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19364: GORDIEN, Fortune (?-1990) - Signature
32651: GORDIMER, Nadine - Something out There
1034: GORDIMER, Nadine - Burger's Daughter
32648: GORDIMER, Nadine - Jump and Other Stories
46615: GORDON, Don (1920-2010) - Photograph Signed
44427: GORDON, General James A. - Little Lou; the Pride of the Continental Army
13934: VAN GORDON, Cyrena (1893-1964) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
11504: GORDON, Max - Max Gordon Presents
39340: GORDON, Maurice Bear - Aesculapius Comes to the Colonies: The Story of the Early Days of Medicine in the Thirteen Original Colonies
45425: GORDON, Anna E. - The Beautiful Life of Frances E. Willard: A Memorial Volume
49680: GORDON, Richard F. Jr. (1929-2017) - Signed Caricature
14941: GORDON, Gale (1906-95) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
27516: GORDON, Richard - One More for the Road: The Autobiography of a Friendship, 1966-1996
33566: GORDON, Ralph C. (compiler) - Topics in African/American History
34388: GORDON, Elizabeth Fabri - Behavioral and Physiological Effects of Late-Onset Protein Restriction in Male Holtzman Rats
30882: GORDON, Elaine - Intimate Terms
25817: GORDON, Huntley (1886-1956) - Inscription and Signature
33330: GORDON, W.R. - Reliance on God, Our Hope of Victory. A Sermon Preached on the Day of Fasting and Prayer, September 26th, 1861
36977: GORDON, Cyrus H. - Forgotten Scripts: Their Ongoing Discovery and Decipherment
35968: GORDON, John B. - Reminiscences of the CIVIL War
15631: GORDON, Vera (1886-1948) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
22700: GORE, Albert (1907-98) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
374: GORELY, Jean - Wedgwood
35239: GOREN, Charles H. - Autobridge: Play-Yourself Bridge Game
46031: GOREY, Edward - The Epiplectic Bicycle
41152: GOREY, Edward - The Headless Bust: A Melancholy Meditation on the False Millennium
45725: GORHAM, Michael - The Real Book About Abraham Lincoln
42972: GORHAM, Michael - The Real Book About Abraham Lincoln
9794: GORHAM, Charles Orson - Carlotta Mcbride
40759: GORIN, Igor (1904-82) - Signed Program
23149: GORMAN, Thomas D. (1916-86) - Signature
19168: GORMAN, Tom (1925-92) - Signature
25117: GORMAN, Cliff (1936-2002) - Signature
48826: GORREE, Georges - Charles de Foucauld
26116: GORSICA, Johnny (1915-98) - Signature
23275: GOSCINNY - Lucky Luke: Dalton City
26433: GOSLIN, Charles (1932-2007) - Signed Postal Cover
39257: GOSLING, F.G. - Before Freud: Neurasthenia and the American Medical Community, 1870-1910
40948: GOSNELL, H. Allen - Guns on the Western Waters: The Story of River Gunboats in the CIVIL War
41225: GOSS, Charles Frederic - Little Saint Sunshine
28476: GOSS, Charles Frederic (1852-1930) - Autograph Letter Signed
40152: GOSSETT, Louise Y. - Violence in Recent Southern Fiction
31966: GOTTSCHALK, Alfred L.M. (1873-1918) - Autograph Note Signed
48519: GOUDY, Frederic W. - Notes on Legibility
48520: GOUDY, Frederic W. - Notes on Legibility
50298: (GOUDY, FRED W.) - To F-W-G at Seventy-Eight
40462: GOUDY, Frederic W. - The Type Designs Made for Private and Commercial Use 1896 to 1943
29839: GOUDY, FRED W. - To F-W-G at Seventy-Eight
33208: GOUGH, John B. - Platform Echoes: Or, Living Truths for Head and Heart... Drawn from the Bright and Shady Sides of Life
49478: BARING-GOULD, Sabine (1834-1924) - Autograph Note Signed
7457: GOULD, Jean - Amy: The World of Amy Lowell and the Imagist Movement
44972: GOULD, Harold (1923-2010) - Signature
46257: GOULD, Rupert T. - Oddities: A Book of Unexplained Facts
35312: GOULD, Stephen Jay - Ever Since Darwin: Reflections in Natural History
39037: GOULD, Stephen Jay - Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes
32121: BARING-GOULD, William S. - Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street: A Life of the World's First Consulting Detective
37203: GOULDEN, R.J. (editor) - English Royal Signatures
28375: GOVAN, Gilbert E. (1892-?) - Typed Letter Signed
37624: GOWAN, Hugh, and GOWAN, Judy - Stories Anecdotes and Humor from the CIVIL War
10042: GOYEN, William - Arcadio
9822: GOYEN, William - The House of Breath
2724: GOYTISOLO, Juan - Forbidden Territory: The Memoirs of Juan Goytisolo, 1931-1956
11374: GOYTISOLO, Juan - Juan the Landless
45560: GOYTISOLO, Juan - Juan the Landless
17567: GRABLE, Betty (1916-73) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
6440: GRABO, Eunice Carter - The Ultimate White Flower
41693: GRAEBNER, Norman A. (editor) - The Enduring Lincoln
44788: GRAFF, Henry F. (editor) - Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States from W.H. Taft to G.W. Bush
36773: GRAFFAGNINO, J. Kevin (editor) - A Wisconsin Fifteen: Fifteen Notable Titles from the Library Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin
17815: MEIER-GRAFFE, Julius - Vincent Van Gogh: A Biographical Study. ; Translation by John Holroyd-Reece
37804: GRAFTON, Sue - P Is for Peril
35243: GRAGG, Rod - Confederate Goliath: The Battle of Fort Fisher
35422: GRAGG, Rod (editor) - The Illustrated Confederate Reader
1542: GRAHAM, R.B. Cunninghame - Rodeo: A Collection of the Tales and Sketches of R.B. Cunninghame Graham. ; Selected and with an Introduction by A.F. Tschiffely
31452: GRAHAM, Frank - Al Smith, American: An Informal Biography
49597: GRAHAM, Jorie - Sea Change
31325: GRAHAM, Bob - Intelligence Matters: The Cia, the Fbi, Saudi Arabia, and the Failure of America's War on Terror
25734: THOMAS-GRAHAM, Pamela - A Darker Shade of Crimson: An Ivy League Mystery
1336: GRAHAM, W.S. - Selected Poems
23646: GRAHAM, William H. - The Geese Are Coming Back: Poems of an Outdoorsman
42710: GRAHAM, W.A. - The Custer Myth: A Source Book of Custeriana
45245: GRAHAM, Kenneth - Smokey Bear Saves the Forest
30744: THOMAS-GRAHAM, Pamela - Blue Blood: An Ivy League Mystery
30746: THOMAS-GRAHAM, Pamela - A Darker Shade of Crimson: An Ivy League Mystery
44003: GRAHAM, Philip - Showboats: The History of an American Institution
25173: GRAHAM, William Alexander (1875-1954) - Signature and Inscription
30839: GRAHAM, J.D. - Messages from the Governors of Maryland and Pennsylvania, Transmitting the Reports of the Joint Commissioners, and of Lieut. Col. Graham, U.S. Topographical Engineers, in Relation to the Intersection of the Boundary Lines of the States of Maryland...
33017: GRAHAM, George Farquhar - The Songs of Scotland Adapted to Their Appropriate Melodies Arranged with Pianoforte Accompaniments by G.F. Graham, T.M. Mudie, J.T. Surenne, H.E. Dibdin, Finlay Dun, &C
36196: GRAHAM, W.A. - The Custer Myth: A Source Book of Custeriana
23628: GRAHAM, William L., Jr. - The Silver Crisis
48594: GRAM, Moltke S. - Kant's Duplication Problem
7574: GRANFIELD, Linda - Circus: An Album
1033: GRANGER, Bill - The Shattered Eye
33045: GRANGER, Bill - The Infant of Prague: A November Man Novel
15618: GRANGER, Stewart (1913-93) - Photograph Signed
32557: GRANGER, Stewart (1913-93) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
45081: GRANGER, Bill, and GRANGER, Lori - Fighting Jane: Mayor Jane Byrne and the Chicago Machine
10840: GRANIT, Robert - Another Runner in the Night
11848: GRANT, Bruce - My Indian Book
15286: (GRANT, Ulysses S. -- Print) - The Judge: Vol. 5, No. 116 (9 January 1884)
34228: (GRANT, Ulysses S.) - Galena and Its Lead Mines
48762: GRANT, Michael (editor) - Readings in the Classical Historians
2171: GRANT, Bruce - Concise Encyclopedia of the American Indian
18287: GRANT, D.C. "Chet" (?-1985) - Signature
43188: GRANT, Ulysses Sherman - Report on the Lead and Zinc Deposits of Wisconsin with an Atlas of Detailed Maps
49257: GRANT, Michael - The Classical Greeks
44824: GRANT, Gordon - Sail Ho! Wind Jammer Sketches Alow and Aloft
6842: GRANTHAM, Dewey W. - Contemporary American History: The United States Since 1945
45506: De GRASSE, Paul - Palette
24196: GRATTAN, C. Hartley - The Southwest Pacific to 1900: A Modern History -- Australia, New Zealand, the Islands, Antarctica. / the Southwest Pacific Since 1900: A Modern History -- Australia, New Zealand, the Islands, Antarctica
50278: GRAU, Shirley Ann - The Keepers of the House
50279: GRAU, Shirley Ann - Evidence of Love
20927: GRAUER, Ben (1908-77) - Typed Note Signed
20297: GRAVES, Joseph A. - The History of the Bedford Light Artillery
38801: GRAVES, Robert - Collected Poems 1965
37677: GRAVES, Robert - The Greek Myths
48374: GRAY, Thomas - Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard
46996: GRAY, Greta - Convenient Kitchens
43345: GRAY, Thomas - Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard
45218: GRAY, Charles Wright (compiler) - Dawgs!" an Anthology of Stories About Them
47825: GRAY, Thomas - Ode on the Pleasure Arising from Vicissitude Left Unfinished by Mr. Gray, and Since Completed
13527: GRAY, Miss A.A. - Little Anna's Trials
9023: GRAY, James H. - Booze: The Impact of Whisky on the Prairie West
48609: GRAY, Thomas - An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
22509: GRAY, Dolores (1924-2002) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
42921: GRAY, Harold - Little Orphan Annie in the Circus / Little Orphan Annie and the Haunted House / Little Orphan Annie: Never Say Die! / Little Orphan Annie Shipwrecked / Little Orphan Annie and Uncle Dan
45342: GRAY, Thomas - Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard
37783: GRAY, Rebecca - Venison
1188: GRAYBILL, Florence Curtis, and BOESEN, Victor - Edward Sheriff Curtis: Visions of a Vanishing Race
32323: De GRAZIA, Ted - Ah Ha Toro
26592: GRAZIANI, Sante (1920-2005) - Signed First Day Cover
38985: GREBNER, Constantin - We Were the Ninth": A History of the Ninth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, April 17, 1861, to June 7, 1864
18890: GRECO, Jose (1918-2000) - Signature
22651: GREELEY, Horace (1811-72) - Autograph Letter Signed
32973: GREELEY, Horace - Letter to a Politician. (Samuel J. Tilden. )
2511: GREEN, H. Gordon - The Faith of Our Father
24314: GREEN, Johnny (1908-89) - Signed Commemorative Cover
44188: GREEN, Julian - The Closed Garden
28243: GREEN, Frank K. (?-?) - Signature
37827: GREEN, Stanley, and GOLDBLATT, Burt - Starring Fred Astaire
10854: GREEN, Julian - Each in His Darkness
43645: GREEN, F.L. - The Magician
18340: GREEN, Johnny (1908-89) - Signature
41143: GREENAWAY, Kate - Marigold Garden: Pictures and Rhymes
43805: GREENBERG, Moshe, GREENFIELD, Jonas C., and SARNA, Nahum M. (introductions) - The Book of Job: A New Translation According to the Traditional Hebrew Text
20861: GREENE, Laurence - The Raid: A Biography of Harpers Ferry
25726: GREENE, Bob - Hang Time: Days and Dreams with Michael Jordan
42305: GREENE, Homer - A Lincoln Conscript
22485: GREENE, A. Wilson - Whatever You Resolve to Be: Essays on Stonewall Jackson
14923: GREENE, Jerome A. (editor) - Battles and Skirmishes of the Great Sioux War, 1876-1877: The Military View
25739: GREENE, Bob - Hang Time: Days and Dreams with Michael Jordan
30742: GREENE, Bob - All Summer Long
33783: GREENE, Graham - May We Borrow Your Husband? and Other Comedies of the Sexual Life
37144: GREENE, Joseph - Journey to Jupiter
37145: GREENE, Joseph - Journey to Jupiter
37143: GREENE, Joseph - Captives in Space
32113: GREENE, Hugh (editor) - The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes: Early Detective Stories
43475: GREENE, Laurence - The Era of Wonderful Nonsense: A Casebook of the 'Twenties
29723: GREENE, Francis Vinton - The Mississippi
2549: GREENE, Laurence - The Raid: A Biography of Harpers Ferry
39909: GREENHOFF, Brian (1953-2013) - Signature
7196: GREENLEE, James W. - Malraux's Heroes and History
38251: GREENOUGH, Sarah, and HAMILTON, Juan - Alfred Stieglitz: Photographs & Writings
290: GREENSPAN, Bud - Play It Again, Bud!
