue
190242: - Cordier & Ekstrom, Inc. Exhibition Poster, February 5th to March 1st, 1969
189493: - Bulletin of the American Art-Union: Containing the Plan of the Institution, List of It's Officers, and Catalogue of Paintings, and Other Works of Art (No. 7, July 25, 1848); Published Semi-Monthly
171884: - Dead and Company - 2019 - Tour Pin - Wrigley Field
182480: - The 31st Volume of the Walpole Society, 1942-1943
189492: - Bulletin of the American Art-Union: Containing the Plan of the Institution, List of It's Officers, and Catalogue of Paintings, and Other Works of Art (No. 4, June 10, 1848); Published Semi-Monthly
190934: - Les Vieux Hotels de Paris; le Temple Et le Marais. Tome II, Motifs de Decorations Interieures
190549: - Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities Stockholm; Bulletin No17
138234: - Gérôme & Goupil: Art and Enterprise
135984: - The Egyptian Collection Formed by Mr. Robert de Rustafjaell
177902: - Reitschule Fur Damen: Nach Dem Lady's Equestrian Manual
180630: - A Decade of Scottish Opera Design
180640: - Irving Penn: Photographs. December 6-31, 1960
180644: - Eugene Berman and the Theatre of Melancholia: Marion Koogler Mcnay Art Museum
180651: - Bakst and Benois: The Tobin Wing Marion Koogler Mcnay Art Museum - April 1985
180653: - Gontcharova/Larionov: The Tobin Wing Marion Koogler Mcnay Art Museum - June 1987
180655: - Balletomania: The Tobin Wing Marion Koogler Mcnay Art Museum - April 8 - Sept. 16, 1990
180656: - The Broadway Scene: The Tobin Wing Marion Koogler Mcnay Art Museum - Sept. 22 - Dec. 31, 1990
180658: - Procession: The Tobin Wing Marion Koogler Mcnay Art Museum - Feb 10 - May 31, 1991
180659: - Entirely Mozart: The Tobin Wing Marion Koogler Mcnay Art Museum - Nov. 17 - Feb 29, 1992
180660: - Six Operas, Six Artists: The Tobin Wing Marion Koogler Mcnay Art Museum April - Sept. 6, 1992
175785: - Andy Warhol: His Early Works, 1947-1959
171018: - Biyan Hu = Snuff Bottles: The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum
171022: - August Laube: Alte Meister Graphik, Moderne Graphik, Alte Drucke, Zeichnungen, Schweizer Kunstler = Old Master Prints, Modern Prints, Rare Books, Drawings, Swiss Artists
170628: - Little Known Early American Portrait Painters [No. 2]
173396: - The Proceedings at the Sessions of the Peace, and Oyer and Terminer, for the City of London and County of Middlesex... Being the First Sessions in the Mayoralty of the Right Honourable Sir Richard Brocas [Etc. ]. Numbers I-VIII [Complete, with Two Additional Reports (Bound with) Same Titles for 1731, Being the First Sessions in the Mayoralty of the Right Honourable Humphrey Parson, Esq. [Numbers I-VIII Complete]
201356: - James Ncneill Whisler Retrospective
182355: - Ninth Annual of Advertising Art, Art Directors Club Exhibition May 6 to 29, 1930
126339: - In Retrospect: The Oregon Sculpture Symposium of 1974
180662: - Twentieth-Century British Stage Design: The Tobin Wing Marion Koogler Mcnay Art Museum - June 20 - Nov. 7, 1993
180665: - Arch Lauterer, Henry Kurth and John Rothgeb, a Teacher and His Student : The Tobin Wing Marion Koogler Mcnay Art Museum - March 28-May 23, 1993
177661: - Holiday Toy Trimmings
189061: - Prestige de la Photographie (Volumes 1-9)
176653: - Artforum (November 1974) Lynda Benglis Issue
188977: - L'Architecture Et la Decoration Francaises Aux Xviiie Et Xixe Siecles: Deuxieme Serie
169162: - An Exhibition of Old Chinese Ceramics from the Late Chou Dynasty Through the Sung Dynasty
182350: - Maki Fumihiko
188225: - Altvlaemisches Und Altniederlaendisches Theater
191913: - Penley
191284: - Der Kleiderkasten, Erster Jahrgang, Februar, No. 2, 1915
182108: - Collection of Postcard Announcements from the Clocktower
189633: - Miscellaneen Artistischen Innhalts: Siebenter Heft; Achter Heft; Neunter Heft; Zehnter Heft; Eilfter Heft; Zwdlfter Heft
129435: - The New York Water Color Club: Catalogue of the First Annual Exhibition (Revised Edition)
170770: - April 22 to May 24, 1975, the Story of a Piece of Wood That Became Pinocchio Told in 25 Images by Corneille
188899: - Die Sammlung Oscar Huldschinsky
200140: - Catalogue of Mr. Richard H. Halsted's Collection of Master-Works by the Late George Inness, N.A.
201255: - Nari Ward: Home of the Brave
185213: - The Journal of Indian Art, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-16
185385: - Biblia, Dat Is de Gantsche H. Schrifture: Vervattende Alle de Canonycke Boecken Des Ouden En Des Nieuwen Testaments
199110: - [Heures] (Usage de Rome). — Hore Beate Marie Virginis S[E]C[Un]D[U]M Usum Romanu[M] Sine Require
199139: - Dead and Company - 2021 - Tour Poster - St. Louis Hollywood Casino, Sept. 13, 2021
177156: - Quadrum II: November 1956, No. 2: Revue Internationale D'Art Moderne
177193: - Collection of Chinese Porcelain Auction Catalogues, 18 Bound in 1 Volume
172100: - Le Palais Du Grand Trianon Intérieurs; Sculptures Décoratives, Meubles Et Bronzes
190428: - Structures and Style; Paintings and Sculptures by 42 Artists from Europe, America and Japan: Metaphysics of Matter and Space, Repetition Structures, Ensembles of Structures, Baroque Ensembles
195296: - Dead and Company - Poster - 2015 - 12-30 - Fall Tour - Los Angeles, Ca Forum Dec 30, 2015
195297: - Dead and Company - Poster - 2015 - 12-28 - Fall Tour - San Francisco, Ca Bill Graham Auditorium Dec 28, 2015
195298: - Dead and Company - Poster - 2015 - 12-27 - Fall Tour - San Francisco, Ca Bill Graham Auditorium Dec 27, 2015
195352: - Dead and Company- 2022 - Tour Poster - Riviera Cancun, MX. Jan 13-16, 2022
34460: - Rockwell Kent: An Exhibition and Sale of Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings and Prints
183121: - Stimpson's Boston Directory; Containing the Names of the Inhabitants, Their Occupations, Places of Business, and Dwelling Houses, and the City Register, with Lists of the Streets, Lanes and Wharves, the City Officers, Public Offices and Banks, and Other Useful Information
23571: - Frederick J. Mulhaupt, 1871-1938: A Cape Ann Painter (Cover Title: Frederick J. Mulhaupt 1871-1938 a Reintroduction)
176543: - The Studio; an Illustrated Magazine of Fine & Applied Art; December 15, 1910, Vol. 51, No. 213
165659: - National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser (Vol. 10, January 1, 1810 to October 31, 1810 and Vol. 11 November 2 to Dec. 29, 1810)
189678: - Complete Catalog of Incumbents ( Volumes I-VII)
8325: - George Albert Wood, American 1845-1910: Paintings from the Estate of the Artist
185210: - The Journal of Indian Art, Vol. 3, Nos. 25-32
176522: - école Nationale Des Beaux-Arts. Les Concours D'Architecture de L'Année Scolaire 1928-1929
183123: - Stimpson's Boston Directory; Containing the Names of the Inhabitants, Their Occupations, Places of Business, and Dwelling Houses, and the City Register, with Lists of the Streets, Lanes and Wharves, the City Officers, Public Offices and Banks, and Other Useful Information
189838: - Lancashire Illustrated in a Series of Views: Towns, Public Buildings, Streets, Docks, Churches, Antiquities, Abbeys, Castles, Seats of the Nobility, & C. & C.
170837: - Catalogue Des Tableaux, Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins Par Camille Pissarro, 1830-1903, Composant la Collection de A. Bonin Et Dont la Vente Aux Enchères Publiques Aura Lieu Hôtel Drouot, Salle No. 8, le Vendredi 26 Juin 1931
171301: - Yamato-E Painting of the Muromachi Period: The Artists and Their Works = Muromachi Jidai No Yamatoe: Eshi to Sakuhin
120006: - An Exhibition of Paintings by David Burliuk, Russian-American Expressionist
192775: - L'Architettura Antica in Dalmazia (2 Vols)
183708: - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes
186626: - Weltausstellung in Paris 1900: Amtlicher-Katalog Der Ausstellung Des Deutschen Reichs
177714: - Impressionist & Modern Art Evening Sale, 7 May 2014, Sotheby's New York Auction Sale Catalogue No N09139
190926: - Dumbarton Oaks Papers; Nos. 23 and 24
173687: - Historischer Calender Fur Das Jahr 1794: Geschichte Des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts
118928: - Highly Important Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture from the Andre Meyer Collection
197387: - Dead and Company- 2017 - Tour Poster - Boston Ma. Jun 18, 2017 Fenway Park
189627: - The New Brockhaus, Etc (Volumes I-IV); Allbuch in Four Volumes and an Atlas: With over 10,000 Illustrations and Maps in the Text and on Around 1,000 Monochrome and Colorful Blackboard and Map Pages As Well As a Model That Can Be Dismantled
163936: - Artforum Periodical Run (Vol. 1-47 Mostly Complete)
177988: - Labyrinth
187782: - Selected Treasures of the Past Dynasties: The Rare Gems of the New Archaeological Discoveries in Shaanxi Province
184022: - The Picturesque Mediterranean: With Illustrations by the Most Eminent Artists. Its Cities Shores and Islands. Volume I and II
190379: - History of the Royal Prussian Guard Pioneer Battalion; Edited on Official Occasion
101267: - Freaky Fables from the Foothills: The Prints of Tom Huck
183661: - Journal Des Demoiselles
183662: - Journal Des Demoiselles
183667: - Journal Des Demoiselles
183669: - Journal Des Demoiselles
183672: - Journal Des Demoiselles
190970: - Les Vieux Hotels de Paris; le Temple Et le Marais. Tome Premier. Motifs de Decorations Interieures
192582: - Sammlung Lanna, Prag (Volume 1)
183264: - Projects and Editions, 1984-1987
187417: - Booths Silicon China; Price List and Rate Book
111787: - Arts Primitifs: Collection Hubert Goldet
200656: - Leland Opera House, Albany, Ny Broadsides in Bound Volumes 1876-1181
185923: - Epistoly a Ewangelia Na Nedele a Swatky Pres Cely Rok, Gagoz Y Passige Pana Krysta, Dle Wypsanj Etyr Swatych Esangelistu
136376: - Vogue, 90 Ans D'Audace
140239: - Catalogue of the Private Collection of Paintings and Sculpture Belonging to Mr. James H. Stebbins New York
177929: - Premieres Connaissances, a L'Usage Des Enfants Qui Commencent a Lire
9325: - What Abstract Art Means to Me: Statements by Six American Artists
187658: - Laws of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : Passed at the Session of 1841, in the Sixty-Fifth Year of Independence, Including One Act Passed by Both Sessions of the Legislature, at the Session of 1840
187659: - Laws of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : Passed at the Session of 1842, in the Sixty-Sixth Year of Independence
165995: - Good Furniture (Volumes 5-19, 1915-1922)
170697: - Coloquios de Iconografia: Ponencias Y Comunicaciones
170913: - Cimaise: Art Et Architecture Actuels / Present Day Art and Architecture
180302: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 68, Vol. 15, No. 2
180303: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 67, Vol. 15, No. 1
180304: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 66, Vol. 14, No. 6
180305: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 65, Vol. 14, No. 5
180306: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 64, Vol. 14, No. 4
180308: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 62, Vol. 14, No. 2
180309: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 60, Vol. 13, No. 6
180310: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 59, Vol. 13, No. 5
180311: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 58, Vol. 13, No. 4
180312: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 55, Vol. 13, No. 1
180313: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 54, Vol. 12, No. 6
180314: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 53, Vol. 12, No. 5
180315: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 52, Vol. 12, No. 4
180316: - Hali: The International Magazine of Fine Carpets and Textiles, Issue 51, Vol. 12, No. 3
170740: - Eugene Grasset: Lausanne 1841, Sceaux 1917
187912: A. Lamber; E. Stahl - Das Mobel: Ein Musterbuch Stilvoller Mobel Aus Allen Landern in Historischer Folge
201051: A.G. Hardesty (Firm) - Illustrated Historical Atlas of Porter County, Indiana
174380: A.E. Evans and Sons - The Fine Art Circular and Print Collector's Manual; Catalogue of Nearly Six Thousand Etchings and Engravings by Artists of Every School and Period, Comprising the Best Examples of Every Eminent Engraver, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time; Additional Notes to le Peintre Graveur of Bartsch; a Descriptive Catalogue of Nearly Four Hundred Engravings
133556: A. Godeau, L. Solanet, P.-E. Audap, Felix Marcilhac, Lynne Thornton - Collection Karl Lagerfeld Art Deco: Estampes, Gouaches Et Dessins, Bijoux, Orfevrerie, Pendulette Et Objets de Vitrine, Verreries, Objets D'Ameublement, Sculptures, Mobilier, Tapis
191263: A Queer Crank (pseud) - Quaint Sayings of Queer People. (in All Ages). .
