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095796: FELDMAN, MELISSA - Elisa Sighicelli
092974: FELDMAN, ANITA (EDITOR) - Tim Shaw Beyond Reason
099462: FELICETTI-LIEBENFELS, WALTER - Geschichte Der Byzantinischen Ikonenmalerei
069652: FELIX, ZDENEK (ESSAY), WASMUHT, CORINNE - Corinne Wasmuht
50547: FELLIG, ARTHUR, WEEGEE - Arthur Fellig Alias Weegee New York Photographs 1935-50
095039: FEMFERT, PETER - Joe Tilson Postcards from Venice
091251: FEMFERT, PETER - Joe Tilson Postcards from Venice (Signed & Inscribed By Joe Tilson)
084665: FENNER, FELICITY, POLLA, BARBARA & ARDENNE, PAUL - Shaun Gladwell, the Lacrima Chair. La Chaise Lacrima
087362: FENOSA, APELLES & ELUARD, PAUL - Apelles Fenosa (Exh. 29 Sep-22 Oct, 1954)
098207: FENTON, JAMES & HODGKIN, HOWARD - Howard Hodgkin, with Remembering the Aurochs By James Fenton
076038: FENTON, TERRY - About Pictures
080846: FENTON, TERRY (ESSAY) - Darryl Hughto Recent Paintings
083027: FENTON, JAMES & HODGKIN, HOWARD - Howard Hodgkin, with Remembering the Aurochs By James Fenton
097205: BRIONY FER - Martin Creed
098035: FER, BRIONY - The Infinite Line: Re-Making Art After Modernism
095187: FER, BRIONY; MOSZYNSKA, ANNA - Liz Rideal: New Work
092425: JO APPLIN; BRIONY FER - Alison Wilding
61586: FERGUSON, BRUCE (ESSAY) - Andrew Bick
075031: FERGUSON, BRUCE (ESSAY) - Andrew Bick
082748: FERGUSON O'MEARA, CARRA - Monarchy & Consent, the Coronation Book of Charles V of France. (Studies in Medieval and Early Renaissance Art History)
096396: FERMON, AN JO - Reinhold Koehler 1919-1970, New Realism Decollage and Matter Painting 1948-1970`
093008: FERMON, JO - Pop Art Heroes Britain
092766: FERMON, JO - Pop Art Heroes Britain
55996: FERRARI, GIULIO - La Tomba Nell'arte Italiana Dal Periodo Preromano All'ordierno
097438: FERRARI, G. - Matta, Entretiens Morphologiques, Notebook No. 1 1936-1944
091587: FERRARI, DANIELA; FRIGERI, FLAVIA & WHITFIELD, SARAH - Fontana / Melotti Angelic Spaces and Infinite Geometries
085149: FERRARI, GIULIO - Il Ferro Nell'arte Italiana Centocinquanta Tavola
089022: FERREIRA, ANGELA - Angela Ferreira, Werdmuller Centre
087904: ESTHER FERRER - Esther Ferrer, Lau Mugimendutan = En Cuatro Movimientos = in Four Movementes
099057: FERRETTI BOCQUILLON, MARINA - Plein Air: De Corot a Monet
096808: FERRETTI BOCQUILLON, MARINA - Japonismes / Impressionnismes
073450: FERRIER, JEAN LOUIS - Lapicque Peintures Recentes
096707: FETTING, RAINER & ROSENTHAL, NORMAN - Rainer Fetting; Portraits, Stadtlandschaften/ Cityscapes, Wald/ Forest, Skulpturen/ Sculptures
083291: RAINER FETTING - Rainer Fetting: Berlin New York Gemalde Und Skulpturen
077582: FETZER, FANNI, MYERS, TERRY R. & ROBECCHI, MICHELE - Christine Streuli
099118: FETZER, FANNI; PONTéGNIE, ANNE - Vivian Suter: Bonzo, Tintin & Nina
097075: FEUCHTMüULER, RUPERT - Der Kremser Schmidt, 1718-1801 (German Edition)
094766: FEUSTEL, MARC ( INTRODUCTION ) TADA, TSUGUO & OKABE, MIKI - Metamorphosis of Japan After the War
091099: FIBICHER, BERNARD - Ai Weiwei : D'ailleurs C'est Toujours Les Autres
074764: FIDLER, FRANK & WILSON, H. J. (INTRODUCTION) - Frank Fidler, First One Man Show
074697: FIDLER, FRANK - Frank Fidler
087051: FIDLER, FRANK - Frank Fidler (Exhibition December, 1963)
092968: FIEDLER, ELISABETH & VON BONIN, COSIMA - Cosima Von Bonin's Fondorientierte Ausstattung
31314: FIELD, CAROLINE - Margaret Dredge Rediscovery, an Abstract
29256: FIELDING, AMANDA - Passages Forms and Baskets By Maggie Henton
092882: KATHLEEN BERRIN; VIRGINIA M FIELDS - Olmec Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico
57667: FIERENS, PAUL: - H.V. Wolvens
080112: FIERENS, PAUL - James Ensor
095618: FIGIEIREDO, GUILHERME - O Cristo Do Corcovado ( Signed & Inscribed Copy )
55508: FIGUERROA, ALEJANDRA ; SOLLERS, PHILIPPE - Corpus Alejandra Figueroa
095403: FIHL, ESTHER - Exploring Central Asia, Volume One ( the Carlsberg Foundations Nomad Research Project )
093381: FILEDT KOK, J.P. - Rembrandt: Etchings & Drawings in the Rembrandt House: A Catalogue
094557: PAULO VENANCIO FILHO - Milton Dacosta - Coleçăo Espaços Da Arte Brasileira (Em Portuguese Do Brasil)
096505: GIMPEL FILS - A Selection of East Coast and West Coast American Painters ( Exhib. Matrch, 1962 )
38081: FINBERG, A,J. - Notes on Four Pencil Drawings of J.M. W. Turner
096712: FINBERG, ALEXANDER J. - The History of Turner's Liber Studiorum with a New Catalogue Raisonne
55751: FINCH, MICHAEL (INTROD. BY JAMES MAW) - Michael Finch the N17 Series, Paintings 1993-94
44149: FINCH, PAUL (ESAY), NEILAND, BRENDAN - Brendan Neiland Recent Paintings and a Selection of Prints
14702: FINCH, MICHAEL (INTROD. BY JAMES MAW) - Michael Finch Sodium Nights
095820: FINCH, CHRISTOPHER. - American Watercolors.
094520: FINCH, MICK - Mick Finch Engrams, 6 September-11 October 2013
093063: CHRISTOPHER FINCH - Chuck Close: Life
076065: FINCH, CHRISTOPHER - The Art of Walt Disney from Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms
091869: FINCH, PAUL & NEILAND, BRENDAN - Brendan Neiland, Drawing on Life (Exhibition 17 Oct-4 Nov. 2017)
089557: FINCH, PAUL & NEILAND, BRENDAN - Brendan Neiland, Drawing on Life (Exhibition 17 Oct-4 Nov. 2017)
074122: FINCH, PAUL (INTRODUCTION), NEILAND, BRENDAN - Brendan Neiland, a Seventieth Birthday Exhibition
073984: FINCH, PAUL (INTRODUCTION), NEILAND, BRENDAN - Brendan Neiland, a Seventieth Birthday Exhibition
086744: FINCH, PAUL (ESSAY) - Brendan Neiland, the Light Fantastic
085973: FINCH, MICK - Mick Finch: Engrams
084045: FINCH, PAUL (ESSAY) - Brendan Neiland, the Light Fantastic
097651: FINCKH, GERHARD - Pissarro Des Vater Des Impressionismus
087439: FINDLAY, JUDITH (ESSAY) - Kerry Stewart Sculpture
087313: FINDLAY, JUDITH (ESSAY) - Kerry Stewart Sculpture
098019: JIM DINE & RUTH FINE - Jim Dine ( Feb 22 - March 23, 2013 )
098555: FINE, RUTH ( ESSAY ) - Mel Bochner, Drawing from Four Decades
069193: FINE, RUTH & HYESOO, WOO - The Art of Mark Rothko Selections from the National Gallery of Art Washington
092686: FINE ART SOCIETY & STOCKDALE, PIPPA (INTRODUCTION) - Nordic Design: A Selling Exhibition : 27 November 2017-3 January 2018
090515: FINE ART SOCIETY & STOCKDALE, PIPPA (INTRODUCTION) - Nordic Design: A Selling Exhibition : 27 November 2017-3 January 2018
34294: FINEBERG, JONATHAN - Jorg Immendorff, Laokoon (Auch Von Affen)
093316: ROBERT RAUSCHENBERG; JONATHAN FINEBERG - Robert Rauschenberg - Anagrams, Arcadian Retreats, Anagrams (a Pun)
092318: JONATHAN FINEBERG - Zhang Xiaogang, Exhibition March 29- April, 27, 2013
089532: ROBERT RAUSCHENBERG; JONATHAN FINEBERG - Robert Rauschenberg - Anagrams, Arcadian Retreats, Anagrams (a Pun)
45940: FINER, STEPHEN - Stephen Finer
31220: FINER, STEPHEN (ESSAY BY WILLIAM PACKER) - Stephen Finer Paintings
078196: FINER, STEPHEN - Stephen Finer Paintings and Watercolours
081205: FINESSI, BEPPI - Inventario 05 - Everything Is a Project. Tutto E Progetto
087370: FINESTONE, LAURIE ANN (INTRODUCTION) - Laurie Ann Finestone Etchings Drawings Collage
095383: FINKE, ULRICH - German Painting from Romanticism to Expressionism
079148: FINN, DAVID, & HALL, DONALD: - Henry Moore, Sculpture and Enviroment
074831: FINNIN, MARTIN (INTRODUCTION) - Martin Finnin 49 Ox Hides and a Lump of Earth
43143: FIORIO, MARIA TERESA (INTRODUZIONE) - Museo D'arte Antica Del Castello Sforzesco Pinacoteca Tomo Primo
082471: FIRTH, JACK - Scottish Watercolour Painting
34236: FIRTH, JACK (ESSAY) - Ann Oram New Paintings at the Corrymella Scott Gallery
097515: FISCHER, PETER; LICHTIN, CHRISTOPH - Schweizer Meister /Swiss Masters
39371: FISCHER, WOLFGANG (ESSAY) - George Grosz
097647: FISCHER, HARTWIG; GILI, MARTA & GOLDSTEIN, ANN - Aernout Mik - Communitas
097664: FISCHER, HARTWIG; LECHTRECK,HANS JURGEN & PEGELS, JULIANE - Urbanitat Gestalten: Stadtbaukultur in Essen Und Im Ruhrgebiet 1900 Bis 2010
096926: FISCHER, CHRIS - Fra Bartolommeo: Master Draughtsman of the High Renaissance
094585: FISCHER, HARTWIG & MATHIEU, CAROLINE; KOPP, ROBERT - Bilder Einer Metropole Die Impressionisten in Paris, Museum Folkwang
094582: FISCHER, HARTWIG & MATHIEU, CAROLINE; KOPP, ROBERT - Bilder Einer Metropole Die Impressionisten in Paris, Museum Folkwang
092040: BRUCE HAINLEY; JöRG HEISER & URS FISCHER - Urs Fischer: Kir Royal
092009: FISCHER, BARBARA (EDITOR) - Mark Lewis, Cold Morning (53rd Biennale Di Venezia 2009)
080952: FISCHER, HERVE - Herve Fischer New Naturalism
069865: FISCHER, CHRIS & MONRAD, KASPER (EDITORS) - 100 Masterpieces Statens Museum for Kunst (English Edition)
070393: FISCHER, H.R. - Ten Years of the Zebra Group, New Graphics
099278: FISHER, PATRICIA ANN; HOLLEIN, MAX; MARTIN, COLIN R. - Christopher Orr: Paintings
094885: FISHER, JEAN; MACKAY, SUSAN; TOIBIN, COLM - Unseen: Willie Doherty
67165: FISHER, JAMES, HOLMAN, MARTIN - James Fisher, I Came Here As a Stranger, As a Stranger I Depart
089591: FISHER, JEAN (CURATOR) - Willie Doherty, the Only Good One Is Dead One
089072: FISHER, JEAN & DANIEL, MARKO - Tim Rollins + K.O. S.