34936: GREENSTONE, J. David, and PETERSON, Paul E. - Race and Authority in Urban Politics: Community Participation and the War on Poverty
7159: GREENWAY, John - A Guide Through James Joyce's Ulysses
40367: GREENWOOD, Grace (Sarah Jane Lippincott) (1823-1904) - Autograph Quotation Signed
32107: GREENWOOD, L.B. - Sherlock Holmes and the Thistle of Scotland
23841: GREER, Hilton R. - Voices of the Southwest: A Book of Texan Verse
48508: GREER, Scott - The Emerging City: Myth and Reality
31708: GREET, Sir Philip Barling "Ben" (1857-1936) - Signature
27989: GREGG, Andrew K. - New Mexico in the Nineteenth Century: A Pictorial History
1543: GREGG, Josiah - Commerce of the Prairies: A Selection
44156: GREGORY, Dick - Dick Gregory's Political Primer
37274: GREGORY, John M. - School Funds and School Laws of Michigan: With Notes and Forms, to Which Are Added Elements of School Architecture, & C. , with Lists of Text Books and Library Books
36793: GREGORY, John Goadby - A Beauty of Thebes and Other Verses
35232: GREGUIRE, Helen - The Collector's Encyclopedia of Granite Ware: Colors, Shapes and Values
46609: GREINER, Georg (1920-2014) - Photograph Signed / Autograph Note Signed
25047: GRELINGER, Charles (1873-1942) - Autograph Letter Signed
45731: GRENFELL, Wilfred Thomason - Northern Neighbors: Stories of the Labrador People
24498: GRESHAM, Grits - Complete Book of Bass Fishing
9168: GRESHAM, Grits - The Complete Wildfowler
47607: GREVILLE, Charles - The Greville Diary: Including Passages Hitherto Withheld from Publication
39474: GREY, Zane (1872-1939) - Partly-Printed Autograph Document Signed
47900: GREY, Virginia (1917-2004) - Inscription and Signature / Unsigned Photograph
41261: GREY, Zane - The Last Trail
41257: GREY, Zane - The Spirit of the Border
41259: GREY, Zane - The Spirit of the Border
43193: GREY, Edward (editor) - The Travels of Pietro Della Valle in India. From the Old English Translation of 1664, by G. Havers
47264: GREY, Zane - The Drift Fence
47358: GREY, Zane - Tales of Fresh-Water Fishing
33334: GREY, Zane - Western Union
18659: GREY, Ralph Francis Almwick (Lord Grey of Naunton) (1910-99) - Signature
43767: GREY, Edward (1862-1933) - Autograph Letter Signed
34386: GREYDANUS, Donald E., MILLER, Kimball A., and PRATT, Helen D. (guest editors) - Frontiers of Academic Medicine and Health Care Delivery in the 1990s
34805: GREYDANUS, Donald E. (editor), et al. - Caring for Your Teenager: The Complete and Authoritative Guide
24932: GRIBAYEDOFF, Valerian (?-?) - Signed Ink Sketch
43272: GRIDLEY, Marion E. - Indian Legends of American Scenes
46367: GRIEM, Helmut (1932-2004) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
48839: GRIERSON, Herbert J.C. (editor) - Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the Seventeenth Century: Donne to Butler
11045: GRIESSMAN, B. Eugene - The Achievement Factors: Candid Interviews with Some of the Most Successful People of Our Time
27123: GRIFFIN, Nicholas - The Victims
33202: GRIFFIN, Gwyn - Freedom Observed
27226: GRIFFITH, Helen V. - Grandaddy and Janetta Together: The Three Stories in One Book
1036: GRIFFITH, BIll - Time for Frankie Coolin
23114: GRIFFITH, Tommy (1889-1967) - Signature
26166: GRIFFITH, Richard - The Movie Stars
45681: GRIGGS, Edward Howard (1868-1951) - Signature and Inscription
35526: GRIMES, Martha - The End of the Pier
44478: GRIMES, Paul L. - Tucson Rodeo Parade & Museum: Stories -- Memories -- Tales Since 1925
3948: GRIMSLEY, Will (editor) - The Sports Immortals
43447: GRIMSLEY, Mark - The Hard Hand of War: Union Military Policy Toward Southern Civilians, 1861-1865
48152: GRINNELL, George Bird - The Fighting Cheyennes
17722: GRISSOM, Virgil (1926-67) - Photograph Signed
45786: GRISWOLD, Latta - Deering of Deal or the Spirit of the School
49809: GRIZZARD, George (1928-2007) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
14322: GROBE, Charles (1817-80) - Autograph Note Signed
26192: GROH, David (1939-2008) - Signature
18724: GROMORT, G. - Villa Dite la Rotonde de Palladio
18725: GROMORT, G. - Basilique Palladienne
44736: GRONERT, Ted (editor) - Sugar Creek Saga: A History and Development of Montgomery County
36679: GROOM, Winston - Shrouds of Glory -- from Atlanta to Nashville: The Last Great Campaign of the CIVIL War
18874: GROOM, Victor E. (?-1990) - Signature
30982: GROOM, Winston - Shrouds of Glory -- from Atlanta to Nashville: The Last Great Campaign of the CIVIL War
34138: GROSHANS, Werner (1913-86) - Typed Letter Signed
41694: GROSS, Anthony - The Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln
33628: GROSS, Samuel D. - Autobiography of Samuel D. Gross, M.D. With Sketches of His Contemporaries
11053: GROSS, Harvey - The Contrived Corridor: History and Fatality in Modern Literature
1038: GROSS, Ken - A Fine Line
308: GROSS, Leslie - Housewives' Guide to Antiques: How to Get the Most for Your Money When Furnishing Your Home with Antiques
35490: GROSS, T. Scott - Borrowed Dreams: The Roughest, Toughest Jobs on the Planet... And What I Learned from Working Them
7604: GROSS, Ben - I Looked & I Listened: Informal Recollections of Radio and Tv
41501: GROSSMAN, Julian - The CIVIL War: Battlefields and Campgrounds in the Art of Winslow Homer
47321: GROSSMAN, Jill - Revelations of New England Architecture: People and Their Buildings
49994: GROSVENOR, Gilbert (editor) - The National Geographic Magazine: Index -- July to December, 1916 (Vol. XXX)
49928: GROSVENOR, Gilbert (editor) - The National Geographic Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly -- January-June 1916 (Vol. XXIX)
26437: GROVE, Edward R. (?-2002) - Signed Postal Cover
26438: GROVE, Edward R. (?-2002) - Autograph Letter Signed
28919: GROW, Galusha A. - Speeches of Hon. Galusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, on Homestead, Tariff, and Election of Speaker for Thirty-Seventh Congress
22205: GRUBB, Davis - The Golden Sickle
116: GRUBB, Davis - The Barefoot Man
29337: GRUBBS, Thomas W. (1894-1986) - Signature
43694: GRUBER, Frank - Peace Marshal
44847: GRUBER, Frank - The Greek Affair
44849: GRUBER, Frank - The Etruscan Bull
43170: GRUBER, Frank - The Silver Tombstone
42527: GRUBER, Frank - The Limping Goose: A Johnny Fletcher Mystery
44851: GRUBER, Frank - The Whispering Master
44852: GRUBER, Frank - Brothers of Silence
43701: GRUBER, Frank - Town Tamer
45622: GRUBER, Frank - Zane Grey: A Biography
44292: GRUBER, Frank - Run, Fool, Run
8071: GRUBER, Frank - Silver City (Film Press Kit)
45863: GRUBER, Frank - The Gift Horse
47792: GRUBER, Frank - The Talking Clock
48638: GRUELLE, Johnny, and MILLER, Charles - Raggedy Ann's Joyful Songs
35725: GRUELLE, Johnny / FISH, Helen Dean - Raggedy Ann Helps Grandpa Hoppergrass / When the Root Children Wake Up
9932: GRUMBACH, Doris - The Company She Kept
50300: La GUARDIA, Fiorella H. (1882-1947) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
40752: La GUARDIA, Fiorella H. (1882-1947) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
46443: GUARIGLIA, Guglielmo - IL Mondo Spirituale Dei Primitivi: 1
37454: GUELZO, Allen C. - Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in America
46546: GUENON, M. Francis - A Treatise on Milch Cows, Whereby the Quality and Quantity of Milk Which Any Cow Will Give May Be Accurately Determined by Observing Natural Marks or External Indications Alone; the Length of Time She Will Continue to Give Milk, &C
23148: GUERRA, Fermin (1912-92) - Signature
35137: GUERRANT, Edward O. - Bluegrass Confederate: The Headquarters Diary of Edward O. Guerrant
34715: GUERRANT, Edward O. - Bluegrass Confederate: The Headquarters Diary of Edward O. Guerrant
