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42013: BLAINE, John - The Phantom Shark
42245: BLAINE, John - The Flying Stingaree
42211: BLAINE, John - The Wailing Octopus
42207: BLAINE, John - 100 Fathoms Under
42203: BLAINE, John - The Rocket's Shadow
42196: BLAINE, John - Sea Gold
31646: BLAIR, Francis G. (editor) - Semi-Centennial of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates in Illinois, 1858-1908: Circular of Suggestions for School Celebrations
12928: BLAIR, Francis G. (editor) - Semi-Centennial of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates in Illinois, 1858-1908: Circular of Suggestions for School Celebrations
35856: BLAIR, Matilda - Bunnie Cottontail: A Rabbit's Own Story
4146: BLAIR, Walter - Native American Humor (1800-1900)
48014: BLAIR, Francis G. (editor) - Semi-Centennial of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates in Illinois, 1858-1908: Circular of Suggestions for School Celebrations
29423: BLAKE, Wendon - The Color Book
39166: BLAKE, William - The Poetry and Prose of William Blake
19907: BLAKE, Eugene Carson (1906-85) - Signature
46919: BLAKE, Fanny - Essential: Charles Rennie Mackintosh
34824: BLAKE, William - Cross and Flame in Wisconsin: The Story of United Methodism in the Badger State
895: BLAKE, William - Cross and Flame in Wisconsin: The Story of United Methodism in the Badger State
7662: BLAKE, Wendon - Painting in Alkyd
40604: BLAKE, Michael - Marching to Valhalla: A Novel of Custer's Last Days
34337: BLAKE, Wendon - Acrylic Watercolor Painting
46675: BLAKESLEE, Don (1917-2008) - Photograph Signed
43186: BLANCHARD, W.O. - The Geography of Southwestern Wisconsin
22484: BLANCHARD, Ira - I Marched with Sherman: CIVIL War Memoirs of the 20th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
38315: BLANCHARD, Harold Hooper (editor) - Prose and Poetry of the Continental Renaissance in Translation
23611: BLANCHARD, Melinda, and BLANCHARD, Robert - A Trip to the Beach: Living on Island Time in the Caribbean
18678: BLAND, Edward - The Discovery of New Brittaine
40544: BLANK, Clair - Beverly Gray's Island Mystery
31627: BLANK, Louis (?-1895) - Autograph Document Signed
40532: BLANK, Clair - Beverly Gray's Problem
40879: BLANKE, Johannes - Frohe Kindheit: Heiteres Und Belehrendes Für Die Kinderwelt
18894: BLANKE, Henry (1901-81) - Signature
17297: BLANKFORT, Michael - An Exceptional Man
45788: BLANKSHINE, Robert (1945-91) - Signature
1402: BLANSHARD, Paul - God and Man in Washington
49290: BLASINGAME, Jim - Small Business Is Like a Bunch of Bananas: You Have to Remove the Peels to Get to the Good Stuff
43366: BLATCHFORD, Samuel (1820-93) - Signature and Salutation
50296: BLATNICK, Jeff (1957-2012) - Signature
32073: BLATTY, William Peter - Legion
39003: BLAY, John S. - The CIVIL War: A Pictorial Profile
49106: BLAY, John S. - The CIVIL War: A Pictorial Profile
20242: BLEECKER, Samuel E. - The Politics of Architecture: A Perspective on Nelson A. Rockefeller
1917: BLEGEN, Theodore C. - The Kensington Rune Stone: New Light on an Old Riddle
19429: (HEART TRANSPLANT). BLEIBERG, Phillip (?-1969) - Signed Greeting Card
620: BLESER, Carol (editor) - The Hammonds of Redcliffe
33943: BLICKENSDERFER, Joseph P. (editor) - The United States Quarterly Book Review: Volume 12, Number 1 (March 1956)
37376: BLISS, Michael - The Discovery of Insulin
27433: BLISS, Ray C. (1907-81) - Typed Note Signed / Inscribed Photograph Signed
36725: BLISS, Douglas Percy - A History of Wood-Engraving
24534: BLITZER, Wolf - Territory of Lies -- the Exclusive Story of Jonathan Jay Pollard: The American Who Spied on His Country for Israel and How He Was Betrayed
26600: BLOCH, Konrad (1912-2000) - Signature
46453: BLOCH, Iwan - Marquis de Sade: His Life and Works
46775: BLOCHMAN, Lawrence G. - Diagnosis: Homicide -- the Casebook of Dr. Coffee
45180: BLOCK, Herbert - Herblock's State of the Union
28072: BLOCK, Lawrence - Everybody Dies
25193: BLOCK, Herbert L. (1909-2001) - Signed First Day Cover
37493: BLOCKSON, Charles L. - The Underground Railroad
50258: BLOMBERG, Nancy J. - Navajo Textiles: The William Randolph Hearst Collection
3462: BLOND, Georges, GIRAULT, Yvonne, APPELL, Claude, and COGAN, Paul - 15 Aventures Vecues
43324: Y'BLOOD, William T. - The Little Giants: U.S. Escort Carriers Against Japan
46143: BLOOM, Harold - A Map of Misreading
46144: BLOOM, Harold - Poetry and Repression: Revisionism from Blake to Stevens
40902: BLOOM, William - A Game for Children
9515: BLOOM, Claire - Limelight and After: The Education of an Actress
28004: (BLOSSOM, Dudley Stuart) (1879-1938) - In Memoriam: Dudley Stuart Blossom
25194: BLOSSOM, David J. (1927-95) - Signed First Day Cover
27481: BLOUNT, Winton M. (1921-2002) - Signed First Day Cover
27426: BLUEGE, Oswald "Ossie" (1900-85) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
29235: BLUEGE, Oswald "Ossie" (1900-85) - Signature
6822: BLUM, Albert A. - The Development of American Labor
11633: BLUM, Stella (editor) - Everyday Fashions of the Thirties As Pictured in Sears Catalogs
43314: BLUMENSON, Martin - Mark Clark
325: BLUMENTHAL, Ben (editor) - Minkus New American Stamp Catalog
48849: BLUMENTHAL, Walter Hart - Heaven and Hades: Two Excursions for Bookmen
33707: BLUMER, G. Alder, and RICHARDSON, A.B. (editors); KNIGHT, George H. (editor) - Commitment, Detention, Care and Treatment of the Insane: Being a Report of the Fourth Section of the International Congress of Charities, Correction and Philanthropy, Chicago, June, 1893. / Care and Training of the Feeble-Minded: Being a Report of the Eighth Section of the International Congress of Charities, Correction and Philanthropy, Chicago, June, 1893
28172: BLUNT, Joseph - An Anniversary Discourse, Delivered Before the New-York Historical Society, on Thursday, Dec. 13, 1827
40976: BLUSTEIN, Bonnie Ellen - Preserve Your Love for Science: Life of William A. Hammond, American Neurologist
48779: BLY, Robert - Point Reyes Poems
11631: BOARDMAN, Fon W., Jr. - America and the Jacksonian Era, 1825-1850
47420: BOAS, Norman Francis - Franz Boas, 1858-1942: An Illustrated Biography
38267: BOATNER, Mark Mayo, III - The CIVIL War Dictionary
29037: BOATWRIGHT, Christopher M. (1955-97) - Signature
25504: BOBERTZ, Carl (?-?) - Signed Postal Cover / Typed Letter Signed
35156: BOBRICK, Benson - Testament: A Soldier's Story of the CIVIL War
32032: BOCCACCIO, John - The Decameron: The Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence and Conversation Framed in Ten Dayes, of an Hundred Curious Pieces, by Seven Honourable Ladies, and Three Noble Gentlemen; Preserved to Posterity... . ; Introduction by Edward Hutton. Illustrations by Fritz Kredel
43018: BOCCACCIO, Giovanni - Stories from the Decameron
47389: BOCCACCIO, John - The Decameron: The Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence and Conversation Framed in Ten Dayes, of an Hundred Curious Pieces, by Seven Honourable Ladies, and Three Noble Gentlemen; Preserved to Posterity...