088129: JEAN FISHER - Willie Doherty Unknown Depths
080439: FISHER, JEAN (INTRODUCTION) - Ger Van Elk Recent Painting and Sculpture, and a Selection of Earlier Work
084511: FISHER, JEAN; MACKAY, SUSAN; TOIBIN, COLM - Unseen Willie Doherty
084157: FITERMAN, DOLLY - Mark Wallinger, 23 Sept-11 Jan. 1998
096709: FITZGERALD, MICHAEL & BODDEWYN, JULIA MAY - Picasso and American Art
099268: FITZGERALD, LOUISE; JONES, DECLAN; JUNCOSA, ENRIQUE & OTHERS - Hearth: Concepts of Home from Imma Collection in Collaboration with Focus Ireland
098169: FITZGERALD, MICHAEL & COWLING, ELIZABETH - Picasso's Marie-Therese ( Exhibition 15 Oct - 29 Nov,2008 )
086829: MICHAEL C. FITZGERALD - Guillermo Kuitca
074845: FITZSIMMONS, JAMES (ESSAY) - Vera Haller
096448: FIZ, ALBERTO; MAZZOLENI, DAVIDE AND LUIGI - Michelangelo Pistoletto. Origins and Consequences
098217: FIZ, ALBERTO - Howard Hodgkin Piccoli Dipinti
087469: FIZ, ALBERTO (EDITOR) - Ieri E Oggi. Pittura Analitica. Then and Now
086711: FIZ, ALBERTO (A CURA DI) - Pittura Analitica. Ieri E Oggi-Then and Now
085057: FLACKE, MONIKA (EDITOR) - The Desire for Freedom Arte in Europa Dal 1945
67504: FLANAGAN, BARRY & LAMPERT, CATHERINE (ESSAY) - Barry Flanagan Sculptures in Stone 1973-1979
074027: FLANAGAN, BARRY - Barry Flanagan (1998)
072756: FLANAGAN, BARRY & JUNCOSA, ENRIQUE (ESSAY) - Barry Flanagan (1994 Exhibition)
080209: FLANAGAN, BARRY - Barry Flanagan (1998)
080177: FLANAGAN, BARRY & JUNCOSA, ENRIQUE (ESSAY) - Barry Flanagan 16 February-12 March 1995
094129: FLAVIEN, JEAN-PASCAL - Jean-Pascal Flavien: A Sequence Or Phrase
095518: FLAVIN, DAN & RAGHEB, F. FIONA, AND OTHERS - Dan Flavin: The Architecture of Light (Guggenheim Museum Publications)
068629: FLAVIN, DAN ;FRIEDEL, HELMUT; STADTISCHE GALERIE IM LENBACHHAUS MUNCHEN - Dan Flavin: Kunstbau Lenbachhaus Munchen Architektur Uwe Kiessler
071795: FLECK, ROBERT (HASG) - Max Liebermann. Wegbereiter Der Moderne
092603: CONOR MACKLIN; ANNE FLEETWOOD - Francis Newton Souza 2005: New York and London
080354: FLEETWOOD, ANNE & AUSTIN, EMILY - 20th Century Sculpture Archipenko to Reddy
084211: FLEISCHMAN, MARTHA - The Spontaneous Eye, American Drawings of the Twentieth Century
55392: FLEISCHMANN, GERD - Four Decades of Abraham Rattner
068440: FLEISCHNER, RICHARD - Richard Fleischner Works 1963-2011, Material / Process / Place
071340: FLEISCHNER, RICHARD - Richard Fleischner Works 1963-2011, Material / Process / Place
092281: FLEMING, G.H. - Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
096842: FLEMING-WILLIAMS, IAN - Constable and His Drawings
081330: FLEMMING, RHIANNON - Linda Karshan, Signs of Men
089450: FLEMMING, RHIANNON - Linda Karshan, Signs of Men
099089: FLETCHER, VALERIE J. - Dreams and Nightmares : Utopian Visions in Modern Art
095655: FLETCHER, VALERIE J. - A Garden for Art, Outdoor Sculpture at the Hishhorn Museum
080605: FLETT, ALEX - Alex Flett, 13-30 August 1958
077496: FLEURY, ELIE & BRIERE, GASTON - Collection Maurice Quentin Delatour a Saint Quentin, Catalogue
59331: FLICK, GERT RUDOLF - Masters and Pupils, the Artistic Succession from Perugino to Manet 1480-1880
095349: FLICK, ROBBERT & EMERSON, STEPHANIE ( EDITOR ), DEAR, MICHAEL - Trajectories, the Photographic Work of Robbert Flick
084484: KEITH HARTLEY; LUCY ASKEW; RICHARD FLOOD - From Death to Death and Other Small Tales: Masterpieces from the Gallery of Modern Art and the D. Daskalopoulos Collection
074492: FLORSCHUETZ, CHRISTIAN - Treffpunkt Berlin Gether, Christian, Florschuetz, Thomas & Benandsebastian
082864: FLOSS, MICHAEL M. - Janet Fish Recent Paintings and Pastels 1980-1985
088285: EDWARD DUTKIEWICZ & MATTHEW FLOWERS - Edward Dutkiewicz: Paintings and Sculpture (Plus the Signed Print)
088060: FLUCK, CACILIA, HELMECKE, GISELA & O'CONNELL, ELISABETH R. - Ein Gott - Abrahams Erben Am Nil: Juden, Christen Und Muslime in ägypten Von Den Römern Bis Zu Den Fatimiden
40067: FLUGGEN, PROF. JOSEF - Inhalts Verzeichnis Des Costum Werkes
089851: FLYNN, TOM (ESSAY) - Charlotte Mayer, Almuth Tebbenhoff, Two in One
087466: HANS FOHAN - Paintings By Hans Fohan the Spot: The Silent Cry of the Century
66020: FOLEY, CHRISTOPHER (INTRODUCTION) - The Kingdom's Prospects, 1988 Catalogue of Marine and Landscape Paintings
086298: FONCE, JAN & MICHAUD, YVES - Dennis Adams Transactions
097282: FONG, CHARLES & SHEN, ASHLEY - Nicole Wong, After Nothing Happens
094547: FONTELA, HUGO, GONZALEZ TREVIJANO, PEDRO, AND OTHERS - Hugo Fontela, Gulf of Mexico Days
069719: FONTELA, HUGO, GONZALEZ TREVIJANO, PEDRO, AND OTHERS - Hugo Fontela, Gulf of Mexico Days
082243: FORD, SIMON - Smile Classified, Booklet to Accompany a Display Entitled, Smile, a Magazine of Multiple Origins
094688: FORD, LAURA (CURATOR) - Room
090169: FORD, LAURA (CURATOR) - Room
087990: FORD, SIMON - Stephen Willats, 1965-1991. Publishing Interventions (Exhibition 11 June-28 August 1991)
30242: FOREMAN, WILLIAM - William Foreman
42942: FORGE, ANDREW (ESSAY) - William Tucker the American Decade 1978-88
078325: FORGE, ANDREW & LEYMARIE JEAN - Giorgio Morandi, Musee National D'art Moderne Paris, 9 Fevrier-12 Avril, 1971
097103: FORGE, ANDREW ( INTRODUCTION ) - P. Wilson Steer 1860-1942
099337: FORGE, ANDREW ( INTRODUCTION ) - Giorgio Morandi, an Exhibition of Paintings, Water-Colours, Drawings and Etchings Organized By the Arts Council
64933: FORGE, ANDREW (INTRODUCTION) - P. Wilson Steer 1860-1942
093860: FORGE, ANDREW (ESSAY) - Kenneth Martin : [an Exhibition at the] Tate Gallery, [14 May-29 June] 1975
082278: FORGE, ANDREW - Gabor Peterdi, Pacific and Other Recent Works, 23 May-23 June 1990
074558: FORGE, ANDREW & ELDERFIELD, JOHN - William Tucker, John Walker Plastiken Bilder Grafiken
085507: FORGE, ANDREW - David Bomberg 1890-1957, an Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings
073762: FORREST, NEIL & LAURIN, GORDON (INTRODUCTION) - Neil Forrest, Hiving Mesh
099015: FORSBERG, DIANE E. & PETKE, DEBRA - A.L. Coburn's Men of Mark. Pioneers of Modernism
098791: FORSTER, OTTO H. - Bramante
34776: FORSTER, ROBIN (ESSAY BY PAMELA WHITE) - Robin Forster Ice Blink
087811: FORSTER, JOHN (INTRODUCTION) - Dyce Collection a Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts Bequeathed By the Reverend Alexander Dyce. (Two Volume Set)
085777: FORSTER, JOHN (COLLECTION) - Forster Collection. A Catalogue of the Paintings Manuscripts Autograph Letters, Pamphlets Etc Bequeathed By John Forster
085044: FORT, ILENE SUSAN & SCHOLZ, DIETER - Marsden Hartley. Die Deutschen Bilder 1913-1915: Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin
097314: FORTY, ADRIAN; RODRIGUEZ, SERGIO - Damian Ortega - States of Time
096715: FOSKETT, DAPHNE - John Harden of Brathay Hall, 1772-1847
66167: FOSSALUZZA, GIORGIO & MANZATO, EUGENIO - Da Paolo Veneziano a Canova: Capolavori Dei Musei Veneti Restaurati Dalla Regione Del Veneto 1984-2000
52622: FOSTER, KATHLEEN A. - Thomas Eakins Rediscovered: Charles Bregler's Thomas Eakins Collection at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
097147: FOSTER, CHERYL - Hideo Furuta: Sculpture and Drawing = Hideo Furuta : Cerfluniau a Lluniau
099230: ALICIA FOSTER - Gwen John (British Artists Series)
075443: FOSTER, J. J. - British Miniature Painters and Their Works
073917: FOSTER, TONY - Tony Foster, Rainforest Diaries, Watercolours from Costa Rica
073756: FOSTER, STEPHEN & WILSON, ANDREW - Stuart Brisley, Crossings
088189: FOSTER, STEPHEN & CRUMPLIN, COLIN - Colin Crumplin Paintings 1997-2000
083448: FOSTER, SIR NORMAN, JENKINS, DAVID (EDITOR) & BAKER, FREDERICK ET ALIA - Norman Foster Rebuilding the Reichstag
096059: FOUCAULT, MICHEL - Manet and the Object of Painting
088194: FOUDE, TIM - Flesh and Flowers, Photographs By Tim Froude
076715: FOUGERON, A. - Fougeron
076716: FOUGERON, A. - Fougeron (Du 27 Oct-16 Nov. 1964)
073367: FOUGERON, A. - Fougeron
078925: FOUJINO, SHUSAKU - (Shusaku Paul Jean) Foujino, Exhibition 2 March-19th, 1964
089339: FOULDS, ADAM, (ESSAY) - Paula Rego, the Last King of Portugal and Other Stories
091843: PHILIPPA FOUND - The Body in Women's Art Now: Part 3 Recreation
090334: PHILIPPA FOUND - The Body in Women's Art Now: Embodied Pt. 1
097666: PAUL KLEE FOUNDATION - Paul Klee Catalogue Raisonne Volumes 1 to 9, Complete
099272: PUBLIC CATALOGUE FOUNDATION - Oil Paintings in Public Ownership in Kent
092720: PAUL KLEE FOUNDATION - Paul Klee Catalogue Raisonne (Dust Jackets Only)
092560: SONIA ROE (EDITOR) PUBLIC CATALOGUE FOUNDATION - Oil Paintings in Public Ownership in the Imperial War Museum
091268: PAUL KLEE FOUNDATION - Paul Klee Catalogue Raisonne Volumes 1 to 9, Complete
076673: FOURCADE, DOMINQUE - Henri Matisse Oeuvres Graveesd, Zusammengestelt Von Claude Duthuit Anlasslich Der Herausgabe Des Oeuvrekatalogs
089598: ABRIE FOURI - Abrie Fourie, Oblique, the Cold Storage Club, Notes on Not Writing (Signed Copy)
084785: ABRIE FOURI - Abrie Fourie - Oblique (Signed Presentation Copy)
092689: FOWELLS, GAVIN - Another Look at Winston Churchill
093357: FOWLKES-CHILDS, BLAIR; SEYMOUR, MICHAEL - The World between Empires Art and Identity in the Ancient Middle East
57482: FOX, LINCOLN - Lincoln Fox Sculpture and Drawings
086808: CHARLIE FOX - Ann-Marie James le Monde Moderne
071744: FOX, CELINA - The Arts of Industry in the Age of Enlightenment
66027: FOXCROFT, LESLEY - Lesley Foxcroft Works with Mdf
091363: FOXCROFT, LESLEY - Lesley Foxcroft, Drift
29271: FOY, STEVEN; WHITE, MICHAEL - Isolation Steven Foy
18902: FOY, STEPHEN & WHITE, MICHAEL - Steven Foy Isolation
083970: FRADAN, CYRIL - Cyril Fradan, 4-23 March 1963
52228: FRAMA, MARCELLO, RODA, ROBERTO, A CURA DI - Marcello Framba Opere 2001-2006
081194: FRAMA, MARCELLO, RODA, ROBERTO, A CURA DI - Marcello Framba Opere 2001-2006
63823: CENTRE GEORGES POMPIDOU;MUSEE NATIONAL D'ART MODERNE (FRANCE) - L'oeil Double de Gaetan Picon: [Exposition], Centre Georges Pompidou, Musee National D'art Moderne, 18 Avril-18 Juin 1979
083073: FRANçOISE KUNZI; MARC RESTELLINI; MUSéE NATIONAL DU LUXEMBOURG (FRANCE) - De Fra Angelico ŕ Bonnard, Chefs-D-'oeuvre de la Collection Rau
073775: FRANCESCONI, ANSELMO & DE MICHELI, MARIO - Anselmo (Francesconi)
082142: FRANCIS, RICHARD - Bruce Mclean 3 July-8 September 1985
097078: DE FRANCIS, ALFONSO; SCHEFOLD, KARL & LAIDLAW, ANNE, ET ALIA - La Pittura Di Pompei: Testimonianze Dell'arte Romana Nella Zona Sepolta Dal Vesuvio Nel 79 D. C
096734: FRANCIS, RICHARD - Bruce Mclean
096228: FRANCIS, RICHARD - Tate Gallery, Liverpool: Events, Summer 1986