46276: GUEST, Edgar A. - Just Folks
30766: GUEST, Judith - Errands
47682: GUHL, Ernst, and KONER, Wilhelm - The Romans: Life & Customs
12365: GUILES, Fred Lawrence - Hanging on in Paradise
22336: GUILFOILE, Kevin - Cast of Shadows
46761: GUITRY, Sacha - If Memory Serves: Memoirs of Sacha Guitry
9735: GUITRY, Sacha - If Memory Serves: Memoirs of Sacha Guitry
14942: GULLIVER, Dorothy (1908-97) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
49161: GUMPERT, Thekla von (editor) - Herzblättchens Zeitvertreib. Unterhaltungen Für Kleine Knaben Und Mädchen Zur Herzensbildung Und Entwicklung Der Begriffe
40334: GUMPERT, Thekla von - Töchter=Album: Unterhaltungen IM Häuslichen Kreise Zur Bildung Des Verstandes Und Gemütes Der Heranwachsenden Weiblichen Jugend... . XXXIX. Jahrgang
40335: GUMPERT, Thekla von - Töchter=Album: Unterhaltungen IM Häuslichen Kreise Zur Bildung Des Verstandes Und Gemütes Der Heranwachsenden Weiblichen Jugend... . Neue Folge 17. Band
46087: GUNDERSON, Robert G. - Stoutly Argufy": Lincoln's Legal Speaking
39811: GUNDERT, Wilhelm (editor) - Lyrik Des Ostens
24533: GUNN, Brenda, and RICHARDSON, Shannon - Deadly Deception: A True Story of Duplicity, Greed, Dangerous Passions and One Woman's Courage
963: GUNN, James - Alternate Worlds: The Illustrated History of Science Fiction
12612: GUNSAULUS, Frank Wakeley - William Ewart Gladstone: A Biographical Study
4712: GUNSTON, Bill - The World's Greatest Airplanes: The Story of the Men Who Built Them and How They Came to Be
554: GUNTHER, John - Chicago Revisited
12346: GUNTHER, Max - Virility 8: A Celebration of the American Male
14300: GUNTHER, Marc - The House That Roone Built: The Inside Story of ABC News
1688: GUNTHER, John - Meet North Africa
13146: GURDA, John - The Quiet Company: A Modern History of Northwestern Mutual Life
48732: GURNEY, O.R. - The Hittites
21530: GUSEWELLE, C.W. - Another Autumn: The Rufus Chronicle
43064: GUSTAFSON, Lealand - Enjoy Your Golf
34656: GUSTAVSON, Howard (editor) - Model T Times: November-December 1992 -- May-June 1996 (13 Issues)
30733: GUTERSON, David - East of the Mountains
31061: GUTERSON, David - East of the Mountains
38196: GUTHRIE, Margaret - Quivey's Grove Heritage Cookbook
14760: GUTHRIE, A.B., Jr. - The Blue Hen's Chick: A Life in Context
44001: GUTHRIE, Tyrone - A Life in the Theatre
47859: GUTMAN, Richard J.S., and GUTMAN, Kellie O. - John Wilkes Booth Himself / Original Carte-de-Visite
48566: GUY, Ray (1949-2022) - Signature
8568: SEOK-GWAN, Hong - The Wounded Rabit: "Why Has Our Country Been Divided?
43820: LAWRENCE. D.H. - Lady Chatterley's Lover
38108: LAWRENCE. D.H. - Sons and Lovers
45795: HAAKON, Paul (1911-92) - Signature
11725: HAAS, Irvin - America's Historic Inns & Taverns
49286: HAAS, Howard G. - The Leader Within: An Empowering Path of Self-Discovery
17705: HAAVIKKO, Paavo - Selected Poems
42415: HABBERTON, John - Romance of California Life; Illustrated by Pacific Slope Stories, Thrilling, Pathetic and Humorous
44402: THEIR LATEST VICTIM (HABBERTON, John) - Helen's Babies with Some Account of Their Ways Innocent, Crafty, Angelic, Impish, Witching, and Repulsive. Also, a Partial Record of Their Actions During Ten Days of Their Existence
20664: HACKETT, Charles (1899-1942) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
46011: HACKETT, Clifford P. - A Jean Monnet Chronology: Origins of the European Union in the Life of a Founder, 1888 to 1950
43723: HACKETT, James K. (1869-1926) - Document Signed
49150: HÄCKLANDER, F.W. - Humoristische Schriften Und Erzählungen
34420: HACKMAN, Gene, and LENIHAN, Daniel - Justice for None
34288: HADDOCK, Charles B. - An Address Delivered Before the Railroad Convention, at Lebanon, N.H. , October 10, 1843
34289: HADDOCK, Charles B. - An Address Delivered Before the Railroad Convention, at Lebanon, N.H. , October 10, 1843
16201: HADFIELD, John (editor) - Henry Fielding: Scenes and Characters
2958: HADLEY, Edwin Marshall - Sinister Shadows
50224: HADLEY, Leila - Give Me the World
33767: HADTKA, Myrtle Graham - Georganne
1139: HAFEN, LeRoy R., and HAFEN, Ann W. - The Joyous Journey of Leroy R. And Ann W. Hafen: An Autobiography
47313: HAFEN, Mark R., and GATES, Lawrence A. - Design Innovation Concepts for Veterinary Care Facilities
45305: HAFEN, LeRoy R., and HAFEN, Ann W. - Handcarts to Zion: The Story of a Unique Western Migration 1856-1860 with Contemporary Journals, Accounts, Reports; and Rosters of Members of the Ten Handcart Companies
35454: HAFENDORFER, Kenneth A. - Nathan Bedford Forrest: The Distant Storm -- the Murfreesboro Raid, July 13, 1862
49821: HAFNER, German - Art of Rome, Etruria, and Magna Graecia
34306: HAGEDORN, Hermann - The Boys' Life of Theodore Roosevelt
31157: HAGEN, Uta (1919-2004) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
1481: VON HAGEN, Victor W. - The Golden Man: A Quest for El Dorado
14321: HAGEN, Theodore (1823-71) - Autograph Letter Signed
410: HAGEN, Oskar - The Birth of the American Tradition in Art
47511: VON HAGEN, Victor Wolfgang - The Royal Road of the Inca
43638: HAGGARD, William - The High Wire
30986: HAHN, Emily - Mabel: A Biography of Mabel Dodge Luhan
20812: HAILEY, Arthur - Wheels
6444: HAILEY, Arthur - Wheels
20762: HAILEY, Arthur - The Evening News
19157: HAILSHAM, Quintin Hogg, Lord Hailsham of St. Marylebone (1907-2001) - Signature
40623: HAINES, Daniel - Speech of Mr. Haines, of Sussex, on the Joint Resolutions Relative to the Exclusion of the Representatives of New Jersey from Congress. Delivered in N.J. Legislative Council, January 23, 1840
48483: HAINES, John - Twenty Poems
23150: HAINES, Henry "Hinkey" (1899-1979) - Signature
40442: HAINES, Daniel - Speech of Mr. Haines, of Sussex, on the Joint Resolutions Relative to the Exclusion of the Representatives of New Jersey from Congress. Delivered in N.J. Legislative Council, January 23, 1840
37796: HAINING, Peter (editor) - A Sherlock Holmes Companion
17054: HAINING, Peter (editor) - A Sherlock Holmes Compendium
32145: HAINING, Peter (editor) - The Sherlock Holmes Scrapbook: Fifty Years of Occasional Articles, Newspaper Cuttings, Letters, Memoirs, Anecdotes, Pictures, Photographs and Drawings Relating to the Great Detective. ; Foreword by Peter Cushing
36298: HALBERSTAM, David - The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War
46995: HALDANE, Suzanne - Faces on Places: About Gargoyles and Other Stone Creatures
20653: HALE, Douglas - The Third Texas Cavalry in the CIVIL War
36129: HALE, William Harlan (editor) - The Horizon Book of Ancient Greece
47066: HALE, Edward Everett (1822-1909) - Autograph Quotation Signed
33890: HALE, Edward Everett - The Man without a Country
20357: HALE, Edward Everett - The Man without a Country. ; Introduction by Carl Van Doren. Illustrations by Edward A. Wilson
28762: (HALE, NATHAN) - The Immortal Nathan Hale
40891: HALES, Philip, 5th Baronet (1735-1824) - Document Signed
23391: HALEY, Alex - A Different Kind of Christmas
27909: HALEY, John W. - The Rebel Yell & the Yankee Hurrah: The CIVIL War Journal of a Maine Volunteer
1544: HALEY, J. Evetts - Charles Schreiner, General Merchandise: The Story of a Country Store
43941: HALEY, John W. - The Rebel Yell & the Yankee Hurrah: The CIVIL War Journal of a Maine Volunteer
19390: HALL, Fitch (1759-1841) - Autograph Letter Signed
17698: KING-HALL, Magdalen - I Think I Remember: Being the Random Recollections of Sir Wickham Woolicomb, an Ordinary English Snob and Gentleman
24686: HALL, Bob (editor) - Southern Exposure: Passing Glances
24687: HALL, Bob (editor) - Southern Exposure: Good Times and Growing Pains. .