43776: BOCCACCIO, Giovanni - The Decameron
19724: BOCEK, Milt (born 1912) - Signature
22074: BOCKELMAN, Eleanor - The Stewardess
5807: BODDINGTON, Craig (editor) - America: The Men and Their Guns That Made Her Great
45516: BODE, Winston - A Portrait of Pancho -- the Life of a Great Texan: J. Frank Dobie
29810: BODGE, J. Everett - Service for F. Lauriston Bullard
4869: BODY, A.H. (editor) - Animals All: An Anthology for Schools
33141: BOEWE, Charles - Prairie Albion: An English Settlement in Pioneer Illinois
9931: BOGARDE, Dirk - An Orderly Man
24788: BOGART, John R. (1900-86) - Signature
29233: BOGGS, Raymond J. (1904-89) - Signature
19255: BOGGS, Phil (1949-90) - Signature
48831: BOGUE, Donald J. - A Treatise on Migration: National and International
889: BOGUE, Allan G., and TAYLOR, Robert (editors) - The University of Wisconsin: One Hundred and Twenty-Five Years
20733: BOHJALIAN, Chris - Trans-Sister Radio
5631: BOHLMAN, Cheryl, and KADLUBOWSKI, Linda - Economical, Nutritious Recipes for Those Fowl Leftovers
47537: BOHRER, Florence Fifer - John Mclean and the County That Bears His Name
37347: BOHROD, Aaron - A Decade of Still Life
47597: BOIELLE, James - A New Standard French and English Dictionary Compiled from the Best Authorities in Both Languages
47771: DU BOIS, Gaylord - Barry Blake of the Flying Fortress
6522: DU BOIS, Theodora - The Face of Hate
24561: BOKEN, Robert "Bob" (1908-88) - Signature
49894: BOLAND, Eavan - An Origin Like Water: Collected Poems 1967-1987
5577: BOLES, Paul Darcy - The Limner
21040: BOLESLAVSKY, Richard - Acting: The First Six Lessons
27203: BOLIO, Antonio Mediz - The Land of the Pheasant and the Deer: Folksong of the Maya
15008: BOLITHO, Hector (1897-?) - Typed Note Signed
26713: BOLL, Frank "Buzz" (1911-90) - Autograph Note Signed
38815: BOLLER, Henry A. - Among the Indians: Eight Years in the Far West, 1858-1866
14129: BOLTE, Mary - Haunted New England
875: BOLTE, Mary - How to Win over Your Children
4811: BOLTON, Richard - Painting Weathered Textures in Watercolor
16681: BOLTON, Herbert E. - The Mission As a Frontier Institution in the Spanish-American Colonies
36557: BOLTON, Sarah K. - Lives of Poor Boys Who Became Famous
820: BOMBAL, MarÌa Luisa - New Islands. ; Preface by Jorge Luis Borges. Translated by Richard and Lucia Cunningham
569: BONADIO, Felice A. - North of Reconstruction: Ohio Politics, 1865-1870
30888: BONANSINGA, Jay R. - Head Case
22271: (CONSTRUCTION BOND) - Illinois Central Rail-Road Company Provisional Certificate for One Construction Bond of $1000. -- or at 4s. 2d. Sterling, Per Dollar, L208. 6.8. Sterling
34567: BOND, J. Wesley - Minnesota and Its Resources to Which Are Added Camp-Fire Sketches or Notes of a Trip from St. Paul to Pembina and Selkirk Settlement on the Red River of the North
41998: BONEHILL, Ralph - The Young Naval Captain; or the War of All Nations
42403: BONEHILL, Ralph - Four Boy Hunters or the Outing of the Gun Club
42376: BONEHILL, Ralph - When Santiago Fell; or, the War Adventures of Two Chums
42370: BONEHILL, Ralph - Boys of the Fort or a Young Captain's Pluck
42324: BONEHILL, Ralph - With Boone on the Frontier or the Pioneer Boys of Old Kentucky
42406: BONEHILL, Ralph - Off for Hawaii or the Mystery of a Great Volcano
1528: BONIFACE, Father - Pioneering in the West: Memories of His Life and Experiences in the West with the Franciscans
1396: BONIFACE, Father - Pioneering in the West
50022: BONNER, Robert (1824-99) - Signature
15953: BONNET, Henri (1888-?) - Typed Note Signed
21127: BONO, Sonny - And the Beat Goes on
4089: BONSALL, Crosby - The Case of the Hungry Stranger
19331: BONTEMPS, Arna (editor) - Great Slave Narratives
48400: BONVILLAIN, Nancy - The Sac and Fox
33937: (MINIATURE BOOK) - History of the Bible
11629: BOOKE, Ruth Voorhees - Pressed Flower Pictures and Citrus-Skin Decorations
21560: BOONE, Ray "Ike" (1923-2004) - Signature
25295: BOORSTIN, Daniel J. - The Americans: The National Experience
21661: BOORSTIN, Daniel J. (editor) - American Civilization: A Portrait from the Twentieth Century
49725: BOOTH, Philip - Selves: New Poems
38195: BOOTH, Letha (compiler) - The Williamsburg Cookbook
24496: BOOTH, Ernest S. - Birds of the East
30849: BOOTH, Pat - Palm Beach
43658: BOOTH, Ernest (1898-1959) - Typed Note Signed
40755: BORAH, William E. (1865-1940) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
37723: BORCHERS, Adolf (1913-96) - Photograph Signed
49136: De BORCHGRAVE, Arnaud, and MOSS, Robert - The Spike
45172: BORDEN, John - Log of the Auxiliary Schooner Yacht Northern Light... Borden-Field Museum Alaska-Arctic Expedition 1927
50211: BORDEWICH, Fergus M. - The First Congress: How James Madison, George Washington, and a Group of Extraordinary Men Invented the Government
7461: BORDMAN, Gerald - Days to Be Happy, Years to Be Sad: The Life and Music of Vincent Youmans
45244: BOREN, James (1925-2010) - Signed Original Drawing
30788: BORGENICHT, David (editor) - Golf: Great Thoughts on the Grand Game
821: BORGES, Jorge Luis, and BIOY CASARES, Adolfo - Extraordinary Tales
9651: BORGMAN, C.F. - River Road
38873: BORITT, Gabor S. (editor) - Lincoln, the War President: The Gettysburg Lectures
42785: BORITT, Gabor S. (editor) - Lincoln, the War President: The Gettysburg Lectures
42786: BORITT, G.S. - Lincoln and the Economics of the American Dream
41454: BORITT, Gabor S. - How Big Was Lincoln's Toe? or Finding a Footnote: A Sometimes Irreverent Account of a Shoemaker's and a Historian's Adventures More Than a Century Apart
38884: BORITT, Gabor S. (editor) - The Historian's Lincoln: Pseudohistory, Psychohistory, and History
38890: BORITT, Gabor (editor) - The Lincoln Enigma: The Changing Faces of an American Icon
41230: BORITT, Gabor S. (editor) - The Historian's Lincoln: Pseudohistory, Psychohistory, and History
27914: BORLAND, Hal - Homeland: A Report from the Country
14754: BORN, Wolfgang - Still-Life Painting in America
37815: BORNGEN, Ernst (1916-89), BROMEN, Wilhelm (1915-90), HELBIG, Joachim (1915-85), KETSCHER, Hans (1912-89), and SCHLUND, Franz (1913-95) - Signed Commemorative Envelope
46112: BORRESON, Ralph - When Lincoln Died
41920: BORRESON, Ralph - When Lincoln Died
45523: BORTHWICK, J.D. - The Gold Hunters: A First-Hand Picture of Life in California Mining Camps in the Early Fifties
26709: BOSKOVSKY, Willi (1909-91) - Signature
29046: BOSMAN, Petrus (1928-2008) - Signature
34039: BOSSE, David - CIVIL War Newspaper Maps: A Historical Atlas
11398: BOSSE, Malcolm - The War Lord
40978: BOSSE, Malcolm - Fire in Heaven
49246: BOSSY, Mike (1957-2022) - Signature
41784: BOSTON, Charles K. - The Silver Jackass
48497: BOSTWICK, Todd W. - Byron Cummings: Dean of Southwest Archaeology
469: BOSWELL, James - Boswell in Holland, 1763-1764: Including His Correspondence with Delle de Zuylen (Zelide). ; Edited by Frederick A. Pottle
10961: BOSWELL, Charles - The America: The Story of the World's Most Famous Yacht
49751: BOSWELL, James - The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, L.L. D.
36572: BOSWELL, Thomas - The Bird Feeder Book: How to Build Unique Bird Feeders from the Purely Practical to the Simply Outrageous
46754: BOSWELL, James - The Life of Samuel Johnson
28553: BOSWORTH, Welles (1868-1966) - Typed Letter Signed
27517: (BOTERO, Fernando) - Botero in Chicago
30226: BOTKIN, B.A. (editor) - A CIVIL War Treasury of Tales, Legends and Folklore
39316: BOTKIN, B.A. - A Treasury of American Folklore: Stories, Ballads, and Traditions of the People
43608: BOTKIN, B.A. (editor) - A CIVIL War Treasury of Tales, Legends and Folklore
45153: BOTKIN, B.A. (editor) - A CIVIL War Treasury of Tales, Legends and Folklore
49740: BOTTA, Vincenzo (1818-94) - Autograph Quotation Signed
21248: BOTTS, Walter (1900-72) - Signed Postal Cover
9362: BOTTS, Timothy R. - Door Posts
17123: BOUCHER, Anthony - The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars
46450: BOUET, Jacques (editor) - Dialogue: Revue D'Etudes Roumaines: No. 4/5
45072: BOULANGE, L'Abbe T. - Memoires de la Mere de Chaugy Sur la Vie Et Les Vertus de Sainte Jeanne-Francoise de Chantal
42301: BOULANGER, Gustave (1824-88) - Photograph Signed
40679: BOULANGER, Robert - Greece
30988: BOULTON, Agnes - Part of a Long Story
48437: BOURDAIN, Anthony - Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook
33201: BOURGEAU, Art - The Mystery Lover's Companion
36947: BOURKE, John G. - On the Border with Crook
45745: BOURNE, Jeff (1948-2014) - Signature
29938: BOURNE, Silvanus (1756-1817) - Autograph Letter Signed
45737: BOURTON, Clarence "Clarrie" (1908-81) - Signature
896: BOUTELL, Henry Sherman - A Deserted Village
18381: BOUTON, Nathaniel - A Memorial Discourse on Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Concord Female Charitable Society, Delivered in the North Church, Concord, N.H. On Sunday Evening, January 26, 1862
34775: BOUTROUX, Emile - Natural Law in Science and Philosophy
40979: BOVA, Ben - Kinsman
18612: BOVIS, Marcel, and SAINT-JULIEN, Francois - Nus D'Autrefois, 1850-1900
49195: BOWDEN, Muriel - A Commentary on the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
49175: BOWEN, William G. - Inside the Boardroom: Governance by Directors and Trustees
22338: BOWEN, Kevin - Wil's Bones
12625: BOWEN, Catherine Drinker, MIRRIELESS, Edith R., SCHLESINGER, Arthur M. Jr., and STEGNER, Wallace - Four Portraits and One Subject: Bernard Devoto
9806: BOWEN, John - The Birdcage
49024: BOWEN, William G., NYGREN, Thomas I., TURNER, Sarah E., and DUFFY, Elizabeth A. - The Charitable Nonprofits: An Analysis of Institutional Dynamics and Characteristics
1464: BOWEN, Frank C. - Men of the Wooden Walls
32140: BOWEN, R. Sidney - Red Randall in the Aleutians
38221: BOWEN, Dana Thomas - Lore of the Lakes Told in Story and Picture
33084: BOWEN, Kevin - Wil's Bones
178: BOWEN, Croswell - The Elegant Oakey
10731: BOWER, B.M. - Flying U Ranch
40959: BOWERS, John Z. - Western Medical Pioneers in Feudal Japan
94: BOWERS, John Hugh - Life of Abraham Lincoln
49549: BOWERS, Michael (editor) - North American Fighting Uniforms: An Illustrated History Since 1756
11737: BOWIE, Walter Russell - See Yourself in the Bible
49996: BOWIE, David (1947-2016) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
48439: BOWKER, Gordon - Through the Dark Labyrinth: A Biography of Lawrence Durrell
24585: BOWKER, R.R. (1848-1933) - Typed Letter Signed
31347: BOWLER, John P. (?-?) - Typed Letter Signed
37079: BOWLIN, William R. (compiler) - A Book of Fireside Poems
43117: BOWLING, George Augustus - A History of the Ayrshire Cattle in the United States
29234: BOWMAN, Elmer W. (1897-1985) - Signature
7563: BOWMAN, Sarah, and VARDEY, Lucinda - Pigs
33836: BOWMAN, Fred Q. - 10,000 Vital Records of Eastern New York, 1777-1834
24576: BOWMAN, Joseph E. "Joe" (1910-90) - Signature
10690: BOWMAN, Charles - The White Plume: A Pictorial Representation of the Steam Locomotive
13950: BOWMAN, Joe (?-1990) - Signature
570: BOWMAN, John S. (editor) - The CIVIL War Almanac
21716: BOWMAN, Larry G. - Captive Americans: Prisoners During the American Revolution
43708: BOWMAN, Heath, and DICKINSON, Stirling - Westward from Rio
49444: BOWMAN, Heath, and DICKINSON, Stirling - Death Is Incidental: A Story of Revolution
6047: BOWRA, C.M. - Edith Sitwell
35925: BOWRING, Dave - How to Fish Streams
26117: BOWSER, Arda C. (1899-1996) - Signature
377: BOWYER, Mathew J. - Collecting Americana
21359: BOX, Theodor M. (1906-?) - Signed First Day Cover
31997: BOYD, Morrison Comegys - Elizabethan Music and Musical Criticism
7444: BOYD, Bill - O' Boyd: Just Plain Good Readin' -- Book I.