174099: A New Yorker" (Charles fenno Hoffman) - A Winter in the West
182118: Aalberse-Krekel, Annelies and Emke Raassen-Kruimel - Jan Eisenloeffel, 1876-1957
171347: Aardewerk, Emiel and Esther Aardewerk - A. Aardewerk Antiquair Juwelier
187750: Aarnoudse, J and P.J. Yperlaan, et al. - Rotterdam Papers IV: A Contribution to Medieval Archaeology
145785: Aaserud, Anne et al. - Den Ville Natur: Sveitsisk Og Norsk Romantikk: Malerier Fra Asbjorn Lundes Samling, New York
189077: AAVV - Leonardo Da Vinci (2 Volumes)
180846: Abadie, Daniel - La Vie Publique de Salvador Dalí
182407: Abbaye Sainte-Croix (Les Sables d'Olonne, France).; Musée - Lacoudre: Dessins, Gravures Et Indices Recents
189443: Abbey, Edwin Austin - Catalogue of Works in Oil and Pastel by Edwin A. Abbey: Including the First Half of the Series of Paintings for the Decoration of the Public Library of Boston. "the Quest of the Holy Grail
201033: Abbott, W.H. - Heraldry Illustrated, Being a Short Account of the Origin and History of Heraldry
200921: Abbou, Malek - Les Labyrinthes
184589: Abelard, Peter - The Love Letters of Abelard and Heloise
110671: Abeles, Anne (and) Lisa N. Peters and Ronny M. Cohen - Charlotte Park
184568: Abels, Robert - Classic Bowie Knives
183418: Aberle, Carl - Wirkerei Und Strickerei, Netzen Und Filetstrickerei
175045: Abraham, F. Murray, Donald Kuspit and Stanley I. Grand - Don Perlis: New York Now
187556: ACA Art Gallery - 31 American Contemporary Artists
182706: Acatos, Sylvio - Andre Bucher: Feuer Und Lava, Feu Et Lave, Fire and Lava
179949: Achdjian, Albert - Un Art Fondamental : Le Tapis = a Fundamental Art : The Rug
200877: Ackerman, Gerald M. - Les Orientalistes de L'Ecole Britannique
200806: Ackerman, Gerald - Les Orientalistes de L'Ecole Americaine [Les Orientalists, Vol. 10]
122697: Ackerman, Gerald M. - The Life and Work of Jean-Leon Gerome, with a Catalogue Raisonne
190157: Ackermann and Co - Prospectus of a New Monthly Work, the Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, & Politics
172882: Ackermann, Felix, Tomas Lochmann, Peter Suter, Rudolf Suter, et al. - Carl Burckhardt, 1878-1923: Uno Scultore Tra Brasilea, Roma E Ligornetto/Ein Bildhauer Zwischen Basel, Rom Und Ligornetto
172689: Ackermann, Marion, Claudia Denk, Helmut Friedel - Schattenrisse: Silhouetten Und Cutouts
188480: Ackley, Clifford S.; Anne E Havinga; Judy Weinland - The Unique Print, 70s Into 90s
17465: Acton, David (and) Joseph Goddu - Along Ipswich River: The Color Woodcuts of Arthur Wesley Dow
149891: Acton, David - Gustave Baumann: Nearer to Art
182348: Adam, Henri-Georges - Adam: Oeuvre Grave, 1939-1957
188839: Adam Christian, Hans - Die Erotische Daguerreotypie: Eine Mediengeschichtliche Bestandsaufnahme
187917: Adam, Johann Christian and Cornelius Gurlitt - Sachsische Herrensitze Und Schlosser; Dargestellt in Ansichten, Grundrissen, Situationsplanen Und Einem Erlauternden Text
170644: Adami, Valerio - Valerio Adami: Zeichnungen
192201: Adami, Valerio - Valerio Adami: Recent Drawings
200649: Adams, Robert - Denver: A Photographic Survey of the Metropolitan Area
180411: Adams, Charles C. - The New York State Museum's Historical Survery and Collection of the New York Shakers
303: Adams, William Howard (ed.) - The Eye of Thomas Jefferson
189973: Adams-Acton, Murray - Domestic Architecture & Old Furniture
6255: Adams, Philip Rhys - Walt Kuhn, Painter: His Life and Work
29303: Adams, Henry - Jan Matulka: A Catalogue of Selections from the Estate of Jan Matulka (1890-1972)
176486: Adams, Herbert - Exhibition of Sculpture Under the Auspices of the National Sculpture Society
185471: Adams, Adeline - Childe Hassam
200667: Adams, W.I. Lincoln - Woodland and Meadow; out of Door Papers Written on a New Hampshire Farm
101603: Adcock, Craig - James Rosenquist: Monochromes
186270: Adeline, Jules - Hippolyte Bellangé Et Son å“Uvre
200623: Adema, Pierre-Marcel - Apollinaire; Translated from the French by Denise Folliot
181975: Ader, Etienne; Leopold Carteret - Bibliotheque Henri Beraldi. Troisieme Partie. Epoque Romantique, Editions Originales, Classiques Et Livres Illustres En Reliures D'Eopque; Dessins Originaux, D'Horace Vernet, Duplessi-Bertaux, Raffet, Eugene Lami, Garnerey, Lafitte, Desenne, Deveria, Johannot, Morel-Fatio, Etc. Etc. Reliures Mosaiquees Et Provenances Celebres. Albums Ornes de Dessins Et Vignettes Romantiques, Caricatures de Daumier, Gavarni, Dore, Etc.
170753: Adhemar, Jean and Francoise Cachin - Degas: Gravures Et Monotypes
190960: Adjaye, David and Adam Pendleton - David Adjaye, Adam Pendleton
189959: Adler, Elmer (Ed.) - The New Colophon (8 Issues)
190344: Adler, Elmer et al (eds.) - The Colophon (Issues VI-VII, IX-XX) 14 Issues
104844: Adler, Wolfgang - Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard: Part XVIII: I: Landscapes
190297: Adler, Elmer (Ed.) - The New Colophon (Issues I-IV, VIII)
190293: Adler, Elmer et al (eds.) - The Colophon (Issues I-IV, VI-XX) 19 Total Issues
133562: Adriana Zavala (curator) - Mexico Beyond Its Revolution = Mexico Mas Alla de Su Revolucion
200232: Adriani, Gotz and Russell Stockman - Cezanne Watercolors
200246: Adriani, Gotz and Russell Stockman, et al. - Cezanne Paintings
201572: Adriano Pedrosa; Rodrigo Moura; Renata Bittencourt; Rebecca Wolff; Hamid Irbouh; Melvin Edwards - Melvin Edwards : Lynch Fragments
178163: Afro - Afro
171366: Agamalian, L.G. - Lev Bakst: 1866-1924
188020: Agamben, Giorgio - Haim Steinbach: Every Single Day
178274: Agamben, Giorgio - Giuseppe Gallo: March-April 1986
191568: Agapito, Girolamo - Compiuta E Distesa Descrizione Della Fedelissima Città E Porto-Franco Di Trieste
200364: Agee, William C. and Debra Burchett-Lere, et al. - Sam Francis: Catalogue Raisonne of Canvas and Panel Paintings, 1946-1994 (Book Only)
3886: Agee, William C. and Barbara Rose - Patrick Henry Bruce: American Modernist
182577: Agnetti, Vincenzo - Mental Installation
188785: Aguado, Olympe; Sylvain Morand - Olympe Aguado (1827-1894)
184455: Agulhon, Maurice - The French Republic, 1979-1992
200224: Ahlstrom, Elinor - Pa Armlangds Avstand: Hundra Ar Av Noridsk Konst = at Arm's Length: Hundred Years of Nordic Art
189178: Ahrem, Maximilian - The Woman in Ancient Art
201316: Ai, Weiwei and Susan Delson - Ai Weiwei: Circle of Animals
189727: Aiken, Conrad - Among the Lost People
148653: Ainsworth, Maryan W. (editor) - Petrus Christus in Renaissance Bruges, an Interdisciplinary Approach
128808: Ainsworth, Maryan W. (editor) - Man, Myth, and Sensual Pleasures: Jan Gossart's Renaissance: The Complete Works
165086: Ainsworth, Maryan W. (editor) - Man, Myth, and Sensual Pleasures: Jan Gossart's Renaissance: The Complete Works
191392: Airy, Osmund - Charles II
186571: Aitken, Genevieve; Marine Kisiel; Paul Perrin; Cyrille Sciama; James Tissot - James Tissot : L'Ambigu Moderne
177175: Aizpuru, Margarita - Zonaemergente: María Cañas Y Juan Francisco Romero, Valeriano López, Dora García, Ghada Amer
177243: Ajello, Raffaele - Civilta Del '700 a Napoli, 1734-1799 Volume I.