31454: HALL, Joyce C. - When You Care Enough
42979: HALL, William - Blue Streak Mystery Stories: Three Complete Books in One Volume -- Slow Vengeance, Green Fire, Hidden Danger
34847: HALL, Tony (editor) - March to Victory: The Final Months of Ww II -- from D-Day, June 6, 1944 to the Fall of Japan, August 14, 1945
34413: HALL, Richard (editor) - Germany Surrenders 1945 / Japan Surrenders 1945
226: HALL, Marie S. (editor) - First New England Catalogue
45717: HALL, Gordon Langley - Vinnie Ream: The Story of the Girl Who Sculpted Lincoln
28749: HALL, John (1913-79) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
11424: HALL, William - Raising Caine: The Authorized Biography
47962: HALL, James Norman - The Friends
18840: FIELDING-HALL, H. - The World Soul
16169: FIELDING-HALL, H. - Love's Legend
14785: HALL, Dixi - The Beginner's Guide to Art Materials and Terms Used
21939: HALL, Bob (1923-83) - Signature and Inscription
34636: HALL, Richard - Patriots in Disguise: Women Warriors of the CIVIL War
12994: HALL, Michael - Oxford
43184: HALL, Norris F., CHAFEE, Zechariah Jr., and HUDSON, Manley O. - The Next War: Three Addresses at a Symposium at Harvard University November 18, 1924
48027: HALL, J.C. - Abraham Lincoln National Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1863
17084: HALL, Trevor H. - The Late Mr. Sherlock Holmes & Other Literary Studies
2214: HALL, Wade - The Smiling Phoenix: Southern Humor from 1865 to 1914
6820: HALL, Marie Boas - History of Science
6414: FIELDING-HALL, H. - The Passing of Empire
48317: HALL, Anthony - Operation Overlord: D-Day Day by Day
1407: HALL, Gordon Langley - Golden Boats from Burma
30887: HALL, James W. - Blackwater Sound
32294: HALL, Carrie A., and KRETSINGER, Rose G. - The Romance of the Patchwork Quilt in America. ; Illustrations by Mary Ellen Everhard
30870: HALL, James W. - Red Sky at Night
20913: HALL, Sir James (1761-1832) - Autograph Letter Signed
48446: HALLADAY, Milton R. (1874-1961) - Original Ink Drawing
49477: HALLAM, Henry (1777-1859) - Autograph Note Signed
37209: HALLAM, Henry (1777-1859) - Autograph Letter Signed
9821: HALLASY, Paul - New York Underground
46141: HALLBERG, Peter - Old Icelandic Poetry: Eddic Lay and Skaldic Verse
43386: HALLER, John S., Jr. - Farmcarts to Fords: A History of the Military Ambulance, 1790-1925
43890: (COLONIAL BOND). HALLET, Jacob, HALLET, Jonathan, and HALLET, Nathaniel - Autograph Document Signed
21996: HALLGRIMSON, Geir (1925-90) - Photograph Signed
24500: HALLIDAY, Hugh M. - Adventures Among Birds
10678: HALLIDAY, William R. - American Caves and Caving: Techniques, Pleasures, and Safeguards of Modern Cave Exploration
9732: HALLIDAY, Tim - Sexual Strategy
46378: HALLIDAY, Brett - Murder Wears a Mummer's Mask
11098: HALLIWELL, Leslie - Mountain of Dreams: The Golden Years of Paramount Pictures
7298: HALLIWELL, Leslie - The Filmgoer's Companion
39594: HALLOCK, Judith Lee - Braxton Bragg and Confederate Defeat: Volume II
46272: HALLWAS, John E. - Dime Novel Desperadoes: The Notorious Maxwell Brothers
45543: HALPERN, Joseph - Critical Fictions: The Literary Criticism of Jean-Paul Sartre
35691: HALSEY, Mina Deane - Whiskeretta
2656: HALSTEAD, Murat, and MUNSON, A.J. - Life and Reign of Queen Victoria
42931: HALSTEAD, Murat - Life and Achievements of Admiral Dewey from Montpelier to Manila
1651: HAM, Olive M. - Nightingale Cottage
41162: HAMAND, Lavern M. (editor) - Coles County in the CIVIL War, 1861-1865
27484: HAMBOURG, Mark (1879-1960) - Autograph Musical Quotation Signed
43063: HAMERSLEY, William Livingston (?-1894) - Signature and Salutation
38583: HAMERTON, Philip Gilbert - Contemporary French Painters: An Essay
19849: HAMEY, H. Ray (1902-91) - Autograph Document Signed
40061: HAMILTON, Bob - Gene Autry and the Redwood Pirates
7182: HAMILTON, Ian - Robert Lowell: A Biography
31017: HAMILTON, Jane - A Map of the World
47429: HAMILTON, Alexander, JAY, John, and MADISON, James - The Federalist: A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States -- Being a Collection of Essays Written in Support of the Constitution Agreed Upon September 17, 1787, by the Federal Convention
10674: HAMILTON, Harlan W. - Doctor Syntax: A Silhouette of William Combe, Esq. (1742-1823)
4917: HAMILTON, Bob - Gene Autry and the Thief River Outlaws
48943: HAMILTON, Edith - The Roman Way
29734: HAMILTON, James - The Battle of Fort Donelson
48213: HAMILTON, Jane - The Book of Ruth
8495: HAMILTON, J.A. (notes) - Czerny's Exercises in Velocity (30 Etudes de la Velocite. ) Preceded by Nine New Introductory Exercises, and Concluded by a New Study on Octaves... For the Piano-Forte
4905: HAMILTON, Bob - Gene Autry and the Redwood Pirates
36033: HAMILTON, William Thomas - My Sixty Years on the Plains: Trapping, Trading, and Indian Fighting
38775: HAMILTON, Carl (editor) - Pure Nostalgia: Memories of Early Iowa
48600: HAMILTON, John M. (1847-1905) - Document Signed
22268: HAMLIN, George (1869-1923) - Signature
49485: HAMMER, David L. - The Game Is Afoot: A Travel Guide to the England of Sherlock Holmes
39400: HAMMERSCHLAG, Carl A. - The Dancing Healers: A Doctor's Journey of Healing with Native Americans
34399: HAMMERSCHLAG, Carl A. - The Dancing Healers: A Doctor's Journey of Healing with Native Americans
41588: HAMMETT, Dashiell - Blood Money
41676: HAMMETT, Dashiell - Woman in the Dark: A Novel of Dangerous Romance
28610: HAMMOND, C. Herrick (1882-1969) - Typed Letter Signed
43618: HAMMOND, C. Herrick (supervising architect) - Architecture and Design: This Issue and Supplement Presents a Selection from the Work Designed and Erected Under the Supervision of the Division of Architecture and Engineering Department of Public Works and Buildings State of Illinois...
31166: HAMPDEN, Walter (1879-1955) - Autograph Letter Signed
31424: HAMPDEN, Richard (1631-95), FOX, Stephen (1627-1702) and PELHAM, Thomas (1650-1712) - Partial Document Signed
28026: (NEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT -- Map) - Map of New Hampshire & Vermont
25815: HAMPTON, Hope (1897-1982) - Inscription and Signature
39217: HANCHETT, William F. - Irish: Charles G. Alpine in CIVIL War America
46068: HANCHETT, William - John Wilkes Booth and the Terrible Truth About the CIVIL War
20843: HANCOCK, Lewis, Jr. (1889-1925) - Partly-Printed Autograph Document Signed
24057: HANCOCK, Valston E. (1907-98) - Signature
615: HANCOCK, Cornelia - South After Gettysburg: Letters of Cornelia Hancock, 1863-1868
47775: HANCOCK, H. Irving - The Grammar School Boys of Gridley
47776: HANCOCK, H. Irving - The Grammar School Boys Snowbound
43156: HANCOCK, H. Irving - Dave Darrin's Second Year at Annapolis or Two Midshipmen As Naval Academy "Youngsters.
42408: HANCOCK, H. Irving - Dave Darrin's Fourth Year at Annapolis or Headed for Graduation and the Big Cruise
42407: HANCOCK, H. Irving - The Grammar School Boys in the Woods or Dick & Co. Trail Fun and Knowledge
42409: HANCOCK, H. Irving - Dave Darrin's Third Year at Annapolis or Leaders of the Second Class Midshipman
43488: HANCOCK, H. Irving - Dave Darrin's First Year at Annapolis or Two Plebe Midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy
41607: HANCOCK, H. Irving - The Grammar School Boys in Summer Athletics or Dick & Co. Make Their Fame Secure
41809: HANCOCK, H. Irving - The High School Freshmen or Dick & Co. 's First Year Pranks and Sports
39574: HANCOCK, Cornelia - South After Gettysburg: Letters of Cornelia Hancock, 1863-1868
49574: (CIVIL WAR -- JO DAVIESS COUNTY -- HANDBILL) - Programme. Third Annual Reunion, Jo Daviess County Soldiers' & Sailors' Association, Warren, ILL. , Sept. 1 and 2, 1885
6145: HANDFORD, Thomas W. - Beecher: Christian Philosopher, Pulpit Orator, Patriot and Philanthropist
40561: HANDLIN, Oscar - The Americans: A New History of the People of the United States
42: HANDLIN, Oscar - The Road to Gettysburg
46152: HANFORD, James Holly - John Milton Poet and Humanist
40648: HANFT, Ethel W., and MANLEY, Paula J. - Outstanding Iowa Women, Past and Present
28252: HANKS, Nancy (1927-83) - Signed Typescript
32434: HANLEY, Clifford - A Skinful of Scotch
31967: HANLEY, Ellen (1926-2007) - Signed Program
45927: HANLY, J. Frank - Andersonville
49972: HANNA, Mark - Mark Hanna: His Book
28113: HANNA, A.J. - Flight Into Oblivion
20528: HANNA, Mary Carr - Cassie & Ike
13738: HANNA, Paul R., POTTER, Gladys, and GRAY, William S. - Without Machinery
50268: HANNAFORD, Peter, and HOBBS, Charles D. - Remembering Reagan
10852: HANNAH, Barry - The Tennis Handsome
45209: HANNAN, Philip - The Archbishop Wore Combat Books: Memoir of an Extraordinary Life -- from Combat, to Camelot, to Katrina
28001: HANNER, Dave (1930-2008) - Signature
23151: HANNING, Loy (1917-86) - Signature
44677: HANRATTY, Thomas F., and KING, Daniel P. (editors) - Crime Scene Sketches: Reproduced in Fac-Simile from the Pen and Ink Drawings in the Note Book of a Private Enquiry Agent
19984: HANSEN, Harry - The CIVIL War: A New One-Volume History
42620: HANSEN, Harry - The Story of Illinois
45897: HANSEN, Wayne (1928-87) - Signature
28561: HANSEN, Arthur C. - CIVIL War Poems
29905: HANSEN, Betsy Gamble - Portals
10922: HANSEN, Joseph - Nightwork
18342: HANSEN, Harry (1884-1977) - Typed Letter Signed
48245: HANSEN, Rick - Rick Hansen: Man in Motion
27745: HANSER, Richard - The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe
39701: HANSON, Joseph Mills - The Marne: Historic and Picturesque
49661: HANSON, John Wesley (1832-1901) - Inscription and Signature
29792: HANSON, Arthur - A Pilgrimage
42592: HAPGOOD, Norman - Abraham Lincoln: The Man of the People
16250: HAPGOOD, Norman (1868-1937) - Typed Letter Signed
17072: HAPI - The Adamantine Sherlock Holmes
22599: O'HARA, Geoffrey (1882-1967) - Printed Document Signed
47783: O'HARA, John - A Rage to Live
47758: O'HARA, John - Ten North Frederick
11188: O'HARA, John - Lovey Childs: A Philadelphian's Story