096073: FRANCIS, RICHARD - Francis Bacon ( Exhibition 22 May - 18 August 1985 )
098484: MARK FRANCIS - Richard Hamilton
094383: FRANCIS, MARK AND TIM MARLOW - Mark Francis
081130: FRANCIS, RICHARD - Bruce Mclean
093149: FRANCIS, MARK - Anthony Caro - Vol. 1 Park Avenue Series; Vol. 2 at Museo Correr
092647: FRANCIS, MARK (EDITOR) - Edmund de Waal Atmosphere
074598: FRANCIS, SAM - Sam Francis, Exhibition of Oil Paintings and Gouaches 1969-1973 Painted in Tokyo, Los Angeles, New York & Berne
089360: FRANCIS, SAM - Sam Francis Paintings and Gouaches (Exhibition Dec 1, 1969- Jan. 3, 1970)
068476: CHEETHAM. FRANCIS W. - All Things Bright and Beautiful, a Loan Exhibition of Early English Flower and Animal Drawings from a Private Collection
072433: FRANCIS, RICHARD (ESSAY) - Bridget Riley Works on Paper 1980-1992
080148: FRANCIS, SAM & TAPIES, ANTONIO - Sam Francis, Antonio Tapies Lithographs, 8 June-30 June, 1961
080146: FRANCIS, SAM - Sam Francis Gouaches,, 29 June-17 July 1965
083844: MIKE FRANCIS - Mike Francis Paintings 1980-81, Suggestions from Suburbia
083096: FRANCIS, SAM AND CRAIG BURNETT - Sam Francis 1923 - 1994
082614: FRANCIS, RICHARD - Jennifer Bartlett
097949: TOLEDOM FRANCISCO - Francisco Toledo First London Exhibition, Jan 14- Feb 8, 1964
083843: BUCHER FRANCOIS - Trevor Bell, Florida 1980
099091: FRANGER, WILHELM - The Millennium of Hieronymus Bosch, Outlines of a New Interpretation
098929: FRANK, PETER & BOSHIER, DEREK - Derek Boshier, Night and Snow
094783: FRANK, RIKE (EDITOR) HOLERT, TOM - Nicole Wermers, Chemie
074574: FRANK, ROBERT - Robert Frank Hold Still- Keep Going
087633: FRANK, RIKE (EDITOR) - Nicole Wermers, Chemie
072634: FRANK, PETER (EDITOR) - Luc Leestemaker
098459: FRANKE, DANIELA; FRANZ, RAINALD - Koloman Moser: Universalkünstler Zwischen Gustav Klimt Und Josef Hoffmann / Universal Artist between Gustav Klimt and Josef Hoffmann (German Edition) (German and English Edition)
070131: FRANKFURTER, ALFRED (INTRODUCTION) - The Hallmark Collection, a Selection of Paintings from the International Hallmark Art Awards
090811: FRANZ ERHARD WALTHER & DAMSCH WIEHAGER, RENATE (EDITOR) - Franz Erhard Walther. Antwort Der Körper. 3 Volume Set
089000: FRANZ JOSEF CZERNIN; MICHAEL KRUGER & SCHROTT, RAOUL (EDITORS) - Franz Josef Czernin Zungenenglisch. Visionen, Varianten
092892: FRAQUELLI, SIMONETTA - Robert Delaunay and the City of Lights
089670: FRANCIS FRASCINA (EDITOR) - Modern Art Culture: A Reader
087482: FRASER, HAMILTON - Recent Paintings By Hamilton Fraser (5-30 Oct. 1965)
069145: FRASER, PETER & DRAKE, DAVID - Peter Fraser, Lost for Words
098053: FRASER JENKINS, DAVID - John Piper in the 1960's & 70's ( Nov 28 - Dec 21, 2007 )
091569: FRASER JENKINS, DAVID (INTRODUCTION) - The Morris Dancer & the Rat Catcher, Modern British Figure Paintings from Southampton City Art Gallery
073981: FRASER JENKINS, DAVID (ESSAY) - Arturo Di Stefano, Fast Fugitive
67041: FRATTOLIN, MARIA PAOLA (EDITOR) - Arrigo Poz, in the Heart of the History of Friuli. Ne; Cuore Della Storia Del Friuli
098987: FRAVALO, FABIENNE; BOUDON-MACHUEL, MARION - The Decorative Arts: Sculptures, Enamels, Maiolicas and Tapestries (Volume 1)
45032: FRAYLING, CHRISTOPHER - Roger Law the Land of Oz
43455: FRAYLING, CHRISTOPHER - Roger Law the Land of Oz
085922: FREDERICK GORE & SHONE, RICHARD (ESSAY) - Spencer Frederick Gore 1878-1914 (11 Feb-30 Mar 1983)
67099: FREDLUND, BJORN - Carl Larsson I Goteborgs Konstmuseum
097584: FREEDBERG, DAVID - Glenn Brown, Gagosian Gallery Feb 25 - April, 10, 2004
098300: FREEDMAN, LUBA - Titian's Portraits Through Aretino's Lens
55907: FREEMAN, EDWARD A. - An Essay on the Origin and Development of Window Tracery in England (with Nearly Four Hundred Illustrations)
44613: FREEMAN, DAVID - Denis Clarke in Colour
3383: FREEMAN, PHYLLIS: - New Art
31347: FREEMAN, JUNE - The Sugared Imagination an Art and a Trade
097672: FREEMAN, RALPH, CLARKE, JOSEPH (INTRODUCTION) - Ralph Freeman Postmemory
073880: FREEMAN, RALPH, CLARKE, JOSEPH (INTRODUCTION) - Ralph Freeman Postmemory
073399: FREEMAN, RALPH - Ralph Freeman New Paintings
098203: FREHNER, MATTHIAS & JELLOUN, TAHAR BEN - Yves Dana Catalogue Raisonne Sculpture ( Two Volumes-Slipcased )
094302: FREHNER, MATTHIAS; BOYI, FENG - Mahjong: Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection
090223: FREHNER, MATTHIAS & SCHAFER, MONIKA - Passion Bild. Russische Kunst Seit 1970. Die Sammlung Arina Kowner
096143: FREI, GEORGE, EDITOR - Pablo Picasso Heads Faces Bodies ( Exh. June 13 - Sept. 30, 2005 )
098192: FREITAG, WOLFGANG M. - Art Books: A Basic Bibliography of Monographs on Artists (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities)
083991: FREITAG, EBERHARD - Hubertus Gojowczyk, Habent Sua Fata Libelli (Maggio 1977)
083879: DE FREITAS, IOLE - Iole de Freitas (Documenta 12 Kassel)
097663: FRéMON, JEAN; DRATHEN, DORIS VON - Nalini Malani : Cassandra
097917: FREMONT, VINCENT - Andy Warhol, Kiku ( Exhibition March 18 - April 17, 2004 )
096729: FRENKIEL, STANISLAW & MARTEAU, VINCENT - Stanislaw Frenkiel ( Exhibition Feb. 1962 )
081636: FRENKIEL, STANISLAW - Stanislaw Frenkiel, September 1965
078384: FRERE-SMITH, MATTHEW - Matthew Frere-Smith
097468: FREUD, LUCIAN; FEAVER, WILLIAM - Freud on Constable: Lucian Freud on John Constable - a Conversation with William Feaver
096896: FREUD, LUCIAN; FEAVER, WILLIAM, ET ALIA - Constable: Le Choix de Lucian Freud
44980: FREUDENBERGER, JUTTA, BROCKHAUS, CHRISTOPH, LEPPER, KATHARINA - Jutta Freudenberger Farbraum Landschaft
079946: FREY, STEFAN & HELFENSTEIN, JOSEF - The Private Klee Works By Paul Klee from the Bürgi Collection
084087: FRIAR, STEPHEN - The Companion to Cathedrals and Abbeys
65019: FRIBORG, FLEMMING, SONDERGAARD, SIDSEL MARIA, AND OTHERS - Gloria Victis, Victors and Vanquished in French Art 1848-1910
081134: FRICKE, CHRISTEL & THEIME, EKKEHART - Abraham St. Annen
099474: FRIEDE, JOHN AND MARCIA - New Guinea Art Masterpieces from the Jolika Collection of Marcia and John Friede W/ Photographs By John Bigelow Taylor and Dianne Dubler Complete in Two Volumes
094579: FRIEDEL, HELMUT - Stephan Kern ( 1-27 Oktober, 1981 )
084556: FRIEDEL, HELMUT (HSG), CHEVRIER, JEAN FRANCOIS - Jeff Wall Space and Vision
081895: FRIEDL, HELMUT & KONITZ, PETER - Peter Konitz
098343: FRIEDLAENDER, WALTER; POSNER, DONALD ( INTRODUCTION ) - Mannerism and Anti-Mannerism in Italian Painting
097824: FRIEDMAN, TERRY - Eighteenth-Century Church in Britain (the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art)
090885: FRIEDMAN, B.H. (ESSAY) - Robert Goodnough (Exhibition May 2-28, 1960)
078924: FRIEDMAN, BERNARD - Bernard Friedman, December 1963
56931: FRIEDMANN, HAHN - Friedemann Hahn Glamour, Hollywood Portraits and American Landscapes
49988: FRIEDMANN, GLORIA - Gloria Friedmann Karaoke Big Bang Parallel
37091: FRIEDMANN, GLORIA - Gloria Friedmann Karaoke Big Bang Parallel
087290: FRIEDMANN, GLORIA, HAYPETER, WERNER & LAGO, DARREN - Floor Wall Floor, Gloria Friedmann, Werner Haypeter, Darren Lago
071274: FRIEDMANN, GLORIA - Gloria Friedmann Karaoke Big Bang Parallel
099270: FRIELING, RUDOLF; GROYS, BORIS; ATKINS, ROBERT; MANOVICH, LEV - The Art of Participation: 1950 to Now
095750: FRIESE, GERRIT-KLAUS AND DIRK TEUBER - Dieter Krieg (Livre En Allemand)
089105: FRIIS, KAAREN; HABERKORN, LUCAS & THAGE, JACOB (EDITORS) - 100 Artists in the Collection of Museum Jorn
083157: FRINK, ELISABETH - (Elisabeth) Frink, 24 May-24 June 2000
081143: FRISCH, MAX - Gottfried Honegger Tableaux Reliefs 1971-1973
099071: FRITSCH, LENA - Ibrahim El-Salahi: A Sudanese Artist in Oxford
098978: FRIZOT, MICHEL; KOUDELKA, JOSEF & CHEROUX, CLEMENT - Josef Koudleka la Fabrique D'exils
60000: FRODL, GERBERT - Florentina Pakosta Stilleben Gegenstande Massenware 1960-1988
087763: FROMAGER GERARD & FOUCHE, CAMILLE (EDITOR) - Gerard Fromanger Periodisation 1962-2012 (Centres Leclerc)
073931: FROMENT, JEAN LOUIS - Cy Twombly Oeuvres de 1973-1983
095580: TERRY FROST - Terry Frost, 31 October-23 November, 1963
66887: FROST, TERRY, GAYFORD, MARTIN (ESSAY) - Terry Frost a Lover of Life
091498: FROST, TERRY - Terry Frost a Book of Ideas
087861: ALEX FROST - Alex Frost: 1973
084416: FROST, TERRY, GAYFORD, MARTIN (ESSAY) - Terry Frost a Lover of Life
094846: FRUGIS, ANTONIO; LACARBONARA, ROBERTO - Pino Pascali. From Image to Shape. Photographs, Sculptures and Films. Ediz. Italiana E Inglese
095799: FRY, ROGER ET ALIA - Jean Marchand 1882-1941. Retrospective Exhibition Drawings and Watercolours ( June 8 - July 1, 1967 )
095329: FRY, MAXWELL - Art in a Machine Age: A Critique of Contemporary Life Through the Medium of Architecture
098301: FRY, ROGER - Art History As an Academic Study, an Inaugural Lecture Delivered in the Senate House, 18 October, 1933
098344: FRY, ROGER - Vision and Design ( Pelican Book A20 )
093495: FRY, GAVIN - Nolan's Gallipoli
086368: FRY, ROD & HOWSE, MARTIN - Black and White, Martin Howse
084005: FRY, MARK - Mark Fry New Paintings (October 2003)
085830: FRYBERGER, BETSY G - The Changing Garden: Four Centuries of European and American Art (Ahmanson-Murphy Fine Arts Book)
087421: COLIN GLEN; PAUL FRYER - Rachel Howard: Invited By Philippa Van Loon
097731: FUCCI, ROBERT; FREEDBERG, DAVID; CULLEN, DEBORAH - Rembrandt's Changing Impressions
58723: FUCHS, R.H. (INTRODUCTION) - Arnulf Rainer Finger Und Handmalerei 1981-1983
097504: FUCHS, RUDI - Glenn Brown, Enigma
094559: FUCHS, R.H. & RAINER, ARNULF - Arnulf Rainer Exhibition in the Stedelijk Van Abbemsueum & Whitechapel Art Gallery 1980
094468: FUCHS, MARTINA - Michael Wesely American Landscape Photographien Photographs
091540: FUCHS, RUDI & VAN HEUSDEN, STEVIJN - Streamline, the Dawn of Tomorrow, American Design '30-'55
075166: FUCHS, HEINZ - Winfred Gaul
090041: FUCHS, ERNST - Ernst Fuchs Opere Grafiche
080661: FUCHS, R.H. - Dan Graham, 28 August-3 Oktober 1976
098562: ANDREA ROSE; TOBY FORWARD; RUDI FUCHS - Tracey Emin: Borrowed Light ( British Pavilion 52nd Venice Biennale )
069183: FUCHS, RUDI & VOS, MARCEL, SCHOUTEN, MARIEN - Marien Schouten
084751: FUCHS, HEINRICH - Die Osterreichischen Maler Des 20. Jahrhunderts, Band 2 G-K
084734: FUCHS, RUDI - Damien Hirst & Arnulf Rainer: Commotion
098751: FUCIKOVA, E.; WEGEN, D.H. VAN - Imperial Paintings from Prague
098824: FUENMAYOR, JESUS & GILI, JAIME - Jaime Gili, Superestrellas
099406: FUENMAYOR, JESUS & GILI, JAIME - Jaime Gili, Superestrellas
080675: LA FUENTE, ENRIQUE - Menchu Gal
099218: FUHRMANN, ERNST - Neu-Guinea ( Kulturen Der Erde Band Xiv )