189996: Akademie der Kunste - Ausstellung Alterer Englischer Kunst 1908
187132: Akira Ikeda Gallery - Black Red
190115: Akiyama, Teruo - Momoyama Jidai Shoheiga Zushu = Screen Paintings in Momoyama Period
179533: Akiyama, Terukazu, Mary Tregear, et al. - Arts of China: Neolithic Cultures to the T'Ang Dynasty, Recent Discoveries
201288: Alarco, Paloma and Clara Marcellan, et al. - The Impressionists and Photography
173092: Alaux, Jean-Paul, Gustae Alaux - Magellan: Le Premier Voyade Autour Du Monde Par le Navire la Victoire
175334: Alba, Jacobo Stuart Fitz-James y Falcó, duque de; Angel M. Barcia - Catalogo de la Coleccion de Pinturas Del Excmo, Sr. Duque de Berwick Y de Alba
7423: Albee, Edward - Louise Nevelson: Atmospheres and Environments
183472: Albemarle, William Coutts Keepel, Earl of and Lacy Hillier - Cycling (the Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes)
189385: Albemarle, William Coutts Keppel, Earl of; Lacy Hillier; Joseph Pennell - Cycling; the Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes
183930: Albemarle, William Coutts Keppel, Earl of; Lacy Hillier and Joseph Pennell - Cycling
176353: Alberola, Jean-Michel - Ateliers 81-82: Musee D'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
195844: Alberro, Alexander and Andria Hickey, et al. - Wifredo Lam: The Imagination at Work
170739: Albers, Marjorie K. - Old Amana Furniture
184109: Albers, Josef and Nicholas Fox Weber - Josef Albers: A Retrospective
181031: Albert Loeb Gallery - Ipousteguy: March 17 - April 18
184261: Albert, Bill; Henderson, Paul - South America and the First World War: The Impact of the War on Brazil, Argentina, Peru, and Chile
188317: Albert Von Chamisso - Peter Schlemihl's Wundersame Geschichte
182342: Alberti, Mario - L'Irredentismo Senza Romanticismi
189785: Alberti, Leon Battista; Cosimo Bartoli ; Pio Panfili ; Raphael Trichet du Fresne - Of Architecture, Painting and Statue
186168: Albrecht, Michael Von - Roman Epic: An Interpretive Introduction
201216: Albuquerque, Isabelle and Miranda July, et al. - Isabelle Albuquerque: Orgy for Ten People in One Body
201229: Alcala, Luisa Elena and Benito Navarrete Prieto - America En Madrid: Cultura Material, Arte E Imagenes
181402: Alcolea, Santiago - El Greco
183982: Alcott, Dr. Wm. A. - Gift Book for Young Ladies
174971: Alcouffe, Daniel, Gerard Mabille, Claude Dulong, Patrick Michel, et al. - Un Temps D'Exuberance: Les Arts Decoratifs Sous Louis XIII Et Anne D'Autriche
172692: Alcouffe, Daniel, Anne Dion Tenenbaum, Edmond de Rotschild, et al. - Le Mobilier Du Musee Du Louvre, Two Volume Set
189166: Alcover Castaneda, Vicente - D. Vicente Lopez Portana: Illustrador Del Libro
181297: Alden, John - Souvenir and Official Programme of the Centennial Celebration of George Washington's Inauguration As First President of the United States
175009: Alden, Todd - Andy Warhol: Strange World: Drawings, 1948-1959
181440: Alden Galleries - Fine Prints Vols I-IV: Alden Galleries
187026: Alderson, Brian and Felix de Marez Oyens - Be Merry and Wise: Origins of Children's Book Publishing in England, 1650-1850
184400: Aldrich, Lewis Cass; George S Conover - History of Ontario County, New York
171372: Alekseev, Sergei, et al. - Sobranie Tomilovykh-Shvarts: Iz Tsikla "Kollektsii I Kollektsionery Russkogo Muzeia
171313: Alekseev, Sergei, E.N. Petrova, Georg Khristof Groot, et al. - Georg Khristof Groot I Elizavetinskoe Vremia
175499: Alessi, Cecilia and Corrado Fanti - Lecceto: E Gli Eremi Agostiniani in Terra Di Siena
201459: Alex Katz; Vincent Katz - Alex Katz, Ada
192452: Alexander Koch (Ed) - Innen-Dekoration: Band XXXIV
19119: Alexander (Brooke) Gallery, NY: Nov. 15, 1977 to Jan. 7, 1978 - Jasper Johns Screenprints
187763: Alexander, Jonathan and Paul Binski - Age of Chivalry: Art in Plantagenet England, 1200-1400
172611: Alexandre, Phil - Emily Nelligan: A Memorial Exhibition
190360: Alexandre de Laborde - Projets D'Embellissemens de Paris Et de Travaux D'Utilité Publique, Concernant Les Ponts Et Chaussées, Par le Cte Alexandre de Laborde
173746: Alexandre, Arsene (Introduction) - Collection Henri Rouart: Premiere Vente (and) Deuxieme Vente
175692: Alexandrian, Sarane - Man Ray
175080: Alfaro, Alfonso, Maria del Consuelo Maquivar - Corpus Aureum: Escultura Religiosa
177755: Alfassa, Paul - L'Enseigne de Gersaint
201491: Alfred Jarry - Alfred Jarry: The Carnival of Being
175202: Alfred de Vigny; Pierre Falke - La Fregate "la Serieuse", Ou, la Plainte Du Capitaine Poeme
175769: Alfred Lord Tennyson - The Death of Oenone. Akbar's Dream, and Other Poems
181456: Alfred Stieglitz Center. ; Philadelphia Museum of Art - Let Truth Be the Prejudice: W. Eugene Smith, His Life and Photographs
180155: Ali, Ahmad; Suhrab Mahdavi; et al. - Kitab-I Ali: Guzidah-I Asar-I Ahmad 'Ali, 1340-1388 / Ahmad Aali: Selection of Works 1961-2009
192802: Alighieri, Dante and Sandro Botticelli - La Divina Commedia Di Dante Alighieri Coi Disegni Di Sandro Botticelli: Cantica Terza
192083: Alighieri, Dante - La Divina Commedia
189909: Alighieri, Dante; Paul Pochhammer - Dante's Divine Comedy; in German Punch Free
201585: Alison G Weld; Rachel Elizabeth Jones; Leslie Luebbers - Alison Weld
201532: Alison Elizabeth Taylor - Alison Elizabeth Taylor : Savage Root
180815: Alison, Jane and Mary Ann Caws - The Surreal House
200164: Allan, Co and Taco Hermans, et al. - Ruine Van Brederode: Hollands Kasteel Met Een Bewogen Verleden
181447: Allan Gotlieb - The Prints of James Jacques Joseph Tissot from the Collection of the Canadian Ambassador Allan Gotlieb and Mrs. Gotlieb January 12-March 9, 1983
176712: Alland, Sr, Alexander - Heinrich Tonnies, Cartes-de-Visite Photographer Extraordinaire: Det 19. Arhundredes "Fotograf Extraordinaire
182137: Allard, F. - Catalogue de Ceramique de la Chine. Les Biscuits Verts, Emailles Jaune, Aubergine Et Noir, Mind, Kanghi, Yungching Et Kienlong. Vitrines Composant la Collection de M.F. Allard Dont la Vente Aura Lieu a Paris
123775: Allard, Sebastien et al. - Citizens and Kings: Portraits in the Age of Revolution 1760-1830
191502: Allemagne, Henry Rene D' - Ferronnerie Ancienne, Volume 2
187852: Allemagne, Henry Rene D' - Ferronnerie Ancienne, Volume 1 and 2
186751: Allen, Charles Dexter - Ex Libris: Essays of a Collector
190266: Allen, Robert Joseph - Life in Eighteenth Century England: Illustrative Set Number Four
188187: Allen, Thomas - The Picturesque Beauties of Great Britain : A Series of Views, from Original Drawings, with Historical, Topographical, Critical, and Biographical Notices
183382: Allen, Gloria Seaman and Nancy Gibson Tuckhorn - A Maryland Album: Quiltmaking Traditions, 1634-1934
188918: Allen, Fred - The Great Cathedrals of the World: One Hundred and Thirty Full Page Plates Executed in Photogravure; with Explanatory and Descriptive (Volume 1)
190509: Allen Van, Leory C And A. George Mallis - The Comprehensive Catalogue and Encyclopedia of U.S. Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars
179135: Allestree, Richard (supposed author) - The Ladies Calling. In Two Parts
178719: Allioli, Joseph Franz von - Das Neue Testament Unseres Herrn Und Heilandes Jesu Christi
34602: Allison (H. V.) Galleries, NY: March 19 to April 17, 1987 - Theodore Fried & Andre Kertesz: An Enduring Friendship
179034: Allner, W.H. - International Poster Annual '51
124833: Alloway, Lawrence - Robert Rauschenberg
173380: Alloway, Lawrence - Leon Polk Smith
176852: Allwood, Rosamond and Kedrun Laurie - R.D. Russell, Marian Pepler
191462: Aloi, Roberto - Ville in Italia; Con Un Saggio Di Agnolomenico Pica
181774: Aloi, Roberto - L'Arredamento Moderno; Terza Serie, Trecento Artisti, Venti Nazioni
182252: Aloi, Roberto - L'Arredamento Moderno = Modern Furnishing
200918: Als, Hilton and Jennifer Krasinski, et al. - Ways of Seeing: Writings on Drawings from the Jack Shear Collection (Volume 1)
189881: Altdorfer, Albrecht and Thomas Sturge Moore - Albrecht Altdorfer; a Book of 71 Woodcuts Photographically Reproduced in Facsimile
181612: Altdorfer, Albrecht and Thomas Sturge Moore - Albrecht Altdorfer: A Book of 71 Woodcuts Photographically Reproduced in Facsimile
141723: Alterman, James M. - New Hope for American Art: A Comprehensive Showing of Important 20th Century Painting from and Surrounding the New Hope Art Colony
181540: Alternative Museum (New York, N.Y.) ; Sculpture Center (New York, N.Y.) ; Foto Gallery (New York, N.Y.) - Showdown: Perspectives on the Southwest, April 16-July 2, 1983
183866: Althofer, Heinz and Rolf E. Straub, et al. - Beitrage Zur Untersuchung Und Konservierung Mittelalterlicher Kunstwerke
190108: Alva and Yehuda Haezrahi - Alva: Six Lithographs
175494: Alvarez, Tete - Especulaciones
186416: Alvin, L. - Catalogue Raisonne de L'Oeuvre Des Trois Freres, Jean, Jerome & Antoine Wierix
187447: Alvord. Clarence Walworth - The Mississippi Valley in British Politics; a Study of the Trade, Land Speculation and Experiments in Imperialism Culminating in the American Revolution (2 Volumes)
175378: Amadori, Eugenio; Italo Cinti - Musicisti Visti Da Eugenio Amadori
175380: Aman, Theodor - Theodor Aman; 1831-1891
180953: Amaral, Jim. Moyano Ortiz, Juan Carlos - Jim Amaral: Escultura En Bronce
17167.3: Ambasz, Emilio (Editor) - Italy: The New Domestic Landscape, Achievements and Problems of Italian Design
180477: Amberg, George - Art in Modern Ballet
186777: Amberger, Annelies - Giordano Orsinis Uomini Famosi in Rom: Helden Der Weltgeschichte IM Fruhhumanismus
172653: Ambrosini, Silvia - Encuentros Y Coincidencias En El Arte
175370: Ambrus, Caroline - Australian Women Artists: First Fleet to 1945: History, Hearsay and Her Say
201482: Amedeo Modigliani; Simonetta Fraquelli; Cécile Girardeau - Modigliani a Painter and His Art Dealer
188840: Amelunxen, Hubertus von; William Henry Fox Talbot - The Canceled Time
5835: Amen, Irving - Irving Amen
164802: Amenoff, Gregory - Gregory Amenoff
181425: American Art Association - Illustrated Catalogue of the Exceedingly Rare and Valuable Art Treasures and Antiquities Formerly Contained in the Famous Davanzati Palace
182365: American Art Association - Important Maritime Collection
190250: American Art Association - Catalogue of Beautiful Antique Chinese Rugs of the Imperial Ch'Ien-Lung and Earlier Periods
189602: American Art Association - Catalogue of Antique Chinese Porcelains, Pottery, Carved Jades, Agates and Rugs and Carpets
189534: American Art Association - Antique Furniture, Tapestries, Rugs, Other Art Property Including Four Famous Gothic Tapestries and a Superb Sixteenth Century Ispahan Carpet; Collection of Genevieve Garvan Brady (Mrs. William J. Babington Macaulay)
182275: American Art Association - The Splendid Library and Collection of Historical and Literary Autographs of the Late Mr. And Mrs. William Read
190158: American Art Association - American Art Galleries: Inauguration of New Galleries, Works from the Salon of '84 and Other American Paintings Contributed by the Artists
200150: American Fine Arts Society - Loan Exhibition Catalogue: Bronzes, Antoine Louis Barye
22331: American Art Galleries, NY: Apr. 1-6, 1916 - Illustrated Catalogue of Old and Modern Paintings by the Great Masters Forming the Important Collection of Mr. John Anderson, Jr.
181649: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries (Firm) - European Arms & Armor, Collection of the Late Theodore Offermann, American & European Firearms, Collected by Joseph H. Gest
181652: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries (Firm) - The Splendid Art Library of the Late Thomas Fortune Ryan, New York - November 21-22, 1933
181581: American Art Association - Italian and American Furniture, Italian Paintings and Greek and Roman Antiquities: Professor A.L. Frothingham - Oct. 29-30, 1924
200146: American Art Galleries - Eastern Ceramics and Other Objects of Art Belonging to the Estate of the Late Charles A. Dana
175274: American Art Association, Inc - Illustrated Catalogue of the Rare and Valuable Italian Renaissance Furniture, Bronzes, Ceramics, Marbles, Paintings and Textiles, Greek and Roman Antiquities and Other Rare Objects Comprising the Tolentino Galleries Collection
189128: American Historical Society - American Families
178072: American Art Association - Catalogue of the Art Property and Other Objects Belonging to the Estate of the Late John la Farge, N.A.