11187: O'HARA, John - The Instrument
42917: O'HARA, David - Jimmie Drury: Candid Camera Detective
6693: O'HARA, John - Sermons and Soda-Water
2650: O'HARA, JOHN - The O'Hara Generation
48192: O'HARA, John - The Farmers Hotel
47627: O'HARA, John - The Cape Cod Lighter
26443: de HARAK, Rudolph (1924-2002) - Signed First Day Cover
24732: HARBAUGH, T.C. (1849-1924) - Autograph Note Signed
990: HARBECK, Charles T. (compiler) - A Contribution to the Bibliography of the History of the United States Navy
39444: HARBO, Gary - The Black Hills Adventure: Advanced Reader
12569: HARBOUR, Dave - Super Freshwater Fishing Systems
24834: HARBURG, E.Y. - At This Point in Rhyme: E.Y. Harburg's Poems
40600: VENABLE-VERNON-HARCOURT, Edward, Archbishop of York (1757-1847) - Free-Franked Envelope
35306: HARDEN, Victoria A. - Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: History of a Twentieth-Century Disease
36122: HARDIE, Martin - English Coloured Books
48157: HARDING, Bertita - Phantom Crown: The Story of Maximilian & Carlota of Mexico
10439: HARDING, James - Agate: A Biography
27907: HARDING, William Harry - Rainbow
6566: HARDING, Bertita - Age Cannot Wither: The Story of Duse and D'Annunzio
49736: HARDING, Bertita (1902-71) - Photograph Signed
49091: HARDISON, Richard M. - Caissons Across Europe: An Artillery Captain's Personal War
40320: HARDT, Ernst - An Den Toren Des Lebens
43360: HARDWAY, Ronald V. - On Our Own Soil: William Lowther Jackson and the CIVIL War in West Virginia's Mountains
17064: HARDWICK, Michael, and HARDWICK, Mollie - The Sherlock Holmes Companion
32075: HARDWICK, Michael, and HARDWICK, Mollie - Alfred Deller: A Singularity of Voice
11489: HARDWICKE, Cedric - A Victorian in Orbit: The Irreverent Memoirs of Sir Cedric Hardwicke
48107: HARDY, Thomas - The Mayor of Casterbridge
22945: HARDY, Thomas - The Mayor of Casterbridge
49910: HARDY, Thomas - Far from the Madding Crowd
768: HARDY, Forsyth - Scandinavian Film
39761: HARDY, Thomas - The Return of the Native
48569: HARDY, Thomas - A Fragment
43640: HARE, Arnold - The Man Who Never Laughed
42618: HARE, Montgomery - A Plainsong
31776: HARE, Melanie, OBERG, David, and LANGFORD, Donna - Past Meets Present: People and Places in Old Dekalb
19002: HARE, Robertson (1891-1979) - Signature
8059: HARE, Walter Benjamin - Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick (Film Press Kit)
21997: HARE, William Francis, 4th Earl of Listowel (1906-97) - Signature
37488: HARGROVE, Hondon B. - Black Union Soldiers in the CIVIL War
37692: HARKER, R.W. - Rolls-Royce from the Wings: Military Aviation 1925-71
26313: HARKNESS, David James - The American Heritage in Historical Fiction
33125: HARLAN, George H. - San Francisco Bay Ferryboats
45215: HARLAND, Marion - Eve's Daughters; or, Common Sense for Maid, Wife, and Mother
33090: HARLEY, William N. - Tomahawk and Cross: A Tale of Colonial Days
38642: HARLOW, Alvin F. - Andrew Carnegie
30734: HARLOW, Bill - Circle William
46555: HARMAN, Fred - Bronc Peeler: The Lone Cowboy
45659: HARMAN, Sidney - Mind Your Own Business
25345: HARMEL, Lilian (1908-82) - Autograph Note Signed
47684: HARMETZ, Aljean - On the Road to Tara: The Making of Gonw with the Wind
38644: HARMON, Larry, and ARMSTRONG, Nancy - Bozo
16585: HARMON, Tom (1919-90) - Typed Note Signed
46571: HARNSBERGER, Caroline Thomas (compiler) - The Lincoln Treasury
1593: HARPENDING, Asbury - The Great Diamond Hoax and Other Stirring Incidents in the Life of Asbury Harpending
40559: HARPER, Robert S. - Lincoln and the Press
40555: HARPER, Robert S. - Lincoln and the Press
47871: HARPER, Charley - Beguiled by the Wild: The Art of Charley Harper
20081: HARPER, Robert S. - The Critter in Marble
6528: HARPER, David - Big Saturday
43045: HARPER, Janice (1931-2016) - Photograph Signed / Autograph Note Signed
44318: HARPER, John D. - A View of the Corporate Role in Society
8227: HARPER, Blanche W. - Poems
8717: HARPER, Douglas - Good Company
35529: HARPER, Karen - The Twylight Tower
43044: HARPER, Janice (1931-2016) - Signed Record Sleeve with 45 Rpm Record
6205: HARR, John Ensor - Dark Eagle: A Story of Benedict Arnold and the American Revolution
10442: HARRIES, Meirion, and HARRIES, Susie - A Pilgrim Soul: The Life and Work of Elisabeth Lutyens
32138: HARRIGAN, Donal E. - Not for Real
22613: HARRIMAN, W. Averill (1891-1986) - Partly-Printed Autograph Document Signed
15181: HARRINGTON, Ann M., and MOYLAN, Prudence (editors) - Mundelein Voices: The Women's College Experience, 1930-1991
45329: HARRINGTON, Michael - Toward a Democratic Left: A Radical Program for a New Majority
24140: HARRINGTON, Geri - The Wood Burning Stove Book
25557: HARRINGTON, Fred Harvey - Fighting Politician: Major General N.P. Banks
26092: HARRIS, E. Lynn - And This Too Shall Pass
35879: HARRIS, Joel Chandler - Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings
18414: HARRIS, Carl V. - Reforms in Government Control of Negroes in Birmingham, Alabama, 1890-1920
48895: HARRIS, Frank - The Man Shakespeare and His Tragic Life-Story
49780: HARRIS, Joel Chandler - Uncle Remus and His Friends: Old Plantation Stories, Songs, and Ballads with Sketches of Negro Character
148: HARRIS, Louis - The Anguish of Change
11025: HARRIS, Mark - Saul Bellow: Drumlin Woodchuck
43047: HARRIS, Joel Chandler - Uncle Remus
47403: HARRIS, Irving B. - Children in Jeopardy: Can We Break the Cycle of Poverty
127: HARRIS, Louis - Is There a Republican Majority? Political Trends, 1952-1956. ; Foreword by Dr. Paul Lazarsfeld and Dr. Samuel Stouffer
42038: HARRIS, Brayton - Blue & Gray in Black & White: Newspapers in the CIVIL War
26173: HARRIS, E. Lynn - If This World Were Mine
48706: HARRIS, Franco (1950-2022) - Signature
3951: HARRIS, Robert P. - A Guide Book of Modern Latin American Coins
27901: HARRIS, Joel Chandler - Qua: A Romance of the Revolution
9775: HARRIS, William Howard - The Golden Jungle
48651: HARRIS, Patricia - Adlai: The Springfield Years
805: HARRIS, Radie - Radie's World
18700: HARRIS, Charles - One Man's Medicine
30728: HARRIS, E. Lynn - Abide with Me
3877: HARRIS, Frank - My Life and Loves
1070: HARRIS, Mark - A Ticket for a Seamstitch
49960: HARRIS, Bruce, and HARRIS, Seena (editors) - The Complete Etchings of Rembrandt
47335: HARRIS, Mark - City of Discontent: An Interpretive Biography of Vachel Lindsay, Being Also the Story of Springfield, Illinois, Usa, and of the Love of the Poet for That City, That State and That Nation
14751: HARRIS, H.G. - 19th Century American Clocks
49235: HARRISON, Peter - Seabirds: An Identification Guide
17091: HARRISON, Michael - A Study in Surmise: The Making of Sherlock Holmes
41057: HARRISON, Jim - True North
43365: HARRISON, Henry Sydnor (1880-1930) - Signature
31082: HARRISON, Jamie - The Edge of the Crazies
2387: HARRISON, Walter - Pickett's Men: A Fragment of War History
12709: HARRISON, Noel G. - Chancellorsville Battlefield Sites
10070: HARRISON, Gilbert A. - A Timeless Affair: The Life of Anita Mccormick Blaine
48444: HARRISON, Jim - The Summer He Didn't Die
38240: HARRISON, George H. - The Backyard Bird Watcher
49778: HARRISON, Rex - Rex: An Autobiography
35483: HARRISON, Kathryn - Poison
30886: HARRISON, Payne - Thunder of Erebus
34503: HARRISON, Lowell H. - The CIVIL War in Kentucky
8665: HARRY, Joseph Edward - Greek Tragedy: Emendations, Interpretations and Critical Notes
49370: (BLIND HARRY) - The Acts and Deeds of the Most Famous and Valiant Champion Sir William Wallace, Knight of Ellerslie. Written by Blind Harry in the Year 1361. Together with Arnaldi Blair Relationes
39439: HARSCH, Joseph C. - Pattern of Conquest
826: HARSS, Luis - The Blind
49355: HART, William S. - My Life East and West
28687: HART, William S. - Hoofbeats
49657: HART, James D. - New Englanders in Nova Albion: Some 19th Century Views of California
41326: HART, Patrick (editor) - Thomas Merton / Monk: A Monastic Tribute
43321: HART, Albert Bushnell - Salmon P. Chase
42794: HART, Helen - The Campfire Girls in High School
49367: HART, Henry - James Dickey: The World As a Lie
8765: HART, Dorothy (editor) - Thou Swell, Thou Witty: The Life and Lyrics of Lorenz Hart
33396: HART, Albert Bushnell - Salmon Portland Chase
40667: HART, Patrick (editor) - Thomas Merton / Monk: A Monastic Tribute
49237: HART, Spencer - Wright Rooms
30759: HART, Jeanne - Fetish
20097: HART, Philip A. (1912-76) - Signature
18806: HARTE, Bret - Poems
3496: HARTE, John Bret - Tucson: Portrait of a Desrt Pueblo
49696: HARTE, Bret - Tales of the Gold Rush
43149: HARTE, Bret - Stories of the Early West
42221: HARTE, Emmet F. - Honk & Horace or, Trimming the Tropics
31826: HARTE, Bret - Gabriel Conroy
17467: HARTE, John Bret - Tucson: Portrait of a Desrt Pueblo
12744: HARTE, Bret - The Writings of Bret Harte
46245: HARTE, Bret - The Bell-Ringer of Angels and Other Stories
46301: HARTER, Jim - American Railroads of the Nineteenth Century: A Pictorial History in Victorian Wood Engravings
26649: HARTLING, Poul (1914-2000) - Signature
11376: HARTLING, Peter - Old John
36081: HARTMAN, Geoffrey H. - Criticism in the Wilderness: The Study of Literature Today
846: DE HARTOG, Jan - The Lamb's War
48361: HARTSELL, John - Precedents and Proceedings in the House of Commons; with Observations
1140: HARTSHORN, Leon R. (compiler) - Remarkable Stories from the Lives of Latter-Day Saint Women
1311: HARTSHORNE, Thomas L. - The Distorted Image: Changing Conceptions of the American Character Since Turner
8904: HARTT, Frederick - Michelangelo Buonarroti
30750: HARUF, Kent - Plainsong
29334: HARVEL, Luther R. "Red" (1905-86) - Signature
10942: HARVESTER, Simon - Sahara Road
23654: HARVEY, George - Henry Clay Frick: The Man
24631: HARVEY, John - Easy Meat
39165: HARVEY, William - Movement of the Heart and Blood in Animals: An Anatomical Essay
38650: HARVEY, George - Henry Clay Frick: The Man
35066: HARVEY, William - The Anatomical Exercises of Dr. William Harvey