089839: PETER FULLER - Paul Gopal-Chowdhury: Catalogue of the Exhibition 1984
083052: FULLER, PETER (ESSAY) - John Bellany
098099: ELIZABETH FULLERTON - Artrage!: The Story of the Britart Revolution
61818: FULTON, HAMISH - Richard Long Walking in Circles (Signed Limited Edition)
092116: HAMISH FULTON - Hamish Fulton Walking Artist (Exhibition 30 Oct-18 Dec, 1998)
092274: FUMET, STANISLAS - Georges Braque
080855: FUMIGALLI, GIOVANNI - Gino Meloni
56915: FUNAKOSHI, KATSURA - Katsura Funakoshi : Recent Sculpture and Drawings
090363: FUNAKOSHI, KATSURA - Katsura Funakoshi Recent Sculptures and Drawings
073975: FUNAKOSHI, KATSURA - Katsura Funakoshi Recent Sculptures and Drawings
094937: FUNDACIóN MARCELINO BOTíN SANZ DE SAUTUOLA Y LóPEZ; TODOLI, VICENTE ( EDITOR ) - Cristina Iglesias. Entrespacios (Spanish and English Edition)
098454: YVES LE FUR ( EDITOR ) - Musée Du Quai Branly: The Collection: Art from Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas
075789: FURLAN, CATERINA; GRATTONI D'ARCANO,, MAURIZIO - Fabio Di Maniago E la Storiografia Artistica in Italia E in Europa Tra Sette E Ottocento
099060: FURNEAUX, HOLLY - Created in Conflict, British Soldier Art from the Crimean War to Today
081158: FURST, ANTON, OHILLIPS,NICK & WOLFF, JOHN - Light Fantastic
091425: PAUL WINSTANLEY. JON THOMPSON & MARIA FUSCO - Paul Winstanley: Art School (Signed Copy)
098618: FUSENING, THOMAS; TAATGEN, ALICE - Hans Von Aachen, 1552-1615: Court Artist in Europe
083421: FUSSELL, G. E - James Ward R.A. Animal Painter, 1769-1859, and His England
097089: FYFE, JOE (ESSAY), ROBINSON, ELLEN (EDITOR) - Serge Poliakoff
65884: GABIE, NEVILLE; FITZMAURICE, LEO - Triangular Trading Neville Gabie
088661: GABLER, KARLHEINZ - E.L. Kirchner Dokumente. Fotos, Schriften, Briefe Gesammelt Und Ausgewahlt
098911: GABO, NAUM - Of Divers Arts. The A.W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington 1959
098591: GABO, NAUM - Of Divers Arts, the A.W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1959
094712: LE GAC, JEAN, GORDON, VIVIEN (TRANSLATOR) - Imitation of Jean le Gac
080903: LE GAC, JEAN, GORDON, VIVIEN (TRANSLATOR) - Imitation of Jean le Gac
080637: GACHNANG, JOHANNES - Gaston Chaissac Bilder Zeichnungen Und Collagen 1937-1964
67570: GADE, RUNE, & AERTEBJERG, KATHRINE - Kathrine Aertebjerg, She Is Ready
099399: GAFFIE, HENRI - Raoul Dufy 1877-1953 ( Exhib. 2 - 30 Oct. 1975 )
092089: JOHN GAGE - Colour and Culture: Practice and Meaning from Antiquity to Abstraction
085087: GAGNON, FRANCOIS-MARC; GRANDBOIS, MICHELE; O'BRIAN, JOHN - Morrice and Lyman, in the Company of Matisse
43343: GAGON, YOAV (ESSAY) - Ofra Zimbalista
085466: GAILLARD, FRANCOISE - Guy Limone
084644: GAILLARD, FRANCOISE - Guy Limone
096662: SIMONE FACCHINETTI; ARTURO GALANSINO - In the Age of Giorgione
094686: GALASSI, PETER - Eureka: William Wegman Photographs 1970-1975
090492: GALASSI, SUSAN GRACE; WARRELL, IAN & SHEERS SEIDENSTEIN, JOANNA - Turner's Modern and Ancient Ports, Passages Through Time
082924: GALASSI, PETER; STORR, ROBERT; UMLAND, ANNE - Making Choices : 1929-1939-1948-1955
078128: GALE, IAIN - Alasdair Wallace, Corner of an Eye
096785: MATTHEW GALE - Arshile Gorky Enigma and Nostalgia
076992: GALE, PATRICK (ESSAY) - Sutton Taylor, an Art of Happy Accidents
081314: GALES, SIMON & BEAUMONT, MARY ROSE (INTRODUCTION) - Simon Gales Focus / Unfocus
40451: GALINOU, MIRIELLE (ESSAY) - Citybites Toni Martina
083979: GALL, WILHELM - Peter Herkenrath, Olbilder Aquarelle Zeichnungen
098487: ANN GALLAGHER (EDITOR) - Susan Hiller
097553: LEGER GALLERIES - Realism Through Informality. The Conversation Piece in Eighteenth Century Britain, and a Collection of Works By Joseph Wright of Derby
097916: WADDINGTON GALLERIES - Jean Dubuffet Exhibition 9 Sep- 3 Oct. 1981
084150: HAMILTON GALLERIES - The Blue Four, Klee, Kandinsky, Feininger,Jawlensky.
57264: GAVIN GRAHAM GALLERY - Maia Haag Wackernagel Paintings
56939: ANDRE EMMERICH GALLERY - The Great Decade the 1960s, a Selection of Paintings and Sculpture
082275: MAAS GALLERY - James Lynch, 6-20 October 1999
42158: GRABOWSKI GALLERY - L. Bielska Tworkowska. I. Witz
078336: PAISNAEL GALLERY - 20th Century British Art
079553: POUSSIN GALLERY - Colour and Substance, Willard Beopple, John Mclean, William Perehudoff, Tim Scott
28761: SCOLAR FINE ARTS & BEREKELY SQUARE GALLERY - 20th Century British Art Paintings Drawings Sculpture
082222: JERRAM GALLERY - Charles Jamieson, Elsa Taylor, Vivienne Williams, 11-29 April 2015
23829: ANGELA FLOWERS GALLERY - Trevor Jones Recent Paintings
078124: KAPLAN GALLERY - Cubist Painters, 23 October-16 November 1963
096710: HAZLITT GALLERY - Italian and the Italianate (Exh. May, 1966)
096567: MAYOR GALLERY - Sculpture Then and Now ( Exhib. July 1 - Sept. 9, 1983 )
097021: THE TATE GALLERY - Seven Exhibitions at the Tate Gallery London 24 Feb - 23 March, 1972. Bob Law, Craig Arnatt, Michael Craig Martin, Joseph Beuys, Hamish Fulton, Bruce Mclean, David Tremlett
096395: ELIZABETH MURRAY; KELLIE JONES; PACE GALLERY - Elizabeth Murray Painting in the '80s
096239: PACE GALLERY - Ten Americans from Pace ( 18 June - 18 July, 1980 )
097913: KAPLAN GALLERY - Achille Lauge 1861-1944, an Exhibition of Pastels ( November, 1966 )
096134: MAAS GALLERY - British Pictures (2015)
099262: MAAS GALLERY - Sarah Adams
099397: MICHAEL WERNER GALLERY - Michael Williams: Morning Zoo ( Exhib. 24 Nov. 2014 - 31 Jan. 2015 )
095197: THE REDFERN GALLERY - Design, an Exhibition 14 October-26 November, 1986
081202: REDFERN GALLERY - Ceri Richards, Peter Oliver, Jacques Emile Blanch, V.J. Roux-Champion, May 14-June 8, 1957
099418: PICCADILLY GALLERY - Some Unusual By-Ways in British Art 1890-1940 ( Exhib. 15 April - 17 May, 1980 )
076628: THE REDFERN GALLERY - Seven Redfern Artists, Carterr, Draper, Kneale, Leverett, Lowe,, Pye, Reynolds
097365: PAISNEL GALLERY - Post War and St Ives
61361: INGLEBY GALLERY - Abstraction the Ingleby Gallery Edinburgh 2002
081162: THE SCOTTISH GALLERY - 20th Century Scottish Paintings and Drawings, May 1976
093271: THE GROSVENOR GALLERY - South Asian Modern Art 2019, Recent Acquisitions Including the Olga Bogroff Collection of Works By Ram Kumar
092114: THE REDFERN GALLERY - Modern British Art. Spring Exhibition 2019
091603: ELIZABETH MURRAY; KELLIE JONES; PACE GALLERY - Elizabeth Murray Painting in the '80s
091465: MAAS GALLERY - British Pictures (2014)
090798: WHITECHAPEL ART GALLERY - Four Painters, Christopher Davies; Keith Deane; Stephen Amor, David Kay (Exhibition 25 Sept-21 Oct. 1973)
075233: WADDINGTON GALLERY - William Turnbull (Sculptures) March 1981
074940: EMMERICH GALLERY - Navajo Blankets 1850-1890
089711: REDFERN GALLERY - Modern British Art, Spring Exhibition 2017
074619: TEMPLE GALLERY - An Exhibition of Icons
073610: HEIM GALLERY - Fourteen Important Neapolitan Paintings
088468: BELGRAVE GALLERY - Post-War Abstract
087649: HAZLITT GALLERY - Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Italian Paintings (Exh. May-June, 1963)
087614: THE REDFERN GALLERY - The Redfern Gallery. Spring Exhibition, 2015
087033: HATTON GALLERY - Paintings from the Estorick Collection
086949: CRANE KALMAN GALLERY - Arboretum a Journey Through Trees
078960: ADAMS GALLERY - French Paintings 12 June to 31 August 1957
073088: BELGRAVE GALLERY - Street 2, Contemporary Urban Art
086214: ALEXIA GOETHE GALLERY - Group Exhibition, 5 Sep-2 Oct, 2008
085537: JOHN YAU; PACE GALLERY - Isamu Noguchi Variations
084210: GRABOWSKI GALLERY - Anton Reliefs and Engravings on Perspex (May-June 1963)
59246: GALLO, FRANCESCO |& BOTTARI, LORENZO MARIA - Lorenzo Maria Bottari Come Un Gioco, Come Una Vita
099469: GALLOWAY, DAVID & MESHKATI, SETAREH - Parviz Tanavoli, Poet in Love. 1970s-2011, Works from the Artists Collection
091576: GALLOWAY, DAVID & MESHKATI, SETAREH - Parviz Tanavoli, Poet in Love. 1970s-2011, Works from the Artists Collection
077657: GALLWITZ, KLAUS - Ulrich Ruckreim Venezia
076607: GALLWITZ, KLAUS (EDITOR) - Ulrich Ruckriem, Venezia
072282: GALVANO, ALBINO - Francesco Menzio, Mostra Antologica
094862: CRAIG BURNETT & DARIO GAMBONI - Structure and Absence
098725: GAMES, NAOMI, CATHERINE MORIARTY AND JUNE ROSE - Abram Games: Graphic Designer: Maximum Meaning, Minimum Means
098386: GAMULIN, GRGO; CIONINI-VISANI, MARIA - Giorgio Clovio: Miniaturist of the Renaissance
071719: GAMULIN, GRGO & TADIC, KRESIMIR - The Painted Crucifixes of Croatia (Monumenta Artis Croatiae)
099255: GANDER, RYAN & NASU, TARO ( EDITED ) - Daiwa Press Viewing Room Vol. 14
098881: GANGITANO, LIA; BAJANI, ANDREA - Carol Rama: Space Even More Than Time. Spazio Anche Piu Che Tempo
087896: GANGOLY, SRI O.C. - Andhra Sculptures, Archaeological Series No. 36
091523: GANNE, YVES - Yves Ganne Paintings 1955-1956. May 1-26 1956
093522: GANS-RUEDIN, E - Modern Oriental Carpets
45452: GANZ, JAMES A. & KENDALL, RICHARD - The Unknown Monet Pastels and Drawings
083801: GAPPMAYR, HEINZ - Ernst Trawoger
093920: ERIN C. GARCIA - Man Ray in Paris
073484: GARCIA, FERNANDO FRANCES - Maria Jesus Cueto, Espacio Silencio Y Escultura
094086: GARCIA-ANTON, KATYA - Gary Webb: Mirage of Loose Change
093843: GARDUNO, BLANCA;MUSEO ESTUDIO DIEGO RIVERA;RODRIGUEZ, JOSE ANTONIO;DE GRAZIA ART - Pasion Por Frida: Museo Estudio Diego Rivera, de Grazia Art and Cultural Foundation, 1991-1992
099085: GARIMORTH, JULIA - Anni Et Josef Albers: L'art Et la Vie
097527: GARLAKE, MARGARET; HERON, PATRICK - Peter Lanyon: Air, Land & Sea
092111: GARLAKE, MARGARET (ESSAY) - Margaret Mellis Paintings and Reliefs 1968-1978
081860: GARLAKE, MARGARET - Yuko Shiraishi
081822: GARLAKE, MARGARET (ESSAY) - Frank Phelan
65558: GARRARD, ROSE, (ESSAY BY JOHN ROBERTS) - Rose Garrard between Ourselves
63424: GARRARD, ROSE, (ESSAY BY JOHN ROBERTS) - Rose Garrard between Ourselves
094746: GARRET, MALCOM - Denis Masi, Silver Prints Portraits in the Crowd
096979: GARRETT, ROSAMUND & REEVES, MATTHEW - Late Medieval and Renaissance Textiles
091163: GARRETT, CLAIRE - Trevor Bell, a Rock and a Hard Place, Paintings By Trevor Bell 1990-1995
090514: GARTMANN, PETER & ROTH, SABINA - Christo and Jeanne Claude, Wrapped Trees 1998
089684: GARTNER, MARIA LUISA (EDITOR) - Gilbert & George, 20 London E1 Pictures
087484: GARTON, ROBIN - Edgar Holloway
085000: GARZON, DIEGO - On What We Are, 110 Works from Colombian Contemporary Art
097875: GASCOIGN,E LAURA - Julian Bailey ( Exhib. 31 Ogascoigne, Laura ( Essay)Ct - 23 Nov. 2001 )
094375: GASLLWITZ, KLAUS ( HSG) - Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck: Ein Museum Und Seine Geschichte