181576: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries (Firm) - European Arms & Armor of the XV-XVIII Century: Theodore Offerman - Nov. 11-13, 1937
181577: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries (Firm) - The V. Everit Macy Collection : Including Rare and Iimportant Persian and Mesopotamian Pottery, Persian and Indian Miniatures, Persian Brocades and Velvet Carpets
192436: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - American Paintings by Ryder, Inness, Hassam, Wyant, Tryon, Murphy, Walker, and Others, Also Works by Courbet, de Chirico, Isabey, and Other European Artists... : From the Estate of the Late Newman E. Montross
181656: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries (Firm) - The Library of the Late George Allison Armour - April 22-23, 1937
181792: American Art Association, NY: Apr. 16, 17, 1929 - Works by Picasso, Derain, Cézanne, Degas, Rivera, Max Weber, Matisse, "Pop" Hart, Dickinson, Laurencin... (Cover Title Is: The Arthur B. Davies Art Collection: Modern Drawings, Prints, Paintings and Sculptures; Ancient Bronzes, Pottery and Fabrics, French Furhiture and Tapestries)
181653: American Art Association - Antique Rugs and Carpets: S. Kent Costikyan and Others - December 8, 1925
183639: American Institute of Architects. Illinois Chapter - Catalogue : The Thirty-Fifth Annual Chicago Architectural Exhibition
183504: American Art Galleries - Catalogue of Paintings by Jean-Charles Cazin
183222: Americana de Arte - II Bienal Americana de Arte
186184: Ames-Lewis, Francis - The Draftsman Raphael
184170: Ames-Lewis, Francis and Mary Rogers - Concepts of Beauty in Renaissance Art
174806: Amic, Sylvain and Pablo Jimenez Burillo - Luces de Bohemia: Artistas, Gitanos Y la Definición Del Mundo Moderno
172275: Amic, Sylvain and Diederik Bakhuys - Scenes de la Vie Impressionniste: Manet, Renoir, Monet, Morisot
174278: Aminoff, Judith (editor) - Cover; Spring/Summer 1980; Volume 1, Number 3
190947: Ammann, Doris and Georg Frei - Andy Warhol: Black & White + Silver
182994: Ammann, Gert - Klassizisten--Nazarener, Kunst IM Oberland 1800-1850
190889: Ammer, Manuela and Achim Hochdorfer - Painting 2. 0: Expression in the Information Age
186667: Ammer, Manuela - Painting 2. 0 : Malerei IM Informationszeitalter
187789: Amoroso, Domenico - Eugenia Beck Lefebvre
187813: Amoroso, Domenico and Sylvia Franchi - Del Disegno / Della Fotografia: Rassegna D' Arte Contemporanea
177608: Amptman, William - Wayne County, Pa: Historic Buildings and the Rural Landscape, Drawings by William Amptman
201581: Amy Sillman; Helen Anne Molesworth; Thomas Eggerer; Ewa Lajer-Burcharth; Daniel Marcus - Amy Sillman: One Lump or Two
172728: An AMerican Artist" (Osborn, Laughton) - Handbook of Young Artists and Amateurs in Oil Painting
175442: Anania, Valeriu - The Heavens of the Olt; Archimandrite Bartholomew's Scholia to the Photographs Taken by Dumitru F. Dumitru
171161: Andand, Mulk Raj, Jose Pereira, et al. - Golden Goa
200382: Andersen, Wayne - The Youth of Cezanne and Zola: Notoriety at Its Source, Art and Literature in Paris
178721: Andersen, Hans Christian - Fairy Tales
189760: Anderson, Sherwood and Georg Theo Hartmann - Dark Laughter
135258: Anderson, W. et al. - Nineteenth Century Paintings from the Museo de Arte de Ponce, Puerto Rico, Fundacion Luis A. Ferre
180681: Anderson, Jack, compiler - The Dance, the Dancer, and the Poem
181574: Anderson Galleries, Inc - The Distinguished Collection of Pole Arms, Swords, Fire-Arms, Helmets & Other Armour: George Maxwell. Nov. 28-30, 1928
7790: Anderson, Dennis R. - Ernest Lawson Retrospective
172084: Anderson, Richard, Simon Baier, Linda S. Boersman, et al. - Tatlin: Neue Kunst Fur Eine Neue Welt Internationales Symposium
183747: Anderson, Benjamin - Cosmos and Community in Early Medieval Art
142222: Anderson, Susan M. - Pursuit of the Marvelous: Stanley William Hayter, Charles Howard, Gordon Onslow Ford
574: Anderson Galleries, NY: March 13 to 25, 1916 - The Forum Exhibition of Modern American Painters
200916: Anderson, Nancy K. and Thomas P. Bruhn, Joni L. Kinsey and Anne Morand - Thomas Moran
184931: Anderson, E.N. - The Food of China
171816: Anderson, Nancy K. and Thomas P. Bruhn, Joni L. Kinsey and Anne Morand - Thomas Moran
177749: Anderson, Laurie and Marilyn Zeitlin - Messages: Words and Images
175195: Andersson, Patrik, Jeff Rian, Derek Root, et al. - Supersonic Transport: A Survey of Independent Pop Culture Magazines
176197: Andoe, Joe - Joe Andoe: Magic Circle
179704: Andorra - El Tèxtil Com a Element Bàsic En L'Obra D'En Grau-Garriga
178288: Andrade, Pita Manuel Jose (editor) - Cuadernos de Arte E Iconografia: Tomo II, Num. 4
178290: Andrade, Pita Manuel Jose (editor) - Cuadernos de Arte E Iconografia: Tomo I, Num. 2
164384: Andre Emmerich Gallery - Katherine Porter: New Paintings
201508: André Cadere; Carole Kismaric; Chris Dercon; Bernard Marcelis; Cornelia Lauf; Jean-Pierre Criqui - Andre Cadere All Walks of Life
177934: Andre, Edouard - Alexandre Lunois, Peintre, Graveur Et Lithographe
176369: Andre, John; edited by Henry Cabot Lodge - Andre's Journal: An Authentic Record of the Movements and Engagements of the British Army in America from June 1777 to November 1778 As Recorded from Day to Day by Major John Andre
201392: Andrea Gyorody - Hildur Asgeirsdottir Jonsson
201373: Andreas Marks - Japanese Woodblock Prints
189319: Andreas, A. T. - History of Cook County, Illinois; from the Earliest Period to the Present Time
201637: Andreas Stolzenburg - Franz Ludwig Catel (1778-1856) Paesaggista E Pittore Di Genere
201488: Andreas Franzke; Robert Erich Wolf - Dubuffet
176473: Andrés Ximenez; Pedro de Villafranca Malagón; José Fernández de Buendía; Juan de Avellaneda - Descripcion Breue Del Monasterio de S. Lorenzo El Real Del Escorial : Unica Maravilla Del Mundo, Fabrica Del Prudentissimo Rey Filipo Segundo, Nueuamente Coronada Por El Catolico Rey Filipo Quarto El Grande Con la Magestuosa Obra de la Capilla Insigne Del Pantheon : Y Translacion a Ella de Los Cuerpos Reales . .
168442: Andrew Wilton; Barbara Bryant; Robert Upstone - The Age of Rossetti, Burne-Jones, and Watts: Symbolism in Britain, 1860-1910
175451: Andrews, Ralph W. - Curtis's Western Indians
181265: Andrews, Edward Deming and Faith Andrews - Shaker Furniture: The Craftsmanship of an American Communal Sect
187692: Andrews, Kenneth R. - English Privateering Voyages to the West Indies 1588-95
179129: Andrews, Jack - Samuel Yellin, Metalworker
182980: Andrews, F.H. - Ancient Chinese Figured Silks Excavated by Sir Aurel Stein at Ruined Sites of Central Asia: Reprinted with Fifteen Illustrations from 'the Burlington Magazine" July - Sept 1920
180245: Andrews, Malcolm - The Search for the Picturesque : Landscape Aesthetics and Tourism in Britain, 1760-1800
200559: Andromeda Gallery - Aura (Volume 1, Number 1)
200558: Andromeda Gallery - Aura (Volume 1, Number 1)
200560: Andromeda Gallery - Aura (Volume 1, Number 2)
177813: Anes Alvarez, Gonzalo and Eduardo Garrigues - La Ilustracion Espanola En la Independencia de Los Estados Unidos: Benjamin Franklin
163715: Anfam, David - Expressiionismo Abstracto
168409: Anfam, David - Joan Mitchell: Paintings from the Middle of the Last Century, 1953-1962
163712: Anfam, David - Espresionismo Abstraktua
180151: Anfray, Marcel - Cathedrale de Nevers Et Les Eglises Gothiques Du Nivernais
191208: Angelico, Fra - L'Angelico Affreschi a San Marco
174207: Angelini, Alessandro; Romano, Giovanni - Dal Trecento Al Seicento: Le Arti a Paragone
181908: Angulo Iniguez, Diego and Alfonso Emilio Perez Sanchez - A Corpus of Spanish Drawings, Volume Four, Valencia 1600 to 1700
173333: Animation-recherche-confrontation (Museum) - Ecouter Par Les Yeux: Objets Et Environnements Sonores
175130: Anker, Valentina and Maurice Pianzola - Max Bill
175065: Anna, Javor (editor) - Jankovich Miklós 1772-1846: Gyujtemenyei
176669: Annear, Judy - Lewis Morley
182114: Annina Nosei Gallery - Annina Nosei Gallery: Group Show 1985
181797: Anno, Kim and Tirza True Latimer - Kim Anno: Liquescent
174034: [Anon] - The North Somerset Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry 1850
178421: Anonymous - Posterity: Its Verdicts and Its Methods, or, Democracy A.D. 2100
191259: Anonymous - Pictorial Life of General Taylor, the Hero of Okee Chobee, Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, and Buena Vista. With Numerous Illustrative Anecdotes and Embellishments
192755: Anselmi, Gian Mario and Angela De Benedictis, et al. - Bologna: Cultural Crossroads from the Medieval to the Baroque: Recent Anglo-American Scholarship
200365: Anselmi, Gian Mario and Anna Maria Cabrini, et al. - Machiavelliana: Rivista Internazionale Di Studi Su Niccolo Machiavelli (Volume I)
179011: Anstine, Michele - Read House and Gardens: One Site, Many Stories
186598: Anthiaume, Albert - Cartes Marines, Constructions Navales, Voyages de Decouverte Chez Les Normands, 1500-1650, (2 Volumes)
180357: Anthony, Gordon and Arnold L. Haskell - Ballet
185800: Anthony, James R. - French Baroque Music from Beaujoyeulx to Rameau
175312: Anthony, Caro; Giovanni Carandente; Ian Barker - Caro at the Trajan Markets, Rome
182383: Anthony, Mary - The Dancing Line: Drawings by Alfred Van Loen
180346: Anthony, Gordon; Haskell, Arnold L.; 1903-1980 - Ballet
176298: Antonakos, Stephen and Irving Sandler - Antonakos: Gold Works, 2011
192191: Antonakos, Stephen - Stephen Antonakos: California Show
177535: Antonelli, Paola and Christiane Schneider - Jorge Pardo, the Fabric Workshop and Museum
201480: Antonio Gallego y Burín - Varia Velazquena; Homenaje a Velazquez En El III Centenario de Su Muerte, 1660-1960
176968: Antonio Francesco Oliviero; Vincenzo Valgrisi - La Alamanna
188908: Antony-Thouret, M. Pierre - Reims Au Lendemain de la Guerre
128702: Antresian, Garo; Clinton Adams - The Tamarind Book of Lithography: Art and Techniques
181589: Anzai, Shigeo - Anzai: Rodin, la Porte de L'Enfer
159137: Anzelewski, Fedja and R. Zijlma - Hollstein's German Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts: Volume XVII, Lucas Kilian to Philipp Kilian
178827: Anzelewski, Fedja and R. Zijlma - Hollstein's German Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts: Volume XVI, Hans Ludwig Kandtpaltung to Bartholomeus II Kilian
159136: Anzelewski, Fedja and R. Zijlma - Hollstein's German Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts: Volume XVI, Hans Ludwig Kandtpaltung to Bartholomeus II Kilian
159141: Anzelewski, Fedja and R. Zijlma - Hollstein's German Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts: Volume XXI, Georg Lang to Hans Leinberger
159126: Anzelewsky, Fedja and Robert Zijlma - Hollstein's German Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts: Volume IX, Andreas Frolich to Andreas Gentzsch
200193: Apfelbaum, Polly and Pierre Buraglio, et al. - Shirley Jaffe