32460: BOYD, William - On the Yankee Station
45450: BOYD, James - Marching on
45926: BOYER, Mary G. - Arizona in Literature: A Collection of the Best Writings of Arizona Authors from Early Spanish Days to the Present Time
20915: BOYESEN, Hjalmar Hjorth (1848-95) - Signature and Salutation
614: BOYKIN, Edward - Ghost Ship of the Confederacy: The Story of the Alabama and Her Captain, Raphael Semmes
23519: BOYLE, Kay (1903-92) - Signature
39100: BOYLE, David - World War II in Photographs
10998: BOYLE, Kay - The Underground Woman
49431: BOYLE, Virginia Frazer - The Other Side: An Historic Poem
18661: O'BOYLE, Patrick A. Cardinal (1896-1987) - Signature
929: BOYNTON, Winifred C. - Faith Builds a Chapel: The Story of an Adventure in Craftsmanship
14846: BOYTON, Neil - Circus at Madison Square Garden
48880: BRABBS, Derry - English Country Pubs
44349: BRACHT, Uwe (1953-2016) - Color Photograph Signed
39828: BRACHVOGEL, A.E. - Der Deutsche Michael. Histerischer Roman
42767: BRACKEN, Dorothy Kendall - Rodeo
25220: BRACKETT, Ward (1914-?) - Signed First Day Cover
44277: BRACKMAN, Arnold C. - The Dream of Troy
37329: BRADBURY, J.C., GROGAN, R.M., and CRONK, R.J. - Geologic Structure Map of the Northwestern Illinois Zinc-Lad District
35480: BRADBY, Tom - The Master of Rain
7863: BRADDON, Russell, DODWELL, Christina, GREER, Germaine, et al. - River Journeys
42149: BRADEN, Waldo W. - The Oral Tradition in the South
18422: BRADEN, Anne - House Un-American Activities Committee: Bulwark of Segregation
41702: BRADFIELD, Elston G. (editor) - The Numismatist: December, 1959 (Vol. 72, No. 12) -- Abraham Lincoln Number
30873: BRADFORD, Barbara Taylor - Angel
48318: BRADFORD, James C. (editor) - Atlas of American Military History
49577: BRADFORD, Myrtle Taylor - U le Lah Princess of Hir Ri Hi Gua of South Tampa Bay: Florida's Pocahontas! the First Romance Is American History Her Life's Deeds an Immortal Song
10181: BRADFORD, Gamaliel - Damaged Souls
13791: BRADFORD, Augustus W. - Proclamation by the Governor
43573: BRADFORD, Gamaliel (1863-1932) - Autograph Letter Signed
46262: BRADFORD, Ruark - John Henry
37660: BRADFORD, Barbara Taylor - Angel
37358: BRADFORD, Gamaliel - Lee the American
758: BRADFORD, Sarah - Princess Grace
16586: BRADFORD, George P. (1807-90) - Autograph Quotation Signed
28654: BRADICH, A. (?-?) - Autograph Note Signed
37000: BRADLEE, Benjamin C. - Conversations with Kennedy
23328: (BRADLEY, Omar N.) (1893-1981) - Omar N. Bradley" Matchbook
35602: BRADLEY, Basil - Partridge Shooting
41472: BRADLEY, Omar N. - A General's Life: An Autobiography
40521: BRADLEY, Van Allen - More Gold in Your Attic
45474: BRADLEY, James - The Confederate Mail Carrier or from Missouri to Arkansas, Through Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. An Unwritten Leaf of the "CIVIL War.
40864: BRADLEY, Omar N. (1893-1981) - Signature / Printed General Order / Unsigned Photograph
36378: BRADLEY, James - Flags of Our Fathers
22442: BRADLEY, Preston - Along the Way: An Autobiography
29814: BRADLEY, Charles M. - Me-Phi Bo-Sheth (If the Gods So Decide): An Undated Manuscript
21128: BRADLEY, Van Allen - The New Gold in Your Attic
14128: BRADLEY, Martin - No Place to Hide
39506: (BRADLEY, Omar N.) - The Soldiers' General
45739: BRADLEY, Gordon (1933-2008) - Signature
40923: BRADLEY, Mark L. - This Astounding Close: The Road to Bennett Place
38135: BRADLEY, Bill - Time Present, Time Past: A Memoir
38932: BRADLEY, Preston - New Wealth for You
40118: BRADLEY, Bill - Time Present, Time Past: A Memoir
13460: BRADMORE, H.M. - The Medical Care of the Confederate Army
298: BRADNER, Enos - The Inside on the Outdoors
41416: BRADSHAW, Emerson O., SHIKE, Charles E., and TOPPING, Helen F. (editors) - Kagawa in Lincoln's Land
38545: BRADSHAW, Marion J. - The Maine Land: A Portfolio of Views Taken in Vacationland
34746: BRADWELL, A.R. - Igg Subclasses in Disease
26279: BRADY, Lillian - The Saga of a Whitetail
43574: BRADY, Cyrus Townsend - The West Wind: A Story of Red Men and White in Old Wyoming
2824: BRADY, Frank - Hefner
37871: BRADY, James F. - Modern Turkey Hunting: A Thorough Guide to the Habits, Habitat, and Methods of Hunting America's Largest Game Bird
24516: BRADY, John R. (1822-91) - Signature and Salutation
22815: BRADY, Pat (1914-72) - Signature and Inscription
10375: BRAGG, Melvyn - Richard Burton: A Life
47768: BRAINERD, Norman - Winning His Army Blue or the Honor Graduate
737: BRAKEFIELD, Tom - The Sportsman's Complete Book of Trophy and Meat Care
45400: BRAMAH, Ernest - Kai Lung's Golden Hours
95: BRAMANTIP, Bocardo - The Abraham Lincoln Myth: An Essay in "Higher Criticism
28678: BRANCOUR, Rene (1862-1948) - Autograph Letter Signed
26059: BRAND, Marija - Zagreb: Moj Grad
16826: BRANDEIS, Madeline - Little John of New England
48968: BRANDEIS, Madeline - Mitz and Fritz of Germany
48966: BRANDEIS, Madeline - Little Tom of England
35834: BRANDEIS, Madeline - Little Erik of Sweden
48971: BRANDEIS, Madeline - The Wee Scotch Piper
48967: BRANDEIS, Madeline - Little Jeanne of France
48965: BRANDEIS, Madeline - Little John of New England
35839: BRANDEIS, Madeline - Little Erik of Sweden
48969: BRANDEIS, Madeline - Little Tony of Italy
48972: BRANDEIS, Madeline - Little Anne of Canada
48970: BRANDEIS, Madeline - The Little Indian Weaver
38982: BRANDT, Nat - The Town That Started the CIVIL War
40363: BRANDT, Karsten - Hänschen IM Blaubeerenwald. Ein Neues Bilderbuch Von Elsa Beskow
854: BRANHAM, Mary Edith, and BRANHAM, Joel S. - Bed the Turtle Softly: Legends of the South Pacific
7309: BRANSFORD, Stephen - Riders of the Long Road
39808: BRANTLEY, John D. - The Fiction of John Dos Passos
1202: BRAROE, Niels Winther - Indian & White: Self-Image and Interaction in a Canadian Plains Community
25623: BRASLAU, Sophie (1892-1935) - Inscription and Signature
31634: BRASS, William (1st Baron Chattisham) (1886-1945) - Autograph Letter Signed
29239: BRATCHER, Joe (1898-1977) - Signature
39212: BRAUDY, Leo - Narrative Form in History & Fiction: Hume, Fielding, & Gibbon
269: BRAUER, Kinley J. - Cotton Versus Conscience: Massachusetts Whig Politics and Southwestern Expansion, 1843-1848
40572: BRAUN, Isabella (gegrundet) - Jugendblätter Für Unterhaltung Und Belehrung... Jahrgang 36
6519: BRAUN, Bob - Here's Bob
37189: BRAUN, Lilian Jackson - The Cat Who Saw Stars
37187: BRAUN, Lilian Jackson - The Cat Who Sang for the Birds
37185: BRAUN, Lilian Jackson - The Cat Who Said Cheese
40573: BRAUN, Isabella (gegrundet) - Jugendblätter Für Unterhaltung Und Belehrung... Jahrgang 1888
49311: BRAUNFELS, Wolfgang (introduction) - The Lorsch Gospels
3444: BRAUNGART, Richard - Neue Deutsche Akt-Exlibris
24577: BRAY, Clarence W. "Buster" (1913-82) - Signature
43403: BRAY, R.S. - Armies of Pestilence: The Impact of Disease on History
31852: BRAY, Robert (editor) - A Reader's Guide to Illinois Literature
44916: BRAY, Wayne D. (compiler) - The Controversy over a New Canal Treaty between the United States and Panama: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of United States, Panamanian, Colombian, French, and International Organization Sources
26109: BRAY, Rosemary L. - Unafraid of the Dark: A Memoir
44321: BRAYER, Herbert O. - Range Murder: How the Red Sash Gang Dry-Gulched Deputy United States Marshal George Wellman -- a Vignette of the Johnson County War in Wyoming
33701: BRAYTON, Mary Clark, and TERRY, Ellen F. - Our Acre and Its Harvest. Historical Sketch of the Soldiers' Aid Society of Northern Ohio
28012: (BRAZIL, GUAYANA -- Map) - Brazil and Guayana
23010: BRAZZI, Rossano (1916-95) - Photograph Signed
38812: BREAKENRIDGE, William M. - Helldorado: Bringing the Law to the Mesquite
44674: BREAKENRIDGE, William M. - Helldorado: Bringing the Law to the Mesquite
22331: BREAUX, Magdalene - The Family Curse
43754: BRECHEEN, Harry (1914-2004) - Signature
36395: BRECHER, Elinor J. - Schindler's Legacy: True Stories of the List Survivors
46599: BRECHT, Bertolt - The Threepenny Opera
10313: BREDERO, G.A. - The Spanish Brabanter: A Seventeenth-Century Dutch Social Satire in Five Acts
25030: BREDICEANU, Tiberiu (1877-1968) - Note Signed
12863: BREEDEN, Robert L. - Those Inventive Americans
8060: BREEN, Richard, and DUFF, Warren - Appointment with Danger (Film Press Kit)
22827: BREESE, Edmund (1871-1936) - Signature
45296: BREIHAN, Carl W. - The Complete and Authentic Life of Jesse James
39969: BREINDL, Ellen - Das Grosse Gesundheitsbuch Der Hl. Hildegard Von Bingen: Leben Und Wirken Einr Bedeutenden Frau Des Glaubens
9827: BREMER, L. - Guide to New Orleans and Environs
37628: BREMNER, Robert H. - The Public Good: Philanthropy and Welfare in the CIVIL War Era
21439: BRENNAN, Patrick - Secessionville: Assault on Charleston
48196: BRENNAN, Patrick - Secessionville: Assault on Charleston
30000: BRENNAN, Richard P. - Dictionary of Scientific Literacy
48062: BRENNER, Walter C. - The Ford Theatre Lincoln Assassination Playbills: A Study
733: BRENNER, Gary - The Naked Grape
44315: BRENT, Stuart - The Seven Stairs
34149: BRENT, Stuart - One Day at Masada: A Fragmentation of Memory
1993: BRENT, Stuart - The Seven Stairs
11078: BRENT, William, and BRENT, Milarde - The Hell Hole