068410: SALA GASPAR - O Figura, Juan Claret, Hernandez Pijuan, J.J. Tharrats, Juan Vila Casas
094848: GASPAR GASPARIAN; MATTOS ARAUJO, MARCELO & ALQUERES, HUBERT - Gaspar Gasparian. Um Fotografo (Em Portuguese Do Brasil)
096658: GASPAROTTO, DAVIDE - Giovanni Bellini: Landscapes of Faith in Renaissance Venice
099029: GASSIER, PIERRE - Goya: A Witness of His Times
65647: GASSIER, PIERRE & WILSON, JULIET - The Drawings of Goya, the Sketches, Studies and Individual Drawings
092725: GASSIER,PIERRE & DE SALAS, XAVIER (PREFACE) - Le Dessins de Goya, Les Albums, and Tome Ii (Two Volume Set)
092726: GASSIER, PIERRE; WILSON, JULIETTE & LACHENAL, FRANCOIS (EDITOR) - Goya: His Life and Work, with a Catalogue Raisonnee of the Paintings, Drawings and Engravings,
074654: GASSIOT TALABOT, GERALD - Frederic Benrath (Signed and Inscribed By Frederic Benrath)
077995: GASSLER, EWALD (HG), PILICK, ECKHART - Helmut Rehme, Jenseits Des Horizonts, Gemalde
085545: GASSNER, HUBERTUS - Ryan Mendoza
083673: GASSNER, HUBERTUS & WERNER-SCHMIDT, HANS (HSG) - Eine Liebe. Max Klinger Und Die Folgen
081498: GATCH, LEE - Lee Gatch Recent Paintings
092800: GATEL, RAPHAEL & ROBINNE, GREGOIRE - (Heinz )Mack, Spectrum 1950-2016
086589: GATEL, RAPHAEL & ROBINNE, GREGOIRE - Mack, Spectrum 1950-2016
097489: GATES, ANDREA; MATTHIESEN, PATRICK - The Mystery of Faith: An Eye on Spanish Sculpture 1550-1750
099023: GATES, THEASTER - Theaster Gates, Black Madonna at Kunstmuseum Basel, Hune - Oct. 2018
086602: ANDREA GATES - Antony Williams New Paintings 2016
070229: GATES, ANDREA - James Ward Ra, a Lioness with a Heron
50376: GATTI PERER, MARIA LUISA - Carlo Giuseppe Merlo Architetto
083416: GAUCI, PERRY - William Beckford, First Prime Minister of the London Empire (Lewis Walpole Series in Eighteenth-Century Culture & History) (the Lewis Walpole Series in Eighteenth-Century Culture & History)
086094: GAUDIBERT, PIERRE & ABADIE, DANIEL - Bernard Pages, Art Cahier 4
096502: GAUDIER-BRZESKA, HENRI - Gaudier-Brzeska 1891-1915 Sculpture and Drawings
080778: GAUGUIN, PAUL & DENVIR, BERNARD (INTRODUCTION) - Search for Paradise: Letters of Paul Gauguin
094910: GAULT, MELONIE & LOWE, JEFF - Jeff Lowe, in the Close Distance ( Exhibition 15 Jan-22 Feb. 2020 )
075837: GAUNT, WILLIAM - Marine Painting: An Historical Survey
075263: GAUNT, WILLIAM - Court Painting in England : From Tudor to Victorian Times
59641: GAUSS, ULRIKE, BRUCKLE, WOLFGANG, ET ALIA - Pablo Picasso Werke Auf Papier in Der Graphischen Sammlung Der Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
093258: GAUTHIER, MICHEL (ESSAY) KNOEBEL, IMI - Imi Knoebel Kuckucke ( 5 May-16 June 2001)
074675: GAVIN, FRANCESCA - Tenzing Rigdol, Experiment with Forms
072461: GAVIN, FRANCESCA (ESSAY) - Gade, Making Gods
092022: GAVIN TURK. NEWSOME, RACHEL - Gavin Turk En Face
31402: GAY, CHRISTIAN & STELLA, RACHEL - La Donation Vicky Remy Les Grands Illsutres
097399: GAY, PAUL - La Creation de L'oeuvre Chez Paul Signac ( Exhibition April-May, 1958 )
082049: GAYFORD, MARTIN (ESSAY) - David Hockney - Some New Painting ( and Photography )
093667: GAYFORD, MARTIN - Gillian Ayres New Painting and Prints
081984: GAYFORD, MARTIN (ESSAY) - David Hockney - Some New Painting ( and Photography )
093046: GAYFORD, MARTIN - Hughie O'donaghue, Scorched Earth
098535: GAYFORD, MARTIN - Gillian Ayres ( Exhibition 14 Sept - 30 Oct. 2021 )
090108: GAYFORD, MARTIN (ESSAY) - Jonathan Leaman New Work (6 April- 6 May, 2017)
089131: GAYFORD, MARTIN (ESSAY) - Jonathan Leaman New Work (6 April- 6 May, 2017) Signed Copy
088940: GAYFORD, MARTIN (ESSAY) - Jonathan Leaman New Work (6 April- 6 May, 2017)
087541: GAYFORD, MARTIN (ESSAY) - Thomas Newbolt Recent Paintings (2000)
079996: GAYFORD, MARTIN (ESSAY) - John Wonnacott Recent Paintings 6 November - 6 December 1996
070729: GAYFORD, MARTIN (ESSAY) - David Spiller New Paintings 2002
085523: GAYFORD, MARTIN - Antony Williams Exhibition 5 Mar - 6 April, 2013
084027: GAYFORD, MARTIN - David Leapman Precious Encounters
56778: GECCELLI, MARTINA & RASCHE, STEFAN (ESSAY) - Martina Geccelli
081681: GEDDES, MARGARET - Margaret Geddes, August 21-September 7, 1964
073861: GEE, SUE - Patrick Cullen
095122: GEERS, KENDELL; HOFFMANN, JENS; STROTHER, Z.S. - Animystikaktivist: Between Traditional and the Contemporary in African Art (Mercatorfonds (Yale))
071835: GEERS, KENDELL, DE CAUTER, LIEVEN & HERKENOFF, PAULO - Irrespective, Kendell Geers
098604: GEGO; RAMIREZ, MARI CARMEN; PAPANIKOLAS, THERESA - Questioning the Line: Gego in Context
55678: GEIS, DARLENE (EDITOR): - The Gilbert and Sullivan Operas
18003: GEIS, DARLENE (EDITOR): - Walt Disney's Winnie the Pooh Storybook
3547: GENAUEN, EMILY: - Rufino Tamayo
083977: GENOVA, GIORGIO DI - Mario Padovan, 16 Ott-15 Nov 1980
097955: GENOVES, JUAN - Juan Genoves ( Exhibitions, New York May-June 1973, Toronto June-July 1973
63742: GENOVES, FRANCESC - Francesc Genoves
096099: GEORGE, ADRIAN - Art, Lies and Videotape: Exposing Per: Exposing Performance
099422: GEORGE, WALDEMAR - Marcelle Cahn Retrospective Exhibition of Works from 1911, ( June 1960 )
074789: GEORGE, ADRIAN & HOUGH, KATHERINE - The Touch of the Oracle, Michael Petry Works 2003 / 12
081687: GEORGE, WALDEMAR - Paintings By Duilio Barnabe. 14 May-13 June 1959
073713: GEORGE, WALDEMAR - Therese Debains Et la Magie Solaire
078915: GEORGE, WALDEMAR - Antonio Saura Retratos Imaginarios
073152: GEORGE, WALDEMAR - Evocation de L'epoque Heroique
080513: GEORGE, ADRIAN & HOUGH, KATHERINE - The Touch of the Oracle, Michael Petry Works 2003 / 12
084185: GEORGE, THOMAS - First Showing in London, Thomas George, May 3-26, 1962
082674: GILBERT & GEORGE - Gilbert & George for Aids Exhibition. Entire Proceeds Donated to Crusaid, 20 April to 20 May 1989
58851: GERBER, CYRIL (INTRODUCTION) - James Tweedie New Glasgow Paintings
14616: GERBER, CYRIL (INTRODUCTION) - James Tweedie New Glasgow Paintings
087557: GERCKE, HANS & UTHEMANN, ERNEST W. (EDITORS) - Susan Hefuna Xcultural Codes
072821: GERE, J. A. - Taddeo Zuccaro, His Development Studied in His Drawings
46180: GERETTI, ALESSIO & BIGATTI, GIORGIO (EDITOR) - Martino Un Santo E la Sua Civilta Nel Racconto Dell'arte
086271: GERHARD, MYRIAM (HSG) - Naturauffassungen Jenseits Derer Der Naturwissenschaften
097195: BEN EASTHAM; MARTIN GERMANN - Oliver Beer, Composition for London
097821: BEN EASTHAM; MARTIN GERMANN - Oliver Beer, Composition for London ( Signed By Oliver Beer )
19780: GERNAND, BRUCE, ESSAY BY PETER VENN - Bruce Gernand Works Cast in the Foundry at the College, Central Saint Martin's
085703: GERRY, THOMAS - The Emblems of James Reaney: Magnetically Drawn
093366: HORST GERSON - Rembrandt Paintings
074911: GERSON, OTTO & KAHNWEILER, D. H. - Henri Laurens Sculpture
074896: GERSON, OTTO M. - Sculpture 1880-1957
093537: GERSZI, TEREZ - Netherlandish Drawings in the Budapest Museum, Sixteenth Century Drawings, an Illustrated Catalogue (Two Volume Set)
67369: GERTZ, ULRICH - Lorenzo Pepe 1970 Gennaio
068855: GERTZ, ULRICH (ESSAY) - Erwin Schutzbach Skulpturen
098276: GESKO, JUDIT (EDITOR) - Van Gogh in Budapest
083365: GESKO, JUDITH - Cezanne and the Past Tradition and Creativity
078599: GESSERT, M.A. - Rudimentary Treatise on the Art of Painting on Glass, Or Glass Staining. Comprising Directions for Preparing the Pigments and Fluxes, for Laying Them Upon the Glass and for Firing Or Burning in the Colours.
086001: GETSY, DAVID J. - Body Doubles Sculpture in Britain, 1877-1905
094287: GEUNA, ELENA - Italian Photography 1930-1970s. Fotografia Italiana 1930-1970
078131: GEYER, MICK (ESSAY) - Sophie de Stempel Recent Paintings
071231: AL GHABBAN, ALI BEN & ANDRE SALVINI, BEATRICE - Rutas de Arabia, Tesoros Arqueologicos Del Reino de Arabia Saudi
084917: AL GHITANI, GAMAL; DU SAUTOY, MARCUS; EL ASWANY, ALAA - Susan Hefuna Pars Pro Toto Ii
099424: GIACOMETTI, ALBERTO ( ESSAY DATED 1945 ) - Henri Laurens 1885-1954, 60 Oeuvres 1915-1954 ( Exhib. 12 Jun - 20 Jul. 1985 )
076667: GIACOMETTI, ALBERTO (INTRODUCTION) - Gaston Louis Roux Drawings and Watercolours
098688: GIACOMETTI, ALBERTO (INTRODUCTION) - Gaston Louis Roux Drawings and Watercolours ( Exhib. 29 April - 30 May, 1981 )
36960: GIBBON WILLIAMS, ANDREW - Craigie, the Art of Craigie Aitchison
089404: GIBBON WILLIAMS, ANDREW (INTRODUCTION) - William Roberts, Jacob Kramer. The Tortoise, the Hare
19660: GIBBONS, JOHN & HARRISON, MICHAEL - John Gibbons Sculpture 1981-6
098010: GIBBONS, FELTON - Dosso and Battista Dossi, Court Painters at Ferrara
091502: GIBBONS, JEFF - Jeff Gibbons, Vanitas Paintings and Walk-in Paintings
091375: JEFF GIBBONS - Not Flowers: Jeff Gibbons
074029: GIBBONS, JEFF - Jeff Gibbons, Vanitas Paintings and Walk-in Paintings
097389: GIBBS, AMY - Aunt Amy Gibbs
089415: LINDA JONES GIBBS - 150 Years of American Painting, 1794-1944
098899: GIBLIN, TESSA; MACROBERT, MELISSA - In the Round: Angelica Mesiti (Talbot Rice Gallery Editions)
14676: GIBSON, LLOYD & PARK, ALISTAIR - Lloyd Gibson
081219: GIBSON, THOMAS (INTRODUCTION) - The Long Collection
64279: GIBSON, JEAN (ESSAY BY HETTY EINZIG) - Jean Gibson Reliefs
63740: GIBSON, LLOYD & PARK, ALISTAIR - Lloyd Gibson
090567: GIBSON, THOMAS (INTRODUCTION) - Henry Moore Some Recent Drawings (Exh. May-June 1983)
087631: GIBSON, ROBIN (INTRODUCTION) - The 20th Century at the National Portrait Gallery
083509: GIBSON, MICHAEL - The Symbolists
081729: GIDAL, PETER - Therese Oulton ,Clair Obscur Recent Paintings and Watercolours, 19 March-30 April 2003
084854: GIERSBERG, FRITS - Positions Attitudes Actions, Social and Political Commitment in Photography Foto Biennale Rotterdam
50203: GIESEN, SEBASTIAN - Victor Emil Janssen Selbstbildnis Vor Der Staffelei
098149: GIEURE, MAURICE - G. Braque
67195: GIL, JENNIFER - The Bristol Scene, Views of Bristol By Bristol Artists from the Collection of the City Art Gallery
088628: SANTIAGO ALCOLEA I GIL - Zurbaran (English Edition)
070744: GIL, LUIS RUBIO & DIAZ PADILA, RAMON - Eduardo Rosales (1836-1873), Aquarelles I Dibuixos
077668: GILBERT, LELA;BAK, ELLEN - Lit By the Sun: The Art and Artists of the Hotel Pattee (Signed and Inscribed Copy)
098329: GILBERT, CREIGHTON - Italian Art, 1400-1500: Sources and Documents
098381: GILBERT, CREIGHTON E. - Poets Seeing Artists' Work: Instances in the Italian Renaissance
093078: GILBERT, INGA - Reflections on Paintings of Douglas Portway
53971: GILBERT & GEORGE, BRACEWELL, MICHAEL (ESSAY) - Gilbert and George Sonofagod Pictures, Was Jesus a Heterosexual ?