16254: HARVEY, George (1864-1928) - Typed Letter Signed
1545: HARVEY, Charles H. - California Gold Rush: Diary of Charles H. Harvey, February 12-November 12, 1852
38127: HARVEY, Michael - The Chicago Way
50070: HARVEY, John - Victorian Novelists and Their Illustrators
9346: HARVEY, Peggy - The Horn of Plenty: An Anthology of Distinguished Recipes by a Commoisseur of Cookery
33042: HARVEY, John - Easy Meat
37885: HARVEY, Michael - The Chicago Way
20335: HARWELL, Richard B. (editor) - The Confederate Reader
631: HARWELL, Richard - More Confederate Imprints
11316: HARWELL, Richard B. (editor) - The Confederate Reader
34097: HARWELL, Richard B. (editor) - The Confederate Reader
39415: HARWELL, Richard, and RACINE, Philip N. (editors) - The Fiery Trail: A Union Officer's Account of Sherman's Last Campaigns
26196: HASELDEN, Kyle (?-1968) - Signature
30586: HASKELL, Harry - The Early Music Revival: A History
33164: HASKELL, Henry C., Jr., and FOWLER,Richard B. - City of the Future: A Narrative History of Kansas City, 1850-1950
3220: HASKINS, Jim - Scatman: An Authorized Biography of Scatman Crothers
18635: HASSLER, Warren W., Jr. - General George B. Mcclellan: Shield of the Union
44556: HASSLER, Warren W., Jr. - With Shield and Sword: American Military Affairs, Colonial Times to the Present
20826: HASSLER, Warren W., Jr. - General George B. Mcclellan: Shield of the Union
22915: HASSLER, Warren W., Jr. - Crisis at the Crossroads: The First Day at Gettysburg
33079: HASSLER, Jon - North of Hope
16698: HASSLER, Alfred (editor) - Fellowship: March 1, 1963 (Vol. 29, No. 5)
42945: HASSRICK, Royal B. - The Sioux: Life and Customs of a Warrior Society
34842: HASTINGS, Max - Victory in Europe: D-Day to V-E Day First Time in Full Colour
49092: HASTINGS, Max - Das Reich: The March of the 2nd Ss Panzer Division Through France
49820: HATCH, Edwin - The Influence of Greek Ideas on Christianity
194: HATCH, Alden - American Express: A Century of Service
21518: HATCH, Robert McConnell - Thrust for Canada: The American Attempt on Quebec in 1775-1776
46579: HATCH, Alden - Remington Arms: An American History
38244: HATCHER, Harlan, and WALTER, Erich A. - A Pictorial History of the Great Lakes
48458: HATFIELD, Mark (1922-2011) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
40758: HATFIELD, Lansing (1910-54) - Signed Program
1399: HATHAWAY, Evelyn - Hallelujah Chariot
35463: HATTERSLEY, Roy - Blood and Fire: William and Catherine Booth and Their Salvation Army
27501: HAUG, Arthur E. - Chicago
25561: HAUGAARD, Erik - Portrait of a Poet: Hans Christian Andersen and His Fairytales
49645: LEHMANN-HAUPT, Hellmut - Peter Schoeffer of Gernsheim and Mainz with a List of His Surviving Books and Broadsides
49632: LEHMANN-HAUPT, Hellmut - The Book of Trades in the Iconography of Social Typology
4622: HAUPTMAN, Cliff - The Dog-Nose Chronicle: A Sporting Novel
40229: HAUPTMANN, Gerhart - Hanneles Himmelfahrt: Traumdichtung in Zwei Teilen
42960: HAURANNE, Ernest Duvergier de - A Frenchman in Lincoln's America -- Huit Mois En Amerique: Lettres Et Notes de Voyage, 1864-1865
13399: HAUSMANN, Manfred - Die Entscheidung: Neue Betrachtungen, Briefe, Gedanken and Reden
47393: HAUSNER, Rudolf (1914-95) - Color Photograph Signed
42454: HAUSNER, Rudolf (1914-95) - Color Photograph Signed
31968: HAUSWIRTH, Charles A. (ca. 1870s-?) - Typed Note Signed
32464: HAVEMANN, Ernst - Bloodsong and Other Stories of South Africa
15404: HAVEMYER, William F. (1804-74) - Autograph Letter Signed
38452: HAVEN, Charles T., and BELDEN, Frank A. - A History of the Colt Revolver and the Other Arms Made by Colt's Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company from 1836 to 1940
18171: HAVER, June (1926-2005) - Signature
43563: HAVERS, Alice (illustrator) - A Book of Old Ballads
32858: HAVIGHURST, Walter - The Dolibois Years: To These Things You Must Return -- 1938-1981
38155: HAVIGHURST, Walter - Voices on the River: The Story of the Mississippi Waterways
4411: HAVIGHURST, Walter - Wilderness for Sale: The Story of the First Western Land Rush
9816: HAVILAND, Virginia, and COUGHLAN, Margaret N. (compilers) - Samuel Langhorne Clemens: A Centennial for Tom Sawyer -- an Annotated, Selected Bibliography
35748: HAVILAND, Virginia (compiler) - Children's Reading in America, 1776: A Selection of Titles
15600: De HAVILLAND, Olivia (1916-2020) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
45936: HAVLICE, Patricia Pate - Index to American Author Bibliographies
40271: BLACK HAWK - Life of Black Hawk
45803: HAWK, John - The House of Sudden Sleep
44697: BLACK HAWK - Life of Black Hawk
20622: HAWKE, David Freeman - Franklin
13038: HAWKES, Jacquetta (editor) - Atlas of Ancient Archaeology
48743: HAWKES, Jacquetta (editor) - Atlas of Ancient Archaeology
35554: HAWKINS, Anne - To the Swift
50098: HAWLEY, Frederick B. - Capital and Population: A Study of the Economic Effects of Their Relations to Each Other
50138: HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel - The Complete Novels and Selected Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne
28931: HAWTHORNE, Hildegarde - On the Golden Trail
18205: (HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel) - An Evening with Hawthorne
50139: HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel - The Complete Novels and Selected Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne
10744: HAXBY, James A. - Striking Impressions: The Royal Canadian Mint and Canadian Coinage
33255: HAY, Logan, McLAUGHLIN, Andrew C., and SMITH, T.V. - Lincoln Centennial Association Papers Delivered Before the Members of the Lincoln Centennial Association... At Springfield, Illinois, on February 12, 1936
31732: O'HAY, Patrick Irving (1870-1944) - Signature and Inscription
31055: HAY, Logan, ANGLE, Paul M., and PUPIN, Michael - Lincoln Centennial Association Papers Delivered Before the Members of the Lincoln Centennial Association... At Springfield, Illinois, on February 12, 1926
39009: HAY, Logan, ANGLE, Paul M., and DODD, William E. - Lincoln Centennial Association Papers Delivered Before the Members of the Lincoln Centennial Association... At Springfield, Illinois, on February 12, 1927
21725: HAY, David, and HAY, Joan - The Last of the Confederate Privateers
41947: HAY, Logan, PALMER, John McAuley, and EVANS, Evan A. - Abraham Lincoln Association Papers Delivered Before the Members of the Abraham Lincoln Association... At Springfield, Illinois, on February 12, 1938
41948: HAY, Logan, ANGLE, Paul M., and COLE, Arthur Charles - Lincoln Centennial Association Papers Delivered Before the Members of the Lincoln Centennial Association... At Springfield, Illinois, on February 11, 1928
10888: HAYAKAWA, S.I. - Language in Action
21988: HAYAKAWA, S.I. (1906-92) - Signature
25119: HAYCOX, Ernest - Starlight Rider
4098: HAYDEN, Dorothy - Bid Better, Play Better
3284: HAYDON, Charles B. - For Country, Cause & Leader: The CIVIL War Journal of Charles B. Haydon
35142: HAYDON, Charles B. - For Country, Cause & Leader: The CIVIL War Journal of Charles B. Haydon
18392: HAYES, Jackie (1906-83) - Signature
44810: HAYES, Dorsha B. - Chicago: Crossroads of an American Enterprise
4316: HAYES, Helen - On Reflection: An Autobiography
4303: HAYES, Helen - On Reflection: An Autobiography
40579: HAYES, Jim, and ZABARA, Robert - Autographs of the Ladies, Sailors and Marines of the War between the States
46393: HAYES, Helen (1900-93) and NATWICK, Mildred (1908-94) - Pair of Signatures / Unsigned Photograph
4046: HAYES, William D. - Johnny and the Tool Chest
8064: HAYES, Joseph - The Desperate Hours (Film Press Kit)
44949: HAYES, Hiram Wallace - The Newspaper Game: How It Was Successfully Played by Two Enterprising Boys
1287: HAYES, Doris W., and GARRISON, George A. - Key to Important Wood Plants of Eastern Oregon and Washington
48234: HAYES, Helen - On Reflection: An Autobiography
29794: HAYMAN, LeRoy - The Death of Lincoln: A Picture History of the Assassination
50158: (HAYNE, Paul Hamilton) - A Collection of Hayne Letters
34210: HAYNES, Tiger (1914-94) - Signature
1203: HAYS, H.R. - Children of the Raven: The Seven Nations of the Northwest Coast
18943: HAYS, Brooks (1898-1981) - Signature
47483: HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Philip J. - Uniforms of the French Revolutionary Wars: 1789-1802
4804: HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Philip - The Alamo and the War of Texan Independence 1835-36
25397: HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Philip J. - Uniforms of the CIVIL War, 1861-1865
44780: HAYWOOD, H.L. - Freemasonry and Roman Catholicism
6084: HAZARD, Rowland G. - A Discourse Delivered Before the Rhode-Island Historical Society... On the Character and Writings of Chief Justice Durfee
9248: HAZARD, Rowland G. - A Discourse Delivered Before the Rhode-Island Historical Society, on the Evening of Tuesday, January 18th, 1848: On the Character and Writings of Chief Justice Durfee
49819: HAZEL, John - Who's Who in the Roman World
30847: HAZELGROVE, William Elliott - Mica Highways
23185: HAZELGROVE, William Elliott - Tobacco Sticks
35695: HAZEN, Barbara Shook - Animal Daddies and My Daddy
15401: HAZLITT, William - Characters of Shakspeare's Plays
16177: HAZLITT, William - Character of John Bull
39917: HAZO, Samuel - Hart Crane: An Introduction and Interpretation
46346: (DUKES OF HAZZARD) - Signatures of Four Primary Cast
35809: HEACOX, Cecil E. - The Compleat Brown Trout
43339: HEAD, Richard, and KIRKMAN, Francis - The English Rogue: Described, in the Life of Meriton Latroon, a Witty Extravagant, Being a Compleat History of the Most Eminent Cheats of Both Sexes
16691: HEAD, Richard - Bookbinding
35981: HEADLEY, John W. - Confederate Operations in Canada and New York
32504: HEADLEY, P.C. (1819-1903) - Autograph Note Signed
45443: HEADLEY, P.C. - Facing the Enemy, the Illustrated Story Life of General W.T. Sherman