10092: BRESLER, Fenton - The Mystery of Georges Simenon: A Biography
9973: BRESLIN, James E. - William Carlos Williams: An American Artist
35800: BRETT, Edna Payson - A Merry Scout
49275: BREUEL, Brian H. - Staying Wealthy: Strategies for Protecting Your Assets
36104: BREUER, William B. - Hitler's Fortress Cherbourg: The Conquest of a Nation
41468: BREUER, William - Devil Boats: The Pt War Against Japan
10911: BREUER, Bessie - Take Care of My Roses
46632: BREUER, William B. - Death of a Nazi Army: The Falaise Pocket
25694: BREWER, Steve - Bullets
47699: BREWER, David J. (1837-1910) - Signature
15009: BREWER, David J. (1837-1910) - Typed Note Signed
9059: BREWER, James D. - No Virtue: A Masey / Luke Williamson Mystery
31657: BREWSTER, Benjamin Harris (1816-88) - Signature
10430: BREWSTER, Dorothy - East-West Passage: A Study in Literary Relationships
43077: BREWSTER, Harry - Into Deeper Waters
39082: O'BRIAN, Patrick - The Hundred Days
11377: HIDALGO-BRICENO, Miguel - Twilights and Dawn: Four Allegorical Myths
35552: BRICHFORD, Maynard J., SUTTON, Robert M., and WALLE, Dennis F. - Manuscripts Guide to Collections at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
17396: BRICK, John - The Richmond Raid
44334: BRICK, John - Jubilee
27402: BRICKER, John W. (1893-1986) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
373: BRICKER, William Paul - The Complete Book of Collecting Hobbies
28241: BRICKNER, Barnett R. (1892-1958) - Signed Pamphlet
20395: BRIDENBAUGH, Carl - Seat of Empire: The Political Role of Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg
675: BRIDGES, Hal - CIVIL War and Reconstruction
26237: BRIDGES, Lloyd (1913-98) - Inscribed Photograph Signed / Autograph Note Signed
47658: BRIDGES, Lloyd (1913-98) - Signature / Unsigned Photograph
49829: BRIDGMAN, George B. - Constructive Anatomy
11057: BRIDGMAN, Ricard - The Colloquial Style in America
49864: BRIDGMAN, George B. - Drawing the Draped Figure (the Seven Laws of Folds)
34758: O'BRIEN, Tim - Tennessee: Off the Beaten Path
7266: O'BRIEN, Dan - Spirit of the Hills
31018: O'BRIEN, Tim - Going After Cacciato
11035: O'BRIEN, Leo W. - Centennial of the Birth of Theodore Roosevelt
49769: O'BRIEN, Pat - The Wind at My Back: The Life and Times of Pat O'Brien
25032: O'BRIEN, Edna - Virginia: A Play
331: O'BRIEN, Marian Maeve - The Collector's Guide to Dollhouses and Dollhouse Miniatures
33287: BRIER, Royce - Last Boat from Beyrouth
42025: BRIERE, Alan, and HUNT, Harrison - Hallowed Ground: Battlefields of the CIVIL War
42516: BRIGANDI, Phil - Old Orange County Courthouse: A Centennial History
46189: BRIGGS, Arthur E. - Walt Whitman: Thinker and Artist
40008: BRIGGS, Argye M. - Both Banks of the River: A Novel
296: BRIGGS, Ellis O. - Shots Heard Round the World: An Ambassador's Hunting Adventures on Four Continents
48742: BRIGGS, Asa - A Victorian Trilogy: Victorian People / Victorian Cities / Victorian Things
35341: BRIGGS, John Ely (editor) - The Palimpsest: February 1923 (Vol. IV, No. 2)
25196: BRIGGS, Austin (1909-73) - Signed Postal Cover
7239: BRIGHAM, Clarence S. - Journals and Journeymen: A Contribution to the History of Early American Newspapers
49952: BRIGHAM, Clarence S. - Paul Revere's Engravings
49654: BRIGHAM, Clarence S. - Fifty Years of Collecting Americana for the Library of the American Antiquarian Society 1908-1958
13821: BRIGHT, John - A History of Israel
22633: BRIGHT, John (1811-89) - Autograph Letter Signed
22616: BRIGHT, Jesse D. (1812-75) and WHITCOMB, James (1795-1852) - Signed Stone Lithograph
31654: BRIGHT, Robert - The Life and Death of Little Jo
29940: BRIGHT, Jesse D. (1812-75) - Signature
25204: BRINDLE, Melbourne (1904-95) - Signed First Day Cover
3267: BRINGS, Lawrence M. (editor) - Outdoor Horizons: A Book About American Wildlife for Sportsmen and Those Who Love the Outdoors
48911: BRINKERHOFF, Zula C. - God's Chosen People of America
33129: BRINKLEY, David - David Brinkley: A Memoir -- 11 Presidents, 4 Wars, 22 Political Conventions, 1 Moon Landing, 3 Assassinations, 2,000 Weeks of News and Other Stuff on Television and 18 Years of Growing Up in North Carolina
21369: BRINKLEY, David (1920-2003) - Signed Postal Cover / Photograph
40124: BRINKLEY, David - David Brinkley: A Memoir -- 11 Presidents, 4 Wars, 22 Political Conventions, 1 Moon Landing, 3 Assassinations, 2,000 Weeks of News and Other Stuff on Television and 18 Years of Growing Up in North Carolina
10428: BRINNIN, John Malcolm - Sextet: T.S. Eliot & Truman Capote & Others
43552: BRINTON, John H. - Personal Memoirs of John H. Brinton, CIVIL War Surgeon, 1861-1865
9255: BRISSETTE, C.M. - Into Each Life...
31741: BRISTOL, Mark L. (1868-1939) - Signature and Rank
48695: BRISTOL, George Lambert - Visual Voices: Between Mountains and Me
49743: BRISTOW, Benjamin H. (1832-96) - Letter Signed
40770: (CIGARETTE CARDS -- BRITISH) - Counties and Industries
40769: (CIGARETTE CARDS -- BRITISH) - Gems of British Scenery
29341: BRITTON, Stephen G. (1891-1981) - Signature
47294: BRITTON, John (editor) - Pugin and le Keux's Specimens of the Architectural Antiquities of Normandy. / Historical and Descriptive Essays Accompanying a Series of Engraved Specimens of the Architectural Antiquities of Normandy
28555: BRITTON, John (1771-1857) - Autograph Letter Signed
44030: (DRURY LANE THEATRE / BROADSIDE) - Splendid Tableau Vivant (As Afterwards Seen in Act 3. ) Village Hut, and Distant View of the Enchanted Castle, with the Entrance of the Fairy Nabote in Her Car, Drawn by Real Horses!
47849: (GAS LIGHTING -- BROADSIDE) - Method of Placing a Portable Gas Machine in a Building with Perfect Safety
32167: (DOMINICAN REPUBLIC -- PUERTO PLATA -- BROADSIDE) - An Appeal to Humanity
752: BROBECK, Florence - Cooking with Curry
35106: BROCK, R.A. (editor) - Southern Historical Society Papers: Volume XVIII
40569: BROCK, Emma L. (1886-1974) - Original Book Illustration Art
20641: BROCK, R.A. (editor) - Southern Historical Society Papers: Volume XXXVI
41483: BROCK, R.A. (editor) - Southern Historical Society Papers: Volume XXXIII
35105: BROCK, R.A. (editor) - Southern Historical Society Papers: Volume XIX
40429: BROCKWAY, John H. - Speech of Mr. Brockway, of Connecticut, on the Sub-Treasury Bill. Delivered in the House of Representatives, in Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, June 2, 1840
7470: BROCKWAY, Wallace, and WEINSTOCK, Herbert - Men of Music: Their Lives, Times, and Achievements
8244: BRODERICK, Robert C. - Historic Churches of the United States
38923: BRODHAY, O. Chester - Veiled Victory
18025: BRODRICK, William St. John Fremantle (1856-1942) - Autograph Letter Signed
50257: BRODY, J.J. - The Anasazi: Ancient Indian People of the American Southwest
44955: BROEG, Bill, and BURRILL, Bob - Don't Bring That Up! Skeletons in the Sports Closet
36193: BROGAN, Phil F. - East of the Cascades
239: BROGAN, D.W. - The American Character
49452: BROGLIE, Louis de (1892-1987) - Autograph Note Signed
37211: BROKAW, Tom - Boom! Voices of the Sixties
9924: BROME, Vincent - Frank Harris: The Life and Loves of a Scoundrel
18947: BROMET, Geoffrey (1891-1983) - Signature
21250: BROMFIELD, John (1922-2005) - Photograph Signed
20149: BROMFIELD, John (1922-2005) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
47819: BROMFIELD, John (1922-2005) - Signature and Inscription / Unsigned Photograph
9779: BROMFIELD, Louis - Mr. Smith
50301: BROMSEN, Maury A. (1919-2005) - Typed Letter Signed
9082: BRONSON, William - The Earth Shook, the Sky Burned
32728: BRONSON, William - Still Flying and Nailed to the Mast: The First Hundred Years of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company
27553: BRONSTEIN, Herbert (editor) - A Passover Haggadah: The New Union Haggadah
39762: BRONTE, Emily - Wuthering Heights
3522: BROOK, Elaine, and DONNELLY, Julie - The Windhorse
49198: BROOK, G.L. - English Dialects
33623: BROOKE, George M., Jr. - John M. Brooke: Naval Scientist and Educator
25021: BROOKE, Lee - Oak Park's Avenue Lake Plaza: Historic Village Shopping District
26093: BROOKINS, Carl - Inner Passages
48899: BROOKS, Van Wyck - The Times of Melville and Whitman
519: BROOKS, Paul - Two Park Street: A Publishing Memoir
27536: BROOKS, Gwendolyn - Report from Part One
14889: BROOKS, Elston - I'Ve Heard Those Songs Before: The Weekly Top Ten Tunes for the Past Ffty Years
41813: BROOKS, Elbridge S. - The True Story of Abraham Lincoln, the American -- Told for Boys and Girls
25865: BROOKS, F.A. - Use of Solar Energy for Heating Water
43181: BROOKS, Elbridge S. - Under the Allied Flags: A Boy's Adventures in the International War Against the Boxers and China
49278: BROOKS, Arthur C. - The Battle: How the Fight between Free Enterprise and Big Government Will Shape America's Future
31339: BROOKS, George S. (1895-?) - Typed Letter Signed / Inscribed Photograph Signed
18914: BROOKS, Phyllis (1914-1985) - Signature
37916: BROOKS, Lonnie, KODA, Cub, and BROOKS, Wayne Baker - Blues for Dummies
48607: BROOMELL, Myron H. - In the Iron Temple
40138: BROSSARD, Chandler - The Double View
1731: BROSSART, Chandler - Who Walk in Darkness
35319: BROSTOFF, Jonathan, SCADDING, Glenis K., MALE, David K., and ROITT, Ivan M. - Clinical Immunology
372: BROUGH, James - Auction!