200703: Apollinaire, Guillaume and Carlo Carra - I Pittori Cubisti
180881: Apollinaire, Guillaume - Zone
181718: Apollonio, Umbro - Artistas Italianos de Hoje Na 8a Bienal Do Museu de Arte Moderna de Sao Paulo- Brasil
175842: Appiani, Andrea and Giorgio Nicodemi - Appiani: 34 Disegni
174804: Aquino, de Flavio - Aspectos Da Pintura Brasileira: Aspects of Brazilian Painting
176074: Arabchikov, K N ; Ivan Korzhev - Ivan Korzhev : Sculpture
200174: Arakawa, Shusaku - Arakawa: Diagrams for the Imagination
175540: Arakawa, Shusaku; Mary Ann Caws; Maurizio Ferraris; Jean-Francois Lyotard - Arakawa: Padiglione D'Arte Contemporanea
200746: Araki, Nobuyoshi and Ivan Vartanian - The Banquet
179347: Arantes, Priscila: Louis-Jose Lestocart and Vitoria Daniela Bousso - Circuitos Paralelos: Retrospectiva Fred Forest / Circuits Paralleles: Retrospective Fred Forest
188046: Arata, Fiulio U. and Corrado Ricci - L'Architettura Arabo-Normanna E IL Rinascimento in Sicilia
187942: Arata, Giulio U. - L'Architettura Arabo-Normanna E IL Rinascimento in Sicilia
176428: Araujo, Vasco and John C. Welchman - Vasco Araujo
24527: Arbus, Doon (editor) - Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph
181204: Arbus, Doon; Israel, Marvin - Diane Arbus
176979: Arbus, Diane; Charlie Scheips and Steve Turner - Diane Arbus: Hubert's Museum Work 1958-1963
189744: Archaeological Institute of America - The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts, Volume VI
181094: Archer, Vicki and Carla Coulson - My French Life
187586: Archer, Lucy - Architecture in Britain and Ireland, 600-1500
177140: Arciprete, Caterina, Livio Sossi, Angela Tecce - Caterina Arciprete: L'Occhio Di Napoli/the Eye of Naples
182566: Ardenne de Tiraz, Henri D' and Roger Fry - Animals in Chinese Art
183769: Ardigo, A and A. Emiliani, et al. - Religione, Arte E Classi Subalterne: Ceramiche Devozionali in Emilia-Romagna
175878: Ardren, Traci - Flowers for the Earth Lord: Guatemalan Textiles from the Permanent Collection
183360: Areán González and Carlos Antonio - Figurative Painters in Spain Today. Pintores Figurativos En la Espana Actual
186986: Argan Carlo, Giulio and Luciano Berti, et al. - Leonardo: La Pittura
180605: Argus and Phillips - Important Nineteenth & Twentieth Century Photographs: Saturday, November 4 1978
180606: Argus and Phillips - Important Nineteenth & Twentieth Century Photographs: Wednesday, May 21 1980
180622: Argus and Phillips - Important Nineteenth & Twentieth Century Photographs: Saturday, April 29, 1978
200406: Arias Martinez, Manuel and Andrea Zezza, et al. - Otro Renacimiento: Artistas Espanoles En Napoles a Comienzo Del Cinquecento
183375: Arias-Misson, Alain: Jean Francois Bory et al. - Poesia Visiva Internazionale: A. Arias-Mission, J.F. Bory, H. Damen, P. De Vree, L. Marcucci, E. Miccini, L. Ori, M. Perfetti, Sarenco
191193: Ariduru, Ezgi and Merve Elveren, et al. - Cengiz Cekil: 21. 08. 1945-10. 11. 2015
173105: ARIOSTO, LUDOVICO - Orlando Furioso. Nouissimamente Alla Sua Integrita Ridotto & Ornato Di Varie Figure. Con Alcvne Stanze Del S. Aluigi Gonzaga in Lode Del Medes[I]Mo. Aggivntovi Pere Ciascvn Canto Alcune Allegorie & Nel Fine Vna Breue Espositione Et Tavola Di Tvtto Quello, Che Nell'Opera Si Contiene
173443: Ariosto, Ludovico and Alfons Kissner (Translator) - Kleinere Werke; Komodien, Lyrische, Gedichte (Rime), Satiren
200316: Aristodemo, Dina - Descrittione Di Tutti I Pasi Bassi: Ludovico Guicciardini (1521-1589) in de Ban Van de Lage Landen
185663: Aristophanes and Alan H. Sommerstein - Birds
180442: Arizzoli-Clementel, Pierre and Hubert de Givenchy - Georges Geffroy, 1905-1971: Une Legende Du Grand Decor Francais
183800: Arizzoli-Clementel, Pierre and Raphael Masson - Melanges Offerst a Pierre Arizzoli-Clementel
201004: Arma, Maurice - Maroc: Le Royaume Des Peintres
185503: Armandi, Marina and Cesare Leonardi - IL Duomo Di Modena: Atlante Fotografico
173167: Armitage, Merle - The Lithographs of Richard Day
175633: Armitage, Merle - The Work of Maier-Krieg
200191: Armstrong, Carol M. - Cezanne in the Studio: Still Life in Watercolors
145332: Armstrong, Elizabeth and Richard H. Axsom - Frank Stella: The Circuits Prints
201184: Armstrong, Carol - Scenes in a Library: Reading the Photograph in the Book, 1843-1875
181076: Arnac, Marcel - IM Tollhaus Der Freude
191915: Arnason, H.H. - Marca-Relli
175147: Arnaud, Noel - Jean Dubuffet, Gravures Et Lithographies
190772: Arnaud, Claude - Gabrielle Chanel: Fashion Manifesto
178326: Arndt, E.H.D. et al.; H. Parker Willis and B.H. Beckhart, ed - Foreign Banking Systems
189993: Arnell, Peter and Ted Bickford - Charles Gwathmey and Robert Siegel: Building and Projects, 1964-1985
171601: Arnold, Sir Edwin - Japonica
175399: Arnold, Grant, Martin Barnes, Vincent Honore, et al. - Scott Mcfarland
179488: Arnold, Augustus C.L. and Edward A. Samuels - The Living World: Containing Descriptions of the Several Races of Men, and All Species of Animals, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Etc. , Etc. With Numerous Anecdotes, Illustrative of Their Instincts, Reasoning Powers and Domestic Habits. (Two Volumes in One)
170678: Arnould, Alain - De la Production de Miniatures de Cornelia Van Wulfschkercke Au Couvent Des Carmélites de Sion à Bruges
187445: Arnow, Eileen - The Child with a Bent Spine
187443: Arnow, Eileen - The Family Name: A Cautionary Tale
187444: Arnow, Eileen - The Four Chairs
185849: Arom, Simha - African Polyphony and Polyrhythm: Musical Structure and Methodology
201293: Aronson, Julie and Barbara Dayer Gallati, et al. - Frank Duveneck: American Master
170893: Aronson, Chil - Art Polonais Moderne
181512: Arp, Jean - Arp: Avril Mai 1959, Galerie Denise Rene
179850: Arriva, Filippo - IL Conservatorio Di Musica San Pietro a Majella, Napoli
182897: Ars Libri, Ltd - Modern Art
178815: Ars Libri, Ltd - Early Art Literature: Catalogue 139
182071: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: December 1954, Series 5, No. 8
185950: Art History Institute in Florence - Italienische Forschungen, Erster Band
182063: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: February 1954, Series 5, No. 1
182072: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: July 1953, Series 4, No. 5
182073: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: August 1953, Series 4, No. 6
182077: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: November 1950, Series 2, No. 2
182078: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: January 1951, Series 2, No. 3
182079: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: March 1951, Series 2, No. 4
182080: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: April-May 1950, Series 2, No. 5
182091: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: May-June 1950, No. 10-11
182090: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: March 1950, No. 7-8
182084: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: December 1951, Series 3, No. 1
182094: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: October 1949, No. 3
182067: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: March-April 1954, Series 5, No. 2-3
182068: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: May-June 1954, Series 5, No. 4-5
182089: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: January 1950, No. 5
182087: Art d'Aujourd'hui - Art D'Aujourd'Hui - Revue D'Art Contemporain: August 1952, Series 3, No. 6
178814: Artcurial-Briest - Bibliothèque Gastronomique de M. Philippe Messager
177569: Arte Lombarda - Milanese Renaissance Art: 79th Annual Conference College Art Association, Washington-Philadelphia
182444: Arthur, Liz - The Unbroken Thread : A Century of Embroidery & Weaving at Glasgow School of Art
172282: Arthus-Bertrand, Yann and Janine Trotereau - Turkey from the Air
189593: Artists' Fund Society of Philadelphia - Catalogue of the Eighth Annual Exhibition of the Artists' Fund Society of Philadelphia, 1843
189590: Artists' Fund Society - Seventeenth Annual Report of the Artists' Fund Society of the City of New York, 1876-1877
189591: Artists' Fund Society - Thirteenth Annual Report of the Artists' Fund Society of the City of New York, 1872-73
189592: Artists' Fund Society - Twentieth Annual Report of the Artists' Fund Society of the City of New York, 1879-80
189588: Artists' Fund Society - Nineteenth Annual Report of the Artists' Fund Society of the City of New York, 1878-1879
197894: Artists' Fund Society of Philadelphia - Catalogue of the Fifth Annual Exhibition of the Artists' Fund Society of Philadelphia, 1840
189451: Artists' Fund Society - Eleventh Annual Report and Charter of the Artists's Fund Society of the City of New York. 1870-71
181922: Artmonsky, Ruth - Art for Everyone: Contemporary Lithographs Ltd
200570: 80 Langton Street (Gallery) and New Langton Arts - 80 Langton Street: June 1979 - April 1980
181241: Arts Council of Great Britain - The Works of James Ensor: An Exhibition Organized by the Arts Council of Great Britain
179274: Artz, Vincent R. - Pennsylvania Culture: The Arts, the Artists, the Audience (Volume One)
190983: Arundel, Thomas Howard; Charles Burney and Josiah Forshall - Catalogue of Manuscripts in the British Museum. New Series. Volume I. Part III, Index
192659: Arvidsson, Kristoffer and Martin Sundberg - Kanon: Perspektiv Pa Svensk Konsthistorieskrivning = Canon: Perspectives on Swedish Art Historiography
201422: Arvind Singh Mewar; Chase F Robinson; Dipti Khera; Debra Diamond; Molly Emma Aitken; Saloni Ghuwalewala; S Girikumar; Catherine Ann Glynn; John Stratton Hawley; Shikha Jain; Robin Owen Joyce; Shailka Mishra; Anuja Mukherjee; Bhasha Shah; Emma Natalya Stei - A Splendid Land : Paintings from Royal Udaipur
170173: Arwas, Victor - Alphonse Mucha: The Spirit of Art Nouveau
175306: Aryan, K.C. - Folk Bronzes of North-Western India
129548: Asami, Yoshiko and Akiko Kato (editors) - From Dream to Reality: The Iwasaki / Mitsubishi Collection
147754: Asano, Shugo et al. - Ukiyo-E: A Journey Through the Floating World
172691: Aschauer, Sophie - Josh Smith: Abstraction
183683: Asche, Sigfried - Balthasar Permoser: Leben Und Werk
175706: Asensio Cerver, Francisco - Industrail Design 10; European Masters 3
175695: Ash, James - The Art of Double Counting on the Lathe; Whereby a Variety of Patterns, in the Form of Ellipses, Triangles, Squares, Pentgons, Hexagons, and Octagons, 3,4,6 and 8-Looped Figures, Besides Others of a More Complex Character, May Be Produced by Means of the Common Eccentric Chuck, Used in Combination with the Division-Plate and the Eccentric and Elliptical Cutters
177177: Ashbee, C.R. - Frank Lloyd Wright: Ausgefuhrte Bauten
143422: Ashbery, John and Hilton Kramer and Karen Wilkin - Tibor de Nagy Gallery: The First Fifty Years, 1950-2000
179539: Ashencaen, Deborah and Gennady Leonov - Art of Buriatia: Buddhist Icons from Southern Siberia