091385: GILBERT & GEORGE, KOLD, ANDERS & WILSON, ANDREW - Gilbert & George New Democratic Pictures
082671: GILBERT & GEORGE, BRACEWELL, MICHAEL (ESSAY) - Gilbert and George Sonofagod Pictures, Was Jesus a Heterosexual ?
096330: GILBERT & GEORGE. BRACEWELL, MICHAEL - Gilbert & George: The General Jungle Or Carrying on Sculpting, Late Summer 1971
075670: GILBERT & GEORGE; BRACEWELL, MICHAEL (ESSAY) - Gilbert & George London Pictures 2011
093674: [GILBERT & GEORGE] JONQUET, FRANCOIS - Gilbert & George: Intimate Conversations with Francois Joquet
082672: GILBERT & GEORGE AND JAHN, WOLF - Gilbert & George, the Naked Shit Pictures (5 Sept-15 Oct. 1995) Signed Copy.
083343: GILBERT & GEORGE AND RATCLIFF, CARTER - Gilbert & George the Complete Pictures 1971-1985
072558: GILCHRIST, JAMES - Anglican Church Plate
082149: GILES, MAGGI - Maggi Giles Keramische Plastieken 26 Sep-25 Oct 1970 (Catalogus 487)
66766: GILJE, KATHLEEN & ROSENBLUM, ROBERT (ESSAY) - Kathleen Gilje, Curators Critics and Connoisseurs of Modern and Contemporary Art
096554: GILL, ERIC - Eric Gill Drawings and Somem Other Works ( Exhib. 15 Mar - 21 April, 1979 )
097900: GILL, A. A. & RICHARDSON, MICHAEL - Jeffery Camp, Playground, Sixty Years of Painting
095533: GILL, STEPHEN - Stephen Gill: Hackney Flowers
091897: GILLAN, MARY AVRIL - Gerry Caffrey 1947-1997, Memorial Exhibition
073848: GILLAN, MARY AVRIL - Gerry Caffrey 1947-1997, Memorial Exhibition
098472: JESSIE SHEELER; ROBIN GILLANDERS - Little Sparta: A Guide to the Garden of Ian Hamilton Finlay
53536: GILLET, LOUIS - La Peinture En Europe Au Xviie Siecle
095797: GILLETT, JOHN - Martyn Brewster ( Exhibition September, 1986 )
096573: GILLICK, LIAM - Rachel Whiteread, Ghost
098179: ANDREW RENTON; LIAM GILLICK - Technique Anglaise: Current Trends in British Art
099333: GILLISON, M. & MCSHANE, B. - Louise Rayner 1829-1924, Watercolours in the Grosvenor Museum, Chester
45926: GILLMAN, TRICIA - Tricia Gillman Paintings 1982-1987
087590: GILLMAN, TRICIA - Tricia Gillman Fictive Models
096747: GILMOUR, PAT ( ESSAY ) - For Stanley William Hayter on His 80th Birthday, Exhibition 19 Oct - 18 Nov 1981 )
098690: GILMOUR, PAT - Michael Rothenstein Prints ( Exhib. 4 March - 5 April, 1972 )
087628: GILMOUR, PAT (INTRODUCTION) - For Stanley Hayter on His 80th Birthday
082893: GILOY-HIRTZ, PETRA & WARNING, WILHELM CHRISTOPH - Mark Harrington, East West
079947: GIMFERRER, PERE - Magritte
099049: GIMINEZ, CARMEN & BRENSON, MICHAEL - Alberto Giacometti En El Museo Del Prado
65539: GIMINEZ, CARMEN - Cristina Iglesias
089516: GIMPEL, RENE - Homage to Rene Gimpel,(1881-1945), Memorial Exhibition to Mark the Publication of His Diary
071900: MARIANI GINEVRA - Istituto Nazionale Per la Grafica. Storia E Guida Alle Collezioni
080680: GINEX, GIOVANNA; GREENE, VIVIEN; TOSINI, AURORA SCOTTI - Radical Light: Italy's Divisionist Painters, 1891-1910 (National Gallery Publications)
080682: GINGERAS, ALISON & EARLY, JACK - Rob Pruitt's Autograph Collection 1993-2012
086417: GINGERAS, ALISON M. & SZYMCYK, ADAM - Jerzy 'jurry' Zielinski Paintings 1968-1977
098738: GINSBERG, MARY - The Art of Influence: Asian Propaganda
39651: GIOBBI, EDWARD - Edward Giobbi
090919: GIOBBI, EDWARD - Edward Giobbi (B. 1926), Exhibition 20 Mar-19 April, 1975
073552: GIOBBI, EDWARD - Edward Giobbi
075254: GIOLLA LEITH, MAC, & PRINCENTHAL, NANCY - Catherine Lee (Signed By the Artist)
092478: GIONI, MASSIMILIANI - Appearance Stripped Bare. Desire and the Object in the Work of Marcel Duchamp and Jeff Koons, Even
098557: GIONI, MASSIMILIANO; CHRISTOFFERSEN, HELGA - Marta Minujín: Menesunda Reloaded
099233: GIONONI-VISANI, MARIA & GAMULIN, GRGO - Giorgio Giulio Clovio
090930: DI GIORGIO, EMANUELE - Angelo Biancini Scultura
091983: GIORGIO VASARI, KENNETH CLARK (INTRODUCTION) - Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects
088037: GIORGIO VASARI, KENNETH CLARK (INTRODUCTION) - Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects
56232: BINOCHE RENAUD GIQUELLO - Art Precolombien, Arte de L'inde Et D'asie Du Sud Est
069844: GIRARD, JEAN-MARIE - Jean Marie Girard, Peintures Et Dessins 1958-1972
097472: GIRAUDO, VICTORIA - Oscar Bony: El Mago: Obras, 1965-2001 (Coleccion Costantini) (Spanish Edition)
099222: GIRAUDY, DANIELE; DALMAU, ISABELLE & NICOLAS, ALAIN - Art Papou, Austronesiens Et Papous de Nouvelle-Guinee
59634: GIRET, NOELLE & HERPE, NOEL - Sacha Guitry Une Vie D'artiste
096197: GIRONCOLI, BRUNO - Prototypen Einer Neuen Spezies / Prototypes for a New Species: (Deutsch / Englisch)
098581: GISBOURNE, MARK - Jason Martin Meta Physical ( Exhibition 23 March-4 May, 2019 )
091492: GISCHIA - Oeuvres Recentes de Gischia
079741: GISCHIA - Oeuvres Recentes de Gischia
57239: GIUBILEI, MARIA FLORA - Fuoco E Cenere Mario Francesconi Una Vita Tra Segni D'arte E Di Poesia Opere Dal 1958 Al 2003
086892: S. GIULIANI, F. SIMONTI - Francisco Mangado. Opere E Progetti. Con Saggi Di Carlos Jiminez E Luis Fernandez Galiano
095148: GIUNTA, ANDREA & KOSICE, GYULA - Gyula Kosice in Conversation with Gabriel Perez-Barreiro
094011: GIUSEPPE BASILE & D'ARCAIS, FRANCESCA FLORES - Giotto: The Frescoes of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua
097617: GLADWELL, RODNEY; FEILCHENFELDT, WALTER & NEUBERT, JENS - Rodney Gladwell Gods Go Running 1928 1979: Paintings - Gouaches - Drawings / Malerei - Gouachen - Zeichnungen: Gods Go Running - Die Götter Machen Sich Davon
099185: GLADWELL, SHAUN; THWAITES, DENISE; MESSHAM-MUIR, KIT - Shaun Gladwell, Patafunctions
094040: MICHAEL GLASMEIER - 50 Jahre / Years Documenta 1955-2005: Archive in Motion - Discreet Energies / Diskrete Energien
098668: GLAZEBROOK, MARK & HOCKNEY, DAVID - David Hockney Paintings, Prints and Drawings 1960-1970 ( Exhibition 2 April - 3 May, 1970 )
098689: GLAZEBROOK, MARK - Augustus Lunn ( Exhib. 20 March - 12 April, 1985 )
074067: GLAZEBROOK, MARK (ESSAY) - Peter Haigh Works from the Studio
087098: GLAZEBROOK, MARK - Alexander Hollweg (Exh. 23 June-31 July, 1971)
078029: GLEESON, DAVID (CURATOR) - From Tehran to London, New Painting from Iran
097337: GLEESON, ERIN - Mit Jai Inn Royal Marketplace
070384: GLEESON, DAVID (CURATOR) - From Tehran to London, New Painting from Iran
083363: GLEIS, RALPH (CURATOR), BAUER, KURT, DOPPLER, ELKE ET ALIA - (Hans) Makart, Ein Kunstler Regiert Die Stadt
61449: GLEIZES, HENRI - French Tapestry
087159: GLENN BROWN; CURIGER, BICI - Glenn Brown 'suffer Well' Fondation Van Gogh
086812: GLENN BROWN; FREEDBERG, HANNAH & SALOMON, XAVIER F. - Glenn Brown 36 Drawings and a Sculpture
095929: GLENNIE, SARAH; MORRIS, FRANCES - Paul Mccarthy at Tate Modern: Block Head and Daddies Big Head
072373: GLENNY, ALISON (EDITOR) DU CHATENIER, ANDREA - Andrea Du Chatenier, Nowhere Isles
097604: GLIMCHER, ARNE - Jean Dubuffet, le Cirque ( Exhibition Sept 18 - Oct 24, 2020 )
094981: GLIMCHER, MARC - Fiona Rae: Special Fear!
097441: GLIMCHER, ARNE, SAMARAS, LUCAS - Lucas Samaras: Nyc Chairs
092509: GLIMCHER, ARNE & ROTHKO, MARK - Rothko Dark Palette
091225: MARC GLIMCHER - Calder from Model to Monument.