47510: BROUGHAM, Henry - Historical Sketches of Statesmen Who Flourished in the Time of George III. Second Series
943: BROUGHTON, Charles E. - From an Editor's Pen
13082: BROWER, Kenneth - A Song for Satawal
50273: BROWN, Dee - Creek Mary's Blood
34250: BROWN, Henry L. "Hank. - Steam Locomotives of the Chicago Great Western 2-8-0 Consolidation Type
7171: BROWN, Robert - Museum of Childhood Guide Book
42103: BROWN, Edward Scott "Ted" (1876-1942) - Signature
7417: BROWN, John Mason - Through These Men: Some Aspects of Our Passing History
38324: BROWN, Harley L. (1922-?) and KNOKE, Heinz (1921-93) - Signed Commemorative Envelope
7418: BROWN, John Mason - Many a Watchful Night
22819: BROWN, Joe E. (1892-1973) - Photograph Signed
20315: BROWN, Dee Alexander - The Bold Cavaliers: Morgan's 2nd Kentucky Cavalry Raiders
42156: BROWN, Dee - The Galvanized Yankees
30550: BROWN, Albert Gallatin (1813-80) - Signature and Inscription
6819: BROWN, W. Burlie - United States History: A Bridge to the World of Ideas
35171: BROWN, Dee Alexander - The Bold Cavaliers: Morgan's 2nd Kentucky Cavalry Raiders
38423: WYATT-BROWN, Bertram - Yankee Saints and Southern Sinners
31458: BROWN, Leslie - Africa: A Natural History
45204: BROWN, Thaddeus C.S., MURPHY, Samuel J., and PUTNEY, William G. - Behind the Guns: The History of Battery I, 2nd Regiment, Illinois Light Artillery
49771: (BROWN, John) - Harper's Ferry Invasion. [Spine Title]
43089: BROWN, Mark H. - The Plainsmen of the Yellowstone: A History of the Yellowstone Basin
11427: BROWN, Curtis F. - Ingrid Bergman
1113: BROWN, Marilyn - The Earthkeepers
10374: BROWN, Beatrice Curtis - Alas, Queen Anne: A Reading of Her Life
3521: BROWN, Dee Alexander - The Bold Cavaliers: Morgan's 2nd Kentucky Cavalry Raiders
31764: BROWN, John Carter (1934-2002) - Signed First Day Cover
33484: WYATT-BROWN, Bertram - Yankee Saints and Southern Sinners
49971: BROWN, Joseph Epes (introduction) - The North American Indians: A Selection of Photographs by Edward S. Curtis
49945: BROWN, Joseph Epes (introduction) - The North American Indians: A Selection of Photographs by Edward S. Curtis
16322: BROWN, Ralph B. - Historical Geography of the United States
40520: BROWN, John (1810-82) - Autograph Note Signed
43205: BROWN, Paul - Aintree: Grand Nationals -- Past and Present
43208: BROWN, Mark H. - The Plainsmen of the Yellowstone: A History of the Yellowstone Basin
45562: BROWN, E.E. - Life of Ulysses Simpson Grant
1028: BROWN, Dee - Conspiracy of Knaves
48909: BROWN, Charlotte Vestal - The Remarkable Potters of Seagrove: The Folk Pottery of a Legendary North Carolina Community
38928: BROWN, Kenneth Irving - Not Minds Alone: Some Frontiers of Christian Education
48838: BROWN, Carleton (editor) - Religious Lyrics of the Xvth Century
29434: BROWN, Marbury Hill - Bodyworks: A Visual Guide to Drawing the Figure
35001: BROWN, Kent Masterson (editor) - The CIVIL War in Kentucky: Battle for the Bluegrass State
21665: BROWN, Louise Fargo - Apostle of Democracy: The Life of Lucy Maynard Salmon
47118: BROWN, William H. - An Historical Sketch of the Early Movement in Illinois for the Legalization of Slavery, Read at the Annual Meeting of the Chicago Historical Society, December 5th, 1864
12326: BROWN, Rita Mae - A Plain Brown Rapper
27166: (ANTI-SLAVERY -- KANSAS TERRITORY). BROWN, George W. (editor) - The Kansas Herald of Freedom: December 20, 1856 (Number 22 -- Volume 2)
29634: BROWN, Christopher - Cape Hatteras 1
494: BROWN, Geo. W. - Reminiscences of Gov. R.J. Walker; with the True Story of the Rescue of Kansas from Slavery
26601: BROWN, Herbert C. (1912-2004) - Signature
14424: BROWN, John W. - Death Rides a Carousel
30694: BROWN, Howard Mayer, and LASCELLE, Joan - Musical Iconography: A Manual for Cataloguing Musical Subjects in Western Art Before 1800
24409: BROWN, John Carter (1934-2002) - Signed First Day Cover
49065: BROWN, David - Warship Losses of World War Two
45306: BROWN, Henry - The History of Illinois, from Its First Discovery and Settlement, to the Present Time
44989: BROWN, Stuart Gerry - Conscience in Politics: Adlai E. Stevenson in the 1950's
34731: BROWN, Roger (introduction) - Cognitive Development in Children: Five Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
34314: BROWN, Alford E., and JEFFCOAT, Harry A., Jr. - Absolutely Mad Inventions Compiled from the Records of the United States Patent Office
43999: BROWN, Dennis - Shoptalk: Conversations About Theater and Film with Twelve Writers, One Producer -- and Tennessee Williams' Mother
23797: BROWN, Alice - Louise Imogen Guiney
22859: BROWN, Joe E. (1892-1973) - Signature and Inscription / Unsigned Photograph
26756: BROWNE, J. Ross - Adventures in the Apache Country: A Tour Through Arizona and Sonora, with Notes on the Silver Regions of Nevada
14049: BROWNE, C.C.L. - The Red Horse
41971: BROWNE, Lewis (editor) - The Wisdom of Israel: An Anthology
33067: BROWNELL, Charles DeWolf - The Indian Races of America: Comprising a General View (Historical and Descriptive) of All the Most Celebrated Tribes Throughout the Continent and Adjacent Islands...
49547: BROWNELL, Henry Howard - Lines of Battle and Other Poems
302: BROWNING, Elizabeth Lowry - With Love -- and Elbow Grease: A Guide to Antiquing, Decorating and Finishing Almost Anything
22126: BROWNING, Norma Lee - Joe Maddy of Interlochen
38351: BROWNING, Robert - The Poems and Plays of Robert Browning
47426: BROWNING, Robert - Selected Poetry of Robert Browning
43734: BROWNING, Norma Lee, and OGG, Russell - He Saw a Hummingbird
49565: BROWNLEE, Richard S. - Gray Ghosts of the Confederacy: Guerilla Warfare in the West, 1861-1865
25165: BROWNLOW, William George Edward, 4th Baronet Brownlow (1902-84) - Autograph Letter Signed
10782: BROWNSTEIN, Rachel M. - Becoming a Heroine: Reading About Women in Novels
894: BRUBAKER, Robert L. - Manuscripts Acquired During 1963
1218: BRUCCOLI, Matthew J. - Reconquest of Mexico: An Amiable Journey in Pursuit of Cortes
21825: BRUCE, Sandy (compiler) - What's Cookin' in Arizona: More Than 240 Recipes from Arizona Celebrities & Personalities
41413: BRUCE, Robert V. - Lincoln and the Riddle of Death
1529: BRUCE, John - Gaudy Century: The Story of San Francisco's Hundred Years of Robust Journalism
41632: BRUCE, Robert V. - Lincoln and the Tools of War
23292: BRUCE, Dickson D., Jr. - Archibald Grimke: Portrait of a Black Independent
47401: BRUCKNER, D.J.R. - Frederic Goudy
46614: BRUELAND, Lowell K. (1919-2012) - Photograph Signed
37867: BRUETTE, William A. (compiler) - Sportsmen's Encyclopedia
12579: BRUNDAGE, Burr Cartwright - Lords of Cuzco: A History and Description of the Inca People in Their Final Days
25088: BRUNEAU, Alfred (1857-1934) - Autograph Note Signed
25097: BRUNEAU, Alfred (1857-1934) - Autograph Note Signed
24578: BRUNER, W. Roy (1917-86) - Signature
7548: BRUNER, James E., and GRAY, William A. - An Eye for an Eye (Film Publicity Booklet)
48425: De BRUNHOFF, Jean - Babar and Father Christmas
41011: De BRUNHOFF, Jean - Babar and His Children
45161: De BRUNHOFF, Jean - ABC of Babar
47458: BRUNSDALE, Maureen, and SCHMITT, Mark - The Bloomington-Normal Circus Legacy: The Golden Age of Aerialists
37600: La BRUYERE, Jean de - Les Caracteres de la Bruyere Accompagnes Des Caracteres de Theophraste Du Discours a L'Academie Francaise D'Une Notice Sur la Bruyere
42560: BRYAN, Charles W. (1867-1945) - Signature and Salutation
31562: BRYAN, Jerry - An Illinois Gold Hunter in the Black Hills: The Diary of Jerry Bryan, March 13 to August 20, 1876
6739: BRYAN, C.D.B. - The National Air and Space Museum
46808: BRYAN, Elmer Burritt - The Basis of Practical Teaching: A Book in Pedagogy
45488: BRYAN, William J. - The First Battle: A Story of the Campaign of 1896
7674: BRYAN, J., III - Merry Gentlemen (and One Lady)
8444: BRYAN, William Alfred - George Washington in American Literature, 1775-1865
146: BRYAN, William J. - The First Battle: A Story of the Campaign of 1896
16529: BRYAN, John (editor) - Renaissance 4: San Francisco, the Peace Scene
49689: BRYAN, William Jennings - Letters to a Chinese Official: Being a Western View of Eastern Civilization
27014: BRYANT, John Howard (1807-1902) - Autograph Quotation Signed
46296: BRYANT, William Cullen - Poems of William Cullen Bryant
38274: BRYANT, Jerry H. - The Open Decision: The Contemporary American Novel and Its Intellectual Background
36777: BRYANT, Edwin - Rocky Mountain Adventures, Bristling with Animated Details of Fearful Fights of American Hunters with Savage Indians, Mexican Rancheros, and Beasts of Prey
26280: BRYANT, Anita - A New Day
6198: BRYANT, J. - Amongst Other Things Antiques
46293: BRYANT, William Cullen (1794-1878) - Autograph Letter Signed / Unsigned Cabinet Card
33979: BRYCE, James - The American Commonwealth: Vol. II
240: BRYCE, Viscount - The Study of American History, Being the Inaugural Lecture of the Sir George Watson Chair of American History, Literature and Institutions
45006: BUBER, Martin - Moses
44454: BUCHAN, John - Sir Walter Scott
44274: BUCHAN, John - Salute to Adventurers
8157: BUCHAN, John - The 39 Steps
147: BUCHANAN, Lamont - Ballot for Americans: A Pictorial History of American Elections and Electioneering with the Top Political Personalities 1789-1956
41019: BUCHANAN, Fannie R. - Sunny Crest Farmyard
25888: BUCHANAN, Franklin - Official Report of the Battle between the C.S. S. Virginia (Formerly U.S. S. Merrimack) and the U.S. S. Monitor on March 9, 1892
32340: BUCHANAN, Lamont - A Pictorial History of the Confederacy
48073: BUCHANANO, Georgio - Paraphrasis Psalmorum Davidus Poetica
11744: BUCHEN, Irving (editor) - The Perverse Imagination: Sexuality and Literary Culture
19725: BUCHER, James Q. "Jimmy" (1911-2004) - Signature
14194: BUCHER, Lloyd M. (1927-2004) - Photograph Signed
14409: BUCHWALD, Ann - Seems Like Yesterday
865: BUCHWALD, Art - While Reagan Slept
876: BUCHWALD, Art - I Think I Don't Remember
28470: BUCK, Gene (1886-1957) - Autograph Letter Signed
27747: BUCK, James Smith ("Prophet James") - The Chronicles, of the Land of Columbia, Commonly Called America. From the Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, to the Second Reign of Ulysses the I. A Period of Two Hundred and Fifty-Two Years...