42143: HEADLEY, John W. - Confederate Operations in Canada and New York
45440: HEADLEY, P.C. - Fighting Phil, the Illustrated Story Life of General Sheridan
10940: HEALD, Tim - Murder at Moose Jaw
6818: HEALY, David - Modern Imperialism: Changing Styles in Historical Interpretation
24637: HEALY, Jeremiah - So Like Sleep
3809: HEANEY, Howell J., and HIRSCH, Rudolf (editors) - Selective Check Lists of Bibliographical Scholarship: Series B, 1956-1962
46003: HEANEY, Seamus - Electric Light
43810: HEANEY, Seamus - The Redress of Poetry
45539: HEANEY, Seamus - Opened Ground: Selected Poems 1966-1996
45533: HEANEY, Seamus (translator) - Beowulf: A New Verse Translation
46650: HEAPS, Leo - The Evaders
36706: HEARN, Chester G. - The CIVIL War: Virginia
44494: HEARN, Lafcadio - The Selected Writings of Lafcadio Hearn
29727: HEARN, Chester G. - Six Years of Hell: Harpers Ferry During the CIVIL War
40936: HEARN, Chester G. - Ellet's Brigade: The Strangest Outfit of All
40937: HEARN, Chester G. - Ellet's Brigade: The Strangest Outfit of All
49895: HEARST, James - A Country Man
13903: HEARST, William Randolph Jr. (1908-93) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
50230: (SACRED HEART) - El Apostolado Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Para Las Almas Interiores Diversos Ejercicios Y Prácticas Piadosas Para Los Centros de la Asociación Del Perú Y Del Ecuador
23039: HEARTMAN, Charles F. (editor) - The American Book Collector: A Monthly Magazine for Book Lovers (Four Issues from 1933)
12429: HEARTMAN, Charles F. (editor) - The American Book Collector: A Monthly Magazine for Book Lovers (January 1933)
35584: HEARTMAN, Charles F. (editor) - The American Book Collector: A Monthly Magazine for Book Lovers -- Volume III, Number 1 (January 1933)
35583: HEARTMAN, Charles F. (editor) - The American Book Collector: A Monthly Magazine for Book Lovers -- Volume III, Number 3 (March 1933)
35977: HEARTMAN, Charles F. (editor) - The American Book Collector: A Monthly Magazine for Book Lovers -- Volume III, Number 3 (March 1933)
31197: HEARTZ, Daniel - Pierre Attaingnant Royal Printer of Music: A Historical Study and Bibliographical Catalogue
19793: HEATTER, Basil - The Sea Dreamers
16026: HECHT, Ben - Humpty Dumpty
16923: HECHT, Ben - 11 Selected Great Stories
49625: HECHT, Ben - Erik Dorn
29515: HECHT, Ben - Erik Dorn
40638: HECHT, Anthony - The Pathetic Fallacy: A Lecture Delivered at the Library of Congress on May 7, 1984
31385: HECHT, George J. (1895-1980) - Typed Note Signed / Inscribed Photograph Signed
50225: HECHT, Ben - Gaily, Gaily
472: HECKER, ISAAC THOMAS / BURTON, Katherine - Celestial Homespun: The Life of Isaac Thomas Hecker
37621: HECKMAN, Hazel - Island Year
41466: HECKMANN, Wolf - Rommel's War in Africa
4906: HECKSCHER, William S. - Art and Literature
34648: HEDEKIN, Mary Spencer - Mary C. Spencer of Michigan
47124: HEDGE, Frederic H. (1805-90) - Autograph Letter Signed
36492: HEDLEY, George - The Superstitions of the Irreligious
7224: HEDLUND, Catherine A. - A Primer of New England Crewel Embroidery
38213: HEDRICK, Joan D. - Solitary Comrade: Jack London and His Work
11840: HEER, Jean - Nestle: 125 Years, 1866-1991
20964: HEERMAN, Hugo (1844-1935) - Autograph Musical Quotation Signed
5150: HEFFRON, Mark F. - Reflections of Madison County: A Visual Journey.
37332: HEFFRON, Roderick, and WHITE, Benjamin - Pneumonia: With Special Reference to Pneumococcus Lobar Pneumonia. / the Biology of Pneumococcus: The Bacteriological, Biochemical, and Immunological Characters and Activities of Diplococcus Pneumoniae
42717: HEFLIN, Tom - Quiet Places: Paintings and Writings
47663: HEFNER, Hugh (1926-2017) - Color Photograph Signed
50047: HEGAN, Alice Caldwell - Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
11004: HEGGEN, Thomas, and LOGAN, Joshua - Mister Roberts: A Play
1062: HEGNER, William - The Idolaters
1273: HEGNER, Robert - Parade of the Animal Kingdom
42855: HEIDE, Robert, and GILMAN, John - Dime-Store Dream Parade: Popular Culture 1925-1955
14927: HEIDE, Robert, and GILMAN, John - Starstruck: The Wonderful World of Movie Memorabilia
48929: HEIDEGGER, Martin - An Introduction to Metaphysics
24315: HEIFETZ, Jascha (1901-87) - Signed First Day Cover
38597: HEILBRON, Kenneth - Composition for the Amateur
42182: HEIMANN, Robert K. - Tobacco and Americans
34385: HEIN, Karen - Just Call Us Children: The Impact of Tsunamis, Aids and Conflict on Children
39924: HEINE, Heinrich - The Sword and the Flame: Selections from Heinrich Heine's Prose
1392: HEINEMANN, Thea (editor) - Bible Stories from the Old and New Testaments
34421: HEINEMANN, Larry - Cooler by the Lake
26849: SCHUMANN-HEINK, Ernestine (1861-1936) - Signature
13873: HEINROTH, Oskar, and HEINROTH, Katharina - The Birds
3184: HEINS, Lester F. (editor) - Thank God for the Church: This Is the Story of the Growth and Development of the American Lutheran Church from 1930 to 1955
40045: HEINTZELER, A. (editor) - Seid Eingedent! Lieder Und Bibelsprüche Zur Bereitung Der Konfirmation Und Zur Bewahrung Des Taufbunds
38342: (GENERAL ORDERS -- CIVIL WAR -- SAMUEL P. HEINTZELMAN) - General Orders, No. 17
49155: HEINZ, T. von (H. von Tempelhoff) - Tante Sybille. Erzählungen Für Mädchen
45088: HEISE, Kenan, and BAUMANN, Ed - Chicago Originals: A Cast of the City's Colorful Characters
1215: HEISE, Kenan - The Journey of Silas P. Bigelow
3134: HEISENFELT, Kathryn - Jane Withers and the Swamp Wizard
28928: HEISER, Victor - An American Doctor's Odyssey: Adventures in Forty-Five Countries
44: HEISTAND, H.O.S. - Abraham Lincoln
38611: HEITMAN, Francis B. - Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army, from Its Organization, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903
7172: HELBIG, Henri - Analysis of the Claims of Strasbourg and Haarlem to the Honor of Being the Birthplace of Printing
11352: HELD, Werner - Fighter! Luftwaffe Fighter Planes and Pilots
852: HELD, John, Jr. - The Saga of Frankie & Johnny
30269: HELENIAK, Roman J., and HEWITT, Lawrence L. (editors) - Leadership During the CIVIL War -- the 1989 Deep Delta CIVIL War Symposium: Themes in Honor of T. Harry Williams
44517: HELLENGA, Robert - Blues Lessons
49567: HELLER, Deane, and HELLER, David - John Foster Dulles: Soldier for Peace
24077: HELLER, Deane, and HELLER, David - Jacqueline Kennedy: The Complete Story of America's Glamorous First Lady
29896: HELLER, Joseph - Now and Then: From Coney Island to Here
40776: HELLMAN, George S. (1878-1958) - Autograph Note Signed
2169: HELLMAN, Lillian - Scoundrel Time
40029: HELM, Clementine - Seines Gluckes Schmied: Erzahlung Fur Junge Madchen
41399: HELM, Susan (editor) - Honest to Goodness: Honestly Good Food from Mr. Lincoln's Hometown
448: HELM, MacKinley - Man of Fire: J.C. Orozco, an Interpretive Memoir
48415: PRITCHARD. Myra Helmer - The Dark Days of Abraham Lincoln's Widow As Revealed by Her Own Letters
36115: HELMERICKS, Harmon "Bud" (1917-2010) - Signed Postage Stamp
40472: HELPS, Arthur (1813-75) - Autograph Letter Signed
34591: HEMANS, Mrs - Come to the Woods
35292: HEMANS, Lawton T. - Life and Times of Stevens Thomson Mason the Boy Governor of Michigan
3552: HEMINGWAY, Ernest - Over Floden -- Ind I Skovene
48825: HEMINGWAY, Ernest - Across the River and Into the Trees
48169: HEMINGWAY, Ernest - For Whom the Bell Tolls
38296: HEMINGWAY, Ernest - The Garden of Eden
28019: (EASTERN HEMISPHERE, WESTERN HEMISPHERE -- Map) - Eastern Hemisphere / Western Hemisphere
7551: HEMMING, Roy - The Melody Lingers on: The Great Songwriters and Their Movie Musicals
25060: HEMON, Aleksandar - The Question of Bruno
27464: HEMPEL, Frieda (1885-1955) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
24316: HENDERSON, Skitch (1918-2005) - Signed Postal Cover
32601: HENDERSON, James - The Frigates: An Account of the Lighter Warships of the Napoleonic Wars, 1793-1815
4570: HENDERSON, Dion - Wild Things
31116: HENDERSON, Philip (editor) - Shorter Novels: Eighteenth Century
9887: HENDERSON, Philip - Swinburne: Portrait of a Poet
39004: HENDERSON, G.F.R. - The CIVIIL War: A Soldier's View
1433: HENDERSON, Richard - The Cruiser's Compendium: A Complete Guide to Coastal, Inland, and Gunkhole Cruising
39418: HENDRICK, Burton J. - Statesmen of the Lost Cause: Jefferson Davis and His Cabinet
3976: HENDRICK, Burton J. - The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page
37351: HENDRICKS, Stanley - Astronauts on the Moon: The Story of the Apollo Moon Landings
22050: HENDRICKS, Jennifer - Slim to None: A Journey Through the Wasteland of Anorexia Treatment
32943: HENDRICKSON, Henry - Out from the Darkness; an Autobiography. Unfolding the Life Story and Singular Vicissitudes of a Scandinavian Bartimaeus
38786: HENDRICKSON, James E. - Joe Lane of Oregon: Machine Politics and the Sectional Crisis, 1849-1861
48715: HENDRIKS, Don Lawrence - The London Charterhouse: Its Monks and Its Martyrs -- with a Short Account of the English Carthusians After the Dissolution
1435: HENDRY, P.G. - Vintage and Veteran Cars
49361: HENKE, James - The Jim Morrison Scrapbook
29606: HENKE, Paul - Mayhem
49362: HENKE, James - Lennon Legend: An Illustrated Life of John Lennon
4259: HENNER, Marilu - By All Means Keep on Moving
45595: POPE-HENNESSY, John - The Portrait in the Renaissance
32309: HENNESSY, John J. - Return to Bull Run: The Campaign and Battle of Second Manassas
15417: HENREID, Paul (1908-92) - Photograph Signed
49475: HENRIOT, Emile (1889-1961) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
33040: HENRY, Sue - Termination Dust
49610: HENRY, Marguerite - Brighty of the Grand Canyon
39071: HENRY, O. - The Complete Works of O. Henry Volume II
39007: HENRY, Robert Selph - The Story of the Confederacy
38659: HENRY, O. - The Stories of O. Henry
38721: HENRY, O. (William Henry Porter) - The Four Million: A Gathering of Little Stories Written in the Intimate Style and with Ever Surprising Endings... .