097503: DIRK DOBKE; LASZLO GLOZER - Dieter Roth: Unique Pieces
099074: GNANN, ACHIM; ESKERDIJIAN & FOSTER, MICHAEL - Chiaroscuro Renaissance Woodcuts from the Collections of Georg Baselitz and the Albertina, Vienna
096187: GOBHAI, MEHLI & HOSKOTE, RANJIT (CURATORS) - Nothing Is Absolute, a Journey Through Abstraction
086743: GOBHAI, MEHLI & HOSKOTE, RANJIT (CURATORS) - Nothing Is Absolute, a Journey Through Abstraction
66370: GODDARD, STEVE - Steve Goddard Only Headhunting
078673: GODFREY, TONY & FROST, LUKE - Luke Frost Painting in Five Dimensions
098785: GODFREY, MARK & DELAHUNTY, GAVIN - Charles Ray
44677: GODFREY, TONY - Mario Rossi
081413: GODFREY, TONY - Ian Davenport Prismatic
098901: GODFREY, MARK - Frank Bowling: London / New York
096308: GODFREY, MARK; HEYNEN, JULIAN; SCRIBNER, CHARITY - Darren Almond: Terminus
099174: GODFREY, MARK, HILLER, SUSAN - Susan Hiller, the Last Silent Movie, Matt's Gallery 12-27 July 2008
095838: GODFREY, TONY - Luke Frost
094768: GODFREY, MARK - Abraham Cruzvillegas Empty Lot, the Hyundai Commission
097351: GODFREY, TONY - Marcel Duchamp in South-East Asia
098606: FIONA BRADLEY; ADAM PHILLIPS & MARK GODFREY - Daniel Silver - Looking
092587: GODFREY, TONY - Richard Deacon Beware of the Dog (6 Oct-3 Nov, 2012)
087997: GODFREY, TONY - The Paintings of Estelle Thompson (Exh. 1989)
087510: GODFREY, TONY - Edward Durdey Paintings Relefs and Monuments
087043: GODFREY, TONY - Terry Shave Paintings and Drawings
072137: GODFREY, TONY (ESSAY) - Geraldine Javier, in the Beginning
071967: GODFREY, TONY (ESSAY) - Estelle Thompson Paintings 1994-96
085253: GODFREY, TONY - Richard Pomeroy Recent Paintings (October 2000)
076075: DE GOEDE, U., ALLEBLAS, J., & PETERS, MAY - Dromen Van Dordrecht, Buitenlandse Kunstenaars Schilderen Dordecht 1850-1920
083939: DE GOEDE, JULES - Jules de Goede, a Hint of Colour
089020: GOEDHUIS, MICHAEL - Whitney Mcveigh New Ink Paintings
074062: GOERRES, K. - Gerhard Hoehme
098920: GOERTZ, RALPH - Facing Britain: British Documentary Photography Since the 1960s
67307: GOETHE, ALEXIA - Alexander de Cadenet, Life Force
086076: GOETHE, ALEXIA - Alexander de Cadenet, Life Force
083223: GOETHE, ALEXIA - Alexander de Cadenet, Life Force
081779: VAN GOETHEM, JAN - Jan Van Goethem, 12 Okt-18 Nov 1973
070125: GOETZ, HENRI - Henri Goetz 50 Years of Painting
090207: INGVILD GOETZ - Jurgen Klauke Cindy Sherman Collection Goetz
098267: GOGH, VINCENT VAN; JANSEN, LEO & LUITJEN, HANS; BAKKER, NIENKE - Vincent Van Gogh, Ever Yours: The Essential Letters
098274: GOGH, VINCENT VAN; CRIMPEN, H. VAN & BEREBDS-ALBERT, MONIQUE - De Brieven Van Vincent Van Gogh
3694: GOHEEN, ELLEN R.: - The Collections of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
075941: GOHEEN, ELLEN R.: - The Collections of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
41856: GOHR, SIEGFRIED - Bildhauerzeichnungen, Hans Arp, Franz Bernhard, Alexander Calder, Eduardo Chillida, Alberto Giacometti, Antonius Hockelmann, Joan Miro, Hans Uhlmann
22218: GOHR, SIEGFRIED & SCHEIBLER, AUREL - Ernst Wilhelm Nay, Werkverzeichnis Der Olgemalde, 2 Bands
073393: GOHR, SIEGFRIED - Konrad Klapheck, Menschen Und Maschinen
072120: GOHR, SIEGFRIED - Konrad Klapheck, Menschen Und Maschinen
071672: GOHR, SIEGFRIED, JOHANN GEORG PRINZ VON HOHENZOLLERN & RONTE, DIETER - E.W. Nay Variationen, Retrospektive Zum 100. Geburtstag
67089: GOLDBACH, PHILIPP & RATTEMEYER, VOLKER (ESSAY) - Philipp Goldbach Blackboards and Micrographs
092816: GOLDBERG, NORMAN L. - John Crome the Elder (Two Volume Set)
087358: GOLDBLATT, JOEL - Joel Goldblatt (Exh. April 28-May 23, 1964)
24799: GOLDEN, PAMELA & HUNT, IAN - Pamela Golden, Even the Car Is Dead
67440: GOLDENBERG, TOM & KIMBALL< ROGER (ESSAY) - Tom Goldenberg Paintings
34737: GOLDIN, MARCO (CURA DI) - Monet la Senna le Ninfee, Il Grande Fiume E Il Nouvo Secolo
077031: GOLDIN, MARCO & SHACKELFORD, GEORGE T. M. - Da Rembrandt a Gauguin a Picasso, L'incanto Della Pittura, Capolavori Dal Museum of Fine Arts Di Boston
092390: MARCO GOLDIN - Van Gogh and Gauguin's Journey; Variations on a Theme (Signed Copy)
074793: GOLDIN, MARCO ( A CURA DI ) - Da Vermeer a Kandinsky, Capolavori Dai Musei Del Mondo a Rimini
083680: MARCO GOLDIN - Monet, Cezanne, Renoir E Altre Storie Di Pittura in Francia
096056: UMBERTO BOCCIONI; JOHN GOLDING - Boccioni Unique Forms of Continuity in Space (Tate Modern Masterpieces)
090940: GOLDING, JOHN & JUDA, DAVID - John Golding, Working Space. The 1971 Paintings Exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art Oxford
088488: GOLDING, JOHN; STORR, ROBERT & SPENDER, MATTHEW - Arshile Gorky 1904-1948
081378: GOLDMAN, JUDITH - Art Off the Picture Press, Tyler Graphics Ltd.
077890: GOLDMAN, JUDITH - Art Off the Picture Press, Tyler Graphics Ltd.
099328: GOLDMAN, JUDITH - Kenneth Noland Handmade Papers
094973: GOLDMAN, JUDITH - Jasper Johns 17 Monotypes
086640: GOLDMAN, JUDITH (ESSAY) - Roxy Paine Thermoplastic Flux
068736: GOLDMANN, RENATE & BRAUN, MATTI - Matti Braun
083502: GOLDNER, GEORGE R.; J PAUL GETTY MUSEUM; SANDER, GLORIA WILLIAMS - European Drawings 2: Catalogue of the Collections, the J. Paul Getty Museum: No. 2 (J Paul Getty Museum//European Drawings)
083501: GOLDNER, GEORGE R.; ETC.; HENDRIX, LEE; WILLIAMS, GLORIA - European Drawings: No. 1: Catalogue of the Collections (J Paul Getty Museum//European Drawings)
093831: GOLDSCHEIDER, CECILE - ( Henri ) Laurens
093554: GOLDSCHEIDER, LUDWIG - El Greco Peintures Dessins Sculptures
074851: GOLDSCHMIDT, ERNEST - Forrester Paintings (May 1962)
071003: GOLDSWORTHY, ANDY & FRIEDMAN, TERRY (EDITOR) - Hand to Earth: Andy Goldsworthy Sculpture 1976-1990
098874: ROBERT GOLDWATER - Primitivism in Modern Art, Enlarged Edition, (Paperbacks in Art History)
068599: GOLDYNE, JOSEPH - Joseph Goldyne, an Exhibition of Monotypes and Monoprints
083335: GOLINSKI, HANS GUNTER & FISCHER, PETER (HSG) - Feuerwerk Uber Dem Alexanderplatz, Deutsche Malerei Seit 1968 Aus Der Sammlung Berg
081859: CHRIS GOLLON - Incarnation Mary and Women from the Bible
093367: GOLSCHEIDER, LUDWIG & FOCILLON, HENRI (INTRODUCTION) - Rembrandt Paintings Drawings and Etchings
59223: GOMBRICH, ERNST H. (ESSAY) - Milein Cosman Gemalde Und Zeichnungen
097465: GOMBRICH E. H. - Kokoschka: [Catalogue of] Prints and Drawings Lent By Reinhold, Count Bethusy-Huc
098333: GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - Means and Ends: Reflections on the History of Fresco Painting
098361: GOMBRICH, E. H - Art History and the Social Sciences (the Romanes Lecture 1973 )
098362: GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - In Search of Cultural History (P.M. Deneke Lectures)
098388: GOMBRICH, E. H. - Norm and Form, Studies in the Art of the Renaissance
098389: GOMBRICH, ERNST H.; WOODFIELD, RICHARD ( EDITOR ) - Reflections on the History of Art: Views and Reviews
098391: GOMBRICH, E.H. - Tributes: Interpreters of Our Cultural Tradition
098392: GOMBRICH, E.H. - The Preference for the Primitive: Episodes in the History of Western Taste and Art
098394: GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - The Image and the Eye: Further Studies in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation
098395: GOMBRICH, E. H. - Meditations on a Hobby Horse, and Other Essays on the Theory of Art
098396: GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - New Light on Old Masters (Studies in the Art of the Renaissance)
098397: GOMBRICH, E. H - The Heritage of Apelles (Studies in the Art of the Renaissance)
098398: GOMBRICH, ERNST H. - Symbolic Images: Studies in the Art of the Renaissance
078236: GOMRINGER, EUGEN - Christian Roeckenschuss Colour Sequences, Paintings Reliefs, Small Works 1975-1979
097428: GONZALEZ, JULIO - ( Julio ) Gonzalez Drawings ( Exhibition 8 Sep - 3 Oct. 1970 )
099051: GONZáLEZ-SANCHO, EVA; EEG-TVERBAKK, PER GUNNAR - Oslo Pilot (2015-17): A Project Investigating the Role of Art in and for the Public Space-Laying the Groundwork for Oslo Biennial First Edition
075245: GOOD, JONATHAN - The Cult of St George in Medieval England
073676: GOODALL, ELIZABETH - One City a Patron : British Art of the 20th Century from the Collections of Southampton Art Gallery
087419: GOODALL, JANE & WHITE, VICKY - Vicky White Djinns (Exh. 15 Nov-1 Dec. 2007)
068746: GOODALL, ELIZABETH - One City a Patron : British Art of the 20th Century from the Collections of Southampton Art Gallery
071887: GOODCHILD, ANNE & THE MAAS GALLERY - John Downton 1906-1991, Temperas and Drawings
087996: CAROLINE GOODFELLOW - Puppets, Victoria and Albert Museum (Small Colour Books)
33528: GOODING, MEL; TILSON, JOE - Joe Tilson Pop to Present, Limited Edition (Joe Tilson)
081374: GOODING, MEL - International Venice Agendas 2003 a Series of Three Breakfast Meetings 12-13-14 June 2003 2003
097140: GOODING, MEL (INTRODUCTION) - Michael Kidner Dreams of the World Order, Early Paintings
096397: MEL GOODING - Shirazeh Houshiary
095919: GOODING, MEL - Terry Frost Black White and Red
095879: GOODING, MEL - Bryan Ingham Collages
093910: GOODING, MEL; DANIEL-MCELROY, SUSAN - Wilhelmina Barns Graham Movement and Light Imag(in)Ing Time
093293: GOODING, MEL; SCHRUDDE, NICOLA - Caranicino. Nicola Schrudde Malereien, Mel Gooding Text
093249: GOODING, MEL - John Hoyland
081930: GOODING, MEL; SMITH, TERRY - The Foundling
090939: GOODING, MEL (INTRODUCTION) - Michael Kidner Dreams of the World Order, Early Paintings
090923: GOODING, MEL & NATHAN, JANET - Janet Nathan Constructions (Exhibition 14 June-25 July, 1992)
079277: GOODING, MEL & PAISEY, ROBIN M. - Ceri Richards a Technical Investigation
085819: GOODING, MEL - Terry Frost, between Sun and Moon
56038: GOODISON, NICHOLAS & BOYNTON, LINDSAY - A New Era for Museums / the First Annual A.W. Franks Lecture 1997
073002: GOODMAN, JONATHAN (ESSAY) - Tie Ying, State Power Photographs
074929: GOODNOUGH, ROBERT - Robert Goodnough Bilder, Paintings
068439: GOODRICH, LLOYD - Art of the United States 1670-1966
095418: GOODWIN, GODFREY - Topkapi Palace, an Illustrated Guide to Its Life and Personalities
070173: GOODYEAR, FRANK H. - The Contemporary American Landscape
099065: GORBATOVA, IRINA; ZHONGMOU, LI ;XIANZI, GU & OTHERS - Ming Dynasty the Radiance of Knowledge; Dinastiya Min, Siyanie Uchenosti
079550: GORDINE, DORA; MARTIN, BRENDA - Dora Gordine Sculpture Collection
66639: GORDINE, DORA; MARTIN, BRENDA - Dora Gordine Sculpture Collection
097123: GORDON, LYNDALL & HYMAN, TIMOTHY - Timothy Hyman London Mappings and Panoramas & Other Recent Works
098643: GORDON, JOHN STUART; ISENSTADT, SANDY; ORGEMAN, KEELY; ORR, EMILY M.; WENDT, PAN; WOO, JUSTIN; WRIGHT, DIANE C. - A Modern World American Design from the Yale University Art Gallery, 1920-1950
63827: GORDON, HARVEY - Harvey Gordon Recent Paintings
080732: GORDON, LINDAY & DAVID MCCRACKEN - Back Road Home, David Mccracken
069436: GORDON, DILLIAN - British Paintings, the National Gallery Schools of Painting
40489: GORDON SMITH, W. (ESSAY) - Victoria Cassidy Egyptian Diary