186501: Ashford, Faith - Things Unseen; a Book of Verse
6461: Ashton, Dore - A Joseph Cornell Album
182506: Ashton, Dore - Theodoros Stamos (1922-1997)
164189: Ashton, Dore and Robert Doty - Stephen Greene: A Decade of Painting
177209: Ashton, Dore and Theodore Wolff - Joseph Solman
176340: Ashton, Dore and Tony Martin - Tony Martin: Paintings, 1992-1993
184205: Askew, Pamela - Caravaggio's Death of the Virgin
182236: Aslin, Elizabeth - The Aesthetic Movement: Prelude to Art Nouveau
200188: Aspesi, Lucia and Fiammetta Griccioli, et al. - Daniel Steegmann Mangrane: A Leaf-Shaped Animal Draws the Hand
188476: Aspinwall, Jane Lee; Keith F Davis; Julián Zugazagoitia - Golden Prospects
178791: Assenmacher-Schunk, Dietlinde - Hanns Bail: Werke 1949-1989
6244: Associated American Artists, NY: Feb. 28 to Mar. 26, 1966 - The Architecture of Lyonel Feininger
19820: Associated American Artists, NY: Oct. 26 to Dec. 7, 1995 - Ana Mercedes Hoyos: Recent Painting
23427: Associated American Artists, NY:1970 - Max Weber Lithographs
7126: Associated American Artists, NY: 1972 - Will Barnet: Etchings, Lithographs, Woodcuts, Serigraphs, 1932 -1972 a Catalogue Raisonne with 1979 Supplement
183344: Associated American Artists - Martha Jackson Gallery, 1953 to 1979: Including Appel, Fontana, Francis, Gorky, Gottlieb, Hofmann, Jenkins, Jensen, Mithcell, Nevelson, Tapies
185274: Associated American Artists - Mario Avati: Mezzotints
19341: Associated American Artists, NY: Jan. 13 to Feb. 26, 1994 - Adolph Gottlieb: The Complete Prints
174991: Association francaise pour la diffusion du patrimoine photographique - Patrimoine: Photographique Catalogue
181071: Association Artistique et Litteraire - Versailles Illustre, Tome Troisieme, Avril 1898 - Mars 1899
182161: Association sud-africaine des arts - Exposition de Tableaux, de Dessins Et de Sculpture Sud-Africains: PréCédée D'Une Série de Peintures Historiques
172592: Astin, Bruce A. - Frans Wildenhain, 1950-75: Creative and Commercial American Ceramics at Mid-Century
174606: Aterido, Angel, Arturo Anson Navarro - El Timpo de la Pintura: Maestros Espanoles de Los Siglos XVI Al XIX
200233: Athanassoglou-Kallmyer, Nina - Cezanne and Provence: The Painter and His Culture
21395: Athens, Greece: Benaki Museum, Oct. 20, 2000 to Jan. 20, 2001 - Mother of God: Representations of the Virgin in Byzantine Art
179773: Atherton, Graeme and Rick Wilkinson - Beyond the Flame: The Story of Australia's North West Shelf Natural Gas Project
185677: Atil, Esin (editor) - Islamic Art & Patronage: Treasuries from Kuwait
167191: Atil, Esin - Suleymanname: The Illustrated History of Suleyman the Magnificent
171442: Atiya, Aziz Suryal - The Arabic Manuscripts of Mount Sinai
187524: Atkinson, Margaret A. S. - To the Water's Edge; Skillman, Galley, Atkinson and Allied Families
201272: Atoui, Tarek and Robin K. Williams, et al. - Tarek Atoui: The Whisperers
188763: Aubenas, Sylvie; Jacques Lacarriere - Travel to the Orient
189664: Aubert, Marcel - L'Art Francais a L'Epoque Romane; Architecture Et Sculpture: Volume III, Bourgogne
185399: Aubin, Joseph-Marius-Alexis; Ernest-Theodore Hamy - Recherches Historiques Et Archeologiques: Premiere Partie: Histoire
173686: Aubrun, Marie-Madeleine - L'école de la Nature Inspirée Par Barbizon
186312: Audin, Marius - Le Livre, Son Illustration, Sa Decoration
189252: Audsley, W. & G. - Polychromatic Decoration As Applied to Buildings in the Medieval Styles
188750: Auer, Michele; Michel Auer - International Encyclopedia of Photographers from 1839 to the Present Day(2 Volumes)
200195: Auerbach, Frank - Frank Auerbach, Frank & Julia
192806: Auffenberg-Bruck, Natalija - Dalmacija I Njena Narodna Umjetnost
191691: Aufleger, Otto - Altare Und Skulpturen Des Munsters Zu Salem
190086: Augustinus, Aurelius Heiliger: Bernhard Dombart; Carl Weyman and Anna Simons - S. Avrelii Augustini de Civitate Dei Libri XXII
185990: Augusto Cardoso Pinto, J. F. da Silva Nascimento - Cadeiras Portuguesas
200247: Augustyn, Wolfgang (Editor) and Iris Lauterbach (Editor), et al. - Zi 75: Das Zentralinstitut Fur Kunstgeschichte in Munchen: Zum 75-Jahrigen Bestehen
201231: Aujoulat, Norbert - The Splendour of Lascaux: Rediscovering the Greatest Treasure of Prehistoric Art
171978: Ault, Julie - Come Alive!: The Spirited Art of Sister Corita
128308: Aumonier, W. (ed.) - Modern Architectural Sculpture
187995: Auquier, Philippe and Pierre Puget - Pierre Puget: Decorateur Naval Et Mariniste
182170: Ausstellung - Kulturelle Plakate Der Schweiz
173986: Austen, John and Lord Byron - Don Juan by Lord Byron
181359: Austin, Leisa and Dale Chihuly, et al. - Dale Chihuly and Italo Scanga
185205: Austin Lowell, George - The History of Massachusetts from the Landing of the Pilgrims to the Present Time
181493: Autori Vari - Russische Avantgarde - "Eine Ohrfeige Dem öffentlichen Geschmack" : [Katalog Anlässlich Der Ausstellung Russische Avantgarde - "Eine Ohrfeige Dem ôffentlichen Geschmack"]
185028: Auwaerter, John E. and John Sears - Historic Resource Study for Muir Woods National Monument: Golden Gate National Recreation Area
178936: Avagnina, Mario and Margherita Guccione - Maxxi Materia Grigia: IL Racconto Della Construzione
180489: Avedon, Richard. Versace, Gianni - The Naked & the Dressed : 20 Years of Versace
163828: Avery, Kevin J. and Franklin Kelly - Hudson River School Visions: The Landscapes of Sanford R. Gifford
16124: Avery, Milton and Sally Michel Avery - Milton Avery: Still Life Paintings
181471: Avila, Alin - Les Cahiers de L'Art Mineur, No. 7: Steinlen
175298: Ayers, John - The Baur Collection, Geneva: Chinese Ceramics, Monochrome-Glazed Porcelains of the Ch'Ing Dynasty Volume III
183516: Ayre, Robert - Louis Muhlstock
179601: Ayscough, Florence - Chinese Women Yesterday and Today
181420: Ayyar Kirshna, K.V. - A Short History of Kerala
170285: Azadi, Siawosch U., Latif Kerimov, and Werner Zollinger - Azerbaijani-Caucasian Rugs: The Ulmke Collection, Switzerland
177239: Azari, Shoja and Shirin Neshat - Shirin Neshat: 2002-2005
190067: Azcue y Mancera, Luis: Manuel Toussaint and Justino Fernandez - Catalogo de Construcciones Religiosas Del Estado de Hidalgo Volume I & II
175431: Azevedo, Beatriz - Peripatetico: Poemas
170659: Azoulay, Isabelle - Martin Eder: Der Blasse Tanz/the Pale Dance
122518: Baarsen, Reinier et al. - Het Nederlandse Binnenhuis Gaat Zich Te Buiten: Internationale Invloeden Op de Nederlandse Wooncultuur
127500: Baarsen, Reiner; Dirk Jan Biemond, et al. - Rococo in Nederland
187086: Baarsen, Reiner and Jan Daan van Dam, et al. - De Lelijke Tijd: Pronkstukken Van Nederlandse Interieurkunst, 1835-1895
200952: Baas, Jacquelynn - Fluxus and the Essential Questions of Life
171349: Babaeva, Elizaveta E. - Vek Prosveshcheniia: Le Siecle Des Lumieres, Vol. I.
725: Babcock Galleries, NY: 1989 - Traditions: Babcock Galleries and American Art
188572: Babelon, Ernst - Le Tresor D'Argenterie de Berthouville
181234: Baca, Elmo and Suzanne Deats - Santa Fe Design
201247: Bacchi, Andrea and Luca Mattedi - Italian Paintings: Federico Zeri E IL Metropolitan Museum (1948-1988)
172962: Bacchi, Andrea - Rinascimento Privato": The Adventures of a Renaissance Sculpture: Antonio Minello's Apollo from Padua to Rome and Vienna
176075: Bacchi, Andrea, Simone Aleandri, Roberto Cobianchi - Novecento: Italian Twentieth-Century Sculpture and Decorative Arts
183808: Bacchi, Andrea and Silvia Massari - Antonio Trentanove E la Scultura Del Settecento in Romagna
192524: Bacci, Andrea - Del Tevere Di M. Andrea Bacci Medico Et Filosofo, Libri Tre, Ne' Quali Si Tratta Della Natura, & Bonta Dell' Acque Antiche Di Roma, Del Nilo, Del Po, Dell' Arno, & D'Altri Fonti, & Fiumi Del Mondo
183633: Bacci, Domenico - Cenni Biografici E Religiosita Di Poggio Bracciolini
187172: Bache, Jules S. - A Catalogue of Paintings in the Collection of Jules S. Bache
200254: Bachelin Deflorenne, Antoine - Le Bibliophile Francais: Gazette Illustree Des Amateurs de Livres, D'Estampes Et de Haute Curiosite: Tome Premier
200255: Bachelin Deflorenne, Antoine - Le Bibliophile Francais: Gazette Illustree Des Amateurs de Livres, D'Estampes Et de Haute Curiosite: Tome Second
201201: Bacher, Fred - Tension: A Book About Family Relationships
121185: Bacigalupi, Don et al. - Toledo Museum of Art: Masterworks
180180: Backe-Dahmen, Annika, et al. - Greek Vases : Gods, Heroes and Mortals
200213: Bacon, Alex - Al Held: Black and White Paintings, 1967-1969
181051: Bacon, Edward R. and John Getz - Catalogue of Chinese Art Objects, Including Porcelains, Potteries, Jades, Bronzes, and Cloisonne Enamels
182216: Bacot, Jacques - Decoration Tibetaine
188744: Bacot, E.; A de Brébisson ; A Humbert de Molard - E. Bacot, A. De Brébisson, A. Humbert de Molard
177568: Bacou, Roseline - Le Xvie Siecle Europeen Peintures Et Dessins Dans Les Collections Publiques Francaises
170957: Bacou, Roseline - Millet Dessins
184655: Badeley, J.F. - Bookplates: Being a Lecture Delivered to the Print Collectors' Club on Wednesday November 18th 1925
201077: Badertscher, Amos and Tyler Curtain - Amos Badertscher: Baltimore Portraits
188685: Badger, Gerry and Andy Grundberg - Landscape Stories: Jem Southam
200220: Badt, Kurt - The Art of Cezanne
189848: Baedeker, Karl - The Rhine from Rotterdam to Constance: Handbook for Travel
183552: Baedeker, Karl - Nordbayern, Franken, Oberpfalz, Niederbayern, Bayerischer Und Bohmer Wald Bohmische Grenzgebiete: Handbuch Fur Reisende
183551: Baedeker, Karl - Berlin Und Umgebung: Handbuch Fur Reisende
178920: Baedeker, Karl - Russland: Europäisches Russland, Eisenbahnen in Russ. Asien, Teheran, Peking
173640: Baehr, Stephen Lessing - The Paradise Myth in Eighteenth-Century Russia: Utopian Patterns in Early Secular Russian Literature and Culture
201056: Baer, Kurt and Hugo Rudinger - Architecture of the California Missions
182380: Baer, C.H. - 120 Interiors in Colours Designed by Modern Artists
178822: Baer, Joseph - Bucheinbände: Bookbindings, Historical and Decorative: Katalog 740 & Katalog 770
175989: Baertling, Olle - Punkt, Linie, Form, Fläche, Raum, Farbe: Zeitpunkt Paris 1950-1959
190148: Baessler, Arthur and Augustus H. Keane - Ancient Peruvian Art; Contributions to the Archaeology of the Empire of the Incas. Parts 1-15
172718: Baeyer, Emanuel von - Sense and Perception Artists Books, Works on Paper, Writings and Ephemera of the Last 85 Years
189144: Bagatti Valsecchi , Giuseppe and Pietro Toesca - La Casa Artistica Italiana. La Casa Bagatti Valsecchi in Milano, Architettura E Interni Nello Stile Del Quattrocento E Del Cinquecento Di Fausto E Giuseppe Bagatti Valsecchi Di Belvignate, Arredi Dal Secolo XIV Al XVI: Porte, Camini, Sculture, Soffitti, Mobili, Intagli, Bronzi, Armi, Ferri, Maioliche, Gioielli, Avori, Vetri, Ricami, Arazzi, Cvoi, Miniature, Quadri, Affreschi, Istr, Musicali, Etc.