34966: BUCKLEY, James J. - Gary Railways
23684: BUCKLEY, John - Family Politics
37657: BUCKLEY, William F., Jr. - A Hymnal: The Controversial Arts
35324: BUDD, William - On the Causes of Fevers (1839)
45744: BUDD, Brian (1952-2008) - Inscription and Signature
49282: BUDIG, Gene A. - A Game of Uncommon Skill: Leading the Modern College and University
26596: BUDING, Ingo (1942-2003) - Signature
31081: BUDNITZ, Judy - Flying Leap: Stories
38702: BUECHNER, Frederick - The Seasons' Difference
28403: BUECKER, Nancy (editor) - Woman Suffrage Comes to Illinois ("Illinois History" Magazine, November 1987)
38803: BUEHLER, Luisa - The Inn Keeper: An Unregistered Death
45972: BUEL, J.W. - The Magic City: A Portfolio of Original Photograph Views of the Great World's Fair and Its Treasures of Art Including Graphic Representation of the Famous Midway Plaisance
32869: BUHLER, Kathryn C. - American Silver
36297: BUISSERET, David - Historic Illinois from the Air
28983: BUJONES, Fernando (1955-2005) - Signature
31996: BUKOFZER, Manfred F. - Studies in Medieval & Renaissance Music
45094: BUKOWSKI, Douglas - Big Bill Thompson, Chicago, and the Politics of Image
49722: BUKOWSKI, Charles - The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses over the Hills
38759: BULFINCH, Thomas - Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable, the Age of Chivalry, Legends of Charlemagne
40250: BULFINCH, Thomas - Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable, the Age of Chivalry, Legends of Charlemagne
28278: BULKLEY, Robert J. (1880-1965) - Typed Note Signed
13940: BULL, Odd (1907-91) - Signature
35231: BULL, Peter - The Teddy Bear Book
42636: BULLARD, F. Lauriston - The Other Lincoln: Baccalaureate Address Delivered at Commencement Exercises Closing the Fiftieth Anniversary of Lincoln Memorial University Harrogate, Tennessee, June 1, 1941
35033: BULLARD, Arthur - The a B C's of Disarmament and the Pacific Problems
41409: BULLARD, Robert Lee (1861-1947) - Inscription and Signature
45151: BULLARD, F. Lauriston - Lincoln in Marble and Bronze
32090: BULLIMORE, Tom - Sherlock Holmes Whodunits. ; Illustrations by Ian Anderson
40946: BULLOCH, James D. - The Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe or, How the Confederate Cruisers Were Equipped
41701: BULLOCK, A.M. - Headlights of American History. No. 2. Lincoln
21651: BULLOCK, Alan (editor) - The Twentieth Century: A Promethean Age
41829: BULLOCK, A.M. - Headlights of American History. No. 2. Lincoln
41700: BULLOCK, A.M. - Headlights of American History. No. 2. Lincoln
16317: BULMAN, Barbara Hanson (editor) - The Winnebago Story: 1958-1988
40553: BUMPERS, Dale (1925-2016) - Signature
31588: BUNCE, Bill - All Aboard, Mr. Lincoln! a Picture Story About Abraham Lincoln and the Railroads
19983: BUNDESEN, Herman N. (1881-1960) - Typed Letter Signed
34024: BUNN, Mike - Four Farms
42192: BUNYAN, John - The Pilgrim's Progress
32361: BUNYAN, John - The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come. ; Introduction by Charles M. Sheldon
44898: BUONICONTI, Nick (1940-2019) - Signature
25622: BURBANK, Luther (1849-1926) - Typed Note Signed
48987: BURCKHARDT, Jacob - Force and Freedom: Reflections on History
38418: BURD, Jack - Jack Burd's CIVIL War Source Book
50151: BURDEN, Bill - The Wandering Gastronaut
759: BURDICK, Jacques - Theater
19092: BURDICK, Quentin N. (1908-92) - Signature
27452: BURDINO, Andre (1891-1987) - Typed Letter Signed
40447: (VAN BUREN, Martin / Election of 1848) - The Van Buren Platform, or Facts for the Present Supporters of Martin Van Buren
40765: BURG, Amos (1901-86) - Signature
29047: BURGE, Gregg (1957-98) - Signature
49436: BURGER, Warren E. (1907-95) - Three (3) Typed Notes Signed (Initials)
7183: BURGESS, Anthony - You'Ve Had Your Time: The Second Part of the Confessions
35026: BURGESS, Robert - Sinkings, Salvages, and Shipwrecks
46791: BURGESS, Perry - Who Walk Alone
45741: BURGESS, Ronnie (1917-2005) - Signature
28559: BURGESS, Larry E. - Encountering the Lincoln Scholarly Zareba: The Reading Public, the Lincoln Scholar, and Lord Charnwood
99: BURGESS, Larry E. - Powderly, Lincoln and the Shrine
98: BURGESS, Larry E. - A "Lost" Letter Found
20894: BURGESS, George K. (1874-1932) - Typed Letter Signed
41781: BURGESS, Thornton W. - The Adventures of Johnny Chuck
45165: BURGESS, Thornton W. - Mother West Wind's Neighbors
26985: BURGESS, Gelett (1866-1951) - Document Signed
6062: BURK, M. "Calamity Jane - Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane
35910: BURK, Bruce - Game Bird Carving
43819: BURK, John N. - The Life and Works of Beethoven
1521: (BURKE, John) - Acceptance of the Statue of John Burke Presented by the State of North Dakota: Proceedings in the Congress and in the Rotunda, United States Capitol, June 27, 1963
49342: BURKE, John - Life in the Castle in Medieval England
7160: BURKE, James Francis - The Real Herbert Hoover
30889: BURKE, Jan - Flight
10727: BURKE, Kenneth - The Complete White Oxen: Collected Short Fiction
38790: BURKE, James Lee - Dixie City Jam
45164: BURKE, George Thomas (compiler) - Forest City Firelog 1881-1981
28709: BURKE, Edmund (1809-82) - Note Signed
33085: BURKS, John Lawrence - The Ontelles Odyssey
23472: BURLEIGH, Cyril - The Hilltop Boys on the River
4013: BURLEIGH, Cyril - The Hilltop Boys
41978: BURLEIGH, Clarence B. - The Smugglers of Chestnut
44503: BURLEND, Rebecca - A True Picture of Emigration
8929: BURLEY, W.J. - Wycliffe and the Redhead
7552: BURMAN, Ben Lucien - Blow for a Landing
1649: BURMAN, Ben Lucien - Thunderbolt at Catfish Bend
13664: BURN, Barbara - North American Trees
3113: BURN, Barbara - The Morris Approach: An Insider's Guide to Cat Care
48216: BURNES, Robert L. - Big Red: Story of the Football Cardinals
39208: BURNETT, Hallie - The Boarders in the Rue Madame: Nine Gallic Tales
29015: BURNETT, Whit, and FOLEY, Martha (editors) - Story: Devoted Solely to the Short Story -- December 1936 (Vol. IX, No. 53)
50000: BURNETT, Whit, and BURNETT, Hallie (editors) - Story: The Yearbook of Discovery / 1970
10991: BURNETT, Whit, and BURNETT, Hallie (editors) - Story: The Magazine of the Short Story in Book Form -- Number One
29006: BURNETT, Whit, and FOLEY, Martha (editors) - Story: Devoted Solely to the Short Story -- April 1936 (Vol. VIII, No. 45)
40665: BURNETT, Francis Hodgson - Sara Crewe or What Happened at Miss Minchin's
8639: COMPTON-BURNETT, Ivy - The Present and the Past
8443: COMPTON-BURNETT, Ivy - A Heritage and Its History
8055: BURNETT, W.R. - Arrowhead (Film Press Kit)
43791: BURNHAM, Alfred Newton (1878-1957) - Autograph Letter Signed
24446: BURNS, George (1896-1996) - Signed Postal Cover
7858: BURNS, James MacGregor - The Power to Lead: The Crisis of the American Presidency
29629: BURNS, George - All My Best Friends
42563: BURNSIDE, Ambrose E. (1824-81) - Signature and Salutation / Unsigned Portrait
38341: (GENERAL ORDERS -- CIVIL WAR). BURNSIDE, Ambrose E. - General Orders, No. 114
44068: BURRAGE, Henry S. - Thomas Hamlin Hubbard, Bvt. Brigadier General U.S. Vols
11470: BURRIN, Frank K. - Edward Charles Elliott, Educator
32136: BURRIS-MEYERS, Harold, and COLE, Edward C. - Scenery for the Theatre: The Organization, Processes, Materials, and Techniques Used to Set the Stage
25370: BURROUGH, Bryan, and HELYAR, John - Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of Rjr Nabisco
44234: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - The Return of Tarzan
46693: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
43210: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - The Return of Tarzan
39437: BURROUGHS, Polly - Zeb: A Celebrated Schooner Life
48164: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Golden Lion
46282: (BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice) - Antiquarian Bookman: The Specialist Book Trade Weekly -- November 25, 1963 (Special Edgar Rice Burroughs Issue)
46411: BURROUGHS, Polly - Zeb: A Celebrated Schooner Life
47751: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - Tanar of Pellucidar
40315: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
41410: BURROUGHS, Julian (1878-1954) - Autograph Note Signed
42870: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Ant Men
37882: BURROUGHS, Augusten - A Wolf at the Table: A Memoir of My Father
37941: BURSCHGENS, Josef (1918-?0 - Photograph Signed
749: BURT, Alison - Popular Chinese Cookbook
10687: BURT, Struthers - Festival
40069: BURT, Jesse, and FERGUSON, Robert B. - Indians of the Southeast: Then and Now
20063: BURT, Struthers - War Songs
46268: BURTIS, Thomson - Rex Lee, Gypsy Flyer
37268: BURTON, William L. - Descriptive Bibliography of CIVIL War Manuscripts in Illinois
48903: BURTON, John Hill - The Book-Hunter Etc.