39339: HENRY, Joseph - The Papers of Joseph Henry: Volumes 1-7
50249: JAMES. Henry - The Ambassadors
41963: HENRY, O. (William Sidney Porter) - The Best Short Stories of O. Henry
26480: HENRY, Robert Selph - The Story of the Mexican War
41780: HENRY, O. - Postscripts
46420: HENRY, O. (William Sydney Porter) - Options
49499: HENSHALL, James A. - Book of the Black Bass Comprising Its Complete Scientific and Life History Together with a Practical Treatise on Angling and Fly Fishing and a Full Description of Tools, Tackle and Implements / More About the Black Bass Being a Supplement to the Book of the Black Bass
24217: HENSON, Lou - Lou: Winning at Illinois
45220: HENTY, G.A. - Under Drake's Flag: A Tale of the Spanish Main
23053: HEPINSTALL, Kathy - The House of Gentle Men
9752: HEPPENSTALL, Rayner - The Greater Infortune
49333: HEPPLEWHITE, A. - The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Guide; or, Repository of Designs for Every Article of Household Furniture, in the Newest and Most Approved Taste...
1375: HERBERS, John - No Thank You, Mr. President
37284: HERBERT, Edward D., and TOV, Emanuel (editors) - The Bible As Book: The Hebrew Bible and the Judaean Desert Discoveries
10368: HERBERT, A.P. - Holy Deadlock
45545: HERBERT, T. Walter - Dearest Beloved: The Hawthornes and the Making of the Middle-Class Family
45046: HERDEGEN, Lance J., and BEAUDOT, William J.K. - In the Bloody Railroad Cut at Gettysburg
12390: HERGESHEIMER, Joseph - Wild Oranges
29813: HERGESHEIMER, Joseph - The Bright Shawl
25176: HERLIHY, James Leo - Stop, You'Re Killing Me: Three Short Plays
3844: HERLIHY, James Leo - All Fall Down
6891: HERLOCHER, Dawn - 200 Years of Dolls: Identification and Price Guide
31327: HERMAN, Robert - The Greater Miami Opera: From Shoestring to Showpiece, 1941-1985
12232: HERMANN, Binger - The Louisiana Purchase and Our Title West of the Rocky Mountains, with a Review of Annexation by the United States
43957: HERMANN, Bruce P. - Age of Onset of Temporal Lobe Seizures and Mean Scale Mmpi Scores
38517: HERMANN, Binger - Regulations Concerning Railroad Right of Way over the Public Lands. Approved November 4, 1898
31469: HERMES, Margaret - The Phoenix Nest
16560: HERNANDEZ, Orlando, and PASCUAL, CRISTOBAL - Spirit of the Land: Cuban Photographs of Vietnam
47807: HERNDON, William H. - Lincoln's Personal Characteristics: A Letter Written Jan. 15, 1874, to an Unknown Correspondent in New York City
22614: HERRICK, Myron T. (1854-1929) - Typed Letter Signed
33757: HERRICK, Genevieve Forbes, and HERRICK, John Ogden - The Life of William Jennings Bryan
44319: HERRING, Hubert - Good Neighbors: Argentina, Brazil, Chile & Seventeen Other Countries
28659: HERRMANN, Julius (1889-1977) - Inscribed Photograph Signed / Autograph Letter Signed
2960: HERRON, R. Lane - Much Ado About Dolls: A Beginner's Guide to Doll Collecting
48536: HERSEY, Harold - Singing Rawhide: A Book of Western Ballads
16615: HERSEY, John - The Marmot Drive
35008: HERSEY, John - The Call
32053: HERSEY, John - The President
43852: HERSEY, John - The Call
18416: HERSHBERGER, H.M., EULERT, Donald, and CORDONNIER, Max (editors) - The Western Poet: Summer 1961, Volume 1, Number 1
37524: HERSHBERGER, James W. - The Moment of Truth
29963: HERSHBERGER, H.M., EULERT, Donald, and CORDONNIER, Max (editors) - The Western Poet: Spring 1962 (Volume 2, Number 1)
1037: HERSHEY, Olive - Truck Dance
17712: HERSHON, Robert - Little Red Wagon Painted Blue
17688: HERSHON, Robert, et al. (editors) - Hanging Loose No. 25
17689: HERSHON, Robert, et al. (editors) - Hanging Loose No. 28
18074: HERTZ, Emanuel - Abraham Lincoln: What Might Have Been -- Let His Contemporaries Testify
42741: HERTZ, Emanuel - The Religion of Abraham Lincoln: Delivered Before the Forum of the Jewish Center on the Afternoon of February 7, 1930
48: HERTZ, Emanuel - Lincoln in Excelsis: The Double Climax -- Gettysburg and the Second Inaugural
378: HERTZ, Louis H. - Antique Collecting for Men
49: HERTZ, Emanuel - That Man Lincoln * * *
47: HERTZ, Emanuel - Abraham Lincoln: With the Immortals
46: HERTZ, Emanuel - Abraham Lincoln -- As to His Kindness and Mercy -- Let Woman Testify: A Preachment
45141: HERTZ, Emanuel (editor) - Lincoln Talks: A Biography in Aneccdote
18646: HERZBERG, Gerhard (1904-99) - Signature
37751: HERZBERGER, Magda - The Waltz of the Shadows
387: HERZOG, David Alan - Collecting Today for Tomorrow
339: HERZOG, David Alan - Collecting Today for Tomorrow
2031: HERZSTEIN, Robert Edwin - Waldheim: The Missing Years
13156: HESPELT, E. Herman, LEONARD, Irving A., REID, John T., et al. - An Outline History of Spanish American Literature
38638: HESS, R. Laurence - General Grant's Farrier: A Biographical Novel of a Pioneer Mid-Western Craftsman
28301: HESS, Joan - Busy Bodies
46000: HESS, William N. - Zemke's Wolfpack: The 56th Fighter Group in World War II
43078: HESS, Joan - Tickled to Death
28232: HESS, Joan - Death by the Light of the Moon
38878: HESSELTINE, William B. - Lincoln and the War Governors
41557: HESSELTINE, William B. (editor) - The Tragic Conflict: The CIVIL War and Reconstruction
45149: HESSELTINE, William B. - Lincoln's Plan of Reconstruction
28569: HESSELTINE, William B. (editor) - CIVIL War Prisons
560: HESSELTINE, William B. (editor) - CIVIL War Prisons
46075: HESSELTINE, William B. - Lincoln's Problems in Wisconsin: Address at Annual Meeting of Lincoln Fellowship of Wisconsin February 12, 1951
40126: HESSELTINE, William B. (editor) - CIVIL War Prisons
777: HESTON, Charlton - The Actor's Life: Journals, 1956-1976
6183: HETHERINGTON, P.B. - Mosaics
16376: HEUSER, Ken - The Whitetail Deer Guide: A Complete, Practical Guide to Hunting America's Number One Big-Game Animal
10384: HEWETT, David E. - The Antiques Game: An Insider's Tips on How to Play It and Win
11849: HEWITT, Arthur Wentworth - God's Back Pasture: A Book of the Rural Parish
29831: HEWITT, L.G. - All About Auctions
16678: HEWITT, John (editor) - The Owl (Volume 51, Number 1, December 1963)
16679: HEWITT, John (editor) - The Owl (Volume 51, Number 3, May 1964)
28118: HEWITT, Lawrence Lee - Port Hudson, Confederate Bastion on the Mississippi
11699: HEWITT, Jean - The New York Times Large Type Cookbook. ; Illustrations by Maida Silverman
36891: HEWITT, Lawrence Lee - Port Hudson, Confederate Bastion on the Mississippi
13190: HEWITT, Jean - The New York Times Large Type Cookbook
35555: HEYLIGER, William - The Loser's End
46580: HEYLIGER, William - Stan Kent: Freshman Fullback
46421: HEYLIGER, William - Quinby and Son
44096: HEYLIGER, William - Jerry Hicks and His Gang
2400: HEYLIGER, William - Fighting Blood
49058: HEYSE, Johann Christian August - Allgemeines Verdeutschendes Und Erklärendes Fremdwörterbuch Mit Bezeichnung Der Aussprache Und Betonung Der Wörter Nebst Genauer Angabe Ihrer Abstammung Und Bildung
36577: HEYWARD, Du Bose - Mmba's Daughters
20498: HIBBERT, Christopher - Cavaliers & Roundheads: The English CIVIL War, 1642-1649
18203: HIBSCHMAN, Harry - Law the Working-Man Should Know
33543: HICHENS, Robert - The Call of the Blood
11159: HICHENS, Robert - Barbary Sheep: A Novel
48085: HICHENS, Robert - The Spell of Egypt
3121: HICHENS, Robert - In the Wilderness: A Novel
49168: HICKEL, Walter J. - Who Owns America
32832: HICKEL, Walter J. - Who Owns America
18455: HICKENLOOPER, Bourke B. (1896-1971) - Photograph Signed
21848: HICKENLOOPER, Bourke B. (1896-1971) - Signature
53: HICKEY, James T. - Springfield, May, 1865
41523: HICKEY, James T. - The Collected Writings of James T. Hickey from Publications of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1953-1984
46190: HICKS, Granville - Part of the Truth: An Autobiography

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