148039: Bagnoli, Martina e al - Treasures of Heaven: Saints, Relics, and Devotion in Medieval Europe
162434: Bagunyà, Lluis; Anna Fàbregas; Luca Marziali; - Futurismo 1909-1916
171414: Baier, Lesley K. - Walker Evans at Fortune: 1945-1965
1544: Baigell, Mathew - Albert Bierstadt
172755: Bailey, Francis - Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
186487: Bailey, Colin; Philip Conisbee; Thomas W Gaehtgens - Meisterwerke Der Französischen Genremalerei : IM Zeitalter Von Watteau, Chardin Und Fragonard
184771: Bailey, Thomas R. - Immigrant and Native Workers: Contrasts and Competition
181138: Bailey, Chris H. - Clock Decorating Stencils of Mid-19th Century Connecticut
200278: Bailleux, Nathalie and Pierre Soulages - Les Derniers Soulages: 2010-2022
183714: Bailly, Xavier and Didier Cry - Notre-Dame D'Amiens Au Fil Du Regard / a Look Along Notre-Dame D'Amiens
177062: Baily, J.T. Herbert - George Morland: A Biographical Essay
181847: Baiquan, Liang - Yixing Purple Clay Ware
183038: Baird, Henry Carey - Gothic Album for Cabinet Makers: Comprising a Collection of Designs for Gothic Furniture. Illustrated by Twenty-Three Large and Beautifully Engraved Plates
165965: Baird, Henry Carey - Cabinet Maker's Album of Furniture; Comprising a Collection of Designs for the Newest and Most Elegant Styles of Furniture
188664: Bajac, Quentin and Dominique de Font-Reaulx - Le Daguerreotype Francais: Un Objet Photographique
188109: Bajot, Edouard - Profils Et Tournages. 2e Serie, Recueil de Documentys de Styles Gothique, Francois Ier, Henri II, Henri III, Henri IV, Louis IV, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Empire
184949: Baker Pierce, George - Charles Dickens and Maria Beadnell: Private Correspondence
171307: Baker, T.F.T (Editor0 - A History of the County of Middlesex, Volume IX: Hampstead and Paddington Parishes
177666: Baker, Edward C. Stuart - The Nidification of Birds of the Indian Empire (Vol I, II, III)
191452: Baker, Nicholas J. (Compiled and Edited by) - The Artistic Legacy of John Prentiss Benson - Volume I, II & III, 3 Volume Set
185812: Baker, David: Lida Belt Baker and Herman Hudson - The Black Composer Speaks
185774: Baker, James M. - The Music of Alexander Scriabin
187679: Baker, William S. - William Sharp, Engraver; with a Descriptive Catalogue of His Works
183462: Baker Collins, C.H. - Lely and the Stuart Portrait Painters. A Study of English Portraiture Before and After Van Dyck
191218: Baker-Stanley, Joan - Mokuhan: The Woodcuts of Munakata and Matsubara
180397: Bakst, Léon, 1866-1924. Prushan, Irina. Diachenko, Sergei - Léon Bakst : Bühnenbild- Und Kostümentwürfe, Buchgrafik, Malerei Und Grafik
179844: Balanenko, IUrii I.; Berezin, Aleksandr - Moscow
181506: Balasubrahmanyan, Suchitra and Sharmila Sagara - Ahmedabad 600: Portraits of a City
187988: Baldacci, Paolo; Cécile Debray ; Ilaria Cicali ; Annabelle Görgen ; Cécile Girardeau ; Giovanni Lista ; Federica Rovati ; Laurence Des Cars ; Alexander Klar - Giorgio de Chirico: Metaphysical Painting
182769: Baldacci, Paolo and Philippe Daverio (editors) - Futurisim: 1911-1918
179315: Baldi, Renato - La Cornice Fiorentina E Senese Storia E Tecniche Di Restauro
121986: Baldini, Umberto and Ornella Casazza - The Brancacci Chapel
179667: Baldini, Umberto and Ornella Casazza - La Cappella Brancacci
178553: Baldwin, William C and Paul A. Rodebaugh - Chester County Post Card Album II
184911: Baldwin, Alice M. - The New England Clergy and the American Revolution
185474: Balfour, John Hutton - The Plants of the Bible
200291: Baliszewski, Mikolaj - Przebvdzeni: Ruiny Antyku I Narodziny Wloskiego Renesansu
162519: Balken, Debra Bricker - Mark Tobey: Threading Light
190784: Ball, Hermann and Paul Graupe - Die Sammlung Dr. Leopold Seligmann, Koln: Eingeleitet Von Paul Clemen, Otto Von Falke Und Georg Swarzenski
187256: Ball, Terence and Richard Bellamy (editor) - Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought
181416: Ballard, Ellis Ames - Original Etchings by Joseph Pennell: From the Collection of the Late Ellis Aimes Ballard Part III
191412: Ballardini, Gaetano - L'Eridita Ceramistica Dell'Antico Mondo Romano
183757: Ballarin, Alessandro - The Risen Christ: Titian 1511
197543: Ballarin, Alessandro and Sarah Ferrari - The Origins and Developments of Jacopo Bassano's Biblical Pastoral Painting
172864: Ballbona, Joan Bosch - Alba Daurada: L'Art Del Retaule a Catalunya
200791: Ballen, Roger - Asylum of the Birds
716: Ballinger, James K. - Beyond the Endless River: Western American Drawings and Watercolors of the Nineteenth Century
180117: Ballon, Hilary - The Paris of Henri IV : Architecture and Urbanism
179690: Balog, G.P. and A.M. Mukhin - Alexander Pushkin and His Time in the Fine Arts of the First Half of the 19th Century
168415: Balpinar, Belkis and Udo Hirsch - Flatweaves of the Vakiflar Museum, Istanbul =: Flachgewebe Des Vakiflar-Museums, Istanbul
176496: Balthasar Moncornet - XI. Balthasar Moncornet, Livre Nouveau de Toutes Sortes D'Ouvrages D'Orfevries (Quaritch's Reprints of Rare Books)
200634: Baltz, Lewis and Mark Haworth-Booth - San Quentin Point
181022: Balzac, Honore de and Paul Avril - Le Peche Veniel
159847: Bambach, Carmen C. (editor) - The Drawings of Bronzino
192702: Banco do Brasil. Centro Cultural.; Biblioteca Nacional (Brazil) - A Coleção Do Imperador : Fotografia Brasileira E Estrangeira No Século XIX
171588: Bancroft, Shelly and Peter T. Nesbett - Maurizio Cattelan Is Dead: Life & Work, 1960-2009
201543: Bancroft, Sarah C. et al. - Richard Diebenkorn: The Ocean Park Series
196965: Bancroft, Sarah C. et al. - Richard Diebenkorn: The Ocean Park Series
188216: Bandinelli Bianchi, Ranuccio and Antonio Giuliano - Les Etrusques Et L'Italie Avant Rome
186179: Bandy, Anastasius C; Anastasios K Orlandos - Vol. 10, P. 1, the Greek Christian Inscriptions of Crete, IV-IX A.D.
176015: Banier, Marie-Francois - Grandes Chaleurs
175471: Banning, Jan - Bouwwerk: Mensen Maken Het Museum
188781: Bannon, Anthony - The Taking of Niagara: A History of the Falls in Photography
103639: Bantel, Linda and Peter H. Hassrick - Forging an American Identity: The Art of William Ranney, with a Catalogue of His Works
200144: Banvard, John - The Origin of the Building of Solomon's Temple: An Oriental Tradition
172379: Baofang Hu - Shanghai, 1911-1949: Photographies Du Musee D'Histoire de Shanghai
183361: Bar, Johann - Unpartheyisches Gesang-Buch, Enthaltend Geistreiche Lieder Und Psalmen, Zum Allgemeinen Gebrauch Des Wahren Gottesdienstes
200403: Baranano, Kosme de and William Tucker - Tucker
201447: Barbara Haskell - Grant Wood, American Gothic and Other Fables
201449: Barbara Pollack; Ch'ang-ny l Kim - Kim Tschang-Yeul
201511: Barbara M Zucker; Madelyn Feldman - Abortion
191698: Barbeck, Hugo - Alt-Nurnberg. Kulturgeschichtliche Bilder Aus Nurnbergs Vergangenheit (14 Parts)
184382: Barber, John Warner ; Henry Howe - Historical Collections of the State of New York : Containing a General Collection of the Most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &C. Relating to Its History and Antiquities, with Geographical Descriptions of Every Township in the State ; Illustrated by 230 Engravings
177217: Barber, Red - The Broadcasters
201132: Barber, Stephen - Muybridge: The Eye in Motion
184027: Barber, John Warner - Interesting Events in the History of the United States: Being a Selection of the Most Important and Interesting Events Which Have Transpired Since the Discovery of This Country to the Present Time
181149: Barber Atlee, Edwin - Catalogue of Mexican Maiolica Belonging to Mrs. Robert W. De Forest
172025: Barberie, Peter - Zoe Strauss: 10 Years
190005: Barbet de Jouy, M. and Jules-Ferdinad Jacquemart - Les Gemmes Et Joyaux de la Couronne Au Musee Du Louvre
189580: Barbier, Antoine-Alexandre; Olivier Alexandre Barbier ; Paul Billard ; René Billard ; Joseph Marie Quérard - Dictionary of Anonymous Works (5 Volumes)
189601: Barbier de Montault, Xavier - La Bibliotheque Vaticane Et Ses Annexes: Le Musee Chretien, la Salle Des Tableaux Du Moyen Age, Les Chambres Borgia, Etc.