35664: BURTON, William L. - Descriptive Bibliography of CIVIL War Manuscripts in Illinois
33158: BURTON, Maurice - Systematic Dictionary of Mammals of the World
31668: BURTON, Frederick R. (1861-1909) - Signature and Salutation
44130: BURTSCHI, Joseph C. (compiler) - Documentary History of Vandalia, Illinois: The State Capital of Illinois from 1819 to 1839
45066: BURTT, Edwin A. (editor) - The English Philosophers from Bacon to MILL
8740: BUSBY, F.M. - Cage a Man
31451: BUSCH, Noel F. - Adlai E. Stevenson of Illinois: A Portrait
1818: BUSCH, Frederick - The Mutual Friend
1027: BUSCH, Niven - The San Franciscans
28238: BUSFIELD, Theodore E., and ROYAL, Henry W. (revised by) - Guide to Historic Plymouth: Localities and Objects of Interest
45528: BUSH, Douglas - English Literature in the Earlier Seventeenth Century, 1600-1660
8728: BUSHMAN, Richard L. - Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism
46444: DUMITRESCU-BUSULENGA, Zoe (director) - Revista de Istorie Si Teorie Literara: Issue XXXII, No. 3 (July-September 1985)
22063: BUTENHOFF, Tom - Free Enterprise -- Midwest Style
11836: BUTIKOV, Georgy - St. Isaac's Cathedral, Leningrad
48862: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - Philo Gubb, Correspondence School Detective
48864: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - In Pawn
48865: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - Jibby Jones and the Alligator: The Story of the Young Alligator-Hunters of the Upper Mississippi Valley
48884: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - The Incubator Baby
48885: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - Pups and Pies
48886: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - Hunting the Wow
48867: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - How It Feels to Be Fifty
48868: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - Pigs Is Pigs
48869: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - Mike Flannery on Duty and Off
48870: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - The Thin Santa Claus: The Chicken Yard That Was a Christmas Stocking
48871: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - Red Head and Whistle Breeches
48874: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - Goat-Feathers
48875: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - Goat-Feathers
48876: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - Dominie Dean: A Novel
48881: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - Swatty: A Story of Real Boys
35111: BUTLER, Henry Varnum, Jr. (1874-1957) - Typed Note Signed
40159: BUTLER, Samuel - The Way of All Flesh
4808: BUTLER, Anthony - The Book of Blarney
22637: BUTLER, Richard Austin (?-1982) - Signature
49741: BUTLER, Elizabeth Thompson (1846-1933) - Autograph Letter Signed
40089: BUTLER, Samuel - Hudibras, in Three Parts, Written in the Time of the Late Wars
48882: BUTLER, Ellis PArker - Perkins of Portland: Perkins the Great
48883: BUTLER, Ellis Parker - The Confessions of a Daddy
30878: BUTLER, Robert Olen - They Whisper
31121: BUTLER, Samuel - The Way of All Flesh
49341: BUTLER, Ben, and BUTLER, Natalie S. (compilers) - The Little Red School House West Farmington Maine
49789: BUTTERFIELD, Lyman, EBERSTADT, Charles, HYDE, Donald, and FULTON, Deoch (contributing editors) - The New Colophon: A Book-Collector's Miscellany
44658: BUTTERWORTH, Hezekiah - In the Boyhood of Lincoln: A Tale of the Tunker Schoolmaster and the Times of Black Hawk
17651: BUTTS, Yolanda, and BOGUE, Donald J. - International Amazonia: Its Human Side
31566: BUTTS, William (editor) - Conversations with Richard Wilbur
1253: BUYUKMIHCI, Hope Sawyer - Unexpected Treasure
48153: BYE, John O. - At the End of the Rainbow or Promise and Fulfillment
32139: BYE, Erik - Blow, Silver Wind: A Story of Norwegian Immigration to America
43349: BYERS, S.H.M. - With Fire and Sword
21531: BYERS, Betty Bradford - The Whitlow Sanction: Volume I.
42106: BYNNER, Witter (1881-1968) - Autograph Note Signed
41407: BYNNER, Witter (1881-1968) - Typed Note Signed
1355: BYNNER, Witter - Tiger
39386: BYNUM, W.F., and PORTER, Roy (editors) - Brunonianism in Britain and Europe
49753: BYRD, Richard E. - Little America: Aerial Exploration in the Antarctic
38811: BYRD, Richard Evelyn - Skyward
38654: BYRD, Cecil K., and MOORE, Ward W. (editors) - Abraham Lincoln in Print and Photograph: A Picture History from the Lilly Library
32027: BYRD, Richard E. - Discovery: The Story of the Second Byrd Antarctic Expedition
44690: BYRD, Richard Evelyn - Skyward
49486: BYRNE, Robert - Memories of a Non-Jewish Childhood
1736: BYRNE, Richard W. (compiler) - Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address: Its Background and Development
47907: (77 SUNSET STRIP). BYRNE, Edd (1932-2020), SMITH, Roger (1932-2017) and ZIMBALIST, Efrem Jr. (1918-2014) - Signatures / Unsigned Photograph
16176: BYRNE, Donn - Stories without Women (and a Few with Women)
47053: BYRON, George Gordon - Don Juan
7526: (CAAN, James) - Publicity Photograph ("Freebie and the Bean")
38485: CABAL, Juan - Piracy and Pirates: A History
4313: CABELL, James Branch - Gallantry: An Eighteenth Century Dizain in Ten Comedies, with an Afterpiece
6511: CABELL, James Branch - These Restless Heads: A Trilogy of Romantics
10728: CABELL, James Branch - These Restless Heads: A Trilogy of Romantics
29815: CABELL, James Branch - Something About Eve: A Comedy of Fig-Leaves
31896: CABELL, James Branch - The Line of Love
46900: WINDOW SASHES -- DOORS -- MILLWORK -- CABINETS) - Design Book and Stock List of Sash-Doors-Millwork-Cabinets
9385: CACCIA, Harold - Address Delivered by Her Britannic Majesty's Ambassador... At a Dinner Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of President Lincoln...
32408: CACHO, Manuel Joglar - Poesias
50269: VELAZQUEZ DE LA CADENA, Mariano - A Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages, Abridged from the Author's Larger Work
24559: CADMUS, Paul (1904-99) - Signature
25029: CAFFREY, Kate - The Twilight's Last Gleaming: Britain Vs. America 1812-1815
35767: CAHALANE, Victor H. (editor) - Alive in the Wild
42361: CAHILL, James - Chinese Painting
185: CAHN, William - A Matter of Life and Death: The Connecticut Mutual Story
18945: CAHN, Sammy (1913-93) - Signature
13822: CAHN, Robert - Footprints on the Planet: A Search for an Environmental Ethic
26229: CAIN, Marvin R. - Lincoln's Attorney General: Edward Bates of Missouri
22096: CAINES, Bruce - Our Common Ground
43387: CALCUTT, Rebecca Barbour - Richmond's Wartime Hospitals
38028: CALDWELL, Erskine - God's Little Acre
3806: CALDWELL, Dorothy J. (editor) - Missouri Historic Sites Catalogue
14707: CALDWELL, Erskine (1903-87) - Photograph Signed
49419: CALDWELL, Erskine (1903-87) - Typed Manuscript Signed
9791: CALDWELL, Joseph - In Such Dark Places
48200: CALDWELL, Erskine - The Last Night of Summer
858: CALHOUN, James (editor) - The Real Spiro Agnew: Commonsense Quotations of a Household Word
32134: CALI, Francois, and SUDRE, Jean-Pierre - Bruges: The Cradle of Flemish Painting
35246: CALKINS, Christopher - The Danville Expedition of May and June 1865
11157: CALLADO, Antonio - Don Juan's Bar
38409: CALLAHAN, Daniel - What Price Better Health? Hazards of the Research Imperative
42734: CALLAHAN, North - Carl Sandburg: Lincoln of Our Literature
47644: CALLAHAN, Harry - New Color: Photographs 1978-1987
27491: CALLAHAN, Harry - Harry Callahan: Color, 1941-1980
29838: CALLAHAN, North - Carl Sandburg: Lincoln of Our Literature
40170: CALLAHAN, John F. - The Illusions of a Nation: Myth and History in the Novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald
6622: CALLAWAY, Lew L. - Montana Frontier Lawyer: A Memoir -- from Law School to Chief Justice Amid Pioneers & Prospectors Cowboys & Indians, Rustlers & Outlaws 1891-1951
29236: CALLAWAY, Frank B. (1898-1987) - Autograph Note Signed
49234: CALLAWAY, John - The Thing of It Is: With Reflections on Chicago and the Problem Society
47505: (PARKE-BERNET CALLERIES) - Modern Drawings and Watercolors; Including Works by Boudin, Chagall, Degas, de Kooming, Dufy...