082203: GORE, FREDERICK - Frederick Gore Cbe Ra, Retrospective V, 27 Feb-27 April 2014
67073: GORE, CHARLES - Drawn to the Sea, Nautical Drawings By Charles Gore (1729-1807)
080944: GORE, FREDERICK - Frederick Gore Cbe Ra, Retrospective V, 27 Feb-27 April 2014
081856: GORE, FREDERICK - Frederick Gore 2006
093045: GORGEN, ANNABELLE; GASSNER, HUBERTUS - Helene Schjerfbeck: 1862-1946
098805: GORGON, ANNABELLE - Giacometti, Terrenos de Juego
084702: GORGON, ANNABELLE - Giacometti, Terrenos de Juegos
098617: GORMAN, PAUL; SAVILLE, PETER - Reasons to Be Cheerful: The Life and Work of Barney Bubbles ( Signed Copy )
091668: GORMEY, ANTONY & HALL, JAMES - Antony Gormley, Cast
086481: GORMEY, ANTONY & HALL, JAMES - Antony Gormley, Cast
078489: GORMLEY, ANTONY, LEVINSON, STEPHEN C. - Some of the Facts: Antony Gormley
096101: GORMLEY, ANTONY, LEVINSON, STEPHEN C. - Some of the Facts: Antony Gormley
094995: GORMLEY, ANTONY ( INTRODUCTION ) - Magdalena Abakanowicz Corporeal Materiality
098510: GORMLEY, ANTONY, LEVINSON, STEPHEN C. - Some of the Facts: Antony Gormley
098813: TANYA BARSON; PETER GORSCHLUTER - Afro Modern: Journeys Through the Black Atlantic
41543: DE GORTER, SADI & VAN HASSELT, CARLOS - Hommage a Titien Vers 1490-1576, Dessins Gravures Lettres Autographes de Titien Et D'artistes Du Nord
082040: GORVY, BRETT (EDITOR) - Andy Warhol Race Riot, 13th May, 2014
090843: GORVY, BRETT - Jean Dubuffet, Les Grandes Arteres 1961
61690: GOSLING, BETTY - The Origins of Thai Art
080844: GOSSELIN, CLAUDE - Michael Morris Photographies
59317: GOSWAMY, B.N. - The Word Is Sacred Sacred Is the Word, the Indian Manuscript Tradition
099227: GOTLIB, HENRYK - Recent Paintings By Henryk Gotlib, March 1947
099391: GOTLIB, HENRYK - Recent Paintings By Henryk Gotlib ( Exhib. 31 Oct - 23 Nov. 1963 )
081509: GOTLIN, CURT AND ANNA RIWKIN, KARL SANDELS, AKE SIDWALL ET AL - Fotografer--Curt Gotlin, Anna Riwkin, Karl Sandels (Utstallningskatalog - Fotografiska Museet ; Nr. 154)
54040: GOTO, JOHN, MUHLBERGER, DETLEF - John Goto Terezin 1983, Terezin Memorial the Small Fortress
43950: GOTO, JOHN, ESSAY BY EGON WALESCH - John Goto Floodscapes
097619: GOTO, JOHN; SAUMAREZ SMITH, CHARLES; WALKER, NEIL - Ukadia. Recent Photo-Digital Works By John Goto
097620: GOTO, JOHN; SAUMAREZ SMITH, CHARLES; WALKER, NEIL - Ukadia. Recent Photo-Digital Works By John Goto
15328: GOTO, JOHN & OTRZAN, BURDA - The Scar John Goto, Durda Otrzan
073967: GOTO, JOHN, ESSAY BY EGON WALESCH - John Goto Floodscapes
076784: GOTSCHEL, ANDREA & HUPFER, GIORGIO - Giorgio Hupfer, Rauch Und Sand
069349: GOTT, TED - Fred Williams Drawing the Nude
071567: GOTT, TED, BENSON, LAURIE & MATTHIESSON, SOPHIE - Modern Britain 1900-1960, Masterworks from Australian and New Zealand Collections
097199: GOTTI, SOFIA & STORR, ROBERT - Waltercio Caldas
097331: GOTTLIEB, ADOLPH; WEI, LILY - Adolph Gottlieb
094992: PAUL GOUGH - Stanley Spencer - Journey to Burghclere
067915: GOUGH, PAUL (ESSAY) - Julian Perry an Extraordinary Prospect, the Coastal Erosion Paintings
095841: GOUK, ALAN & CORNISH, SAM ( ESSAY ) - Alan Gouk the " Ulysses " Series and Related Paintings 2001-2006
092475: VERONICA FRANKLIN GOULD - The Vision of G.F. Watts
075855: GOULD, VERONICA FRANKLIN - G.F. Watts: The Last Great Victorian
090383: CECIL GOULD - The Sixteenth Century Italian Schools (National Gallery Catalogues)
077333: GOULDS, PETER & TUCHMAN, MAURICE - Kienholz Before Lacma
095011: GOULDS, PETER & ANFAM, DAVID - Kienholz Berlin/Hope, 13 March-26 April 2014
081710: GOULDS, PETER & ANFAM, DAVID - Kienholz Berlin/Hope, 13 March-26 April 2014
082642: GOULDS, PETER & TUCHMAN, MAURICE - Kienholz Before Lacma
098867: LOUISE GOVIER - Hogarth to Turner: British Painting (National Gallery London Publications)
3863: GOWING, LAWRENCE: - Cezanne, the Early Years 1959-1872
096812: GOWING, LAWRENCE - Cezanne: The Early Years, 1859-71
091960: GOWING, LAWRENCE (SSAY) - Rhonda Roland Shearer, Still Lifes in Bronze (Exhibition 15 April-15 May, 1987)
080761: GOWING, LAWRENCE - Nicholas Evans, 15 September-14 October 1978
070583: GOWING, LAWRENCE - Paul Cezanne: The Basel Sketchbooks
095433: GOZALEZ, VALERIA; CADAVA, EDUARDO & CORTES ROCCA, PAOLOA - Correspondencias Visuales: Visual Correspondences (la Vista Gorda)
44957: GRACIAN, J. (ESSAY) - Curro Gonzalez
081696: DE GRADA, RAFFAELE - Innocente Salvini
087841: GRAEDEL MATTHAI, CARLOTTA - Jeanne Masoero, Works with Paper (Exh. 6 April-6 May, 2005)
084026: GRAEF, ROGER (ESSAY) - Rachel Schwalm (29 Jab-23 Feb. 2008)
60297: GRAF, DIETER - Nineteenth Century German Drawings and Watercolours
090078: GRAF, JOSEPHINE & ADAMOWICZ, STEPHANIE - Contingencies. Arte Povera and After
078249: GRAHAM, ROBERT - Robert Graham Recent Work
096536: GRAHAM, JANNA; PIETROIUSTI, LUCIA - Marcus Coates: The Trip
099183: GRAHAM, COLIN & HOGAN, PATRICK - Patrick Hogan, Still
076849: GRAHAM, ROBERT - Robert Graham Recent Sculpture
63252: GRAHAM, ROBERT - Robert Graham
068207: GRAHAM, SARAH - Sarah Graham Works on Paper
085985: GRAHAM, ROBERT - Robert Graham Recent Sculpture (2-27 Nov 1976)
072476: GRAHAM DIXON, ANDREW (INTRODUCTION) - Anna Gardiner, Round the Corner
087578: GRAINGER, IAN - Ian Grainger Prints and Drawings 1968-1975
086563: GRAMMEL, SOREN - Martin Boyce (25 April-16 Aug 2015)
098870: GRANATH, OLLE; CAMPANY, DAVID; SAINSBURY, HELEN; SöDERSTRöM, GöRAN - August Strindberg: Painter, Photographer, Writer
65773: GRANT, SIMON (ESSAY) - Dan Hays
098665: GRANT, SARAH - Toiles de Jouy: French Printed Cottons, 1760-1830
093190: GRANT, SIMON; RUF, BEATRIX - Keith Tyson: Studio Wall Drawings 1997-2007
091122: GRANT, SIMON & BRACEWELL, MICHAEL - Paul Nash , Sunflower Rises, Elements Lumineux
087489: MARLBOROUGH GRAPHICS - German Expressionist Prints and Drawings
070668: GRAS, MICHEL, BAUTIER, ROBERT HENRI, BAYET, JEAN, ET ALIA - A L'ecole de Toute L'italie, Pour Une Histoire de L'ecole Francaise de Rome, Collection de L'ecole Francaise de Rome
56054: GRASHOF, EHLER W. & SCHMIDT, PROF. ROBERT - Antiquiten Gotische Perlmutterplajetten Kleinplastik , Sammlung Edgar Bolz
54171: GRASSI, LIUIGI PROFESSOR - Italian Art Collection Formed By Count Pepoli with Additions from Marchesse Rusconi and Other Sources
094182: GRASSI, FRANCESCA; SCHERF, ANGELINE & OBRIST, HANS ULRICH - Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster. Expodrome
085350: GRASSI, FRANCESCA; SCHERF, ANGELINE & OBRIST, HANS ULRICH - Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster. Expodrome
096194: GRASSKAMP, WALTER ( ESSAY ) - Per Kirkeby - Recent Paintings
54214: GRATE, PONTUS (INTRODUCTION) - Toulouse Lautrec 26 December-3 Mars 1968
068435: GRAUBNER, GOTTHARD - Gotthard Graubner Hommage Zum 80 Geburtstag
64332: GRAVES, DONNA & DJERASSI, CARL - Paul Klee Figurative Graphics from the Djerassi Collection
094657: GRAVES, MARTHA - The Mark Goodson Collection: Modern Masters from the Collection of Mark Goodson
54031: GRAY, CLEVE, & KONHEIM KRAMER, LINDA - Cleve Gray Works on Paper 1940-1986
095159: GRAY, ZOE & SCHAFHAUSEN, NICOLAUS ( CURATORS ) - Cosima Von Bonin. 1 2 3 4 ,the Lazy Susan Series: Rotterdam. Bristol. Genčve. Köln
098950: GRAY, CAMILLA & ROBERTSON, BRYAN - Kasimir Malevich 1878-1935, an Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Studies, Whitechapel Art Gallery Oct - Nov 1959
098949: GRAY, CAMILLA & ROBERTSON, BRYAN - Kasimir Malevich 1878-1935, an Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Studies, Whitechapel Art Gallery Oct - Nov 1959
076165: GRAY, FRANCES & WOLIN, H. (INTRODUCTION) - Frances Gray (New York), Sculpture and Drawings 17 October to 4 November 1961
087383: GRAY, DAVID DODGE - David Dodge Gray, Prima Personale in Europa (Exh. Aprile, 1983)
14823: GRAYSON, ROY - Roy Grayson
14821: GRAYSON, ROY - Roy Grayson Monuments
14820: GRAYSON, ROY - Roy Grayson the Road to Corinth Stations and Sacraments
14801: GRAYSON, ROY - Monuments Roy Grayson
14818: GRAYSON, ROY - Roy Grayson the Road to Corinth Stations and Sacraments
091819: GRAYSON, ROY - Roy Grayson
081525: GRAYSON, SUE (INTRODUCTION): - Art Into Landscape, 3 : Prize-Winning and Selected Final-Stage Proposals for Sites in England, Scotland and Wales, Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gardens, London W. 2, March 29 to April 27 1980
084466: GRAZE, SUE - Visions James Surls, 1974-1984
083312: GRAZIA, DIANE DE - Bertoia, Mirola and the Farnese Court
083489: GRAZIE, RAFFAELS & FUROR, MICHELANGELOS - Sebastiano Del Piombo 1485-1547
095762: GREEHALGH, TRISHA; BRUNNET, BRUNO; WERNER, MICHAEL - Jorg Immendorff: High Plains Drifter
50262: GREEN, RICHARD - York City Art Gallery an Illustrated Guide
45876: GREEN, RICHARD - Exhibition of British Marine Paintings
45732: GREEN, RICHARD - An Eye for Detail an Exhibition of Nineteenth Century Paintings
45730: GREEN, RICHARD - A Fine Collection of Nineteenth Century Paintings
45725: GREEN, MATTHEW - A Fine Collection of Nineteenth Century Paintings
097280: GREEN, JUNE & JUDA, DAVID - Alan Green, a Survey ( 31 March-7may, 2022 )
096725: GREEN, RICHARD - L S Lowry, a River Bank
096550: RICHARD GREEN - Marie Francois Firmin-Girard, Poncin 1838-1921 Montlucon. Le Quai Aux Fleurs
096545: GREEN, RICHARD - Father and Son Camille and Lucien Pissarro
096465: GREEN, MATTHEW AND JONATHAN - Nicholson Hepworth Moore
099226: GREEN, LYNNE - Trevor Bell, Both Ends of the Stream, Paintings 1990-2000 Florida, Himalayas, Cornwall
095840: GREEN, DAVID - Christopher Stevens Works on Paper, Paintings and Texts 1997-1999
095651: GREEN, CHRISTOPHER - Leger and the Avant-Garde
081214: GREEN, RICHARD - Alfred Sisley, Paris 1839-1899 Moret-Sur-Loing. La Mare Aux Canards
67086: GREEN, ELEANOR (ESSAY) - David Smith Works on Paper
66498: GREEN, RICHARD - Good Companions (Paintings of Dogs)
094206: GREEN, ALAN - Alan Green: Monoprints 1999-2000 - Paintings 2001-2002
098945: GREEN, JUNE & JUDA, DAVID - Alan Green, a Survey ( 31 March-7may, 2022 )
081987: GREEN, RICHARD - Modern Masters Iii
076449: GREEN, LYNNE (ESSAY) - John Noel Smith & Anthony Caro
092368: GREEN, RICHARD (INTRODUCTION) - Royal Academicians at Richard Green (2018 Exhibition)
081081: GREEN, RICHARD - Alfred Sisley, Paris 1839-1899 Moret-Sur-Loing. La Mare Aux Canards
091161: GREEN, LYNNE (ESSAY), BELL, TREVOR - Trevor Bell (Exhibition Sep 7-Oct 17, 2001) (Signed)
091160: GREEN, LYNNE (ESSAY), BELL, TREVOR - Trevor Bell (Exhibition Sep 7-Oct 17, 2001)
081824: RICHARD GREEN - The World of Impressionism (2015)
089664: GREEN, RICHARD (INTRODUCTION) - Aspects of British Impressionism (2016 Exhibition)
073398: GREEN, LYNNE (ESSAY) - David Roberts, Weeping Landscapes
087426: GREEN, ANTHONY - Anthony Green (Exh. 4-24 March, 1966)
087226: CHRISTOPHER GREEN - Cubism and War. The Crystal in the Flame
086716: GREEN, MATTHEW AND JONATHAN - Nicholson Hepworth Moore
072406: GREEN, ALAN, ESSAY BY CATHERINE LACEY - Alan Green Recent Paintings and Drawings 1982
085394: GREEN, JONATAHN & MATTHEW - Focus on L.S. Lowry

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