200965: Barbier, Antoine-Alexandre and Olivier Barbier, et al. - Dictionnaire Des Ouvrages Anonymes
188069: Barbier, Emile - Voyage Au Pays Des Dollars
136556: Barcal, Alexandra - Between the Lines: Graphikfolgen Von Louise Bourgeois
162836: Barco, Carolina et al. - Threaded Words : Works by Olga de Amaral
170985: Bardaouil, Sam and Till Fellrath - Mona Hatoum: Turbulence
173779: Bardi, P.M. - Marino Marini: Graphic Work and Paintings
180126: Bareau-Wilson, Juliet and John House, et al. - Manet: The Execution of Maximilian, Painting, Politics and Censorship
190815: Bared, Robert and Pascal Quignard - Le Livre Dans la Peinture
184388: Barfield, Thomas J. - The Perilous Frontier: Nomadic Empires and China
168825: Barger III, John William et a. - Dali & Schiaparelli
29619: Barger, M. Susan, and William B. White - The Daguerreotpye: Nineteenth-Century Technology and Modern Science
188860: Barger, M. Susan and William B. White - The Daguerreotype: Nineteenth-Century Technology and Modern Science
170357: Bargiel, Rejane and Christophe Zagrodzki - Steinlen Plakate: Oeuvrekatalog
171973: Barilli, Renato, Flavio Caroli, Concetto Pozzati, Daniel Abadie, et al. - Anniottanta
174411: Barilli, Renato - Le Otra Escultura: Treinta Anos de Escultura Italiana
175612: Barker, Virgil - Henry Lee Mcfee
173534: Barker, George, Bernard Denvir, Paul Nash, Peter Goffin, et al. - Counterpoint, Volume One
190272: Barker, Richard Hindry - Mr. Cibber of Drury Lane
176919: Barmann, Angelika and Giuseppe Santomaso - Giuseppe Santomaso: Bilder 1986-1989
174190: Barmann, Matthias - Erker-Presse St. Gallen Die Bibliophilen Bucher
175876: Barme, Geremie - China: The Photographs of Lois Conner
176418: Barnard, Harry - Wedgwood Chats by Barnard
185063: Barnard, Daniel D. - A Discourse on the Life, Services and Character of Stephen Van Rensselaer
175321: Barnard, Noel and Douglas Fraser - Early Chinese Art and Its Possible Influence in the Pacific Basin (3 Volumes)
178987: Barnard, Francis Pierrepont; Shepard, Thomas - Arms & Blazons of the Colleges of Oxford
172009: Barnes, Martin, Hilde Pauwels, Denise Wolff - Hellen Van Meene: The Years Shall Run Like Rabbits
179766: Barnes Foundation - Matisse in the Barnes Foundation - 3 Volume Set
174636: Barnes, Lucinda, Marilu Knode, Mark Francis, et al. - Tony Cragg: Sculpture, 1975-1990
174949: Barnet, Will: Joseph W. Lampo and Avis Berman - Will Barnet: At the Arkansas Arts Center: A Centennial Exhibition
201277: Barney, Matthew and Isabelle Dervaux, et al. - Subliming Vessel: The Drawings of Matthew Barney
179612: Barnhart, Richard M. and Qian-Shen Bai - The Jade Studio: Masterpieces of Ming and Qing Painting and Calligraphy from the Wong Nan-Ping Collection
7607000001: Barnhill, Georgia - Wild Impressions: The Adirondacks on Paper. Prints in the Collection of the Adirondack Museum
185154: Barnum, P.T. - The Wild Beasts, Birds and Reptiles of the World: The Story of Their Capture
145857: Baron, Armelle and Christian Sarramon - Axel Vervoordt: Timeless Interiors
173155: Baron, Francoise, Francois Avril, Philippe Chapu, Francoise Perot, Danielle Gaborit-Chopin - Les Fastes Du Gothique le Siecle de Charles V.
190660: Baron Ferdinand Paul Wilhelm von Richthofen - Baron Richthofen's Letters, 1870-1872
181897: Baroni, Daniele - I Mobili Di Gerrit Thomas Rietveld
182053: Baroni, Daniele, Antonio D'Auria - Josef Offman Und Die Wiener Werkstatte
189363: Barqui, Ferdinand Joseph Hippolyte - L'Architecture Moderne En France: Maisons Les Plus Remarquables Des Principales Villes Des Departements; Plans, Coupes, Elevations, Details de Construction, Etc.
33360: Barquist, David L. - American Tables and Looking Glasses in the Mabel Brady Garvan and Other Collections at Yale University
12636: Barr, Alfred Jr. - Cubism and Abstract Art
176584: Barr, Alfred Jr. - Cubism and Abstract Art
176583: Barr, Alfred Jr. - Cubism and Abstract Art
175367: Barral i Altet, Xavier; Alicia Cornet i Arilla; Santi Barjau - El Palau Nacional de Montjuic: Cronica Grafica
187688: Barrera, Albert; Charles G Leland - A Dictionary of Slang, Jargon & Cant Embraching English, American and Anglo-Indian Slang, Pidgin English, Tinker's Jargon and Other Irregular Phraseology
192549: Barres, Maurice - Un Jardin Sur L'Oronte
180512: Barrett, Douglas E. and John Guy - Indian Art and Connoisseurship: Essays in Hounor of Douglas Barrett
200897: Barrett, William Cary - Oral Pathology and Practice: A Text-Book for the Use of Students in Dental Colleges and a Hand-Book for Dental Practitioners
186599: Barretti, Giuseppe; Samuel Johnson and Mason William - The Ear-Wig; or an Old Woman's Remarks on the Present Exhibition of Pictures of the Royal Academy: Preceded by a Petit Mot Pour Rire, Instead of a Preface. Including Anecdotes of Characters Well Known Amongts the Painter, Observations on the Causes of the Decline of the Arts; a Description of the Buildings of Somerset-House, and the Apartments Occupied by the Royal Academy / a Guide Through the Royal Academy / an Epistle to Dr. Shebbeare: To Which Is Added to an Ode to Sir Fletcher Norton, in Imitation of Horace, Ode VIII, Book IV
176063: Barrington, Russell Mrs - The Life, Letters and Work of Frederic Leighton, Volume II
175314: Barron, Don - Creativity 10: A Photographic Review
176997: Barros de, Fabiana - Aberto, Open, Ouvert: Fiteiro Cultural
182191: Barros, Ricardo and Nick Capasso - Facing Sculpture: A Portfolio of Portraits, Sculpture, and Related Ideas
200757: Barrow, Thomas F. - Light & Substance
178533: Barry Davies Oriental Art - The Netsuke Collection of W.G. Bosshard, Part 1: An Exhibition of Important Netsuke
201445: Barry Thomas Malin - Russell Craig Dark Reflections
181059: Barson, Tanya and Kate Macfarlane - La Escuela Peripatetica: Dibujo Itinerante de America Latina
201516: Bart Anderswon - The Sharples-Sharpless Family Volume 1-3
17679: Barter, Judith A.; Erica E Hirshler; Art Institute (Chicago, Ill.); et al. - Mary Cassatt: Modern Woman
170862: Barth, Malin - Carlos Emilio: Innerscapes
184523: Barth, John - The Floating Opera
180965: Bartis, Peter; Hillary Glatt - Folklife Sourcebook : A Directory of Folklife Resources in the United States and Canada
184498: Bartlett, Charles H.; Richard H. Lyon - La Salle in the Valley of the St. Joseph, an Historical Fragment
182308: Bartlett, W.H.; B.B. Woodward - The History of the United States of North America; from the Discovery of the Western World to the Present Day
179180: Bartning, Otto - Die Stahl Kirche
180118: Bartolini, Simone - Gli Strumenti Astronomici Di Egnazio Danti E la Misura Del Tempo in Santa Maria Novella
189942: Bartolommeo, Fra - Disegni Di Baccio Della Porta Detto Fra Bartolommeo
175338: Barton, Alfred; H.P. Mera; Joe Ben Wheat - The Alfred I. Barton Collection of Southwestern Textiles
200991: Bartoschek, Gerd and Florentine Dietrich, et al. - Der Maler Franz Kruger 1797-1857: Preussisch Korrekt -- Berlinisch Gewitzt : Eine Ausstellung Der Stiftung Preussische Schlosser Und Garten Berlin-Brandenburg Und Der Nationalgalerie Und Des Kupferstichkabinetts Der Staatlichen Museen Zu Berlin - Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz
175359: Bartram, Alan - Five Hundred Years of Book Design
199318: Bartsch, Adam von ; Walter L. Strauss - The Illustrated Bartsch. (103 Volumes of a Possible 110 or 111)
189658: Bartsch Von, Adam - Anleitung Zur Kupferstichkunde
187022: Bartsch, Adam von ; Walter L. Strauss - The Illustrated Bartsch. (109 Volumes of a Possible 110 or 111)
177219: Baruch, Bernard - Baruch: My Own Story
177218: Baruch, Bernard M. - Baruch, the Public Years
170991: Barzanti, Roberto and Silvia Calamandrei - Dolce Patria Nostra: La Toscana Di Piero Calamandrei
192788: Barzman, Karen-edis - The Florentine Academy and the Early Modern State: The Discipline of Disegno
166010: Basker, James G., Sandra Trenholm, Susan Saidenberg, and Justine Ahlstrom - John Brown: The Abolitionist & His Legacy
175303: Baskett, John - The Horse in Art
171387: Baskett, Mary W. - The Art of June Wayne
174320: Baskin, Leonard - Demons, Imps & Fiends
192169: Baskin, Leonard and Eric Gill - Announcing a New Broadside & Listing Those Titles Recent & Old Which Are to Be Had from the Gehenna Press
200920: Bassan, Nessim - The Unimaginable Worlds of Perfection: Nessim Bassan
187716: Bassani, Ezio And William B. Fagg - Africa and the Renaissance: Art in Ivory
201068: Bassham, Ben L. - The Theatrical Photographs of Napoleon Sarony
172356: Bassham, Ben - The Lithographs of Robert Riggs, with a Catalogue Raisonne
200162: Bastek, Grazyna (Editor) and Monika Janisz (Editor) - Stan Rzeczy
174615: Bastian, Aeneas - Anton Henning: Chapardages, Style & Volupte
167121: Basualdo, Carlos, Francoise Nora-Cachin and Barbara Chase-Riboud - Barbara Chase-Riboud : Malcolm X: Complete
191139: Bataille, Georges and Jean-Pierre Faye, et al. - Opus International: Duchamp Et Apres, No. 49
200621: Batchelder, Ernest A. - Design in Theory and Practice
185518: Bate, Percy - The English Pre-Raphaelite Painters: Their Associates and Successors
186532: Bates, Samuel P. - History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-5: Prepared in Compliance with Acts of the Legislature (5 Volumes)
200944: Baudelaire, Charles and Jacques Crepet, et al. - Correspondance Generale: Complete Set
180779: Baudelaire, Charles - The Mirror of Baudelaire
171003: Baudez, Basile and Dominique Massounie - Chalgrin Et Son Temps: Architectes Et Architecture de L'Ancien Regime a la Revolution
172342: Baudin-Reneau, Katia - Fernand Leger: Painting in Space
189607: Baudoin, Henri - Catalogue Des Objets D'Art Et D'Ameublement Du Xviiie Siecle Et Autres: Porcelaines de Chine Et Du Japon, de Sevres Et D'Allemagne; Faiences - Objets Varies. Sculptures Bronzes, Pendules. Sieges Et Meubles. Tapisseries - Tapis. Tableaux Anciens Et Modernes
188845: Baudot, Anatold de and Anatole Perrault-Dabot - Archives de la Commission Des Monuments Historiques. Tome II, Normandie, Bretagne, Anjou, Poitou
175584: Baudouin, Frans - Middelheim: Das Plastik-Museum IM Freien
186684: Bauer, Wolfgang - The Bel Etage Gallery Exhibiting at the Tefaf New York Spring 2018, 4-8 May 2018
192219: Bauer, Friedrich - Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology
179199: Bauer, Wolfgang - Bel Etage: The Bel Etage Gallery Exhibiting at the European Fine Art Fair Tefaf 2016 in Maastricht, 11 - 20 March 2016
180210: Bauer, Oswald Georg - Richard Wagner, Die Buhnenwerke Von Der Urauffuhrung Bis Heute
183086: Baugher, Sherene; Richard F Veit; Michael S Nassaney - The Archaeology of American Cemeteries and Gravemarkers
172081: Baum, Peter - Karl Korab
190681: Baum, Kelly and Randall R Griffey - Alice Neel: Las Personas Primero
191482: Baumann, Ludwig Franz - Geschichte Des Allgaus, Volume Three
191480: Baumann, Ludwig Franz - Geschichte Des Allgaus, Volume One
173567: Baume, Nicholas, Jen Mergel, Lawrence Weschler - Tara Donovan
173566: Baume, Nicholas, Jen Mergel, Lawrence Weschler - Tara Donovan
175011: Baume, Nicholas - Kai Kein Respekt : Kai No Respect
179103: Baumeister, Willi - Das Unbekannte in Der Kunst
172184: Baumgartel, Bettina - Himmlisch Herrlich Hofisch: Peter Paul Rubens, Johann Wilhelm Von Der Pfalz, Anne Maria Luisa de' Medici
174611: Baumstark, Reinhold, Andrea Pophanken, Christof Metzger - Pinakothek Der Moderne: A Handbook
284: Baur, John I. H. - Commemorative Exhibition: Paintings by Martin J. Heade (1819-1904), Fitz Hugh Lane (1804-1865), from the Private Collection of Maxim Karolik . .
1443: Baur, John I.H. - The Coast and the Sea; a Survey of American Marine Painting
192458: Baur, John I.H. - Nature in Abstraction: The Relation of Abstract Painting and Sculpture to Nature in Twentieth-Century American Art
128792: Baur, John I. H. - Philip Evergood
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