26832: CALVE, Emma (1858-1942) - Signature
40707: CALVERLEY, Ernie (1924-2003) - Signature
39093: CALVERT, James F. - Silent Running: My Years on a World War II Attack Submarine
23091: CALVERT, Phyllis (1915-2002) - Photograph Signed
8891: CALVESI, Maurizio - Treasures of the Vatican: St Peter's Basilica, the Vatican Museums and Galleries, the Treasure of St Peter's, the Vatican Grottoes Aznd Necropolis, the Vatican Palaces
18654: CALVIN, Melvin (1911-97) - Signature
31991: CALVORESSI, M.D. - Mussorgsky
26945: CAMBON, Jules (1845-1935) - Signature
48772: CAMERON, Averil - The Later Roman Empire: Ad 284-430
31538: CAMERON, W.J. - Lincoln
7657: CAMERON, Elizabeth (editor) - Wild Kingdoms
7667: CAMERON, Elizabeth (editor) - Natural Wonders
7668: CAMERON, Elizabeth (editor) - Our Living History
37887: CAMERON, Robert - Above San Francisco: A New Collection of Nostalgic and Contemporary Aerial Photographs of the Bay Area
48231: CAMERON, Robert, and COOKE, Alistair - Above London
22406: CAMMERMEYER, Margarethe - Serving in Silence
2034: CAMP, Raymond R. - The Collier's Book of Hunting and Fishing
4744: CAMP, Charles - American Foodways: What, When, Why and How We Eat in America
7798: CAMP, Wendell H., BOSWELL, Victor R., and MAGNESS, John R. - The World in Your Garden
50073: DE CAMP, L. Sprague - Literary Swordsmen and Sorcerers: The Makers of Heroic Fantasy
22415: CAMPBELL, Marius R. - Guidebook of the Western United States: Part A. The Northern Pacific Route with a Side Trip to Yellowstone Park
37122: CAMPBELL, Bruce - The Secret of Skeleton Island
37123: CAMPBELL, Bruce - The Secret of Skeleton Island
19719: CAMPBELL, Bruce (1909-95) - Signature
17724: CAMPBELL, Bill - The Day They Took Rosy Away
40538: CAMPBELL, Bruce - The Secret of Skeleton Island
40537: CAMPBELL, Bruce - The Secret of Skeleton Island
25684: CAMPBELL, Harlen - Monkey on a Chain
40536: CAMPBELL, Bruce - The Riddle of the Stone Elephant
11155: CAMPBELL, Agnes H. - Peacock Fables: Number One
37214: CAMPBELL, Douglas A. - Eight Survived: The Harrowing Story of the Uss Flier and the Only Downed World War II Submariners to Survive and Evade Capture
37121: CAMPBELL, Bruce - The Riddle of the Stone Elephant
34937: CAMPBELL, Jane - Mythic Black Fiction: The Transformation of History
13471: CAMPBELL, James H. - Speech of Hon. Jas. H. Campbell, of Pa. , on the State of the Union, Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 14, 1861
42237: CAMPBELL, Bruce - The Riddle of the Stone Elephant
21726: CAMPBELL, Thomas R. - Gray Thunder: Exploits of the Confederate States Navy
41807: CAMPBELL, Agnes H. - Peacock Fables: Number Two
9140: CAMPBELL, Robert - The Golden Years of Broadcasting: A Celebration of the First 50 Years of Radio and Tv on Nbc
6219: CAMPBELL, Douglas - The Puritan in Holland, England, and America: An Antroduction to American History
13175: CAMPBELL, Gordon, and EVANS, I.O. - The Book of Flags
24208: CAMPBELL, Rodney - The Luciano Project: The Secret Wartime Collaboration of the Mafia and the U.S. Navy
37112: CAMPBELL, Bruce - The Black Thumb Mystery
43752: CAMPBELL, Bartley (1843-88) - Autograph Letter Signed (Partial)
1861: CAMPBELL, Robert - Nibbled to Death by Ducks
44883: CAMPBELL, Forrest - The Young Philanthropist / the Young Economists
44037: CAMPBELL, Sir William Pitcairn (1856-1933) - Autograph Letter Signed
23949: CAMPBELL, Ian, 12th Duke of Argyll (1937-2001) - Signature
46014: CAMUS, Albert - Resistance, Rebellion, and Death
43827: CAMUS, Albert - The Fall & Exile and the Kingdom
39459: (PANAMA CANAL) - Souvenir of the Panama Canal
15322: CANBY, Henry Seidel (1878-1961) - Typed Note Signed
252: CANDLER, John - A Friendly Mission: John Candler's Letters from America, 1853-1854
32410: CANFIELD, Dorothy - Seasoned Timber
29415: CANFIELD, Cass - The Iron Will of Jefferson Davis
50202: CANFIELD, Eugene B. / LEWIS, Berkeley R. - Notes on Naval Ordnance of the American CIVIL War, 1861-1865 / Notes on Ammunition of the American CIVIL War, 1861-1865
33861: CANFIELD, Ralph H. - Mechanical Drawing: Book Two
29850: CANFIELD, Cass - The Iron Will of Jefferson Davis
11700: CANFIELD, Dorothy - Seasoned Timber
41598: (ETIQUETTE / CANINE) - Dog Etiquette
36863: CANNAN, John - The Crater: Burnside's Assault on the Confederate Trenches, July 30, 1864
37766: CANNELL, Stephen J. - The Tin Collectors
47342: CANOT, Theodore - Adventures of an African Slaver: Being a True Account of the Life of Captain Theodore Canot, Trader in Gold, Ivory & Slaves on the Coast of Guinea: His Story As Told in the Year 1854 to Brantz Mayer
15589: CANOVA, Judy (1916-83) - Signature
35713: CANTALOZELLA, Esteban Paluzie - Guia Del Artesano: Libro Que Contiene Los Documentos de Uso Más Frecuente En Los Negocios de la Vida, Y 240 Carácteres de Letra, Para Facilitar a Los Niños la Lectura de Manuscritos, Tan útil a Toda Clase de Personas
12319: CANTOR, Eddie - Take My Life
44178: CANTOR, Eddie - As I Remember Them
45743: CANTWELL, Noel (1932-2005) - Signature
27838: CAPA, Cornell (editor) - Israel/the Reality: People, Places, Events in Memorable Photographs
10248: CAPLOW, Theodore, BAHR, Howard M., CHADWICK, Bruce A., et al. - Middletown Families: Fifty Years of Change and Continuity
22559: CAPPER, Arthur (1865-1951) - Printed Document Signed / Unsigned Photograph
48824: CARAMAN, Philip - Henry Garnet 1555-1606 and the Gunpowder Plot
32242: CARCATERRA, Lorenzo - Apaches
40343: (RAND McNALLY & COMPANY / CARTOGRAPHY / CHRISTMAS CARD) - Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
48646: (LOBBY CARD) - The Secret Land Starring Men and Ships of the U.S. Navy
40346: (RAND McNALLY & COMPANY / CARTOGRAPHY / CHRISTMAS CARD) - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
40344: (RAND McNALLY & COMPANY / CARTOGRAPHY / CHRISTMAS CARD) - Merry Christmas Happy New Year
50297: (STEREOVIEW CARD) - Conemaugh Boro Fire Engine, Johnstown, Pa
40345: (RAND McNALLY & COMPANY / CARTOGRAPHY / CHRISTMAS CARD) - Merry Christmas Happy New Year
26843: (TRADE CARD) - Davis Vertical Feed Sewing Machine
26844: (TRADE CARD) - Compliments of J.C. Furry, Virden, Ills
26847: (TRADE CARD) - Yes on Condition That You Buy Me a "Domestic" with New Wood Work and Attachments
26846: (TRADE CARD) - The Diamond Dyes. Only 10 Cents
40342: (RAND McNALLY & COMPANY / CARTOGRAPHY / CHRISTMAS CARDS) - Collection of 14 Company Christmas Cards
38946: (LOBBY CARDS) - Anastasia
7434: CARELL, Paul - Scorched Earth: The Russian-German War, 1943-1944
48993: CAREY, Michael - Carpenter of Song: Poems from Trees
40082: CAREY, A. Merwyn - American Firearms Makers: When, Where, and What They Made from the Colonial Period to the End of the Nineteenth Century
35662: CAREY, Rosa Nouchette - Only the Governess
22673: CAREY, Mathew (1760-1839) - Autograph Letter Signed
38664: CAREY, Marion, COOK, Adeline, MACKO, Inez J., MOLKUP, Louise V., SLOWINSKI, Rose, and VANEK, Edna - Jane Addams: A Tribute
3585: CARHART, Arthur - Hi, Stranger! the Complete Guide to Dude Ranches
18949: CARISCH, Fred (1881-1977) - Signature
33467: CARLETON, Will - Farm Ballads
11729: CARLILE, Clancy - Children of the Dust
29601: CARLISLE, Kitty (1910-2007) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
38971: CARLSON, Dorothy (editor) - The Annals of Iowa: Fall, 1969 (Volume 40, Number 2)
17629: CARLSON, Kurt - One American Must Die: A Hostage's Personal Account of the Hijacking of Flight 847
43131: CARLSON, Leland H. - An Alaskan Gold Mine: The Story of No. 9 Above
29953: CARLSON, Frank (1893-1987) - Document Signed
37864: CARLTON, John T., and SLINKMAN, John F. - The Roa Story: A Chronicle of the First 60 Years of the Reserve Officers Association of the United States
42653: CARLTON, Mabel Mason - Abraham Lincoln: Preserver of His Country
33102: (CARLTON, Mabel Mason) - Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator
47163: CARLTON, David - Texas Doc: More Critter Stories in the Life of a Town 'n Country Vet
513: CARLYLE, Thomas - Collectanea Thomas Carlyle 1821-1855
47908: CARLYLE, Thomas - The French Revolution: A History
26996: CARMAN, Bliss (1861-1929) - Signature and Inscription
1248: CARMER, Carl - Dark Trees to the Wind: A Cycle of York State Years
34: CARNAHAN, Walter - Hoffman's Row
48720: CARNEGY, Francis A.R. - The Relations between the Social and Divine Order in William Langland's "Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman.
46560: CARNERA, Primo (1906-67) - Signature
26067: CARNEVALE, Bernard L. "Ben" (1915-2008) - Signature
18965: CARNOVSKY, Morris (1898-1992) - Signature
43498: (NORTH CAROLINA) - North Carolina: A Guide to the Old North State
23355: (UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA) - Remembering the Days: An Illustrated History of the University of South Carolina
17366: CARPENTER, Lucas - John Gould Fletcher and Southern Modernism
42829: CARPENTER, F.B. - The Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln. Six Months at the White House
36432: CARPENTER, Humphrey - A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound
5611: CARPENTER, Reginald, KALLA-BISHOP, Peter, MUNSON, Kenneth, and WYATT, Robert - Powered Vehicles
37797: CARPENTER, Leman P. - Gleanings from a Country Journal: Life on the Southern Tier of New York State in 1870
34983: CARPENTER, Lew (1932-2010) - Signature
49870: CARPENTER, Rhys - Greek Sculpture: A Critical Review
38159: CARPENTER, Frederic Ives - Emerson Handbook
43652: CARPENTER, Frank G. - Carp's Washington
45127: CARPENTER, M. Scott (1925-2013) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
45126: CARPENTER, M. Scott (1925-2013) - Inscribed Photograph Signed
36908: CARPENTER, Philip L., WALKER, Theodore D., and LANPHEAR, Frederick O. - Plants in the Landscape
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